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/martialart/ - Martial arts

File: 86d8763f43823d3⋯.jpeg (11.61 KB,217x232,217:232,images.jpeg)

File: a13db193ab9b152⋯.png (1.72 MB,1072x1577,1072:1577,Screenshot_2019-06-27-01-3….png)

91b207 No.149175

Hey you fucking sweaty betas why arent you screwing asian men already

>breakup with ex, install tinder and begin the poon adventure

>scrolling, right swiping, getting a few matches

>a wild asian appears

>looks like pic related

>"shes fuckin cute" hit her up

>give her my snap, talking up a storm

>shit gets . heated and we plan to meet up

>"cant wait to fuck you anon!"

>completely convincing body, face, etc but sent no nudes

>the next day(today) i go to her house, she asks if we can go to the park


>pemis grabbing ensues

>loading erection… Done

>"anon, youre hard as fuck"

>we park in the parking lot, start makin out

>hop in the backseat

>starts taking my pants off, suckin me off etc.


>i ask to fuck; "I dont want to without condoms anon, ill just suck you off


>proceed to ass grabbing, exploring the area, the usual

>somethings weird…

>feeling for pussy

>this is the moment i fell for the meme

>undisputable pemis has been discovered

>pic related

>didnt want to be rude, she slapped my hand away, was clearly uncomfortable but suspected i didnt know and continued anyway

>continued anyway

>sudden boner poking leg


>she finishes me off, swallows, the whole nine.

>go to drop her off "so what are we now anon?"

>"you know where to text me"

>she leaves, i hammer the gas.

>light a smoke and think about how a small feminine asian man just sucked my cock the day after i broke up with ex

>call buddy to tell him

>hes hysterical, im nearly crying

>drive an hour home and realize that i made a happy trappy today

>"fuck it, the blowjob was still good"

>still laughing about it

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62ecac No.149180

File: d42a63f662918cd⋯.jpg (44.6 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks-000075877369-c3ow….jpg)

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d734d0 No.149181

File: f00789515f239f1⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,186x271,186:271,images (4).jpg)


OP, not only are you a faggot, you are a double posting faggot. Go back to /r9k/

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7abf87 No.149186



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53ad1f No.149193

You haven't given a reason as to why it is a good idea.


Where else was this posted?

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e74e40 No.149197


Ask the mods, they deleted the duplicated thread

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302e2d No.149247


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37bfc2 No.149424


>ITT: How to be a raging fucking homo and live as if nothing happened.

fucking burgerkikes

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6968f2 No.150616

Do you want to try to register on a dating site in order to meet a girl? I personally used this web resource for such purposes - https://www.wantmatures.com/ . I was able to successfully find communication with a beautiful girl and start a relationship with her. Everything is quite simple, the main thing is not to be shy.

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