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File: 246539416944599⋯.jpeg (604.01 KB,1536x2048,3:4,9EE1A650-C02E-4CA9-B740-5….jpeg)

36d032 No.148895

How do I eat more? I’m 6ft 135lbs and trying to bulk up. My diet is healthy but I just can’t seem to eat enough even though I’m never hungry. I run every morning and do body weight training for about an hour each day. I make sure to eat only protein, carbs, and veggies/fruits. Every couple of hours I’m munching on something. I’ve gained 5lbs the past couple weeks doing this but I feel like I should be gaining more.

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b0def6 No.148897

> I’ve gained 5lbs the past couple weeks doing this but I feel like I should be gaining more.

No. You're actually gaining too much. Standard bulk rate is +500 over TDEE a day for a total of 3500 kcal/week which translates to 1 lb body mass per week, which should be roughly 50% muscle, 50% fat (that ratio might be off, it's been a while since I checked that).

The point is that the body can only build so much muscle at once. Imagine you have a bucket with a hole in it. No matter how fast you dump sand into it, sand will only come out the hole at roughly the same rate (we'll ignore pressure for this). Building muscle is like that. Gaining more mass beyond the energy surplus needed to maximize muscle synthesis is bad, because it means all that extra energy is being stored as fat. Your current gain of 2.5 pounds a week is far too high, and after a couple months at that rate you'll see why as the fat starts to pile up around your lower midsection.

Lower your consumption rate. Getting /fit/ is a marathon, not a sprint. At your height, you should be aiming for at least 185-190 lbs, preferably 200. At 135, which is severely underweight for six feet, that goal would require almost a solid year worth of bulking. That's not something you should do, because you need to stop every once in a while to lean out before getting back on the bulk, but the fact remains that even if you didn't give a fuck about your BFP you'd be spending 50 weeks bulking to hit a solid weight. You cannot speed this up, you'll just produce a higher fat ratio in a shorter amount of time, and the muscle developed will still be exactly the same.

This is all basic shit that you should have read within your first few days of researching fitness. I not so politely suggest that you do your goddamn homework.

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5d0e9c No.148900

File: d5320fbf3bf6dd7⋯.png (333.14 KB,500x365,100:73,fitfag do bê.png)

First things first. Chill it. You are going pretty well if you have been following this routine strictly for a couple months, and once you're trying to bulk it, you should consult your info, BFP and etc. Go see a doctor, maybe you are just in a period of physiological adaptation, you can be in the process of gaing lean mass, or even maybe you are getting fat gains and just sustaining your muscle mass. If you can't see a doctor, then at least do the calcs for your TDEE and Calorie Consumption for us to help you out properly. **Unrelated pic.

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3cef21 No.148902


>I'm 6ft 135 lbs

GOMAD and get abs they should be easily visible at your weight. No need to hurry the process but it depends on what kind of mass you're trying to gain. If you don't care about BFP just bulk without going overboard. All progress is good.

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7fa72b No.148906


U aren't eating fats?

That's ur problem.

You need to lift every day or every other day and not jog every day.

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a2bbd1 No.148935

File: 58dede3255eae3b⋯.jpg (6.2 KB,327x154,327:154,download (7).jpg)


stop eating vegetables and fruit and replace it with GOMAD and a fat bloody red steak, don't believe this bullshit cookie cutter trash >>148897 , you are severly underweight I weighed more than you in 8th grade and I'm 6 ft, do the big 3, at least 3 times a week with progression if you really want to stay lean just do HIIT twice a week, but continue to eat big.

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b0def6 No.148938


>don't believe this bullshit cookie cutter trash

You're going to need to back up your assertions if you want to tell someone to ignore conventional fitness and /fit/ standard bulking advice. Anything asserted with no evidence or argumentation can be rejected without evidence or argumentation.

>do the big 3, at least 3 times a week with progression

So the standard bulk caloric advice is somehow cookie cutter bullshit, but this isn't? Nice mental gymnastics. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and I say that as someone who was underweight my whole life and had to bulk from 6 foot 1.5 inches at 158 pounds.

> if you really want to stay lean just do HIIT twice a week

Well done. "Don't listen to the other guy you need more than +3500 kcal a week but wait if you want to stay lean you need to burn more calories." Contradictory. You cannot put on muscle faster, all you're telling him to do is stack on extra fat by eating more than he should because he's underweight. You aren't going to "stay lean" by doing HIIT while hitting a +5-7k weekly surplus, that makes zero logical sense. There's no reason to take such advice.

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ca7212 No.148948

Shovel it down you pathetic piece of shit.

make the amount of calories you want to eat and then force it down without chewing for 10 hours.

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c72c27 No.149255

Eat more fat, salt and red meat. Look up the vertical diet dumbass. Fuck off with supplements and the running. Get under a barbell and do something simple like strong lifts 5x5. You only need to lift 3 days a week to put a shitload of muscle on your skinny ass frame.

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80aa99 No.149289

I am 5'11" and used to be 135 pounds. I'm now 160. I look slim, but toned and not rail thin. Most people here might not be impressed but I look and feel a lot better. I don't necessarily advocate my routine or diet because I'm not an expert, and people have probably rightly criticized it. But I'll share what I've done:

Breakfast (2 eggs, toast and peanut butter, banana, protein shake)

Lunch: Sand which, raw vegetables

Snacks at work: Apple, peanuts, wheat crackers

Dinner: Basically meat, potato, vegetable.

I lift Tues, Thurs, Sat, and Sun. I lift 30 minutes for sure on Tues and thurs, but on weekend I sometimes go for an hour. I have to watch my back though so I don't really push too hard. Other days I run or jump rope.

Some of the foods I just eat because I like them. My goal was never get to huge, but just not look weak and thin.

Lifting, protein shake, more snacks, and bigger breakfast helped. The bigger breakfast makes me feel better mentally in the morning. I like snacking during work because it helps me get through the day.

One problem I've had is, like you, I'm never rarely ever hungry. I would be fine with never snacking. If I eat too much at a meal, I get a stomach ache. So I try to eat snacks. But even though I get sick if I eat too much. I've tried adding peanut butter to the protein shakes. Some people say the shakes aren't good for you, but I feel that they helped me.

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