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Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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ok faggots i'll need some advice for this one

>be me


>go full retard and decide i'm gonna look at cp to see what it's like

>become addicted and jack off to it every month for 4 years unable to quit

*quit after 4 years*

>unable to get a boner with normal porn

>unable to get a boner with my gf

>boot up cp

>instant rager

I'm not attracted to kids, I don't want to end up like this

legitimately considering to an hero, is there a way to fix this physiological garbage?

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How does a 15 year old find CP? What inspired you to look that up? Saying "being retarded" isn't enough. I wanna know what series of events led to this. I'm too afraid to even set foot on the dark web because I just imagine a SWAT team knocking on the door the moment they trace someone's IP address.

>is there a way to fix this

Have you tried clown porn?

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Dude your story sounds stupid af not gonna lie. You say your not attracted to kids but thats obviously a lie. Your just in denial that your a pedo. Step one is obvious quit consuming child porn or you gonna end up in prison for being what you are. Step 2 is go see a fucking professional. get the hell off of the internet and go see a therapist specificaly one who deals with your problems and get help. I understand its probably terrifying but you have too if you actually want help.

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tell me how to get cunny and hebe porn

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Wtf is cunny?

>hebe porn

On the dark web probably.

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Hes probably only attracted to pornographic situations, not regular situational aspects of kids.


>How does a 15 year old find CP?

How do adults find CP?

What difference does it make?

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>How do adults find CP

When you're attracted to something you look for it. An adult can find things better than a child.

>What difference does it make?

It would help us understand why this person is seeking out CP. Were they exposed to it by someone else? Did they have unrestricted access to the internet with no parental supervision? We don't know the full context.

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The full context is that they're fucking LARPing. Ironybroposting and its consequences…

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>When you're attracted to something you look for it. An adult can find things better than a child.

Adults are "better at things" by virtue of legal privileges.

Not because of physical age.

Kids are more clever than you think. This presumption of innocence and lack of agency we assign to kids is not inherent.

But ok, if adults can do everything better than kids, they should shut up about wanting to return to childhood. Because childhood is socio-legal disability.

Also, 15 is not a child. We infantilize teens into remaining as children.

>It would help us understand why this person is seeking out CP. Were they exposed to it by someone else? Did they have unrestricted access to the internet with no parental supervision? We don't know the full context.

CP, as we define it, is more often or not just barely pubescent girls. Not actual toddlers.

Also, CP as a legal transgression only came about in the 1980s.

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>Not because of physical age

No I'm pretty sure the brain of someone over 20 is more developed than that of a teen or toddler. The brain doesn't stop developing until the mid 20s. This development usually suggests higher IQ and problem solving abilities, that someone who hasn't learned to use the potty, or doesn't fully understand the consequences of sex despite being hormonal.

>15 is not a child

15 is a stage of childhood. There is at least another 10 years for the brain to develop. When I was 15 I was emotionally immature, and the other teens who talked about getting laid were also immature. I knew teens who got pregnant, got STDs, got sent to juvie, because they had poor judgment skills. Problem solving/avoidance is something that improves with age.

>CP as a legal transgression

Look if you're attracted to minors just be honest. That's the worst part about MAPs, lack of total honesty. I mean the police aren't here, you're safe inside the goon cave right now. It would save a lot of arguing if people attracted to children admitted they don't really care about morals and ethics. Because there's no point in debating with someone who doesn't really care about the debate.

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brain development is a myth.

If it was the case we wouldnt have had families at 15-20 in the old days.

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Also these days, people are immature and psychotic even into their thirties. I gaurantee you alot of ypur doo.erism is because of institiutional infantilisation.

Adolescence and childhood as we know it didnt exist before the 1800s.

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>physical development a myth

I wish MAPs would stop ignoring science. You might as well say you believe in flat earth and that the moon is made of cheese. You are looking at this from the perspective of a conspiracy theorist. "Scientists are trying to stop us from having secks with kids" that's what your argument sounds like. I have heard these defenses before, and it is a defense. When you tell someone that a thing they enjoy might not be good they tend to get extremely defensive.

Most human beings reach a peak of growth in their 20s, when their bones, and organs including the brain, stop growing. Make any argument you want but don't be like "science is fake".

>15-20 in the old days

Dude they sent children to war and in the coal mines, using child labor. That doesn't have anything to do with physical or mental development. They were forced into adult roles at an early age because of societal pressure, because people got smallpox and polio and there wasn't a cure. That doesn't mean they actually were adults at 15, just kids who had adult responsibilities forced on them.

>these days people are immature

We never had social media until the 21st century. Humans are social animals. People will see others acting immature online and copy it. Go back to the 1950s and you'd see most people would act conservative because that was the social norm. The social norm today is spending too much time online and on sites where you might experience tunnel vision. If you watch too much porn then you look for harder stuff, you might even go to the dark web to search for CP. People who do these things usually pick up the behavior while their brains are still developing. The OP said they were 15 when they starting looking up CP. If they looked at it when they were 30, after they were fully developed, they probably wouldn't have formed an addiction to it. The development phase is when people start forming lifelong habit.

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Im not an MAP.

Im just poimting out the the age of adulthood has went up.

Also the brain develooment theory was oushed in thr 1990s by pharmacist companies to justify psych meds for kids.

What hapoens at 25 is your brain starts dying. It doesnt "comolete" development.

Also, it is natural to start adulthood at 15-20.

We extended it due to Victorian philsophy.

As for your last sentence, youre kinda wrong. People form addictions at any age.

Your idea about chikdren being forced into afukt responsiibikities in the old ays is the typical liberal hogwash being pushed.

Again, adolescence is a modern contract madein the 1800s.

Nowadays people even think 18-21 is too young for marriage or career.

Soon it will be 25 - 30 as the new starting ageof majority.

Again the immaturity of teens is due to infantilisation.

And it affects people up to the forties.

Brain developmemt theory is bing used to absolve young people of basic responsibilities and rights.

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Also befoe the 21st century we didnt have social media but we hd far worse vices:



Gladiator tournamanents

Intentional train crashes

Animal fighting

Night polo

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>It doesn't complete development

It stops growing is the point, meaning it's still growing up until the 20s. Which supports the whole idea that adults in their 20s are more mature on average than a small child or young teen. Teens are more likely to be driven by hormones overriding rational thought, more so than an average 25 year old. Now someone in their 20s can still do dumb shit but are generally more capable of logic and reason than a typical 12 year old who just discovered Call of Duty and just discovered racial slurs last week.

>you're kinda wrong

I looked it up before posting. There are articles saying teens are more vulnerable to addiction due to brain differences.

>typical liberal hogwash

You seem to be dismissive of science and arguing from the realm of a conspiracy theorist who thinks liberals made up everything to control society and to keep kids from having sex and doing drugs. There are in fact a lot of degenerate libs who are very supportive of teaching sex to kids.

>young people rights

What rights do young people need that they don't already have? If we let kids drink and get pregnant society would collapse in a very short amount of time. That only worked in the 1800s when people rode horses and the population was low and we didn't have a cure for basic diseases.


Social media is worse than any of the things you mentioned, because children can see all those things and more by typing a few key words. Human beings need a good social environment to help them become mentally healthy adults. The internet however is filled with porn and people chimping out. It's not something the human race had to deal with when back when we lived in small communities working on the farm.

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The hormonal myth is due to infantilisation.

Irony is, kid whom are given responsibility and basic freedoms turn out much better than the typical teenager shut off from the world with nothing but school and cartoons.

The immaturity we see in youth is more due to culture than biology.

We comicalise children.Alot of entertainment made for kids treats them lie cartoons.

They're not allowed to seek more serious somber material.

Adults shelter kids too much from technical details of worldly affairs.

And the "teen brain" behavior we see now are becoming more prevalent oast 25.

Look at the decline of skillsets.

Also, the Internet is nowhere near as bad as what was done in the past.

If you think watching pixels on a screen is worse than harming flesh that's a problem of perspective.

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What happens at 25 is your brain starts dying.

It doesn't "finish".

Also young people are having their rightstaken away.

The increased infantilisation has made them unable to own homes, have cars,or maintain relationships.

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