>become such cancer that straight white doomers need not apply
No, goth nights are still overwhelmingly white. If I was a Richard Spencer type I would say that they are "implicitly white." The level of gayness is exaggerated by extremely online types, most gay people stick to their own nightlife. What's more is that the lines of invasion are drawn backwards: straight people (okay, straight white women) are going out to gay clubs.
Steve Sailer has had an interesting life.
>regular club or some middle ground thing that didn´t require you to be such a poseur
That's what they are these days. The majority of those in the attendance are crate-digging hipsters who like the music but aren't into the whole lifestyle (very few people are these days) They might dress up for the night, but it's merely a get up. And to be honest, I like it better this way- Fake goths are prettier than real goths. The people deep into this shit are fat polyamorists in their 40s.
>except goths did it precisely because they thought it was sinful and degenerate , not because of social justice inclusive crap pretending its actually wholesome
To me, this makes all the difference. The sanctimony is what rubs a lot of people the wrong way, not hedonism as such. Hedonism can be a good thing if there are limits and people are honest about what they are getting into.