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/christian/ - Christian Discussion and Fellowship

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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602a7f  No.841653

i have a LOT of resources in Logos. its the most powerful tool for bible research and its slowly getting better. eventually it'll proabbly work for historical research too. atm tho i need a 2nd software to organize non-logos owned books. im getting furstrated. im using calibre but calibre is weird. i want to be able to write notes, easily copy citations, and organize ebooks not within logos.

I don't want to pay a monthly fee for Polar and i'm not sure polar even accepts all ebook formats.

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000000  No.841947

IDK, so bump.

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c958c8  No.841996


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