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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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File: 5dad4916caf080b⋯.gif (738.31 KB, 498x266, 249:133, dfdf.gif)

fb648a  No.826147

Okay so here is the summary of jewish history in Egypt.

>be joseph

>your own brothers sell you into slavery to egypt

>be good at counting shekels

>pharaoh makes you the high chief of food and crops

>god sends famine to egypt

>natives sell all their land and belongings for food basically becoming slaves

>keep most profits and become the most rich and influential person in egypt

>invite all your brothers and their families to egypt and give them cushy positions

>your people basically own the whole country for the next 400 years

>a new pharaoh takes power

>throws you out

>before you go you take huge loans from egyptians because you intend to leave anyway and won't pay back

>spend the next 40 years genociding everyone you meet on your way through the desert

So why did the jews make themselves look like the bad guys in their own holy scriptures? And why do we pretend like they aren't? I mean, objectively speaking, the things they did were pretty terrible, all things considered.

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b2b173  No.826148

A major theme of the OT is how ungrateful and duplicitous the Jews were for the privilege that God had given them, and why they deserved all the bad things that happened to them for their ingratitude.

That said, your post is pretty dishonest and reframes things in order to fit your argument. The Pharaoh only threw them out after the Jews had been stripped of all privilege and reduced to slavery, and even then he didn't budge until the plagues.

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fb648a  No.826153


>A major theme of the OT is how ungrateful and duplicitous the Jews were for the privilege that God had given them, and why they deserved all the bad things that happened to them for their ingratitude.

Yes, I'm aware of that. But that part comes later. In Exodus and latter books of the Pentateuch they are given Gods guidance and protection.

>That said, your post is pretty dishonest and reframes things in order to fit your argument.

Yes, I oversimplified and omitted some parts but I think the core point stands. It's actually a very simillar situation to what happened to jews in nazi germany.

>The Pharaoh only threw them out after the Jews had been stripped of all privilege and reduced to slavery,

But don't you think that the pharaoh had a good reason to threat them the way he did? I mean, nobody deserves slavery or genocide but it's not like they were completely innocent either.

>and even then he didn't budge until the plagues.

But didn't God himself harden pharaohs heart so he can teach hebrews a lesson?

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b2b173  No.826155


>It's actually a very simillar situation to what happened to jews in nazi germany.

How? Jews were never enslaved during the Wiemar republic.

>But don't you think that the pharaoh had a good reason to threat them the way he did?

To check their power, but not to enslave them. he could have just expelled them but he was greedy, too.

>But didn't God himself harden pharaohs heart so he can teach hebrews a lesson?

That just means he didn't try to change the Pharaoh's mind.

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c38511  No.826157


No. We have one enemy and it isn't human. While you're crying and screaming and clutching your pearls and kvetching about Jews, Satan is laughing at you.

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fb648a  No.826168


>How? Jews were never enslaved during the Wiemar republic.

You could consider concentration camps enslavement.

>To check their power, but not to enslave them. he could have just expelled them but he was greedy, too.

Wasn't slavery somewhat normal back then? Not even the OT law prohibits having slaves. Also I don't quite understand your argument regarding the "hardening heart" part. Everytime the pharaoh was about to give in and just let it go, God would harden his heart so the pharaoh would not let them go. It was literally done so that the jews would learn a lesson, that's what it says in the book. Any attempt to justify it would be mental gymnastics.


Not trying to incite anti-semitic shitposting or anything. Just trying to understand the story from a neutral position, actually. Imagine you read some unrelated not biblical story. You haven't taken any sides yet. Then you see the main protagonists do some objectionable things and get an appropriate reaction in return. If you were a neutral observer, would you rather say "okay, they kind of had it coming" or would you try to autistically find arguments how they were absolutely in the right and didn't do anything wrong even though they did?

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b2b173  No.826170


>Also I don't quite understand your argument regarding the "hardening heart" part

Why do you people never google this shit?


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803e65  No.826171


I'm pretty sure Joseph was made the governor (second in command of Egypt) by Pharaoh for being able to correctly interpret dreams. Maybe I'm wrong but that is what I remembered the last time I read that part in the Bible.

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c38511  No.826173


>Just trying to understand the story from a neutral position

There is no neutral position. There is Satan and there is us. There are no human adversaries and no group of humans responsible for the ills of the world. There is only one enemy.

Suggest reading: "Manual for Spiritual Warfare" by Paul Thigpen

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d2f46a  No.826174


This level of cope and mental gymnastics is simply astonishing. I'm not even going to try and counter this because I can't and I think it's pointless to even try. You can take a verse where God orders jews to genocide babies and you will find 10 different explanations how that's a good thing or how even though it says "babies" it actually doesn't mean "babies" and it's only metaphorical or a mistranslation that meant to say "literal demons sent by satan to genocide jews".


Yeah, maybe. Though I think it's not that important what his original position was.


>There is Satan and there is us. There are no human adversaries and no group of humans responsible for the ills of the world.

Satan works through humans so I don't see a contradiction here.

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c38511  No.826176


>Satan works through humans

Nope … you clearly don't understand Satan. You better gird yourself and stop looking to human enemies. The more you cry about Jews and blue-haired trannies, the more Satan laughs. All humans - ever one of us - can be saved and we are all deserving of His love. Satan is not. Satan cannot corrupt humans, only our perception of each other as humans.

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d2f46a  No.826178


>Nope … you clearly don't understand Satan.

What I mean is that Satan can actually lead people astray, tempt them to do evil deeds, to corrupt other people, to spread false believes. If he does none of that and if people do all that out of their free will.. Well, then his role is pretty much obsolete.

>All humans - ever one of us - can be saved and we are all deserving of His love. Satan is not.

I agree that all humans can be saved. But how can jews be saved if they don't accept Jesus Christ? And I don't believe that Satan can't be saved either. Nobody is beyond redemption, not even Satan. The possibility to repent and accept God is open to him. But just as a jew, it's not likely he will accept it.

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c38511  No.826182


Lead people astray, yes, but Satan cannot make others follow that lead.

>how can Jews be saved?

Because they're human beings, made in the image of God, and deserving of his love. It is Satan telling you to hate Jews.

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2b48fb  No.826184

File: 185d6e2c01c1073⋯.jpg (286.91 KB, 1152x1440, 4:5, joshua web.jpg)


<spend the next 40 years genociding everyone you meet on your way through the desert

>implying the Canaanites didn't deserve it

Those people literally put babies in a cow shaped furnace and burned the babies alive as a sacrifice for their demon. On top of the sexual depravity and rampent drug abuse, they 100000% deserved to be conquered by God and His people.


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c38511  No.826191


>literally put babies in a cow shaped furnace

That would be ancient Christians … grats on outing yourself and boo on you for blaming someone else.

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c5c882  No.826198


>We have one enemy and it isn't human

Then why did Jesus command us to love our enemies(plural)? Is he commanding us to love satan?

The fact that we are to love our enemies (though also commanded to not cast our pearls before them) doesn't mean we have no enemies.

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5611c3  No.826256

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, article - jews not related….jpg)


>why did the jews make themselves look like the bad guys in their own holy scriptures?

poc related

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68288c  No.826265


Despite being a troll, OP actually raises a good point. White people today are demonized because we killed, conquered, and dominated, but that's what the ancient hebrews (supposed ancestors of the modern day jews) did as well, so jews should incur the same punishments as us by the secular world's logic.

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0c1672  No.826286

File: 71d33c703dcebee⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1580x3431, 1580:3431, white criminals.jpg)


>White people today are demonized because we killed, conquered, and dominated

The ruling class does that, and whips up whoever they want with their propaganda. They adjust the economic parameters to force people into their armies etc. Just like today, you think Tyrone really wants to be a soldier? All these empires are the same. The people have no choices. The idea of a "popular revolution" is a joke. The people have no power, never have. Plato explained this clearly. They kill whoever they want, steal whatever they want, and use whoever they want to do it. And now their descendants hide in the shroud of "liberal" and want to blame white people for those crimes, which they are living off the interest of the mega-piracy companies like the BEIC and the DEIC.

And even if none of the above were true (which it is), the multi-generational guilt narrative is disgusting at face value.

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f11684  No.826290

File: dd2a9f8ac46d177⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB, 624x480, 13:10, Matrix 4 debut trailer.mp4)

>you got fired from 109 jobs, how do you explain that?

>"undeserved hate"

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