Those terms are incredibly generalized anyways. But it doesn't stop people from obsessing over them
I was curious about it myself since I fit the generic description of "introvert", versus "extrovert". At least as far as I knew at the time. A big lady at the bookstore recommended me pic related, which was a huge fucking pile of trash. It was just chapter after chapter of "most people are extroverts, which means that they are energized by talking to other people. But introverts are quiet, special little snowflakes who may be disadvantaged in life for not socializing, though live in wonderful worlds of their own, aww". Absolute drek.
One thing that the concepts of intro- and extroverts doesn't take into account is the type of people that one is around. I could be labeled an introvert because talking to a group of people who I think are morons all day is exhausting and I'd rather be by myself. On the other hand, being with a group of people who share my interests would be fully engaging.
"Oh, but then that would mean that you're an ambivert!" screams some imaginary blue-haired wookee. "You're balanced between being an intro- and extrovert!" Given the example, wouldn't that destroy the fucking concept of whatever-verts altogether?
Thankfully the intro/extro/ambi/omni/uppy/downy-vert terminology is being seen for what it is: modern new age bullshit terminology. It's on its way out.