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File: 434d6dbc9e5d45a⋯.jpg (34.43 KB,440x335,88:67,IMG_2131.JPG)

3f9c29 No.28253

Wanna develop vidya (and beyond) already can program and know how to progress in that area, but how to get ahead in 3D art? CGCookie seemed like a good intro to Blender, but after running you through the very basics they went full Jew and blocked the rest until I give them shekels.

What other good resources are there for getting on with proper modelling in Blender rather than just kiddie shit like copy, add, navigate and delete?

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3f9c29 No.28254

The official Blender tutorials are fine for learning how to use Blender. If you want to know how to do 3D model design, you can find all kinds of books that teach this.

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3f9c29 No.28260


I downloaded most of the Blender tutorials from CGCookie, I'm pretty certain that I'm the reason they upped the price of their subs.

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3f9c29 No.28261

File: 6a61fbc61c142e0⋯.jpg (102.88 KB,455x757,455:757,burender.JPG)

I should have posted mein pic

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3f9c29 No.28263


Hey anon, do you think you could post those Fundamentals videos for download somewhere? Be much appreciated.

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3f9c29 No.28267


I will do it if you make some contributions to an open source project and post proof, or you could just pay for it.

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3f9c29 No.28276


I'd model things in Blender only if it's for low-poly games like Half-Life 1. If you want to create real quality high-definition models, why not start with ZBrush instead?

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3f9c29 No.28287


What is an amateur game developer doing making super high definition 3d models for his amateur game? Why would such an amateur require a program that costs hundreds of dollars?

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3f9c29 No.28302


You can make high detail in Blender, I make high detail in Blender, I just wish I had a game to put them in.

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3f9c29 No.28303


It is sensible for you who is studying 3D design and modelling skills, to be producing HD models and probably animation. You don't have the burden of working through the never ending quest of programming an open-ended game. The separation of concerns in a game project between the programmer and "everything else" is a sensible way of working through the project.

Now to tie this into my criticism (>>28287), Blender is a suitable tool for amateurs to use for the purpose of 3D game models. Zbrush certainly has powerful features that make 3D modeling more effective than Blender, but an amateur in the case of of OP does not need those features at this stage of his project.

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3f9c29 No.28305


I'm a little late to the party, but...

I don't recommend books for learning 3D modeling. Video tutorials tend to be much more clear since you can follow along.

I highly recommend you take a look at Jonathan Williamson's various talks on topology and modeling in Blender.

For rigging, see Nathan's Vegdahl's "Humane Rigging".

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3f9c29 No.28308

Don't learn blender. The UI is a bag of retarded dicks. Get Modo Indie or pirate the full version

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3f9c29 No.28507

File: ade02eea09fa892⋯.png (651.25 KB,1480x700,74:35,Turntable_22.png)

File: dddc7fa5a7a3f78⋯.png (2.72 MB,1980x1080,11:6,main.png)

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File: 7f10bc3a5c0b976⋯.png (637.6 KB,1920x1080,16:9,dank meme.png)


Why is no one recommending Maya or 3DS Max which are both commonly used for making models for games?

t. Blenderfag, here's some of my recent work

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3f9c29 No.28529


I have no problem with blender ui, maybe because I started with 3ds. I fail to see a problem with it.


>Why is no one recommending Maya or 3DS Max which are both commonly used for making models for games?

Because Autodesk is the devil. Because 3ds will go the way of Softimage, killed off so that Maya can slime its way in to the niche Max dominated.

Maya is expensive, 3ds is a dead end and doesn't work on Linux, which is crucial if you want the ability to escape the Great Satan (also known as Windows).

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3f9c29 No.28540

File: 97d9d919d8ee0a2⋯.png (324.94 KB,382x417,382:417,1371092829996.png)


Looks breddy gud are you working on a WW1 game?

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259b28 No.28947


>expecting a game company to use shit like linux

there is your first mistake, corporate conglomerates always uses 3DS Max and Maya because the workflow on those programs are much more efficient which ironically saves them much more money if they were to use something like blender.

Also you will be jobless, 3D Generalist or designer requires at least a decent amount of knowledge on some autodesk programs, if you lack them you'll probably never get hired tbh, honestly I have nothing against blender but when it comes to jobs and business, you're basically fucked.

protip; never buy 3ds max or maya, just torrent that shit, heck even use student version if you have to, do models and export via OBJ and do the rest on blender if you have to, just like go model.

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5d1f60 No.28952


how ironic, issuing a protip that a professional would never do.

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7cdbfc No.29214

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8453a4 No.29305


Sorry for late response.

No, I was just doing it for 3d modelling practice. I'm actually now working on an indie dev team and making swords for them (late 18th century European type game).

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8453a4 No.29306


Blender has plugins for Quixel, Blender is going to get output maps for Substance Painter and already has open source shaders you can use with maps from Substance Painter, you can freely switch to edit mode with a multiresolution modifier (while sculpting), resize an entire face, move back to sculpting with no issues (not a feature on Zbrush, last time I checked), many professionals use it to make advertisements; in short, I don't think people should write it off, but I don't think they should base their career prospects on it being accepted by all prospective employeers who want 3d models designed.

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6c48aa No.29378

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