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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
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File: 9f314e22d866746⋯.gif (60 B,8x8,1:1,colorful.gif)

5d96f3 No.27902

>Pixelart is a great easy way to make game art Anon!

>tfw all my pixelart looks like ass

how to git gud?

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5d96f3 No.27903

I love pixel art, but it's fucking hard as hell.

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5d96f3 No.27905


>How to git gud?

You fucking learn. Pixel art is not a crutch, you treat it the same as any other kind of art. It's easier to get into but you're actually going to have to try and not make shitty 8x8 stickmen.


Start learnin'

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5d96f3 No.27908

File: 031c61bbb3df51e⋯.jpg (280.04 KB,564x4029,188:1343,18e9886bf9f602b9c60cf1fe4f….jpg)

File: b4afd7c232a6a83⋯.jpg (592.41 KB,564x8622,94:1437,28f6e17105f3a41c33fe67def3….jpg)

File: 186f5e5a9a3da24⋯.png (1.75 MB,800x3580,40:179,186f5e5a9a3da24b9b12a6dc5b….png)

File: ca4c4970b65d222⋯.png (116.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ca4c4970b65d222a646e57af2f….png)

File: 44d603bd0ccf6d5⋯.png (121.04 KB,711x2377,711:2377,tpz4o10.png)

For all my games in the past I just got friends to do all the art. Soloing it this time.

It takes practice. Every time I draw a new sprite for my game I get better; every few months I redraw everything because I'm able to improve on it significantly.

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5d96f3 No.27909

File: 8f15edd0d651dcd⋯.png (160.88 KB,941x2547,941:2547,3BG8p9l.png)

File: d05c0c4e0992c11⋯.png (184.57 KB,892x3278,446:1639,5xMbESK.png)

File: 060cd9d5f45dba8⋯.png (277.99 KB,697x2341,697:2341,7IHZt9i.png)

File: ba637ee7cf4034a⋯.png (206.97 KB,892x3278,446:1639,rBaCG9N.png)

File: fb14b7b518f68ea⋯.png (165.42 KB,792x3548,198:887,1d2cpUp.png)

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5d96f3 No.27910

File: 37c08582bae54a5⋯.png (110.38 KB,767x2177,767:2177,PklV0W8.png)

File: f42448be4292482⋯.jpg (338.68 KB,564x2030,282:1015,deca3169b1af84daaf0996aa0b….jpg)

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5d96f3 No.27912




There isn't one of these for 3d art is there?

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5d96f3 No.27913


There might be an equivalent somewhere, but nothing I'm aware of; sorry.

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5d96f3 No.27916

Make a black man out of copper wire

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5d96f3 No.27917

Practice. Start by editing sprites from other games. You learn how their style and colors work. Don't use them for your own game though.

I started out about 5 years ago making bad clones of Link's Awakening sprites, now I've made some money with my art. It takes time.

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5d96f3 No.27919

File: 8b44721132b3bd7⋯.jpg (60.47 KB,600x800,3:4,flat,800x800,075,f.jpg)

I don't get this mentality. Same thing with lowpolyfags. It's not a crutch, it's a fucking limitation. Pixelart isn't easier than drawing, you're literally giving yourself a smaller canvas and tools. Just fucking learn to do art in general and then specialize from there.

Just because it takes less place on the drive doesn't mean it was easier to make.

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5d96f3 No.27935

File: fd3846e666c2a2e⋯.jpg (372.69 KB,2000x1125,16:9,gary-oldman-aviation-plane….jpg)

File: d2709d14714b8a6⋯.jpg (41.68 KB,490x253,490:253,wntlines.jpg)

Keep cinematography in mind when you consider using references for your art.

and especially when you are working on the backgrounds.

Exagerating the focal depth makes your flat sprites more beleivable, it makes edges of platforms easier to notice, and it makes the room look less cramped while still showing the same amount of the level.

For a fighting game, or the battle screen of an rpg, using a normal view will make the player feel closer to the action, using a closer feeling view with a platform game, however, can make the world feel toy sized.

Think about it like your own one edge of a canyon, and your using binoculars to watch a guy on the other side of the canyon clime up to the top.

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5d96f3 No.27947


>Pixelart is a great easy way to make game art Anon!

Whoever told you that either lied or spoke only for himself.

>how to git gud?

You just keep doing it until you like how it looks. Then you will know you have developed a style.

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5d96f3 No.27950

File: bc42e380b880bbf⋯.png (379.85 KB,451x372,451:372,1445400598602.png)


>Draw big ass picture, and I mean fuck huge, like 3000 X 2800 or some shit

>Add as much detail as you can despite your art skills

>Shrink that shit down all the way to 60 x 60 or something tiny

>You can now fool plebs into thinking you made a good sprite

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5d96f3 No.27965

File: 3f5e1e170f95802⋯.gif (375.4 KB,500x420,25:21,batmanthumbsup.gif)




Saved! Thank you!

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