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d0cc51 No.27863

How do I practice?

Are there common ways to warm up before designing and coding a game?

Stretches or drills I can excercise to throw myself into it?

Like maybe recreating a randomly selected wario ware game from scratch or something.

would that help me in the long run, or would I just be wasting my time.

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d0cc51 No.27864

Make pong, then tetris, then a platformer.

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d0cc51 No.27867


Just downloaded Unity, I'll try to make a small MMORPG to start off with

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d0cc51 No.27868



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d0cc51 No.27869



>learning anything from pressing button and shit scripting

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d0cc51 No.27881

Modding games helps a ton because you can sometimes learn how the inner workings of the engine fit together.

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d0cc51 No.27887


>Not using established tools

>Developing anything worth anything

Pick one

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d0cc51 No.27890


Pretty much any programming will help you, so long as you pay attention to it. Just start somewhere and then ask questions as they arise. The important part is starting.

On the other side of this, make sure, when you do something, you understand why you're doing something, rather than just the specific thing you did. As long as you learn something, you didn't waste your time.


Has the right idea

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d0cc51 No.27893

If you want to make games, then you have to smart small and work your way up. Make simple arcade games in your language of choice. IF you do decide to do a project, make sure to finish it.

If you just want some programming exercises, try these sites:




This is also a good idea if you want to explore something that is out of your level of experience. Scour github for a simple open source platformer or something; there are plenty out there.

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d0cc51 No.27921


>implying "established tools" are simply about clicking button on big engine

by learning unity you just learn a tool, you're not being a better a better programmer or artist. You're not even taking time learning basic game design.

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