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File: 1435146132874.png (557.86 KB,1492x1080,373:270,1422714585043.png)

0c7a5e No.18872 [Last50 Posts]

so my plan is this

>learn python the hard way

>learn c the hard way

>lazyfoo tutorials for SDL and openGL

>bullet physics PDFs

can i make an engine and know my shit going in this direction or am i squandering time? i want to build an engine becuase there aren't any that do certain things that i want, like destructive physics, verlet integration for hair, and so forth. i wanted to try and make my own so i can include it.

thoughts? i want to make a 3D game engine, and then a 3D game with lush hair and clothing movement, and character customization where one clothing mesh can be used on both genders by stretching to the hips and bust, due to the physics API. afaik unity and unreal don't offer this, so i'd be me shooting in the dark.

inb4 waste of time

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0c7a5e No.18874

Sure, go ahead. The only other thing you will need are a couple million dollars of funding and a team of experienced talented programmers.

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0c7a5e No.18876

I honestly have no idea why anyone would place love2d as GOD TIER and game maker bellow.

Game maker has 3D which is shit, but it has it, and love 2d doesn't. Game maker has a lot of neat functions that simplify calculations, it has room editors, sprite editing and just a lot of functions that save up time. You can compile to a lot of platforms.

Except the fact that coding in love 2d is less of a hassle it has nothing that GM doesn't have. It has just less features. Just a thought, and construct 2 is also better than love 2d.

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0c7a5e No.18877


love2d respects your freedoms.

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0c7a5e No.18878


a whole team? i mean i'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. if i could i'd just get an already working engine that's written in C/C++ and just slap bullet stuff on it, like polycode, but its lacking so much documentation.

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0c7a5e No.18879


It does, but at the same time it's still has less features to make your game.

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0c7a5e No.18880


Here's what you want

> want to make a 3D game engine and a 3D game with lush hair and clothing movement, and character customization where one clothing mesh can be used on both genders by stretching to the hips and bust

This requires a team of people, if you don't know programming at all and you are just starting there's NO WAY you are going to do this shit, unless you have a decade of your life free.

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0c7a5e No.18882


i should have clarified that i was only going in that direction becuause there wasn't an existing framework that had bullet included and had enough documentation to explain its front end scripting, the lua elements in polycode weren't bad but the way it was wrapped to poly classes was horrid. if i could i'd just use the cloth physics in unreal or unity but again i can't do anything to make it work with hair because it's all locked down. i can't modify their respective function calls to that extent.

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0c7a5e No.18884


>3D game engine

>lush hair and clothing movement

>character customization where one clothing mesh can be used on both genders by stretching to the hips and bust, due to the physics API

Assuming you have the dedication to not give up after a month, see you in 25 years OP.

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0c7a5e No.18885



alright lets say i just said fuck it and went back to ue4. how long would that take then?

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0c7a5e No.18887

You're grossly underestimating how much time goes into not only becoming decent at programming and becoming decent at games programming (it's really a different ballgame), and not only writing a decent engine, but writing a decent 3d engine, and with your ideasguy features.

You're getting way ahead of yourself.

You should use some game engines before writing your own so you have an idea about what you like and what you don't like, as well as how things are generally structured.

I hope you know that real-time simulation of hair and fabric is one of the forefronts of computer graphics/physics, and people far smarter and more experienced than you and I are currently struggling with that.

I'm not saying don't try - I'm just saying you've got a long way to go before you start doing what you're talking about.

Here are some (by no means all) things you'll probably need to know just to make a normal 3d engine in approximate order:

Programming in high-level languages

2d game programming


Basic vector math

Basic kinematics and forces

2d game engine programming

Programming in low-level languages

3d game programmings

Linear Algebra

3d game engine programming

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0c7a5e No.18890

I'd recommend you make at least a few games using existing engines so you get a feel for what you really need/want from an engine, what's practical and what's awkward to work with, etc.

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0c7a5e No.18897

File: 1435161177415.gif (1.11 MB,305x239,305:239,Louis-CK-frustration-react….gif)

> Love2D. Above libGDX.

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0c7a5e No.18902


considerably less

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0c7a5e No.18904

OP you need to slow down. People study physics and graphics their whole lives. Go practice first. But realistically you would need 5 years of dedication. But HARD dedication. Not worth it unless you are still going to be in university in that time.


A few months.

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0c7a5e No.18905

You probably can do everything you want with UE or Unity, you just don't know how. Implementing something like that from scratch is unfeasible, especially in your case. If you want to JLMG, stick to RAD kits. Ditch the idea if it seems too expensive and move on.

But enginedevving on it's own is fun and rewarding if you enjoy learning new things and programming in general.

Speaking of OPs picture, it's really confusing. Why OGRE is so low while SDL is above it, when SDL provides only bare minimum needed for 2D games? Why Angel and SDL are on the same level when Angel is a fully-fledged prototyping framework? Also I can't recall why but I always thought that SFML is a bad thing.

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0c7a5e No.18910

Write a pong game first using 3D objects and OpenGL. hard-code your vertex buffer data and use copy/paste GLSL shaders.

You'll have a better understanding of the scope of what you are asking.

But, I personally recommend Bullet Physics if you're really interested. It's awesome and the softbody capabilities are actually quite good. I wrote a fairly simple driving prototype using it and raw OpenGL/GLSL 3.3+. GLFW is pretty solid too for all of the annoying window, input, and context handling base level stuff.

OpenGL rendering with Bullet Physics for collision and dynamics, and with vertex animations, AssImp for model loading is 2-3 months, worst-case for a skilled C++ programmer. It's not a game engine, it's just rendering and physics system callbacks.

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0c7a5e No.18922


would polycode be an ok start? i kind of want something with a bullets implementation because i want the experience, plus it seems that i was wrong about the documentation. it seems they've updated everything.

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0c7a5e No.18926

on a side note, what's the usual approach for terrain, if there is any? i was thinking heightmaps, but if there are any better approaches i'm always curious to looking into them.

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0c7a5e No.18936

File: 1435246057090.png (17.21 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

It's called löve, not love2d you fucks. That's just the URL.

I bet you type lua with all caps too.

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0c7a5e No.18948


No one gives a shit autist, I call it love 2d.

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0c7a5e No.18959

File: 1435271466400.gif (939.42 KB,180x155,36:31,1335921472389.gif)


I'm not very familiar with game engines but I really can sort of agree with the bottom Not Making A Game Tier.

I've been developing my game engine for a few years now without any luck in finishing a game. But I really like programming aspects of an engine and I've finished a few editors instead of games. I don't get tired of it. My most recent editor is coming along very well and I've been working with another artist to make a game. It really encourages me to work even harder.

Also I've learned so much from it.

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0c7a5e No.18963

Well, be prepared, because it takes a shitload of time. Took me 2 years of learning and everything until i had something i could call a useful working engine, but it was still shittier than most shit tier engines.

If you just want to make games with an engine where you can include new custom shit, you better take an engine with a changeable source code and rewrite that particular part. You are better off with that.

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0c7a5e No.18967

What the fuck are you doing trying to make an engine?

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0c7a5e No.18971


>make an engine

>godot exists

retreading ground. Your time is better spent forking godot or implementing a python to C compiler for them.


>learn python

>hard way


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0c7a5e No.18977

Lazyfoo is shit. You'd honestly be better off reading a good book or official documentation.

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0c7a5e No.19007


>He tries to have a career in typing shit right when he can't type shit right

Yeah good luck with that.

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0c7a5e No.19035


You are squandering time.

Learn C++ basics.

Use tutorials for triangles.

Do a simple Lin Alg review


Congrats, you should now have a basic model viewing program

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0c7a5e No.19056

polycode+yebis 3+free havok physics/animation SDK. and some http://www.codinglabs.net/article_physically_based_rendering.aspx

is this better?

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0c7a5e No.19063

Lazyfoo teaches 90s OpenGL, to do hair and clothing you would need modern OpenGL.

To get started on the things you're taking, you would need at least 4 years of study, and I'm talking about study, not actual implementation.

This is why people usually get a college degree.

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0c7a5e No.19070


>shit tier


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0c7a5e No.19074


i'm planning to study physics in university next fall. how much of that would help in this regard? also sorry if i was underestimating the task, it's just that i wanted to see how far i could go with using an already existing framework so that i could implement guides and verlet integration.

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0c7a5e No.19087


>this image

So did someone just list everything by the skill required and put the most skilled at the bottom? Also, where's Irrlicht?

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0c7a5e No.19088


Why do you keep asking about tools to use? You're asking to do stuff that hasn't been done at all. You aren't going to make that with any game development tools. This is pure software here.

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0c7a5e No.19091


I know that they don't have any includes that implement such features. i'm asking if it's better to start off from such a preconfigured framework than another, like say unity or w/e, unless it isn't relevant in the case? basically whether the flexibility or rigidity of the back-end having any influence on whatever functions is try to utilize for bone solving and hair strand guides, so that if i were to jump on an existing engine would i have to try and redo it, or if it's better to go from polycode and just add on top of it fresh.

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0c7a5e No.19092


>like say unity or w/e, unless it isn't relevant in the case?

It's not. What you're talking about is something be a pretty huge project on its own. You'd make more money selling the implementation of doing this shit to big companies than any shitty game you'd make with it.

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0c7a5e No.19093


hey now, i'm just trying to make some nice cloth and hair physics with this. it's not like i'm trying to make PBR from scratch or anything.

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0c7a5e No.19094


You are SEVERELY underestimating the difficulty in doing what you're describing, anon.

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0c7a5e No.19097


you are probably right, so i apologize if i seem conceited. worst case scenario i'll just implement havok cloth instead of trying to it from scratch in bullet. iirc it already supports that. my problem is that i don't have havok cloth atm, so as you're saying it's probably going to be the direction of me writing a integrator from scratch that can event-listen for character movements.

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0c7a5e No.19190


Gamemaker 3D is a fucking joke. Love3D is also a fucking joke.

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0c7a5e No.19211


Where dies html5 fall in that graph?

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0c7a5e No.19530

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It's a good start, but look into some basic compsci.

basic math (sets, functions, trees, graphs, and the common algorithms thereupon (nothing like you learned in school, this is actually useful and interesting)), basic complexity theory (google: big O), first order logic (not the gritty formalisms, but enough to use and understand it), searching and sorting (covered by common algorithms, but needs emphasis), and knowing about grammars and the automata that can recognise them would also be a nice bonus (google: chomsky hierarchy).

Programming is to software development what learning how to operate a telescope is to astonomy.

Important, indispensable, and enough to get some really interesting results. But ultimately a combination of luck and reliance on others telling you what to do without understanding why.

The good news is that learning to program is easy. But learn about functions first in math, otherwise it'll be a bitch.

Learning how to develop software however is fucking hard. Really fucking hard. As in the entire industry is still fucking it up on a regular basis hard.

"Of the IT projects that are initiated, from 5 to 15 percent will be abandoned before or shortly after delivery as hopelessly inadequate. Many others will arrive late and over budget or require massive reworking. Few IT projects, in other words, truly succeed. "


You'll also need to cultivate mathematical literacy so you can understand the reference books you'll need on stuff like physics.

Long story short, you can be writing a SNES era RPG in under a year.

And I strongly recommend you do. Do NOT start there however, and certainly don't start higher.

The most important part of programming isn't in any book, although most talk about it. It's intuition. Where the languages fades into the background and problems become simply a matter of design. It'll come with experience, not with study.

At the start don't use an engine. You don't need an engine for pong, and designing one yourself will be a rich source of mistakes to learn from. Often-times it's hard to see the purpose of something until one's suffered at the hands of the problem it solves. SDL would be good library to start with, but don't touch graphics until you have programming down. Introducing graphics adds a whole lot of complexity. It you really want to write games from the very start then write text-based games like hangman, minesweeper, sokoban, and nethack.

PS: Don't worry about language. C is in fact an excellent choice because you'll be forced to actually understand what you're doing. It's very easy in higher level languages to stumble along without any idea what you're actually doing to the computer or what's happening behind the scenes. Once you're comfortable in C however look at higher level languages.

PPS: Studying can be dry, so here's some juicy bits for you, though you'll need some math for most: fast-growing hierarchy, googology wiki, undecidability, halting problem (and the proof it's undecidable), conways surreal numbers, the long line in geometry, recursive but not simple-recursive functions (ackerman), omega (the ordinal), omega+1 (the ordinal), quines, godels incompleteness theorems (see godel, escher, bach), LISP (the land of lisp is fun), peano arithmetic, banach-tarski 'paradox', russels paradox

And I strongly recommend "Godel, Escher, Bach" by hofstader, it's a whirlwind intro to compsci that's incredibly entertaining.

The last piece of advice I'll give in this post is the most important. ==You must enjoy the learning process.==

You mustn't write the simpler games because you were told it would help, but because you find it fun to do so.

The amount of willpower it takes to do so much for one goal is inhuman. But if you enjoy it then it will be effortless, and one day you'll wake up and realise that you're capable of what you used to dream about. Take your eyes off the goal, and enjoy doing what's just outside of your present ability. It may be a winding path, but it's mostly downhill.

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0c7a5e No.19531



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0c7a5e No.19541


surely it would just be easier to program that into unreal 4? than make a engine from scratch. either way its retarded I guess

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0c7a5e No.19560

File: 1436832486128.jpg (1.13 MB,1719x1240,1719:1240,colormemad.jpg)



>god tier


>Not making a game tier

pic related

P.S., what do you think people that are using OGRE are using if not C/C++?

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0c7a5e No.19567

File: 1436863982718.png (617.75 KB,1492x1080,373:270,1435146132874.png)


>pic related

And unity is god tier because it actualy makes games. This isn't a programming board, this is a gamedev board.

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0c7a5e No.19581

File: 1436899134476.png (61.05 KB,1269x655,1269:655,unityisshit.png)


I guess this is as good as any a place to post my problems with unity

-Minimal application still takes 8MB

-The automatic multiplayer assumes you want to synchronize EVERYTHING, it doesn't allow you to offload things like particle calculations to the client.

-Loading and unloading data is hit-and-miss, you can make the editor stutter by loading/unloading meshes to quickly.

-Comes with an old version of monodevelop that the unity team hacked together to make their debugger work

-Absolutely useless for anything bigger than baby's first game

-Requires pro for shadows FUCKING SHADOWS

-Default library fucks programming conventions in the ass

->Apparently they're using the UpperCaseOnEverythingStandard.

->"this" refers to the script

->Inheritance is annoying

-Server still runs a graphical client, what the actual fuck.

-Retarded gui system

->gui system starts with 0,0 at the bottom left

->gui can't scale with resolution, I thought we fixed this problem in the 90's?

-Even though some math genius started the gui system with the bottom left at 0,0 the 3d-system still uses y as up/down

Using Unity was like being introduced to linux again, but this time there was no elegance or reason behind the madness, it was just shit.

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0c7a5e No.19583


>implying anything GNU is elegant

Unix was elegant.

The BSDs are elegant.

GNU is dreadful, and Linux isn't much better.

This is a fairly typical example: https://gist.github.com/dchest/1091803

It seems a lot of modern GNU/Linux developers have ceased to, or never did, value composability despite it being at the heart of Unix's design philosophy.

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0c7a5e No.19584



Irrelevant for the last decade and half.

>automatic multiplayer

Your babbys first one-click multiplayer setup doesn't give you a perfectly optimized setup? RTFM and gitgud, there's plenty of configurability and even lowlevel functions to access.

> you can make the editor stutter

applies to any editor.


easily changed

>pro for shadows


>script convention autism

whatever, take your pills

>"this" refers to the script

what else should it refer to? the gameobject? the transform? your mom?

>Server still runs a graphical client

check headless box.

>gui can't scale with resolution

It can and does.

> gui system with the bottom left at 0,0 the 3d-system still uses y as up/down

That the same? increase y and it moves higher on gui, increase y and it moves higher in world?

>Using Unity was like being introduced to linux again

You are clinically retarded if you had a problem getting into Unity.

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0c7a5e No.19585


>Requires pro for shadows FUCKING SHADOWS

Wasn't this changed in the new version?

>"this" refers to the script

Big deal, this->gameObject. Autocompletion or quick typing skills make the difference obsolete.

>multiple GUI related points

They're changing the GUI now as well, right?

I haven't really used 5, but from what I've read some of your points are outdated. A quick search just now also told me your server graphics complaint may or may not be fixed, and is at least going to change if it's not fixed yet.

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0c7a5e No.19586


"Unity makes games" is still a valid point. It saves time and most indie devs aren't even qualified for enginedevving.

Also you look like a person who likes to blame his tools before even getting familiar with them.

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0c7a5e No.19588


>irrelevant for the last decade and a half

Not if you're deving for mobile

>there's plenty of configurability and even lowlevel functions to access

I should explicity say to synchronize x,y, and z, not have them all synchronized by default and opt-out; unless you're suggesting unity users should use the C# networking library.

>applies to any editor

Not any of the source SDK tools, difficult to do in Unreal, and not mine :^)

>easily changed

As long as you don't mind losing the debugger.

>whatever take your pills

I did, not using conventions is still retarded.

>what else should it refer to

Of course it should refer to the gameobject.

>gui can and does scale with resolution

When did that start?

>That the same?

In mathematics and every sane engine, the z axis is up/down.

>You are clinically retarded if you had a problem getting into Unity



>Wasn't this changed in the new version?

Maybe it has, I ditched unity pretty quickly when I tried it.

>Big deal, this->gameobject

It is a big deal, this should refer to the class (or gameobject) I'm talking about.

>your points are outdated

They may well be


>"Unity makes games" is still a valid point

I could make a game in powerpoint if I wanted to, it would certainly save me a lot of time, but Unity is not "God Tier", and if we're going by the "makes games" metric, surely Scratch and RPGmaker are "god tier".

>inde devs aren't even qualified for enginedevving

Neither am I, but I can still use a proper engine.

>You look like a person who likes to blame his tools before getting familiar with them.

How familiar is familiar? Making a game or two? Writing plugins? Did both, still don't like it.

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0c7a5e No.19611


God damn, what is with the walls of text you keep posting?

Nobody gives a shit. kek

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0c7a5e No.19619


god damn what's with the shitposts you keep posting?

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0c7a5e No.19629


>In mathematics and every sane engine, the z axis is up/down.

I guess that's why every 2D graph and engine is (x,z) coordinates?

>this should refer to the class (or gameobject) I'm talking about.

It shouldn't, I'm saying this in a script so it's this script. If I want the gameobject or transform associated to it I can use this.gameobject or this.transform or whatever else I need.

You're not using Unity, just shut the fuck up and be a nodev in your special snowflake engine in silence instead of trying to export your preconceptions and lolmemes about "the right way" to those who aren't afflicted by autism and can bother to learn one of the best engines out there.

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0c7a5e No.19631


He means the convention in math is that in ≥3D graphs z is vertical.

In 2D y is conventionally vertical.

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0c7a5e No.19635


There isn't any convention that says z is up, the axes are assigned according to what you're graphing with x,y generally being assigned to the main plane, if any.

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0c7a5e No.19636


You do, I do, that's why we shitpost anon.


>(x,z) coords

see >>19631

>I'm saying this in a script, so it should refer to the script

But the script shouldn't be a THING, in jargon, there should be a distinction between classes and objects. How may levels do you have with an empty gameobject that's just a "game manager" or something similar?

>Shut the fuck up and be a nodev in your special snowflake engine in silence

No :^)


That's incorrect sir


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0c7a5e No.19637


>That's incorrect sir

It isn't and your link doesn't support your statement.


>These three dimensions can be labeled by a combination of three chosen from the terms length, width, height, depth, and breadth. Any three directions can be chosen, provided that they do not all lie in the same plane.

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0c7a5e No.19638


I'm not sure you know what convention means.

It doesn't mean it's what's always done. It means what's commonly done when there isn't a good reason to do otherwise.

Obviously if you're going to label your axes after your data you wouldn't call any of them x, y, or z. But if you need arbitrary names for them and don't have reason to do otherwise, then x,y,z is the most common.

>they do not all lie in the same plane

If you want to use cartesian coordinates then that's not true, you need all axes to be orthogonal to each other.

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0c7a5e No.19639


I would assume you can look at the pretty pictures, but I guess you need something more explicit.


>For three-dimensional systems, a convention is to portray the xy-plane horizontally, with the z axis added to represent height (positive up).

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0c7a5e No.19842


i wrote a whole reply to this but it ended up being exactly the same as >>19584

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0c7a5e No.19850

File: 1437363970481.png (311.81 KB,722x1080,361:540,fikksd.png)



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0c7a5e No.19851


Why is Flixel (the multicolour f) in shit tier and Haxeflixel is in meh tier (the multicolour third one)?

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0c7a5e No.19852


I dunno, the original image is one of the stupidest fucking things I had ever seen, so I added my own degree of shitposting to it.

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0c7a5e No.19854


That makes sense.

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0c7a5e No.19855


Though granted, what I put as god tier is not a bad idea for people trying to get into vidya development. And unlike Unreal and Unity it is actually fucking optimized.

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0c7a5e No.19890


>Torque better then unity

Nigger have you even used Torque?

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0c7a5e No.19898

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0c7a5e No.20736


>irrlicht not even included

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0c7a5e No.20940

Lazyfoo a shit

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0c7a5e No.20946

>>GameMaker Studio better than XNA

Hahahaha, no.

There's a reason why Duck Game was switched from GameMaker to XNA.

There's also a reason why Hotline Miami was switched from GameMaker to PhyreEngine.

GameMaker is utter shit at cross-platform, and any decent level of complex scripting.

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0c7a5e No.20956


whats the reason for QuakeC and FTE being god tier?

from my experience the Quake engine can barely load standard 3d models

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0c7a5e No.20966



Define standard. A game engine isn't defined purely by just file formats that you magically expect it to be compatible with.

That's why you learn the game engine first, and understand what type of files it expects people to work with for assets.

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0c7a5e No.20974


>Define standard.

Common, widely used.

Your point is fine, why tarnish it with such bullshit?

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0c7a5e No.20979


Jesus, you nearly had me with that bait.

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0c7a5e No.20982


Fight me

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0c7a5e No.20996


its just saves time to able to export into one standard format and have everything work in the engine.

with obscure formats, you have to spend extra time messing with plugins and learning how to convert it properly.

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0c7a5e No.21012


No no, my point stands.

Common, back up your vague wording with some specific examples.

I'm waiting.

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0c7a5e No.21020


>define standard

>define common

Literal autist detected. It'll be better for you in the long run, though tiresome now, to learn to understand common words as they're used.

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0c7a5e No.23715


amazing post, thank you

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0c7a5e No.23725

I would recommend using a game engine before attempting to make one, so you know how they're abstracted.

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0c7a5e No.23753


LOVE only works with lua?

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0c7a5e No.23755


Try this, it improved my experience vastly and visual studio has a free version.


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0c7a5e No.23769


I never said "define common" though...

I asked for specific examples of the "common" things being referred to.

Again, I'm waiting on those examples.

Feel free to post them any time.

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0c7a5e No.23810

File: 1447388793033.png (56.78 KB,500x500,1:1,1310480349863.png)


>do a few C tutorials

>study API for some physics engine


>Make cutting-edge game engine

> On August 17, 2005, Mark Rein, the vice-president of Epic Games, revealed that Unreal Engine 4 had been in development since 2003.[70] Until mid-2008, development was exclusively done by Tim Sweeney, CEO and founder of Epic Games.[71] The engine targets the eighth generation of consoles, PCs and Tegra K1-based[72] devices running Android announced in January 2014 at CES.

gl OP.

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0c7a5e No.23830


>torque above unity


What the actual fuck?

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0c7a5e No.23831


Oh I didn't see >>19852

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0c7a5e No.23839


If you're good enough I'll tell u about one.

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0c7a5e No.23902


Minesweeper is a text game?

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0c7a5e No.23939

What is the simplest C network library for Windows/Linux/MacOS that is P2P friendly?

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0c7a5e No.24027



>god tier

Pick one faggot.

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0c7a5e No.24044

I'm using SFML, community nicer than SDL's, less messy, doesn't do as much but easy to mod.

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0c7a5e No.24223


Okay, I pick you. Now what?

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0c7a5e No.24310


Welcome to hell.

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0c7a5e No.24311


Don't use bullet physics. Just don't. The current game engine I'm working on uses Newton Dynamics for collision detection.

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0c7a5e No.24368


>Newton Dynamics

Is that compatible with variable time steps WITHOUT being shit?

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0c7a5e No.24375


why use variable timesteps though?

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0c7a5e No.27806


This. Just make a plugin for an existing engine.


Pretty sure these things already exist as plugins or at least libs.

Also verlet integration is kindof bad, position based techniques are what's popular.


Unreal is an AAA engine that is much more about developer-interface than actual engine content. FFS it has a builtin C++ JIT

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