The last remnant of the Tibetan negative network, the underground base in northern Tibet, has been cleared and thus that network is gone forever. Now only the main surface dark network is still remaining, and without spiritual support of the negative Agarthans, the surface dark network would fully collapse in a seven year physical cycle, even if the Light forces would now stop clearing it.
That means we are reaching the end of the tunnel and the Light can finally being to enter the surface of the planet.
Beli-Mahatma Pleiadian-Jehovian Anunnaki-Human reptilian-aquatic-human hybrids, look like “pretty perfect humans” of various heights with blond or dark hair and bright blue eyes, usually wear white robes and falsely claim ascended mastery, Alcyone, Inner Earth, Parallel Earth and Sirius A (majority race of GF and Ashtar Command).