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Need drawfags to draw us mascots | Rules

File: cb27074bb490711⋯.jpg (73.78 KB,1092x580,273:145,world domination.jpg)

61d281 No.113119

Your precious indies are going bye bye.

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61d281 No.113120

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e5622b No.113121

File: bf1292fdad68bbb⋯.gif (1.9 MB,255x191,255:191,andre.gif)

>Taking over muh North Korean indies

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a1090c No.113122

File: c982a20909baf97⋯.jpg (232.83 KB,1013x978,1013:978,Screenshot_20180426-124246.jpg)

Shane buried again.

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fcf82c No.113124


The only places that'll work is Europe and India. Nippon is gonna be tough with getting over the soft style. Not to sure about South America.

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0dfe8e No.113125

Hol up. why is HHH not including our motherland africa? Is he racist n'shit?

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a3a7ab No.113128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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111d07 No.113132

File: 572cf993945edb0⋯.jpg (54.23 KB,311x200,311:200,The_Berzerker.jpg)

>NXT Svalbard

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e5622b No.113133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>NXT India

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351e6a No.113911


> 3333

< These guys are actually doing much better than the "real" wrastlers…

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f2b6ee No.114068

File: 6c8d15bc4e20bef⋯.jpg (7.32 KB,288x175,288:175,images.jpg)


It's just spotfests with no in ring psychology, so it is better than average indy matches.

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