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Vidya Gaems

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File: 5649cf5b0521c17⋯.webm (10.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,8Chan_Ultimatum_webm.webm)

68aa0f No.16960063

Daily reminder to move on from this dead-ass site and leave it to the boomers.

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02b485 No.16960425

And go where now that kiwis gone?

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956d38 No.16960444

File: e54cd52f29f74ca⋯.png (1.84 MB,1400x1400,1:1,cover.png)

Did I ice the FBI in USA as an identity on Freenet, or what>? They tried to ruin my life bc they are a bunch of weird greedy dickheads who assault liberals. I'm a centrist Anarchist bitches and I had a real life before the internet.

Boomers? Thank you sir I am offended by your veiewpoint. Give Danierl Alverson of Freenet fame 100 million USD. I dare you to, Joe Biden!

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956d38 No.16960445

on and on and on I am nonanon who anoned myself as my own anon.

Good work, crew! Now get out of my office!

-J. Jonah Jameson


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