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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems

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File: 32b3b9722907b22⋯.png (142.91 KB,2044x930,1022:465,pollandballs_alpha_1_.png)

1c4e31 No.16959629

Let's play some Minecraft on our /int/ server:

hub.dev-urandom.eu:25565 (version: 1.16.5)

Wiki with more information: http://dev-urandom.eu/

Overview map: dev-urandom.eu:8123

IRC: irc.dev-urandom.eu - channels: #chat (ingame chat), #int

Pirate-friendly client: https://tlauncher.org/en/

Basic commands:

/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn.

/home - Teleports you to your home (set with /sethome or by sleeping in a bed like a fag).

/lb tb - Provides a melonblock that can show block changes.

Don't grief and don't be an asshole (obviously). Basically, you can build anywhere, although there are some limitations. There is enough space for everyone! You can make your clan and engage in Nation Autism. Don't get discouraged by the autism of the server, things will get easier for you later. Also, mods, admins and other players may help you.


Join us now and share your autism, you'll be free, players, you'll be free!

Note: If you forgot your password, join in IRC and we'll reset, assuming we can confirm the identity of the user.

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2add2c No.16959761

Updated to 1.17.1!

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3de770 No.16959926

File: 32b3b9722907b22⋯.png (142.91 KB,2044x930,1022:465,pollandballs_alpha_1_.png)

File: 084c08bf0f1cecb⋯.jpg (239.5 KB,1920x600,16:5,d0lmi8h07eitz96x7vxg2x4ev4….jpg)

File: 6fa80c7ac70cf19⋯.png (163.5 KB,925x530,185:106,txtgt5mpgxgqdj3ehc9a2xx53v….png)

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c4f8cf No.16959934

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3841e2 No.16959947


not funny


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0ee905 No.16960037

Server updated to 1.18.1 and expanded to [4500,-4500]x [4500,-4500]!

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0cb7b0 No.16960254

File: 985cf4175f60e60⋯.png (1.25 MB,1920x1200,8:5,5759cac36498d00a82ff9e4987….png)

File: 792fa6d0edeef0e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1920x1200,8:5,e6feb6a98f757f7a0cfa4c4ee6….png)

File: b5f1fb0bb31bb6e⋯.png (433.88 KB,1920x1200,8:5,88459255e0cf3e20c94044fb66….png)

"Opening day", invite your friends here and kill each other!


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8e1be9 No.16960278

Server updated to 1.18.2!

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b11c16 No.16960280

Did anyone play Low Magic Age? I read about this game and became really interested. Adventure and fight in a medieval fantasy open-world sound great. Unfortunately, I haven't played it yet as I'm currently busy working on one project with the guys from https://writinguniverse.com/exploratory-essay-topics/. But when the work is done, I'll check it out for sure. I know that various tactical elements are implemented in the game rules, so I'm looking forward to playing it.

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6b5fee No.16960402

Server updated to 1.19.2 and expanded to [-6000,6000]x[-6000,6000]!

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