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/v/ - Video Games

Vidya Gaems

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File: 549728e456490dc⋯.png (3.11 MB,1336x2048,167:256,1623181143435.png)

10fef7 No.16959196

snootgame thread


snootgame is a fangame vn based off goodbye volcano high

it's pretty good

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4563b7 No.16959198

File: 32b33179bbc6b53⋯.png (233.09 KB,778x590,389:295,E3YCOxsX0AAgH4Y.png)

shame 8k's dead as fuck

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2df0d4 No.16959199

File: 24d3a11c4a28902⋯.jpg (931.63 KB,1600x2000,4:5,1623260198106.jpg)

If I call the jannies trannies here will they throw a shitfit as well

Also holy fuck these captchas are bad

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4563b7 No.16959200


there probably are none this board is dead as fuck

speaking of how could we dox abib

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2029f5 No.16959201

Spamming Anon here

Jannies finally caught up and range banned my phone region

Took them a damn long time, now I'm trying to figure out a way to post some more shit

I just wanted to have threads on /v/

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447a68 No.16959252


The mods are retarded. Post pictures and/or greentexts of Fang goading Anon into breeding her friends!

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2029f5 No.16959253

File: a79d1003936c607⋯.png (815.82 KB,960x1440,2:3,1623856905571.png)


I don't have nsfw stuff really saved at the moment

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2be560 No.16959254

never thought i'd be posting on here again after it died and turned into just conspiracists and schizos from /pol/

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447a68 No.16959255


I doubt that my fetish has that much material yet. I guess I have to write it myself.

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05b537 No.16959256

File: 6145317f201ab20⋯.png (897.03 KB,723x2662,723:2662,trish_vs_anon_colored.png)

If we are ever banished from /vg/ and /trash/, then this will be our new home.

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2be560 No.16959257


this whole site's been dead other than /pol/fags since trump lost, we have nothing to worry about

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2be560 No.16959258


we can find a way, shill this thread so we have more anons that can talk freely without the jannies being able to fuck with us

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8db542 No.16959259

I am unironically considering buying 4chan off of hiroyuki.

Problem is, this is going to take most likely at least a decade to pull off, as I'm guessing that it'll cost me at the very least a million eurodollars.

Surely setting up an IT company can't be too hard, right?

God damnit, I just wanted to wageslave in peace, why did ashit force me to do this?

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2029f5 No.16959260

File: 5bc87d4ba71030c⋯.png (736.62 KB,811x846,811:846,1623734356658.png)


to be brutally honestly it'd be better to make a 4chan alt

preferably with all the features that 4chan wtih 4chan x has

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8db542 No.16959261


I don't think a 4chan clone will work out thanks to several reasons;

1. It's not 4chan. The name itself carries a lot of weight, not to mention that it is simply "home" to a lot of people.

2. It wouldn't be profitable. How attractive do you think a 4chan clone would be to advertisers? How many people will be willing to buy a 4chan-clone pass? I'm guessing not many.

3. Put your tinfoil hat on before reading further, as I firmly believe 4chan is a honey pot (especially /pol/), giving information about its posters to governmental organizations. These connections gives 4chan a certain amount of online protection (ever wondered why no hosting provider ever tried to permanently disable 4chan?).

Of course I'm just making shit up without any real supporting evidence, so you might actually be right while I'm worrying about nothing.

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2be560 No.16959262


the only issue is that the only one to get enough attention and users to be anywhere near being a legitimate competitor was 8chan, and even it couldn't survive, the better option is 4chan itself since no competitors have ever succeeded in getting more successful

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2029f5 No.16959263


partailly because 8chan's lower quality in terms of service

best strat would just be to create boards that appeal to boards /v/ does not have

do a mass ad campaign using ironically 4chan's own self done ad thing

Start some sort of image shill campaign to make it hard to filer by 4chan

Have it so mods are never anonymous

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2be560 No.16959264


just thought of something, using the ads to shill the infamous pictures that show what the mods and jannies spend their time doing instead of actually doing janny and mod stuff

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2be560 No.16959265

File: 4608ec4be839905⋯.png (411.89 KB,1333x923,1333:923,1623883380901.png)


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fe8291 No.16959266

File: 9b9dd981b5ff857⋯.png (44.38 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1623579238021.png)



jesus christ, anon. well, at least it isn't a discord.

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677019 No.16959267

what happened to this place? when did it stop being the defacto 8chan replacement?

did something else replace this?

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05b537 No.16959268

File: 8dbe427e9d07bea⋯.png (97.02 KB,1350x800,27:16,1612386570530.png)


This place got infested with qboomers the very moment it was formed, most people left to 8chan.moe but they wouldn't allow snootgame threads because it's from "cuckchan."

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2029f5 No.16959269


didn't know 8chan.moe was a thing

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05b537 No.16959270

File: 702e1570c9ea121⋯.png (267.68 KB,1884x859,1884:859,8chan.png)


Yeah it's basically the closest thing to old 8chan, they have a major hateboner for 4chan and furrys though.

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fe8291 No.16959271


yeah, but those cunts have an even dead-er /hgg/ so I avoid the place.

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2029f5 No.16959272


what thread?

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05b537 No.16959273

File: 7e5c5bd28bcb7a1⋯.gif (4.35 KB,150x139,150:139,thumbnail_67fb1cd1ffcacbbd….gif)



Don't reveal that your from 4chan, they will ban you on the spot and then ban discussion on snootgame.

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2be560 No.16959274


8kun's great for if you need a dead as shit place where nobody's really watching what you're doing

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2be560 No.16959275

there's a janny watching this thread, i got warned for evading post filters in the /trash/ thread and they could only know that if they clicked the link

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2029f5 No.16959276


I doubt those fags are watching this thread to be honest

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3784b4 No.16959281

so bros anyone of you got any good art/fics to share?

im always ready to read

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d4ba23 No.16959363


This board is abandoned and people migrated to 8chan.moe/v/, that's why there's no activity and spam that doesn't get cleaned up. You're probably better off making a thread there or bringing it up in their VN thread. They shouldn't ban discussion of the game just because some people from halfchan made it, just don't do something obnoxious like post wojaks or make a zero-effort OP.

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d4ba23 No.16959375


One of the reasons people left is that the admins were awful, I think it makes more sense to move on than to try to salvage a site they own.

Right now the former 8chan boards are either on 8chan.moe or on the various "webring" boards that all link to each other, like zzzchan.xyz. I think the main problem is that a lot of them could use more users and it's hard to sustain more niche boards, but they don't want to advertise much because they're worried about getting the wrong kind of users.

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ebe82a No.16959407

File: 305ffebbc6ff8e1⋯.jpg (41.02 KB,500x490,50:49,alleendedoodkanvredevandit….jpg)

>mfw 8chan is so broken as fuck I can't even report spam or CP

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d4ba23 No.16959419


8kun is dead but the spinoff sites like 8chan.moe aren't. Also 8moe/v/ has a snootgame thread now.

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ebe82a No.16959424



>the fact this (same?) guy has been shilling 8moe on /v/ non-stop

No thanks.

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d4ba23 No.16959425


I've just been checking 8kun every couple weeks and informing people about the migration in case anyone checks the board after a long absence and doesn't know where the posters went. The site is barely functional, almost the entire userbase migrated elsewhere, and pretty much the only remaining activity is from spam. The other notable place people went is the /v/ on zzzchan.xyz if you prefer.

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74c8be No.16959426


Most of the posters didn't go to 8moe, in fact that only reason theres so many fragmented /v/s is precisely because nobody wanted to go to 8moe. Shilling it as the defacto replacement to this site constantly does more harm than good.

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d4ba23 No.16959427


The two active 8/v/s are 8moe and Zzzchan, and most of the time I mention both. If you stretch it there's also /geimu/ with 15 UIDs.

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2029f5 No.16959430





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d6ed7d No.16959433

goodbye volcano high crack? anyone?

also what happened to the KO-OP controversy

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2029f5 No.16959435


oh god cp nigger is back again

how the fuck do i report

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ebe82a No.16959436

File: 88d373152880649⋯.png (3.15 KB,128x177,128:177,Knipsel.PNG)


Reporting is broken as shit on this site though, sys.8kun.top only works after a few minutes.

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d6ed7d No.16959465

>KO-OP drama https://archive.is/pa3VI

>based on leaf country aka canada

found your problem


calm you tits anon its not even released yet

since you are a newfag go check out 4chan /trash/ and /vg/ (remember to check the archives too since all the goodies are there)

is it me or archived.moe is choking on the fang sticky on trash desuarchive works fine

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fe448d No.16959490


>Don't reveal that your from 4chan

>or ban


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50d37e No.16959500

File: 1038f2b160a8948⋯.png (367.31 KB,1132x1047,1132:1047,1345_38dda110f61b3b89.png)

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a11d45 No.16960399

File: 638b76aa3a7eb4e⋯.png (1.31 MB,1280x800,8:5,1656790051676.png)

'aving this thread

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