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Vidya Gaems

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File: 3870ed1bba0cc58⋯.jpg (104.49 KB,954x896,477:448,_d943e663123ca2f0f9009ab69….jpg)

b998dd No.16953717 [View All]

>escort missions

>unskippable cutscene

>mandatory tutorial modes

>bad camera

>bad controls

>developers thinking that the idea of "challenge" is to fill the screen with endless enemies

>timed missions

>scripted events

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d76b03 No.16955201

>Console exclusive

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6b6000 No.16955202


(((DER JUDE))) has fucked us with RE3 remake. Just play the OG on Gamecube or Pirate a PC ver and install this restoration mod https://www.moddb.com/mods/resident-evil-3-restoration-project

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2c4267 No.16955211


Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

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49cda6 No.16955213

File: 9c1bc381731454e⋯.png (704.29 KB,750x1334,375:667,55C34747_9221_47CA_B144_F3….png)



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9499da No.16955231

File: 433ec13602f5729⋯.jpg (171.61 KB,1660x1896,415:474,rage_HD.jpg)



>non-attractive lesbianism

>miscegenation with blonde white women and lower primates

>social justice throwaway lines that destroy immersion

>escort missions

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071569 No.16955313


Hey posted it again, jannies!


Same poster did this one, always posting pictures of his ex boyfriends.

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cf2fb1 No.16955325

File: 3a19a8a2744e790⋯.png (1.43 MB,1296x729,16:9,Down_syndrome_smash.png)


>Posting faggots who are probably long dead

>While it's easier to bing your kind

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bfd619 No.16955438

File: 336a43eb89f5c5c⋯.png (460.28 KB,1440x720,2:1,Screenshot_20201216_161855.png)

>Protect tha pimp - Saints row

>Waifu clips - All of Square's games

>Burying the living - The Godfather

>Teh_Tiddies made it worth it - tony hawks/laracroft

>100 man melee - Smash bros.

>use secret routes to /)PWN(\ this - Burnout series


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bfd619 No.16955439

File: 535b73e65e2a9d0⋯.png (404.84 KB,1440x720,2:1,Screenshot_20201216_160849.png)

the op 🦊 in every single game…

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92ffb7 No.16955440

File: 1002161fb57cbaa⋯.jpg (54.41 KB,342x340,171:170,38f69ea20e4fd03f.jpg)


What's Waifu clips? You mean giving wiminz some dialog time? I didn't think square made any girls good enough to be waifus so they just had men write fantasies for female characters to do shitty dispositions.

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bfd619 No.16955453

File: b1efc26331b72c2⋯.png (130.67 KB,1024x1024,1:1,HK416_Mod_D.png)

File: 6a582caf1922d9c⋯.png (755.71 KB,1440x720,2:1,Screenshot_20201217_004509.png)

File: 1e2ec06159e2fc3⋯.png (907.58 KB,1440x720,2:1,Screenshot_20201217_004633.png)

File: 5463f200eaeb856⋯.png (995 KB,1440x720,2:1,Screenshot_20201217_004544.png)

File: 466d7304d5063da⋯.png (943.19 KB,1440x720,2:1,Screenshot_20201217_004610.png)


play girls frontline for plenty of extremely powerful female protagonist/antagonist

you're argument seems to keep divulging into shitty female arcs in games.

They actually flesh out every female char here…women is like our only focus proof is

while I feel for u, being pissed off at the world won't help.

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98894d No.16955533

should've added unpauseable cutscenes

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4f3203 No.16955579


I hate when the game world is littered with tons of invisible walls and debris that your character can get stuck on or not be able to walk over, even though it looks like everything else.

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ccb8b0 No.16955582


Man, I saw this a lot recently concerning Stalker and its mods. I've been playing a lot of Anomaly lately, but as with most Stalker mods, it features some unrealistic frustrating bullshit just to make the game more grindy, so I edited a lot of stuff. While researching how to change this and that, mostly on various forums, I found countless examples of op asking how to change something or just stating that it's bad design and under almost every such post there was at least one "git good" reply and multiple users posting their 1337 cheese strats to deal with it.

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ccb8b0 No.16955583



And to answer the question, I hate inconsistent implementation of realism. To get back to Stalker mods, a lot of them go for hardcore realism so that you have to eat, stay hydrated, sleep, long animations when applying medkits, weapon recoil, slow reload, etc etc. But then you have the fact that your pristine AK74m completely wears out after firing like 5 mags or high ranked Spetznaz soldiers that carry only rusty unusable weapons along with max 6 damaged bullets in their backpack if you're lucky.

All this just to make the game more grindy and force you to craft while also destroying realism by forcing you to walk around with 80kg of spare gun parts.

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d55e7a No.16955584


>And to answer the question, I hate inconsistent implementation of realism. To get back to Stalker mods, a lot of them go for hardcore realism so that you have to eat, stay hydrated, sleep, long animations when applying medkits, weapon recoil, slow reload, etc etc. But then you have the fact that your pristine AK74m completely wears out after firing like 5 mags or high ranked Spetznaz soldiers that carry only rusty unusable weapons along with max 6 damaged bullets in their backpack if you're lucky. All this just to make the game more grindy and force you to craft while also destroying realism by forcing you to walk around with 80kg of spare gun parts.

Because if you only had pure realism the ga,e would be boring as shit. It's about balancing realism while also making it a fun/rewarding game. If the best shit was given to you from the start the "game" element wouldn't be there. Grinding is part of the enjoyment and makes getting better gear worth the effort.

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ccb8b0 No.16955586


The problem is, grinding isn't fun when it's overdone. Anomaly isn't that bad, but you trully have ridiculous examples in other mods like Dead Air that make you grind for days only to get out of the hobo phase. Realism can be fun if implemented properly. Enemies have too good of a loot? Make it hard to get, in Anomaly you do this by tweaking options so that enemies have better aim and you die from few hits which makes you avoid fights you can't win.

Oc pure realism is not even possible, what I'm talking about is consistency and balance. You put me in a world with the premise of realism which makes the game hard, then you make it harder by exaggerating certain aspects of realism and then you try to balance it out by having unrealistic features such as backpacks that enable you to carry 80kg of loot. That's a fail for me.

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879cf4 No.16955587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why not try NLC 7? It's translation is garbage though.

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ccb8b0 No.16955588


I successfull tweaked Anomaly to my liking and played it for months. By now I had enough of Stalker but when I feel like coming back to it I'll check it out.

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879cf4 No.16955589


I played through Call of The Zone a few times, then tried Anomaly and got bored of STALKER entirely so I deleted it.

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98894d No.16955591


do you have the original of this image?

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94a70e No.16955736


Soooo…. video games?

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cf2fb1 No.16955737

File: 6eb17cfa615c9b7⋯.jpg (49.63 KB,480x360,4:3,American_dream_Phil.jpg)

>Games with really awkward controls stops telling you what the fuck to do.

<Gets stuck at the beginning of the game because you still haven't figured out how and not even the game's FAQ helps.

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8e0f80 No.16955902


cope harder fagot

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17635b No.16955912


>no way to pause cutscenes


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ba686f No.16956084

>game saves a checkpoint while you're in the middle of falling or otherwise in a compromisedsituation, causing an infinite death loop and requiring you to restart the mission from the beginning

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804fa3 No.16956323


Unlicensed games

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14b0fd No.16956335


>anything that even vaguely resembles the "looter shooter" concept

>difficulty based on enemy resistance to damage rather than enemy intelligence

>level gating

>every quest structure and item rarity scheme developed by Blizzard

>loads of equippable items that are useless because they are statistically inferior to other items

>competitive modes, matchmakers instead of server browsers, and player ranking

>account-tied player progress in multiplayer games

>free-to-play monetization

>grinding in every single form

>autogenerated "missions," particularly the daily/weekly "go to x and obtain y" variety

Basically, I hate anything that ties character capability to hours played, regardless of skill level (except improving at playing the game in a mechanical sense). I would much prefer to play a game where the starting player is as strong as the endgame player, even if it means I will have to pass on some titles if my skill is not high enough. If I pay for your company's game, please respect my time and provide fun.



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8d7acd No.16956370

File: 807cae820d2c6d3⋯.png (2.17 MB,1901x1343,1901:1343,85952864_p0.png)

>"We feel this will be a much welcome change for the competitive scene."

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f3c35f No.16956432

File: 9df57f5f44eb4a4⋯.jpg (49.38 KB,684x541,684:541,Nostalgia_critic_divorce.jpg)


>Games that weren't supposed to be taken seriously, just to waste time

>Get taken seriously and they've them turned to shit, whether by the company or the loyal tard patrol who want their little e-cocks stroked.


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37279a No.16956437


Unskippable cutscenes are death

paired with an obnoxious tutorial mode could mean me throwing out the game forever.

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5b0973 No.16956458

File: c319051f8c31423⋯.jpg (21.03 KB,498x468,83:78,521.jpg)


>Tard patrol gets something game nerfed to the point it's borderline pointless to use

>There's another weapon that is more "broken" that they didn't realize exists because it's not showy enough for Cumpotitions

>They demand it gets nerfed to after they realize it exists

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1896f7 No.16957017


>Trying to be a fucking movie at the expense of gameplay

>Pay to Win bullshit

>No separation between P2W and F2P in PVP scene, so you wound up dueling against P2W guys who had P2W exclusive shit that just breaks the balance

>Pandering to the trained circus seals that wouldn't buy your game in the first place

>2 Weapons only, regenerating health in shooters

>Turning turn-based games into action games for folks with the attention span of a fly

>Devs idea of a challenge is "send bullet sponges"

>Devs thinking they are clever "subverting" games

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a3883d No.16957162

File: a354c690b3838f5⋯.gif (929.38 KB,253x197,253:197,A_B_C_D_E_F_Cookie_Monster.gif)

>very small pool of romanceable characters, none of which are likeable as human beings

>all of the games endings are tied to one of them in some way

Fuck you Cyberpunk

>All of the endings have your mc die so some female can live, with only small changes in how her alignment changes

>everything you did, everything you fought for the entire game was nullified, it really doesn't matter because she's going to live anyway

Fuck you Bioshock 2

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d299d0 No.16958555

Everything about Dead Rising

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a118cc No.16958594

General shit which has bled into every aspect of society lately:

>Women in places where they simply wouldn't realistically belong, like as the head of a raider gang, going solo in a post-apocalyptic/dystopian world, or simply as a soldier in a war which women had no major combative involvement in.

>Online games banning people for saying bad words or forbidden phrases when the mute button has existed for over two decades now, or worse, just removing voice chat altogether.

>Taking a perfectly good game system and replacing it with something more "streamlined," resulting in a much more restrictive experience for everyone who isn't clinically retarded. This is of course the result of attempting to make games more "accessible".

>Ugly characters with annoying personalities.

Video game specific things:

>Twitch streamer pandering in general.

>Trying to emulate "PS2 graphics"

>Building a large sandbox world and not populating it with anything of interest.

>Constant nerfs/buffs which completely change the way characters are meant to be played, and in the process invalidating countless hours worth of precious time spent on learning the character and getting good.

>Tweaking gameplay before fixing bugs

>No consequences for dying, or worse, allowing you to skip portions of the game because you can't beat a level.

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3e977d No.16958612

File: 5567a70c56785a4⋯.jpg (88.59 KB,1102x510,551:255,facts.jpg)

>99% of modern FPS are hallway shooters made for brainlets who can't make decisions

May as well be side scrollers if they wanna make lazy shit. There's no point of even having a minimap(which none have had since Serious Sam invented the hallway shooter) if it's a linear path.

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3e977d No.16958613


shut the fuck up, rightard.

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b43aca No.16958623


You’re utterly terrible at your job.

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d54b42 No.16958781

File: 349714868682448⋯.jpg (67.15 KB,692x692,1:1,1617938591032.jpg)


>Higher difficulties

>Enemies just have more health

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879cf4 No.16958784


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC enters the thread

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55cb92 No.16958986

File: cc285c00a60cd52⋯.jpg (42.43 KB,300x316,75:79,why.jpg)

Forced story quest that makes you search around a huge map for specific items, when there are visually similar but not the same items everywhere that you have to get up close to in order to tell which it is

Especially bad when you have to walk everywhere, there's no faster means of travel

Just wasting time, it's not fun, it's not challenging, it's just bloating the games time

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66aaf6 No.16959069

Waste of time

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b607da No.16959071

File: bdaa61bbf0074a1⋯.png (26.41 KB,176x160,11:10,yes.PNG)

>giant empty world

>hundreds of shit missions

>overly long campain

>boring story

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e526a8 No.16959218


What do you mean no unlocks? Does it just get unlocked right away?

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879cf4 No.16959220


Without something like the Peacock Emulator you will not have any items beyond the ones you have already.

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461b99 No.16959483

File: 108d9be16fbbeff⋯.png (108.15 KB,940x960,47:48,Smash_Boy.png)



>Reminds me of another game that wasn't really taken that seriously until it did.

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55cb92 No.16959517

Female protagonists, seriously there are too many

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f49d91 No.16959664

sounds like you guys just want to go outside on an adventure.

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623f81 No.16960151

>not being able to save wherever you are on a map

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