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 No.1 [Last50 Posts]>>2 >>3 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

It seems like we need a nice place to go back to just in case this keeps happening, or happens again some time, so this can be it, if everyone wants! Hi!

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>>1 (OP)

>because one board wasn't quite enough.

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>>1 (OP)

Make me a mod

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 No.4>>5 >>6

File (hide): 6d44b5c5bb267bf⋯.png (300.68 KB,626x352,313:176,matsu.png) (h) (u)

I don't know how much experience you have with the mod.php features, but I have owned a nice little board for several months now, and know most of the features (the ones that were relavent anyway).

Most of the features are self explanitory, but some will have consequences. If you want to know what something does before breaking shit, you should ask about it.

not that it will matter since most small boards like this fail anyway

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File (hide): f6f3488933169a4⋯.png (493.07 KB,800x798,400:399,1.png) (h) (u)


First I'm working on getting all of the board settings, flags/etc, and some board css, maddie-senpai. Help me bring the nice people here so we have a safe place when things go badly.


Hi Clan-chan, nice to see you again. I think I'll be okay for the most part but I'll definitely ask if I need help with something. I don't intend for this to become some regular board, but I'll work on making it run smoothly for however short amount of time it will be used before we find out what we're going to do about things.

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 No.6>>8 >>10 >>12

File (hide): 50ed16828625060⋯.png (373.5 KB,600x600,1:1,1313890368021.png) (h) (u)


That's the problem man. These boards are gonna fall flat. It fucking sucks… all I wanted was a group of internet friends to come back to on a daily basis. But nope. Dysomnia has to be an abusive bitch

Im starting to get a bit drunk. Sorry

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File (hide): 10d709b2c3f51b2⋯.png (164.49 KB,500x499,500:499,1.png) (h) (u)


I'm an optimistic thinker, so I'm probably being a little irrational, but I really don't think that whatever is going on right now will last, and things will go back to normal soon, but even before this happened I was pretty worried about this kind of stuff happening, so that's why I'm doing this. And it's fine, I understand completely.

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I see, a temporary use board is good for productive conversation about a better solution.

I personally vouch for IRC.


99.99etc.% of the time, yes. I've had the fortune of taking over a board with the most autistically stubborn people you'll ever meet, so I've actually seen a small upturn in traffic sine I took over and fixed shit.

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 No.12>>13 >>15

File (hide): 092a4087a643aef⋯.png (794.3 KB,947x644,947:644,a3q.png) (h) (u)


Don't drink friendo. We're here. In the gay way maybe.

My dumb ass also made a new thread instead of a reply, so we can all gather round and have a chuckle at casual goofs.

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 No.13>>15 >>18


I've already been drinking tonight before this incident

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Trust me. Once a mod gets really fucking bitchy, you can never win. I speak from experience

I had proof from other sites and they still didnt take my ban appeal in consideration. You cant beat the system

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 No.15>>17 >>19

File (hide): db12ba77aa1216f⋯.gif (881.54 KB,242x320,121:160,1.gif) (h) (u)



I think made-senpai knows what he's doing pretty well when it comes to that stuff, I think he's doing a really good job right now staying off a certain thing.


Yeah, it could very well be that way in this case too.

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 No.16>>18 >>21

just came to say hello and good luck

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 No.17>>18 >>21


Yeah ngl I've been tempted to speed again, but I know its beyond my control and its not worth it. I use drugs fairly moderately

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File (hide): c69468830a32cc8⋯.png (325.54 KB,640x360,16:9,a1z.png) (h) (u)


Well if you've already started, then have at it.


Thanks, anon.


I think you can get by without speed. Eggman hate things that go fast.

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File (hide): 21366a44659e45e⋯.jpg (8.37 KB,256x197,256:197,1436792443546.jpg) (h) (u)


You should try out your capcode. Every BO can use a capcode when logged into mod.php, it's pretty sweet.

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I am getting by without speed. Just the fact that it tempts me sometimes. Its not as bad as when I was really hooked to it. But I wont be doing it again. Caffeine is good enough

I was just going towards how becoming addicted to something to "fix your life" is gonna be worse than abstinence to begin with. I mean its alright to use drugs to feel better sometimes imo, but not to such the extent that you do it daily to be a constant way of coping

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 No.21>>22 >>28

File (hide): 8d0a18848c57dca⋯.jpg (53.65 KB,700x747,700:747,1.jpg) (h) (u)


I'm still looking forwards to seeing you become happier and feel better, and start writing, like you wanted. Remember that you said it's a when and not an if.




Maybe some other time. So how've you been Clan-chan, how was lurking, if you did that at all?

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File (hide): 08b85d764fb95e1⋯.png (470.4 KB,555x630,37:42,1377181676324.png) (h) (u)


I appreciate the sentiment. Im trying to get therapy set up soon so that will be a big help. And yeah, I dont forget that

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File (hide): 8442e7739b12572⋯.jpg (80.34 KB,666x830,333:415,C4tqEmhUoAE5UXl.jpg) (h) (u)

Oh neato

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 No.24>>28 >>32

tbh it might be a little better to go on this thread so we can be in control. If they dont want us so badly then so be it. Because its good to be anonymous on b

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 No.25>>26 >>27 >>32 >>219 >>400

Here's a rule page we can use:


Just cross out ban evasion and grotesque images spoilering and it's great.

Link to the board >>>/animus/

Basically what you want is to have one thread at a time rule. You only post into a thread and when it gets maxed out, you post a new one. Also you should borrow your philosophy of moderation from /liberty/s sticky.


>there is no such thing as shitposts/shills

t. your loving anon who wants success without rulecuckelry

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I'd rather be in here really. Im sick of rulecucks

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I had a good friend in high school that thought the same way. He didn't beat his temptations, though. Shame he overdosed, dude had potential until recently.

I like you. In the "fill-the-void" kinda way.


>one thread at a time

Fucked that one up already. My bad.

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File (hide): abd04ca62ab4402⋯.jpg (26.5 KB,215x365,43:73,16428131.jpg) (h) (u)


I've been alright, I guess. Not much happening really.

I haven't been lurking the thread at all since then, it's kinda useless when I already know it's going to be shit.


I still say IRC might be nice.

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Well I'm just borrowing some of their rules so you can apply it here. I really want to help you fam.

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Coming up with your own rules isn't really difficult. It took me like ten minutes.

Let him do his own shit.

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 No.32>>33 >>36

File (hide): 966d5f9f6c8e61d⋯.jpg (245.8 KB,680x777,680:777,wipe_exif.jpg) (h) (u)


I've always been for making a new board. It just needs lively people. Been trying to claim this one board but they still haven't gotten back to me.


As long as /animus/ stays away.


Irc is cool if you know what you're doing

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File (hide): 31aa1aff89106ee⋯.jpg (70.16 KB,604x960,151:240,lold.jpg) (h) (u)


They tend to be a bit slow. I think I waited a couple weeks for mine, but it's been so long that I can't remember.

And IRC doesn't take that long to get the hang of. If you want to host your own server, that's a little different. But just using a client is fairly straightforward.

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 No.34>>37 >>38 >>40 >>44

File (hide): 4b4fc03bfda0efa⋯.jpg (138.19 KB,850x952,25:28,11495.jpg) (h) (u)


True, but I want him to get a good idea of how he should moderate the place so hopefully he doesn't fuck up. I want this board to go well and I want to put ideas in his head so he doesn't rulecuck the place like /b/ has. I rarely post in these threads but I'm not going to allow these threads to die. Also the "no rules, rule" for the mods a shit. That's just an excuse so they can do whatever they want.

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File (hide): b9fd44b352752af⋯.jpg (105.06 KB,800x1131,800:1131,C5IMrNFVcAQsOSO.jpg) (h) (u)


Fair enough. The best though always seem to be privately hosted. Could be the niche crowd though

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I only ever OD'd once on speed, but that was because DXM and caffeine are hard on the heart, and I didn't know that they were still working out of my system. So I ended up feeling shitty as fuck. Went to the hospital and no real damage was done. So I was relieved.

I generally know how to avoid OD'ing though. All you really gotta do is use as much as it gets you off. The reason many OD's happen is if you don't know the purity, or you didn't take your tolerance in to account. For example if someone was doing a half gram of smack to get high each day, and then got jailed for 30 days, he'd go back and do the half g expecting his normal high. But since he has abstained use, its gonna make him OD


Nice image. I posted that a few times back. Im glad someone else likes it

Also I prefer an image board style way of chatting over IRC

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 No.37>>38 >>40 >>44

File (hide): 0fda07c38011021⋯.png (178.6 KB,350x307,350:307,a1u.png) (h) (u)


I think it's more of an issue just finding a moderator who doesn't bullshit his position to help his self-esteem.

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It made me sad/upset friendos…

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Guess one upside to having no money to buy food the alcohol hits you faster and harder.


Oh I've had that for years I think it's one the best reaction images out there and I'm not just saying that cause its Madotsuki and drawn by my favorite artist.

Same but irc is nice time to time imo

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 No.40>>43 >>44

File (hide): 9dc9fb82777efe1⋯.png (1.74 MB,1000x1200,5:6,55678148_p0.png) (h) (u)


Dude, I own a board with an active community, I know how it works. Let the guy do what he wants, and he'll learn it.


A board this small doesn't need a mod, the BO should be enough.

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 No.41>>48 >>49

File (hide): 19abad79274ea0a⋯.jpg (239.33 KB,660x794,330:397,1369082837441.jpg) (h) (u)


>Someone else likes Madotsuki

I think this is gonna be the start of a wonderful friendship

Also I like DXM a lot which is why Im partial to it

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File (hide): 789c0cd1f3afdd4⋯.png (733.11 KB,950x533,950:533,a1e.png) (h) (u)


I was speaking in the general sense, not directed towards you, sweetie. I haven't seen you take the helm, so I have no foundation to judge your ability.


BO, mod, you know what I meant. Whoever's in charge.

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 No.44>>53 >>79

File (hide): 56b3edf16b7ce65⋯.jpg (100.82 KB,653x960,653:960,1.jpg) (h) (u)


I appreciate the help, I'll always stay open to suggestions and other peoples advice/wishes while also keeping my own in mind. Right now I'm a little busy with something, but I'll keep making some more changes in a few minutes. I'm not new to moderating things and I'm not some corrupted egotistical type of person, either.

Really I'm not holding myself above anyone else, I'm just here with you all, in the same way. I'm also not going to just spam moderators all over the place, either.


I'm pretty sure I wont let you down in that sense eggman-senpai.


Thanks for supporting me Clan-chan.

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 No.47>>50 >>54


Nah I meant how he outlawed "circlejerk" threads in general. It doesnt break any rules. He's just doing it to be a cocksucker

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Kek dreamy girl is the best


Dxm is alright I'm not the biggest fan of it. Probably because I've had access to much better pyhcdelics

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File (hide): dbf14a52281ef48⋯.jpg (131.54 KB,850x680,5:4,1.jpg) (h) (u)


I had a friend that did a lot of DXM after some tough stuff happened in his life, it really effected his body in some ways, but I'm not sure if it was that or some of the other stuff he did, but he's actually managed all on his own to cut off from all kinds of drugs, he went through an alcoholic stage, but now he just lightly drinks alcohol and he's doing great. I believe in you to do whatever equivalent goals you have successfully too maddie-senpai.

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I've seen him defend them and all that jazz before idk what changed.

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She's my avatar. I fucking love Mado. My name is based after her.

Well, I've had access to better psychs, but I still love my DXM a lot. It really depends on the person.

What I like about it is how you cant get in trouble for using it. But aside from that, I genuinely love its effects

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No problem fam

It looks like the ponyfags might try to strongarm their way into here.

I suggest taking action. Even if you're okay with them being here, then it'd be good to show them who's in charge.

You need to extablish what kind of a BO you'll be.

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 No.54>>58 >>59

File (hide): 065316c391dd29f⋯.jpg (27.4 KB,500x273,500:273,a3p.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't think that's any real basis for outlawing that. If they were polluting everything, that's one thing. But doing their own thing in their own thread sounds fine, and doesn't deserve any punishment.

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Same she's waifu4laifu. I've gone by Mado before. I post a lot of anime girls and change up from time to time but I definitely use her the most.

Once I took 1600ug of acid there was no going back. I enjoy dxm I just don't like how you gotta take it and I more often than not vomit when I do it.

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File (hide): f2d28ae8f8b9341⋯.png (984.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,03B5432543203B.png) (h) (u)


probably wants some brownie points with some of the anons.

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File (hide): ed8c11533d567ca⋯.jpg (124.56 KB,680x777,680:777,1445225538635.jpg) (h) (u)


I've never used DXM to "feel better" I mainly use it to learn. For example a robo trip motivated me to get more exercise. Then I went from overweight to healthy over the summer. It can really be a fantastic learning tool IME.

I have been doing it every two weeks at most, though I admit I did it a week after one time recently. But Im rectifying that by giving it a month break. Doing it twice a month is fine, but any more is where it starts to go a little bad. I've done the research, so its fine


Yeah that's the thing. He just did it because he "doesnt like it" that's such a retarded reason

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File (hide): f3058006e8bdabb⋯.jpg (201.02 KB,900x1046,450:523,Alice.jpg) (h) (u)


I say let the BO do what he wants. The consequences will come naturally, just like every other board.

He'll learn from it. What he'll learn is yet to be known, but that's the beauty of life and power.

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File (hide): 42ec54a8880757f⋯.png (1.19 MB,2443x1789,2443:1789,61289700_p0.png) (h) (u)


Pretty fucking pathetic

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File (hide): b316d5c29ed39ce⋯.jpg (47.6 KB,400x535,80:107,1445937324186.jpg) (h) (u)


She's not my waifu, she's more so a representation of myself. Karen Kujo is my waifu.

And yeah it can suck how oyu gotta take it. But I've done it so much that I can drink an entire 8oz of DXM with a guaf formula as well as another 4oz of pure and not puke. You kinda learn the tricks to the trade after doing it for a while.

Aside from that you can order pure DXM powder, or if you're chemically literate, extract it yourself. But yeah I get what you mean. It sucks to choke a ton of syrup back. Where as acid you just put it on your gum and thats it. No bad taste, no nothing

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 No.62>>64 >>70


twice a month is pushing it, if you don't have nmda recepor damage you'll probably get bromine poisoning. stay safe

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Nah I've done my research and its not as bad as people think. It has only caused permanent brain damage within 1% of chronic users. Meaning like daily use of massive amounts.

Bromine poisoning isnt a big issue either.

I am staying safe, I appreciate the concern. I just use twice a month as a guideline.

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 No.65>>67 >>70

File (hide): 0889bb1fee44120⋯.png (951.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,04954325432049.png) (h) (u)


it is what it is.

I haven't heard much from the other circlejerk though. I guess they're all on the discord.

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 No.66>>68 >>72

File (hide): 75686e6b37f9798⋯.jpg (551.37 KB,675x1080,5:8,1.jpg) (h) (u)


It's true, I've never moderated a board before, what kind of consequences might there be, clan-chan?

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I mean tbh I dont like pony shit ==at all==. But I live and let live. Ya know? Im not gonna sit around and be a cunt towards them for what they like

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File (hide): 78fadb30b151e0e⋯.jpg (22.44 KB,640x360,16:9,a1r.jpg) (h) (u)


Whole board could hate you.

Tread carefully.

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Maybe it's narcissistic buts that's all in one for me.

Wew guess I'm just not as enthused about it as you are. Always enjoyed acid and such more. I'd probably go the powder route. I can't even stand the drink so I just just choke down like a thirty gel caps.

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Twice a month is nothing tbh


I honestly know nothing about that.

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File (hide): b6ea62c605c6c2f⋯.png (1.05 MB,700x774,350:387,Hensa13C85.png) (h) (u)


they have pony chan, and /trash/. it's not overly concerning to me.

I get what you mean though. being shitty over things like that is just a cunty thing to do. tbh.

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In that post I was referring to the owner of /b/.

The possible consequences are only limited by the imagination and will of the users. Take small steps when doing anything or making changes unless something something huge comes up.

Even so much as a light-hearted joke can potentially have terrible consequences, I had to learn that the hard way.

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File (hide): d026947a5663042⋯.jpg (7.22 KB,224x139,224:139,CC_9p_uUgAA778e.jpg) (h) (u)


Gel caps made me puke. I cant stand them. I'd rather just do the syrup and deal with the taste. Taste isnt so hard to get rid of. You just gotta plug your nose, hyperventilate a bit, and chug.

But yeah I get what you mean. I wish I could get acid more reliably, but I kinda can't. I finally found a reliable source, but I cant get it for certain reasons I wont go in to. Really sucks

I had a recent acid trip and it uplifted my suicidal ideation. I was bad too… like daily wanting to kms. Acid is such a wonderful thing

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me neither.

if anyone tells me anything, it'll be a surprise.

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 No.75>>76 >>77

File (hide): ec5af45480b4c45⋯.gif (651.3 KB,985x830,197:166,omgmarisa.gif) (h) (u)


I'll have to give a go sometime. Haven't even tried chugging one. I used to get it or shrooms and molly or sass all the time but living situation changed and I had to move out of state. I've had some pretty awful trips myself before but thankfully (I guess?) Nothing short of actually killing myself can make me feel anymore suicidal. Have had a lot more bad trips with shrooms though. I've gotten better at making my acid trips just good.


What even is the other circle jerk?

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File (hide): a13520e112b4b8a⋯.png (203.95 KB,500x488,125:122,Hensa13D42.png) (h) (u)


the other one. you know.

with skitty and smokey and shit.

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 No.77>>78 >>81

File (hide): be7ec7dde4bf70f⋯.gif (993.36 KB,400x400,1:1,1442474448986.gif) (h) (u)


Well gel caps contain sorbitol, so that cant be processed and leads to you either puking or shitting it out. What I plan to do next time is get gels and split them open, getting all the sludge out, and knocking it back.

I hear its worse than syrup taste wise, but its better than taking in a lot of extra inactive ingredients. Like I said I wish I could just use powder, but I have no access to that. If anything I wanna try ketamine or MXE soon.

No bad trip has ever made me wanna kms. I meant in general I was feeling garbage and the trip really helped with my outlook on life.

And yeah chugging is the best way to go. If you try and sip it little by little, it gets harder to drink.

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File (hide): 20e5db6fd6f1744⋯.jpg (259.35 KB,600x600,1:1,1456201404853.jpg) (h) (u)


Also I really wish I could do shrooms more, because I've only ever tried a gram at once. No fucking source for that though. I ask people all the time and "idk man" ugh

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 No.79>>80 >>82


That's really good to know. You are a very good person I can tell. I was a moderator too once and was never out to be a rulecuck. People like the current moderation of /b/ make me fucking sick. They are control freaks that get hardons over abusing their power. Moderation should only be done when necessary. But please fam, follow my advice on the one thread at a rule time… if you don't people can easily break the flow of threads and distract people from the threads people are posted in. It's a good way to slow down the board and possibly destroy the place, there's a good reason why most tripfag boards have this rule is my point. Sorry for the late reply, I was also busy.

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>People like the current moderation of /b/ make me fucking sick

Yep p much. But Im content with staying over here. I don't always like to be a name cause Im paranoid this shit will get traced to me IRL

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 No.81>>83 >>85 >>86

File (hide): 43f761317a45125⋯.jpg (124.77 KB,1200x858,200:143,image.jpg) (h) (u)


Oh for some reason I thought you meant something else. I haven't seen much. Just Ruby talking about how pissed he is and wants war etc not much from any other regular.


Well that explains a lot.

>split them open, getting all the sludge out, and knocking it back.

That's genius why didn't I think of this.

Oh well glad you've had a lot of good trips. I've had a few that made me feel amazing and just happy and like I can move on. But unfortunately that feeling never lasts. I also wanna try those.

Oh lol I never even tried sipping it.


Shrooms are a lot of fun. I've done quite a few grams of the strongest strain and that was a fucking trip to remember. Source of what lol?

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 No.82>>84 >>86 >>87 >>96

File (hide): 17366c9dab15fee⋯.png (625.33 KB,720x1000,18:25,1.png) (h) (u)


I'm also back now from being busy, so I can start working on some stuff here. I don't like power, and I'm not egotistical, I don't want you guys to think of me as someone in charge of you or anything like that. I'll just try and keep things going okay. I'm not expecting this to last super long, but I'm also not going to just disappear either, since I've already been around in that thread since I made the first one in december. I hope you guys don't mind if I continue chatting how I have been, I don't want to start typing all professionally all the time just because I'm going to be expected to be in authority or something

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I meant like a shrooms dealer

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File (hide): 2f2ff3d7b718496⋯.jpg (31.35 KB,1024x576,16:9,a1x.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't expect you to be an authoritative figure, I expect you to be Poppy. Fuck, that's part of why we're here. Our community's small enough here, so I think we'd be able to approach you respectfully about your moderation should something go wrong.

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File (hide): 310057ab8536503⋯.png (362.17 KB,500x591,500:591,Hensa139A6.png) (h) (u)


raptor told me skitty was going to nuke the board, but I've yet to see it.

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 No.86>>88 >>89


Also Im a lolicon, how tempting


I see you as you Poppy. And if anything I would ban the gay community guys. They made a mod move us out. Which pisses me off

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File (hide): 00e77710ec155ee⋯.jpg (193.62 KB,1024x1538,512:769,53553019_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


You can still exude an aura of power without being authoritation, or even professional.

The best leaders are those who are friends with the people. Wear your capcode, and speak to us as you normally would. Or don't.

This is your board, after all.

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 No.88>>90 >>91 >>92

File (hide): dd6bc0e9b2c702a⋯.jpg (797.78 KB,975x1052,975:1052,1.jpg) (h) (u)





I might finally make a trip, I'm really sad that this happened before I was able to do that, actually. I was still deciding on using that certain red-haired ghost maid that I hinted at starting to use as an avatar, a few times. So I still might do that, as well.

Does anyone not want me to add flags? I was going to add some of the common flags we all used in our thread, from the other board.

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File (hide): 16fd529cff6430f⋯.jpg (103.15 KB,800x514,400:257,image (1).jpg) (h) (u)


Aw okay. I could probably help with that tbh but you'll usually only find them in the very green places once a year.


I'm looking forward to it.


Don't you dare

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You don't need a tripcode here, you can use a capcode instead.

I don't care too much about flags one way or another, though it might be fun if we could do some unique flags on this board.

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I mainly used the flag when names were removed, then it kinda stuck. It doesnt matter to me


dw. I have my own little collection of lolis to fap to

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File (hide): 49009d2e3660eea⋯.jpg (93.38 KB,596x415,596:415,eggmanland.jpg) (h) (u)



>unique flags

Eggmanland flag when.

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Then all is well

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Seems like I missed something interesting.

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File (hide): d883a1bcba32fe1⋯.jpg (187.57 KB,850x1202,425:601,1.jpg) (h) (u)


Hi foot-senpai, how are you? is it really you?

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 No.96>>97 >>113


>I'm not expecting this to last super long, but I'm also not going to just disappear either, since I've already been around in that thread since I made the first one in december.

These threads will only die if you let them. Don't allow those same egotistical assholes determine our fate. But remember though, you do need a few rules to protect this community, and /animus/ supplies those rules very well. They do have one of the most cancerous community I've ever seen on the web, but their rules are fantastic though. This is just a few words of advice fam.

>I hope you guys don't mind if I continue chatting how I have been, I don't want to start typing all professionally all the time just because I'm going to be expected to be in authority or something

Right now you seem to be the only one that should be in authority right now. You really don't have to act professional about it though. Just do the moderation in the background and you'll do fine. Also, you need a few mods to help moderate this place. I highly recommend having at least 2 more moderators in place fam. If you don't eventually you'll feel moderating is taking too much of your time and will want to quit. Trust me, this shit happens a lot when people are over burdened. Sorry for the late reply, my vpn is acting up.

Here's my tox account in case you need to chat or a new mod:


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 No.97>>102 >>113

File (hide): 43ce00694f20c06⋯.jpg (180.56 KB,1500x1073,1500:1073,4132a416a67ffd215fa2387d71….jpg) (h) (u)


I doubt moderators will be necesaary for a board this small. In fact, it may even complicate things.

And as I said before, he should come up with his own rules. It takes literally ten minutes and an ounce of common sense.

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 No.98>>99 >>113


Yeah it's me, just reading through the threads.

So, Dysnomia gave in to the small amount of pressure from the gay community posters that came from reddit?

Ah well, the gay community posters started posting on /v/ now, I'm sure they'll make their way through all the boards.

How are you Poppy?

Good to see you had the sense to give us a back up.

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Yeah man, its rather unfortunate, but we have our own board now. So who gives a shit.

I've been drinking, forgive me in advance

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File (hide): 082aeed36aebf8c⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,250x172,125:86,1472088670017.jpg) (h) (u)


It's fine, I sort of suspected it would happen.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that.

In all honesty these threads lasted longer than I thought they would and I assume longer than /b/ thought they would otherwise they'd have attacked earlier.

Same thing happened with brit/pol/ and they wound up getting their own board too.

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 No.101>>104 >>113


I didnt expect it at all. I thought the mods would be mature enough to allow it because it doesnt break any rules

But nope, those in power get what they want at the end of the day

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 No.102>>103 >>106 >>107


It may complicate things but moderating fucking sucks when you do things alone. In fact, I was one of the moderators on /b/ about 8 months ago and the mods are far and in-between, I was very dissatisfied (to say the least) to what /b/ was becoming with that retard dysnomia as bo and decided to quit. If you don't have at least someone else to share the burden that is dedicated to this board, time will slow and you may not be able to have fun here. But you could be right though, it is a very small community. But, remember though, if bo is asleep someone could easily spam this place which would complicate things even further. And with no one else moderating the place you'll feel you have to stay up longer and will constantly be haunted with the responsibility of moderating. Trust me fam, I moderated /b/ for about 3 months (it felt like years because there were hardly any mods).

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 No.103>>105 >>106 >>107


Hence I said to make me mod, cause I am always up when Poppy isnt

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 No.104>>107 >>108


It is what it is friendo, this is nothing compared to M00T nuking entire bards due to being a cuckhold and entire swathes of us leaving and coming here that fateful day.

We held on in hopes that M00T would fuck up his mods that we assumed were leading a revolt, it turned out that M00T was turning on us.

Also no offence but I really don't think you should be allowed mod Madexx, you're not suited to it.

You get riled easily and take yourself far too seriously.

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Well then a good way to do this is to make a tox account so you can actually make an account for /tripfriend/ in private. That way you can make an account without someone else trying to steal it.

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I have to leave very soon unfortunately, but now I atleast know where to come back to.



Hmm that's actually a fair point.

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 No.107>>108 >>109 >>115

File (hide): 143dd37348fdd84⋯.jpg (35.34 KB,397x408,397:408,shit.jpg) (h) (u)


/b/ is much faster, and has it's own culture.

I own a small board with a userbase not too much larger than this one, and I've managed just fine on my own. The most exciting thing that happened to me in the last few months was reginald scatposter making another one of his stupid threads, and it took me two seconds to B&D it just like all the other ones he's made.



Who should and shouldn't be a mod isn't your decision. That's up to the BO, and not the power-hungry users.

I still say that none are necessary.

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 No.108>>109 >>118


eh I would only ban spam of threads. Cause that shit is stupid and unwarranted. I dont really get riled as easily as you think, most of the time I put on an act to counter troll

Yeah I got banned from 4cuck for "CP" despite never posting it. Someone in the thread posted a rather questionable image, yet I got banned just for being in the thread. Makes so much sense right


Sorry man Im drunk. But it'd be good to make me a mod for the simple fact that Im a very active NEET

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It's up to Poppy at this point.


You really do take yourself way too seriously though.

Some of the cringey shit you post I mean.

Hmm halfchan started doing that a lot, but honestly the fact you hadn't already left the place when it became obvious the mods and M00T and that other fuck'end who bought it were compromised you should have left.

Besides FBI have been on /b/ for nearly a decade.

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Right I gotta go.

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Im a relatively newfag

I hardly take myself seriously. Not even IRL either. I suppose its all a matter of perspective. Im always joking at home

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 No.113>>114 >>118

File (hide): 75686e6b37f9798⋯.jpg (551.37 KB,675x1080,5:8,1.jpg) (h) (u)

Are you all seeing the nice old custom Shobon css that I have on? I see it on my mobile and another browser, but not on this one this whole time. I don't have any css set on this browser.


Thanks for the kind words and reassurance. I'm not in a hurry to make any rules in the next 10 minutes, but I'll make some not too long from now and let everyone weigh in on what they think it should be like.


t-thanks again clan-chan!


I'm doing okay, this isn't really how I expected my night to go though, I just wanted relaxed chatting. >>101

we should be able to repost the same images now.

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I really do like you a lot, poppy. No homo

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Perhaps you're right. But if goons do try to flood this board it's up to the bo to hire more mods. Also, please make sure captchas are enabled for creating new threads poppy, this way it will slow down spam if it ever does occur. This isn't an order but just a suggestion.

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File (hide): fbf08a41646f9c5⋯.gif (7.94 MB,510x287,510:287,1.gif) (h) (u)


t-thanks maddie-senpai, I was going to ask if I was still one of your favorite people in the thread one day recently, but I thought that would be a little dumb, so I erased it! you too

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yeah dw, you've been my favorite. idk why, it just is. I tend to worry about things a lot, so dw. For me

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File (hide): 8c9df431517588a⋯.jpg (81 KB,846x960,141:160,531033.jpg) (h) (u)


Moderation beyond the BO isn't necessary for a board this small, and nothing has happened to demonstrate that it would be necessary.


Don't mention it, I'm here for you fam.

Just don't let the users sway your decision making too much. And even though it's ultimately up to you, be wary of those who would ask you to give them power.

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Yeah I can resonate with that. I was js for if the time comes kinda deal

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File (hide): e1f6fc9220ae324⋯.gif (230 KB,400x224,25:14,1.gif) (h) (u)

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 No.121>>122 >>124


If the time ever does come God forbid then it will be up to the leader.

For now, we should just enjoy ourselves and deal with issues as they come.

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 No.122>>123 >>124


Yeah makes sense. Ive just been in a drunken stupor tonight and the events that unfolded led me to anger/being upset

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File (hide): 700570aa765263f⋯.jpg (331.58 KB,640x905,128:181,1417421955775.jpg) (h) (u)


Understandable, but maybe you should be more careful about that kind of thing.

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 No.124>>126 >>127

File (hide): f6f3488933169a4⋯.png (493.07 KB,800x798,400:399,1.png) (h) (u)


>deal with the issues as they come.

this is what I was thinking.


yeah, I feel some discomfort from all of this. I just wanted things to remain how they were for a little longer, I knew something was going to happen eventually, and I really think I was going to be ready for it at some point, but today I wasn't.

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File (hide): 3c462231867e096⋯.jpg (954 KB,850x1201,850:1201,1.jpg) (h) (u)

So do you guys see the custom board style? I'm not sure why I don't, I only see it when I click on catalog from this thread when logged in, then if I click the thread again from there I see the style but no posts past the OP.

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File (hide): 63a6ff0b9ae2ef1⋯.png (13.37 KB,136x249,136:249,1453440841420-1.png) (h) (u)


Exactly, no need to worry about crossing bridges that are miles ahead.

And you shouldn't be uncomfortable. It's important for any leader to remain calm and diplomatic in the face of any trouble.


I haven't seen it, unfortunately.

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File (hide): dadae577cfcda4c⋯.png (735.67 KB,970x888,485:444,1336655133119.png) (h) (u)


I dont quite understand what you mean. If you were implying I were drinking to deal with what happened, thats not true. It was a coincidence in all honesty


I didnt think it would happen. But worrying about what will happen sucks. I have anxiety, I speak from experience Try and live in the moment

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File (hide): bbc381091fc6e6f⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1700x1700,1:1,t3_4wepri.jpg) (h) (u)


I was talking about your temper, not your drinking. There's no need to get too upset about something so ultimately trivial.

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 No.129>>133 >>136

File (hide): cecc10ca08f3799⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,1024x1280,4:5,1.jpg) (h) (u)

Is the style fixed now? I didn't do anything but it started working suddenly.

Also I uploaded some of those flags, it takes really long for them to show up, so it's taking me a while, but I have our three flags since we're the only ones posting at the moment.

Are either of you interested in playing that webopoly again? Maddie-senpai didn't play with us yet. that would be nice after this stuff that happened/this day.

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I have a fairly natural temperament. I never really get angry, but when I do, its warranted.

In this case, mods got their way because they are in power. That is utter bullshit. I am just a very passionate person, is all

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 No.131>>132 >>136

File (hide): 7eb000765999060⋯.jpg (385.64 KB,798x800,399:400,1.jpg) (h) (u)

t-there, if you refresh you should be able to use your flag, if you're still interested in doing ther

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 No.133>>134 >>136


>Maddie-senpai didn't play with us yet.

I must admit I was the one to pose as community anon. I wanted to troll the game by giving you the properties

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File (hide): ac46a2ace62a5d6⋯.jpg (120 KB,839x1083,839:1083,1.jpg) (h) (u)


Wow, I don't remember if I expected that or asked you anything about that during the game in that tiny confined chat wow I just remembered that chat, but wow I'm really surprised, you're so funny.

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File (hide): 8a76954c82a939c⋯.png (229.44 KB,512x512,1:1,532caaf52c9b5.png) (h) (u)


hahaha, kek. Yeah, you asked me if I were Madexx. But I said no

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 No.136>>137 >>138

File (hide): 8a8e60cce87187a⋯.jpg (191.38 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,785d7f751eba7a1b678596be18….jpg) (h) (u)


The style works now for me.

I'd be up for hosting another game if you guys want.


Power can do many things to a person. All that we can do is act in turn, as we have by leaving their sphere of influence.


Thanks fam, I'll trasure it forever.


You fucker, you froze the game for like ten minutes.

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Well in all honesty, the game glitched out when I was bankrupt. I literally couldn't play

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 No.138>>139 >>140


I remember that too, but I don't think it was his fault, I think he should have tried re joining with that weird password that it makes you make.

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 No.139>>141 >>143


I thought it glitched out when you tried mortgaging?

But fair enough, I guess.


I don't think it would have mattered, because the game already started.

But really though, do you guys want me to host another one?

Or maybe we could do Cards Against Humanity, it's been years since I enjoyed a game of that

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It told me something along the lines of, "already started game, cant join"

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I would much rather play CAH

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I can host a game of that, if Poppy's up for it.

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 No.143>>144 >>145


I don't like cards against humanity very much, but we can do that if you want


not interested in using your pirate flag, maddie-senpai?

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Im drunk, remember?>>143

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File (hide): 6dcf5cb63cea9a3⋯.jpg (72.96 KB,581x787,581:787,techpriest.jpg) (h) (u)


I won't force you to. I can do either, but I want everyone to agree on something.

We doing CAH or Monopoly?

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What do you want to do Made-senpai, do you not want to do monopoly?

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 No.147>>148 >>150


I would rather play CAH cause Im drunk and its much more comical in nature

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Okay, we can do that then.

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Testing this since Clan-chan was wanting me to.

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File (hide): a651adb4ac9793d⋯.jpg (48.28 KB,400x450,8:9,1456414644661.jpg) (h) (u)



Alright, just give me a few minutes and we can get started


p sexy tbh fam

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File (hide): 0b6f689de536d52⋯.jpg (225.98 KB,850x1201,850:1201,1439903334301.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): fbf08a41646f9c5⋯.gif (7.94 MB,510x287,510:287,1.gif) (h) (u)

This chat box makes me feel free! I can swing my arms!

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Looks like I got kicked, I didn't know you started just yet, sorry.

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It's alright, come back in

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too fuckd, gonna sign off

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Fucking off for the night, goodnight guys

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File (hide): dd77b655ad6be72⋯.png (534.98 KB,596x834,298:417,1.png) (h) (u)



Have a nice rest you two.

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not really sleeping, jus getting off

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File (hide): aa2617f000217eb⋯.jpg (77.47 KB,850x822,425:411,1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): de4743265d7961a⋯.jpg (191.22 KB,850x1319,850:1319,2.jpg) (h) (u)


oh, alright. see you tomorrow!

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File (hide): 038a4246338167b⋯.png (496.39 KB,600x900,2:3,1.png) (h) (u)


I did this for you eggman-senpai. I left the red nothingness at the bottom instead of cropping it out, since I wasn't sure if you wanted it cropped to the symbol or not.

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File (hide): fa130b715a10628⋯.jpeg (102.8 KB,1000x1000,1:1,HLQUVq4.jpeg) (h) (u)

My apologies from being absent, at least we have a board again. It's unfortunate that >>>/b/ has taken the road that it has, as that thread was one of the few that lead me to believe that it was going to have a comeback as an intelligent board that it was in years past. Such a shame to see that board go down the pooper.

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So… Some shit happened while I was sleeping and studying.

Are we just going to hide here, or do we have a battle plan to fight back?

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File (hide): d3e68d3ea022ecb⋯.png (637.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,1463798534162.png) (h) (u)

Did I miss something?

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File (hide): 61d24db3024ef8d⋯.jpg (59.37 KB,300x300,1:1,086687.jpg) (h) (u)


No. Bane is not a nigga.

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Some next level faggotry happening on /b/

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Define next level because I've seen much.

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dysnomia did a thing. He made the pone and love thread go away. idk much more I just got here.

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File (hide): 8f61d98821e9daa⋯.jpg (176.97 KB,600x847,600:847,20498998_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


Hmm, thats a shame to be honest. Oh well its not the worst thing that could happen.

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File (hide): 3d24ad5881f8771⋯.jpg (272.35 KB,664x523,664:523,1463531409333.jpg) (h) (u)


Why does he wear a mask?

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It's the principle I suppose. You would expect kikery like this to happen on halfchan. Can we have criplekike back I liked him more then the current faggots running this place.

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File (hide): e2cac6502d9db80⋯.jpg (30.49 KB,650x366,325:183,5182148.jpg) (h) (u)


To be honest, I don't really think too much about that. I just post. Why not come to the board I go to normally? Its pretty comfy.

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 No.189>>190 >>191

File (hide): 6a6ba465c4a40dc⋯.png (50.85 KB,128x128,1:1,Cute 8bit konata.png) (h) (u)


>being this dedicated to calling me triggered


What board does you call home?

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File (hide): 064aa9a838a2238⋯.png (239.87 KB,580x803,580:803,10682054_p0.png) (h) (u)

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But its pretty dead since we're not so many posters as we used to be.

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It looks slow indeed. And they still have Santa hats Cx


You seem to be more triggered then I am.

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File (hide): 0b1b07eef856a18⋯.jpg (370.23 KB,1200x1200,1:1,42785732_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


Yeah I know. I just use a default layout for it. I'm pretty sure the others do too.

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File (hide): 82d6fc11364e439⋯.png (584.54 KB,940x658,10:7,48411552_p0.png) (h) (u)


I'll lurk around for a bit and see if I'm interested enough to post there myself.


How autistic are you?

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File (hide): 2aa0a450b5dddde⋯.png (969.36 KB,1280x720,16:9,1464035358738.png) (h) (u)


Fair enough. Rumor goes there aswell. Anyway, how's your day going?

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I fucked up and looked at the wrong date for my school schedule last night so I missed classes today. Mouse kept me up with his lewdness last night so I'm a bit tired now. How's you?

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File (hide): f7b04938c128e6a⋯.png (540.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,1463532543600.png) (h) (u)


Rip, oh well. Lets hope you can make it tomorrow then. What kind of lewdness did he involve you with? I'm doing okay. A bit tired aswell since I went a little too late to bed aswell, but I'll live.

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**>i think it would be sexy to wait a while

>till you got goosebumps and your nipples hardened

>and only then I would wawrm you with my face

>and suckled on them

>and nibbled**

Tomorrow I don't have classes till late in the afternoon so that should be fine. Every one I've talked to today seems to be tired… I wonder why

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Now thats pretty hot. I can imagine Mouse would say stuff like that.

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I didn't even intent on going lewd last night… He tricked me into it!

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Poor you. I never go lewd in public like that. Its too embarrassing. I rather prefer to do it on places like steam or discord.

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 No.205>>206 >>211


I don't mind the place, this one happened in discord though. At least he enjoyed himself and I didn't mind to much :3

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File (hide): c26d9ed7afa3bf0⋯.jpg (165.61 KB,569x558,569:558,1485428026183.jpg) (h) (u)


I wonder what the next is going to be. You two spitroasting me?

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File (hide): 90b5e458ae2c453⋯.png (48.01 KB,200x180,10:9,1459835364968.png) (h) (u)


Perhaps, idk, I'm more the type that'd enjoy getting spitroasted rather then spitroasting someone else…

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File (hide): e71e360880f1a7a⋯.jpg (190.69 KB,600x800,3:4,38515325_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


Yeah, I follow you. I'm pretty much submissive when it comes to it.

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File (hide): 94186b1fa2ea33a⋯.jpg (131.38 KB,1060x988,265:247,1463386868945.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't think Mouse would mind two bottoms to play with~

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I know he wouldn't. But two on one is always better to be honest.

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wait, where is the discord?

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How fast can you ban me faggots?

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Just private messaging~

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awww i was excited.

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Why would we need a discord if we have an autistic image board?

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I see your reasoning. I don't like discord that much to be honest, so I think keeping things here would always be best, but it wouldn't be a completely bad thing, such as things like voice chat, or what not.

But in the same token, I doubt anyone who is here would actually want to voice chat, just the premise of having image boards to begin with.

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I'm not to fond of discord either. But it was Mouses preferred way of communication. He's the only one I talk to on there Cx

Most of the users here would probably start flooding the chat with spaghetti the moment they went on VOIP X3

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Eh, here's a question..

What kind of wine do you guys like?

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Now the old ones will be upon us!


Despair and terror!

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Oh, how do I make a trip again?

It has been AGES since I made a trip.

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Hi scanner

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Hey dude.

This place is real comfy.

How do I make myself a trip?

I'm not here to bully, I just fancy posting in a new place again.

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The miscegenation has started

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File (hide): 55fc99bdf6579f1⋯.png (214.15 KB,323x263,323:263,lain1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 508b5e3bc95dc37⋯.png (216.45 KB,336x259,48:37,lain2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d303afb08ca4914⋯.png (206.04 KB,336x259,48:37,lain3.png) (h) (u)


I hate wine. I'm a beer type of guy.

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You can use Tripcode Explorer or that thing Cupcake recommended to me that I forgot what it was called

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 No.227>>228 >>229


I don't give a fuck about making something specific, just anything, don't care if it is garbled.

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File (hide): df6439af6fe81f3⋯.jpg (86.25 KB,764x800,191:200,love me sempai.jpg) (h) (u)


But a # or two Behind your name with a secret password

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Just put any string of characters followed by a # in your name field after your name, then

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Oh hey Erio.

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ay ghost loli

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Oh right, don't judge me, I'm rarely sober.

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I retired that character.

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 No.235>>237 >>238

Why is Cherub always involved in every group of tripfags

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Do you have something more sensational for me to associate you with then

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File (hide): bdd3e370458a72e⋯.jpg (532.2 KB,1437x2190,479:730,58705936_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


I'm just discovered them by random a few days ago.

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File (hide): bb409cdb62f3d46⋯.png (209.09 KB,540x590,54:59,1463959561546.png) (h) (u)


Can't you just settle for Cherub?

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 No.240>>242 >>243 >>244

Is 8chan /b/ banning circlejerks now, then?




That's a name, not an outstanding trait

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What do you think of having an IRC channel?

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Probably, modship and rules tend to 'update' themselves.

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File (hide): 44a66f7b5cd500c⋯.jpg (545.44 KB,1024x768,4:3,36344478_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


But I'd rather prefer to keep trait and what I do here apart.

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 No.244>>245 >>246


>First they came for the pedos

>I didn't speak up because I wasn't a pedo

etc etc etc no one left to speak for me


IRCs are cool

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Want me to run head first and martyr myself for the cause?


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8chan's /b/ is a pretty slow board, last I checked

Seems like it would be pretty easy for a bunch of tripfags to raid and fuck up if they know how to ban evade

Not that I'm advocating that : ^ )

Also weird; I thought that allowing a degree of pedo stuff was part of 8chan's thing


Give me a more interesting thing about you than the fact that you do lewd things as a ghost loli and I'll associate that with you instead

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 No.247>>250 >>253 >>254

File (hide): fbf9183f4fd8f09⋯.png (89.61 KB,244x317,244:317,2017-02-26_0844.png) (h) (u)

>as long as /animus/ stays away


But I love you so much…

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File (hide): 929141dc86e09f4⋯.jpg (227.28 KB,1640x2048,205:256,waifu.jpg) (h) (u)


idk if anyone else would want a IRC. It would be akward if only the two of us where in there

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 No.250>>251 >>253

File (hide): e703a922e817b71⋯.jpg (533.59 KB,700x900,7:9,1463533072085.jpg) (h) (u)


Um… I play music. I actually just got myself a rocksmith cable so I can plug my electric guitar directly to the computer.



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Forgive me, I forgot vanilla 8ch didn't have my current trip.


Hulla, you.

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 No.253>>257 >>260


The anti-/animus/ sentiment is surely Cherub's doing


What do you ERP as now

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 No.254>>255 >>256 >>260


Well they've already succeeded in derailing whatever kind of thread was here

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What was derailed? It was circlejerking and it's still circlejerking

It's just less slow now

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File (hide): 62992d13d1d8c4b⋯.jpg (731.15 KB,1000x1179,1000:1179,58178531_p0.jpg) (h) (u)


>Implying there was anything to derail in the first place

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 No.257>>258 >>260

File (hide): f45dba86b21aac8⋯.jpg (790.13 KB,750x1000,3:4,Ruka (4).jpg) (h) (u)


How are you?



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I'd expect your personality to be more femmy, considering the things you ERP as

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File (hide): 32e91428b756ab6⋯.jpg (750.02 KB,2835x2835,1:1,Ruka (29).jpg) (h) (u)

>The anti-/animus/ sentiment is surely Cherub's doing

Not at all. If that was the case, then how come I post there? I don't mind you guys.

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 No.260>>263 >>264

File (hide): c80929943b61d0c⋯.png (268.76 KB,484x472,121:118,2017-02-26_0844_001_2.png) (h) (u)


S-senpai hates me!



How does circlejerk derail circlejerk?



Eye's doing okay, how you?

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File (hide): e6fe80c2303d576⋯.jpg (189.56 KB,601x850,601:850,Ruka (48).jpg) (h) (u)


I'm honestly not sure about that to be honest. I work different when I write with people over the internet than I do afk.

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I'm fine aswell, a little tired maybe, but thats because of lack of sleep.

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 No.264>>266 >>267


You're in every group of tripfags

You're the Dewgong of the modern era


You're so cute


Have you crossdressed IRL?

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File (hide): 779dd288cab310d⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,483x748,483:748,Ruka (32).jpg) (h) (u)


Nope. I don't have the body for it.

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 No.267>>268 >>269

File (hide): 4979ab687844e44⋯.png (104.81 KB,318x338,159:169,2017-02-26_0845.png) (h) (u)


Once more, with feeling!


You're just saying that because I'm posting a loli.

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 No.269>>271 >>272


Surely someone has the info graphic on how to get a trap body


I say it other times too, though

Do I need to say it more often? :3

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 No.270>>275 >>280 >>283

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File (hide): e0ea134a32c09ff⋯.jpg (53.78 KB,607x428,607:428,ERP.jpg) (h) (u)


Let me give you a better picture of how it is.

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 No.272>>281 >>283

File (hide): 362cd4a9570e9ca⋯.png (79.91 KB,179x370,179:370,2017-02-26_0842.png) (h) (u)



Nah, if you say it too much it just sounds fake.

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File (hide): e93232f6d9889c5⋯.jpg (238.98 KB,706x812,353:406,sayo_by_caro_xy-d9n1ei9.jpg) (h) (u)

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 No.275>>279 >>281 >>283



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File (hide): 28e475fc996a973⋯.jpg (30.42 KB,289x348,289:348,10gxkt5.jpg) (h) (u)

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Welp, since I'm on a new board;

time for me to get fucked up on valium and weed.

I sure hope no one has an anti-SCANNER sentiment. ;w;

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File (hide): e93232f6d9889c5⋯.jpg (238.98 KB,706x812,353:406,sayo_by_caro_xy-d9n1ei9.jpg) (h) (u)


How can you say you love him if you won't even go on the trap diet for him.

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Doesn't work, /fit/ debunked it again.

You need the v2.0

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Ayy, you made it over!

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File (hide): fbf9183f4fd8f09⋯.png (89.61 KB,244x317,244:317,2017-02-26_0844.png) (h) (u)



I-I guess so.

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 No.283>>284 >>285 >>287


Just follow >>270 but without the emoticon


Well you know I've said it other times anyway; you have a good memory ^^


ur mom


I haven't visited /fit/ anywhere near enough to conclude it's not full of dumbasses

Feel free to post the other one though

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File (hide): fbf9183f4fd8f09⋯.png (89.61 KB,244x317,244:317,2017-02-26_0844.png) (h) (u)


What were we talking about?

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I don't have it.

Want me to visit /fit/ for you and find some gay shit?

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 No.286>>289 >>292


-kisses the top of your head- :3


Go for it

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>Avoid stuff with protein basically

Yeah, no. Right now I just wanna focus on losing weight and I already have a schedule for that.

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Semen has protein in it

The pic says you can eat that

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File (hide): 4979ab687844e44⋯.png (104.81 KB,318x338,159:169,2017-02-26_0845.png) (h) (u)

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You just want me to give you the succ.

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 No.291>>293 >>295


-hugs tightly- ♥


Maybe if you start acting more feminine

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File (hide): 58d2f2c85e2ddc4⋯.jpg (105.89 KB,1378x703,1378:703,A place for strong people.jpg) (h) (u)


Is this /fit/ enough for you?

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Sorry, but I only do that kind of stuff in private.

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Can u find the new trap aesthetics pic that you mentioned


You talk like a little girl in private?

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File (hide): d789a61eae67cbb⋯.png (271.71 KB,484x472,121:118,2017-02-26_0844_001.png) (h) (u)

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File (hide): e1f6fc9220ae324⋯.gif (230 KB,400x224,25:14,1.gif) (h) (u)


Sorry about that, that wont ever happen again, ever, I promise. I was doing my first cleanup of all that spam, and you made a new thread as I did it, pretty embarrassing. But I really will make sure that doesn't happen again, please forgive me senpai.

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Do you need mods?

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I forgive you :3 -pets your hair-

Here's another












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 No.310>>313 >>314 >>317

File (hide): c54b814648dc64b⋯.gif (999.23 KB,500x280,25:14,1.gif) (h) (u)

File (hide): 083bfc91dd878da⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,2.jpg) (h) (u)

I'm up now, sorry about that. I-I didn't expect the new thread right as I did that. I will in the future. h-how are you all doing?

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 No.312>>315 >>317 >>325



test gain

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 No.313>>315 >>317


Hey I'm good a bit tired form work, but good nontheless.

How are you?

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 No.314>>315 >>317

File (hide): 84232859939b1a1⋯.gif (408.49 KB,500x281,500:281,a1m.gif) (h) (u)


Welcome back, Popster.

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 No.315>>316 >>320 >>325

File (hide): b181033e9307a23⋯.png (666.86 KB,800x800,1:1,1.png) (h) (u)


Hi foot-senpai, I'm good, I just got out of bed, I set an alarm so I could wake up, but I barely got any sleep. and I'm really embarrassed about what I just did, I just really didn't expect a new thread with this one not at bump limit yet.


Hi eggman-senpai. There's something nice for you. >>160


what's the test?

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File (hide): ff71a79b0820e2f⋯.png (160.99 KB,500x368,125:92,a1o.png) (h) (u)


It feels good. You've made me a happy egg, Pops.

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 No.317>>320 >>321 >>322


Hello Foots. I guess this is it for all the get checking.


Hey Eggman.


There's a Shobon flag.


Aha, hello n_n

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 No.318>>321 >>324

File (hide): 6b0761714c82554⋯.gif (744.04 KB,500x478,250:239,1.gif) (h) (u)


thank you!


I'm glad, did you want the bottom cropped~?

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File (hide): 312847ea196bc3a⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1238x1500,619:750,Touhou.full.1664227.jpg) (h) (u)

What was with all the gay community crap?

Was it because of all the namefagging and tripcodes?

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Oh dear, ah well atleast you succeeded in getting most of us here.

Plus you're still a cutie kouhai.


There you are.


Yeah, well /b/ is /b/.

/b/ has and always will be shit.

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File (hide): 18e8f703cd6bed5⋯.jpg (21.79 KB,500x281,500:281,a2t.jpg) (h) (u)


I just wanted a flag to feed my ego, it looks fine to me.


Well howdy there friendo.

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File (hide): 3a5ec0fb40b434e⋯.jpg (275.98 KB,998x1000,499:500,1.jpg) (h) (u)


Hi mouse-senpai, mhm, I put it there just for you yesterday, you can use it if you like, you don't have to though. I'm glad you found us, I was wondering where you were

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 No.323>>326 >>330 >>338

File (hide): 5591e3a75161836⋯.png (475.2 KB,496x930,8:15,2017-02-26_0843.png) (h) (u)

So what post/image counts do you guys want new threads at?

/animus/ usually goes to 300 images or 350-400 posts.

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Are you thanking me for making another new thread shitpost you don't seem to know what to do with

Why do you call everyone senpai? ^^

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Testing again


A new trip

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All but one or two on the front page ended between 200 and 300 images

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 No.327>>331 >>332


Aha, oh well.

Just ate a ramen soupthing and drinking tea, how about yourself? Wondering whether I feel tired or not. Harder than you'd think!


How've you been Eggman?


I figured. It's the reason I'm here.

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 No.328>>329 >>335 >>340

File (hide): b22d7819580b705⋯.png (86.64 KB,267x297,89:99,2017-02-26_0846.png) (h) (u)


Any time I see new threads made it's at 300-350 images.

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 No.329>>334 >>335


Try scrolling down the front page of /animus/

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 No.330>>334 >>335 >>337

File (hide): db12ba77aa1216f⋯.gif (881.54 KB,242x320,121:160,1.gif) (h) (u)


that's a little neat that you asked, no one else has yet. Just stuff that has happened over the two months we have all known eachother, I don't call everyone senpai though, I called you senpai because I made a big mistake!

I don't hold myself above other people. So I don't mind calling a certain few people senpai, it's nice! Sorry if it's a little bothersome.


That's something I was going to ask you all today, what would you prefer the bump limit at? I was asking maddie and clan-chan last night, and they said they liked 300.

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File (hide): 3f5926858755290⋯.jpg (60.43 KB,600x600,1:1,1434642608903.jpg) (h) (u)


Feeling kind of tired but I have revision to do for mechanical principles.

Plus I'm prtty hungry.

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 No.332>>337 >>342

File (hide): 3cd8720aa848769⋯.png (138.04 KB,309x357,103:119,a2i.png) (h) (u)


Not well to be frank. I'm ill now, and I have a partially torn muscle in my arm.

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File (hide): bee6ca144853c24⋯.jpg (21.79 KB,251x231,251:231,1447459495508.jpg) (h) (u)

Hello friend!

How is every one doing tonight?

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 No.334>>335 >>337

File (hide): 5591e3a75161836⋯.png (475.2 KB,496x930,8:15,2017-02-26_0843.png) (h) (u)


Look at the post counts, Erio.


I'll follow your guidelines, I'm a crossposter anyway.

I hear lower end systems start struggling past 300 images or so.

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The catalog also works


It's cute -runs my fingers through your hair-


What about them? They have nothing to do with what you said

>Any time I see new threads made it's at 300-350 images.

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oh, so that's what you were doing, nice new trip!

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 No.337>>341 >>342 >>343

File (hide): 4048bad99e3b7c4⋯.jpg (34.89 KB,185x222,5:6,rumor has it 001.jpg) (h) (u)


Ahh, I wish you luck with the bothersome stuff.

I am still hungry myself, the ramen didn't help one bit.


Damn x_x What happened?



300 has worked well enough I think, mhm.

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see >>323

Stop trying to spread disinfo.

It's ~300 images or ~350-400 replies is the norm.

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File (hide): a0496848897b373⋯.jpg (137.46 KB,800x795,160:159,1447202272497.jpg) (h) (u)


The first attempt failed because Japanese characters ;-; But I like this one better anyway.

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200 images was always what everyone said; I realize you're still relatively new to that board

The only one who spread disinfo was you in >>328

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 No.341>>342 >>367

File (hide): 2529fc15479e43d⋯.png (333.45 KB,616x651,88:93,a2y.png) (h) (u)


Overexerting myself in the gym messed up my arm, I don't know about the illness. Weather or seasonal change maybe.

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 No.342>>344 >>346 >>367


Lifted too hard too fast?

Welcome to snab city bruh.



Yeah I'm probably gonna cook in a bit.

Gonna go for veggies and chicken.





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 No.343>>347 >>367

File (hide): 55f9ac9a58169f5⋯.gif (2 MB,384x519,128:173,22 - HH2GA9p.gif) (h) (u)


Works by me.


Any time it's come up since I arrived, it has always been 300 images, or 350-400 posts.

And that wasn't disinfo; any time I've seen a new thread because too many images, it's been around 300 to 350 image posts.

Yeah, sure, there are a lot of threads without that many images, but they also have 350-400 posts in general.

Stop trying to justify your early threads.

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File (hide): 22450e1fa24d348⋯.jpg (15.69 KB,680x347,680:347,1438150544700.jpg) (h) (u)


>veggies and chicken

Don't forget you carbohydrates!

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I'm on keto currently.

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File (hide): 46feb981fe47fce⋯.jpg (18.14 KB,427x240,427:240,a1v.jpg) (h) (u)


I'll recover soon, just need some rest and I'll be back at it.

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 No.347>>351 >>357


>it has always been 300 images, or 350-400 posts.

I see three examples on the front page alone where this isn't the case. They are all after 200 images, though

It was clearly disinfo. You said you've only seen new threads after 350 images, when a simple scroll through the catalog reveals they're usually before that. Now you're trying to obfuscate and move goal posts

You were never really good at this. Also, I don't need to "justify" anything I do

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Yep but you're still an idiot for rushing like that.

Atleast you didn't fully rek it.

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File (hide): b47aa10871efa18⋯.jpg (78.81 KB,617x617,1:1,1432563446726-1.jpg) (h) (u)


Why is that :O Not because of a serious medical condition I hope.

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First one to talk gets to stay in my homo thread.

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File (hide): bce151bc4a6fedd⋯.jpg (72.1 KB,640x640,1:1,1.jpg) (h) (u)


t-that thread you made bullies me, bully!

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File (hide): facc0fe4b87fe85⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,952x4749,952:4749,chilli.jpg) (h) (u)


I'm on a cut dummy.

Jeez non /fit/izens sure do worry over nothing.

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File (hide): bd63fc87051415f⋯.png (352.26 KB,640x360,16:9,a2f.png) (h) (u)


I've started going with a friend in the past few weeks, I'm letting my competitiveness get the better of me.

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All caps with multiple exclamation points is a meme

You're too cute to bully :3

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File (hide): 3a4462c89a95813⋯.jpg (409.21 KB,805x714,115:102,1421879745072.jpg) (h) (u)


It's just that someone I knew was put on a keto diet to help reduce epilepsy…

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Let this be a lesson to you, now your gainz will lessen and he will overtake you.


Dubz, it also helps with diabetes.

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>the few early threads are the norm

>when every other thread which amounts to over 90% of threads in the catalog follow the guidelines of ((images > 300) || (posts ~=> 350))


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File (hide): e75d2eb629dd423⋯.jpg (68.31 KB,289x295,289:295,1422062333334.jpg) (h) (u)


If I tried a keto diet my body would probably start consuming itself, there's not a lot of fat in my body to burn Cx

During the short time I went to a gym one of the trainers told me I had the perfect % of body fat to train and highlight my muscles. I didn't go with it though because I prefer cardio.

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You just switch to eating more at dummy.

Plus you kind of have to train while on keto or your body will consume it's muscle as well as fat.

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>>when every other thread which amounts to over 90% of threads in the catalog follow the guidelines of ((images > 300) || (posts ~=> 350))

This also isn't really true if you actually look at the catalog. Feel free to keep trying to make a concrete rule out of how you think "most" threads tend to go, though. I'm sure you know I love transcending other peoples' arbitrary rules; it turns me on so much

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I should actually start making new threads BEFORE 200 images on that board from now on

I've actually done that a few times in the past few months anyway :3

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I am looking at the catalog literally right now, and >90% of the threads in the past 48 hours have followed that guideline.

And again, that is the rule that was given to me every single time I have ever asked since coming back.

But I get it, you haven't been around save for oddball times since before I get back, it's understandable that you'd misremember how it goes.

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File (hide): 6fab493af988f3d⋯.png (789.59 KB,792x792,1:1,1422062631784.png) (h) (u)


I did a brain fart ;-;

I still train, but I train for endurance. I'm going to walk 4x 40km in a few months. At the "Nijmeegse Vierdaagse"

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>the threads in the past 48 hours have followed that guideline.

>in the past 48 hours

Stopped reading after yet another disingenuous attempt at moving goalposts

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Let's just make it real simple and reiterate that whatever the rule is, it doesn't really apply to me and people there just go to a new thread when it's made anyway

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File (hide): 987c04eb2869542⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1200x1200,1:1,1.jpg) (h) (u)

It's okay you two, we can all come up with some of our own rules and habits together, there's no rush to start doing something a certain way, in my opinion, we'll slowly figure out what works best here.

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 No.367>>369 >>371 >>372 >>375


Oooh, well that one won't even leave a good scar, I thought something half-dramatic happened to you!

Yeah I was ill myself for ~10days. Between 4th and 15th IIRC.



Yeah I just made me some toast and cucumber.



Who are you by the way? That is, hello person!

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Not really talking about here

You can do what you want

You're pretty feminine; ever crossdressed IRL? ^^

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Good luck with that.

That shits' intense.


Good lad.


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Thank you. You too ^-^

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File (hide): 5591e3a75161836⋯.png (475.2 KB,496x930,8:15,2017-02-26_0843.png) (h) (u)


Rin, technically, I guess.

Though all my accounts read Lostalgia.

Alex, and I guess Pricia, are also acceptable.

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 No.372>>374 >>375

File (hide): 534cd6d0e2308b6⋯.png (139.53 KB,500x277,500:277,a1y.png) (h) (u)


Nah, I'll be fine in no time. Until then, bed for me.

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Will do!

I'm currently revising Momentum, so it's not too difficult.

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Ah, I see. Have you ever posted on /lewd/ ?


Cheers. See you Eggman, sleep well.

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 No.375>>376 >>380

File (hide): 1f56445e3f86661⋯.jpg (317.14 KB,700x700,1:1,1.jpg) (h) (u)


wow, that's long, I didn't know it was that long.

Toast and cucumber sounds nice.


M-maybe bully!


Sleep well eggman-senpai.

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 No.376>>377 >>380

Cool, I hereby claim victory


Do you like being bullied or something? :3

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File (hide): 6b0761714c82554⋯.gif (744.04 KB,500x478,250:239,1.gif) (h) (u)



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You keep calling me a bully when I'm not even trying to bully you; it's like you're asking for it ^^

I guess I know how to treat you, then

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 No.380>>381 >>385

File (hide): 406dabf8fd13f0d⋯.jpg (33.88 KB,185x223,185:223,rumor has it 002.jpg) (h) (u)


Aha, well slightly longer than the average cough/flu, I suppose?

It's rather simple. Just butter and two types of cheese.



Wooow, somebody would bully someone as nice as Poppy-chan, rude.

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It's not rude if he likes it

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File (hide): e53df42945b6bce⋯.jpg (38.78 KB,246x228,41:38,rumor has it 003.jpg) (h) (u)


M-missed your post x:

Aha, alrighty ^.^ You go get it!

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I'm an /animus/ cross-poster.

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It's cool.

I'm eating and observing.

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 No.385>>387 >>388 >>390

File (hide): e291379b9234e08⋯.jpg (594.97 KB,1280x1820,64:91,1.jpg) (h) (u)

s-so, when we switch to another thread soon, do you want to use that one you made? or should you, me, or someone else make a new one? y-yours reminds me of my mistake and makes me feel sad since I would never abuse~


w-wow, did you join the anti-bully defense force mouse-senpai? or maybe you're just being a bigger bully

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File (hide): 7eb000765999060⋯.jpg (385.64 KB,798x800,399:400,1.jpg) (h) (u)

I have a nice subject to put in it if you let me make one

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I was just kidding; I don't want you to feel sad :3


Go for it

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 No.388>>389 >>390 >>392 >>398

File (hide): 3246e4af7d4ad16⋯.jpg (142.55 KB,833x696,833:696,bully 1470248358273.jpg) (h) (u)


Well you don't know that s/he does!


Ahh, I see. Did you lurk the original love / nice people threads?


Mhmm, alrighty. For me it's probably finish eating, then walk the hound and have a shower.


I've never been for bullying. I even used to tell people they were mean at community-anons, remember? o:

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I mis the community-anon(s)

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 No.390>>395 >>397

File (hide): 20629c89d5367b0⋯.png (249.57 KB,439x488,439:488,2017-02-26_0845_001.png) (h) (u)


Every thread should be used if you're going to have only one active thread.

That's my opinion, at least.


Maybe for an hour tops.

I usually just follow the cross-links when other communities mention us, honestly.

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Well yeah, sounds like a good time.

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Cute Penises

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 No.394>>396 >>397

Board owner, can you do me a solid and make this one of the flags?

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File (hide): e105f51a8312fb8⋯.jpg (33.1 KB,248x229,248:229,rumor has it 004.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't particularly to be honest. They'd insult people and some would take the bait.


Ahh, I see.

What did people say about animus?



Aha, a little bit maybe xwx

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>flag of Amsterdam

U Dutch fam?

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File (hide): f096e4f99408010⋯.jpg (40.97 KB,500x413,500:413,1.jpg) (h) (u)


I added your flag, neat beast lady anon.


Right now I was thinking that some small sub threads would be okay, as long as someone wasn't trying to make two main threads at the same time, since there's always going to be one main thread. But someone could always have some reason to make a small thread about something, I'm not set on that, I'm just saying, that we'll see how things go and fix problems as they happen, d-does that sound rational and okay~?

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 No.398>>401 >>402

There Poppy, I deleted that thread ^^

Users can't delete their own posts on /animus/ because the mods are tyrants


He obviously liked the bullying about being feminine and crossdressing

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This was the post I was crosslinked to. >>25


Canadian, but Amsterdam just has an amazing flag.


It simultaneously sounds silly, and fine.

Just find what works for you guys, I'm only here for the ride.

Also thanks.

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File (hide): bdcd03743e33fcf⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,184x220,46:55,all better.jpg) (h) (u)


I thought so at first too but I wonder…

I mean, in any case it's between you two, sorry for prying.


Ah, I see.

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 No.402>>404 >>405

File (hide): 9f4ef1be25f8133⋯.jpg (41.13 KB,480x480,1:1,1.jpg) (h) (u)


I saw you deleted it, y-you didn't have to do that, now I feel like I might have said too much!

I made a new thread here >>399

When would you guys like to switch over? We can stay here a little longer still

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 No.403>>404 >>411 >>415

File (hide): 6d7773a1f37ef0f⋯.gif (682.05 KB,500x500,1:1,1441938192134.gif) (h) (u)

I'm pretty sleepy.

If only I had a cutie to bring me coffee while I study.

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 No.404>>407 >>408 >>411


The way people tend to do it on the other board is







Is it a common practice, I wonder?


Me too all of a sudden… x_x

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So serious :3


I'm fine with literally whenever

Hundreds of posts ago would have been fine

Or you can stay in this thread for eternities

The world is your oyster

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Ahah I wonder why.

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>Is it a common practice, I wonder?

It is.

Spamming the link makes it more noticeable; just make sure it's labelled or some might mistake it for, well, just spam linking.

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File (hide): 740d3c60d883fbe⋯.png (512.09 KB,798x800,399:400,1.png) (h) (u)


a-are you trying to hypnotise me?

I-I'm getting an uncontrollable urge to bring you some coffee!


>can't find your post

mhm, I know they like to do that, I don't mind others doing it but I'll probably never do it like that, because I'm a dumb

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File (hide): 683223de14ffa92⋯.jpg (160.55 KB,1550x1400,31:28,1441527932012.jpg) (h) (u)


Maybe… Are you telling me that you're cute then?

I wouldn't say no to your bringing me coffee Poppy~

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 No.415>>418 >>419 >>423

File: 50bc1371345f993⋯.webm (4.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,1 coffee cowfee.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


here's your coffee foot-senpai!


thanks for being so nice~


n-no way, but last time you posted that gif, you knew what happened!

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Poppy, you're adorable, but I'm not sure I'll ever come here again. I've been busy with IRL stuff; I recently moved to China. Do you have a Steam? It's a good way of staying in touch with people from threads

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I did know, I was seeing if it would work on you again cutie~

Cheers, I may have to use it for some other stuff.

I believe I used it for breakfast in bed once.

Cuties gonna get cuddles.

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Master, we should move to the new thread.

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File (hide): e947ffdad5db8c4⋯.png (248 KB,802x800,401:400,1.png) (h) (u)

I think we moved now so I guess I'll go to

>>399 and stop replying here, I was curious to see what would happen if we kept going




I'm no master!!



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File (hide): 203641a1534f313⋯.jpg (717.65 KB,1000x1400,5:7,1462369677179-0.jpg) (h) (u)

you guys here?

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File (hide): f49b7df4d2c31ef⋯.webm (2.49 MB,480x554,240:277,f49b7df4d2c31ef96afb29254….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]



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[pop]Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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