This is le heckin' bunker o algo
Main site -
Use this as a /meta/thread
Swinny rules still apply to this board
1. NO ILLEGAL CONTENT - Examples are: child pornography, animal abuse content, etc. These will result in a permanent ban. FOODISTS BTFO
2. NO PORN - This will result in a permanent ban unless it's le funny copypasta. Suggestive content is also covered under this rule.
3. NAS - Regarding NAS on the site, it is permitted under these conditions:
a) The post is in a board made for this sort of post(e.g. /nas/)
b) The post does not contain content on the NAS coal list - Posting content on the NAS coal list will result in a permanent ban.
c) For posts not in their designated board but also not on the NAS coal list, their deletion will be left up to moderator discretion; however, the poster will not be otherwise punished.
4. NO COALJAKS - Posts containing content on the IAS coal list will result in a permanent ban. This rule exists to counter subversion by invaders in the form of content that is technically IAS but effectively a cord meme/tranime meme/other brimstone meme in a soyjak skinsuit. Soyjaks deemed problematic, such as Soylita and Shoyta, will also be added to the list.
5. NO CORD ACTIVITY - Shilling your discord server that nobody cares about, gay discord drama, literally who discord namefags, etc. will result in a permanent ban. AFTERPARTY TROONS BTFO
6. NO EXCESSIVE SPAM - Whether spam is "excessive" will be decided by moderator discretion, and is punishable by deletion and a ban of up to 1 day. Spam that is part of a raid or catalog wipe attempt will be punished by deletion and a permanent ban.
7. NO GORE - Gore(real gore, that is) will be deleted and punishable by a ban of up to 24 hours, the length of which will be decided by moderator discretion. Spamming of gore will result in a permanent ban.
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