Remember, that the world that exists in your head comes to be through the power of attention. Not only external attention, like paying attention to the hearty meal your mom cooked, and the love and care she put into it, or the stupid shill trying to sow the seed of doubt and unrest within the mind of the wavering acolyte, and his unknown motivations, but also internal attention towards inner emotions, desires, sensations and other phenomena of the psyche, like a sensation of peace, content, and contemplation or an urge to satisfy desires of the flesh, anger and resentment.
By directing your attention, you build your internal reality, and it can be a reality that leads you to a pathetic life of a desperate worm or one that is more akin to that of a mighty eagle. You decide. It's all up to you.
I believe that even the most jaded, disillusioned, spiritually rotten and dessicated individual can find within himself remnants of a kernel that yearns for virtue, purity and goodness. Cherish that little spark, nourish it and embrace it wholeheartedly on your journey, and if doubt or distraction tempts you, confront it, bravely, justly and sincerely, understanding its root and its fruit. And if you think of how sweet the fruit might be, while knowing that it is poison, and you decide to taste it thinking you won't fall victim to the poison, know, o traveler, that you're fooling no one else but yourself.