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/rule34/ - Rule34

If it exists, there's porn of it

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/delicious/ - Cake | /hentai/ - Hentai | /vp/ - Vidja Porn
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/monster/ - Monster Girls | /hydrus/ - Software for all your lewd pictures | /furry/ - Furry | /d/ - Hentai/Alternative | /hgg/ - Hentai Games General | /pokemon/ - Pokemon without the porn

000000 No.53167

Howdy partners, Texas Ted here. Now y'all seem to be finding yourselves in a mighty well brined pickle what there with getting onto this here fine board of ours. Now, fret ye not cause there is a solution. You see, this here board is a lot like the a good horse. You don't chose your horse, and you sure can't climb onto him expectin' a gallopin' into the sunset so mighty fine them old smelly Indians just pack up their tents and say unto the good lord "we tried our best but that lad or lass has rooted our toots from the lands with that there horsie, we yield." Nawh, no gun-slingin' horse-riding born-n-bread Texan cowboy would be caught dead hollering that. No, no you see, like his horsie, that there young boy from Texas, a boy much like myself at one point minus the gray hairs and branded mark on my left buttock, now he ain't stupid. Us Texas folk, we're not stupid. And nor is our horses. And that there is what you need to get into your noggin. Now I think I've said enough here, I can already feel the tumblers a'comin' down the main street to sweep us all into the mighty black unknown and I best pack my things and ramble on before we get eaten. It was nice talkin to ya, yee-haw and as them beanies down cross that there fencin' electrocutin gator-riddled border say, adidas amigos!

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