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 No.112157 [View All]

Reverend Liotta Monologue


8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Stupid Slave Nigger posting Niggers talking shit about Niggers,

What a Stupid Fucking Nigger That ever Niggered of All Niggerdom & Niggy Niggy Niggy Niggerisms,

You fucking Niggerboo Spook Mooncricket Monkey Tap dancing Eat all the fried chicken/watermelon, fake bling wearing & have the government pay for all yo SHIT!!!!!!

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I already have what you have to slave away 60+ years for boy you serve the white man with a smile slaving away at the mic without a hint of freedom keep serving like good little bitch boys should child slave rings need to have em at top shape now they'll sell better


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My own personal advice: stop responding to hateful trolls. They feed off any emotional disgust or anger. The best way to deal with trolls: ignore them, unless you care to have a laugh because you no longer care what they have to say. It works every time and eventually they get bored and run away to another site.

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Nigger Nigger??

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You can't fight on the internet


At the Grocery store you tiptoe every step cause you can't fight or curse for shit,

Like on this site,

Cry Harder you Fuckin Nervous Effeminate Cunt

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True but this ones fun to fuck with he responds everytime LOL


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You got beat by niggers everyday in school thats why you yell about them online where they can't give you a wedgie you weak bitch how many more hours will you waste crying over people who've beaten you online keep amusing me my boy always mad and ready the perfect sissy woman that I can do anything I want to with


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The fact that you care about this to this level tells me you know you've been losing for years and are starting to realize all the time you won't ever be getting back because you've enslaved yourself to this much sharing your fate with niggers as it should be extra cotton due today get to it

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You haven't been around in too many places this doesn't work for all some keep at it even if nobody cares just the way it works


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I send 1 nigger post,

You overreact with mass replies if chickenshitscratch,

Your too easy to trigger,

Like a BLM Nigger rioting

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Makes even more typos because hes too busy making sure his masters cock is fully sucked dry


Make sure to get every last drop slut bitch


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Shouldnt you be crying for your fat dead mother on tv while a Derek Chauvin Hero Puts his knee on your throat, while you scream & cry like a Geoege Floyd WHINY Nigger Bitch,






😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

I loved 2020!!!!!!

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Same racist jokes from 2012 least u aint copying me no more I am 100x more offensive than ur pasty white ass you the only one over blacks here you're adorable only saying the same I hate blacks reddit copypasta responding to daddy everytime like a good bitch LOL


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funny enough there was another racist here years ago but instead of shit podcasts he was just posting the same shitty edgy rage bait comics everyday people who can't post and aren't interesting nor stand out in anyway notice how easy it is to replace them much like the niggers you hate so much you're a slave to 2012 racist ragebait and will continue to serve the whitemans amusement just like your kind was always meant to do so keep serving boy put your back into the next fields now

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That's the thing, I tried Open Mics,

I performed in front of Right Wing Bar Clubs & made them laugh while dragging your Nigger BLM Beliefs & You Libs To the shitter,

I've done podcasts,

You just sit back & do nothing all day saying White People are inferior,

Meanwhile you kissing Black peoples asses never got you anywhere

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Said I hate niggers like 20 times here open your eyes blackie I go out in the city enjoying myself with whatever I want there's alot of real nice beachers here the clubs get real active at night too don't waste so much of your time just yelling at a mic for 3 hours at content you didn't make you're wasting your time plus right wing pubs laugh at prettymuch any edgy comic that pulls up


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If I wanted advice to have somebody give me tips on how to be a better comedian & someone who goes outside their house,

I'm suppose to count on someone like you (who's on 8kun, lying about actually doing anything as far as leaving their mothers tiny 6 Sq. Ft house) you of all people giving career advice & been out in public at clubs & beaches??

That's the biggest phony horseshit you've ever pulled out of your ass!!!!!!!

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Yea you offended Karen bitch,

But attacking Niggers offends you enough to bait you to respond in outrage & act like puppet BLM NIGGER!!























YOUR MOM ( 🙇🏻‍♀️🗡 👈🏿 oj style)

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Denial in face of the truth is how most people react no one buys what you say you do nothing but sit around in your molested parents house yelling about niggers who don't know you exist you really like being dominated by me don't you bitchtoy take it all in with a smile twinky just like you did in the backyard last week



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The trauma you have won't go away wasting your time here those niggers are laughing knowing they sealed your fate here to be the whitemans chewtoy bitchboy

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You can't be funny,

You never do a readable & coherent post of all the useless posts you sent me,

If being a Tough guy is what your trying to be??

Than Venting at your crappy room or basement is a temporary shelf life & it will 4 or 5 months till something happens & we never read your posts again after you disappear or you get your piece of shit parents home seized,

Your like roter router

Gov. Will eject you into a encampment & we'll all move on forgetting you ever existed or that 1 post I couldn't tell from the other Low iq regurgitating Fuck, Bitch, Faggot, Nigger, Slave, Boy, you squeeze every post

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Godamn, You are so Retarded,

That was me pretending to be TURDIE WORLD SMUGGLER 🇲🇽 on the 2 previous posts,

You became so distracted you forgot to vent on me & send me any FUCK, BITCH, NIGGER, MOLESTED, RAPE,NIGGER, of Whatever you ass sandwiched into 1 gibberish post, Fuckin Goddamn Retarded Shithead!!

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Denial in the face of truth

>>111067 👈🏿 😂

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Copying what I said before at the end there as usual Lmao I ain't goin nowhere faggot get used to it I visit many more places than this one you spend most your time on one place and you wore yourself out in a few days the best thing is you realize that post was me explaining why you are whst you are right you couldn't see how clear that was so you ended up just repeating that 500 times and the same reddit pol jokes from 2020 learn retard read do your research on niggers and make yo shit more interesting before monkeys break into your drug den and shove pills in your raped anal hole




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>>111067 👈🏿 😂

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So not only have you lost you've lost your will and lost giving any effort in making your own shit don't quit your dayjob LOL



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Doubleposts hes truly given up

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You love being mindfucked physically and spiritually daily as your bottom twinkass should you get that from yo dad

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U came out these balls to then swallow more balls timmy

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I'm happy your incredibly fucking goddamn stupid enough to be emotional enough to respond everytime I piss you off with 1 post or 1 word,

I Said it a million times, SEND ME YOUR HATEMAIL!!, next time send a longer coherent post, As you get goaded into my dick, errrrr, I mean trap!!

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This is nothing to me son I've raped klan leaders mass bred niggers pissed off schizos who thought they were clones of old nazis put some black boys in your church to groom you into yelling at them when you get a little older and tighter been through this countless times in countless places pucker em up for more slut


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I didn't understand a word of your mumble,

It only proves you live alone in you tiny room you didn't pay for & when your mother finally dies for good,

Your Fucked

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She's alive and well

How long have your parents been dead son

You're failing them everyday by doing nothing of worth and will continue to do so because you're a scared helpless bitch who never learnt to be a man


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You do know I'm going to Perform shows & podcast specials, right??,

I personally haven't seen you accomplish anything at all or prove you done anything,

Tell me about your life story, Tom hanks!!

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Sit on my lap my boy haven't told my story here in a while

Having unlimited freetime plus good money meant I had alot of power to do what I wanted I've known about this site for a while

I have been banned on every social media site in the book for every reason you can think of I always did what I wanted all the normie sites permbanned on 4chan 8chan I use dif ips here dread stormfront random darknet market sites 8chan.moe countless servers ie irc discord teamspeak dominated cp rings racists neo nazis people who eat other people schizos fags furryfags and troons I have explored it all and more

I don't play much videogames I've grown out of those for a while now most of my times spent walking around the city talking to people being with family and having fun exploring different places offline/online once you got a life you don't really value screens as much

I Will always do as I please wherever and whenever I want to whoever I want no matter how many ips get banned how many jannies rage how many bitches gained and no matter how many victims of ptsd/trauma permanent scars are made I create without limits and will continue to always do so


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You-"most of my times spent walking around the city talking to people being with family and having fun exploring different places offline/online once you got a life you don't really value screens as much"

You know what that means??

No job, walk around city all day,

Too much free time,

Talk to people all day??

That means your Homeless!!!!!!!

You sleep/step on feces,dirty needles all day,

You live in a cardboard box shithole,

That explains everything about you why your so schizo & bitter all the time

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Got a good house good friends and a good family

Freedom truly is nice my boy


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You never say you owned a home,

Judging by your post,

You walk out, stumble outside all day avoiding your family cause you hate them,

I wouldn't blame you

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A dumpster is not a house brown Mexican trash

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This projection

just because your family never loved you doesn't mean others won't love their kids aswell

Don't worry though my pasty sperm cell there's many niggers out by the shore who would be more than happy to give you the love you always needed but never got



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Judging by your childhood trauma you posted on thread [I love twitter] reply >>111067 you deleted,

Your trauma is worse than everybody here on 8kun.top combined,

Seriously, You dodged the question for 6 to 7 months now,

Why didn't you fight back when you & your mother got raped by niggers??


Goddamn you of all people & childhood trauma argument

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Nobody was raped I've said this 5 times now that was a joke post meant to act as if you were the one who said it simple

This is light work truly


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File: b0e06824e5625e5⋯.png (597.4 KB,720x925,144:185,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_….png)

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File: 63d82272c3ecbb2⋯.png (110.95 KB,720x648,10:9,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_….png)


So here you admitted it happened, Than it didnt?

Okay I posted a podcast that wasn't me mr fed agent, because I impersonated another personality even though you were caught on a Lousy day,

If that's you trying to be like me??

Why would anyone do that since I'm a racist & hate women,

But you should've said that instead of shamelessly going "oh yea, I tried to be somebody else, that wasn't you putting up/Than you wait forever to claim your lame excuse/reply


Your post >>111067 👈🏿 😂

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File: 63d82272c3ecbb2⋯.png (110.95 KB,720x648,10:9,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_….png)


You were off your meds, I know!!

That's your lame excuse you posted >>111067 👈🏿 😂

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File: 63d82272c3ecbb2⋯.png (110.95 KB,720x648,10:9,chrome_screenshot_30_Sept_….png)


You were off your meds, I know!!

That's your lame excuse you posted >>111067 👈🏿 😂If you were impersonating someone

You should had the name,


Not "anonymous," you SCHMUCK

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You're not that bad I've seen way worse lol so pretending to be you was no sweat plus you're not that hard to understand you're real simple

Glad you're starting to finally get it little by little




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File: 877aa086762976a⋯.png (411.65 KB,720x806,360:403,chrome_screenshot_1_Oct_20….png)

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This is it ay

Rock bottom nothing more you make

Throwing you out in the niggerfilled haven to save some space


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