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/races/ - All human races

Accurate racial discussions
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Help the victims who are lied to


b1a8d0 (1) No.1 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Teachers lie about races. But lies don't help victims. They fool and hurt.

If you can help victims, please come to share.

Categorizing humans

DNA, culture, history, geo-environment, religion, faith/belief, ideology, social status, mindset, etc. all play a role in shaping a race. Humans can be categorized into different groups that have distinctive characteristics based on the above said factors.

Ancient Spartans, Romans, and Vikings share more characteristics in common than ancient Romans and modern Italians.

You can call Christians a race and Protestants a sub-race.

Please share your categorization of humans and knowledge that could explain your categorization.

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f344a5 (1) No.7

Even if you were dead for a thousand years we would still know what race and gender you are when we find your skeleton

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000000 (1) No.9

Am I allowed to talk about the Chinese race?

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