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File: feb424199270db1⋯.jpeg (641.45 KB,715x820,143:164,IMG_3365.jpeg)

 No.255 [Open thread]

The [FLOUR] bakes the [BREAD], and so the bread ROSE.


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File: 9cdfb5838d680f1⋯.jpeg (889.05 KB,1272x2215,1272:2215,IMG_3369.jpeg)

 No.254 [Open thread]

‪Why would the DNC have a third party investigate their servers instead of the FBI directly? ‬

What are the BENEFITS of a middle man?

Headlines across America should be reading:

“Murder, Pedohilia, Corruption, Cover Up Inside the DNC.”

But we all know the media are complicit.

The end will not be for everyone.


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File: d9aae19f3f45419⋯.webp (76.48 KB,590x885,2:3,IMG_3358.webp)

 No.248 [Open thread]


Art of War.

Keep your friends close.


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File: 2e6d51abf6de521⋯.jpeg (107.64 KB,1290x186,215:31,IMG_3382.jpeg)

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File: 5b50d8f7aa794c2⋯.jpeg (130.71 KB,1290x2643,430:881,IMG_3381.jpeg)

Learn more here:

Nothing to see here.


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File: a088906e4c15b3c⋯.jpeg (813.63 KB,1290x1621,1290:1621,IMG_3376.jpeg)

 No.251 [Open thread]

Recovery glitched.



The chosen [O-N-E] 🌹

Jesus wins.

God wins.

The Holy Spirit wins.

△Trust the Trinity.


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File: 2366e224a6294e7⋯.jpeg (148.13 KB,1098x488,9:4,IMG_3366.jpeg)

 No.250 [Open thread]


You have more than you know.


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File: 73a2f8f5cba1c4a⋯.jpeg (143.71 KB,811x258,811:258,IMG_3357.jpeg)

 No.249 [Open thread]

People awake is their greatest fear.






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File: 7d4980db698298f⋯.jpeg (227.07 KB,1290x436,645:218,IMG_3355.jpeg)

 No.247 [Open thread]


Fight! Fight! Fight!

Panic at the DisCo.

Names to remember



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File: 46399da2c1c37d8⋯.jpeg (456.73 KB,1290x1480,129:148,IMG_3352.jpeg)

 No.246 [Open thread]


Not anymore. I [X]ed out.

We are not an illusion.

The public can’t comprehend the enormity of what is coming.

Will continue monitoring.


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File: b1ad52872b8e55a⋯.jpeg (108 KB,1290x439,1290:439,IMG_3129.jpeg)

 No.245 [Open thread]

Follow the FAMILY [signifier].

When will they ask the question?

Who is Q?

Tracking good [Way of the WIND]

Devil’s in a rush

His [DUCT TAPE] makes you hush.


Where did New Jerusalem fall?




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File: 1c81afdb41b3683⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1201x1399,1201:1399,IMG_3350.jpeg)

 No.244 [Open thread]



1/6 [THEIR IDEA 21/25].

It won’t work.

PIPE dream.

Patriots are in control.

Trust the plan.


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File: 1287b823dae7fef⋯.jpeg (868.5 KB,1290x1482,215:247,IMG_3304.jpeg)

 No.243 [Open thread]

I never thought I was the one.

Now or 2000 years ago.

But she believed in me then.

It’s my turn to believe in her.


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File: 39d3e475d4a4452⋯.jpeg (31.42 KB,626x418,313:209,IMG_3336.jpeg)

 No.231 [Open thread]

The floor is mine.

Merry Qmas.

No outside [COMMS]

Board is [ISO].

Trust the TC.

the Matrix has you.

Triangles are my favorite shape.

Oh my LOVE is very late.

Anyone up for a MISSION?


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Nothing will replace the Christ in Christmas.

With that being said, Merry Qmas.


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File: fd26b9c301c2960⋯.jpeg (311.96 KB,1290x1020,43:34,IMG_3347.jpeg)

 No.239 [Open thread]


“Feels so good, but I'm old

TWO THOUSAND YEARS of chasing taking its toll

And it's coming closer

And it's coming closer…”- KoL

“That TWENTY CENTURIES of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

How many coincidences before it’s a mathematical impossibility?


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File: 8eba7baa1321027⋯.jpeg (315.16 KB,1290x1026,215:171,IMG_3346.jpeg)


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File: 73cb73f66750bad⋯.jpeg (316.39 KB,1290x1041,430:347,IMG_3345.jpeg)


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File: c889c125c144af5⋯.jpeg (95.79 KB,775x454,775:454,IMG_3342.jpeg)

 No.237 [Open thread]



45’s speech.


If you don’t you won’t ever.


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File: 33b5e05792f563e⋯.jpeg (816.05 KB,1290x1360,129:136,IMG_3236.jpeg)


John 11:35

The Matrix is real.

Understand the Trinity △.

I know when somebody’s lying.

When does a bird sing?

The reckoning.


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File: c19f5461b30db2b⋯.jpeg (146.08 KB,1224x457,1224:457,IMG_3341.jpeg)

 No.236 [Open thread]

Thank you.

That was just the fictional version “Gretchen.”


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