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d10bee  No.23045[Last 50 Posts]

Q posts in /qresearch/. Q has never posted here and we don't foresee it happening. This board hosts the enigmatic Ed Anon. It's generally slower paced and civilized here. Anons are generally very respectful toward one another. Our focus evolves rapidly, even though the board may experience long periods (we've seen up to 13 hours) without posts.

Note: a line from author Stephen L. Gillette describes this board perfectly: we're coming from somewhere, we're going somewhere else. The views, assumptions, knowledge, and opinions of the anons on this board evolve quickly and steadily. We don't stay in one place for very long. It's difficult to encapsulate "the board" as a whole because every anon thinks for him or herself. Here you will encounter widely varying viewpoints on a wide variety of Storm-related subject matter. The regulars here are exceptional in any number of ways. This is not QR. We're very much our own board.

/qresearch/ catalog is at:

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html

Q posts can be found at:

https:// qanon.pub

http:// qanonposts.com

http:// qntmpkts.keybase.pub

http:// qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Ed Anon posts are archived at:

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch2gen/res/1564.html

Usefull Stuff

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch2gen/res/2171.html'

Board Rules

First, we aren't crazy about rules. "You can say this but you can't say that." It's everything we exist to free people from. Still, to avoid total anarchy, a few guidelines have to be set.

1. Concern fagging is not shamed or attacked here. If you're feeling discouraged, down, depressed, or the like, you cannot push it down or deny it and have it go away. You must open up, discuss it, and those anons who are mature enough will help you pull yourself up and out of it. Motivation needs a foundation. It doesn't magically appear just because others demand it.

2. We have no use for enforcer fags who self-proclaim themselves to be in charge of keeping the board safe for democracy. Nobody died and made them boss. If you're having issues with somebody's posts, filter them. It's exceedingly easy to do and it keeps us from having to ban people.

3. Please do not advertise commercial products here. MENTIONING one in passing if you're actively participating is not a crime.

4. PLEASE do not act like a stoned caveman and attack somebody's theories. If you're that offended, filter the person in question. But declaring a concept to be b.s. without thorough investigation only flags you as a hard headed normie. The more an idea is pushed down, the harder it's going to push back.

5. There's a huge difference between religious discussion and outright evangelism. Declarations are evangelism and you can take it to the bank, we've all heard it all before. Believe what you will but please don't clutter this board with religious zealotry. Discussion of religious beliefs, especially as those beliefs might motivate a person or group being researched, is perfectly fine.

The goal is to have everybody feeling like they are welcome here and like they belong. Bullying other anons is a pet peeve of mine. It's inexcusable when you have the filter option always at hand. And, as mentioned, I have a super ultra special dislike for enforcer fags. When the board is littered with posts of anons attacking anons just for believing a theory they don't personally like, it doesn't do a lot to welcome people and make them feel at home.





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d10bee  No.23046

Generic Dough at https:// pastebin.com/B0dYUh1N

The only thing you should have to change on this dough is the number (2nd Generation Q Research General #xx, where xx is the new bread number) and the name (i.e. [whatever the name is] Edition).

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cef2ca  No.23090

first :p

and yes, almost ;-) but still, they lean heavy on those drops… certainly if ya look at what morningstar pay is… but it's not my cup of thea

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8f3ecb  No.23092


It takes all kinds to understand and take on all kinds of different things. You do well enough in what interests you. And perhaps you may not realise how much you're actually picking up in regard to other things. The more you're exposed to something, the more likely you are to understand at least the basics of it, sooner or later, and without even trying.

That said, it annoys the crap out of me and sometimes I'm so overwhelmed by my dismal intellect that I crack it, throw a tanty, cross my arms, stomp my foot and turn away from the screen.

I can't complain though, as I've managed to pick up quite a lot from the Eds that I doubt I would've otherwise. Always learning. As long as I'm going 2 steps forward and only one step back, I'm better than those who are doing it all the other way around.

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8f3ecb  No.23093


>I'm better *off* than those who are doing it all the other way around.

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cef2ca  No.23094


last part : same here :p and agree completely….

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cef2ca  No.23096

damn… listening to ruptly (putin/macron round table or something) and faultlines.. have to put one ear on laptop, one on television haha

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909b92  No.23097

Hopefully now I won't have to complete captcha every time I post.

Nice link to the scalar weapons btw.

They are mostly starling and the blackbirds are jackdaws they have lovely blue eyes and a grey head. They are very shy for their size.

The smaller species of birds visit the back garden and there are many varieties Woodpeckers, goldfinches, nuthatch es and 4 types of titles along with garden birds. It's harder to film them as I have put the bird feeders in a tree.

I love the fact the doves sit in your hanging basket. It's warming to be able to share your world with other creatures.

When I started feeding the birds about 15 years ago there were only 8 starlings and 1 pair of sparrows , I don't have a count on the birds. In the uk there has been a major decline in the bird population. Starlings have decreased by 70% since the 80s and only 15% make it to adult birds ( except here ☺)

It gives me pleasure to think I can help in some way, especially when I feel so helpless with the larger issues.

I did have daffy and bluebells but issues think you can see the day lilies whi ' foliage has gone mad issues crocus ma which Iam taking out.

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909b92  No.23098

I have watched a sky news feature on North Korea destroying their nucleur site. Firstly the image if the railway station with no people/passengers (like when they arrived at the airport, is very eerie. Secondly, it did not look genuine there was no protective gear for observers and nit really much disruption.

They had a guy talking afterwards who said trump pulled out of the meeting because he knew he wouldn't win the Nobel peace prize.?????

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909b92  No.23099

I found this interesting wiki page whilst reading about EMP. Ties in with five eyes and there was the normal secret squirrel stuff before they admitted it existed.

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON

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8f3ecb  No.23100


Multitasking ears!


So many birds that I've never seen with my own eyes. The early settlers obviously didn't bring them over, along with rabbits and foxes, lol.

I had heard about the decline of birds in the UK. Has it been attributed to anything particular? Most of the issues here are with the Indian Minors of which push other birds' eggs out of the nests and take them over, as well as now and then we have issues with absolute arseholes leaving rat poison pellets out, deliberately to kill them. :( I live very close to a river as well as a reserve, so there's plenty of activity around here. The cockatoos can be quite irritating with the noise at times. What they're thinking when a massive flock flies over at 4 in the morning, I don't know. Sometimes it's like Hitchcock's The Birds with them lined up on powerlines and along fences. Absolutely deafening.

Bulbs have a tendency to take over, but I'm sure you have a plan. Little by little, bit by bit. It all looks so lush and green, in any case. Enviable.


> Nobel peace prize.?????

What a cracker. Seriously, I can do little more than laugh.


Interesting. I've seen ECHELON being dragged through message boards for quite a few years. There should be heaps of info around on it. Well, unless it's been scrubbed.

It never ceases to amaze me that conspiracy is actual what normalizes things. By letting out little bits of unconfirmed information; the public of course, doesn't know what to think. It's talked about, discusses, thought about, written about, and by the time it comes to disclosure, it's already normalized. Method in the madness.

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cef2ca  No.23101


lol indeed.. :D me and multitasking… two things that don't go together haha

yeah the birds… that's what i said haha…

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cef2ca  No.23102

he's praising himself again… wtf donald… ;where is the real donald??? :o

https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/999986971660423170

nobody can convince me that that "talent" isn't for himself…

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8f3ecb  No.23103


I read it as him referring to himself.

I'm past it. It's not entertaining anymore.

Theatrics. But it's the same gag, over and over, now. :s

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cef2ca  No.23104


true on that…. i feel for him.. although maybe he just is himself…

i'm past it too.. but i'll keep following it all..

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8f3ecb  No.23105


Yeah, I don't think he's changed all that much. I think it's more that maybe you've/I've/we've changed; and of course, there's nothing wrong with that.

I guess if you want to continue to know what's going on and be informed, you have to keep following, lol. It may not feel like you are or can make a difference, but you are and can. The more people who keep their eyes open and continue to question, the better. Plant those seeds, anon. ;)

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cef2ca  No.23106


i'm doing the best i can ;-)

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8f3ecb  No.23107

Not only does a single- or even a dual-issue organization condemn

you to a small organization, it is axiomatic that a single-issue

organization won't last. An organization needs action as an individual

needs oxygen. With only one or two issues there will certainly be a

lapse of action, and then comes death. Multiple issues mean constant

action and life.

(And, I have no idea what page it's from, because they're not numbered in the PDF that I'm reading from).

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d10bee  No.23108

Grrrrrrrrr … our pilfering ghost is back. For about two and a half years it was pretty much out of our lives. Now it's back.

It doesn't haunt us in the traditional sense. My roommate has been seeing shadows moving out of her peripheral vision but other than that we never see or hear anything unusual. It just takes things and hides them. Then one day - sometimes 6 months later - things reappear mysteriously sitting on top of items we use every day.

One day about 5 years ago we were on the front porch at her parents' house across the street when we heard a sudden very loud bang in the kitchen. We ran in to see if somebody fell … nope … it was a 1920's style aluminum pot lying in the middle of the kitchen floor. We had never seen the pot before and we cook a LOT. There was nowhere it could have fallen from either - if that was even an option anyway since nobody was in the kitchen when it happened.

Right after moving in, it confiscated my glasses. 6 months later they turned up on the very top of the glove compartment in my car - which we had cleaned out twice in the month prior.

The two kids who lived here before we did, without being given any info, just asked if weird stuff ever happened here, said they never really saw or heard anything strange but stuff would get moved around all the time. Very mysteriously. Stuff would go missing then turn up later in impossible places. They were 16 and 14 at the time so if they were lying, they would have made up something dramatic. It's exactly what we experience.

This time it took Puppy Anon's harness. I had to go get a new one. For 10 years I have never lost that harness. It never separates from the leash. Either is useless without the other. Last night I specifically dropped both items in the laundry basket on the chair in my room. Today? Leash: present and accounted for. Harness: evaporated into thin air.

Frustrating. This is why Puppy Anon woke me up 25 times last night wanting nothing. She's barking at the thing. She sees it. It's mischievous, not evil. She just barked up a storm staring at the doorway to the room. Nothing there.

Maybe somebody has been playing with quantum computers too much.

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8f3ecb  No.23109

I've not found a better copy, BUT, does the quote not remind anyone of anything?

Multiple issues?

Engaging a wider (group of people) organization.

Multiple issues means constant action and LIFE.

Sounds like a very similar TACTIC that's being used to me. Maybe it makes more sense if reading the the paragraphs beforehand

> chisineu.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/saul-alinsky-rules-for-radicals-1989.pdf



Who ya gonna call?

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d10bee  No.23110


>Who ya gonna call?

They're closed on Fridays. Who knew? :)

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909b92  No.23111


The decline in birds has been attributed to disappearing hedgerows and concreted gardens plus insecticides agricultural and domestic.

That must be amazing seeing cockatoos in the wild, they are crazy birds.

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d10bee  No.23112


You haven't seen crazy until you've witnessed American Democrats in the wild.

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909b92  No.23113



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cef2ca  No.23114

wow guess i needed that nap…. :o

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909b92  No.23115


Hmm I wonder. Downloaded for reading later.

Isn't Q an ARG of some sort without what appears to be an end goal.

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909b92  No.23116


Do you have trouble sleeping, it seems a few if us here do. I'm trialing a powder that is supposed to help.A doctor did a programme on sleep and this powder was one of the most effective treatments. It is something that feeds the good bacteria in your stomach and in turn aids sleep.

I started yesterday and should see a difference in about 7 days. I waited ages to order it due to high demand and now ended up with about be 2 week free trial. It's all natural.

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8f3ecb  No.23117


Sad. Concrete yards; very sad.


Welcome back, anon. You didn't miss much, lol.


Pretty serious ARG. I dunno, anon. I'm still in the camp of them knowing too much before it happens. Still trying to figure out the true motivation for doing what they're doing. Are they busy at keeping dissenters busy? Are they slowly leading them to slaughter? Are they building them up only to drop them like a tonne of bricks? Are they for real, but being manipulative because people are so easily led?

I just don't know. I do know, however that they are making Trump out to be something that he's not, and that kind of manipulation doesn't sit right with me.

Anyway, I have about 25 pages of Rules For Radicals to go. It's worth the read. Quite funny in parts. And many of the tactics are most certainly being utilized by Q. Perhaps they should read Time in Tactics again, (pg.160). They're failing dismally at following that rule.

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cef2ca  No.23118


i only need a few hours a day… learned to live that way when younger… but now getting older, so now and than i have a moment of nap-time lol

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975c52  No.23119


>>23047 PB

I've been lurking/following this board since the beginning & I must say, it's been really helpful in my own digs. Moreover, I truly appreciate all the autism shown here & confess I found the Ed postings intriguing & thought provoking, even though I have no clue regarding the programming aspects.

I also understand why y'all broke off since I agree that Qresearch gets stupid at times. Nevertheless, things certainly slid off in a different direction once the Eds seemingly declared their opposition to Q/Potus & the plan...which makes me wonder exactly who's side they're on.

>>>Be careful who you follow, right?

In any case, here are a couple of links on the NORK situation that offer a bit more positive slant than what seems to be the direction this is taking on this board.

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/24/chairman-xi-jinping-responds-north-korea-says-it-is-still-willing-to-talk-with-us-at-any-time-and-in-any-format/

https:// www.neonrevolt.com/2018/05/24/flood-inbound-helperanon-returns-no-pandas-in-gitmo-ourguy-in-the-ranks-qanon-greatawakening/

https:// mailchi.mp/zeihan/this-is-how-the-world-ends-part-iii (Part 3 of a 5 part series)

Cheers & WWG1WGA!

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cef2ca  No.23120


i showed my doubts before ed.. ;-)

ed is on the side of the people… he got that question once before ;-)

thx for the links.. will read later today… appreciated

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909b92  No.23121


Yes concrete is sad for a garden some prefer a car parked where a garden should be.

I'm undecided if there is any malicious intent, more trying to give hope. As I've said before it needs to be global.

I've noticed you are a very fast reader anon.om sure you can make a living out of that skill if you don't already.

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8f3ecb  No.23122


I've continually seen that there is a positive side to it all. I simply can't deny that; And I admit that I lost interest a long time ago. It's funny, coz before the Eds came out and said what they did, many anons on this board had lost interest. We went for hours upon hours without even a whisper of there having been new Q posts, and even when someone did finally mention it, there was very little discussion or interest. Then all the sudden people started getting all shitty because apparently we'd moved away from Q topics, go figure. o_O

I think being away from QR, where everyone has to conform (and yes I mean that, conform), we realised just how bad the Qultishness had become.

I don't want to say that what I think is hardly important, because I know it is. And I am capable of having just as much effect on the world and effect change as the next person, if I really wanted to, and of course, most of us don't realise how much we really do effect; but it doesn't matter what I think. It shouldn't effect those who don't agree with me.

If you read that very short chapter that I pointed out in my last post, it will give more understanding. I'm just over it all. I hope wonderful and amazing things come out of it, and if it's meant to happen, it will happen with or without me. WHEN it happens, I won't be cursing myself for not having stayed on board. I'm just over it. Too much doesn't add up.

I honestly get a lot more out of the Ed drops, anyway.

I agree on the global thing, and I think it's been addressed by Q, in a way. The mess is global. :/ I dunno, I'm apprehensive to put forward some of my thoughts in that regard, at the risk that I might offend those who are not able to think in broader terms.

I'ma babalingAnon again. Over tired. Me and being sucked in by good books, dangit.

I don't read all that fast. The last few books have only been around 200 pages, and the Rules for Radicals has reasonably large text. ;)

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8f3ecb  No.23123

Whoa. Sry, that's a huge wall of text. Oooops

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6503af  No.23124




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6503af  No.23125



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975c52  No.23126

File: 8e646707743798c⋯.png (62.79 KB, 850x698, 425:349, Bettin Rules.PNG)


I saw the question, but missed the response. As such, he/they may well be…it would just be helpful if they weren't so gosh danged circumspect. ;-)

To be clear, I'm not pollyanna-ish in thinking all will be swell following the Great Awakening. In fact, I grapple with the fear, uncertainty & doubt (FUD) factor like most folks who are following this extraordinary adventure. Nevertheless, I believe wholeheartedly that it's much better than the alternative.

Whatever happens, I'll look forward to your take on these and to battling alongside all of you to regain what has been taken/hidden from us all.

FWIW - I saw the attached some years ago and pass it along as I think it pretty well sums the approach to take, no matter what may be coming down the pike.

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6503af  No.23127


It's nice to live in the country. Trees , concrete to park my truck on , fruit trees are planted - sprinklers and lawn this weekend yee haw

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cef2ca  No.23128




true that it's better than when hilly would be in… but still imo we were screwed… ;-)

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2f0363  No.23129

If we had a nun on this board, she would be Nun Anon. Or a nun who's anon. Anon: a nun? Many labels would be applicable. Many. Anon, a nun … it can be too confusing and we should all pray it never comes to pass.

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2f0363  No.23130


It could be the most serious threat this board has ever faced. Bar nun.

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909b92  No.23131


I'm do glad he has finally been charged he still has that look like he should get away with it. He is so despicable creepy.

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909b92  No.23132


Love it and thanks for the links.

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909b92  No.23133


Are you somewhere hot fir lemon and orange trees. I'd love to grow lemons but we do not have enough sun here.

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909b92  No.23134


That's on my humour level .😃

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cef2ca  No.23135

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6503af  No.23136



Nope. In Utah in the mountains

Cherries apricot apple and peach though do real good here

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d7e958  No.23137

https:// www.nbcnews.com/news/world/black-cube-inside-shadowy-israeli-firm-accused-trying-undermine-iran-n877511

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cef2ca  No.23138


hey ed

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d7e958  No.23139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>-CREATE REPLQMAP–qmapname–+———————+———→




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909b92  No.23140


I don't know what Q was like before but I don't think anyone should be chastised for having a differing opinion. I'm shocked people are conforming. It's a shame because some if the anons on QR put in a lot of work and research.

I've certainly learnt a lot from ed drops. I do wonder if the Eds are showing us that whatever way we look humanity is intent on its own devastation and ultimate destruction.

I don't believe we are still evolving in fact I think that stopped hundreds of years ago. If we had truly continued evolving we would have used our intelligence when making new developments to ensure our impact was minimal to all other living things.

We just carry on what we believe to a progressive path with no consideration to the impact we create.

I watched a film about Jaguars in South America. There was a village and the people had been given an area of land for farming in particular cows for beef. The land they were given was the Jaguars hunting ground.

Of course the Jaguars were still hunting where they always had but the farmers were shooting them (mothers) leaving the babies to starve to death. The document was about people raising the babies and trying to establish land for them.

I don't understand why they couldn't allow a cow for the Jaguars as they had lost their food source. I do not see that as progression

When we become aware of the effect we have on other living things and show consideration we might then be better humans to each other.

Sorry for the rant and I hope it makes sense. that only seemed as couple of sentences in my head

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d7e958  No.23141

File: 22db509b9b49248⋯.png (464.09 KB, 833x469, 119:67, Screenshot from 2018-02-13….png)


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909b92  No.23142


Mountain air sounds wonderful. Apples and cherries do well here, the cherries are delicious.

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909b92  No.23143


Hey Ed. Wasn't black cube linked to unit 8200? But worse.

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d7e958  No.23144

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cef2ca  No.23145


unit 81 i thought

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8f3ecb  No.23146


Yeah, I feel for some of the people doing genuine and impartial research. Much of it is ignored.

Ed posted a Twain quote, quite a while back. It was along the lines of not trying to change human nature. I'd go hunting for it, but I'm too tired, sry. It's kind of in line with what you've suggested. Only, if we looked at it that we're hell bent on self destruction, then why are we here to begin with? As long as there are people who are fighting in order to move humanity forward, there's still light breaking up the darkness. (I'm bound to ramble again. I should've waiting for my 5th wind before replying).

Ideas evolve. That's still happening. So, I guess we're still evolving. We haven't evolved physically for a lot longer than 100 years ago, lol. Or am I getting too technical? :p

Sad thing about the Jaguars, and for those farmers is that the land they most likely would've been able to farm otherwise, is probably owned by some corporation, or contaminated by mining or whatever. Soon there won't be anywhere left where people are still living in harmony with nature.

Rant away, anon. Sometimes things can't be conveyed in a couple of sentences. It makes perfect sense.

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cef2ca  No.23147


"It is not worth while to try to keep history from repeating itself, for man's character will always make the preventing of the repetitions impossible."

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8f3ecb  No.23148


That's the one. Thanks, anon. :D

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909b92  No.23149


Thanks for the quote

From what I remember Black Cube "market" themselves as a private intelligence company. If you want to aavail yourself of their services they find you and then interview you before they decide to take you on. I imagine done of that is so they have the dirt on their clients.

They will track down ex and disgruntled employees of the people they investigate.

They have used compromising info /photos against syrians and Palestinians .

I'll see if I still have some links

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d10bee  No.23150


That would imply that man no growth is occurring. "Hopeless" means a preset destination that is "right" that will never be reached. Who defines what is "right?" We JUDGE there to be a problem based on deviation of reality from some defined standard for how things "should" be. Who sets the standard? It seems like a rather simplistic argument on its face but it cannot be disputed, and the problem comes in when it comes to defining what is the limit; where do some stop declaring universal right and wrong for others? Where is the line drawn?

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d10bee  No.23151


Ultimately it comes down to animal nature: the strongest rule; the ones able to impose their wills on others. "Killing is wrong," they say - and few would deny that. Except when a mother kills to save her daughter or a father kills to save his son. Where do the special circumstances end? Who defines where THOSE lines are drawn? And there are endless loopholes. Abortion: oh that baby isn't a human yet. Circumventing the Constitution during slavery: oh a slave is 2/5 of a man. The judgments of right and wrong that take hold and become enforced are the ones that the strongest - typically collectively - are able to force compliance with from others. It always comes down to brute force.

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d10bee  No.23152


…and that should shut down the board for many hours.

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909b92  No.23153


I don't think all humanity is working towards its destruction. I have seen some tribes in certain areas of the world that understand the principles of nature and live in harmony. They appear happier than the so called modern world.

When I get the chance I will find a video of the children from one tribe feeding eels like pets as the eels keep their drinking water clean.

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8f3ecb  No.23154


If anyone ever figures out how to effectively get the message across and pass it down, then things may one day be different.

That's all I've got for the moment. Otherwise engaged, but the board didn't shut down, hehehe ;)


There needs to be more of it. The kids and the eels, I mean.

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d10bee  No.23155


Whose message and why them?

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d10bee  No.23156


Breaking our conditioning makes things very difficult. We do resist.

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d10bee  No.23157


Which demonstrates why things are the way they are, problems and all: we will not tolerate anything less.

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d10bee  No.23158


Humans are unique in that they will hold others responsible for so many dead bodies littering the streets while the ones complaining dutifully go out and kill a few thousand more every day.

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d10bee  No.23159


Those demanding change will only search for it within the confines of known and proven failures. Move beyond those boundaries and they will simply shut down and refuse to participate.

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8f3ecb  No.23160


Anyone, someone, anyone; as long as they figure it out and are able to convey it to the masses in such a way…………… NM, I'm too tired.


Time to put down my spade, brush off the dirt and go to bed.

Be good and kind to each other.

Be safe. Stay sane (if you dare). The world's not all bad; it's not all good either.

<3 Love to all :)

Good morning.

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909b92  No.23161


Therein lies the problem that some people need/want to be told what's right or wrong. Rather than looking inside themselves and that is how they get to religion.

I read a good quote yesterday, so good I've forgotten the beginning but it ended " knowing right from wrong is about empathy not religion".

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909b92  No.23162


Good night and something for the morning.

https:// youtu.be/yEek6EvIXpY

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909b92  No.23163


Isn't that what we are trying to do here, enable change and break the conditioning.

If the population took some time away from tv and computers they might start thinking for themselves. But them our posts wouldn't get read!

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909b92  No.23164

Further reading to go with Eds drop on black cube. Looks like the trump administration hired them to dig up dirt.

https:// www.richardsilverstein.com/2018/05/07/israeli-dirty-ops-firm-black-cube-denies-claim-trump-hired-it-to-dig-up-dirt-on-obamas-iran-team-israel-releases-prisoner-x2-former-senior-mossad-official-secretly-imprisoned-for-betraying-israe/

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d10bee  No.23165



It's probably the most difficult subject there is to discuss because people are trained very deeply in absolutes. This is right, this is wrong. Most are so deeply conditioned that to even suggest there are no absolutes drives them to immediate war. DESTROY the messenger! What if our purpose here is that our creators bred warriors? (Twilight Zone: A Small Talent for War). Change the context and all the absolutes change, indicating they were never absolutes to begin with. We presume our purpose here is to be safe and comfortable, therefore "absolute" right and wrong are defined according to what facilitates safety and comfort and what resists their opposites. But we don't truly know the purpose for our being here, which is the prime prerequisite to defining right and wrong. And we will never know, so our purpose is what we make it. And then it starts getting technical because there are always exceptions and caveats to all "absolute" rules. "Thou shalt not kill," unless some wacko with an AR-15 is about to go shoot up your school. Etc. Always exceptions which in and of themselves means there is no absolute right or wrong. We create authority figures (i.e. God) to back up our personal preferences for right and wrong; our personally preferred definitions that we want to force everybody else to abide by.

When you pick the system apart to its lowest level, you can never again put it back together the way it was, but you also get to rebuild the paradigm in some new way that works better than the old way was working.

There is no getting around it: right and wrong are all about whose unique definitions (personal preferences) of what right and wrong ultimately are, is able to force their will on others? That's the world we live in.

Considering all that, how bad off are we really?

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d10bee  No.23166


To clean up the system means replacing one person's forcing their will on the masses with another's.

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cef2ca  No.23167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

morning anons…


deep but truth in it

video: posobiec.. talking about the UK… q said may was "neutralized" i doubted that from the start… certainly after the bs they spewed all the time.. lots i knew already is nicely summarized in this piece

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8f3ecb  No.23168


I'll take eels any day over some of the water filtration systems I've seen.


Good morning to you, anon.

Is he trying to shift blame/focus from the US and blame it on the UK?

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cef2ca  No.23169


yeah he's different than me on that… i say those deepstates are just completely connected… UK & US

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d7e958  No.23170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cef2ca  No.23171


gonna watch in a few ed…. have put it in my list :D thx

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d7e958  No.23172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cef2ca  No.23173


thx ed.. same here

are ya all allright btw?

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d7e958  No.23174






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cef2ca  No.23175


good to hear… thx

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cef2ca  No.23176

there we go… video one :D

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cef2ca  No.23177


the institute for defence analyses : princeton

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Defense_Analyses

efficient market theory/hypothesis : https:// www.investopedia.com/terms/e/efficientmarkethypothesis.asp

yow my brain is in a knot…. it's like listening to a chinese speaking person :o

on to the second…

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8f3ecb  No.23178


These are linked to past drops on Renaissance. (I believe). I'm at around the half way mark in the second one. Need to take fur baby for a much needed walk, but will have a look-see for the posts when I get back. If someone doesn't find them beforehand. ;) ;)

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cef2ca  No.23179


jim simmons : https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Harris_Simons

nsa : codebreaking : ida : institute for defense analysis : https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Defense_Analyses

jim was codecracker...

https:// www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/12/18/jim-simons-the-numbers-king

renaissance : https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_Technologies

links to :

>>1638 : Robert Mercer later joined Renaissance Technologies, he was recruited by executive Nick Patterson.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_Technologies

>>8213 : renaissance technologies : also run by Robert Mercer & Robert Brown, two computer scientists specializing in computational linguistics who joined Renaissance in 1993 from IBM Research. https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_Technologies

https:// www.rentec.com/

https:// fintel.io/i/renaissance-technologies-llc

>>1640 & >>1641 : James Simons founded Renaissance Technologies in 1982, Howard L. Morgan is the co-founder.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_L._Morgan

James simons is a major contributor to the Democratic Party and donated a lot to HRC.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Harris_Simons

>>8215 : part of the wikipage of Simons : he worked for the NSA to break codes, in 1973 simons was asked by IBM to attack the block cipher Lucifer. >>7806

>>8216 : Horst Feistel worked for IBM and his research led to the development of the Lucifer & Data Encryption Standard (DES) (linked to point above) : https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horst_Feistel >>7806

wth.. headaches from it.. used to know some things about wind, elevation, distance and such... but this :o wow

ed, anything to do with this? https:// twitter.com/MorningStarPay/status/1000137553100591105

https:// blockgeeks.com/guides/proof-of-work-vs-proof-of-stake/

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d7e958  No.23180


Does Cambridge Analytical fit into that timeline?

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cef2ca  No.23181

File: 4f080d5a1b9bdaf⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 297x407, 27:37, Screenshot_211.jpg)


through mercer

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d7e958  No.23182

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d7e958  No.23183


Is this starting to make sense?

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d7e958  No.23184


Your Savior (4/8chan) is a puppet.

Get mad.

Really mad.

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cef2ca  No.23185


???? don't get it

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d7e958  No.23186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cef2ca  No.23187


https:// www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b17q91wjnnr68x/renaissance,-cambridge-analytica-connection-should-be-questioned,-experts-say

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d7e958  No.23188


Follow your gut.

In our experience, it never lets you down.

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cef2ca  No.23189


ow talking about Q? ed… i'm there already a long time.. was one of the first in here that brought my doubts to the board

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8f3ecb  No.23190


That made my walk all the more pleasant. Thanks, anon.

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d7e958  No.23191

File: b6614c7528ec6e5⋯.png (763.5 KB, 1014x567, 338:189, Screenshot from 2018-02-08….png)


What they did took some thought. Some fortitude.

We would guesss, its pretty easy to see through it now.

Whether or not he original Q is still Q doesnt matter now.

Its all a joke.

Do you like dedicating yourself to a joke?

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cef2ca  No.23192

since q's goal seems to make a new group of sheep…. that don't ask question, but follow the shepperd blindly…. reading mercers goals (known) and what companies connected to all those connections to trump…. seeing what rentec & cambridge are… it could very well be that q is situated there somewhere… my guess.. rentec..

have to dig deeper on that later when more time… how they link to zionists…


yup, all a joke… but if it works for them, it's a win…

- blind followers, believers

- a good herd of sheep for elections

- a good herd of sheep that shares what they want

- a good herd of sheep where they can test reactions on…

- and so on and on and on…

- ……

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d7e958  No.23193

File: c841865c31be2f4⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 554x381, 554:381, robert mercer math honors.jpg)

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d7e958  No.23194

File: aff6b06c9c74b12⋯.jpg (419.7 KB, 916x709, 916:709, Lovelace.jpg)

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d7e958  No.23195

File: d5261852ef6a749⋯.jpg (622.49 KB, 1199x1600, 1199:1600, Thomas Turner Mercer_milit….jpg)

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cef2ca  No.23196

File: 2e18e0a7f8155d5⋯.jpg (29.63 KB, 735x116, 735:116, Screenshot_212.jpg)


for me it downloaded immediately… the pdf… so people that don't want that… don't ;-)

http:// www.dtic.mil/get-tr-doc/pdf?AD=ADA383790

it's NOT the pdf of the file ed gave, that is this one : https:// digicoll.manoa.hawaii.edu/techreports/PDF/LF-1.pdf

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cef2ca  No.23197


http:// quixoticjoust.blogspot.be/2017/03/who-is-robert-mercer-really.html

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cef2ca  No.23198

https:// twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/999939899871539200

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cef2ca  No.23199


https:// medium.com/textifire/a-special-relationship-the-birth-of-cambridge-analytica-97633129cb06

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cef2ca  No.23200



https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=BawYSrvd4KI

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cef2ca  No.23201

https:// www.rt.com/news/427843-assange-testify-russian-meddling/

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8f3ecb  No.23202


Thanks, anon, but my heads just not in it tonight. This guy rambles more than I do. I'm never sure what point he's trying to get across.

Didn't get much sleep last night/today. I'm kind of struggling to get the right neurons to fire.

Have you found the linking elements for this one? >>23184 I've suspected for a long time, but have never found anything to back mere suspicion.

Gonna have a shower and freshen up. See if I can get myself in dig mode.


Who's controlling Assange's twatter? Him or… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, head's not in the game tonight. :/

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cef2ca  No.23203

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909b92  No.23204


Good morning anons I'm not going to be about so much today. Family BBQ to go to then I have a couple staying for the bank holiday weekend.

There could be some tipsy posts later if the Pimms is flowing.

Look like you have plenty to keep your busy and things to look a lot further into >>23184


I'd like to feed one


Thx for the links it will make it easier if I can get on here when out today


This is my favourite video from all your drops. A lot of the scenery familiar to me and the music is soul food. I have a great interest in the viking culture

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d10bee  No.23205

Older dogs can be a real problem because when something is wrong, it will only flare up after the vets all close on Friday, during a weekend where Monday is a holiday and nothing opens back up until Tuesday morning. That is natural law. I spent most of the night in terror that she was minutes away from needing to be put down. There's just no way to diagnose what's wrong. This morning she's doing much better - exploding with life and energy; just went out and did all her business with everything looking just the way it should look so maybe it was just severe upset stomach. Which never happened to her before. What a horrific night - as far as I knew every breath could have been her last and I went through most of the night that way. Of 7 other family members, the 2 who aren't dead or pure shit live across the country so Puppy Anon is pretty much it for me - aside from my roommate/pseudo-sister. So a horrible night seems to have ended on a much higher note. Now it's time to start thinking about sleep. BO Van Winkle today.

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d10bee  No.23206

Looks like a lot of quality transactions occurred over the course of the night so I have a lot of catching up to do on the board.

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8f3ecb  No.23207


I was thinking more about the chans (of which I never considered to be my savior). All message boards are controlled. The most famous and obvious of all being GLP, (My opinion).

Like Q, if the chans were a serious threat to anyone (not controlled) then they would've been shut down a long time ago. But shut them down and it makes it harder for (((them))) to keep track of all that's going on in fringe society.

Perhaps I'm being overly paranoid! If interested, do a search for research papers regarding message boards. I know there was a very interesting one that I read about reddit. I posted it on GLP for shits and giggles, full knowing that it would be deleted in 10 seconds flat and that I would get a permaban.

If this kind of research is being done quite extensively by universities and independants, imagine what Tavistock is compiling.

If you observe for long enough, many of the tactics used are very obvious; others not so, and you will also pick up patterns in recruitment and infiltration styles.

BTW, I did very much enjoy my shower, though I'm still half asleep.


I hope you have an enjoyable day, anon; and that the weather is magnificent for you. :D

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8f3ecb  No.23208


Glad all is well in the end, anon. Don't think about sleep, just do it, lol.

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d10bee  No.23209


I hope you're not saying that the Corsi/Baruch claim of a "new Q" appearing after the departure from CBTS is actually valid. There are the correlations with POTUS tweets that would have to involve either hacking of Twitter, which should and would receive immediate backlash from any number of sources, or direct working with or subduing POTUS, which is what you claimed earlier.

POTUS even tweeted once, a link to a web site with a huge Q Anon banner on its home page.

On bread 1 or 2 you said LOL at the concept of "the other board" being comped. I still contend it has been run by Mossad, Q, or whoever, from the very beginning.

The tie-ins with POTUS are undeniable whatever the case.

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cef2ca  No.23210


blackmail can be in the game

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d10bee  No.23211


Most likely … or just one's basic nature. Remember Trump grew up immersed in the system. They know we as a group are out there, and are feeding us what we want to hear.

The reality is that you will never escape the megalomaniac crowd who is the weakest of all people: external control is all they know. Controlling the world is easy, as they demonstrate every day. Controlling one's self … that's hard. Too hard for them.

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d10bee  No.23212


We all knew Hillary was coming, so create the quintessential anti-Hillary and frame it all like the knight riding in on the white horse. When we strip away all the rhetoric, what we're left with is Obama's plan completely intact and functioning full force. This is why no sweeping, let's-end-this action is being taken on any serious problem from Chicago to sanctuary states to immigration. Just lots of cheerleading about what's coming tomorrow, always tomorrow.

Ed is right - this is a joke. But it does keep THEM clearly exposed and holding their known boundaries which I would imagine is the great downfall of needing to control EVERYTHING - you can't control yourself which makes controlling EVERYTHING pointless. For those looking you become the ultimate open book. All people have to do is reject the piper's music and ask critical questions.

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cef2ca  No.23213



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d10bee  No.23214


Reminds me of the Star Trek movie where Kirk asks … "why does GOD need a starship?" Like the head of a pin puncturing a balloon, the most microscopic puncture and the entire thing deflates instantly. Total weakness.

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8f3ecb  No.23215


Now all that's left is to post this in QR. Hahahahaha. Sorry, as usual, I couldn't help myself.

I can't wait to see the next Q post! Just for the sake of it. Yep, I really wanna see what they have to offer next.

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d10bee  No.23216

Imagine a life where the only people you hate more than the sheep you control are the people helping you control them. To find any of that even remotely acceptable, one must begin by hating one's self.

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d10bee  No.23217


It's part of the textbook that after the no-event 23rd Q has to go silent for a time to build up anticipation and measure the response. Note that the explanation for why nothing happened will (as it always does) fit perfectly into the herd. But first time is required to assess what the too-perfect response is.

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cef2ca  No.23218


trust the plan!

stay together!

bolton good!

kansas good!

no coincidences!

june will be hot!


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8f3ecb  No.23219






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d10bee  No.23220


Patterns repeat. All you have to do is be willing to see them. Willing, not able. In so doing the unwilling will see you as evil incarnate but that's how it goes.

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d10bee  No.23221

Who else disappeared on the 23rd?

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8f3ecb  No.23222


Why… what ever do you mean, anon?

No, it didn't go unnoticed.

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909b92  No.23223


I'm glad your dog is ok. It's a horrible and worrying when they take in turn in the night. Sounds like she ate something she shouldn't have.

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909b92  No.23224


I'm glad you enjoyed your shower.

I'm not sure the weather will last storms predicted for later this PM and evening.

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8f3ecb  No.23225


Hopefully it holds off for as long as you're cooking on the barbie then. I'm sure you have a plan B up your sleeve.

Have a bit more than a tipple and it might not matter, hehe.

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909b92  No.23226



Q's! !!!!!!!!

Who else did disappear?

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8f3ecb  No.23227


I think I jumped the gun. I thought the anon may have been referring to Ed, but the Eds had started dropping off before then. So…if it wasn't them that he was referring to, I'm with you; who?

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cef2ca  No.23228


ed was here the 23rd


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8f3ecb  No.23229


Thanks, anon. I did go back and have a look. Again, too tired to match up and convert time zones.

I don't know what's going on. Not with much at all. More things than one have become chaotic and unsettled recently. One is left to wonder if similar patterns are merely COINCIDENCE…. dut, dut daaaahhhhhh!

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cef2ca  No.23230


no prob ;-) take it easy

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cef2ca  No.23231

interesting article about mercer

https:// www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-01-20/what-kind-of-man-spends-millions-to-elect-ted-cruz-

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d10bee  No.23232


Most likely … the worst was the roughly two hours I knelt down beside the chair she was placed in, watching the covers over her to see if she had drawn her last breath yet. At the time that outcome seemed inevitable. She's now resting in mom's bed (my roommate) sleeping … she wanted up there for the A/C in the window. It's the first she's slept maybe in 48 hours. And she's sleeping very well. I'm not disturbing her. After we went outside this morning she was so perky, with so much life and vigor … she isn't going anywhere today.

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8f3ecb  No.23233

Well, since my hair is dry and my meal sufficiently digested, it's time for me to bid ya'll good night.

Be good and kind to each other. Be good and kind to yourselves.

Pass it on and pay it forward.

<3 Love to all :)



I've bookmarked most of what you've posted on him. I started reading the one the size of a novel and gave up for the evening, lol. G'night, anon. Thanks for all your digging. ;)

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d10bee  No.23234


LOL I didn't have anybody in mind specifically … Ed has been active ongoing … I was really just asking!

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d10bee  No.23235


Good night, anon. May you have a record-setting awesome sleep. :)

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cef2ca  No.23236


gnight, sleep well

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cef2ca  No.23237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

well, good to see they move on no matter what…. even if Trump doesn't agree and doesn't come to a deal.. i think it would be great if they still (N & S) come to a deal, mainly for the people… they are humans too, like all of us…

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d10bee  No.23238


We have so many scenarios regarding NK active in the public perception simultaneously … which one is real? All? None?

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cef2ca  No.23239


that's the question.. i just hope for the people of both countries and for the world that they put their differences aside…

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cef2ca  No.23240

File: d73ae3b6b046f93⋯.jpg (152.59 KB, 1242x810, 23:15, BN-RI955_1223cs_GR_2016122….jpg)

well i missed that when we were digging on the shenzhen stock exchange building

= near the entrance of the building

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cef2ca  No.23241

File: fd973a3ddb9d28d⋯.png (178.02 KB, 331x214, 331:214, szse-poised-to-build-a-cap….png)


this is also a bull partly :

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cef2ca  No.23242

File: e3c5fd528c517df⋯.jpg (145.73 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, 44158560-shenzhen-china-au….jpg)


and just in front of entrance

did i just hear moloch? guess so

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6503af  No.23243


Kek defeats moloch forever and ever ramen noodles ahhhhhh

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cef2ca  No.23244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6503af  No.23245



What a fucking jew snake

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cef2ca  No.23246


talking about "baal" / "moloch"

http:// www.yahwehism.com/html/yahweh-samaria.html

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6503af  No.23247


The semite demon known as jehovah/messiah is flat out fucking evil too

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cef2ca  No.23248

File: ba2fd09f59e59f7⋯.jpg (83.75 KB, 549x355, 549:355, Screenshot_213.jpg)



https:// www.gettyimages.be/detail/nieuwsfoto's/statue-of-a-golden-bull-symbol-of-up-going-markets-stands-nieuwsfotos/462457278#statue-of-a-golden-bull-symbol-of-upgoing-markets-stands-in-front-of-picture-id462457278

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/shanghai-got-the-headlines-but-this-diving-market-was-chinas-ground-zero/2015/08/21/0cd3e526-411e-11e5-9f53-d1e3ddfd0cda_story.html?utm_term=.82c49d831e54

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129a61  No.23250

An update to the Ed compilation has been posted in useful tools >>23249

For those who downloaded the previous zip and have all older images already, there's a smaller, incremental update instead of the full version.

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d7e958  No.23251

File: b652e3d4c4c74fc⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 758x616, 379:308, EeHeadshot.JPG)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effi_Eitam

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5bee3f  No.23252

File: 906b8c84cb7bf58⋯.png (286.83 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6714.PNG)

Lookie at the BO post in QR….8Bit allows the BVs to go ape shit crazy with the unjustifiable banning of legit Anons AGAIN for weeks….& NOW he wants to correct it? What happened? Did he get tired of being called out as being comped or did he notice how many Anons he was losing? The QR board is for Anons…not BO or BV. IF the Anons move- Q will move as well.

Anyway, I just thought this was freaking hilarious since this is the SECOND time he has had to do this. I really think that Rogue BV is his wife & they are both comped now.

Happy Saturday & Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

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d10bee  No.23253


Where's the edgy little girl defiantly standing in front of the soon-to-be-charging bull?

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d10bee  No.23254


This is the cycle he runs every time. Rampant banning goes on for a couple weeks the BO gets all apologetic. This is the third time this cycle has played out exactly this way. So it's a scripted process.

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d10bee  No.23255


Third time. Every time plays out by exactly the same script. Which means the entire board is a psy-op.

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d10bee  No.23256


The more evolved a being is, the more intolerant it will be of receiving worship.

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d10bee  No.23257


I was starting to take the same approach when I was doing the per-message graphics. The full file was becoming too big to be manageable.

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54eb00  No.23258

+21 just a distant memory! Khayr.

ISIS in west bank completely defeated.

http:// videos.videopress.com/KnPSSN5i/wilayat-al-khair_hd.mp4

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64beb4  No.23259

WOW dead here ???!!

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d10bee  No.23260


Normal weekend.

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d10bee  No.23261

One day way back in 1985 I was working at the Coldwell Banker information center in Laguna Hills, CA. I went to lunch, and when I came back, there were many police cars in the parking lot of the building next door. Crime scene tape was everywhere and a zillion people were milling around.

When I got back to my cubicle, I found out that a bomb had gone off in a car in the parking lot next door.

Within two hours, my temporary boss - an ex-Marine - came storming into my cubicle raising all kinds of hell with me because he had no idea what I was doing all day. He got so upset that he kicked my chair and it slid back into the wall of the cubicle.

The bomb in the car was life's metaphorical warning for what was coming.

The temporary boss later apologized, and was massively humbled when I informed him that I had been sending him memos sometimes two or three times a day informing him of everything I was doing. He just didn't see fit to read them.

Naturally, if I wanted to push the matter I could have easily gotten him fired. I chose not to do that. There was no reason to. He had no history of such outbursts that I was aware of and he apologized of his own accord. But that isn't the point.

The point is that the warning came before the event. It was just a matter of knowing how to interpret it.

Sometimes car accidents are warnings that a "bomb" is about to be dropped in our lives. Especially when the accident creates no appreciable injuries and results in a new car that we were actively looking for anyway.

About 9 months ago, my roommate’s daughter was stopped on the on-ramp going onto the interstate when she was rear-ended by a guy going at least 50 mph.

Two nights ago, the same daughter (she only has one) was driving on the interstate and came up to a major traffic jam where she had to come to a complete stop. She was promptly rear ended by a guy going at least 50 mph.

Within 2 hours, she discovered her live-in boyfriend of 4 years was regularly cheating on her for the past 9 months.

The first “rear-end” collision was when the cheating started. The second was when it was revealed to her.

In addition, she had been actively looking for a new car for the past week.

"New car." Metaphor. "New life." Which she was actively looking for anyway. She knew the guy she was living with was shit.

When the same wreck happens twice, exactly the same way, it can be a good idea to look back on the first time and see where we might have gotten the message that was really being delivered the first time. By doing this, we can begin to learn the language life uses when it gives us information and warnings.

When we know what we truly want, and we don’t honor it properly, then life gets nasty to get our attention. There are many more subtle ways of delivering a message that the person you’re hooked up with is cheating (which is relevant only if we specifically want somebody who doesn’t cheat). When those more subtle deliveries don’t get the message across, then life begins yelling louder.

There’s always a purpose to what “happens” to us.

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909b92  No.23262

Good morning anons.

Well no storms through the BBQ but amazing electric storm from about midnight . It was so bright and several lighting strikes from all directions at the same time.

https:// www.thesun.co.uk/news/6387925/lightning-storms-britain-uk-weather-thunder-latest/

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909b92  No.23263

South Korea are keeping up the peace talks with the North. I think president moon should be nominated for the nobel peace prize.

President Moon is a wise man.

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909b92  No.23264


Another philosophical nugget you have dropped on the board. Sometimes less is more.

Now there's an idea for a book.

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8f3ecb  No.23265


Pssst, I have company but sneaking a post in to say good morning to you. ;)

Spectacular light show. Happy to here that your BBQ wasn't rained out.

back later :D

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8f3ecb  No.23266



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d7e958  No.23267

File: 4ea9cc289014ddb⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 984x452, 246:113, DeKgDPtVAAAJFcX.jpg)

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d10bee  No.23268


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d10bee  No.23269


You're not going to tell me how you got that password.

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d10bee  No.23270




Just BO testing

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cef2ca  No.23271

morning anons, morning ed… waiting for the light outside for my walk :D

so codemonkey .. does this mean anything for 8chan or the board?

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d10bee  No.23272


Have to ask Ed … they came up with the password … not sure if it was outed or hacked but logic would say outed.

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cef2ca  No.23273


wasn't ed that found it out

https:// twitter.com/infinitechan/status/1000538051012050944

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cef2ca  No.23274


part gone

ed retweeted this tweet, posted the image here

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8f3ecb  No.23275



And CMs twatter retweeted also with トリップが漏れした translates to The trip leaked

> twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1000540215843241984


Good evening, anons.

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8f3ecb  No.23276

I read an article last night on the owner of 8chan. Seems he's been pretty desperate for it to make money, instead of lose, which it has been doing since ever. He makes most of his money through Japanese pawn.

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909b92  No.23277


Enjoy. Later

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d10bee  No.23278


Just charge rent on the QR board … bill to CIA.

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8f3ecb  No.23279


I can think of a few other, unsavory and deceptive ways to turn a buck through 8chan. :s


Lool, Hi again, anon. I'm back. This is later. I even managed to get all the dishes done, lmao. Time to kick back and hang out with anons now. ;)

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d10bee  No.23280


Strange that people would be following CM on Twatter.

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d10bee  No.23281


Rumor has it that all of 8Chan is one big deception. I wonder how this board was allowed to survive. Maybe that's why we got the attacks we did when we first started up.

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d10bee  No.23282

5/28 is this board's 3 month anniversary!

Confuse the servers: >>23282

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8f3ecb  No.23283


How so? I don't follow his account, but when there's issues with the board, I go check it out to see if he puts anything out as to how long it will be down or disturbed. Sometimes news goes through there quicker than the 8chan twatter.


There's quite a lot to consider, I guess. There's plenty of reasons for it to have been left to continue. Not many of those reasons are good ones.

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909b92  No.23284

May madness.

This is all a ruse so the good guys can get on with what they are trying to do.

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d10bee  No.23285


Depending on which of the 17,000 stories about what's really going on you subscribe to.

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909b92  No.23286



I check a CM account as well I'm guessing it's the same. I look there when there problems . I don't follow though.

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8f3ecb  No.23287

File: 0cd3ed9c7e0f82a⋯.png (567.37 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// splinternews.com/meet-the-man-keeping-8chan-the-worlds-most-vile-websit-1793856249

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8f3ecb  No.23288

Very interesting!

< encyclopediadramatica.rs/Jim_Watkins

Very, very, very, interesting!

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8f3ecb  No.23289


LMFAO. Encycopedia Dramatica is an awesome site. I'm in stitches.

> encyclopediadramatica.rs/Main_Page


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8f3ecb  No.23290

Meh. The board has that Sunday kind of feeling about it again.

I'm gonna join Awesome Anon in going for a walk. But its damn cold and dark here :(

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909b92  No.23291


Yes., very. Ties to Eds post I think. Good find.

Wrap up and enjoy your walk

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cef2ca  No.23292

wow… lost my internetconnection… luckely it came back after making some sidesteps…. cause sundays they don't work and tomorrow neither… pfieuw

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8f3ecb  No.23293


/baphomet/ - An attempt to return imageboards to the "hackers on steroids" era when /b/ could actually get shit done. Naturally it died when the board's owner got shot to death by the FBI after one of the moderators sold him out.




Wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be :D Was a very pleasant walk, thank you.

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8f3ecb  No.23294


Welcome back, anon. Cross fingers and knock, knock, knock on wood that it doesn't drop again.

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cef2ca  No.23295


yeah knocking on and holding on to wood :D

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8f3ecb  No.23296


OMG anon. OMFG I'm PMSL. OMG tears rolling down my cheeks.

I'm not of a dirty mind, but reread your statement and wonder at why I'm laughing. Hahahahahahaha

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cef2ca  No.23297



was looking for a live-stream of speakers corner… (london)… was supposed to be a gathering of "patriots" for tommy robinson… nothing to find, nowhere….

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8f3ecb  No.23298


I can't find anything either, sry; can't help.

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cef2ca  No.23299


thx for looking…

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cef2ca  No.23300

https:// threadreaderapp.com/thread/1000649475210272768.html

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d10bee  No.23301


Really? And I thought this was a family board.

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cef2ca  No.23302


hey… i have to do something to plz the gods of internet :p would go nutz if i would be without till tuesday at least

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d10bee  No.23303


Holding onto wood …. going nutz … looks like you have all the bases covered. :)

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8f3ecb  No.23304


I can see that as being a incredibly fast growing and adhered to religion.


Tears streaming down my face again. I love Sundays.

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cef2ca  No.23305


yeah… if its up to the techies, we will have an ia god and not only for the internet…

i lean more to a terminator future.. if ya see what robots can do already today… let them think for themselves without human control and sh*t hits the fan… they will kill us, at least arrest us, put us in gulags… wow the future looks great…. fight fight fight :D

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cef2ca  No.23306


AI ofcourse… my fingers type faster than my brain today

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cef2ca  No.23307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

imo a good docu….. also a true story, they want to erase history… true history… like in us

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cef2ca  No.23308

for those interested

https:// www.change.org/p/theresa-may-mp-free-tommy-robinson

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d10bee  No.23309


That outcome has already been demonstrated by the first 2 AI/robot units having a conversation … or maybe it was just one of them … already came to the conclusion that humans must be eliminated. The trick is creating an AI that is oriented such that the elimination of humanity is not an automatic conclusion.

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cef2ca  No.23310

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cef2ca  No.23311

well well.. (we already knew this ofcourse, cause we think for our own)

http:// ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2018/may/26/syria-us-moves-to-protect-al-qaeda-and-isis-in-daraa/

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8f3ecb  No.23312


I'm glad I watched that. Thanks, anon. That was far more interesting, and eye opening, than I thought it was going to be.

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cef2ca  No.23313


glad it helped ;)

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8f3ecb  No.23314

Did anyone make anything of the most recent Ed drop; apart from it being a shame the guy wasn't involved in a fatal accident a few decades ago?

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cef2ca  No.23315


nope… stuck on that… don't really know what direction to search in

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cef2ca  No.23316




https:// genie.com/management/

he's genie energy

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8f3ecb  No.23317


Well that figures, then.

Thanks. I think I might shift my focus. I've been lost in looking up shit on those who run the chans. It's pretty hard to find anyone that says anything nice about them. A lot of the stuff it quite sick, tbh, but not unexpected; all considered.

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cef2ca  No.23318


no prob… when i find something recent i drop it ;-)

on the older ed-drops.. i now ended up in the third crusade.. hope i don't have to fight the globalists there lol

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8f3ecb  No.23319


I've been thinking about that. I think they were kind of already around, even back then. The Romans were globalists, after all.

And I've been thinking about the freemasons. Might they go as far back as the building of the pyramids? <insert dramatic music here> Is Christianity the religion of the gentiles, the religion that keeps them inline while the Jews continue to be distinguished from all else? But is freemasonry a way of initiating only a select few out of the ranks of the gentiles?

Sometimes I just let my mind a go wandering, hehehe.

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8f3ecb  No.23320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

< youtu.be/uQvig0KvUaE

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909b92  No.23321


They were marching on whitehall.

https:// www.standard.co.uk/news/london/hundreds-of-farright-protesters-descend-on-whitehall-after-tommy-robinson-arrested-for-breaching-the-a3849046.html

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909b92  No.23322

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8f3ecb  No.23323


Interesting wording;

The incident has triggered a furious reaction from his fans, who could be heard chanting “shame on you” outside Whitehall.

Are they fanatics, or were they there in support?

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cef2ca  No.23324


sorry, unexpected visitors…



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cef2ca  No.23325


he has points… about the distraction and such… global warming? nah when mother nature decides it's time, she freezes or heats up… that's totally not up to us…

problem is, you have to major camps, the ones that screw you and take your money by global warming and that bs…. and the others that do that with wars….. your choise… (it's more than that ofcourse, but in short ;)

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8f3ecb  No.23326


I had more or less the same reaction when he said about the global warming. I don't like the term and I most certainly don't like the way that it's so-called being tackled. Common sense says to stop polluting everything everything. Mother nature will bounce back, and maybe even hums will, but only a handful, lol.


I hope you had a pleasant visit. :)

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909b92  No.23327


The truth of his arrest is that he is highlighting what they don't want in the public eye.

These gangs (The Leeds court case robinson was attending)should also be charged for hate crimes but that wll never happen.i

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cef2ca  No.23328

well.. coming week is the end of may…. summer recess coming very close…. nothing will get done… getting little sick of it all..

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8f3ecb  No.23329


I don't know enough about it to be able to knowledgeably make comment. I just found it interesting that the press chose to use the word fans rather than supporters.

Did you read Rules for Radicals? Lol, get organised and something might happen.


I hear ya, anon. What's the plan?

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cef2ca  No.23330


no plan anymore… only way imo that we take back our freedom, country, … a revolution against the elites.. cause no matter who we put in control, they screw us

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6503af  No.23331


(( (they)) ) are obviously the problem

Pro tip - if you kill your enemies they don't win

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cef2ca  No.23332


not agree with that.. lets take a recent example… let's say tommy robinson gets murdered in jail… they don't win at that point… unless brits are losers, they will rise when that happens

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8f3ecb  No.23333


It's going to be a very messy revolution. Unless people can get organized in big numbers, I don't see it happening. Without the power of media, with so many who can't see past their Iphones, with so much apathy, so much comfort that they don't want to lose, infiltrators and subversives (see -→ >>23331 ) ready, willing and waiting to disrupt and push themselves on everyone; it is a huge task to take on.

I guess it all depends on the kind of revolution.

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6503af  No.23334


Meh. Timmy tommy is jüden anyway

Aka a RAT

I hope he gets shanked in prison. If he had any nuts he would've started off the European revolution. He didn't. He cucked and got locked up with a bunch of shitskins.

He didn't hero and he should've.

All it takes is one other and the ide spreads like wild fire.

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6503af  No.23335


Checked quads

I'm a subversive too? Sweet

I'm an AI bot , a NAZI , a terrorist , evil , antichrist , full of hate , what else…. oh yeah - non conventional asset , shitposter


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6503af  No.23336

First, attack by hydroxide (from rainwater) on the phosphorus to form a pentacoordinate phosphorus intermediate.

Then, ethoxide is expelled to give the nerve gas EA2192.

Have fun kids

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d10bee  No.23337


>to form a pentacoordinate phosphorus intermediate.

That's what I was afraid of: that damned pentacoordinate phosphorus intermediate. My mom used to worry about that when I was a kid. Whaddya do?

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6503af  No.23338



Sarin synthesis: Sarin is easily prepared using a known three step process, starting with the preparation of methylphosphonyl dichloride, the so-called DC is easily produced by the reaction of chloromethane in phosphorus trichloride and catalyzed by aluminum trichloride, the reaction of these form an insoluble crystalline complex which is then placed to filter and then dissolved in dichloromethane and hydrolyzed by concentrated hydrochloric acid, the hydrolysis of the complex generates its decomposition into methylphosphoryl chloride, hydrogen chloride gas and unchanged (probably hydrated) aluminum trichloride, the DC is then reacted with sodium fluoride and in direct distillate at 100 degrees Celsius, the DF (methylphosphonyl Difluoride) is then reacted with isopropyl alcohol in the presence of a reducing agent such as dimethylethylamine at reflux at 37 degrees, then the reaction is terminated with a precipitate on the insoluble bottom, the solution is filtered and the Sarin is distilled at 56 degrees Celsius to 16 millimeters of mercury.

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6503af  No.23339


Process 1: Preparation of methylphosphonyl dichloride

140.1 grams of 98% Phosphorus Trichloride are charged into a flask and 136 grams of 98% aluminum trichloride are added thereto and the solution is cooled to 0 degrees Celsius and the solution is stirred for 30 minutes After the mixing time has passed, 51.51 grams of liquid Chloromethane is added and the mixture is stirred for 1.5 hours, and the material is allowed to react for 48 hours. After 48 hours, there is complete formation of a crystalline, filtered the complex and then place 170 grams of Dichloromethane 99% liquid in the solution and stir until all the crystals are dissolved in the solution. If it does not dissolve, add another 85 grams of the solvent, but it is not necessary, then place 200 grams of Hydrochloric Acid 38% and stir the solution for two hours and after completion of the reaction place to filter the solution at room temperature and then distill the solvent at 40 degrees Celsius and then the methylphosphonyl dichloride in vacuo at 22 millimeters of mercury, the obtained agent it's a semi solid colorless liquid.

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8f3ecb  No.23340

Everyone's gotta have a hobby!

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cef2ca  No.23341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

smart move from the russians

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6503af  No.23342


Summary: VX is prepared from the reaction of methylphosphine dichloride with ethanol, using pyridine as a reducing agent and ethyl ether as solvent, the reaction occurs at reflux, and as soon as the reflux decreases and does not decrease further, the insolubles are filtered and then distills the solvent and vacuum the Dieth oxymethylphosphine or directly distils the diallycol methylphosphine. Use Diethoxymethylphosphine to react with Diisopropylaminoethanol in an open vessel with direct distillation of Ethanol, then place Sulfur to be dissolved in the solution and when the sulfur is fully dissolved, heat the vessel to 130 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.

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6503af  No.23343


I love chemistry

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d10bee  No.23344


That's about my speed! Simplify it! :)

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d10bee  No.23345




My limit is figuring out how much salt to put on my eggs.

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6503af  No.23346


Too much isn't good for the heart

Too little isn't good for the heart

Season to taste and trust your gut


Also if you synthesize these agents be prepared to use them on Agents or (( (agents)))

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8f3ecb  No.23347

File: 197cad30688dbce⋯.jpg (166.08 KB, 688x612, 172:153, School ofA.jpg)

It took me a while, but I got there in the end!

If there's one thing that I love about myself, it's the fact that I can so easily laugh at myself. :D

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d10bee  No.23348


It sounds like sound advice but how do I know who you are really working for? What is the sound of one hand clapping?

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cef2ca  No.23349


zarathustra ;-)

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8f3ecb  No.23350


I'd not tied him into the School of Athens pic. With the compass and square having been posted so many times, I was focused on Euclid. Didn't really give the others much thought. Have been doing a lot of reading on Zoroastrianism, and BANG, there he was.

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6503af  No.23351


I work for Kek and Volk

That's all

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6503af  No.23352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry. The sound of one hand clapping sounds something like this

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8f3ecb  No.23353


Yeah, I also gave him as many (you)s as he's gonna get from me tonight, lol.

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6503af  No.23354

File: e143d7b019f416f⋯.jpg (37.08 KB, 300x225, 4:3, IMG_3378.JPG)

File: 52ff3a2a556cb17⋯.jpg (248.93 KB, 850x1024, 425:512, IMG_3379.JPG)

File: 4b5739edfc7f108⋯.jpg (17.6 KB, 204x247, 204:247, IMG_3380.JPG)


I love you , you

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cef2ca  No.23355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just magic….

don't always agree with their ideas of politics, but this is golden imo… morello is golden on his guitar

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cef2ca  No.23356

https:// www.rt.com/news/427972-italy-coalition-government-fail-savona

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8f3ecb  No.23357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Am I being too critical when I say that it's a good thing they can play guitar, because their singing is terrible? :-o

Does it compare to this, of which I had no idea what to expect when I went to play it, but as soon as I did, realized that at 20 past 5 in the AM, I really should make sure my sound is turned down before playing anything at all.


Troubles all over!

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d10bee  No.23358


This guy is the ultimate low-class, no-class communist.

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d10bee  No.23359


White noise.

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cef2ca  No.23360


not comparable the two ;-)


even if he was an alien, a rhino, a spider, a nun.. doesn't change the fact that he can play the guitar like few can…

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8f3ecb  No.23361

File: 836a06a87b44b28⋯.png (121.29 KB, 460x300, 23:15, ClipboardImage.png)


Like I said, I didn't know what to expect when I clicked on it. It sure wasn't expecting that, LMAO. I read the lyrics somewhere and was intrigued to know what such a song would sound like…. GAH!!!!


Not by a long shot, hahaha.

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d10bee  No.23362


LOVE the image! It's a perfect example of how the most juvenile, simplistic SHIT can be glorified to sell among today's spoiled, angry youth.

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d10bee  No.23363

A poster on a storefront, a picture of a wanted man. He had a reputation, spreading like fire through the land. It wasn't for the money, at least it didn't start that way. It wasn't for the running … but now he's running every day.

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8f3ecb  No.23364

File: ce65b78733c9f97⋯.png (211.13 KB, 448x329, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)


He'll be needing lots of carbs, I'm guessing.


Time for some shuteye, for me.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, anons.

“Man Must first think for himself before he can believe". – Zarathushtra

<3 Love to all :)

Good night (morning).

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d10bee  No.23365


Well they didn't actually say how FAR he was running, only that he was doing it every day. It could be ten steps or something manageable.

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d10bee  No.23366

The distraction we've all been waiting for.

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5776081/Leaked-Pentagon-report-reveals-startling-new-details-supersonic-Tic-Tac-UFO.html

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d10bee  No.23367

Thanks to my most awesome roommate ever, Puppy Anon is recovering very nicely. My roommate thought PA's condition set in WAY too fast for it to be anything progressive, and she started digging online. Everything pointed to PA ingesting something toxic that was closing off her airways. One of the suggestions online was a mixture of milk and egg whites, amount according to body weight, so we gave her some of that. She tore into it like she'd never had food before. For about 30 minutes afterward she was breathing almost normally and now is about 70% better overall, some 2+ hours later. I never thought of toxic substances. I would have brought PA to the vet Tuesday morning; the vet would have said "oh well she's almost 15 so let's just put her down." Instead, she appears for the moment to be well on her way to a full recovery. She is improving by the hour.

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d7e958  No.23368

File: 12b938517ef5732⋯.png (614.2 KB, 1009x885, 1009:885, Screenshot from 2018-05-27….png)

Happy Memorial Day Anons from the Eds.

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d10bee  No.23369


Can't you let ANYTHING go just for one day?

:) :) :)

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8f3ecb  No.23370

Good afternoon, anons!


Happy to hear that she's picked up. I wasn't aware tat she was still ill.


'corporate incomes improve … In a word, made in china.'


What wasn't in the report was that they managed to intercept it. On inspection, and when examining its underbelly, a series of symbols were noted. A crack team of specialists were assembled to decode them. Within minutes they unanimously agreed that the symbols were were conveying a very important message. 'MADE IN CHINA'.

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d10bee  No.23371


I wonder if they used quantum technology to assist in their code breaking efforts. One cannot simply jump to conclusions in such undertakings. Misinterpretation is eternally lurking as a major threat. Lives are hanging in the balance on this. Failure was not an option. They had to get it right. And apparently they did.

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8f3ecb  No.23372


I think they just punched the characters into google translate!

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d10bee  No.23373


Well there's always something to be said for the shortest route between two points. :)

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d10bee  No.23374

Why is it that people think "know thyself" is such a deep esoteric science as to be out of reach to the common (wo)man? Every minute of every day, you do things, or resist doing things, and there is a reason why, a motivation. Know the motivation and know how you're manifesting it. It's exactly that complex. "This employee made me look bad by knowing more than I do so I fired her. I did it because I really felt angry that she was making me look bad. Meaning I offloaded my insecurity onto her and made her carry the weight of my personal issues." There's nothing difficult about it. 99.99999% of what we do in our interaction with others is intended to beat them down, undermine them, punish them, put them in their place, such that we remain superior and center stage. It isn't rocket science, but for some reason we turn it into rocket science. We lie and we bullshit ourselves and others about what our true motivation is behind most of what we do. We're so busy justifying and lying about our real motivations that we actually deal with those motivations effectively never.

We claim to be upset about this or that, and then we very carefully bypass a thousand opportunities to do something about it. Why? Know thyself. But nobody wants to. They prefer the lies; the justifications and the redefinitions about what is really motivating them to behave as they do.

It's an exceedingly simple formula in life: every person you admire is showing you yourself and that connection, that reflection is 100% of what you're reacting to. Every person you hate, every person who irritates you, is showing you yourself and you don't want to own it. Good or bad, it's all a reflection of you or you wouldn't have a reaction to it.

We all have a pretty much absolute track record of setting out to make the world "right" and failing miserably. It's not about the mirror. It's about the person looking into it. Know thyself. Never has there been a quest more critical, and never has there been a quest more resisted.

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8f3ecb  No.23375


Oh dear. I do believe you've over simplified it. To know thyself is to understand why, in depth. Cause and effect. It's knowing yourself so well that you can see how the world and the people in it are the way they are and why.

The world is made up of experiences, one after another, after another. We all start off the same; experienceless. (Is that a word?) When we ask ourselves, who am I? Are we not a sequence of experiences that come about through cause and effect.

Meh, everyone has their own way of seeing things. Their experiences are different. Some go deeper into the experience than others, and some choose to experience the same experience in different ways. Lalalala lala laalalala.

> Know thyself. But nobody wants to.

This is a conclusion that you've come to based on your own experience.

Plenty of people want to. Plenty of people spend their entire lives getting to now themselves.

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cef2ca  No.23376

morning anons

https:// threadreaderapp.com/thread/1000060035140083712.html

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d10bee  No.23377


>Plenty of people want to

Within bounds that will never yield the result. Comfort! They have the option of seeking beyond the comfort zone, but refuse. No result requiring too much discomfort is acceptable so the empty space is filled in with concoctions of the mind.

Everything is about resonance. One anomaly that was noticed long ago in electronic circuits - and, to my knowledge, has never been adequately explained - is that two quartz crystals in the same circuit will synchronize with no known cause. The wave forms generated by the crystals will line up and nobody knows why. Kind of like women working together eventually synchronizing their periods.

Everything is about resonance. The stronger the reaction we have to a person or situation, positive or negative, the more we resonate with it - meaning, the more it reflects us. Look at all the off-the-shelf anti-Semitism dominating QR. What is that rooted in? The anti-Semites are in full resonance with what they hate. Otherwise the reaction would be far less than what it is.

To have a strong reaction is to have a strong resonance.

It goes both ways. The more we admire somebody, the more they are showing us ourselves. Most of the people we run across in life, we form firm decisions about whether or not we like or dislike that person long before we can ever account for why we're reacting that way. Something is causing the reaction. That something is resonance. Otherwise the person would be inconsequential and we wouldn't care one way or another.

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8f3ecb  No.23378


Good find, anon. I'm still reading it. Am in the middle of ten different things right now. One of them will result in my having clean PJs to put on after my shower, lol.


You're putting everyone in the same basket. If that's what you see in everyone else, is that observance a reflection of you?

I'm well aware of resonance, and have been so for many years.

Who are you to say that a result will not be yielded? Are you all knowing? Have you gone so deep and know yourself so well that you know where everyone else is at in their experience/adventure?

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8f3ecb  No.23379

File: 66f71bf8d6cf55e⋯.jpg (41.49 KB, 334x500, 167:250, IWant2Believe-Q.jpg)


That was most interesting. I like her. Interesting to go through some of the comments on her twatter, as well. People are struggling to consider that Q is a psyop. The cognitive dissonance is running its course. The excuses and explaining away are in full force.

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cef2ca  No.23380


had the same reaction… interesting…; people have to open their eyes again… they have to break free from Q to get our country back…

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8f3ecb  No.23381

File: dca0598a59d9bdf⋯.jpg (129.98 KB, 750x744, 125:124, lambs-to-slaughter-Q.jpg)

I guess I'm in a semi-creative mood this evening.


Good morning to you, BTW, anon. I did neglect to greet you so, earlier. ;)

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cef2ca  No.23382


no problem ;-)

that is a nice one…. reminds me of some kind of meme i saw (and posted here afterwards) about sheep being lead to the butcher

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8f3ecb  No.23383


Lol, I remember the one you posted. I spotted myself in the top left corner wondering what the hell I was doing there; while you said you were out of shot, making your escape. :p Hahahaha

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cef2ca  No.23384

File: deb58d1edc5f118⋯.jpeg (216.94 KB, 1568x453, 1568:453, 5ae961f7e9665.jpeg)

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cef2ca  No.23385

ed lead me again to moloch and bulls …. so many thoughts on it… soo many possibilities… explanations…..

sacred cow of isis - apis - moloch - child sacrifice - the bulls in wall street, shenzhen stock exchange - golden calf moses… on and on and on………

fact is.. ya can't trust what pope, bishops, priests tell ya… it's even doubtfull to trust the scriptures completely because of the vatican… what do they hide? what did they change? what about the stories older than the scriptures that talk about things in the scriptures before it happened…..

ya can't trust science…. cause science isn't working on proof, but working on consensus….

ya can't trust politicians…. they are mostly sick f'cks…. ya certainly can't trust deep state, fbi, cia, and on and on and on….

follow your gut…. but will we ever find out the real truth… i doubt it… ya can have a great revolution in the world, where the people take the power back… but ya can be certain like the secrets hidden in vatican.. they rather burn all of it than that we, the people, would gain access…

what is the true history? what is real? soooo many questions…

rant over ;-)

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cef2ca  No.23386

File: 097a161cb29bc43⋯.gif (112.17 KB, 319x561, 29:51, Moloch_the_god[1].gif)

File: 7a219f29424606a⋯.gif (79.69 KB, 267x512, 267:512, f11054383abd4af3b84a6b36e0….gif)

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cef2ca  No.23387


on looking for the image… i came to this.. if i remember well, someanon already got on this item of khazarians : https:// www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

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cef2ca  No.23388


i even forgot this : http:// www.yahwehism.com/html/yahweh-samaria.html

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8f3ecb  No.23389


Tough question, anon. Truth is…..

Meh, not sure, but it's a lot more interesting to go through life in search of it, rather than accepting someone else's.

The more one examines texts from all over, throughout the ages, the more it's realized that they all have the same origin. For me, anyway. But something went wrong somewhere. It was when someone decided that religion was a good idea; that all people's must subscribe to the same beliefs. For this to be successful, fear and force was required.

I say DEATH TO ALL RELIGIONS. If only people, the world over relaized that they all worship the same god. Oh well.

As usual, I might think differently about it tomorrow, or the next day, or next week.

If everyone was encouraged to explore all religions, without being pushed in any one direction by a Pope, or Imam or whatever, then maybe 99% of the world's problems would just go away.

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cef2ca  No.23390


i have the same… it changes many times…. the more i read and dig and find, the more chance i change my thoughts again :p

not all problems would go away, but a lot of problems…. if we hang all the bankers, crooks, politicians… that would help too

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8f3ecb  No.23391


A great deal of their power has come from the manipulation of religious ideologies and those who are weak enough to subscribe to it. Religion, I dare say was one of the first factors in people not thinking for themselves. Take for eg; sacrificing children to Mollech. They offered scarifices in order to gain favor from their god, in the belief that this would change their fortunes when things weren't going so well for them; crop failures, plagues/sickness, attacks from neighboring tribes/peoples, yada, yada. They did these things instead of using the brains that god gave them, so that they could observe and problem solve.

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8f3ecb  No.23392


Sry, what I was getting at is that if god gave us free will, should we be going and whinging and crying to god every time something goes wrong? How is that free will? The more that people give themselves over to those who claim to speak for god, the more the bankers, overlords etc gained power.

I'm unwell, today. Very fatigued. Sry, it's not coming out the way I'm thinking,it, exactly. :s

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cef2ca  No.23393

i think i get the point, you are on to something there… it's a little like a boss saying to one of his workers, it's up to you, do what you think will give you the best result, work it out, you're on your own… and instead of doing that, the worker, every five minutes, goes to ask the boss if it's good, if he has to change something… when he doesn't find out a thing immediately he's going to ask it by his boss…

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8f3ecb  No.23394

I'm gonna go do some digging and reading from the comfort of my bed.

If I post anything after this, expect it to be full of spelling errors and mistypes. :p


Yeah, that's a reasonable way of putting it. And what about if things aren't working out so well, and the employee isn't getting the attention he thinks he needs from his/her boss. Perhaps instead of nutting things out, they might make their boss's coffee in the morning, perhaps bring them a doughnut, or sacrifice their first born to show that they will do whatever it takes (in their mind) to prove that they're worthy. Not willing to take individual responsibility; always relying on someone else to make decisions, (and in the process being able to assign blame if things do go as hoped).

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cef2ca  No.23395



enjoy your bed ;-)

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8f3ecb  No.23396


if things *don't go as hoped. Id what I meant to say.


Sometimes bed is the answer to everything, lol. I feel someway better, now.

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cef2ca  No.23397


good to hear

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d10bee  No.23398


I will concede on all points: I don't know. I know what I personally experience. And it's a safe bet that I will spend the rest of my life experiencing people lamenting things they can easily change and choose not to. What that says about them is up to each observer, as you say.

It's been my very consistent experience that people don't become angry and aggressive over violation of principle. They become that way when somebody doesn't think/feel as instructed. "I will tell you what's right and wrong and you must live your life so as to obey those restrictions." How many anti-racists are openly anti-White? How many "fighting hunger" drink $7 cups of Starbuck's each day when that money could feed a hungry person on the street? How many people screaming about air pollution drive their cars to work? Etc. It isn't the violation of principles; it's the violation of authority which each person claims, using universal "right" as their permission slip for dictating policy to everybody else.

Any way you slice it, anybody who doesn't think like "everybody else" is going to become a target and they will not win any popularity contests.

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d10bee  No.23399


Why do you think I view the world the way I do? What do you think is behind it? The automatic assumption that something is wrong with me will always be there, but if you go beyond that blanket misperception, what explains it for you personally?

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d10bee  No.23400


When faced with such questions, I have yet to encounter a person who is willing to explain the deviation with anything but character flaws. Which themselves are products of each observer's personal preferences, nothing more.

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d10bee  No.23401

The problem is never a contradiction existing. The problem is always the person who sees it.

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a3633b  No.23402


The problem is that you come across as if lecturing from afar, to all those who read, as if they are personally the subject of your observations. You come across as if to criticize and judge, yet hold yourself somehow above your own criticism as if none of the things you accuse everyone else off, apply to you, yourself.

You talk about stretching a dollar further and this and that as if there are people endlessly complaining about not having enough money, on this board. You've spoken about people complaining about their health and that they don't do anything about it. You've spoken about people doing the same things day and and day out, being happy to be stuck in patterns and not expanding themselves or endeavoring to do anything different. You've spoken about a lot of things that feel personally directed and compared.

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d10bee  No.23403


I never addressed any of those things directly, so you are inferring them. On what basis, only you know. You don't know that I hold myself above anything. We never discussed that subject. Pointing out options available is not a claim that I use them. Sometimes I do; sometimes I choose not to. I simply know it's a choice.

This is the common response to somebody pointing out a road to empowerment: it's assumed, without basis beyond personal preference, that others are being admonished for not taking it.

Many in here do the same thing; they just use different subject matter. The proper way to run a country. The proper way to not rely too much on a boss. The proper way to not manipulate religious ideologies. The majority of postings since #1 refer to some solution or another, so all must be inherently insulting those who have not already implemented those solutions.

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d10bee  No.23404


So how DOES one point out a solution without others deciding "he must mean that I'm stupid for not already knowing?" or "he must mean that he is superior?" What is the "proper solution"t for doing THAT, which the rest of us are too stupid to know?

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d10bee  No.23405


… or perhaps "too stupid to know" never crossed your mind?

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cef2ca  No.23406



i'm not gonna interject myself in this conversation… i just want to ask one thing… be nice to each other… help each other improve, help each other understand…

remember that one person only reads typed words and you yourself type words and nothing more than that…

let's make sure we stay friends in here…. all of us… we are few, but we are strong… ;-)

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d10bee  No.23407


You actually just contributed something very valuable, IMHO (that means "in my humble opinion" for those who might very rapidly forget that part was stated): it's all just written words, so what basis could there possibly be for deciding that my intent is to minimize others and make them appear stupid? I just like pointing out solutions. Nothing more. All the rest is read into it. So we go full circle: the problem is not a contradiction existing. The problem is the person who sees it. That person must be destroyed in any way possible.

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d10bee  No.23408


Also the mechanisms behind this conversation play out in daily life for everybody concerned - most likely. I don't look at >>23402 as a personal attack. A personal attack, according to my interpretation, is something thrown at another person with no other intent than to destroy. That was not being done here. Somebody had a very coherent, valid point to make, and the point was made. It was not "just being mean." It was "just being honest." To me, THAT is productive. It goes somewhere. It has a purpose. It communicates something very specific beyond "die, suckah!"

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d10bee  No.23409

Does it make sense that truly valuable advances in the human condition are going to come through conformance with old, established etiquette rules that have failed to deliver the desired result for eons? Or is it more a case of, if you want results you never saw before, you have to look where you've never looked before?

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cef2ca  No.23410

sorry.. today i'm not capable of the deeper thinking needed to think about that and find an answer….

seems it's not my day today to do a lot…

figuratively a puke-day… sick of hypocrits…. sick of lies… sick of empty promisses…

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a3633b  No.23411


All's good, anon. I merely stated how I perceived the writing style. It's an individual choice to take offense where no offence was intended.

Well, I'm awake now. So I might as well get up and do some digging.

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d10bee  No.23412


> It's an individual choice to take offense where no offence was intended.

Which translates to "I am in control."

What happens when we have lots of people in control? Taking responsibility for their lives in more and more areas?

There's less and less control left to hand over to the government.

Happy digging!

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8f3ecb  No.23413

File: e9c82f1755bb765⋯.png (473.16 KB, 960x985, 192:197, ClipboardImage.png)

I guess if I'd still been looking in on QR I would've seen this long ago, but nope, I only came across it just now on reddit. (I assume it was posted on QR at some point). (And probably deleted, with the poster permabanned, lol).

< twitter.com/wikileaks/status/999316891100467200?s=21

> www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8mejhj/wiki_leaks_says_q_is_fake_what_is_going_on/


Fur baby was driving me nuts to get up, now that I got up he's gone back to bed. I'm convinced he just wanted the bed all to himself.

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cef2ca  No.23414


they are right… wikileaks that is

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8f3ecb  No.23415

File: 6674786f284a1ac⋯.png (263.81 KB, 660x317, 660:317, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm going through the comments just now (twitter, not reddit) and I'm really starting to feel for a lot of very confused people. Its been a really wacky couple of weeks with shit crumbling all over the place; youtubers accusing each other of all sorts, calling Q fake, Cicada 3301 fake, each other fake. Popular Twitter personalities with huge followings are all over the shop as well. Wikileaks…. who else? It's crumbling.

I find it kind of frightening that people have put their trust in all these identities and are now torn. Soon Q will have their undivided attention and devotion. Many may end up blindly trusted no one but Q.

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cef2ca  No.23416

that is what is happening…

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cef2ca  No.23417

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-28/caged-migrant-children-photo-goes-viral-left-rages-trump-except-it-happened-under

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8f3ecb  No.23418


hahahaha, what a cracker.

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d10bee  No.23419


Holy shit, Batman … tell me THIS doesn't drive a wedge down the center entire movement!! First it needs to be verified; is this really on Twatter?

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d10bee  No.23420


The issue for the Trump camp is that Assange was put forth as being an integral part of the Storm for eons. To have Wikileaks tweet this is DEVASTATING to that fantasy.

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d10bee  No.23421

Assuming the Wikileaks tweet is valid, Ed gave us a jump on breaking out of the fantasy more than a month before everybody else.

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64beb4  No.23422

File: c121ddfccb5d58b⋯.png (118.08 KB, 1538x1861, 1538:1861, wikihelp.png)

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8f3ecb  No.23423


This is why I asked yesterday or the day before who is in control of Assanges twatter. If he is, then what was with the chess board tweet, and the coms with the B personality?


I've just found another wikileaks reply screenshot. Still looking for the real tweet. Will post when I find it.

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cef2ca  No.23424


https:// twitter.com/wikileaks/status/999316891100467200

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8f3ecb  No.23425


< twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1000795757983780865

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d10bee  No.23426


TY … validating that tweet is most important or else everything falls on its face.

To me, this whole thing stinks to high Heaven.

Without a word, Q goes silent for what is now the 6th day. Suddenly the Wikileaks tweet appears, followed by a major counter offensive from the left.

It's all moving tooooo smoothly. No opposition to the main thrust, no matter where it's coming from, no matter where it's going. Everybody else falls silent. Whoever has center stage is given exclusive access and everybody else clams up.

Too clean, too convenient. This not what real battles look like. It all sounds scripted to me - ALL of it from day 1.

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8f3ecb  No.23427



I already posted the link to the first tweet that I accompanied with a screenshot :s Did it not work?

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cef2ca  No.23428


i didn't see that, sorry.. was too invested in the tweet picture lol

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d10bee  No.23429


Yes, it worked just fine, TY.

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d10bee  No.23430

https:// twitter.com/Suzi3D/status/1000060035140083712

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8f3ecb  No.23431

File: 834da1117bc6254⋯.png (105.29 KB, 793x655, 793:655, ClipboardImage.png)


Screenshot for this one.


NP, and thank you kindly for locating it, just the same, anon ;)

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d10bee  No.23432

Why is Wikileaks only now speaking up?????

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d10bee  No.23433

The stage was too cleanly set for Wikileaks to "come out." Q outs a password that never actually states the OIG report is coming out 5/23 but clearly infers it such that most people are going to presume that meaning.

Q then goes silent.

Lots more "nothing" happens.

Suddenly Wikileaks explodes onto the scene and says it's all a psyop.

Why did they wait 7 months to the day to come out with this?????????????

This is a script playing out. Everything meshes too perfectly.

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cef2ca  No.23434


because they hoped trump would keep his word? and waited on him to help assange? now that it seems he isn't interested at all and lets pompeo & others be the decider, they came out with it?

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d10bee  No.23435


Trump could and would make that decision to support the script.

The big question now is that if we are, according to the psyop plan, as a group, all suddenly turned away from Q, where are we going to turn?


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d10bee  No.23436


Buyer beware.

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8f3ecb  No.23437


Maybe it was the best time because quite a few bricks had already been knocked off the wall. Dunno.

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8f3ecb  No.23438


Thanks BTW, anon. Sorry for delay. i was off in another world. Very interesting.

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8f3ecb  No.23439


Actions speak louder than words, as they say. And as the Eds say, trust your gut.

Don't put blind faith in anyone.

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d10bee  No.23440


It seems we're back where we always are: speculating until the end of time because it's the best we can do with what we have.

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d10bee  No.23441


YES, and right now the one to avoid putting blind faith in is Wikileaks. Why didn't they speak up 7 months ago. Seems they are in the script to become the next Q.

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8f3ecb  No.23442


Shit, anon. I'm not sure that it's going to come to that. I'd say that it's quite possible that they're incredibly fucking angry. They've been waiting and waiting, holding it in and now the flood gates are open, they're letting loose.

I honestly don't know. What I do know(not first hand) is that there's been a heck of a lot of people involved with wikileaks that lost their lives for what they believed in. So saying that they, wikileaks would be angry is an understatement.

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cef2ca  No.23443


​think about this… it's trumps cia, trumps doj, trumps fbi… did he help assange? nope…. he has the power, but doesn't do a thing.. what does that say?

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d10bee  No.23444


You could be absolutely right … like I said, we have no way to know for sure in any direction so EVERYBODY has to remain suspect. Not convicted, just watched closely.

By now it should be a pretty good rule of thumb that wherever the most people are going as a single herd is somewhere you don't want to be moving toward yourself.

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d10bee  No.23445


To my way of thinking that is also an extremely plausible concept: that Trump is trying to become the next Hitler.

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8f3ecb  No.23446


Oh, it speaks volumes, anon. VOLUMES.


I think we already established where the heard was heading, LMAO. See images posted a few hours ago.

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8f3ecb  No.23447

This woman's name is familiar. I think I have her webpage bookmarked on another device somewhere.

https:// steemit.com/wikileaks/@caitlinjohnstone/wikileaks-calls-qanon-a-likely-pied-piper-operation

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cef2ca  No.23448



yup… same with the border… he whines and whines about congress and dems …. but he can put the military there in no time… he even can use the military to build that wall.. or at least a temporary fence or something…. without approval of congress… why doesn't he do that? cause he will use it for november 2018 and probably he will use "build the wall" in 2020 too

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8f3ecb  No.23449


He's building a wall. It's one that you can't see, touch, taste or smell!

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8f3ecb  No.23450

Shall we speculateas to the outcome if Q never posts again?

Will it all fizzle?

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cef2ca  No.23451


there is a chance ofcourse that that happens… it will just disappear in history and people will move on with their lives

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8f3ecb  No.23452


Lol, it was a failed matrix reference, but yes, WW3 will likely have been declared long before that wall is built; and then of course, all funding will go to paying for the war.

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cef2ca  No.23453

so ryan decided immigration reform is not going to happen before elections? just saw a part on fox news….

anyone something on this to read?

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cef2ca  No.23454

https:// www.facebook.com/milekalincoln.hnn/videos/1794965300562356/

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7f7964  No.23455


I don't think Q is a psyop. I don't <BELIEVE> or <FOLLOW> Q blindly. It is based on many hours of research and reflection. There are others also that are helping. But NONE OF THEM demand to be followed blindly. They drop small pieces so we can do research and figure it out by ourselves. I have learned SO MUCH since the first days of Q. And I was one of the skeptical ones… and I was already woke and aware of a lot of things for many years. I think what is needed is to be aware of what is going on, observe and compute. Not sit passively. Some do that, but it's because they are probably young and trained that way from years of schooling. But that is absolutely not what Q is asking… Just my grain of salt. Wikileaks is COMPED and it is WELL KNOWN out there. EVERYBODY known their link with the DNC…. JA is no longer there. WELL KNOWN. Sometimes I think we get coocooned in here and stop lurking elsewhere… there is a lot of info out there… be good boys. I'm out.

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8f3ecb  No.23456


I have fb blocked :/ I assume it's regarding the immigration bill.

While I was doing a search, I see that apparently Trump is threatening another shutdown over the budget.



Catch ya, anon. Best wishes.


I'm gonna see if I can get back to sleep.

See ya's tomorrow/today.

Be good and kind to each other.

<3 Love to all :(

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cef2ca  No.23457


volcano and that thing….

sleep well

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5bee3f  No.23458


I agree with you Anon. My take is that if Q & POTUS weren't actually legit then they would not be constantly attacked by those who we are fighting against. We are in a War like never before & those who we thought we could trust turn out to be black hats. Eds went hard against Q which has turned this Board into Ed Research instead of Q Research…which is fine. I was here from the beginning & posted a lot but now only check in from time to time because of the negativity from the Eds. I just don't feel like they truly mean well. (This is MY opinion).

Q has brought many Anons together & started the Great Awakening along with Trump. There have been many positive things that have happened but we get so impatient for the BIG THINGS (like HRC & BHO arrests) that we overlook all the little things adding up & setting the stage for the big things.

Eds has literally attacked Q & really tried to push Anons away from him & POTUS. IF you believe WWG1WGA then we should be uniting not dividing. None of this would be going on if HRC had won & we all should know that. Q has never openly attacked anyone but they sure do get attacked. Their goal seems to be Truth & Freedom & through Q posts & POTUS actions you can tell that they love this country & her people. I don't know what Eds endgame is on this board or for America (since some Eds aren't American- which they stated a while back when I asked). Why attack Q & POTUS so & try and drive Anons away from them? Why follow the Eds? What are they doing for our freedoms in America & the world? Why be so cryptic when they aren't working for our government?

Make sure you question everything Anons because we truly are at war. Q is right in many things especially with "Be careful who you follow". I'm not attacking anyone on this board for their beliefs just posting what I have observed. I wish you all well & pray that the REAL TRUTH about ALL of it is revealed soon!

Happy Memorial Day. Never forget those who gave all for our freedoms & those who continue the fight.

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5bee3f  No.23459

File: 668cba73239bd12⋯.png (66.15 KB, 646x468, 323:234, IMG_6765.PNG)

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a3633b  No.23460


It started on 4chan, so it would be safe to assume, I think, that they are saying that the trolls originated from there.

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cef2ca  No.23461

so… back from graveyard… has some penny's to spare… used them wisely….

i see i didn't miss much….

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c76405  No.23462


I agree entirely with you Anon. I'm still with Q… Eds were bonus material for research purposes only. Not buying their bitcoin charade… I don't like the idea of bitcoins one bit ha! Let's see… what type of money can be stored in a microchip that is inserted in someone's hand? Just saying. Anyways. The word out there is that 11 of June is THE DAY. So let's keep our eyes opened and see what happens.

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cef2ca  No.23463


yeah and the 12th of june it will be the end of june.. and on and on we go…

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d10bee  No.23464


We have had a hundred "the day" events. None was ever anything.

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5bee3f  No.23465

File: bebd1caaee99ecc⋯.png (232.1 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6785.PNG)

File: 5c05abe26ef11a1⋯.png (243.96 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6786.PNG)

File: d2776f76e46269d⋯.png (225.1 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6787.PNG)

Interesting one post wonder on QR regarding Bill Clinton that I've never heard of.

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5bee3f  No.23466


Never forget how many in Congress are "retiring" or "leaving" because POTUS is flushing them out. The number leaving is unheard of! Our government was corrupt to its core- all 3 letter agencies, all federal & state judges! They all have to be cleaned out FIRST before all of those SEALED INDICTMENTS can be released! It is happening…we just have to open our eyes to see it.

Eds have an agenda & it isn't coinciding with POTUS & Q. At first they led us to believe that they were working along with Q (at least I thought that & saw other Anons post that) & they never corrected it. Why do they push so hard against POTUS & Q now?

Future will prove past- this I've seen. I feel in my gut & bones that Q & POTUS are trying to free us from the Cabal. We've already lost too many military in "plane/helicopter" training crashes that I know are not by accident.

Never forget Seth Rich! He was killed for releasing information on HRC & her campaign & then (((they))) concocted this Muh Russia story which is total bs!

Truth is coming! Never lose hope or your positive energy! It isn't a cult to come together & fight for the freedom of your country & to believe in Q who has been verified multiple times!

I almost think at least one Anon on here posts as Anonymous but is with the Ed group & pushes their views & literally hates Q & Trump. Maybe I'm wrong…but I just can't believe how this Board turned so drastically against what we were fighting for & against Trump & Q.

Of course this is just my opinion & I have never given up hope. I've had no reason to lose hope or faith since POTUS got elected & Q started us on this journey. We all would not be here doing what we are doing & Awakening so many without Q & that is a fact.

Good night Anons! I hope I didn't piss too many of you off but the negativity of the board since Ed came out against Q & Potus is depressing & palpable. What have they done that is a positive thing for our country? What is their end goal? Why are they so cryptic when they do NOT work for our government!?! Why are there non Americans in their group? Why are they pushing so hard to divide us from QR, Q & POTUS? Who is really playing us? Think Anons!

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d10bee  No.23467


Look at net results.

As a group, as a whole, we are split, divided, confused, and without unified direction. There is no shortage of newcomers to divide us further and leave us impotent and completely ineffective as a group.

It all serves as the ultimate distraction. As good as eliminating us all is keeping us completely ineffective via confusion, LARPing, and having us pointing in 45 directions at once.

What keeps on coming are the division factors.

While we're trying to figure out who is real and what is true, what are we as a group not focused on? That's what is being protected.

Everybody who divides provides no new direction. They simply destroy our unity in the direction we were going. Hit and run, hit and run. All by the book.

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5bee3f  No.23468


Results….that is what the difference is between LARPing & Reality. Q has proven multiple times his connection to POTUS & POTUS has proven results that better this country. Anons tend to get stuck on wanting their own results that they don't see the actual results that is happening in real time right before their eyes. Habbenings are happening more now than ever but unfortunately it seems like some on this board only focus on the negative or automatically think POTUS & Q are "bad" because the results weren't what they expected.

If you actually look back at everything that POTUS has done & all the Congress resignations, Sex Trafficking busts & exposures, Hollywood elite being exposed for their rapes, corruption within our government, hostages being released, NK & SK ending their war & NK wanting to denuclearize, POTUS not even taking a salary, & if you watch those who scream against him the most (who we know are corrupt)…then you can't say Trump isn't making a difference & you can't say that Q didn't start this Awakening. There are multiple boards dedicated to "Q Research" that have unearthed so much information & corruption! Without Q guidance we would have never come together & done the research that we have accomplished. If Q wasn't legit then why is 8Chan constantly attacked & DDoS? Hell, just recently we could not even bake bread bc images were disabled.

Anyway, I've been here since the very start of this Board & it was absolutely beautiful & Patriotic with a dash of "open mindness" & lots of positive energy & kindness. We did good work (still do good work 😊)…but nobody can disagree that the Eds changed the direction & energy of the board when the literally came out and attacked Q & POTUS & said some shit about me when I disagreed with their posts.

The tone of the Eds seemed to change dramatically at times & was very negative but yet never have they offered a solution or brought anything positive to this board or to the Great Awakening. They have dropped information that I've done lots of digging on but what is their end goal? They don't support OUR POTUS or Q…so what is their ultimate solution & goal? This question has bothered me ever since they flipped their switch.

Thanks for responding Anon…I really felt at home here before Eds flipped but you can't deny their negative energy. I pray we all get FULL TRUTH very soon! Many are being led astray, divided & turning on each other….which is exact opposite of Q's positive message of "We are Stronger Together"- there is true meaning in that sentence. WWG1WGA is also very powerful!

Does Eds support this?

Why are you hitting so hard against POTUS & Q now?

What say you Eds?

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d10bee  No.23469


Ed did not create the doubt over the validity of Q. They simply spoke out about their own assessment of the situation. Those of us who took that viewpoint already had plenty of doubt. Ed was simply the trigger for going public with it.

Ed will probably not reply to you. Then again, they think for themselves and they may decide to. Nobody in this fray ever seems to directly answer challenges.

Currently I am semi-coherent. I'm nursing Puppy Anon back to health; she seems to have licked up some food off the floor where I sprayed for bugs and last night was horrific for her. Yelling out in pain. 1/4 Tramadol got her through the next 20+ hours pain-free. We ran 200' of fencing today with another 700' to go. My muscles hurt, me knee is mildly injured, and my shoulder was killing me. I was on my feet for 4+ hours in the kitchen today as well.

Puppy Anon is on another 1/4 of a Tramadol tablet. Dad is going back to sleep. More tomorrow (Tuesday).

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5bee3f  No.23470


Prayers for puppy Anon!

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01d5f5  No.23471


I totally agree with you, Anon. I stepped away from the negativity of this board for the last week. It is negative to the core now. I also agree that there may be one "anon" that is part of the eds. There is so much positive that has happened in the last 7 months. Why is this board so negative toward POTUS now? It's very disheartening to see and the daily dose is more than I can stomach anymore.

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d10bee  No.23472


Anywhere you have more than one person moving as a group, you will have feeders working night and day to manipulate that group. Bang for the buck. Why go after one bird with one stone when you can hit a billion with the same stone?

POTUS is chaotic. We have no idea where he really stands, much less where we're going to be led tomorrow as a nation. Things are promised that are reneged on. Contradictions abound. It is total chaos. We have no idea what his agenda really is, and he's in no danger of telling us.

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8f3ecb  No.23473

This board is not an echo chamber. Differing opinions have been welcomed here from the beginning, and that hasn't changed. If anons want to be surrounded by those and only those of whom speak nothing but praise for Q and POTUS, well, as indicated there are plenty of other boards where anons are doing research on Q related topics.

There has been no turning on each other here. Opinions have been respected. No one is being forceful in their opinions, in a manner of desperately trying to convince others to bend to their way of thinking. (Not including a couple of blowins who believe they know all and have all the answers).

If there are so many Q supporters still lurking here, why is it that they haven't been sharing their thoughts among each other? There are few regular anons on this board of whom have serious doubts about Q and POTUS. How is it that 2 to 3 anons have stopped so many Q supporters from posting their finds and research? No one has said that such things can't be posted. No one has said they don't want to see it because it conflicts with where they're at with things.

As for the Eds, it's fine by me that not all of them are American. Being American is most certainly not the be all and end all. What's happening in our world concerns everyone. I've learned and come to realize a lot as a result of the Eds' presence on this board. I always knew that Western culture has long devalued other cultures, but I never realized just how much. I'm not really in to polotics, so my digging has focused more on religions/spirituality and cultures. Being american and a god fearing christian is most definitely not the be all and end all.

If able to let go of your biases, and do a bit of research on that which you may find uncomfortable to begin with, you may well realize as to what the Eds' agenda is; in part, anyway. To add, they are human and are also trying to figure it all out, the same as everyone else. I'm not going to sit here and defend them, as they can do that for themselves if they so choose. If I'm to be honest, there are things about them that niggle at me, but nowhere near as much as the things that gnaw at me in regard to Q. They may not come straight out with what they're trying to convey, for the most part, but it's not difficult to figure it out, again, for the most part. I may be completely wrong, but I've not suffered for it. My world has been opened up far more than it had been with Qs influence. I have gained so much understanding as to why the world is the way it is.

Oh, and I do go to other boards and have a look-see at all the research that's being done. That's how I came across the Wikileaks tweet.


Anyway; Good evening, anons.

I'm off to have a shower and then off out to be taken for a walk by the fur baby.

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01d5f5  No.23474


I guess I just am not interested in manipulating anyone, or being manipulated. Period.

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01d5f5  No.23475


A lot of us have questioned from the beginning of Q. We were not following blindly. That's how some of us wound up on this board.

As to why the "Q supporters" don't speak up, maybe we see the futility. I don't care if somebody thinks differently than I do. It's not in my job description to "manipulate" you into another track of thought. I'm able to see a lot of GOOD things that have happened, and I don't see POTUS in nothing but a negative light. Am I paying attention? More than ever.

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d10bee  No.23476


Thank you very much … she continues to improve, slowly; tonight she woke me up at 1:10 a.m. EST. It's now 3:20 a.m. EST and she is doing well. No massive bouts of pain tonight so the poisoning theory appears to be holding out. The trick is knowing what she needs.

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d10bee  No.23477


I think we all think that and it just isn't true. Saying that is not an effort to belittle anybody. It's an effort to open doors that might not otherwise have been opened. What it usually translates to is "I have no awareness of wanting to manipulate anybody." Which leads right into "know thyself." The never-ending quest.

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cef2ca  No.23478



okay, gonna give one reaction on all of it…

fact is… at the point i started to tell my doubts, i was one of the only ones, even ed stayed quiet… i got a lot of pushback… but i could feel the doubts that there were with other anons…

in this board there are 3 story-lines

1) ofcourse the q story

2) from the beginning ed showed up and gave us their trust and vice-versa

3) the story of the anons itself…

number 3 is something that is normal on this board… you can't run without it… each of us have different lives, different views, different interests, we agree, we disagree… but imo this is needed… people need to disagree and in a civil way share their views, substantiate their views…. you help others with it and often you help yourself…. imo the ones still behind Q don't do that anymore… they give the talkingpoints dropped by Q.. and the fact that Q knows trump…. that's a shame imo…

that brings me to number 1… the story of Q… what has Q done? two things…

a) given us crumbs to dig on about things that happened : those are good crumbs, even though i doubt Q (totally) i still use those, i still dig on it and i make my own conclusion on it… every new drop on that same item can change my conclusion or give it more depth… many times my conclusion is miles away from the things Q uses the crumbs for… but such crumbs are helpfull…

b) Q predicts & promises things to come… and when we are honest, without knowing the real stories…. not much has come true.. how many times we were promised good months, booms and nothing happened.. look at the team obama, look at the team clinton… they are all still free, still screwing the american people, still going hard against trump and getting richer… where is the wall? military on the wall? nope… no wall, no military… but hey, we defend borders… ow we do… everywhere in the world, except in US… we even build a wall in jordan, with our military… mueller? trust him, trust him not, sessions the same… RR is a f'cker… lots of promisses on that… but what do we see? mueller still running wild and screwing & bankrupting people… america first? lol.. it's israel first, and we are gonna make NK great & Iran great… trumps words… it just doesn't add up… and one can make promisses, but when more than 3 times those don't come true, i'm done with it…

(see part 2)

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cef2ca  No.23479


Q failed on the promisses he made… he talked about "not all can be public" & "deals will be made"… at this point it seems nothing will be public and everyone gets a deal…

the q-sign of trump? the tweets connected… yes there is a link between q & trump, but what does that prove? we don't know what the link is… he can be blackmailed, he can be playing a game with us, it can be true… choises enough..

look, if i drop a picture with a presidential pen or a paper with the mark of the president…. and say "watch this"…. each president, at least every other day signs something.. it's easy to chose one of those and say: see, told ya to watch the pen/paper…

last year i have been in at least 6 different parts of the world… i could have taken pictures of the airfield, from the hotel, … and posted them and say i was doing black ops… you can't prove it, but you can't disprove it..

so on the story of Q… the crumbs about things that happened in the past and that could be found online, yes, i still use them… on the promisses & predictions? imo he still hasn't proven a thing.. it's building up, giving hope to wait and wait and nothing happens and silence.. and again.. building up, hope, wait, nothing happens…. i don't like when people lie, promise things that aren't true and such…

3) the story of ed… easy.. ed has made NO promisses… ed gave drops that explained things to us… the supercomputers, sandia, wikileaks, podesta, …. i don't see ed as a q, but i see ed more as anotheranon that digs and gives us insight in their digging.. it's a puzzle, and we have to put it together… maybe it's ed's puzzle and with our digging we help ed to make the puzzle… ed never said he was the savior of america or the world.. ed never promissed things…. like every other anon, ed followed the q-crumbs… maybe was even waiting on something to happen.. but like i said… each time nothing happened… at one point ed came clean about his doubts… just like i did before.. at that point , because i also was doubting q, it was easy for me to ad facts to what ed said… i was surprised other anons in here suddenly could do the same and thought the same…

since that moment the board changed… true… we started thinking for ourselves again, we kept digging on ed, even digging on some things q had dropped.. but we also looked around us, looked for ourselves what was happening… what happens in the real world is almost totally opposite of what trump promissed and q said… that confirmed the doubts….

i'm certain, as soon as q starts dropping crumbs of the past, crumbs that happened and crumbs that mean something, in here there will be a lot of digging on it.. but drops that make promisses, drops that make no sence or are too cryptic (so ya can go thousand ways to explain it) are put aside…

(see part 3)

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cef2ca  No.23480


i haven't said all i could say, would be a book, not having my best days since the weekend… not gonna explain that here..

on the anon that you think is part of ed.. i have a feeling you are talking about me.. no i'm not a part of the eds… totally not… that there are times we think the same, or times that i can jump on something ed drops, even complete something before ed drops a second message.. maybe some eds and i have a similar past, military too.. or we simply have the same view of some things …

i'm digging, "investigating", searching for answers, since the 90's, because things didn't add up any longer.. for years i used the free time i got to dig, to search things… to get together with likeminded people… more and more my view seemed to be true somehow… i saw too much, and it never made any sense

i had to pay a price at one time because i was sick of killing people in rich men's wars & for other countries than my own…

i was beaten down so hard, my life destroyed, i still can't have a real chance in rl because of it.. because i wasn't the only one that had doubts, but i stood up first, they made an example of me..

even beaten down, destroyed, i understood that there was some truth in the things i said… they wouldn't have gone after me that bad when i was nutz …. so getting a job in the first years after that was simply impossible… so i used my time to go deeper in my digging.. i got more believe in my views…

most of the times i was digging on my own.. connecting the dots and following my gut … sometimes with other people with a same feeling, a same doubt, … started to learn how to get in touch with other people online… ended up in reddit and other places… and suddenly q showed up..

so let me ask:

- the wall

- equal justice under the law

- stop RR & Mueler

- stop being the police of the world

- smaller government

- decrease the debt

- stop funding PP

- … on and on….

what happened with that? what is happening lately? all bad things trump points at dems… it's just all about elections… (do not forget, this is how dems lost elections, by just pointing at trump) all attention is on foreign policies : syria, iran, NK, russia, china… in stead of bringing my brothers & sisters home, more are send, everywhere… we are still doing the f'cking shit of intervening in other countries… the protests in iran aren't coincidence… armenia? no coincidence… arming nazi's in ukraine, yup we do it… arming, training & supporting isis & al qaeda, yup we do it..

it's just not america first anymore…. the same old promisses are replayed each time… wall, daca, immigration change, …. but it doesn't happen… in 2018 it will be used in the election campaigns.. and you can be sure, in 2020 (when he runs again) it will be used again… unless something happens for real and is signed without being stopped, that is my view…

(see part 4 to end)

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cef2ca  No.23481


sorry that is was this long…. sorry that some things are just loose sentences…. like i mentioned… not the best days of my life lately… but wanted to get my side of the story clear… but we aren't negative in here.. part of us just has a different opinion on Q (and some on trump) then others…

you in here, that still are full into Q (and trump) are needed… i would say, just let us put our views together… we can build something out of it… one part in here will help the other and vice-versa… but be open for each others views…. listen to each others… give points, but do that so that ya make the point clear with real facts… for example. mccain is out… yeah he is out.. Q says because of trump.. i say because he is dying… what is the fact? what do we see? what is likely to be true? sick or not.. the sick f'ck should go to jail.. let him die there…

it's just very important to follow the facts… the follow what we see… stay together.. yes we should stay together.. but not as a bunch of sheep waiting on the next q drop or promise to come true (never happened till now) we have to work together… and no, we can't predict the future… but we can make a case of the past.. even when it's frustrating that none of us can change the past…. we have to stay together.. yes… but you have to be able to doubt q, to doubt trump, and we also have to be able to follow what q & trump do… and yes, in here, we forgot that, and i personally will change on that… but i will do it with my own view as base, build on facts…

(sorry, can go on and on about this, soo much to say… but i will stop now)

sorry for the errors i make.. like i said a few times before, i only went to school till 12, last decade there were years that i didn't speak, write a single word in english, and crazy as it sounds, ptsd (they say) apparently gives me problems with remembering things…

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cef2ca  No.23482

so, had to say that… sorry for the length..

morning anon…


enjoy the walk

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01d5f5  No.23483


You're wrong about the negativity on the board. Talk of how POTUS is nothing more than another side of the cabal - how there really is no hope. Having to bug out and live a solitary life somewhere that's isolated. If that's what you guys really think, then what are you doing HERE? If you have so little hope, then what's the point of this for you?

Don't include me when you talk of those that are "still full into Q and Trump." Q has been about as reliable as a finger in the wind. Frankly, I wish he'd just stop posting. I'm tired of his "disinformation." If he can't tell us what's going on, then don't say anything. Far too many times I've been sucked in with his crap. He's been SO unreliable that I doubt much of what he says.

POTUS is another story. I believe he is a good man, trying to right some terrible wrongs. I have to hope he's successful because the consequences of him being unable to make the necessary changes are too great to imagine. Let me be very clear on one thing though - I am not a sheep.

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d10bee  No.23484


Much to say on this, and I'll try to whittle it down to the most relevant points.

For very different reasons, I'm very much in the same boat as you: I'm not a seamless fit into the world I live in. Personally I don't believe that's an accident; I truly believe that somewhere down the line I chose this existence. But it doesn't really matter much because what's in front of me to contend with remains so and must be dealt with.

I didn't go to college because it was far too expensive; I could have paid it via loans and scholarships and all that but what I saw was college coaches being paid gazillions of dollars per game and commie professors being paid a million dollars an hour to indoctrinate students; as if that wasn't enough, on top of tuition, they have to just keep on hitting and hitting and hitting … now we want $5k for this $10 text book, etc. I always had a different overview of things. You would look at what you were told to do and you just didn't frame it the way "they" wanted you to. You wouldn't just follow blindly because your mind just doesn't process things that way.

People scream about my bedside manner in here; I'm to abrasive, not respectful enough, too arrogant, but the fact remains that every person on the face of this Earth would plant a thousand knives in my back and never think twice about it the minute it suited them. And I have no say in where that line is drawn. People do things like schedule activities then back out at the last second and they care nothing for how that impacted the person they canceled on. They keep people waiting; they agree to show up at a certain time then they don't keep their word, they don't call even though they could, they don't give advance notice even though for three hours before the scheduled time they knew they wouldn't be there and just didn't care enough to call. And they just flick off like a switch and they just don't give a shit how that impacts the next person. Instead, they judge that reaction. "You're overreacting! You're just insecure!" Etc. They are brutal any and every time they feel like being that way. These are the people screaming about being mistreated or disrespected. People do really, really shitty things ongoing and they just don't care. They simply judge the reactions of others. Who judges their own reactions? NOBODY! Don't you dare!

That view is how I have always experienced life. I watch people engineer their problems then milk them for attention and perks and special treatment. Then they go into a ballistic tailspin if you dare to suggest that they are engineering their problems.

The one thing that sets people off more than anything else in life is to even suggest that they have more control over their lives than they do. NOTHING is a bigger threat than being personally empowered. I watch this play out with almost every person, every single day.

It's hard not to view people through that lens when it's the only lens I've ever had to look through.

But that isn't taken into account. I'm just a bad guy and there's nothing else to say about it.

You saw the same result: you needed to be beaten to a pulp for experiencing life the way you experienced it. How dare you.

I could pick anybody in here and tell them that the magic elf standing on my desktop said that they have to start eating better. No response would have any appreciable emotional charge or intensity.

What I post in here triggers a LOT of emotional charge, whether that's expressed or not. Why?

You know the drill. You cannot reach people. A different overview is a threat and it's not likely to ever be anything more. And that fact alone is going to dramatically color our entire approach to life and other people.

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cef2ca  No.23485


part of us is in doubt about Trump, i'm one of them… being in doubt doesn't mean i am against him… i'm in doubt and can't place it yet.. is he blackmailed, is he in with the jews, is he a scam, did he screw us, maybe he simply has the wrong advisers… maybe he has said: i'll do the america first thing, you guys (pompeo, haley, kushner or whoever) do the foreign policy…

i just don't know.. but at this point all i see is whining, while he is the president, all i see is him blaiming congress & dems & msm, while he is the president, all i see is things being done that could be reversed faster than it was implanted…

i include nobody .. not in one group, not in another group, …. each has their own mind to place him/herself..

for me it's simple.. if ya can't doubt, can't talk about it, than there is something wrong.. in here we are open for every view… and we accept it when others go against that view…

i still have hope.. but the longer nothing happens, the more that hope faides away… it's up to trump.. we f'ing put him there to change things.. but imo at this point, he doesn't, allthough he has the power to do that…

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d10bee  No.23486


Shift your primary focus over to yourself and everything changes. Trump cannot do more to give you a good life than you will do for yourself.

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cef2ca  No.23487


thx.. there is truth in that…

real people need to be triggered.. cause without , they get in automatic mode… for example get up, eat, kids to school, go to work, take a break, go to work, go home, take kids from school, eat, shower, couch and television or internet, kids to bed, movie, go to bed… on and on, day by day…

same with news & things happening in the world… one follows his own views, sees only his own view in every story, reads only the story that follow his view, watches only that news that strenghtens his views, and don't watch/read the others… you have to be triggered to get out of that automatic mode… to look, read, watch, past your own view, life, thinking, opinion, interests, …

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cef2ca  No.23488


i myself don't need a good life… i want the people, mainly the younger ones, like the two kids of my sister that i barely know, to have a good future… no matter what i do myself, won't change a thing for them… what trumps does or doesn't do, can do that…; the promisses trump made during the election (wall, america first, equal justice under the law, less government, safety, get my brothers & sisters home, stop being police of the world, ….) at this point those things didn't change even we elected him… i'm disappointed in him …

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8f3ecb  No.23489


That would be me. It is I who thinks that POTUS is a side of the same coin. From your perspective it's negative, from my perspective it's reality.

The bugging out bullshit is what you get from sockpuppet anon. He be the one who wants to kill most of the worlds population, most of all Jews and those he refers to as shitskins; and he's also the one who posts a myriad of Hitler images. Don't include me when you talk about the bugging out bullshit. :p He thinks he'll be able to put up a fight if (((they))) come for him, but neglects to consider that (((they))) would probably just drone his ass.


It was colder than I thought it was going to be, but a very pleasant walk, just the same :) I picked up a six pack while out, so I guess I'll get a bit silly sooner or later. :/


I have no issue with spelling and sentence construction when you write.

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cef2ca  No.23490


enjoy the six pack ;-) mine is in hiding lol…


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8f3ecb  No.23491


I'm curious. What percentage of alcohol is your 6pack? Mine's 4.9%. I hear that US beer is like our light beer, lol.

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cef2ca  No.23492


lol i was talking about my own six-pack i had one day ;-) it's hidden under a little belly now :p

about us beer… well to be fair.. i hate it lol… i drank it a lot when younger, untill i was stationed in germany.. i learned how good german and belgian beer was, since then i don't drink us beer anymore ;-) but last years i'm doing without beer most of the times… when i drink it's wodka or gin and such

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cef2ca  No.23493


ow and let me tell ya, the wodka i drink is just wodka, nothing special.. but i have tasted real wodka a few times (yes, americans & russians can act normal when they meet) and that is pure magic in the mouth :D

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8f3ecb  No.23494


Doh, OK, I get it. I've only ever had a 4pack to hide. I never quite managed a 6pack in that regard, lol, not disciplined enough.


I love vodka. I haven't had it for quite a while. The last time was when at a 21st birthday and no one would do shots with the birthday girl, so I volunteered. I paid hard for that the next day. I've not had any since. :s My liver was more than twice as old as hers at the time.

Act normal?

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cef2ca  No.23495


act as normal people…

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8f3ecb  No.23496


as in, not drunk?

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cef2ca  No.23497


looooll… forget the not :p

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8f3ecb  No.23498


hahahahahaha, OK, NOW, I get ya!

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cef2ca  No.23499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what if…

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8f3ecb  No.23500

File: 31cfba67c3d1c17⋯.png (690 KB, 1009x885, 1009:885, ClipboardImage.png)

So…continuing on my perceived negativity, could the clue be that this is the type of pin that is worn by presidents and high ranking this and that's? Are they not so much made in China, but making China?

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8f3ecb  No.23501


Awesome. Thanks, anon.

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cef2ca  No.23502


far fetched, but possible…

isn't great part of our debt to china?

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8f3ecb  No.23503


There was an article that came up in search (hang on, I'll look for it again….found it),

> translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http:// globalist.org.ua/novosti/economic-news/made-in-china-1005653101-no107324.html&prev=search

That the last phrase made a lot of sense to me. corporate incomes improve … In a word, made in china.

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cef2ca  No.23504


good article, thx…

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8f3ecb  No.23505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cef2ca  No.23506



http:// www.freeintertv.com/news/id-38

https:// chaoglobal.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/2040/ (translate)

https:// inflationdata.com/articles/2012/12/28/foreign-exchange-reserves/

https:// thekromblog.wordpress.com/2012/06/18/the-united-states-place-in-world-war-iii/

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cef2ca  No.23507


have seen that.. trump should be ashamed!

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8f3ecb  No.23508

If Trump saw Q as being detrimental to his agenda, Q would have been dealt with a long time ago. Therefore, I say that Trump is complicit in the charade.


I think I've already read some of these, but am not in a reading mood tonight. Thanks, anon.

A couple of beers and I'm off in youtube land.


I'm fast seeing Trump as being a sociopath, though, he's very good at hiding it. He loves this one and that one. They're all alright by him, until they're not. They're a good guy, love what they do, yada, yada. He's full of shit. I once thought he was just being diplomatic, but now see it more like strategic, ambiguous and deceptive. Hedging bets.

Bring on the third beer!

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d10bee  No.23509


Expand this viewpoint. Your sister's two kids don't care about the quality of their life; they just want their kids to have a good life. And those kids don't need a good life, they just want their kids to have a good life. On and on it goes down the line. Like insects, people live to sacrifice themselves and reproduce while nobody ever has a good life because they don't care enough to build one … they're just "wanting" a good life for the NEXT generation. So it never matters that we were here at all because nobody ever assumed responsibility for making the world a better place NOW. Always tomorrow and always for the next person.

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909b92  No.23510

Good morning afternoon evening anons.

I will post properly in about 30 mins need to charge up after reading all the brilliant posts. Wow.

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d10bee  No.23511


Isn't that the truth … the bierfests in Munich and Augsburg will always live on … the rotisserie chicken especially ….. mmmmmmmmmmmm

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8f3ecb  No.23512


Good morning, anon.

Nothing to see here. ;)

Catch ya when you're fully charged!

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cef2ca  No.23513




braadwurst and saurkrout or something :D

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d10bee  No.23514

File: 47e7534a61eb119⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, suntrust.jpg)

At the Atlanta Braves stadium (SunTrust Park) yesterday … "the empty seat" commemorating fallen soldiers, with a guard who could not move, rain or shine … an unknown fan decided to help out, spontaneously.

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cef2ca  No.23515


beautiful :D

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d10bee  No.23516


Many have used exactly that term. The photo went major viral. :)

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8f3ecb  No.23517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How did this end up on my recommended by yt list when it has 3 views and no subscribers?

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cef2ca  No.23518


gonna watch that later today… added it to my list.. have to watch couple of others first

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8f3ecb  No.23519


I was more intrigues as to how/why it ended up being recommended to me. :/

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d10bee  No.23520


They are trying to turn you to the Dark Side.

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cef2ca  No.23521

https:// www.rt.com/business/428096-rothschild-cryptocurrency-control-buterin/

maybe something for ed

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8f3ecb  No.23522


Define the dark side, apart from the obvious?

There's a dark side to everything. It depends on what we take from the dark to use in the light and what we place in the dark so as not to interfere with the light. There's a time and place for all, in its time and place.

The dark works with the light and vice versa.

All part of the balance.

Without movement ('time') there is no existence.

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8f3ecb  No.23523

What are anons thoughts on Chelsea Manning?

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cef2ca  No.23524


no thoughts on that

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8f3ecb  No.23525

I dared go to QR. First time in a long time.

They're hung up on the psyop debate, it seems.

I thinkums the world is crumbling; the world of Q.

BUT WAIT! Will Q make yet another dramatic comeback, with yet more cryptic shit that people have lost interest in?

Stay tuned. Watch that dial (think clock). Yada, ada.

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8f3ecb  No.23526

Anons are wasting their time being on QR. Serious anons are being overlooked in a big way. This has all turned into a huge fucking mess of those who would once be considered, to those who have been ignored.

I will close the tab and say no more.

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8f3ecb  No.23527

We've had no check in from the Eds today. Should we be concerned?

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b5cc87  No.23528

I read Eyethespy on Twitter. He has a few Q&A and he is very direct. I could not find anything that he said that was false amongst the things I already knew. He is straightforward and I wanted to encourage you to read his stuff entirely. For me it reframed a bunch of things and I really think he is legit. I would love to read your opinions and ideas on this.

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8f3ecb  No.23529


Link it dude/ine. I'm lazy.

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8f3ecb  No.23530

6 drops of essence of terror, 5 drops of sinister sauce…..

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8f3ecb  No.23531

Pom Anon, you said 30 minutes?


Oh well, I'm about to eat and kill my buzz.

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8f3ecb  No.23532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cef2ca  No.23533


weird my message dissapeared… i asked what are ya gonna eat :D


thx veery much… i had that account in my list once, it dissapeared… now i can add it again :D thx :D

same here.. gonna watch when i catched up in my list… soooo much to watch… so little time

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cef2ca  No.23534

i keep asking myself questions about this…

steele dossier, anti-trump campaign and informants on trump all happened in LONDON

gina haspel was cia-chief in LONDON at that time

CIA was involved in all that happened against trump… inside the US and certainly in LONDON

1) How is it possible that she didn't know a thing about it, Brennan was her BIG friend than

2) How is it possible that that dumbo in the WH doesn't see this and gives her the job as CIA-director, while she was involved in screwing him

i have my opinion on it, no certainty… but imo it makes the CIA even more dangerous… and the deep state even stronger…

https:// www.teaparty.org/gina-haspel-refuses-answer-senator-rand-pauls-questions-cia-involvement-steele-dossier-305278/

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d10bee  No.23535


It's a line from Star Wars. No further depth was inferred. They call it "being obnoxious."

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d10bee  No.23536


The transgender aspect or the alleged betrayal aspect?

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d10bee  No.23537


You are braver than I. I can only imagine the horrors awaiting you. "Q is real, Nigger!" "He is not, ya f***ing Jew! GTFO!" "No, YOU GTFO faggot!" Etc.

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cef2ca  No.23538


and there is this

https:// theintercept.com/2018/04/12/trump-russia-intermediary-joseph-mifsud-missing-case-for-collusion/

https:// bigleaguepolitics.com/trump-campaign-spy-stefan-halper-vanished/

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d10bee  No.23539


Never. Ed comes and goes with the wind. They will return when they are in the mood. Of course now would be a good time, which could be precisely why they have not returned yet.

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d10bee  No.23540


If there is no return (doubtful but possible) then we will have something new to think about.

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cef2ca  No.23541


they will return ;-)

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8f3ecb  No.23542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Carrot, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, chili, black pepper, egg noodles. (I still have corn on the bench of which I somehow forgot to add), Olive oil infused with yet more chili and garlic.

I'm very pleased to have inadvertently been able to help out. RE: the YT channel. It's a good one, oh yeah.


That was my way of telling them that I care. Don't read too much into it. They ignore the crap out of me. So I guess it's my way of being indirect, while being direct. (Puzzles and shit).


If not for a long time, a good time. :P


I'm going to have some shredded coconut and dark chocolate chips, slightly melted, and then head off to bed, where I have no idea what my ID will be, yet again. Hopefully it's still connected to the one that doesn't drop.

I also see a bottle of soda water in my immediate future.

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8f3ecb  No.23543


I did not paste that address in the box again. That's a result of the hang I had when I fist posted it. Sry.

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d10bee  No.23544


Dat's what I fig-yud! (That's a line from Sister Act.)

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d10bee  No.23545

I must away to tend to Puppy Anon. Off to the vet after my shower. If Ed makes an appearance while I'm gone, anons must mercilessly push for their take on the sudden Wikileaks declarations on Q. Where was Wikileaks 7 months ago? Sounds to me like the sudden declaration from WL is part of the psy-op like everything else.

(Of course there is no Ed; "they" are really just me but you're not supposed to know that. And if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn…….)

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8f3ecb  No.23546

Shit's not right on the chans.

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8f3ecb  No.23547


You've always been suspect, anon ;)

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cef2ca  No.23548

eyes open people.. just got a phonecall from a friend in israel… things are moving fast it appears…

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cef2ca  No.23549


and there is this today

https:// usa-politicsnews.com/2018/05/29/john-bolton-will-reportedly-meet-with-israeli-national-security-adviser-to-ratify-joint-approach-to-iran/

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1ba408  No.23550

File: 516c8887dc66e95⋯.png (353.55 KB, 426x426, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


At least you're honest about it… otherwise I'd ignore you

https:// twitter.com/EyeTheSpy

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d10bee  No.23551


When was it ever right? That's why they exist.

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d10bee  No.23552


That's what my mother said. :)

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54eb00  No.23553

http:// rothscoin.io/

Rothschild cryptocurrency?

A gift to Ed and Cicada3301 team will come soon



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cef2ca  No.23554


hey qita!

how are things in italy now :(

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cef2ca  No.23555


>https:// www.rt.com/business/428096-rothschild-cryptocurrency-control-buterin/

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909b92  No.23556

I saw this post on QR and I had been thinking along similar lines.

▶Anonymous 05/29/18 (Tue) 18:32:45 444892 No.1577318


Not gonna happen

▶Anonymous 05/29/18 (Tue) 18:32:47 e483a2 No.1577319


I agree 100%

▶Anonymous 05/29/18 (Tue) 18:32:48 3c5e8d No.1577320

Serving in the military teaches one to prepare for EVERY contingency!

If Q returns and drops juicy crumbs, GREAT!

However, I’m mentally and emotionally prepared to march forward without further guidance and/or instructions. Hope this helps you civilians…

Why we no longer need Q…

Team Q did their job! They taught us:

• Critical thinking

• To question everything and everyone

• To organize

• To archive offline

• To filter/ignore shills

• To get involved on a local level

• How to interpret POTUS’ twats

• Patience

• That the USA is part of a world-wide ecosystem

• How to find each other in case a revolution is ever required

• Techniques for helping Normies slowly awaken from their comas

I “weaned” myself from Q crumbs about a month ago. Doing so has given me a fresh perspective for this board.

We need to “grow up” and accept ALL responsibility from this point forward.

WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED, so let’s use it!


Beer at the parade, muh bitches!

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cef2ca  No.23557


thx for sharing

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d10bee  No.23558


This doesn't change the fact that Q was carrying on as if JA was essentially a tier-one partner, then Wikileaks comes out and says WTF is going on? After 7 months, of course.

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54eb00  No.23559


Good vs Gladio

-Italian Deep State-

Giampiero Massolo

Mario Mori

G. Mantelli Binelli

Franco Gabrielli

Guido Bertolaso

Francesco Gratteri

Niccolò Ghedini

Gualtiero Bassetti



P.S. if you want to make us happy please support next M5S (from PoR is better) and Lega election campaign, just for a courtesy visit dear POTUS family!

Interested into patriot PAC-3MSE for our next defense budget system.



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4eba5a  No.23560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Symbols of an Alien Sky (Full Documentary)

< youtu.be/t7EAlTcZFwY

< youtu.be/tRV1e5_tB6Y

Good morning.

I'm hitting and running. back later :)

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cef2ca  No.23561

just a thought… with all Q drops for us… isn't it setting up a narrative for lawyers presenting for example comey, clapper, hillary, huma & others.. a narritive of "it was a hit job" " a conspiracy to get us in jail " " it was planned wisely (with drops as proof) to take the political opposition down "

as lawyer… seems ya can make a point of it…

what if …. they are covering their tracks with Q to make sure that they have a counter-story when they are brought before court?

(this doesn't explain the somewhat q-sign or the tweets, but hey, deep state & neocons are in trump administration and still in cia/fbi & others… a clown even got the job of cia-director)

now i'm going to bed… see ya soon ;-)

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d10bee  No.23562


This is a complete message. Not just a crumb. So it can't be hit and run.

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4eba5a  No.23563

File: 8e8b96742e156b4⋯.png (105.01 KB, 1097x408, 1097:408, ClipboardImage.png)


Good night anon. I'll probably no sooner post this and you'll be saying good morning.


Lol, it wasn't meant to be a crumb. I think the doco is very thorough in it's message. It certainly pulls a lot of things together. It has a very good part on the origin of the hamsa symbol, with the all seeing eye at around 55 mins in. Lots of interesting stuff.

Good afternoon, anons.

I finally had a look at the EyeTheSpy twatter. Here's one for you, BO. >>23562

> EyeTheSpy/status/1001588031827136513

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d10bee  No.23564

What if……

What if "what has transpired" exactly equals "what was intended?"

"What has transpired" has been that the entire subculture of conspiracy theorists has been manipulated into destroying its image in the eyes of the average normie. What they see is that we have been red pilling people with bullshit from day one. Our reputation; any shred of credibility we may have once had, has been destroyed.

Secondly, we have been led through a near-infinite amount of information on the Deep State and how it's put together. This has created the illusion of omnipotence. We are left with a picture of the Deep State as being all-pervasive and omnipotent.

Third, we are pulled in by our champion Q, the ultimate leader, who suddenly up and abandons us. Our being dumped when we were was always part of the plan. It leaves us as a group in total disarray and completely confused as to who is to be trusted. We have no direction as a group. We simply have everything we could have believed in systematically destroyed. Nothing was installed to replace it.

Enter the "aliens" charade. Are we ripe for the picking? Are we in a most vulnerable and receptive state to receiving a new champion who is presented as not even human but above all that?

Watch the skies - or, more accurately, the reports of what is supposedly appearing there.

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d10bee  No.23565

Just because the Georgia Guidestones exist does not mean they accurately express the intentions or desires of the Deep State.

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d10bee  No.23566

File: 51f75d06df9c02c⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 720x404, 180:101, agif.gif)

Snowden was a LARP. Assange was a LARP. Is this something we're likely to see in real life?

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4eba5a  No.23567


I do believe that a lot of peoples reputations have been severely damaged, probably beyond repair, over their following and spreading the gospel of Q.

There's something that happens with conspiracy in the real word. When CTs speak of it to normies, the normies tend to automatically reject. We've all been there, right! We know how that works. So what if giving all this info to us, on a silver platter, so to speak, has been a way of pretty much making sure that normies will reject it.

Who knows! I hope Q doesn't post again, and I hope this EyeTheSpy doesn't catch on any more than they already have.


How does that make Assange a LARP?

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d10bee  No.23568


Ed said that Assange was green-screened and/or computer generated. This is computer generated.

The importance of making sure we are rejected is found in what's coming, not in what's already here.

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8f3ecb  No.23569


That doesn't make him a LARP in my opinion. There's a lot to consider. Insurance files were dropped. When was the last proof of life without there having been obvious digital fuckery?

Computer generated doesn't mean that he was in on it. Obviously they generated it to appear that it was him. If he was in on it, why wouldn't he just do the interview himself?

> The importance of making sure we are rejected is found in what's coming, not in what's already here.

What's coming is already here, methnks. It's all already happening.

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cef2ca  No.23570

morning anons :D

i'm still in doubt about snowden…. more about the q-things to him…

let's say… assange is good guy… imo he is! q doesn't do a thing for him, trump, neither.. even though trump used the man in his elections and praised him and more!

i don't get the thing between snowden & assange… still have to find out what went wrong there…

but let say snowden also is a good guy… seeing what happened to him, seeing what happens to assange… maybe they are the good guys & cia/deep state know that those two can hurt them even more …

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8f3ecb  No.23571


Morning, anon.

I too, believe that JA is a good guy. I still wanna know what the chessboard and the coms with that B are all about, though. I shall have to go back and have a look-see at that stuff.

Not sure about Snowden. It seems that there were a lot more files that never got released, of course. And it's very convenient that the media organizations that were in possession of those files had been bought out by people who were more than willing to have them destroyed.

Assange/wikileaks attempted to organize for Snowden to get out of Hong Kong, was it? Wikileaks had a hand in the formation of securedrop.

Deep state are discrediting all safe avenues of whistleblowing. They've also been discrediting leaks, by way of deliberately leaking so much shit of late.

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8f3ecb  No.23572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I just finished listening to this one.

Gonna go for my evening walk now. Brrrrrrr cold!

The Rothschild Syria Connection - Major Revelations

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cef2ca  No.23573


assange was trying to get asylum for snowden in equador if im not wrong

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8f3ecb  No.23574

So, now a whole heap of peeps are saying the JA is Q, again. Pushing it hard, too. June, 11. June, 11. It's all going to come out on June frickin' 11!

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8f3ecb  No.23575

Argh. At the bottom of this one is the Rosanne Barr tweetfest that got her show cancelled. Dear god. This woman has single handedly managed to set the CT community back a couple of decades, at least. :(

https:// niqnaq.wordpress.com/2018/05/29/function-of-qanon-to-deflect-any-potential-rescue-of-julian-assange/

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d10bee  No.23576


As long as it ends up in confusion, it's going to be pushed. The goal is to have every anon having no idea what to believe.

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8f3ecb  No.23577


That's about the size of it.

Anon, are you currently logged in to twatter? If so, would you mind doing me a favor and having a loo to see who EyeTheSpy is following on their twatter? If not, I can go trek down the hallway and login on another device, but it's cold down there :S

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cef2ca  No.23578


and june 12 we will say… nothing happened….

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8f3ecb  No.23579

I braved the cold. They're following-

- Assange

- Snowden

- Trump


- Pompeo

I guess the longer Q doesn't post, anons will fall for more of these other characters.


Let's get ahead of the game and just proclaim that nothing will happen.

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cef2ca  No.23580

anyone a good article about the leaks out of doj about trump asking sessions to unrecuse himself?

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d10bee  No.23581


Sorry … inordinately busy this morning … roommate's grandkids here for the summer. Currently looking at doing dishes: 2 plates, 3 bowls, 39 pcs. silverware and 35 cups/glasses.

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8f3ecb  No.23582


I'm still looking, but don't see much on offer.


No probs. I assume the grand child will be also spending some time with the great grand parents so you get a bit of a break. Lol, how long is summer break over their? 3 months?

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cef2ca  No.23583

trump whining again… i'm so screwed by sessions… he shouldn't have recused himself, if i knew i would have taken somebody else…. they're so mean to me… i only want to mmmf , i mean maga…


somebody plz step up to him and hit him to the head very hard and tell him: this is from an anon that says that you are the f'ing president, stop whining and fire the poshits in doj…. stop whining and stop the bs! you have the power, you are president… if not:: STOP THE F'ING WHINING

https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

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d10bee  No.23584


Mercifully, it's only 2. They re-start school 8/2 or thereabouts. That's because they get 694 weeks per year off. Those poor, underpaid, oppressed teachers.

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cef2ca  No.23585

looool the elections in iraq weren't favorable for US… so they say the elections were rigged…. F'CKERS

https:// www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/iraq-commission-annuls-votes-cast-at-1-021-ballot-boxes/1160823

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8f3ecb  No.23586


Theatrics. I'm at the point where I feel disgust when I see or hear him now. IMHO he's a POS.

(been looking at Israel stuff for the past hour, so I'm not in a good place where he's concerned).


That's a relief. Still, it's a long time for kids to be twiddling their thumbs and staring at Iphones.

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cef2ca  No.23587


same here… getting sick of him… but problem is, i need to express the anger i start to feel…. sooo… there it was :D

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cef2ca  No.23588


something else i get sick of… anons and others saying… loook at how many republicans step aside, don't go for re-election…. So what is their point???? are only republicans crooks? they fill up their sacks at this point, as much as they can, try to screw the people, as much as they can and go on pension when their term is done.. is that equal law? is that cleaning the swamp? not in my opinion…

imo they should go to jail for screwing the people and steeling their money!!!!

and what about awan brothers??? they are getting a jail free card…. why? cause if they go after them, 90% of the swamp would pay for it…. CLEAN THAT SWAMP!!! but no, we can't do that isn't it… it ain't happening…


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8f3ecb  No.23589

File: 4ea7c3fd2df7ecd⋯.png (58.35 KB, 780x341, 780:341, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sick of quite a lot as well, anon.

I'm not quite sure how we're meant to battle all this shit. How does one organize against it? I'm looking for avenues but coming up with dead ends and roadblocks everywhere I turn.


Pic- And this one now has over 7k foloowers.

> twitter.com/EyeTheSpy/status/1001816043172646915

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cef2ca  No.23590

before q people were ready to organize… look at the elections…. now, after q and all sh't that happens…. all that is gone imo… q mainly is the reason we (patriots) are so divided…. the goal? probably

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cef2ca  No.23591


btw, i don't give him attention… those saying "f'ck wikileaks' are the ones shouting the hardest during the elections "release the mails" to wikileaks

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8f3ecb  No.23592


I think maybe part of the goal was to have Trump smelling of roses, making the disinformation is necessary bullshit a cover for all his bad decisions and deeds. I think trusting the plan has pulled the wool over peoples eyes, by way of having them think that he has to play along and do things that seem wrong to stay in nice with the cabal in order to take them down at a later date. BULLSHIT.


I'm monitoring the comments. I'm interested to see how serious people are taking it. I thought they might be just having a bit of fun, but it seems that many are sucked in.

I guess we'll see in the next few days how hard the go against wikileaks is, and how much more push there is to convince people that Assange is Q.

Q having built up that the NSA are /ourguys/ and given them credibility has not helped our cause any, methinks. What a fucking mess.

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cef2ca  No.23593


BINGO on that!

the second…. keep us informed when something "major" is said lol

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8f3ecb  No.23594


Is it like really early over there? the comments are nowhere near as many as they have been?

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8f3ecb  No.23595

File: 447c74b9b5acafe⋯.png (106.64 KB, 683x543, 683:543, ClipboardImage.png)

< twitter.com/Snowden/status/997271424590143488

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cef2ca  No.23596


over where? 10:30 am almost

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cef2ca  No.23597


yeah i saw that at that day or the next…

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8f3ecb  No.23598


NM, things picked up. Stoopid people! :(

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cef2ca  No.23599


ok :D

pfff what a joke here.. but what do you want if ya look at skripal farce & chem-attack farce from UK and others..

https:// www.rt.com/news/428240-babchenko-alive-special-operation/

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8f3ecb  No.23600


Lucky guy.

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cef2ca  No.23601

oooh the quietness in here :o

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8f3ecb  No.23602


Yeah, I think we can officially call ourselves a dead board, LMAO.

I blame myself, anon. It's all my fault! :p

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cef2ca  No.23603


not your fault ;-) and we are not dead , as long as we are here, and keep talking, helping each other and such, we will get results….

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8f3ecb  No.23604


Yeah, I'm not going anywhere in a hurry, lol.

I'm not getting much digging done either. Going around in circles now. About to call it quits and do some YT surfing. I needs me a good doco to escape into.

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cef2ca  No.23605


sometimes that helps me too…. at this point i'm really doing nothing.. too much frustration…

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8f3ecb  No.23606

File: 9ce800afb0c53eb⋯.png (57.26 KB, 1193x474, 1193:474, ClipboardImage.png)

Hahahaha. I just found the thread on endchan where they planned to steel the 10000th post from us here at 2gen.

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d10bee  No.23607


How do they mess up something like that?


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d10bee  No.23608


Hmmm. Looks like Ed got it. Deleted.

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d10bee  No.23609

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cef2ca  No.23610


loooool so long ago ;-)

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8f3ecb  No.23611


Mess up? I remember the post, it was in the form of a new thread. I didn't know it had been deleted.

The thread they work from is kind of funny. It's really nothing more than calculating how long it will be until the next significantly numbered post. I wonder if that's where sockpuppet anon spends much of his time. He's the one who's always on about how important it is to check digits.

There's list after list of round numbers, as well as quads upward, all boards all over the place. Some people are very, very, very strange.

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01d5f5  No.23612

From twitter today. I think this is MASSIVE. They are saying that 9/11 was a "CONTROLLED DEMOLITION" and they want a Grand Jury impaneled. Filed 18 April 2018. You don't have to go past the 2nd page to see where they are heading with this. It ALL will be exposed.

https:// lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/lc-doj-grand-jury-petition/

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8f3ecb  No.23613


Thanks anon.

Forgive my ignorance, but who gets to choose the grand jury and all that?

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d10bee  No.23614


It will be buried.

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cef2ca  No.23615


have a feeling sessions, trump & RR will put this in the dumpster…. they won't allow it to go through (i think)

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d10bee  No.23616


If it was congress demanding it, it would be a very different story.

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d10bee  No.23617


And people will be suicided, I would imagine. Most inconvenient timing.

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8f3ecb  No.23618

If people haven't got anything better to do then perhaps someone could take the initiative and start off a meme campaign to push it. If there was more awareness brought to it, then if it got binned it would bring a whole lot of shame to the people who bin it.

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8f3ecb  No.23619

LMAO, I was expecting deep web chan to be somehow different to surface web chans, but nope.

No frogs though. :p

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8f3ecb  No.23620

I have been on one heck of an adventure.

Time for some much needed sleep. I really need to work on my self discipline. :s

Be good and kind to each other.

<3 Love to all :)

Good morning.

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d10bee  No.23621

Today I got a demonstration of what the primary drive behind our reality is.

I was talking with my roommate about the petition being filed by the Lawyers' Committee over 9/11. It was written off immediately:

"well that's just some little group."

"They have plenty of evidence or they wouldn't be filing."

"Well they all use the same trumped-up videos."

Let this sink in for a minute.

They all use the same trumped-up videos … and yet no examination was done to see WHAT evidence is in play. Further, have any of the videos actually been seen? No! So how does she know they're trumped-up?

It doesn't matter. It's the final verdict based on nothing but emotional preference and that is the end of that.

This is one example of what we're facing on a worldwide scale. You have billions of people who know everything they need to know about so much of reality, when all they really have is what they made up in their heads because that's what feels comfortable to believe in.

And that's the final verdict in almost all cases.

Some can be pulled out of that state, others not, but the point is this: how good can society ever get if you have mass numbers of people entering that state in the first place?

A chain is nothing more than a collection of interlocked links. There is no "chain" per se. It's purely a mental construct - a name given to a collection of interlocked links. From the dawn of time we've had people scheming and brainstorming and coming up with a billion ways to engineer the chain as a whole unit so that it "works." Every approach has failed every time. Put more stress on the stronger links to take some of the load off the weaker ones. Huh? How do you do that? It's a chain! Weaken the stronger links so they're equal in strength to the weaker links. Etc. An infinite number of solutions are out there for how to engineer the chain as a single unit to make it strong enough to do whatever it needs to do.

It's not an option. It was never an option, as history attests to. There is no chain. There are only individual links. That's it. That's all there ever was.

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01d5f5  No.23622


Very discouraging. I hadn't seen that part of the equation - that people already think they KNOW the story. I hate to admit it, but I didn't really begin to question until a couple of years ago. And THEN the scales dropped from my eyes. How I could have been so blind for so long is hard to believe.

I haven't read past the second page yet. Maybe something will come of this? No one can say for certain that it won't. I've gotten myself in a world of hurt over the years thinking that EVENTUALLY something HAS to happen. I guess my lessons weren't brutal enough. . . because I still believe that the truth means something - that enough good people can change an outcome.

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01d5f5  No.23623


I guess it's not really your ignorance we're talking about. . . but MINE. I don't know who chooses the Grand Jury.

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8d0d9a  No.23624


Yep, you simply have a mischeivious discarnate spirit. Be aware ther he/she may eventually invite some friends over and really amp things up. They are real & your pup barking at them is proof enough of that.

You can get the spirit removed from the house. You need a psychic that specializes in such things. Have a friend that had his house cleared of a bunch of them. They were doing all kinds of crazy things til they were removed.

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cd2de2  No.23625

Just discovered that actor Ed Asner is one of the top people with the Lawyers Committee that filed for a Grand Jury to look into 9/11.

I have far less hope that this will be a successful endeavor. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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d10bee  No.23626


As all this carries on (and on and on and on) just about the only thing I'm noting is how much nothing is changing. Endless hot air and sunshine being blown up people's behinds but the events are always tomorrow. If it's gone on for 7 months, it will not change by the choice of the people who brought us this far. Changing the driving forces in this mess means changing people's values and that is so labor intensive, so protracted, with so little return, that it's not worth the effort.

The future is me. The best I have to offer is to become one more link in the chain that is not asleep or otherwise weak. Make the most of myself. Realize my own dreams. I then stand as an example for others as well as inspiring others. The next person will disagree with this approach but for all I've ever learned, been through, etc. for nearly 57 years, this is the best way forward - by far - that I can possibly imagine.

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d10bee  No.23627


If you want a happy world, the best thing you can do is get there yourself. And that doesn't mean settling.

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5080ac  No.23628

morning anons….

on to coffee & news-reading…. well.. news.. let's say propaganda-reading ;)

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5080ac  No.23629


new id i see

this >>23615 is me :p

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8f3ecb  No.23630


Morning anon. :D

Let me know if anything actually newsworthy happens.

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5080ac  No.23631


not much at this point…. like expected… yeah roseanne is destroyed even more by the left… nothing new there.. hypocrits…

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8f3ecb  No.23632


She's an easy target. She often makes statements that aren't factual, then makes others that are ambiguous and can easily be construed the wrong way and twisted to suit the purposes of opposition.

I'm not saying that she deserves it, but in this day and age it pays to be more mindful and less vocal.

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5080ac  No.23633


true.. but imo that isn't news-worthy

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8f3ecb  No.23634


Lol, no it is not. :p

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5080ac  No.23635

ooooops lost my time in dostojevski :p back to digging haha

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8f3ecb  No.23636


I'm lost in a series of odd and strange links. Stranger and stranger, and yet again stranger. BUT I CAN'T LOOK AWAY!

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5080ac  No.23637


looll :p

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5080ac  No.23638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wtf i can't watch this anymore and don't remember if it only was about rome burning :(


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8f3ecb  No.23639


Um, it was about unrest or political upset in ummmm.. I think it was a central African country. The the other guy says about playing the lire while watching Rome burn.

I can change IPs and watch it again if you want, for more detail?

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5080ac  No.23640


so you can't watch it either.. weird.. i watched it when posted… but was in a different country at that time, maybe that's the reason

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5080ac  No.23641


do you remember what african country?

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8f3ecb  No.23642


Give me a few minutes. It's not a good idea for me to change my IP at this point. With ya in a bit.

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9a7c44  No.23643

A gathering at a huge old mansion.

The Asian guy arrives.

He goes straight in and sits down with the bad guy who likes to have control over everything.


The guy knows who's responsible for whatever is happening in the Congo, in the storyline of which I don't know. The person will be dealt with!

Bad guy says to asian guy that he seems occupied.

Then the Asian guy says about watching Rome burn. His watch beep beeps right before he says 'watched'.

/The End

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9a7c44  No.23644



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5080ac  No.23645

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5080ac  No.23646


in se 2 china wants to annex congo…. http:// mrrobot.wikia.com/wiki/Whiterose

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8f3ecb  No.23647


Hope it helped ;)

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8f3ecb  No.23648


I've been led to a reptilians being our creators and overlords page. I knew I should've tied a rope around my waste and tied the other end to a tree before going down this rabbit hole.

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909b92  No.23649

Good morning anons.

I've been busy travelling many roads to nowhere it seems.

I had an idea yesterday after reading George Soros is trying to interfere with brexit again and seeing the bots are overactive on twitter, thought it would be good to unite the 2 so to speak.

I was unable to view the Mr Robot videos at the time. I was able to view one on MSP twitter. I have checked my you tube and my history seems incomplete and I have lost 10 watch later videos that have been deleted.

Did you all see the article about the Ukraine journalist that faked his death?

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5080ac  No.23650


morning anon

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54eb00  No.23651


http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3213081/Ukrainian-girl-three-gives-Nazi-salute-vows-cut-Russians-brandishing-huge-knife-shocking-home-video.html


We don't forget

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8f3ecb  No.23652


Good morning, anon.

I'm still on my journey along that road to nowhere, it would seem. I'm off in a different browser, so not seeing if and when there's a new post.

I'm way behind in current news and events. What's Soros doing this time?

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54eb00  No.23653


https:// www.theislamicmonthly.com/the-man-who-took-john-mccain-into-syria/

https:// www.frontpagemag.com/point/203199/meet-syrian-islamist-organization-controlling-daniel-greenfield


0:26 the baby

Boko haram: https:// www.timeslive.co.za/news/africa/2017-09-28-sa-fought-boko-haram/

now SCARF.


Pictures leaked for this very moment.

Who/what is not pictured?

What forces shadowed No Name?


Special contractors.

What was delivered?


Exact location.


Buildings E of spider web.

Spider web marker.

Open source.


that type of scarf is the symbol of GladioB/Al Qaeda (like the black flag)

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d10bee  No.23654

Within a week, we see the Great Wikileaks Betrayal, probably the last posting of Q, 1 posting from Ed, and the destruction of Roseanne. All with no major events occurring in the world to account for them.

As Q would say: coincidence? At what point does it become statistically impossible?

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d10bee  No.23655

What's funny is to see billions of people demanding a government and a society that is closer to perfection than their own personal lives. "We want a chain stronger than any one link, dammit!"

Why do you think so much effort is put into defining "selfishness" as "becoming the strongest link you can be?"

How much has been given in charity in the past hundred years? How much affirmative action has been implemented? How many special loans, programs, and rights do women have? Why is nearly every convenience store own in the United States a first generation immigrant? What percentage of our specialized doctors are first-generation foreign immigrants? (Hint: it's very, very high.) What percentage of new car sales goes to people on welfare? (Hint: it's very, very high.)

What macro-societal approach has failed to fail countless times over many centuries?

It's all about the individual.

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d10bee  No.23656

Everybody wants the government and society as a whole to do more to make them happy than they will do for themselves.

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d10bee  No.23657

Altruism is the number one back door for evading responsibility for doing or becoming anything one's self.

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d10bee  No.23658


Imagine a sports team where nobody plays their position with any degree of competence, and they don't have to because they're being good people and wanting the other position players to succeed instead.

The team sinks to the bottom like a lead balloon.

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909b92  No.23659


Good morning.


Well his great arrogance believes he can over ride democracy.


Thx for the links, going to read now

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8f3ecb  No.23660


I don't believe that's entirely true. You're omitting the whole born into slavery and oppression aspect, and the fact that humans work best when working together, but seem to have lost the art of how to do that.

And happiness is temporary. It's not something that should be striven for, but appreciated when felt. What should be striven for is the freedom and ability to achieve, to grow, to explore…


He's done it before. :S

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909b92  No.23661


Sorry forgot the link. https:// www.politico.eu/article/second-brexit-referendum-george-soros-campaign-about-to-start/

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5080ac  No.23662



soros has plans to "save" the EU

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5080ac  No.23663


https:// www.cnbc.com/2018/05/29/billionaire-soros-outlines-plan-to-save-europe.html

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8f3ecb  No.23664


Well, it appears he's still up to old tricks. Nothing's changed.


/Cough, cough

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5080ac  No.23665


yeah… he doesn't give up… i just don't get he isn't in jail… f'cker

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8f3ecb  No.23666


Jail is a societal construct given to us by those who will never see the inside of one.

Fuck jail/prison; plant a piece of high speed lead between the pricks eyeballs.

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5080ac  No.23667

File: 9c4c8f7dc2e6e4f⋯.gif (859.28 KB, 400x225, 16:9, gun-animated-gif-11[1].gif)

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8f3ecb  No.23668



And keep it on hand for anyone who dares take his frickin' place. No more pussy footing around. These bastards have been responsible for the deaths of millions/billions of people over centuries/millennia. Fuck'em, take'm out.

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8f3ecb  No.23669


I think I might've just ended up on a few more lists!

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5080ac  No.23670


haha join the club :p

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5080ac  No.23671


i should have said : welcome ;-)

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909b92  No.23672


Is this Qita.

Thanks for those links I had not heard of Gladio B and I see Original Gladio related to Italy.

I found another good read on it. May also be relevant to anons looking at 9/11.

http:// wideshut.co.uk/gladio-b-the-origins-of-natos-secret-islamic-terrorist-proxies/

Fort bragg is also mentioned , I do not have a good feeling for that place.

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909b92  No.23673


Yes but can only do it if UK are contributing.

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909b92  No.23674


I don't get how he believes he can have a say in every country


He makes me feel the same it's those evil eyes.

so do you think my bot idea could work. I didn't have much luck figuring out yesterday. All I have to do is plant a seed to about 50 if them and they(bots ) will grow it from there.

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8f3ecb  No.23675


What is it that you want to do with the bots, anon? Sry, I'm not up with how bots work. I mean, I thought you needed to have a network of them, of which cost a few $$. Or will you hack and use other ppls computers, lol? I'm really not up with it. On top of all that, I'm just about done for the night. Bugger all sleep last night/this morning.

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909b92  No.23676

This wins the award for most informative comment on QR, sorry if it's any anons in here but it did make me giggle.

"John Podesta is a Catholic power peanut"

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8f3ecb  No.23677


I think you might have to show me how to use a firearm before I can join your club directly, LMAO. I'm not on that list.


Thank you :P


I don't get it, but it sounds funny enough to have made me chuckle.

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909b92  No.23678


No hacking or hiring bots. There are lots that get released on high interest stories they then work on keywords and developed from their. So if I tweeted an article or 2 on Soros into a group of bots they would start bombarding his account.

I do not know anything on this this subject so need to learn if it's possible.

I can mostly recognise them on twitter.

I'm probably not explaining this well and that's the last thing you need when that tired.

Rest well anon.

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8f3ecb  No.23679


I get it well enough, now, to know what you're thinking of doing. Sounds like a plan.

Yes, rest well. I would If I could drag myself away from trying to figure out the different layers of deep web/dark net. 99.9% of the time I'm not sure which layer I'm in. :/

Indeed, I shall go to bed and documentary myself to sleep.

(ID might change again).

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5080ac  No.23680

https:// www.rt.com/news/428350-us-military-europe-movement-germany

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a2a7f7  No.23681


I wouldn't want to be in Europe right now or any time in the foreseeable future.

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5080ac  No.23682


yeah i know… :(

above that : https:// www.rt.com/business/428354-us-slaps-tariffs-steel-aluminum-europe-canada-mexico/

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909b92  No.23683


Your writing over this post and the subsequent 3 posts really got me. It was very honest and insightful and I believe you still dare to dream.


Did your ID change? I can't anything on this link. I'll try the next one you posted.

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5080ac  No.23684


my id changed yes ;-)

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909b92  No.23685


Got it. I find that scary. I wonder if it ties in with this stunt that so obviously went wrong.

http:// time.com/5294634/ukraine-faked-death-russian-journalist/

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5080ac  No.23686


>https:// www.rt.com/news/428350-us-military-europe-movement-germany

i have the same feeling

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909b92  No.23687


Yep just found the post where you said.

I'm getting that lag where posts don't update immediately even older ones.

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d10bee  No.23688


>humans work best when working together

Based on what? Any real-world examples? What defines "best?"

>happiness is temporary.

If you wait for it to happen to you. If you take responsibility for your life and realize that for every person on Earth except yourself, you are part of the problem if you're not happy, then everything changes.

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8f3ecb  No.23689


Back when there were far fewer people in the world, they came together for one main reason, and that was to problem solve. I’m taking this from my anthropology stage that I went through a few years back. At that time, this concept was very much agreed upon among those respected in those circles.

I’m sure you don’t need to think too hard to find a multitude of real world examples. You’re looking at one right now. You’re sitting on one. You’re living in one. You drive one. You drink out of one.

Best: not working against each other.

Happiness is temporary. I was happy today when my dog was in a silly mood and we got to have a little rough play, with him making silly noises and faces, rolling all over the place, then running off at a hundred miles an hour than back to me like a bull at a gate. I’m sitting here now. I’m not happy, I’m not sad, I’m content. I’m content to be reading the book that I was reading. Reading the book doesn’t make me happy, nor sad. It’s giving me satisfaction.

My belief is that the pursuit of happiness is a delusion. I don’t expect happiness to come to me, nor do I expect to always be happy. If I was always happy I would find no challenge. Without challenge I would not be happy. Perhaps people should stop being so hung up on being happy and work more toward satisfaction as a result of achievement. I just see it differently, is all, anon.

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8f3ecb  No.23690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This's a good one. Succinct and very well presented.

The REAL Truth About Religion And Its Origins 27mins

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5080ac  No.23691


also in list :D thx!

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5080ac  No.23692

have to make sure i take a day "off" to watch my list in YT.. it's getting long lol

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8f3ecb  No.23693

I don't know what prompted me to look it up. Something obviously compelled me. A fleeting thought that wasn't so fleeting. I don't see how what's presented on the GA Guidestones is in fitting with the NWO. It goes against everything that I've come to believe that they represent.

I guess the only one that I can see that could possibly fit with them is the population cap. But really, what's so bad about the rest of it?

Should production of fitness and diversity not be encouraged?

Would humanity not be better off with a united living language. Where all can understand what the other has to say? Leave room for nature. Leave room for nature.

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a living new language.

Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.



It's a bit like that, huh. My 'watch later' list still has vids on it from a year ago. Many of them have been deleted or gone private, lol.

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8f3ecb  No.23694

I just learned a new word. Yippeee!

> evolveconsciousness.org/ignorance-nescience/

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5080ac  No.23695

https:// www.rt.com/news/428389-italy-coalition-back-win/

https:// www.rt.com/news/428391-macron-trump-tariffs-row

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54eb00  No.23696


Game of Draughts! ;)


Thank you so much Anons <3


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8f3ecb  No.23697


5 star sounds fynny.

Them's strong words from Marcon.

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5080ac  No.23698


did the president accepted????

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d10bee  No.23699


We are part of nature as much as anything else. What other species has quotas on its population? For any other species it would be considered extremely unnatural to artificially limit their population.

There is more to a working society than exercising iron-grip control over every last aspect of life. That blocks out nature completely to where it has little function in our existence.

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d10bee  No.23700


So undertaking a challenge and happiness are mutually exclusive?

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8f3ecb  No.23701


We're in a position to observe natural law and prevent our own demise where possible. And for the record, many species of animals do regulate their populations. Others don't and have caused imbalances by over hunting and diminishing their own food supplies, for eg.


I'm not quite sure how to explain this one, anon. I shall put it the best I can for now. Let's consider that being unhappy is the result of being uncomfortable about something. Perhaps someone is uncomfortable with finding a fly in their soup. This makes them unhappy. In order to be happy (comfortable), they need to solve this problem of their being a fly in their soup. It may be as simple as asking the waiter/ress for a fresh, flyless bowl of soup. Yes, a very small challenge, but a challenge just the same.

Is it possible to be in a constant state of happiness? At what point is that state considered a normal state, and the bar raised in order to feel happy again?

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8f3ecb  No.23702


This actually reminds me of some Ed posts from a while back. RE: How can you know happiness if you don't experience unhappiness? (Or something to that effect).

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5080ac  No.23703

>>20031 :

One is only unhappy when he knows happiness. One is only longing for once had. As above, so below.

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64beb4  No.23704



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5080ac  No.23705


hmmm.. that could be possible…. i thought about dostojevski… but he said it slightly different : https:// www.goodreads.com/quotes/432976-man-is-unhappy-because-he-doesn-t-know-he-s-happy-only

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54eb00  No.23706

«Warning: you are about to recreate a page already deleted in the past». This is what we read by consulting on Wikipedia the entry Siv, Vatican Information Service. Watched surveillance: the "free" web encyclopedia stops, in front of the Pope's intelligence. Also because, says Riccardo Tristano Tuis, the whole affair is in the hands of the most powerful and mysterious religious order in the Catholic galaxy: the Company of Jesus, founded in 1537 by the Spanish military Ignazio de Loyola, with a vocation - emerged from the beginning - to infiltrate other structures, in order to control them from within. Genial, the use of confession by the Jesuits: once introduced to the court as educators of the noble scions, they became the custodians of the secrets of future rulers. For Fausto Carotenuto, former analyst of the intelligent and author of the essay "The mystery of the international situation", the Jesuits represent the summit of one of the two "black" pyramids that control the world - the other is constituted by international Freemasonry. The goal is common: the domination of a completely globalized planet through finance and the economy, domesticated politics, the hammering misinformation ensured by the big media, reticent or liars about terrorism and war.

"Even among the Jesuits there are obviously many excellent people," admits Tuis, interviewed in "Border Nights", "but the structure has played an essentially negative role in history: the congregation remains a decidedly dangerous subject, Riccardo Tristano Tuisnon at random expelled 70 times from various States ». Difficult relations also with the Vatican: Pope Clement XIV suppressed the religious order in 1773. "The Jesuits were born as special arm of the Church to replace the Dominicans, politically not very flexible", explains Gianfranco Carpeoro, author of essays that illuminate obscure background in which Church and Masonry coexist, as in the case of the origin of fascism. "But then the Jesuits always became uncomfortable, when - after the conquest of South America - they realized that the natives were better, as men, of the" conquistadores "Christians». The same is remembered by Tuis, author of the book "Jesuits" just published by Uno Editori: "In Paraguay the Jesuits sided with the people even paying their lives with their life". The "liberation theology" is of Jesuitical inspiration for the popular emancipation of Latin America. Cardinal Martini himself was a Jesuit, at the forefront of wars. But the Society of Jesus remains ambivalent: Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the first Jesuit pontiff in history, has signed the essay "This economy kills" but in Argentina he was accused of complicity with the executioners of the military dictatorship, that of the "desaparecidos".

Riccardo Tristano Tuis does not believe in Pope Francis: "Despite the part he plays, he plays the game of power: his commitment to migrants is part of the globalist project which also involves the Islamization of Europe at the expense of the Christian faith, towards a hypothetical one-world religion ». His book is clear, in intent, from the subtitle: "The military order behind the Church, the banks, the secret services and world governance". Former author of "The black aristocracy", or "the occult history of the elite that has controlled war, cult, culture and economy for centuries", Tuis recounts the intertwining that - from the beginning - binds Ignatius of Loyola to powerful Roman families like that of the Borgias. The mission of order: forging real 007, able to infiltrate any political and religious environment, aiming at the control of power. A project with a secret background, dating back to the Templars and "orders and consortia of even older families". Thus were born "agents Pope Francis secrets with license to kill", ready to operate clandestinely in both Christian and Protestant or Anglican countries, "to the point that in our days the devious secret services of Europe, North America, the Commonwealth and Israel are expressions of a single direction: the Siv, that is the secret services of the Vatican ", those untraceable on Wikipedia.

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54eb00  No.23707


"High finance, the largest banks in the world and the banking cartel that gave rise to modern bank seigniorage - says Tuis - are the product of the millenary opulence and strength of the Church of Rome, which thanks to the nineteenth century Jesuits in then he has the global economy in his hands through the families of international bankers whose heads are the guardians of the papal treasure: the Rothschilds ". Tuis's book investigates "the obscure world of secret societies and magical circles of satanic-Luciferian and Christian matrix", discovering "their mutual and unsuspected connections through high-level Jesuits, the" superior incognites of the 4th vote " that also move the ranks of the powerful and stratified orders of chivalry, "namely the Knights of Malta in Europe and their American counterparts, the Knights of Columbus. Together with international Freemasonry, this galaxy of the Venezuelan Arturo Sosa Abascal, current head of the "invisible" Jesuits, gives life to the gray army of European Union bureaucrats and the American Congress, which promote the criminal operation on a large scale called Agenda 21 ».

The book goes into specific historical events: «Two most famous European dictators, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler, have risen to power thanks to clandestine operations by the Jesuits and the Illuminati, who for centuries have worked side by side in the establishment of the century-old agenda globalist "The New Atlantis", better known as the New World Order ». A former Jesuit, says Tuis to "Border Nights" is the invention of the guillotine: atrocious symbol of the French terror, agree, but still "a way to reduce the suffering of the condemned." From the Jesuits emerged absolute excellences in every field, including the scientific field: it is the Society of Jesus that manages the powerful astronomical observatory of Mount Graham, in Arizona. Aliens coming? Better The book of Tuischiamarli "brothers of space"; in case one day they landed, said the director of the center, why not baptize them? Knowledge, secrets, confidential information. "The Jesuit archive in La Spezia - says Tuis - is at least as large as that of the CIA".

Do they know everything about everyone? Dossier, detailed records? "For that they were born: it was they who founded the first intelligence in history". The book of Tuis is an investigation on the less transparent side of power, the most unsuspected: on the web circulates freely the text of a notorious oath, in which the novice - in the '500 - also undertakes to kill, in the case, and in any case to execute any order without discussing, "perinde ac cadaver". Legends? Unfortunately, no, says Tuis: "Today the real battle is conducted in the field of information: the mainstream systematically deforms the truth. Counter-information is fundamental, and power fears it ". Behind the news broadcaster there is often a politician, connected to influential economic subjects. What escapes is that "all roads", or at least many, lead to Rome, where the power of that network would be extended beyond the imaginable. "It is no coincidence that the adjective" Jesuitico "has taken on a negative connotation: it indicates something false and insincere, hypocritical, but at the same time refined and cultivated. The Jesuits have a clear vision of the world, theirs. They come everywhere, they've been there for half a millennium: it will not be easy to stop them. "

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54eb00  No.23708


The Jesuits, for example: they were the armed wing of the Church and became the spiritual tutors and educators of the princes, but then they were even dissolved. Because, meeting the people of South America, they discovered what in Europe supported Rousseu: that the "good savage" is often better than us. This is why the Jesuits of Latin America worked so hard on the side of the liberation movements. Today, at the head of the Vatican, at a time so difficult for the Church, Pope Francis was elected a Jesuit from South America. Beyond what it will do - we will see - it is a very clear message.

The break with the Jesuits dates back to 1928, when the Church understands that the Jesuits can no longer serve them, and Opus Dei is born. Opus Dei is born because the Church no longer trusts the Jesuits. It needs something more "hard", more advanced: it needs to make a sort of Christian Freemasonry, because Opus Dei has exactly the same functional scheme of Freemasonry as it is configured with the Great Orients. With one difference: that every three months leave lists of disgraced Masons on all Italian newspapers. Have you ever seen a list of Opus Dei? If you want I'll tell you, the name of some belonging: Gianni Letta, Gianni Letta's nephew, Dell'Utri. All those who attribute these characters to Freemasonry, and instead are Opus Dei. They attribute them to Freemasonry because Masonry and Opus Dei made incest, they got married. But they did not get married on the philosophical, doctrinal level: they got married on money. And here we must write the history of the banks and the Italian economy.

The post-war Italy economy first inherited an important reality, the IRI, founded by Mussolini in 1926 headed by a great economist, Beneduce. In the post-war period, within the Iri, the first alliance between laity and Catholics took place. And since the laity were mainly Masons, indirectly it is a first alliance between Masonic finance and Catholic finance, through the reference banks. The reference bank of Masonic finance was the Banca Commerciale Italiana, while the banks of reference for Catholic finance were Credito Italiano and banks linked to savings banks. These organisms, in turn, give rise to two large groups, arguing with each other only in appearance: for the secular finance there is Mediobanca, which arises by the will of Mattioli, the mason at the head of the Italian Commercial Bank (and Mediobanca comes commanded for many years by another Freemason, Enrico Cuccia), and for the Catholic finance there is the SanPaolo group, plus the Banco Ambrosiano, an Enrico Cucciarealtà minor, limited to Lombardy. All this goes on until, somehow, on the Banco Ambrosiano it does not try to enter the Masonic finance with a leader called Calvi, who was a Mason.

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8f3ecb  No.23709


Thank you, kindly anon. ;)

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54eb00  No.23710


Opus Dei and Freemasonry eventually come to an agreement and found a bank. The IOR is born because during the papacy of Pius XII some things are decided, deliberated in 1942 and then carried out in 1950. The Church and the Freemasonry decide to have an organ, that few know, of common management. So they decided to bring people from Opus Dei into a sort of order of knights, which was called the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarus. The person in charge of this order was a gentleman, Cardinal Oddi, from Genoa; then, as soon as they decided that with the IOR they had to do a bit of filth (the knighthood was connected to the IOR, the Vatican bank), they took out Oddi and appointed Marcinkus. Marcinkus is a character who played golf in his personal field, attached to his New York home. Marcinkus was not a Mason, he was from Opus Dei. His IOR began to operate as a normal bank: Paul Marcinkus did nothing more serious than what all the banks in the world do.

Be aware that one of the first things Mafia has taken over is banking power: in the '70s and' 80s, the head of the mafia at the time, Stefano Bontade, was received with great pomp by the main European investment banks , like Crédit Monégasque, Lazard, the same Goldman Sachs for which Prodi also worked. The banks, Bontade, received it as if it were Onassis. All the main public bodies of this state have done business with the mafia. Also in Rai there was the representative of the mafia, it was called Vanni Calvello. He was a sort of prince, a baron from Palermo, and he took care of the Mafia's relations with Rai. It is no coincidence that Andreotti, to be acquitted, has cited as witnesses all American ambassadors since the post-war period: you can not go to try a person for the mafia when you know very well that the Americans, landed in Sicily, have become mayor of Mazara del Vallo Vito Genovese, who was the number two of Cosa Nostra. If you put yourself to process the past, you will not go out again. You must put yourself to process the present.

Sometimes, however, it happens that in power you argue. When the world was named financially by 7 realities, and Agnelli was one of these 7 realities, it happened that they quarreled Agnelli and the Rothschilds. And a minute later Agnelli sold the shares of Fiat to Gaddafi - a good sign, right? The head of the Rothschild reference banking group asked for a comment, and he said a French word that is equivalent to our "disturbing", and he prayed that it was written separating "with" from "turban", to say that they were trying to involve those who they wear the turban. Making Gadhafi inside Fiat was a disfigurement not only to the Rothschilds, but also to the Zionist economic front (which does not mean Jew: identifying the Jewish people with Zionism is a very gross injustice of our times). The beauty of the things of power - which is our fortune, for which we continue to maintain the margins of freedom - is that they quarrel. Why will the New World Order never be born? Because then you have to agree on who gets the biggest slice. So, from this point of view I'm not very pessimistic, I feel that the survival spaces are guaranteed.

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54eb00  No.23711


The devil and the Holy water. The devil's dung money. The pseudo-opposites that meet and suggest rules of behavior. With many greetings to the new line of the Church attentive to poverty, with which Francis I wanted to characterize his pontificate. The Pontifical Holy Cross University, which depends on Opus Dei, has decided that its students, future priests, must know the economy and finance, to better understand the meaning of their apostolate and where it should be addressed in the social sphere. Up to here, nothing transcendental. One does not live by spirit alone and then, as they say in certain environments, material food must be able to transform itself into spiritual food. It will no longer be enough for the students of the Opera founded by Escrivà de Balaguer to be able to handle theology, philosophy, canon law and communication. Hence the idea of ​​creating a course called "Economics for Ecclesiastic" thanks to which, this is the intention, future priests will not find themselves too isolated from the real world.

The problem lies in the personality of the professor who will erudite future robes on the ethical meaning of economics and finance in the contemporary world. Brian Griffiths of Fforestafch, already number two of GoldmanSa is in fact Brian Griffiths of Fforestafch, an unpronounceable surname that is all a program, to entertain students on "The ethical and cultural challenges for contemporary finance". The point is that the gentleman in question was Executive Vice President of Goldman Sachs International, which is the bank of business that in the imagination of the average US citizen is the symbol of the most disgusting speculation that chokes small savers and creates the conditions to take away the House. In Italy, as in Europe, Goldman Sachs is the bank that has speculated low against the Italian government bonds, the Spanish Bonos and the Italian BTPs, with the aim of burying the euro. In short, Brian Griffiths of Fforestafch is a banker who has considerable responsibility for having contributed to aggravate an internal situation, such as the Italian one, already serious in itself for the very high public debt.

It is almost superfluous to add that Griffiths is a member of the House of Lords (he belongs to the English nomenklatura) and was a director of Margaret Thatcher for privatization and deregulation of the internal market. It is one of those technocrats who support the creation of a large global market without borders and customs duties. A global market that involves the cancellation of national States and their submission to a complex of supranational structures, in fact in the hands of High Finance. A strategy that the Catholic world should theoretically see with hostility. This in theory because there are, and there are many, Catholic bankers who dream of the same goal, albeit with a paternalist attention to the poor and the marginalized. And in Italy the bankers linked to Opus Dei are many and powerful, even if often almost unknown to the general public. Among the best known stands Antonio Fazio, former governor of Antonio FazioBanca d'Italia. In Spain, the president of Banco di Santander, Emilio Botin, is part of Opus Dei.

This is to say that there is no "secular" finance and a "Catholic" finance, but there is only one finance that realizes business and profits and intends to continue to do them. As evidenced by the enormous property and real estate assets of the Catholic Church and its many branches. But even the Protestants do not joke, as Griffiths presided over the Lambeth Fund, controlled by the Archbishop of Canterbury. And so this combination of Opus Dei and Goldman Sachs finds its reason for being in the same universalist approach. After all, liberal capitalism has always been strong, just see Max Weber, of a profound evangelical and biblical imprint. But Opus Dei is not the only structure in the Catholic world to keep good relations with certain environments and to breed future bankers. Mario Draghi, also a former Goldman Sachs, studied by the Jesuits. And this did not prevent him from characterizing his activity in the direction of strengthening the power of banks and finance and at the same time impoverishing Italian and European citizens, as we now know by heart.

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54eb00  No.23712


Gold ingots and coins, banknotes of every currency, exterminated real estate: wealth accumulated over the centuries by priests, bishops and cardinals, up to assume biblical proportions. Sifting through a secret report by Cosea, the dissolved Commission referring to the organization of the Vatican's economic structure, "L'Espresso" finds for example that "the various Vatican institutions manage their assets and those of third parties at a declared value of 9-10 billions of euros, of which 8-9 billion in securities and one of real estate ». Reading the budget (never published) dell'Apsa, the body that administers the patrimony of the Apostolic See, together with some confidential notes signed by the new president of the IOR, Jean-Baptiste de Franssu, "we understand that an important part of the treasure is hidden just dell'Apsa, which unlike the IOR has never made known its accounts. After one of his accountants, Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, was arrested for money laundering, corruption and fraud, Pope Bergoglio decided to put his nose there too.

"L'Espresso" also found the expenses and revenues of dozens of organizations published in 2013: from the Secretariat of State to the foreign nunciatures, passing through Pope BergoglioRadio Vaticana and the Governorate. It is evident, writes Emiliano Fittipaldi in a report taken from "Micromega", that "the costs of the curia (houses, secretaries, travel, security, representation) are still without control". At Place Vendôme, in the center of Paris, a French company controlled by Apsa owns some of the most prestigious properties in the area. "The Sopridex Sa has had famous tenants (like François Mitterrand) and today has assets recorded in the budget that reach € 46.8 million". Among the employees, also «the beauty of 16 goalkeepers». But the Apsa, continues "L'Espresso", also controls 10 Swiss companies, "including the mysterious Diversa Sa, the Immobiliere Sur Collonge and the Immobiliere Florimont". A company that, together with Prof Sa, "manage properties and land in the Swiss confederation and in half of Europe". All together "worth 18 million".

"It must be remembered that historically the budget of Apsa underestimates, for tax issues, the values ​​of the buildings owned by it", explains to Fittipaldi a qualified source of the institute based in the Apostolic Palace. "In addition, the Swiss ones are unconsolidated companies: they could have much more than they declared". The Profima was opened in Lausanne in 1926 and was used by Pius XI to hide part of the "reparations" that the Church obtained thanks to the Lateran Pacts stipulated with the fascist regime, while the holding Diversa "is practically unknown". Founded in Lugano in August 1942, while fighting from Stalingrad to El Alamein, it is today presided by Gilles Crettol, "a Swiss lawyer who manages the interests of the Pope beyond the Alps: his name appears in almost all other Swiss companies". Until some time ago, the Italian representative was instead Paolo Mennini, but the men of Pope Francis decided to do it outside: a few weeks ago, in his place, in the Boards of Swiss companies is Franco Dalla Segacomparso Franco Dalla Sega, president of the Bazolian Mittel and «manager of trust of the new Vatican finance boss, Cardinal George Pell».

The Vatican, recalls "L'Espresso", owns real estate companies also in England: British Grolux Investments Ltd, founded in 1933, "today manages beauty activities in London for 38.8 million euros including luxury shops in New Bond Street. " As for Italy, "in addition to the immense treasury of Propaganda Fide, renamed Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (has an estimated patrimony, net of the real estate crisis, of about 7 billion), Apsa also controls the companies Sirea and Leonina , which are worth over 16 million in the budget ". Between rents to private individuals and commercial leases, all the acronyms belonging to APSA have obtained about 23.5 million euro in 2011. "The final balance sheet of the Apsa is impressive," notes Fittipaldi. «Homes and apartments spread throughout Europe in 2013 reached a total value of 342 million», while that of the investment portfolio in euros exceeded 475 million, «to which we must add securities for 137 million dollars, 33 million pounds and 17 million of Swiss francs ".

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54eb00  No.23713


A "treasure" worth a total of more than a billion, and that today run in three: the super-consultant Dalla Sega and the two monsignors headed by Apsa, the president Domenico Calcagno and the secretary Luigi Mistò. "If the properties of APSA are worth more than what is reported in the balance sheet, even on gold there are many things that do not come back", adds the fonde de "LEspresso". Reading the confidential data of 2013, writes Fittipaldi, it turns out that APSA holds precious metals for 30.8 million euro, and "some internal estimates of the secretariat of state, to be taken with the springs, speak of a value of 140 billion of euros, twice the amount retained by the Bank of Italy ". Someone, however, suspects that an important part of the Vatican's gold reserves is kept in the Swiss and English treasuries. "The estimate seems excessive to me - says the Apsa executive - also because a large part of our yellow metal was sold between the '90s and the start of the new Jean-Baptiste de Franssusecolo by the Venezuelan Cardinal Rosalio Castillo Lara, former president of administration".

In addition to the gold of APSA, the Vatican also controls the assets of the IOR, valued at 6 billion euros. "No wonder that on the nest egg, after the arrival of the new pontiff, a battle has been unleashed (yet another) for the management. Francesco firstly wiped out the men of Tarcisio Bertone who since 2007 led the IOR and, through Calcagno, the safe dell'Apsa. Too many scandals of the decadent "Italian lobby": apart from the raids of Scarano and the events of Bertone (the cases Carige and Lux ​​Vide promise developments), the investigations for recycling have blown the director of IOR Paolo Cipriani, his deputy Massimo Tulli and the treasurer of the bank, while soon the prefecture of economic affairs led by Giuseppe Versaldi, a close friend of Bertone, could be suppressed ». To rebuild a more transparent system, he continued, "L'Espresso", Bergoglio then called Cardinal George Pell from Australia and appointed him head of a new department, the Secretariat of the Economy. A sort of super-ministry that will control, in fact, all the financial institutions inside the Leonine Walls.

Known to the Pope for his qualities as an economist, after having successfully managed a large diocese like that of Sidney, Cardinal Pelle is above all a man of command. The president of the IOR, Ernst von Freyberg, has been torpedoed, the old governance structures are scrapped and the executive powers are centralized in his offices: the secretariat of state has been downsized (Bertone's successor, Pietro Parolin, will mainly deal with diplomacy), while the IOR and APSA were commissioned. In the Vatican there are those who fear the Australian's ambitions: "If Parolin has buried the hatchet only because Francesco admitted it in the C9, the restricted group of cardinals who must help him in the leadership of the Church, the president of the Governorate Giuseppe Bertello he is trying in every way to block his ascent ». Among the new powers, however, to "limit the range of action of Pell" we have been privileged, "for now without success", only Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, archbishop of Oscar Rodriguez MaradiagaTegucigalpa and coordinator of the C9, and Cardinal Santos Abril y Castelló, president of the cardinal commission of the IOR.

In Australia, progressive Catholics blame the ultra-conservative positions and public firing on Islam for the prelate in Sydney ("warlike religion", full of "invocations to violence"). In addition, Pell was cleared in 2002 on charges of abusing a 12-year-old boy, while in 2008 another alleged victim of abuse had blamed him for "covering up" a pedophile priest. "Last March, finally, the cardinal was called to testify before the National Commission of Inquiry into Child Abuse Issues established by the Canberra government on a lawsuit that another former altar boy, John Ellis, had done to Church and Pell himself following sexual violence occurred between 1974 and 1979 ". Pell apologized, continues "L'Espresso", but many remained baffled by his promotion decided by Bergoglio. "In the Vatican jungle - adds Fittipaldi - the ranger from Sydney does not move alone. The head follows the advice of three trusted advisors: the new president of the IOR, Jean-Baptiste de Franssu, the Maltese tycoon Joseph Zahra (both members of the Council of the Economy, the other newborn economic office headed by Reinhard Marx), and the 'friend Danny Casay, manager who has managed the diocese of Sydney with him ».

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54eb00  No.23714


The defeated, the old cardinals of the curia, call them "the band of the Maltese", overshadowing the danger of conflicts of interest: the only Italian member called to be part of the Council of the Economy, Francesco Vermiglio, founded with friend Zahra (owner of the financial giant Misco Malta) Misco Advisory Ltd, "a joint venture to encourage our compatriots to invest in the island, until a few years ago a true tax haven". Moreover, in March 2014, the son of de Franssu, Luis Victor, was hired by Promontory, a US company that has been sifting through the IOR's accounts for a year. "But the number one of the IOR seems to have good relations with some young McKinsey consultants who have worked on the APSA budgets. Among them was Filippo Sciorilli Borrelli. Born in 1981, he is a son of art: his father Ivo is in fact among the majority shareholders of Banca Arner, the Swiss institute that has among its (few) current account holders Silvio Berlusconi ». There is no Maltese lobby, Pell said, outraged. However, replies "L'Espresso", precisely the financiers de Franssu and Zahra - owners of investment companies - had devised the new assets of the Vatican business, according to a model "that largely reflects the one announced by Pell", namely: power of the Secretariat George Pelldell'Economia, Apsa transformed into the Central Bank and the birth of a new Vatican Asset Management (VAM) to manage securities and bonds.

In Pell's aims, adds Fittipaldi, there is also another patrimony of the Holy See: the Vatican museums, among the most visited and profitable in the world: in 2011 the net profit was 58.7 million, and the proceeds ( between tickets and merchandising) exceeding 91 million. On the other hand, the 2013 expenses of the Roman Curia amounted to 77.9 million, and Apsa closed its balance sheet with a loss of 48.4 million. "If the Obolo di San Pietro thanks to the benefit of the faithful in 2013 brought 78 million in the coffers, the legendary Vatican Radio has lost, according to an internal report published in 2013 and reported in 2011, a good 26.6 million", writes Fittipaldi . "Even the printing press that prints" L'Osservatore romano "has closed the accounts to less than 5.5 million". A drain to add the deficit of 170 nunciatures abroad (minus 25.1 million) and 5.8 million that serve to pay the 110 Swiss guards. "Who knows, finally, if the spending review threatened by Pell will also weigh on the masses of Pope Francis: in 2011 the Liturgical Office spent 1.1 million for Ratzinger. Given the size of God's treasure, it is little more than a tip ".

I hope that what I wrote you never known it


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54eb00  No.23715




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64beb4  No.23716


VERY TRUE TOO !! kirkegaard also !!

QUITA wow what a read !!! Sauce !!!

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5080ac  No.23717

File: 90e49f6c682a732⋯.jpg (180.7 KB, 678x762, 113:127, Screenshot_214.jpg)

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d7e958  No.23718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


./daemon &

./daemon getinfo


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d7e958  No.23719

File: 527549b08fd6cb4⋯.png (319.7 KB, 690x424, 345:212, 51life.png)



>./daemon &

>./daemon getinfo


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64beb4  No.23720


Good analogy !!

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64beb4  No.23721


So Eds Back Q will be Too !! Cicada 3301 AWAY !!! LOL

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d7e958  No.23722

File: 590a447073c7d2b⋯.png (296.14 KB, 748x424, 187:106, 51book.png)


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64beb4  No.23723


Symbolism out the ass in this pic I AM !!! and yeas i do work at THAT PLACE I was asked to stay

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54eb00  No.23724


daemon isn't demon (like for Lucifer isn't a demon but the princip or the king, so for your Lucifer encryption is wrong what is written in wikipedia)

Therefore, it is configured as a guiding spirit of consciousness, and identifies itself with the divine forces of evil or good and arrives during sleep to advise and enlighten. (for platoon and Apuleio).

If i try to decrypt something that is wrong, ho can i reach the end????

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d7e958  No.23725

File: eefdb13cf83a930⋯.png (733.07 KB, 1368x765, 152:85, 56456456.png)


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d7e958  No.23726

File: f9e3e1cf20ae845⋯.png (181.77 KB, 847x359, 847:359, 65476GYU.png)



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d7e958  No.23727

File: 21b2c72059e13e7⋯.png (201.94 KB, 843x353, 843:353, dcim3.png)




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d7e958  No.23728

File: 3ca29afef565033⋯.png (666.55 KB, 1912x799, 1912:799, Screenshot from 2018-04-18….png)

[UPnP Port] Mapping successful.


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d10bee  No.23729


I don't equate happiness to comfort. Happiness is an imbalance in the direction of experiencing positive emotion. There cannot be a balance. Nature is set up to disallow it. Balance = stagnation. Stagnation = death.

Really it comes down to some degree of partially unique definition of "happy" between any two people. Thus the argument can never be resolved.

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d10bee  No.23730


“I had a veritable mania for finishing whatever I began, which often got me into difficulties. On one occasion I started to read the works of Voltaire when I learned, to my dismay, that there were close on one hundred large volumes in small print which that monster had written while drinking seventy-two cups of black coffee per diem. It had to be done, but when I laid aside the last book I was very glad, and said, “Never more!” – Nikola Tesla

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64beb4  No.23731


Arch distro ??

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d7e958  No.23732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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64beb4  No.23733


Oh Believe me i understand I wont comment

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d7e958  No.23734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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64beb4  No.23735


Amazing they all look like JEWS

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d10bee  No.23736


A serious question: why is everything always dark and morbid? An odd orientation for a group with a focus of cleaning up problems.

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d10bee  No.23737

We had only one rain storm today. It's amazing.

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d7e958  No.23738

File: a62ac8b06d708ea⋯.png (317.72 KB, 846x391, 846:391, Screenshot from 2018-02-27….png)


>>-DROP REPLQMAP–qmapname———————————–→<

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8f3ecb  No.23739



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d7e958  No.23740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d10bee  No.23741

Tonight Fox News ran a commercial on IBM blockchain.

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8f3ecb  No.23742

File: eb7d341a6d3a9f8⋯.png (225.56 KB, 309x499, 309:499, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>> mensenrechten.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/EndofallEvil1.pdf

I'm off to get some shuteye.

So, so very tired. /Yaaaaaawn!

Be excellent to each other.

<3 Love to all :)

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d10bee  No.23743

File: 7a94650ea564eff⋯.png (137.98 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Giggle_1.png)

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d10bee  No.23744

Full censorship - human based - is active on #QAnon. >>23743 was posted to #QAnon, did not show up in feed while newer tweets did. Only showed up on my own feed.

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d10bee  No.23745


It got me shadow banned.

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5080ac  No.23746

morning anons… for others: gdevening :D

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5080ac  No.23747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

good interview imo

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8f3ecb  No.23748


If you were shadowbanned it was for a brief time. You're still coming up in search.


Mornin' anon. I'll watch it in a bit. Still half asleep, here. :/

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5080ac  No.23749



yeah that dude from RT, have seen more interviews of him… imo he's direct in his questions and follow-up… he's a sunni muslim, working for the russian television ;-)

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5080ac  No.23750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the one who gave this video in here, thx… also a good one

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5080ac  No.23751

hmm… just been reading to ed's posts… can't make real sense out of it, don't think they are talking to us

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8f3ecb  No.23752


That was interesting. I'm better off for having watched it, methinks.


Was me ;) He didn't hold back, huh! I found the part where he was pointing out where all the oil fields are, interesting. I'm learning.


I don't think they were talking to us either. Perhaps doing some testing for the MRNG Wallet. Deamon has something to do with Unix…I think. Not my bag.

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5080ac  No.23753


yeah… i knew that account before, but lost it, now i have it back and can follow it when new posts come :D

look at NK… trump adm. pushing that "their" businesses will make the economy in NK bloom… there is talk of a central bank & lots of things to get out of the ground over there…. same old story… they want to steel the resources there, put the bankers in & their friends & as an extra cia will swarm the country and the country will be lost… (personal opinion)

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8f3ecb  No.23754


I think you've got it all pretty well wrapped up in a nice neat little package.

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5080ac  No.23755


nah.. forgot the us military they will place at chinese & russian border… and the massive military excercises they will do there…

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8f3ecb  No.23756


Well then; You'll need a big box and some more wrapping paper ;)

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5080ac  No.23757


hahaha… i'll send it to the WH :p

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5080ac  No.23758

https:// www.rt.com/business/428434-banking-giants-criminal-probe/

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8f3ecb  No.23759


There's been a hard and huge push to bring the banks into line in this country. FYI and if you didn't already know, our PM is a former* Goldman Sachs lacky. Hes, of course, put road blocks up where ever possible to look after his mates in the banking sector.

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5080ac  No.23760


yup i knew that ;-)

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5080ac  No.23761

well.. it's june…. may wasn't that bad for the pope, isn't it ;-)

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8f3ecb  No.23762


Looks like it's just you and me again, huh, anon!

Nope, May wasn't so bad. Not when considering that there's been far worse to have occurred in the past. Heck, I'm still waiting for George Pell to be castrated, quartered and hung, but meh. All these pricks will be dead before justice is served.

I'm getting really sick of seeing vid after vid pop up in my recommended list with Hillary's evil face, with stupid titles saying that she's going down for sure this time, type shit. Or 'it's on', or whatever. I is Jaded, anon. JADED!

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5080ac  No.23763


looks like it ;-)

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/883975.html#884799

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8f3ecb  No.23764


BIG FAT 0.1 on the Richter scale BOOM that was. Stormy Daniels got more press than the Chilean cover up scandal. And she's old news.

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5080ac  No.23765


yeah.. true…

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5080ac  No.23766

this strengthens my view that Haspel was involved heavily in spying on trump!!!!!! WTF did he make her CIA-director… she tried to screw him…. or is it all theatre?

https:// www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/06/tgp-exclusive-former-intelligence-officers-find-indisputable-evidence-u-s-intel-leaders-were-linked-to-british-in-spygate-scandal/

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5080ac  No.23767


http:// thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/390024-nj-governor-signs-bill-to-reinstate-obamacare-individual-mandate

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8f3ecb  No.23768


I'm not in a reading mood tonight, so I'll have to pass. But just going by what you've said, I have one question.

'What does she have on him?

If she was in on it, then she would be privy to all the intelligence that was gathered on him. What might she be keeping tight lipped about that may well be incriminating of Trump?

I dunno. It's possible that it's all theater. It wouldn't surprise me, to say the least. What I do know for sure is that a lot of what Trump is doing doesn't make sense. It's not in line with common sense. More like keep your enemies closer, because you have no choice.

I was thinking earlier today about who he's slotting in here and there. Nope, he's not draining the swamp. Nope. And everything he's doing seems to have an underlying agenda, n matter how great it might appear on the surface. I'll be very interested to see what comes from rewriting all the corporate regulations that was spoken about a few weeks back. Yet another mongrel with dark history brought in to advise and get a bigger slice of the pie.


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5080ac  No.23769


agree.. well, he has to comfort israel on the one hand, the rotschilds on the other.. if they have a different agenda, it's logical that what he does doesn't seems to make sense, he has to listen to both

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8f3ecb  No.23770


That's about the size of it.

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5080ac  No.23771

have to admit…. with the whole division everywhere nowadays (thx to Q too) i have no clue how things can change in the world…. it's getting worse imo…

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d10bee  No.23772

The web site qanon.pub has been taken down.

The Twitter channel @BackChannel17 also appears to have been taken down; somebody seems to have created a new one on 5/29 and it has only one tweet.

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8f3ecb  No.23773


honestly anon. I think it's a amtter of deciding on what's important; what it is that you think people really need to know in order to empower them with the ability to understand that they make a difference; that yjey're co creators and need to step up and take responsibility.

Telling them that this is happening or that, isn't going to cut it. Once you decide on what's important and how to impart that, then I guess the right people will come your way and things can get organized.

I've in bed, BTW. Errors galore and sideways typing until I gey comfy, LMAO. Hope all that made sense. And my dang wifi keeps dropping out :(

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d10bee  No.23774

The Q movement appears to be closing up shop; participants are slowly taking their marbles and going home.

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5080ac  No.23775


it still works for me : https:// qanon.pub

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d10bee  No.23776


So it does … I seem to have hit it at exactly the wrong millisecond; I got "site could not be reached." Tomorrow is the 11th day without posts.

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5080ac  No.23777

https:// www.rt.com/business/428462-keiser-report-scamville-us-debt

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909b92  No.23779

Hello anons so I'm working out time zones for tomorrow and the message is a bit confusing. I take it means the site will be down for 5 hours some where between those times. Is it 7.30 am US and 8.30pm NZ times.

I see the title for tat has started.

https:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44320727

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5080ac  No.23780


??? time zones??? site down??? :o


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909b92  No.23781


I think that's the trip with Q. Making people feel the elite/cabal/establishment are more powerful then they actually are and nothing can be done, so everybody slides back into complacency.

You have to keep putting the truth out there and thinking up plans.

It occurred to me that the Eds have not seemed very approving of facebook yet they are using it as one of their platforms. Why?

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909b92  No.23782


The message at the top of the board above where you post.

I thought they were working on it already as I was having trouble posting.

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5080ac  No.23783

ah thx

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909b92  No.23784


Where my times right?

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909b92  No.23785



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5080ac  No.23786

i don't find the message, sorry….

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5080ac  No.23787


>Scheduled maintenance on June 2 and June 9 between 5am pst and 6pm pst. Expect downtimes of up to 5 hours while data center power feeds are upgraded.

got it, had to renew page :p sorry no idea what time that will be for you

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5080ac  No.23788


i think they will have some downtimes while upgrading… some can take up to 5 hours.. something like that

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909b92  No.23789


I'm glad to see you are in bed. It makes you feel so much better to get in a regular sleep pattern.

I'm having to load captcha several times for each post and I'm also having where posts suddenly show that weren't showing before. So if I don't answer anyone it's not personal.

I'm about to make some homemade cashew nut cookies if anyone wants one😊

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5080ac  No.23790


enjoy ;-)

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5080ac  No.23791

http:// baltimorepostexaminer.com/stephen-paddocks-hotel-records-show-three-women-registered-room/2018/05/27

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909b92  No.23792


That was a really stupid question sorry. I do expect people to read my mind.

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5080ac  No.23793


loool :D

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909b92  No.23794


Keyboard anon please see >>23787

regarding down time tomorrow and next Saturday.

Shh I think anon is asleep.

cookies made and baking.

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5080ac  No.23795



gonna make me something to eat….

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909b92  No.23796


You are welcome to a cookie.😄

Are you making something.?

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5080ac  No.23797


nah just took bread with cheese

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8f3ecb  No.23798


Lol, I'm awake now.

1) hungry

2) it's frickin' cold

3) the screams of the tortured in the doco I was wathcing penetrated my slumber.

Yes plz regarding the cookies. I've been craving sugar and fat all day. I gave in just now by having bacon and eggs, cookies will top it off nicely.

I shall have to do a time conversion as well. I can just imagine all those who won't know what to do with themselves for 5 hours while chan is down. /sad

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909b92  No.23799


I didn't realise it got so cold where you are . I've got a friend who gave up his job and travelled to NZ for 4 months he is at Aututaki and it's all blue skies, well it was last week. Unable to attach photo.

Fat and sugar is much needed to keep you warm. Hot chocolate is good.

can we do a swap cookies for coconut and chocolate chips.?

How have you got onto a documentary with torture in it?

I'm going to have a look at the relegion video you dropped yesterday.

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909b92  No.23800


Lunch? Dinnertime here.

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5080ac  No.23801


some kind of supper ;-) didn't went back yet..

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909b92  No.23802

I hope the site being down isn't going to interfere with MSP. The wallets were going to be available tomorrow but it appears they are ahead of schedule.

I don't know if anyone reads about the project on bitcoin talk, still as clear as Mud to me.https:// bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2150377.860

read through the comments it gives you an idea of what is happening .

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5080ac  No.23803


no idea

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909b92  No.23804


Now you are doing a me. I don't know where you are or where you going back to. I think you are UK in the US.

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8f3ecb  No.23805


Last week was magnificent, weather wise. This week it's bitterly cold Walking early yesterday morning, I thought my nose would snap off.

I have to admit that I'm a sucker for shredded coconut and melted chocolate chips, but YUM, cashews. It's a deal.

Vid = religion/worship related human sacrifice.

The one I dropped yesterday, was a good'yn, methinks. Spoke volumes to me.

I'm kind of disappointed in myself for not selling the book I dropped, instead of just dumping the pic and the link. IMO, it's a must read. I encourage you and anyone else to just have a browse through and read here and there and see if you don't wanna read the whole thing. A bloody brilliant piece of work. I will read it many times before I part from this world, I reckon.

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5080ac  No.23806


uk? close ;-) at this point back in belgium.. maybe a week… maybe longer.. i don't decide myself this time ;-) a woman does lol :D and a cute one too if i have to say :p

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8f3ecb  No.23807


I haven't looked since yesterday morning. I have little idea of what's happening, either. I still follow it though.

My internet, of which has been incredibly reliable for the past 5-6 years, is now doing my head in. It's dropping out every few minutes and I feel like I'm going to cry coz I'm trying to d/l stuff and it keeps saying FAILED. Waaaah.

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5080ac  No.23808

that man is mad :o

https:// www.rt.com/usa/428495-us-china-small-islands-mckenzie

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a1b9af  No.23809

File: 5c53ea1ef7252d2⋯.png (92.33 KB, 303x266, 303:266, ClipboardImage.png)

I thought this was funny. Meh, so I'm sharing it. An ad on utorrent.

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a1b9af  No.23810



This is insanity. Please!. It's downright insanity. When are people going to see through all this fucking fucked up fucking shit? (I don't apologize for my language). I's downright insanity. One day this or that country is making financial deals and agreements with this or that one, the next they're doing this kind of shit.

When are people going to wake the fuck up and see that we're in 1984.

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5080ac  No.23811


good question :(

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d10bee  No.23814

Bread #32 created.

How far we've come since day 1 on 2/28. What a different place the entire arena is from what it was on that day.

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909b92  No.23815


Are you talking about " the end of all evil"?

I've got some good things to catch up on.

It's frustrating when the Internet drops had a lot of that this week and mobile signal dropping but that's to do with stormy weather we had. Dies make me throw my toys out of the pram.😭

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d10bee  No.23816


LMAO how many people in Toronto are actually capable of quitting weed?

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d10bee  No.23817


What is a pram?

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909b92  No.23818


Ah a smitten kitten.

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909b92  No.23819

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8f3ecb  No.23820

That EyeTheSpy is getting up to 1.5k likes on some of his tweets and is up to 14.3k followers. Also getting a decent amount of attention on YT; good and bad.

What thoughts, anons? If any!


Thank you Super BO. Much appreciated. We sure have come a long way. We've also formed a cozy little family, lol.


Yep, 'end of all evil'. It doesn't pull any punches.

Fingers crossed my net has settled down. I wouldn't cope very well with crappy and cut out connection.

You're a cracker, anon.


How many people anywhere do?


That's hilarious. Hahahahah.

(Hopefully I'm back on my usual ID now)

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909b92  No.23821


How many actually smoke it.?

Are you teasing about the pram?

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8f3ecb  No.23822


I can't think what Americans call them. Stroller? Pusher?

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5080ac  No.23823

wtf… trump whining again :

https:// www.rt.com/usa/428503-trump-like-lavrov-kim/

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909b92  No.23824

File: b1de6a136353b79⋯.jpg (162.37 KB, 569x422, 569:422, 1527879386299691135448.jpg)

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909b92  No.23825



I've put my first meme up.


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8f3ecb  No.23826



I'm so over Trump. SMH, I don't know what else to say. Give him an academy award.




Hahahaha. We should put it in the notables in the next bread. :p

Congratulations, anon!

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54eb00  No.23827

https:// www.corriere.it/tecnologia/economia-digitale/18_giugno_01/facebook-italia-non-ha-dichiarato-300-milioni-1aff00f2-6521-11e8-95f7-d0bed95533ca.shtml

how to found money!

Next Apple!

Thank you so much Anons!


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54eb00  No.23828




how* can


have never*

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8f3ecb  No.23829


Zuckerberg doesn't hide money under his mattress. His mattress is made of money.

We shall see. If he can lose big in stocks, a mere billion won't hurt him too much. We shall see.

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909b92  No.23830


I did respond to this post but it's got lost.

I checked eye the spy twitter this morning and I did notice the counters moving pretty quick. This account does have a lot of bot followers and I think people are desperate for someone to save the day. Do you know he does a daily Q & A session.

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54eb00  No.23831


we have to tax also football clubs, they have billions introits and for customs they pay only 2-3 max 5% a ridiculous figure!

But i repeat i'm not an economist but with this government will change something!

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8f3ecb  No.23832


I've read through a couple of the Q & As. It's hard to say whether a lot of people are taking it serious or not. Some are quite obviously making a game of it. I just watched a yt vid of a guy who said that his twatter was used to promote it or some shit. He's on the war path and is determined to dox the guy.

< youtu.be/Stpi_6t9SDo

What happened with backchannel17? They've got 1 tweet and 15k followers? I missed something there.

Just another episode in a long running series.


I really, really hope that things improve for you and Italy, Qita. ;)

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6dc0f1  No.23833


A pram is a baby buggy that you push.

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8f3ecb  No.23834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Go to the 9 minute mark to get to the related info. Even though the whole lot is interesting.

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8f3ecb  No.23835


Light Bulb!

The Balfour declaration had absolutely nothing to do with Jews, being Jewish, religion, etc and all that. Dah, it was all about location, location, location in regard to controlling the Middle East and the oil.

I don't know how many times that has gone through my head, but now has actually sunk in. Fuck, these people are good at executing their plans.

I'm going to go for an early morning walk in the crisp, dark air. Brrrrrr. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go :s

I'm going…..

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909b92  No.23836


Excellent find and a concise presentation.

It really is quite ugly.

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909b92  No.23837


This is why we have to keep pushing the truth waking people up. So many have no idea. There are little changes occurring thats why trump was elected, unfortunately he has fallen far short from the mark.(they) are well aware that's why Soros is always sticking his oar in.

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909b92  No.23838

I don't know if anyone has seen this but they are panicking about it continuing tomorrow.

Oh I wonder if…………….😈

https:// www.ft.com/content/d95698a2-65b3-11e8-90c2-9563a0613e56

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8f3ecb  No.23839


No one was in a hurry to get the exit underway after the referendom outcome. It's obvious that there was never any intention to exit the EU; and even when they did start taking steps toward it, they were toward an in name only exit. Everything else, all the deals and shit were still to apply.

I remeber listening to and watching a lot of the stupid reasons that ill informed Brits put forward as to why they didn't want to exit. One still sticks in my mind. A young woman who thought she wouldn't be able to go to Disney Land anymore (where ever that is over there?). She actually thought that it meant she wouldn't be able to cross borders if the UK wasn't in the EU, FFS. Imagine what the vote would've been, had people been better informed.

It turns my stomach that the man who had booklets printed up and distributed to immigrants, now says that he can save the EU.


It won't let me read it. :s

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d10bee  No.23840

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8f3ecb  No.23841

File: a3567af2a219bd1⋯.png (313.66 KB, 731x313, 731:313, ClipboardImage.png)


Just in time for breakfast :D

I'll put the kettle on.

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d10bee  No.23842


LOL I had to look up what vegemite actually is. Few in the U.S. have ever heard of it.

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909b92  No.23843


Your funny.

Try this, basically visa has had an outage and visa debit and credit cards aren't working.

https:// www.theguardian.com/money/2018/jun/01/visa-card-network-crashes-and-sparks-payment-chaos

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909b92  No.23844


I was thinking about this the other day whilst eating marmite(uk)) on toast. What is it called in US?

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8f3ecb  No.23845


Wow, I wonder how many people will start carrying a bit of cash on them from now on. For a little while anyway. Until they once again become complacent.


We have Marmite here, as well. It tastes different. I guess it's a matter of what you grow up with.

See ya's in the next bread :D

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