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File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

5e9c4f  No.9975670

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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000000  No.9975685

CCP Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition

FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.

>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a Media Object Server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?

>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak

>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs

>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing


>>9975587 (pb) Kim Dot Com pretends he'll deliver again

>>9975344 (pb) AI unleased on qmap.pub data, probably warrants discussion

>>9975097 (pb) Covid-19 stats demonstrate widespread conflatiom of Covid-19 & "Covid-related flu & pneumonia" in totals

>>9975480 (pb) Chrissy Teigen posts husband and baby with pizza emoji. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4986436/Chrissy-Teigen-snaps-photo-John-Legend-Luna.html

>>9974973 (pb) Anthropologist S. Ann Dunham (Obama's CIA demoness)documented traditional crafts in Indonesia. Her field notes are now digitized by the Jesuit Smithsonian

>>9974974 (pb) How Did Yandex Get Funded? Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, and Alexander Frolov of Abramovich Investment Firm

>>9974877 A group of 15 House Republicans lobbied President Trump’s administration to reopen a loophole that gives visas to online-only foreign students just as the White House reversed policy to do just that.

>>9974272 (pb), >>9974280 (pb)Wayfair - the CargoMetrics / Ghislaine Maxwell Connection

>>9974583 (pb) Senator Josh Hawley tweets letter to Jack Dorsey amid widespread blue-check hack

>>9974369 (pb) Alleged leaked pictures form the Twitter admin control panel showcase the buttons 'Trends Blacklist' and 'Search Blacklist' indicating Twitter DOES have the ability to shadowban it's users.

>>9973792 (pb) Rudy G's adventures are detailed in the New FBI Vault released today.

>>9973686 (pb) Link University investigation, 27 companies involved: connected to Joseph Mifsud’s lawyer

>>9973669 (pb) PapaD: The Italian “university” where I “bumped” into Joseph Mifsud has been raided by Italian authorities. Italy is with us.

>>9970865 (pb) More info on Lynn Rothschild (Forester) Robert Maxwell GMax and Epstein.

>>9970422 (pb), >>9970437 (pb) Antifa roundup

>>9970216 (pb), >>9970284 (pb) NEW FBI Vault drop - Adler Barry Seal (Mena Airport, AK)

>>9970218 (pb) MS-13 Gang Members Indicted for Six Murders on Long Island

>>9970176 (pb) ‘Centrists’ Demand EU Cut Off Funding for Countries Against ‘Cultural Marxism’

>>9970126 (pb) Q mentions MS13 over 20 times

>>9970052 (pb) Reparations = Defund AVLPD

>>9969980 (pb), >>9970000 (pb) Developing Happening: Seven Ships On Fire At Southern Iran Port In Another 'Mystery' Disaster

>>9969982 (pb) https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-takedown-key-ms-13-criminal-leadership Joint Task Force Vulcan is a Coordinated Effort to Dismantle and Destroy MS-13

>>9969949 (pb) Scott Borgerson and his ties to Eric Schmidt of Google and his shipping company

>>9969316 (pb) List of prominent deaths since Maxwell was arrested >>9969785 (pb)

>>9969375 FAHIM SALEH: SALEH was the chief executive officer of a ride-hailing motorcycle startup called Gokada that began operating in Nigeria in 2018. >>9969003 (pb)

>>9968916 (pb), >>9969252 (pb), >>9969491 (pb) POTUS BRIEF NOTES: John Durham, Jr. Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan

>>9969270 (pb) Ghislaine's boyfriend (Scott Borgerson)has a cargo shipping company, ties to Google, and property by the ocean

>>9969137 (pb), >>9968961 (pb) July 12 2021 Ghislaine Maxwell. Trial Scheduled Two Days Ahead Of Schedule from Q#3428 w/ Ghislaine Maxwell

>>9969113 (pb), >>9969198 (pb) Qatari State Media puts out a Q video.

>>9969110 (pb) Who is Ghislaine Maxwell’s alleged boyfriend Scott Borgerson?

>>9969003 (pb), >>9969109 (pb) FAHIM SALEH: US prosecutors are fast on the trail of “an international political, economic and financial cartel that branches from Nigeria to the United States via Lebanon, Dubai, the Netherlands and Italy

>>9969032 (pb) https://nationalfile.com/ghislaine-maxwells-nephew-son-of-blasphemous-artist-worked-for-hillarys-state-department

>>9968160 (pb), >>9968163 (pb) USA Today gaslighting

>>9968119 (pb), >>9968137 (pb), >>9968182 (pb), >>9968249 (pb), >>9968346 (pb) https://www.foxnews.com/us/ghislaine-maxwell-secretly-married-wont-reveal-name

Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up

Yesterday >>9968076

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5e9c4f  No.9975692

Global Announcements

>>9822979 BO: After Q posted that long letter CM reminded me there is a setting that allows for longer posts. looking into it

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9975165 Huge Twitter Hack Hits Apple, Elon Musk, Bill Gates And More

>>9975173, >>9975301, >>9975461 Plane faggin'

>>9975177 33 YO Tech CEO's Decapitated, Dismembered Remains Found in NYC Apartment Near Electric Saw

>>9975218 Mail deliveries in the U.S. could be delayed by a day or more under cost-cutting being imposed by the new postmaster general

>>9975247 Dr. offers $5,000.00 for anyone who can prove Covid-19 exists

>>9975252 List of 15 Republicans Who Lobbied to Reopen Loophole for Foreign Students

>>9975287 Police Investigating Most Intense Death Threats of Michael Savage’s Career: ‘Die Motherf**ker Die

>>9975376 Never Trump Lincoln Project Devoted 89 Percent of Disbursements to ‘Operating Expenditures

>>9975392 The White House Tw^tter POTUS Signed The Hong Kong Autonomy Act

>>9975419 The international community must guarantee equal global access to a covid-19 vaccine

>>9975427 ‘Coordinated social engineering attack’: Twitter confirms employees with access to internal systems targeted in bitcoin scam hack

>>9975490 Tom Hanks Questions the Patriotism of Americans Who Don’t Wear Masks

>>9975097 Covid vs pneumonia

>>9975546 Everyone concern fagging over Qmap AI.

>>9975583 Keep Hammering – Devin Nunes Keeps Mueller Fraud in Tight Focus…

>>9975636 #12765


Baker Change

>>9974514, >>9974495, >>9974207, >>9974213, >>9974342 POTUS TW^T: I am pleased to announce that Bill Stepien has been promoted to the role of Trump Campaign Manager

>>9974364 Never Trump Lincoln Project Devoted 89 Percent of Disbursements to ‘Operating Expenditures’

>>9974375 Andrew Kerr Dime Drops Tw^tter account post hack having ability to use (you)/r account

>>9974378 More than 100 US diplomats and family fly back to China

>>9974366 Soros Pledges $220M to Racial Justice Orgs But Refuses to Answer Questions on Lack of Black Leadership at Soros Hedge Fund

>>9974533 California to Release 18,000 Prisoners by End of August to ‘Slow the Spread of COVID-19’

>>9974583 Senator Josh Hawley tweets letter to Jack Dorsey amid widespread blue-check hack

>>9974635 Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

>>9974617 Roger Stone unbound, ungagged: Mueller prosecutors 'satanic'

>>9974643 American Airlines Furlough: 25,000 Face Possible Job Cuts As Coronavirus Continues

>>9974653 Study Finds Significant Inaccuracies in COVID-19 Antibody Tests

>>9974879 #12764


Ghost grab

>>9974024, >>9974050 Scarborough spooked? Yes JOE is taking a week or to off - he may jump in-may not. The reason? I told him to.

>>9973954 Remarks by President Trump on the Rebuilding of America's Infrastructure

>>9973923, >>9973978 POTUS bringing in Bill Stepien as Campaign Mgr and Parscale remaining in digital and data strategies role.

>>9973834 Rassmussen Reports: A week ago Trump had 21% of the black vote. It grew.

>>9973813 Scammers collect over $100,000 in Bitcoin during elaborate hack of high-profile Twitter accounts

>>9973762, >>9973789 New DJT retwats w/CAPs

>>9973697 Scott Borgerson may be the secret Maxwell husband.

>>9973669 New PapaD w/CAP: The Italian “university” where I “bumped” into Joseph Mifsud has been raided by Italian authorities. Italy is with us.

>>9973652 Portland protester suffers gruesome injury, US Marshals launch investigation: mayor

>>9973627, >>9973853 planefag reporting

>>9973571 China Rocked By "Unprecedented" Surge In Bank Runs

>>9973570 State Troopers Demand Removal From NYC

>>9973557 Philly Mayor's Ban On Large Events "Does Not Apply" To Protests Or "Demonstrations"

>>9973489 25th Infantry Division w/CAP: 80 years young! Happ birthday to the 1st Armored Divison! missing [y]

>>9973468 Citibank Executives brag USA is no longer a democracy, but Plutonomy; a government of, by, and for the RICH

>>9973453 Politico reports Chelsea Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell were such ‘close friends’ they actually vacationed together

>>9974104 #12763

Previously Collected Notables

>>9973371 #12762,

>>9971083 #12759, >>9971851 #12760, >>9972618 #12761

>>9968776 #12756, >>9969547 #12757, >>9970326 #12758

>>9966470 #12753, >>9967272 #12754, >>9968046 #12755

>>9964206 #12750, >>9964983 #12751, >>9965682 #12752

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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4f4504  No.9975725

File: 42ebb12a970e67f⋯.png (845.91 KB, 788x849, 788:849, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f06abc9aa7b883⋯.png (604.99 KB, 562x845, 562:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31146e42d258d4f⋯.png (168.64 KB, 917x460, 917:460, ClipboardImage.png)

Satellite Images Show US Airfield Expansion At Secretive Island Outpost Just Outside Chinese Missile Reach

Considered one of the most strategically important unincorporated US island outposts in the world, Wake Island is also among the most restricted territories claimed by the US (also claimed by the Marshall Islands), given it remains a key American military outpost located about halfway between Hawaii and Japan.

It has historically served as a vital staging ground for US aircraft operating in the Western Pacific and as a remote line of defense, and is more recently witnessing military build-up as part of the US Navy's “pivot toward the Pacific” — especially given rising US-China tensions and the controversial presence of two US supercarriers in the disputed South China Sea.

Fresh satellite imagery republished by The Drive shows significant expansion to facilities, including to the airfield, which has a nearly 10,000 foot runway. Military publications have previously note that "Wake is the only 10,000-foot runway for a 4,000-mile stretch of Pacific Ocean."

The report details that images "The War Zone obtained from Planet Labs dated June 25th, 2020 shows that substantial improvements to the base have occurred recently. Based on archival satellite imagery, the major expansions to the airfield began early this year and are still underway today."

"Beyond its clear logistical utility, acting as a major hub where there isn’t another for thousands of miles, it sits outside the range of China’s and North Korea’s medium-range ballistic missiles, and largely at the end, if not entirely out of range, of their intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs)," a separate report noted.

"Guam, which is situated about 1,500 miles further west, is well within the range of these weapons."


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aab4c0  No.9975731

File: dd6b89213e79d26⋯.png (326.04 KB, 603x910, 603:910, TakeTheOath_Japanese_okaba….PNG)

File: 51f190c4eef4536⋯.png (366.07 KB, 597x593, 597:593, TakeTheOath_Japanese_7.PNG)

File: 3c166ac4c88d1b0⋯.png (493.3 KB, 711x1194, 237:398, TakeTheOath_Japanese_Benib….PNG)

File: 1b53ca86befcd29⋯.png (239.21 KB, 713x811, 713:811, TakeTheOath_Japanese_2.PNG)

File: 392249a6ee627a7⋯.png (304.25 KB, 719x983, 719:983, TakeTheOath_Japanese_3.PNG)

Mr Q+ can you tweet this out?:

Japan as they enter the new Reiwa Era, only good can come to their nation. However I must ask of them to have at least a good adaption of Berserk, make Showa style Kamen Riders, more Megaman Legends, less moe shows, and to finish Shenmue.

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61163e  No.9975739

File: 2914ca203a15a58⋯.png (117.53 KB, 479x499, 479:499, Img_1594060402299.png)

File: fa8db2d466d3013⋯.png (693.46 KB, 720x784, 45:49, Cupace20200531223337.png)

File: 3d606fe0a66bebf⋯.png (88.6 KB, 720x312, 30:13, Img_1594849814913.png)

File: 4fc371f43a3fe8b⋯.png (259.1 KB, 720x1128, 30:47, Img_1593368081927.png)

File: 4d65868c47bca15⋯.png (183.22 KB, 670x751, 670:751, Img_1594744448134.png)

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b0f484  No.9975740

File: 2420ab68546b7c5⋯.png (1000.43 KB, 1084x1070, 542:535, ClipboardImage.png)

Our brave DOJ and FBI are keeping us safe from moms bribing their spoiled kids into college.

However those same people are strangely silent when colleges, businesses and police equipment are being destroyed by ANTIFA and other law breakers.


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549326  No.9975753

File: 0bc0650472bd940⋯.png (1.12 MB, 812x1216, 203:304, donttalk.png)


Understand what OPSEC means. Just because someone else posts something about US national security doesn't mean you should repost it here.

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61163e  No.9975762

File: 490524ed8eef981⋯.png (137.5 KB, 720x371, 720:371, Cupace20200714124730.png)

File: 4c3e90c5608f76e⋯.png (132.69 KB, 969x620, 969:620, Img_1594846071123.png)

File: f791b9184be4f95⋯.png (377.43 KB, 720x1294, 360:647, Img_1594492294847.png)

File: ceff7b41b172432⋯.png (135.39 KB, 720x421, 720:421, Img_1587264560253.png)

File: cf1dba325d3f7d0⋯.png (149.54 KB, 720x474, 120:79, Img_1594744550146.png)

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000000  No.9975765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5e9c4f  No.9975766

MIGRATE HEREUsed bad dough. Better hereBOPlease delete this bread.




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b0f484  No.9975767

File: b266d6198ef2f30⋯.png (849.65 KB, 1106x1072, 553:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ae44d11ce67ca6⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1262x1330, 631:665, ClipboardImage.png)

It's not just us anymore talking about this…



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9f62d6  No.9975771

File: d7e0a3811bd58bc⋯.jpg (172.66 KB, 1344x1000, 168:125, Maslow_hierarchy.jpg)

Are you ready for what comes next?

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61163e  No.9975772

File: f5478549068170b⋯.png (95.96 KB, 540x284, 135:71, Img_1594744420793.png)

File: 196b1c2768f1106⋯.png (142 KB, 720x759, 240:253, Img_1594745802207.png)

File: 5f0134a8bd9ab3a⋯.png (150.3 KB, 720x398, 360:199, Img_1594744536448.png)

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000000  No.9975775



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4f4504  No.9975777

Free speech

If they didn't want the info out it wouldn't be put out. When you are posturing that you mean business and will kick someones ass a hidden mil base will do just that.

Noe Go fuck yourself low IQ

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9f62d6  No.9975781

File: 03012a07c32dc79⋯.png (84.42 KB, 732x712, 183:178, 03012a07c32dc796529e5761d2….png)


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4f4504  No.9975782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dollar Destroyed by Year End – Alasdair Macleod

Finance and economic expert Alasdair Macleod says the gold market is “extremely dangerous as far as the bullion banks, swaps and trading desks” that, at some point soon, are going to have to deliver physical gold they do not have. Macleod explains, “I find it difficult to see how they can close it. . . . The possibility of a default and the possibility of a ‘force majeure’ is increasing all the time in this current situation. This is a difficult thing to predict, but unless someone can show me there is a way out of this . . . I can’t see how these banks can be rescued.”

So, the only way the banks can be saved is if they can deliver tons of physical gold they likely don’t have? Macleod says, “Which they don’t have, not likely have, they don’t have.”

Macleod thinks failure to deliver gold is coming soon where the contract will be settled in cash and not physical metal. How many times can the gold market do this? Macleod says, “I think it will be the end of the futures market because nobody would trust it as a means of delivering gold. I mean it would have demonstrably failed. So, why would you play with it again? Of course, the failure of COMEX contracts is a very, very serious issue.”

What happens to the price of gold? Macleod says, “The price is already on its way to infinity or, put more accurately, the dollar is on its way to zero. The question I think you really want to know the answer to is how long will that take? In my view, not very long. Probably by the end of the year because we’ve got another thing happening in the background, and that is we have a banking crisis developing. This is the natural consequence of the contraction of bank credit. There is the effect of tariffs on top of that that turn a normal cycle of bank credit contraction into a 1929 to 1932 horror show. . . . If you have a banking collapse, then those assets values will just go down in the pan. The next thing, of course, bond yields start rising because of the inflationary implications of a financial collapse. At that stage, government financing becomes impossible because governments are in effect bankrupt.”

Macleod says stocks, the dollar and bonds all go down together and explains, “That is the lesson of history. Everything just goes away. If you destroy the currency, you destroy all the financial assets that are priced in it. That just happens. It just goes.”

In closing, Macleod says, “I think the problems with the currency are going to happen by the end of this year. I think the problems of the COMEX are going to happen considerably before that. I think they are going to be tied into a wider banking crisis. A banking crisis is certain. I cannot see how it can be avoided. . . . If our end point is the purchasing power of the dollar goes to zero, then you can see $1,800 for the price of gold and $19 for the price of silver is chicken crap compared to where it’s going to go. So, this is a major, major move that is happening, not because they are buying gold and silver so much, but because people are beginning to realize what is happening to the purchasing power of the dollar, pound, euro and so on and so forth. That is the thing to keep in mind. . . . I think the dollar will be destroyed by year end, and the price of gold and silver is infinity. . . . I think the banking crisis could start in a month. Look what’s happening to their balance sheets. . . . I think the collapse is likely to be so rapid that in the absence of any other information, the best thing to do is to hold on to gold and silver as an insurance policy just in case I am right.”


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61163e  No.9975783

File: 196b475997e629a⋯.png (155.32 KB, 592x588, 148:147, Img_1594853624644.png)

File: 5e980246eff4ee5⋯.png (157 KB, 720x678, 120:113, Img_1594853637006.png)

File: 027c6a63e936997⋯.png (144.09 KB, 720x886, 360:443, Img_1594853699728.png)

File: 67bb374f9e769b7⋯.png (102.16 KB, 720x709, 720:709, Img_1594853601868.png)

File: e2cd09bba0beeff⋯.png (77.06 KB, 501x491, 501:491, Img_1594744466631.png)

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aab4c0  No.9975784


You know what, I don't know why I'm reminded of this but I went to take some Navy testing around 5 years ago, cause I wanted to see what jobs I could get if I enlist. And in the testing center I went to in CA, it was fucking chalk full of fobby ass Chinese nationals. I'm Asian myself but these weren't Asian Americans, they were quite obviously fresh off the boat Chinese with poor English. Many of them looked very fearful for some reason. Not just men but women too.

Trump is very right to ban international students. Sure alot of them are ok, but I assume there's many agents.

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d58f97  No.9975786

bred duel

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45b80c  No.9975791

File: 099b80f20c3f616⋯.jpg (154 KB, 599x418, 599:418, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)

File: 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg)

File: 0adf88d156c5f1e⋯.mp4 (10.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 100_Proof_the_Jewish_Talmu….mp4)

100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

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4f4504  No.9975796

>>9975777 This for you


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61163e  No.9975804

File: 1beee6237f77e72⋯.png (241.48 KB, 720x397, 720:397, Img_1594744976305.png)

File: 1f29d6aa63b5810⋯.png (113.27 KB, 1209x564, 403:188, Img_1594481107103.png)

File: 8c22a6e14cbac3a⋯.png (197.87 KB, 720x537, 240:179, Img_1594744480432.png)

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e14705  No.9975806





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61163e  No.9975808

File: d9d68464c3bda18⋯.png (56.88 KB, 720x282, 120:47, Img_1594745966028.png)

File: 2d221d1abda4a66⋯.png (165.99 KB, 720x414, 40:23, Img_1594871450809.png)

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feea66  No.9975816

Bad bread, kill it.

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61163e  No.9975825

File: 05edb6b43589fab⋯.png (224.6 KB, 720x658, 360:329, Img_1594744176883.png)

File: 8512f6647eeacd9⋯.png (61.42 KB, 457x208, 457:208, Img_1594744952311.png)

File: d13498a344947e2⋯.png (99.17 KB, 537x291, 179:97, Img_1594744274906.png)

File: aadd0be76574bf0⋯.png (214.13 KB, 593x616, 593:616, Img_1594744505555.png)

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9f62d6  No.9975826

File: b0491d8c25c7abd⋯.png (293.53 KB, 564x565, 564:565, meatball.png)


That's why you don't keep your eye on the ball.

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543d4e  No.9975833

File: e4b35f6d5cba4e5⋯.png (245.72 KB, 1338x641, 1338:641, ClipboardImage.png)

QMAP back online

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e46cfc  No.9975834

This bread is a duplicate and invalid. BO please delete. Anons please report to bread >>9975788

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d1ec98  No.9975840


huh? those cleanups were done by wnb this morning.

All they did was put them into buns. You ok?

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fc4f83  No.9975848

File: d2ab54baaaac4e2⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>9974713 PB


POTUS Schedule for Thursday, July 16, 2020


11:45AM Receive intelligence briefing - Oval Office, Closed Press

4:00PM Deliver remarks on Rolling Back Regulations to Help All Americans - South Lawn, Expanded In-House Pool

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543d4e  No.9975855


not the dollar. The Federal Reserve. The US Dollar will be backed by production. And we will all be free.

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692c57  No.9975883


And the Pizzagate style discredit campaign begins

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c00cff  No.9975960



Maybe not. I just sent that to my normie friend, and it was a big "WTFFFF???" when they read it.

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543d4e  No.9976014


in 20 years when they look back at 8 years of POTUS all his deregulation will be blamed for 2040's problems.

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5cccc4  No.9976045

File: 9d2b87077f80b5d⋯.jpeg (198.58 KB, 607x449, 607:449, 8AD4A490_9005_4F6F_8A4A_9….jpeg)

File: a4628fc0cdb6ff7⋯.jpeg (98.17 KB, 304x405, 304:405, 024E8F12_115E_4E8E_A201_E….jpeg)

File: d391cee724f4633⋯.jpeg (76.28 KB, 319x366, 319:366, 19787DC0_97B3_4EA7_84EE_A….jpeg)

We got twins… (fraternal)

Pic (2) from bread on left

Pic (3) from bread on right


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8d5a3b  No.9976109


This anon doesn't know about the solar burst in 10-20 years.

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eef60b  No.9976320

File: 8c7c57db9aba5bf⋯.png (947.01 KB, 1398x804, 233:134, 8c7c57db9aba5bfcabc30ad1c4….png)

beautiful black sky!

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d21835  No.9976598


Fellow anons - whoever reads this… sorry this is long but I want to share the context,

I deleted my fakebook acct before the 2016 election because I despised it after knowing so much about it. I recently got on twatter to help be a digital warrior and got banned shortly after. I still have a nextdoor account and have been increasingly irritated with the fellow neighbors celebrating the governors shutdown orders and praising him for "taking care" of us.

I started to challenge the celebration the neighbors were having and shared a story where my dads employee had a brother that died of a heart-attack. The hospital labeled it as Covid-19 death and the brother threatened to go to the paper if they did not fix it. I then shared a youtube link to a nurse exposing the fraud in the hospital computer systems and personal stories.

A couple of the neighbors came back and questioned the account, while never mentioning the content. The comment that put me over the edge was this: "She is an anti-vaxxer, a conspiracy theorist and a Fox network favorite, Alex Jones is a fan. She has written a book. Conspiracy shills are popping up like toadstools in the basement. See if you can find responses to her allegations. You will believe what you want to believe."

Never questioning the content, only the character. That tweaked me enough to vibrate the peanut between my ears very intensely. Their discussion continued about "a blossoming industry in conspiracy promotion" and "Fame, book deals, net and television appearances, all of it monetized. I guess people have plenty of spare time."

I had to take a few days to disconnect from this nonsense. Below is what my response was and I believe taking this approach will help destroy the derogatory phrase "conspiracy theorist"


I agree that conspiracy theories have become mainstream and normalized. Politicians, Hollywood, intelligence "experts", the media and journalists and many more perpetuated a conspiracy theory hoax on the American population that POTUS was a Russian asset for over 3 years.

Yes these conspiracy theories are lucrative and many individuals gained fame and television appearances. Tens of millions of dollars of our taxpayer money was funneled to a special counsel in a very lucrative deal. Many other conspiracy theorists had lucrative book deals on the topic, the media all too excited to present their fellow conspiracy theorist "experts", knowingly perpetuating the hoax (whats the penalty for treason?), front and center in their cameras, broadcasting the hoax to millions of fellow conspiracy theorist viewers' homes, which then got tweeted out by the millions of conspiracy theorists on social media, all while the media having high ratings until they lost the narrative.

And it seems that a very large percentage of the population are still conspiracy theorists that believe this hoax and still blindly believe the media, the "experts", the politicians and still listen to the people in Hollywood that are literally paid to be fake.

The movie Idiocracy was not supposed to be the basis for a reality show, yet here we are. 4-6% of the population will be forever brain dead and lost even after all this nonsense is continually exposed. Common core education has done wonders for critical thinking skills.

I believe the opposite of what most of the media perpetuates now because it has been proven time after time that they have been completely wrong, destructive and divisive to our country. That is now my basis for viewing the media reports and all so called "experts".

Anyone who still blindly believes and trusts these individuals and entities after failing so hard for so long is a fanatical conspiracy theorist.

So yes there is "a blossoming industry in conspiracy promotion", it started years ago and continues to be perpetuated by the people who we are taught to trust the most.

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90a0ec  No.9976602

File: 4a7024a33d1d542⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 600x402, 100:67, 1594873686024.jpg)

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90a0ec  No.9976614

File: 6a767f4a728f48d⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 236x267, 236:267, 1594859637109.jpg)


Is what comes next going to be fun?

Will we get laid?

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