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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 000.jpg)

b575b8  No.8711845[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html


Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive: >>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 03.28.2020

>>8601103 ————————————–——– Freedom Flag (Cap: >>8601360)

>>8601061 ————————————–——– The entire world is watching. (Cap: >>8601342)

>>8601001 ————————————–——– Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion). (Cap: >>8645430)

>>8600954 ————————————–——– A person(s) value: (Cap: >>8600998)

Friday 03.27.2020

>>8589057 ————————————–——– This is not another [4] year election. (Cap: >>8589087, >>8589386)

Thursday 03.26.2020

>>8573290 ————————————–——– [infiltration instead of invasion] (Cap: UK bread >>8573366 )

>>8573039 ————————————–——– Q #513 No Outside Comms (Cap: >>8574299)

>>8572999 ————————————–——– PF Post Patriots vs Traitors (Cap: >>8574325)

>>8572837 ————————————–——– Habeas Corpus Suspended (Cap: >>8572906, >>8574346)

>>8572583 ————————————–——– The Silent War continues.. (Cap: >>8572604, >>8572598 vid, >>8574384)

Monday 03.23.2020

>>8538300 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: >>8538366)

>>8537834 ————————————–——– PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. (Cap: >>8537877)

>>8537514 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: >>8537554, >>8537565, >>8539010, >>8538058, >>8539081, >>8539785 (vid))

Saturday 03.21.2020

>>8509836 ————————————–——– Do not fear. (Cap: >>8509881)

Monday 03.09.2020

>>8358897 rt >>8358859 ————————— GOD WINS (Cap: >>8358921)

>>8358831 ————————————–——– Backchannels are important when the 'news' itself is untrustworthy [controlled]. (Cap: >>8358856)

>>8357903 ————————————–——– Silent running is a tactic used when…. (Cap: >>8359179)

>>8357870 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing! Rig for Red

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at qanon.app (qanon.pub), qmap.pub, qanon.news & qposts.online

Onion Link

Access through Tor: http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New?: Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b575b8  No.8711862

Global Announcements

>>8694416 Make it easier on the bakers: how to write high-quality research posts

>>8363658 Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting


are not endorsements


>>8711318, >>8711361, >>8711368, >>8711382, >>8711432, >>8711474, >>8711503, >>8711564 EXPLOSION IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - Mojave National Preserve

>>8711263, >>8711380 Potus wore a pink tie on April 1st and 4th at his COVID19 pressers. The Hospital Code for child trafficking is pink

>>8711465, >>8711488 POTUS owns just enough of a Dodge & Cox fund to get financial disclosures on Hydroxychloroquine

>>8711215 Crisis Stricken Venezuela Faces Mounting Pressure From The U.S.

>>8711232 Former Ak-Chin Charman Louis Manuel Jr. dies at 57

>>8711283 Firearm Manufacturer gifts very special Biden AR-14 to Michigan auto worker.

>>8711264 Governor Blackface (Northam) - Virginia (D) wears a BLACKFACE mask.. you can’t make this shit up

>>8711353 Judgement summary - PELL v THE QUEEN

>>8711374 Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean's body found by divers

>>8711500 Senate Intel Russia probe enters homestretch with key unanimous approval

>>8711548 State Department refuses to back Hillary Clinton attempt to avoid deposition

>>8711727 Qanon is right! Proof Donald Trump is Exposing the ILLUMINATI and has been warning us for years - Lionel harris

>>8711770 Bill Withers to Posthumously Receive U.S. Navy Memorial Lone Sailor Award. o7!

>>8711844 #11154


>>8710590, >>8710581, >>8710583 Actor Jay Benedict dies 'due to COVID-19 complications'

>>8710602, >>8710607 Ex-Libyan PM, Mahmoud Jibril, dies of Coronavirus

>>8710488 COVID-19 Symptoms Predicted 2 Years Ago caused by 60GHz 5G

>>8710454 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, April 7, 2020

>>8710472 Faker Fucker Fauci vid was from very early 2017 Predicts " surprise outbreak" during Trumps term

>>8710455 Drs around World wondering where heart attacks/strokes/flu/pneumonia deaths are.. fell off a cliff!

>>8710516 It was a big day for Q two years ago. Here is just some of todays 2 year delta.

>>8710551 London Real Transform Yourself interview with David Icke on the COVID-19 conspiracy and what it’s really about.

>>8710669 Abe says he'll declare emergency, but won't lock down Japan's cities

>>8710738 NZ Health Minister apologizes for breaking lockdown rules

>>8710795 Louisiana’s youngest COVID-19 victim: a premature baby who lived for one day

>>8710809 President of sub-builder Electric Boat tests positive for coronavirus

>>8710888 sisolak blocked new icu trauma centers to protect government owned umc monopoly

>>8710899 Macron States Readiness to Continue Humanitarian Cooperation With Iran

>>8710958 Truck drivers make it possible for everyone else to work from home

>>8710992 Anon Report on COVID19

>>8711076 More on POTUS calling out Chinese reporter

>>8711023 Cuomo says Hydroxychloroquine is proming in NYC hospitals

>>8711115 #11153


>>8709863 Anyone know morse code? >>8709909 Debbie Birx, US Army, got some strange blinks going on (vid)... comms? anons wonder

>>8710130, >>8710172 Is Birx Morse Coding "Watch the Water…They are coming?"

>>8710000 planefags

>>8710038 youtube demonetizing fuckery

>>8710221, >>8709819, >>8710029 Scavino Post along with the super duper high res version

>>8710274 New DJT - by the numbers, a massive nationwide response

>>8709925, >>8709682 HRC and Democrat Abortions

>>8710285 CDC - Deaths from all causes cut in half since quarantine

>>8710324 New DJT - great job being done by Dr. Nicole Saphier on @FoxNews!

>>8710378 #11152

Previously Collected Notables

>>8707257 #11148, >>8708027 #11149, >>8708822 #11150, >>8709594 #11151

>>8704940 #11145, >>8704198 #11145, >>8705720 #11146, >>8706484 #11147

>>8702581 #11142, >>8703342 #11143, >>8704081 #11144, >>8704940 #11145

>>8699436 #11138, >>8700186 #11139, >>8700959 #11140, >>8701722 #11141

>>8696396 #11134, >>8697180 #11135, >>8697931 #11136, >>8698687 #11137

Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com (new)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b575b8  No.8711863

War Room

Meme folder: Trump Successes mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Current Operations

>>8137311 Call For Graphics: Romania, PapaD, Energy, Levant, Cyprus

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007: https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

International Q Research Threads


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>7111560 ------ The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #6

>>6867253 ------ Clockwork Qrange #10

>>8292070 ------ Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12

>>>/qrb/13005 - Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #84-#90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #98 >>8603566

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b575b8  No.8711866

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

55 >>8696213, 54 >>8406256, 53 >>8128395, 1 >>>/qrb/2298

Current Focus --> #KungFlu #ChineseVirus #SocialDistancing #KillTheVirus #WashYourHands #Hygiene #StayHomeChallenge #SlowTheSpread

Kung Flu ———— mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

2020-Apr ——— mega.nz/folder/IdI10A5R#5tHYq0h1Vd58eeEzd1YDvA

Biden ————— mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Clintons ———— mega.nz/#F!pRY0jShJ!-NUlzXxvhTopV1GO2c89tg

Trump Successes & Redpills for Lefties

———————— mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag

2020-Mar ——— mega.nz/#F!kVB1CACD!peYZ8j9pIbUhbR2Bm02Q6A

2020-Feb ——— mega.nz/#F!1UwDnSRQ!29yEy3XjIQVBEuBR53_kEw

Bernie/Socialism- mega.nz/#F!5NgkjAyZ!xeXnTJTJBFR98Sa0X1E3bQ

Voter ID/Fraud — mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out the LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Class #8: >>>/comms/9320

Tips on Notables for Bakers: >>>/qrb/41931

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>>/qrb/

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b575b8  No.8711869

File: fa37b6191aa73da⋯.jpeg (129.13 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, fa37b6191aa73da56ee3da8e0….jpeg)



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cf1d4c  No.8711891


An Example of Bill Gates Common Core Math!

Democrat Politicians, NWO Globalists and Communists love their junk fake science, math and statistics

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c55608  No.8711903

That check your family was supposed to get is in your states hands and you will never see it.

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b575b8  No.8711911




Anons please collect notables for incoming baker

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5cf714  No.8711920

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3315ea  No.8711923

File: 33631313874e112⋯.jpeg (141.62 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ER4eMNcXUAIEu_L_1_.jpeg)

File: 1fb5e78aec4cbaf⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Airplane_shot_Flag.jpg)

Please excuse this interruption of your manipulated entrainment.

Step back, breath, Center your Senses. [Pic]


Q is a backchannel between Americas Military Intellegence and You, the People they swore to protect.

It is critical we are given a contrasting reference to the onslaught of fake news and online propaganda, as a deeply entrenched network of blackmail and control is brought to Light.

Q is a conversation with us that tiptoes around our National Security Laws enough to lead us into narrative shattering insights.

Read that again.

They have a lot to tell us

They're our link to Americas command post during this Silent War.

A War that will breach the minds of those around you. Start talking, be humble you already know what they will soon, be proud to strengthen your Republic with more Informed Citizens.

Let the naysayers be damned by their own [unwillingly manipulated] ignorance.

Your seeds of Truth will outlast the weeds of Black Hatted Social Engineers; The mockingbird machine. So 'Learn to play the game'~

Trusting The Plan is a direct assertion that the job of attacking the deep seated infiltrators and traitors belongs to those who swore an oath to do so. The military, your Congressional / Senate appointees, the Judiciary and the like.

You, the average working citizen, appointed them into power to carry out your Will within the realm of influence each were given.

To assume that the main attacks against these traitors belongs to the average citizen is founded on the corrupt presumption that those in power, that you elected, are unable to do so.

It's an admittance that those you trusted, should not be.

It's a Lie.

It's a belief the traitors themselves want you to have.

You have a critical job to do, as an informed member of your Republic: Awaken those around you.

Create more informed members of your own republic so you can make more informed choices, and propose more informed actions to those who are elected to carry out your Awakened Will.

Trust the plan. We are in this together, and we may excel in each our own areas of expertise.

Read what your Military needs you to know.

Read what Trump wants you to know.

Q is who has read what the world will soon know.

The Rod and the Ring will Strike~

God wins, Amen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3315ea  No.8711928

Simple thought experiment: Would our enemy, whos prime weapon is manipulating the social narrative, leave the baking position alone?

Or would they do everything in their power to take it over and keep it.

We're three years into this.

>The entire world is watching.

If you look at the amount of tyb spam, and we know its laced with subliminals that force love, if you look at the importance and power such a position holds on a forum the world watches…

Once thought through, the answers become IDEN tactics (You) may apply to uncover the few manipulators who hide behind a hundred masks.

Patriots know well~

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3315ea  No.8711930

File: fd482c172e4f52c⋯.jpg (565.35 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, RED_OCTOBER_CHINA.jpg)

File: 8be9f6b1d893980⋯.jpg (206.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, GodBlessAmericasMilitary.jpg)

File: 0c86516cdbde8cb⋯.jpg (151.74 KB, 529x676, 529:676, _CHINA_.jpg)

Trump: "[Doctors gearing up to treat infected patients, and soldiers going into a war zone] to me they're the same thing"

"The silent/invisible enemy."

"This is a military operation"

Trump is easing us into the reality that China openly made the first shot in this War.

China launched a bio-nuclear attack against the world.

We call it the China virus.

Fact: The Wuhan PS4 BioLab released the virus.

Fact: The Chinese Communist Party knew about the virus before 2007.


Fact: It was engineered for rapid spread - contagious without symptoms for 14 days.

Fact: The Wuhan lockdown was a calculated explosion of viral attack vectors. The CCP inoculated the city, they waited for their Petri dish to reach a certain contamination level then alerted their viral carriers that the city will be locked down in a few days. This forced half the inoculated city to spread out like an explosion across China and the World.

Fact: Due to the totalitarian control of Communism, Winnie the Xi personally ordered this terrorism to be unleashed.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.

Fact: Over 21 million people in China have died.


Fact: The reports released by China are carefully tailored to reduce criticism.

Fact: China launched a bio-nuclear attack against the world.

We call it the China virus to remind us we're in this together, against the worlds Silent Enemy.

The monster China has struck.

They will strike again.

Fact: China favors "using barbarians to attack barbarians".

Fact: China is behind Iran.

Fact: China is behind the Muslim Brotherhood.

Fact: China is behind the drug cartels.

Fact: China owns the EU, and UN.

Fact: China is behind the fermented hatred for Israel. They want Americas' wedge into Europe eradicated, and personally fund the IRGC of Iran to accomplish this.


Fact: China goes through great measures to coerce us away from seeing their influence; Their insideous plans. "Deflection, ommision, denial, and abuse."

Fact: China hates Trump.

Fact: China manipulates our media.

Fact: China is behind the 5G fear propaganda. It's coming, but they don't want America to pave the way. They want to own the infrastructure of tomorrow. They backdoor devices. They want to be the ones who can turn the devices into spy&kill switches.





>Worth 43 minutes of your time.


>Important to understand going forward.

Fact: China is at war with the rest of the World.

We are in their sights.

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c55608  No.8711931


If fake news supports you you can push any bullshit.

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c06971  No.8711943

Hey Anons, anyone have the latest news on Boris Johnson?

I hope and pray he pulls through.

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3315ea  No.8711946

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)

File: ecacab05e78ac67⋯.jpg (302.84 KB, 652x1038, 326:519, AFLB_GodWins.jpg)

File: d81077dc4046bb6⋯.jpg (2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineHigh.jpg)

File: ab73cf33256190f⋯.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineFresh.jpg)

File: f4ca23342cb8a0d⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, SunShineBright.jpg)

Remember well, that the enemy hides behind a hundred masks.

Digest. Read over. Train your Instincts.

The enemy that infiltrates both sides, that ferments frustrations, and blinds our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts in their fog of contextually devoid information.

Remember the Shadow Men behind them all.

The few wretched souls riding demon AIDS cocks, projecting their own capitulated bitchyness onto us. Forcing our sights away from them that manipulate us to hate each other.

The few behind them all.

Shadow Men.

Imagine a withered old man in a cloud of intimidating smoke, whispering lies to your daughters and brothers, fingering the assholes of your mothers and wives. In a hundred masks around your home, the same hallow voice speaks.

The few. The Shadow Men.

The withered old bitches who bought the lies of demons for the illusion of power~

We truly have what they sold their souls to believe.

They fear us more than we have ever known.

Disarm the foundation of our enemies manipulation: A highly stressed and disconnected mind. As they tend to focus on forcing aversion from your senses - their flood of subliminals includes invoking the sensations of swallowing shit.

Do you blur images yet?

Now's a good time to start.

We [The millions of silent viewers] are not the stream of thought here, we are the targets of this highly manipulated narrative~

Which means our impact is inversely proportional to the intended effect of their attacks.

Trillions have been spent against us.

Read that again.

Take a step back, breath, remember.

We are not what they say, we are what they craft their attacks against~

/* Add a CSS blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over */
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opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
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opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
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transition: all 89ms;
You'll see for yourself how disgusted our enemy is, that you have tools to fight them now equipped. They may have a handful of ways to try and get in, yet You have ultimate control over Yourself.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

Exchange doubt with Faith; Aimless Anger with Focused Resolve.

>Tempt not the righteous man to draw his sword.

Pray they infuse our board with resilience.

Pray they wash us clean.

Pray before sleep.

>We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.

God, whom is higher beyond High, wins~


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39cdbf  No.8711947

File: fdf69ffe468ffd2⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 567x440, 567:440, 1.jpg)

File: 7f2dc16556ed17a⋯.png (105.4 KB, 308x370, 154:185, 2.png)

File: ff7906c7c160194⋯.png (239.64 KB, 421x500, 421:500, 3.png)

File: 4228b88592a94be⋯.png (140.49 KB, 551x492, 551:492, 5.png)

File: ff45776386b06b9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1298x1364, 59:62, 6.png)

A horse is a horse of course of course

And no one can talk to a horse of course.

That is of course unless the horse

Is the CEO of JewTube!

Go right to the source and ask the horse

She'll prove she's the source of all remorse

She's always on a downward course

Neigh for the CEO of JewTube!

Jews pilpul like homeless freaks

and waste your time of day

But Susie won't throttle your views

Unless she wants shekels today

A horse is a horse, of course, of course

And this one'll lie 'til her voice is hoarse

You never heard of a talking horse?

I am the CEO of JewTube!

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a38aeb  No.8711955

File: 69df15bfbe738a5⋯.png (687.73 KB, 668x854, 334:427, 9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png)


and yer filtered….

you are filtered!!! you are filtered!

yer all fucking filtered! :D

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c55608  No.8711961


The regular Chinese people on the street are as American as apple pie but have no way of fighting back except underground anons pushing the truth. I've met them.

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b15ae1  No.8711964

File: eaa0ba32a30b9e8⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 606x663, 202:221, tumor.jpg)

File: a46608dfc5c27f7⋯.png (212.76 KB, 500x759, 500:759, Fuck_Jesus.png)

File: fb17aab875ee906⋯.jpeg (141.5 KB, 822x960, 137:160, fb17aab875ee9064e44f9f1dc….jpeg)

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ac8cc9  No.8711965

File: 8f7c22a1f2905bd⋯.jpg (410.67 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_067.jpg)

File: 36001f10dcc08c8⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 420x578, 210:289, IMG_021.jpg)

File: 72b4d085c1c8b13⋯.jpg (721.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_034.jpg)

File: 9dbbd0120af4f1f⋯.jpg (389.56 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, IMG_068.jpg)

File: 9e6cc6fd7b5c4d9⋯.jpg (445.81 KB, 1170x780, 3:2, IMG_057.jpg)

Our Father

Who arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom cum

Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread

And forgive us our debts

As we forgive those who are endebted against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

Bless Our Clean Ship with God's Graces.

May our enemies sink on their own rotting ship.

Amen 😇😘😇

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a38aeb  No.8711968


and muh joo is philtered!

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a38aeb  No.8711972


and yer philtered….

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b15ae1  No.8711973

File: 7c933753773e955⋯.jpg (76.65 KB, 625x468, 625:468, 7c933753773e955c88a469c9f9….jpg)

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c55608  No.8711977


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b15ae1  No.8711981

File: 23952c6a52ed1c0⋯.jpg (147.16 KB, 496x669, 496:669, IA14776.jpg)

File: 2c19b5dd5466446⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1754x1240, 877:620, 2c19b5dd546644625a525eba1f….jpg)

File: ce175e74fc43db9⋯.jpg (148.35 KB, 651x383, 651:383, ce175e74fc43db96a7d2680237….jpg)

File: 61819ebd90bfc49⋯.jpg (155.15 KB, 530x366, 265:183, IA147750.jpg)

File: 8485892e9b6c4a2⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 598x449, 598:449, garrison2.jpg)

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bd5b2f  No.8711985

File: e59e861916bed02⋯.png (362.41 KB, 771x746, 771:746, popepiuspapers.png)

A month after releasing the "holocaust papers" and not a single word about what they may have contained.

What do you think could be the delay?

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76f46e  No.8711986

4 am talking points coming right up and the board nose dives….


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c55608  No.8711993

The retarded Jew haters can't compete with the superior Jewish IQ.

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800da0  No.8711994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From a friend.

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212372  No.8711995

File: e975b1f609659a1⋯.png (866.49 KB, 940x627, 940:627, B2NightRamp.png)

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76f46e  No.8711996

File: 9d8b3c6c615efd9⋯.png (230.69 KB, 818x918, 409:459, Q_935_VATICAN_NAZI.png)

File: 0573c55bdc48d76⋯.png (244.73 KB, 1598x1622, 799:811, Q_935_936_944_VATICAN_NAZI.png)


jews did it? Kek!

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b15ae1  No.8711997


>Completely ignores Jews suck baby dicks.

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d7d7f3  No.8711998

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)




As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, secret societies and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.

Some try to blend in as anons and have fake conversations.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT and on TV.

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and try to paint this board nazi to enable fake news attacks on "Q nazis".

Shills also try to deflect from the [cult] by muh jew spam.

Shills spread stupid info and post utter bs to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Another shill posts anime and wolf memes all the time to make researching autists look ridiculous at first glance.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …).

Shills try to divide anons by making them leave to a board that Q chooses not to post on (QRB, 4chan).

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills attack the Qclock (that Q asked anons to build and that works amazingly well: "future proves past")

Shills glow if you regard the posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

Watch out for clown bakers that leave out and ignore relevant info or push shill topics (slides, muh jew).

Clowns try so hard to make anons leave this board by flooding it with bs (clown BO helps bigly), yet subborn anons stay the course and WIN.

If you want to let Jim Watkins (8kun owner) and his son Ron Watkins (codemonkey) know how much you like a clown BO and recommend a change,


@CodeMonkeyZ, @isitwetyet (Ron)

@infinitechan (Jim)

(MUCH DISINFO pushed right now, disinfo and clown accounts on twatter.)



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76f46e  No.8711999

File: 18715a8108d9fa6⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1244x1568, 311:392, AANFALpng.png)


and yer filtered!

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c1beb9  No.8712000


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d7d7f3  No.8712001


just so anons know, this was posted and baked (w/o nomination by any anon) by 40+ post clown baker.

>>8711727 (lb) Qanon is right! Proof Donald Trump is Exposing the ILLUMINATI and has been warning us for years - Lionel harris

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2451f7  No.8712002

File: c1f51e7903edb6d⋯.png (731.88 KB, 992x712, 124:89, Screenshot_18.png)

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617cba  No.8712003

File: f0c19565311935c⋯.jpg (20.88 KB, 264x320, 33:40, dfb4312528dfddbc476b695990….jpg)


trips to infinity!

jews did it?

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41f8ae  No.8712004

File: a50d44bd7c9c7a8⋯.png (256.79 KB, 374x413, 374:413, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8711952 pb


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2451f7  No.8712005


pass through rock?

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c55608  No.8712006

Trumps daily briefings are making fake news look retarded. And making the deep state blink uncontrollable.

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9a838b  No.8712007

>>8711557 (pb)

wood explain how this guy beat lung cancer with dewormers then


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2f9a6a  No.8712008

File: 56bd59e3d724783⋯.png (82.67 KB, 373x371, 373:371, pepe_guerilla_fighter_badg….png)


Digging can be frustrating at times. But always worth it, o7.

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d7d7f3  No.8712009


and there are the fake garrison memes again.

when you absolutely glow and have to spread bs that does not fit Q or POTUS but fits well the MSM attacks on Q as "nazi movement", your desperation makes you use fake memes by someone known.

quite pathetic.

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b15ae1  No.8712010

File: 4c440a217ee2b88⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1585902881102.jpg)

File: b94b84442c57ec9⋯.jpg (117.85 KB, 393x505, 393:505, 1580147447401.jpg)

File: 0abea8fb0ab92d2⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 485x595, 97:119, 1582267941998.jpg)

File: 49c202a4d4631ac⋯.png (301.87 KB, 628x472, 157:118, 1580212580292.png)

File: 7492ede1ba024f0⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 600x408, 25:17, 1585902582906.jpg)

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c9b5c4  No.8712011

File: e075d37ceaebf51⋯.jpeg (16.64 KB, 236x254, 118:127, download_79_.jpeg)





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40354e  No.8712012

File: 670568ff96998ec⋯.jpeg (39.38 KB, 490x550, 49:55, download_29_.jpeg)

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2f9a6a  No.8712013


TY BAKER, Good run

Should be called "Shillfest Edition"


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291299  No.8712014

File: acdcc747044a89e⋯.jpg (105.65 KB, 600x449, 600:449, Bah_.jpg)

File: a4f6d239aebbe8f⋯.jpg (743.19 KB, 1920x1034, 960:517, clinton_loc_nar.jpg)

File: cd1c08d60444ce6⋯.png (870.71 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, whatDif.png)

File: a154060b3e1e724⋯.jpg (159.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, soon.jpg)

File: 3d8ae2b794f2a6d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, Difference.png)


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6ea432  No.8712015

>>8711318, >>8711361, >>8711368, >>8711382, >>8711432, >>8711474, >>8711503, >>8711564 EXPLOSION IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - Mojave National Preserve

Did anyone find any sauce? Or was the 44-poster who started the rumor a bullshiter?

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b15ae1  No.8712016

File: 7f716cd63a723ea⋯.jpg (16.54 KB, 480x399, 160:133, 1585306410362.jpg)

File: 43f611b1775ba99⋯.png (642.74 KB, 770x800, 77:80, 43f611b1775ba99947481e633a….png)

File: 2cdc45369d802d6⋯.jpg (195.56 KB, 563x1136, 563:1136, 2cdc45369d802d69c32b4a7cd7….jpg)

File: 2e7dae39b25875b⋯.jpg (38.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2e7dae39b25875bfc0e3e715d4….jpg)

File: 3a250edfb93dd06⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 631x395, 631:395, 3a250edfb93dd069578c7902ac….jpg)


Uh huh.

Can you go hall monitor on twitter or something?

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d7d7f3  No.8712017


reposting. all those were 'missed'.

from today, pb:

>>8707572, >>8707469, >>8707688 POTUS called it a PLAGUE again

>>8706110 Twitter censoring "How to Make a Mask" Video by DoD

>>8705952, >>8705886 Rothschild targeted? GO TIME?

>>8706323 POTUS "March 5" - Q drop on BOOMs

>>8705481, >>8705386, >>8705498, >>8705527, >>8705001, >>8705559 GO TIME for Rothschild?

more 'missed' from yesterday and the day before, pb:

>>8691205 Rammstein: Rape poem by Till Lindemann: “Disgusting” or freedom of art?

>>8675893 Don Jr doing Q handsign (ALS)

>>8675927 "pizza" video - eyes on!

>>8674702, >>8674743, >>8674749 Info on Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (Deep State)

>>8674028 Q drop 31 "World Stalement" (also misspelling?)

>>8665630 Anon on Jared Kushner, “Think outside the box.”

>>8665348, >>8665355, >>8665391, >>8665475 POTUS spells out "C O - V I D 19", mentiones "no sleep"

>>8664812, >>8664912 BILL CLINTON mentioned in illuminati bloodlines book

>>8662726, >>8662756 Pizza Video with much Symbolism (German Bread)

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30fa8c  No.8712018

File: 97f6fa173e76f2d⋯.png (718.07 KB, 1225x565, 245:113, digits_8711911.png)

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cf2c0d  No.8712019

File: d2e8c50752f46dc⋯.jpg (74.35 KB, 598x500, 299:250, James_Bullard1.jpg)

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d7d7f3  No.8712020


44 poster who pushed that bs was the

clown baker.

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307a3d  No.8712022

File: 996f949051319b8⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2504x756, 626:189, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)

Australian models showing 0.7% death rate. Not sure if case fatality or overall.

Sauce: https://twitter.com/i/events/1247374049728028673 @ 25:30

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01d882  No.8712023

File: 070724a1a4e99af⋯.jpg (108.18 KB, 440x412, 110:103, uglyguy.jpg)

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2451f7  No.8712024

File: 03217394d07da36⋯.png (80.21 KB, 284x250, 142:125, Screenshot_35.png)

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cb1339  No.8712025


That doesn't make any fucking sense, lay off the duster bro.

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88591f  No.8712026

>>8711818 (pb)

COVFEFE was Twatted out on May 31 2017.

Six week LATER!

On July 12, 2017, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley introduced H.R.2884, "The Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act (COVFEFE Act)".


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23a63f  No.8712027


already assume I will get fucked on the "check's in the mail thing" since the IRS is handling it.

Pretty sure this anon will not be one of the chosen ones getting muh "ain't the govt wonderful" check

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6ea432  No.8712028


Was he the same one who included the 5G/coronavirus post in the bread before that?

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b15ae1  No.8712029

File: 497a0ee42ba4261⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 393x320, 393:320, B9FQFyq.jpg)

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0e49c9  No.8712030

File: ba8957d178a03f7⋯.png (474.67 KB, 821x382, 821:382, Screenshot_1808.png)

Police arrested a man arrested after he allegedly, intentionally coughed on people in a Tennessee Walmart, while yelling he had COVID-19.

District Attorney General Matthew Stowe said in a press release the man's actions were an act of terrorism. He was charged with violating the terrorism hoax act reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct.


But that joke landed the man with a felony. According to Stowe, COVID-19 is such a deadly disease, it is classified as an agent of biological warfare. The purposeful spreading of it is then considered an act of terrorism. "A violation of this sort where the agent is indeed an active agent is an act of terrorism and a Class A felony; violation for the hoax of spreading is a Class C felony," Stowe stated.

“During this emergency and quarantine, we will protect the general public by enforcing the Governor’s orders,” said Stowe. “Anyone who acts in a threatening manner will be arrested and charged. Anyone who refuses to adhere to law enforcement warnings runs the risk of being arrested and charged. This pandemic is not a joke, it is a serious matter and can be fatal to some people.”

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ac8cc9  No.8712031

File: f79fcf7be476d90⋯.jpg (110.79 KB, 480x586, 240:293, IMG_273.jpg)

File: 175cb77e0340f25⋯.jpg (154.97 KB, 500x641, 500:641, IMG_249.jpg)

File: 777217afe148892⋯.jpg (396.04 KB, 1039x1412, 1039:1412, IMG_274.jpg)

File: 0ef0e9f10e07b7a⋯.jpg (228.61 KB, 736x883, 736:883, IMG_272.jpg)

File: 68f481b85afa06c⋯.jpg (430.92 KB, 1200x759, 400:253, IMG_271.jpg)

Our Father

Who arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom cum

Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread

And forgive us our debts

As we forgive those who are endebted against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

Bless Our Clean Ship with God's Graces.

May our enemies sink on their own rotting ship.

Amen 😇😘😇

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c9b5c4  No.8712032

File: fafdcc2390a0679⋯.jpeg (35.36 KB, 400x400, 1:1, download_82_.jpeg)

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c55608  No.8712033

Du joo hatter iz dum/

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0e7088  No.8712034

File: 8ed855159e7a6d6⋯.jpg (293.59 KB, 1248x850, 624:425, Comet.jpg)

Looks like Atlas is breaking apart. Ominous language.

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f31bf5  No.8712035

File: fb73779919fa43a⋯.png (354.96 KB, 758x863, 758:863, WTF.png)

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c55608  No.8712036


I spent a month in underground china in 1980 and filmed a movie about it. What did you do?

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c55608  No.8712037

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98ec65  No.8712038

File: 690b5f53bd00e2d⋯.png (434.75 KB, 998x888, 499:444, 001zh1.png)

"We Will Whip You" - Zambian Police Crackdown On

Non-Quarantine-Compliant Citizens

Tue, 04/07/2020 - 04:30

"We noted on Monday that Africa could be facing an economic collapse amid the COVID-19 pandemic. At least 54 countries on the continent have imposed lockdowns, curfews, and or travel bans to mitigate the spread of the virus. In Zambia, a country with 17 million people, has shut down casinos, cinemas, and schools to minimize people's movements.

Police Spokeswoman Esther Mwaata Katongo told Diamond TV Zambia in a local television interview that the police are enforcing a lockdown with hard measures for non-compliant civilians, reported RT News.

"Zambian police have whips. So, if you want to dare authorities, if you want to dare the police, then you are welcome," Katongo said in a TV interview as she showed off a baton that officers are using. "



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23a63f  No.8712039


>>>8665630 Anon on Jared Kushner, “Think outside the box.”

Notable ????

ebot posts are more notable than this faggotry

clown pretending to be critical of clown baker is gay shitshow

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d7d7f3  No.8712040

File: 820ba11ba84ab8a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2321x1091, 2321:1091, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d49c334f1d2d013⋯.png (794.63 KB, 1125x1412, 1125:1412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32dcf314010b0de⋯.png (98.28 KB, 776x533, 776:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ec5220f3fa2063⋯.png (278.06 KB, 966x727, 966:727, ClipboardImage.png)



>>8705481, >>8705386, >>8705498, >>8705527, >>8705001, >>8705559 GO TIME for Rothschild?

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d7d7f3  No.8712041


guess so.

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0add84  No.8712042

File: f1ac1c4076ce0e5⋯.jpeg (5.85 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, 57261A67_05A0_487C_B9DF_C….jpeg)

File: 838d213c93bbf14⋯.jpeg (18.16 KB, 308x163, 308:163, DAE862A2_7BB0_47C4_A8A4_D….jpeg)

File: cc6270aa8e7b5b5⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1536x1386, 256:231, 2F81EF9A_A304_4B6F_A08B_7….jpeg)

>>8711318 lb


In Dan Scavino's recent office pics win POTUS, Dan's screen saver is a sand dune in the mojave desert.


Picture of POTUS on the wall is his January 26, 2017 flight to Philadelphia, Kobe Bryant's hometown.

Kobe died in a helicopter crash on January 26, 2020.



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2c3b24  No.8712043

File: ff53a7d694ce95d⋯.jpg (84.83 KB, 1401x602, 1401:602, SmartSelect_20200407_04410….jpg)

The hysteria is getting ridiculous.

The virus is NOT real.

Prove me wrong.

Anons are reverting back to normie status with this "virus".

Anons need to learn the HarD WAY - Q.

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036db5  No.8712044


OK Jew, I believe you.

You Jews seem to know everything, gosh I'm impressed.

Tell me, would you like us to gas your kids, or do you prefer that "holocaust" shit, and we burn them?

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cb1339  No.8712045


Spent 15 years in the military so idiots like you can say chinese are as American as apple pie.

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2f9a6a  No.8712046



several reports

5 hours ago

Have not put Boris Johnson on a ventilator - which is good. [Do not know whether they are giving him chloraquine/Z-pak tho.]


~coupla hours ago

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has received oxygen support in intensive care as he battles coronavirus infection, though he is not on a ventilator, a senior U.K. official said Tuesday, as the United States and many other nations continue to grapple with the devastating pandemic.


~several hours ago

Trump: I have asked US pharma CEOs to offer Johnson experimental Covid-19 treatments

US president doesn’t name companies or treatments, but says they have arrived in London already

Donald Trump has said he asked US pharmaceutical companies working on experimental coronavirus drugs to approach Boris Johnson’s doctors and offer their help, after it emerged that the British prime minister was in intensive care.

In an evening press briefing, Trump did not name the companies or the drugs, but earlier in the day he held a conference about therapeutic drugs with the heads of four US pharmaceutical and biotech companies: Amgen, Genetech, Gilead, and Regeneron.

Trump has consistently promoted the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine in combination with an antibiotic azithromycin, as a “game-changer” in the battle with coronavirus, although his own health officials have cautioned that there is no proof they are effective.

Boris Johnson moved to intensive care after his condition worsens

“I’ve asked two of the leading companies … They’ve come with the solutions and just have done incredible jobs – and I’ve asked him to contact London immediately,” Trump said. “They’ve really advanced therapeutics … and they have arrived in London already. The London office has whatever they need. We’ll see if we can be of help. We’ve contacted all of Boris’s doctors, and we’ll see what is going to take place, but they are ready to go.”

“They’ve had meetings with the doctors, and we’ll see whether or not they want to go that route,” Trump added. “But when you’re in intensive care it’s a big deal. So they’re there and they’re ready.”….


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d7d7f3  No.8712047

File: 193cd25cb62ae06⋯.png (997.13 KB, 1313x1071, 1313:1071, Lynn_shills_muh_jew.png)


A hitler meme sure looks pretty organic on a Q board, when Q said hitler was a cabal puppet and related to merkel and when POTUS´s jewish son in law is senior advisor with office right next to the oval.

desperate clowns. some of them pretty well known named.

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ac8cc9  No.8712048

File: f3cc342f0783330⋯.jpg (215.66 KB, 513x816, 171:272, IMG_304.jpg)

File: 97684b38c1ea309⋯.jpg (415 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_298.jpg)

File: 8b2534777effaaa⋯.jpg (766.16 KB, 1498x1200, 749:600, IMG_299.jpg)

File: 4abea901c7091c9⋯.jpg (336.96 KB, 1252x1194, 626:597, IMG_300.jpg)

File: 0fcc8df5ccc8694⋯.jpg (618.71 KB, 871x1080, 871:1080, IMG_306.jpg)

Our Father

Who arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom cum

Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread

And forgive us our debts

As we forgive those who are endebted against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

Bless Our Clean Ship with God's Graces.

May our enemies sink on their own rotting ship.

Amen! 😇😘😇

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98ec65  No.8712049

File: d1cf01cd4ee9601⋯.png (725.19 KB, 1088x956, 272:239, 001ap1.png)

File: 5c4f8b62078e45b⋯.png (17.68 KB, 798x890, 399:445, Q_2594_VATICAN_PELL_ANIMAL….png)

File: 8be18fbd20fdde7⋯.png (169.79 KB, 792x1250, 396:625, Q_2894_VATICAN_TREASURER_P….png)

Cardinal Pell welcomes court’s dismissal of abuse conviction

40 minutes ago

"Cardinal George Pell welcomed Australia’s highest court clearing him of child sex crimes Tuesday and said his trial had not been a referendum on the Catholic Church’s handling of the clergy abuse crisis.

Pope Francis’ former finance minister Pell had been the most senior Catholic found guilty of sexually abusing children and spent 13 months in prison before seven High Court judges unanimously dismissed his convictions.

“I have consistently maintained my innocence while suffering from a serious injustice,” Pell said in his first public statement since he was convicted in December 2018. It was released before he left prison and was taken to the Carmelite Monastery in Melbourne where he was greeted by a nun.

Francis appeared to refer to Pell’s acquittal in his morning homily, saying he was praying for all those unjustly persecuted.

Pell said: “I hold no ill will toward my accuser,” a former choirboy whose testimony was at the core of the 78-year-old cleric’s prosecution.

The High Court found there was reasonable doubt surrounding the testimony of the witness, now the father of a young family aged in his 30s, who said Pell had abused him and another 13-year-old choirboy at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne in the late 1990s.

“My trial was not a referendum on the Catholic Church; nor a referendum on how Church authorities in Australia dealt with the crime of pedophilia in the Church,” Pell said.

“The point was whether I had committed these awful crimes, and I did not,” he added.

A judge and lawyers had urged two juries in 2018 to try Pell on the evidence and not on his senior position in the church’s flawed responses to clergy abuse in Australia. The first trial ended in a jury deadlock and the second unanimously convicted him on all charges.

The Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests said in a statement they were “dismayed and heartbroken” by the decision.

Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher called for the ruling to end the pursuit of Pell in the courts."



+2 related drops

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f31bf5  No.8712050

File: e1af0b49e05473d⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB, 634x360, 317:180, Coronavirus_chinese_woman_….mp4)

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c55608  No.8712051


Come at me bro!

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bd5b2f  No.8712052

File: f7e0914014d96d8⋯.jpeg (54.08 KB, 490x550, 49:55, bug_twatter.jpeg)

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98ec65  No.8712053

File: bf279a7cb7a5991⋯.png (333.62 KB, 844x978, 422:489, 001bbc1.png)

Boris Johnson spends night in intensive care after symptoms worsen

7 minutes ago

"Prime Minister Boris Johnson has spent the night in intensive care at a central London hospital after his coronavirus symptoms worsened.

Mr Johnson, 55, has been given oxygen but has not been put on a ventilator, cabinet minister Michael Gove said.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has been asked to deputise for the PM. Arriving at No 10 on Tuesday, he said the prime minister was "in very good hands".

World leaders have sent messages to Mr Johnson wishing him well.

The prime minister, 55, was admitted to St Thomas' Hospital with "persistent symptoms" on Sunday evening and moved to the intensive care ward on Monday at 19:00 BST.

He was moved as a precaution so he could be close to a ventilator - which takes over the body's breathing process - BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said.

Mr Gove told BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Tuesday: "The prime minister's not on a ventilator. He has received oxygen support."

If there is any change in his condition "No 10 will ensure the country is updated", Mr Gove added."



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2b6ff4  No.8712054



We're better than this.

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036db5  No.8712056


We let you have your future.

Enjoy it while you may.

Extinction becomes the least able to survive.

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72c2db  No.8712057

File: 270d2748c5b2aa3⋯.jpeg (629.41 KB, 1125x792, 125:88, 87794547_05E0_4A56_A696_7….jpeg)


When a problem comes along…

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d7d7f3  No.8712058

File: 49286f2a04fad56⋯.png (67.95 KB, 386x1000, 193:500, ClipboardImage.png)


newshill thinks an old Q drop would be ebot?

do you really think this level of shill quality is going to make any difference?

and obviously this drop was much related to JK talking on data analysis much at the wuhan virus presser.

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24d2eb  No.8712059

Lets see who wins this battle.

Soar Ass to rat the Witch or the

Witch takes out Soar Ass?

Hillary Clinton Warned Behind $300 Million “Hit Contract” Placed On George Soros For Coronavirus Pandemic Link

And after decrypting this obvious “hit contract” against the life of Soros, saw FSB analysts noting that his Soros Fund Management company had made a United States Securities and Exchange Commission filing in March-2011 showing his ownership of a company named Wuxi Pharmatech—whom the year prior, in 2010, Soros had funded to allow them to build a $100-million research and development center in Wuhan-China where the coronavirus pandemic originated from—all of which was known and written about at the time by American journalist Andrew Breitbart, the founder of the Breitbart News Network, who, in August-2011, quoted Soros as saying “Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work”—six-months after which, on 29 February 2012, Breitbart suddenly dropped dead—a death followed 4-years later by Breitbart News Network co-founder Steve Bannon becoming the top political strategist for President Donald Trump—the same President Trump who is now being pummeled with millions-of-dollars of ads paid for by George Soros and Hillary Clinton’s socialist Democrat Party slamming him over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic—thus proving that whatever is truly going on in the United States, both Soros and Clinton are in it up to their necks.


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c55608  No.8712060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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98ec65  No.8712061

File: a2937f3403293cc⋯.png (308.32 KB, 1072x996, 268:249, 001inuk1.png)

China reports no new deaths for first time since January

while global death toll nears 75,000

22 minutes ago

"China has reported no new coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours, the first time since January, as the disease has killed nearly 75,000 people worldwide.

Meanwhile, more than 160 current and former global leaders are urging the world's 20 major industrialised nations to approve $8bn (£6.5bn) in emergency global health funding to hasten the search for a vaccine, cure and treatment for Covid-19 and prevent a second wave of the pandemic.

It comes after Boris Johnson was moved to intensive care as his Covid-19 symptoms worsened and Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, took over the government's response to the crisis. His first job will be to lead the government’s emergency daily coronavirus “war Cabinet” meeting with senior colleagues and the UK’s chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, and chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance."



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b15ae1  No.8712062

File: 0b092ff2b4c222f⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 788x985, 4:5, 7b68fd6eeba7c44fc7f59d6548….jpg)





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036db5  No.8712063


Your stupidity reeks,

You deserve the punishment of the JEW.

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4d538a  No.8712064

File: 5522838ace85be0⋯.jpg (399.26 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 0qyqMWA.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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27160a  No.8712065

Found on twatter. Legit?

Read pinned twat by BusyalltheTime @Jay_B83

(If you wanna click dat shit nigga)


Basically, you use a hash encode-decode website, which links Q posts to specific HRC emails (am I understanding this correctly?).

Quotes from the first few posts of the thread:


We have much much more than we know! Q stringers and posts and wikileaks emails connection

An Anon says

I think I stumbled upon something huge that was right under our noses

So a couple of breads ago, an anon posted the following:"

"which contained a code posted on the twitter page handled by the Assange legal team, and its corresponding Md5 hash.

also he posted this hash encode-decode website:"

"so I ran a hash encode on the stringer that he posted:


and search the resulting hash code in the HRC email dump.

This led me to the following email (attached).

So i decided to give it a shot with some q stringers, and low and behold, it works!"

"Not only do the stringers when hashed using that website, give a hash that corresponds to wikileaks emails, but some different stringers, connect to the exact same emails.

The chance of this happening "coincidentally" is negligent, and such thing occur only deliberately."


Q post #3125 contains the line:

"THE CLINTON FOUNDATION" +++++++++++++++++++++++++

if we take the '+++++++++++++++++++++++++' and hash it, we get:


plugging it to the email search by ID gives us:"

It goes on and on! Really interdasting read.


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d7d7f3  No.8712066


>JK talking on data

and to JK mentioning "thinking outside the box".

both fitting this Q drop.

a good and relevant connections, that is why it was left out by clown baker. that is why i will repost it a couple of times, to get (same or even more) eyes on than when it had been baked.

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f31bf5  No.8712067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d7d7f3  No.8712068


you mistaking glowing propaganda clowns that try to make this board look stupid with anons??

how new are you?

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036db5  No.8712069


We are fool.

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c9b5c4  No.8712070


Anon FYI: Not ranting towards you, just responding to this drop.


Letting this Demon Pervert off the damn hook now?!



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ee3c9a  No.8712071

File: 00dc55f5296756e⋯.jpg (83.14 KB, 490x550, 49:55, tt.jpg)

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036db5  No.8712072


You gay?

Gays die just after we kill the JEWS, just sayin'

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24d2eb  No.8712073


We are learning a lot about this Virus.

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e9e7b2  No.8712074

File: f740e8fb17debd8⋯.png (21.08 KB, 598x250, 299:125, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Jame….png)


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2b6ff4  No.8712075


Been here since the beginning.

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a38aeb  No.8712076

File: 6d2a7ef39d823a0⋯.png (607.7 KB, 842x974, 421:487, 001bbc2.png)

George Pell: Court quashes cardinal's sexual abuse conviction

39 minutes ago

"Cardinal George Pell has had his child sexual abuse convictions overturned

Cardinal George Pell has been freed from jail after Australia's highest court overturned his conviction for child sexual abuse.

The former Vatican treasurer, 78, was the most senior Catholic figure ever jailed for such crimes.

In 2018, a jury found he abused two boys in Melbourne in the 1990s.

But the High Court of Australia quashed that verdict on Tuesday, bringing an immediate end to Cardinal Pell's six-year jail sentence.

The Australian cleric had maintained his innocence since he

was charged by police in June 2017.

His case rocked the Catholic Church, where he had been one of the Pope's most senior advisers."



Was Q wrong or was Justice not served and deeper it goes?

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b15ae1  No.8712077

File: 147211a7fe9292e⋯.gif (953.25 KB, 274x163, 274:163, 1584723677520.gif)

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d7d7f3  No.8712079


division clowns are so weak.

so far away from what Q and POTUS are actually doing.

so desperate.

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c55608  No.8712080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4866b0  No.8712081

File: 98cf5752087a9ae⋯.png (1.74 MB, 938x1554, 67:111, Virginia_Giuffre.png)

Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts in Hospital right now being tested for Covid-19

Virginia Giuffre


I’m so scared right now, having trouble breathing, fever & cough. Getting tested for Covid-19 praying it’s not positive


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f31bf5  No.8712082

File: c627a196fcf2ee9⋯.png (535.01 KB, 991x786, 991:786, Devo_whip_it_Chinese_woman.png)

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d7d7f3  No.8712083


how comes whenever a shill is so new and weak that he doesn´t even understand the very basics and claims to think a glowshill is an anon, how comes those shills all claim they are the oldes of oldfags and have been on QR long before the board was up?

weak shills are weak.

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aafbf4  No.8712084

File: 70f94cdbfdb730e⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1580x893, 1580:893, 5F95DC2A_85F7_4800_A6D4_77….png)

File: d89cb8d718eb4f1⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1500x798, 250:133, EA060FE3_DB22_4AE3_AA8B_FF….png)

File: 9de518f9dd55824⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1696x875, 1696:875, E2426E3D_CF3E_47C8_B062_D3….png)

>>8711849 lb


The Red Bus pic with Gina Haspel as a blonde shows building in background (free of scaffolding/shroud) ie before May 2014 when shroud first appears. This would mean the Winter pic of Gina is (most likely, and per her time of service in London), taken during the Winter 2913/2014. This would mean her Piccadilly pics and General Flynn’s Picadilly pics were all from Winter 2013/2014.

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307a3d  No.8712085

File: a19606de365d8b3⋯.png (331.28 KB, 490x550, 49:55, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)



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c55608  No.8712086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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24d2eb  No.8712087


"Enhanced" medical investigations or

In extreme isolation (safety).

Out of harms way.

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e0912f  No.8712088


George Pell: Court quashes cardinal's sexual abuse convictions


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4d538a  No.8712089

File: cb319b501a19540⋯.gif (273.6 KB, 238x179, 238:179, popcorn4.gif)

Damn good movie so far, Q.

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c55608  No.8712090


Is a Japanese name not Chinese.

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cf2c0d  No.8712091

File: 0bb7a562f88fe4f⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Bill_Gates_Meme_6.jpg)

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036db5  No.8712092



So have I, ego enim didici odisse Iudaeum

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ace0e6  No.8712093

File: 45cb81d9acb0971⋯.png (54.41 KB, 786x822, 131:137, worldwide_disease_deaths.png)

>>8710472 /pb Notables

fauci is simply a paid shill for pharmaceutical companies and of course, little billy gates the bio-terrorist…gee, since there is now a law in America concerning the monies and property of terrorists in America being forfeited to the government as penalty, little billy's 100 billion will come in quite handy in the rebuilding of America.

fauci is pond scum; no question, and seems everyone knows it…but you know who has known it for some time? POTUS of course and Q and the Q Team; and he has been watched and followed and everyone he has communicated with by phone, fax or carrier pigeon is known and much of what they are attempting is known. fauci's relationship with the bitch, little billy and his cronies are all already exposed in pics and vids and his treason is being used to keep the morons in the demonrat congress quiet about that aspect of the treason and terrorism - both bio- as caused by gates and his buddies and the China company owned by soros and actual terrorism as there have been many deaths - but if POTUS got rid of the demonrat scum like fauci and birx the howls from puhlousy-schlimer and their evil ilk would be major noise pollution and an unnecessary distraction.

He is being used as much by POTUS as he is by his controllers in the pharma and finance industries, if not more.

fauci's lies and attempts at misinformation are also fully displayed and for his sake I hope the stuff we don't know about isn't so bad that his punishment after the Storm has passed allows him to perhaps have an opportunity to one day catch a virus himself as a note from above that he still lives even if it is a life in prison.

We The People are being conned so friggin' openly it is amazing. We can see the corruption, the lies, the treason from the demonrats and their sycophants and the meat puppets in the demonrats propaganda wing and there hasn't been anything anyone could do about it until President Trump came along. I'm happy the pond scum are frightened and trying to fight back like any insane rabid animal would…they should be and it shows their fear.







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c55a3f  No.8712094

Are there any Q posts about NASA or Flat Earth?

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0e49c9  No.8712095

File: 0ad5f237f8627f4⋯.png (50.42 KB, 730x673, 730:673, Screenshot_1812.png)

Good News


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52c7fe  No.8712096

File: 1c7e87b5ed31cff⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 594x396, 3:2, 3_.jpg)

File: 7ea0d439f16ab44⋯.png (218.98 KB, 1361x729, 1361:729, pearlhatb.png)

File: 6245114545abe8d⋯.png (374.97 KB, 529x373, 529:373, 6245114545abe8d5f15b22c191….png)

File: 4891654c7da7bcb⋯.png (261.33 KB, 478x481, 478:481, 4891654c7da7bcbe622d0c6514….png)

Pearl Harbor

>>8701101 pb

> "Pearl Harbor" week

I know there is something in this news to unlock, but can not put my finger on it. Q gave huge hint or key to use as decypher guide/example with the bunker drops. news unlocks Do you believe in coincidences?

Learn how to read the map. i can see the pattern here but can not unlock the map

something is here though. if this is Pearl what is Harbor ?


Q!ITPb.qbhqo21 Nov 2017 - 6:43:15 PM

Expand your thinking.

Captain Mike Green.



Bunker Apple Yellow Sky [… + 1]


Who countered?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Learn how to read the map.


The Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act is named in honor of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in Pakistan in the months following the attacks of September 11, 2001,” Congressman Pence said. “In every corner of the globe, journalists like Daniel Pearl are being silenced by intimidation, imprisonment or murder as they seek to bring to light information in the public interest. The Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act will result in a concerted effort to highlight and promote freedom of the press by including such reports in the State Department’s Annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.”Rep. Schiff joined Senator Dodd, the Pearl family and President Obama at a bill signing ceremony, signing the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act into law. H.R. 3714, the House bill authored by Reps. Schiff and Pence that was signed into law by the President today, passed in the House of Representatives on December 16, 2009, and was agreed to in the Senate on April 29, 2010. The text of the legislation can be found here. The bill was championed by Senator Dodd, who introduced S. 1739, companion legislation to the bill in the Senate. The Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act is named in honor of former Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl who was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in Pakistan, just four months after the September 11th attacks. Provisions in the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act will spotlight governments that seek to silence media opposition.This legislation calls upon the Secretary of State to greatly expand its examination of the status of freedom of the press worldwide in the State Department’s Annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. Specifically, the legislation requires the State Department to identify countries in which there were violations of press freedom; determine whether the government authorities of those countries participate in, facilitate, or condone the violations; and report the actions such governments have taken to preserve the safety and independence of the media and ensure the prosecution of individuals who attack or murder



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6cfb3f  No.8712097


And another dirty child molesting pedo walks

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000000  No.8712098

Dr Faustus

After Fauci deliberately ensured he was the last person to exit the stage, he attempted the sly signal of a ‘job well done’ in return to the salute he received from Jonathan Karl.


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d7d7f3  No.8712099

File: c0f0668e261d057⋯.png (15.04 KB, 408x384, 17:16, ClipboardImage.png)


try qmap.pub and type in words to search for.

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e0912f  No.8712100


==Notable== <871281 Virginia Giuffre in Hospital w/ suspected C19

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40354e  No.8712101

File: 5e7126c348a7a02⋯.jpeg (27.84 KB, 244x355, 244:355, download_27_.jpeg)

File: df8a1e518808e6a⋯.jpg (30.25 KB, 346x292, 173:146, df8a1e518808e6a1b5ac4cef57….jpg)

File: 6acb4d1168edcfd⋯.jpg (27.26 KB, 512x274, 256:137, 6acb4d1168edcfd0dd7134aa4b….jpg)

File: 6cf68fa3f3bc474⋯.jpeg (27.89 KB, 220x275, 4:5, download_22_.jpeg)

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e4be44  No.8712102

HydroxyChloroquine has potential as a shield against chemotherapy/5G radiation?


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036db5  No.8712103


You don't want us divided against the JEWS……

OK Rabbi Finkelstein

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67cd33  No.8712104

File: d6d9ca791a6c3c3⋯.png (191.08 KB, 370x266, 185:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7eab90ff84158a6⋯.png (107.68 KB, 616x693, 8:9, ClipboardImage.png)

It's going down, I'm yellin' Timber!

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1b01a0  No.8712105



Confirm Handoff

if your still around baker'

can bakles

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23494b  No.8712106

File: 0a5b249b7ac83bd⋯.png (1.02 MB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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98ec65  No.8712107

File: af9a04e94d92bff⋯.png (154.04 KB, 676x898, 338:449, 001et1.png)

UN Security Council to discuss COVID-19 pandemic in closed session on Thursday

Last Updated: Apr 07, 2020

UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations Security Council will hold a closed session on Thursday to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic, the first time the powerful UN organ is holding a meeting on coronavirus that has killed more than 74,000 people and infected over 1.3 million globally.

Council President for the month of April, the Dominican Republic, said it has formally scheduled a closed video-teleconferencing (VTC) "regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the issues that fall under the UNSC manda ..

Read more at:


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af7580  No.8712108



Go look for yourself.

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23a63f  No.8712109


>weak shills are weak

not much imagination either, have reused this lame line countless times

how about "weak shills are repetitive and mindless" instead

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d7d7f3  No.8712110


will this wake up even more people?

are there (many) other charges to be filed against him?

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f31bf5  No.8712111



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22998f  No.8712112


He’ll gladly take it because he is the one doing the tracking, not being tracked like all of us. No vaccine. No more travel for you. No vaccine no government assistance.

Enjoy y/our internment camps.

BTW I think the coolest thing about this board is how fucking impossible it is to post anything on it. Nice Q deterrent fucktards

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b15ae1  No.8712113



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22998f  No.8712114


Sure hope so

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d7d7f3  No.8712116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this is from Sundays service ar harvest church.

Phil Wickham- God of Revival


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899efc  No.8712117

File: ec227b812d215f5⋯.png (510.15 KB, 908x764, 227:191, 001etus1.png)

Chinese Regime Hoards Global Inventory of Medical Supplies

Leading to Growing Shortage Outside China

April 6, 2020 Updated: April 6, 2020

"As the pandemic has spread throughout the world, hospitals have become overwhelmed by CCP virus patients.

N-95 masks, medical protective suits, goggles, surgical gloves, disinfectant, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machines, and medical ventilators have become critical supplies to treat patients or protect medical workers from being exposed to the virus."



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c55608  No.8712118

I know 80% of people who post here are special needs but I'm going to give the 20% the benefit of the doubt a few more weeks. After that I'll decide if it's worth it to save a few more lives. Or leave you to fend for yourselves.

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6716e3  No.8712119

5g link to COVID19… could it really be?

Obviously there have been other notables about this already but something POTUS mentioned jumped out to me. Trump referenced Zinc specifically a few times so I did a quick search and found that it is used to treat symptoms of radiation therapy.

Several studies offer conflicting results about the use of zinc to preserve sense of taste following head and neck radiation therapy, but one well designed study determined that it did not.


SENSE OF TASTE? Sound Familiar?

Additional sauce for zinc/taste… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3724372/

There was also a video with David Icke (censored by YouTube earlier) where he talked about 5G causing a cellular response. I also found that HCQ also is used with chemo treatments for a very specific reason… "and at the same time use Chloroquine to inhibit the process through which the cancer cells will try to eat themselves during the treatment in order to survive. Indeed, Chloroquine is a potent blocker of autophagy and has been demonstrated in a lab setting to dramatically enhance tumor response to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and even anti-hormonal therapy."

Here is the website and the David Icke sauce that has been reposted.



Sorry if the format is off… new to the contribution effort. /unemployed

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c55608  No.8712120



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24d2eb  No.8712121




Great dig.

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d7d7f3  No.8712122

File: 3820d36527c8c53⋯.png (546.41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


where are the old shills??

why is there only stupid as fuck newshill material?

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899efc  No.8712123

File: 76bae29806a078e⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2360x1840, 59:46, qtimeF.png)

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2b6ff4  No.8712124

Carnival Shares Climb Monday After Saudis Buy 8.2% Stake in Cruise Line

Carnival Corp. (CCL) shares jumped after the Saudi sovereign investment fund disclosed a stake of 8.2%, or 43.5 million shares, in the cruise line .

The Saudi Public Investment Fund is now the third largest stakeholder in the company, which has a market cap of about $7 billion.

The investment fund's stake in the company is valued at nearly $370 million.

While the timing of the fund's investment is unclear, the fund did not own any Carnival stock as of its fourth-quarter SEC filing, Barron's reported.

According to the latest filing, the fund's investment in Carnival topped 5% on March 26.

At last check Carnival shares were 21% higher at $10.29.

The cruise line industry broadly has suffered in the wake of outbreaks of the coronavirus on cruise ships and the cancellation of vacation plans worldwide.

In late March, four passengers aboard Carnival's Holland America's Zaandam cruise ship died and two people on board tested positive for coronavirus.

Recently, the company increased its dollar-bond sale to $4 billion from $3 billion and lowered its interest rate for the bonds to about 12% from 12.5%.

Knowledgeable sources told Bloomberg that the increased amount stemmed from the company’s decision to drop a euro-denominated tranche.

The company originally tried to sell notes in both currencies to investors in the U.S. and Europe, Bloomberg reported.

The company late last month suspended its dividend.

Cruise lines were not part of the government's recent $2 trillion fiscal stimulus package in response to the coronavirus.


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d7d7f3  No.8712125


it not 80% but in this bread rather 90+% bs.

and this is not posted by anons, but by clowns.

and all those clowns are worth to being saved, but, it´s their own decision, an easy one.

repent - and be saved.

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c55608  No.8712126


Is a Japanese name not Chinese retard.

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01a020  No.8712127

>>8710186 (pb)

What year was this? He's spot-on.

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c56f3f  No.8712128

File: 4b2e8b9d3dcfc9a⋯.png (472.22 KB, 470x698, 235:349, RPUSELF1.png)

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9a838b  No.8712129

File: f74a3962b008ce1⋯.jpg (13 KB, 213x255, 71:85, f74a3962b008ce1960e8b8a859….jpg)



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b15ae1  No.8712130

File: c8693c7fbe526b9⋯.jpg (128.9 KB, 800x1430, 80:143, c8693c7fbe526b9689d10b6d9f….jpg)


Why do you defend people who suck baby dicks?

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212372  No.8712131

File: 3a45ff4771e0316⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 540x792, 15:22, iceberg.jpg)


Baker Notable

The artist formerly known as Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts in Hospital right now being tested for Covid-19.

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410ba0  No.8712132

File: f9d0d6afa8673fc⋯.png (720.56 KB, 1125x1412, 1125:1412, gotime.png)

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319292  No.8712133

File: 860d5c2c1322d32⋯.png (67.78 KB, 1020x336, 85:28, ClipboardImage.png)


Big fucking surprise

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b83cf6  No.8712134

Very nice calculated risk Q and plus. It’s a huge, yuge gamble, but balls are needed to make real change happen. I hope it works out the way you plan.

I look forward to the day of the rope. You’ve never mentioned it, but this is what we the people want. I want Schiff, Pelosi, and waters hanging from a tree. I know you are not going to deliver that, you know our info, let us destroy them. What’s the hold up? World pandemic is no reason to not kill the traitors.

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01a020  No.8712135

>>8710349 (pb)

That's why I'd get a dog.

Not just "where's me dinner?", stalk you and piss on everything.

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d7d7f3  No.8712136


you seem to have access to the same memes, but how comes your shill fu is so much weaker compared to the clowns that were here a few months ago?

where have they all gone?

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bd5b2f  No.8712137

File: 8e1e4e194860a51⋯.jpeg (54.62 KB, 490x550, 49:55, bug_twatter_takanawa.jpeg)

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24d2eb  No.8712138


What a great silent war.

(((They))) spread fear.

I release (and stockpile) the cure for Cancer.

Moves and Counter Moves.

Hit them where it hurt$.

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0231c0  No.8712139

File: 38d8c782a440619⋯.webm (8.38 MB, 640x480, 4:3, fauxiNewAndDidNothing.webm)


POTUS calls out dr. fauxi ( without naming him ) as someone from previous administration/s who warned of a coming pandemic but did nothing to prepare for it

>>8695766 pb

>>8710472 pb

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c56f3f  No.8712140

File: f105af39398d349⋯.png (255.56 KB, 984x870, 164:145, 001zh2.png)

UK Cops Broadcast "Corona Rap" To Make People Stay Inside

Tue, 04/07/2020 - 05:00

"In what some are lamenting as a perfect illustration of the state of law enforcement in the United Kingdom, a video shows a police officer performing a ‘coronavirus rap’ through a loudspeaker in an effort to make people stay inside their homes.

The full cringe is as follows;

Yo, this is Derby Police.

Don’t be afraid, we come in peace.

The government said so listen up quick.

Take our advice and you may not get sick.

Stay at home whenever you can.

Don’t go out on the streets with your fam.

Don’t walk around in two or more, or we’ll come knocking at your door.

Only go to the shop for essential things like bread, milk, fruit and cheese strings.

Go stretch your legs but only one time.

Do as we say or you might get a fine.

Please help us to fight this disease.

Lots of love from your favorite PCs."



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2b6ff4  No.8712141

Supreme Court Rebuffs Democrat National Committee Efforts to Extend Voting in Wisconsin

Part 1

The Supreme Court of the United States blocked a lower court ruling on Monday night that extended absentee voting in Wisconsin because of the coronavirus pandemic, granting a request from state lawmakers and the Republican National Committee to require that absentee ballots be postmarked by Tuesday in order to be counted.

The decision was five to four. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg led the liberal bloc in dissent, while the conservative majority issued an unsigned opinion emphasizing the unusual nature of the case and the narrow sweep of their decision.

The case is the first COVID-19 related dispute to reach the High Court. The sharp disagreement suggests the justices could struggle to maintain consensus as they navigate pointed pandemic issues on an accelerated basis. Other cases, such as challenges to virus-related restrictions on abortion, will likely reach the Court in short order.

Monday’s decision ends days of legal battles in two separate cases where Democrats sought to postpone or extend voting, while Republicans resisted. The frenzy culminated Monday afternoon when Wisconsin governor Tony Evers (D.) issued an unprecedented order postponing the election until June. Within hours, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Evers's order unlawful. The Supreme Court of the United States followed on Monday evening in a different case, which only concerned absentee ballot rules.

Though many states have postponed elections given the continued threat to public health, the Wisconsin legislature refused to reschedule Tuesday’s balloting. The Democratic National Committee and its affiliates in the state asked a federal judge in Madison for various exemptions to state election rules. Among other accommodations, the judge ordered election commissioners to accept absentee ballots as late as Tuesday April 13, despite a provision of Wisconsin law requiring submission by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

The U.S. Supreme Court said the judge was wrong to change election rules so close to the balloting.

"This Court has repeatedly emphasized that lower federal courts should ordinarily not alter the election rules on the eve of an election," the majority’s unsigned opinion reads.

Republicans warned that the grace period could encourage bad faith voting behavior, by which Wisconsinites wait to learn preliminary Election Day results and cast ballots strategically. That concern prompted the Madison judge to belatedly amend his order and require state officials to withhold election results until April 13.

The majority nodded to the GOP’s concerns, saying the extended absentee voter period "fundamentally alters the nature" of the race and compromises the integrity of process. It is doubtful, the majority added, that state officials could conceal election results without leaks.

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3404c9  No.8712142


It's truly amazing how often this is the case isn't it? Every single time.

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d7d7f3  No.8712143

File: 76d9411e8be8f7f⋯.png (13.76 KB, 598x173, 598:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8764e820506028e⋯.png (106.35 KB, 400x231, 400:231, YouShallRepent.png)

Luke 15:1-7

15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

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67cd33  No.8712144

File: c9f51fda90fc660⋯.png (324.31 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


I was thinking Fauci was something to do with 'selling his soul to the Devil' as in FAUST but I must be wrong, it actually means SICKLE in Sicilian so more of this then…

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aafbf4  No.8712145

File: b28b490238d93a5⋯.png (711.41 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 35D7861B_4546_468B_98EE_BF….png)

File: cacca87b88f0c6f⋯.png (468.34 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 9B14BA8E_0F4E_4A2A_A2BF_80….png)


Sorry, didn’t show pic I believe is General Flynn at Piccadilly Circus Winter 2013/2014.

Q sayin Gina met with General Flynn at Piccadilly Circus, London that Winter 2013/2014?

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2b6ff4  No.8712146


Supreme Court Rebuffs Democrat National Committee Efforts to Extend Voting in Wisconsin

Part 2

The opinion elsewhere underscored that it only addressed the question whether ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday to count.

"The Court’s decision on the narrow question before the Court should not be viewed as expressing an opinion on the broader question of whether to hold the election, or whether other reforms or modifications in election procedures in light of COVID-19 are appropriate," the opinion reads. "That point cannot be stressed enough."

Election officials have struggled to manage a surge in requests for absentee ballots and cannot guarantee delivery by Tuesday due to diminished postal service. The state issued a stay-at-home order on March 25, though there is an exception for participating in Tuesday’s election.

In legal filings before the High Court, Democrats argued that thousands of voters might be disenfranchised without a grace period for absentee ballots. They also predicted that polling places could become major vectors of transmission, especially since many polling places have closed consistent with public health orders. Ginsburg sounded a similar note in dissent.

"While I do not doubt the good faith of my colleagues, the court’s order, I fear, will result in massive disenfranchisement," she wrote elsewhere. "A voter cannot deliver for postmarking a ballot she has not received."

"They will have to brave the polls, endangering their own and others’ safety," Ginsburg added. "Or they will lose their right to vote, through no fault of their own."

Voters Tuesday will cast ballots in the presidential primary and elect municipal officers like mayors and school board members. A hotly contested race for the Wisconsin Supreme Court is also at stake. Evers has mobilized the Wisconsin Army National Guard to assist with election administration.

The case is No. 19A1016 Republican National Committee v. Democratic National Committee.

Case here: https://www.scribd.com/document/455306980/RNC-v-DNC-Order-Granting-Emergency-Stay#from_embed


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ace0e6  No.8712147


I don't believe either of them will escape. The don't need either to rat on the other…they already have what they need and the bitch and the slug just keep on adding to the pages in the sealed indictments.

There will not be a deal for either…both will stop wasting the world's oxygen.

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b15ae1  No.8712148

File: edf486a9d0d5563⋯.png (523.46 KB, 645x449, 645:449, edf486a9d0d55638ab75a8d10f….png)


I'll be fucking your grandparents.

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036db5  No.8712149


Toxoplasma gondii (the cat lady disease) cause substantive changes in the Psyche of the victim.

TP spreads by feces to host exposure, that's why both the cat's and the crazy lady no longer have a "thing" with cat shit.

The parasite alters them to think that shit is OK; it's how it spreads.

Anon has previously posted that TP may also alter the SEXUALITY of the host.

It may be, in fact it's highly likely, that TP causes gayness.

Homosexuals have Toxoplasma gondii, and that would explain their fondness for excreta, and their fondness for the dirt hole.

TP has taken over their minds, and it causes them to engage in behavior that is beneficial for the parasite.

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af0c09  No.8712150

File: eb41a6c4e4fd416⋯.png (151.29 KB, 996x1034, 498:517, va_1_Copy.png)

File: a142010305c411f⋯.png (601.43 KB, 996x1034, 498:517, va_2_Copy.png)

Epstein victim Virginia Roberts in Hospital, testing for Covid-19


'I’m so scared right now': Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts, 36, tweets from her hospital bed as she is tested for coronavirus after 'having trouble breathing'

Virginia Roberts has been admitted to hospital after displaying Covid symptoms

She is currently being tested, and has tweeted: 'I'm so scared right now'

US is now barreling towards the infection's projected peak day on April 16

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8f6455  No.8712152

File: 8dbba0412aaba12⋯.jpg (63.38 KB, 944x654, 472:327, StPeewee_pee_wee_herman_33….jpg)



You Never have to apologize

here anon.

You'll be back workfaggin in

no time so get comfy and thanks

for the dig-able goodies.

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d36b81  No.8712153


>Part 1

Fuck…. here we go.

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39c36d  No.8712154


Thank God, Rap is catching CV19. Will it finally die?

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af0c09  No.8712155

File: a5b11ef5b8e44c2⋯.png (400.73 KB, 1024x673, 1024:673, media_media_0c0d9f19_bd44_….png)

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71f9f8  No.8712156

File: 1886b8277c30c8d⋯.png (320.79 KB, 978x996, 163:166, 001inuk2.png)

Boris Johnson news – latest: PM spends night in intensive care

after coronavirus symptoms worsen

as Dominic Raab steps up

4 minutes ago

"Boris Johnson remains in intensive care at St Thomas’ hospital in London on Tuesday morning but he is not on a ventilator, the Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove has said.

There has been “no change” in the prime minister’s condition overnight, two sources close to him said, after he was given oxygen and moved into ICU on Monday following a deterioration in his coronavirus symptoms.

World leaders have sent message of support to Mr Johnson. It comes as foreign secretary Dominic Raab takes over the government’s response to the coronavirus crisis. Mr Gove described Mr Raab as “the person who is running the country”."



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566abc  No.8712157

File: 1e9f460d04c3b0c⋯.gif (139.1 KB, 490x550, 49:55, tt.gif)

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b15ae1  No.8712158

File: 2269977e9a6dd88⋯.jpg (168.6 KB, 1024x633, 1024:633, CkGgF2EUgAApL5r.jpg)

File: 6ec402cbde93bf9⋯.jpg (193.14 KB, 894x712, 447:356, 6ec402cbde93bf9dae59591623….jpg)

File: 665aef564fecc13⋯.jpg (874.36 KB, 1050x852, 175:142, 8a4.jpg)

File: 45055dd38745897⋯.jpg (179 KB, 810x685, 162:137, 45055dd387458975907a0b1bc0….jpg)

File: 2a81ea9fbf888e2⋯.jpg (710.32 KB, 1024x843, 1024:843, 1401039286259.jpg)

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30fa8c  No.8712159

File: eb4906690ba4540⋯.png (571.37 KB, 938x546, 67:39, flatten_the_curve_flateart….png)

File: f9fac80b211a268⋯.png (1.05 MB, 856x564, 214:141, flatten_the_curve_flateart….png)

File: c7c950db80d3c26⋯.png (404 KB, 615x3150, 41:210, flattening_the_curve_gemat….png)

File: bcfde7ba6eddf66⋯.png (367.53 KB, 611x3021, 611:3021, gematria_flatten_the_curve.png)

File: 5077471116b4651⋯.png (291.21 KB, 560x2931, 560:2931, flatearth_gematria.png)


Yes, and there are also Q posts stating that "disinformation is necessary," so factor that into what you find. Drops should be interpreted with date, time, spacing, q-drop number, gematria values, exact wording and "beneath the surface" messaging potentially contained within those words, all considered as well. And much more. In other words, good luck.

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790cea  No.8712160

File: a985ad109a665dd⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1176x7632, 49:318, deepfake.png)

Fake News starting to recycle "DeepFake" crap again.

Drudge Report has the link to the article.


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d7d7f3  No.8712161

File: 8df2c1662c70e4f⋯.jpg (29.81 KB, 760x428, 190:107, JaredKushner.jpg)

File: da5b76de9190a85⋯.png (257.39 KB, 532x560, 19:20, Natanyahu_attacked_by_Huss….png)

File: 19f0863c0548647⋯.png (810 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, POTUS_Netanyahu4_JPG.png)

File: cd54cf6cde8f4a2⋯.png (287.76 KB, 609x343, 87:49, PeaceDeal.png)

post propaganda


IP hop, post propaganda


IP hop, post more propaganda


very convincing.

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0e49c9  No.8712162

In Historic First, U.S. Labels Russian White Supremacists a Terrorist Group

Officials say they have grown alarmed at the threat posed by right-wing extremists.


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d7d7f3  No.8712163


more fake garrison memes?

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2b6ff4  No.8712164

Ilhan Omar: The Congresswoman from Iran

Ilhan Omar's long record of siding with Iran and against America.

Part 1

Ilhan Omar, the freshman Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, recently called for the Trump administration to lift, as an act of mercy and goodwill, its economic sanctions against Iran, a nation that has been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Retweeting a thread that blamed the American sanctions for the current shortage of medical supplies in Iran, Omar wrote: “We need to suspend these sanctions before more lives are lost.”

Omar's opposition to U.S. sanctions against Iran long predates the coronavirus era. When President Trump first announced their enactment in May 2018, Omar was still a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives. A few months later, following her election to Congress, she denounced the sanctions as a form of “economic warfare” that had “already caused medical shortages and countless deaths in Iran.”

From listening to Omar, one would never know that the U.S. government has long abided by a policy – which continues to this day – permitting the sale of “agricultural commodities, food, medicine, and medical devices to Iran” as a means of aiding the general population while punishing the theocratic regime in Tehran.

Omar was opposed not only to President Trump's imposition of sanctions against Iran, but also to his 2018 decision to withdraw the United States from the Iran Nuclear Deal that the Obama administration had negotiated three years earlier. To refresh your memory, the following were among the more noteworthy provisions of that disastrous agreement:

Iran was permitted to keep some 5,060 centrifuges, one-third of which would continue to spin in perpetuity.

Iran received $150 billion in sanctions relief – “some portion” of which, according to Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice, “we should expect … would go to the Iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region up until now.”

Russia and China were permitted to continue to supply Iran with weapons.

Iran was given discretion to block international inspectors from military installations and was assured that it would be given 14 days’ notice for any request to visit any site.

No American inspectors were given access to Iranian nuclear sites.

Iran's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program remained intact and unaffected.

Iran was not required to disclose information about its past nuclear research and development.

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bd5b2f  No.8712165


They really love that star. Up above the workers, almost makes it appear to be stating "we rule over you."

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c1fdfe  No.8712166

File: 7c8f8eb571328e4⋯.png (299.78 KB, 688x814, 344:407, 001etus2.png)

Trump Reaches Deal With 3M to Bring 55.5 Million Masks

to Healthcare Workers a Month

April 7, 2020 Updated: April 7, 2020

"President Donald Trump on April 6 announced the White House has “reached an agreement” with manufacturing giant 3M to bring more than 55.5 million N95 respirators to the United States a month to support healthcare workers.

“We have reached an agreement, a very amicable agreement, with 3M for the delivery of an additional 55.5 million high-quality face masks each month, so that we’re going to be getting over the next couple of months 166.5 million masks for our frontline healthcare workers,”"



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410ba0  No.8712167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is COVID-19 really an exosome and not a virus???

more with dr. andrew kaufman

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c55608  No.8712168


I'll leave that burden for you then. Enjoy I'm out, don't fail. or else.

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f31bf5  No.8712169

File: b040745778aa6fc⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Crazy_Coronavirus_nurse_2.mp4)

File: fc187b6a48688bd⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Crazy_Coronavirus_nurse.mp4)


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b15ae1  No.8712170

File: f4c06435e41a753⋯.png (976.23 KB, 613x678, 613:678, 1581764744530.png)

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0e49c9  No.8712171

File: 3ae804c72320f77⋯.png (97.82 KB, 722x768, 361:384, Screenshot_1814.png)

Riyadh is accused of exploiting vulnerabilities in telecommunications networks to track its citizens abroad.


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ac8cc9  No.8712172

File: 5b2e83729037978⋯.jpg (729.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_293.jpg)

File: ad6d3bd14b50eb0⋯.jpg (552.39 KB, 1362x922, 681:461, IMG_284.jpg)

File: ee3c6dcb74116e5⋯.jpg (352.93 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, IMG_291.jpg)

File: e0124f7716e105c⋯.jpg (610.96 KB, 960x1334, 480:667, IMG_292.jpg)

File: c082b94fabe52c9⋯.jpg (257.42 KB, 814x800, 407:400, IMG_282.jpg)

Our Father

Who arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom cum

Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread

And forgive us our debts

As we forgive those who are endebted against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

Bless Our Clean Ship with God's Graces.

May our enemies sink on their own rotting ship.

Amen 😇😘😇

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5007b1  No.8712173

File: 0020057f21ae861⋯.png (738.7 KB, 620x574, 310:287, ClipboardImage.png)

This article about a drug treatment for a Venezuelan viral disease has a molecule that looks like a lama.

β-d-N4-Hydroxycytidine Is a Potent Anti-alphavirus Compound That Induces a High Level of Mutations in the Viral Genome


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2b6ff4  No.8712174


Ilhan Omar: The Congresswoman from Iran

Ilhan Omar's long record of siding with Iran and against America.

Part 2

The U.S. agreed to provide technical assistance to help Iran develop its nuclear program, supposedly for peaceful domestic purposes.

Sanctions were lifted on critical parts of Iran’s military, including a previously existing travel ban against Qasem Suleimani, leader of the terrorist Quds force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Iran was not required to release American prisoners in its custody.

The U.S. and its five negotiating partner nations agreed to provide Iranian nuclear leaders with training courses and workshops designed to strengthen their ability to prevent and respond to threats to their nuclear facilities and systems.

Iran was not required to renounce terrorism against the United States.

Iran was not required to affirm its “clear and unambiguous … recognition of Israel's right to exist.”

Whatever restrictions were placed on Iran's nuclear program would all begin to expire – due to so-called “sunset clauses” – at various times over the ensuing 5 to 26 years.

Remarkably, all of this was perfectly fine with Ilhan Omar. The only thing that bothered her was the imposition of sanctions against an aspiring nuclear power whose leaders had repeatedly sworn their commitment to wiping the U.S. and Israel off the globe.

If you try to find an example of a single instance where Ilhan Omar has taken America's side in its dealings with Iran, you won't find one. Consider her reaction after President Trump ordered and carried out the targeted killing of Iranian terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad on January 3. “I feel ill a little bit because of everything that is taking place,” Omar said during a press conference. “And I think every time I hear of conversations around [possible] war [with Iran], I find myself being stricken with PTSD” – presumably a reference to her family’s flight from the Somali Civil War in 1991. Remarkably, Soleimani's tireless efforts at masterminding the murder of hundreds of American soldiers – and the maiming of thousands more – caused Omar no such psychological distress.

One of Omar's legislative assistants today is Mahyar Sorour, who last year mounted an unsuccessful campaign for a board seat with NIAC Action, the sister group of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC). Last July, NIAC, echoing Ilhan Omar, avidly supported a Democratic House Resolution calling for the United States to return to compliance with the Iran Nuclear Deal. Moreover, NIAC's founders and top officials have close ties to the Iranian regime. But none of this is enough to cause Omar to rethink her connections to NIAC.

Ilhan Omar is a member of the United States Congress, but she does not in any way protect and defend the interests of this country.


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1b01a0  No.8712175




Ghost Protocol Suspended

Self Confirming

Baker Has the dough

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e9e7b2  No.8712176

File: c7ce4a25d58e4f3⋯.png (475.92 KB, 398x616, 199:308, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Jame….png)

“The Cleansing of the Temple” Even Jesus had a swamp to drain…


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bd5b2f  No.8712177

File: 44caf01a6b454e3⋯.webm (7.06 MB, 476x264, 119:66, sax_rap_2020_04_06_23_32.webm)

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a38aeb  No.8712178

File: 4fc7f3dc85395b5⋯.png (465.24 KB, 1094x854, 547:427, 001msn1.png)

10,000 dead of coronavirus in USA, more fatalities than

six wars combined

3 hrs ago

"The USA reached a grim milestone in its fight against the coronavirus Monday: More than 10,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the nation.

That total surpasses the number of battle deaths from six U.S. wars combined, according to data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

VA data says a total of 9,961 soldiers died on the battlefield during these six wars: The American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Indian Wars, Spanish-American Warand Desert Shield/Desert Storm. The data does not include other deaths related to the wars.

Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.

U.S. officials have repeatedly likened the coronavirus outbreak to a military struggle, and members of the armed forces have joined in various efforts to help stop the virus' spread.

The USNS Comfort naval hospital ship was sent to Manhattan to help increase the city's medical capacity. Members of the National Guard and medical military personnel have been deployed to help hard-hit areas.

There were 10,986 deaths as of early Tuesday, according to the Johns Hopkins dashboard, which tracks the numbers""



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23494b  No.8712179

File: 5d72bc0dbb442c1⋯.png (392.3 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

do the kids have the plague or a bunch of other crazy diseases?

I'm imagining like a feral population of people that live in darkness and don't even have basic language skills that feed off the dead bodies of the fallen thousand of feet below the surface.

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c55608  No.8712180


What the hell is wrong with you loser?

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d7d7f3  No.8712181

File: 508cc3b8f3649ac⋯.png (752.38 KB, 1263x514, 1263:514, ClipboardImage.png)


Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

Acts 3:19

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2c78b8  No.8712182





Great dig and layout of info Anons!

Knowing some friends from the UK, including one who is former military and a truck driver (shout out to Gordy07!), there are lots of folks who braved Brexit and who are fighting still.

Boris is one of those faithful fighters and leaders that has the respect of many Brits.

Notable (“Trump Keeping Close Tabs on Close Friend Boris”)

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8f6455  No.8712183

File: 54d265305e7bcf4⋯.jpeg (14.82 KB, 360x360, 1:1, faggot.jpeg)



Yea just some pantifa

faggot trying to milk this

board into spergin out.

Nothing to see here.

The push for selling disinfo

is going to get spicy on this

board today. There is a buzz

among lefties to shill bullshit

here today on the Twatter

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23494b  No.8712185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Silent Enemy

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6716e3  No.8712186

File: 2a3e325ae696225⋯.jpg (142.64 KB, 704x812, 176:203, IMG_20160424_093722.jpg)


Thanks for the warm welcome.

Glad I am able to stay home during this time if I am being honest. Hopefully I do get back to the grind once we get through this. However some say I am an acquired taste…

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23a63f  No.8712187


>Hit them where it hurt$

people at the lower end of the economic ladder are being devastated right now, financial after effects will linger a long time as people will not spend money on nonessential goods or services for a period of time.Many will not have jobs to go back to when virus restrictions end.

Wealthy people will still be wealthy, even after some financial loss.

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008e1c  No.8712188

File: d24423a08fef9e2⋯.png (355.2 KB, 662x653, 662:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 521d33938950ebb⋯.png (321.94 KB, 580x394, 290:197, ClipboardImage.png)

>green folders





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e4be44  No.8712189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The 5G bomb that went off that you probably didn’t hear.

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a38aeb  No.8712190

File: 017d00604bb1235⋯.png (553.88 KB, 1248x1004, 312:251, 001ap2.png)

Celebrities reveal new sides during virus, but face backlash

2 hours ago

"Portia de Rossi has been teaching herself how to cook during the coronavirus lockdown. It’s been an eye-opening experience for the actress — and for her fans.

She’s cut herself and been burned, yes. She’s also discovered she doesn’t like some Indian flavors and that her longtime wife, talk show host Ellen Degeneres, isn’t a fan of curry and garbanzo beans.

“We’re learning a lot about each other in quarantine!” she admits on Instagram.

We are indeed learning a lot about each other these days, and that’s especially true with our celebrities. Social distancing has meant they have no army of publicists or glam squad. They’re bored and unfiltered — and often incredibly relatable.

Cardi B recently inexplicably ran headfirst into a massive Jenga tower and a daffy Madonna sang her hit “Vogue” into a hairbrush but changed the lyrics to include fried fish. Hillary Swank learned to crochet — and now has a new knit hat to prove it. Ariana Grande showed off her natural hair and Marlee Matlin put on her old wedding dress. “I’m losing my mind but what else is there to do?” she wrote.

Stuck inside, Justin Bieber reverted to a childhood objective. Clad in a onesie and a winter hat, the singer attempted a round of “ The Floor Is Lava ” in his massive living room, leaping onto cushions, chairs, foot stools, two skateboard and a roller. The video has been seen over 9 million times.

“I think now people need the human touch even more, and I think celebrities really understand that,” says Neal Schaffer, a social media strategy consultant whose new book is “ The Age of Influence.” “People want to relate to real things, real people.”

While some influencers and stars continue to post a flood of flattering, carefully stage-managed images with every hair in place, others are indeed mirroring us — unshaven, unwashed and not ashamed.

“When I drink, I get really, really brilliant ideas,” the singer Pink confessed recently. “And last night, I got an idea — I can cut hair.” She then reveals some choppy, shaved spots on her head.

Celebrities, it turns out, really are just like us: They get drunk and do stupid stuff, too. And they’re like us in another way, too: Pink later announced that she also had contracted the virus.

The coronavirus has also unlocked places we never expected to go, like Selena Gomez’s bathroom and inside Broadway star Adrienne Warren’s bathtub. We’ve gotten to inspect Rosie O’Donnell’s messy garage/art studio."

moar hollyweird playing their role:


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b15ae1  No.8712191

File: 5fbd06d38b7154f⋯.jpg (560.75 KB, 1050x802, 525:401, You_need_to_login_to_view_….jpg)

File: 8a964a6c0b5fb13⋯.png (124.66 KB, 500x463, 500:463, this_is_your_fault_turn_in….png)

File: db8147df5cb6725⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1200x930, 40:31, db8.png)

File: d70dd04ae2027e8⋯.jpg (419.95 KB, 764x600, 191:150, d70.jpg)

File: ba8097b725cb7cb⋯.jpg (669.7 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, f62.jpg)


Are you asking me for more?

Sure buddy! No problem!

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bd5b2f  No.8712192

File: d09dfd9940451ee⋯.jpg (206.48 KB, 511x511, 1:1, always_deceiving.jpg)


The shapeshifter will assume any form to manipulate their host.

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39c36d  No.8712193

File: 18eba99743a25d4⋯.png (9.77 KB, 493x245, 493:245, WRWY555Q.PNG)


>55.5 million masks

Post 555 We are with you

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3876e0  No.8712195

>>8711763 (PB)

yes! > Have you ever had the machine code going on in your head after the Dial up tone....?

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8caa81  No.8712197

I have the discernment and analytical acumen of a seer who’s observed the lifecycle of a thousand dying stars.

Not of my own, but of Gods.

Praise be the Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise be to the Father.

Praise be to the Holy Spirit.

Praise be to the triune God, who has eternally existed and has preordained all things.

May I decrease while he increases.



Obvious. Turn off Ads.

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b215c9  No.8712198

File: 80299e30b0b3ace⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Nice article of who's who for the normies, sorry if already posted,


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3525e2  No.8712199


AIROBI, Kenya, Apr 7 – The inbound and outbound ban on Kenyans from four counties seen as coronavirus hotspots has caught many Kenyans off guard, more so those who wanted to retreat upcountry amid harsh economic times in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

The counties affected by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive are Nairobi whose ban took effect 7pm on Monday, April 6, and Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale where the 21-day cessation of movement into and out of the respective counties will take effect on Wednesday.

The country has so far recorded 158 infections with 6 deaths and 4 recoveries.

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b5d741  No.8712200

File: 5d018048304c2c4⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1105x737, 1105:737, 5d018048304c2c4a2237fb8dd4….png)


Thanks Baker

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5007b1  No.8712201



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b03b6e  No.8712202

'Record-breaking' ozone hole has formed over the Arctic due to a 'polar vortex' caused by freezing temperatures in the atmosphere

By Ryan Morrison For Mailonline

10:03 BST 07 Apr 2020 , updated 10:03 BST 07 Apr 2020


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087526  No.8712203

>>8712175 GM Baker and TY Baker - have you already harvested notes?

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3315ea  No.8712204

Update: The deepfake newlines are corresponding with crooked's court appearances.

There's an appearance this Friday, 4/10/20.

The MOCKINGBIRD press know /OurGuys/ have a nuclear video that'll bring her foundation and all those connected to it, down.

Real Picture vs deep fake propaganda.

Be ready~

>New Deepfake AI app that creates nudes from pictures

Deep State stoogies are so scared they've driven their main attack through our biggest exploitative surface: desire.

They're normalizing the population to fake videos, in an effort to desensitize the impact of real picture


>Traitorous Ex-prez with an AK

>Crooked with a suitcase +++ + +++++

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bd5b2f  No.8712205

File: 52ca1b991187b15⋯.png (367.39 KB, 745x420, 149:84, a_man.png)


always deceiving

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e9e7b2  No.8712206

File: b5eb7b251b89bc7⋯.jpg (124.36 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 5e8b1fbb85f5407e941ef3c2.JPG)

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5007b1  No.8712207


Let's home they use ZOOM

Because it is very hackable and we can all learn their secrets

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c55608  No.8712208


If you ain't got nothin you got nothin to lose, how does it feel?

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81ae6f  No.8712209


>having trouble breathing

Me too, when wearing a mask.

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c65ccc  No.8712210

File: 4952580f6a61099⋯.png (377.83 KB, 376x740, 94:185, Clipboarder_2020_04_07_015.png)


>>8711756, >>8711820 /LB

QPost# 328


d_a_rkness. darkne_s_s. _reveal_ darkness. Light will defeat darkness. Q


== > AS Traitor/Pawn


d_a_rkness. darkne_s_s. _reveal_ darkness. Light will defeat darkness. Q

>>8711756 /LB

>YT site called Darknes2Light and watched stories of abuse survivors.

Darknes2Light: Highlight the Stories of Real Victims

…so we Anons, Bakers, Patriots alike can be reminded of one of the…

Reasons to Be United to Fight and Win

And this is a notable cause!



Prevention Tips

8 videos 233 views Updated 5 days ago


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008e1c  No.8712211

File: d5215ad95581066⋯.png (104.39 KB, 280x241, 280:241, ClipboardImage.png)

Was AIDS / HIV a manufactured epidemic for easy access to blood (and other things)?

A top-to-bottom solution.

Funding / Access / Research / Hidden Slush Funds

ALL Foundations and Charities need to be done away with.

The non-profit model has failed.

Its a veil, nothing more.

I'd venture to say in the long run, worldwide, more people are hurt than helped from the lot of them.

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3315ea  No.8712212


Found the China sympathizer

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67cd33  No.8712213

File: 7a8554e16e4971d⋯.png (343.87 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClipboardImage.png)



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2b6ff4  No.8712214


Pure speculation here. But the living children are eating off the dead. Gruesome thought I know. But if it's true that some bodies have bite marks and military is being issued barf bags before they go in, just imagine. Just imagine.

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c55608  No.8712215


made in China.

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1b01a0  No.8712216


working on it noaw

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39c36d  No.8712217


>10,000 dead of coronavirus in USA, more fatalities than six wars combined

Only 60,000 shy of average annual flu deaths in the US.

But hey, anything to scare the sheep into submission. We still got 8 months to go.

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087526  No.8712219

>>8712216 Here are some -


>>8712162 US labels Russian White Supremacists a Terror Group

>>8712171 Saudi Arabia accused of tracking it's citizens abroad

>>8712081, >>8712150 Pr. Andrew accuser, Virginia Guiffre hospitaliized/being tested for COVID

>>8712038, >>8712061, >>8712107, >>8712140, >>8712178, >>8712199, >>8712038, >>8712190 COVID newz

>>8712046, >>8712053, >>8712156 Boris Johnson reportsm

>>8712049, >>8712076, Cardinal Pell - cleared by Australia's highest court

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c55608  No.8712220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000  No.8712221

You ask, what is our policy? – It is to wage war.

You ask, what is our aim? – It is victory.

Winston Churchill

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af0c09  No.8712222


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2e8b40  No.8712223

File: 2e617087c933010⋯.jpg (112.74 KB, 800x899, 800:899, 3287fbd24836a6c36637aaa7ca….jpg)


Gates saying similar things:


'''In a recent candid interview, Bill Gates outlined that, despite the comparatively small threat of Coronavirus, he and his colleagues “don’t want a lot of recovered people” who have acquired natural immunity. They instead are hoping we become reliant on vaccines and anti-viral medication.

Shockingly, Gates also suggests people be made to have a digital ID showing their vaccination status, and that people without this “digital immunity proof” would not be allowed to travel. Such an approach would mean very big money for vaccine producers.'''

I am starting to hope Gates is first.

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107722  No.8712224


NWO rolling out their agenda by the minute

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2b6ff4  No.8712225


Meant to say, "But WHAT IF the living children are eating off the dead?"

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008e1c  No.8712226

File: 30a8f42b2f41ec0⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1271x800, 1271:800, ClipboardImage.png)


>made in China.

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6cfb3f  No.8712227

Any UKfags out there? Is your deputy PM also anti EU/globalist etc like Boris?

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be2bdf  No.8712228


Imagine the smells down there, let alone the visuals….

God Bless them all…..

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76f46e  No.8712229

File: f5c9fe150d57883⋯.png (735.82 KB, 1260x982, 630:491, 001ap3.png)

File: 074e655f5dcf26c⋯.png (16.9 KB, 754x584, 377:292, Q_1763_CHURCH_ABUSE.png)

Timeline of Cardinal George Pell’s career and accusations


"CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s highest court on Tuesday dismissed Cardinal George Pell’s convictions on charges he molested two choirboys in a cathedral more than two decades ago.

Some events in Pell’s career and the criminal case:

July 16, 1996: Auxiliary Bishop George Pell is appointed archbishop of Melbourne. A former choirboy later testified Pell molested him and a friend that December inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

March 26, 2001: Pell becomes archbishop of Sydney.

Oct. 21, 2003: Pope John Paul II makes Pell a cardinal.

Feb. 25, 2014: Pope Francis appoints Pell to the powerful position of Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy.

April 8, 2014: One of the choirboys dies of a heroin overdose at age 31 without alleging the crime and having told his mother he had not been abused.

Aug. 5, 2014: Victoria state police establish a task force to investigate how religious and other nongovernment organizations handled abuse accusations.

June 18, 2015: The surviving choirboy gives his first statement to detectives outlining criminal allegations against Pell.

Dec. 23, 2015: The task force publicly appeals for information relating to allegations of sexual offenses while Pell was Melbourne archbishop.

March 1, 2016: Pell begins testifying by video link from Rome to the Australian child abuse inquiry. Pell was critical of how the church had dealt with pedophile clerics in the past but denied he had been aware of the extent of the problem.

Oct. 19, 2016: Detectives go to Rome and question Pell. Pell hears details of the choirboy’s allegations for the first time.

June 29, 2017: Police charge Pell with multiple counts of historical sexual assault offenses, making him the most senior cleric to be charged in the church’s abuse crisis. Pell denied the accusations and took a leave of absence to return to Australia to defend himself.

July 26, 2017: Pell makes his first court appearance on charges that he sexually abused multiple children in Victoria state decades earlier. Details of the allegations were not made public. Pell vows to fight the allegations.

May 1, 2018: A magistrate commits Pell to stand trial. He pleads not guilty to all charges.

May 2, 2018: A judge separates the charges into two trials, the first dating to his tenure as Melbourne archbishop and the other when he was a young priest in Ballarat in the 1970s.

Dec. 11, 2018: Jury unanimously convicts Pell on all charges in the Melbourne case.

Feb. 26, 2019: Suppression order forbidding publication of any details about the trial is lifted. Prosecutors abandon trial on the Ballarat charges.

March 13, 2019: Judge announces Pell is sentenced to six years in prison on five sex abuse convictions and must serve three years and eight months before he is eligible for parole.

Aug. 21, 2019: Victoria state Court of Appeal rules 2-1 to uphold the convictions.

April 7, 2020: High Court’s seven judges unanimously agree to dismiss all convictions and Pell is released from prison."


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c55608  No.8712230


trump loves cheep china slave labor crap.

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8f6455  No.8712231

File: 14cca2d79fe1a56⋯.jpg (90.55 KB, 601x500, 601:500, 93157c301ffae049d9ba3cdeb8….jpg)



CheQQn Quadds

Four the chaos frog GOD

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b03b6e  No.8712232

File: adb417e90110d66⋯.jpeg (609.27 KB, 1218x1056, 203:176, F4FE7933_649B_4D0B_93FC_C….jpeg)

2029 Photo huh

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2c78b8  No.8712233

File: 334f170452eaf1c⋯.jpeg (437.16 KB, 1001x1666, 143:238, D7F7F6CC_31AF_40EB_8025_E….jpeg)

File: 7f74272ba492050⋯.jpeg (585.43 KB, 1061x1571, 1061:1571, 7A5F4B59_3627_44D7_AA20_C….jpeg)

File: 4e542d3b3b86c07⋯.jpeg (557.85 KB, 1006x1770, 503:885, 09038273_B4C4_4389_B7A4_5….jpeg)


Friendly suggestion: Compare with other results from the CDC, etc.

>Deaths: People dying WITH Covid19, not necessarily FROM Covid19.

Some images from Cook County, Illinois medical examiners office.

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3525e2  No.8712234

Vinolia Mashegos’ family have confirmed the sad passing of the actress and presenter who died in her sleep at her home in Mamelodi on Saturday. She had not been ill at the time of her death.

According to Sowetan, Mashego’s father Collins and younger sister Prelley Seale said that they had found Vinolia’s lifeless body in her bed at her home in Mamelodi, Pretoria. No foul play is suspected and it is believed she died of natural causes in her sleep. She was 57 years old.

V-Mash, as she was affectionately known was a trailblazer in the ’80s and ’90s on South African television. Instantly recognisable everywhere she went by her over the top outfits and blonde hair, her captivating personality and quick wit made her hugely popular as a presenter on the show Jam Alley. She was also a well-respected actress and appeared on many a Sepedi SABC drama in the 1980s.

At the time of her passing she was a presenter on the Moja Love prank show Bheka Sikubambile. The SABC was one of the first to pay tribute to her saying, "The SABC has learnt with sadness of the passing of the renowned TV presenter and actress, Ms Vinolia Mashego. Our heartfelt condolences to the Mashego family".


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46540c  No.8712235

File: 5db4eca0cf08b33⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 883x500, 883:500, 3vp2ga.jpg)

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81ae6f  No.8712236



Frontpagemag… so trustworthy.

David Horowitz.

Zionist jew propaganda.

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b03b6e  No.8712237



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cb1339  No.8712238


For 2016 specifically, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows 37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day.[2]

Also more deaths than 6 wars

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f18ca0  No.8712239

File: 14e8770ce2e3200⋯.png (53.78 KB, 856x422, 428:211, Screen_Shot_2020_04_06_at_….png)

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76f46e  No.8712240

File: 839bc4fbacd905c⋯.png (431.27 KB, 784x994, 56:71, 001pv1.png)

Gov. Murphy blasts ‘jackasses’, ‘knuckleheads’ who continue to violate state’s social distancing guidelines

APRIL 07, 2020

"New Jersey is continuing to crackdown on violators of the state's stay-at-home order.

As some residents across New Jersey continue to violate the state’s social distancing guidelines to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, Gov. Phil Murphy has been getting more blunt with his feelings over those who have chosen not to abide by his executive order to stay at home.

Following remarks on Monday by Colonel Pat Callahan, who serves as Superintendent of the State Police, Murphy shared a photo during his daily briefing of a soldier carrying a donkey across a field. He explained that the soldier was carrying the donkey because the field was covered in landmines, and if a donkey were to wander off on their own, they were likely to set a landmine off.

Murphy used the anecdote to illustrate how violators of the state’s ban on all private and public gatherings are endangering the public health and safety of the state. Like the soldiers, Murphy said that New Jersey is “at war” and cannot avoid any missteps.

“To all the jackasses out there, who we now have to carry to make sure they don’t make life worse for the rest of us, we know who you are and we will not relent,” Murphy said on Monday. “There’s a vast minority who are ruining it for the rest of us. So to all the jackasses and to all the knuckleheads out there, get with the program. We will not relent until we have 100% compliance.”"



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67cd33  No.8712241


>>8712214There's no credible source for this 'news' I'm waiting for something more than charles holms whats his face

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5007b1  No.8712242

File: 37393852e77f975⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1275x1700, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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2b6ff4  No.8712243


In this case, I don't really care who wrote it. It's a good article on her supporting Iran.

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c7d88d  No.8712244

File: 639df3192546b49⋯.png (111.94 KB, 1381x936, 1381:936, nwo.png)


wasn't on the boards yet in 2018. Was the meaning of NWO figured out? Potentially Network Warfare Operations? Seems to fit well with Q

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76f46e  No.8712245

File: cb8eda949c0cb28⋯.png (8.55 KB, 802x474, 401:237, Q_304_SICK.png)

File: 9edbd57a9edcc96⋯.png (12.73 KB, 800x626, 400:313, Q_414_SICK.png)

File: 071e645e0e2ec90⋯.png (11.79 KB, 800x586, 400:293, Q_694_SICK.png)

File: 2bff954eb42cab7⋯.png (13.25 KB, 812x648, 203:162, Q_942_SICK.png)

File: 707576460297026⋯.png (14.43 KB, 800x640, 5:4, Q_1616_SICK.png)



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01adab  No.8712246


And meanwhile we are all confined to our house and have lost all autonomy. Hanging out for the state to save us all.

“The world must come together” said the Queen.

One. World. Government.

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5007b1  No.8712247

File: 8a94400519d6033⋯.png (1.16 MB, 672x942, 112:157, ClipboardImage.png)


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3315ea  No.8712248


You're talking to an IRGC loveboi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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b15ae1  No.8712249

File: cd6871346f17e0b⋯.jpg (19.98 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1580179356699.jpg)

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effedf  No.8712250

File: ce579288546f51d⋯.png (132.37 KB, 796x778, 398:389, FBI_Affidavit_Dr_Charles_L….png)

File: 30c856ba652a16b⋯.jpg (102.54 KB, 750x544, 375:272, china_wheel.jpg)

File: 106ebed0f34ca8c⋯.png (96.93 KB, 556x237, 556:237, 20180412101821_5227.png)

Affidavit from FBI Officer Re: Dr. Charles Leiber's false

and misleading statements (not found on qresear.ch)


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23a63f  No.8712251

File: 618651a36640d53⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 236x236, 1:1, rasta.jpg)


>how does it feel?

sticky mostly

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2b6ff4  No.8712253

WTH is wrong with you, Anon? This shit doesn't belong here.

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2e8b40  No.8712254

File: 93b1780ab6bd862⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 768x534, 128:89, DestroyingMyChurch.jpg)


Some Anons had posited he was taking the fall for Francis and his group.

Dismissed it at the time, but now starting to wonder. Pope is going to have a bad May (Q 997). Are we going to see George Cardinal Pell blow the lid off the Vatican secrets?

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76f46e  No.8712255

File: 472f3b329e3e31f⋯.jpg (16.6 KB, 346x183, 346:183, POTUSNOTHINGMAINDS.jpg)

File: 3732c2a851a1c06⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1828x1774, 914:887, POTUSNOTHING1.png)

File: 249c0f02a618653⋯.png (1.28 MB, 3344x3316, 836:829, POTUSNOTHING3.png)

File: f948ae8aa8c7462⋯.png (3.09 MB, 3346x5236, 239:374, POTUSNOTHING7.png)

File: 88c9e81244a698c⋯.png (4.23 MB, 6704x5136, 419:321, POTUSNOTHING8.png)




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24d2eb  No.8712256

File: c562f30cf30fb17⋯.jpeg (376.29 KB, 1239x1826, 1239:1826, 538A6703_7EBB_4B11_A9F8_7….jpeg)

Saving Israel for last.

We'll Passover soon.

Israeli caretaker Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced the entire country will enter complete lockdown starting 4 pm on Tuesday until 7 am Friday.

This will also include a mandated home-confinement for all citizens from Wednesday׳s Passover Seder until 7am on Thursday, with citizens only allowed to venture outside up to 100 meters from their home during that time. All travel between cities will be banned, which appears to have already begun to be enforced by police.

Netanyahu further indicated some restrictions will remain in effect for the full holiday week, with some likely to be lifted gradually following the Passover holiday. It's being interpreted as a controversial move to prevent families from traveling to gather for Passover.


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81ae6f  No.8712257


Because the article is meant to attack Iran, by USING Omar for optics.

But you stupid zionist clowns here already know that.

Everyday you people fail and fail some more.

And I'm enjoying every second of it.

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39c36d  No.8712258


Nice and natural, except for the ugly brand on red's leg.

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ac8cc9  No.8712259

File: a84a37eae1a0fd3⋯.jpg (323.17 KB, 898x701, 898:701, IMG_238.jpg)

File: 8ee49af88ed3f9f⋯.jpg (580.77 KB, 1363x1023, 1363:1023, IMG_248.jpg)

File: 5f3986858f93e75⋯.jpg (269.84 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_247.jpg)

File: ae6fc957b2da03d⋯.jpg (314.28 KB, 735x1200, 49:80, IMG_259.jpg)

File: c38d30fdad934a5⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 500x517, 500:517, IMG_240.jpg)

Our Father

Who arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom cum

Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread

And forgive us our debts

As we forgive those who are endebted against us

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

May God sharpen the Sword of our minds.

May God dull our enemies.

Bless Our Clean Ship with God's Graces.

May our enemies sink on their own rotting ship.

Amen 😇😘😇

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3525e2  No.8712260


The British coastal survey under the codename 'Operation Sandstone' was carried out in 1950s amid fears by the US that Britain might be invaded by Russian forces.

The National Archives of the UK on 3 April revealed a secret plan on the UK liberation by the US in case of an alleged Russian invasion after World War II. The files include such information as possible obstacles for armed vehicles and tanks.

The records of the survey include many thousands of photographs, maps and pages of description that provide a rich record of the coast as it was in the 1950s. Gilfoye said that the research can "yet have an important role for environmental studies" since the survey was never used for its original purpose.

Operation Sandstone finished in 1966 and its files, following an extensive conservation and cataloguing project at The National Archives, were made available to the public.


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008e1c  No.8712261

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5007b1  No.8712262

File: fc9dc5d66ba0ab3⋯.png (810.25 KB, 503x640, 503:640, ClipboardImage.png)


Wakey wakey

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2b6ff4  No.8712263


Not a zionist clown here, Asshat!

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af7580  No.8712264

File: 3d0c76dbf25bbe7⋯.jpeg (9.49 KB, 600x360, 5:3, Nancy.jpeg)


Nancy Pelosi would like you to drop the hammer.

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2b6ff4  No.8712265


Yes, thanks!

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c55608  No.8712266


Fuck U Q

Fuck u trump

Donald J Trump grow a pair.

fuck q

fuck all you losers.

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672e0b  No.8712267


Just woke up. Man this place is dead in the wee hours. So many bewb posts. kek

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efdc51  No.8712268

I have a no call sign Alenia CN35 Spartan over Bridgeport at angels 6. "Spartans in Darkness"?

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b15ae1  No.8712269

File: 0e652a7be36a6cb⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 590x588, 295:294, 1580382205667.jpg)


Wanna come help me shitpost on TYT channel?

You get far less triggered people here.




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bd5b2f  No.8712270

File: cf890c0ddd6d3c8⋯.png (22.21 KB, 394x393, 394:393, 192.png)


Write Text: thesepeoplearesick

[20, 8, 5, 19, 5, 16, 5, 15, 16, 12, 5, 1, 18, 5, 19, 9, 3, 11]

x = [20, 8, 5, 19, 5, 16, 5, 15, 16, 12, 5, 1, 18, 5, 19, 9, 3, 11]



no way this is a coincidence

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cd0c7c  No.8712271

Boris 50-50 Chance


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c1fdfe  No.8712273

File: f196e186e986720⋯.png (1 MB, 1638x922, 819:461, qvolution.png)

I know it!

*bows humbly*

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c55608  No.8712274


The Catholic Church is fake news.

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b15ae1  No.8712276

File: 5bd66d67d679f42⋯.gif (120 KB, 600x487, 600:487, 1580133730227.gif)



You were so triggered you couldn't reply properly?

What are you? A fucking Bernie Sanders fan?

Grow a pair.

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2e8b40  No.8712277

File: d990fdcdec7236e⋯.jpg (59.15 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Notable.jpg)


Bakes, Notable

Anon finds hash coding in Q posts which connect to Wiki Clinton emails.

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0b0a74  No.8712278

File: 875d76a29a5059f⋯.jpg (92.08 KB, 800x413, 800:413, illegal_immigration_costs_….jpg)

File: fa39a497f9caaa0⋯.png (111.49 KB, 500x441, 500:441, immigration_mythbusters_my….png)

File: 8bebca5de6a4463⋯.jpg (233.47 KB, 981x974, 981:974, DJnBZpgVwAE027e.jpg)

Odd sauce but this isn't maga. Giving CV19 benefits to non-citizens.


Americans were surely relieved when the House passed the $2 trillion assistance bill to provide citizens with some protection from the economic ravages being wrought by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But what they may not know is that a substantial part of that sum is going to be spent on helping non-Americans – i.e., immigrants and so-called ‘refugees’.

The bill, which is the largest spending bill in American history, includes a provision which provides $350 million for “Migrant and Refugee Assistance” to the US State Department.

House Republicans objected to a number of the provisions in the original bill and several were removed from the version that was ultimately passed, but what is odd is that the Migrant and Refugee Assistance funding was actually increased from $300 million to $350 million as the bill evolved through negotiations, according to a report by Fox News.

Matt Gaetz, a Republican Congressman representing Florida’s first district, objected to the provision in a tweet. “Millions of Americans need help now,” he wrote. “Dangerous poison pills like $350,000,000 for ‘Migration and Refugee Assistance’ put America LAST. Democrats: This is not the time to advance your legislative agenda. This is the time to put #AmericaFirst.”

The bill also awards $25 million to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, and $75 million each to the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. (In the original version of the bill, both were to receive $300 million each.)

It’s unclear how the House believes that providing funding for immigrants helps Americans in their time of crisis. Indeed, given that the coronavirus first appeared in China, it was immigration which brought the virus to America in the first place. But it’s no secret that there are many in the US government who have goals other than looking after the interests of American citizens as their top priorities.

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446bfc  No.8712279

File: fd59444e275383d⋯.png (409.01 KB, 510x510, 1:1, bringthelodak.png)

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325512  No.8712280

File: c317ea2af3f30b8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1541x762, 1541:762, Screen_Shot_04_07_20_at_10….PNG)

File: 95b76ac7d30648c⋯.png (941.37 KB, 1541x762, 1541:762, Screen_Shot_04_07_20_at_10….PNG)

File: 4675b7d0cb7758b⋯.png (857.46 KB, 1541x762, 1541:762, Screen_Shot_04_07_20_at_10….PNG)

Just another weird day in Britain…

I'm central and a very loud aircraft went over, clear sky couldn't see it, must have been at very high altitude…. and not on ADS, but plenty of other miltary hardware up in the sky!

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efdc51  No.8712281


Update. ID now showing as _2314 but no squawk ident.

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672e0b  No.8712282


kek nice work

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3525e2  No.8712283


The Kyiv police have identified a man who allegedly started a mass fire in the uninhabited exclusion zone around the decommissioned Chornobyl nuclear plant last week. The police said on April 6 that a 27-year-old resident of the Rahivka village told investigators that he had set some garbage and grass on fire "for fun," Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) reported. Police launched a probe into the destruction of forestry, an offense which can be punished with hefty fines or imprisonment for up to five years.


unnamed suspect has not been charged yet.

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2b6ff4  No.8712284



GTFO, Dickwad. We should all be triggered by what you posted. Take your pedo crap elsewhere.

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e1d515  No.8712286


Anon, I made a detailed post about this in the last bread and was called a divisionfag because it made a mockery of that whole thing.

Anything can be searched for in the Wikileaks dumps, the search term isn't exacting.

If for example you search for the literal term "1XXXXXXX" you'll get the first E-mail in the drops.

If you search for literal "2XXXXXX" you'll get the second email in the drops.

When the Wikileaks search can't find an exact match, it defaults to the number to the left-most of the search string and pulls the numbered email from that.

In other words, unless your search term isn't found as a word, isn't found as an EXACT hash string, then it defaults to the left-most number instead.

ONLY if you search for a string that doesn't begin with a number does it return 0 results.

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3315ea  No.8712287



What a well timed goose hunt before Crookeds trial this Friday ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lets remember that /ouruys/ have a nuke-of-a-video of her, that the mockingbird Mahoney will spin off as a deepfake.

Why hunt rotten eggs when you can outplay our enemy~

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29bd25  No.8712288

File: 49ba6693b0df2c6⋯.png (595.63 KB, 955x587, 955:587, Screenshot_at_2020_04_07_0….png)

>kihl studio

>deep cuts

>all seeing eye

>blood drop patterns

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b15ae1  No.8712290

File: cdda7dcf3b3c789⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 236x330, 118:165, 1585287637435.jpg)


>Anons posts pictures of nude girls.

I am the sicko? Take a joke you faggot.

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11b57d  No.8712291

File: 5b72ff1bfd1af75⋯.jpg (52.91 KB, 500x340, 25:17, incorrecltylabeled.jpg)

>>8709359 pb

Queens birthday is the 21st.

People who watch these things say there's usually a death somehow connected to her birthday - or a funeral. And are wondering if BORIS is it.

==image is labeled incorrectl


William Gates 3 ["trey"?] is "Bill Gates" of Microsoft.

His father "the SECOND" is shown in the image.

as an aside: Bill Gates day has no known biographical details making him very outstanding except

CO-CHAIR of bill and melinda Gates Foundation.


Trey Gates MOTHER is a MAXWELL /died '94

GATES 2 shown in the pic,


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008e1c  No.8712292

File: 7bb39b746861d16⋯.png (524.69 KB, 777x526, 777:526, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f6455  No.8712293

File: 49ffe722836c5db⋯.png (129.15 KB, 243x475, 243:475, shill_tards_.png)





lookie what you found

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23a63f  No.8712294


>Bakes, Notable


>Anon finds hash

Always Notable

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efdc51  No.8712295


There have been no 2-reg planes for several days now. Unusual to say the least.

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617cba  No.8712296

File: b52f21094c2ab5b⋯.png (376.21 KB, 778x1066, 389:533, Q_191_VATICAN_VIPER_HEAD.png)

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB, 760x1145, 152:229, Q_1002_VATICAN_VIPER_NSA.png)

File: 144db5cea624cf9⋯.png (577.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, d8d6d1795849f4f868f17e2eba….png)

File: 01ccceabea30e55⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1356x1448, 339:362, ceyea111.png)

File: 186aa0beeff96f2⋯.png (561.41 KB, 1720x2532, 430:633, Q_154n911ceyea.png)

in her glass was a bleeding man

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c55608  No.8712297


my family is becoming mentally ill because of your garbage.

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bd5b2f  No.8712298

File: a95ac8a5d5ee8d9⋯.png (292.56 KB, 367x1505, 367:1505, Screenshot_2020_04_07_QMAP….png)


>Write Text: fantasyland

[6, 1, 14, 20, 1, 19, 25, 12, 1, 14, 4]

> x = [6, 1, 14, 20, 1, 19, 25, 12, 1, 14, 4]

> sum(x)


It would appear we have found a pattern.

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3525e2  No.8712299


Austria confirms it is maintaining its policy on migration and not accepting any more asylum seekers, although some 150 NGOs have pressured the country to accept Middle Eastern migrants stuck in Greece during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It remains a no,” said Claudia Türtscher, the spokeswoman for Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), according to Kronen Zeitung.

She referred back to Chancellor Kurz’s earlier warning against the EU transferring any migrants from Greece and attempting to redistribute them across the member states.

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2b6ff4  No.8712300


YOU posted the pedo condom meme. YOU, Faggot. GTFO.

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527a8e  No.8712302


How does this snap open? I thought people would snap out of it when they saw footage of bldg 7, fifteen years ago… but no.

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1b01a0  No.8712303


TY notez

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c55608  No.8712304

Q tell the truth or kill yourself.

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23494b  No.8712305

File: a976b366c96fa0d⋯.png (2.76 MB, 2398x1134, 1199:567, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 181a9fa96d58d6b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2322x1228, 1161:614, Screenshot_2020_04_07_at_0….png)


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5b39c7  No.8712307


The question is "are the email relevant to the posts", and how come we end up with the same bunch of about 7 emails.


This theory was discovered by me in ythe nightshift, and i wasnt sliding or shilling.

It probably came from 8kun to twitter.

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617cba  No.8712308

File: b025c774f28643f⋯.jpg (131.18 KB, 955x640, 191:128, 000fau34.jpg)

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466fa9  No.8712309

File: e660c75499471bd⋯.png (32.73 KB, 814x686, 407:343, wl105you.PNG)

File: 204596fa13e24a6⋯.png (32.11 KB, 820x673, 820:673, wl105.PNG)


It's not legit, it's a BS slide




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0b0a74  No.8712310


"Trump is easing us into the reality that China openly made the first shot in this War." then Trump has a really low opinion of his base and Americans.

What Trump needs to do is make propaganda illegal in the USA, especially since the media is feeding us Chinese propaganda.

Next he need to start taking people down for lying to the American people and start hanging people for treason. Otherwise it's all just fapping.

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b15ae1  No.8712311

File: 36d880165aaedba⋯.png (1.47 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 36d880165aaedbad59b9f7f59b….png)




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e0912f  No.8712312


What are they looking for in the north sea?

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effedf  No.8712313

File: a68c2b223b700e6⋯.png (88.93 KB, 741x531, 247:177, Amb_Birx_Antecdote_1983_HI….png)

John Kerry praises Dr. Birx. in 2014 – Remarks at Swearing-in Ceremony for Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator of the USG Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Deborah Birx

Dr. Birx' foreknowledge of AIDS/HIV in 1983 – her personal anecdotes never cease!


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c55608  No.8712314

Q and Q+ enough is enough the plan has failed you never had faith.

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3315ea  No.8712315

File: 80a3a2c2348d0cd⋯.jpg (629.36 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, LordsPrayer_MARKER.jpg)

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, OriginalGraphic.jpg)


We already have a patterns and you already know of well enough to create diversions away from it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Our correct way of finding Markers to build the Map

No post time to post number, germatica level desperation.

No 'q'clock clownery.



>News unlocks map.

>Future proves past.

>Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

>Which version?

>Why is this relevant?

>What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

>What can be connected?

>Do you believe in coincidences?

>Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Relevant news drops.

Their relevancy can be determined by their proximity to uncovering these Rings of control.

In this particular case, the Pope came out and suggested a change to the Lords Prayer.

When the Map of Q's Intel was read, this post fit:

>Who financed 9-11?

>Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

>Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

>Why not MI?

>If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

>Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

>WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

>Fantasy land.

>Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

>Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

>Why is this so very important to their agenda?

>We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

>We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

>[Lords prayer]

The first question was answered by the context of the Relevant News.

The Holy See financed 9/11, and had plans to exterminate more of us.

DECLAS will flood us with Markers [news stories] that correlate with past posts.

Be ready.

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5c820d  No.8712316

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, F4CCB6A3_8EAA_4F18_98AA_2E….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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0c57c0  No.8712317


Aw, dude,

If this triggers you, you got some shit to learn.

It gets way more bad than this, notice no one else takes offence?

Oh, it can get much worse….

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0a56d5  No.8712318

File: 3d1af02b8b35275⋯.jpg (73.27 KB, 484x415, 484:415, monkey.jpg)



anon is correct .its classic shill slide seen it many times, its been gone over many times..

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5b39c7  No.8712319




Sum of letter values of q signatures lead to relevant posts. "Learn to read the map"

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3315ea  No.8712320


Go marry your own projection again sweety~

Or blow your load too early.

Either are more hilarious than the disgrace you bring your masters 😂🤣😂

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c55608  No.8712321


These are trumps friends ,he's trying to be nice so they'll like him.

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008e1c  No.8712322

File: 085e4efe50bec50⋯.png (189.98 KB, 526x398, 263:199, ClipboardImage.png)


Old news anon.

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b15ae1  No.8712323

File: fbabe4f7060264a⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 720x720, 1:1, 1586152438650.webm)





>omfg too funny. How dare someone shitpost.

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a30554  No.8712324

File: e26f93f4ce2b80c⋯.png (196.19 KB, 950x872, 475:436, 001FOX1.png)

Skywatchers are in for a treat Tuesday when a super pink moon

lights up the sky.

“The moon will rise on the evening of 7 April and burn brightly all night long. You may even see it cast moon shadows on the ground,” explains Zoltan Toth-Czifra, founder of Under Lucky Stars, in a statement emailed to Fox News.

The pink moon, or April full moon, is the closest supermoon of the year, which means that it is the largest, according to EarthSky.

Supermoons happen when the moon’s elliptical orbit brings it to the closest point to the Earth while the moon is full. The phrase was coined in 1979, according to NASA."



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6aab96  No.8712325

File: eb093ba2bc54530⋯.png (937.46 KB, 857x684, 857:684, 2020_04_07_05_58_44.png)


>Chinese Regime Hoards Global Inventory of Medical Supplies

>Leading to Growing Shortage Outside China

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88591f  No.8712326



Make Earth Great Again O Truth

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2e8b40  No.8712327


They are always so obvious. Watch mouths. They can't get that down.

Is the video that we all fear (made cops sick) coming out? Obama and AK-47?

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b139ad  No.8712328


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5c820d  No.8712329

File: c8de85c5aea1241⋯.jpeg (34.03 KB, 852x294, 142:49, E8E92395_6B2C_4634_89B9_E….jpeg)


(Cover I.D.)

The option for the elites/DS/pedophiles to escape.

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b03b6e  No.8712330

File: 6c03b091c184660⋯.jpeg (480.66 KB, 1242x1527, 414:509, 7A362FA9_8807_4798_8143_B….jpeg)



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a30554  No.8712331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

well do ya, punk?

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e99aef  No.8712332

File: 86f6d72087e215f⋯.png (54.3 KB, 607x477, 607:477, pepis.png)

>>8708966 (lb) Chanel RIon ask the Q n sheeit.

One day this nice young lady will have to suck my hairy nutsack for sure. I have a dream.

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72512c  No.8712333

File: 52c17fd8a1dcc23⋯.png (798.2 KB, 2176x1778, 1088:889, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)

Treatment of Q fever endocarditis: comparison of 2 regimens containing doxycycline and ofloxacin or hydroxychloroquine

So I was looking up HCQ and Lyme's disease and stumbled on this article. I'm not a doctor and I don't know what Q Fever is but I thought this was funny:

* Q Fever, treated with hydroxychloroquine

* 17 people cured



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e0912f  No.8712335


>>Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

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555851  No.8712336

Dropping off an article that pooped up when I was looking into something else.

What is interesting to me is that this is a report from NBC. Now to us, it is old news but I know there are many people who still don't know about this. I thought, because it is from NBC, maybe some of the normies out there, might give it more credence, than if it came from an independent source. Perhaps it could help redpill some that are just not aware.

From June 19, 2019:


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bd5b2f  No.8712337


Please show us all your rank your fucking plebe

"We know everything! hurr durr!" they why the fuck have there been ZERO FUCKING ARRESTS!?

cock sucker.

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3315ea  No.8712338

By all means, try w[y]lie co[y]ote~

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3525e2  No.8712340


Sudan ruling partners to reform state institutions

April 6, 2020 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan’s ruling partners formed a joint committee to introduce quick reforms in state institutions and set a time matrix to implement it, a year after the collapse of the former regime.

One year after the collapse of the former regime, the Sovereign Council, the government and the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) recently held a meeting to assess the performances of Hamdok’s government.

Regardless of the economic challenges facing the country, the FFC pointed to the very slow pace of reforms and the continued presence of the intermediary cadre of the former regime in the state institutions.

After long discussions, the meeting agreed to form a joint committee including three members of the Sovereign Council, four ministers and eight FFC members.

"A joint committee has been formed between the ruling parties to implement a series of reforms in the public institutions within an agreed time frame," a participant in the meeting told Sudan Tribune on Monday.

According to the official who is not authorized to speak to the press, the committee will conduct reforms in the security services, in addition to implementing the agreed solutions on the economic crisis, external relations, justice, removal of the cadre of the former regime and the future of the partnership between the parties to the government.

Among the urgent matter discussed in the meeting the reform of the intelligence apparatus, the transfer of the ownership of economic and industrial companies from the security and military agencies to the government, dealing with security challenges in the country, ensuring the needed support to the committee to dismantle the former regime, and retrieving the confiscated funds and deliver it to the Ministry of Finance.

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85b5f7  No.8712341

Pray to God that he gives strength to our President, his army, and the suffering who are being saved.

May the Lord give us strength to resurrect their lives.


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e0912f  No.8712342



They are all heading to the bunkers, this was the best cover story ever…

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1ce0fc  No.8712343

When does Jamie Dimon start tweeting ankle monitor videos from Ellen’s house?

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008e1c  No.8712344

File: c207f086621ca0c⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 426x318, 71:53, Bush_President_Medal_of_Fr….mp4)

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efdc51  No.8712345

AZAZ09O9 flight leaving Andrews headed towards Newport News.

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93479f  No.8712347

File: 58f2b6e437f8c11⋯.png (292.43 KB, 565x560, 113:112, 58f2b6e437f8c11e6e6746834a….png)

>>8711869 casper

>>8711911 never forget

>>8712175 gotz da dough

luuks like kitchen is in guud hands. how is the lag? morn'n baker still waking up and get'n ready to start a covfefe. you have support bakes and I know you got your shill armor on!

will be lurking. -wnb out

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555851  No.8712349


Love it.

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5b39c7  No.8712350



It is legit. See:


What are the odds that all those weird symbols will hash to the same 5 emails?

Not saying it is a 100% true lead, but it is worth checking, given the fact that yesterday the anon gave a stringer the was hashed to a relevant email (hrc - cdc - global health initiative connection)

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c1beb9  No.8712351


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008e1c  No.8712352

File: 25977bc83394107⋯.png (347.28 KB, 788x462, 394:231, ClipboardImage.png)

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7460c4  No.8712353

Mornin Ralph.


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71454d  No.8712355

File: 5e5c794e6016256⋯.jpg (177.11 KB, 657x1826, 657:1826, lAWo3ovu9T.jpg)


IIRC Anons started the numbering of posts.

You might go back and look into that before digging to far.

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30bbac  No.8712356

Question for Q: Can we in South Africa trust Ramaphosa? There are rumours they are waiting to roll out Operation Chariot here - massive slaughter of "white racists" by enciting the people in the townships to raid white homes because white people apparently "bought" all the food in the shops here.

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23a63f  No.8712357


AC/DC isn't punk, just real old

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4ec0e2  No.8712358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I like Mark and I agree….

Everything about this seems "right". Who needs Durham at this point?

Yet saying it to a mass audience especially pre Durham report is still risky IMO.

Timelines change.


Flags out Patriots, whether you believe in it or not, it is going to be biblical….

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66847c  No.8712359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1ce0fc  No.8712360


It’s been amazing.

But to hunker down in mountains, I am a little fearful for what resources They anticipate DS deploying in response this week.

Best guess is they planned a second pandemic, perhaps Ebola.

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107880  No.8712361

Is bread even good for you?

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5c310c  No.8712362

File: c2eda688bf50a1e⋯.jpeg (182.52 KB, 750x1204, 375:602, 1AA4F325_DE84_4F21_BDE6_5….jpeg)


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ca7301  No.8712363


>muh mass panic should be avoided


Choose one.

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e1d515  No.8712365


Look, I'm gonna be kind, Anon, because others have been not so kind to me tonight…

In all honesty, no. I'm not calling any a shill, or deliberately perpetrating a slide post, or anything of the sort. Shit's crazy right now, people are restless, Anons aren't comfy, Q's not posting, and shills have been shitting the bread all night long.

To answer your question, I would say logically you could take any E-mail out of that piss-filled cauldron that is Hillary's Email server and find something to connect to in any of the Q posts. It's in our nature to make those kinds of connections.

But let me give you some insights into why that assertion wouldn't be logical. And I'm going to use words and not pics because, I'm too fucking tired right now to try and rope up some graphics.

The purpose of Hash generation is to take a string of letters and/or numbers and convert them into an output of a predetermined length. It's a one-way street. Barring a brute force attack, it's EXTREMELY difficult to determine a known hash and find the exact key that was needed to generate that Hash.

The fact that you're searching for hashes is irrelevant, the hashes aren't in the E-mails, they have nothing to do with the E-mails. It would be convoluted and meaningless to try and find a string of gibberish to generate a hash with and get a result that would pull up the E-mail you directly intended. When all you need is two, maybe 3 numbers, maybe 4 at the most at the beginning of the string.

It'd be like someone building a Rube Goldberg machine that does 2 hours of random shit just to knock a ping-pong ball into a cup.

Like I said, you can take any Hash key you want and plug it into the Wikileaks search and get a result from the Emails. It's more of a flaw in their search algorithm, and people not understanding that fact, than it was anything being figured out.

But I'm not going to tell you what to do or what to believe, do your own research, if you want to pursue this then by all means, but what I've pointed out to you is factually accurate.

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466fa9  No.8712366

File: f3a1916f002fd3d⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Human_trafficking.mp4)

Why are the shills so mad? Because the drip, drip is getting faster, they know their time is short.

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2e8b40  No.8712367

File: 2800a41d8e32483⋯.jpg (127.33 KB, 1545x1613, 1545:1613, Kek4.jpg)

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bd5b2f  No.8712368

File: 80de895fd0fd55f⋯.png (533.04 KB, 1371x772, 1371:772, the_big_s.png)


yeah I'll be sure to stop actually digging and join the fucktits in useless shitposting.

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555851  No.8712369


EECk! popped up not pooped up!

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1ce0fc  No.8712370


Weinstein claimed like 38 heart attacks to avoid staying in jails. So the number Jaimie needs to beat is 38.

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29bd25  No.8712371

File: b9eb1b84407057f⋯.png (475.06 KB, 948x608, 237:152, asdfa.png)

File: 02256ee4f144e58⋯.png (552.34 KB, 983x584, 983:584, ss.png)


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98ec65  No.8712373

File: a98d10b4eca8bd2⋯.jpg (70.05 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 4913597_0.jpg)


It is a very good sign when anons are yelling at muh news digs so ThanQ Anon! kek/:D

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555851  No.8712374


New people show up every single day and it is new to them.

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71454d  No.8712375

File: 8e7b6d092d6ebff⋯.jpg (65.7 KB, 993x990, 331:330, 6Mt7ommjDl.jpg)


>yeah I'll be sure to stop actually digging and join the fucktits in useless shitposting.

Not at all what was suggested.

Verification of data points is what was suggested.

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466fa9  No.8712378


It's a slide, it's been checked out multiple times in the past, and with Q image file names.

Last night I tested again, in case maybe something had changed with Wikileaks site.

What are the odds that these links below all lead to the same email?





Good news is, this slide is getting normies to look at Clinton emails again.

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93479f  No.8712379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


^^ good late 70's punk band…

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008e1c  No.8712380


It was in the notables two hours ago.

Piss off.

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442215  No.8712381


newfags don't check notables from past breads

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1b01a0  No.8712382


eh still getting a few posts took to long but it seems workable

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466fa9  No.8712383

File: 7043a9a9e85a478⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 426x240, 71:40, swine_flu_previous_admin_1….mp4)

Shills be mad, POTUS outed Fauxi & co. to the world.

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b03b6e  No.8712384

File: 20f3a0a14a9bc30⋯.jpeg (753.97 KB, 1242x1302, 207:217, 1E8790CB_8BF8_4926_9C5F_B….jpeg)


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087526  No.8712385

File: a0fd34525542980⋯.png (477.35 KB, 1920x912, 40:19, ClipboardImage.png)

>>8712362 No cause of death listed.


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2e8b40  No.8712386


We have known Karl was dirty all along.


These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle:

ABC – Cecilia Vega

ABC - David Muir

ABC – Diane Sawyer

ABC – George Stephanoplous

ABC – Jon Karl

ABC – Liz Kreutz

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466fa9  No.8712387

File: 2b69bf2754506bc⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 426x240, 71:40, professionals_close_down_o….mp4)

Shills be mad because POTUS told the world Fauci & Birx shut down the country

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81ae6f  No.8712388


I know, anon.

But they are entering their last days.

This world will be cleansed of every single one of them; they're the most vicious viral cancer mankind has ever known.

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cfa8a3  No.8712389

File: da736940853f72e⋯.jpg (22.48 KB, 318x400, 159:200, 1577489241913.jpg)

File: a7a362d51fd6129⋯.jpg (4.58 KB, 191x255, 191:255, IMG_20181106_101115.jpg)

Morning POTUS

Morning Q

Morning Anons

Morning Barronanon

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3525e2  No.8712390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Justin Trudeau's Minister of Tourism Melanie Joly was recorded saying that her government was unprepared for the coronavirus outbreak.

In a recording presented to The Post Millennial, where Minister Joly was meeting with Destination Canada, she is heard saying that "none of us knew this would be coming and none of us were prepared to deal with a pandemic in our lifetimes."

Despite this, Joly said that Canada's tourism sector was "the canary in the coal mine."

"I think we were hard hit first, and we saw it coming before everyone else. I think that we saw it through the fact that Chinese tourism was affecting some key provinces."


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107880  No.8712391


Is this Bloodborne

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71454d  No.8712392

File: 89c4b061f9f7f8d⋯.jpg (148.55 KB, 1039x1198, 1039:1198, iwKPPnEsUf.jpg)

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5c310c  No.8712393

File: 336f16dc62efd20⋯.jpeg (93.1 KB, 603x641, 603:641, 388249F8_1E95_487E_BE6D_E….jpeg)

File: b5d031b73202117⋯.jpeg (194.44 KB, 725x1180, 145:236, 4BE26B8E_70C9_48C3_8F05_2….jpeg)

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23a63f  No.8712394

File: fd8cbe21e53e1a2⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 298x296, 149:148, 2333.jpg)


>yeah I'll be sure to stop actually digging and join the fucktits in useless shitposting.

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442215  No.8712395



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e1d515  No.8712397

File: e1c967deb25f147⋯.png (544.65 KB, 503x640, 503:640, ec9dc5d66ba0ab32a2661fdfc7….png)


Looks like someone just MSPaint sprayed on some pubes.

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efdc51  No.8712398

AZAZ09O9 landing at Newport News.

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b03b6e  No.8712399

The Taraba State Police command has rescued an additional 27 children from Mary Yakubu, a suspected child trafficker arrested earlier in connection with abduction of 33 children.

The state's police spokesperson, David Misal told newsmen that the 60 children that have been rescued from the lady who has been arrested 3 times.

Misal said the children rescued on Sunday at Tashan Takalma community in Gassol Local Government Area of the state, comprised of 14 males and 13 females. Yakubu is currently undergoing trial, while the recently rescued children have been handed over to the State Ministry of Women Affairs.

Mary who was first arrested on February 26 in Bali while making an arrangement to convey some children to an unknown destination, was arrested again arrested on March 4. 23 children were rescued in the first arrest, while 10 children were rescued in the second arrest.


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466fa9  No.8712400

File: 28813eb21029bf2⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB, 426x240, 71:40, military_operation_6_april….mp4)

Shills be mad because POTUS told the world, that this is a Military Operation.

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950e0a  No.8712401

Morning anons…

I think clear to all that arrests will wait a bit…so what are we actually doing?

-CDC being out;ed for what it is…great joy watch blix and fauci NECK themselves every night…

-FDA will break..in what world do institutions FIGHT a game changer medicine…

-how many shit bag industries are shutting down and going broke? They cannot apply for aide…

-human trafficking slowed to zero…

-awareness of importance of border security at an all time high

-we broke Cali

-we are breaking NY

-we will break IL

-we will break VA

What about what we don't see?


-Increased border military presence to stop drug flow

-NG called up

-Active duty military in place

-2 more hospital ships?

We are dismantling and taking away sources of income and power. Arrests will be post plague as our POTUS needs his props for corona and corona alone. No one has every done a better job.

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3315ea  No.8712403


There have been thousands of arrests.

The better question: Why is that your only metric of success?

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4b6b96  No.8712404

File: af812f40b63e659⋯.jpeg (190.09 KB, 1192x1129, 1192:1129, D5DEC513_647E_4260_B0BE_B….jpeg)


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96f540  No.8712405

File: 2cb6ad8e767ec4c⋯.jpg (866.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Tie_a_Noose_Step_10_Versio….jpg)

You guys ready for The Rod and The Ring to strike?

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442215  No.8712406

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bd5b2f  No.8712407


I apologize, after reading that back I understand I mistook what you said. I'll check out the info, thanks.

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dffbe6  No.8712408


>>>8710488 COVID-19 Symptoms Predicted 2 Years Ago caused by 60GHz 5G

The area that I live has ZERO 5G at this time. 5 Deaths (Nursing Home, not owned by Life), 69 total cases. That's county wide. 5G did NOT cause COVID-19.

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e0de77  No.8712409

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, f2858d3f63f785187cfb7b6e1b….jpg)

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6aab96  No.8712411

File: 7b2eaa8a7a695ca⋯.mp4 (887.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 4thinwashingtondc.mp4)


Morning anon

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fb6687  No.8712412

File: 1b980bc48622a38⋯.jpeg (197.47 KB, 1080x1441, 1080:1441, 1b980bc48622a388569fe0864….jpeg)

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2ed258  No.8712413

WHERE IS Q? Now that we need Q the most!!!!!!!! Now is the time we need info to decipher not silence.

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93479f  No.8712414

File: acc6642644f44d3⋯.jpg (86.34 KB, 409x408, 409:408, corona_pepe.jpg)


potus was en fuego yesterday. in one conference he called faux as fake newz, brought human traffficking to the top of the wood pile, put focus squarely on the 'professionals' for tanking the economy, and slapped around that chinee spy girl, who luuked like a fugg'n statue when he was done with her. all the while being in command and control of the entire plandemic.

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bd5b2f  No.8712416


Shitposting is fun, I'm just trying to piece together the heirarchy/structure and figure out why Israel consistently attacks the US? I know the "order out of chaos" angle, but with our military strength, who needs chaos when we could just run the entire show? It's confusing but I guess I can't understand the concept of an entire population being synergistically psychopathic.

>John McCain and Brennan among others such as Huma, HRC, BO, etc

all working for Muslim interest nations such as Iran.

>America being syphoned for cash, while politicians also

import massive amounts of Muslims into the US.

>Big player in this is the Media who consistently

teaches that White Men are racists for not liking the importing

of Muslims who attack them.

>Media is wholly owned by Jewish interest.

>ADL bashes white Americans and labels them as racists

>ADL is a Jewish interest group who also controls Youtube


>Iraeli lobby biggest donor to Democrat Party

Logic = Muslims & Jews working together against Americans.

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fb6687  No.8712417

File: 52d740dea9d82af⋯.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1440x1002, 240:167, 1531186643.jpeg)

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64ae40  No.8712418

File: 62cf4f08c2ed11e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, 228B75A2_14CA_43EC_80F0_58….png)

File: 023848b105555e9⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1855x1156, 1855:1156, 348BF272_BED1_4827_9E8E_B4….png)

US Navy has changed their Twatter banner.

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72512c  No.8712419


thy rod and they staff, they comfort me. you set a feast before me in the midst of my enemies and annoint my head with oil.

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23a63f  No.8712421

Wonder how fast muh virus will exit the news cycle

after a million people discover they have no job to return to because many people have little money to spend ?

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950e0a  No.8712422


If 10 days of darkness then Q will post tomorrow…which is also the start of passover…

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2e8b40  No.8712423

File: 8f8561d90e1d3c5⋯.jpg (55.8 KB, 500x598, 250:299, Concern_Drama_Post.jpg)

File: 9e9313fe25a2657⋯.jpg (68.39 KB, 754x795, 754:795, Concernfag2.jpg)

File: 03eaa473bac5e90⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 644x407, 644:407, Concern.jpg)


That is not how this works. When QTeam are busy, they leave us to dig, meme, and pray.

Do that, Anon

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2ed258  No.8712424

Where is Q when we need Q the most? This is not a time for silence. This is a time for guidance and info. Going Dark every time there is a big event does not look good. I am a believer but very upset that Anons are getting NO clues during this very difficult time

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bd5b2f  No.8712425


good thing I have the original


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5c310c  No.8712426

File: 777437bbf637d0b⋯.jpeg (157.82 KB, 750x951, 250:317, D49DE0B3_A047_4BDB_A222_9….jpeg)

File: 94c19d7f56830a5⋯.jpeg (120.8 KB, 750x1017, 250:339, 5C9C1FAE_9E02_4729_92F1_2….jpeg)

Medical Researcher found dead in Weill Cornell bathroom

-Police found Miguel Crespo, 40, unconscious on the floor at about 2:50 p.m. in Weill Cornell Medical Center at E. 68th St. and York Ave., authorities said.

-James Taylor

-Miguel Crespo

-Barry and Honey Sherman


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b57892  No.8712427

File: 7f1aa600af4a59e⋯.png (38.2 KB, 661x371, 661:371, Untitled.png)



#POLL Would #Obama have done better than #trump in handling the #CoronaVirusPandemic?

Remember to RETWEET!


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c65ccc  No.8712429

File: 8b37bcabdc5870b⋯.png (13.54 KB, 403x195, 31:15, pepe_MEMEspiration_.png)

File: 8228c17fbf8c613⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 817x960, 817:960, TONGUE_tiedOR_Qude.jpg)

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50d95c  No.8712430

What was that (((evil dust))) julian assange was talking about again?

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65979a  No.8712431

File: 77d34cb14561091⋯.png (368.31 KB, 640x576, 10:9, free_mask.png)

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8ec940  No.8712432



Thanks for posting.

Back to the question of the keystone.

Maybe it's the Presidency itself given its control of the military and MI which is key to the plan.

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39c36d  No.8712433


That's a cool pepe.

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efdc51  No.8712434


The USS Zumwalt must be battle rrady.

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71454d  No.8712435

File: 4aeec9dba9aa1fd⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 538x140, 269:70, CswAPdEc3n.jpg)


>WHERE IS Q? Now that we need Q the most!!!!!!!!

Who is we?

There are 3908 crumbs if you have them all figured out please do tell.

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bd5b2f  No.8712436


post your rank up or obey me as your superior

I'm the higher ranking anon.

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81ae6f  No.8712437


>5G did NOT cause COVID-19

Of course the 5G story is misleading bullshit by the gatekeepers.

Always keeping the attention away from the real culprits.

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b76469  No.8712439


We have everything we need. Go back and reread drops.

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b15ae1  No.8712440

File: b00270f78ef6ff5⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 490x474, 245:237, 1586228084790.jpg)

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3315ea  No.8712442

File: 4cb2493b2290869⋯.jpg (813.29 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, FISAKEY.jpg)


FISA proves corruption, which allows Trump to command the MI takeover of all corrupt agencies.

It's the Republics' failsafe should she be over run by the enemy.

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b03b6e  No.8712443

File: efde1250cc0ebfb⋯.jpeg (411.88 KB, 1242x1309, 1242:1309, AC5F2B53_DEBB_4E45_A020_A….jpeg)

Bunkers in the news


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08aeb5  No.8712444

Doctor OZ personally funded a $400K trial of Hydroxy-Chloroquine to determine success in treating early stage COVID-19 infections.

Governor Cuomo shut it down!! Here's OZ on Lou Dobbs last night….


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cfa8a3  No.8712445


What are you wanting Q to say?


Is this not what (you) expected?

Is the WORLD shutting down not SCREAMING at you?

If (they) wanted to take over, (they) didn't need TRUMP election to do it.

Now we see (they) had us by the short hairs already.

Think logically.

Fear not.

The LAST RESORT is still in (your) hands.

So watch the (plot) unfold


So maybe some nuts!

Enjoy the show

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64ae40  No.8712447


Anons, what kind of ship it that? Is it relevant to habbenins?

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71454d  No.8712448

File: ee17bdf66ac48aa⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 43010d0424ec268a0346e964a2….jpg)

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a54010  No.8712449


They are hiding under the bed waiting for this virus to go away…they will come out when they get the all clear signal.

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5c820d  No.8712450

Flipped already>>8712427

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7c3521  No.8712452

>Spoopy af

Comment by sister-in-law of Daniel Birx about his plane crash

>20 years after he died…

Terri Stewart Aug 1, 2019 at 3:19 am

"My brother in law Daniel Birx built a Vans RV-6. On March 27, 2000

my Sister Karen and her husband Dan crashed the plane in Taft Ca.

The NTSB says they don’t know why the accident happened. I think

I know why the crash happened. It has been 20 years and I’m still

having a hard time dealing with this."

Thank you

Terri Stewart


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71454d  No.8712453

File: 096efc0c1bef0ac⋯.jpg (185.38 KB, 1234x1281, 1234:1281, aas3vaR0kK.jpg)


>good thing I have the original

Yeah those are handy, was going through some pleb archives yesterday also

mostly because bread is so slow w/attacks

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fb6687  No.8712454

File: 5514b0d1c993d2b⋯.jpeg (138.67 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1528904166.jpeg)

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88591f  No.8712455


It’s not the COVID-19 that’s supposed to kill us all, it’s the vaccine or 5g activated chip that will accompany the vaccine that will be used to exterminate us at the time of their choosing.

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29bd25  No.8712456

File: 912490463bc60d9⋯.png (413.07 KB, 823x585, 823:585, orly.png)

File: 8402dfaf677bb96⋯.jpg (49.06 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 38523743_1771303996252022_….jpg)

File: 3e7e7aba661b753⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 39328436_872026096341544_7….jpg)


Merrit island, Cthulhu is also called squid lips which is a fun fact.

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efdc51  No.8712457

The Spartan from earlier is patrolling the waters between NY and Long Island. It keeps dropping off ADS-B due to height.

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08aeb5  No.8712458


CDAN reported they were killed because another drug they manufactured was used to treat AIDS in Africa and many people died. The distribution of the drug is linked to Bill Clinton and the "Church" (Vatican?). Apparently the Shermans were going to cooperate with investigators and spill the beans on everyone……

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3315ea  No.8712459



We're also the Keystone.

In a way, all this corruption has been carried out to subvert our souls.

The narrative that binds us; The spell of MOCKINGBIRD, is so critical a component that a backchannel was created between those who know the full scope of our enemies corruption, and us.

Enter Q.

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96f540  No.8712460

File: fb2962475191e91⋯.jpg (118.6 KB, 1440x620, 72:31, 20200407_070852.jpg)

Q said the truth would put 99% of the people in the hospital.

What if the children are in the hospitals, and were going to find out the truth soon? People will flood to the hospitals to see them.

I think I just figured it out.

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39c36d  No.8712461


>You guys ready for The Rod and The Ring to strike?

Long overdue.

But yes. I am sufficiently pissed off enough that I would like to see everyone who knowingly participated in this cv19 ff get necked.

Gates, Soros, Faucii, Birx etc.

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6aab96  No.8712462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>WHERE IS Q? Now that we need Q the most!!!!!!!! Now is the time we need info to decipher not silence.

Here is something to keep you occupied until Q comes back.

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3a5a75  No.8712463


Who/what is this “we” you speak of.

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35eb02  No.8712464


Pink Moon

Nick Drake

Saw it written and I saw it say

Pink moon is on its way

And none of you stand so tall

Pink moon gonna get ye all

And it's a pink moon

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efdc51  No.8712465


USS Gabrielle Giffords. LST type boat for beach landings.

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bd5b2f  No.8712466


Keystone for infiltration = SES

Keystone for removing infiltration = Anons

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4e54ed  No.8712467

>>8712424 learn to think for yourself and quit saying “we”. You don’t speak for me.

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fb6687  No.8712468

File: 91eadd411ee0b2f⋯.gif (275.03 KB, 495x283, 495:283, 1572536938867.gif)

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3315ea  No.8712469


More like, realizing The Matrix is a documentary.

That would put 99% of people in a hospital.

Plus the horrors they do to children.

The Sun's micro-nova cycle of ~12K years…

We would have no idea how fucked we truly were, if Americas Military Intellegence didn't reach out and tell us.

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3a5a75  No.8712470


You are unsmart.

Hospitals empty.

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0bbb1e  No.8712471

What is SB2

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2e8b40  No.8712472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8711727 Qanon is right! Proof Donald Trump is Exposing the ILLUMINATI and has been warning us for years - Lionel Harris

This made the notables overnight, hoping to get some day shift eyes on it. Southern Black man who is completely pro-Trump. Blexit worked! He's pretty humourous, too!

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442215  No.8712473


Independence Class?

The Gabrielle Giffords?

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e2e55d  No.8712474

Hey anons, I work from home (medical records) . My work for the past few weeks has been very slow to none. Yesterday it was better. Today there are more patients than yesterday.

In a nutshell, things are getting back to normal and this is a good sign.

Have faith.

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7c3521  No.8712475

File: 161b9709153ba46⋯.png (1.01 MB, 955x369, 955:369, capture_143_30032020_10585….png)

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fb6687  No.8712478


>We would have no idea how fucked we truly >were, if Americas Military Intellegence didn't >reach out and tell us.


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8ec940  No.8712479




Thanks for bringing light to the board.

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3315ea  No.8712480


They wouldn't reach out to us, if they didn't already have a Plan to Succeed~

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0c2f79  No.8712481

File: 50de98913f1b7fd⋯.jpg (99.47 KB, 570x487, 570:487, billyzika.jpg)

status: 502

error: Bad Gateway

fix it CM

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5b39c7  No.8712482



Thanks for the input.

And yet, i would assume that for 30 stringers, i will receive hashes that lead me to at least 25-20 different emails. The thing is, that it led me to 5-6 repeatedly, and they were connected to the topics of the posts in most cases.

this is statistically improbable

Also, that anon who posted the hash that led to the cdc-hrc email, did it via this hashing algorithm.

The thing is that this hashing algorithm (md5) is a pretty old and not that secure algortihm from the 1990s. I dont think it is that big of a problem to generate strings that end up leading to the same emails (given that the first few numbers indicate the email number), but what is not probable is the fact that 30 stringer lead only to 5-7 distinct emails. This must be intentional imo.

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96f540  No.8712483

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325512  No.8712484

File: 4fb0254e7a5d80e⋯.png (653.95 KB, 1005x762, 335:254, Screen_Shot_04_07_20_at_12….PNG)

File: 2301e7420fe09ae⋯.png (343.4 KB, 1559x762, 1559:762, Screen_Shot_04_07_20_at_12….PNG)

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002a0b  No.8712485

File: 224aac716ea58db⋯.png (525.23 KB, 1131x548, 1131:548, pure_ego.png)


Get in there, balls deep!

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291299  No.8712487

File: eac0883a08aaa47⋯.png (2.95 MB, 2222x3333, 2:3, OfFaggots.png)


show me the of…

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6c74fd  No.8712488

Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 90 Dead


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0c2f79  No.8712489

File: edea3e96e885887⋯.png (504.14 KB, 496x524, 124:131, hill3242.png)

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cf3af1  No.8712490

The mark of the beast coming–on Trump's watch. Trust God's plan.


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b76469  No.8712491


This made the notables overnight with some derision.


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cc798c  No.8712492

It's not reported widely in UK that they will trial the Hydroxychloroquine, which makes me think if Boris will eather get cured with this, or they will say he did to prove it works…. Just a theory!

"World's largest trial of potential coronavirus treatments rolled out across the UK

The largest randomised clinical trial of potential coronavirus (COVID-19) treatments is underway as part of the race to find a treatment.

Published 3 April 2020

The trial is testing a number of medicines recommended by an expert panel advising the Chief Medical Officer for England. They include:

Lopinavir-Ritonavir, commonly used to treat HIV

Dexamethasone, a type of steroid use in a range of conditions to reduce inflammation

Hydroxychloroquine, a treatment for malaria"


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fb6687  No.8712493

File: 49b2d2d57a64640⋯.jpeg (141.76 KB, 1296x966, 216:161, 1532201231.jpeg)

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0c2f79  No.8712494

File: 76303950b14a7af⋯.png (138.22 KB, 347x352, 347:352, retardedw2.png)


>people who post here are special needs

think mirror, in your case

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93479f  No.8712495

File: 82ada0375fe3ba1⋯.png (675.88 KB, 959x618, 959:618, tariffsheriff1.png)



>Southern Black man

you ain't from around here are ya

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950e0a  No.8712496

File: 1720ef1d15e8521⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1216x1254, 32:33, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)


interdasting…one of my first "digs" for this exercise was on Donald Judd of Marfa TX. Marfa, BTW, about 15 miles from Cibola Ranch where Scalia [187].

Judd built designer bunker for folks like Alefantis and many others in the DC area.

"It all started when the acclaimed minimalist artist Donald Judd left New York City in the 1970s for this dusty dot of a town. He wanted to escape the art scene he claimed to disdain. With the help of the DIA Foundation, Judd acquired an entire Army base, and before he died in 1994, he filled it with art, including light installations by Dan Flavin and Judd's own signature boxes. One hundred of them, made of silvery milled aluminum, are housed in two old brick artillery sheds. They sit in perfect quiet rows, glowing or seemingly translucent, depending on the light. (Click here to see 100 Untitled Works in Mill Aluminum.)"


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5c310c  No.8712497


Its definitely possible, considering the fate of

Miguel Crespo.

Plus this other cat, James Taylor.

Crespo was involved with stem cell…

Maybe the Clinton’s are bugging out about people finding out about them taking Haiti kids, dismembering their limbs, taking their limbs, and trying to regenerate them on another person.

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3315ea  No.8712498

File: 64f12b16eff7f99⋯.jpg (346.43 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, GodIsLove.jpg)


If you believe in the Light in me,

and I believe in the Light in you,

and we believe in the Light in another…

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7fb09e  No.8712500


Not EVERY THING revolves around kids, so take your biased bullshit else where.

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9accea  No.8712501

There is NO EXCUSE for all of this to be happening on Trumps watch. NONE.

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71454d  No.8712502

File: 1bbb95de99e0ba1⋯.jpg (71.63 KB, 1200x649, 1200:649, Eat_You_Rast.jpg)


>You are unsmart.

>Hospitals empty.


Fucking retards on social media circle jerking themselves into a frenzy

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71454d  No.8712503


>What is SB2

Larp faggot retard

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bd5b2f  No.8712504

File: c8b47daecf984db⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 350x320, 35:32, chinaman.gif)



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cf3af1  No.8712505

File: ff499e51211c364⋯.png (326.64 KB, 397x359, 397:359, Obamas_001_453547576968706….png)


Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name https://kgov.com/writings/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/writings/nicer-god

The Bible's Criminal Code http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

The Bible Is a Criminal Justice Textbook https://kgov.com/the-bible-is-a-criminal-justice-textbook

How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic https://kgov.com/how-the-church-should-respond-to-the-crime-epidemic

Capital Crime: Adultery http://kgov.com/search?query=adultery

“…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime.” What Does The Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

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97e8d2  No.8712506


I am no authority, and I reject common sense for good sense.

Barry and Honey seem to have gotten the treatment of any who wander off the plantation.

They were 'made' by the globalist cabal, and were expected to 'do what they were told'.

Some move they made or spoke of was unapproved, and they may have been warned.

Shermans still serve, Now as [Example]

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88591f  No.8712507


Monsters Inc. was a cartoon documentary.

Collecting the energy of frightened children = Collecting Adrenochrome


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4ec0e2  No.8712508

File: 3830020d1d8a773⋯.png (366.72 KB, 586x1354, 293:677, davicke1.png)

File: 8d03dcb9f419e64⋯.png (438.58 KB, 586x1238, 293:619, FSCARD1.png)

File: 4b23f0dbeb8786f⋯.gif (8.96 MB, 600x840, 5:7, card_psych_991e7d13.gif)


It started as good time party music although there was always a gang version circulating in the underground.

The gang version was promoted and I do not believe it was a natural occurrence. Look at where many of these bands start out versus where they end up. Once upon a time I recall hearing a CT about Record Companies + Big Private Prison + Corrupt Politicians. At that time I thought the story plausible even without any sauce yet knowing what we know now I think it is probable.




Noice my autististic fren!


say it!

"my fellows americans…. the storm is upon us"


Pepe see all anyways but yeah zoom might make it abit easier kek!


good? bad? don't make me dig! kek!




awww you are too good to muh! :D


this! 1000 times this!

when potus was comfy pepe was comfy

who laughs last naysayers!

muahahahahahahaha! :D


I forgive you kek


did you read the multi drop?

Q said "NAZI" yet wanted to pull it back as not ready kek


That is my current theory. He rolled and he rolled hard.


and yer filtered! :D


you might be crazy or a super genius, time will tell kek!


gotta collect them all!


its like when people start seeing 11:11 and 3:33 on the clock but way worse! kek! ThanQ Fren

Support is good.



GM Ralph


who is that circled, anon?

plus new eyes as the other anon pointed out.

Are you new here?


wut dis men?


Yes awesome meme, not mine, darn it!


these kids!

the song is "if you want blood you got it!" and I am asking you if you want some, Punk!? kek


Acid Pepe!

click it!

and take these cards!

its a good deal! kek!

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1d796f  No.8712509

>>8710285 (LB)


With the reduction in overall US deaths, the Democrat voter base is at risk

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cf3af1  No.8712510



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3a5a75  No.8712511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3876e0  No.8712512



>Ditto -Central, heard plane but not seen…

>Epic times coming….

Captcha comfy again

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93479f  No.8712513

File: 710c76ed730b244⋯.png (137.04 KB, 858x483, 286:161, 3daysdarnkess.png)

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4ec0e2  No.8712515

File: fd6f259cebeead2⋯.png (106.31 KB, 455x428, 455:428, JARQ2.png)

File: 06255e526f48813⋯.png (764.93 KB, 1616x1452, 404:363, QBREAK2.png)

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96f540  No.8712516

File: d5696373c696e00⋯.png (12.51 KB, 529x266, 529:266, d5696373c696e00e0b73c85a47….png)


Like dis?

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b15ae1  No.8712517

File: 1212087d5c00cba⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 315x306, 35:34, 1212087d5c00cbaba6dd2328cc….jpg)

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357cd6  No.8712518

Earth is a giant Adrenochrome farm for the universe.

We are Cattle to the aliens, always have been.

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e7f1b6  No.8712519

While reading this article:


I suddenly had a thought about Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister.

Out of all world leaders he was the only one who came out and said that '…everyone should get it…' and he didn't impose very strict stay-at-home policies or 'edicts'. Then he gets this 'Coronavirus'.

Coincidence?? Of course not, as we Anons have learnt - there are no such things as coincidences. I just hope that Trump's people get to him in time.

I would expect the Prime ministers of Sweden and Japan to come down with this 'virus' next as they are also not towing the line as much as they should be. Can't think of any other countries at the moment that are not following the 'script'.

I really do hope that the bastards behind this so-called 'pandemic' get nabbed on this (and we all know who they are - Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci [he's not deserving of being called a doctor], Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, to name a few).

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81ae6f  No.8712520


>and yer filtered! :D

No, you didn't, you sayanim piece of shit.

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d6807a  No.8712521


>Beach landings


The only boats an Independence Class ship holds are small boats

LHAs and LHDs (and others) are for beach landings which is why Marines deploy on those

The Littoral Class was built to fight in the….. littorals: a region lying along a shore where deep draft ships cannot navigate

That class of Boats aren't built for beach landings

A small assault force, sure

Beach landings, no


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442215  No.8712523


Don't forget the possible connection to U1

Apotex was one of the few companies still doing business in Iran

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e0912f  No.8712524


==notable== Testing of Hydroxychloroquine to take place in the UK

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3a5a75  No.8712525

File: 67721cb41adb40e⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 4252x2835, 4252:2835, 8A6AF59B_9B9B_407F_A9EA_B….jpeg)


That is somewhat far fetched don’t you think?

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cf3af1  No.8712526

File: 48748f596e4a865⋯.png (839.75 KB, 1597x481, 1597:481, Better_Class_Criminal_002_….png)

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d919b2  No.8712528

File: d6cb018f8da9361⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 993x559, 993:559, 1_w_993_q_high_c_0_bild.jpg)

If this is part of the plan, I dont understand the plan:

Cardinal Pell - child rapist and former number 3 of the catholic church gets to walk free out of prison… because.. Corona..

these people need to fucking die


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cf3af1  No.8712530

File: 5bba58dec6b4f15⋯.png (8.82 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1c34ffe595aab8478a37183e2f….png)



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e0912f  No.8712531


Gotta be Deep State Subs.

Fleeing or attackin?

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0c2f79  No.8712532

File: c6bc9945026f4ae⋯.png (433.12 KB, 663x486, 221:162, obama1.png)

File: 795b68e3b9be6dd⋯.png (296.88 KB, 636x832, 159:208, obo.png)

File: a46f5a8c2ebaf3e⋯.png (696.95 KB, 922x499, 922:499, obongo.png)

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c65ccc  No.8712533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>moon will rise on the evening of 7 April

{habbens to be day 13 on Hebrew Calender}

owl WOW, a cross *HARES* in the *SIGHTS*


7th Full Pink Moon (8:35 PM, MST)



GOOD FRIDAY through Easter Sunday (Death of Christ) ~ (date varies annually)


"Good Friday" is the beginning of satanic high days that are celebrated throughout the weekend to the end of the day on Easter Sunday. Pray with us for the rescue of all people being held for human sacrifice at this time.

EASTER EVE DAY (date varies annually)

(Blood Ritual) Human sacrifice

>moon shadow moon shadows

>explains Zoltan Toth-Czifra, founder of Under Lucky Stars

from the DARKness …


"I was on a holiday in Spain. I was a kid from the West End (of London) – bright lights, et cetera.

I never got to see the moon on its own in the dark, there were always streetlamps.

So there I was on the edge of the water on a beautiful night with the moon glowing,

and suddenly I looked down and saw my shadow.

I thought that was so cool, I'd never seen it before."


Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam - Moon Shadow

from the album Teaser And The Firecat ·

Copyright: Writer(s): Yusuf Islam Lyrics Terms of Use


oh, i'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moon shadow, moonshadow—

leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow—

Verse 1:

and if i ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land,

oh if i ever lose my hands, oh if i won't have to work no more.

Verse 2:

and if i ever lose my eyes, if my colours all run dry,

yes if i ever lose my eyes, oh if i won't have to cry no more.


Verse 3:

and if i ever lose my legs, i won't moan, and i won't beg,

yes if i ever lose my legs, oh if i won't have to walk no more.

Verse 4:

and if i ever lose my mouth, all my teeth, north and south,

yes if i ever lose my mouth, oh if i won't have to talk…


did it take long to find me? i asked the faithful light.

did it take long to find me? and are you gonna stay the night?


Yusuf / Cat Stevens – Moonshadow (live at the Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne 2010)

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cf3af1  No.8712534

File: 08345424abcb50e⋯.png (108.32 KB, 229x323, 229:323, Cure_Adultery_003_34645689….png)


Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name https://kgov.com/writings/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/writings/nicer-god

The Bible's Criminal Code http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

The Bible Is a Criminal Justice Textbook https://kgov.com/the-bible-is-a-criminal-justice-textbook

How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic https://kgov.com/how-the-church-should-respond-to-the-crime-epidemic

Capital Crime: Adultery http://kgov.com/search?query=adultery

“…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime.” What Does The Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

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88591f  No.8712535


I find it odd that those who deny the validity of the Protocols usually refer to them as “forgeries”.

But a “forgery” is typically an almost exact copy of an original masquerading as the original.

Nobody is claiming that the copies we have are the original.

For the Protocols to be a forgery, there would have to be a genuine original from which they were copied.

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f16ef4  No.8712536

File: 089ee9d17a4630c⋯.jpeg (86.29 KB, 828x439, 828:439, 8236B295_001B_4597_A73F_0….jpeg)

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d919b2  No.8712537


maybe these people are easier to whack, when they walk out of a prison complex and fly, but he is the 2nd high level child rapist and pedovore after Goao de Deus (Abramovic / Oprah menthor and baby farm organ seller) to walk free because something something something corona… -.-

fcking sucks

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fb6687  No.8712538

File: 557c5715c500d8b⋯.gif (178.77 KB, 480x270, 16:9, giphy_1_7.gif)

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8ec940  No.8712539

File: fa0ab494ef263ee⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 255x230, 51:46, dogguru.jpg)


I get it.

God is Love.

Dog is Love.


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224a16  No.8712540

File: 737ed5c31ab8066⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1220x928, 305:232, ClipboardImage.png)

Ok, ok… who riled up the shills? Stand up, take a bow.

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0c2f79  No.8712541

File: b50ef234baadcc4⋯.png (196.67 KB, 633x378, 211:126, obamakenya.png)

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97e8d2  No.8712542


Lots of scientists were heading back to the same neighborhood when their plane was shot down leaving iran, iirc.

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950e0a  No.8712543

File: 2d37ae4d0ec94bf⋯.png (761.07 KB, 1520x738, 760:369, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)

File: a51c1ee09dd4b01⋯.png (450.26 KB, 558x404, 279:202, Screen_Shot_2020_04_07_at_….png)


loosh for them…adrenochrome for the 3D's…

We all have seen those EM pictures of what our EM fields look like. Do you think they are effected by emotion? Would that EM be harvestable?



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107880  No.8712544

File: db5ec99f65fd162⋯.jpg (17.15 KB, 459x78, 153:26, post_election.jpg)

Is there more information on this?

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291299  No.8712545


oh, Q wrote a book… I think I have to buy it immediatley… Have you read it? I am interessted in the chapter where he describes the outsidecomms…

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1b01a0  No.8712546

Notables @500


>>8712418 US Navy has changed their Twatter banner.

>>8712384 Pope addresses quashing of George Pells child sex convictions

>>8712280, >>8712484 Planefag reports

>>8712065 Anon finds hash coding in Q posts which connect to Wiki Clinton emails

>>8712250 Affidavit from FBI Officer Re: Dr. Charles Leiber

>>8712162 US labels Russian White Supremacists a Terror Group

>>8712171 Saudi Arabia accused of tracking it's citizens abroad

>>8712081, >>8712150 Pr. Andrew accuser, Virginia Guiffre hospitaliized/being tested for COVID

>>8712038, >>8712061, >>8712107, >>8712140, >>8712178, >>8712199, >>8712038, >>8712190 COVID newz

>>8712046, >>8712053, >>8712156 Boris Johnson reportsm

>>8712049, >>8712076, Cardinal Pell - cleared by Australia's highest cour

>>8712040 NG Tweet Analysis

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98ec65  No.8712548

File: 46c946b7b2f27cd⋯.png (99.27 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 1quotescon.png)

File: cdc77a3fcb18c58⋯.png (68.75 KB, 855x409, 855:409, 2SoQutes1.png)

File: 6bccf177ed53272⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1436x1424, 359:356, nooooooooooooooooooooooo19.png)

File: 05ef8aca0dbf226⋯.png (250.59 KB, 891x888, 297:296, OLDPEPEOFME1.png)

File: 917614d44b4e12b⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 733x614, 733:614, CQ.jpg)


sauce dat shit!

let me guess muh archons and muh loosh?

flat earth too huh?

Do you know who the O.G. flat earthers are?

Ponder this upon the tree of woe!


and yer filtered! kek


"does the thought of satan exist?"

because that is really all that matters, belief….


and we have a weiner!

here is the key to unlock the hole trap that you fell into, take it or leave it:


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a54010  No.8712549

File: 78e9bc72fb9d94f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 680x680, 1:1, Pepe_Flintstone_and_bitch.png)

BadAss Pepe!!

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950e0a  No.8712550


+1…Pell a scalp and now gonnzo…

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3a5a75  No.8712551

File: 164378d6d8db55c⋯.jpeg (128.56 KB, 639x426, 3:2, DD78C613_6DEF_4D15_804D_E….jpeg)


Q-Team just accidentally ran over Randal in the hummer. Accidentally.

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97e8d2  No.8712552


We Come In Peace


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0add84  No.8712554

File: 62630ab4b6f1a8a⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 2048x1332, 512:333, BA131688_44D4_432B_93DB_7….jpeg)

File: c9e752bb4a3a0b7⋯.png (5.89 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 453365FA_AD1F_46DE_BCF4_67….png)

File: 7021dfe42c0fd42⋯.jpeg (40.03 KB, 360x355, 72:71, BE387EDC_C0E9_490D_9739_5….jpeg)


also major drug and human trafficking corridor from Chihuahua along the state roads.

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88591f  No.8712555

File: 355e5e5bba2d028⋯.jpeg (158.79 KB, 704x812, 176:203, 3D3FD0FC_ED86_4CD5_8870_7….jpeg)


Not perfect, but perfect for the job.

Try harder shill.

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3c5318  No.8712557


If General Pop learns that Gates and his Vax's were designed for Population Control, not only would they run to the Hospitals for a cure, fearing a ticking time bomb in their systems, but they would all be calling for his head.

How many children are currently being Vaxed with his toxic cocktails?

They never offer cures, only treatment.

If we can not have cures, remedies etc, then we are still targets. Code words for evil? "Treatment."

KEK trying to post this, and I keep getting "Bad GATEway."

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1d796f  No.8712559

File: 0392f6c0390e043⋯.jpg (48.13 KB, 1632x117, 544:39, Capture.JPG)


Demonic Raab

"His father, who was Jewish…"

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9accea  No.8712561


Thank you anon

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98ec65  No.8712562

File: 1e0cbb93805f710⋯.png (286.56 KB, 960x744, 40:31, BARNESFREETHOUGHT.png)


classic fucking example of not doing your due diligence.

Thank you!

I hope everyone saw this….

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39c36d  No.8712564

File: f027fcafa776fe5⋯.png (930.33 KB, 666x666, 1:1, DemsControlled666.png)

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0c2f79  No.8712565


USS Parche (sub)

written off the books

became a Clown asset

the sub was setup for covert ops and went into service with the Clown dark-fleet

may or may not be sunk yet

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d36b81  No.8712568


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23494b  No.8712569

File: 6cc53f60f7d3479⋯.png (4.76 KB, 181x247, 181:247, ClipboardImage.png)


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000000  No.8712571


Is Adrenochrome the Spice from Dune?

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1d796f  No.8712572

File: 91b40229a0616de⋯.png (75.92 KB, 756x567, 4:3, capture.png)

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291299  No.8712573


Is he dirty? In my opinion, yes! But is he a childmolester? I don´t know for sure! I was reading stuff, that he was investigating the holy sea a short time before he was convicted as a pedophile! I don´t want to defend him here, but we have to take a closer look at this situation! I am searching for the sauce about the holy sea investigations, but I am a misserable digger, sadly!

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3525e2  No.8712574


all of what?

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804fa2  No.8712575


Spell her last name backwards:



Don’t let the pretty stop the autism.

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e3766b  No.8712576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Italian living in Bangkok Thailand gets thrown out of Luxury Condo and forced into Immigration Detention Center. You do NOT want to be an Italian living in Asia with violence and attacks leading to confinement. These are people that do NOT have the Covid19 and have been in Thailand for months or years.

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cf3af1  No.8712577

File: dadf0afe9b359ea⋯.png (99.21 KB, 365x282, 365:282, Death_for_Adulterers_004_9….png)

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b32b10  No.8712578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

he'll rip your soul out, jim

"so don't ya mind, people grinnin' in your face"

"Posthumous fame

The "Dialogue" and its author became famous later, inadvertently and for an enigmatic reason. In the beginning of 20th century Joly's book was used as a basis for The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,[17] an infamous Russian-made antisemitic literary forgery. There is an abundance of evidence that The Protocols were lavishly plagiarized from Joly's book.[18][19][20][21]

In his book Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (1994), Italian writer Umberto Eco claims[22] that in the Dialogue Joly plagiarized seven pages or more from a popular novel Les Mystères du peuple by Eugene Sue.[23] Joly is also a character in Eco's novel, The Prague Cemetery.[24]

In 2015 one of the streets in Lons-le-Saunier was named Rue Maurice Joly.[25]"

fucking idiots gobble up any shit that feeds into the hate they were programmed with and now they are here pretending to be smart.

pseudo intels pretending to MAGA pretending to be Anons….

muh Jared is muh anti christ!

so just bare wooooo this in mind, a true fren is hard to find!

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c65ccc  No.8712579

File: f75df508dfcd96a⋯.png (743.09 KB, 1699x1037, 1699:1037, ClipboardImage.png)


{habbens to be day 13 on Hebrew Calender}

>owl WOW, a cross *HARES* in the *SIGHTS*


The number, "13" is considered divine by the occultist for a couple of reasons:

The Bible assigns '13' the meaning of "rebellion against constituted authority",

plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.

The occultist assigns '6' to represent the number of man, and the number '7' to represent the number of divine perfection.

Thus, as a person climbs that "Jacob's Ladder" toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number '13'

represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

Thus, the occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. We list these periods for you, below.



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4b6b96  No.8712580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The London Real David Icke episode was removed by YouTube yesterday. It had over 7 million views, their biggest to date.

Yesterday they did another live stream with Icke that had 64,000 concurrent views. As soon as the live stream ended this video was also removed by YouTube. The host upload a one minute video explaining what YouTube had done and yesterday the video had sound and today that video had the audio muted. They attempted to reupload one hour worth of the new episode and it got removed within minutes.

The host is pretty verbal about the fact that he does not agree with everything Icke says nor does he buy into conspiracy theories but he believes in giving people a voice because of freedom of speech. He has never had an incident like this before and YouTube has not gotten back to him with a response so now he things something is iffy. The video specifically talked about censorship and taking away freedom of speech, 5G and the current Covid-19 situation. They have now been uploading short clips from both episodes.

I am embedding the clip where the hosts explains what has been going on. He video is on Vimeo and on their website now as well. You can also download or watch it from this Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pM_uRRXaUlSJib9L4XmzQvjGB3cK9o9L/view

Whatever your opinion is on Icke I think it may be beneficial to try to see the bigger picture when it comes to what this means for freedom of speech. With all the views this new video got live, there is the possibility that it would have gone even more viral than the last video.

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7fb09e  No.8712581

Well, after POTUS signed the EO that allows the government to freeze and confiscate assets, the demoncraps went to bed with enemies of the US.

That EO was bringing down the NATIONAL DEFICIT in a big way, central banks didn't like that, so bam!

Step up to the plate covid-19, and run out national deficit back up through the roof again.

First stimulus package was worth 2.2 Trillion, and now this next one is expected to be about 1.5 Trillion more added to that.

That 3.7 Trillion added to the national deficit.

Nothing like a pandemic to force spending, and spending they are doing!

So much for the assets POTUS's EO had brought in.

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81ae6f  No.8712582


>and yer filtered! kek


You sayanim are really stupid.

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5ca39c  No.8712583


It issssth thafe to eat blue housefliesessssssss

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0c2f79  No.8712584


Fauci is a cunt, a lying cunt, among other lying cunts in that photo

the CV pandemic was planned years ago

he gets a hard-on just like bill gates when it comes to de-population scenarios


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0add84  No.8712587

File: b19caa9eddb7df0⋯.jpeg (739.14 KB, 1536x1634, 768:817, 24DD0447_41E9_4553_8DB4_E….jpeg)

File: acd6b32daeb7d46⋯.jpeg (866.82 KB, 2048x1331, 2048:1331, 42203F0D_4427_431A_A85C_B….jpeg)

File: 270b459d62d7cf3⋯.jpeg (186.23 KB, 1103x800, 1103:800, 897984DB_784B_41FC_ABC9_4….jpeg)



Feb 14, 2016

The death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, confusion and conflicting reports



Aug 11, 2012

Beyoncé stopped by


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7fb09e  No.8712588


I'm placing money on being a 'scientist' was a cover up to get covid-19 infected people into other parts of the world.

Plane crashed from being shot down, and the covid-19 spread like lighting afterwards causing the outbreak they have now.

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e1d515  No.8712589


Baker, the following isn't notable:

>>8712065 Anon finds hash coding in Q posts which connect to Wiki Clinton emails

This has been debunked time and time again, there's been many replies to this anon why it's not notable and exactly how and why it's been clearly debunked.

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0c2f79  No.8712590

File: f3735ad99fad495⋯.png (196.92 KB, 612x408, 3:2, fru.png)

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cca080  No.8712591

File: ce0b6f6e2b634cd⋯.png (76.42 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)


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64ae40  No.8712592

File: 44e10a1cc447795⋯.png (885.23 KB, 855x1415, 171:283, 1838E077_1DA7_4032_89DB_A8….png)



USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) is a guided missile destroyer of the United States Navy. She is the lead ship of the Zumwalt class and the first ship to be named after Admiral Elmo Zumwalt. Zumwalt has stealth capabilities, having a radar cross-section similar to a fishing boat despite her large size. On 7 December 2015, Zumwalt began her sea trial preparatory to joining the Pacific Fleet. The ship was commissioned in Baltimore on 15 October 2016. Her home port is San Diego, California.

Despite being 40% larger than an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the radar cross-section (RCS) is more akin to that of a fishing boat, according to a spokesman for Naval Sea Systems Command. The tumblehome hull and composite deckhouse reduce radar return. Overall, the destroyer's angular build makes it "50 times harder to spot on radar than an ordinary destroyer.

The acoustic signature is comparable to that of the Los Angeles-class submarines. Water sleeting along the sides, along with passive cool air induction in the mack reduces infrared signature.

Post Delivery

In April 2019, Zumwalt departed San Diego for a first operational employment into the Pacific since the shipyard availability conducted in 2017 and 2018. This patrol included a visit to ==Ketchikan, Alaska,==

during which Zumwalt's watch teams were able to conduct stability trials in stormy seas (Sea State 6), and

Pearl Harbor,

marking the first visit of a Zumwalt Class Destroyer to Hawaii.

==Wonder if it was in the area when AF1 had the missile fired upon it in July 2018?== see pic


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29bd25  No.8712593


I agree it does get into exopolitics. Saw a rocket one time be absorbed by what appeared to be a giant black multi mile large spaceship. Came to the same conclusion.

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b5d741  No.8712594

File: effd6d083da0eae⋯.png (59.56 KB, 363x405, 121:135, effd6d083da0eaefaece7797bc….png)


lrb lurq mode. sup bakes here if yall need muh

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cca080  No.8712595


do I get to take the fam out to space?

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a02400  No.8712596

Do we have all of Q's tripcodes compiled in one place? Just a list of tripcodes.

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5ca39c  No.8712597

File: 0043c73f98f8c39⋯.jpg (57.89 KB, 1022x575, 1022:575, 0000649778_resized_canadia….jpg)



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29bd25  No.8712598

File: c35094b7418aae6⋯.png (50.48 KB, 911x383, 911:383, Screenshot_at_2020_04_07_1….png)

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b5d741  No.8712600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They def took out a few mental support columns on bakers this last week but i see the shill tactic now and just ignore it. Limping back will be stronger than ever soon. ty

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0c2f79  No.8712601

File: e01d7e5b172e0cb⋯.png (506.34 KB, 751x489, 751:489, ayyprobes_1_.png)


ayy lmao

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84ada7  No.8712602


We know it was a mobile SCIF in NYC. We know Hillary was there. Anyone anything else to add?

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c65ccc  No.8712603


>"does the thought of satan exist?"

>because that is really all that matters, belief…


see >>8712210

check on Robin Hood Syndrome …

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8ec940  No.8712604


It's a good video and removed from Vimeo as well.

They put it on Bitchute but it doesn't play for me.

Still up on David's facebook page.


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bd5b2f  No.8712605

File: 715b4990af810e3⋯.webm (7.45 MB, 1382x638, 691:319, dune_2020_04_05_05_24.webm)

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72512c  No.8712606



Someone recently did a post that was globaled - dont know what happened:

but i also encoded it into baker tools:


Search TripCodeHistory

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3a5a75  No.8712607


Is that analogous to ants making contract law with humans?

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fb6687  No.8712608

File: 2ded8d936578408⋯.jpeg (154.61 KB, 1440x819, 160:91, 1539123158.jpeg)

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c478df  No.8712609

File: b23b88e5fe42c8c⋯.jpg (95.95 KB, 1018x607, 1018:607, IMG_20191222_230659_560.JPG)

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5917fa  No.8712610


Nice video. Funny and authentic.

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9accea  No.8712611


God Bless You

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81ae6f  No.8712612

File: 6523e4fd4cbbed2⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1980x1069, 1980:1069, Q_Clock_apr05_Pearl_Harbor….png)

File: 35328407493f644⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1851x1101, 617:367, Q_Clock_apr05_Pearl_Harbor….png)

File: 30d4c7cd562bb30⋯.png (509.94 KB, 1201x767, 1201:767, GO_owls_F_16_intercept.png)

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71f9f8  No.8712613

File: 0629b8ad65cbc77⋯.png (635.76 KB, 758x1272, 379:636, georgepope01.png)

File: 558a6e9447c06f3⋯.png (710.19 KB, 560x590, 56:59, 00000000000000000000.png)


try harderer….

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968ac6  No.8712614

File: 86b5f79831dccc4⋯.png (395.2 KB, 976x869, 976:869, CoronavirusBlockade1.png)

Turns out the decrease in legal traffic DOES make it easier to identify the criminals…


US Sends Military Ships to Caribbean Sea to Disrupt Drug Cartels and Cut Off Socialist Maduro Regime Transfers of Illegal Drugs

By Elda Primera

Published April 6, 2020 at 10:33pm

According to White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien the military mission is to reduce the entry of illegal drugs into the US.

The US sent powerful warships, spy planes, and thousands of US troops to the Sea Caribbean this past week.

In addition, President Trump seeks to reduce the financial support for drug trafficking that provides the corrupt Maduro socialist regime.


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bd5b2f  No.8712615

File: 9f689985a9315ea⋯.png (19.1 KB, 1048x155, 1048:155, 666_5th_ave.png)

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6ab441  No.8712616

doctor on fox just said every patient that ends up on a ventilator has certain traits..

but doocy interrupted him before he could say what

those traits were..

did anybody else catch that ?

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31e4b5  No.8712617


Thank you clever chinaman.

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107880  No.8712618


>Wonder if it was in the area when AF1 had the missile fired upon it

How did AF1 get out of that situation?

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f6a18e  No.8712619

File: b1eabb5694539ca⋯.jpeg (548.24 KB, 583x1069, 583:1069, 5A97F5E1_7921_4767_9A86_A….jpeg)

It is time to do obliterate these foul beasts.

God is watching.

All of them.

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724ca0  No.8712620


I think Q's saying that if they just blurted out the truth 99% of the people (civilians) would be casualties of a last resort cabal attack.

IMO, Snow White and Iron Eagle are quantum computing and infiltrator tactics to take apart cabal weapon systems before they can be used. IOW, the Cabal has to be led to believe they can win without a last resort scenario until their weapons have been rendered useless, or have been degraded to a degree that civilian casualties will be much fewer.

Tie into that, the Pearl Harbor analogy, meaning there will be a surprise/sneak attack designed to bring us into open warfare. To that end, stay at home lock downs are in in place as preventative measures to attacks military in nature, and the extension of the lock downs are meant to ensure people take it seriously and have stocked up provisions necessary to hold them over. The CV scare is the one tactic that would force people to obey the lock down, because it is the best way to overcome normalcy bias. Most people would not put stock in warnings of possible military action.

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6ab441  No.8712621


f16 took out the missile

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71454d  No.8712622

File: 178cb6571142980⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 656x484, 164:121, wkBLIp8PpZ.jpg)


How much use does debt have?

Can you make debt into something useful?

What if there isn't really a deficit?

Monopoly money concerns intensifying?

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c65ccc  No.8712623

File: 8cbf2a44a5c2a81⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 631x374, 631:374, assHITT_isON_U_stillSHILL.jpg)


== > AS Traitor/Pawn


>d_a_rkness. darkne_s_s. _reveal_ darkness. Light will defeat darkness. Q


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9accea  No.8712624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Plan

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30fa8c  No.8712625

File: 2ced0b8331a4f71⋯.png (125.79 KB, 548x362, 274:181, just_stop_that_makes_too_m….png)



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29bd25  No.8712626

File: 487b142b936cfee⋯.png (118.69 KB, 1311x584, 1311:584, bpop.png)

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cc5368  No.8712627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5 gig xposed

States he works for Well Cornell medicine in NY and does comparative pathology research dealing with bio hazard materials and radiation particles. Security now in hazmat suits and armed which is not normal. He saying it's not the virus getting people sick it's 5G.

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0add84  No.8712628

File: 2c5bb05143bcff1⋯.png (394.49 KB, 1748x1206, 874:603, 092E8CDA_0FDB_4853_9CBC_C1….png)


Cross border cartels, under an hour away, were both Sinaloa and CJNG.

Notably, El Chapo was extradited to the US less than a year after Scalia's assassination.

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fb6687  No.8712629

File: 60632288cc1b74b⋯.jpeg (321.98 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1544667560.jpeg)

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93479f  No.8712630

File: ba3c7842d7ffc49⋯.jpg (69.84 KB, 500x706, 250:353, trump_chef.jpg)


morning lrb. -wnb here. i have a wurkfag conf call that will take me into next bred. going to tap out for offering to bake next bred. all yours if you want it fren.

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d919b2  No.8712631


the hospitals are empty YET.

as soon as Truth Bombs hit, people will get heart problems… we prepare for mass illness, but not for corona.

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08aeb5  No.8712632


Yes. Another CDAN blind post indicated that a certain mogul and "the church" worked to spread disease in poor countries in order to kill off parents and steal children for human trafficking.

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f6a18e  No.8712634

File: 4e8bc8a0b425276⋯.jpeg (156 KB, 828x896, 207:224, 6880E9EF_650F_4D3E_B31C_4….jpeg)

Enough of this charade, take the motherfuckers down.

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724ca0  No.8712635


Scuttlebutt before now has been overweight smokers. Would have been interesting to hear the doc's take.

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7fb09e  No.8712636


>Monopoly money concerns intensifying?

Correct! For the central banks.

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513963  No.8712637

File: 6e31512b7d25751⋯.png (31.63 KB, 653x568, 653:568, z49.png)

Frens, I don't think this stringer means what we think it means.

Remember when Q said if anything happens to Trump or his family, even an attempt, that "WE DROP IT ALL?"

I don't think 4-10-20 is referring to the date at all… Unless it's the point where the map crosses and finally comes together?

One thing I haven't seen anyone take note of yet… . the time stamp. Looks close. Reconcile, please.

Are they going to try and off him?

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d919b2  No.8712638


I think you are in the right ballpark.

also these aliens most likely have only one sex and prepare us for their walking around blatantly by the transgender shit.

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29bd25  No.8712639


Saw late post sunset afternoon stars move and it was a space sort of craft masking itself and a space-x or some kind of rocket had dissapeared into the center of the 4 moving stars and the fear i felt made me run inside so there is a fear element but maybe because they are nasty aleins idk exopolitics. I was outside looking at the rocket launch and i couldn't have been the only person to have seen that.

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93bcf7  No.8712640

File: 7405a79fe8a4cb4⋯.png (827.3 KB, 728x499, 728:499, 7405a79fe8a4cb485bc7679941….png)


Mr. Woods certainly takes a lot of queues from @POTUS.

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bd5b2f  No.8712641

File: b334b0adbf11112⋯.jpeg (253.21 KB, 1103x800, 1103:800, whoops.jpeg)

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5d725a  No.8712642

File: 1a1779e64f9051d⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 840x630, 4:3, round_8.jpg)

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23494b  No.8712643


Société des alcools du Québec


Bought property from the church or something related to anonymous cemetery.


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08aeb5  No.8712644


Yes! Another CDAN blind post indicated that a certain mogul and "the church" worked to spread disease in poor countries in order to kill off parents and steal children for human trafficking.

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513963  No.8712645


Reptilian DNA ( More common than most are aware of. "We all have a reptilian section of brain, all of us )

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670719  No.8712646

File: 37e24aa45783e0a⋯.png (231.15 KB, 474x474, 1:1, WAKEUPOZ.png)

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93479f  No.8712647

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)


guud. i will be tapping out for bakes dis morn'n. got sum wurkfag stuff i need to attend to. will be lurking tho. if you have a 911 just shout and i got yer six.

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71454d  No.8712648

File: 6929203df425d9e⋯.jpg (77.35 KB, 978x424, 489:212, Nt5x4fjuJo.jpg)

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c65ccc  No.8712649


>>8712040, >>8711820 /lb

plane tail ##

QPost# 328


see >>8712210

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5d725a  No.8712650

File: bcd905085a1806c⋯.jpg (67.52 KB, 864x932, 216:233, immunity_pass.jpg)

Prototype of bill Gates immunity passes.

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93479f  No.8712651


this is looking good btw. like the additions.

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999eb9  No.8712652


Holy FUUUUuuu…

How did we miss that anons? Anon is right! Time stamp = 17/45!

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20db96  No.8712653


That's what that Glork thing was hinting at, isn't it? Nobody paid it any mind. What is that thing anyway?

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88591f  No.8712654

File: 29f1657be87e918⋯.jpeg (43.2 KB, 300x340, 15:17, 44903BF2_2A35_481B_8510_5….jpeg)


The absolute fucking state of this board.

Dweeb Shills with delusions of adequacy.

Clearly English comprehension is not one of your strong suits.

I didn’t say I believed them, I said I thought it was odd that they were referred to as forgeries.

Why do they call them forgeries? They should call them ‘fiction’ if that’s what they mean.

Pathetic effort Tough Guy. Try harder.

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3c5318  No.8712655

File: 0f34fc576688355⋯.jpg (57.06 KB, 876x285, 292:95, The_Mask.JPG)

Interesting that while most people in China, wore masks daily to keep the Spy tech down, they still got infected.

Here, we are told to wear masks, but what is the intended purpose? Antifa wear masks too. Is this [their] plan for when civil unrest unleashes? Got to be something more to the masks…

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0c2f79  No.8712656

File: 3520f62eb2ef96c⋯.png (341.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, billy_virus_origins.png)


>a certain mogul

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747e04  No.8712657

File: 4ff1f79937acf75⋯.png (280.08 KB, 2480x3508, 620:877, template.png)

found this on the dutch version of this thread.



cause of death

- or -

straw that broke the camel's back?

[table of data showing that of 1876 that died, only 96 died of ONLY corona]

i'm dutch. worth posting around my community?

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391425  No.8712658

File: 5a51c8f33e410f0⋯.jpg (164.13 KB, 1622x902, 811:451, EU8YWTcUMAAOQCk.jpg)


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5d725a  No.8712659

File: 42ff32bfb27d445⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 954x477, 2:1, hanx.jpg)

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0c2f79  No.8712660

File: ea3d85274f6b8ba⋯.png (405.57 KB, 669x500, 669:500, bill_viral_pkg1.png)

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0c2f79  No.8712661

File: 0f2de1141451c37⋯.png (337.75 KB, 650x436, 325:218, bill_and_bill_surprise.png)

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fb6687  No.8712662

File: 82b99638b2b3ffc⋯.jpeg (121.4 KB, 1080x740, 54:37, 1576669013.jpeg)

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cf91f7  No.8712663


Not junk, but psychological destruction. Combine Common Core with Social-Emotional Learning, and you get a bunch of confused, frightened, insecure kids who are desperate for approval by their "betters".

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5c2a33  No.8712664

File: 05a7ccac8a37e43⋯.png (331.63 KB, 1084x990, 542:495, 001ap4.png)

Trump news – live: Dr Fauci warns world may never ‘go back to normal’ as US heads towards coronavirus peak

41 minutes ago

"Dr Anthony Fauci, the top US infectious diseases expert

has broken with Donald Trump to warn that the world may never

“go back to normal” after the coronavirus outbreak because the

threat will linger, issuing the caution as America approaches 368,000 cases and 11,000 deaths.

The president has meanwhile persuaded India to lift an export ban on the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which his administration believes could be used to treat Covid-19 but others have dismissed as a “quack cure”, after threatening the superpower he visited in February with “retaliation” if it did not.

Democratic challenger Joe Biden will today continue his fight against Bernie Sanders to win the party’s nomination to challenge Trump in November after the Supreme Court of Wisconsin ruled the state’s primary election could go ahead in defiance of stay-at-home orders intended to limit contact and thwart the further spread of the outbreak."



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325512  No.8712665


>Cardinal Pell welcomes court’s dismissal of abuse conviction

More winning, thanks Q.. and we are still being sprayed from the skys with shit….. same shit different day…. trust the plan…

Police State For One Police State For Al….l WW here we com PSF1PSFA

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7fb09e  No.8712666

File: 7a898f00b42efe6⋯.png (142.86 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

GOP sounds alarm after 'quasi-official' Chinese outlet gains access to coronavirus press briefing, promotes Beijing


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b57892  No.8712667

File: ef0973f525ca475⋯.jpg (90.16 KB, 745x350, 149:70, Blacks4Trump.jpg)

File: 03dbee5d62ad3cf⋯.png (270.97 KB, 745x350, 149:70, Blacks4Trump.png)

Old memefag here with a couple in JPEG and PNG format, sized for Twitter

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7fb09e  No.8712668


They said the same shit after AIDS, SARS, and several others.

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846286  No.8712669

File: dee39c6d42d410b⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 621x743, 621:743, fascism.jpg)

Why does big pharma attack the well-known anti-viral drug Hydroxychloroquine as untested, dangerous, and reckless to prescribe - while they endlessly talk about the safety of a yet uncreated covid vaccine? It's entirely illogical

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803be8  No.8712670

File: 062dac9de9ffe46⋯.png (351.46 KB, 403x349, 403:349, Russians.PNG)

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65979a  No.8712671


Because you asked nicely.

Take 6!

Hey BO! I

t's taking too long to upload & some images never do!

How's we supposed to work when Q comes along?

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820e6c  No.8712672

File: d3860e7f34db778⋯.jpg (265.24 KB, 1223x913, 1223:913, Feels.jpg)

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64ae40  No.8712673

File: f1a61c28716786c⋯.jpeg (490.8 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 31CE6243_1108_4247_B217_9….jpeg)



USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS-10) is an Independence-class littoral combat ship of the United States Navy.[1] The ship is named after former United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot along with eighteen other people during a 2011 shooting in Tucson, Arizona.[7] The ship's name was announced by then-Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus on 10 February 2012.[7][8][16] Gabrielle Giffords will be the 16th U.S. naval ship to be named for a woman by the United States Navy, and the 13th U.S. naval ship since 1850 to be named after a living person.[17]

The ship was christened in a ceremony held at the Austal USA shipyard on 13 June 2015,[9][10] and Second Lady of the United States Jill Biden served as ship sponsor at the christening.[9] The ship was delivered to the U.S. Navy on 23 December 2016,[11] and commissioned the following spring on 10 June 2017, in Galveston, Texas

After commissioning, Gabrielle Giffords conducted qualification trials on her official maiden voyage from Texas to her home port of San Diego, California via the Panama Canal, arriving at Naval Base San Diego on 5 July 2017.[27][28] She has been assigned to Littoral Combat Ship Squadron One[29]

During summer 2019 the ship was equipped with MQ-8C Fire Scout drones and Naval Strike Missiles and from September deployed in an offensive role in the seas off China.[30]


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5c2a33  No.8712674

File: 3b9522b905809f7⋯.jpg (98.63 KB, 720x614, 360:307, PANON.jpg)


cry moar punk, it was exactly what it looked like and you should be thanking me now yet you lack the ability to admit that you were wrong which is a trait our oppressors also seem to have.

nice meme reddit spacer! kek!

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c65ccc  No.8712675


>Anon is right! Time stamp =


7 Jan 2018 - 10:18:45 PM



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670719  No.8712676

File: 7cbf5d376044e8c⋯.png (438.37 KB, 485x485, 1:1, ASKTHEQUIONRL.png)

<Hey Oz…The best is yet to come. Hop on board the fun!

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71454d  No.8712678

File: 75c2f662ce88c61⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 1062x10081, 1062:10081, lOQy0jK35P.jpg)

Occasionally end times bullshit appears, both here and on social media.

'''46 failed end-of-the-world predictions that

were to occur between 30 & 1920 CE, but didn't.'''


Overview: (Repeated)

Some Christians and secular individuals predicted several momentous events that they believed are related: occur

– The second coming of Jesus Christ – his anticipated return to earth after almost two millennia.

– The war of Armageddon – a massive battle in Israel.

– The arrival on earth of the Antichrist, an evil political, military leader.

– The Tribulation, a seven year interval of great suffering and death.

– The Rapture, when Christians who have been born again – both living and dead – will rise into the sky towards Jesus.

bullet Some horrendous natural disaster(s).

– etc.

It is worth noting that all of the following predictions have failed. We expect that all of the doomsday predictions about our future will also fail.

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a1c1d0  No.8712679

File: b7ba700b6bb2ef1⋯.jpg (172.55 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, IMG_20200407_083215.jpg)

File: 74f2a43700a659b⋯.jpg (160.18 KB, 1079x1377, 1079:1377, IMG_20200407_083207.jpg)

Faux Q Austin Steinbart…. getting fauxQed

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655552  No.8712680



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65979a  No.8712681

File: 605727ff2a34b15⋯.png (694.51 KB, 600x763, 600:763, pepe_cums.png)


Because you asked nicely.

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724ca0  No.8712682


The standards testing means all thinking becomes binary (multiple choice). An answer is either right or wrong and a central authority has all the right answers.

Kids only want you to give then the right answer, and there is such an information overflow (to 'prove' that the teacher can cover a lot of material) that it's all they're interested in. Mastery learning is impossible.

That's why, IMO, MSM has such influence, even when promoting what critical thinkers recognize as complete bullshit. People have been 'educated' to think there is only one source for the 'right' answer.

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4aca48  No.8712683

File: 42fcf72d1b3cca7⋯.png (547.34 KB, 1080x1398, 180:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 170f2a78765de11⋯.png (426.55 KB, 1080x1378, 540:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84f16a4145c4969⋯.png (611.03 KB, 1079x1377, 1079:1377, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05a7b679d77fe0e⋯.png (657.95 KB, 1080x1527, 360:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9bdbd6a2cf5531⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ltc.jpg)

Game over faggot!!



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23494b  No.8712684


What in the FUCK's name is this???

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cc883f  No.8712685

>>8711942 PB

>>8711479 PB


TY Anon.

Haspel as a blonde?

Which woman in the red bus pic? Have a Haspel pic with which to compare?

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46540c  No.8712686

File: 9ecad9df75f9de7⋯.jpg (94.68 KB, 857x500, 857:500, 3vphki.jpg)

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f6a18e  No.8712687

File: 834990e8e6c06cb⋯.jpeg (108.92 KB, 770x922, 385:461, A73DCC27_5926_4512_9CCF_5….jpeg)

File: ab7c243ef166e41⋯.jpeg (407.94 KB, 638x1099, 638:1099, C9EB5EA7_0A54_4A1A_A5D8_6….jpeg)

How dare [yoU]?

This evil must be revealed.

Humanity is being tested.

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e51937  No.8712688

File: c5785f65fbee884⋯.png (478.75 KB, 614x757, 614:757, China_s_White_House_fake_n….png)

File: 0588e290a3fa774⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1440x567, 160:63, fake_news_from_china.png)

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d919b2  No.8712689


soudns like another explanation for 10th of april with no happeningz.

this movie sucks. no booms.

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391425  No.8712690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat Charging Trump With Crimes Against Humanity in the Hague, for mentioning possible cure medicine.

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670719  No.8712691

File: 8f02586526ac4b3⋯.png (324.34 KB, 461x461, 1:1, auconeti.png)

Free beer.

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513963  No.8712692


Not convinced either, but I must say, that's an interesting coincidence.

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7ded30  No.8712693

File: cfb7764bfd91e35⋯.png (768.9 KB, 1023x683, 1023:683, A_SpDlx.PNG)

fuck now im dooing it too

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a02400  No.8712694



Thank you!!!

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107880  No.8712695

Why would Q hint at China and Russia's independence from the global cabal and then have Trump go hard on trade deals with China and their position on the virus?

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513963  No.8712696


8:18:47 - 17/45

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e51937  No.8712697

File: 44ce3ce4f1e3d36⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 3000x2143, 3000:2143, America_The_Beautiful_.jpg)

File: 6589ff7a7e9304f⋯.jpg (80.51 KB, 600x400, 3:2, God_bless_America_ship.jpg)

God bless our Armed Forces, God bless QAnon, God bless Q Patriots, God bless President Donald J.Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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b5d741  No.8712698

File: 8b9186b3f64aa79⋯.jpg (77.37 KB, 1014x1024, 507:512, 8b9186b3f64aa793730eca3fb5….jpg)


Ok i will answer the call and help as much as I can. Hope u have a great day buddy great work you are a trooper

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8a2111  No.8712699


And yet here you are you fucking brainlet.

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803be8  No.8712700

File: f456d572a2d2df2⋯.png (62.07 KB, 373x371, 373:371, Deplatforming.png)

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71454d  No.8712701

File: 6fdf53843475fe4⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 664x679, 664:679, 890wMAwnJb.jpg)

>>8712683 Austin Steinbart got arrested



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f6a18e  No.8712702

File: a44663c5de82d24⋯.jpeg (99.64 KB, 692x595, 692:595, 60C71878_236F_48F3_9E0C_3….jpeg)

File: f02a51997674613⋯.jpeg (368.17 KB, 545x599, 545:599, A4E69D52_9B31_40E3_B159_1….jpeg)

File: 0e3aceb096f1aef⋯.png (4.12 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 1E95EBBF_131A_47A9_BD14_06….png)

File: e19b77df374cb6e⋯.jpeg (118.63 KB, 600x769, 600:769, 02CD43FC_1554_4E05_8EC3_E….jpeg)

Invisible no more.


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c22219  No.8712703

File: eb170811684c2cd⋯.png (609.73 KB, 772x688, 193:172, fap_fight_corona.png)

Fap away the coronavirus… kek.

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1d7b1e  No.8712704


The Top 10 Luxury Perks of the Swankiest Doomsday Bunkers


>Among the most famous people who have constructed bunkers are Bill Gates and his spectacular Svalbard, Norway bunker holding the largest cache of seeds in the world, and also Tom Cruise with a reported massive Colorado bunker.

Former missile silos turned into luxury disaster survival condos


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20c1dd  No.8712705


compromised and blackmailed, found dirt at the vatican bank, flipped/returned to oz as relative safety, spend a year inside,secret testimony and out

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cbefcb  No.8712706



WOW if these are real, then the FBI considers him mentally unstable.

He fucked

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6f3744  No.8712708

File: fd06c205ea60ea8⋯.png (690.71 KB, 1638x1452, 273:242, QBREAK1.png)

File: df4fb20fec137a1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1660x1306, 830:653, QBREAK9.png)

File: 3bf1548ff474d75⋯.png (461.95 KB, 1880x1818, 940:909, CNMEINKAMPF1.png)

File: c652a1902944e09⋯.png (2.1 MB, 2094x990, 349:165, CN17_HOLOCAUSTCHURCH.png)

so fresh and so clean clean

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820e6c  No.8712709



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1b01a0  No.8712710


>>8712683 Austin Steinbart got arrested (need verification)

>>8712658 CV 19 Model Projections Grossly Misrepresent Reality

>>8712614 Moar on Anti-Drug Maduro news

>>8712418 US Navy has changed their Twatter banner.

>>8712384 Pope addresses quashing of George Pells child sex convictions

>>8712280, >>8712484 Planefag reports

>>8712250 Affidavit from FBI Officer Re: Dr. Charles Leiber

>>8712162 US labels Russian White Supremacists a Terror Group

>>8712171 Saudi Arabia accused of tracking it's citizens abroad

>>8712081, >>8712150 Pr. Andrew accuser, Virginia Guiffre hospitaliized/being tested for COVID

>>8712038, >>8712061, >>8712107, >>8712140, >>8712178, >>8712199, >>8712038, >>8712190 COVID newz

>>8712046, >>8712053, >>8712156 Boris Johnson reportsm

>>8712049, >>8712076, Cardinal Pell - cleared by Australia's highest cour

>>8712040 NG Tweet Analysis

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18a26b  No.8712711



not flynn or haspel

but you do you

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cf2c0d  No.8712712


Prediction: He will not live long. His demise will be unrelated to CV, or a natural death.

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e51937  No.8712714

File: a3e34ed35fbf5e2⋯.png (906.57 KB, 1440x418, 720:209, _austin_.png)

File: da14c9164f748f5⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1440x585, 32:13, _austin_.png)

File: e5abea5d473b015⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1440x600, 12:5, _austin_.png)

File: d2d8bd2454eac1f⋯.png (484.1 KB, 728x780, 14:15, _austin_schumer_.png)

File: 766356d857306c6⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1439x783, 1439:783, _austin_schumer_reclining_.png)

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2752ae  No.8712715

File: d6398194e2b46ea⋯.jpg (692.47 KB, 1500x1101, 500:367, stock_vector_abstract_geom….jpg)

Over two million americans are dead from Fentanyl poisoning by mexico and you chase around fake illuminati celebrity retards while your fellow men and women are taken to slaughter. hows about you research the names of fentanyl makers and takers get some scalps put some skin in the game or just be the docile Q supporters supporting everything but WAR on mEXICO. Become a man take the life of a mexican into your hands and remove vile filth from your country. or just sit back and eat digital crumbs of fuckall nonsense. The choice is yours for now.

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7fb09e  No.8712716



Fucking Shithead had it coming!

Date of arrest: 3/31/2020

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f6a18e  No.8712717

File: c053ea4c00d5215⋯.jpeg (407.15 KB, 828x1070, 414:535, 658A909B_8A92_4DE1_BE45_C….jpeg)

File: 265a572c5643dd0⋯.jpeg (473.98 KB, 828x614, 414:307, 0E152F7A_45F1_49DE_A58D_9….jpeg)

File: 937b8c2c46c8df1⋯.jpeg (323.79 KB, 828x1063, 828:1063, EBD6182F_C8A8_4D61_8AEE_8….jpeg)

File: 316e97949bc807d⋯.jpeg (151.58 KB, 828x655, 828:655, 384A7E53_47B3_459A_8B80_F….jpeg)

File: 6a3252ebcb5aa97⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 828x1669, 828:1669, 5823BEA8_ED22_4499_968D_1….jpeg)

To understand [theM] one must research their belief system.


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01a020  No.8712718


Tragic really. At least he could've moved his fingers a bit.

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69b3f0  No.8712719



Crazy people need prayers too. Fuckkkkkkkk

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01a020  No.8712720


The Sus-kind of a Man (duh!).

Even the name is spot on.

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2752ae  No.8712721



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c2b4cd  No.8712722

File: ca13668562c162a⋯.png (4.21 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 660F8DAD_AFC8_4A14_9023_41….png)

Good morning Anons. Checking in from New Haven Harbor. All clear out here. Haven’t been on in days.. Seems like i’ve missed a lot. I’ll dig through notables in a bit but what’s our current focus anons? Any digs I should be looking at? Working sucks anon’s takes a lot of my focus. Mom anon is officially redpilled. She’s going nuts, catching up on everything, im worried about her getting disinfo from youtube. Many shills there.

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c65ccc  No.8712723

File: 2c2860df4ea8d82⋯.png (95.26 KB, 1123x732, 1123:732, da_bird_Chatter.png)


>now im dooing it too

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32c7bd  No.8712727

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cf2c0d  No.8712728


Funny, that's what the ignorant, filthy Mexican fisherman used to say that worlked on my friend's dad's Tuna fishing boat, based out of San Diego. I never met them, but learned all of the Spanish cuss words througth my friend. Almost got me killed in Mexico. They take that "you beat off too much," accusation, seriously!

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93bcf7  No.8712729

File: d8b1d3ff5d82a8f⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 408x612, 2:3, Redhead_Nurse.jpg)



@POTUS said it during yesterday's presser, and I don't recall anyone pointing it out. He said something to the effect of "We have the greatest economy we've ever had… then we had to SHUT IT DOWN. The Whole world is SHUT DOWN… because of the…COVID-19."

People are "living in Darkness" right now.

Darnkess was a misspelling some of us missed, but other anons found a book that makes it make sense. This was pretty smart because Q let us go along with the idea because it was intended. Then when asked about the Darkness, the current portion of the Plan was advertised back then.

The fear-mongering folks suggesting that the web is going to go black for 3, 10, or however many days, should be a signifier as to who to listen to. These false prophets are going to crash and burn HARD. People are going to be outraged for being lied to by these morons. Discernment, anons. They are selling fear.

The Silent Ones are those that were being trafficked; pretty certain of that.


Check this out:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f946c4 No.20735 📁

Jan 7 2018 22:18:45 (EST)




(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.

(34) commands LIVE.



[1] OWL [1]


People might learn the truth that day, or Q was taunting [them] with when they would strike as a head fake, or what have you. I personally suspect we're going to find out our military has been involved in rescuing them all along. Dismantling all the networks, finishing off all their senseless distraction wars, freeing slaves, etc. 2 of the crew members that have posted videos from inside the USNS Mercy and Comfort have said they were recently in South America. They've already seen much, and coming here, to the USA, same mission; they know what's coming, and are probably shocked as Hell that we're so infested.

"…you don't have to be afraid anymore…"


Regarding Net Shut Down:

"Net Shut Down" is a direct statement from Q regarding the photos of Obama that will eventually surface. Different "Shut Down".

Also, kill. Q has been telling us all along that "we have a choice" in whether to save GOOG, FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I vote for regulation, but who knows?

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 28003e No.967390 📁

Apr 9 2018 12:12:03 (EST)








Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922237 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:22:28 (EST)

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 03213a No.922142 📁

Apr 6 2018 14:17:40 (EST)


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


Did you guys watch this video?


Pence was telling us back then what China really was. Go watch it, if you haven't already.

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c69765  No.8712730

File: 6e373b971c60a3d⋯.png (771.29 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Passover_2020.png)

File: 941b8d1edf19664⋯.gif (4.93 MB, 400x206, 200:103, Hosanna_Hosanna_Hosanna.gif)




>> Passover 2020 BEGINS on the evening of


and ENDS ON the evening of

THURSDAY, April 16


>> Due to the ongoing threat of the coronavirus, graduation for the Class of 2020 will take place on SATURDAY, April 18. This EVENT will be 6 weeks ahead of schedule (previously scheduled May 28).


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4005ae  No.8712731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now is the perfect time to watch this again and share this video with anyone who might not know whats going on. I think it's the perfect intro for normies, boomers, etc, who might be starting to turn with the daily pressers.

"This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected"


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cf2c0d  No.8712732


You first, nigger! I'm sure your pellet gun will be real effective against the cartels.

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32c7bd  No.8712733



Yeah, that's not how things work, MS13 — fuck on off back to your trailer park. And call your parole officer

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65979a  No.8712734


Wouldn't take diddly for the truth from this one. Have you looked thru his account?

Still, it seems like there's an underlaying msg that media is dribbling out.

This one's a Bioweapon that's been created & released, knowing that it's unending!

This is a Eugenics wet dream!

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bb78d8  No.8712735

File: 7c9022bf6347abc⋯.png (43.93 KB, 190x198, 95:99, trumpets3.png)

Give us this day

our daily breads.

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8a2111  No.8712736

File: 30b4db848041b03⋯.jpg (146.23 KB, 560x768, 35:48, 30b4db848041b0340e4e1c48ee….jpg)

File: 4762cffc4325e0f⋯.jpeg (209.28 KB, 990x919, 990:919, 4762cffc4325e0f46a0f456da….jpeg)

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7fb09e  No.8712737


10 days of overcast skies…that count as 'dankness'?

It should, been unusually cloudy for this time of the year in ET.

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88591f  No.8712738


If Steve Bannon is right, Henry Kissinger might be the first BIG name to fall (rather than Bill Gates)

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2752ae  No.8712739


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2752ae  No.8712740



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c9d568  No.8712741

File: a8b503ff1fc3c4e⋯.png (404.09 KB, 551x528, 551:528, steinbart_dickfish.PNG)


be seeing a lot of these soon

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6ac4fb  No.8712742

looks like youve taken the bait


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8a2111  No.8712743

File: 6462407ffe57cb1⋯.png (13.54 KB, 189x255, 63:85, b666e75314536149326cbbe047….png)


Good morning oysteranon! Nice dubs.

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0e3ff1  No.8712744

File: 1ec9e3ef1573b60⋯.png (104.12 KB, 355x313, 355:313, kek_baby.png)


Oh noes.

They arrested Q

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0add84  No.8712745

File: ff7c53c5aedd243⋯.jpeg (278.55 KB, 456x759, 152:253, BB08A07A_E659_4FF7_A471_B….jpeg)


wearing the uniform too

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c69765  No.8712747

File: f7fd43515ab1f44⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 540x304, 135:76, Last_Full_Measure.gif)

File: e2b2fad1eb26176⋯.gif (5.52 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Night_Thief.gif)

File: fc13a1aa03023b3⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.06 MB, 540x304, 135:76, Fixing_Channeling.gif)




>> Passover 2020 BEGINS on the evening of


and ENDS ON the evening of

THURSDAY, April 16


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88591f  No.8712748


OWL = Orbital Weapons Launch?

Rods from God/Thor’s Hammer?


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2752ae  No.8712749


my ideas are free to roam just like you's

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5ca39c  No.8712750

File: b329f9072c3332b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day ad forever.

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7fb09e  No.8712751

Christ always spoke about crops and harvests.

Harvest time is close.

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98ec65  No.8712752

File: f8e8b4aab6483ce⋯.png (23.61 KB, 790x886, 395:443, Q_1879_CATHOLIC_PREDATOR_P….png)

File: 6d81b4fcc742a54⋯.png (753.69 KB, 1580x2364, 395:591, 2.png)


none of them ever truly believed in anything did they?

how could they and do what they have done?

most anons do not know the half….

all day long digging Epstein et al yet pay no mind to the millions of victims in every country the RCC infects. It is a bit disheartening yet it seems Q team and POTUS are well aware and also that all of this is truly unprecedented indicating that something must have occurred secretly.

What do you think opened the flood gates, anon?

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6ac4fb  No.8712753

File: 217d001d86915ca⋯.jpeg (8.04 KB, 177x176, 177:176, fishy.jpeg)

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b283ea  No.8712754



What the hell is going on? That doesn’t sound like it’s part of the ‘plan’!?

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48d28f  No.8712755


Anyone else notice the red text posts have disappeared from here?

Also, haven't seen eBot.


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1d7b1e  No.8712756


God Bless Swordy!

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4aca48  No.8712757

File: cebbb81c30240cc⋯.png (218.79 KB, 3169x1318, 3169:1318, ClipboardImage.png)


>8712683 verified


Fucking done.

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1b01a0  No.8712758

File: 281245f0e39cd5e⋯.jpg (555.16 KB, 1164x1600, 291:400, Rosemarys_Baby.jpg)

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98ec65  No.8712759

File: f6decdde02d3714⋯.jpg (106.93 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1vcbm4.jpg)


Fauci = deep state JESUIT?

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71454d  No.8712760

File: d2e40f602270988⋯.jpg (266 KB, 1455x1896, 485:632, J08llikgR6.jpg)


The twatter link has more images here is his signature on a page.

It could still be fake would likely need a lawfag to verify it. [[NEED Mugshot]]

Funny regardless.


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cbefcb  No.8712761


The "church" CDAN writes about is not the Catholic church. Sometimes it's Scientology and sometimes it's [their] "church."

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48d28f  No.8712762


Amen Swordy! God Bless You too!!

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41f8ae  No.8712763

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4aca48  No.8712764

File: d45c11117b5d683⋯.png (244.96 KB, 3717x1985, 3717:1985, ClipboardImage.png)


AUSTIN STEINBART cannot even afford his own lawyer. Using a public defender.

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8a2111  No.8712766


No. Your ideas of spreading violence don't belong here. Go back to /pol or wherever you crawled from and stay there.

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e51937  No.8712767

File: edf33095bf204a7⋯.png (917.91 KB, 1166x589, 1166:589, _Kathy_Griffin_is_evil.png)

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7fb09e  No.8712768


And yet you found one WITH red text.


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53f044  No.8712769

File: 111815d9a10e4f7⋯.png (244.25 KB, 625x847, 625:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e64b2f3d73e093e⋯.png (270.25 KB, 610x896, 305:448, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6d111fdc308a2c⋯.png (107.02 KB, 1166x811, 1166:811, ClipboardImage.png)


Lol he's done! Going to jail.

SAUCE: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/17036843/united-states-v-steinbart/


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35d142  No.8712770

File: 6f518b528fc6dd0⋯.png (230.18 KB, 433x433, 1:1, CURETHWOLD.png)

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7fb09e  No.8712772


Fuck you, anti 1st amendment.

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466fa9  No.8712773


It was noticed - check the posts around the time of the briefing.

And in the current bread:


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78bf50  No.8712775


Often "the church" on CDAN refers to LDS Church

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6ac4fb  No.8712776

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466fa9  No.8712777


And it was glorious to see.

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4aca48  No.8712778


I posted todays court docket.

Proof enough?

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de15c5  No.8712779

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)



God bless you, Swordy!

Semper Fidelis

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a1c1d0  No.8712781

File: 6e0e150cb2321ae⋯.jpg (426.92 KB, 1586x975, 122:75, Screenshot_20200407_091043….jpg)

File: 99f00978654e9ae⋯.jpg (213.55 KB, 1600x327, 1600:327, Screenshot_20200407_090946….jpg)

Faux Q Austin Steinbart…. getting fauxQed


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c65ccc  No.8712783

File: 6fc9c0a6cb06ec7⋯.jpg (32.42 KB, 335x500, 67:100, YourDaily_ASCII_E_jpg.jpg)

File: cae16ee7f5738c2⋯.png (1.34 MB, 615x750, 41:50, baker_PATRIOT_muhBREAD.png)

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6ac4fb  No.8712785

did someone sing?


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d78694  No.8712793

File: 2cf922f2a727593⋯.png (28.16 KB, 256x344, 32:43, Screenshot_2020_04_07_Canv….png)

make sure you get some of that Canvas Infrastructure

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