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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 50ea8e223dafc8e⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, QR957.png)

1b1845 No.771552

No one said it would be easy.

>>3138 New Board Rules

Q's Tripcode: !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 3.23.18




Tuesday 3.20.18

>>740252 Enjoy the show. Expect a lot more.

>>739690 MZ. RT. Big meeting. Cell phones left at door.

>>739281 The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’

Sunday 3.18.18

>>705264 Whitelist.

>>705183 Panic Mode.

Saturday 3.17.18

>>702000 USMC Activated

>>701978 BOOM


Thursday 3.15.18

>>680795 [John Perry Barlow]

>>678302 Public will know soon

>>678255 rt >>678226 TRUST KANSAS

>>678189 rt >>678151 Trust the plan. Full control

>>678161 Extreme Efforts - Enjoy the Show

>>678119 Iran next []

>>678044 Boooom!

>>678011 BOOOOOM!

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonposts.com,thestoryofq.com and qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts >>>/comms/226

826254 No.771565

Yes, the bill has officially been signed into law. Remove yourself from the emotion associated and dissect the reality of the situation.

On the surface, a 1.3 Trillion dollar spending bill was pushed through both the House and the Senate in a single day. The following day, the President signed it into law. Never in the entire history of the United States Corporation has such a large bill been streamlined so fast into law without so much as a peep of debate, or anyone even getting the opportunity to read it.

Why would the Democrats put forth their agenda with DACA, their primary shrill autistic cry for attention, ignored? Why would Trump abandon various positions such as full funding for the wall? Why is the number one biggest common denominator pushed forth and approved by both sides of the isle and the President funding for the MIC, Military, and additional money to all political critters?

They all know. Every single one of them. The USD is about to face unprecedented challenges and is on the horizon of an inevitable failure. Every single thing in Omnibus, if looked at critically from a lens of self-preservation, is aligned with preparing to deal with the fallout of the collapse, repatriation, and inevitable default of US sovereign debt and the dissolution of the USD as the world reserve currency. All that matters is funding the military to deal with the social unrest, and giving politicians extra bribe money for them to prepare themselves and their families as best as they can.

Wake up. Read between the lines. Realize this is the beginning of the end for your very way of life, and that if you've waited this long to begin preparing to survive with minimal support from the current Just-In-Time delivery system. Arm yourself. Have food, water, and basic medical supplies. Be prepared to survive a period of extreme civil unrest. Have plans for yourself and your family.

1b1845 No.771574

Recent Notable Posts

Batch 956 Notables

>>770917 Link to the correct PDF...all 2149 pages

Batch 955 Notables

>>770422 Omnibus red-pill campaign

>>770085 Omni BOMBS (all from #954)

Batch 954 Notables

>>769799 ...this traces back to the global banks...

>>769656 Trump is picking his fights.

>>769563 The spending bill was a bluff by the democrats.

>>769403 Bill is a go sign.

Batch 953 Notables

>>769105 It's gonna be a fun ride fam...

Batch 951 Notables

>>767154 urgent need to end the war in Yemen and contain Iran

Batch 950 Notables

>>766244 Iranian Indictment

>>766905 EU cozies up to Iran to save Iran Nuke Deal

>>766900 War Room Message

Batch 947 Notables

>>764093 Rizvi be CLOWNIN' (unrolled must read; YT Vid = Branson + Island Temple)

>>764174 BO will still edit posts upon request or to ridicule shills in New Rules

Batch 945 & 946 Notables

>>764108 Notables from #945 & #946 recorded in >>>/villageidiots/126

Batch 944 Notables

>>761934 Numbered Brackets>Wikipedia Theory (Please Read)

>>761516 Rockefeller>Iran Deal part 1

>>761516 Rockefeller>Iran Deal part 2

>>761711 Iran Project>Rockefellers part 1

>>761724 Iran Project>Rockefellers part 2

Batch 942 Notables

>>760408 John Bolton Confirmation Hearing

Batch 940 Notables

>>758773 War Room Message

>>759913 Important Info dump from JA

Batch 938 Notables

>>756915 MBS meets with Mattis

>>757023 Tl;dr version of CIA doc Q posted (Corrected link:www.cia.gov/open/Family%20Jewels.pdf)

Batch 937 Notables

>>755109 More Resignations

>>754997 More Resignations

>>756338 May, Macron, & Merkel Crisis Meeting today (Thurs)

Batch 936 Notables

>>755212 Russia Report Findings

Batch 934 Notables


Batch 933 Notables

>>753691 POTUS Tweets Missing Letters

Batch 932 Notables

>>752776 Obama Election Rigging U.S. Digital Service

>>752778 Senate Passes H.R. 1865

Batch 928 Notables

>>749490 Lobbyist Investigating SR shot twice and run over

Batch 926 Notables

>>747551 Twitter CISO Resigns

>>747926 Apple Resignation

Batch 925 Notables

>>747062 Rizvi Traverse Portfolio Connections

Batch 924 Notables

>>746765 President of Peru Resigns

>>746778 Google had 427 WH meetings under Obama

Batch 923 Notables

>>745691 NK supplied Syria with a Nuclear Reactor

>>745389 Former FBI Watch-dog guilty of sexual assault (6 yr old)

>>745101 Mezvinky>HRC Campaign connection

>>745204 Vatican Communications Director resigns

>>745285 SES CIA program info

Batch 922 Notables

>>745061 Tesla shareholders approve EM compensation plan "BOOM"

>>744467 MZ & FB COO No-shows at FB Crisis Meeting 3.20.18

>>744660 Mauritius President Resigns

Batch 921 Notables

>>744201 Sessions Memo Regarding Capital Punishment for Drug Prosecutions

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

1b1845 No.771580

Current Operations : Kekistani War Department



[3] hashes:




https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2 OR TINY URL bit. ly/2oSGA2n

Make sure to follow up with the email verification!!!

Set the Stage

>>641497 War Room 9


Research Section



Backup Q Map/Graphic Set


Quick Access Tools

MindMapFags Share Central >>396133

>>589519 Latest Q Map Set (1of8)

>>589524 Latest Q Map Set (2of8)

>>589531 Latest Q Map Set (3of8)

>>589538 Latest Q Map Set (4of8)

>>589541 Latest Q Map Set (5of8)

>>589549 Latest Q Map Set (6of8)

>>634887 Latest Q Map Set (7of8)

>>687723 Latest Q Map Set (8of8)

Recent map updates

>>680525 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel

>>680532 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE

>>680539 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION

>>680548 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY

>>680565 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming

>>749524 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-03-21_Panic

* QMap PDF (Version 7.2.0 current) >>122807

* POTUS-tweet archive : trumptwitterarchive.com

* Qcode guide to abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Searchable, interactive archive w/ user-explanations : qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap zip : enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Memo & OIG Report Links : >>427188

* Updated Q archives : qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* Spreadsheet : docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump : pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops : pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https:// anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* Linode server Q Database: https:// www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource irc.qclearancearchive.net >has browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge

* Deleted Trump Tweets : https:// factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* Full JSON Q archive: 6mb anonfile.com/H6B7G7dcbc/QJsonArchive.zip

* NEW http:// qest.us (scrapes stock movements)

Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free Research Resources

>>4362 Planefag Tools

>>4369 Research Threads

>>3152 Redpill Scripts

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics

>>328278 , >>377614 DoE Supercomputers + Cyber-Espionage Deep Dig thread

>>388571 MK Ultra Deep Dive

>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas

>>718733 Digging Tools for SES

The Meme Armoury


Over 11,800 images from 11/25/17 /cbts thru /thestorm, thru qresearch Memes#1-#10


There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.


The same 11,800 categorized images scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512


Memes15 >>596831

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class




1b1845 No.771583



95d7f7 No.771597

File: 813d9727a5c3d76⋯.jpg (78.3 KB, 755x500, 151:100, 270bwr.jpg)

File: a4005cf22c4bf01⋯.jpg (110.76 KB, 674x500, 337:250, 270bxp.jpg)

File: f8e70f683fc593e⋯.jpg (80.17 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 270byw.jpg)

1b8e0a No.771609

File: 5e7d0be51483856⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 500x592, 125:148, mark twain1.jpg)

1b1845 No.771621


9584a6 No.771629

File: de6350c52779ba0⋯.webm (9.6 MB, 2200x2200, 1:1, wereld.webm)

hmm, blessed are the bakers!

4225e2 No.771640

Can someone adjust the javascript to the new Q tripcode?

9584a6 No.771641


5:5 is intensity of impact?

ca99e2 No.771645

File: 29f3243ce98ea2d⋯.jpg (318.45 KB, 1288x1936, 161:242, 59f685ecb31e5.jpg)

Mmmm… That's the stuff, baker!

6a9bed No.771646

Who the fuck is this?

https:// twitter.com/SnowWhi22595723

f99105 No.771647


Good. Know that there are others who do as well.

86a5db No.771648


Pretty good CGI

83277a No.771649

bill: 1235 page


9 TAXES.—An amount equivalent to 200 percent of the total

10 taxes assessed during fiscal year 2018 on funds appro11

priated by this Act and prior Acts making appropriations

12 for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related

13 programs by a foreign government or entity against United

14 States assistance programs, either directly or through

15 grantees, contractors, and subcontractors, shall be withheld

16 from obligation from funds appropriated for assistance for

17 fiscal year 2019 and for prior fiscal years and allocated

18 for the central government of such country or for the West

19 Bank and Gaza program, as applicable, if, not later than

20 September 30, 2019, such taxes have not been reimbursed:

21 Provided, That the Secretary of State shall report to the

22 Committees on Appropriations by such date on the foreign

23 governments and entities that have not reimbursed such

24 taxes, including any amount of funds withheld pursuant

25 to this subsection.

Hmmm., more locks to HAMAS?

69e833 No.771650

can anyone point me to the thread where the new bill was discussed, and why trump passed it?

What's the word on JA drops?

Was there any more "show" like Q pointed us to with Comedy Central from the other day?

333b16 No.771651

>>771542 (past bread)

Have some faith.

f99105 No.771652


Jesus…today has given me a FREEDOM boner like no other day. This shit had better be real…

e9e9f3 No.771653


Is that Angela? Maybe she was trying to shave it into a Masonic symbol.

8c0de2 No.771654

we have the money to finish the plan, let's keep marching forward anons.

fdb2ac No.771655

File: 66572e57769d333⋯.jpg (51.68 KB, 824x704, 103:88, john-bolton-1.jpg)

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton (now appointed National Security advisor) has been a frequent visitor at the White House. He was the preferred candidate to fill the position (replacing H. R. McMaster). He is an extreme hawk, closely tied to the Israel Lobby, who would push hard for war against Iran and also for a hardline position in Syria, one that could lead to direct confrontation with the Syrian Armed Forces and possibly the Russians.

Bolton, who has been described by a former George W. Bush official as “the most dangerous man we had during the entire eight years,” will undoubtedly have a problem in getting confirmed by Congress. He was rejected as U.N. Ambassador, requiring Bush to make a recess appointment which did not need Congressional approval.

9584a6 No.771656

File: e8b43987f7116bf⋯.gif (177.54 KB, 752x224, 47:14, 71frqd6.gif)

e994dd No.771657


We are breaking up the Omnibus Bill into 100 page sections. Each anon takes a chunk and reports back. Grab one and read before they are all gone.

bbb94c No.771658

File: 5f30deb3a03c0ff⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 611x343, 611:343, 1-2-q.jpg)

File: 708091db15fb186⋯.jpg (181.94 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 533e16f530bc75003c84ebfbd6….jpg)

File: 9b2596df1eff873⋯.jpg (30.26 KB, 550x389, 550:389, please-join-us-5ab46e.jpg)

File: c255ff0a9d5fffc⋯.jpg (35.27 KB, 800x450, 16:9, gwobawismsucks.jpg)

File: 948d96721c440bc⋯.jpg (85.4 KB, 800x457, 800:457, are-enough-people.jpg)

af05c6 No.771659


I read this as:

Stage set for the 5:5 HRC video?


It sure would make a GREAT Friday night movie!

0efc97 No.771660


it's not

"Stage 5"



he's talking about the video… we're still in stage 2.

>Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

>We have it all.

>Re_read re: stage.

>The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].

>[Impossible to defend].

>[Toxic to those connected].

>WE must work TOGETHER.

>WE are only as strong as your VOICE.

>YOU must organize and BE HEARD.

>THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK.


>We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.

>Dark to LIGHT.

>EVIL surrounds us.

>WE are FIGHTING for you.

>Where we go one, we go ALL.

>The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].


>Stage set?

>Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated?

>MSM is controlled?

>Use logic!

>Trust the PLAN.


+Re-read Dec 7 posts as well. Mike Green. For Green.

++And this Q post:

Feb 21 2018 20:34:05









[ ]


521261 No.771661

Good find, spud guy!

9dd5e8 No.771662


The international currency deal has been signed.

It is in stone. Therefore, the debt we have incurred (prior to omnibus) has been established. Any new debt will not effect the terms of the new currency.

b692bc No.771663

What the bill has taught me so far, thanks to you Anons.

Change of Narrative.

The topics in the MSM (wall etc) aren't the foremost importance to the future. While they may be a large part of current affairs, things like the Space announcement and designation of dictates in this bill, and other future affairs are surely to be astounding and conclusive.

Here here anons, thanks for researching.

f99105 No.771664


One of the tweets gives this url about las vegas whistleblowers live now:

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcLQ00jnTLE&app=desktop

b37c92 No.771665


I vote that Mark Twain is a nigger.

33d719 No.771666

File: 776dd85b1fefc7b⋯.jpg (427.91 KB, 1915x969, 1915:969, Quiet2.jpg)

It's oh so quiet, it's oh so still… they're all alone, and so peaceful until…

The skies sure are quiet in Europe for military traffic tonight. Just the French Air Farce and the RAF.

b13b02 No.771668


I'll bake

708b63 No.771669

File: 3c31ed33c573ac5⋯.png (759.26 KB, 1166x934, 583:467, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

8c0de2 No.771670

there is funny people here, thanks

f19d58 No.771671

File: 7ac57cc4a4849f9⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 491x269, 491:269, hnwsr.jpg)

200ca9 No.771672


Windcrest Castle Rackspace

Video vault?

b869a7 No.771673


New strategy. No longer….Q is a larp….or I need a habening….my friends are making fun of me….now it's WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!

Fearfag! Real a bond know that a funded military is a strong military and a strong military is controlled environment.

God Bless President Trump. God Bless our wonderful and selfless military. God Bless the United States of America and then the WORLD.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

f19d58 No.771674


Agreed anon

c9f242 No.771675


I didn't find it. another anon in this bread did. I just connected the dots of the pic, the article from the Hill, and Q post.

1b1845 No.771676


it's all yours…please confirm

fdb2ac No.771677


currently cultivated in the usa

33d719 No.771679

File: 8baaaf80b3d71ac⋯.jpg (369.27 KB, 1913x963, 1913:963, Ascot225.jpg)

Anyone want to place a bet as to where Ascot225 is headed?

e994dd No.771680


Last bread report on 1400-1500

cfe1a7 No.771681


For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector Gen- eral, including employment pursuant to the Inspector Gen- eral Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–452; 5 U.S.C. App.), $98,208,000, including such sums as may be necessary for contracting and other arrangements with public agencies and private persons pursuant to section 6(a)(9) of the In- spector General Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–452; 5 U.S.C. App.), and including not to exceed $125,000 for certain con- fidential operational expenses, including the payment of in- formants, to be expended under the direction of the Inspec- tor General pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–452; 5 U.S.C. App.) and section 1337 of the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 (Public Law 97–98).


available under this heading for ‘‘other activities’’, and that
 are not derived from user fees, $1,500,000 shall be trans-  ferred to and merged with the appropriation for ‘‘Depart

ment of Health and Human Services—Office of Inspector

General’’ for oversight of the programs and operations of 
the Food and Drug Administration 

Page 70

of which not less than $48,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2019, shall be for the purchase of information

Page 71

technology and of which not less than $2,700,000 shall be for expenses of the Office of the Inspector General: 

Page 128

* That within the amounts appropriated, $2,580,000 
hall be transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ account for activities associated with carrying out investigations and audits related to the Bureau of the Census: 

Page 133

* That within the amounts appropriated, $1,000,000 
shall be transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ account for activities associated with carrying out investigations and audits related to the USPTO 

Page 137

* That, within the amounts appropriated, $1,302,000 shall be transferred to the ‘‘Office of Inspector General’’ account for activities associated with carrying out

Page 138

nvestigations and audits related to satellite procurement, acquisition and construction. 

Page 140


For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector Gen- eral in carrying out the provisions of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), $32,744,000.

Page 146

* OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General, $97,250,000, including not to exceed $10,000 to meet unforeseen emergencies of a confidential character. 

Page 196


For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General in carrying out the Inspector General Act of 1978, 
$39,000,000, of which $500,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2019. 

Page 200

For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector General as authorized by the Inspector General Act of 1978, 
$15,200,000, of which $400,000 shall remain available until September 30, 2019. 

Page 203

PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION For payment to the Legal Services Corporation to 
carry out the purposes of the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974, $410,000,000, of which $376,000,000 is for basic field programs and required independent audits; 
$5,100,000 is for the Office of Inspector General, of which such amounts as may be necessary may be used to conduct additional audits of recipients; $19,400,000 is for management and grants oversight; $4,000,000 is for client self-help and information technology; $4,500,000 is for a Pro Bono Innovation Fund; and $1,000,000 is for loan repayment assistance:

c2a655 No.771682

Im seeing a new division in our military: US Army Corps of Border Patrol

They might even have. Green Castle as their logo.

d2d15a No.771683


Thanks for stepping up anon. I can do it, but I suck so bad at it that the couple of times I’ve baked I was accused of being a shill clown.

b13b02 No.771684



godspeed BAKER

83277a No.771685


Operation Paperclip, it isn't new.

8c0de2 No.771686


we join together

e3cd3f No.771687


Can you post a link please

1b1845 No.771688

1eb623 No.771689

File: f9fe5fc09414367⋯.png (159.83 KB, 955x1148, 955:1148, IMG_0819.PNG)


My take on the 5:5 that I posted in last bread.

Remember when 5:5 was deciphered, it was POTUS saying, "I hear you". I think that's why he had the presser about the omnibus. He was telling us he hears us, and explained why he had to sign it anyway.

60c489 No.771690

File: 138b1c431cff5a5⋯.png (559.87 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, LAYB99.png)

File: 33145bb8a6a96f8⋯.png (595.58 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, LAYB100.png)


Looking at you, Baker

b13b02 No.771691


Practice at comms

not much to it, as long as you don't mess with the dough too much

e1832b No.771692


Oh hell yes!

7e43c7 No.771693

File: e7655d4676e12ec⋯.png (690.65 KB, 886x953, 886:953, b616e5c44a12d4b659bd030c5c….png)

How can we be in stage 5 if we were just in stage 3 like last week?

49e092 No.771694

I'm not getting CNN's and Anderson Cooper's obsession with Stormy. What was the point of it. A rich playboy screwing an attractive blond chick multiple times many, many years ago is a bad thing how?

What shocked me about all this is that the Stormy story took me to another link on Drudge which explains why every airport in the nation has CNN on their screen. I did not know that CNN actually PAYS the airports to keep their channel on.

83a67e No.771695


Rand Paul has already said he will block the nominations of Haspel and Pompeo. Adding Bolton to that list doesn't seem like a stretch.

8c0de2 No.771696

i'm gonna drink a case of diet coke when this is done

fdb2ac No.771697


remember when trump laughed out loud about american trying a president for life when talking about the chinese president

get your jack boots out and start goose stepping

200ca9 No.771698


Good Friday

great movie

c9f242 No.771699

Hey is the Special Counsel funding in the bill? just a momentary question

22184c No.771700

File: 0dbedfd4fa99cfa⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1292x1764, 323:441, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at ….png)

Googleanon says that we are ORGANICALLY doing what they are trying to create a "bot" to do!

Our reality is real, and theirs is a lie…

We are a secret weapon of POTUS!!! No President has ever had a base like us. He can count on us to dig, and wait, and trust!


I believe God intervened on November 8, 2016. Our world is better because of DJT

d3f4a7 No.771701

File: e5a0eb69d2e7969⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 640x360, 16:9, fb323df0-6d74-4e76-ae81-f9….jpg)

Hint: Abel Danger has done most of the digging

f19d58 No.771702


just furthering their attempt to discredit and demean POTUS.

It signals their desperation

e994dd No.771703


http:// docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20180319/BILLS-115SAHR1625-RCP115-66.pdf

81e7ed No.771704


Drama queen

fdb2ac No.771705


yah.. but if something happens prior to that.. an event say…

c558d9 No.771706


So fake. NASA is a fraud.

When living on the inside, one just cannot depict it as if it were a convex spinning planet…

59d011 No.771707

File: 0a740bba3ba1743⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 6rfa78-hfe0fh7y2ldz.jpg)


i would be lying if i said i wasn't wondering this also .

0efc97 No.771708


anons misreading Q, it's not stage 5.

there's an _

see >>771660

e3cd3f No.771709


Thank you

714438 No.771710

“It's not a Budget it's an Omnibus: More

3D Chess!! (this may be the most important thing you read tonight) 🍺Gunny says:

March 23, 2018 at 7:42 am

"I seriously do not understand why individuals do not read the entire thread or disregard it.

Wheatietoo and I spent hours yesterday providing links, researching the laws, the 1974 law, and statutes…. Do you know why the Omnibus is not going to get any notice…Here it is..

It’s not an official ‘Federal Budget’. It’s an Omnibus bill…not a Budget…He outsmarted them again…Congress basically screwed themselves by not passing a Budget…

Per the Constitution…the President must adhere to a Budget set forth by Congress and direct the expenditures as provided therein.

This is another one of those big Porkulus Bills like they gave Obama for 8 years. This is not a Budget.

An Omnibus Spending Bill may have some ‘instructions’ as to how the money will be spent…but Obama ignored them.

He spent the money or didn’t spend it, however, he wanted to.

And Congress didn’t do a thing about it! Because they couldn’t..

I think our President observed how this happened, year after year.

He is bound to realize that those ‘appropriations’ for different things in these Omnibus bills…are mere ‘suggestions’.

So like Obama, Pres Trump can spend this money on whatever he wants to.

Or…not spend it.

Planned Parenthood?

What if our President decided to tell the Treas Dept to ‘slow-walk’ that money to Planned Parenthood…until the Senate gets off their ass and confirms his appointees?

Sanctuary Cities?

What if our President decided to ‘slow-walk’ that money too…until those Sanctuary Cities assist ICE in rounding up criminal illegal aliens?

Splodey heads? From the Dems and the Enemedia?

Why yes.

There would be a colorful display of splodey heads.

But what could they do about it?


Our President could just say…’What! Congress should’ve passed a Budget.’

done finished…research was done…and it is so very humorous actually….our VSG..just said just give me money for the military and the wall…put anything else you want in it…and those goofballs did.

In this case, as per above….he doesn’t have to spend a dime….because it is not a budget…and even if it was…researched….he could still spend as he, pleases…

Congress appropriates….up to the President to spend it…or not….as he pleases..

If anyone disagrees, I can go back and get the links and evidence, but if you just read yesterdays political thread…Wheatietoo and I laid it all out for all…Wheatietoo did most of the work and put together the consolidated update as per above….

Again, that is why Obama never had a Budget in his Presidency…Congress did continual Omnibus's and he just took the money….for 8 years…and no one seems to know where it went…”

38a329 No.771711

Today France suffered a terror attack.

"‘Allah Akbar’ Attacker: Three Dead, Dozen Wounded in Carcassonne Attacks"

http:// www.breitbart.com/london/2018/03/23/officer-shot-hostages-taken-french-carssasonne-supermarket/

This week Sarkozy was held by the police and came free on bail and under conditions, he has to fulfil.

Maybe, this terror act, blamed on ISIS as usual and the perpetrator shot dead as usual, was retaliation or a message from the cabal, not to mess with one of their own?

f19d58 No.771712



aaaannndd filtered

83277a No.771713


hm, in US, the presidents only is 8 years.

cfe1a7 No.771714




13 For necessary expenses to carry out functions of the

14 Office of Special Counsel pursuant to Reorganization Plan

15 Numbered 2 of 1978, the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

16 (Public Law 95–454), the Whistleblower Protection Act of

17 1989 (Public Law 101–12) as amended by Public Law 107–

18 304, the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012

19 (Public Law 112–199), and the Uniformed Services Em-

20 ployment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (Public

21 Law 103–353), including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C.

22 3109, payment of fees and expenses for witnesses, rental of

23 conference rooms in the District of Columbia and elsewhere,

24 and hire of passenger motor vehicles; $26,535,000.

b13b02 No.771715


would you be kind to the baker and gather those reports from the last bread?

7fb300 No.771716

File: 79af0ed84042522⋯.jpg (6.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, white.jpg)

Some of this concernfagging looks like real anons

I hope the newfags leave now

Many came in after last big Qdrop

The board been harder to work in since

No oldfag here should have concern b/c no veto

Veto would've been fun tho

340ce0 No.771717


The anon that wrote it will get to it, i presume…

For now, just change the old tripcode (which appears 3 times) to the new tripcode. Works perfectly

81e7ed No.771718


That is cool

87a023 No.771719

File: 820f25f702dcb58⋯.png (121.24 KB, 312x507, 8:13, this-is-us.png)


we are in phase 2

do not confuse words anon

stage still not well set.

media is not our bitch yet

59d011 No.771720

File: de623ab70ff1615⋯.png (423.37 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 6wowvv-Tc5ogRv.png)


ah thank you anon .. stage set , not stage 5

f19d58 No.771721


https:// qanon.pub is updated to the new tripcode

c0bf6d No.771722

File: c4cab1444cd62be⋯.png (177.37 KB, 592x221, 592:221, ClipboardImage.png)


You think we went to the moon? LOL

Here, have some secret moon lander construction material

b9b85c No.771723


whew someone is putting some serious heat inside the IG office

7f3e0e No.771724


Who cares? It's just another twitter user who follows Q

f91c54 No.771725


I second that! Hungary and Poland DO NOT take in refugees. And both countries hate Soros equally. Both countries have fought side by side against Muslim/Nazis/cabal/ throughout history. When it comes to our homelands, we don't let the EU or NATO or Soros or anyone else to dictate shit to us. Never have! Never will! Poland and Hungary have saved Europe in the past, and we will do it again. As a polishanon- With friends like Hungary, we will always win! Brotherhood and Trust! For God and Country!

e57640 No.771726


and no 4am's on Saturday, MSM would shit and tail spin; that in itself would be fun to watch.

fdb2ac No.771727


if marshall law is in effect .. presidency can last forever.

675958 No.771728


>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcLQ00jnTLE&app=desktop


▶Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 03/24/18 (Sat) 06:14:06 No.461

Clock activated.





49e092 No.771729


He's a neocon. He LOVES war and dead American soldiers. Its folks like him who the cabal wants in power. He will be confirmed.

0efc97 No.771730

Define stages.

Define puppets.

Define puppet handlers.

Define proxy war.

Define proxy war.

Define proxy war.

Expand your thinking.

Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?


Does POTUS control all matters classified?


Have faith.

These people are losers!

(Nov 30 2017 00:38:37 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo)

9584a6 No.771731




>>770679 PDF of Omnibus Bill

























>>770860, >>770933













you read the entire thinglmao


>>771681, >>771590, >>771226


9fba9d No.771732

File: 9b1d9fdf8045352⋯.png (67.78 KB, 300x569, 300:569, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

File: 7dc22216425112c⋯.png (63.99 KB, 302x575, 302:575, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

File: f54b840b346be72⋯.png (66.37 KB, 305x566, 305:566, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

File: d57d5a11da9c3bf⋯.png (62.43 KB, 280x559, 280:559, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

File: 9bfe1081f748a3f⋯.png (70.71 KB, 282x578, 141:289, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

BBG + Innanet Freedoms

200ca9 No.771733



fdb2ac No.771734


war war war war war war

340ce0 No.771735


See top of bread.

What JA drops?

This ENTIRE escapade is a show! Welcome to the stage! Play your part.

02c6b2 No.771736

Eufag here- is an Omnibus exactly the same thing as a Federal budget?

369042 No.771737

Fantastic article on POTUS economic plan vs the absolute horror show of previous admins. Trust POTUS. Trust the plan. Laid out beautifully here.

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/03/22/democrat-senator-maria-cantwell-scoffs-at-chinas-goal-to-dominate-aerospace-industry-by-2025/

e7f8d7 No.771738

File: 8c74d080c85ee7b⋯.jpg (385.38 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, mercedes.jpg)

Thank you baker

Here's Mercedes Carrera, a patriot

b18abd No.771740


National Security Advisor doesn't need Senate approval.

c9f242 No.771741

>>771727 POTUS jokingly threatened that about a week ago as he pretended it was in response to China . He said something about making himself President for life

83277a No.771742


The age.., The age.., So are the rules.

b65d72 No.771743

File: cb82cff63f22f1d⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2207.PNG)

Also wanted to throw in my guess on the start the clock thing. One starts and stops the clock when one plays chess…

651067 No.771744


God bless you Managingfag. Please keep at it.

340ce0 No.771745


Yes, I know. The anon meant the script here:

https:// anonsw.github.io/8chjs/q-min.js

8cd64a No.771746



Do you have that in gold?

59d011 No.771747

File: e192f1d707c6d0f⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 570x761, 570:761, 733ihd-D4Lwkna.jpg)


got this pepe off this link .. tons of awesome ones , have fun . p.s its safe been there multiple times

https:// the-eye.eu/public/Images/Pepe/

fdb2ac No.771748


totally fucked then

eaaa25 No.771749


5x5 is military radio talk

Means YES I hear you.

5c8f5b No.771750

File: 03ae4eb1e255ac0⋯.png (135.87 KB, 632x448, 79:56, 300M to Great Lakes.PNG)

File: 2c7b2bc11dd5f26⋯.png (180.28 KB, 749x566, 749:566, pg 825-Indians and alcohol.PNG)

File: 31caf7bfaecc09d⋯.png (35.69 KB, 634x151, 634:151, water for Alaska.PNG)

File: eedfcc010c25f29⋯.png (159.23 KB, 623x566, 623:566, Water for border.PNG)

File: e1fb84c18d820e3⋯.png (82.38 KB, 600x348, 50:29, pg 837-limiting time of pa….PNG)

Omnibus-I'm reading pages 800-900


Pg. 800-850

1)WATER (may not really be currently drinkable)

2)Indian tribes are being taken care of

Graphics below

e594f8 No.771751


It is real anon…..go ahead and rub it in a gentle but continuous manner. You deserve it.

4ee741 No.771752



f7e5a2 No.771753

File: 0f35b2652677f3b⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 226x223, 226:223, mrpepeJD.jpg)


$$ for Consumer protection agency/banking (dodd frank)

NOTEWORTHY - removes regulation on small biz loans and other regulations

NOTEWORTHY - Major revisions to bank insolvency laws - covers banks over $50 Billion - "TOO BIG TO FAIL" stuff - very complex - too much for lawfag - need bankruptcy lawfag - NOTEWORTHY - this is new - ‘‘The court may consider the effect that any decision in connection with this subchapter may have on financial stability in the United States. Lawfag guess - banksters won this one.

$$$ for Homeland security - BIG $$$ for OIG - big increase to $154,000,000 - new requirements for cost, schedule, and performance. VERY CONFUSING language ie: " $11,553,315,000 (reduced by 5 $20,000,000) (increased by $10,000,000); of which $3,274,000 shall be derived from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund…" HUH? see pg 648

$$ for transportation Dept.

$$ for Coast guard

$$ for Secret Service

BIG $$ for National Protection and Programs Directorate for procurement, construction,

and improvements, $335,033,000 +++

$$ for FEMA

$$ for disaster relief and flood relief

$$ for ICE

$$ for science and tech research

NOTEWORTHY - $$ for Domestic Nuclear Detection Office for procurement, construction, and improvements, $87,096,000

VERY NOTEWORTHY - SEC. 514. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used for planning, testing, piloting, or developing a national identification card.

NOTEWORTHY - SEC. 522. (a) None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to maintain or establish a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography.

NOTEWORTHY - SEC. 535. None of the funds appropriated by this Act for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shall be used to require any person to perform, or facilitate in any way the performance of, any abortion


SEC. 538. (a) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Christopher William Gard, Constance Rhoda Keely Yates, and Charles Matthew William Gard shall each be eligible for issuance of an immigrant visa or for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence

SAY WHAT???!!!!!

e993ad No.771754

File: 8ee5a89cefd214d⋯.png (16.57 KB, 740x514, 370:257, 5by5.PNG)

5by5 = All is good

bbb94c No.771755

File: 21920f96051791f⋯.jpg (17.32 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 21920f96051791f792771f3a3f….jpg)

File: d37fae92075e9ce⋯.gif (1021.48 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, 1510358827736.gif)

File: bb1f727e0633a20⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 1510365152604.gif)

File: 304581b01fd078f⋯.gif (2.08 MB, 430x306, 215:153, 1510526353004.gif)

32cf99 No.771756

File: 6f4761886898f6d⋯.png (23.8 KB, 166x384, 83:192, 888anon956.png)





38a329 No.771757


Omnibus in latin means "for all".

(This is the only thing I know about the name of the bill.)

629a75 No.771758


I got up to 240 highlighted a bunch of interesting stuff and will post when I got home from work tonight - can we get this whole project in the notables section so can easily get back to it?

Lots of double talk. Pages 238 - 239 talk about appropriating funds for construction, alteration, maintenance or repair of WATER or wastewater system and that all iron and STEEL used must be produced in the United States (yay) UNLESS excuse a, b or c are used:

a.inconsistent with public interest - whatever vague bullshit that means

b.iron and steel products produced in US are not available in sufficient quantities - as in no inventory on the shelves.

c.it would increase overall project cost by 25%.

9584a6 No.771759

File: 4bdefff5fb8509d⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 612x643, 612:643, 1471869838598-0.jpg)


sure thing bub

063b71 No.771760



temp one i adjusted here https:// www.anonfiles.cc/file/12e0311d0ec4efe14a5b918cc6101b46

e994dd No.771761


They are still kind of chaotic. I think mine was the first 100 page summary in, but I'll do what I can.

c558d9 No.771762


Earth is not flat, read what I write.

56adb0 No.771763

Is this place still on fire or is it safe to come back now?

f99105 No.771764


no….last time i broke it.

f3644d No.771765

File: f716ed5d5991424⋯.jpg (240.77 KB, 720x938, 360:469, Omnibus.JPG)

File: 964e1235cc683ed⋯.jpg (193.31 KB, 663x887, 663:887, credit.JPG)

Interesting read:

340ce0 No.771766


see also >>771731 re: new bill. Enjoy the read!

f19d58 No.771767


Sort of, a budget is usually for a year, but this is for 6 months.

More info:

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnibus_spending_bill

507808 No.771769

>>771602 (previous bread)

Hey, that would be great. I'll post that is was me that lost faith. Trouble is, I've been talking about sealed indictments and GITMO for ages now, but still have to work solely on faith about them. The IG's report was going to start the proceedings, but it keeps being pushed back. The Nunes' memo was supposed to shake things up, not sure what happened. Don't we have enough assets in place to openly announce the upcoming charges of any ONE of the top tier bad actors? They don't seem to have trouble taunting us on social media, traveling the world or making open threats…Biden being the most recent. We can't do that but we have secret plans funded by secret budget items tucked into obscure provisions in the bill.

5ee988 No.771770


its MARTIAL not marshall.


83277a No.771771


Is She Argentinean?

fdb2ac No.771772

File: 6600929f68f3076⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 220x165, 4:3, Georgia_Guidestones.jpg)

World War. Are we really going to let this happen again?

You better believe it.

e899dc No.771773

Every traitor completely free. $1.3 trillion added to the debt. Trust the plan. Next week.

0c33bc No.771774

File: 241aee0b8185d65⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 310x310, 1:1, Fashion-first-aid-font-b-b….jpg)


Gotcha covered anon.

e7dafa No.771775


It is notable that you are namefagging like a goddamned disgusting faggot

340ce0 No.771776



Excellent, many thanks

401c66 No.771777


The Patriot Act was pushed and signed without anyone reading it! Worst bill for America ever!!

b070d0 No.771778


Don’t hold your breath. Video not coming this weekend, this month, or next. You need to temper expectations or you will be disappointed.

31d9e9 No.771779


Maria cantwell is from Wa state the same as inslee …that says it all

56adb0 No.771780


You still doing good or need a hand off?

f19d58 No.771781


LOL doesn't even need a caption

83277a No.771782


Message for the Germans?

5c8f5b No.771783

File: 0be106bf86af290⋯.png (103.11 KB, 588x330, 98:55, pg 838-smithsonian limitat….PNG)

File: e564e6a0fc80c1a⋯.png (104.56 KB, 594x353, 594:353, pg 840-National Art galler….PNG)

File: 368c30e5b3c0585⋯.png (119.68 KB, 592x431, 592:431, pg. 842-national endowment….PNG)

File: bc12bdc22e7903f⋯.png (108.51 KB, 605x368, 605:368, pg. 836-limiting SES membe….PNG)


Pg 800-850 Continued

*Arts being funded (despite art fags demonizing DJT)

NOTE-SES Membership being limited

be68b1 No.771784


Show me some sauce on him. Trump must like him.

5b9cca No.771785




1b1845 No.771786

Got through pages 1300-1400.

Caught the tail-end of HUD Appropriations, and started DOD Appropriations.

Other than the "no using funds for influencing Congress", I saw a couple of interesting tidbits about mooring chain and ball and/or roller bearings being produced domestically (unless domestic supply is inadequate). Might seem like nothing, but bearings are very important in many applications, and Chinesium is not the most reliable steel, afaik.

521261 No.771787

When you're confronting the demoralization shill brigade on other sites, remember to point out that (a) the Cabal still has nukes, bugs, and gas, and (b) they used Iran as one of their strongholds to build their nukes. Shutting down the government would have shut down much of the military too.

1eb623 No.771788

File: 457d076a071c02d⋯.png (70.09 KB, 914x516, 457:258, IMG_0820.PNG)


You are correct. Q specifically mentioned google, FB, twitter, etc. being regulated and MSM controlled before the stage is set.


4ee741 No.771789


I hope you're prepared for a new alliance when EU fails. I have a feeling for two years that Visegrad 4 will be a joined force when it is time…(Orban is hinting this for years.)

For God and Country!

340ce0 No.771790


MARTIAL, not marshall

smh if's your gonna doubtfag at least be convincing

a82b91 No.771791

Hey! they just took a shit on your dinner plate! Great, it must have been in the plan, eat it up.

Yummy shit, ummm

Don't question anything, just eat your plate of shit.

8c0de2 No.771792


nice job, thanks

66f068 No.771793


You think we didn't? LOL

83277a No.771794


>>>NOTE-SES Membership being limited

Notable post!?., Thomas Paine always says things about the SES.

fdb2ac No.771795


a slip of the fingers is no fault of the mind

95d7f7 No.771796

File: e6ec32fb6f18c4d⋯.jpg (158.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 5b179855cb6988a2370a0510fe….jpg)

File: efb639b3a49440c⋯.jpeg (1 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 5ccb449ece1ae32233c9980a3….jpeg)

File: 2851fa6a5c24dd1⋯.jpg (158.92 KB, 770x499, 770:499, 24x6z4.jpg)

507808 No.771797


How dare you question the greatness behind signing that unread bill! Just because Chuck and Nancy are laughing in your face, what gives you the right to think it a bad move! It funds the military for crying out loud!!!

cfe1a7 No.771798


search in the document inspector that was just the first 200 pages. their is line after line of money going to the OIG

8ba237 No.771799

File: 3efdeff979532a8⋯.jpg (143.5 KB, 1440x987, 480:329, 3efdeff979532a89db03d604ea….jpg)

Muh Favorite… big wins today!! :-)

200ca9 No.771801


Anon curious…6 months seems odd (purposefully?)

efb9b6 No.771802


been reading this all over FB with different names on it … Interesting and really works

f19d58 No.771803


The EU is the socialist version of the communist USSR.

Goodluck to European patriots and God bless.


56adb0 No.771804

Oh I see POTUS and Sessions got rid of bump stocks today too. Hahaha.

96cde0 No.771805





http:// www.khou.com/article/money/business/elon-musks-26b-pay-package-gets-tesla-shareholder-approval/285-531071636

Perhaps this pay increase is to fund the solar project?

5a77e5 No.771806


Red = Rothschilds

Green = Saudi Arabia

5:5[y] = 5 Eyes (see Q Post "Ke[y]stone" the only other time he used "[y]"

President would control all matters classified if he controls 5 Eyes. Justice is stalling until POTUS controls all matters classified.

Question is, does he control 5 Eyes yet.

66f068 No.771807


Hahaha. Ha.

e57640 No.771808


Well, it's simple really. When you have no dirt on someone, you dig for it or you make shit up; isn't that MSM's MO?

9706b7 No.771809

>>771375 (all last bread)





Hungary, Polen and Ukraine (that's why they took over it) are planing a new Israel in Europe. Those are all rumors, but they make sense, regarding the fact that Hungary has to pay (to EU) 250,000€ for every NOT allowed emigrant. This is the rational part....

as an artist/autist I go back to comment


this is my modus operandi....and yes, there is something I didn't feel/see yet...time is relative...so I come back (after the woods or swimming)...Respect for artist/autist begins with respect for your own achievements and work.

An autist can take it very well if 'Hollywood' is not after him/her.

Mixing green and red = brown and we all know which party has this color...just expanding my thinking

ad7f02 No.771810


>Realize this is the beginning of the end for your very way of life, and that if you've waited this long to begin preparing to survive. Have food, water, and basic medical supplies. Be prepared to survive a period of extreme civil unrest.

SUCH BULLSHIT. Stop the fucking fear mongering.

It's a patronizing scare tactic mixed in with a pep talk. GFY shill. You don't have any fucking clue so give it up.

8c0de2 No.771811

Trumps got the money, the military and an awesome plan,

83277a No.771812

File: fd8f44433440556⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 900x496, 225:124, globalization_eu102_01.jpg)


How This?

c9f242 No.771813


new fiscal year begins in October1. This ends Sept. 30.

496823 No.771814


You're a fraud too. Fucking nigger.

559300 No.771815


“That sounds good”

5dc2b0 No.771816


Mmmm indeed

f19d58 No.771817


It because our neopoliticians can't agree on anything but spend money. Doing it this way allows them to do it more than once a year, throwing us more in debt

e1832b No.771818



56adb0 No.771819


When I left, this place was burning down about the Omnibus. I come back and Sessions has axed bump stocks too. Surprised this board is still standing.

f19d58 No.771820


I like it, could just be EU too lol

9db6c4 No.771821


I don't think it's an accident/coincidence that his name was Seth, either. "Seth" was the Son of Adam who carried on the righteousness of his older brother Abel.

ba1240 No.771823


utter garbage

fdb2ac No.771824

File: 0a949bdd156d5bb⋯.jpg (49.63 KB, 620x320, 31:16, jack-boots-marching.jpg)

83277a No.771825


>Question is, does he control 5 Eyes yet.

Maybe AUS and NZ.

340ce0 No.771826



675958 No.771827

38a329 No.771828


I think so.

66f068 No.771829


Superstitious fucking nigger.

946f15 No.771830


Thank you! Exactly.

8c0de2 No.771831


good question

527274 No.771832


You actually took time to make this stupid shit?

ce7c42 No.771833

https:// fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL32473.pdf

Very interesting PDF about omnibus bills and the rules

340ce0 No.771834


True. two slips though…

496823 No.771835



Storm don't follow steps.

a Cat 1 hurricane can go cat 5 immediately without warning if the conditions are right..

32cf99 No.771836

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



choose your weapon anons.

b13b02 No.771837


So far I've got

Batch 957 Notables

>>771731 assignments and early summaries

>>771786 pages 1300-1400.

>>771750 pages 800-900

>>771783 Pg 800-850 Continued

>>771753 PAGES 600-700

for notables, keeping track of the OmniBus bill summaries.

Any other notables from the last bread?

81e7ed No.771838


No, it wouldn't have "shut down much of the military." Stop spreading shit you don't understand.

0bf657 No.771839

The Israelis would never leave the Holy Land for Poland or Ukraine or wherever. There is an emotional and historical bond to the land and they wouldn't accept moving. I don't believe anyone is really planning this–I think it's disinformation.


e7dafa No.771840


Stone you say? Huh. That's great. Show me proof now. I'll wait.

f19d58 No.771841


WOW hope someone let POTUS know this

f3644d No.771842


It could calm the board but few seem interested.

61f792 No.771843

Note to anyone with steganography or video skills: three videos posted by @Kill_Rogue appear to have hidden messages. They have white letters on black background at this site:


675958 No.771844


Why has Hussein just left NZ for OZ?

279613 No.771845

File: d03a0f427376ccd⋯.png (26.95 KB, 635x655, 127:131, ClipboardImage.png)

I've been following this site with their "free beer tomorrow" promises for several months now.

Given todays events and the coming events on Monday, I'm starting to wonder now whether it's really fiction or not.

https:// operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/

56adb0 No.771846


Do we have a baker?

f91c54 No.771847


Brother, I've been a blessed Americananon for a long long time now. I still have all of my family in Poland , and trust me when I say, WE ARE READY! Poland will always be on the right side… Arm in arm with our Hungarian brothers! Bog, honor, ojczyzna! God, honor, motherland! WWG1WGA! We are winning this! 100%

200ca9 No.771848


Anon, thanks! POTUS says not again. Maybe 6 months, correction. He called their bluff and announced buffoons on both aisles. Announcing their lack of real effort to effectively lead.

fdb2ac No.771849


i am busy here.. got five windows open.. multiple actions, multiple conversations, … maybe i close a few

8c0de2 No.771850

some of the dems will be stupid enough to steal some of the money before they try and escape.

5c8f5b No.771851

File: 58dfa6e94eb5c7d⋯.png (133.02 KB, 588x545, 588:545, pg 870-labor big.PNG)

File: e7e9e2e49486c8f⋯.png (61.64 KB, 521x267, 521:267, pg 870-labor big2.PNG)

File: 16273b5e10e4781⋯.png (92.23 KB, 580x397, 580:397, pg 875-job corp centers.PNG)

File: 909056df1fda310⋯.png (53.84 KB, 507x242, 507:242, pg. 874-apprenticeship.PNG)


Notables continued

Pg. 800-900

1)LABOR-This is big

*Training programs

571bcb No.771852


One thing to keep in mind, is that Obama flaunted federal law and got away with it due to a press that hid that fact and a judiciary that allowed him to. Trump has neither and I would hope even if he packed the court that they would call bullshit on anything unconstitutional Trump did (not saying that this is or isn't, more of a general statement). Just throwing a different way of looking at that. As far as what is or isn't legal or constitutional, until a reset its who ever has more power to exert their will, unfortunately.

bbb94c No.771853

File: 7bf674c22f5a3bd⋯.jpg (47.96 KB, 800x450, 16:9, shilly-wok.jpg)

PSA concernfags are not anons

b13b02 No.771854

9dd5e8 No.771855


Hive mind is superior to AI.

The advantage the cabal had was processing speed (quantum computing). They may still have the computational advantage but AI can only learn what is already known. What AI is incapable of is creative thought. A unique idea is something AI is incapable of even considering. In this way we bridge the gap.

83c763 No.771856

File: dbb3c63741ca45d⋯.jpg (21 KB, 588x171, 196:57, Trust SW.JPG)

File: 93bf69950d55f6b⋯.jpg (240.46 KB, 1152x547, 1152:547, Nov 1st.JPG)

File: e3f6f9045e04d12⋯.jpg (45.23 KB, 807x330, 269:110, Capture.JPG)

File: f3b02226b762557⋯.jpg (10.47 KB, 297x170, 297:170, download (6) - Copy - Copy.jpg)

File: 143a34a30898719⋯.jpg (93.93 KB, 732x499, 732:499, download (5) - Copy - Copy….jpg)

527274 No.771857


But what has changed in the media? Will it be released to cover up Stormy's big ass tits from being seen and heard around the world? If the media wasn't going to show it a week ago, wtf has changed for the stage to be set 1 week later?

506e4f No.771858


Doubtfagging is the new FE.

09676e No.771859


Bolton does have to go through hearings, how do you think Susan Rice was allowed to have the job? After Benghazi they would have never let her through…

340ce0 No.771860


I'm sure that he knows


Some don't want to be calmed, they get paid to be "concerned" and "doubtful". The one that are truly concerned & doubtful, their loss if they don't read it. It's not my heart attack.

9584a6 No.771861

File: 03fc3fd6e345b6c⋯.png (472.85 KB, 509x841, 509:841, 3538b8ed8b4cb72f35755daf36….png)


every pixel in that anon smell baker


thanks baker


b37c92 No.771863


You no pay them no mind, child. Thems shillin niggas gonna go down dat drain wit the rest of da swamp.

0efc97 No.771864


top 3 anons grammar/spelling mistakes:

-your / you're

-could have / could of (that one doesn't even make sense on its own)

-martial / Marshall

506e4f No.771865


Turing year. Humans mostly always know if they’re talking to AI.

e594f8 No.771866


Without the intelligence to spend tons on the military. The EU will be gone as soon as the Fed collapses and the European Banks collapse in a domino effect. The social pressure of collapsed banks will force the citizens of the countries to get serious about smashing the immigrants. And like clockwork the muslims will get kicked the fuck out. Maybe the Marines have to invade Sweden to help…but most other countries could handle it with a little assistance.

496823 No.771867

File: a5f05ed672da59f⋯.png (359.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, a5f05ed672da59f2861bca2337….png)


nice.. I like my home-hacked one, but I'll check it out..

59d011 No.771868

File: bbfa32d504050d0⋯.png (9.91 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 7af65a5abb2da23c2e1a5a6ff4….png)


i think the suggestion is , that is why he did this .

89f113 No.771869

You know, the currency reset is by far one of the oldest larps going. Many times oldfags have been brought up to be let down many times.

I will give it my hope one more time.


38a329 No.771870


omnibus (lLatin) means "for all"

81e7ed No.771871



f3644d No.771872


LOL You're right about the heart attack.

Still, it is the most reasonable explanation I've seen from anyone.

7fb300 No.771873


baker add to notable? >>771552

Yuge if big.

Dems think its a win

Actually part of MAGA

Also Dems get bumpstock "win" haha

Just when they think they are getting ahead…



5a77e5 No.771874


And if he doesn't yet, who controls 5 eyes? CIA is controlled by him most likely leaving, CAN, AUS, NZ, UK. Who still controls them? the Queen, Vatican, Jesuits, Roths, Pedos, [P]

340ce0 No.771875


Gotcha. Seeing "marshall law" bugs me after many many ears of people not knowing what the hell they're talking about. Ask Abe Lincoln about not rescinding Martial Law before he was killed. We aren't exactly flying our civil flag these days…

fdb2ac No.771876


once i close a few windows you will find my grammatical accuracy greatly improved.

56adb0 No.771877


Where is the currency reset coming from? It didn't come from Q.

9584a6 No.771878

File: 8ba05166f47b0c9⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….gif)

File: 211213f83e8f40c⋯.jpg (83.38 KB, 630x419, 630:419, 26456t.jpg)

95d7f7 No.771879


"Walk without rhythm and you wont attract the worm."


“Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.”

9706b7 No.771880


the holy land is a myth. They always lived all over the world…that's why President Trump could move from Tel Aviv (which made more sense) to Jerusalem which has been always covered by 4 religions at least.

340ce0 No.771881


Agreed, win for POTUS & WE THE PEOPLE

59d011 No.771882

File: f55a1a671be3f85⋯.jpg (172.83 KB, 1212x1128, 101:94, 6q5i9k-glkqlbx8gdcz.jpg)


sorry i did't know it was you , kek .. you have the best one already .

83c763 No.771883

File: 1f2d815a6771bfc⋯.jpg (10.56 KB, 310x163, 310:163, download (13).jpg)


Disagreeing doesnt make you a concernfag, chill or clown.

It makes you human.

486b72 No.771884


>>But what has changed in the media?

You mean other the Potus's Tweets?

Honeypot Daniels?

Constant distractions

50ad5a No.771885


>the holy land is a myth. They always lived all over the world…that's why President Trump could move from Tel Aviv (which made more sense) to Jerusalem which has been always covered by 4 religions at least.

Jerusalem being an Islam thing is actually a very RECENT thing. Someone here has the history on it.

b9b85c No.771886


https:// www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/3189/all-info

Sponsored by an [r], what is this all about?

83c763 No.771887


I dont like the Owen Wilson meme.

817f58 No.771888


Inevitable outcome.

b13b02 No.771889



ya, it's some serious Sun Tzu

6b1645 No.771890

Senator Rand Paul

Verified account


Following Following @RandPaul


o $1m for the World Meteorological Organization

o $218m for Promoting Democracy Development in Europe (yep..the birthplace of democracy needs promoting)

o $25m for International Religious Freedom

o $10m for disadvantaged Egyptian Students

d1e9be No.771891


Other name for Job Corps is Civilian Construction Corps. The CCC has built lots of big projects like Hoover Dam

01c80d No.771892


Maybe new strategy here, but on half they've been running that narrative for a month. Just blow it off. Its JDIF kikes

0efc97 No.771893



as anon said, it's been part of the conspiracy culture for ages.

i see it as the opposite of fearporn : the "cavalry is coming" common theme, basically.

Aliens/Pleiadians/the Alliance whoever are just moments away from saving us all.

it'd be great, sure, but…

56adb0 No.771894


Well a good section of twitter thinks it is for sure happening and I hope they aren't tying it to Q, bc they didn't say that.

4ee741 No.771895


We don't need to pay you idiot fag.

That never been voted.

Surprise motherfucker: we don't plan a new Israel in here.

Interesting you add extra countries when you called out just to correct your fuckup theory based on some visions.

Don't smoke that much SHILLING fag.

89f113 No.771896


FED/central banking is a key component to holding power.

Anyone here should know this.

81c080 No.771897

Gave a rundown here in one of the side threads


>700M was earmarked for IG investigation, prosecution and witness protection

>military completely funded to include MI, swamp to be drained from here and IG

>THE WALL is completely funded, to be built largely by Army Corps of Engineers.

>the deep state just signed their own death warrant

Did I leave anything out?

a82b91 No.771898


hahaha its only money that will be replaced anyway, it's just paper Durrr! Duurrr

c558d9 No.771899


That's why they murdered thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donbass and were hellbent on taking Crimea and kick out Russia and their most important navy base.

It was part of Khazaria, their original homeland.

Ask Victoria Nuland, John McCain and Igor Kolomoisky.

9584a6 No.771900

File: e9f11b7bc662cd4⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 430x286, 215:143, 1830382_oci-v0.jpg)


baker, can you manage omnibus readings in this thread?

i feel some big schills in coming and ive gotta load ma memes

59d011 No.771901

File: 89c1b97bf9b57b2⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 74htze-2y0ci6j8z1qz.jpg)


are you sure that's who it is ?

i just thought it was a bad attempt at POTUS kek

83c763 No.771902

Q, get your ass out here and resolve this. I’m calling you out as a LARP. Come at me.

Remaining silent while anons are jumping ship is an admission of LARP. Been here since OCT fighting for you EVERY step of the way until Hillary leaving the country.









The LARP is researching POTUS schedule and making cryptic comments too vague to be believed one way or another.

Here’ s an example:

Q says stuff like: "Watch the water", "Watch the news". "Disinfo is necessary" Trust the Plan” and “Boom” Then Q will posts numbers and letters that make no sense to manipulate us into thinking it is a code.Q tells us to "build the map" Where is it? Best case scenario: Q accidently let anons believe something that wasn’t true and neglected to correct us. Worst case scenario: Q is purposefully telling us things that are not true. Either disinfo is necessary or Q is a larping liar Not to mention the stuff that Q HAS claimed never came true.Boot theory debunked, Atlanta airport debunked. John Legend and Tiegen debunked, Huma indicted debunked, Podesta indicted debunked Hillary arrested debunked, Snowden changing sides debunked "Trump should be shot!" debunked. Loop Capital? GANNETT? The list goes on…Wake up anons

<<The best way to debunk Q is to read Q's posts.>>

Q is a brilliant strategy to get free high quality pro Trump memes, research and social media support for free.

<<Corporations pay millions for the combined work we do for free>>

At least Q brought us together. We should continue to dig and find a way to save our country.

Just don’t be afraid of using critical thinking and common sense.

I know you’ve seen this, Q.

Did you hear me?

Your anons are leaving.

I’m calling you out as a fake.


Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:08:59 30861d No.685806 >>685852 >>685427

The only thing I disagree with here is "At least Q brought us together". I don't find this true, just look at the responses to your comment. You're not yelling at people on this board, you're looking out for them, yet they'll ridicule you for not thinking exactly like them. (Yet they claim normies are brain washed).

What happened to critical thinking?

To add to your issues, I will add my own.

Q has stated "we see all, we hear all" yet many lives have been lost in false flags, just as recently as yesterday (supposedly).

Q claims, "this is not a game", then asks, if "you'd like to play a game". I feel like we have been playing one already.

"Enjoy the show, we are winning". Loss of innocents lives is winning and a show I should be enjoying? If they knew about this bridge, why not prevent it? Or the trains that crashed a few months ago, or the powder that got sent to Don Jr, etc.

People completely ignore all the wrong and put a HUGE spotlight on the one vague, generalization that could be explained as a Q prediction (or 100 other things) and that's what they grasp to and attack you like a vicious bear, hungry and starving, if you even Question things. You can be polite to the users, polite about Q, but the minute you question this all, look out, Cult Q will be on your ass in a heartbeat.

I also find it pretty pathetic a lot of these guys dish bullshit and then hide behind a filtered button the minute they get done saying what they need to.

8ch really is starting to seem like a group of high schoolers, unemployed pill poppers and all-knowing information givers. AKA, complete bullshit.

Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:12:34 30861d No.685840 >>685868 >>685973 >>685976 >>685989 >>685427

…Also, don't forget the Memo was supposed to change EVERYTHING. Obama was supposed to be caught spying, Hillary, too. So much was supposed to come from the Memo.

And then BOOM!!!!! Nothing.

Now it's the IG report, new hype, new hope and after it's release, same old shit. Q will mention something new and these a.d.d types will run where pointed toward, never once looking back at the pile of bullshit they've been run through.

Anonymous 03/16/18 (Fri) 11:24:10 469017 No.685973 >>685989


You're so right. The memo was suppose to bring about yuge changes. RR gone, Sessions in-recused, end to Mueller, charges filed against the FB criminals, on and on.

What a joke that was. So, now we are suppose to believe that something might actually happen when the OIG report comes out? If the general public knows of the crimes committed by the 7th floor, you know damn good and well the Congress/DOJ know about it. Yet, every single one of them are still employed!!!! Including McCabe. Yet a lowly sailor took a pic of a submarine console and was immediately thrown in the brig. Yeah, sure there is equal justice under the law.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Critical Thinking Anons


58c0ed No.771903


This is going to be a talking point come november so remember it.

nancy pelosi went on and on about the crumbs thrown to the little people and how it wouldn't help anyone.

and what do they turn around and do?

give themselves some huge pieces of cake that they didn't earn. perfect

89f113 No.771904


Q has indeed mentioned he FED a few times, but he indeed has been rather quiet about it. I think he has been quiet about the major key pieces.

708b63 No.771905

File: 9825a2479f1d8e3⋯.png (153.83 KB, 1282x982, 641:491, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

Fast and Furious

498450 No.771906


60 minutes

clock activated

817f58 No.771907


People will get it straight, you and I and the rest of the anons have. Everything will turn out exactly how it is supposed to.

38a329 No.771908


China anounced for March, 26 their new gold backed Yuan (Renmimbi) and their commitment to trading oil without using the "Petrodollar", which means that sellers and buyers of oil can trade withoout using the dollar, if they want to do this.

This makes the USD less important a the currency for oil trading.

53a14e No.771909


This LARP is not a game, learn to play the LARP

a82b91 No.771910


Who signed it?

f91c54 No.771911


There is a huge amount of $ for training schools… Could they be used for this wall project as well? If so, hooly fuck, that's funny.

b13b02 No.771912

>>771900 (cheKeKed)

I got it,

you do what you gotta do


5a77e5 No.771913


> $218m for Promoting Democracy Development in Europe (yep..the birthplace of democracy needs promoting)

This is big. Democracy is dead in Europe. Only an illusion. We need to ensure its restored going forward. Wake our fellow eurofags up, so they can be free again.

58c0ed No.771914


you have to do things in, what the President feels,is the most important. He has been thinking about this for decades, as you know.

2eb320 No.771915

File: d097b0d1428712a⋯.png (860.31 KB, 600x797, 600:797, omnibus.png)

for those upset w/ the omnibus

a2f885 No.771916

File: 567f77182da45d4⋯.jpg (712.8 KB, 3500x2369, 3500:2369, 2013-12-14T190159Z_7201232….JPG)

File: 9a8a83aa3b8eee4⋯.jpg (104.41 KB, 980x552, 245:138, 131216070241-02-ukraine-12….jpg)



Dnipro in Ukraine was the play to create a European Zionist homeland using $8 billion of money scammed from the war in Ukraine through Privatbank and Zionist Oligarchs Ihor Kolomoisky and Gennady Bogolyubov. It's been neutralized. Oligarchs being sued in UK courts and monies confiscated. I would expect more action against Russian and Ukrainian Oligarchs in the future. Makes me think the UK noise against Putin is just a show but I'm not sure.

https:// archive.fo/AuIwd

https:// archive.fo/XzwxN

https:// archive.fo/4i2wc

https:// archive.fo/5cSbp

https:// archive.fo/4T863

f334b7 No.771918


Don't feed the trolls

31d9e9 No.771919


I did it’s very informative

58c0ed No.771920


and we got tax relief last year.

c78384 No.771921



81e7ed No.771922


Your anxiety and frustration are noted. But that probably won't get you anywhere.

1b1845 No.771923

File: 497d60441b8ab0b⋯.png (20.44 KB, 610x301, 610:301, legal.PNG)

Looks like we got a pedo-nigger in our midst.

ID ca99e2 (ref. 771645)

56adb0 No.771924


OK, I will tuck my concernfagging away. :-)

89f113 No.771925


Much like gadaffi wanted to do.

Fuck I hope this is real.

What a ride/timeline.

4ee741 No.771926


This is exactly what I'm expecting.

Domino indeed.

95d7f7 No.771927

File: 8cc3db2e9652f94⋯.jpg (130.97 KB, 740x500, 37:25, 270qpt.jpg)

File: ed913009b319124⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 720x377, 720:377, 270qqp.jpg)

File: 656888d2cf50863⋯.jpg (112.72 KB, 793x485, 793:485, 270qs0.jpg)

efb9b6 No.771928

File: 143dcaec38ed957⋯.png (123.04 KB, 862x968, 431:484, screenshot-www.wilsoncente….png)


No, they are not the same! A budget is mandatory spending and an omnibus bill is discretionary spending. Been doing some research on that and the best article I have found on that is:


e994dd No.771929

>>771837 Here's the list you asked for in

>>771761 I think I got all the Omnibus reads from last bread.



































498450 No.771930


more then one video to choose from

71b61c No.771931

This omnibus bill is proof positive that the federal government is incapable of fixing itself. In fact, it CANNOT fix itself at this point, given regional czars of Congress who've sacrificed their national allegiance over many decades. It's time to implement the cure our situation demands which the founders foresaw when they enshrined

ARTICLE V into our Constitution.

"On the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress."

9706b7 No.771933


I do not need to add any country, you ignorant. Read European news to get yourself informed.

Voted? on which planet are you living?

Go back to school and do the math…

what a great feeling…you make me laugh

1eb623 No.771934

File: 31156db4f94bbde⋯.png (440.58 KB, 2048x1137, 2048:1137, IMG_0821.PNG)

File: 1c4afec38ae374f⋯.png (314.91 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_0822.PNG)


I'm not sure about that explanation, Anon. Please note pics related for explanations of appropriations and discretionary spending.

7fb300 No.771935




anon winning

fdb2ac No.771936


government doesn't fix itself… government only loves government… geeszzz

f334b7 No.771937


You're completely clueless on AI. The cabal is light years beyond that. Catch up on your Bryan Kofron for starters.

b13b02 No.771938

b9b85c No.771939



56adb0 No.771940


What is the link to the omnibus and is the link in the bread?

d1e9be No.771941


Yes. CCC/Job Corps could work right alongside army core of engineers.

e7dafa No.771943


The usual absolute faggots and their baker tranny bullshit. Of course they are pedos. Boomers can't help themselves.

bbb94c No.771944

File: 690df188f20d186⋯.png (291.18 KB, 447x502, 447:502, mikeobummersslong.png)

File: 5099e412fa41e10⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 960x955, 192:191, 1511113124382.jpg)

dicks out for harambe

b25cc5 No.771945


The little things we miss in our collective hysteria.

b9b85c No.771946


'The government can never do with less money, only more' - Limbaugh

f91c54 No.771947


You got it. But I think there are many more gems we will end up digging up…. (((They))) just passed their own demise! Top kek. Our POTUS is the greatest! Fucken genius!!!!

bbb94c No.771948


meant for this>>771878

24cdd2 No.771949

How about:

http:// www.greencastleconsulting.com/

32cf99 No.771950


>Mixing green and red = brown and we all know which party has this color…just expanding my thinking

ok, now we're talking. now consider why countries (or groups/orgs/teams/etc.) picked certain colors for their insignias (read up on sigils). colors have a deep connection in the human psyche. primal, even.

forget Hollyweird. only consider it to mock it or as ammunition to connect deep into the collective psysche quickly. this board is the new zeitgeist. it may not see itself that way (yet) but there are those that do. art is what this movement needs more than anything. we have strong, sly & intelligent leader, we have the Might to back him up, we have the most advanced tech available, but we need the art. this is what the other side understands so intimately, so much so that they have mistaken symbolism for reality and have lost touch with the Soul.

so let your freak flag fly anon. and let the chips fall where they may. Great Adventure, yes?

2907c2 No.771951

Did anyone catch Potus saying the 1.3 Trillion spending bill will go down?

"So while we're very disappointed in the $1.3 trillion — nobody more disappointed than me, because the number is so large — it'll start coming down"

Question - If it is already signed and a done deal, how can he make it come down? HMMMM..STAY TUNED

c9f242 No.771952

I'm not trying to stir up trouble but I have to get this fully off my chest one time and then I won't bring it up again. I don't understand why everyone is holding out hope and waiting for military tribunals. For them to be used on civilians, it would mean something so major and catastrophic happened in our Country that our civilian Courts could not function. Like an invasion or attack. Just instituting Martial Law will not trigger tribunals, although that would have to be the case in order for tribunals to be in place. I think there is some stretching when reading the EO's going on. At best, I read them to signify a calling up to duty previous members of the armed forces to active duty and THEN using the tribunals on them. That could be done in a situation as bad as Hurricane Harvey. But think all the way through a Country with military tribunals and you will see the complexity of turning off a switch and shutting down our civilian system over night. It is for extreme circumstances. I think if you looked into the locations of permanent residence , the targets you most want captured are in the process of judicial nomination process right now. some have been confirmed and the rest are making it through the process but stalled. POTUS has the power to fire every federal prosecutor in one swift move and install all new ones so that is an easy fix. The only problem for fair prosecution we would be left with would be jurors who are blinded. We are waking them up. Please , if you still are just thinking military tribunals are the solution, look up the laws for using them on civilians. You'll see that the best thing to do is educate the public on the corruption of BOTH parties.

63745a No.771953


There is no true swamp drain without removing the current monetary system. The whole dirty thing is predicated on the momentary system. It is THE tool to enact cabal agenda. So many times in my life I was presented the opportunity to make a lot of money, and every time it involved fucking people over one way or another. Every job was just furthering cabal goals. So I opted out. Sound money means cabal influence is gone.

feecd5 No.771955


No one here knows.

It could even be a time marker in a forthcoming HRC video (although I doubt it), since it was first mentioned in context of a video.

e0f173 No.771956


I thought that position does not require confirmation.

498450 No.771957


three proxy wars?

who are they?

b13b02 No.771958



POTUS just got a blank check

5f94e5 No.771959


I keep asking the question about how The Plan will save Europe. The migrants are digging in and breeding. In just a few years they will begin to seriously outnumber the indigenous pupulation in many areas. What will be done about them, and the violence, terrorism, acid throwing, and the child marriages, and the rapes? Is there a plan to repatriate them back to their countries, and if so, how? I've been watching what's happening in Europe and I don't think it will happen. The EU will fail but the migrants will never leave. Just as I have come to believe that we in the USA will never get rid of the millions of illegal aliens who are sucking us dry here.

ce7c42 No.771960




9706b7 No.771961




that's my anon. ty.

56adb0 No.771963


The spending in future budgets will go down. This budget is only for the next 6 months.

That's what he is talking about.

fdb2ac No.771964


i keep hearing conflicting reports on that…

1eb623 No.771966


Yes! Budget and appropriations for discretionary spending are different. See my post here. >>771934

34b4c3 No.771967


Look biatch, quit your fucking namefagging.

Be anon like the rest of us, thank your HUN BULLSHIT elsewhere.

Bring your fucking titties or STOP the namefag BS.

WE ARE ANON. Period.

81e7ed No.771968


Ditto. Many opportunities require ignoring certain moral elements or accepting the knowledge of the consequences.

506e4f No.771969

File: a06c0f4ed012458⋯.jpeg (133.74 KB, 594x750, 99:125, 1052B273-8CA5-4BB3-9F26-7….jpeg)

File: 80f9079a20d7fb9⋯.jpeg (168.13 KB, 750x468, 125:78, 2ED89251-64FB-4037-A48E-D….jpeg)

5a77e5 No.771970

File: dd7a55776575b1c⋯.jpeg (116.71 KB, 835x646, 835:646, COS.jpeg)


https:// conventionofstates.com

They've got 14 of the 34 states needed to convene the Constitution of the States under Article V. This is an important milestone and one of the most important things that can be done to restore our Republic.

e594f8 No.771971


Money reset will snowball. EU will collapse. Governments will fall. Citizens will feel the pinch. And the Muslims will be kicked the fuck out.

200ca9 No.771972




Trust plan.

2eb320 No.771973

File: bb41d7482d4ed47⋯.png (158.41 KB, 843x631, 843:631, tw.png)


twitter POTUS patriots are now loving the omnibus!!! some examples attached

2e0bba No.771974


"Ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun."

guess who just got the gun handed to him?

89f113 No.771975


I know.

If this is all real, then that has to happen.

Oddly, the esoteric is easier to believe then a currency reset.

c1da40 No.771976

Unfortunately, you've been shit farmed.

f8f938 No.771977

Tip to anyone using the sweet code from:

http:// anonsw.github.io/8chjs/

The new Q tripcode isn't updated. You can do a simple paste into word and do a "find and replace" with the old and new tripcodes. Easy.

c9f242 No.771978


fuck you I have read every single one of them. I'll post anything I want any time I want so sit your dictator ass down

ce7c42 No.771979


This is not a budget

Not even close to one.

4ee741 No.771980


Instead of the news you should read EU law and mechanism.

No need for MSM EU news fagboy, I know my country don't pay for non taken migrants.

I know our budget smartass.

81e7ed No.771981


Using all caps doesn't make you the BO.

38a329 No.771982


Hmm…giving up the Petrodollar means that the US have to give up the perks stemming from the enforced use of the USD as only currency for oil tradings.

On the other hand does it cost a lot of money to enforce on the world the use of the Petrodollar.

Maybe the losses will be absorbed by the savings (fewer bribes, fewer troops…).

56adb0 No.771983

Please remember that if someone posts something on Twitter without a link or any other verifiable source, it is to be taken with many many grains of salt. Anyone can type up anything and pass it around as evidence.

1b9e83 No.771984


Advisors don’t need confirmation only cabinet members

5a77e5 No.771985


*convention not Constitution

769031 No.771986

File: edb897dafdfe19f⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 255x179, 255:179, 6a1562dc061388b7685a5ee3ba….jpg)

01c80d No.771987


Thanx for the post

2e0bba No.771988

File: ebd919523da0f9b⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

fbb793 No.771989


Omnibus is not an official Budget, so like Obama, POTUS can spend it like he wants; or not spend. Total control…and if called out, he can say, 'you should have passed a budget then'…Nice.

f334b7 No.771990

The plan has to be one, big giant strike, right?

They're doing nothing to change the national discussion.

They're not arresting anyone even halfway big.

My problem is…it's taken me 15+ years to assimilate all the lies and evil (and I'm still shocked by things). How is the public as a whole expected to absorb everything at once?

Wouldn't it be better to release the information more slowly? If that were the plan though, they would have started already.

Maybe shit will get serious right before midterms?

58c0ed No.771991


they have 210 days before he has to be approved, is what I read.that is a good long time.

312168 No.771992



1205-15: Tech Assistant and Training

- 1.753B

1206-1208: Grants to the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority

- 150M

1207-1209: Admin Prov

Sec. 160: Limitations on obligations shall not apply to any authority under 49 USC 5338, or any previous obligations

Sec. 162: No transferring of monies

Sec. 163: No funds in advance to light rail project done by Metro Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas

Sec. 164: no funds shall be made available for a full funding grant agreement for a project with a New Starts share greater than 50%

1209-16: St. Lawrence Seaway Dev Corp

- Given authority to make such expenditures

12010-3: Operations and Maintenance (Harbor Maint. Trust Fund)

- 31.4M

- 12.5M for renewal activities

12010-14: Maritime Admin/ Maritime Security Prog

- 300M

1210-20 - 1211: Operations and Training

- 175.62M

- 22M for maintenance and repair

- 2.4M Student Incentive Program at State Maritime Academies

- 1.8M maintenance and repair

- 18M facilities maintenance and repair for USMMA

o 3M Maritime Environment and Tech Assistance programs

- Feb 1st shall provide sexual assault and sexual harassment to House and Senate

1211-21: Assistance to small ship yards

- 3M

Ship Disposal

- 9M to get rid of old ships

Maritime Guaranteed Loan

- 3m

1213: Administrative Provisions

Sec. 170: authority to furnish

Sec. 171: Department of Trans and Maritime Admin shall not use any of these funds to enter into a fee-for-service

1214-11: Penalty Wages

- Changes from ‘all claims in a class action suit by seamen’ to ‘each claim by a seamen’

- Bunch of word changes

1215-14: Pipeline and Hazardous Mat Safety Admin Op Exp

- 20.5M Op Exp

Haz Mat Safety

- 57M

1216-10: Pipeline Safety

- 162M

1217-5: Emergency Preparedness Grants

- 28.4M

- No more than 4$ for Admin costs

1218-5: Office of IG (Salaries and Expenses)

- 92.152M

- Shall investigate any fraud or false statements to the government by anyone in the DOT

- Can be used to look into and investigate unfair or deceptive practices and unfair methods of competition by domestic and foreign air carriers and ticket agents

aedfee No.771993

So Q's board is Breached.

A Fake Q is now posting on here and the Bakers claim Q"s new trip code is now

"Q !wowAT4Z3VQ".

Now some foul mouthed fool is now posting as Q with the Bakers Blessing?


063b71 No.771994


made a temp script file till it gets updated https:// www.anonfiles.cc/file/12e0311d0ec4efe14a5b918cc6101b46

9dd5e8 No.771995


You do not know what I do or do not know from my statement. However, you did not provide a counter argument but a reading assignment as your argument

Refute my premise or be gone.

ce7c42 No.771996





just makes you a faggot

496823 No.771997

File: a5f05ed672da59f⋯.png (359.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, a5f05ed672da59f2861bca2337….png)


..Because all of their other attempts have been so fake and gay™ they really should patent it..

e7dafa No.771998


You're a disgusting namefag. Therefore everything you spew is worthless. That is all.

32cf99 No.771999

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


"The stakes are far too high for you to stay home."

56adb0 No.772000


Spending bill. Whatever. The Spending bill will have a smaller paycheck next time.

Way to miss my point asshole.

ad7f02 No.772001

File: 6f97872254d3559⋯.png (542.08 KB, 1920x956, 480:239, af1.png)

Air Force One landing in FL now

58c0ed No.772002


no, it is a new fake Q, like the old fake Q.

2eb320 No.772003

File: af759fc34c454c8⋯.png (60.35 KB, 811x212, 811:212, castle.png)

RED/GREEN CASTLE explanation?

Clock activated.





fbb793 No.772004

File: 6c0b87951a74582⋯.png (20.15 KB, 443x630, 443:630, Mar 23 decoded.png)

There - decoded it for ya.


9706b7 No.772005


it's indeed recent, but temporary

00120a No.772006


Reptoid stakes running today?

58c0ed No.772007


have a great weekend President Trump!

feecd5 No.772008

File: d6a3ecb704cdaf2⋯.jpg (379.48 KB, 1533x768, 511:256, Chosen1.jpg)


An anon posted that hardened NYC cops vomited when they saw it. I'm not so sure it is fit for release to the general public. Hosting or transmitting it probably violates a bunch of laws, eh?

Trust the Plan though!

f3644d No.772009


No one is happier than me to read it. MAGA

5a77e5 No.772010


lurk moar. go to /greatawakening/ and see for yourself.

f19d58 No.772011


The elites of the EU, by importing the third world (muslims and africans) for a permanent underclass, basically threw away all that was fought for in the crusades. God bless the patriots of Europe

b9b85c No.772012

File: a058fbf6a5dd46b⋯.jpg (42.62 KB, 551x507, 551:507, e56e960b1c8710409a11f8f8a1….jpg)

File: c2a5253ad5a5266⋯.png (387.47 KB, 1497x721, 1497:721, GeneralPatton.png)

File: 27f2877fa6dd56d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 899x1008, 899:1008, How.png)

File: 09421f97ff50a1c⋯.jpg (153.83 KB, 558x754, 279:377, HumanitiesMostUrgentCrisis.jpg)

File: ebdb62993e41322⋯.png (34.46 KB, 537x416, 537:416, Leibowitz.png)


> For them to be used on civilians, it would mean something so major and catastrophic happened in our Country that our civilian Courts could not function.

You mean like communist bolsheviks who infiltrated our government a long time ago, who have used the US and global media bolsheviks to lead majority white nations to war with each other, to topple governments who threaten to leave the pedo-dollar? Something so terrible Strzok, McCabe, Comey, Obama, Holder, Brennan, Lynch were plotting to take down POTUS?

Something so terrible like Clinton/Podesta running the largest and most profitable child trafficking ring worldwide? Something so terrible like Clinton running the largest and most succesful drug operation out of Mena and flooding out country with crack and covering the opiod addicts ensuring that bolshevik doctors subscribe them out like candy?

Something so terrible like Obama and holder sending guns to mexico in hopes they kill Americans so they can take away our 2nd?

Shit anon, we haven't even started yet. The government has failed, it failed a long time ago and the bolsheviks blowing JFKs brains all over the back of his motorcade are proof. They threaten to outlive us because it is their hatred and monopoly on baby hearts to keep them ahead of the line.

38a329 No.772013


Think NK.

Think Iran.

Think Israel/ Palestine.

200ca9 No.772014


Captain Caplock deactivated.

53a14e No.772015

File: 011a724bf5fda4e⋯.png (288.11 KB, 433x529, 433:529, merkelangela.png)


Some suspect Angela Merkel to be male. This is her at 3 years old. …boy dressed as girl?

fdb2ac No.772016


i like q /fake q/fake fake q / fake fake fake q

sound the same to me….

89f113 No.772017


He goes to logo when things need to be on lockdown/SHTF possibility.

He hasn’t been there in a few weeks on a Friday now.

I suspect an incoming happening.

Q trip change, go message….

Things are “happening”

Could use a very comfy skyking thread.

f91c54 No.772018

>>771941 so, both budgets could be combined! The CCC plus the corps … Instead of some government contracts , we will train our own people using funds from this bill and use the military to help and fund as well…. Fucken brilliant! And the budget for the wall jumped by a shitload

4ee741 No.772019


If that's better, i'm fine with it.

340ce0 No.772020


GCR "intel" sources. They've been around for quite a while. Search "dinar intel" and you may find quite a few sites (many are ongoing LARPs, fair warning)

2eb320 No.772021

File: 85968cae3dbdd7a⋯.png (445.23 KB, 574x548, 287:274, gotcha.png)


POTUS outsmarting anons?!!!

81e7ed No.772022


So you are insecure, eh? Feel the need for all caps because you don't feel you will be heard or have any impact without that? Not only does your statement fail logic, your actions reveal issues.

f7e5a2 No.772023


lawfag here

sorry to rain on your parade but the budget is a law

the exec. does have authority over the day to day details of spending but cannot spend money not appropriated or divert money where he wants

he can slow walk $$$ programs just like abama (DACE was deferred exec action) so it does have flexibility

but it is no different than a budget law in that regard

4cb261 No.772024

Video could be of HRC planning A. Scalia [187]. Re: Meeting with LL?

>Stage SC [AS [187]]

>Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5).

>Re_read re: stage.

>Clock activated.





66dd25 No.772025

When did disco die?

34b4c3 No.772026



Can't stand this bitch.

Every. Fucking. Day.

"Look at me, namefagging! My hubby calls me HUN, innit kute?"


e31962 No.772027

File: a97d58a3c745972⋯.png (175.8 KB, 360x640, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10b5d905b1d29ec⋯.png (175.84 KB, 360x640, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12f3af14188f186⋯.png (156.99 KB, 360x640, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 855e087e08642e0⋯.png (189.38 KB, 360x640, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

a friend sent me this. difference between an omnibus and a bill.

fdb2ac No.772028


1979 - i know i was there…

9584a6 No.772029

File: d83e6c7222df52f⋯.png (768.69 KB, 1224x396, 34:11, d83e6c7222df52f5b40198f985….png)

f7e5a2 No.772030


i meant the omnibus is the same as a budget legally

95d7f7 No.772031

File: 375d6f0121fddb3⋯.png (761.72 KB, 1292x683, 1292:683, 2018-03-15_1719.png)

I smell clowns all over this fucking board tonight. I smell their fear growing. Shilling to slide - and being ignored. EXCELLENT SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Anons. Keep up the good work - stay focused - keep up the tempo - fight fight fight.


31e71d No.772032



690188 No.772033


You fuckers are AWESOME!

ac462c No.772034

I am so sick of this bullshit Trust the plan, trust Sessions, Trust Wray, we have a video next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week next week

f19d58 No.772035


there could be so many theories about what it is. gotta see it to know, speculating won't help anon

9584a6 No.772036

File: e1a5e533c94a6e3⋯.jpg (92.52 KB, 786x684, 131:114, paint-is-good-enough.jpg)


kek, good tripcode

e994dd No.772037


There appear to be more than one link. This is the one I've been using.

http:// docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20180319/BILLS-115SAHR1625-RCP115-66.pdf

I don't think it's in the bread yet, but the baker seems to be working on adding the Omnibus research, so I imagine he will get it in there.

b4c460 No.772038

File: fe9571eb91aa301⋯.png (99.17 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

aedfee No.772039


That fake Q was posting here before Q's board changed hisTrip Code.

This Q is even saying your all morons here.

Somethings wrong

96cde0 No.772040







Yesterday @randpaul summarized the first 600 pages. No need to do this portion again.

59d011 No.772041

File: d94cb6f34d3befc⋯.jpg (191.65 KB, 2960x2897, 2960:2897, 6ck01k-xtsie8m93yyy.jpg)

POTUS willing to take the small hit for the yuge victory . he know's (you) will be back .

f49701 No.772042


so if trump gets his appointees

then he will reward dems by paying

for the murder of children

makes no sense

trump better explain himself

7b5a29 No.772043


fantastic news. Blank check for POTUS!

83a67e No.772044

File: 8b4546ebf8b0aec⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 375x333, 125:111, 2e823f87e5f2a84d55418887d5….jpg)

c0bf6d No.772045


That's a euphemism for spreading Soros facism.

a82b91 No.772046


Be patient, it will be next week anon.

244d40 No.772047


the clock is activated!!! 10 days!!

e594f8 No.772048


Nick of time Trump got in….he will come in like a storm and wash all the Muslims out.

25933c No.772049


She's a fucking girl! Why do anons automatically think every fucking woman is a fucking boy????

What unconscious thoughts are behind this shit???????

It's getting real fucking old.

fdb2ac No.772050

File: cdb5fd815464a1c⋯.png (403.52 KB, 675x450, 3:2, qanon.png)

340ce0 No.772051


Of course some anons will be outsmarted by POTUS! Had me going quite a few times, makes the show all the more enjoyable!!! Just when we thought that it was a budget (which was already done per the Chucky's last shutdown)…

b13b02 No.772052


>lawfag here

you need reading classes anon

it is an Omnibus bill NOT a budget

56adb0 No.772053

Stage_ = stage is set

5:5 = we hear you

[y] = yes

This was one of the easy stringers. RED_CASTLE


understanding will come from future news or Q posts.

60c489 No.772054

5a77e5 No.772055

File: 163e06a523a59e6⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 333x187, 333:187, getin.jpg)

f334b7 No.772056


Yup! I've had friends high in finance tell me the same thing. The key is the gold. The Rothschilds have all the gold. The plan must involve loading up on gold and finding a way to distribute it back to the American people.

The federal reserve is the biggest key to the kingdom the cabal has. Free market economy isn't fundamentally bad. Just some big changes needed. Would have been SOOOOO much easier to fix if the country hadn't been flooded with illegals.

6a64cc No.772057


the shills are causing us to work even harder they cant win.

aedfee No.772058


So Q's board Great Awaking has been Breached by this Fake Q?

66dd25 No.772059


Damn rights!

f3644d No.772060


Thanks. It's aggravating to see this from supposedly intelligent people.

94c7e9 No.772061

Is there gonna be separate bread for omnibus bill:

Researching 1450-1575 Defense Budget stuff:

Interesting 1456 5-15:

Not only allows for funding approx 1.8b

to fight ISIL(Obama pet name still in there) but also allows those funds to be used specifically to work against groups associated with the government of Iran.

25933c No.772062


You must go back/

6e89b7 No.772063

Whole bunch of military confirmations approved by the senate

https:// www.senate.gov/legislative/noms_confn.htm

f7e5a2 No.772064


pages 600-700



$$ for Consumer protection agency/banking (dodd frank)

NOTEWORTHY - removes regulation on small biz loans and other regulations

NOTEWORTHY - Major revisions to bank insolvency laws - covers banks over $50 Billion - "TOO BIG TO FAIL" stuff - very complex - too much for lawfag - need bankruptcy lawfag - NOTEWORTHY - this is new - ‘‘The court may consider the effect that any decision in connection with this subchapter may have on financial stability in the United States. Lawfag guess - banksters won this one.

$$$ for Homeland security - BIG $$$ for OIG - big increase to $154,000,000 - new requirements for cost, schedule, and performance. VERY CONFUSING language ie: " $11,553,315,000 (reduced by 5 $20,000,000) (increased by $10,000,000); of which $3,274,000 shall be derived from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund…" HUH? see pg 648

$$ for transportation Dept.

$$ for Coast guard

$$ for Secret Service

BIG $$ for National Protection and Programs Directorate for procurement, construction,

and improvements, $335,033,000 +++

$$ for FEMA

$$ for disaster relief and flood relief

$$ for ICE

$$ for science and tech research

NOTEWORTHY - $$ for Domestic Nuclear Detection Office for procurement, construction, and improvements, $87,096,000

VERY NOTEWORTHY - SEC. 514. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used for planning, testing, piloting, or developing a national identification card.

NOTEWORTHY - SEC. 522. (a) None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to maintain or establish a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography.

NOTEWORTHY - SEC. 535. None of the funds appropriated by this Act for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shall be used to require any person to perform, or facilitate in any way the performance of, any abortion


SEC. 538. (a) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Christopher William Gard, Constance Rhoda Keely Yates, and Charles Matthew William Gard shall each be eligible for issuance of an immigrant visa or for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence

SAY WHAT???!!!!!

506e4f No.772065

File: 51a079b8555255a⋯.jpeg (43.9 KB, 537x416, 537:416, 72036788-37B0-4476-82A9-9….jpeg)


Holy shit. Is this trump tweet legit? There’s a reason he saved Israel for last.

00120a No.772066


Any muslim brave enough to swim the Bosphorus at night may roam the caliphate at will. The others, the "sinkers" they will not be so permitted as they will have sunk, instructively.

4ad2c8 No.772067

Boss come in here yet and give us some inside skinny?

f66738 No.772068

Just my thoughts-

Castles- think Chess

Perhaps the castles are McMasters and Bolton.

RED_Castle= McMasters who has now left the team. LEFT could relate as in the port side of a ship has the red light. the traffic light on a city street is red when you have to stop.

Green_Castle= Bolton who now has the green light to go-clear sailing. right side of the ship = green light. Perhaps both of them relate to the game of Chess as Castles- which can move both vertically and horizontally on the board.

Q said to learn Chess…

70cbd1 No.772069


Crimenibus, not Omnibus.

POTUS should be ashamed to sign this swamp trash.

2e6157 No.772070

38a329 No.772071


Go away. Please.

56adb0 No.772072


Who is Corgi Wallace?

Literally anyone could've typed this up and SS'd it. Why is everyone taking this as truth about anything?

496823 No.772073


Calling a constitutional convention in this political climate would have very undefined results.

Basically, you might as well skip it altogether and just burn the whole country to the fucking ground, because that's what a convention of states would do right now, with what's going on.

Absolutely do not take my word for it though, ask a patriot representative (or senator, they do exist) why they haven't done it yet.

I'd bet money none of them would want a convention, knowing what they know.

83277a No.772074


Hmm., and for that, He won't the veto?

066710 No.772075


do you have any evidence to back up that claim or is it just your (((concern)))?

29dd5d No.772076


There are different OIGs for the agencies. 73 of them. HHS has an OIG, DoJ has an OIG, FCC, etc so not all of this money goes to the DoJ IG.

340ce0 No.772077


Disco ain't dead, the dancers are just scared. Stop with the namefagging…not like you will…until…

5a77e5 No.772078

File: edff8e682274c03⋯.jpg (37.93 KB, 483x323, 483:323, getin.jpg)


Now shut the fuck up and get in and Read This

9584a6 No.772079

File: e1880045ae3f59a⋯.png (2.72 MB, 3033x837, 337:93, ClipboardImage.png)






1db387 No.772080

Here's one to consider: from Fulford's web site:


The timely passing of the spending bill was a significant move prior to the 26th.

What is "actually" contained in the spending bill will benefit us all.

Everything officially released is scripted and already done or agreed upon behind the scenes.

The Petrodollar will be forgotten once oil starts trading in gold-backed Yuan by the 26th.

The end of the Petrodollar is the end of Cabal leverage in the global economy.

The trading of oil in gold-backed currency will trigger the new financial system.

The RV was said to begin before the new financial system is triggered.

RV exchanges/redemptions will be processed through the new financial system's back screen rates via private appointment.

Your exchanged/redeemed funds will be in gold-backed Yuan or USN.

Withdrawal of these funds will temporarily be in your local fiat currency until the new financial system is officially triggered and all rates are reset.

Stay seated and enjoy the show.

Change is coming.

THAT would be a move worthy of Donald Trump: he knows nobody is going to read the bill, so pull a few strings, put a few people into submission, and make the bill say something completely different than what the Deep State members of congress think it says. They don't read it! They tried to screw the country by jamming all these fuck-America-in-the-ass clauses … they end up taking it up the ass themselves by voting it in without reading it. It never contained any of what they assumed it contained and they voted it right in.

If it's true. We'll have to see. THAT would be a Trump move.

2eb320 No.772081

File: dbcdb6b15be347d⋯.png (194.36 KB, 769x333, 769:333, ACE.png)





Red Castle → Green Castle

Think anons – Trump signed an OMNIBUS (see thread links as to what that really means) → Red Castle is the logo of the ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS → w/ the Omnibus, Trump can build THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!

fdb2ac No.772082

File: bbf698d24135fed⋯.jpg (283.96 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, 022018-cp-illusion-launch-….jpg)


repost - just because

d41406 No.772083

It’s not an official ‘Federal Budget’. It’s an Omnibus bill…not a Budget…He outsmarted them again…Congress basically screwed themselves by not passing a Budget…

Per the Constitution…the President must adhere to a Budget set forth by Congress and direct the expenditures as provided therein.

This is another one of those big Porkulus Bills, like they gave Obama for 8 years. This is not a Budget..

An Omnibus Spending Bill may have some ‘instructions’ as to how the money will be spent…but Obama ignored them.

He spent the money, or didn’t spend it, however he wanted to.

And Congress didn’t do a thing about it! Because they couldn’t..

I think our President observed how this happened, year after year.

He is bound to realize that those ‘appropriations’ for different things in these Omnibus bills…are merely ‘suggestions’.

So like Obama, Pres Trump can spend this money on whatever he wants to.

Or…not spend it.

Planned Parenthood?

What if our President decided to tell the Treas Dept to ‘slow-walk’ that money to Planned Parenthood…until the Senate gets off their ass and confirms his appointees?

Sanctuary Cities?

What if our President decided to ‘slow-walk’ that money too…until those Sanctuary Cities assist ICE in rounding up criminal illegal aliens?

Splodey heads? From the Dems and the Enemedia?

Why yes.

There would be a colorful display of splodey heads.

But what could they do about it.


Our President could just say…’What! Congress should’ve passed a Budget.’

done finished…research was done…and it is so very humorous actually….our VSG..just said just give me money for the military and the wall…put anything else you want in it…and those goofballs did.

In this case, as per above….he doesn’t have to spend a dime….because it is not a budget…and even if it was…researched….he could still spend as he please…

Congress appropriates….up to the President to spend it…or not….as he pleases..

If anyone disagrees, I can go back and get the links and evidence, but if you just read yesterdays political thread…Wheatietoo and I laid it all out for all…Wheatietoo did most of the work and put together the consolidated update as per above….

Again, that is why Obama never had a Budget in his Presidency…Congress did continual Omibus’s and he just took the money….for 8 years…and no one seems to know where it went…

d6b16a No.772084


Sounds promising.

BUT … Needs more research and verification.

I don't EVER believe some twatter or fuckbook post just because it sounds wonderful and eases my worries.

I'm gonna look into this guy's claims about the "Blank Check" aspect of an Omnibus spending bill.

Not that I would put it past the scumbags in DC to be this reckless with our money, but it seems we would have heard of this level of irresponsible fuckery before now.

We'll see.

aedfee No.772085


So you all are sitting talking with Fake Q and you want me to Go because your a clown too?

b13b02 No.772086

Gathering ingredients

f334b7 No.772087


It would be nice if they threw us a public bone. Doesn't have to be much. How about indicting Luis Guitierrez for IRS fraud or some petty crime?

498450 No.772088


Facebook fine 2 Trillion…

a39355 No.772089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Was just watching POTUS reaction to the omnibus bill, and after he walks away, a journo asks him about the stock market, and he replies "When I came into office, the stock market was from a different planet"

Curious to know what exactly he meant by that, kek


063b71 No.772090


it is twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/330360556362018816

d2d15a No.772091

Anons, my Pepaw passed away early this morning. 86 years old, Air Force veteran who fought in Korea. Loved this country and his family. He was following Q because I showed it to him, and he LOVED POTUS.

KEK bless him. Be free in paradise Pepaw!

38a329 No.772092


And filtered.

f19d58 No.772093


I don't what happened to it, but the initials list got removed from the bread. If you want to put it back lemme know and I'll post the updated version

34b4c3 No.772094



Come on Anon, he's tied up in the New Age/RV/NESARA bullshit.

5fa8db No.772095


They gave citizenship to Charlie Gard!!!

56adb0 No.772096




The LINK needs to be in the bread. Should go in the very top of the bread.

e1832b No.772097

clowns/shills replying and fake arguing with each other is cute.

f7e5a2 No.772098




e7dafa No.772099


God bless Pepaw, anon.

58c0ed No.772100


yes that is right. i confused it with pompeo for a bit there, on another post.

2eb320 No.772101


red castle has turned green, Army Corps now will have the funds to build the wall.

340ce0 No.772102



Somethings wrong

yeah, something IS wrong. You're wasting both your, and our time, posting, is what's wrong

f45b6e No.772103

File: 6f18910bcb56717⋯.jpeg (37.07 KB, 465x485, 93:97, C0FA3761-B91E-4CC6-A757-5….jpeg)

e31962 No.772104


heartfelt condolences on the loss of your grandfather

53a14e No.772105

File: 5b1149670ce48ce⋯.png (365.32 KB, 529x504, 529:504, merkelbaby.png)


Here is a Merkel baby picture. Is that a boy or a girl?

33d719 No.772106


One non-runner - Prince Philip.

1eb623 No.772107

File: 3e07dfba1f5f9d9⋯.png (49.43 KB, 660x292, 165:73, IMG_0823.PNG)


I'm not so sure it correlates to the [y] in keystone. That time he was telling us to [p][r][a][y].

66dd25 No.772108



https:// www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-unveiling-america-first-national-space-strategy/

9584a6 No.772109

File: da6ee0b97a3d94d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 21.67 KB, 670x671, 670:671, yinyanglove.png)

66b84a No.772110


Expand your thinking anon.

f19d58 No.772111


thats a good theory, it's what I am understanding it to mean

5f94e5 No.772112


I remember POTUS used to say during the campaigns that he would send the refugees back. I did some research into this. The laws on the books allow refugees to become eligible for permanent residence after a while, and from there they can pursue American citizenship. He will not be able to arbitrarily send them back after the become permanent residents—unless they commit crimes or are otherwise a risk to national security.

Pity…they need to clean out large areas in many states that these people have colonized.

294819 No.772113


next friday for sure, many booms coming

af05c6 No.772114

5c8f5b No.772115

File: e2beb36dcf90809⋯.png (63.14 KB, 588x267, 196:89, pg 884-Training programs.PNG)

File: 0b3d4caee073aa9⋯.png (79.87 KB, 598x306, 299:153, pg. 896-Disability employm….PNG)

File: fbccbffb6766ea7⋯.png (161.38 KB, 621x614, 621:614, pg. 898-Veteran employment.PNG)

File: 4619a8c29e68b3b⋯.png (164.73 KB, 584x563, 584:563, pg. 900 homeless veterans.PNG)


More Notables

Pages 800-900

1)More help for employment of disabled, seniors

2)Veterans employment, re-training, and homeless

aedfee No.772116


Haven't you read Fake Q's posts using this Trip?

He's mocking everyone. he says I just make up these stringers to waste your time.

You haven't seen this in the last 3 Breads???

a821d6 No.772117


Wasn't he the baby that died?

38a329 No.772118



f334b7 No.772119


Yeah, you should learn chess before posting. What you think are "castles" are rooks. "Castling" is move involving the king and a rook.

Also, they're called "bishops", not "popes".

6af08b No.772120


Hugs. He is watching from a special place!

e1a88c No.772121


When the Anons finish figuring this all out can one of you put it into a PDF file to download?

5a77e5 No.772122

File: 90ba00fc36f12a2⋯.jpg (33.07 KB, 474x304, 237:152, retards.jpg)

66f068 No.772123


My thoughts exactly. I'm beginning to suspect a sizable portion of anons here have some weird psychological baggage, hangups.

34b4c3 No.772124


I did. Hence why I'm where I am today.

All that Zim & Dinar in my underwear drawer ain't helpin any!

559300 No.772125


Fly Free PePaw

1b9e83 No.772126

>>771695 national security advisor does not go through senate confirmation, so no way to block sense he already has a clearance from being UN ambassador

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Advisor_(United_States)

aedfee No.772127


Boards Dead.

Q said only the Retards are still here and must include your fucking Dumb Ass

c9f242 No.772128

>>772012 I agree that everything you are saying is as horrible for our Country as can be, I'm not watering it down. I am trying to explain that our Court system could still function to punish these acts. If military tribunals were instituted think about all of the cases in our Court system right now. MILLIONS. They would all be moved to tribunals (Unpaid parking fines -murder) or dismissed. There is no such thing as a civilian court system side by side with a military tribunal for civilians. I'm just asking that you look at it as a whole picture. There is a lot of hype about military tribunals being our chance at justice. Keep an open mind and don't put all of your hope eggs in that basket. We have other ways and they are in the process. Proof is available that they are happening if you look at the Judicial appointments being confirmed. If we were to solely rely on Military tribunals then once they were over, we still have a society that is lawfully unbalanced and full of corruption. It has to all be fixed.

066710 No.772129


i know the difference between the trip and name field

perhaps you should lurk more

b9b85c No.772130


maybe, Q usually foreshadows news. Bolton was yesterday, this stuff was moments before he announced he was signing the omnibus. Not sure if we would get a Q post about that swap, especially since we've all been worried about McMaster and the Soros strings he was attached to

53a14e No.772131


Bla bla, filterfags never filter. Because that limits their future chances 2 filterfag.

ab523f No.772132


Please annex Canada.

Hurry please.

53e9f3 No.772133

a11bf4 No.772134

File: 102042b390e340a⋯.jpg (191.78 KB, 894x600, 149:100, HRCVid.jpg)

Memefag offering one for the HRC vid.

1b1845 No.772135


previous baker here…Notable Posts have been corrected.

25c00b No.772136


Check your facts before posting nonsense.

The National Security Advisor is appointed by the President and does not require confirmation by the Senate,[3] but an appointment of a three or four-star general to the role requires Senate reconfirmation of military rank.

Look it up.

Wikipedia is your friend.

83277a No.772137

Hmmm., We are saving the Narrative Anons?

f334b7 No.772138


Swamp Drainer is the man. He was there from the beginning doing some heavy lifting. He didn't go to work for a long time to help get Q launched.

9584a6 No.772139

File: 65b508e345eec1d⋯.png (375.43 KB, 544x403, 544:403, ClipboardImage.png)


you need to recharge

you are weak

498450 No.772140


I was thinking fbi clowns state dept or DOJ

An internal proxy war … makes more sense

what you are saying

25933c No.772141



It's a fucking BABY.

A BABY girl.


Seriously, there are unconscious issues here. Mom issues, dare I say? You fucking shill.

690188 No.772142


"Retro Q"… KEK! Don't over-post and I'll refrain from filter action.

6ceeab No.772143

File: fd2965120ae5ce2⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 600x338, 300:169, fd2965120ae5ce2d099b013345….jpg)




66f068 No.772144


So were you born stupid, or did you cultivate that trait?

58c0ed No.772145


it sure as hell is.

f19d58 No.772146

File: 74a85ba2ea66511⋯.jpeg (83.98 KB, 883x477, 883:477, hrc video.jpeg)

9fba9d No.772147

File: 1af0e9a4fabac32⋯.jpg (94.26 KB, 1155x1155, 1:1, 1af0e9a4fabac320313016d46b….jpg)

1b8e0a No.772148

File: 9bfd1a6c0dce47e⋯.jpg (66.94 KB, 608x489, 608:489, POS 1.jpg)

aee202 No.772149

File: 90ec08752d663b5⋯.jpg (86.85 KB, 736x613, 736:613, df9d1442f735c91c9bde705523….jpg)


Be mad at Trump for signing that piece of shit instead of sending it back with a Veto.

But do NOT forget to be pissed at the fucking crooks that wrote that damn thing in the first place.

In fact, focus your anger there FIRST.

496823 No.772150


I still love the fact that this POTUS smiles like a kid sometimes.. And it doesn't look like a slow motion grimace (Like bush sr, et al)…

But both he and his wife do real actual genuine smiling. And look great at it.

498450 No.772151

bf2a46 No.772152

Are all 3 of the 5:5 some how related in their multiple meanings?

1eb623 No.772153


Heaven gained a special angel with your Patriot Pepaw, Anon. God bless him, and you and your family. He will be with you always.

94c7e9 No.772154

Pages 1455 t0 1456

‘Iraq Train and Equip

10 Fund’’ in prior Acts, that was transferred to security


forces, irregular forces, or groups participating, or pre-


paring to participate in activities to counter the Islamic


State of Iraq and the Levant and returned by such forces


or groups to the United States, may be treated as stocks


of the Department of Defense upon written notification


to the congressional defense committees:

Appears that all monies and equipment can be clawed back.

e1a88c No.772155


Following Following @realDonaldTrump

More Donald J. Trump Retweeted Fox News

As a matter of National Security I've signed the Omnibus Spending Bill. I say to Congress: I will NEVER sign another bill like this again. To prevent this omnibus situation from ever happening again, I'm calling on Congress to give me a line-item veto for all govt spending bills!

5dc2b0 No.772156

File: a68921c3896973e⋯.jpeg (182.61 KB, 1080x573, 360:191, 1521845921.jpeg)

00120a No.772157


Member insert citizenship stuff all the time. The late democratic congressman from Staten Island, Mario Biaggi, charged 5 k for citizenship by private member's bill.

Usually these things are attached to some other piece of legislation where the thieving politician has leverage.

Wonder what the price is these days?

506e4f No.772158


Man I love our POTUS. That’s incredible. He’s never been scared to speak honestly. Impressive.

b7416b No.772159

File: 8578b842b1527bb⋯.jpg (227.67 KB, 924x461, 924:461, 8578b842b1527bbbfb024ee7dc….jpg)

5fa8db No.772160

File: 038dfe5904d08f3⋯.png (656.14 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, E16AB8A5-F731-4EB9-B3AE-30….png)

53a14e No.772161


thats angela merkel …search on the right keywords 4 confirmation

f7e5a2 No.772162


lawfag here

this analysis is flawed and misleading

no legal difference between budget and omnibus bill

exec has same powers and limits on both

not notable

af05c6 No.772163


Of course they wouldn't air that one to public.

There are many videos (I think someone mentioned 8)

And it doesn't have to be from Weiner's laptop.

HRC one I believe is from the tarmac meeting, involving a video conference call with HRC, Bill and Lynch on the plane.

690188 No.772164


This time, it's two-and-a-half weeks out, then…

boom boom chicka boom.

95d7f7 No.772165

File: b5f81a154cae357⋯.jpg (73.21 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, e6ca8003b87d4dd4cb66821e4e….jpg)

25c00b No.772166


No we block the Fake ones so we don't have to read them.

Thanks for sharing what we block.

83277a No.772167

File: 12cdc9a482f324d⋯.png (22.65 KB, 300x300, 1:1, download.png)


How this?



f19d58 No.772168

File: e667c71982f2318⋯.jpg (81.98 KB, 800x420, 40:21, coward-county-pics.jpg)

from infowars

an anon is putting these in broward county

b13b02 No.772169



>>770917 Link to the correct PDF…all 2149 pages

340ce0 No.772171


You mean your buddy in the other Qubicle? Yeah, we don't believe her either. The bitch is fun to keep around though, since she won't go anywhere else.

708b63 No.772172

File: 1678fcf6b4fd791⋯.png (77.61 KB, 712x676, 178:169, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

File: d7f41f97046821d⋯.png (373.89 KB, 1116x860, 279:215, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

You guys have seen their logo right?

ab523f No.772173


Please do it now.

57d22b No.772174

File: 6ea443641da15ed⋯.png (73.07 KB, 815x186, 815:186, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)

File: 37559081bc8a76d⋯.png (93.61 KB, 840x231, 40:11, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at ….png)


two notable potions… seems an omnibus can be pretty flexible

675958 No.772175



Look of photo looks too old for Chancellor

a89115 No.772176

The use of pesticides has gotten out of control. This needs to be dealt with ASAP. It affects everyone and everything eventually. Could this be why we have dead zones off our coasts? The justice system needs to be revamped so that it can deal with situations like this in timely manner. We can't afford to wait 10 years or whatever for verdicts. We have a right to a speedy trial. Sixth Amendment needs to be reinstated.

https:// youtu.be/S0LN6pSqn94

9706b7 No.772177


here is your EU law…earlier in time, but still valid.

Orban took position on that lately (this or last week) in public. Seems that you are out of news of your own country.

now go back to mama and eat a langos. This is what you need, not politics and playing here with us just because you learned some words on the internet

58c0ed No.772178


but most have not applied. that is the problem.

f7e5a2 No.772179


i can send you a quarter and you can call someone who cares about your rant

25933c No.772180


NO. I fucking won't. Waste of time. Get you're fucking dick out of your ass and put it in your mouth.

f99105 No.772181

File: 15c3e50e0b04a5b⋯.png (59.47 KB, 624x537, 208:179, ClipboardImage.png)

New Trump twat.

abdc8c No.772182

File: 864563f242e763f⋯.jpeg (955.62 KB, 1249x4377, 1249:4377, E7D8A6E3-17BE-42B7-BDB6-8….jpeg)


I compiled those, they were funny 😂

f19d58 No.772183



You're still in a monarchy LOL


5dc2b0 No.772184


Always a favorite!

66f068 No.772185


I filter any Fake Q as soon as I see one.

fdb2ac No.772186


According to Philip Giraldi he does …

https:// www.globalresearch.ca/hawks-resurgent-in-washington/5633236

95d7f7 No.772187

File: f12e80803ce2859⋯.jpg (97.43 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 25u5yq.jpg)

9706b7 No.772188




and the link

https:// www.express.co.uk/news/world/666720/Brussels-to-fine-countries-for-EVERY-REFUGEE-refused-entry

9584a6 No.772189





66b84a No.772190


I second that motion. ASAP

38a329 No.772191


Proxy war means, two powers fighting each other but not on their own soil. They use a third country where they fight each other using proxies instead of fighting with their own army.

53a14e No.772192


Why so protective 4 a queen deepstate bee?

496823 No.772193


I don't bother reading anything it says. I just mock it and move on.

340ce0 No.772194


Same lame post every day. weak. Try harder and you might even get a laugh from me.

ab523f No.772195


Collective is too passive already.

Please help.

60c489 No.772196

File: 780279b6e3ecfef⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1455x394, 1455:394, Castles.png)

83a67e No.772197

File: 8b4546ebf8b0aec⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 375x333, 125:111, 2e823f87e5f2a84d55418887d5….jpg)


It's merely an example.

83277a No.772198



Canada is a Country of the British Monarchy.

bbb94c No.772199

File: 3832bd500014076⋯.jpg (20.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 98c514a40994c16a7b85db1fea….jpg)

File: 650e13b00904e52⋯.jpg (90.47 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 1510769604742.jpg)


and hitlers child i cant find the side by side of hitlers mom and merkel. they could be twins

just like RR and himmler

29cc60 No.772200


BETTER TEXT and 2232 page Spending Bill…

https:// assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4417596/BILLS-115SAHR1625-RCP115-66.pdf

f334b7 No.772201


You're only about 20 years behind. Pesticides are very old news. Current environmental news is nanobots and synthetic biology.

b9b85c No.772202


military tribunals because (they) are enemy combatants, there are many different sides that have been working together to destroy USA.

Where are you getting that they are going to shift parking tickets to military tribunals?

Bolsheviks and MB have earned nothing less than a military tribunal; they need that security and setting; less chances of corrupt politicians and dead witnesses, how much bigger do you want the Clinton body list to go? There is no way the crimes against humanity at the hands of Clinton's masters and Obama's master would belong in a court room. Plus they were all government officials at one point when they were actively harming this country and her citizens.

Where are you getting that it would move away from that and focus on civilians with wrong think and parking tickets?

312168 No.772203




1205-15: Tech Assistant and Training

- 1.753B

1206-1208: Grants to the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority

- 150M

1207-1209: Admin Prov

Sec. 160: Limitations on obligations shall not apply to any authority under 49 USC 5338, or any previous obligations

Sec. 162: No transferring of monies

Sec. 163: No funds in advance to light rail project done by Metro Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas

Sec. 164: no funds shall be made available for a full funding grant agreement for a project with a New Starts share greater than 50%

1209-16: St. Lawrence Seaway Dev Corp

- Given authority to make such expenditures

12010-3: Operations and Maintenance (Harbor Maint. Trust Fund)

- 31.4M

- 12.5M for renewal activities

12010-14: Maritime Admin/ Maritime Security Prog

- 300M

1210-20 - 1211: Operations and Training

- 175.62M

- 22M for maintenance and repair

- 2.4M Student Incentive Program at State Maritime Academies

- 1.8M maintenance and repair

- 18M facilities maintenance and repair for USMMA

o 3M Maritime Environment and Tech Assistance programs

- Feb 1st shall provide sexual assault and sexual harassment to House and Senate

1211-21: Assistance to small ship yards

- 3M

Ship Disposal

- 9M to get rid of old ships

Maritime Guaranteed Loan

- 3m

1213: Administrative Provisions

Sec. 170: authority to furnish

Sec. 171: Department of Trans and Maritime Admin shall not use any of these funds to enter into a fee-for-service

1214-11: Penalty Wages

- Changes from ‘all claims in a class action suit by seamen’ to ‘each claim by a seamen’

- Bunch of word changes

1215-14: Pipeline and Hazardous Mat Safety Admin Op Exp

- 20.5M Op Exp

Haz Mat Safety

- 57M

1216-10: Pipeline Safety

- 162M

1217-5: Emergency Preparedness Grants

- 28.4M

- No more than 4$ for Admin costs

1218-5: Office of IG (Salaries and Expenses)

- 92.152M

- Shall investigate any fraud or false statements to the government by anyone in the DOT

- Can be used to look into and investigate unfair or deceptive practices and unfair methods of competition by domestic and foreign air carriers and ticket agents

< So far

681271 No.772204


These people are stupid.

f7e5a2 No.772205


this is misleading you

potus has the same authority and limits inn a budget and an omnibus

criticisms have to do with political accountability and discipline only

these funds are NOT discretionary in any way

b0edcc No.772206

Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, and Alex Newman today.

Corsi speaking of a "series of assassination attempts" on Trump within the last week. It was "military intercept" that has been "explained and dealt with".

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzjOeQ33zdQ

b7416b No.772207

File: 7a157188d478a47⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 8b277d7386980e9d868b48fb68….jpg)

80689b No.772208

File: d5b8b0d6be49bce⋯.png (254.34 KB, 1397x1265, 127:115, Brave_2018-03-23_19-05-59.png)

294819 No.772209


the "castle" move in chess is usually done to open up the rook into a more offensive position, while also putting the king in a more defensible position by surrounding the king with protection (thus the castle)

6d16b0 No.772210


>boomerfag realizes that the only goal of the cabal ever was to genocide and breed the White race out of existence.

5f94e5 No.772211


Do you really believe that the cabal will just sit back and let Xi ruin their business? They will try to hit him for sure.

25933c No.772212

File: 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, alien-thisiswhy.jpg)



<Confirmed shill

6c96bd No.772213

So I guess Q's big BOOM!…was the American people getting blown up today?…

[they call you sheep]

[they really are stupid]. I think Q is talking about us, not the cabal.

Least…I hope not.

Hope I'm wrong

aee202 No.772214


When has asking Congress for a line item veto authority ever worked? Fucking try something else.

340ce0 No.772215


Yes. There's this too:

https:// www.countyoffice.org/level-green-pa-army-corps-of-engineers/

a89115 No.772216


You're just now figuring this out? QEII is on the money.

f49701 No.772217

File: 9b0bf8407febe3e⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 497x280, 71:40, trumpppp.jpg)

83277a No.772218


Some Day, US will annex Mexico? kek.

f19d58 No.772219



Well SJW in chief Trudeau will have to be voted out before anything happens. He'd say its sexist not to want a queen

29cc60 No.772220

File: b54a70f42588395⋯.jpg (61.92 KB, 612x612, 1:1, YourNotSick.jpg)


If you are not empowering you are SHILLING

f99105 No.772221



94c7e9 No.772222

1457 to 1464/5

Involves procurement of military supplies all branches.

1464 involves Reserves. $1b including aircraft, but it specifically says no piloted craft. So Drones. Maybe for border security?

f19d58 No.772223


lol for what?

60c489 No.772224


Triple dubz, Anon!

However, that's the wrong bill.

506e4f No.772225

File: f5e9bf995ad0e85⋯.jpeg (87.26 KB, 749x422, 749:422, 9D302A35-1E5E-4B9D-9C70-B….jpeg)

ab523f No.772226


Doug Ford for prime minister.

One of us, One of us, One of us.

81e7ed No.772227


Better question, why the fuck does corsi know about this? Who is leaking to him?

a89115 No.772228


And we still don't have justice on this. Case made.

e70be0 No.772229


I like your view and hope you are right.

Well, with all the migrants in Europe, it's maybe a good thing their military are in ashes, imagine those ragheads laying their hands on some prime tech. Tip for the USofA, get the nukes out of Europe in time or there might be some unintended fallout. Speaking of kicking muslims out like clockwork, dunno where you've been but I doubt it is/was in Europe in the last half century: mainstream plebs over there are worse than the cream of your SJWs in US. Somewhere between masochist and suicidal. I must admit that the bleak general outlook doesn't make for boisterous adventurous people. The herd mentality gets a stark resemblance to what was observed behind the iron curtain. There is no 2nd amendment, no free speech…

In UK as per yesterday bad humor is outlawed ans sanctioned, no shit. Thinking most countries could cope might be naive, a lot of governments have in reality abdicated, much like the Canadians with the help of their wimp in charge. The system is still in heavy denial of such problems.

The muslims are reinforced with fresh battle hardened forces and have a religious duty to their actions, this will not be a piece of cake by any measure. No European dares even contemplate such topics and destinies out loud even in private. Those who did got shunned and ostracized. All hope is not lost though: a major financial downturn might change everything, starting with perceptions.

I still hope the Shengen curtain/wall will fall, the EU implode and a righteous revolution see the light of day.

498450 No.772231


The planning of hrc and the cabals meeting to take down the united states…..

Taped meetings of the 16 year plan

e7dafa No.772232


Because Super Male Vitality is not gonna sell itself.

fdb2ac No.772233

File: e0a305aac6b5144⋯.jpg (55.73 KB, 568x335, 568:335, pdzd6.jpg)

f334b7 No.772234

Trump names deep state operative John Bolton as National Security.

This on the heels of trying to get amnesty for illegals, confiscate Americans' guns, and expand the deep state's war on drugs.

…….must be some great 12D chess going on….

9706b7 No.772235


who exactly put this over 2000 pages Omnibus bill together?

Why so short time to read/discuss/decide over it?

f7e5a2 No.772236



this is wrong

legally budget same as omnibus


ab523f No.772237


You guys aren’t on it already?

How do you think I put in all the late shifts in here?

78b9db No.772238


sometimes it's best to put your enemies in the spotlight

b25cc5 No.772239


Easy up on proof, that shill has a new book to sell.

b13b02 No.772240



b4bd63 No.772241



BHO => NZ(cabal kings)=>AUS (cabal followers)

1b8e0a No.772242



I would LOVE this. If it involved Scalia's pre-planned absence, she would be charged with Murder One. FINALLY.

Naturally, it would sill go along with 38 counts of Treason.

f99105 No.772243


Good question. There are a lot of things that will be used to kill cabal (so it seems.)

e1a88c No.772244


KEKEKEK Too funny.

95d7f7 No.772245

File: c4fd538d7fb0c49⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 800x450, 16:9, c4fd538d7fb0c49719081e6e41….jpg)

File: 33c6942dfddc60d⋯.jpg (58.74 KB, 800x450, 16:9, InternetBillOfRights-or-De….jpg)

b9b85c No.772246



>the bill does have a lot of spending for the inspector general which takes some sting out of it for me; i don't give a damn about bump stock gimmick anyway but we all know liberals

c558d9 No.772247

File: f77f4b4cf583871⋯.jpg (192.03 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, 1200px-Georgetown_pumping_….jpg)


Green Castle?

The Georgetown Reservoir is a reservoir that is part of the water supply and treatment infrastructure for the District of Columbia. It is located in the Palisades neighborhood of Washington, D.C., approximately two miles downstream from the Maryland–D.C. boundary.

The reservoir was built by the United States Army Corps of Engineers as part of the Washington Aqueduct project.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgetown_Reservoir

83277a No.772248


Sip, I want my retaliation here in Southamerica, but the US is First.

e7dafa No.772249


You'll learn. The mob cares not for your facts if they in any way derail their fever dreams.

b070d0 No.772250

File: 681fbfa43e7e9f4⋯.jpeg (83.1 KB, 460x400, 23:20, CA43860B-8151-420B-A842-D….jpeg)

Red Castle = Army Engineers

aee202 No.772251

File: d5553fe47fbc653⋯.jpg (309.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

5dc2b0 No.772252

File: 3cab9ea506c96fb⋯.jpg (35.04 KB, 332x500, 83:125, 51UUBvwsvoL.jpg)

All Faggots

25c00b No.772253


The message is "National Security"

It allows him to use money for Nat. Security.

Today in his Presser he called the Wall a National Security concern.

b070d0 No.772254


Which means border wall

f19d58 No.772255


Half of Europe are "constitutional" monarchies and the other are far left socialist oligarchs (with a few constitutional republics). DECLARE INDEPENDENCE

b9b85c No.772256

File: bf83451aa458d7a⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 393x386, 393:386, 1427402401403.jpg)


They did the same thing with Obamacare; hnmmmmmmmmmmmm

569ea5 No.772257

File: 73c669c3d7f33be⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 480x480, 1:1, tumblr_oruwz3K1Sg1v0mbuio1….jpg)



Add in some patriotism to make it rise?

00120a No.772258

File: 2338e8815e5e51d⋯.png (151.43 KB, 1197x1559, 1197:1559, 2338e8815e5e51dd6198718f0f….png)

Anons, do NOT correct shills.

Do NOT respond to dry mocke

Do NOT correct their many deliberate errors.

Schillses exploit cognitive biases anon, you must learn to recognize your own.

SCHILLSES on negative emotion. Do NOT allow them to whip their Skippys to your comment anons.

Think of schill splooge covering your words as you type.

We are here to work anons, to dig and to pray, NOT to help schillses earn a living. NOT to help them get off.

ce7c42 No.772259


Sorry pal - your freudian bullshit doesnt fly here


gOt It?



0c097a No.772260


Or the simpler explanation, anon. Eurocrats import terrorists as refugees, 'cause if native people won't vote for them, let's substitute the people for musloids who will. And 'refugees' are allowed to roam free, in a 'gun free' country, protected by a complicit elite media and cultural gatekeepers. Logical results ensue and pedo Rothbaby Macron, standing beside commie Merkel, has to pretend being shocked and surprised.

f7e5a2 No.772261


i never said that asshat

you learn to read

i said it has the same legal effect so far as potus is concerned

dont argue in bold caps when you are wrong

559300 No.772262



9584a6 No.772263


u able to read 400 pages?

that would fill out




25c00b No.772264


Red CASTLE has been given funding..they are in the 'green'

Army corp of engineers was unfunded for 8 years in the red, now they are funded and in the green.

c0bf6d No.772265

069b2a No.772266


and right below those three:

….."I could care less", which makes no sense in the context generally present and should be " I couldn't care less".

b9b85c No.772267

File: 0082fa5fa1e2c7b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1059x691, 1059:691, YOUKNOWIT.png)


is there any other way to play it?

708b63 No.772268


ty anon

60c489 No.772269

File: 025cd593aac1eb0⋯.jpg (299.29 KB, 1140x1140, 1:1, 77740460c50defd30995fc88c8….jpg)

File: 3fd64a2510af38e⋯.jpg (152.66 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 5a8de0318c646.jpg)


Looking at you, Baker

Throw some buns in the oven too.

f334b7 No.772270


Expand your thinking

Who is profiting from it?

Why are they allowed to do it?

Why are they doing it?

You're completely missing the big picture. Pesticides are the least of your worries. You just don't know it. That's like being worried about a hangnail on a sinking ship. You're not comprehending the magnitude of the problem.

Learn what the nanobots are doing and you'll never think about pesticides again.

506e4f No.772271

File: 9a473464934d5bc⋯.jpeg (109.52 KB, 555x750, 37:50, F6D3ACE4-3A9E-4F0C-B38B-F….jpeg)


Amen anon.

5dc2b0 No.772272

498450 No.772273


signal test for a video

ce7c42 No.772274

File: 059058019c7ed35⋯.png (61.13 KB, 444x404, 111:101, Opera Snapshot_2018-02-21_….png)

f19d58 No.772275

My take:

Clock activated.



>Army corp of engineers


>Army corp of engineers with a fuck load of MONEY


>Refers to HRC video: YES, the stage is set


83277a No.772276


Interesting., Also AUS is a doomed Country (Microchip)., hmm, the things is complicated in Asia, at least in Oceania.

60c489 No.772277


np, Anon. God bless!

9584a6 No.772278

File: 0044a3d372a58d7⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 678x748, 339:374, downloads (1).jpg)


>baker, i…

244d40 No.772279


Christopher William Gard, Constance Rhoda Keely Yates, and Charles Matthew William Gard

ef44ba No.772280


No, fake Q is just posting Q's new Trip Code in the Name Field that's why Fake Q's Entire Trip is BOLD

496823 No.772281


>I think that's why he had the presser about the omnibus. He was telling us he hears us, and explained why he had to sign it anyway.

I agree. I have never seen a President shit so hard on a bill he's just signed into law ever, before today; and this ain't my first rodeo…

When you spend much of your childhood in the house of a man that fought in ww2, you hear presidents speak. A lot.


f334b7 No.772282


Amazing how the cabal has desensitized everyone to war and pornography.

439b54 No.772283

Assuming there is actual credence to the US gold backed note, is it possible that the dead cat bounce references the value of USD (plummets, bounces back up when people can trade in, then dies for good). I'm not a financial expert so this might not be reality of how it works

33d719 No.772284

RAF Hercules Ascot225 disappeared off ADS-B earlier as it was making low-level approaches via Morecambe Bay towards Kendal. Height was around 900 to 1500ft before it vanished as it flew over the Lake District.

bbb94c No.772285

File: 948d96721c440bc⋯.jpg (85.4 KB, 800x457, 800:457, are-enough-people.jpg)

time to get the torches and pitchforks! ill bring the rope… jk lulz

tho anons can dream…

340ce0 No.772286


Feb 21 2018









[ ]


6ceeab No.772287

File: 8dc8278e8a02161⋯.png (50.54 KB, 616x747, 616:747, Q scan code.png)

File: 3ca29acecfd4cdb⋯.png (107.86 KB, 934x476, 467:238, Q flag scan code.png)

is the workfag anon on right now, who made the Q scan code stickers?

81e7ed No.772288


Old or not, your actions speak more than your words.

aee202 No.772289

File: 3fb6da99ab78eb8⋯.jpg (164.56 KB, 780x586, 390:293, Bomb.jpg)

9584a6 No.772290

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

here's some running music for you,..

liddle lynn

58c0ed No.772291


I pray this is so!

9706b7 No.772292


good point. read please.

b7416b No.772293

File: fdcad3deaea553e⋯.jpg (9.97 KB, 255x214, 255:214, 7c5c19b10fe784f97412aed8c4….jpg)

5dc2b0 No.772294

e31441 No.772295


Did he die, or was that report greatly exaggerated?

b4bd63 No.772296



More than three or equal to plotting

e594f8 No.772297


Because the Jews have played trannie trannie who is a trannie the last 50 years. Many of our movie stars are trannies. Michelle/mike Obama is a dude. They do it for Lucifer or really Bahomepht. It they like tits and a cock. Like the the Mason God. They thought they would make us all faggots for fun and depopulation.

2c831c No.772298


My take: you're a colossal faggot and it's all fake.

498450 No.772299

Could whitey bulger still talk about Mueller?

Is he still alive?

b37c92 No.772300


Do we have to keep Trudeau? Then no. Not worth it. We have enough faggots.

f19d58 No.772301


and you're filtered

e210c4 No.772302


He is dead.

5b9cca No.772303

Juggling family responsibility & phonefagging so will be doing this in subsections. Section 1896 - 2000 is add-ins, word & phrase changes to existing bills and bills within the omnibus.

pgs 1896-1904

STOP School Violence Act summary

or Students Teachers and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018

Authorizes grants to States, units of local government, and Indian tribes.

Evidence-based school safety programs that may include:

Training school personnel and students to prevent student violence against others and self.

Development/operation of anonymous reporting system for threats of school violence including mobile telephone apps hotlines and internet websites.

Development/operation of school threat assessment and intervention teams that may include coordination with law enforcement agencies and school personnel and specialized training for school officials in responding to mental health crises.

Any other measure determined to provide a significant improvement in training, threat assessment and reporting, and violence.

Coordination with, and training of, local LE to prevent student violence against others and self.

Placement and use of metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other deterrent measures.

Acquisition and installation of technology for expedited notification of law enforcement in an emergency.

Any other measures deemed appropriate by the Director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.


f7e5a2 No.772304

File: 0f35b2652677f3b⋯.jpg (11.99 KB, 226x223, 226:223, mrpepeJD.jpg)

File: 9e11a580d62608f⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 300x168, 25:14, fakenews.jpg)


this is out of hand

now is a shill tactic

this analysis is wrong

budget and omnibus same legal effect for POTUS

stop spreading this bullshit

fdb2ac No.772305


trudeau senior was a club of rome member

66b84a No.772306


We offer him for the guillotine party

aee202 No.772307


Tossing Turdeau into burlap sack and into a river will be a condition of statehood.

063b71 No.772308


Send'em back to europe :) or any of the other commonwealth "countries"

f91c54 No.772309


You almost had it, Anon. Kek

83277a No.772310


Anything is possible.,

29cc60 No.772311

File: dde980cd9cd7453⋯.jpg (154.8 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, DoubtFAGS.jpg)

00120a No.772312


"delete my Facebook" sounds retarded.It's no client side for a start. Are you data is on the clones servers, he owns it. Your only there to be served adds and have your biometric studied by Montenegro viagra suppliers and the FBI.

c9f242 No.772313


civilian courts are disbanded and military tribunals are the law of the land.That is how it works. You don't have military tribunals for 1 civilian and not all. It is not a selective enforcement. The cases for enemy combatant that have been upheld against non military have been for foreign citizens.

6a64cc No.772314

File: 76700c7ff4109f4⋯.png (9.06 KB, 457x305, 457:305, 4dqd1magical.png)


https:// ytcropper.com/cropped/sA5ab58a617ea2a

without the fillibuster will be "just like magic"

340ce0 No.772315


Fuck that shill who responded, this works.

As for GREEN_CASTLE, a possible:

https:// www.countyoffice.org/level-green-pa-army-corps-of-engineers/

498450 No.772316


do you think any of the meetings were taped ?

sure sounds like it?

how many meetings in a 16 yr plan ?


5f94e5 No.772317


This is too good. Drop it on Merkel's Twatter and give her a stroke.

33d719 No.772318

File: e9693fedab2fb77⋯.jpg (226.38 KB, 1653x607, 1653:607, Ascot225_2.jpg)

It's re-appeared again but I think this could be an echo on ADS-B.

53e9f3 No.772320


its more like make israel even greater

a66953 No.772321


I like the cut of your gib. Throw trudeau into a mosque covered in bacon.

58c0ed No.772322


this is now making me a woos. i am crying.

496823 No.772323


Dubs of truth.

498450 No.772324


wikipedia does not have the date of the death

looks like he is alive

32cf99 No.772325

File: 8688778845cf11e⋯.png (80.15 KB, 392x461, 392:461, Q668-020518-123009-PLAY2WI….png)

File: fc531a9b5823778⋯.png (41.89 KB, 418x249, 418:249, Q828-030318-110359p-POWERt….png)

File: baa3485907b3c37⋯.png (47.5 KB, 415x249, 5:3, Q884-030818-185927-PLAYWIT….png)



>>771253 >Color theory in play.

yes, with less theory, more PLAY imho.


66b84a No.772326


Very nice

e70be0 No.772327


Europe don't want him, TY, bad enough as it as already!

dc2aa9 No.772328

Anon mentioned "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy".

Q answered with…

>Who performs in a circus?



>Clowns perform is a circus.

Look what just came out…

https:// threadreaderapp.com/thread/938884649962561536.html

Turns out all these time, MI6 have been interfering with our election and manipulating America.

According to the spy book "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy", a spy book that all spy organizations take their inspirations from, MI6 are called "Circus". So Clowns In America" = MI6 in America.

>Clowns In America.


Re-read past breadcrumbs.

For example…

>How do you blind the Clowns In America?



>How do you blind MI6 in America?


1eb623 No.772329


Yep. I know he has a team working with him - besides the Q team - but he is the public face, so it's like one man against the swamp. I'm sure it was a bitter pill to swallow to have to accept the crap in there just to get the critical funding he needs to push the agenda forward.

God Bless our POTUS.

f7e5a2 No.772330

File: 9e11a580d62608f⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 300x168, 25:14, fakenews.jpg)


again - wrong analysis

ca32a6 No.772331

Bump stock ban?

83a67e No.772332


Nice catch.

e994dd No.772333

>>771715 More Omnibus from Thread 955. One of these includes the summary from 954.




















29cc60 No.772334

File: e570becb63c8ca7⋯.jpg (131.87 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, CreepyUncleJoe6.jpg)

File: e0c47a8ca13fd71⋯.jpg (147.05 KB, 1027x513, 1027:513, CreepyUncleJoe.jpg)

File: 53b7e6d4ee90cf1⋯.jpg (99.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, CreepyUncleJoe3.jpg)

File: be84a04253f5e22⋯.jpg (129.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, UNfriend2.jpg)

063b71 No.772335


Make sure not to put a return address when you ship him out then lmao

69e833 No.772336


is that you rand

5f94e5 No.772337


Ah, yes. The Trudea problem. What will POTUS do about that asshole? Word from Canada is that he has no chance of being re-elected there. True?

e31441 No.772338


Corsi knows Trump personally and has worked with him on the Soetero birth issues.

1abcab No.772339


Alter was geht denn mit dir du dummes Stück Scheiße. Schau einfach auf dem anderen Bord nach wie der Trip ist und dann halt bitte die Fresse.

Keiner mag Dich und du solltest wirklich über dein Leben nachdenken. Ist grade ziemlich nutzlos was du hier abgibst.

Irgendwas läuft schief.. ja du.. du kackbratze!


I fell better now.

632694 No.772340


>Charlie Gard was the infant in UK that the doctors were holding hostage and wouldn't let his parents seek treatment in the US

1e0373 No.772341

Just jumped on. Can someone post what's in this stickin' budget. I'm hoping it's so large that good stuff is buried in there for cleaning up the swamp. Of course, that could go the wrong way as well.

Does POTUS control what's actually spent as opposed to what's budgeted? I'm thinking that might be true because otherwise, how did he come in UNDER budget from last year.

e31441 No.772342


For Brown Hotties

b4bd63 No.772343


DJT present at bilderberg recently. greatest assets available to him for use against Cabal l. Overconfident treasonous individuals seem to have a pattern of amateur slips.

e70be0 No.772344


Very good work.

Was thinking, a Omnibus Bomb Thread might be the way to go eventually.

66f068 No.772346

File: 46bde1d0118da02⋯.jpg (91.08 KB, 835x343, 835:343, dopplegangers.jpg)


You do realize that it's not uncommon for totally unrelated strangers to look alike? Here are three such examples (pic related):

http:// geekologie.com/2014/01/doppelgangers-unrelated-strangers-who-lo.php

69e833 No.772347


check JA drops on his twat

I should've been more specific what I was referring to. I should I have said Panic Mode.

I should've asked if there was anything more like the Comedy Central skit from the other day.

6ceeab No.772348

File: dd05c2978b05cb5⋯.png (33.87 KB, 731x366, 731:366, Trump Tweet March 23.2.png)

1db387 No.772349


Well … even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.

83277a No.772350


Do it.

c5341c No.772351


just wait until (insert date) that's when the real storm arrives!!

94c7e9 No.772353


CANADA now a corporation Like AUSTRALIA under the Crown Corporation (not the monarchy) in the CITY OF LONDON. They are all subsidiaries not countries. As far as I can tell Switzerland is a sovereign entity.

e12eb6 No.772354

File: 40c63302e7889fa⋯.png (183.19 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20180323-191435.png)

5-5 green boom

498450 No.772355


Leavenworth, Kansas

Hey didnt the map mention kansas

2f661f No.772356


Saw somewhere that yes, Castrudeau's approval rating in Canada is sinking like an anvil. Canada's potentially waking up to his idiocy at long last.

6ceeab No.772358

File: e3cde3ab3b70abc⋯.jpg (87.69 KB, 761x500, 761:500, 26xp05.jpg)

efb9b6 No.772359

9706b7 No.772360

File: 1ccc80eb047b972⋯.jpg (414.57 KB, 555x555, 1:1, Q.jpg)


you asked for it. I thought there is no place for it here. This is my output:

Q on the Deep State, Oil on Canvas on the 3/8 2018

496823 No.772361


Isn't Levenworth a mil prison?

8c0de2 No.772363


thats awesome

b9b85c No.772365


This is a hub and spoke conspiracy, not for 1 person. You think this entire thing is about 1 person?

496823 No.772366


I like it.

e12eb6 No.772367

81e7ed No.772368


So. Corsi doesn't have clearance to be receiving the info.

f91c54 No.772369


Trust Kansas

c558d9 No.772370

File: dd827968bfa92a4⋯.jpg (60.09 KB, 360x240, 3:2, 240_F_145749334_Ot4DV2gGoG….jpg)

1db387 No.772371


Yes, a very nice resort in Kansas ha ha ha

e31441 No.772372


There is a threshold hearing on whether a defendant is an enemy combatant. If Yes, the Mil Tribunal proceeds with limited defendant's rights.

b4bd63 No.772373


Vis a vis Canada and Australia and Great Britain beholden to Switzerland…?

496823 No.772374

2eb320 No.772375


it's all pointing to the ACofE!!

e70be0 No.772376


Let's pray together.

506e4f No.772377


Greatest couple ever. All the bs the msm has thrown at them and just take it on the chin. Super classy. She’s stunning. He’s a mastermind. Couldn’t have a better couple in the White House. America is in good hands.

e1a88c No.772378

Julian Assange ⌛


Following Following @JulianAssange


I have deleted my Facebook.

In fact, I never had one. Friends don't put their friends into a giant intelligence database controlled by a megalomaniac who calls his users "dumb fucks" for trusting him.

a66953 No.772379


Well some cucks that were all "ya gotta vote trudeau" "give him a chance" "they are just poor refugees" now are saying " trudeau has to go" "the refugees have to go back" so there is progress being made.

There are still a lot of cucks though and a lot of people are sooooo against Trump…..makes wearing my MAGA hat kind of fun still. I hope enough ppl vote against the fucker the fag is ruining canada.

b25cc5 No.772380


There are multiple Ft Leavenworth prisons… one, military, one fed and the state

ca99e2 No.772381


I love Le Carre, and Tinker Tailor is one of my favorites. And it's true about America and the MI6 Circus etc.

What I haven't seen anyone mention, is that in the sequel to Tinker Tailor

*spoiler alert if you haven't read it and want to*

the Americans bail them out after having had their highest levels of MI6 infiltrated by mole traitors for the Soviets.

The Americans completely rebuilt their intel from scratch basically, and the MI6 RESENTED them for it. They would mockingly refer to their American counterparts in the CIA as "the cousins" as in

"oh we can't let the cousins find out about this!"

9706b7 No.772382

8d87cd No.772383


I might be wrong, but I think there are both STAGES and PHASES. Perhaps we're mixing them up?

340ce0 No.772384


I'll check it out, he's been on fire lately, haven't seen it today.

I haven't seen anymore mainstream discrediting yet, they may be putting even more funds into the next one, will take some time for production I suppose.

b13b02 No.772385

312168 No.772386




1219: General Provisions: DOT

Sec. 180-A: aircraft funds

Sec. 180-B: unmanned aircraft systems funding

Sec. 180-C: all previous unmanned aircraft shall be grandfathered in

Sec. 181: monies appropriated not to exceed Exec Lvl IV


Sec. 182-A: no personal data shall be disseminated by fund recipient (COULD BE BIG)

Sec. 182-B: cant hold back funds if a state is in noncompliance to the grantee

Sec. 184-A: no funds shall exceed 500K for a loan, line of credit ect. Unless the Sec of Transp. Goes to the house and senate not less than 3 full business days before announcement


Sec. 184-B: No loans, line of credit, etc. unless the Sec of Transportation provides the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations a comprehensive list, 3 days before announcement


Sec. 185: monies allocation

Sec. 186: Recovering loss or improper payment


Sec. 187: Reprograming action


Sec. 188: assessment allocation

Sec. 189: Sec of Trans can carry out a program that establishes uniform standards for developing and supporting agency transit pass and transit bennies


Sec. 190: hiring guidelines

- 1. Need to be able to hire any able person in the jurisdiction (excluding apprentices and trainees)

- 2. They will not displace and existing employee to satisfy 1.

- 3. Any increase in cost of labor, training or delays resulting from the use of such hiring preferences does not delay or displace Statewide Transp Imp Program


< Next Up, HUD. I need a beer for this one

f91c54 No.772387


Kansas you say?

769031 No.772388


….i think he just called someone a cheerio-eating ass-hat

498450 No.772389


Held at USP Leavenworth from 1962 to 1963; currently serving a life sentence at USP Coleman

he is alive (age 88)

https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_inmates_of_United_States_Penitentiary,_Leavenworth

(age 88)

e31441 No.772390


Line-item veto basically guts the Congressional negotiations, so that's going nowhere.

10f41a No.772391


How will that happen after it was ruled unconstitutional?

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_Item_Veto_Act_of_1996

f7e5a2 No.772392


i know but i keep trying

496823 No.772393


Yeah.. It's nice to have a FLOTUS that is actually a beautiful woman instead of a fucking tranny

83277a No.772394

Bill: 1245 page.


2 the funds appropriated under titles III through VI of this

3 Act may be obligated or expended for assistance for Afghan4

istan, Bahrain, Bolivia, Burma, Cambodia, Colombia,

5 Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala,

6 Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mexico,

7 Pakistan, Philippines, the Russian Federation, Somalia,

8 South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe except as provided through

10 the regular notification procedures of the Committees on

11 Appropriations.

List of next countries for be cleaned (Except Russia)?

b25cc5 No.772395


Not just USMC all branches house prisoners there.

fdb2ac No.772396

File: fa6d318f601cf96⋯.gif (490.88 KB, 500x400, 5:4, triangle.gif)

nite.. im outta here

e12eb6 No.772397


Not in Kansas is usmc

569ea5 No.772398

Page 2006 Notable: Related to taxing biofuels or EVs?

(b) AMENDMENTS RELATING TO SECTION 2008.—Sec- tion 9503(e)(2) is amended—

(1) by striking ‘‘per gallon’’ in subparagraph (C) and inserting ‘‘per energy equivalent of a gallon of diesel (as defined in section 4041(a)(2)(D))’’, and

(2) by striking ‘‘per gallon’’ in subparagraph (D) and inserting ‘‘per energy equivalent of a gallon of gasoline (as defined in section 4041(a)(2)(C))’’.

c558d9 No.772399

e31441 No.772400

9346c8 No.772401


Didn't the UK recently sign a new defence pact or something with Poland? and given that the US has UK's back…

9584a6 No.772402




>>770679 PDF of Omnibus Bill

























>>>770860, >>770933












>still open

1400-1450 anon, i..

1700-1776 ..






6ceeab No.772403

File: b8c30a7b1d89db9⋯.jpg (76.37 KB, 510x500, 51:50, 26xpdi.jpg)

File: 6ae9db8db38482b⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 26xr2f.jpg)

File: ef1e93f6c5de612⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 26xquo.jpg)

File: aedbe07b44b99c6⋯.jpg (115.36 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 26xpym.jpg)