[–]▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.641497>>641797 >>644612 >>662860 >>697911 >>700505 >>702407 >>717230 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL: Work together to get 100k signatures for #InternetBillOfRights!
We are currently at 17K+ signatures (3-12-18 9AM EST).
We want YOU to help us get an INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS!
>The Gospel of the perfect tweet: The Kekistani Airforce Method
>Learn it and teach it to others
What is that Kekistani Airforce Method?
1) Primary Hashtags per Q's orders. ALWAYS USE THEM
#InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet #Qanon
'2) Secondary hashtag: #FakeNews (Also: Q's orders)
2) Tertiary Hashtags: Anything you can think of to push the Great Awakening and 1) and 2)
#FakeNews is the Mother Of All Bombs. Use it as an attention grabber to drop your hashes.
LINK to Petition: https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
Tips to reach a large audience:
=>Use subjects that are currently in news narratives or “trending”
=>Post on juwtoob comment sections
=>Post on jewtoob livestreams
=>Post on comment sections of (News) websites
=>Send Emails to all your contacts
=>Follow back and RT
=>Check your spelling and do not use the wrong hashtags. Cabal keeps making new hashes that are 1 or 2 letters different to throttle us.
=>Check if you are shadowbanned HERE: http:// shadowban.de/tester/ if you are, make screenshots and use it to show the importance of an #InternetBillOfRights
=>Pull at the heart strings or use HUMOR in tweets.
=>Ask your followers to send their BEST tweet directly @you and RT it.
=>Pin your best tweet to your profile: it will be the 1st thing others see and retweet.
=>Go to popular twat accounts (?GEOTUS) and ask positive commenters to join
=>Send a personal thank you to a retweeter
=>Search new #Qanons and RT their best tweets (and follow them)
=>Make your tweet look nice and to the point.
=>Add and interesting to tweet: Video's, newsarticles etc.
=>Always add a MEME
=>Make your twat profile look nice (use pix) and text.
=>Always add @POTUS or @realDonaldTrump to your tweet. This way, twitter can not block your tweet.
=>Internet censorship is not a PARTISAN ISSUE. (Also) make tweets aimed directly at other audiences, both in text or in meme.
General flows FAST and is chaotic. That's why general fags are so magical. War Room Fags post the current graphs on general threads and remind the bakers to add them to the dough. Eurotw_tf@g is in Europe, so US War Room anons, pls make sure General stays informed when Europe is asleep.
>NOTE 1:
Q: Spread the news that MSM is not reporting
Q: Push #InternetBillOfRights and stick with it
Q: push #FakeNews and show examples
>NOTE 2:
There is no “i” in “TEAM”. We need to stick with the program, EVEN THOUGH the IBOR2 text is not perfect. That is NOT THE POINT. The cabal is scared out of their wits ever since we started pushing this. So we push
>NOTE 3:
War Room is getting a lot of: sliders, clowns, depresso shills, opinion fags, emoshills, parrot bots and even plain old assholes. We are honored! If we are getting FLACK, we must be over the target.
>NOTE 4:
All anons are asked not to reply to the vermin mentioned under Note 3. If you are not sure if the poster is a real person, do not reply directly.
<NOTE 5:
War Room is responsible for making stats and graphs and keep General motivated.
We need to operate as ONE. No arguments.
It doesn't matter which hashes are used. As long as we make em TREND.
We did good, but we can do MUCH MUCH better.
[g]raph [p]roves [r]esult.
We will do our best to inform ALL anons. TY WRL2HU.
Where we go one, we go all.
Stay On Target, like each other's tweets, and RETWEET
Try a burner phone/Email Adds & Phone Auth
10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com
try Twitterfall.com to see how far your tweets go.
Hashtag Trackers hashtags.org updates on the hour | trends24.in | tweeplers.com/hashtags/?cc=US
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.641512
Meme AMMO Threads
Main Meme Library
Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10
Here you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.
Images Scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512
The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:
If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.
Twitter Format Ready Memes from War Room
718 selected images from the War Room >>47341 (OP) harvested from General #49-#63
converted to Twitter format. Topics listed in >>64154
Side by side graphs >>93735
Meme Threads >>247769
Fake news memes >>79768
Side-by-Side Graphics >>93735
Archive War Room 5: http:// archive.is/k1Pqf
Archive War Room 6: http:// archive.is/JBlZL
Archive War Room 7: http:// archive.fo/Lu1AT
Archive War Room 8: http:// archive.is/KQmHS
▶ 980353 (2) No.641774>>641962
Self-Service Image Libraries
to spread truth and calm the storm
Through tempest, storm,
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Recent Meme Threads:
Memes15 >>596831 (current)
Memes14 >>482965 (Feb 24-Mar 8, 2018)
Memes13 >>366408 (Feb 13-24, 2018)
Image Libraries
MEGA IMAGE CATALOG 1. 11,800+ memes & infographs, organized by topic, from Nov 2017 thru Jan 2018 from /cbts/, /thestorm/, and /qresearch/ Memes1-10. Preview images, download single images, download entire topics, or everything. mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg
MEGA IMAGE CATALOG 2. The same 11,800+ images scaled for Twitter 1024 x 512 mega.nz/#F!Kxt2QSyC!0AK44ZpbsF5ASzTyhg6huw
Meme Makers: We prefer .jpeg images due to smaller file size. How? After creating an image, "Save as," select .jpeg filetype. To shrink the file even more, use 90% quality setting with no significant loss of fidelity. Your text should be readable; if you can't read it, neither can they! Please spell-check.
Beware Twitter image truncation!! Images for Twitter should be 2:1 shape, e.g. 1024 wide x 512 high. Twitter will shrink larger images to 1024 x 512, and chop the bottoms of those that are the wrong shape.
To Download Images: Click the thumbnail to open fullsize image. Right click fullsize image and download to your device. Download fullsize images, not thumbnails.
→These collections are not vetted or "approved". Some images are inappropriate. Learn to Select the Best Images. Know your audience.
▶ 6eb57e (1) No.641797>>641926 >>642292
>>641497 (OP)
I'd like to suggest changing the wording in the IBOR petition. Yes, Conservative voices are the voices being censored, but by stating so in the petition, we are limiting our audience and potential signers to only one side. Don't we want an IBOR for all? I say remove the 'conservative voices' phrase and push this petition to ALL voices.
Q keeps telling us, this is no longer about Dem vs Republican. We should be erasing dividing lines, not pointing them out. Where we go one, we go all.
▶ f6a5ee (1) No.641896>>642292
thank you baker
holy shit its crazy, one fucker had 38 posts last bread
▶ 9cfdb1 (1) No.641926
Read the last thread before pointlessly telling us what we already know.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.641928>>701907
1) #QAnon
2) #InternetBillOfRights
3) #FakeNews
dr. Jerome Corsi's hash "FreeTheInternet" is DEAD DEAD DEAD. just let it fall. add #FakeNews to your story.
#QAnon & #FakeNews: 32 MILLION exposures and STILL GAINING
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.641962
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.642292
means we are over the target BIGLY.
pls read all the new points and look at the graphs. We need to adapt our strategy a little bit.
you 2, pls read the pointers given. No more discussion on the IBOR2 text. Use the 3 hashes in every way possible to any audience you like. push the petition, whether you like the text or not. to attract libs, show them what the nazis and the commies did with CENSORSHIP.
first they came for…. etc… you know the story.
don't feed the shills
▶ a791b2 (3) No.642483
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.643826
please tweet a new favorite tweet with current hashes and pin to your profile.
▶ a791b2 (3) No.644612
>>641497 (OP)
the Anons is losing the time with the Mueller investigation.., the priority is the Congress., the C_A want to do trap in the Congress.,
▶ 951132 (3) No.645819>>652049 >>669110 >>670326 >>670334
I've been toying around with how to boost morale around here and I had the idea of let's copy the military a bit in this respect. The planefags and their 1st recon badge is awesome. It shows purpose and gives respect once someone sees it. We know that we are mere faggots compared to the skills some plane fags have in discerning routes, possible motives of flight, monitoring for drillls and scheduled important days realtive to air activity, and of course watching for false flags, attacks on our country, and other anomalies. I've been thinking we could make some morale boosting meme's for certain activities needing to be done.
Those activities could be Pathfinder's = Make the map crew. Then you have Diggers with research. I have made a meme for this actually although it is just an amateur level with stolen pepe. Again, we could have our psyop/intelligence/spreading the word branch. Our chaplain branch or those wishing to help others spiritually, et cetera. You get where I'm going with this. Although it borders fame fagging and the like I believe it could help. We also need guides for each major activity required to help here.
We need to be able to teach people how to dig properly! We need to show them alternative search engines and specialty search engines. How to find out personal information that is available online legally. Just straight up how to traverse the internet and being able to dig beyond a jewgle search, which I believe is probably 50% of the digging quality being done around here.
We need intelligence and psyops division to be able to show us how to effectively get our message to the masses. That is basically what is being done now with these threads but you get my point, The guides to tweeting effectively and tweet methods is the kind of stuff i am talking about. Good stuffs.
Anyway, memefags here is my work. I was hoping to put a shovel in there somewhere but im garbage tier at doing image stuff.
▶ a791b2 (3) No.648975>>649457
▶ fdf928 (2) No.649457>>649480 >>652099
Anons, have any of you tried to reach out to cryptocurrency communities on apps such as telegram, whatsapp??
How about bitcointalk.org?
We know for a fact that MANY in that demographic are ready to be red-pilled and eager to fuck with liberals/sjw types.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.649480>>649549 >>652099
whoa impressed with telegram first glance.
need more coffee. may attempt, argh new
platform, new nuisance, new rules, different
audience, start bottom,
actually, sounds kinda fun, lol.
good eyes Telegram.
▶ fdf928 (2) No.649549>>649561
IBOR can be pushed hard.
Begin with individual communities of various major altcoins, including ripple, monero, bcash, ethereum, etc.
Main bitcoin rooms I could find with large audiences include Whaleclub, Whalepool, etc.
There are also large number of right-leaning channels. Go with redpill search word and you will find a lot.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.649561
arg! first thing Telegram wants is my phone number, not cool. Need burner first so aborting
Are you in Telegram?
▶ 624565 (1) No.649639>>649672 >>652116 >>668944
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
Stylized "moving meme" re: IBOR
Can be downloaded and uploaded to twatter, will auto-play when scrolled to.
Can be simply linked to from YouTube and get a nice thumbnail added in twatter.
Or use Hooktube on chans to avoid being fake and gay
(video related)
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.649672
whoa tht was cool. nice tip and work.
▶ 755f00 (1) No.651079
▶ ebe36a (2) No.651542>>651559
I'm ashamed, I lurked inconsistently since October but barely achieved anything to really help.
It has been quite some time since I last came here. What's the top priority now?
▶ ebe36a (2) No.651559>>652933
I can't wright english as good as I understand it, so redpilling american might be too difficult for me
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.652049>>652200
both your work and your graphics are fabulous anon! highly appreciated.
I downloaded a large collection of your (and others?) badges. LOVE them. whenever a new twat person approaches me, I hand them one of your gems and promote them to meme warrior with it. People LOVE it, young, old, everyone. Your work is Loved, and no, its neither name or fame fagging. THANK YOU!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.652081
Stunningly beautiful.
We must use your gorgeous collection to "gotta get em all" RT action.
saving all of em offline (as always)
you are TALENTED anon… wow. thank you.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.652099
dont hv those platforms, VERY impressed!
go do it!
damn we r busy here… but it's for a GREAT cause.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.652106
works here. no worries. will make new graphs.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.652116
wow.. how the fuck do I get that link into a twat??
DAMN that looks TOP KEK!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.652139
At ID 755f00
prove you are human by making a meme with those or STFU
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.652168
@ ID:ebe36a prove you are human by making a meme or GTFOH
war room seen enough sliders, shills, glowfaggots and clowns. Read the Instructions on top of thread and you know what to do.
▶ 951132 (3) No.652200
i am only responsible for what i posted. Everything else is other anons. I don't want to take their cred, but yes I agree it is morale boosting and something I think is helpful.
▶ 987531 (15) No.652933>>832178
Red Pill in your own language with your own
people, or red pill Americans from your country.
I'm sure they miss the language and would
appreciate your words.
I suppose find nice simple meme or some good soft red pill with evidence, links, pics,
vids, etc. Then translate them for ur audience.
Start real simple first.
With practice, soon ur messages will get
" What's the top priority now?"
Push 3 hash, 1 is a new hash:
Push petition, ask them to sign and ask them
to get others to sign.
https:// petitions.whitehouse.____gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
That's it.
Then you can pepper in personal goals.
Like mine today is to encourage ppl to vote
Rick Saccone because Trump supported him.
Tomorow RICK vote over, so new personal
focus but at same time follow main orders
which is 3 hash/petition.
Sometimes others need a lil help, might not
be your personal or main goals, but a simple
quick twt might go a long way to help their
goal. Sometimes just seeing a bit more
success and having some help really boost
a person's moral.
But stay as close as you can to main goals.
In this way, our effort is focused and when
focused we are like a beam of LIGHT.
▶ 987531 (15) No.653056
dang these are cool. Nice work. WRL2HU. TY.
▶ 987531 (15) No.653458
Thanks for heads up, whoa, crazy, scary, finally some LVtruth.
Good eyes.
I twted article.
The flood gates are opening on info.
Be ready to be teachers. Good teachers
are patient, kind, use sauce.
▶ 987531 (15) No.653687
notice some blurr, attempt to clear up.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.654094>>654688
FABULOUS! thank you so much.
paying a lot of attention to IBOR.
Will make graph(s) with their contact info and ask to approach them.
tweet @ devinnunes!
▶ 0fff8f (3) No.654631>>654659 >>654826
Has anyone seen or discussed #team avocado on twatter.
I have a suspicion @ joabandhisarmy is our fake Q
▶ 0fff8f (3) No.654659>>654826
▶ ee3131 (9) No.654688
paying a lot of attention to IBOR."
what u want us say to devinnunes? anything
specific. Am loading 2twtr?
▶ ee3131 (9) No.654717>>654804
" Am loading 2twtr?"
I am loading 2twtr.
lol not a question. I will be twting dev and
thanking them for supporting IBOR.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.654804
wtg. am fiddling on the graphs. ignore shills. We r popular here. OVER TARGET.
Wish Q'd show up.
▶ ee3131 (9) No.654826>>654871 >>655106
lol found fake Q, ha.
Funny but we are suppose to be finding
real corruption, not fake Q, lol.
Redirect attention to main goals, find fakeQ
side mission, lol.
Idk why cracks me up, fakeq might be found.
He forgot _nons were working the case, lol.
Ignore fakeq, focus 3hash/petition, possible
upcoming focus addition to do with infowars
@dav, awaiting graphic frmE, specific msg to
▶ 0fff8f (3) No.654871
Good point anon thank you.
i got misdirected. back to digging
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.655090
https:// www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones
Profile page: https:// www.facebook.com/realalexjones
Twitter: https:// twitter.com/RealAlexJones
Periscope: https:// www.periscope.tv/RealAlexJones/
Google+: https:// plus.google.com/+infowars
Gab: https:// gab.ai/RealAlexJones
Minds: https:// www.minds.com/TheAlexJonesChannel
Instagram: https:// www.instagram.com/real_alexjones/
Linkedin: https:// www.linkedin.com/in/realalexjones/
Flickr: https:// www.flickr.com/photos/realalexjones/
We can have 100K BY TOMORROW!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.655106>>655506 >>655725
DOIT! bombs away on infowars
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.655377>>655565 >>655567
exposures are DOUBLING NOW!!!
▶ ee3131 (9) No.655506
▶ ee3131 (9) No.655565
whoa those are some crazy numbers.
ALL B sure tell general room, TY for their
support with IBOR hash. Show them the
graphs they made happen. TYALL.
▶ 11ee7b (2) No.655567>>655637
I think this may be what we are supposed to find with RAINMAKER
▶ 11ee7b (2) No.655578>>655637
https:// wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_15729066.html
Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed ^^^
▶ ee3131 (9) No.655637
whoa. VLC player. One of my favs. I will
have to review.
good eyes. Not quite our focus but easy info
to get out w/ a few twts, once understood.
erranda call, back later, 2 hours.
▶ ee3131 (9) No.655725>>656312 >>656315
twted alex and dav, RT if you see them.
Main orders:
Push 3Hash
Push IBOR2 Petition
https:// petitions.whitehouse.____gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
Always thank @POTUS in twts for protection.
▶ 92a752 (1) No.656160>>656276
Maybe I'm just being silly, but Davos and Davros (dr who) is there a relation? something they were trying to say?
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.656276
Aside from the human+machine and genetic purity history? I can't see anything…and noone could use these for memes….it's impossible.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.656312
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.656315>>656414
Blessed is "filter ID" function.
▶ f945cb (29) No.656414>>661987
lol, of course
u know me, i like to 2xcheck and learn their
tactics, make them talk, then easy to see.
Also, don't want to lose any help.
I know
sometimes I talk 2 shills, but also notice I use
them to keep us on track with advice, not jus
to shill, but to ALL. Also, encourage main
My hope, lol bring shill to our side, make
powerful _non, re-release as powerful
ally. Lol i know sounds crazy, but is my deep
But do keep spotting them and indicating so
i and others can better spot them. Also,
confirms our suspicions.
Nice work. Congrats on success. U deserve
something good, hope u get it soon, whatevr
it is.
▶ 5a943d (1) No.660465>>660960
▶ 1e1bb6 (11) No.660960
good eyes, congrats anon.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.661987>>691697
what a great idea! if it's real ppl, might work.
if (depresso) bots (specially the duo bots).
it's pointless. If I am unsure, I ask them to Meme.
bot shills can't meme. No point in arguing an algorithm . Well on 2nd thought: We can tell them (bots) we love them no matter what, give them a blessing hahaha. that will confuse their circuits.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.661991
▶ 304e35 (1) No.662074
AT&T led the charge ten days or so ago and we even saw confirmation of their commitment to "protect the open and free internet" by one of their own employees posting (or posing) here. The point is, INTIMIDATING the giant provider to make good by sending out an email to this effect would far exceed all the business we could generate in a year of trying.
▶ 84b4c9 (1) No.662860>>663836
>>641497 (OP)
Making websites responsible for content placed by third parties would be a huge backward step for our Internet rights, and it will open the door for much more censorship. Why is Ivanka proposing it?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.663836
Are you a real person? If you are, we'd like to point you the top of this thread and kindly ask you to read the text there.
Once you've read it, you know The War Room is not a discussion board. We are running an op here.
Divider/slider/depresso/shitpost shills are asked to either join our ranks and leave the enemy lines or leave this board.
This is the War Room. We have our orders. End of discussion.
▶ e441b7 (1) No.663890
100,000 signatures in 30 days.
How is that even possible?
https:// youtu.be/pspGtXW0QYo
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.665075>>665799 >>665845
* search #InternetBillOrRights
* select RECENT
* Hit RT for everyone that has a link (1 in 20 or less)
==> entire web is screaming for IBOR but dont hv a link to petition.
>Here is a C&P (for lazy fuckers)
PLEASE don't waste an #InternetBillOfRights tweet by forgetting the URL for the petition:
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
We're at 20K and NEED EVERYONE NOW.
Join the #Qanon Team. yes, YOU ! HELP US! SIGN SIGN SIGN
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.665087
those r excellent. pls join the laserblast,
goes very fast. very effective because that other Qanon platform was taken down just now.
everyone is screaming, but noone is adding an dURL ,. GOLDEN opportunity to build an enormous army in 1 hour or more.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.665723
▶ 7dff6c (8) No.665799>>665845
ok i posted one, chopped up graphic a little, not
to worry i will post original in twt2 in about
20 min.
RT to give it some support TY.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.665845>>665901
Nice one!!!
>>665075? thats a GREAT place to drop your version. its only 1 in 30 or less that add a link.
be careful not to copy and paste too much or tw0t blocks your account and you need to confirm. I copy and paste, but personalize every message. If I find anyone that used the URL, I like and RT. WORKS GREAT…
look at those signatures going UP UP UP UP
21,058 now
▶ 7dff6c (8) No.665901
▶ 0a9b14 (5) No.668700>>669000
Does anyone not tweeting want to help a research project?
▶ 9da50b (5) No.668944
uploading to GAB now. :o) thanks.
▶ 51aaa3 (4) No.668965
Just came across this:
https:// www.facebook.com/MyfavoriteGun/videos/456987804438005/?t=0
▶ 1eab4d (2) No.669000>>669048 >>673952
I abstain from FB & Twitter, but have lurked for months.
I would like to help, and am committed, but can't guarantee results.
Please explain.
▶ 0a9b14 (5) No.669048>>686873 >>773038
I have a huge list of names and I just need help looking them up to see if they are involved with george soros, or if they belong to an organization that is involved with george soros.
▶ 9da50b (5) No.669110
patch anon here. what other divisions are we talking about? in your OP you mentioned these:
Pathfinder's = Make the map crew
chaplain branch
Diggers with research
any others? I'll give it go.
I myself have burnt out a bit, and taken almost a week away form the battle.
Back now looking to help out again, and get back in the trenches.
let me know any other divisions you're thinking of and i'll see what i can do.
▶ 0a9b14 (5) No.669662>>669924 >>670203 >>670506 >>670625
Here are names B through D. Any help is welcome.
Pat Balesteri
Franz Josef Bach
Raymond Bourgine
Alfredi Sanchez Bella
Erik Bennet
Wayne Lee Berman
Benazir Bhutto
W Michael Blumenthal
John Biggs-Davison
Brian Binley
Crispin Blunt
John R Bolton
Benoet de bonvoisin
Maurice Brebart
Paul Bremer
William Case
Anthoney Cavendish
Andrew CavendishPaul CHannon
Jacques Chirac
Winston Curchill II
James W Cicconi
Alan Clark
Marcel Clement
Robert CLose
Etienne Copel
Miles COstick
Percy Cradock
James Critchfield
Alexandre Ribeiro de Cunha
Hans van Dalsen
Florimond Damman
Armand de Decker
Jean Framcois Deniau
Laura Jordan Dietrich
Paul Dietrich
Hans Lothar Domrose
Yves Marc Dubois
Alan Duncan
▶ 1eab4d (2) No.669924>>673952 >>686873
I'll try. If others can, please do!
▶ 0a9b14 (5) No.669978>>673952
I feel this is bigger than everything….
▶ 51aaa3 (4) No.670203
I grabbed the bottom 10 . . . will get back to you
▶ 9da50b (5) No.670326>>674488 >>682745
here are a few initial designs.
let me know what's what. :o)
attached here are the:
religion teams
▶ 9da50b (5) No.670334>>670381 >>674456
here are a few for the diggers teams.
i did one "gentlemen team, and one a bit edgier for the war diggers. :o)
▶ 505c78 (2) No.670381>>670402 >>688296
in Germany they called themselves "the People's Storm" do you believe in coincidences?
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkssturm
▶ 9da50b (5) No.670402
i had not heard about that, good read. thanks for the info. :O)
▶ 51aaa3 (4) No.670506>>670556
Six done, will get the rest in the a.m. - but Laura Jordan Dietrich is of particular interest, 'probably' a current trainer for the clowns . . . did duckduck on her
▶ 505c78 (2) No.670556
Just gave her some D luv too. Juicy…K.O.M too
▶ 51aaa3 (4) No.670625>>672220
All but two of the bottom 10 have attended Le Cercle; Alan Duncan is current Minister of State for GB and an oil specialist; if you'd like more, where would you like me to drop it?
▶ 0a9b14 (5) No.672220>>673952
Yes, the cercle is the primary source of the list.
We need to connect them to something other than the cercle.
Put them in 656614.
I'll post the connection chart when I get off of work
I think this is really the spider web that Q was hinting at. All of the other Anons were ignoring it and thinking it wasn't of any importance.
▶ 740e07 (1) No.672777
A. Rebeiro da Cunha 1915-1983 Portuguese Ambassador; there is a Palacete Ribeiro da Cunha in Lisbon - huge palace, now a tourist attraction. Met at Le Cercle in 12/1973.
Hans Van Delsen - Foreign Affairs Secty for So. Africa, 1982-1985; attended Le Cercle in Germany in 1984.
Florimond Damman - Secty of the Paneuropa Union Belgium; Leading member of Cercle des Nations; attended Le Cercle.
Armand de Decker - Belgian politician, Senate President; quite a list of international honors, reads like masonic titles.
Jean-Francois Deneau - French diplomat, statesman; Secty of State, member of Parliament - close advisor to King of Spain.
Laura Jordan Dietrich - U.N. Human Rights Coordinator and highest ranking woman under Reagan; now probably a high-ranked clown trainer; she and hubby @ Le Cercle.
Paul Deitrich - see Laura; probably she was his entre into other circles -
Hans Lothar Domrose - Senior German Army Officer; former Commander of Allied Joint Forces Brunswum; believed to have visited Le Cercle in 1983, from a So. African email published last year.
Yves-Marc Dubois - Chaplain to French Far East Expeditionary Force in Indochina; from another letter, "Monsignor Dubois" celebrated mass for those interested at Le Cercle at one time.
Rt. Hon. Sir Alan Duncan - Oil specialist and consultant; became Minister of State in GB in July 2016.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.673952
We can't hv this board being slided.
make your own thread and dig there.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.674002
War Room advice to anons
THESE ID's are filtered for posting info on wrong thread.
>please filter ID's and not engage.
No place for this in war room.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.674041>>674387 >>677553
Am shadow banned again.
Lost 300K exposures since last night.
It hurt the IBOR action bigly.
only at 22,5K now.
We need to expand to GAB and other platforms to get the petition signed. GRAPHS showing Wonderful exposure for the hashes.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.674387
That's good news.
Keep it up.
Let me know what other platform you are at,
i will meet you there.
I am pushing ibor,
brewing coffee,
RT my IBOR post(s), if you would.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.674456
very cool. thanks for two versions, good thinking.
I will take a gentlemen team badge, nice.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.674488
also a Pathfinders badge, nice. TY.
▶ f88372 (1) No.677553>>678004
Need to push on popular social media users across all platforms.
Think: "too-big-to-fail".
(Will not get banned; Will get retweeted; ergo, will get results)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.678004
b your own one (wo)man army.
add the link https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
to ibor on all tweets and reply to ppl forgetting to add it to their twats.
▶ 852043 (1) No.678761>>678839 >>684476
Q said watch the water.
Yesterday I watched the cbts_STREAM dry up on Reddit.
We know that Q watches that channel (https:// redd.it/84gl84).
This was the last big trending video before the banhammer (https:// redd.it/8482vl).
The same algorithm applied cross-platform?
I'd say it's worth watching.
This is the class action lawsuit waiting to happen. This is something we the people have the power to make happen.
This combined the IBOR can change the world.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.678839>>684476
Good eyes, i agree and see your point.
Need a system that will beam of LIGHT algorithm.
Same time not get banned.
Need to identify, prove it, meme it,
petition it.
First identify it, prove it, otherwise all rest of
steps not worth time.
Meantime searching for answer, also do main
orders, do you know main orders in this room?
Actually I know one person suing google.
If we can find exact algorithm, give to him to
prove in court. If it is proven, can use in
further cases.
main orders:
3main hash
▶ 21b79b (1) No.679837>>680450
There is something going on with that petition site-with the IBOR petition-
I have visited the site and signed petitions, including the IBOR petition. I have received verification emails from all the petitions I signed EXCEPT the IBOR petition. This has happened 4 times.
It should have been filled days ago
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.680450>>684488
I wish i knew how to fix.
If you are determined, go through .gov help,
I'm sure there is one. Explain, see what
they say. If resolved cool, if not, lose one
vote, not much we can do about it.
If not determined, don't worry about it,
keep push hash/petition.
▶ 84d4d9 (1) No.681936>>684520
Hi guys. An anon from 2gen here,
Not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I was thinking of celebs that might be able to help us out with getting the IBOR message spread broader and wider. Not too many of them on our side, I know.
I'm an Xgenfag so I don't really know nor care much about the celebs of today, but Axl Rose sprung to mind. He's been wide fucking awake for as long as I've known of him.
Was wondering if perhaps it could be organised to bombard his twitter for a short period of time, so as he can't miss the great big dump of IBOR tweets, and maybe, just maybe he might retweet the petition link.
He has 1.2mill followers.
Just an idea. I'm full of'em, as well as full of shit at times, but at least I'm trying.
Anyway, thanks for your time and for reading this far if you got here :)
PS: there must be other celebs we can do this with as well. I just don't know much about them. I'm not saying harass them for days or weeks on end, just heavy traffic for a day, then stop. If they don't get on board after that, they never will and it's wasted energy.
▶ 951132 (3) No.682745>>683151
These are beyond my expectations. Have you dropped these in the general thread? Just a heads up in case you didnt know what kekistan means, kill every kike immediately start aryan nation. I doubt it could be used against us as it is not the general accepted definition.
▶ 1c2ab5 (2) No.683151>>683223 >>683243 >>684566
hello, i'm glad you like, and NO, i did not know what kekistan meant, i just figured it was were pepe came from. (grin) i can edit that bit if you need. Just let me know.
I did not drop them on general, as it's your idea, figured it'd be better for you to do it. :) but do let me know any feed back you get. enjoy them mate, i'm happy to hear you like'em.
cheers mate.
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.683223>>683266
kekistan was a random word, Clinton gave it a negative meaning, ignore it, use it at will.
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.683243>>683266
Kek - modern meaning
literally translates to lol on World of Warcraft. When someone from the Horde side types lol in /say, members of the alliance side see kek instead. Not specific to Orcs.
Kek - old meaning
Egyptian god of darkness that takes the shape of a frog.
Kekistan - basically "land of kek" nowhere in any of the meanings pre-election did kek mean anything about arian bs, more poison from C
▶ 1c2ab5 (2) No.683266>>684573
did clinton say something about it? haha, how funny. If it pisses of clinton i'll keep it.
thank you for the education good anon, that is kind of more what i was "thinking" it was.
hope the art makes some one happy/proud of their service.
keep up the fight
shout out if you can think of another department that needs a patch. or one above needs editing.
▶ e63480 (2) No.683385>>683390 >>684585
For those of you whom have been following me, and wondering what this nutcase is tweeting about with all these tweets to gov officials. The Bombshell:
https ://anticorruptionsociety.files.wordpress.
▶ e63480 (2) No.683390
Now, you know what President Trumps Executive order of December 21, 2017 was really for. With the enforcement of that executive order, the American people will be set free from the "Human Trafficking" of The New Deal.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684476
Agree with both of you. Still shadow banned here. nevertheless pushing IBOR2 (even on GAB) 23,7 K now. We will get there.
Starting to directly approach patriots with HUGE following. Will post link or twts in here later, need to add a few more. keep going Anons, we can do this.
Graphs: will post soon. had a look yesterday, didnt hv the time 2 make graphs but IBOR is doing great.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684483
ID 21b79b
You better identify yourself by posting a meme about hildawg in here. If you don't u run the risk of being filtered as a concern shill
attn anons, watch this anons ID
Suspected concern fag
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684488
careful none, might b concern shill
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684520>>690242
welcome to the war room, where, If you have a great idea, you get the order to do it yourself, make notes of your succes and report back here for us to add it to the battle tactics.
post IBOR2 everywhere. ANY platform including game chats etc.
ADD THE DAMNED LINK and approach (and thank) ppl.
DO IT ANON. if you dont hv the power to make your own idea work, no one has.
make screenshots, graphs etc and report with those back here showing your results.
Example: My IBOR got liked and RT by Roseanne Barr.so anything is possible.
GO ANON do it.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684566
look up Kekistan…. you'd b amazed…
That KEK statue.. its just too fabulous. also whole kekistani story is a great way to make you laugh and smile and feel great.
War against the normies.. LOL REEEEEEE
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684573
pls dont reply to suspected shills/sliders.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684585
"For those of you whom have been following me"
>who are you anon? This is the war room.
No digging here. It sais so on top of thread.
Meme warfare here. pls identify yourself or run the risk of being filtered as slide.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684695
LOL war room is in top left corner of the catalog most of the time. We draw some of the Flac away from General. btw anons… keep this in mind, just in case clowns blow this place up.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.684757
fun alternative for fukbo0k:
great memes. very big on freedom of expression. LOL
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.685970>>686200
Back from twat shadow ban
IBOR: getting REALLY close to 24K
▶ 5e33b9 (6) No.686145>>686321
What internet browser do most anons use? I was looking at others in order to "take my business" away from Google. But not sure if something like Firefox or some others are actually just "Google by any othe name". So looking for where to go
▶ e75955 (7) No.686200
Nice work Eurt, brewing coffee, looks like another
wonderful day, hope all are well.
Keep orders in mind.
If u have an idea, try it,
prove results, bring it to the room. We have
plenty in motion right, can't try all the ideas
and twt, and graphic, and report results,
and research, and confirm, and etc at same
time. Team not big enough, people not
organized enough(not an insult, observation).
If we add this, subtract that, how will our
followers keep up. We need new great ideas
but we also need people willing to see them
It is lonely hard work to build new system,
but once system is built with helpers, then you
can help get 20,000k signatures, 5000
followers like some.
At first 3 followers. So takes great
faith, hard work to create a system that
can show results. That's the other trick,
how to locate results.
If you can't think of a better idea and don't
want to chase results, just join us and do
what we do. It is so easy, just to sign
up with twtr and just hit RT. The more of us doing exactly the same thing, would be a great
addition to the team and to the results. Gh.
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.686321>>686467
Chromium (G infected the whole tree by taking over the base project)
(some of the children are nearly acceptable, i still use Comodo Dragon for some things)
Firefox (Mozilla has been corrupted by SJW power brokers)
(outstanding performance/stability on linux, horrible on windows, may as well use IE)
Opera (good alternative, seems to have been ignored by the libs, so it's still mostly pure from what I can find. Worth a look for your business)
▶ 7ee36e (3) No.686362
If fucking Sessions doesn't lift a finger with this asshole McAbe then entire Q confirmed psyop
let the countdown begin. happenings immediately or fuck all this
▶ 598cce (1) No.686450
Why would Putin leave fingerprints in UK?
UK attacks> Russians
Who benefits?
Indigo 8
KC is where?
SoS 10>5-[1]
▶ 5e33b9 (6) No.686467
Thank you….I'll take Opera for a spin!
▶ 4959a2 (1) No.686873
B thru D names
My phone (&DSL) is up/down since yesterday.
It's impossible to dig like this.
Most on list are "Le Cercle" members.
And this:
Benazir Bhutto Le Cercle,
Intl Crisis Group (Soros) - quotes from and agrees with.
in her speeches. bhutto.org/Acrobat/BB_Speeches_Book.pdf
Speeches praise an "open society", and I find her name on
pages refering to MoveOn.org, but not a direct connection.
I hope others can dig this, because I can't w/phone woes!
Phone co, or clowns doing something…..
▶ e75955 (7) No.687185>>687257
Main orders,
push hash,
push petitions;remind confirm email,
RT each others twts,
always TY @POTUS
Ask ppl to pin one of these graphics on
their profiles.
Pin one on your profile.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.687224>>689960
Warnings to the following ID's
22eb85 suspected slider (FILTER)
7ee36e suspected slider (FILTER)
598cce suspected slider (FILTER)
4959a2 Suspected slider. (FILTER)
Pls prove you are human by posting a killery meme. You have been replying to SLIDERS (either robots, AI or hired clowns). pls filter the above mentioned ID's. and do not reply to them.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.687257
hi none, we're doing great. saw u twatting @me it's the easiest method for me to RT ur stuff. I always check notifications.
Just cant keep up with the normal timeline.
HINT: twat at NRA they r really great RT-ers
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.687559
RESULTS FOR 15-3-18 (graphs always lagging 1 day behind)
#IBOR2: 3.6 MILLION exposures/day and 23% have a LINK to the petition (this is great, was ZERO percent 2 days ago
#QAnon: 27.8 MILLION exposures/day
#FakeNews: a staggering 51 MILLION exposures/day.
those of you that don't understand:
1) always use #QAnon #FakeNews and #InternetbillOfRights in one tweet.
2) always add >the fucking link https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2 to your twat
3) sign the damned petition, even if you think the text is fucked up, cancer, sux or whatever, Q's Orders.
Now at 24,085 signatures. WE CAN DO THIS
▶ 9055db (1) No.687715
"Latvia Servers" mean anything to anyone???
Thankful to POTUS - Q - and fellow patriot researchers!
▶ 01e979 (1) No.687758>>688393
I made this simple Freedom of Speech meme, hope u like.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.687832>>688482
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.687840>>688419
What shills want:
To fill the breads with shitposts.
To get you to respond to their stupidity.
To get you angry.
To get you discouraged.
To get you to think Q is a LARP or AI.
To get you to doubt Q/POTUS/The Plan.
To get you to think Patriots are giving up.
To get you to think negatively.
To get you to stop coming here or go somewhere else.
To divide us.
You to forget about SA.
You to forget about NK being freed.
You to forget that the Patriots are in control.
What shills DON'T want:
You to dig.
You to make connections.
You to use logic.
You to ignore them.
You to build the proofs.
You to find the truth.
You to know we are winning BIGLY.
You to dispense the Red Pills.
You to think positively.
You to remember the stage is being set via EOs.
You to remember the sealed indictments.
They are desperate.
They are scared.
They are scrambling.
They are LOSING.
They know we are getting closer to the big picture.
They know something BIG is coming.
They are trying to silence us and it's not working.
Emotion is the enemy of Reason. If they can get you angry, they can get you to stop thinking logically.
Godspeed, Patriots.
Let's show them why they will never win.
▶ 7ee36e (3) No.688167>>688325 >>694469
is McAbe going to get fired??
what is the deal? why let him keep his money if he is this corrupt? this is making me nervous
what are the anon's opinions
▶ 5e33b9 (6) No.688296
"The Storm" Prez Speech of "Space Force" "Storm Troopers (Star Wars)" "the Peoples Storm…I feel like we have passed just "double entendre"
▶ 5e33b9 (6) No.688325>>688482
I honestly think he's going to prison…I dont think firing him to keep him from his pension even matters…because he wont be getting a pension in jail for the crimes he has committed….no let whichever way it falls this weekend to even sway you or make you upset…
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.688377
That would be epic, if that's how it went down.
Justice; not just ice, lol
Don't give me ideas, might start a petition, lol.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.688393
dam thats pretty good, i liked it. well done,
twting after i make a few adjustments, lol TY.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.688419
Dam that pretty good too, wow lots of good
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.688444>>688479
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.688473
Looks like the right track people, this is where
u put your head down, stay on mission, and
don't look up until that number is over 100k.
Meantime always find places to improve to
the system we have going. Don't post if you
don't have twtr, or if you do make it quick.
pin one of these to your twtr profile so we know
who is on same team.
TYALL for ur dedication, b like this even
when Q is not posting. Spirits high, letting
the numbers prove our success, avoiding
shills, having hope and faith, not just for us,
but for others who already lost both.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.688479>>688701
pretty cool, whoa, nice skills.
▶ 7ee36e (3) No.688482
yah good point
it's just at this point the mid-term elections are at stake. unless something happens like now there wont be enough time to redpill dumb ass normies
▶ 32546f (1) No.688500>>688536 >>688684 >>690434
When I tried to sign the first petition I received nothing but errors for weeks. Now with this next petition, I was able to sign it as soon as it came out but now my son can't sign it. It never completes…just shows a quick processing and goes right back to filled out form WITHOUT completing or adding his name. Same for my sister. This has been going on for weeks.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.688536>>688684
Tell each to put in a complaint on the site,
document each case.
We will keep ears open about it.
(((T))) are using great efforts, remembr.
so we must do the next logical thing
and report a complaint to website.
Update us how it goes, ty.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.688684
good call. that sux.
if you cud make screen vid of it happening, we cud plaster it allover the web as proof!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.688701
its my "US Marine V" I made him! all mine.. LOL have a lot of caracters. if I wasnt doing the Q stuff, wud b making vids again.
LOVE my 3d stuff
▶ 4de6ce (3) No.689353>>689863
Need help making memes for previously-posted info:
Patriots/Anons broke MSM/Twitter with
Fake News Awards
Patriots/Anons changed history with
Release the Memo
United Patriots can revolutionize the world with
Internet Bill of Rights
Note: use of 'Patriots' instead of Anons probably preferable for Normie-friendly memes. Feel free to shorten/improve wording for more effective memes
Fight Fight Fight
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.689855
Main orders,
push hash,
push petitions;remind confirm email,
RT each others twts,
always TY @POTUS
Ask ppl to pin one of these graphics on
their profiles.
Pin one on your profile.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.689863>>690321
anon, if you want something done, do it yourself.
meme ammo enough on catalog
patriots/anons Normie Friendly? both r just words.
"patriots" can b viewed as partisan.
Use #WeThePeople
makes sense and is inclusive
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.689960>>697443 >>749603
Some of what I've been adding
▶ 4de6ce (3) No.690242
Have never been banned/shadow banned from Twitter (yet) despite pushing memes and hashtags repeatedly since Fake News, Release the Memo and now IBOR.
Possible reasons so others can avoid bans:
1. Only retweet-no original tweets
2. Take off anywhere from 2 to 5 days, then start again
3. Most controversial ( for some anons), use my real name.
4. Regarding doxxing, from all we have learned (we see all, we hear all), imho, we are not truly anon no matter how many vpn's etc. are used. I have been personally doxxed since the late 1980's/early 1990's and was angry at first, then realized if I want to fight/stand for something I really believe, eventually the anon/privacy aspect is superceded by the desire to fight fight fight.
▶ 4de6ce (3) No.690321>>690342
You are right #We the People is better.
Truly wish I could do it myself (make memes).
Unfortunately, am technology/meme-challenged. Despite being a physician anon, I suffered some tbi ( traumatic brain injury) after a car accident that lowered my abilities and really appreciate Anons who make memes
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.690340>>690675
IBOR push:
the petition's 'email confirmation' has been set to spam in many services, even on office365 exchange services
most will not look in spam/junk e-mail
This tactic has been used before for all conservative news sources that send updates via email.
They're really scared of this petition. Keep pushing! see if you can clean up instructions to bypass the suppression tactics
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.690342
meme anon drops in here from time to time.
you can lurq in the meme archives. usually, you find what you want in there
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.690345
Glorious evening
happy mcCabe firing day!
▶ 118297 (1) No.690434>>690675
Maybe double-check that cookies are enabled?
The confirmation link in email has a '&' in it, so if you receive it as plain-text it looks like '&' frustrating cut & paste into browser. There might be double-commas (",,") in the link's URL, those should be included if cut & pasting.
Maybe the form wasn't filled out? There were only 3 fields though.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.690675
yes check junk filter, shoulda thought that
sooner, good eyes.
also good eyes, good thinking.
Keep these in mind ppl when you hear about
problems petition site is not working. Explain
check your junk mail and cookies enabled.
▶ 5e33b9 (6) No.694469>>696624 >>696823
He has been fired!
▶ b783a8 (1) No.695402>>696624 >>696819
This is for QANON team. I'd like to request hard/linkable proof for all these so-called sealed indictments.
However, if another autist has those hard proofs and can link to them, great. I've got normies asking me to prove all those sealed indictments exist and they are saying dat shit didn't happen. Thanks.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.696624
Sealed Inictments
https:/ /www.theepochtimes.____com/justice-department-may-have-something-big-in-the-works-over-9000-sealed-indictments_2401511.html
https:// drive.google._com/drive/folders/1KPh2ASFggwF1XVnVpDB3mtwvwlH71om6
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.696804
shills cant meme.
nice try though!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.696807
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.696819
I rest my case.
dont doubt again or you'll b filtered.
This is War Room. No deals.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.696823>>697088
#McCabeDoesNotDeserveHisPension does great on twat since yesterday
▶ 9b7131 (1) No.697088>>697307 >>697617
Need some feedback from seasoned anons. Cam_BRIDGE ﹰAnalytic is blowing up on the left side of twitter today about stolen user data. Coukd we run a par e llel ﹰﹰWH PETITION push to harness that energy but call it Protectourprivacy? It could have exact same text as current petition sans "conservative" in front of voices and start it with protect our internet privacy. The goal is to make it rain. Should we try to bring the downpour by using that momentum to acco polish the same result (push for in ter net rights)? Twat couldn't throttle or ban if signatures come from that side of the spectrum.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.697307>>697577
"Twat couldn't throttle or ban if signatures come
from that side of the spectrum."
whoa ultimate infiltration.
would need someone that can just tune out
the Trump hate, conspiracy label.
They need to fit in and just push IBOR2 for
The debate for IBOR3 soon approaches.
Push IBOR2 now.
Have points ready for debate of IBOR3 soon,
in petition room.
Suggest: April 1st would be a good
day to start debate for IBOR3 in Petition
Room. Debate canceled if IBOR2 succeeds,
Like Eurt, says if you think it, do it, report
results. Mayb more helpers will come in to
help ur specific idea. Meantime, without
more time and more volunteers, our simple
main goals is giving us tangible results, so
must stay with main orders until narrative
" sans "conservative""
We launched with
what we had, weeks ago. We must see
this thru, what we started. April 4th will decide
our fate, deadline date for IBOR2.
Should our efforts fall short, IBOR3 needed.
That is when to input your ideas for petition.
For now help us push IBOR2, get sigs,
confirm in email.
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.697327
main orders for this room.
see graphic.
Pass graphic to others on twt,
ask them to pin to profile,
and use hash and push petition.
▶ 7f3a9d (2) No.697443>>702390
noob Q - are these part of a set??
sorry - bt new n look 4 guide
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697506
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697518>>699226
Morning none. enjoy ur coffee!
Found a GREAT red pill, making it into a short vid
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697543
attn ID 9b7131 You triggered the Shill Alarm.
No debate on IBOR texts here.
This is a War Room. do as you are told anon.
Push current petition.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697577>>699226
b careful none. War Room is in top left corner of catalog most of the time and attracks heavy shilling and sliding. IBOR2 doing fine. 25K and i m not shadowbaNNED today!
HAPPY #McCabeDoesNotDeserveHisPension day (saw it starting to gain traction last nite, think it will b popular today as well)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697617>>697855
Running the risk of answering a possible slider.
Pls explain your technique.
Are you suggesting to push #InternetBillOfRights
Without using that hashtag?
Just add the link and tweet a "coded message" like a photoshopped pic that can b read by a human but not by AI or bot/algoritm?
If so, could you meme an example asap?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697684>>699283
Breaking the Throttle problem on twat?
thinking outloud:
* tw___ A1 watches H00s0s (use another)
* tw33333 A1 watches links (backdoor)
* explain in a way twA1 doesnt 0ndePst00nd
am I making sense none and anons?
▶ be1c59 (1) No.697855>>697947 >>699473 >>699688
Not trying to slide. Been following q posts since Dec. First time poster. Thinking two prong campaign. Dont know if it would work. Continue fight #internetbillofrights with q stream but thinking covert second prong action to get to goal of pushing congress for action (if that is part of plan). Can use neutral twat account to push internet rights through "protect privacy" emotion now exploding on left side of twat over cam_BRIDGE analtytic. I will defer to the seasoned anons/Eurtwf@g. If you say no, then idea ends with this post!!!! No meme experience, so have no idea how to do that.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697947
your idea triggered my autism.
See post 697684
petition (exact text doesnt matter, i wud hv written diff text but we hv our orders)
is being throttled.
so that must b on
- hashtag and/or link
your idea: use another hash (ANY?) so that the hash can not be throttled
if link itself if throttled by some "ai/algoritm"
lets build a bridge. link to there. add a link to the petition (backdoor)
It cud b explained in a vid or meme or both.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.697966
filter alert for 5d12b7
not in the mood for porn storm.
behave or b filtered. you have tiny red dot on your forehead.
▶ 5f36d1 (1) No.698300>>698552 >>699688
On Twitter they have a low opinion of users who spam with too many hashtags. I now use #InternetBillOfRights only plus one or two other target hashtags.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.698552>>699567 >>699769
thanks, know that. 3 is best. no more than 5
1 for laserblast
how about this for coded message to twat.
without hashtags, without a link.
I cud put a backdoor on front page of website.
Would normies understand??
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.698616
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699226
GM am on road today, testing out new rig.
is nice so far.
Drinking $5 coffee, i could have made better
at home, lol.
Looking 4rd to vid.
yeah weird that we are top left corner.
Yay no pension for AM, Justice. Hope he
gets some jail time along with all that
non-pension, lol.
Yay no shadwobannnn, I know you hate that,
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699283>>699602 >>699688
whoa starting to type in code, lol
H00s0s?? other than that understtod.
Makes sense for word scramble
aginst twtr readers and word catchers.
Ineffective against hash, because we still
have to use the hash correctly,
means they can simply ban the hash
once they realize it comes from us, word
code or not.
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699473>>699688
"If you say no, then idea ends with this post!!!!
You are a newbie, but you show respect, for tht
we are thankful.
cam_BRIDGE, one time _ said BRIDGE,
makes me curious but no time to dig right
this moment.
Memes are easy, think of a funny picture,
create it. Depends how good your photo
editing skills are.
"goal of pushing congress for action"
That's what we are doing with petitions.
We have seen possible confirmation that
POTUSq sees us, by q#ibor post and Tr
5:5. Whatever they hear us calling for,
they will try to aid.
imo so far we cover all ur points.
" left side of twat"
this is kind of like special ops, sending ppl
over to left side and have them push our
hash/petition. Lonely work without friends,
reverse thinking, more difficult. We are not
quite ready to support this or know the
best methods for this tactic. Imo unnecessary
because we can get IBOR signed without
left and get our messages out. This feels
like (((t))) tactic, why i don't like i suppose.
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699567
whoa that is a cool idea. and nice graphic.
good job.
It might work, but not for all, some won't take
the time to figure out. In the end, if amount
lost to throttling is same amount lost to
laziness from twt viewer, then effort wasted,
because result is same or worst.
However, these should still be used as
practice, in case one, day it gets to bad
that these are the only way to get
messages thru. crazy times to be talking
about that future, lol.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.699602>>699636
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699636
i thought hashes
but H00s0s
first s would be 3 not 4, lol
good codetalkTho, fun2do, mightBusefulSoon,
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.699688>>699824
Let's TRY something without a hash but with a certain p7777ktjur that just happens to b posted in here twice now. WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE
I'll b counting the reactions tonight and jot them down, for comparison. 24,87 K right now.
Let's…. see, cant hurt to try.
link is in place you know where.
do your usual stuff and mix the special stuff within. just TALK in your tw___tz and aX 2 studddy the meeeeeeeem3
ok fuck the spy lingo. u know what I mean.
I wont tell general just yet.
drive safely 2 noone in particular. LOL
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699769
I think with hint in our twts, they could
figure this out, some could figure even
without the twt hints.
Suggest on your home page at d..d..com,
put the petition link easy to find, if we
decide to try this for full test. In mean
time i will test it on a few followers. TY.
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699824
"ok fuck the spy lingo"
lol jus talk in you twts and ask to study the meme.
will do.
▶ 79b24c (8) No.699857>>700168
"Suggest on your home page at d..d..com,
put the petition link easy to find"
oh i found it, TY
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.700168
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.700177
It's going up
Will keep score.
from start -> +26 in minutes
will post like this and see what happens.
22:17 -- 24,906
▶ c23eab (2) No.700505>>700947
>>641497 (OP)
Lets support POTUS with a #DrainTheSwamp campaign. Ideas?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.700947>>701057
you can ALWAYS throw an extra hash into the mix (never use more than 5, and just 3 is even better)
BUT RIGHT NOW we have order gfrom Q to push #InternetBillOfRights until we have those 100K signatures.
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
sign it. use any email addee you have.
▶ c23eab (2) No.701057
True, understand. Agree that #InternetBillOfRights is more important.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.701319
trick without hashtag and link didnt do really well
without hashtag, and just a link seemed slightly better.
SCORE NOW: 24,964 signatures.
▶ 34bbc3 (1) No.701701>>703714 >>709594
Newfag here. Apologies if this has been flushed out already.
Thinking about ES/GOOG and NK and Q’s recent SUB / Hostage drop.
My take is NK’s advantage was to provide a platform for shady shit to be done by the non-state-rouge-actors that could not OTHERWISE be properly completed or executed elsewhere…the unofficial-official “state” of the stateless-deep-state rouge actors.
NK + ES - guessing ES (and MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, etc.) understand the application of AI in shaping organic discussion, and by extension, public opinion. Public opinion in turn decides elections and who wields public power. TechExecs also knew developing and deploying the tools/platforms/etc., to execute on this would be too anathema to even the brainwashed employees of the tech giants. Hence the need for a NK to handle the parts of this too egregious to be handled in the west.
My guess is EK was in NK to facilitate the buildout of the tech infrastructure allowing GOOG/TWTR/FB/whoever to implement and operate the censorship tools with the goal of shaping public perception on social media and avoiding detection. This had to be done in NK as the risk of someone leaking and/or being discovered was too great in the West. And that’s just the online world - no idea what a lawless NK has lent itself to for development of non-online rouge-actor resources (e.g. nukes, subs, ICBMs, comically shitty NK restaurants around Asia, etc.)
It’s impressive what the rouge actors built NK into. You’ve got the world to accept a country purportedly run by a mad-man with little (no?) international oversight into. This means anything goes. The foulest of schemes can be hatched here by rouge-actors and then launched onto the world on “NK’s-Crazy-Tab”. Basically the deep-state can direct an a state-actor without anyone suspecting they are doing so. Plus it gains both a material DELIVERY-platform (think the nukes/secret subs/etc.) to fuck around with the world AND the EXCUSE-platform for it as well: “There was no grand conspiracy to nuke an American city, it’s just that NK is crazy!”
NK offering a publicly acceptable reconciliation for whatever shit the deep-state wanted to start is twisted. Example: deep-state might have wished to WMD an American city to start a war. Loosing a city would raise the ire of a pissed-off-America who in turn would demand easy to understand answers. “Muh NK” is an easy answer which would be understandable and shut down the publics thirst for truth. Public not thirsting for truth is akin to a public that’s asleep. Seems akin to the public’s demand for truth from JFK assassination being answered by LHO. Failing to provide a satisfactory answer would leave the public with open minds thirsting for truth. Minds thirsting for truth would be open to greater possibilities meaning greater reception (or at least less resistance) to people outing the deep-state conspiracies.
Either way, such a scenario of increasing public open-mindfulness is not desirable for the deep-state, hence the fall guy, or fall country led by a madman, was needed to falsely satiate the public’s open-minded quest for truth.
Maybe this is the hostage scenario Q describes. Any direct move made against the rouge-actors would trigger a material response (e.g. nuking of an American city) AND WITH the public already primed into thinking NK, their ire would immediately jump to “NK nuked us!” vs “rouge actors acting through a reluctant puppet state nuked us to continue covering up a grand conspiracy”. Seems very much like the deep-state rouge actors, and of course our friends at the Central Banks, would like their chops at a war. Particularly if the public called out for revenge and if it served to limit POTUS’s options to go after the deep state. Anyway disabling the rouge-actor’s ability to cause major shenanigans means they can no longer entertain - and therefore leverage - a bloody public event to remain in control of the narrative. Seems like a major tie which bound Q/POTUS has been removed. Very eager to see what happened.
Looking forward to March MADNESS!
▶ 8a0c64 (1) No.701704>>701877 >>709651
▶ d106a1 (1) No.701877>>703862 >>709651
I can hardly believe this has no traction at all
25k in 2 weeks, seriously
are we that blackpilled? this should have reached 100k first week, easy
what the fuck are we doing
turns out we are unable to setup halfchan-type operations when needed, it needs to change. Any suggestions?
▶ a493d0 (1) No.701907>>709651
"Where we go one we go all!"
Better see to it that where we go is to the One Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son of God!!
He came to earth as the Lamb of God the first time; He will return as the Lion waging war the second time!!
▶ 7346a0 (4) No.702372>>702407 >>702868 >>703862 >>708135 >>709651
anons, need help with a targeted battle plan that can be used to rally general.
effort is too spread out / generic.
with a targeted battle plan we can focus fire on larger voices to help shine the light.
https:// pastebin.com/d4VGbh67
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.702390
Single cards at the moment, mini-set for Sun Tzu.>>701877
>Makes sense for word scramble
>aginst twtr readers and word cat
They are clearly doing everything they can to silence our voice, client side the 'email confirmation' email is going to spam, from admin@whitehouse.gov. So most of the successful signers aren't verified so not counted.
▶ 7346a0 (4) No.702407>>703862 >>709651
targeted attack example:
>>579328 Vision
>>641497 (OP) Strategy
Twitter [@x] = ##.#k
Facebook [x] = ##.#k
Youtube [x] = ##.#k
Raise Awareness
target & upvote newest comment on the following youtube video [link]
Attack Window
20:00 to 21:00 on xxMAR2018
Attack Vector
Hello Fellow Patriot, The time is now to unite on an #InternetBillofRights, please consider providing your support: https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.702841>>703862
Adjusted my tags, we'll see if it increases #s
@POTUS #Winning
#Sign the #Petition #CheckSpamJunkFolder Many Censoring "*@whitehouse.gov", #Signature Doesn't count without email confirmation.
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
We got enough supporters to easily have 500k signatures in 2 weeks if we can get the sigs through.
▶ aa081d (1) No.702868>>703862
>https:// pastebin.com/d4VGbh67
I don't sign into youtube.
Could I use that targeted idea on Twitter?
▶ 6f011f (1) No.703386>>703862 >>709651
Anons, we’re doing well when it comes to research and digging, but we’re getting our ass kicked in the culture war. Our capacity to red pill is being heavily constrained by Big Tech censorship. And this is just a test run. 2018 midterm and 2020 election will be 5x worse than this. We have to figure out their alorgithms. And learning how to bypass them is not enough. We have to use the algorithms against them, weaponize them. The left has a monpoly on all major institutions. Either we double down on grass roots approach or co-opt their institutions
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.703714>>709651
good thinking.
This is twtr strategy room here. We try to limit
the details as not to get distracted or
saturate the boards.
This would be good for Q research general
room. Get there thru the catalog, look for
latest Q research general board.
Keep digging.
Real good thinking about " provide a
satisfactory answer"
Enjoy the show. Rember this is twtr information
sharing room here.
In QSearch general,
they get into the weeds about stuff like u
mention. Good hunting.
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.703862>>704115 >>708135
You all are trying to start new strategy, when
haven't given this strategy any time. I can tell.
Do you know hash without looking?
Do you know exact petition to push?
Do you know who I am on twtr?
Do u know me here?
If not you have not been here long enough
at all. You are here interfering with current
orders. Suggestions are one thing, u are
talking different mission. U need different
room for that.
Now the good news. Reasons we haven't
seen success is because we aren't that good
and we aren't that big. Not insult, just
Why is that good news? Because we know
the problem, we aren't good yet and we
aren't big yet.
How do we get good? Practice.
How do we get big? Daily effort.
What should you do? Join us, learn our
method, work with us, get to know our
patterns, then finally suggest your idea.
What if you don't want 2? Thats ok, there are
other anons who need you right now, like we
do. But we don't need your suggestions, we
need your retweets, so we can share truth, and
ask for signatures. Can u help us? Either
way, no problem. TY for consideration.
This room has orders, do you know them?
Do you want to distract us or help us?
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.704115>>704151 >>705094 >>705137
Can't speak for others, but I definitely intend to help any way I can. Lurked qresearch for about 6 months, so I'm still a nublet, trying to contribute. I did not mean to offend anyone. As I understood the direction was push IBOR.
To that end.
I did a test I did with my wife (not political at all) and with a few friends. I only tested the ibr-2 link and only with non-political peeps that knew nothing about the censorship (petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2)
Result: office365 exchange, gmail and yahoo all sent the confirmation email from admin@whitehouse.gov to the spam folder
Other petitions may be ok, but ibor was listed as spam. Without the email confirmation, no signature.
It's something that'd need to be addressed for successful ibor push, imho.
15+ years of IT/Database/Programming experience, not so good with images yet, trying to use troubleshooting experience to help add to the effectiveness of the IBOR push.
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.704151
correction, 2 months of lurking, mt
▶ 92b4cf (3) No.704177
16 - Acting FBI Director Pickard https:// www.fbi.gov/history/directors/thomas-j-pickard ?
▶ b449dd (1) No.704463>>707886
keep the investment bank of records (ibor) out of my system of tubes
they are pushing a internet bill of rights (ibor) which gives equality to shilling with integrated circuits
be it doublespeak arbitrage hail mary
be it a vigil to personal privacy
zombies cranberries
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.705094>>709662
Nice intro. Good testing, tangible results is
what we want.
Only way to battle spam filter is to remind
our followers to remind their followers to
check their spam filter. Don' forget. Jus a twt
every so often for like 2 days from USALL,
and everyone will be checking their junk
It's good you saw it. now get out there and
start telling people to check their spam filters.
Make a meme of it, or just an info graphic,
best to combine them, but only masters i
seen can do it. It's ok if can't, other talents
for sure. Really all we need are ppl to hit
the retwt button, lol.
So make 2 info graphics with our 3 hash,
reminding ppl to check their junk filters.
Mean time I will shoot 3 twts next 3 hours
reminding all who will hear to check their junk,
TY, good eyes, tell others, find me on twtr. Gh.
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.705137>>745700
"Result: office365 exchange, gmail and yahoo all sent the confirmation email from admin@whitehouse.gov to the spam folder
Other petitions may be ok, but ibor was listed as spam. Without the email confirmation, no signature. "
impressive, good eyes.
check that1 out Eurt.
Sometimes I think you are all paranoid,
sometimes I think holy snap they are watchn
now! lol.
well dammit enjoy the show, lol
not to late to STW.
join USALL against they that hurt USALL.
ThankfullyAndyM is gone w/oPayHa.
We ask for these things, and they are coming
By who?
Probably ALL.
▶ 3f0897 (2) No.706004
Thanks guys I am really bubbling over to get this info daily. This will bring about real Journalism
▶ 8d180b (7) No.707886>>707894
▶ 8d180b (7) No.707930>>707937
Dif cult - MAIN TAG GART 2 CUM
▶ 8d180b (7) No.707937
▶ 3f3fd6 (1) No.707950>>708010
▶ 8d180b (7) No.708010
Mind yer Language - where u thnk u r?
aye delicate n sft wi fraggle ears!!
▶ 7346a0 (4) No.708135>>710721
i have no idea what you are trying to say, and I don't think you can understand English based on how you worded your sentence structure. I know which petition to push, I created it.
i'm going to do the battle idea every night if anyone wants to support me with this. It directly supports OP's strategy.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.709434>>709651
some "anon" gave us a perfect
IBOR strategy.
pls read the article posted, and get back in here. We need THREE dedicated anons to pull this one off.
= WAnna help after reading the article?
= USE A NAME (just for in here)
= and we can set the thing in motion
= 100K signatures within a few days if we play the game.
https:// ca-political.com/casestudies/casestudydonaldjtrumpforpresident2016
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.709594>>709651
nice digits. Cant spend the time going into theories. Just war fare here.
Newfag, pls read the article I just posted.
Technique to push ANY hashtag found.
Read it and start making a list of ppl/groups with large following and their "special interest"
MAX 10.
Get memes from the archive that target their special interest.
Then approach them, with a story adapted to their interest. and get them to sign and support IBOR.
This goes for everyone in this room
PICK 10 ppl or groups, list their interest, and its YOUR job to (keep on) approach them to sign IBOR. Remember that IBOR memes are in the archive for ANY interest.
DO IT and report who your picks are in here.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.709651
>>702407 UNDERSTOOD,
Ignore the shills, these are our orders.
Targeted strikes, like what was suggested.
PICK 10, all of you. We are using the method that GEOTUS used to win the ELECTION.
PICK your 10, get your ammo and stories ready and report back here as soon as you have your shit done. We will start the attack at the SAME TIME, so report here asap.
Will make a short vid to explain the shit.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.709662>>710251
22eb85 has been filtered for sliding, pls do the same.
▶ ef1f0f (4) No.710151>>710390
In India with Mrs FAILURE/clinton
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.710251>>711116
I see now how so many good people got run off, thanks for illustrating, l8, sorry for trying to help
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.710390
Are you the shill that is able to meme?
▶ 987531 (15) No.710721>>710776
"I know which petition to push, I created it."
You may have created it, maybe, (how can
i confirm, doesn't matter.) We are pushing it.
We didn't even want to push this petition,
we were coming up with a better one.
But everyone started pushing it and we
decided to help.
So your created petition fell upon us. Rather
than complain or grab credit, we simply
started pushing and have been pushing from
the first signature until now.
If i were you I would be thankful to this team,
their followers, their efforts, their ideas, to
help push the petition we decided to push.
Maybe you wrote, but we did everything else.
With the ideas we came up going back 4
or more WarRooms. Only one other I know
goes that far back also.
"i have no idea what you are trying to say"
Follow main orders.
Is that clear enough?
▶ 8e6b49 (1) No.710776>>711786 >>711815
You missed the point. Would change the word now if I could but can't.
Point was that I'm not trying to divert the strategy, not that somehow the petition is golden.
Eurt, thank you sir - will follow your recommendation.
▶ ef1f0f (4) No.710971>>711060 >>711701
NO SHILL HERE, PATRIOT. took screenshot off video of Hillary falling in India. If it was last yr, didn’t know, I’ll keep digging on this video and all available info out there! Been posting now for a while! Understand You must do the hard work here and keep it real GODSPEED
▶ 987531 (15) No.711019
"word now if I could but can't. "
don't worry about regret, we all know it.
we all made mistakes, here and out there.
We are dedicated to pushing IBOR2, no
matter how we can. We have system, that
continues to be modified, but slowly or
else we can't find where we went wrong.
Soon this will be a voice of the people, but
people must learn work together first, FIRST.
It cannot be second or last. Everything is
built upon the one. You are the one, I am the one. When we become One, then we have
finally become what Qwants us 2b.
srychzEurtknows was not to you.
"Sorry for the cheese, Eut knows."
was an inside joke. not everything is for you
or about you, nor me. 1st work together, no
matter what we hate about each other.
We been here pushing. Join us, help us.
We are pushing 3 hash, petition.
Eurt is post new ideas needs 3 volunteers.
Those are main orders of room.
I'm sure Eurt would agree.
And if I'm wrong, trust me, she will let me know, here or in private, lol. Gh.
▶ 987531 (15) No.711060
Hear Hear is a humble anon.
▶ 987531 (15) No.711116>>711715
That is your test from Eurt, lol
Stay, prove yourself lol.
Most important retweet everything Eurt
ALL find her, RT her, she has our hash and
petition loaded.
Come back with something impressive, and
ask her "can a shill do that?"
I saw potential Eurt, but I'm easily fooled.
Thanks for keeping eyes open, hard for me
to filter someone idk why ha but u already
probably knew that already.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.711701
fall was not last year, the program you pointed to was.
▶ 22eb85 (12) No.711715>>712605
No worries, off the IBOR train, still a patriot, still following Q, still using my twater and 7k followers to spread truth and news, just not into blind judgement by the inexperienced or overly prideful kids that inhabit most online communities.
Was 10 years ago, spent 3 days training a group of 20-ish nurses ranging in age from 23 to 80 to simply use a mouse. Computers are foreign to many groups, know your audience. You've already had at least one complaint here from a "slider" about not getting the email confirmation email for IBOR despite other petitions working perfectly.
Gave you a place to look to potentially correct the issue, did my tiny experiment with 3 people + my wife to verify prior to reporting it here.
Use the info or don't, my responsibility is to report it, not to ensure it's use.
Thanks for tryin' :)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.711786
You did well with your petition, patriot.
wording is not important. It's our noise.
I think both your and mine technique are similar.
We need to have a list of 5-10 "special interest targets" and approach them. I have been very succesful recruiting the NRA.
PLs pick 5-10 "targets" get your special memes for them and post your attack list and memes in posts here. Use a NAME, so we know who works on what. We can even help eachother.
When we have practiced for a day or so, we can roll out bigger (if needed).
Simple Math tells you that 5 of us, each targetting 10 special interests every hour or so will get us results within 1 or 2 days.
Petition now at 25,798
GO! choose your twt targets (special interest, LARGE following) grab memes, or make some, specially tailored to THEIR interest and keep tweeting them to help.
Remember: they have to get on board and start to tweet their following EVERY hour all day, for several days.
Here is a graph to chop up and make into special interest thing and 3 neutral memes
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.711790
LOVE those thank you.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.711815
btw… it's Ma'am :-)
▶ ef1f0f (4) No.712235>>712397
Will Soldier on,Thanks will delete if iPad will let me! +++ GOD BLESS YOU ALL
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.712397
▶ 987531 (15) No.712605
"No worries, off the IBOR train, still a patriot, still following Q, still using my twater and 7k followers to spread truth and news, just not into blind judgement by the inexperienced or overly prideful kids that inhabit most online communities."
No problem, take care.
"correct the issue"
"Use the info or don't"
We heard you,
confirm the email.
I twted that out to my
followers, thanks to you.
We appreciate the small work you did. TY.
▶ de1957 (4) No.712773
Fellow traveler here.
CDAN comment section is ripe.
Come on down.
▶ a86d76 (2) No.712936>>713065 >>721242
▶ a86d76 (2) No.713065
Because I think tha it's time for an Alternative for the Social Media.
▶ 987531 (15) No.713763>>714554
whoa nice terminater1.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.714926>>715999 >>719552
Here are the stats and here are our TEN top targets.
@NRA 631K followers
@@SaraCarterDC 266K followers
@SpeakerRyan 3,5 million followers
@NRATV 280K followers
@Dloesch 833K followers
@ChrisLoesch 85K followers (Dana's hubby)
@GOP 1,6 MILLION followers
@KatiePavlich 510K followers (fox contributor and gun nut)
@Project_Veritas 233K followers
@JudicialWatch 720K followers
We need to send them personalized msg and keep doing that until they start retweeting our call to sign petition,
Keep sending, tweeting, replying etc.
and make sure you have FITTING MEMES for them!!!
GO GO GO let's try this method!
I will notify General.
▶ c13cdb (8) No.715232
BTW, these are as requested from /qresearch/. Hopefully, the Baker will put the buns in the oven for this push.
▶ c13cdb (8) No.715301
That's all I've got. God bless and godspeed, Patriots!
▶ 7346a0 (4) No.715425>>716095 >>721154
if necessary i created a tinyurl to help on twitter:
http:// bit. ly/2oSGA2n
▶ 3f0897 (2) No.715550>>716095 >>721224
I am glad to find this information and "Q" response thank you the valiant people for your love and dedication. Thanks to ADM Rogers and "Q" or the best people on earth.
▶ 48ddff (2) No.715924>>716095 >>721253
Richard Stallman is No. 1 person to write IBOR.
▶ 48ddff (2) No.715936
Richard Stallman creator of the GPL. Can't think of a better person to do it.
▶ 84f356 (5) No.715999>>721260
beautiful graphic. I am starting to understand
them, finally, lol.
dam that is one badass graphic.
Plan is good also, gives me some ideas.
Will be testing, as usual.
As far as I can tell, things are in the right
Rember a month ago, would you say we are
doing better or worse?
Thanks to ALL, of course.
▶ 84f356 (5) No.716095
Nice ones. I admire yet fear these pretty
ladies. They won't sue me, will they, for using
their pics? lol.
nice, awesome, lil tools are the best.
yup good ones, I like that they have the
site address.
be clear who is aiming to kill free speech, lol.
certainly not us but u know how ppl are.
otherwise, nice one.
" thank you the valiant people for your love
and dedication."
contact him, ask him for a draft, see wht he
▶ 83b81b (1) No.716304
▶ 8a0d22 (1) No.717230>>721154
>>641497 (OP)
▶ 7599b4 (1) No.717916
Q, what are your plans for SES
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.719552>>721270
just bringing down is all.
▶ 595cf3 (1) No.720040>>720180 >>721280
>maybe it should be rebranded
Net Neutrality and Privacy Act
>co-opt neutrality to include neutrality between user/tech giant
▶ 4c5821 (2) No.720180
Only 27k signed, need 73k more as of 03/19/18 6 am EST !
The original 'The Gang of 5' actions, Snowden, Wikileaks and real news revelations did stop me from all social media and gov sites, unsubscribed to newsletters, stopped commenting on my regular news sites (never did MSM) years and years ago. Parents, family & friends knew I was off, bent…
So, one has to make it well worth the risk for public notifications.
All need reminder right off about verification of email requirement in order to have signature count on petition.
I unregistered to vote when Trump ok'd and bombed the tunnel air storage in Syria. Q is telling us what's going on though cryptic for those with other chores but opening many to techniques of finding and learning about events.
It is a risk participating in comments here.
Good hopes and success for all.
Sign the Petition, please.
▶ 0f8cde (1) No.720889>>721121
The petition is glitchy, refresh page and number jumps up&d0wn
And WH statement "site from previous Adm"
Only 27K signs with this exposure doesn't add up
▶ ea3c21 (4) No.721016
Benjamin Fulford: The world is about to find out just how horrific the Khazarian mafia’s crimes were http:// www.theeventchronicle.com/intel/benjamin-fulford-the-world-is-about-to-find-out-just-how-horrific-the-khazarian-mafias-crimes-were/
▶ ea3c21 (4) No.721061
Saudi Prince Bandar bin Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Dies
https:// www.moroccoworldnews.com/2018/03/242408/saudi-prince-bandar-bin-khalid-bin-abdulaziz-al-saud-dies/
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721121
we know that happens. sign anyway. if ppl approach me, i tell em to make screenshot, make into a meme and scream their head of on all platforms. It's what I did (do).
Rememeber: WHATEVER they try…. it keeps rising.. and with THESE FABULOUS MEMES…….
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721154
these are FABULOUS!
>>715425 THANK YOU for the tiny URL.
That will help ppl with less caracters.
Let's go TWEET STORM the NRA
==> Loesch (&Hubby) NRA spokes person.
If anyone knows other gun friendly organizations (??? US MARINES anything??)
pls add them here.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721224>>721681
you're welcome anon. hope you join the petition operation!
Here's your targets:
@NRA 631K followers
@Dloesch 833K followers
@ChrisLoesch 85K followers (Dana's hubby)
@KatiePavlich 510K followers (fox contributor and gun nut)
@KatiePavlich 510K followers (fox contributor and gun nut)
@SeanHannity 3,5 million followers (GUN NUT)
@SaraCarterDC 266K followers
Memes are above here to download and here is a tiny url http:// bit .ly/2oSGA2n (remove the spaces when using this) to the petition
GO ON YOUR FIRST OFFICIAL MISSION ANON! send a personalized TWat/meme/FB msg or whatever to each one of these every hour. dont copy and paste. just keep going.
NRA ppl are GREAT! they understand and will help!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721242
check your orders and follow them anon.
This is a war room and we r not gonna wipe your butt. READ.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721253
show us screenshots of your tweets to him all evening last night. If you didnt even try once,
leave the war room and come back when you understand what it is exactly that is expected of you, anon.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721260
trips confirm
we r beating the clowns.
focus on NRA affiliates is pure gold.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721270>>722786
hmmm curious short reply……?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721280
dont you DARE slide this, anon.
You have your orders.
This is WAR. Do as you are told.
TARGET the targets every hour.
DO not sow discord or run the risk of being kicked out.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721295>>721324 >>721327 >>721655
for dumping stuff that does not belong in war room:
PLS ANONS, apply filter.
If this is you anon: learn your lesson and behave better in a new thread.
▶ ea3c21 (4) No.721324
who the fuck make you lil dick the decision maker of you and what belongs here?
go suck yourself.
first educate yourself by going through my links. maybe you learn something dickdick
involved in 911. was refused by UK.
Saudi Prince Bandar bin Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Dies
https:// www.moroccoworldnews.com/2018/03/242408/saudi-prince-bandar-bin-khalid-bin-abdulaziz-al-saud-dies/
▶ ea3c21 (4) No.721327
and did i say you're a lil dick?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721655
LOL just caught "WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU…" before the filter got you.
this is the War Room anon.
We follow orders in here. Q gave them.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.721681
name opp:
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.722786>>725612
short replay was just explaining I was bringing down the content so i didn't have to keep
scrolling up when the board was getting long,
Looks like everything else is going good.
suggestions imo IDEAs DNF:
Op: TargetingNRA could just think of it as
FocusFire [3] with focus on petition and
@NRA. See how its the same operation,
except adding targets?
Keep the mission as close to the same
so ppl know what to do each
day. Drastic changes, or even seemingly,
drastic changes, without warning, can
lead to ppl being on different pages,
different orders. Also, just when they get
use to one method, then changes again,
can be frustrating, esp for those not
comfortable working on computers.
Right seems like we have 2 different sets
of orders. main orders and new op Tar..NRA
imo Good way is to put Op Tar..NRA into our
current main orders. That way we are still
under 1 main orders, and not have 2
seemingly different orders. This should
all be ready before announcing new OP,
esp main order graphics.
imo This can also happen when not planned
well or discussed. Discussion helps shows
the weakness of the plan and avoid set
backs, optimizes process.
imo Non-discussion is just one person telling
others what to do, lose loyalty like that.
Also bad planning causes loss of confidence
by followers, so these we must avoid.
imo IDEAS only DNF
▶ 5b8e29 (1) No.723025>>723136 >>725657
Anons of the war room, any ideas how to combat #QAnonsATerrorist ?
▶ f0eac1 (18) No.723136>>725675
Only way is to prove it.
Can't prove it.
Best we can do is show others,
#QAnon is no terrorist.
We are helpers.
Only way to prove we are helpers,
is to show we are helping,
we are caring, we do this for free,
So QAnon must be careful wht
they say. Ppl are finally listening,
will be quick to judge usual jargon
QAnon must show their
good side, and ask forgiveness of
seemingly mean terms.
Must make ALL #QAnon, so when they insult
us, they insult many.
But this is near-impossible.
So must accept the label, and work to prove them wrong. Who knows for how long?
They will advertise #QAnon bad scary.
We must show #QAnon is good helper.
How to do that? The ideas are seemingly
infinite, but time is always short. Pick one
and try and ask others to help.
Please retweet my tweets. TY.
▶ 37534a (2) No.724220>>724441 >>725683
Does #internetbillofrights have a phone tree and boots on the ground like serious petitions do? Twitter alone probably won't cut it.
▶ 84f356 (5) No.724441
We are doing what we can on twtr. Hopefully
others are doing their part on their respective
▶ 498218 (1) No.724539>>725696
Mr. Q, I am attaching a couple of photos from POTUS speech in PA. There is a man in the background flashing B&W photos. One is a building with a flag and white van and the second is the same place but with what appears to be smoke and maybe a car flipped vertical. Please look concerned for POTUS safety
▶ 91d697 (2) No.724998>>725008 >>725701
Steven Crowder Interviews Paul Joseph Watson About Silicon Valley Deciding Elections Now
https:// youtu.be/_pK6aj0ZL2U
▶ 91d697 (2) No.725008>>725164 >>725701
(Above) Paul towards end of short YT video says:
▶ f945cb (29) No.725164
Glad to hear it. Means support.
Means word is getting out.
Do the work, practice, get results.
Complain, argue, bicker, blame, what is
accomplished? Only time wasted.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.725612>>727979
always appreciate ur remarks.
This is just a =part= of our usual operations.
Sortof a flash PUSH for ibor.
drop a twt to these ppl every hr or so. they seem more "motivated". can tell you that i gained a HUGE following from the NRA ppl. THey get it.
does this sort of explain?
our current Q orders still stand.
This is just "an extra trick"
Let's see if we can get ONE of those 6 or 7 to RT one of our tweets. If one does, we'll reach hundreds of thousands in ONE go. IBOR2 wud b filled to the brim !
almost done with IBOR vid. will check back in later.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.725657>>727979
imho: ignore.
if it looks "trending" it's FAKE. (as so much is fake these days).
Is it a COINCIDENCE that the moment we picked NRA affiliates to tweet to, "the bots"start something like this?
you can not battle lies. If ppl want to believe that, they r beyond help.
just steady as she goes. when picking memes, try memes with a SOFT touch … (cute cats against Censorship….LOL)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.725675>>727979
yup add #QAnon on everything.
btw: 30 million exposures a day for #QAnon on a BAD day… and thats JUST on twat….. go figure.
Happy swamp is SO SCARED!! LOL
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.725683
nope we haven't.
We almost hv a vid tho. almost done.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.725696
john, this has been checked on general. It's has no meaning. that person drove a van for the rallies and is proud of it. thanks for your efforts.
PLEASE, war room is not the place for results of digging or questions. you need to go to general thread for this. Dont bother taking this pic, they have cleared this last week. (and I'm not Q, just another anon)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.725701
WOW!! pls try get their attention! meme, email, whatever you can! great to hear that. thanks anon
▶ 947605 (5) No.725912>>726309
I think we have a huge opportunity here.
Liberals and some normies are outraged by Facebook sharing data with third parti s like Cambridge Analytica. It’s the next big outrage topic. It’s a perfect opportunity to introduce people to the Internet Bill Of Rights. Maybe some memes can be generated encouraging all of these outraged individuals to sign the petition. We know they love to sign petitions. I’m not a photoshopfag but if one of you are it might be worth the effort. We could target vocal celebrities discussing Facebook/ CA on twitter for distribution. Just a thought.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.726309>>726887
we hv a huge collection, check the latest Memes (19?) includes all sorts of LIB friendly IBOR@ memes (rainbows, kittens gays, everything) cud b dropped on soft platforms, as FB groups??
just grab what you can and drop them
▶ ca7e37 (1) No.727183>>727253 >>727979
Guys, There is a DDoS Attack?
▶ 382fc3 (1) No.727253>>727979
whats going on?? I can't post in q research or meme's….
I am getting worried.. Thanks for the update!
▶ 947605 (5) No.727618>>727642 >>728085
I have been blasting IBOR on twitter and Facebook for days. One thing that was mentioned in discussions earlier is that our current verbiage for the IBOR paints our movement into a corner by specifically addressing conservatives. We could convey the same message and cast a wider net if a future bill addresses that. I know you guys have debated this at great lengths but anecdotally I know of a multitude of individuals who would support the petition but are turned off by the singling out of conservatives. I fear a great opportunity to gather support is being lost at the moment because we wanted to put our conservative stamp on the IBOR.
▶ 947605 (5) No.727642>>727725
With that said, I’m continuing to spread the link, memes and message to as many as possible. I still believe we can get there.
▶ b07304 (2) No.727725>>728085
This is my current script:
Please share this everywhere!
Claim your first amendment right to an open INTERNET, sign the petition linked below!
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
#QAnon, #GreatAwakening, @POTUS, #CNNisFakeNews
Then I add a popular hashtag and a couple of related memes.
▶ b07304 (2) No.727739>>728146
Here are a few of the memes I use.
▶ f945cb (29) No.727979
good thinking.
Main orders
add 10 targets, practice with
When optimized, move through the list of 10.
Upon success, report to Eurt, improvements,
notes, etc.
"cute cats against Censorship"
i don't like word "raped". Not right word.
Otherwise like the memes.
▶ f945cb (29) No.728085
good eyes, agreed. It is when we rush, we
end up in situations like these.
Unavoidable, unfortunately.
The word conservatives divides us.
27k into the mission, and it becomes obvious.
All options are bad, can't change wording,
on current IBOR2. Need new IBOR3, but
then abandon IBOR2. See, no good options.
Perspective. This was good practice. Now
we see better what needs to happen next
time, what word(s) to avoid in IBOR3.
Best option, gut feeling. Increase our
efforts IBOR2, Know our great challenge,
and go through it. This push will teach us
the next push.
2nd best option, gut feeling, abandon IBOR2
as soon as all can agree on IBOR3 and
IBOR3 is submitted.
But this subject needs way more discussion,
before decision made,
definitely not tonight,
or maybe even tomorw night.
Easiest path, just push IBOR2 till
deadline, see what happens.
". I still believe we can get there."
I think we can also.
perfect, keep that going.
be careful, cut and paste can get you banned,
from what I hear.
▶ 8e5b4f (1) No.728135>>728186 >>728193
Never let a crisis go to waste?
How about using anti-Trump headlines to attract lefties to the cause?
Thoughts on this angle?
▶ f945cb (29) No.728146>>729602
yeah those are good, have the hash.
looks you are doing good, TY so much.
Find Eurt on twtr, retweet her stuff with
hash and petition links.
Change your hash to these, if you would
so we can recognize you and retweet you.
#QAnon u already have this one, lol
▶ 007112 (1) No.728172
Why, on why shall we not name the man who's name means son of Cain?
▶ f945cb (29) No.728186>>728216
these reverse ops always seems like a
good idea, but they tend to backfire in
my experience.
Still clever but…
Straight up still better over all imo.
▶ 947605 (5) No.728193
It’s a good approach. They might even sign the petition without reading it. Hah.
▶ 947605 (5) No.728216>>728271
They do backfire often….. although this subject, in its current light, has the opportunity to be a great unifier.
▶ f945cb (29) No.728271>>732479
" opportunity to be a great unifier."
"We know you don't like Trump. We don't
care much for Dems. We have our
But one thing we can agree on, we ALL need
and an #InternetBillOfRights"
And similar.
That we can stay on our own sides and
still unify for petition.
▶ 2f4b80 (1) No.728742>>730768
Don't pet the sweaty things
"Nuff Thauce on the Russia hooker tape to ricochet anymoar" ~sez soviet fag
https:// youtu.be/R8Wde1fFvPg
▶ 3610db (1) No.728985>>729116 >>730768
could make it rain have anything to do with weather modification?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw1vm_wdpy0
▶ 593a57 (1) No.729116
Likely military from when they work so hard their sweat fills the room like rain. Q wants us to work hard however we can to win.
▶ 37534a (2) No.729602>>730816
This Eurt? https:// mobile.twitter.com/Eurt Do they flush their tweets every day.
▶ e75955 (7) No.730768>>731872
thats to funny, vid
also squirrel, lol
next Chinese I come across,
"say squirrel".
for sauce sake, lol.
Japaneses sake?
Coincidence? lol
jk Chinese and Japanese.
lol thats a lot of sweat, yeesh, lol
dammmm, good ones. Cant use jack on
twtr as is, fingers. Of course I can
always box out delete Trump hands, lol.
Anyway, if you want your stuff out, make it
so someone can just grab it and twt. Boom.
I will twt cat right now, TY. It's ready to go no
opps wrong on edits, had to resize, which
is not to bad of an edit. 1200 wide is as high
as I go.
other than that good work. almost perfect.
▶ e75955 (7) No.730816
No not that Eurt. I was hoping Eurt reveals
that herself, but haven't seen her yet.
Oh one time this website was left.
Check at bottom of page for bluBird.
http:// www.disobeydisobey._com/
▶ d8aa66 (1) No.731391
Lots of shills up in this thread…
"Even though this has been brought up about 90 times, just want to say ibor2 is too divisive, lets stop and start a new ibor3"
"Omg the word conservative is scaring away petition signers… Not like 50 million people voted for trump"
"I want to see pics of eurt"
Keep the thread clean for strategy, not whiney shill tactics. We have ibor3 ready for after ibor2, so just keep pushing ibor2 for now.
▶ e75955 (7) No.731942
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.732479
PURRR fect.
only fascists support censorship.
Dems/Libs/anarchists: everyone should b supporting IBOR, even when it includes the word "conservative".
trick is to use different sorts of memes/tweets to diff audiences. Possibility; sending it STr8 to a dem platform with adapted dem friendly text/meme.
remember: we got a like by roseanne barr…
BTW: hv made a redpill vid about Lisa Barsoomian. at the end of the vid, there is a special request to sign the petition.
Eventhough it's a "Q TV" video, the information offered is neutral. Perhaps we can use it.
https:// youtu.be/e0GmZD1aBoY
HAve had many reports of IBOR2 being throttled, ppl not getting confirmations etc. site is being throttled etc. Nevertheless, I still feel: WE SHALL SUCCEED.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.732494
>>731050 LOL I spy myself!!
We all need to do this!!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.732565
Agree with none..
FB news tied to TRump campaign is reframing of fake/real news.
Data has been sold since the invention of magazines.
That doesnt make it "good" or "bad".
Obame did this, trump did this.
Thing is: We need an internet bill of rights.
IMO: do not fall for the juicy dividing narrative around fukbook: go for the general idea of #Ibor.
BTW; poll yesterday: 74% of ppl want the DEEP STATE out!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.732735
WOW times 20 for all the fabulous memes.
Proud of you Anons, damn you r great!
▶ 4c5821 (2) No.733265>>734412 >>735010
New sources are needed to place this image and link. Currently used sources are too far down the rabbit hole based on signature count of just over 27.5 after 16 days!??!!!
Go outside of your usual sites to put link & image into comments. Yes, go to traditional MSM sites…
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
▶ ee3131 (9) No.734412
twted. TY.
Please retwt.
▶ ef1f0f (4) No.734610>>734995
EXCELLENT - over targets!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.734995
I think we r over the targets, yes.
great job anons
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.735010
great twts.
Back from twt shadown ban and pushing your stuff. Lost 200K views in the hours I was shadow banned. Noticed that as soon as I started openly complaining to twt support, the shadow ban was lifted. #Coincidence
▶ b742cc (1) No.735036
Whatever happened to the Roths? Q was hot on telling us that they were going after them in November, culminating with the weird helicopter/plane crash. Have heard virtually nothing since.
Also, the news reports never identified the second person in the plane. Anyone know who he was?
Also anyone figure out who was outside and who was in the house?
So far this week facebook is being investigated, don't see much else in the way of big news. Hillary still seems a little to defiant for someone supposedly trying to cut deals.
Anyone figure out who Snowden works for? It would seem China, but how does he fit in?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.735283>>735329
have another sneaky meme to send to NRA ppl and slide in a request for IBOR2
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.735300
ID: b742cc
pls be aware that you r in War Room.
This is not a chat room, nor the place for digging, results of digging etc.
Either report for duty or find a better fitting thread. What you are doing is considered "sliding" here.
▶ ee3131 (9) No.735329
▶ 9bf998 (1) No.741386
https:// image.ibb.co/bvK0LH/ge_Copy.png
▶ 2df4cc (1) No.743619>>745062 >>746378
Requesting an OP to tweet out side-by-sides and mirror graphic.
Mainstream cannot be allowed to see selectively mocked crumbs only.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.744974
nice ones. twting
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.745062>>746405
>https:// image.ibb.co/bvK0LH/ge_Copy.png
interesting theory, but without links, pics,
video. can't prove, so when asked about it,
what can we say, except we saw that some
where on some site. FF never have good
evidence, are the hardest defended.
But if someone could prove one with pic,
vid, links, that would open some eyes.
This good idea, however, it also needs
presentation and explanation. otherwise
people still won't get what they are looking
at. I often think the crumbs are for us, so we
can find the evidence, and present that to
the people with all the pics, vids, links.
Also, size of some q graphics are huge.
Basically, how qmaps i've seen are, needs more explanation and polish. Fit into some-
thing near 1200x675 or1200x1500 is as
big as I go.
If you can bring me something like that,
I will twt it. TY.
▶ 4d83f0 (1) No.745427
Meme war war are the targets?
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.745645>>746425
Main orders
add targets, practice with @NRA.
When optimized, move through the list.
Upon success, report to Eurt, improvements,
notes, etc.
Goal make them retwt ur twt , which will have
3 hashes and petition link and mayb meme
@NRA 631K followers
@Dloesch 833K followers
@ChrisLoesch 85K followers (Dana's hubby)
@KatiePavlich 510K followers (fox contributor and gun nut)
@KatiePavlich 510K followers (fox contributor and gun nut)
@SeanHannity 3,5 million followers (GUN NUT)
@SaraCarterDC 266K followers
Memes are above here to download and here is a tiny url http:// bit .ly/2oSGA2n (remove the spaces when using this) to the petition
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.745666
http:/ /bit. ly/ 2oSGA2n
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.745700>>746854
▶ 9d5077 (1) No.745956>>746444
re: IBOR
Time to make a left flank attack.
Adjustment needed by MEME makers.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.746378
in meme archive their should be enough to slap that together.
Use hashtag #FakeNews, that's got 2 million+ hashtag expose PER HOUR…
we;re still pushing #InternetBillOrRights,
but need to slide back into the 3 stop:
It;s a bit of a mess on general. will try and fix with BO/bakers.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.746405>>746812
you ok with that none?
bring it back to the [3] and focus?
besides sliders, shills and clowns we now also have the media lurqing AND THE FEDS in here.
Damn,.. tired. if u'r ok with it i'll call it and redo the graphs.
damn. need to make the stats too.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.746425>>746812
BTW: only NRA did great.
go to twat, search #InternetBillOfRights.
RT every tweet with a LINK to https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
and reply 2 tweets without one, asking them to add the link.
works VERY fast.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.746444
use the leftie friendly memes, check latest meme archive. lots of rainbows and kittens.
Only fascists r pro censorship. so lefties with half a brain left, dont wanna be onsame side as fascists. be inventive and if you were succesfull, share succes stories here
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.746716>>746721
Nobody hear - empty silence - TRUST 0 - Ch Q NOt
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.746721>>746739 >>746854
Tiam shrt no prob - go wi flo
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.746739>>746854
caim wi ought now leaf wi not LOL
▶ f945cb (29) No.746812>>746820
Yeah that's ok.
Simpler the better,
only because easier for
new ppl and old alike.
3 hash,
wait, with petition also right.
3hash/1petition, possibly with meme.
Is that correct?
good to hear NRA.
Yes I tried this method, but interferes with
my testing unfortunately,
for reasons to long to explain,
so if you see this method not being used by
me, u know why.
But for the average retwtr, it should work
wonders. Hope you can find a small team
to join you Eurt.
ALL do the practice that Eurt suggest for
7 twts, report results, if you would. TY.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.746820>>746929
We got a shill infestation going here… see that? LOL Here,s the draft. you like?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.746836
pls let me know if typo's qweird stuff, stiff hv the photoshop thingie
▶ f945cb (29) No.746854
couldn't solve, probably easy, missing it.
Time is short, no problem, go with flow.
came with out, now leave with not LOL
You work in sound/pronunciation. may help
with first puzzel.
▶ f945cb (29) No.746929>>747053
wow is nice.
I see 2 areas but changing them changes
to much, I say go for it as it.
Prediction, ppl will get confused about
"Push ibor… tweets". difficult to put these
instructions in one line, nicely done, but
ppl may still be confused, be ready to answer.
Prediciton2: ppl will complain about mission
objectives, either they are wrong, not enough,
not the right objectives, etc, etc. Be ready to
defend, or be ready to not worry about that
part, just tell them do main mission 3 hash
1 petition, rest is for advance twtrs.
Again changes would change much.
But the meat is good. 3 hash/1petition.
Rest is advance for the serious twtr, our
most loyal, most dedicated.
patches are cool, font is good, shawdowq
cool, i think ppl will like.
▶ f945cb (29) No.746983
update getting old.
may build a new today or tomorw.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.747053>>747151
+ let me c if I can change ibor into internetbillofrights
+ pls tell me what possible critiQue general cud give on "mission objectives". Q told us to push IBOR and to bulldozer FakeNews (general has an old opp about this that we didnt make) . thinking with the Q warning about FakeNews and FEDS and everyone else coming here, we best be prepared and adapted. is "Troll the Deepstate" better than "Taunt" ? I added this because Q keeps telling us they're scared shitles. LOL which is true, everyone tweets them, too funny to see (and to do hhahahahaaha)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.747073>>747238
btw IBOR exposure picked up. it was 5 million/day yesterday. we did great. pushed it from 3….
▶ f945cb (29) No.747151>>747208
>+ let me c if I can change ibor into internetbillofrights
no it's the whole sentence, basically many
steps in one line, clear in your mind, takes
another whole page to make others
understand 1st time. Why i say, changes
would change much.
I think if people
are interested, tell them what you meant.
ask them if they want to do a more advance
If too complicated, tell them just to twt,
push hash, petition.
"critique objectives", really the point is, what
ever we put there ppl will complain. Only
reason I mention it is so you will be prepared
for the blow back. Expect it and won't be as
surprised or down or demoralized.
Mostly won't give specific critique, more likely
will be complaints of entirely wrong objective.
But those will be from shills and haters, so
don't mind them.
Only way to get good mission objectives
is list ones that ALL ALL can agree on,
but again more challenge of what can ALL
ALL agree on?
Again what you have serves well, just be
prepared for the complaint department, lol.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.747208>>747285
general is like herding cats… LOL
Oh I dont mind. let them run in all directions.
As long as the baker puts the new OP in the dough and ditches the old ones, so not to confuse the board. With the new public coming to lurQ, i want it to look good.
We're in the top left corner, so expecting a LOT of shills, clowns and other fun entertainment. With a thread title "WAR ROOM" we're bound to gain traction. who knows. we might red pill a few feds.. HAHAHAHA wudnt that b nice?
Btw, my new vid had 2K views in ONE day. Amazing huh?? never seen THAT b4
▶ f945cb (29) No.747238>>747461
I'm not surprised.
It's all going according to plan, lol.
But glad to hear the good news.
What's sad is the more we succeed,
the more we will be censored until the
tipping point.
▶ f945cb (29) No.747285>>747469
yeah nice.
lol i use that term a lot about UALL, ha
herding cats.
Less and less tho,
I think we are finally starting to
"red pill a few"
lets hope, who knows?
" new vid had 2K"
I saw it, was cool, like the new lady on
2nd half.
"never seen THAT b4"
I think we are all going to be haven these
experiences in different ways, more and more.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.747461>>747530
no! now MSM is gonna call us CONSPIRACY everyone is gonna lookup QAnon. thats why we need to add all [3] 1 tweet/
general is overrun with normies and noobs now.
hardly any "JEWblamers" !
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.747469>>747530
Thats my virtual Monica Lewinski.. LOL complete with blue dress
▶ f945cb (29) No.747530>>747915
thats good, hope they do some work for us.
"virtual Monica Lewinski"
The video did have lots of interesting
statements that people want to hear
and make sense of. Nice work.
▶ f945cb (29) No.747650
out for a bit.
get some rest.
▶ 8a511c (1) No.747728
I've an idea for a meme and my limited skills can't get it done well enough. Every time I try to cut out an image in MSPaint ( I know. . . . it's all I have) the border gets all fuzzy and white and I have to spend hours cleaning it up, then I can't match the brightness of everything so they don't look so 'contrasting'.
JFK standing by a stairway going up like a stairway to heaven (but not the one from Zeppelin. Mine sucks as well. The image below are what I was trying to use. best I could find for my idea) and Trump like he's not seeing JFK but hearing him with the words something like "You'll finish it, won't you?"--and/or– "Make me proud" or Trump saying the prayer said in the OO daily with JFK looking back at Trump as he's on his way up "Make our country proud!" or any words that someone can think up that are better. I'm going to keep trying but I feel this idea is worthy of someone with real skill.
Where we go one, we go all.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.747915>>755681
want to make all the neutral digged up facts with good sauce into vid
▶ 1e1bb6 (11) No.748375>>754331
that would be purfect.
what are 3 main ones?
keep in mind good sauce.
keep in mind neutral.
make one ibor will help/solve.
ALL who want to input,
now is the time.
after Eurt says go,
nothing i can do for you.
▶ 1e1bb6 (11) No.748464>>754373
Personally, I'd like to see all the names of
all the flights and all the flight patterns of
EpsteinsPlane. Especially to one particular
Also, PaddockInfo is ugly too and more
current. He was connected to anIsland also.
If i can find it, there is easy sauce, cuz I'm a
lousy digger, lol.
We need like a catalog of videos that is like
a file of a person. Like ClintonFile would be
video of him and all sauce on him, irrefutable
evidence only.
each a video, quick sauce profile.
▶ 86ea7d (1) No.749603
These are wonderful; whoever made them, well done!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.754331
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.754373>>755681
"We need a …."
yes, all nice ideas. So, anon:
- make it happen!
None of us were "born to dig"
Open a excel doc (or similar) on your device, start searching vid on a subject and make a list.. Note: watch ALL vids b4 putting them on the list. Info needs 2 b verifiable and sourced.
We prefer a list of 10 vids in stead of a 100, as long as it's sourced.
example: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0GmZD1aBoY
(my vid)
neutral info.
Alternative: you can dig thru the info, feed me sourced materials put into a document, links to sources etc. and I can make a neutral, normie free vid on it. As I have a fixed format, if your info is good, I can work FAST.
SO: no discussions here, go do your own work, and come here share the result. If it meets War Rooms (high) standards, we'll run it.
▶ 84f356 (5) No.755681>>757004
time is always short,
no video time,
no video team,
videos take much effort.
videos not my forte.
Seems like a good idea,
but many hidden challenges.
Current method faster.
Current method shows results,
when people work together.
Current method easier.
Vids would be nice, but much
harder to produce.
Information comes and goes,
quickly, means many videos,
means much time&work.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.757004>>758676
we need help none, and FAST
Unique ibor twats wnt down frm 8000 (2 days ago) to 5500 yesterday. twt with link went up frm 4% to 26% (thank god)
IBOR now at 28,980 signatures.
We need HELP and we need that damned VID. I'll just redo the monica part, adapt the text a bit and make a re release. dammit.. we need help frm general/some big account and need it now. Cud you scout twat, look for HUGE account that twats about IBOR or QAnon and approach them, asking for help?
- any other ideas?
BTW: #DeleteFaceBook is trending. That audience might want to come on board of #IBOR…. new group… who knows right?
we have the new graph explaining them what 2 do
any thoughts?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.757017>>757328
▶ 52e6fc (1) No.757163>>757543
The Seven Sisters
The seven groups listed below constitute the administrative core of the Shadow Party. All seven are located in Washington DC.
1. America Coming Together (ACT)
2. America Votes
3. Center for American Progress (CAP)
4. Joint Victory Campaign 2004 (JVC)
5. The Media Fund (TMG)
6. MoveOn.org
7. The Thunder Road Group (TRG)
Three of the Seven Sisters lease offices in the Motion Picture Association Building at 888 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20006. Those three groups are America Coming Together (ACT), America Votes, and The Thunder Road Group (TRG). Two others - The Media Fund and Joint Victory Campaign 2004 - share an office at 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW #1100, Washington DC 20036.
Alphabetical List of Shadow Party Groups:
Air America Radio
America Coming Together (ACT)
America Votes
American Constitution Society (ACS)
American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
Anshell Media
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA)
Band of Progressives
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Campaign for America's Future (CAF)
Center for American Progress (CAP)
Campaign for a Progressive Future (CPF)
Clean Water Action
Communication Workers of America (CWA)
The Constitution Project (TCP)
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund (DWAF)
Democracy for America (DFA)
Democratic Governors Associations (DGA)
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC)
Dog Eat Dog Films
EMILY's List
Environment 2004
Gore/Lieberman Recount Committee
Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees International Union (HEREIU)
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
Joint Victory Campaign 2004 (JVC)
Laborers International Union of North American (LIUNA)
League of Conservation Voters (LCV)
New Democrat Network (NDN)
The Media Fund (TMF)
Media Matters for America
The Million Mom March (MMM)
Moving America Forward (MAF)
Music for America
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
NARAL Pro-Choice America
National Education Association (NEA)
National Grassroots Alliance (NGA)
National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC)
National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU)
New American Optimists (NAO)
New Democrat Network (NDN)
Partnership for America's Families (PAF)
People for the American Way (PFAW)
Phoenix Group
Planned Parenthood
Pro Choice Vote
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Sheet Metal Workers International Association (SMWIA)
Sierra Club
The Thunder Road Group (TRG)
United Food & Commercial Workers Union (UFCWU)
United Progressive Alliance (UPA)
Vagina Votes
Voices for Working Families (VWF)
Vote for Change
Young Voter Alliance (YVA)
21st Century Democrats
http:// www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/theshadowpartypoe2004.html
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.757543
nice… Meant for Vid red-pill?
▶ de1957 (4) No.758243
Calling for full invasion of crazydaysandnights.net comment section
https:// www.alexa.com/siteinfo/crazydaysandnights.net
http:// www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-st-charles-house-of.html?m=1
http:// www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/12/four-for-friday-annexin-a2.html?m=1
http:// www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/blind-item-7-churchs-new-investment.html?m=1
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.758675>>758917
@ ID de1957
sorry, do it yourself.
we r pushing IBOR2
you do whatever you like.
Since general anons aren;'t doing SHIT about IBor, 3 or 4 ppl in the war room hv been pushing it. DID YOU SIGN?????
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.758676>>766154 >>766217 >>766234
Not much can be done, unfortunately.
is about our average.
is what to be expected.
the truth of our numbers.
Not enough to get petition across,
finish line.
Means we are not there YET.
This will be our final push for this petition.
Not just in the next hours, but until the last
Means throw everything you have at it,
win or lose be proud.
Numbers up and down depending on our
fortune. Sometimes we are hot, sometimes
people would rather not hear our depressing
news. Expect the fluctuation, so when it
goes down, not panic. Just keep doing what
we do.
Of your followers, would you
say their followers increased or decreased?
1.If increase good, but might not be good
enough to push petition successfully.
2.If decrease, then people not interested in
twts, means try different strategy.
I am sure most of us fall into 1. Which is
good, means we are growing.
But we not be big enough to push successful
Maybe next IBOR push, but that is future.
For now, what we do normally is growing.
imo must have faith, stay the course.
If we try something out of desperation, may
be a step backwards, may cause more
confusion, may cause demoralization.
So panic not. Keep in mind, we are
growing. What we do is helping us grow.
One day we will be larger than a petition
requires. But from now to then, must keep
strategy that shows growth.
Try different ideas, but keep main mission
priority, it will be what gets us a successful
petition. If we don't make it this time,
imagine next time, when we arrive even
▶ de1957 (4) No.758917>>759139 >>766127
You think I'm doing it myself?
There's about half a dozen of us.
Do you think signing petitions does shit? Make a bot for that.
This is poisoning the water upstream so to speak.
▶ de1957 (4) No.758945>>759139 >>759163
You can drop "war room" larping too if you
A. Commit to a meaningless battle you've clear lost (IBOR) according to this thread
B. Cannot multitask
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.759139
The team is committed to main orders. 1
is to push petition.
"Do you think signing petitions does shit?"
Clearly you do not have faith in this.
Or have hope in us.
Or will work with us.
So there really is not reason for you to be
here, where the team works on main orders.
Do you know them? They are easy.
Again, if you do not have hope in IBOR,
there is little reason for you to be here.
We are committed to main orders.
Just assume we cannot multitask and be
safe out there.
Thanks for your tips and suggestions.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.759163>>766510
oh and can you sign this petition?
http:/ /bit.__ly/2oSGA2n
and ask others to sign also. We have
a long way to go and time is short. TY TY.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.760455
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766127
"create a bot for that"
If you want to cheat, clearly you are in the wrong place. pls join DeepState
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766154>>768730
totally agree. we have a few weeks left, and we will get it done even if only US THREE need to be the engine of it.
we're close to 30K.
Only thing we need to do is approach NEW ppl and ask them to join and become their own PR hub for the petition.
==> Tucker Carlson had a 15 min special on internet freedom yesterday….. start of his program. THAT wiil help.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766217>>768730
my followers r at 7,200 and increase with hundreds a day, sometimes even 1000s.
*btw, we've got our own special depresso shill, isnt that an honor?? It's a real person, not even a bot… WOW.. ,means we must b over the target.
Thank you for the inspirational words. Let's concentrate on getting new ppl on twat and spread the word, even if it just US THREE, hahaha It's an honor to keep fighting.
^5@you and junior anon.
Just found NEW ENERGY to get the task DONE! I'll work harder and concentrate better.
<<Flipping of the trolls/shills/sliders>>
▶ bd2c2c (1) No.766229>>766248 >>768887
So how goes the tweet war?
Are we still on top of things?
We got shadow banned?
Twitter ops still effective?
Serious questions.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766234>>768887
lets make a few!
(PS love the memes thanks)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766248
heavy shilling, so we must b doing something GREAT… pls join Op RELEASE THE KRAKEN.
b your own army. we're at 30K.
We can do this. check method in graph.
approaching new ppl asking them to becme their own 1 man tweet army works GREAT.
and PIN THE GRAPH to your profile with a tweet asking others to join.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766510
TYALL! lovely memes!!! proud of you!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766519>>768887
Let it be known that #QAnons do not CHEAT
Hear that clowns???
no bots on OUR side…
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.766820>>768982
Unique tweets 8,2K -- 250/hour
hashtag exposure/hour 831K - DAY: 21,3 MILLION
Unique tweets 5,8K - 221/hour
Retweets: 13,8 K (GROWING)
Hashtag expose/hour 1,52 MILLION - DAY: 12 MILLION
Unique Tweets 2,5 K -- 62/hour
Percentage with LINK added 12% (last week: 4% -- 0% – 6% – 26% – current at 12%)
Retweets: 5,6 K (sliding a bit. Average 8K, Max: 21K)
Hashtag exposure/hour 106K -- DAY: 3,3 MILLION
===> Still NO hashtags linked to #InternetBillOfRights in hashtag wordweb. Hashtag is totally isolated. SEEMS LIKE THE HASHTAG IS HIDDEN OR ISOLATED
(came out of nothing)
Unique Tweets 16,8K (was 26K) 383/hour
Retweets: 28K (was 37K) 688/hour (going down, tho still HUGE)
Hashtag exposure: 5,2 MILLION/hour -- DAY: 154 MILLION (was 515 million)
8% of tweets contained links.
#VetoTheOmnibus: 3K -- 8K hour. Trending #4 USA
▶ ff8e92 (1) No.767182>>768258 >>769073
Good morning anon's. Thanks for what you do here. I spend most of my time digging for the general and on the quest for searchability. I posted this in qresearch general #950 and got no traction. Was wondering if this was a more appropriate forum. Thanks again, anon.
Isn't this omnibus spending monstrosity an opportunity disguised as a shit sandwich? This allows us to focus on the principle impediment to the Trump Agenda, Mitch McConnel.
Mitch McConnel, the corrupt, jowly, slack jawed, mealy mouthed turtle in RINO hide. Mitch McConnel, ONE MAN, is responsible for all of these problems.
Under Mitch McConnel, it's going to take 11 YEARS to confirm Trumps appointments.
Under Mitch McConnel the dems are having the time of their lives running the show because he won't address CLOTURE.
Under Mitch McConnel we will continue to have more uniparty shit sandwiches served to WE THE PEOPLE.
C'mon Anon's, let's concentrate our wrath on the most deserving swamp rat in Congress. Here's a little kickstarter, LET'S DO THIS:
https:// www.redstate.com/joesquire/2018/03/19/mcconnell-chao-corrupt-clintons/
https:// nypost.com/2018/03/17/how-mcconnell-and-chao-used-political-power-to-make-their-family-rich/
http:// insider.foxnews.com/2018/03/20/peter-schweizer-biden-kerry-mcconnell-chao-hide-corruption-china-deals
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.768258>>768596 >>769073
omnibus is gonna get VETO-ed by geotus..
Nice examples, will copy and save offline.
BTW: some good news. Started approached local news yesterday. Landed THIS follower@jturnershow VOLGT U
Jessie Turner is a Civil Rights Leader, Investigative Journalist, Political Strategist, Public Speaker and Media Entrepreneur
750K followers!!! STRAIGHT INTO MSM REACH….. We need to send him some GOOD STUFF
▶ dae37c (1) No.768596
Looks like he signed it.
▶ 987531 (15) No.768730>>769893
"Tucker Carlson had a 15 min special on internet
freedom yesterday"
I saw that, was surprised.
Almost thought he was going to put
our hash on the screen, lol.
yup all my followers have growing numbers.
With each new follower, there is your:
"new ppl on twat "
Those are the ones that will increase
your range.
With time, results will be surprising.
Keep their trust,
be respectful,
help where you can,
Ppl will see,
Ppl will trust,
Ppl will make effort for you,
if they always see you making
effort for them.
"even if it just US THREE"
its us 3 and all our followers,
think of them as part of the us,
the team.
"Just found NEW ENERGY to get the task
DONE! I'll work harder and concentrate
Awesome, be sure to get good rest to have
NEW ENERGY everyday. WRL2HU.
▶ 987531 (15) No.768887
Twt war is great,
but just not enough people.
Time will bring more growth.
Really, what we have done it impressive,
but against our goals,
not enough YET.
When more join, more success.
Twitter OP very effective, for various reasons.
We are on top of things.
Personally, not shadow banned.
Twitter OP very effective imo.
I sent a couple of cats out, were cute.
Our minds are the same.
That's what I thought when someone
mentioned petition bot.
We are not like them.
And if they don't play by rules,
we want them out NOW.
LaterMcCabe and the soon to
be disgraced, who disgraced themselves,
by going against the good people,
when they should be protecting the good
If we win, it will be fair.
▶ 987531 (15) No.768982
Good information.
Other thing i notice about graphs.
(This only applies to cone aka trending word.)
Choose trending word.
Check hashtags.____org
Look at the current graph.
Going up or going down?
That indicates if the hash is growing,
OR if the rush is over, and time to
consider new hash.
Try a couple of trending words, and you will
see what I mean. Do not use main hash,
trending hash.
▶ 987531 (15) No.769073>>771504
Both good info/ideas/news.
That's working together.
we need specific sauce to protect our
arguments against McConnel, or any
subject for that matter. Without sauce, how
can we prove to people.
" Landed THIS follower@jturnershow"
The real indicator is if they RT ALL your post.
That is your friend in our effort on twtr.
Some people just join, never RT, steal your,
information, pass if off as theirs. Sad, but
at least the information is getting out, no
matter who sends it. In a way good, puts
heat on them and we get to move on.
▶ 22e99c (1) No.769893>>770359 >>771504 >>771517
Me four, I have been to the meeting, but have been push IBOR,
>>769257 last bread
Thanks, I'm trying to get this out, we have got to get IBOR out to the masses some how.
Does anyone know anything about Reddit? I sign up to post the petition, but can't figure out how to put it up. I hate sign up for shit, I'm so use to it here
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.770359>>771526
4 is a lucky number, I always thought.
"I hate sign up for shit"
"I know exactly what you mean." lol
"we have got to get IBOR out "
We are getting it out to the masses.
Retwts per hour.
graphs posted here.
Problem is rate of fire.
That will either come in time,
through faithful followers,
OR one day ALL will try
this crazy idea,
sign the petition,
only use 3 hash.
That day would be great.
A holiday.
They would have to shutdown twtr,
but with no algorithm,
(((Their))) tummy is exposed.
Some us are in despair,
when really we should be enjoying,
they show.
WhtdoesQsay? lol
▶ 7578dd (2) No.771220>>771544
HOLY fuck, now he is spewing incorrect shit about bump stocks and guns, truely an implosion to behold. guess what I learned today?
Obama was pro gun. oO
▶ 7578dd (2) No.771254>>771555
Tay Tay has gone off the rails too.
She made a donation to the March and for gun reform.
SERIOUS QUESTION: did we hop timelines or something???
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.771504
"some ppl just join, steal info":
There is no "i" in team.
We dont care about ego, its about the message.
bill got signed, indeed its a shitburger. Let the diggers dig further. It's filled with easter eggs (dems shud hv read it).
>>769893 dont hv reddit. have discord, tried to get ppl onboard, but they just Dont on DC.
we can find them on TWT
Just search #QAnon and add/approach everyone that isnt your friend yet and has a decent following. works VERY fast to grow audience and meet new friends.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.771517
btw pls redo the meme,
no "sign up"
ppl dont want that. and a word of advice on the chemtrails": it needs a VERY SHORT title, or its a dud.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.771526
true. they're (i THINK) not throttling anymore since yesterday.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.771544
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.771555
Remember Q?
"dont follow THE STARS"
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.771954
Quick reminder for law type FAGS - in law , the only thing the judge can use in determination as to guilt/innocence is EVIDENCE.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.772230
"There is no "i" in team.
We dont care about ego, its about the message."
Post was not about the theft of info.
Is a reason why lower Retweet.
Small factor,
but with small numbers,
all advantages count,
and all disadvantage should be avoided,
if possible.
Or at least known,
so can be considered.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.772319>>773068
Read Trump's twt for today.
Now for practice;
take it a face value.
Imagine a person,
who is a president,
trying to inform his people.
What did he say?
What does he mean?
Study his twts, like U studyQ.
Hard to use Qwords, ppl scoff.
Easier to use Trump words???
Find out.
▶ 009ecf (1) No.773038>>773101
Hope this site helps. Not allowed to copy and paste - use screen shots
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.773068>>773091 >>774324
nite.. getting late here…
cant keep up, twt notifications getting WILD here, some rapper with over a million followers and a journalist IDK are following me and so I get flooded… cudnt keep up the RTs.
Dont worry bout IBOR…
it will get filled up. have the feeling its being throttled for max exposure.
▶ 7dff6c (8) No.773091
"Dont worry bout IBOR…"
i hardly every worry, lol
rest well. TY.
▶ 7dff6c (8) No.773101
very nice, if time,
will check it out.
TY. looks interesting jus from screen shot.
▶ 8263c2 (1) No.774324>>777945
I was just getting started and got throttled.
Was told by an error message two things that are contradictory. 1. I appear to be automated. 2. Try again later.
Trying to tell me I was spam.
I got less than 18 K views.
A few weeks ago I worked hours and hours and got under 5 k. Then all of a sudden for less work I was getting over 50K , up to 80K.
So I know they are fiddling with the controls.
They didn't ban me and apparently I'm still allowed to retweet.
▶ b6a48f (1) No.775589>>776321 >>777954
The omnibus is a Trojan Horse the D's and R's just fucked themselves by passing it w/o reading it. Trump don't give a fuck Wall will be built by USACE - IG has full access to whatever the fuck he wants - Whistleblowers have full protection all funded: https:// www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr3354/BILLS-115hr3354pcs.pdf
▶ 7dff6c (8) No.776321
nice thinking. good eyes. good link.
▶ e6b376 (1) No.776322
▶ 92b4cf (3) No.776742>>776804 >>777975
Stage 5:5 Another pair of eyes please. I was thinking time stamps and opened find on Q page and typed 5:5 . My mind is shot. So asking for impartial thoughts of what others think on their own. Found 40 entries and descending order.
▶ 7dff6c (8) No.776804>>776842 >>777990
imo 5:5confirmFromPrez.
so now 5:5confirm "weHearYou"
who he talking to?
Wait not WC, thats burgers.
GreenCastle? (green, right?). "My mind is shot."
Gut says: They hear US, possible double
meaning. But for sure, they hear us.
What is y(our) message to them?
Got the unified message?
Good, now blast it all platforms,
one voice, one message,
from USA and the World,
When ALL have unified message,
let me know,
I will twt it and my friends will retweet,
and sometimes,
some stranger comes along with 157k followers,
and retweets your original work,
with teamSTW(y(OUR)) message.
▶ 92b4cf (3) No.776842
Ok, I understood that part. Thanks. I guess I was reading to much into the timestamps. Thanks. Bedtime.
▶ 18845e (1) No.777250
IG HAS to be funded like everything else, sould just be routine>>775589
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.777945
I know. just keep clicking TWEET or REPLY untill it sends. had to click everything 2 or 3 times yesterday. Nevertheless, got 200K+ exposures and over 100K today.
We're getting throttled BIGLY.
29,589 now. only 400 SIGNATURES IN TWO DAYS… how's THAT for throttling.
We need to try everything now
tweets with no hashtag (just link)
bombard tucker carslon, he just twatted a PIECE ON INTERNET CENSORSHIP.
hit reply and tweet him directly.
- twat at NRA and ask for help
- approach everyone that twats #internetbillofrights without a link in their twat
send out unique twats with link and pic on a TOTALLY DIFFERENT SUBJECT
and just add something like: We cant keep telling you this news if we are censored. pls sign….. etc… stuff like that.
- send your best twat cc @ me (you know my twat) so that I can RT. I have large following (for just some anon).
any other PR stunts: LET US KNOW HERE
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.777954
pls go to General and get all the OMNIBUS digging on ONE thread.
diggers check and double check the finds, write a synopsis and I can make you a vid in a few hours with the info.
I need the info CHECKED AND SOURCED.
We could have PURE GOLD here. but check and double check before screaming…
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.777960
LMFAO that a GREAT one!!!!!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.777975
anon, go away.
War Room is not the place for this.
you are running the risk of being banned for shilling. Take your friend with you.
discussion is on general. Digging is on special threads. This is war room, we take no prisoners and a ban is easily gotten. Friendly fire is also common. so take your gems to the rights place.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.777990>>778966
pls do try to keep a shorter leash on anons dumping on the wrong thread or plain ole shilling… remember we have tons of shills, sliders, clowns and now the FEDS too. Only thing they want is to distract as. anons shouldnt b dumping stuff in here or just barging in getting opinions. that's generals job.
▶ f945cb (29) No.778966
▶ 2183f8 (3) No.779203>>779435
https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/801gxl/where_you_affected_by_a_technical_pause_21218/
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.779212>>779435
damn see the OWL in the march for our lives thing?
o o
▶ f945cb (29) No.779435
TY source.
no, didn't see the OWL, not a good sign.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.780072>>782389
emergency effort
Hijack #DeleteFacebook
just post a link to sign IBOR, no other hashes.
adapt pic to sale of data.
almost a BILLION views, still going strong
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.782389>>784478
this didnt work either.
perhaps even worse.
we went from 29,652 to 29, 700 since I posted that
ppl I've spoken to say they don't get a confirmation or can't sign, see the numbers go down. THIS IS A FAKE SITE…
The signatures are FAKE
▶ 097c0e (1) No.783440>>784478 >>788600
We need teams Twitter YouTube etc, get the talking points in morning and counter with the facts
▶ a52818 (1) No.783589>>784478 >>788585
https:// twitter.com/NotRussianBot5/status/977695591877763075
check out this tweet.
That site is rigged.
That site was made by Obamas people and they still control it.
I remember some from when O was president that had this same kind of fuckery with the counter going on.
Not trying to blackpill though, The exposure of IBOR that is happening is great.
▶ 53a9ec (2) No.784478
lol, nice graph, if i didn't already say.
Good idea. I missed the trend time for #DeleteFacebook. Arrived, when numbers were back in the hundreds. Keep your eyes
open for the next one.
This is a good idea.
" The exposure of IBOR that is happening is great."
This might be the point, not the petition.
Maybe we are exposing that the site is rigged.
Exposure vs signatures.
Or that might be our final numbers, we have
not grown enough to successful any petition.
But once we have, we can push any petition,
whoa. That might come in handy soon. I think
the fake news is getting in everyone's head.
I think some people who I thought were legit
are shills, whoa. It's getting weird, changes
occuring because of what people are starting
to learn about. So exposure is key.
▶ 2183f8 (3) No.786501>>788616
https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/801gxl/where_you_affected_by_a_technical_pause_21218/
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.788585>>788827
thank you, we can start memeing that the damned site is rigged.
hashtag keeps floating but is severed from ANY other hashtag (except love). check the word web it's WEIRD. really weird.
on the positive news:
found several journo's and a rapper with HUGE following that follow me, so I can DM them and get them on board. they already RT some stuff, we can use them to push thru ceilings. kinda waiting now for the perfect opportunity (or meme) to engage them.
Dont want to waste their time …
lets pow wow about this, so we can launch something BIG. all channels are in place to do it now.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.788588
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.788600
great idea, but war room anons are only a handful . as soon as new ppl come, we have to battle their ego's all over again.
we need our tactics to b usable by a small group. General anons help out when they can, but are more into digging and stuff. they only help if we have the plans laid out for them, memes, graphs and all.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.788616
WHAT is chkchkchk ?????
check check check??
pls explain. Love the memes, but explain your thoughts
▶ 1e1bb6 (11) No.788827>>788974
" all channels are in place to do it now."
The stage is set, lol
" waiting now for the perfect opportunity."
very wise.
balance in some practice.
▶ 1e1bb6 (11) No.788928>>788965
wait not DNR
DNF - do not fire
(lol DNR, that is something different)
Idea for Operation called:
OP Rapper
Have them rap a sauced jam,
about what's going on,
with America's gov,
maybe blast some bad actors.
Not to far, stay safe.
Mention sign IBOR 3 times,
in rap.
Easy on the cussing,
so all can hear it.
Easy on the spirit,
think opposite of evil.
so kids can rap it,
and mothers can pass it down,
after they are done red pilled,
through some digital files.
Programmed by our own technology,
by another human.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.788965
Great plan. but we dont have the time.
I pinned a new tweet and tweeted at my LARGE ACCOUNTS group in last tweet. pls copy them, and approach in tweet @ them if you want.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.788974
pls check my newly pinned tweet and give me feedback. perhaps make a better graph in this idea???? one we can KEEP firing??
btw ibor gained 170 signatures in almost 24H.
wow wow wow
what r they afraid of huh?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.788983>>789159
hashtag exposure again at 3.7 MILLION/day ridiculousness……. laughable
▶ 1e1bb6 (11) No.789159>>789880
lol, i guess stage is not set.
"We went to deep! Pull back!" , lol
All this change going on,
makes me feel like they are trying to make
us change.
"what r they afraid of huh?"
Maybe of what we are doing right now.
3 hash/1 petition.
Petition may not make it,
but there is still time.
Petition wasn't really the point.
What did Qmention?
A petition or a hash?
what hash?
Have we been pushing hard?
Which was more important to get out?
Petition or hash?
The more they do, articles, tv shows,
against us,
tells me,
over the target,
keep firing,
focusfire ALL.
Work together.
We are doing,
have been doing,
what Qasked, # InternetBil___lofRights.
▶ 1e1bb6 (11) No.789177
chores call.
check my page for
some post to RT.
▶ 26686f (3) No.789368>>789880
We have to change up the hashtags a little - Twatter is blocking some from trending. Maybe change it up; #InternetBillOfRigh_tsPetition. Hit them with something unexpected, en mass.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.789880
twat has been creating all sorts of different variations on the hash. so that dog don't hunt.
Look at the wordweb on ibor. it's INSANE.
Like as if it's totally cordoned off. Only thing connected currently trending: #LOVE.
I'll try 2 tweets adding #Love and see what those do.
damned petition.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.789889>>789993
imo it's not blocking.
It's our numbers.
We are too small.
We feel like we are bigger,
and we are in a way,
but when actually,
we are a small crew.
If you want success,
more have to do what Eurt does.
What does Eurt do,
look her up an twtr and watch her.
Then copy.
Ask others to do same.
Also RT.
When many are doing this,
then will see graphs rise,
numbers rise.
Raise your hand if you are
using 3 hash 1 petition,
every twt.
How many original twts have you
sent out asking for signatures,
with a meme,
with a TY to @POTUS,
every twt.
raise your hand.
Not many I would assume.
iCan tell by graph results.
Is it people who are trying,
who are at fault,
or is it the people who are not trying.
When more try, then results.
not other way around.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.789937>>790042
Yes rate of fire of IBOR
has gone way down.
Right now at about 100twts per hour.
https:// www.hashtags.org/analytics/InternetBillofRights/
Either censored.
Or we are a small team,
and people have moved on
to other hash.
Either explains your graph,
low rate of fire,
twts per hour.
Again either censored or lacking interest?
What you believe will determine
next steps,
so must be correct as possible.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.789993
that is very true.
we the twatters are few. we get RTs, but we are too few who stick to instructions. I myself dont even have a lot of time to send original tweets. Must push mysekf not to get stuck in the RTs and stuff in the comments.
follows back is a lot of work too, but it pays.
We need to get General on board.
everyone must send TEN original twat per day. that would b fabulous.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790015>>790056
"everyone must send TEN original twat per day. that would b fabulous."
herding cats, lol
"everyone must send TEN original twat per day. that would b fabulous."
TEN per hour would be 2xfabulous from all in
" too few who stick to instructions. "
Can't blame them, it's work, and boring.
But when many can see the point,
then they will try also, but long way to
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.790042>>790126 >>791837
I'm being bound by Q orders to push #InternetBillOfRights
#FakeNews and #QAnon are FAR BETTER, millions and millions of exposures every day.
#DeleteFacebook also still enormous attention.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.790056>>790095
If they all would twt 10 originals per day, all of em, with link AND 3 hashes, even if only for ONE DAY, we cud measure and see what happens.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790095>>790192
yes, that is good thinking.
So now, we know our jobs go from twting
3/1pet. to getting others to do this also,
First must do 3/1 with TY @P and understand
why. Understand graphs.
Then can see importance of gathering others.
Boring work, but key to our plan.
Over time people get bored, move on.
Only those that believe this plan can work will stay,
and help.
Those are the ones to support.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790126>>790192
#Delete.. trending cone.
3 main hash,
even tho IBOR feels pointless,
how he measures us,
shows them when stage isSet.
Couldn't be simpler.
and we can see the results w graphs.
Plan is sound,
just no volunteers,
ppl don't like work for free, lol
but they are on the way.
more and more daily,
if not here, twtr.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.790192>>790234 >>790250
Here's a trial. it needs the other 2 hashes and TY@Potus right? perhaps that is the trick.
grasping at straws here
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790199>>790255
"We need to get General on board."
general is not with us,
can't figure out why,
but am testing.
Might be half shills, half anons, in there.
wow, that's a lot of disinfo,
demoralization tactics,
even if only 20% are shills.
Many shills I sense there.
Hope I'm wrong.
Unfortunately, imo we won't get their help
until we show success.
Everyone loves to join a winning team,
and stays away from a losing team.
A losing team only wins if they don't quit.
Really have we lost?
Or is the game still on.
Keep in mind what we have accomplished.
List them in your mind.
A lot or little?
All perspective.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790234
Depends on graphic.
On this one all 3 hash, not a problem.
On some graphics, hate to add #FakeNews,
because you don't want others
you think this is fake news.
So some hash does not help,
in all situations/graphics,
so can ommit,
no problem.
The graphic is like the RT motivator,
good graphic more likely to be RTed.
IF RTd, hash and petition go for the ride.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790250>>790262
All 3 hash not a problem,
or single hash IBOR,
is fine also,
depends on time,
which is always short.
If graphic good, ppl will RT.
If RT our hash/petition gets out.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.790255>>790396
Here,, think this is better. forgot the hashes and the TY @ POTUS
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.790262
you are always right, as usual LOL
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790396
yes better imo, twting soon by me.
this arrives in front of famous person,
Rosanne for example.
If she retwts,
and hash not on graphic,
Going to feel like missed
a chance to send all orders/info.
So to prevent that,
always try to put everything on it,
if time,
sometimes no time,
but usually there is time.
Results usually depend on effort.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790438
whoa nice one.
gives me ideas.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.790486
more chores,
will be back later.
▶ c75a1b (2) No.791196>>791248 >>791525
Sign today and keep yourself protected!
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
#IBOR #InternetBillOfRights #YTBattleRoyale
▶ 02b889 (29) No.791201>>797057
This is good.
Very cool,
very well thought,
awesome contrast,
awesome eagle pose,
perfect catch twtr.
Very vool, near classic.
Now, this could cause ppl to get banned twtr
especially if it gets hot.
Would be better imo
to say "thank you twtr for letting us share our
and have eagle catching name @jack.
See how separate platform and bad actor.
Not saying twtr is innocent,
but lowers the chance of ban,
because not attacking twtr,
our platform,
but attacking @jack specifically.
other than that outstanding graphic.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.791248>>791279
yes that is close, except hash.
Use these hash from now on,
if you would, thank you.
#InternetBillofRights #QAnon #FakeNews
other than that, pretty good twt,
esp for gamers and utubers.
TY. good example.
Stay away from #IBOR,
use #InternetBillofRights.
pain to type.
copy paste over from notepad.
overall, nice one.
▶ c75a1b (2) No.791279
▶ 02b889 (29) No.791285
Once you have a good twt,
do not copy and paste twt
copy and paste twt
copy and paste twt
copy and paste twt
will get banned.
copy and paste, slightly change, twt
copy and paste, slightly change, twt
copy and paste, slightly change, twt
copy and paste, slightly change, twt
best is original each time,
that's what audience aka followers likes,
someone real saying things.
not easy.
copy and paste, slightly change, twt
efforts usually determines results.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.791525>>793034 >>798542
This was a good trending word, but over
check out the graph.
Refer to this graph when trying to find a
good trending word, aka cone.
What time would have been good for
#YTBattleRoyale ? That's when you want
to hit it hard.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.791556
can I post this here?
https:// media.giphy.com/media/4blfFX4L8BaazeY050/giphy.gif
▶ 02b889 (29) No.791647>>791896
whoa that's pretty cool.
nice one.
need one with our hash.
Also, vid makes it seem like Qsaid that.
must be careful, not confuse what
Qreally said.
nice one.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.791663
back to non-internet work for a while,
back later.
rest well.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.791668
RT posts on my profile,
if you see any you like/missed. TY
▶ 61a55b (2) No.791834>>792870 >>793567
Ha, look at this shit. 20k and how long have we been pushing it?
THEY control the majority (of tech-savvy Americans who understand the issue)
THEY can organize hundreds of thousands (paid, unpaid, bused don't matter, still have way more people actually on their side)
THEY will only push government control of the internet as "net neutrality"
THEY want forums of open information neutralized
THEY will never allow IBOR
We are losing and will lose the Infowar. Look forward to seeing you all in the FEMA camp when POTUS is removed.
▶ 26686f (3) No.791837>>792912 >>798517
I often get RT's, but many don't save meme and post on their own. Always hijack trending hashtags as well - ESPECIALLY if it's the oppositions'.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.791896
need to get some sleep soon.
i ll RT your twats. saw your attempts on General. They r MEzmerized…. herding cats.
Q if you read this
pls pls pls help get the anons to twat together. war room fags severely outnumbered and battle fatiqued. we tried everything!
and still 29.984 …. with a few days left
▶ 26686f (3) No.791915>>798480
Why don't we rally the troops - get the word out to the more active twatters to do a 7pm EST push to get IBOR trending. Gives us 20mins to reach out, DM's, etc… before people get complacent in front of the TV for Sun night programming.
▶ 317f49 (1) No.792242>>793066 >>798485
Been lurking for some time, rarely post. I just wanted to say how proud i am of all of you. I've been red pilled since my first memories, but it's been a wonderful change to find like minded here, that i can relate to. I believe it is making a real difference. Yes, i signed all the petitions and I'll continue signing them! Keep up the great campaigns! So proud of you!
▶ 02b889 (29) No.792870>>793567 >>798517
Ha lol,
thats a good one.
Joke all you want,
when those fema gates close,
they will think,
dam we shoulda listen to those anons.
We have to get word out.
Emphasis on "word out".
nothing else.
We might be losing every war that
shows numbers, and we can't even trust
those numbers.
Not about the numbers,
about reaching out,
sharing information for others to consider.
#InternetBillofRights was just a hash
that would unite us. Qalready gave it.
It's not about the petition, that is
measurement, way for ppl to practice work
We got to a point where the petition can
no longer push the hash. 30k. That is us.
30,000. / 300,000,000 = .0001% of USA
population aprox.
ButQ did not say petition. Qleft a hash.
Was never about petition, but also did not
hurt to practice petition either.
Trick is to make your followers understand
that if they use #InternetBillofRights (not #IBOR), they
are part of a graph that reflects us all.
However, if combine #IBOR and #InternetBillofRights
that is true number of people on our side,
at any one moment.
But combining them,
that scares peopleINpower.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.792912
"many don't save meme and post on their own. "
Imagine if they did. 4 an hour.
Trust me, the math is good.
That is 1 of ALL our jobs,
convince other people to "meme and post on their own. "
▶ 02b889 (29) No.793034>>798542
here is why i like to check later graph,
they are always slightly misleading first time.
compare graphs.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.793066
Thank you. This team needs to hear
more say that.
It will keep them going when darkness
blocks sight and faith flickers.
Wait until they truly make a united effort.
That will be scary to ALL.
In a good way for us.
In a fearful way to (((t))), lol
▶ 188907 (1) No.793567>>794877 >>795739 >>798949
Not a War Room regular but I'll say this… your hashtags have grown stale. You need to push under new banners to engage potential new impressions. Something like
Also, it seems to me you guys should take more frequent cues from general. When we find a new angle - the gay man alleging a similar encounter with Obama to Stormy's with Trump, for example - hit it hard. Dynamism is needed.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.794877
Thanks for your five minute review.
We will consider it.
▶ 61a55b (2) No.795739>>798958
Perhaps we're a little too early on in the awakening for this to work for now.
▶ de7ab5 (1) No.796493>>798961
/qresearch/ was under a serious and substantial attack tonight. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
▶ f4c7ae (2) No.796728>>797490 >>798981
gab anon, reporting in.
the #IBOR push on gab has dried up entirely. I only see a few posts about the research on "general" as well. One lady said she stopped posting about Q because it "went all nazi", and she got scared. :o( (normies)
The whole thing seems to have dried up. My little "war room" on gab has several people in still, talking/working/digging/posting. but the reports back from them on twitter/facebook, are not good either. We're trying to drop a new petition link every few hours, but no one is listening anymore.
We seem to have hit a wall, and lost our momentum.
Also getting alot of "push back" against Q. Loads asking for proof, and where's the perp walks, and all that.
not trying to be negative, just dropping news/info
will advise, if anything new happens.
▶ f9f658 (1) No.797074
▶ 5d762f (1) No.797113>>797928
Anons, please read this specifically the Declaration Of Facts. The jury in this case found the facts of the case sufficient to issue a guilty verdict on all counts. This document clearly defines the cabal and that they meet in Antarctica. How did we miss this? http:// i-uv.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Pacer-Doc-101-HATJ-RKB-STANDING-PRAECIPE-01-23-18.pdf
▶ 02b889 (29) No.797417
yup pretty good. TY.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.797490
yes this is good report. Thank you.
Also, this is exactly what to expect,
sounds crazy, but do the math and this is
what is exactly to be expected.
If I were team badGuy, this is what I would do.
Million$ wasted against us,
coulda went to feed homeless chicken soup,
for years.
But how much did we spend to get them
to spend million$?
Not million$.
Exactly to be expected.
Now is the peaceful digital trench warfare;
Battle for the minds and the hearts of millions.
When they change tactics,
introduce tactics,
be ready to adapt.
""push back" against Q."
The power of fakeNews.
See it's real power,
to turn those that trusted you,
against you,
over night.
Worry not,
those are the weak ones,
that will change back,
when the tide changes.
We help the tide.
One day we could be the tide.
That's what they must stop.
Can they?
Depends on many things,
partly you.
▶ ac9d71 (1) No.797606>>797916
Signed petition.
Have an idea for a meme op:
"OP Cooper May Cry" (reference to video game series Devil May Cry)
Synopsis: A meme war retaliation op against Anderson Cooper as payback for his recent Stormy interview. Pull out all the skeletons in his closet and use them as redpill material to discredit him.
Potential Ammo:
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2291516
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2290164
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2294089
The last one means he has some explaining to do. Contains an image of what appears to be murders at the Vanderbilt pool. He is a Vanderbilt.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.797692
lol "will not be censored" font increase,
bugging you, lol.
▶ 02b889 (29) No.797916>>798580
Thanks for signing.
Now you need a meme,
Cooper's face on a devil may cry character
or such.
Include the main hash.
include your message,
what you want ppl to know,
or be warned of.
Post it here.
We can adjust and twt out, Hopefully ppl will
like it and retweets. Your message and OUR
hash/petition take a ride across the Internet.
First you need good meme(s), i suggest.
Anything you want to say, describe it,
or try to build it, others will help, some memers
around here got skills. If its good, we will be
happy to twt it and get your message out.
Meme idea:
"How many skeletons in AndersonCopper's
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.797925>>798067 >>798815
no twttr count - info sign in lost
▶ 02b889 (29) No.797928
yes this deserves a read over.
hope its real, been faked before.
confirm, 2xcheck,
then post it on general,
see if anybody knows about it.
Confirm it before go further with it somehow.
Good eyes.
Ask general room. I will post it there also.
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.798067
not sure if it occured to nobody r not - whole thing s a boot pat erny it
evi dense - DuNo About outcome - lible trust is sue
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798480
good idea, noted.
can we count on you to help herding cats in General all day, so that they are ready for 7 pm?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798485
Thank you so much for your well-needed kind words. We are happy and honored to do this, and thankful for your support.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798517>>800027
ID 61a55b
Oh…. a depresso shill!
Let's celebrate. We must be doing something great in here!!
thank you for your input & Efforts! very valuable!!
It's not about the petition, it's about the hash.
Let's design a few graphs, see if we can do a huge push all together. yes we can add the ibor link, or not.
wud it be an idea to make an ibor meme collection on a subthread? just throw everything in there?
any suggestions, stuff?
pls let us know
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798542>>800045
ALL twts always trend between 12 noon and 5 pm. I dont know why.
perhaps ppl like 2 twat from the job/school.
Always the afternoon to push whatever to the top.
BTW: that #YTBattleRoyale that was "trending" it doesn't show up in overtime stats (who are more trustworthy than most trend watch sites) this site lags a day behind but check out the screenshot": NO HASHTAGS FOUND 24 hrs ago…
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.798580>>800067
Memes that contain false data/info could be considered libelous (unless you have PROOF i.e. Evidence, facts)… AC deserves as much protection from our IBOR as we expect…. level playing field!
▶ 2d5220 (9) No.798815
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798949>>800128
"stale hashtags" ??
TENS of MILLIONS of exposures. Day in. Day Out.
Check out the screenshots. Nothing wrong with [3] ! there is something wrong with anons working together.
I suggest we call for all out tweet storm, [3] hashes, starting at noon today, EST. throw every meme on it that is even vaguely related, and keep pushing
never mind if you put a link to ibor2 on your twat or not. Let's go ALL OUT all together for once, and see what happens.
Anons, input pls?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798958>>800128
it's just plain ole "I'm barging in here and give a 1 minute review based on my opinion only".
There's a management term that: Endo-canabalistic self fulfillment"
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798961
STUNNING meme, thank you
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798981>>800128 >>805783
Thank you. We;ve been under fire. Let's go all out on all platforms, using diff memes (appeal to all kind of audiences)
and all [3] hashtags (and TY @POTUS)
we can do this. MEMES are the magic. We'll ignore the link to ibor2, just push the [3] memes.
==>start at noon EST today?) (=BEST time 2 start)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.798991>>799627 >>800162
WELCOME Cabal shills/clows!
==> f9f658 and 5d762f
Happy to see you show up.
We must be doing something right.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.799007>>800162
attn possible slider
>>ID 2d5220 (post 798580 and more)
If you feel like sliding/depressing.. Go Ahead.. Make our day.
▶ a5ddd9 (1) No.799627>>800162
Keep up the good fight!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.799681>>800162
OP "Release the Kraken" needs a revamp.
[3] hashtags
#QAnon (250twats -- 1326 Rts/hour => Exposure – 465K/hour)
#FakeNews (192twats -- 508 Rts/hour => Exposure 289K/hour )
#InternetBillOfRights (83twats-125 Rts/hour =>Exposure 192K/hour):
>So doing good, total daily Exposure to Qanon is 12 million on a BAD day.
Petition: 30K signatures. Does bad and slow. We probably all agree the text isn't that great and causes division. Revision needed
Q told us to push ###.
Let's do that.
tweetstorm [3] hashes starting NOON EST TODAY and KEEP going
Send at least 10 original twats per hour. Do some lurqing, send 10 more etc.
Use ANY MEME you want.
Aim at EVERY audience
Aim a few at large accounts (war room will give list)
this is the plan:
==>We all start at 12 noon ES TIME
==>[3] Hashes and TY @POTUS with MEME.
>==>Forget about the petition site, not important now.
Please reply to confirm you will join the tweetstorm today.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.799700>>800174
ANONS, pls come to my profile.
Copy down the instructions.
they are simple.
and start tweeting.
I will concentrate on RT your stuff untill i m free from twat jail.
At least I can reach my nearly 10k followers (I THINK????)
If not, I m just going to follow hundreds of new people. they will see my pinned tweet and know what to do.
▶ f945cb (29) No.800027
"Let's design a few graphs, see if we can do a huge push all together. yes we can add the ibor link, or not.
wud it be an idea to make an ibor meme collection on a subthread? just throw everything in there?
any suggestions, stuff?"
Whats cool is our method allows all these
ideas. We are only limited by hash and
However you want to do it, or whatever
appeals to your audience the most,
go for it, but just include the 3 hash and
I have a feeling it's important for us to finish
out this petition push. If we stop now, we will
wonder. If we meet defeat at the bitter end,
we will know for sure, but will sleep better.
Also, important for others to know, we see things
through to the end. Great job.
"we can do a huge push all together. "
round up the cats, lol.
This is a good idea. Organization always
a headache, but an organized effort would
be good. First efforts will be dis-
heartening, but soon regular helpers,
then results.
▶ f945cb (29) No.800045
12-5pm good eyes.
that is weird about #YTBattleRoyale.
again good eyes.
▶ f945cb (29) No.800067
We def don't want false data/info in our memes.
Can use questions, to avoid direct statements.
▶ f945cb (29) No.800128
lol 5 minute review, i call them, but ur prob
right, 1 minute.
Aye! But try keep tiny url for petition if you
would. I will be pushing that to the last day,
for my own peace of mind.
I would also start thinking about IBOR3.
Get it ready for submission,
release 1 day after deadline of current petition imo.
▶ f945cb (29) No.800162>>800583
ha these are so funny.
Bye Shillicia, lol
imo suggestion
I still say keep the petition.
What if your rally is super successful,
and miss all those possible signers,
because no petition link (tiny url)?
imo suggestion.
Otherwise I think this post is one of the
▶ f945cb (29) No.800174>>800539
This is a
"What to do if I'm shadowBanned"
instruction set.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.800539
"what to do when shadowbanned"
is: (pic related)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.800550
still shadowbanned. I will get em for this, FUCKERS
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.800583>>801121 >>801194
forget about the petition, at least for 24 hrs.
Just push the hashes. Let's both scream at general on every bread.
Herding Cats. Taming ants. keeping roaches away from a peanut butter sandwich.
we must let them know a few times each bread. LOL I get filtered a lot hahahaha
Let's use this stunning meme in all our calls to arms so it looks consistent.
▶ f945cb (29) No.801121>>801507
> LOL I get filtered a lot hahahaha
really? lol good job, not giving up.
I will be in and out today, unfortunately,
things happening, need get done,
so my support will be limited today.
Ppl help Eurt inform gen and get hash out.
▶ f945cb (29) No.801131
whoa pretty good against fakenews and AC.
I will twt 2 out for sure. TY.
▶ f945cb (29) No.801147
▶ f945cb (29) No.801166
▶ f945cb (29) No.801194>>801512
I posted for some help with our hash in gen.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.801507
thanks… back to the tweet wars.
93,999 with 18 twats.
FUCK TWATTER. shadowbanned or not.
Gonna twat up a storm again. I hv enough followers to get the word out.
I can also follow every new follower. once they spot my pinned twat, they know what 2 do
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.801512
seen that, thank you. keep at it if USALL have
the time…
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.801518
Remember: ANY meme you like
just throw the [3] on there and TY @POTUS
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.801530
still shadow banned btw
can any one twat @twatsupport and ask to unshadow ban me? i cant reach the fuckers.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.802243>>804330
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.804330>>808724
nice job, nice graph.
notice how qanon and fakenews are closer
than ibor?
imo i think it's as simple as how long
#InterentBillofRights is, lol.
Of course cut pasta, but still another reason
why ppl don't care for it.
I would wager that a shorter hash will always
beat a longer hash if they are similar.
On the other hand, it shows who is dedicated.
the ones doing 750 per hour are dedicated.
The rest of the 2600 is general and their follower
plus 750 from us.
So they are doing 1850 an hour.
hash #IBOR doing 250 so both ibor hash
together doing 1000 per hour at peak.
That's our number.
Only way to increase, is through more
▶ 5bb831 (3) No.804858>>806625 >>808645
Hey anons I have a comprehensive plan that I think would be really effective. A plan that will build credibility and support in a methodical way. It doesn't require anything special, it's a plan that everyone I've shared with felt strongly about and unfortunately the group that I'm in one of the people that is a moderator, for whatever reason sort of Rock the Boat. Alot of untimely things happened let's just say that. But this may be a good thing because the admin on that board suggested I come here and you guys have the numbers and you probably realize this but you have the respect as well. I would love to share this idea with you guys if you're interested and perhaps together we can make it even better.
▶ c2ede0 (6) No.805783>>806535
posted what i could, and got the gab war room to post, like, repost, what we were doing.
Not sure if it made any difference, but the momentum picked up for a bit.
hope it helped in some small way. :o)
i made a few new email accounts on my server, and signed like 5 times yesterday.
▶ c0b23a (1) No.806209>>806582
The memes are great, hashtag great. However we all need to include the damn link so people can find it. https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.806535
good job.
" signed like "
imo lets win it fair and square.
Nothing can stop the united good people.
other than that, thank you good anon,
bottom heart, getting gab to do what we do,
is a great feat, ppl may not know significance,
but huge, according to the math.
Put your cape on anon, tonight you are a hero,
in my eyes, like some before you.
Keep gab going, study Eurt tactics, or nameless.
If you see something good on twt, transfer
over to gab, and other way also.
Build an audience, respect your audience,
cater to them, ask them, care for them,
People will gather if they can trust you.
Think both sides, sender, receiver.
What makes receiver happy? What makes
receiver not want to RT? When it catches,
info spreads quickly, and ppl changed forever.
Once out of matrix, can't go back.
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.806582
Some have been including it,
many have not.
Some are only following some of the steps,
and we are thankful for that.
If more follow orders exactly,
graph forced to rise.
We can only remind over and over.
However, Eurt says for get the petition link
for 24 hours today. lol. Your timing is
excellent, lol
Not sure why no petition link today, but i
guess not to big a deal.
so right now, orders just 3 hash.
▶ 1a1e99 (8) No.806625>>808645
can you u fit it in
▶ 8e6960 (1) No.807269>>809687
freshest computations from the Analog/Virtual Quantum Hybrid chilling on the coffee table.
Blessings to all anons.
I Am
We Are
Creating Special Effects to Reflect
The Synergies of Synarchy
Yeah, Thats True Reign through True Strength & Peace.
The Opposite of Anarchy.
Reality is already Chaos, so tell me
Why should our rebellion lead us more lost?
True Order IS True Rebellion.
And its So Fulfillin' when its with a Soulful Fillin'
of this Light that shines bright from the old skool within.
Peace, Literally.
▶ 36e5f1 (1) No.808001
We THE People, assembled, redress grievances against the de facto corporations masquerading as lawful governance.
See amended article titled:
http:// nesaranews.blogspot.com
▶ 5bb831 (3) No.808645>>808732 >>808781
A movement behind
A weekly hashtag event
Covered by the Press
That's my best off the cuff haiku.
Basically the plan would be we choose a hashtag on Monday based off the news cycle. In a meeting that we'd have that afternoon. Afterwards we would storm all of the Allied and neutral media sources and YouTube channels and Facebook groups and Twitter accounts to let them know of the incoming storm on Wednesday. Tuesday we push the message and so would our allies. Wednesday starting at Tuesday midnight with everybody on the same platform to maximize our numbers in a format that is recognized world wide and easily tallied, we tweet a couple of hashtags. All hashtag should be focused at the same Target/issue and include one other hashtag which is the unifying tag. I have created a Twitter acct for that tag,@The_Rain_Makers, Wednesday afternoon late Wednesday it will become a news piece, Thursday and Friday the target will be in the headlines for debate and the world would KNOW that next Wednesday would be another storm. Every Wednesday, a Relentless storm that keeps delivering larger and larger red pills and recruiting people to join the fight. Over a couple weeks time I think the news would be forced to cover it and people would be talking about it at the water cooler and at the dinner table. We would be building an army that would be at the whim of Q. Instead of just us woke fuckers doing all the heavy lifting we would instantly be recruitting a team of people who are waking and helping.
Gotta get back to work, let me know if yoi wanna hear more.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.808724>>811049
Good morning anons hope you slept well.
General analysis of yesterdays results for USALL to study and understand.
1st: number for petition
Remember: Most of all totally ignored the link.
So how much did IBOR2 rise?
18,37 hrs-- 29,870
21:18 hrs -- 29,911 +41
14:38 hrs -- 30,152 +141
12:37 hrs-- 30,343 + 191
Add link or no link: no significant change.
petition site signatures r probably FAKE.
>why #QAnon & #FakeNews higher than #InternetBillOfRights
1) misspelling accounts for 50 tweets an hour (internetbillSofrights)
2) at 5 pm 250 tweets/hour using #IBOR hash
Neither of which we can change. ppl make mistakes or go their own way.
Analyses of personal tweet performances (eventhough shadowbanned)
#Qanon Iam An0nym0us @We_R_an0nym0us
#chemtrails ARE #FakeNews !!
#QAnon #InternetBillOfRights pic.twitter.com/qT03TmZdGp
=> 3200 views, 290 RTs/Likes.
Tweet pinned to profile for 2/3 days:
#Qanon Iam An0nym0us @We_R_an0nym0us
#QAnon news
This was just posted on 8….
#FakeNews #InternetBillOfRights
pls after reading: sign the petition?
https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-2 …
TY @POTUS pic.twitter.com/Rz56L5aLtz
38,000 views and 923 clicks on IBOR link.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.808732
Hi Dough, gimme a min to read thru your idea.
pls read my in dept analyses of yesterdays twat storm. Keep in mind that the long term part of the graph always lags (half) a day behind.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.808781>>808851
I'm not gonna say "I like it but…". I hate it when ppl do that to me.
making a battleplan is a great idea.
Here are the problems that have to be taken into SERIOUS account:
* ) anons in general R brilliant autists. It's like herding cats trying to get them to stick to WHATEVER battle plan you design. They will not run in the same direction, no matter what you do. Not even free porn4life will convince them. LOL. So in any plan, this needs 2b dealt with as a fact and not an obstacle. BattlePlans must b adapted to Brilliant AUtism and not the other way around.
*) I like building an army. Again, take into consideration that many ppl mean well and want to help, but are stupid. People keep making typo's in the hashes, ppl keep hitting RT on a tweet from someone telling them I AM SHADOW BANNED, PLEASE SEND YOUR OWN TWEETS. Again, a battleplan must be adapted to the general public meaning well and only have a short attention span or limited amount of interest.
*) Hashtags are a strange thing: some prove to be invincible against ALL odds and stay alive forever. Others… just never work. We did extensive research on that. [3] hashtags work good. We did not find convincing scientific correlation between which number of hashes and the max effectiveness of tweets.
- controlling that narrative is our ultimate goal. we agree on that.
- I found out last night that War room is being watched by "clowns" or whatever they are. As soon as the tweetstorm started, I got slapped with a shadow ban. This means, that any plans developed here, must have an "natural adaptivity" to them.
==>If planning is too strict, key links will simply be shut down.
▶ 5bb831 (3) No.808851
Engaged, work is tricky, accept your assessment of reality, more to add, will review your comments tweak my complete plan and add more detail with my vision, always open to improvement. We may need a more secure forum to avoid clowns.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.808858>>808876 >>808920 >>816590
(…..) cont.
having said all that, taken into account what we've been doing/analysing here, this is the plan I am proposing:
Goal: great awakening of large audience.
Method: Q-method (Socratic): ASK QUESTIONS.
Test yesterday proved that BEST twats have:
- ONE (red pill) question.
- Same [3] hashes [4] if you REALLY want to add 1 extra
- ANY meme or giffy
- link to vid
NOTE: Red Pills can b applied on anything, just as long as it's with a General Question and pix as proof
NOTE2: We need a supply of approved MEMES that we stick in a MEGAUPLOAD FILE somewhere for the normies to use.
Since it's VERY EASY for sliders and clowns to start throwing in Aliens, God and Flat Earth, I suggest War Room approves the memes we throw into the collection.
Note 3: The clowns on general r throwing FAKE STUFF on the threads. We can not add unverified Red Pills to the collection.
Note 4: PPL need to hear how GREAT we are doing. MSM is just an illusion. We are LEGION. ppl must feel great. When making twat texts, keep in mind to put emphasis on WE ARE WINNING!
positive exposure versus negative desperation. That will REALLY scare the SHIT out of the cabal. #WeKnow….. LOL or #Soon. Nice 4th hashes to add to your twt.
Every day at noon, tweet storm starts. We follow the same guidelines and use same [3] hashes, but are fully free in our expression and emphasis.
Goal is for others to become their own rain making facility.
I can make simple instruction vid to add to pinned meme so normies understand what to do.
We need to start red pilling. We have more than we know. THe stage has been set and our audience awaits. We have practiced enough. Time for #TheGreatAwakening.
what say ye, anons?
ps: Clowns and sliders, we spotted and ignored you. FUCK OFF.
▶ c2ede0 (6) No.808876>>808922
gabAnon, i'm in…
anything to help
plan sounds good so far nothing to add…
standing by for instructions….
▶ c2ede0 (6) No.808920
have passed this along to gab warroom as well, have a few interested, and awaiting instructions for adjusted fire
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.808922>>808935
thx. how'd u go about making a meme vault with red pill memes for normies??
megaupload or something?
▶ c2ede0 (6) No.808935>>808961
i blased that last mega upload out to the warroom on gab, and everyone seemed to be able to figure it out, and get them all. i think that is probably the easiest way.
Or make a new board for our verified memes on here, and give that link out? not sure about this, just throwing it out there
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.808961>>808968 >>809040
perhaps for speed and freedom and avoid micromanagement, we shud choose for pointing to the mega upload file.
→ any things on the general strategy idea for tweetstorm that I need to rethink?
Kinda need to make a text for the vid to get the show on the road.
▶ c2ede0 (6) No.808968>>809158
sorry mate i have to step away for moment, i'll try to write somethng up and post back here when i'm next to a puter
▶ c2ede0 (6) No.809040>>809158
gabAnon phone fagging.
my only concern is how do we get meme ammo together everyday for battle.
do we need to make a new mega everyday? might get confusing
i am also “patchAnon” and can help making memes but i need ideas, not that good at conecting all the dots.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.809158>>814309
and >>808968
Just spoke to general.
THeir advice is just to point normies/everyone to MEGAUPLOAD with all the memes we have.
They can pick anything they like there.
Simple and versatile. Guess I'm willing to go with that (saves a lot of work)
how bout you anons?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.809526
Today at noon EST (Less than 1 hour from now)
Q told us to push ###.
Let's do that.
tweet storm [3] hashes
* Send at 10 original twats per hour, for as long as you can.
* Use ANY MEME you want.
* Aim at EVERY audience
* SHORT tweets with just 1 QUESTION, a red pill-ish meme and 3 ## + TY @POTUS do FAN-TAS-TIC and get enormous RTing!
Normies LOVE that.
please always use the [3] hashes and add [1] more of your own liking if you want to, but dont overdo it.
It's the QUESTION that lures your audience in.
==>JUST KEEP TWEETING, steady pace,
Baker pls add to dough
(replace previous War Room post with this)
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.809687
dam that's a good one. esp the coffee and
old shool within.
aww now I want some coffee, lol
Thank you for words, they will motivate me
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.811049>>811076
very good analysis.
reasoning behind ideas,
where it is difficult to see
a flaw in your thinking.
When more understand this,
will see improved graphs.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.811076>>811481
"When more understand this,"
this = to Eurt work, when more understand
those graphic and explanations, and what it
means for us, graphs will improve.
It probably seems obvious to Eurt, but think of
a person seeing it for 1st time.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.811277>>811503
What is being done right now between you all,
that is what will make the change,
improve the graph.
Simple as working together.
The plan may fail,
people may get confused,
things might turn into a shitshow.
People will call names,
people will call stupid,
people will be people.
imo fail at all of it,
and I would still be happy,
as long as we don't fail,
working together.
Ironically, you can't lose,
if enough work together.
Eurt keep it simple,
ppl listen,
follow main orders,
work together,
"The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end]."
The team has leveled up,
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.811481
am making instruction vid, combining info/questions for/from n00bs.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.811503
thanks, yes. simple. educate others. step by step.
we did great yesterday. we will work on it.
still shadow banned so cant do SO much, expect to be free soon.
finishing the small vid explaining twitter storm.
will b back when finished.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.811590
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.811872
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.812439
btw i m still shadow banned…. assholes
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.812550>>814309 >>814882
here's the vid.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=or-vOu6MoGQ&feature=youtu.be
Calling it a night now… late here.
Enjoy anons.
▶ 909352 (2) No.812910>>813040 >>813854 >>815555 >>818347
#IBOR was meant to fail. Don't know if Q was aware it would fail, or if deep state made it fail, but the online petition was intended to fail. And has failed before. We have to:
Get Organized
Fight Back
Not from our comfy chairs in front of our computer like a bunch of basement dwelling douche bags. On the fucking street. Wear your Guy mask if you must. Print the petition, stand in front of your Wal-Mart, your best buy, your grocery store. Tell anyone that passes the thought police want to control them. Tell them about the federal reserve stealing their identity, tell them about twatter storing their Dick pics. Tell them about Facebook profiling and sharing information with the government. Tell them about their phone being voluntarily tapped by Ok Google and Siri. Wake them up, make them physically sign the petition. Give them a brochure. Keep it on easily discussed topics for normies. Guide them down the rabbit hole in person. We have done all we can do here. It is time to hit the street. Where we go one, WE GO ALL! We need to create a place to donate to begin printing and distributing street signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts, flags, buttons, pens and pencils, brochures. They tried to fool us with 32K signatures. This is too big. That number is ridiculously fucking low, it is fake it is false it is bullshit. They may have intended to defeat us, discourage us, deflate us. Or Q may have intended to piss us off enough to get us off of our fat asses. Let's forget about crumbs for a short while, those among us capable unite and create a place for us all to contribute and finance the removal of this mission from Chan boards, dark web, and anonymous avenues.
It is time to move this from LARP and bring it to the real world.
My name is Lyoid Fussell. I am not afraid. I am no longer anonymous. Who will join me in this fight?
▶ 909352 (2) No.813040
32K SIGNATURES vs 200K MARCHING SHEEP - Financed by Soros, ignorant, blind. Let's remove our anonymity now, physically and in public present our message of truth. Reveal our true numbers. Is this what you want Q? Can you advise?
▶ 0ecc3c (6) No.813854>>814309 >>818397
https:// www.gofundme.com/we-are-the-storm
▶ 50fdad (2) No.814309
i salute you patriot, good luck, i've also posted this on the gab warroom. will advise here on anything new.
amazing vid eurt, have pass along to gab, will advise of new status, and sitrep.
roger that. skipper
▶ dd8856 (1) No.814882>>818398
>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=or-vOu6MoGQ&feature=youtu.be
Nice video, I like the angle changes,
and the message was very well said also.
Maybe we can get a tiny url for it?
Tweet the video link every so often to get
video out.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=or-vOu6MoGQ&feature=youtu.be
▶ 0ecc3c (6) No.815555>>818450
Q! I know you are live i just saw you post. Help me! Is this what you want!
>>812910 (You)
32K SIGNATURES vs 200K MARCHING SHEEP - Financed by Soros, ignorant, blind. Let's remove our anonymity now, physically and in public present our message of truth. Reveal our true numbers. Is this what you want Q? Can you advise?
▶ aff12d (5) No.816590>>818465 >>822005
For your consideration
1. Keep the meme wave going, constant barrage of info.
2. Weekly storm should be a separate attack, one day only
Our ultimate objective is the Great Awakening. The best way to achieve that would be by exposure to a group of normies, creating conversations about a single topic. The classic example is TV. That is our target. If we can find a way to get our message to be covered by TV we are winning and will be perceived that way. Our soldiers will receive the important feedback that drives their enthusiasm.
To get our message on TV, it would need to be loud enough and within the acceptable topics. Our message must therefore be very focused and not be objectionable to an audience. In order for our message to be focused it must be singular and in order for it to be loud enough it must happen at the same time in a condensed location, one that is easily tallied. (I get the banning thing, perhaps tags under the same topic that are different, simple as adding underscore etc.)
Therefore our message should be on a platform like Twitter, easily tallied, well known and accessible.
In order to get enough people to participate it would have to come from an authorized source calling for action. Anons, you are that source. You are well respected and admired for your hard work and connection to Q. If you ask the woke for help, they will come. There are many, all around the country who are ready to help but the mission needs to be someplace they can easily go. The task must be something they’re comfortable doing and the time requirement must be one they’re willing to accept.
▶ aff12d (5) No.816602>>818477
Here’s what I suggest
1. We need a team that is comprised of anons and people YOU respect to choose the hashtag for the week in a brief 15-30 minute meeting.
2. We hold the meeting on Mondays. I believe it may be preferable to utilize a voice form, I used Discord because we could share ideas quickly while viewing the same notes. On Monday a new news cycle begins and considering what the MSM are discussing is an important consideration for our target for two reasons A. It’s already in the public sphere for discussion B. We can change the message of THEIR story. We could also choose a different target, a small pill at first. An example would be fluoride or some other issue that is already out in the consciousness with easily found information. Something that when the conversations take place someone in their group can share some personal information like “I heard fluoride was toxic” or “I heard there’s no real benefit for fluoride”. And then normies could go easily find information to support their statements. This will begin our momentum, a small pill that is easily verified and already in the consciousness. As an example we create a storm that contains two or three hashtags that pertain to fluoride i.e. #FluorideIsToxic #BanFluoride. This singular focused target will have everyone talking about the exact same thing and we'll have the news outlets uncovering the same thing. We flood the market with one issue at a time, not scattered in different directions. I believe this will be absorbed better and will gain stronger credibility at a faster rate. This will result in a faster following. The next step would be getting normies to join the fight. By providing a simple location i.e. @The_Rain_Makers, people will have an easily accessible place to FOLLOW our movement. so I think we should include a consistant hashtag like #TheRainMakers .
3. After the Monday night meeting Anons disseminate the #s for the week to our allies.(with the backup tags and their plan in place) If it comes from the anons it will be supported. The allies include neutral and friendly outlets on TV, youtube, fb, gab, and twitter . TV can prepare their stories for Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Youtube/fb/ gab/twat groups can rally their members to join the fight. Give them the specific directions and let them know when to change the tags. These people are passionate about this stuff and just need a target to attack.
All effort should be pushed toward twitter to maximize our numbers. Unsure if the tallies cross platforms. Also a 2 minute video can be made to quickly and clearly explain to normies, here is how YOU can help, go here, sign in here, do this and don’t do that. We distribute that video to all the allies. I believe our numbers are cut in half by the barrier of people who have never been and aren’t sure how. We instantly improve that number.
4. Tuesday the allies, youtube/fb/gab/twat rally their troops to get involved. It will be much easier to get normies and regular woke fuckers to drop everything for one day a week and the impact will last Thursday and Friday in the media.
5. Wednesday ,starting Tuesday at midnight The Storm pounds the world for the next 24 hours.
6. Wednesday Thursday and Friday we watch who is pushing the message and add to our allies list, and start listening to the news for potential targets for the following week. The anticipation of the upcoming storm will hopefully generate it’s own momentum from week to week. When people aren’t talking about the latest drop we need them talking about the upcoming one. Also, It will be much easier to get people involved if they know when its coming .
It’s that easy.
Your role Anons 1. help choose a tag you support 2. Let our allies know the target, this needs to come from you 3. Join the fight any way you wish.
Revise as needed and let’s do this
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818347>>818507 >>821218
Hi Lyoid. I admire your spirit.
Need to catch up on all the news, will b back later.
made new vid yesterday, on how to twitter storm.
Format can easily be adapted to any text now that I've figured out most of the stuff.
it's HERE: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=or-vOu6MoGQ
will check back in here later. Welcome, Warrior. Be careful: protests on the streets is what the cabal is used to. Exposing them through red pills, that is something they HATE and can not stopped once we are organized.
(shadow) ban doesn't work once we get all the QAnon followers to realize that EACH OF THEM is responsible for tweeting (and other platforms) out the message.
THe newbies dont understand (yet). they need to be tought this, over and over. Until they each know what to do and stand up and use any platform to pump out the message.
I know this platform is being watched. Got slapped with my 5th shadowban as soon as we decided on this course, 2 days ago. still shadow banned, so I KNOW we are over the target.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818397>>818459
Buying add space on #FakeNews wud b nice. also: ppl need to give their real name and info. Isn't there something like a throw-away Debit card ppl could use to donate Anonymously?
Just some thoughts//
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818398>>821239
dont know how 2 do a tiny url.. LOL will look into it. good tips, thanks
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818450>>821359 >>832150
quads for great spirit.
we are protected in here. The stage is being set.
Our true numbers can b found by tracking the number of #QAnon exposure over time on Ritetag etc. or do searches.
I think we need to start dropping TRUTHBOMBS on all channel. Small ones, with sauce. Ask a Q-uestion. check out my twat feed we_r_an0nym0us (0=zero) for examples.
We are already scaring the SHIT out of the cabel… they already lost. Just look at it ..
look at noon:
50 people twatting 10 twats/hour.
See how EASY it is, to make this ENORMOUS?? Geotus has 40 million followers… imagine that… LOL
Also: English language isn't the only language talking about #QAnon.
french and spanish, dutch, swedish, russian: its everywhere….
We just need a small group telling all other to join in the SAME PUSH every day at NOON.
We have 50 who are doing it. Lets make that MOAR!
▶ 0ecc3c (6) No.818459
That's how I made first donation
I used my real name to avoid any potential appearance of shenanigans, but I used a one vanilla MasterCard from walmart.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818465>>821359
Organization is NOT ready,pls re-read my posts of today. Tweet army starting at noon is 50 ppl.
Teach, increase, get others on board. They don't know their own strength. They must learn this first. Right now, a few key chains shadow banned kill the effort. Once others do their [10] unique/hour, we can reach to the stars.
Appreciate your energy. like that. a lot.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818477>>822005
like it all, but we NEED to make growing our [50] base, RIGHT NOW.
This is our top priority. explain AT LENGTH and get ppl on board who understand that they form part of a CHAIN that can not be broken as long as every chackle does its own duty
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818479>>821359
stunning, anon.
Q: how many unique twats did you send frm 12 noon EST yesterday?
▶ 0ecc3c (6) No.818507>>818651 >>821359
I am not a warrior. I am just tired of fighting from the shadows. I don't want any recognition. I just know someone had to take the first step. I know I have put myself in danger. I have prayed on it, meditated on it. I asked my God what he wanted me to do. I was not spoken to or anything like that. But I had a clear vision. There were millions of us. Funded by ourselves. Marching on Washington. Wearing our masks toward the Washington monument. We gathered peacefully. The Marines surrounded us, but not to fight us to protect us. POTUS came to speak to us knowing we were looking for truth. He said "You Are The Storm". And we all removed our masks. It was like a dream only I was awake. I truly believe this is my part to Spark the fire. If we reach the goal, I will be certain.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.818651>>821359 >>824528
don't worry about "being watched".
Fuck the clowns. They know who I am.
I don't give a FUCK…
I watched V for Vendetta too many times, :-) love the truth in it. It's us. nothing can beat us. we can drown them in our urine.
I m just an anonymous lady, but together, we are invincible. No need for marches. We have already won. Our MINDS is what is important.
▶ 0ecc3c (6) No.819945>>820019 >>821359 >>821833
Has anyone considered posting messages directly too these people (linkatbottom)adding as @whichever one. What do you think about this petition? Or something to that nature. Looking to be one of the sheep seeking advice. But being a Qanon in sheep's clothing. May have been suggested already. Leave out our normal tags, go covert. Fool sheep in to signing using the Cabals tricks ourselves. We have to change tactics. Still not at 32k even.
http:// time.com/4591951/top-twitter-celebrities-2016/
▶ 0ecc3c (6) No.820019
Here is my point. The seal team patch Q posted. Seals move covertly, they take covert action. To this point we have been anonymous. And anonymous was one, and that was the cover. Now when we Twitter storm and fly around posting the same hashtags over and over monies rule us out as crazy, fringe, bots. A covert way would be to infiltrate their altars, stand amongst them and ask for guidance from their false God's. And secretly only listen to our truth. Not because we are scared to be associated with the truth, but because the Cabal has quickly trained the. To dismiss us when they recognize us.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.821218
>once we get all the QAnon followers to realize that EACH OF THEM is responsible for tweeting (and other platforms) out the message.
>THe newbies dont understand (yet). they need to be tought this, over and over. Until they each know what to do and stand up and use any platform to pump out the message.
This would be ultimate success,
getting so many posting truth.
Impossible to ignore.
Good thinking.
Good aim.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.821239
>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=or-vOu6MoGQ&feature=youtu.be
twted jus now again, also yesterday. I
shoulda twted it more, forgot, argh.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.821359>>821842
>50 people twatting 10 twats/hour.
>See how EASY it is, to make this ENORMOUS??
Eyes to SEE.
"SAME PUSH every day at NOON."
Good plan, you and the other person, who
mention starting noon.
"Organization is NOT ready"
unfortunately not,
however, this is the closest we have ever come.
"Q: how many unique twats did you send frm 12 noon EST yesterday?"
Lol i recognize this strategy, lol
whoa, kinda gave me chills. That's a good
dream, a good sign.
" we can drown them in our urine."
Your writing both…
" Qanon in sheep's clothing"
first i heard of it, nice idea. I will try it on twtr.
We thought/tried for some celebrities,
but no joy yet.
" Still not at 32k even."
keep in mind, Qleft a hash not a petition.
If we succeed petition, great success for us.
If we fail, we gain practice, we pushed
hash all along the way, so either way, winwin.
▶ f5d7ef (22) No.821428>>821879 >>822107
" posting the same hashtags over and over "
if we switch hash all the time, can't measure
without measure, blind.
So same hash has more benefits, than any
Also ALL use same hash makes the graph
soar, that's what power pays attention to,
when graphs soar in their favor or against
Also badguys trained them to not trust us.
We make it easy for them, with racism,
disrespect, cursing, hateful words, etc.
Trick is to have ppl come to trust us.
Become someone ppl can trust and point to
and say that person want to help, no doubt,
and I trust them. Once gain trust, work hard
not to lose trust.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.821833>>824528 >>832150
>>819945 (and others)
Anyone NRA will RT and follow etc. I agree with several others: petition is artificially throttled. Mainly: to demotivate us.
I think we need to put ALL our efforts in trying to rally as many ppl as posssible, both on here as on discord and on the comments of the various Q vids on yt and others.
We need to organize. Every 1 single person interested in QAnon must at least spend 1 hour a day, sending [10] and RT some of the others who send [10] . we have a vid, we can make a few memes/graphs to explain this, over and over and over and over again.
- start to get our stories str8 in war room.
- once we all understand (that can b done fassssst) on war room:
- we go to general, and start convincing all of them (how many did YOU send today?)
- when we go to general, we can also flock to the other platforms. Graphs explaining the concept (and we have the vid) will be best. Drop them, ask ppl. point them to it.
Think about it: if they all pick 1 hour a day (at noon or later): post [10], RT a few… it will be ENORMOUS.
numbers don't lie: the average is currently
7200 unique tweets a day. (#QAnon)
6400 (#FakeNews) and 2100 (internetBillOfRights).
Do the math: when [10] that is
QAnon 720 1 timers or 30 tweeting all day
FakeNews 640 1 hr tweeters of 27 tweeting all day
InternetBillOfRights 210 ppl a DAY who do 1 hour or 9 ppl tweetingt all day long
That's kinda pathetic, RIGHT???
Let's all make a few memes/graphs to push the same narative, and (sorry) forget about the fucking petition. it's rigged. Maybe Q team rigged it, to get us to put our heads together and come up with a better plan.
==anons, pls take a fake name for on this board, so that we can recognize eachother and name the platforms you like to concentrate on. So that we can spread the tasks/workload amongst us.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.821842
agree with you, as usual!
great thoughts
▶ b2a44c (1) No.821843
Need discord meme help.
Witnessed and agreed
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.821879>>832150
the Q-uestion tweets do GREAT.
and besides the [3] hashes, everyone can add something else. just always use [3].
▶ aff12d (5) No.822005>>822353 >>822955 >>824640
We have a lot more support than you realize. You are in your bubble and I in mine. There are many.
I will unite.
I need from anons
1. better understanding of twat(I get the jist but would like to be best informed on all specifics to produce strongest plan)
a. what specifically is shadow ban, duration, how do you know, how 2 avoid?
b. matrix of effectiveness, what is the strongest impact and how does that compare with message vs RT vs <3 vs share?
c. #Release… was awesome. why? what made it so? most I know were RT everything and just adding pasted tags. 1,000,000 tweets. This is our benchmark and I believe easily attainable.
2. whatever ally contact info you have, that you want me to deal with outside of your normal comms. I already have a long list.
3.Permission to act as liason to comm with all potential allies. (pertaining to this mission exclusively and will submit all comms for approval b4 transmission if you prefer) . I need to be able to approach them with credibility. My first comm would be to ask for their support of a weekly anon twitter storm, second comm - detailed outline of the plan I mentioned >>816590
4. Any necessary adjustments to plan so far. I will finalize with you (anons) before transmission
yo uca nfin dm eQTT, encouraged if better in any way or another format. up to you but I feel like I'm standing outside with my pants off. I'm proud of what I've got but not sure I want all to see
▶ aff12d (5) No.822107
winning strategy, anons think BIG
▶ d6b398 (1) No.822317
Looking into this but can anyone else confirm this about Emma Gonzalezs parents?
https:// jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/03/operation-hoggwash-strange-case-of.html
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.822353
do you have discord app? so that I can explain through talk chat?
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.822406
Notification for this ID.
this is the war room. Digging and discussing results: go to war room.
We are watching you for possible sliding.
War Room fags:
- are battling information war
either join us and follow orders or GTFOH.
you may mean well, too bad, you;re in the wrong place.
NOTE for posting on general: dont ask ppl to dig FOR you. do your own digging and post what you find.
war room comms out
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.822955>>823288 >>831600 >>832150
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBDYYGER5iM (beginners twitter guide)
1a) shadow ban (watch my vid… LOL it explains what it is). A shadow ban is what twt throws around a person they want to shut up. Condonne Sanitaire in french. A kill box, o mute box. You can check if u r shadow banned here
http:// shadowban.de/tester/
Usually, u r shadow banned for 24 hrs. I've been in the kill box now for 2 days, and this is my 5th time. LOL.. Clowns must b afraid of me.
You get a shadow ban "IF TWITTER THINKS YOU ARE A ROBOT" (official explanation). twit staff see everyone that is not hard lefty as a possible bot. (check videos of Project veritas who show hidden camera twitter employees explaining).
Once you have a shadow ban, you can only reach your followers. other ppl can NOT SEE your tweets. If u are not paying attention to it, you do not know you are shadow banned.
I know that I usually have 200-300K impressions per day for only a few tweets. When I am shadow banned, this drops to 20K.
What shadow banning does, is cut links in a network of ppl talking about the same topic.
As "the Deepstate" is in here spying on 8chan (FUCK YOU CLOWNS!! I DONT CARE) ,once they find out who someone in here is, they can target this person, and get their connections to the others cut. They can also BAN you for a week or longer, or delete your entire account entirely.
Youtube and facebook (and google) have similar tactics in controlling the amount and content of information you get to see when you use FB.Google, TW or YT.
That s why:
YOU SHOULD NEVER SEARCH WITH GOOGLE but use duckduck.go instead and
back to twitter:
If we want to build a VAST network to spread our news thru, we need more "HUBS" that send out stuff and RT content from others.
I've seen days of 30 or 50 million impressions of a hashtag, even topping 100 million. This can easily be done. BUT… the trick is that twt can throttle us when they put certain links of the chain in a isolation chamber.
That's why the best and fastest way to fix this is to educate your current followers and friends etc. that they EACH become their own tweetstorm, and make the effort to send [10] unique tweets/hour, even if they do it only ONE time a day. make sure those are great tweets, nice meme, message or red pill or link to great video or news article or whatever. [10] unique ones.
Copy and paste can't be used: if you C&P (almost) the same text a few times: instant shadow ban!
tweets must be unique and must be GOOD. also: all [3] hashtags in the tweet, and @potus or @realDonaldTrump at the bottom (never put an @at the start of a tweet).
you can add more hashtags, depending on what your tweet is about, but never more than [5] different ones. More hashtags will make twitter think you are spamming and your twee can get filtered as spam.
After this lengthy story, i hope you understand WHY it is so important to find people who join and send out [10] tweets/hour. and, of course, RT tweets of other ppl who are sending out [10] just hit RT!
1b) effectiveness: I cud get into a lengthy conversation, but dont hv the time for that. War Room researched quite a lot and knows by trial and error what is succesful. We also know that "whats trending" is for a large part as big fat a lie as everything on CNN… LOL (cont…)
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.823042>>823288 >>823938 >>832150
Effective twt:
- CONTENT must b interesting.
A tantalizing Question, [3] hashtags and a great pic or meme are perfect.
in Exposure, this was my most succesfull twat
It had 180K exposures.
#Qanon Iam An0nym0us @We_R_an0nym0us
these people trade in children. they're currency. horrors beyond imagination.
#QAnon #DOITQ pic.twitter.com/8nRRYMI1Vm
It had an interaction percentage of 3%. That's not that high. I had tweets with less views but interaction percentages of 9% which is absolutely fabulous.
So I found out that ==news flash== or breaking stuff (if it's not click bait) and Great Questions, with a nice pic as proof does wonders.
Now… enough talk… get yourself a twitter account. get ammunition from the meme supply, make 10 perfect tweets and dump em on the world. When you've done that, go RT some of the tweetstormers and follow a whole bunch of QAnon followers.
when you;re done, tweet to others, ask em to join in the fun.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.823057>>823580
none, if you have the time l82, pls keep an eye on the board and keep reminding general to join the daily storming at noon ? thankssssssssssssssssssssss
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.823095>>823580 >>832150
Todays graphs.. watch the peek around noon.
Not too bad. #GreatAwakening with or without push: here to stay. Threw #Treason in there too, just for fun. We've had fun with #Treason. It's always there, without any help at all. Soon we'll be needing Treason again! (but not now)
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.823288
This is good explanation and review of
what we have learned these past few months.
This is why we don't change tactics on
someone's 5 minute idea.
It took months to understand all this.
Those of you who are new, probably don't
understand this.
Don't worry, soon you will, with time.
For now 3 hash/1 petition.
It really is that simple.
Everything else will sort itself out.
You don't need to know all these graphs.
All you have to do is focus 3 hash/1petition.
10 per hour if possible,
earn trust,
spread information you learn,
be sure to include sauce, pics, vids, links.
Retweet others using 3hash/1petition.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.823580
▶ aff12d (5) No.823938>>825200
OK, help me understand how #ReleaseTheMemo hit 1,000,000 in 24 hours? That is what we have to do every week. Without TV coverage we never reach outside the current demo. We have to take the message to people outside social media. We need an opportunity to influence their thinking as well as there help.
I have discord
Also I see everyone here pushing #IBOR and I understand Q asked for it but half the truther community isn't supporting it. They believe we have a bill of rights and it should apply. AT&T blessing the idea definitely hurt it. I think you will need help from Trump to add something new to the concept.
▶ 58e2c2 (1) No.824528
to shut me up they gona have to bullet my brains fuck the cabal
avatarfag so u know who or what anon ur talking 2
like how I just did
take 1 pic or 2 and keep posting them with every post,,,,,,, well duh that's a great way to be recognized
▶ d17d71 (1) No.824640
Too Many Wanna-Bees Posting Fresh Q
Led to situation today
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.825200>>831289
" everyone here pushing #IBOR and I"
wrong, we are pushing
#InternetBillofRights perQ,
until we deicide different,
or until Qsays different.
Stop using #IBOR.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.825237>>832150
Before other steps taken,
must do these simple steps perfect.
If can't do simple steps,
how expect to do more steps.
▶ 74bac0 (13) No.825303>>831600 >>832419
Many of you are new around here.
We appreciate.
However, show that you can perform
main orders, before start giving ideas,
changing plans.
Show that you understand graphs,
show that you or on same page with us.
Show you can make perfect twts,
show you can find Eurt on twtr,
I see may good ideas and good intentions,
but not many showing they understand
not many doing the twtr work,
Do 2 weeks twtr work before you start
contributing ideas.
Be recognizable here before submitting
ideas, modifications, etc.
Otherwise how can we trust.
Otherwise how can you know these methods,
and improve them effectively.
▶ dcb335 (1) No.830210
>arrived from 4chan
>first…. THANKYOU for all the hard work you all have done so far.
>Upmost respect for all chansmen/women
>can smell the cabals fear and anxiety.
>PUSH THE TAGS and spread the links.
▶ 5095c3 (2) No.831289
Agreed, that was shorthand, didn't mean to confuse the issue
▶ 5095c3 (2) No.831600>>831997 >>832150 >>832595
I am not one of you. I come here with a different perspective. I come here with a very good vision that needs refining from technically knowledge people. I respect what you all are doing and I believe bye combining two different perspectives we will have a much successful mission. Q said he wants internet Bill of Rights, I don't believe that's not going to happen with the current information that is out there. I'm not trying to discourage you I'm hoping Q will realize the public needs more before they support it. but that is a completely different issue eurt says you have 50 people doing the noon storm everyday. I believe i can deliver 5000 maybe 10000. In 2 weeks maybe 100,000. There are millions of people that want to help and I will do that I will find them and get them on the same page. I am here 2 get the detailed specifics of what works and what leads to shadowban specifically so I can put a video together that is instructional and tells these people exactly what to do. I could do this on my own but with anons endorsement my results will be 400 times better maybe even a lot more than that. Q said to push #internet Bill of Rights, Q also said however to get organized, I believe that is easy with the right plan and using the right allies. I didnot come here to disrupt what youre doing and i would much rather discuss off this board. THEY know who I am. Look at my fb I watch 10+ videos a day and share them all over depending on the size of the pill. I have gone to gun shows set up a booth and talk to over 100 strangers about Q, and what is going on, handed out literature and suggested many youtube channels ti help them find more info. I have been on twitter twice, #FAKENEWSAWARDS #RELEASETHEMEMO, hundreds of tweets, got blocked, created new email with different computers. I know we are all making sacrifices, and have nothing but love for anons, you have been the only real supports (as a group) that I am aware of. I understand I need to earn your respect and wish I had time. Meanwhile, the enemy is at the gates and we don't even have our army ready.
I dont need to know how to read charts, (I do) because I'm trying to assemble a machine. Doing so by hiring the ppl. Working together we can make a bigger impact, than separately. I have many ideas that are worth examination. This is not the place but this is all i know to reach you.
Where we go one…
▶ 223362 (14) No.831997
Once, way back,
we tried a complicated plan,
we tried set times and dates,
we tried to gather a group,
we tried many things,
and failed.
We stuck with what works,
what is measurable.
Trust me when I say,
if you posted this plan on general,
support would be limited, very.
Soon u would be filtered.
The key imo is simplicity.
Make it simple.
Tell us a piece of the plan, if its good we blend
it in or tell you why that won't work and decide
not to.
All the work you did, more than most,
and we are lucky to have you.
"I dont need to know how to read charts,"
yes you do need to know how.
If your "machine" is too different from ours,
or you cannot adapt to our methods,
then I'm sorry, I'm afraid we cannot support.
" Q said he wants internet Bill of Rights,"
Again Qdid not say he wants an InternetBillofRights, he only showed us a hash
of #Inter…. . To me that means push hash
#Internet… . Why do you think?
"anons endorsement "
hmm I think we can go about this a different
Keep the plans separate for now,
we can endorse your plan on platforms.
If you have great success, and plan is sound
after trial testing and good results, we can
talk about switching over to your plan.
" the enemy is at the gates "
what does Qsay?
"We are _ _ " march 10.
They are not at our gate, we are already
at theirs, so don't get scared, instead rejoice,
share the good news. Keep working steady.
Don't scare others. Show them the post I
showed you (3/10).
"Working together "
we are doing that here already.
Eurt says 50, but thats 50 plus our
followers, and I don't know about others,
but I got some loyal people I am thankful for.
Eurt has over 7,000+ so 50 is just the main
workers, w followers, number is much larger.
" I have many ideas that are worth examination."
Stay humble, ever1 has ideas worth exam.
The trick is to get them to follow your lead,
and people learn not to follow leaders that
use the word I.
▶ a34249 (6) No.832024
why isn't this board on the homepage yet?
▶ 223362 (14) No.832150>>832178
▶ 223362 (14) No.832178
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.832419>>832430 >>832892
well spoken none!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.832430>>832547
THIS is found on General. DO NOT FIRE THIS.
Was wondering who the HELL made that????
Anyone in here know>???
▶ 223362 (14) No.832547>>832624 >>832631
don't know who made that.
woulda been perfect if they used our hash, lol.
I posted some simple directions asking
for help daily at noon yesterday.
Then you find this, hmm interesting.
It looks like our method, but why would they
not join us/ ask us for support, hmm
Hash seems ok, plan seems ok. idea
seems well intentioned, jus weird they
didn't run through us. We with the org idea.
That's the disrespectful part, the part that
makes me suspicious.
Maybe another group, or just 1. I guess
wish them luck. Had they come by for
discussion, I would suggest support them, but
pop up like that in general, makes me think
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.832595
we appreciate the help anon
1) IBOR: we push that hashtag untill the cows come home or: potus makes announcement on it or Q tells us we can stop. THat hashtag was a specific order by Q.
2) "public needs to realize more b4 they support it": TRUE. thats why we show all sorts of spying and data stealing in memes and tweets and point to "we need IBOR"
3) you bringing in 100K #QAnon posters within 2 weeks: GREAT. Just let's polish up the act before we get the show leveled up.(right none?)
4) Welcome to How to get shadow banned 101. Step into the classroom. My 3rd day in shadown ban now. (setting up back up account now) Pls watch my vid explaining some stuff. watch it as if total moron and come back with specific points that need to be clearified more (like the shadow bann thing).
Do your home work: watch the vid, take notes, and come back with serious remarks/questions. I can easily change the texts etc on the setting. all caracters are my creation and fully animated. Also have Monica Lewinski and can make others if needed.
LINK: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=or-vOu6MoGQ
5) u a vidfag? nice. pls send link. u & me both vid fags. wud love 2 see ur stuff.
6) love your creative efforts outside of this platform. this may b not the place for discussions, but it IS safe as in no one can ban us from here. we can keep talking. Other platforms (like discord) are clown infested in a bad way. BE CAREFUL when you are there. discord anons have 10 million ways to hack your computer and put a porn collection of their choice on ur machine.
GREAT idea to organize. NRA folks r the best ppl to tweet 2 btw. they understand what it means to have your rights being prayed upon.
pls invent some kinda anon name for yourself that u use in the war room (don't do it on general. it is strictly forbidden here).
pls let me know your points after watching the current tweetstorm instruction vid.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.832624
logic suggests:
a) a slider/clown trying a more intricate trick. they r getting smarter
b) someone walking over from discord or from sub reddit brought this because they invented it there.
c) someone well intending but slightly over inflated ego tried something rogue.
hoping that he/she walks in here and that we can combine forces.
▶ a34249 (6) No.832631>>832669 >>832690 >>832700 >>832712
fuck off. More people are trying to help you. this is the gift horse. Post or not. Why sap the energy out of people supporting your ideals? are you controlled sir?
>I would suggest support you, but to just pop up like that in the war room, makes me think twice.
you are actively eating your own hand here anon. more awareness is better even if it is led by shills, our memes are better and will win out, that simple.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.832669>>832970
you're kinda fiesty…. you also need new glasses.
War room liked the meme, we tried to find who made it and wanted the person to come and pow wow be part of the team…
▶ 223362 (14) No.832679>>832700
"you bringing in 100K #QAnon posters within 2 weeks: GREAT. Just let's polish up the act before we get the show leveled up.(right none?)"
that's a big goal 100k, to get it quickly is luck.
More likely will have to build it,
and it will take time. Polishing/planning
always leads to better results.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.832690
This is a war room.
we organize. If we find new possible weapons, we check the making, aim and capacity.
Q told us to organize. that's what we do. If you have connections to other platforms. it would be great to connect.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.832700>>832712
that >>832631 is kinda fiesty huh? :-)
▶ 223362 (14) No.832712>>832970
R u the creator of that meme?
You sure are defending it.
" this is the gift horse"
from your perspective.
imo from my pov this divides us further, hash
that we would count today will go elsewhere
because of this meme. Ppl will get confused,
which hash are they supposed to use.
If use all more than 5. Graphs will show this.
fiesty, lol To early in the day for F off, lol.
▶ 223362 (14) No.832770>>832970
" More people are trying to help you."
would have been more help to use our 3 main
"supporting your ideals"
they are well-intentioned, mayb.
but if they were really supporting, they would
use our hash, push petition, no?
"are you controlled sir?
Yea I'm controlled around here,
by main orders, which we come up with here.
after we discuss and decide what those
main orders are.
"actively eating your own hand"
no, trying to protect our plan, keep FocusFire.
" more awareness is better even if it is led by shills,"
so trust the shills?
"our memes are better"
not a contest, i don't care who will win out,
as long as we all win.
▶ 223362 (14) No.832892>>832970 >>833027
understand feisty and ALL,
expand your thinking,
We can still support Set the Stage for HRC vid
release and still use our hash.
Show some example twts, short1s,
that do both, if you understand how.
▶ a34249 (6) No.832970>>833027 >>833154
Who cares who made it. Look on twitter HRCVideo is first in autocomplete for HR**. Clearly its reaching people.
No I'm much better at graphic design. The hashes really don't matter and people are already very confused. Especially given the recent mass media attention on this group in particular. Time to spread our wings and roll that ball; use the hash the moves you. I have no desire to kneel to this organization or any other.
stop the butt-hurt over the hashes, it is inconsequential. HRCvideo is trending, message is disseminating. That's far more important than cohesion.
>trust shills
Trust no one. but allowing shills to dictate your actions (even in a reactive way) means they control you. If they are producing material and momentum that aligns with the broader ideals, who cares who is paying them.
"we all win"
my "meme's are better" remark was more a jab at the creative process. Look at corporate art, it sucks, why? because an artist can't produce their best works while being controlled. Fear and submission shut down the creative parts of the brain. Shills are controlled, therefore 'our' memes will always win out. People will recognize truth and ingenuity, even if only subconsciously. That is why the free will win out in the end.
they aren't exclusive, and don't worry yourselves if someone somewhere isn't conforming to /qresearch/ hash idioms. they are rather arbitrary after-all. Care that the movement is spreading outside these walls, that people are waking up. This is proof, your goals are being realized.
>show us your twitter
keep dreaming
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.833027>>833183
I'm making detailed graphs of what has been going on on twat… listen up young and energetic anon, your testosterone levels are high, nice but we need to use our brains too. >>832970
we're not stale in here. we're shrewd.
how do you think all that attention got here in the 1st place huh?
I m making a detailed graph with all the digits on the hashes. will be done in a bit. stick around and we can study & debate it together. you opinion is valued.. just tone down the ego a bit.. LOL War Room fags work hard, and have been since november…
hang on for the hashes breakdown. I'll throw in your into the mix, get the stats on that too. gimme 15 min… almost done
▶ 223362 (14) No.833154>>833183 >>833230
>show us your twitter
example twts, not your twter.
" Care that the movement is spreading outside these walls, that people are waking up. This is proof, your goals are being realized."
Exactly. This is our effort, to help movement,
waking up, goals. This is how we do it here
in this room, if you don't like, blessUrs, be
safe out there.
"therefore 'our' memes will always win out."
oh ours vs corp, yes, agreed, thought you
meant between the rooms. We support general. If they ever approach collectively,
we will be ready.
" shills to dictate your actions "
can't say we ever let a shill dictate our
actions around here, but they sure have
interrupted our progress and speed.
"producing material and momentum that aligns"
yeah if it aligns cool, if not oh well.
We are doing what we do, regardless.
"stop the butt-hurt over the hashes,"
you do not see the important of same
hash like we do, helps us measure and unite,
so imo hashes are very important. I would
almost say they are everything, when it comes
to what we are trying to do. Rembr
#ReleaseTheMemo. You should study the
numbers on that. Do you know them, do you
know how to find them?
" I have no desire to kneel to this organization or any other."
we don't ask you to kneel, we ask you
to help, simply by using 3 hashes, 5 max,
so 2 are your choice. Do it or don't, makes
no difference to me, but makes a difference
on the graphs.
"No I'm much better at graphic design. "
We could use your talent, yet to be seen.
" hashes really don't matter a"
agree to disagree, i have graphs to prove my
I could be twting, and not explaining what
has already been explained and decided
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.833165>>833396
stats for the hashes
Read em and smile!
▶ a34249 (6) No.833183>>833238 >>833270
not my hash but what ever. Just curious, like everyone here, how this whole thing is going to turn out
Never said stale, just implied overly protective. Its clearly working, we need more fuel not a dampening action.
You've seen my stuff here. going to bounce out; my presence is clearly having a sliding/distracting effect, not my intention.
Keep kneading bois
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.833230>>833313
>>833154 and our fiesty new friend>>
Remember "ReleaseTheMemo" ??
Highfive at (none >>833154)
New anon friend, we few had WW3 in here over the hash for Release The Memo.
SHILLS WENT CRAZY. we've silenced them all and got general all to go with "#ReleaseTheMemo" in stead of all kinds of different hashes. That hash had never trended, if war room hadnt fought a ROUGH battle in getting all the glorious anons to stick to the same hash.
Look, It's not about the hashes. it's about the GOAL: reaching millions.
There is method to our method and hashes change all the time.
Let's analyse the new graph together. Indeed, we need to set the stage for Q.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.833238>>833313
LOL your presence is appreciated. dont b butthurt. we're on the same team. Let's analyse the graph and talk about a course. That's what we;re here 4
▶ 223362 (14) No.833270>>833313
>show us your twitter
"Never said stale,"
never said show us your twitter, said "Show some example twts",
We can call make mistakes, me for sure.
" we need more fuel not a dampening action. "
what did you just do, if not a dampening
"You've seen my stuff here"
if I've seen yours, you've seen mine, and
you should know main orders.
" my presence is clearly having a
sliding/distracting effect"
maybe a little, but good discussion, helps
others make sense of our little room here.
Don't confuse general with war room,
general does the heavy lifting, building the
MAP, we do our best to spread word. We
measure our results, we try to find better
provable methods, we do not changes plans
daily or because of 1.
For real, blessUrs, I sense great potential in
you, but your philosophy will not allow you to
work with us, unfortunately.
▶ a34249 (6) No.833313>>833429
Coop what works, that's my thought on this. That's exactly how the same two parties have survived for centuries. They look, they see popularity, they co-opt the message to turn 'them' into 'us'. Those that attached themselves to the original message are now brought under the tent none the wiser of what actually just happened.
>your philosophy will not allow you to work with us, unfortunately.
exactly why I've just been drop[ing in now and then. You strive for order, I thrive in chaos; irreconcilable differences I'm afraid.
▶ 223362 (14) No.833374>>833429
"; irreconcilable differences I'm afraid."
Hope not. In this room order is in effect,
organization, as Qrequested.
Chaos will eventually eat you, so skirt the
edges wisely.
" drop[ing in now and then"
Why you don't understand clearly yet.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.833383>>833431
#Qanon: does great. always at least nice steady 550 unique tweets/hour and a HIGH RTnumber: 2K+ per hour. Ppl LOVE that hash.
#IBOR 500/hour peak is not bad. average of 79 with 146 RT cud b better and amazed that a whopping 21% starts to add a link to petition site when we told the anons never mind about the link..LOL 0-4% when we begged em to add one.
#FakeNews 1,405 peak with 267 average and 566 RTs means it's steady, good and trust worthy.
#Treason: currently SUCKS COCK. we've had fun with #Treason and we will soon have it again, just not now. stage not set for #Treason. Expecting this to change SOON.
#GreatAwakening 691 with 200/hour average is not bad. not fabulous either.
#LockHerUp: 196 peak is bad. ppl r not interested in that today. (this cud change FAST)
#Obamagate: better than LockHerUp 200-300 hr. not bad. too soon to go with this now.
HRCVideo NICE! came out of nothing. 2,700 peak means ppl are interested. Cant get long term stats yet.
wud be a GREAT add on to #FakeNews.
#Trump 567 with average of 1,254 RTs on a BAD day is the absolute motherload of course. 2 BILLION exposures on good days? WOW. Of course,,, this hash is used by friend and foe. Making it a nice Trojan horse.
Tweet Storm time:
3 pm (EASTERN) has ZERO tweets, no matter which hashtag I research. have been noticing that for several days, on all hashtags. Time of tweet storms have to be adapted. 9AM and 4 PM are the best times.
Just ONE hour of effort at 9AM and a bit of casual RTing
Than, 4 pm or later (what ever your possibilities are) a nice PUSH of [10] per hour as long as life allows you.
anons…. your opinions/remarks/complaints/Questions etc. on the info if you please…. floor is yours (baking new thread in background)
▶ 223362 (14) No.833396>>833439
nice graphic work for graphs,
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.833429>>833990
order out of chaos… LOL ordnung muss sein..
to quote a few.
"TRUST THE PLAN" to quote Q.
We like a good discussion here. Thank you for bringing the HRCVideo to our attention. War Room has learned to debate stuff, decide and call it. Q told us to organize. So we are organized.
pls study the stats and take his remarks and others into consideration. how/what cud we change?
go back to ice cream method (or other new graphic variation on that idea) ? was a good method to pick and choose and keep the cats herded.. LOL..
▶ 223362 (14) No.833431
excellent excellent report.
suggest using HRCVideo like trending hash,
until numbers subside.
"as long as life allows you."
funny, lol.
Good eyes on best time to twt storm 3
main hashes.
"baking new thread in background)"
Thank you, WRL2HU.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.833439>>833594
lol noticed the smiling arrows only when you mentioned it. Sometimes magic just happens…. We are in magical times and have magical companions in here…LOL
▶ 223362 (14) No.833594
agreed, you are right,
"We like a good discussion here. Thank you for bringing the HRCVideo to our attention. War Room has learned to debate stuff, decide and call it. Q told us to organize. So we are organized."
also agreed:
"have magical companions in here…"
I have some things to do, ibBackLater, TY ALL
for your hard work and ideas.
Much thanks to Eurt, the real glue in this rm,
and thanks to the contributors, even the ones
we disagree with, still they bring new ideas,
help us see new plans.
▶ a34249 (6) No.833990>>834205 >>834225
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>ordnung muss sein
lmao. must have it
> trending hash[es]
good idea right there. be formless, be shapeless. The stream wears down the rock. be water my friends.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.834154
Let's fill this crust first.
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.834205
very interesting. He was one of the intersting people i've ever seen.
water …. yes… watch the water…
pls repost your vid on the new bread.. i just archived this one and wudnt like to miss this post
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.834220
FIlling crust… please come to new bread!
Fresh start… new ideas.. new energy
COME! >>834140
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.834221
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.834225
You too, mysterious chaotic friend!
▶ 8ac2bd (239) No.834227