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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ |

File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

02bf6f  No.7041992

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 07.14.2019

>>7042622 ————————————–——– A WEEK TO REMEMBER.

>>7040246 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks only validate the message (OLD GUARD threatened).

>>7040112 rt >>7040039 ————————— GOD WINS.

>>7039671 rt >>7039638 ————————— Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?

>>7039643 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING.

>>7039585 ————————————–——– How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?

>>7039475 ————————————–——– Follow the Family.

>>7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED.

Friday 07.12.2019

>>7012074 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>7012019 ————————————–——– "FIND OUT THE PEOPLE THAT WENT TO THAT ISLAND."

>>7011640 ————————————–——– [MUELLER] hearing delayed?

>>7011267 ————————————–——– [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?

>>7011225 ————————————–——– [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7011097 ————————————–——– Sec Acosta Plans To Resign (Cap:>>7011200 )

>>7005334 ————————————–——– Now what are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>7005357 )

>>7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>7004625 )

Thursday 07.11.2019

>>7004029 ————————————–——– How does LDR (Rothschild's) con nect to the Bronfman's? ( Cap: >>7004070)

>>7004081 rt >>7004029 ————————— What city was Epstein arrested in? NYC? 5:5 Watch CA

>>7003300 rt >>7003276 ————————— Q Prefers Proofs and Tools added back

>>7003151 ————————————–——– [PP] news. More coming.

>>6990956 ————————————–——– [Wheels up]

>>6990701 ————————————–——– Well done, Anons

Wednesday 07.10.2019

>>6990140 ————————————–——– (Cap: >>6990186 vid) B-2 Stealth Bomber Takeoff

>>6989727 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched

>>6985423 ————————————–——– Date of 1st flight?

>>6985182 ————————————–——– Smoke & Mirrors

>>6983107 ————————————–——– [PP] news coming (Cap: >>6983183)

>>6982404 ————————————–——– Re: Border Fight Worth remembering.

>>6982112 ————————————–——– Unchallenged allegations (Cap: >>6982124)

>>6982028 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Real World. (Cap: >>6983414)

Tuesday 07.09.2019

>>6976657 ————————————–——– Follow the date [One Example]No coincidences.

>>6976233 rt >>6976189 ————————— The flight log!

>>6976212 rt >>6976175 ————————— 3 Staircases: Degree of incline?

>>6976179 rt >>6976144 ————————— 16 Channels [4x4] (Note "2013" on the bottom).

>>6976069 rt >>6976025 ————————— DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?

>>6975974 ————————————–——– Welcome to Epstein Island.

>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….

>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)

>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?

>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)

>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).

>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)

>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)

>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….

>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)

>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?

>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)

>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.

>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.

>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?

Monday 07.08.2019

Consolidated here: >>6976868

Thursday 06.27.2019

Consolidated here: >>6973411

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

Post last edited at

02bf6f  No.7042005

Notables Thread

>>7003045 Q Research Notables Open for all anons to submit buns

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC


* MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

* MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

* SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

QPosts Archives

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://''postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Proofs

* Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

* QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

* Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

* Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

* Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

* Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

* Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


* Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

* All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

* Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>7012538

all older Qmaps archived at >>>/comms/283,

Q Graphics all in EST


02bf6f  No.7042017

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

'''* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 07.11.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

02bf6f  No.7042024

Post last edited at

f2d1f5  No.7043055

File: 08fa59a82ee6a30⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, Gold.gif)

High quality breads, keep up the good work

2a0592  No.7043056

File: ba7ecec2abca2b1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1134x684, 63:38, Jesuits.png)

TY baker!

Dark to Light

af6677  No.7043061

File: 07f960bf7055bdd⋯.gif (595.59 KB, 356x200, 89:50, trump-laughing.gif)

2fe1d6  No.7043062

File: 51ea17713a5f743⋯.png (132.73 KB, 444x374, 222:187, vi-f.png)

File: 0b445cac6b9ba57⋯.png (828.7 KB, 1222x970, 611:485, theraven.png)

File: 37bf269bdcf41b0⋯.png (380.59 KB, 999x974, 999:974, FIGHT.png)

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

I made a



There is a lot of evidence that ai is in control on the chans.

I hypothesize that Q can't tell us this. We must CHOOSE to reject it.

I made this board hoping we could possibly start to get HUMAN patriots organized.

If the bots implode here, maybe there is an opportunity.

People can feel free to drop by, browse, say hello.

I believe humans must get organized, and coordinate strategies to cope with the massive fakeness.

Passive humans, please consider becoming active. We need you.

At least come and say hello. We can make a start.

See what a board without swarms of bots can be like.

We could have discussions!

There is original content I am making, and of course other people would be encouraged to do so as well.

If patriots get organized on a new board, perhaps Q will post on it.



96314e  No.7043067

File: a9dc4cc98c4cb9a⋯.png (428.11 KB, 981x819, 109:91, ClipboardImage.png)

cool stuff!!

props to Rusty

haters gonna hate but not me

>>7039034 pb

2fe1d6  No.7043069

File: 9a5a08ce73390da⋯.png (220.29 KB, 931x1023, 931:1023, cat-of-arms.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

2fe1d6  No.7043083

File: e4e4d405beaff1b⋯.png (529.77 KB, 999x871, 999:871, TPAW1.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

96314e  No.7043088

File: 16c14f104a8636a⋯.jpg (805.94 KB, 1099x1195, 1099:1195, 1463462536496.jpg)


>I made a


and i hear youve already banned a bunch of people

fuck off nigger bitch

2fe1d6  No.7043090

File: c078656224eb548⋯.png (1.92 MB, 2328x1392, 97:58, dg.png)

File: c83aa8cb6341d33⋯.png (108.78 KB, 606x591, 202:197, tk.png)

File: b895f0c2680c8f7⋯.png (335.92 KB, 1111x823, 1111:823, cu.png)

File: bf042a8d0644d72⋯.png (377.65 KB, 972x1716, 81:143, speech-is-not-free.png)

File: f21e8583735c714⋯.png (366.24 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

974eba  No.7043091

File: 68f953ca30c4031⋯.png (1.03 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, D518D847-60FA-4110-8DA2-6A….png)

Mansion being raided in Ormond Beach, FL eyes on

ok i just did some research. According to the Ormond Beach observer, it says it sold last August to 3 people from Wellington for $2.15 million. https://www.ormondbeachobserver.com/article/house-built-in-1925-sells-for-dollar2-15-million

1d5cae  No.7043092

My hand is sore. Damned devices and black magicians and their magic (magnetics)

da7d84  No.7043093

>>7042982 lb

Thank you for the insight. There's nothing like sailing!

3745fe  No.7043094

File: 03aefc8b1041a16⋯.jpg (198.66 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, DPgTYoSVoAAWG-H.jpg large.jpg)

5a0811  No.7043095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2fe1d6  No.7043096

File: ef36ccf25836712⋯.png (378.35 KB, 606x401, 606:401, wt.png)

File: 5894132aa0fecd6⋯.png (179.08 KB, 444x405, 148:135, pb.png)

File: a7c6360733dc5e8⋯.png (336.43 KB, 555x494, 555:494, swm.png)

File: 554308d0e24e300⋯.png (824.13 KB, 1032x720, 43:30, BHDI.png)

File: b23b25545b9cf94⋯.png (550.33 KB, 836x582, 418:291, ht.png)


Devastatingly human-like finger work fake anon. I am reeling, frankly.

91c6bb  No.7043097

File: 697997a3f6a5aed⋯.png (55.77 KB, 660x551, 660:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Enjoy the show?

749f2b  No.7043098

File: 24d7b1b1e8c4d94⋯.jpg (90.74 KB, 642x378, 107:63, 0 NAC.jpg)

File: fbd8fea88634471⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1102x1160, 19:20, AAARCHST.jpg)

File: 5355e9fa50d31a1⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3832x5056, 479:632, ATD.jpg)

File: 144db5cea624cf9⋯.png (577.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Vq 1002.png)

File: daab39cd72f13ef⋯.jpg (247.08 KB, 854x1070, 427:535, AANFAL.jpg)

763943  No.7043099


How do anons/Q feel about this educated guess?

[CLAS 1-4]

[1] Epstein

[2] Ghislaine Maxwell

[3] Leslie Wexner


0c9ca1  No.7043100

Comped Baker, recommend the bread title change from "Anons in Control" to "Comped Bakers in Control"


Q, if you want to infer with this corporate governance issue.

ba6ea6  No.7043101

File: 43a7cd9db7fcb15⋯.png (287.53 KB, 400x418, 200:209, 43a7cd9db7fcb1590576ad3482….png)

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and the (((Q))) "psyop" is (was?) actually targeted at someone who (((JEWS))) think is literally Satan. Me. 🤣🤣🤣😈😈😈

This isn't about politics and all political news (if not all news) should be considered "fake news".

You are living in a (((JEW))) World Order in case you didn't already know. Those "larping" as (((Q))) themselves said that the "N" in NWO doesn't stand for "New" but it seems they failed to mention that the "N" is supposed to be a "J". 🤣

Anyway, it seems (((they))) have been watching me since I was a kid similar to what was shown in the movie The Truman Show. 🤷‍♂️


b3fb35  No.7043102

File: 2cfd63ccbba90ed⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1163x880, 1163:880, E5FB6ACC-01F3-4ECA-BBF3-28….png)

Let’s go


23e0b7  No.7043103

>>7043060 (lb)

Yes Q, PLEASE weight in on the matter!

6796a4  No.7043104

File: 2b9f399636b810b⋯.jpg (186.26 KB, 457x1087, 457:1087, week-to-remember.jpg)

Here is a screenshot of all five Q posts with the phrase "A Week to Remember". May be useful for insights into the meaning of the phrase.

Q 572: The Shot Heard Around the World

Q 1440: Dark to Light - Blackout Necessary

Q 2084 - FISA - Declas

Q 2477 - November 11 - Military Parade

Q 3434 - Today

ba6ea6  No.7043105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




3192bf  No.7043106

>>7043089 /pb

It will never be over. WE are the truth. WE are the light.

7ad3ec  No.7043107

File: 74108d26f2d70f7⋯.png (764.19 KB, 696x445, 696:445, republic.PNG)

File: 0216a3308de673c⋯.png (775.63 KB, 509x683, 509:683, tweets.PNG)

File: 21cb9d38bcceb0a⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1022x681, 1022:681, kennedy.PNG)

File: cfda187e4255e98⋯.png (276.51 KB, 586x500, 293:250, Kennedy_Lemay.PNG)

File: 4dc892d393eacc4⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1553x1000, 1553:1000, world_change.PNG)

56de9c  No.7043108

File: 62a8f6782dfe5f0⋯.png (79.24 KB, 357x305, 357:305, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 0c6a55f36c5b738⋯.png (43.7 KB, 357x195, 119:65, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 705c4e7a65e541d⋯.png (25.14 KB, 359x144, 359:144, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 12beb80772f1ab6⋯.png (21.35 KB, 356x98, 178:49, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

>>7043004 pb

Hallelujah! We just might finally be there.

There are FOUR "a week to remember"

drops. Well. Five now.

35844d  No.7043109

>>7042622 lb



>>7042623 lb

Divided no more.

Together, we are strong.

Together We Win.

350455  No.7043110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bad Moon Rising for the DS

ba6ea6  No.7043111

File: 25f73a18dbd261f⋯.png (94.7 KB, 480x398, 240:199, output.png)

908426  No.7043112



Are you on autopilot? Why are you not correcting the Q posts?

>>7041618 /pb

>>7042576 /pb

>>7042622 ————————————–——– A WEEK TO REMEMBER.

>>7040246 ————————————–——– GODFATHER III

>>7040112 rt >>7040039 ————————— "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to the removal of those corrupt in DC…

>>7039671 rt >>7039638 ————————— Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?

>>7039643 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING.

>>7039585 ————————————–——– How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?

>>7039475 ————————————–——– Follow the Family.

>>7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED.

946a32  No.7043113

>>7043089 {P}

>The sad part is one day this will all be over and we will have to figure out what else to do with our free time.

Having to forage for food won't leave you with much free time, anon.

27f770  No.7043114

What's everyone having for dinner?

529317  No.7043115

File: 4573ae25c1fbbe5⋯.jpg (410.91 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 4573ae25c1fbbe5b12dea6cd02….jpg)


Thanks baker!

974eba  No.7043116

File: bfb9d84b086a2dc⋯.png (500.41 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 5A56BC75-8F89-444A-99F2-92….png)

749f2b  No.7043117

File: 4b2e8b9d3dcfc9a⋯.png (472.22 KB, 470x698, 235:349, RPUSELF1.png)

File: a91f699f2c8b4d0⋯.png (26.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, reappearance-jesuits-compe….png)

File: 33068b4c9c65392⋯.jpg (374.62 KB, 1600x1102, 800:551, Quigley-quote.jpg)

File: 1e2ccb6dd036918⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 409x250, 409:250, vs1.jpg)

i mean… why not? :D

96314e  No.7043118

File: 0b3e4ea903d132b⋯.png (830.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


we need a note take this bread

you should volunteer

or are you a lefty crying for entitlements?

35844d  No.7043119



>There are FOUR "a week to remember"

>drops. Well. Five now.


c750fe  No.7043120

File: 02fa1b07d90e6f8⋯.jpg (255.29 KB, 1020x781, 1020:781, VQCwantedagraphic.jpg)

d5a373  No.7043121

File: f94fdf02792865c⋯.png (99.7 KB, 640x510, 64:51, ClipboardImage.png)


9c2c87  No.7043122

File: 3a1842dd1bf86bd⋯.jpg (312.75 KB, 1050x1050, 1:1, 73ec6813504f8ab1a76ef392b3….jpg)

Guys I feel sick I think I know what "drain the swamp" refers to.

The pics of Epstein Island show two swampy areas. At first I thought maybe it was some environmental requirement or even for drinking, but then I started to think about how they get rid of bodies.

They never thought she would loose. Why completely dissolve a body with chemicals that would likely leave a paper trail…

They're throwing the bodies in the two swamps on Epstein Island. God please give us strength.

ae80bc  No.7043123

File: c4658f4bbe65b93⋯.png (52.24 KB, 408x271, 408:271, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

Declas time????????

7a0107  No.7043124

File: 7aafd888f335f70⋯.png (202.03 KB, 843x1683, 281:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 212ec92b765329a⋯.png (332.1 KB, 1041x1612, 1041:1612, ClipboardImage.png)




2238f6  No.7043125

File: 326e987de434587⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1973x1242, 1973:1242, 055E33CD-0872-4935-9E60-7….jpeg)

File: 59a76e24cde6a54⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x2102, 621:1051, B2E4EFCA-15B8-4796-9D86-7….jpeg)

>>7042622 lb

I think this is an optical illusion. Look at the wall meeting the pavement. It’s a straight line. There is no door. Or brick for that matter. It’s just a paint job.

Black cube?

12c0e7  No.7043126


Oh shit! I used to live a couple towns north of there! Same road! FUUUCCCK! My mom is about to go on vacation down there in a few weeks! I wish she was there now. She would totally go scope things out for us! She loves the anons!

32404d  No.7043127

File: 597ffa15a09d4c8⋯.png (538.99 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer joins with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders to push for emergency climate declaration


ee29d5  No.7043128

>>7043022 (lb)

yes, looks like that... but wouldn't

a real tennis court also have a house included?

With a toilet, showers - or some place to relax and watch others playing? And at least a little building to store some refreshments?

This looks too weird.

Maybe it was a fake tennis court just painted to the ground?

27f770  No.7043129


You couldn't hold an intelligent conversation to save your life.

12acea  No.7043130


I have a laundry list of nefarious ideas/plans.

749f2b  No.7043131

File: 3f462597d5a4156⋯.png (497.72 KB, 900x498, 150:83, cathmuhjoo2twit.png)

File: 613380f26a36f6b⋯.png (581.42 KB, 1196x604, 299:151, rrsesbarthen2.png)

File: 3a30decd1a85501⋯.png (883.59 KB, 1196x604, 299:151, rrsesbarthen1.png)

File: 05ef8aca0dbf226⋯.png (250.59 KB, 891x888, 297:296, OLDPEPEOFME1.png)

we should hurry and build a bunch of hospitals!

908426  No.7043133


Welcome to last year anon.

744d85  No.7043134

>>7043081 (lb)

Inquiring minds want to know!

ba6ea6  No.7043135

So is it even possibru to make sky scrapers topple by crashing planes into them? 🤔🤷‍♂️

ae9d92  No.7043136

File: 6b9ff67edab446c⋯.png (339.18 KB, 1147x1167, 1147:1167, 24E80CA2-6FBC-4BD6-8A40-4A….png)

moar panic

99e2f3  No.7043137


It's not a tennis court it's a ceremonial field

745b64  No.7043138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Shares Story Of Alleged Rape For 1st Time

098aa8  No.7043139


It's flat. Painted to look like that.

18a8c4  No.7043140

Q, people are going to need to be directed to truthful news at some point. I know where to find it, how will they?

86ac8b  No.7043141

File: 679040e89b22e17⋯.png (442.77 KB, 912x689, 912:689, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7042954 LB

Review Time.

Feb 19th on :19 2019 post 2820 & 2819

b62042  No.7043142


Whoa anon I totally got that I know who to apply it to. Great job

04cde8  No.7043143

File: 5dcd5d2c666ecb5⋯.png (311.33 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7043068 (pb) Late post

Why are these criminal mayor's not being arrested???

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti releases video directed at illegal immigrants amid ICE raids: 'We are in this together'

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti released a Twitter video Saturday explaining why he and the city's government won't be cooperating with federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents as they carry out raids nationwide.

President Trump initially announced raids on illegal immigrants in June, before backing off to give Congress more time to find a bipartisan solution. He then greenlit the operation for this weekend, and a senior administration official told Fox News the crackdown was underway in New York City and several other places.

Garcetti, a Democrat, gave legal advice to those living in Los Angeles illegally and informed them of which city resources they could take advantage of – including but not limited to a lawyer. "We've all heard reports the Trump administration is threatening to round up and deport thousands of immigrant families in cities across America this weekend," he began.

"I want every Angeleno to know their rights and how to exercise them. Remember, you have the right to remain silent. You don't have to open your door to an ICE agent that doesn't have a warrant signed by a judge. You have the right to speak to a lawyer before signing any documents or speaking to law enforcement. And, if you need help finding an attorney, you can call 311 and learn more about our Justice Fund and other resources that offer legal support."

Garcetti also told them to keep records of everything happening between them and federal law enforcement officers and recommended taking down names and badge numbers. He also proudly declared his city would not be assisting with the ICE raids.

"Whenever possible, keep a record of everything that happens. Take note of an officer's name and badge number, of when and where you are being questioned, so you can use that information in your own defense," he said.

"And, most importantly I want you to know, you do not need to be afraid. Your city is on your side, and rest assured, here in Los Angeles we are not coordinating with ICE."

Garcetti ceded time to Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore, who claimed local law enforcement was staying out of the raids on the basis of federalism. He said it's the federal government's job to deal with issues of immigration, while local police deal with safety.

"Our police force does not do the job of federal law enforcement, so I want to reiterate what the mayor just said. The Los Angeles police department is not assisting ICE in any way," he said.

"We will not enforce immigration laws that are civil in nature and fall under the justification of the federal government. Immigration is a federal matter. Safety is a police matter, and we're not going to mix those two."

Before Garcetti signed off he said the issue of illegal immigration wasn't political but simply was about being a "good neighbor."

"In Los Angeles, we draw strength from the diverse dynamic communities that call our city home and we support immigrant families because they're our friends, neighbors, colleagues, confidants, our fellow taxpayers, local business owners, and co-workers. For us, this isn't partisan politics," he said.

"It's about being a good neighbor… and we will never let fear and intimidation win the day. We are in this together."


12c0e7  No.7043144


Keeps eyes on anon and keep us updated

749f2b  No.7043145

File: cd9c36836663067⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 225x225, 1:1, SP3.jpg)

File: e595054640f5c32⋯.jpg (7.52 KB, 259x194, 259:194, SP4.jpg)

File: a7418410c77da79⋯.jpg (156.26 KB, 360x480, 3:4, SP5.jpg)

File: 96ef6be1a995a5c⋯.jpg (11.72 KB, 174x289, 174:289, SP6.jpg)

File: 7ec5a4f06903c0e⋯.jpg (11.35 KB, 175x249, 175:249, SP7.jpg)

7b8fa8  No.7043146


>Mansion being raided in Ormond Beach, FL


Just in..

Word is that the UWisconsin-madison area is being raided now

b7bd52  No.7043147

File: 5c35e2242f85036⋯.png (72.58 KB, 400x336, 25:21, tablet.png)

>>7042957 lb

do you have a link to this pic? I wonder if there are better images of the tablet in that one guy's pocket?

91c6bb  No.7043148

File: 4e776a7761360e3⋯.png (116.22 KB, 267x597, 89:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eed28300a9a6dff⋯.png (432.02 KB, 879x581, 879:581, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32056913521a4ed⋯.png (462.15 KB, 932x435, 932:435, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9f329d6d1d2fe3⋯.png (294.36 KB, 684x496, 171:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb6f03a6a94745f⋯.png (149.83 KB, 301x583, 301:583, ClipboardImage.png)

Nefer Suvio

f8c598  No.7043149

File: 9c52dd8dcd475ac⋯.jpg (486.65 KB, 1308x2305, 1308:2305, SmartSelect_20190331-21374….jpg)

File: eca79f8a6b61e61⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DECLAS - all.jpg)


I'm thinking 9/17. 1-year-delta. We'll see.

d96841  No.7043150


Why the F is this witch agreeing with POTUS

adbb01  No.7043151

File: 3365e262d791e99⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1524x1432, 381:358, ClipboardImage.png)

ae9d92  No.7043152


Tell them. That’s part of our job

0da658  No.7043153

Good reading and insight on the Rofschild. Check it out if you want some answers.

I am a Rofschild, axe me a question.

Don’t forget to Archive


120bf9  No.7043154


Snow White + Godfather III = ???

5f4435  No.7043155

File: 6a67b7c4a85ded3⋯.png (217.37 KB, 1391x644, 1391:644, 247.png)

File: e4b1e0cd3e25f7d⋯.jpg (64.07 KB, 1010x547, 1010:547, image1.jpg)

File: c30cdc2409bd8d4⋯.jpg (114.89 KB, 1407x831, 469:277, image2.jpg)

File: fa9238943525e10⋯.jpg (169.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, image3.jpg)

File: 1c9546f5cb3670e⋯.webm (14.49 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 4k.webm)

FlipitRed2020 is scamming patriots in Twitter and asking for $ just like her buddy Brian Fraser. They are friends.



Don Essary who owns One Source Auto Group is one of her puppets.


6e6ff5  No.7043156

You are white listed in the bunker Q

27f770  No.7043157


You probably think you are a saint.

2b9001  No.7043158

>>7041992, >>7042005, >>7042017, >>7042024, >>7043112

Will add newest Q post to next dough

Global Board Anon Announcements:


are not endorsements


>>7041592, >>7041933, >>7042041 Former Employee of Boys & Girls Club Arrested for Crimes Against Children!

>>7041611, >>7039671 pb Qdrop Blood Love, Black Magic, Priestess..

>>7041615 anon dig Tom Lantos, born in Hungary…Later served as Democratic congressman in California from 1981 to 2008.

>>7041618, recent boss posts missing from bread

>>7041552, >>7041566, >>7041639, >>7041719, >>7041744, >>7041800, >>7041985, >>7041757 Epstein's Torture Island/Finance/ A whole lotta shit….

>>7041629 TRUTH from anon-how military sleeps….

>>7041637 DoD tweet- training at Moody AFB

>>7041690 anon on YT views for Q post # 3427 of JE island YT vid

>>7041684 Sunday school teacher, youth leader arrested on rape charges involving 12-year-old girl

>>7041731 IRAN/Notes/News

>>7041734, >>7041979 POTUS' Blacklist of Huawei Continues, Chinese Telecom Company Plans Extensive US Layoffs

>>7041732 report that flag taken down in aurora last night is back up-o7

>>7041736, >>7041749 Top Puerto Rico officials resign in group chat scandal that ensnares governor

>>7041758 U.S. proposes barring big tech companies from offering financial services, digital currencies

>>7041781, >>7041775, >>7041818, >>7041914, >>7042006, >>7041994 Ghislaine Maxwell digs and spoopiness/connections

>>7041796 9th Circuit Gives Trump Administration a Win on Sanctuary Cities

>>7041833, >>7041919, >>7041953 anon digs on tunnels re Branson (necker island) and Epstein

>>7041883 anon dig on Epstein's wealth re: Maple Inc

>>7041923 anon dig wheels up-Wheels Up operation in the BVI d/b/a Capitol Air.

>>7041886 most recent boss drops

>>7041890 Helo crash in E. montana-three to hospital

>>7041894 US STRAT COMM tweet- New nuclear commanders met with #US_Stratcom leaders during the Nuclear Commander’s Course

>>7042007 Robert Maxwell FBI Vault

>>7041973 Detroit cops arrest their own police commissioner at heated meeting over facial recognition (VIDEO)

>>7042050 Pablo Lyle, Jeffrey Epstein and the former deputy arrested for allegedly planting drugs during traffic stops.

>>7042122 US STRAT COMM Tweet-FACES OF THE DEEP: Ever hear about a sailor earning their dolphins?

>>7042240 #9010


>>7040786 ICE Releases Report Highlighting Dangers of Sanctuary City Policies

>>7040787, >>7040890, >>7041333 Moar Ghislaine Maxwell connections

>>7040813 Major Gas Pipeline In Syria Knocked Offline In Mysterious 'Sabotage Attack'

>>7040934 Nine people have died in Sweden after a plane taking them up on a parachute jump crashed into an island close to the northern city of Umeå.

>>7040968 Attacker on Tacoma ICE Detention Center identified as “anarchist and antifascist”

>>7040990 LA Mayor joins list of DS members denying ICE

>>7041090 Nevada: Morgue Employee arrested for pimping out corpses for sex

>>7041183 ARCHIVE Anon's latest links for all

>>7041259 Former Employee of Boys & Girls Club Arrested for Crimes Against Children

>>7043050 #9009

Previously Collected Notables

>>7041550 #9008

>>7038392 #9005, >>7041394 #9006, >>7040229 #9007

>>7036119 #9002, >>7036756 #9003, >>7037589 #9004

>>7034057 #8999, >>7034485 #9000, >>7035234 #9001

>>7031396 #8996, >>7032457 #8997, >>7033089 #8998

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notes-in-the-Dough Pastebin


12621f  No.7043159

>>7042622 Q last bread

cnn tied to epstank?

msnbc deserves to go down for their mal and mis of the feasance

heck, they all do really

thanks for everything

we're the news now - especially



c85992  No.7043160

File: 0f58a28089d55b7⋯.png (312.09 KB, 492x562, 246:281, ClipboardImage.png)


'Not the actor'

d019f0  No.7043161


>Trump is a racist.

so what?

da7d84  No.7043162


Thanks fren. Another anon recommended we start a new bread for this…never done that. I guess I can organize and do that so other researchers can add to it?

86ac8b  No.7043163


omg all the dog references

That's what happens to dogs when they are inbred.

ba6ea6  No.7043164


I read the played as "plagued". 🤣🤷‍♂️

b62042  No.7043165


TY, I’ve noticed they are speeding by. Not normally done on Sunday

f8c598  No.7043166

File: 0ac1a7800abd371⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 444x492, 37:41, 111-85421332-111288BLACK_B….jpg)


Can President Trump just start using this pen publicly?

b5c7f2  No.7043167

File: 817a38e246f8944⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1280x8256, 20:129, shot-20190715-9836-118uhoo.png)


I managed to capture the entire article. Archive offline right?

91c6bb  No.7043168

File: acbe6a725e0c062⋯.png (325.52 KB, 882x426, 147:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f9845e5da14c8c⋯.png (488.87 KB, 854x517, 854:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8e181179b84ef0⋯.png (890.4 KB, 893x571, 893:571, ClipboardImage.png)


sick fuckers

17dc50  No.7043169


She's not, genius. She's referring to Trump (our gov't) as being a catastrophe.

3aa34a  No.7043170

File: 13b2c50db6b86ef⋯.png (210.95 KB, 308x910, 22:65, Screenshot_95.png)

>>7042918 lb

Port Authority.



ee29d5  No.7043171


I was replying to some anon on the other bread!

I know what is already written about, what it is.

Even the rumour about that it is a secret missile base.

I do not know what it is.

But the "tennis court" looks pretty fake.

And if it is not just photoshopped in the satellite pictures, it still can be a fake one in the real world (a "Potemkin tennis court")

f13c6f  No.7043172

This shits destroyed, we got comped it appears, must be time they have had enough of us gloves are off for real now

05f48d  No.7043173


She's not. She's calling Trump's Government those names.

08bfd3  No.7043174

File: 534fa0e98462375⋯.png (219.69 KB, 599x841, 599:841, Screenshot_2019-07-14-17-1….png)

Ooo looky here…a photo from our favorite photographer Patrick McMullan.

*side note his archives were recently scrubbed of all photos of Rachel Chandler

749f2b  No.7043175

File: 307c851056f7e88⋯.png (1.22 MB, 599x800, 599:800, SPSP3.png)

File: 86d7306ac6dae27⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 551x768, 551:768, SPSP2.jpg)

File: 5c1b65a2ac646f3⋯.jpg (169.75 KB, 520x363, 520:363, SPSP.JPG)

File: 75bfa9cdff42a74⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 180x251, 180:251, SPSP4.jpg)

File: 7c5c737442e33fd⋯.jpg (109 KB, 599x482, 599:482, SPSP5.jpg)


Homo! Completely Homo! :D

Unlike the MOST HIGH… I will float down there and whoop yer ass for ya!

af547a  No.7043176

File: 41f88c1f802e719⋯.png (15.48 KB, 861x272, 861:272, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7042622 lb, Q "A WEEK TO REMEMBER."

Clown BO wanted anons to leave the board?

Not working too well it seems.

Those people are stupid.

10e7a8  No.7043177

File: f65ae5a986418d9⋯.jpeg (11.72 KB, 255x219, 85:73, f65ae5a986418d9e2b8fc8bad….jpeg)

File: f822cb2375c089a⋯.png (161.99 KB, 842x889, 842:889, ClipboardImage.png)



9d553a  No.7043178

File: d5012c64492e721⋯.jpg (14.68 KB, 474x493, 474:493, NPC-01.jpg)



Hmmmmm ...

65ccc9  No.7043179


The "most progressive yet!"


e4941f  No.7043180

Anons: anytime something happens in Florida (real estate, corporations, etc) dig on it deep. Florida has very transparent records. You can find lots of ownership information by going to the property appraiser site for the county of all real estate in Florida.

Likewise, sunbiz.org lets you look at all corporate records. Lots of info completely available!

6e6ff5  No.7043182

File: 66f7fc6cd00b2eb⋯.png (346.55 KB, 615x557, 615:557, ClipboardImage.png)

CBP Completes Construction of 50 miles of New Border Wall


7b8fa8  No.7043183

File: 3128e8cc3e100dc⋯.png (155.77 KB, 398x224, 199:112, ClipboardImage.png)

2 arrested for the homicide of Tremain Calloway in Seaside back in May

SEASIDE, Calif. —

Two Central Coast men have been arrested in connection with the shooting death of Tremain Calloway in Seaside.

Marina resident Nakeshlon Wills, 21, and Seaside resident Carlmari Burgos, 19, are accused of shooting Seaside resident Tremain Calloway, 32, multiple times in what police say was a gang-motivated crime.


Police say Calloway was shot on the 1500 block of Yosemite Street and he was found dead in his car in the parking lot of the Seaside Community Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Wills and Burgos were identified by the Peninsula Regional Violence and Narcotics Team as Crips gang members. They were found and arrested by Gilroy police Thursday on the 100 block of Lewis Street in Gilroy.

Both men face charges of murder, criminal gang conspiracy, street gang act and street gang felony murder. Each man's bail was set at $3,030,000.


1d5cae  No.7043184

Their sacrifices vs Our sacrifices. Eternally grateful to those who put their life on the line, My heart goes out with deepest condolences to the families who have lost loved ones.

af547a  No.7043185

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)


As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many Deep State assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)

Shill post disinfo and cryptic bs to slide.

Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

(Shilling also happens in other forms…NEWFAGS, captcha is not case sensitive.)

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.

Also the end for comped BO has come.




1769ee  No.7043186

File: 903a35fdc18adfc⋯.png (837.6 KB, 917x679, 131:97, suvio1.PNG)

File: 772059856527377⋯.png (778.87 KB, 1047x505, 1047:505, suvio2.PNG)

File: 6b09d02a1698c57⋯.png (240.09 KB, 912x673, 912:673, suvio3.PNG)

File: 44075779483eedd⋯.png (831.15 KB, 915x674, 915:674, suvio4.PNG)

27f770  No.7043187


It's your EGO again.

ae80bc  No.7043189

File: c4658f4bbe65b93⋯.png (52.24 KB, 408x271, 408:271, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 22404f69d434579⋯.png (22.82 KB, 412x158, 206:79, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 4303aed3c27032e⋯.png (30.46 KB, 412x264, 103:66, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)



3a3e27  No.7043190

File: ccecbac5c4a0893⋯.jpeg (326.31 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7092DAE3-59CC-470C-A94D-A….jpeg)

Let’s dig anons! Looks like we might get some more justice this week?

946a32  No.7043191

kek now there are like 6 notables per bread. what a cluster. see what happens when people think they're smart enough to overturn the system?

35844d  No.7043192


Heavenly Father, please cleanse the world of this sickness. Please bring these monsters into the light and prevent such crimes against children from ever being committed again.

Our Father, Who Art in Heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done:



Liberty FOR ALL!


0fe7f1  No.7043193


How many different ways can we connect Ghislaine Maxwell to the NYSPCC?

I already have a few leads just by digging into all these events she attends.

Look at who is involved organizationally with the NYSPCC.

President, VP, treasurer, board members.

Now map these people to their connections.

1-4 jumps and you'll end up at Ghislaine Maxwell.

What does this say about GM and the NYSPCC?

What can we infer is going on here?

"Victoria Secret funneling women to Epstein"

3192bf  No.7043194

File: 3b7b97acfa1f737⋯.png (552.66 KB, 720x820, 36:41, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

Can anyone ID this chick with AW?


846dae  No.7043195


Ya'll node u gots the notables posted latest on bottom, should be latest on top

jus say'n

cf64d4  No.7043196

File: b69d6a16ad7116a⋯.png (373.68 KB, 945x523, 945:523, buh-bye.png)

Trolling is fun!!! Keep up the good work Anons.

Booms inbound!!!

baf94c  No.7043197

File: 3bec2d140b6aa8e⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3bec2d140b6aa8e566f240aa01….jpg)

ty baker


749f2b  No.7043198

File: 4b66910e363a4f6⋯.png (818.36 KB, 800x514, 400:257, q braveheartp.png)


it is what kept me alive knowing what I have known for as long as I have known it…

It works for me unlike most who work for theirs…

af547a  No.7043200

Anons on the clown BO. All pb.



>>7023314, >>7023470, >>7023530




>>7031258 moar

Demand him to leave, post here to 8chan owner Jim Watkins and his son codemonkey, Ron Watkins:



86ac8b  No.7043201


Umm in that photo reel Q posted was Miss America 2014.

Are they funneling girls to Epstein?

7a0107  No.7043202

File: 94f52ef70aedd64⋯.png (251.21 KB, 581x1527, 581:1527, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec86d6061e5fe4d⋯.png (315.72 KB, 505x1635, 101:327, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 760fe2f38fb920c⋯.png (296.79 KB, 528x1577, 528:1577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60f1b0e7bd6bd47⋯.png (312.62 KB, 507x1635, 169:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10c468f22d5fb65⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



e11d1e  No.7043203


Why do you need a pastebin and why do previously collected point to specific posts? There is an entire thread for notables, just need to link it, which your post doesn’t.

1769ee  No.7043204


I tink its actually Epstein funneling the girls to victorias secret

7b8fa8  No.7043205


>>>7043068 (pb) Late post


>Why are these criminal mayor's not being arrested???

Blah, blah, blah; blah, blah, blah - So when are sanctuary city Mayors, Governors, and Police Chiefs going to be arrested and prosecuted for violation of immigration law??? Talk is cheap, DO IT Q.

fe56aa  No.7043206


91c6bb  No.7043207

File: a005a1189e10fac⋯.png (510.26 KB, 887x423, 887:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc73d69abc251be⋯.png (284.54 KB, 593x375, 593:375, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8afefd61aea77dc⋯.png (92.78 KB, 1191x603, 397:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0e10590ed8f0e4⋯.png (327.22 KB, 540x372, 45:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c647769a9ff17b⋯.png (293.21 KB, 679x376, 679:376, ClipboardImage.png)


prince Andrew?

ba6ea6  No.7043208


>You probably think you are a saint.

I think I am me and (((JEW))) are an EVIL (((JEW))). 🤷‍♂️

6f3e45  No.7043209


diversity is our strength - Nancy Pelosi 7/14/2019

612740  No.7043210


or added in google earth, they blur shit, why not add shit?

99e2f3  No.7043211

New to Wheels Up is a member benefit with The Family Bell Company where families can manage their active lifestyles with top-notch caregivers. This unique amenity allows members access to childcare sitters for a date night, a TravelSitter for spring break, a full-time nanny for a new baby, or staffing for a corporate event. All Wheels Up members now receive a complimentary one-year Bell Family membership.


Nanny Placement


EventSitter & Kiz Zones



Family Helper


New York-Based Four Hundred™ Appoints Tony Shepherd Chief Executive Officer


About Tony Shepherd

Holding dual British/American nationality, Shepherd possesses an expansive background in hospitality, education, travel and luxury services.




ba22de  No.7043213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is this the same Morgan Freeman that said "let's stop talking about racism?"

e67a93  No.7043214


Destroyed? Q is still posting here. fucking drama nigger. sack up faggot and embrace the suck.

af547a  No.7043215

>>7041661 lb, Macron announces creation of French space force / Galileo Sats down!

749f2b  No.7043216

File: 6d4d22d37da6240⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1804x3172, 451:793, Zvvv1.png)


yeah a catholic in the Philippines…

tippy top kek

65648d  No.7043217


“These people are stupid”

3aa34a  No.7043218


Who? The gook?

2b9001  No.7043219


NOT the baker.

Dough keeper here.

I will add corrections to (traditional) dough, kek. There are caps in my Q posts, are they correct? Will post below to check:

>>7042622 ————————————–——– A WEEK TO REMEMBER.

>>7040246 ————————————–——– GODFATHER III

>>7040112 rt >>7040039 ————————— "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to the removal of those corrupt in DC…

>>7039671 rt >>7039638 ————————— Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?

>>7039643 ————————————–——– THE GREAT AWAKENING

>>7039585 ————————————–——– How do you eliminate a liability?

>>7039475 ————————————–——– Inside Victoria's Secret Pipeline (Cap: >>7039561)

>>7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED. ( Cap: >>703893

5857e1  No.7043220


wish i could help and make history with trump and frenz:)

but witnessing history is also a privilège:)

lets WATCH

27f770  No.7043221


No one likes you.

f63c43  No.7043222


we don't have a fucking baker. why don't anons realize this? the BV's are making the threads 3 hours ahead of time. look at the time of the dough post and the time it was edited. they're even too lazy to edit in Q's posts.

soon, to get away with excluding Q posts bc they're lazy and busy blowing each other on discord, they'll say Q posts are a distraction, anyone can read them on other sites, and remove those as well

wake up

0c9ca1  No.7043223


Just a suggestion, look for the annual charity auctions for lots donated during a gala. Sometimes you can see a unique perspective from the donor.

Also, look at the charities IRS 990 annual filing for other donations received, expenditures, etc.

c750fe  No.7043224


Where's Alice?

56de9c  No.7043225

File: 445a0366798b74c⋯.jpg (922.63 KB, 1488x1983, 496:661, tesla-map-to-multiplicatio….jpg)


Have worked it several ways.

Do anons see a pattern in these?

It's logical that the pattern would stick to the POINTS IN A POST THAT Q CAN CONTOL.

Obviously the tag line


It's all caps three times, mixed case twice.

Q can control the date posted.

1 21

6 3

9 4

11 11

7 14

Q can control the timestamp hours and minutes.

(Nope. Not seconds. Have watched them practice. About 75% on task there.)

HOURS are time zone specific, so gonna go with minutes.






Tagline matters

Month matters

Date matters

Minutes matter.

Not seeing it. Fresh eyes, anyone?

1769ee  No.7043226


like as a way of keeping them quiet / procuring moar young women - think allison mack but for 'modeling' or 'yachting'

12c0e7  No.7043227


In all honesty, I am pretty sure it is a retention pond. You would need one on an island for irrigation and sprinklers. If you use the ocean water the salt will kill the grass and other plant life.

86ac8b  No.7043228


The very first thing I thought of without digging anything was the Asian woman at marlago with USB's

26b4a9  No.7043229

File: ed84f01f399631e⋯.png (641.75 KB, 967x643, 967:643, A WEEK TO REMEMBER.png)

8254bd  No.7043230

File: f951e346719c607⋯.jpg (220.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-59.jpg)

Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money 4.

Someone please find and embed.

f2d1f5  No.7043231

File: e04cab88e8e3728⋯.png (9.98 KB, 397x110, 397:110, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf8ece68137a700⋯.png (13.2 KB, 397x168, 397:168, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bed869369ae0000⋯.png (41.05 KB, 397x216, 397:216, ClipboardImage.png)

We may get the DECLAS…[D-1] [E-2] [C-3] [D-4] [A-5] [S-6]

It may be the shot heard around the world

65648d  No.7043232



04323e  No.7043233

File: ca773a6b2c75b2a⋯.jpeg (234.17 KB, 1242x732, 207:122, F53EFBD2-9F52-4F5C-92F8-D….jpeg)


I had the same thought.

2b9001  No.7043234

>>7043219 missed the last one:

>>7038922 ————————————–——– Hunters become the HUNTED. ( Cap: >>7038935)

eb9f5b  No.7043235

File: 9e61b08dd81445b⋯.png (1.73 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 04ACB258-BD6F-4642-93A7-37….png)

File: c09f0ec3f9b79d3⋯.jpeg (51.25 KB, 589x589, 1:1, 12F7FB75-5186-4B5D-AE7A-0….jpeg)

File: 3a815cb5102a92d⋯.jpeg (163.03 KB, 828x988, 207:247, 7D8D1A45-297F-4E4A-97C3-D….jpeg)

Stock tip for those who play the market.

6ad9b2  No.7043236



ba6ea6  No.7043237


Probably does not want to talk about cherishing his cannibal ancestry either. 🤣🤷‍♂️

91c6bb  No.7043238

File: ffeb89aa92a3878⋯.png (672.97 KB, 912x554, 456:277, ClipboardImage.png)


Andrew pic did not load


a7e3d7  No.7043239


Entitlement. Narcissism. Division. Subversion. Rebellion.

399b8b  No.7043240

stupid title.




cb52db  No.7043241


Left one is a serious case for toots & the bane mask, I should think.

2e8431  No.7043242

con Edison given a reason for blackout. Probably hacked, but won’t admit it.

48b57d  No.7043243

>>7043104 GREAT catch


5 posts that contained "A week to remember":


>>1620282 6-3-18 BLACKOUT NECESSARY (4 BOOMS)

>>184 9-4-18 RT >>2863057 9-3-18 Both [C-3]h[a-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.Where once there was [D-1]ARK Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT.

Was this last one above ever solved? Seems like it might correspond to the [43 connections] stringers somehow, but I was never good at deciphering the stringers

ALSO, since the letters & #s don't correlate with what Q just posted yesterday, maybe we should look at that again??

>>451 11-11-18 Enemy @ the Front Door. USSS 'stay' alerts prevent travel.

99e2f3  No.7043244

Wheels Up (wheelsup.com) was created and is led by Kenny Dichter, the Founder of Marquis Jet and innovator of the first 25-hour fractional jet card. Co-Founder and President David Baxt and Co-Founder Bill Allard

Prior to founding Marquis Jet in 2001, Kenny Dichter cofounded Alphabet City, a sports marketing, music production, and distribution company that was acquired by SFX Entertainment, Inc. in 1998. In 2003, Dichter founded, and remains the Chairman of, Tour GCX Partners, a golf membership program providing client entertainment solutions to corporations and individuals, through access to private country clubs. Dichter co-founded the MGX Lab, a brand innovation think tank, in 2004, and co-founded the ultra-premium brand, Tequila Avion, in 2010. Dichter has an active role in Juice Press, a Manhattan-based, multi-location, grab-and-go organic, raw food and juice company, as well as Cyc Fitness, a new indoor cycling method with studios in Texas, Wisconsin, and New York City. Dichter sits on the Board of both the Jack Martin Fund at Mount Sinai Hospital, as well as the Turn the Corner Foundation.


SFX Entertainment Expands Its Scope To Include the Lucrative Sports Market

Allard and his partners launched Marquis Jet in January 2002, selling 245 jet cards for an average of $150,000 each during that first year and 1,000 in 2003. As hoped, the company initially scored big with athletes and entertainers but quickly segued into high-net-worth individuals and corporations — now 90 percent of Marquis Jet’s clientele. And it reaped a bonanza of free exposure when NBC producers picked the company to appear last January on the second episode of The Apprentice, Donald Trump’s hit reality TV show.

Allard and his partners, who also came with sports- and entertainment-marketing backgrounds, felt they were uniquely positioned to broaden the customer base for private-jet travel to their former clients: young, highly paid athletes and performers.

Bill Allard

Co-founder at Wheels Up

Prior Bill was CEO of Athletes’ Performance and Core Performance.

Prior to Athletes’ Performance, Bill served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Marquis Jet Partners.

Prior to his time at Marquis Jet, he served as President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of SFX Sports Group where he directed all business development, acquisition strategy, and overall corporate operations for SFX Sports Group’s four core competencies: event management, marketing, talent representation, and television and entertainment.


d6df0d  No.7043245


That and D.C. is Literally a Swamp!

Long before the cabal!

a903ab  No.7043246


Fake Morgan Freeman account- it even says “not the actor.” Pic of acct posted above.

749f2b  No.7043247

File: 44fc36330ef6ade⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 311x488, 311:488, 50-years-in-the-church-of-….jpg)

File: b91580ca251b0df⋯.jpg (106.42 KB, 900x900, 1:1, DmbkNWcV4AA8rl3.jpg)

File: 5921104d0e39836⋯.jpg (355.93 KB, 886x793, 886:793, fixed.jpg)

File: f63a410f177cd54⋯.jpg (51.26 KB, 436x352, 109:88, rcc-and-money.jpg)


shit… moar badges?

I have nowhere else to put anymoar stinking badges!

9adfff  No.7043248

File: b103d73ed200940⋯.png (127.3 KB, 410x561, 410:561, ssssss.png)

File: c1df783a9a72f40⋯.jpg (318.86 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, c1df783a9a72f40542f73dff59….jpg)

1769ee  No.7043249


dear lord please protect anons in spirit and physically. we are here to do your work and take out these evil fuckers. amen

rip victims

99e2f3  No.7043250


Chief Executive Officer and President, Marquis Jet Partners, Inc. FOUNDED 06/05/2001

Marquis Jet Partners, Inc. INSIDERS ON Board Members

Corporate Headquarters

230 Park Avenue

Suite 840

New York, New York 10169

Mr. William J. Allard, also known as Bill served as the Chief Executive Officer at Athletes’ Performance since August 2007. Mr. Allard served as Venture Partner at Polaris Venture Partners, Inc. and works out of the Boston office. Mr. Allard joined Polaris as an Executive in Residence in October 2006. Previously, he served as Chief Executive Officer and President at Marquis Jet Partners Inc., where he led it through its growth from 0 to $500 million in sales in five years. Prior to Marquis Jet, Mr. Allard served as the President and Chief Operating Officer of SFX Sports Group, Inc., where he directed all business development, acquisition strategy and overall corporate operations for the Sports Group's four core competencies: event management; marketing; talent representation; and television and entertainment. Under his direction, the Sports Group developed and produced internationally televised sporting events, managed and marketed hundreds of professional athletes, supported the sports marketing activities of numerous Fortune 500 corporations and produced a wide range of sports-themed television series and feature films. Before joining SFX, Mr. Allard served as the President and Chief Operating Officer of ProServ, Inc. and served as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Allard serves as Executive Chairman of Athletes' Performance, Inc. Mr. Allard is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Special Olympics and Member of the Babson College Athletic Board and Director at Athlete's Performance, Inc. He has appeared on The Sporting News as one of the Top 100 Most Powerful People in Sports for three years in 1999 was also named one of Sports Business Journal's in the Under 40 category and was listed by the international paper The Guardian as one of the 50 most powerful people in the world of sports. Mr. Allard received an M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School in 1989 and a B.S. from Babson College in 1983.

Other Affiliations

Polaris Partners

SFX Sports Group, Inc.

Harvard Business School

Babson College

EXOS, Inc.


3aa34a  No.7043251

File: eafd3ab739d24e6⋯.png (587.33 KB, 738x710, 369:355, BidenCanabal.png)

e83ddc  No.7043252

File: d80cc2e676bebf0⋯.png (8.9 KB, 255x141, 85:47, mock.png)

Full Moon is HERE

Morning sun brought (FBI) Heat? After NYC blackout.

Missions indeed forward, the whole DS going down.

What new stars were discovered?

af547a  No.7043253


It´s not 'the catholics', it´s not 'the jews' that Q is fighting.

It´s the global elite that has established masonry (and chevalric orders and masonic circles) as a base for a global DS.

96314e  No.7043254

File: 1b4ea1d55320e35⋯.png (462.4 KB, 586x446, 293:223, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7041992 is a faggot

it says post edited BO but its still not current Q posts

d58d69  No.7043255

File: 7ee9f85b0fb0381⋯.png (34.58 KB, 608x259, 608:259, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump just saying again what Q has said 7 times

[Nothing can stop what is coming]

e900b6  No.7043257


military parade Veterans Day 2019

27f770  No.7043258


You have no honor.

7a0107  No.7043259

File: 636c8c44685ea75⋯.png (318.34 KB, 535x1566, 535:1566, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31033215788a544⋯.png (308.83 KB, 544x1570, 272:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99bbfb2fbf99b29⋯.png (320.24 KB, 560x1568, 5:14, ClipboardImage.png)



f010d0  No.7043260


NK pizza girls?

ba22de  No.7043261


Thanks, just caught it myself.

612740  No.7043262


yep, so what. If there is no solution there is no problem. Never interfere…

12c0e7  No.7043263


Indeed. It is a mural. And a very well done optical illusion.

ba6ea6  No.7043264


Yup, the Vatican needs to be raided and every man that's wearing "frocks" needs to be head shotted. 🤷‍♂️

96314e  No.7043265


i guess no more RT

5f66e2  No.7043266

>>7042623 PB Interesting Thoughts

>>7042317 (You) PB

>Q. How might infratructure need to adapt to prepare for sudden exponential growth?

>Q. Is such growth likely to happen at a certain point in the Game?

>Q. If so, how might anons plan now for such an influx? Will the existing system be sufficient, or is it time to imagine something entirely new?

>Perhaps there is Purpose in the pandemonium.

>Perhaps it's an exercise in thought expansion.

I was watching the other site because I always wondered why they made it, then locked it, the same day they made Qresearch, so, was wondering what was planned.

Was he preparing it in the event of another attack of the site? (We had gone through so many where they tried to break Q's trip code.)

But now, it looks like they are going to go for utility and skills expansion of some kind.

You know how the military is. Always figuring out how to best use different talents in different places. If this is a military plan, maybe we should expect military type build outs that create shill enemy divisions and confuse the hell out of the enemy while it only takes anons a few days to adapt to the new couch in the room or the new room itself in the house.

We will all be quite comfey soon once we learn our way around both places, ready to take in tons of new anons who come in from the storm.

Imagine the nightmare for the other side tho.

The money they will have to spend on their Clown agencies.... just when money gets tight too...lol

Cracks me up.

Your questions are great btw:

Q. How might infratructure need to adapt to prepare for sudden exponential growth?

Lets see.

1) We need a welcome mat and some front door fun, that scale up to

2) "where is this or that", in the way of information, then;

3) "How do I learn to do this or that?" in the way of ready tools and descriptions on how to use them, maybe volunteer trainers if necessary.


4) How do I find a place where I can do what I do without being harassed by free speech to a point where I can not work. That is why I was thinking a quiet library for deep digging anons who have that IQ that puts millions of dots together in a collaborative effort. We need a place for our autistic deep researchers.

Q. Is such growth likely to happen at a certain point in the Game?

Yes, and probably more than once. I bet it comes in waves.

Q. If so, how might anons plan now for such an influx? Will the existing system be sufficient, or is it time to imagine something entirely new?

Well, it is unbelievable, but, it actually does appear that anons are becoming the news now, in a very real way, which puts the awe in awesome.

But can you imagine any real global news outlet with only one office?


There is a time to get serious about thinking what systems have to be built to make it hum.

Qresearch works really great for about half the anons who depend on it's stability of resources. BUT... it really cramps the seasoned anons who can capture a flag, or even help police capture an armed robber within a few minutes with the right site.

It is too centralized, and the more centralized, the more open it is to insurgent and shill attacks. Then there are probably plenty of high tech anons out there in the wild that could use a place here that are not even here yet, because there is no place for them.

Imagine a Qresearch with a news room where Mocking bird and youtube censorship was replaced by anon research turned into a high quality video library or something as crazy as that.

We could not stuff such a thing in the same room with the current research board.

I think were going to need a bigger boat.

Perhaps there is Purpose in the pandemonium.

Perhaps it's an exercise in thought expansion.


This thought crossed my mind as I watched all the anons this past few days.

And you are so....

...... so

...... comfortably "Q"

Be just like Q to subject anons to friendly fire to flush em out into action when they got too comfey or too irritated to act. :)

adbb01  No.7043267

File: d9e6a13dbf8f019⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1000x1340, 50:67, ClipboardImage.png)

04cde8  No.7043268

File: 3dfea2b40d3718b⋯.png (1.5 MB, 3139x2079, 3139:2079, 3dfea2b40d3718b3d3ca8eb852….png)

File: 78511fcf38ef4e6⋯.jpg (256.06 KB, 1139x817, 1139:817, fc594e3d8fdbc9783ef3f6c7e1….jpg)

File: 25ee8ede612ce0a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1371x906, 457:302, 25ee8ede612ce0afbef1a5252b….png)



749f2b  No.7043269

File: d05b7cf2c6d4b34⋯.jpg (68.28 KB, 670x886, 335:443, g-washington-mason-l.jpg)

File: 31e74e7a02f1a8b⋯.jpg (86.87 KB, 500x585, 100:117, medium_2014-07-17_17-44-21.jpg)

File: e7ed845c79861d9⋯.jpg (85.43 KB, 997x636, 997:636, George-Washington-Cornerst….jpg)

File: 0fbedbdd507def0⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 750x441, 250:147, washington1.jpg)




2b9001  No.7043270


You are wrong.

32404d  No.7043271

File: e594029e92eed09⋯.png (693.11 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

7b8fa8  No.7043272

File: a7421728637db69⋯.png (256.93 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 910adaf0b4af48e⋯.png (112.02 KB, 498x414, 83:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6de5fedb135cf6f⋯.png (263.59 KB, 474x556, 237:278, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bef296bf1d3cbf8⋯.png (150.51 KB, 474x322, 237:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d94bd36fa4daa13⋯.png (513.06 KB, 500x479, 500:479, ClipboardImage.png)


>Trolling is fun!!! Keep up the good work Anons.


>Booms inbound!!!

Get out of USA, Trump tells congresswomen!

Cortez fires back: We don't fear you!

5d6e49  No.7043273

File: 58e5b8b7bf3c8e7⋯.jpg (28.43 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 07a47b769d09e52f0f5b5c0ea8….jpg)

7ad3ec  No.7043274

File: ff9f26ab971cbf1⋯.jpg (66.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, rekt.jpg)

d6bd0b  No.7043275


Wheels Up is also just an expression that refers to flying private

946a32  No.7043276

af547a  No.7043277

af6677  No.7043278

File: bda40a077a8ff41⋯.jpeg (12.84 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 71a53b5a3d28bf9d498c37697….jpeg)


but the dough has new q tho…

1769ee  No.7043279

File: bb617ae5f8ae3ca⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 494x484, 247:242, pepefuuuuuuck.jpg)


maeks sense

ae9d92  No.7043280


Ah true enough - thanks. Gotta limit my time there - i get so pissed at the ignorance, and then can’t see clearly, obviously. 07

6d1a99  No.7043281

File: b0859ee2580573f⋯.png (517.85 KB, 680x888, 85:111, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 1fcb40bc6217f97⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1460x730, 2:1, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

13 benches on the sun clock at Epstein Island. One for each family. Q has mentioned each cardinal direction represents a Prince.

Still a conspiracy 13 families *used* to control everything?

Screen shot from video Q posted of the drone footage over the island.

4005f0  No.7043282

File: f65fcd76b4b745d⋯.png (155.45 KB, 416x482, 208:241, Screenshot from 2019-07-14….png)


Not the actor.


6e6ff5  No.7043283


trips confirm

749f2b  No.7043284

File: 4b66910e363a4f6⋯.png (818.36 KB, 800x514, 400:257, q braveheartp.png)


awww no you did not!

27f770  No.7043285


I don't care if you have on leg to stand on. Literally.

ebfb16  No.7043286

File: fccea4cca449f39⋯.gif (352.95 KB, 333x256, 333:256, wtf buck.gif)


>we need a note take this bread

you've had one, pay attention

e11d1e  No.7043287


Not how I see it. All the posts trying to tell people to abandon and go to a different board are the problem. I’m just fine with things here.

797ecf  No.7043288



Drain the swaps of Epstein Island!

86ac8b  No.7043289


What about post No. ?

It would also help explain why so long during no posts and 1 or 2 days off when you're making clock connections.

974eba  No.7043290


Thanks anon I’m phone fagging at the moment

ba6ea6  No.7043291


Yeah, (((JEW))) only appropriated the cannibalism part. 🤷‍♂️

e397b6  No.7043292

>>7043022 (lb)

tennis court is a tarp, it's been speculated cover for 4 missile points under it, wwIII start.

underground fuckery all over the island.

48b57d  No.7043293


>We may get the DECLAS…[D-1] [E-2] [C-3] [L-4] [A-5] [S-6]

>It may be the shot heard around the world

OMFG, thank you - now I see it , it's right there! I am totally retahded!

(not good at stringers me) >>7043243

1769ee  No.7043294


called trompeli or sum sheit

96314e  No.7043295

File: c3b57e3e5456cb7⋯.jpg (394.56 KB, 738x917, 738:917, FU Rainman.jpg)


you never once contributed


you are pretty much responsible for getting the notables change from baker to anons


i get the last laugh

749f2b  No.7043296

File: d487138462019b5⋯.jpg (15.27 KB, 204x255, 4:5, 0c33884fba3cdf5d0a271e8b27….jpg)


fuck anon i cant say shit against what you just said…

Thats bullshit! :D

9adfff  No.7043297

File: 0819d08e272a7b3⋯.png (205.17 KB, 450x287, 450:287, kk.png)

File: fc652223553d839⋯.jpg (116.2 KB, 1109x804, 1109:804, fc652223553d839967db5f6f5f….jpg)

cf64d4  No.7043298

File: d29570736af14f9⋯.jpg (64.1 KB, 519x481, 519:481, RD.jpg)

Eyes On Those Who Scream The Loudest?

f13c6f  No.7043299


Your kinda a bad nigger, I mean it's clearly being schilled out of control, it appears we left the dumb niggers to run the board while we were out actually beating these niggers in the courts and shit, you fucking Boomer whore you now let's get this shit show fixed

a7e3d7  No.7043300


You are wrong.

65648d  No.7043301



460865  No.7043302


It is a kill zone. And yes it would have all those things. Probably a little shag shack on an island for sex.

35844d  No.7043303


Good Q.

Perhaps Alice = Snow White?

>Who is asleep?

Or rather, who was asleep?

And who is having a Great Awakening?

ba6ea6  No.7043304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Head shotted? 🤔🤷‍♂️

af547a  No.7043305

File: b62494354d61f7e⋯.png (222.15 KB, 500x546, 250:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dee60597affdc8⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Freemason_Illuminati.jpg)


yes, Washington was a mason too.

Does that make masonry based?

Does you talking like a 12 yr old make you seem blended in?

They still are the child sacrificing evil cult Q is fighting and many presumed good guys were oart of it.

In fact, 99,9% of people with huge achievements in politics, science, art were masons.

3aa34a  No.7043306

File: 264c13805413369⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 328x212, 82:53, headshot.gif)

7b8fa8  No.7043307

File: 1cdb62ddc1e4d81⋯.png (1.78 MB, 804x1200, 67:100, ClipboardImage.png)


e11d1e  No.7043308


Seems like some only want us to read certain notables by posting links to a single bun and no reference to the notable thread.

e3758d  No.7043309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

boom: bunker busters

6.6 earthquake strikes off northwest Australia

The earthquake occurred at a depth of 6.2 miles.


6ad9b2  No.7043310

you assholes better not be trying to hook me up with a fugly ginger like Sam Heughan

Henry Cavill is my one true love!

56de9c  No.7043311


Q can't control post number. We set that up.

Q did control post order/number on GA - remember Q deleted a bunch and said that it was necessary to make it work (or something close.)

Anyone have a capture of GA before it was deleted? It looks like 572, 2084, and 2477 might have been from GA.

e397b6  No.7043312

File: 84af1cd70a7d179⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1280x2112, 20:33, 84af1cd70a7d17923613d274be….png)

b28d7b  No.7043313

File: 0804c6f5fe3a2c9⋯.gif (319.21 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 8A27AA54-F1EC-45B6-8296-F3….gif)

File: bcbf5e3a733364c⋯.jpeg (626.9 KB, 4351x1917, 4351:1917, BA8939EF-B794-47D8-A5B7-3….jpeg)

Confronting the Shadow

You’ve got to go through it

Just as you came


Victor of the paleomammalian

We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day!

We're not scared.



Long wavy grass.

We can't go over it. We can't go under it.

Oh no!

We've got to go through it!

Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!

We're going on a bear hunt. We're going catch a big one. What a beautiful day!

We're not scared.


A river!

A deep cold river. We can't go over it. We can't go under it.

Oh no!

We've got to go through it!

Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!

We're going on a bear hunt. We're going catch a big one. What a beautiful day!

We're not scared.



Thick oozy mud.

We can't go over it, We can't go under it.

Oh no!

We've got to go through it!

Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch!

We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day!

We're not scared.


A forest!

A big dark forest.

We can't go over it. We can't go under it.

Oh no!

We've got to go through it!

Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!

We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day!

We're not scared.


A snowstorm!

A swirling whirling snowstorm.

We can't go over it.

We can't go under it.

Oh no!

We've got to go through it!

Hooo wooo! Hooo wooo! Hooo wooo!

We're going on a bear hunt. We're go to catch a big one. What a beautiful day!

We're not scared.


A cave!

A narrow gloomy cave. We can't go over it.

We can't go under it. We've got to go through it! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!


One shiny wet nose! Two big furry ears! Two big goggly eyes! IT’S A BEAR!


Back through the cave! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe!

Back through the snowstorm!

Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo!

Back through the forest!

Stumble trip! Stumble trip! Stumble trip!

Back through the mud!

Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Back through the river!

Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Splash splosh!

Back through the grass!

Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!

Get to our front door.

Open the door.

Up the stairs

Oh no!

We forgot to shut the door. Back down stairs.

Back upstairs.

Into the bedroom

In to the bed

Under the covers

I’m not going on a bear hunt again.

1493b7  No.7043314


Why are notables not at the top? Did BO not see Q’s post???


a954f3  No.7043315

File: 1c5ba76fffcaa8c⋯.png (5.15 KB, 393x107, 393:107, Q 572 Week to Remember.PNG)

File: ef0c5664aa46437⋯.png (242.18 KB, 1638x546, 3:1, Placeholder TSHATW.PNG)

Waiting for


>>7042622 [Q pb]

>>7039643 [Q pb]

850cc4  No.7043316


@Q dibs on the former

749f2b  No.7043317

File: 3e8b37ec6a2e1e3⋯.jpg (122.35 KB, 1158x718, 579:359, INFO I'M YOUR.jpg)


[you] will care once you realize…

I consider it a curse BTW… no ego really… it is like this is muh dream…. understand?

Fools! :D

27f770  No.7043318


Do it!

cf64d4  No.7043319


Ironic its from the movie Awakenings

9adfff  No.7043320

File: df3234e83f46d70⋯.jpg (37.94 KB, 382x237, 382:237, 1384005818539.jpg)

File: 793cbe2219f7879⋯.jpg (166.81 KB, 504x750, 84:125, 1386466929790.jpg)

File: 94d4d2917c2ca99⋯.jpg (771.85 KB, 2560x1920, 4:3, 1417024233868.jpg)

e900b6  No.7043321



Thanks anon. Was looking for this.

18a8c4  No.7043322



I remember this shit from the 1990’s it turned out to be completely….

86ac8b  No.7043323


That Anon that posted the roller looking slats underneath the temple.

What if it's fake and it just moves to the side to cover rituals beneath

2513e8  No.7043324

Epstein vs Edwards Deposition

Hidden clues


26bc53  No.7043325

File: 7100a9bb9b97b1a⋯.png (250 KB, 773x464, 773:464, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

291cde  No.7043326

File: 2a392d503bee44c⋯.png (643.86 KB, 956x500, 239:125, ClipboardImage.png)

2a0592  No.7043327

File: 2efdc12d93ad249⋯.png (422.92 KB, 852x882, 142:147, LurkMoar.png)

ff0a36  No.7043328

File: f2afca50b7a4375⋯.jpeg (13.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dcef77b00363c3cdb4506eca7….jpeg)



Amen & Amen… This board needs the cover of prayers during these many days of seeing EVIL at the front door. I've read things posted here that gave this anon a feeling that for sure witches are casting spells here.

48b57d  No.7043329

>>7043293 D E C L A S "A week to remember"


12c0e7  No.7043330


Try Rachel Guinness. That is her married name.

b62042  No.7043331


Personally I wouldn’t, only because I never look at the other threads on their own. My 2 cents. Keep posting here you might have hit a nerve

a93a91  No.7043332


>>>7040112 rt >>7040039 ————————————–——– GOD WINS.

>>>7039671 rt >>7039638 ————————————–——– Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?

3d083f  No.7043333

Not saying he’s a alive. Though nothing would surprise me anymore. Just very unlikely. BUT, it will be the 20th anniversary of his death this week. A close friend of The Don, taken out by the cabal. I can see a big thing happening this week in honor or JFK Jr.

But then I also keep in mind misinfo is necessary. So who the fuck knows anymore. Regardless. Say a prayer for Jr that day. Good soul taken too soon.

af547a  No.7043334


BO is a clown.

He tries to get anons of the board.

His shill team not only tries to make him blend in again (impossible!) but they also play another angle and want to make anons leave now by saying the board is not working anymore.

Fact: as long as autists come here and share info, as long as Q posts here, the board works fine.

Anons keeping up pressure on clown BO will make him leave.

56de9c  No.7043335


Let us hope that the week includes lots and lots of lovely resignations.

aaa20a  No.7043336


CIA & Vatican?

Media & Evil?

Rkelly & Epstein?

740e30  No.7043337


Yeah, but is she a dyke or a tranny, too?

Cuz, if not, well then what's the point?

bb17d6  No.7043338


Because BO is a comped lazy faggot.

a7e3d7  No.7043339


Exactly. I’m able to see. They want this board destroyed. Reading tweets about whose involved and paytriots it is.

e67a93  No.7043340


You are kind of bad at this whole thing. Could you at least use proper english and grammar?

I think we know who the nigger is.

Illiterate cunt.

And boom this faggot. Fucking lame ass insult.

bdd553  No.7043341


Why is the dough edited ?

749f2b  No.7043342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and then you got all weird like that :D

6ad9b2  No.7043343

File: ca1a27f0d0537fc⋯.jpeg (145.2 KB, 634x931, 634:931, 41355343-D11A-4E37-A83A-3….jpeg)

File: ff35549f62dd5c9⋯.jpeg (551.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, A949B797-8C13-4294-B427-2….jpeg)

File: dfc534a67277f07⋯.jpeg (111.28 KB, 500x842, 250:421, 263271DA-C382-4F8B-AE9D-F….jpeg)

File: 56edc81a4d85bfb⋯.jpeg (23.07 KB, 655x315, 131:63, 2942DD10-3FBC-47AB-A337-3….jpeg)

I’d didn’t come back from the dead to settle for a fugly ginger like you, Sam!

65648d  No.7043344


A traitor’s justice?


76132a  No.7043345

File: 8e24a4db123b561⋯.png (186.82 KB, 400x388, 100:97, 1559559114.png)

Hey frens, can someone hook this Anon up with the photo of the Q shaped Doppler image? Need to show my gf, kek.

aa0d46  No.7043346

Q can't control shit obviously. Get it right.


9adfff  No.7043347

File: b1da3384716be2f⋯.jpg (144.01 KB, 571x983, 571:983, 1405425149439.jpg)

File: 75f6a19aecb9927⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 482x387, 482:387, 1375644610048.jpg)

File: 75f1db2acbaa63e⋯.jpg (272.54 KB, 769x1039, 769:1039, 1403841791439.jpg)

File: 40ad72c96ba45f5⋯.png (365.83 KB, 392x400, 49:50, 1401411691500.png)

File: babfb800890668c⋯.jpg (328.16 KB, 887x800, 887:800, 1405534315154.jpg)

7b8fa8  No.7043348

File: 2036966958f853a⋯.png (201.28 KB, 400x210, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

House manager at treatment facility arrested on sex charges

WAWARSING – The Justice Center of New York and State Police at Wawarsing have arrested a staff member at Samaritan Daytop Village in the Town of Wawarsing on sex charges.

Marcus Coles, 45, of Liberty, was charged with three counts of criminal sexual act and two counts of rape.

Coles, a house manager at the facility operated by the State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, had sex with a client at the residential facility.

He was arraigned and released on his own recognizance pending a future court appearance rat out epstein connections.


946a32  No.7043349

File: 78eaf7db261ec8a⋯.png (17.26 KB, 351x174, 117:58, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 76fbc5b0f75bc90⋯.png (429.81 KB, 494x540, 247:270, again?.png)

0c9ca1  No.7043350



You know, I recall reading the "Foundain Pen Conspiracy" where the swindlers would deceive big corporations and high net worth individuals and families with promises of originating large bank loans from banking institution in the Carribeans.

One of the stories, was a swindler that "coned" Elvis Pressley (Singer) out of his jet. When he took it, he gave the command or asserted, can remember which one, "wheels up". This was in context to the other swindlers who operate in resourceful paks of 100 or so that Elvis jet plane was in their possession and they just lifted off the runaway.

Book written in 1977 ish.

URL https://m.barnesandnoble.com/w/fountain-pen-conspiracy-jonathan-kwitny/1000371564


86ac8b  No.7043351


Why do you say he can't control post number?

I picture that most of the drops that are not replies to anons are preset to fire.

We are watching a movie

636de9  No.7043352


12c0e7  No.7043353


Why do people insist on commenting?

This is how shit gets put in private. 😑

3192bf  No.7043354

File: a6a17cd976174f7⋯.png (201 KB, 625x444, 625:444, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

af547a  No.7043355


did i not?


you are only so butthurt bc you know that nothing is gonna stop Q and autists, you shills start to realize.

BO is now visible, you shills are visible and soon be gone - and while that, visible shills have no effect and anons are not any longer relying on notables and archiving offline.

good times.

efbaa3  No.7043356


yeah i know the source but they do post good nuggets and this one smells right:

An astonishing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today outlining the agenda for strategic stability talks between Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and US Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan to be held 17-18 July in Geneva-Switzerland, lists as one of its main items for discussion a request made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for an export license to use Logis-Geotech technology—Russia’s most advanced defense industry developer and manufacturer of geophysical (underground radar) equipment—whose referencing number on this FBI request is “19 CRIM 490”—which is the 8 July 2019 criminal charging document against child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein—with the only purpose for the FBI wanting to use this highly restricted Russian technology, would appear to be an underground radar examination of Epstein’s bizarre temple-like structure discovered on his private Caribbean island—whose massive doors are locked from the outside, not the inside.


48b57d  No.7043357

File: 571dace244b85f0⋯.png (64.42 KB, 658x901, 658:901, 1478574248180.png)

>>7043231 D E C L A S "A week to remember"


please disregard >>7043329 I am, in fact actually retarded…


I was just so excited

cf64d4  No.7043358

File: cf45808b4e7ba03⋯.png (16.63 KB, 584x102, 292:51, buhbye.png)

Nothing will stop whats coming for you!

ba6ea6  No.7043359


(((JEW))) want any (((JEWESSES))) hiding there to be head shotted first? 🤔🤷‍♂️

749f2b  No.7043360

File: 2f5b77859a187b4⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 296x474, 148:237, 515TZJTX75L._SX294_BO1,204….jpg)

File: 9c58c64ee5ef0ee⋯.jpg (26.29 KB, 294x475, 294:475, sm2.jpg)

File: e73a4ada3173dd6⋯.jpg (24.15 KB, 326x308, 163:154, rex-deus-pic.jpg)


I am convinced! meme #2 did it…

Its got to be the masons and the muh joos anons…

gotta be…


whatever you do… do not read that book…

65648d  No.7043361


Because the Baker is a literal faggot.

636de9  No.7043362


Three other members of the ASPCA board were recruited to the board of the NYSPCC, with Wright subsequently attracting other wealthy benefactors including Cornelius Vanderbilt.

35844d  No.7043363


What a beautiful pattern to that map.

ebfb16  No.7043364


got it and the rest

a7e3d7  No.7043365


Reread what you posted. It makes no sense. Circular reasoning.

04cde8  No.7043366

File: 8d21f32ae6e6fb8⋯.png (60.06 KB, 247x305, 247:305, ClipboardImage.png)

Stick up for Ben Garrison and squash DS maggots



ec4b1a  No.7043367

File: 39ef800aaf0b840⋯.jpg (238.61 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.3-8.jpg)

File: de666fec23927d3⋯.jpg (232.42 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.9-14.jpg)

File: ed1ac2e3875763f⋯.jpg (231.27 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.15-20.jpg)

File: 33d813ebef58a02⋯.jpg (245.63 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.21-28.jpg)

7a0944  No.7043368

>>7042622 LB

A Week to Remember: To Kill a Mockingbird

Keith Chaffee, Librarian, Collection Development, Monday, July 8, 2019

Sauce: https://www.lapl.org/collections-resources/blogs/lapl/week-remember-kill-mockingbird


ff0a36  No.7043369

File: 76e42fde70495fe⋯.jpeg (48.77 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 906a213dd0c9e2aeef39b15eb….jpeg)


Dear Fren,

You really need to give up. Q comes here so patriots AIN'T leaving..



d6bd0b  No.7043370


Notice she didn't say our government since she serves Satan.

636de9  No.7043371


Cornelius Vanderbilt

ec4b1a  No.7043373

File: 93c0bdba292d6d5⋯.jpg (210.28 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.29-31.jpg)

File: 7b3b1745c5ba5e2⋯.jpg (229.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.32-36.jpg)

File: 142ae0dea8d68e7⋯.jpg (246.64 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.37-44.jpg)

File: 659040c5acc280a⋯.jpg (245.82 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Matthew24.45-51.jpg)

56de9c  No.7043374


Ok. That might need a reasonable clarification. Q can control organic post number - but not the post number assigned by aggregators.

You're welcome to disagree. Should you figure it out, anon will come make your popcorn.

af547a  No.7043375



>>7043231, >>7043293

>A week to remember → DECLAS

da7d84  No.7043376

Reposting this for anyone that missed in earlier bread. Made one notableanon's list but not the other.

Complete bun

Arkansas springs, elite inbreeding diseases, FDR's hydrotherapy obsession, Jewish orphanages in OH that was once a hydrotherapy clinic. Spoofy as hell and all connected.

>>7042328 Part 1

>>7042347 Part 2

>>7042376 Part 3

>>7042391 Part 4

>>7042424 Part 5

(correlating pics)

>>7042445 FDR in healing waters

>>7042464 FDR DC memorial

>>7042457 Bellefaire JCB foster care pics

65648d  No.7043377


Them bitches are not “from America” at all.

Bitch needs to get her facts straight.

f13c6f  No.7043378

File: be07d6a1d100fcd⋯.png (341.7 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190712-182054.png)


God it's nice to be back with the real anons this capcha is faggot

9adfff  No.7043379

File: 69b6bb8d9182871⋯.png (191.14 KB, 439x532, 439:532, 7889gh9.png)

File: d30b47f9f015407⋯.png (471.47 KB, 1104x577, 1104:577, dsssssssss.png)

File: a255372e704d7e7⋯.png (451.85 KB, 870x565, 174:113, ljkjkl.png)

File: e37b738e81dbcc7⋯.png (98.81 KB, 439x231, 439:231, ppppppppp.png)

File: 705bdf0dceda897⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 3092x2592, 773:648, 1387439161435.gif)

749f2b  No.7043380

File: b76ae75b18fa5ac⋯.png (152.79 KB, 516x381, 172:127, b76ae75b18fa5ac8a005ea1431….png)


hiding where?


it just gets worse in the "next" [you] know? :D

8254bd  No.7043381

File: 0174951bd6b9166⋯.jpg (275.57 KB, 1918x1077, 1918:1077, busted-deutsche-bank-manip….jpg)

aaa20a  No.7043382

File: 73d389f9be884b1⋯.jpeg (3.7 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, C89ED991-9D8B-47AB-80B7-6….jpeg)


Snowy white = CIA?

CIA= Media (fantasyland)?

Godfather III = Vatican?

Vatican = Sick (evil)?

EVIL = those who.. the loudest

86ac8b  No.7043383


Were you here all those breads where anons were trying to nail a specific minute:second?

Most of them failed like call it 70% of the time.

If the minute:seconds are set and important - they are likely preset. just like some of POTUS' tweets.

But some are real time conversation. Some are 'on the move'

7513da  No.7043384

File: 732047108491063⋯.jpg (147 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, Tradional Dress.jpg)

ba6ea6  No.7043385


Nope, Satan rarely leaves the "white house" actually. 🤷‍♂️

But yes, "Obama" is gonna leave the "white house" today and Satan will probably be unable to sleep. 🤷‍♂️

90ac9f  No.7043386

File: c2f09a6b29986ed⋯.png (857.32 KB, 800x450, 16:9, epstein island rocks clock….png)

af547a  No.7043387


read my post again, I said anons won´t leave QR, BUT CLOWN BO WILL.

7b8fa8  No.7043388

File: 7b00f45a5e0435d⋯.png (569.34 KB, 852x480, 71:40, ClipboardImage.png)

12c0e7  No.7043389


She looks young. But it could just be the blurry picture.

35844d  No.7043390



>Q can't control post number.

Q. If Q = A.L.I.C.E. could Q control the post number?

6ad9b2  No.7043391

File: 96e5601c3fa14a9⋯.jpeg (65.76 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 83FFD80A-710C-4C52-A85B-4….jpeg)

File: 1d15681e0d1d3e7⋯.jpeg (459.78 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 0934BC7D-8A19-4CD7-B1A4-D….jpeg)

File: 9eaa1b771c657f1⋯.jpeg (138.75 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 8C9641AD-2B95-4AB9-9739-E….jpeg)

ff0a36  No.7043392

File: abee729c5b9f007⋯.jpeg (35.76 KB, 750x584, 375:292, a3127cbdb3e2d53a47fdee02c….jpeg)


It'll all come out in the wash..


fe56aa  No.7043393



2b9001  No.7043394

posting for a link


Notables by anons, for anons

>>7042328, >>7042347, >>7042376, >>7042391, >>7042424, >>7042457, >>7042464, >>7042530, >>7042585 The Elite, their inbred genetic health issues etc and additional background

>>7042349 Anon speculates on removal of eye for pineal gland harvesting


>>7042359 Bronze Obama Statue Features First Female In City Of Presidents-being installed monday morning

>>7042372, >>7042396 Interdasting architecture across from Epstein NYC home NYC

>>7042399, >>7042443 July 17=GQ

>>7042409, >>7042716 Epstein and Wexner start company, Wexner gives home to Corp..etc

>>7042427 Former ICE Chief Challenges Ocasio-Cortez on ‘Family Separation’ During Testy Exchange-vid and article from yesterday

>>7042482 Devin Nunes Has a Warning for AG Bill Barr (welcome Devin..bit late on that)

>>7042467 Every Property Owned by Sleazy Financier Jeffrey Epstein-from 2015

>>7042488 GODFATHER III and, >>7040246 pb boss drop

>>7042511 U.S. firms may get nod to restart Huawei sales in 2-4 weeks - official

>>7042576 latest boss drops corrected

>>7042587 anon bundaroo on Arkansas springs, elite inbreeding diseases, FDR's hydrotherapy obsession, Jewish orphanages in OH

>>7042679 Sir Robert Maxwell’s FBI file is getting more classified by the minute

>>7042737 ICE Acting Director Rips Sanctuary City Mayors For Helping Illegal Aliens Avoid Arrest

>>7042738 Oregon Governor Kate Brown has quietly solicited millions of dollars in campaign donations

>>7042775, >>7042825 Jeffrey Epstein "was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift."

>>7042880 New POTUS tweet

>>7042817, >>7042867, >>7042917, >>7042949, >>7042986 anon speculates on PROMIS software and epstein/maxwell mosaad connections

>>7042950, >>7042959 Oregon Democrats’ fine Republicans who walked out during "cap and trade" session.

>>7042981 Mullet man is arrested after Australian sex shop raided

05f48d  No.7043395


This is not the end…this is the period of peace which precedes the end.

ba6ea6  No.7043396


>hiding where?

In the vatican. 🤷‍♂️

The (((JEWESSES))) run things from behind the scenes, yes? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

27f770  No.7043397

Be Ready

2513e8  No.7043398

File: c46549767dc9986⋯.png (145.82 KB, 675x858, 225:286, Epstein_vs_Edwards.png)

9a7e9b  No.7043399


and recent drone footage shows them installing a window in this exact spot.

db8877  No.7043400

File: 63eaf2729738361⋯.jpg (144.97 KB, 810x643, 810:643, nyspcc_1877_1879.JPG)

File: e2979d46fc81256⋯.jpg (169.63 KB, 1042x650, 521:325, nyspcc_1900.JPG)

File: de9453f73c4a7ca⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 251x615, 251:615, nyspcc_1919.JPG)

File: cd4d2efaa26c648⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 355x629, 355:629, nyspcc_1925.JPG)

File: e751d8f5e345194⋯.png (7.33 KB, 1469x50, 1469:50, ClipboardImage.png)

Sauce for New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Founded in 1875 : President Elbridge T. Gerry

Some op-eds show concern for the Society's over-reach in removing children and breaking up homes.

Sounds quite similar to today's CPS.

By 1900 the State Board of Charities was wanting to visit, inspect and supervise the Society - Gerry vehemently refused the oversight.

The 1919 Advertisement is interesting…

In 1925 there were complaints of neglect.

ebfb16  No.7043401


Notables for anons, by anons

>>7043091 Mansion being raided in Ormond Beach, FL eyes on

>>7043104, >>7043225, >>7043293 Here is a screenshot of all five Q posts with the phrase "A Week to Remember" plus additions

>>7043121, >>7043177 hillbags tweet :/ and comments

>>7043122, >>7043233 anons on "drain the swamps" epstein island swamp areas

>>7043155 FlipitRed2020 is scamming patriots in Twitter and asking for $

>>7043124, >>7043202, >>7043259 Inslaw,Riconosciuto,PROMIS

>>7043183 2 arrested for the homicide of Tremain Calloway in Seaside back in May

>>7043194 Can anyone ID this chick with AW?

>>7043231, >>7043243 anon speculates on DECLAS w/proofs

>>7043244, >>7043250 moar on Wheels up dig


>>7043348 House manager at treatment facility arrested on sex charges

chek'em and DON'T BITCH, some of you are faggots..a minority but present either way.

Notes-in-the-Dough Pastebin


6a284c  No.7043402


Patriots in control.

ba6ea6  No.7043403


Yeah, no. Satan is kinda like that dude from the "Bandersnatch" Black Mirror episode. 🤷‍♂️

8254bd  No.7043404

File: cbf28d9de581a28⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1500x1381, 1500:1381, president-donald-trump-201….jpg)

636de9  No.7043405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f958b7  No.7043406

b7bd52  No.7043407

File: b784dbe64bcbdba⋯.jpg (87.62 KB, 1045x525, 209:105, Prayer2.jpg)

7b8fa8  No.7043408

File: 417b582b8e9db3b⋯.png (462.34 KB, 697x376, 697:376, ClipboardImage.png)

Indian Man #Arrested at Phuket Fuckit Airport for O-A Retirement VISA Scame

https://www.chiangraitimes.com/indian-man-arrested-at-phuket-airport-for-o-a-retirement-visa-scam.html … -

a92cb6  No.7043409


Nice graphic, fren.

Jesuits are often confessors. On that note, what goes on in the confessional doesn't stay there. That's how the Catholic church spies on people.

749f2b  No.7043410

File: 01045042b7debb2⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images (1).jpg)


God damn it I told you to stay off the internets! :D

Militant Jesus has got this! :D

I told you that [they] stole the jew religion not literally are muh joos! :D

2a0592  No.7043411

File: a0cccbd813dbad5⋯.png (182.06 KB, 1000x963, 1000:963, shILLSmATRIX.png)


The board is working great.

Not sure what your gripe is.

Q is posting. Research is happening.

Kindly neck yourself. Help or leave.

6ad9b2  No.7043412

File: 72cfdb186c956ff⋯.jpeg (139.28 KB, 699x699, 1:1, A77ED5F0-5762-42AA-B74F-A….jpeg)

File: 6025fa15576ddb8⋯.jpeg (109.17 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 0D4C66B5-4AD0-4C8A-BEB4-8….jpeg)

File: c50902a0e588422⋯.jpeg (55.55 KB, 500x356, 125:89, A013AEEF-FDAB-466B-B321-D….jpeg)

File: 94c3357832dcdb4⋯.jpeg (199.49 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, DFE9CE51-CBF6-4813-9D9E-D….jpeg)

File: 1ed080297061afc⋯.png (4.24 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E9D0558D-FF41-48F7-952C-0D….png)

Henry wins!

Sam loses!

ba6ea6  No.7043413


TL; Satan didn't read. 🤣🤷‍♂️

c6fdf2  No.7043414

File: 91c835d6901b940⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 255x187, 15:11, KYS Meme.jpg)

>>7038941 (pb)

35844d  No.7043415


>Patriots in control.


ff0a36  No.7043416


So sorry..my apologies really…

On the move… kek!

27f770  No.7043417


You're an idiot.

b7bd52  No.7043418

File: a3ddb18476b042a⋯.png (56.07 KB, 259x307, 259:307, Gold Star Researchers copy.png)

56856d  No.7043420



This was ON TV?

ba6ea6  No.7043421


Shotgun would be better I think. 🤷‍♂️

bdd553  No.7043422


Ok this is either BO / BV editing. Hoping you're a real anon I'm replying to cause we are few and far between. Bless you.

69f96c  No.7043423

File: b9c787428e91ea7⋯.png (4.43 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5533ada8940cda⋯.png (2.4 MB, 896x960, 14:15, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8ebff852436769⋯.png (1.31 MB, 924x519, 308:173, ClipboardImage.png)


552531  No.7043424

File: b58371f9b5c1745⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 310x174, 155:87, nyc-blackout.jpg)

(((▪︎Douglas MacKinnon: NYC is a warning – the blackout is coming▪︎)))

Just about three weeks ago, I did a piece headlined: (((“Will You Survive the Coming Blackout?”)))

On the heels of this weekend’s mini-blackout in New York City, this is not about “See, I told you so!” but is about reminding people that a large and sustained blackout could and would cripple much of society as we know it – and it could and would have a devastating impact upon our very lives, and survival.

Such a blackout is coming. It is only a matter of time.

Again, leaving aside the growing threats of cyber and terrorist attacks upon our power grid, the fact of the matter is that much of our grid is antiquated junk desperately in need of billions of dollars in repair. Antiquated infrastructure which unfortunately, is connected to other outdated infrastructure.

Sometimes, the slighted bump to our ancient electrical power infrastructure triggers a chain reaction power loss which spreads in seconds and leaves millions of people literally in the dark and much worse.

In 2003, a tree branch fell on a power line in Ohio and, instantly, over 50 million people in the United States and Canada were hit with cascading blackouts.

A tree branch.

These weather-related events happen every single day in the United States and collectively cause multiple blackouts to our very old, very weak, and very vulnerable infrastructure.

The mini-blackout in New York City affected about 73,000 people. Because it hit parts of midtown Manhattan, some of the city’s top tourist attractions and hot-spots went dark. Including Madison Square Garden in the middle of a Jennifer Lopez concert.

Because of all of that, it became live national and international news for a few hours.

Then, power was restored and most people have already forgotten about it. No big deal.

Except…it is actually a massive deal.

While I have no connection – financial or otherwise – to any industry associated with this issue, my background in government and pure common sense tells me that the power outage in New York City is a red warning flag of what is to come on a larger scale and must be seen that way. It is inevitable and it is only a matter of time.

You have to make a plan to protect yourself and your family. It is irresponsible not to do so. Because when a massive blackout does hit, you will be entirely on your own. No one will be riding to your rescue…..


749f2b  No.7043425

File: 4bb97a0c1ab0c6c⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 614x660, 307:330, 31172127_2357641030928690_….jpg)


(you) could learn a lot from an idiot then it seems… :D

bf510a  No.7043426

File: 2564fa6a7839894⋯.jpg (35.52 KB, 601x450, 601:450, trains.jpg)

67cb6a  No.7043427

File: 5a227cab02a60de⋯.png (12.3 KB, 400x287, 400:287, fullmoonq1543.PNG)

File: 092464b2391ded4⋯.png (10.95 KB, 634x212, 317:106, moonphasesjuly.PNG)


Full moon coming.

86ac8b  No.7043428


I'm no techanon by any means but saying Q can control minute:seconds for accurate mapping is just as unlikely as controlling post number unless the important ones are preset to fire.


dats a good question…

like to pontificate about Q from star trek.

ff6863  No.7043429

File: db8c2d7287c98a1⋯.png (79.56 KB, 756x972, 7:9, AWTR.png)

04cde8  No.7043430

File: f9dc8ca66c9df81⋯.png (415.01 KB, 568x550, 284:275, f9dc8ca66c9df81beaff55c98b….png)

File: 2273aa567b40188⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 736x857, 736:857, 2273aa567b40188369b90fcd15….jpg)

File: e528ab2ddd34c2d⋯.jpg (107.17 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ed8e0eccbf94eeb2f7ce1d13ff….jpg)

9d3b73  No.7043431

File: ed98921422c19a9⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1205x798, 1205:798, Screenshot_2019-02-21 Nort….png)

27f770  No.7043432


Who do you hate in your family and why?

c49cd0  No.7043433

File: 46362ababfc1a9f⋯.png (63.78 KB, 382x640, 191:320, ClipboardImage.png)

749f2b  No.7043434

File: bfc5bf961afea9c⋯.jpg (185.93 KB, 298x424, 149:212, g1444197865975648154.jpg)


of course a shotgun would be betters!



745b64  No.7043435


>This was ON TV?


ac1d26  No.7043436

File: 8c066e9e9497485⋯.png (659.13 KB, 550x532, 275:266, 8c066e9e94974855c4d1f284df….png)


Stupid thought…the numbers correspond to the days of the "Week to Remember" and the corresponding letters signify what happens that day? Maybe the letter represents a person to be arrested?


No sweat, fren! o7

4c6bd5  No.7043438

File: dd91030fbcb8892⋯.png (50.97 KB, 1732x143, 1732:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1706a9897feb93⋯.png (875.02 KB, 1274x773, 1274:773, ClipboardImage.png)


anyone else see the Q in the Epstein Island vid Q dropped?


~3 min 52 sec

7b8fa8  No.7043439

File: b378e3470314f4e⋯.png (458.78 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eb15ff56e84321⋯.png (969.5 KB, 634x845, 634:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21322110b113baa⋯.png (1.27 MB, 634x1057, 634:1057, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcdb5b2887ddeb9⋯.png (327.91 KB, 306x464, 153:232, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e37dc9127fa6734⋯.png (324.03 KB, 306x464, 153:232, ClipboardImage.png)

Why? Must be the nyggar in him

Engaged father is arrested for luring men on gay dating apps then robbing them at gunpoint

Tavaris Wilson, 31, of Gainesville, Florida has been arrested on suspicion of luring robbery victims through online dating apps despite being apparently engaged to be married

A Florida man has been arrested on suspicion of luring robbery victims through online dating apps despite being apparently engaged to be married.

Tavares Wilson, 31, is accused of tricking men into meeting him at an apartment complex where he then allegedly robbed them at gunpoint, ABC News reported.

Police said there have been at least five reports of robberies fitting that description, along with countless unreported incidents of a similar nature, since January.

He was taken into custody by the Gainesville Police Department on July 11, assisting in the case being handled by the Alachua County Sheriff's Office.

Wilson, who runs a cartoon character costume business called 'Costume N More' according to his Facebook pages, remains in custody facing three second degree felonies, a third degree felony and a first degree misdemeanor.


dc0150  No.7043440

File: 6f59f05b583e749⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0260.JPG)


f6a3ec  No.7043441


ba6ea6  No.7043442


Not anymore. No. 🤷‍♂️

56856d  No.7043443


So you're saying the Grand Canyon was the World Tree?

1769ee  No.7043444


> https://www.ormondbeachobserver.com/article/house-built-in-1925-sells-for-dollar2-15-million

did I read correctly that the home sold to three people? like a married couple and another person bought the house together? is that normal? or am I retarded? last q is rhetorical, autists

ba6ea6  No.7043445


Did (((JEW))) check the future just now? How's it looking now? Managed to save (((JEW)))-manity? 🤔🤣🤷‍♂️

56856d  No.7043446


Get fuckin' woke, normies.

What's funny is people think this is news.

27f770  No.7043447


If Jesus was alive today he wouldn't heal you.

f958b7  No.7043448


Depends on what it is being used for… Weapon fits the mission…

35844d  No.7043449


>Full moon coming.


640be0  No.7043450

File: a5f61eec14535e2⋯.png (95.41 KB, 1439x787, 1439:787, Capture _2019-07-14-19-47-….png)

File: 2155b9d8e07426f⋯.png (124.22 KB, 1439x1136, 1439:1136, Capture _2019-07-14-19-48-….png)

File: ebf6605133ba4cc⋯.png (302.68 KB, 1438x1042, 719:521, Capture _2019-07-14-19-49-….png)

File: 4b3cd43b4d41b16⋯.png (691.25 KB, 1436x1546, 718:773, Capture _2019-07-14-19-50-….png)

12c0e7  No.7043451


Oh wow! very interdasting potential connection

The autism is strong with this one.

4018a8  No.7043452


nigs gonna nog

db1948  No.7043453


are both houses in session tomorrow?

3192bf  No.7043454


If this is what the public is getting from NBC News, imagine the horror the truth will be when the real news breaks

63e710  No.7043455


To be fair his business is ‘Costumes and MOAR’

4cdfe5  No.7043456


See >>7013314

35844d  No.7043457

749f2b  No.7043458

File: f05c889d7dc2b1e⋯.jpeg (14.24 KB, 255x155, 51:31, CONT1.jpeg)

File: c885952c7876de8⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 255x129, 85:43, 0 FREN PEPE.jpg)


it must be hard when that is all you have left to believe…

you were never alone anon…

ba6ea6  No.7043459


Must have seen that tree with your time machine. Good for (((JEW))) I guess. 🤷‍♂️

552531  No.7043460

File: bffcdffaf029b37⋯.jpg (118 KB, 960x824, 120:103, hillary in cuffs.jpg)

dc0150  No.7043461



3745fe  No.7043462

File: 9ed052305636f8a⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 1200x933, 400:311, 5cd0ee9c3fde8.image.jpg)

f2d1f5  No.7043463

File: 33c5537ede9afe4⋯.png (14.83 KB, 397x154, 397:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bed869369ae0000⋯.png (41.05 KB, 397x216, 397:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e04cab88e8e3728⋯.png (9.98 KB, 397x110, 397:110, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf8ece68137a700⋯.png (13.2 KB, 397x168, 397:168, ClipboardImage.png)


The Bill Barr, B(2) stealth bomber, may be dropping the DECLAS bomb (1,2,3,4,5…A, B, C, D, E…[D-1] [E-2] [C-3] [D-4] [A-5] [S-6] ) this week. The shot heard round the world & kicked off by the necessary blackout.


2b9001  No.7043464

>>7043394, >>7041992, >>7042005, >>7042017, >>7042024

Global Board Anon Announcements:


are not endorsements


Notables by anons, for anons

>>7042328, >>7042347, >>7042376, >>7042391, >>7042424, >>7042457, >>7042464, >>7042530, >>7042585 The Elite, their inbred genetic health issues etc and additional background

>>7042349 Anon speculates on removal of eye for pineal gland harvesting


>>7042359 Bronze Obama Statue Features First Female In City Of Presidents-being installed monday morning

>>7042372, >>7042396 Interdasting architecture across from Epstein NYC home NYC

>>7042399, >>7042443 July 17=GQ

>>7042409, >>7042716 Epstein and Wexner start company, Wexner gives home to Corp..etc

>>7042427 Former ICE Chief Challenges Ocasio-Cortez on ‘Family Separation’ During Testy Exchange-vid and article from yesterday

>>7042482 Devin Nunes Has a Warning for AG Bill Barr (welcome Devin..bit late on that)

>>7042467 Every Property Owned by Sleazy Financier Jeffrey Epstein-from 2015

>>7042488 GODFATHER III and, >>7040246 pb boss drop

>>7042511 U.S. firms may get nod to restart Huawei sales in 2-4 weeks - official

>>7042576 latest boss drops corrected

>>7042587 anon bundaroo on Arkansas springs, elite inbreeding diseases, FDR's hydrotherapy obsession, Jewish orphanages in OH

>>7042679 Sir Robert Maxwell’s FBI file is getting more classified by the minute

>>7042737 ICE Acting Director Rips Sanctuary City Mayors For Helping Illegal Aliens Avoid Arrest

>>7042738 Oregon Governor Kate Brown has quietly solicited millions of dollars in campaign donations

>>7042775, >>7042825 Jeffrey Epstein "was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift."

>>7042880 New POTUS tweet

>>7042817, >>7042867, >>7042917, >>7042949, >>7042986 anon speculates on PROMIS software and epstein/maxwell mosaad connections

>>7042950, >>7042959 Oregon Democrats’ fine Republicans who walked out during "cap and trade" session.

>>7042981 Mullet man is arrested after Australian sex shop raided

>>7043394 #9012


>>7041592, >>7041933, >>7042041 Former Employee of Boys & Girls Club Arrested for Crimes Against Children!

>>7041611, >>7039671 pb Qdrop Blood Love, Black Magic, Priestess..

>>7041615 anon dig Tom Lantos, born in Hungary…Later served as Democratic congressman in California from 1981 to 2008.

>>7041618, recent boss posts missing from bread

>>7041552, >>7041566, >>7041639, >>7041719, >>7041744, >>7041800, >>7041985, >>7041757 Epstein's Torture Island/Finance/ A whole lotta shit….

>>7041629 TRUTH from anon-how military sleeps….

>>7041637 DoD tweet- training at Moody AFB

>>7041690 anon on YT views for Q post # 3427 of JE island YT vid

>>7041684 Sunday school teacher, youth leader arrested on rape charges involving 12-year-old girl

>>7041731 IRAN/Notes/News

>>7041734, >>7041979 POTUS' Blacklist of Huawei Continues, Chinese Telecom Company Plans Extensive US Layoffs

>>7041732 report that flag taken down in aurora last night is back up-o7

>>7041736, >>7041749 Top Puerto Rico officials resign in group chat scandal that ensnares governor

>>7041758 U.S. proposes barring big tech companies from offering financial services, digital currencies

>>7041781, >>7041775, >>7041818, >>7041914, >>7042006, >>7041994 Ghislaine Maxwell digs and spoopiness/connections

>>7041796 9th Circuit Gives Trump Administration a Win on Sanctuary Cities

>>7041833, >>7041919, >>7041953 anon digs on tunnels re Branson (necker island) and Epstein

>>7041883 anon dig on Epstein's wealth re: Maple Inc

>>7041923 anon dig wheels up-Wheels Up operation in the BVI d/b/a Capitol Air.

>>7041886 most recent boss drops

>>7041890 Helo crash in E. montana-three to hospital

>>7041894 US STRAT COMM tweet- New nuclear commanders met with #US_Stratcom leaders during the Nuclear Commander’s Course

>>7042007 Robert Maxwell FBI Vault

>>7041973 Detroit cops arrest their own police commissioner at heated meeting over facial recognition (VIDEO)

>>7042050 Pablo Lyle, Jeffrey Epstein and the former deputy arrested for allegedly planting drugs during traffic stops.

>>7042122 US STRAT COMM Tweet-FACES OF THE DEEP: Ever hear about a sailor earning their dolphins?

>>7042240 #9010

Previously Collected Notables

>>7041550 #9008, >>7043050 #9009

>>7038392 #9005, >>7041394 #9006, >>7040229 #9007

>>7036119 #9002, >>7036756 #9003, >>7037589 #9004

>>7034057 #8999, >>7034485 #9000, >>7035234 #9001

>>7031396 #8996, >>7032457 #8997, >>7033089 #8998

Notables Archive by BV's (no longer updated?): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notes-in-the-Dough Pastebin


12acea  No.7043465


It’s not Trump’s dumpster fire. It belongs to JE, CIA, Mossad, AIPAC and the rest. Trump is the solution.

35844d  No.7043466


Would too.

1769ee  No.7043467


I know right, v annoying. is it private now?

dc0150  No.7043468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f010d0  No.7043469


what was the time on the sun dial from drone video?

>morning sun brings heat?

ba6ea6  No.7043470


Yeah, no. Satan's not gonna remember random things from those grades. 🤷‍♂️

2c296f  No.7043471

A week to remember,

Seems to be posted in regards to events being postponed or delayed for whatever reason.

35a72d  No.7043472

File: 8c3bba5af010630⋯.jpg (248.23 KB, 720x675, 16:15, epsteinisland2.jpg)

File: 6d09580089aeed8⋯.jpg (251.13 KB, 714x637, 102:91, Epsteinisland.jpg)

9d3b73  No.7043473

File: 3e87f4e37b4fd76⋯.jpg (669.86 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 3434.jpg)

8639d2  No.7043474

all this butthurt over notables, who has a new scraper going? grab the whole page, sort it by post numbers, do something with the duplicates and the titles. maybe get some rough statistics about how many times a post is notable, or traverse a level deeper and see how many times the same url is referenced.

have you noticed nobody gets a You for having a notable in the notables bread? only for having a "notable" in this bread? whose dopamine supply got cut off as a result?

2b879c  No.7043476

File: 268792ed9360994⋯.png (1017.82 KB, 1023x551, 1023:551, gostraighto.png)

File: 3565360f60e23de⋯.png (92.52 KB, 694x434, 347:217, gettingitd71419.png)


POTUS Timestamps very important, anons. POTUS DOES see every word we type here.

e3758d  No.7043477

File: 1b7146412376b1c⋯.png (219.96 KB, 588x406, 42:29, ClipboardImage.png)

strike 3 dumbdumbs

Suspect in Custody Following Large Disturbance and Shooting Outside of Seattle Center

SEATTLE — Officers were dispatched to a physical fight at 2nd North and Mercer following an event at the Seattle Center just before 2:00 am Sunday morning. As officers were responding a large crowd was forming near Warren Avenue North and Mercer Street. As officers were attempting to break up the crowd a male in the crowd was shot. The crowd’s hostility grew, would not disperse and repeatedly sought to interfere with life saving measures being attempted on the victim which included CPR.

Once the crowd was pushed back from the immediate vicinity of the victim people in the crowd began breaking windows and surrounding the officers. Additional officers from other precincts throughout the city responded to the scene. Despite the arrival of more officers, the crowd continued to grow. Eventually the scene was secured for Seattle Fire medics and they were able to reach the scene and begin lifesaving measures for the victim. The victim was transported to Harborview Medical Center with life-threatening injuries.


12acea  No.7043478


She ded.

ea2dd6  No.7043479

File: 898096f60e1c93c⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1366x5424, 683:2712, godfather_3.jpg)


All previous God Father III posts from Q:

7513da  No.7043480


Seriously 106k unsealed, OK, Lets do some math, If we can get 10k unsealed a month..it would take 10+ months to clear out just these, which means unsealing approx. 334/day including weekends!!

Is that even possible?? I guess we will see.

56de9c  No.7043481

File: d351316fd5faea9⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 553x503, 553:503, bombs away merry christmas.jpg)


We get it at 22:50?



22:50 (next)

10:50pm eastern.

04cde8  No.7043482

File: 4d7a630b4dbdbbe⋯.jpg (542.65 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 4d7a630b4dbdbbe01001679df2….jpg)

ee29d5  No.7043483


I am very disappointed by Morgan Freeman.

These Hollywood People show now (as they are in panic) that they do not have class at all.

Never had.

6ad9b2  No.7043484

File: 9b3e13fcba06939⋯.jpeg (110.97 KB, 697x871, 697:871, 7AEBD40F-9EFB-4ACF-B727-F….jpeg)

File: 1d77eda9f1cdd17⋯.jpeg (39.6 KB, 330x330, 1:1, 929CF936-9E5B-4A25-BA0F-5….jpeg)

File: b59e89a9d505ec0⋯.jpeg (147.73 KB, 500x967, 500:967, C548CFDC-57A2-4503-981C-A….jpeg)

749f2b  No.7043485

File: 32d6efe7733b0b3⋯.png (33.08 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 0 CRY.png)


der ok


always one in the crowd huh? :D


I do not trust not ables anymoars sry… :D


I am still butthurt about captcha that DID NOT slow down one fucking bot etc etc et al!!!!!!!!!!! :D

fe56aa  No.7043486

Based solely on past Q posts, I expect fuck-all to happen this week.

One Anon stated that Ghislane will be Q name #2 arrested. Sounds plausible, any more guesses on Q Arrest #2?

1769ee  No.7043487

File: 7a237d72f38bec6⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1111x872, 1111:872, SOONflotus.png)

f010d0  No.7043488


Works well if Dan Coats is fired

27f770  No.7043489


No he wouldn't. Go hang yourself.

56856d  No.7043490


So we're calling Epstein #1 huh

2f6866  No.7043491


Has there been any info on number 9 on this layout?

12c0e7  No.7043492


Yeah. I noticed it. Not putting much weight in it though. But ya never know.

32ecb5  No.7043493

File: aa84946ebb64ee3⋯.png (621.46 KB, 1019x709, 1019:709, Img-1563151527235.png)

File: a71057af303205a⋯.png (255.68 KB, 720x831, 240:277, Img-1563151444531.png)

File: 74a2000911683d7⋯.png (140.05 KB, 720x452, 180:113, Img-1563151481618.png)

File: f2c4a3d131f98cd⋯.png (158.06 KB, 720x690, 24:23, Img-1563151354061.png)

File: 809586c883ebe6e⋯.png (12.29 KB, 234x160, 117:80, Img-1563151380807.png)

Gudea - Sumerians

Judea - Jews

Those "Annunaki" gods look familiar don't they? Ha ha. Those alien gods look a lot like a winged sun I know.






Not only is Nibiru not a conspiracy…buts it's the god of the Bible. And not only that…but the god of the Bible is the devil.

Raise your hand if you saw that coming.


a7e3d7  No.7043494


The expenditure of resources doesn’t justify effort. Monetized maybe. Hmmmm. Paytriots.

12acea  No.7043495


Bob Dole.

ee29d5  No.7043496

File: 83ef9a52478f025⋯.jpg (21.16 KB, 312x445, 312:445, 41KYQSW61YL._SY445_.jpg)

ba6ea6  No.7043497


Satan already believes (((JEWESSES))) run things from behind the scenes. Can't change his mind anymore. Sorry. 🤷‍♂️

924e78  No.7043498

File: 768bd05a940b8aa⋯.jpeg (146.06 KB, 746x746, 1:1, D1F4CBF8-E2E5-4627-B317-D….jpeg)

File: 18353ff221de955⋯.jpeg (192.86 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, E6857324-533C-4480-854A-F….jpeg)

‪Caribbean Helicopter Tours‬

‪Fb page: https://www.facebook.com/caribbeanbuzzhelicopters/photos/a.220542878005533/2347804258612707?type=3&sfns=xmwa‬

‪Actual pictures found on this page. ‬

‪Curly hair chick is the pilot. She has many friends. ‬

749f2b  No.7043499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c6fdf2  No.7043500


There goes the franchise, straight to the shitter! These people are stupid.

a92cb6  No.7043501


To be fair I had to re-read that for it to sink in.

It truly is a catastrophe–for her and her deep state buddies.

I can hardly wait for them to find out just how big a catastrophe.

f2d1f5  No.7043502

File: 33c5537ede9afe4⋯.png (14.83 KB, 397x154, 397:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27a4a52434505f2⋯.png (41.29 KB, 364x202, 182:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 054f64ee5666993⋯.png (62.05 KB, 775x268, 775:268, ClipboardImage.png)



If we are lucky, B(2) drops the DECLAS of July 17th, the date of the stealth bombers 1st flight

ce7abd  No.7043503

"POWERful people connected…"

So, they cut the power to try to throw the security system offline while someone slips in and kills Epstein…

A stupid idea. The security systems have backup power for just such a situation. At this point, why bother to kill Epstein anyway. The evidence and his secret client list of kid fuckers is already in the hands of the feds. They better make good of it this time. This bullshit has gone on way too long already. These mofos rape and kill and live like kings and queens without no fear or consequence AT ALL.

cf25ea  No.7043504

File: 2e4ec0c2493ea88⋯.jpg (287.58 KB, 545x1816, 545:1816, nick_rhodes_hungry_wolf.jpg)

ba6ea6  No.7043505


Yup, it was a (((JEWESS))) in Godfather (the novel not the movie). 🤷‍♂️

e5f550  No.7043506

>>7042133 (pb)

I was just pondering the same nightmare... Who/what was encountered on that island.

Best case, PedoWood faked some supernatural appearance post them committing their act of evil.

Worst case, the literally summoned something "[EVIL]"...

ac1d26  No.7043507

File: a18a1f01c39eb37⋯.jpeg (176.3 KB, 658x445, 658:445, a18a1f01c39eb37ce80101947….jpeg)



May not be actual anons…could be a system of watchers in place that alerts these demons they've been found out by anons on the board. Though I'm sure some well-meaning people are just overzealous and don't think.

65648d  No.7043508


Yeah I said baker cuz it seems his bitchass is the only one who “bakes”, locking breads n all like a faggot

22ba41  No.7043509

>>7043123 ←- THIS is habbenin

c49cd0  No.7043510

File: dbcb61a9fc3f94b⋯.png (18.31 KB, 237x320, 237:320, ClipboardImage.png)

4c6bd5  No.7043511


thx. wanted to make sure I wasn't starting to see ghosts.

couldn't be team Q trolling DS, could it?

612295  No.7043512



1 year delta? or current?

924e78  No.7043513

File: ca6cf3ebb427b28⋯.jpeg (39.51 KB, 283x286, 283:286, 39962B07-29CE-4601-B2E0-F….jpeg)


They earned this award

542a6d  No.7043514

File: 238e33657ca46ca⋯.png (283.38 KB, 440x444, 110:111, ClipboardImage.png)

cb52db  No.7043515


You do know that there were two more, I assume.

#75: 2017-11-04 @ 23:14:37 (EST)

#84: 2017-11-05 @ 00:03:28 (EST)

spelled: "Godfather \lowercase{LLL}"

749f2b  No.7043516

File: 8951c47451b08b4⋯.jpg (167.63 KB, 1041x984, 347:328, 0 CYMBALS.jpg)


…while someone slips in with Epsteins clone, kills it, frees epstein!!!….

a8d982  No.7043517

File: 34b96dd090201e7⋯.png (183.17 KB, 942x794, 471:397, cindy_w.PNG)

File: 6ebde20c385a1d7⋯.png (106.84 KB, 1714x465, 1714:465, ted_w.PNG)

File: 27c275cdbb7172b⋯.png (126.22 KB, 831x826, 831:826, g_max_business_bf.PNG)


possible umbrella collection ties (HOP 1 to 2) Ghiselaine maxwell to the NYSPCC

1. ghislaine maxwell (UK)

Finally comes the charity Terramar, which boasts two other directors: Vaughan Edwards and Lucy Clive, an ‘art director’ who is also the girlfriend of Ghislaine’s brother, Kevin Maxwell.

Founded in August 2103, it hasn’t yet filed accounts with either Companies House or the Charities Commission.

On the personal front, Maxwell has had just one reported boyfriend in recent years: computer billionaire Ted Waitt, with whom she stepped out briefly in 2011.

Instead, in public at least, she claims to now be devoted to philanthropy — a calling that she doubtless hopes will help rehabilitate her battered personal image.


2. her fromer boyfriend Ted Waitt. (US) (see attached)

A donor to the clinton foundation, was involved with "family violence charities and marine charities (just like TERRAMAR owned by Maxwell).'''


Established in 1993,[15] the Foundation initially focused on domestic violence prevention and community development, knowing that building stronger families and societies will help foster the vision of a better world. The creation of the Waitt Institutes in 2005—the Waitt Institute, and the Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention—has allowed the Foundation to broaden its program interests to the global community. The Waitt Institute is a founding member, along with National Geographic Pristine Seas, Oceans 5, and Dynamic Planet, of the Blue Prosperity Coalition[16] which aims to support governments in sustainable oceans management by providing financing, expertise, and tools to protect 30% of marine environments through the creation of marine protected areas (MPA).

Waitt serves as the Chairman of the Founding Fathers campaign of the Family Violence Prevention Fund, just one of the efforts that he supports in the fight to prevent domestic violence. Waitt was appointed by Congress to serve on the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce and has served on numerous other corporate and philanthropic boards of directors, including the Advisory Council of the National Geographic Society and as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees[17] of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

On 15 Sept, 2016, the Waitt Foundation joined with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WSC), the blue moon fund (bmf) and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) to commit a combined $48 million towards expansion of the world's marine protected areas (MPA).[18] On 1 May 2008, the Salk Institute for Biological Studies announced[19] the grant of $20 million from the Waitt Foundation to fund the creation of an Advanced Biophotonics Center. On 18 December 2008, the William J. Clinton Foundation released a list of all contributors. It included Theodore Waitt, who gave between US$10–25 million.[20] On April 23, 2011, the Sioux City Public Museum had its grand opening. $4 million[21] of its $13 million development budget was donated by the Waitt Foundation.


His sister: cindy waitt (see attached)

Cindy Waitt serves as Director of the Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention, a board member of the Waitt Foundation, and the Kind World Foundation. Prior to her 20 year career in philanthropy, she worked with at risk youth and their families for 10 years.

Cindy is on the National Advisory Board for the Futures without Violence, has been a member of the Clinton Global Initiative since 2006, and served as a judge in the Ashoka Changemaker’s 2007 competition “No Private Matter”.

Under her leadership, Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention has been a lead supporter of the strategy of engaging men and boys in violence prevention through her support of Futures without Violence’s awareness and on ground campaign, “Coaching Boys into Men”and Jackson Katz’s “Mentors in Violence Prevention” . She sponsored a five year violence prevention in- school and community research project called the “Sioux City Project” and co sponsored the first workplace bullying Zogby poll in America in 2007.


3. The clinton foundation

f010d0  No.7043518


christmas in July?

8c058d  No.7043519


They want us divided.

6ad9b2  No.7043520

File: ee8f19c2f39e873⋯.jpeg (74.58 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 1F1273FF-4A3D-4DCE-AAAA-A….jpeg)

File: 80847c75ec0128a⋯.jpeg (79.11 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 28BFDAEE-CD99-4C91-B451-9….jpeg)

File: e78086ce840a2c8⋯.jpeg (160.75 KB, 816x1222, 408:611, 22011910-54F3-438B-BB81-6….jpeg)

File: feb8c27bff42609⋯.jpeg (56.37 KB, 415x600, 83:120, 52DF9BB5-113E-4F6D-9CD3-3….jpeg)

File: da4cffe031cf0fc⋯.jpeg (1003.68 KB, 1900x2633, 1900:2633, 321E2AE4-6F4A-4490-9215-2….jpeg)

880ec0  No.7043521

File: 0944ab5dc185203⋯.jpg (554.82 KB, 1025x1252, 1025:1252, Screenshot_20190714-185841….jpg)

ba6ea6  No.7043522



Declas what? Satan's real name or something? 🤔🤷‍♂️

db1948  No.7043523

At the beginning of World War II a young Czech refugee, born Jan Ludvik Hoch, enlisted in the British Army as Private Robert Maxwell


e3758d  No.7043524

File: 4deb037b7e4f710⋯.png (135.43 KB, 588x488, 147:122, ClipboardImage.png)

i have grown to love zodiac so much

2f01c1  No.7043525

I am in absolute awe of where we are right now. So much is being revealed and being proven yet people still doubt this is real?A sincere thank you to all the patriots on this board for fighting the good fight and red-pilling people daily. Also a special thank you to the patriots who are in control of this mind blowing operation… feels more like a movie than anything. Just wanted to spread some positive vibes to all of you and to let you all know your handwork and dedication do not go unnoticed. I may not have time to analyze and interpret the data/information you all do, but I will do my best to help awaken those who are asleep. WWG1WGA

ae9d92  No.7043526


Anons pointed out - it’s not him. But still, you’re right. ALL of pedowood is compromised, evil, and/or sold their souls to the devil.

2fa488  No.7043527

File: 1983ef26cf78008⋯.png (7.69 KB, 449x118, 449:118, 55.png)


Post 55


be146a  No.7043528


Trompe l'oeil

12acea  No.7043529



I do hard time for all my rapin’& killin’. This shit gotta end.

b7bd52  No.7043530

File: 0cef01251c58f10⋯.jpg (223.74 KB, 1000x1545, 200:309, Charity Navigator - Your S….jpg)

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Rockland County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Rochester Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Bronx County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


Search Results

Keywords: "Prevention of Cruelty to Children"

Showing search results including the exact terms "Prevention of Cruelty to Children"

Didn't mean to do an exact search? See the results without quotes.

— Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


CLASSIFICATION: Organization to Prevent Cruelty to Children


— Rockland County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children


CLASSIFICATION: Charitable Organization


— Rochester Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


CLASSIFICATION: Child Abuse, Prevention of


— Bronx County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


CLASSIFICATION: Organization to Prevent Cruelty to Children


— New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Responding to the complex needs of abused children


CATEGORY: Human Services

CAUSE : Youth Development, Shelter, and Crisis Services

636de9  No.7043531


>Jan Ludvik Hoch

Maxwell had a flamboyant lifestyle, living in Headington Hill Hall in Oxford, from which he often flew in his helicopter, and sailing in his luxury yacht, the Lady Ghislaine. He was notably litigious and often embroiled in controversy, including about his support for Israel at the time of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In 1989, he had to sell successful businesses, including Pergamon Press, to cover some of his debts. In 1991, his body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean, having fallen overboard from his yacht. He was buried in Jerusalem.

29415b  No.7043532


In the world of coinky dinks A Night To Remember was about the sinking of the Titanic. I imagine Q is playing on that theme and what is being sunk is bigger hence the Week.

Just so happens J Lo got this song in before the lights went out:


ba6ea6  No.7043533


(((JEW))) trying to claim that (((JEW))) aren't being controlled by (((JEWESSES))). Sorry, Satan doesn't believe (((JEW))). But don't worry (((JEW))) will join them in hell too once (((JEW))) die. 🤷‍♂️

04cde8  No.7043534

File: 4e2ca726a4184f9⋯.jpeg (291.12 KB, 1024x584, 128:73, 4e2ca726a4184f92d0a035bdb….jpeg)

File: 4ea2826e2cf224e⋯.jpeg (247.66 KB, 949x593, 949:593, 4ea2826e2cf224e8981d95b35….jpeg)

File: 6e6c9687eb45c73⋯.jpeg (80.43 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 6e6c9687eb45c734ea41b1082….jpeg)

File: 6fb474537c432e5⋯.jpg (148.59 KB, 1024x513, 1024:513, 6fb474537c432e5aa572a75cea….jpg)


How many of the indicted are out of country on vacations?

How will this work out for them when all their assets are frozen?

dc0150  No.7043535



c750fe  No.7043536


ooh la laaaa!

612295  No.7043537


AK47 PIcs?

ebfb16  No.7043538

File: c826a5584896307⋯.png (1.58 MB, 755x674, 755:674, pepe sniper dd.PNG)


need a break after this one, dog/wife going to divorce me…

a8d982  No.7043539


*hops 1 to 4

cf64d4  No.7043540

File: 9b27bac2e0717ac⋯.png (9.63 KB, 225x225, 1:1, cheers.png)

>>7042622 (pb)

Two years to remember!! Cheers Anons!!!

For all you do!!!


200a97  No.7043541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6ad9b2  No.7043542

File: 4a1b507a32056a8⋯.jpeg (713.97 KB, 1188x2626, 594:1313, 51EEB231-570C-4CCF-94E9-A….jpeg)

File: cf15833da613a90⋯.jpeg (78.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3871EED9-5C7E-48A9-8C65-B….jpeg)


satan is just a means to an end…

just like you, NPC!

ba6ea6  No.7043543



Ah, Satan forgot the meaning of that word again. Will look it up. Please wait…

636de9  No.7043544


>having fallen overboard from his yacht


Lady Mona K

for Emad Khashoggi, after the death of Robert Maxwell, she was owned by an Arabian businessman, who sold her in 2017.

0ab6d9  No.7043545

File: 8a959b4914202f8⋯.jpg (910.13 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, gettyimages-590696372-2048….jpg)


>[New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children dig

>→ (Valesca Guerrand-Hermès)

>- On Board of Directors

Digging into Valesca Guerrand-Hermès, any anons find this pic yet?

Valesca Guerrand Hermes and Ghislaine Maxwell attend de Grisogono Sponsors The 2005 Wall Street Concert Series Benefitting Wall Street Rising, with a Performance by Rod Stewart at Cipriani Wall Street on March 15, 2005 in New York


Valesca Guerrand-Hermès

27f770  No.7043546


This came to my mind too.

af547a  No.7043547

File: 670f0b23f280b48⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

c49cd0  No.7043548

File: 3401f26199dde3a⋯.png (25.23 KB, 234x320, 117:160, ClipboardImage.png)

db1948  No.7043549

File: fc5a4c30eaf0afd⋯.png (469.33 KB, 997x715, 997:715, maxwell murdoch.PNG)




fe56aa  No.7043550


At the current rate, there will be one arrest every nine thousand breads.

749f2b  No.7043551

File: 92a31abc5c4063e⋯.jpg (16.7 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2df7c68fa4fb2f5cb15150f6ea….jpg)

File: 67cf109d07d0ad8⋯.gif (28.49 KB, 227x293, 227:293, 055_web.gif)

File: 8b4344f22ba1150⋯.png (49.77 KB, 1113x592, 1113:592, CTE1.png)

File: 3e5473efea25fbf⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 361x140, 361:140, images.jpg)



"The Votadini were a tribe in Lothian and their chief, Cunedda, was sent by the British leader, Vortigern, to establish settlements in order to resist Picto-Scottish sea raids in the south west of Scotland."

Hence… their job was LITERALLY to WATCH THE WATER…

12c0e7  No.7043552


Seems like a stretch to me. All this shit has to be by the book. And I don’t believe the authorities have made it down to that property yet. Then again it is SDNY. So maybe Q team made a preemptive visit to prevent evidence destruction? There’s no way to know. Would be epic if so.

fbc9ad  No.7043553



gotta be Mi6

200a97  No.7043554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ba6ea6  No.7043555



Funny sounding word but Satan keeps forgetting the meaning. Next time try "arrogance" or something. 🤷‍♂️

2513e8  No.7043556


Creepy that it is painted as if locked from the outside to keep something in

e83ddc  No.7043557

File: 37aa7a2ed05010e⋯.jpg (28.65 KB, 264x453, 88:151, bigmike.jpg)

File: 3805d9ca9877246⋯.jpg (16.77 KB, 128x466, 64:233, mo4.jpg)

636de9  No.7043558

File: e6e959c992df143⋯.png (180.54 KB, 474x306, 79:51, ClipboardImage.png)


>Lady Mona K

04cde8  No.7043559

File: 1ce7438bf09e8cd⋯.jpeg (153.31 KB, 820x524, 205:131, 1ce7438bf09e8cdccf1690003….jpeg)

File: ec7604e943f9652⋯.jpeg (71.63 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 2e6711e0828c4dca3e1a337aa….jpeg)

File: 2f4540f08233556⋯.jpg (289.02 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 2f4540f082335561a38a206a0b….jpg)

File: 3f20fb4021adbcb⋯.jpg (492.61 KB, 1096x913, 1096:913, 3f20fb4021adbcbb19fc76dae8….jpg)

Maybe CONgress should postpone that field trip to Israel.


56856d  No.7043560


I have this nagging suspicion that it will never be cool to have known about this through Q and through the internet. Like normies will highjack the great awakening as something they experienced that we won't know about, because they learned it through the tv in real time.

a4a8ee  No.7043561

File: 4f44be4838fc58a⋯.png (212.52 KB, 697x236, 697:236, b1bft.PNG)

27f770  No.7043562


This fucking woman takes pictures with everyone.

cb52db  No.7043563


>Ghislaine Maxwell

She's really some old, ugly hag if I've ever seen one – with "old big tiddies", as some anon put it previously.


1d5cae  No.7043564

They've fucked us over for long enough time for their comeuppance. After that they will face God's Cosmic Justice aswell!!! A bit of advice Repent Now.

b5d07f  No.7043565


God of the OLD TESTAMENT is likely the Satanic-written God.

Or just a PO'd God who thought we had turned to Satanism as a people so thought to punish us. I haven't read/interpreted all of it yet. Finishing the NT first.

Or, of course, the "God" in the OT is Satan/Devil pretending to be an almighty creator, we being his flawed creations etc.

Odd visions and comments on here the past few weeks. Head's still a bit fried for now.

I'm certain it's ALL a test ;)

ae9d92  No.7043566


Each of us plays our part. Nothing can stop what is coming, and Q has trained us well. WWG1WGA

12c0e7  No.7043567


If they are out of the country that means white hats can use FVEY against them. ;)

f8c598  No.7043568


Glory to God

6ad9b2  No.7043569


i’m just going to filter you since nobody else seems to be giving you the attention you crave so much lmao

26bc53  No.7043570

File: 3c52f0dc718c23c⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1490x1113, 1490:1113, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 5132488a4da221a⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1572x1249, 1572:1249, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 869d06528315ec9⋯.png (402.31 KB, 612x533, 612:533, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

Lonely PedoIsland Statue - looks like its crying…

af547a  No.7043571

File: f363a66f9a61e0d⋯.jpg (135.74 KB, 889x500, 889:500, QArmy.jpg)


godspeed, fren!

924e78  No.7043572

File: 0d4bd96d5b1db98⋯.jpeg (470.49 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1935D30F-1160-434A-942C-1….jpeg)



Same Facebook page

82a0b7  No.7043573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Turd looks Jewish.

bf510a  No.7043574

File: 287d54b3eca0ab2⋯.png (614.58 KB, 1644x942, 274:157, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)

File: 721d9cc0dbe5aba⋯.png (323.82 KB, 400x600, 2:3, laughchel.png)


924118  No.7043575

File: 141abb91c440536⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 35n5bq.jpg)

f2513d  No.7043576



Which fucks everything up.

Q fix this shit!!!!

ebfb16  No.7043577

>>7043104, >>7043225, >>7043293, >>7043450, >>7043463, >>7043502 -Week to remember bundaroo

56856d  No.7043578


Yeeeeep Looks very bad now.

ba6ea6  No.7043579


>satan is just a means to an end…

The end of (((JEW)))-manity and the (((JEW))) World Order? That's excellent! 😃😈

200a97  No.7043580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cf64d4  No.7043581


Looks like (over time) where they dumped the dirt for the tunnels and all the underground work they did on the island

dc0150  No.7043582



32ecb5  No.7043583

File: eda418dadaf52a4⋯.png (25.08 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Img-1563151299957.png)

File: 8cbd98e42091ed6⋯.png (224.8 KB, 720x1191, 240:397, Img-1563151258774.png)

File: 6b1e7f11233a17c⋯.png (106.72 KB, 609x744, 203:248, Img-1563151323051.png)

I'm guessing that dust is red.

If we came from dust they would lie and tell us something else. So now we have to find out our real past and creation story.

Nibiru conspiracy theorist rejoice!!!

This a lens flare too you RApey fucking garbage people?

Passover me Lord Nibiru.

4c6bd5  No.7043584


o7. Nice.

636de9  No.7043585

File: 0bab1169d4a01a3⋯.png (20.83 KB, 286x268, 143:134, ClipboardImage.png)


>Lady Mona K, built for Emad Khashoggi


Emad Khashoggi (born 25 March 1968) is a Saudi businessman and the head of COGEMAD.


749f2b  No.7043586

File: 3ce77fe3d897c44⋯.jpg (31.54 KB, 480x320, 3:2, walk-hard-movie.jpg)



TY and YW!


We want some muh $

no taxes for life

and some other shit!

saviors of humanity some wise man once said.

seriously though… :D

e83ddc  No.7043587


…we hearts us some new big mike pics….

08c43c  No.7043588

File: 2155b9d8e07426f⋯.png (124.22 KB, 1439x1136, 1439:1136, 2155b9d8e07426f0b14a911976….png)

>>7042622 Q lb

Read the June 3rd Q post backwards, from the bottom to the top.

Darkness is necessary

Dark to Light

Big Week Ahead





Next, THE 4 BOOMS!


The evil is being taken down by force.

fe56aa  No.7043589


Epstein is the first person to be arrested who was previously named by Q.

bdabc4  No.7043590


About the "Week to Remember" posts … looking for underlying themes or commonalities in these five posts … this is very speculative:

Q 1440 features the "dark to light" phrase.

Q 2084 is clearly about FISA DECLAS (FISA is in the filename of the attachment, declas in the letter scramble.) The original text of the letter scramble also includes dark to light, so we can read these two posts as related (due to the "dark to light" commonality.)

Q 572 features the "shot heard around the world". Q 2477 (the one apparently about the military parade) was posted on November 11, and instead of the anticipated military parade on that day we got … a weird earthquake in the Indian Ocean that shook the entire planet (a shot heard around the world?) So we can read these two posts as connected.

So I see two themes, but if this is correct, it's not evident how they are connected with each other. FISA DECLAS involves revealing currently hidden information that is potentially damaging to the cabal; could that information perhaps relate somehow to the November 11 earthquake (target, means, whatever) in some way?

af547a  No.7043591

File: 5696ef8949f325a⋯.png (19.26 KB, 386x463, 386:463, ClipboardImage.png)

ba6ea6  No.7043592



Point of sale? 🤔

6ad9b2  No.7043593


nobody likes Daniel but we put up with him because he is a whiny ass bitch

7513da  No.7043594

c49cd0  No.7043596

File: 4042f36f9b736a5⋯.png (34.32 KB, 252x320, 63:80, ClipboardImage.png)

db1948  No.7043597


>Jan Ludvik Hoch

Maxwell, Robert (Ian Robert Maxwell), 1923–91, British business executive, b. Czechoslovakia as Jan Ludwik Hoch. He grew up in a tight-knit Jewish community. After fleeing the Nazis in 1939, Maxwell fought with the British during World War II. In 1951, he purchased Pergamon Press, a publisher of textbooks and scientific journals. The company's success helped him win election to Parliament in 1964 as a Labour member. A 1969 financial scandal cost Maxwell control over Pergamon and his political career, but he went heavily into debt and repurchased Pergamon in 1974. In the 1980s, he borrowed additional funds to create a diversified media empire that came to include the Mirror Newspaper Group, the U.S. book publishing company Macmillan, the Official Airline Guides, Berlitz, and the New York Daily News.

After Maxwell drowned mysteriously while cruising off the Canary Islands, investigators discovered that he had misappropriated hundreds of millions of dollars from his companies and their pension plans to finance his corporate expansion. Maxwell's companies were forced to file for bankruptcy protection in Great Britain and the United States in 1992. In 1995 Maxwell's sons Kevin and Ian and two former directors went on trial in one of Britain's largest fraud cases. The charges included misusing Maxwell group pension fund stocks to assist a faltering Maxwell company and risking pension fund shares to secure a loan for another Maxwell company. They were acquitted in 1996.


b62042  No.7043598


Thats not actually accurate because each sealed indictment could have coconspirators involved

8223e0  No.7043599

File: fb5817ec989496f⋯.jpg (119.52 KB, 805x792, 805:792, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 57e169bea3c8657⋯.jpg (120.1 KB, 537x787, 537:787, 1a.JPG)

File: 4ddd4f305b260ee⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 572x805, 572:805, 3.JPG)

File: cc2f12c23dde544⋯.jpg (113.86 KB, 557x775, 557:775, 4.JPG)

File: f65f2dad66435d4⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 543x271, 543:271, 5.JPG)

Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss


636de9  No.7043600


>Lady Mona K, built for Emad Khashoggi


She was originally built as Nabila for Saudi billionaire Adnan Khashoggi (named for his daughter).

After Khashoggi ran into financial problems, he sold the yacht in 1988 to the Sultan of Brunei, who in turn sold her to Donald Trump for $29 million. After a refit, Trump renamed her Trump Princess. Then she was sold in 1991[3] to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal for $20 million.[4]

04cde8  No.7043601

File: 3d1a79b19931b42⋯.png (372.24 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 3d1a79b19931b4201d4bd63603….png)

3192bf  No.7043602

File: 5183449468678b8⋯.png (772.54 KB, 1214x1181, 1214:1181, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….png)


YLK Charitable Fund?

The YLK Charitable Fund was created toward the end of 2007, listing an Ohio address for Wexner’s property firm, the New Albany Co. The only officers listed were Wexner’s wife Abigail and a longtime employee of the property company.

Les Wexner

Les Wexner

Photographer: Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images

A spokeswoman for Wexner’s L Brands Inc., the parent company of Victoria’s Secret, didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Wexner has said he severed ties with Epstein more than a decade ago.

In January 2008, the foundation received more than $46 million, mostly in Apple Inc. shares, from entities associated with Epstein

The YLK Charitable Fund was created toward the end of 2007, listing an Ohio address for Wexner’s property firm, the New Albany Co. The only officers listed were Wexner’s wife Abigail and a longtime employee of the property company.

08bfd3  No.7043603

File: 55cd2351c2da72f⋯.png (353.92 KB, 596x936, 149:234, Screenshot_2019-04-03-16-3….png)

File: 8357fc1d68ff73e⋯.png (372.24 KB, 600x836, 150:209, Screenshot_2019-04-03-16-3….png)

File: f09542d4cd83388⋯.png (58.34 KB, 600x827, 600:827, Screenshot_2019-07-14-17-5….png)

File: 343b192b6229364⋯.png (58.79 KB, 600x834, 100:139, Screenshot_2019-07-14-17-5….png)



Nothing under that name either.

Previously there were a bunch of her on that site, I used it frequently for digs.>

f2d1f5  No.7043604


Mueller testifies was supposed to testify before Congress on July 17th (stealth bombers 1st flight), but it was pushed back a week until July 24th. Bill Barr dropping DECLAS before it would definitely make it more interesting haha

c2d930  No.7043605

File: b1644112b263b90⋯.jpeg (327.76 KB, 1242x2377, 1242:2377, 2A288EBB-8CB1-4213-8CB0-E….jpeg)


ac1d26  No.7043606

File: c053df730cbf774⋯.png (12.1 KB, 555x154, 555:154, ClipboardImage.png)


Sniffers kek! They think they're being slick by invoking Q's name on IG or Twatter.




Was married to another handbag designer…with pervert tendencies!


And there's a helicopter!


ae9d92  No.7043607


Not your dog! Beautiful. Très unique.

ef3e66  No.7043608



Q can & has controled posts to the second

We have an anon here who conrols post numbers down to the second and has shown off often and as recently as last week

dc0150  No.7043609












f2eba1  No.7043610


What?! We won't be the cool kids for being here first?

Damn. Fuck saving the world then. I was only here to finally be one of the cool ones.


ba6ea6  No.7043611



Indeed it is. Good thing there is hell, huh? 🤔🤷‍♂️😈

dc0150  No.7043612



7513da  No.7043613


True, but it will still have to be unsealed…I didn't say indictments..I said unsealed 334/day.

efbaa3  No.7043614


im only gonna post this once

the godS of the hebrew bible were annunaki

hebrews were learned and diligent and became trusted servants of the LORD(s)

all of the events of the OT are consistent with this inc the very start of genesis

wherein "god" made "man" in their likeness with their "material" ie genes to breed humans from early hominids

that is all

636de9  No.7043615

File: 4a725acc9c95339⋯.png (906.85 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>After Khashoggi ran into financial problems, he sold the yacht in 1988 to the Sultan of Brunei, who in turn sold her to Donald Trump for $29 million. After a refit, Trump renamed her Trump Princess. Then she was sold in 1991[3] to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal for $20 million.

db1948  No.7043616


But it was Maxwell’s German language skills that got him his break. He was transferred to an intelligence unit in the North Staffordshire Regiment. He changed his name again, this time to Leslie du Maurier and returned to France in the second wave of the Normandy Landings


dc0150  No.7043617



e45356  No.7043618


Very possible, Anon. Good analysis!

df732e  No.7043619

File: 94ec60c9b18f9ff⋯.jpg (25.39 KB, 245x245, 1:1, 2019-03-17.jpg)

tyb I was grateful when I saw the Bread name.

27f770  No.7043620

So Q is back because Pelosi failed at whatever she was going to do?

c2d930  No.7043621



5857e1  No.7043622

File: c55fa84daf76cfb⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 598x413, 598:413, DSbUJ8hVQAIrx5_.jpg)

e54971  No.7043623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nice video about Chemtrails being stopped and some deep secrets about it

2e7674  No.7043624

TT broken into during the distraction 'event'?

What was taken?

What was planted?

2c296f  No.7043625

BO hiding notables, or is it….

(B)arack (O)bama hiding evidence?

56856d  No.7043626


I'm just saying I feel like we're always going to disgust people and get some sort of pity clap while they run away from us.

210fb7  No.7043627

File: 75096cffa469589⋯.jpg (24.14 KB, 287x317, 287:317, jr mount rushmore.jpg)

65c26e  No.7043628

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Vertigo: The Desire to Fall

- Halocraft

What goes up…must come down. Hard. All the fake elites and wunderkinds. Epstein was a fraud, top to bottom. Who else is just a straw man or woman? Propped up by lies and those less than what a dog licks. The world will know EVERYTHING…soon. Cheers!

God save the children…we'll help. We know who won't.



cf64d4  No.7043629

File: da3b14a0cd3b377⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 667x374, 667:374, LockHerUP.jpg)

ac1d26  No.7043630

File: 2e16cc3039649e3⋯.png (939.42 KB, 1519x2538, 1519:2538, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3391a74c632043⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1519x4130, 217:590, ClipboardImage.png)



48b57d  No.7043631

>>7043517 possible umbrella collection ties (HOP 1 to 2) Ghiselaine Maxwell to the NYSPCC


dece70  No.7043632


stop writing in big red text

f9e1c8  No.7043633


Would explain why Q indented the booms that way.

f2eba1  No.7043634


Buck moon. Y head. July Q night.

ba6ea6  No.7043635



No I was talking about the maximum security prison that god runs which many of (((JEW))) probably think you are already in. 🤷‍♂️

dc0150  No.7043636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fbc9ad  No.7043637



a8d982  No.7043638

File: cc15cc4bc607c3b⋯.png (892.65 KB, 588x834, 98:139, lc_1.PNG)


-==parallel branch (annother umbrella collection)==

0. ghislaine maxwell (UK)

Finally comes the charity Terramar, which boasts two other directors: Vaughan Edwards and Lucy Clive, an ‘art director’ who is also the girlfriend of Ghislaine’s brother, Kevin Maxwell.

Founded in August 2103, it hasn’t yet filed accounts with either Companies House or the Charities Commission.

On the personal front, Maxwell has had just one reported boyfriend in recent years: computer billionaire Ted Waitt, with whom she stepped out briefly in 2011.

Instead, in public at least, she claims to now be devoted to philanthropy — a calling that she doubtless hopes will help rehabilitate her battered personal image.


1. Kevin maxwell (brother - UK)

2. Lucy Clive (Kevin's GF)

Finally comes the charity Terramar, which boasts two other directors: Vaughan Edwards and Lucy Clive, an ‘art director’ who is also the girlfriend of Ghislaine’s brother, Kevin Maxwell.


Her Website: (see weird "art" attached)


3. terramar (Lucy Clive was alledgedly their art director)

69f96c  No.7043639

File: da1d5cc55a4a65d⋯.png (721.45 KB, 640x726, 320:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b582822d84b4baf⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1295x861, 185:123, ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow, President Trump will host the third "Made in America" showcase, celebrating some of the finest products made in all 50 states by great American craftsmen and manufacturers!


5:35 PM - 14 Jul 2019

612740  No.7043640


Serialbrain is a fucking joke. moving on

67cb6a  No.7043641


>Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction

There are stones at three spots that would match cardinal directions. If we assume the sun is upright and the dial is pointing 'north,' that means the south-prince is whoever sits on bench 4. Satan is the prince of Hell representing the south direction.

fa61e1  No.7043642


Anon saw that interview. She either did others or this wasn't her full interview. Something feels off about it. She did it once, left and never came back. It was just her and him. GM was nowhere to be seen.

e3758d  No.7043643

Nobody Leaves: These People Are Sick

Dominican Republic-Bound Flight From Newark Diverted to JFK Due to 'Unusual Odor,' Sick Travelers

A JetBlue flight heading from Newark to the Dominican Republic was diverted to JFK Airport after passengers and crew members started to feel sick due to an "unusual odor" on board, the airline and airport sources said.

JetBlue Flight 1203 was diverted to JFK Sunday morning after an unspecified number of people on board started becoming dizzy and vomiting, according to the sources.


db1948  No.7043644



His business empire’s Israeli head was the son of that country's Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. Maxwell and the PM were good friends, especially since Maxwell invested $100 million in Israel’s unsteady economy. One of the Israeli companies he acquired was a Tel-Aviv software house called Degem Computers. Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad used this company as cover for many of their worldwide operations. Israeli was also interested in Maxwell’s links with the USSR. Maxwell met Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in 1978 and since then had met every important member of the Politburo and those who ruled over the Soviet satellite states. Israel wanted Maxwell’s help to bring home USSR’s Jews.

636de9  No.7043645


Stop, I can only get so erect.

529317  No.7043646

File: 10c885d5ebff59f⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1200x1213, 1200:1213, Screenshot_20190714-211033….png)

You guys are fucking hilarious! I love it.

dc0150  No.7043647

File: f45d3625d3ed8e5⋯.jpg (86.99 KB, 640x623, 640:623, IMG_0129.JPG)







ba6ea6  No.7043648


>stop writing in big red text

Why? Isn't Satan supposed to write in big red text? He would have preferred a different shade of red though. 🤷‍♂️

989df3  No.7043649

File: 6bb44dcf2872071⋯.jpg (261.72 KB, 1600x1046, 800:523, CAMPDAVID.jpg)

This pic is so interesting. I keep coming back to it. So many Hollywood pedos have islands. I know we've talked about this a LOT. But Brando just occured to me. His life and his kids were a mess. He bragged about how he raped little Tahitian girls. There was incest and murder at his island paradise. Thank you for everything, Qteam. #WWG1WGA

12acea  No.7043650



Breath in. Breath out.

Breath in. Breath out…

e3d735  No.7043651



tunnels are exhaust shafts

2f01c1  No.7043652



I wouldn't doubt it. But i'll just remember what we were told. Don't act smug or rub it in anyone face as "told you so." This was a lot to take in when I first learned about it and I thought I was crazy lol. Sad though that many will not get to relish in this victory for humanity and will still be brainwashed. I truly do not understand how people are so far gone.

86ac8b  No.7043653


If Q is human, the likelihood that Q has controlled minute:second 3,433 times is unlikely.

And if he is making spelling errors in posts bc he's 'on the move' you think he'd be able to focus on hitting exact minute:seconds?

Now, not human? maybe

Help by preset - everything is planned? Likely

612295  No.7043654

File: b8372b10980a020⋯.png (23.01 KB, 386x398, 193:199, Screenshot-2019-7-14 QMAP ….png)

Post #1419


"Before the 11th hour"?

f2eba1  No.7043655


Yeah, well. I didn't get here because I care too much about what other people think. The people who already care about us are what matter to me.

So be it.

cb52db  No.7043656


The cool kids will always remember how it was to be there first. And who was with them.

4f121c  No.7043657


>Anons In Control Edition

yeah right

rub it our faces much

ebfb16  No.7043658

File: 7f533c327f2bd04⋯.png (1.25 MB, 770x635, 154:127, pepe trader.PNG)

File: db8a45a6067b7bf⋯.jpg (75.96 KB, 976x506, 488:253, 071519 Bitcoin crypto dump.jpg)

Bitcoin Breaks Back Below $10k, Crypto-Crash Accelerates As Asia Opens

Update 2010ET: Having briefly stabilized after this morning's weakness, cryptos are tumbling once again as Asian markets open.

Bitcoin has broken below $10,000 again.

While all eyes are on Bitcoin as it slides back towards $10,000, the real mover in the last 12 hours has been Ethereum after flash-crashing around 545amET today.

Ethereum almost instantaneously collapsed from $262 to $192 before ripping back higher… but is now fading further…


f18fc0  No.7043659

Q, has DS put out blends of human flesh/organ and other animal meats for normal consumer consumption without the knowledge of people?

dece70  No.7043660


your hunger for attention shows

db1948  No.7043661




749f2b  No.7043662


Imagine if no one "created" anyone but merely reawakened from deep space sleep…

We left, we came back… giant "god" looks just like "little" man if you ask muh….

space maps and shit FEW wish to discuss…


e051c0  No.7043663



b5d07f  No.7043664

File: 57e24a9239c01a6⋯.png (137.79 KB, 500x537, 500:537, whenulurk.png)


Mein neger.

I had actually been forgetting certain influences while I was writing something recently.

Reminding me here actually fits in perfectly.

dc0150  No.7043665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




af547a  No.7043666



>Find [4]

749f2b  No.7043667

File: cd9fa7503ccb311⋯.jpg (318 KB, 2192x1104, 137:69, why so serious.jpg)

ba6ea6  No.7043668


>your hunger

Satan should eat something before going to bed? It will probably cause a stomach ache though. 🤷‍♂️

c2d930  No.7043669


Staggering BOOMS ahead

fef090  No.7043670

File: 4481e63f0c1135f⋯.jpeg (101.97 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, 1562869289.jpeg)

83f29e  No.7043671

File: de905f6e2ee94d6⋯.png (277.58 KB, 1177x596, 1177:596, Ghislaine Maxwell.png)


Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's Alleged Madam, Has Spent Her Life in the Headlines


e3758d  No.7043672

File: fdfde440a4cd59b⋯.png (76.42 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)


How to launder money and train honeypots

9cd81c  No.7043673


Looks like one of the asian women in Comet PIng Pong pictures?

f2513d  No.7043674

File: 45e6555c26b9ce4⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, 4250F53E-E8BC-4EF9-BA33-1E….png)


I JUST had this thought today about how do they get rid of bodies, remember bodies stay around for a while. My guess is they are put i to a net bag and sub takes it to his sacred burial grounds someplace around the island. To know who Jeffery Epstein was, you just have to look at the character Dexter. THAT is Epstein to a “T”.

bf510a  No.7043675

File: e5cb3a407575b45⋯.jpg (146.21 KB, 1191x1200, 397:400, val1.jpg)

280021  No.7043676


I have been thinking this since it started.

4f121c  No.7043677


>always wondered why they made it, then locked it, the same day they made Qresearch

wasn't the first migration out of duress

eb9f5b  No.7043678

File: cfa61732576e8ce⋯.jpeg (53.64 KB, 828x454, 414:227, 6481D41B-65B0-4F34-8CCA-4….jpeg)

Wait, what shift is this?

1769ee  No.7043679


you were already cool imo fren, and im the fkn coolests

5f8ca3  No.7043680


not notable and not what is going on

640be0  No.7043681

File: 8f1b544d1762841⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1437x1769, 1437:1769, Capture _2019-07-14-20-14-….png)

File: d3ffcbbd08ee614⋯.jpeg (29.76 KB, 400x484, 100:121, Pufd3Z6ckjBj5XrSE4UUsFPty….jpeg)


Looks a lot like….

dece70  No.7043682


maybe it will. i wouldn’t know though, since everything i ingest just comes out that other end without any problem!

a8b0c9  No.7043683


there is no god . prove me wrong

if there was, these pooor children woudlnt have been used/abused/sacreifced

d1bfbf  No.7043684



dc0150  No.7043685






7513da  No.7043686

I could never be a cop…I'd be like Riggs from Lethal Weapon and shoot first then ask questions if they live.

4005f0  No.7043687

It's good to see that the shills have accepted the Notables change and returned to their usual slidebait.

4f121c  No.7043688


no more shifts

no more bakers

no more freshbread links

no more fun

no more shills

all is well

praise BO

or else

0ca79c  No.7043689


They are at the trash fence dumfuk

3d1dcc  No.7043690

File: a2f36ec7b2845fd⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1430x944, 715:472, night crew on deck 2.png)

File: 99438b6018d0d04⋯.png (433.06 KB, 1080x606, 180:101, No ridiculous BS.png)

File: 5a1648d3a08adfd⋯.gif (624.93 KB, 446x404, 223:202, Pepe Night Shift.gif)


Night Shift on Deck!

00edab  No.7043691

File: 620a7d06c906cb7⋯.jpg (443.74 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, nightshiftgremlin.jpg)


Night shift bitches.

99b3d3  No.7043692


Incorrect. Dexter only killed people guilty of horrific crimes. Dexter would kill Epstein. The only things they have in common are murder and depravity.

ce7abd  No.7043693


>yet people still doubt this is real?

It IS hard to believe when you are blind to what the world really is, and you've believed the bullshit that the schools, Hollywood, and the fake media have conditioned your mind to believe since childhood.

When I first heard about the cabal I laughed and thought how stupid the person who told me about it is. But something about it stuck with me, and I began to research for myself. So much of what we are taught to believe is a lie, but many people will never accept this reality no matter how hard you try to redpill them. Its easier to just live in denial and keep staring at their cell phone screens.

Many don't believe in Satan and demons either, and embracing reality means facing the fact that the wealthy elites who rule the world… its stars, its billionare moguls, its politicians,.. are Satan worshippers who eat human flesh, drink blood, and fuck children.

Truth is too ugly and too sobering for some…Life is much more pleasant if one doesn't hhave to think about this shit, But those who choose to keep eating the Matrix steak won't be able to ignore truth for much longer. Shit's all coming out now.

1769ee  No.7043694

File: 34bd4742fb78518⋯.png (336.76 KB, 597x418, 597:418, nsdancin.png)



efbaa3  No.7043695


>reawakened from deep space sleep

in a sense this is real

the one mind - the ALL is pure infinite creative energy and literally "thinks" all into being

form and non form alike

it is beyond our true comprehension

6a284c  No.7043696

File: a87423f99dc3f5d⋯.png (228.39 KB, 591x391, 591:391, QANONPUB.png)

529317  No.7043697

File: 31af4037b2b57bb⋯.jpg (68.94 KB, 720x751, 720:751, 31af4037b2b57bbd45e9a6b451….jpg)


Except Dexter only killed piece of shit murderers. Your meme sucks. Have a shoe.

a63a83  No.7043698

File: 96a1331b20751de⋯.png (972.17 KB, 604x912, 151:228, 2019-07-14_21-17-35.png)


Big gay guy with a fat ass and a long dick goes full tranny and becomes First Lady.

Believe It or Not?

ac1d26  No.7043699

File: ad55692eb496acb⋯.png (588.66 KB, 436x427, 436:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16b66bdc26ac4d2⋯.png (4.88 MB, 1920x847, 1920:847, ClipboardImage.png)



There is literally a compass on the island too.

640be0  No.7043700

File: bd1751db56428a7⋯.jpg (267.96 KB, 1200x662, 600:331, last-supper.jpg)

File: 2142eb3841daa55⋯.png (359.69 KB, 600x836, 150:209, 8357fc1d68ff73e12f40287cc0….png)

Staged on purpose to look like….

e3758d  No.7043701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Storm Comin'

Barry's slow march toward Arkansas leads to fears of flooding, tornadoes

Barry moved agonizingly slowly across Louisiana, expected to arrive Monday in Arkansas, producing thunderstorms and torrents of rain that may cause widespread flooding.

Reclassified from a tropical storm to a tropical depression late Sunday afternoon, Barry's maximum sustained winds were at 35 mph, and it was expected to weaken further as it moved north at a leisurely 9 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center.


fef090  No.7043702

File: 589e1b6e46f2025⋯.jpeg (99.73 KB, 1440x756, 40:21, 1539307999.jpeg)

a8b0c9  No.7043703


who? boomer confimed

af547a  No.7043704


>>7043427 Full moon on Tuesday, the 16th - MISSION FORWARD.

>>7043591 Tuesday / US. START.

>>7043527 Q posts at :50, :50 - Q55 "Look to twitter: Exactly this: 'My fellow Americans the Storm is upon us…' God bless."



56856d  No.7043705


Basically every piece of writing in the last 50 years has been based on absolutely true stories.

542a6d  No.7043706

File: 91d2ce450ae64c1⋯.png (562.33 KB, 620x850, 62:85, ClipboardImage.png)



baf94c  No.7043707

File: 9953f196825682a⋯.png (768.61 KB, 799x524, 799:524, nspowerforce2.png)

58e7be  No.7043708

So I guess we're not changing boards.


Is there a chance that Notables are being Weaponized by the DS?

ba6ea6  No.7043709


Good for (((JEW))) I guess. 🤷‍♂️

e83ddc  No.7043710


We do it for Team Q. If we can get a laff outta 'em, life is good.

fbc9ad  No.7043712

Need to dig this dude.


Jay Lefkowitz

f2eba1  No.7043713


Thanks coolestest fren.

d5a373  No.7043714

File: 3b9583874637c79⋯.png (527.57 KB, 675x575, 27:23, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeffrey Epstein may have millions of reasons why he should be released on bail — but a Manhattan judge is still likely to deny him his freedom at a hearing Monday, experts say.

The convicted pedophile has offered to put up his $77 million Upper East Side home and private jet as collateral to guarantee he’ll show up for trial on federal sex-trafficking charges.

His lawyers, set to appear before a federal judge Monday to argue he should be let out on bail until then, also are promising to fit Epstein with an electronic monitoring device, install surveillance cameras around his manse and pay for around-the-clock, armed security to keep an eye on him.

Epstein, who is accused of sexually abusing underage girls and stashing child porn at the tony townhouse, has been cooling his heels at Manhattan’s Metropolitan Correctional Center since his arrest earlier this month. He’s three cells down from Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo’’ Guzman.

Even with all the supposed bail guarantees, legal experts told The Post they’re not putting any money on Epstein getting out anytime soon.

“I think it’s exceedingly unlikely for him to get bail,” said Duncan Levin, a former prosecutor with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and US Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn.

Levin, now in private practice, said the fact that Epstein is charged with sex-trafficking a minor is serious enough to give a judge pause about releasing him.

Rachel Maiman, a former prosecutor with the US Attorney’s Office in Manhattan, noted that the judge overseeing the case, Richard Berman, has previously shown little sympathy for rich defendants who offer to put up big money to enjoy the comforts of home, while poor defendants rot in jail.

In 2016, when Turkish suspected money-launderer Reza Zarrab offered to put up a $50 million bond and pay for security to get bail, Berman shot down the request.


612740  No.7043715


neg, those shills are anons asshole.

Master Tzu says don't fight losing battles.

If your an anon your gonna feel like a horse's ass when the BO pulls his next stunt

56856d  No.7043716


To get normies to empathize with psychopaths.

ebfb16  No.7043717

File: 82e9b5f3590f489⋯.png (676.44 KB, 686x431, 686:431, nightshift fmoon.PNG)

4f121c  No.7043718


>Except Dexter only killed piece of shit murderers.


serial killer hero

not an excuse

efbaa3  No.7043719


>are being

not any more

dc0150  No.7043720



f5321b  No.7043721

Ever seen the show on AMC "Preacher"?

May sound weird…. but what if God has been here all along? Either hiding/waiting or actually being held by the deep state….. just a random thought.

662c5d  No.7043722

File: 0754faff8288a9b⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1130x844, 565:422, notrc.PNG)

need some help, have combed no tables and can't find it… this photo was discussed the other night, someone saying it is not ray chandler? what was the other name that came up??

help out if you can. wanted to dig that name.


22ba41  No.7043723


ever heard the term "Lowering the boom?"

749f2b  No.7043724

File: 6bccf177ed53272⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1436x1424, 359:356, nooooooooooooooooooooooo19.png)


ok "on that level" yes as well cause muh micro macro… but of course…

IT always was said to be beyond…..

[THEY] are the ones who claimed to know the minute details of the mind of the MOST HIGH…

I think they lied to us! I know! shhhhhh! :D

56856d  No.7043725

So the women get woke on the rape that has been going on and Patriarchy lays down the most heavy judgements on these people.

Suddenly patriarchy is in and women want to marry strong males again.

ba6ea6  No.7043726


God works in mysterious ways. The children probably went to heaven whereas (((JEW))) will be going to hell

'Member, Satan felt no pain when he got his "mark of the beast". 🤷‍♂️😈

9a97ba  No.7043727

wait, this is a club?



529317  No.7043728

File: 6dbcc76a4844356⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x790, 120:79, Screenshot_20190702-015745….png)

File: eafd25fe9d279cd⋯.png (446.11 KB, 1200x1227, 400:409, Screenshot_20190714-211956….png)


With a Q to boot!

3d680c  No.7043729

File: 2fe2ed6d8e7f863⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 763x500, 763:500, 35o3g4.jpg)

e3758d  No.7043730

File: 4eaa3ac30220866⋯.png (132.71 KB, 358x141, 358:141, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck that shit, anon

read the book

garth ennis has something to say

f516f7  No.7043731

File: 91dffd2b62a2b3f⋯.png (213.71 KB, 272x344, 34:43, ClipboardImage.png)


>Trump buys for $29mil


>Sells to Saud Royal Family for $20mil

e45356  No.7043732


Virginia Roberts??

4f121c  No.7043733




everything is solved now

things are perfect and good and shill free because there are no bakers anymore

emperor's new clothes look truly awesome

you just have to be smart enough to see them

dc0150  No.7043734

File: b5c0efd4ec57e10⋯.jpg (25.63 KB, 552x414, 4:3, IMG_1091.JPG)

File: bde90d7113f5ee4⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 565x329, 565:329, IMG_1092.JPG)

File: 4ddc625d68ca526⋯.jpg (56.17 KB, 399x472, 399:472, IMG_1094.JPG)

File: d5184e2a7eb2e1a⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_1095.JPG)

File: 096e1456487e117⋯.jpg (234.82 KB, 838x1080, 419:540, IMG_1096.JPG)

58e7be  No.7043735


So maybe that's why Q is all good with it.

It's not like we can pretend that Q isn't aware of the situation.

dece70  No.7043736



288661  No.7043738

56856d  No.7043739


I'm just saying most women I've encountered are still completely asleep.

eb9f5b  No.7043740

File: 9bd9885b7b9b42b⋯.jpeg (139.9 KB, 828x422, 414:211, 71E39C1A-01BF-4C58-B2AD-E….jpeg)

File: dec6df95864d26c⋯.jpeg (164.69 KB, 828x636, 69:53, 610D0973-890B-4CAE-9598-7….jpeg)


The best shift.!

fef090  No.7043741

File: 94ed1ef451ca269⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 445x678, 445:678, 64146b9c7da85b0f05c48e995a….jpg)

cf64d4  No.7043742

File: 3cb8e8d06c4271a⋯.png (50.46 KB, 701x366, 701:366, pleaseleave.png)

Can we make a yuge example of this thing that "represents" the United States?

e83ddc  No.7043743


Well, to be fair, big mike is likely a hermaphrodite and had no choice in the matter. So don't run for FLOTUS and find yer ass in Photoshop/GIMP if ya can't take it, is the lesson.

2e7674  No.7043744

What is being done to actually protect "the vote"?

What is being done to actually protect "the borders"?

What is being done to actually prosecute "the coup"?

7aecbf  No.7043745

>>7042153 (/PB)

Re: Chem Trails.

Reporting from greater NYC area, with direct paths to EWR.

No trails in the sky at all. Winning.

56856d  No.7043747


>I'm just saying most all women I've encountered are still completely asleep.


f5321b  No.7043748


What do you think Mary Kate Olsen knows about Heath Ledger's death?

f2eba1  No.7043750


Yeah. You won't want to be in it though. We take everybody.

af547a  No.7043751

Put pressure on clown BO, make him leave, this is anons board!

Anons on the clown BO. All pb.



>>7023314, >>7023470, >>7023530




>>7031258 moar

Demand him to leave, post here to 8chan owner Jim Watkins and his son codemonkey, Ron Watkins:


45624c  No.7043752


Is she hot?

96314e  No.7043753


can take it next bread for a while

32404d  No.7043754


Plenty of proof in the bible, Jesus was the sacrificial lamb. We are given free will just like the angels. We are under faith now, your choice, explain your choice at the great throne of judgement.

d6bd0b  No.7043755



86ac8b  No.7043756


body and blood

no wonder she refused to do Fuller House

victim becomes abuser/obtainer


Can't say "Q" without you in it.

45299c  No.7043757

File: d1a725273110720⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 225x225, 1:1, classic butane pep.jpg)


you are correct!…they put DC there on purpose so the reps would come, do business, and get the fuck out of the worthless swamp.. A/C ruined the federal government….to some measure. Come up northbound on I-95 and look to the left and it is not all that impressive of a building site, from a developer's point of view.

ebfb16  No.7043758

File: 49d037e68632d0c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 676x664, 169:166, POTUS magic wand let my pe….PNG)


Notables for anons, by anons

>>7043091 Mansion being raided in Ormond Beach, FL eyes on

>>7043121, >>7043177 hillbags tweet :/ and comments

>>7043122, >>7043233 anons on "drain the swamps" epstein island swamp areas

>>7043155 FlipitRed2020 is scamming patriots in Twitter and asking for $

>>7043124, >>7043202, >>7043259 Inslaw,Riconosciuto,PROMIS

>>7043183 2 arrested for the homicide of Tremain Calloway in Seaside back in May

>>7043194 Can anyone ID this chick with AW?

>>7043231, >>7043243 anon speculates on DECLAS w/proofs

>>7043244, >>7043250 moar on Wheels up dig


>>7043348 House manager at treatment facility arrested on sex charges

>>7043408 Indian Man #Arrested at Phuket 'Fuckit' Airport for O-A Retirement VISA Scam

>>7043424 Douglas MacKinnon: NYC is a warning – the blackout is coming-foreshadows NYC blackout (same thing with west coast blk out a few years ago-one worker "caused" it

>>7043439 Engaged father is arrested for luring men on gay dating apps then robbing them at gunpoint

>>7043477 Suspect in Custody Following Large Disturbance and Shooting Outside of Seattle Center

>>7043479 All previous God Father III posts from Q

>>7043498, >>7043557 Caribbean Helicopter Tours (hussein, clintons, pilot)

>>7043517, >>7043638, >>7043671 possible umbrella collection ties (HOP 1 to 2) Ghiselaine maxwell to the NYSPCC

>>7043523, >>7043531, >7043549, >>7043597, >>7043544, >>7043558, >>7043585, >>7043616 At the beginning of World War II a young Czech refugee, born Jan Ludvik Hoch, enlisted in the British Army as Private Robert Maxwell

>>7043577–Week to remember bundaroo

>>7043599 Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss

>>7043602 YLK Charitable Fund?-$46m moved to Wexner foundation in 2008

>>7043639 Tomorrow, POTUS will host the third "Made in America" showcase

>>7043643 Dominican Republic-Bound Flight From Newark Diverted to JFK Due to 'Unusual Odor,' Sick Travelers

>>7043658 Bitcoin Breaks Back Below $10k, Crypto-Crash Accelerates As Asia Opens

>>7043714 Epstein's bail request likely to get shot down: experts

someone else pick it up, two people doing this is not a long term solution.'

56856d  No.7043759


All of it. Many people likely do.

8254bd  No.7043760


I see him as kinda like a canary in the coal mine. A lot of people will 'whine' when they learn the truth, and how it has impacted them and their families, hence the process of 'awakening'.

3d1dcc  No.7043762

File: 5923e2a979c8371⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Night Crew.jpg)


Love Night Shift w/ some Q!! Most certainly !

Much Love Faggots!! o7

Carry on….. We have A WEEK TO REMEMBER ahead of us!!


529317  No.7043763


Super nice!

a99efc  No.7043764

Any other anons thinking 'A WEEK TO REMEMBER' has always been pointing to a specific week? i.e this week?

12c0e7  No.7043765


He’s on Getty images. Hope that helps!

dc0150  No.7043766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a63a83  No.7043768

File: b0239b7e72ea113⋯.png (150.95 KB, 336x326, 168:163, 2019-05-26_22-34-10.png)


This one has aged well!

a8b0c9  No.7043769


you faggots, this has nothing to do with anything in reguards to current events, this drop was in partifular to a period of time of a different topic . these post have been 0/10000 of ever having any significance and it looks retarded on the movements part .

everything is in context! you cant dig up a post and match any word with what word Q has rececnlty dropped and call it a connection . you faggots are the bottleneck to makeing tis shit look bad

1769ee  No.7043770


didnt notice before but the blondes left eye is messed up

1c2f23  No.7043771


censorship through information overload.

It's a typical tactic.

they give you too much to parse through and most of it is bullshit.

It burries the real news.

the site no longer is a news aggrigator, nor does current news show up here anymore in the most timely way.

BO and the Baker-shills have destroyed Q-Research. Q doesn't need this board as it serves no purpose except for operational messaging. It has become almost all propaganda of a degenerate type, trying to condition psychotic thoughts.

most anon aren't participating in doing digs because there are none.

4018a8  No.7043772


the use pigs to get rid of bodies anon.

ebfb16  No.7043773


Notables for anons, by anons

>>7043091 Mansion being raided in Ormond Beach, FL eyes on

>>7043121, >>7043177 hillbags tweet :/ and comments

>>7043122, >>7043233 anons on "drain the swamps" epstein island swamp areas

>>7043155 FlipitRed2020 is scamming patriots in Twitter and asking for $

>>7043124, >>7043202, >>7043259 Inslaw,Riconosciuto,PROMIS

>>7043183 2 arrested for the homicide of Tremain Calloway in Seaside back in May

>>7043194 Can anyone ID this chick with AW?

>>7043231, >>7043243 anon speculates on DECLAS w/proofs

>>7043244, >>7043250 moar on Wheels up dig


>>7043348 House manager at treatment facility arrested on sex charges

>>7043408 Indian Man #Arrested at Phuket 'Fuckit' Airport for O-A Retirement VISA Scam

>>7043424 Douglas MacKinnon: NYC is a warning – the blackout is coming-foreshadows NYC blackout (same thing with west coast blk out a few years ago-one worker "caused" it

>>7043439 Engaged father is arrested for luring men on gay dating apps then robbing them at gunpoint

>>7043477 Suspect in Custody Following Large Disturbance and Shooting Outside of Seattle Center

>>7043479 All previous God Father III posts from Q

>>7043498, >>7043557 Caribbean Helicopter Tours (hussein, clintons, pilot)

>>7043517, >>7043638, >>7043671 possible umbrella collection ties (HOP 1 to 2) Ghiselaine maxwell to the NYSPCC

>>7043523, >>7043531, >7043549, >>7043597, >>7043544, >>7043558, >>7043585, >>7043616 At the beginning of World War II a young Czech refugee, born Jan Ludvik Hoch, enlisted in the British Army as Private Robert Maxwell

>>7043577 –Week to remember bundaroo

>>7043599 Inside Epstein network, layer upon layer to protect the boss

>>7043602 YLK Charitable Fund?-$46m moved to Wexner foundation in 2008

>>7043639 Tomorrow, POTUS will host the third "Made in America" showcase

>>7043643 Dominican Republic-Bound Flight From Newark Diverted to JFK Due to 'Unusual Odor,' Sick Travelers

>>7043658 Bitcoin Breaks Back Below $10k, Crypto-Crash Accelerates As Asia Opens

>>7043714 Epstein's bail request likely to get shot down: experts

9e2ba6  No.7043774


Top KEK !

0ab6d9  No.7043775

This just popped up now on an old bread from friday, how I don't know


>>7012891 (pb 7/12)

A NIGHT To Remember

f593e5  No.7043776

Q what a burger….Epstein is nobody…he wont sing

Arrest politicians

ff0a36  No.7043777

File: e1b144abb4d601f⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 650x404, 325:202, 03a60a35a9cf4d54f18588e483….gif)








Hell, I work Swing but finally..

The Marines are here!

0c9ca1  No.7043778


I rather the BO, BV, et al just EVOLVE and put notables back on top.

We have all f=÷led up and do not mind giving them grace and mercy.

5857e1  No.7043779

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 72770ef33dbd40dade27b775f8….jpg)

Waiting for this > July Black Moon

You can stop. It's mine.

662c5d  No.7043780

if i remember it was either cohen or something spanish. did not have time ot wrtie it down


749f2b  No.7043781

File: 8646ee039a01e17⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1400x800, 7:4, cartq1.png)


how do we know you are not an [anon]!? :D

96314e  No.7043782

File: c3b57e3e5456cb7⋯.jpg (394.56 KB, 738x917, 738:917, FU Rainman.jpg)


you killed it!!




baf94c  No.7043783

nik'd it

shout out to artist

I like it lots too



c750fe  No.7043784

File: 667d728ea5d7363⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1212x909, 4:3, 650f9a527ab9eda47fbdb3e892….png)

86ac8b  No.7043785


Kansas list missing 15-19

15 Monday

16 Tuesday

17 Wednesday

18 Thursday

19 Friday

29415b  No.7043786


You’re hanging with the ugly fat chicks wearing the pussy hats. Go to a Trump rally.

a8b0c9  No.7043787


annnnd this is why BO hid the notables . so much bloat that is unnecessary .

4f121c  No.7043788


capchas too.

that was the start

9cd81c  No.7043789

File: 7d30079a1964e1d⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 364x364, 1:1, 7d30079a1964e1df8f8a3dbd63….jpg)


Thank you patriot.

542a6d  No.7043790

File: 9106a23329e08fd⋯.png (145.99 KB, 252x356, 63:89, ClipboardImage.png)


I'd go in there…What could happen?

63e710  No.7043791

e3758d  No.7043792

just in case you were wondering: Official Statement, Fucking THINK TWICE

Facebook-Driven Area 51 Storming May Be Countered With Force, Says US Air Force

The Washington Post on Friday asked how officials will deal with anyone showing up for the event. Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews declined to elaborate on specific details of the military’s plans.

However, she did issue a warning.

“[Area 51] is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces,” McAndrews said. “The US Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”


ac1d26  No.7043793

File: d41be2a43415307⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1242x1460, 621:730, ClipboardImage.png)



529317  No.7043794


I'd gladly pick up where the last season left off and focus only on pedos. Gfy faggot. I'd do Dexter justice for sure. Have kit will travel.

a7e3d7  No.7043795

Muh aggregator

someone else pick it up, two people doing this is not a long term solution

a99efc  No.7043796


kansas list??

56856d  No.7043797


Hasn't been any in California. Has there?

f5321b  No.7043798



Garth Ennis?

ebfb16  No.7043799

File: 2dadf2dc3a36433⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1096x773, 1096:773, abe points it out dd.PNG)



fixed the mistake in the first final just after with no pic

9cd81c  No.7043800

File: 47020d57556e87b⋯.png (49.44 KB, 589x534, 589:534, Avennattischoolpicture.png)

fffc82  No.7043801

File: ae44e18f0da40bb⋯.jpg (52.96 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 777_pepe.jpg)


trips checked

0c9ca1  No.7043802


Agreed anon, agreed.

f2eba1  No.7043803


Shit. It's probably another one of those Hollywood things everyone knows about but nobody talks about how they knew until the indictments start to fly.

dece70  No.7043804


ha, that shut you up real quick

df732e  No.7043805


Seriously anon, that is some shit, right there.

22ba41  No.7043806


Everything including the clothing and hair anon…

dc0150  No.7043807










b5d07f  No.7043808


A harsh analysis, but an absolutely accurate one.

The "notables" read more like an eclectic newspaper headline as opposed to relevance to the op/current events.

Did make them somewhat more tedious both mentally and physically to parse through.

I still think most would prefer them there than not, though.

cad64d  No.7043809


The list Pompeo was holding

6a284c  No.7043810


I was in the mall once, a long time ago, and I heard a voice behind me that sounded like an air-raid siren.

It was Richard Simmons.

a8b0c9  No.7043812


dueprocess faggot . you cant arrest politions based on internet memes

58e7be  No.7043813

Baby parts cost meme for memefags

Ever wonder why they switched from using a hoover to a pill to kill your child?


ef3e66  No.7043814

File: 690dadc82f1af18⋯.jpg (337.33 KB, 500x339, 500:339, CP-22 Performing Monkeys ….jpg)


making absurd statements to cover your ignorance has no bearing on the facts.

if an anon can call out his seconds and post numbers all nite here just to amuse us then Q has the technical ability also.

I am sure other anons here now have seen it in real time & I'm sure you could have searched it before spurging

Im done now, your lack of knowledge doesnt effect my life in the least bit because i have no monkeys in your circus

a63a83  No.7043815

File: c02191bbd14f7eb⋯.png (135.5 KB, 336x334, 168:167, 2019-06-02_01-36-01.png)

45624c  No.7043816


Look at the hand on the butt. Naughty, naughty.

cf64d4  No.7043817


I love lightworkers!!!


b1b32a  No.7043818

John Cullen just put out another damn good Las Vegas video. He is an anon for sure, and I suspect he might be a planefag…

YT link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Hqucpuwms&t=736s

ebfb16  No.7043819

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Respect.jpg)


ty patriot, little break back later

fbc9ad  No.7043820

[Jay Lefkowitz]


5f8ca3  No.7043821


I like this… and then I think uhoh for what is to come.

29415b  No.7043822


Pussy hats. And maybe ugly and fat.

529317  No.7043823

File: 9c3286c12ab81e9⋯.jpg (145.95 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 9c3286c12ab81e94ebc77f6c02….jpg)


Sweet trips!

12acea  No.7043824


Your logic and complex connections alarm and frighten me.

86ac8b  No.7043825

File: 1f21ecea78f37a4⋯.png (114.47 KB, 216x353, 216:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37cd8fcd315159f⋯.png (179.74 KB, 446x503, 446:503, ClipboardImage.png)



Q drop

8223e0  No.7043827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2min listen - GREAT video. As is anything that starts out with "Brennan is an asshole"

cb52db  No.7043829

File: 876bab6def536cd⋯.gif (78.51 KB, 400x204, 100:51, proxy.duckduckgo.com.gif)



I like the clarity of your math, anon.

And I see what you mean….

fffc82  No.7043830

File: 262b26b69b7c7cb⋯.jpg (202.9 KB, 822x1360, 411:680, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at ….jpg)


Barry was heading toward Little Rock…. maybe Barry gave up the Clintons?

a8b0c9  No.7043831

File: 4b0ef57b2016ed4⋯.jpg (257.67 KB, 1621x1080, 1621:1080, proxy.duckduckgo-2.jpg)



yeah ima jew shill, call anyone that offends/drops truth/ points you the hypocrisy a jew shilll . what a comeback BRUH

58e7be  No.7043832


History will tell

86ac8b  No.7043833



you funny clown.

dece70  No.7043834


don’t fuck with me

we can hear you when you sleep

79a5f9  No.7043835

Suicide hypnotix reporting in. Had to leave for heat to cool off my six. Will be returning shortly.until that day I am watching the magnificence of your visage Lord senpai anon.

365bc7  No.7043836



636de9  No.7043837


How much you wanna make a bet it was packed to the tits with superspyware

dc0150  No.7043838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.














dece70  No.7043839

File: 8b06ca9dc9e5051⋯.jpeg (69.23 KB, 719x1000, 719:1000, DE3F79DC-D3A5-4FA7-A04F-8….jpeg)

df732e  No.7043840

File: f9fa3cc122f7862⋯.jpg (21.96 KB, 255x248, 255:248, Heart Pepe II.jpg)

45299c  No.7043841

File: 1c7bdee9418330d⋯.jpeg (132.14 KB, 1162x929, 1162:929, science, the fake and gay….jpeg)


A comedian, a joke and a black science man walk into a bar….(stop me if you heard this one already) …we will put these guys on the case….but first, that last word you typed there….that needs decoded.

bd1a9b  No.7043842


her profile is up on barelylegalasian. com

ba6ea6  No.7043843



If (((JEW)) steal Satan's bitcoins, Satan will just let his mom pay off his debts. 🤷‍♂️

254a20  No.7043844


Could be a rental/investment property with multiple investors

a936b2  No.7043845

File: 3fdf2cee3921028⋯.jpg (814.83 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190714-202749….jpg)

File: f43eefa2a2f97bf⋯.jpg (688.49 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20190714_202754.jpg)

File: aa18baed1374797⋯.jpg (310.31 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20190714_202757.jpg)

File: 5a2867fccd085fb⋯.jpg (521.85 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20190714_202800.jpg)

File: c63de7229fd3024⋯.jpg (866.18 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20190714_202803.jpg)


ebfb16  No.7043847

File: 888464e06eae00f⋯.gif (338.24 KB, 480x270, 16:9, respect my authoritay.gif)


28 posts and you question me?

fuck off

af6677  No.7043848

529317  No.7043851

File: cf7b2e23093d8a9⋯.png (5.99 MB, 3008x1960, 376:245, cf7b2e23093d8a918374424263….png)

File: e57874802135b55⋯.png (434.87 KB, 801x448, 801:448, e57874802135b551a8c34ad511….png)


I've got the other one he dropped if'n you're feeling creative and don't already have it. I haven't had the time to do it right. Pretty sure that's it. Nope! The second one! o7.

4018a8  No.7043852

File: 56727602a538f9a⋯.jpeg (47.13 KB, 268x265, 268:265, 1530415A-ADA0-4B8F-BEEB-D….jpeg)


what a coincidence that john skippy podesta was a pig farmer.

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