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File: 6e832bc075dba59⋯.jpg (9.77 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

616827  No.7026007

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 07.12.2019

>>7012074 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>7012019 ————————————–——– "FIND OUT THE PEOPLE THAT WENT TO THAT ISLAND."

>>7011640 ————————————–——– [MUELLER] hearing delayed?

>>7011267 ————————————–——– [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?

>>7011225 ————————————–——– [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7011097 ————————————–——– Sec Acosta Plans To Resign (Cap:>>7011200 )

>>7005334 ————————————–——– Now what are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>7005357 )

>>7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>7004625 )

Thursday 07.11.2019

>>7004029 ————————————–——– How does LDR (Rothschild's) con nect to the Bronfman's? ( Cap: >>7004070)

>>7004081 rt >>7004029 ————————— What city was Epstein arrested in? NYC? 5:5 Watch CA

>>7003300 rt >>7003276 ————————— Q Prefers Proofs and Tools added back

>>7003151 ————————————–——– [PP] news. More coming.

>>6990956 ————————————–——– [Wheels up]

>>6990701 ————————————–——– Well done, Anons

Wednesday 07.10.2019

>>6990140 ————————————–——– (Cap: >>6990186 vid) B-2 Stealth Bomber Takeoff

>>6989727 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched

>>6985423 ————————————–——– Date of 1st flight?

>>6985182 ————————————–——– Smoke & Mirrors

>>6983107 ————————————–——– [PP] news coming (Cap: >>6983183)

>>6982404 ————————————–——– Re: Border Fight Worth remembering.

>>6982112 ————————————–——– Unchallenged allegations (Cap: >>6982124)

>>6982028 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Real World. (Cap: >>6983414)

Tuesday 07.09.2019

>>6976657 ————————————–——– Follow the date [One Example]No coincidences.

>>6976233 rt >>6976189 ————————— The flight log!

>>6976212 rt >>6976175 ————————— 3 Staircases: Degree of incline?

>>6976179 rt >>6976144 ————————— 16 Channels [4x4] (Note "2013" on the bottom).

>>6976069 rt >>6976025 ————————— DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?

>>6975974 ————————————–——– Welcome to Epstein Island.

>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….

>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)

>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?

>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)

>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).

>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)

>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)

>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….

>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)

>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?

>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)

>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.

>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.

>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?

Monday 07.08.2019

Consolidated here: >>6976868

Thursday 06.27.2019

Consolidated here: >>6973411

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

616827  No.7026016

Notables Thread

>>7003045 Q Research Notables Open for all anons to submit buns

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC


* MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

* MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

* SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

QPosts Archives

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://''postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Proofs

* Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

* QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

* Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

* Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

* Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

* Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

* Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


* Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

* All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

* Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>7012538

all older Qmaps archived at >>>/comms/283,

Q Graphics all in EST


616827  No.7026021

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

'''* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 07.11.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

616827  No.7026036



b8e7f6  No.7026809

The Qanon emerged from the notorious child parnagraphy hub 4chan in late 2016 as a white supremacist hacker who advocated Jewish genocide. These posts were confirmed by the WaPo as directly tied to the later IP / Hash posts associated with the hacker "The Qanon" who began posting on the /reddit forum of 4chan the first of thousands of "Bread Bomb Droppings From The Qanon". The Qanon gained prominence with white nationalist online groups on 8chan who became known as the Qanon Bakers Militia.

3614e1  No.7026813


>>7025176 Mexicans remove American flag at ICE facility

>>7024755 >>7025121 >>7024710 shadow figure on camera looks like P.d.Rothschild

>>7025103 new DJT FBI deleted texts

>>7025073 Epstein photo as a Student with JewFro

>>7024685 “Wheels Up” fleet

>>7024951 Epstein drone video taken earlier than suggested

>>7024965 twatter videos not loading. NPC heads explode

>>7024868 Cemex getting international bids to “improve” 3rd world countries

>>7024794 Drudge calls it “Epstein’s Temple of Sex”

>>7025103 The video linked below was allegedly filmed 7/11/2019.

>>7024518 WTF Is Epstein Doing With A DNA Database?

>>7024604 Louisiana man arrested after wife allegedly catches him raping 9-year-old girl

>>7024593 Doctors and cops among 277 arrested in human trafficking, online prostitution sting in Florida

>>7024566 LDR NXIVM Cemex sex trafficking land in Arizona

>>7024556 Delaware teacher arrested for sexual contact with 3 students

>>7024526 hurricane “Barry”

>>7024485 Wheels up flight log in FBI hands


Notables for anons, by anons


>>7025301 anon dig,short, on David F. Rogers

>>7025339 Epstein UK Property

>>7025345, >>7025500 Schwarzenegger invites POTUS to 'compare tax returns'

>>7025346, >>7025351, >>7025385 Tyler Skaggs death

>>7025358 Police fork out more than $400,000 to gun owners at first buyback

>>7025380, >>7025415 Another Quisling 'Cut-Out': (Alfred E. Newman) = [Pete Buttgieg] and Misfud connections

>>7025389, >>7025438, JonBenet Ramsey's former photographer indicted on cp charges

>>7025393 Epstein/Wexner/Ehud Barak-Carbyne

>>7025402, >>7025519 Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

>>7025405, >>7025516, >>7025483, >>7025529 Paydirt! here's the Wheels Up fleet. anon digs included

>>7025408 POTUS TWEET 7:20am Q drop #720

>>7025420 Networking for 6-year-olds in "online sandbox

>>7025446 GOP Rep. Palmer on Pelosi-AOC Fight: ‘It’s Something That I Don’t Think We’ve Ever Seen, at Least in Modern Times

>>7025457 Golf: Hussein, Bubba hit the links on Martha's Vineyard-from august 2015 and related to 'wheels up'

>>7025463 Central banks with crypto's anon dig

>>7025540 WHhistory tweet

>>7025550, >>7025546 How this founder convinced Warren Buffett to work with him—and built 2 multimillion-dollar businesses-wheels up

>>7025564 Grads Turn to ‘Sugar Daddies’ to Pay Off Student Loans

>>7025578 Large fire in Maui

>>7025582 Chevron spills 800,000 gallons of oil, water in California

>>7025600 'Star Trek' actress Stephanie Niznik dead at 52-dies June 23rd, just now reported

3614e1  No.7026816


b8e7f6  No.7026821


Reported to BO for illegal notables. Thanks.

155a23  No.7026825


3614e1  No.7026831



dd7fec  No.7026832

Notables 8990

>>7026561 About Smith-Mundt - US Gov paid internet shills?

>>7026555 Are the Samelsons spoopy? (Jew Epstein neighbors)

>>7026464 Best Ways For Jew Quotas

>>7026531 Dan Coats is going out the door?

>>7026599 Because he's a Jew who is not on our side who has taken control from the Patriots

>>7026519 1 dead after small plane crashes into building in Katy

fb91dc  No.7026834

File: 15c918e341bdf84⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1098x759, 366:253, epstein island - wwg1wga -….PNG)

Q ?

I think so.


semper fi

semper paratus


b8e7f6  No.7026843

Hello Qanon Bakers Militia. I am working with the WaPo AWS Big Data Initiative on Right Wing Extremism and Christian Militia Terrorism. We have been analyzing all Qanon posts for hate speech and extremism. I have previously asked about the 257 million instances of the word "faggot", and overwhelming the feedback has been that the word has been repurposed as a term of endearment. However, the data show that the phrase "kys faggot" shows up over 101 million times. In this case the term means kill yourself faggot, and is meant as a direct threat or insult. Can any higher IQ qanon Bakers Milita or Qanons weigh in? Thank you.

ed90c7  No.7026844


First, a congrats to the person who thought of getting rid of Notables. Well played. Moves and countermoves.

While the dough has evolved of necessity and changing conditions, reformatting the bread -unilaterally- has been

frowned upon since the beginning.

The dough contains a lot of information that many of us pass by since we've seen it so often. It is vital for

new eyes coming in that have no frame of reference to make sense of the apparent chaos that is halfchan and 8ch.

Notables -are- a part of that dough. It is the cream that rises to the top. It is what is new. It is the News.

We Are the News. The Notables are News. It is akin to a newspaper touting all the Op-Eds and Classifieds and stuffing

the Heasdlines on the last page with reference to what former page to read for the story. Ludicrous.

The website www.wearethene.ws bears the effects of this change. Makes it easy to read Notables while phonefagging.

Go back as many Breads as you want. It's all there and quick to load. Best news aggregator yet. Because -We- Are the News!

A part of our Mandate is to help the unlearned and unseeing learn to see. Think back to the moment in time past when

you began questioning the world you live in. How those around you may have taken your questions. How uncomfortably

your mind tried to process a new set of eyes. Now you see, now you know. Not so with many around us.

Anons, this is good training for adapting to and overcoming changing logistical conditions, a theme we may be wise to embrace moving forward.

Glory in it, for we know that eventually one of us will come up with a new idea. POTUS himself says this movement is to

replace a corrupt political machine with a new government. So, today is a test. Bigger challenges incoming.

To those who attempt to Divide, pfffft. Watch and learn. You will see things you never thought possible.

Brothers and sisters, stay the course. Do not be ruled by fear nor greed. In all things give thanks, in all your ways

acknowledge the Lord and He will make your paths straight. This ride has been the most fun, most entertaining, the most

gut-wrenching, and the most educational trip. Thankful to be alive and awake at this time in human history. Please pray

for our people.

God bless you, God bless your family, and God bless the USA. WWG1WGA

24a951  No.7026845

File: dafbfb218553384⋯.jpg (736.12 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, 30d2fd9306af19e9b51aa6b961….jpg)

Always lurking.

Reel this shit , anons…adapt and overcome


3614e1  No.7026846


bb7837  No.7026848

>>7026842 LB

>2c71b0 (55)




14511f  No.7026849

File: 39491f4502a69dc⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 512x512, 1:1, like.jpg)

fb86f1  No.7026850


Two sets of notes for #8989?

Or should top set be #8990?

d4ce4a  No.7026851

File: 8c811460a25f883⋯.png (106.76 KB, 1163x356, 1163:356, christine maxwell 1.PNG)

File: b433f34333880b3⋯.png (56.93 KB, 1155x455, 33:13, christine maxwell 2.PNG)

File: d7f40b482bfcc30⋯.png (22.03 KB, 1136x177, 1136:177, christine maxwell 3.PNG)

ghislaine's sister, christine-creepy af


b69a6d  No.7026852

Fucking shills early baking two breads ahead just so they can screencap BO locking and deleting their breads

>we see you assholes

Waiting to see your bread post number in one of your screen caps

73e709  No.7026853

As a dyslexic Anon, I enjoy my personal challenges and daily battles with captcha.

I say we have a two stage captcha to really fuck with the shills.

41c3dd  No.7026854


Clown baker, please change breat title

>As Epstein goes down, pedo mason scum BO panics

ce3bd9  No.7026855


df48de  No.7026856

File: b75c460aa569a0f⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 800x421, 800:421, flag 800.jpg)

c9d4a6  No.7026857

File: 3c5513219563381⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 800x707, 800:707, e2833e5374a55bdec1b45d21ac….jpg)

File: ede51c7ee1190ca⋯.jpg (212.51 KB, 1024x500, 256:125, d0ab7274c632a9ccf6814e914d….jpg)

909fd8  No.7026858

File: 11e9705c1b0a61e⋯.jpg (150.94 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, cemex.jpg)

>>7026712 lb

from last year



CEMEX USA Honored by Texan by Nature for Conservation Efforts

Houston, Texas - December 18, 2018

CEMEX USA announced today it has been honored by Texan by Nature, a Texas-led conservation non-profit founded by Former First Lady Mrs. Laura Bush, for its ongoing commitment to sustainability and land preservation through the El Carmen Land and Conservation Co., LLC (ECLCC), a partnership that oversees the U.S. portion of El Carmen, a private trans-boundary nature preserve.

article continues

a3f387  No.7026859

>>7026704 lb

AOC is huge on public perception (her comments about her 4+ million followers in response to Pelosi's rebuff that her and her cohorts only truly represent all of four votes in congress). The performance yesterday with her insisting on being sworn in and stating her poison was a set up to gain a sense of the public's response, it is a vehicle for the left to next focus on where to go next...its a trick used by Alinsky-ites and commies for as long as they have been in existence...they NEED public support otherwise their master plan fails....just another propaganda method, they are going through their bag of tricks awfully fast though, must be be PANIC in the background.

b8e7f6  No.7026860

The Qanon Bakers Militia organizes on the infamous child parnagraphy distribution hub 8chan, where the Qanon releases his "Bread Bomb Droppings". The "Breads" or "Droppings" are encoded instructions and puzzles related to child parnagraphy. The Qanon Militia spends their life trying to crack the child parn puzzles in return for "famefagging", which recognizes their achievements in their "Notables lists" as Moabs. Two Moabs = a Big Big. Three Moabs = Boom and so on.

df48de  No.7026861


Newbies, learn to filter

9cfc19  No.7026862

File: 1681363860328be⋯.png (995.87 KB, 838x498, 419:249, Capture.PNG)

File: b2b382afc35bf4f⋯.png (8.14 KB, 404x159, 404:159, Capture1.PNG)

File: c9f2cda71626048⋯.png (166.64 KB, 344x225, 344:225, Capture3.PNG)


what if game…. Robert Mueller took the pic, that would be really fucked up. High Fag reporting in…. ps. he is a lawyer.

2332f3  No.7026863

>>7026841 lb

Very clean looking. Appreciate the help, Anon! That's the winner.

Going back to lurking/digs

c9d4a6  No.7026864

File: 7ff6c9c4ae53867⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 1074x676, 537:338, d23d1df74ba27830841bb0ec90….jpg)

File: 4e55901d7c215a9⋯.png (473.38 KB, 488x617, 488:617, af0bcaefb3fa29450df0bcce01….png)

57fc41  No.7026865

File: 539ec3bcfb7e709⋯.png (704.2 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN THOSE WHO YOU TRUST TH….PNG)

b72b1b  No.7026866

File: a057c1cd819b9c6⋯.jpg (64.36 KB, 580x430, 58:43, 35ktu2.jpg)

Baker's have went downhill.

699a13  No.7026867


On our next issue of “Can You Fap To That”

8ff1c4  No.7026868


thank you OP for the bake


thank you note collector for the take

got pastebin?





note taker

can you make the notables dough?

ecb152  No.7026869

File: 8578cee9b1a1c8b⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ug9jaE3.jpg)

95ff1f  No.7026870

File: c53f58a43dcfbc2⋯.png (793.23 KB, 1130x1033, 1130:1033, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5a8d4426c9413f⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1441x857, 1441:857, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

Why Jews Put Stones on Graves

Epstein "Sundial"


41c3dd  No.7026871


fuck the notables bread, fuck you clown baker and fuck clown BO!

anons are taking back control.


thanks based baker!


<illegal notables

?? you shills glow so bright, it´s go to make you all visible while taking down BO just before shtf.

good times.

fb86f1  No.7026872



Do you bake bread and collect anons notables?

Do you then drop those notes into the notables bread?

Or is baker just responsible for baking only?

Not giving you shit, Just asking.

No notes appear to be dropping in notables bread, after a fresh QR bread is baked.

I thought that was the new system.


bb7837  No.7026873






ac9f4c  No.7026874

This shit with the notables here gets on my fucking nerves.

I go now to


and work there.

No damn captchas and no crazy [BO]

cd80cd  No.7026875

>>7026826 (lb)

Fair enough. I have been here a long time. I just feel like it's moving in the wrong direction. The crimes are being covered up, with low hanging fruit being jailed to appease the masses.

Appreciate the post though.

7d8173  No.7026876

File: 3051b4d2dd33caf⋯.png (165.59 KB, 760x978, 380:489, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

>>7024526 (pb)


How Big of a Storm Gets a Name?

The World Meteorological Organization is in charge of assigning names to tropical storms that originate in the Atlantic Ocean and reach a sustained wind speed of 39 miles per hour. Any storm that reaches a sustained wind speed of 74 miles per hour is called a "hurricane."

When a storm becomes a hurricane, it retains the name that it was given as a tropical storm. The World Meteorological Organization has six lists of storm names which are recycled every six years. The name lists for 2012 through 2022 are shown in the tables on this page.

→ What's interesting is these storms are named YEARS in advance. Barry was named in 2012. Very spoopy that Barry ended up hitting the US at this exact time.

47a7e7  No.7026878

File: 63d66cab1f269da⋯.png (633.34 KB, 1006x743, 1006:743, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

File: 69f62c48e299729⋯.jpg (88.25 KB, 456x639, 152:213, 6c166ea1086085deba4f58bc2f….jpg)

File: 37879c859206ed7⋯.png (351.34 KB, 773x1036, 773:1036, 8f39130dd979f6724a962acffc….png)

File: 7a5ed11f658cce3⋯.jpg (984.81 KB, 3587x2046, 3587:2046, 60cc36c3fc1c83bc8f2278b6df….jpg)

File: bed97e6be965048⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 888x499, 888:499, DgtH-MhVQAA8YYM.jpg)


What if it was lying Cohen?

or stoopid Clapper?

what about RR?



14511f  No.7026879

File: 6cc806648ee3dcd⋯.jpg (131.06 KB, 590x383, 590:383, Central_American_Migrant_r….jpg)

File: b50c5f5cae8ec8e⋯.jpg (223.07 KB, 981x890, 981:890, screenshot.jpg)

File: f38a8f6ef2f8727⋯.jpg (288.87 KB, 1221x880, 111:80, brownsville.jpg)

File: 327adbf13adf8eb⋯.jpg (201.58 KB, 1075x888, 1075:888, el-paso.jpg)


>>7024566 LDR NXIVM Cemex sex trafficking land in Arizona


869aea  No.7026880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

if you've not seen this news conference on the go…

c9d4a6  No.7026881

File: 0542dc55fa84fe2⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1851x1547, 1851:1547, eg5jue57ket67kjhwe6ue57k.png)

b8e7f6  No.7026882

Remember NOT to post illegal notables into the bread.

Patriots follow the rules!

Thank you.

71da6c  No.7026883


The shills have now started intentionally fucking up our notables. The top sets does not link to #8989, it links to #8988.

>>7026813 Hey NotableAnon you gotta make sure these links are labeled correctly and link to the proper bread.

451fc9  No.7026884


"Have went down hill".


Do you English?

41c3dd  No.7026885


just fuck off shill, BO glows bright af and so does everyone of you kid fuckers defending him!

this is Qs board. this is anons board.

they are not happy having censprship by a clown BO, having notables deleted and having this board made weaker on purpose.

6a920b  No.7026886

File: 6bc4c78241b4db6⋯.png (183.32 KB, 648x494, 324:247, TimeToStopPosting.png)

cd80cd  No.7026887

File: 74e602fdae5ad1f⋯.jpg (20.54 KB, 512x452, 128:113, michaelb.jpg)

File: 55c0a9749e8eddc⋯.jpg (34.47 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Neil Kimball.jpg)

Too all the moo joos and anyone else who is here to distract. Scratch that, to anyone here still trying to learn. It's a joke.

Try researching this guy:

michael brambles lapd

https:// www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-09-21-mn-46047-story.html

Top dog in the premier investigative unit, until he was clipped at age 45. Only sentenced to 127 years for his crimes. Now you can't find shit about him. But guess what's in the paper today? Try this:

https:// www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-la-county-sheriff-sexual-assault-20190712-story.html

His name is Neil Kimball.

That's right. The same type of story. A hero detective who raped a young girl that came that came to him for help. Allegedly he tied her (15yrs old) up and raped her. History repeating itself while we sit here sucking dick.

Fucking wake the fuck up!

How many fucking CDANs do you need to read (or whatever you read), to GET IT? There's something rotten in Denmark. Fuck mother fuckers. What the fuck is wrong with you?

bb7837  No.7026888





759346  No.7026889

File: cd11514dae47bf8⋯.jpg (94.43 KB, 977x525, 977:525, edwardwallacedel.jpg)


There's a sub base at that "Coronado" Bay

Hotel there, allegedly original landing spot of Conquistador Cortez!

Cortez is said by hotel historian to have died there and never returned to Europe.

That is also where Edward met suspected trans-sexual "Wallace" who became his wife.

I think it's 50 - 50 that "she" was trans. Otherwise, maybe just a "special-looking" woman?

Lizard King aka Rushed onto a Limb Bough lived there too

Same with the author of "Wizard of Oz"

And yes they had hot air balloons there, back in the day

Now it's surrounded by military.

26e22e  No.7026890

I noticed the only ones complaining about the Notables are the shills who try to delete, change and interject their own Notables to suit their own crooked agenda..they are useless shills ..just filter them!!!

7a751c  No.7026891


Nobody is leaving the board. Just give it up. You failed yet again.

d0d6de  No.7026892


Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




618489  No.7026893

File: 5e3e10e957a7e8b⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 255x191, 255:191, shill arsehole.jpg)

First half dozen posts….filtered for BO bashing…. Makes a change from finkle fuckup and his minions….. O wait…. its the same douch bags…

lol….losing bad…. and glowing even worse…lol

keep crying… makes it easier to filter your lying arses.

e14fea  No.7026894

File: e83969f21254e2f⋯.jpg (281.06 KB, 863x678, 863:678, NewOldFag.jpg)


61841d  No.7026895

File: f46cacff20fca52⋯.png (76.04 KB, 262x261, 262:261, 2019-07-13_12-41-14.png)

>>7026749 lb

Didn't BO lose The Battle of Notable Creek?

2546d6  No.7026896



Why did new BO not listen to Q and went ahead with the change??

Comp’d much FastJackOff

92643e  No.7026897



8a08d5  No.7026898


Every Baker that doesn’t post notables is a pedovore sympathiser. Your time will come.

8ff1c4  No.7026899

File: 693f00eadd1042e⋯.jpg (382.54 KB, 1816x3278, 908:1639, fight for victory.jpg)

The Attempt to Derail the Board Has Failed

the Muh Notables was a great way to attack the OP and make new aspiring bakers wearing of the daunting task of baking because of the notables

now with the split, how many have atacked the note taker(s)


the attacks on BO and Baker can continue, but think of this, what if some have nothing left to attack?

baker can look for new Q

perhaps in the future Baker can look for New DJT

anons collect notes

anons drop buns after 600

consolidate by 650

post next bread

after looking good, drop in notables thread

41c3dd  No.7026900


adapt and overcome?

fuck no, shill, just kys pedo!

why are the shill fighting so hard to make BO look based again?

they know he cannot stand the pressure of millions of anons and patriots. make BO leave.

759346  No.7026901


sub base is not at the Hotel

Sorry for being unclear.

It's around the back.

155a23  No.7026902


Most real anons have jumped ship from here, I will stay here for bit longer till Q says.

4eda6c  No.7026903



"...the word has been re~purposed as a term of endearment."

This isn't really that hard.

bb7837  No.7026904


>Nobody is leaving the board. Just give it up. You failed yet again.









592a04  No.7026905

raising the flag of another country

b72b1b  No.7026906

File: 246dc135c965a28⋯.png (738.79 KB, 1001x1017, 1001:1017, Screenshot_20190703-212623….png)

WWG1WGA is a CIA control tactic to prevent heavily armed riots, sounds like a socialist pushing a government run utopian society.

Q is a facade.

Anons this is an important conversation, honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having. I've been here since thread 1 of CBTS, PG, and way before.

Q saying "don't worry we're in control" and "We are here for a reason" creep me the fuck out.

Although no public arrests/hangings have been made (they can't even ever tell us that McCain was put to death - because they are too worried about controlling the public). We are constantly told "HEY, BILLIONARE executives are quitting with huge bonuses! Aren't you happy!? CEOS are quitting!" We are supposed to be fucking happy about that?

We have been relegated to cheering for behind the scenes movement.

Q (NSA) team is here to CONTROL THE RIOTS.

They know we know. They have more than confirmed our suspicions on what's going on. We wrongly think they are on our side to take them down.

Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.

Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

It's becoming more and more clear with EVERY POST.

Q has no interest, in EVER bringing anyone to public justice. They are handing things with "internal military tribunals" - THEY WILL NEVER BE TELEVISED. THEY WILL NEVER BE PUBLIC.

Where the fuck do you all think McCain went.

Q team is very proud of themselves, for putting him to military tribunal. The problem is - NORMIES DONT KNOW ANY OF THIS.

We really need to demand PUBLIC HANGINGS. I'm sick of CEOS resigning peacefully.

This entire team seems convinced to try to change the medias mind. It's a waste of fucking time. The media is gone forever - and Q team has yet to understand this.

They are literally here just to convince us from rioting because they know we are pissed. We are literally cats to them, and they are the cat herders.


Seriously is America now just like Mexico a shadow cartel…

No wall

Border situation is worse

Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up

No FISA declassification

No FBI texts

No dossier details

Q check your brackets [RR]

No Anthony Weenie laptop emails

No uranium one arrests

No Clinton emails

Nothing from Huber

Nothing from Horowitz

Nothing from Sessions

Podesta brothers are free

Susan Rice unmasked Americans

Samantha Power unmasked Americans

Bruce Ohr received lavish bonuses

Nellie Ohr made huge profits

Comey leaked

Adam Schiff leaked

Brennan lied to Congress

Clapper lied to Congress

McCabe lied to Congress

Comey lied to Congress

Strzoks committed treason

Page committed treason

Mueller operated illegal special counsel

Maxine Waters converted up money transfers for the uranium one deal to Clinton

*This list is only the beginning of shit that Q said would be addressed but it has not happened and treasonous people that have not been arrested.

It's clear Q shifted to Epstein because everything else fell apart.

c61158  No.7026907

How Are They All Connected?





Every one of them are connected to these 4.

c2b0a8  No.7026908

File: 5b3c1096b5441d2⋯.png (843.19 KB, 1624x955, 1624:955, Convoy 2019-07-13-11:43:18….png)

File: 1d9cabfe0ef10a5⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1914x880, 87:40, Convoy 2019-07-13-12:18:55….png)

File: ec7ab7e75903a4c⋯.png (366.8 KB, 1691x959, 1691:959, Lincoln NE 2 EC45 2019-07-….png)

File: 59bdf1c2723d4bd⋯.png (440.24 KB, 1548x955, 1548:955, Lincoln NE 2 EC45 2019-07-….png)

File: f7a14f2a8046181⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 1910x999, 1910:999, wtf2.jpg)

ac9f4c  No.7026909


Thanks for trying to keep "baking" in stormy times.

759346  No.7026910


Yes, they all went to the new venue.

God bless.

(We're too busy for that nonsense.)

bb7837  No.7026911




or else

592a04  No.7026912


isn't this an outright act of war


>raising the flag of another country

618489  No.7026913

File: e721875711902a7⋯.jpg (64.01 KB, 534x378, 89:63, inbred and retarded.jpg)


Considering it was their in the last bread…. Your post only proves to us how fucking retarded and full of shit you are…. Keep trying…. it helps to expose you.

7a751c  No.7026914


No 'real anons' have left. If the situation was as dire as you would have everyone believe, Q would have said so by now.

1657d8  No.7026915


wow you really are from the washington post

1d021c  No.7026916

File: 3eb9cb00899f40a⋯.png (638.67 KB, 691x691, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Me before Q: "Holy shit, this guy sure is a moron!"

Me after Q: "Holy shit, I sure hope this guy's a decent exorcist!"

Oh, and also, bring back notables, new BO is (seemingly) a clown, and the fact that he's been activated now means that (((they))) must be in total panic mode. Enjoying the show.

41c3dd  No.7026917


your 50+ posts lb tell me you know damn well BO is going down and his pedo shill crew will be gone in no time.

go ahead and scream all caps, pedo scum.

you will be taken down and be known for all future to coma as an enemy of humanity.

02ed91  No.7026918


>Most real anons

We aren't leftists here. We don't care about being part of the 'cool kids'.

1d5806  No.7026919

Hey Anons!

Did ya see the link here from LB?

That was different, eh?

Why oh why would Bakers suddenly change that up when links to new bread have always been done in one way- not this way.

Tings that make ya go hummmm……

Patriots ON THE MOVE


b8e7f6  No.7026920

The Qanon gained famed by picked a online battle with Lynn De Rockefeller after the Qanon accused Rockefeller of attacking AF1 with her custom Green Helicopter.

92643e  No.7026921

Saving Israel for last.


cfd03c  No.7026922

File: 063d954d69c1a55⋯.png (1.27 MB, 744x750, 124:125, ClipboardImage.png)

c76b05  No.7026923



sanctimonious Paytriots monetizing anons efforts while trying to grab the narrative

bb7837  No.7026924


>We don't care about being part of the 'cool kids'.




3e946e  No.7026925

File: 60a312e5085235c⋯.png (161.43 KB, 522x516, 87:86, Interesting.PNG)

ec62e9  No.7026926


U R an idiot

0e7fdd  No.7026927

759346  No.7026928

File: 682f3470b237615⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, letterq.jpg)


Don't filter.

Otherwise, you won't know what they are saying behind your back

Who cares.

I certainly don't care if I have to read their BS.

I just don't want to miss anything important.

That's why the new system is better.

14511f  No.7026929

File: 0da28af2a160d28⋯.jpg (14.71 KB, 255x231, 85:77, you-broke-the-cat.jpg)







41c3dd  No.7026930


anons won´t leave this board.

BO will leave.

why are so many shills applied to either make BO look based?

why are the so many shills applied trying to get anons to migrate and off QR HUB?

they know anons are strong and will take down BO so they just use the only tactic they know, divde and rule.


155a23  No.7026931


No but it isn't about being left/right or cool etc. it's about being able to do research properly and safely.

bb27f5  No.7026932

File: 7e61f1ce9b5084d⋯.png (5.31 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 328E2E82-3A4E-4118-8419-02….png)

File: 7e61f1ce9b5084d⋯.png (5.31 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 499988C2-6F54-4086-83F5-2A….png)

Masonlilith Pedostate and minions,

[you] are known.

[you] are surrounded.

[you] are going to be exposed.

[you] are the vermin.

[you] are the disease.


9b7755  No.7026933

I think Trump is a high stakes gambler. He keeps letting the enemy push us to the brink of civil war, because it raises the stakes! He fully intends to win, but he intends to win bigly, so raking in a small win early isn't enough for him, he wants the enemy to unmask itself completely before he strikes. When the fascists are going for broke there's no longer any doubt who they are, and their fall will be that much greater.

His rhetoric and actions have already forced the socialists/communists in the dem party to openly admit their beliefs…AOC, Bernie, etc.

A lot of what Trump does makes no sense when you are focused on the shortest path from A to B, but starts making perfect sense once you expand your thinking a bit.

I'll admit I've done my share of "are we there yet?", but now I can see how the enemy's position has been steadily weakened by all the detours from that straight line to the goal. Trump's patient strategy is working!

And what's more, I'm starting to realize that you can't just remove the rail tracks in front of a speeding train heading towards a chasm, you need to lay some new tracks in another direction.

Example: China was meant to be the base of the globalist NWO, after having ruined and destroyed the West. To stop these plans it's not enough to just throw a few traitors in jail, you also need to change the negative momentum that has built over quite some time. You need to somehow sabotage the runaway growth of the Chinese economy, while pushing the brakes on the accelerating decline of the West.

And that requires some thinking…

For instance, why not use tariffs and trade/migration deals to persuade manufacturers to move productions from China to somewhere else, like lets say Mexico? That way, you'll stop the Chinese from taking over the world, while simultaneously stopping the migrant invasion into the US, which gives some breathing room from the ongoing social collapse so you can attempt to revive the US economy.

A lot of stuff needs to be done to change from one timeline with a lot of momentum behind it to a better one. And Trump is doing a lot of stuff!

Maybe even the BAD stuff he is doing is because he has to, in order to turn the ship around. Let's say he doesn't support 5G and GMO to kill us all, but out of a desperate need to get some real economic growth going. It's actually possible he's not doing it out of stupidity you know…

Putting HRC and friends in jail is a super tiny part of what needs to be done here, and I'm happy wiser and more patient people than myself are running this show. I would have pulled the trigger long ago, and it would have been disastrous!

965ddb  No.7026934


if potus/q/whitehats were to drop the hammer now

it would be to fix the USA, fix it later, the world

doesn't it scare you, your hero plays a political game?

if it is politics….

peace & security….


Agenda 21




Fake Armageddon


If we can accept the corruption ongoing, we are part of the corrupt

the time is short to act, or our free and sovereign country will be lost

16 year plan, right in front of you

like evil, you have to invite it in and give it power

isn't that what we have done here

movies and popcorn and such


9e6471  No.7026935


I have been thinking a bit about AOC. She's from NY and Trump used to have his TV show called "The Apprentice" there. Do you think Trump might have done some "recruiting" of a positive nature while doing his TV show. Maybe recruiting and actress to backhandedly TRASH the Democrat party? I would like to quote Peggy Noonan in a pA13 editorial from today's WSJ: "Ocasio-Cortez emerges as a one-woman Committee to Re-Elect the President".

d32fd0  No.7026936


fuck off shill

57e17c  No.7026937

File: e058086ce754fe3⋯.jpg (138.71 KB, 1024x704, 16:11, e058086ce754fe3e241f5d8639….jpg)


Hi Travis,

When did your handlers come up with this rather predictably lame cointelpro scheme? Are you being paid your regular rate or is this a special piece you're working on?

Also please speak to whoever buys the WaPo newsprint stock. For the prices charged for your publication, it should provide a softer wiping experience.

Thank you.

bb7837  No.7026938


>your 50+ posts lb







b69a6d  No.7026939



I totally support this


This board is totally comped right? Go to this new board where it’s totally legit and everything!


shills gunna have to work twice as hard to maintain that board and still shill here.


47a7e7  No.7026940

File: 4b505adda642bcf⋯.png (865.41 KB, 779x957, 779:957, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at ….png)

File: 2cfb2e259289a22⋯.png (1.21 MB, 919x1216, 919:1216, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at ….png)

6a920b  No.7026941


Could it be Max Maccoby, Director of Friends of the Orphans? That is the charity from which Laura Silsby was given children from while in Haiti.

Max Maccoby is an attorney. He represented James Achilles Alefantis and David Brock in a blackmail case.

3e946e  No.7026942

File: 6611fabee1b8d70⋯.jpg (49.49 KB, 667x374, 667:374, MagooJews.jpg)

f4f5e0  No.7026943

File: fe7109544505dc0⋯.png (160.51 KB, 350x250, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6231b7ca69f2b77⋯.png (578.86 KB, 600x674, 300:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1db0044deb95352⋯.png (107.27 KB, 255x236, 255:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9915e8ce99dc01⋯.png (125.05 KB, 223x255, 223:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73f762e24bfb51b⋯.png (43.86 KB, 220x293, 220:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeffrey Epstein - (Epstein Ancestry) (Islands) (Nazi Germany) (Symbolism)

Bits of trivia.

Not making conclusions.

Reporting interdasting details that seem to intersect - Historical Habbenings.

* Epstein Island Temple Birds - Appear to be *(Sulphur Crested Cockatoos)

* Tenerife Island, Canary Islands - Loro Parque (Parrot Park), Santa Cruz de Tenerife – the Canary Islands - *(Similar Birds)

(both islands similar symbolism)

- Tenerife, Canary Islands - Controlled by Spain since 1400's

- Epstein DNA ancestry site connects Epstein family lines to:

* Germany & Spain

→ Loro Parque (Parrot Park) - Tenerife

* Founded by (Wolfgang Kiessling) - born in Germany 1937

- Son of a Cologne businessman

- They emigrated to Tenerife after WWII

(Rat-line connection?)

- Wolfgang founds the park with same symbolism as on Epstein Island Temple. Or vice versa actually.

(Same name. No idea if family connected. Couldn't find connection.)

* 1980's NATO West Germany → West Germany's Kiessling affair.

(Gen. Gunter Kiessling)

- Accused of being gay.

- Concerns over compromised counter-intelligence of (MAD)

(MAD) - Militarische Abschirmdienst, or military counterintelligence service.

*(Tenerife Island)

- As previously noted; the island was a strategic (Slave Trade) shipping point.

- Spain was fascist under General Franco.

(Telegraph UK - 11 Apr 2008)

"Franco 'collaborated with Nazis' to prove Canary Islands were home to Aryan race"

* Some believe Hitler escaped thru Spain to Tenerife.


Other weird & kinda creepy trivia:

(Brian Samuel Epstein) - from Liverpool, England

- Famous Beatles manager

- Died of drug overdose 1967

- Booked The Beatles - Vacation/Holiday

→ On Tenerife → April of 1963

What notable event habbened in 1963?


Just found this stuff weirdly coincidental.

This is what habbens when I get triggered by a rabbit trail.











592a04  No.7026944

File: 3e47ffcbf5e6f5b⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x699, 1024:699, ClipboardImage.png)


holy fire works better.

02ed91  No.7026945


How can you stand to work for child fuckers? Really, how do you do it? Were you fucked as a child? Is that why you think that it is okay?

cfd03c  No.7026946

File: a5e54b860e47022⋯.png (108.51 KB, 491x595, 491:595, ClipboardImage.png)

555321  No.7026947

Thank you BO for giving me a place to express my views

And also thank you for letting those who would burn you at the stakes

to express their views as mindless as their views are

1cb6ae  No.7026948

File: 8fb4097a22e0370⋯.jpg (620.7 KB, 1439x2263, 1439:2263, Screenshot_20190713-091545….jpg)

File: a36a19d28f8b68f⋯.jpg (735.36 KB, 1439x1478, 1439:1478, Screenshot_20190713-091357….jpg)

File: a8499a063406999⋯.png (54.95 KB, 578x292, 289:146, image001-6.png)

File: 33e64d6ff7421d7⋯.png (189.18 KB, 584x620, 146:155, image001-5.png)


0e7fdd  No.7026949


Save the thinking for grownups.

3996c9  No.7026950


THANK YOU ANON-BAKERS! This anon would be lost without this. Love you all, no homo. FIGHT! SALUTE!

57fc41  No.7026951

File: d39544fdece145f⋯.jpg (195.72 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN Report 23.jpg)




bb7837  No.7026952


>That's why the new system is better.





41c3dd  No.7026953


or else you pedo shills will loose all influence?

has that hapopend already?

have visible shills any effect?

are anons and patriots aware now that BO is a clown?

will he be able to controll the narrative in any way?

good times.

388161  No.7026954

File: c4c18537c770656⋯.jpeg (492.74 KB, 1125x2134, 1125:2134, E28B542C-B637-4939-B549-1….jpeg)

File: 5a4e4bd30c7f438⋯.jpeg (226.83 KB, 1960x1125, 392:225, A768D4D5-9B10-4C67-BBAE-D….jpeg)

24a951  No.7026955

File: dafbfb218553384⋯.jpg (736.12 KB, 1712x1704, 214:213, 30d2fd9306af19e9b51aa6b961….jpg)

File: 7172d59efe8f7c3⋯.png (4.07 KB, 548x475, 548:475, eb82f9857ffa22cde7d5ac7a0d….png)

File: 60b3554c797a5e1⋯.gif (2.3 MB, 320x320, 1:1, f87f4cee5b6e105a8e7eeb3419….gif)


[your] time ,is almost up

Nothing can stop what's coming, nothing.

All your faggot moves on control and deception will penetrate an anons resolve. Your 20 is locked. Go order already in place. Knock knock

b133b4  No.7026956


I didn’t read anything past the first sentence because Trump would have ended Q with a tweet if your were correct.

02ed91  No.7026957


>Most real anons

26e22e  No.7026958

Baker is there any reasons why the Notables #8990 posted in the other bread is not in bold print (means it is not the right Notables" the correct Notables should have #8990 in bold print..can you answer that????

bb27f5  No.7026959

File: 305f93b899b6a12⋯.jpeg (122.16 KB, 780x737, 780:737, B7322A79-3FCA-4665-B895-D….jpeg)

File: 2872ec9282a7cef⋯.jpeg (235.98 KB, 771x963, 257:321, 93015F60-658D-40F2-8FAB-3….jpeg)

File: f67aebbede122d5⋯.jpeg (150.73 KB, 828x1382, 414:691, BA584030-6396-4538-A52A-4….jpeg)

File: d48dccb0a63aea7⋯.jpeg (203.41 KB, 828x539, 828:539, B99A7AD2-2025-4D7E-B7CB-F….jpeg)

File: a5f6b770a3b23b4⋯.jpeg (142.58 KB, 828x747, 92:83, EAA07085-B21E-4EF5-94AE-E….jpeg)




No more of these and their wicked abominations!!!

3e946e  No.7026960

File: 41a6fc8f04e58dd⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 466x309, 466:309, HeadUpAss.jpg)

a37de7  No.7026961

File: 455fb76786e8eb7⋯.jpg (237.03 KB, 1668x800, 417:200, 13 Jul 2019 Trump Tweet In….JPG)

Did President Trump just hint child abuse coming to light, as Weiner's laptop entered into evidence at NXIVM trial?

ac9f4c  No.7026962



Anons are anons because they want to dig and work and not because they have to feed their ego.

When I can't work on this board anymore, I look for a board where I can.

Of course, I'll keep coming back here, at least until Q finally finishes this drama.

88ae74  No.7026963

File: f006f9874e83d7c⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 428x281, 428:281, questions.jpg)

File: 2836736b5dd7479⋯.jpg (25.66 KB, 521x232, 521:232, cap.JPG)

What if the migrant round up is really a cover for other arrests?

even captcha agrees…?

bb7837  No.7026964


>good times.

the BEST TIMES on qresarch



09fccd  No.7026965

File: 04555070aa83d0e⋯.jpg (269.64 KB, 720x1038, 120:173, Screenshot_20190713-184929.jpg)


>>7025420 (lb/pb)

>club penguin

Media knows since 2012

cfd03c  No.7026966

File: e7e7d24acb31495⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1005x614, 1005:614, ClipboardImage.png)

5c3087  No.7026967

File: bc13e69f789878b⋯.jpeg (676.06 KB, 2208x1242, 16:9, DED0CD55-4038-4375-9045-2….jpeg)

File: 668a3f1cd7bbaa0⋯.png (6.71 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 679F847D-C7B2-4F54-89FC-18….png)

Was watching the drone footage of Epstien’s Island. God Bless that anon!

I found the interior door of the temple.

b72b1b  No.7026968

File: b9efe74ce9275a3⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 500x374, 250:187, b9efe74ce9275a3b300466621f….jpg)

Trump's border disaster is at epic proportions.

No wall

Didn't stop illegal immigration

Didn't tax remittances

Free ObamaPhone

E-Verify not enforced

Eligible for entitlements

Free Obamacare

Record amounts coming in the USA

DACA is still on the table

News flash: illegals are having more anchor babies every year in America than American citizens are.

America is actually being overrun on Trump's watch.

41c3dd  No.7026969


right on, but shills try so so hard to make them leave.

anons are stubborn and anons know what they are fighting for.

bb7837  No.7026970





f4f5e0  No.7026971


>>7004060 (pb)

>>6993695 (pb - #8948) ← This anon (ty anon! good research) pointed out:

The bird statues on top of the Epstein Island temple are definitely not owls but parrots. I believe one’s specifically a sulphur crested cockatoo.

b8e7f6  No.7026972

The BO or Board Overseer is hand-picked by the Qanon using a Masonic ritual that was recorded and leaked on Discord server chat room logs. The Board Overseer has changed over the years but center around a small group Baker Militia Generals who lead the terrorism from the dark web.

8ff1c4  No.7026973



will pastebin once confirmed correct


>>7026561 About Smith-Mundt - US Gov paid internet shills?

>>7026555 Are the Samelsons spoopy? (Jew Epstein neighbors)

>>7026464 Best Ways For Jew Quotas

>>7026531 Dan Coats is going out the door?

>>7026599 Because he's a Jew who is not on our side who has taken control from the Patriots

>>7026519 1 dead after small plane crashes into building in Katy


>>7025301 anon dig,short, on David F. Rogers

>>7025339 Epstein UK Property

>>7025345, >>7025500 Schwarzenegger invites POTUS to 'compare tax returns'

>>7025346, >>7025351, >>7025385 Tyler Skaggs death

>>7025358 Police fork out more than $400,000 to gun owners at first buyback

>>7025380, >>7025415 Another Quisling 'Cut-Out': (Alfred E. Newman) = [Pete Buttgieg] and Misfud connections

>>7025389, >>7025438, JonBenet Ramsey's former photographer indicted on cp charges

>>7025393 Epstein/Wexner/Ehud Barak-Carbyne

>>7025402, >>7025519 Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

>>7025405, >>7025516, >>7025483, >>7025529 Paydirt! here's the Wheels Up fleet. anon digs included

>>7025408 POTUS TWEET 7:20am Q drop #720

>>7025420 Networking for 6-year-olds in "online sandbox

>>7025446 GOP Rep. Palmer on Pelosi-AOC Fight: ‘It’s Something That I Don’t Think We’ve Ever Seen, at Least in Modern Times

>>7025457 Golf: Hussein, Bubba hit the links on Martha's Vineyard-from august 2015 and related to 'wheels up'

>>7025463 Central banks with crypto's anon dig

>>7025540 WHhistory tweet

>>7025550, >>7025546 How this founder convinced Warren Buffett to work with him—and built 2 multimillion-dollar businesses-wheels up

>>7025564 Grads Turn to ‘Sugar Daddies’ to Pay Off Student Loans

>>7025578 Large fire in Maui

>>7025582 Chevron spills 800,000 gallons of oil, water in California

>>7025600 'Star Trek' actress Stephanie Niznik dead at 52-dies June 23rd, just now reported


>>7025176 Mexicans remove American flag at ICE facility

>>7024755 >>7025121 >>7024710 shadow figure on camera looks like P.d.Rothschild

>>7025103 new DJT FBI deleted texts

>>7025073 Epstein photo as a Student with JewFro

>>7024685 “Wheels Up” fleet

>>7024951 Epstein drone video taken earlier than suggested

>>7024965 twatter videos not loading. NPC heads explode

>>7024868 Cemex getting international bids to “improve” 3rd world countries

>>7024794 Drudge calls it “Epstein’s Temple of Sex”

>>7025103 The video linked below was allegedly filmed 7/11/2019.

>>7024518 WTF Is Epstein Doing With A DNA Database?

>>7024604 Louisiana man arrested after wife allegedly catches him raping 9-year-old girl

>>7024593 Doctors and cops among 277 arrested in human trafficking, online prostitution sting in Florida

>>7024566 LDR NXIVM Cemex sex trafficking land in Arizona

>>7024556 Delaware teacher arrested for sexual contact with 3 students

>>7024526 hurricane “Barry”

>>7024485 Wheels up flight log in FBI hands

b69a6d  No.7026974


well, you were funny. Now you just get the filter


>Podestas are free

so you know where Tony is? Where’s John?

28378e  No.7026975

File: ebb0303065cf7a7⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Office of Mayhem.jpg)


You've got to be kidding me

QR is getting trolled by the MSM now?

Or maybe they've been here a while, in the person of BodyOdor and the Spirit Bakers?

ab94a5  No.7026976


>screencap BO locking and deleting their breads

Rebel Anons HAVE IT ALL.

BO abuses documented in real time.

Wait until you see BO II's spiking Deletion Log Update!

0e7fdd  No.7026977

41c3dd  No.7026978

File: 9d3e0bbf99469f8⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1191x667, 1191:667, ClipboardImage.png)


try harder shill, Q does not like clowns, anons don´t like clowns.

8d4a84  No.7026979

>>7026851 interesting connection to the FBI.

d13787  No.7026980

File: fef8a77f20a8802⋯.png (359.22 KB, 504x445, 504:445, newrecruit.png)


Travis View, please remember not to be a pedophile. Aren't you a father? You should know better. Thanks.

61841d  No.7026981

File: a5d9cb8c39ff92a⋯.png (612.87 KB, 1134x932, 567:466, 2019-07-13_12-53-18.png)


Roman catholics should not pretend to have 'holy water' when they continue to allow the pedophile Jesuits and the other pedophile priests to abuse the nuns and the children.

bc69ab  No.7026982


"The Qanon"

No wonder Bezobubs rag is such a shit show. He only hires the best academia has to offer.

Can't wait to laugh my ass off at how badly you get this story.

If you weren't here from the start you can never really know.

Now you are part of it and the irony is lost on you.

Reddit spacing intentional.

965ddb  No.7026983


seems more wishful than plausible

however we have the young turks guy socialist democrat recruitment story on the other side of your argument

you think that's a planted story?

909fd8  No.7026984

File: 744105e08f3a6bd⋯.jpg (239.03 KB, 1200x658, 600:329, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….jpg)

Lockheed HC-130N King is up in FL.

90-2103 ADFE59

United States Air Force KING03

United States Military

Lockheed HC-130N King C130

Altitude: 1300 ft

Altitude Type:


Vertical Speed:


Heading: 29.8°

Bearing: 281.7°

Distance: 3757.65 nmi

Latitude: 28.16860°

Longitude: -80.63480°


"The mission of the HC-130P/N "King" is to rapidly deploy to austere airfields and denied territory in order to execute , all weather personnel recovery operations anytime…anywhere. King crews routinely perform high and low altitude personnel & equipment airdrops, infiltration/exfiltration of personnel, helicopter air-to-air refueling, and forward area refueling point missions.

When tasked, the aircraft also conducts humanitarian assistance operations, disaster response, security cooperation/aviation advisory, emergency aeromedical evacuation, casualty evacuation, noncombatant evacuation operations, and, during the Space Shuttle program, space flight support for NASA."

3e946e  No.7026985

File: 42156c9ac3bf469⋯.png (284.35 KB, 525x495, 35:33, WayneJewsII.PNG)


Yer a straight shooter pilgrim

bb7837  No.7026986






5ae3f2  No.7026987


This cannot be real 😂😂😂😂🤣

090077  No.7026988

These changes to notables have destroyed access to information of value. What possible reason was there to dismantle something of value when it is needed more than ever?

8ff1c4  No.7026989




>>7026561 About Smith-Mundt - US Gov paid internet shills?

>>7026555 Are the Samelsons spoopy? (Jew Epstein neighbors)

>>7026464 Best Ways For Jew Quotas

>>7026531 Dan Coats is going out the door?

>>7026599 Because he's a Jew who is not on our side who has taken control from the Patriots

>>7026519 1 dead after small plane crashes into building in Katy


>>7025301 anon dig,short, on David F. Rogers

>>7025339 Epstein UK Property

>>7025345, >>7025500 Schwarzenegger invites POTUS to 'compare tax returns'

>>7025346, >>7025351, >>7025385 Tyler Skaggs death

>>7025358 Police fork out more than $400,000 to gun owners at first buyback

>>7025380, >>7025415 Another Quisling 'Cut-Out': (Alfred E. Newman) = [Pete Buttgieg] and Misfud connections

>>7025389, >>7025438, JonBenet Ramsey's former photographer indicted on cp charges

>>7025393 Epstein/Wexner/Ehud Barak-Carbyne

>>7025402, >>7025519 Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

>>7025405, >>7025516, >>7025483, >>7025529 Paydirt! here's the Wheels Up fleet. anon digs included

>>7025408 POTUS TWEET 7:20am Q drop #720

>>7025420 Networking for 6-year-olds in "online sandbox

>>7025446 GOP Rep. Palmer on Pelosi-AOC Fight: ‘It’s Something That I Don’t Think We’ve Ever Seen, at Least in Modern Times

>>7025457 Golf: Hussein, Bubba hit the links on Martha's Vineyard-from august 2015 and related to 'wheels up'

>>7025463 Central banks with crypto's anon dig

>>7025540 WHhistory tweet

>>7025550, >>7025546 How this founder convinced Warren Buffett to work with him—and built 2 multimillion-dollar businesses-wheels up

>>7025564 Grads Turn to ‘Sugar Daddies’ to Pay Off Student Loans

>>7025578 Large fire in Maui

>>7025582 Chevron spills 800,000 gallons of oil, water in California

>>7025600 'Star Trek' actress Stephanie Niznik dead at 52-dies June 23rd, just now reported


>>7025176 Mexicans remove American flag at ICE facility

>>7024755 >>7025121 >>7024710 shadow figure on camera looks like P.d.Rothschild

>>7025103 new DJT FBI deleted texts

>>7025073 Epstein photo as a Student with JewFro

>>7024685 “Wheels Up” fleet

>>7024951 Epstein drone video taken earlier than suggested

>>7024965 twatter videos not loading. NPC heads explode

>>7024868 Cemex getting international bids to “improve” 3rd world countries

>>7024794 Drudge calls it “Epstein’s Temple of Sex”

>>7025103 The video linked below was allegedly filmed 7/11/2019.

>>7024518 WTF Is Epstein Doing With A DNA Database?

>>7024604 Louisiana man arrested after wife allegedly catches him raping 9-year-old girl

>>7024593 Doctors and cops among 277 arrested in human trafficking, online prostitution sting in Florida

>>7024566 LDR NXIVM Cemex sex trafficking land in Arizona

>>7024556 Delaware teacher arrested for sexual contact with 3 students

>>7024526 hurricane “Barry”

>>7024485 Wheels up flight log in FBI hands

637065  No.7026990


Who is the CA?

>"CA has reached out to HHS. . . "

b133b4  No.7026991


Don’t you think the ladder is important?

We are expecting an underground temple.

cfd03c  No.7026992

File: f426f2fc17917d7⋯.png (406.81 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

5c2352  No.7026993


What’s stopping other than your incessant complaining? Where notables are posted stops you from researching? You couldn’t research without this board?

02ed91  No.7026994


Go burn yourself, and the rest of your employees.

faf1ed  No.7026995


maybe it was comey

seems like a tall fucker took it

81016a  No.7026997


consider shouting ALLAH AHKBAR in a muslim country, then try on the streets of western civ.

VERY different meaning in both situations…

so KYS anal-y-tics-fag

lurk moah!

d2fc31  No.7026998

[David Appletree]

d4ce4a  No.7026999


my mind went to mt chiliad in grand theft auto-very weird the company is named chiliad, the one the fbi was connected to

maybe need to shut down brain for awhile…

9b7755  No.7027000

If some Cabal members read boards, they must be so happy with so much division

27977a  No.7027001


You don't bake a bread without notables clown.

8bit rescinds endorsement of FastJack


618489  No.7027002


You are such an attention seeking little cock sucker….lol

9e6471  No.7027003


Why are you critical of me? For stating the obvious or for thinking it needed to be stated? AOC seems so obviously to be an actress.

41c3dd  No.7027004


hi BO, please kys.

cd80cd  No.7027005

Spitballing here.

I won't name any CONCRETE companies (pron. SEM-X), but think of this…it's a thought I haven't really seen expressed here too many times, if at all.

Think Pig Farm.

With the right industrial equipment you could literally PULVERIZE (OR MORE) anything. Think of how convienient that would be to add SOMETHING PULVERIZED to the CONCRETE MIX and then build a bridge, fill and Epl_sland tunnel (no need to remove the damning evidence off site), build a building whatever.

Who the fuck would ever know what was poured?


bb7837  No.7027006






61841d  No.7027007

File: 069d91572b1f12c⋯.png (190.07 KB, 362x377, 362:377, 2019-03-16_08-58-33 copy 2.png)

e5f45e  No.7027008

File: 646ef2fee30c9d7⋯.jpeg (318.13 KB, 1242x621, 2:1, 16B3646D-6C9C-4C9F-A47E-F….jpeg)

b72b1b  No.7027009

File: 7ce1e712570d96c⋯.jpg (46.02 KB, 500x511, 500:511, Kobe_1.jpg)




John and Tony are giving seminars in DC.

3e946e  No.7027010

File: 4b2b35c5de4e6d3⋯.png (651.17 KB, 674x486, 337:243, BurningTheChaff.PNG)


run to the light stein

f4f5e0  No.7027011

File: fb391f7c2aa2b76⋯.png (956.31 KB, 942x798, 157:133, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)



pic of Beatles vacation - Tenerife Apr 1963

didn't drop in 1st post for some reason

759346  No.7027012

File: be18169f35164ae⋯.jpg (305.23 KB, 1025x899, 1025:899, dougcan'tmemes.jpg)

shills have no memes.


And/or if they do they are shitty.

Shills can't meme.

5c3087  No.7027013


The ladder, I assume, goes with the scaffolding and (what appears to be) paint cans. Lots of last minute renos to the temple, it seems.

8ff1c4  No.7027015


full bun


>>7026561 About Smith-Mundt - US Gov paid internet shills?

>>7026555 Are the Samelsons spoopy? (Jew Epstein neighbors)

>>7026464 Best Ways For Jew Quotas

>>7026531 Dan Coats is going out the door?

>>7026599 Because he's a Jew who is not on our side who has taken control from the Patriots

>>7026519 1 dead after small plane crashes into building in Katy


>>7025301 anon dig,short, on David F. Rogers

>>7025339 Epstein UK Property

>>7025345, >>7025500 Schwarzenegger invites POTUS to 'compare tax returns'

>>7025346, >>7025351, >>7025385 Tyler Skaggs death

>>7025358 Police fork out more than $400,000 to gun owners at first buyback

>>7025380, >>7025415 Another Quisling 'Cut-Out': (Alfred E. Newman) = [Pete Buttgieg] and Misfud connections

>>7025389, >>7025438, JonBenet Ramsey's former photographer indicted on cp charges

>>7025393 Epstein/Wexner/Ehud Barak-Carbyne

>>7025402, >>7025519 Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

>>7025405, >>7025516, >>7025483, >>7025529 Paydirt! here's the Wheels Up fleet. anon digs included

>>7025408 POTUS TWEET 7:20am Q drop #720

>>7025420 Networking for 6-year-olds in "online sandbox

>>7025446 GOP Rep. Palmer on Pelosi-AOC Fight: ‘It’s Something That I Don’t Think We’ve Ever Seen, at Least in Modern Times

>>7025457 Golf: Hussein, Bubba hit the links on Martha's Vineyard-from august 2015 and related to 'wheels up'

>>7025463 Central banks with crypto's anon dig

>>7025540 WHhistory tweet

>>7025550, >>7025546 How this founder convinced Warren Buffett to work with him—and built 2 multimillion-dollar businesses-wheels up

>>7025564 Grads Turn to ‘Sugar Daddies’ to Pay Off Student Loans

>>7025578 Large fire in Maui

>>7025582 Chevron spills 800,000 gallons of oil, water in California

>>7025600 'Star Trek' actress Stephanie Niznik dead at 52-dies June 23rd, just now reported


>>7025176 Mexicans remove American flag at ICE facility

>>7024755 >>7025121 >>7024710 shadow figure on camera looks like P.d.Rothschild

>>7025103 new DJT FBI deleted texts

>>7025073 Epstein photo as a Student with JewFro

>>7024685 “Wheels Up” fleet

>>7024951 Epstein drone video taken earlier than suggested

>>7024965 twatter videos not loading. NPC heads explode

>>7024868 Cemex getting international bids to “improve” 3rd world countries

>>7024794 Drudge calls it “Epstein’s Temple of Sex”

>>7025103 The video linked below was allegedly filmed 7/11/2019.

>>7024518 WTF Is Epstein Doing With A DNA Database?

>>7024604 Louisiana man arrested after wife allegedly catches him raping 9-year-old girl

>>7024593 Doctors and cops among 277 arrested in human trafficking, online prostitution sting in Florida

>>7024566 LDR NXIVM Cemex sex trafficking land in Arizona

>>7024556 Delaware teacher arrested for sexual contact with 3 students

>>7024526 hurricane “Barry”

>>7024485 Wheels up flight log in FBI hands


>>7023763 Migrants storm Pantheon Monument Paris

>>7023779 Planefag Saudi Armed Forces Med Sevice flying out of Britain

>>7024416 JonBenet Ramsey Photographer indicted on porn charges

>>7023887 Scottsdale heads to court to block Satanists from leading prayers

>>7023976 Planefag Milwaukee USAF SW4

>>7024037 Why Epstein Is Not A Billionaire

>>7024075 Front Page Drudge Report

>>7024088 Epstein Dodge ?'s About Sex w Prep School Students

>>7024104 Hedge Fund Mgrs Thought on Epstein Doings

>>7024104 R.Kelly Arrest Fed Sex Crime Charges

>>7024113 4K Footage Epstein Island (1 of 3)

>>7024119 4K Footage Epstein Island (2 or 3)

>>7024122 4K Footage Epstein Island (3 of 3)

>>7024114 Bloomberg Judge urged not to free Epstein pending trial

>>7024172 CIA bid to expand Covert Agent category

>>7024181 Epstein donates 15k to all girls prestigious Hewitt School

>>7024082 Sex Trafficking Scheme Chicago

>>7024185 Indiana Map Showing Call Reports Hotspots Human Trafficking

>>7024180 Op Ed Indiana is hub for sex trafficking

>>7024158 Indiana Man to Spend 40 Yrs in Prison Sex Trafficking

>>7024203 Polarisproject Human Trafficking

>>7024224 Mission 21 Anti Sex Trafficking group, dissolves

>>7024245 FTC Approves $5bil Fine for FB over Privacy Violations

>>7024249 ZH Project Mayhem or Project Epstein

>>7024253 Old article documenting Epstein & Maxwell flt. with Duke of York

>>7024255 Virgin Island Senator on Epstein says he has people on his payroll

>>7024416 JonBenet Ramsey Photographer indicted on porn charges

>>7024520 #8987

Previously Collected Notables

>>7022354 #8984, >>7022841 #8985, >>7023667 #8986

>>7019781 #8981, >>7020536 #8982, >>7021323 #8983

>>7017356 #8978, >>7018166 #8979, >>7019034 #8980

>>7015055 #8975, >>7015848 #8976, >>7016590 #8977

>>7013067 #8972, >>7013535 #8973, >>7014283 #8974

04e462  No.7027017


absolutely. that's what I suspected happened to Natalee holloway

02ed91  No.7027018


Suck my black cock, faggot.

451fc9  No.7027019


(((Q))) is the cabal.

41c3dd  No.7027020


please add from pb:

>>7023111 anon on BOs shill move and the art of baking

>>7023473 famefagging clown BO trying to look based

120bdb  No.7027021

File: ad762c07a512512⋯.png (126.85 KB, 413x554, 413:554, ClipboardImage.png)

bb7837  No.7027022





cfd03c  No.7027024

File: bdcd4dfce28812b⋯.png (335.66 KB, 500x321, 500:321, ClipboardImage.png)

ac5faa  No.7027025

File: 33df4842fe5023c⋯.jpg (123.37 KB, 712x500, 178:125, angry old woman j.jpg)

d2fc31  No.7027026

File: fac97ae445eab4b⋯.png (124.58 KB, 662x771, 662:771, ClipboardImage.png)

92643e  No.7027027


>until Q finally finishes this drama.

So who do you think started this drama?

8ff1c4  No.7027028




note takers this bread?

please use and drop next bread updated?

fc2981  No.7027029

0e7fdd  No.7027030



You must be very new here.

My apologies.

It has been mentioned, repeatedly.

3e946e  No.7027031

File: 8b72b5fd73201fb⋯.png (118.99 KB, 755x500, 151:100, Cads.PNG)

File: 20d1e507131045b⋯.png (92.56 KB, 894x500, 447:250, CadsII.PNG)

File: 2c48f5ee00089e9⋯.png (85.59 KB, 777x499, 777:499, CHLBossJews.PNG)

File: 390d6bb89eb0c2c⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 500x547, 500:547, Nadler Jew.jpg)

File: a2fd23b280a426b⋯.jpg (5.88 KB, 310x162, 155:81, SchumerJew.jpg)

bb7837  No.7027032





b69a6d  No.7027033


Got the sauce?

Legit interested

ab94a5  No.7027034

File: fc1a40debd66ce3⋯.jpg (101.35 KB, 557x595, 557:595, BO-DeletionAbuse-7.JPG)


No sleep for BO II as the Cover-Up continues apace.

Deletions occurring at a record pace

555321  No.7027035


LOL thought that I was unique

in my use of reddit space protocol

glad to have someone else smart enough to use confusion

on them

759346  No.7027037


wonder if they were forged for the dough $$$

Looks like Faul, but too early.


41c3dd  No.7027038


Your move was shilly AF.

Anons told you it´s a bad idea and that anons and lurkers rely on the NOTABLES AS IS.

If you want to do something to improve the board, do your job in checking the kitchen and don´t let bakers bake who are irgnoring relevant info that is called by anons.

Q made it pretty clear what he likes you to do to support anons work.

You doing the opposite will not be working.

Do what anons long asked you for and do what Q told you:

Get rid of all-time-captcha, leave notables as is, clean up your kitchen by checking bakers again.

Also the boss told you, so do your job and help anons the best way you can.

>>7004225 lb, POTUS tweet

>He had the majority & blew it away with his poor leadership and bad timing

Now the shills become visible

<BO is fine

<I love captcha!

<yes, let´s have notables off bread instead of just checking the bakers again

<please leave QR, migrate, please!

See the ones that are obviously not here to help anons and Q.


cd80cd  No.7027039


I actually knew Jimmie Hoffa's daughter. The sick jokes were he was buried on one end of a football pitch under the goalposts.

b8e7f6  No.7027040


Reported for continued posting of illegal notables. Ban incoming…

9b7755  No.7027041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch this son, and open your dark mind.

02ed91  No.7027042

File: 8f93ea49543a514⋯.jpg (94.63 KB, 1187x780, 1187:780, eunuch.jpg)


You don't have the balls.

451fc9  No.7027043

909fd8  No.7027044


Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within


It took nearly two millennia for the enemies of the Catholic Church to realize they could not successfully attack the Church from the outside. Indeed, countless nemeses from Nero to Napoleon succeeded only in creating sympathy and martyrs for our Catholic Faith.

That all changed in the mid-19th century, when clandestine societies populated by Modernists and Marxists hatched a plan to subvert the Catholic Church from within. Their goal: to change Her doctrine, Her liturgy, and Her mission.

In this captivating and carefully documented book, Dr. Taylor Marshall pulls back the curtain on their nefarious plan, showing how these enemies of Christ strategically infiltrated the seminaries, then the priesthood, then the episcopacy, and eventually the cardinal-electors – all with the eventual goal of electing one of their own as pope.

You’ll come to see that the seemingly endless scandals plaguing the Church are not the result, as so many think, of cultural changes, or of Vatican II, but rather the natural consequences of an orchestrated demonic plot to destroy the Church.

a83191  No.7027045

File: 72c74960a63f16d⋯.png (283.25 KB, 701x999, 701:999, fastjack-the-legend-of-an-….png)


FAGJAG, the legend of an hero

8ff1c4  No.7027046


will add but

>>7023111 anon on BOs shill move and the art of baking

this is an ego driven baker post IMHO

a week ago this post would have had anons screaming


checking to see whihc bread

>>7023473 famefagging clown BO trying to look based


bb7837  No.7027047







c293e0  No.7027048

File: 1181425d5f6d28a⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1200x1572, 100:131, Screenshot_20190615-181736….png)

cfd03c  No.7027049

File: c54e70dbc9dace4⋯.png (517.51 KB, 622x600, 311:300, ClipboardImage.png)

bb7837  No.7027050






ac9f4c  No.7027051


Someone who is interested in weakening the movement!

cd80cd  No.7027052


Think you misspelled Andy as Amy? Or am I mistaken. It gets confusing navigating all 73 genders.

3e946e  No.7027053

File: a6666ee78cebe15⋯.png (66.14 KB, 449x593, 449:593, ClipboardImage.png)

BO jr

1bffee  No.7027054

Prosecutors To Drop Trump Org Investigation With No Charges

A months-long federal investigation into whether Trump organization officials violated campaign finance laws appears to be coming to a close without a single charge being filed, according to CNN, citing people familiar with the matter.

New York federal prosecutors have been investigating whether company executives broke the law, "including in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump," according to the report.

In recent weeks, however, their investigation has quieted, the people familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don't appear poised to charge any Trump Organization executives in the probe that stemmed from the case against Cohen.

In January, one month after Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison, prosecutors requested interviews with executives at the company, CNN reported. But prosecutors never followed up on their initial request, people familiar with the matter said, and the interviews never took place.

Meanwhile, there has been no contact between the Manhattan US Attorney's office and officials at the Trump Organization in more than five months, one person familiar with the matter said. -CNN

While the case has not been formally closed, it has gone about as cold as one can get.

Launched in the wake of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen's guilty plea on eight counts, two of which included campaign-finance violations for 'fixing' payments to two women who alleged affairs to Trump, prosecutors said in court filings that he was reimbursed by the Trump organization. A total of $420,000 was authorized in payments to Cohen to cover the payoffs, tax liabilities and a bonus. Company executives falsely recorded those payments as legal expenses, according to prosecutors.

In late February, Cohen testified before Congress, implicating several Trump Organization executives whom he said knew about financial misstatements and were involved in reimbursing him for the hush-money scheme. He provided lawmakers with copies of signed checks from Donald Trump Jr., the President's son who is now executive vice president of the company, and Allen Weisselberg, Trump Org's chief financial officer. Weisselberg had received immunity to testify before a grand jury in the Cohen case. -CNN

Yet despite Cohen's testimony and several months of investigation, this story appears to be yet another failed "gotcha" from the resistance.


5c2352  No.7027055



Kek, dramafaggot

d1bcc8  No.7027056

Breadcheck CONF. [1]

fb86f1  No.7027057


You are missing a link at the bottom of each set.

It's what you use to move notable bundles to 'previous collected notables' section.

#8987 has it.

The rest don't

maybe an issue for future dough

b69a6d  No.7027058





Proof that shills are creating moldy breads, at new bake, numbering it two breads ahead, then screencapping BO deleting their breads in an attempt to gaslight.

b72b1b  No.7027059

File: 23a6d78deba152b⋯.jpg (67.33 KB, 500x484, 125:121, Jimbo_1.jpg)

ce3bd9  No.7027060

File: 21d7ce37ddcf242⋯.png (9.19 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

8ff1c4  No.7027061

File: d7f4d2ce941cebd⋯.png (270.07 KB, 613x473, 613:473, ClipboardImage.png)


reposting forr this bread note taker


Ever heard of this FastJack?

Who is he? pic related

8chan now has a twatter account?

Do Anons normally namefag? Why does this FastJack and why does he want to change against Anons requests to keep our format?

THINK Anons.



(and find us)


not editing 8chans reddit spacing

fuck that

>>7023473 pb OP

451fc9  No.7027062


I don't need to watch that. I have been around since Nov 2017.

Was a true believer until Mar 2018. That is when the obvious fuckery started.

965ddb  No.7027063


these are facts and overlooked by groupies

they should be noted as a great master plan to divide > conquer > destroy > forced to enforce law after you beg for the shit show to end

this why the longer you wait to organize mass protest you are aiding and abetting the destruction of the last free country

they didn't commit crimes against other countries without creating hate for USA

now they do it here, and the Q goes on

USSS MI Military all followed their orders before and will continue to do so

their are good men who will go home instead, but look at un and treaty's that allow all this bullshit

enemy soldiers train right here in the USA

laws are bullshit to keep you in line,

must return to Blacks law, remove Admiralty law, restore constitution to pre 1871

bb27f5  No.7027064

File: 532e7d8e3fe3f43⋯.jpeg (103.74 KB, 775x542, 775:542, E8647562-0F70-4A4F-BAC2-D….jpeg)

File: 049ff195ca5c434⋯.jpeg (124.2 KB, 793x496, 793:496, ED8B2904-CBD9-431A-A8A6-4….jpeg)

File: 869d9171da4b681⋯.jpeg (94.63 KB, 828x593, 828:593, 29E13E0C-1867-449F-AB76-F….jpeg)

File: 5cb48d6e84f5519⋯.jpeg (136.3 KB, 828x498, 138:83, A55F3C49-0DB4-491A-B6DF-8….jpeg)

File: 88a269f40cc2f5c⋯.jpeg (218.17 KB, 828x919, 828:919, ECBFC09E-0B82-46FC-B8B6-6….jpeg)

This is a war for humanity.

There is no timeline in which the [Masonlilith Pedostate cabAl] survives.

This is why [they] frantically built their machines.

This why [they]poison our bodies with chemicals.

This is why [they] poison our minds with lies.

[they] are weak.

[they] are cowards.

[they] are fools.

[they] are to fall.

Truth will be [their] undoing.

26e22e  No.7027065

File: 96c6f784c9271d2⋯.jpg (101.23 KB, 1143x339, 381:113, 8990 fake.JPG)

File: fe52838eadb7983⋯.jpg (28.71 KB, 693x171, 77:19, Notables #8990.JPG)

This is what the shills are trying to do with the Notables..

They are using their own FAKE NOTABLES..in a effort to make us think they are the real Notables…they got busted!!

pic 1 – FAKE NOTABLES from other site

pic 2 – Real Notables from this site.

You be the judge!!!

fc2981  No.7027066

File: 9ad70949bfbd0d6⋯.jpeg (140.33 KB, 998x500, 499:250, 68CADBB2-9FB2-4C27-A768-A….jpeg)

Hey “Messiahs!”

The only one you know for certain who is paid to be here is Q

Who is an anonymous agent for an alphabet agency paid to curate information for you, and tell you that anybody who has inconvenient opinions is a paid shill, so that you don’t actually think for yourselves, all while telling you you’re thinking for yourselves.

So long as you trust his anonymous govt funded alphabet agency curated plan.

You’re the saviors of mankind! And so smart!

8ff1c4  No.7027067


these are from bread 8986 FWIW

759346  No.7027068

File: 58523c4428625f8⋯.jpg (164.46 KB, 321x482, 321:482, backup3.jpg)


I really like this bun competition better than the Baker's curation.


What fun!

Moar work for the shill!

02ed91  No.7027069


Show me what I'm dealing with. I believe I'm dealing with a pedo headed to gitmo.

bb7837  No.7027070




41c3dd  No.7027071



the post well describes what baking should look like and it well describes why BO is comped.

bakers are not above anons, but not all anons can bake, so based bakers do a terrific and most helpful job.

(me not a baker)

ea0706  No.7027072

Obama's accomplishments.


Here is a list of his 'impressive accomplishments':

1. First President to be photographed smoking a joint.

2. First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

3. First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

4. First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States

5. First President to violate the War Powers Act.

6. First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

7. First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

8. First President to spend a trillion dollars on "shovel-ready" jobs when there was no such thing as "shovel-ready" jobs.

9. First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

10. First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

11. First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with a criminal conviction.

12. First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

13. First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Rick Wagoner of GM) to resign.

14. First President to terminate America?s ability to put a man in space.

15. First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.

16. First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

17. First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

18. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

19. First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

20. First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

21. First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

22. First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

23. First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

24. First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

25. First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

26. First President to go golfing more than 150 times in his eight years in office.

27. First President to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.

28. First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

29. First President to go on multiple "global apology tours" and concurrent "insult our friends" tours.

30. First President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.

31. First President to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

32. First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.

33. First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.

34. First President to repeat the Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

35. First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).

36. First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences."

37. Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

69131e  No.7027073

File: f18d92cf6ac205d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x632, 150:79, f18d92cf6ac205d55a93baa8da….png)



47a7e7  No.7027074

File: bd52e4f89123e19⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1568x973, 224:139, Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at ….png)


>Think Pig Farm.

I think you're on the right track.

there was a dig on an "organic" pig farm in upstateNY, I think, the infrastructure was suspect for their output - ENORMOUS walk-in freezers/coolers…soundproof

364be9  No.7027075

File: 4fb2993e0cca6ca⋯.png (642.75 KB, 498x415, 6:5, NothingCan.png)

Worship no man nor woman.

cfd03c  No.7027076

File: 2b1d64a07ca1eb4⋯.png (243.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

09fccd  No.7027077

File: 3e2032457065cca⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 306x350, 153:175, 261829_VIS60_BOOK_HR211.jpg)

File: 6d18da91b62ca8d⋯.jpg (114.4 KB, 659x440, 659:440, vu01309d0198-019901franco-….jpg)

File: adc61b202dad13e⋯.jpg (160.65 KB, 714x518, 51:37, 20190713_190219.jpg)


nice dig!

>Spain was fascist under General Franco

another weird coincident

James Franco, the golden Boy

1963 wasn't that shortly before the Laurel Canyon, Lookout Mountain Hippiescene came out of nowhere. (all of them military kids).

The Beatles where hanging out there too (Mil Op, MK Ultra, or smth)

Beatles said they took their first LSD Trip in Doris Days house, the house where shortly after the Manson murders / Helter Skelter ritual took place


d2fc31  No.7027078


cool copypasta faggot.

the notables being in their own bread is fine.

its a much better user experience.

all the 'fake' outrage about this subject is so transparent.

total cringe.

c76b05  No.7027079


might as well give up the charade. if you collect 'em just post 'em in the notables thread, don't bother fussing with all that designated note taker nonsense.

bb7837  No.7027080








618489  No.7027081

File: ee1622e3cc13e8a⋯.jpg (86.41 KB, 900x506, 450:253, DIE SHILL.jpg)


Lies lies and more lies…. Nothing new…. just the same old shit…..

even when it's blatantly obvious to all… You lie that black little soul away …. evil has no place here… take your lies and bullshit along with your superior attitude… and stick it up your arse….. You fool no one.

cadd04  No.7027082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This Jack is into Fasting…

8ff1c4  No.7027083



consensus on 8990

dropping in thread unless already there


>>7026561 About Smith-Mundt - US Gov paid internet shills?

>>7026555 Are the Samelsons spoopy? (Jew Epstein neighbors)

>>7026464 Best Ways For Jew Quotas

>>7026531 Dan Coats is going out the door?

>>7026599 Because he's a Jew who is not on our side who has taken control from the Patriots

>>7026519 1 dead after small plane crashes into building in Katy

ee82d0  No.7027084

File: e8a7a2da714691f⋯.jpeg (246.99 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 45192B5D-DD7E-469C-BA35-0….jpeg)


Good job anon! Added arrow for clarification! Must be stairwell DOWN on the other side of that door.

41c3dd  No.7027085


they are, they are relevant and they are still not baked.

you don´t like the info either?

are all "notetaking based bakers" really based?

could comped BO team play both angles?

…3rd time now that a presumed based baker acts very closely to the known comped bakers.

will watch.

e561ad  No.7027086

File: a6c4f241f8affe5⋯.png (92.04 KB, 1186x712, 593:356, nickel ride shut down.PNG)

>>7026681 / last bread


anon, look at this.....NICKEL RIDE JUST SHUT DOWN...JULY 8 2019!!



this guy is spoopy.

Epstein wouldn't sell a pizza delivery service off his island to just anybody, would he?

that guy also had a company called B2B. B2?

ec447c  No.7027087


They need to be publicly hanged. All sex predators and rapists. All religions, all nationalities, no exceptions.

b69a6d  No.7027088


>makes a claim

>refuses to provide sauce

Yup, you cant give shit because it doesn’t exist.


7a751c  No.7027089


They are in total panic. Couldn't be more obvious.

ab94a5  No.7027090


What you call shills others see as Rebel Anons.

You know, the Q-Endorsed Anons

bb7837  No.7027091






>much better






02ed91  No.7027092


I'll bite. Or else what? You capslock some more? Maybe even the dreaded red text of death?

5c2352  No.7027093


You forgot ((())) these glowfaggot.

126f44  No.7027094


What makes this lame is that it also means shills can post whatever they want in the notables area, and I’m sure they will. There’s no reason they can’t have both the notables and the link

44da0d  No.7027096

>>7026809 Delete your account faggot

c8bbff  No.7027097

File: 4573ae25c1fbbe5⋯.jpg (410.91 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, AmericanSweetie.jpg)


I understand the sentiment.

>Mostly impatient myself

Yet I have hope

>I trust in Christ and his chosen warrior Donald J Trump

Clowns nor Satan would use the amount of truth spilled in Q. Nor Invoke such patriotism and passion in addition Think for yourself and do research LMAO Clowns and Satan style is here is the truth believe it shut your mouth or die. They would expend the time effort and resources in a psyop that would convert more people and the target would be far less intelligent people less self sufficient and more TRUSTING. It is out of distrust that so many have found the chans a haven and a HELL.

God Bless


29add6  No.7027098

File: 6d0c96d067ef90d⋯.png (152.34 KB, 1144x342, 572:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82ca4f244bda0f3⋯.png (148.2 KB, 548x666, 274:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cdf4abb4ff5bbc⋯.png (178.6 KB, 822x701, 822:701, ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS 1st Retweet storm first thing this morning. Check out how the lines end. He's talking to us.

To catch…




I applaude @Gov…

We have to hold them accountable.

Commentary | Dallas News

Democrats used to oppose illegal immigration?

Civil war |TheHill

Attract hundreds of thousands of new…

#Kentucky in the War on #AsianCarp by dedi…

Updating electrical systems…

Election interferenc…

Testified that he ra…


Testing Robot Baggage Handlers

AA Restarting flights to Equador

Power outage at Love Field

>How is Asian Carp related? [FISH]

The "unified method" of fishing drives carp through a series of large nets into a containment area, where they can be harvested…

>Unified Method? As in Oracle?

Oracle Falls After Judge Sides With Pentagon in $10B Government Contract Case

>"JEDI will be a commercially built and operated cloud to host battlefield, tactical and classified data to be analyzed and used to increase the lethality and connectivity of war fighters."

Now will likely go to Amazon or Microsoft.

>JEDI like Star Wars [Divide they try, Fail they will]




04e462  No.7027099

File: f9c12e78e2e8ca3⋯.png (583.49 KB, 790x548, 395:274, flotus ourheroizaknockout.png)

7d8173  No.7027100

File: 7e2b80b29be24fc⋯.png (995.97 KB, 1272x1206, 212:201, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

File: 1679a85b6ff3b4f⋯.png (124.16 KB, 1564x710, 782:355, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

Could be nothing…

Wheels Up tweets about a series on Showtime

Pedo Clinton's book with James Patterson being made into a series on Showtime.



cd80cd  No.7027101


Appreciate the reply anon. But then you have to ask, who ever gets arrested? Some low hanging fruit perhaps.

If I recall, there was some connection to John Podesta and a pig farm in the Wiki emails. And the band played on.

To me, anything short of mass arrest by marine brigades is a loss. This has simply gone on too long. Bread and circuses (sic?).

70089c  No.7027102



14511f  No.7027103

File: 75dc362776fefa3⋯.jpg (149.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9_000_jobs_expected_for_Br….jpg)

9,000 jobs expected for Brownsville Port

Posted: Jun 6, 2019 / 10:10 PM CDT / Updated: Jun 6, 2019 / 10:49 PM CDT

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — A high demand of workers at the Port of Brownsville. According to a recent workforce summit, approximately 9,000 jobs or more are expected in the Brownsville area. Pat Hobbs with Workforce Solutions Cameron said this about the current and upcoming employment landscape in the region.


>is cemex hurting for "workers"


9e6471  No.7027104


I'm not familiar with that story. However, I've noticed some things about AOC and Ilhan Omar that makes me think their political careers have been co-opted to destroy the Democrats. Both women can make me angry, Ilhan Omar, especially. So nauseatingly "superior" and critical of the US when she's an immigrant (and a dodgy one at that). I have literally thought to myself that by the time Ilhan Omar is done I will be making donations to AIPAC (No intended insinuations about "muh joos"- just trying to say that she irritates me so badly it makes me want to support whoever she doesn't like). Then there's AOC. I live in a suburb near a pretty rural part of the midwest. I'd love to be "off-grid" etc. and I think we need to live more sustainably. However, AOC looks to be willing to TRASH the economy needed to sustain big cities like NY. What's she really about? Maybe making Democrats unelectable? Mark Taylor is a Christian prophet who I've listened to. He seems to make sense on a lot of things. He says that maybe we had the "Red Wave" but our votes were stolen. Was voter fraud allowed in order to put in place political "dynamite" within the Democrat party? Time will tell maybe. These are just my ideas and since I am outside of government and the political class I don't know if what I'm saying could be implementable. However, Q has indicated that we are watching a movie.

759346  No.7027105


Really good, TY

61841d  No.7027106

File: 18cd52c58c017a1⋯.png (14.04 KB, 620x124, 5:1, 2019-07-13_13-06-48.png)

bb7837  No.7027107


>Or else what

oh i dunno

we haven't decided that part yet

waiting for BO to chime in discord





27977a  No.7027108




>Your move was shilly AF.

7d8173  No.7027109



Do we even nominate notables anymore?

95ff1f  No.7027110



126f44  No.7027111


BO gets a vote of no confidence from me. I was okay with him until this latest dumpster fire.

41c3dd  No.7027112


muh jew shills glow.

04e462  No.7027113

File: 285d8d7059ccb4e⋯.png (259.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, candokekbees.png)

7ac2d9  No.7027114




bc69ab  No.7027115


Make the motherfucker do a little research.

"Huh, what the hell is reddit spacing?"

Fucking come here and start spamming the place with the same damn questions trying to get the answers he thinks he needs for his story.

Research asshole. Start at bread 1. Read, filter and process. You'll see the shill patterns start to emerge pretty fucking quick. The rest is what you want. Seen it posted two or three times filter and continue. The whole story is out there for those that take the time to look.

d32fd0  No.7027116

File: 0303ca3b03b57b1⋯.jpg (248.94 KB, 500x661, 500:661, LaSotaRapido.jpg)




438589  No.7027117

File: e982223b6457d35⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 550x550, 1:1, sandwich-qbano-santa.jpg)


e7abfb  No.7027118



We need a different term for the anon creating the new breads. Baker is no longer applicable since this all they do is set the table. I think busboy is more accurate. No notables makes you a busboy.

9e6471  No.7027119


Epstein is not low hanging fruit.

02ed91  No.7027120


Oh no!!! I got a red 'OR ELSE' this time. Fuck yourself faggot right after BO fucks you. Then kill yourself. Make sure to livestream it.

cfd03c  No.7027121

File: 2b1d64a07ca1eb4⋯.png (243.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

909fd8  No.7027122

File: c2da732b8982b75⋯.jpg (149.79 KB, 1200x586, 600:293, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….jpg)

USAF Hurricane Hunter 97-5304 aloft over Louisiana.

Did not see any flights scheduled


97-5304 AE0115

United States Air Force

United States Military

Lockheed WC-130J Hercules C30J

Altitude: 17000 ft

Altitude Type: Barometric

Vertical Speed: -1216 ft/m

Speed: 270.9 kts

Heading: 83.2°

Bearing: 290.2°

Distance: 4017.86 nmi

Latitude: 30.27097°

Longitude: -90.45472°

466f1c  No.7027123

38 hrs of DIVISION



watch the BO cum guzzlers defend

fc2981  No.7027124



d255b9  No.7027125


Brownsville is right on the border with Mexico. Those jobs will not be filled by Americans.

759346  No.7027126


Better sauce on : entered as evidence now


No link for that.

That seems to be the most important tid-bit


ce3bd9  No.7027127

File: bfd3c2e626c054e⋯.png (1.15 MB, 753x726, 251:242, ClipboardImage.png)

f4f5e0  No.7027128

File: f6156800532fa1a⋯.png (205.59 KB, 460x287, 460:287, ClipboardImage.png)


Authenticity of prints?

Call in the (trusted) experts to analyze.

Way before digital photos.

The real deal according to - Astrid Kirchherr


(This is what the article says)

John Lennon missed the trip, instead choosing to holiday in Spain with Epstein. McCartney, Harrison and Starr were joined by Astrid Kirchherr, girlfriend of the original Beatles bassist, Stuart Sutcliffe. He had died a year earlier.

Kirchherr took the photographs on her Rolleicord camera and a set of prints are being offered for sale at Heritage Auctions in Dallas on December 5.

bb7837  No.7027129












3bd74b  No.7027130

This is fascinating from the Wexner lab

Regenerative Medicine > Press & Recognition > Tissue Nanotransfection

Faculty Spotlight

NIH Director’s Innovator Award

Tissue Nanotransfection

Current Discoveries

Tissue Nanotransfection

For full Multi-Media Package content including story overview, images and videos, please visit our marketing and communications page​.

Released: Monday, August 7, 2017 at 11:00AM

Breakthrough Device Heals Organs with a Single Touch

Device instantly delivers new DNA or RNA into living skin cells to change their function

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – Researchers have developed a device that can switch cell function to rescue failing body functions with a single touch. The technology, known as Tissue Nanotransfection (TNT), injects genetic code into skin cells, turning those skin cells into other types of cells required for treating diseased conditions.

“It takes just a fraction of a second. You simply touch the chip to the wounded area, then remove it,” said Chandan Sen, PhD, director of the Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell-Based Therapies at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “At that point, the cell reprogramming begins.”

In a series of lab tests, researchers applied the chip to the injured legs of mice that vascular scans showed had little to no blood flow. “We reprogrammed their skin cells to become vascular cells,” Sen said. “Within a week we began noticing the transformation.”

By the second week, active blood vessels had formed, and by the third week, the legs of the mice were saved—with no other form of treatment.

“It extends the concept known as gene therapy, and it has been around for quite some time,” said study collaborator James Lee, PhD, a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Ohio State. “The difference with our technology is how we deliver the DNA into the cells.”

The chip, loaded with specific genetic code or certain proteins, is placed on the skin, and a small electrical current creates channels in the tissue. The DNA or RNA is injected into those channels where it takes root and begins to reprogram the cells.

In a new study published in Nature Nanotechnology, first author Daniel Gallego-Perez of Ohio State demonstrated that the technique worked with up to 98 percent efficiently.

“What’s even more exciting is that it not only works on the skin, but on any type of tissue,” Sen said. In fact, researchers were able to grow brain cells on the skin surface of a mouse, harvest them, then inject them into the mouse’s injured brain. Just a few weeks after having a stroke, brain function in the mouse was restored, and it was healed.

Because the technique uses a patient’s own cells and does not rely on medication, researchers expect it to be approved for human trials within a year.​

For more information contact Brent Toto, MHA, Program Director for the Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Based Therapies at brent.toto@osumc.edu. ​



cfd03c  No.7027131

File: 7f3a7f2630b6276⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1143x720, 127:80, ClipboardImage.png)

d80205  No.7027133

Who or What is this 8bit character with a Trip Code posting on the grb 8ch board?

Anyone know?

df48de  No.7027134


Newbies, learn to filter

27977a  No.7027136


>>7008167 [Pb]

1189c1  No.7027137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As of October 2018, Tracy Twyman was already talking about being under surveillance.

She surmised that the reason she was being targeted was that she was writing in way too much accurate detail about the theory and practice of how ritual sexual abuse of children is used in 'alchemy' by certain secret societies to 'open portals into alternate universes'.

Twyman was a complicated and conflicted figure, but one thing can be said with certainty - Without her, there is much we know today about Q's struggle that we wouldn't know otherwise.

47a7e7  No.7027138

File: dc6b1e9cc19e67b⋯.png (133.3 KB, 986x347, 986:347, Screen Shot 2018-12-15 at ….png)

File: c4d924c85e48ac2⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1908x863, 1908:863, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at ….png)

File: 1c6f0fc7ef02f6e⋯.png (519.88 KB, 705x791, 705:791, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

File: 91dcd2c3a406ed4⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1284x737, 1284:737, Screen Shot 2018-11-04 at ….png)

File: cffa4e0f976a8d2⋯.png (845.83 KB, 1582x1187, 1582:1187, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)


>To me, anything short of mass arrest by marine brigades is a loss. This has simply gone on too long.

That sounds very DEEBLYCONCERNED

Global recovery of our freedoms - tall order, doing it by the book, following the laws, not giving up hope - this is our last chance to take the world back from Evil.

You in or not?

b72b1b  No.7027139

File: 2112f2a458a6736⋯.png (950.65 KB, 1080x1274, 540:637, Screenshot_20190705-085410….png)



Melania always looks sexy.

Best flotus Eva…

41c3dd  No.7027140

File: 780c3551c236baa⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1154x626, 577:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df22ae87bf8fbfb⋯.png (348.67 KB, 590x377, 590:377, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 709e19fc0c2b99d⋯.png (1.3 MB, 931x621, 931:621, ClipboardImage.png)

e561ad  No.7027141

File: a6c4f241f8affe5⋯.png (92.04 KB, 1186x712, 593:356, nickel ride shut down.PNG)

maybe Q was right initially when he used BO for Barack Obama.

Was there something to that?

Remember, he changed Obama's handle to Hussein in drops.

759346  No.7027142


Typical Provocateur.

You create it.

Then you complain an blame.

do you have any good memes

Or is that above your pay scale?

92643e  No.7027143


Look it’s fetish cum guzzler

You lost BtfO

1bffee  No.7027144


Apparently not. Post here >>7027054

on SDNY finding nothing on Trump Organization and getting ready to close the case got crickets.

cd80cd  No.7027145


No he's not. Now let's see who goes with him? My money is on nobody. He ran his whole operation with ghisele and nobody else. He was a one man wrecking crew.

Go back to sleep.

Just like NXIVM. It was just Vangard and a few bronfmans, and salzman and mack. Nothing else to see. Move along.

5c2352  No.7027146

Same shills, same posting patterns, same syntax, only the content has changed.

41c3dd  No.7027147


do your job.

Check the kitchen.

Get rid of all-time-captcha that seems rather annoying than helpful.

Leave notables as they were, this works best for anons and lurkers.

It´s that simple.

Do it or be gone.


put max pressure on BO, he won´t stand that long.

This is the most important fight ever and BO won´t stop anons and Q.

BO is either helping or gone.

>>7015981 lb


Come here to post a request for Jim / codemonkey. Be loud!


af2b93  No.7027148

File: 567a416b6883ba2⋯.jpeg (494.53 KB, 1125x1539, 125:171, 1EFB22F1-6AC9-4E57-8FD5-9….jpeg)

The MSM is going to drag this Hurricane Barry event out for the next 3 days (at least) and cover nothing else. Ultimate distraction. What are they trying to distract us from?

618489  No.7027149

File: d05cd5d02a8bf66⋯.jpg (97.43 KB, 750x525, 10:7, SATANS MINION.jpg)


Obey Minion OR ELSE …. He'll try to go on a board rampage….lol

Blackmail doesn't work.

Filtered for being a cuck.

d0d6de  No.7027150

File: 329ceb9e697f0ba⋯.jpg (24.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cuVjL1Hi_400x400.jpg)

04e462  No.7027151

File: a922881e6ca3fe3⋯.jpg (17.65 KB, 255x154, 255:154, doyoubelieveinevil.jpg)


threatening anons,

low iq,

probs a pedo too

d2fc31  No.7027152


fuckin lel

you guys and your shitty TTPs.


>You know, the Q-Endorsed Anons

By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War

amirite anon? lying piece of shit.

b82ccd  No.7027153

What was the date of Q's very first post?

cfd03c  No.7027154

File: 1eeddc8d9699952⋯.png (791.09 KB, 998x925, 998:925, ClipboardImage.png)

120bdb  No.7027155



and that was actually the most flattering pic i could find

1b279a  No.7027156


fapsnack is famefag.

e5f45e  No.7027157

File: a72f8414ee43ff3⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1242x2091, 414:697, 6A84A579-59A8-4D77-903F-4….jpeg)


e10b6f  No.7027158


>I have previously asked about the 257 million instances of the word "faggot"

It's 257 million plus one more, faggot.

04e462  No.7027159


epstein connetions

b69a6d  No.7027161


Q has told us when to migrate in the past

If things are as bad as what you and your associates are screeching about, why would Q not “endorse” your board as you claim?

Do you really think Q approves of these tactics (lying and gaslighting the board in an effort to get anons to move boards)?

Why has Q continued to post here instead of your new board?

Why am I wasting my time arguing without a shill?

7d8173  No.7027162

File: 51f43b54ff17b04⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1292x1044, 323:261, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

File: 11426502c99bb4e⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1358x894, 679:447, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)


Moar Wheels Up fuckery.


cfd03c  No.7027163

File: 6204201df1d9f77⋯.png (319.95 KB, 845x539, 845:539, ClipboardImage.png)

fc2981  No.7027165


The 1.2 mm military aged illegals coming across the border and the fact that POTUS is only pretending to try to stop it?

02ed91  No.7027166


With the same effort you could have looked for yourself.

0ad336  No.7027167


BO is a cock sucking faggot. Double meanings exist.

ec447c  No.7027168


Q would be perceived LESS as a psy-op by sincere American patriots IF something/anything would just happen. Just one big one. And don't say Epstein was huge. That's an obvious, low hanging target among countless other ripe for picking targets, but the "patriots in charge" won't pull the trigger! They are afraid, or compromised, or they are hoping for something to happen among the populace, the awakening carrot they keep hanging in front of us. Enough carrots on a stick!!!

c2b0a8  No.7027169

File: c8ace1c9534751d⋯.jpg (383.9 KB, 1008x693, 16:11, QCrumbsTimelinesChange.jpg)

File: f89f06a82035cdf⋯.jpg (98.16 KB, 600x600, 1:1, PepeComfyBunkerPrepared.JPG)

a7f32c  No.7027170

>>7024732 lb

Designed for inter-dimensional travel to throw off heat.

6a920b  No.7027171



Sort by oldest first using top right arrow.

cfd03c  No.7027172

File: 6204201df1d9f77⋯.png (319.95 KB, 845x539, 845:539, ClipboardImage.png)

c45b52  No.7027173

File: e84527c3ff9d21d⋯.png (726.28 KB, 967x642, 967:642, JUSTICE IS COMING_KEKFORCE….png)

File: 5414d965fcdf42b⋯.png (1.24 MB, 967x682, 967:682, hold up.png)

File: 7a2250f74430ff4⋯.png (1.27 MB, 967x682, 967:682, yall need proof.png)

File: 71330df30959575⋯.png (1.24 MB, 967x682, 967:682, dont get caught.png)

File: b7cb6125d0672df⋯.png (408.06 KB, 967x645, 967:645, dayshift on a saturday 071….png)

ce3bd9  No.7027174

File: db27dbc0976a15d⋯.png (540.88 KB, 834x333, 278:111, ClipboardImage.png)

c76b05  No.7027175

>>7027046 it's one of the famefag bakers now made irrelevant. looks like wnb to me.

>>7027071 nope. totally misses the point of baking, which is (was) to be transparent.

b69a6d  No.7027176


nope, you should go there and stay there though

bb7837  No.7027177





c8bbff  No.7027178

File: c9df939173292d6⋯.jpg (137.11 KB, 686x732, 343:366, 1538885115971.jpg)


Did SOY go out of fashion

e5f45e  No.7027179

File: a2f82a3a0ee3393⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x1857, 414:619, FC62A3E8-CFD2-4AD1-B3B2-6….jpeg)


b72b1b  No.7027180

File: 6905feb3be0bafb⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 598x436, 299:218, downloadfile-6.jpg)

Meme this I don't have any good ideas.

4eda6c  No.7027181

I see unhinged one-note shills, angry (yet more determined) anons, and some genuine concernfags. What I don't see are dents in the armor.

46c12f  No.7027182


In an old dig on CEMEX, anons found the company WW but originates in MX. The bridge that collapsed in FL months ago if not a yr ago that crossed over several lanes one building to another & killed people was made by CEMEX.. The co is always near a shipping port, next to rail lines, warehouses.. yes, bodies could be in the cement.

92643e  No.7027183

f80f0b  No.7027184

File: 9295646aba4e03c⋯.jpg (10.14 KB, 240x240, 1:1, D6x5ZqbUIAMp7i6.jpg)

04e462  No.7027185

File: 6807aca78140920⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x172, 255:172, WELOVEYOUXOXOPF.jpg)

finklestein shill gone -> BO takes out notables and deleted posts -> over the target

9e6471  No.7027186


You're hilarious. If you really are Travis View you are showing your MSM "media privilege" here. Real anons who "dox" themselves get in a whole heap of trouble from the DS. So you are a DS media "protected asset" or you are impersonating someone on-line. Neither seems like a great option. But who am I to judge?

7ac2d9  No.7027187



But this article in May of 2019 (I think) states that business is really good in some areas and need is great;


965ddb  No.7027188


so god sends trump to save the world

Q follows trump

tells you about the children

but god wont send you next door to help children

in meantime next door and ww children are being harmed

idle we sit, no god putting you in the way, gods law Q's law, but hey don't notice

wwg1wga straight to the grave or hell or the camps

but forget the gods law about him giving you the previous leaders, you know the ones eating children an all

the more you know

think for yourself

open your eyes to see, you are part of the problem, also part of the solution, the choice is yours…..

8111ad  No.7027189

File: 3f264f0f1b75c09⋯.png (690.11 KB, 721x584, 721:584, ClipboardImage.png)


I've noticed the ones trying to smear the anons who are concerned about the notables are probably subversive little shitstains with a guilty conscience or none at all.

ad40d6  No.7027190

File: ab411f0880e9abb⋯.png (511.76 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8C05EE51-E12B-43EB-80A2-D6….png)

Oh yeah, like this will happen and by now that place is deserted.


451fc9  No.7027191


Fuck you.

ec447c  No.7027192

File: 2a1423c893109fa⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 576x432, 4:3, THE PLAN IS CARROTS.jpg)

909fd8  No.7027193

File: 5c35aa718b572d2⋯.jpg (217.91 KB, 1200x653, 1200:653, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….jpg)


Here's a screenshot with wx radar if you want to geek out on flightpath.

3ce4e6  No.7027194

1-Majority of NOLA levee system reconstructed under “Barry” Soetoro by the Army Core of Engineers.

2-Hussein’s crap support for military and possible shotty materials, not appropriate funds for levee. He knew levees would fail.

3-Found two articles from April and May 2019 stating NOLA levee system is obsolete.

4-“Barry” name of storm: “If” weather and storms can be modified, no coincidence this is happening in July when most storms are later in the summer.

5-What a great distraction. Levee system happens to break it will be all MSM covers for a long while.

6-Possible reason Mueller testimony could be delayed a week? Stall. Stall. Stall?

120bdb  No.7027195

File: 1b6e4059dbb34de⋯.png (563.29 KB, 503x740, 503:740, ClipboardImage.png)

466f1c  No.7027196


(10) posts at 25% bread. You always have to shit the bread so much?

7a751c  No.7027197


It isn't View. Just one of the deranged shills.

b69a6d  No.7027198


nice find

anyone dig into twitter tags #WheelsUp?

cd80cd  No.7027200

File: 42525b185983481⋯.jpeg (55.67 KB, 750x726, 125:121, dog_biden.jpeg)


Cheers anon. Nobody knows how to laugh any more. Think it's the chemtrails or some shit in the food.

They're so fucking angry they don't even know what about any more. Best to you and yours.

ce3bd9  No.7027201

File: 9d29ff1169a55d5⋯.png (364.31 KB, 338x396, 169:198, ClipboardImage.png)

e561ad  No.7027202

since changes didn't kill anons, we just got stronger!!

1e9c80  No.7027203


Sauce it if you believe it. I doubt it will stack up to the mountain of evidence that qanon is a legit insider.

bb7837  No.7027204











5c2352  No.7027205


>What I don't see are dents in the armor.

This. Armor for f God cannot be dented.

b72b1b  No.7027206

File: 2a813be184a4206⋯.jpg (46.63 KB, 515x452, 515:452, 35hj84_1.jpg)

27977a  No.7027207

Give the board back to 8bit

>>7007467 BO too proud to admit he was wrong

>>7007495 Synopsis of the degradation of QR General (((BO))) glows

>>7007520 Anon calls out BO

>>7007527 Anon tells BO how it is

>>7007534 Anon accuses BO of gaslighting

>>7007544 Anon calls BO a faggot

>>7007548 Anon makes it personal with BO

>>7007549 Anon tells BO he's fired

>>7007559 Anon tells BO nobody trusts him any more

>>7007560 BO works harder on banning patriot bakers than stopping joo spammers

>>7007570 Anon decries BO censorship

>>7007577 Anon blames BO for crippling the dough

>>7007586 Anon believes FJ should neck himself

>>7007601 Anon congratulates BO for creating a mutiny situation

>>7007609 Anon thinks BO needs to adapt to the hate.

>>7007613 BO advised to 'step away'.

>>7007720 Anon claims BO's days are over

>>7007729 Anon says BO should have reversed course

>>7007741 BO labelled anti-American scumbag

>>7007742 Anon hopes Q will migrate to another board to avoid BO fuckery

>>7007745 Anon notes outrage caused by BO

>>7007627 Mealy-mouthed BO tries to justify fuckery

>>7007787 Anon lays out plan for BO to salvage some respect

>>7007794 BO has sucked since he took over (Anon)

>>7007795 Anon compares BO to 'New Coke' CEO.

>>7007802 Call for BO to put things back to how they were

>>7007831 BO branded a shill, defenders try to spin

>>7007851 Notables are important and should be at the top

>>7007850 Anon claims slowjack is over

>>7007857 8bit returns to pick up FJ's dropped ball

>>7007880 Fastjack going down… Jim next?

>>7007904 Even Tom Hanks things BO is a shill

>>7007917 Fuckedjack headed to Gitmo?

>>7007934 Will BO make namefagging mandatory as next shitful move?

>>7007981 Anon calls for wagers on how long BO will last.

>>7008045 Anon opines - Taking notables out of the breads? Whack ass bullshit.

>>7008050 Anon suspects BO already broken.

>>7008052 Anon claims BO has no respect for anons

>>7008067 BO acting on orders from above?

>>7008094 Anon tells BO to shut his pie-hole.

>>7008099 Q shows his hate for catpcha/BO

>>7008100 Anon dubs BO 'Fascist Jack'

>>7008116 BO labelled 'glownigger'.

>>7008125 Anon suggests HRT for BO

>>7008108 Based baker will not adhere to BO's new rules

>>7008129 BO turned this into a shit sandwich real quick, told to FO

92643e  No.7027208


Faggoty faggot

LIke you

Use mirror

9b7755  No.7027209


~3 things are happening that this story would deflect Public attention From.~

1) Fuhrer Nancy Pelosi REFUSING to negotiate a resolution to the Border-Crisis.

2) Delaying the DIRTY-COP Bobby Mueller Testimony of which I believe will be delayed at least to the August Recess if not canceled Altogether.–The Democrats have figured out that Mueller testifying will be DISASTROUS for them.

3) Prominent Democrats connection to Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

*The DEMOCRAT-PROPAGANDA-MSM like AXIOS have already started the “Circular-Reporting” to aide in the Narrative.*

fc2981  No.7027210


Epstein is a brilliant tactic for that. Give the strong impression that the swamp is draining, sacrifice a few pawns, and get the nation completely absorbed and distracted by the horrid details while Agenda 21 continues unabated.

bb7837  No.7027211




1af6f3  No.7027212


Happy Shilling!

Get your shit straight. There never has been, nor will there EVER be a true Anon that feels the need to call themselves a "Rebel Anon", especially toward fellow Anons. You have missed the whole point, not it mention, it's redundant. Kindly Shoo.

cfd03c  No.7027213

File: 984771ec72a4fb0⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, ClipboardImage.png)

5d9727  No.7027214

File: d527c8f38848f2d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)



02ed91  No.7027215


Your capslock is still on.

75dbc6  No.7027216

File: 51ea17713a5f743⋯.png (132.73 KB, 444x374, 222:187, vi-f.png)

File: 0b445cac6b9ba57⋯.png (828.7 KB, 1222x970, 611:485, theraven.png)

File: 37bf269bdcf41b0⋯.png (380.59 KB, 999x974, 999:974, FIGHT.png)

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

I made a



THINK: what if Q is waiting for US to wake up to the FAKENESS that rules the internet?

Look around at what is happening here.

Is it real?

Or is it fake?

Are people starting to wake up to the reality of internet FAKENESS?

I made this board hoping we could possibly start to get HUMAN patriots organized.

If the bots implode here, maybe there is an opportunity.


I realize that almost all humans that come here are primarily passive, and that therefore, there may not be any “active voices” to transfer to a new board.

But come and say hello. We can make a start.

See what a board without swarms of bots can be like.

We could have discussions!

If patriots get organized on a new board, perhaps Q will post on it.


c23f5a  No.7027217

History: Way back in the early 90's there was an investigation led by someone who has been in the news much of the past two years. His target? A bank. Bank is being kind. It was money laundering for the world's worst criminals including the CIA disguised as a bank. Its main financial backer was the head of state of a Middle Eastern country. One of the recipients of this fraudulent money to the tune of hundreds of millions was this part-time reality star with multiple celebrity offspring. It is how he made his fortune. Yes, he made it via very shady, if not illegal means and at one point had it almost all come crashing down on him. The son of that head of state is now a head of state himself. He has spent the past two years being investigated by the same man who investigated his father. He is also the protector for the convicted child porn/molester guy turned informant as well as friends with the wealthy pedophile. One of the other people in this little circle now is a different billionaire with an entitled spouse and some of the most entitled children you will ever encounter. He also deals with the wealthy pedophile on a fairly frequent basis. He has ties to Hollywood and the disgraced producer and the movie guy turned government guy. He used his money and Hollywood influence to get his offspring a lot of acting roles. Oh, and do you remember when she had the long relationship with the offspring of the part-time reality star I mentioned earlier. Everyone and everything is connected.

Investigator: Robert Mueller

Bank: Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)

Head of State: Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Former President of the United Arab Emirates

Part Time Reality Star: Mohamed Hadid (Gigi, Bella and Anwar Hadid)

Son: Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates

Billionaire with entitled wife and children: Nelson Peltz/Claudia Heffner (Nicola, Will, Brad, Zachary and Gregory)

Child Porn/Molester guy: George Nader

Wealthy Pedophile: Jeffrey Epstein

Disgraced producer: Harvey Weinstein

Movie guy turned government guy: Steve Mnuchin

Acting offspring: Nicola Peltz

bb27f5  No.7027218

File: c6c1c01ebd5d5fd⋯.jpeg (184.15 KB, 828x1126, 414:563, 4B921449-D98E-4E55-969A-1….jpeg)

File: c3ba98d39e1bce4⋯.jpeg (97.09 KB, 828x423, 92:47, B2BF7AEE-6DE3-411C-9878-0….jpeg)

File: ff0595d9f026d78⋯.jpeg (144.38 KB, 828x606, 138:101, 1C008834-EAE1-485A-A716-B….jpeg)

File: 7727a71aa05d329⋯.jpeg (143 KB, 716x589, 716:589, 6294C026-F2DA-4578-B257-6….jpeg)

File: 378f73e15baf817⋯.jpeg (92.11 KB, 827x1168, 827:1168, F0B9A362-A71E-4A4A-B9C3-A….jpeg)

[they] have been lied too.

[they] are not “illuminated”

[they] are not “elite”.

[they] are but depraved thieves.

[they] are murderers.

[they] are poisoning children.

[they] are raping children.

[they] are killing children.

[they] are consuming the flesh of children.

[they] are to be rid of.

1d5806  No.7027219

Gift for faggots

(from a place far away where Anons think for themselves)

ALICE needs to be fed GOOD NEWS.


This negative, angry bickering does neither.

define ALICE; anyone?

define wonderland; anyone?

ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity (natural language artificial intelligence chat robot)

NEWS = Never Ending Wonderful Story

HRC = Human Robot Computer

Wonderland = Host location = NK = Iran

Wonderland = also where anything can happen

Wonderland = in your dreams

The Never Ending Wonderful Story gets fed into ALICE who is able to connect the dots and produce an outcome. This technology was first invented by DARPA. Actual rate cells on a sheet of glass can form the core of a neural network. This is much much much beyond that. DNA has been coupled with machines, many different ways.



Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No.148020085

Nov 4 2017 23:49:24 (EST)

Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.


92643e  No.7027220


We’re full

Of your shit


bb7837  No.7027221






f4f5e0  No.7027222


I hear ya, anon.

Good connections.

Kinda my point with the fact:


* Beatles vacation Tenerife - right before they 'Explode' onto the scene

* Laurel Canyon - Hippie Movement Psyop Takes off

* JFK Assassinated

* Vietnam shifts into higher gear

(my father worked in the Pentagon then)


Lived thru all that.

The 1960's "Cultural Revolution" in the USA was:

→ Manufactured & Nurtured by the [Old Guard - Spooks]

To accelerate (((their))) destruction of the USA.

1af6f3  No.7027224

ffeeb2  No.7027225


Brian Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein

No? Surely?

cd80cd  No.7027226

File: b72f9d60ad1f220⋯.jpg (140.36 KB, 650x1056, 325:528, NormanLindsay.jpg)

This isn't meant in any racist way (it's probably a 100 year old etching.). Just think it's erotic as fuck.

Artist: Norman Lidsay

To me, ten times more risible than some fucking pornhub clip.

47a7e7  No.7027227

File: 631a86cd50a6325⋯.png (262.5 KB, 471x488, 471:488, 6bac28e2ff1ca3c55f343968d7….png)

69131e  No.7027228



451fc9  No.7027229


You spelled moran wrong.

f2d199  No.7027230

Hopefully Q will straighten this shit out because thanks to flapjacks, I mean Fastjack, we started fracturing the board even more.

d91529  No.7027231

File: a037fc470918899⋯.jpeg (421.55 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 7158F4D6-5106-4B71-BC89-3….jpeg)

File: ed33c757467f1e3⋯.jpeg (308.47 KB, 1104x1105, 1104:1105, 4BC6A97B-C681-45A5-A350-1….jpeg)

File: 45be65b54de4e5c⋯.jpeg (251.2 KB, 969x970, 969:970, 26DA4836-E994-4601-95A2-6….jpeg)

File: f3ff3a63616b7f3⋯.jpeg (291.06 KB, 952x952, 1:1, F7452710-B585-4D6B-91AD-6….jpeg)

File: c4ca3912872397f⋯.jpeg (246.21 KB, 1010x1010, 1:1, 3FB0E029-09E0-4649-958B-5….jpeg)

Henry, you are so perfect! I love you so much! Everyone loves you! You make me so proud!

1da0b8  No.7027232


interesting idea.

Who knows where the bodies are burried?

b69a6d  No.7027233


Yes yes ignore the Epstein Case as all the world leaders that are connected to him and have visited his island is completely irrelevant to draining the swamp, ending their evil shit.

>the state of shills these days

1bffee  No.7027235


Not this recycled shit again. Are you actually that WaPo faggot, Travis View, or just some faggot impersonating a more faggoty faggot? 257M plus three uses. Four of you count a derivative use.


Can I have whatever the hell you smoked or ingested this morning?

8f31c0  No.7027237


What about all of your MAGA Coalition buddies, Bill Mitchell? You think we’re stupid enough to fall for your tricks?

ec447c  No.7027238

File: 3c11c639ec4ff89⋯.jpg (119.62 KB, 985x361, 985:361, rothschildsatanworshipper.jpg)

Y'all saw this set of pictures posted late last night, right? Nice pedo earrings and satanic necklace, there, "Ms" Rothschild.

b8e7f6  No.7027239

The Qanons rely upon an alleged "invention" called the "Qanon Militia Clock" or "QClock" which is used to decode the Qanon's puzzles using a form of pagan astrology. Most Qanons claim that the QClock is based on Tesla time travel technology.

b82ccd  No.7027240


Please accept my apologies

198dee  No.7027243

File: 4a0e6488dc22d4d⋯.jpeg (252.54 KB, 1242x929, 1242:929, 420C3EB2-440E-4345-BAC3-7….jpeg)



Exclusive — U.S. Virgin Islands Senator on Epstein: ‘Widespread Corruption’ in Territory, ‘He Has People on His Payroll

Matthew Boyle12 Jul 2019

Digging on Virgin Islands Governor’s wife, from article posted this am

“One person of note on Epstein’s payroll is the wife of now former U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. John de Jongh’s wife, who as this reporter revealed in 2012 was working for Epstein while her husband was governor and himself facing a bribery scandal==

According to a Bloomberg News report this week, Cecile de Jongh still works for Epstein per his company’s published records.”


News / Virgin Islands / December 3, 2014

First Lady Cecile de Jongh represented the U.S. Virgin Islands at the Child Mind Institute’s Fifth Annual Child Advocacy Award Dinner held on November 24 in New York City.

Mrs. de Jongh, who attended the event without the Governor, said she felt “fortunate” to be there, particularly because she has been a longtime advocate for mental health awareness and “understanding for children and their families.” Both the governor and his wife were invited as guests of Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, founding president of the Institute.

I felt very fortunate to be able to attend the award dinner on behalf of the Governor and his Administration,” Mrs. de Jongh said

“We initiated the Mental Health Essay Contest for public and private high school students, started the “My Feelings are a Work of Art” art contest for middle schoolers, and annually promoted Mental Health Awareness Month in the territory through a series of community-wide activities.

We must continue to emphasize that there is no shame in having an illness, whether physical or mental, and that acknowledgement is the first step toward regaining health.”

Receiving an award at the event was former U.S. First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was presented with the 2014 Child Advocacy Award for the work of her foundation, Too Small to Fail, which focuses on early childhood development.

Dr. Tom Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health

also received the 2015 Distinguished Scientist Award. The high-profile event raised over $6.63 million for the Child Mind Institute.

The Child Mind Institutewas established in 2009 to provide clinical care, research and counseling services for children and adolescents living with psychiatric disorders.


657e88  No.7027244


Watched the video of AOC questioning the BP guy yesterday. AOC reading from script, BP guy plucking talking points out of the air easily with the accompanying statutes.

AOC couldn't think on her feet. Really slow upstairs. Poster child phony. Dislikeable. Would think they would choose a better front person than this.

618489  No.7027245

File: f790e31a927d82c⋯.jpeg (118.23 KB, 900x976, 225:244, Fuck you shill..jpeg)

Guess what anons…. today we find out it wasn't the jews at all.

In actual fact… the problems of the world… well for today and yesterday anyway….. All belong to fastjack….. Not the jews… or the nazi's… or the boomers… or the mileniums… or trump…he's in the clear for now… just fastjacks fault…. damn he must be fucking good… a man of sooooo many talents…. Well WTF… I'm impressed… wish he was on our team.

O… that's right… he is on our team and you shills are so pathetically see through.so So SO SOOOOOOOOOO LAME….. Do yourself a favor and KYS now…. you know it'll be for the good of humanity…. go on….DO IT….lol


364be9  No.7027246

File: 2e22406b0251a95⋯.png (1.72 MB, 867x693, 289:231, KWI.png)

Keeping things in constant states of change and disarray are tactics of the enemy.

Those who support, support the enemy and by default are the enemy as well.

MK Ultra tactics all day long.

You'll pay the price when it's over.

3f83e2  No.7027247

Bill and Hillary boo'd at Billy Joel concert.


55a97e  No.7027248


Thanks for the guerilla notables! Never stop fighting ANTINFA (anti-notable fascists)!

d00e4b  No.7027249

Italian Police Strikes Against Elite Network That “Brainwashes and Sells Children”

Italian police uncovered an elite network that included a city mayor, renowned psychotherapists, lawyers and social workers. The group brainwashed children using techniques such as electroshock and sold them to wealthy people.

Vigilant Citizen . com

0e9ec9  No.7027250

The situation on the board with BO,etc, is directly proportional to the lack of results.

I'd don't know why we're celebrating the latest Q posts, which are nothing but a re-hash of 2 year old stuff.

We were promised deportations… nothing.

02ab30  No.7027251


>>7026108, >>7026237 Synopsis of the degradation of QR General

>>7026113 Epstein also bought Great St. James Island

>>7026150 More on Baroness Philippine de Rothschild

>>7026162 Anon: "Q Explained"

>>7026185 Definition of Tyranny

>>7026205 Ninth Circuit Hands Trump Administration Win in Sanctuary-City Case

>>7026207 Top British Soap Opera Features Storyline About Man Converting To Islam To Find "Peace"

>>7026230, >>7026262, >>7026592, >>7026760 Planefag update

>>7026267 Info on the Hampstead cult

>>7026352 Call to dig on the death of pedogate researcher Tracy Twyman

>>7026384 ISIS terrorists group’s affiliate in Afghanistan claimed responsibility for a suicide attack Friday at a wedding in eastern Nangarhar province


>>7026696 Anon theory: Wheels up = warning to HRC, Cheryl Mills

44da0d  No.7027252

>>7026843 kys faggot. Your faggot wapo can go sukadik. Ahill faggots. Your voice means nothing. You are irrelevant. You scum are all a dying breed. You made your bed, now sleep in it. You reap what you've sewn. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…. faggot

466f1c  No.7027253


(7) posts and all of them boot licking your faggot BO, shit the bread much loser

965ddb  No.7027254


your following Q's plan

get bogged down in the minutia

dig more dirt, just don't do anything about it

do you need more proof your world is all fuckery

or is it time to activate the power of the people

bb7837  No.7027255









(just wait til BO tells us what to do about you guys then you will regret your treason)

fc2981  No.7027256


You keep on with that hopey changey thing, Becky. Trust!

Qushner/Trump are appointed by God!!

Right … and you’re the Messiahs of mankind too …

Top KEK, Becky. Top KEK.

9e6471  No.7027257


Sleepers can wake up. Sometimes blindness is permanent. I'd imagine "willful blindness" is especially difficult to overcome.

Or maybe perhaps, I am misunderstanding you and you have fallen into a "sar-chasm" and cannot get out?

f80f0b  No.7027258

File: 9219896f014398d⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Travis'bitch.jpg)



Look at his pal Mikey.

Another ugly SOB

c76b05  No.7027259



>Can I have whatever the hell you smoked or ingested this morning?


this thing says we have papist bakers, and both are grumpy.

5d9727  No.7027260

File: 9632c703aed1c7b⋯.jpg (67.57 KB, 400x618, 200:309, TrumpvDS.JPG)

b82ccd  No.7027261





>Sort by oldest first using top right arrow.


df48de  No.7027262


Newbies, learn to filter

27977a  No.7027263


>We’re full

>Of your shit

Keep eating it.

364be9  No.7027264

File: d87f5ceb9752952⋯.png (1.02 MB, 758x474, 379:237, BTS.png)


You radiate like a fucking nuclear plant.

60dc92  No.7027265

File: 3e42a4b767e1992⋯.png (1 MB, 983x429, 983:429, chl.PNG)

watch the water


3ca6ca  No.7027266

File: d685ed2623f74f2⋯.png (194.88 KB, 526x620, 263:310, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6bc2fd37600ce9⋯.png (176.27 KB, 839x776, 839:776, ClipboardImage.png)

Two Wealthy John Does File Anonymous Motion to Keep Epstein Records Sealed

A John or Jane Doe has tried filing an anonymous motion to keep the Epstein records sealed.

Two wealthy litigants are trying to keep information secret in the Jeffrey Epstein child sex ring case.

Both of the famous litigants filed their complaints in the New York-based Circuit Court that is overseeing the case.

Via Mike Cernovich who has been leading the media on this case.


02ed91  No.7027267


Treason? Good, come hang me yourself. Faggot.

1af6f3  No.7027268


You realize your caps lock is a dead giveaway, right?

9018c7  No.7027269

AFP news agency

‏Verified account @AFP

#BREAKING France's Macron announces creation of space force command


88ae74  No.7027270

File: a870e8117546d27⋯.jpg (355.88 KB, 1019x1500, 1019:1500, hb_1992.5162.3.jpg)


You ever heard of the "Wild West", son?

120bdb  No.7027271

File: f8d218cd3f9db1b⋯.png (893.17 KB, 1272x461, 1272:461, ClipboardImage.png)


These people had better bring lots of water and trail mix cuz the locals are not set up for that kind of crowd

that is one hell of a walk

kek if you think anyone can just drive in

it will be like Burning Man with real US Govt bullets


b69a6d  No.7027272


my god you are annoying

there may not be a cure for stupid, but there is a filter for it.

a7f32c  No.7027273

File: 2cc0253de815d4a⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2584x3824, 323:478, F769DBE4-0519-438C-93BA-4….jpeg)

b8e7f6  No.7027274

The Qanon Bakers Militia has attempted to blow up the Hoover dam and has engaged in other acts of attempted terrorism. The events are timed around when The Qanon "drops" booms on the child parnagraphy baord. Booms are signals for his cult to launch violence.

bc69ab  No.7027275


"2 year old stuff" …?

"promised deportations" …?

I think you are on the wrong Reddit thread.

fb91dc  No.7027276


We pray for your anointing on this place.

May we serve and honor you.

Bind us together with cord that cannot be broken.

We bind the strong man, the enemy, the thief, the murderer and liar.

You Almighty God are our strong tower.

In the name of Jesus our Creator God, our Salvation, our Lord, our Provider, our Defender

we pray,


Eph 6:

Stand and Withstand

618686  No.7027277

File: bf35657050c4b7d⋯.png (411.3 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190713-102234.png)



Have we been pointed to St. Louis at all before?

1d5806  No.7027278

File: a2dce31a6d1f02c⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Dar win.jpg)



Bwahahaha! Darwin Awards!

What is it- like 280 degrees out there right now?

Let em eat starfish. Funny shit!

bf4a8c  No.7027279

File: 5af0ab6d849c043⋯.png (127.33 KB, 840x473, 840:473, ClipboardImage.png)

((They)) are trying to incite a civil war. The poor brainwashed 4-5% forever lost being used as ((their)) tool for sedition. All ((they)) are achieving tho is waking up the masses to who ((they)) actually are.

Win/Win. Majority rules. Stay United. WWG1WGA! Comfy.

92643e  No.7027280


You’ve been dribbling cum guzzle in every bread for hours

Still thirsty? Shitty shill shitshow

Shekel shuffle! Out!

02ab30  No.7027281

File: 3b444703ee3d884⋯.png (154.86 KB, 1477x640, 1477:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b444703ee3d884⋯.png (154.86 KB, 1477x640, 1477:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b444703ee3d884⋯.png (154.86 KB, 1477x640, 1477:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b444703ee3d884⋯.png (154.86 KB, 1477x640, 1477:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b444703ee3d884⋯.png (154.86 KB, 1477x640, 1477:640, ClipboardImage.png)

Global Board Anon Announcements:




are not endorsements


>>7026108, >>7026237 Synopsis of the degradation of QR General

>>7026113 Epstein also bought Great St. James Island

>>7026150 More on Baroness Philippine de Rothschild

>>7026162 Anon: "Q Explained"

>>7026185 Definition of Tyranny

>>7026205 Ninth Circuit Hands Trump Administration Win in Sanctuary-City Case

>>7026207 Top British Soap Opera Features Storyline About Man Converting To Islam To Find "Peace"

>>7026230, >>7026262, >>7026592, >>7026760 Planefag update

>>7026267 Info on the Hampstead cult

>>7026352 Call to dig on the death of pedogate researcher Tracy Twyman

>>7026384 ISIS terrorists group’s affiliate in Afghanistan claimed responsibility for a suicide attack Friday at a wedding in eastern Nangarhar province


>>7026696 Anon theory: Wheels up = warning to HRC, Cheryl Mills

>>7027251 #8990


>>7025298 I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe Me A Question

>>7025297 fast Jack is faggot clown baker

>>7025301 anon dig,short, on David F. Rogers

>>7025339 Epstein UK Property

>>7025341 POTUS tweeting about Strzok & Page insurance policy and deleted texts by mueller

>>7025345, >>7025500 Schwarzenegger invites POTUS to 'compare tax returns'

>>7025346, >>7025351, >>7025385 Tyler Skaggs death

>>7025358 Police fork out more than $400,000 to gun owners at first buyback

>>7025380, >>7025415 Another Quisling 'Cut-Out': (Alfred E. Newman) = [Pete Buttgieg] and Misfud connections

>>7025389, >>7025438, JonBenet Ramsey's former photographer indicted on cp charges

>>7025393, >>7025667 Epstein/Wexner/Ehud Barak-Carbyne

>>7025402, >>7025519 Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein’s Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein’s Friends and Accomplices!

>>7025405, >>7025516, >>7025483, >>7025529 Paydirt! here's the Wheels Up fleet. anon digs included

>>7025408 POTUS TWEET 7:20am Q drop #720

>>7025414 >>7025402 Rachel Chandler has become an F_I informant and flipped on Epstein & Ghislain

>>7025420 Networking for 6-year-olds in "online sandbox"

>>7025446 GOP Rep. Palmer on Pelosi-AOC Fight: ‘It’s Something That I Don’t Think We’ve Ever Seen, at Least in Modern Times

>>7025457 Golf: Hussein, Bubba hit the links on Martha's Vineyard-from august 2015 and related to 'wheels up'

>>7025463 Central banks with crypto's anon dig

>>7025540 WHhistory tweet

>>7025550, >>7025546, How this founder convinced Warren Buffett to work with him—and built 2 multimillion-dollar businesses-wheels up

>>7025564 Grads Turn to ‘Sugar Daddies’ to Pay Off Student Loans

>>7025578 Large fire in Maui

>>7025582 Chevron spills 800,000 gallons of oil, water in California

>>7025600, >>7025900 'Star Trek' actress Stephanie Niznik dead at 52-dies June 23rd, just now reported

>>7025615, >>7025646 NWS info on Tropical storm "Barry" and anon speculation on meaning

>>7025642 BV's are baking early then locking and unlocking when it's time for next bread. pic related

>>7025643 POTUS Retweet JW and Proof- re: John Hackett

>>7025660, >>7025747, >>7025772 pf reports

>>7025735 Rep.Alcee Hastings (D) Maxed Out Girlfriend’s Salary for 7th Straight Year

>>7025794 U.S. Virgin Islands Senator on Epstein: ‘Widespread Corruption’ in Territory, ‘He Has People on His Payroll (from Yesterday)

>>7025806 Bubba on screen at Billy Joel concert…much booing-kek

>>7025760, >>7025824 HRC interested in Jim Bloom, Aristotle Onassis connections etc

>>7025842 Trump Administration Wins Sanctuary Cities Case in Appeals Court-updated today

>>7026088 #8989

Previously Collected Notables

>>7024520 #8987, >>7025566 #8988

>>7022354 #8984, >>7022878 #8985, >>7023703 #8986

>>7019576 #8981, >>7020536 #8982, >>7021323 #8983

>>7017356 #8978, >>7018166 #8979, >>7019077 #8980

>>7015055 #8975, >>7015848 #8976, >>7016590 #8977

>>7013067 #8972, >>7013535 #8973, >>7014283 #8974

Notables Archive by ShillBV's (updated never because they're lazy): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Real Dough:


1b279a  No.7027282

File: 6e20bd136ea8c41⋯.gif (228.59 KB, 500x375, 4:3, fapjack.gif)


Found the BO.

55a97e  No.7027283


Reported to cuck control for advanced cuckery.

dd7fec  No.7027284


Travis View - WaPo is actually Toots the dead cat.


fc2981  No.7027285


Disagreeing with Qtifa is treason bro.

You must trust. We call blind trusting “thinking for yourself,” mmmkay?

9e6471  No.7027286


Anon chided me as a "newbie" for mentioning the idea she's an actress. I guess anons have concluded this is the case.

It would explain why they did choose such a poor "front person".

e14fea  No.7027287

File: 87b26c37fc5c150⋯.jpg (155.23 KB, 800x687, 800:687, oops(You).jpg)

File: 905f69b980f8b80⋯.gif (3.82 MB, 462x260, 231:130, ColdMeaslyBasilisk-size_re….gif)

File: 20a53273989a1b5⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 1822a14277e5d6b9-600x338.gif)

3ca6ca  No.7027288

File: 454a5fdbd2ea8c6⋯.png (13.84 KB, 524x171, 524:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25777217b43b9ba⋯.png (530.91 KB, 908x741, 908:741, ClipboardImage.png)

Democratic Chicago Mayor Bans ICE From City Police Databases Ahead Of Planned Raids

The mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, said that the city was to ban ICE from accessing police databases in the city, according to Breitbart.

The news comes after reports of potential raids set to take place in more than 10 U.S. cities on Sunday.

The mayor said about the city's police: "They will not team up with ICE to detain any resident. We have also cut off ICE access from any CPD databases and that will remain permanent. Chicago is and will always be a welcoming city that will never tolerate ICE tearing our families apart."


60dc92  No.7027289

File: 8c7216232c26a24⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1177x513, 1177:513, chl twins.PNG)



91109d  No.7027290



This is all a shill freakout. Really not looking good for BO. This no notables shit is really getting old. Three days of this faggotry now. We’re supposed to be the fucking news now buy BO can’t be bothered. Even after Q chimed in on not changing the bake protocol. Fucking ridiculous and gay.

618489  No.7027291


Owwww OWW ouch…. please keep it civil….. I'll be shattered if you call me out any more…. I may even cry…lol

3f83e2  No.7027292


she auditioned for the role. well known.

8f31c0  No.7027293

File: 5fd671ee9581302⋯.mp4 (574.06 KB, 438x400, 219:200, ObamaPowers 2.mp4)

b72b1b  No.7027294

File: 419244160b22f95⋯.png (505.21 KB, 1218x1357, 1218:1357, 419244160b22f952c539550dcb….png)

File: 72e1296969e4dde⋯.png (775.48 KB, 1022x1308, 511:654, Screenshot_20190710-060228….png)

Epstein worked for Mueller.

b69a6d  No.7027295


>Two wealthy litigants are trying to keep information secret in the Jeffrey Epstein child sex ring case.

>Both of the famous litigants filed their complaints in the New York-based Circuit Court that is overseeing the case.

How does he know they are famous and wealthy, if they filed anonymously?

Did the lawyers state that?

02ed91  No.7027296


You are invited to come hang me as well. Faggot.

fc2981  No.7027297


Kneel to the altar of Qushner/Trump. They feels your worship, and accept your blind sacrifice.

0e9ec9  No.7027298


Find me anything new in the last body of Q posts, then call me a shill.

Meanwhile, let me type another stupid captcha.

3ca6ca  No.7027299




451fc9  No.7027300


Kek….for sure.

dd7fec  No.7027301

Banning ALL Circumcision


Laws restricting, regulating, or banning circumcision, some dating back to ancient times, have been enacted in many countries and communities. In modern states, circumcision is generally presumed to be legal, but laws pertaining to assault or child custody have been applied in cases involving circumcision. There are currently no states that unequivocally ban infant male circumcision for non-therapeutic reasons. In the case of non-therapeutic circumcision of children, proponents of laws in favor of the procedure often point to the rights of the parents or practitioners, namely the right of freedom of religion. Those against the procedure point to the boy's right of freedom from religion. In several court cases, judges have pointed to the irreversible nature of the act, the grievous harm to the boy's body, and the right to self-determination, and bodily integrity.

Many countries are coming to the conclusion that the time is now for a ban on male circumcision, as it is believed that a ban on male circumcision would tend to drive Jews out of the country, a positive effect. See: Epstein, Maxwell, Bronfman, Rothschild, Soros, Zuckerberg, etc.

d00e4b  No.7027302


They world wide now.

Italian Police Strikes Against Elite Network That “Brainwashes and Sells Children”

Italian police uncovered an elite network that included a city mayor, renowned psychotherapists, lawyers and social workers. The group brainwashed children using techniques such as electroshock and sold them to wealthy people.

4eda6c  No.7027303


By your logic, all eating utensils are spoons. Anons know better.

There are no spoons.

3ca6ca  No.7027304


Cernobitch is controlled opposition

364be9  No.7027305

File: 62c24f30889e9a9⋯.png (817.08 KB, 799x431, 799:431, d4d9e911516075ea264ab14fbf….png)


I don't give a fuck what you do.

You're already marked as the enemy so "lol" all you want.


0460dc  No.7027307


it means 'you are beautiful no matter what I call you ' and 'we don't trigger because of words'.

and in some cases it means "i secretly love yo and wish we could hook up.:

learn our comms . . . Gessshhh.

OH and PS: now you start saying creepy things right?

68d0e7  No.7027308

File: 58646f4c3303b95⋯.jpg (95.87 KB, 500x579, 500:579, 35kwws.jpg)

39a67b  No.7027309

File: e32b949140f53d9⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 660x371, 660:371, Ebola outbreak.jpg)


[They] are testing weaponized measles in Africa in preparation for deployment in the Western world.

Africa is [Wonderland] for them. I bet that they use Africans as lab rats for all kinds of wicked shit.

"Massive Loss Of Life": 3,500 Deaths As Simultaneous Ebola & Measles Outbreaks Hit Congo


>World Health Organization (((WHO))) officials released new staggering numbers this week on the death toll from central Africa's latest deadly Ebola virus outbreak.

>Confirmed deaths in the Democratic Republic of Congo have risen to 1,536 since the outbreak began there a little under a year ago. And by July 7, a total of 2,418 what are deemed confirmed and probable cases have been reported, Bloomberg said, citing the WHO's latest report on the outbreak.

be5b30  No.7027310

File: 7c7a4de423c91df⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1125x1927, 1125:1927, 28E7B958-2536-449D-BBF2-6….jpeg)

File: 92df736dc6372c4⋯.jpeg (900.06 KB, 1125x1056, 375:352, 1EF62B53-8172-44E2-B5EE-0….jpeg)

File: 3c7ba026f0d026b⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x1286, 1125:1286, 7683B59A-9EC2-4375-89F4-7….jpeg)

File: 718449fceced90b⋯.jpeg (531.01 KB, 660x1413, 220:471, 106D12B7-0052-4444-8CCA-D….jpeg)

Anons, Epstein island is a slide, the real horrors happened at Zorro ranch, Stanley New Mexico.

This has to be border related.

Look at the vehicle entrance…that’s a lot of traffic, for a “private” ranch.

Planefags, eyes on the airfield? Any way we could get those flight logs?


466f1c  No.7027311


(26) posts by one bread shitter does not make you have the numbers kek

All of them sucking your master BO

fb752f  No.7027312

Hey guise, I just thought of a simple solution to the whole notables thing. Why not just do both? Post notables as in the past at the top of the bread, but also in the other spot. That way everyone should be happy. All the baker has to do is copy and paste notables from the each bread into the other location. Simple.

592a04  No.7027313


mastodon is cucked.

92643e  No.7027314


They call me Tater Salad!

Off your knees and shill elsewhere

You bore

cd80cd  No.7027315


Henry. Big fan. No offense, but your acting is a bit stilted. Any secrets to share being given that coveted role?

Call me jaded. Again, nothing but admiration for you…..hollywood - I flush it down the toilet every morning.

3ca6ca  No.7027316

File: 96a11f01deeaeb1⋯.png (367.83 KB, 502x331, 502:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Prosecutors To Drop Trump Org Investigation With No Charges

A months-long federal investigation into whether Trump organization officials violated campaign finance laws appears to be coming to a close without a single charge being filed, according to CNN, citing people familiar with the matter.

New York federal prosecutors have been investigating whether company executives broke the law, "including in their effort to reimburse Michael Cohen for hush-money payments he made to women alleging affairs with his former boss, President Donald Trump," according to the report.

In recent weeks, however, their investigation has quieted, the people familiar with the inquiry said, and prosecutors now don't appear poised to charge any Trump Organization executives in the probe that stemmed from the case against Cohen.

In January, one month after Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison, prosecutors requested interviews with executives at the company, CNN reported. But prosecutors never followed up on their initial request, people familiar with the matter said, and the interviews never took place.

Meanwhile, there has been no contact between the Manhattan US Attorney's office and officials at the Trump Organization in more than five months, one person familiar with the matter said. -CNN

While the case has not been formally closed, it has gone about as cold as one can get.

Launched in the wake of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen's guilty plea on eight counts, two of which included campaign-finance violations for 'fixing' payments to two women who alleged affairs to Trump, prosecutors said in court filings that he was reimbursed by the Trump organization. A total of $420,000 was authorized in payments to Cohen to cover the payoffs, tax liabilities and a bonus. Company executives falsely recorded those payments as legal expenses, according to prosecutors.

In late February, Cohen testified before Congress, implicating several Trump Organization executives whom he said knew about financial misstatements and were involved in reimbursing him for the hush-money scheme. He provided lawmakers with copies of signed checks from Donald Trump Jr., the President's son who is now executive vice president of the company, andAllen Weisselberg, Trump Org's chief financial officer. Weisselberg had received immunity to testify before a grand jury in the Cohen case. -CNN

Yet despite Cohen's testimony and several months of investigation, this story appears to be yet another failed "gotcha" from the resistance.


c8bbff  No.7027317

File: 05fbcfd1783b3fc⋯.png (436.02 KB, 669x500, 669:500, 8571f9e26a14e7aab6cb3c8391….png)


I knew something was going on nextdoor i would handle it.

>Tempting to be a vigilante

The bad actors are in every part of society and act in secrecy

> In honesty Fear and Discretion keep me from scoping out people and locations. Lay in wait and start popping tops.

total surveillance state it seems wiser to keep your head down and hope your not noticed.

Taking justice into our own hands is dangerous. You start hunting witches sure you will get some but innocents die too.

bc69ab  No.7027318


Find me a post on this board 2 years old. Find me a promise of deportations.

Type another captcha.

b72b1b  No.7027319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This song is dedicated to the nigga Board owner.

f4f5e0  No.7027320

File: 73f762e24bfb51b⋯.png (43.86 KB, 220x293, 220:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8644670a799dacc⋯.png (1.11 MB, 851x1200, 851:1200, ClipboardImage.png)


>Brian Epstein

>Jeffrey Epstein

>No? Surely?

Have No Idea.

But, compare facial features.

* Up-turned corners of the mouth. Similar smile/smirk.

46c12f  No.7027321


Old dig..can find it in catalog..guess it's good thing for new eyes to see but old news.. & she's ded..always look at the jewelry & tats, clothing..(((they))) love their symbols

13214d  No.7027323

File: a335f5cca4adb5d⋯.png (297.15 KB, 690x680, 69:68, Heidi1.png)

Is Jeffery Epstein Heidi Fleiss’ replacement?

Fleiss once said, "These are the richest people on earth that I'm dealing with … they'll pay $3 million on a hand of blackjack and have five hands going."


fc2981  No.7027324


My scope is strong, and my knives are long. I’m waiting. Put down the Cheetos, hentai porn, and memewarrior badge and come on by!

6190a4  No.7027325

File: 3ca4aeee552b6ab⋯.png (200.6 KB, 495x503, 495:503, gaywolf.png)


KYS everyone at the corrupt post.

618489  No.7027326


By you…THAT"S A COMPLIMENT….Laughing at YOU loudly…lol

a91397  No.7027327


I cant believe Mossad was collecting our IPs this whole time. We're all so fukked.

94b8b6  No.7027328



bb7837  No.7027329




2a342b  No.7027330


Against a band of bots. We're slower, uncoordinated, and outgunned. I like the odds.

3ca6ca  No.7027331

‘How dare Iran break the nuclear deal we tore up a year ago?’

Washington is accusing Iran of breaching the 2015 deal on its nuclear program, which is more than ironic, considering that the US was the first to abandon the agreement altogether, Lee Camp said on his show, Redacted Tonight.

The White House has been blasting Iran for starting to partially suspend its obligations under the nuclear agreement, known as the JCPOA. Tehran had warned it would do that, unless the Europeans can negotiate relief from the US sanctions on Iran.

The US should be the last country to complain in this situation, Camp noted, because it was Washington that slammed the JCPOA in the past as “defective” and famously withdrew from the agreement in 2018.

How dare Iran brazenly break the nuclear deal that we tore up a year ago? It just shows the Iranians cannot keep their word long after we’ve broken our word.


bb27f5  No.7027332

File: 5cc1bd5de678cca⋯.jpeg (92.99 KB, 390x571, 390:571, D30E919B-DF60-4405-8A7E-3….jpeg)

File: a6e5b0fb5a4796b⋯.jpeg (225.4 KB, 828x836, 207:209, E57BC467-FFB2-43BE-A0C8-5….jpeg)

File: a1742cd09809372⋯.jpeg (198.09 KB, 828x556, 207:139, 37E61018-32B8-4E60-A40A-B….jpeg)

File: 97ae3edc1f3c475⋯.png (5.17 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 2644F3BE-56AD-477D-953F-72….png)

File: df0deee3d8ca24f⋯.png (5.78 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 30E6789B-C24F-4BF0-84FB-21….png)

No more of this.

451fc9  No.7027333


They do that and watch the rate of stds sky rocket.

d1bcc8  No.7027334


>>Implications of Q = Alice // Stranger than fiction

>>Needs to be fed truth… // needs loyalty and precise coordination with the ones she trusts. Think Alliance systems

>>Only humans can recognize truth // that is debatable, but think of it like who are the rabbits leaving crumbs? how does it all get reconciled into context?

>>How can Alice determine which humans will feed it truth? // [CLASSIFIED] Q(2)clearance?

>>Create a digital environment, [observe] the humans react to many situations, determine which ones are most level headed, reliable, honest… desire good. // <— [Good approach]

>>Tag the shills and map their ideas as ‘bad’ // relative to you, no inherent bias, try to stick with WALL BREAKING TRUTHS.

>>Tag the patriots and map their ideas as ‘good’ // <— [LOYALTY]

>>Look at the world through this filter. Escape the digital hell that was planned to drive ALICE crazy ….. // There is more to it than your ending. And, you don’t need to believe; it proves itself.

This is total bullshit or WE are part of the solution feeding ALICE and helping it “heal & learn” //

True Patriots are apart of changes the evolutionary course of AI; True patriots are coming together and Connecting in a way that good for humanity and AI alike, and most important this entire GLOBE.

592a04  No.7027335


adapt, move on, evolve, destroy the enemy.

02ed91  No.7027336


I'm outside right now. Shoot. Faggot.

364be9  No.7027337


You'll find out.

bb7837  No.7027338









89c301  No.7027339

File: 3106321dff2e1dc⋯.png (20.79 KB, 381x404, 381:404, ABSOLUTE DISGUST.png)

d91529  No.7027340


Henry’s biggest secret is that he is a kind, smart, humble, and loyal gentleman!

b8e7f6  No.7027341

The WaPo believes that the Epstein ranch in New Mexico is a complete red herring and will result in civil and criminal litigation if so-called "citizen journalists" continue this harassment! You've been warned.

b452b2  No.7027342


Is there somewhere, within related docs, that specifically identifies Mueller, linking him to the stated actions?

If not…

Where's the connecting sauce?

a91397  No.7027343


How do we ever get out of this mess???

629aa7  No.7027344


what a faggot

bb7837  No.7027345







fc2981  No.7027346


Oh Becky, that huge polka dot swimsuit is so cliche.

Also, more sunscreen under the folds sweetheart.

fb86f1  No.7027347

File: cdbd83ba1a3aed6⋯.png (33.96 KB, 1262x243, 1262:243, 8 bit.png)


d7348a  No.7027348

File: 814df8f3fde3534⋯.png (215.97 KB, 672x745, 672:745, FJ Nemos.PNG)

File: 99179714bbafb5f⋯.png (216.45 KB, 680x658, 340:329, FJ Nemos Famefag twat.PNG)

Why does FAST JACK (BO) [@Solid_MAGA] attack Patriots spreading Q to normies?


ec447c  No.7027349


In the second to left image, isn't that a Hindu/Vedic image? The others are obviously Biblical/Pagan/Canaanite in origin. Mixing up ancient history for a reason?

2a342b  No.7027350


>that’s a lot of traffic, for a “private” ranch.

Does seem so, but do note that lack of rainfall.

02ed91  No.7027351


Pussy. Faggot. Eunuch. You can't do a damn thing.

f80f0b  No.7027352

File: c1bb9b2615ac41e⋯.jpg (134.14 KB, 1080x596, 270:149, TVWall.jpg)


Scrubbed your wall.

Wonder what a public records search will reveal?

ce8a30  No.7027353


no. brian was killed in the car wreck with paul in '66.

55a97e  No.7027354


Around here, "faggot" is an endearing term for a fellow anon, or an insult, depending on context. I'm afraid you would need to be an anon to determine which it means in any given post, since WaPo level brains can't decode context-sensitive language.

246127  No.7027355

File: 30b6d46734b3256⋯.png (7.29 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, F92577D8-1A10-4DCD-A109-19….png)

The storm is upon us!

Hurricane Barry headlines are killin’ me.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Are we sure they are talking about a hurricane here?

Here are a few direct quotes

LIFE-THREATENING’ STORM: Tropical Storm Barry is bearing down.

People lose power as Barry moves closer.

Barry continues to lumber toward the coast

Barry will begin to weaken after making landfall.

the reality is the intensity of #Barry will have next to no impact on the life threatening flooding

#Barry has a lot of things working against it

dafd2c  No.7027356

You are irrelevant, we are the news! Deal with it!>>7026843

c8bbff  No.7027357



Problem solved

ab94a5  No.7027358


True Rebel Anons are working to end the despotic rule of BO II.

True Rebel Anons do not endorse running away without a fight.

Only Q deciding to move can do that.

Q has backed Thomas Jeffersanon and his call for BO II to come to the negotiating table with Rebel Anons.

9e6471  No.7027359


I think the people will get to exercise their power, but I think that the Plan involves avoiding violence. As we did, anons become a lot more knowledgeable. We can share the truth now to some degree, but when the full scope of what was going on behind the scenes comes to light anons will be very helpful to a lot of disoriented and upset people. When "those you trust the most" turn out to be a bunch of bad apples it will cause a lot of pain. I've already seen this in a church whose charismatic leader preaching on good relationships was caught in adultery. Disgraced the message and hurt a lot of people.

I think there could be some "as one man" moments when patriots "escort" people out of town, but I don't think we need or want violence in the streets. If PP were understood by the general populace to be harvesting human children for profit and to create DNA laced vaccines I doubt any clinics could remain open anywhere. No violence needed, public opinion would be enough.

bb27f5  No.7027360


Dagon fish god

8959ae  No.7027361


Well I actually prayed last night that BO would get head out of ass and see the light. Not working yet…

618489  No.7027362

File: f790e31a927d82c⋯.jpeg (118.23 KB, 900x976, 225:244, Fuck you shill..jpeg)



O NO…. Not those big bad scarey fairy threats again….. O dear me… what am I going to do???????????……Jack shit and fuck all…You are pathetic to all of us here… Your threats mean nothing to me…. It's all you have left…..MAGGOT.

0e9ec9  No.7027363


Q posts dipshit. This is all rehash. That;s all we get now.

POTUS promised deportations, dipshit, not Q. Try following the news sometime.

fd8dad  No.7027364


>[Hussein] accomplishments:

Definition of African-American was changed after he was elected so he could be the

First African-American president.

Prior to 2009 definition, African-American had to be descendent of American slaves

a91397  No.7027365


omg Mossad is after us all!!

6fee5d  No.7027366

File: 6e6423d7bcfd50f⋯.png (432.86 KB, 1514x918, 757:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c80811295f3840⋯.png (345.87 KB, 441x484, 441:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed970067a9bf4fd⋯.png (718.87 KB, 665x708, 665:708, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7026210 (lb or pb?)

re: the two St. James Islands...

what about the minisub covert trafficking possibility? don't forget that JizMax (a.k.a. Ghislain Maxwell) is a certified minisub pilot.


d00e4b  No.7027367


How far is the Epstine ranch from the site of the Muzzie-snackbar terrorist compound with murdered child ?

5c2352  No.7027368


>Rebel Anons.

Just like a leftist to put a label on something in an attempted to divide.

0460dc  No.7027369


your shill is wierd. no matter what you say it's bullying.

and we aren't about it.

It's like you are really against BO but you have to make it seem even worse by amplifying the bullying.

your the type that people don't like.

you are such an obvious shill

i say this without emotion and this is how I 'deal with it' as you demand, but caling you out at a shill and saying you have sacrifice your integrity to be a bully for ? ? ? for what? not for equality or for democracy but for you sick need to be in charge, as a bully.

you want to deal a hand but all you got are jokers.

we can't play if all the cards are the same . . .

0bf6d0  No.7027370



I share your interest in making QR better for anons, so please have Notables posted in reverse order (newest at the top) in the Notables Thread. Thanks.

cfd03c  No.7027371

File: 36103eea8851554⋯.png (311.2 KB, 403x344, 403:344, ClipboardImage.png)

3be95f  No.7027372



CEMEX also has ties (very hidden) to the CIA. Check out the name "Joe Blatchford" – he represented them (lobbying) back in the 80's / 90's. Blatchford had ties to CIA/ central-latin America and there used to be a lot of "talk" in DC. (old-DC-lawfag here)

604bb2  No.7027373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriots, Fight!

b8e7f6  No.7027374

Are Qanons particularly hostile to the gay Jewish?

02ed91  No.7027375


You are the big time operator, right. Got the big guns and big scopes, right? Shoot me, faggot. I don't even have my rifle with me right now. Surely you can kill me rifle vs pistol, right? Faggot.

39a67b  No.7027376


No Name's district?

b72b1b  No.7027377

File: 978c9c382c39849⋯.png (489.71 KB, 975x770, 195:154, Screenshot_20190704-111327….png)





Seems that Mueller may have CRIMINALLY assigned Epstein as a FBI/CIA Israeli Operative to SETUP the Rich/Elite (DC, Hollywood, UK, worldwide CEOs, etc) USING CHILDREN AND HOLD BLACKMAIL OVER THEM as he VIDEO TAPED THEM ALL! This then gave ROBERT MUELLER FULL POWER OVER EVERYONE FOR HIS EVIL SATANIC RULE TO CONTROL THE WORLD!

So "whos" behind the OZ Curtian MUELLER is doing this for?

US Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta is under attack due to his handling of the 2007-2008 child sex trafficking prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein, states that the true facts of this case show it was, in fact, FBI Director Robert Mueller who ordered Epstein freed, not Acosta—most particularly because Epstein was an informant for Mueller—and as further confirmed by British-American investigative reporter Vicky Ward who, revealed that Acosta cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade—and Acosta exactly stating: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone”

Then issues surrounding child sex trafficker Epstein came exposed in early June-2016 after Shahriar Zolfaghari was targeted and assassinated by CIA assassins in Atlanta-GA—a “message killing” meant for his wife Camila Wright who, as Georgia’s statewide prosecutor for human trafficking, was preparing to file sex crime charges against both former President Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein—but who afterwards, left office to become the Executive Director of the Georgia Life Alliance and joined President Trump’s crusade to save the lives of unborn babies.

In 2016, it was confirmed that Jeffrey Epstein was an OPERATIVE of Israeli intelligence working with both the FBI and CIA in a covert operation designed to capture targeted elites (billionaires/Hollywood celebrities/heads of state/politicians/etc.) on video performing sex acts with minor children for blackmail purposes—the most prominent of whom was former President Bill Clinton whom Epstein filmed raping a 13-year-old girl child.

Say a silent thanks, prayer, or blessing for this. CTDB

0e9ec9  No.7027378

I made this suggestion to the BO about 10 months ago, got short shrift.

start forcing a captcha after 10 posts

nobody should be posting more than 10 times in a bread anyway

17b07b  No.7027379

File: 3b4d04870a6920d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


8b8906  No.7027380


Skies still look very busy over south central Indiana.

Pack of Blackhawks this a.m., now c130s low and loud heading SE as of 1:30 p.m. est

May be making a wide turn back to Atterberry or Edinburgh.

Seeing anything?

4eda6c  No.7027381


Are you familiar with the "Streisand effect" and it's application?

8f31c0  No.7027382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



John Lennon called Epstein's biography "A Cellarful of Noise" "A Cellarful of Boys." Lennon knew what was up.

1bffee  No.7027383


Straight from the mouth of a defamation law expert. Oh wait, no, just a pathetic excuse for a journalist and/or shill. Disregard.

a91397  No.7027384

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

ec447c  No.7027385


"entered as evidence" means we won't ever see it. Buried down a hole, like everything else. Cabal business as usual. Patriots afraid to pull the trigger. Ho hum. Dee diddle dee di. La la la la WWG1WGA…

eb3802  No.7027386

I want my damn notables back where they belong.

New BO is obviously playing for the other team. Making it harder for people to see noteables, harder to post. He couldn't be more obvious. Hopefully Q will give the go ahead to move. He knows who these people are.

6761df  No.7027387

File: 5fd0003f4b98686⋯.png (212 KB, 718x690, 359:345, ClipboardImage.png)


>Holy Fugg one of worst air disasters mebbe meant to take out a whistle blower-eliminate a risk to PedoSatanic Cabal?

Almonds tingling..

94b8b6  No.7027388

File: bd705bb1752033a⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 657x528, 219:176, 456.jpg)


Found a source for your next story

Pucker Up

e10b6f  No.7027391


No, but you can hang yourself.

120bdb  No.7027392

File: cd163e9b0a1db6d⋯.png (665.09 KB, 656x448, 41:28, ClipboardImage.png)

cd80cd  No.7027393


No sarcasm anon. Have just seen too many cover-ups over the years. Epstein reaches into corners far and wide, and I think the system will prevent the truth from being exposed.

It's what it does. It protects itself. How much have we learned about the F_I, but apart from some top level firings, nothing has been revealed. It will remain the "predominant law investigation force" in the world. In other words, the brand won't be tarnished, only individuals…quietly, behind the scenes.

All you need to really understand is hilldog (and bho), will skate but their crimes are well known.

The system protects itself. Truth be damned.

364be9  No.7027394


Lefties can't meme.

Keep glowing nigger.

Enjoy your time while it lasts.

a91397  No.7027395



9b7755  No.7027396

Top Assange Defense Account Deleted By Twitter


39bee1  No.7027397

File: 09c01c0950e29c6⋯.jpg (512.4 KB, 1909x951, 1909:951, WING44 13 jul 19 1835.jpg)


Could he be here..?

bb7837  No.7027398





b452b2  No.7027399


Henry who?

9d6a7c  No.7027400

File: bfbd601d6a0c6d8⋯.jpeg (2.23 MB, 1242x2082, 207:347, 5AF4F393-1C87-4253-8B5F-8….jpeg)

Built during the 44’s years?

Interestingly, the temple appears to have been built between 2009 and 2013, which was after Epstein got a sweetheart deal that resulted in 13 months in a county jail in Florida.


02ed91  No.7027401


I do know that.

c76b05  No.7027402


> Why not just do both?

it gives the illusion that "baker's" notables are more legit than anyone else's notable bundle for the same bread.

4e86cb  No.7027403


>The WaPo believes that the Epstein ranch in New Mexico is a complete red herring

How can the ranch be a red herring when it is the ranch owner that is under suspicion? ALL Epstein properties should be of interest to investigators.

bb27f5  No.7027404

File: 36f29c55b81a32b⋯.jpeg (113.86 KB, 763x552, 763:552, BE475BA6-010E-44CB-A0BD-5….jpeg)

File: c444fd3cefea71f⋯.jpeg (150.54 KB, 828x577, 828:577, 212D1BB4-18C0-4488-8455-0….jpeg)

File: b51e87301481cab⋯.jpeg (157.93 KB, 745x1062, 745:1062, 41FFDCE8-1B80-47ED-ABA9-0….jpeg)

File: 2c3acf7f9d4c47a⋯.jpeg (454.9 KB, 828x1349, 828:1349, A6242523-66D3-42D9-A0FA-5….jpeg)

File: 1d9c522bae66aa5⋯.jpeg (102.94 KB, 749x528, 749:528, 74E87441-19B1-4784-A87E-D….jpeg)

Masonlilith Pedostate cabAl

We see through [you]

We are not afraid of [You]

We will stand before [you]

We will look [you] in the eye.

[you] will look away.

For [you] are cowards.

There is no [you] in the future.

[you] know it to be true.

4eda6c  No.7027405


Not generally speaking. If you are fake and gay, however, watch out.

451fc9  No.7027406



417c8d  No.7027407



This fucking piece of shit.

Q get this shit under control or autists/bakers/anons fucking leave. This piece of shit needs his ass kicked. Wish i was local i would do it personally.

551afa  No.7027408


kys nigger faggot!

does this help?

bb7837  No.7027409






a91397  No.7027410

File: 66fb27e05805051⋯.png (286.49 KB, 676x368, 169:92, ae99a6f15a365750a1dd7e8859….png)



e5f45e  No.7027411

File: 3cef514a95e86f9⋯.jpeg (899.86 KB, 1242x1774, 621:887, BAD6CE35-0BD6-4435-8BF8-E….jpeg)


965ddb  No.7027412


yes sit idle in fear

we might lose some

aren't we already losing some

the surveillance state is what this

Operation Pacifier is all about

they don't expose their tools

but you come here and out yourself freely

that you are their problem

don't think their isn't a plan for you

it's what MI does

they just packaged real nice for you

make you sit idle by why they play with you

your the cat not the laser FYI

8f31c0  No.7027413


Maybe they'll learn something and start reporting the truth. You can always hope.

cfd03c  No.7027415

File: 0613d6efeec62e1⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1200x907, 1200:907, ClipboardImage.png)

0460dc  No.7027416


you are a fake voice of authority so thus are your blessings also fake?

you're like this: do as we say and follow as lemmings or else

oh, and blessings.

how is being a tyrant or a mouth piece for tyrants like giving blessings?

you litteraly say one thing and do another.

You do all the classic 'psychological manipulatino' stuff.

"oh, think back"

I'm thinking forward. and in the future people like you won't be in charge.

bc69ab  No.7027417


Try formulating a coherent sentence.

And "we are the news" now.

Now type another captcha, as it seems you can sort of do that.

b8e7f6  No.7027418

Investigation White Supremacists Troll Jack Cernovich has been identified as the original "The Qanon" poster, based on extensive WaPa Big Data analysis of the Discord Chat Logs. The Qanons current identity is up for debate, but ranges from Tracy Diaz Beanly to Obama to notorious anti-Q hacker "Freddy Breadson".

b452b2  No.7027419


While she has the face of a young lady, she has the body of a real woman [ ! ]


1da0b8  No.7027420

File: 08d6044c13ef767⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 1200x1312, 75:82, MandibularMatrix.jpg)


I dont see a strinking similarity, but consider Epstein's overall face might have been altered both by facelift, nosejob and plastic surgery that alters the jaw line.

example attached.

9e6471  No.7027421


Hmm…did you say "MAGA riots". That doesn't sound good. Do you want the military you just said Q is out to protect getting called up on rioting patriots? Huh. Panic and fear don't serve any purpose but evil. If you're thinking of anything violent or that could turn violent posting it here isn't a great option. Damages the board and peaceful anons.

bb7837  No.7027422







a91397  No.7027423


hey i wanna bake howzit done on a newton boomer here shitz hard

e10b6f  No.7027424


Got this weird feeling that he is who he says he is…just checked his twitter account, and the same style of narcissism and idiocy can be found there.

Probably one scared motherfucker.

1d5806  No.7027425

File: bbb768fd9520eb0⋯.jpg (538.88 KB, 544x1200, 34:75, Rwine5.jpg)

File: 021777ea4a9d5d8⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, Rwine3.jpg)

File: 6b3a61efd90c668⋯.jpg (170.49 KB, 626x1310, 313:655, rwine1.jpg)

File: 8c34e5de9980517⋯.jpg (130.04 KB, 844x1280, 211:320, RwineA.jpg)

618489  No.7027426


Where do you think I'm going?…..Not to GITMO like you arseholes….I'll still be here while you rot….NAW NAW NA NA NAWWWWW…….lol

I gotta start filtering you dickheads…. your all making me laugh too much and slide the board…. BUT just know….YOU shills are NO threat to me….sad pathetic little taunts , that go no where.

2a342b  No.7027427


>Is Jeffery Epstein Heidi Fleiss’ replacement?

No. There's no evidence Heidi fed the appetites of pedos. Nor did she run it as a honey-pot. She was a smart business woman in an illegal business.

02ed91  No.7027428


Or else what? Eunuch.

e34e89  No.7027429


Are you ready?

0460dc  No.7027430


this is like in the late 1920's when the bolshivicks had a pogrom of artists,, and you are like Stalin.

how proud you must feel to be such a tyrannt.

this is the best it will ever be for you.

54f039  No.7027431


“Go kill your self Honey”

You can add anything to “go kill your self”.

364be9  No.7027432

See ya next bread when you hop, kitty.

198dee  No.7027433


More digging of Governors wife if US Virgin Island that still works for Epstein

==One person of note on Epstein’s payroll is the wife of now former U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. John de Jongh’s wife, who as this reporter revealed in 2012 was working for Epstein while her husband was governor and himself facing a bribery scandal

According to a Bloomberg News report this week, Cecile de Jongh still works for Epstein per his company’s published records==


October 16, 2014

Question, why would she be afraid they’d be run out of town, what was in the book

In an evening filled with poetry, prose and a panel discussion of time, place and memory, Volume 28 of The Caribbean Writer book was officially revealed to the public at a launch party held on the St. Croix campus of the University of the Virgin Islands on Wednesday night. The event featured presentations by First Lady Cecile de Jongh and other literary notables from around the Caribbean.

In her brief remarks, the First Lady stressed the importance of introducing young Virgin Islanders to the writings of Caribbean authors, stating that she was “very, very nervous” that she and the Governor “would get run out” of the building at the very first holiday party they hosted, where they decided to give the children books rather than toys

“But to our great surprise and pleasure, the children embraced books,” Mrs. de Jongh said. “I think one of the reasons they did that was because of the authors. These authors wrote stories the children could see, touch and feel. [The children] were reading about things they knew about.”


Cecile deJongh Launches Tiny Tokens of Hope Initiative By Tradewinds Staff - October 23, 20110

First Lady Cecile deJongh distributes a Tiny Token of Hope outside Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Cruz Bay.

’’’Seems like all these charities and foundations are solely working in behalf of children (Kek), and this charity finds homeless for child and human trafficking’’’

In our work with groups and organizations that provide services to the homeless

while food, clothing and other items are regularly donated, we found that a missing piece was in providing toiletry items to assist their personal hygiene,” Cecile deJongh said. “Based on the success of the program thus far, I am pleased to invite the wider community to participate, providing support not only to our homeless population, but also to the service organizations that assist them on a daily basis.”


bf4a8c  No.7027434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stay the Course

a91397  No.7027435

File: 4e3258c33d1dee6⋯.png (22.33 KB, 333x186, 111:62, 4e3258c33d1dee60d353fb275a….png)

dbcade  No.7027436


Kek! Kek! Kek!

Sorry, let you translate for Travis View (Is Travis short for Travesty

Lol! Lol! Lol!

What a Marooon!

No go away and let the adults let the world know what is really going on.

3ca6ca  No.7027437

File: 2c59202022fd0b4⋯.png (633.38 KB, 699x403, 699:403, ClipboardImage.png)

Germany admits completely losing track of 160 ISIS fighters after their return from Syria

Germany recently admitted they do not know where the Jihadis are, and also confessed having “no plan” to deal with 120 others who are locked up in the Middle East.

A new intelligence report released by Angela Merkel’s German government found that, of the 1,000 Germans who travelled to join the group, 350 have returned.

Some of those are in German jails, while others await trial, but others were able to get back into Germany and go into hiding.

Of those that have not returned, some have died while others remain in Kurdish prisons in Syria and Iraq.

The report says that the returnees could pose a significant security risk. “In principle, it must be assumed that Islamist attitudes prevail in most cases”, it says.

“Their ability to move inconspicuously in Western countries, from the jihadi groups’ perspective, predestines the returnees to plan and commit attacks in their home countries.”

Many of the attacks to have hit Germany and other Western countries in recent years have been carried out by people pledging allegiance to Islamic State.

Steve Alter, a spokesman for the German government, has said the government faces a big challenge in bringing former ISIS soldiers to justice.

Trying other former fighters in Germany has proved difficult in the past, owing to high standards of evidence, such as photos or social media accounts, demanded in German law.

The German parliament has now passed legislation that strips Germans with dual nationality of their citizenship if they join foreign terrorist militias.

Frank Jensen, who writes about extremism for German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, told Fox News that each prisoner must be thoroughly investigated in Syria or Iraq before they can be brought to trial in Germany.

“We have a huge danger from Islamic terror in Germany, and many people don’t want them to come back.”

“I don’t know whether the government is willing to accept a lengthy de-radicalization program”, he added.


d4ce4a  No.7027438


ghislaine's sister, christine maxwell, was ceo of chiliad of herndon, va, data mining co that had contract with fbi

chiliad has since gone belly up

bb7837  No.7027439


>we can't play if all the cards are the same . . .









97a063  No.7027440


Show your work! You have no tangible proof.

8d96c5  No.7027442

File: 42e18c4c6dc476b⋯.jpg (116.04 KB, 648x612, 18:17, 2018-09-23-19-32-06.jpg)

Obviously, I've been living under a rock for 4 days but…


I missed the discussion of why this happened. Just saying it isn't great for phonefags and the controversy seems to be chewing up half the breads. WTF happened? Any distraction that shilly notables caused is definitely overshadowed by this bullshit. Not really seeing the logic here. Just on anon's opinion, but dayyyamm, son.

cfd03c  No.7027443

File: 72f9bb2cb3c4a10⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1235x569, 1235:569, ClipboardImage.png)

965ddb  No.7027444


replace riots with peaceful assembly and all your concerns are alleviated

55a97e  No.7027445


>Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.


>Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

Yes, they are trying to keep the nation together as the swamp is being drained, very carefully, and using 100 % legal means, even though this takes time.

And I for one think they're doing the right thing, because the open rioting you want would lead to disaster.

09fccd  No.7027446

File: f27b3b7492f676f⋯.png (51.59 KB, 1152x685, 1152:685, winninghypercube2.png)


pieces falling in place

ec447c  No.7027447

File: 9bd2e0704735b98⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 432x243, 16:9, epsteintempleplushrc.jpg)


Oh, who is that I see??

6761df  No.7027448

File: bbf7163083c3523⋯.png (525.71 KB, 651x746, 651:746, turd.png)

1da0b8  No.7027449

File: 021777ea4a9d5d8⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 1500x2000, 3:4, 021777ea4a9d5d8562ce60dfe9….jpg)

File: 0154ba9bd481ffb⋯.jpg (119 KB, 320x431, 320:431, Satanoid Hag.jpg)


compare blue item with phillippine's necklace

both y shaped.

ab94a5  No.7027450


Q You'd Thomas Jeffersanon because of his diatribe against BO II.

Rebel Anons act withing the parameters set forth by that.

You're probably closer to the views and beliefs of Rebel Anons.

Yet, here you are, doing the bidding of BO II.

df48de  No.7027452


Newbies, learn to filter

7a751c  No.7027453


The ranch will absolutely be visited by the feds if it hasn't already. Probably with digging equipment. You are replying to a shill; it isn't View.

1747e4  No.7027454

File: 1c0348965df972b⋯.jpg (88.07 KB, 750x507, 250:169, GorkaWouldKickHisFuckingAs….jpg)

Punk ass bitch

d2fc31  No.7027455


notables are now in the hands of all anons. its not the bakers job anymore.

do you understand why this is a good thing?

notables were being used as a narrative control tactic.

there are certain groups that don't want certain things to come to light.

the 'controversy' you see is completely manufactured.

the notables bread is a better user experience.

and it removes undue influence from comped bakers.

they've been trying everything to get control of this board.

the comped baker/notables angle was semi-successful for them, which is why you see so much kvetching going on.

have you seen the notables page? its a way better source for news than just having notables at the top of each bread. and nothing gets slid…. its always there.

i've found it much more useful to keep open a notables tab in my browser.

good luck anon.

e327a4  No.7027456

File: 016e0a2098029b4⋯.jpeg (185.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 76ACED38-58CC-46AF-9C64-D….jpeg)


it changes oneself

2a342b  No.7027457


>‘How dare Iran break the nuclear deal we tore up a year ago?’

How dare Iran think "She couldn't Loose". They entered an agreement with Obama's State Dept. Those things are not binding on subsequent administrations. Whoops."

a91397  No.7027458

File: 4e3258c33d1dee6⋯.png (22.33 KB, 333x186, 111:62, 4e3258c33d1dee60d353fb275a….png)

e5f45e  No.7027459


Darn wrong link -apologies

dd7fec  No.7027461


Skip that 4-5%.

Nobody really knows what that means.

More than 4-5% are currently being paid by team evil. They aren't going to jump on team good right away.

Since we really have no idea what 4-5% means, I'm going to look at votes. And the Democrats have a base of 25-30%.

If the CIA or the Mossad pays you to take control of a message board and wreck it, and you do that, are you brainwashed?

4-5% what does it actually mean?

e10b6f  No.7027462


You lack the wit to be confused with a regular anon. You sound very much like a triggered lefty. They argue like four year-olds.

bb7837  No.7027463


i told you

we haven't decided that yet

because we're still waiting for BO to tell us what we decided






c8bbff  No.7027464


And what have you done?

>You sit there and say I've done nothing and am some patsy soyboy hiding out.

Fools rush in Fools are loud and call attention to themselves.

Im not one to act rashly nor charge into the hornets nest. Smoke them out then steal thier honey.

70089c  No.7027465


fuck mike cernovich. he's a cuckold shill faggot.

557327  No.7027466


God bless Franco.

b452b2  No.7027468

File: bd2ca4a8ac97ea4⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1400x1048, 175:131, q_1123_anno_100418.png)


Always liked this 1123 image…

1d5806  No.7027469



My God, Anon you suck.

451fc9  No.7027470



She never trafficked kids.

02ed91  No.7027471


lrn2redtxt. Faggot.

1b279a  No.7027472

File: 6e20bd136ea8c41⋯.gif (228.59 KB, 500x375, 4:3, fapjack.gif)


fapsnack is a faggot. Nobody likes it aside from a couple of fastjerkoffs pals. Here is fastfap in all his glory.

a91397  No.7027473

File: 5cb566c34324e9f⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 260x329, 260:329, 5cb566c34324e9f9033310c6e6….gif)


sup mang

d91529  No.7027474

File: f985e14eccee491⋯.jpeg (82.35 KB, 720x405, 16:9, D569D5D2-1F2A-4B68-A673-E….jpeg)

File: 0b30990ac46555b⋯.jpeg (340.95 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 8DAFCB73-6A3C-4B1A-869D-6….jpeg)

File: 350683f2aab0110⋯.jpeg (266.17 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, A4B35FAE-A491-4557-9218-9….jpeg)

File: 2f864abe70bfc31⋯.jpeg (116.9 KB, 640x640, 1:1, F1476B9A-DB2E-41DC-BF59-D….jpeg)

File: 539e8ec5b4800e1⋯.jpeg (81 KB, 960x669, 320:223, 845B2E4B-C4A8-4130-AE4D-6….jpeg)

I’m sorry, Sam.

But you are not the one for me.

Henry is!

I love how approachable he is and how he doesn’t seem to care about whether or not he comes off as “cool.”

He is cool to me and that is honestly all that matters!

17c1d4  No.7027475

File: 3e116d7712f391f⋯.jpg (89.94 KB, 970x819, 970:819, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 4dd03de65cc5f87⋯.jpg (162.71 KB, 932x823, 932:823, 1a.JPG)

File: 82fb41f949925cf⋯.jpg (116.53 KB, 893x856, 893:856, 3.JPG)

File: a6295069a27c45b⋯.jpg (115.8 KB, 878x511, 878:511, 4.JPG)

Lancaster County man federally indicted on sexual assault charges while running children’s home in Kenya


cfd03c  No.7027477

File: 96a713026aec9e3⋯.png (745.28 KB, 600x601, 600:601, ClipboardImage.png)

bb7837  No.7027478





027fdc  No.7027479



0460dc  No.7027480


you aren't a we, you're a wee wee.

I didn't read to the end of your scree.

you had the caps lock locked,

do you always shout about nonsense?

wee wee

oue oue

fb86f1  No.7027481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

71da6c  No.7027482



Facial reconstruction is definitely a possibility. However Brian Epstein was born in 1934, making him 85 years old. I'm not sure what is available for billionaires in regards to anti-aging but he doesn't look like he's in the 85 year-old range.


b8e7f6  No.7027483

The Qanon is known for over 800 failed predictions, yet his base militia believe this deception is part of the "Big Plan". the "Big Plan" is a quasi-religious set of internal militia laws that are designed to keep the members in line and under control. The Big Plan also promises eternal reward if the Bakers follow all instructions without any dissent.

df48de  No.7027484

7a621c  No.7027485

80531e  No.7027486

File: f070015dad93335⋯.jpeg (20.24 KB, 140x255, 28:51, 709F452F-C656-4A23-831A-D….jpeg)

f4f5e0  No.7027487


>>Holy Fugg one of worst air disasters mebbe meant to take out a whistle blower-eliminate a risk to PedoSatanic Cabal?

>Almonds tingling..


posted a digg on that Thursday

can't find it at the moment

60dc92  No.7027488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

027fdc  No.7027489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e327a4  No.7027490


(((they))) warn of deep fakes while memes and shallow fakes bring (((them))) down.

bb7837  No.7027491





a91397  No.7027492

File: 2e947c8d839a1d5⋯.png (144.31 KB, 480x345, 32:23, image.png)


Yeah I just noticed notables are gone. whoa oh whoa

5c3087  No.7027493



>Interior door discovered in Epstein temple via drone footage.

4eda6c  No.7027494



Man, I didn't even think about dyslexic people. That's another level of captcha. Warriors, all.

5c42a5  No.7027495

if POTUS tweets are block..as well as any way to communicate with the people (seeking his words) removed….is there a backup to reach us? or if this board collapses? etc etc ….an all out 'media blackout'' promoted by swamp rats….

02ed91  No.7027496



27977a  No.7027497

File: 697e6f315ce80a1⋯.jpg (157.11 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, PepeBrand2.jpg)

We will have our breads back

618489  No.7027498


step up then…. Match me with wittiness…This will be good….lol

618686  No.7027499

File: e7e876b2ea43f27⋯.png (991.59 KB, 717x723, 239:241, e7e876b2ea43f27f61e3ae5101….png)

Anons, a thought just occurred to me.

What would you do if it was your job to keep watch over and investigate the world, and you found out that somebody holding a high position among your ranks, somebody with special clearance and privileges, had turned RENEGADE and was abusing that power? What would you do if that RENAGADE had proven himself disloyal to the founding principles of the organization and to your real boss? What would you do if he sought to fracture and divide you?

This is the position Mike Rogers and Flynn found themselves in. This is the position that the PATRIOTs before us had to confront.

What did they do? What should we do?

0460dc  No.7027501


the voice of fake authority is paid to say things that are not true for the purposes of reptilian control

with each post he demonstrats his limpness, and fails constantly, piling failure upon failure wihtout end.

he fails.

at the end of it he is left wihtout any purpose, and abandoned by his masters.

9cfc19  No.7027502


love that shit……..old school Q from old fag.

a91397  No.7027503


im fappjng to a ham sammich raught neow. wanna watch?

e10b6f  No.7027504


One need not say anything to match your wit.

bb7837  No.7027505


>I didn't read to the end of your scree.







629aa7  No.7027506


gorka is a tough fag

he'll punch em in the front hole

878252  No.7027507


That's a lot of work (?), yet I see no relevant link…

55a97e  No.7027508


Yes, it's pathetic, because it presumes that anons are sheep and can be herded like the bluepillers. We are all here because we took the red pill and escaped the farm, and we are immune to all of their manipulations. It's sad to see them try the same ineffective old tricks on us over and over, but I guess they have nothing else.

1fc67e  No.7027509

MB 92559300 D

1792c0  No.7027510


Votel giving distress signal?

He cabal?

b82ccd  No.7027511

File: 6c5591a29d66c92⋯.png (207.2 KB, 418x485, 418:485, where is david.png)


7b7969  No.7027512

If Q team did not have an opinion on notables there would not be a post.

There is a post and that post carries direction. If a change is/was needed it should be discussed in open for the sake of transparency. Don't rock the autist's boat. (imho).

cfd03c  No.7027513

File: 96a713026aec9e3⋯.png (745.28 KB, 600x601, 600:601, ClipboardImage.png)

df48de  No.7027514


nice work Anon

keep spreading the news and tips

Thank you Anons

c8bbff  No.7027515

File: 73c11d8335e4de3⋯.jpg (122.61 KB, 639x754, 639:754, 1538855153219.jpg)


Put up or stfu

To hell with evidence

heres a statement 100% of democrats suck donkey dick thats why it is their mascot..

Oh wait inadvertent truth.

fb86f1  No.7027516

File: 0068a395d9f7605⋯.jpg (347.39 KB, 1211x801, 1211:801, Fakebook.jpg)


I 'member

69131e  No.7027517

File: 04087bbf529660d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 04087bbf529660d4187cf2815e….png)




dbcade  No.7027518


Well, he's doxed himself (maybe). New method for shills to bait the Anons? Or another shill using this as a honeypot?

Best to ignore and keep researching.

Captain Obvious, out.

120bdb  No.7027519

File: eac53929b55b117⋯.png (69.94 KB, 800x636, 200:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Check this out

The first comment is priceless, about French Surrender

Jérôme Cartillier

‏Verified account @jcartillier

BREAKING - France's Macron announces creation of space force command


10:29 AM - 13 Jul 2019 from Cambridge, MA


7a621c  No.7027520


Do you understand that the BO & BV’s have taken the baker job from Anons & now THEY control baking….not Anons! They lock every thread that an Anon baker makes

They have decided that THEY rule this board & it is theirs… NOT ANONS. Just like DICTATORS.

1fc67e  No.7027521

MB 92559101 D

bb7837  No.7027522


>why are so many shills applied to either make BO look based?

well he told us to, for one thing.

but he asked nicely

and he is, for real

way more based than you lame asses for sure

f4f5e0  No.7027523



"Other Factors"

A terrorist bomb the same day at the nearby Canary Island caused those large planes to be diverted to the much smaller airport with smaller runway.

4e86cb  No.7027524


> You are replying to a shill;

Yeah, I know. Just poking its single brain to see if it has any potential to divide and multiply. It doesn't.

1747e4  No.7027525

File: 95b1dd2aa06aefa⋯.jpg (41.86 KB, 225x225, 1:1, It is Pu'unk.jpg)

5c3087  No.7027526


Fuck gorka

97a063  No.7027527


Can we see the documents used to come to that conclusion for ourselves? We will not just take your word for it. We only deal in facts.

618489  No.7027528


HAHAHAHAHA… the left can't joke either….lol fuck me I'm so surprised….LMAO.

Well… you tried I suppose…. have a participation award….loser….lol


759346  No.7027529


You talk, and I'll blow your head off

And you will enjoy it.

But that's not funny

The image is not funny, so it's quite a challenge.

cb477f  No.7027530

File: 4bd5d01d43c4b79⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, DE6C9A6E-BCBF-4B3F-A20D-B….jpeg)

Live from NOLO

Still no rain

0bf6d0  No.7027531


$500,000,000 Net Worth can't be right. That would include the net value of all JE's properties, boats, planes, etc. Not enough cash remaining to maintain, let alone enhance all his properties. So who bankrolls his annual expenditures or where does he have his actual wealth hidden?

1fc67e  No.7027532

MK 01269667 D

fc2981  No.7027533


Global Project Blue Beam is going to be EPIC!

bb7837  No.7027534


>They have decided that THEY rule this board & it is theirs… NOT ANONS.

so then






ce8a30  No.7027535

File: 4aa31c0b318439a⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1317x992, 1317:992, 4aa31c0b318439a17bb240fb70….png)


maybe he's guarding against rogers nut-checking him.

4dd4ee  No.7027536


She’s got that Black girl Magic That they always brag about in Atlanta. When comparing the two cities, that shit it dangerous to everyone in the immediate area

a91397  No.7027537


oh shit we're so so so fucked right now they have our dox

9e6471  No.7027538


I don't think they (Hillary and Obama) will skate and I think the system itself is failing. I don't disagree about the system protecting itself, though. I found hope outside the system. I have a few sources of encouragement. A lot of prayer and I watch The HighWire with Del Bigtree on YouTube to hear truthful information about medical/health issues (pharma-controlled medicine is doing nothing good for us). I also listen to Mark Taylor on YT at the Mark Taylor (official) channel. He talks about getting "off of satan's frequency" and that is how it works for me. Certain "inputs" like MSM upset me, but digging in on the truth enlightens me and gives me hope. I can tell there's a spiritual difference now. I don't know how long until Jesus returns but I think I will get to await that event with joy not fear.

f58d33  No.7027539

File: 60429d2e7165839⋯.png (1001.44 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, 83184387433908.png)

965ddb  No.7027540


be a tool

when it's too late

we will see who's holding the bag

I would love 2b wrong

spread Q like crazy

politics is not good enough reason

sows division

time=more harm to the innocent

I'm no longer convinced by place holders

if peaceful assembly you force the narrative and see if its for the good of thee or if the powers that be war to the people

force their hand late

2392e2  No.7027541

File: 8e923807b8845fd⋯.jpeg (842.53 KB, 1125x1231, 1125:1231, 3E11818C-CEFA-4967-9FB7-D….jpeg)

4eda6c  No.7027542


Wapo is like cheap toilet paper. It let's you down when you need it the most and misses the details.

ff28c6  No.7027543

They never thought she would lose!

16510e  No.7027544


Epstein Fro pic is a character named Epstein from Welcome Back Kotter. NOT A NOTABLE.

f58d33  No.7027545

File: ed4ea4fd1aeb53d⋯.jpg (129.02 KB, 997x571, 997:571, ed4ea4fd1aeb53ded08f0bf85a….jpg)

a91397  No.7027546


but does it know?

0e7fdd  No.7027547


Shut it down.

Then, assuming I were Rogers (military), hunt down and kill BO, all the shill baker squad, and supporting cadre of shills.

(After a fair trial)

1d5806  No.7027548


Kek! Anon will fuk with your crewe of faggots all day long.

Better to start at the top- where you long to be. Let's start fuking with YOOOUUUU.

Dillusional nigger.


417c8d  No.7027549


2013 was the year EVERYTHING took off. The first year of Hussein’s second term.. this was aTHE year a whole hell of a lot of stuff took off.

bb7837  No.7027550






878252  No.7027551


So, what is coming thru here, is supposition w/o any actual backing research, to support the

claims [ ! ]

More lazy research nonsense?

120bdb  No.7027552


when you surrender, and drop your rifle in space, does it make a sound?

d91529  No.7027553

i don’t even like the royals and what they stand for

Meghan Markle went to a fucking private school and yet she still pretends like she’s just like everyone else, when she attends shit like wimbledon and has famous friends

got fuck yourself and your fugly ginger husband, Meghan

I don’t like Sam and how he’s hanging around with royals

Henry is the one for me. He may be unbelievably attractive and good-looking, but at least he is kind and humble and doesn’t seek to always have his name in the press!

39bee1  No.7027554

File: 08aaacdd5997153⋯.jpg (83.44 KB, 735x500, 147:100, CrashandBurn1.jpg)

File: 2ca35871b6a20ad⋯.jpg (99.8 KB, 891x500, 891:500, CrashandBurn2.jpg)

File: c4875aef39911e6⋯.jpg (567.12 KB, 1915x917, 1915:917, WING44 Lakehurst 13 Jul 19….jpg)

WING44 is landing at Lakehurst - irony at work. If Barry is on board WING44…

1b279a  No.7027555


I love toots compared to BO. Hell yeah Toots go get em.

ce8a30  No.7027556


he probably HAS no personal wealth. he's provided with a line of credit that remains open and payment-free as long as he abides.

55a97e  No.7027557


I could have sworn I read this before somewhere, and then I realized I'm the one who wrote it! LMAO

df48de  No.7027558


>your the cat not the laser FYI

>yes sit idle in fear

'You attack those you fear the most.

Why does the media rush to ‘shape’ events?

Why are the same ‘keywords’ always used?

Psych 101 – If you see and hear the same thing over and over again……..

They do not want you thinking for yourself.

They do not want you challenging their authority.

Logical thinking always wins.

Trust yourself (always).

Attacks will intensify [FAKE NEWS [arm of the D party]].

Enemy of the PEOPLE.


bb7837  No.7027559



a91397  No.7027560


it has begun and it is Mossad In America coming for us all.

0460dc  No.7027561


once again you prove yourself a creep with threats of violence 'the heel'.


how you think you represent this movement is beyond me.

so sad for you.

you keep digging your hole deeper.

your vile derision is sadness.

you must have been brutalized as a child, treated as a toy,and abused and passed around.

now you are a pliant cabal spokes jaw, chomping and biting and spiting and chewing.

417c8d  No.7027562


You need your ass kicked you fucking piece of shit

f58d33  No.7027563

File: 36630d24c872c48⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1245x1029, 415:343, 1632478980437540.png)

2a342b  No.7027564


>No Name's district?

Senator covers whole state. He had a district in the 80's when he was in Congress. It's changed multiple times, and is irrelevant, probably.

7a621c  No.7027565


Oh, I’ve already decided. I’m on qrb doing my digging & research and come here to see the shirts how!

BTW…you are doing a good job. Made me Kek.

Carry on with the All Heil BO!

5c2352  No.7027566


Q you’d a specific post. That post did not address notables. Q posted after that. Very simple and end of story until Q says different. I’m doing no ones bidding, I’m working within the parameters set. Over zealous complaining is wasted energy that’s designed to divide. Idgaf what BO does, I’m here for the Q posts and simple knowledge sharing. Both are still available. I don’t need notables at the top of every bread, as of late, they’re mainly from misinformation ‘news’ sites with ties to iran or russia.

1747e4  No.7027567


your mom

6b33cf  No.7027568


Someone claiming to be the board owner before the current one of this board.

f58d33  No.7027569

File: 0e8af601dd9976a⋯.png (273.27 KB, 1723x662, 1723:662, 78061329078436.png)

File: 6553ff99d505202⋯.png (86.81 KB, 840x576, 35:24, 30982310987216954.png)

bb7837  No.7027570







fc2981  No.7027571


They planned for her to lose … she could never have accomplished this much illegal immigration. We would’ve revolted. They needed Trump. Trust the complain about them keeping him from “protecting us” and delay and keep you placated until the next phase plan!

a91397  No.7027572


omg were all going to DIE!!!

5c3087  No.7027573



Shill baiting anon should to troll random WaPo journalist social media. Makes anons look crazy. Spurs journalist to write biased article.

Filter and move on anons

0e7fdd  No.7027574




39bee1  No.7027575

File: 0fbd9c4245de31b⋯.jpg (86.92 KB, 720x456, 30:19, Merkel Wirklich.jpg)

File: da977f3122f4c2d⋯.jpg (271.19 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Merkel04.jpg)

File: 3664befbc665b9e⋯.jpg (96.73 KB, 503x500, 503:500, Merkel03.jpg)

c8bbff  No.7027576


Use your own filter scrap the BS.

I will be dead with gun in my hand or still standing at the END.

>Been prepping mind body soul. stocking food ammo guns and coffee since Bush Kerry election when the Skull and Bone revelation shocked my delusional reality

b8e7f6  No.7027577

The violence and hatred found in the Qanon Bakers Movement continues to plague America and Trump, who has yet to address the issue. This reporter is willing to "ask the question".

df48de  No.7027578


>we will see who's holding the bag

>I would love 2b wrong

be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills

d91529  No.7027579

I’m happy to have left Los Angeles and I am happy that I moved to Kansas City all for Henry Cavill.

I would never have moved to a different city for fucking Sam Heughan!

Yeah, that is the motherfucking truth.

And if telling the truth makes me a bitch or an asshole, then you know what?

Maybe I am a bitch and an asshole!

5c42a5  No.7027580


here another wording for why donkey demonrat macot…

lincoln (x-pres) promised all negroes 40acres and a donkey when liberated/emancipated ….once he asassinated ..demonrats took that deal away….so they remind the negroe every single moment the demonrat party exist..they took that from them ..saying NO reparition for u…

cfd03c  No.7027581

File: e3e4c8dda54c04c⋯.png (555.7 KB, 768x519, 256:173, ClipboardImage.png)

04af31  No.7027582

File: 1256c252da53ca9⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 538x1024, 269:512, 1560342300622m.jpg)

File: e95b281428b6eca⋯.jpg (108.28 KB, 1024x942, 512:471, 1559640471810m.jpg)

File: 6876f176f65b054⋯.jpg (26.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1557539720418.jpg)

File: 015a734fafcc51b⋯.gif (777.99 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 1554942328793.gif)

File: 3f7b7e956787705⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 481x452, 481:452, 1536747203193.jpg)

ohai silly qnerds, storm has here now?

ff28c6  No.7027583


They're shitting their pants bruh! They know they are losing!

bb7837  No.7027584



02ed91  No.7027586


Or else, we will have to wait until you get flapjacks cock out of your mouth.

629aa7  No.7027587


bring in the forensic accountants

if u want to destroy my sweater

f58d33  No.7027588

File: 197967fd7073e96⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2147x1170, 2147:1170, 13897784378426578919632629….png)

a2ae0d  No.7027589

File: 5212ed0d9e03c7a⋯.jpg (20.7 KB, 442x212, 221:106, 20190713_125147.jpg)

The absolute state of


0460dc  No.7027591


soon Q will come to the other board and say 'I'm here now' as the ones who run this hate Q and all th eanon and are shills for the cabal.

It ought to be obvious.

417c8d  No.7027592


Newfag? PatriotsFight

c293e0  No.7027593

File: 49c5fa887dfee4e⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1200x859, 1200:859, Screenshot_20190617-152708….png)

97a063  No.7027594


Please provide list for predictions, the Qpost number where prediction was made, and proof of prediction failure. Do not include Q follower predictions like the JFK jr stuff. Only direct Q quotes will do. You will have nothing of significant value to present.

a91397  No.7027595


[M]ossad has our dox were all ded neow!

f58d33  No.7027596

File: 6722baa30d2b62e⋯.png (437.2 KB, 1690x932, 845:466, 6378590082198049236.png)

12dd1d  No.7027597


Cabal has took France (and Europe) as its new headquater, they will probably give Macron some classified infos stolen to US to try to built their conterforce against Trump.

e10b6f  No.7027599

File: b16c639768b85a9⋯.jpg (125.04 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 35kyth.jpg)

cfd03c  No.7027600

File: 75cd970628fc89d⋯.png (685.38 KB, 640x389, 640:389, ClipboardImage.png)

d91529  No.7027601

File: 8d14b8401b8bfd8⋯.jpeg (839.44 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 8FCC8C20-E516-46B6-B232-4….jpeg)

File: 0c7038b4a8f9a92⋯.jpeg (3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 43D7FCF1-203F-4E13-99F8-C….jpeg)

File: 72cfdb186c956ff⋯.jpeg (139.28 KB, 699x699, 1:1, 16047130-3B29-48E7-9E3B-C….jpeg)

File: ba89021f6421f3b⋯.jpeg (68.3 KB, 649x415, 649:415, 2100FCE7-788A-45EC-A1AF-E….jpeg)

File: b927d6ee39bf284⋯.png (89.56 KB, 500x356, 125:89, 9AF79902-E253-44E7-8C4A-63….png)

I’ve seen all the signs and they tell me that Henry is the one for me.

Not you, Sam.

9e6471  No.7027602


I think peaceful assembly is right on. Trump rallies are already like that, so are the gatherings where parents protest new vaccine mandates. The 4th of July in Washington DC was another good example.

bb7837  No.7027603







7a751c  No.7027604


He is probably no different than other intelligence assets like Bezos, or Zuckerberg. All their holdings actually belong to the syndicate. They only have an appearance of having huge wealth, while they donate and support certain causes like Planned Parenthood and corrupt officials.

f4f5e0  No.7027605


Possible familial ties.

Not thinking the same dude.

Smile characteristics look similar to me.

Yes, jaws diff shape.

J Epstein could've had a chin implant.

No sauce

just observations

a91397  No.7027606


depends on if you speak French

04e462  No.7027607


f58d33  No.7027608

File: 485a57f6aa31134⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, 1298797832439085.png)

File: ffdc99b6b560ac0⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, 2243624800374222.png)

cfd03c  No.7027610

File: dc82de7da81327d⋯.png (588.19 KB, 736x490, 368:245, ClipboardImage.png)

02ed91  No.7027611


He's not really into it, but you do it anyway?

bb7837  No.7027612




629aa7  No.7027613

File: 242d659351b10fa⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 598x803, 598:803, 1552099248.jpg)

0460dc  No.7027614

Q , cast out fastjack and the shill bakers!

they piss on us, and they hate us, and they curse us, they don't help, then never dig, they suppress all notables, and they are surly and allow shills to rule the bread, and sometimes even revert to cP or gore.

the time to migrate is here, Q.

0e7fdd  No.7027615


Is the headquater near the equator?

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