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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

2b9381  No.6980570

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and don't need the use of force in our work.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 07.09.2019

>>6976657 ————————————–——– Follow the date [One Example]No coincidences.

>>6976233 rt >>6976189 ————————— The flight log!

>>6976212 rt >>6976175 ————————— 3 Staircases: Degree of incline?

>>6976179 rt >>6976144 ————————— 16 Channels [4x4] (Note "2013" on the bottom).

>>6976069 rt >>6976025 ————————— DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?

>>6975974 ————————————–——– Welcome to Epstein Island.

>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….

>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)

>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?

>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)

>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).

>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)

>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)

>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….

>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)

>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?

>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)

>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.

>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.

>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?

Monday 07.08.2019

Consolidated here: >>6976868

Thursday 06.27.2019

Consolidated here: >>6973411

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

2b9381  No.6980578

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup

>>6925557 Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements

#8930 crowdbake

>>6979809, >>6980046, >>6980074 Puerto Rico gov officials arrested

>>6979816, >>6979835, >>6979838, >>6979855, >>6979857, >>6979897 Moar Epstein and pals

>>6979810, >>6980023, >>6980024, >>6980001, >>6980069 Moar Epstein island digs


>>6979833 The story of Victoria Secret’s beginning and (Roy Raymond suicide)

>>6979840 Mueller-related crimes sabotaging US-DOJ extradition requests.

>>6979875 Set Rich Investigation notes

>>6979908 new [BHO] Tweet (number 19)

>>6979927 Lawyer for 13 of Epstein victims on MSM this morning against pres Trump. MSM alluding to connection to DJT

>>6979819, >>6979985, >>6980038, >>6980099 Digging on [HRC] proof of visit to island

>>6980005 Muller involved with Epstein case now

>>6978610, >>6978611 Resignations in the news 7/5/19

>>6978855, >>6978857 Resignations in the news 7/6/19 & 7/7/19\

>>6980168, >>6980356 is that a temple design across from Epstein NYC?

>>6980471 new DJT Our company has grown, since Trump has taken control of the White House & the Presidency,

>>6980233, >>6980255 New DJT rt Jim Jordan -the witch hunt continues, 1st a 10 month ivestigation...

>>6980149 Science Investor Epstein funds the First Humanoids in Berlin - played active plays an active role in brain institutes

>>6980319 Dave Rogers is an airline transport rated pilot (Epstein flight log)

>>6980375 new BHO twat

>>6980184, >>6980389 Anon points out the tie from underground Epstein Island pics to July 2013.( CCTV 2013/07 )

>>6980472 New DJT - Iran secretly "enriching" uranium

>>6980273 3d satellite images of the pier on epastein island with a possible submerged boat

>>6980353, >>6980439 Dig on Epstein's parents

>>6980364 Epstein accuser, Jennifer Araoz, says there were a bank of cameras near the front entrance of Epstein's house in NYC

>>6980348 Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

>>6980548 #8930


>>6979240 US MIL Tweets and reports

>>6979053 Planefag updates

>>6979090, >>6979103, >>6979147, >>6979424 Submarines used to access Epstein's island? Anon's theory.

>>6979057 Magnetopause before Q and after Q

>>6979032, >>6979062 FB's new policy: Calls for high severity violence OK as long as target is listed as dangerous

>>6979043, >>6979049, >>6979096, >>6979127, >>6979161, >>6979332, >>6979379, >>6979632, >>6979748 Various Epstein and pals

>>6979265, >>6979343, >>6979375 Merkel shakes again greeting Finnish PM

>>6979280, >>6979428, >>6979603 PizzaPiVI is a company based on Greater St James that advertises pizza events occurring on Epstein Island

>>6979326 Anon found a woman linked to Bianka's Instagram prior to it going private.

>>6979335 Cindy McCain visits Theresa May today

>>6979366 BET Democratic founder says party's candidates have 'moved too far to the left' and gives Trump 'an A-plus' for black unemployment and the economy

>>6979304, >>6979376 Graphics/programmer fag has a go at the RC Temple pic also interdesting info on conversions

>>6979552 Perot's last documented political act would make president's supporters happy (donated to pres. Trump )

>>6979749 Decision to nix Pledge of Allegiance spurs 'USA!' chant at Minnesota city council meeting

>>6979715 #8929


>>6978930 Planet Labs earth satellite mapping w/digg from last year

>>6978901 Anons connect art headphones to Abramovic

>>6978813 Bianka Berenyi - model that works for Ray Chandler and self professed cannibal

>>6978735, >>6978840 (2013) HRC State Department sex scandal

>>6978313 Anons analyze HRC tweet from 2013 re: going to the Central Park Zoo

>>6978282 Anon tracks down potential website used by Q - names are named

>>6978607 Cosmic event involving saturn (moloch) on date of RC security cam photo

>>6978968 #8928

Previously Collected Notables

>>6976391 #8925, >>6978044 #8926, >>6978162 #8927

>>6974170 #8922, >>6974907 #8923, >>6975550 #8924

>>6971861 #8919, >>6972614 #8920, >>6973391 #8921

>>6970162 #8916, >>6970316 #8917, >>6971044 #8918

>>6967264 #8913, >>6968073 #8914, >>6968867 #8915

>>6964976 #8910, >>6965757 #8911, >>6966526 #8912

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

2b9381  No.6980581

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#82 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035 , >>6975463

Q Graphics all in EST


b699bf  No.6980582

File: d5cd8090063bf99⋯.png (355.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, chaplain-logo-b.png)

File: df72b1a9342b524⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 638x676, 319:338, df72b1a9342b524c4d0272965e….jpg)

File: a3127cbdb3e2d53⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB, 750x584, 375:292, a3127cbdb3e2d53a47fdee02c….jpeg)

God bless this bread and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith - and to our enemies that they would be blessed with drawing closer to God in true repentance. If our enemies will not be turned to God, then may they be utterly destroyed never to rise again.

In the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



2b9381  No.6980583

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6895764, >>6895766

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

2b9381  No.6980584



ghost notification

will stick around for a bit, but mostly need a crowdbake,

and definitely wont be around to bake the next bread

106103  No.6980585

If Anons want to dig


dd23a4  No.6980586

File: 444122abdb84c0e⋯.png (365.23 KB, 715x412, 715:412, ClipboardImage.png)

3c3169  No.6980587

File: decea4311f275a3⋯.png (1.04 MB, 750x1624, 375:812, C8EEE81F-1027-4984-8467-A5….png)

File: edb5e1f3534d7fd⋯.png (871.68 KB, 750x1624, 375:812, 7E748817-96BB-4AB4-BAE9-50….png)

File: 25a63d96990f615⋯.png (778.79 KB, 750x1624, 375:812, D65A6A68-C41D-42BE-B39C-10….png)

Posted last bread; July 19th interdasting events

615851  No.6980588

File: d11efc91a73ec80⋯.jpg (44.33 KB, 608x812, 152:203, !Jeff.jpg)


Thank you baker!

42c77d  No.6980589

>>6980526 pb

Epstein = MOSSAD.

Robert Maxwell, Maxwell's daughter, Epstein.

Information goes to the Mossad about what US politicians are fucking little kids, the Mossad blackmails US politicians, and the US gives Israel $38 Billion and fights Israels wars for them. That's how it works. Epsteins role in all of this might or might not really be all that big. The Mossad might have many blackmail methods, and the Jews also have bribery methods, like AIPAC, institutionalized collusion which ensures that Israel always gets what it wants.

See: Protocols of the Elders of Zion

cb3404  No.6980590

A funny thing happens when you hang out with people exercising both critical thinking combined with free speech:

Your brain gets new wiring, your mind sees deeper into reality and your understanding comprehends a larger and larger big picture

Bravo anon army!

b699bf  No.6980591

File: 3c7578ffc88ac98⋯.jpg (25.69 KB, 489x499, 489:499, 3c7578ffc88ac9891e614eeced….jpg)

File: 62e0e3f0a9ff7e7⋯.png (570.99 KB, 468x640, 117:160, michaelVSsatan.png)

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 292fba7f8333c131b6b4f40e64….png)

This is the Great Awakening.

A lot of anons are awakening to the FACT that this whole thing is about SPIRITUAL FORCES at battle.

Not all anons get this - and for many, it's too much to believe (at least right now).

This is part of what Q means when he says, "the end is not for everyone."

Q quotes scripture and admonishes us to PRAY.

Q states explicitly that this is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE; and yet, there are anons who just CAN’T HANDLE THIS REALITY. They get mad and respond with hatred.




cb4114  No.6980592

File: 00a140fe52bb149⋯.png (129.35 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 94d62a3075cad5ea13796b8757….png)

File: 532403d1a0b735f⋯.png (640.07 KB, 612x472, 153:118, gettyimages-309403-001-612….png)

File: 8812a24e729c4b4⋯.png (96.77 KB, 635x208, 635:208, CH14.png)

6f91e7  No.6980593

File: 75a6385bc456344⋯.png (602.92 KB, 349x783, 349:783, ErMuhGerd.png)

File: bcdf6a4d51ca69b⋯.png (262.74 KB, 446x400, 223:200, Overly_Attached_Girlfriend.png)

Glad I say it "Imma", then...I'd hate to lose yer lurve, fren!

>>6980430 (lb)

>I fucking hate pople who say "ima"


2dc0f5  No.6980594

File: afd5be398736cc6⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1080x737, 1080:737, ClipboardImage.png)



>>6980497 (lb)

306871  No.6980595


Counter narrative from RT (french edition)

- Says Clinton and Epstein are close (26 flights on lolita express, Clinton foundation links)

- Make a subtle link with Clare Bronfman (pleaded guilty in Nxivm + sister of Edgar who's in the black book)

-Make a subtle link with prince Andrew (saw Epstein when he went out of jail)

-Says Trump was the only to help the victim's attorney in 2009 + denounce the Trump and Epstein narrative as being put out by Fusion GPS


42c77d  No.6980596


Christians vs Jews

c1b01a  No.6980597

File: a24b99487120cb5⋯.png (662.84 KB, 925x593, 925:593, Meg Rap squeeze baby.png)

File: 1f4dcbf74c8dd61⋯.jpg (141.81 KB, 736x989, 32:43, 5186c5df6c1a2641e9a715c4ea….jpg)

File: b5f06529392e53b⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 3524x3524, 1:1, IMG_9337.jpg)


I wanted to squeeze him harder than what is considered safe.


7faf3c  No.6980598


Degree of incline?

Indicate depth?


33 degree incline to match 33 degree freemasonry?

d1992d  No.6980599

File: 93ee3b40eac1e6c⋯.png (219.85 KB, 589x634, 589:634, twitter_com_Blondiedez_sta….png)

File: b58739610926899⋯.jpg (225.06 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, D-4m9njWkAAClPO.jpg)

File: c4849711852f383⋯.jpg (214.87 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, D-4m9nvW4AA_ba3.jpg)

File: 288831ce8d1038a⋯.jpg (225.12 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, D_Htb-dXkAEdWS5.jpg)

Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats


cb3404  No.6980600

File: 244fed46d766b1c⋯.jpg (67.3 KB, 629x499, 629:499, toxic_lesbianism.jpg)

File: 58e8c7ddef4294a⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 3193x2565, 3193:2565, fairytalestellchildren_dem….jpg)

File: 52df9b39e2c5522⋯.jpg (97.3 KB, 743x743, 1:1, PRESIDENTS@DMZ.jpg)

File: 7d1a6a635984b5d⋯.jpg (51.23 KB, 398x504, 199:252, MAGA_SLEEP_WELL.jpg)

>>6979919 (PB)

>There’s no room for argument about whether hate-filled internet message boards encourage real-world violence: they do, and none more so than 8chan. It normalises racism, misogyny, and extremism – and helps turn nightmarish, loud-mouthed talk of action into reality. What kind of person would set up a site like 8chan?



Note the typical con of shutting down any dialog with bitchy phrases like:

“There’s no room for argument”

Evil is the mirror inversion of Live

What inverts life is anti-life or evil

We are in the middle of Armageddon, the battle for the soul of humanity.

What do we hear from those on the side of the pedovores?

Brazen hypocrisy!

Deliberate inversion!

Mindless projection!

The globalist pedovore corporate media promotes division and narrates a demonic fiction 24x7x365 into all passive minds.

This not only promotes violence but IS violence to the mind and to the spirit, then the Matrix tries to smear ALL alternatives to Its hypnosis as “promoting violence”!

The thing about inverted reality and of being inverted morally, is that is UNSTABLE by nature, the opposite of stable genius!

The fall of this lie-spinning top is showing its wobble phase NOW!

Hold on to your soul and love your neighbor, 'cause it is getting bumpier by the minute!


d4c12a  No.6980601

File: 7dc9b29e9e77d69⋯.png (4.65 MB, 2492x2488, 623:622, 7dc9b29e9e77d6902f0b09cdb2….png)

File: 61d337c7a6d0792⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1711x863, 1711:863, dtyje67othasehs6jet7ikt.png)

large pic of the sec cams for those that dont have it

7f8567  No.6980602

File: 7cc1bd3c0b32671⋯.png (916.71 KB, 660x531, 220:177, 56D243D8-43B4-4818-9CED-94….png)

2 SoCal Earthquakes Warped the Ground for Miles. And It's Visible from Space.

By Elizabeth Howell, Live Science Contributor | July 10, 2019 06:34am ETi

Two recent Southern California earthquakes warped the ground across dozens of square miles — and the changes are visible even from space.

A Japanese satellite picked up damage from the July 4 and 5 earthquakes that had magnitudes of 6.4 and 7.1, respectively. Quakes of these magnitudes are strong enough to cause moderate to severe damage to buildings.

The July 5 earthquake was the strongest to hit the Ridgecrest region (150 miles, or 241 kilometers, northeast of Los Angeles) in 40 years, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The surface displacement caused by this temblor and its predecessor is clear in new images from Japan's Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS-2) satellite.

That satellite gathers data using a technique called synthetic aperture radar, which produces detailed measurements of the height of Earth's surface. Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which is also located in Southern California, created a map based on the data.

Each color band represents 4.8 inches (12 centimeters) of ground displacement within the radar instrument's line of sight, JPL said in a statement. The most "noisy" areas, which appear the most muddled in the image, are likely where the ground was broken up by the earthquake. In the southeast corner of the image, linear features appear to slice through colored whirls and likely mark where the surface was sliced open by the quakes.

The USGS and the California Geological Survey, as well as other scientists, will use the map to assess damage and map the new faults. The region has also experienced 1,000 aftershocks that opened up a few cracks.

Scientists are working closely with NASA's Earth Science Disasters Program (as well as many other partners that include the Federal Emergency Management Agency) to figure out how best to respond to the earthquake, JPL added.

The pair of earthquakes caused devastating damage to homes but no reported deaths or major injuries, according to news agencies.


eebb5a  No.6980603

wonder if he kept the receipts:

Deputy Dist. Atty. Reinhold Mueller said some of the young women were reluctant to cooperate with Tyndall, but eventually complied because he was a person of authority.

If Tyndall was capable of luring women to hotels outside of the U.S. and filming them, “he can certainly do it in his bedroom,” Mueller said.

The prosecutor provided no additional details about the allegation.

He noted that during a traffic stop before Tyndall’s arrest, investigators found him with a .38-caliber handgun, concealed in his front pocket, that he purchased after his home was searched, as well as a box cutter and pepper spray.


6adf72  No.6980605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6980509 pb

>>6980168 pb


>>Look whats right across the street from EPSTEINS NYC house!


>Inaccessible New York: The Frick Collection Bowling Alley


>February 14, 2013


>Several floors below the surface sits what is likely the city’s most elegant bowling alley and billiard room. Frick commissioned his architects to create it shortly after completion of the mansion. It was finished in 1916.




>The main reason it isn’t open to the public is that it just isn’t very accessible physically. You have to go down several flights and then follow a series of twisting corridors. It would be something of a fire hazard to continuously have the public in and out of it.



The Frick Bowling alley reminds me of the Bowling alley from the movie "There will be blood"

b733da  No.6980606

File: 32f706925a822c6⋯.jpg (737.44 KB, 1080x2007, 120:223, Screenshot_20190710-083942….jpg)


Track the resignations.

54807e  No.6980607

File: 3f8215e947c6fba⋯.png (505.98 KB, 743x520, 743:520, flynn judge rejects gov ac….PNG)

File: 4a8e0143f63340f⋯.png (56.35 KB, 758x472, 379:236, flynn judge rejects gov ac….PNG)

File: 18aff70519143d2⋯.png (43.69 KB, 749x316, 749:316, flynn judge rejects gov ac….PNG)


106103  No.6980608

GRAPHIC WARNING: Victim Says He Was Raped as a Young Boy on a Yacht by Bill Clinton; Tonight He Tells His Story


Is this fake?

bee8b4  No.6980609

Has anyone found the mine spoils from the epstein island tunnels?


528e09  No.6980610


if google hid pictures of Epstein Island are they part of the Child trafficking syndicate or part of the Clinton Foundation ?

google is accomplice to Epstein Crimes on Island ?

b50741  No.6980611



Pastebin is incomplete! Looks like just the last section.

b723e7  No.6980612

Alex Acosta will hold a press conference this afternoon to address Epstein case.

cb85b2  No.6980613

So, the Left is now salivating at trying to connect POTUS to Epstein. They don't actually care about the horrific crimes committed by Epstein, only that they think there's a chance POTUS can be taken down with him. Meanwhile they continue to support open borders, which makes for hotbeds of human trafficking. Sad!

Helicopter rides when?

1d7df4  No.6980614

File: e8f2fefe96fbebc⋯.jpg (739.74 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-093256….jpg)

File: 70439005cef2bcf⋯.jpg (714.17 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-093340….jpg)

File: c9d89af38ebe43f⋯.jpg (719.5 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-093418….jpg)

File: 2db1d4577c7627c⋯.jpg (704.54 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-093436….jpg)

Guess who Frick is related to??

Yeppers… Margaret Sanger!

Url is not being accepted by chan, it's a book on Amazon will get a better link

b699bf  No.6980615

File: 596095c9ba69c5f⋯.jpg (36.28 KB, 474x294, 79:49, 596095c9ba69c5f223aa19cae8….jpg)

File: 97a675b268fcb1f⋯.png (201.93 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 97a675b268fcb1fce90713463f….png)

File: d6ffb76b4874f16⋯.jpg (28.7 KB, 640x480, 4:3, glowing-praise-girl_si.jpg)

File: 856e36226fc6c29⋯.jpeg (7.58 KB, 171x296, 171:296, images-1.jpeg)

A Prayer for All Anons:

Healing the Family Tree

Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child, in great need of help; I have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs and interpersonal needs. Many of my problems have been caused by my own failures, neglect and sinfulness, for which I humbly beg your forgiveness, Lord. But I also ask you to forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left their effects in me in the form of unwanted tendencies, behavior patterns, and defects in body, mind and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all these disorders.

With your help I sincerely forgive everyone, living or dead members of my family tree, who have directly offended me or my loved ones in any way, or those whose sins have resulted in our present sufferings and disorders. In the name of your divine Son Jesus, and in the power of His Holy Spirit, I ask you Father, to deliver me and my entire family tree from the influence of the evil one.

Free all living and dead members of my family tree, including those in adoptive relationships, and those in extended family relationships, from every contaminating form of bondage. By your loving concern for us, heavenly Father, and by the shed blood of your precious Son Jesus, I beg you to extend your blessing to me and all my living and deceased relatives. Heal every negative effect transmitted through all past generations, and prevent such negative effects in future generations of my family tree.

I symbolically place the cross of Jesus over the head of each person in my family tree, and between each generation; I ask you to let the cleansing blood of Jesus purify the bloodlines in my family lineage. Send protective angels to encamp around us and administer your divine healing power to all of us, even in areas of genetic disability.

Give special power to our family members guardian angels to heal, protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our needs. Let your healing power be released at this very moment, and let it continue as long as your sovereignty permits.

In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage with a holy bonding of family love. And let there be an ever-deeper bonding with you, Lord, by the Holy Spirit, to your Son Jesus. Let the family of the Holy Trinity pervade our family with its tender, warm, loving presence, so that our family may recognize and manifest that love in all our relationships. All of our unknown needs we include with this petition that we pray in Jesus’ precious name.



a371a8  No.6980616

repost from late lb, not in QResear.ch:

Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog


To appreciate the significance of what I’m about to share, you really need to go back and read yesterday’s post: "The Jeffrey Epstein Rabbit Hole Goes a Lot Deeper Than You Think."

In that piece, I shared many lesser known, but extremely bizarre facts about Jeffrey Epstein and the people around him. I also noted that it appeared his real job was to run a blackmail operation to ensnare some of the most wealthy and powerful people on earth. I alluded to the possibility that he was collecting this priceless information on behalf of a third party, and then just today we learn the following via the Daily Beast:

“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.)…

For almost two decades, for some nebulous reason, whether to do with ties to foreign intelligence, his billions of dollars, or his social connections, Epstein, whose alleged sexual sickness and horrific assaults on women without means or ability to protect themselves is well-known in his circle, remained untouchable.

It should be noted the reason I attach credibility to the above is based on who wrote it, Vicky Ward. She has an extensive history of digging into Epstein, and wrote one of the earliest profiles on him back in 2003. As she notes in today’s article:

I spent many months on his trail in 2002 for Vanity Fair and discovered not only that he was not who he claimed to be professionally, but also that he had allegedly assaulted two young sisters, one of whom had been underage at the time. Very bravely, they were prepared to go on the record. They were afraid he’d use all his influence to discredit them—and their fear turned out to be legitimate.

As the article was being readied for publication, Epstein made a visit to the office of Vanity Fair’s then-editor, Graydon Carter, and suddenly the women and their allegations were removed from the article. “He’s sensitive about the young women,” Carter told me at the time. (Editor’s Note: Carter has previously denied this allegation.) He also mentioned he’d finagled a photograph of Epstein in a swimsuit out of the encounter. And there was also some feeble excuse about the article “being stronger as a business story.” (Epstein had also leaned heavily on my ex-husband’s uncle, Conrad Black, to try to exert his influence on me, which was particularly unwelcome, given that Black happened to be my ex-husband’s boss at the time.)

Many people had assumed Epstein was untouchable merely because he had so much dirt on so many powerful people, but it increasingly looks far bigger than that. It appears he may have been untouchable because he was systematically collecting this information on behalf of an intelligence agency. If so, we need to find out precisely who he was working for.


19acfc  No.6980617


Suicide bomber kills 20 in Iraqi Sunni mosque



81e37c  No.6980618

File: e5ba0e31aabc9cc⋯.jpg (68.91 KB, 682x366, 341:183, io2.jpg)

c6b11d  No.6980619

I think the RC closed circuit camera pics are from the NY townhouse. It looks like a townhouse stairwell and the timing lines up for Hildogg to be there.

Can we find any of the features mentioned in this article in the RC pic? Is that marble going up the middle of the staircase. Can we zoom and find the chess set or other things mentioned. I'm phonefagging so my pixel powers are limited.

Love you fags no homo


Inside Jeffrey Epstein's East 71st Street Townhouse in NYC

7722e4  No.6980620

File: 64e1cc6c964b75f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1178x990, 589:495, Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at ….png)


TY Baker!

8fe417  No.6980621


Reminds me of our friend Alan, he had a lot to say about those striped clothes. I wonder what he’s up to these days…

76be8d  No.6980622

>>6980600 Toxic lesbianism…The Snapper & The Dugong.

3581ce  No.6980623

File: 74e903c9f9a314b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 951x903, 317:301, 74e903c9f9a314b9e5d7f9f5d1….png)

File: 74e903c9f9a314b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 951x903, 317:301, 74e903c9f9a314b9e5d7f9f5d1….png)

File: 74e903c9f9a314b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 951x903, 317:301, 74e903c9f9a314b9e5d7f9f5d1….png)

48b6bb  No.6980624

File: e059ef38f799d38⋯.png (64.5 KB, 610x389, 610:389, littlerock.png)


‏Verified account @USACEHQ

USACE HQ Retweeted BG Paul E. Owen

Col. Eric M. Noe assumed command of the @usacelittlerock yesterday from Col. Robert G. Dixon, who is retiring after 26 years of service in the U.S. Army.


6b14d2  No.6980625

File: 121dced96b964fb⋯.png (582.99 KB, 735x739, 735:739, pepe pyramid.png)

File: dfe8a0852db2150⋯.jpg (56.37 KB, 477x768, 159:256, pepe star.jpg)

File: 157f8cd86cb5438⋯.jpg (72.79 KB, 735x739, 735:739, pepe symbol.jpg)


I like it. Sounds about right. He was propelled to high positions that he wasn't particularly qualified for it seems.

Notable theory

a371a8  No.6980626


Granddaughter name is Martha Sanger, not Margaret Sanger, kek.

b3a1af  No.6980627

Things are happening faster by the day!

bc4957  No.6980628

File: 6e2dc75f1c39b21⋯.gif (270.09 KB, 702x702, 1:1, US_Intelligence_Community_….gif)

"Belonged To Intelligence"

Epstein belonged to intelligence. Does that mean he and his crimes were being investigated by the intelligence community when Acosta cut the deal?

Here are the Big Three at the time the deal was reached:

FBI - Mueller

CIA - Hayden

NSA - Alexander

Attached are the 17 orgs that make up the Intelligence Community.

Can anons identify who was at the help for each of these agencies so we have a solid list of who might have been handling the Epstein case?

2f48c1  No.6980629

File: d70f94673be3bfe⋯.jpeg (146.92 KB, 848x959, 848:959, 4833FA41-C78D-4ABB-9912-1….jpeg)

File: c6577b01e6cbeb0⋯.jpeg (62.77 KB, 515x487, 515:487, 55CB2B2C-8BB8-4247-93AA-A….jpeg)

What’s the deal with this guy


1d7df4  No.6980630

File: a40a67dec1f93b0⋯.jpg (490.42 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-094211….jpg)

File: e01b0c2adf4f85a⋯.jpg (206.81 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-094257….jpg)

File: 35462840c1f8a32⋯.jpg (531.29 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-094306….jpg)

File: 78a354b74a7cc7f⋯.jpg (806.06 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-094318….jpg)

File: 985e6379159ccbd⋯.jpg (915.9 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-094335….jpg)

>>6980614 ME


8e8847  No.6980631

>>6979057 pb

>>6980454 lb

>Magnetopause before Q and after Q

>Dark to light.


>The world is about to change.


2b269a  No.6980632

Where was Hillary in July 2013?

I did find this Stock Hillary photo- follow link.

“This July 16, 2013 file photo shows former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during the 51st Delta Sigma Theta National Convention in Washington.”


The sorority currently has 1,000 collegiate and alumnae chapters located in the United States, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Jamaica and the Republic of Korea.


d95e6f  No.6980633

File: b02ee2ca956c0a3⋯.jpg (546.07 KB, 979x832, 979:832, 1513368070506.jpg)



>… THE WHITE HOUSE told us last night that Ben Garrison, the cartoonist who drew this cartoon that has been widely labeled anti-Semitic, will no longer be attending the administration’s social media summit. As of Tuesday morning, Garrison was invited – he posted the invite he got on Twitter – and people in the administration were privately defending the invitation.

>OF COURSE, it doesn’t take much to see why the cartoon is considered anti-Semitic. It shows the Rothschilds – a Jewish family – controlling George Soros, another Jew, on puppet strings, who, in return, has David Petraeus and H.R. McMaster wearing military garb, attached to puppet strings. Jews controlling the strings of government is a decades old anti-Semitic meme.

BUT IT DID TAKE ALL DAY to get the White House to engage on this subject. At first, they responded to questions about Garrison by offering a boilerplate statement saying that President DONALD TRUMP “wants to engage directly” with people who have experienced social media bias. But they wouldn’t say if and why he was invited, punting on the guest list.

>WE THEN started asking questions directly of people who have hailed Trump as a leader quashing anti-Semitism: Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt and members of Congress. Greenblatt, Kushner and his spokesman Avi Berkowitz did not respond. It was then that a senior administration official told us that Garrison would no longer be attending the event.

Banned from a summit on social media censorship for "Hate speech"

Wonder (((who))) would have DONE SUCH A THING.

94b9b3  No.6980634


The last panel of this brings in Margaret.

All related.

7f8567  No.6980635



Wikipedia (still a comped source!) alters Epstein Bio removing ties to Clinton

1d7df4  No.6980636


You need to read the pics..

2b9381  No.6980637



possible incomplete dough

new paste


same dough

c46987  No.6980638

File: 747d3e5abd039cb⋯.png (308.18 KB, 581x747, 7:9, stones.PNG)

Remember those CONCRETE tweets?

Look at this twat

1000 kilo coke found in "stones"… CONCRETE.



53d68d  No.6980639

File: e7adba7b1635c21⋯.png (214.46 KB, 1682x721, 1682:721, NotAblefagsPuertoRico.PNG)

The point of posting notables is for arriving anons to be able to hover over a post, read a few details and see a picture of the subject or meme.

More and more they are just like this:

4e28b3  No.6980640


I'm presuming Maher was origianlly Meyer?

c1b01a  No.6980641

File: b13baefa25e766c⋯.png (400.21 KB, 923x590, 923:590, Meg Rap Devil sign.png)

File: d64309ac56e8bbf⋯.png (440.43 KB, 925x599, 925:599, Meg Rap cow statue.png)

File: f95054b7b684e25⋯.png (401.28 KB, 926x600, 463:300, Meg Rap wierd art.png)

File: 4f3c02f6f74fc3e⋯.png (223.76 KB, 929x593, 929:593, Meg Rap Y skull.png)

File: b51ec9ae00f15c3⋯.png (471.49 KB, 912x592, 57:37, Meg Rap Y ring.png)

bc4957  No.6980642



ff2ac5  No.6980643

File: 42816dc80199a2f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, a33c2df508f58c1188f771e418….png)

File: cc100030818a233⋯.png (388.59 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, cc100030818a233a72ca24aa09….png)

File: bf26c9cfc704056⋯.png (918.22 KB, 1406x2098, 703:1049, 2019_7_10_17_43_32.png)


The "protocols" are a fake and gay forgery of the dialogue between machiavelli and montesque.


The machiavellian methods they depict represent the interantional cabal modus operandi (as bill cooper said, it should be called "protocol of sion" not "zion").

c1b01a  No.6980644


i was also thinking about him when i posted that, KEK

6b14d2  No.6980645

File: f54218703282013⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1474x949, 1474:949, epsteincams.png)

File: 3e880716992fa6d⋯.png (281.19 KB, 540x360, 3:2, shelley lewis.png)



Compare 2nd from Right.

Shelley Lewis 7/13 flight log vs Ch`11

2b9381  No.6980646



anon keep a notable bun on your home text editior if you are gonna be here the whole bread

only nominated noatbles and trump tweets and Qposts

then maybe down below some of your personal faves

9b3f2a  No.6980647

90fb8a  No.6980648

File: 8e6932ec0f5006e⋯.jpeg (12.31 KB, 230x255, 46:51, Stealing that meme..jpeg)


That president meme has some cold hard truth… well done.

13a6fe  No.6980649


Who cares if its"considered" as anti-Semitic… its satire its free speech.. as long as the author is willing to accept responsibility for his speech I see no problem with it

b3a1af  No.6980650


Fucking Longhorns fans.

ff2ac5  No.6980651

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, 5414e900ce91431b9a264b8090….jpg)

File: 42816dc80199a2f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, a33c2df508f58c1188f771e418….png)

File: c0794659f403993⋯.png (404.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, c0794659f403993a9697dafabc….png)

File: 73e3fd43e6ae494⋯.png (176.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 73e3fd43e6ae49412dae1b1268….png)



Up your game media matters.

d95e6f  No.6980652

File: 03db8b299f625aa⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>who drew this cartoon


This cartoon linked in the article, btw-

c46987  No.6980653


Do anons remember who twatted "concrete"??

We need screenshots for sauce.

If they deal in kids, they'd deal in Coke as well.

81e37c  No.6980654

File: af4e94dbdc2bb8d⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 623x400, 623:400, io3.jpg)

ddb5d5  No.6980655

File: 42a29b7cfb24024⋯.png (598.74 KB, 797x485, 797:485, gallery.PNG)

File: b8834cee0196f07⋯.jpg (98.69 KB, 756x756, 1:1, Anselm Ephorinus.jpg)

File: 5a45c9b27a40e78⋯.jpg (121.14 KB, 954x960, 159:160, Cecilia Gonzaga.jpg)

File: 65b34c5a5dcd4aa⋯.jpg (104.67 KB, 756x769, 756:769, Don Fernando.jpg)




Theres a virtual gallery called "The Pursuit of Immortality" at the Frisk collection.

It's a red painted gallery with a bunch of medals with weird symbols.


6571b9  No.6980656

Owl meanings: moar at link

The owl is revered by Celtic and Wiccan witches and elite worshippers of the demonic Bohemian Grove cult in California. The owl can see extremely well, especially at night. It is for this reason that the owl was chosen and is used to represent Satan in Luciferian worship, because the owl can see what most other creatures cannot see. The owl can peer keenly through the darkness and even see a tiny mouse moving. This represents the evil occult KNOWLEDGE possessed by occult-inspired, Lucifer-worshipping, Christ-rejecters who hate God and love sin. It is not mere coincidence in this age of modern information that Satan has chosen to exponentially increase his efforts to achieve a modern System of Babel where men unite in their wickedness once again against the God of the Holy Bible.


5a2ad8  No.6980657

So, let me get this straight, you guys spend all day looking for information “to help” the investigation, using information the govt already has, and guessing over grainy indecipherable pictures a government agent gave you?

And you don’t question the motives behind this or him telling you that “you’re the saviors of mankind?”

65e17e  No.6980658

File: 908b49c9bf1da56⋯.png (76.68 KB, 701x305, 701:305, Screenshot 2019-07-10 at 9….png)

File: 65a808392cfda4d⋯.png (127.84 KB, 489x474, 163:158, Screenshot 2019-07-10 at 9….png)

Guise…I posted this s couple of times in last bread because it is YUUUGGGEE

Alex Acosta has admitted and even told the WH

during his vetting process that he was told to

leave Epstein alone because he was "intelligence"

Epstein was created by and worked for Mossad/CIA (they have always been the same thing).

Now we have (((Schumer))) and his band of duallies kvetching about Acosta in an effort to smear Trump. This could backfire bigly if DJT

or Acosta make this public because it would

expose Israel's blackmail operation and their

subversion of our government


9d65ca  No.6980659

File: 8f8669772afe7ba⋯.png (351.61 KB, 720x812, 180:203, 57484658_10157175094500270….png)


Danke schon Baker

5e39e8  No.6980660

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

POTUS Live soon

President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Advancing American Kidney Health

3edbc9  No.6980661

Acosta to speak to the press at 2:30 EDT/

19acfc  No.6980662


Love when I show pics and people use that excuse for faggots doing it from other countries…apparently longhorn fans are international….kek

aee1df  No.6980663


This is also the result of of constant questioning of the system in which you exist. When these do not seem right, and you find yourself wondering why constantly, you tend to research (as so many anons here do) and sometimes getting answers that either confirm your own suspicions or you learn a truth you did not know…quite a sobering experience but so integral to critical thought processes and ones well being….

I have gone against the machine several times and I have always been pleased with my own autonomous investigations…..

Never stop questioning, investigating, remain discerning and logical (even when emotions get in the way), the truth will eventually be revealed…

b46962  No.6980664

>>6980204 (lb)

convention of witches

>>6980568 (lb)

obama nineteen = 13 letters;

19 = Crystal Alyssia Dunn (CAD)

94ee80  No.6980665

File: a94174397f947ed⋯.png (282.29 KB, 429x341, 39:31, blue menthols.png)

File: 1375caa9c8980bb⋯.png (355 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, bods.png)

Are these 2 related?

eebb5a  No.6980666

File: 90074b15862557e⋯.png (40.02 KB, 190x119, 190:119, Messages Image(3179049774).png)

exactly like the underground railroad, but in reverse:

One of the women she had officiated a wedding for in Tijuana was questioned specifically about her connection with Douša when she presented herself for asylum, the lawsuit alleges.

"The U.S. government cannot retaliate against a member of the clergy because it disfavors the people she leads in prayer," Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, the law firm representing Douša along with Protect Democracy, said in a statement. "While this sort of authoritarian tactic might fly in other nations we revile as unjust, our Constitution and laws forbid it."

"I'm not a criminal," Douša said. "Nothing I've done is illegal. I don't encourage anyone to do anything illegal. And I don't think they could ever really allege that because there would be no evidence to support it."

Instead, she said, the government "seems to want to make it as difficult as possible to know the truth about what's happened at the border. And I see and witness what is happening at our border, and there's very clear evidence that government does not like that."

In a related case, federal prosecutors announced last week that they will pursue a retrial against border activist Scott Warren, a volunteer with the faith-based migrant advocacy group No More Deaths, who is facing felony charges and possible prison time for providing humanitarian aid to migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.


4e28b3  No.6980667


a lot of these satanic athletes believe that demons can subtly alter the bounce/trajectory of a ball, the wind - say, when you hit a fly ball in baseball - that will make their shots find the goal, their fly balls turn into home runs, keep their feet in bounds, etc.

When they perform statistically well in their sport, they take that as validation that their satanic sacrifices were efficacious, so they keep on doing them.

bc4957  No.6980668


that's a lot of people in one place at once.

so if this was a party, it should be documented outside of RC's ig page.

e841e7  No.6980669

File: e29feb781519744⋯.png (153.45 KB, 571x409, 571:409, LSJI.PNG)

Morning anons,

I was interested in the submarine angle, so I looked at the depth charts surrounding Little St. James Island. It looks like the only feasible spot on the island would be the extreme southern tip. Depth is less than 10 feet on all other borders. Trips and Killary is arrested -30. Quads and AOC gets nudes leaked.


b3e5a3  No.6980670


I'm guessing that you are new here.

6b280e  No.6980671

File: 9ef5deaf889879e⋯.jpg (34.03 KB, 687x384, 229:128, Capture.JPG)

Iran oil tanker seized by Egypt in the Suez Canal

Iran, July 10, 2019 - Egyptian sources are reporting the seizure of a large oil tanker carrying Iranian oil as the ship sought to pass through the Suez Canal, according to a Tuesday report published by Iran’s state-run Mehr news agency citing Al Araby Al Jadeed. This oil tanker was sailing under the flag of Ukraine and was seized ten days prior to the Tuesday report.

Egypt’s measure of seizing the stated oil tanker was in line with implementing U.S. sanctions targeting the mullahs’ regime in Iran.

In an interview with Iran’s state-run Channel 2 TV network, Iranian regime Oil Minister Bijhan Zanganeh acknowledged the seizure of the Iranian oil tanker by Egypt.

News reports of this oil tanker seizure are being published as the Egyptian Supreme Security Criminal Court recently sentenced six individuals on charges of espionage for the regime in Iran, attempting to inflict damage on the Egyptian military, political sites and national interests. The charged individuals were sentenced to 15 to 25 years behind bars.

Furthermore, the United Kingdom Royal Marines seized an Iranian regime supertanker, Grace 1, in the waters of Gibraltar. Reuters wrote if it is proven that the Iranian oil tanker sought to deliver oil to Syria, in addition to violating European Union sanctions against Syria, this will be in violation of U.S. oil sanctions against the Iranian regime.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed the seizure of the mullahs’ supertanker by Gibraltar authorities. The seizing of this super tanker sends a clear message that the violation of European Union sanctions are unacceptable, according to the UK government spokesperson.


5e9648  No.6980672

File: a0a548b4b758941⋯.jpg (108.7 KB, 960x596, 240:149, concreta0a548b4b758941c0b3….jpg)

File: dd905a8f42e3f3e⋯.jpg (100.7 KB, 1249x536, 1249:536, concrete1d5a128227bc10c309….jpg)

6571b9  No.6980673


No we spend all night too.

340a33  No.6980674


Strange, but true.

c43297  No.6980675

Epstein Island video Where's the real one? You've given us the sheeple edition.


Jeffrey Epstein Private Island - Little St. James, U.S.V.I.






Varied Perspective Technologies, LLC

Published on Jul 9, 2019

2014 Aerial drone video of Little St. James.The island is owned privately by Jeffrey Epstein and is located southeast of St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands.

dd23a4  No.6980676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have you ever seen leather products made from human skin?

6cebbc  No.6980677


Mainstream media, film industry, music industry, politicians, ex presidents, fired heads of intelligence agencies, top level heads of various industries are all guilty and on the sealed indictments list. The most influential people in society. Epstein was no doubt one of them on this list. The Great Awakening is when the despicable deeds of these people are exposed, justice is served and society no longer experiences fabricated chaos around the world. The world will no longer worship these evil people and will be able to live in peace.

3fa5fa  No.6980678


Great breakdown of the complicit inner workings of the "Elites." General pop was never to know.


65e17e  No.6980679


The big question is…..

Will Tim Poole wear his beanie in the WH?

bd7881  No.6980680


Ever heard of research?

Ever heard of journalism?

This is the dirty underbelly where the truth gets dug. Dig?

c46987  No.6980681


thanks fren

eefb30  No.6980682

File: 41f191e2f9eebf8⋯.jpg (31.06 KB, 487x340, 487:340, QuiteGay.JPG)


You're just butthurt because anons helped get a Fed Indictment.

Jack Cernovich still waiting on sealed civil docs still nothing on the scoreboard.

39f1eb  No.6980683

File: e2a541059ec04a8⋯.png (62.9 KB, 254x218, 127:109, 7-10-10.42.05.PNG)

File: 984c8ed5065996a⋯.png (58.78 KB, 254x218, 127:109, 20190710_094940.png)

File: e5eb3088141d109⋯.png (51.3 KB, 254x218, 127:109, 984c8ed5065996a1a61ea5611a….png)

What is going on these pictures?

Same area, different angle, one of the video cameras is fogged up.

The whole area was watched, notice the in the clearer shot that there is even more people off camera. That is in the fogged up video scene.the whole area is being watched. My opinion.

94b9b3  No.6980684

Anons, in old Q post 1266, 4/25/18, Q said this. Was this disinfo or are the treasonous things still going to precede the pedo stuff?

>Treason / corruption 1st.


8e8847  No.6980685

>>6980558 lb

>ALICE is here

>ALICE is the tool they use

>ALICEArtificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity (natural language artificial intelligence chat robot)


Now reconsider:

>>6980456 lb

Q.78 4 Nov 2017

>Q = Alice

Q.2049 1 Sept 2018

>HRC = Alice

New light?

Expand your thinking.

Bigger than you can imagine.

2a1be9  No.6980686


true pundit wouldn't post something knowingly false. he knew the reporter that was found dead.

ff2ac5  No.6980687



I think these morons will be surprized to see how many orthodox jews and israelis will agree with his cartoon.

248760  No.6980688

>>6980069 lb

Re: mini subs

Recall Tesla suggesting using a mini sub to save those trapped kids in the cave? He also accused someone of being a pedo during that ordeal.

Was he giving us clues?

a03713  No.6980689

File: e59967ae7db417b⋯.png (696.98 KB, 740x612, 185:153, 1562767969796.png)

File: 701cba3065230b7⋯.jpg (787.14 KB, 1363x1121, 1363:1121, 1562763743489.jpg)

Pic Related: The Snake

Pic Related: The top down view of a hole

"The snake bolting down a hole. "

The temple with deep layers.

What is a snake a symbol for?

Evil in man.

What is a hole?

Somewhere to hide.

The Owl keeps watch as the snake hides in its hole to consume and perform its evil.

Put otherwise: Evil's safe space from the light.

What is a wizard?

Wielder of elemental magic. Electricity.

What is a warlock?

Wielder of dark magic. Controlled evil.

Someone has to look evil in the eye knowing they are of fortitude to remain sane.

What if the snake has a penchant for cell phones (wizards)

all while doing snakely things where they hide? (warlocks)

f80fa2  No.6980690

File: 1c54eb792151377⋯.png (160.98 KB, 253x387, 253:387, channel.png)

channel to underwater tunnel entrance seems to be here

its the only place the underwater topo and the site aligns

>says anon who used to do related shit

>could be wrong

0e5956  No.6980691

Epstein Flight Logs


bc4957  No.6980692


who the fuck are you?

go back to slamming mountain dew and popping xanax, cock juggler.

We've been WAY AHEAD of everything you are seeing today.

We have YEARS of research under our belts, so again I ask, who the fuck are you?

5a2ad8  No.6980693

File: 9ad70949bfbd0d6⋯.jpeg (140.33 KB, 998x500, 499:250, B7104B68-CAD2-4CB0-BA52-6….jpeg)



Ok man. You helped.

You’re the savior of mankind.

1fb751  No.6980694


Fookin KEK!

e6aae3  No.6980695

File: 3dce68ed634bb2a⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1920x1259, 1920:1259, SN1bNw_NIhNxViy--qHAvsK7al….png)

Russian special mission submarine 'Belgorod'. The smaller submarine 'Losharik' under its belly is the one that recently had an accident.

14988c  No.6980696

File: 05851c2d24e4445⋯.jpg (63.69 KB, 600x436, 150:109, steamboatpepe.jpg)

c46987  No.6980697

File: 33f94bd38eb9aa4⋯.jpg (265.56 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, v2-stephen-hawking.jpg)

steve hawking on epstein island

(just gulag them.. lots moar)

81072c  No.6980698

File: 046a94a5ef83160⋯.jpg (279 KB, 1420x1090, 142:109, D_HmWjPW4AAPkwM.jpg)

File: 113d88ddb545f98⋯.jpg (70.95 KB, 2048x234, 1024:117, D_HnZ1bXYAAWm3v.jpg)

> Items Jeffrey Epstein shipped from his island port that didn't make it into my story about the carpet & tile extractor and the shredder. Not included in this list is a 550 lb "dental unit," which appears to be a dental chair.


> he dental chair came from Henan Meijiasheng Trading Co. Why does he need a dental chair?

> http://hnmjs.company.weiku.com/search/dental%20unit_1.html

Reminds of the dental chair in Palm Beach bathroom


b3a1af  No.6980699



His club is a big one, and we ain’t in it.

World Wide his pants do stretch.

Do horns burn when the fire is hot?

65e17e  No.6980700


For reallz? Will he drop the bomb that Epstein

was/is part of Israel's blackmailing op?

0d424b  No.6980701

>>6980155 (lb)

>>> why 19?

The answer is on the Chinese Calendar.

Auspicious activities for that date are:


Consecration Ceremony


bc4957  No.6980702



c79401  No.6980703

File: 631ab6edb7511d0⋯.png (127.11 KB, 1025x340, 205:68, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6980406 lb

>>6980543 lb


As in "How great thou art".. biblically

I am that I am.

Creation / Life is ART.

"gods" are CREATed by our hands, IDOLs.

8e8847  No.6980704


TY, Anon.

ff2ac5  No.6980705


Interesting, but snakes are symbols of wisdom. They are the ones who gave the intellect to man as agents of lucifer (according to the mysteries that are at the core of the cabal).

c46987  No.6980706

File: 56e8ac521aa1971⋯.jpg (150.92 KB, 400x266, 200:133, hawking2.jpg)


Here's how he got there.

Check out boat connections..

9d65ca  No.6980707

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, b21af45bcc721b6401d354e7e4….jpg)

eebb5a  No.6980708

File: 3c4b20b3334880b⋯.png (23.77 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Messages Image(4247623192).png)


you're catching a day of high excitement. mostly it's tits and speculation about the motivations of moonmen. but still, you're looking at it wrong. it has nothing to do with what you see or think or interpret from the words. it's more that it's a place where all the information that exists can be seen and distilled and passed around. it's like a 90s bbs dedicated to bill cooper and jim marrs? if that helps iron out your faggot train of thought.

8023d6  No.6980709

File: 5fe7c7c1d126185⋯.jpg (164.1 KB, 640x480, 4:3, P8140008.jpg)

eefb30  No.6980710


Epstein in Jail.

DOJ said Indie Help was key.

Anons get shit done.

You bitch from the back seat.

28d749  No.6980711

File: 3ab654097e986a3⋯.png (506.24 KB, 1125x2232, 125:248, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01e20ab680f7579⋯.png (393.25 KB, 1125x2208, 375:736, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ed588251f406bc⋯.png (331.58 KB, 1125x2208, 375:736, ClipboardImage.png)

This is what I see when I pull up POTUS signed into my twitter account. One pinned tweet and his most recent tweet. The rest are gone. This should be illegal. WTF. Censoring POTUS. What if there was an emergency like a nuke heading for the US and that was the fastest way for POTUS to share? Nope he’s a xenophobe racist. This is Fucked.

6b280e  No.6980712

File: 286d9f8f7526657⋯.jpg (162.46 KB, 640x751, 640:751, CryBaby - Copy (2).jpg)

File: 038c2fee37f99bb⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 640x406, 320:203, CryBitch - Copy (2).jpg)

File: ea7776df86f3662⋯.png (431.59 KB, 649x365, 649:365, CNN1.png)

File: e42fbee77097896⋯.png (413.02 KB, 733x415, 733:415, Think.PNG)


Go back to CNN and the rest of the fake news MSM

b723e7  No.6980713

File: abeaa8bd696455a⋯.png (36.67 KB, 634x303, 634:303, file.PNG)

76be8d  No.6980714

>>6980697 Oh yes, the care, the love for the great man….er, I mean actor. Such a gig—sit in a chair with your body & face contorted and everyone around you pretending your FABULOUS INTELLECT is the very voice of God. Plus, the perks are good, yes?

c79401  No.6980715


Agree 100%!

Read about the original owner of that house. Frick was into STEEL.

eecf8f  No.6980716

>>6979819, >>6979985, >>6980038, >>6980099 Digging on [HRC] proof of visit to island


fukken morans!

Baker finds it notable that retardfags can't figure out how HRC made to pedo island since she's not listed in Epsteins flight logs.

b46962  No.6980717


with that lettering, you can merge the 1 and 9 easily to make 8, and 8 is the ass-to-mouth snake the eternal shit eater, and two circles and they love their circs

CAD = 8 (Eng.Ordinal), 8 (Full Reduction), 13 (Franc Baconis), 113 (Satanic), 19 (Reverse Full Reduction), 8 (Jewish O, R and J), 8 (Septenary), 8 Chaldean, 1900 (Reverse Extended)

1dcdc1  No.6980718



Sage input, anon. Thank you.

340a33  No.6980719


Are you fucking serious?

This place has become an absolute nut house.

You think you have more resources than the f_bi?

They know so much more than we do. We will only find out at trial.

Get a fucking grip on reality.

0c3ac4  No.6980720

File: bd0300df0044d37⋯.jpg (87.15 KB, 656x499, 656:499, vtvt therapeutics rop sing….jpg)

File: 6aa8358671c95ea⋯.jpg (97.66 KB, 656x499, 656:499, vtvt therapeutics ronald p….jpg)

File: ac7c0221648e2f4⋯.png (670.33 KB, 735x505, 147:101, pharma run the govt.PNG)

vtvt Therapeutics-Ronald O. Perelman bought $2m in shares-July 9

vTv Therapeutics Inc. is a clinical-stage bio-pharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the discovery and development of orally administered small molecule drug candidates. Its drug candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is azeliragon (TTP488), an orally administered, small molecule antagonist targeting the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE), for which it has commenced patient enrollment in a Phase III clinical trial.

Its type II diabetes drug candidates include TTP399, an orally administered, liver-selective glucokinase activator (GKA), for which it has completed enrollment in its Phase IIb clinical trial, and TTP273, an orally administered, non-peptide agonist that targets the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1r), for which it began enrollment in a Phase II clinical trial.

It has over three additional programs in various stages of clinical development for the prevention of muscle weakness and the treatment of inflammatory disorders.

Number of employees : 56 people.



Ronald Perelman


lots here

e5aa2d  No.6980721

File: 23d7cc9dd89ec6f⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 800x800, 1:1, 23d7cc9dd89ec6fc2cd74f184f….gif)

7b49fd  No.6980722


Calvin Coolidge had one like that as well.


528e09  No.6980723



how did prince andrews go on the island ?

flight manifast ?

ldr rothchild sub ?

e5982e  No.6980724

File: 1300fcf2affdbe2⋯.png (767.82 KB, 967x642, 967:642, at the movies flyer.png)

File: 0c4d131a4ec2bc9⋯.png (284.31 KB, 967x472, 967:472, dunkin' booth.png)

File: 7e51ed17cec86c0⋯.png (445.96 KB, 545x815, 109:163, LAND IT.png)

File: 130f7df3532732e⋯.png (387.67 KB, 967x638, 967:638, USMCA DAY.png)

File: 722f4b73a0fd552⋯.png (927.54 KB, 967x520, 967:520, WORLD CUP PARADE.png)






8e8847  No.6980725


>Creation / Life is ART.


(((Their))) downfall.

/OUR/ Great Awakening.

4397d5  No.6980726

Any other 10/17 lurkers still here? Jew shills gone. Double teaming shills gone. R shills gone. Flat Earth shills gone.

Something changed post Epstein, clearly visible by board activity.

bee8b4  No.6980727


No spoils, no tunnels

845049  No.6980728




106103  No.6980729



6aa28b  No.6980730

File: 46150c5af572aff⋯.jpg (123.05 KB, 447x311, 447:311, 2019-07-10_10-53-37.jpg)

>>6980529 lb


Travel to the USVI was included in a post 9/11 Congressional action deemed the "Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative"



Effective January 23, 2007, the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative passed by US Congress requires that travellers – including US citizens – who travel via air to and from the Americas, the Caribbean and Bermuda must travel with a passport or other proof of citizenship that establishes the bearer’s identity and nationality, in order to enter or re-enter the United States. The goal of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative is to strengthen border security and facilitate entry into the United States for US citizens and foreign visitors

ddcba6  No.6980731

To the black BJR that just overflew my home a little while ago heading S alt 350 ias 80 kts…

Gotcha tail #. And your driver isn't very photogenic.

6b14d2  No.6980732


Congress by day, drag queen by night


Nice alter richard

87fdef  No.6980733

File: c892e1b2e76a7dc⋯.png (487.3 KB, 930x475, 186:95, oannvids.png)

File: eefda952e2d8587⋯.png (555.3 KB, 1018x418, 509:209, shannprav.png)

Have been posting OANN's videos, as they cover things (actual NEWS) which Faux Chat Entertainment won't ever mention. Just yesterday the "Videos" tab was there and now it's gone. It was already incredibly hard to find their Investigative NEWS Reporting pieces on the web and now their own site is being restrictive? WTF.

(As for OANN's detractors due to Jack P's shenanigans:

Faux Chat is cited here EVERY single day, and Jack P is only ONE contributor on OANN - unlike Faux being nothing but Tabloid Speculative Bullshit "Discussion" aside from whatever Hannity can get away with dropping.)

8b9a3c  No.6980734

>>6980350 (lb/pb)

>The Pursuit of Immortality

This accidentally veers into a theory I've held for a long time, that a lot of pursuits that make no sense in a practical world are in the pursuit of immortality.

Particle physics. Spending stupid amounts of money to suss out the minutiae of the atom just for the hell of it? No, non starter.

Astronomy/Astrophysics. Spending stupid amounts of money to suss out the minutiae of distant artifacts? Launching satellite observatories costing billions to find shit that no one will ever be able to use? Nope.

Satanism. Performing grotesque rituals in order to please evil?

Pedophilia. Trying to grasp some element of youth by stealing it from children?

Magic. Trying to find unseen/unknown/unknowable forces and harness them for your own ends?

Religion. Trying to please a "God" or achieve an enlightened state of consciousness to defeat mortality.

There's more, but the same motivation seems to run thru them all. Live forever.

528e09  No.6980735


elon musk and tunnels WW ?

65e17e  No.6980736


Is that Lawrence Krauss?

2dc0f5  No.6980737


Original owner of Epstein's house or Frick museum?

5e39e8  No.6980738

File: 6a12db7ca65dd0c⋯.jpg (20.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1234.jpg)


Too many questions.

Write slower

6fc3d9  No.6980739


>he knew the reporter that was found dead

with all due respect, that does not mean a thing

ff2ac5  No.6980740


Muhjew shills are still here in small ammounts, but you are spot on. Less shills = panic = winning.

6f28dd  No.6980741

File: d6f33200a335961⋯.png (381.27 KB, 542x593, 542:593, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)


Lots of these from the era. Marland Mansion in Ponca City Oklahoma has a swimming pool like the Vanderbilts and a bowling alley IIRC. Built 1928.

Freaking pedo. Had to be. Married his adopted daughter - who was also his wife's sister's daughter. Moved her in at 14.

Oil man. New Deal Democrat.

What's not to love?

5a2ad8  No.6980742


Of course he said that. That’s his primary directive.

Muh “Q said is gospel. We start with Q said. We end with Q said. But, really, we think for ourselves … but never ask who Q is.”

Mind control.

dd8cbd  No.6980743

File: a228f3395a24046⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2048x1498, 1024:749, 737D208F-2E49-4A69-911D-4C….png)

Just announced by The Belgium & Dutch National News :

(Did a quick auto-translation, no time now)

Full response from Google

"We are working with language experts around the world to make transcriptions of speech technology to improve by a small number of audio fragments. This work is of crucial importance for the development of technology that products such as the Google Assistant.

Language experts assess only about 0.2 percent of all audio fragments, which are not linked to personally identifiable information.

We have recently been informed that one of these language experts as possible, our policy for data protection has been violated by Dutch audio fragments to leak. We are actively investigating this and when we see a violation of our policies, we will take swift action, up to and including the termination of our agreement with the partner. "

32d872  No.6980744

File: 07005081dc3383f⋯.png (80.28 KB, 288x216, 4:3, 2018-11-23_15-43-15.png)


>Has anyone found the mine spoils from the epstein island tunnels?

Acidic mine spoils would affect surrounding coral reef systems.

Around Epstein island?

6b14d2  No.6980745


I bet his contractors (tunnels, security, temple, etc) had to sign NDA's.

I'm sure the NSA has that info

9594e1  No.6980746


Wasn't there some notables involving Geddy like last week about art galleries being build over the mass graves of children?

5a2ad8  No.6980747


Sit down, Becky.

cb3404  No.6980748


>>>6980590 (You)


>This is also the result of of constant questioning of the system in which you exist. When these do not seem right, and you find yourself wondering why constantly, you tend to research (as so many anons here do) and sometimes getting answers that either confirm your own suspicions or you learn a truth you did not know…quite a sobering experience but so integral to critical thought processes and ones well being….


>I have gone against the machine several times and I have always been pleased with my own autonomous investigations…..


>Never stop questioning, investigating, remain discerning and logical (even when emotions get in the way), the truth will eventually be revealed…

Word, anon!


65e17e  No.6980749


Will he drop the MOAB?

4397d5  No.6980750


Yeah, I've seen the aligning old gods with the Talmud here and there a few times. Haven't noticed much double teaming.

a05484  No.6980751

File: 05a545789fea830⋯.png (336.32 KB, 609x542, 609:542, acosta.png)


Go cry somewhere else Jimmy

b723e7  No.6980752

Did all the Epstein pals shift their travels to Branson's Island after his conviction to hide continued involvement? It would be short travel to island jump

8e8847  No.6980753


They never thought she would lose.

They forgot: God is in everything.


eefb30  No.6980754


Whatever nigger.

We are helpers DOJ said so.

Fight the facts all you want.

70a240  No.6980755

File: 97cb64bda5045f0⋯.jpg (96.37 KB, 612x439, 612:439, Jobu-Cigar.jpg)

4646a4  No.6980757


So could the camera room be connected with the company in CA that makes human shoes????

b3a1af  No.6980758



Ya have to type slow. Otherwise the left won’t understand.

4397d5  No.6980759

I'm wondering if the security footage Rorschach test game is the new shill game.

f80fa2  No.6980760

>>6980735 you can dredge out easily and that rock looks pretty crappy, not hard to tunnel

spoils can get disposed underwater or on shore as breakwater features, no USVI authorities inspecting probably, look the other way

6b280e  No.6980761

File: ed2307c3fb4fc00⋯.jpg (23.52 KB, 584x350, 292:175, Iran1.JPG)

File: e9a2e64846f32f5⋯.jpg (62.37 KB, 690x385, 138:77, Capture.JPG)

File: 14def7c65bbd39c⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 560x309, 560:309, Capture1.JPG)

Iran: An uprising that turned the regime’s prospects into pipe dreams

Iran, July 10, 2019 - In his speech on July 3, Iranian regime President Hassan Rouhani showed once again how he and the entire Islamic Republic fear a popular uprising.

Iran newspaper, the government’s official mouthpiece, subsequently published an article referring to Hassan Rouhani’s statements.

“Rouhani has divided the years of his government’s activity into two periods where the turning point is the uprising of December 2017-January 2018. In this light, Rouhani sees those events as the beginning of a domino of developments that lead to the country’s current situation,” the piece reads.

“Aside from their domestic dimensions, the events of December 2017-January 2018 had also consequences on the international stage which Rouhani meant in his analysis of their impact on the current situation of the country. Fact is that in the eyes of foreign observers and especially the countries and movements that oppose the Islamic Republic regime, the events of December 2017-January 2018 meant that there is a serious rift between the government and the people of Iran,” the article further wrote.


f769bc  No.6980762



Sick and evil.

Pizza masons need to be gone.

a371a8  No.6980763



thx, frens….was not entirely convinced that Martha/Margaret was not a typo. But found that, yes, Martha and Margaret are two different people. Not sure what to make of this connection, though. From the Baltimore Sun:

Frick, the prideful businessman, could ignore, apparently unmoved, the plight of the children of striking workers he blacklisted. Or those killed in the Johnstown Flood (for which he, as the developer and principal stockholder in the club whose patched-up dam burst, may well have had real culpability). Ten thousand people died, including 396 children under the age of 12.

But he mourned Martha with an almost pathological obsession until his death 28 years later.

Frick surrounded himself with the elaborate artifacts of Victorian mourning. He commissioned a posthumous portrait of an angelic Martha wreathed in spring flowers, and a memorial bust of a rather fretful Martha. He even had Martha's likeness engraved on his bank checks. Thus, Sanger says, "every transaction Frick ever made, every bill he ever paid, every debt he ever settled, every painting he ever bought was settled in memory of Martha."

She writes that Frick believed a brilliant, blinding apparition of Martha saved him from an assassination attempt by the anarchist Alexander Berkman at the height of the Homestead Strike. (In an ironic quirk of family history, Berkman and Sanger's second husband's grandmother, Margaret Sanger, the pioneer advocate of women's sexual liberation, were briefly lovers.)


c79401  No.6980764

File: 5dd1fc75f6d6fae⋯.png (24.44 KB, 820x89, 820:89, ClipboardImage.png)


Frick. There are so many connections.

36fb1a  No.6980765


is that Steven Greer with him?

54807e  No.6980766


has something to do with pelosi

she was trying to block something, and her shill minions were on the board constantly

then her daughter was tasked with sending out cryptic tweets about epstein

honestly don't understand it all but it was pelosi fuckery

dd23a4  No.6980767

File: 0ede434e9e95b53⋯.png (13.83 KB, 436x146, 218:73, ClipboardImage.png)


You are not safe here…leave.

3fa5fa  No.6980768


The incestuous blood lines run deep. They always protect their own, as well as descendants.

Pretty good summary



5a2ad8  No.6980769


Because such an elaborate plan spanning decades and involving virtually everyone in power couldn’t possibly have planned for her to lose, and convince you otherwise.

Not possible because muh emotionalism and Q said.

bd3942  No.6980770

File: a9f66f28e55d90e⋯.png (531.31 KB, 588x635, 588:635, USMC7-10-19 5 am PDT.PNG)

File: 9249c19af4b9636⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1677x836, 1677:836, USMC7-10-19 5 am PDT pic.PNG)

Now You See Me


8e8847  No.6980771


>Epstein in Jail.

>DOJ said Indie Help was key.

>Anons get shit done.

Busy saving humanity.

Heroes are everywhere.

42c77d  No.6980772


Is it really that much more complicated than

Epsteins Pedo Island was a Mossad Honeypot?

I think we all knew this all along. Epstein isn't new at all. The only new thing is that he's getting arrested again for something slightly different than he was arrested before.

What we know is that Robert Maxwell worked closely with the Mossad, and we've known this for decades, and Robert Maxwell's daughter has been working with Epstein for a long time.

Jizz Maxwell is the Mossad tie. It's pretty easy to figure out.

Jews love their blackmail. Why do we think that the US does so many completely shitty things that Israel wants us to do? Because Jews blackmail and Jews bribe. AIPAC is a big part of the bribery machine. Epstein is a part (big? dunno) of the blackmail machine.

The way to get ahead in this world of 2019 is to get filmed doing awful things by the Jews, so that they own you, and never do anything against them. The Jews won't trust you unless they have the ammo to fuck you if you go against them.

This Q research board is largely bullshit. The best thing on this board is that one guy who posts the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


Look it up.


"In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favour of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some "Panama" or other – then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honour connected with the office of president. "

d1992d  No.6980773

“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.)

After the one meeting with then-U.S. Attorney Acosta, where presumably “intelligence” was mentioned, the indictment was shelved and, instead, Epstein signed a non-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors, pleading guilty to one count of solicitation of prostitution and one count of procurement of minors for prostitution, which earned him a cushy 13 months in county jail, from where he was allowed to leave to work at his office and go for walks.


6b14d2  No.6980774


I wonder if the good guys steered that hurricane towards Necker Island? But maybe just Karma. It is in the heavy path of storms

4397d5  No.6980775


I'll remain vigilant, not sure where the next slide will come from. Seems too quiet from them lately.

26a365  No.6980776

File: e4716fb9a3baecd⋯.jpeg (10.51 KB, 170x255, 2:3, dfb7200c6bb1c7837b42a521b….jpeg)

>>6979833 (LB) Thanks to the Anon who did this work

The story of what happened to Roy Raymond (Victoria's Secret) needs to be told over and over.

This is what a Satanist (Wexner) does. They take over a person and all their possessions and kill them finally.

Please understand this is what Rosemary's Baby was all about.

It's real and it happens every day

High level masonry is rife in this fuckery as well

>Looked up who was Victoria and what was her secret…

The story of Victoria Secret’s beginning.

“Unfortunately, as Wexner and Victoria’s Secret success grew, Roy Raymond’s life slowly fell apart. After selling the company, Raymond remained president of Victoria’s Secret for about a year, before leaving to focus on My Child’s Destiny, a sophisticated children’s retail and catalogue company based in San Francisco. However, after two years of operations, My Child’s Destiny filed for bankruptcy in 1986. Raymond and his wife ended up divorcing, and on one fateful day in 1993, Raymond jumped to his death from the Golden Gate Bridge, leaving behind his two teenage children.”


eebb5a  No.6980777

oh progress:

Migrant Arrests At US-Mexico Border Drop 28% In June From May, First Drop Since January

The numbers also agree with the forecasts of acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan, who predicted that the number of migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border would drop by up to 25 percent in June.

McAleenan credited this to new agreements and policies. The number of immigrants who cross into the Southwest United States tends to dip in the hot summer months, but McAleenan said that there is more to the decline than the seasonal trend in migrations.


65e17e  No.6980778


Lawrence Krauss…physicist

94b9b3  No.6980779


Thanks for clarification. All good background.

All these demons are related to each other.

eac908  No.6980780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Angela Merkel Seen Shaking Uncontrollably for THIRD time in Three Weeks

dd8cbd  No.6980781


Google employees listen Dutch calls with it

Google employees listening conversations which Dutch with their clever Google-Assistant. That happens without clarity about Google in advance. In some cases, these are homey conversations that accidentally by the Assistant are included.

To cards has a Belgian employee of Google listen to about a thousand Dutch daily audio clips audio clips shared with the Belgian VRT.

It comes to voice commands and calls of users who mainly Flemish by Google Home-Google-smart devices and the Assistant on smartphones as well. Several dozen fragments of Dutch, he has shared with the NOS.

"I think it's important that people realize that there are people listen", the anonymous Google employee. He was paid to listening with talks of Dutch and Belgians with their clever Assistant. That way Google can improve the operation of the spraakassistent.

Google acknowledges that talks by experts ' language ' can be listened to; that happens in roughly 1 out of 500 interviews with the smart Assistant. According to the company fragments are not linked to "personally identifiable information." In other words: the people who listen to the conversations do not know to whom it goes.


The man, who wants to remain anonymous, works for an international company that is hired by Google. It is his job to the sound clips and download to write what he hears, so that Google can improve the spraakassistent so.

Per fragment that he listen to, he gets a few cents. He must therefore listen to tens of thousands of Dutch-speaking fragments per month to earn a minimum income.

Fun question

On the fragments is to hear how people Google Home order the alarm clock or hours of operation of a store. They ask Google to play their favorite music or couples a fun question to test the device. But according to the Google-employee he sometimes gets to hear all personal voice commands, for example men who Google give the command to to pornography.

But not only voice commands, also personal conversations of Dutch users are included. The NOS has received two phone calls and a domestic conversation in which a woman to hear is that to a child asks if he "still a big mouth". How that ended up at Google, is unknown.

According to the Google-employee comes indeed that the device takes up things "that are clearly not intended for the appliance". He needs to listen to those calls in the system to indicate that it is not a voice commands are.

He has since been heard dozens of domestic calls, he says, including quarrels and intimate conversations. According to the Google-source take the conversations he hears for longer than a minute.

Physical violence

"I remember a long excerpt where I felt that there was physical violence where a person really was in distress with audible in the background much noise. A stress situation, a lot of movement. That are really showing people that you listen to and no votes, "said the man.

About the tipster

To ensure that the sound files are authentic and the story of the tipster's right, as far as possible, his story is checked for possible inaccuracies. He has demonstrated the system he works to VRT and his contract to show it to the VRT and the NOS. Two sources confirmed his story to the VRT. The fact that he appoints, correspond to the facts that are appointed in the reaction of Google.

People who install Google Home or Assistant are not pointed out that people can listen to the voice commands. However, in the terms and conditions of Google that the company "audio data". That these can be overheard by people, and that there are also other accidentally calls can be stored, remains unmentioned.

In a comment let Google know that there are indeed "language experts" who listen to audio clips from Google Home speech technology. According to the company only about 0.2% of all messages and fragments are "not linked to personally identifiable information".

Since a year, users can choose to no longer to upload audio clips to Google servers. But when you set up a Google Home-Assistant is asked users to enable it "to use the full functionality of Google Assistant". The text States not that other people can listen in on the conversations.

Be further removed sensitive parts automatically from voice commands before they are listened to by people, Google promises.

Earlier it was announced that Amazon thousands of people to voice commands and conversations that Alexa, the spraakassistent from Amazon, to analyze. It led to criticism from privacy organizations worldwide.

615851  No.6980782

File: e9fd12a01c66f09⋯.jpg (239.09 KB, 1376x1009, 1376:1009, !watching_4.jpg)

a371a8  No.6980783

aa177a  No.6980784


>Have you ever seen leather products made from human skin?




340a33  No.6980785



If you have direct info, that may be true. But, we don't. We don't.

6b280e  No.6980786

File: 980fb7d3a6e9d0a⋯.png (63.18 KB, 358x377, 358:377, Bugs.PNG)

File: 2d08e9dba857d71⋯.jpg (150.9 KB, 1052x1001, 1052:1001, Don'tBeAFKwit.jpg)


FK U and FK Becky …. DUMMY kek

5a2ad8  No.6980787


That a threat bitch. Q turn you into embracing tyranny. You Qtifa now? Conservatives have no right to disagree with you because you’re a Qtifa mental midget who’s been weaponized against opposing viewpoints and are too stupid to see it?

Your mom called. Mac N Cheese is ready.

b723e7  No.6980788

File: 2e9004b7dff824a⋯.png (119.36 KB, 612x638, 306:319, file.PNG)

POTUS victory emoluments lawsuits


39f1eb  No.6980789


I wonder if the simplest explanation would fly right over Anons head for the more dramatic, artistic, imagination?

c79401  No.6980790

File: 3ad03345c9a5ee1⋯.png (198.55 KB, 361x320, 361:320, ClipboardImage.png)



Can someone tell me the striped PJ symbolism?

It reminds me of the dome colors.

65e17e  No.6980791


I've been pounding this all morning. Nobody here cares. I'm going to halfchan. This is big

7722e4  No.6980792

File: 6ea66f1ea31efc9⋯.jpg (70.27 KB, 1090x480, 109:48, gettyimages-1146491422-1-1….jpg)

bc4957  No.6980793


NASHVILLE (AP) - Former Nashville Predators captain Greg Johnson has died. He was 48.

Tom Laidlaw, his former agent, told USA Today Johnson died Monday at his home in Michigan. No other details were provided.

Johnson also played for Detroit, Pittsburgh and Chicago during his 12 years in the NHL, finishing with 145 goals and 224 assists in 785 games.

Johnson was with Nashville for the franchise's first season in the league. He spent the last seven years of his career with the Predators.

The Predators called Johnson "a consummate professional and terrific teammate" in a statement released on Tuesday. The team also said he "was an integral part of our community and in developing the Predators culture that we experience today."

Johnson was selected by Philadelphia in the second round of the 1989 draft. He made his NHL debut on Oct. 5, 1993, scoring for the Red Wings in a 6-4 loss at Dallas.


528e09  No.6980794


Head of F_I and DOJ instruct acosta that epstein was off limits ? national security protecting the Queen ?

muller ? we have some questions

eebb5a  No.6980795

File: 3ba2e9d3b358796⋯.png (74.62 KB, 255x173, 255:173, Messages Image(3307285300).png)



you can both be right

8e8847  No.6980796


^^^ Failed to understand. Missed a KEY point.

6b14d2  No.6980797

File: 84b9c015aa41dca⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 474x355, 474:355, larry renew.jpg)

File: 2db67fe32abb0d7⋯.jpg (145.04 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, larry lucky.jpg)


Jeez..sprained ankle…reminds me of this clown and his dermatologist appointment on 911

Both false flags to bring in cabal (MOS) control

He got the joo telegram

592500  No.6980798

File: 702c2cc886fe2d6⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 582x337, 582:337, 33.JPG)

File: a25a505bf0c3b57⋯.jpg (105.15 KB, 865x845, 173:169, tun.JPG)

File: 46cd9087979a34f⋯.jpg (21.09 KB, 425x425, 1:1, 71XWrLkQIXL._SX425_.jpg)

33 degrees?

math fags please help.

b3a1af  No.6980799


They have any footballs?

I ain’t clicking that shit.

f80fa2  No.6980800


massively parallel autistic processing: finding the answer is guaranteed if all possible scenarios are generated, then it is a question of narrowing it down.

6bdbef  No.6980801

File: 49380edca20dad1⋯.png (161.28 KB, 434x689, 434:689, ClipboardImage.png)





4397d5  No.6980802



What's the simplest explanation? People sitting down at table, woman wondering around, ect are all clearly visible. Dog mask, child squatting ect, casino slot machine are not. You have to make yourself see it. Personally I don't see any of the things mentioned clearly.

2c5bcc  No.6980803


Anons if these evil schitts have billions of monies. why in the hell does (((their))) temple look fake & gay? Been looking at the pics of the island buildings & temple for months especially ones from drone anon & everything on that temple looks like a giant blowup you buy at Lowes & stick in your yard….

340a33  No.6980804


Kek. Qtifa.

32d872  No.6980805

File: f73b0caae1f776c⋯.png (146.14 KB, 490x576, 245:288, 2019-07-10_11-02-17.png)


Mickey Pepe?

cd0aeb  No.6980806

Can someone explain the security camera pic? What is actually going on in it?

b57490  No.6980807

u all forgot

meme but don't do anything else

oh and about that internet shut down, you know how well memes work in your town, when the net is down

maybe you can meme some pics for those lost loved ones, while we sat by waiting for someone else to fight

wait don't fight, we might lose some

oh well

39f1eb  No.6980808



8e8847  No.6980809


>Something changed post Epstein, clearly visible by board activity.

Ever played Go?

6b280e  No.6980810

File: 5f0aeee2b954831⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 723x377, 723:377, Capture.JPG)

Marriott Faces $123 Million GDPR Fine Over Starwood Data Breach

After fining British Airways with a record fine of £183 million earlier this week, the UK's data privacy regulator is now planning to slap world's biggest hotel chain Marriott International with a £99 million ($123 million) fine under GDPR over 2014 data breach.

This is the second major penalty notice in the last two days that hit companies for failing to protect its customers' personal and financial information compromised and implement adequate security measures.

In November 2018, Marriott discovered that unknown hackers compromised their guest reservation database through its Starwood hotels subsidiary and walked away with personal details of approximately 339 million guests.


5a2ad8  No.6980811


It’s literally just as possible as your fan fiction, but Qtifa is weaponized against possibilities that threaten their dogma.

4397d5  No.6980812


You'll have to decide between what YOU clearly see and what you don't. Unfortunately… I would only rely on what you, yourself can empirically prove.

ddb5d5  No.6980813


I thought the stripes on the doorway meant it's a "portal" or something?

Not sure about the PJs

7cd85d  No.6980814

File: 9ca70f46ea6ffbe⋯.jpg (48.64 KB, 520x621, 520:621, JEEB.JPG)

File: 4a1a35c9f8e5cf1⋯.jpg (126.83 KB, 951x552, 317:184, MEEB.JPG)

File: c4d90617c45e686⋯.jpg (34.28 KB, 599x421, 599:421, BEEB.JPG)

File: 4a088ddfc6197de⋯.png (49.06 KB, 1101x156, 367:52, PEEB.PNG)

>>6980533 LB

>>6980555 LB


f80fa2  No.6980815

>>6980798 actual degrees does not matter. what matters is they are STEEP incline (the degree of incline is STEEP, as in the quality of the incline). Meaning it goes far underground and gets you to a sub tunnel (see above for dredge channel and underwater entrance you can see from imagery).

4397d5  No.6980816

22d321  No.6980817


On epsteins fucking sec camera

cbc483  No.6980818

File: aba36fa1fe275e9⋯.png (99.84 KB, 856x895, 856:895, puerto.PNG)

PR-Anon here

Major Arrests in Puerto Rico this Morning

This is a developing story.

This morning the Puerto Rico FBI arrested the following 3 people:

The managing partner of global accounting firm BDO in Puerto Rico, Fernando Scherrer

The ex-secretary of PR Health and Human Services (ASES in Spanish), Angela Avila

The ex-secretary of PR Dept of Education, Julia Keleher

For those who do not know BDO is a very large accounting firm; it can be considered a global powerhouse in accounting and is usually well insulated with their army of lawyers. For the managing partner to be arrested the FBI has to have had pretty damning evidence. Here is a link to his bio on BDO http://www.bdopr.com/en-gb/our-people/fernando-scherrer

Angela Avila had quit her position at ASES a short 3 weeks ago when the first political booms happened here in PR, but that obviously did not help her. The PR HHS handles the PR version of Medicaid and that system seems to always have problems and run out of money, surprise, surprise. This is very interesting timing as just yesterday Congress had been discussing giving PR $1.2 billion for Medicaid.

Julia Keleher ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Keleher ) was the PR department of Education from January 2, 2017 to April 1, 2019. She quit on April fool's day, interesting. She was arrested this morning in Washington DC. The Dept of Education is the PR Dept with the largest budget, at around $1.6 billion dollars, yet the condition of most schools in PR are worse than in many inner cities; low salaries for teachers, old text books, no computers in most schools, some classrooms are still destroyed from Hurricane Maria, etc.

Please take a look at her Wikipedia bio as she has been involved in many activities with children in PR, DC, Pennsylvania and California. There is something fishy about this lady. No pun intended.

So far I have only found Spanish articles on the arrests. Will Edit and Update as things progress here.



EDIT 1: The FBI just went into the PR Treasury Dept and took possession of many computers including those used by the recently fired PR Treasury Secretary, Raul Maldonado.

BTW, the two ladies that were arrested this morning, Keleher and Avila, actually managed close to 50% of the total budget of the Government of PR as Education and ASES are the two departments with the largest budgets.

EDIT 2: The governor of PR is currently on vacation in Europe. Yesterday several internal text messages between people in his administration, on the app Telegram, were leaked in which he and his people discussed him going on a "made-up vacation" and leaving the PR Secretary of Justice as the interim governor as a "taunt" against the president of the PR Senate.

In these texts they also ridicule and speak quite rudely about Jennifer Gonzalez, the representative (commissioner resident) of PR in Congress. These attacks began when she attended Mike Pence's event in Miami for Hispanics for Trump. She has publicly began to express support for Donald Trump and contradicting many of the falsehoods the PR governor and the mayor of San Juan have been saying about Trump regarding PR.

EDIT 3: Press conference will be held by the FBI PR today at 11am


b470b9  No.6980819

File: bd62f26bb0e2d53⋯.jpg (147.08 KB, 962x642, 481:321, bd62f26bb0e2d537fee4e3b748….jpg)

File: 11dea80d5214a80⋯.jpg (124.83 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 11dea80d5214a80b3fca8ed070….jpg)

anons notice how many boxes of evidence are in the background in these pictures???


94b9b3  No.6980820


See Q's #3355 on 7/8/19.

f42620  No.6980821


Lawrence Krauss defends Epstein: http://billlawrenceonline.com/atheists-support-jeffrey-epstein/

5fb86e  No.6980822

File: 9da4b7895080215⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1431x919, 1431:919, article pix.png)

Jennifer Araoz describes Epsteins townhome. Is this the location of the RC IG pic?

eebb5a  No.6980823

so, saudi's good when W is killing one million iraqis, but now saudi's bad because, yaknow, orange man bad, peace good, global stability bad

New Senate Bill Proposes Restrictions on U.S. Visas for Saudi Royal Family

Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Jim Risch, an Idaho Republican, plans to unveil legislation on Wednesday that includes a measure to bar members of the royal family who work in the Saudi government from entering the U.S., according to a person familiar with the legislation. If signed into law, hundreds of people could face the restrictions.

“This legislation is an effort to move the U.S./Saudi relationship in a different direction and I am hopeful to have the support of my colleagues in doing so,” Risch said in a statement. “We are all in agreement that we need to see a change in Saudi conduct going forward, and this bill would have a real impact in doing that.”


a371a8  No.6980824


>>6980637 new pastebin



Note takers needed

Baker needed later

This anon must leave, others plz step up.

eecf8f  No.6980825

File: decca8f59e808b9⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, SQ_Lethal_Injection_Room.jpg)


You're table for 1 is ready

b57490  No.6980826

if potus/q were to drop the hammer now

it would be to fix the USA, fix it later, the world

doesn't it scare you, your hero plays a political game?

if it is politics….

peace & security….


Agenda 21




Fake Armageddon

If we can accept the corruption ongoing, we are part of the corrupt

the time is short to act, or our free and sovereign country will be lost

16 year plan, right in front of you

like evil, you have to invite it in and give it power

isn't that what we have done here

movies and popcorn and such


think for yourselves

e8567c  No.6980828

File: f1cf57dc27bb814⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 875x493, 875:493, tut4.jpg)

File: 0faba78a17e021a⋯.jpg (169 KB, 1060x1200, 53:60, 0faba78a17e021a8be8002f2c5….jpg)


Ive been thinking Pharaohs ?

22d321  No.6980829


Yeah wow. Those boobs give it away.

e7e4e0  No.6980830

File: a251d4d851ca6e0⋯.png (2.41 KB, 351x255, 117:85, FlagOfSatan.png)


Same colors

aa177a  No.6980831


>I ain’t clicking that shit.

But there raw material is ethically sauced, they say so on the site.

9b3f2a  No.6980832

File: f00d984aa5b925e⋯.png (367.57 KB, 639x746, 639:746, Screenshot_2019-07-10 TheS….png)



1d7df4  No.6980833

File: e5f109c993c29ea⋯.jpg (582.23 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-095914….jpg)

File: cd196595d7bb487⋯.jpg (810.95 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-100327….jpg)

Martha Frick Sanger was married to Margaret Sangers great grandson. That was the time,. However, interestingly Margaret had an affair with Berkman who tried to murder Frick.


ff2ac5  No.6980834


Elitist "Benevolent dictators" don't promote the constitution and bill of rights, the 2nd amendment, and freeing the cattle. Oh promoting a gold standard backed currency.

So nice try, but try harder next time.

6b280e  No.6980835

File: 2f33b8100147ad7⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 295x273, 295:273, Capture.JPG)

Sanctions on Iran will soon be increased, substantially: Donald Trump

Iran has long been secretly 'enriching,' in total violation of the terrible 150 Billion Dollar deal made by John Kerry and the Obama Administration.

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump accused Iran on Wednesday of secretly enriching uranium for a long time and warned that US sanctions will be increased soon, as the U.N. nuclear watchdog held an emergency meeting on Tehran's breach of a nuclear deal.

"Iran has long been secretly 'enriching,' in total violation of the terrible 150 Billion Dollar deal made by John Kerry and the Obama Administration. Remember, that deal was to expire in a short number of years. Sanctions will soon be increased, substantially!" Trump said on Twitter.


8e8847  No.6980836



New command of Red Castle?

Old guard no more.

Castle move COMPLET3.

592500  No.6980837

File: 8eda2e04d96abbd⋯.png (852.59 KB, 1391x994, 1391:994, 89be421bbfad6caf2dfb2804b2….png)


thanks…here is a meme for your troubles fren.

ae21a4  No.6980838





POTUS emoluments lawsuits dismissed with prejudice - Win for Trump!

aa177a  No.6980839

File: 7cca84cffdd98ae⋯.png (53.69 KB, 670x1053, 670:1053, grammar nazi not.png)


>But there raw material is ethically sauced, they say so on the site.


Fucking retard!

1fb751  No.6980840

File: dc3ccd7ac48b006⋯.jpg (653.18 KB, 1437x2044, 1437:2044, SmartSelect_20190710-11082….jpg)



eebb5a  No.6980841


nobody's having it today. gore porn has sent them into a feeding frenzy. no time to get into it being a training facility for the sexy action spy network.

all of this is in thomas pynchon's bleeding edge and vineland

cd0aeb  No.6980842


It looks like people sitting at a table.

845049  No.6980843


kate spade was closer

maybe she ran out of ugandans.

ff2ac5  No.6980844

File: d7f6603e59bd197⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 924x960, 77:80, ab8ea17093deab5842b45eb86e….jpg)

File: 42816dc80199a2f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, a33c2df508f58c1188f771e418….png)

File: cc100030818a233⋯.png (388.59 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, cc100030818a233a72ca24aa09….png)

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, 799dcc6c9368dfb82c1ae386fd….png)


Up your game media matters.

8e8847  No.6980845



8fc21f  No.6980846


looking at first pic could be orgy room

bc4957  No.6980847

File: ee94697a94d4652⋯.png (61.69 KB, 1058x456, 529:228, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)


Train wreck Matthew Perry has been making regular hospital visits in New York, and those close to him are worried about his shabby image and failing health!

The tragic Friends star emerged on the East Coast, but after days of being spotted scratching around and appearing weary, out of shape and downcast, and smoking cigarettes and drinking diet soda, he checked in to New York University Langone hospital.

0c3ac4  No.6980848


doing it, trying to catch up now

615851  No.6980849

File: 91ce1f258d5e7b4⋯.jpg (601.42 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, !Awakening17.jpg)


That's what I was thinking also. see upper left corner.

53d68d  No.6980850

File: 18d30e597733afe⋯.png (105.02 KB, 750x1098, 125:183, PuertoA1.png)

File: c851cbdd569d4a3⋯.jpg (108.09 KB, 745x1089, 745:1089, PuertoA2.jpg)

File: a7d8bb97e3b7d2b⋯.png (154.76 KB, 632x480, 79:60, JpegLazyAnonsandMItweeters.PNG)


Like this:

And moar PR arrests…

List of names:



Follow Follow @michaelcdeibert


#PuertoRico's former Secretary of Education Julia Keleher, the former executive director of the island's Administración de Seguros de Salud & the president of the accounting firm BDO Puerto Rico were all arrested this AM, local media is reporting.

4:59 AM - 10 Jul 2019

It's also better to provide additional sauce that isn't just some random twit from twitter as this can easily be any old crack heads spreading disinfo & rumors.


4646a4  No.6980851



Justice Dept. Tells Mueller Deputies Not to Testify, Scrambling an Agreement

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is seeking to discourage Robert S. Mueller III’s deputies from testifying before Congress, potentially jeopardizing an agreement for two of the former prosecutors to answer lawmakers’ questions in private next week, according to two government officials familiar with the matter.

The department told the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees last week that it was opposed to the testimony and had communicated its view to the two former members of Mr. Mueller’s team, Aaron Zebley and James L. Quarles III, according to a senior congressional official familiar with the discussions. A Justice Department official confirmed that account and said that the department had instructed both men not to appear.

It is unclear what effect the Justice Department’s intervention will have on the men’s eventual appearances, but it raises the prospect that a deal lawmakers thought they had struck last month for testimony from Mr. Mueller, the former special counsel, and the two prosecutors could still unravel.

Both Mr. Zebley and Mr. Quarles have left the Justice Department and are now private citizens, meaning that the department most likely cannot actually block their testimony. But the department’s view — depending on how strongly it is expressed — could have a chilling effect on two longtime employees and give them cover to avoid testifying

4397d5  No.6980852


Correct, the dog mask thing, person squatting. You cannot know for sure.

5a2ad8  No.6980853


Ah, more veiled threats for someone who disagrees with you.

You guys literally are Qtifa pretending to be critically thinking conservatives.

There’s no difference. So sad.

It’s almost like someone hijacked the truther movement, weaponized it, and steered it off course under the guise of looking for truth …

Naw. People in power for thousands of years are “too stupid” to do that to a mental midget such as yourself.


Top KEK.

d1992d  No.6980854


People don't want to admit Acosta was following orders.

Hopefully he mentions who told him Epstein was intelligence this afternoon during his presser.

e7be19  No.6980855


Trial exhibit 125 looks huge (2+ boxes)

bd7881  No.6980856

File: d90ea4dd4920a69⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1898x910, 73:35, ClipboardImage.png)



Look at that water. Looks like they are dredging the Arkansas River. I wonder if they'll find anything besides dirt?

32d872  No.6980857

File: ec72e8331018236⋯.png (586 KB, 550x733, 550:733, 2019-07-10_11-10-11.png)


>Your mom called. Mac N Cheese is ready.


7faf3c  No.6980858

Another one bites the dust:


314645  No.6980859

File: 7e9cb9e28aaebf2⋯.png (75.46 KB, 481x412, 481:412, ClipboardImage.png)

This room looks similar to the room about it (10)

Same 'red' wall at the top and people sitting (squatting)

6b14d2  No.6980860


Quite a fleet. 3 fucking planes. 15cars. Dirty money indeed.


Could also be underground at his townhome. Doesn't seem to be windows….seems strange decor for island tunnels, but we'll find out eventually.

eebb5a  No.6980861

it's hit the streams? anon's knew. i guess third time's the charm…

Angela Merkel seen shaking for third time in less than a month

Merkel, 64, trembled as she stood next to Finnish Prime Minister Antti Rinne during an appearance in Berlin on Wednesday.

Afterwards Merkel said she was "fine," adding that she has been "working through some things" since she was first seen shaking during a June 18 ceremony with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


94ee80  No.6980862

File: 60767db9ef5e026⋯.png (175.78 KB, 540x418, 270:209, steps.png)

cb4114  No.6980863

File: 2664c932b13752b⋯.png (35.25 KB, 773x578, 773:578, New Moon.png)


8TH JULY 2013

901071  No.6980864

File: 6abe7a64119df15⋯.png (549.95 KB, 918x672, 153:112, TIMSTEWARTNEWSLTD.png)

Morning Frens….noticed that Epstein Hawking Sub photo had credits to "Tim Stewart News Ltd" in the UK.

Micro Digg:

Turns out this Co is credited w/ a shit ton of photos for odd things. IE the ISIS paparazzi of choice, Pedos, Murders and Necrophilliacs to say the least. Most photos he is credited w/ look like they are pre-crime or not sure how obtained. He clearly didn't go on an ISIS phot shoot or accidentally snap a photo of the necro murderer pre-crime.

Also, there is no website for this company. Searched for hours pulled the incorporation phots and found all filings, but no go on a website

Pic related below

ff2ac5  No.6980865



Osiris (ra) is the golden sun, the water (isis, hathor) is the blue.

b3a1af  No.6980866


Do Ugandans make the best purses?


0f3b7b  No.6980867

File: 1679235fa545c15⋯.png (7.67 KB, 174x290, 3:5, SQUARE UP NIGGA.png)


top of the mornin muthafuckas

square up

ae21a4  No.6980868


this is interesting and eyes on. Acosta is supposed to do a briefing regarding the Epstein case later today. I hope he verified this and drops some MOABs on the Obama Administration. If he confirms this account, it will most certainly be huge.

And the news will not be able to ignore it since they are all salivating over the possibility of destroying Acosta enroute to Trump. Live broadcasts.

071d2d  No.6980869

File: 0e233afc643b0e5⋯.png (674.91 KB, 511x511, 1:1, lions3.png)

c041bb  No.6980870

File: a7366df6a8f635c⋯.jpeg (784.1 KB, 1242x1209, 414:403, D5BBDCCB-1B82-42C2-960C-8….jpeg)

Anons, I got a reply back from the FAA on my attempt

to FOIA the Epstein flight logs. No Go.

167780  No.6980871

File: 1f2fd6d13766169⋯.png (728.97 KB, 1030x475, 206:95, same room.png)

Same room, different angle, imo.

Regardless, discussion of this frame is a slide, cause it's never going to be conclusive.

Q gave us plenty of other things to discuss.

d95e6f  No.6980872

File: f6034f039f87d52⋯.png (76.45 KB, 434x436, 217:218, Kekistani Go Club.png)


good time to learn, what with the walls being closed off in the ENDGAME.

c79401  No.6980873


So whoever came up with things like "I, Pet Goat II" are trying to manifest the occurrences?

Is this why rituals on a grand scale work?

The more attention/energy that the performance gets the more manifestation-energy it receives and more likely it will occur?

58bf2a  No.6980874


I suspect there may be tunnels connecting to the neighboring islands

bc4957  No.6980875

File: b504cee39843f37⋯.png (89.54 KB, 1236x404, 309:101, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)


(CBS News) CBS News has uncovered documents that show the State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal and inappropriate behavior within their ranks.

The Diplomatic Security Service, or the DSS, is the State Department's security force, charged with protecting the secretary of state and U.S. ambassadors overseas and with investigating any cases of misconduct on the part of the 70,000 State Department employees worldwide.

CBS News' John Miller reports that according to an internal State Department Inspector General's memo, several recent investigations were influenced, manipulated, or simply called off. The memo obtained by CBS News cited eight specific examples. Among them: allegations that a State Department security official in Beirut "engaged in sexual assaults" on foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON'S security detail "engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries" – a problem the report says was "endemic."


eb05bc  No.6980876

File: 5736440a565f92e⋯.jpg (266.06 KB, 800x642, 400:321, ajSi1e.jpg)


betereke cheshme hasud

[may jealous eyes explode!]

7cd85d  No.6980877


> “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta.

Who were the interviewers?

5a2ad8  No.6980878


Words, words, words.

Bump stocks, red flag laws, silencers, forced vaxxing, 1.2 military aged illegal immigrants, fake pro life justices, false promise to defund PP, geoengineering, 5G, increasing war under the guise of wanting to decrease it …

Like I said, you’re incapable of rational thought.

Because of words.

eebb5a  No.6980879



it's a boat? hokey smokes, it's actually a boat, not cameras from the island

da1561  No.6980880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<#8929 NOtables >>6979280, >>6979428, >>6979603 PizzaPiVI is a company based on Greater St James that advertises pizza events occurring on Epstein Island

This is an older vid but ... But watch the whole thing. Watch for the symbols, they start immediately. Wait til the shills start in with the, But it's not a pedo swirl it's just muh pizza sauce. Incidentally, they sold it last year.Sasha works for NASA, no shit. https://m.facebook.com/abouis'Timing is everything.Spent some time looking at their Facebook. Plenty to dig.

'''PMQ Pizza Magazine

Published on Aug 2, 2017

A look at Pizza Pi VI. The subject of PMQ Pizza Magazine's August 2017 cover story.'''


Great Saint James is an island of the United States Virgin Islands, located off the east end of St. Thomas. The island is approximately 165 acres in size and is reportedly owned by Jeffrey EpsteinThere is one estate on the island.

The cove on the west side of Great Saint James, Christmas Cove, is a popular snorkeling and mooring spot for day charter boats and yachts. 22 overnight mooring balls are available (but not regularly maintained). A sailboat converted into a "food truck boat," sells pizzas here.[2]


Oddest thing . Can't sauce it but Yesterday when I was looking at the website, under Location it described Christmas Cove as a Secure private Island that can only be accessed by boat. Site has been edited...


cb4114  No.6980881


wow that's really nice of them

now find the N numbers

6bdbef  No.6980882



Video embed. Chuck Todd reporting!!

8e8847  No.6980883


>fan fiction

Getting somewhere.

What is a movie?


Effective pattern for distribution of information?


How do you bypass the MSM?

2bb413  No.6980884

File: 863da9e741dcb76⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 437x581, 437:581, er5d25d905.jpg)

Anyone notice that the door has a lock ON THE OUTSIDE…indicating something they're trying to keep in?

7e8496  No.6980885

File: f9a092a4d19285b⋯.jpg (9.04 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0011.jpg)

845049  No.6980886


correction: meant the Congo, col-tan ore for our phones, etc.

39f1eb  No.6980887

File: 24c6a3ba981283c⋯.png (332.3 KB, 650x813, 650:813, AddText_07-10-10.40.55.PNG)

File: e5eb3088141d109⋯.png (51.3 KB, 254x218, 127:109, 984c8ed5065996a1a61ea5611a….png)


Occam Razor, what are the video cameras there for? The "HoneyPot" blackmail?

A full view of what is going on at those tables and everyone there would be the reason. So in the clearer shot you observe people at tables, but the area is not in full view, in the fogged up shot there is figures gathered in almost the same scenario, therefore just another view of the area. Again, in my opinion.

6bdbef  No.6980888

File: 667ed15c951fb8c⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, TheSharpEdge on Twitter FL….mp4)

Oops, forgot the vid…

6b14d2  No.6980889


Thick upper body, skinny legs too

HRC is more pear shaped and presumably short

bd7881  No.6980890


I can't figure out how to capture it on the screen, but mathematically, and using a protractor, it's 45 degrees. The angle of obsevation doesn't matter. Using geometry and equal angles, it measures at 1/4 of 180 degrees, aka 45 degrees. Pretty steep.

df7fe1  No.6980891

File: 87f7272ed76f8fc⋯.png (96.06 KB, 516x713, 516:713, TempleStairs.png)

>>6980023 LB Notables

o7 to mathematicalanon for such good thinking and diagramming

This isn't construction that just anybody could do

Do we know anything about a contractor that Epstein would have known who could have done sub-water table excavation

Also would have required concrete installation below the water table

A Florida contractor with experience pouring docks/port infrastructure would be able to do it

All Epstein's crowds seem to own yachts

They'd "know a guy who knows a guy"

So we know that Epstein has been pushing a big construction project on Great St James Island recently

What's the name of his contractor there?

Seems reasonable to guess that whoever he used for Little St James would get the call for the other project as well

Contractor with capacity/skills for that, and willingness to trade a closed mouth for money

We also know he'd been flying in the face of local officials in Great St James

No proper permits, just paying the fines instead

There are environmental regulations there & Epstein just blew them off

Anywhere else, and there might be some blueprints on file at a county office

Virgin Islands are U.S. property, but I doubt if any real records are anywhere

I've seen the records in Santa Fe County NM and you can bet the blueprints on file there don't bear any resemblance to the actual as-builts

He was paying off everybody from the NM governor on down

Got to be some way to get those blueprints

All building plans are digital these days

Racking my brain here

Any constructionanons here?

da1561  No.6980892

File: 9b957d3fdc1388b⋯.png (917.99 KB, 1126x789, 1126:789, pizzapivi.PNG)

>>6980880 this didn't attach

4397d5  No.6980893


Thanks, I completely agree with this. CH14 Slide, you cannot logically deduce what is in that image, if anything you're projecting your own on to it.

1d7df4  No.6980894


Is it even a door? Looks like a painting

c041bb  No.6980895


Looks like all they would give us, with flight number, is arrival/destinations and not passengers though. Would be useful data, but not the logs with passengers.

5a2ad8  No.6980896

(You) are here —> 2 Thessolians 2:10-11.

2b9381  No.6980897


current baker still around keeping 1 eye out

here are the notable nominations so far


are not endorsements

#8931 crowdbake

>>6980599 Wikipedia (still a comped source!) alters Epstein Bio removing ties to Clinton

>>6980589 anons speculates Epstein is MOS

>>6980788 POTUS emoluments lawsuits dismissed with prejudice - Win for Trump!

F3/Ctrl-F searching note taking only

>>6980840 New DJT Deep State and Ds witch hunt

using trumptwitter archive for timestamp and finding anon with the first

semi ghost


dd23a4  No.6980898

It's not a no go, it's a request for more info.


8fe417  No.6980899


I thought so. Kek.

8e8847  No.6980900


>good time to learn, what with the walls being closed off in the ENDGAME.

^^^ This.



You will ever defeat an enemy whose strategies you cannot understand.

0180d0  No.6980901

File: 23dbf39c5e934cf⋯.png (85.64 KB, 653x462, 653:462, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d06609e74541bc⋯.png (46.87 KB, 625x316, 625:316, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT tweet, Deep State



9d65ca  No.6980902

File: 162defe3f743ed8⋯.jpg (170.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FU Pepe.jpg)


Fuck off fake maga mega church namefags. Your memes suck pelosi ass.

Seek professional mental help.

eaf8b4  No.6980903

File: a332b0d23a863a8⋯.png (36.69 KB, 463x478, 463:478, Q3354.PNG)

Hannity: Steele hated Trump, was paid for his lies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FCNTPtNAn8 (7:09)


340a33  No.6980904


Thank you, anon. Been saying this since yesterday.

2bdfc1  No.6980905

File: fe720796e34005b⋯.png (495.5 KB, 645x834, 215:278, obama 19 pic.png)

What do I notice in the Hussein 19 jersey pic?

I noticed the flag displayed in shadowbox on shelves.

I am not sure, but that is often done to flags of deceased veterans as momentos.

Could Hussein be signalling a hit on Trump on July 19?

I just think it is a very very odd background for him.

7e8496  No.6980906

File: cfa347f2c4c5141⋯.jpg (12.32 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0010_01.jpg)


door is painted on

c3dc87  No.6980907



OIG internal memo cited, systemic corruption in State Dept. Especially under Hillary.

8fe417  No.6980908


Satanic bitch. If she loved kids so much, she wouldn’t be a lesbian.

4646a4  No.6980909


Here’s one


aa177a  No.6980910


It's trompe l'oeil, anon.

That means it is painted to appear like something it is not.

f769bc  No.6980911


Ancient sumerian (looking like Egypt) symbolism.

This is what masons believe in.

This is what the mason bible refers to.

86b08c  No.6980912


Sauce -

Alex Acosta holding press conference today re: Epstein


592500  No.6980913


thanks for the input

2bdfc1  No.6980914


and what is that on wall behind the flag? looks like an emergency button

e7e4e0  No.6980915

File: dde5614d796020b⋯.png (89.24 KB, 500x619, 500:619, WayneJews.PNG)

106103  No.6980916



b723e7  No.6980917

File: 80453eeb7fb4bc3⋯.png (18.49 KB, 671x219, 671:219, file.PNG)

sex island becoming a main stream subject


58bf2a  No.6980918


Is it a crematory?

c9c278  No.6980919

File: 1f59513c8cb7334⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 1573x2359, 1573:2359, freckles-redheads-beautifu….jpg)


Parallel Construction for public dissemination of facts. Just recently, PBS revealed they had some "unconventional" sources for some material for a story they did. It was a hat tip to this board, and all the anons and their efforts here.

Gov releases info.

MSM chooses not to cover it.

Anons cover it over social media, and this platform.

Some brave journos cover it/expose it.

Government now has Constitutional backing (freedom of the press) to act on it.

This is how shit is getting done.

9d65ca  No.6980920

File: 351d576c47e8e81⋯.png (130.96 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 351d576c47e8e818a4ff9e0759….png)


Thank you Mr. President.

aa09fe  No.6980921

File: 2e176d312bd249d⋯.png (342.09 KB, 1002x569, 1002:569, ClipboardImage.png)


3fa5fa  No.6980922


If anyone thinks Musk got so powerful just by himself, they are fooling themselves.

Musk said "if you can't beat them, join them" on Joe Rogan. He was (is) DS puppet.

Musk's brother for one is anti-Trump and also comped.


f80fa2  No.6980923

>>6980837 steep. can't figure out the actual angle from the images unless the lens distortion is known, the height of the camera also, at a minimum. some imagery/CGI animation fag could probably spend 10 hours generating all possible combos

b50741  No.6980924

>>6980897 One eye here, too, baker. Can't stay but here's what I collected:


>>6980788 POTUS emoluments lawsuits dismissed with prejudice - Win for Trump!

>>6980840 New PDJT tweet

>>6980793 Former NHL star Greg Johnson dead at age 48

>>6980770 US Marines tweet - Now You See Me

>>6980713 Labor Sec. Acosta speaks to the press @2:30pm eastern

>>6980671 Iran oil tanker seized by Egypt in Suez Canal

>>6980638 1000 kilos of coke found in 'cemented' packages

>>6980624 USACE HQ - New Commander @ Littlerock

>>6980616 Alex Acosta claimed Epstein belonged to 'Intelligence'

>>6980606 Britain's U.S. Ambassador resigns

1fb751  No.6980925


Make sure to note either PST or correct timestamp for EST….11:06

7e8496  No.6980926

File: 8e506f0006ef0c4⋯.jpg (10.06 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0011_01.jpg)

ff2ac5  No.6980927

File: 66a837c062614ce⋯.png (9.02 KB, 255x255, 1:1, shillindicator.png)


Plans take time, but it all goes in the right direction and with the right goals that are clearly visible in the horizon.

You should also take your time and think of actual counter arguments instead of pseudo-intellectual shilling.

Nice try media matters, but alas, not good enough. Even my vintage 8chan post detector smells your demagoguery from far away.

8e8847  No.6980928

1d7df4  No.6980929

File: adc3f2da31f9fcc⋯.jpg (935.08 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-101805….jpg)

696756  No.6980930


NOTABLE (also ~ has translate button)

4e28b3  No.6980931


Slightly off-topic question for you, PR-Anon, but related to the Epstein island which is located not very far from PR –

are there often UFO sightings on/near Puerto Rico? A couple UFO researchers from there have said so publicly, but I'd like to know your take.

Some have speculated that there is something special about the general location of Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, and Little St. James islands that makes it conducive for weird/supernatural types of events… such as the manifesting of demons, appearance of UFOs, etc. That's why I ask.

6b280e  No.6980932

File: b9286de008cbbb6⋯.jpg (46.93 KB, 631x437, 631:437, Capture.JPG)


How to Pour Foundation Concrete Under Water

When building a boat ramp or a bridge you will have to learn how to pour foundation concrete underwater. The important thing to remember is that while the finished product will be underwater, the construction technically is not. Through the use of a cofferdam you can create a dry space in which to work even in the middle of a river. While constructing a cofferdam for a project such as a bridge is enormously complex and requires special engineering, the principles are the same as creating a cofferdam for a shallow water boat ramp.



034a47  No.6980933


It’s not fake,but how do you use his testimony to prosecute. You probably can’t use it. It’ shows a pattern though.

106103  No.6980934



a1257c  No.6980935


looks like a FIRE ALARM

7dd7e9  No.6980936

File: 4413f5ea688c6a0⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 356x218, 178:109, pirateanonItHasBegunAtSea.jpg)

==Arrrr! where The Q team be… the treasure be…. Arrrrr!!

2bb413  No.6980937



Yes the doors and everything are painted by why paint a locking bolt on it? Its all about symbology right? So what does the lock portray?

b8d372  No.6980938

Started thinking about HRC's uncontrollable shakes, then started thinking about Angela Merkel's shakes. Reminds me of that brain disease caused by cannibalism / eating of human brains.


Watch this man's reaction to noise (he has CJD)


Watch Merkel shake during the music playing at a ceremony.


I tried to locate a video of HRC doing the shakes, but for some reason, those videos can no longer be found…..hmmmm….

Given the reports of spirit cooking, HRC + HUMA desecrating an 8 year old, etc. this may be manifestations of CJD. If this were to occur in some other suspected bad actors, this is a smoking gun.

6bdbef  No.6980939

File: 2364caee123db3a⋯.png (20.43 KB, 395x446, 395:446, ClipboardImage.png)


Good vs Evil

4646a4  No.6980940

94b9b3  No.6980941


At some point, they've got to jump on the bandwagon. Who will be first?

They'll have to find a way to save face, though.

This will be a goldmine for the media.

Except for those at Gitmo or hanging in Utah.

0d424b  No.6980942

File: 378414a8f432e74⋯.jpg (268.65 KB, 1928x1048, 241:131, Capture.JPG)

What are they hiding here?

On a beach at Pedo Island.

4397d5  No.6980944


Anon, focus on what you can clearly see. This image is just a guessing game.

b1a4c8  No.6980945

File: 22da9d8e6379d46⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 1080x305, 216:61, Screenshot_20190710-081839….jpg)


I thought the same, so I liked it up and came across this article which mentions the movie "there will be blood"


aa177a  No.6980946


More references to Zero; is about to go down?

42c77d  No.6980947

File: a9486b95f507b2c⋯.jpg (262.54 KB, 960x540, 16:9, thisisthe.jpg)

we're going to have to nuke Israel.

Robert Maxwell, Jizz Maxwell, Epstein, all Jews.

This is a classic Mossad honeypot. We knew this years ago.

Videotape Goyim Politicians, And They Will Do What The Jews Want. And You Don't Get High Level Anything Unless They Have Video Of You Doing Sick Shit.


8add46  No.6980948





d2abc9  No.6980949

File: fb7a6b53b90cb10⋯.jpg (495.02 KB, 1011x718, 1011:718, Screenshot_20190709-204742….jpg)

Exit the Worry of Todays Tom Steyer…..

e8567c  No.6980950


Yes could be Masonic they love Pharaonic symbolism just look at DC and the dollar

2bb413  No.6980951


Yes fucktard it's painted on…Same as it was 2 years ago. But thanks…

20a1e3  No.6980952


naked people sunbathing

340a33  No.6980953


They are not mutually exclusive.

7cd85d  No.6980954


Also camera placement indicates high ceilings.

342f9b  No.6980955

July 19, 2013

“The day the earth smiled”


Also the day Saturn had an eclipse. Cult of Saturn connection?

034a47  No.6980956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7e8496  No.6980957

File: 8d6b9f4d865f621⋯.jpg (11.32 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0012.jpg)

62f988  No.6980958

File: 139d80b2c4803bc⋯.jpg (9.65 KB, 255x163, 255:163, tardjail.jpg)

Doc checkin in

They were trying to tell me to consolidate the Q posts like notables, duh!

Note to self, keep Q posts as note++

and watch first page like notable page

reading notables

July 19,2013 on brain


deep stairs to dungeon

morning, morning baker


eb05bc  No.6980959

File: f31b5b3ad099846⋯.jpg (424.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, YuoFzjId.jpg)


betereke cheshme hasud

[may jealous eyes explode!]

2dc0f5  No.6980960


go away

c9c278  No.6980961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The plan is brilliant.

374c23  No.6980962


Your ass, my fist, September 1987. Remember Frank?

4397d5  No.6980963



Saturn was also in "opposition" yesterday when Q posted.

d32d5c  No.6980964

File: a484e7dcf814004⋯.png (336.88 KB, 627x786, 209:262, ClipboardImage.png)

Let us not forget about the Turd of the North…

ae21a4  No.6980965


the manifests have the N numbers for the flights

Try again anon, this is good work

5a2ad8  No.6980966


Unconventional could mean Mossad for all you know, or any number of things … but you’ve been programmed to think you’re the savior of mankind, so everything is filtered through that lens.

Enjoy yourself.

d95e6f  No.6980967

File: 67b659ea199190d⋯.png (173.78 KB, 651x341, 21:11, ClipboardImage.png)



Hey bakers, isn't the media attacking /ourcartoonist/ (as well as directly attacking a Q PROOF) NOT ABLE? >>6980633

hate to self-toots the horn, but seems extremely related

20a1e3  No.6980968


btw Trump is using "Deep State" as a normal reference.

Has anyone seen this in history before?


8e8847  No.6980969


>The more attention/energy that the performance gets the more manifestation-energy it receives and more likely it will occur?

Q. What is the relationship between attention & belief?

Q. What is the relationship between belief & power?

Q. What is the relationship between power & results?

f769bc  No.6980970


This post is obviously not done to help research, but to force the muh jew narrative.

Fake and gay.

>>6980589 anons speculates Epstein is MOS

5e39e8  No.6980971

File: ad1818579aeeaab⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 960x542, 480:271, 61381197_1858257964275878_….jpg)

4678ab  No.6980972

File: 3be6b7e9534d5cf⋯.png (69.33 KB, 259x420, 37:60, pepe - newfag 0.png)

>>6979908 (PB) new [BHO] Tweet (number 19)

>>6980375 (PB) new BHO twat

>>6980577 (PB)

>>6980375 (PB)

>>6979948 (PB)

sorry anons, but from the graphic it seems 19 is positive? I really don't get the message here. Over my pay grade. Any help?

8e8847  No.6980973


>I suspect there may be tunnels connecting to the neighboring islands

374c23  No.6980974


Have you ever thought about taking up a career in the custodial arts?

45cf0b  No.6980975

File: a5b96c23444d3e4⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like SOME msm's are starting to catch on to the bullshit now.


House Democrats promote Trump-bashing ‘kids in cages’ hearing, but use Obama-era photo


1d7df4  No.6980976


So no helping newbies? You are a dick

475f46  No.6980977


Either a toddler or doll.

b6b4d0  No.6980978


>Is it even a door? Looks like a painting

Indeed - the whole thing looks like a decoy. What if it houses, for instance, the generators/AC etc for a massive, underground bunker? A man like JE, used to living in a 45k sq,ft. mansion in NY and an even bigger estate, isn't going to be comfy penned up in a box structure like the one that appears over ground, however many levels. I'd bet the underground "bunker" stretches across a large part of the island and any over-ground structures are mere service "outcrops" for want of a better word. Ventilation, AC etc.

22d321  No.6980979


Looks painted on but ok

e7e4e0  No.6980980

File: 31268cc7b02da34⋯.png (547.78 KB, 513x382, 513:382, HollywoodJews.PNG)

File: 171d9090b6680ff⋯.jpg (108.38 KB, 560x725, 112:145, JewNames.jpg)

File: 24fda832a9e7fe7⋯.png (72.29 KB, 886x500, 443:250, JewSuck.PNG)

File: f9cb0ad70dc0f0c⋯.png (76 KB, 500x530, 50:53, MaxMiss.PNG)

File: 390d6bb89eb0c2c⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 500x547, 500:547, Nadler Jew.jpg)

b293c5  No.6980981

Perhaps they share the blood lines of the Pharaohs and consider themselves Pharaohs?

P is over the chair?' [P]haraohs

They consider themselves pure bloods, the superior race thus the Nazi analogy?

52236b  No.6980982


Garrison's cartoon's have overwhelmingly supported POTUS from the beginning. Banning him from the summit because of one cartoon is a very bad look for this administration.

2dc0f5  No.6980983

Remember Jerome Corsi?

74bd9f  No.6980984


trudeau … transposes to

turdeau … which literally means

water turd

f769bc  No.6980985


No sauce?

Still baker baked it?

Bc he liked the "muh joooo" (= really, not the masons, even when Q says so…) so much?

shill baker on duty. Mason pedo scum get out of the kitchen.

6bdbef  No.6980986

File: 813daf2278bf626⋯.png (604.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Where is Pence going today? Anyone? Bueller?

6adf72  No.6980987


Makes you wonder

did the director or whomever choose the movie name "There will be Blood" ever spend time at the Frick Museum bowling alley several floors down a pokey stairwell. And also, was there blood?

b57490  No.6980988

so let me get this straight

WJC/JE + USSS are raping children in the sky

Military transported drugs and children into America then escorted them to dark tinted SUV's with no passports

DOJ/ Jeb Bush / mandate sweet JE deal

and yet here we sit, years + numerous innocent children are harmed, and we are going to trust this same apparatus that swore to uphold are rules of law to now get the people who committed these crimes while getting off scott free because they were just following orders?

?? wow special kind of logic there?

4678ab  No.6980989


lose a fortune = penance?

86b08c  No.6980990


When I was a kid, I had a pajama set with feet that was striped and it was nothing nefarious….just striped pjs - at about the same time as the girl's only mine were red and white.

ff2ac5  No.6980992

File: 29bd18b8aa6401a⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 740x531, 740:531, 29bd18b8aa6401a3b9dfeeb7b2….jpg)



P.s. you even used the 5g shill topic. Top kek! Even when try to sound "rational", you must glow somehow like a retarded shill. Oh media matters… I pitty you.

5e9648  No.6980993

File: 507d0924288fcae⋯.jpg (153.43 KB, 749x500, 749:500, trump8iugig.jpg)

0c3ac4  No.6980994

#8931-Ghosty bake


updated pastebin and ghost

Notables, not endorsements

>>6980599 Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats

>>6980602 2 SoCal Earthquakes Warped the Ground for Miles. And It's Visible from Space.

>>6980606 Britain's Amb resigns…

>>6980614, >>6980655 Frick related to Margaret Sanger-anon dig

>>6980616 Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

>>6980624 USACE HQ Retweeted BG Paul E. Owen


>>6980660 President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Advancing American Kidney Health

>>6980671 Iran oil tanker seized by Egypt in the Suez Canal

>>6980713, >>6980773 Labor Sec Acosta plans to speak at 2:30pm EST-calls to resign re: Epstein case and related

>>6980729 GREAT OLDER DIG ABOUT EPSTEIN ISLAND-anon submission

>>6980743, >>6980781 announced by The Belgium & Dutch National News-speech technology

>>6980761 Iran: An uprising that turned the regime’s prospects into pipe dreams

>>6980770 USMC Tweet-"Now you see me"

>>6980777 Migrant Arrests At US-Mexico Border Drop 28% In June From May, First Drop Since January


>>6980801 USACElittlerock Tweet-Red_Castle

>>6980810 Marriott Faces $123 Million GDPR Fine Over Starwood Data Breach

>>6980818 PR anon reports "major arrests this morning"

>>6980901 POTUS Tweet, Deep state

>>6980875 state department memo reveals possible cover-ups halted investigations

8ba515  No.6980995

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, Chan Archive Service.jpg)

Spreadsheet is updated to post >>6976657


Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

By month-


Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/

Mar: https://postimg.cc/gallery/288psr0d6/

Apr: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2f58y6jyy/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/

Jun: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gqfcs7cq/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/10efwhs6y/

Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/

Sept: https://postimg.cc/gallery/fi9cz256/

Oct: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gej1ubtm/

Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/m6s6nh96/

Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2ujftsfju/


JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/

March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2d9ahuk56/

April: https://postimg.cc/gallery/16gtgjvx6/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2uneblcuy/

June: https://postimg.cc/gallery/31uv0lwqi/

July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2atvilh6i/

All images in these galleries are permanent, do not expire, you need no account, no nothing to access them, and you can post them anywhere, share them with link easily (or download)



FEB: https://anonfile.com/C8A8bah7be/Feb_18_rar

MAR: https://anonfile.com/x0Bcb4hbbb/Mar_18_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/TeB0bch2b7/Apr_18_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/h1D0b2h6b2/May_2018_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/QcDfbeh5b7/June_18_rar

JULY: https://anonfile.com/2eE4bbh6b5/July_18_rar

AUG: https://anonfile.com/25F3b3h2b2/Aug_2018_rar

SEPT: https://anonfile.com/61Mbxei4bf/Sept_18_rar

OCT: https://anonfile.com/59d2q5k4b7/Oct_18_rar

Nov: https://anonfile.com/n4Z6W4m7b9/Nov_18_rar

DEC: https://anonfile.com/7ai6L6p6b0/Dec_18_rar


JAN: https://anonfile.com/E70dAat5bc/01-19_JAN_rar

FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar

Mar: https://anonfile.com/sbg732b3n4/03-19_MAR_rar

APR: https://anonfile.com/sdk0o9m3ne/04-19_APR_rar

MAY: https://anonfile.com/R1PbZbw5na/05-19_MAY_rar

JUN: https://anonfile.com/IcJf9ay4n7/06-19_JUN_rar

JULY: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link

--> RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file

All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.

Patriots, archive offline!


8f4c81  No.6980996


yes. fire alarm hornstrobe.

c12851  No.6980997


What about proofs dont you get

We have Eric Prince sayn she was there

We know how she could get there

We need a proof



374c23  No.6980998


Hey buddy, I got shrimp for sale by the pound if interested? 384-234-9992 Rick

2161ca  No.6980999

File: 6b012180d93c868⋯.png (196.82 KB, 857x275, 857:275, Screenshot at 2019-07-10 0….png)


Copy Pasta from: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3325946

PR-Anon here

This is a developing story.

This morning the Puerto Rico FBI arrested the following 3 people:

The managing partner of global accounting firm BDO in Puerto Rico, Fernando Scherrer

The ex-secretary of PR Health and Human Services (ASES in Spanish), Angela Avila

The ex-secretary of PR Dept of Education, Julia Keleher

For those who do not know BDO is a very large accounting firm; it can be considered a global powerhouse in accounting and is usually well insulated with their army of lawyers. For the managing partner to be arrested the FBI has to have had pretty damning evidence. Here is a link to his bio on BDO http://www.bdopr.com/en-gb/our-people/fernando-scherrer

Angela Avila had quit her position at ASES a short 3 weeks ago when the first political booms happened here in PR, but that obviously did not help her. The PR HHS handles the PR version of Medicaid and that system seems to always have problems and run out of money, surprise, surprise. This is very interesting timing as just yesterday Congress had been discussing giving PR $1.2 billion for Medicaid.

Julia Keleher ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Keleher ) was the PR department of Education from January 2, 2017 to April 1, 2019. She quit on April fool's day, interesting. She was arrested this morning in Washington DC. The Dept of Education is the PR Dept with the largest budget, at around $1.6 billion dollars, yet the condition of most schools in PR are worse than in many inner cities; low salaries for teachers, old text books, no computers in most schools, some classrooms are still destroyed from Hurricane Maria, etc.

Please take a look at her Wikipedia bio as she has been involved in many activities with children in PR, DC, Pennsylvania and California. There is something fishy about this lady. No pun intended.

So far I have only found Spanish articles on the arrests. Will Edit and Update as things progress here.



EDIT 1: The FBI just went into the PR Treasury Dept and took possession of many computers including those used by the recently fired PR Treasury Secretary, Raul Maldonado.

BTW, the two ladies that were arrested this morning, Keleher and Avila, actually managed close to 50% of the total budget of the Government of PR as Education and ASES are the two departments with the largest budgets.

EDIT 2: The governor of PR is currently on vacation in Europe. Yesterday several internal text messages between people in his administration, on the app Telegram, were leaked in which he and his people discussed him going on a "made-up vacation" and leaving the PR Secretary of Justice as the interim governor as a "taunt" against the president of the PR Senate.

In these texts they also ridicule and speak quite rudely about Jennifer Gonzalez, the representative (commissioner resident) of PR in Congress. These attacks began when she attended Mike Pence's event in Miami for Hispanics for Trump. She has publicly began to express support for Donald Trump and contradicting many of the falsehoods the PR governor and the mayor of San Juan have been saying about Trump regarding PR.

EDIT 3: Press conference will be held by the FBI PR today at 11am

Meme wizards have fun with this pic…

696756  No.6981000

File: e5e4e61b2a6c5d2⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 8 USA fireworks 7 4 2019.png)

417412  No.6981001

File: 761d9b46f0d7be8⋯.jpg (54.82 KB, 686x550, 343:275, MNY241987.jpg)

File: 3fa0c9ec52c13c1⋯.jpg (191.89 KB, 634x726, 317:363, JE NY Mansion.jpg)

CCTV Photo is NY Mansion

I think anons are correct that the CCTV is the NY estate. No Caribbean island would have wood stairs and floral walls.

The photo I posted is the 1st floor renovations and stairs from a 1943 photos - https://collections.mcny.org/CS.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&VBID=24UAYWDDQSTRX&SMLS=1&RW=1366&RH=623

In this 2015 article, JE added CCTV in the bathroom under the sink - this would explain how RC had access to take the photo.

"According to the Times, Visitors described a bathroom reminiscent of James Bond movies: Hidden beneath a stairway, lined with lead to provide shelter from attack and supplied with closed-circuit television screens and a telephone, both concealed in a cabinet beneath the sink." https://www.curbed.com/2015/1/9/10004040/jeffrey-epstein-property-real-estate-holdings

And last, many articles say it is a 7 story townhouse (some articles say 8 or 9 stories) but the outside only shows 5 stories.

When it was a nursing home the kitchen was in the basement when it was, which maps to those eating in a basement in the CCTV shot:

"The facility was opened on September 8, 1945. The ground floor now housed a Romanesque-style chapel hung with 16th century Genovese red velvet donated by staff member Dr. John Morrisey. The Louis XV reception room remained as did the dining room and library. Administrative offices were also on the first floor. In the basement were a modern kitchen and the nurses’ dining room."


7e8496  No.6981002

File: 0c7803380e7aa9f⋯.jpg (11.31 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0001_23.jpg)


its windward side back behind the temple, real low area with artificial rock shoreline hedging the water up in front of it, have more pics will look for

e7e4e0  No.6981003

File: 010c8c55f7c88ac⋯.jpg (81.8 KB, 712x500, 178:125, DungeonJews.jpg)

83a549  No.6981004

File: 656bc0423b7dc9b⋯.png (509.69 KB, 505x505, 1:1, thinkmirrorQ.png)

7d51e1  No.6981006

Hurricane Barry off the coast of Georgia

kek, they named it Barry

cb4114  No.6981007

File: d5ff8798cc0fb34⋯.png (267.16 KB, 945x207, 105:23, Window.png)

Just noticed this


CH 14,15,16

15 and 16 are opposite ends from the outside of the wall

14 is from the inside (people outside standing and watching inside)

1dcdc1  No.6981008


You're like that still small voice in the back of our mind which might indicate psychosis…general opposition to which indicates general cognitive health.

You're welcome, on a short leash.

eaf8b4  No.6981009

File: a332b0d23a863a8⋯.png (36.69 KB, 463x478, 463:478, Q3354.PNG)

*Fail* - Trying again…

Q Proof: 11th Hour Testimony


Hannity: Steele hated Trump, was paid for his lies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FCNTPtNAn8 (7:09)


6b280e  No.6981010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ELP - Still you turn me on (with lyrics)

6059fd  No.6981011

Anon made a reference to Wiki and a Deadman switch…with all the pedo stuff of late why not…https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-19/hillary-clinton-linked-mysterious-front-associated-julian-assange-pedophile-smearHillary Clinton Linked To Mysterious Front Associated with Julian Assange Pedophile SmearThe DailyKos put out a report on Oct. 17 that WikiLeaks describes as a “smear campaign plot to falsely accuse Julian Assange of pedophilia.”“An unknown entity posing as an internet dating agency prepared an elaborate plot to falsely claim that Julian Assange received US$1M from the Russian government and a second plot to frame him sexually molesting an eight year old girl,” WikiLeaks said in a press releaseTuesday.The press release went on: “The second plot includes the filing of a fabricated criminal complaint in the Bahamas, a court complaint in the UK and laundering part of the attack through the United Nations. The plot happened durring WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton related publications, but the plot may have its first genesis in Mr. Assange’s 16 months litigation against the UK in the UN system, which concluded February 5 (Assange won. UK and Sweden lost & US State Dept tried to pressure the WGAD according to its former Chair, Prof. Mads Andenas).”The DailyKos reported that a Canadian family holidaying in the Bahamas reported to the police that their 8-year-old daughter was “sexually molested online” by Assange on Toddandclare.com.Julian Assange’s legal team provided a timeline in the press release which showed that the self-claimed dating agency ToddAndClare.com contacted WikiLeaks’ defense team offering one million dollars for Assange to appear in a video advertisement for the “dating agency”.Assange’s defense wrote back, stating that the proposal appeared to be an “elaborate scam designed to entrap Mr. Assange’s reputation into unwanted and unwarranted publicity.”WikiLeaks was able to trace down the address of the front, posting an image on twitter of what appears to be a warehouse or garage.

Image and report coming up1/2

2dc0f5  No.6981012

File: d3b2f7e24e18a49⋯.png (365.23 KB, 829x456, 829:456, ClipboardImage.png)

Epstein Arrest Supports Q Anon Claims of Global Satanic Cult blackmailing Political Elites


The arrest of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein on child sex trafficking charges threatens to unmask a far deeper layer of crimes that involved the ritualistic abuse of children on Epstein’s private island, and the many political elites that were flown there to participate. The arrest directly supports repeated claims made by the military intelligence group Q Anon that Epstein was part of a global Satanic cult that blackmailed political elites who were compromised at Epstein’s island through the sexual exploitation of children, and more serious physical abuses.

As US Federal prosecutors investigate the full extent of the crimes committed by Epstein through his child sex trafficking ring, the sinister activities that occurred on his island will receive closer scrutiny, as will the involvement of those elites that participated….



62f988  No.6981013

will bake, accept hand off


106103  No.6981014

Stefan Molyneux

Why did Jeffrey Epstein have a fully-equipped dental chair in his bathroom?



220135  No.6981015

File: 184cc555a1fa249⋯.png (207.14 KB, 565x591, 565:591, anti-man.png)

df7fe1  No.6981016

File: f9076c8c760e037⋯.png (797.68 KB, 886x953, 886:953, PepeInvestigator.png)


We were kicking this around last night, too


1. Christopher Steele is talking

2. Multiple Epstein connections are talking

3. Italy has flipped too

4. People have forgotten about the Awan thing, but I bet somebody from Pakistan has been talking too

All the other international diplomatic relationships are up in the air so much that my mind is just blown

We need a whiteboard the size of a football field here

f769bc  No.6981017


Hussein, that you?

aa09fe  No.6981018


just noticed it while trying to puzzle the position of the cameras to evaluate overall size

2b9381  No.6981019



374c23  No.6981020


How much incest can a family take before the kids legs end up growing out their head?

0c3ac4  No.6981021

File: 2dadf2dc3a36433⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1096x773, 1096:773, abe points it out dd.PNG)



696756  No.6981022



6059fd  No.6981023

File: c1279e129f53a74⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 553x546, 79:78, CvGHayEXEAA43Uf.jpeg.jpg)

File: 18fbaf7146a96c3⋯.pdf (863.61 KB, final_report_t_c_17_oct_20….pdf)

a72aca  No.6981024


Curious how ADL justifies calling this cartoon "anti-semitic". Rothschilds and Soros' religious beliefs are not the problem, their actions are.

62f988  No.6981025

ty ghosty

have a great day



a1257c  No.6981026


Seriously? Thats terrible, to be invited then "uninvited" how could POTUS and Q let this happen?

Im so sorry Ben, you are a great artist and patriot!!!

c12851  No.6981027


Stefan is a canadian blogger

Pretty popular

He is here once in a while

Though he doesnt Q too much

5e9648  No.6981028

File: 2d628b9eedbdc42⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 620x465, 4:3, putin2j2v5b.jpg)

268416  No.6981029

File: eafa691ec1121c9⋯.png (326.83 KB, 610x342, 305:171, Hair standing on end.PNG)

Hikers experience electric shocks on Colorado 14ers over the weekend

DENVER – Hikers on two different mountains this weekend experienced electrical shocks and currents so strong it left their hair standing straight up.

Lori Corliss is an experienced hiker. She and a group of over 30 hikers were on the summit of Mt. Princeton at about 10:30 a.m. when they started feeling shocks on their skin.

She says they all started running for their lives off the summit.

“We all started feeling our hair standing up, skin was tingling. Everything was zapping us, the backpacks, the poles. We said 'everybody run!“ Corliss said.

On Mt. Evans Sunday, a similar situation unfolded with John Savage and Anna Duncan. They left early, checked the forecast and brought the right gear. When the clouds started coming in near the summit, they headed for safety. That's when Anna snapped a photo of John's hair standing straight up.

“My walking poles would tingle and there would be a shock about 50 volts from the metal to my hand; that was crazy, I didn’t realize my hair was up on end,” Savage said.

If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing to do is create space between yourself and others, ditch any metal poles or objects and avoid solitary trees. As a last resort adopt the lightning position by crouching down on the balls of your feet and place your hands over your ears, like so.

If the electricity is in your hair, that is a dangerous sign.

“That’s literally ionized particles going right to the end of your hair and waving at the heavens saying, 'strike me now,'” Denver7 Chief Meteorologist Mike Nelson said. “You are perhaps milliseconds away from being hit by lightning, you should get down immediately, get on all fours.”


0e5956  No.6981030




HRC That You?

374c23  No.6981031


Cool pic, wheres the dental chair tho?

c9c278  No.6981032


MOS has literally been called out several times by Q. Regarding your "programming" comment:

I don't think any anons, here, are running around thinking they are saving the planet. We are a part of the overall plan, yes, but the glory goes to the idea of doing the right thing, not to ourselves. Often times, anons are in the dark as much as shills and DS. Participating in those parts of the plan takes patience, love, and understanding.

Again, that's why we're on an anonymous board. Nobody here is making practice of exposing themselves of being in the "in" crowd. We're just here discovering, sharing, and helping others.

b5ca0a  No.6981033

File: a90d14f43a1b1e4⋯.jpeg (692.25 KB, 1656x2198, 828:1099, 959FB7B8-B831-48D2-89AA-8….jpeg)

File: 4884edd18af2f38⋯.jpeg (889.05 KB, 1664x2181, 1664:2181, A5878AD2-5510-40D0-BDAA-9….jpeg)

File: d030837956bb6c1⋯.jpeg (384.35 KB, 1667x1857, 1667:1857, A348C6CB-3F32-4A14-92ED-4….jpeg)

File: 456c078cb610aae⋯.jpeg (324.31 KB, 1666x1943, 1666:1943, 76BE20BE-3E79-4828-B6D3-7….jpeg)

File: d030837956bb6c1⋯.jpeg (384.35 KB, 1667x1857, 1667:1857, A362E362-DA6C-403B-8488-7….jpeg)

Hello Anons. I’ve been researching kids and the Virgin Islands and ran across this. I’m sure she has been covered before, but check out this website and some alternative facts.

The easiest way for them to get kids, is to find abused kids, kids in poverty (make deals with parents), kids with disabilities, kids in trouble…. these people (like the Clinton’s and Epstein, etc) would need to know the demographics of where to get kids who can be easier to take and Victimize. If they are already victims, it makes it easy for the sick fucks to take them.

This woman is connected with the Clinton’s and the Virgin Islands via this organization, Kids Count Data Center. They have a database of kids throughout our country and tributaries.

Annie E. Casey is in charge of it and is connected with the Clinton’s.

45cf0b  No.6981034

File: 5fb5b28a3a21050⋯.png (756.62 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)


Rep. Nunes on Christopher Steele's grilling by DOJ investigators: A lot of the dossier 'was just made up'


94b9b3  No.6981035


The ancient pharaohs all married their brothers and sisters. That was just expected of them.

688ec2  No.6981036

File: 104ed6a83eb9afe⋯.png (501.89 KB, 1192x757, 1192:757, Rapinoe insta.png)


4f18dd  No.6981037

File: 1a272095d7cd00d⋯.jpg (26 KB, 500x373, 500:373, 1a272095d7cd00de8b1e223291….jpg)

File: a9d41ed51c0d14a⋯.jpg (98.82 KB, 900x675, 4:3, d3e771fad3091275cd4d42f421….jpg)




Baker why are you ignoring all the anoncalling out the "jeffrey epstein = mos = evil muhjews = fake and gay protocols of zion" "notable"?

this is a sourceless shill garbage

83a549  No.6981038


In his bio:

Peaceful Parent, Philosopher and Host of Freedomain Radio. http://freedomainradio.com http://youtube.com/freedomainradio


b57490  No.6981039

oh well

at least we have D Bongino (USSS) to make a great soft landing for all those agents that betrayed our conscious our laws our understanding of duty and service?

More of that special Q logic you don't question

0713a3  No.6981040

File: eae9eeb08d7f16d⋯.jpg (186.97 KB, 800x450, 16:9, John-Kerry.jpg)



John Kerry helped the terrorist Islamic Republic regime and its allies who are the enemies of the people of Iran and the United States by paying 150 billion dollars plus 1.8 Billion Dollars in CASH!; 

however, not all democrats are alike.

This news came out and almost everyone had heard about it, but it had not been reflected in the suppressive mainstream media. 

Even the voice of the world’s top politician, Donald Trump, did not get anywhere and was censored…, until the person to blame confessed himself: 

“The Iranian regime has given part of the money it received in the nuclear deal to the terrorist groups.”

Not only the money did not reach its main owners, the people of Iran, and it was not spent on improving the economic situation and the turmoil the Iranian people are living in, but also it was directly handed over to the enemies of the people!

It is beyond imagination to know how many terrorist groups were created and dispatched with this money and what weapons, bombs and equipment were bought or made, and how much blood was shed and crimes committed!

Suppression of domestic protests, imprisonment and execution of protesters, creating insecurity in the Middle East, missile attacks on Israel and Saudi Arabia, clashes and civil wars in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, killing and injuring thousands of people, Human Rights Forces as well as the Peace Corps of various nationalities such as Iranian, Syrian, European and American… , all were only a part of the incredible service of John Kerry’s team.

On the other hand, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, the leader of RESTART populist movement, empty-handed, without any tribune and with thousands of enemies was able to strike a fatal blow to the regime of Iran, Russia and Bashar al-Assad, only with three episodes of a radio program called “The defenders of the shrine of Bashar al-Assad” which is still among the most talked-about programs after two years.

A program which went viral with millions of downloads on Telegram and made the Islamic Republic of Iran do whatever it takes to destroy Seyed Mohammad Hosseini and unite all its cyber forces to block and take down his social media pages and also to degrade his personality and threaten him day and night.

From religious channels to sex and porn accounts on Instagram, were all under the supervision of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence, all alike and united.!!

However, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini’s programs were more influential than that to be stopped…

Soon dispatching forces from Iran to defend and fight for the shrine of Bashar al-Assad, which previously had a rising uptrend, became less and less trendy.

Public opinion pressure on the dispatched forces and their families (formerly called warriors but currently mercenaries) became to the extent that dispatching forces to Syria became almost zero from Iran, which made the regime of Iran to hire forces from neighboring countries.

Then again, when the Islamic Republic of Iran’s dirty game was made public and the number of dispatched forces to Syria declined, the importance of this war dimmed as a result and that made the fire of this regional conflict subsided that saved lives of many troops from Iran, Syria, US, etc.

John Kerry financially supported Iran’s terrorist regime, 


Seyed Mohammad Hosseini helped disarming this regime.

Now we are asking you:

“Shouldn’t America take John Kerry to the court and appreciate Seyed Mohammad Hosseini for everything he has done so far?”


fe57ac  No.6981041


Stefan Molyneux? He is a red-pilled philosopher. Makes some pretty good vids. Was pretty strong lobbying for Trump in 2016 as well (well, lobbying against the left may be more accurate).

4e28b3  No.6981042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jorge Martin and Mel Fabregas are two UFO researchers who think there is something special about the general location of Puerto Rico - which is very close to Epstein's island - including possible undersea bases.

various theories exist on who might have built the bases - humans, ETs, or both.

just adding this to the discussion as these issues, even if they were only ever rumors, might have played a part in Epstein's choice to purchase this particular island and not some other island. one line of thinking is that if there's something special about this spot on the globe that helps UFOs appear in the area, it might also be easier for humans to commune with noncorporeal entities like Moloch/Baal there.

32d872  No.6981043

File: 80cc5a727aa22d6⋯.png (195.77 KB, 438x672, 73:112, 2019-07-10_11-22-53.png)

File: 723fe045454f624⋯.png (483.57 KB, 786x480, 131:80, 2019-07-10_11-23-59.png)

File: 964b6582ec33c94⋯.png (148.04 KB, 674x570, 337:285, 2019-07-10_11-25-34.png)

File: f93d0c0f4ffc8e8⋯.png (609.4 KB, 635x726, 635:726, 2019-07-10_11-28-21.png)


Saturn and Cubes.

The satanists seem to love Saturn and Cubes?


7dd7e9  No.6981044

File: 8f83d28a37983b4⋯.jpg (94.23 KB, 1295x794, 1295:794, anon_pirate_image_ (4).jpg)

File: 8ea938009b2431e⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 953x530, 953:530, anon_pirate_image_ (5).jpg)


July 19, 2013-The Day The Earth Smiled. Coincidence?

Here is the third-ever image of Earth – taken on July 19, 2013, aka the day Earth smiled. The wide-angle camera on NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured Earth and the moon, plus Saturn’s rings, in the same frame. Earth appears as a pale blue dot, while the moon is stark white. NASA says this is only one “footprint” in a mosaic of 33 footprints covering the entire Saturn ring system (including Saturn itself). At each footprint, images were taken in different spectral filters for a total of 323 images: some were taken for scientific purposes and some to produce a natural color mosaic. This is the only wide-angle footprint that has the Earth-moon system in it.

What you’re seeing here is the dark side of Saturn, its bright limb, the main rings, the F ring, and the G and E rings. The limb, or edge of Saturn against the backdrop of space, and the F ring are overexposed. The breaks in the brightness of Saturn’s limb are due to the shadows of the rings on the globe of Saturn, preventing sunlight from shining through the atmosphere in those regions. The E and G rings have been brightened for better visibility.


e8567c  No.6981045

File: 3202eb3a70d1ef9⋯.png (35.55 KB, 511x444, 511:444, Screenshot_2019-07-10 M I ….png)

Wonder if M.I.A. will be connected partner Benjamin Bronfman He is the second-eldest child of actress Sherri Brewer and Edgar Bronfman Jr. the former CEO of Warner Music Group. He and musician and activist Mathangi "Maya" Arulpragasam, better known under the stage name M.I.A., were engaged from 2009-2012 and have a son together. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Bronfman

696756  No.6981046



62f988  No.6981047

pastebin lite

need to go back for old one

plz keep up notables


f6ee93  No.6981048

File: 348aad2c0fc0e9d⋯.png (676.92 KB, 1239x1363, 1239:1363, katv-news-local-ruth-bader….png)

File: abc34cc6a203433⋯.png (109.44 KB, 1373x1081, 1373:1081, RBGcffoundation.png)

File: f476de7de5a421c⋯.jpg (319.53 KB, 1000x1496, 125:187, D_Ha406X4AIZRiA.jpg)

File: e578bb76e170cf7⋯.jpg (385.11 KB, 715x1017, 715:1017, BC5 Eileen.jpg)

File: 99ea5932d6eef3e⋯.png (161.32 KB, 951x415, 951:415, RBGcffoundationWaitlist.png)


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to speak in Little Rock; free tickets go quickly




8e8847  No.6981049

If you do not understand the mind that created Q, how will you ever read the QMAP?

Q. 262

>Learn to read the map.

>The map is the key.

>Find the keystone.

>What holds everything together?


74bd9f  No.6981050


happens a lot during storms out on peaks, look at thru-hiker videos on the tube for reference.

ff2f06  No.6981051

File: 6e0a58cf86ce10b⋯.webm (646.69 KB, 720x404, 180:101, RnMnazi.webm)


>has become an absolute nut house.

a small clue for ya Sherlock… it always was

part of its charm

plausible deniability and all that don't ya know?

b1a4c8  No.6981052

File: 6577e402ace344f⋯.jpg (16.14 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ls.jpg)

Any socal Anons know about condom revolution?

I've never heard of it until I drove past it a few weeks ago in Huntington Beach. Check out the storefront, these people are brazen.

Going to do a little dig on it, will report back.

7e8496  No.6981053


epstein wanted to build a bridge originaly but was shut down so we figure as much, the cut between his 2 islands stays real real shallow too would be easy fix. the workers at the pizza boat nextdoor have same line of thinking. also said contractors were digging with an excavator and found a bunch of bones, covered that shit back up and moved the site over.

seperate contractors first hand confirmed the presence of "lots of girls" and said he has "concubines" he houses them in (thought it was the little houses covered mostly by tree cover in the small dock / Ichthyocentaur statues cove.

58bf2a  No.6981054

File: c2d0f79db151bcb⋯.jpg (908.66 KB, 1691x1382, 1691:1382, predators.jpg)

Tarrantino been to the island? Fodder for his horror movie plots?

e7e4e0  No.6981055

File: 20d1e507131045b⋯.png (92.56 KB, 894x500, 447:250, CadsII.PNG)


Gloria Vanderbilt and Estee Lauder are of the same ilk.

Bronfman is part of NIXVM shit, and her dad was (P)resident of World Jewish Congress. Now, son of Estee Lauder, Ronald, is (P)resident of WJC, and David Rothschild is (C)hairman.

It's not rocket science…it's Satanism.

615851  No.6981056

File: 5a13d4bb3e047ea⋯.png (601.08 KB, 1096x1226, 548:613, !!## .png)



ae21a4  No.6981057


hey baker, you missed Trump winning the emoluments case


eaf8b4  No.6981058


>We need a whiteboard the size of a football field here

>my mind is just blown

Right! So much, all interconnected? Head pounding.

2946f3  No.6981059


What is it?

86b08c  No.6981060


you could look and see that Maher is an actual name and in fact the one that William Maher was born with…

what is your point?

a88040  No.6981061

Acosta was 38 and had never handled heavy cases prior to being ASSIGNED to this case.

Who assigned Acosta, knowing who/what he was up against? Why was there no team, considering the media involvement?

Acosta was chosen and hung out to dry.

90fb8a  No.6981062


Thank you anon.

42c77d  No.6981063


Everyone has known for Decades that Robert Maxwell was Mossad.

592500  No.6981064

File: 9ba5d25a941cc1f⋯.jpg (163.21 KB, 1572x739, 1572:739, sub2.JPG)

File: 64d2a5afd318e54⋯.png (1.53 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 64d2a5afd318e54f6b361520d1….png)

File: e0df08f741bb204⋯.jpg (120.36 KB, 1089x816, 363:272, sub.JPG)

>>6980273 PB


83a549  No.6981065

File: 432dae85e2683bd⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 586x347, 586:347, sr.jpg)


a2fcd6  No.6981066

>>6980633 Pretty fucked up.

42c77d  No.6981067

File: f48e0b1017cc2dd⋯.jpg (277.7 KB, 600x696, 25:29, mossadblackmail.jpg)

f4793b  No.6981068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Concerning The managing partner of global accounting firm BDO in Puerto Rico, Fernando Scherrer who just got arrested…….

People who know, know BDO.

c9c278  No.6981069


Tesla setup shop in Colorado Springs for a reason.


340a33  No.6981070

e7e4e0  No.6981071

File: bfacdc57ebd3d25⋯.jpg (100.14 KB, 666x500, 333:250, DealWithJews.jpg)

9b3f2a  No.6981072

File: 9c9440437cd1ec5⋯.png (1.7 MB, 798x808, 399:404, Screenshot_2019-07-10 TMZ(….png)

Blue Ivy is a boy.

These people are fucking sick.

0180d0  No.6981073

File: b64c23db6b95bfc⋯.png (127.85 KB, 703x786, 703:786, ClipboardImage.png)


. People have forgotten about the Awan thing, but I bet somebody from Pakistan has been talking too

POTUS is meeting Imran Khan on July 22nd

b57490  No.6981074


helping others to be passive and not fight for what is right

you are as complicit as those doing the harm when you let it continue

go ahead and kid yourself that you are helping anyone

enjoy some more tits and dicks while you fight for the children

what a joke

praise god I found Q, more lewd lewd lewd

df7fe1  No.6981075

Fox News reporting that the third American woman in the past month has died following cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic, reportedly from a blood clot and on the operating table during liposuction procedure

Found her Dominican doctor on Facebook

106103  No.6981076


just to have idea how JE treated people who were working at Epstein Island for him:


Now, ask yourself, do you think they would care about some NDAs?

3090a0  No.6981077


trump family is from germany

"stein" is german for stone

Epstone is a Keystone?

b6a157  No.6981078

Watching normies figure out this Epstein shitshow is funny. They have no idea how fucked the world is and I hope we get the truth.

Bring on the Civil War.

And POTUS, stop trying to make Jared Kushner happen. He's an evil bastard.

62f988  No.6981079

Found updated Paste



8add46  No.6981080




7e8496  No.6981081

File: 715c3024c1fdb19⋯.jpg (10.32 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0012_01.jpg)

4ede1d  No.6981082

File: c032ea4f1ced855⋯.jpg (87.31 KB, 615x843, 205:281, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 19939c43df3d6fe⋯.jpg (95.52 KB, 609x783, 7:9, 1a.JPG)

File: b75337b61e264c9⋯.jpg (136.01 KB, 572x898, 286:449, 3.JPG)

Former DOD Secretary Mattis Met With Amazon Exec Involved In A $10 Billion Program


7d8ca1  No.6981083


Would anyone be so kind as to dig up the plane number(s) for me? i’m on the road phoning

90fb8a  No.6981084

File: 91726fb623f1fa0⋯.jpg (23.39 KB, 288x175, 288:175, satanists dont give a fuck.jpg)

42c77d  No.6981085


Jews are Satanists

58bf2a  No.6981086

File: c14a41e6b3b5027⋯.jpg (1015.55 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, epsteinrabbit.jpg)

7cd85d  No.6981087

File: 3cb3282dd4a80b8⋯.png (284.51 KB, 836x599, 836:599, JEY.png)

File: be1eb8f155da0b5⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 670x512, 335:256, JCY.jpg)



c1eedb  No.6981088

File: 0f39e76a0b74161⋯.png (63.57 KB, 625x580, 125:116, EPSTEINnNUMBER.png)


That is awesome anon. I don't know if this can help, but here is an N number from another board.

696756  No.6981089


Lots of chatter in the msm on this today.

2261ba  No.6981090

File: ff0d0c10942eaf6⋯.png (51.7 KB, 651x470, 651:470, Capture.PNG)

article in british "news" about russia sub


8e8847  No.6981091


Breadcrumb trail from Q→MAP all laid out.

Transparency is the only way forward.

7d8ca1  No.6981092


TY sir

65e17e  No.6981093


The big question is, did Trump add him to

administration because he knew the Epstein case would blow up, the Dems would cry about

Acosta and then he could drop the bomb that

Epstein was a honeypot set up by Mossad/CIA

That would be some 4D chess

6b280e  No.6981094

File: 1b313dc45572390⋯.jpg (48.18 KB, 597x415, 597:415, Capture.JPG)

BREAKING: Pompous British Ambassador to US Who Disparaged President Trump Resigns in Shame!

British buffoon and Ambassador to the US, Kim Darroch, resigned today. This comes after cables were leaked of him bashing President Trump.

The Hill reported today –

The British ambassador to the U.S. resigned on Wednesday, days after leaked cables that criticized President Trump escalated tensions between the two close allies.

Kim Darroch’s resignation came one day after Trump bashed him as a “very stupid guy” and “pompous fool” and his tenure became a flashpoint in the race to replace outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May.

“Since the leak of official documents from this Embassy there has been a great deal of speculation surrounding my position and the duration of my remaining term as ambassador. I want to put an end to that speculation. The current situation is making it impossible for me to carry out my role as I would like,” Darroch wrote in his resignation letter, released by the U.K. Foreign Office.

Foreign Office chief Simon McDonald said he accepted Darroch’s resignation with “deep personal regret.”


ff626d  No.6981095

File: 076cf38e597f78c⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1440x737, 1440:737, BM001_75.png)

File: b47652cf6faa5a2⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1440x737, 1440:737, BM002_75.png)


I'm digging interdasting properties for any possible connections. This is fairly close to the island and one of the few piers i n that area. Quite a spoopy company name if you ask me. So far I have not found much info on them.

2c5bcc  No.6981096

File: bf758b7b83f8da2⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 255x254, 255:254, bf758b7b83f8da295a52ffcfea….jpg)



Got a lot of newbies here fren & gonna have many moar in the coming weeks. Some of this info is all new to many so help when you can.. every anon was new, even you & needed a lil help.

Get Ready!

94b9b3  No.6981097


Without the keystone, an arch collapses.

JE makes the whole mess implode.

20a1e3  No.6981098


reminds me of Casinos where they have to cover every angle. and also the hallways for scamming.

e7e4e0  No.6981099

File: 31268cc7b02da34⋯.png (547.78 KB, 513x382, 513:382, HollywoodJews.PNG)


Who owns fake news?

6f28dd  No.6981100

File: 9507bebe09bfd6a⋯.png (152.92 KB, 615x534, 205:178, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)

File: dbdec443fa24b30⋯.png (178.63 KB, 621x580, 621:580, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)

File: 9fcf12f3fd48a5b⋯.png (188.67 KB, 628x598, 314:299, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)

File: 572bdb0da93bc79⋯.png (167.17 KB, 627x556, 627:556, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)


BINGO! That's the ticket.


It's in the Wikileaks emails too?

c9a66c  No.6981101

Has any Anon considered that the “raw” video that Q has posted about regarding HRC might have been filmed via these cameras on Epstein Island?

Maybe that is why Q says the date at bottom is important bc HRC was there performing a ritual or skinning/cutting up someone.

Maybe the HRC video ties back to the still shot of the Epstein cc cameras….maybe she is in one of those rooms.

bef305  No.6981102

File: c401e00cd7b3289⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, flood.jpg)

Enormous Antarctic glacier on brink of collapse could raise sea levels by half a metre alone, scientists warn

An enormous glacier the size of Florida may be on the brink of melting so quickly it could cause catastrophic global sea level rises, scientists have warned.

While the climate crisis has seen temperatures soar and rapidly reduce ice levels in the Arctic, down in the Antarctic, far larger ice sheets containing much more water are now believed to be at significant risk of collapse, despite previously being considered stable.

The Thwaites Glacier is one of five recently identified unstable Antarctic glaciers which have doubled their rate of ice loss in just six years.

Covering 70,000 square miles, it is likely to accelerate its flow into the ocean, a new study into Antarctic ice sheet stability has suggested.


>watch the water… level?

aca473  No.6981103

File: b95a9bcf88eab9c⋯.png (5.87 MB, 2944x3030, 1472:1515, ID - August 2019 - CHAI.png)


so easy a NASA graphic designer can fake that shit using M$ Paint in only 30 hours

saw attached proof in graveyard bake didn't it get picked up

c1eedb  No.6981105

File: cdcd3143e093a58⋯.jpg (33.6 KB, 472x384, 59:48, pepeQANONhistoryBOOK1.jpg)


You're welcome

b7af84  No.6981106

File: d594221cb2de675⋯.png (298.88 KB, 980x281, 980:281, ClipboardImage.png)

IF this wench is speaking the truth about the 'team' being with her, would this not warrant a look at how the 'team' is put together? Can a conservative soccer player actually get on a team like this? No free thought on this 'team'? Group think only option? Do they screen the players for political party affiliation?


b5ca0a  No.6981107

File: 4144e12aa6ac430⋯.jpeg (293.19 KB, 1668x1972, 417:493, 660F79C9-AC05-47A6-81F6-4….jpeg)

File: c92928c70cca18a⋯.jpeg (276.45 KB, 1668x1970, 834:985, F3EF5A51-D0D9-43EE-B7A0-C….jpeg)

File: 21c26c0304a8a30⋯.jpeg (303.98 KB, 1668x1959, 556:653, DE4B928C-9025-47EF-9E87-0….jpeg)

File: 21ca93677ea9726⋯.jpeg (91.36 KB, 1668x724, 417:181, 86AD186A-54EF-4D72-BE51-3….jpeg)



7d51e1  No.6981108


a falling angel

d3edc1  No.6981109

File: 34f2dd900c1c69d⋯.jpg (100.62 KB, 728x968, 91:121, IMG_8653.JPG)

42c77d  No.6981110


We'll see what happens.

Protocols doesn't have "except for Trump".

They have something on him, is Trump going to fight through that? Maybe.

e7e4e0  No.6981111

File: 3b9c6fef5a99657⋯.jpg (60.51 KB, 700x467, 700:467, KushnerTraitor.jpg)

eb97b4  No.6981112

File: 2568c601516b751⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 795x210, 53:14, 2019-07-10_113225.jpg)

Thinking Out Loud

Is Q hinting to some type of Dante's Inferno and Levels of Hell?


7722e4  No.6981113

File: baa251a80cca3a5⋯.png (453.11 KB, 750x743, 750:743, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)

File: c3ff61804a0fe7a⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1605x725, 321:145, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)

File: 746f82fd8e3d42b⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1648x732, 412:183, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)

File: 905e04923cd1827⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1621x1174, 1621:1174, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)

aa09fe  No.6981114

File: b2e2b38be70ccfc⋯.png (139.16 KB, 554x278, 277:139, ClipboardImage.png)


PB >>6980184, >>6980389 Anon points out the tie from underground Epstein Island pics to July 2013.( CCTV 2013/0

July 19, 2013 is the same date of the IG post

Seemed obvious...

5e39e8  No.6981115



58bf2a  No.6981116

File: 6e19bb315035949⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 754x870, 13:15, allin.jpg)

4f18dd  No.6981117

Epstein wasnt mossad and he wasnt a clown, he was a bridge between all bad actors. Connected maxwell and emad (and adnan) khashoggi, they connected clowns and mos, he also connected the CF (as he bragged about being a co founder), and CUSTOMERS.

THE CF brought the children, drugs, guns, nat sec secrets, and he was the middle man in all those deals. He connected the cabal to their Israeli deep state puppets via the wexnet institute that he owned and the leveraged corrupt Israeli former PM Ehud Barak.

The question is how does he conmect to the power brokers (roths, rockefellers, saud). Khashoggi connects him to the Saudis, but whoo connects him to the Roths? The clintons?

26f966  No.6981118

File: e23890691e9986c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 960x934, 480:467, HOW THE DEEP STATE CENSORS.PNG)

20a1e3  No.6981119


Now we are talking.

this is the best match so far.

ae21a4  No.6981120


I think you may be onto something here.

Rachel Chandler taking photos of CCTVs in Epstein’s NYC mansion


7e8496  No.6981121

File: 577c05d7b019152⋯.jpg (8.14 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, _0025.jpg)


basically parked my dinghy there sometimes, even closer to shore line, not deep enough for anything useful right there unless the ground gives way, also knowingf that dock barge and boats usually there looks like either photoshop to hide or shitty sat compliling artifiacts (barge doesnt look like water irl)

2bdfc1  No.6981122

File: e71235583527e20⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1464x740, 366:185, busy bees interntional pre….PNG)

File: ad6dc27bc751694⋯.png (342.24 KB, 1247x744, 1247:744, JUNE RUDSON BUISY BEES SEA….PNG)

File: 168545750389dbd⋯.png (74.46 KB, 1313x737, 1313:737, bahren wiki 1.PNG)

File: 993a197c9a7752d⋯.png (101.79 KB, 1314x743, 1314:743, bahren wiki 2.PNG)

File: a0ef7734591cfbc⋯.png (105.16 KB, 1320x691, 1320:691, BANK OF SINGAPORE WIKI.PNG)


Hillary seems to have a fetish with bees. Tweets about bees disappearing. Gives Ardern a book about bees.

Bees in the news lately?


This 'preschool endeavor was started by a Brit…..John Woodward, CEO of Busy Bees international.

June Rudson is the Chief Executive Officer of Busy Bees Asia.

JUNE RUDSON is also the wife of Bahren Shaari.

BAHREN SHAARI is the CEO OF BANK OF SINGAPORE, a bank which only serves high net worth individuals and wealthy families in its key markets of Southeast Asia, Greater China, Indian subcontinent and other international markets.

Guess who spoke at the BANK OF SINGAPORE IN EARLY 2018? HUSSEIN






90fb8a  No.6981123


You do dickhead…. because you believe that shit.

52236b  No.6981124


Not a hurricane, yet and will never be off the coast of Georgia. It is currently south of the Florida Panhandle heading west.

aca473  No.6981125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3675de  No.6981126

File: 2a043f8bf68913a⋯.jpg (487.21 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-083419….jpg)

File: 9610fbf1fc1f897⋯.jpg (474.24 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-083438….jpg)

File: 56534ba3cb32df5⋯.jpg (408.75 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-083452….jpg)


Mega Group = MOSSAD


df7fe1  No.6981127



After more episodes of the Curse of Oak Island than I care to admit, I know far more about cofferdams than most reasonable people need or want to know.

This is a complaint, not a boast :/

352a63  No.6981128

File: c3088a161b5f7ee⋯.png (756.18 KB, 620x620, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


underground sweatshops for human leather products? Dental chairs…? Pools, dead children, tony podesta art? ……Biljana Djurdjevic



8ba515  No.6981129

>>6981033 Kids Count Data Center dig


58bf2a  No.6981130


The question is- who handles Epstein?

e7be19  No.6981131

File: 35a3efc3501cbd8⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS live now


7722e4  No.6981133

File: 4ecb0d1f8e762cb⋯.png (154.9 KB, 550x546, 275:273, Dante_Inferno_Levels.png)


interdasting - 9th circle = traitors

2dc0f5  No.6981134



e8567c  No.6981135


Connection possible to John Perry Barlow he was into this type of tech ? digging.

In 2010, Bronfman also became a principal investor and advisor at Algae Systems, LLC,[7] a third-generation bio-fuel company founded by Matthew Atwood that takes waste water from cities (using CO2 captured by GT) and generates jet fuel and diesel.

417412  No.6981136


Q said that in his post last night. Catch up, anon.

0c3ac4  No.6981137


roger, drop at about 600 with additions

5a2ad8  No.6981138


Your first sentence is this board’s premise for all thought. Which, by definition, is not independent thinking.

If you actually thought independently, you’d see that.

3fa5fa  No.6981139


Should also be an Epstein Egg – KEK

0713a3  No.6981140

File: 78518a045f3f418⋯.jpg (724.19 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-100743….jpg)

File: a16e31ce7c103d8⋯.jpg (160.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_20190710_103505.jpg)

42c77d  No.6981141


Balfour Declaration.

Britain gives Palestine to Rothschild.

Rothschild = Israel = Mossad

592500  No.6981142

File: fbe160fcd50eafd⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 443x321, 443:321, 646c0e501b9b5ee3a9049dec2d….jpg)


Amazing how things make sense once you are asked a question.

That's the entire point of this operation.

It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb dumbs.

It will all make sense.

Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out.

Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

Your President needs your help.

He wants full transparency for the great people of this country.

Everything stated is for a reason.

God bless, Patriots.


a1257c  No.6981143

File: 541154d3c9a3576⋯.jpg (10.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, batpepe.jpg)


I still say he would have made a great Joker on the Batman films.

3675de  No.6981144

File: 33a6fce861b4ed2⋯.jpg (310.03 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-082330….jpg)

df7fe1  No.6981145


Ghislaine Maxwell and (formerly) Les Wexner, on behalf of either Mossad or some extremist faction of Israel

c44050  No.6981146

File: 9a4b72acd5ce7bd⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3b30daea643859d667e7aab780….png)

Epstein, CIA, drug smuggling and Les Wexner, owner of Victoria's Secret

In 2003 The Columbus Free Press reported that Jeffrey Epstein had “recently loaned his jet to Bill Clinton.” The mainstream media did not trumpet this older connection between Clinton and Epstein when the latter was arrested in 2007 nor did it speculate loudly on it's possible impact on Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential bid. Epstein's companion Ghislaine Maxwell, who is alleged to have procured pubescents for the prince, was also mentioned along with the death of her father, publisher Robert Maxwell. Multiple sources, including noted investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, allege that the elder Maxwell was a long time asset of Israeli intelligence.


2f62bd  No.6981147


I've reread the article multiple times and even found the original news paper copy from NY Times. I'm not super sure if it's saying Epstein added the CCTV. I may be wrong but the way it's positioned in the article and the surrounding context is making me think Wexner had them added.

Could there be a crystal staircase in the CCTV footage? Your article says Epstein liked showing it off to his victims.

0b7447  No.6981148

File: dd0724373b9a78d⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 707x800, 707:800, IMG_7992.JPG)

File: c2a2600bfb3b78e⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 326x512, 163:256, IMG_7991.JPG)

8add46  No.6981149






7e8496  No.6981150

File: 8e97e8dc5a029f6⋯.jpg (4.84 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, DJI_0136.JPG)

58bf2a  No.6981151

File: 742832748a4002f⋯.jpg (1000.37 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, eggman.jpg)

811eff  No.6981152

File: 9ada341a15f6648⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 2133x2215, 2133:2215, Untitled-1.jpg)

File: 26e3ba812788a40⋯.jpg (890.02 KB, 2048x2045, 2048:2045, DmyKs_TW0AMIh6U.jpg)

File: be2a11bdcb2172c⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 2048x2045, 2048:2045, DmyKs_TW0AMIh6u 1.jpg)

File: 546b9ef49d2d8e7⋯.jpg (989.72 KB, 2048x2045, 2048:2045, DmyKs_TW0AMIh6U 2.jpg)

File: 79cce4485b35c46⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2048x2045, 2048:2045, DmyKs_TW0AMIh6U 3.jpg)

i hope these edits help…

d1992d  No.6981153


This went down during GWB

bc4957  No.6981154

File: 078842545c5af9e⋯.jpg (89.3 KB, 500x696, 125:174, jfk.jpg)


Difference being:

Trump activated the beam of LIGHT

1fb751  No.6981155

File: 9972fd29cf3a8e4⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB, 480x270, 16:9, VL_JcbmVK22NG1Lt.mp4)

File: f0eff899d6c6124⋯.png (219.38 KB, 639x746, 639:746, f00d984aa5b925e965072682b5….png)



Heres the video

18aeeb  No.6981156

File: 5b81312ba31cfe8⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, Wonderful.jpg)


Steep stairs.

Underwater access.

Sub licenses.

>avoids air detection

The real cargo…

Tunnels to other islands.


Sounds like a nexus of blackmail and ritual.

[CLAS 1-99]

df7fe1  No.6981157


The big Mega Group piece from a couple days ago ICYMI


b470b9  No.6981158


Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.

4678ab  No.6981159

File: da19df7868ecfdc⋯.png (52.28 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, pepe - fren 3.png)


What do you call the lack of bodies from the Holocaust?

A lie because Jews control the country and will arrest you if you don't.

a8acd6  No.6981160



Here you go, anon:

727-100 aka "Lolita Express" - N908JE

Gulfstream IV - N120JE

Gulfstream V - N212JE

Bell 430 (Helicopter) - N331JE

811eff  No.6981161

File: d902e43c5cb624e⋯.jpg (426.08 KB, 2133x2215, 2133:2215, Untitled-1 edit.jpg)

374c23  No.6981162


Hey Anderson!

528e09  No.6981163


tunnel to art museum ?

remember who owned in past ?

Epstein received mansion for $0 ?

hefner have tunnels ?

why would elon build tunnels in LA and Chi?

to hide the tunnels in use by the cult ?

e7e4e0  No.6981164

File: 2a667369b8df11b⋯.png (56.04 KB, 719x500, 719:500, BearShittinInWoods.PNG)


Article was written by a Jew moranski

22d321  No.6981166


Someone posted a painting I hadn't seen…terrified children covered in cuts running through the woods. That one haunts me.

6b280e  No.6981167

File: 67465d668bda3b0⋯.png (469.82 KB, 699x391, 699:391, Climate.PNG)



"We need to get some broad based support,

to capture the public's imagination…

So we have to offer up scary scenarios,

make simplified, dramatic statements

and make little mention of any doubts…

Each of us has to decide what the right balance

is between being effective and being honest."

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,

Stanford Professor of Climatology,

lead author of many IPCC reports

"We've got to ride this global warming issue.

Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,

we will be doing the right thing in terms of

economic and environmental policy."

- Timothy Wirth,

President of the UN Foundation

“The data doesn't matter. We're not basing our recommendations

on the data. We're basing them on the climate models.”

- Prof. Chris Folland,

Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

“The models are convenient fictions

that provide something very useful.”

- Dr David Frame,

climate modeler, Oxford University

58bf2a  No.6981168

File: 36673446194ad17⋯.jpg (121.39 KB, 702x536, 351:268, terramar.jpg)

b62249  No.6981169

What is [CLAS 1-99]?

4678ab  No.6981170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


gained a lot of respect for these guys for using this speech on a main stream album. Then you realize how woke they are going through it.

MK Ultra





e8567c  No.6981171

File: 738f884455b75f8⋯.png (67.78 KB, 1012x754, 506:377, Screenshot_2019-07-10 Alga….png)


What a tangled web

0713a3  No.6981172

File: 8685b0b5717351c⋯.jpg (985.61 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190710-072022….jpg)

7e8496  No.6981173

File: 07491a393a5702f⋯.jpg (4.8 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, DJI_0235.JPG)

26a365  No.6981174

File: 5867f07c6b66794⋯.jpg (18.44 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 8be95e83ce899407c077e3bf77….jpg)

0e4def  No.6981175

File: 11dea80d5214a80⋯.jpg (124.83 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 11dea80d5214a80b3fca8ed070….jpg)


Tail# are in the pic.

N908JE Boeing 727

N120JE Gulstream IV

N212JE Gulfstream V

N331JE Bell 430 helicopter

592500  No.6981176

File: 4f2325a9286037c⋯.jpg (87.48 KB, 433x266, 433:266, who.jpg)

df7fe1  No.6981177

File: 62ec146bbd04054⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, PepeBlackTie.jpg)


Haven't seen anybody say it here previously, but

Thank you, Epstein Island Droneanon

Your pics are peerless, man. Outstanding.


b6b4d0  No.6981178


Nice, proactive work, anon. Congrats.

c2e380  No.6981179


Link to Emoluments case opinion and order. The 4th Circuit really slapped down the District Court.

aa09fe  No.6981180


that's the point

unless I'm not understanding the notable

f7602b  No.6981181


Same fucking pictures that SDNYanon (or some other name anon went by) dropped last year on this board.

528e09  No.6981182


Epstein co worker at Bear Stearns have a dungeon ?

tunnels in NY ?

2c5bcc  No.6981183

File: e9ffe660f946e41⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 640x360, 16:9, e9ffe660f946e419a2f1d4dada….jpg)

696756  No.6981184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anom0ly that you? kek


20a1e3  No.6981185


Marina Abramovic is from that region.

Abramovic knows the Podestas.

Podestas have the artists pictures in their home.

no coincidink!

e6aae3  No.6981186

File: 3dce68ed634bb2a⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1920x1259, 1920:1259, SN1bNw_NIhNxViy--qHAvsK7al….png)

7e8496  No.6981187

File: 9af8af3dbc76702⋯.jpg (4.7 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, DJI_0238.JPG)

2dc0f5  No.6981188


>CLAS 1-99

good question, Q has posted it a few times. Classified documents? pages 1 - 99? no clue

anons plz advise

e7e4e0  No.6981189

File: fa81aa1f896d5c5⋯.png (212.75 KB, 301x422, 301:422, ClipboardImage.png)


Polanski (Jewish)

Depp (Jewish)

Abromavic (Satanist)

352a63  No.6981190

File: 1fbc4f9c9cc9e83⋯.png (39.92 KB, 410x308, 205:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dad072e1a4f3ba⋯.png (69.33 KB, 510x383, 510:383, ClipboardImage.png)






592500  No.6981191

File: 8c2c3ae52b7ab2f⋯.jpg (99.67 KB, 504x288, 7:4, Desperate.jpg)

8add46  No.6981192





4e28b3  No.6981193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that's where I think the existing information out there on undersea facilities/"bases" in the general area of Puerto Rico and USVI might be relevant to why Epstein chose this spot for his island fortress.

Heck, even old Chris Columbus wrote in his journals that he saw anomalous stuff buzzing around his ship and under the water when he first sailed to Hispaniola.

42c77d  No.6981194


Article links Rothschild to Robert Maxwell. From 1988



MIDWAY THROUGH THE AFTERNOON OF SEPT. 26, ROBERT S PIRIE, PRESIDENT of Rothschild Inc., waits anxiously in the salmon-colored dining room opposite his office at 1 Rockefeller Plaza.

A hulking figure with an unruly gray mane, Pirie is expecting a telephone call from Robert Maxwell, the much-feared British media magnate. During the last two months, the 54-year-old Pirie has been serving as chief tactician in Maxwell's offensive against Macmillan Inc., the publishing giant. It is the second major battle in the Briton's campaign to establish a strategic presence in the United States. Thus far, to his chagrin, Maxwell has been thwarted.

d7897c  No.6981195


Well no shit, I used to work for these fuckers

c44050  No.6981196

File: 4ebfcf356bf433d⋯.jpg (16.34 KB, 168x255, 56:85, 7b73943e85e7686c9ccdcd6b91….jpg)

File: afb2b030248606d⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 255x150, 17:10, 5e12b3c0b62d2f8d2af75d4b4f….jpg)

File: 412dd0395ee9766⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 600x450, 4:3, swards_of_the_giants_9.jpg)

Owl = Moloch, Moloch = Egyptian name for Owl.

'see what I did there'

bc4957  No.6981197


I THINK it's the number of classified evidence, but I could be wrong.

3675de  No.6981198

File: fd9b63d976a6da9⋯.jpg (316.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084129….jpg)

File: 55e00366e3e21f6⋯.jpg (305 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084059….jpg)

File: 596bc262e202e14⋯.jpg (265.25 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084109….jpg)

File: ec5c37ab33ab154⋯.jpg (283.08 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084115….jpg)

File: 728e22f2bf2210e⋯.jpg (274.36 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084123….jpg)



More at sauce.

Mega group = mossad

62f988  No.6981199


>>6979809, >>6980046, >>6980074 Puerto Rico gov officials arrested

>>6979816, >>6979835, >>6979838, >>6979855, >>6979857, >>6979897 Moar Epstein and pals

>>6979810, >>6980023, >>6980024, >>6980001, >>6980069 Moar Epstein island digs


>>6979833 The story of Victoria Secret’s beginning and (Roy Raymond suicide)

>>6979840 Mueller-related crimes sabotaging US-DOJ extradition requests.

>>6979875 Set Rich Investigation notes

>>6979908 new [BHO] Tweet (number 19)

>>6979927 Lawyer for 13 of Epstein victims on MSM this morning against pres Trump. MSM alluding to connection to DJT

>>6979819, >>6979985, >>6980038, >>6980099 Digging on [HRC] proof of visit to island

>>6980005 Muller involved with Epstein case now

>>6978610, >>6978611 Resignations in the news 7/5/19

>>6978855, >>6978857 Resignations in the news 7/6/19 & 7/7/19\

>>6980168, >>6980356 is that a temple design across from Epstein NYC?

>>6980471 new DJT Our company has grown, since Trump has taken control of the White House & the Presidency,

>>6980233, >>6980255 New DJT rt Jim Jordan -the witch hunt continues, 1st a 10 month ivestigation…

>>6980149 Science Investor Epstein funds the First Humanoids in Berlin - played active plays an active role in brain institutes

>>6980319 Dave Rogers is an airline transport rated pilot (Epstein flight log)

>>6980375 new BHO twat

>>6980184, >>6980389 Anon points out the tie from underground Epstein Island pics to July 2013.( CCTV 2013/07 )

>>6980472 New DJT - Iran secretly "enriching" uranium

>>6980273 3d satellite images of the pier on epastein island with a possible submerged boat

>>6980353, >>6980439 Dig on Epstein's parents

>>6980364 Epstein accuser, Jennifer Araoz, says there were a bank of cameras near the front entrance of Epstein's house in NYC

>>6980348, >>6980380 Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"


5a2ad8  No.6981200


Just do your job and make some shit up.

417412  No.6981201


Channel 11 has ball shapes on the railing - that could be the crystal "ball"staricase they refer, too

340a33  No.6981202

I cannot wait for the day the evil psyop known as q is brought to full light.

I sincerely hope that those involved suffer grave consequences.

Q has consistently, and w/o reason brought harm to people who are probably innocent of everthing other than being eccentric.

Or, guilt by association. That's a big one here.

For the anons who have been around since the beginning, I'm sure you can clearly see the pattern and path the q psyop took to get to this place. This place that has been taken over by low iq reddit refugees, hate promoting stormfront type assholes, and all manner of of shills and trolls.

This is the way the q psyop wanted it. Thats why it all happened the way it did. Was all "part of the plan".

547f4e  No.6981203


Why does that matter? lol

That's like saying "the SIG owner doesn't know the murderer who used that gun to murder people"

You fucking faggot ninnymuggins

e7e4e0  No.6981204

File: babcc0ec7abd3a9⋯.png (97.18 KB, 758x440, 379:220, CadsJoint.PNG)

d67218  No.6981205

File: fe179eb17364ebd⋯.jpeg (1.95 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 7F539612-8EF9-4144-BBE8-C….jpeg)

Plain sight laughing in our faces.

352a63  No.6981206


Fuk off - the themes are too coincidentally close - not the Vanderbilt pool, dickbag, look at the BIGGER PICTURE

5c2935  No.6981207

File: 4801d43f53ed0f5⋯.jpeg (2.47 KB, 125x107, 125:107, 01A7E9F5-BEF8-4698-8F94-5….jpeg)



I love this board.

2ccf16  No.6981208




Government owned? Mossad?

d1410e  No.6981209




7e1ef7  No.6981210

File: 12604e3e6b828bf⋯.png (11.07 KB, 477x132, 159:44, BlackMoon.png)



2 Full Moons, the latter calesd "Black Moon".

Should be a good month for Mason Action imo.

62f988  No.6981211


>>6980995 GAA update

>>6980599 Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats

>>6980602 2 SoCal Earthquakes Warped the Ground for Miles. And It's Visible from Space.

>>6980606 Britain's Amb resigns…

>>6980614, >>6980655 Frick related to Margaret Sanger-anon dig

>>6980616 Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

>>6980624 USACE HQ Retweeted BG Paul E. Owen


>>6980660 President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Advancing American Kidney Health

>>6980671 Iran oil tanker seized by Egypt in the Suez Canal

>>6980713, >>6980773 Labor Sec Acosta plans to speak at 2:30pm EST-calls to resign re: Epstein case and related

>>6980729 GREAT OLDER DIG ABOUT EPSTEIN ISLAND-anon submission

>>6980743, >>6980781 announced by The Belgium & Dutch National News-speech technology

>>6980761 Iran: An uprising that turned the regime’s prospects into pipe dreams

>>6980770 USMC Tweet-"Now you see me"

>>6980777 Migrant Arrests At US-Mexico Border Drop 28% In June From May, First Drop Since January


>>6980801 USACElittlerock Tweet-Red_Castle

>>6980810 Marriott Faces $123 Million GDPR Fine Over Starwood Data Breach

>>6980818 PR anon reports "major arrests this morning

>>6980901 POTUS Tweet, Deep state

>>6980875 state department memo reveals possible cover-ups halted investigations

>>6981001 CCTV Photo is NY Mansion

0c3ac4  No.6981212

File: 25125c0fd93efd4⋯.png (85.88 KB, 375x360, 25:24, pepe ghost baker.png)

#8931-Ghosty bake


updated pastebin and ghost

Notables, not endorsements

>>6980599 Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats

>>6980602 2 SoCal Earthquakes Warped the Ground for Miles. And It's Visible from Space.

>>6980606 Britain's Amb resigns…

>>6980614, >>6980655 Frick related to Margaret Sanger-anon dig

>>6980616 Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

>>6980624 USACE HQ Retweeted BG Paul E. Owen


>>6980660 President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Advancing American Kidney Health

>>6980671 Iran oil tanker seized by Egypt in the Suez Canal

>>6980713, >>6980773 Labor Sec Acosta plans to speak at 2:30pm EST-calls to resign re: Epstein case and related

>>6980729 GREAT OLDER DIG ABOUT EPSTEIN ISLAND-anon submission

>>6980743, >>6980781 announced by The Belgium & Dutch National News-speech technology

>>6980761 Iran: An uprising that turned the regime’s prospects into pipe dreams

>>6980770 USMC Tweet-"Now you see me"

>>6980777 Migrant Arrests At US-Mexico Border Drop 28% In June From May, First Drop Since January

>>6980788 POTUS victory emoluments lawsuits


>>6980801 USACElittlerock Tweet-Red_Castle

>>6980810 Marriott Faces $123 Million GDPR Fine Over Starwood Data Breach

>>6980818 PR anon reports "major arrests this morning"

>>6980901 POTUS Tweet, Deep state

>>6980870, >>6981175 anon gets response on FAA FOIA request plus another piece of info

>>6980875 state department memo reveals possible cover-ups halted investigations

>>6981001 JE-CCTV Photo is NY Mansion

>>6981033 Kids Count Data Center dig

>>6981102 Enormous Antarctic glacier on brink of collapse could raise sea levels by half a metre alone, scientists warn

>>6981146 Epstein, CIA, drug smuggling and Les Wexner, owner of Victoria's Secret

ae21a4  No.6981213


anyone searched wikileaks for emails pertaining to july 2013?

see if anything pops up?

3581ce  No.6981214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bill Holter & Jim Sinclair – Gold $87,000 per ounce at Least



b57490  No.6981215


you are asking the magician to show you how he tricked all of us

Q can't answer this, his Qtifa army will handle the small claims

do not ? your master manipulator

Q movement is to focus more attention to evil, while assisting evil, therefore giving more power to evil, so you are not recognizing your personal power over evil.

you must invite evil in and you are doing exactly that

think for yourself

5a2ad8  No.6981216

b6b4d0  No.6981217


Half heard on Fox eaerlier today (I think) that JE's Boeing shares the same tailplane no. with a State Dept. plane. UK anon so not sure of implications but sounded dodgy even from across the pond. Bit out of my league for a dig so just reporting what I heard.

94b9b3  No.6981218


Check out Q post 3229 from 3/27/19.

22d321  No.6981219


Fuck off Maher.

1dcdc1  No.6981220


The Pope is a better candidate for false prophet IMO, and you seem to conflate that end-times character with the antichrist. Feel free to articulate a complete End Times narrative if you like. False meme-casting can inspire healthy debate, or debasement. Depends on the audience, I suppose.

df7fe1  No.6981221


We don't know, and probably will never know, exactly what was going on that caused those Russian sailors' deaths.

If those men sacrificed their lives honorably to prevent a terrible disaster, may God bless their souls and comfort their loved ones.


9d65ca  No.6981222

File: e8d919caed2fabf⋯.png (316.06 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 090EFB8B-C6E9-49D4-9EC9-D8….png)



2261ba  No.6981223

File: f804400f3d6a0dc⋯.jpg (174.67 KB, 1260x780, 21:13, submarine_delta_iv_class_0.jpg)



c12851  No.6981224


Maybe this


3fa5fa  No.6981225


Interesting video. (minus the strange voice warping)


4f18dd  No.6981226





Balfour declaration was a fraud that achieved only one thing, start a conflict between the local arabs and the jews. The roths as usual cheated both sides to their advantage.

Look up the white paper and the aftermath of the Balfour declaration. A fascinating history lesson is promised.

The "leftist socialist" zionist subgroups ruled the country untill 1977, and since then they have dug deep into all israeli bureaucratic establishments, from the military to the judicial system. Their descendants are the israeli deep state. Many of these people received a scholarship in Epstein owned wexner institute, and got their strings attached when they visited the institutes' program in Harvard.

The cabal modus operandi is the same world wide, rule via an elitist self proclaimed "enlightened group", that will be their loyal puppets as long as they retain power. Once they are not needed anymore, they are thrown to the trash.

7faf3c  No.6981227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3675de  No.6981228

File: 520a00f2bda0512⋯.jpg (306.59 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084600….jpg)

File: 3f9022de13bd175⋯.jpg (326.69 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084607….jpg)

File: 2d74bdf5c4b1726⋯.jpg (234.62 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190710-084616….jpg)

547f4e  No.6981229


Does "eccentric" mean "guilty of fucking kids"?

6b280e  No.6981230

File: 2537b25dafd52de⋯.png (253.5 KB, 321x331, 321:331, TV.PNG)


Sorry but I never watch the show your speaking of …so wouldn't know….I avoid the TV as much as possible and then some kek

b46962  No.6981231

File: 206a58afe359298⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1675x4984, 1675:4984, Screenshot_2019-07-10 Q Re….png)

File: ec248051ab396ce⋯.png (771.31 KB, 675x6194, 675:6194, Screenshot_2019-07-10 Tham….png)

File: d845659f4c459a8⋯.png (1.25 MB, 666x4657, 666:4657, Screenshot_2019-07-10 Supe….png)

elon musk and the world cup pedo sub rescue obama supposed to have a compound in Thailand

ae21a4  No.6981232



>please stop digging you psychos


e6aae3  No.6981233

File: d26833f1f4a7c78⋯.png (370.84 KB, 659x409, 659:409, 2019-07-10_1146.png)

Victims: Top row from left:

Captain Denis Dolonsky,

Captain Nikolai Filin,

Captain Vladimir Abankin,

Captain Andrey Voskresensky,

Captain Konstantin Ivanov,

Captain Denis Oparin,

Captain Konstantin Somov.

Bottom row from left:

Captain Alexander Avdonin,

Captain Sergei Danilnichenko,

Captain Dmitry Solovyov,

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vasiliev,

Captain Victor Kuzmin,

Captain Vladimir Sukhinichev,

Lieutenant Captain Mikhail Dubkov

The revelation suggests that the 14 crew who sacrificed their lives in fighting a devastating blaze saved not one but two nuclear submarines from disaster.

An investigation by respected Russian news outlet RBC cited anonymous sources to claim that the deep water Losharik had completed a secret task before docking with its submarine-carrier - the 548 ft long nuclear-powered Podmoskovie also known as BS-64.

It was at this point that the emergency arose, it was claimed.

Previously it had been believed the Losharik was operating on its own at a depth of 920 ft when an 'explosion' and serious fire occurred in the nose section.

A source familiar with the investigation said: 'If the nose compartment had not been battened down, the fire could have spread to the (attached) carrier submarine.

'And we would have faced the death of a lot more people - and possibly losing both ships, the Losharik and the Podmoskovie.'

0faafa  No.6981234

File: 3af59925763d8d3⋯.jpg (112.66 KB, 1080x164, 270:41, Screenshot_20190710-084548….jpg)

File: 9e28254daf7e02a⋯.jpg (342.5 KB, 1080x711, 120:79, Screenshot_20190710-084520….jpg)

File: 8cbe5b2c8aa2790⋯.jpg (246.07 KB, 1080x879, 360:293, Screenshot_20190710-084705.jpg)

The date on the camera feed shared by [RC] is the exact same date as the Bill Maher HBO paragraph!


7e8496  No.6981235

File: db65f63954accfe⋯.png (5.87 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot (591).png)


Aim to please Fren!

Anons deserve best angles We can find.

Thank you you glorious Patriots for being the All American Badasses (you) are day in day out!

still in disbelief we're finally HERE.

8654ec  No.6981236

>>6980168 pb

Epstein's NYC Neighbors

The Frick Collection — About the Architecture

The Frick Collection is housed in the former residence of Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), the Pittsburgh coke and steel industrialist. The building, erected in 1913-14, was designed by the American architect Thomas Hastings in a style reminiscent of European domestic architecture of the eighteenth century.

Mr. Frick bequeathed the residence and the works of art he had collected over a period of forty years to a Board of Trustees, permitting them to add to his collection (almost a third of the paintings were acquired since his death) and to make it a center for the study of art and related subjects. After alterations and extensions were made to the building by John Russell Pope, it was opened to the public in 1935. A further extension, including a reception hall, exhibition galleries on a lower floor, and a garden, was completed in 1977.

Sauce has other fun stuffs: http://www.nyc-architecture.com/UES/UES044.htm

So these archways on the Frick and on Lil St James are very common classical Grecco-Roman architecture. They can be seen on old world buildings and state/federal buildings all over the place.

e8567c  No.6981237


M.I.A - Bronfman - Assange - J P Barlow - Snowden - Trudeau - all connected

b62249  No.6981238


Okay but what does it mean?

4d0914  No.6981239


He moves house regularly according to the filings

d7897c  No.6981240

File: 6be4f55e4fa3be5⋯.png (65.81 KB, 249x198, 83:66, EastCoast.png)



Drone Anon is a Legend

Thank you for your service sir!!!

5a2ad8  No.6981241

File: 1b8b23da5e1bf09⋯.gif (487.44 KB, 538x302, 269:151, D1E1BDB0-167D-42F6-AD3B-AF….gif)


What’s the role of the “great accuser?”

Who is the “great accuser?”

Who does the great accuser accuse? (Surely not his own minions. Gasp!)

ce3148  No.6981242

>>6980657 lb… it is more complicated than easily understood. Lurk more. Over time you will be able to tell the serious from the shills and those attempting to discredit the board.

f7602b  No.6981243

File: 0e2493228c0d485⋯.gif (923.5 KB, 500x628, 125:157, BidenDiary.gif)

c12851  No.6981244

>>6981224 me

“Because of Weinergate and the sexting scandal, the NYPD started investigating it. Through a subpoena, through a warrant, they searched his laptop, and sure enough, found those 650,000 emails. They found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing,” Prince claimed.

“They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times.”

7722e4  No.6981245

File: 8e4a4c6f3bbd9bf⋯.png (660.67 KB, 1517x1109, 1517:1109, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at ….png)


15 & 16 are one big room

18aeeb  No.6981246


Well 1-99 implies the entire subject.

I suspect it's part of the 40/60 public/CLAS we won't be directly told about.

22d321  No.6981247


You British anon?

547f4e  No.6981248

File: e34ee6219d6207c⋯.png (9.75 KB, 331x121, 331:121, ClipboardImage.png)


Eccentric Epstein

5e39e8  No.6981249

File: 0d71bfe773d58ad⋯.jpg (6.6 KB, 204x204, 1:1, BUTHURT.jpg)

a8acd6  No.6981250


That'd be N474AW the Dyn Corp/clown Bell helicopter but that was dereg'd by State in 2010, registered to a Cessna owned by Centurion Aviation (clown company) back in 2014. Apparently only (known) flight by Epstein was in 2002. This is really shady shit.


83a549  No.6981251

File: 2c20189f169b29e⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 400x488, 50:61, hamster.jpg)

bc4957  No.6981252

why haven't HRC and BC been arrested?

Surely with the State Department cover-ups, financial crimes, and rape accusations, it's enough to detain them for questioning.

So why haven't they been arrested?

70a0bf  No.6981253


My theory has been that the temple is pretty much an empty box sitting above the dungeons below. There is nothing in it of interest and there is no access from it to the dungeons.

The RC sec cam pic appears to show two or many three floors judging by the no. of staircases. Would be interesting to know if the underground stacks align with the base of the temple. Knowing the sq footage of the base would give a basis for estimating a floor plan (CAD) of the underground space.

Another reason I don't think the dungeons go all the way to the top is the height from the access tunnel to the base of the temple appears to be greater than 3 floors based on what some anons estimated last night. Therefore, access to the dungeons solely would via that access hole on the side.

b5ca0a  No.6981254

File: 0032d9b9daaa245⋯.jpeg (698.62 KB, 1656x2198, 828:1099, 1EAD123E-571D-477C-A817-8….jpeg)


Needs some help digging. This may be a large clue to how they are getting kids.

3090a0  No.6981255


any connection with floods that hit that time of year - what better time/circumstances to provide cover for trafficking and move $$$ than around natural disasters

8ba515  No.6981256


Hey baker, not the German Anon here :), just the humble spreadsheet fag

>>6980995 (You) GAA update'''

106103  No.6981257

Edward Jay Epstein

Epstein wrote three books about the Kennedy assassination, eventually collected in The Assassination Chronicles: Inquest, Counterplot, and Legend (1992). His books Legend (1978) and Deception (1989) drew on interviews with retired CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton.


072334  No.6981258

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, 1527078663.jpeg)

ae21a4  No.6981259


>trial exhibits

Anon where is this from?

This pic looks like it has more dig worthy info than just the planes

547f4e  No.6981260


All judges in any court who can toss the case have to be removed first.

2bdfc1  No.6981261

File: fb2acc695556f6b⋯.png (88.93 KB, 1059x706, 3:2, OBAMA BANK OF SINGAPORE FE….PNG)

File: ac42d1c6ed843a0⋯.png (72.48 KB, 999x459, 37:17, obama singapore march 19.PNG)


moar sauce


b6a157  No.6981262


Because this administration is hiding the truth about the pedos, treasonists and satanists "For the good of the country" or something.

After many promises made, especially TRUTH for the PEOPLE.

33ec8f  No.6981263

File: fca6fbeecdc4c10⋯.jpg (67.46 KB, 525x499, 525:499, 35c5ob.jpg)

d98580  No.6981264


After reading all of that (which was a waste of time) the take away should be there is no surprise that JE would prefer a court in NY hear anything related to what goes on.

There was NO mention of any NDA anywhere to found in that entire mess.

Your reading comprehension is decidedly lacking.

Why should we care that JE was not happy with his French/Italian sourced cabinetry ?

That is so sad, I don't know how I can go on.

2dc0f5  No.6981265


>go back to sleep

See #TheGreatAwakening

b57490  No.6981266


not end times

that's a narrative choice as it is relative to the majority of humans

1000 year totalitarianism is what is being ushered in

2597b8  No.6981267


You need to confirm the degree of incline before you reach for connections like that. Can you confirm the incline, anon?

58bf2a  No.6981268

File: a924f3a40d908b9⋯.jpg (81.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, redshoes.jpg)

Remember how the Nazis were said to extract every valuable component of a human… that's what happening at these human torture farms…makes you wonder who really won WW2 since these "Nazis" have never stopped their experimentation and extraction of Human Resources…

dd65f1  No.6981269



26f966  No.6981270

File: 35461974a407625⋯.png (524.03 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN BILL MAHER REPORT.PNG)

aa09fe  No.6981271

July 19, 64

Great Fire of Rome: a fire began to burn in the merchant area of Rome. The fire was taken under control only after 6 days. According to a popular, but untrue legend, Emperor Nero fiddled as the city burned.


547f4e  No.6981272



..correction "jeopardize" the case have to be replaced first

c9a66c  No.6981273

File: 29600947c381088⋯.jpeg (375.42 KB, 750x606, 125:101, 53D30BC2-879E-42AE-A97C-9….jpeg)


SHEET…Ch 3 looks like a woman’s head and torso laying on a counter of some type (see circled). Looks like head laying on left side & you can see her hair & ear on right side.

aa177a  No.6981274


Thank you so much for this post.

It's awesome when shill faggots out themselves.

Hope you swing low at the end of a good ol' US made hemp rope.

253e3b  No.6981275

nice job bakers! notables look good. thanks for all your work.

bc4957  No.6981276


look what happened to Smollett.

There is no "tossing the case" anymore.

next excuse as to why the clinton's haven't been arrested yet?

dd23a4  No.6981277


Confirmed lolita express- N908JE


7e8496  No.6981278

File: 3bfcb4cb0d121b5⋯.jpg (8.44 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _0013.jpg)

9d65ca  No.6981279

File: 5b69c797eeaafed⋯.png (531.51 KB, 838x1134, 419:567, fury.png)


Torturing, raping and eating children is eccentric? Fuck off you sick fuck faggot. Patriots are on their way. You will not be able to walk the streets.

0e4def  No.6981280


Rich people use planes like other people use cars.

One for the commute, one for the wife/school runs, one for weekends and holidays.

tbh your guess is as good as mine.

6b280e  No.6981281

File: 40f3b622fef0108⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 461x322, 461:322, Capture.JPG)


The mystery of Maxwell's death

The last words of Robert Maxwell were communicated at 4.45am on 5 November 1991 when he contacted the bridge of his luxury yacht to complain about the temperature of his cabin, demanding, in his customary gruff tone, that the crew turn up the air conditioning.

Twelve hours later, a Spanish fisherman spotted his naked body floating in the Atlantic Ocean - 15 miles from his boat.

In the days that followed his death, it emerged there was plenty to trouble Britain's flamboyant media baron.

For several months, his business empire was on the brink of collapse. Without authority, he used hundreds of millions of pounds from his companies' pension funds to finance his corporate debt, his frantic takeovers and his lavish lifestyle. Thousands of Maxwell employees were to lose their pensions.


1dcdc1  No.6981282


I did nazi that coming

46086a  No.6981283

File: 4665db38bda73fc⋯.png (86.29 KB, 669x1043, 669:1043, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4925e38e03cc4d2⋯.png (20.58 KB, 665x374, 665:374, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7310c5c1dd0d10b⋯.png (44.64 KB, 640x518, 320:259, ClipboardImage.png)



From 2015 but still relevant today, imho

Worst Deal In History: $1.5 Trillion A Year To Reduce Global Warming By 0.048°C

Bjørn “Skeptical Environmentalist” Lomborg has been doing the math on global warming – and it’s worse than we thought. Even if every nation in the world adheres to its climate change commitments by 2030 the only difference it will make to “global warming” by the end of this century will be to reduce the world’s temperatures by 0.048°C (0.086°F). That’s 1/20th of a degree C. Let’s put this into perspective.

Earlier this year, Climate Change Business Journal calculated that the annual cost of the global warming industry is $1.5 trillion. If you want to know what that looks like in numerals it is: $1,500,000,000,000


5a2ad8  No.6981284



It takes time to set up a fake military tribunal, fake a death, move assets, have an elaborate week-long celebration of traitorism, and fly them to Fiji or New Zealand.

Patience! Trust LDR’s plan!

1fb751  No.6981286



The timestamp for this POTUS tweet is wrong. It's supposed to be 11:06. EST

547f4e  No.6981287


Smollet is reopened by a newly appointed prosecutor, anon

18aeeb  No.6981288


Oh, oh hahahahahaa no.

No they will never walk down the streets unafraid again.

Bank in it.

b6b4d0  No.6981289


Thanks for the clarification anon - and for the confirmation that it sounds shady.

Sort of ties in with Acosta's apparent off-the-cuff recent comment that he had to lay off JE because he was "Intel".

b46962  No.6981290


what you really mean is, Jesus was wrong, and not God.

nice try rabbi

90fb8a  No.6981291


You know, I really don't give a fuck about you or your opinions…. Just a race hating divide /concur tactic that never gains any traction with me…. I've seen all your arguments and seen them destroyed…. and of all you are the worst of all the blind faced liers… that I never waste fuck all time on…. Don't care about the "jew " question… we'll find out all truth soon enough…..BUT

You do pose an interesting question… One which I have given plenty of thought to and given that I've dug more dirt than more people have had hot dinners, over the years….

Let's pose a few questions….

1. I don't give a shit about "official" numbers, so blow that out your arse.

2. I don't believe the nazi's gassed the prisoners at concentration camps other than for lice / pest prevention.

3…Fuck tons of people did go places….but where?

4.. Nazi's did a LOT of secret science experiments etc…. on allll sorts of shit.

5.. most of the good stuff was hidden in VAST underground facilities.

6.. You don't take soldiers off the front line to dig holes.

7… You bury all, to hide secrets.

Draw what conclusion you want out of that.

94b9b3  No.6981292


If you go to qanon.app or qmap.pub and go to this particular post, click on it to get to the resboard posting of it. Lots of neato explanations. We thought perhaps Assange was also being brought to the US.

You've got to learn to really dig on these things.

We don't just supply answers for newbies.

ae21a4  No.6981293



damn, you are right. Regardless, they are still all cabal assholes


2dc0f5  No.6981294


are you fucking blind? baker has it tagged for noteables next bread faggot

547f4e  No.6981295


Are you in the federal circuit court business?

3fb4cb  No.6981296

Observation: Q specifically said to dig the flight logs from 7/19/13 so the video shot must be from the island unless the flight went to NY instead. Where do we find the 2013 flight logs?! This was also AFTER JE’s first arrest.. could have been completely avoided! Pissed!

a05484  No.6981297

File: 887e9d00407b98e⋯.jpg (134.02 KB, 951x478, 951:478, POTUSchuck.jpg)

32d872  No.6981298

File: 82c0ebf3708050e⋯.png (864.59 KB, 867x823, 867:823, 2019-07-10_11-41-12 copy.png)


>Let us not forget about the Turd of the North…

d98580  No.6981299


>1000 year totalitarianism is what is being ushered in

I thought the opposite.

Please site source for your assessment.

a88040  No.6981300


Part of it. One element. I’ve read the reports from 2013 and the pressure Acosta was under. He was set up for failure and potus is taking full advantage of that. Those emails and who was over Acosta telling him to take the case, stand down are YET to be published. Comey was involved. Why do you think that statement was released?

b470b9  No.6981301



==baker== suggest these could be useful graphical analysis of epstein cctv cam pic

bc4957  No.6981303


exactly, the case moves on.

Hence why I shit on the excuse " a judge will toss the case out"

42c77d  No.6981304

The Financial Times quotes Robert Pirie, president of Rothschild Inc. and Maxwell’s principal investment banker, as saying, ″Bob used to go swimming all the time without telling anybody.

c9c278  No.6981305


Logical thinking. If what we were doing here was nonsensical, then why are you trying to stop it, or discourage anons? If you have things to do, get off the board, here, and get out there and do it!

340a33  No.6981306


Thank you for proving my point, Mr/Ms low iq.

Never offer up differing opinion, just name call.


Seriously? Is that your sincere question?

c1b01a  No.6981307

File: 4e778ec07441f8a⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 362x263, 362:263, 1376956604424.jpg)

File: 65d5f23de4ed45c⋯.jpg (118.61 KB, 600x410, 60:41, 1498702613711.jpg)

File: b24c44633e264ad⋯.jpg (248.34 KB, 720x537, 240:179, b24c44633e264adc6e6cc8ab9b….jpg)

0a3ec9  No.6981308


they're jpegs….

c12851  No.6981309


Read somewhere about 20 years ago

Cant find

Basically high level SS had a group of kids on hold (boys for whatevar reason) and did blood transfusions regularly

69768d  No.6981310

File: 27382b99bd39865⋯.png (11.86 KB, 426x292, 213:146, AlteringGooglesResults.png)

We are beginning to effect the Google search results!!


e7e4e0  No.6981311

File: 040c9b4cd271b7a⋯.png (94.28 KB, 919x400, 919:400, ClipboardImage.png)

July 19, 2013

Panama, connected to Italy


0af432  No.6981312

Lmao Q posting george nasif and the frazzled rip bullshit

Even the fucking bots cant fake that anyone with a brain left here ages ago

Good thing there are people like me to come challenge Qs shit

8ba515  No.6981313


>Remember how the Nazis were said to extract every valuable component of a human

No. Moar wartime atrocity propaganda.

<hey goyim, it's those Naaazis, really!!

bc4957  No.6981315


do I need to be?

are you in the ass sniffing business?

22d321  No.6981316


Acosta please tell us who gave you the stand down order live at 230!

5a2ad8  No.6981317



Because muh gospel of Q.

No, you’re not in a cult at all …

0af432  No.6981318

Q is a faggot coward piece of shit

Q can save us all but Q likes money more

Fuck you Q

You chickenshit coward

You might as well be wearing a dress

4678ab  No.6981319


Race hating?

I make a joke and you go directly to race hating? Fascinating. Why?

I mean what you said sounds reasonable. But we can't talk about it because it's illegal. Sorry.

547f4e  No.6981320


I didn't read the entire post - my bad.

Why are you making a blanket statement about one case? Are you aware of the entirety of the corruption of the courts?

b57490  No.6981322


my excellent ability to see patterns and through lies

072334  No.6981323

File: c73f51f14551f3e⋯.jpeg (254.31 KB, 1080x1131, 360:377, 1551808866.jpeg)

e3dbe0  No.6981324


Windows in ch15 &16

58bf2a  No.6981325


The "Nazis" - whomever the victors say they were

4397d5  No.6981327


Obvious now, shills trying to frame Q as evil. >>6981312

I see you.

b62249  No.6981328


What the fuck you talking about live at 230

48b6bb  No.6981329


A few notes from the article (in a bit of a hurry but I felt it was worth a mention):

JE's reading list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justine_(de_Sade_novel)

On Mortimer Zuckerman:

Philanthropy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortimer_Zuckerman)

In December 2012, Zuckerman pledged $200 million to endow the Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University.



Also take note how JE was interested in "theoretical physics" and tie in the relationship between sacrifice throughout history and science. That's the crux of it all.

0af432  No.6981331


Anons who are too far gone should be put down

The feds are behind this shit

The people behind this sick psyop need to face jail time

Or be forced to watch their children die in front of them

All grade a cowards

God hates you Q

ae21a4  No.6981332



Can we try to match up photos for these locations?

Specifically that small window and floral wall paper, stairwells? Open spaces?

9d65ca  No.6981333

File: a9727ce312b0b6a⋯.png (364.87 KB, 469x416, 469:416, a9727ce312b0b6a4f1850225fd….png)

547f4e  No.6981334


We're talking about the court system anon, not sniffing asses.

If you aren't an expert with knowledge regarding the courts and the corruption therein, you really need to shut the fuck up.

2bdfc1  No.6981336


in his presser yesterday, Trump told reporters that Acosta has done an excellent job for the past 2 1/2 years (the time Acosta has been working for Trump) and …..about the time Sessions started working on the Epstein case,


I took it that Acosta has been singing like a bird…happily!

aca473  No.6981337

pane 14 dig from graveyard

(all PB faggot)





































b46962  No.6981338


yeah khazar we know the truth is your enemy

you've seen noting destroyed rabbi nothing contradicted, nothing you are exposed as never before and as we all regain our memories you are going to be expelled, again.

enough is enough.

2597b8  No.6981339



This place that has been taken over by low iq reddit refugees, hate promoting stormfront type assholes, and all manner of of shills and trolls.

You got this part right at least.

f331b9  No.6981340

Q, We are aware of the manipulation of our modern food production systems. So why does POTUS drink Diet Coke and eat at McDonalds? Does he use the Law of Transmutation to create a healthy alternative?

df7fe1  No.6981341

Fox reporting

Labor Secretary Alex Acosta will speak to reporters at 2:30 today, after calls for his resignation re: Epstein

Get ready to update the resignations list

42c77d  No.6981342


we don't know who Q is

Maybe Q is blackmailed by Mossad.

Maybe Q is Mossad

c79401  No.6981343


I didnt see that, anon. Gotta link?

Geddy Lee…?

8ba515  No.6981344

File: 4172d4f0b26302d⋯.jpg (4.3 KB, 224x224, 1:1, 1476289826955.jpg)

Hm… there sure are a lot of psyopfagshills here this morning.

pic related

b6b4d0  No.6981346


We, the people…

We, united not divided, CAN affect outcomes. In fact, we can OVERWHELM the cabal narrative by our internet searches alone. Awesome! No wonder Q said it has to be organic. It's our searches that are contributing to changing the narrative. Woo-hoo!

7e8496  No.6981347

File: 1d4f2187037fe51⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot (647).png)

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