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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

2ed801  No.6792947

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

2ed801  No.6792951

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6744237 Notable collecting notable.

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6755645 Please no JPEGs (with conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6792927 Marines Tweet: This is just the beginning.

>>6792816 Quantum portal discovered?

>>6792787 Update on Mexico's troop movements on Guatemalan border.

>>6792708 Most of the MSM in America is pro-China and anti-America.

>>6792735, >>6764203, >>6792888 Presidential Message on Juneteenth, 2019.

>>6792712 Dykstra and Cramer fleecing average investors.

>>6792684 Biden taking DNC flak from all directions re: segregationist Senators.

>>6792659 DR prosecutor claims Ortiz shooting was mistaken identity.

>>6792615 POTUS donates his first quarter paycheck to US farmers and ranchers.

>>6792494 NXIVM connected to Hollywood.

>>6792583 Rubio talking about Deep Fakes.

>>6792556 US Army Tweet: There are those who stand ready to fight for what matters. No matter what.

>>6792548 President Trump presents Medal of Freedom to Arthur Laffer.

>>6792541 More Sidley Austin digging.

>>6792491 Burgess Owens dispensing the red pills over reparations.

>>6792487 Schiff dismisses dossier concerns.

>>6792479 US DoD Tweet: Passing the lead.

>>6792466 CBP rescues illegals from getting bombed.

>>6792449 2018 Interview with Esper.

>>6792465 SC Gov. McMaster signs Internet Safety Pledge.

>>6792381 Dudley article from Sept. '18. Personal curiosity.

>>6792346 Coreysdigs on Soros.

>>6792332 Workplace violence strikes HWood.

>>6792337, >>6792425, >>6792436, >>6792464, >>6792520, >>6792585 Planefag updates.

>>6792339 Q drop related to Syrian man arrested for plotting Christian church attack.

>>6792317 Second ex-Senate staffer connected to Jackson Cosko charged in aiding doxxing of GOP Senators.

>>6792314 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6792309 Cliff Sims Tweet on Hope Hicks arrival for testimony.

>>6792302 Feds investigating suspected money laundering violations at DB.

>>6792944 #8688


>>6792133 Syrian man arrested for planning an attack on a Christian church.

>>6792041 Articulate Black Democrat booed for testifying against slave reparations.

>>6791537 Rockets strike oil firms in Iraq.

>>6792021 U.S. deports Russian convicted of smuggling F-16 manuals.

>>6792014 Missile attack on Saudi power plant reported.

>>6792007 ICE validate's POTUS statements on illegal round up.

>>6792002, >>6792080 72 Philadelphia police officers placed on leave over controversial social media posts.

>>6791989 Vatican whistleblower fingers DC rector of being a pedophile and member of the 'gay mafia'.

>>6791851, >>6791862, >>6791938 Anon explains how data can survive re-writes. Bleach bit features.

>>6791919 Criminal illegal sentenced to 6 years in prison.

>>6791904 Trump administration rolls back Obama-era EPA plan that targeted coal plants.

>>6791801 Federal agents raided Chicago Ald. Carrie Austin's office.

>>6791883 Pentagon: Patriot Missiles and Drones headed to ME.

>>6791860 McAfee claims his 'head of security' fell Ill after escaping the Bahamas.

>>6791800 PapaD Tweet: Alexander Downer the Clinton errand boy.

>>6791788 AOC doubles down on dumb.

>>6791758, >>6791763 Statement by US Attorney Donoghue re: Raniere conviction. (video)

>>6791760 DJT Tweet: "Just returning from Orlando and Doral (Miami)..."

>>6791734 Novocure CEO sold $11.30m in shares.

>>6791711 Joe Biden placeholder type of candidate.

>>6791709 POTUS on Hannity tonight @9PM EST.

>>6791702 Son of mob family arrested for hiring hitman to kill father and brother.

>>6791680, >>6791887 Marketfag update.

>>6791670 Four illegals charged on re-entry charges.

>>6791666 Mexico Senate ratifies new trade deal with US, Canada.

>>6791658 Trump admin. threatens to furlough 150 workers at OPM.

>>6791631, >>6792131 Planefag updates.

>>6791630 POTUS DoI axing regs. to give Americans access to Fed. land.

>>6791603 AJ sanctioned for claiming Sandy Hook lawyers framed him.

>>6791560 Who is providing arms to the terrorists in Syria?

>>6791528 Update on Spacey case.

>>6791483, >>6791494, >>6791568 Acid wash pointing to the clean up process after Cabal leisure activities?

>>6792196 #8687

Previously Collected Notables

>>6789857 #8684, >>6790652 #8685, >>6791415 #8686

>>6787470 #8681, >>6788306 #8682, >>6789096 #8683

>>6785117 #8678, >>6785974 #8679, >>6786710 #8680

>>6782879 #8675, >>6783693 #8676, >>6784230 #8677

>>6780614 #8672, >>6781368 #8673, >>6782341 #8674

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

2ed801  No.6792953

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


2ed801  No.6792954

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

2ed801  No.6792963

File: fe9e97f053cd67d⋯.jpg (4.95 MB, 2500x1736, 625:434, POTUSsarahhug.jpg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

d81182  No.6792968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



d81182  No.6792974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


d81182  No.6792982

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

File: cfc1d1921e5ad16⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 393x912, 131:304, (((they))).jpg)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

d81182  No.6792986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

8fecf4  No.6792989

File: 10b828732e13e6e⋯.jpg (233.84 KB, 960x1473, 320:491, OsirisSoon.jpg)

The end won't be for the shills.

Especially the Trump shills.

d81182  No.6792990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

d81182  No.6792992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

d81182  No.6792995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







Rabbi Admits that White Genocide is the Goal

d81182  No.6793002

File: 8ee3650da0b746c⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 640x336, 40:21, 8ee3650da0b746.jpg)

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, loxism.jpg)

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, baby_killers.png)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny_white_enemy.png)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

d81182  No.6793006

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

4f4114  No.6793012

File: 950c6c03178289f⋯.png (334.02 KB, 316x444, 79:111, ClipboardImage.png)


ty baker!

d81182  No.6793021

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, lovekids.png)

File: 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg)

File: 41a8728b81c8680⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 34919513_11220.jpg)

File: 4c3fe6669b7f998⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 474x827, 474:827, wicked_talmud.jpg)

d81182  No.6793026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!











100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

d81182  No.6793038

File: 9a9fafd7fab3fca⋯.jpg (29.67 KB, 308x296, 77:74, T_tats.jpg)

File: 04effbbfb53c43a⋯.png (609.53 KB, 910x848, 455:424, T_y_da_laws.png)

File: 95712103c04c694⋯.png (405.06 KB, 733x517, 733:517, T_Zy.png)

File: d579ff61390741a⋯.png (480.97 KB, 864x580, 216:145, T_send_em.png)












https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

39f6d0  No.6793039

File: 67ea29f1d7f7dd4⋯.jpg (410.81 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190619-182732….jpg)


d81182  No.6793040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













Old Newspaper Read's Six million Jews Died in 1915 1938 Before Hitler was in power.

303c84  No.6793041

File: f46e2bb5009edc0⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2345x1717, 2345:1717, tyb_woodenhut.jpg)


Thank you, baker! Awesome service! o7

2eb0a2  No.6793042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


allright thats a wrap

great show

roll credits

d81182  No.6793043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda














Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda

69bf4b  No.6793044


Wall money stuffed into it?

e64049  No.6793045

File: 6e81a6cc2ea7d50⋯.png (250.92 KB, 600x596, 150:149, Screenshot_2019-06-19-16-1….png)

File: c2626ab59a7b7bb⋯.png (271.09 KB, 600x645, 40:43, Screenshot_2019-06-19-16-1….png)

Regarding OPM notable from on

On Oct. 13, 1978 , The Senior Executive Service (SES) was created as Title IV in the Civil Rights Reform Act of 1978 under President Jimmy Carter.

The Act reformed the civil service of the federal

government, partly in response to the Watergate scandal. It

abolished the U.S. Civil Service Commission and distributed

its functions primarily among four new agencies: the Office

of Personnel Management (OPM), the Merit Systems

Protection Board (MSPB), the Federal Labor Relations

Authority (FLRA) and the Senior Executive Service (SES).

On Sep. 19,

1979, President Carter called SES "the keystone of the Civil Service

Reform Act."

Tellingly, Wikipedia describes it as an also￾ran program. Also-ran or keystone? It cannot be both. President Carter's

statement stands in stark contrast to the

program's TOTAL lack of transparency and

the public's total lack of awareness of its existence. Keystone for what? Hindsight provides the answer: racketeering, theft, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, fraud, treason and sedition.

President Carter assigned Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) to organize the SES. Marcy was and is a notorious lesbian activist close to Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno, among others.

On Nov. 07, 1979 , then San Francisco Mayor Dianne

G.B. Feinstein attempted to start a Senior Executive Service

(SES) within the City of San Francisco. Touch & Ross LLP

(now Delloitte & Touche) was hired to prepare the selling

job for the implementation of SES. Touche & Ross LLP

were paid by the federal Office of Personnel Management

(OPM) formed just months earlier by the Civil Rights

Reform Act of 1978. This effort was clearly one of the first

attempts by Kristin Marcy, the newly-appointed director of

the SES in Washington D.C. to push this federal program

down to not only the state level, but also in major cities—in

complete violation of the Hatch Act.

According to the Hatch Act, federal

employees are prohibited from using

federal funds to attempt to influence local

and state elections. However, Feinstein,

Touch & Ross and OPM appear to have

been in a conspiracy to to influence the

San Francisco city government to

implement a clone of the federal SES

program at the municipal level—even

down to writing and designing the ballots

that were then published and mailed to the

public before election day


Pages 56-58 (loads of connections in this entire reading)

2ed801  No.6793046

3839b9  No.6793047

File: a7f99dbe850d4af⋯.png (162.45 KB, 980x692, 245:173, glp.PNG)


thanks bakes

8e7b42  No.6793048

File: 5275ed58cb905b4⋯.jpg (144.75 KB, 485x1200, 97:240, oppai-14.jpg)

TY Baker

0c722e  No.6793049


bu baker here

handoff accepted

0c722e  No.6793050


Have a great evening, friend, always a pleasure to work with you, o7.

93d411  No.6793051

File: 0aefd1a24335584⋯.png (352.27 KB, 535x562, 535:562, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd57b2f6661df6c⋯.png (377.54 KB, 854x881, 854:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 273e9f27d2e03a1⋯.png (378.37 KB, 852x554, 426:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 373eb463020a6d0⋯.png (784.68 KB, 783x454, 783:454, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Climate emergency’ on Monday, pipeline expansion on Tuesday: Trudeau the fraud strikes again

ustin Trudeau’s faux concern for the environment was always hypocritical and duplicitous — but there’s something especially slimy about declaring a climate emergency on Monday and approving an oil pipeline expansion on Tuesday.

Canada’s parliament voted on Monday night to declare a national climate emergency, calling climate change a “real and urgent crisis, driven by human activity.” The next day, Trudeau’s government green-lighted the environment-destroying Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX), demonstrating either complete indifference to the motion put forward by his own environment minister — or a severe misunderstanding of the words “emergency” and “human activity.”

The so-called “climate emergency” motion was non-binding and meaningless, of course; politicians often expect to be patted on the back for gesture politics — as though merely acknowledging the existence of a problem while taking minimal action to affect any real change is somehow worthy of admiration.

This is the second time Trudeau’s Liberal government has approved the pipeline. Its previous approval was quashed by a court last year for failure to consider the environmental impact of tanker traffic and implications for First Nations people living in its path. The pipeline would triple the amount of oil shipped from the Alberta tar sands to the British Columbia coast. Environmental groups have warned of potential oil spills, increased greenhouse gas emissions, strain on already-struggling marine life and irreversible damage to indigenous land and water resources.

But it’s not just environmental activists warning of severe environmental repercussions. Canada’s own National Energy Board (NEB) found that the expansion would have “significant adverse environmental effects” for orca whales and said the effects of any oil spills would also be “significant.”

Despite the ill-effects, the NEB decided the expansion “can be justified” and is in the “public interest.” They did acknowledge that the undeniable environmental effects “weighed heavily” on them in the decision-making process. Indeed, it sounds like they were really losing sleep over it. What part of destroying the environment and biodiversity for future generations is in the “public interest” remains a mystery.

Trudeau’s government bought the pipeline from Kinder Morgan Canada Ltd for $3.4 billion last year and plans to sell it after completion. Trudeau has tried to justify the project by warning that Canadians are currently “prisoners to the American market” and pledging to put all tax profits from the project toward clean energy projects.

That’s like “declaring war on cancer and then announcing a campaign to promote smoking,”— according to Patrick McCully, energy program director at the Rainforest Action Network.

In another example of his pathetic gesture politics, Trudeau promised last week to ban single-use plastics “from coast to coast” from 2021 — more meaningless tokenism from Canada’s fraud-in-chief, who wants plastic out of the oceans, but isn’t too concerned about killing off the marine life that lives in them.


e5d6c9  No.6793052

>>6792816 Quantum portal discovered?


We did all this thirty years ago and kept it from you stupid sheep so we can use it as a weapon against you.

b23586  No.6793053

File: d904413f0e745c7⋯.png (882.87 KB, 666x1024, 333:512, ClipboardImage.png)

2ed801  No.6793054



Thank you baker and anons. Will be lurking for Hannity so give a shout if you need anything.


552b6f  No.6793055

File: d5e0d5f9928f9aa⋯.png (52.06 KB, 558x318, 93:53, new_DJT.png)

New DJT:

"Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!"


080fdc  No.6793056

File: 1afb694fbefddc7⋯.png (132.02 KB, 328x306, 164:153, 2019-02-19_10-48-38.png)

>>6792841 lb


POTUS doesn't waver.

He's either trolling or signalling?


We just haven't figured it out yet?

e40f72  No.6793057

File: 2db7fc16090e98e⋯.png (653.42 KB, 600x892, 150:223, BakerClub Achievement Badg….png)


Reposting the BakerClub Achievement Badge.


680ac1  No.6793058

If you want to control the opposition then lead it yourself. Muh J_W has shut down any legit criticism by leading the opposition.

2ed801  No.6793059


Saved fren, o7

a51d53  No.6793060


Good job jew, you really showed em.

2eb0a2  No.6793061

File: fd62533422f2875⋯.png (187.98 KB, 379x344, 379:344, ClipboardImage.png)




you can still have flair fam

just be creative

49ddbe  No.6793062

File: 8bf7747842c59af⋯.jpg (106.82 KB, 504x285, 168:95, HighFive.jpg)

0c722e  No.6793063


Will do, appreciate everything you do and your stalward spirit, too. Blessings, o7

4f4114  No.6793064


you know, all those muhjoo shit posts are really starting to change my mind

-no one ever

17209d  No.6793065

File: ab5fdba44dfabbc⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 460x512, 115:128, sheeple.jpg)

File: b806fb65b1b0b01⋯.jpg (115.99 KB, 1125x969, 375:323, stopbeinretarded.jpg)

File: d4601bccb93ec51⋯.png (162.19 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, THINKpls.png)

File: 57451ab177a2ad2⋯.png (909.46 KB, 1000x1115, 200:223, truemeasureofman.png)

File: d4167a4d16661be⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 605x554, 605:554, walkaway.jpg)


ty baker fren

710768  No.6793066

ThanQ Bakers & Patriots!

Fresh memeage 4 U

b19d8d  No.6793067


Sure thing, hasb.

710768  No.6793068

File: 7bcd2e3a98fc8fe⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 424x574, 212:287, messageovermessenger.jpg)



weird trying that meme again

7a86c6  No.6793070

File: 6e6b050a4476a3b⋯.png (107.56 KB, 500x372, 125:93, ClipboardImage.png)

f7c749  No.6793071

There is no opposition that matters…

The opposition consists of cowards and liars.

Always expand your thinking

Question everything

Theres more to this movement than just Q posting, follow the bread fam..


5f0d01  No.6793072

File: 07f632d6b76153f⋯.png (148.15 KB, 399x550, 399:550, pedophile-secret-symbols-r….png)

File: f13d5346620a5e7⋯.png (424.29 KB, 1596x618, 266:103, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

File: 9b91c74dc9cb271⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1574x1086, 787:543, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

Any reason this school bears one of many FBI-documented pedophile symbols?

Link: http://civ.vail.k12.az.us/admissions/

Civano Community School


ddb301  No.6793073

Any anons know it Q team still has access to that mind control shit?

909926  No.6793074

File: ddad5916666e6f7⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 250x251, 250:251, ddad5916666e6f70570072e4d2….gif)

File: 11bf7fb603b1884⋯.jpg (203.85 KB, 990x1200, 33:40, 91ad506c3130e8371f8d091e15….jpg)

File: 170729daedc9289⋯.jpg (12.67 KB, 216x320, 27:40, 170729daedc9289c2f361be0ef….jpg)

File: 28cfe0e2148d982⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 1042x774, 521:387, b3ca711b0e8ca36440d067e596….gif)

Old autist here

By the grace of God, found this place Jan 18…love you all, no homo.

Unfortunate one who knew the inner workings of evil, back since 91. Unable to process the cognitive dissonance of a lie lived and a truth known. When the towers fell, I knew…because I know how they operate. It's so very simple, its o overwhelming to a normal mind. Satanism is real, practiced and projected, over all media platforms, even here. It was an Honor serving with all autist, diggers ,memers, and bright eyed newbies….God bless you

To the rest here, not famefaggin ya, eat a bag of butterscotch dicks, faggots


16a2b9  No.6793075

File: 636f80fc319381a⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1187x1707, 1187:1707, SmartSelect_20190619-18354….jpg)

President Trump -

Let me know if you want any edits, removals, or additions - otherwise IT IS WRITTEN.

7187d7  No.6793076

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaaa.png)

7187d7  No.6793077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

87aefd  No.6793078

>>6793009 LB

>Gonna need more sauce on the Weiner laptop introduced into Raniere trial

If true - this is the YUUGEST

I want more sauce too

Only place to get it is court reporter transcriptions from the trial, and I don't know if or when they'll be made public

Doubt if they'd be on the court's web site (yet)

Quick dig:

"…Nancy Salzman was a member of the board of the Clinton Global Initiative"


Am an Ortel fan, and he has noted several times over multiple podcasts that the Clinton Global Initiative was the real "meat and potatoes" of the Clinton fraud machine, not so much the "Foundation" itself


7187d7  No.6793079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

8527a6  No.6793080

where's Q?

f7c749  No.6793081

first 100 are always iffy lmao :popcorn:

60d943  No.6793082

>>6792751 PB

Most likely notable from end of previous bread, in case it was not noted

New York Law Gives Illegals ‘Ability to Vote’ After Obtaining Driver’s License


7187d7  No.6793083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Want to know who (((The Jews))) really are? This will help connect the final dots about who and WHY they have a "Blood Libel".

They were never defeated. Hence the term "False Jew" Rev:3.9


75fd31  No.6793084


Right before R

7cca63  No.6793085

File: cf98f33c952e140⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2667x1500, 889:500, He loves this County_Page_….png)

File: c33ee9f332c1596⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2667x1500, 889:500, He loves this County_Page_….png)

File: c3599d559b75173⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1240x690, 124:69, he truly loves this countr….PNG)

File: ec929ca2f7b1264⋯.jpg (323.84 KB, 1920x1084, 480:271, ABCNews 3Nov16 He Loves th….jpg)

File: a4cd71ae89e2a9b⋯.jpg (270.98 KB, 2667x1500, 889:500, FLOTUS Loves you.jpg)

FLOTUS and Q both say, "He loves this County."

FLOTUS on Nov 3, 2019

He loves this County

at 11:55 / 22:08


(Many times in between.)

He "truely" loves this County

Jun 18, 2019 in this clip at 0:38 / 1:19:55


52d060  No.6793086

Raniere is gonna sing like a bird

4af5ff  No.6793087

File: b25c0fe1e3d5c7c⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 816x679, 816:679, commonsenceveryfewattain.jpg)

The Notable should depend on the sauce and the reasoning not on "What people think" "What people say" "People will call us names"

Can they hype up the name-calling and attacks from here?

Probably, but it won't be because of a bum notable.

Yes, shills put in stupid notables, And many good are over-looked.

Whatever. It's a process. A Fire.

The longer and harder we work and study, over time, the finer the material? Thinking and learning takes time.



Who is "US"

That is ridiculous.

The Notables aren't endorsements.

People pick and choose and use their own discernment.

Default setting is they will attack us, even if there is no flaw. You can't avoid it by twisting yourself into a pretzel in order to try to please them!

7187d7  No.6793088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






5b1e53  No.6793089

File: c26c17f8c5d778a⋯.png (782.79 KB, 893x1507, 893:1507, Sully.png)

File: 71b8fa8a03de63b⋯.png (63.27 KB, 603x307, 603:307, TakeControlTweet.png)

File: 4f7f79907a0be14⋯.png (6.77 MB, 6882x8184, 37:44, FireatWill.png)

File: bf34efa15a106ca⋯.png (4.3 MB, 2670x8188, 15:46, FREEDOMv3.png)

"Fire at Will" graphic new last bread.

FREEDOM graphic updated to reflect "FIRE AT WILL COMMANDER"


178a3c  No.6793090

File: 41ed2dbc211fbe4⋯.jpeg (39.4 KB, 315x445, 63:89, 392655CF-8021-4D9A-8D05-8….jpeg)

7187d7  No.6793091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







4af5ff  No.6793092


both links previous bread.

I apologize.

4f4114  No.6793093


no, he's going to be pounded mercilessly in the ass by members of MS13 and Aryan Brotherhood

beca9b  No.6793094

Anybody see this yet?

A Maryland woman claims officials in the Dominican Republic repeatedly urged her to cremate her husband following his sudden death at a resort.

David Harrison died in July 2018 during a trip to the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana with his wife, Dawn McCoy, and their 12-year-old son, David Jr.

McCoy was trying to figure out how to get her husband’s body back to the US when officials pressured her to cremate him.

“They kept trying to get me to cremate my husband. They kept telling me that it would be considerably cheaper to cremate him,” McCoy told People Magazine, without explaining specifically who made the request. “I want to say they asked me probably three or four times before they sent him home. I was like, ‘No, no, no. Send him home. I want to make sure it’s him that’s coming home.’”

Upon checking out of the resort, McCoy said, she was hit with numerous medical bills, including from the hotel doctor, ambulance, hospital and funeral home.

“The hotel asked me to call them when I was on my way out and that they would meet me personally, so I called them and told them that we were getting ready to check out,” she said. “They pulled me aside and handed me a doctor bill.”

Harrison started to feel sick a few days into the family trip and complained of an upset stomach. He woke up in a full body sweat on July 14 and couldn’t speak — and McCoy remembers a pungent smell emanating from his pores. Hours later, he was dead.

His death was ruled due to pulmonary edema and a heart attack — but McCoy is second-guessing that explanation in light of the disturbing trend of tourist deaths in the DR.

see also

Widow questions husband's agonizing death after spate of Dominican Republic mysteries

Law enforcement sources told The Post that bootleg liquor could be to blame.

Meanwhile, Will Cox, whose mother, Leyla Cox, died last week at the Excellence Resort in Punta Cana, said he too was pressured to either immediately cremate or embalm her.

“The Dominicans said that I had to sign papers giving them permission to take her to a funeral home, and if I didn’t do that in four hours, they were going to consider her a ‘Jane Doe,’” Cox told Fox News. “They said I had to give them permission to cremate her or embalm her, or I would never get my mother back.”

He added, “If they classified my mother as a Jane Doe, they told me I would be forfeiting the body. I will never receive a death certificate. I will never receive my mother’s remains.”

An autopsy was performed, but “they will not tell me what it says,” he said.


7187d7  No.6793095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







The Canaanites, why God destroyed them ?

7cca63  No.6793096


>FLOTUS on Nov 3, 2019

>He loves this County

>at 11:55 / 22:08

Sorry "Fat finger" typo.

Year should be 2016

d93f0f  No.6793097

File: 80b571aeb33aa4a⋯.png (902.01 KB, 1123x764, 1123:764, Screenshot (962).png)

Hussein is going to be the Demoncrat nominee… They have no one else to compete in the ring with POTUS. What do they do? Bring in the fraud. Who else do they have to challenge POTUS? No one! It's gonna be Hussein.

3044b2  No.6793098


You work against me, POTUS??

You love my enemies, POTUS????

You kept a 4 yers old, romanian child, for 5 month away from he's family.

The child had 9 months when returned tu family, and cried, fked up psychologicaly.

What is this????


you remt a floor on the most expensive hotel in london, for your kids??????????????????

while asking for 20k, tu survive??????

448efc  No.6793099

File: 0075ad1c9a33e6d⋯.png (456.47 KB, 592x757, 592:757, GK1t.png)

File: 7d26a29579c7695⋯.png (554.04 KB, 1190x822, 595:411, knight'.png)

File: 66786315063b61b⋯.jpg (445.97 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, POTUSyt.jpg)

File: dcc1d168e183369⋯.jpg (58.65 KB, 650x452, 325:226, POTUSgk.jpg)

File: fe8c0d70787c75b⋯.png (935 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, GoldQA.png)


'King Arthur's GOLD'

Arthur Pendragon, more commonly known as King Arthur , was one of Britain's most famous kings. He ruled during the early 6th century, in which time he formed the chivalric order known as the Knights of the Round Table and oversaw many quests, such as the search for the Holy Grail.


Recent news on Golden Knights and POTUS- pics related

This is why we'll KEEP AMERICA GREAT

f7c749  No.6793100


If the system of posting is multiple people using different trip codes and the current tripcode Q hasnt posted in 20 something days what are the protocols for the next Q so to speak to come in… or am i off topic; expanding my thinking…

68f8bf  No.6793101


7187d7  No.6793102

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 4876f795f3689f4⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 2709x2709, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.jpg)

File: c8b68d4af638b59⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 474x244, 237:122, donkey_cult.jpg)

File: 149fc09366a1918⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 474x389, 474:389, gay.jpg)

File: 4ad7dd1eb2a704f⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, their_god.jpg)

10a7b6  No.6793103



>Survival of the fittest?

Fittest means best adapted to the environment.

909926  No.6793104

File: ef10d55149e50f9⋯.jpg (154.7 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 4fa138d60c8dd58cad9957f5d2….jpg)

f9bec7  No.6793105


Did she have the Haitian Rum Punch?

680ac1  No.6793106

File: 6316feff132f9ed⋯.png (485.23 KB, 904x1101, 904:1101, refugees.PNG)

ebd243  No.6793107


Most idiotic post ever.

682a91  No.6793108

File: e7455699dcb405a⋯.jpg (29.74 KB, 500x278, 250:139, Dxif6-5WsAAqNkt.jpg)


Can you read me Q ?

We're down to one cracker and no TP.

Please advise.

Over. (Radio Hiss)

0c722e  No.6793109


got it, and thz anon for writing it out, saved so much time

3044b2  No.6793110


You rhink this is random.

Like this extra captcha…..

Like will make the difference……

47f92c  No.6793111


Thanks, Soetero!

0c722e  No.6793112


will look just like stan

f9bec7  No.6793113


>Law enforcement sources told The Post that bootleg liquor could be to blame.


No, not how that works since 1885. Liquor Laws, they're everywhere. CDAN may have totally nailed this.

75ba1a  No.6793114

File: dcecb10c3e53ddc⋯.png (271.47 KB, 575x331, 575:331, obama.png)

b23586  No.6793115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>you can still have flair fam

>just be creative

69bf4b  No.6793116


Stay frosty, fren. Dawn's breaking.

7c8324  No.6793117

File: 5a090d36dbef9b0⋯.jpg (119.92 KB, 940x627, 940:627, 10153380-3x2-940x627.jpg)

Pay up, qniggers.

37b587  No.6793118

What's the over/under on Fox News even MENTIONING today's NXIVM conviction?

Bad bet right? They won't even mention it.

Ties to Hollywood, elite in multiple states and countries… and it's apparently not news worthy. Unreal.

909926  No.6793119

File: ef017699b0a7e26⋯.jpg (410.51 KB, 1212x910, 606:455, ef017699b0a7e26aed336de681….jpg)


5 5 fren

710768  No.6793120


This is true CGI is the center of their money laundering and trafficking ops, that's why they were so heavily invested in 3rd world nations schools.

Here's a copypasta of something in notables a couple days ago.

Interesting digs….

What do the Clinton Global Initiative, Northern Triangle, the ObamaAdmin, USAID have in common?

Child trafficking and money laundering right?

Notice the CGI is heavily involved in elementary schools down there

Also notice BHO increasee aid there just before leaving office

Trump just cut off yet another revenue source for the cabal today

Habbening enough for ye?







69bf4b  No.6793121


We got a Raniere-Epstein connection yet?

MK some whores, give them to Epstein, take them on the plane, comp some pols?

48cb1d  No.6793122


But they will cover some little faggot actor that said something racist when he was 16.

83b0ad  No.6793123

File: e9a5d8e1b6f7c8b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190619-164536.png)


69bf4b  No.6793124

File: e3abc44c3c0fe59⋯.png (94.41 KB, 297x221, 297:221, ClipboardImage.png)

b45b49  No.6793125

File: 4919e6412f1ea30⋯.gif (1007.38 KB, 350x263, 350:263, You Crane Kick.gif)


TY Baker

52d060  No.6793126

File: 12ed5809fb291fc⋯.jpeg (40.19 KB, 720x408, 30:17, FE60B30B-41C3-4DD4-B3C7-1….jpeg)

4f4114  No.6793127

West Hollywood City Council Votes to Have DJT Walk of Fame Star Removed - Fox News live TV

No hardsauce as of yet but here's the original story as a refresher

They wanted to bring it to a motion a few months back but apparently made it official today kek

Muh walk of fame!

Original sauce:


81d5d6  No.6793128


All copy pasta is shilling

Doesn't mean anons stopped looking at thing

I mean real anons

ebd243  No.6793129


Epstein Raniere thread form PG


3044b2  No.6793130


Where the truth, POTUS?

Cos lately………….

is bla bla bla.

I've asked to protect my country.

Yet serei, is winning votes.

Not that It will count moucj…..


You should've asked home that soros pupet, that is called excenelcy……

how many months ago, i've asked that????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

you like to pee on me????????????????????????????????????????????????????

thenk you!!!!!!!

Such a honor, wjen a bilionaire pees on a shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love You.

b19d8d  No.6793131


The fucked up part is when q himself goes on fox and doesn't mention it or who really controls the USA. Oops.

69bf4b  No.6793132


darkknight111 19 points (+20|-1) 1 month ago (edited 1 month ago)

That was me. Sharing intel. 8 chan doesn’t know nearly as much about pizzagate as we do, so they need to be brought up to speed.

In short, instead of a spider web, the structure of connection is almost like a pyramid. Weinstein, Epstein, and Raniere connect to each other on a lower floor like a linked chain centering on Epstein. The Clintons connect all three like the upper floor of the pyramid.

I’m shit at graphics, so a graphic should be made of this.

Also, by reading that NSA Child Crimes twitter feed from Vindicator, an interesting question got asked to which the answer was “Weinstein, Epstein, Raniere”.

I take it to mean that these people are the ones in need of exposing AND connecting together.

-Edit: 8 chan are however MUCH better at spread and disperal than we are, so its good to cooperate with them. Unity is how we expose these monsters.

smart man

5b1eef  No.6793133


Coherent English, motherfucker. Use it.

c1f1d7  No.6793134

File: 70941177e8e4d14⋯.jpg (534.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, JeffersonCitycrashesfamily….jpg)

Pregnant woman, 2-year-old son dead as stranger deliberately drives into them

The driver of the vehicle was taken into custody immediately following the two pedestrian related crashes. He has been identified as William David Phillips, 33, of Jefferson City. Phillips was transported to the Jefferson County Justice Center where he has been charged with first degree murder for the death of the unborn child. His current charges are 3 counts of first degree murder and one count of attempted first degree murder.


5dd05d  No.6793135

File: 21685d89a72eb9e⋯.jpeg (63.8 KB, 630x339, 210:113, 27E13EFD-FDB7-496A-BB28-1….jpeg)

File: 82414bebbdab139⋯.jpeg (33.25 KB, 500x350, 10:7, F7A0C320-C0BC-4B06-81D4-0….jpeg)

File: 737c43f95188c78⋯.jpeg (120.92 KB, 1200x635, 240:127, 1E52220B-AFA2-48AE-A642-9….jpeg)

83b0ad  No.6793136

File: 9df3497f55ae0f2⋯.jpg (5.61 KB, 103x174, 103:174, downloadfile-19_1_1.jpg)

File: 5430c47676bbcf4⋯.jpg (38.24 KB, 500x464, 125:116, Chelsea_1.jpg)

a6ce94  No.6793137

Supper’s ready

f9c7d5  No.6793138

File: 3df745cab2d7f2e⋯.gif (239.98 KB, 662x200, 331:100, SoonTM.gif)


Its a good thing they don't know how much I'd like to remove.

Which one goes down first: Sodom, or Gomorrah ?

e5d6c9  No.6793139

File: e719f391bf2b986⋯.png (457.34 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, hrcsiegheil.png)

7a86c6  No.6793140

File: 9c3f882f9b63951⋯.png (3.58 MB, 1914x884, 957:442, ClipboardImage.png)

69bf4b  No.6793141


Thought non-doctors could perform abortions now.

26c466  No.6793142

File: a1cb8cd2449f9c8⋯.jpg (747.72 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, Screenshot_20190619-195254….jpg)


Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents rescued 17 illegal aliens on Monday night after they crossed into the Barry M. Goldwater Bombing Range in AZ and became lost. More here: https://t.co/9bGRzmIVzZ https://t.co/qDE2jg2apG

c85c2d  No.6793143

File: d1cda25228b6413⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, d1cda25228b6413c96c7a69f6e….jpg)

c1f1d7  No.6793144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Graham shares his advice to Trump on dealing with opposing forces

12e2b3  No.6793145

File: 26b815141243f94⋯.png (56.1 KB, 1049x943, 1049:943, pepe weight lifter.png)

111716  No.6793146

Remember the video Benjamin szenkus (spelling?) made about seeing Allison Mack, Stormy Daniels, Huma, Anthony Weiner & others at a recruitment party. He went to sell pot. I think it was in 2007. Phonefagging, can’t post the link. NIXVM & Huma/Weiner link

69bf4b  No.6793147

File: 02d439c6b1205cf⋯.png (56.26 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

682a91  No.6793148

File: 3e8d060556631a9⋯.jpg (51.19 KB, 782x734, 391:367, D5jp4ZbX4AEMOS2.jpg)


You've never seen a real vagina have you.

aaf3df  No.6793149


>Weinstein, Epstein, and Raniere connect to each other on a lower floor like a linked chain centering on Epstein.

I have trouble with this. Is this a 2D pyramid or 3D one. Because if 3D there's a piece missing.

c52e9d  No.6793150


So is he going to run as Barry Soetero this time?

3dfb2f  No.6793151


Could you add Peter Thiel to that list of connections?

b45b49  No.6793152

File: cc7664420517561⋯.png (605.12 KB, 800x532, 200:133, celebrities.png)

File: 704927403638a19⋯.jpg (121.84 KB, 612x370, 306:185, hwd.jpg)

8fae7c  No.6793153


Same here

Right on time

And I am huuuuuun-gryyyy

dea118  No.6793154


been noted several times already anon

69bf4b  No.6793155


Buncha 17's.

17:51 = 17:17+17+17

12e2b3  No.6793156

File: 431cf8efc206c57⋯.png (695.24 KB, 629x497, 629:497, suppers ready willow farm.PNG)

e5d6c9  No.6793157


Momma calling you out of the basement, shill?

7a86c6  No.6793158

File: 22e4cd75d6874bd⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1918x986, 959:493, ClipboardImage.png)

69bf4b  No.6793159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here ya go.

17209d  No.6793160

File: acd47c80ff7df56⋯.png (415.05 KB, 700x518, 50:37, muhfirstflotusmemeeber.png)


top fkn kek

god bless you flotus,

you are always in my prayers

48cb1d  No.6793161

File: 102c3490e8dd44f⋯.png (121.94 KB, 1067x1040, 1067:1040, Screenshot_2019-06-19 Cong….png)




56071f  No.6793162

Screw Harley Davidson, hard & deep & long & strong. This is more than just a terrible, piss poor business decision (it is). HD is a national symbol, and this is an in-your-face middle finger to all America, but especially to their (former) buyers. Just change your name to Beijing Cycles. Impossibly stupid, as China is about to do a belly flop off the clifftop. And everyone can see that we have our own problems here & DJT is working very hard to bring biz back, not watch it stroll out the door like a cheap whore.

They'll come crawlin' back, ass whipped, and get on their knees to America to forgive them. No way, unless the entire board & management is kicked out the door in disgrace. Not talking about, "Oh, so and so left to spend more time with the family." No, no, no. Talking here about, "People 1-50 are responsible for this terrible travesty, America. They are idiots, & we curse the day we were stupid enough to let them run the company. They are gone & in disgrace. On our knees, we beg you, PLEASE forgive us & take us back."

789917  No.6793163

Take no prisoners POTUS…never make a handshake deal with these liberal fuckers. Take them all down.

7c8324  No.6793164

File: b1f7e62baa8834c⋯.jpg (62.41 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 5393.jpg)

Pay up, qniggers.

69bf4b  No.6793165


I'm not darkknight111 on voat tho

79f48c  No.6793166

You Tooob not working fur me.

Checked Downdetector. Nothing there.

680ac1  No.6793167

Any discussion or digs on how POTUS plans on deporting millions of illegals? If not millions will surely vote again…

f9a842  No.6793168

File: 348541a8d3f7a1f⋯.jpg (52.94 KB, 367x551, 367:551, 1602b.jpg)

File: d287893838e6203⋯.jpg (39.71 KB, 381x424, 381:424, 1604.jpg)

File: fd8c7e7109e527d⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 287x542, 287:542, 1569.jpg)

File: 8d95c1691374a2f⋯.jpg (47.25 KB, 370x577, 370:577, 1602a.jpg)

If future proves past, July 4th coming, June 2018 drops around this time frame, 19th - 30th I did some correlation below, may be telling, based on current happenings, my very rough notes below for reference.

I started searching through these drops during this time frame for military, was interested in seeing any correlation to Trump mass deportation and military being activated, insurection act, in the US to assist, seeing if Q provided any proofs, which there is some correlation, but after going through all the drops, alot of other correlations as well. Many anons see this alot, maybe i'm just getting comfortable with it or it is nothing.

I'm no autist but try my best and there are too many coincidences here in these drops. I don't have a lot of time to spend on this getting pics of all the drops, cross referencing, etc, not very good at that, but if other anons who regularly go to the lengths needed for total proof and think it is worth further digging, please have at it.

Not in any specific order, rough notes, maybe hard to understand where i was going:

Military increased presence in middle east drop 1569, 1602 and 1604

Saudi Arabia stating will use force against Iran drop 1602 and 1604

Mass deportation of illegals and US military building tent cities for migrants drop 1603 and 1602 (Trump use of national guard and military, insurection act?)

NXIVM guilty and Vogue normalizing pedophilia and Alex Jones setup drop 1599, 1602 (Long Beach Port trafficking and China), 1616, 1619, 1623 (netflix normalizing pedofilia) and 1624

Military increased presence Middle East per Iran drop 1595 and 1604

Biden calling for riots, Annapolis Shooter drop 1585, 1589, 1600 and 1641

Trump talking about HRC emails, dead cat bounce, July truth drop 1595, 1626 and 1628

Trump accomplishments drop 1609 (just had rally making sure he reinforced all of them)

Constant bashing of Q, who is Q, and 8Chan by MSM drop 1594 and 1601 and 1617 and 1640 and 1643 and 1644

Peter Strzok in news recently drop 1605, 1613 and 1618 (is he the first major arrest target in June\July)

I'm sure there is more then what I drew some correlation with or need to be corrected on alot of it.

Is Q telling us we are on the brink of something big? NXIVM guilty is clearly a sign here that justice has begun to be served and opening up the door to the real evil behind it all. Do we need to be concerned for our safety, that is why I started to go through all of these drops. My first thought here is if Trump is not bluffing about mass deportation, and he brings in the military in some capacity (but it is just cover for mass arrests, Biden calling for riots), Q has made many references to this happening, military being deployed, drops support ths. If this does happen, that means the hammer is going to drop hard. I do my best promoting patience, maybe mine has run out and I did these beginning correlations for nothing, no problem, but I rather be as prepared as possible if the hammer drops then not.

As has been spoken about on the chans in length, and the quote so happens to be in drop 1595, July - the month the world discovered the TRUTH, are we at the top of that dead cat bounce where we are now at the top or coming over that last hump of the [D] con party last efforts? the beginning of the end? The signs seem to be lining up, hopefully true.

682a91  No.6793169

File: 03dbaee197453a8⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 709x498, 709:498, DvbrXbtWwAEeP73.jpg)

ac4360  No.6793170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

See Something Say Nothing

One day after a prominent U.S. Muslim leader reacted to the November 2015 Paris attacks with a declaration that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam, President Obama made the same assertion.

Who exactly is the enemy we face, not only in the Middle East but also within our borders? Is it "murderers without a coherent creed" or "nihilistic killers who want to tear things down," as some described ISIS after 130 people were brutally slain and another 368 injured in a coordinated attack on Western soil that authorities say was organized with help from inside France's Muslim communities.

After the Paris attacks, Obama, himself, described ISIS as "simply a network of killers who are brutalizing local populations."

But how much do words and definitions really matter? According to the legendary military strategist Sun Tzu, if "you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one (battle) and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle."

When the Department of Homeland Security was founded in 2003, its stated purpose was "preventing terrorist attacks within the United States and reducing America's vulnerability to terrorism." The Bush administration's definition of the enemy as a tactic, terrorism, rather than a specific movement, proved consequential amid a culture of political correctness. By the time President Obama took office, Muslim Brotherhood-linked leaders in the United States were forcing changes to national security policy and even being invited into the highest chambers of influence. A policy known as Countering Violent Extremism emerged, downplaying the threat of supremacist Islam as unrelated to the religion and just one among many violent ideological movements.

When recently retired DHS frontline officer and intelligence expert Philip Haney bravely tried to say something about the people and organizations that threatened the nation, his intelligence information was eliminated, and he was investigated by the very agency assigned to protect the country. The national campaign by the DHS to raise public awareness of terrorism and terrorism-related crime known as If You See Something, Say Something effectively has become If You See Something, Say Nothing.

In "See Something, Say Nothing," Haney – a charter member of DHS with previous experience in the Middle East – and co-author Art Moore expose just how deeply the submission, denial and deception run. Haney's insider, eyewitness account, supported by internal memos and documents, exposes a federal government capitulating to an enemy within and punishing those who reject its narrative.

86452c  No.6793171

File: 6e2203e60274f08⋯.jpg (102.48 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, DARKtoLIGHT.jpg)

File: 589b8ce16a236fa⋯.jpg (14.41 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 1e0c6ad97d8d63a80ffe88ba25….jpg)

>>6792927 lb, Marines Tweet: This is just the beginning.

f08d44  No.6793172

File: c087b9920784dad⋯.jpg (314.97 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 1169486_v9_ba.jpg)

AOC doubles down on ugly

c3ac82  No.6793173

File: 3c022c66a815731⋯.png (778.3 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36b8053c2274ba1⋯.png (8.27 MB, 3120x4160, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7def887be37c77b⋯.png (368.4 KB, 500x481, 500:481, ClipboardImage.png)



See something, say nothing. The authorities run the trafficking and flaunt it even on public works projects.

02cd20  No.6793174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

taken from The_Donald because it is so fucking good

Must watch video. Democrats BTFO by Burgess Owens. “I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race… Let's pay restitution. How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race".

1f338c  No.6793175

#kag…. yeah, that doesn't sound good. Sounds to much like.








I think they need to come up with something better. I know I'm not going to use it.

014064  No.6793176

552b6f  No.6793177

File: a7fc77ce518293e⋯.jpg (211.29 KB, 1200x920, 30:23, dancing_boobies.jpg)


o7 and tY baker! Have some dancing boobies.

8527a6  No.6793178


Bret to Graham = "You talk to this President alot now"…Graham - "I do, thank God"

Also Graham - "The President has had it with Iran and he is going to stop this behaviour"

d91a72  No.6793179

File: dd808080edf8e67⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1682x1230, 841:615, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

Awesome short vid. w/ black patriot saying no thanks to reparations. Makes some great points.


0f2523  No.6793180


Keep America Great Always

6526a2  No.6793181


so anyone who doesn't agree with you is a shill?

or can I still think Trump is awesome? Of course I can.

ac4360  No.6793182

File: a1a70d311485da8⋯.png (259.75 KB, 1017x537, 339:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cbb1f191c84328⋯.png (58.72 KB, 456x316, 114:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Bongino Discusses National Security Leaks And His New Book 'Protecting The President'

at the end Dan says maybe stuff will come out anonymously



before Q?


946226  No.6793184




Richard Mays - Arkansas is the Clinton connection


8527a6  No.6793185



Making America Great Again

0c722e  No.6793186

#8689 baker change

Notes @160

>>6793039 Senate Repubs just voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to #FY20NDAA

>>6793051 ‘Climate emergency’ on Monday, pipeline expansion on Tuesday: Trudeau the fraud strikes again (RT)

>>6793055 New DJT: "Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!"

>>6793082 NYLaw Gives Illegals ‘Ability to Vote’ After Obtaining Driver’s License (why wait??)

>>6793094 Dominican officials allegedly pressured tourist’s widow to cremate his body

>>6793126 West Hollywood City Council Votes to Have DJT Walk of Fame Star Removed

>>6793129, >>6793132 Epstein Raniere thread form VOAT

Anons on fire!!

Anons, can you weigh in on this? Looked interdasting, enough there?

>>6793168 Anon analysis of Q drops re June 2018 "future proves past"


7c8324  No.6793187


He makes plenty of points nigger lovers like you and the rest of the anti-white nigger loving terrorists in the republican party like to hear. Fuck niggers.

47f92c  No.6793188


Iran = DS cabal assets

Enough is enough. God bless POTUS and operators!

81d5d6  No.6793189



paint me surprised

3044b2  No.6793190


How is that, on the moon in 2024???????

You are insulting my intelligenge????

This is my POTUS?????

wHERE IS MY potus that loves and careds?????

Where is honesty, dear??????

Lost, dear??????????

6a0c16  No.6793191

File: 67adb9e3878a89e⋯.jpg (324.68 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, Screenshot_20190619-185927….jpg)



aaf3df  No.6793192

File: 5fa017789d9bab7⋯.jpg (706.72 KB, 2320x1200, 29:15, Indian Chief Dark Horse Mo….jpg)

c52e9d  No.6793193


Relax, boomerfag. They are making a small bike aimed at Chinese consumers because boomers

are dying and not buying their noisy junk anymore. The under 60 crowd isn't trying to be

a fake tough guy trying to get attention

3839b9  No.6793194


yup. keeps the MAGA, but updates it.

not seeing better anywhere

3c72cb  No.6793195

>>6792927 lb

> U.S. Marines…..aboard the USS John P. Murtha. #Marines

John P Murtha. A Marine Officer in 'Nam. House Rep (D) from Johnstown, PA. Ramrod straight, took no shit. Chaired the House subcommittee on Appropriations.

Was a target videoed in the Abscam sting. Was only one who played straight. In 2006 when Dems won the House ran for House Majority Leader. Here's where it got interesting. He was supported by new Speaker, Nancy Pelosi but lost to Steny Hoyer.

Went back to being chair of the subcommittee doing what he always did, speak TRUTH and fight for his constituents and for what is right. Went into hospital for a routine gall bladder operation in late Jan. 2010. Went back to work.

Two days later he fell sick, went to hospital and died a week later of surgery infection. Today, if alive, John P. Murtha would be a Republican, on the Trump Train and kicking ASS.

Anon knows. Anons know. Marines know.

4d3629  No.6793196


I wish Freddys mom had an abortion.

0c722e  No.6793197


wrong link

>>6793126 should be



152c2c  No.6793198

File: 4207c7e7582d041⋯.jpg (340.98 KB, 800x1011, 800:1011, IMG_8487.JPG)

47f92c  No.6793199


NSA … oops!

4f4114  No.6793200

File: 0ed384889f7c29f⋯.jpg (94.26 KB, 634x878, 317:439, denirokicks.jpg)


I can think of one


81d5d6  No.6793201



sure thing

7cca63  No.6793202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6792548 (lb)

>FOX 10 Phoenix

WH clip out now:

President Trump Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Arthur Laffer

The White House

Published on Jun 19, 2019


02cd20  No.6793203



please watch

ddb301  No.6793204


I don't think the walk of fame is located in WEHO so vote away fags.

87aefd  No.6793205


Working on it again now

She had dinner ready, what can I say

So far:


Rainbow Cultural Gardens never had a license to operate:

Child welfare advocate Joseph O'Hara, who used to run a children and family services division in Missouri, says he is "amazed" that the operation, which is headquartered in New York, has not been shut down already.

O'Hara, used to work with Nxivm as a consultant between 2003 and 2004, has filed complaints about the New York branch of Rainbow Cultural Garden with the New York Attorney General and social services.

O'Hara told Sun Online: "They are putting children through this kind of experience from birth and they're not even trained to run a daycare never mind an educational institution.

"People come in with no qualifications and get a few days training from an unqualified trainer and are turned loose on these kids for exorbitant fees.

"In most states you have to be licensed either as a school or a daycare - you can't just look after other people's kids for money without it - especially in a large scale organisation like this.


The nannies/instructors at RCG were illegal aliens

Trafficking, six ways to Sunday:


Tax fraud all day long, too:

"It is believed that little, if any, of the proceeds from the Rainbow Cultural Garden operation was ever declared on tax returns. And, according to reports, none of the Nannies were ever given 1099 Forms to report the income they earned from the operation."

"Robert ‘Robbie’ Chiappone, became a critical witness.

Robbie was the alleged owner of the computer company, E-Mallard Web Corp., where the server for the NXIVM website was hosted. Robbie had registered hundreds of domain names for Mr. Raniere and Clare Bronfman including Nxian.net, the website Mr. O’Hara and others allegedly accessed without permission.

Robbie was the 20-something year old son of Esther Carlson Chiappone, a member of the High Rank of NXIVM [Esther holds the rank of Green Sash, Edge, one stripe].

Robbie’s real job was to drive children to Rainbow Cultural Garden. At some point, Robbie was accused of sexually molesting a girl – and the New York State Police began an investigation. Mr. Raniere and Nancy Salzman worked to persuade parents not to cooperate with the State Police investigation, witnesses said.

No charges were filed. Robbie’s’ name was removed from all domain names and from the company that supposedly owned the server on which the NXIVM website was hosted.

Clare Bronfman originally told police that the server in question was in Saratoga County. But the Saratoga DA was unwilling to prosecute the flimsy computer trespass case."


Still digging

b19d8d  No.6793206


And begin the virtue signaling.

ae72c3  No.6793207

Blood…on rug?

d3fe3b  No.6793208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

152c2c  No.6793209

File: 2bb87ad83207d8e⋯.jpg (94.73 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_8488.JPG)

1f338c  No.6793210


I can hear it now.

Go #GAG on your #KAG

12e2b3  No.6793211

File: 0c94fa247f13adf⋯.png (333.17 KB, 680x422, 340:211, mmmkay!!!.PNG)

Japan rejects S. Korea's offer for wartime labor talks

TOKYO (Kyodo) – Japan rejected Wednesday an offer by South Korea to settle a wartime labor dispute through diplomatic channels, saying the time for talks had already passed and it is now seeking to proceed with an arbitration process involving other countries.

Bilateral ties have been frayed following South Korean court decisions last year ordering Japanese firms to pay damages to victims of forced labor during Tokyo's 1910-1945 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula

South Korea said Wednesday it is willing to hold discussions with Japan on the condition that companies of the two countries chip in funds to compensate the victims.

Japan argues that the issue of compensation was settled by a 1965 bilateral accord under which it provided $500 million in financial aid to the South Korean government and a further $300 million in private credits.

Under Seoul's proposal, the implicated Japanese companies, including Nippon Steel Corp. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., as well as South Korean firms that benefited from the financial aid would contribute to a joint fund.

It is the first time that South Korea has made a specific settlement proposal since the court rulings.

But Japan quickly shot down the proposal, with Foreign Minister Taro Kono saying in a Twitter post, "This will not correct the situation of South Korea in violation of international law."

If South Korea continues to ignore the request to establish an arbitration panel and allow lawyers to seize and liquidate the Japanese companies' assets, Kono has said he would consider taking the dispute to the International Court of Justice.

The highly charged exchange came a day after a deadline for South Korea to name a member of the panel along with Japan and a third country came and went.

Taking the next step outlined in the 1965 accord, Japan has asked South Korea to form the arbitration panel with members chosen entirely by other countries.

Underscoring the frosty relations, Japanese officials say Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to forgo holding talks with South Korean President Moon Jae In on the sidelines of a Group of 20 summit next week in Osaka.

Kono and his South Korean counterpart Kang Kyung Wha are planning to meet on the fringes of the June 28-29 G-20 summit to discuss the issue, according to the officials.

In January, Japan asked to settle the issue through diplomatic channels. But South Korea did not oblige, maintaining that the issue should be left to its judicial system.

In a bid to break the impasse, Japan proposed on May 20 that the countries set up an arbitration panel consisting of one member each selected by the two countries and a third nation.

Under the 1965 accord, South Korea had 30 days to comply. South Korean officials had said they would "carefully review" the proposal but did not present a panel member by the deadline on midnight Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Japan pressed South Korea to move to the next step, in which each side has a further 30 days to ask another country to choose a panel member. Those two countries would also select a third country to produce the final panel member.

Kenji Kanasugi, head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, made the request to a senior official at the South Korean Embassy in Tokyo, expressing regret over Seoul's failure to meet the deadline.

The South Korean official said he would relay the request to the country, according to the Japanese ministry.

Often marred by differing views of wartime history and a territorial row, bilateral ties have become especially fraught in recent months due to the wartime labor issue as well as an incident where a South Korean destroyer allegedly locked its fire-control radar onto a Japanese patrol plane in Japan's exclusive economic zone.


aaf3df  No.6793212

File: 5a9a94251524521⋯.jpg (9.34 KB, 300x200, 3:2, bait03.jpg)

dea118  No.6793213


baker notable

86452c  No.6793214



>Do we need to be concerned for our safety, that is why I started to go through all of these drops.

No, anons are safe, Q told that very specifically and some anons being loud voices here and on other platforms are proof.

Shills however, try to get anons off QR with fear mongering

<8chan not safe

<muh FBI

<anons not safe


it´s a shill and it´s not much info anyway.

3dfb2f  No.6793215


Archived Peter Thiel, Jeffrey Epstein, the Lifeboat Foundation and the blood of our children…PART TWO (pizzagate)

submitted 2 years ago by [deleted]

I recently posted in the pizzagateTNT subverse about Jeffrey Epstein's connection to the Lifeboat Foundation: Jeffrey Epstein and Bioquark, the company attempting to bring people back from the dead

Turns out Peter Thiel is also heavily involved:

Peter Thiel: Rise Up https://lifeboat.com/blog/2015/12/peter-thiel-rise-up


Blueseed is a project to station a ship 12 nautical miles from the coast of San Francisco, in international waters. The location will allow startup entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world to start or grow their company near Silicon Valley, without the need for a US work visa. The ship will be converted into a coworking and co-living space, and will have high-speed Internet access and daily transportation to the mainland via ferry boat. So far, over 1000 entrepreneurs from 60+ countries expressed interest in living on the ship. The project is backed by PayPal founder and Facebook early investor Peter Thiel.

The Future of Governance is not Governments : https://lifeboat.com/blog/category/governance

Considering this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AOjAHadhAYYouTube (which I've already posted) about Thiel's fascination with 'young blood' and his company Palantir's collaboration with THORN to identify and find vulnerable children, I see a very worrying picture emerging.


Related threads:

Huffington Post has deleted Palantir Tech and Human Trafficking article. Palantir is used for anti-trafficking efforts (Polaris). Is Palantir what discovered pizzagate?

THORN board member and Palantir co-founder, was banned from Stanford for 10 years on sexual assault charges. The charges were later dropped.

Zurich Insurance behind UK child sex abuse investigation shutdown, Blair on their payroll, CEO in 'apparent suicide' last year. And strangely, Palantir's codename for company is Zorro.

CFR-Trilateral pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's corporate philanthropy tied to transhumanist neo-eugenics

Kushner in business with Palantir's Peter Thiel, George Soros and Goldman Sachs. More to come….

How Peter Thiel’s company Palantir was built with CIA

Still digging…

0c722e  No.6793216


i take it these are actual boobies, right? kek.

3044b2  No.6793217


Don't worry, dear.

My family and I we here to fix it…..

And this planet will have an amazing future, dear.

cos I SAY SOW.




i WILL FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And My Father……..

will smile,

and my beautifuls, will start make this dream of mine come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


–just watch–

680ac1  No.6793218

Democrats are trying to get black folks all worked up ( reparations) and then let down. They want race wars. They don't want to give out reperations and they know it's bullshit. They want fear and hatred. They want race wars.

They want to get blacks all worked up and then blame Trump when they are let down.

152c2c  No.6793219

File: 095f2242e6e7ab1⋯.jpg (158.62 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, IMG_8489.JPG)


Pass the miracle whip

Happy Juneteenth y'all

1f338c  No.6793220


Or even worse…

Go #GAG on #BAG of dicks with your #KAG

87aefd  No.6793221



It sure appears so.

aaf3df  No.6793222


>I wish Freddys mom had an abortion.

She did. Wrong one.

beca9b  No.6793223

File: 95aafe26472043f⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 794x373, 794:373, image029.jpg)


Liqour laws are meaningless when there is profit to be made. Lots of sailors were warned about sticking to beer when visiting former Com-Bloc ports because bootleg liquor was rampant. Bulgaria was having fatalities from it back then.

e6b682  No.6793224

File: 4d80423ece669be⋯.jpg (92.61 KB, 585x382, 585:382, chelseabiden.jpg)

File: 7df6b6439c94bcb⋯.jpg (220.65 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, clintonfoundation.jpg)

238af3  No.6793225


She did, but it lived

81d5d6  No.6793226


still the best option so far

5dd05d  No.6793227

File: ce29e57e85447b1⋯.jpeg (826.4 KB, 1681x2700, 1681:2700, 89A38FE8-E3B8-4F5F-92E4-8….jpeg)

File: c2caab1d14a2270⋯.jpeg (188.83 KB, 1236x818, 618:409, 0E8AB4F0-4187-4D41-9D22-E….jpeg)

File: 8f09c68a05da8e8⋯.jpeg (41.26 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 89E64EDA-F2A5-4528-A9F4-F….jpeg)

d3fe3b  No.6793228

File: 0ceb6d660ec1963⋯.png (719.9 KB, 809x601, 809:601, Blue-footed boobies.PNG)



3839b9  No.6793229



how bout WAG

Winning America's Goals

We Are Growing

World's Americans Gather

8ae8fb  No.6793230

File: a7f44c61ae8cfb9⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 5BA58A64-F47F-440A-AD71-1E….png)

Ukraine just keeps popping up…


f0a7bf  No.6793231


I love you anon.

303c84  No.6793232

File: f92ddb6110a75c5⋯.png (46.83 KB, 590x374, 295:187, ClipboardImage.png)


Since Election Day 2016, Stocks up almost 50%, Stocks gained 9.2 Trillion Dollars in value, and more than 5,000,000 new jobs added to the Economy. @LouDobbs If our opponent had won, there would have been a market crash, plain and simple! @TuckerCarlson @seanhannity @IngrahamAngle

56071f  No.6793233

File: a0a34d1e4174b33⋯.jpg (201.65 KB, 1745x1076, 1745:1076, QCrumbs-strength&honor.jpg)

File: cf5173fd2bb0a13⋯.jpg (339.79 KB, 1455x1057, 1455:1057, HonorVeterans.jpg)

File: e170274b848945d⋯.jpg (11.48 KB, 236x233, 236:233, MarinesHonorSword.jpg)

File: 149ea236a47a61e⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 400x400, 1:1, FlagHonorGrateful.jpg)

a0327d  No.6793234

File: cec9595fc633dc4⋯.png (3.26 MB, 1600x897, 1600:897, ClipboardImage.png)

d3fe3b  No.6793235

File: 9cf0e7c3177c30e⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2209x2921, 2209:2921, Shadilay.jpg)

8527a6  No.6793236



Making America Great Always

75ba1a  No.6793237


only way is to spell the whole thing out

as an unofficial, kind of liking jussie's

"MAGA Country"

0c722e  No.6793238


thx anon, feedbak helpful, can't read thru everything thoroughly enough


41dd93  No.6793239


>10 days

10a7b6  No.6793240



>…I’m not homo-phobic….

I am. I think it's some kind of brain dysfunction with multiple potential causes, starting somewhere from in utero to post natal, chemicals to social environment, whatever can affect the brain. Nature spits out anomalies from time to time, Deep State is goosing up the numbers. And Deep State is also promoting dysfunctional behavior in general, using people to create a dysfunctional environment that following generations will accept as normal because that's all they'll know.

152c2c  No.6793241

File: 1f2e3139d47b78b⋯.jpg (258.42 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, IMG_8491.JPG)


Does it quack like a Jew

ae72c3  No.6793242

File: 8c58ffb35cde238⋯.jpeg (83.82 KB, 500x409, 500:409, _01-07-06.23.23.JPEG)

f9c7d5  No.6793243


take care, the windows in my father's house.

81d5d6  No.6793244


many more to come?

26b7a9  No.6793245


Former White House communications director Hope Hicks reportedly refused to answer questions during Wednesday’s closed-door meeting with the House Judiciary Committee, prompting Democrats to express outrage at her lack of cooperation.

Hicks met with lawmakers to talk privately about President Donald Trump’s alleged attempts to obstruct former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether or not Russia had been knowingly involved in the 2016 presidential election. Armed with an attorney, Hicks would not answer any questions unless the White House counsel said that she could, Democrats claimed.

The White House lawyer allegedly said multiple times throughout the meeting that Hicks had blanket immunity and did not have to talk about her time in the White House. House Democrats said that Hicks refused to answer simple questions such as where she sat in the West Wing or if she lied to Mueller, according to Politico.

“She is making a choice to follow along with all the claims of absolute immunity,” said Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

“Basically, she can say her name.”



87aefd  No.6793246

File: 9816c7c7e37dac4⋯.jpg (73.33 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 00000945.jpg)

File: 9816c7c7e37dac4⋯.jpg (73.33 KB, 600x600, 1:1, EpsteinNMHouse.jpg)

File: 361485a557a5aa9⋯.jpg (119.86 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, EpsteinEvidence.jpg)


>Palantir's codename for company is Zorro

It's not strange at all. It's also the name of Epstein's ranch in New Mexico.

Have attached one image out of the Zorro Ranch folder I kept; the rest of the plans are in the Santa Fe County Tax Assessor's website for all to see.

86452c  No.6793247


interdasting yellow tie that is on POTUS, like to watch.

3839b9  No.6793248






Trump: Made America Great Again

7a86c6  No.6793249

File: e02906cdb52af86⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1920x984, 80:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0c505ff65da8d0⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1916x986, 958:493, ClipboardImage.png)

7cca63  No.6793250

File: 60a680e2685e77e⋯.png (86.44 KB, 748x769, 748:769, POTUS on Laffer 1.PNG)

File: 7d4d6037d57d94c⋯.png (71.26 KB, 665x715, 133:143, POTUS on Laffer 2.PNG)

File: 7a26957027b4376⋯.jpg (182.34 KB, 748x769, 748:769, POTUS on Laffer boom.jpg)

File: 583a43b0b996a53⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1151x648, 1151:648, boom at 149.PNG)

File: fddb1f34255cdf0⋯.png (17.67 KB, 370x471, 370:471, Q 149 Flag Freedom.PNG)

>>6792642 (lb)

>POTUS says, "BOOM!" at 1:55


Boom said by POTUS at 1:49 in White House Clip


Q149 is Freedom Flag

e2179f  No.6793251


hey baker agree with anon here


not notable

e6b682  No.6793252

File: 2eb5de2e62d99cc⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 736x490, 368:245, fy.jpg)



America Fuck Yeah

b19d8d  No.6793253


Just make sure Israel comes firster.

Who else is going to turn your children into tranny-loving fags?

4f4114  No.6793254



baker second notable

did not see it in pbs

Former NFL Star Burgess Owens Stuns House Committee Hearing On Reparations

8a31ea  No.6793255

File: 88bf5860ab5d9e3⋯.png (466.56 KB, 602x658, 43:47, Dobbs with Satan Gorka 6-1….PNG)


>@LouDobbs with Satan


c5d143  No.6793256

File: 27364ae5beffff7⋯.jpg (215.11 KB, 480x642, 80:107, Screenshot_2019-06-19_1712….jpg)

Cheers. - Q

10a7b6  No.6793257


You go, girl!

f4d7d2  No.6793258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



he took a lie detector test and passed

1f338c  No.6793259


Yeah, KAG country sounds shitty

372dd7  No.6793260

They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America


Saul S. Friedman, Jews and the American Slave Trade (Transaction Publishers 1997).

Eli Faber, Jews, Slaves and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight (NYU Press 1998).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpCbqmM8L2QYouTube - Tony Martin - Jews Participation in Hebrew Slave Trade

a20b2e  No.6793261

File: f47b644dcdff3ef⋯.jpg (664.24 KB, 1440x1928, 180:241, Screenshot_20190619-171745….jpg)




8527a6  No.6793262


I like that, too.

KAG has got to go!

e6b682  No.6793263

File: 36f64c4066f2ae3⋯.png (742.33 KB, 686x546, 49:39, point.png)

0c722e  No.6793264


thx much, noted.

75ba1a  No.6793265


Brave man!

No need to cite T_D for a cspan video

47f92c  No.6793266

File: 382492e33a4f2e3⋯.jpeg (185.35 KB, 640x558, 320:279, E069316B-C399-469C-AF2A-D….jpeg)



STEEDS holly is an “evergreen”

Pic related

6a0c16  No.6793267



3839b9  No.6793268



we gag on kag

178a3c  No.6793269

File: 40bf28ad9c982a2⋯.jpeg (55.94 KB, 644x406, 46:29, C96B068B-A6FB-433F-9794-5….jpeg)

87aefd  No.6793270


Earlier today here there were some estimates that this guy died at roughly the same time Merkel was shaking like a leaf at a ceremony… with the president of Ukraine standing right next to her.

152c2c  No.6793271

File: 7feda9088abeb51⋯.jpg (180.39 KB, 868x1254, 434:627, IMG_8492.JPG)

e40f72  No.6793272

File: b1f656ef60dae63⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1452x820, 363:205, Jobs-May2019.png)

ccedca  No.6793273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Josh Hawley big tech companies and social media censorship bill being discussed right now.


03436e  No.6793274


It’s obvious in that desert shithole, I heard stories of bad cops and pizza, lots of underground shit and a “butt thug” mafia,

f3adaa  No.6793275

File: 94c9de1b0dcb211⋯.jpeg (105.07 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 3C0851E4-3833-41AF-93EE-D….jpeg)

Top kek

6dc459  No.6793276

File: 13ddcc09ce8dd55⋯.jpg (320.85 KB, 2448x1486, 1224:743, July.jpg)

0c722e  No.6793277


got both vids on reparations, great stuff, thx

710768  No.6793279

File: afbea00c6342b2e⋯.png (103.87 KB, 800x769, 800:769, afbea00c6342b2e970054a0cd5….png)


Same goes for Newsome's declaration about Native Americans today, it's all being used to sow seeds of dissent

Wait a minute!

Know who else wants to sow seeds of dissent like this?

According to our intel & Mueller's report Russia does.

If that's the case why do dems keep using race baiting topics to sow seeds of dissent themselves?

16a2b9  No.6793280

Make America God's America

df1e40  No.6793281

File: b03fa4b60627111⋯.png (269.06 KB, 270x371, 270:371, b65sw.PNG)

c9ad70  No.6793283

Trump yesterday:

<Something I want to make clear to the media…

<Our air and water are the cleanest they've ever been, by far.

What is necessary for this to be a true statement, and not a meaningless unverifiable claim? Here are the only two options I can think of:

a) Someone measured the current quality of air and of water from many locations around the entire country, and compared those numbers to the same study from all previous years. Or…

b) Without even needing to measure, it is a given fact that things are more clean now because Trump has shut down secret programs that were intentionally corrupting the air and water.

If they were actually putting some type of "sleeping pill" in the air and water, then part of a plan to start waking everyone up would require shutting that down.

This topic also probably relates to the media somehow because he directed that comment to the media. Maybe he's baiting them, hoping they will ask how he can make that claim. Or maybe he's saying he knows how the poisoning was designed to make MSM's brainwashing more effective.

5:59 @ https://hooktube.com/watch?v=g3LkfPVHCow





9cb87c  No.6793284



More likely is he winds dead.

17209d  No.6793285

File: 10eaf3950338813⋯.jpg (6.95 KB, 300x301, 300:301, donttakethebait.jpg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, howtofilterfornewfagsIDonl….jpg)

File: 3a7dcb5a62da9f5⋯.png (211.75 KB, 577x608, 577:608, welcometoqresearch.png)

File: 8c132ded500efe9⋯.png (130.07 KB, 688x471, 688:471, whytheyrescured.png)

welcome new anons, pics related

152c2c  No.6793286

File: 5297b9d0ff5f496⋯.jpg (110.46 KB, 640x846, 320:423, IMG_0059.JPG)

File: f46569cf254cc23⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 640x775, 128:155, IMG_0174.JPG)

File: 167f47a5a0777bd⋯.jpg (154.52 KB, 730x1100, 73:110, IMG_0221.JPG)

File: 56daadca6bf2acf⋯.jpg (82.2 KB, 1024x1360, 64:85, IMG_0347.JPG)

Bagina caused all this

75ba1a  No.6793287


if dominican republic are poisonings, why don't they find it in the toxicology

that said, i generally trust CDAN, so this could be the real deal

f09b6f  No.6793288




12e2b3  No.6793289

File: 942263b3bcea7ce⋯.jpg (95.1 KB, 596x500, 149:125, chubb dump 1.jpg)

File: 3188af0bf26279c⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 596x500, 149:125, chubb dump.jpg)

File: 44cdef64ac601a8⋯.png (52.45 KB, 166x250, 83:125, pepe boner.PNG)

Chubb Chairman/CEO sold $32.09m in shares June 19

Chubb Limited is a holding company.

The Company, through its subsidiaries, provides a range of insurance and reinsurance products and services to clients around the world.

Its segments include North America Commercial property and casualty (P&C) Insurance, North America Personal P&C Insurance, North America Agricultural Insurance, Overseas General Insurance, Global Reinsurance and Life Insurance.

It offers commercial insurance products and service offerings, such as risk management programs, loss control, and engineering and complex claims management. It provides specialized insurance products to areas, such as aviation and energy.

It also offers personal lines insurance coverage, including homeowners, automobile, valuables, umbrella liability and recreational marine products. In addition, it supplies personal accident, supplemental health and life insurance to individuals in select countries.



d3fe3b  No.6793290

File: 803142b49780bb1⋯.png (445.1 KB, 479x464, 479:464, Indeed.PNG)



2915fd  No.6793291

File: 2824ef062dcd044⋯.mp4 (267.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Boom.mp4)

0160af  No.6793292

File: 8251808450d23cb⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Prince-Andrew-with-designe….jpg)

5c5379  No.6793293

File: d1ef3d016048655⋯.png (331.79 KB, 752x816, 47:51, 8333e0adfc7a594ce5d204de25….png)

File: 657e27a6b66e9a1⋯.png (440.11 KB, 536x637, 536:637, broda.png)

File: 8c1f8b24ff94acc⋯.png (363.53 KB, 1007x597, 1007:597, btiuo.png)

8527a6  No.6793294


For the believers God = Great or is Great!

For the non-believers Great wull inspire godliness.

Great is godly and agnostic.

47f92c  No.6793295

File: ef4df49cad1f685⋯.jpeg (57.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, B2378F68-72A2-4136-B0EA-0….jpeg)

f030a8  No.6793296


Amen, anon. We're working on it.


5c9dbd  No.6793297


probably a safe bet to conclude Dirty Harry is a major player. a shame he has been allowed to operate w/o fear

e6909a  No.6793298

File: 1dfaa17903268b9⋯.gif (666.23 KB, 300x239, 300:239, iu.gif)

75ba1a  No.6793299


Yeah that is pretty good

f0a7bf  No.6793300


Thank you anon. I needed that.

8a31ea  No.6793301

File: 2b7e4935b2273dc⋯.png (441.3 KB, 599x670, 599:670, Solomon re Meadows re Mana….PNG)

File: 3bc60e318975886⋯.png (440.72 KB, 594x710, 297:355, Solomon Tweet re Manafort ….PNG)

File: 30e8edebe94e4d3⋯.png (93.79 KB, 441x850, 441:850, 1 Hill Solomon re Manafort….PNG)

File: a67555b75a87950⋯.png (92.53 KB, 436x855, 436:855, 2 Hill Solomon re Manafort….PNG)

File: 2d44d7486c15094⋯.png (92.43 KB, 436x852, 109:213, 3 Hill Solomon re Manafort….PNG)

Breaking:: @RepMarkMeadows preparing referral asking IG to investigate FBI and Mueller’s handling of Manafort warrants, contacts with media and reliance on suspect black ledger evidence. Just updated this story.


Bread 8686 [PB]


Solomons Latest

There is now compelling evidence the two main documents the FBI used to justify investigating the Trump campaign, the Manafort ledger and the Steele dossier, were suspect and contained inaccurate information.

And the FBI was warned.


FBI, warned early and often that Manafort file might be fake, used it anyway


152c2c  No.6793302

File: 9ee6ba7a4fdc8ef⋯.jpg (100.96 KB, 426x599, 426:599, IMG_8493.JPG)

3c72cb  No.6793303




Based Black speaks TRUTH to dem demons in dem hearing.

e6b682  No.6793304

File: e8c97018e6beeed⋯.png (152.45 KB, 1438x834, 719:417, trump2020.png)

8fae7c  No.6793305


You're not alone

I'm not a 30 year vet of this shit like you,

almost 10 though.

Once you see it, you can't unsee it-

And it's literally everywhere WW,

affecting every person who can't see it.

That's why it works.

True Autists are the 1%

8527a6  No.6793306

Hey Parscale, POTUS and Q -

Anons gag on KAG, please don't lose MAGA!!!!

17209d  No.6793307

File: f54218703282013⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1474x949, 1474:949, raychanderinstapostepstein….png)

File: d3033159f9bb6bf⋯.png (767.41 KB, 1050x1477, 150:211, raychandlergraphic.png)

File: 412fc7427568077⋯.jpg (200.84 KB, 1108x1292, 277:323, raychandlerstandardhotelny….jpg)

File: becf65909bffd30⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1700x1032, 425:258, raychandlertumblr1.PNG)

File: a06f1a591e8272f⋯.jpg (25.99 KB, 474x294, 79:49, raychandlerweminemat17.jpg)


wat was it again, 100x worse than allison mack?

b19d8d  No.6793308


Or..you know…

Make America Free Again like it was intended. Not some tyrannical, shitskinned government who doles out seatbelt tickets and throws you in a cage for a plant just to bring in revenue, er..shekels for the state.

0c722e  No.6793309


got both testimonies, anon, thx.

4af5ff  No.6793310

File: 51d1a8375007738⋯.jpg (408.22 KB, 1200x780, 20:13, trollingfishs.jpg)


Fish grew a lure on it's back.

d3fe3b  No.6793312

File: fde0de8f93f8e8f⋯.jpg (53.53 KB, 620x465, 4:3, fde0de8f93f8e8fe8524e612b2….jpg)


Glad to share, and it's true.

4af5ff  No.6793313


I know it's a slide but I couldn't help myself.

238af3  No.6793314

MAGA Making Aliens Go Away

81d5d6  No.6793315

File: 16686adb5a70641⋯.png (26.71 KB, 1000x228, 250:57, ClipboardImage.png)


because in latin derived languages it's close to that meaning

c is pronounced as k

5c9dbd  No.6793316



e40f72  No.6793317

File: 797e5434026b4a7⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1272x958, 636:479, point.png)


Great man there!!

Wonderful role model.

Thank you Fren.

eb4b77  No.6793318

File: e428013f3ebb8c1⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1519x2540, 1519:2540, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like Wray is finally responding to the Pencil Neckekek…what dis mean?


8569f6  No.6793319


Methanol poisoning?


TIME COURSE: Adverse health effects from methanol poisoning may not become apparent until after an asymptomatic period of 1 to 72 hours.

EFFECTS OF SHORT-TERM (LESS THAN 8-HOURS) EXPOSURE: Methanol’s toxicity is due to its metabolic products. The by-products of methanol metabolism cause an accumulation of acid in the blood (metabolic acidosis), blindness, and death. Initial adverse health effects due to methanol poisoning include drowsiness, a reduced level of consciousness (CNS depression), confusion, headache, dizziness, and the inability to coordinate muscle movement (ataxia). Other adverse health effects may include nausea, vomiting (emesis), and heart and respiratory (cardiopulmonary) failure. Prognosis is poor in patient/victims with coma or seizure and severe metabolic acidosis (pH <7). Early on after methanol exposure, there may be a relative absence of adverse health effects. This does not imply insignificant toxicity. Methanol toxicity worsens as the degree of metabolic acidosis increases, and thus, becomes more severe as the time between exposure and treatment increases.


3c72cb  No.6793320

3839b9  No.6793321



The Show Must Go On

works on so many levels, i love it.

Not a single major slogan, but to have it in there, ohyes.

-Enjoying the Show

-trolls/plays on Drumpf as TV Reality Star persona


7cca63  No.6793322

File: c3804329f82f7f7⋯.mp4 (357.69 KB, 848x424, 2:1, Q Gun.mp4)




152c2c  No.6793323

File: 0a1df885913bda4⋯.png (191.56 KB, 500x372, 125:93, IMG_8494.PNG)

12e2b3  No.6793324


youngins going….WTF is that?


8527a6  No.6793325


Option 2 is my guess.

4f4114  No.6793326


notable af

Get 'em John!

7c9d4d  No.6793327

File: 0d2aba2b8922a08⋯.jpg (24.05 KB, 620x330, 62:33, FB_IMG_1560990222270.jpg)

470363  No.6793328

File: 5e50b2b90b00804⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 859x1962, 859:1962, _20190619_201626.JPG)

Where did all these third parties come from? Not a techie, but I use a sandboxed, mobile web browser and a free proxy (hidemyass) and just this evening 8ch has changed (i lurk nearly every day and night on different devices). I'm not crazy, drinking, or smoking wacky weed. Anyone know what's up? I'm dippin back out of here after this post and lurking … so no need to reply needed … just a heads up to y'all

f0a7bf  No.6793329


>>6792491 Burgess Owens dispensing the red pills over reparations.

Isn't this PB notable? Why dupe?


>>6793174 , >>6793203 , >>6793249 , >>6793254 , >>6793265 , >>6793303

aaf3df  No.6793330


Definitely interesting. On July 21, the new pres is hoping to have a huge parlimentary win. Would not suck to have an influential opponent take a dirt nap.

Also, IIRC, this new Pres of Uk is NOT popular in Europe.

KIEV (Reuters) - The new party set up by Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who took office last month, could win the most seats in a parliamentary election due on July 21, an opinion poll showed on Wednesday.


74830b  No.6793332

File: 873658427e858f9⋯.png (147.73 KB, 2550x3300, 17:22, trylwc.png)


Future proves past.

87aefd  No.6793333


Ben left a note in the video comments:

I have a quick moment to write this:

I am currently doing 'Not Bad'

decided to "Go Dark' until some

of the chaos died off.

I deeply appreciate all of the Prayers and Well Wishing!

A General Message:

To Disbelievers and Believers,

To Haters and Gatekeepers (those getting paid to stop the Truth from coming out),

To those Who cannot face and embrace the Truth. The 'Woke-Ass Movement' is here.

The next phase until what happens next.

People may feel like their Message doesn't matter, they have no idea that a secret audience awaits all around them. Just realize, People out there do Care. People speaking loudly while nobody listens, You have an audience searching for You somewhere. Patience and innovation are skills to build, not inherited traits.

This is a warning for the Predators and Demons (to the Henchman haunted by the lies and deceit), the Truth is working it's way through the masses and exposure is imminent. Your 'Atonement Clock' ticks. Everyone will be held accountable for their actions, I have said it before many times, "There will be No Revolution, it will be a Revelation." The Evil doers will pound on Prison doors begging for Protection from an Angry Population of Denizens who yearn for justice. Think about it.

This is a warning to all those trying to make a quick buck, You know Who You are but soon that will change…

This message is for those on a mission to become 'more Awake' and realize their Social and Civic Sense of Duty to both themselves and their neighbors. I am talking to the Patriots who realize Liberty is only possible through Vigilance and Trust.

This is for the People who just want to be left alone. The 'Disenchanted' whose hope was extinguished through Years of 'Forced Disharmony' and 'Buried Achievements'.

This Message is mainly for those Victims who have fallen Prey. Human Beings manipulated by Cowards and Fools. This is for the quiet ones watching, nervous to speak out. We have Victims all around Us and they are silent because of so many factors. They fear social ridicule, or making waves, they don't want to ruin tradition, some are afraid of being murdered if they speak out. These Human Beings need to know they are not alone. They need to know People out there really do CARE.

No matter what, We are ALL in a Community (Silent Civil War or Not), We must find a way to move forward as a benefit to the Earth and take a step towards living in a World that Understands. Fear is destroyed through knowledge and faith. Fear cannot survive Understanding. Remain Brave.

We don't all have the intuitive abilities to realize when people around us are hurting or in trouble. Some are absolute Masters at hiding their Pain or masking Tribulations and don't even realize all they need to do is speak up, and be clear. People may seem like they don't hear but they do. Communication is a structure that is built and the building must start somewhere.

If someone or something has done You wrong the first step is to start asking questions. Ask Questions!!!! Why is everything the way it is? Where do We go , How do We find Harmony? You never know what You can get out of life if You just ask…

A fantastic adage to hold onto, 'Trust but Verify.'

Fight the Good Fight!

This is the World We let Happen

It's time to Own It!

and remember…



Ben Szemkus

56071f  No.6793334

File: 78f84a95c786ee4⋯.jpg (323.95 KB, 1200x1167, 400:389, QCrumbsAwakeningFreeInfo.jpg)

File: c96cb4669f5b469⋯.jpg (220.55 KB, 1200x804, 100:67, FreeInfoAssemblyRequired.jpg)

File: e5b49c3fab23d4b⋯.jpg (135.32 KB, 900x600, 3:2, FreeInfoAssemblyRequired2.jpg)

File: 8dcc19e3d28ab04⋯.jpg (138.68 KB, 820x512, 205:128, QCrumbsFreeInformationSelf….jpg)

8779a8  No.6793335

File: 2664f6d15d64598⋯.png (396.57 KB, 567x810, 7:10, 11thMEUTwat.png)

Sup fags, SemperFi fag here w/ some thoughts on the 11th MEU Twat "This is just the beginning…"

In MCMAP (USMC Martial Arts Program) the belt progression is Tan to Grey, Grey to Green, Green to Brown, Brown to Black (or at least it was when I was in). I was a lazy fag about to get out so I never qualified above the basic tan belt. Gray belt = grappling (GroundFagging), Green belt = introduces more striking and brown and black I have no fucking clue because that shit was so far out of reach for me I didn't pay attention. Maybe there are some MCMAP fags here that can expound. At a surface level (not reading anything into this twat, it says these BLT-Fags/GruntFags/MEUFags/BelleuwoodsFags/TeufelhundenFags are just beginning their MCMAP journey as this is the first belt after basic BootCampFag level training.

As I look at this Twat a few thoughts:

- Grappling is just the beginning of the fight/journey for these "Get Some" WestPacFags. Grappling is all about the ground game. It is rough and it isn't always pretty and it sure as fuck never goes according to plan like most fights.

- This is a journey not a destination (step 1 - learn the ground game because all fights eventually end up on the ground if they go long enough, step 2, 3, 4….. further refine the skills and introduce new tactics/techniques)

- I like the theme of this Twat and I think much of it applies to everyday life and to what QresearchFags do. Lurkmoar, learn the ground game (filtering, discern shills/clowns, get a basic understanding of what is going on), then move to moar AdvancedFaggery.

Sometimes a twat is just a twat, but this could speak to some Q shit. I'll leave the "This is just the beginning…" deeper level meaning for you all to work out on your own. Regardless the twat is moto. Please don't miss the forest for the trees though, before you start hyper analyzing why one MotivatedFag's camelback is filled more than the other then cross referencing that with a POTUS tweet from years ago, then using the home port of the Murtha (San Diego) and Congressman Murtha's state (Pennsylvania) and the class of ship (San Antonio) to confirm that POTUS DJT is about to arrest G Dubya because, according to Google Maps going from San Diego to Pennsylvania through San Antonio would take 43 hours and GWB is Pres 43. Confirmed MOTHERFUCKERS! Check out this graphic. Food for thought. Sometimes a twat is a twat. Happy discerning and happy filtering. Love you fags.

c1f1d7  No.6793336

File: 620275754f31b22⋯.png (257.64 KB, 531x601, 531:601, twitter_com_jsolomonReport….png)


86452c  No.6793337

File: e22df610f22cd33⋯.png (780.55 KB, 1018x437, 1018:437, POTUS_YOU.png)

File: 0ee55cd0bf3cb8f⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1420x969, 1420:969, POTUS_YOU2.png)

File: 7cd75747268774e⋯.png (967.34 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, PUNISHER_1776_REVOLUTION.png)

909926  No.6793338

File: fa87a92f53e727d⋯.png (555.63 KB, 1545x1613, 1545:1613, 956489d9bb1952bf49d55ba2f8….png)


As was, as is, as will be, we all have a purpose.

Godspeed fren, see ya in the sunrise.

Fight for our sleeping brothers, trapped in the nightmare we call reality…my journey remains all forward. 5 5



3839b9  No.6793339


rock stagedance from way before today's starlets…

probably only ArthurBrown before Pete's costumes, though some out there examples might still be found

8a31ea  No.6793340

File: dee40ec86c9023a⋯.png (348.55 KB, 601x599, 601:599, USMC 6-19-19 5 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 97d57ea8318e7fa⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video USMC 6-19-19 5 pm PD….mp4)

Teamwork makes the Dream work.


e6b682  No.6793341

File: 2ebe95c6a78c588⋯.jpg (234.96 KB, 962x769, 962:769, wearetheshow.jpg)

0c722e  No.6793342


#8684, but good reminder here

5c5379  No.6793343

File: 80679809e509b00⋯.png (425.66 KB, 947x584, 947:584, vvvvvvvvvvv.png)

File: 125ff09d8999369⋯.png (116.52 KB, 752x835, 752:835, a0aff8891e9799afadc1b83e5f….png)

File: 7cc636a4049dcf9⋯.png (81.16 KB, 930x567, 310:189, asssssssss.png)

File: 22a12a59c1dd5ff⋯.png (115.36 KB, 829x570, 829:570, fsddddddd.png)

File: f2b5bcb9eb140a5⋯.png (54.11 KB, 862x851, 862:851, db6be3f89bb9500ab9708059f2….png)

Theory: pizza is also adrenochrome

bb37bf  No.6793344

File: 80494ab8e52f730⋯.png (751 KB, 819x546, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schiff discussed DOJ review of Russia investigation with Dan Coats

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said he spoke directly with Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about the Justice Department's review of the origins of the Russia investigation. After the White House instructed several agencies to cooperate with Attorney General William Barr's inquiry, including the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Schiff expressed deep concern about a possible effort to "weaponize" law enforcement and intelligence against political rivals. The California Democrat demanded Coats keep him apprised of the intelligence community's activities, and it appears he may have gotten an answer. “I have discussed personally with the Director of National Intelligence Coats my profound concern about what [Attorney General] Bill Barr is doing in particular,” Schiff said Wednesday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. “This desire to provide cover to the president by investigating the investigators. This desire to give amplification to the counteractive." Trump, who said the review of the federal investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia is "not payback," delegated Barr the authority to declassify relevant information. Barr tasked U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the review, which along with an inspector general investigation into potential surveillance abuses, could lead to criminal charges.

In a letter late last month to Coats, Schiff wrote that Trump's memo "perniciously" seeks the intelligence community's help to "politicize the [intelligence community] and law enforcement, to delegitimize the well-founded investigation into the president, and to attack the president's political enemies." Schiff demanded Coats keep him apprised of the intelligence community's activities, including "any declassification that has been or will be made over [intelligence community] objection," and set a deadline of June 6 to hear back. Despite Coats' apparent cooperation, Schiff said overall he knows very little about the Justice Department's broad look into the actions of federal officials stemming back to the 2016 campaign. Schiff said the FBI has “started to provide some answers," but there has been “very little visibility."

Coats has spoken out about Trump's order, explaining the limited scope of what can be made available to the public because of national security concerns. "Much like we have with other investigations and reviews, the Intelligence Community will provide the Department of Justice all of the appropriate information for its review of intelligence activities related to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election," Coats said in a statement last month. "As part of that process, I am confident that the attorney general will work with the [intelligence community] in accordance with the long-established standards to protect highly-classified information that, if publicly released, would put our national security at risk." Schiff predicted Coats and CIA Director Gina Haspel will resist Trump's move to declassify intelligence related to the Russia investigation. Should pressure from Trump become too great, Schiff suggested this pair of intelligence leaders follow the example of former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and resign.


dea118  No.6793345


is there toxicology in the DR? if so, who controls it?

I heard people haven't been able to get the bodies of loved ones back from the DR, I think it was in a past notable

d63846  No.6793346

File: 40f18fbf503832e⋯.jpg (204.6 KB, 696x500, 174:125, MarilynMonroe2.JPG)


Give that economist a presidential medal of freedom. POTUS should give PMOFs to all the cultist hacks and shills just as Bathhouse did.

That would cause major head spins

81d5d6  No.6793347



forgot sauce


> (vulgar) defecate, shit, pass excrement.

Quite retarted given there is quite a % of hispanics in the US

5b8ff6  No.6793348


I'm a marketing fag. Have been for 30 years.

I study brand loyalty. HD was one of the ONLY ones to have customers so devoted, they willingly tattooed their logo on their bodies.

Unfortunately for Hong Kong Davidson, when loyal customers are fucked up the ass with no lube, they will turn on you hard and permanently.

That entire company (and brand) is now dead to nearly every single American.

Well played, dipshits.

Can't wait to see what habbens to the value of used hogs and apparel, too.

e8af41  No.6793349

File: 1dabfdd4c6fc2e1⋯.jpg (292.65 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190612-061852….jpg)

File: 1a8810eb4c2e1e8⋯.jpg (307.1 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190612-151743….jpg)

First screenshot from am

2nd was ammended from afternoon.


0160af  No.6793350

File: 0fe1a88b63132c2⋯.jpg (146.56 KB, 960x544, 30:17, potusqshadow.jpg)


we're on our way…

f0a7bf  No.6793351


That they do anon. That they do.

Lord give me strength to overcome my demons, so that I may help others do the same.

d1ab11  No.6793352

File: 73f3f0fd99cf7bd⋯.png (135.89 KB, 293x520, 293:520, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7991f142ce5fb1⋯.png (36.02 KB, 500x237, 500:237, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6792888 PB

Statue of Freedom is located on the top of the Capitol dome.


56f0a5  No.6793353

File: c2708725bce68ab⋯.png (689.6 KB, 1296x588, 108:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Holy poop on a stick!


f44870  No.6793354


But you didn't understand the inner workings of evil since '91. Because no one did. No one, that is, except the +++++'s and those very few humans with the highest level security classification on the planet knew.

Maybe your early awakening prepared you for today. Maybe your in-built skepticism was one of your greatest talents that led you to this place. But no one knew. Not really. Not until Q.

God bless and love you fren, with a little bit of homo.

5df8ae  No.6793355


It’s cool to look ugly right now.

Stepchild on vacation for men.

80s glasses and mum bum for women.

d2ade0  No.6793356

File: 21ad7144a0b1b79⋯.jpeg (465.23 KB, 1352x671, 1352:671, C5BF2CE6-D69A-4F4B-8175-5….jpeg)

PAPA D to HRC “enjoy the show”

5c5379  No.6793357

File: a8c26948bc46dfd⋯.png (228.57 KB, 972x583, 972:583, YUGYUG-or8.png)


is the smiley face adreonchrome?

4f4114  No.6793358

File: 669d62e01df6789⋯.jpg (91.1 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, adam schitt.jpg)

File: bc761dde8547188⋯.jpg (17.95 KB, 255x183, 85:61, IMG_1804.JPG)


Oh Adam….you stupid little faggot

a0327d  No.6793359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0c722e  No.6793360


You are correct, nice catch.

bb37bf  No.6793361

File: b9a6b7f8f6503af⋯.png (260.49 KB, 647x845, 647:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3b27619948886a⋯.png (307.32 KB, 647x844, 647:844, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78ee8678f3d9280⋯.png (237.11 KB, 647x845, 647:845, ClipboardImage.png)


Adam Schiff's letter to Dan Coats 5/31/19

d3fe3b  No.6793362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coleman Hughes and Burgess Owens attack Democrats' reparations hearing.

In case you missed it.

17209d  No.6793363

File: 7cbc0300b74a136⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 507x499, 507:499, admiralrogersgreatfultohal….jpg)

File: 4441f72d59bcd01⋯.jpg (12.34 KB, 255x227, 255:227, wedonotforgivewedontforget….jpg)

File: 5ad5a3dcfb90d33⋯.jpg (84.19 KB, 439x450, 439:450, weirdquestiontbh.jpg)

File: 5c8faa6fbc045af⋯.jpg (387.74 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, wekno3w.jpg)

File: 4bed0d1aee65f7c⋯.png (738.31 KB, 949x632, 949:632, werealmostthere.png)


we didnt ever need him to tho which is really the best part imo, we just needed a big real world hollywood/elite retardz example to point to for normies to begin to accept wat really goes on behind closed doors w bulletproof evidence, witnesses, and money trail to boot. tres fkn dope.


0160af  No.6793364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d63846  No.6793365


has a certain satanic whiff to it.

why do you think pizza is 'chrome?

1d579d  No.6793366


Chicken BUcket Cohen didn't even thank him…passed him up like he wasn't even there. Love it

56ad1d  No.6793367

File: aec2fb73131cfeb⋯.png (380.07 KB, 579x320, 579:320, Screenshot from 2019-06-19….png)

File: 53926344e0ee2e9⋯.png (529.78 KB, 670x372, 335:186, Screenshot from 2019-06-19….png)

File: 816a0a94a4d0801⋯.png (32.9 KB, 201x286, 201:286, Screenshot from 2019-06-19….png)


It's not just the school anon. Recognized that name. from the Veterans on Patrol dig perhaps?

909926  No.6793368

File: fd5f4171d13e156⋯.jpg (477.47 KB, 1388x1080, 347:270, fd5f4171d13e1563dfb8c9d487….jpg)


Wrong, no clearance needed…family.

This is bigger than you could imagine.

God bless you brother

d2ade0  No.6793369


Sauce: https://twitter.com/georgepapa19/status/1141483563373568000?s=21

79ee39  No.6793370

Rod Rosenstein Penned Mysterious Third ‘Scope Memo’ For Robert Mueller

Mueller’s garbage report was released two months ago and his investigation into ‘Trump-Russia’ began over two years ago yet we still have not seen the unredacted ‘scope memo’ Rosenstein penned in August 2017.

Shortly after Rosenstein hijacked the Justice Department from Jeff Sessions and became the de facto Attorney General, he penned his first scope memo on May 17, 2017 authorizing Robert Mueller to investigate the so-called (non-existent) Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, authorized Mueller to investigate three areas: “i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; [and] iii) any other matters within the scope of [obstruction of justice laws].”

In the Spring of 2018, it was revealed that Rosenstein penned his second scope memo on August 2nd, 2017 and from what we have seen in the unredacted portions, he authorized Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate allegations that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort “committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government’s efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law,” as well as allegations that Paul Manafort “committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych.”

It’s important to note that Rosenstein’s scope memo giving Mueller authorization to hunt down Manafort was 2 weeks after the FBI raided Manafort’s home looking for bank records.

To this day, that second ‘scope memo’ is redacted and only a handful of lawmakers have seen it.

In fact, Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee recently told Sean Hannity that he has finally seen the August 2017 ‘scope memo’ and suggested that Mueller’s investigation was based on Hillary Clinton’s phony dossier.

Now it turns out there is a mysterious third scope memo penned by then-DAG Rod Rosenstein on October 20, 2017, according to Byron York of the Washington Examiner:

Now there is more. The Justice Department has recently allowed members of some congressional committees to view the scope memos, and out of that has come the news that there was a third scope memo to Mueller. Dated October 20, 2017, its contents remain a secret. But its very existence suggests something was going on behind the scenes in the relationship of Mueller and his supervisors at the Justice Department.

Was Mueller heading off in new directions, with Rosenstein belatedly giving him authorization to proceed? Was Mueller proposing to investigate people or events not known when he was originally appointed? Was there something else?

At the moment, the third scope memo, like most of the second scope memo, remains a secret. It is unclear whether all that secrecy is warranted. Perhaps the memos concern matters that are still ongoing that need to remain under wraps. On the other hand, Mueller announced that his investigation into conspiracy and coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign — the core area of his jurisdiction — was over and done. “The office has concluded its investigation into links and coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign,” the Mueller report said.


3dfb2f  No.6793371


What is Rachel Chandler's Photography Studio Really Used For?



20 Mar 2019 - 11:35:20 PM





20 Mar 2019 - 11:31:52 PM











5c5379  No.6793372

File: 28bd209d9c804c7⋯.png (410.85 KB, 752x816, 47:51, 6ac85950b00fa0213dfe506239….png)


that user is a freemason and his name is a parody of jeff koons. Is jeff koons a mason?

4af5ff  No.6793373

Fox just cut off Tucker.

He asked about "is there a lower standard for illegal immigrants to get a driver's licence than for citizens?"

And they cut him off before his guest could answer.

5b1e53  No.6793374

File: 27fc27b7223a5fb⋯.png (129.55 KB, 741x495, 247:165, 92.png)

17209d  No.6793375

File: 615a83f3b1dcefc⋯.png (470.96 KB, 748x512, 187:128, pepe gangsallhere.png)

f44870  No.6793376




a0327d  No.6793377

File: e76ce9673768b9a⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 960x536, 120:67, HaroldKumar65.jpg)

File: 0dab3c298e33cff⋯.png (11.33 KB, 293x122, 293:122, ClipboardImage.png)


>Stepchild on vacation


56071f  No.6793378

>>6793348 And in the middle of a trade war with China, an existential event for all of us. I don't care if they are just going to make a certain bike there that is directed toward the Chinese customer. They are giving the Chicoms a morale boost, a piece of propaganda ammo in the middle of a war.

4f4114  No.6793379

File: c4c521a9d155083⋯.png (16.28 KB, 373x265, 373:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c84b8a82fbe79de⋯.png (6.62 KB, 263x50, 263:50, ClipboardImage.png)




Q's drop inB4


111716  No.6793380


This connects NIXVM, college scam, Hollywood, Scientology, Epstein, SNCTM, colleges, some shipping companies, the swamp, CF, Ray Chandler, Podestas, Huma/Weiner, on & on. I can’t wait to get off work

e40f72  No.6793381

File: 90f6cf978306370⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1074x798, 179:133, Sunset.png)


So impressed with Burgess Owens.

Thank you Patriot.

Your light shines bright.

74830b  No.6793382

File: 6e63423f9a09b81⋯.jpg (354.01 KB, 750x956, 375:478, 9db6a98392e9e66dd68c16aeb7….jpg)


Digit's concur.

The Jew Fears The Samarai


Yoshida Shoin_ Samurai Christ [4_4] _ Love is Luciferian Opium -by HAKU Zynkyoku #55

Enjoy this red pill, to assist anons in reigniting their spirit and realizing their true potentials.

d63846  No.6793383

File: cdc68815acb3ca9⋯.jpg (85.86 KB, 400x558, 200:279, yeah.jpg)

5337c5  No.6793384

File: 530afaa22b36841⋯.png (483.29 KB, 737x658, 737:658, Screen-Shot-2016-09-15-at-….png)

File: f45134dc04004ae⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 460x306, 230:153, Funny-Democrat-Meme-11.jpg)

File: 7bd973bbd91cdf2⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 500x316, 125:79, 1bhc6n.jpg)

File: 9d2ee0349e05e83⋯.jpg (68.04 KB, 750x917, 750:917, 26906978_1783275948641241_….jpg)

File: 05487222f928b8a⋯.png (89.45 KB, 500x303, 500:303, a-people-that-elect-corrup….png)

16a2b9  No.6793385

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

12e2b3  No.6793386


and then the watcher! was that for halloween one year. good times

e80db5  No.6793387


MKE fag here, no one, no one wants to work for that dipshit company, they F'd us all; years ago we'd give our left nut to work there, now they can't get contractors to apply. Moast people in the city cheer Indian bikes. HD is for fags. We all know it.

d642e7  No.6793388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

29459a  No.6793389

Burgess Owens

a0327d  No.6793390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OK PapaD I dont hate you anymoar.

bb37bf  No.6793391


Indeed we got the mutha, kek

152c2c  No.6793392

File: d92c79b62b5d7d1⋯.jpg (155.75 KB, 956x970, 478:485, IMG_8495.JPG)

File: 7481081e0d7dbd9⋯.png (99.65 KB, 500x610, 50:61, IMG_8496.PNG)

File: 21fb796d3faef56⋯.jpg (23.12 KB, 208x242, 104:121, IMG_8497.JPG)

File: 8510e251696ce07⋯.jpg (212.87 KB, 1200x711, 400:237, IMG_8498.JPG)

File: 50db0ac76e5f6db⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 697x523, 697:523, IMG_8499.JPG)

8c505d  No.6793393

File: f57cd602743e2e1⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 255x205, 51:41, pepeanimalfrens.jpg)


i love it when these post habben

carry on frens!

b30e56  No.6793394


Been with you fellow oldfag. We gotta keep on keeping it real.

6526a2  No.6793395


like old Hummels.

they smash them in TV shows for laughs.

8c505d  No.6793396



he thinks hes getting his way!

these people are SO stupid

d63846  No.6793397

File: dc04a52b19f8d97⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2500x3180, 125:159, Satan_summons_His_Shill_Le….jpg)


satan hates failure.

65e1bd  No.6793398

File: 4175920f0003fc6⋯.png (67.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, NewAnons3.png)

86452c  No.6793399

d85668  No.6793400


subject. the on words few a have may POTUS

tonight. Hannity Watch

883da6  No.6793401

More from Voat today regarding Raniere.

PG crew is all over the pedo shit. Was there before here. Lot of detailed research albeit some faggorty. Interesting that Rainiere was in Arkansas while Clinton was Governor and moved to NY when Killary was Senate.


and cult ed. forum


4a0726  No.6793402


Didn't get the cut-off here

21c6b2  No.6793403

File: fab8175305bc0ed⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 480x483, 160:161, FB_IMG_1560988885624.jpg)

79ee39  No.6793404

File: d3880f8debc11b2⋯.png (367.21 KB, 899x833, 899:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd22ba34fbcfa34⋯.png (30.09 KB, 944x202, 472:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Fourth Carcinogen Found In "Widely Prescribed" Blood Pressure Medicine

A fourth cancer-causing compound was found in widely prescribed blood pressure pills, according to a new report by Bloomberg. The solvent dimethylformamide was discovered in the drug valsartan, manufactured by several companies including Novartis, by an online pharmacy, Valisure.

The solvent, also known as DMF, is classified by the World Health Organization as a probable carcinogen.

This adds to the worry about valsartan, which has seen dozens of its generics recalled since July 2018, when the carcinogenic chemical N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) was detected in a version of the drug made by a Chinese company. Valsartan is a treatment for hypertension that is frequently combined with other medicines into a single pill, and has been around for decades.

Online pharmacy Valisure found DMF in the drug that is still on the market in the US, including in medicines that the FDA had highlighted as alternatives to recalled drugs. These findings obviously complicate the FDA’s efforts to remove the drug from pharmacies while keeping doctors and patients abreast as to what is safe.


16a2b9  No.6793405



0c722e  No.6793406

#8689 baker change

Notes @380

>>6793039 Senate Repubs just voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to #FY20NDAA

>>6793045 Sr Exec Service (SES) described

>>6793051 ‘Climate emergency’ on Monday, pipeline expansion on Tuesday: Trudeau the fraud strikes again (RT)

>>6793055 New DJT: "Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!"

>>6793082 NYLaw Gives Illegals ‘Ability to Vote’ After Obtaining Driver’s License (why wait??)

>>6793094 Dominican officials allegedly pressured tourist’s widow to cremate his body

>>6793127 West Hollywood City Council Votes to Have DJT Walk of Fame Star Removed

>>6793129, >>6793132, >>6793184, >>6793221, >>6793078 DIGG on Epstein Raniere connection (thread from VOAT, Arkansas connection, Weiner laptop,

>>6793179 Short video of Coleman Hughes on slavery reparations

>>6793211 Japan rejects S. Korea's offer for wartime labor talks

>>6793301 John Solomon: Mark Meadows preparing referral asking IG to investigate FBI & Mueller's handling of Manafort warrants, media contacts & black ledger evidence

>>6793335 SemperFi fag with thoughts on 11th MEU Twat

>>6793340 USMC: Teamwork makes the Dream work

>>6793344, >>6793361, >>6793379 Adam Schiff discussed DOJ review of Russia investigation with Dan Coats

>>6793356, >>6793369 PaPaD reply to HRC's objection to "outlandish" claims about her campaign & Russia: "Enjoy the show"

>>6793370 RR penned mysterious third ‘Scope Memo’ for Robert Mueller

3c72cb  No.6793407



Liddle Adam Schiff digs his hole deeper.

8a31ea  No.6793408

File: 1a15991473e0d2f⋯.png (343.48 KB, 601x643, 601:643, Twitter Trending re Ranier….PNG)

File: ae44c8aa8e60f9e⋯.png (13.94 KB, 281x488, 281:488, Twitter Trending re Ranier….PNG)

File: 47563d1e1776c6e⋯.png (38.38 KB, 543x527, 543:527, Alleged.PNG)

File: 00221cd9aadb63e⋯.png (35.35 KB, 565x527, 565:527, Guilty.PNG)


Keith Raniere, leader of the alleged sex cult known as NXIVM, was found guilty of all charges, including racketeering, sex trafficking and child pornography.


5c5379  No.6793409

File: d7ec4de69e9877e⋯.png (828.93 KB, 1294x920, 647:460, 5c14fce4a1f57cde6eea06d353….png)

File: 3ef0da2d9ce62dd⋯.png (313.17 KB, 1312x918, 656:459, d16ac77faba5f04e171103bd54….png)

File: 2e64123d5c09a41⋯.png (351.38 KB, 932x538, 466:269, e1bcd4afa93e2d942bfe93de68….png)

File: a11e2b01ea628b1⋯.png (513.91 KB, 889x556, 889:556, ff43651af7c54cac98dd64f05f….png)


Alefantis is supposed to be adrenochrome kingpin. and symbolically makes more sense some kind of ritual murder symbology

12e2b3  No.6793410

File: d41f71d899e7fab⋯.png (1.09 MB, 721x689, 721:689, nightshift welcome.PNG)


knew something just not on this level. take your experiences and viewed through this or a different lens it has much moar clarity but certainly not on the level now known. Keep going back to the things known now and the experiences had back then and say to myself son of a bitch..right out in the open.

86452c  No.6793411

File: 1a9ab09507449ac⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1a9ab09507449ac93c581f7409….jpg)

File: 38565eec252d222⋯.jpg (13.34 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 38565eec252d22254a46ba439f….jpg)

0ede00  No.6793412

File: 52054c330a47c78⋯.png (712.44 KB, 1272x942, 212:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecaada55997dc64⋯.png (179.04 KB, 411x550, 411:550, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf772e5b23088f2⋯.jpg (47.46 KB, 600x494, 300:247, pepe-USA_AUS.jpg)


missing a bit, but that's ok

f0a7bf  No.6793413


o7 bakes. Here to help.

Speaking of which…


>>6793370 Rosenstein Penned Mysterious THIRD "Scope Memo" For Special Counsel Mueller

>>6793381 The grace of anons is all the fuel I need. I love you anon. May you walk forever in the light.


I tried to post this but 8chan ate my post. Weird…

Sorry for being late baker, but tried to post minutes ago but it wouldn't go through >>6793406

909926  No.6793414

File: e14f2ddba016b88⋯.png (231.87 KB, 397x398, 397:398, f54bc8b225241ea4b8bfffa765….png)

f44870  No.6793415


Family? Possible I guess. The reason I challenge you on it is because I never met anyone anywhere at any time that explained even a fraction of what is really going on (as revealed by Q) without giant doses of disinfo. That is, the supposedly early-awakened old fags who "knew" what was happening in the 90's or 2000's were getting most of their "inside info" from compromised sources. So they might have known we were under the spell of a Global Cabal or about suppressed cures or ETs, but they also thought it was "the jews," or that we could defeat the Cabal at the ballot box, or they believed some other major lie which actually rendered their overall analysis all but useless. A bit of truth is dangerous when you're wrong about the most important parts (think Alex Jones audience).

Are you telling me that NOTHING Q has dropped has surprised even you? Are you saying you are not having to re-learn ANYTHING about your world now?

Sorry if I'm skeptical of that!

3839b9  No.6793416



not a lawfag, but isn't it a thing that when someone is found guilty then the media can go ahead and write them guilty?

79ee39  No.6793417

File: ebb15849570d33a⋯.png (318.81 KB, 493x238, 29:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 241d7c2c149cc3e⋯.png (126.44 KB, 710x344, 355:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab482bb7ae11906⋯.png (12.11 KB, 475x158, 475:158, ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook Banned All Crypto Ads in 2018 — While They Were Working on Their Own Crypto-Currency

In January 2018 Facebook banned all ads that promoted cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin.

Advertisers on Facebook were no longer allowed to promote things like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, initial coin offerings — ICOs for short — or binary options, according to a Facebook blog post.

On Tuesday Faacebook announced its own crypto-currency “Libra.”

They have been working on the project for over a year.

TechCrunch reported:

Facebook has finally revealed the details of its cryptocurrency, Libra, which will let you buy things or send money to people with nearly zero fees. You’ll pseudonymously buy or cash out your Libra online or at local exchange points like grocery stores, and spend it using interoperable third-party wallet apps or Facebook’s own Calibra wallet that will be built into WhatsApp, Messenger and its own app. Today Facebook released its white paper explaining Libra and its testnet for working out the kinks of its blockchain system before a public launch in the first half of 2020.

Facebook won’t fully control Libra, but instead get just a single vote in its governance like other founding members of the Libra Association, including Visa, Uber and Andreessen Horowitz, which have invested at least $10 million each into the project’s operations. The association will promote the open-sourced Libra Blockchain and developer platform with its own Move programming language, plus sign up businesses to accept Libra for payment and even give customers discounts or rewards.

It must be nice to be a monopoly.


4af5ff  No.6793418


It's was to delay; They needed delay.

Wanted to assassinate. Barring that;

Wanted to make the controversy, which the Mass Media promoted and supported, affect the election.

1f338c  No.6793419


Now Americas Great Again


eb4b77  No.6793420

File: 9e8437415550712⋯.png (174.23 KB, 452x456, 113:114, dbdf7ce9cf156c25d43f97668f….png)


Kinda what I'm thinking too kek.

6bb2e5  No.6793421

File: 886a87260ba9d36⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1898x1466, 949:733, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

File: 28f99f788f1f5bb⋯.jpeg (22.9 KB, 632x353, 632:353, iu.jpeg)

File: 7df3c7869b635b2⋯.png (44.06 KB, 730x678, 365:339, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

File: 9767975302b58e5⋯.png (333.09 KB, 740x1428, 185:357, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

"When does a bird sing?"

Allison Mack appears to have bird tattoo on chest in Marilyn


909926  No.6793422

File: 7dacba1cef5b895⋯.png (72.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 074a08234b59007853bed31163….png)


The spirit of truth never sleeps. We are all connected

a0327d  No.6793423

File: a08edac91851368⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 910x274, 455:137, 33vdo1.jpg)

5b1e53  No.6793424


If he says "Let's Roll!" then that's it. The rest is all setup.

0c722e  No.6793425


Thanks patriot, teamwork is everything.

56ad1d  No.6793426

File: 21dfc1df393d841⋯.png (148.3 KB, 544x546, 272:273, Screenshot from 2019-06-19….png)

Cernocuk posted Alex Jones trial hearing. ==Sandy Hoax lawyer is a whining crybaby bitch==


3fa2b5  No.6793427


Somebody come look at this!

1c7ab7  No.6793428

File: 06b83eec9e967fd⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 500x749, 500:749, 33vdpj[1].jpg)

4af5ff  No.6793429


I'm on an Internet livestream, not a Tv. Maybe that's it.

152c2c  No.6793430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6526a2  No.6793431


Jeff M. is having fun at the Air Show in Paris with a lego star wars fighter.

0160af  No.6793432

File: c7dbb8d4d38ab55⋯.jpg (41.51 KB, 489x641, 489:641, punisherbw.jpg)


> was

permission to leave …denied.

we need you.

12e2b3  No.6793433

File: a6382f8083f13d1⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, pepe fight club 1.jpg)


what ever habbened to dorsey's crypto jizz?

got an announcement a few weeks ago and then nothing.

3c72cb  No.6793434


All you're saying is you never met an anon. (you probably did but dismissed him out of hand, never had a chat with him is this anon's guess).

f9c7d5  No.6793435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

87aefd  No.6793436


Dude go to


Ben says he was at a NXIVM recruiting party and James Alefantis was there

"mentioned his pizza restaurant in DC"

Allison Mack was talking to Stormy Daniels

NY State Sen. Eric Schneiderman was there too (!!!)

More guests came in, skinny guy who introduced himself as Anthony Weiner, who pointed across the room to his wife Huma "who is very mousy"

Weiner said he was "into politics" (oh for gods sake)

"Mean librarian-looking woman" who was Nancy Salzman

Clare & Sara Bronfman "looked like dirty hippie liberals, wearing oversize clothes"

Says that before they left, Anthony and Huma start making a LIST of everyone who was there, asked for his student ID even (wtf paranoid)

We've all been to a strange party or two in our time, but this one is pretty unique

86452c  No.6793437


maybe POTUS saying "banana" in the Hannity interview would be another big proof.

Not that anons would need anymore, would just be awesome to have shills cry over it.

Anyway, make sure you watch!

15 minutes to HANNITY!

f44870  No.6793438


So you know everything that Q has dropped?

8a31ea  No.6793439


>not a lawfag, but isn't it a thing that when someone is found guilty then the media can go ahead and write them guilty?

That's generally how it works yes

But this is twitter, so those found guilty are allegedly convicted of crimes

And those that are innocent [usually Trump or Trump supporters] are criminals that should be burned at the stake

e40f72  No.6793440

File: 678fc397e5f49a7⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1438x924, 719:462, NS06191.png)

File: ea9c626f577839d⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1434x914, 717:457, NS06192.png)


USMC posts a LOT of tweets at 5:00 PM.

5:00 pm = 17:00 = shout out to Q

Post 1700 is also The Declaration of Independence.

Wink back at you USMC. ;)

3c72cb  No.6793441


Anon said what anon said.

8a31ea  No.6793442


>Anyway, make sure you watch!

>15 minutes to HANNITY!

Has he apologized for having death to Q and Q Anons Gorka on his show last week?

If not, hard pass

6ec731  No.6793443

Are AMERICANS the only dying after visiting DR?

5dd05d  No.6793444

File: 6e626a2b8ef222e⋯.jpeg (72.58 KB, 490x490, 1:1, 52F56317-682D-40C5-903B-3….jpeg)

File: 326d25cd68c0b8b⋯.jpeg (750.14 KB, 1751x1097, 1751:1097, 27607C29-206F-4274-8C59-4….jpeg)

File: f3a82046796872d⋯.jpeg (162.67 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 660E447E-8A9B-427B-BD3C-E….jpeg)

File: 4798ae9dd6db400⋯.jpeg (158.94 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 7CFE122B-C119-4599-9125-6….jpeg)

3fa2b5  No.6793445


Only thing Schitt is being told by Wray is he’s fucked kek

238af3  No.6793446


Pay Attention to the Game Not the cheerleaders

b5a0d4  No.6793447

File: 07e3d1446886150⋯.png (4.63 MB, 2106x2860, 81:110, RachelChandlerWalterPearce.png)

File: 219600ce37ab2c1⋯.png (5.76 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, WalterPearceSatanist.png)

File: a61690ef1e8e01b⋯.png (4.65 MB, 2970x2997, 110:111, WalterRayChandlerVictim.png)

0c722e  No.6793448


got a live link for us here, anon?


>>>6793426 Court hearing in Sandy Hook case (& anon comments on lawyer)

fedc43  No.6793449


The local HD store near me has been empty ever time I go past it for weeks now.

8a31ea  No.6793450


>USMC posts a LOT of tweets at 5:00 PM.

Yeah, it's a thing


5 am PDT

5 pm PDT

Very few variations and slightly different times on weekends

d3fe3b  No.6793451

File: 6d14b579c69181a⋯.jpg (150.35 KB, 550x550, 1:1, c3c2356eb985ae28ed830134a8….jpg)

3839b9  No.6793452


the more i think about it the more it seems the defining symptom of our lost brethren of Fantasy Land is living in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonnance.

they're not quite blind to all their double standards, so the efforts required to keep the denial going stronger only drives them further insane…

f44870  No.6793453


LARPing is fun isn't it.

a527bb  No.6793454


>But no one knew. Not really. Not until Q.

Pure bullshit. I've been awake for well over three decades. I read "Proofs of Conspiracy", and "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by the time I was 16 years old. I knew that Bush Sr. was directly involved with the killing of JFK. (I knew that WHILE Pindar was in office.) I knew that Bill Clinton became POTUS only because of his connections to the Bush Crime Syndicate and the Iran/Contra drug smuggling through Arkansas. I knew about the cannibalism, blood drinking, pedovores decades ago. I was actively helping SRA victims in the late 80's/early 90's.

So don't try and lump everyone into your own category of too young to have known or too complacent to care. The only things I have learned from Q, is what is happening behind the scenes in the Trump Administration, as it relates to current events and the Military's Plan to overthrow the NWO's grasp on American politics.

So just because you are decades late to the fight, don't put all of us in your category.

There are many of us that have been fighting the Good fight for decades, while most of you who call yourselves "red-pilled" were sound asleep in Zombieland.

At least you are no longer part of the problem.

Because if Q "woke" you up to the above facts, you were part of the problem in the first place.

16a2b9  No.6793455

File: 0ac1a7800abd371⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 444x492, 37:41, 111-85421332-111288BLACK_B….jpg)

Let's see The Pen.

152c2c  No.6793456

File: 9a23fdb959a17ce⋯.jpg (167.57 KB, 871x800, 871:800, IMG_8469.JPG)

File: f534543dfded785⋯.jpg (506.91 KB, 1197x1197, 1:1, IMG_8477.JPG)

File: e54bc03d7f08e68⋯.jpg (192.56 KB, 800x1065, 160:213, IMG_8482.JPG)

It's a homo resignation homo resignation impeachment with Gaylord bacon and Jew ham Fag actors for our gayestshotgunwedding


fd1081  No.6793457


I met "anons" that tried to tell me stuff. It just sounded so f'ing crazy. I would say stuff like… "pick your conspiracy, cuz they can't all be true!". Then Q showed up…. and the connections kept spidering out…. Mind bending. I… I can't even explain. I don't see anything the same anymore.

6598f4  No.6793458


Your evil master has abandoned you. Now you are alone

cb6eec  No.6793459

As a Linux user I have been watching all the excitement over Bleachbit with a bit of bemusement since it is nothing but the windows version of shred (https://linux.die.net/man/1/shred) which every Linux install comes with standard.

Notably (not necessarily notable) the technique employed can be made less effective depending on what you are deleting and the filesystem it is on, which is why you generally speaking use it on the raw block device and not on individual files. Also it is less effective on solid state drives (increasingly common - has to do with internal caching and they way they actually store the data - http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/users/m3wei/assets/pdf/FMS-2010-Secure-Erase.pdf) than on the old magnetic drives.

1d579d  No.6793460

File: 8a615dea7c44bf4⋯.png (669.87 KB, 520x658, 260:329, ClipboardImage.png)

b5a0d4  No.6793461

File: f3caaa19a63ede1⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2991x2996, 2991:2996, ShotHeardAroundTheWorld.png)

303c84  No.6793462




6d3e3d  No.6793463

Something BIG must be about to drop. (POTUS ON HANNITY IN 10 MIN)

Board is lagging like crazy and every image i try to load gets cloudflare 504d. seems like the ABC/shills on here are in PANIC mode kek

4a0726  No.6793464


Where'd you came back in? She started by thanking Tucker from her last visit helping Gold Star families, and then both agreed it's pretty ridiculous that the state would consider taking expired or unverifiable documentation and issue state identification / driver's licenses

17209d  No.6793465



im a retard so i understood

howver , public board fren :/

eb4b77  No.6793466

File: fc3d5d494ffdaf1⋯.png (440.49 KB, 1295x1023, 1295:1023, fc3d5d494ffdaf181d6b40e7bb….png)


POTUS digits don't lie kek!

4f4114  No.6793467

File: 7789cecbf84f5e5⋯.jpg (6.18 KB, 255x155, 51:31, pepetrustplan.jpg)





Anons, to expand on this development- I think it adds a tremendous amount of weight to the reasoning behind the heat on Wray for 'withholding documents'. He may be doing it for a specific reason and that is to keep ANYTHING sensitive out of Liddle Adam's paws.

Q has told us many times DECLAS is a done deal and it falls to POTUS for timing. Tell the Fake News Media that Wray 'isn't cooperating' and they fall for it.

These people are STUPID!

56071f  No.6793468

>>6793379 That bastard Schiff is about to have a major cardiac arrest or cerebral hemorrhage, or maybe his bug eyes will pop out of his head. My read of him is beyond fear—we are talking terror, panic & loss of bodily functions.

c4cc7e  No.6793469

5b8ff6  No.6793470


Good. Supply just fucked their demand.

789917  No.6793471

Tucker pointing out the Koch brothers are greedy globalist fucks. Definitely not MAGA folks.

0ede00  No.6793472

File: c0af65fb02c6cb7⋯.png (264.54 KB, 714x485, 714:485, checkem-qnn.png)

File: 4f93d07ae3b71bf⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 1148x746, 574:373, apu-on-emu-sick-cunt.jpg)

File: 7ad2a6781081903⋯.jpg (132.41 KB, 1000x791, 1000:791, australian_punisher.jpg)



c6392c  No.6793473



56071f  No.6793474

File: 1a8e886c8a42d76⋯.jpg (125.2 KB, 1180x1664, 295:416, QCrumbsWhistleblowerClinto….jpg)

" Fri 07 Dec 2018 11:21:52 94d00f No.4197470


Interesting music for Fox News?

Sound familiar?

Why 'all of a sudden' are people talking about the CLINTON FOUNDATION (including whistleblowers and hidden company established to investigate covertly (ex_ABCs))?

Would you 'go public' if the investigation was still ongoing?

What happens when you have enough evidence to PROCEED?

What is the benefit of educating the public PRIOR TO proceeding?



The "hidden company" formed from ex-alphabet agency personnel would be CrowdStrike?

f44870  No.6793475


So disturbing.

5f0d01  No.6793476



Ah I didn't realize.

8ffc9c  No.6793477


Has ANYTHING big dropped thus far? Lol

98e472  No.6793478


it sucks that shes evil incarnate because

i mean… damn


152c2c  No.6793479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chartreuse Epstein island

f7c749  No.6793480

File: dfcb781b9555fd0⋯.png (272.47 KB, 810x805, 162:161, I see.png)


What if NPC's had a life of their own

What if NPC's could write television

what is a script

AI's can understand the emotional nature of a human watching a movie after analyzing its plot points –Future proves past– is it time??? For the real ALICE??

87aefd  No.6793481



Schneider was at that party in the Ben Zsembas video

More like Eyes Wide Shut

34afdf  No.6793482


It looks like the Bronfmans are going to (mostly) buy their way out of this.

I hope it manages to ensnare other guilty scumbags, as Q hinted.

So far it looks like only Raniere and Mack.

3dfb2f  No.6793483


Michal Chelbin Connection with Ray Chandler



21 Mar 2019 - 12:32:53 AM


Connection to Ray Chandler?

Are you awake?


Are we woke yet?


Rachel Chandler Linked to Standard Hotel



21 Mar 2019 - 12:48:16 AM




29459a  No.6793484


and the white leftie with the nostrils called this well-spoken gentleman "presumptive."

4af5ff  No.6793485


Came back in in the middle of talking about Free Speech.


2915fd  No.6793486

File: 512917493f5bd8a⋯.mp4 (6.89 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Cheerleaders.mp4)

b19d8d  No.6793487


Bet he gets fired if he mentions Adelson.

17209d  No.6793488

File: a3c858888d493ca⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fuckcta.jpg)


sounds like WINNING!

1d579d  No.6793489


What are all the connections between NXIVM and Congressional Democrats…if any? Trying to have a logical conv atm with nibbling liberal

47f92c  No.6793490



anon knows

909926  No.6793491

File: a11d47a1fb236d1⋯.jpg (151.86 KB, 900x750, 6:5, fffd92ccc40dd25fb4c623897c….jpg)


No. Sorry. I'm surprised more hasn't been revealed( actually has, but it appears satirical)

I understand why most cannot be disclosed…its a cognitive dissonance so hard, it literally could stop hearts….but only those that are lost. I pray you all keep an open mind to may, or may not be disclosed publicly.

They frame the truth as a joke, and let it organically become it's own defender, by dismissing it as a joke. The truth is right in front of everyone, but we've been trained to see it AS they present it. They hide so much…

Listen to heart, it'll bring you to your destination….good or bad, matters not…the choice has already been made, now is the time to understand WHY the choice was made.

Good or bad, only two sides…no fence riding

History has been framed to a lie, a lie we all are a part of…because we perpetuate it with dismissive virtue. All lies brother….this time we are in is beautiful because it's the beginning of the end…of evil.

God bless you

03436e  No.6793492


Grandpa was a spook 1944-84, drove me around his Cadillac when I was toddler told me everything, lotta strands in the duders head.

We are scratching the surface kiddos,

6bb2e5  No.6793493


eyes fad>>6793460

ing? clearly not her weird shadows, you can see her breasts in the film Marilyn

152c2c  No.6793494

File: b5276b60a6d3d02⋯.jpg (31.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_8457.JPG)

File: 048a4626854ee5a⋯.jpg (108.87 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, IMG_8459.JPG)

File: 1217a38930355ee⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 982x854, 491:427, IMG_8460.JPG)

File: 924c389a49ddac2⋯.jpg (212.67 KB, 990x711, 110:79, 73C09DC6-5FEA-419D-97B4-28….jpg)


The love swampgas hates


8569f6  No.6793495


Same her. When I learned about the satanic cabal through Q, which was a highly credible confirmation to me, everything I had been sensing for the past 25 years suddenly was explained. I mainly only realized with increasing intensity there was a growing influence of evil in the world manifesting in expanding variations. I did not understand the underlying substructure and support for it. Hellavu thing to finally see the answers.

34afdf  No.6793496


>Schneider was at that party in the Ben Zsembas video

Do you have a link to the vid please anon?

e80db5  No.6793497


Sparrow Red

Missiles only

4f4114  No.6793498

File: 7c1016fe6195f07⋯.png (550.95 KB, 540x437, 540:437, ClipboardImage.png)


He Schumer'ed himself kek

81d5d6  No.6793499

Warning for anons using DNS

archive.fo/is/today is being directed to a fake ip and makes it look down

I've looked into this after 3 days it wasn't working for me


This is cloudflare, which is also hosting 8ch

;archive.fo. IN A

archive.fo. 672 IN A

;; Query time: 3 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Jun 20 ..... 2019
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 55

87aefd  No.6793500


Hello brother.

First read von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods" in the 7th grade.

From then on, the curiosity and the digging has never stopped.

bb5bd3  No.6793501


riiiigght… POTUS on Hannity has always been a dud… snooze fest… zzzzz

f44870  No.6793502


Same here. But I also know now those "anons" were so wrong about many things. And many of them still think they have the world figured out, but are misguided by the lies they also swallowed. We all come to Q with the baggage of our early brainwashing, including those who believed they understood how the world worked back before Q. We were ALL wrong about something. We are STILL all wrong about something. The Great Awakening will last our lifetimes. This is just the beginning…in my humble opinion.

789917  No.6793503


Maybe not…don’t believe the Murdoch boys are pro-Israel.

ec568b  No.6793504

File: 4c5a275ea48e5bf⋯.gif (37.44 KB, 120x254, 60:127, sword-point_tiny.gif)

12e2b3  No.6793505

File: 0095481d1b7960a⋯.png (928.33 KB, 861x847, 123:121, POTUS Eraser.PNG)

POTUS Believes He Has the Authority to Replace Powell at Fed

President Donald Trump has told confidants as recently as Wednesday that he believes he has the authority to replace Jerome Powell as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, according to people familiar with the matter, Bloomberg News’ Jennifer Jacobs reports.

In Trump’s line of thinking, he could demote Powell to be a board governor, but isn’t planning to do so right now, the people added.

Their account of the president’s conversations emerged just hours after Powell said he intends to serve his full four-year term despite Trump’s continuing criticism of Fed policy. Earlier this year, Trump asked White House lawyers to explore options for removing him, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.


he most certainly does-FRB by-laws confirm this.

c1f1d7  No.6793506

File: afe4418868ca9d9⋯.jpg (123.6 KB, 740x1069, 740:1069, D9dooE3WwAAXYP0.jpg)

e6b682  No.6793507

File: 917e41ba04c11ae⋯.png (775.73 KB, 920x690, 4:3, maga.png)

File: 1ea997f5edc0571⋯.jpg (342.4 KB, 1024x785, 1024:785, magamorn.jpg)

6ec731  No.6793508


He said they are fine people

d91a72  No.6793509


Just watched a weird Fox News ad from the first link. It ended w/ someone saying "We may be a lot of different things (here at Fox), but we are all Americans first."

Just kinda strange.

a0300f  No.6793510

Qanon was all a hoax.

Trump is a conman and a criminal grifter.

You have spent the last couple years worshipping an internet troll and a lying conman.

How many more will you spend before the veil is lifted from your mind?

87aefd  No.6793511



That Time I Went To A NXIVM Mixer/Recruitment Party

c85c2d  No.6793513


Yes, so disturbing it will give you nightmares. Did work on this dig months ago..don't want to go there again. I've seen this evil & when these posts come up, I scroll on by

883da6  No.6793514

File: 1fdd58399912ea4⋯.png (520.55 KB, 634x506, 317:253, EPISLAND.png)

This will all connect. Vanguard is going to rat because he is facing life in prison,

c3f40f  No.6793515


>don’t believe the Murdoch boys are pro-Israel.

Name me one Jew who isn't, don't tell me Murdock.

e7e1e7  No.6793516


The butthurt is simply astounding…kek

6ec731  No.6793517


It’s just fun to piss you off

fa46b5  No.6793518


All the national news syndicates that I heard today during talk radio were only mentioning he was found guilty. Didn’t mention charges. But all mentioned sex cult as well.

Full on press to downplay and/or ignore the sex trafficking and child porn. Short attention spans hear sex cult, not realizing severity of charges, if they hear them at all, and move along thinking it’s just some weirdo rather than an absolute monster committing crimes against humanity.

789917  No.6793519

2561bd  No.6793520


You volunteering? Cuz the way sum folks are talkin here, you just might get frens.

152c2c  No.6793521

Cruise winners

Every loaf

f78453  No.6793522


Fucking murderers.

4f4114  No.6793523


what are Carrie's demons? don't know much about her to be honest

thinking in terms of symbolism here - no doubt it's on full display from a psychological perspective when picking a replacement to their worst enemy - someone symbolic to drive home their evil

5c43e5  No.6793524


Ray/Rachel Chandler & Standard Hotel

03436e  No.6793525

File: 4c18835f914b1ce⋯.jpeg (233.28 KB, 828x1239, 276:413, 75966CB8-2F31-4F02-A38A-7….jpeg)

File: e811b44b75c9ace⋯.jpeg (91.92 KB, 828x405, 92:45, 07DB693A-AF63-41F3-95AA-F….jpeg)


Medicine cabinet

Glass of milk.


e40f72  No.6793526


I had a post that took forever to post.


0f2523  No.6793527

GOLD Across the Bow!

Don't recall seeing gold smoke from a missile! Is Gold projecting UP?

8fae7c  No.6793528


Ben is full of shit, but successful because he is getting you to talk about his unfounded claims.

74830b  No.6793529


Captain Morgan approves this spice level

5b8ff6  No.6793530


That grifting motherfucker lowered my corporate tax rate by 15% and then had the gall to lower my personal income taxes, too.

Fucking removed 22 regulations for every new one they implemented.

Followed through on every single promise he made while campaigning.

Fuck me!

4a0726  No.6793531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c505d  No.6793532

any potus int streams?

152c2c  No.6793533


Chartreuse pepe

e80db5  No.6793534

File: c74ab211aa3f561⋯.png (419.38 KB, 553x514, 553:514, RIP_RBG_lil_fighter.png)

56071f  No.6793535

>>6793489 Gillibrand for one has direct family involvement.

5c5379  No.6793536

File: 573bedda236b75f⋯.png (335.41 KB, 753x488, 753:488, 546f3a4f7244e8e4bd1982277e….png)

a0300f  No.6793537


I'm not pissed. I feel nothing but amazement.

0f2523  No.6793538

d642e7  No.6793539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3dfb2f  No.6793540

Would Shiffty let Chandler set up shop at The Standard hotel chains? Was Shiffty running a blackmail scheme out of The Standard? Who died in the helicopter? Hiding evidence of the scheme? Are the C_A Shiffty's Handlers?

883da6  No.6793541


2 ebots in a couple breads. over target.

a0300f  No.6793542


Liar. All bull.

34afdf  No.6793543


Thank you fren.

I hadn't heard of this guy.

I gotta say, he looks and sounds like a lying joo to me.

49ddbe  No.6793544

File: 6192af3bff28bae⋯.jpg (322.42 KB, 915x708, 305:236, 6192af3bff28bae675e032a3dd….jpg)

6ec731  No.6793545


I live where she is from and know some of her family.

Hard as hell not to bring it up when I see them.

She is done for anyway.

909926  No.6793546

Flood detected my ass

0c722e  No.6793547

>>6793505 Bloomberg says POTUS "believes" he can replace Powell at Fed (anon says "certainly")

87aefd  No.6793548


Did you notice in the Federal Attorney's short press conference that he specifically thanked the IRS?

If the IRS gets in there and starts swinging their big police powers around, hitting them for back taxes, penalties and interest.

AND the IRS can come after the big donors too, because they took tax deductions for those "charitable donations"

The IRS can ruin them six ways to Sunday if they want. They can and will take your shit.

f44870  No.6793549


Thank you. Couldn't find a live stream of Hannity. Watching now.

8779a8  No.6793551

File: cfd732e193ab901⋯.png (21.72 KB, 483x91, 69:13, Prov23-9.png)


If you truly believe this and you aren't a trollfag or shillfag read Proverbs 23:9. You are part of the problem.

We both know you are not being genuine though, that or you have some serious maturing to do in the word.

909926  No.6793552


No. Sorry. I'm surprised more hasn't been revealed( actually has, but it appears satirical)

I understand why most cannot be disclosed…its a cognitive dissonance so hard, it literally could stop hearts….but only those that are lost. I pray you all keep an open mind to may, or may not be disclosed publicly.

They frame the truth as a joke, and let it organically become it's own defender, by dismissing it as a joke. The truth is right in front of everyone, but we've been trained to see it AS they present it. They hide so much…

Listen to heart, it'll bring you to your destination….good or bad, matters not…the choice has already been made, now is the time to understand WHY the choice was made.

Good or bad, only two sides…no fence riding

History has been framed to a lie, a lie we all are a part of…because we perpetuate it with dismissive virtue. All lies brother….this time we are in is beautiful because it's the beginning of the end…of evil.

God bless you

0c722e  No.6793553

#8689 baker change

Notes @520, pre-POTUS on Hannity edition

>>6793039 Senate Repubs just voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to #FY20NDAA

>>6793045 Sr Exec Service (SES) described

>>6793051 ‘Climate emergency’ on Monday, pipeline expansion on Tuesday: Trudeau the fraud strikes again (RT)

>>6793055 New DJT: "Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!"

>>6793082 NYLaw Gives Illegals ‘Ability to Vote’ After Obtaining Driver’s License (why wait??)

>>6793094 Dominican officials allegedly pressured tourist’s widow to cremate his body

>>6793127 West Hollywood City Council Votes to Have DJT Walk of Fame Star Removed

>>6793129, >>6793132, >>6793184, >>6793221, >>6793078 DIGG on Epstein Raniere connection (thread from VOAT, Arkansas connection, Weiner laptop)

>>6793179 Short video of Coleman Hughes on slavery reparations

>>6793211 Japan rejects S. Korea's offer for wartime labor talks

>>6793301 John Solomon: Mark Meadows preparing referral asking IG to investigate FBI & Mueller's handling of Manafort warrants, media contacts & black ledger evidence

>>6793335 SemperFi fag with thoughts on 11th MEU Twat

>>6793340 USMC: Teamwork makes the Dream work

>>6793344, >>6793361, >>6793379 Adam Schiff discussed DOJ review of Russia investigation with Dan Coats

>>6793356, >>6793369 PaPaD reply to HRC's objection to "outlandish" claims about her campaign & Russia: "Enjoy the show"

>>6793370 RR penned mysterious third ‘Scope Memo’ for Robert Mueller

>>6793408, >>6793421 Keith Raniere found guilty of all charges (racketeering, sex trafficking, CP)

>>6793417 FB banned all crypto Ads in 2018 — while developing their own crypto-currency

>>6793426 Court hearing in Sandy Hook case (Cernovich)

>>6793499 Warning for anons today using DNS (archive.fo/is/today is being directed to a fake ip)

>>6793505 Bloomberg says POTUS "believes" he can replace Powell at Fed (anon says "certainly")

5c5379  No.6793554

File: 0d7b1cc42fd7e4d⋯.png (144.51 KB, 901x583, 17:11, xxxxxxxxxxx-or8.png)

File: ff24d27edb9f14e⋯.png (204.36 KB, 869x588, 869:588, sssssssssssss-or8.png)

File: 2d53f3b99fc0bf1⋯.png (168.93 KB, 987x605, 987:605, nnnnnnnnnnnn-or8.png)

File: 6df1ee29b82b2d4⋯.png (76.58 KB, 897x595, 897:595, iiiiiiiii-or8.png)

56ad1d  No.6793555

File: 30250b1bf237bb5⋯.png (73.43 KB, 564x621, 188:207, Screenshot from 2019-06-19….png)


ya. pedotown. Near Tucson. Some hits in Q resear.ch

f7c749  No.6793556


What would logically be next?

We heard so much about declass and so much about the downfall of certain people that we are forgetting how malleable timelines are and how many other serious issues there are.. what ever happened to #internetbillofrights.

What is new and breaking

What happened with Facebook recently

what happened with Facebook in the past

how is this relevant?

What is the link?

How is that link affected(in relation to this board and /system)?

What questions are not being answered?

why are things stalling right now (logical reason?)

July 4th (somehting coming?)

We were given a road map and a lot of crumbs, but if we always look to the past for answers we will never dig up the so called sauce of the now…


303c84  No.6793557

File: 04043a524719397⋯.jpg (968.68 KB, 3508x5259, 3508:5259, KAG.jpg)

File: 039b841b1e9e296⋯.gif (881.21 KB, 545x448, 545:448, comfy.gif)

6ec731  No.6793558


The door is to your left.

3c72cb  No.6793559






There are, and there have been, prophets in all times who knows, and have always known. They are few but they remember the parable of one lost sheep out of a hundred.

It's time.

34afdf  No.6793560


>How many more will you spend before the veil is lifted from your mind?

You first, Mr MSM worshipper

a0300f  No.6793561


Why would you think that would effect me at all? You have fooled yourself into thinking anyone else is effected by your make believe world. We are not. It's not real.

2eb0a2  No.6793562

File: 262e62b86e9590d⋯.png (187.28 KB, 400x560, 5:7, kung fu pepe.png)




check out the captcha i just rolled

yall know what CQ is right (ham)

beca9b  No.6793563


An anon posted a few nights ago that all equipment to do toxicology in the FR was broken. Source was some official, do not remember details.

2561bd  No.6793564


Let us know when you use the cracker. The decision is yours. Out.

ddb301  No.6793565


Those WEHO fags can kick rocks!


The city of West Hollywood has nothing to do with the Walk of Fame, which is administered by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, an entity that operates in a different city — Los Angeles. So, despite the vote, nothing’s changing for now, Ana Martinez, a spokeswoman for the chamber, told The Times on Wednesday.

473b3d  No.6793566

File: ace8ee86909afb4⋯.png (3.12 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, slavery.png)


Quick reference dig/fact sheet on slavery to refute the new BS that will be coming out of the reparations hearings from today. Human slavery is way worse today than it ever was during the African trade.







8a31ea  No.6793567

File: 09c6b6cd1fd921d⋯.png (70.6 KB, 598x392, 299:196, US Attorney EDNY 6-19-19 R….PNG)


>Full on press to downplay and/or ignore the sex trafficking and child porn

Share this statement

Statement by United States Attorney Richard P. Donoghue after the Conviction of Keith Raniere, outside the Brooklyn federal courthouse



a0300f  No.6793568


The only ridiculous shit is what you make up here.

da6b6e  No.6793569

Rick Wilson just mentioned Q

87aefd  No.6793570


Supposedly he's passed a lie detector test

Strange shit happens.

One time many years ago, me and this girl literally caught Sen. Johnny Isakson as he fell from the top deck down to the main deck of a party boat on the way to the Georgia/Florida game.

I swear to God it's true. He might not be here if we hadn't grabbed ahold of him. We didn't even spill our drinks, but we were all a hell of a lot younger in the early 80's.

26b7a9  No.6793571

File: c9c0c1c709965d9⋯.png (335.49 KB, 500x512, 125:128, Gillibrand 2020 NXIVM.png)


>What are all the connections between NXIVM and Congressional Democrats…if any?


>Gillibrand for one


2eb0a2  No.6793572

File: c98112882b7999e⋯.png (20.49 KB, 313x395, 313:395, ClipboardImage.png)



check out the captcha i just rolled

yall know what CQ is right (ham)

bfa421  No.6793573

File: 37159145326f5fd⋯.jpg (708.46 KB, 673x4100, 673:4100, army-for-the-win.jpg)

Navy = Deep State controlled.

Army = Q Team and POTUS controlled.

Read up. And fucking no table.

Major Power Shift Underway at Pentagon as Army Leaders Step Up


56ad1d  No.6793574

0fc661  No.6793575

Qanon mentioned through clip on Hannity

56071f  No.6793576

File: 20cec7a7a75c7e6⋯.jpg (167.39 KB, 558x845, 558:845, QCrumbsHammerInternet.jpg)


The 'kill' of all these internet services all at once hasn't happened yet, to my knowledge. It's ahead of us.

5c5379  No.6793577

File: e6dff57ea16feff⋯.png (99.53 KB, 752x816, 47:51, 60f91d6ba543ffe31bf145147d….png)


i think its real blood for the simple fact that pic related was amoung the swedish cult tangential to rachel chandler/walterpierce

bb37bf  No.6793578

File: 4754679b4359a9f⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1040x546, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Byron York: Now, word of a mysterious third 'scope memo' for Robert Mueller

The 448-page Mueller report has been public for two months, so it might seem strange that the Justice Department's original instructions to special counsel Robert Mueller, outlining what he was assigned to investigate, are still a secret. But they are. And now, it turns out those instructions were more extensive than previously known. Until now, it was widely understood that there had been two "scope memos" from the DOJ to Mueller. Now, it turns out there was a third, as well. When Mueller was first appointed, on May 17, 2017, the appointment document, signed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, authorized Mueller to investigate three areas: "i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; [and] iii) any other matters within the scope of [obstruction of justice laws]."

That document was made public immediately. It shaped the popular understanding of what Mueller was investigating. It was, however, just for show. On April 3, 2018, news broke that Rosenstein wrote a second scope memo to Mueller. Dated Aug. 2, 2017, just 10 weeks after the original appointing document, the second scope memo came to light as a result of court proceedings for the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. But most of it was blacked out. Still, the public could see that Rosenstein wrote that the original May 17, 2017, scope memo "was worded categorically in order to permit its public release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals. This [Aug. 2] memorandum provides a more specific description of your authority."

Rosenstein apparently went on to list several assignments, but only one was not blacked out. In that section, Rosenstein authorized Mueller to investigate allegations that Manafort "committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law," as well as allegations that Manafort "committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych." Whatever else Rosenstein told Mueller remains secret to this day.

Now there is more. The Justice Department has recently allowed members of some congressional committees to view the scope memos, and out of that has come the news that there was a third scope memo to Mueller. Dated Oct. 20, 2017, its contents remain a secret. But its very existence suggests something was going on behind the scenes in the relationship of Mueller and his supervisors at the Justice Department. Was Mueller heading off in new directions, with Rosenstein belatedly giving him authorization to proceed? Was Mueller proposing to investigate people or events not known when he was originally appointed? Was there something else?

At the moment, the third scope memo, like most of the second scope memo, remains a secret. It is unclear whether all that secrecy is warranted. Perhaps the memos concern matters that are still ongoing that need to remain under wraps. On the other hand, Mueller announced that his investigation into conspiracy and coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign — the core area of his jurisdiction — was over and done. "The office has concluded its investigation into links and coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign," the Mueller report said. It seems safe to say the memos will one day be released, but it is not at all clear when that will be. The public needs to know the story, not only of the Trump-Russia issue but of the Trump-Russia investigation.


e40f72  No.6793579


I've thought about this a lot.

When you ask people if they're woke, EVERYONE will say, "Yes, I'm woke!"

But "woke" is defined by the boundary each person sees.

There's a continuum and only those who have continually reached over a period of time are WOKE!

fa46b5  No.6793580


I missed that. Had a lot going on today. You’re right though, why hussein’s IRS was utilized as a tool. Immense power. Think long ago organized crime takedowns.

cdfc78  No.6793581


Qanon. #whaddafaggot Wilson is

beca9b  No.6793582

File: 215c38260708c1d⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9bb9ef9de51efe4d4d79f17990….jpg)


Ooops, DR, Domincan Republic

d002cd  No.6793583


8a31ea  No.6793584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Full on press to downplay and/or ignore the sex trafficking and child porn.

Statement by United States Attorney Richard P. Donoghue after the Conviction of Keith Raniere, outside the Brooklyn federal courthouse


fd1081  No.6793585


Sounds about right.

2eb0a2  No.6793586

File: 1980733de12ac6e⋯.png (51.97 KB, 485x303, 485:303, ClipboardImage.png)

b9f94c  No.6793587



da6b6e  No.6793588

883da6  No.6793589


Hillary bundlers.

7131a6  No.6793590


and then hell awaits. eternal

f9bec7  No.6793591



e7e1e7  No.6793592


Just heard it around :03 mark.,

e689c2  No.6793593

Makes you wonder . . . But,

symbol Anon spotted is not exact match to BLogo that Anon provided.

BLogo from the center wraps Clockwise.

Civano symbol wraps counter-clockwise.

BLogo has six straight edges at 60° corners.

Civano symbol has only two straight edges and the rest is even more circular than the LBLogo.

Do you have more FBI documented symbols ?

There, you can make

my objection to your Premise



f9c7d5  No.6793594

WTF, fox live. Host said a "mix of QAnon…"

Holly moley

3fa2b5  No.6793595


Who the fukk is Qanon? Kek

789917  No.6793596


Rick Wilson is shilling for cash on MSNBC. No self respecting Republican wants him as a consultant.

c4cc7e  No.6793597

Rick WIlson mentioned QAnon on Hannity just then!

a0300f  No.6793598


Genuine? About what? I didnt offer you anything or make any kind of claims. What are you even talking about?

153ac9  No.6793599





d91a72  No.6793600


Also saw it. Sean repeated the part about flip flops and cargo pants but didn't say Qanon.

56ad1d  No.6793601

File: 4d2cbcf4321deab⋯.png (195.14 KB, 470x335, 94:67, Screenshot from 2019-06-19….png)


heard it. Think it was this fag

6d3e3d  No.6793602


would be hecka neato if we get the "who is Q" question from Hannity to POTUS tonight. kek

e80db5  No.6793603


I expected no response. Have you fooled yourself into believing your opinions are important by posting here somehow?

c4cc7e  No.6793604



683a7e  No.6793605


5c5379  No.6793606

File: 94e0df4aae48f19⋯.png (244.76 KB, 914x588, 457:294, 0000000-or8.png)

File: 8bbbdc027a26100⋯.png (139.96 KB, 752x816, 47:51, a6a17d46f519e699fa10b2c101….png)

File: c64a70de3c40e52⋯.png (111.24 KB, 975x575, 39:23, bnvbnv-or8.png)

File: 8ec62aa06d5aebc⋯.png (145.46 KB, 987x591, 329:197, sssssssss-or8.png)

File: 89200898c392822⋯.png (151.95 KB, 923x604, 923:604, bnvnvvnvnvb-or8.png)

3fa2b5  No.6793607


Gtfo Rick Wilson

4f4114  No.6793608

Is Sean going to ask the Q?

65e1bd  No.6793609

File: 1d577d94161698c⋯.png (46.24 KB, 255x187, 15:11, cockwomble.png)

f0a7bf  No.6793610

File: ff4ecd3a6e52aa2⋯.png (177.77 KB, 507x346, 507:346, jfk.png)

File: f0030b8fb799b09⋯.png (117.65 KB, 810x740, 81:74, conspiracy.PNG)


Let's say you have a president who gets in front of the entire nation, and says they're under attack by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Let's say the President says that, then 2 1/2 years later is shot in the head. What is your reaction as government?

Do you:

A) Shroud the event in secrecy, hide all evidence, and ignore the conspiracy mentioned by the president?

B) Realize the threat and attack it head on, bringing everything to light?

It seems like such an obvious coverup when phrased this way. And the only explanations I ever get are wave offs of "conspiracy theorist".

It's fascinating and scary the societal control this demonstrates. To be able to pull off this con is powerful magic. Danger ahead.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more

8fae7c  No.6793611


If NXIVM is indoctrinated into Hwood

and Hwood insemanates itself with politics

It'd be a stretch to think there are no connections in current politics.

Simply given the amount of time NXIVM has existed prior to getting caught tells the story.

Immunity from prosecution?

Witnesses/victims not getting the spotlight?

Indictments sealed from public view?


6ec731  No.6793612


This is why Hannity and FNC abandoned their Twatters

da6b6e  No.6793613


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ he might idk

d91a72  No.6793614


Q said they may have to [force} the question!

eb4b77  No.6793615

File: c1cea017df25732⋯.png (204.16 KB, 350x459, 350:459, DossierOrigin.png)



>Rick Wilson

Of piss dossier fame!

49ddbe  No.6793616

File: d03d2101db61c31⋯.jpg (148.08 KB, 1002x754, 501:377, GilliBRAND.jpg)

e7e1e7  No.6793617


Yes. Between :02 and :03, near beginning.

f9c7d5  No.6793618

File: 5460f4e83bc50b5⋯.png (755.66 KB, 806x669, 806:669, booooooooooomy.PNG)

81d5d6  No.6793619

File: a57f7ddd7f87daa⋯.png (80.19 KB, 706x984, 353:492, ClipboardImage.png)


pic related confirms it's not my machine

a0300f  No.6793620


Stupid answer. Nobody even needs to have access to a tele to know this is not real.

3fa2b5  No.6793621


Feeling good, might ask the Q today idk

4af5ff  No.6793622


^^^Right, that thing is untrue.

"You don't know who is here"

The work here wasn't done in two years, nor in eight, nor in 20.

3839b9  No.6793623

To be clear for those that didn't see it, the Qanon mention on Hannity was in a montage of other shows clips.

They were showing how they reacted to the rally and some condescending talkinghead described among the crowd "a spattering of qanon"

03436e  No.6793624

File: 68120e4d4f68c4e⋯.jpeg (128.13 KB, 828x835, 828:835, 17D7BF05-01E6-46BE-8301-8….jpeg)

File: d50b989e1e108e9⋯.jpeg (128.72 KB, 828x519, 276:173, 71CF85D8-AF22-456B-849F-B….jpeg)


Fart noise.

Medicine cabinet I said,

Imagine the look on her face when she finds out….


Just. Like



No. Cops. Trial. News story


Just. Sleep.


4a0726  No.6793625

Do it Hannity, don't let this tick tock pass

cdfc78  No.6793626


Third scope memo 8 days prior to Q. Kek

12b92f  No.6793628

File: c327508cdc402d9⋯.png (2.19 MB, 4756x3522, 2378:1761, 061919_T_6419_20.png)

DECODE 06/19/2019 — POTUS Tweet T-6419 & T-6420

Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!

86452c  No.6793629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sean Hannity 6/19/19 LIVE FULL SCREEN | Fox News Live Stream June 19, 2019


6d3e3d  No.6793630


would be hecka neato if we get the "who is Q" question from Hannity to POTUS tonight. kek

b19d8d  No.6793631


Kek, they all are. The only thing left and right come together on is muh antisemitism while it's perfectly fine to demonize and call for death of whitey in colleges and media on the regular.

153ac9  No.6793632





d3fe3b  No.6793633

File: e21dbb705d38dc6⋯.png (39.38 KB, 1561x316, 1561:316, Hope #3 v2.PNG)

2561bd  No.6793634


(You) made me laugh hard.

c3ac82  No.6793635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You will love Neon Revolt's voice and you will know he is on (You)r side.

3fa2b5  No.6793636


Niggas was here before Q and will remain after.

You can neck yourself at your earliest convenience

7131a6  No.6793637


you glow nigga

da6b6e  No.6793638


1c7ab7  No.6793639

Hannity: talking about his team… peeling back the deep state onion.

a0300f  No.6793640


You people are sad. In the age of information you choose ignorance and fairy tails. Enjoy all your nothing. Bye.

49ddbe  No.6793641



That's tasty.

cdfc78  No.6793642


No way in hell the q gets asked before 2020.

153ac9  No.6793643




65e1bd  No.6793644

File: 29e9c85866c5543⋯.png (191.39 KB, 410x274, 205:137, Sessions.png)


60000 sealed indictments…..

cc54c5  No.6793645


What a great time this must be now with Trump & Q & masses waking up, after decades of doing your own research while knowing only a couple other people who searched for truth.

Don't take insults here personally, of course. Nobody knows what they don't know. (It is not possible for me to realize how much I don't know now, until later when I know more and look back on how I used to be.)

If you want to post a list of your recommended books and videos by topic, I'm sure some of us would find it useful. We all have something important to contribute in a unique way.

a0300f  No.6793646


Oh. You were on Qresearch BEFORE Q? Ok. Whatever. You trying to distance yourself now so you don't look so stupid?

16a2b9  No.6793647

I like may rallies with a spattering of Q Anon.

4af5ff  No.6793648


You just don't know what you are writing about.


Its the information technology - started in the early '90's or before. Before the web there were BBS. The networking creates the field.

You say "gatekeepers"

Q is not always correct, remember.


That's because we have to do our own work.

2eb0a2  No.6793649

black cash ledger




manafort is connected to biden

plants need water

watch the water

im good on all above except derapaska may be halper or another russian

checking now

81d5d6  No.6793650

suddenly 520s

970895  No.6793651


>>6792332 Workplace violence strikes HWood

blood sacrifice

fa46b5  No.6793653


That was strong. Too bad media isn’t saying it that way. That was my point. That clip needs to be spread far and wide.

3839b9  No.6793654


where the ashtar jugalos at?

get crakin, suds not duds

0160af  No.6793655

is john Solomon, Pompeo's brother?


7131a6  No.6793656


she's perky

238af3  No.6793657

Hannity uses Q to boost ratings for weeks and never mentions it again.

Wake up he is not going to ask the question.

c85c2d  No.6793658

File: a4cbe66978f8fac⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 480x262, 240:131, 0c9ecda17ac7e93510b2d63bd3….gif)

0c722e  No.6793659

Now in notables, anons:

>>6793601 Rick Wilson, author of "Everything that Trump Touches Dies" (kek) makes mention of Q presence at rally last night on MSNBC (~4min)

3fa2b5  No.6793660


The Chans faggot, why haven’t you KYS yet?

f0a7bf  No.6793661

Trump on at 9:17?

Obvious prediction?

2eb0a2  No.6793662

File: 89bb497ba1418ce⋯.png (110.62 KB, 653x538, 653:538, ClipboardImage.png)


deripaska mccain yacht

manafort biden ukraine lobby

fc65b4  No.6793663


John 1:1

6d3e3d  No.6793664

The Black Ledger turned up in Ukraine in early 2016. The FBI was warned the records didn't match but they used it anyway.

The Hill VP, John Solomon

Another Q proof. Look here (Russia) not here (Ukraine).

17209d  No.6793665

File: 3c225a49a8f2fb6⋯.jpg (448.17 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, nxivm gillibrand connect.jpg)

File: 822c52f8f84978f⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 640x630, 64:63, alllisonmack.jpg)


i guess sex cult sounds better than human traffickig

12e2b3  No.6793666

File: 07fc5e843ec22c4⋯.jpg (10.53 KB, 403x403, 1:1, Paytriot payments.jpg)


GTFO with that shit

5b8ff6  No.6793667


Hannity didn't. Q anon was mentioned in a condescending way by some smarmy fuck on CNN and it was part of a clip.

87aefd  No.6793668

f44870  No.6793669

File: dc1bb3394390f0e⋯.png (365.59 KB, 769x490, 769:490, be3468810fb3bd3d50969c40e0….png)


7131a6  No.6793670


yet here you are….

4a0726  No.6793671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Two weeks to draft new scope

d943c3  No.6793672

File: e72b9d02b77a5ae⋯.jpg (323.68 KB, 986x1072, 493:536, Screenshot_20190619-191316….jpg)

beca9b  No.6793673


May be as simple as adding "de-natured" alcohol to bar stocks. Stuff is ethanol but with additives like arsenic to make it toxic to consume. Most common use I know of is for paint thinner.

fc65b4  No.6793674


Neon's mom is an anon?

153ac9  No.6793675




b45b49  No.6793676

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, 4320d067afd12cfc9cb1047ec9….jpg)

0c722e  No.6793677

#8689 baker change

Notes @640, last call

>>6793039 Senate Repubs just voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to #FY20NDAA

>>6793045 Sr Exec Service (SES) described

>>6793051 ‘Climate emergency’ on Monday, pipeline expansion on Tuesday: Trudeau the fraud strikes again (RT)

>>6793055 New DJT: "Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!"

>>6793082 NYLaw Gives Illegals ‘Ability to Vote’ After Obtaining Driver’s License (why wait??)

>>6793094 Dominican officials allegedly pressured tourist’s widow to cremate his body

>>6793127 West Hollywood City Council Votes to Have DJT Walk of Fame Star Removed

>>6793129, >>6793132, >>6793184, >>6793221, >>6793078 DIGG on Epstein Raniere connection (thread from VOAT, Arkansas connection, Weiner laptop)

>>6793179 Short video of Coleman Hughes on slavery reparations

>>6793211 Japan rejects S. Korea's offer for wartime labor talks

>>6793301 John Solomon: Mark Meadows preparing referral asking IG to investigate FBI & Mueller's handling of Manafort warrants, media contacts & black ledger evidence

>>6793335 SemperFi fag with thoughts on 11th MEU Twat

>>6793340 USMC: Teamwork makes the Dream work

>>6793344, >>6793361, >>6793379 Adam Schiff discussed DOJ review of Russia investigation with Dan Coats

>>6793356, >>6793369 PaPaD reply to HRC's objection to "outlandish" claims about her campaign & Russia: "Enjoy the show"

>>6793370 RR penned mysterious third ‘Scope Memo’ for Robert Mueller

>>6793408, >>6793421 Keith Raniere found guilty of all charges (racketeering, sex trafficking, CP)

>>6793417 FB banned all crypto Ads in 2018 — while developing their own crypto-currency

>>6793426 Court hearing in Sandy Hook case (Cernovich)

>>6793499 Warning for anons today using DNS (archive.fo/is/today is being directed to a fake ip)

>>6793505 Bloomberg says POTUS "believes" he can replace Powell at Fed (anon says "certainly")

>>6793072, >>6793367, >>6793593 DIGG on Civano School (related to DIGG on Veterans on Patrol)

>>6793601 Rick Wilson, author of "Everything that Trump Touches Dies" (kek) makes mention of Q presence at rally last night on MSNBC (~4min)

cdfc78  No.6793678


Kekkeksuper KEK!!

2eb0a2  No.6793679

File: b73247286ade5be⋯.png (187.31 KB, 645x587, 645:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29caab5f07d041d⋯.png (272.6 KB, 663x899, 663:899, ClipboardImage.png)

a527bb  No.6793681



Thanks fren. It is so amusing that anons like the one I responded to, seek to place us all on the same level. Or should I say, "THEIR" level. I have written books, done documentaries (long before Youtube), and national speaking engagements since the early 90's…And that is when being an outspoken, (NOT anonymous) "conspiracy theorist" back then was much more difficult, (and dangerous), than it is in today's reality.

You wanna know how old school I am? I used to have to resort to using a phone book to prove to people that the Federal Reserve is *not* part of the Government. It went something like this…Me: "The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor Reserve. It is privately held by International Banking cartels." Them: "What do you mean? Of course the Federal Reserve is not privately owned. Duh! It literally says FEDERAL in the name."

Now, this would only work if you live in a city that has a REDRES branch. But I would then take out two identical phone books and explain that the blue section is for Government, and the white section is for private business. To this, after observation, they would agree.

Then I would say, "If you are right, then the Federal Reserve (city branch) will be listed in the BLUE section. Correct?" Them: "Yes." Then I would say, "I will give you $100.00 if you can find the official listing and phone number of the FEDRES in the BLUE section….Are you willing to give me $100.00 if you fail, and I succeed in finding the Federal Reserve in the PRIVATE/White pages?"

They were never willing to put their money where their mouth was, but I would say, "Let's just do it for fun, and we will find out who is right." Every single time, that seed of Truth was planted. They could not refute it. And anyone out there can use this technique today, providing you have a FEDRES branch/chapter in your city.

You should see the shock on their face when they get to where Federal Reserve should be listed (in the GOV section), and it literally says: "Federal Reserve: See Private Business Section."

d002cd  No.6793682

electric chair for

0c722e  No.6793683

Baker prefers handoff NB

9c5fe2  No.6793684

File: 09b843e64418b16⋯.jpg (311.87 KB, 1080x1082, 540:541, 54385d3e79fc7b92a15c3386f2….jpg)

dont tempt him


459874  No.6793685

File: 8eda8e9e14c0ef0⋯.jpg (157.91 KB, 501x767, 501:767, UKc_aRAINE v2o.jpg)

Vannity is not the exclusive definition of a Trump supporter. Nor will he or any one else be allowed to define same. He is worse than #blackpilldox. Pigeon-hole politics have no effect on anons.

but at least he had the balls to let MsDNC say Qanon, cuz' Murdoch won't let him. and then, holy shit, he is talking black ledger. glorious basterd. what's next, "Glad Netenyahu was finally indicted?"

>>6634723 btw, we are the fkng media now.

6d3e3d  No.6793686



153ac9  No.6793687



883da6  No.6793688



8779a8  No.6793689


>Navy = Deep State controlled.


>Army = Q Team and POTUS controlled.

That is some weak ass sauce for a wild ass claim. This is some sensationalist click baity writing. Have you considered an Admiral runs the NSA? And the Navy / Marine Corps is deep state controlled according to you and your sauce about the Army being represented more in the Pentagon leadership? I disagree.

When a former Devil Dog was SECDEF with a DevilDog Joint Chief did that mean Army Air Force Coast Guard was deep state controlled? Fuck no. Just meant that a Marine and former Marine turned civy held the top leadership positions in the DoD. Dunford still had a civy leader (SECNAV) between him and SECDEF.

This article is much ado about nothing. Change is constant in the leadership ranks. It will be interesting to see how these Army dogs employ/deploy the tools at their disposal.

Get some sauce before you run your mouth against my Navy and Marine Corps.

86452c  No.6793690


POTUS interview NOW!





aaf3df  No.6793691

File: cba91ec6732d7cc⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 170x255, 2:3, reaper2-text.jpg)

64b8e6  No.6793692

File: e9f98c8cf1e024c⋯.png (230.58 KB, 765x599, 765:599, ClipboardImage.png)


A Clinton Foundation Director disappears


5c5379  No.6793693

File: d72f09efee5f50c⋯.png (166.04 KB, 922x582, 461:291, cccccccccccccccccccc-or8.png)

File: d643cf6a12c52a6⋯.png (97.35 KB, 960x597, 320:199, xjklzkj-or8.png)

File: f409f5328925e35⋯.png (109.1 KB, 1031x615, 1031:615, ncvvb-or8.png)

File: dc7efde37a1d260⋯.png (153.94 KB, 991x604, 991:604, mmmmmmm-or8.png)

File: c3457319764b136⋯.png (163.72 KB, 920x596, 230:149, nnnnnnnnn-or8.png)

6d3e3d  No.6793694


65e1bd  No.6793695

File: 10f96b1f3cdc29b⋯.png (29.34 KB, 800x600, 4:3, wlb.png)

eb4b77  No.6793696

File: bac5de15fbf5d74⋯.png (847.14 KB, 1031x957, 1031:957, LazerPOTUS.png)

3839b9  No.6793697


already better

56071f  No.6793698

File: 0354e40f938154d⋯.jpg (485.27 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, QCrumbsDangerousAnimal.jpg)

56ad1d  No.6793699

File: 7302cb976474e42⋯.png (937.3 KB, 624x1822, 312:911, Screenshot_2019-06-19 r Th….png)


fucking tard. Reminder Rick Wilson got pwned by pol on the pissgate

bb37bf  No.6793700



They were afraid they made the scope of the investigation to narrow to begin with, so they widened the scope, to justify the length of Mueller's investigation. My prediction would be the 3rd scope was to include entire POTUS family members.

0c6cf6  No.6793701

File: 308d7f4da4b97ff⋯.jpg (47.32 KB, 720x682, 360:341, IMG_8425.JPG)

File: be22ca8a063ee3b⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 500x706, 250:353, IMG_8433.JPG)

File: 7fb7605ddd0ea3c⋯.jpg (88.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 6EE233DE-3BF1-45EA-BABF-2B….jpg)

File: ac4ebf466f90764⋯.png (308.45 KB, 1264x720, 79:45, 1EB13638-C41D-4EDA-8CB4-E4….png)

So are we gonna deus vult or not

d3fe3b  No.6793702

File: e4e9152e1e9940c⋯.png (2.52 MB, 960x937, 960:937, e4e9152e1e9940ce0abbe05d0a….png)

f9c7d5  No.6793703

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, chuckcheked.PNG)


called it

d002cd  No.6793704

:17 wow what a surprise

48cb1d  No.6793705


Great post.

Growing up my shitter material was The New American. Thought I was woke but totally missed the death cult part of it. I heard about it but never took it serious. Feel like a dumb ass now because it fill in so many pieces to the puzzle.

153ac9  No.6793706

File: a380b9c1bf54366⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1686x1178, 843:589, globetoots.png)

34afdf  No.6793707


'Beto, Bozo O'Rourke'

Beto a C_A clown?

0c722e  No.6793708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rick Wilson mentions Q on Hannity @4 mins into the hour


17209d  No.6793709

File: 2e31e02becde9aa⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1056x918, 176:153, pependoganontakeonthecabal.png)


my dogs tail wags wen she hears potus,

thats how you KNOW

3fa2b5  No.6793710


You called it anon, pic related

17ac31  No.6793711

File: 1ea206d06ead6c5⋯.png (364.23 KB, 457x615, 457:615, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)


fuck yourself shill

9c5fe2  No.6793712

File: e813c50ee4b15de⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rosenebula.jpg)

daww POTUS

56ad1d  No.6793713



don't forget Rick Wilson got werked by pol anons on pissgate >>6793699

c7f492  No.6793714


Right there with you anon, Q brought all of us together. We've known much for a long time,but alone. Q tipping us off about this administration, and keeping us focused, keeps us together. The MSM to hide it any more.

3fa2b5  No.6793715

File: 787406c45b5d2df⋯.jpeg (150.88 KB, 2048x491, 2048:491, EC059DB9-0E6A-4883-9A6D-E….jpeg)

fa9095  No.6793716

File: 07da3f293e31219⋯.jpeg (114.54 KB, 597x586, 597:586, 4705941A-1429-45B9-BDC7-4….jpeg)


Yes, military occupation specialty -MOS


cdfc78  No.6793718


14 redactions tho….

a1f58e  No.6793719

File: dee68d704d25d57⋯.jpg (2.88 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_1499.JPG)

File: ebf25381c25fb9a⋯.png (12.77 KB, 248x78, 124:39, q.PNG)

NEVER TRUMPERs, CNN, You wont have nothing left after Declass, Huber, OIG, Durham, but you wanna force the Q! Kek

945da5  No.6793720


Not a shill just trying to help with time i have, that took alot of time, i said it was rough notes, i don't post alot but when i do it is not to mislead, worried about safety comment was overall concern for everyone well being here all anons, maybe another anon can dig deeper, like i suggested, def not a shill.

e121f4  No.6793721

86452c  No.6793722

File: 8e2b45a4da51cbe⋯.png (24.19 KB, 438x311, 438:311, MakeItRAIN.png)





>rain like you haven´t seen

8a8118  No.6793723


Sho did! Making fun of “Q Anon” shirts


87aefd  No.6793724

File: 5a9f4f7335788b7⋯.jpeg (279.62 KB, 1127x1646, 1127:1646, Flag.jpeg)

883da6  No.6793725


Many have been thinking this for a long time.

b45b49  No.6793726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gramp's house fox stream


8569f6  No.6793727


Benzene is a common "denaturant" added to pure ethanol to keep people from drinking it. Symptoms don't seem to match benzene poisoning as closely as methanol. But you have a credible hypothesis, anon. I'll keep digging.

8c505d  No.6793728


he thinks his gab is better than potus

what an asshat

0c722e  No.6793729

#8689 baker change

>>6793039 Senate Repubs just voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to #FY20NDAA

>>6793045 Sr Exec Service (SES) described

>>6793051 ‘Climate emergency’ on Monday, pipeline expansion on Tuesday: Trudeau the fraud strikes again (RT)

>>6793055 New DJT: "Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!"

>>6793082 NYLaw Gives Illegals ‘Ability to Vote’ After Obtaining Driver’s License (why wait??)

>>6793094 Dominican officials allegedly pressured tourist’s widow to cremate his body

>>6793127 West Hollywood City Council Votes to Have DJT Walk of Fame Star Removed

>>6793129, >>6793132, >>6793184, >>6793221, >>6793078 DIGG on Epstein Raniere connection (thread from VOAT, Arkansas connection, Weiner laptop)

>>6793179 Short video of Coleman Hughes on slavery reparations

>>6793211 Japan rejects S. Korea's offer for wartime labor talks

>>6793301 John Solomon: Mark Meadows preparing referral asking IG to investigate FBI & Mueller's handling of Manafort warrants, media contacts & black ledger evidence

>>6793335 SemperFi fag with thoughts on 11th MEU Twat

>>6793340 USMC: Teamwork makes the Dream work

>>6793344, >>6793361, >>6793379 Adam Schiff discussed DOJ review of Russia investigation with Dan Coats

>>6793356, >>6793369 PaPaD reply to HRC's objection to "outlandish" claims about her campaign & Russia: "Enjoy the show"

>>6793370 RR penned mysterious third ‘Scope Memo’ for Robert Mueller

>>6793408, >>6793421 Keith Raniere found guilty of all charges (racketeering, sex trafficking, CP)

>>6793417 FB banned all crypto Ads in 2018 — while developing their own crypto-currency

>>6793426 Court hearing in Sandy Hook case (Cernovich)

>>6793499 Warning for anons today using DNS (archive.fo/is/today is being directed to a fake ip)

>>6793505 Bloomberg says POTUS "believes" he can replace Powell at Fed (anon says "certainly")

>>6793072, >>6793367, >>6793593 DIGG on Civano School (related to DIGG on Veterans on Patrol)

>>6793601, >>6793708, >>6793708 Rick Wilson, author of "Everything that Trump Touches Dies" (kek) makes mention of Q presence at rally last night on MSNBC (~4min into the hour)

86452c  No.6793730


no worries.

full control by Q.

4cc223  No.6793731

File: b093cefaae683e5⋯.png (196.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

f2fa38  No.6793732

File: 2d09dbddbd2fdd7⋯.jpg (97.64 KB, 1280x740, 64:37, labrador.jpg)

540b66  No.6793733

File: 2a22528786b978e⋯.png (75.26 KB, 527x380, 527:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fe8da3bf08803c⋯.png (133.48 KB, 523x357, 523:357, ClipboardImage.png)

What the fuck is this shit on CNN?

Biting on Q?

quest cnn

Give me a break.

0c6cf6  No.6793734

File: 6f512803175e2dd⋯.jpg (155.98 KB, 871x800, 871:800, IMG_8384.JPG)

Was it ham cabbage and potatoes acting like a Fag

f9bec7  No.6793735

So did Rick Wilson flip? on Evan McMullin? Who provided one of the 3 dossiers?

cdfc78  No.6793736

Plus plus kekPOTUS

cf41c1  No.6793737


Sean’s a team player. He’s not going to ask unless he’s been told by POTUS to ask.

0c722e  No.6793738

#8689 baker change

>>6793039 Senate Repubs just voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to #FY20NDAA

>>6793045 Sr Exec Service (SES) described

>>6793051 ‘Climate emergency’ on Monday, pipeline expansion on Tuesday: Trudeau the fraud strikes again (RT)

>>6793055 New DJT: "Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!"

>>6793082 NYLaw Gives Illegals ‘Ability to Vote’ After Obtaining Driver’s License (why wait??)

>>6793094 Dominican officials allegedly pressured tourist’s widow to cremate his body

>>6793127 West Hollywood City Council Votes to Have DJT Walk of Fame Star Removed

>>6793129, >>6793132, >>6793184, >>6793221, >>6793078 DIGG on Epstein Raniere connection (thread from VOAT, Arkansas connection, Weiner laptop)

>>6793179 Short video of Coleman Hughes on slavery reparations

>>6793211 Japan rejects S. Korea's offer for wartime labor talks

>>6793301 John Solomon: Mark Meadows preparing referral asking IG to investigate FBI & Mueller's handling of Manafort warrants, media contacts & black ledger evidence

>>6793335 SemperFi fag with thoughts on 11th MEU Twat

>>6793340 USMC: Teamwork makes the Dream work

>>6793344, >>6793361, >>6793379 Adam Schiff discussed DOJ review of Russia investigation with Dan Coats

>>6793356, >>6793369 PaPaD reply to HRC's objection to "outlandish" claims about her campaign & Russia: "Enjoy the show"

>>6793370 RR penned mysterious third ‘Scope Memo’ for Robert Mueller

>>6793408, >>6793421 Keith Raniere found guilty of all charges (racketeering, sex trafficking, CP)

>>6793417 FB banned all crypto Ads in 2018 — while developing their own crypto-currency

>>6793426 Court hearing in Sandy Hook case (Cernovich)

>>6793499 Warning for anons today using DNS (archive.fo/is/today is being directed to a fake ip)

>>6793505 Bloomberg says POTUS "believes" he can replace Powell at Fed (anon says "certainly")

>>6793072, >>6793367, >>6793593 DIGG on Civano School (related to DIGG on Veterans on Patrol)

>>6793601, >>6793708, >>6793713 Rick Wilson, author of "Everything that Trump Touches Dies" (kek) makes mention of Q presence at rally last night on MSNBC (~4min into the hour)

ddb301  No.6793739

Some nobody says QANON in a negative way on teh TV and you nancys cum all over yourself. Jesus this is pitiful.

fd1081  No.6793740

File: 26ba2afe8216c09⋯.png (517.41 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

e40f72  No.6793742

File: 3702cd8f660dc68⋯.png (1.13 MB, 808x798, 404:399, LoveFrens.png)


Hi Fren.

6d3e3d  No.6793743


18, not 17?, not 12? POTUS knows

81d5d6  No.6793744


does it work for the IRS too or they were more careful?

143688  No.6793745


(WE) track it all.. i seen it, its lame but real

5c5379  No.6793746

File: 0239ea6b9b790f6⋯.png (140.17 KB, 845x608, 845:608, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….png)

File: 8c59afdb75d4b4e⋯.png (240.39 KB, 1098x633, 366:211, zdszfdzs-or8.png)

File: f94388e0ddd6c0c⋯.png (179.28 KB, 1043x617, 1043:617, xxxvv-or8.png)

File: 30029910f346f39⋯.png (152.61 KB, 975x631, 975:631, uigy-or8.png)

File: c158eff7c6f1390⋯.png (92.15 KB, 866x533, 866:533, xzccccccccccccccc-or8.png)

0c6cf6  No.6793748

File: 84f568921321c05⋯.jpg (158.23 KB, 958x960, 479:480, IMG_8340.JPG)

File: bbb32fa8d521af4⋯.jpg (66.82 KB, 564x585, 188:195, IMG_8341.JPG)

File: 46fa9d6e3327d03⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 960x688, 60:43, IMG_8342.JPG)

File: 1a4f06ceaa7dc2f⋯.jpg (166.69 KB, 931x1393, 133:199, IMG_8346.JPG)

17ac31  No.6793749

File: 1ea206d06ead6c5⋯.png (364.23 KB, 457x615, 457:615, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

49ddbe  No.6793750


Look at this faggot blowing shit out of proportion. Probably works for CNN.

bb2efa  No.6793751

File: de47872813b57ab⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1002x1066, 501:533, forgottenman.png)

70a0c4  No.6793752

File: fe8659f2ae44af5⋯.png (75.62 KB, 943x777, 943:777, Screenshot_2019-06-19 Gold….png)


Gold price hits highest mark since Mar 2014!

Now @ $1378.90 / oz

56b028  No.6793754

File: 1e0fec26739b0b2⋯.jpg (133.78 KB, 989x718, 989:718, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: 9669722803d8442⋯.jpg (66.36 KB, 301x915, 301:915, 1a.JPG)

Smoking is a reference to "assassinated by Spec Ops".

sauce: Killing Osama Bin Laden, S. Hersh. Pg11

9c5fe2  No.6793755

File: fc2c512da000151⋯.png (77.35 KB, 285x273, 95:91, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)


whats with this 17


fdfc0b  No.6793756

File: f0d4af122464ae8⋯.png (601.98 KB, 945x550, 189:110, fundrais.png)

bb37bf  No.6793757


Let's not forget POTUS siblings, and Inlaws.

772b3e  No.6793759


No. He’s too busy telling us ad nauseam about all the jobs he had growing up

f44870  No.6793760

"If the other side had won we would have gone into a Depression. We were headed that way." (President Trump on Hannity)

That's what the Cabal was working towards. The Cabal was going to bring the world to our knees by bankrupting everyone, and then sacrificing most of the human population in the ensuing world war 3.

Averted. Saving humanity.

Thank God for president Trump and for Q.

5725bc  No.6793761


POTUS just said "I really believe you would have had a crash." NOT a "market crash", a "crash".

c3ac82  No.6793762


Digits confirm evil intent. Don't be such a jealous small-timer. Nobody summarizes this forum better than Neon and it's all for free. He's allowed to sell a book the same way you're allowed to wipe your ass.

a0570b  No.6793763


Since I don't like gabbing no matter who's doing it, I feel blessed not to receive Hannity.

3fa2b5  No.6793764



ddb301  No.6793765

File: dfbd4ee65b90e1c⋯.png (61.36 KB, 293x161, 293:161, ClipboardImage.png)



f9c7d5  No.6793768

File: 4e052664dd3a3de⋯.png (620.63 KB, 596x447, 4:3, complete.PNG)

4af5ff  No.6793769


It wasn't negative.

Dude was scared.

Flip-flops and Cargo pants?

So waht?


No insult at all. They are scraping around for insults. Most they could muster.

"He's like Elvis"


0c6cf6  No.6793770

File: 22ce33697d32ee6⋯.jpg (373.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_8478.JPG)

49ddbe  No.6793772

File: 923a4a90164c96d⋯.jpg (100.5 KB, 506x506, 1:1, YOUshilly.jpg)

2ed01f  No.6793773


Good question 🤔

153ac9  No.6793774





e40f72  No.6793775

File: 82d407d16846711⋯.png (582.55 KB, 816x592, 51:37, FrensTogether.png)

17ac31  No.6793776

File: 25693e2fcf20999⋯.png (412.45 KB, 468x534, 78:89, Screen Shot 2019-06-15 at ….png)

47f92c  No.6793777

File: 2f135a4fc66b2e9⋯.jpeg (474.66 KB, 999x1443, 9:13, 69B40BBD-65BE-42D6-AFD8-D….jpeg)


Raise/Hire The BARR!

5c4c58  No.6793778


>that left column design

That keyboard is the most fucked up I've ever seen, even compared to membrane keyboards.

37ee31  No.6793779


Redpilling people with betting, I like your style, I did something like that once. Effective indeed

56ad1d  No.6793780


excellent work baker

17ac31  No.6793781

File: 8a8c505bcd7430d⋯.png (265.09 KB, 467x326, 467:326, Screen Shot 2019-06-15 at ….png)

9ee40a  No.6793782


I have a pretty good idea who you are (will not doxx).

o7 fren. An honor to see you here.

153ac9  No.6793785




4f4114  No.6793786




d3fe3b  No.6793788

File: af8198aa46b44ec⋯.jpg (130.86 KB, 490x600, 49:60, a1ab3066779394e8023bef74b1….jpg)

3839b9  No.6793789


sure, it doesn't stick, but the intent was to be derogatory. as with "deplorables"

17ac31  No.6793791

File: 88bbd2b2a8e91c5⋯.png (238.36 KB, 464x341, 464:341, Screen Shot 2019-06-15 at ….png)

49ddbe  No.6793792

File: e2cc099f16b93fd⋯.jpg (147.07 KB, 706x471, 706:471, LookABitch.jpg)

3996b6  No.6793793

File: 4c32487ad31fb2f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 566x450, 283:225, 23458679089565345324321.PNG)

bb37bf  No.6793794


Who??? Kek

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