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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

37c844  No.6791423

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

37c844  No.6791426

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6744237 Notable collecting notable.

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6755645 Please no JPEGs (with conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6791408 DJT Tweet: "So sad that the Democrats are putting wonderful Hope Hicks through hell..."

>>6791397 Mark Esper is acting defense secretary.

>>6791290 Call to dig on Bitchute.

>>6791224 Live: Fed Chair Jerome Powell holds press conference.

>>6791217 Lawsuit accuses Scientology, David Miscavage of child abuse, human trafficking, libel.

>>6791211 Morsi left unconscious for 20 minutes before first aid administered.

>>6791189 Federal drug bust in West Memphis.

>>6791173 Ca. opens probe into 250,000 GM pickups, SUVs over brake performance.

>>6791154 Russian, Syrian warplanes struck Idlib City for first time in three months.

>>6791137, >>6791166 Prominent osint group coordinator shoots himself in the head. (Ukraine)

>>6791081 Small dig on large cocaine bust.

>>6791064 Google parent Alphabet rejects shareholder plan to break up company.

>>6791054 YouTube encroaches the international political realm by banning Spanish conservative party, Vox.

>>6791038, >>6791131 J. Solmon article on FBI's weak Russia evidence.

>>6791024, >>6791053 WH on lockdown over sus. package.

>>6791017 CA voters not happy with free medical for illegals.

>>6791014, >>6791021, >>6791006, >>6791057, >>6791100, >>6791357 Keith Raniere GUILTY on all counts. Q drop tie ins.

>>6790979 New Vermont law expands raw milk sales.

>>6790957 Crowdstrike never produced final report on alleged Russian hacking.

>>6790862 JW: California begins massive voter roll clean-up.

>>6790861 Saul Alinsky TV interview 1966.

>>6790819 US Marines Tweet: Swamp Monster.

>>6790852 China's bank bailout a sign of bad times for their economy.

>>6790835 Pentagon to send $250M in weapons to Ukraine.

>>6790815 Boatfag: Tracking Iranian tankers increasingly difficult.

>>6790800 Locust plague from Iran descends on Pakistan.

>>6790787, >>6791016 Planefag updates.

>>6790785 Fed hints at July cut as expected.

>>6790755 Avenatti's toy seized by the IRS.

>>6790752 Alinsky from the FBI vault.

>>6790746 Corn crops hit hard this year.

>>6790720 Planefag: AF1 on the move.

>>6790703, >>6790712 Train crash update. Carrying explosives.

>>6791415 #8686


>>6790647 CBP Tweet on illegal's techniques.

>>6790620 Senate panel advances emergency border funding.

>>6790558 Republican doxer (Kav. hearings) headed to prison.

>>6790554 Biohazardous train crash in Nv.

>>6790549 Iran has ties to Al Qaeda.

>>6790539 Navy re-Tweet: McConaughey submarine hunter.

>>6790533 Fmr. Disney VP gets 6 years for child rape.

>>6790515 Dutch-led investigators demand arrest of 4 people allegedly involved in MH17 downing.

>>6790504 Lawmakers sound the alarm on illegal driver licenses could lead to voter fraud.

>>6790493 Kamala projecting.

>>6790484 Pompeo Tweet: POTUS doesn't want war with Iran.

>>6790475 JJ on Hope hearing.

>>6790474 Hawley introduces ‘Ending Support for Internet Censorship Act’.

>>6790433 More Ven. gold vanishing.

>>6790426 Ex-FBI agent in Navy SEAL governor case charged with perjury and evidence tampering.

>>6790417 Google buys itself via CapitalG (internal growth fund)$4.76m.

>>6789994 NG RED CASTLE 17 seconds.

>>6790407 Bernie getting the '16 treatment. Warren may be the new endorsed front runner.

>>6790274 House subcommittee holds hearing on Trump's Iran policy.

>>6790264, >>6790388 CF Foreign Policy Director Amitabh Desai appears to have vanished.

>>6790289 Veritas going after Silicon Valley.

>>6790149 China's loosening grip on NK?

>>6790214 Trump gets 1 hour, prime time slot in July 4 celebration.

>>6790182, >>6790213, >>6790221 Barr Europool meeting.

>>6790178 Dems livid as Hope Hicks dodges questions.

>>6790111, >>6790126, >>6790134 Haiti history.

>>6790068 Merkel very uncomfortable. Mexico 2017

>>6790064 Alinsky dig cont.

Baker Change

>>6789972 Trump Planning "Economy Crippling" Sanctions Against Turkey Over S-400 Purchase

>>6790045 POTUS Schedule for Wednesday, June 19, 2019


>>6790652 #8685

Previously Collected Notables

>>6789857 #8684,

>>6787470 #8681, >>6788306 #8682, >>6789096 #8683

>>6785117 #8678, >>6785974 #8679, >>6786710 #8680

>>6782879 #8675, >>6783693 #8676, >>6784230 #8677

>>6780614 #8672, >>6781368 #8673, >>6782341 #8674

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

37c844  No.6791427

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


37c844  No.6791433

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

37c844  No.6791438

File: 60e70eb3a9ac70c⋯.jpg (72.56 KB, 658x960, 329:480, trumpwinwin.jpg)



e0af8e  No.6791439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



e0af8e  No.6791442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


e0af8e  No.6791446

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

File: cfc1d1921e5ad16⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 393x912, 131:304, (((they))).jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

e0af8e  No.6791449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

e0af8e  No.6791460

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, baby_killers.png)

File: 8ee3650da0b746c⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 640x336, 40:21, 8ee3650da0b746.jpg)

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, loxism.jpg)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny_white_enemy.png)

e0af8e  No.6791464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

e0af8e  No.6791471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

52c0eb  No.6791472

File: 7c9db441f2c0432⋯.png (553.57 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Gracias Bacer

did you have cage fighting yesterday?

e0af8e  No.6791473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








Rabbi Admits that White Genocide is the Goal

e0af8e  No.6791480

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

File: 17a3c21174d5c16⋯.jpg (69.56 KB, 474x422, 237:211, aware.jpg)

File: 04908297259f38d⋯.jpg (103.66 KB, 595x420, 17:12, benny.jpg)

33341d  No.6791483

File: 7109b3d8977ba51⋯.png (69.54 KB, 778x382, 389:191, 2019_06_19_15:56:52_EDT.png)

I'm starting to wonder why POTUS keeps saying Hillary "acid washed" her emails (in the attempt to deeply erase them) every single time he refers to that. The product she used, we read, was called Bleach Bit.

Acid =/= does not equal bleach.

Is he suggesting to us that the satanists use acid to dispose of bodies?

FBI Admits Hillary Used BleachBit Software Designed to 'Hide …

[Search domain www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/fbi-admits-hillary-used-bleachbit-software-designed-hide-traces-deleted-emails/] https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/fbi-admits-hillary-used-bleachbit-software-designed-hide-traces-deleted-emails/

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told America's Newsroom on Thursday that Hillary Clinton used BleachBit software to hide all traces of her deleted emails. According BleachBit goes beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and […]

BleachBit "stifles investigation" of Hillary Clinton | BleachBit

[Search domain www.bleachbit.org/news/bleachbit-stifles-investigation-hillary-clinton] https://www.bleachbit.org/news/bleachbit-stifles-investigation-hillary-clinton

BleachBit is free of charge to use in any environment whether it is personal, commercial, educational, governmental, Republican, or Democrat. The cleaning process is not reversible. Immediately when the story broke the morning of August 25, traffic to the BleachBit web site and download servers spiked.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton …

[Search domain money.cnn.com/2016/08/26/technology/hillary-clinton-bleachbit/index.html] https://money.cnn.com/2016/08/26/technology/hillary-clinton-bleachbit/index.html

Aug 26, 2016 · Related: Hillary Clinton slams Trump for ties to 'alt-right' media. Jonathan Zdziarski, a computer security expert, characterized BleachBit as a fairly "amateur" tool that doesn't raise any red flags.

0e909a  No.6791485

File: c8ef17e4a471491⋯.png (364.27 KB, 1008x507, 336:169, keith reniere - demons to ….png)

Bye Keithty boy…. enjoy the p@in and suffering in PMIT@ prison.

8c14ba  No.6791486

Disgraced Vice President Of Walt Disney Michael Laney Convicted Of Child Rape – Gets A Whopping 6 Years

Portland, OR — A former top level Walt Disney executive was sentenced to prison this month for nearly seven years for child rape. Michael Laney, 73, who was the Vice President of Walt Disney was found guilty of four counts of first-degree sexual abuse and sentenced to 81 months in prison.

After the sentencing, Laney’s attorneys pleaded with the judge to suspend the sentence, claiming that Laney’s wife would suffer if her husband goes to jail.

According to Oregon Live, Laney’s wife’s doctor, Blain Crandell, submitted a letter on Laney’s behalf, saying his wife “could be expected to suffer serious consequences to her health and well-being” without an in-home caregiver, a role her husband had been filling.

Thankfully, the judge and district attorney did not see it that way. In response to this request, Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Charles Mickley called the claims “peculiarly offensive and insulting.”

“Defendant wholly ignores the compelling evidence of his guilt presented at trial, including the evidence of his longstanding sexual interest in children,” Mickley wrote.

Laney will also have to serve an additional 120 months of probation after prison, pay a $4,000 fine, and register as a sex offender.


Disney is infatuated with children…. wondering if there is more than just money and power/influence they are after….

This dead by jail inmate is 73 years old.

e0af8e  No.6791487

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

b5a4c7  No.6791494



First thing on Google.

Reminds me of the pools. Wasn't there one on the Vanderbilt lot used by the spirit cooker?

e0af8e  No.6791498

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 0355f03c9946562⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 450x381, 150:127, 0355f03c9946562ceb8f219ea8….jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)










https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

e0af8e  No.6791505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.












Old Newspaper Read's Six million Jews Died in 1915 1938 Before Hitler was in power.

e0af8e  No.6791512

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, lovekids.png)

File: 41a8728b81c8680⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 34919513_11220.jpg)

File: 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg)

File: 84feae707bc589d⋯.jpg (91.93 KB, 824x960, 103:120, pedo_show.jpg)

37c844  No.6791513


Kek, cage fighting every day fren.

9e9d29  No.6791514

File: c52defb7e36e663⋯.png (218.73 KB, 495x419, 495:419, Missile.PNG)

Does anyone have the full video of the missile launch (pic related) in Washington state last year? My D drive froze up and it was on it.

a782b1  No.6791515

File: 9b14e9e652fd291⋯.png (1.33 MB, 995x523, 995:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41c3d824b166800⋯.png (120.36 KB, 1456x649, 1456:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d11ebbf844f9239⋯.png (767.25 KB, 1456x925, 1456:925, ClipboardImage.png)

Nearly Everything is Mind Control

"You don't know the power of your own mind. It might not be under your control and the thoughts you have may not be your thoughts. You can take control of your own mind once you realize what is being done to you through mind control."

by Chris Kitze

The world is a giant psychological operation (psyop) designed to destroy humanity by controlling your mind, thoughts and ultimately, your actions.

Mind control is pervasive. Its purpose is to turn you away from your true nature and your Creator.

You are pushed away from good and down a path of destruction. Modern society is controlled through Religion, Money and Knowledge using technology and psychology to target and manipulating your mind. Most people are not even aware this is happening.

The evil goal of is your destruction. Salvation can only be achieved by understanding this mind control, changing your way of thinking, improving your morality, and returning to your original, true nature.

In history, Jesus, Shakyamuni (the Buddha) and Lao Zi among others pointed this out and showed "The Way" to elevate your realm of mind and escape this matrix. Organized religions played this role in the past, but now they have been corrupted to the point where they are now part of the mind control system. You are on your own.


The human mind is easily influenced and controlled in very subtle ways.

Suggestion, priming (where you are shown something that affects your later decision on a seemingly unrelated matter), projection, addiction and other techniques are used to alter and direct your thoughts away from Truth.

Monopoly capitalism and communism, virtually the same both under central bank control, use social media, legal systems, money, food and medicine. The psychology has been extensively studied and weaponized for the final assault on your mind – it works and works well. In particular these techniques are used to dumb down, confuse and distract you from your salvation. They are literally leading people to Hell.

Social media has become pervasive and there is no escape if you are online. Google and Facebook are expected to control almost 80% of online advertising within five years (https://www.wnd.com/2019/01/google-facebook-duopoly-now-commands-80-of-ad-market/). Their plug ins and trackers are ubiquitous and your actions are recorded even if you don't have any account with them.

They have become an electronic birth certificate. You can never quit and the information goes into a permanent file owned by Facebook, but accessed by various security agencies, governments and other organizations.

Three years after terminating my Facebook account, I received an email that someone had logged into my closed account from Siberian Russia. To terminate this account, Facebook wanted a government issued ID. This could only be required to positively identify the account for future legal purposes.


e0af8e  No.6791516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!














100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

1364d2  No.6791517

File: 69e3c771856a89c⋯.png (1.52 MB, 954x633, 318:211, obama shopped.PNG)

100% shopped badly

7d3380  No.6791519

>>6791325 (lb)

No i specifically stated it is not just the fields off to the side of the river, goddamn reread what i wrote anon

ef834a  No.6791520


Keith Raniere found guilty on all charges.

466b3b  No.6791521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's something I just noticed. Watch "This Video…" and listen to the word POTUS is saying when 0:17 appears: "exist".

ef846d  No.6791522

File: 1fc057f14bb7b70⋯.jpg (380.85 KB, 800x600, 4:3, OIG1.jpg)

File: 012963b7132c9db⋯.jpg (394.08 KB, 800x600, 4:3, OIG2.jpg)

e0af8e  No.6791523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7d3380  No.6791524


Oh really?! So are you apart of the weather station? That was pic only and twatted by them..

You are a lying motherfucker.

6a3f6c  No.6791525

File: 3cf58f56ea2087c⋯.png (908.21 KB, 1405x865, 281:173, Branding101.png)


When do birds sing?

14850f  No.6791526

File: de737dfb0bcb1f8⋯.png (777.55 KB, 1193x852, 1193:852, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


TY Baker!

466b3b  No.6791527


And when 0:23 appears he is saying "the establishment"

6cb6ed  No.6791528


Looking better for Spacey.

He'll be let off of this is my guess, because it seems to me that it was a setup.

f0c4ad  No.6791529

During POTUS speech instead of saying bleach bit, he said acid wash. Anyone think he was talking about HRC and getting rid of evidence(childrens bodies) using acid. Think Cheesy Bay, Standard Hotel, Vanderbilt pol.

6ccd08  No.6791530

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaaa.png)

f37088  No.6791531

File: 7557040121db0d8⋯.jpeg (2.99 MB, 2732x1259, 2732:1259, 6F7E4283-4AAA-4D07-9AA1-9….jpeg)

>>6791295 (pb)

>guy who looks like jeb by LG

this guy

is it?

had that thought and grabbed a cap

61c6d7  No.6791532

File: e815e38a6649735⋯.png (194.84 KB, 499x456, 499:456, pepe veins jacked.png)

6ccd08  No.6791533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

a1ddd7  No.6791534

Lots happening today.

Great job keeping up baker.

6ccd08  No.6791535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

32c0b3  No.6791536

File: 2d438786d463ee0⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 2048x3072, 2:3, 036881e74560e4c79556013203….jpg)


No, but here's a graphic :)

a1ddd7  No.6791537

Rockets Strike Oil Firms in Iraq

Including ExxonMobil.

Happened early this morning.

2 separate rocket strikes a few hours apart, the first one on ExxonMobil.

4th attack on US installations in the region this week.

3 injured in ExxonMobil strike.

Short-range Katyusha rocket hit ExxonMobil between residential area and the operation partition of the property.

Coverage has been kinda spoopy on this, the topic could use a little dig I think.

After learning about Iran and that oil tanker the other day (the fact that it was mine damage and they recovered an unexploded mine, same as Iran uses), this is a clear indication tension is ramping up quickly in the region.

An Iraqi intelligence officer says 40 workers for the energy giant Exxon Mobil Corp. have been evacuated from an oil drilling site in southern Iraq after they came under rocket fire. Iraqi officials said a Katyusha rocket hit the site in southern Basra province, striking a camp housing workers for Exxon Mobil and other foreign companies.





>>6791104 (lb) US Navy displays magnet and fragments of limpet mine from oil tanker explosion

>>6791463 (lb) Rockets hit Oil firms near Iranian border

Both notable, possibly related.

Eyes on, Anons?

245dfd  No.6791538

Its in Notables, just dropping another article from NY Post:


Nxivm founder Keith Raniere has been found guilty on all counts for running the upstate sex cult in which women were branded like cattle and forced to have sex with him.

Jurors in Brooklyn federal court reached the verdict Wednesday after less than five hours of deliberations — convicting him of racketeering, a charge that could put him away for life, and other counts.

Raniere mumbled under his breath as the foreperson read aloud the guilty verdicts on all seven counts against him, but otherwise showed no emotion. He did not shake his attorneys’ hands before being handcuffed and led out of the courtroom.

Meanwhile, Catherine Oxenberg, the “Dynasty” star whose daughter India Oxenberg was one of Raniere’s sex slaves, sobbed throughout the entire proceeding from the back row of the courtroom.

The seven-week trial included testimony from some of Raniere’s sex slaves, who recalled in dramatic detail the self-styled guru’s twisted teachings.

Within Nxivm, Raniere ran a secret society called DOS, in which slaves were tasked with recruiting slaves of their own. The women were starved, branded with Raniere’s initials and forced to sleep with him or perform other sex acts, according to testimony.

Raniere was also accused of having sex with a 15-year-old girl named Camila prior to forming DOS, which stood for Dominant Over Submissive.

He was also convicted of six other counts: racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, attempted sex trafficking, forced labor conspiracy and wire fraud conspiracy.

Other members of Nxivm were charged alongside Raniere and have all pleaded guilty. They include Nxivm president Nancy Salzman, her daughter Lauren Salzman,“Smallville” actress Allison Mack and Seagram liquor heiress Claire Bronfman, who bankrolled the group for years.

Raniere — who was known to his slaves as “Grandmaster” and “Vanguard” — did not testify.

He will be sentenced Sept. 25.

“Over the last seven weeks, this trial has revealed that Raniere, who portrayed himself as a savant and a genius, was in fact a massive manipulator, a con man and the crime boss of a cult-like organization involving sex trafficking, child pornography, extortion-compelled abortions, branding, degradation and humiliation,” Brooklyn US Attorney Richard Donoghue told reporters outside the courthouse. “The evidence proved that Raniere was truly a modern-day Svengali.”

Additional reporting by Ruth Weissmann

6a3f6c  No.6791539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b8c6b0  No.6791540

File: a85f180f527d96c⋯.jpg (603.85 KB, 1717x1345, 1717:1345, tyb_boat.jpg)


Thank You, Baker!

918b98  No.6791541

File: 0859dfabf4e81a5⋯.gif (9.7 MB, 427x640, 427:640, IMG_4196.GIF)


Real homo

$20/hr starting

6ccd08  No.6791542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Want to know who (((The Jews))) really are? This will help connect the final dots about who and WHY they have a "Blood Libel".

They were never defeated. Hence the term "False Jew" Rev:3.9


6ccd08  No.6791544

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 4876f795f3689f4⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 2709x2709, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.jpg)

File: c8b68d4af638b59⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 474x244, 237:122, donkey_cult.jpg)

File: 149fc09366a1918⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 474x389, 474:389, gay.jpg)

File: f923ce1129a6ff7⋯.jpg (140.41 KB, 960x637, 960:637, gay_jdf.jpg)

19024e  No.6791545

File: 712f18cedc24551⋯.jpg (137.51 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, malik-obama.jpg)

Getting closer?

e2c2d0  No.6791546

File: fe2f1291c2951e2⋯.png (346.1 KB, 829x504, 829:504, BE BEST_ff [06192019].png)









543ee1  No.6791547

I don't remember video of that either.

Maybe a series of pictures at best.

I could be wrong though.

cfd778  No.6791548

File: d972519ea02ed69⋯.png (271.32 KB, 1439x834, 1439:834, wepeople1.png)

6ccd08  No.6791549

File: 4ad7dd1eb2a704f⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, their_god.jpg)

b54d21  No.6791550

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)


As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many DS assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)

Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.




6a3f6c  No.6791551

File: 5883c0a21f99575⋯.png (7.38 KB, 644x440, 161:110, pedobot.png)


Fuck off Cunt Dribble!

41e98c  No.6791552




OK so what is the take away from that?

4eeb6a  No.6791553

Guys, it's gonna get busy so we need to help the bakers.


Provide Sauce materials.

help each other

a3ec9f  No.6791554

File: 0a5bd8b8b47906d⋯.png (247.31 KB, 750x766, 375:383, 20190619_161005.png)

a7b064  No.6791555

File: ce9181bc4197fad⋯.png (283.47 KB, 550x733, 550:733, ED Rosario Vampire B_3_1.png)

TY Baker

0013e2  No.6791556

File: 66c8d00f77358e1⋯.jpg (86.7 KB, 743x960, 743:960, 44AK.jpg)



de38a3  No.6791557

File: f66f12df6be5344⋯.png (193.56 KB, 567x440, 567:440, FappinFags.png)

d6d239  No.6791558

File: c9e62e6c7ca5d4c⋯.jpg (15.17 KB, 200x274, 100:137, c9e62e6c7ca5d4cbcf41a60cec….jpg)


One way to get rid of hard drive platters (where the actual data is) is to acid wash them……

918b98  No.6791559



Real homo

$20/hr starting

Call now

a782b1  No.6791560

File: 86f888fc942d7b7⋯.png (76.78 KB, 733x930, 733:930, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cb6369874d76b3⋯.png (65.77 KB, 735x901, 735:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa2f96cbfce63b5⋯.png (65.66 KB, 736x897, 32:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ede476fc691294⋯.png (323.14 KB, 694x401, 694:401, ClipboardImage.png)

Idlib and the War of Terror Against the Syrian People. Ambassador Jaafari’s Statement at UN Security Council

English translation transcript of the Dr. Jaafari’s statement:

Thank you, Mr. President,

This meeting comes in a timely manner, in order to allow us and a number of other countries to put the Security Council in the picture of terrorist attacks by armed terrorist groups from Idlib against the neighboring towns and villages of Aleppo, Northern Hama, and the northern Latakia countrysides.

When I talk about the attacks, I would like to point out that the last of these attacks was the massacre carried out by these groups two days ago in the village of al-Wadihi in the southern countryside of Aleppo, a crime that resulted in the killing of 12 civilians and injuring more than 16 others while participating in a wedding in the village.

The lives of the inhabitants of this village, which was safe and lead a normal life, were transformed into a state of terror that can hardly be described by the fall of missiles launched by the terrorists of Nusra Front, who are supported by Erdogan’s Turkish regime… The bodies of the martyrs and the wounded, mostly women and children, were scattered in the alleys of the village. They also caused extensive damage to homes, private and public property, including the health center and the village mosque.

This barbaric crime comes as part of a series of crimes committed by these terrorist groups led by the HTS terrorist organization, which is Nusra Front organization, which is on the Security Council’s list of terrorist organizations and entities, being Al-Qaeda Organization in Syria, these crimes must be clearly and inexplicably condemned by the Security Council.

Mr president,

Here are some of the crimes that led to the death of dozens and injuring hundreds of innocent civilians, including many women and children, I will limit the talk here about the civilian victims and will not mention the military victims:

The targeting of the town of al-Sakilibiya and the town of Ein al-Krum and the village of Bilhsein on May 25 with dozens of shells.

The targeting of the cities of Silhib and al-Siklibiya on 26 May with more than 30 rockets.

Targeting the town of Qamhani on 29 and 31 of May with a number of rockets.

Targeting the towns of the Qalaat Al-Madiq, Karakat, and Shat-ha in the northern and northwest of Hama countryside with dozens of shells and missiles.

Targeting multiple areas in the province of Aleppo and its countryside frequently with dozens of rockets and missiles.

Targeting the city of Jablah with several missiles.

The targeting of the city of Mhardeh frequently, and the most recent was the dawn of this day with dozens of rockets.

This is in addition to the continuous targeting of the positions of the Syrian Arab Army and the locations of the allied Russian forces, especially the Hmeimim airport, with rockets and booby-trapped drones.

As some like to ask questions, a good question arises for you and for all of us: Who provides these terrorists with all these weapons? Where do these weapons come from? By parachutes? from another planet? Or from member states of this Council and outside it? Who provides terrorists with rockets, tanks, missiles, and mines? Where does all this momentum of weapons and terrorists come from? Did not we get 100,000 foreign terrorists through our border with Turkey? How many times have we mentioned this in this Council and outside it? A subcommittee of the Security Council confirmed the validity of our statement that 101 Member States of this Organization are exporting pure terrorism to Syria.


c2980f  No.6791561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The little gear gives you setting controls - including subtitles.

(POTUS at 1.5 is pretty darn high energy.)

de38a3  No.6791562

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 6d299b6b5a198a3⋯.gif (188.74 KB, 817x818, 817:818, JIDF.gif)

File: bdfdd44855b6ec7⋯.jpeg (145.78 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_aggots.jpeg)

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)

0f25a7  No.6791563


Yes, I think thats it anon. I am impressed.

6a3f6c  No.6791564

File: 6a9bbca62ffe9ed⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1184x780, 296:195, PotusSkip.png)

c2980f  No.6791565

File: 4c914717cb1cc7b⋯.png (198.18 KB, 622x329, 622:329, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

aafed2  No.6791566

File: 25467decf2caab8⋯.png (224.82 KB, 835x728, 835:728, ClipboardImage.png)

This was posted in the heel of last bread.

Looked like a pretty solid Q Proof to me, but y'all can decide if it's notable worthy…

918b98  No.6791567



Real homo

$20/hr starting

Chosen to call

4eeb6a  No.6791568



96b234  No.6791569

File: c2b9858d77e36d7⋯.png (598.62 KB, 1052x753, 1052:753, Standard Hotel pleads guil….png)



That, and there was a pool chemical incident at the LA Standard Hotel, frequented by our buddy Schiffty Adam Schiff


19024e  No.6791570



if I'd only know where to look!

32c0b3  No.6791571

File: c58a3e4a396e622⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)

File: c42b0c52f33bbf6⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2988x1494, 2:1, __(You)__See.jpg)

So you Deep Sweeties actually wait for me to start posting eh?

I'd say I'm flattered but I don't want you popping your flat_SNIPboners~

ec479b  No.6791573

File: 38d053abe3d8fda⋯.png (828.85 KB, 833x758, 833:758, Screenshot_2019-06-19 How ….png)

When will people realize that anyone making money off religion is nothing but a charlatan. A fag and his pool boy.


0e909a  No.6791574

File: 5f1013572561a64⋯.png (374.5 KB, 1257x647, 1257:647, imposter 44 - getting clos….png)


Cropped and zoomed

44d11b  No.6791575


What is wrong with Merkel?

5a7990  No.6791576

File: d82fb91285874c9⋯.png (26.11 KB, 475x223, 475:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d82fb91285874c9⋯.png (26.11 KB, 475x223, 475:223, ClipboardImage.png)


1 Year Delta

Missing first "

their should be they're

suspicious p at the end

6cb6ed  No.6791577

File: 5a9b860b7633264⋯.jpg (232.07 KB, 489x863, 489:863, Gorillian_zilla_ime_.jpg)


must be Gorillian_zilla_ime is investigating in this rare video still . . .

(it's fake, of course)

c2980f  No.6791578

Images are poopy today.

8c14ba  No.6791579

Global Peace Index 2019

Global peacefulness improves for the first time in five years, but the world continues to be less peaceful than a decade ago.

The average level of global peacefulness improved very slightly last year on the 2019 Global Peace Index (GPI). This was the first time that the index improved in the last five years. The average country score improved by -0.09 per cent, with 86 countries improving and 76 recording deteriorations.

Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008. It is joined at the top of the index by New Zealand, Austria, Portugal, and Denmark. Bhutan has recorded the largest improvement of any country in the top 20, rising 43 places in the last 12 years.

Afghanistan is now the least peaceful country in the world, replacing Syria, which is now the second least peaceful. South Sudan, Yemen, and Iraq comprise the remaining five least peaceful countries. This is the first year since the inception of the index that Yemen has been ranked amongst the five least peaceful countries.

Four of the nine regions in the world improved in peacefulness in 2019: Russia and Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Europe maintained its position as the most peaceful region in the world, which it has held for every year of the GPI. MENA remained the least peaceful region for the fifth year in a row, although it did become more peaceful last year.


Objective - world peace without the need for dominating governments or a papal moderator… loving your neighbor as your self can achieve much more than any social program man can create.

0c773a  No.6791580

Trump raised 25M in first 24 hours of campaign relaunch.

aafed2  No.6791582

Not sure if already posted, but if not, happy digging, anons!


4e8b56  No.6791583

File: 908252ba8ebf962⋯.png (18.95 KB, 120x90, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

operafag here

listening to Strauss' "Arabella"

checked the story and noticed this finale:

Arabella comes down the stairs and, seeing that he has stayed and having forgiven him, offers him the glass of water, signifying reconciliation and marriage.

bfd594  No.6791584



Y'know one of the things that was so disgusting (and there were a shitload) about Raniere was his utter arrogance and sociopathy. He considered himself the most intelligent man in the world, far above everyone else.

What an odd, odd character.

Very interested to see what followup prosecutions are ahead from federal prosecutors. This is a HUGE win for the DOJ, and they really ought to run hard with this football now that they have it.

Hell, with the racketeering charge, the fed prosecutor could have whipped the "lost in the mail" Hillary laptop out of their briefcase and introduced it into evidence. Pretty much anything prosecution wants is admissible; the law on this dates back to the old Elliot Ness gangster days, iirc.

a782b1  No.6791585

File: 1102e20a2e2aa92⋯.png (61.63 KB, 734x829, 734:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9aee9244540a4af⋯.png (19.86 KB, 714x261, 238:87, ClipboardImage.png)

America’s War against Iran: The Insidious Role of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) Terrorist Entity

In 2015, the United States, several other nations and the European Union signed an agreement with the government of Iran that limited Iran’s nuclear development program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against Iran. During the final years of the Obama presidency, and the first year of the bizarre and erratic administration of Donald Trump, all parties were in compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This was attested to by the United Nation International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which inspected Iran’s nuclear sites regularly, and the fact that many nations were now freely and profitably trading with Iran.

But as Trump attempted to undo everything his popular predecessor had accomplished, he violated the JCPOA by withdrawing from it completely. He reissued sanctions, and threatened the other signatories, including some of the U.S.’s oldest and closest allies, with sanctions if they continued trading with Iran. The deal collapsed, with all the parties except Iran in violation of it.

The U.S. violation was condemned around the world, by nearly every nation on the planet except apartheid Israel, whose racist prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had addressed the U.S. Congress before that body voted, urging its members to defeat the agreement; despite his efforts, Congress agreed to support the JCPOA.

Wanting out of the deal, Trump sought some rationale that he felt would pass muster with the public, to enable him to violate both domestic and international law. His minions located an article by one Heshmat Alavi, saying that the deal allowed Iran to increase its military budget, something to which the U.S. objected.

There are a few things worth exploring a bit more deeply in this. First, since the United States has a bloated military budget that is equal to the military budgets of the next eight countries with the largest such budgets, it is a bit disingenuous for the U.S. to criticize any other country’s military budget. And since Iran is surrounded by U.S. military bases, it is completely understandable for that nation to want to be sure it has what it needs to protect its people from U.S. aggression.

Next, let us look at the ‘journalist’ who wrote the article Trump cited, one Heshmat Alavi. His purported work has appeared in a wide variety of journals over the years. However, on closer scrutiny, we learn that Mr. Alavi simply doesn’t exist! He is a creation of the political wing of the terrorist organization known as Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), which exists for the sole purpose of overthrowing the government of Iran. From 1997 to 2012, the MEK was officially designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States.

Despite that fact that many articles have appeared under the name Heshmat Alavi, and there are active Faceook and Twitter accounts under that name, a Google search of that name today exposes the fact that there is no such person. Yet the MEK has successfully fooled many journals; for example, at least sixty-one articles under that name appear in Forbes magazine from April of 2017 to April of 2018.


f0c4ad  No.6791586


inderdasting…. thanks

918b98  No.6791587




Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

51476e  No.6791588

File: 57625900ec1629c⋯.png (233.43 KB, 867x819, 289:273, ClipboardImage.png)


CNN also reporting. Story is getting out to normies.

If anyone is interested heres the link:


33341d  No.6791589

File: a7197e2b4447144⋯.jpg (134.52 KB, 794x1200, 397:600, QCrumbsThinkOutsideBox.jpg)

File: 6bdeb144aa4e578⋯.jpg (319.45 KB, 1072x1494, 536:747, QCrumbsStopFallingFakeNews.jpg)

96b234  No.6791590


Yeah, we're on the same freq, apparently.

c2ccae  No.6791591

BBC’s Imam: ‘Zionists are Hiding Behind Holocaust’.

“How long are Zionists going to hide behind the Holocaust,” tweeted imam Abdullah Patel, a BBC handpicked guest for the Conservative Party candidates debate on Tuesday.

The imam cautioned the Tory candidates that “words have consequences”, referencing Boris Johnson’s remarks that Muslim women wearing burkas looked like ‘letterboxes’ and ‘bank robbers’.

From Patel’s Twitter feed, it appears as though words only have consequences when they may be Islamophobic.

The Holocaust tweet in full read: “How long are the Zionists going to hide behind the Holocaust cry? It was a tragedy, but Gaza today is a repeat of the oppression.”

Patel also tweeted an illustration of Israel being relocated to the United States, captioning it a “solution for Israel-Palestine conflict”.


cd02cc  No.6791592


Old, but CDAN had a Blind Item about Kneepad Harris before the public found out about it.

Makes you wonder if Enty is one of Q’s civilian helpers. Enty after all has been getting more aggressive about exposing Pedowood around Fall 2017.

33341d  No.6791593

File: 3a66122a1367121⋯.jpg (547.88 KB, 1184x780, 296:195, TrumpMelaniaYellowBrickRoa….jpg)



Here's a size-reduced version. 20% the size of yours, for those who are archiving or have limited storage or limited bandwidth.

0013e2  No.6791594


Agree Anon. Bet the raw vid is out there too (supposedly on dark web) and it's just up to Anons to find it.

a31726  No.6791595

Scientology hotline, kek

c904ee  No.6791596

File: 9130a290d8dc9fd⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 678x392, 339:196, bilbo-bilbo-baggins-957803….jpg)

Ebot now has a Baggins fixation. Here he is on pure coke and spoiled peanut butter you shilltronic smegma puddle. Yeah, shitpost, but I have mentioned how slow boats are and there's a lot of water to try and watch.

4e8b56  No.6791597

File: 1f62eab7f67d4f7⋯.jpeg (22.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepebusdriver.jpeg)

one of the best reads ever linked here on globalism

thanks anons and baker for this notable

>>6762999, >>6763121, >>6763152 The Empire of "the city" of London

BTW for you muhjoo shitposters - here is the conclusion of the book EXACTLY as Q posted - "NAZI IDEOLOGY RELEVANT" and "see how history books have been changed" This short book spells it out in detail.


"The ultimate objective... was defined by one of its noted propagandists, the late William Allen White, as: "It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or else reduce to a servile status all other inferior races."

And this is consistent with all history too so take your fucking Protocols and your Zion child eating blood libel satan of synagogue crap and stick it all UP YOUR ASS where they belong


"The character of the British Dominion is different from any of the great empires that have preceded it. It not only consists of one-fourth of the land surface, but the suzerainty of the Five Seas. . . . That British rule should, in various degrees of sovereignty exercise its dominion over seventeen-twentieths of the world's surface is significant of just that degree of repression towards all other nations, their rights and expansion by land or by sea.

There can be no retention of present British sovereignty without the repression of the territorial and political expansion of other nations—a condition that must culminate in war, one war if the Empire is destroyed; a series if it is victorious.

AND MUHRUSSIA - NOT NEW: The grand plan of the "One World" Order decrees that it is necessary to limit the political and territorial expansion of Russia PROMPTLY AND PEREMPTORILY. Otherwise the victory over Germany will be of no avail, will in fact substitute a far more dangerous and potent challenge to British sovereignty.

AND MUH MSM AND FAKE AND GAY EDUCATION - NOT NEW: Our newspapers are absolutely dependent for their existence on the advertising of great business interests, and perhaps the principle function of college presidents is to collect the funds upon which the existence of their institution depends, to be on the right terms with the right people. News that definitely points to the existence of the secret world super-government of "The City" is treated with dense silence.

PS - Britain had usa in its plans and many in its pocket but the american revolution changed all that - many remained loyal to britain and the globalists - especially the "bloodline" families and their financial circles - both openly and behind the scenes. however there were many who did not and formed the basis of the current "2nd revolution"

0c80c3  No.6791598

Who will rid me of this pestilent cunt?!?!?

6a3f6c  No.6791599


She either Really needs a piss…or KURU.

The choice to know will be yours.

de7ed2  No.6791600


If there was a vid, someone would've found it or it would've been leaked; it's more valuable than the Ark of the Covenant right now

f0c4ad  No.6791601


Yeah I went back and had missed other anon post. But when I heard yesterday I was like WTF? He never makes mistakes unless on purpose..kek

19024e  No.6791602


thanks fren.

Look at those eyes on Hussein… a killers' stare..

dat dude iced people..

Makes your skin crawl to think that was in the White House.

a782b1  No.6791603

File: bcb5a4f93be808f⋯.png (487 KB, 650x891, 650:891, ClipboardImage.png)

Connecticut judge sanctions InfoWars host Alex Jones for claiming lawyers for families of Sandy Hook victims suing him for defamation tried to frame him with child pornography

InfoWars host Alex Jones was sanctioned by a Connecticut judge on Tuesday

He claimed during his show on Friday that lawyers for families of Sandy Hook victims tried to frame him with child pornography

The lawyers had disclosed that child pornography was found in electronic files sent by him as part of the discovery process in the ongoing defamation suit

Jones was sanctioned after the lawyers told the judge they believed Jones was making threats against them

The judge ordered Jones to pay the legal costs of the families in their defamation suit against him

InfoWars host Alex Jones has been sanctioned by a judge for claiming the lawyers for families of Sandy Hook victims currently suing him for defamation tried to frame him with child pornography.

Jones made the comments that he had been framed during his show on Friday after lawyers for the families disclosed that child pornography was found in electronic files sent by him as part of the discovery process in the ongoing defamation suit.

The conspiracy theorist accused one of the family's attorneys of planting the porn and offered his viewers a $1 million reward for information on the emails.

His allegations came after the lawyers for the families notified the FBI on June 7 that child porn was found in the files sent to them by Jones and his attorneys.


a986a8  No.6791604


I still think some of the pics Q has posted have “paths” in their file names or metadata. I just don’t know shit about getting that info.

ecf897  No.6791605



>…workers told me that they had begun to embrace fringe views after continuously being exposed to conspiracy theories at work….

I knew that would happen. That's why they have to use bots. Whoever or whatever, connect with the humanity of a shill, short and simple tough love, wondering if it might fuck with the bots' algos.

Still waiting on a repost of my initials in Captcha.



580363  No.6791606

File: 47fcbab3a3398bd⋯.jpeg (535.39 KB, 1534x1491, 1534:1491, 079DC8CC-A0D7-46E6-9ED7-E….jpeg)

Where’s Muh Diversity?

a1ddd7  No.6791607

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Botched Mob hit in the Bronx

Alleged mobster Salvatore Zottola survived a point-blank gun attack early this morning.

Zottola survived somehow, got up, got back in his car, and drove away afterward.

This is likely related to Zottola's potential involvement in a murder-for-hire plot against his family.




a7b064  No.6791608


Quite appropriate, walk the yellow brick road to a real currency.

918b98  No.6791609

File: 7b4efa4f34de258⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_8484.JPG)

4eeb6a  No.6791610


The incident took place some 90 minutes before President Donald Trump was scheduled to return to the White House after a two-day trip to Florida.

Bike racks are placed about 10 to 15 feet from the White House, forming an outer perimeter to dissuade potential fence jumpers.


cc3c81  No.6791611


take a bath and it should get better

f0c4ad  No.6791612

File: 0b2768bc619efea⋯.png (8.89 KB, 187x255, 11:15, ac.png)

a782b1  No.6791613

Democratic Mayor: ‘We Are Sick And Tired’ Of Government Inaction On Illegal Immigration

The Democratic mayor of a border town in Texas says more federal politicians need to journey to the U.S.-Mexico border to see just how bad the illegal immigration crisis has become.

Mayor Bruno Lozano of Del Rio, Texas told Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn’s office that “we are sick and tired of the deaf ears” that accounts of the border crisis seem to fall upon, Fox News reported Tuesday.

Lozano suggested that the federal government has left border towns hanging out to dry as they try to cope with the influx of illegal immigrants who apparently cross the border, are temporarily detained and then released. He said it’s easy to ignore the situation when politicians are isolated in Washington.

“They need to see firsthand what’s going on. They need to understand the frustrations that the commissioners, or that the city council, the school board, the hospital officials are managing [and] having to deal with,” Lozano said, according to Fox’s account of the meeting between the mayor and Cornyn’s staffers.

The mayor said the small towns can’t cope with large immigration problems because “it is not our purview; it is not our jurisdiction.”

“We’re frustrated. We’re extremely frustrated,” he continued. “Our priorities on the city council are our streets, are our parks, are the economy, are the drive of the community and the places of worship and the places to have leisure activities. It is not the priority to solve immigration.”

But he said Washington doesn’t seem to be listening. “It’s falling on deaf ears, and we are tired of it. We are sick and tired of the deaf ears.”

Lozano’s frustration comes at a time when border patrol agents are reporting being overwhelmed by the numbers of migrants illegally crossing the border. Before he was appointed acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), then-U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said the situation at the border had reached a “breaking point” as he inspected the El Paso, Texas crossing, according to the El Paso Times.


64b2d3  No.6791614



POTUS goes on offense at rally - Q proof. 2 days ahead of schedule 1 year delta

44d11b  No.6791616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Scary shit

aafed2  No.6791617

File: 3c27a06ce514a54⋯.png (2.74 MB, 3295x5092, 3295:5092, cover up graphic - Copy.png)

An anon on twatter made a killer, detailed map connecting dots regarding the CF cover up.

96b234  No.6791618


That's my thinking. Glad to see I'm not the only one that this popped up on radar.

acfd85  No.6791619

File: 76a1e2264e0337c⋯.jpg (232.65 KB, 1010x736, 505:368, if i only had a kek 2.jpg)

0013e2  No.6791620

File: e0826183f7c5d5d⋯.jpg (111.01 KB, 512x512, 1:1, hrcBtl.jpg)


>it would've been leaked

Thinking that anyone that finds it and posts it gets a visit from the Feds for snuff films. What's keeping it from being disseminated. Up to the individual to locate and NOT share. imo

19024e  No.6791621


what if… he ends up having evidence it WAS A HOAX and proves it in court??


a782b1  No.6791622

University of Minnesota Food Service Worker Says 'Hello' in Japanese to Asian-American Student, Who Files a Bias Report

A University of Minnesota employee working at a restaurant in the student union building made the mistake of saying "hello" in Japanese to an Asian-American student. This confused the student, so the female service worker—whether or not she was Japanese is unknown—asked the student where they were from.

The student reported this brief exchange to the campus's bias response team, according to an eye-rolling report by The College Fix:

The student reported the cashier to the campus Bias Response and Referral Network, claiming "these type of microaggressions occur too often on campus" and "this implicit bias needs to be addressed."

The bias team then referred the incident to dining services and referred the complaining student to the campus "Ethical Advocate Program" in case they "want to talk further about the experience."

That according to a bias incident report recently obtained by The College Fix through a public records act request. In sum, a total of 51 total reports were filed with the university in the fall 2018 semester. The documents provided by the University of Minnesota have all personal identifying information redacted.

At least 17 of the 51 reports were generated in response to the activities of the College Republicans, who put up a display—with the administration's permission—that said things like "Trump 2020" and "Make the U Great Again."

It does not appear that punitive actions were taken against the food service worker, College Republicans, other students, and even professors who were accused of biased behavior in the 2018 school year. But perhaps Minnesota and the many other university campuses that provide activist students with this tool for monitoring and reporting trivial slights might consider eliminating it altogether.


b5a4c7  No.6791623

>>6791607 Video of Alleged Mobster Salvatore Zottola Surviving Hit Attempt


a1ddd7  No.6791624

Mexico's Senate Ratifies USMCA Agreement

The vote tally was 111-4


de7ed2  No.6791625

File: 5334f91884848cb⋯.png (7.66 KB, 493x84, 493:84, ClipboardImage.png)

no CNN coverage

72eb3d  No.6791626


> worker tries to be nice and inclusive of diverse cultchures

< "these type of microaggressions occur too often on campus"


a7b064  No.6791628


The p makes the statement into a question in old Unix hackerese.

Hmm, !p means no question?

a1ddd7  No.6791629


Correction: This happened yesterday morning (6/18)

a782b1  No.6791630

File: 8fbc95682b42996⋯.png (65.45 KB, 666x910, 333:455, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05b7c5ca344a4c0⋯.png (47.25 KB, 662x640, 331:320, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump’s Department of Interior Axing 7,500 Regs to Give Americans Access to Federal Land

Trump’s Cabinet is putting his America First policies into place, including at the Department of Interior, where Secretary David Bernhardt announced a plan to open up more than 1.4 million acres of federal land through the elimination of some 7,500 regulations.

The land, under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, includes 74 national wildlife refuges and 15 national fish hatcheries.

Bernhardt said:

President Trump is committed to expanding public access on public lands, and this proposal is executing on that directive by opening and increasing more access to hunting and fishing by the Fish and Wildlife Service at more stations and across more acres than ever before. Hunting and fishing are more than just traditional pastimes as they are also vital to the conservation of our lands and waters, our outdoor recreation economy, and our American way of life.

“These refuges and hatcheries provide incredible opportunities for sportsmen and women and their families across the country to pass on a fishing and hunting heritage to future generations and connect with wildlife,” Bernhardt said.

The press release on the announcement said:

The proposal would increase the number of units in the Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System where the public may hunt from 377 to 382, and the number where fishing would be permitted would be increased from 312 to 316. The proposal would also formally open lands on 15 hatcheries of the National Fish Hatchery System to hunting or sport fishing for the first time.

The proposal also outlines a comprehensive revision and simplification of all refuge-specific hunting and fishing regulations in all 50 states to more closely match state regulations while continuing to ensure safe and compatible opportunities. The Service worked closely with the states in preparing the proposed rule.

Margaret Everson, service principal deputy director, said

Well managed hunting and fishing are the backbone of conservation in this country, but inconsistent or overly complex regulations can act as a disincentive. By aligning our refuge regulations with our state partners, we are reducing confusion and the regulatory burden on the American public, helping ensure the tradition and benefits of hunting and fishing can continue.

For the first time, hunters and fishers will have access to the Green Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin and will have open access to the Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge in Wyoming for deer and elk hunting for the first time on federal land open for other hunting.


cb87d4  No.6791631

File: 05b9286a46643b2⋯.jpg (792.83 KB, 1562x762, 781:381, Screen Shot 06-19-19 at 09….JPG)

File: 1ea25288edf4a8f⋯.jpg (870.09 KB, 1562x762, 781:381, Screen Shot 06-19-19 at 09….JPG)

USAF over UK

1 x Lockheed MC-130J Commando II

2 x AgustaWestland Apache AH.1


making patterns

ceff33  No.6791632

Romney jokes about his multiple houses while arguing against tying lawmaker pay to budget


ef846d  No.6791633

File: 8773ae0bd3f45c4⋯.jpg (307.34 KB, 746x800, 373:400, TRESPASS1.jpg)

0013e2  No.6791634

File: 2184fd90dffe416⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 4096x4044, 1024:1011, CFpay2.jpg)

File: 25dbd8b34f98943⋯.jpg (8.55 MB, 7200x9200, 18:23, CFspy.jpg)

File: fe11f95699b838c⋯.png (296.76 KB, 401x560, 401:560, CFcard.png)

d6d239  No.6791635

File: 149b8cedecfe093⋯.png (458.15 KB, 516x788, 129:197, 149b8cedecfe0930baea9cc173….png)

915fe0  No.6791636

File: 776c51e62f9295d⋯.jpg (35.51 KB, 620x372, 5:3, 002-being-john-malkovich-t….jpg)


> microaggressions

0ac8c9  No.6791637

The prayer before last night's rally started being granted this morning Joe & Mika. Still working now on msnbc.

Anchor & guests saying dems (Nadler) must take President Trump Administration to court. Hope Hicks' lawyers said she can't answer certain questions go to 'separation of power' between Ex. and Leg.

cc5da3  No.6791638

File: 5880401db8150eb⋯.png (906.73 KB, 961x426, 961:426, ClipboardImage.png)

72eb3d  No.6791639


they don't call it NXIVM

they call it a "self-help group"

if only all those soccer moms realized how dank the whole thing is

4eeb6a  No.6791640


According to the criminal complaint from the Department of Justice, "in 2015, Raniere created a secret society within Nxivm called ‘DOS,’ which loosely translated to ‘Lord/Master of the Obedient Female Companions,’ or ‘The Vow.’ DOS operated with levels of women ‘slaves’ headed by ‘masters.’ Slaves were expected to recruit slaves of their own (thus becoming masters themselves), who in turn owed service not only to their own masters but also to masters above them in the DOS pyramid. Raniere stood alone at the top of the pyramid. Other than the (sic) Raniere, all members of DOS were women."

Prosecutors asserted that Raniere had more than 50 DOS slaves under him, many of whom were recruited from within NXIVM’s ranks.

They are trying to drown this out of the news.

Don't let it happen

d1dbc1  No.6791641

File: 42ac65524a1ac65⋯.jpg (35.73 KB, 255x252, 85:84, IMG_2233.JPG)


muh wasseramen

d6d239  No.6791642

File: 1e2d420c2fb3693⋯.png (643.07 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, dik-pic22.png)

0c6b6d  No.6791643


Mt. Ranier you say.

51476e  No.6791644

File: 5ecdc04587bf454⋯.png (21.32 KB, 401x239, 401:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1748c24b02e0d9⋯.png (28.55 KB, 404x295, 404:295, ClipboardImage.png)

534858  No.6791645

File: 9f472366e759345⋯.jpg (72.52 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, VS.jpg)

72eb3d  No.6791646





33341d  No.6791647



That's funny – I just posted about that asking that question. >>6791483

and there were replies



badefe  No.6791648

File: 79cfe440be096f6⋯.png (1.28 MB, 800x850, 16:17, muh reparations.png)

a782b1  No.6791649

File: 746ae24d054a100⋯.png (1.34 MB, 924x574, 66:41, ClipboardImage.png)

580363  No.6791650


Top KEk

Top Ramen

7d3380  No.6791651


Low level formatting will write a disc back to zeros.


So when you have a harddrive, info is written to disk. When you do a high level format, the most common.. your harddrive will erase the “roads to info”.. but info remains on harddrive.

The data is saved to a platter of a harddrive randomly as space allows. So part of info mybe in sector 4a, the rest written to sector B5.. the info is cataloged w info that lets computer know how to get back to that piece of data to complete the saved info.

When you high level format, you erase the info on where each piece of info is stored. So the info is right there, just no roadmap to put it all together. It will remain there until new data overwrites the data on the platter. How it works. A low level format will write the drives back to ZERO (remembering data is saved as a 1 or a 0.. so essentially a low level format goes through and writes over everything on the drive.. so there is no standing info left there waiting to be overwritten.

I have no clue what the NSA/GOav has to piece together what is on a harddrive after it has been written to zeros or low level formatted. Maybe there is some type of excitable bits that can be detected even after written to zeros. Not sure.

Acid on a silicon platter.. not sure that is even needed. If you scratch the surface pf a platter going around and around in a circle on the platter.. think it spinning and something is dragging across surface.. the platter will be scratched in a way the data cannot be retrieved. If you scratch a cd from inside hole to outter edge, you will likely only scratch part of a 1/0 combo and info can be repaired by looking what it was supposed to be, computers can look at it and rebuild files fairly easily.. it is when you go sideways or circular to the disc (going around) that destroys what is on the disc because you damage the data string.

Ok all that said, all a person would have to do is open the clean case of the harddrive and pour diatomaceous earth in it, slap it together and turn it on.. that fucker is toast.

d6d239  No.6791652

File: e446d765d32f10b⋯.jpeg (293.48 KB, 828x989, 36:43, e446d765d32f10bfa7b04be01….jpeg)


Are they all Jewish, fuck I bet it stinks in there…..

15c88a  No.6791653

A Mexican senator threatens to take over American states, Illegals caught crossing the border wearing full camouflage/bdu's and Trump announces the deportation of millions of illegals. Are the cartels importing an army? Was the Hollywood gun cache one of their armories?


151c93  No.6791654


I imagine something like:

Yip, guilty, it was definitely pool chemicals we disposed of. So sorry. Guilty as charged. Whats the fine, we will pay it. No need to go look for evidence.

027527  No.6791655

File: 25e886cf3c3d314⋯.jpg (67.64 KB, 600x500, 6:5, bring them to heal1.jpg)


Absolutely meaningless.

Proof: when has Trump's miss-spellings ever meant anything in regards to muh Q?

So tiresome.

e96d67  No.6791656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump plans to live tweet during Democratic debate



19 dislikes

Fox News

Published on Jun 19, 2019

America First Action PAC senior adviser Sean Spicer discusses the impact the president live tweeting the debate could have. #FoxNews


96b234  No.6791657


Yep, the Standard Hotel link was mine. I totally missed your post in this bread, but I raised a similar point at the end of the LB.

Hive mind activated.

14850f  No.6791658

File: e5e265921b733b9⋯.png (58.8 KB, 1355x308, 1355:308, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

the chopping has begun:

The Trump administration has reportedly indicated it could furlough or eventually lay off 150 employees at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the agency tasked with managing the federal workforce.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that an internal document shows the administration is preparing to begin furloughing employees on Oct. 1 if Congress blocks an effort to eliminate the agency and redistribute its duties. Those furloughed OPM employees could then be formally laid off after 30 days, the Post reported.

Margaret Weichert, the acting OPM director, told the Post that the administration would not wait if Congress doesn't take action to address issues with the agency.


51476e  No.6791659

6a3f6c  No.6791660

File: 32bf15704bece44⋯.png (147.5 KB, 658x378, 47:27, SoonEbot.png)


Ebot and co are the Skid marks of Humanity!

f0c4ad  No.6791661


Maybe an anon can do a vid of her and side of beef clinton plus funky chicken Hillary

027527  No.6791662

File: fbba6e59876a5f4⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 600x386, 300:193, DWS1.jpg)

cc39a0  No.6791663

File: c3762335b734008⋯.png (36.19 KB, 1680x266, 120:19, rv_info.png)

File: e1d2771f8a54dc5⋯.png (561.36 KB, 2228x554, 1114:277, rv-yt2.png)



Found a website operated by Ray Vahey too (hasn't been updated for 5 years)


64b2d3  No.6791664



and Checked dubs

288b0f  No.6791665

14850f  No.6791666

File: f36f56e62c88388⋯.png (46.73 KB, 787x252, 787:252, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

BREAKING: Mexico Senate ratifies new trade deal with US, Canada - AFP



f52000  No.6791667

File: 8a71a3335480ef8⋯.jpeg (414.04 KB, 750x928, 375:464, 22983F6C-9DFF-4F39-B05F-D….jpeg)

File: e092bf8a05ad2a0⋯.jpeg (596.25 KB, 750x955, 150:191, DCB57B62-9079-43D7-AC2E-D….jpeg)

SABO struck again last night.

c2ccae  No.6791668


That should be rich. KEK

cc5da3  No.6791669

File: 9a6e2f9419846ae⋯.png (409.24 KB, 626x621, 626:621, aflb.PNG)

6ddb83  No.6791670

File: 9314951712e6bbd⋯.jpg (222.17 KB, 810x832, 405:416, Screenshot_386.jpg)

Dems lose 4 more voters


72eb3d  No.6791671



do the ebot watchers have a club/thread

where they share and archive their findings

f0c4ad  No.6791672


Yeah went back and saw. Spoofy. Plus I tossed in the Cheesy Bay deal which is how ended up on Pol in the first place.

d1dbc1  No.6791673


goodness anon, you've got my adrenal gland pumping with that picture.


d6d239  No.6791674

File: 2c288714f6f2b5d⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 750x480, 25:16, f.jpg)


>Ok all that said, all a person would have to do is open the clean case of the harddrive and pour diatomaceous earth in it, slap it together and turn it on.. that fucker is toast.

Not really, there is a reason people acid wash the platters, it's like taking a hammer to a phone………….

5472cb  No.6791675

File: b46f6b5ff7e84a4⋯.jpg (109.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, danpatrick.jpg)


Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

72eb3d  No.6791676


> the impact the president live tweeting the debate could have.

but then CNN would interrupt every teim for breaking news

a782b1  No.6791677

File: 529a7896122ef5d⋯.png (135.54 KB, 851x919, 851:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 152693e6da80f0c⋯.png (80.86 KB, 850x614, 425:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b21dbc48694a235⋯.png (288.83 KB, 511x339, 511:339, ClipboardImage.png)

JOHN SOLOMON: FBI Was Warned Several Times “Black Cash Ledger” on Manafort Might be Fake – Used it Anyway to Raid Manafort’s Home

It appears the FBI used another fake document to hunt down Trump’s former 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

According to a new bombshell report by award-winning investigative reporter John Solomon, the FBI used more than the junk, Hillary-funded Russia dossier to hunt down Trump and his associates.

The Steele dossier, which was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC was used by the FBI to obtain FOUR FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, but there is another fake dossier known as the “black cash ledger” that was used to take down Paul Manafort.

According to John Solomon, the “black cash ledger” which emerged in the Ukraine in the summer of 2016, was used to remove Manafort from Trump’s campaign and eventually used by the US government to prosecute Manafort — in fact, FBI agents mentioned this ledger in an affidavit supporting the July 2017 raid on Manafort’s home.

“On August 19, 2016, after public reports regarding connections between Manafort, Ukraine and Russia — including an alleged ‘black ledger’ of off-the-book payments from the Party of Regions to Manafort — Manafort left his post as chairman of the Trump Campaign,” the July 25, 2017, FBI agent’s affidavit stated.

According to documents, the FBI used the “black cash ledger” as a reason to rehash a criminal case against Paul Manafort that was previously dropped in 2014 — the FBI needed search warrants in 2017 to look through his bank records to prove Manafort worked for a Russian-backed political party in the Ukraine.

The kicker? The FBI received several early warnings that the “black cash ledger” was likely a fake, yet they used it anyway. Mueller’s office was also warned that the document was a fraud, according to John Solomon.

Mueller’s corrupt lawyers knew that if they used the Manafort document, it would require FBI agents to discuss their assessment of the evidence against Manafort, so they sneakily skirted this issue by using media reports that cited the “black cash ledger” — even worse, the feds assisted on one of those media reports as a source, John Solomon said.

The FBI and Mueller’s team knew the ledger was a fraud because they never even introduced it to jurors during Manafort’s trial last summer — rather, they just used it to hunt Manafort down, indict him and drag his name through the mud.


e96d67  No.6791678


hehe need moar popcorn

33341d  No.6791679




Last week or so, we had an anon saying year minus 2 days. Don't have the caps but that anon seemed more authoritative than usual.

61c6d7  No.6791680

File: ff10e3c32021c38⋯.jpg (164.75 KB, 772x500, 193:125, pepe stock mkt report.jpg)

File: 6e28cc618d69011⋯.png (31.21 KB, 696x422, 348:211, 061919 US Closed.PNG)

File: 280ffa68b2762f3⋯.png (90.16 KB, 559x447, 559:447, 061919 US T note closed.PNG)

File: 7edafffa20c8abf⋯.png (24.71 KB, 623x409, 623:409, 061919 live gold.PNG)

File: 3b2f05a0a937f92⋯.png (131.69 KB, 451x241, 451:241, POTUS deal with it.PNG)

US Market Report

Dindu Nuffin…This had about a 1 in 4 chance of habbening and they left it alone. The need to keep control of the system vs. the need to

prop up the institutions that rely on it was certainly a factor. The July meeting is at 100% probability for a cut of of .25% virtually guaranteed and cuts of up to .75%

are now being priced in at the CME. Very low probability but that it's on the 'radar' suggests this could get good quickly.

They may play with this in the coming weeks to not show the hand, something similar habbened in the options markets prior to the '08 crash as the prices of puts (bets that equity's will go down) were intentionally kept cheap as to not give the game away. Expect similar with the CME data-I do.

The 10 year T-Note shit the bed upon release of the no rate change, this will further deteriorate as the system will ramp up the trading of these among themselves. The Fed Funds discount rate is almost .35% higher so they need to toss paper back and forth since its "cheaper" for them to do this.

This is a falling on sword moment…for them. Expect some shockwaves in Asian markets later(this could be muted if the PBOC prints again-they pretty much have to at this point)

Some Headlines

Airbus grabs China Airlines narrow-body jet order

Airbus unveiled an aircraft deal with Taiwan’s China Airlines on Wednesday, snatching the carrier’s medium-haul fleet renewal from Boeing a day after its U.S.

rival made a shock entry into the single-aisle fleet of British Airways owner IAG.

The European planemaker said China Airlines had signed a preliminary deal to buy 11 A321neo aircraft, worth about $1.4 billion at list prices, while leasing another 14.

Google parent Alphabet rejects shareholder plan to break up company

Google parent Alphabet Inc. faced a wave of critical proposals from activists and employees during its annual shareholder meeting Wednesday, including one to split up the

internet search and ad-selling giant before regulators break it into pieces. None of the handful of proposals was passed according to a preliminary tally, but they illustrate

rising discontent among some investors and the rank-and-file over the company on several fronts, such as sexual harassment risk management, inequitable employment practices, and backlash to Google’s search work in China. One proposal sought to put an employee representative on the board.


Dovish Fed Sparks Safe-Haven Scramble For Bonds & Bullion As Traders Dump Dollar

Powell: "There was not much support for cutting rates now at this meeting. It would be better to see more before moving."

How much moar will the market demand now? While 8 Fed members now see at least one cut in 2019, the median rate expectation did not change (not that dovish)…

your own data for the july meeting all but guarantees a cut with 100% probability-see cap#3-don't lie!

But 2020 median rate expectations did continue to slide. US equity markets trod water for most of the day until the FOMC statement, and even then did not surge as so many had hoped on Powell's dovishness.

guess you were not looking at NASDAQ-while not a surge that was pretty decent to keep that ramp into the close.

Stocks overall ended higher on the day… (thanks to a panic bid around 1540ET)-he he!

The S&P is less than 1% from record highs.

Thanks to a huge buying program that suddenly appeared…

hope you are figuring this out if you have not already, the higher this goes the more exposed the system is…PANIC.

Defensive stocks soared on the Fed statement and the initial cyclical spike faded..

all the sectors that were beaten down by "that" plan to weaken our country-coincidence?…there are NO coincidences.

Financials slumped into the red after The Fed.

they did not get what THEY wanted-the fixed income market will be a bloodbath shortly.

Investors rushed into gold as the dovish Fed statement struck, pushing the precious metal back above $1350 once again…

Finally, we note that this is only the 2nd time in Powell's 11 meetings that the S&P closed green on FOMC day..






0013e2  No.6791681

File: 55f29cea5281ded⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 396x264, 3:2, Zbig.jpg)


Mika's daddy

a47c10  No.6791682

This was posted in a forum a couple years ago:

"CGI and company are kidnapping raping torturing kids them melting the bodies with hydrochloric acid in blue buckets. I saw the pics. That shit hurts the soul to see. I saw the drain hole where they dump the liquid remains. Also the bucket with organic matter still in it. Fucking hand prints where they scraped it out. 577 Pakala Lane Kuaai Hawaii"

-Captain Crunch shtfplan forum

b523c5  No.6791683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel - Canaanite cemetery discovered

0c6b6d  No.6791684


Also, effect, not affect.

37c844  No.6791685




I remember this, it happened July last year.

d1dbc1  No.6791686


he looks like Low Energy Jeb being pushed out the end of a tube of toothpaste

dee701  No.6791687



That's been bugging me too. I think you hit the nail on the head and he is taunting her, letting her know he knows - which means they all know.

16d912  No.6791688

File: 8cdef33516883f8⋯.png (21.31 KB, 636x198, 106:33, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT on Hannity tonight


51476e  No.6791689

File: 4ee7cee6411cd6e⋯.png (52.65 KB, 645x311, 645:311, ClipboardImage.png)



33341d  No.6791690

File: eba696392a28ff4⋯.jpg (239.5 KB, 800x689, 800:689, QCrumbsDiscoverOrganically….jpg)


>Hive mind activated. ←



1cd6b4  No.6791691

File: 58a687579588d8f⋯.png (32.18 KB, 952x312, 119:39, Screenshot_2019-06-19 Brea….png)

Mexico Senate ratifies new trade deal with US

e96d67  No.6791692


They would have to block him on twatter

c904ee  No.6791693

File: 8eeabc7ee9ee8b5⋯.jpg (82.15 KB, 750x743, 750:743, 7303a391006445340fd0b27963….jpg)


None I know of but I did get to be present the night ebot had a response to a shill that was so awesome it was made a notable

ecf897  No.6791694


>Botched Mob hit in the Bronx

The video is a year old. The news link at the bottom is from yesterday:

Son Of Alleged Mob Family Arrested For Murder-For-Hire Plot Against His Own Father And Brother, Officials Say


b523c5  No.6791695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


14850f  No.6791696

File: 7b30a7bfe847f3d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1603x954, 1603:954, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)


Mike Huckabee did not respond to The Daily Caller’s request for comment. When asked last Friday on Fox Business whether or not his daughter will be running for governor, Huckabee admitted that he did not know. “I have no idea, I don’t think she does either” Huckabee said. “It could happen. I tell you this, it’s the greatest job in the world. If she were to run and win governorship, she would go back to a governor’s mansion that she basically grew up in. And there, she saw how brutal politics can be.”


0ccabe  No.6791697

File: 94aac0d4a5ee57c⋯.png (30.7 KB, 544x173, 544:173, ClipboardImage.png)


Smarten up, anon.

Learn to read between the lines.

cfd778  No.6791698


yeah, there's only one pretty one in the bunch

4eeb6a  No.6791699



Trump, Sept. 5: You see what’s going on with her emails. It’s a disgrace. It’s a disgusting situation where she pretends like she doesn’t know. I mean, she had her emails — 33,000 emails — acid washed. The most sophisticated person never heard about acid washing. Acid washing is a very expensive process and that’s to really get rid of them.

Trump, Sept. 6, North Carolina: But why do you acid wash, or bleach, the emails? Nobody even heard of it before. Very expensive. Just ask yourself.

Trump, Sept. 6, Virginia: How about the acid wash of the e-mails that didn’t mean anything? How about the 33,000 missing e-mails that were acid washed — acid washed. And Rudy was telling me, nobody does it because it’s such an expensive process. OK, 33,000.

85979c  No.6791700


It's recommended to grind the entire drive into dust, heat the dust with a torch, and store the debris in a place where it can't be found.

f0c4ad  No.6791701

b5a4c7  No.6791702


My bad. I should have checked sauce better. Thanks for that.


Here's the new notable line baker:

>>6791607 Alleged Mobster Arrested for Alleged Hit Against Father, Brother


>>6791623 (You)


a1ddd7  No.6791703



Correct. My bad. Stupid fake news got me with the date.

6a3f6c  No.6791704


FLUSH this Bitch Already!!!!

Shoot her into space, whatever…just be done with th lineage already!

d3c716  No.6791705

FBI Investigating 8CH


0013e2  No.6791706

File: 45646da22152923⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 632x519, 632:519, Goebl.jpg)


Ebot dropped RBG may have been Goebbles kid a few weeks ago.

14850f  No.6791707



lotta fuckin' 9's there

72eb3d  No.6791708




is 97% of their news

b8c6b0  No.6791709

File: 0cc5c241fd299ab⋯.png (21.22 KB, 596x188, 149:47, ClipboardImage.png)


I will be interviewed LIVE tonight by @seanhannity on @FoxNews 9 P.M. Enjoy!

cc5da3  No.6791710


OPM is cover for SES (secret executive service) Does POTUS aim to clean that up?

d728ad  No.6791711

File: 43a0b5d2586f77f⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB, 480x242, 240:121, biden placeholder-ipad.mp4)

"I think Joe Biden is kind of a placeholder candidate"

then repeats "32 years" at least 3 times (reverse P@in?)

52f591  No.6791713


I keep seeing that name in rachel chandler digs. Big fashion guy

2d8ff2  No.6791714


She's shaking herself to end.

0ccabe  No.6791715

File: 42b43c95270fea5⋯.png (172.99 KB, 614x620, 307:310, ClipboardImage.png)


>Acid Washing

cfd778  No.6791716

File: eba9350b1d6bc4f⋯.jpg (72.48 KB, 534x496, 267:248, eyeson.jpg)

b5a4c7  No.6791717


And your video is 32 seconds?

b523c5  No.6791718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6a3f6c  No.6791719


Just say no to wasserman blowjobs!

b54d21  No.6791720


kuru unlikely as she has no crazy facial expression or uncontrolled movements.

likely severe fear and no sleep.

also there is not much "food" to get kuru from these days.

52f591  No.6791721


He also said it was very expensive. I think bleachbit is open sourced so that doesnt add up either. I noticed that too.

1364d2  No.6791722

File: a74d69884f2bfb6⋯.png (863.69 KB, 904x470, 452:235, merkle shaky.PNG)


watch theis guy in vid throwing sign language code

14850f  No.6791723

File: adb23cd44463d65⋯.png (148.79 KB, 1427x674, 1427:674, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.5257078 📁

Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)

Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight

Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.

Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.



[First Placeholders]

OIG report, DECLAS, other released facts re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 - TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES.


c904ee  No.6791724

File: a6d5bd9767dd56b⋯.jpg (398.82 KB, 736x1022, 368:511, db33d8b12263dca1504b1f103e….jpg)

Almost forgot. Ahoy Planefags! Thankee fer scanning the heavens whist we scurvy boatfags be keeping the watch upon the briny deep

8aaa1a  No.6791725



Who is he a placeholder for? Big Mike?

7d3380  No.6791726


I dont think it was nerves as she was cognitive the whole time, she tried to stop the shaking by grabbing her arms a certain way, it didnt stop so she tried something else. It MAY BE nerves, i think it is something else though. She knew she was shaking, wasnt the Hillary parkisons shake.. and she did so and wasnt really worried about what others thought, looked like she was battling the shakes oblivious to others around her thought.

9e9d29  No.6791727


Thanks. I copied this. I will post again later tonight hoping someone else that comes on might have the full cam video. It seems it has been scrubbed off the net as far as I can tell. It used to be all over.

425813  No.6791728


I'm on board with this. I think Dems have a better candidate sitting quietly and is gonna announce a run at the time they want

bfd594  No.6791729


What he said


OPM is in charge of job assignments for SES members

4e8b56  No.6791730

File: b91bac5344ef284⋯.png (14.04 KB, 255x220, 51:44, pepepirate2.png)

a986a8  No.6791731

425813  No.6791732

Do the [Placeholders] expire? They've been collecting dust for 7 months now

eaa17e  No.6791733

File: 4a5724ed0af4f50⋯.jpeg (802.4 KB, 1125x1539, 125:171, 32F94523-E157-41CA-A532-A….jpeg)

File: d2e6927327117ee⋯.gif (997.53 KB, 500x213, 500:213, 6C96B3A9-32C9-4AE7-B576-3B….gif)



Welcome to the hive mind

61c6d7  No.6791734

File: 1430f3406a0473f⋯.jpg (104.78 KB, 666x500, 333:250, novocure dump 1.jpg)

File: 7fb2ed30866e203⋯.jpg (56.16 KB, 666x500, 333:250, novocure dump.jpg)

Novocure CEO sold $11.30m in shares-June 18

NovoCure Limited is a commercial-stage oncology company. The Company is engaged in developing a cancer treatment centered on a therapy called TTFields, the use of electric fields tuned to specific frequencies to disrupt solid tumor cancer cell division. Its TTFields delivery system is used for the treatment of glioblastoma (GBM) and to advance programs testing of TTFields in multiple solid tumor indications through its clinical pipeline. In addition to its clinical and commercial progress in GBM, it is planning or conducting clinical trials evaluating the use of TTFields in brain metastases, non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and mesothelioma. TTFields are delivered through a portable, medical device. The complete delivery system, which is designed to allow patients to go about their daily activities while receiving continuous cancer treatment, includes a portable electric field generator, transducer arrays, rechargeable batteries and accessories.

Number of employees : 495 people.



8aaa1a  No.6791735


Big Mike will be an even harder sell to America than Crooked was.

b54d21  No.6791736

51b2d7  No.6791737

File: 3f2e4881a03e163⋯.png (143.96 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 2019-06-19_16-36-48.png)


She's pretty!

282075  No.6791738


And they must think that they're really smart and President Trump and team aren't aware of it.

52f591  No.6791739


I don't think that is a coincidence. People keep implying the standard is a body disposal site of sorts.

f0c4ad  No.6791740

File: fdca35c318fb823⋯.png (96.42 KB, 247x255, 247:255, cjpedo.png)

File: c3de5ad5687d31a⋯.png (94.91 KB, 360x272, 45:34, mo2020.png)


Yup. Placeholder is right.

72eb3d  No.6791741


>we scurvy boatfags


do be bequeathed our gratefullness

b54d21  No.6791742

f37088  No.6791743


and expensive too

who would pay 370k cause they dumped some pool chemicals?


6a3f6c  No.6791744


AFLB is a non entity…IT doesn't count.

…They could ne the same poster.

bb9bc8  No.6791745

File: 154131e344cbbe8⋯.jpg (124.97 KB, 750x728, 375:364, 6bb594d8140df50c8340140d7b….jpg)

File: 07b6152dc82a105⋯.jpg (84.95 KB, 620x388, 155:97, 07b6152dc82a1054c92c04cfca….jpg)

File: 7b2428057e5e343⋯.png (333.55 KB, 530x483, 530:483, 7b2428057e5e3437ba840e9520….png)

File: 395441ebd2d71f5⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 720x640, 9:8, D3wCa6vWsAAf1Y4.jpg)

File: f18e6baad73e70f⋯.jpg (63.68 KB, 400x300, 4:3, d7bba1fa373d9db3c753748d57….jpg)

14850f  No.6791746

File: 6f5ad953bd52790⋯.png (74.13 KB, 693x380, 693:380, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.463 📁

Nov 12 2018 12:30:42 (EST)

[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]

[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]

[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]

[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]

[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]

e3a64c  No.6791747

File: 11ac1cec88fe995⋯.png (340.07 KB, 753x391, 753:391, mbnjj.PNG)


arrrggghhh i suspect you are correct .

f78352  No.6791748


>Images are poopy today.

>>6791058 lb

>Anyone else getting 520 errors for some images (ie media.8ch.net)


33d43c  No.6791749


She's transgender, look at that massive jaw.

b54d21  No.6791750

File: d6db65654182e3a⋯.jpg (192.79 KB, 646x752, 323:376, ]HANNITY[.jpg)

0c6b6d  No.6791751


Hate to take all the drama away, but it really doesn't matter who they pick as their candidate.

At all.

918b98  No.6791752




Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

6a3f6c  No.6791753


Your shit's getting boring mate.

37c844  No.6791754


No worries, got it in fren.

61c6d7  No.6791755


Bond guy, hurting now

1e37a8  No.6791756

Now Comes the pain in 23 email


e4cd38  No.6791757

File: c45a365faea2dda⋯.jpg (7.26 KB, 250x206, 125:103, glasses.jpg)

>>6790786 (pb)

>Finally, Citizens United, the conservative watchdog group, requested emails from the Clinton Foundation and in particular those of Amitabh Desai. Of course this was delayed and delayed with only 17 emails provided in the first two months out of an estimated 4,000 emails requested.

>only 17 emails

Must be a coincidence.

1364d2  No.6791758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


918b98  No.6791759




Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

Real jobs

16d912  No.6791760

File: 1af343fb59b5da5⋯.png (31.92 KB, 631x290, 631:290, ClipboardImage.png)



425813  No.6791761


Agreed. Q proof and NOTABLE

c25eb7  No.6791762



Can we meme it?

"Hillary acid-washed the evidence"

>>6791739 I don't believe it's MERELY a body-disposal site. I believe it's a sex and satanic rituals site primarily. The disposal is secondary because there is evidence that needs to be disappeared.


1364d2  No.6791763

File: d69c3d5ec3f81a3⋯.png (61.93 KB, 571x372, 571:372, nxivm ny.PNG)

File: fbd1afe3e9ca191⋯.png (4.68 KB, 220x96, 55:24, ClipboardImage.png)

61c6d7  No.6791764

File: 4e7c691ea33a45d⋯.jpg (18.22 KB, 300x240, 5:4, bulk.jpg)

cc5da3  No.6791765

File: 68178bd9e086bce⋯.png (275.81 KB, 428x406, 214:203, 5kekkingpepes.png)

178505  No.6791766

File: 2c958ba44e21115⋯.png (111.17 KB, 585x737, 585:737, ClipboardImage.png)

cfd778  No.6791767

File: 8ceff3b1fc50a07⋯.png (167.01 KB, 1438x834, 719:417, qrep.png)

d728ad  No.6791768


wasn't intentional. Digits are funny that way. I'm barely technically savvy enough to make vids and get them here. kek.

be0d07  No.6791769


Any group without a white man in it is technically diverse enough for them.

961674  No.6791770

File: 21b9e01aebff591⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, gus.jpg)


Gus Fring = BHO

bfd594  No.6791771


Is it time yet?

I've got a ton of patience, but things have rolled up to a pretty hard boil this week.

C'mon, Horowitz. Don't make us phone your wife and ask her to do it. We'll promise her some new jewelry for it, too.

1b142d  No.6791772


Reince Pribus of Texas

6a3f6c  No.6791773


So…She REALLY needs to Piss?

436427  No.6791774

BOOM: Keith Raniere Found Guilty on All Charges Including Sex Trafficking From Mexico


1e37a8  No.6791775

File: 823304529a4f8d0⋯.png (223.03 KB, 1261x872, 1261:872, capture_20190619133217 (1).png)



23 violations

0d869b  No.6791776


If this were true, why hasn't it been used on Potus or anyone on his cabinet?

52f591  No.6791777


Was going to say that too. They don't have a hotel for that they would use a cremation place for that if it was their only venture.

918b98  No.6791778




Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

Electric bilbo supplier

517a5a  No.6791780

File: 8ca92f76a57b03a⋯.png (325.58 KB, 826x899, 826:899, vice1.PNG)

File: 8f8afefac3ab3fb⋯.png (244 KB, 495x592, 495:592, Vice twat.PNG)



>another article

Sarah Berman

Jun 19 2019, 1:03pm

NXIVM 'Sex Cult' Leader Keith Raniere Convicted of Sex Trafficking

Jurors found him guilty of sex trafficking, racketeering, exploitation of a child, wire fraud conspiracy, and more.

For seven weeks, prosecutors have made the case that Keith Raniere, the leader of a self-help company, is actually a crime boss and sex trafficker. On Wednesday, jurors agreed by delivering a guilty verdict on all counts including sex trafficking, racketeering, exploitation of a child, extortion, wire fraud conspiracy, identity theft and other crimes.

He could face up to life in prison at a September sentencing hearing.



sarah berman @sarahberms

"today the world is a better place… a very sick man is going to jail. he won't be able to abuse people anymore." — @sarahjedmondson


a074ed  No.6791781

File: 53b6c65c8b91baf⋯.png (842.46 KB, 1000x730, 100:73, Kickoff.png)


Anything to add?

e2c2d0  No.6791782

File: d2d2dc7fde3bd8f⋯.png (479.34 KB, 829x464, 829:464, home for church.png)



this is me saying I'll be taking a break for a bit.

we'll be dropping a [FRESHMANNA]' link at 7 EST… and we should be back in time for the KING to speak on HANNITY's microphone at 9PM


cfd778  No.6791783

File: 313db2b5745980c⋯.jpg (404.98 KB, 880x660, 4:3, qwall.jpg)

0d869b  No.6791784


Obozo was a clown asset who killed some people in Afghan in the 80s. He's a bad dude.

14850f  No.6791785

File: b2a2469942f2c19⋯.png (145.84 KB, 988x792, 247:198, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png)


A congressCritter on the Hannity said (last night, methinks) that it may not be until after the fourth of July, that OIG will release - patience is definitely needed!


6a3f6c  No.6791786

File: 3cf58f56ea2087c⋯.png (908.21 KB, 1405x865, 281:173, Branding101.png)

a4c41e  No.6791787

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

Good afternoon, Patriots!!!

84b50d  No.6791788

File: 93d6ba8f4f51181⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-1148960203-640….jpg)


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) declared that she would never apologize for comparing detention facilities at the U.S. border with “concentration camps” in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison on a live Instagram video stream on Monday night: “That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps,” she said, adding that the phrase “never again” — popularly associated with the memory of the Holocaust — “means something.”

Ocasio-Cortez drew criticism all day Tuesday. But she kept doubling down and digging in, first insisting the detention camps met the definition of “concentration camps”; then trying to draw a distinction between “concentration camps” and “death camps”; then arguing that the U.S. had also used “concentration camps” when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (a Democrat) interned Japanese-Americans during the Second World War. She also spent hours retweeting supportive messages from those on the left who attempted to defend her use of the “concentration camp” analogy. And she resumed her fight Wednesday morning, arguing that the U.S. had “run concentration camps before.

c2ccae  No.6791789

Sen. Josh Hawley Takes on Big Tech Censors With New Bill That Would Strip Them of Legal Immunity

Silicon Valley giants who have abused their power to censor conservative opinions could be in for a rude awakening if Sen. Josh Hawley’s new bill is successful.

The legislation would strip the likes of Twitter and Facebook of legal immunity from what is posted on their websites, changing a key part of the Communications Decency Act.

Under Section 230 of the Act, social media companies are not liable for illegal content posted by individuals because they are treated as platforms, not publishers.

However, over the last few years a wave of censorship and algorithmic manipulation has confirmed that Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube are all behaving like platforms and should be treated as such under the law.

“With Section 230, tech companies get a sweetheart deal that no other industry enjoys: complete exemption from traditional publisher liability in exchange for providing a forum free of political censorship,” said Sen. Hawley, in a statement. “Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, big tech has failed to hold up its end of the bargain.”

“There’s a growing list of evidence that shows big tech companies making editorial decisions to censor viewpoints they disagree with,” Hawley added. “Even worse, the entire process is shrouded in secrecy because these companies refuse to make their protocols public. This legislation simply states that if the tech giants want to keep their government-granted immunity, they must bring transparency and accountability to their editorial processes and prove that they don’t discriminate.”


0e909a  No.6791790

File: 9d51db821d038a2⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2416x2896, 151:181, imposter 44- pic 2.png)


Hmm looking pretty close.

918b98  No.6791791

File: e0ab14a31a52acf⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 900x666, 50:37, IMG_1082.JPG)

Juneteenth Thauce

Trevor Noah drove a greyhound bus

Before butthole lips

Cause mlk is a bad mofo

5a7990  No.6791792


That was 23 years ago.

b54d21  No.6791793

cbf220  No.6791794


Good afternoon. Any news worth reporting?

f0c4ad  No.6791795

File: 8303613c7e60e6f⋯.png (601.56 KB, 600x464, 75:58, hrcacid.png)

d6d239  No.6791796


>He could face up to life in prison at a September sentencing hearing.

Yeah right, Just like Epstein, he will do a year with good behavior and the WALK

e3a64c  No.6791797

File: 8e6b5ff67d09346⋯.jpg (86.96 KB, 1024x438, 512:219, 33utbj.jpg)

ba06a8  No.6791798

File: 07c32b015bec3bc⋯.png (91.49 KB, 250x241, 250:241, ClipboardImage.png)

Reparations a.k.a. trying to buy votes with a "the check is in the mail" promise. It seems the Democrats are in a race to see who can out-dumb themselves.

77043d  No.6791799

What is the rumor going around that Big Mike and Bummer are divorcing…

5e2aa4  No.6791800

File: 036f09e6bfd243d⋯.jpg (75.26 KB, 598x363, 598:363, Screenshot 2019-06-19_16-4….jpg)


1364d2  No.6791801

File: 53ac6ba877bfc9d⋯.png (389.39 KB, 652x367, 652:367, ClipboardImage.png)


Federal agents raided Chicago Ald. Carrie Austin's office in the city's 34th Ward Wednesday, with multiple sources saying they were executing a search warrant.

Agents descended on Austin's ward office, located at 507 W. 111th St. in the Roseland neighborhood on the Far South Side. The front door to the office was locked, with a passerby's knock going unanswered and private security guards later turned away.

An unmarked white van was parked in the building's side lot, along with a black SUV and two white sedans. An employee drove the SUV, packed with boxes, away from the office at around 1:45 p.m.

A spokeswoman for the FBI said the agency was "conducting court-authorized law enforcement activities" in the area and declined to offer further comment.

Top News Photos: Phoenix Cops Face Fallout[NATL] Top News Photos: Phoenix Cops Face Fallout Threatening Black Family and MoreRoss D. Franklin/AP

Austin has previously faced criticism and controversy for hiring her son as ward superintendent, particularly after then-Inspector General Joe Ferguson alleged in 2016 that he and a Streets and Sanitation employee covered up the details of a 2012 car accident in which Austin's son was driving without a valid license. He later resigned his position.

Austin spent her Wednesday morning with Mayor Lori Lightfoot at Percy L. Julian High School, as the two heralded the launch of a summer mentoring program for 400 vulnerable young people most likely to be impacted by gun violence.

"Today is a day truly that God has made, because he made us the star of the show," Austin said while introducing the school's principal.

Austin and Lightfoot had previously been at odds in recent months. Austin supported Lightfoot's opponent, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, in the mayoral race, appearing onstage at a March campaign rally in which U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush warned that blood of "any young black male or female… killed by a police officer" would be on the hands of voters who elected Lightfoot.

After her election victory, Lightfoot tapped Ald. Pat Dowell to replace Austin as the City Council Budget Committee chair, a position she had long held and hoped to keep, promising to "be loyal" to Lightfoot.

Austin was instead given chairmanship of the new Committee on Contracting Oversight and Equity. In office since her appointment in 1994, Austin is the second longest-serving Chicago alderman after Ald. Ed Burke, whose offices were raided in a similar manner last November.

Burke was indicted on more than a dozen counts of bribery, racketeering and more over allegations that he used his official position to steer work to his private law firm, specializing in property tax reductions. Burke pleaded not guilty to all charges earlier this month.

cc5da3  No.6791802

918b98  No.6791803

File: e54bc03d7f08e68⋯.jpg (192.56 KB, 800x1065, 160:213, IMG_8482.JPG)


4eeb6a  No.6791804


Any Court transcripts yet?

d6d239  No.6791805

File: 0ee4b13c4214f37⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1076x976, 269:244, 0ee4b13c4214f3799b522460c7….png)

84b50d  No.6791806

File: 0a4c1af9461d483⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 740x791, 740:791, we_are_Q.jpg)

765927  No.6791807


Afternoon Anon

f78352  No.6791808

File: ff388a28640b9c8⋯.png (312.47 KB, 1291x1633, 1291:1633, shakes.png)

5a7990  No.6791809

File: 26a1d738d4bca2c⋯.png (22.14 KB, 444x253, 444:253, ClipboardImage.png)

5cfd50  No.6791810


No no no no! Pedophile, human trafficking rape cults operating at the highest levels of society are just a crazy right wing CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!! Omg You guise will fall for anything.

Just go back to watching football like good little puppets.

1b771d  No.6791811


> Rainer, who portrayed himself as a Savant and as a Genius, was in fact the leader of a cult like organization, a massive manipulator, etc.

Sounds like what the Southern District of New York would like to say about Trump.

BTW, why is the chick next to him so happy? She can't contain herself.

72eb3d  No.6791812



could be some contingency to avoid having Hussein too much in the spotlight, while still drawing from the name/conditioning

d1dbc1  No.6791813

File: 080960dd2b73eef⋯.png (141.36 KB, 876x364, 219:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Another one in the [bag]?

EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Clinton Foundation Foreign Policy Director Amitabh Desai Disappears



6a3f6c  No.6791814


KEK…IT's all Cal El

38bbc0  No.6791815


have been trying to figure that out also




hydrofluoric acid

Syria white hats probably expensive

534858  No.6791816

File: c76efe312b543b0⋯.jpg (1 MB, 808x1208, 101:151, Crazy Cortez.jpg)

151c93  No.6791817


These also have related 2 day deltas




f0c4ad  No.6791818

File: 40e881b5684b4c7⋯.jpeg (13.63 KB, 300x210, 10:7, fathack.jpeg)


Afternoon. Just working on muh interwebs.

84b50d  No.6791819

File: c76cbe4c1c97569⋯.png (528.49 KB, 474x759, 158:253, ClipboardImage (4).png)

5cfd50  No.6791820

File: ae3aad3ac3131d0⋯.jpeg (92.35 KB, 1125x1311, 375:437, DD6EF61B-D587-45F4-AFA7-0….jpeg)

72eb3d  No.6791821

File: 40bbc2566d95bc5⋯.png (509.42 KB, 1271x537, 1271:537, Jordystraction.png)

File: 28f111fae7c25fd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1903x931, 1903:931, JordySage.png)

File: 8920b778118665b⋯.jpg (45.03 KB, 572x563, 572:563, BACKCHANNEL.JPG)

badefe  No.6791822

This horse-faced bitch is trying to be a super-star. She will lose the next election and then we'll see her on every news show, late night show, etc. She will end up in Pedowood, trying to become an A-lister. This political b/s is just a stepping stone for this ego freak.

4eeb6a  No.6791823



Anons need to Target his movements over the next 96 hours


290319  No.6791824


Her brain is forcing her body to move. It is telling her to run away. Fast. She's trapped.

151c93  No.6791825


PB ON LAST 3! Sorry!

51b2d7  No.6791826

File: 5dc567647768597⋯.png (79.08 KB, 264x224, 33:28, 2018-11-23_15-42-22 copy.png)


>The student reported the cashier to the campus Bias Response and Referral Network, claiming "these type of microaggressions occur too often on campus" and "this implicit bias needs to be addressed."

Like we need more students like this in America!

c25eb7  No.6791827

File: e2fe24e79e62e97⋯.jpg (692.91 KB, 1600x975, 64:39, HillaryDungeonAcidWash3.jpg)

File: e13a54023d6811a⋯.jpg (602.31 KB, 1600x975, 64:39, HillaryDungeonAcidWash2.jpg)

File: 4bf17aa6ca030f9⋯.jpg (681.29 KB, 1600x975, 64:39, HillaryDungeonAcidWash1.jpg)



"Why would someone acid-wash the evidence?"

"The evidence was acid-washed"


7d3380  No.6791828

File: 65fa16b7b02f669⋯.png (445.66 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 97E38D04-5F3F-4DE9-94C7-45….png)

File: 786f8d64dd684fd⋯.png (426.24 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 20D4FCC3-90D8-4758-9224-E0….png)

File: c6d66f351abe5fc⋯.png (443.27 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, F9B07D78-F382-4A7D-8D7C-0E….png)

File: 516c4e2649a263f⋯.png (411.19 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 34AB9DC3-0280-46A2-A3D0-89….png)


But Soros said the money was in the mail?!?!! You mean the local grocery store was looted and burned down for nuthin?!? I have to travel 30 miles now for food.. they are not rebuilding here now?!?

Kek. Liberals are fucking stupid.


61c6d7  No.6791829

File: 9bc42f1a527b429⋯.png (435.6 KB, 686x475, 686:475, POTUS dis nigga right.PNG)

File: c7dbb66ace04142⋯.png (27.8 KB, 373x301, 373:301, laffer curve.PNG)


First used with Ford in 1974.

This got a bad rap with Reagan's presidency, it will work if not stymied by endless regulations. It is a solid, logical approach and much needed.

We need to rebuild our infrastructure and the quicker we can do it and pay less taxes doing so..the better.

What is the Laffer Curve?

The Laffer Curve is a theory developed by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by governments. The curve is used to illustrate Laffer’s argument that sometimes cutting tax rates can increase total tax revenue.

Key Takeaways

The Laffer Curve describes the relationship between tax rates and total tax revenue, with an optimal tax rate that maximizes total government tax revenue.

If taxes are too high along the Laffer Curve, then they will discourage the taxed activities, such as work and investment, enough to actually reduce total tax revenue. In this case, cutting tax rates will both stimulate economic incentives and increase tax revenue.

The Laffer Curve was used as a basis for tax cuts in the 1980's with apparent success, but criticized on practical grounds on the basis of its simplistic assumptions, and on economic grounds that increasing government revenue might not always be optimal.

Understanding the Laffer Curve

The Laffer Curve is based on the economic idea that people will adjust their behavior in the face of the incentives created by income tax rates. Higher income tax rates decrease the incentive to work and invest compared lower rates. If this effect is large enough, it means that at some tax rate, and further increase in the rate will actually lead to decrease in total tax revenue. For every type of tax, there is a threshold rate above which the incentive to produce more diminishes, thereby reducing the amount of revenue the government receives.

At a 0% tax rate, tax revenue would obviously be zero. As tax rates increase from low levels, tax revenue collected by the also government increases. Eventually, if tax rates reached 100 percent, shown as the far right on the Laffer Curve, all people would choose not to work because everything they earned would go to the government. Therefore it is necessarily true that at some point in the range where tax revenue is positive, it must reach a maximum point. This is represented by T* on the graph below. To the left of T* an increase in tax rate raises more revenue than is lost to offsetting worker and investor behavior. Increasing rates beyond T* however would cause people not to work as much or not at all, thereby reducing total tax revenue.

Therefore at any tax rate to the right of T*, a reduction in tax rate will actually increase total revenue. The shape of the Laffer Curve, and thus the location of T* is dependent on worker and investor preferences for work, leisure, and income, as well as technology and other economic factors. Governments would like to be at point T* because it is the point at which the government collects maximum amount of tax revenue while people continue to work hard. If the current tax rate is to the right of T*, then lowering the tax rate will both stimulate economic growth by increasing incentives to work and invest, and increase government revenue because more work and investment means a larger tax base.

The Laffer Curve Explained

The first presentation of the Laffer Curve was performed on a paper napkin back in 1974 when its author was speaking with senior staff members of President Gerald Ford’s administration about a proposed tax rate increase in the midst of a period of economic malaise that had engulfed the country. At the time, most believed that an increase in tax rates would increase tax revenue.

Laffer further argued that the economic effects of reducing incentives to work and invest by raising tax rates would be damaging in the best of times and even worse in the midst of a stagnant economy. This theory, supply-side economics, later became a cornerstone of President Ronald Reagan’s economic policy, which resulted in one of the biggest tax cuts in history. During his time in office, annual federal government current tax receipts from $344 billion in 1980 to $550 billion in 1988, and the economy boomed.


cfd778  No.6791830

File: cc7643869d71c77⋯.png (386.74 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, obamacrack.png)

410312  No.6791831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Probably a Cumbus. David Gilmour played one several times on his On An Island album.


918b98  No.6791832

File: 0c142a205a0de07⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_1032.JPG)

File: aa6eaf108c14e6b⋯.jpg (62.41 KB, 640x695, 128:139, IMG_1035.JPG)

File: d9c59fb15c5cb7f⋯.jpg (66.89 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_1038.JPG)

File: fa4d6df4ce01fa3⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_1039.JPG)

Pressure cook those olives boatfags

37c844  No.6791833


o7 fren

I enjoy the memes.

290319  No.6791834


A form of adrenaline in extreme high dosis

c2ccae  No.6791835


Chicago–corrupt politician, Meh, nothing new.

8bff1a  No.6791836

File: d8d23fbfecd12ca⋯.jpeg (228.84 KB, 828x1096, 207:274, 58B09386-CBA2-470B-8F96-B….jpeg)

File: 4848f9a49f6d9aa⋯.jpeg (125.46 KB, 828x600, 69:50, AFD3DDD3-D6EC-4C82-A313-2….jpeg)

37c844  No.6791837


Good afternoon anon!

72eb3d  No.6791838



youd be surprised

547782  No.6791840

God it fucking sucks being awake and on the list

I listened to a song from before i had the misfortune of posting here and it reminded me how much more alive i felt 2 years ago

Thanks for nothing Q

34b497  No.6791841


Good Afternoon Sir


a3ec9f  No.6791842

File: 7dfcff131b40535⋯.jpeg (282.76 KB, 1288x966, 4:3, received_901108950076706.jpeg)

369220  No.6791843



Dan Patrick is a patriot in my book.

410312  No.6791844




Fuck…….forgot the reply to…

547782  No.6791845



918b98  No.6791846




Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

And you are good looking enough

Call now

55c42b  No.6791847


WTF are you talking about in cap 3.

466b3b  No.6791848

File: c02175fe4f5eea8⋯.png (129.17 KB, 381x616, 381:616, WhosLaffingNow.png)

File: 31ea3d3afec50cc⋯.jpg (174.78 KB, 1072x806, 536:403, Boom1.jpg)

File: edc34dc9506a34a⋯.png (193.3 KB, 381x403, 381:403, Boom2.png)


Dr. Laffer… top Kek!

a074ed  No.6791849

File: 17edbc1e384a932⋯.png (569.78 KB, 610x430, 61:43, winning with Trump.png)

61c6d7  No.6791850

File: 772c5d58ad310c7⋯.jpg (136.12 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, pepe soldier on.jpg)


afternoon patriot

b9d86b  No.6791851


i can explain how, the drive platter surface will still retain the data at a lower magnetic bias even after it was erased. this data can be recovered with special equipment even up to 8 levels of deletion, this is why many deletion programs write random bits many times.

d266ab  No.6791852

Just name the border wall after Obama and threaten to fine/Tax anyone that opposes it, like Obamacare.

4e8b56  No.6791853

File: 2feaa20ecebe67f⋯.png (15.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepeandfeelz.png)


fucking larp faggots eyespy

always posting larp bullshit ;like this

anons DO dig yourself

these weapons do not have the effect

i seen the videos - here is the actual impact which makes targets run away NOT shake

Q17. What does exposure to the Active Denial System feel like?

A17. Many volunteer test participants liken the effect to the temporary heat felt from opening the door to a hot oven. The sensation dissipates when the target moves out of the beam. The sensation is intense enough to cause a nearly instantaneous reflex action of the target to flee the beam


fucking eyespy faggot shills driving views to their site - see any sauce?


db1071  No.6791854

File: a529e7552678377⋯.jpg (65.66 KB, 468x527, 468:527, ConcernFag 4.jpg)

File: d1f8e6f472ca36d⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 963x1016, 963:1016, d1f8e6f472ca36d56079b40bf6….jpg)

72eb3d  No.6791855


First i heard of that turkish instrument…

why do you think it'd be that?

5cfd50  No.6791857


EYE THE SPY is the worst of the worst of all the fake shit

f0c4ad  No.6791858

File: 493dcf1d5f1219b⋯.png (419.63 KB, 474x474, 1:1, acidwash.png)

f78352  No.6791859


thanks for the unreadable jpg

ETS may be one thing or another but he has good info. told us about Assange months before anything actually happened

"Message over messenger"

088e87  No.6791860

File: 66c1ddeb3ccc0c5⋯.png (308.21 KB, 587x634, 587:634, twitter_com_officialmcafee….png)


89353b  No.6791861


Good afternoon!!!

4eeb6a  No.6791862



Delete your private files so completely that "even God can't read them" according to South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy.

0f6b2c  No.6791863

File: 157af92faea1004⋯.jpeg (430.64 KB, 1532x1238, 766:619, 804248BA-B596-4F61-8E97-E….jpeg)

1b771d  No.6791864

File: 8d9c2fe075d5a54⋯.png (40.75 KB, 455x324, 455:324, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6791788 I guess there are two ways to look at that; maybe the Nazi camps weren't as bad as we have been told?

6a3f6c  No.6791865

File: 699908224fdf950⋯.png (549.27 KB, 650x325, 2:1, Screenshot_2019-06-19 mich….png)


Scratch and sniff…

d1dbc1  No.6791866

File: fac992b0c2a5776⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, whitaker anons get it.jpg)

4e8b56  No.6791867


what is new is the LEO action

so whats your problem?

3ed958  No.6791868

File: 0dd21133189a69e⋯.jpeg (96.05 KB, 720x432, 5:3, 9E35E1D0-1E58-4450-96ED-0….jpeg)

File: b6ee5fccf3c718f⋯.jpeg (58.97 KB, 474x578, 237:289, 5505B5E3-FFEB-4FE9-9405-8….jpeg)

File: d73aee156eff2e1⋯.jpeg (145.87 KB, 1106x731, 1106:731, 9DDEC735-DAA0-444C-AA0C-4….jpeg)

File: 9b9de3e5029d6bd⋯.jpeg (133.36 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 27A01BFF-13CC-489F-8598-F….jpeg)

37c844  No.6791869

File: b14a632223e6feb⋯.jpg (132.55 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepetripping.jpg)


>Acid wash

918b98  No.6791870

File: f65d2f879e126f0⋯.jpg (77.92 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2196.JPG)


Pressure cooked black olives

Make the submariners gay

72eb3d  No.6791871


<ETS may be one thing or another but he has good info. told us about Assange months before anything actually happened

try harder


>name the border wall after Obama


0ccabe  No.6791872

File: a7a75b1d96b4e3b⋯.png (795.37 KB, 634x1490, 317:745, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bebd3b4ac4808c⋯.png (94.44 KB, 593x441, 593:441, ClipboardImage.png)





news unlocks… they've been hinting at the same things for years.

What was solange knowles shown in the basement of the standard hotel?

Video of attack = https://youtu.be/eLyNe6h22QM

517a5a  No.6791873

File: da3f0fdc97d973d⋯.jpg (146.83 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, nxivm notes.jpg)

File: 6f2eab9eea2e9cc⋯.png (511.45 KB, 506x764, 253:382, ayla twat 19JUN19.PNG)

File: ddb0b045894ded4⋯.png (986.06 KB, 980x778, 490:389, news guilty.PNG)

File: 5dadbe577ecc331⋯.png (70.09 KB, 970x524, 485:262, news guilty2.PNG)




#NXIVM leader Keith Raniere found GUILTY on all charges against him. I’ll have another #LIVE report at 5 on @WTEN. Here’s a look at my notes from when the verdict was read.


another NXIVM story with video "news" clip:

Jury finds Keith Raniere guilty on all counts


7d3380  No.6791874


Ok, so writes new and erases at same time. Wonderif there are multiple writes and randomized each time.. like quantum level shit.. need to look into it more.

Honestly i think Pres Trump says acid wash for effect. So people get the idea.

d768cb  No.6791875

File: adc38596f72437f⋯.jpg (96.45 KB, 786x960, 131:160, chug.jpg)


>Your shit's getting boring mate.

Fuck your mother, mutt kike cuck.

052642  No.6791876


Easy fix, close down the schools kek

918b98  No.6791877





Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

And you are good looking enough

Call now

German electric bilbos available

74ccef  No.6791879

A. O. C.



37c844  No.6791880


>>6791860 McAfee claims his 'head of security' fell Ill after escaping the Bahamas.

>>6791800 PapaD Tweet: Alexander Downer the Clinton errand boy.

>>6791788 AOC doubles down on dumb.

>>6791758, >>6791763 Statement by US Attorney Donoghue re: Raniere conviction. (video)

>>6791760 DJT Tweet: "Just returning from Orlando and Doral (Miami)…"

>>6791734 Novocure CEO sold $11.30m in shares.

>>6791711 Joe Biden placeholder type of candidate.

>>6791709 POTUS on Hannity tonight @9PM EST.

>>6791702 Son of mob family arrested for hiring hitman to kill father and brother.

>>6791680 Marketfag update.

>>6791670 Four illegals charged on re-entry charges.

>>6791666 Mexico Senate ratifies new trade deal with US, Canada.

>>6791658 Trump admin. threatens to furlough 150 workers at OPM.

>>6791631 Planefag updates.

>>6791630 POTUS DoI axing regs. to give Americans access to Fed. land.

>>6791603 AJ sanctioned for claiming Sandy Hook lawyers framed him.

>>6791560 Who is providing arms to the terrorists in Syria?

>>6791528 Update on Spacey case.

>>6791483, >>6791494, >>6791568 Acid wash pointing to the clean up process after Cabal leisure activities?

c25eb7  No.6791881

File: 139ded068c293ea⋯.jpg (410.75 KB, 1086x724, 3:2, ClintonDungeonAcidWash6.jpg)

File: a4426fbc25baeba⋯.jpg (387.27 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, BillClintonDungeonAcidWash….jpg)

d1dbc1  No.6791882

File: e4266d34ea40076⋯.png (408.79 KB, 490x367, 490:367, ClipboardImage.png)

a782b1  No.6791883

Pentagon: New US Troop Deployment to Middle East to Include Patriot Missiles, Drones

The Pentagon revealed Wednesday that the US' latest troop deployment to the Middle East will also include a Patriot Missile battalion, drones and manned surveillance aircraft.

Additionally, the Pentagon has indicated that it doesn't want war with Iran, but that it is "postured and ready to defend US forces and interests in the region," Reuters reported.

The latest development comes days after then acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan announced on Monday that the US would be sending an additional 1,000 troops to the Middle East to counter alleged Iranian aggression. In a statement released at the time, Shanahan stated that the servicemembers would be used "for defensive purposes to address air, naval and ground-based threats" in the region.

"The recent Iranian attacks validate the reliable, credible intelligence we have received on hostile behavior by Iranian forces and their proxy group that threaten United States personnel and interests across the region," the statement adds.

The Monday reveal in addition to the previous deployment of a US aircraft carrier strike group earlier this year was prompted by the US' claims that Iran was to blame for the recent attacks on oil tanks within the Gulf of Oman. Iran has repeatedly rejected the notion that it had anything to do with the strikes.

Relations between the US and Iran have largely remained at a simmer since the US opted to pull out of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, an act which subsequently triggered the restart of a series of sanctions.


ba06a8  No.6791884

Now that "Vanguard" has been sentenced, I hope we can expect to see an acceleration in dominoes falling. My gut tells me this court case was pivotal.

b6ae8b  No.6791885

File: 9f72903ab989293⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x2313, 125:257, B02922B8-1081-41CF-A3B0-A….jpeg)

File: 9269bd65925efc0⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x2314, 1125:2314, C30FFF53-1C53-4405-96CD-0….jpeg)

File: 4f6738ebf1bdcc5⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x2315, 225:463, 2196FCA6-53DA-41AC-8B62-F….jpeg)

File: 6e4ef2cc65d7d7e⋯.jpeg (1022.61 KB, 1125x2311, 1125:2311, 9BAE074A-6263-4962-B7BF-3….jpeg)

4 scrolls of ridiculous bullshit to get to NXIUM conviction, what is this fuckery?

a31726  No.6791886

File: cf969ba3e4823e6⋯.png (114.35 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0799396b254b2c8⋯.png (1.85 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2afb17f04270cf3⋯.png (113.91 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

61c6d7  No.6791887


the higher the stock market goes the moar the lower yields drop. The debt becomes less desirable if stocks go up so the rate of return drops to reflect that. If you can generate a return with out locking up your money for a long period of time why wouldn't you?

Still need to fund gov't but the lower the yields go it will expose the system who have binged on debt for too long. It's moar complex but just know that higher stocks=lower yields, but the value of those bonds goes up. Also harder to sell when they are valued so high. This is why the china threats a few weeks ago that they were going to sell were hollow…no one to sell to. They have dropped a few but it will just devalue what they have if they try the nuclear option but that won't habben.

c2ccae  No.6791888


No problem. Dig deep enough and one could probably arrest ALL of them. It's just that it is a long running joke about corruption in Chicago, that's all.

547782  No.6791889

So funny watching a army of spams having fake conversations lmao

Theres 5 people here max

Any real Qtards are on twitter

f88d2f  No.6791890

d4443b  No.6791891

File: d912341e12560b4⋯.gif (18.74 KB, 450x337, 450:337, C9771703-0035-45A5-BE13-50….gif)

File: 0c300d497f38bf0⋯.jpeg (334.08 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C7129122-949C-4FE5-81EE-7….jpeg)

File: 85ba62b3813b6d9⋯.jpeg (314.21 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B03786FB-3F2C-46D7-AFC2-8….jpeg)

File: d656bdc47252272⋯.png (511.83 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 01EED6FE-63E1-4150-B5B1-60….png)

File: 6b6bd7d9cc4b8b1⋯.jpeg (382.98 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, AF1D2B4E-2AAF-435B-A271-A….jpeg)

b6ae8b  No.6791892


America, fuck yeah!!!!

14850f  No.6791893

File: 3b83148dbc63d90⋯.png (78.22 KB, 692x382, 346:191, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

File: 6b24aa96d251344⋯.png (484.06 KB, 1342x1226, 671:613, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)

Q says expulsions from congress will occur when the shit hits - buckle up

the last person to be ejected was Traficant - killed by his own tractor after being released from prison, after being locked up for 7 years.:

Eventually, the House Ethics Committee recommended that Traficant be expelled from Congress. On July 24 the House voted to expel him by a 420–1 vote.[19] The sole vote against expulsion was Representative Gary Condit, who at the time was in the midst of a scandal of his own and had been defeated in his reelection primary.[20] Traficant was the first representative to be expelled since Michael Myers's expulsion in 1980 as a result of the Abscam scandal.




a3ec9f  No.6791894

File: 87653f8273d082a⋯.png (771.49 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, t_06-19-04.57.39.PNG)

File: 417db2cbbc3befe⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1024x890, 512:445, 05-24-06.04.42.PNG)

74ccef  No.6791895

almost as if she was expecting something to happen to her at any moment.


bfd594  No.6791896


Hello, sir!!


Love you, Mr. President!

c25eb7  No.6791897


Getting 520 Unknown Error

from 8ch Media Server

88968d  No.6791898

e36bcc  No.6791899

Heavenly Father, we know that we are not always patient and loving as we should be and sometimes we say things to others that we shouldn't. Please have mercy on us, and be with us, as we try to patiently wait for the avalanche of info to come. We know that you have a plan for us and that it will happen in your time, as it should. Please give us the strength and the hope for an outcome that will be in our favor as we continue to fight the good fight, for as long as it takes. Thank you for helping our officials bust trafficking rings up across the US and especially for saving the children who would have been lost forever. Please be with all of them and keep them safe as they continue to bring light to darkness, whether it be in towns across the US, at the border, or in the Oval Office. We ask all of this in Jesus's name. Amen

d4443b  No.6791900

File: 596dddf7580a023⋯.jpeg (355.2 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 330EE51F-4090-4032-BB7A-7….jpeg)

File: 110b7b5ff89cd33⋯.jpeg (373.61 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B5CD3C7B-3F43-422F-859B-A….jpeg)

File: 916f0f3e2919daf⋯.jpeg (305.83 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, AF11F3C5-734B-4427-90A6-8….jpeg)

File: 178e72bbb0f316a⋯.jpeg (335.07 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6B8065C7-5754-47BD-BFF0-0….jpeg)

File: 7c633223211912e⋯.jpeg (417.12 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7279BA01-CD30-4BD1-8F21-C….jpeg)

c25eb7  No.6791901

File: b2d60eff4d724af⋯.png (41.39 KB, 972x518, 486:259, 2019_06_19_16:59:05_EDT.png)


Woops pic

Not that anybody can download the pic

918b98  No.6791902

File: 117a62c6a2d9a78⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, 800x829, 800:829, IMG_8480.JPG)

Why such queer larps piggie

Was it the map

Was it baalzebub

Was it a talking stick

5cfd50  No.6791903

File: 552548d9bf94755⋯.png (831.48 KB, 491x625, 491:625, DE1140E8-560A-4BE1-A500-A7….png)


Have at it meme lords

a782b1  No.6791904

Trump administration rolls back Obama-era EPA plan that targeted coal plants

Some states are already planning to challenge

The Trump administration has officially finalized its rollback of an Obama-era policy that would have targeted coal plants and mandated strict reductions in carbon emissions.

What's the background?

In 2015, former President Barack Obama announced the Clean Power Plan, which proposed reducing carbon emissions by 32 percent under 2005 levels by 2030. Energy producers would be mandated to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. This would, the Democratic administration claimed, prevent 3,600 early deaths.

The Supreme Court blocked the plan the following year, pending the results of legal challenges to the regulations in the lower courts. Overall, the U.S. power sector has already cut its carbon emissions by 27 percent from what they were in 2005.

Obama previewed the sweeping changes that would come from his environmental policies in January 2008 when he told the San Francisco Chronicle that, after his energy policies were in place, "[i]f somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them." He also promised that "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

At least one coal plan did end up shutting its doors after the implementation of the Clean Power Plan. In February, Alabama Power's Plant Gorgas announced that it would have to close after 100 years of business.

What happened now?

On Wednesday, the Trump administration announced that it would replace the Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy rule or ACE.

According to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, "Unlike the CPP, the ACE rule adheres to the four corners of the Clean Air Act. EPA sets the best system of emission reductions and then states set the standards of performance."

This new plan benefits coal and other fossil fuel companies, which would have been subject to strict emissions standards under the Obama administration policy. The ACE will still seek to reduce carbon emissions, but by a smaller amount. It also leaves more of the decisions involved in implementing this plan up to the states.

Even with the regulations rolled back, some American energy companies, including Duke Energy and American Electric Power, have chosen to pledge to keep lowering their emissions anyway.

What's next?

Not everyone is happy with this move. New York Attorney General Letitia James promised to bring the EPA to court over what she called a "'Dirty Power' rule." She said she looked "forward to collaborating with other states and cities in taking action to protect all Americans from the increasingly disastrous impacts of climate change."


4e8b56  No.6791905


ok carry on fren

sorry if too salty

088e87  No.6791906

File: a3915c6abff13a2⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB, 480x270, 16:9, They will just keep lying.mp4)


0c6b6d  No.6791907


A professional anarchist wanting to enforce a contract.

The irony is delicious.

d4443b  No.6791908

File: 47ca63000ebe4ed⋯.png (6.18 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 01DA15B1-831E-4ADE-B94A-4C….png)

File: f0db2f0fc092bd9⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 13A0F068-B78A-47B5-83C2-3A….png)

File: 853cd238dca0957⋯.jpeg (350.51 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3C484A11-F494-4626-A13A-0….jpeg)

File: 2d8740c47c1d977⋯.jpeg (40.58 KB, 450x450, 1:1, D62882F5-E6B0-4C24-A047-D….jpeg)

File: b786c5ba6b5fa71⋯.jpeg (282.07 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F3F668BA-4A3E-428A-ACB8-7….jpeg)

44f23b  No.6791909


Larping like a champion

547782  No.6791910


But but trump said no war so those supplies tanks and soldiers dont exist



Ebot how does it make you fail that you guys pay people to disrupt the board and i do it better for free

918b98  No.6791911






Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

And you are good looking enough

Call now

German electric bilbos available

Cruise winning !

290319  No.6791912


Public exposure. Their biggest Fear.

d22607  No.6791913


Real conservatives got banned from twitter over a year ago.

4e8b56  No.6791914

File: 285d27a5d8ae368⋯.png (113.35 KB, 347x145, 347:145, ClipboardImage.png)

anons - about hive mind and our relations present and future with newbies and normies

here are my thoughts - our hive mind gathers nectar (crumbs of news and q drops and all sources) and brings it here.

then the nectar/raw data is processed just like a hive with different workers in it - some looks at numbers, other photos, other patterns and yet others words and meanings and possibilities - there are perhaps 15 or 20 major functions here at all times - and that includes entertaining each other!

so the nectar/data becomes wax comb/new cells/propylis/and honey = news stories, threads, memes and cooordinated analysis - all posted here and then reviewed and fanned by hive wings just like drying nectar to honey - it is chewed up and digested and tasted and judged for merit.

then when a consensus of hive mind is reached it is applauded or mocked accordingly. it goes to NOTABLES and is spread onto other media platforms - and yes is is stolen or misappropriated and used for other purposes - so what is the conclusion?

WE ARE THE NEW MEDIA - and we do it for free - for love of truth and country and freedom. We freely (but perhaps sometimes grudgingly) SHARE OUR HIVE HONEY with the world FREE OF CHARGE - that is our service anons and it is growing and will continue to grow - we can all be proud to be part of it - and WWG1WGA in theory and in reality - ITS ALL HABBENING AND IS GLORIOUS and we are part of the team - WE ARE ALL Q!!!!!!!!!!!

ccec25  No.6791915

File: cadcae706162b03⋯.jpg (75.87 KB, 727x371, 727:371, cadcae706162b036406b266015….jpg)




eeebca  No.6791916


& why so many “drums” of acid for a regular sized pool at the Standard Hotel….


6a3f6c  No.6791917


My Mother is dead.

…And I think that my dad would RIP the FUCK out of you for even mentioning her in this conversation.

I'll let GOD judge you, God is moar forgiving.

151c93  No.6791918


Wouldn't it be patriotic to be able to directly thank 45 for his service? I would if I could.

6ddb83  No.6791919

File: 23db045378a59ba⋯.jpg (133.06 KB, 716x679, 716:679, Screenshot_387.jpg)


another one just in


0c6b6d  No.6791920


Simple concept.

7 people paying $10 each is more than

5 people paying $12 each

32cbfc  No.6791921

File: b25c0fe1e3d5c7c⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 816x679, 816:679, commonsenceveryfewattain.jpg)

>>6791211 pb

Morsi of Egypt.

R.I.P. No - Planer.

"Morsi collapsed at a court session on 17 June after suffering six years in prison in solitary confinement where he was consistently denied access to medical care for his diabetes, hypertension and liver and kidney disease.

Morsi was Egypt’s first democratically elected president after the January 25 Revolution toppled Hosni Mubarak, but he was deposed by the military general turned President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi one year later.

In 2018 a panel of UK MP’s led by Crispin Blunt reported that the conditions he was being held in could amount to torture and that the refusal to administer medical care could result in his premature death.

here are approximately 60,000 political prisoners in Egypt. Many have died from lack of access to appropriate medical care.

Despite claims from the Attorney General that Morsi was “transported immediately to hospital,” witnesses told the Independent that “no one bothered to help.”


"While living in the United States, Morsi became an assistant professor at California State University, Northridge from 1982 to 1985. Morsi, an expert on precision metal surfaces, also worked with NASA in the early 1980s, helping to develop Space Shuttle engines.[30][31]

In 1985, Morsi quit his job at CSUN and returned to Egypt, becoming a professor at Zagazig University, where he was appointed head of the engineering department. Morsi was a lecturer at Zagazig University's engineering department until 2010.[31]"

No wonder he understood physics?!

First democratically elected President of Egypt.

547782  No.6791922


Since i already know im fucked

I only ask God to punish the evil

And give the dumbass lemmings a big old slap

e7d832  No.6791923

POTUS's tweet -


44 Total characters & spaces - a nod to BO?

d4443b  No.6791924

File: 6bdeb3d95e81ff5⋯.png (3.5 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 93DCD89B-FCBD-4A33-A9FE-20….png)

File: 7b827f816bdaee1⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C2902EB8-22BC-463D-B605-9F….png)

File: 87e9573348dad48⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5BE494CD-37C8-425C-8AE7-D8….png)

File: 68bd1d1ed47dc8c⋯.png (108.54 KB, 500x566, 250:283, E9FDBCA5-8217-473E-9CE6-43….png)

File: 212a271a6e32bc0⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D7F4713C-1C91-40C6-867B-34….png)

d768cb  No.6791925

File: 6a7cb90b47f38eb⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 600x740, 30:37, )you(.jpg)


>My Mother is dead.


547782  No.6791926


Supporting trump isnt patriotism

Its basically treason

Like supporting all politicians

1e37a8  No.6791927

File: e5cdda601c2c0db⋯.png (9.95 KB, 576x197, 576:197, capture_20190619135956.png)

File: c3054e187700348⋯.png (22.55 KB, 380x860, 19:43, capture_20190619135851.png)

File: a60c75b20ba5bf0⋯.png (5.13 KB, 392x302, 196:151, capture_20190619135752.png)

File: e2b8155202cdb31⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 76a347c1fe0aa408f4140e4604….jpg)


c25eb7  No.6791928

File: b56b1cf9f2b15f8⋯.jpg (596.47 KB, 1600x1738, 800:869, SuperElitePepeArmy.jpg)


Beautiful, thorough, and true analogy.



72eb3d  No.6791929

062bb0  No.6791930

File: 68030b7b83e8fa7⋯.png (16.13 KB, 297x398, 297:398, ClipboardImage.png)



<picfagging and namefaging careful gorgeous


>here's some captcha to go along with that..

d4443b  No.6791931

File: e4091d61ba7a3b5⋯.jpeg (21.82 KB, 345x259, 345:259, C896673D-9A28-4567-84FE-F….jpeg)

File: 758b4e8e3f2ce40⋯.jpeg (33.53 KB, 420x630, 2:3, 3111874D-3DF3-457F-BC84-5….jpeg)

File: a97af78c8249eff⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 038EDA95-4CDF-4C12-9329-5F….png)

File: 24da8d4f3e06621⋯.jpeg (165.64 KB, 794x1191, 2:3, F03815BB-D6DD-44D1-AA38-7….jpeg)

File: 4be271e21557c41⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 8944948D-6CE9-493F-A3A9-73….png)

918b98  No.6791932

File: e0ea4a95aa3b2e4⋯.jpg (132.95 KB, 800x807, 800:807, IMG_8479.JPG)

We believe in your map piggie

And what the talking stick says

We were chosen for this cruise

a47c10  No.6791933

NBC Philadelphia: 72 police officers taken off street duty due to allegations of racist Facebook posts.

a782b1  No.6791934

File: 43f155df692650f⋯.png (61.25 KB, 804x801, 268:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c048a15ec92cebf⋯.png (47.02 KB, 800x588, 200:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Is Anyone Else Homo-Nauseous?

Editor note. This commentary was originally written in 2007. Last week I attended the homo parade in Columbus, Ohio and felt it was appropriate to republish it. These deviants are on the verge of ruling America.

Warning: Commentary is not politically correct.

I’m sick of it. I really am.

I’m not homo-phobic. I’m not homo-hateful. I’m not homo-latent. I’m homo-nauseous. I really couldn’t care less where a man desires to put his sexual appendage.

But I’m sick of hearing about it. I’m sick of talking about it. I’m sick of it being force fed to me on TV.

In all of my life I have never seen such deviancy so openly celebrated. They are deviant, you know? No matter how many names they will try and call me, no matter how many sensitivity classes they try and send me to, no matter how much tolerance they try and cram down my throat (sorry), the fact remains homosexuals are deviant.

Deviant–One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

Homosexual behavior is a deviant lifestyle. Everyone knows that. So in order to make themselves look normal the homosexual movement is doing everything that it can to change social standards. They can’t feel good about themselves, so they must make sure WE feel good about them.

Well, I’m sick of it. I’m homo-nauseous. The homo-sexual movement is making me sick.

I understand what I am opening up myself to. It happens every time I take on this subject. My emails will be flooded by those who are concerned that I must secretly be battling homo-feelings, that I need to get-over my homo-phobia, and that Jesus would not be so judgmental. And that is just from the Christians. You couldn’t stomach what the sodomites say about me. Hey, I’m used to it. It comes with the turf.

But I thought the homosexuals were just like everyone else and that all they wanted was to be free to live their lives in peace. If that is the case, why won’t they stop identifying themselves by what they do in the privacy of their bedroom? Why are they so intent on making me accept their deviancy? Why are they trying to indoctrinate 6-year-olds into their perversion?

I’m sick of it. Take your behavior into your house and leave us alone.

They’re everywhere, these norm changers. They are perverted. (I’m sure that makes all of you nervous as well.) But interestingly enough, perverted shows up in the dictionary as a synonym for deviant.

Perversion–a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior.


26f1fc  No.6791935

File: dc995af34bf7e34⋯.png (452.83 KB, 809x444, 809:444, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae9d370b2b36c5d⋯.png (119.92 KB, 200x442, 100:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9a20df8b34e61a⋯.png (159.28 KB, 776x249, 776:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c05588a28397145⋯.png (516.46 KB, 860x473, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b97e0879a648c8d⋯.png (613.47 KB, 847x542, 847:542, ClipboardImage.png)

SerialBrain2: UK Riddle Solved and the reason POTUS tweeted “Prince of Whales” (part 2)


b54d21  No.6791936

bfd594  No.6791937


Saw that on a newsstand tabloid at CVS yesterday!

The Sun, I think

By the time all of this circus goes through the wash, there'll be so many divorces we'll need DivorceAnon to start a list.

7d3380  No.6791938

File: b8c761fba4419bc⋯.png (402.26 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 93C3B118-1A00-42E8-A00D-1A….png)

File: 51ffcfb6b63db9a⋯.png (427.8 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 41D3A746-6BF2-4013-AF0A-59….png)

File: 121326cff4524ad⋯.png (355.65 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 629534C2-A387-479F-8DC6-16….png)

File: d6332128db5256c⋯.png (257.53 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 4C70A395-4D8C-4EBF-BF53-BE….png)

File: a882436aa438beb⋯.png (287.78 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 2D908BE3-525C-42FE-AF80-5A….png)



Bleachbit advanced features

608ed0  No.6791939

File: 44ebeaef1820db9⋯.jpeg (85.43 KB, 746x544, 373:272, 835AD49B-6CAA-4559-BA1C-D….jpeg)


Freedom and blessing patriot! o7

d768cb  No.6791940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were fooled by the Scofield Bible.

55c42b  No.6791941


Thank you for your explanation. Always good to see your reports.

547782  No.6791942


I know

Why do you think i said Q tards

You people are neocons at best and traitors at worst

d768cb  No.6791943

File: 05bb42321672f1c⋯.png (310.52 KB, 696x688, 87:86, scofield.png)

833381  No.6791944

File: 0f933eda17a989c⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 792x446, 396:223, Keith-Raniere-NXIVM-sex-cu….jpg)

Verdict Is In! NXIVM Sex Cult Leader Keith Raniere Found Guilty On All Felony Charges

58-year-old now faces life behind bars.

June 19, 2019 @ 15:39PM


e34679  No.6791945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RE:Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 99LpGawB No.149122955

Nov 12 2017 12:16:24 (EST)

"Who is A. Merkel?

What is A. Merkel’s family history?

Follow the bloodline."

Anonymous ID: L8quGPI9 No.148143562

Nov 5 2017 18:41:11 (EST)

"Secret society.





Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?"

If you were a world "elite" engaged in ritual cannibalism, wouldn't it be common knowledge among those involved in such circles to avoid consuming the brain tissue of your victims in order to avoid transmissible prion disease? Perhaps it was unknown to them that consumption of adrenal tissue could expose them to the same risk of contracting a transmissible prion disease as that of eating their victim's brain tissue?


The term kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria ("to shake"),[2] due to the body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease and kúru itself means "trembling".

ce7b5f  No.6791946

File: aafbc0466e22020⋯.png (174.23 KB, 500x654, 250:327, aafbc0466e22020e73f5861487….png)

14850f  No.6791948

File: e6d27bffc627147⋯.gif (376.18 KB, 320x180, 16:9, aba48d1240972c54-gif-a-chr….gif)


He knows…he always knows!

16d912  No.6791949


Not sentenced, just convicted.

1e37a8  No.6791950

b6e0b3  No.6791951


Pence at the rally last night, “It’s on!”

cc5da3  No.6791952


Your refined autism is showing Anon, hmmm

b6ae8b  No.6791953


But you’re on here with us? I’m confused

14850f  No.6791954

File: c50430e247c65d6⋯.png (983.67 KB, 1364x861, 1364:861, Screen Shot 2019-02-08 at ….png)

282075  No.6791955

File: cb025074124cdb2⋯.jpg (805.55 KB, 1440x1038, 240:173, SmartSelect_20190617-19013….jpg)


Thank you, President Trump!

918b98  No.6791956

File: 322503dd86c8e07⋯.jpg (213.15 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, IMG_6729.JPG)

File: 10306657edcf4b9⋯.gif (6.7 MB, 768x420, 64:35, IMG_6857.GIF)

File: c75529d04eb30fd⋯.jpg (185.15 KB, 960x800, 6:5, IMG_8295.JPG)

File: f534543dfded785⋯.jpg (506.91 KB, 1197x1197, 1:1, IMG_8477.JPG)

Jews believe in a shiva

And an exodus

No afterlife


178505  No.6791957


We are the ones using it perhaps

bb9bc8  No.6791958

File: 0bc6db71344348e⋯.png (590.16 KB, 957x645, 319:215, ClipboardImage.png)

Evolution is not kind to the stupid and the corrupt.



6a3f6c  No.6791959


You Dun Gon Dun It Know.

A Pox On Your House…Til you Repent…And Maybe never relented.


ba06a8  No.6791960


Ah, yes. My mistake. Thanks for the correction, anon.

547782  No.6791961


Making fun of you is fun

The deep state wont leave me alone

Might as well see if i can wake one or two retards up

More than that i know it pisses off the black hats lul

41e98c  No.6791962


Why do yall think this is the President of the United States?

1af336  No.6791963


keep telling yourself that.

517a5a  No.6791964

File: 6c43abdb5f55048⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 406x216, 203:108, Q 958 Wed red.jpg)




Just saying that it is


f0c4ad  No.6791965


yeah been funky for me all am.

72eb3d  No.6791966



don't lump real anons in with the sheep

3ed958  No.6791967

File: 636e4e76fcba554⋯.jpeg (90.57 KB, 677x499, 677:499, 2B1B4D03-B0D0-4531-9F9A-6….jpeg)

File: 12c4adffb6b0064⋯.jpeg (21.14 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 36A14C6C-F09A-4D69-A81C-7….jpeg)

282075  No.6791968


Even if it's not, President Trump could still be lurking and see the replies. Doesn't really matter if it isn't him.

61c6d7  No.6791969

File: c826a5584896307⋯.png (1.58 MB, 755x674, 755:674, pepe sniper dd.PNG)


ty anon, u welcome and appreciate the feedback

b6ae8b  No.6791970


Ain’t clicking that shit nigga

52f591  No.6791971


it is similar to ccleaner for windows with an option to check "free disk space" which it overwrites the free disk space with random bits of data

547782  No.6791972



Your fucking overlords have never even thrown you a bone you moron

Trump lets you people get shit on all over

Whos the real cuck ?

d768cb  No.6791973

File: 92523d1c60271e9⋯.jpg (22.44 KB, 326x307, 326:307, u_dun_it.jpg)


>You Dun Gon Dun It Know.

a4c41e  No.6791974


I'm not Q+…just anon like you

918b98  No.6791975

File: 3d785747635e60b⋯.jpg (8.78 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4270B69A-463E-405F-B688-4F….jpg)


Have a shekel for all your larps

38bbc0  No.6791976

File: 35eb1de314b5442⋯.mp4 (6.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WassermangelMerkelhateinen….mp4)


different video - shows reviewing troops after.

any medFags comment on her gait?

She is hauling ass through the review for sure. From


282075  No.6791978

File: aa1671cc294de65⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Trump_Tower.png)

14850f  No.6791979


Kek, doesn't know how to spell y'all - fake tryin' to fit in - good call.

d4443b  No.6791980

File: 1a2d683ed05ed97⋯.png (4.55 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 840F6BBC-6BFE-4292-AD62-87….png)

File: d826219600b41bd⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4DB3B617-FB9B-4C6E-9123-75….png)

File: 5d532a659129c9e⋯.jpeg (76.7 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 3F3E42BA-1CC8-4B82-B148-B….jpeg)

File: 0fc4206ab621d16⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 8283D44C-F2C4-4638-A2FA-80….png)

File: 0323429709e373c⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1171x898, 1171:898, 1792A627-B40E-4A58-912A-C2….png)

7d3380  No.6791981

File: 9dab848cef436d0⋯.png (455.93 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 852FF8A3-D6A5-47FA-81B1-0E….png)

File: d05c2fe8df8be98⋯.png (482.68 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 45959FDC-2216-4398-9AE1-14….png)

File: 741a6046d15a77d⋯.png (464.64 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 01CCB411-0C6B-4179-854B-9F….png)

File: 312500f96d819e1⋯.png (453.38 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 49E70109-555E-4969-A463-32….png)



No real. What you being paid Disinfo-shill?


547782  No.6791982


Yeah not everyone here is a Qtard

You sheep belong in the ground

0c6b6d  No.6791983

File: 0ea601956792659⋯.png (321.01 KB, 515x496, 515:496, ClipboardImage.png)

61c6d7  No.6791984

File: d3536afb4443ace⋯.png (49.39 KB, 353x352, 353:352, pepe newfags fork.png)

178505  No.6791985

File: 01c432c0cc60d8c⋯.png (487.02 KB, 723x545, 723:545, ClipboardImage.png)

4bd2b0  No.6791986

File: 2711cb269ae5673⋯.jpg (5.31 MB, 2002x2048, 1001:1024, 7c1q.jpg)

File: ab719c32b616a5b⋯.jpg (451.89 KB, 698x964, 349:482, 7rrh.jpg)

File: f62b896f33db4b6⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 498x629, 498:629, 7v9h - Copy.jpg)

File: cb589b3ca9fb2d3⋯.jpg (113.38 KB, 631x607, 631:607, 133d2bfb930e00b696e068f4ea….jpg)

File: 3871627a356776e⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 1554x2048, 777:1024, 8443.jpg)

088e87  No.6791987

File: fd042acf16c49a8⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Burgess Owens just stunned….mp4)

Burgess Owens drops truth bomb on reparations committee

“I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race… Let's pay restitution. How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race…"

1abd32  No.6791988


Reading this again made me wonder if paYtriots or Fake MAGA's reported to the FBI

Instinct say yes, yes they did

A few names come to mind

a782b1  No.6791989

File: 15c573bdb6e8302⋯.png (101.72 KB, 649x849, 649:849, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62a7f3bc173de35⋯.png (110.34 KB, 632x856, 79:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 385a60d1f3905a9⋯.png (65.56 KB, 626x527, 626:527, ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican Whistleblower Claims Rector of Washington, D.C. Basilica Is a Member of the 'Gay Mafia'

Vatican whistleblower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò claimed over the weekend that while he was the papal nuncio to the United States, he saw "documentation" alleging that the rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., sexually molested male students at the Catholic University of America.

"Monsignor [Walter] Rossi is, without a doubt, a member of the 'gay mafia,'" Viganò told Italian journalist Marco Tosatti on Saturday, bolstering George Neumayr's hair-raising reportage on the "Gay Mafioso" in the American Spectator. The former nuncio said the fact that Rossi's name was once proposed for a promotion to bishop "shows how the 'gay mafia' operates. "

Viganò went into hiding last August, in fear for his life, after accusing Pope Francis of covering up sexual misconduct in an eleven-page bombshell letter. Almost a year later, much of his powerful testimony has been vindicated.

The archbishop came out of hiding last week to give interviews to the Washington Post, Tosatti, and LifeSite News.

In a series of emails with the Post, he accused Pope Francis of lying in denying knowledge of the sexual abuse allegations against now-defrocked cardinal Theodore McCarrick and said Francis, as well as his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, must come clean about what they knew about the alleged abuse.

Viganò said it was "immensely sad" that Francis was "blatantly lying to the whole world to cover up his wicked deeds." He also reiterated his claim that a "corrupt gay mafia" is running the Church.

"[T]he 'gay mafia' among bishops is bound together not by shared sexual intimacy but by a shared interest in protecting and advancing one another professionally and sabotaging all efforts at reform," Viganò wrote.

"It is not pedophiles but gay priests preying on post-pubertal boys who have bankrupted the U.S. dioceses," Viganò, added, citing Fr. Paul Sullins' groundbreaking recent survey on homosexuality and clerical abuse.

According to the whistleblower, the weak actions taken against McCarrick thus far show that the Vatican is engaged in a cover-up to prevent the exposure of other churchmen.

In comments to Tosatti on Saturday, the former nuncio noted that disgraced Bishop Michael Bransfield is "a perfect example" of the network of corrupt gay prelates connected to McCarrick, Cardinal Donald Wuerl and others who have for decades been covering up sex scandals and sullying the reputation of the Catholic Church.

Bishop Bransfield and Msgr. Rossi are perfect examples of "how the gay mafia operates," Viganò said.

Via Church Militant:

Bransfield was suspended last fall after allegations of homosexual misconduct. A detailed Vatican investigation, obtained by the Washington Post, revealed that Bransfield harassed and assaulted seminarians and priests, and also misappropriated millions of dollars in diocesan funds for personal expenses, including thousands spent on alcohol, flowers, flying first class and sending cash gifts to fellow prelates.


5a7990  No.6791990


Also - Donoghue presser on Vanguard conviction today

only Donoghue drop includes a [4am] bracket too


e47996  No.6791991

File: 4175920f0003fc6⋯.png (67.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, NewAnons3.png)

42df63  No.6791992


Raymond Noel Vahey.

B 1977

4ac761  No.6791993

File: aef0a6bef348f83⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, ranieri.jpg)


7d3380  No.6791994


Gotcha. Heh. God can’t even read it eh?!

3ed958  No.6791995

File: 7e52daf8efdff88⋯.jpeg (255.72 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 29C8D797-5B26-40C2-B032-2….jpeg)

d6d239  No.6791996

File: 149b8cedecfe093⋯.png (458.15 KB, 516x788, 129:197, 149b8cedecfe0930baea9cc173….png)

File: 5d89910aafe9c10⋯.jpg (196.23 KB, 979x979, 1:1, 5d89910aafe9c10fafcd098612….jpg)


>Warning: Commentary is not politically correct.

The only people gaining anything from being "Politically Correct"……..is the people being paid to be "Politically Correct"

918b98  No.6791997

File: 21b1cc60415a070⋯.jpg (111.93 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 77B2E436-FCC6-4489-8337-25….jpg)

File: 4356ac64cfb4e73⋯.jpg (188.84 KB, 1464x800, 183:100, IMG_6816.JPG)

File: d2b5f27f5a9080f⋯.jpg (37.5 KB, 512x384, 4:3, IMG_6822.JPG)

File: fbce0f07276dfaa⋯.jpg (443.66 KB, 1600x835, 320:167, 69DFE935-1AE9-4F3F-AA3B-DA….jpg)

32cbfc  No.6791998


Why did the target hide behind the car then roll on the ground?

6d864f  No.6791999

Eyes on

crex24 is a bitcoin / altcoin exchange

there is a currency traded there that is long dead!

Helmin (HLMN)

It has zero value for many months but the exchange keeps to market open and allows you to sweep up small amounts into bitcoin!

This shows that they value the dead coin!

… why? are they passing comms or worse this way?

Secret services need to look at this

The links on the exchange lead to JAIL BAIT PORN

don't click https://crex24.com/exchange/HLMN-BTC the info tab has only the explorer link clickable but it leads to cp

0c6b6d  No.6792000



Vigano has been a good source of inside info into the Vatican hellhole.

1abd32  No.6792001


>Burgess Owens drops truth bomb on reparations committee

And then there is a suspicious backpack and fence jumper just as he begins to trend on Twitter

5e2aa4  No.6792002

File: 8763d7f7302f6f8⋯.jpg (67.39 KB, 602x336, 43:24, Screenshot 2019-06-19_17-1….jpg)


37c844  No.6792003


>>6791989 Vatican whistleblower fingers DC rector of being a pedophile and member of the 'gay mafia'.

>>6791851, >>6791862, >>6791938 Anon explains how data can survive re-writes. Bleach bit features.

>>6791919 Criminal illegal sentenced to 6 years in prison.

>>6791904 Trump administration rolls back Obama-era EPA plan that targeted coal plants.

>>6791801 Federal agents raided Chicago Ald. Carrie Austin's office.

>>6791883 Pentagon: Patriot Missiles and Drones headed to ME.

>>6791860 McAfee claims his 'head of security' fell Ill after escaping the Bahamas.

>>6791800 PapaD Tweet: Alexander Downer the Clinton errand boy.

>>6791788 AOC doubles down on dumb.

>>6791758, >>6791763 Statement by US Attorney Donoghue re: Raniere conviction. (video)

>>6791760 DJT Tweet: "Just returning from Orlando and Doral (Miami)…"

>>6791734 Novocure CEO sold $11.30m in shares.

>>6791711 Joe Biden placeholder type of candidate.

>>6791709 POTUS on Hannity tonight @9PM EST.

>>6791702 Son of mob family arrested for hiring hitman to kill father and brother.

>>6791680, >>6791887 Marketfag update.

>>6791670 Four illegals charged on re-entry charges.

>>6791666 Mexico Senate ratifies new trade deal with US, Canada.

>>6791658 Trump admin. threatens to furlough 150 workers at OPM.

>>6791631 Planefag updates.

>>6791630 POTUS DoI axing regs. to give Americans access to Fed. land.

>>6791603 AJ sanctioned for claiming Sandy Hook lawyers framed him.

>>6791560 Who is providing arms to the terrorists in Syria?

>>6791528 Update on Spacey case.

>>6791483, >>6791494, >>6791568 Acid wash pointing to the clean up process after Cabal leisure activities?

d6d239  No.6792004



aafed2  No.6792005

File: 070afc73b9fabdf⋯.png (126.41 KB, 474x901, 474:901, ClipboardImage.png)

534858  No.6792006

File: 5a2bde68a0ed0f7⋯.jpg (486.84 KB, 1069x1096, 1069:1096, Lurk moar 2.jpg)

File: ce6f750541a0d27⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 730x410, 73:41, Shadow banner.jpg)


>Any real Qtards are on twitter

a782b1  No.6792007

File: d7009b875ea9b4b⋯.png (84.73 KB, 786x589, 786:589, ClipboardImage.png)

ICE Confirms Trump’s Claim That Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Will Be Deported

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Tuesday what President Donald Trump claimed Monday: the agency will begin deporting millions of illegal immigrants.

Acting ICE director Mark Morgan said it isn’t feasible to send back all of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in one action, but he told The Hill that the massive job will be getting underway.

“Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in,” Trump tweeted Monday.

Morgan said it is all a question of having the people available to complete the large task ahead. A Pew Research Center study released last week, indicated that there were 10.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States in 2017.

“So clearly, we don’t have the resources to deport, you know, 11 million people in a short period of time,” Morgan told The Hill. “But we have and we remove people every single year. And we’re going to continue to do that.”

Trump’s drive to reduce illegal immigration should also be helped by Mexico’s agreement to better monitor and police its border with the United States — a promise achieved after the president threatened to impose a 5% tariff on Mexican exports.


14850f  No.6792008

File: 5b72d7fd504bae3⋯.png (361.51 KB, 1123x768, 1123:768, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

09f06c  No.6792009

File: 3529460019aa847⋯.jpg (67.56 KB, 1201x516, 1201:516, Pipeline_Wars.jpg)

File: 6cb483ad1d96e74⋯.png (216.61 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Nordstream2_pipeline.png)

File: cecd7eb6b5ec8b0⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 700x753, 700:753, leviathan_map_f.jpg)

File: e877fe9f1b3adb8⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 474x549, 158:183, 2019-06-19_13-34-49.jpg)

File: 1ea545741f3c5b9⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 476x320, 119:80, 2019-06-19_13-35-09.jpg)

52f591  No.6792010


No its only one pass of random data. I saw someone say she should have used dban and i agree. Dban has multipal passes and beyond that there is superblocks on the hard drive. If she did not physically destroy it I am pretty sure it could be recovered.

bb9bc8  No.6792011

File: 0f1567a2757b207⋯.png (344.65 KB, 465x654, 155:218, ClipboardImage.png)


547782  No.6792012


Lol at the bot tagging my post with memes

Fucking bot

14bd87  No.6792013

File: fbfeb380debabc1⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 512x382, 256:191, shillhag.jpg)

517a5a  No.6792014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Not related directly; but …

Missile Attack on Saudi Power Plant Reported - LIVE COVERAGE

926 watching now

Agenda-Free TV

Started streaming 15 minutes ago


14850f  No.6792015


punishing Patriots?

72eb3d  No.6792016



because it's published in WashingtonTimes?

…that's it?

d04ebc  No.6792017

George Soros

d768cb  No.6792018

File: 3d40c1fd7fbd0b0⋯.png (1.58 MB, 960x881, 960:881, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1111a4d90cd401b⋯.png (170.08 KB, 800x600, 4:3, (((.png)

>>6791991 ←-JIDF

8b6dfb  No.6792019

DeBlasio on MTP right now - actin the fool. He and upandChuck arebros'

hey chucky whos yo slave mommy? mivxn

14bd87  No.6792020

File: a21dcf5e2b4ecc5⋯.jpg (482.42 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, akids.jpg)

c2ccae  No.6792021

U.S. Deports Russian Convicted Of Smuggling F-16 Manuals

“Defendant shall be released into the custody of Homeland Security agents today, 6/19/2019, and they will transport Defendant to the Salt Lake International Airport for self-deportation to Russia,” the filing stated.

Tishchenko posted in July 2011 in an online forum that he needed help purchasing F-16 A/B Air Defense Fighter manuals on eBay, according to the U.S. complaint.

He identified himself on eBay as a developer for a Moscow-based video game maker. He said he wanted the manuals to help him improve game designs.


918b98  No.6792022

File: 490885e6a6d3f67⋯.png (156.53 KB, 500x606, 250:303, 648304e0dbb1a50f601521b8ea….png)

File: cb981e067f18922⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 640x409, 640:409, 1dd4834b855aaded915b88aea0….jpg)

File: 2bd880a1236d1b5⋯.png (45.92 KB, 600x375, 8:5, e4f8c3272776968236210e8547….png)

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, f345b9a0ac097cb799d5e0071a….png)

Paint it chartreuse pepe

bf994c  No.6792023


She has the DT's.

Somebody spiked her vodka with water.

Watch the water. kek.

5a7990  No.6792024

File: 15dd962389e5344⋯.png (12.64 KB, 447x160, 447:160, ClipboardImage.png)



17 months ago

547782  No.6792025

I still think its fucking hilarious i spammed 100 posts of Q is a kike and the mods wont even ban me

I wonder why..

2b8ce2  No.6792026


>The deep state wont leave me alone


>Might as well see if i can wake one or two retards up

Ah so we should take the advise of a paranoid lunatic who "pisses his time away" on a board "that is fake".

How many voices tell you to do this schizo?

72eb3d  No.6792027


>suddenly not so sure fishing is fun

e47996  No.6792028

File: 99810f47dff2fc9⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 255x220, 51:44, GrammarNazi.jpg)


>'is the people being paid'

Should be 'are the people…..'

People indicates more than one.

You are very welcome.

a1ddd7  No.6792029


>>6791537 Rockets Strike Oil Firms in Iraq

918b98  No.6792030


Biden bought trumps bilbo last time






Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

And you are good looking enough

Call now

German electric bilbos available

Cruise winning !

7d3380  No.6792031


She did hammer the blackberrys and the Awan SErvers were crushed and left. I wish they could rebuild platters.. wonder what was left for the marine renter to find that was busted up.

Seriously what a bunch of faggots. How hard is it to take out a drive and get rid of it?

Fucking amateurs at best.

534858  No.6792032

File: 351ddc350dea944⋯.jpg (311.53 KB, 1936x1216, 121:76, All for a larp.jpg)

File: 589ef2d191e3b34⋯.jpg (825.02 KB, 2038x3109, 2038:3109, Cia ops.jpg)

File: 620354e0feacce4⋯.jpg (166.79 KB, 500x656, 125:164, Shills an sliders.jpg)


Muh Bot.

Get a new playbook.

Fucking idiot.

da8b63  No.6792033

Any word on Flynn's court appearance today at 2pm?

d6d239  No.6792034

File: 61f1c720d36553f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1144x752, 143:94, creepy.png)

290319  No.6792035


Good afternoon Sir

547782  No.6792036


>Paint it chartreuse pepe


>higher dimensionals torturing the goyim is breaking the 4th wall

Fuck off kikebot

1e37a8  No.6792037

File: 4678c81736a6e30⋯.png (5.55 KB, 392x294, 4:3, capture_20190619141457.png)

File: b8007c5f7b66f94⋯.png (25.43 KB, 382x580, 191:290, capture_20190619141250.png)

File: 70e8f3cfc7d411c⋯.png (599.77 KB, 981x699, 327:233, f267d047b9e6b0d9b03059e302….png)

File: 84af356960737a5⋯.png (4.83 KB, 381x215, 381:215, capture_20190619141048.png)

e36bcc  No.6792038


He saved Paul who had been killing Christians at the time. Paul went on to be one of his most loyal and loving apostles. All things are possible with God!

14850f  No.6792039

File: b0c23cdd65e71d4⋯.jpg (99.92 KB, 800x573, 800:573, b0c23cdd65e71d4995e19e2dc3….jpg)


>10.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States in 2017.

Good bye "blue wave"!

918b98  No.6792040

File: 661c828fc6b5823⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 620x470, 62:47, IMG_1083.JPG)

I prefer Claude's brisket Thauce with garlic

Happy Juneteenth

44d11b  No.6792041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Black Democrat Booed For Testifying Against Slave Reparations

547782  No.6792043


Fuck you kike go murder children for israel

7d3380  No.6792044


Your ignorance is GLOWING.

Not WASTING time w (You) anymoar.


6ddb83  No.6792045

File: 8d3261ea8b59725⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 558x743, 558:743, Screenshot_388.jpg)

File: efd3e8eb3fbac5e⋯.jpg (97.65 KB, 566x619, 566:619, Screenshot_389.jpg)

File: 2c18beff5c1285c⋯.jpg (99.22 KB, 564x657, 188:219, Screenshot_390.jpg)

File: 6a7992279549e02⋯.jpg (132.63 KB, 566x790, 283:395, Screenshot_391.jpg)

Not sure if this was posted earlier or news worthy.. but Here is the first half of article


6a3f6c  No.6792046


All you curly, twisty haired bitches are belong to us.

Wail all you want…that wall ain't giving you shit!

d6d239  No.6792047

File: 3de4c0e02f5f238⋯.jpg (87.26 KB, 586x587, 586:587, 3de4c0e02f5f238610de9062ec….jpg)


That's more than 6 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

918b98  No.6792048


It's for Epstein island makeover !!!!!!

547782  No.6792049


I was talking about the actual God not your faggot larp demon god

151c93  No.6792050

186674  No.6792051

File: eedbb5983928c43⋯.png (409.05 KB, 822x781, 822:781, Why is Genie Oil “Troubles….png)

File: 87b2d98ce2b2275⋯.png (49.99 KB, 695x758, 695:758, Bureau of Labor Statistics….png)



>Nothing at All!

>Tax Reform!

>Prison Reform!

>Lowest Unemployment for Men Women

>Black, Hispanic, & Asian populace in History!

>NK = U.S.

>China = U.S.

>KAS = U.S.

>India = U.S.

>Russia = U.S.

>Border Wall being Built!

>Twats to Mexico into taking action on Their Southern Border!

>U.S. Embassy Now in Jerusalem

>Golan Heights Renamed "Trump Heights"!

>Gained 14 Trillion in Wealth due to Tariffs & Sanctions!

>Right to Try!

>Western & Eastern Europe Rallying around Trump Policies!

>Stock Market on Fire Due to Trump Economic


>Q making (((you))) Panic!


>Nothing at All!

>Severe Lack of SLACK!

>The SubGenius!


Here is the problem with all of the above, it is simply disingenuous and the more Trump and Don Jr. go on about the false promises kept the more they are going to lose followers. For example:

Labor Force Participation stats are a better indicator of employment rate. Look at the chart


Right to Try.. did very little to assist and we who have dug into it find the FDA expanded access still preferable, faster and with less regulations.


Who cares about the stock market…….The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks


Genie Oil and Gas .. The company with the rights to drill in Golan Heights. Take a look Gennie Oil and Gas Board of Directors. I have to ask… Who benefits from Golan Heights recognition? Common people or Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney, Lawrence Summers, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Steinhardt, James Woolsey, etc.


The problem with the OP list is they are all simply not true or if true very little difference has contributed to the common people.

41e98c  No.6792052


the poster you are doing all that "deciphering" on has stated he is just an anon.

14850f  No.6792053

File: d7a55b73d71e3f6⋯.png (145.5 KB, 1119x752, 1119:752, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)


Some nasty ass fuckin' memeing right'chere!

534858  No.6792054

File: d210a039a4eb69e⋯.jpg (405.51 KB, 962x626, 481:313, Q army.jpg)


>I wonder why..

Simples, free speech board.

Even for idiots.

d1dbc1  No.6792055


anon 0-DELTA


61c6d7  No.6792056

File: 5cb032a735e6a0e⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 664x376, 83:47, 5x5 bm.jpg)


so easy to understand yet hard to grasp. Gets a chance to really work now

6a3f6c  No.6792057

File: 3b3018570ab33f1⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 506x380, 253:190, popeInDeepShitNow.jpg)

547782  No.6792058


>mid 20s autist shills your fake psyop even harder than the actual shills and everyone left

Lol you guys suck

Let me be the evil overlords ill oppress the goyim 10x harder

0c6b6d  No.6792059


Mnuchin buying this too?

d6d239  No.6792060

File: 923aab6dcca58ad⋯.jpeg (53.69 KB, 720x751, 720:751, 1.jpeg)

File: 11dc500f61ea8d6⋯.png (291.39 KB, 568x341, 568:341, 2.png)

File: b1e06e3367000fa⋯.png (940.3 KB, 894x1410, 149:235, 3.png)

File: e9a5420fd7a8480⋯.png (255.11 KB, 425x566, 425:566, 4.png)

File: ada285924c0b83e⋯.png (461.75 KB, 724x488, 181:122, a4f046930da8bbfaeadb895688….png)

9b8c29  No.6792061

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, flaga7ffb193423f0a5573ceee….png)


Good afternoon, Patriots!!!

d22607  No.6792062



85979c  No.6792063


Oh god, I hope Fred Phelps buys it.

547782  No.6792064


Nah its cus their pussies and they know im targeted

They like chaos

72eb3d  No.6792065


Did you even read it?

You can't tell the author's obviously joking?

918b98  No.6792066

File: 763b2afa263def2⋯.jpg (28.02 KB, 248x217, 8:7, IMG_8350.JPG)

It's a gorillion Gaylord bacon us18rico with butt fuck Greek tsipraism hobbits in the throughs of baalzebub Scientology necromancy

Still no cash

3f8f71  No.6792067


Holiday Inn

Our bad

No video

e30aad  No.6792068


You mean, like

Barrels of acid on the roof of the Standard Hotel?

0c6b6d  No.6792069


Hmmmm, doesn't work when you do it.

d4443b  No.6792070

File: 7848db9856a15b4⋯.jpeg (256.51 KB, 1688x1688, 1:1, 03EC092A-3A03-431F-A019-D….jpeg)

File: ccb7e0ab9f6acf5⋯.jpeg (50.64 KB, 850x400, 17:8, AB593DE9-1CEA-47F3-8230-B….jpeg)

File: 4e71810be8794b5⋯.png (851.06 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A5A8262B-B667-4781-A010-4B….png)

File: ac7857bcf9c4b56⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 10529C5D-FD2D-400E-845C-AE….png)

File: 9ed5b3ab7b2a00b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5BB0319F-70C9-4656-91A8-C5….png)

de7ed2  No.6792071


It's because Hannity says it every night 5 nights a week.

ed4d52  No.6792072














482bc7  No.6792073

File: 8fc69de47dbed10⋯.jpeg (22.92 KB, 293x172, 293:172, 8F38F0CA-478A-4CAB-83FF-1….jpeg)

>>6791530 are a loser

i see

the shills are alive with the sounds of jewshit

14850f  No.6792074

File: f3cc1d8f6946519⋯.png (432.25 KB, 965x781, 965:781, Screen Shot 2019-06-17 at ….png)

547782  No.6792075


They already lost all awake people

All they have left is old people


And the same people who always vote republican

Fucking lol

8cbba3  No.6792076

File: 869b59e5b4ef199⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2400x1600, 3:2, Screenshot 2019-06-19 at 1….png)


14bd87  No.6792077

File: 1b35ef036f46439⋯.jpg (249.39 KB, 715x540, 143:108, iphops.jpg)

d4443b  No.6792078

File: 93b9f64614d7bbb⋯.png (939.4 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 16A38024-9586-4165-A5AB-DA….png)

File: 9477ae0c898bb8f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 76614637-3EB4-41FB-A59B-E7….png)

File: 5057b3a1c552e61⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4FD91818-7972-4C12-ACC9-3A….png)

File: df9b7fb5967f658⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1E0AF1A8-A6D8-43F9-81C5-16….png)

File: 777373127e60b92⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4A5F1DA3-31CD-4CDA-8C23-1A….png)

918b98  No.6792079


Start sucking cock now

You were chosen to call


Biden bought trumps bilbo last time






Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

And you are good looking enough

Call now

German electric bilbos available

Cruise winning !

0ccabe  No.6792080

File: 42b6fab5fd8ffce⋯.png (73.24 KB, 530x353, 530:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4745fa6d6c8d5c0⋯.png (77.18 KB, 517x383, 517:383, ClipboardImage.png)

290319  No.6792081


Maybe you could do one with merkel

a3ec9f  No.6792082


Are you sleeping with your professor? You sound indoctrinated. 23- 24?

Come back when your self actualized

72eb3d  No.6792083


good gawd.

if being dumb enough to pay for an "elite sex club" wasn't already baffling, this takes it to a whole other how-could-you-not-see-this-honeypot-coming level

547782  No.6792084


The biggest asshole is you freddy

Followed by Q

Then zion don

16c582  No.6792085

File: 0ec3cf3d3261c3a⋯.jpeg (144.01 KB, 1021x559, 1021:559, C6E94EA0-512E-4157-8319-B….jpeg)

0c6b6d  No.6792086


I think maybe your presence is necessary to provide evidence of the veracity of the QAnon movement.

74ccef  No.6792087




e36bcc  No.6792088


We have a direct line here…

833381  No.6792089

File: 00c548881bdad55⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 480x362, 240:181, D8ODdMyXsAIy6Dq.jpg)

anyone dig to see if this could be legit?

ed4d52  No.6792090



de7ed2  No.6792091


Has anyone considered he just fucks up and spells shit wrong ? :/

632ec8  No.6792092

File: ea904e2a14f58e5⋯.jpeg (34.68 KB, 474x474, 1:1, pepeflag.jpeg)


Good Afternoon Winner! I love all this winning!

547782  No.6792093


Lmao fuck you kike

More aware than youll ever be

61c6d7  No.6792094

File: 73ebba0dc7d30c0⋯.jpg (511.37 KB, 1141x1885, 1141:1885, Johnny Cash.jpg)

b62bf7  No.6792095


bond market 10x that of the share market, bonds will eventually collapse, once GB exits capital will vacate due to NIRP, (one of the reasons why Fed doesn't raise rates) the EU and guess where it goes, yep right into equities here. Stocks will eventually launch.

Forex market is the largest market, cap average is 5.1 trillion a day, bond and equity market pale in comparison. Think currency, an often overlooked trade to the average investor.

14850f  No.6792096

File: 7d6a7c40c9f1e4e⋯.png (482.68 KB, 1005x1063, 1005:1063, Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at ….png)

ed4d52  No.6792097



806120  No.6792098


Not uncommon for current NWO to frame people by paying someone to download cp. It is easier than murder for hire Jackals. If you kill Jones, people will take note. If Jones is framed for CP, the issue is so emotional, I find that most people are incapable of considering the person is innocent until proven guilty. They know this, so paying someone with access to put the CP on a persons computer is worth it's weight in gold. Then, you have a prosecutor who says "2 years if you plead guilty, or 20 years if you make us use a jury trial"

Judges can no longer mitigate this. The prosecutor has become as awful as the sheriff on Nottingham. They are so out of control now that there is only a 3% chance of a jury trial in the united states. 97% of the innocent and guilty have to plead out and go to jail

The trial lawyers are trying to get the public to notice that there are so few trials, they are not able to train lawyers to be trial attorneys anymore. There is no where to learn.

The enemies are doing a great job destroying the American Justice system, and they are using CP to do it.

They get money to keep the prisons full too.

0c6b6d  No.6792099

File: 674545e39d6b563⋯.png (432.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


That number of officers over "comments made"?


3f8f71  No.6792100


Good work Anon. Maybe, maybe not.

Really important to understand the HRC email “matter” going forward.

Remember, there is no Russiagate without HRC Email scandal

547782  No.6792101


>>>6792084 (You)



I really just wanna know why you guys find me so fun


7d3380  No.6792102


Holy shit!!!!!

If true, cube the sentencing. As in 17yrs x17yrs is their sentence because they were in a position of authority and take away peoples lives who merely smoke pot.. fuck these assholes’ assholes wide open.

0c6b6d  No.6792103


You think there is daylight between the two?

16c582  No.6792104


That’s different! Kekking.

6442a0  No.6792105


I confess that I had no idea what Muriatic acid was and had to search it.

Had they simply called it Hydrochloric Acid, I would have understand immediately.

1b771d  No.6792106

>>6791987 Wow, finally.

129591  No.6792107


Beautiful day!


475ad0  No.6792108

how many times do you have to be told - we KNOW FE is kikedom as you use FE in your holocaust lies literature

i.e. according to you jews DENYING the holohoax is equivalent to BELIEVING the earth is flat. we have posted proof of this MULTIPLE TIMES. didn't you get the memo jewie?

Your greatest liars proudly use the FE/Holohoax association, Daniel, you Hollow Hoax museum hologram, didn't you get the memo? Think about what you saw.

Your purpose is to seed this board with FE and by associating your stupid Jew lies with the truth about Jew lies you hope to do what you fucking serpents always do, occlude the light.

22c381  No.6792109

File: 9b771a0b9582103⋯.png (99.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 20190619_162221.png)

ada6f4  No.6792110


And they might say . . .

Aug 24, 2018 · Left untreated, high alkalinity can cause damaging scale to form inside your pool and circulation system.​ … Adding muriatic acid is an easy, inexpensive way to lower your pool’s alkalinity.​ … Muriatic acid balances your pool chemistry by lowering total alkalinity and pH.




14850f  No.6792111

File: 4a3a2ce326c74b9⋯.jpg (68.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4a3a2ce326c74b996625353e13….jpg)

547782  No.6792112


I dont care if i was chosen id rather watch the world burn

Good thing i wasnt you lying fuck

ed4d52  No.6792113



bb9bc8  No.6792114

File: 0a9fc66159859ba⋯.png (364.93 KB, 1346x844, 673:422, 0a9fc66159859ba97bde318466….png)

File: 31deceed7b31062⋯.jpg (133.15 KB, 640x457, 640:457, 31deceed7b310625e51371920e….jpg)


Iconic American filmmaker David Lynch has said that President Donald Trump could go as one of the ‘greatest presidents in history’ for destroying the deep state and the New World Order.According to the “Twin Peaks” creator, the New World Order cabal are no longer able to Trump’s superior intellect and are now cornered like “frightened children.”“He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much,” Lynch said referring to the New World in an exclusive interview with the guardian.“No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.”

He voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary and thinks — he’s not sure — he voted Libertarian in the presidential election.“I am not really a political person, but I really like the freedom to do what you want to do,” says the persecuted Californian smoker.He is undecided about Donald Trump.“He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.”

While Trump may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up space where other outsiders might.“Our so-called leaders can’t take the country forward, can’t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.”READ MORE: Obama At Bilderberg: ‘The US Must Surrender To the New World Order’

Geroge Soros recently expressed his frustration that “everything that could go wrong has gone wrong” referring to the rapid dismantling of the New World Order spearheaded by President Donald Trump.

The billionaire globalist who financed of countless Color Revolutions all across the world told the Washington Post that he was “living in [his] own bubble” due to failing to forsee Trump’s meteoric rise.Soros expressed fears that Trump “is willing to destroy the world” and vowed to “redouble [his] efforts” by pouring millions of dollars into o opposing everything that the President stands for all across the world.

ed4d52  No.6792115

e58d96  No.6792116


Good afternoon!

0c6b6d  No.6792117


Muriatic is a lot weaker. Cleans driveways.

Hydrochloric acid is a lot stronger. Cleans witnesses.

d4443b  No.6792118

File: eba76b9bb3d15b0⋯.png (324.25 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2288BB46-3D25-4650-ACC9-DA….png)

File: 99bf98a6ff6879d⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 91AE5F51-33B4-40DE-A062-78….png)

File: 17c8c071437c961⋯.png (317.02 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1BDE92DC-EB41-44CB-875C-06….png)

File: 487bff9c8323a82⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, C6AEF706-5ADA-4CB2-92C4-EF….png)

File: 3932cf227a81019⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 53068BE0-4A93-4AE3-B8B6-A2….png)

e515d8  No.6792119

File: 499ee78d9c1599f⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 500x335, 100:67, GuessWho.jpg)

547782  No.6792120


Lmao at least im not a bitch boy for the cabal like you

16c582  No.6792121


Coatesville? Potus tweet. YEP!

a3ec9f  No.6792122


So, you're having an affair?


918b98  No.6792123


We are talking about enough radiotropic space swine to feed china too

52f591  No.6792124


big if true. I think Blue Velvet had deepstate undertones.

0f6b2c  No.6792125


A shakeup merkel gif? Great idea.

833381  No.6792126

Are any of you seeing your images load reallllllly slow or just me?

ed4d52  No.6792127



547782  No.6792128

Man so super scary when you guys predict my posts and post before or after me

I wonder how you do that

You guys got nothing on the interdimensionals if you arnt them

And nothing on middle school

72eb3d  No.6792129


> told the Washington Post that he was “living in [his] own bubble” due to failing to forsee Trump’s meteoric rise.

<Soros expressed fears that Trump “is willing to destroy the world”

does not see the dissonance

a1ddd7  No.6792130


Anon's father was an alcoholic. BAD. Abusive, dis-associative, psychotic. Drank heavily 24 hours a day, no job, home all day. 2 handles a week + beer as a warmup.

Anon's family decided enough was enough and cut him off 100% all at once.

They didn't know how dangerous doing that could be.

Day 1 went fine. A little shaking, nothing major.

Day 2 the shaking intensified so that he couldn't even brush his teeth.

Night 2 the hallucinations began. Anon's family found him stomping imaginary spiders in the driveway at 3am. He was shaking pretty bad.

Same anon went to jail and bunked with a heroin addict. Bunk beds were bolted to the floor.

By Night 2 the shaking was so intense, neither of them could sleep unless one of them moved to the floor.

This shaking is much different from withdrawal shaking.

Withdrawal shaking is constant. This shaking is inconsistent in strength, and seems to be more of a shiver, affecting multiple parts of her body.

Plus she'd have to be really shitfaced every single day to achieve that level of withdrawals.

Not saying it's not withdrawal, but having lots of experience with withdrawal symptoms, that's not consistent with what I've seen.

9c9541  No.6792131

File: 950bcdf70273062⋯.png (858.44 KB, 1918x818, 959:409, Screenshot_2019-06-19 Virt….png)

File: 0b971caacba6f1b⋯.png (70.39 KB, 931x785, 931:785, Screenshot_2019-06-19 Gold….png)

GOLD63 inbound as the price of Gold hits yearly high of $1363/oz

de285a  No.6792132



dats funny rite dare, idontcair who you are.

5e2aa4  No.6792133

File: c67456cca9549d8⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 630x338, 315:169, Screenshot 2019-06-19_17-2….jpg)


918b98  No.6792134


Our space swine acts like a Fag and talks like a Fag

69f305  No.6792135

by the clock, 'tis day,

And yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp:

Is't night's predominance, or the day's shame,

That darkness does the face of earth entomb,

When living light should kiss it?

547782  No.6792136


How come you havent killed me yet ?

Im still not even as depressed as i was in middle school

Literal children did your job better than you you demonic fuck

517a5a  No.6792137

File: f862f3af1fb7515⋯.png (303.4 KB, 494x642, 247:321, FitsHenry on Scientoloty T….PNG)

>>6791217 (lb)

<Lawsuit accuses Scientology, David Miscavage of child abuse, human trafficking, libel.

Most Likely No coincidences.

Case against Scientology and NXIVM Guilty Verdict announced same day.

They are all connected.



The More You Know….

Tiffany FitzHenry @Tiff_FitzHenry

Scientology, David Miscavage sued for child abuse, human trafficking, libel. A team of human rights attorneys on Tuesday filed the first of what they promise will be a series of lawsuits against the Church of Scientology and its David Miscavige #ByeFelicia


178505  No.6792138


Can I request moar outhouse and/or robot posts?

282075  No.6792139

File: 1e7a23c69e74abf⋯.jpg (365.08 KB, 1359x1663, 1359:1663, SmartSelect_20190618-10121….jpg)

c452ab  No.6792140

>>6792068 Yep, that was my thinking.

Hive mind, many other anons think of that too.

>>6792071 I wouldn't know. Not a TV watcher.

52f591  No.6792141


and of course the dark lodge in twin peaks. I never got into twin peaks but i think the show revolved around a dead teenage girl found on the seashore.

61c6d7  No.6792142

File: 5e69f2508602cf8⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 500x281, 500:281, sexual chocolate.gif)


germany first though. Been printing neg yield coupons for some time.

It's fuggen glorious to watch.

Douche bank gonna need a bigger boat!

that $50b is mouse nuts in grand scheme of what they call 'assets'

>Forex market is the largest market, cap average is 5.1 trillion a day, bond and equity market pale in comparison.

he 'aint lying

6442a0  No.6792143


When are they going to stop using the neutral term undocumented immigrant and call them what they really are?

Oh, there are so many liberal phrases used to conceal their true meaning that I can't wait to see blasted out of existence.

186674  No.6792144

File: eedbb5983928c43⋯.png (409.05 KB, 822x781, 822:781, Why is Genie Oil “Troubles….png)

File: 87b2d98ce2b2275⋯.png (49.99 KB, 695x758, 695:758, Bureau of Labor Statistics….png)



>Nothing at All!

>Tax Reform!

>Prison Reform!

>Lowest Unemployment for Men Women

>Black, Hispanic, & Asian populace in History!

>NK = U.S.

>China = U.S.

>KAS = U.S.

>India = U.S.

>Russia = U.S.

>Border Wall being Built!

>Twats to Mexico into taking action on Their Southern Border!

>U.S. Embassy Now in Jerusalem

>Golan Heights Renamed "Trump Heights"!

>Gained 14 Trillion in Wealth due to Tariffs & Sanctions!

>Right to Try!

>Western & Eastern Europe Rallying around Trump Policies!

>Stock Market on Fire Due to Trump Economic


>Q making (((you))) Panic!


>Nothing at All!

>Severe Lack of SLACK!

>The SubGenius!


Here is the problem with all of the above, it is simply disingenuous and the more Trump and Don Jr. go on about the false promises kept the more they are going to lose followers. For example:

Labor Force Participation stats are a better indicator of employment rate. Look at the chart

>>>>>> https://www.google.com/search?q=labor+force+participation+rates..

Right to Try.. did very little to assist and we who have dug into it find the FDA expanded access still preferable, faster and with less regulations.

>>>>>> https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/right-to-try-laws-create-tremendous-legal-uncertainties-fda-expanded-access-preferable/

Who cares about the stock market…….The Richest 10% of Americans Now Own 84% of All Stocks

>>>>>> http://money.com/money/5054009/stock-ownership-10-percent-richest/

Genie Oil and Gas .. The company with the rights to drill in Golan Heights. Take a look Gennie Oil and Gas Board of Directors. I have to ask… Who benefits from Golan Heights recognition? Common people or Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney, Lawrence Summers, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Steinhardt, James Woolsey, etc.

>>>>>> https://medium.com/@EricTerman/why-is-genie-oil-troubleshooting-north-korea-ffe393be69fe

The problem with the OP list is they are all simply not true or if true very little difference has contributed to the common people.

c2ccae  No.6792145


'Girls are not real and boys are not real'

The teacher showed videos in class from the YouTube channel Queer Kid Stuff as visual aides.

The Post Millennial noted:

The video contained statements such as, “some people aren’t boys or girls,” and that there are people who do not “feel like a ‘she’ or a ‘he,’” and therefore might not have a gender. … According to [the girl’s] feedback to her mother, [the teacher] told the children that “there is no such thing as girls and boys,” and “girls are not real and boys are not real.

After two months of being indoctrinated, the young girl, identified only as “N,” “spontaneously and repeatedly asking [her parents] why her identity as a girl was ‘not real,’” the report said.

“She asked if she could ‘go to a doctor’ about the fact that she was a girl.”


d4443b  No.6792146

File: 8c76442772eb4e3⋯.png (325.88 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 25879BAB-970E-4F52-88A5-CA….png)

File: 32ac0aa64f8b97b⋯.png (531.12 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F310E6DC-547B-4F06-B589-92….png)

File: 97cfd8cc6ad5d1f⋯.png (346.67 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 65AF3935-F631-4243-89D4-75….png)

File: 564689ec5550474⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D286C93E-7591-40C3-89DC-FD….png)

File: 232f677b71273e3⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 93ECCA05-E4E1-4278-9A8E-8B….png)

bfd594  No.6792147

Los Angeles has had it up to here with Mayor Garcetti

Removal movement is underway & had a presser on city hall steps today

"Worst mayor this city has ever had"


ed4d52  No.6792148





547782  No.6792149


Yeah right lmao

More like trump gets to be king of the nwo

c2980f  No.6792151


Sorry for what you have seen, anon.


Hope you've stayed out of jail recently.

918b98  No.6792152


The Sheol says we built it over 6000 years to hit this gorillion Gaylord Jew bacon numbers

e30aad  No.6792153


Level 2 / 3a soft body armor will stop pistols nicely.

d6d239  No.6792154


Depends if it's from drinking baby blood……..just say'in

dc66eb  No.6792156




The above is the missile launch you are referring to at the source of it.

84c714  No.6792157


Once you learn their game, its over.

Figure out who the biggest "victim" is and that's the guilty party.

Who cries victim the most?

c904ee  No.6792158

File: 3704771224e9e0e⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 500x275, 20:11, VA Homelessness.jpg)

File: 23e34963b940fe3⋯.jpg (100.16 KB, 960x640, 3:2, homeless vietnam vet.jpg)


I have an idea about repurposing those buildings

8fd89e  No.6792159

File: b418cd2e7f1d742⋯.jpg (398.85 KB, 844x632, 211:158, jyfikgljsdfsd.jpg)

ed4d52  No.6792160



282075  No.6792161

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

bb9bc8  No.6792162

File: a854725d05dab70⋯.png (375.75 KB, 747x348, 249:116, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d4cac38e292ebf⋯.png (532.29 KB, 613x756, 613:756, 0d4cac38e292ebf2bf20f14693….png)

File: 924287f739b01c3⋯.jpg (124.8 KB, 826x500, 413:250, 924287f739b01c31b25f7dbbe8….jpg)

File: aada4a6f4b9d9ce⋯.jpg (177.37 KB, 734x500, 367:250, aada4a6f4b9d9cef03a127457f….jpg)

File: db3f3a134bf01b9⋯.png (472.32 KB, 977x1235, 977:1235, db3f3a134bf01b94d434dbe79a….png)

547782  No.6792163


You know i smoke too much weed to dream coward

You cant even break me

If there is any good in the world they have their work cut out if all the other fucks are as stupid as you "freddy"

7d3380  No.6792164


The question is, what effects does bleach or acid have on SILICON WAFERS that use magnetism to store energy….

I dont think acid matters, but could be wrong. The acid would have to render the silicon wafer non magnetized.. dont see that being able to be done, but could be wrong.

c2980f  No.6792165





The power of three.

Doesn't POTUS often repeat a concept or word or synonym three times?

72eb3d  No.6792166


>so many liberal phrases used to conceal their true meaning

and they complain about "dog whistles"

918b98  No.6792167


Spare the whip or it spoils the bacon

Our space swine mumbles Jew homo nonsense and craves buttplugs

b62bf7  No.6792168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no acid compares to 'molecular acid'.

d4443b  No.6792169

File: 1837cf900178e78⋯.png (4.17 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1547A957-BB33-4467-8EAE-E1….png)

b6e0b3  No.6792170


That teacher should be removed asap!

ed4d52  No.6792171



806120  No.6792172


You don't even have to pay anyone actually, if the person has say a kid in highschool looking for a job. All you have to do is create a web site with a job application (fake) and stash say 17-20 decent sized CP pictures way down at the bottom past where any kid would scroll while filling out an application. The computer will cash the photos.

I have advised all of my brothers to put their computers in their wives names to protect themselves.

The situation with the courts and the loss of trial by jury is in severe dire straights right now. Only rich people get to go to court these days to keep up the appearance that the courts are still running trials by jury. They are not. The innocent are going to jail. Small sentences, sure, but there is no trial by jury anymore.

That is why I was irritated when we had that post go by showing George Soros was donating to all the local prosecutor races in the small towns in America. These are the prosecutors who are corrupted.

c452ab  No.6792173

File: 0fb1589afba455e⋯.jpg (129.29 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, LeftHypocrisyExample63Ille….jpg)

File: 6293bb5ec420465⋯.jpg (135.11 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, LeftHypocrisyExample62Ille….jpg)

b62bf7  No.6792174


oops 'Alien' acid.

547782  No.6792175

I reallt would like to know who im talking shit to lmao

d4443b  No.6792176

File: 2998001390a057f⋯.png (4.17 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7317E1E2-B314-482A-BFB7-00….png)

a7be21  No.6792177

Just a thought:

when FBI has launched a probe into 8ch

Q cant post here anymore without doxxing himself?

Is that why Q is absent since a month or so?

7ae226  No.6792178


This is notable IMO

5a5e12  No.6792179

File: 20424c8baf055e8⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, boomer.jpg)


Fucking fake and fucking gay. Goddammit you boomers are fucking annoying. The only dumbasses for fall for that shit.

547782  No.6792180



918b98  No.6792181


The lutherans figured it out

Our Gaylord space joos

Are longing from prior investments

Babel petty pedo Jew nonsense

And it's not taxes

0c6b6d  No.6792182


I think the inference was that by talking about acid, we're no longer talking about BleachBit being used on a computer.

But acid being used on Arkancides.

282075  No.6792183

File: eca79f8a6b61e61⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DECLAS - all.jpg)

37cec8  No.6792184


And this ties into Mexico…

ed4d52  No.6792185



410312  No.6792186


Bactine please!

b62bf7  No.6792187


indeed, on GB exits other PIIGS will follow, the EU and all their dreams of a Federalized EU and competing currency the Euro, will collapse into dust.

de7ed2  No.6792188


You know you're weak when you allow an anonymous person annoy you.

So very weak.

547782  No.6792189


Election season maybe

But Q is a deep state psyop

So the reason why Q doesnt post is because they no longer have anything,to gain

Nobody believes or follows anymore

14850f  No.6792190

File: c00260dd90c1924⋯.png (371.36 KB, 661x516, 661:516, Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at ….png)

918b98  No.6792191


Who wants to haarp a carp when we got modern ham radios for our Gaylord bacon

ed4d52  No.6792192



a1ddd7  No.6792193



That was a decade ago, haven't been back since.

Funny how watching others fuck up their lives makes you want to better your own.

Thanks for the kind words

e515d8  No.6792194

File: 95a023b3e222a12⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 504x337, 504:337, STFUsonny.jpg)

547782  No.6792195


Not as broken as anyone related to you will be lmao

Because theyll be dead

37c844  No.6792196


>>6792133 Syrian man arrested for planning an attack on a Christian church.

>>6792041 Articulate Black Democrat booed for testifying against slave reparations.

>>6791537 Rockets strike oil firms in Iraq.

>>6792021 U.S. deports Russian convicted of smuggling F-16 manuals.

>>6792014 Missile attack on Saudi power plant reported.

>>6792007 ICE validate's POTUS statements on illegal round up.

>>6792002, >>6792080 72 Philadelphia police officers placed on leaver over controversial social media posts.

>>6791989 Vatican whistleblower fingers DC rector of being a pedophile and member of the 'gay mafia'.

>>6791851, >>6791862, >>6791938 Anon explains how data can survive re-writes. Bleach bit features.

>>6791919 Criminal illegal sentenced to 6 years in prison.

>>6791904 Trump administration rolls back Obama-era EPA plan that targeted coal plants.

>>6791801 Federal agents raided Chicago Ald. Carrie Austin's office.

>>6791883 Pentagon: Patriot Missiles and Drones headed to ME.

>>6791860 McAfee claims his 'head of security' fell Ill after escaping the Bahamas.

>>6791800 PapaD Tweet: Alexander Downer the Clinton errand boy.

>>6791788 AOC doubles down on dumb.

>>6791758, >>6791763 Statement by US Attorney Donoghue re: Raniere conviction. (video)

>>6791760 DJT Tweet: "Just returning from Orlando and Doral (Miami)…"

>>6791734 Novocure CEO sold $11.30m in shares.

>>6791711 Joe Biden placeholder type of candidate.

>>6791709 POTUS on Hannity tonight @9PM EST.

>>6791702 Son of mob family arrested for hiring hitman to kill father and brother.

>>6791680, >>6791887 Marketfag update.

>>6791670 Four illegals charged on re-entry charges.

>>6791666 Mexico Senate ratifies new trade deal with US, Canada.

>>6791658 Trump admin. threatens to furlough 150 workers at OPM.

>>6791631, >>6792131 Planefag updates.

>>6791630 POTUS DoI axing regs. to give Americans access to Fed. land.

>>6791603 AJ sanctioned for claiming Sandy Hook lawyers framed him.

>>6791560 Who is providing arms to the terrorists in Syria?

>>6791528 Update on Spacey case.

>>6791483, >>6791494, >>6791568 Acid wash pointing to the clean up process after Cabal leisure activities?

0e909a  No.6792197

File: d9531ac4610c186⋯.png (834.69 KB, 1772x1196, 443:299, ACID - and other drugs - ….png)


How about this.

Bill and Hillary are ACID WASHED.

Hillary ACID washed HERSELF.

Think of the BALLOON night with Bill and Hillary. (Eye witness says that Bill took more acid than ever seen a person do at one time before.)

Bill and Hillary were heavily involved the drug scene all the back to back to 1971 continuing until the present day. See book "The Summer of Love".



See graphic.

c2ccae  No.6792198


This is in Ontario Canada and…

The family is seeking $5,000 in general damages and a judgment that requires the school board to “not devalue, deny, or undermine in any way the female gender identity.”

In addition, the Buffones seek mandatory notice from teacher regarding any gender-identity lessons in the east or future, “including the teaching objectives and the materials that will be or have been used for such lessons.”

ceff33  No.6792200

@RepSteveChabot :

"We've got real problems with Iran right now, yet we're screwing around with Hope Hicks. I mean, what a waste of time."


547782  No.6792201


Cant even fake omnipotence well

God i hope youre just a bot and not a real demon lul

5a5e12  No.6792202


We're approaching a [30] day dark spell. The only [30] marker we have is reference Flynn (and no name). Methinks it has something to do with Flynn getting an all new defense team. Marker conf incoming?

ba0834  No.6792203

Just happened to be looking at ADSB earlier and was clicking around, noticed Dan Snyder's (Washington Redskins owner) plane took off from Green Bay,flew towards Duluth, MN, turned right, did a loop around near Marquette, MI, came back and landed in Appleton (about 20 miles from Green Bay). Very strange flight pattern. What was he doing up there? Just a quick three state joyride near the canadian border?

ed4d52  No.6792204




d22607  No.6792205



Alll of us.

1b771d  No.6792206

>>6792041 Dems at their finest.

>Cohen: 'He was presumptive but still has the right to speak.'

Nothing like using your power to dismiss a point of view you don't like. Cohen would fit right in back in the Jim Crow south.

bb9bc8  No.6792207

File: f5ee9ce2157f85e⋯.gif (520.67 KB, 500x281, 500:281, f5ee9ce2157f85e39fecc763f6….gif)


You are training newfags. For free. Andele!

547782  No.6792211


Is it really a threat if im 100% serious

Im in my right to defend myself

547782  No.6792212


Oh cool

Thats slightly less gay than demons

6442a0  No.6792214


>BTW, why is the chick next to him so happy?

Couldn't fail to notice that either. I wondered if she could be one of the witnesses/victims.

ed4d52  No.6792215



282075  No.6792216

File: 70534212bf95d30⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 450x477, 50:53, IMG_20190325_170215.jpg)

Two terms.

d728ad  No.6792217




Kyrsten Sinema

Kevin Spacey

Just sayin' it's possible.

7d3380  No.6792218

File: c5241050c991dca⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 72B082A8-8E45-4BFA-88EE-CF….png)

File: b365949e9603d8e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 53D72DD9-619D-4E18-87A4-84….png)

File: ed4aec36707162b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 03B88389-8B06-497D-B16C-AD….png)

Okay, silicon wafers can be acid “etched” so yes acid can fuxx wiff silicon wafers.


a3ec9f  No.6792219

File: e27f9410e594902⋯.png (154.42 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190619-173452.png)

Merkel >>

hyperglycemia shaking

1abd32  No.6792220



That's not a threat

Might just be a statement of fact

547782  No.6792221



I hope i make them,actually think

Because if they do that

Then they will see thru Qs bullshit

37cec8  No.6792222

File: c436fdd08c95931⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 260x264, 65:66, 33uzpa.gif)

c904ee  No.6792223

File: a14ffff12fa7c64⋯.jpg (129.87 KB, 736x982, 368:491, 9d2694175f6d6f4f2f49acbbb0….jpg)

File: 42b4ae9ee312f1e⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 70s-men-fashion-132.jpg)

File: afbfcb931a8e2c3⋯.jpg (205.53 KB, 700x840, 5:6, 70s-men-fashion-141__700.jpg)

File: 2b36ca8c450090c⋯.jpg (120.87 KB, 700x639, 700:639, 70s-men-fashion-381__700.jpg)


This children, is why we don't talk about anything more than the music of the 70s

918b98  No.6792224

File: f3cf1275e9f0043⋯.jpg (97.08 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 4A8B1CF9-18D6-44D8-927F-47….jpg)

File: 958149140965c72⋯.png (326.99 KB, 669x443, 669:443, 80dfc5531cc3eaa28948cc6b9c….png)

File: 7f696b007b6241f⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 500x333, 500:333, f7ed8cb166bec46347eb3ca43a….jpg)

File: 3bddc216a8269d9⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 220x164, 55:41, a3936efaaaedff48799f76b686….jpg)

File: 01213878c4e5195⋯.png (51.34 KB, 540x476, 135:119, 1880391B-9197-4850-9123-C8….png)


The Sheol recommends miracle whip over Mayo and a cheap beer

61c6d7  No.6792225


perhaps they chose to attach it to the poway event because of the host location. In the catalog

ed4d52  No.6792226




2af69c  No.6792227

Did the left attempt to radicalize the right in order to control the 99%? How stupid are they? What did they think was going to happen?

c452ab  No.6792228


1. Practically everyone in 1971 was involved in the drug scene somehow someway. Grass mainly. (How would I know…..?) So that's not especially noteworthy about them.

2. The piece that says Bill was tripping on acid is unsauced and reads like a poorly written novel. Sauce would make it more interdasting.

547782  No.6792229


Im really not kidding,lol

I dont give a fuck

Anyone involved with targeting me dies

I dont give a fuck what Q thinks

Even if Q is real

Put me in jail ill just wait til i get out then do it

29e5b0  No.6792230

File: f7520987817ddcb⋯.jpeg (85.36 KB, 1022x522, 511:261, 5FAC2ABF-4F5B-4478-9691-B….jpeg)

11cd32  No.6792231

File: eaab362064998a5⋯.png (787.34 KB, 1249x1584, 1249:1584, etroll.png)

61c6d7  No.6792233

File: cb1335619ce79d2⋯.png (368.89 KB, 681x546, 227:182, POTUS two terms.PNG)

7d3380  No.6792234


I was anon who got the (You) and was talking about pompeo, he lives near me.. so that TRUST KANSAS had layered meaning.

The more you know.

547782  No.6792236


Why would you arrest me ?

Then you have to explain,to a judge why you targeted me lmao

e515d8  No.6792237

File: 283659457c2135a⋯.jpeg (56.13 KB, 852x478, 426:239, 283659457c2135a94136574eb….jpeg)

ed4d52  No.6792238



918b98  No.6792239


Like a moded baofeng unit

a31726  No.6792240


very good

c452ab  No.6792241


Nobody really wore that shit. Those are ads but nobody bought that kind of clothing or wore it. FFS. How do I know?

Ummmmm….. Trust me, I know.

4f0132  No.6792242

File: fd5f4171d13e156⋯.jpg (477.47 KB, 1388x1080, 347:270, fd5f4171d13e1563dfb8c9d487….jpg)


We see you

1abd32  No.6792243



Oh they know who I am

Not worried at all

Not the slightest

I called them re 'Operators on Standby'

6442a0  No.6792245


Baker, contains typo

>>6792002, >>6792080 72 Philadelphia police officers placed on leaver over …


14850f  No.6792247

File: c9b0a056a597aeb⋯.jpg (221.89 KB, 1243x1774, 1243:1774, D7bFmeCW4AACSY_.jpg)


We are a threat.

72eb3d  No.6792248


hm, yes/no

it's a lot like today's ads & hipsters,

some are dumb enough to follow

ed4d52  No.6792249




178505  No.6792251


Funny how one post can get you shook up more than merkel. I don't think you are strong enough to be here.

37c844  No.6792252


Fixed, thank you anon.

ed4d52  No.6792253


>Not worried at all


bfd594  No.6792255


Interesting little dig from Corey on something very related:


4f0132  No.6792256

File: 3eb0935a291810d⋯.gif (459.99 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 3eb0935a291810dec93b06a32a….gif)

c2980f  No.6792259

File: b188ec25387b372⋯.png (167.38 KB, 656x438, 328:219, Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at ….png)


And then the GM of The Standard dies in a helicopter crash.


0d7243  No.6792260


How's toots doing Freddie?

72eb3d  No.6792261


>one post

but do you have any idea how often it's been posted about

c2ccae  No.6792263


As a kid, bell bottoms were only good for getting caught in your bicycle chain.

918b98  No.6792264


Keystone found


Start sucking cock now

You were chosen to call


Biden bought trumps bilbo last time






Real homo

$20/hr starting

Will you make the call

You are smart enough

And you are good looking enough

Call now

German electric bilbos available

Cruise winning !


4f0132  No.6792265


Trust my superiors

aafed2  No.6792266



Looks like this one slipped past NOTABLES.

1abd32  No.6792267




Just not a paranoid schitzo such as yourself

ed4d52  No.6792269

File: 8faa02a07965b10⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, D7hIsM1UEAA3iqW.png)




534858  No.6792270

File: d3bd967c41be572⋯.jpg (289.89 KB, 1115x743, 1115:743, Comfy.jpg)


Exaddictanon confirms.

This is not withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol.

20 years addicted to heroin.

10 years drug & alcohol support worker.

This is something else anons.

6e81cd  No.6792271



37c844  No.6792272

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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