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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, op.jpg)

a0ffba  No.6627769

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a0ffba  No.6627772

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)


are not endorsements


>>6627458, >>6627472 DJT: …A total Conflict of Interest. NICE!

>>6627135 Summary of Arnav Gupta missing and burning

>>6627158 DJT: "Comey and Brennan are turning on each other." @kilmeade

>>6627190, >>6627528 Q inb4 POTUS

>>6627145, >>6627130 Refresher on Eric J Boswell

>>6627118 Trump is planning to have a “major” statement regarding the border

>>6627092, >>6627116 Exerpts from Judicial Watch Eric Boswell transcript

>>6627061, >>6627062 Transcript of POTUS Q&A on the lawn. POTUS BTFO fake news

>>6627760 #8474


>>6626818 DJT: Congressman John Ratcliffe, "The Trump Campaign clearly did not conspire or collude." @FoxNews

>>6626766 Dig on burning White House man, Arnav Gupta

>>6626757 Digs on Israeli involvement in Big Tech/Intel Agencies/Election Hacking from KnowMoreNews

>>6626725 Anon calls to dig on Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI)

>>6626691, >>6626689 Alan Dershowitz: Shame on Robert Mueller

>>6626685 POTUS Delivers Remarks at the 2019 US Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony (12:40pm EDT)

>>6626664, >>6626747 Trump JR in a MAGA, Punisher Skull [PAIN] shirt (also with "3%" militia logo)

>>6626646 Q: Floor is yours. CONF_WHITE_WHITE_ marker?

>>6626624 Notes bun of POTUS presser. Video: >>6626801

>>6626614 anon digs, finds article "ISIS Fight: Is Operation No-Name Finally Getting A Name?" from 2014

>>6626607 Owner of the Hermitage Fund, with Clinton ties, files legal action in US Federal Court.

>>6626511 Judicial Watch v State Dept. Transcript of Eric James Boswell

>>6626492 Italy's League junior minister resigns after conviction, Salvini accepts

>>6626491 New DJT Tweet. Russia, Russia, Russia! QPROOF?

Baker change

>>6626286 NZ: $150 Mil gun buyback and increased spy budget after Christchurch

>>6626309 Planefag Guernsey update

>>6626319, >>6626379, >>6626422 Man who lit himself up at the WH has died

>>6626398 Israel faces repeat election after parliament dissolves

>>6626996 #8473

#8472 baker change

>>6625513 CA assembly voted to extend Medicaid to illegal adults: ~ $3 Bil./year

>>6625695 Joint Task Force GITMO - recently deleted social media accounts?

>>6625723 Puerto Rico - FEMA official under investigation

>>6625910 PapaD twat - My testimony opened the flood gates

>>6625949 DIA Director Ashley warns of Russian & Chinese nuclear efforts

>>6626067 Netflix calls out Georgia over abortion ban - "rethinking" their investment

>>6626192 #8471

Previously Collected Notables

>>6624649 #8470, >>6625441 #8471

>>6622373 #8467, >>6623135 #8468, >>6623908 #8469

>>6620034 #8464, >>6621473 #8465, >>6621585 #8466

>>6617753 #8461, >>6618488 #8462, >>6621466 #8463

>>6615395 #8458, >>6616186 #8459, >>6616958 #8460

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

a0ffba  No.6627776

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


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All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

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>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

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International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

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No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


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Q Graphics all in EST


a0ffba  No.6627778

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

a0ffba  No.6627794

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Please collect notes for incoming baker, or at the very least nominate notables

011049  No.6627809

690c94  No.6627810


Ghost handoff in heel of last bread.

3c6086  No.6627811

1a28db  No.6627812

>>6627792 (lb)

I've already been there and left it in my rear view.

fucking shithole.

I'll travel anywhere I like, however, filthy TX faggot

09a83c  No.6627813

Question: Last night in an interview on Hannity, John Solomon called Chris Steele "Hillary's hitman".

Did he slip up? Or is it just "hitman", in a political sense?

Because there are a lot of dead bodies behind HRC, notably Vince Foster.

986874  No.6627814

File: 0dfc4528a00f267⋯.jpeg (280.5 KB, 1200x1112, 150:139, ACF9A172-D2A6-428E-A597-7….jpeg)


Thanks Baker

ceac9c  No.6627815

File: 5e9383a8195d514⋯.png (213.72 KB, 599x337, 599:337, ClipboardImage.png)

waiting for shill posts to pass

514902  No.6627816

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


bd237f  No.6627817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS livestream from 2019 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony


If I am not mistaken,it looks like a 50 yard line is in front of the podium. FOX has a small pic in the corner.

40 and 10 before. Now on 50 yard line. Yee haw!

3a5c90  No.6627819

Let’s get this party started and save humanity.

6d3c57  No.6627820

File: 1f781d2721209d6⋯.jpg (409.41 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, download (22).jpg)


Thank you baker!

379a65  No.6627821

File: 75e293d63b06ed8⋯.png (153.45 KB, 1065x858, 355:286, 01 GRAVE DIGGER OF THE LE….png)

File: 915fd24c0a84505⋯.png (117.85 KB, 1071x583, 1071:583, 02 GRAVE DIGGER OF THE LE….png)

File: 21d3732d39e41c8⋯.png (1.14 MB, 750x615, 50:41, Screenshot_2019-05-30 Hung….png)

Hungarian Researcher Documents Hundreds of Democrat Organizations Linked to Soros https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/hungarian-researcher-documents-hundreds-of-democrat-organizations-linked-to-soros/


97ad0d  No.6627822

Does God give do overs to people whove been on the cia list since age 3

Or do i have to cause suffering

255a44  No.6627823

File: 376eda3cd608503⋯.png (278.07 KB, 591x693, 197:231, DoD 5-30-19 9 am PDT.PNG)

File: 54a02a85b2283cd⋯.png (854.42 KB, 1143x764, 1143:764, DoD 5-30-19 9 am PDT pic.PNG)

Leap of faith!


e3a07d  No.6627824

File: 77ab118d07bd2fc⋯.png (1.16 MB, 712x716, 178:179, FLOTUS liberty dd.PNG)


tyb, for the tunes as well

288672  No.6627825

File: b29357216c6f1b2⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 576x557, 576:557, putinrides.jpg)

c0c1b5  No.6627826


Yeah .. but weren't we 40 and 10 on OUR side of the field? Back at the 50 yard line would be losing ground.

97ad0d  No.6627827


Why the fuck would you want to save humanity

Fuck your shit race of murder ape

I regret being born into this shit cattle race

19964c  No.6627828

Donald Trump: ‘I Got Me Elected’ Not Russia

President Donald Trump clarified a statement he made on Twitter about Russia, denying the country had anything to do with winning his election.

“No, Russia did not help me get elected. Do you know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all,” Trump said. “Russia, if anything, I think, helped the other side.”

Trump clarified a statement on Twitter, in which he was characterizing the Democratic obsession with Russia that suddenly went quiet.

“Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax…And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected,” Trump wrote on Thursday morning. “It was a crime that didn’t exist.”

Democrats and Trump’s critics in the media pounced on the statement, insisting that the president finally admitted that Russia helped him get elected.

Trump said that Hillary Clinton colluded with the media and the Russians to win her election, but lost.

“She didn’t make it, but you take a look at collusion between Hillary Clinton and the media. you take a look at collusion between Hillary Clinton and Russia,” Trump said. “She had more to do in the campaign with Russia than I did.” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/05/30/donald-trump-i-got-me-elected-not-russia/

Fact Check: No, Trump Did Not Admit Russia Helped Him Get Elected

The mainstream media and the political left are celebrating what they are describing as an admission by President Donald Trump that Russia helped him win the 2016 presidential election.

On Thursday morning, Trump tweeted: “Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax…And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. It was a crime that didn’t exist. So now the Dems and their partner, the Fake News Media,………say he fought back against this phony crime that didn’t exist, this horrendous false accusation, and he shouldn’t fight back, he should just sit back and take it. Could this be Obstruction? No, Mueller didn’t find Obstruction either. Presidential Harassment!”

The awkwardly worded phrase “Russia helping me to get elected” is being treated as a confession, a Freudian slip that reveals the president’s true state of mind — though he also called the idea “a crime that didn’t exist,” and a “false accusation” in the same tweets, suggesting that Trump was simply rejecting the allegations about collusion as a whole.

The New York Times ran a story about Trump’s comments under the headline,

“Trump Admits to Russia ‘Helping Me to Get Elected’.”

The story rocketed to the top of social media as Trump’s detractors circulated the tweets, and the story.

The Times added that Trump “has avoided saying publicly that Russia helped him win the presidency in 2016 through its election interference.” The implication of that sentence is that Trump might have said so, or thought so, privately. It also presumes Russia actually helped him win.

Yet moments later, on the White House lawn, Trump said: “No, Russia did not help me get elected. Do you know who got me elected? Do you know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all. Russia, if anything, I think, helped the other side. What you ought to ask is this: do you think the media helped Hillary Clinton get elected?”

Trump also pointed to alleged “collusion between Hillary Clinton and Russia,” which many Republicans believed was key to the creation of a discredited “dossier” by former British spy Christopher Steele, who was being paid indirectly by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. The dossier was allegedly used by the FBI to apply for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to conduct extensive surveillance on Trump campaign associates.

Trump has acknowledged before that Russian intelligence agencies attempted to interfere with the election, even if he has also accepted, likely for diplomatic reasons, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s public assurances that it did not.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation concluded that Russian operatives sought to help Trump win, though critics argue that the primary goal of Russian interference — some of which targeted Republicans — was to sow chaos. (Even Hollywood leftist Michael Moore was duped into participating in an anti-Trump rally organized by Russians.)



e14bdc  No.6627829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

scheduled to start in 20 minutes

White House Live Feed POTUS at Air Force Academy

President Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2019 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

420 watching now

The White House

Started streaming 14 minutes ago

Colorado Springs, CO


9d5261  No.6627830

>>6627594 lb

>>6627545 lb

>>6627570 lb

yep… and remember when fastjsck was posting his discussions with the voat mods?

Am I the only one that thought he was being a huge dick in response to that mod for no valid reason? It almost seemed like fastjsck was trying. to sabotage the voat board acting like such a huge dick.

and yeah, the lack of explination for all this shit is whats the worse. These faggots just magically disappear when anons want answers… but they’re magically all lurking at the exact time 8bit happens to call them out.

its all pretty gay.

a18bc0  No.6627831


Anon posted yesterday that Steele was in England when that Russian and his daughter were poisoned last march.

f680e9  No.6627832

File: 177f975629c21cb⋯.jpg (691.86 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, GILLUM.jpg)

File: 3e9490ba43f2b2c⋯.png (10.67 KB, 640x133, 640:133, Gillumpaywall.PNG)

File: 31eeb63b5f4240a⋯.png (16.85 KB, 425x315, 85:63, Qpaywalls.PNG)



af0318  No.6627833


Likely depends on whose 40 yd line we were on previously.

b23768  No.6627834

>>6627736 /lb

The guy wears a USA tshirt under his black sweatshirt.

He sets himself on fire showing the USA tshirt.

any symbolism besides the cabal is telling Trump that they will set the USA on fire before he takes control of anything.

9b65b3  No.6627835

File: 5c5748f9f141fb6⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 399x489, 133:163, red.jpg)

97ad0d  No.6627836


Waiting for the 3 people left here to finally wake up so i can move on with my life and stop spamming about Q being a kike

Holy shit retards everyone else gets it

You people dont apparantly

Anyone who believes in Q is giving the cia and satan cover

b6e26c  No.6627837



Yeah…we are at the 40…but it's 4th and 27

with 3 seconds left and Q has a noodle arm

514902  No.6627838

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Are (you) ready for the GITMO git down? Because it is -


c140a7  No.6627839

File: 35313f9a3841aca⋯.jpg (665.6 KB, 1934x1094, 967:547, TruthsComing2Light.jpg)


>Let’s get this party started and save humanity.

I'm in. Always have been. Always will be. Onward to victory.

c0c1b5  No.6627840


I actually wouldn't read anything into it. Centering the podium on the 50 yard line means center of the field.

d99745  No.6627841

File: ce333b90f965f82⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 720x376, 90:47, JQiced.jpg)

Going to be Glorious when we finally fuck Isreal up and the projecting jews get BTFO.

All your nukes are belong to us so your samson option is dead.

3e589d  No.6627842


yup I agree, it's not good


So I can get shilled by the mods?

lol, fuck that, let them bake

126832  No.6627843

>>6627761 lb

Disinformation is real and necessary.

Imagine how frustrating it must be to the deep state, trying to figure out who is a larp and who is real. Who is trolling and who is dropping comms.

I'm enjoying this, thoroughly, because nothing says we aren't a part of the Q team, and yet even if we are, nothing says we aren't trolling.

Ever seen Kakegurui?

Isn't this the most fun gamble ever!?

Deeper and deeper we spiral into this rabbit hole. Remember … It's just a game. Games are fun!

a0be0e  No.6627844


50 yard line would be back 10 yards


11ad29  No.6627845

File: 56382025e6adde8⋯.jpeg (134.71 KB, 1000x990, 100:99, 3D5CDBD7-FF4D-4967-ACFA-6….jpeg)

fd2ac3  No.6627846

File: f4f5f3b2c270266⋯.jpg (629.52 KB, 1800x1204, 450:301, mueller_swamp.jpg)

fbfaa1  No.6627847

File: 148e673e347e1e9⋯.png (981.5 KB, 634x620, 317:310, Screenshot_2019-05-30 1410….png)

you can't be a patriot in the British Army


514902  No.6627848

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing our hatred of others is normal and natural for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.

09a83c  No.6627849

File: 4cc9c11bf6773a3⋯.png (350.65 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)

Did Brits warn about Steele's credibility, before Mueller's probe? Congress has evidence

One of the deepest, darkest secrets of Russiagate soon may be unmasked. Even President Trump may be surprised.

Multiple witnesses have told Congress that, a week before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, Britain’s top national security official sent a private communique to the incoming administration, addressing his country’s participation in the counterintelligence probe into the now-debunked Trump-Russia election collusion.

Most significantly, then-British national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant claimed in the memo, hand-delivered to incoming U.S. national security adviser Mike Flynn’s team, that the British government lacked confidence in the credibility of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s Russia collusion evidence, according to congressional investigators who interviewed witnesses familiar with the memo.


Sir Grant, pictured with MAYday MAYday MAYday, his boss

b5f94d  No.6627850

File: eaa52d3514f659d⋯.png (314.82 KB, 600x337, 600:337, ClipboardImage.png)

57e4e5  No.6627851


There was a guy who openly stated he was hitman for killary

Do not remember his name

But there was YT vidya of him sayn just that

Anyone else recalls?

255a44  No.6627852

File: 4dc620cd460c454⋯.png (487.76 KB, 591x596, 591:596, USMC 5-30-19 5 am PDT.PNG)

File: 2a2f6975374067b⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1426x706, 713:353, USMC 5-30-19 5 am PDT pic.PNG)

Muddy Water


1ff20f  No.6627853

File: 5fd45601936e8c3⋯.jpg (185.07 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 5fd45601936e8c31e497480c21….jpg)

011b31  No.6627854

File: eba6cd497471eae⋯.jpg (245.48 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN FAKEWOOD.JPG)

97ad0d  No.6627855

File: cd0ad1932536512⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 498x278, 249:139, 1558837592642.gif)


Yeah totally dude

The guy who goes out of his way to suck off the state of israel and unironically believes in jewish supremacy is gonna btfo israel

09a83c  No.6627856


Guy looks like a poof. Is he really a 007 type?

3e589d  No.6627857


I saw that shit!

What a fucking joke, I feel bad for UK PATRIOTS.

Does that mean everyone who calls themselves a patriot in the USA is an extremist?

That is so dumb.

0ecacf  No.6627858

File: 923a7cdfc04b99a⋯.png (326.25 KB, 633x450, 211:150, ClipboardImage.png)



97ad0d  No.6627860


Sounds like i have a case of being born sentient

Shout out to everyone else sentient on this board

All 4 of you

0ecacf  No.6627861

File: bbffac2d83e4f9a⋯.png (33.39 KB, 633x295, 633:295, ClipboardImage.png)


Moar DJT


8b4a71  No.6627862


I believe ANYONE wanting a "do over" (repentance and new life through Jesus Christ) can get one. Faith is a gift from God so no one gets it by intrinsic (limited to their flesh) worth. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

514902  No.6627863

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Death of E.A. Poe

3c6086  No.6627864

File: 4d5f809f6e7f21b⋯.jpg (16.5 KB, 220x358, 110:179, Muddy_Waters.jpg)

7e9f3c  No.6627865


> openly stated he was hitman for killary

larp or death wish

1ff20f  No.6627866


Larry Nichols

5099ef  No.6627867

File: 4d75c73d849b035⋯.jpeg (55.19 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 46392C30-1DE7-46DA-96C9-F….jpeg)

82f452  No.6627868


…fantastic, but we found he's gay today

288672  No.6627869

File: 828980a1962c3b2⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, HowlinWolf9351-web-optimis….jpg)

97ad0d  No.6627870


Instead of a do over can i just become stalin 2.0 and kill all the normies

Its only fair

1dc051  No.6627871



take advantage of this silliness

you dont need bakers, BOs, BVs you have each other

if you guys collab e sweet notables bun by 650 im sure another one of tou will bake it

also include Q drops all ready for copypasta

just some random thoughts derived from graveyard

also incoming baker if you clock on, lets maybe keep it simple and stick with anons/encourage anon only notables

they make it we just bake it

3a5c90  No.6627872


Truth is Freedom

Freedom is Peace

09a83c  No.6627873


Change your worldview.

Change your future.

fd2ac3  No.6627874


Dhs said so a long time ago.

7e9f3c  No.6627875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<wade in the water

821a58  No.6627876



God knows how I love this man!!!



3cde16  No.6627877

File: 03eadbec55eb8c5⋯.png (3.76 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_vanilla3x3M30.png)

POTUS revisions for today.


d99745  No.6627878


Short sightedness must suck huh.

You have no idea how to long game a mother fucker and ultimately humiliate the shit out of them while doing it. Stay tuned buckwheat.

97ad0d  No.6627879


Lmao no

I know im right so i refuse to change it

Prove me wrong kike

f42031  No.6627880

autists, what say you on what potus tweeted. i didn't see any comments:


Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax…And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. It was a crime that didn’t exist. So now the Dems and their partner, the Fake News Media,…..

this part: I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected

he hasn't changed it

1a28db  No.6627881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Former Navy SEAL says 'Hillary killed my friends'

from 2016


3e589d  No.6627882


>you dont need bakers

>also incoming baker if you clock on

pick one

an anon that makes the thread is by definition a baker retard

bakers are just anons who make new threads

23a6bd  No.6627883

File: 8bff9a44f50ea0d⋯.png (621.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190530-122253.png)

514902  No.6627884

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hello legacy media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming. Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know and can prove legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children and much more.

Not one will escape justice. Not 1.

288672  No.6627885

File: 7ade2625307f2fd⋯.gif (779.48 KB, 416x220, 104:55, hillary-clinton-balloons-g….gif)

3cde16  No.6627886

File: a52914514abd023⋯.png (44.71 KB, 473x420, 473:420, ClipboardImage.png)

Whoops. Hadn't saved text.

Crop of the changes.

09a83c  No.6627887


Devil has a terrible retirement plan. You might want to check that out before going any further on your dark path to eternal black flame.

Just sayin'

7cafa3  No.6627888

File: b163d1281e66fc8⋯.jpg (180.38 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, ejnpcyoiux031.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

f915eb  No.6627889


What if Mueller has already been tried and convicted at tribunal?

No longer holds Captain rank.

"Returning to PRIVATE life".

Working to expose truth as part of sentence ?

Mueller report is stealth bomber ?

Page D5 ?

Witch hunt?

1a28db  No.6627890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this guy?

9b65b3  No.6627891

Man's body recovered near aircraft wreck, search continues for second man


Posted: 11:46 AM, May 30, 2019 Updated: 48 minutes ago

(WXYZ) — Authorities have recovered the body of one of the missing occupants of the Beech Craft Bonanza 35.

Michigan State Police: Small missing plane found, no sign of passengers

The missing plane was located by authorities last week about five miles off the coast of Frankfort in about 515 feet of water.

Michigan State Police searched the surrounding area using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, whose sonar produced an area of interest. A remotely operated vehicle located the remains.

The body of Emanuel Manos, of Monroe, was recovered Wednesday. Officials say his body was in 523 feet of water and slightly southeast of the previously located aircraft. Manos' remains have been turned over to the medical examiner.

Authorities say the search of Randal Dippold of Perry continues. Both Manos and Dippold went missing on May 12 after calling the Minneapolis Control Center to report their plane was having engine problems. The plan disappeared from radar over Lake Michigan, about 4.5 miles off the coast of Frankfort.

>>6579620 pb

Detroit Salt Co

514902  No.6627892

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Legacy media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media. We the People are awake; Justice is coming

64b81b  No.6627893

File: d1586eb69d4f1d9⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 411x640, 411:640, evilladybug.jpg)

Thank you Baker!

19964c  No.6627894

Illinois Senate passes bill legalizing recreational marijuana use


b23768  No.6627895


>"Returning to PRIVATE life".

anon, that occurred to me, too.

Life as a private

b0bc85  No.6627896


Doesn't he LIVE in England?

No, Steele is not a hitman.

But he knows who did it, and it scares the shit out of him.

That's why he's been hiding and gone silent.

072574  No.6627897


One cannot hide/ run from God. Fortunately… God = Love and He is crazy / love towards us. Enough that He sent is Son to take our penalty of sin upon himself. Then… He went so far as to defeat Death, Hell & the Grave so that WE might receive this gift of forgiveness from Him. No… there's nothing more powerful than this. You CANNOT sin so much that God cannot forgive you. Christ Jesus did not come into this world to condemn this world…but that the world through Him might be saved. Whoever believes in Christ Jesus and calls upon His name WILL be saved. Period. End of debate.

09a83c  No.6627898

File: 9affe804c8a270d⋯.png (947.86 KB, 1000x699, 1000:699, ClipboardImage.png)


Been posting this for a while now.

Just look at them.

Gay Lovers?

0560c4  No.6627899

File: 9db2b66cde173f2⋯.jpg (98.98 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, chabad.jpg)

Joke of the day: It is not about religion!

b5f94d  No.6627900


Figured he just did it for the lulz and triggering leftists.

I'd imagine everyone in the whitehouse gets his tweets so its intentional

821a58  No.6627901



700ea2  No.6627902

File: eac540e52d0202a⋯.jpg (136.49 KB, 618x463, 618:463, downloadfile-1.jpg)

File: ae4c15cb7b24b7a⋯.png (341.4 KB, 1080x862, 540:431, Drudge Super Faggot.png)

Matt Drudge is a pathetic weasel and a ugly motherfucker.

288672  No.6627903

File: 62555ce4d564851⋯.png (348.53 KB, 740x390, 74:39, Screen-Shot-2018-03-04-at-….png)

0ed547  No.6627904

Isn't it funny how happy people become when they recieve a stack of Federal Reserve debt notes?

2cc4ad  No.6627905

File: 0a513b6758c66bf⋯.png (9.87 KB, 273x148, 273:148, New tweet.png)

Keep your eyes peeled

New tweet from the boss, is he signalling ?

255a44  No.6627906

File: 0bb0648e0e42205⋯.png (463.33 KB, 606x688, 303:344, Army Golden Knights 5-30-1….PNG)

File: cf6cf13608c0e84⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1354x750, 677:375, Army Golden Knights 5-30-1….PNG)

File: 495b94eb659ba6e⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1359x756, 151:84, Army Golden Knights 5-30-1….PNG)

It’s just something about looking at the earth from above. This one could be you 🇺🇸🤙


3a5c90  No.6627907


I talked to a wife of Seal Team 6, he died of Cancer. She said he told her they [they] killed him and his brothers on Seal Team 6.

3c6086  No.6627908

File: 03464e71a2b7593⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 960x895, 192:179, MuellerKek.jpg)

7e9f3c  No.6627909




126832  No.6627910


Well, I disagree.

I find humans rather interesting. Sure - filled with frustration - but there is a charm to humanity that shines through.

I may feel like an outside observer or guest from somewhere else - but as I have matured into myself and come to understand the gap between myself and the typical - I do not find humanity to be worthy of the contempt often lumped on them. Those are, at best, my frustrations related to lacking a companion at the summit of the peerless.

Two ways of being an elitist. You can believe those below you should serve you - or you can hope and assist those below you in rising to their potential - or exceeding it. You can go the route of the nihilist - but that is really just a branch of the first.


Shogo Makishima is an amazing character.

97ad0d  No.6627911


Youd be surprised

Q will find out one day

1d766f  No.6627912

File: e3b835878bc954a⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 480x566, 240:283, i-believe-in-prayers-and-i….jpg)

f53a6f  No.6627913

Lurker fag here breaking my silence for this fake fucking PAC on Twitter disguised as a wannabe Q. Seems to be newly created and has a retweet from an executive director of the Ellen show. See for yourself.

Found this fake ass wannabe Q account on Twitter. It's a PAC and I'm thinking it's meant to confuse newcomers to the the


09a83c  No.6627914

File: 1eef4b2c5d9e45f⋯.png (119.37 KB, 208x243, 208:243, ClipboardImage.png)


Those are EU Globalist propaganda points to push UK soldiers into conforming to their agenda.


Fight back.

Stiff upper lip and all.

011b31  No.6627915

File: d61c51c3c6de7aa⋯.png (426.22 KB, 826x474, 413:237, OBAMAS THE LOOK OF TREASON.png)

514902  No.6627916

File: 2b3dfcc74d553fc⋯.jpg (344.82 KB, 1200x1780, 60:89, 2b3dfcc74d553fca2a0e9ee332….jpg)

File: 2c87192a1f9d151⋯.jpg (85.04 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)


We got 'em anon. They're time is OVER

23a6bd  No.6627917

File: 01dca3a4cdd0a8e⋯.png (600.21 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190529-094515.png)

File: 821eaa7d2007e94⋯.jpg (171.18 KB, 500x618, 250:309, IMG_20190529_130700.jpg)

File: 2abbe96583f7800⋯.png (685.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190529-122443.png)

File: f7e7b5c242b8962⋯.png (511.07 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190529-000507.png)

File: 6521f30609cf89b⋯.png (669.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190529-130326.png)

The face I put on all my life

Face of an angel

Look into the mirror only to find

The face of a stranger…

We forgot. Something happened and we forgot what's real. Everything in this world is fake Satanic nonsense.

We need to rediscover what's real.

1a28db  No.6627918


no doubt.

I'm angry for all of them, beautiful lives lost.

justice is coming

e480f7  No.6627919

File: 27e990591f3a179⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, be863ff3d5466c136a72ee59ba….jpg)

8ffdb7  No.6627920

File: 128e7f2b899b11e⋯.jpg (295.82 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Fat-Cats-Heart-Attack.jpg)

File: 8015929cb28f581⋯.jpg (833.78 KB, 1000x1331, 1000:1331, Rise-Up-1.jpg)

File: d6eef10fab9431a⋯.jpg (416.81 KB, 640x960, 2:3, They-Will-Not-Control-Us.jpg)

File: c73372f320e4692⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, They-Will-Not-Force-Us.jpg)

File: 4777a5c0b157fe5⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1480x1405, 296:281, They-Will-Stop-Degrading-U….jpg)



Stand Strong, Patriots!

Fight On To Victory!

ec0723  No.6627921


Logical conclusion.

b0bc85  No.6627922


Why did they wait until AFTER the Buzzfeed release?

Purely CYA

a35b4a  No.6627923

>>6627069 (PB)

Why don't "she" explain all the mysterious deaths, including Shawn Lucas? Although another Bernie bro, HE served DNC and Noodles with Election FRAUD lawsuit in JULY of '16 and ended up dead in his bathroom within a month - in Seth Rich timeframe, so IGNORED. STILL yet another mysterious death.

(Fixed pic)

75cb09  No.6627924

Be afraid…

Be very Afraid…

Michelle Obama is likely preparing for a 2020 presidential run and could enter the race under favorable circumstances, asserts Rush Limbaugh.

The talk radio host also believes that should the former First Lady throw her hat in the ring, she would instantly overshadow other prominent hopefuls such as Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and Howard Schultz.

“If Michelle Obama runs, then [it’s] ‘Kamala who?’ and ‘Joe who?’ and ‘Howard who?’ and ‘all the rest of them who?’” Limbaugh said. “I do believe that she’s thinking about it.”

“I don’t think they’ve made up their mind yet, but I think they are preparing for her to run. They’re surveying the land. They’re surveying the circumstances.”

“And if the right shoes drop and the right things happen, I think Michelle will be in there, and the proof of the pudding is by the utter denial, but all the books and all of the speeches and the all of this and the all of that…” said Limbaugh, alluding to Obama’s recently released autobiographical memoir and wildly popular publicity tour.


f42031  No.6627925


i thought maybe he is trying to speed up the impeachment narrative

b5f94d  No.6627926


I don't want to start a slide but couldn't God just change the rules? Why did Jesus have to die? I'm guessing cause nobody would care otherwise, kinda like flaming indian man

821a58  No.6627927


Most interesting take.

b2e8d3  No.6627928

File: d4e41efa8986d60⋯.png (1.45 MB, 795x1151, 795:1151, british army.png)


So unless you are a liberal…you can't be in the army?

Snowflakes don't make good soldiers

6d9614  No.6627929

File: dd725c0244e54fa⋯.jpg (101 KB, 583x447, 583:447, DONLEMONSBLACKHOLES.jpg)

295b62  No.6627930

File: 66e91021f8c3354⋯.jpg (276 KB, 1242x1554, 207:259, b29d98701bdfecabd43f7356ff….jpg)


can someone hlp on the mil. sign on the shirt.

III +12 Stars???


love the flag in back :)

a35b4a  No.6627931

File: 0ca8cb3eceb40b2⋯.png (489.91 KB, 1024x549, 1024:549, therussians2.png)

24c011  No.6627932

File: 870c2c8958c7ba3⋯.png (53.97 KB, 594x304, 297:152, twitter_com_JusticeOIG_sta….png)

File: b7e093d2c53947d⋯.pdf (1.94 MB, 1905.pdf)


3a5c90  No.6627933

File: 5aff7d28cd83d0e⋯.jpeg (59.22 KB, 828x581, 828:581, 6222C903-147D-4787-922D-4….jpeg)

Do we?

986874  No.6627934

File: 2b58b97922e4627⋯.jpeg (720.82 KB, 1125x1303, 1125:1303, D7A712BD-1F69-4537-9AD0-B….jpeg)


Does anyone have the meme where trump is serving this puffy bitch her father’s brain?

0560c4  No.6627935

File: 0944315818b23ae⋯.png (327.56 KB, 685x749, 685:749, chabad1.png)


It qas not Russia! It were jewish chabad occultist with russian passport who got rich by killing christians in the former soviet union who got him elected and who were his closest business associates. Sater, Arif etc. from Bayrock

97ad0d  No.6627936


Anon do you consider it elitist when people dont consider the cows they eat as sentient

Same shit

Im not calling something with no thought or free will a human

And you cantmake me

f53a6f  No.6627937


*meant to confuse newcomers to the Q movement.

I'm a lurker and a fucking noob who can't finish their posts either I guess. Lol

8ffdb7  No.6627938

File: 1be8550834ebde4⋯.jpg (238.24 KB, 432x523, 432:523, Unify-Flag-Ascends-2.jpg)

File: efa1d4bc9481e44⋯.jpg (672.27 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, Victorious-1.jpg)


Unify and Watch Our Flag Ascend!

6d9614  No.6627939

File: 0b4bc7d04f8b31b⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 485x364, 485:364, traitortitties.jpg)

b0bc85  No.6627940


Because then the Democrats could (rightly) claim that the whole investigation was bullshit because it was under duress.

Trump can't threaten or bribe the prosecutor.

Use logic.

faf82b  No.6627941


3 percenters

3131ec  No.6627942

File: e3afde0e71055da⋯.png (348.43 KB, 602x345, 602:345, potus winning quote.PNG)

97c830  No.6627943

File: 6bd9f1ee7578437⋯.png (446.64 KB, 1200x833, 1200:833, muellerunjust.png)

File: c289da4dbd9e84d⋯.png (390.32 KB, 873x833, 873:833, muellermob2.png)

File: f30b85c4daf09d7⋯.gif (137.29 KB, 800x512, 25:16, petraeus.gif)

>>6624474 pb

>>6624515 pb

People run, instinctively, when they catch on fire and that feeds the flames, the oxygen - fanning the flame. You don't see that here. He 's not running full speed as though "Flee" reflex, under duress of extreme pain.

People are told to roll on the ground to put out the fire, not run. [Medical safety advise] So if you know what you are doing you will throw yourself to the ground. Doesn't this guy just seem to be lolling around, showing himself off?

The autonomous nervous system takes over in such a case. It's a reflex. You run full speed or roll.

The ol' Buddhist monk on fire, Viet Nam era, was likely already dead. Monk sits perfectly still while immolating. I'm open minded but I'd need proof body is actually still alive. Obvious Propaganda is the more likely explanation; especially since, now we know, this is the kind of shit they stage; Constantly.

>>6624570 pb

>>6624724 pb

>>6624723 pb

Maybe the reason the "rank and file" of the FBI C-A put up with the BS is because they are part of it

"Yellow Brick Road" programming for FBI as soon as they are initiated into the org.

They are under the same persuasion techniques as general public [mass delusion = TrumpHate] for their role?

>>6623822 pb

>>6624724 pb

Just think: "Anons" actually persuaded the "consensus" to believe Mueller was a good guy.

Just like the MOS has persuaded all the "loose change" or naive 9/11 truth researchers that "Jews did It" and that they need to constantly screem "JEWS" and "Bld 7" (no accident Trade Tower complex was passed to an archtypal Jew figure [from the Port Authority of NY / NJ] just a few weeks before the "event"/attack.

They hysteria and lies cover the event, strangely enough. Peeps just have to "look away." and don't bother to check the further details.

That whole "jew jew jew" narrative covers over the event, much like "Mueller is a good guy" was a cover for the whole "Russian Collusion" BS Coup event.

Think: Could they be spending more money on the SPIN / persuasion aspect around the event than on the actual execution of it?

Over time, for sure for 9/11 and for JFK

>>6605401 pb

^^^ This Absolutely. I wondered why Washington Post need to photoshop a picture of him and the woman in question. At the time I thought he was a bad guy [I followed the wrong person who was smearing him], so it didn't make sense.

Pic related. Check the area of "her" stomach, under the breasts. Shooped. Image was shooped.

700ea2  No.6627944

File: 4c36ab78a97e4bf⋯.jpg (53.12 KB, 500x407, 500:407, Getting Good.jpg)

File: 7db47fcea4e0205⋯.png (526.44 KB, 1022x593, 1022:593, olé Valerie.png)

File: 2924a938fc2a90c⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1020x1106, 510:553, Grotesque.png)

Q get something on the scoreboard soon.

5c4890  No.6627945

>>6626491 (/pb)




Jeremy [Hunt] is the UK Foreign Secretary AND standing to replace Theresa May as PM.

It would make sense for him to be the one deflecting blame to Russia and Red_october when DECLAS comes!!

959c17  No.6627946

File: faa56912c358a0e⋯.png (408.75 KB, 1320x591, 440:197, multiple day.png)

'multiple day'

World Multiple Sclerosis Day (today, fwiw)

0ed547  No.6627947

File: 689e3725c5cb2ab⋯.png (945.75 KB, 2118x2313, 706:771, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why did Jesus have to die?

Thesis > < Anti-thesis = Synthesis

Jesus had to die for synthesis to occur.

846732  No.6627948

>>6627442 Lb

It means that he gets off watching animals bleed to death

I killed a deer with bow many years ago

The experience left me unable to hunt anything for entertainment

3131ec  No.6627949

File: 7c87b6176fa5fc1⋯.png (316.11 KB, 613x338, 613:338, potus what separates winne….PNG)

ff6c35  No.6627950

File: 499892185d2633e⋯.jpg (79.22 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 16e7fb1.jpg)

>>6627733 LB

Heres my personal theory, composed in my own head and nowhere else, based on original Q posts and real life happenings over 2 years.

Mueller's scope was large enough, and then expanded, that he had every opportunity and resource to investigate and charge the actual culprits "on the otherside". Rosenstein even gave him an expanded scope after he initially did not find anything (Trump collusion).

2 years and $40M later Mueller now says nothing different than what the Dems have been feeding us since before Trump was elected DESPITE complete lack of evidence that it was Russia or that Trump colluded or obstructed.

Sessions, Rosenstein, Trump, and Mueller were all in that initial meeting at the WH to discuss the FBI directorship. Rosenstein also appointed Mueller to SC the next day.

I believe there was a plan for Mueller to look at both sides in 2016 but somewhere along the lines that plan was foiled. Mueller did an incomplete job to what he was tasked with.

Not only did Mueller not fully investigate the 2016 election problems, he has now HIMSELF interfered with 2 US elections: 2018 midterms & 2020.

Bob Mueller is an enemy of the State.

19964c  No.6627951


>Gay Lovers?


fd2ac3  No.6627952


Here is a gem circa 2009

— (U//FOUO) Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are

attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing

extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to

boost their violent capabilities.


9e3457  No.6627953

File: 68ef95055349c77⋯.jpg (167.86 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1554994565661.jpg)



>No outside comms

I mean, how hard is this?

514902  No.6627954

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


A story of the founding fathers.

3cde16  No.6627955

File: 46b8ed51566b40e⋯.png (4.55 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_vanilla3x3May23wTwe….png)

Fishing with POTUS. From earlier this month.


75cb09  No.6627956

File: a5d291ef787699d⋯.png (396.52 KB, 800x420, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


Owen Shroyer and Roger Stone explain why they think Michelle Obama is going to run against President Trump in the 2020 election.


011b31  No.6627957

File: 0d0ec8a9a876a78⋯.png (773.71 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN WORST MAYOR RUNS FOR P….png)

File: 166435272617b99⋯.jpg (198.6 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN DEMOCRAP.JPG)



1a28db  No.6627958

File: a06fa70ec5e01f1⋯.png (691.53 KB, 1166x661, 1166:661, potus-hoax.png)

Trump: "We are going to do something very dramatic at the border"

6ff4c5  No.6627959

Mueller gave House greenlight to impeach Trump. This is getting fucked. I am getting more and more insane from this shit. What's happening now?

Trump should DECLAS. Now, it's really about time.

b58620  No.6627960


bold assertion, amigo

glad to see it in print

here we go

onward and upward

a18bc0  No.6627961

File: 6c25241e8161ba0⋯.png (23.08 KB, 444x229, 444:229, ClipboardImage.png)




holy shit are they gonna force the Q?

986874  No.6627962


DYK - The executive producer to Ellen has a daughter who owns an ABORTION AGENCY that specializes in placing foreign children with American parents.


ae0ffd  No.6627963

They are reaaaaaally reaaaaaaaally teaching with the “deleted” trump tweet about Russia … ToP KEK

f915eb  No.6627964


If the investigation was allowed to follow it's natural course of discovery towards the truth, there is no duress or obstruction.

Just an investigation as it is supposed to be. Justice.

faabb7  No.6627965

File: d57318f4e8c934a⋯.png (213.5 KB, 764x442, 382:221, pawnsacrifice5.png)

>>6627217 (/lb)


Same guy?

514902  No.6627966

File: a873ff12b7604b6⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 400x489, 400:489, shills.jpg)



I am satan's shill. I believe nothing, I will say anything. I have no values, friends or family I will not sell into bondage forever for food and for feathers. Dollars will buy me. What can not spend I will burn in an ashtray or shove up my ass but I must have dollars. Give me fiat. I am satan's shill. I demoralize myself. When I finish the blow I take five xanax footballs and pass out on rental furniture. Asleep, I dream I'm awake. I am satan's shill. My stridulations are filtered. My mockery, my despair, my anguish, like my coming and my going, pass ever unnoticed. I am satan's shill. One day I will vanish like the knot in a shoelace. I am satan's shill. A petty criminal, a peeping Tom, a canvas for others tattoos, a repeater, an NPC.

0753b1  No.6627967


I've never cared about the paper, but what it can get for me and my people. But you're 100% right.

072574  No.6627968


Because mankind sinned. The penalty for sin = death. Some have argued God allowed sin to occur so that we all wouldn't be 'robots' not knowing whether or not we wanted to be affiliated with God… but God gave Adam a freewill to choose. And choose poor ole Adam did. Wrong choice. Now… what Adam screwed up, Christ Jesus set right. So whereby sin entered into the world thru one man… salvation came thru one man.

7e9f3c  No.6627969


>Owen Shroyer and Roger Stone

too bad they got no cred left,

but interesting that they'd be pushing that narrative

f42031  No.6627970


ok. i will not be saved.

can we move on now

must it be a daily debate multiple times a day

it will be fine

you will have more space to frolic among the clouds

let it go

f66b63  No.6627971

>>6627785 (pb)

>He is not a seeker of truth looking for evidence, and he is a lost soul.

>The condemnation of the world is that light entered into the world, but men preferred the darkness, for their deeds were dark, and their hearts are dark.

>They suppress the truth in unrighteousness.


720df2  No.6627972

File: 0b6015835690f30⋯.jpg (77.55 KB, 747x499, 747:499, 326qnh.jpg)

2d88a4  No.6627973

>>6627061 LB

> and I think in the end, I will consider what is habbening now to be one of my GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS

POTUS remark today (Greatest Achievements) reminds me of "this video will get Trump elected" speech…

"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government

controlled by you, the American People."

So when I get frustrated that this never-ending nonsensical Russia narrative, I remember that THIS

is the very mission President Trump was elected for … and every time the DS makes a counter-move, they

expend ammo and further expose themselves

Yesterday, Mueller looked & sounded like pitiful, broken man…somebody's bitch … like one of Rachel Chandler's

"models", or Alefantis' cum pandas … just a pawn being forced to make his (weak, last-ditch) play by his puppet master

f1e06c  No.6627974

>>6627055 (pb)


Mueller is behaving EXACTLY like a Puppet.

He does not often look up at his audience ? Why ?

He did Not write the words he is speaking

He is simply READING what he has been told to say.

The words are not familiar to him,

so he pauses to get them clear in his mind.


WHO Is his Handler ? . . . .

64b81b  No.6627975

File: 8c28c25b167fbf9⋯.jpg (27.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pantykick.jpg)


She has a sister…

2cc4ad  No.6627976


His security detail at the airport was the tightest I've ever seen it.

4a2618  No.6627977



Patriot Anons

Thinking about the AF event

Remember one of the Anons who posted photos one or two people in a AF uniform at POTUS inauguration

Any chance POTUS will show everyone something new????????

b5f94d  No.6627978


Use a gun.

a5c066  No.6627979

Q, you should have saved Assange. He is a great soul. Severe fail that you did not step in LONG AGO and save Assange.

e3a07d  No.6627980

File: fa1a7a61b87f170⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1000x707, 1000:707, pepe escorts TS protest.png)





ghost notify

Early Notes

Notable collection for incoming baker, not endorsements.

>>6627817 POTUS livestream from 2019 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

>>6627821 Democrat Organizations Linked to Soros

>>6627823 DoD Tweet-Leap of faith

>>6627828 POTUS: ‘I Got Me Elected’ Not Russia

>>6627849 Did Brits warn about Steele's credibility, before Mueller's probe?-The Hill

>>6627852 USMC Tweet-Muddy Water

>>6627858 POTUS Tweet-Case Closed

>>6627861 Moar from POTUS-Colorado Arrival

>>6627894 Illinois Senate passes bill legalizing recreational marijuana use

>>6627906 US Army Tweet-Looking at earth from above

>>6627932 OIG Tweet w/PDF enclosed

f680e9  No.6627981

File: 639881a54604777⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 594x369, 66:41, imready.jpg)



3e589d  No.6627982


Why is your name "A"?

c140a7  No.6627983


You're attitude sucks, although I fully understand why you have it. There are more good people than bad in this world. The bad is what the news dwells on nightly. Human beings are capable of exceptionally beautiful things. Of course, on the other hand, human beings are also capable of downright horrific things. WE know that. In my opinion, the redeemable qualities we are capable of is more than enough reason to fight for and protect. GoodHumanGang is stepping up and answering the call. There is a ways to go still, but I know you see it, evidence is worldwide that something is changing. People are getting hip to the bullshit and saying, "no more". If corrupt people in power can be brought to justice and wrongs can be righted, in turn making life easier and worth living, you'd be surprised how many people who are straddling that line of good and evil could easily tip the scales to good. I'm not giving up as long as there is breath in my lungs. The time is now, I've never had more hope in my heart than these current times.

Look how much text I wrote.

ff6c35  No.6627984


This I am dying to know too. It was like he had a gun in his back the whole time he was speaking. Like a hostage reading a script his captors gave him tobread on camera.

bc78e9  No.6627985


Potus stated its the "unexpected, last minute" candidate that'd have success

I think that's a tell in itself

8ffdb7  No.6627986

With all the green belts wrapped around our Minds

And endless red tape to keep the Truth confined

Red Castle. Green Castle.

Green Dragon. Red Dragon.

3131ec  No.6627987


agree, well said

mueller is also guilty of 9/11 cover-up, delivering uranium sample to russia, whitey bolger fiasco, and much more-sure you know all of this

my question is will mueller ever be held to account, or is this the govt status quo wasting $40 million of taxpayer dollars on a sham investigation

mueller is a dirtbag

1a28db  No.6627988


wish we could highlight shit in blue

b0bc85  No.6627989

File: 2e907cce7ef7769⋯.png (46.44 KB, 168x137, 168:137, ClipboardImage.png)

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell

e2de90  No.6627990

File: ceeed28b1a5fee5⋯.png (299.32 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 199ba91a6c3f9d3819fc161e22….png)

File: fa60d00504aeaaf⋯.jpeg (745.89 KB, 1936x1936, 1:1, Resized_image_56139020740….jpeg)


He did pop up out of nowhere on Bill O'Reilly as his protégé and became mainstream pretty quickly. Is Bill O'Reilly the BO.

Could Jesse be the one in the watch reflection? I could use help finding what Jesse was wearing March 27th and possibly a close up of his watch. The features are almost identical.

4ff07a  No.6627991


You do realize there is a solution that would end both your misery, and the misery you bring here?

Say the word, and I'll hand load one just for you… for free, as it will be the last bullet you ever fire.


b23768  No.6627992


you know what is near the AF academy?

Cheyenne Mountain underground facility and Denver Airport is not too far away.

In fact, some believe tunnels connect the two.


19964c  No.6627993

File: fb91a0542683295⋯.png (133.61 KB, 517x323, 517:323, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump arrives in Colorado Springs, CO.


97c830  No.6627994

File: 137b19d2c6b4782⋯.jpg (126.91 KB, 900x723, 300:241, poorshoopstomach2.jpg)


Left out the Petraeus image.

I have another one which I have to check more on. They all have those spoopy necklaces as shown on Vanderbilt.

And two of them look like twins.

"Mardi Gras" New Orleans?

576cdf  No.6627995


only a retard would post

OMG an English dude was in England when….


Christopher Steele is from fucking England - of course he was in England….he's probably in england most of the time.

9b65b3  No.6627996

File: 89d0575b4e9a76e⋯.jpg (141.24 KB, 1000x699, 1000:699, 9affe804c8a270d2b9994502d7….jpg)

720df2  No.6627997


Why? Most likely money laundering through the campaign. Even he knows he's polling between syphilis and Ebola.

a24402  No.6627998


Im not

Why should i feel sorry for murdering agents of the empire ?

Fuck soldiers lmao

3e589d  No.6627999


Wow, new level of stupidity.

f1e06c  No.6628000

File: 9e931cde689a6fd⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



fd2ac3  No.6628001


Are you 1 of these 72 types?

Fedcoats consider you a potential domestic terrorist.


255a44  No.6628002


Brennan and Traitorous Brennan Team

Should't you be planning final arrangements instead of posting red headed little girls here // aka Red Head Pedo

We know you like freckles and little girls in stockings

You've posted your fetish ad naseaum

09a83c  No.6628003

File: 9d59194bd359eef⋯.png (303.32 KB, 680x365, 136:73, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, wow. There's a blast from the past.

Clinton Crazy

They may just kill me, he said. You'll read one day that I got drunk and ran into a moving bridge. Or Larry Nichols got depressed over everything and blew his head off.

'I didn't take on a President, Nichols said as he got up to let the dog out. I started fighting a two-bit tinhorn politician in Arkansas. When the dog hesitated, Nichols shook his head and said, Even my dogs don't believe me.''

We set off into town. Nichols, a former jingle writer, slipped in a tape of himself playing in a soft-rock band, and he said his wife and daughter urge him to drop his obsession with the President. 'Leave this alone, get a regular job, leave Clinton alone. They're just going to kill you. They'll try to put you in jail,' he said they told him. I'm telling you, smart says do that but I can't.

We passed the yellow-stone Faulkner County Courthouse.

I've been in that jail right there —-.

When? I said.

Which time? They trumped up a deal that I had failed to yield at a yield sign. Then I got beat up by two guys furloughed from prison on a weekend pass. I broke one of them's finger with a tire tool. I said, Who sent you? Clinton.''

Susan McDougal, the former Friend of Bill's, was then being held in the jail for failing to testify before the Whitewater grand jury.


d0957e  No.6628004


Green sauce or red?

570883  No.6628005

File: 281a2c6f23e3db1⋯.jpeg (14.41 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 561FE38C-6B07-49BC-B6AF-4….jpeg)

a24402  No.6628006


Anon youre dealing with Q supporters

Theyd lose a game of chess to a chicken

ba0d76  No.6628007

Illinois House Passes Bill Requiring Gun Owners To Be Fingerprinted

The Illinois House has narrowly passed a bill requiring gun owners to get fingerprinted as part of their owner ID cards. The measure passed Wednesday despite strong opposition from state Republicans, who called it a “total and complete infringement on the Second Amendment.”

The bill also looks to raise the application fee for an ownership ID card from $10 for 10 years to $20 for five years. However, it still has to pass the state Senate.

The proposal led to heated debate from both sides of the aisle.


821a58  No.6628008



more fuel for thought. ThankQ

d99745  No.6628009

Ah, remember when HRC sent a hit team after JA in 2016 but the good guys got to him first and everything since has been cover. Good times.

85e014  No.6628010

File: 56a1160881b9b69⋯.png (216.39 KB, 412x410, 206:205, A2D70DCC-ECA4-4812-967E-AB….png)

846732  No.6628011


Long time competitive shooter/reloader

killing shit for fun is creepy to me

1a28db  No.6628012



and Elton John is the Queen

c00ab4  No.6628013

This was a cathartic read. From a year ago today, but not much has changed.

Dear Ex-Friends in #TheResistance

By Julie Kelly| May 30th, 2018

…As the whole charade you have been suckered into over the last 18 months starts to fall apart—that Trump would not survive his presidency; he would be betrayed by his own staff, family, and/or political party; he would destroy the Republican Party; he would be declared mentally ill and removed from office; he would be handcuffed and dragged out of the White House by Robert Mueller for “colluding” with Russia—let me remind you what complete fools you have made of yourselves. Not to mention how you’ve been fooled by the media, the Democratic Party, and your new heroes on the NeverTrump Right….

… Remember how you fanboyed a mediocre quarterback for wearing socks that depicted cops as pigs?

But now you sound like paid spokesmen for the Fraternal Order of Police. You insist that any legitimate criticism of the misconduct and possibile criminality that occured at the Justice Department and FBI is an “attack on law enforcement.” While you once opposed the Patriot Act because it might have allowed the federal government to spy on terrorists who were using the local library to learn how to make suitcase bombs, you now fully support the unchecked power of a secret court to look into the phone calls, text messages and emails of an American citizen because he volunteered for the Trump campaign for a few months.

Spying on terrorists, circa 2002: Bad. Spying on Carter Page, circa 2017: The highest form of patriotism….


3c6086  No.6628014

File: fea6a8979e830aa⋯.jpg (119.84 KB, 970x405, 194:81, JohnPodestaSpiritAnimal.jpg)


"I prefer the walnut sauce."

a24402  No.6628015


Shut the fuck up cattle

Youre lucky you exist in a world where youre tolerated

In any just world youd be put down out of pity

ba0d76  No.6628016

First hearing on DC statehood in House in 26 years scheduled for July

The House has set a date of July 24 for a hearing on statehood for Washington, D.C., the first in 26 years.

"JUST IN: We’ve announced the first hearing on #DCstatehood (HR 51) in the House in 26 years: July 24th!" Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) tweeted Thursday.

"This is a monumental step forward for equality and self-government for DC."


a24402  No.6628017


I prefer sauce made of anyone Q loves

be6986  No.6628018


Kanye is Elvis.

e3a07d  No.6628019

File: effa18766947019⋯.png (826.57 KB, 532x673, 532:673, space force be with you.PNG)

8697af  No.6628020

File: ef91ee8da44b756⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1248x712, 156:89, jewsoyvey'd.PNG)

File: ee1a13303ae65ef⋯.png (12.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jewpepe.png)

File: 1cf7e7067878a5d⋯.jpeg (15.97 KB, 166x255, 166:255, jewscalp.jpeg)

File: ae07735ccc518e4⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 893x884, 893:884, jewfinch.jpg)


Misanthropy is not welcome here, Kike. Take your hate for Humanity to Reddit fuckstick

f53a6f  No.6628021


I know but shit like that pisses me off.


These people are SICK. Hiding in plainest sight.

ff6c35  No.6628022


Mueller to me seemed extremely nervous and I hope that is a sign that he knows he will not be going quietly into retirement like he hoped he would.

c811f0  No.6628023


I agree completely and have been saying for a good long time now. It is the dems only real choice and it will bring their king back into the white house along with VJ as well.

7003b8  No.6628024

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, 1c7048a6100d761cfdcfe51872….jpg)

a24402  No.6628025


Cuz its evil

Watching animals suffer or hurting them for fun is evil

Its not evil if you do it to adult humans

Cuz they 100% deserve it

690c94  No.6628026


It's me.

Drops later today?

8ffdb7  No.6628027


>Green Source or Red?

Definitely Both.

ceac9c  No.6628028


Yeah Q never lies.

f41447  No.6628029

THE IMPATIENCE IS PALPABLE…. anons and DECLASSIFICATION… Trump actually ordered declass back in October 2018, but it has to go though a vetting process to insure sources and methods are not compromised or that laws aren't broken… Yes, Dan Coats at the DNI and other intelligence community bureaucrats have been dragging their feet, but with the order given last week that AG Barr now is in charge of all declassification and that all the agencies must cooperate, this should speed up the process.

HOWEVER, all of that material is destined to go to Congressional committees that have requested the docs as far back as October 2017, and those committees/members will release the docs to the public in a drawn out process.

THEN THE CIRCUS STARTS. Criminal referrals from the Congressional committees lead to investigations, that lead to grand juries that lead to indictments that lead to arrests that lead to trials that end in convictions and imprisonments. MEANWHILE, the MSM fake news and the Democrats will attack every step of the process, because their people are going to be exposed and imprisoned. IN ADDITION the Democrats will move to impeach Donald Trump to deflect attention in the news cycle from the declassified docs, criminal referrals, investigations, grand juries and so on.

UNDERSTAND that the globalist cabal is simply the latest iteration of a cabal of the rich and powerful that has been operating for 6000 years. It is not going to go quietly and it is going to take years to destroy it. My timeline estimate is that it will take at least to the end of Donald Trump's second term. REMEMBER, Q has said that nothing can stop this, nothing. Also, I have heard Ramtha say that for the first time in recorded history all of the corruption will be exposed and destroyed, so everyone can see it and never allow themselves be be enslaved again. WWG1WGA

fd2ac3  No.6628030

File: 0ccf94c2e25e042⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 629x487, 629:487, 10151361_571608559601282_4….jpg)

File: 2b5c2ff107e550d⋯.jpg (49.79 KB, 548x548, 1:1, 11034195_1060696973955889_….jpg)

a24402  No.6628031


Take your stupidity and williningness to believe anything,youre told back to,normalfag ville

011b31  No.6628032

File: f3f212f532eab1e⋯.png (982.93 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN OBAMA TRIES TO ESCAPE ….png)




b5f94d  No.6628033


Well I eat what I shoot. And its not fun freezing my ass off..So I guess I'm fine.

57e4e5  No.6628034



This one

e2de90  No.6628035

Very Interesting

1bb5ce  No.6628036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who's that lady?

8b4a71  No.6628037

File: 731f8626e001ff2⋯.png (214.18 KB, 1240x612, 310:153, Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at ….png)

I'm responding to a conversation I had with a baker here about making sure "sauce" is good, now that this board seems to be much more "real news" than MSM.

I have never done anything with block chain/cryptocurrency and truthfully, I'm not sure its a good idea, anyway.

I've wanted to maintain my privacy mainly because I don't like the thought of being manipulated by an AI or "Beast" system. That might include ditching the Internet entirely. However, when ordinary people share information over the internet it seems like some good can come of it. It's been helpful to me to get real information about vaccines, in particular, by talking to other parents, seeing "forbidden" content such as interviews with parents whose children have been injured or to follow cutting edge (honest) medical journalists such as Del Bigtree and Jefferey Jaxen.

I don't like having my ability to get employed trashed, as it was on LinkedIn because I shared hard hitting information critical of the FDA, for example.

Some time ago I came across Trive (not to be confused with the financial services company that turns up on Go ogle). There are aspects of the concept I like (privacy, people corroborating news stories, reward for truthful presentation of "news") but I don't like anything "corporate" as this seem it might be.

I reviewed their white paper and the concept seems a little complicated and I didn't know what to make of their "support" of CNN. I cannot tell if anything is really going on with them right now, as their blog posts seem to have trailed off. However, the concept has some interesting aspects, I think.


ff6c35  No.6628038

File: 6386dad15738fc7⋯.jpg (44.78 KB, 614x618, 307:309, ZomboMeme 30052019050422.jpg)



763ac9  No.6628039

No way in hell Faulkner is human.

24c011  No.6628040

File: 1a0e12be2b5b357⋯.pdf (58.72 KB, 411933275-May-30-2019-Lett….pdf)

New filings allege GOP redistricting motivation behind census citizenship question


f42031  No.6628041


maybe salvation is fucking up this world. too many people going to church on sunday and wiping the slate clean and then going out and sinning again, knowing they will be forgiven. sort of like participation trophies. you just have to be in the game to tithe

0753b1  No.6628042


I'm digging the tune anon.




f85767  No.6628043

File: d3031788f8f28bc⋯.png (3.56 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 255px-Flag_of_Nicaragua.sv….png)

Guess which country (among others) is sending us the "migrants?"

Guess which country is a destination point for child sex tourism and trafficking?

Guess which country was sending cocaine into Mean, Arkansas during Iran Contra?

POTUS announcement tonight should put these motherfuckers on notice / drop bombs on them.

1a28db  No.6628044



she's intergalactic

a24402  No.6628045


Notice how things go real fast if they benefit israel or megacorps

No resistance there..

Fuck that kike his grandkids should be sold to the saudis

ff6c35  No.6628046


Black, like his soul.

c140a7  No.6628047

File: ae7804fa0e44617⋯.jpg (355.87 KB, 1934x1094, 967:547, ae7804fa0e44617c9d1bde832b….jpg)


You always bring good energy with your memes. Just know you are appreciated.

986874  No.6628048

File: 3ad4ab095c4140c⋯.jpeg (719.86 KB, 1125x1935, 25:43, 1B4F13DE-FFA2-469F-BE3B-A….jpeg)

File: 18053cf2b13889a⋯.jpeg (22.03 KB, 792x180, 22:5, C1C719E1-02AC-4EA8-8AC1-D….jpeg)

File: ddb33780677b635⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1125x1227, 375:409, E78EE501-8BE2-438A-9976-A….jpeg)

File: 9692bd22773d3b3⋯.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1125x1670, 225:334, 174D0239-72AC-4CD7-9795-5….jpeg)

011b31  No.6628049

File: 6d853c7eb1fff45⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1200x689, 1200:689, CREEPY JOE BIDEN.png)




e8f648  No.6628050


I want a mango now.

8ffdb7  No.6628051






f53a6f  No.6628052




Fml. Autocorrect making me look like a got damn amateur.

4ff07a  No.6628053


It will be a cold day in hell before an arrogant, selfish asshole like you can talk me into ANYTHING… including joining you in your self pity and unwarranted self esteem.

KYS… I'll help you with that… but, no more (you)s. Buh bye…

a24402  No.6628054


Man its almost like most people are born slaves and stay that way

God i hate you fucking dirty apes

3e589d  No.6628055



>I want her now


75cb09  No.6628056

File: 9eb2fa10987b833⋯.png (316.55 KB, 620x320, 31:16, ClipboardImage.png)



In recent months, Michelle Obama has been put center stage time after time while her husband has faded into the background

I have a feeling that events are being carefully orchestrated for her to become the “reluctant hero” that will step in to save the day for the Democrats in 2020. And judging by the reaction at the Grammy Awards last night, the left would get behind her in a heartbeat…

At last night’s Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, host Alicia Keys brought a quartet of very famous women onto the stage and introduced them one-by-one to the crowd.

Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez and Jada Pinkett Smith all got varying degrees of warm ovations.

But the fourth lady sent the whole place into spontaneous shrieking hysterical meltdown.

In fact, NBC News reported that she received a “hero’s welcome” and that she cut off the applause once it reached 25 seconds…

No other Democrat that is running for president or that is thinking of running for president can elicit that sort of passionate response.

If Michelle Obama decides to run, she will win the Democratic nomination.

And without a doubt, she would be Donald Trump’s toughest potential opponent in 2020 by a very wide margin.

But will she do it?

Only time will tell, but the calls for her to run are starting to become louder with each passing day.


1a28db  No.6628057

File: 967b59288d0a1c7⋯.png (597.3 KB, 444x671, 444:671, 1558239148.png)

e3a07d  No.6628058

File: 9d7febdd79f5c3e⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 400x209, 400:209, chef mango.jpg)

720df2  No.6628059


All true but don't forget about Honduras.

822b28  No.6628060


Mueller cufflink . Upside down Q?

576cdf  No.6628061


I agree

Michele is

their best chance and our worst nightmare

a24402  No.6628062


Why the fuck do you think you get to talk to me faggot

I hope one day i run the world

Because all of you will suffer

3c6086  No.6628063

File: 321fb8214ae7e1f⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1290x1364, 645:682, the eyes.png)

24c011  No.6628064

File: 1fe9fcc32ba7b90⋯.mp4 (13.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ThisWeekABC-11341140773771….mp4)

Meghan McCain: Trump created a culture 'fearful to show my father's name'

3a5c90  No.6628065

File: 738c0e7071126a9⋯.jpeg (205.7 KB, 828x1771, 36:77, 673BD153-4C59-4B98-967B-A….jpeg)

c811f0  No.6628066


there= over there, look see him over there?

Their= they own it it is theirs.

they're= they are going to get it now.

8ffdb7  No.6628067

File: ba334d9afbfef51⋯.jpg (474.99 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Sight-Beyond-Site-8ch.jpg)





a24402  No.6628068


Anon if i had a choice between you living

Or 2 dollars

Id take the 2 dollars

439375  No.6628069

new Paul Sperry

"BREAKING: Sources tell me Democratic House Intel Chair Adam Schiff is demanding document production & testimony even from witnesses & subjects who had only bit parts in Mueller's probe & report, repaving not only old "collusion" ground but minor ground in Russia hoax. #Harassment"


e2de90  No.6628070

Q, I had an issue trying to post. Can you assist?

1a28db  No.6628071


that's just come fat biotch - prob fat Rosie

ignore it

b5f94d  No.6628072


I wasn't aware people were wanting to wear no name apparel

514902  No.6628073

File: 68d9535d77c2263⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2556x3441, 852:1147, 68d9535d77c2263d4e4ef2cdfa….jpg)

File: ad81895f9f878ba⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2486x1224, 1243:612, 84a4b19e81ef6785d3dc9f8ef6….png)

Imagine if the information we get from the natural world through our eyes, ears, nose and skin could be tampered with? An enemy who controls sensory inputs can control what we buy, what we think about and what we will become in future.

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly through our senses. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share and MSM legacy media is running psyops, Information Operation engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

70% of Americans binge view.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values. By gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult material are introduced into required reading lists as is rewritten history. Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, and programs like "common core" are created to turn kids off learning.

By capturing the news and entertainment industry, and gradually, over decades, reducing the public vocabulary, promoting social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure, entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals. in short, they're comp'd.

Thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers' NSA, POTUS and MI, the attempted genocide of the American people has been exposed.

It's a terrible thing to discover you have been betrayed by those you most trust. It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember the others. Our fellow citizens still trapped in the false matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control. Those people still trapped need to be rescued not blamed. .

Imagine how things will be for us when this poisoning is stopped.

a24402  No.6628074

You know what ill be honest anons

I dont care about good or evil anymore

Or the cabal

I just want them dead

And you all suffering for being stupid

I want to hurt you people

Give you a taste of your own medicine

All of you are worthless

7e9f3c  No.6628075


whatashame, his own daughter giving credit to Trump for his own doing

ceac9c  No.6628076

e3a07d  No.6628077

File: 5ef638f8ef8fe2b⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x162, 85:54, really nigga.jpeg)

a18bc0  No.6628078


Actually, he fled his home in Surrey in Jan 2017.

Regardless, just sharing what someone else pointed out.

Glad you're here to contribute.

19964c  No.6628079

File: 5ff7d77a8aba0a0⋯.png (583.72 KB, 707x353, 707:353, Mad Max low iq wench.png)

3a5c90  No.6628080


The time has come for the exposure of the evil for it will set US all free.

03bc03  No.6628081

File: f7f67ab49c41333⋯.png (78.66 KB, 235x215, 47:43, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6628058 TY Collector!

0753b1  No.6628082


Blended, or half on one side and half on the other?? I found serving tables that people were rather particular about it. kek.

8697af  No.6628083

File: 6d299b6b5a198a3⋯.gif (188.74 KB, 817x818, 817:818, illshill.GIF)


This Kike troll is hitting nerves, But is still transparent as fuck, we see you & exercise our right to filter you, you pedokikeshill

a24402  No.6628084


It makes no difference if it stops

Theyre fucking cattle

Theyll never change or stop being retarded

The cabal isnt the problem its a symptom

36e8d9  No.6628085

Q prevented a falsely engineered civil war in America.

On the surface, Q is a backchannel communication program designed by the Trump administration maintaining plausible deniability while feeding misinformation to bad actors to create chaos and narrative confusion among their ranks. Some Q connections are confirmed while others are broken or plainly false. We already know Trump's white house strategy involves controlled leaks of all kinds coming from various angles to expose deep state agents, discredit the media and exercise control of the narrative.

Think of Q as just one version of this strategy playing out in the Patriot anon's online technosphere. Every time a major player or news organization prints a story that turns out to be completely false, that is more evidence of Q-like intelligence channels feeding misinformation intentionally to achieve an objective.

Secondarily, Q is a catch-all to deescalate 'at risk' military aged patriots from organizing any counter revolution or violent fomentation by opening up at least some level of communication direct to his support base. Q occupies us and leads us away from violent and vengeful thinking while Trump and his team carries out Plan A.

If it is plainly evident that Soros and others (ABC the Good Fight kek) have attempted to ESCALATE the brainwashed masses into a "resistance" frenzy… the Q program intends to prevent that boiling over into open conflict. Imagine a world where all we had was Trump's twitter and the MSM. I don't believe patriots would have unilaterally agreed to allow the charade to continue as it unfolded over the past two years.

If you are mad at Q, I challenge you to see it for what it actually is. If you are upset that your time was wasted.. and you felt you would have revolted and taken judgement into your own hands without being "misled" by Q, then you are living proof that the program is a resounding success.

In reality, the worst case is that ultimately Trump fails and we are forced to finally take care of the matter ourselves.. However, it is foolish to attempt anything now while at least our apparent ally holds the seat of power in the country. Vigilance yes. Violence, No. Not just yet.

If there was anything "Q" that was objectively accurate from a future past perspective, it was the assurance of the insulation of POTUS during the special counsel investigation when every news agency vehemently reported that Mueller was indeed going to take out Trump. In my opinion, patriots would not have been able to contain that level of pressure. Without Q, I think there is no doubt we would have experienced Nationalist patriot coordinated attacks on globalist controlled infrastructure.

With the global media at large, the "white Nazi resurgence" narrative would have been completed and America itself would be in a position not unlike pre-war 1930s Germany in view of the rest of the world. Very easy to convince the globalist controlled European states to rise up against the great Nazi America beast as righteous anti-racist coalition and essentially re-enact World War II geopolitics in a sickening casting reversal. If you pay close attention to major media and entertainment, (Charlottesville rally, Amazon's Man in the High Castle, Bethesda Softwork's Wolfenstein II The New Colossus, Ubisoft's The Division 2 etc.) you will see the predictive programming's attempt to create a believable "Nazi's in America" scenario.

This destabilization program is why the democrat left seems to be in another world. They actually are. Many Americans were successfully programmed to see a "New Nazi uprising" that they now must "resist" like their French progenitors in WWII. It is very real to them. Trump and the Q program actually STOPPED most of us from unwittingly performing an active role as "Nazi villains" in this globalist concocted civil war scenario. The language they continue to use in describing Trump and his base is the ultimate window into the social engineering the globalists have attempted to enact. When you feel the urge to civil war, try to keep this in mind.

Now we can all watch the next months unfold and evaluate in retrospect if Trump has accomplished enough to warrant our further support of a second term and ongoing peaceful civic responsibility.

109151  No.6628086


Only an "unsaved" person thinks this way.

Believers know the cost of sin is their own peace. Once you have That Peace, you don't throw it away easily.


69e260  No.6628087

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

Caller on Rush: Truth will out.


a313bd  No.6628088


Michael would beat trump. Guarantee u that. The population of the US has changed dramatically.

3131ec  No.6628089

File: 985c6ef10ab5142⋯.png (364.15 KB, 475x352, 475:352, madcow creepy joe.PNG)

c811f0  No.6628090


you are an idiot

f85767  No.6628091


+ El Salvador.

Look at the flags of these countries. They are CABAL HQ.

1ca2fc  No.6628092

makes sense, she's on the indictment list, all the candidates are


7e9f3c  No.6628093


<never get off the boat

a097a1  No.6628094

File: d4b89c4bbfa8432⋯.png (688.44 KB, 850x967, 850:967, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b312392b4863d7⋯.png (37.12 KB, 1084x435, 1084:435, ClipboardImage.png)

from 2017:

Secret court rebukes NSA for 5-year illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens

U.S. intelligence agencies conducted illegal surveillance on American citizens over a five-year period, a practice that earned them a sharp rebuke from a secret court that called the matter a “very serious” constitutional issue.

The criticism is in a lengthy secret ruling that lays bare some of the frictions between the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and U.S. intelligence agencies obligated to obtain the court’s approval for surveillance activities.

The ruling, dated April 26 and bearing the label “top secret,” was obtained and published Thursday by the news site Circa.

It is rare that such rulings see the light of day, and the lengthy unraveling of issues in the 99-page document opens a window on how the secret federal court oversees surveillance activities and seeks to curtail those that it deems overstep legal authority.

The document, signed by Judge Rosemary M. Collyer, said the court had learned in a notice filed Oct. 26, 2016, that National Security Agency analysts had been conducting prohibited queries of databases “with much greater frequency than had previously been disclosed to the court.”

It said a judge chastised the NSA’s inspector general and Office of Compliance for Operations for an “institutional ‘lack of candor’ ” for failing to inform the court. It described the matter as “a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”

The Fourth Amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government, and is a constitutional bedrock protection against intrusion.

Parts of the ruling were redacted, including sections that give an indication of the extent of the illegal surveillance, which the NSA told the court in a Jan. 3 notice was partly the fault of “human error” and “system design issues” rather than intentional illegal searches.

The NSA inspector general’s office tallied up the number of prohibited searches conducted in a three-month period in 2015, but the number of analysts who made the searches and the number of queries were blacked out in the ruling.

The NSA gathers communications in ways known as “upstream” and “downstream” collection. Upstream collection occurs when data are captured as they move through massive data highways – the internet backbone – within the United States. Downstream collection occurs as data move outside the country along fiber optic cables and satellite links.

Data captured from both upstream and downstream sources are stored in massive databases, available to be searched when analysts need to, often months or as much as two years after the captures took place.

The prohibited searches the court mentioned involved NSA queries into the upstream databanks, which constitute a fraction of all the data NSA captures around the globe but are more likely to contain the emails and phone calls of people in the United States.

Federal law empowers the NSA and CIA to battle foreign terrorist actions against the United States by collecting the electronic communications of targets believed to be outside the country. While communications of U.S. citizens or residents may get hoovered up in such sweeps, they are considered “incidental” and must be “minimized” – removing the identities of Americans – before broader distribution.

The court filing noted an NSA decision March 30 to narrow collection of “upstream” data within the United States. Under that decision, the NSA acknowledged that it had erred in sweeping up the communications of U.S. citizens or residents but said those errors “were not willful.” Even so, the NSA said it would no longer collect certain kinds of data known as “about” communications, in which a U.S. citizen was merely mentioned.

The NSA announced that change publicly on April 28, two days after the court ruling, saying the agency would limit its sweeps to communications either directly to or from a foreign intelligence target. That change would reduce “the likelihood that NSA will acquire communications of U.S. persons or others who are not in direct contact with one of the agency’s foreign intelligence targets.”

The court document also criticized the FBI’s distribution of intelligence data, saying it had disclosed raw surveillance data to sectors of its bureaucracy “largely staffed by private contractors.”

The “contractors had access to raw FISA information that went well beyond what was necessary to respond to the FBI’s requests,” it said, adding that the bureau discontinued the practice on April 18, 2016.


4ff07a  No.6628095


Good advice…. taken.


a24402  No.6628096


Ill give you a hint anon

More niggers

More spics

More asians

Stop importing subhumans if you dont want them to vote in stupid shit

3c6086  No.6628097

File: cf019d86b2aef64⋯.png (88.29 KB, 385x348, 385:348, tp1.png)

82f452  No.6628098

File: 45a6e54c1344da8⋯.jpg (364.77 KB, 1160x746, 580:373, rmjm.jpg)

Hmmm……BM/JM 2002. from this '17 Photos of a Happy Robert Mueller' (nearly ALL rats he's smiling with)


97c830  No.6628099

File: 5dc394189531464⋯.jpg (148.71 KB, 900x723, 300:241, lebanesetwintsampa.jpg)



Jill Khamran [alias Jill Kelly] Lebanese,

Here with twin sister Natalie and Holly Petraeus, his wife?

This image was supposedly from Tampa not New Orleans?


514902  No.6628100

File: 3341cd07d518861⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 3341cd07d51886124c6af8a1df….jpg)

File: 52467e8dfb483dc⋯.jpg (206.72 KB, 879x1200, 293:400, d7e7212dde2e8eb216994cf774….jpg)

File: 402eb24d86ad7eb⋯.png (757.08 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)

f42031  No.6628101


good one except misspelling

e3a07d  No.6628102


ty, only doing the front end. Another anon can take it from there. Shit ta do and all that. Dog gonna divorce me as i'm getting that look.

fd2ac3  No.6628103

File: 932d14d89e11f37⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 932d14d89e11f3791ed24b6ba8….jpg)


Most of these gay mafia faggots swing both ways and/or have beards. They prefer pushing each others shit in though. Down low clubs.

126832  No.6628104


Correct, I can't make you.

I can, however, remove you as I would a weed from my garden.

I do not think a cow to be equal to myself, but I do consider it a metric of one's character how they decide to behave in the presence of creatures powerless against them. For someone claiming to be sentient, you sound more like a craven predator driven by compulsion for blood than you do any kind of intelligent or enlightened being. A beast drunk on power.

Know thyself is your commandment, right?

ff6c35  No.6628105


This us true. I fully believe Q has saved lives.

8697af  No.6628106

File: b4a779a9022531b⋯.png (169.05 KB, 531x650, 531:650, midgetpoints.png)

File: 897d445e0a79a62⋯.png (99.3 KB, 640x470, 64:47, gorillions I tell ya!!.png)

File: 3b944f9c72b65d4⋯.png (1.51 MB, 923x687, 923:687, tezz2.PNG)

File: cfde7f20fb17933⋯.png (338.22 KB, 482x736, 241:368, telaviv8.PNG)


shills are panicked as fuck

Something big is about to drop

a24402  No.6628107


And youre cattle

I could kill your entire family and it would be moral

Thats how fucking stupid you are

83763c  No.6628108


I'm just checking in and wondering what you are talking about.

Seems like you are in some pain.

8b4a71  No.6628109


I'd like to suggest a slightly different end to your post: Bob Mueller is an enemy of "We the People".

a95c53  No.6628110


Where did you come from?

1a28db  No.6628111

File: 22c6527b39cb188⋯.jpg (78.41 KB, 960x713, 960:713, 1536577491-4.jpg)

92c2b2  No.6628112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Voters need to watch this video:

Transvestigaion Comparisons - Us & Them


9db659  No.6628113


luv those high-riders. They the best.

961597  No.6628114

File: b172fb3c0520330⋯.png (219.43 KB, 900x512, 225:128, ClipboardImage.png)

NJ sues Sackler family, makers of OxyContin, for alleged role in opioid crisis

Attorney General Gurbir Grewal filed a lawsuit Thursday against members of the Sackler family, alleging that the founders of the company that makes OxyContin engaged in a widespread misinformation campaign driven by greed to capitalize on the opioid crisis.

New Jersey joins several other states that have recently targeted the Sacklers, whose company, Purdue Pharma, has been named alongside other opioid manufacturers in many lawsuits nationwide in recent years, including here.

But the Sacklers have recently become a focus of prosecutors for what they claim was their direct role in flooding the market with prescriptions drugs, particularly OxyContin, which generated sales of more than $35 billion since 1996………….


a24402  No.6628115


Q has 100% killed hundreds of people with the posts alone

I will find Q

And rape and murder his or her family

I dont care if you jail me because i will wait and do it when i get out

690c94  No.6628116


Every D running for Pres was forced by Q.

When the debates start, you'll discover that each of them has specific dirt on another candidate and they will all commit "political suicide" in front of the entire world.


POTUS sits back and smiles.

Perfect optics.

Trust The Plan.

011b31  No.6628117

File: fa028d165c960a3⋯.png (743.9 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN NANCY PELOSI IN NORTH ….png)

ef4bb6  No.6628118

File: a8e73e76cdce998⋯.jpeg (170.93 KB, 750x576, 125:96, D8467FAC-81C1-44D6-946C-3….jpeg)



DB knows who it is…

I think you are right about MO running for POTUS bc the Dems are extremely desperate to get power back to save themselves.

They can the use the race & sex card if POTUS goes after her/it.

What if she used BHO or even HRC as her VP running mate. The Libs/HWood/MSM would have a feeding frenzy!

Mark my words, his is going to happen….unless BHO is finally outed as a Kenyan, Muslim terrorist & hung.

255a44  No.6628119


>Michael would beat trump

Would be hard to be a candidate when you've already been executed for treason

Trump will win 2020 by massive margins

In the range of 60 to 70% of the country or more

821a58  No.6628120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


690c94  No.6628121


Holy shit! Took me a full three minutes to find the mango that they hid in that photo!

57e4e5  No.6628122



Its like suing gun manufacturers for shootings

576cdf  No.6628123


may not be in his own house since he "fled" 2 hours before his name was released - but he may have gone back

in any case

He is still in the UK - has been in court in UK several times

he fucking lives there

just because you don't have his address don't mean it ain't true

>Glad you're here to contribute.

Thankyou thankyou - I'll be here all week.

961597  No.6628124


what about Michelle Obama

a24402  No.6628125


Above to save you if you believe the demons

If true i no longer care and want to hurt you more than the demons do

Youre race is the single worst in the entire galaxy

All you do is hurt people

I want all of you above the age of 18 dead

fd2ac3  No.6628126

File: 16fad7ac026e83e⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 255x150, 17:10, b21af45bcc721b6401d354e7e4….jpg)

e8f648  No.6628127


This tweet was a month ago…if they were going to wake them up, they're sure taking their time about it. I think it may have been MO, but it failed.

8ffdb7  No.6628128

File: 243282249bbbc11⋯.png (98.65 KB, 1080x853, 1080:853, Liberty-Tag.png)


Grammarfags for the Win!

Clarity of Communication.

And according to the Captcha Yoda, it's Time for a New Game: Liberty Tag.

Looks like (you)'re It, Anon!


0e2fb5  No.6628129

File: f85f8c83932d7a9⋯.png (25.08 KB, 705x155, 141:31, grassly aut.PNG)


76ppl Ottumwa TM issues: health care immigration ACE Kids Bill Medicaid Army Corps/Lake Red Rock flooding Kavanaugh SCOTUS guns VAWA the VA public utilities term limits ITC tariffs Autism Cares drug prices etc #99countymeetings

026b7a  No.6628130

File: 2feaa20ecebe67f⋯.png (15.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepeandfeelz.png)


>Waiting for the 3 people left here

spamming muhjoo nonsense to leave


fixed it

now KYS

1a28db  No.6628131


Brazile is a fucking joke and she knows it

1ca2fc  No.6628132

med personnel have been fingerprinted for decades, I know 2A is being trampled but……


e8f648  No.6628133


There's a mango in the photo? I just thought "MMmmmmm…..juicy…" and suddenly wanted a mango. But you're right! There's a mango there! WOAH!

97c830  No.6628134


It was a East European website, I used a translator , should be TAMPA not Tampon.

"The woman who failed the CIA Director"



690c94  No.6628135


We don't need another black man in office.

Last one fucked shit up.

f66b63  No.6628136


Have "hunted" (from muh deck) cowbirds and asshole squirrels just because I was in a bad mood. Luckily, I'm a good shot. Except for one time and I DID feel bad for lil' fucker.

a24402  No.6628137


Theyre running to launder money you stupid fuck

That faction of the elite lost to trumps faction cuz they suck and exposed themselves

Now they have to delay the nwo and let trump do the false hope bit

986874  No.6628138


These are good.

4b0ead  No.6628139


>>Cooper is Icke tier nonsense

>You're an idiot shill!

>Fuck off!

stuck a nerve goise


8f040a  No.6628140

File: fe4099fea018004⋯.jpg (486.81 KB, 918x1616, 459:808, 20190530_130242.jpg)

BIG statement

57e4e5  No.6628141


Easy digital soldier

Take it easy

How xactly posts can kill?

2a3244  No.6628142


There is a simple solution to your dilema, KYS

9b65b3  No.6628143

File: 84caca3373d6707⋯.jpg (199.14 KB, 600x525, 8:7, Lenin Bernie.jpg)

9b069c  No.6628144



Oh you poor dude, I have know individuals like you and ya know what their biggest problem was…they hated themselves but projected it out onto others and the world…some were able to turn their lives around and others well it didn't end well for them….you are still breathing…you have a shot at salvaging what is left of your life…if you don't like people get a pet, learn to take care of something other than yourself that needs you…it does wonders….

Chin up…learn what gratitude is…take on the challenge of life in a cruel world but has nooks and crannies of beauty kindness and love….

3534e6  No.6628145


You clearly don't know what "sentient" means. Which means you totally failed in your attempt to call others idiots.

You should search the "Dunning-Kruger Effect" you moran.

efbece  No.6628146


"Another phone call that Hillary was unable to answer…"

4a9276  No.6628147


Yea but muh optics won't allow that to happen.

6d3c57  No.6628148

File: 4318761270ecfed⋯.jpg (54.47 KB, 563x365, 563:365, muslims-are-funny3.jpg)


Thank you for the picture of your lovely wife and three daughters.

c811f0  No.6628149


Well, if they don't hurry up and open indictments they will lose a window.

a24402  No.6628150


I feel nothing anymore

Only the desire to hurt you mud apes

And the elite

Not sure who deserves slow torture first

24c011  No.6628151

File: 5b69dbfe324f544⋯.png (319.84 KB, 603x613, 603:613, twitter_com_lmower3_status….png)

Federal subpoena demands records on Andrew Gillum and his campaign for governor


e82882  No.6628152


On the move.

Ask R.


7e9f3c  No.6628153


waiting for the last minute because of an inconvenient tr… anny matter

1a525e  No.6628154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS 2019 Air Force Academy live stream. Whitehouse YT account.

hasn't started yet.

986874  No.6628155


We should make an exception for Jew shills.

Instead of “muh” Jew, is should be “moo Jew”.

Rolls off the tongue nicer.

ff6c35  No.6628156

File: 08627308a029e82⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 604x616, 151:154, Everyone Is Stupid Except ….jpg)



Typical libtard snowflake, "Words are violence, and only our violence is justified."


011b31  No.6628157

File: a121369ee7a3874⋯.png (743.6 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN NORTH KOREA NANCY PELO….png)





ab461d  No.6628158


More on Arnav Gupta:


Location: Washington, D.C.

Profile created 8/24/2015

Logged on 3 hours ago…

Also Ellipse Park dig:


0753b1  No.6628159

File: 5df4498d6f8fbb9⋯.png (378.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot (1).png)

File: 7bfdf94d932b867⋯.jpg (202.41 KB, 641x807, 641:807, 2paths.jpg)

File: 3992d5239a393e6⋯.jpg (531.94 KB, 1299x731, 1299:731, 1256aeffff403a954cd7de9080….jpg)

File: 1f78a8a3bb4cc6c⋯.jpg (3.83 MB, 2360x3440, 59:86, Covfefe-with-Frens.jpg)

a24402  No.6628160


Shut the fuck up cattle


Lol why is the cattle trying,to speak

a18bc0  No.6628161

Looks like the peace and quiet of last bread is over and the fkn shills have arrived now that POTUS is up. smh

c140a7  No.6628162

File: b777fdab08c1ed9⋯.jpg (204.72 KB, 972x1452, 81:121, MadMaxine_GiantInPeachMint.jpg)

846732  No.6628163


I show no mercy to armadillos

ddf886  No.6628164

File: fee1a4490ae953f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1318x1332, 659:666, ClipboardImage.png)

"Lovebirds" cancelled due to threats to theatre…

McAleer, in a statement, condemned the cancellation at the Mead Theatre as censorship and pledged “that the show will go on despite the left’s attempts to sabotage it by forcing the venue’s withdrawal so close to the event date.”

“We will get a venue,” said McAleer. “The staged reading will go ahead. It will be filmed and released online and everyone will get to see the truth about how the upper echelons of the FBI tried to subvert democracy. This censorship will not succeed.”


576cdf  No.6628165


I pick off as many grackels as I can

just for fucking fun because they are assholes

my kid likes to shoot grasshoppers with a BB gun - good practice and they are assholes too

ff6c35  No.6628166


LOLOLOLOL because the first 40 candidates all suck. 😂

83763c  No.6628167


You don't even know me. Why would you want to hurt to me?

1a28db  No.6628168

enjoy your ban, psycho

026b7a  No.6628169

File: 0dc7114caf1f378⋯.jpg (125.53 KB, 734x348, 367:174, pepeinspace.jpg)


close but not accurate

humanity DOES indeed having a saving grace as you noted - and indeed that is what saved us

but the energy of humanity for recorded history is domination and evil more than good

that is a fact

but the GA (and only the GA) changed that

bigger than you can imagine

a24402  No.6628170


For the last time,faggot

This board is so dead that every time you say muh shills its literally just me

8b4a71  No.6628171



This is so right on (pun noted) that it should be memorialized.

As a Christian, I know that those who live by the sword die by the sword. I did not want to see violence here, though there were a few things that would have made me consider armed action. Most particularly Thomas Friedan's CDC setting up vaccination "pods" around the country.

You cannot look a the on the ground indicators and not see that change is inevitable. That it be accomplished with minimal violence, disruption and hatred is all to the good.

God wins.

b2e8d3  No.6628172

File: 5cbb7f4f63d99ba⋯.jpg (70.9 KB, 1140x855, 4:3, careerbuilder-ar_post-29.jpg)


The cabal you work for will let you rot in jail

they don't give a shit about you faggot

so keep making threats and see where it gets you

4437be  No.6628173


You bet he's gonna mention Space Force the typical POTUS way and Q will ever not comment on it ever :)

83763c  No.6628174


You're raising a serial killer.

776987  No.6628175

File: 5961f9d4a5c4208⋯.png (21.69 KB, 920x107, 920:107, jtfmaga-02.png)

File: 20ebb33ba2e1a5c⋯.png (14.7 KB, 451x215, 451:215, jtfmaga-01.png)


moar on jtfmaga.com BAIT SITE

Leased via wix.com ( can't they develop their own html, FFS)

*possibly* sitting in Mountain View, CA ( google cloud ) .

Domain created in sept 2017

255a44  No.6628176

File: 23e3d0d17004903⋯.png (292.18 KB, 600x589, 600:589, Gorka Q and QAnon Dead 4-1….PNG)

File: 9ee621cf7e53b95⋯.png (21.5 KB, 592x249, 592:249, SAdams Who Killed Q 4-9-18.PNG)

File: df9710da5262cf8⋯.png (28.87 KB, 591x294, 197:98, Posobiec to SAdams Who Kil….PNG)


>Q has 100% killed hundreds of people with the posts alone

>I will find Q

>And rape and murder his or her family

>I dont care if you jail me because i will wait and do it when i get out

Gorka, Posobiec, Scott Adams and MAGA Co have finally cracked

1ca2fc  No.6628177

anything to get and keep him out of florida


a24402  No.6628178


How come you keep spying on me

I dont give a fuck if i get banned ill just get a vpn and set up spam,bots

1bb5ce  No.6628179


They ALL fucking suck… they just completely lack the introspection to cometot terms with it.

720df2  No.6628180


I've never been to El Salvador, so I can't speak with direct knowledge, just what I've heard. I know what the program was in the 80's though. Drugs and kids went north, guns and money went south. C-130's, sheep dipped "advisors"…Mena wasn't the only airfield. Interdasting things were unloaded in the middle of the night at a certain SoCal airfield now closed due to ground water contamination. The kind of things that can get you suicided.

8f040a  No.6628181

File: 92dcd4b48a8c1c8⋯.jpg (442.84 KB, 1078x2336, 539:1168, 20190530_130843.jpg)


c140a7  No.6628182

File: 2d4f7e6372cc5e9⋯.jpg (112.18 KB, 706x532, 353:266, YouMustBeAShill.jpg)


You're shitty divisionfag attitude holds no power here.

You fail AGAIN

a24402  No.6628183


Because for one

Youre a human and not part of my,family or a child

That alone is grounds for being hurt

ba0d76  No.6628184

Little Britain? The U.K. loses its mojo in Washington

Close observers say Britain’s influence in Washington is at a low point, suffering from a long-term decline accelerated by Brexit and Trump's election.


ff6c35  No.6628185


Shills are angry. Would have thought they wouldve been happy after mueller's clown show yesterday. Seems they know something we don't.

0f2f3a  No.6628186


>Mueller went to Trump asking for the AG job so that he could act as a protective wall between the FBI corruption and the new administration.

3c6086  No.6628187


He then tweeted them again.

ae7e21  No.6628188




>kick off

Go time in EU/Germany?

7e9f3c  No.6628189


>I think it may have been MO, but it failed.

still early.

actual election season is far away

961597  No.6628190


probably because everyone was going batshit saying POTUS just admitted Russia got him into office.

Tweet said …"I had nothing to do with Russie helping me to get elected"….

a24402  No.6628191


Yeah you think that

But i know it does have power

Even if Q is real i hope,my posts fucked Q over

I dont care if Q is good or evil

Q hurt me so Q has to go

276fee  No.6628192


20 posts of bullshit, who gives a fuck what you think, anyway have fun burning in hell

75cb09  No.6628193

File: 790dcf269d15e7b⋯.png (131.67 KB, 600x670, 60:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Be Afraid…

Be very Afraid…

690c94  No.6628194


When his husband is outed as a Kenyan, Michael will also become null and void.

f85767  No.6628195

Could be nothing, but…

POTUS usually calls the state in which he arrives the "Great State of…"

Not Colorado.

Just arrived in Colorado. Getting ready to deliver the commencement speech at the Air Force Academy graduation. Very exciting - probably will be broadcast live on TV. They want good ratings!

776987  No.6628196


jtfmaga.com bait site ( avoid ) .

Wix hosted on bluehost which is hosted in google cloud ? christ.

a24402  No.6628197


He does this shit on purpose

He just generated loosh for his demon god

All the kike does is divide

I feel sorry for anyone related to him because they will die painfully and slowly when or if he is exposed

255a44  No.6628198



And re posted them

Still on his time line

1a28db  No.6628199


still there bud

ff6c35  No.6628200


I think your assesment of our shills right now is dead on. Also, how does one rape something that is just a LARP? HMMMMM…

a95c53  No.6628201


I concur. More threats of physical violence/killing

shilling going on.

97c830  No.6628202

File: 1a34968614c2773⋯.jpg (254.86 KB, 723x900, 241:300, petraeus.jpg)


Looks like they set-up Petraeus?

Crime was un-secured emails? Though HRC did the same thing?

I study the case just because of the spoopy image put out by Propaganda rag the "Washington Post"

Something stunk, since why would they need to shoop the photo otherwise?

4437be  No.6628203

File: cd8f302ad2e2c76⋯.jpg (8.61 KB, 225x225, 1:1, top kek.jpg)


>Q hurt me

how can an anonymous tripfag posting questions on 4chan and 8chan accomplish that

a24402  No.6628204


If i go to hell at least ill be away from,you morons

Imagine going to heaven and its filled with normalfaggot lemmings who only do,what massa told them to

fd2ac3  No.6628205

File: 569deb83e3da237⋯.jpg (47.31 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 61538158_2306352139580509_….jpg)

Daniel Scavino Jr.

fedbook page.

3c6086  No.6628206

File: 78f4632958456b5⋯.jpeg (149.35 KB, 1242x1635, 414:545, hillary_urinal.jpeg)

a18bc0  No.6628207


Love filtering shills. BYYYEEEEEE

a24402  No.6628208


Directed energy weapons and worse

7e9f3c  No.6628209



that's the conundrum.

he's the one that easily conquers FantasyLand, in a second.

but how to keep the denial going?

a95c53  No.6628210


Was that when someone reported twatter fucking with POTUSs twats in real time?

83763c  No.6628211


So, you are not human? What are you exactly?

Martian? Jupiturian?

c140a7  No.6628212

File: 842c50267cd7ab6⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 806x456, 403:228, ThanksFakeAnon.jpg)


>Q has 100% killed hundreds of people with the posts alone

>I will find Q

>And rape and murder his or her family

>I dont care if you jail me because i will wait and do it when i get out

100% guaranteed you will wail and scream like a little bitch when you're being hauled off to jail. Nobody believes your faux tough guy bullshit. Go take a deep breath and cry somewhere. You LOST, get over it.

1bb5ce  No.6628213



d10ab3  No.6628214


>I’m so smart you all are so dum

>it physically pains me

>i will hurt you

Not only are you incapable of doing jack shit, issuing threats against random unknown people does what for you?

Not only are you mentally deficient, you need to be put in a psychiatric hold.

Gtf away you fucking loser

961597  No.6628215


when….or if? don't see that revelation coming anytime soon.

Do you?

dc3037  No.6628216


I'd hope a patriot would get to ask her what was in the envelope at HW's funeral on camera during her campaign.

a24402  No.6628217


I love that even if i dont do anything,your family will die in nuclear fire or get raped to death by the elite so the jokes on you

b2e8d3  No.6628218



they know that impeachment is a trap

and the liberal left is forcing the Dem Congress over the cliff

83ab5b  No.6628219

Hi POTUS & Q-Team!

If you take the same flight path on your way out as Pence did last summer, I'll be waving as you fly over! Love you!!!!!

1ff20f  No.6628220



Colorado joins effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College


514902  No.6628221


Fines do no good.

Purdue Pharma ALREADY convicted

and paid 1 billion dollar fine.

>In an earlier case from 2007, Purdue Pharma, together with three company executives, agreed to plead guilty to misleading the public in its marketing approach for the narcotic drug OxyContin. The company also agreed to pay fines and other assessments totaling $600 million.2 At the time, that was the largest criminal penalty ever leveraged against a company. The three executives who pled guilty were also excluded from doing business with the federal government for 15 years.


690c94  No.6628222


Looks like Soros' funds already cut.

Shills like this probably getting far less than $15/hour judging by the quality of this shit post.

Guessing punctuation and command of grammar costs more.

cd1c02  No.6628223


unless you were on your own 40 and not the opponents 40 to start

7052f0  No.6628224

File: de4431a80a6cb7f⋯.png (44.27 KB, 640x470, 64:47, djtnice.png)

File: 3e7d513cbe6fd60⋯.png (45.17 KB, 787x507, 787:507, nice.png)

File: 868339602e092ad⋯.png (49.5 KB, 796x577, 796:577, nice2.png)


cfa238  No.6628225


Faggots fer sure. Look at them swoon over each other. FFS.

a24402  No.6628226


Youre right i do

Because if you dont,ill get my revenge

I no longer care anon

Anyone who gets in my way has to,go,too

158eaa  No.6628227



f66b63  No.6628228


>I feel nothing anymore

That habbens sometimes, Anon.

Choose life.


3c6086  No.6628229

File: 8fc6d5f117a11a8⋯.jpg (167.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, HRC_longreach.jpg)

f42156  No.6628230



Also on April 12

Man set jacket on fire outside of white house

https: //www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-whitehouse-incident-idUSKCN1RO2ED

What a coincidence.

a24402  No.6628231


Keep living in that fantasy world anon

Theres nobody coming to save you

92c2b2  No.6628232

File: f714c3ed6e3b589⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1309x1051, 1309:1051, Not a Granny Steinhem.png)

576cdf  No.6628233

Seriously -

will iam with persecution complex due to unmedicated psychosis needs to be removed from this board

not sure how it should be done but guy is a danger to himself - and by association, to this board

random ranting, delusions of persecution, illusions and hallucinations and occasional threats

c811f0  No.6628234


Where in the world is the audience? I see no one except a very few cadets.

c89ff7  No.6628235

File: b071c16fff82a2f⋯.png (436.7 KB, 559x1190, 559:1190, Annotation 2019-05-30 1110….png)



797ee4  No.6628236


>advocates violence

>post count (29)


3755ba  No.6628237


You sound fun

a24402  No.6628239


Why choose life when i can choose all of you dying

My life would be perfect if all of you were dead or suffering

The cabal 100% has the right idea outside of hurting kids

You fucking lemmings are 100% worse than the cabal

026b7a  No.6628240

File: 81adab84cdc7f17⋯.png (46.65 KB, 302x167, 302:167, ClipboardImage.png)


the history of almost all of the Jewish holidays can be summed up succinctly: "They wanted to kill us; we won. Let's eat."

295b62  No.6628241

File: 36582df05788091⋯.jpg (120.48 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, IMG-20180809-WA0000.jpg)


ThanQ very much.

as a foreign (GER) it's difficult sometimes.

but great frens on the chans

1a28db  No.6628242


"tapping into the power of data"

a4ec4d  No.6628243

If Comey is corrupt then Rosenstein is corrupt. Yep

a24402  No.6628244



Thats the fucking point faggot

Q unconstitutionally ruins my life

I ruin Qs board

a672d6  No.6628245

File: d2239577a146a49⋯.jpeg (6.94 KB, 169x255, 169:255, Ohay_Pepe.jpeg)


hey sailor

7e9f3c  No.6628246


>effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College

-states give away the choice to NewYork & Cali just because orangemanbad

-they don't even know that the real unfaked popular vote likely goes to him anyway

011b31  No.6628247

File: f3a41f57be63f92⋯.jpg (218.06 KB, 1282x734, 641:367, QNN BRENNAN.JPG)




690c94  No.6628248


Buckle up.

June is going to be one wild ride.

83763c  No.6628249


Kek. Hardly

a24402  No.6628250


I wish they did kill,them

Jews are the single worst race by far

Its not all of them but the rich ones are all



51ea44  No.6628251

File: e643130879409a0⋯.png (2.47 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ABEB6732-31A7-425C-828D-A2….png)

File: 43d93dadb175c81⋯.png (1.57 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BD573255-F6AB-4B8E-AF3F-3E….png)

Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran dead at 81


0012a8  No.6628252


Wir sind alles Freunden und gemütlich.

09a83c  No.6628253

File: 34d18c710e0d8ad⋯.png (260.89 KB, 475x316, 475:316, ClipboardImage.png)

ae7e21  No.6628254

File: 00e40189b187e58⋯.png (18.85 KB, 1350x189, 50:7, ClipboardImage.png)


>noodle arm

961597  No.6628255


will do, as soon as I'm done waiting for 2018 to be glorious…..

ea6f65  No.6628256


Du hast kameraden hier, wir sind alles zusammen.

BritAnon here.

a95c53  No.6628257


A shill who admits the cabal hurts kids…interesting.

690c94  No.6628258


I was saved 15 years ago.

Comfy for all eternity now.

576cdf  No.6628259


Uh…it's a military academy so no random public


it hasn't started

821a58  No.6628260


Filing in now. Patience Anon

1a28db  No.6628261

Filter that fuck and get back to research anons

we're in a WAR

255a44  No.6628262


>Keep living in that fantasy world anon

>Theres nobody coming to save you

Fake MAGA talking point when initially attempting to 'shut down' Q

Talking point recycled again pre midterms

Used now in desperation

Think Cernovich and his ilk as well as the other blue checked fake MAGA's that associate with him

1ca2fc  No.6628263

How many here are confident that Q is in control and his ability to quantum compute Trump's win is in the bag?


97c830  No.6628264

File: 4d5246b8b337be0⋯.jpg (61.81 KB, 462x526, 231:263, lonegunman.jpg)



No collusion between Mueller and POTUS.

We're anon so I can't prove it nor blow my own horn - I TOLD YA SO

But I'll mini-celebrate on my own.

767be9  No.6628265


Of what? IT will never beat Potus. EVER. No one likes the Osamas anyway. stop with this shill garbage.

ff6c35  No.6628266

Rather than attack Q, maybe you dimwits should focus on doing everything you can to help Trump win 2020 and us take back the House so Trump can finish the MAGA agenda unobstructed. Ever think of that? Or was your whole fake MAGA goal always to incite civil war?

09a83c  No.6628267


Throw Jeff Epstein into that swamp stew

36e8d9  No.6628268


Not sure what rules are here, but ID: a24402 is pretty crazy.

Some posts are dangerous.

0b31c9  No.6628269

File: 01b971af2aae40f⋯.png (446.16 KB, 808x799, 808:799, ClipboardImage.png)

Jesus Fucking Christ.

And you want to be my Latex salesman?

I don't think so.

b2e8d3  No.6628270


more like ….satanic witch

a24402  No.6628271

File: 3baff295cd3a9f4⋯.png (118.71 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-05-30-13-1….png)


Dont think ill forget you either kike

Dont,know who you are but youre on my list as well

You will pay

So much so youll wish you were dead

But you wont be

Im just crazy right ?

Totally normal capcha

ceac9c  No.6628272


Everyone said "nobody will beat Hillary".

Trump is not looking favorable right now. He fucked up on the border and "lock her up"

ca90c8  No.6628273


vamp for sure

97c830  No.6628274

19964c  No.6628275

Assange Is Reportedly Gravely Ill, And Hardly Anyone's Talking About It

Julian Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per Samuelson has told the press that “Assange’s health situation on Friday was such that it was not possible to conduct a normal conversation with him.”

This jarring revelation has been reported by a small handful of outlets, but only as an aside in relation to Sweden refusing Samuelson’s request for a postponement of a scheduled hearing regarding Assange’s detention en absentia for a preliminary investigation of rape allegations. The fact that the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder is so ill that he can’t converse lucidly is itself far more significant than the postponement refusal, yet headlines mentioning Samuelson’s statement focus on the Swedish case, de-emphasizing the startling news from his lawyer.


fd2ac3  No.6628276

File: 0a4c1af9461d483⋯.jpg (92.2 KB, 740x791, 740:791, we_are_Q.jpg)

ea6f65  No.6628277

File: d2bcad646c81bf6⋯.jpg (40.56 KB, 478x357, 478:357, Naggers.jpg)

File: b3afe3fa0232361⋯.jpg (115.75 KB, 1591x1195, 1591:1195, Sliders.jpg)

GFY shills.

09a83c  No.6628278


What, exactly, does that make you?

a24402  No.6628279


Red flag number 1000839489

That trump is a fucking kike

Unity not division,goyim

Literally gives them free ammo

3e589d  No.6628280



Bakers can't do anything about that, they're just anons.

Ask the BO and BVs to do something lol

51ea44  No.6628281

File: 5c5e7fb2b7a1068⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CA61424A-9768-4CC6-BCCA-B0….png)

File: 945912a802ff065⋯.png (996.69 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 16A28233-8FB3-4FA4-A140-69….png)

Rachel Maddow's ratings plummet



97c830  No.6628282


C-A agent.. Ouch.

d10ab3  No.6628283


>admits being a shill

>wants to hurt everyone here

>wants to die

my fucking sides, keep up your crying. I’ll die from laughing at you

570883  No.6628284

File: cb28bfabb1677d0⋯.jpeg (9.51 KB, 95x125, 19:25, 792BD50C-2ED9-4E0E-BB2A-7….jpeg)



a24402  No.6628285


Dont know

Smarter than you


961597  No.6628287

File: dd5709342a8266f⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1600x1100, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)


aka shut up and work bitches!

9b069c  No.6628288


What a sad lonely little anon you are….you apparently must exist everyday with so much rage and irritation that it is effortless for you spount insults and hate without even thinking about what it may do to another human being…you want to continue to see others as less than you or as "cattle" as you say. Sad, really sad, life is so much more than what you have subjected yourself to…living in a little box, perceived as being above the sheep and the like…when in actuality you are the one who is terrified of us….I smile, laugh, enjoy the world, have taken risks, have survived some unmentionable horrors…but yet here I am joyful and trying to effect a change in a petrified angry soul such as yourself. As I have said there is still hope for you…take advantage of what you have left of a life…..

0b31c9  No.6628289


Help me, help YOU.

574fa9  No.6628290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

514902  No.6628291

File: d705a1640aa6e45⋯.jpg (164.22 KB, 750x1047, 250:349, d705a1640aa6e45ffb3869437a….jpg)

>>6628270 << this anon knows a vvitch vvitch is which

1799ce  No.6628292


he's of the species:

"larper fagging on"

83763c  No.6628293


This is a BO issue unless someone has the ballz to notify f_bi.

a24402  No.6628294


Youll die when i say you can

Youll watch everyone you love die slowly

Youll wish you were dead

690c94  No.6628295

File: 219c1d1dc2c79f7⋯.png (16.51 KB, 179x182, 179:182, ClipboardImage.png)


Expect a HUGE border announcement later today or tomorrow. Screencap this.

Even the kyke of captcha agreed.

445a56  No.6628296

File: 8ffefa57f962611⋯.png (216.16 KB, 1351x1376, 1351:1376, 8ffefa57f962611fcef35c6b57….png)


Morning anons, I'm in… sup?

1a525e  No.6628297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it's starting

a24402  No.6628298


They watch me 24 7 so go ahead

If they arrest me ill just kill myself

Or worse

ff6791  No.6628299

File: cb6385d56b0975c⋯.mp4 (759.9 KB, 666x544, 333:272, dp.mp4)

Obama is waiting for his death panel

(From the 2016 Correspondence Dinner)

92c2b2  No.6628300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Transvestigation: Gloria Steinem


This abortion lover is just another baphomet worshiper and liar.

09a83c  No.6628301


What is a rhetorical question?

ea6f65  No.6628302


Is it possible that Assange has been poisoned?

255a44  No.6628303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Live Now

Well. the commencement is beginning….

97c830  No.6628304

File: 53a889d573f6221⋯.jpg (95.37 KB, 750x500, 3:2, releasethememoa.jpg)


The shills are even delusional?

514902  No.6628305

File: 7326e4e95cf6137⋯.png (44.08 KB, 325x278, 325:278, 7326e4e95cf613782eee8efb3f….png)

File: eb22d0ed39a0a1d⋯.png (470.39 KB, 1480x1456, 185:182, 445448334f49e7867ce30c791d….png)

File: bfc7988c4413ca2⋯.png (93.85 KB, 555x363, 185:121, bfc7988c4413ca24491699b14b….png)

File: 231b8220f505fa0⋯.png (56.88 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition1.png)

File: 0c9f86ffd76c0dd⋯.png (85.12 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition2.png)

Imagine if the information we get from the natural world through our eyes, ears, nose and skin could be tampered with? An enemy who controls sensory inputs can control what we buy, what we think about and what we will become in future.

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly through our senses. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share and MSM legacy media is running psyops, Information Operation engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

70% of Americans binge view.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values. By gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult material are introduced into required reading lists as is rewritten history. Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, and programs like "common core" are created to turn kids off learning.

By capturing the news and entertainment industry, and gradually, over decades, reducing the public vocabulary, promoting social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure, entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals. in short, they're comp'd.

Thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers' NSA, POTUS and MI, the attempted genocide of the American people has been exposed.

It's a terrible thing to discover you have been betrayed by those you most trust. It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember the others. Our fellow citizens still trapped in the false matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control. Those people still trapped need to be rescued not blamed. .

Imagine how things will be for us when this poisoning is stopped.

ceac9c  No.6628306


love it

a5c6d5  No.6628307

File: 9bca3df24226238⋯.jpg (161 KB, 800x543, 800:543, 9bca3df242262386c86a0e89b7….jpg)

File: d9baa13df6ed848⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 489x612, 163:204, 1532646635757.jpg)


Yo! Trump said today in the interview with the press he would be making a BIG STATEMENT on the border today or tomorrow

30ab3c  No.6628308


Report to bring to the attention of BVs

cb4d91  No.6628309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2019 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony



576cdf  No.6628310


crazy thing is…he notifies FBI on every one of his tweets

tags both potus and fbi

still needs to go from board

75cb09  No.6628311


Time to Wake Him of Her Up?

Sounds Like Micheal

a313bd  No.6628312


Lol. I Know right? This psyop does NOT end with arrests or DECLASS.

767be9  No.6628313


Assange is a clown asset. Also a Soros rent boy. Do your research. He wasn't saving anyone but himself.

83763c  No.6628314


Kek….whatever he is, is needs some meds and or a jail cell.

02f2d0  No.6628315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump is live

9ba7b9  No.6628316

File: af462af2bfccc8c⋯.png (27.06 KB, 517x202, 517:202, Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at ….png)


No, under protection

a24402  No.6628317


You are below me

Keep talking down to me while you can kike

I dont care who i hurt as none of you are sentient

Would you get mad at me if i did shit to a rock


Cuz theres no difference between you and my cellphone you fucking lemming

514902  No.6628318

File: ffb130c5cfec864⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 450x575, 18:23, ffb130c5cfec86472cc8fd209f….jpg)


Begone filth

e20082  No.6628319

File: d831115ffa20f32⋯.jpg (122.94 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, pelosi schumer.jpg)


Reminded me of Pelosi and Schumer at the podium

0ecacf  No.6628320


Unfortunate phrasing that may haunt POTUS, though it's possible he wrote it that way intentionally just to feed Dems more "peaches" so they stay on that path and blow any chance at keeping the house.

I'm really starting to dislike Drudge

776987  No.6628321


While in reality we've been subject to a silent Nazi uprising ever since Operation Paperclip ( Nazi infiltration of NASA and Intel agencies) . Which country in the EU makes and sells weapons for the rest of the EU? That wouldn't be Germany would it ?

574fa9  No.6628322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ea6f65  No.6628323


Roger that.

53827a  No.6628324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Soon we are going dark, it has been a bumpy and spoopy ride. If someone told me 5 years ago an imageboard would be the place where I would find God and start praying, I would have laughed so hard.

Being in eu in these tough times is extra spoopy so I decided to lurk and wait for US to do its thing. I will keep praying for u all but going dark would be the safest decision I could make me thinks. I will pray for us all, either outcome is good for patriots since we know where we will spend our afterlife. o7 brothers and sisters

75cb09  No.6628325

File: 3e79eab1aa04512⋯.png (43.88 KB, 255x196, 255:196, ClipboardImage.png)

Time to Wake Him or Her Up?

Definitely Sounds like a Signal to Michael?

a24402  No.6628326


Oh man guys the guy who single handedly exposed the kike run us govt is the clown

Not the 4 chan poster who repeatedly lies

Or the satanic millitary

Or the kikeotus who fucks ivanka in the ass in church for fun

a313bd  No.6628327


Trumpty Dumpty is just another cabal member. Damn. You anons ain’t too bright is ya?

846732  No.6628328


"Youll" is not a word dumb ass

ff6791  No.6628329


Nice forked beard you have, Adronicus Christ

f66b63  No.6628330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

986874  No.6628331

I didn’t start in “OCTOBER 17” like everybody else here claims, I started in Jan.

And I can honesty say this is the heaviest shilling we’ve ever seen.

We are Days if not hours away from the hammer drop I truly believe that.

02f2d0  No.6628332


Damn .. when the flash hits you're ash

c140a7  No.6628333


You don't care if Q is good or evil? What kind of person says that? A guilty one, perhaps? If Q fucked you over, what did you do wrong in life to where Q could have possibly interfered in any way at all? And no, your negativity holds NO power here. I see you shills get shut down every damn day and it's usually by comedic means. MEANING nobody takes you all that seriously. So much failing. Cut the bullshit and join the good side or be consumed by your hate. Either way, WE will go on to victory.

cccf6e  No.6628334


Maybe He/she is a Bullshitarian from planet Assholeran its kinda close to the Degaba system.

a24402  No.6628335


Clearly not since i just baited them into wasting most of the bread

Fuck you and your jewish criminal gang Q

83763c  No.6628336


Correct. He is nothing but an amoral asshole who once served our purpose.

7134a8  No.6628337


United by 11-11 HIllary passport revoked Podesta arrested patriots safe midterms safe ear photos bald men crossing the street in china pictures of open windows conspiracy no more the world will know the truth are you ready for arrests?

1a28db  No.6628338

File: 0482497382e2b0e⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1613x901, 1613:901, potus-af.png)

My President

b6e26c  No.6628339


The Dem frontrunner will pick Michael as

a running mate

Screencap this post

If it is Biden or Bernie they will fake an illness

so the Husseins will be in the WH again

512fa2  No.6628340

File: a697a212cc96754⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 604x333, 604:333, TRUMP...PARDON.jpg)

57e4e5  No.6628341


Pamela with sammich again?

574fa9  No.6628342

File: 5c82630b219776e⋯.png (89.26 KB, 283x187, 283:187, ClipboardImage.png)


awake the sleeper : speak the lesson

it's a dream they have

09a83c  No.6628343


Q is engaged in an IC war so that there will be no kinetic brother shooting brother war.

961597  No.6628344


lurk moar faggot, bread has been much more overrun with shills plenty of times, what you see today is nothing.

a24402  No.6628345


I literallt did nothing

Just another autist

Q will pay

I will wait billions of years if i have to

Payback is a bitch

I dont care if im weak now

One day i wont be and i will reduce the people or entities who did this into nothing

No thought only pain

1578d0  No.6628346

File: 30db12dbbd967e7⋯.png (368.38 KB, 469x453, 469:453, 1507642823962.png)


That was awesome to watch

a672d6  No.6628347

File: 2c40dd8e66ad594⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Now_we_raff.jpg)


no, nigger

there is no hammer, Q isn't what you think it is, and you're still in the matrix with a tube up your ass

b2e8d3  No.6628348


I think it's a ruse to keep him isolated in hospital rather than a jail cell. They need him alive and will not risk putting him anywhere near general population of a prison.

Its logical they would keep him in a comfortable room

011b31  No.6628349

File: b1130a8d18270b0⋯.jpg (378.41 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, b1130a8d18270b07146ab788b4….jpg)

7134a8  No.6628350


Weak-minded moran. Get out of here before you hurt yourself thinking.

09a83c  No.6628351


Dude's a pickle sucker

d10ab3  No.6628352


Kek ok


I guess you were selected to be sacrificed on the altar of the political left next huh.

So what will you hit, a school, mosque, temple, newsroom?

Let us know so we can all mock your worthless life and pointless death.

Also be sure to let us know what journalists will be responsible for smearing you as a racist bigot. Must make you super proud to know that your name will be shuffled into the bin of shitty human history as a worthless piece of shit.

So effective. All the others that went before you really worked out didn’t they.

fucking kek

846732  No.6628353


I think this one might be one of the nightshift " bakers "

8ffdb7  No.6628354

File: 2d4ed99c6ce8296⋯.jpg (7.35 KB, 220x303, 220:303, periscope.jpg)

File: 2a5586941a2f6f4⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 1000x492, 250:123, sacred-heart.jpg)

File: dc8fbe194a9fd54⋯.jpg (7.42 MB, 2364x3153, 788:1051, Pepe-Butterfly-Frens.jpg)

File: f2b8d1401d701cf⋯.jpg (197.19 KB, 602x560, 43:40, Liberty-Leap-Frog.jpg)

Puzzle Pieces.

Leap Frog.

1799ce  No.6628355


this is not the heaviest shilling.

faabb7  No.6628356

File: 0073b19a615e9cf⋯.png (301.01 KB, 800x761, 800:761, 800px-Coat_of_arms_of_El_S….png)

File: 9b2a91ab6d558ec⋯.png (187.76 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 800px-Coat_of_arms_of_Nica….png)


>El Salvador + Nicaragua

Phygrian cap in the center of a pyramid

514902  No.6628357

File: 0f7c26c4086d47f⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1100x668, 275:167, 0f7c26c4086d47f401778edd28….png)


will trade production skills for F 15 rides.

FFS look like a day care pageant

7134a8  No.6628358


Almost 10% of the bread is your faggotry. Thanks for contributing, tough guy.

b0ac26  No.6628359


Cant hang michelle.

He's already hung.

a18bc0  No.6628360







case and point.

a24402  No.6628361


Yeah im stupid enought to,give them ammo totally

03bc03  No.6628362

>>6627794, >>6627980

Reminder. There is NO Baker in the House @ ~550


early collector notes

>>6627817 POTUS livestream from 2019 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

>>6627821 Democrat Organizations Linked to Soros

>>6627823 DoD Tweet-Leap of faith

>>6627828 POTUS: ‘I Got Me Elected’ Not Russia

>>6627849 Did Brits warn about Steele's credibility, before Mueller's probe?-The Hill

>>6627852 USMC Tweet-Muddy Water

>>6627861 Moar from POTUS-Colorado Arrival

>>6627894 Illinois Senate passes bill legalizing recreational marijuana use

>>6627906 US Army Tweet-Looking at earth from above

>>6627932 OIG Tweet w/PDF enclosed

collector #2

>>6628040 "Common Cause" group alleges redistricting motivation is behinds census citizenship question

>>6628251 Longtime Senator Thad Cochran has died

09a83c  No.6628363


The people who equate human beings with cows do not elevate cows; they denigrate human beings.

3e589d  No.6628364



this shill has been doing this for days

not a baker OR an anon, just an idiot who posts a lot

011b31  No.6628365

File: 520d42b55403245⋯.png (689.72 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN CASE CLOSED.png)

7134a8  No.6628366


>case and point.

It's case IN point, retard. Shouldn't you be in school?

cec7d2  No.6628367


Your life ruined?

Me smiling

Board ruined?


9b069c  No.6628368


How can I not be sentient when I have had the cold metal of a machete sitting below the bulge of my adams apple, tearing my flesh ever so slightly so that I feel the warm blood stream down the side of my neck…or have the hands of a man's fingers around my throat ready to take away the breath of life…Oh sad little anon I am more likely more sentient than you….the thing you realize when you have had certain experiences is that not one human is above or below another, that every soul matters and that life is a truly a gift and what we make of it…Break out of bitter prison…you still have the chance … so many others do not….

6ed2d5  No.6628369


I keep wondering about Q's post saying if RR is dirty so is RM. Considering I believe recent statements and interactions with AG WB, prove RR is working with Q team, maybe Mueller is too. Difference is, RR embraced it cuz he really is one of those good guys who got caught up in blackmail or some such evil and RM did NOT embrace it, although he had to go along with it to save his own arse. So forced, canned nothing burger speech he gave in presser.

1578d0  No.6628370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There's a storm coming music

09a83c  No.6628371


him or her

Perfect description of Michael

864d47  No.6628372


Billionaire’s Superyacht simply slides off a cargo ship into the Mediterranean.. Kek. Evidence can always be found. Even at the bottom of the Mediterranean, boys.

8ffdb7  No.6628373


>Q isn't what you think it is

daf1c2  No.6628374


Yea well… let see. 2+4+4+0+2=12 and if a=1 the the sum is 13!!!! FUCKING CRAZY IS RIGHT!

574fa9  No.6628375


you relay that as if you know it to be true but it's only words you saw on the internet

a24402  No.6628376


What power

I have none

For now.

You sound like one of the controllers

Do you get off on crushing ants ?

I hope you do because one day ill do what you did to the humans to you

With 0 mercy

24c011  No.6628377

File: 295fdb3ae6d66b9⋯.mp4 (13.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, RealSaavedra-1134149187161….mp4)

Peter Strzok never told the Trump campaign that Flynn and Papadopoulos were under investigation during an FBI briefing for the campaign in August 2016 that was supposed to warn the campaign of “national security threats”

1799ce  No.6628378


It's a larper

the baker you might mean in fact has been impostered here numerously. There is a psyop and a honey pot and we're supposed to figure it out and if you get too interested you only drawing attention to yourself and not 'trusting' 'the plan'

so please do and pray for the good ones and the bad ones here, maybe are scripted larps to draw out those who might get to excited.

Think for yourself and expect those how are playing villains here to actually just be running an elaborate troll.

576cdf  No.6628380



his name on twitter is


and he is literally psychotic

thing is - psychos can be entertaining, annoying, or fucking dangerous

BO and BV do not seem to care

0be69f  No.6628381


no idiot. don is an avid outdoorsman. that drop is in contxt to events that happend at that time. stop trying to force shit thats not there faggot

09a83c  No.6628382


Ask the pilot of the Y op. Oh, wait, you can't. He's dead.

e8f648  No.6628383


If this is the best they have, bring it.

986874  No.6628384

File: 60cf782f68e44cb⋯.jpeg (98.97 KB, 500x616, 125:154, 246B66A3-A9BC-4D88-891C-3….jpeg)




Think about how desperate the cabal might have to be to believe THIS is a worthy defense of that which nothing can stop.

I don’t want to go back and forth with either of you. I just made an observation and I am sticking to it, and backing it up in this response.

Good day.

066876  No.6628385

File: 888fa7ba97bcb25⋯.jpg (483.19 KB, 1300x868, 325:217, torn-bags-of-rubbish-with-….jpg)


here's one undressing…

ff6c35  No.6628386

This is not the heaviest shilling, but it is the heaviest shilling from fake MAGA antiQ shills.

7134a8  No.6628387


Stop posting so much I'm scared you will change hearts and minds with your articulate points and substantive posts.

d10ab3  No.6628388



09a83c  No.6628389


gai pan

ee4976  No.6628390


Thank you, Patriots!

faabb7  No.6628391

File: 4806669c4542823⋯.png (550.6 KB, 800x947, 800:947, 800px-Coat_of_arms_of_Hond….png)




>don't forget about Honduras.

a24402  No.6628392


>>>6628317 (You)

>How can I not be sentient when I have had the cold metal of a machete sitting below the bulge of my adams apple, tearing my flesh ever so slightly so that I feel the warm blood stream down the side of my neck…or have the hands of a man's fingers around my throat ready to take away the breath of life…Oh sad little anon I am more likely more sentient than you….the thing you realize when you have had certain experiences is that not one human is above or below another, that every soul matters and that life is a truly a gift and what we make of it…Break out of bitter prison…you still have the chance … so many others do not….


Fuck you i do what i want

Are you one of those morons stupid enough to be a solider ?

Every soldier who died in,iraq and aghanistan deserved it

9b65b3  No.6628393

File: 727c1eb4a878f10⋯.jpeg (89.37 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 034877c3c47dbb70c9e33e576….jpeg)

e60d2f  No.6628394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Goodnight sweet prince

986874  No.6628395

File: d8a1b57dfb236c5⋯.jpeg (128.72 KB, 1408x1140, 352:285, 003F2879-BBBB-4591-B73B-8….jpeg)


Do not fuck with what I got, ese. You don’t want it. TRUST.

51ea44  No.6628396

File: 1f0414f55c19179⋯.png (1.83 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EC842896-1ECB-4311-BF69-07….png)

File: 999b847a61da5c2⋯.png (4.53 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B5E1A895-94CD-43D9-82DB-72….png)


Found this on her Twatter feed.

Elizabeth Warren Gains Ground in 2020 Field, One Plan at a Time


767be9  No.6628397


Keep trying shill…not working. LOL…afraid of big bike. Probably get less than Hitlery

8c7da6  No.6628398


United States Special Operations Command Europe

cdf50f  No.6628399

File: 08c0596521ff577⋯.jpg (3.82 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, gonz_summertime.0.jpg)

File: 3ae40b6e5f5fbe3⋯.jpg (257.2 KB, 1300x1733, 1300:1733, 11645311_1300x1733 (1).jpg)

File: b1558495fe3402d⋯.jpg (109.75 KB, 697x700, 697:700, dj-jazzy-jeff-and-the-fres….jpg)

File: 6803e7a223f6706⋯.png (721.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190530-132732.png)

File: f4daeb6e86e7007⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 299x300, 299:300, R-55710-1511357672-7348.jp….jpg)

Looked at my KINGDOM

I was finally there

To sit on my THRONE


0e91a1  No.6628400

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


f66b63  No.6628401


Imagine how proud those young people are! It takes something unique to "yes, I will" at that age.

I couldn't even commit to a hair color!!

690c94  No.6628402


"… him or her…"

Definitely Michelle/Michael.

7134a8  No.6628403


You're our board eunich now.



8ffdb7  No.6628404

Multiple Meanings = Plausible Deniability

>The end won't be for everyone.

ff6c35  No.6628405

If Q is some sort of "trap" to subdue or mislead trump supporters, odd that they would continue once they realized it was helping Trump and hurting them.

Nice logic there, geniuses.

b5f94d  No.6628406

You'd think the Air Force would be able to get to their chairs faster

a24402  No.6628407


No im actually mad

I am half larping tho

Rip bread faggots

You fall for it every time

Anything to slow down this demonic op

I know for a fact that its demonic

They didnt fuck with you people like they did with me

0e91a1  No.6628408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




c80047  No.6628409


Good catch anon. Does that mean we are there, or we have 50 to go?

a24402  No.6628410


Trump is one of theirs retard

Hes the saviour psyop

a0ffba  No.6628411


hey anons

nice work on the notes, i can probably cook up a bread at ~700 thanks to you guys. but i am workfagging, cannot pay adequate attention to gather notes and bake properly. Im at a computer, but yknow, I do not want to trainwreck the board and go AWOL on you guys if I get called out of the office.

next bread ghost again

19964c  No.6628412

File: 3dd4de8470a856e⋯.png (380.03 KB, 498x367, 498:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Fucking pedo-creep just can't help himself! smfh

Biden puts his hands on 10-year-old girl: ‘I bet you’re as bright as you are good looking’

Creepy Joe is back!

During an event with government school unionists in Houston today, Joe Biden complimented a young girl’s appearance, saying, “I bet you’re as bright as you are good looking,” as he leaned towards her face.

The girl told him she wanted to be a journalist, which caused him to stand upright and respond, “I better be more circumspect in my answer!”

He ended up putting his hands on the 10-year-old girl, despite promises to respect boundaries:

Now his campaign’s efforts to keep him away from voters and the media is beginning to make sense.


9b069c  No.6628413


No I am not a soldier but what should that matter to you sad little anon, you are receiving a message and you fail to recognize its worth…do as you wish after all we do have free will… I will not attempt to answer anymore of your sad little negative words…but i bid you peace…

f139e4  No.6628414

File: 25e30147c0af809⋯.jpg (191.46 KB, 1600x792, 200:99, stare.jpg)


Every anon with half a brain started reading Q's posts back in October of 2017 knowing that it was an elaborate and existential thought experiment, one that most normies are not capable of running at the level of detail and duration required.

This experiment was ALWAYS going to run for 4 years, or the length of Trumps first term.

It would be complete irresponsible madness to allow the plan to extend across another presidential election, so that is the logical cut off.

The supposed scope of this operation is so vast that it would be a literal miracle if it can be accomplished in 3.5 - 4 years. Any anon that gets emotionally wore out before the first term is up merely lacks the mental fortitude to maintain a detailed and parallel lens on reality for so long.

However, any anon who continues "trusting the plan" after summer 2020 without any actual happenings having occurred by then is a hopeful idiot.

690c94  No.6628415


By far, best fucking salute from a C-I-C I've seen in my lifetime.

He prepped–fully–for his role in TGA!

253546  No.6628416

File: 77c723ee1e8c66b⋯.png (1.02 MB, 914x640, 457:320, 9D6519DE-C673-4947-A25A-80….png)



“Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role.”

“Until today, I have defended Mueller against the accusations that he is a partisan. I did not believe that he personally favored either the Democrats or the Republicans, or had a point of view on whether President Trump should be impeached. But I have now changed my mind. By putting his thumb, indeed his elbow, on the scale of justice in favor of impeachment based on obstruction of justice, Mueller has revealed his partisan bias. He also has distorted the critical role of a prosecutor in our justice system.”


“AMERICANS LIVID as Robert Mueller Outduels James Comey for Most Corrupt FBI Head Ever!”

“How much abuse can America take!  The Democrats, their corrupt and criminal Deep State associates and the far-left media again attacked President Trump using illegal and corrupt actions hoping to defame him in the public square.

They don’t realize this totally infuriates all good Americans!

The left just doesn’t get it. They think if they trash President Trump through any and all means, and that he will just go away.

They think that Americans are fine with their illegal assaults on this great innocent American.  They think it’s fine to illegally assault a man because he’s a Republican who is doing all he can to Make America Great Again!”



a24402  No.6628417


If im such a eunich how come you people come and mock me thru a screen

Why not come to,my house and,mock me

Then i can legally blow your brains out in self defense

3755ba  No.6628418


I’m as confident as I’ve ever been. All evidence points to the cabal being rolled in the near future. All they have left is a Samson event and while that would suck badly we’d still win.

97c830  No.6628419


will do

986874  No.6628420

File: 8576f8949600595⋯.jpeg (82.91 KB, 720x479, 720:479, A8B35557-013D-49EC-A37C-9….jpeg)


See you next bread, shitnigger.

7dc890  No.6628421

Wasnt there a couple drops yesterday or day before? One w Sara Carter and LBP pic and another? I swear I am not crazy or going crazy..

d10ab3  No.6628422

e8f648  No.6628423


>All they have left is a Samson event

I don't think they even have that, anon.

cb4d91  No.6628424

File: c80e05313fc36fd⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1173x573, 391:191, Screenshot_2019-05-30 The ….png)

Treasons days are numbered!

Justice will be served.

Shills will be arrested for treason.

ff6c35  No.6628425


And thats why they are fighting him day and night on every single part of his agenda?

Were you dropped as a child?

767be9  No.6628426


oh please. Give me a break. You are a shill.

066876  No.6628427

File: e7515931844b648⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 750x411, 250:137, nancy and chuck.jpg)


not mine..

but kek

af197f  No.6628428


If that is true, why the need to post so much?

7134a8  No.6628429


Eunichs are gross. I'll stay where I am. Keep that scabby shit away from me.

846732  No.6628430


Was sarcasm, about 10%

nightshift bakers mostly clown shills… 100%

574fa9  No.6628431

File: 20c233097aa4245⋯.png (32.04 KB, 131x201, 131:201, ClipboardImage.png)

you fucking people

board is way dramatic, heavy fanfic, smartfan-itis running amok

volunteer research board for alternative facts, narrative gazing, shitposting and unity in mockery

not a chat room to work out your scary faggot sex urges and ultra violent jackoff daydreams


03bc03  No.6628432

>>6628411 I'll collect and post @700 ish and then I've got to scoot. That work for you?

c140a7  No.6628433

File: ee86497f4557852⋯.jpg (149.96 KB, 650x425, 26:17, GoinBack2Philly.jpg)

ae7e21  No.6628434

File: c75b080fd1c829f⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 506x1021, 506:1021, water_cannon - shills.jpg)


We are still here shills. Why are you?

0e91a1  No.6628435


There was a constipational crisis.

b62c7f  No.6628436

What was up with the old BO yesterday?

Do the old-timers have a new place to play?

An invitation only place?

I do like the dedicated notables link, thank you for making it.

I think about a post Q once made, “where are the autists”.

Remember that?

I think the question still stands, more than ever.

Usually things evolve or die.

Is research evolving? What will the future hold for Qresearch when the 2020 election ramps up in earnest?

Curious things have been going on here for sure.

Me, I’m with Trump 100%

It’s been quite the ride (movie) so far.

Waiting and wondering.


71b55a  No.6628437

File: 33061bee2760278⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Draining the swamp premieres TOMORROW!

7134a8  No.6628438


Spoopy. I bet all the kids in homeroom think you're a faggot too.

4a2618  No.6628440

File: 325c6a61b4726dc⋯.jpg (238.75 KB, 1638x1315, 1638:1315, Kick off the start.jpg)

Patriot Anons

I'm just gonna leave this here

a0ffba  No.6628441


awesome, thanks anon

teamwork makes the dream work

3e589d  No.6628442


who do you know that anon?

And clearly they don't care.

b2e8d3  No.6628443

File: 122710995cda689⋯.jpg (481.92 KB, 1833x1747, 1833:1747, 2hg2rhiqajs11.jpg)


She'll never live the fake Indian stuff down

not enough libs will forgive her. And…they don't want to lose the Native American vote

09a83c  No.6628444

File: 6740551b6534d22⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1292x1292, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

a24402  No.6628445


Lmao thats why hes passed every fucking bill they send him

2 vetos

One to keep a war going and rhe other a larp

Fuck off lemming go look at the kikes actual actions idiot

ff6c35  No.6628446


Why would we give you the satisfaction? You want violence and Q has prevented that. Obvious shill is obvious.

83763c  No.6628447

Where the fuck is Freddie? We could def use a comedic interlude.

09a83c  No.6628448


Pretty clean salute. Muscle memory from military academy, no doubt.

e8f648  No.6628449


>Obvious shill is obvious.

Oblivious shill is oblivious.

445a56  No.6628450


'Gold Standard'

1799ce  No.6628451


maybe someone here cares, larper, and you spread your hatred throughout all the anon saying crazy things about ants.

I remember seeing someone playing with ants as a child and he'd do bad things to them by trapping them and then knocking them back I was like maybe 10 he was too. I was like 'why do that?'

how is what you do any different?

people are praying hard for all the anon and that includes the crazy ones. Please tell all the anon you are sorry for lashing out here to day bcaue many of them don't understand it's a larp.

I'm listening to the President and I wish you would too.

35a559  No.6628452

File: fcd6d39dfe0786f⋯.png (237.68 KB, 540x327, 180:109, 2019-05-30_13-33-23.png)


Lied to us forever that he was a woman?

How do you trust someone who lied to you for so long?

Wonder how well that will go over?

97c830  No.6628453


Baker Notable

Even after being called out for inappropriate touching and attention to children CAN NOT stop himself

9631c5  No.6628454

File: 99e10c5507a6495⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 630x630, 1:1, WeaponizedAutism.jpg)


Great observation, anon.

986874  No.6628455

File: bf00b6361231246⋯.jpeg (138.32 KB, 1330x1330, 1:1, 1CB43BFA-8423-4DC8-97B2-B….jpeg)



You don’t *have* to be here.

7134a8  No.6628456


You're not posting enough. MORE. Get to 70 before the end of the bread and you'll start to change minds.

a24402  No.6628457

8c92dc  No.6628458

File: e270d8e44171f20⋯.jpg (587.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, spiderhole.jpg)

7134a8  No.6628459


Internet tantrums get the best results!

3e589d  No.6628460



GET TO 100!!!

you won't pussy

cbafcd  No.6628461


Trump declassified, the DOJ is holding it and whittling it down. I'm sure there's a lot of " I'm the good jew" going around in DC, and the rest of fvys is makin' deals. Iguess not much will be made public in the end

009dc4  No.6628462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

e8f648  No.6628463




3755ba  No.6628464


You’re really good at this.

Thank you.

9b65b3  No.6628465

File: ebeef3a7ec9aa8d⋯.png (123.25 KB, 1000x863, 1000:863, El Salvador.png)

File: 3f842e2c2980321⋯.png (387.29 KB, 1000x863, 1000:863, homocide.png)

File: cb33c03a5d9e5d4⋯.png (398.68 KB, 1000x863, 1000:863, Honduras.png)

File: 03ff1489be93311⋯.png (425.34 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, Democrats Don't Mind Crime….png)

19964c  No.6628466

Nevada Democratic governor vetoes national popular vote bill

Nevada's Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak on Thursday vetoed a bill that would have pledged the state’s Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote.

"After thoughtful deliberation, I have decided to VETO Assembly Bill 186," Sisolak said in a statement.

“Once effective, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact could diminish the role of smaller states like Nevada in national electoral contests and force Nevada’s electors to side with whoever wins the nationwide popular vote, rather than the candidate Nevadans choose.”

“I recognize that many of my fellow Nevadans may disagree on this point and I appreciate the legislature’s thoughtful consideration of this important issue."

The legislation, approved by the state's Senate last week, would add Nevada to the National Popular Vote interstate compact.

Fourteen states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation to join the pact, which will only take effect if a number of states holding the majority of the Electoral College’s 538 electoral votes join the agreement.


ff6c35  No.6628467

File: 5e10b9c6a540628⋯.gif (4.1 MB, 339x427, 339:427, giphy (1).gif)

50973f  No.6628468



026b7a  No.6628469

File: d7edff5c4edcd92⋯.png (15.33 KB, 189x255, 63:85, pepechess.png)

anons know

Let’s not forget, impeachment is not just a vote in the House,” Lichtman said. “It involves public hearings as part of the impeachment inquiry, and, what everyone forgets, a public trial in the Senate in which House prosecutors present evidence, present documents, make opening and closing statements.”

how do you legally introduce the evidence? no court rules in muhimpeachment


moar bait here


7134a8  No.6628470


Let's be realistic here. He's probably crying as he posts all this from the back of his Algebra II class that he's failing.

574fa9  No.6628471


no no no, anon

i'm an idiot who posts a lot

that guy is a targeted individual who has kids around him and sort of creates a weird morality conundrum about whether or not somebody should call the feds on him

it's borderline

f85767  No.6628472


well there may be something to this, the yard line is meaningless. kick off is NEVER at midfield, not in college, not in the NFL, not even in High school I don't think

4c0ca0  No.6628473

test (major probs posting)

cb4d91  No.6628474



9b65b3  No.6628475

File: fd9064012ffa79e⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 600x400, 3:2, QFFENSE.JPG)

97c830  No.6628476


Good job.

Has a baker self-selected?

09a83c  No.6628477


Creepiest part is knowing he had to rub one out before he was around children.

7dc890  No.6628478


Night shift is anything but shill controlled. Most based shift, but no need to divide anymore than (You) are already doing. We actually work together and figure shit out. By and large Day Shift does not because traffic and shill %

75cb09  No.6628479


BO wants to become the UN Ambassador… then Secretary General of the UN

a24402  No.6628480


Its not a larp if i had the power to do so i would

And ants are alive

Unlike humans

So thats murder

a672d6  No.6628481

File: f69cf472d5719fb⋯.png (9.88 KB, 182x255, 182:255, Have_U_Considered_Pepe.png)

3e589d  No.6628482


I meant the shill with 50 posts is an idiot, not you.

97c830  No.6628483

Cheers for POTUS are not that great.

Was not as good as for themselves.

8d2439  No.6628484



1ca2fc  No.6628485

File: 81c7a021c4314c4⋯.jpeg (259.11 KB, 1213x1239, 1213:1239, kekq.jpeg)

445a56  No.6628486

File: a8fc27bd5816835⋯.png (93.72 KB, 344x121, 344:121, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)


This is going to be Great!

b5f94d  No.6628487

File: 0978d4f413f39fc⋯.png (88.76 KB, 682x502, 341:251, ClipboardImage.png)

03bc03  No.6628488

>>6628468 Give me a description for your nomination, plz.

10c395  No.6628489


Testing response times for first responders? could potential wrongdoers be looking for an event to draw people near and then do something further to cause harm to those responders?

846732  No.6628490


now THIS ONE is a nightshift clown baker…99%

0012a8  No.6628491



97c830  No.6628492


Notable Baker.

POTUS makes his speech today at Air Force Cadet graduation, on 50 yard line.

b2e8d3  No.6628493

File: ab26f771ac14a65⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1765x1056, 1765:1056, This.png)

38518e  No.6628494

File: 026f2924b74c8f3⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1427x1729, 1427:1729, Capture _2019-05-30-12-44-….png)

7dc890  No.6628495


Left of center? I dunno. Not too noteable in current form.

3e589d  No.6628496




1000% of anons are bakers, and 500% of those bakers are shills.

026b7a  No.6628497


not surprised

plan fatigue setting in

so many attacks

waiting for the right moment

IMO its all impeachment bait then BOOM

but if they dont take it then BOOM anyway

how long will POTUS wait?

who knows….

1a525e  No.6628498


I like this, but you don't kick off from the 50 yard line.

c13826  No.6628499


33 always 33

7e9f3c  No.6628500


>thing is - psychos can be entertaining, annoying, or fucking dangerous

i'm amazed we haven't got more freaks over the months/years.

Daniel, that dude, Tiresias (maybe, not sure bout that one)…

way less than i'd expected

864d47  No.6628501



Get new material, shill. They’re letting Q stuff back into the rallies. Dipshit.

d10ab3  No.6628502


hate to bust your balls, find this interesting, but you don’t kick off at the 50 yard line.

Change it to Qs reference to offense, 1 & 10 @ the 40 or something. But kicking off at the 50 doesn’t work



e7c503  No.6628503


Mueller was lacrosse team captain at St. Paul's when John Kerry was also on team.

Reports were that a sexual relationship took place between them.

4b2916  No.6628504


Onsite Anon?

great pic

3e589d  No.6628505


see: >>6628498

not notable, it's stupid

1799ce  No.6628506


you're going to go back into the whole violence thing again?

my friend didn't hurt the ants, he merely blocked them from escape.

your larp puts you into a category and that's not my deal to decide and the deal is . . . that yes yo are free to speak but, no, you don't have a right to make blind threats.

you make pepole think you are someone else, they even hint at it. I don't buy that it's him and I find him to be an interesting and real heroic, though a bit crazy, personality. You put that dear man in danger and that to me means you aren't thinking clearly about the consequences of your larp.

you are harming him.

that's OK to you?

c0e0cc  No.6628507


Please do Skippy next anons.

e8f648  No.6628508


>Reports were that a sexual relationship took place between them.

You just ruined the cookie I just ate.

6e005b  No.6628509

File: c3de5ad5687d31a⋯.png (94.91 KB, 360x272, 45:34, mo2020.png)

7e9f3c  No.6628511



>Onsite Anon?

obvs a screencap of wh stream, not-the-most-perceptive-anon

7003b8  No.6628512


yep , surprised they didn't say 33 with 2 kids .

f52bd3  No.6628513

File: 444f9becf0ae331⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1200x759, 400:253, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6628440 ty cadet

aecd66  No.6628514


I honestly don't think Barak Obama is publicly 'clean' by the end of 2019, so I don't see Michelle being in a position to run, as the current #Spygate unfolds in the media.

We'll see, but I believe anons have a good idea how the rest of the year goes for the most part.

144d0e  No.6628515


Where is the sauce on this delicious gossip?

64f93a  No.6628517


1st and 10 at the 40

7dc890  No.6628518


You are so fucking stupid. JUst leaving it at that. You are an “anon pointing out shill” only thing you do here everyday is point out “potential shills” the whole while contributing NOTHING BUT MUNCHING BREAD. KYS faggot “(You) are a shill.. shill”

7134a8  No.6628519

Aw come on where'd the 50 post nigger go? He was funny. Banned? Probably got his phone taken away by teacher.

1019d4  No.6628520

File: 47346d10e28710d⋯.jpg (309.64 KB, 1080x1615, 216:323, Screenshot_20190530-102923….jpg)

File: 687bc81d3ce5d08⋯.jpg (147.21 KB, 1067x717, 1067:717, Screenshot_20190530-103436….jpg)

File: 659fb6f1cb34239⋯.jpg (318.91 KB, 1080x1596, 90:133, Screenshot_20190530-103356….jpg)

File: 67e38baef838d28⋯.jpg (415.97 KB, 1080x1056, 45:44, Screenshot_20190530-102034….jpg)

public record info.

71b55a  No.6628521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b23768  No.6628522




you may not kick off at the 50 yard line, but the best seats in the house are at the 50 yard line!


7134a8  No.6628523



03bc03  No.6628524

>>6628411 Here You Go WorkFag


early collector notes

>>6627817 POTUS livestream from 2019 United States Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony

>>6627821 Democrat Organizations Linked to Soros

>>6627823 DoD Tweet-Leap of faith

>>6627828 POTUS: ‘I Got Me Elected’ Not Russia

>>6627849 Did Brits warn about Steele's credibility, before Mueller's probe?-The Hill

>>6627852 USMC Tweet-Muddy Water

>>6627861 Moar from POTUS-Colorado Arrival

>>6627894 Illinois Senate passes bill legalizing recreational marijuana use

>>6627906 US Army Tweet-Looking at earth from above

>>6627932 OIG Tweet w/PDF enclosed

collector #2

>>6628040 "Common Cause" group alleges redistricting motivation is behinds census citizenship question

>>6628251 Longtime Senator Thad Cochran has died

>>6627817 Biden Being Biden - inappropriate with a 10 year old

986874  No.6628526

File: d2f7d348d750292⋯.jpeg (216.28 KB, 389x624, 389:624, 72C3C6FB-C01D-4059-A788-7….jpeg)

How many commencement speeches has POTUS given to Universities?

[places thumb on chin and grins]

4b2916  No.6628527


Notice the question mark ????????????????????

7e9f3c  No.6628528


>John Kerry

bonesman had to fuck some dude or other, so…

is Mueller in the 322 club as well?

37936a  No.6628529



1a525e  No.6628530


Again, I like this, but technically no down is set during kick off.

09a83c  No.6628531

File: a4033ca5a8c6bfd⋯.png (469.45 KB, 634x475, 634:475, ClipboardImage.png)


Pickle suckers.

959c17  No.6628532

File: d4300fe1fcd98a1⋯.png (386.33 KB, 694x446, 347:223, Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at ….png)

7e9f3c  No.6628533


yes. that usually means the statement is a question.

7dc890  No.6628534

e8f648  No.6628535


Looks like the guy in the middle is a fluffer.

a0ffba  No.6628536



50973f  No.6628537


POTUS AF ceremony from FB field (kickoff)

f85767  No.6628538


Good question.

He did Liberty U in 2017

Navy in 2018

Now AF in 2019

cdf50f  No.6628540

File: 3085e22719f5f8b⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 300x500, 3:5, omg_jam-463994607-13093892….jpg)

File: 0ab5a45e11bccb8⋯.jpeg (110.14 KB, 500x500, 1:1, LDS9928.jpeg)

File: e03e4dec9783236⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 500x549, 500:549, sunra-thespaceistheplace.jpg)

File: 84ec2144a8d7e91⋯.jpg (81.9 KB, 700x700, 1:1, SunRaExotica.jpg)

File: ea04c68ebfed44d⋯.jpg (33.47 KB, 400x402, 200:201, 60.jpg)

A clock is a circle with 2 hands.

In other words…a circle with 2 wings.

Temple of SET. RESET. Time. 11:11 on the CLOCK is when the Mayan calendar ended in 2012.

3e589d  No.6628541



Are you part of the 80% of shill bakers?

09a83c  No.6628542

File: b421e53d2e218bb⋯.png (860.63 KB, 634x940, 317:470, ClipboardImage.png)


Errywhere together…

9e3457  No.6628543


>No random public

Getting on an airforce base, especially that one, is exceptionally easy. It's a fucking tourist attraction, FFS.

97c830  No.6628546

>>6628520 pb


fake, per usual.

Propaganda 'event'

Free Speech.

09a83c  No.6628547

File: 7938a27d69aea86⋯.png (914.15 KB, 634x942, 317:471, ClipboardImage.png)


Such a cute gay couple…

3e589d  No.6628551


and it's a namefag by the way

09a83c  No.6628552

File: 01bcbb1c0b86536⋯.png (884.15 KB, 634x871, 634:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Buggery is afoot!

92c2b2  No.6628555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gloria Steinem, Transgender Fake Woman, Feminist and CIA Agent


Modern feminism was highjacked by CIA/CFR/globalist operatives to destroy the family and society. And baphomet, luciferian symbols are tossed around by Steinem to boot.

a0ffba  No.6628556






97c830  No.6628558


They even resembled each other, then.

Gays often pick people who look like themselves.

Sauce on that?

Take a walk through Greenwich Village.

576cdf  No.6628559


I followed his comments a couple of days back - he doxxed himself. Went and read his twatter - language is the same.

Appears every day lately

7003b8  No.6628560


32-23 how cute .

529c23  No.6628562

be6986  No.6628563


About how much will these new graduates be paid and will they be assigned jobs or do they apply like private sector?

4437be  No.6628565


White hats don't use that, TIs were reporting this kind of abuse waay before Q

8c92dc  No.6628566


LIVE: Air Force Academy Trump speaking soon

a18bc0  No.6628567


Jesus they could be brothers.

c0e0cc  No.6628569


"…and free-based with a cocaine-opiate


97c830  No.6628572


Got to put "her" on a chair and get a doctor to check "her" gender.

Like they do for the Pope before he's initiated.

50973f  No.6628573


I see you chose not to add it. Of course choice is always up to Bakers.

Still appreciate your service.

TY Baker

33eb29  No.6628575


Butt brothers

03bc03  No.6628576

>>6628541 Are you part of the 100% scum sucking bottom dwellers?

846732  No.6628579


Would be notable on nightshift

clown bakers put stupid, obvious crap in constantly

e8f648  No.6628581


1799ce  No.6628583


Those cadets will become junior officers and be placed in posts all over the world, as service members.

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