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File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x143, 255:143, q research general.jpg)

49a5a6  No.6306491

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

>>6304470 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>6304364 ————————————–——– You attack those you fear the most. (Cap: >>6304399 )

>>6303367 rt >>6303277 -————————– Michael S. Rogers.

>>6303319 rt >>6303277 -————————– (PAIN.png)

>>6303277 ————————————–——– Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D. It's happening.

Friday 04.19.2019

>>6242325 ————————————–——– NO BLOCKADE = GAME OVER (Cap: >>6243076)

Thursday 04.18.2019

>>6233873 ————————————–——– Rod's departure next?

>>6228198 ————————————–——– Fake investigations by committee members will not delay what is about to be unleashed.

>>6228098 ————————————–——– 1st & 10 on the 40 (Cap: >>6228336)

Thursday 04.11.2019

>>6138770 ————————————–——– All for a 'LARP'?

Wednesday 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)

Friday 03.29.2019

Compiled here: >>6232165

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

49a5a6  No.6306495

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6175099)

>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/

>>6261140 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGs)


are not endorsements

#8064 baker change

>>6306458 Facebook Anticipates Fine Of Up To $5 Billion

>>6306371 Parody Project: "The Day Collusion Died" (vid 6:37min)

>>6306405 Georgian Businessman Releases Texts With Cohen That Were Left Out Of Mueller Report

>>6306284 IG's FISA Probe May Hamper Dems' Impeachment Plans

>>6306260, >>6306273 Russia claims dying world order plotting pre-emptive nuclear strike on Moscow & Beijing

>>6306262 Lawsuit alleges assault by ex-leader of California Democrats

>>6306259 Will FISAGATE be the big summer blockbuster?

>>6306229 New PaPaD: "Don't ever give up!"

>>6306156 Twitter shuts down 5,000 possibly Saudi pro-Trump bots

>>6306054 China central bank: No intent to tighten or relax monetary policy

>>6305922 How Emmanuel Macron became President of France

>>6305904 US Army tweet: 10th Special Forces Gp participate in a training exercise near Stuttgart, Germany

>>6305896 Three aides to Mayor Catherine Pugh have been fired

>>6305809, >>6305810, >>6305816 Resignations in the news today

>>6305805 Plane fag on gtmo844

>>6306472 #8064


>>6305062, >>6305084, >>6305087, >>6305096 Transcript of Joe DiGenova's statements

>>6305121 James Comey’s Unpaid “Special Government Employee” Daniel Richman

>>6305201, >>6305415, >>6305456 Anons on the possible 4 contractors

>>6305312 Blast heard in town east of Sri Lankan capital, police say investigating

>>6305362 Facebook Could Face Up To $5 Billion Fine For Privacy Violations

>>6305386 Anon on the Corinthia hotel

>>6305407 South Carolina House passes fetal heartbeat abortion bill

>>6305731 #8063


>>6304233 Putin arrived at the summit with Kim Jong Un

>>6304286 Jeff Sessions says Its time to move past Mueller report

>>6304314 Article claims Hussein and bad actors in the deep state committed election fraud in Florida 2008

>>6304415, >>6304447, >>6304478, >>6304923 Reminder: Maxine Waters Confirms Obama Has ‘Database’ with ‘Information on Every Individual’

>>6304589 Anon on Adm R

>>6304613 Planefag side by side on MOVEQ45

>>6304743, >>6304887 Q Used The Same PAIN Picture 11 Months & 11 Days Ago (not counting timestamps)

>>6304756 The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A Timeline (2018)

>>6304806, >>6304819, >>6304824 Whistleblower: Obama-era Deep State Surveillance Program Spied on Trump, Judges, Others

>>6304829 Mexican government acknowledges that in three months, an unprecedented 300,000 migrants have entered Mexico

>>6304955 #8062

#8061 Baker Change

>>6303496, >>6303560 The Dallas County Republican Party Has Some Thoughts About the Voter Purge Fiasco

>>6303518, >>6303816, >>6303828, >>6304240 View tracking of the video Q linked to

>>6303536 The Feds Are Dropping Child Porn Cases Instead of Revealing Info on Their Surveillance Systems

>>6303557 On Zainab Ahmad a member of Mueller’s legal team

>>6303575, >>6303724, >>6303866, >>6303919, >>6303931, >>6303933 YT and mp4's of Joe diGenova's comments

>>6303628 Trump thinks NSA has Clinton's deleted emails

>>6303579 2018 article on Adm R: An American Hero & the Death of a FISA Narrative

>>6303769 Deep State Espionage: Obama intelligence chiefs hacked computer of FISA court judge

>>6303811 GOP urged by DNC not to ‘weaponize’ stolen data as 2020 elections near

>>6303836, >>6303856, >>6303883 Joe diGenova quotes from tonight

>>6303853, >>6303876 Planefag have eyes on GTMO842

>>6303921 Trump’s Middle East peace team has made a strategy of silence. That’s about to end.


>>6303955 Planefag has eyes on Fear32 and Skull32 B52's

>>6303992, >>6304106 Live stream: Putin and Kim Jong-un hold summit in Russia's Vladivostok

>>6304010 White House denies Cummings' request for Stephen Miller to testify on immigration

>>6304025 Heavily Armed Foreigners Crossing US Southern Border

>>6304193 #8061

Previously Collected Notables

>>6302657 #8059, >>6303425 #8060

>>6300363 #8056, >>6301119 #8057, >>6301886 #8058

>>6297995 #8053, >>6298785 #8054, >>6299582 #8055

>>6295642 #8050, >>6296467 #8051, >>6297273 #8052

>>6293351 #8047, >>6294106 #8048, >>6294916 #8049

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

49a5a6  No.6306498

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6160438 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>6245866

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

49a5a6  No.6306499

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

2fe175  No.6306529

























































49a5a6  No.6306531

File: d6fe088c765553b⋯.png (113.31 KB, 323x242, 323:242, graveyard-dancin'-in-the.png)



0ba8c2  No.6306532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



0ba8c2  No.6306533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


0ba8c2  No.6306540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

d493f8  No.6306541

File: 859447db36f8a45⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 556x499, 556:499, 2zemw1[1].jpg)

Bernie wants felons to vote

20c12a  No.6306544

Q. Is the date may 16th?

4bcae3  No.6306545

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB, 595x527, 35:31, cc1d2lia09uhhewljepuwjr;sp….gif)

0ba8c2  No.6306548

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)




Protocols of the Elders of Zion Full Text

0ba8c2  No.6306551

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, fiction.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)





https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

d493f8  No.6306552


Days don't mean days.


68abec  No.6306554

File: 5d5ecd4b81bcc4b⋯.png (218.21 KB, 432x224, 27:14, ClipboardImage(96).png)

b879c4  No.6306555

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

d3d2a3  No.6306564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thanks baker

68abec  No.6306566

File: cfa016a72760f7d⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 951x998, 951:998, biker-bernie.jpg)

d27a5b  No.6306568

File: 0c80cd8f439b603⋯.jpg (158.43 KB, 461x353, 461:353, 1b6906eb64cd566fff3249c453….jpg)

c70da8  No.6306569


Whats wrong with Felons' abilities to vote?

d493f8  No.6306570


Wiki says this about DiGenova

Joseph DiGenova …is known for promoting conspiracy theories about the Department of Justice and the FBI.

e5a7c1  No.6306571

File: ad00944bb11e136⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 750x873, 250:291, 6yz37z8v0kt21.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

2f93f7  No.6306572

File: c8b8d3027bbbcd9⋯.jpg (362.11 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Q Candle Night Shift.jpg)

6dfaa6  No.6306573

Literally Doug is gonna fuck you ppl up and you will cry and I will say I told you so

11aa33  No.6306574

File: 81d7e11f966d674⋯.jpeg (21.47 KB, 255x183, 85:61, image.jpeg)


TY baker

4cb9a9  No.6306575

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, pepe habbing too much fun.png)



can't stop laughing. My ass is going to be "blasted by Doug".

Can't wait!

49a5a6  No.6306576

File: 57090404764ee98⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 144x119, 144:119, baker2 smallest.jpg)


Baker must handoff soon

Great shift, lots of news & good conversation.


Thanks anons for your PB work, blessings to those dancin' in the graveyard.

d493f8  No.6306577


Hillary, you are a bad person. Go enjoy the woods for a few more days.

263617  No.6306578

File: a15db812fa51de8⋯.jpeg (25.73 KB, 255x153, 5:3, 7CA650B6-3A38-4654-A099-5….jpeg)

ThanQ, Baker!

143a23  No.6306579

File: 78f608fa06a1fb5⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 320x288, 10:9, would-that-be-the-super-du….jpg)

c70da8  No.6306580


Wikipedia is correct. Unless there are court vindicated theories in regards to whatever Joe is saying then yes it's all conspiracies.

e5a7c1  No.6306581

File: 760af7234046496⋯.png (287.91 KB, 460x460, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm so scared. I better stop posting here and never come to /qresearch again.

d493f8  No.6306582


The other fake Q was better.

2c673a  No.6306583



this is doug?

doug is going to out all of us old fags…make our life exciting!!!!! tell the entire world who we are……..Qanons!!!

yeah….doug……wake up more people doug…….by doxxing us…..internet fame for us nobodies…..deplorables……anons…..we are only anons because that is the point of Q. No fame…..but if you insist…..you will just make aname for a bunch of us for history sake…….



Doug Stewart [LISTED]


Follow Follow @realDougStewart

More Doug Stewart [LISTED] Retweeted Doug Stewart [LISTED]

And I gave #QAnon an extra 72 Hrs. I will not extend this past midnight EST tonight.Doug Stewart [LISTED] added,

Doug Stewart [LISTED]


#QAnon has two weeks to name me or @CatcherJb in a drop or I start leaking the board logs and ID’ing users.

No more games.…

3:42 PM - 24 Apr 2019


143a23  No.6306584

File: 99e93b710804a73⋯.jpg (58.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, uh-oh-literally-really-lit….jpg)

68abec  No.6306585

File: 255144e17af5817⋯.png (163.13 KB, 499x335, 499:335, 2019-02-22_08-59-02.png)

2c673a  No.6306586

File: 9a42980bde6dfed⋯.jpg (23.83 KB, 399x399, 1:1, BHAB_Ckj_400x400.jpg)

c70da8  No.6306587


that doug stuf was last thread, come up with something new faggit, dont bore me, ur better than this

4bcae3  No.6306588

File: ba79bfb9c3b0f72⋯.jpg (31.72 KB, 573x363, 191:121, 0c724a5322.jpg)


Theories about to be confirmed.

Conspiracy is not a theory…it is a felony.

f0a8a8  No.6306589

File: 632a402832bbb22⋯.png (578.66 KB, 466x699, 2:3, hillary_catchme.PNG)

File: 0d191929397c2bd⋯.png (320.62 KB, 611x336, 611:336, hillary_myturn.PNG)

File: 158ca0fb3711f40⋯.png (76.94 KB, 210x239, 210:239, HillaryEyebrows.png)

From orange pantsuit to orange jumpsuit, the former First Lady and eternal Presidential wannabe, frequent victim of public coughing fits, frequent beneficiary of convenient suicides, who shit herself in public and had to be chucked into a van like a side of beef will always be on the cusp of style!

Let's hope they make orange soap-on-a-rope so Hillary can accessorize!

143a23  No.6306590


Yep! That's him!

6dfaa6  No.6306591


Keep laughing till you cry and say how did this happen - Doug > Q larp

2c673a  No.6306592


what a shit sucker

9b7e53  No.6306593

File: 2960a462992ce1e⋯.jpg (161.54 KB, 1010x1206, 505:603, 2833.jpg)

c70da8  No.6306594


i see comey but why

1a7d95  No.6306595

File: b3b75f26981538c⋯.jpg (19.78 KB, 696x366, 116:61, bullseye.jpg)

Death to trump

Death to israel

Heil Hitler!

897f65  No.6306596


How can anyone take this serious?



he wants attention, deny it

let him cry by his lonesome

f0a8a8  No.6306597


Do it, Doug! No point threatening this group of unknown anonymous nerds, just pull the trigger! I'm excited to see the results!

4bcae3  No.6306598


Doug's gonna be a busy boy.

c70da8  No.6306599

i need a new kidney, what the fastest and least expensive method , legally

68abec  No.6306600

File: ea502de776cd616⋯.png (2.46 MB, 2048x1408, 16:11, Location secure sir o7.png)

6dfaa6  No.6306601


I'm not Doug.. I'm the guy who is gonna say I told you so morons

f394d0  No.6306602

File: f11bbe133565665⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sick.jpg)

These people are SICK.

I really feel for those who know and cannot sleep, especially the Q team. I know Q said a time will come…GOD PLEASE MAKE IT SOON.

I found this. I couldn't being myself to watch the video, nor will I say where I came across it, but I will paste the story with it as it will be clear what it is about. I added [ANON REDACTED] to keep it non-shilly.


I got this video with a claim that it shows a 9 year old child bride being beheaded in front of large crowd because she refused to have sex with her adult husband. That doesn’t add up at all.

If you can be a slave owner of a child, you can force her to have sex with you. I can’t imagine an adult man having the power to behead a child, but not have the power to sexually abuse her. I mean – you would have to be a total NPC to think a 9 year old would “refuse” to have sex. She hardly knows what sex is. And if she was sold out at the age of 9 to be a bride to an adult man, and she didn’t have the mental capacity to “refuse” that deal, then she definitely doesn’t have the mental capacity to “refuse” sex with her “husband“.

Secondly, the beheading of the child looks far more ritualistic than it is to dish out punishment on such a ridiculous charge. The people who beheaded her may have as easily force her to have sex right there right then to undo her sin of “refusal“. She’s small and confused, and seems powerless to “refuse” anything whatsoever.

Child sacrifices is something that exists out there as a hidden knowledge, but it is smitten under the rug by the [ANON REDACTED] because the chief perpetrators and the practitioners of the disgusting rituals are primarily [ANON REDACTED].

There’s also an old game theory problem: how do you get a bunch of wealthy sociopaths to work together towards a goal without anyone betraying it or going rogue? Simple – you have them commit horrible crimes on video, and then hold the tapes as insurance and blackmail. It also helps ensure that nobody with a conscience gets through into the inner circle – somebody who has voluntarily raped and murdered a child on video as an initiation is not going to expose the clique on moral grounds. Think about it…

The video that appears to show the decapitation of a 9 year old child is below. There are captions in Arabic which I cannot read, but I do not doubt they are there on purpose to serve as misdirection from the true goal of the decapitation. As are the robes used by the killers. Remember, their motto is: By way of deception you shall wage war.


dcd1c2  No.6306603


>Literally Doug is gonna fuck you ppl up and you will cry and I will say I told you so

'My bigger, meaner friend will beat you up. '

Snort keks!

263617  No.6306604

File: 1a85ee298d4268c⋯.jpeg (448.4 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F4133636-60BB-4DBD-9553-D….jpeg)

File: 891e2743595200e⋯.png (2.74 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 20505244-8BE5-41CF-9374-8A….png)






Dirty Martini on the rocks,

Extra Shilly Not Stirred

2c673a  No.6306605


I cannot wait to say hi to the real anons faces………Doug will being the introductions for us all to become aquainted……thanks doug. There wqill be countless articles a nd writeups……..fun

bbd79f  No.6306606



Well done Anon

4bcae3  No.6306607


Tell Doug that I'm sorry for fucking his sister, please. Thanks.

f0a8a8  No.6306608

File: 02bc0447e3afb5c⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 550x777, 550:777, bumpyroad.jpg)


Find a homeless guy that literally just died of the cold?

6dfaa6  No.6306609

I'll check on you homos later when you are curled up in a ball crying… peace out fags

2f93f7  No.6306610

File: b0f8693155f0120⋯.jpg (335.78 KB, 1059x911, 1059:911, evil against Children.jpg)

2c673a  No.6306611


well you are probably having your computer scamnned right this second….or at least in the last hour………anons are really good at digging….

1b289e  No.6306612

File: e6c9f47b353930a⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 500x334, 250:167, racconschaden.jpg)

>>6306488 lb

It sounds nervous…I want to see it cry again.

e5a7c1  No.6306613


Your projection is hilarious. Don't cry too hard, bitch.

c70da8  No.6306614



dont leave brugh, u the only one keeping these breads going

3d3787  No.6306615


Dis faggot, worst impersonator, hope you dont get in too much trouble from your handlers doing such a poor job.

Also, God Wins! It's never too late to switch.

P.S. suck a dick

263617  No.6306616

f0a8a8  No.6306617

File: c01d7008589631c⋯.jpg (41.53 KB, 511x446, 511:446, doug.jpg)


Well, are you cool with Doug, at least? Maybe you could relay my comments to him. I'm really excited!

56a0a9  No.6306618

File: a5823ef1e48588a⋯.jpg (81.48 KB, 640x480, 4:3, a5823ef1e48588a3608f4eb09a….jpg)

Anon's there's something you need to read:

If Q exposes a very dangerous tweet that Obama made previously (and we know for a fact they're watching this place 24/7) wouldn't he delete it?

Yeah, he'd delete it. So, why doesn't he?

Because it really is happening, anons. Patriots are indeed in control.

Have a good night.

53a241  No.6306619


Fuck. You.

4bcae3  No.6306620


Later faggot.

Thanks for the KEK's.

f7aff4  No.6306621

File: 63288c1856d1a7c⋯.png (320.13 KB, 730x2010, 73:201, ClipboardImage.png)




“I have seen nothing on the NSA side that we have engaged in such activity, nor that anyone ever asked us to engage in such activity,” Mr. Rogers told the House Intelligence Committee.

This is not the only occasion in which Mr. Rogers has refuted theories popular among Mr. Trump’s defenders. At that same hearing, Mr. Rogers also shot down a related theory floated by a Fox News personality and subsequently echoed by White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, that Mr. Obama had enlisted GCHQ, Britain’s equivalent to the NSA, to spy on the Trump’s campaign. When asked by Rep. Adam Schiff, the committee’s ranking democrat if he made such a request to his British counterparts, Mr. Rogers shot back, “No sir. Nor would I. That would be expressly against the construct of the Five Eyes agreement that has been in place for decades.”

Mr. Rogers also reportedly refused a request from Mr. Trump, made soon after James Comey, the former FBI director confirmed that the Bureau was investigating potential ties between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia’s efforts to meddle in the 2016 election, to publicly state that there was no evidence of collusion. When asked about this in a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing last year, Rogers sidestepped the question.

“In the three-plus years that I have been the director of the National Security Agency, to the best of my recollection, I have never been directed to do anything I believe to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate, and to the best of my recollection during that same period of service I do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so,” Rogers said during the June 2017 public hearing.

When pressed, by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) whether he had ever “been asked by the president or the White House to influence an ongoing investigation, Mr. Rogers refused to deny it. “I’m not going to discuss the specifics of discussions with the president of the United States,” Rogers said.

But, several weeks later, Mr. Rogers reportedly told the Committee in a closed-door session that Mr. Trump had indeed urged him to publicly say that there was no collusion between his campaign and Russia. While Mr. Rogers thought the interaction odd enough that Richard Leggett, his deputy, documented it in a memo, Mr. Rogers maintained that he did not take the request as an order to do anything improper.

Earlier this year, Rogers testified to Congress — with evident frustration — that he had been granted no additional authority by Mr. Trump to combat potential Russian interference in the midterm elections.

“What I see on the Cyber Command side leads me to believe that if we don’t change the dynamic here, that this is going to continue, and 2016 won’t be viewed as isolated,” Rogers said. “This is something that will be sustained over time.”

He said of Russian interference: “We’re taking steps, but we’re probably not doing enough.” He said that sanctions and other measures haven’t “changed the calculus or the behavior” by Moscow. “They haven’t paid a price at least that’s sufficient to get them to change their behavior,” he added.

When asked whether he had been instructed by the White House to do more to stop Russian meddling, Rogers said, he had not. While he had taken additional within his pursue, “I haven’t been granted any, you know, additional authorities, capacity and capability, and — no, that’s certainly true.”

68abec  No.6306622

File: 270dc7d25a755fb⋯.jpg (102.42 KB, 754x500, 377:250, 2j920t.jpg)

6dfaa6  No.6306623


You faggits are retards who think Q is real.. I'm not too worried about it homos

d493f8  No.6306624


Demerits for lack of GIF

2fe175  No.6306625


I need your entertainment. Please keep posting.

1a2059  No.6306626

File: 3b84d86941017c8⋯.jpg (270.86 KB, 906x556, 453:278, QTangClan.jpg)

7bc205  No.6306627


So… are the jail/prison empoyess still allowed to open/read/alter/confiscate ALL incoming/outgoing mail to/from inmates? Skip the fact that felons may vote… it seems like an easy way for ballots to be cast/destroyed by a third party.

11aa33  No.6306628


I don't know but I think a lot of them are illegal aliens anyways.

I have no problem with inmates voting, but maybe the logistics would be difficult.

I have a feeling most of their votes would be Dem. since they're the ones pushing it, but maybe with Trumps First Step program, who knows

2c673a  No.6306629


doug and his brother fug

doug is doxxing YOU right now………wow that pic is really bad……and…… your …….YIKES!

2f93f7  No.6306630

File: 6f4741b6e8d992c⋯.jpg (408.1 KB, 1167x1200, 389:400, Barr handpicked fakenews m….jpg)

File: eb3d49682d968d6⋯.jpg (645.04 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great Awakening PRAY.jpg)

File: d1a374b5a83f2be⋯.jpg (235.52 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, keith.jpg)

File: 10534582dad6792⋯.jpg (104.97 KB, 777x437, 777:437, watch out normies.jpg)

File: 03795422e065aef⋯.jpg (139.44 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Launch Truth.jpg)



1b289e  No.6306631

File: dc0575ca714f56f⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 240x317, 240:317, rabbi.jpg)



fcc330  No.6306632


20-30k in China. The hard part is living with the knowledge the organ was taken without consent from an innocent person.

e5a7c1  No.6306633


Thought you were going? Change of mind, or lack of one?

49a5a6  No.6306634



Baker departing the kitchen


Notifying BO/BV.

Any volunteer note-takers? Good support for an incoming baker.

PASTEBIN (unchanged):


7bc205  No.6306635

f0a8a8  No.6306636

File: f15b55883b3d330⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 250x170, 25:17, vuvuzebub.gif)


Here ya go!

d493f8  No.6306637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dems will be holding town halls in Federal prisons soon.

4cb9a9  No.6306638

File: 1eb2ac40c1d3e7b⋯.jpg (138.15 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, pepe admires.jpg)


for sure. these two are fucking hilarious

2c673a  No.6306639


unplug your computer and don't log back in…..it is a virus

c70da8  No.6306640


WTF anon why thats a brilliant idea.


i wanna know i wanna know.

elaborate night shifter, candle light has been lit,

story time, wyh r us supsed to see comey

5f2eb2  No.6306641

File: 19851bf5eeaac04⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 620x330, 62:33, reaper10.jpg)

1a9ead  No.6306642


The ones replying to the fake Q are part of his shill team.

2f93f7  No.6306643


All I did was the 'Night Shift' part, kek.

4cb9a9  No.6306644

File: 4f728d1c95ce631⋯.jpg (119.52 KB, 770x1152, 385:576, door open use it.jpg)

2c673a  No.6306645


bad dreams about YOUR computer all night long coming soon

6dfaa6  No.6306646


Maybe if you fags would stop (you) ing me I'd be done already but you just want to get fucking owned over and over. Q is fake and gay

- larp moar fag

c70da8  No.6306647


man its not like they are gunna stuff it back in the person they took it from if i dnt buy it right?

68abec  No.6306648

File: 1b35fd09e26ae86⋯.gif (290.05 KB, 308x290, 154:145, INTENSITY.gif)

11aa33  No.6306649


That could prove to be interesting.

What promises will they make to prisoners, that they are actually able to keep!

e5a7c1  No.6306650


You have no idea just how real Q really is, bitch. But continue. This is hilarious.

c70da8  No.6306651


u can never leave one way or another

4bcae3  No.6306652

File: ad7458203953140⋯.gif (826.82 KB, 500x291, 500:291, 2tfu-willy-wonka-gene-wild….gif)

f7aff4  No.6306653

File: 78524e817feca63⋯.png (436.38 KB, 639x887, 639:887, ClipboardImage.png)

d493f8  No.6306654


Your mom is doing naughty things with my dog right now. She can't tuck you in tonight.

4cb9a9  No.6306655

File: 97c33ee2be78f36⋯.jpg (53.41 KB, 1023x682, 3:2, Desperation.jpg)

6dfaa6 (6)

5f2eb2  No.6306656

File: a588c85c69a841d⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 300x460, 15:23, smkinBlnd.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

d82c93  No.6306657

Yo, did any Anons get a good look at Kim's watch when he met Putin a bit ago? The watch stood out like a turd in a punch bowl and looks alot like the one Q has posted…. maybe it was a gift from POTUS. Thinking out loud here… take a look for yourselves.


263617  No.6306658

File: 731d131c87c10d7⋯.png (3.29 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CFBF731E-A5C3-4E76-969F-EA….png)


I thought about that too.

Also, you know how sketchy the Dems. are w/ voter fraud, they lie to get votes, bribe to get votes, etc.

What about “buying” prisoners votes?

Prisoners are going to be hard up for commissary stuff, right?

I wouldn’t put it passed a group funded by someone like Soros, to covertly “fund” prisoners commissary accounts for votes.

2f93f7  No.6306659




dam that's a cold breeze, brr.

143a23  No.6306660


Thought you were leaving. GTFO of here!

6dfaa6  No.6306661


Q is a bunch of fags who write drops in keybase io

Like Justin Wallis QNTMPKTS

And swampy AURA and praying medic - Dave you fag.. Q is fake homo

d493f8  No.6306662


Daily conjugals

f0a8a8  No.6306663

File: 721426f768944ee⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 335x222, 335:222, brass_dance.gif)


Inaccurate. Some of them are just bored or don't know any better.

f7aff4  No.6306664


You drinking again, Doug?

68abec  No.6306665

File: 82c516b9692de35⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 82c516b9692de35419cc878372….jpg)

7bc205  No.6306666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks Baker

5e352d  No.6306667

File: a7238a7c9435861⋯.jpg (486.28 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, comeycliff.jpg)

File: f6eb5e542d2a1c8⋯.png (907.82 KB, 2768x1210, 1384:605, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 15a36faa7b776f3⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1766x1218, 883:609, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: a3019d602178fea⋯.mp4 (475.7 KB, 1130x720, 113:72, comeyclifftweet.mp4)

repost from last bread

comey's location found 100 percent

wilder ranch state park

fcc330  No.6306668


Nah they will part the poor dude out like a scrap car and sell all his goods. They prolly have a get the 2nd one for half price in case the 1st doesn’t take.

All joking aside I hope you find your kidney and it goes well. Dialysis is a pita to say the least.

2f1125  No.6306669

File: 314af8e4d15f736⋯.jpg (168.37 KB, 952x500, 238:125, sdcfhvgjhbk.jpg)

1b289e  No.6306670

File: 33e2acc2f01fb51⋯.jpg (120.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bakerteam.jpg)

File: cbf2cc6e8a7f259⋯.jpg (17.27 KB, 255x191, 255:191, martin-original.png.jpg)



get ur rest, baker…you got backup

5f2eb2  No.6306671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dead Man's Party

f0a8a8  No.6306672

File: 814977f99631913⋯.jpg (43.52 KB, 640x835, 128:167, checkem.jpg)

5e352d  No.6306673

File: 982d41eba5c73ea⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1988x1418, 994:709, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)



358875  No.6306674


I was being serious about absorbing his loosh though.

c70da8  No.6306675


u gunna screen cap or at least provide a times stamp faggit or u want me to watch the whole fucking 7:54 vidya

8ee45f  No.6306676

File: 73b06f4c8c5d0ef⋯.png (318.47 KB, 684x452, 171:113, QNN Howdy Doody.png)

d12f03  No.6306677

File: 536607a8b7f8f7b⋯.png (2.63 MB, 2000x4110, 200:411, 11.11 MARKER CONFIRMED?.png)


Q posts exact same Punisher image 11 months and 11 days apart. Does this mean 11.11? Not sure, but if we go back in time to the 1st Punisher image on May 14th, we find some interesting clues.

1. The day before on May 13, 2018, Q mentions 11.11 will serve as a strategic marker. Very next day we get Punisher image. 11 months and 11 days later, we get it again. So let's treat 4.24.19 as Zero Day for the 11.11 MARKER.

2. Q posts a reference to Michael Rogers two minutes later on 4.24.19. Michael Rogers leaves office on May 4, 2018. May 4th is 5/4 which is a mirror for 4/5 which could = D5. Maybe Rogers sets off the avalanche. Or IG. Or both.

3. Interestingly the 1st D5 reference ever by Q was a few days later on May 10, 2018.

4. Fast forward to May 15, 2018, and we the 1776 Declaration of Independence post on the same day as the letter from Meadows, Jordan and DeSantis asking for DECLAS.

5. On May 16, 2018, we have Trump signing an EO, obviously referencing DECLAS, and then sitting on it through Mid Terms, Mexico election, Brazil election, Ukraine election, Bush Funeral, etc… Until now?

6. On May 17, 2018, we have the D5 reference again related to the IG report drop.

Let's map these dates as follows to the current market of 4.24.19…….

5.14.18 = 4.24.19 = 11.11 = Zero day marker

5.15.18 declas = 4.25.19 = 11.1 = Day +1

5.16.18 EO = 4.26.19 = 11.2 = Day +2

5.17.18 IG = 4.27.19 = 11.3 = Day +3

Now let's map 11.3 through 11.11 rolling forward.

Proof to begin on 11.3 = 4.27.19

Than means Podesta would be indicted 11.3?

Actionable 11.4 = 4.28.19

[?] 11.5 = 4.29.19 Monday

Huma 11.6? = 4.30.19

BARR SENATE 11.7 = 5.1.19

BARR HOUSE 11.8 = 5.2.19

[?] 11.9 = 5.3.19 Friday

Suicide Weekend?

[?] 11.10 = 5.4.19 Saturday

[?] 11.11 = 5.5.19 Sunday (HRC)

11.11 The day America is unified again.

6cbaf3  No.6306678

File: 26ad149dd4b7def⋯.png (204.12 KB, 640x687, 640:687, ClipboardImage.png)

VIDEO: Armed Smugglers Escort Migrants to Arizona Border

Surveillance video released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection captures the moment when a group rifle-carrying smugglers escort a woman and her son to the Arizona border.

The video was released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection this week and was recorded west of Lukeville, Arizona. #BorderPatrol cameras observed armed men escorting a mother and her 8-year-old son to the int’l boundary west of Lukeville, AZ.

The armed men dropped off the pair in an area commonly used by smugglers to bring large groups of Central Americans into the country illegally. pic.twitter.com/xwJZZgvlbD— CBP (@CBP) April 23, 2019

The thermal images appear to have been recorded at night when it captured a group of smugglers with rifles escorting a woman and her child toward a low vehicle barrier. The two migrants and a third man easily crossed into Arizona as the gunmen walked back to their vehicle. The video comes weeks after U.S. Border Patrol agents in Yuma arrested an armed human smuggler who was leading a group from Mexico as a “large” Central American migrant group served nearby as a diversion of resources. During the arrest, authorities discovered a dropped Glock pistol.

The Arizona border region is a busy smuggling corridor used by the Sinaloa Cartel. In 2017, Breitbart News published a series of exclusive images that captured the moment when armed smugglers crossed into Arizona. The smugglers in those images can be seen carrying AR-15 and AK-47 style rifles as they trekked near the Huachuca Mountains. The area is full of Mexican cartel smugglers, rip crews, and prison-affiliated gangs looking to steal drug loads.



734ddb  No.6306679


Because to delete it is to acknowledge Q. Non of the targets every talk about Q. If anything they go silent until they need to send a message.

4bcae3  No.6306680

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 274b4f36a4d81651efb273a70f….png)



Dem quads.

608c0f  No.6306681

File: d186a62b6642a24⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Comfy Q Alpha.png)

Can ya at least You me? Once? Make me feel my efforts of love mean something to more than just me? It means the world to me Q. Did I do something wrong? Did I offend you? I don't get it. I try to be the best patriot and offer my heart and soul to this movement and feel like.. well.. It would be nice to know I am worthy of a you.

2c673a  No.6306682

File: 093bd39588594f7⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 228x221, 228:221, download (2).jpg)

File: 035e1094483597d⋯.png (91.7 KB, 387x400, 387:400, n4bokavkhg1y.png)


well then why are you even here if you think it is fake?

not homos……but we are faggots……..we are the FUEL

d82c93  No.6306683


No screen cap, time stamp coming….

539977  No.6306684

File: a88b0b9d0315bd9⋯.jpg (193.21 KB, 583x618, 583:618, 88c4c2e37712bddfb94db563d8….jpg)

File: 5ec1fa65de919d2⋯.jpg (297.04 KB, 945x635, 189:127, e134942ad4ff2eb0219b3a007b….jpg)

File: 777b72c755dff9c⋯.jpg (439.61 KB, 855x702, 95:78, d3f495d458e16c69b0f555f74a….jpg)

File: c79fe75baca7706⋯.jpg (236.61 KB, 815x737, 815:737, 410e9f27bd550d1bc6082f708a….jpg)

c5a020  No.6306685


CEO of wikimedia foundation has already been identified as deep state.

e5a7c1  No.6306686


The media is sure fighting hard to avoid asking the question. Must be orders from high up to not ask.

d493f8  No.6306687

Buy Gold!

f7aff4  No.6306688


Praying Medic is a decent guy. I know he isn't dishonest. I also know he isn't Q. Why do you want to malign decent people?

2c673a  No.6306689

File: 035e1094483597d⋯.png (91.7 KB, 387x400, 387:400, n4bokavkhg1y.png)

File: 093bd39588594f7⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 228x221, 228:221, download (2).jpg)


well then why are you even here if you think it is fake?

not homos……but we are faggots……..we are the FUEL>>6306623

c70da8  No.6306690



loll what the fuck languages are they speaking holee shieet

world leaders cant speak english

u gotta be kiddin bawls

f1223e  No.6306691


Patriots are selfless. Anons are anonymous. This work is not for everyone.

d82c93  No.6306692


1st good look is at 1:05 of clip

5f2eb2  No.6306693


>Whats wrong with Felons' abilities to vote?

They forfeit that right when they commit the crime.

d82c93  No.6306694


1st good look at 1:05

dcd1c2  No.6306695

File: 02dade57f5975b2⋯.png (118.44 KB, 464x404, 116:101, ClipboardImage.png)

This opsec-challenged, already-doxxed schmendrick-faggot is going to fuck someone up?

Good luck, you're going to need it.

9ec10a  No.6306696

File: 6d425b7640046ae⋯.jpg (114.84 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, depositphotos_56329769-sto….jpg)


for (((you)))

6c7c29  No.6306697

6dfaa6  No.6306698


Why am I here ? I was here b4 Q I've been on 8ch for 4 years now… one of the main ppl who posts a lot and I started on /pol/ and Q is fagging up my chan like the homo he is

224846  No.6306699

File: bdd4865e6072bbc⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 16445664_303.jpg)


Video about saying danger of nuclear material is overblown. Get's especially interesting when asked a question about burying nuclear waste at 1:02:00:

"…that's an excuse for a federally mandated, non-inspectable disposal system so that organized crime can get rid of any evidence that they want, and it can never get dug up again."

"…they've got rules on the transport so if you have

an accident with a low-level radioactive waste shipment, why you call out all of the state police

and you make sure that nobody looks at it, that nobody gets exposed, that there's no spreading

of the contaminated material, and it's also so you don't find out who's body's in that drum."

68abec  No.6306700

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, TreasonsAndTraitorsBye.jpg)

08bd40  No.6306701

File: eaf9a8215728806⋯.png (164.2 KB, 384x910, 192:455, RedLineMarker.png)

File: 679e9b10cf9fcc3⋯.png (149.48 KB, 806x703, 806:703, RedCarpetRollout.png)

File: 1f738de95624ecf⋯.png (4.01 MB, 4227x2230, 4227:2230, NicePOTUS.png)

File: f0472dd60ba5c4c⋯.png (597.96 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, GraphicV3.png)

When Q posts an image of a Q post, it is typically an image directly from the board. Q hardly ever posts an image from qmap.pub (unless it is already a portion of some Anon's graphic that Q is reposting….). Some of the titles on qmap.pub are helpful, but some can be misleading once you dive in…. but if Q is posting an image from qmap.pub, then THE TITLE COUNTS AS Q.

Tail end post on 4/24 EST…. "red line" = "red carpet" = a line you don't cross, a line you follow…

Q is confirming the importance of 4/24 as a marker for MOAB.

(The 24 RTs on 22 Apr are likely mostly a reminder of the importance of 24 Apr, with a hint that disinfo is necessary.)

e5a7c1  No.6306702


Okay, I'm busted. I've ignored and filtered these idiots for over a year. I'm ready to go toe to toe with these fools. It's not like there's a limited supply of bread.

d82c93  No.6306703



2nd good look at 1:35

539977  No.6306704


"Muh Chan Culture"

Get tired of webcams and legends?

4cb9a9  No.6306705

File: 57ee0cb3f8eae21⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 214x255, 214:255, Pepe Air Cav.jpg)


just giving it back to them. Personally have not bothered for month's but they need a good ass-kicking every once and a while

738d4d  No.6306706

File: e46582f28a57aec⋯.jpg (57.65 KB, 474x632, 3:4, 9d302a27b2b67f6a51e07da582….jpg)

File: 9087f6a9fc2f66c⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 474x717, 158:239, 158ddd446745d8f55906aba68b….jpg)

f552df  No.6306707

File: 28054e6833a6029⋯.gif (459.92 KB, 350x232, 175:116, 3F8CC4A189DF46A299D5D18E5A….gif)


>my chan

Your mom said to go outside Jimmy

263617  No.6306708


Commissary $ (from mysterious donors)

00bded  No.6306709

File: 8346a1d1a6a0ebd⋯.jpeg (78.27 KB, 458x550, 229:275, 20EC1F59-7FAF-4D60-8A2E-E….jpeg)

File: ce05332626ee46c⋯.jpeg (104.43 KB, 560x720, 7:9, F4B4F34C-43F2-4107-8571-E….jpeg)

4bcae3  No.6306710


And I'm all out of bubblegum.

6dfaa6  No.6306711


I've been posting on 8ch before you fags even heard of it..

2c673a  No.6306712


you shoose to be on this thread…..go to one of the million others…….you are on the Q research board by choice…….but you complain…….just leave already or stay and get ripped on

608c0f  No.6306713

File: 16f004cdb6c09f5⋯.jpg (1019.05 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Patriots WWG1WGA Q.jpg)


It would just make me feel like my art is supported by Q Team. I try my damndest to be a good/ no….. Great Patriot. A little love goes a long way

2c673a  No.6306714



f394d0  No.6306715


Q, please do the stringer command thing again and send out a team to REMOVE THESE SICK PEOPLE FROM THIS EARTH

539977  No.6306716

File: 817f4f7484a862c⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 483x638, 483:638, 57358162_355688881962581_4….jpg)


And yet you're still a bitch.

477a64  No.6306717

File: 48d7e1718d02bf0⋯.jpeg (277.79 KB, 1821x1157, 1821:1157, CCCC078A-576D-4A66-B359-2….jpeg)

Turning in frens.

Keep the homefires burnin!

68abec  No.6306718


I want there to be a non-profit that I can donate to that fills the commissary of inmates who "correct" pedophiles in prison.

071dae  No.6306719

File: 5085c172d71d029⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 600x552, 25:23, 1485892680358.jpg)

1b289e  No.6306720

File: f1fa596a8514332⋯.jpg (122.47 KB, 600x888, 25:37, bakerarmy.jpg)





DO IT!!!

4cb9a9  No.6306721

File: 432420efafceae9⋯.jpg (161.35 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, quads (2).jpg)



5f2eb2  No.6306722


>that doug stuf was last thread, come up with something new faggit, dont bore me, ur better than this

He's really not. And yeah it is getting boring.

d82c93  No.6306723

Check out Kim's watch at the Putin/Kim summit…

see 1:05 and 1:35 marks in video


e5a7c1  No.6306724

File: 290e89ecb547c52⋯.png (203.81 KB, 406x395, 406:395, topkek.png)


Cheers, anon.

f552df  No.6306725

File: 09d626c1ea859b8⋯.jpg (56.93 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2ub4dd.jpg)

6dfaa6  No.6306726


And you are still a newfag on my chan

358875  No.6306727

File: 28287a338c99ec1⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, 1544832380.jpg)

c70da8  No.6306728


meh basic watch, POTUS is too classy for that



6.1 Million people registered felons and thats just today

f0a8a8  No.6306729

File: ea876614364c818⋯.jpg (122.37 KB, 1262x936, 631:468, nasimtits.jpg)

File: 2e2bfe27b5b1060⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, No table.jpg)

File: 515ab5b0e88ade5⋯.png (340.02 KB, 514x513, 514:513, no_vote.png)


It's fine, especially on night shift. But please don't keep talking to them any longer than they remain genuinely interesting. Sure, we can always make more breads, but that doesn't mean every bread should scroll by at 9001 mph because of all the anons replying to bots and other filth.

143a23  No.6306730

So, you know the owner of 8chan, you run this board and are a main person who posts a lot on /pol/. You are certainly a self-righteous narcissist, aren't you? BTW. No one gives a shit anyway.


e5a7c1  No.6306731


You misunderstand, bitch. This is OUR chan, not yours.

738d4d  No.6306732

File: fa5f1bede324123⋯.jpg (8.07 KB, 255x134, 255:134, a7ob193423f0a-5573c777c2a-….jpg)

539977  No.6306733


"Muh chan"

You're adorably sad.

608c0f  No.6306734

File: c52ca8a233fbe5c⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Free Beer Tomorrow Q.jpg)


make me

263617  No.6306735



I want to watch it on PPV.

2c673a  No.6306736


we see you we read everything

1b289e  No.6306737

File: 562ce0db449a3f3⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 763x954, 763:954, nasimveil.jpg)

738d4d  No.6306738

File: 1a183240f8e2203⋯.jpg (60.41 KB, 474x573, 158:191, d5260cf3468ecbc102e0309447….jpg)

c10eeb  No.6306739

File: 9b06df912166a62⋯.jpg (470.82 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Bless-this-Bread--10.jpg)


Thanks, Baker.

c70da8  No.6306740


that hat anon screams 'undercover cop'

6dfaa6  No.6306741


There is video of me talking to Jim on the Goldwater nothing to declare that he fucking owns new fag

f69610  No.6306742

File: ac4f9cbfc152f43⋯.png (205.77 KB, 371x356, 371:356, Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at ….png)

c2bcb0  No.6306743

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


c10eeb  No.6306744

File: d9ae934545adb14⋯.jpg (819.96 KB, 1591x934, 1591:934, Free-At-Last-HisSword.jpg)

File: 47ffea1534d4c97⋯.jpg (835.51 KB, 1591x934, 1591:934, Freedom-HisSword.jpg)

File: a6150e60a3f697d⋯.jpg (848.71 KB, 1591x934, 1591:934, Hallelujah-HisSword.jpg)

File: 00b49516075f931⋯.jpg (779.05 KB, 1591x934, 1591:934, It's-Time-HisSword.jpg)

File: c863b8e5a7dd5b0⋯.jpg (776.15 KB, 1591x934, 1591:934, Justice-HisSword.jpg)

4cb9a9  No.6306745

File: c7621a7940c83a3⋯.jpg (32.07 KB, 625x342, 625:342, Easters.jpg)

608c0f  No.6306746

File: 3ca7eb8c84352e5⋯.jpg (196.33 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, #SpyGate Obama.jpg)


so I guess I am just worthless and should stop right? Not gonna happen… kek

143a23  No.6306747


But you see…no one gives a fuck, Doug. You are self-important. NOTE *SELF

11aa33  No.6306748


It's a sad state of affairs when it is illegal to tell the truth.

f69610  No.6306749


She's pretty

5f2eb2  No.6306750


>The ones replying to the fake Q are part of his shill team.

Nope just having a spot of fun at his expense.

And I wouldn't call him a troll. To be one takes a modicum of skill and inteligence, something he lacks

f552df  No.6306751

Comey has been touring the country to see it for the last time. I think he knew it was over a long time ago

c10eeb  No.6306752

File: 027ca66a3261815⋯.jpg (319.64 KB, 600x773, 600:773, Knowingly-St-J.jpg)


734ddb  No.6306753


Speaking of twatter. Remember the twitter war Q had with POTUS comment feed? The fight with the twitter algorithm to push Krassenshit type accounts to the top? I wonder if that's what POTUS's meeting with @jack was about.

Oh to be in that office…

2c673a  No.6306754


no crying or bitching anon we see everything

6dfaa6  No.6306755


I'm not Doug you retarted homosexual

6154f0  No.6306756

File: b8cc9674af285ab⋯.jpeg (120.17 KB, 1242x446, 621:223, AF07D53F-15E1-4A52-A51A-9….jpeg)


d36597  No.6306757

File: b3e9eaf563d8735⋯.png (99.72 KB, 524x213, 524:213, c88.png)

>>6305806 (ALL PB)

>>6305829 <===My soul.

>>6305841 ←-ME TOO!!

>>6305864 ←-Agreed

>>6305886 ←-KEK

>>6306424 ←-Love the creativity Anon

Love all you Anons.

God Bless.


441c03  No.6306758

File: f8fc293aee647e1⋯.png (532.39 KB, 614x332, 307:166, mel.png)


Awesome graphic. I'm gonna take a closer look.

Was there another punisher pic dropped when FLOTUS visited the elephant sanctuary?

f0a8a8  No.6306759

File: 8abafa0df99f4d5⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 199x255, 199:255, NASIM_newfag.jpg)

File: 2186db8c2241f7e⋯.jpg (306.08 KB, 880x780, 44:39, nasim_tard.jpg)


You misspelled "dead."

143a23  No.6306760


Who the fuck is Jim and what the fuck is Goldwater. See? Don't give a shit, Doug. You are not important to anyone but yourself.

ac3577  No.6306761



143a23  No.6306762


Yes you are.

c78cb9  No.6306763


Most anons don't get a YOU from Q. I never have but anons are like seedlings planted in the rich earth…there are millions of us. Q can't get to all of us personally unless you feel like you're on the team & every time one team player gets a YOU from Q, it might as well be for you because you're so very happy & pleased that it doesn't matter who gets it because anons are a team.

608c0f  No.6306764

File: fdc8becff0cf4c0⋯.png (2.2 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MAGA Q Alpha.png)



2c673a  No.6306765


we love to fuck around and shitpost

6dfaa6  No.6306766


Jim owns this website 8ch you fucking faggot

f552df  No.6306767

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 570x587, 570:587, you.jpg)

1b289e  No.6306768

File: 89986ed18e1bc9f⋯.jpg (316.52 KB, 980x551, 980:551, nasimseal.jpg)

143a23  No.6306769


And? Who cares?

143a23  No.6306770


You sound like an adolescent. How old are you?

f0a8a8  No.6306771

File: bde46c876bdf8ad⋯.png (26.71 KB, 262x211, 262:211, Potus-Pedophiles-Deserve-T….png)


"Sign of the times"? No. We're just getting better at catching them. Perverts have been abusing children for generations, for millennia. And the Boy Scouts of America was no exception.

88e194  No.6306772

File: d43f8776328bd47⋯.jpg (260.18 KB, 1200x1234, 600:617, Nasim_f0996c_6568221.jpg)


The brilliant light of our free speech angel is eternal.

11be40  No.6306773

File: 6ccc0aaa3e075c7⋯.png (744.3 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 0D0616E4-2E3C-4A5B-A87D-86….png)


Absolutely anon!

Huge day!!’

I’m SO happy to have this front row seat for history as it happens,

Don’t let fake Q and the naysayers ruin it for you!

What a TREMENDOUS journey it has been!


b7e76a  No.6306774

File: a6b2cb56d000c53⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1200x1747, 1200:1747, SkyKingBarrelRollethTheFir….jpg)

2c673a  No.6306775

File: 74a795b20a2f75b⋯.png (289.47 KB, 420x463, 420:463, bucket.png)


but you are DOUG-LIKE…….so there that……..

539977  No.6306776

File: eca1e90e5cc1b70⋯.jpg (145.62 KB, 988x611, 76:47, cca9e33f3d95289639863ef7de….jpg)

File: 7be3acfd165a563⋯.jpg (255.16 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 2e1e1aac36c5dc06219988a2a7….jpg)

File: c2d3e8773ffed9b⋯.jpg (227.1 KB, 855x702, 95:78, 73298e8a0d951a78bc81ce5334….jpg)

File: 1194d077ad1afb6⋯.jpg (158.89 KB, 720x499, 720:499, 62ddec66d8cd2602d14b114c43….jpg)

263617  No.6306777

File: 7eba0bd7e5a90f7⋯.png (237.6 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F609C37A-1EBC-48BB-9651-30….png)

File: 71a03c9b9904c60⋯.png (2.97 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 60CE8F6E-7FED-439E-97B1-5C….png)

This biatch has lost her mind. Kek.

Kamala Harris wants former drug dealers 'first in line' to profit off legal marijuana


c70da8  No.6306778


and they just keep replying and keep going, the pshyc of it all i s beauti

4bcae3  No.6306779


Why haven't you mentioned me yet?

ac3577  No.6306780


Is he talking about ICE?

608c0f  No.6306781

File: 356d6fd23f792fb⋯.png (1.77 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Qek Frog Q Alpha.png)


ask me if I care? I am not here fir the likes of you, Patriotism hurts? Bite me

6dfaa6  No.6306782


Spoken like a true fucking homo…

Who is jim..

Jim owns the fucking site you are posting on dipshit

- fuck you Q ppl are God damn retards

7bc205  No.6306783


That would leave a money trail. Would be more likely that people would be placed in strategic jails/prisons. Then it would just look like business as usual. Inmates with no acess to news would not even know they had a ballot coming. The ballots could then be intercepted and removed from the jail/prison in dufflebags. Then they could be sold to whoever or simply destroyed. Inmates voting could also create a lot of gerrymandering… it would be obvious, and hopefully easy for the good authorities to shut the idea down.

e5a7c1  No.6306784


I was amazed that night. It was that moment I asked Q to teach me, though I know it will never happen. I've been programming since the age of 6 so witnessing that take place was quite thrilling for me.

d36597  No.6306785

File: fc3c6e9078fe1cd⋯.jpg (719.77 KB, 1472x2000, 92:125, P.jpg)

>>6306451 (Both PB)


Let's talk.

ac3577  No.6306786


Well I didn't vote for him.

1a9ead  No.6306787

File: e356661eac48992⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1280x3031, 1280:3031, Screenshot_2019-04-25 Bern….png)

It seems to me the DNC don't like ol' Bernie being #1. I'm betting (((they))) paid these hecklers to help tank Bernie's campaign. My money is on Creepy Joe being the DNC's chosen one. He's been cabal for decades and he's a lock to do their bidding.


c10eeb  No.6306788

File: b328e556c7fe0c1⋯.png (7.38 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Knight-Shift-Army.png)

File: 78f121759ac00ef⋯.jpg (136.74 KB, 679x584, 679:584, God-Wins-KnightShift.jpg)

143a23  No.6306789


What you aren't getting is…I don't really give a fuck who owns this board.

1b289e  No.6306790

File: 0eae054a195c14f⋯.jpg (210.53 KB, 1034x1577, 1034:1577, nasimsacrifice.jpg)

8bb903  No.6306791


…and 1/2 a bread later…

Someone doesn't understand that "peace out" means they're LEAVING.

f0a8a8  No.6306792

File: 6e96513a1a4fbb9⋯.png (151.14 KB, 407x391, 407:391, nasim_pepe.png)

File: 20db0a3af07c0fc⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 217x255, 217:255, q_nasim.jpg)


Shine on, you crazy Iranian diamond!

539977  No.6306793


We get it, Ginji, you wear big girl pants and you've live a hard life.

There's still no need to bite peoples' heads off like you're known to do.

We gotchu, booboo.

We're fighting in the shit right alongside you…

Not against you.

c70da8  No.6306794


>21st century

>a plant

oh marijuana, so bad so bad

scary so scary

>cigaretes and allcohol ok

ac3577  No.6306795

Who here's incel? Be honest.

5e352d  No.6306796


trust me you don't want a pity (you)

work hard… find something notable it'll be worth it.

then again not everyone can have 5 :)

f394d0  No.6306797


I'm a typical run-of-the-mill shill bot. Please filter me out. I need your responses to power my shill power. I also use tampons to keep my watery stools from leaking out on the keyboard

4e7039  No.6306798

File: fa71344344762bc⋯.png (463.78 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85b9ae2a8600e09⋯.png (197.61 KB, 634x481, 634:481, ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton projected to win 98%😂

Shock new poll puts Biden EIGHT points ahead of Trump and makes him the front-runner among his Democrat rivals as the former VP prepares to announce a third White House bid

Democrat Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by eight points in a hypothetical 2020 matchup, according to a poll published on Wednesday that also shows the 76-year-old leading the Democratic primary field.

The Morning Consult/Politico poll was released 24 hours before Biden is expected to announce that he is running for president, showing him leading Trump 42 percent to 34 percent.

The poll of 1,992 registered voters was conducted between April 19 and 21.

It showed Biden with a strong lead over Trump among women, whom he led by 17 points, millennials with a 22-point lead and independents, up 10 points.



Morning Consult said the national poll, conducted online, had a margin of error of two points.

If the presidential election were held today who would you vote for?



The polling firm's weekly tracking poll also shows Biden leading among Democratic primary voters, with 30 percent support and Senator Bernie Sanders at 24 percent.

The lead is even larger among early primary state voters, where Biden leads Sanders by eight points.

Biden, who has sought the Democratic presidential nomination twice before, remains widely popular since he left the White House in 2016 after two terms as vice president.

The former longtime U.S. senator will announce he is seeking the Democratic nomination on Thursday, a source familiar with the plans said.

His nascent campaign already hit its first speed bump after Biden faced allegations about being overly physical to women, some of whom said his hugs and kisses were inappropriate and unwelcome.


4bcae3  No.6306799

File: 6a5029d6cd07555⋯.jpg (13.99 KB, 400x215, 80:43, image.jpg)

6dfaa6  No.6306801


Not the board you ass clown

Jim owns 8ch.net

4cb9a9  No.6306802

File: ca252a4e6c09de5⋯.jpg (20.62 KB, 570x315, 38:21, protestors.jpg)

Climate-change protesters target London Stock Exchange and Canary Wharf

LONDON (Reuters) - Environmental activists glued themselves to the London Stock Exchange and climbed onto the roof of a train at Canary Wharf on the final day of protests aimed at forcing Britain to take action to avert what they cast as a global climate cataclysm.

The Extinction Rebellion group has caused mass disruption in recent weeks across London, blocking Marble Arch, Oxford Circus and Waterloo Bridge, smashing a door at the Shell building and shocking lawmakers with a semi-nude protest in parliament.

At London Stock Exchange’s headquarters on Thursday, six protesters dressed in black suits and red ties were blocking the revolving doors of the building.

At the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) station in Canary Wharf, five protesters from the group climbed aboard a train and unfurled a banner which read: “Business as usual = Death”. One glued herself to a train.

“Extinction Rebellion to focus on the financial industry today,” the group said in a statement. The “aim is to demand the finance industry tells the truth about the climate industry and the devastating impact the industry has on our planet.”

Police said 1088 arrests have been made since the main protests began last Monday.

The group advocates non-violent civil disobedience to force governments to reduce carbon emissions and avert what it says is a global climate crisis that will bring starvation, floods, wildfires and social collapse.

The group is demanding the government declare a climate and ecological emergency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025 and create a citizen’s assembly of members of the public to lead on decisions to address climate change.


Can't wait for these fucktards to get there comeuppance.

c78cb9  No.6306803

File: 04d2b213c3ea0de⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 960x768, 5:4, 04d2b213c3ea0dee1aca8172ae….jpg)


Gawd, pluck those wild ass hairs!

9ec10a  No.6306804


need a match

897f65  No.6306805


Wait, I thought you were doug?

Are you Jim?

Where’s the downvote button

6154f0  No.6306806

File: 9c73bfed5023071⋯.jpeg (819.58 KB, 1242x1140, 207:190, 70B891A5-9475-42D8-AA4B-D….jpeg)

File: 0561abe2f044bf2⋯.jpeg (282.66 KB, 1242x663, 414:221, B7907C8A-6BC1-420F-9EC0-0….jpeg)


539977  No.6306807


so become king, then.

Go on.

I'll get stuff a brawr, put on some high heels, get moist, and lob a scimitar at you; if you're into such pomp and circumstance.

1b289e  No.6306808


>need a match

your just jelous

263617  No.6306809


Kek. I don’t want MS-13 running the place I’d be buying legal weed from, that’s for damn sure.

5f2eb2  No.6306810

File: 50c1e799b11eee8⋯.png (876.36 KB, 900x750, 6:5, cocktails.png)

2f93f7  No.6306811


yup, makes America that much more important.

How to keep free speech without giving power to fake news?

Only way around is research and truth.

If the Citizens have truth, they know who to Vote and fire.

d36597  No.6306812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is REMARKABLE Craftsmanship. No matter what. Stunning in every way. And I normally don't like looks like this, but WOW. WANT!!

And who is "Jules"??


86e60e  No.6306813

File: d5344d540262d0f⋯.jpg (142.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1546014652.jpg)

2f1125  No.6306814

ABC: Biden reaching out to donors, saying we will be judged on what we can do in 24 hrs.

Look for a 'record' amount of money raised in the first day, just like some of the other losers who have made fraudulent claims of massive donations.

11aa33  No.6306815


is that a woman's eye?

if so, her eyebrow needs some serious plucking!

897f65  No.6306816


So Doug owns the board?

I’m confuse

5f2eb2  No.6306817


Shove it up your ass loser

6dfaa6  No.6306818


Lol it's on reddit..

Actually funny af

c10eeb  No.6306819

Hannity says he likes Black Rifle covfefe.

Guess Anon other day was right. It must be delicious!

4e7039  No.6306820

File: f5b12bcf804ec2f⋯.png (251.07 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, ClipboardImage.png)

Look here. Trump is coming for the conspirators for treasonous crimes. This man Christopher Steele is Mi6 Spy Master. He wrote a fake dossier for Hillary. No Russian collusion it's now UK collusion. Enjoy the show.

923d5a  No.6306821

pulling IPs?

2c673a  No.6306822

File: 7a956f37dfcd666⋯.jpg (111.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, im-pretty-sure-youre-retar….jpg)

ac3577  No.6306823


Jim owns this board.

c085c7  No.6306824

Thinking about timeline going forward.

IG report drops May or June,

Give two weeks for dissemination, media reeeeee,

Barr launches his own investigation early July,

Barr does thorough job takes until Christmas to reach conclusion,

Reeees continue until New Year - 2020

Indictments drop before IA-NH

Biden (Dem money horse knocked out by indictment) tanks

Bernie exposed in DNC fuckery and pay-offs,

Only second tier socialist left in race, gets Dem nomination

Trump wins by landslide.

608c0f  No.6306825

File: 57947b33340c1ae⋯.jpg (446.89 KB, 2508x2255, 228:205, my fren.jpg)


I love seeing Anons getting YOU's. Many aren't me. I'm obvious. Making Q's is my thing. Been doing it it…awhile.. Would be nice to have my efforts acknowledged. Something to show WeeAnon. Be proud [aren't who fought under extreme circumstances no matter what. Incentive. Honor. Pride. I've made hundreds of Q's for nothing, Not made a dime. asking for a little love is not a bad thing Anon

897f65  No.6306826


What’s reddit?

6154f0  No.6306827

File: ff86d193ea86679⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1242x1627, 1242:1627, AA3A8AA7-26E6-4CD8-940A-8….jpeg)

9ec10a  No.6306828


mostly lizard i believe

ac3577  No.6306829


Like this place but with better memes.

9a1588  No.6306830

File: aca19ff4eed639c⋯.jpeg (660.38 KB, 1172x2097, 1172:2097, C08C21AB-69F0-4FB6-AA54-3….jpeg)

File: a3aedab51fd7c8b⋯.jpeg (664.59 KB, 1157x1876, 1157:1876, 13FC2ACC-CE3A-41BE-9E6C-4….jpeg)

File: 4570f331c57c5dd⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1905, 414:635, A3B15E8C-137E-424C-82A5-E….jpeg)

Why is Kim Jon Un in Russia?

Who is Kin Jon il?

Born is Russsia?

Imagine if all of NK knew the truth?

Stallin appionted Kim Jon il to rule NK.

In fact, the late dictator (KJI) was born over the border in Russia. According to Time Magazine, he was born Yury Irsenovich Kim in the far east village of Vyatskoye. His father served as an officer in the Red Army before Stalin appointed him to rule over North Korea.




And Even Time magazine.


4bcae3  No.6306831

File: 944f2754a980a6f⋯.jpg (299.15 KB, 2048x1797, 2048:1797, 20161129_174505.jpg)


This board?

211b7c  No.6306832


She is pretty.

6dfaa6  No.6306833


The only ass I shove it up is your mother's

And she looks me in the eyes and says thank you daddy

1b289e  No.6306834






ac3577  No.6306835


I'm bored.

4e7039  No.6306836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The FBI (Strzok) purposely covered-up the fact that Hillary Clinton's private server was sending almost every email to Chinese intelligence services.

"Tony Schaffer describes how Clinton's email server was compromised and sending almost every email to Chinese intelligence services. Strzok, appears to give conflicting answers with regard to this issue in closed and then open testimony."

00bded  No.6306837


>asking for a little love

no not a bad thing

it’s the absolute worst thing

4bcae3  No.6306838


Do me.


211b7c  No.6306839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm in love with a dead girl.

143a23  No.6306840


I don't care! And neither do the Anons! We don't give a shit, Doug! KEK!

897f65  No.6306841


Don’t forget about that mystery Comey report!

Also we have some up and coming dark horse testimonies before congress in May.

Then you have the Flynn case in court pre-trial and sentencing both in may.

Lots of happenings, April Showers bring what?

6c7c29  No.6306842

File: b712d734536fb83⋯.png (428.31 KB, 730x499, 730:499, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

MuellerReport may have edited texts

UNREAL🤬 #MuellerReport edited texts! Took out the word “some” and didn’t include entire conversation. Lawyers for Giorgi Rtskhiladze write a scathing letter about their client (an American citizen & 27 yr resident in US) being smeared as a “Russian”



ee8f74  No.6306843


Chill, there's lots of time.

263617  No.6306844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


🎶🎶 Have A Drink On Me - AC/DC 🎶🎶

441c03  No.6306845

File: e427dba6a6da436⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 900x500, 9:5, G20.jpg)


How do you plan on taking Philip's throne?

Will this photo age well?

2fe175  No.6306846

4bcae3  No.6306847

File: 2ae72efb84917f6⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 162x255, 54:85, pepe-laugh.jpg)

2c673a  No.6306848

File: 5d29fa9ee879a82⋯.jpg (192.52 KB, 1920x1076, 480:269, e6fa3a137839f327.jpg)


this is the owner………..Frederick Brennan

897f65  No.6306849

6dfaa6  No.6306850


If you are a hot chick and you post feet for the anons I might consider it

c70da8  No.6306851


agreed but i think legalizing weed deters the criminal gangs smuggling

colorado turned out great, huge taxes, infact they had more money in taxes than they needed

68abec  No.6306852

File: 801cb817bd994d6⋯.jpg (468.52 KB, 1070x816, 535:408, SmartSelect_20180526-20292….jpg)

4e7039  No.6306853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Admiral Mike Rodgers A REAL American hero!

Not only is Mike Rogers a hero but it seems Joe de Genova is one too for this clear summary of FISA felonies of the Clinton Clan and their Deep State manipulation.

ee8f74  No.6306854


He hasn't been the owner for a long time now anon.

ac3577  No.6306855


He died of bone AIDS.

c78cb9  No.6306856

File: 39b31d755c994e0⋯.png (66.9 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 231f6568578ddf49e9aaf3b118….png)


I remember weeanon. I've said prayers for him fren. I never knew you were his parentanon. Go kiss him goodnight on the forehead for me.

God bless you & yours anon


c085c7  No.6306857


The conventions are going be very interdasting next summer.

1a9ead  No.6306858

File: 533e7d324691037⋯.mp4 (170.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bs.mp4)


I think the poll is….(clickpic related)

4bcae3  No.6306859


I just wanted the attention.

11aa33  No.6306860


I live in the Chicago area.

Every time I vote, I tell myself it's not going to matter, but I vote anyways.

I figure if someone makes the decision to not vote then they have no right to complain.

So I vote, and then I complain.

Chicago has a Dem mayor for the last 90 years.

We have a Dem. Governor, we have 2 Dem Senators. And the district I live in has a Dem congressman.

I have taxation but no representation.

2c673a  No.6306861


I know…..jsut fucking with Doug the retard……

f1223e  No.6306862


“Also shows budha”… total idiots

ee8f74  No.6306863



11be40  No.6306864

File: 480e3274eb56e55⋯.jpeg (180.37 KB, 750x1034, 375:517, B7E245EB-B9A2-44BA-AFA9-0….jpeg)

File: 2df7693e1461b39⋯.png (596.99 KB, 738x478, 369:239, F910C810-3F52-487C-B4E0-08….png)


No (You’s) here either anon…

But, you can get a nice digital photo bomb like this the next time he’s posting.

Something to share with the grandkids someday…

dcd1c2  No.6306865


>Jim owns this website 8ch you fucking faggot

Why do you keep double-spacing words?

Are you retarded?

d36597  No.6306866

File: 9b12b226d938035⋯.png (117.37 KB, 556x213, 556:213, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)

File: a7ab8ba082c737d⋯.png (103.24 KB, 577x216, 577:216, Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at ….png)

File: c1fe04c422cb363⋯.png (520.01 KB, 734x432, 367:216, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)


Been saying since last year that BRCC is the Truth.Check the dates. KEK!! Just another example of US being the Media.

ac3577  No.6306867


There are lots of good Glory Hole joints in Chicago.

76932c  No.6306868

>>6306853 Adm. Rogers, the stealth bomber? G. meninoed the Work of him with the FISA gudge… It is early here, maybe it was discussted or I am not really woke (this morning!)

211b7c  No.6306869

File: 0dbabe1b654d573⋯.jpg (131.34 KB, 1242x2453, 1242:2453, IMG_33222.JPG)

File: 8d09d81c55e23ec⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 1662x1662, 1:1, IMG_2718.JPG)


Nasim always shines a light on the shills. Begone clown, your hatred and division has no place here.

6dfaa6  No.6306870


Rules are tits or gtfo.. I left you off easy with post feet…

c14cb1  No.6306871


Tell Dig doug no one gives a flying fuck….

7bc205  No.6306872


I used to be pro legalization for recreational use, until I was called to 2 jury duties where the defendant crashed into kids and a family causing great bodily injury while DUI of weed. Defendants said they weren't DUI and that the THC in their blood was from use days/weeks before the collisions. Imagine if some pothead was driving really baked, hit your kid/mom/dad and maimed them for life… but got away with FELONY DUI w/great bodily injury because you couldn't prove he was high at the time. Would you still say recreational use is ok?

608c0f  No.6306873

File: 424f34e2a2eb799⋯.png (397.14 KB, 1019x1001, 1019:1001, Night Shift Alpha.png)


Lisa, I know you bust ass. So do I. Within my limits. You know I have many. This is what I do. You repeat commentary with nortes. Brilliant yes, You always have been. I love you for that and so glad you got the You's. You deserve them. Artists? Nada . Meme Warriors deserve love too. Now I don't want one. Fuck pity You's. I want one cause I earned it. Thought I did after all I tried to show. Won't stop me. I love what I do. With or without a you I will go on

4bcae3  No.6306874

File: 7815f29f4c219d7⋯.jpg (141.98 KB, 480x440, 12:11, april_2_37_.jpg)

f394d0  No.6306875

File: f11bbe133565665⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sick2.jpg)

These people are SICK.

I really feel for those who know and cannot sleep, especially the Q team. I know Q said a time will come…GOD PLEASE MAKE IT SOON.

I found this. I couldn't being myself to watch the video, nor will I say where I came across it, but I will paste the story with it as it will be clear what it is about. I added [ANON REDACTED] to keep it non-shilly.


I got this video with a claim that it shows a 9 year old child bride being beheaded in front of large crowd because she refused to have sex with her adult husband. That doesn’t add up at all.

If you can be a slave owner of a child, you can force her to have sex with you. I can’t imagine an adult man having the power to behead a child, but not have the power to sexually abuse her. I mean – you would have to be a total NPC to think a 9 year old would “refuse” to have sex. She hardly knows what sex is. And if she was sold out at the age of 9 to be a bride to an adult man, and she didn’t have the mental capacity to “refuse” that deal, then she definitely doesn’t have the mental capacity to “refuse” sex with her “husband“.

Secondly, the beheading of the child looks far more ritualistic than it is to dish out punishment on such a ridiculous charge. The people who beheaded her may have as easily force her to have sex right there right then to undo her sin of “refusal“. She’s small and confused, and seems powerless to “refuse” anything whatsoever.

Child sacrifices is something that exists out there as a hidden knowledge, but it is smitten under the rug by the [ANON REDACTED] because the chief perpetrators and the practitioners of the disgusting rituals are primarily [ANON REDACTED].

There’s also an old game theory problem: how do you get a bunch of wealthy sociopaths to work together towards a goal without anyone betraying it or going rogue? Simple – you have them commit horrible crimes on video, and then hold the tapes as insurance and blackmail. It also helps ensure that nobody with a conscience gets through into the inner circle – somebody who has voluntarily raped and murdered a child on video as an initiation is not going to expose the clique on moral grounds. Think about it…

The video that appears to show the decapitation of a 9 year old child is below. There are captions in Arabic which I cannot read, but I do not doubt they are there on purpose to serve as misdirection from the true goal of the decapitation. As are the robes used by the killers. Remember, their motto is: By way of deception you shall wage war.


88e194  No.6306876

File: fc168d18216f0b4⋯.png (158.22 KB, 727x560, 727:560, 1533577575895.png)

6c4a48  No.6306877

File: a89aa6775587cd0⋯.png (133.67 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6306531 Q is in da house!


4e7039  No.6306878

File: 90c34767ba70a32⋯.png (766.66 KB, 1242x1184, 621:592, ClipboardImage.png)

Also he said at the [11:00] mark..

f19284  No.6306879


Coward. Get out of here with this. You do not speak for anons

4bcae3  No.6306880


There are no girls on the internet.

I just wanted a (you) from a cunt.

c14cb1  No.6306881

File: a281b4590049594⋯.png (1.52 MB, 850x981, 850:981, Untitledfgggffff.png)


damn forgot pic

c085c7  No.6306882


Quietly move to Iowa or Kansas, but don't tell anyone. Lower taxes and better job markets. Unless you're a black gang banger.

In that case we have Cops waiting at the MegaBus stop to arrest your active warrants having ass.

2c673a  No.6306883

yes……..it is well known……just fucking with DOUG - LIKE retards……I read…



2f93f7  No.6306884


Yeah, Chicago sounds corrupt AF.

I think I would move.

I'm not one to stay where the odds are against me.

2020 Elections approaches.

Our chance.

Perhaps we lose again, but if we don't try, lose for sure.

c10eeb  No.6306885


Don't step on snek.

86e60e  No.6306886

File: c0c11fdf45bfdc3⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 1536522256.jpg)

6dfaa6  No.6306887


Spoken like a true homosexual.. I'm sure your mom IS proud fag

263617  No.6306888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meet Achmed The Dead Terrorist

Jeff Dunham - Keksss.

4bcae3  No.6306889


Aye, lad.

2c673a  No.6306890


>yes……..it is well known……just fucking with DOUG - LIKE retards……I read…

> https://8ch.net/who.html


358875  No.6306891

File: 208d96e70c47b90⋯.png (295.29 KB, 442x428, 221:214, kek-kek-kekity.png)

File: 969b4c0f11ae0be⋯.jpeg (436.17 KB, 1600x1495, 320:299, pepe-reeeeeeeeee.jpeg)


The Art is nice. I think a thing worth being said is not to care about you's from Q. Dem muddafukkas work for the people, not the other way around. Shouldn't worship em either, and he has told us not to! But yeh, keep arting. Pretty sure it's feeding the hive mind. So well done. The aim is to wake up normies, so who gives a flying furkakinreee about you's from Q.

cc9978  No.6306892


Monday, go to bed.

c085c7  No.6306893


Yep. That's why I don't picked for jury duty.

9b7e53  No.6306894


Biden will be an Epic Fail laughing stock

68abec  No.6306895

File: 81d1833fd04a33a⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1357x1742, 1357:1742, SmartSelect_20190224-20140….jpg)

If anyone works at McDonald's will you please put this new product idea in? (they only take ideas from employees.). I just want convenient breakfast nuggets. Also bring back Hi-C and the Steak, Egg & Cheese bagel.

11aa33  No.6306896


We are seriously considering moving, but hopefully to a climate where the winters are a bit shorter. We'll see. Ten more years until retirement.

ee8f74  No.6306897


I know.

4e7039  No.6306898

File: d94984f5b174822⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1140x641, 1140:641, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, actor Danny Glover make impromptu visit to Haiti

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, is adding her voice to the list of U.S. lawmakers concerned about growing gang-related violence in Haiti.

In recent months, gangs have been terrorizing the population, accused of massacring and raping poor Haitians and turning parts of the country into no-go zones. This weekend a police station in the rural Artibonite was attacked after a gang affiliated with a wanted warlord, Arnel Joseph, overpowered police.

Following a massacre in the La Saline neighborhood of Port-au-Prince in November, a bipartisan group of 104 House members called on U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last month to launch an independent investigation into the extrajudicial killings, as well as allegations of human-rights violation by the Haitian National Police during February’s violent protests that shut the country down for 10 days. Haiti’s ambassador in Washington has denied the accusations.

As late as last week, Haiti’s press reported that gangs have continued their attack on La Saline by setting fires to homes. The growing violence comes just months before a United Nations peacekeeping mission is scheduled to permanently end its presence in Haiti after 15 years, to be replaced with a special political mission.

“When we learned about houses being burned down, and the killings that took place, we were appalled and shock,” Waters said during a press conference at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport prior to leaving Haiti on Wednesday evening. “We listened directly to some of the relatives of victims and victims tell us about that.”

Waters, who was not among the signatories on the Pompeo letter, said the more attention brought to La Saline and the violence, the more it will help “to not only get some engagement with this administration here in Haiti to find out how this is happening, why this is happening, what are their plans, but using whatever leverage and power we have to help make it cease because this is not conscionable and not tolerable.”

She noted that the U.S. government “contributes substantially to Haiti,” aid that is very important for the Haitian government.

“We think that when we talk about how we care about Haiti, and why we’re able to contribute the way that we do, and we do not want to see that abused or misused or disregarded, I think that may give us a little leverage,” Waters said, vowing to get other members of Congress engaged.

Waters said her visit to Haiti was the result of an invitation by former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to attend the graduation of medical students at his University of the Aristide Foundation in Tabarre on the outskirts of the capital. She was joined by actor Danny Glover, civil rights leader Walter Riley, human rights lawyer and activist Brian Concannon of the Boston-based Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti and radio journalist Margaret Prescod. Prescod’s Los Angeles-based public affairs show, “Sojourner Truth,” recently featured a report on the La Saline massacre.

While Waters met with U.S. embassy staff and praised their efforts, she did not meet with Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. She did have a great time with Aristide and his family, she noted.

Glover, who accompanied Aristide back to Haiti following seven years in exile in South Africa, said this marked his first visit to Haiti since Aristide’s 2011 return.

Concannon, speaking in Creole, said, “It’s important to have justice so that people are not once again victims.”

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article229644999.html

ac3577  No.6306899

Q is for Queef

608c0f  No.6306900

File: 908427189d3995f⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Mine 1 Q.jpg)


Love you. Sleeping Wee. kek. He's ok right now. Wish I could show all his cool stuff I made. He's mega happy now with all the nasty surgeries done, till next month, yea, another one…. It never ends luv but if he doesn't have them…..let's not go there (One of his ideas)

d81867  No.6306901


Playing with fire.

68abec  No.6306902

File: 249f06b0edb75cc⋯.jpg (97.55 KB, 707x490, 101:70, IMG_20190423_203005.jpg)

6dfaa6  No.6306903


You fags know I like you or else I wouldn't be bantzing and breaking balls like i do with my friends.. dont be homos

4bcae3  No.6306904


Hey now!

5f2eb2  No.6306905

File: 49df6a5cb4a4b2a⋯.png (850.77 KB, 2278x1066, 1139:533, 8chan Nerve Center.png)


>I was here b4 Q I've been on 8ch for 4 years now

Most of these threads then

6c4a48  No.6306906

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

"Don't worry about a thing,

'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.

Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,

'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!".


c70da8  No.6306907


in that specific instance no. and no worries, he may gave escaped justice in these courts but he wont be able to escape the justice of the lord

However, to not legalize and criminalize and make it unlawful to use for recreational purposes which would affect the lives of millions of Americans whether it be

legally (prisoners), health wise (marijuana has been linked to have helped various types of cancer patients among others), and for people to just use it for recreational purposes to be happier (dopamine), for the actions of that one DUI driver is not proportional. 21st century and we are not making progress with something that should have been done with a long time ago.

2c673a  No.6306908

File: 12bb1d7bae65d7c⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 800x534, 400:267, DRuEscLVoAE59rm.jpg)


It will be really fun when JOE is in…..show this to every MOM and DAD who vote

76cb9d  No.6306909

File: 929baad57de06c8⋯.jpg (119.8 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, D4mTGeSU0AAlUbp.jpg)

Imagine the 'intel' accessed WW…

When bird[s] sing…..

Who or What are'The Four Horseman?'

1a7d95  No.6306910


I speak for the real ones. Not you nigger loving faggots who won't stop leaking off of your containment board.

c10eeb  No.6306911

File: bff5d2cf3c5b2c7⋯.jpg (713.88 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Free-Your-Mind-Alice.jpg)

File: d0a8a06e81ac1da⋯.jpg (579.89 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Curiosity-Trumps-Fear-Alic….jpg)

File: 7d47ee1e2b7c673⋯.jpg (567.29 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Expand-Your-Thinking-Alice.jpg)

File: 83634a80ad8c044⋯.jpg (725.46 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Think-Mirror-1-Alice.jpg)

File: 79a813f320e785b⋯.jpg (734.58 KB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Think-Mirror-2-Alice.jpg)

Bigger, Alice.

1643d6  No.6306912

>>6306274 (PB)

He's a shill. Let it go.

1b289e  No.6306913


not even close, retard…look at the shoulders.

and how do we even know that she was killed? seriously, do any of you faggots have firsthand knowledge?

all I know is what I read here (first) and then other news reports.

what if she is still alive and posting as anon?

4bcae3  No.6306914

File: a7a6f1724997a39⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 1024x518, 512:259, 1525021164127.jpg)

cc9978  No.6306915


Monday, you're welcome here. Just like Pelicanfag was. I respect your diversions but I do worry you might be walking down the wrong path. Are you okay?


c085c7  No.6306916


Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard?

2c673a  No.6306917


That is the ol' Joe Biden campaign trail

"diaperdick handshake"

because that is how you greet babies you know.

ac3577  No.6306918

Fuck this thread and all the assholes in it.

c10eeb  No.6306919

File: c9986e7375c2777⋯.jpg (250.86 KB, 595x473, 595:473, KnowYourEnemy.jpg)

File: b46c1f0f7218fd6⋯.jpg (303.12 KB, 500x705, 100:141, Know-Your-Enemy-1.jpg)

File: cda3f588c0c5de5⋯.jpg (334.98 KB, 600x773, 600:773, Know-Your-Enemy-2.jpg)

File: f295b0cae0d6fa2⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2290x1200, 229:120, Know-Your-Enemy-4HM.jpg)

f0a8a8  No.6306920

File: 02094d8148628f9⋯.jpg (313.65 KB, 598x595, 598:595, hbtra_comey.jpg)

File: f1d60efdf8acbc2⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1037x1126, 1037:1126, hbtra_mus.png)


Whenever I ask left-leaning relatives how they're feeling about their chances in 2020, they groan about how HRC destroyed their party's chances–mostly by fucking over Bernie.

They don't even know about the really bad shit!

I don't think anyone in the Trump admin. will have the guts to post "the HRC video" (the one from Weiner's laptop) for two reasons:

1) The content is so fucked that it will never be within the overton window, and definitely not suitable for any kind of mainstream print or television, and

2) Releasing the video is not fair to the victim or the victim's family.

2c673a  No.6306921


you too can have fun if you try

d94a44  No.6306922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boy someone knew something didn't they.

To bad people get changed when they speak out!

Is Freedom really Freedom in America

ac3577  No.6306923


Fuck you especially.

4cb9a9  No.6306924

File: 43638dbfa3b221f⋯.png (1.77 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, q pepe hanging.png)


this your's?

88e194  No.6306925

File: 16cd4053a865fe5⋯.jpg (80 KB, 1047x1091, 1047:1091, 16cd4053a865fe5305c2a8d437….jpg)


She suffered three deaths, first her channel by youtube, then herself by her own hand and then her character by MSM

We remember her and praise her for the brillian luminescence she brought to the world.

Nasim will never be forgotten

4cba0e  No.6306926


Do we have the document from the fisc court that joe d is discussing in this video….

11aa33  No.6306927


Yea, spouse anon and I were both born and raised here so we have family and roots go deep.

Time will tell. For now, we just keep plodding along.

923d5a  No.6306928


Its difficult after you dig on that shit there are evil people in this world anon. I have had trouble since i dug into the red room stuff a while ago trying to find a way to help the victims & you just see a pattern of children being found in isolated areas & they just accept it w/ no further investigation. I really hope we solve this issue everywhere. These sick fucks deserve all that is coming to them.

4bcae3  No.6306929


>What if she is still alive and posting as anon?

Prolly pretty pissed.

4e7039  No.6306930

File: 458e4ae65206542⋯.png (328.18 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


These people are sick. Hiding behind freedom of religion for an "anti-religion". Satanists all proclaim that they are atheists. Yet they can bring perversion into the public square behind that freedom of religion label.

The IRS Officially Recognizes the Satanic Temple as a Church

Good news for those who worship Satan and Satan-adjacent deities (goats, I wanna say?): the Satanic Temple has officially been granted tax-exempt st…


c085c7  No.6306931


I fine with that as long as a Grand Jury sees it.

6dfaa6  No.6306932


My friends started Q and I pushed it.. idk we gotta figure this out together…

I'm have no problem with any of you folks.. but 8ch is the only place I can call ppl fags without getting banned.. dont take it personally lol

86e60e  No.6306933

File: f3fd610c9affde6⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1248x712, 156:89, 1542221284.png)

608c0f  No.6306934

File: e436627c2e605a6⋯.jpg (455.82 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MagaPanda.jpg)


WeeAnon is a parapalegic child. My only child. I am a single parent. 25 surgeries +. Some are double, triples. Spoiled Rotten, He is kind, loving and beautiful. He inspires much of my work.

c10eeb  No.6306935

File: 300b9150fb4f836⋯.jpg (608.03 KB, 836x956, 209:239, Queen-of-Love.jpg)


In your dreams.


ac3577  No.6306936


Praise Satan.

5f2eb2  No.6306939


>we love to fuck around and shitpost

It's an art that must be practiced time and again

c085c7  No.6306940

File: 93337ef25b5cefc⋯.jpeg (62.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 93337ef25b5cefc70e562fe44….jpeg)

1b289e  No.6306941

File: 6bba4f0d73344e7⋯.jpg (31.53 KB, 780x440, 39:22, nasimapproves.jpg)


>Nasim will never be forgotten

d36597  No.6306943

So clearly "P serves The Chair."

Am I trending.

This is great.

4e7039  No.6306944

File: 783107a6c81475a⋯.png (564.65 KB, 634x563, 634:563, ClipboardImage.png)

4bcae3  No.6306945



Oh yeah. I forgot.

1643d6  No.6306946


Knock, knock.

eae338  No.6306947

File: 171585d9f5cdb1c⋯.jpg (111.16 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, agewell.jpg)

glorious times, anons !!!!

d36597  No.6306948

Wow…That Wind that showed up out of nowhere just a few minutes ago sure was nice.

2f93f7  No.6306949


If you can't move, then help the change.

Work together with Neighbors.

If you lose, at least you tried.

If you win, whoa.

608c0f  No.6306950

File: 35f044f0ab2fa91⋯.jpg (392.75 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Coffee Frog Q.jpg)

6dfaa6  No.6306951


Nigga u hoaxwars lol

7bc205  No.6306952


Only way I'd support total legalization is if you commit a DUI and hurt innocent people… then you would be penalized HEAVILY, like mandatory minimums with no deals for early release or plea bargaining, loss of drivers license and a permanent felony on your record. Even then I'd still feel like it's not a good thing to legalize recreational use because there would still be innocent victims that I'd have to answer to.

b762fb  No.6306953


When on TV tonight DiGenova brought out Adm. Rodgers as a hero and that he not only told Trump but went to, Intel and FISA Court head judge. That head judge is Rosemary Collyer Here is the wiki on Judge Collyer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemary_M._Collyer

Also DiGenova talked about a decision that Rosemary had already determined that what went on with the FISA Court was illegal. This next link is that decision. I have been here from the beginning and this information could be in archive but I do not remember it.


Third since this is now coming out. Epoch does a great job of putting all these things in correct order. I do not know if this has been saved either. As this moves along I am sure tomorrow this information will come in handy.


4cb9a9  No.6306954

File: 25aebdc3c8529d0⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 300x400, 3:4, RBG Coping!!.jpg)

4e7039  No.6306955



6b3b7d  No.6306956

File: ad1f0e340889289⋯.png (186.96 KB, 1166x763, 1166:763, 1436c1f35e91e75d47131f37dc….png)

>>6304743, >>6304887 PB Notables #8062

Minute difference from skull posts is 19.

Duration is 11.11 marker.

346 days duration plus 19 is 365, 1 yr exactly.

4/24/19 = T minus 19

4/25/19 + T -18

No countdown holds yet.

Pain coming = 5/13/19

c10eeb  No.6306957

File: 966f7e0aafc385a⋯.jpg (805.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Great-Awakening-Glorious.jpg)

File: 51c78ff4fc7e50c⋯.jpg (459.66 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Glorious-Plan-Working.jpg)


You got that right.

11aa33  No.6306958


Red room stuff?

I've been here since Q moved here from 4chan.

Never heard of red room stuff.

I know about the red shoes though.

54c7ff  No.6306959

File: 0ed3782dcfd7f8f⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1579x858, 1579:858, I_Pet_Goat_II_2012.PNG)

I, Pet Goat II (2012)

I, Pet Goat II

Released in 2012

Trippy short film full of esoteric symbolism and allusions to various conspiracies

Shows the destruction of Notre Dame cathedral

5e352d  No.6306960

File: 58272389c50c7e7⋯.png (3.47 MB, 2880x1728, 5:3, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

1b289e  No.6306961

File: 0c6d63edd50c5c9⋯.png (40.38 KB, 224x245, 32:35, ClipboardImage.png)


>I am a single parent

sports a cool Q pendant, too, as I recall. kek

d36597  No.6306962


>>6306885 ←-KEK!!

>>6306911 ←-Nice digits

You KNOW I'm ready.

e47d7a  No.6306963

File: bcd957112c19fb2⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 700x420, 5:3, D4-cY6XUUAAVEDH[1].jpg)

John F. Kennedy Jr.


2h2 hours ago


Michael S. Rogers.






love this

86e60e  No.6306964

File: 5b91f1ca944fdd0⋯.png (670.28 KB, 959x711, 959:711, 1546486659.png)

5f2eb2  No.6306965


>The only ass I shove it up is your mother's


>And she looks me in the eyes and says thank you daddy

What, are you 12? That's just some really old weak shit right there.

4cb9a9  No.6306966

File: f7ca85124ec3480⋯.png (338.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, pepe dream ride.png)


have used that one a few time's within an email.

got to go get some sleep. You may remember this one as it was with the pepe box racer that day.

Glad to be able to talk to you again.


11aa33  No.6306967

4e7039  No.6306968

File: 82347444fb63e59⋯.png (401.92 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion activists glued on Robocop style to London Stock Exchange

https://rebellion.earth/2019/04/25/breaking-extinction-rebellion-activists-glued-on-robocop-style-to-london-stock-exchange-time-for-money-to-tell-the-truth-on-its-impact-on-the-climate-and-ecological-emergency/ …


1a9ead  No.6306969

File: 5e286f33bcad50a⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB, 1280x530, 128:53, no-man-can-walk-out.mp4)


>>Would be nice to have my efforts acknowledged.

Your efforts are acknowledged every time someone posts one of your memes. I had one meme reposted twice by others. It made me happy and keeps me trying for another winner.

54c7ff  No.6306970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I, Pet Goat II (2012)

6 minutes in

b762fb  No.6306971



Please look at this post I have three links to what DiGenova talked about


6dfaa6  No.6306972


Nigga that some real chan shit sorry if your ass hurts

441c03  No.6306973

File: efdeca87a262224⋯.png (1.16 MB, 808x604, 202:151, MMLJ.png)


The Eagle

The Lion

The Bull

The Man

The name of their God

d36597  No.6306974

File: b8534f196ac7be7⋯.png (737.99 KB, 553x607, 553:607, NeverForget:NeverForgive.png)


Very nice.

c10eeb  No.6306975

File: 62fc78eabf54fe6⋯.jpg (390.32 KB, 1550x1697, 1550:1697, Resolve-Ready-Q.jpg)

File: c35f254663df337⋯.jpg (116.65 KB, 600x726, 100:121, Ready-Ready-GA.jpg)

File: 3bcf69efd40767c⋯.jpg (192.74 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Ready-Hope-in-the-Dark.jpg)

File: 928e2c759a8cc28⋯.jpg (232.16 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Ready-for-the-Fight-Knight.jpg)

File: a14f7201027807f⋯.jpg (626.25 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, Ready-When-You-Are.jpg)


Who do you think's more ready, you or me?

d36597  No.6306976


That's beautiful.

What is it??

5294df  No.6306977


I admire how anon brainpans make connections.

cheers anon.

608c0f  No.6306978

File: dbc8c48af2dfeda⋯.png (780.91 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Pepe Interdasting.png)


Yea, LMAO. You know it. I do wear cool stuff. It is a reflection of who I am. Wow, so cool you have that. You get it. and me. Thanks friend

4061a6  No.6306979

File: 12547d0ab7f6b0e⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2920x3500, 146:175, Anons missed.png)

#8055: Nothing Is Going To Stop US Edition

Felt like anons missed something.

I don't know how about you guys, but for me it was like DJT or Q was posting. And I'm very sorry if I'm wrong. For whatever reasons I went back and gathered those posts and replies.

6dfaa6  No.6306980

Let's just agree on this Preying medic and inthePaytrixxx are fucking faggots… we can move forward from there

d36597  No.6306981

File: 2536d140ee74e48⋯.png (417.83 KB, 402x542, 201:271, OhYouKnow.png)


You have been.



I am 100% ready.


5294df  No.6306982


lamp shade

faa100  No.6306983




83bf7b  No.6306984


u wear your desperation well or is it panic

86e60e  No.6306985

File: 863ab7cf2c06c73⋯.png (729.99 KB, 600x633, 200:211, 1552668559.png)

37ceea  No.6306986


The four living Creatures with four faces.

It is a map.

A crossing point in the universe.

A guide to our home.


But 7 are needed.

4e7039  No.6306987

Was this missed today being anti-DRUG DAY?

Another Record Breaking Year for Opium Production in U.S. Occupied Afghanistan

Now officially a national federal emergency, the opioid crisis is gutting America. The roots of this complex issue lie in supply, not demand, and while we are beginning to see major pharmaceutical executives being indicted for conspiracy and bribery of doctors, we have a long way to go to turn this thing around.

Pharmaceutical and synthetic opioids are a major part of the catastrophe, but the other side of the supply chain is actual opium, and the world’s biggest opium market just happens to be occupied Afghanistan, the epicenter of the global heroin trade. The United States military has been operating in Afghanistan as part of the war on terror for over 16 years now, and opium production in the war-torn nation continues to increase, year-over-year, coinciding with the rise of the opioid crisis.

2017 looks to be another record year for opium production in Afghanistan. As reported by Business Insider:

“The country has produced the majority of the world’s opium for some time, despite billions of dollars spent by the US to fight it during the 16-year-long war there. Afghan and Western officials now say that rather than getting smuggled out of Afghanistan in the form of opium syrup, at least half of the crop is getting processed domestically, before leaving the country as morphine or heroin.” [Source]

This particular article goes on to attribute the high production of opium, morphine and heroin on the Taliban, suggesting that the U.S. has been spending billions in taxpayer dollars directly fighting the drug war in Afghanistan.

“Those forms are easier to smuggle, and they are much more valuable for the Taliban, which reportedly draws at least 60% of its income from the drug trade. With its increasing focus on trafficking drugs, the Taliban has taken on more of the functions a drug cartel.” [Source]

What is not mentioned, however, is the fact that international trade in illegal drugs from war-torn countries is essential to geopolitics, implying that the U.S. military is being used to create an environment where the drug trade is allowed to flourish.

“It’s clear that drug trafficking is a major factor in world scheme, and some people put it up as maybe number three, after oil being number one, and then arms number two, and then drugs number three. Actually there’s a certain amount of interaction between those because very often where you’re having illicit trafficking of arms, the planes that take arms in one direction, the arms are paid for with drugs and the planes come back with drugs.” ~Peter Dale Scott

This suggestion coincides with production data since the U.S. invasion, and with statements made by a former U.S. who in 2015 stated that the CIA was actively involved in the Afghan drug trade.

“I’m ashamed to say that I have participated in these drug smuggling operations on many occasions. For a long time, I tried to convince myself that we were doing it for the right cause, but this burden is destroying me inside and I just can’t stand it anymore” he admitted before the court audience.

“The CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation. They’ve been smuggling drugs everywhere in the world for the past 60 years, in Taiwan in 1949 to support General Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese commies, in Vietnam, in Nicaragua, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg” he launched out during the court trial. “We helped the Mujahideen develop poppy cultivation to fight the Soviets, but we took back matters in our own hands in 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan under Bush” he pleaded. ~John F. Abbotsford, a 38-year old Afghan war veteran [Source]

If you’re hoping or expecting a sudden end to the opioid crisis just because President Trump has called for the government-funded production of anti-opioid television commercials, you’re hope is misplaced. Afghanistan is a major key in this puzzle, as are the pharmaceutical companies.


37ceea  No.6306988



608c0f  No.6306989

File: 0559244142811b9⋯.png (330.68 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ThanQ Martini Gold Alpha.png)


It's this depression shit and shills that target me. Hard to feel worthy sometimes. I try with all my heart but, ….sigh

2fe175  No.6306990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86e60e  No.6306991

File: 423cb1c1b227531⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3768x4240, 471:530, 1554705610-1.jpg)

d36597  No.6306992

File: 6cc8d43b87c699a⋯.jpg (32.11 KB, 841x612, 841:612, LoveWinning.jpg)


Heard. TY.

So you have 4 of the 7??

What can I do to help??

Peace & Love.

dcd1c2  No.6306993


On the internet, 'girl' stands for 'guy in real life'.

c085c7  No.6306994


Many here believe POTUS lurks Night Shift and has for some time. He's even been suspected of shit posting for keks.

c10eeb  No.6306995


TY Anon.

That whole segment Q linked to seemed very relevant.

84ba64  No.6306996

File: 3a6b5f6b5327dd2⋯.png (767.35 KB, 960x701, 960:701, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebc952f8fc743d7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 620x916, 155:229, ClipboardImage.png)

25 April 2018;

24 April 2019

d36597  No.6306997

File: 1fdb8e34ad946cf⋯.png (508.86 KB, 970x651, 970:651, 6d728892e879dc5301d667a988….png)


Thank You.

Going now.


7bc205  No.6306998


If true, and you did create this…

I picture you sitting on your magic carpet playing with the genie you let out of the bottle.

Fuck you sand nigger.

Don't take it personally… this is the only place I call someone that and not get banned. Carry on Haji goatfucker.

263617  No.6306999

File: e5adb11cfb87848⋯.png (259.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2B31B01D-9380-4CC4-8482-7C….png)

File: 34398d4708a69e5⋯.png (1.54 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 3DC3E13E-3ABE-4732-B3B0-CC….png)

Has anybody read her book yet? Looks like it was released early April.

Could be interdasting. Kek

Race, politics and the Obamas: Valerie Jarrett’s new book traces her steps from Iran to Chicago to the White House””


dadd9c  No.6307000

File: b31e9261c8d467e⋯.jpg (913.81 KB, 1501x1000, 1501:1000, ingrahamangle.jpg)

65K+ and counting

37ceea  No.6307001


One at the foot, the other at the head, and most importantly, one at the Heart.

"Chevron 7 lock"

1a9ead  No.6307002


When the shills target you, it's a good thing. It means you're doing something right and they don't like it.

5f2eb2  No.6307003


>Nigga that some real chan shit sorry if your ass hurts

No it's play ground shit for 12 year olds. But since you don't know that, you must be.

608d2a  No.6307004

Emergency alert started blasting on my phone 10 min ago, 340 am here. Some kind of amber alert. Scared the shit outta me.

4bcae3  No.6307005



I'm waiting to get that internet thing, so I can join anonymous.

eae338  No.6307006

File: 47ea70a591ab9c3⋯.png (200.88 KB, 503x367, 503:367, treason.PNG)



4e7039  No.6307007

File: 4a9118cd0eef9bf⋯.png (553.01 KB, 494x614, 247:307, ClipboardImage.png)

5294df  No.6307008


virginia farm hand request?

2f93f7  No.6307009

608c0f  No.6307010

File: 157b22298507455⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Wonderful Day Q.jpg)


Sleep Well Fren. Keep God Close and Love Closer. Never Forget.

6dfaa6  No.6307011


I'm mostly German you fucking homosexual

d36597  No.6307012

File: 01c0dadbc9df142⋯.png (387.55 KB, 409x591, 409:591, AreYouKiddingMe????.png)


She's PERFECT. And DJT is perfect for her. I could look at them all day. So cool. What a Timeline. What a World.

Those are OUR Leaders. Those are OUR Representatives. Wow….God HAS Shed His Grace on Us America. Treasure it. Fight For it.


c10eeb  No.6307013

File: a2c9a16081b0a05⋯.jpg (296.15 KB, 576x900, 16:25, Oh-Yeah-Baby-Spring-Is-Her….jpg)


Well, that's how it feels. Can't imagine being readier, but what do I know?

Very little indeed.


Maybe 111%


d36597  No.6307014


The wind went from still to RIPPING about 10 or so minutes ago, I mean, it's drastic. KEK!!

5294df  No.6307015


rosanne wrote the forward.

4e7039  No.6307016

File: 48d630872f77d5c⋯.mp4 (406.81 KB, 640x266, 320:133, Q Confronts Fake News..mp4)

Q+ Confronts Fake News.

afb331  No.6307017

File: 6ebd2ed3630b40e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 2481x3508, 2481:3508, Battle.jpg)

File: 2c4bc2c11ddbc3f⋯.jpg (138.33 KB, 360x501, 120:167, 1411-2.jpg)

File: 6d9ee4391be3a8a⋯.jpg (13.65 KB, 205x246, 5:6, download.jpg)

File: 5ea730b469ba9dd⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 320x180, 16:9, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

Dear Anons,

We need a digg on the Getty tunnels!

5f2eb2  No.6307018


>I'm mostly German you fucking homosexual


Beastiality runs in your family as well?

7bc205  No.6307019


no you're not you goatfucking haji sandnigger

37ceea  No.6307020

File: aa7d3577052886c⋯.png (386.85 KB, 550x532, 275:266, pepe-comfy-storm.png)


Good night fren.

Peace be yours.

c085c7  No.6307021

File: 12dbd3d521332da⋯.jpg (164.44 KB, 661x538, 661:538, 8fa4b521c5e12d87721ca0c877….jpg)

5294df  No.6307022


nor proven to be real.

88e194  No.6307023


Colm meany is the most underused actor ever. Loved him in con air

6dfaa6  No.6307025


My family immigrated from Gremany to Wisconsin you dumb nigger- I'm very German you fucking kike

c10eeb  No.6307026

File: c4f405bf671c554⋯.jpg (430.37 KB, 831x1260, 277:420, Future-Perfect.jpg)

File: fcae9ace8ef3e3b⋯.jpg (499.21 KB, 774x932, 387:466, Future-Perfect-Olive'sBran….jpg)

File: 3fd32c0d56758bb⋯.jpg (453.52 KB, 878x512, 439:256, Onward&Upward.jpg)

608d2a  No.6307027


And Under Siege

afb331  No.6307028

File: e8eac615a10f8bd⋯.jpg (14.89 KB, 400x314, 200:157, 400px-FA-22_R.jpg)







We are getting bored with this long Mueller court saga.

We want:

1. Alien disclosure

2. Free Energy


923d5a  No.6307029

File: 0a2dba0d9eb5da2⋯.jpg (97.6 KB, 715x881, 715:881, cf31ec9b777bf9-887d72d5b5e….jpg)


God NEVER loses


d36597  No.6307030


Interesting. So are you looking for the others?? This is so far beyond me. I love it though.

Thank You.

30767a  No.6307031




263617  No.6307032

File: 3c39d847c60d0b9⋯.png (249.1 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0AC90015-E687-48A1-8378-DE….png)

File: 36f4c959c5e261a⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 36F74226-5086-4A01-AB84-F2….png)

File: f9bcb5e6cb99a2d⋯.png (265.19 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 908E75D2-61F4-409A-BD42-15….png)

Kim Foxx tries to avoid criticism over Jussie Smollett case


c085c7  No.6307033


He phoned it in on DS9.

5294df  No.6307034


Gene - layercake

Thomas 'Doc' Durant - hell on wheels

4e7039  No.6307035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nixon and Trump connection. THE Plan.

608c0f  No.6307036

File: 0c2d1936b2d7e9b⋯.jpg (828.22 KB, 2002x2541, 26:33, Yoda Q.jpg)


Thank You Anon. Needed that. Reality check. It's not about me, never was. As long as I fight the fight I am always worthy. Art or no art. God Bless

1b289e  No.6307037

File: bca7a25254bc580⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nasimwink.webm)

d36597  No.6307038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c10eeb  No.6307039

File: e2afb8cd4f0dc7e⋯.jpg (629.13 KB, 836x956, 209:239, Y-Not-Repent-QofLove.jpg)



Join the Winning Team!

734ddb  No.6307040


She's still employed. Must be nice.

b2cb3b  No.6307041



5294df  No.6307042


new glarus?

608d2a  No.6307043

I thought shit was going down. Fucking emergency alert blasting, sound asleep…



NEW ALBANY, Ind. (WTHR) — Police have issued an Amber Alert for a missing teenager.

Carrie May Pettay was last seen in New Albany, Indiana around midnight Thursday. She is 17 years old and 5 feet 9 inches tall. She weighs 130 pounds and has blond hair and hazel eyes.

Police say Carrie could be with an adult male and female in a silver 1999 two-door Toyota Solara. The car has Indiana license plate BDG659.

Carrie is believed to be in extreme danger. If you see Carrie or the vehicle, or have any information about her whereabouts, call the New Albany Police Department at 812-944-6411 or 911.

c10eeb  No.6307044


What's the link?? (embeds blocked)

608c0f  No.6307046

File: 11e35ed31455988⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 318x320, 159:160, Blah_Blah_Blah.jpg)


Balls. Lick them bitch

ca55b4  No.6307047

File: 4a2a52490585f6f⋯.jpeg (105.45 KB, 1257x276, 419:92, 09DE64BE-DD76-40CF-8E3B-7….jpeg)

File: b501734cc9ddee6⋯.jpeg (903.6 KB, 1353x2556, 451:852, 2BB92D37-59E0-4E2A-AA6D-9….jpeg)


Ann Corkey, is or was, working on a book to help spread awareness of sex trafficking.



f3dcfe  No.6307048

File: 4ffb497f4dc95fe⋯.jpg (261.97 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 001 (4).jpg)

441c03  No.6307049

File: 2c20da394874c3a⋯.jpg (121.71 KB, 581x539, 83:77, Tau.jpg)


Ezekiel's wheel

Matthew - Leo

Mark - Taurus

Luke - Aquarius

John - Eagle/Scorpio

What is the name of their G-d?

afb331  No.6307050

File: cece1a0c3e3bb85⋯.jpg (13.28 KB, 310x162, 155:81, images.jpg)

File: 422cf075783da3b⋯.jpg (52 KB, 500x343, 500:343, kek1.jpg)

File: f5cd0a955fd17c2⋯.jpg (477.9 KB, 1122x1122, 1:1, kek2.jpg)

File: 4dd9db79363cf16⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 550x437, 550:437, kek5.jpg)

bbd79f  No.6307051

File: dce60e8fb2eb441⋯.jpg (294.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, c8b8d3027bbbcd9427a42ccfd0….jpg)

263617  No.6307052


Strange. Wouldn’t have thought Roseanne was Jarret’s type. Kek.

6154f0  No.6307053

File: 14659191ee93ca3⋯.jpeg (198.77 KB, 1242x840, 207:140, 183C67D8-7CE4-4F2F-B5E8-4….jpeg)


83bf7b  No.6307054


masterpiece self portrait anon

u suk

358875  No.6307056

File: 5ace77b8cac4b4b⋯.png (511.75 KB, 474x826, 237:413, Screen Shot 2018-10-12 at ….png)


meme is pretty

38960d  No.6307057

File: e83a9451d1f87b6⋯.png (99.3 KB, 114x393, 38:131, ClipboardImage.png)

c10eeb  No.6307058

File: 917243ac03090cd⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, Pray-with-Me-2.jpg)


Heavenly Father,

Please cast your Grace over Carrie May Pettay and keep her from harm.

If she is in danger, please protect her and bring her home safe to her family.

In Yeshua's Holy Name we pray.


4bcae3  No.6307059


Both are big "planet of the apes" fans.

b762fb  No.6307060

File: 1f8dbcdde17d3be⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2564x652, 641:163, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 59b7cb7bacfe6b9⋯.png (4.08 MB, 3610x1070, 361:107, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)



This is about more than just this. This is using the jewish calendar prior to 300 something when they changed it

5294df  No.6307061

Val is a handsome fella.

personally, i believe she was the president for those 8 barry years.

6dfaa6  No.6307062


Hot fucking take.. but actually menasha tbh

c085c7  No.6307063


Kek. Good morning Mr President.

608c0f  No.6307064

File: c52ca8a233fbe5c⋯.jpg (2.27 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Free Beer Tomorrow Q.jpg)


Hugs you virtual beers. with lime. On a Corona kick

987220  No.6307065

Dont jump on me.

Germananon needs a hand to understand.

No collusion. No obstruction. Check

Hunters become the hunted (POTUS turning the table). Check

Criminal referrals by Nunes. Check.

More [HRC] emails. Check.

Now my question.

Will DECLAS happen anyway, or does POTUS use his right to DECLAS if the above doesn't play out (Trump card)?

38960d  No.6307066


Bin Laden: the question facing the next US president

13 Nov 2000

If either of the US presidential candidates had dropped into southern Afghanistan last month, he might have spotted a fleet of brand new Land Cruisers heading west towards the mountains.

Inside one of the vehicles, a tall, 43-year-old Saudi dissident by the name of Osama bin Laden, was busy plotting his next move. As his convoy sped away, towards the remote Hindu Kush, the chances of a Cruise missile landing anywhere near him in the immediate future receded almost to nothing.

And yet one of the new president's first decisions - assuming he ever makes it into office - will be whether to launch another US missile strike against Afghanistan.

The signs are ominous. Over the weekend, the US positioned its naval ships a few miles away from the Pakistani coast, in readiness for a possible attack.

Since October 12, US investigators have been searching for hard evidence implicating bin Laden in the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, in which 17 US sailors died. But bombing his deserted camp would be a futile and preposterous gesture.

The fact that Afghanistan is in such a mess, and run by an Islamic fundamentalist movement, is, after all, partly the fault of the US.

It was the US that helped to train and equip the Mujaheddin back in the 1980s, as they waged their war against the invading Soviet Union.

One of the fighters who benefited from such US largesse was an obscure volunteer from Saudi Arabia with close links to its royal family - Osama bin Laden.

In 1986 the CIA even helped him build an underground camp at Khost, where he was to train recruits from across the Islamic world in the business of guerrilla warfare.

Twelve years later, the Americans bombed the same camp after holding bin Laden responsible for the devastating US embassy bombings in east Africa.

Some 34 people were killed in the Khost attack. Bin Laden left the camp an hour earlier.

By this stage, American policy had come full circle. The cold war over, a new generation of Mujaheddin leaders had sprung up - the Taliban.

37ceea  No.6307067


You are welcome.

The four faces give us X marks the spot.

But the Earth is in 3D space, not a flat map, so we must find two other markers, celestial poles.

Then were all 6 cross in 3D space, we can make the final 7th point.

84ba64  No.6307068

File: c31a04ab404b3d7⋯.png (534.17 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0918a073c6dea06⋯.png (728.04 KB, 824x960, 103:120, ClipboardImage.png)



Found Another Plaid Shoes Photo;

Easter Egg Hunt

f7aff4  No.6307069


So you're saying you live in Indiana?

608c0f  No.6307070

File: 5b9bd82be606a52⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2178x2560, 1089:1280, Whiskey Neat Q.jpg)

1b289e  No.6307071

File: 3d1ee7c81b8feb1⋯.png (102.34 KB, 1040x634, 520:317, ClipboardImage.png)




Don't bother checking my hash cuz I've moved since my last bake (somewhere in the 2800's)

3a2f2c  No.6307072


….Truly yours, your biggest fan, this is anon…

263617  No.6307073


Chicago is infested with so many different kinds of crazy, on every level.

That’s going to be a tough place to straighten out.

bbd79f  No.6307074

File: b49ecf79b29c8f6⋯.jpeg (6.63 KB, 226x226, 1:1, a29eb0b1a26e84de574e93570….jpeg)




b762fb  No.6307075

File: f122c97ba23a598⋯.png (983.84 KB, 1558x772, 779:386, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)


is this what you are looking for. This will be lead by Germany after Brixit

76932c  No.6307076

File: 4093b2ba189d940⋯.jpg (112.65 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Thank you1.jpg)

b762fb  No.6307077

File: 63676c97c8da261⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1708x954, 854:477, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

It will be a huge year in 2020

b2cb3b  No.6307078


Thank you, Baker.

263617  No.6307079

File: 09a79c6e60bd7ab⋯.png (1.14 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2211F559-0486-4F76-8D00-03….png)


ThanQ, Baker.

4bcae3  No.6307080



Declass happens.

POTUS needs the support of the masses.

Q has been clear that this will happen.

I'm pretty certain that it will not interfere with ongoing investigations.

5294df  No.6307082


so more Emmentaler than Gruyére

6dfaa6  No.6307083

K homos you are doing well and stopped (you)ing me with faggitry ill be back tomorrow.. Q is still a gigantic larping faggot but I like you all.

f0a8a8  No.6307084

File: f73ee8f7fbb3a9f⋯.jpg (194.56 KB, 700x969, 700:969, movie-timeline2 (1).jpg)


Yeah. We hid a lot of clues last time we stabilized this closed-time loop. You're welcome! You can repay us by breaking the loop and normalizing the flow of time. In loops like this, the dimensional boundary experiences immense centripetal acceleration–millions of times greater than what you'd call "normal". None of us can predict the consequences of the resultant stretching of the topological field, as it has never happened before.

192358  No.6307085

Q, are the demon(c)rats all running for President because of the comment you made about…

Can't prosecute somebody you're running against. (Paraphrasing of course)

And hope ALL are well!

cbaef1  No.6307086


It's great that yu have empathy for the people that were hurt, that is a great thing. and sad to hear that the bad things that happend to those people did.

However, ur not calling for justice at that point if emotions are all mixed into the equation to the point where the punishment is overburdening the crime, severe punishment is unjust and Unconstitutional.

Fair and just punishment, fair and just.

Balance beam.

5f2eb2  No.6307087


Your work is art. If we smash the perverted cabal, true art that uplifts the spirit will return and shine a light on us all. And you will live well providing it to others.

6154f0  No.6307088

File: 9c9f2e8b1cf11ae⋯.jpeg (742.78 KB, 1242x1113, 414:371, 49A62264-A8BA-47C1-A56A-A….jpeg)


4bcae3  No.6307089


Keep your head about ya, faggot.

83bf7b  No.6307090

File: 93909b4636bcb1e⋯.png (646.94 KB, 686x1318, 343:659, day of rope sir.png)


die in your sleep

bbd79f  No.6307091

File: e4811f9632d1267⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 525x219, 175:73, Well Bye.gif)

38960d  No.6307092

File: 106dfc480bd07a4⋯.png (6.16 MB, 2468x5378, 1234:2689, ClipboardImage.png)

b58453  No.6307093

Anybody who is bothered by who does and doesn't get (you)s is probably useless. Therefore the shilling on the matter that appears every time Q posts does no actual harm. Dumb shills are dumb.

cc9978  No.6307094


Good night

cbaef1  No.6307095


u cant leave

only a faggit would hit the X button on their browser

b762fb  No.6307096

File: 862d61060652257⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1166x894, 583:447, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

followed by best guess 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine


But this should be total old news to anyone who understands the 12 tribes of Israel is UK, USA etc and that Israel sin with Baal at mountain prior is the cause

4e7039  No.6307097

File: 91997f4d41ce465⋯.png (535.21 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, ClipboardImage.png)

WE Have it ALL

693ed5  No.6307098


Gee, I'm so thrilled that this ugly-ass tranny is back.

d36597  No.6307099


Nice 4's.


d81867  No.6307100

Polish leader: LGBT rights an import that threatens nation

The chairman of Poland's conservative ruling party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has called the LGBT rights movement a foreign import that threatens the Polish nation.

Kaczynski, Poland's most important politician, also said "everyone must accept Christianity" and that questioning the powerful Roman Catholic in Poland is unpatriotic.


76932c  No.6307101

File: 46f4eca54f576ec⋯.jpg (15.54 KB, 255x193, 255:193, Pepe kotzt.jpg)


Sadly, I think this could be true… We have a lot of very, very stupid People here… But… You all have to live with yourself, after this! And exactly this makes me happy!

First and last reply to the fuckers!

37ceea  No.6307102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6dfaa6  No.6307103


Retard the key here was not to (you) me.. now you all get doxed again.. thank this faggit

39e87c  No.6307104



Yes. From what I see here…NE Indiana, that's where.

192358  No.6307105

File: c23271156bfe820⋯.png (236.44 KB, 645x1822, 645:1822, IMG_3576.PNG)

Rashida Tlaib's removal from committees urged by Zionist Organization of America


38960d  No.6307106

File: 9b8193c4279dbff⋯.jpg (7.96 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ick.jpg)

5294df  No.6307107


etc. = Dan

608c0f  No.6307108

File: fca71eb917d1a29⋯.png (792.93 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Celtic Elephant Q Alpha.png)


Yea. Love my me stuff. I get a lot of questions. It's just God. Inspiring. I wear a lot of Organic. My church is earth itself. God is all arounfd me. nO MONEY GRUBBING CHURCH CAN TAKE THAT FROM ME. Sorry, caps lock. Drunk a lil…hehe. This is mty power stone. Amber or hemotite

1b289e  No.6307109

File: 8805be04a24fa10⋯.png (109.77 KB, 261x320, 261:320, beanzisnotpretty.png)


>Gee, I'm so thrilled that this ugly-ass tranny is back.

kekekek…oh, Tracey…you will never be pretty.

afb331  No.6307111


zzzzzzz We want more… NOW!

So bored with waiting for 2020, 2027, 2050 etc… it is boring.

We want it all now!

734ddb  No.6307112


i thot gen Z was supposed to be hyper conservative..they would not be voting for biden

d36597  No.6307113

File: 398538b49809cbd⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1275x1272, 425:424, 398538b49809cbdf9ba6372675….png)

File: 0b68606e1b31e93⋯.png (85.13 KB, 230x230, 1:1, 690052fadeca52efa61dfc9344….png)

File: e42379244385b76⋯.jpg (32.64 KB, 512x543, 512:543, e42379244385b76ba19da9d17f….jpg)

File: a685fbc0f65aefb⋯.jpeg (295.49 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, f7a31764767f0eba4c8b166fb….jpeg)


Ahhh…Can't find any FLOTUS Plaids. So here's these.

6393ec  No.6307114


Yeah, near the border with… MI.

5f2eb2  No.6307115



>I do not know if this has been saved either. As this moves along I am sure tomorrow this information will come in handy.

this is bigly huge stuff. For this reason alone it's NOTABLE


84ba64  No.6307116

File: 7e770142c0cfb1d⋯.png (208.77 KB, 456x1459, 456:1459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cbc12fc2e93d19⋯.png (954.22 KB, 729x960, 243:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 300da56a70f954e⋯.png (343.06 KB, 837x1568, 837:1568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6ae41ff766be0a⋯.png (390.9 KB, 909x1688, 909:1688, ClipboardImage.png)


The Utah Data Center (UDC), also known as the Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center,[1] is a data storage facility for the United States Intelligence Community that is designed to store data estimated to be on the order of exabytes or larger.[2]

Its purpose is to support the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), though its precise mission is classified.[3] The National Security Agency (NSA) leads operations at the facility as the executive agent for the Director of National Intelligence.[4]

It is located at Camp Williams near Bluffdale, Utah, between Utah Lake and Great Salt Lake and was completed in May 2014 at a cost of $1.5 billion.[5]

The Utah Data Center, code-named Bumblehive, is the first Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cyber-security Initiative (IC CNCI) data center designed to support the US intelligence community. The "massive data repository" is designed to cope with the large increase in digital data that has accompanied the rise of the global internet.[6]




608c0f  No.6307117

File: e8dc54f4a9288da⋯.png (878.13 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Celtic Elephant Q Alt Alph….png)


I love Elephants also. Gentle Giants. I have this on my wall. Took the pic for art

263617  No.6307118

File: 2342c006d152a9b⋯.png (4.87 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 29F79FE0-6119-4B7E-97B2-FF….png)




I think you domesticated Quasimodo.

We will see if he’s housebroken when he shows up tomorrow.

d36597  No.6307119

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, GoldenTouch17.gif)


Trips Confirm.





bbd79f  No.6307120


You can check out any time you like

But you can never leave!"

1b289e  No.6307121



God is love…and the only time Jesus got violent was when he was kicking the moneychangers out of the temple.

Fuckin' kikes.

7bc205  No.6307122


If the declass is useful, then why hasn't it been used? I think all the left asses coulda been rekt by now with it. Then instead of all the media bullshit we'd be focused on MAGA, instead of building defences. At election time Trump wouuld be invinceable and the bad guys would be locked up. Or we'd be in a civil war where we could get rid of the street thugs and really do some swamp drainage. This shit is gonna look embarrassing to our country in 500 years if we just let it slide. Even if things get much better… the future generations are gonna wonder why we tolerated the alt left bullshit for so long when a declass coulda ended it quick.

e66cd4  No.6307123

File: 0140ca710593e50⋯.jpg (127.96 KB, 421x506, 421:506, bode.jpg)

734ddb  No.6307124


Move to Kane county unless that's gone too.

5294df  No.6307125


"Peter… I can see your house from here!"

4e7039  No.6307126


drain the swamp timestamp 11am to 1100 post

afb331  No.6307127

File: 4b00df92d789b18⋯.jpg (20.11 KB, 300x221, 300:221, multiverses.jpg)

Imagine infinite parallel universes.

We exist in all of these parallel universes simultaneously.

We are conscious of only one at a time.

Shift to the universe that you want.

1643d6  No.6307128


Guy. Dead guy.

608c0f  No.6307129

File: e5e4e5198a202b8⋯.png (497.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, God Bless The USA Q Alt Al….png)


exactly. You beg, Pound on my door? Get kicked in ass. God does not want my money he wants my loyalty. Priceless

4e7039  No.6307130

File: fc05da30dad40f6⋯.png (559.56 KB, 1199x771, 1199:771, ClipboardImage.png)


drain the swamp timestamp 11am to 1100 post

cee27e  No.6307131

File: 71aa8aa5a2c7cb0⋯.jpeg (267.86 KB, 1109x1816, 1109:1816, 1D83A757-6682-499B-A9BE-9….jpeg)



There’s at least one more in here. FLOTUS often turns into a slide though.

c10eeb  No.6307132


Nice 9's.


4bcae3  No.6307133

File: 4d9a702afc77219⋯.png (227.26 KB, 536x576, 67:72, Quasimodo_KH.png)


I think (you) know how it is going to go tomorrow. Too many habbenings to go smoothly.

6dfaa6  No.6307134


For the last time I basically run this shit and we have all your Doxes Q team.. now its gonna be a we show you we arent fucking joking.. fuck you assholes and good luck

6303a3  No.6307135

File: b8c788e355a5b5e⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1024x695, 1024:695, bernie 2020.png)

Get your kool-aid ready!

afb331  No.6307136


Yes, we want more now!

Do it Q, Do it President Trump!

We want that secret technology that can fix the world.

We want the full arrests of these evil ones that will not repent.

c14cb1  No.6307137

File: 8abf45f0fb14d3e⋯.png (1.81 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, 8abf45f0fb14d3e2e285996cdb….png)


ok U kNow I and now know… Board games…

Have you heard anything from affective collective shes been real quiet

7bc205  No.6307138


Trunk down is bad luck bruh.

d36597  No.6307139



263617  No.6307140

8ee45f  No.6307141

File: f045b19dde1b115⋯.png (552.05 KB, 1024x679, 1024:679, QNN Hero Admiral Rogers o7.png)

d36597  No.6307142

File: 31fc2f9724d037d⋯.jpeg (2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, (F)t(S)am.jpeg)


I pray in agreement.

Please NOW Sir!!

Health and Justice


a0b9a7  No.6307143

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


cbaef1  No.6307144


give me just one such example of a dox


83bf7b  No.6307145

File: cc254c2639a0026⋯.jpg (94.68 KB, 640x640, 1:1, tard.jpg)

a0b9a7  No.6307146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




62a0f9  No.6307147





Guise, you're scaring the anon, by pinpointing whereabouts. Somebody in NE Indiana is freaking out hiding under his bed, wondering why his location got doxxed.

Noble, Dekalb, Lagrange, Steuben…

263617  No.6307148


Wishful thinking.

eae338  No.6307149

Pregnant wife of Sri Lanka bomber detonates suicide vest, killing children and police

a0b9a7  No.6307150


That's supposed to be me in the picture. :(

5294df  No.6307151


quite sure it is.

a0b9a7  No.6307152


>Pregnant wife of Sri Lanka bomber detonates suicide vest, killing children and police

Fake news generated by (((Q))) team or real event caused by the tech? >>6307146

38960d  No.6307153

Facebook announced Monday that Jennifer Newstead, a Trump appointee who served in the Department of Justice (DoJ) under President Bush, will join the social media company as General Counsel, supervising its global legal functions.

cbaef1  No.6307154


oh nice this bot starting up, like clock work, shift is up, lets go, up and early

a0b9a7  No.6307155


Welp, I am not chubby and also older now. :(

eae338  No.6307156


now with sauce !!


Pregnant wife of Sri Lanka bomber detonates suicide vest, killing children and police

Religion of peace …..

d36597  No.6307158

File: b7972734112b7fd⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 500x405, 100:81, 26uoz8.jpg)

File: e320d6344ac347d⋯.jpg (26.07 KB, 500x517, 500:517, 38500101_10217020984743231….jpg)

File: 1caf42b9beb5fd8⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 300x300, 1:1, aka-the-executioner.jpg)

File: 129f82b53e58b1d⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 255x220, 51:44, c4a10c2ef5528fd59f72df229e….jpg)



Damn anons….busting me up over here.

Thank You.

Funniest Spot EVER.

5294df  No.6307159


excellent answer anon.

all in fun.

a0b9a7  No.6307160


>oh nice this bot starting up, like clock work, shift is up, lets go, up and early

Not a bot buddy. At least I don't think I am. Am I?

263617  No.6307161



Did Trump just hire a babysitter for Zuck?

b762fb  No.6307162


If that truly is the Mr. T then he has studied Jewish history and if not he has a resource. The best that I have found is this guy.


Sightedmoon.com. This guy can explain and this video is where we are headed after the three blood moons and why

6dfaa6  No.6307163


Fuck you homo - let's start with Praying Medic is

Dave Hayes - now you all fucking eat shit

afb331  No.6307164


If your statement were true, President Trump would announce it to the public.

Q is real.

They confiscate Q items at rallies is because they do same for all logos and advertising.

38960d  No.6307165


Jennifer Newstead to Join Facebook as General Counsel and John Pinette Becomes Vice President of Global Communications

Facebook announced today that Jennifer Newstead will join the company as General Counsel, overseeing the company’s global legal functions.

Newstead succeeds Colin Stretch, who announced in July 2018 that he planned to leave. He will continue at Facebook through the summer to help with the transition.

“Jennifer is a seasoned leader whose global perspective and experience will help us fulfill our mission,” said Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer. “We are also truly grateful to Colin for his dedicated leadership and wise counsel over the past nine years. He has played a crucial role in some of our most important projects and has created a strong foundation for Jennifer to build upon.”

Newstead brings deep government and private sector experience to the role. She currently serves as the Legal Adviser to the United States Department of State, overseeing work on all domestic and international legal issues affecting the conduct of US foreign policy. She was confirmed by the Senate in December 2017 and before joining the State Department was a partner in the law firm of Davis, Polk & Wardwell LLP, where she had a global practice representing clients in cross-border regulatory, enforcement and litigation matters.

“I’m excited to be joining Facebook at an important time and working with such a fantastic team,” Newstead said. “Facebook’s products play an important role in societies around the world. I am looking forward to working with the team and outside experts and regulators on a range of legal issues as we seek to uphold our responsibilities and shared values.”

Earlier in her career, Newstead served in other senior roles in government, including as General Counsel of the Office of Management and Budget, as a Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice, and an Associate White House Counsel. She previously served as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and for Judge Silberman of the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington. She graduated from Yale Law School and received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University.

608c0f  No.6307166

File: ab8c6246226142a⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Crumbs of Q Alpha.png)


No, Trunk down is seeking sustenance. Eating, gaining strength, feeding young. Trunk Up is defensive. Elephants will never step on the bones of the deceased. Caring, Loving Animals. Ask me how I know? Try working with them for 16 years faggot then tell me how they act.

c10eeb  No.6307167

File: c2a9f57f5736033⋯.jpg (288.9 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Do-It-Q-GenQ-1.jpg)

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, 17-USA.jpg)

File: c88b17f3c888fb9⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1960x1225, 8:5, Ready-USA.jpg)

File: e5e9844f07e80f6⋯.jpg (746.31 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Amen-QofChange.jpg)




>Health and Justice



Do It Q!

97c126  No.6307168


Because she's Blick

83bf7b  No.6307169

File: fac10bdc2f916d6⋯.png (255.47 KB, 460x286, 230:143, IMG_2865.PNG)

a0b9a7  No.6307170


>If your statement were true, President Trump would announce it to the public.

Not if he is being blackmailed…

cbaef1  No.6307171


wow this bot is pretty advanced.

it can reply and form coherent sentences. AI is on some next.

1b289e  No.6307172


>>6306953 DiGenova brought out Adm. Rodgers as a hero


>Try working with them for 16 years faggot then tell me how they act.

they're like big dogs, right?


9a1588  No.6307173



Must listen.

afb331  No.6307174


He is not being blackmailed. Sorry.

a0b9a7  No.6307175



I mean, he should announce it even if he is being blackmailed, but he probably doesn't know what to do. Like that time when he didn't know what to say when John Steward ridiculed him for having pizza with knife and fork.

5294df  No.6307176


replaced C_A handlers with gov handlers.

cbaef1  No.6307177

a0b9a7  No.6307178




cee27e  No.6307179

File: c28c69212a81993⋯.jpeg (110.54 KB, 884x497, 884:497, 4C22DEE6-7088-4CA6-8911-1….jpeg)

File: 3f5bd473fdd530d⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB, 480x367, 480:367, C4766B38-C901-4502-B254-A….jpeg)

File: 5068faabd23b029⋯.jpeg (35.42 KB, 443x393, 443:393, 592BE01D-14F4-446A-8413-4….jpeg)

afb331  No.6307180

File: 682699c7656c968⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 000_1FO2TC-640x400.jpg)

File: cf6b61d32775a30⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 237x213, 79:71, download (1).jpg)

File: 79d2c9d5b5c611d⋯.jpg (7.22 KB, 299x168, 299:168, download.jpg)

File: 22693dc7a5ca424⋯.jpg (116.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

File: 10a05b197d0b64e⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


What is up with this PET GOAT II stuff?

a0b9a7  No.6307181


>He is not being blackmailed. Sorry.


83bf7b  No.6307182

File: 68068280f276d74⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1439x1451, 1439:1451, IMG_2828.PNG)

5f2eb2  No.6307183


>If the declass is useful, then why hasn't it been used?

He has. In late October, when Q got us to make the MSM that RR was about to get fired (that was so awesome) and just today.

At this time, just the threat of DECLAS causes the enemy to trip on his feet. Why drop a nuke when some suppressing fire gets the job done. We are fighting centuries of entrenched assets built by the cabal. They must be lured in and tricked into breaching their own defenses.

4bcae3  No.6307184

File: 792b9819e80d8d3⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 501x281, 501:281, 0fdeebfbe03b5a53f2597e7ea5….jpg)

cbaef1  No.6307185


Q team> praying medic

i dont compute

thats all u got? damn i was hoping for some big name drops,

5294df  No.6307186


she's so black, she's blick?

1643d6  No.6307187


There is a perverse part of me that wonders what would happen if you split up the probes from a taser. ;-))

6c4a48  No.6307188

File: bc4bec9d0d3b91c⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

afb331  No.6307189


Look at the smile on President Trump's face everyday.



913a8f  No.6307190

File: e61fde18d281237⋯.jpg (406.75 KB, 1008x725, 1008:725, graveyard-shift2.jpg)

b762fb  No.6307191

File: f2260d5307a78ca⋯.png (3.27 MB, 3248x1278, 1624:639, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 207ba6e5d0e7463⋯.png (4.45 MB, 3292x1364, 823:341, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 1f8dbcdde17d3be⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2564x652, 641:163, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 36d4d11f3312a77⋯.png (1.76 MB, 3774x508, 1887:254, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

You must under stand that this is been known not only in Bible but other viewers as well

a0b9a7  No.6307192


>Like that time when he didn't know what to say when John Steward ridiculed him for having pizza with knife and fork.

BTW, he could have said that he is a rich dude and rich dudes eat everything using knives and forks. Like that Seinfeld episode where that old man ate a candy bar using a knife and a fork.

afb331  No.6307193

File: 20a36703caa450b⋯.jpg (78.63 KB, 585x222, 195:74, eyethespy.jpg)

Could Eye The Spy be Obama?

2d6f90  No.6307194




>Shift to the universe that you want.

Many of us anons already did.

That's why we are >>here now<<.

This IS the Timeline.

608c0f  No.6307195

File: 5892b2ab3fbdcb0⋯.jpg (471.93 KB, 2560x1751, 2560:1751, Wine Q.jpg)


How many votes for pathetic idiot? Sometimes I wish this was 4chan so I could smoke fuckbags like you

38960d  No.6307196



c10eeb  No.6307197


That's absolutely tragic.

afb331  No.6307198

File: 05aa172e1714a26⋯.jpg (4.51 KB, 310x162, 155:81, 99.jpg)

What would put 99 percent of people in the hospital?

Lets make a list of 100 things that could possibly do that. Then we send this list to Q to say yes or no.

1. There are aliens among us.

2. We have nano viruses and bots inside us.

3. Add your own and re-post.

429614  No.6307199

Anon who mentioned not hearing about existing determination be head FISA judge against 4 contractor access abuse is correct from my memory. Been here since the start.

Q has mentioned the four contractors.

This is the first time the judgement info has been made public.

Could explain Q absence.

Implies it doesn't need to be classified anymore, sounds like a VERY strategic release.

Bunch of people shitting themselves.

It is now obvious that Comey too knows he is completely fucked and has been pinning ALL hope on POTUS removal.


a0b9a7  No.6307200


REMINDER: (((Q))) team now controls Twitter including Trump's twitter account

Probably since November 2, 2017. First (((Q))) post that mentioned "Twitter" was also posted on November 2.


That's why the repeated threats to @Jack. The jewesses in (((Q))) team probably made him grow that stupid beard too. ;)


913a8f  No.6307201

It's almost as if Q+ is from a future in which the Deep State successfully pulled off a nuclear WW3. Like the team was able to pick the key events in the timeline to change at the precise moment. Spooky.

6c4a48  No.6307202

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

38960d  No.6307203


We're all clones.

b762fb  No.6307204

File: 438245ea02b2d98⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1706x922, 853:461, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: c99038e1c37271e⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1708x878, 854:439, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)

File: 3fe7d3c2eadf3ec⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1702x880, 851:440, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)


Truly the cause if the entire mess was at Baal Prior when they went against God and moved from a Male dominate to Female dominated that we are fighting now. Look to the leaders of EU Merkel is the head.

cee27e  No.6307205

File: 914de9bf92fa4e0⋯.jpeg (732.58 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0A55162C-323B-4029-9408-5….jpeg)

File: a3f62ce71bbcb87⋯.jpeg (108.59 KB, 960x540, 16:9, B89A7A49-C32B-4163-93EB-6….jpeg)

File: 47ac10b220c4ff9⋯.jpeg (98.09 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 8FEE7CF2-37CE-4503-8607-9….jpeg)

File: 5b15f404bf01171⋯.jpeg (11.19 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 6225A2AE-B39B-4ECC-8806-4….jpeg)

a0b9a7  No.6307206


>What would put 99 percent of people in the hospital?

Nothing. They will be either conscious or unconscious. Will not go to the hospital even after regaining consciousness. :)

608c0f  No.6307207

File: e312bc758b381c9⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Boom Q 4 Alpha.png)


Oh, I like that

Got larger so I can use it as a template Been collecting huge pieces of cardboard to make stencils Kind of weak for outlining?

cbaef1  No.6307209


oh so Q team control Trump's twtiiter, yay

thanks man didnt know that before

6dfaa6  No.6307210


Cause you are a dumb ass who dosent understand the drops are written by them in keybase. Swampy is Aura Estella Partyka

d36597  No.6307211

File: 2fd29f2614f1c9d⋯.png (493.64 KB, 545x523, 545:523, maga-peeps.png)



Whew….This is Yeeeeesssssssss.

I LOVE Your Style.

Thank You.




More by the minute.



358875  No.6307212

File: e4b1292d1d9a4ae⋯.jpeg (38.85 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1C398D06-18DA-4D82-A31B-2….jpeg)


wut? nobody told me again

211b7c  No.6307213


your just jealous.

dd6ea8  No.6307214

File: d685109af90e32b⋯.gif (650.67 KB, 480x480, 1:1, TRUMP DANCE.gif)

I just woke up and read Q's posts and am ecstatic! Joe. D. is awesome.

FINALLY, "We See Movement Toward Indictments"! Yipppeeee

Watching Hannity now and Sara ALWAYS looks like sheis about to bust at the seams. She could never play poker. You can tell she knows far more than she says.


1b289e  No.6307215

File: d04db5cc11e6b05⋯.jpg (89.97 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, pepehugs.jpg)


>Sometimes I wish this was 4chan so I could smoke fuckbags like you

whoa, friendly fire…I don't know shit about elephants.

7bc205  No.6307216


When I am seeking sustenance, I am in a state of bad luck. Feeling weak, needing something.

When I have a defence established, I am in a state of good luck. Feeling strength, protecting what I have.

I guess it's all in how you look at it.

Should we build a wall to protect what we have… or to protect what we don't have?

5f2eb2  No.6307217


>K homos you are doing well and stopped (you)ing me with faggitry ill be back tomorrow..

Go play in traffic, you basement dwelling irrelevant twat.

30767a  No.6307218


>1. There are aliens among us.2. We have nano viruses and bots inside us.3. Add your own and re-post.

4. We're already dead.

#2's the winner here tho.

c10eeb  No.6307219


4. The "hard limits" of "reality" as we've known it - such as death, disease, aging, and lack - turn out to be merely the prison bars of our slave planet, designed to keep us trapped in fear.

48a02a  No.6307220






Boys, stop screwing around with NE Indiana Emergency Alert Anon near Fort Wayne.



This guy is way past overdue for a personal visit. Amber Alert Anon, please confirm to "6dfaa6" that this is serious.

83bf7b  No.6307221

File: 3eb96ef8fa434b8⋯.jpg (47 KB, 602x481, 602:481, void.jpg)

File: f8b824ab24c9ffd⋯.png (444.91 KB, 485x810, 97:162, haha wow.png)

File: f866d8bce9f7b42⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1080x612, 30:17, hahahaha.jpg)

>my sides


913a8f  No.6307222

File: 1eb43941f892b47⋯.jpg (542.43 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, A-10-bitch.jpg)


REMINDER that faggots on here are like rats running around in a PANIC now that Trump has turned on the lights.

Run you little rat.

608c0f  No.6307223

File: a9365965b8c8018⋯.jpg (998.6 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Chakra Q.jpg)


My hair is wicked long and grey. Earned it, Won't color it. Sweet hair

d81867  No.6307224


All humans are experimental rats.

b762fb  No.6307225


It will only put those in the hospital that live under the illusion that they control their lives. If you are truly red pilled and know that God is in control of all then that list means NADA. Why do you think Trump can chow down a Big Mac???????????

5f2eb2  No.6307226

File: c787d5ec91e5f17⋯.gif (754.56 KB, 400x250, 8:5, scotty - i cannot change t….gif)

c14cb1  No.6307227


Were really in hell and never die

6c4a48  No.6307228

>>6307198 Original souls are very few, many cloning. Aliens DNA and artefacts experiments on humans bodies.

cee27e  No.6307229


4. It’s Biblical.

38960d  No.6307230


This guy digs

608c0f  No.6307231


no shit. Ask the fucking Greeks

4bcae3  No.6307232


I prostrate myself before you.

Phonephagging is a bitch.

b762fb  No.6307233


oh my friend earning means that this life took most of your hair LOL not just grey

1b289e  No.6307235


>never die


6dfaa6  No.6307236

Too late homos you are all doxed deal with it - blame Q

cbaef1  No.6307237


what the fuck is keybase explain

swampy is what

what is aura u refer to

6e51f4  No.6307238


an addendum to #2 should be

2a. Those nanovirus/bots are activated by cell tower signals.

5f2eb2  No.6307239


What a revolting pack of narcissitic, self absorbed frauds.

2d6f90  No.6307240


That is exactly what happened. Hillary is "The Babalon Working's" HILARION. If you don't know what that is, dig on it. Dig on Hillary saying that she isn't human, and was created in a garage in Palo Alto<< Where "The Babalon Working" took place.




cbaef1  No.6307241


how much info they have on us?

name address dob social? what else??

d36597  No.6307242



I'm with you.

>Truly the cause if the entire mess was at Baal Prior when they went against God and moved from a Male dominate to Female dominated that we are fighting now.

Yup. Gotta bring that balance.



God Bless You All.

38960d  No.6307243

File: ea077e54b08c84a⋯.png (62.28 KB, 253x185, 253:185, ClipboardImage.png)



just flashing lights at a cutie Ruska

af60d4  No.6307244

>>6306303 pb

Oh NOES! Whatever will we do!

Sometimes it is pure comedy in here. Thanks for the laugh.

913a8f  No.6307245


He's just a shill shitposting the same stuff all night long

263617  No.6307246

File: b27667774cf38b0⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BCCFF8AA-82FB-43A7-A6A3-85….png)

File: b19c918adb9163c⋯.png (748.97 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7BF322E6-23F0-4B34-A6B8-54….png)

Corey Booker is trying to reel in the feminist vote.

Booker, Swalwell each pledge to name a woman as a running mate


6dfaa6  No.6307247


Fag you cant Google keybase.io do I have to fucking hold your hand ffs

eae338  No.6307248

do we have a baker in da end bread ?

1b289e  No.6307249


baking in 13

b762fb  No.6307250

File: d0e9e86f36237bf⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1618x1212, 809:606, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at ….png)


Been working and now I am trying very hard to help you understand the four faces and what that is about

Please go here this is two years ago and listen and see we are following this track


6e51f4  No.6307251

File: 7c186246998d298⋯.png (611.03 KB, 711x635, 711:635, cQnfirmedFace.png)



cbaef1  No.6307252


no way dude, dont lie to me like that.

that guy has access to the keybase and all our doxes, i believe him over anyone on here.

find the keybase

608c0f  No.6307253

File: 01ff626d6f70afd⋯.png (1.55 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Mighty Pepe Q Alpha.png)

>>6307232Awe Hunny. That suks balls. My Lappy died. Death by chicken noodle soup. Drying out I hope but my graphics program is deadish. Trying on this till I get my new one in 2 weeks. Pbbbttt. n shit. Hang on baby!

30767a  No.6307254


>nanovirus/bots are activated by cell tower signals.

Morgellons exists today- affects thousands. No towers needed.

Most folk would freak the fuk out if they saw things crawling inside them or were told it would happen to them soon.

38960d  No.6307255


looks like 3:05 PM (15h05)

4e7039  No.6307256

File: bd056681fb7d88e⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1076x746, 538:373, ClipboardImage.png)



Hilarion was an anchorite who spent most of his life in the desert according to the example of Anthony the Great. He is considered to be the founder of Palestinian monasticism and venerated as a saint by Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church.Wikipedia

Born:291 AD, Thabatha, south of Gaza in Syria Palaestina

Died:371 AD, Cyprus


Feast:October 21


b762fb  No.6307257

War is coming and Trump and Q are trying very damn hard to wake us up and get us prepared

So much to learn so little time.

48a02a  No.6307258


Gremany, huh?

Never heard of it.

eae338  No.6307259


you rock !

358875  No.6307260

File: 9dcdc745d399977⋯.jpeg (14.19 KB, 214x247, 214:247, 4572AD84-6702-421F-98C9-6….jpeg)


Archons soul trap, TDS libtards literally can’t help themselves as they r controlled via demiurge hive mind. Or maybe that voice in my head is archon makes for a good movie though.

cbaef1  No.6307261



so Q team is writing all their drops and planning it on keybase, yay

didnt know that before

913a8f  No.6307262

File: 7391c46c6ee641f⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 606x437, 606:437, 8ballkek.jpg)


twoooo dollars….

I want my two dollaaars…..

d36597  No.6307263

File: 8eae92810f2a250⋯.jpeg (44.73 KB, 820x524, 205:131, WhatAboutHER??.jpeg)


Seems most likely.

And it's been said that "Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned", and that's an important word "scorned."

Is America a Woman? ←-Gimme a better word y'all.

Is Wisdom a Woman?

Is Justice a Woman?

Is Liberty A Woman?

I could go on. Or maybe I'm off.

734ddb  No.6307265


But, Notre Dame was not destroyed.

What drove me bonkers is I went looking to I petgoat I which doesn't exist.

Still not sure who funded that little flick. Artists are a dime a dozen, and most "free" art isn't that level of sophistication or quality.

cbaef1  No.6307266


damn we got a graphic larp too okay

6c4a48  No.6307267

File: ddb1d78c23ddd7e⋯.png (2.71 MB, 810x1200, 27:40, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6307201 interdasting…

4163be  No.6307268

File: e691a7a15bc99fb⋯.jpg (655.36 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190425-033100….jpg)

File: b0f1e4c29bfa11d⋯.jpg (701.97 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190425-033109….jpg)


6dfaa6  No.6307269


No one out here identity thrifting ppl .. but Q team you are fucking doxed

608c0f  No.6307270

>>6307232 see run on. hiccups…FUCK

4e7039  No.6307272

File: 961cd1a6f35d63c⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

f9ff70  No.6307273


You misspelled CGI

cbaef1  No.6307275


am i doxed?

what do they have on me?


c14cb1  No.6307276

File: 8d88c4880f913ec⋯.png (185.82 KB, 1516x732, 379:183, Untitledhhjkkk.png)


She's definatly /ourgurl/:

b762fb  No.6307278


if they claim Palaestina your back to Philistines and they were a sea people stayed on coast never touched Jerusalem and hail from Crete

Know your history

7bc205  No.6307279

File: ecdaa6156b49ae2⋯.png (50.9 KB, 220x340, 11:17, Man_in_the_High_Castle_(1s….png)


Read/Watch "Man In The High Castle"


6dfaa6  No.6307280

You fags tried to dox me so all Q team was doxed.. eat a dick fags

263617  No.6307281


It’s really the beginning of the 20th Century, not the 21st Century.

6e51f4  No.6307283



Morgellons disease (MD) is a skin condition characterized by the presence of multicolored filaments that lie under, are embedded in, or project from skin. Although the condition may have a longer history, disease matching the above description was first reported in the US in 2002.


Seems well after the first cell towers started going up, eh?

Oh wait, that's when 3G was introduced with all the internet capabilities.

The first pre-commercial trial network with 3G was launched by NTT DoCoMo in Japan in the Tokyo region in May 2001. NTT DoCoMo launched the first commercial 3G network on 1 October 2001, using the WCDMA technology. In 2002 the first 3G networks on the rival CDMA2000 1xEV-DO technology were launched by SK Telecom and KTF in South Korea, and Monet in the US


cdc0f4  No.6307285

File: a11d7d97139a617⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, booker.png)

6c4a48  No.6307286

File: 7486b2f7860636f⋯.png (26.83 KB, 233x54, 233:54, ClipboardImage.png)



Rats running.

Timing is everything.

Enjoy the show.


30767a  No.6307288


>name address dob social? what else??

FFS the teller at your bank has all that info. Does that freak you out? It doesn't matter! LIVE your life as always, nothing will happen.

This is their fear porn that's kept us silent for millennia.

b762fb  No.6307289


1,000 years off most places more like 600 years in China they have kept very good records a long long time LOL

5294df  No.6307290

File: 11b1a1f5858b0bb⋯.png (747.28 KB, 1280x876, 320:219, Wine_Q.png)

913a8f  No.6307292


Saw the first season and half. Super cool series.

cbaef1  No.6307293


u got a new larp or u gunna keep runnin w the dox bs

31d8a5  No.6307294


Tick Tock LLC is a California Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed on February 21, 2012. The company's filing status is listed as Canceled and its File Number is 201206810229.

The Registered Agent on file for this company is Ash R Shah and is located at 631 N Larchmont Blvd, Unit 2, Los Angeles, CA 90004. The company's principal address is 631 N Larchmont Blvd, #2, Los Angeles, CA 90004 and its mailing address is 631 N Larchmont Blvd, #2, Los Angeles, CA 90004.

The company has 1 principal on record. The principal is Lazer Nitrate LLC from Los Angeles CA.

734ddb  No.6307295


Is Joe D- admiral rodgers statement a Q proof?

a0b9a7  No.6307296


>thanks man didnt know that before

Don't be silly. Of course jew did. :)

5f2eb2  No.6307297



>For the last time I basically run this shit and we have all your Doxes Q team.

Broken record.

Look you stupid idiot, you're not fooling anyone. How fucking dense did they pack the rocks in your skull to keep it from collapsing due to vaccuum. You've been threatening this shit for months. Spend your time more productively, and keep practising sucking your microdick and spewing your cum down your throat.

Your stupidity is boundless.

b762fb  No.6307299


Damn why Three hours old fags need a break for pee LOL

913a8f  No.6307300


he's gonna hammer that bitch all night it looks like

4bcae3  No.6307302


Future proves past.

cbaef1  No.6307303


i cents an attack on me

i see whajew did there

608c0f  No.6307304


They love you…..kek

358875  No.6307306


Do you even realise that voice in your head, telling you to shill, isn’t even yours? Even though it’s in your own voice. Why does it hurt to stop? Try resist it and see how it feels. Do you know you were born with this voice, and it isn’t even yours. It controls you. It feeds of you.

Have a nice day.

6dfaa6  No.6307307


Joe m is joseph masepoes- that's 3 now fag

cee27e  No.6307308

File: ef322bb6792e577⋯.jpeg (88.25 KB, 800x430, 80:43, F1B06911-65CC-4A28-B564-6….jpeg)

File: 486a39c5ffa0362⋯.jpeg (151.55 KB, 780x456, 65:38, 6830D883-B3A0-461E-8F7B-F….jpeg)

File: 21685d89a72eb9e⋯.jpeg (63.8 KB, 630x339, 210:113, D2156CA0-401D-40AA-8B0A-E….jpeg)

File: 1fd1af60123d007⋯.jpeg (110.68 KB, 955x500, 191:100, C63B0A9C-C998-483F-8029-2….jpeg)

File: c7614c3ed3ab6ee⋯.jpeg (70.75 KB, 679x714, 97:102, 838FAF0A-1886-4F1E-8018-3….jpeg)

cbaef1  No.6307309


how does he keep repeating it like how does his brain just not turn off

why are these yous so much dopamine to him


48a02a  No.6307310


Gibberish. Are you high?

156097  No.6307311


The Annunaki actually did fuse the chromosomes of apes to produce us and then cloned us to mine gold in South Africa.

1b289e  No.6307312

File: c41fe8327d1cc98⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepe-baking.jpg)






what do shills eat?

<other than the first several posts of new bread… kek

e66cd4  No.6307313

File: 7de166a75199835⋯.jpg (106 KB, 397x512, 397:512, bootmound.jpg)

30767a  No.6307314


>u got a new larp or u gunna keep runnin w the dox bs

Dunno why TF y'all are making this shill rich as fuk tonight- they make $3.50 for every word you type back ya know.

Filtered his ass long ago.

But hell yeah!

HEY FAKE Q! DOXX ME to prove you are all powerful

DOIT (fake)Q! DOIT now and prove it to everyone! They will fear you moar! DOIT DOIT DOIT!

cbaef1  No.6307315


screenshot is fag

ur words need evidence to back it up

lets see it

dd6ea8  No.6307316

File: eed718fddec5d4d⋯.mp4 (1012.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Mr DiGenova Saying it like….mp4)

>Sara ALWAYS looks like sheis about to bust at the seams


Sara seems to be sitting on a hot plate every time she is on. ROFL

e66cd4  No.6307317

File: 9e775183334358d⋯.jpg (210.53 KB, 600x595, 120:119, mindcontrol.jpg)

608c0f  No.6307319

File: 7ba6a98cf6cc535⋯.png (961.53 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Curious Frog Q Alpha.png)


I think we need to always protect truth. No matter it's orifgins. Or we do not learn from mistakes or rejoice from success.

263617  No.6307320


Kek. Noice add.

c14cb1  No.6307321


No worries Anon all their everythings are belong to us now.

afb331  No.6307323

File: 84979c8eb84d0bf⋯.png (408.24 KB, 1952x882, 976:441, kek_questions2.png)

What would put 99 percent of people in hospital?

913a8f  No.6307324


Morgellons are some creepy ass shit for sure. Seems like there is not enough serious research to determine exactly the causes. It has been linked to cell towers, chem trails, food additives, and more. But i think the history of it goes way back farther than 2002.

e66cd4  No.6307325

File: cb49b3e5bab7865⋯.jpg (445.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mirrorbo.jpg)

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