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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

fd9d4e  No.6156358

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 04.11.2019

>>6138770 ————————————–——– All for a 'LARP'?

Wednesday 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

fd9d4e  No.6156360

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6121863)

>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/


are not endorsements


>>6156346 DJT Tweet: "WSJ's Strassel: Barr 'Right' to Say 'Spying' Occurred on Trump Campaign..."

>>6156294 Dig on Jennifer Gaffney: The DA who let Epstein off.

>>6155952 Zuckerberg compensation more than doubles with $22.6 million Facebook paycheck.

>>6156060 US Army ReTweet. 17:17 timestamp.

>>6156155, >>6156242 The curious case of Greg Craig.

>>6156153 WH Tweet: "Former Obama officials are calling for a bipartisan solution to our border crisis..."

>>6155955, >>6156065 Okeechobee school/body dig.

>>6156057 PapaD: CIA told me they were keeping tabs on me in 2014.

>>6155933 Congressman Loebsack to retire in 2020.

>>6155896 Backlash against Omar's comments builds.

>>6155804, >>6155952 Netflix CEO and Fmr. WH CoS stepping down from Facebook board. MZ takes home double compensation.

>>6155715 Eating healthy soon to be pathologized.

>>6155713 General Electric agrees to pay $1.5 billion penalty for alleged misrepresentations concerning subprime loans included in residential mortgage-backed securities.

>>6155660 More calls for full Mueller report.

>>6155652, >>6156318 JA's smear campaign swings into action.

>>6155644 Protective Order filed in Craig case.

>>6156355 #7872


>>6155487 US DoD: "Flying in rare air."

>>6155447 Identity politics being used at an absurd level.

>>6155425 Giuliani: "Rep. Ilhan Omar must be denounced for outrageous 9/11 comments."

>>6155378 Photos surface revealing 2017 'closed-door' meeting between Rep. Ilhan Omar and Turkish President Erdogan.

>>6155297 POTUS 911 video 43 seconds long.

>>6155088 Planefag: Planefag: 44A10F gets around.

>>6155084 Kim Jong Un reportedly willing to meet for a third summit.

>>6155026 Glenn Greenwald points out the MSM's hypocrisy and deceitful comments regarding JA.

>>6155062 Christchurch terror attack used to justify mass surveillance of Muslims in China.

>>6155045 Planefag tracking UK/Ireland aircraft.

>>6154965 DJT Tweet: "WE WILL NEVER FORGET!" (video)

>>6154964 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6154955 No trafficking in Kraft case?

>>6154894 AZAZ09O9 heading towards DC from Kansas City / Ft Leavenworth.

>>6154880 Q: Lost bible scriptures?

>>6154864 POTUS: "Thanks to President @realDonaldTrump, America is now winning the global race to deploy secure and reliable 5G!"

>>6154844 Milley: "Happy birthday to Army Aviation!"

>>6154821 House Oversight Committee planning to subpoena POTUS financial records.

>>6154820 11th MEU: "Not in our Waters!"

>>6154819 New York DA knew Clinton pal Epstein was "dangerous pedophile" while arguing for leniency. The "Weiner" treatment.

>>6155547 #7871


>>6154634 Rod Rosenstein: Saying Barr is misleading with Mueller summary ‘bizarre’.

>>6154626 Plane crashes into Connecticut high school baseball field.

>>6154575 US declassifies some 11,000 pages of documents on Argentina dirty war.

>>6154584 Boston Globe writer urges waiters to ‘tamper’ with food of Republicans.

>>6154507 Jim Jordan's response to Cummings subpoena of a private company to target POTUS.

>>6154478 Trump attorney Jay Sekulow confirms SpyGate coup told “no” *three* times at the FISA Court.

>>6154426 Ex-Venezuelan head of military intel detained in Madrid at US request .

>>6154398 DOD outreach: "Going in for the takedown!"

>>6154270 U.S. EPA revives provision that may name refiners applying for biofuel waivers.

>>6154241 Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has sent a criminal referral notification to Attorney General William Barr claiming “potential violations” in the FBI’s handling of the Trump-Russia probe.

>>6154167, >>6154170 Discussion of using more military troops for the border crisis.

>>6154043 Democrats new favorite strategy: strong arming financial institutes.

>>6154089 27 more 'possible graves' found near Fla. reform school infamous for beatings, sex abuse.

>>6154087 Dems demanding DOJ disclose results of misconduct handling Epstein case.

>>6154744 #7870

Previously Collected Notables

>>6152319 #7867, >>6153110 #7868, >>6153922 #7869

>>6150584 #7865, >>6151576 #7866, >>6152319 #7867

>>6148427 #7862, >>6149176 #7863, >>6149933 #7864

>>6146039 #7859, >>6146817 #7860, >>6147587 #7861

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

fd9d4e  No.6156362

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6115583 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>6152824

Q Graphics all in EST


fd9d4e  No.6156364

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

fd9d4e  No.6156372

File: 2622555e40eaabe⋯.png (246.17 KB, 780x438, 130:73, brennanmuslim.png)



64f194  No.6156377

File: 67267a5fd373b84⋯.jpg (104.63 KB, 1440x1517, 1440:1517, IMG_20190412_020854.jpg)

File: 65580f0dbbd1e9f⋯.jpg (285.05 KB, 1440x2473, 1440:2473, IMG_20190412_020333.jpg)

Not sure if anyone posted this before.

The F15 Silent Eagle picture Q posted back on February 1st, 2019, post 2675,

Was apparently taken from the Wikipedia page 'Jet Engine'.

Circa 2014.

Wiki filename describes it as Air strikes in Syria.

Q didn't indicate that this was an original picture, nor was there any text in the post, other than the filename which Anons attempted to glean some meaning from.

Didn't know if the original sauce had been found,

Sorry if this is old news.


b201c8  No.6156381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



b201c8  No.6156386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


64ecb1  No.6156387

File: bd7997fbf796375⋯.jpg (223.58 KB, 700x700, 1:1, somepeople8.jpg)

File: 1605cc01a9a3016⋯.jpg (156.36 KB, 700x700, 1:1, somepeople2.jpg)

File: 4135e60ec95ebcc⋯.jpg (319.37 KB, 700x700, 1:1, somepeople4.jpg)

929aa0  No.6156392

well Q, you got some splainin to do

<iframe width="710" height="391" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DhZx6CGMlmY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

bac6a2  No.6156415

Tonight on The Five, Geraldo:

“The Hunter becomes the Hunted”

during the Barr/MSM spy segment

9d829b  No.6156423

File: 03bbe1721a5a711⋯.png (480.55 KB, 590x675, 118:135, ClipboardImage.png)

thank you baker

9448cb  No.6156424

File: 2bcdcfb7b80e450⋯.png (275.04 KB, 600x700, 6:7, ClipboardImage.png)

956104  No.6156432

File: 7dc037ab6756c95⋯.png (887.88 KB, 1234x1000, 617:500, 967770afd558168f7579733ce1….png)


Nice work Anon

e94816  No.6156444

File: d6467ae14a2bd75⋯.png (676.79 KB, 752x390, 376:195, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62bcd35469710f8⋯.png (46.84 KB, 798x424, 399:212, ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk-Linked Scientists Are Developing Brain Probes for DARPA

Last month a team of scientists affiliated with Elon Musk’s Neuralink project published a paper identifying a new technique for inserting probes into brains. The study was published in a journal called BioRxiv, and according to Bloomberg, all five of its authors have been associated with Nueralink. It was noted at the end of the study that the research was funded through a DARPA Contract.

The team is developing this technique in hopes of building technology that is capable of monitoring brain activity. The study has been deemed “the ‘sewing machine’ for minimally invasive neural recording,” since the technique works sort of like a sewing machine.

“Here, we demonstrate the feasibility and scalability of this approach with a system incorporating fine and flexible thin-film polymer probes, a fine and stiff insertion needle, and a robotic insertion machine. Together the system permits rapid and precise implantation of probes, each individually targeted to avoid observable vasculature and to attain diverse anatomical targets,” the study says.

In the study, researchers implanted arrays of electrodes in the brains of rats and then recorded their responses.

The researchers concluded:

“We have repeatedly and reliably implanted our thin, flexible electrodes in both agarose tissue proxy and the brains of rats.”

An alarming detail of the study is that the procedure was carried out by none other than a robot.

“Because the whole insertion process is automated and the robot can move quickly, per-thread insertion times were quite short. Indeed, other than the needle insertion, which is performed at 0.1-2 mm/s, robot movements are rapid, up to 100 mm/s. This allows for the per-thread insertion cycle times of less than 9 seconds. Such rapid insertion allows for large numbers of electrodes to be inserted in a practical surgical timeframe,” the study indicated.

Those left unsettled by these developments can rest assured, however, that this technology appears quite far from entering the market for human use. The researchers noted that the procedure caused injuries in lab rats and did not seem durable for long term use. Though the research team is reportedly working to perfect the process and will hopefully minimize these dangers over time.


1a7205  No.6156447

File: 7f2cc3dff50f47d⋯.png (3.48 MB, 2048x2209, 2048:2209, Untitled-1.png)

5fe924  No.6156448

File: 8ae576cd0b1f0de⋯.png (961.23 KB, 1092x792, 91:66, Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at ….png)

A crumb for planefags….

2nd day in a row I've seen a C-17 land at Burbank Airport. Today's was about an hour ago, 3:30ish PT.

Personally I haven't seen them land there very often if ever. Two days in a row seems unusual to me, but someone out there may know better.

2b980f  No.6156451


Last bread is not even done baking and you've already posted…


Dropping a metaphorical Piano on heads Every Bread to break decades of "SIX MILLLLLLION"?


64ecb1  No.6156457

File: e1f590a484966f8⋯.jpg (80.51 KB, 597x513, 199:171, ChzYNpmWUAAYm93.jpg)


TY. Tried to beat the shill scripts but man vs. machine ><

7b58a4  No.6156461

File: e1c3b4e8cfa64c7⋯.png (648.92 KB, 1082x594, 541:297, eddie.png)

File: 237c015b9de6533⋯.png (624.06 KB, 1082x581, 1082:581, eddie2.png)

File: 9aaed2caa2ca480⋯.png (634.2 KB, 1082x575, 1082:575, eddie3.png)

File: e90998f4aa02e5e⋯.png (718.68 KB, 1082x585, 1082:585, eddie4.png)

File: 242b20973c35ff9⋯.png (435.92 KB, 689x393, 689:393, FRIDAY.png)






b62ec5  No.6156462

File: ff40df58226e99a⋯.jpg (192.03 KB, 1080x777, 360:259, Screenshot_20190412-163558….jpg)

not sure if these voters are ignorant or stupid 🤔

e77724  No.6156463

File: 7d6837ea7a3ac89⋯.jpg (170.67 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, tr985qiv3vr21.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

d71563  No.6156464

File: c6aa99de8b39660⋯.jpg (163.33 KB, 753x798, 251:266, d51f5d4702c31314eb8384358f….jpg)

eb810a  No.6156465

File: 1a74e2f25723736⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 474x702, 79:117, JusticeFullMeasure.jpg)

File: 3a1850b2408e3d3⋯.jpg (257.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, JusticeIsComing.jpg)

75ea62  No.6156466


Cargo planes, obviously.

What type of cargo is the Q

64f194  No.6156467

File: 67267a5fd373b84⋯.jpg (104.63 KB, 1440x1517, 1440:1517, IMG_20190412_020854.jpg)

File: 65580f0dbbd1e9f⋯.jpg (285.05 KB, 1440x2473, 1440:2473, IMG_20190412_020333.jpg)

Not sure if anyone posted this before.

The F15 Silent Eagle picture Q posted back on February 1st, 2019, post 2675,

Was apparently taken from the Wikipedia page 'Jet Engine'.

Circa 2014.

Wiki filename describes it as Air strikes in Syria.

Q didn't indicate that this was an original picture, nor was there any text in the post, other than the filename which Anons attempted to glean some meaning from.

Didn't know if the original sauce had been found,

Sorry if this is old news.


01d484  No.6156468

File: 33e69bbbc025ebb⋯.gif (754.88 KB, 480x281, 480:281, 33e69bbbc025ebb995858d5071….gif)

TY Baker

929aa0  No.6156469

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DhZx6CGMlmY" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

0f97c5  No.6156470

File: 0b884cffd63d846⋯.png (332.13 KB, 745x587, 745:587, ClipboardImage.png)

Should be a ==notable==

c5efe5  No.6156471

File: 207722813ffbfa5⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 720x732, 60:61, chelsdefend0bama.jpg)

45b314  No.6156472

d96f37  No.6156473






45b314  No.6156474


Wut x2

b25fd9  No.6156475


what is your fucking op here?

you're the most annoying current shill we have, and thats including tiresias

where do you see your retardation going, exactly?

d1d382  No.6156476


You failed so hard, you decided to do it twice you faggot

551392  No.6156477

File: bd87a6ae502bfd4⋯.png (818.45 KB, 857x570, 857:570, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)

Ty, baker

75ea62  No.6156478


No one is clicking this shit, nigga

e94816  No.6156479

File: 43fc0409754d7ec⋯.png (102.55 KB, 807x791, 807:791, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33fc14d6e6b0a70⋯.png (361.83 KB, 806x852, 403:426, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a39822844dc6cd1⋯.png (465.82 KB, 809x696, 809:696, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce5b6729c216153⋯.png (1.04 MB, 810x786, 135:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97957f878c735a2⋯.png (126.42 KB, 802x837, 802:837, ClipboardImage.png)

Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?

The question on everyone’s mind – are Bill and Hillary Clinton connected to or involved with child sex trafficking or child labor trafficking networks – or, are they advocates for children as they portray themselves to be? Though, the focus is on both Bill and Hillary, this report will primarily break down a timeline of Hillary’s work as it relates to children, in addition to both of their connections with individuals who have been indicted and/or convicted of crimes against children – because they are stacking up. The information that follows will provide facts, for each person to use their own discernment in determining what they believe to be truth, or until further information is revealed.

Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry.

Timeline of Hillary’s Work Specifically Involving Infants & Children:

1970: Worked at Yale Child Study Center, learning about early childhood brain development, and research assistant on the book Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, and handled cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital

1970: Summer – worked on Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor

1971: Met husband Bill, interned at law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein where she worked on child custody and other cases

1973: Postgraduate study on children and medicine at Yale Child Study Center, her article “Children Under the Law” was published in the Harvard Educational Review, staff attorney at Marian Wright Edelman’s Children’s Defense Fund in Cambridge, MA, consultant to Carnegie Council on Children

1977: Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families – a state level alliance with Children’s Defense Fund, and worked pro bono in child advocacy during her work at Rose Law Firm

1979: Published “Children’s Policies: Abandonment and Neglect and “Children’s Rights: A Legal Perspective

1985: Introduced Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth (preparedness & literacy)

1988-92: Children’s Defense Fund Chairman of the Board and on the board of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital’s legal services

1995: Wrote an article on orphaned children that led to the Adoption and Safe Families Act in 1997

1996: Published book “It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us

1997: Supported State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and promoted nationwide immunization against childhood diseases; hosted child care conference and early childhood development and learning conferences at White House; initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act which required states to terminate parental rights for children in foster care for 15 out of 22 months and provided funding for efforts in encouraging adoption as well as subsidies for adoptive children up through age 18; By executive memorandum, her husband President Bill Clinton added the “Adoption 2002 Initiative” which aimed to lower barriers to adoption so as to double the rate of adoption by 2002


Part 1

933c0c  No.6156480

White Privilege, is that what put a black man in the White House?

These people are so stupid and the ones who believe the likes of AOC, Pelosi etc, there are no words to fully explain their state of mind.

NP, you’re an absolute piece of shit.

931820  No.6156481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

123bff  No.6156482

File: 39195e22d404ce4⋯.jpg (56.18 KB, 500x666, 250:333, sexy-cowgirls-9.jpg)

Thank You Baker

01d168  No.6156483



Any moar sauce on this one, Anon(s)?

ed394d  No.6156484


It was noted yesterday anon

45b90d  No.6156485


93f499  No.6156486

File: f97aab67b2f1390⋯.jpeg (67.16 KB, 477x506, 477:506, 85108947-A716-4E5E-96E2-5….jpeg)

File: b3f05efde3c414d⋯.jpeg (63.38 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 1F3CC98D-1710-4371-9909-F….jpeg)

File: c354313475052e4⋯.jpeg (35.53 KB, 350x183, 350:183, 58DA4C68-51BF-4B45-98D5-2….jpeg)

File: 4a41ce60d058346⋯.jpeg (71.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 710790E9-F0BC-4BC0-8A07-9….jpeg)

File: 32d3ca164ed7e33⋯.jpeg (66.04 KB, 627x391, 627:391, B5A1D793-F089-458A-8F87-2….jpeg)

b6e05f  No.6156487

File: 61961cc7a9a9bfb⋯.jpg (90 KB, 752x500, 188:125, 2ygljb.jpg)

TY Baker!

8e157c  No.6156488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Has this been looked at again since Assange's arrest yesterday?

Did I miss the party?

d96f37  No.6156489








1f46d0  No.6156490

File: 8befb4195b9cad9⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1049x900, 1049:900, 1800.png)

f8289e  No.6156491


Hell I say round them all up and put them in Sanctuary cities

62917d  No.6156492

The lefties are so brainwashed they will never see the light. They defend the liberal agenda no matter what. If there is a video of Obama slicing babies throats while he masterbates on their dead bodies..they will still make excuses. The die hard libtards our are only true enemy..let that sink in. “We” are our only true enemy. Take a moment and remember (you) are on the right side of history. (You) are the true American hero. Feel proud of that. It’s all we got anons.

826ca1  No.6156493

>>6153303 (PB)

Two new slush funds.

>>6154609 (PB)

No information about the arrested man except for his age and (lack of) relationship to the child?

>>6154582 (PB)

Media. This post is a high volume shill posting copy and paste hatred. None of us can post fast enough to attain this post count. We're not in love with Jews, we're certainly not pro-Zionists, but neither can we be bothered to express blind hatred for them, either.

>>6154517 (PB)

Stopping an invading horde of foreigners attempting to enter the nation by force of numbers is not LE. It is, in fact, one of the very few powers assigned to the federal government.

>>6154090 (PB)

>So there have been multiple people that have known the WHOLE TRUTH about everything since the day Trump was inaugurated?????

Multiple people who have known large swathes of the truth. It's unlikely more than a very small group knows any more than their assigned corner of it.

>>6154117 (PB)

This would seem to be based on news that Mexico allowed a large group (375) of individuals over the border today or yesterday. Trump had made keeping the border open contingent on Mexico stopping the caravans from reaching our border. Mexico failed -- so the border is now closed.


They HOPE POTUS is incriminated. I think they are making this move out of reckless desperation.

They probably want to deflect from the referrals that Nunes made. I'm pretty sure Mr. Schiff is distraught -- to say the least.

>>6154064 (PB)

>Preserve the dignity of the office of the presidency,

by acting like one.

>>6154117 (PB)

That promise of a delay was contingent on Mexico stopping the flood of illegal immigrants. They failed.

>>6153401 (PB)

Hey butthead. Yeah, you. Is Assange and American citizen subject to its laws and owing loyalty to the Republic? Was he in America when he received the data?

If the answer to both of those questions is "no", where does the US get off enforcing its laws against him?

I'm an American by birth and I want to Make America Great Again. We can't do that by riding roughshod over people and ignoring our own laws and sense of justice.

>>6153393 (PB)

Options / filters


comment Abraham Finkelstein X

comment Protocols of the Elders of Zion X

>>6153473 (PB)

ISTR that she is still a he. Amiright?

>>6153272 (PB)

Was Assange a citizen?

Was Assange on US soil when this all took place?

Unless at least one of those is true, what he did is no more a crime than my wife wearing lipstick and a scarf violates Sharia.

Our laws do not apply worldwide.

>>6153249 (PB)

Assange has never released anything that got anyone killed. So you are talking out your ass.

Hillary, on the other hand managed to get most of the CiA in China 187'd.

>>6153251 (PB)

And THAT is why I haven't jumped in. It's 'scare science'.

>>6153262 ()B

Although I have my suspicions, was the evil one actually a Somali?

>>6154008 (PB)

>Either way, immigration attorneys who had argued the policy was putting the lives of asylum seekers at risk by forcing them to wait in violence-plagued Mexico said the ruling was already having an effect.

Not our problem. They should have thought of that before they came over the southern border of Mexico.

350ca6  No.6156494

File: 5fa3e3f3c4448e5⋯.jpg (951.55 KB, 1064x1600, 133:200, BB beach.jpg)

fee40c  No.6156495

Timothy 4:1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

085c38  No.6156496


Hence 5G rollout!


9d829b  No.6156497

File: 850fa8a938eca91⋯.png (214.39 KB, 476x357, 4:3, 850fa8a938eca9113dd30892ef….png)

50b932  No.6156499

File: 67ecaf4185e4b2f⋯.jpg (29.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, kekfu.jpg)

>>6156446 (lb)

And this is for you, you ADL fuckstick.

You will NEVER fool dedicated, gold-star researchers.

Hope you're ready for Movie 3 as it goes after your idols.


Tick Tock.

1f46d0  No.6156500

File: b8498e797173746⋯.jpg (569.21 KB, 2048x1291, 2048:1291, michelledicks.jpg)

246866  No.6156501


Yes, an anon pointed out that it wasn't a new photo along with the reference.

Always good to make sure though.

933c0c  No.6156502


Nah, we shouldn’t.

64ecb1  No.6156503

File: 3a372c69008cdcd⋯.jpg (262.57 KB, 672x672, 1:1, 1tim4-1.jpg)

8b5861  No.6156504

>>6156373 (PB)

You're replying to me, fren. I know this is a bit long, but skim to the part I wrote about cognitive dissonance, and how important it will be to "wake" people properly.

The Basics of Effective Red Pilling

• Know your biggest competitors:

Apathy (some people genuinely don’t give a shit about politics or even good vs. evil)

Lazy Thinking (Nietzsche was right when he said that "most people go through life trying to avoid any real thoughts")

Short Attention Spans (Learn to ask great opening questions that ENGAGE the other person. For example: "I've been learning of late some rather interesting, but confusing, things about our President. Would you be kind enough to have a look at this with me and give me your perspective?")

Cognitive Dissonance [It's important for you to understand that every living American has been brainwashed--completely--by Project Mockingbird. Every single thing we've ever seen on TV, heard on the radio or read in a newspaper has been a well-scripted lie. When people are faced with evidence (like buildings collapsing in perfect free-fall) that is counter-intuitive to our values and beliefs, we naturally reject them to protect our tenuous view of reality. It took me YEARS to accept the truth of 9/11 due to my military training and a lifetime of believing I was a patriot acting in the best interest of a good gubbermint. Factor in that 9/11 is only one piece of a much larger "jigsaw puzzle" and you will begin gaining empathy for the enormous "wakening" that Normies will soon be facing. It won't be easy for them, so be gentle and patient.]

• Learn how to "play dumb"

• Open the conversation by sincerely complimenting the other person (example: "Joe, you've forgotten more about the Middle East that I'll ever know. I'm really confused about Putin's stance on Syria and why Trump is not getting involved. What are your thoughts on this tricky situation?")

• Ask open-ended questions (they typically start with who, what and how)

• Let the other person be the expert

• Find a topic about which they're already skeptical, then tie that issue to something that's of interest today

• When you sense that they're starting to push back, quickly change the subject back to small talk and wait for a better time

• Embrace the concept that Red Pilling is a process and NOT and event

• No one will have an "Aha!" moment; it's a slow realization that EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER LEARNED OR BELIEVED IS A LIE

• Someone famous and wise (I think Mark Twain) once said, "It's easier to fool someone than it is to get them to admit they've been fooled." If you agree with this, as do I, then it's easier to accept the fact that when someone starts waking up, they will do it in solace, and NOT in the presence of another person. Plant the seeds and let them walk away to nurture them on their own.

• Another Anon suggested that, "Everyone is Red Pilled at least a wee bit about SOMETHING; vaccines, GMO's, lobbyists, insider trading, Building 7, etc.). Find their one area of skepticism first, then slowly work your way out."

I hope these thoughts help some of you salvage relationships with those near and dear to you. In closing, know this: The people closest to us are the last ones WE will be able to Red Pill. We tend to fall into old habits and roles with them (and vice versa), so plant the seeds and let other people take credit for your family and friends waking up.

154257  No.6156505

File: 33bd149935011f3⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 336x400, 21:25, thesaurus.jpg)

File: 45cdea3fdc8614a⋯.jpg (794.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 7020354105_f7529dfa5d_b.jpg)

551392  No.6156506

I feel like Omar is part of a very long game with 9/11 reveal/declas.

Using an obvious mistake of a representative to LARP out extreme views, puts the issue back into the consciousness of normies.

Makes 9/11 relevant again instead of it being used how it was used for a decade+, to fear porn/remind.

The event is being cast in a new light.

3f3158  No.6156508

File: f48f02d5f8cf33b⋯.png (27.91 KB, 403x448, 403:448, 1527416931791.png)

2ae39f  No.6156509


Is that Mcthistle taking a selfie with a C-17? Famefag. ;)

b62ec5  No.6156510


yah, u plan on moving there to make sure they don't migrate to other states/cities smart guy?

75ea62  No.6156511


That will get the normies to wake up pretty quick.

Bet they wanna start complying with federal law once a few murders happen in their ‘hood

e94816  No.6156512

File: 1e734e6bb6e5405⋯.png (169.71 KB, 814x848, 407:424, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b167f440efb8f24⋯.png (197.4 KB, 803x842, 803:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dc2a58cedc81c0⋯.png (346.11 KB, 806x855, 806:855, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c7d3f53590feb7⋯.png (219.3 KB, 809x822, 809:822, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0c937c83a1399e⋯.png (375.01 KB, 802x868, 401:434, ClipboardImage.png)


Part 2

01d168  No.6156513

File: 587ac6c3b40af47⋯.png (578.07 KB, 633x792, 211:264, Screenshot_17.png)




Moar sauce is here!

I would put this as




01d484  No.6156514


AJ tries tog to 90% patriot again. Backtracking to try to save his wannabe globalist MOS backed business.

….still in his emotional centrist scaring role.

d6ce23  No.6156516

File: 8f94aef900394b5⋯.png (288.51 KB, 526x381, 526:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eac515026edaae⋯.png (83.08 KB, 355x341, 355:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Don Jr. pointed out CNN not reporting on Obama council being indicted, but instead they bringing on an Owl. It could be symbolism

5a78cd  No.6156517

File: e37dd0002d36f08⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 736x490, 368:245, fe45f0085951a5343b23e43eef….jpg)

1b5e0f  No.6156518

File: d1fbbfe306f38d3⋯.jpg (268.97 KB, 897x838, 897:838, Plotters.jpg)

File: 6577c9afbafabd7⋯.jpg (275.34 KB, 740x886, 370:443, rashida.jpg)

Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Sharice Davids, Deb Haaland, and Rashida Tlaib. Birds of a feather.

350ca6  No.6156519

File: f7ca85124ec3480⋯.png (338.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, pepe dream ride.png)


I'll be right over!


fada13  No.6156520

Could somebody with a big hard drive please archive all of these files, in case if WL goes down?



085c38  No.6156521


>not sure if these voters are ignorant or stupid

Your referring to 7%? or shill?

45b314  No.6156522


Slightly notable today as it was notable yesterday.

13bd82  No.6156523

File: 488181e5a6218b4⋯.png (314.18 KB, 315x508, 315:508, Beerzforbaker.png)

5dfd32  No.6156524

File: 978d71b19173452⋯.jpg (101.65 KB, 944x500, 236:125, jb2aq6cu.jpg)

7cf976  No.6156525

Mueller report tomorrow?

f8289e  No.6156526


Fuck 'em you could sell tickets to shoot any that try to leave the city limits

68bce8  No.6156527

File: 6f1ebd30b25139b⋯.jpg (38.75 KB, 371x512, 371:512, Zappa Gay.jpg)

8e157c  No.6156528



b25fd9  No.6156529


i wasnt talking about aj (yes, youre right)

i was talking about the all caps "cannot thank you enough _ff" shill that just spergs out about random shit

43789b  No.6156531


I've got a big one, but it's not a hard drive.

a55c6e  No.6156532

>>6154880 (pb) Q: Lost bible scriptures?

German: Quelle, meaning "source"


Last Q post

We have the source.



fada13  No.6156533


>every living American has been brainwashed–completely–by Project Mockingbird. Every single thing we've ever seen on TV, heard on the radio or read in a newspaper has been a well-scripted lie.

This is a very valuable bit of text to keep in mind.

085c38  No.6156535

File: fe2c2fe4fc61b96⋯.jpg (139.17 KB, 966x961, 966:961, c58626a5cfadd3fff0e8c97535….jpg)

95b6c1  No.6156536


fake and gay

e94816  No.6156537

File: 24bf7c26412f111⋯.png (502.8 KB, 639x784, 639:784, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2f18576357d728⋯.png (306 KB, 803x849, 803:849, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 711635942dad3af⋯.png (518.03 KB, 802x830, 401:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed3b7512a3bd5db⋯.png (114.96 KB, 804x854, 402:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 138e0a407d5e55c⋯.png (99.73 KB, 810x813, 270:271, ClipboardImage.png)


Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner

Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff when she was secretary of state, and Vice Chair of Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for President, recently completed serving prison time for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner’s laptop contained 340,000 emails, with a significant amount of them being between Hillary and Huma. On page 294 of the IG report, it states: Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails, Hillary Clinton & Foundation, crime against children.

Part 3

01d168  No.6156539

File: 23f34b4a81112a2⋯.png (250.44 KB, 669x854, 669:854, Screenshot_18.png)



Yep…you are right. This report here is from yesterday.


4c4e4c  No.6156541


Operation Sanctuary.


1230c4  No.6156542

Well, Coachella already sucks.

7cf976  No.6156543


Is that fucking real?

91f9fd  No.6156544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

da67ad  No.6156545

File: b89835c11f139d3⋯.jpg (150.87 KB, 592x888, 2:3, 35 Catherine Deneuve.jpg)

fd6355  No.6156546

File: 386a2076d3be227⋯.jpg (96.19 KB, 707x960, 707:960, 648c9c706798deef86c697ea62….jpg)

File: 7590bc9581d3ab3⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 236x344, 59:86, 9f6a78830349aea221762b4ba4….jpg)


ThanQ Baker!

50b932  No.6156547

File: 931e1aa4c05d6a9⋯.jpeg (216.14 KB, 1152x1200, 24:25, 24d8ca46588a7fdf1c1c8be54….jpeg)

File: 3a1fb17a7d15397⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2206x1250, 1103:625, QMissileCoincidences.jpg)

File: ba2506ba0c1a72d⋯.jpg (135.25 KB, 1612x1080, 403:270, SkykingRIP.jpg)

I miss the OG's.

45b314  No.6156548

File: 3fb643262d8578d⋯.jpeg (951.67 KB, 1452x901, 1452:901, ED5F5776-FB92-4FF7-A869-6….jpeg)

01d168  No.6156549

Jim Acosta got the "Truth to Power" award today.

c6fd9d  No.6156551


The White Rabbit is on the stage.

45b90d  No.6156552

Much of Pellicano’s early work was locating missing people — one newspaper report said he had found nearly 4,000 missing people.

Pellicano says he was mentored by Lt Col Allan D Bell, a military intelligence expert who Pellicano said was “closer to me than my own father . . . and more of a father to me”.

Pellicano helped reinvestigate JFK’s killing and Richard Nixon’s Watergate tapes. It is thought he was hired during Bill Clinton’s first White House run to discredit Gennifer Flowers, who claimed to have had an affair with Clinton.

Later, according to the New York Post, Pellicano was hired to investigate Monica Lewinsky.

There were rumours Pellicano was the private eye tracking OJ Simpson’s wife Nicole before her murder — claims fuelled by revelations that bugging devices found in her home were the same as those Pellicano used at Jackson’s Neverland ranch. ­Pellicano denied any involvement.

In 2002, the FBI raided his office, prompted by claims he intimidated reporter Anita Busch, who had written unfavourable stories about Pellicano clients Steven Seagal and Michael Ovitz, the ex-Disney boss.

Busch found a bullet hole in her car, “Stop” scrawled on the windscreen and a dead fish with a rose in its mouth on the vehicle — a notorious Mafia warning.

The man who vandalised the car said he was hired by Pellicano, who denied any involvement. During the raid, the FBI found explosives and £150,000 in cash. Pellicano was jailed on weapons charges.


123bff  No.6156554

File: 3f9a77573546dbd⋯.jpeg (77.8 KB, 1080x530, 108:53, 1549511021.jpeg)

085c38  No.6156555

File: 536882fd3aab5ba⋯.jpg (161.76 KB, 825x1200, 11:16, 536882fd3aab5baf5478204295….jpg)

9006d0  No.6156556


I got my eye on her.

ad1f07  No.6156557

File: 8617506acaae1e7⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1017x675, 113:75, TioPepeSolMadrid.png)

Q…attacks will intensify,

Troops need a rally cry.

no disrespect.

We are everywhere.

f7d069  No.6156558


Nope shopped

4f584f  No.6156559


The bad trigger discipline ruins this. Sad.

58f63f  No.6156560


>Is that fucking real?


have to go back!

120dcd  No.6156561

File: 49c794d04f694f1⋯.jpeg (460.59 KB, 1075x2005, 215:401, B1554B2D-C1F4-4ECA-BB42-D….jpeg)

File: 252afaaa0924f17⋯.jpeg (454.14 KB, 1096x2097, 1096:2097, 7C5ECB45-BBF3-493C-AD1D-0….jpeg)

File: e5cfb791bcf2fd5⋯.jpeg (395.82 KB, 1125x2127, 375:709, F6AD1B35-0B57-43CA-BBD4-4….jpeg)

My friend’s father was in that school. He told her about his experience there. She told me about it two years ago… It was damning. I texted her this morning and this was her response.

43789b  No.6156562


Oh, nice. Violence and sex.

40eae4  No.6156564

File: 64829ec234fded3⋯.png (1.84 MB, 837x1019, 837:1019, seth rich - Copy.png)


Assange has information that could "prove the second shoe dropping…the double whammy"

"can come back and open up the Seth Rich case"

I know we all hate Corsi, but the normies could see this.

f7d069  No.6156565


Live forevar

e94816  No.6156566

File: d4c27994c3d40e1⋯.png (528.57 KB, 702x838, 351:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1307f26e69af24⋯.png (567.14 KB, 812x753, 812:753, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45db4544499f1ca⋯.png (109.51 KB, 806x845, 62:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 502680912f754ed⋯.png (403.08 KB, 812x800, 203:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d231353ff9ef4b9⋯.png (353.41 KB, 812x856, 203:214, ClipboardImage.png)


Lauren Salzman Admitted to Enslaving a Woman for 2 Years

In the final days of March 2019, Lauren Salzman quietly pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges, and on April 2nd admitted in court that she had harbored her own personal slave from March 2010 through April 2012, by keeping her imprisoned in a room and threatening her with deportation back to Mexico. She also admitted to being a member of DOS, Raniere’s secret society.

Clare Bronfman Fainted When Finding Out Attorneys Mark Geragos & Michael Avenatti Were Indicted for Extortion of Nike

In the midst of this bombshell, on March 27, 2019 Clare Bronfman fainted in the court room after being asked if she had secretly retained lawyer Michael Avenatti. In a recent indictment, one of Bronfman’s attorneys, Mark Geragos was identified as a co-conspirator with Michael Avenatti to extort $20 million from Nike. Avenatti was arrested just two days before Bronfman’s court appearance. Then, on April 11, 2019, Avenatti was indicted on 36 counts of fraud and embezzlement.

Allison Mack Pleaded Guilty to Racketeering

Fast forward to April 8, 2019 and Smallville actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering charges for manipulating women into becoming sex slaves for their leader, Keith Raniere. Her original pending counts on court documents indicated sex trafficking of children by force, fraud or coercion.

How big is NXIVM, and how far is their reach? This is a list of their affiliations, documented in court records.

Part 4

7b58a4  No.6156567

File: 2e5be7e2594a682⋯.png (863.78 KB, 1082x908, 541:454, 5gDJT.png)

File: 475db6c9ab85ae1⋯.png (711.66 KB, 1082x782, 541:391, 5g.png)

File: 70dfdb08fcd5adb⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 847x475, 847:475, GOT EM sommers.JPG)

File: 2305ecdf5ed79b0⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1078x718, 539:359, laugh with frens.png)


i like art!

wut do you do? besides beat your neighbor with an unnecessary stick. your flesh is showing and to be honest, its ugly. i just got here.. lighten up.


75ea62  No.6156568


We here nigga

3f3158  No.6156569

File: d9740012a1b2986⋯.jpg (80.47 KB, 645x773, 645:773, 1527394807960.jpg)


normies, newfags, and shills

some anons are still here though

148624  No.6156570


unionized communist retards with no job skills

246866  No.6156571

File: a88028dc6435469⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1076x664, 269:166, PatriotShift-2.png)

350ca6  No.6156572

File: 78f0a45f5be735f⋯.jpg (91.64 KB, 666x375, 222:125, Insider trading top activi….jpg)

File: e39960e7fb83dd2⋯.jpg (76.14 KB, 640x390, 64:39, floor and decor dump2.jpg)

File: ae951f132f47c70⋯.jpg (82.49 KB, 666x500, 333:250, delta airlines dump.jpg)

File: ec463bf41cd618e⋯.jpg (107.03 KB, 952x500, 238:125, carvana dump 8.jpg)

File: a83e4f3468f7519⋯.jpg (155.22 KB, 721x479, 721:479, tractor supply co dump 1.jpg)


Read it and weep fucktard.

ALL done while being 'exposed' to pron as you call it.

Some of you faggots are brian-dead as you refuse to accept the notion that you do not know who you are talking to when you attempt to push your view on anyone

Now grow up and FUCK-OFF


d4449b  No.6156573


thanks leo, couldnt'a figged it without you


2b980f  No.6156575


I postd this yesterday!


91f9fd  No.6156576

File: a39babc805d0a4d⋯.png (768.24 KB, 618x920, 309:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5088b04778bec1⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

5dfd32  No.6156577

File: 666b0aaac007928⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 255x157, 255:157, hranonihsdiysflgf.jpg)

34f986  No.6156578

Just read a bunch of April 12-16 drops from Q 1 year ago and came away with a feeling like 12 (35 II) might be next AG? I dunno… just a mild impression. Sure looks like RBG doppelgänger going down SOON.

b919f0  No.6156579

File: c80a9195ad17fdb⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 600x393, 200:131, 911BUSHesdidit.jpg)

>>6156353 pb

Black Hats tried to kill Guiliani on 9/11

>>6156352 pb

Liberals believe "American deserved it" that's why they can't imagine Bush et al did it.

They really think it was the "19 guys from a cave in the desert"


"So its hardly surprising that the events of Sept 11 2001 have spawned their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is - sadly - a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11, and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they "hate our freedoms".

"Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don't even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them, and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the US air-force, the insider trading on airline stocks - linked to the CIA, the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about 19 Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer 4 planes simultaneously and fly them around US airspace for nearly 2 hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the US intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do. "

MAD CONSPIRACY THEORIES. By Gerard Holmgren - Feb 12, 2003

>>6156019 pb

>>6156019 pb


Payseur is angry with Assange.

Assange must've done a really good job.

45267c  No.6156580

"Some People" aka (((THEY)))

9d829b  No.6156581

File: d70b729fe9bdd91⋯.jpg (35.45 KB, 614x444, 307:222, moran.JPG)

b25fd9  No.6156582


no, you've been here for months

you started by trying to famefag with some pic of your idiotic face next to POTUS's social media dude

then you started hysterically thanking the bakers

now you just sperg the fuck out randomly, like this

im wondering if you're paid and if so, how did you find a boss that's moar retarded than you?

even brock wouldn't pay for this shit

2b980f  No.6156583

File: 1c45b98b3f70961⋯.jpg (123.45 KB, 1085x593, 1085:593, !MICHELLE_PENIS_GAFFE.jpg)

75ea62  No.6156584



<being this new

3f3158  No.6156585

File: 8be068053406203⋯.png (46.6 KB, 632x852, 158:213, 1459040294269.png)

45b314  No.6156586

File: b63504e1d7cab68⋯.jpeg (954.91 KB, 1400x963, 1400:963, 2430CD89-348C-4807-B290-D….jpeg)


What tiggers?

ed394d  No.6156588

File: 8d081075bd57b2d⋯.png (989.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 8d081075bd57b2dc1a9174fc53….png)


Checkin in

e94816  No.6156589

File: f4e448d7d8da3f1⋯.png (568.59 KB, 580x836, 145:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc47519616d09f2⋯.png (1.06 MB, 792x849, 264:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6262f931e9dac1f⋯.png (967.89 KB, 818x831, 818:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50234fc8b67367d⋯.png (107.7 KB, 809x817, 809:817, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d60f0b5e573bd4⋯.png (223.88 KB, 811x821, 811:821, ClipboardImage.png)


The fact is, whether or not it can be proven that John is involved with “Pizzagate,” – pizza, sex, and pedophilia have gone hand-in-hand for many years, it is well-known, and it is well-documented. Heck, Al Vernacchio, a sex education teacher at a Quaker school in Pennsylvania, has been teaching children about pornography and sex, utilizing pizza terms since 1999. In fact, it’s been such a hit, he went on TED to break it all down for everyone in 2012. So for 20 years, pizza/food terms have been used as “sex talk” quite openly, if one does their research. It all makes the “Podesta emails” surrounding food terms and children just a bit more curious.

But hey, if that doesn’t float your boat, you can always stroll on over to the “sexy, Instagram-baiting museum of pizza in NYC” packed with a 29-room funhouse, and promoted with photos of folks strapped up in leather, cuffs, chains, and well – not much else, while tonguing down pizza, or better yet – holding a slice over their genitals. Pizza sex talk indeed. But, nothing to see here. It’s been code for a long time folks. It would take the average person to find sexual connections to pizza throughout Hollywood, used in advertising, promoted through campaigns, and certainly on the dark web – roughly 10 minutes, to draw the conclusion that sex and pizza have been linked together for decades. The only thing that evolved was the label itself – “Pizzagate.”

Therefore, to make the claim that Pizzagate doesn’t exist, with their entire focus being on “Comet Ping Pong,” is illegitimate, ignorant, and irresponsible reporting. They intentionally focus on the label, as opposed to the actual facts that child pedophiles and child sex trafficking has been rampant since the beginning of time, and has gotten progressively worse over the years, especially within the church. Perhaps sticking with the label “Pedogate” makes it harder for them to try to control the narrative. Food for thought.

In addition to Tony’s own collection of disturbing art surrounding children, his manager, as well as artists they bring into their exhibits, are equally disturbing. One such exhibit included artwork by ArtAngel, founded by Roger Took, a convicted pedophile in the worst degree imaginable.

Some refer to Tony as a “provocative artist,” while others find the idea of children being clothless and bound to be incredibly disturbing.

The Podesta brothers are close friends with Marina Ambramovic, a Serbian performance artist and film producer who is best known for her provocative, and to some – disturbing, art exhibitions and spirit cooking parties. Ambramovic’s book “Spirit Cooking with Essential Aphrodisiac Recipes” was released in 1996, utilizing ingredients such as fresh sperm milk, breast milk, and fresh morning urine. The spirit cooking festivities typically include feasting on replicas of full-size bodies with edible ingredients that give the effects of oozing blood and tissue. It seems to be a Hollywood hit.

Part 5

4f584f  No.6156590


That's how it's done. Her discipline is hot.

64ecb1  No.6156591

File: 596f888edc053d1⋯.jpg (349.7 KB, 700x700, 1:1, somepeople.jpg)

File: f991d1b26a1d719⋯.jpg (303.63 KB, 700x700, 1:1, somepeople5.jpg)

File: 696f67f7e108136⋯.jpg (310.93 KB, 700x700, 1:1, somepeople3.jpg)

2b980f  No.6156592


Ths is even funnier because, I am Transsexual posting it!


7cf976  No.6156593


I've never seen that particular image before and I suspected that it was shooped just looking at it, but it's easier to ask than to take the time to figure it out on my own when it's not important anyway.

f8a782  No.6156594

File: 53c09e25b026bb3⋯.gif (722.21 KB, 480x321, 160:107, l3q2vE5AujUv7a3pC.gif)


Meritless cnn fake news awards are passed around like candy.

11be0c  No.6156595

File: da175f17ca6b574⋯.jpg (75.01 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 16997665_1817243875205884_….jpg)


246866  No.6156596

File: 90f6cf978306370⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1074x798, 179:133, Sunset.png)


We here.

1230c4  No.6156597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These faggots fucking suck.

13bd82  No.6156598


>I am Transsexual posting it!

Shouldn't you be trying to KYS?

d4449b  No.6156599


Yep, Payseurs only mouth off upon capture

76eea2  No.6156600

File: da54e79ce2149c1⋯.png (571.2 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190412-195503.png)



FBI Man's Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying

Bill Priestap, left, with Michael Horowitz, DoJ inspector general.

By Eric Felten, RealClearInvestigations

April 12, 2019

Attorney General William Barr shocked official Washington Wednesday by saying what previously couldn't be said: That the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 involved “spying.”

The spying, which Barr vowed to investigate, is not the only significant possible violation of investigative rules and ethics committed by agents, lawyers, managers, and officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice. A catalogue of those abuses can be found in recently released testimony that ex-FBI official Edward William Priestap provided to Congress in a closed-door interview last summer.

From the end of 2015 to the end of 2018, Bill Priestap was assistant director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division, which meant he oversaw the FBI’s global counterintelligence efforts. In that role, he managed both of the bureau’s most politically sensitive investigations: the inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information and the probe into whether Donald Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election.

623a63  No.6156601

File: 9a4dbab675e56c8⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 4096x3072, 4:3, IMG_20190412_165457136.jpg)

91f9fd  No.6156603

File: d453e3143ee2855⋯.png (419.26 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Here Are All the Major Players in the NXIVM Case, Where Women Were Allegedly Held as 'Sex Slaves'

This week, the former Smallville actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and racketeering charges, marking another blow to the purported self-help group NXIVM. While the organization describes itself as a “community guided by humanitarian principles,” a former member who fled used a different word: “cult.”

In October 2017, the New York Times published an exposé into NXIVM (pronounced Nex-ee-um), in which former members claimed that they had been blackmailed, branded and nearly starved during their time inside the organization. (“There is no playbook for leaving a cult,” former member Sarah Edmondson said.) Since then, the group has crumbled as various members have been arrested on charges that range from extortion to sex trafficking to possession of child pornography.

The FBI alleged that co-founder Keith Raniere started a secret subgroup of NXIVM called DOS (which stands for a phrase roughly translated from Latin as “lord over the obedient female companions”), in which women were kept as “sex slaves.” (Raniere has denied all accusations, and has said through his lawyer that all sexual encounters were consensual.)

The saga will continue in court this month, with opening statements against Raniere slated for April 29. Here’s what we know about each of the members who has been charged, and where their cases stand now.

1b5e0f  No.6156604

File: 685cca80a701ed9⋯.jpg (109.79 KB, 888x657, 296:219, nice.jpg)

d4d887  No.6156605


Which Payseur? Leovani the Larp?

6ef1b2  No.6156606


10% of people will fight to the death for evil and oppression

10% will fight to the death for freedom and righteousness

the other 80% will meander to the side of the field

that wins

085c38  No.6156609


Lurk and shitpost, research board to nursery!

2b980f  No.6156610


I can feel the love!

d4449b  No.6156611

File: 216fb15f4d1deb4⋯.jpeg (16.16 KB, 474x318, 79:53, th.jpeg)

File: c79de2390027863⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 255x210, 17:14, a1847a835734188a02b2fb3a58….jpg)


go baby go

9bb6d4  No.6156612


paper planes?

$4.2 billion from IMF to Ecuador?

Spooky thieves creating/funding 3rd world democracies so they can steal the resources?

Turning strong cultures into an almost 3rd world existence?

Some I murder, Some I let go?

I remember this party from the first time around but not many have discussed this since JA's arrest yesterday…

… but that's just probably because this song is just as relevant today as it was when it was first released.

She sounds a bit like Hillary to me….

708dbd  No.6156613

File: 02e5a01e8eef414⋯.jpg (182.13 KB, 840x656, 105:82, hippocampus.jpg)


top qanon here…

75ea62  No.6156614



ad1f07  No.6156615

File: 29f20c297e51490⋯.jpeg (152.6 KB, 986x665, 986:665, a70350c4f289f37abdce2fc6f….jpeg)

File: 3b0fa5367602b6f⋯.png (491.17 KB, 872x539, 872:539, Screenshot_2019-04-11 Q Re….png)

File: abe991e74de8388⋯.png (817.43 KB, 1069x800, 1069:800, israelcrashonmoon.png)

7b58a4  No.6156616

File: 3ac5db7972f3d99⋯.png (718.56 KB, 1082x612, 541:306, jobs.png)

File: 031d180fc14b146⋯.jpeg (60.4 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, tendies.jpeg)



yeh baruch and tracybeanz and pamphlet were cool af. corsi was even cooler. i have unbelievable stories with antischool, that lilstinker.

not sure what OG's your talkin' bout homo..

but im comfy how things are currently.

miss the OG's when something bad happens.

Its FRIDAY. plz get outta bed & brush the depression off your voice before you cough that cancer all over us.

f863b9  No.6156617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

30-Second Reel of Building 7 Collapse Footage


5ca870  No.6156618

File: cfb538ff2885421⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BMmVlMzcxOTAtMjk0ZC00ND….jpg)


It's all over but the shoutin'.

e94816  No.6156619

File: 36469a0b067b98f⋯.png (358.43 KB, 808x830, 404:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8db8eb37f3d2f0⋯.png (64.38 KB, 816x505, 816:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3376c6926f5e20f⋯.png (337.53 KB, 803x859, 803:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddec035c5a946a1⋯.png (270.28 KB, 803x863, 803:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fda08c8686a5d31⋯.png (102.79 KB, 800x690, 80:69, ClipboardImage.png)


Coincidentally, in May 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group as their agency of record to be their PR company, covering all media relations, and building a campaign to promote Amber Ready’s cell phone technology. The program enables parents to create, store and lock their children’s Alert profiles in parent’s wireless phones so that if a child goes missing, police can transmit the Alert Profiles in minutes via Amber Alert. Then-Principle of the Podesta Group Ed Rothschild, stated “Working with AMBER Ready to help inspire nationwide support for their innovative child safety solution should prove to be very exciting and gratifying.”

A Quick Recap to Wrap This 2009 Group Together

Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) stated that since 2009 they have “placed a particular focus” on combatting human trafficking. The Polaris Project and Free the Slaves are BOTH CGI members. As indicated above under the NXIVM section, members of the Clinton Global Initiative are by invite only, and are required to give minimum donations of $15,000 annually.

Also in 2009, is when the Podesta Group partnered with Amber Ready, Inc., which ultimately creates a database of information on children across the globe, stored in cell phones, which are highly accessible, especially when technology is designed to be accessed.

Finally, Laura Silsby had been planning her trip to Haiti and working on developing her “orphanage” in 2009, eventually making her way to Haiti in January 2010, when she was arrested for trafficking 33 children, and who’s lawyer was extradited on charges of smuggling women and children. Despite all of this, she managed to get a job at a company that works with the Federal Government in direct relation with Amber Alert. Curious.

Bill and Hillary Clinton came to the rescue of Laura Silsby.

Part 6

01d484  No.6156620

File: 8379cbea1948062⋯.mp4 (9.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, skyking-pepe-movie.mp4)

6825ed  No.6156621

File: f2b734476b36fb4⋯.png (58.67 KB, 573x443, 573:443, ClipboardImage.png)



Who is Alan and why did Q answer that particular question with this seeming non-Sequitur??

Re-reading crumbs.

45b314  No.6156622

File: 40a89986e15719a⋯.jpeg (334.85 KB, 1253x827, 1253:827, 4A576F5E-BC7A-4ED2-A486-0….jpeg)


Help on the way.

1230c4  No.6156623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bfe537  No.6156624

File: b0dc228bc980c3b⋯.png (952.51 KB, 787x500, 787:500, ClipboardImage.png)

Important massage.

'ave you seen my dog?

50b932  No.6156625

File: 30ed328095374be⋯.png (66.33 KB, 1869x168, 89:8, Screenshot_2019-04-12 Porn….png)

File: 7404293aebb86d8⋯.png (84.9 KB, 1027x586, 1027:586, Screenshot_2019-04-12 Jimm….png)


Yet not one of those have FUCK ALL to do with pr0n.




So go ahead and redtextnigger ALL FUCKING NIGHT because I will be here to wipe the GODDAMN floor with your kike ass.

You fake MAGA FUCK!

You perversion of children FUCK!

You sick, mentally retarded FUCK!

Funny how I bring up a topic and that it does nothing but pervert good morals in society and your response is some shit that is not even applicable or relevant to the topic.

If you killed yourself, it honestly would be a step in helping humanity as a whole so go right on ahead.

If you want pr0n, go find a FREE pr0n site(funny, they used to charge for that shit…wut habbened?!) and jack your micro dick all day until your cerebellum is completely void of anything moral or logical.

Fucking nigger.

2b980f  No.6156626


Those that bash the hardest, in my experience, have ALWAYS been the ones wearing the Pink Panties themselves..

ed394d  No.6156627

File: e8474fae0916e1c⋯.jpg (213.1 KB, 948x630, 158:105, e8474fae0916e1cd04849ba851….jpg)

9c3f8b  No.6156628


There was some guy who said the cabal fucked with him and recorded me

I hope they recorded me too

I can watch it while i make chilli with their kids organs

11be0c  No.6156629

File: 14e3ee6e465b781⋯.jpg (121.41 KB, 780x960, 13:16, 56904928_10156745173621943….jpg)

JW attorney Romona Cotca and "do you even lift bro" Tom Fitton.


c6fd9d  No.6156631

File: df7994cdc0b0d03⋯.png (483.73 KB, 679x381, 679:381, Ivanka.png)

Ivanka Trump, ladies and gentleman.

931820  No.6156632


EST people are from another planet

7b58a4  No.6156633

File: da368ffc83e77c7⋯.png (1.09 MB, 960x960, 1:1, blackhole snoop.png)


oh shid dis thing is recording?

bfdf5a  No.6156634



54857f  No.6156636


Another meaningless Q post.

34f986  No.6156637


I'm curious about the rumors of the elites doing real-time betting via that era's version of FB Live kind of thing with facial recog and financial interfacing… billed as largest ever LIVE snuff film? Bet on every aspect of event? Reminds me of first scene (and others) of "Rat Race" where the world elites will bet on how many times you'll chew a piece of gum.

b25fd9  No.6156639


the dersh

64ecb1  No.6156640


Kim Clements. Things that make you go "hmmm"

246866  No.6156641

File: 35a33032cd5b9fc⋯.png (970.03 KB, 1074x668, 537:334, Boom.png)

b6e5b4  No.6156642

File: 5ae0455ed33757f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1220x2523, 1220:2523, 93tweetsv2.png)

File: 5b4cab0bf995258⋯.png (547.17 KB, 1239x884, 1239:884, GetReady4.png)

File: f0472dd60ba5c4c⋯.png (597.96 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, GraphicV3.png)

File: 425ad8c5d1da589⋯.jpg (164.31 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, DOITQJ.jpg)

File: 7f9f0bfd19de6e7⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Q.png)

If POTUS is posting 9/11 vids…. could be….

e94816  No.6156643

File: ec9119df5caee80⋯.png (228.37 KB, 665x522, 665:522, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3f67aa629fdb9b⋯.png (485.45 KB, 816x847, 816:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6234ce5cbc3cf83⋯.png (60.09 KB, 808x430, 404:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2a19c011b45740⋯.png (562.14 KB, 689x843, 689:843, ClipboardImage.png)

File: baa550fdc74b437⋯.png (119.65 KB, 811x691, 811:691, ClipboardImage.png)


Part 7

76eea2  No.6156644



His testimony provides rare insight into the attitudes and thoughts of officials who launched the Russia probe and the probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, whose final report is expected to be released very soon.

More important, his testimony contains extensive indications of wrongdoing, including that the FBI and DoJ targeted Trump and did so with information it made no effort to verify. It paints a portrait of the Obama-era bureau as one that was unconcerned with political interference in investigations and was willing to enlist the help of close foreign allies to bring down its target. And, perhaps presaging a defense to Barr’s claim that American officials had spied on the Trump campaign, it showcases the euphemisms that can be used to disguise “spying.”

Filling In the Blanks

Priestap’s testimony took place on June 5, 2018, in Room 2226 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The questioning, by congressmen and House committee staff, focused on whether the FBI had applied the same rigor to the Clinton investigation that it had to the Trump probe.

659842  No.6156645


What do you mean? Two hands on one gun. Way better accuracy. I'm going back to lurking.

c5efe5  No.6156646


What would you expect Ivanka's father to say?

"news" people are fucking morons … seriously.

3f3158  No.6156647

File: 47fa902a167b9f6⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 640x392, 80:49, arachnophobic.jpg)

54857f  No.6156648



d5e2c1  No.6156650

File: 762c3381999e5c7⋯.jpeg (593.48 KB, 1242x1080, 23:20, CA949ED2-4B7C-4F07-870E-3….jpeg)

Anon posted Binney interview in previous bread. Just finished watching. Not sure anons take on him but I found some of his past claims credible regarding Wikileaks and Russian hacking. He claims to have forensic evidence which proves no hacking occurred due to download speed and metadata. He states the speed was consistent with thumb drive upload. I'm curious if he was former NSA turned whistleblower, why his opinion would not hold weight and why he would not be interviewed. Video is 16 mins long. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9HPs1RY1wvM

b25fd9  No.6156651


ah, you're part of the cta/pamphlet/beanz crew

thanks for the info idiot

cc08c9  No.6156652

File: dc72ef9bd5db59b⋯.png (195.3 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190412-194541.png)

File: f2598654a17976f⋯.jpg (27.95 KB, 170x362, 85:181, 170px-Rosicrucian_Concept_….jpg)

File: 262f7a074578a16⋯.png (705.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190412-150601.png)

File: 2b9b2e633e745fa⋯.jpg (446.55 KB, 720x1132, 180:283, IMG_20190412_194756.jpg)

File: 36e5572f1455b32⋯.jpg (270.35 KB, 720x1135, 144:227, IMG_20190412_194831.jpg)

Blood is spilling out of the ice in Antarctica. The weird part is they found 17 different kind of microbes living under the ice.

What are the odds?

17 microbes.

17 intelligence agencies.

Elites love blood and they worship a massive flaming ball of rust.

Rust = red iron oxide. The first thing that hits you if your around blood is the smell of iron.

45b314  No.6156653


Shes’s Hickock45’s daughter…

f7674f  No.6156654


possibly notable

>>6156600 Ex FBI Priestap's Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying

e94816  No.6156655


The Verdict

On March 13, 2019, The Washington Post published an article in regard to the transcripts released on former FBI lawyer Lisa Page from the probe into how federal law enforcement agencies conducted the Trump and Clinton investigations. Former FBI counterintelligence officer Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were both assigned to these investigations, were having an affair, and had exchanged numerous bias texts against Donald Trump. Page clarified this by stressing that senior bureau officials were also expressing anti-Clinton animus, and stated “many of us in law enforcement dislike the subject of our investigations. We are not keen on pedophiles and fraudsters and spies and human traffickers. That is fine. What would be impermissible is to take that harsh language and to act in some way that was illegal or against the rules. And we don’t do it.”

The question on everyone’s mind – are Bill and Hillary Clinton child traffickers?

What would be their motive? Money is certainly a driving motivator for the Clintons, and it’s a $150 billion dollar industry. They most definitely have worldwide connections to pull off operations for child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, or slave labor. Does this alone make them guilty? Are they themselves pedophiles like many of their convicted friends, or are they just okay with that behavior? Why is it that they seem to continually surround themselves with corrupt individuals, some even former lawmakers, as well as other sexual predators, and some under question for murder.

Does anything go with the Clintons? Why are they working with Branson, Gates, Soros, Bezos, numerous organizations and foundations, across 26 islands in the Caribbean to build up “tourism” and focus on sustainable infrastructure, such as hotel resorts. Polaris points out that hotels are a venue for traffickers, with 1,434 cases of human trafficking in hotels having been reported back in 2007. Most of the Caribbean islands are either tier 2 or tier 3 for human trafficking.

What It Boils Down To

Option A. They had absolutely no clue that any of these people they spent a great deal amount of time with, both personally and through business, were involved in crimes against children. All of the work they have done for children is about the children, not the money. This is a hard sell given all of the evidence above.

Option B. They turned a blind eye, despite being aware. A highly unlikely option. If anything, the Clintons would use this information to extort those people. And in doing so, would indicate their lack of concern for children, making all of their said causes a lie.

Option C. They created bills, instilled laws, built relationships, worldwide databases, countless initiatives, partnerships, and global hotlines – all with direct access to, and knowledge of, children and their whereabouts. In both politics and business they are known as the procurement specialists, often using this language in their press releases.

The evidence is piling up against the Clintons. It’s becoming more and more difficult to rationalize all of their choices, relationships, and nefarious dealings, away.

There will come a day when the light will brightly shine on all of this, when investigations into the Clintons wrap up, and truth be unveiled. Until then, pray for the children in this world – for this battle we fight day and night – is for them.


Part 8

ed394d  No.6156656

File: bb2d59e66c1e2d4⋯.jpeg (110.25 KB, 1200x1228, 300:307, bb2d59e66c1e2d4752ee3378d….jpeg)

91f9fd  No.6156657

File: a5c79a2ac546e73⋯.gif (773.58 KB, 260x173, 260:173, WTC7.gif)

ad1f07  No.6156658

Ted Lieu is a sexual deviant…prove me wrong!

01d168  No.6156659

File: 0e3ff487b3cb514⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1096x890, 548:445, Screenshot_19.png)


Robert DeNirro and JFK, Jr. were friends?

Trump and JFK, Jr. were friends.

What happened here?

39457e  No.6156660

File: 1d89136130c2e27⋯.jpg (289.85 KB, 539x627, 49:57, ja.jpg)

File: ff0223827894269⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 729x728, 729:728, 1-12-2018.jpg)

File: a3613c5a7393df5⋯.jpg (31.11 KB, 605x249, 605:249, art18.JPG)

The Assange indictment is so flimsy a first year lawfag could destroy it. But this single charge against JA can NEVER BE UPPED OR ADDED TO because the “Rule of Specialty” in the US-UK extradition treaty forbids additional charges. See Article 18 at https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/187784.pdf

JA will be extradited here, help POTUS by showing the DNC info was an inside leak, not a Russian hack, and be acquitted of the flimsy charge.

085c38  No.6156661


>prove me wrong!


d13267  No.6156662

File: ca993270ee9e698⋯.jpg (107.65 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, 274.jpg)

Sometime following the money does not do it

You have to follow the CAT

(Don't Ya Jes Love It)

Hope you got all your file ready


The Cat is out off the bag

9d829b  No.6156663

File: 83efd18881dcc0b⋯.png (489.12 KB, 1032x690, 172:115, ClipboardImage.png)

Uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah, don't get tattoos.

4a829d  No.6156664


CBS, CNN, NBC and the other clowns would of chalked it up to a plane malfunction if they would of been successful, the scripts were already written

2b980f  No.6156665


Only an idiot attacks that which threatens their ego.

ebf6f0  No.6156666

File: 7bb365807d38be1⋯.jpg (169.67 KB, 750x603, 250:201, AN00185377_001_l.jpg)

File: 60504e263128442⋯.jpg (151.88 KB, 750x577, 750:577, AN00185367_001_l.jpg)

File: 47aed8b2898fe81⋯.jpg (329.27 KB, 706x1024, 353:512, 6AE61CFC-5CDC-4A38-BDB5-87….JPG)

File: 996225862408870⋯.jpg (186.6 KB, 640x494, 320:247, pic.jpg)

File: 16ffd4d48b9e961⋯.jpg (266.07 KB, 1080x991, 1080:991, Garden of Eden - Fall of M….jpg)

I'm not a Biblefag, but throughout my whole Qanon experience, after almost every major event we've seen, and after every dark history we've dug through, my thoughts always seem to wander back to the story about Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.

I've gone back to read that story many times over the last two years, and it seems to take on new meanings every time. Sometimes, I think this story contains the most valuable insights we can ever possibly gain in understanding the true nature mankind. Almost all of man's actions in the world, his entire history, can be explained in the context of this one story–about the day mankind disobeyed God and chose to eat the apple taken from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

So, I was sitting in the dentist's chair today, getting a root canal. To take my mind to a better place, I started thinking about fantastic recent events going on in Q-land. Then I started wondering what the world will be like once Q's plan has been played out to it's end (and I'm expecting it to play out exactly as it was planned).

For a long time, I've wondered about that. After all the truth comes out, what will the world be like? Will a new day dawn where all men can live it peace? Will we do away with our weaknesses–greed, envy and pride and everything else? Will people everywhere learn to care about each other and will everyone start working to make the earth a better place, if only for the short time that each one of us was given here?

It was then that the story about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden popped into my head once again and gave me the answer to this question I had about our future world: Once taken, the apple that once grew in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, can never be uneaten.

b2722c  No.6156667

File: 8563f9a06b0d4ae⋯.png (881.21 KB, 772x514, 386:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bb6522d2ec9b85⋯.png (116.89 KB, 870x732, 145:122, ClipboardImage.png)

Attorney Requests WH Security Clearance Applications Of Obama Era-Senior Advisors

WASHINGTON, D.C. — An attorney representing a White House civil servant being scrutinized by the House Oversight Committee wants the security clearance applications of senior Obama White House staff including Valerie Jarrett, Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes. The White House security application of National Action Network President Al Sharpton was also requested.

House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan and Ranking Member of the Government Operations Subcommittee Mark Meadows sent a letter Friday to Committee Chair Elijah Cummings to redirect his security clearance process investigation to the previous administration. According to Jordan and Meadows, Rhodes — a former senior national security and foreign policy advisor for the Obama administration — received a high-level security clearance “despite a questionable background investigation that may have led the [FBI] to deny him an interim clearance.” The Republican Congressmen wrote: Mr. Driscoll’s request to you is an opportunity to prove that you are not using the Committee to target the President or his senior advisors. We understand that senior officials in the previous administration may have had problems with regard to their security clearance applications. According to public reports, Ben Rhodes, a former senior national security and foreign policy advisor in the previous administration, obtained a high-level clearance despite a questionable background investigation that may have led the Federal Bureau of Investigation to deny him an interim clearance. Similar troublesome issues also may have plagued the clearance process for former senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, among others.

Cummings launched an Oversight investigation into the security clearance process of the current administration early this month, saying Tricia Newbold, a manager in the Personnel Security Office of the White House told the committee the Trump administration abused the security clearance process. As a result, she questioned 25 Trump White House employees who each received a security clearance, one of whom was Trump’s son-in-law and a top White House adviser, Jared Kushner, as The Washington Post reported. Newbold claimed Carl Kline, who was White House personnel security director during the first two years of the Trump administration, issued these clearances despite her concerns. “[The Trump White House is] going to basically say that we have no business looking at security clearances and then they’ll say that the president has complete authority to do that. And I agree he has complete authority to issue clearances to whoever he wants,” Cummings told reporters in early April. “The problem is that the process has been severely violated when you have people who—a couple of your employees say should not be getting these clearances. In some instances, because of criminal activity,” he added.

In a letter to Cummings and the Committee, Kline’s attorney, Robert Driscoll, wrote about his client’s concern about the course of the investigation, saying that the chairman issued a “sensational press release and memorandum with cherry-picked excerpts of sensitive and highly personal closed-door testimony” after interviewing just one witness — Newbold. Meadows and Jordan say that Cummings issued the press release without consulting Republican committee members or holding committee vote on the matter while targeting the president and his senior advisers.

Kline, according to Driscoll, was subpoenaed by the Committee for an April 23 deposition hearing, though he previously offered to appear voluntarily. However, in his letter to the Committee, Driscoll requested a withdrawal of the subpoena of his client “in substitution of a subpoena for White House records the Committee wishes to have Mr. Kline testify about.” Driscoll continued: However, if the Committee insists in proceeding with the subpoenaed testimony, I must prepare Mr. Kline without knowing your questions or the permitted areas of testimony. Thus, I must prepare him to respond to what I presume will inevitably be direct and implied accusations from this Committee that his conduct assessing security clearance issues—a non-political job responsibility he has carefully performed for decades—was either improper or inconsistent (or both) with longstanding bipartisan practice.


01d168  No.6156668

File: e42472849917bb0⋯.png (711.78 KB, 415x633, 415:633, Screenshot_246.png)

c5efe5  No.6156669


>Another meaningless Q post.

So far, every single one of Q's posts is meaningless.

The pictures Q posts are particularly useless … other than their ability to send anons scrambling around the internet on wild goose chases, which is likely why Q posts them.

085c38  No.6156670

File: 13be885f429fb39⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 0c27d9b5b9cdeda2fcd53e62d3….jpg)

76eea2  No.6156671



The transcript the public can read today contains not only those questions and Priestap’s responses, but also the tell-tale redactions of anxious bureaucrats. One thing that is very clear is that the Sharpie brigades at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice really, really didn’t want anyone to know where Bill Priestap was a week into May 2016.

Not long into the questioning that Tuesday morning last summer, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asked, “Do you ever travel oversees?”

“Yes,” said Priestap.

“How often?”

“As little as possible.”

The apparent comedy routine notwithstanding, Jordan later asked how many times in his 2½ years running the counter-intelligence shop Priestap had traveled abroad.

“I want to say three times,” he said.

“And can you tell me where you went?” Jordan asked.

“The ones I’m remembering are the [REDACTED].”

Jordan drilled in: “All three times to [REDACTED]?

Priestap said the trips he remembered “off the top of my head were all [REDACTED].”

Jordan asked whether Priestap remembered when he went to this place. Priestap said “No.”

Jordan was back at it in later rounds of questioning, asking whether Priestap had traveled to a given location at a given time in 2016. Over and again, censors from the FBI and DoJ have redacted the location and the time.

What could this exotic destination be? How is the timing of Priestap’s trip there a matter of national security? What secrets were the redactors trying to protect?

54857f  No.6156672


Tv and media is all faggot nigger privilege now. Bunch of degenerates.

6549c1  No.6156673

>>6156444 Elon Musk-Linked Scientists Are Developing Brain Probes for DARPA


e0d861  No.6156674

File: ced29ab6bc2ed5f⋯.jpg (4.82 KB, 259x194, 259:194, drop.jpg)

Hey, (((they))) can only eat phuck and murder so many. Processing sounds like a real possibility....

>>6155715 LB



So much is open source.

So much left to be connected.

Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?

How are they smuggled out?

‘Adoption’ ==process.==

Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF?

Track donations.

Cross against location relative to Haiti.

Think logically.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.




Why do D's push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?

Where does the money go?

Past political donations of [PP]?

What is the ==process== of disposal re: aborted fetus?

What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that ==process== is being followed?

Why is there a new push by D's to legalize late term abortions?

See past drops re: [PP] re: Congressional report (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

This has nothing to do w/ a woman's right to choose (tactic they deploy when challenged to activate liberals/media hysteria).

The focus is on the organization itself.


Ask yourself a very simple question:

Given the amount of evidence demonstrating illegal & disturbing activities by [PP]- where is the FBI investigation?



What senior political officials are providing cover to [PP]?

Will action be taken by DOJ/FBI?



13bd82  No.6156675

File: 62f541472464450⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1280x992, 40:31, Aroura Nght Shift.png)

File: 819e50c7f481e5a⋯.jpg (79.83 KB, 1242x773, 1242:773, Night Shift.jpg)

File: 26059c92a5fe5ff⋯.jpg (134.38 KB, 888x499, 888:499, NS - purple rider.jpg)


In Here!

ad1f07  No.6156676


Good call

d1901b  No.6156677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6155715 PB notable

Eating healthy soon to be pathologized.

Related topic...video on how they turn around the blame towards us.

The Corporate Conspiracy to Blame You for Their Trash

350ca6  No.6156678

File: c68a5dccd915b5a⋯.jpg (52.19 KB, 530x529, 530:529, super retard.jpg)


you are the one who said pron (and in this case it is wrongly categorized as it is just pictures of bewbs) subverts research capability.

I like how the topic shifts for you and becomes what (you) want it to be when you get called out for being wrong

have a nice night asshole

6c91cd  No.6156679

>>6155614 (pb)

I really wish he would comment on this. He's made 92,000 posts about FISA and arrests that we haven't seen, but not one about 5G…

Just read a bunch of this:


Been feeling sick all day about this 5G stuff.

2b980f  No.6156680


Your confusing a natural fear with your ego

659842  No.6156681


I must be ignorant on this whole thing more than I thought. Still two on one works great for guns or limb control. Only kind of control I approve of.

6883d6  No.6156682

File: 641ce9faec486f4⋯.jpg (150.4 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, D34pxm-WAAEs88p.jpg)


75ea62  No.6156684


Can’t do it

90a6f0  No.6156685

>>6156168 lb

you dropped a little magnex....


If you really want to whet the appetites of your viewers you could first discuss how much freaking money Clintons’ buddies from Canaccord Capital (Paul Reynolds) and GMP Securities (Eugene McBurney) have donated to both the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership. But, what would really get everyone’s attention would be the YBM Magnex scandal. Not familiar? Here, let me help. In the late 1990s, both Eugene McBurney (GMP Securities) and Canaccord Capital became involved with Russian mafia kingpin Semion Mogilevich’s company, YBM Magnex. According to GMP Securities’ documents they “acted as underwriters for, provided research coverage of, and traded in securities of, YBM Magnex International Inc” between May, 1995 through May, 1998. Canaccord Capital was another underwriter as was the “European arm of HSBC Asset Management,” James Capel.

YBM Magnex which was actually established in the United States and located in Newtown, Pennsylvania was eventually shut down by U.S. authorities and pulled off the Toronto stock exchange. However, in the four years that the company was in business they went from “an obscure penny stock to a multinational worth nearly $1 billion.” It was further reported that that their “net sales quadrupled, net income jumped ninefold, earnings rose by a factor of five, and the future looked just as promising”…

… all with the help of Clintons’ friends.

So definitely highlight the fact that some of Clinton’s biggest financial supporters literally worked directly with the Russian mafia, made gobs of money because of it, were never brought up on any charges for snowing investors, and, if we take Sally Yates’ statements regarding General Michael Flynn’s vulnerability to Russian blackmail to heart, Clintons’ friends have been at high risk for Russian blackmail literally since the 1990s. I mean, let’s be honest, do you just up and walk away from the mafia after you’ve been in business with them?

If you want to run with the YBM Magnex story you could also throw in Semion Mogilevich’s ties to the Bank of New York money laundering scandal back in 1999. That was a doozy, you have to admit. And not only was Mogilevich tied to the scandal, so was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the Russian oligarch who was once worth $15 billion, was associated with Soros, and was represented by Kim Schmitz’s current attorney. You see, Mogilevich took control of Inkombank in 1994, but the bank (along with its attorney, former Federal Prosecutor Arthur Christy) was sued by its stockholders in 1999 for defrauding investors and laundering their money. At the same time, it was coming out in the wash that Mogilevich and Khodorkovsky had laundered over $7 billion (yes, billion) through the Bank of New York. I suppose one of your investigative journalists could easily find out how this scam went down but let me save you the trouble:

All of the accounts linked to the $7 billion had one common denominator: Benex. Benex was a company set up by Russian Peter Berlin who’s wife was the vice president of the Bank of New York. Benex would later be “publicly listed as a customer of YBM Magnex International” and remember Boris Berezevsky that I talked about earlier, the guy working with both Soros and the Chechen warlords? Yeah, that guy. He owned part of Sobinbank and Flamingo, both of which were used as fronts for Peter Berlin’s companies. The other cozy relationship in all of this was that Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s partner at Bank Menatep (which Khodorkosvsky owned), Kostantin Kagalovsky, was also married to Bank of New York employee, Natasha Gurfikel Kagalovsky.

And just so we’re clear here, CNN: During this time period Bill Clinton was still in office, his buddies who would later become major donors and involved in the uranium deal were in bed with a Russian mafia kingpin and making tons of money off of that by lying to investors while at the same time that very same Russia mafia figure and Soros’ friend, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, were money laundering billions of dollars through The Bank of New York. Huh.

5fe924  No.6156686


The meaning of Q posts is the meaning you give to them

Kinda like life.

9468ff  No.6156687

File: 1b9179b86f2c346⋯.png (337.01 KB, 600x599, 600:599, USMC 4-12-19 5 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 758c07299af64ae⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1337x670, 1337:670, USMC 4-12-19 5 pm PDT pic.PNG)

Blazin' Hot


749f8d  No.6156689

File: 19696c50a1f7a5b⋯.png (341.64 KB, 482x520, 241:260, ClipboardImage.png)

d565c9  No.6156690


‘’’Please ignore’’’

4717cc  No.6156691

File: 5922dd2158a9043⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 992x744, 4:3, NEVERFORGET.jpg)





4a829d  No.6156693


Not just his opinion anon, anyone with knowledge can verify the download speeds in the logs, it is Computer Science 101 for transfer speeds, their bandwidth couldn't handle the documents being leaked, it was an internal grab supporting Seth Rich

75ea62  No.6156694


Go on nigga…

54857f  No.6156695


They’re useless. I’m in a deep blue area and basically they’re retarded. Libtards is perfect.

11be0c  No.6156696

File: f93c8b070243c73⋯.jpeg (128.71 KB, 1242x621, 2:1, 88538C98-4996-4C9B-B8F7-7….jpeg)

d6ce23  No.6156697

File: d46b3a6023d59c4⋯.png (52.27 KB, 355x446, 355:446, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8654b5ca633ec53⋯.png (30.26 KB, 355x305, 71:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d0d7bd3d94fbed⋯.png (28.69 KB, 355x266, 355:266, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0923a2f8ab64d41⋯.png (39.23 KB, 355x356, 355:356, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cbb0b071744708⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1866x1192, 933:596, alefanitisbrockrothschild.png)

Media Matters is a Clinton surrogate group with David Brock (exboyfriend of satanic child sex trafficker, James Alefantis) as the CEO.

ef9a54  No.6156699

File: 69dbb023a0d5649⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 654x589, 654:589, Darth_Hill.jpg)

>>6155934 (lb)

>>6156010 (lb)

9d829b  No.6156700

008793  No.6156701

File: 26f716ed13a27c9⋯.png (897.22 KB, 1060x628, 265:157, ClipboardImage.png)

5ca870  No.6156702

File: 2ad3cc36dcc4bb0⋯.jpg (166.23 KB, 800x1147, 800:1147, IMG_20190412_200800_108.JPG)

d1901b  No.6156703

File: d578fdafff31b1c⋯.jpg (92.84 KB, 620x766, 310:383, 84940132.jpg)


Every time I hear "Developing", I think they already have it.

6549c1  No.6156704

>>6156650 Bill Binney on the arrest of JA (16-min vid with summary)

notable nom

e94816  No.6156706

>>6156479, >>6156512, >>6156537, >>6156566, >>6156589, >>6156619, >>6156643, >>6156655

Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking? (Corey's digs)

76eea2  No.6156707



Turns out the Sharpie brigades weren’t nearly as thorough as they thought. A long-available transcript of text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page – the paramours who worked on both the Clinton and Trump investigations – provide the answer. It’s right there on the page detailing texts between Strzok and Page on May 4, 2016. At around 9:31 that Wednesday evening, Strzok writes to say he is worried about getting a memo into shape that is expected that night or the next morning. He feels pressured even though “I don’t know that Bill will read it before he gets back from London next week.” Go to a text from the next Monday morning, May 9, and Strzok is wondering who will be receiving the daily report on the Clinton investigation, what “with Bill out.”

So there we have it. Bill Priestap was in London on or around May 9. Which strongly suggests that all three of the international trips taken by him during his tenure as FBI counterintelligence chief were to London.

Still, there is a reason the censors had out their Sharpies. It has to do with another question Jordan asked Priestap: “Okay. So what were you doing in [REDACTED] in the [REDACTED] of 2016?”

“So,” Priestap replied, “I went to meet with a foreign partner, foreign government partner.” In other words, almost certainly British intelligence. Not exposing our British partners has been the Justice Department’s justification for locking up secrets about the beginnings of the Trump investigation. The redactions try and fail to hide that Priestap met repeatedly with his British counterparts in 2016.

7b58a4  No.6156708

File: 43036d167c7e8e4⋯.png (377.07 KB, 411x618, 137:206, all muh hats.png)



reeee but muh lifelog


da67ad  No.6156709

File: c9b33c43bd2fcb6⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 854x570, 427:285, f4ptex.jpg)




This is where it's real.

Already had 3 187's in my neighborhood, anons.

Home invasion crew's house across street raided by 2 armored SWAT units/snipers. Windows/door blown open, robot placed inside.

Very real.

Some of us CAN'T leave our families/parents with serious medical conditions (MS, etc.) for another state as much as we want to.

I'm in Swalwell's district, got it?

Open borders.

My city is a sanctuary city.

Libby Schaff's Oakland is right next door.

BayAreaAnon holding on.

350ca6  No.6156710

File: edeb94141574bc3⋯.jpg (102.98 KB, 500x560, 25:28, fitton you already know.jpg)

3cf16a  No.6156711

Tucker is fantastic tonight on sanctuary cities

749f8d  No.6156712

File: 2e03dc7e2248b07⋯.png (652.14 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ClipboardImage.png)

6549c1  No.6156713


Right–by the time they announce it, it's a fait accompli.

54857f  No.6156714


Trump should declare martial law along the border and send in the Army to guard it and build the wall. I mean


33b6f6  No.6156715

File: bd3f0741d83d49f⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, trump 5g kid.jpg)

91f9fd  No.6156716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e4c237  No.6156717

File: 7eeeffca7aeb846⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 640x490, 64:49, tweet potus omar_LI - copi….jpg)

MAYBE … The message was not intended for Ilhan Omar, but for "THEY" [00:43]

POTUS [00:45] only took the words borrowed from one of his Insignes and inocntes Creaturas.

d5e2c1  No.6156719


Not trying to sound challenging but am curious that if it's not rocket science why haven't these forensic findings been brought forth? Thanks anon.

f8a782  No.6156720

File: 2cf4e491a2b9cca⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 300x300, 1:1, Evilwrappedinasmile-1.gif)

4f2d08  No.6156721

Tucker Carlson is killing it tonight!!!!

Loving it!!!!

ec2830  No.6156722

File: 3a7abcc2d6d1377⋯.png (220.35 KB, 600x300, 2:1, TRUMPTEEMOBILE.png)


Look what POTUS be selling tonight!

01d484  No.6156723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh - New York City gets Honked

33b6f6  No.6156724


So sad, disappointing, and demoralizing.

No one cares about us.

9006d0  No.6156726



3f3158  No.6156727

File: 42ec0399368ce10⋯.jpg (119.67 KB, 600x796, 150:199, jimmies rustle softly.jpg)



>replied twice

there is no need to be upset

d71563  No.6156728


Again… Ilhan was right.

"Some People" (because you can't name them directly) did "some thing" (bigger than knocking down a few buildings filled with peasants).

7b58a4  No.6156729

File: 1e4823faa2f2742⋯.png (580.02 KB, 881x622, 881:622, candace boom.png)

File: 118ca3b824c938c⋯.png (448.16 KB, 626x593, 626:593, ask yourself.png)

File: 18587cd1efebefa⋯.png (707.76 KB, 1082x606, 541:303, buckin.png)

File: 7c64beb37314a2d⋯.png (592.4 KB, 891x631, 891:631, bitchlied.png)

File: dcfb512d1dbbe38⋯.png (802.74 KB, 1082x608, 541:304, homeland security.png)

085c38  No.6156730


Fuk, thought that was a dildo in the dog's mouth!

54857f  No.6156731


Drop them right in front of Nancy and Schmuckys homes.

75ea62  No.6156732


You really think (((they))) don’t know?

302cf6  No.6156733

File: 8489b31e4c72680⋯.jpg (713.5 KB, 1438x1730, 719:865, 20190412_200557.jpg)

File: dd48cc927eb8415⋯.jpg (523.29 KB, 1374x2196, 229:366, 20190412_200524.jpg)

File: 0ce7d8d9e6720de⋯.jpg (335.57 KB, 1382x2328, 691:1164, SmartSelect_20190412-20045….jpg)

File: 99897aa8abea142⋯.jpg (675.67 KB, 1079x3182, 1079:3182, Screenshot_20190412-200431….jpg)




5ca870  No.6156734

File: f02b50ab5741ff6⋯.png (410.4 KB, 786x648, 131:108, 1555030988-2.png)


Aggressive manoeuvre, Skippy.

64ecb1  No.6156735

File: 59a2188d5156265⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 1084x607, 1084:607, 59a2188d515626572f68559d2f….jpg)

27cabc  No.6156736

File: 7b9251ed5dba552⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 672x372, 56:31, 43.jpg)

b25fd9  No.6156737

33b6f6  No.6156738


It's like a punch to the gut.

Today, I feel like Rachael Maddow did when the Mueller Report came up empty.

wtf….just wtf….

93bf39  No.6156739

File: 6c40ef6a5ced8da⋯.png (125.1 KB, 690x511, 690:511, ClipboardImage.png)

Word of the day: Dump

Around 4am today, network execs across the country said 'RUN THE DUMP STORY'

d8dc88  No.6156740

Last Q post was important for a specific reason, if you don’t get it then just pass it over

05ca12  No.6156742

File: e2f91a0495212db⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1236x1668, 103:139, 9468AD63-07B6-4146-9249-8….jpeg)

This is from Ed Klein’s book “All Out War” and he is describing the initial FISA request (which was denied) from “early summer 2016” , note that it targeted Trump and 3 of his properties …. evidence of intent to target the Trump campaign.

246866  No.6156743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d71563  No.6156744


"going hot" has been a thing for a long time lol

75ea62  No.6156745


I hope you are excercising your 2A and staying frosty

01d168  No.6156746


It was never an "apple". It was the "fruit" from the Tree of Knowledge.

If you look into Ancient Sumerian stories (where the Book of Genesis stemmed from), you would see that the "fruit" is actually the reproductive ability of humans.

Humans in the beginning couldn't produce children on their own. They were HYBRIDS with the ANNUNAKI. So, just like a mule can't reproduce; so too humans at that time could not reproduce.

If the ANNUNAKI wanted more humans, they had to have an ANNUNAKI female carry the human offspring, and this was becoming a burdensome process.

Finally ENKI (the one that is portrayed as an evil snake in the Book of Genesis) with the help of his sister was able to help humans produce on their own.

eb810a  No.6156747

File: d40d64b92b83aea⋯.jpg (231.48 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, PureSource3.jpg)

File: 358dd489160f64e⋯.jpg (185.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, PureSource2.jpg)

File: f4c8e845043b52c⋯.jpg (258.7 KB, 1200x728, 150:91, PureSource.jpg)

File: c0f997219fb7936⋯.jpg (106.88 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, AvoidFakeNews.jpg)

76eea2  No.6156748



Students of the Russia-collusion saga will recall that some of the earliest and most significant events cited as leading to the FBI’s investigation of Team Trump took place in a certain REDACTED country during a REDACTED season in 2016. It was over breakfast on April 26 in London that the mysterious Maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, told young Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Five days later, on May 1, Papadopoulos had drinks with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London bar where he shared this piece of gossip/intel. And, of course, London is home to the author of the anti-Trump “dossier,” Christopher Steele.

According to the official story laid out in the New York Times, Australian officials did not pass on this new information for two months. And while Steele was retained by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS in the spring to dig up dirt on Trump for the Clinton campaign, the official story is that he did not start working with U.S. officials until the summer.

And so it is more than passingly curious that Priestap kept going to London when these significant events were occurring. Jordan asked Priestap about his second trip there: “What did it have to do with?”

Priestap demurred: “I'm not at liberty to discuss that today.”

After some dodging and weaving, Jordan came back to the question, but this time with an uncomfortable specificity: “Was your second trip then concerning the Trump-Russia investigation?” he asked.

“Sir, again, I'm just not at liberty to go into the purpose of my second trip.”

Priestap could have answered “no” without perjuring himself, he could have quickly put this matter to bed. His “I’m not at liberty” answers strongly suggest that the Trump-Russia investigation was exactly what his second trip to London was about.

Continued reading ..

>>>>>>> https:


d3aed5  No.6156750





>Again? Seriously? WTF?

Ooo! Good catch!

c5efe5  No.6156751

File: 36e97c7884b4ab0⋯.jpg (57.93 KB, 634x382, 317:191, fagpush.jpg)

The number of literal fags on this board right now is the highest I've ever seen it.

Lil Davey get a fresh infusion of Soros cash this week?

Having an AIDS infection party guys?

7b58a4  No.6156752

File: 5560aa8335b6461⋯.png (73.57 KB, 578x136, 17:4, tard.png)

File: 04b526940118a91⋯.png (364.73 KB, 815x312, 815:312, we in dis bitch.png)

File: d945a74c51e72f0⋯.png (794.06 KB, 722x652, 361:326, the chair pepe.png)


reee bottom of the barrel extra common not rare dank meme from DJT's favorite shill

they sed im ugly and called me a loser.

i sed the facts matter! :pout:

>quote that too


ea96f0  No.6156753


And this is him smiling. KEK

54857f  No.6156754


Yep. Plus “education,” junk foods and medicines, bad laws etc etc etc

ed4ec9  No.6156755


Wikileaks tweeted a Jet Engine picture around the time that Vault 7 was announced.



3f3158  No.6156756

File: 69fc32639343a8d⋯.jpeg (35.75 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 69f.jpeg)

9a95fa  No.6156757


He's not wrong kek

91f9fd  No.6156758

File: 72b93590a774fcb⋯.png (131 KB, 327x246, 109:82, ClipboardImage.png)

d5e2c1  No.6156759


Thank you anon!

749f8d  No.6156761

File: 1e89087abfd4d19⋯.png (417.08 KB, 500x366, 250:183, ClipboardImage.png)

50b932  No.6156762

File: 34363ed86b86884⋯.png (503.97 KB, 720x579, 240:193, downlonbbbbbbbbbbbbnnnad.png)

File: 46ca2ae5493edd0⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 640x733, 640:733, 398021_291739617616209_220….jpg)










All the above.


ThanQ, you get pic related.


Your homo is faggot.

Fuck all those names but your assumptions deserve a fuck you.

I work hard for my money and my body pays the price each day.




Still one of the funnest times to be anon.


I can't tell you how many times I've seen pics of boobs on here and it led me to fapping, thus ending research.

You are really a daft (((anon)))

ed4ec9  No.6156763


Wikileaks tweeted a Jet Engine picture around the time that Vault 7 was announced.



e62d91  No.6156764


Sky King barrel roll

54857f  No.6156766


FBI is unconstitutional, useless, and dangerous. Disband it.

abff6d  No.6156767

File: 72287e89abc2e4c⋯.png (146.33 KB, 631x690, 631:690, ClipboardImage.png)

Inside Ivanka’s Dreamworld

The “first daughter” spent years rigorously cultivating her image. But she wasn’t prepared for scrutiny.



9006d0  No.6156768


Re-read her tweet a few times too

Ilhan Omar

‏Verified account @IlhanMN

11h11 hours ago

“The people — and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!” President George W. Bush

Was Bush downplaying the terrorist attack?

What if he was a Muslim 🤔

246866  No.6156769

File: c94e69d5016397d⋯.jpg (139.96 KB, 701x513, 701:513, pppoint.jpg)


I've been thinking the same.

ebf6f0  No.6156770


Check digits. Satan disagrees with you.

4150ad  No.6156771



b25fd9  No.6156772


so your lack of self control is our problem?


d8dc88  No.6156773


Many anons here sit at the computer all day, at least fapping gets their blood moving, only exercise many get

8b5861  No.6156774



High IQ post.

Thank you, Patriot.

ef386f  No.6156775



OMG no fucking kidding. This picture had such potential.

01d484  No.6156776

File: 64384c63700996f⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, guitar-pepe-q1.jpg)

54857f  No.6156777


What a travesty.

f8a782  No.6156778

File: 46a3fc94730b919⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 535x297, 535:297, giphy-20.gif)


Who is dis guy?

d5e2c1  No.6156779


I'm sure you're right and if that's the case, let's bring on the memes 'splaining it: :) I don't do memes but I think this would be a good series to begin!

3cf16a  No.6156780



d4449b  No.6156781


Maybe there was some stuxnet-level stuff in the otherwise obsolete Vault 7 code

3f3158  No.6156782

File: bdcaf025167cfb6⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 270x270, 1:1, 1308002283003.jpg)


>Comparision [sic] for others


2b980f  No.6156784

File: 772435e390c0aa4⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1242x722, 621:361, 2019-04-12_201153.png)


91f9fd  No.6156785

File: 2afba6c00e760b4⋯.png (395.87 KB, 637x394, 637:394, ClipboardImage.png)

e7add5  No.6156786

File: ed5b951211ca1d6⋯.png (557.1 KB, 997x623, 997:623, A1EDF031-89F5-41DC-9BB0-73….png)

Baker love this at the bottom of page!!!!

ed394d  No.6156787

File: ec97821c4a95e0e⋯.png (52.45 KB, 554x400, 277:200, 1497220259186.png)

78c671  No.6156788

Outrage is the only card left in the hand of DS.

Q's hand is full of Trump cards.

248cfb  No.6156789

File: d1d5992b18cc43d⋯.jpeg (1019.44 KB, 1242x1778, 621:889, 92F25BB3-5208-40BD-920A-6….jpeg)

21d56f  No.6156790

File: c1d7126b9ebeb88⋯.jpg (82.62 KB, 500x281, 500:281, joker.jpg)

>>6155715 lb

302cf6  No.6156791

File: 66cdf4b4f896162⋯.jpg (231.48 KB, 1100x624, 275:156, 20190412_200013.jpg)

File: f64a23aeab6ca7d⋯.jpg (327.57 KB, 1316x2196, 329:549, 20190412_195859.jpg)

File: a9cc4be337c35ab⋯.jpg (364.18 KB, 1312x1106, 656:553, 20190412_195711.jpg)

File: 35be056e63d684c⋯.jpg (698.48 KB, 922x3164, 461:1582, Screenshot_20190412-195443….jpg)

Not sure if anyone Did some diggin on Nipsey Hussle & Eric Holder, but I found some pretty crazy connections.

Theres WAY MORE to this.

13bd82  No.6156792

File: d90e31cb5ad02c0⋯.png (92.12 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 69fc32639343a8d67ebe348a67….png)


The board is having problems with .jpeg images, anon. Have an upgraded .png

4f2d08  No.6156794

File: 6f44b6767457788⋯.jpg (73.51 KB, 501x507, 167:169, The 3 female Stooges TandB.jpg)


Oh,,,I'm looking at my crystal ball and yes, it says here that the Muslim Congresspersons have not looked a gift horse in the mouth and haven't been thankful for being in America & NOT in some Islamic Nation where if they said what they are saying now they would get lashed.

My crystal ball also says they have abused their American Rights & Liberties and continued to spew hatred against the people of the USA..and won't be here much longer…seems fuzzy at the moment as to whether they will be sent back to the country they are praising or someplace else…

b2722c  No.6156795

File: 81fac41e7751480⋯.png (349.15 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Georgia Ethics Chief to Subpoena Stacey Abrams’ Gubernatorial Campaign

Georgia’s newly minted director of the state ethics commission said Thursday his agency will subpoena the bank records of failed Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and groups that assisted her with raising campaign funds.

David Emadi, a former Douglas County prosecutor who started Monday as head of the ethics commission, announced plans to look into the Abrams campaign during a press conference on general agency business with reporters. He did not provide specifics on what kind of possible wrongdoing officials are looking into. “What I can say about the investigation into the Abrams campaign is, in the relatively near future, I expect we will be issuing subpoenas for bank and finance records of both Miss Abrams and various PACs and special-interest groups that were affiliated with her campaign,” said Emadi.

Lauren Groh-Wargo, who served as Abrams campaign manager, said of the imminent inquiry in a statement: “The Abrams campaign worked diligently to ensure compliance throughout the election and, had we been notified of any irregularities, would have immediately taken action to rectify them.” Groh-Wargo continued: “The new ethics chief ― a Kemp donor and former Republican Party leader ― is using his power to threaten and lob baseless partisan accusations at the former Abrams campaign when they should be focused on real problems like the unethical ties between the governor’s office and voting machine lobbyists instead.” Abrams, who is out with a new book Lead from the Outside, has said she refuses to concede her gubernatorial bid to Gov. Brian Kemp (R) because it would validate that “the process is proper.” Abrams and her allies have accused Kemp of suppressing African-American and Democrat voters to win what was one of the 2018 midterm election’s most high-profile races. She recently launched Fair Fight Action, a group aimed at combatting voter suppression. In a federal lawsuit against Georgia officials, the group accused the state of grossly mismanaging its election system.

Emadi’s announcement comes as Abrams is plotting out her political future, which may include running for the U.S. Senate or a White House bid. The 45-year-old is also mulling another gubernatorial campaign in 2022. In a recent interview with Politico, Abrams said the crowded field of Democrats seeking the presidency offers her an “opportunity” to possibly launch a bid of her own in early fall. “Because of the crowded field, that has actually created a bit of an opportunity to do more investigation,” she said. “My responsibility is to analyze it, decide if that’s the job for me and how I can win… I believe based on my understanding of the contours of how to run a presidential race, September is actually an appropriate date.”

Abrams has also been floated as former Vice President Joe Biden’s number two when the 76-year-old launches a White House bid of his own. Appearing on MSNBC’S Morning Joe earlier this month, the progressive darling swatted away such reports, saying she does not believe in running for “second place.” “I do not believe you run for second place, and I do not intend to enter a presidential race as a primary candidate for vice president,” stated Abrams. “If I enter the race for president, I will enter the race for president.” “[O]nce we have a nominee, I am open to having conversations should I not be someone who’s running, I am open to conversations with anyone,” she added.


7b58a4  No.6156796

File: 7beb26db1fae172⋯.png (1.03 MB, 919x914, 919:914, ARE WE WINNING DON JR.png)

File: 24bc9e03be47743⋯.png (886.62 KB, 1082x655, 1082:655, hate hoax.png)

File: 042ef95ac56d9a8⋯.png (293.98 KB, 587x320, 587:320, step forward.png)


i drew dis. I'm proud, it looks great on you!

I'm strongly considering making T-shirts

967c63  No.6156797


no, anon, the he-man profile on Teigen.

9c3f8b  No.6156798


>>>6156628 (You)

>oh shid dis thing is recording?



9a95fa  No.6156799


It is astonishing how many people who fancy themselves educated use the phrase "ate the apple in the garden"

008793  No.6156801

File: b843a8164762f06⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1996x965, 1996:965, ClipboardImage.png)

659842  No.6156802



148624  No.6156803


Spectacular faggotry !

f8a782  No.6156804

File: 23480f4466f074f⋯.png (240.48 KB, 472x357, 472:357, 2019-04-12_14-49-58.png)


Ivanka doing just fine!

080dec  No.6156806

File: f17322d4cbd3d9f⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 960x815, 192:163, f17322d4cbd3d9f6a8038a8027….jpg)

Cindy McCain, the widow of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), ripped a proposal by President Donald Trump to erect a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border to blunt the flow of human trafficking in an interview airing Friday.

“The people that are coming over the border, for the most part, are not trafficked individuals,” McCain told NBC News reporter Cynthia McFadden. “It’s people within our own walls, in our own borders, so a wall is not going to fix this, but education will and awareness will and strengthening our laws will.”

246866  No.6156807


I see desperation and inflammation.

29ad7d  No.6156808

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

92e41c  No.6156809

File: 6d7f60eec903861⋯.jpg (758.9 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, clamm.jpg)

tucker is en fuego tonite

76eea2  No.6156810


In Summary…

So what did we learn from Bill Priestap’s compendious and revealing testimony?

We learned that the FBI and Justice targeted and took action against Trump.

We learned that the FBI, according to Priestap, is incapable of securing a FISA warrant with information that isn’t credible, although the judge’s approval of the warrant means by definition that the information is credible.

We learned that the FBI believes political interference in an investigation can be proper as long as the bureau isn’t acting purely politically.

We learned that the FBI did send at least one asset to do to the Trump campaign an activity that even the bureau would call “spying” — if it were done by foreign operatives.

We learned that the origins of the Trump-Russia tale will never be fully understood until the part played by British intelligence is made clear.

That’s an awful lot to take away from one largely neglected transcript. But it suggests just how much remains unknown about the Trump-Russia investigation while providing a glimpse at the people that want to keep it that way.

350ca6  No.6156811


>I can't tell you how many times I've seen pics of boobs on here and it led me to fapping, thus ending research.

sounds like you have a self-control problem and your issue tio deal with, not mine or anyone else's in here.

Now run along

3f3158  No.6156812

File: c4e429338c2100d⋯.jpg (24.66 KB, 424x302, 212:151, 1506623357491.jpg)


>drink logically

ba3695  No.6156814

File: ec0fc7dd7bfb91a⋯.jpg (126.89 KB, 500x505, 100:101, jyc4.jpg)

5ca870  No.6156815

File: abdd92b3c2dd582⋯.png (699.37 KB, 617x779, 617:779, 1554860166.png)

246866  No.6156816


That's hot.

33b6f6  No.6156817

File: bd3f0741d83d49f⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, trump 5g kid.jpg)

Sickening to see Trump promoting 5G

Sickening to see Anons backing the move.

Dig on the dangers of 5G.

Bare minimum, they clearly harm the function of mammals.

Worst case, they allow the Cabal to implement their transhumanist global domination agenda.

9c3f8b  No.6156819


Thats why we must all strive to be more retarded

And not try to fit into cultural norms

There is no "society"

e7add5  No.6156820

KEK! I rink about 10 POTS a day… and yes my doc is fine with it!


9c3f8b  No.6156821


Whats up muh dick guy

27cabc  No.6156824

File: 6dea1f209c4a05e⋯.png (412.18 KB, 680x453, 680:453, HRC_Rope.png)

350ca6  No.6156825

File: a6b2cb56d000c53⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1200x1747, 1200:1747, rr skyking.jpg)

34f986  No.6156826


Not that an answer either way is really going to make me more convinced of a "yes" or "no" but is this real? Pretty good fake, if fake. If real… circa? How the hell could…?

50b932  No.6156827

File: 48cc4681a21fa52⋯.png (423.42 KB, 799x499, 799:499, 1547095086828.png)



Didn't say it was every. single. time.

Just that it does habben.

Your lack of discernment and failure to dig on shit you don't like paints all the picture anyone needs to see that you are fake.


Now that truly is a personal problem.


Kitty memes = no-go.

Apologies for the (You)




>now run along

You first, you ADLnigger.

You are now marked.


6549c1  No.6156828

File: 8c5ae016fbe94a7⋯.png (64.09 KB, 275x213, 275:213, night-arc-NIGHT-SHIFT.png)

da67ad  No.6156829


I appreciate my FULL rights as a US citizen.

9a95fa  No.6156830


I love it when a good pussy is stretched in that position. Could see more of that please!

fd6355  No.6156832


Here's a little timeline that relates to your post

10/12/15 - 03/02/16 Comey reassigns multiple high-level agents essentially stacking the deck FOR the investigation into Hillary Clinton

SAME DAY… Coincidence?

5/4/16 Just after midnight Page/Strzok text re: DJT's inevitablity as Republican nominee for POTUS

5/4/16 Obama admin concludes Trump is working w/ Russia

5/4/16 Later that day… Strzok/Page text "Now the pressure really starts to finish the MYE…" (MYE=Mid Year Exam)

7/1/16 Tarmac meeting

7/2/16 Clinton "interviewed" by FBI

7/5/16 Comey hold press conference states Clinton not being charged

7/5/16 FBI interviews Christopher Steele

7/11/16 Carter Page duped by John Brennan's long time CIA source with help of British 5eyes

7/28/16 Obama admin quietly opens an FBI cointel investigation of Russian cyber-espionage — hacking attacks — to disrupt the 2016 election

8/1/16 UK Strzok goes to London

8/1/16 US McCabe demands Strzok briefs him BEFORE Priestap, a blatant breech of protocol.

8/2/16 Page warns Strzok about signing anything that wouldn't "lawfully protect" their setup of DJT.

8/3/16 Strozk/Page text re: Controlling the "flow of information" on Strozk's London interviews.

8/5/16 Strozk/Page & various head FBI discuss upcoming meeting w/ "agency ppl", (aka: CIA), on the new case, (aka: Crossfire Hurricane).

9/28/16 Neither Comey nor Strzok can recall much about Clinton's emails nor Weiner's laptop cases.

7ed5f1  No.6156833


My dick hurts just looking at that *puke*

11be0c  No.6156834

File: 5ba73b385fda560⋯.png (124.86 KB, 326x326, 1:1, AQ_CallA.png)

3f3158  No.6156835

File: 02d3efc0c9b70b6⋯.jpeg (32.91 KB, 736x736, 1:1, fucks given.jpeg)

008793  No.6156836


Yes, I want to slap the former schumer aide with a trout though

a80a63  No.6156837

File: 1aa8db59fab8e88⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 356x489, 356:489, these eyes.jpg)

f3620e  No.6156838

File: 45437549409463e⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1862, 1125:1862, A8264E27-0E3A-42CF-B6FD-6….jpeg)

74cd9e  No.6156840

File: 0354071e728bbec⋯.png (2.07 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, EA977691-F41A-462A-BFED-C7….png)

Did somebody say night shift?

b4caf5  No.6156842

File: ffdf671a7db20ab⋯.jpeg (257.82 KB, 363x640, 363:640, 1A85EE89-475B-463E-BE11-5….jpeg)

ebf6f0  No.6156844


But didn't you just use that phrase smarty pants?

47a55b  No.6156845

File: f327b731d1ab899⋯.jpg (70.22 KB, 300x450, 2:3, 2626338.jpg)

File: 0eef3cfad6b7303⋯.jpg (217.5 KB, 1179x1584, 131:176, 838aae0c65d2b2625e523e6280….jpg)

File: 703dd5dda5a5106⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 751x1127, 751:1127, 66202.jpg)

File: 84ef502a89bdf7a⋯.jpg (203.94 KB, 801x1200, 267:400, baker1.jpg)

File: ef66565b0946ad9⋯.jpg (43.28 KB, 419x767, 419:767, ef6.jpg)

4f2d08  No.6156846

File: 0380e2ce39bdc2b⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 1500x1949, 1500:1949, Night shift arrow.gif)

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB, 512x640, 4:5, Night shift circle.gif)

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB, 900x450, 2:1, Night Shift Neon 2.gif)

File: 84c9e1535c67215⋯.gif (632.09 KB, 800x450, 16:9, night shift neon 3.gif)

File: fd35b4dabce1258⋯.gif (332.8 KB, 1000x753, 1000:753, night shift neon.gif)



ef9a54  No.6156847

File: 82b53578efd82ae⋯.jpg (39.45 KB, 496x349, 496:349, comeyclinton.jpg)



It’s just that I would be more comfortable knowing that you had a full understanding about how Edmond Safra was partners with Bill Browder at Hermitage Capital, how millions of dollars were stolen from the Russian government through a 2007 tax refund scheme via Hermitage’s subsidiaries, how fingers were pointed at Renaissance Capital (RenCap) as one of the suspects, and how Bill Browder was obsessed with getting the Magnitsky Act passed in the States with the help of his buddies, John McCain and Ben Cardin.

See, maybe there are a few things you don’t know about this story. Like, maybe you didn’t know that Bill Browder first asked Bill Clinton’s, “Air F*ck One” buddy, Ron Burkle, (see also The Yucaipa Companies, LLC) to be his partner at Hermitage before making the offer to Edmond Safra. Or maybe you didn’t know that HSBC took ownership of Safra’s bank, Republic Bank of New York, after his death/murder in 1999 and became the trustee of Hermitage Capital at the same time. Did you just notice that HSBC became involved with Hermitage Capital well before the tax refund scheme? Mmhmm. Something to think about. Another interesting detail in all of this is that in January, 2013, James Comey joined the board at HSBC before leaving to become director of the FBI. And if you didn’t read my post like I asked you to, you may not know that:

“HSBC’s background is as dirty as anyone else in this story. For instance, the bank was sued in 2016 for laundering millions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels. Then, based on leaked files given to the ICIJ by French newspaper “Le Monde,” it came to light that HSBC also “profited from doing business with arms dealers who channeled mortar bombs to child soldiers in Africa, bag men for Third World dictators, traffickers in blood diamonds and other international outlaws.” In the case of the Mexican drug cartels, U.S. Attorney General at the time, Eric Holder, declined to prosecute the HSBC which I’m sure had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that FBI Director James Comey once sat on its board in 2013.”

So that’s fun, huh?

I guess what I’m saying to you, CNN, is that maybe you should investigate the unsolved tax refund theft case that involves Hermitage, HSBC, Browder, Renaissance and many others. Maybe if I told you that Renaissance Capital is the same group that promoted the sale of Uranium One (for more go here) to the Russians and that they paid Bill Clinton $500,000 in speech fees during that same period that might jumpstart your research.

And Renaissance was actually in the news recently because the DOJ “traced proceeds of the [Hermitage Capital tax] fraud to a bank account in Bournemouth held by Renaissance Capital Investment Management Ltd.” But that got buried by the MSM so maybe you didn’t hear about it.

And yes, now that you mention it, Hermitage Capital did donate to Hillary Clinton’s campaign back in 2015. Thanks for asking.

b25fd9  No.6156848


why the everloving fuck would i "dig" on your masturbation habits

956104  No.6156849

File: a72a3dca7676b9c⋯.jpg (126.32 KB, 891x500, 891:500, a72a3dca7676b9c9ac368e40be….jpg)


Great repost

I think I've got playing dumb down


635218  No.6156850

File: be60eec55dc0638⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 262x340, 131:170, AlGoreInternet.jpg)


I left for a few hours and the 5G bots are still going strong?

b62ec5  No.6156851

File: 48210d9afb1667a⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1479x1701, 493:567, 1555114452249.png)

File: d05b0696df0d8d1⋯.jpg (875.99 KB, 1078x1145, 1078:1145, 20190412-170835_.jpg)

this is what happens when im lazy & don't look things up 🙄

350ca6  No.6156852

File: 55f33be17152ebb⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 438x438, 1:1, pepe call da cops dgaf.jpg)

2b980f  No.6156853

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



91f9fd  No.6156855

File: fe04cd94f433ac5⋯.png (164.22 KB, 291x359, 291:359, ClipboardImage.png)

01d484  No.6156856

File: 3274294eb75f699⋯.jpg (223.73 KB, 1243x818, 1243:818, 6-g-light.jpg)


6 G is internet trough non visable light. Much faster and safer, and cheaper comparted to 5 G

f8a782  No.6156858

File: 1226ace8810c3a9⋯.gif (4.64 MB, 480x368, 30:23, SparklingTenseBarracuda-si….gif)

ed4ec9  No.6156859


I've always thought the "Where is Vault 7", "What is Vault 7", etc. images were never fully decoded…

5ca870  No.6156860

File: 11da1518f857bc8⋯.jpeg (64.86 KB, 568x614, 284:307, 1547753868.jpeg)

f3620e  No.6156861


For notable consideration, baker! Massive and sauced Clinton trafficking etc. dig an anon posted from Coreysdigs

ed394d  No.6156865

File: 97123d07b0aa012⋯.png (369.9 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 97123d07b0aa01242029f94d61….png)

91f9fd  No.6156866

File: d3b5d6198ad2193⋯.png (1.08 MB, 675x1200, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

708dbd  No.6156867

File: 193245029dce151⋯.jpg (193.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wilcock.jpg)

11be0c  No.6156868

File: 932d14d89e11f37⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 932d14d89e11f3791ed24b6ba8….jpg)


Creepy demon possessed tranny.

93bf39  No.6156869


Back then, we still needed to catch up on all the unknowns, so we used super autism to get to the bottom of things.

Nowadays, there's less to dig on so you see the awesome autistic research a little less.

It still exists, we are still here. I see awesome research every day, but it's in less concentration because of the different shill techniques.

I mean, we have an spambot (not a bot) using VPNs that spams [sometimes] over 50 times per bread, plus regular shills eating about another 10%.

That's why they're here.

9d829b  No.6156871


Show your penis, genderfag

73844f  No.6156872


Kek. I call him the muppet. His face reminds me of a puppet head

b25fd9  No.6156873

i just wanna take a moment to let the whole pamphlet/defango/beanz crew know that you're all glowing like fucking brennan right now

its hilarious

1.5 years and you're still fucking clueless

50b932  No.6156874

File: ec685a266932244⋯.png (371.79 KB, 1882x1181, 1882:1181, Screenshot_2019-04-12 The ….png)

File: fe89f9b8efc00ab⋯.png (133.26 KB, 1885x434, 1885:434, Screenshot_2019-04-12 The ….png)

File: ed11ae98191e1ba⋯.png (81.77 KB, 1756x512, 439:128, Screenshot_2019-04-12 The ….png)


<pilpul pilpul pilpul

<subvert subvert subvert

>fake MAGAs going on attack

Again, lack of discernment, kek.

Pics related, all for (Youuuuuuuuuuu)

1386db  No.6156875

File: 9cc9cb8927e4477⋯.png (207.71 KB, 484x336, 121:84, Screenshot 2019-04-11 at 2….png)

75ea62  No.6156876

File: 833466f7e8aac4e⋯.jpeg (47.11 KB, 448x332, 112:83, E3A4344F-98BE-4D7E-A169-3….jpeg)


Nigga you gay

246866  No.6156877


Bon soir.

3f3158  No.6156878


i know right? Male genital mutilation (AKA circumcision) is a sick, demented crime against humanity

ab4fc0  No.6156879

How many clowns do you think they have working around the clock scouring WL 24/7?

2b980f  No.6156880

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



62917d  No.6156881

June August October 2019


Fuck yea anons! Just ask Roseanne. We know, we KNOW!

Your little cocks are about to explode.

We fucking won faggots.

fd9d4e  No.6156882


>>6156767 Maggie Tweets about POTUS' praise of his daughter Ivanka.

>>6156650 >>6156650 Bill Binney on the arrest of JA (16-min vid with summary)

>>6156687 US Marines: "Blazin' Hot"

>>6156667 Attorney requests WH security clearance applications of Obama era-senior advisors.

>>6156600 FBI man's testimony points to wrongdoing well beyond spying.

>>6156479, >>6156512, >>6156537, >>6156566, >>6156589, >>6156619, >>6156643, >>6156655 Bill & Hillary Clinton involved with child trafficking.

>>6156444 Elon Musk-linked scientists are developing brain probes for DARPA.

9d829b  No.6156883




9a95fa  No.6156884



659842  No.6156885


All rf stuff is in the non visible light spectrum. Cell phones, gps, microwaves, etc. What you just described gives no distinction to anything else.

956104  No.6156886

File: f28cf5d89986c0c⋯.jpeg (56 KB, 474x601, 474:601, 82f0ec9adebbe892004364b25….jpeg)




Epic redpills Moab

d71563  No.6156887

File: 2bac5be2a03df6e⋯.jpg (146.51 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 2qa8i7.jpg)


u needz dis

b25fd9  No.6156888


even with your fucking discord coordination you bunch of hopeless faggots will never ever blend

its truly pathetic at this point

seriously, stay on youtube where you people belong

3cf16a  No.6156889



708dbd  No.6156890

File: c95bb1546c37c2a⋯.jpg (39.42 KB, 640x480, 4:3, brennan asd.jpg)


don't forget ignominy.

2b980f  No.6156891



9d829b  No.6156892


you wish, bitch

54857f  No.6156893


Agree the case is very weak. Tom Cotton and Ben Sasse were ripping Assange in the media like he’s Benedict Arnold. What complete assholes. Cotton even brought up the fake rape charges.

6549c1  No.6156894


Blessings, friend.

154257  No.6156895

File: 1146e9c1c41ef78⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 474x638, 237:319, whysoinsane.jpg)


baker got some duplicate numbers in second line

246866  No.6156896


Oh we've been getting fucked alright.

That's why we're here – contributing to the plan.

fd6355  No.6156897

File: 38eda96957f8d73⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 38eda96957f8d733cb7e452020….jpg)


Our outrage is justified …

Theirs is not!

01d484  No.6156898


There is a big difference between photons and radiation waves.

09d362  No.6156899


>some anons are still here though

Yes, thankfully.

eb2ed0  No.6156900

File: 7f07da55fbf961b⋯.png (558.53 KB, 568x557, 568:557, amazingns.PNG)

File: beeecff0404bf4f⋯.png (474.08 KB, 1002x660, 167:110, NIGHTSHIFTWTW.PNG)

File: d4d565ce5daed74⋯.png (331.01 KB, 753x575, 753:575, NSPWSE.PNG)

File: 2222a85fb0533de⋯.png (616.23 KB, 888x594, 148:99, NSQ .PNG)

f7674f  No.6156901


Pentagon says it'll be done by October 2020 17 months from now

75ea62  No.6156902

File: c7030958c338ce5⋯.jpeg (33.61 KB, 430x337, 430:337, A7C91811-C519-493A-9889-B….jpeg)


Nope, kys

fd9d4e  No.6156903


Good catch. Binney has that double notable effect.


9448cb  No.6156904

File: e4d2f6852fa108d⋯.png (48.63 KB, 320x235, 64:47, Clown2.png)

b0a5e4  No.6156905

File: f7cdae5f09e3357⋯.jpg (715.44 KB, 1937x1249, 1937:1249, doublestandards.jpg)

File: 8a5451f00a0d9c5⋯.jpg (288.18 KB, 1470x880, 147:88, barrwords.jpg)

File: 4a9d69d87652619⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1144x676, 22:13, wallswork.png)

File: 2dbd4f28fc0ca13⋯.jpeg (286.72 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, gogospeedracer.jpeg)

d8dc88  No.6156906

Many of us that have known about this evil for a long time have personal hang ups, the stress of seeing it happen slowly for so long eats you alive but there is hope for healing.

b919f0  No.6156907


The link was in the previous bread.

Leovani on Twitter.

ba3695  No.6156908


As you point out, (they) obviously DO know.

(They) also know they killed Seth Rich.

What's funny is that now, THEY KNOW, that WE KNOW. kek

You didn't think they would narc themselves out on both counts did you?

350ca6  No.6156909

File: e5f6ce1d1cbb2e7⋯.png (740.6 KB, 684x603, 76:67, godzilla kek.PNG)

89c0e7  No.6156910

File: 5cc8b29d35dc813⋯.jpg (34.44 KB, 590x350, 59:35, Julian-Assange-1112878.jpg)

Any of you fags read this yet?

Anything major?

47a55b  No.6156911

File: e35aebee05a9d78⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 400x291, 400:291, 27458480_757584.jpg)


Don't kill yourself.







You are the reason why we need a second holocaust.

33b6f6  No.6156912

File: f4af6d88222f1d5⋯.jpg (108.31 KB, 773x500, 773:500, trump 5g.jpg)

5G uses the same frequency as the "crowd control" weapons. Coincidence?


448878  No.6156913


laurel canyon garbage

eat shit

b0a5e4  No.6156914


It is in the mail

f8a782  No.6156915

File: 50cf3d8190a84ce⋯.png (205.73 KB, 411x390, 137:130, 2019-03-25_18-33-08.png)

5ca870  No.6156916

File: 0a12437ef638ce4⋯.jpeg (98.41 KB, 585x591, 195:197, 1539142959.jpeg)


Can't. Won't.

9bb6d4  No.6156917

File: 6bf0d5c93b34036⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 564x670, 282:335, Hi.jpg)

d71563  No.6156918

File: f6da871f6e17160⋯.jpg (120.38 KB, 494x549, 494:549, AfricanDiaspora.jpg)

6825ed  No.6156920


right! I forgot.

thank you anon(s)

7c9d93  No.6156922



41c640  No.6156923

File: c723e9ca7e1efaf⋯.png (775.3 KB, 1308x925, 1308:925, Capture.PNG)


higolffag reporting from Augusta.


50b932  No.6156924


That line of thinking has also crossed my realm.

Things can only be dug on so much.

However, there is still a war being fought…example below of pr0n pushing ADLnigger, claiming pr0n titties doesn't distract, with the ultimate goal being to degrade society/humanity to where liddle 10 year old boys are dancing on stage for dolla dolla bills y'all!



Not even once you failure at life.

Within seconds, you respond, thus proving you FAILED to research ANY of my FACTS and resort to attacking the messenger, per Q's latest post (as well as others).

You're a sad existence and all your pr0n utopia fantasies will never come to fruition.

54857f  No.6156925


Agree the pix are total retard.

d895bd  No.6156926

File: ffbbfc134fcdf7b⋯.png (54.3 KB, 599x485, 599:485, a517.png)

Glenn Greenwald is an anon, he just doesn't know it yet. He follows logic and will end up at the same place.

47a55b  No.6156927

File: 453fea58af57433⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 412x416, 103:104, 79dd474e01d2ca3fb1645e5f8c….jpg)

File: 5941c781347e041⋯.jpg (541.86 KB, 800x632, 100:79, 6bTWllH.jpg)

File: 926692ccfbaa074⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 246x320, 123:160, rabbi_molest-copia.jpg)

File: af7371354b54911⋯.jpg (108.38 KB, 600x698, 300:349, af7371354b54911e401bce8af0….jpg)

File: f06dba31c18b1fc⋯.png (611.09 KB, 477x829, 477:829, Jews 911.png)

085c38  No.6156928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

659842  No.6156929


According to traditional physics, unless you have sauce otherwise that you can point me to, light is also radiation. When I say traditional, I'm more referencing that light traditionally is assumed to be a wave in most situations.

73844f  No.6156930

File: f5364255a7bb782⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1074x1751, 1074:1751, A2A4BC7F-444E-49B8-B530-C….jpeg)

d71563  No.6156931

File: c82f2006dca9b24⋯.jpeg (67.06 KB, 471x470, 471:470, nabprj.jpeg)

b25fd9  No.6156932


ill never dig on anything you propose, ms diaz

75ea62  No.6156933

File: 53231376ad46adb⋯.jpeg (63.46 KB, 545x485, 109:97, 6B5AB055-A100-47E6-A5ED-2….jpeg)

How cute, I got a tandem on my ass.

Get fucked, both of (You) faggots

956104  No.6156934


Ah they have a tweak to the 5G hard install, must be, they can augment and piggyback on the actual hardware that will exist, soon e erywhere…..

Possibly a very begn frequency is in store

47a55b  No.6156935

File: 0016db90ab58ac6⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 207f8ff056b419c6533d677731….png)

0fe7ea  No.6156936

File: 187de33f6ea8744⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 397x400, 397:400, laughing dog.jpg)

File: ab0eaa4cd37b6c6⋯.jpg (282.57 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, laughing dog 2.jpg)

>>6155746 (LB)

>>6155766 (LB)

Muh dawgs.

6c91cd  No.6156937


Agreed… Today was a horrible day. And Q is silent about it… I bet he will get on and start talking about indictments and DECLAS… but I for one don't give a shit about any of that. I feel like all of this stuff that's on Fox News every night and being talked about every day by Q is just a distraction while the real Agenda 21 goes up all around us. I'm seriously losing hope over here.

I mean for fucksake… HRC is on a DAMN TOUR WITH BILL!

e94816  No.6156938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH Russian special forces clash with ISIS terrorists in Siberian city

Eyewitness footage of the Russian special forces' raid on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants in the Siberian city of Tyumen shows a house turn into a raging fireball as bursts of automatic gunfire rock the area.

In the video filmed by onlookers, apparently from a window in a building near where the anti-terrorist operation took place, long bursts of gunfire can be heard in the dark. Shortly after, the house with suspected terrorists inside is engulfed in flames. A dog can be heard whimpering in the background, scared by the shots.

The locals who the filmed apparent climax of the anti-terrorist raid say the building is believed to be a large, privately-owned cottage.

In the wake of the raid, the Russian anti-terrorism squad reported that they averted an imminent ISIS attack on a public place in the city, eliminating two militants who refused to lay down their weapons. The terrorists were killed in the shootout.

The scene of the operation was plunged in total darkness, as seen in the video, because power was shut down in the neighborhood for the duration of the raid, local resident Maksim Slutsky said. He told RT that he saw heavy police presence and about 30 law enforcement vehicles parked at a nearby school, which served as the staging area for the takedown.


6825ed  No.6156939


any idea why he answered the jersey question with a reference to Dershowitz? I can't remember the context. I guess I could stop being lazyanon and go look.

15e212  No.6156940

File: ce0580914b21d5e⋯.jpeg (174.38 KB, 1920x1326, 320:221, C95E5D27-1B7C-415B-AC78-C….jpeg)



Nice quality image.

1ff34c  No.6156941

File: 68e91ffe2d91dfb⋯.jpeg (42.71 KB, 350x505, 70:101, EC80C69F-8FDA-403F-99F3-F….jpeg)


thesaurus… they extinct bruh

ice age n sheit

tasty stuff, really Great

91f9fd  No.6156942


I curious about the whole Snowden thing.

d3aed5  No.6156943



Meanwhile he's putting anybody some ignoramus would interpret as a raghead in harm's way.

747bc9  No.6156944


5ca870  No.6156945

File: 5a3ce8a6daccb23⋯.jpg (13.38 KB, 640x384, 5:3, FB_IMG_1533745108608.jpg)

d71563  No.6156946

File: 240471be34e4db4⋯.jpg (245.83 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2q9t3d.jpg)

32e06e  No.6156947

File: 515dc48987257e0⋯.jpg (80.2 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 5GUtopia.jpg)

2b980f  No.6156948

File: c417e975f0a5690⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Donut.jpg)


I'd run circles around you..

47a55b  No.6156949

File: 76bec2f05e9c29e⋯.jpg (360.42 KB, 909x987, 303:329, 76b.jpg)

655133  No.6156950


GFY ya DS shill.

33b6f6  No.6156951

The blind faith of Anons and complete lack of digging on 5G is concerning.

Starting to look like RussiaGate is a movie to distract us. What makes a great movie?

708dbd  No.6156952

File: 83f6e61600aede4⋯.jpg (357.57 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, harpyeagle.jpg)

50b932  No.6156953

File: 36b6ab70f083ef3⋯.png (126.32 KB, 1774x238, 887:119, livetraff.png)


Because you're an ignorant piece of shit, only [here] to subvert anons from the truth.

Fuck you, wholeheartedly.

54857f  No.6156954


It’s stupid unthinking sheep like you who brought the country to its current shitty condition. Just stfu and nobody will know how stupid you are.

3f3158  No.6156955

File: 756350bdddd392d⋯.gif (918.76 KB, 245x285, 49:57, okay.gif)

008793  No.6156956

File: 9a3a5352d755ea7⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1161x646, 1161:646, ClipboardImage.png)


Kek true enough

75ea62  No.6156957


Das it

fd9d4e  No.6156958


Not to a cro-magnon like Brennan.

He still has the clay tablet version.

Thank you for the kind words chris pastry.

ac73a7  No.6156959

File: c10a06b9162c30d⋯.png (280.22 KB, 720x403, 720:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ff702edda4e412⋯.png (837 KB, 683x1360, 683:1360, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8541d07a3f88e03⋯.png (777.91 KB, 848x960, 53:60, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c24d7fdc3220de5⋯.png (180.38 KB, 645x399, 215:133, ClipboardImage.png)



…Using my prerogatives, I have quietly financed this operation through the Military Spending Bill and gave to this set of protections the generic name: THE WALL.

Thanks to this fantastic work led by our Military, our country today has all the protections to implement 5G or even the future 6G without harming our populations.

M! 6G


G6 iM

G6 Information Management funded by M! for 6G Wireless [THE WALL]


33b6f6  No.6156960


Unfortunately, Anons don't know how advanced the technology is. We fucking fucked if the country gets covered in 5G

139edc  No.6156961


What happened in this bird's evolutionary development to cause it to grow a crown?

2b980f  No.6156962

File: a02793e7db6788f⋯.jpg (195.38 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMAG0006.JPG)


Twice again..

Cuz I know ya want me!


934276  No.6156963


you are preaching to deaf ears friends. pretty soon they'll be calling you a shill and telling you to "KYS"

it's against the rules to ask questions.

e94816  No.6156964

NYC Council passes bill to block employers from drug testing job applicants. Mayor de Blasio expected to sign.

'This is another instance where City Council is interfering in the relationship between employees and employers'

The New York City Council approved this week a bill that would block many employers from forcing job applicants to undergo marijuana drug testing, the New Tork Times reported.

New York City Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams sponsored the legislation that passed Tuesday in a 40-4 vote.

The legislation is the latest in a series of moves to ease marijuana restrictions in New York City while efforts to legalize marijuana have slowed at the state level.

"I'm proud that the city has taken action where the federal and the state government have stalled," Williams said, according to the Times.

Who would the bill affect?

Both public and private employers in New York City would be affected by the law, as well as employers with headquarters outside the city.

Williams told the newspaper that it's not clear how many employers currently require drug testing.

The council also passed a bill that would prohibit marijuana testing for those on probation.

Olivia Lapeyrolerie, a spokeswoman for the mayor, told the Times that Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration fully supports the bills, which are headed to his desk for his signature.

The legislation would take effect one year after the bills are signed.

Are there any exemptions?

The law would not apply to industries where safety is a factor, including law enforcement, construction workers, and those who supervise children.

It would not exempt federal and state employees who are subject to drug testing. The law would not change federal drug screening requirements mandated by the government on truck drivers and pilots, among others.

If someone on the job appears to be under the influence of drugs, the employer could have them tested.

What do supporters say?

Dionna King, a policy manager at the Drug Policy Alliance, told the Times that she believes it's a positive move that could help remove the stigma attached to pot use.

"Through this legislation, there will still be a good number of folks who will no longer have to submit to testing just to get employment," King said.

What do opponents say?

But some business leaders believe the bill is another example of government overreach by the City Council.

"This is another instance where City Council is interfering in the relationship between employees and employers," said Kathryn S. Wylde, president of the Partnership for New York City, which represents business leaders.


5ca870  No.6156965

File: 56eb4d75895df71⋯.png (319.59 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

75ea62  No.6156966


Ain’t no Russiagate, bih

54857f  No.6156967


Real Killary is braced and half-disabled. She needs to fall down some stairs.

d71563  No.6156968

File: 4936402e3cde373⋯.jpg (41.05 KB, 275x400, 11:16, 4801232.jpg)

90a6f0  No.6156969


let's not forget the Helsinki Episode of 1919…


Organised Crime, Trafficking, Drugs - Heuni

Lots of information in this pdf as well as on trafficking of women and children as well.

267ced  No.6156970

File: 9fcda7191a59f13⋯.jpg (450.98 KB, 1080x2072, 135:259, Screenshot_20190412-202632….jpg)

Who did this!!!



551392  No.6156971


So high, it was mostly someone else's quote.

LB I said 'Oh those words, eh?" in response to someone that made a post complaining about someone's words without any sort of context whatsoever.

c5efe5  No.6156972


>My dick hurts just looking at that …

Maybe stopping staring at it, fag?

47a55b  No.6156973

File: e0c8811683aa130⋯.png (141.42 KB, 498x634, 249:317, 916.png)

File: 0ba95a792df4454⋯.png (16.54 KB, 394x422, 197:211, Q post 1781.png)

635218  No.6156974

File: 13a3b8f1348da46⋯.jpg (176.58 KB, 700x465, 140:93, Soros_LIM.jpg)

54857f  No.6156975


Drop them in Marin County.

448878  No.6156976


muh buffalo springfield


gut urself

91f9fd  No.6156978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

05ca12  No.6156979


They got Steve Paddock bump stocks

f3620e  No.6156980


Dowdy loser brown shoe grit chewer

2b980f  No.6156981

File: 130d766dfc26f43⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 480x270, 16:9, SLAP TROUT FISH.gif)

9bb6d4  No.6156982

File: bb8c5f01a1d7160⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 564x846, 2:3, am i conscious of the came….jpg)

3c2100  No.6156983

File: a41f2dabd7b9e54⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1600x1195, 320:239, Geriatric Park-Pelosi.png)

b919f0  No.6156984


seconded; Notable

e94816  No.6156985

Pentagon Papers Lawyer: Julian Assange Being Convicted Will Criminalize the News-Gathering Process

James Goodale, the vice president and general counsel of the New York Times during the Pentagon Papers scandal, is warning that the light charges against Julian Assange is part of an extradition scheme that could ultimately criminalize the news-gathering process in the digital age.

Goodale warns that generally speaking, a journalist can indeed instruct his source in a manner which will permit the source to escape identification, and that criminalizing that aspect of journalism will be a blow to the First Amendment.

Writing for The Hill, Goodale explained that the lack of charges under the Espionage Act is “a snare and a delusion.” He wrote that the indictment is “surprisingly spare” and “seems to have been written with a particular purpose in mind — to extradite Assange from England. Once he is here, he will be hit, no doubt, with multiple charges.”

“Under the U.S.-U.K. extradition treaty, one cannot be extradited from the United Kingdom if the extradition is for ‘political purposes.’ This explains why the indictment does not contain any charges alleging that Assange conspired with the Russians to impact the 2016 presidential election. It may also explain why the indictment focuses on hacking government computers rather than on leaking stolen government information, in as much as leaking could be characterized as being done for political purposes,” Goodale wrote. “When Assange arrives in the United States through extradition, as many expect he will, the government will then be able to indict him for his participation in that election. It is not out of the question that the government will come up with additional charges against Assange.”

Goodale explained that the government made it seem like Assange had hacked an account for Manning to be able to access the files, but it is not really the case. Manning already had access to the files legally — he is simply accused of trying (unsuccessfully) to help them cover their tracks.

“The U.S. government has attempted to divert attention from the basic fact that this indictment punishes the publication of truthful information by making it seem that Assange ‘cracked’ a code to permit Manning to have access to further classified information, which Manning in turn then could leak to Assange. That’s not what the indictment says. It says that Assange told Manning how to cover her tracks with respect to her leaks so the government could not catch Manning,” he wrote.

In conclusion, Goodale stated that “if Assange is found guilty of conspiring with Manning under this indictment, which incorporates the Espionage Act, this will be a blow to the First Amendment. It will criminalize the news-gathering process and will be a precedent for future cases concerning leaks. This will be particularly so since substantially all leaks in the future will be computer-generated. “


b25fd9  No.6156986


i took it as he was saying the two posts were related, ie the original about "welcome aboard" and then the following post with "17" and that it wasnt about the jersey.

but i have no idea

73844f  No.6156987


Or mr potato head

424784  No.6156988

File: 16a44d595015bb8⋯.jpg (68.01 KB, 581x569, 581:569, 147 - 4wPW5eM.jpg)


I trust POTUS more than you dumb niggers. Until 5g vaporizes my insides, i'll continue to believe you're full of shit. Shit memes also make you glow, faggot.

934276  No.6156989


you're going to upset the flock

75ea62  No.6156990


No it’s not nigger, are you some kinda faggot or something?

085c38  No.6156991


Q silence on 5G, geoengineering,DEW…

176336  No.6156992

Bandwidth issues fixed?

11be0c  No.6156993

File: fd1850b1d9ff6a4⋯.png (125.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1548378412257.png)


Stop it namefag and nobody cares that you are a tranny guffer. Kindly fuck off.

78a9bb  No.6156994

File: f8ee25f17d1cf4f⋯.png (238.63 KB, 604x828, 151:207, notestosterone1.png)

e94816  No.6156995

54857f  No.6156996


Was a lily-white, all-American area just 25 years ago too.

01d168  No.6156997

File: f9aa142e71698f6⋯.png (476.89 KB, 706x976, 353:488, Screenshot_20.png)

54857f  No.6156998


She’s hideous.

13bd82  No.6156999


fuggin spoopy if you ask me.

506e32  No.6157000

File: d36c4cf231153b4⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2490x1687, 2490:1687, 721B69C8-F384-41B2-9C74-2….jpeg)


Same anon. 5G = silence. Chemtrails = silence. Wall, with some big new ports. Man… if this is about consciousness, i think we’re losing. 5G will set new consciousness rules. Control?… we just usher in the anti-christ?

73844f  No.6157001


Good question. And are the feathers always up like that?

01d484  No.6157002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Depending if you look at it or not, according to the quantom split test.

Back to reality we know the cells in our bodies handle light photons better than waves tho

659842  No.6157003


I've noticed the chemtrails are different lately. They don't spread out like they normally do and are almost darker than the sky around it.

0fe7ea  No.6157004

File: cc98da984781b15⋯.jpg (42.16 KB, 320x180, 16:9, baby screech owl.jpg)

75ea62  No.6157005

All these “muh 5g” niggers in here sounding like Biden saying the world gonna end in 12 yrs back in 79.

Gas yourselves already

281d61  No.6157006

File: c0c759ce6616cef⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 960x631, 960:631, Harpy.jpg)


it's yuge!

b25fd9  No.6157007


projection is an ugly shade for your complexion

638921  No.6157008

Getting tired of Tucker’s Amazon doesn’t pay taxes because “like yeah economics or loopholes or whatever dude” routine. There is a reason Amazon doesn’t pay taxes tell us how? Jack ass! You’ve got the microphone.

54857f  No.6157009


If only you were a Jew with one of those big hats and sidelocks. Sigh.

1b5e0f  No.6157010

File: 7d16925ac851727⋯.jpg (155.25 KB, 884x898, 442:449, nunes.jpg)

Joe Scarborough Calls Devin Nunes a 'Dumbass' after FISA Conspiracy Theory, and a 'Disgrace to This Country'


2b980f  No.6157011


But I know what you can do with that finger…

934276  No.6157012


wow, super intelligent response. you managed to incorporate nigger and faggot into a sentence. congratulations. next you should work on detecting sarcasm you fucking inbred baboon.

d5e2c1  No.6157013

File: 2c0dc45533e71fe⋯.jpeg (566.13 KB, 1143x592, 1143:592, 4DB94EBE-0355-4E10-ABBE-2….jpeg)


One could always hope… :)

bec642  No.6157014

File: 4a5b28e2e732ab0⋯.jpeg (54.93 KB, 500x500, 1:1, C6CC6AEE-095D-4D0B-BD1D-8….jpeg)

Q, Since Tithe for the Beast Day is right around the corner, should we continue to feed it with roughly 30% of the wealth that we sweat & bleed for?

Our much lauded “National Debt” stems from this private bank & they’ve cunningly arranged for us to be slaves through thier system & every generation after us if it’s allowed to continue.

Knowing what we know now, how do we consciously support this?

Can we help starve them by not giving in to their tyranny?

When can we expect this STRUCTURAL edifice to fall?

4150ad  No.6157015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dew is actually pretty good in the morning

931820  No.6157016




Don Jr. Gets it

33b6f6  No.6157018


Wishful thinking, but just not true. Horrible real world 5G stories pour in by the day.

The bottom line: WE DON'T NEED 5G or 6G! I can't remember the last year I've heard someone complain about slow internet speeds.

The Cabal wants it to control our cars, our homes, and our very bodies.

5G has been on the Cabal wish list for years.

350ca6  No.6157019

File: cfc134771e9147a⋯.jpg (160.07 KB, 721x479, 721:479, tractor supply co dump 2.jpg)


Fresh one

05ca12  No.6157020


That frankly sounds hellish, stay strong anon

008793  No.6157021


Generally just ignore ignorant comments about 5G.

Spent a decade working on wireless backbone / cell towers.

5G is a slide similar to flat earth

659842  No.6157022


For sure, not visible light is a small spectrum, saying it's non visible light throws it into the other radiation category.

0fe7ea  No.6157023

File: 9b8952e0720df38⋯.png (36.46 KB, 500x600, 5:6, ms. pepe.png)

6c91cd  No.6157024


This was a bullshit decode. Turning Trump's messages into shit you WANT him to say does not mean he actually SAID it. I watched him talk for 20 minutes today. He actually SAID, "I WANT 5G".

551392  No.6157025

So if 5g is capable of killing us rather quickly…

And it is not used until there is 99% coverage of the US, it's literally GG.

d71563  No.6157026


Mossad and Israel are secular, and therefore have nothing to do with "anti-semitism".

Try again.

2ce447  No.6157027

File: b436f81deea25a2⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 307x387, 307:387, concernfag.jpg)

4f743e  No.6157028

File: b2c6d97c1e08968⋯.jpeg (204.29 KB, 1125x683, 1125:683, AC8C7472-B167-4491-B789-B….jpeg)

File: 8d9d1668e09c6f0⋯.jpeg (68.03 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 5828CD11-54E5-41FF-8B02-9….jpeg)

506e32  No.6157029


If POTUS can talk about 5G than Q should address it. Or post some shit that explains its safe. Consciously fucked.

8b491a  No.6157030


Heh. If it is massless and moves at "c", it is a photon. Call it a wave or particle as observations dictate.

AM radio "waves" are photons. Same with visible light and X-ray, to cover a fair chunk of the "photonic spectrum" - even though tend to think of photons as limited to the visble light segment of the EM radiation spectrum.


e94816  No.6157031

File: d1e2468afd47f62⋯.png (94.94 KB, 751x790, 751:790, ClipboardImage.png)

“Beautiful In Every Way Imaginable”: Russia Slams British Claims That London Worked To Stabilize Libya

During a April 11 press briefing Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mariya Zakharova made detailed remarks regarding the current situation in Libya and British calims that London has worked to stabelize the country (source):

Confessions of British Foreign Office minister on Libya

Speaking about Libya and the roots of today’s extremely difficult situation, I couldn’t help but see what I consider as an outstanding statement in every way recently made by Mark Field, a UK Foreign Office minister who temporarily oversees the Middle East dossier. During the debate in the House of Commons, he agreed with the arguments of his Labour opponents about the “calamitous” consequences of the British invasion of Iraq and Libya and said the following: “Although the UK played a role in trying to ensure that there was further planning for a Libyan-owned, UN co-ordinated stabilisation effort, that did not come to pass in the way we would have liked. There were clear early successes in the immediate aftermath of 2011 that were not sustained. ”

This statement is beautiful in every way imaginable. It turns out that the introduction of a no-fly zone, coupled with pinpoint bombardments, including on facilities critical to the state infrastructure, is now modestly called “a role in stabilisation effort.” The “effort” apparently implies unceremonious interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, overt support of an anti-government coup and, naturally, public lynching and mockery on the body of a national leader who was only recently accepted by those who later shamelessly gave orders and actually sentenced Muammar Gaddafi to death. Speaking about the scenario they would have liked, obviously, that was a reference to a transformation of Libya, which is extremely rich in natural resources, into a hydrocarbons supplier fully controlled by the West with a puppet government “recognized democratic” in words. Apparently, this was the scenario the West would have liked to see implemented, only something went wrong.

Frankly speaking, what is happening now, including around Venezuela is of course completely different; yet the methods used are very similar to the drama that unfolded in Libya: attempts to convince everyone of the need for democratisation, a concentration on the country’s blunders, including economic ones within implementation of its internal policy, using a whole range of pressure tools and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign Libya, relying on those welcome and sanctions against the unwanted. That came unexpected for most countries. The world is watching in amazement what is happening in that country. The question is, is this another blunder? But one has to answer for their blunders.

The problem is that the people who wrote these scenarios, including for Libya, turned out to be mediocre. Apologies have not been uncommon in the British political culture lately. In fact they are made quite often because there is no real remorse behind them. Remember, Gordon Brown apologised for the shameful migrant policy that sent many destitute and orphaned Britons to the colonies for several decades in the 20th century. They apologised for the slavery in the past. Modern UK politicians have also repeatedly apologised. Remember Iraq? Now it’s Libya’s turn, only they didn’t apologise, but said they failed to ensure it goes according to the scenario planned for that country. How many more places on our planet will be forced into these dramatic scenarios with non-dramatic apologies afterwards?

Only faced with an acute socioeconomic crisis, primarily caused by the uncontrolled flow of migration, our Western colleagues began to look for ways to evade any threats or complaints.

One must keep in mind that all those who drafted the scenario for Libya – the politicians, experts, representatives of the executive power of Western states – feel fine, and are as rich and prosperous as ever. But millions of direct and indirect victims of those decision-makers are paying the price for their mistakes, paying their own lives and the lives of their families and friends.



3f3158  No.6157032

File: f90773f02f02fec⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 318x239, 318:239, 1502418668467.gif)



5G Posters, post facts and data, or STFU with your FUD

73844f  No.6157033


Castro Valley or San L… maybe..

95b6c1  No.6157034


Joe who?

75ea62  No.6157035


I asked you a question, moran.

You gonna answer it?

33b6f6  No.6157036


…right. At least I'd have money and powerful connections.

267ced  No.6157037

File: cac5a94177919e4⋯.jpg (629.85 KB, 1080x1554, 180:259, Screenshot_20190412-203213….jpg)

18f98e  No.6157038

File: 1a7da1ee3dd761b⋯.jpg (12.08 KB, 255x206, 255:206, cfd5bdf18a42b6948da1a78dd5….jpg)

54857f  No.6157039


Trumps not woke, he’s a tv-watching square. After Trump, we need some real libertarians in there.

2b980f  No.6157040

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

eb2ed0  No.6157042


I see one of my neighbor friends yesterday, he doesn't come on here or follow this stuff, he did a job for a very big communications company, it may have started with a V, yes that one, anyhow he tells me every day one of the workers would go behind the place and have a drink after work, he said the megaphone looking device on the tower is pointing in that direction, they found the guy cooked one morning,dead, I was like wow (in my head holy shit!!) they better make that shit safe cause that don't sound good. True story

b6e05f  No.6157043

File: 36cb6bcd28db489⋯.jpg (98.85 KB, 500x702, 250:351, 2ygoxi.jpg)

91f9fd  No.6157045

File: 513a8bca721086a⋯.png (292.36 KB, 554x339, 554:339, ClipboardImage.png)

5a78cd  No.6157046


You know, Mika's girlfriend.

506e32  No.6157047


5G is like FLAT EARTH?

Holy red flags.

50b932  No.6157048


There should be a 'meeting place' for anons if SHTF.


My projection?

By pushing for a GLOBAL NOTABLE on human traffickers and kiddie diddlers?

Your kikeness is really showing this bread and I'm actually glad I decided to take on the pr0n angle to expose you pedophiles in disguise.

If I find you, it will not be pretty for you.

That's real talk - throw away all labels and anything else; it will be your demise.

551392  No.6157049


The only thing Q has said is with regard to the budget in California and not being able to cover all the spending… "Light fires."

Not start fires.

That's the only hint of DEW.

62cc29  No.6157050

File: e9d03962e023658⋯.jpg (288.14 KB, 816x528, 17:11, the only thing trump has b….JPG)

f3620e  No.6157051


Enjoy your sllllliiiiidddddde

05ca12  No.6157052

File: f7deb52ce286d68⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1271x1668, 1271:1668, 3A74BBC9-5A5E-4036-AD2B-B….jpeg)

9c3f8b  No.6157054


I told you

You are watching a movie

Except its written by the illuminati


085c38  No.6157055

File: 303647e28afd7c3⋯.jpeg (17.61 KB, 255x161, 255:161, YOU.jpeg)


>Consciously fucked.

9c55a6  No.6157056


thas the guy who may have killed his secrertary

fa6bce  No.6157057

File: 496ea2b932f80ff⋯.mp4 (248.67 KB, 1172x1080, 293:270, mike&ike.mp4)



747bc9  No.6157058




and some in Laurel Canyon - Sunset - West Hollywodd right in Ed Bucks House - In Lieu and swallowstheherdsloadswell and pelosi and feinsteinn and mad maxx impeach 45

and his highness THE SCHITT OF SCHItt

after that start in on oregon on the left and arizone on the right and up hew mexico's big big hole that old clown did dig up – billrichardson -you worried ms1 -lacking 3 and s or m all schittt and buck, muh juh krass ass ed that is

b919f0  No.6157059

File: 4ba1f10a488cbd3⋯.png (1.28 MB, 744x926, 372:463, happyday.png)


It was a great day!

The lies are getting louder in public consciousness.

I met two woke people, strangers, but totally up on all the evidence; People are waking.

I think some of it must be Fox News plus people just reading on the Internets.

b62ec5  No.6157060

File: 9ec26c6b1ae56ac⋯.jpg (224.91 KB, 596x1231, 596:1231, Screenshot_20190412-173407….jpg)





b25fd9  No.6157061


all you people have are threats when you're exposed

its pathetic

you've never blended, you never will, stick with youtube tracy

maybe get a nip and tuck first

903820  No.6157062


It could be signaling this month of sacrifices will save them…of course nothing can save them but they are too stupid to realize that.

33b6f6  No.6157063


"Jew shill" more specifically. The blind faith of Anons is a little scary. Think for yourself.

c5efe5  No.6157064

File: 80cf0e8ce89f5b6⋯.png (880.65 KB, 499x974, 499:974, goatfucker2.png)


Here's the original pic, Achmed.

Stealing and fabricating shit to deflect … not surprised.

Goatfucking POS.

f7674f  No.6157065

File: 47ce641f6ede89c⋯.png (508.81 KB, 1590x898, 795:449, Screenshot_2019-04-12 qre….png)


> lack of digging on 5G is concerning.

you are either stupid or a shill

>pic related

7c9d93  No.6157066


I dont think she got the option. Red flag right there. She must be a bad bad girl.

2b980f  No.6157067



James Bond, Pepe….

931820  No.6157068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a80a63  No.6157069

File: b853e06cad26291⋯.jpg (84.28 KB, 666x500, 333:250, daniel_in_prayer.jpg)

62cc29  No.6157070

File: 346ca96fe4237bf⋯.jpg (191.45 KB, 576x384, 3:2, mmean while at the border.JPG)

File: 131aaed70d2b19d⋯.jpg (130.7 KB, 576x384, 3:2, meanwhile at the border.JPG)

File: fd90673d982967a⋯.jpg (90.46 KB, 581x408, 581:408, 6ba6c.jpg)

File: 023b276d53f3555⋯.jpg (210.49 KB, 816x528, 17:11, build that wall like you p….JPG)

File: dd83212aac2aabf⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 528x816, 11:17, 12743987_10205419715997909….jpg)

659842  No.6157071


My point is calling in non visible light to make it "better" doesn't make it clear at all what is being discussed because there are so many current technologies with non visible light.

9c55a6  No.6157072

File: ccfe3edf46799ce⋯.png (180.44 KB, 1041x568, 1041:568, 5G.png)

d96f37  No.6157073

File: ccf68d5c9ab716b⋯.png (83.38 KB, 229x229, 1:1, 229.png)



54857f  No.6157074

5ca870  No.6157075

File: 1a08f9b282e9d67⋯.jpeg (46.02 KB, 497x509, 497:509, 1555021190.jpeg)


Shouty shouty

75ea62  No.6157076

File: fd56edc62eaf0d3⋯.jpeg (68.23 KB, 669x356, 669:356, 543693F3-7F12-4A5E-852B-7….jpeg)


‘Meeting place’

Oh, you mean like your discord server?

God you glow

506e32  No.6157077

File: dee00b62e665f77⋯.jpeg (1.96 MB, 2048x2396, 512:599, AD18F22D-7276-4808-902E-2….jpeg)

File: 03cb337313cf743⋯.jpeg (1.92 MB, 2048x2431, 2048:2431, 3D75A095-3F1F-4CF1-8FE5-7….jpeg)

File: f0772e0b7b487a1⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB, 2048x2381, 2048:2381, C3576118-261E-466E-ADB1-B….jpeg)

File: 8a412dce5326616⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB, 2048x2354, 1024:1177, 534A825B-B229-4EBB-9278-6….jpeg)

File: 733a179c662b7dd⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 2048x2109, 2048:2109, 68487E44-E645-4F51-A0D6-C….jpeg)



5G or 5D

We know who LARPS as god here.

Are we kidding ourselves?

e2eb45  No.6157078

Randy Savage at it again

AOC Pandering impression


50b932  No.6157079


You haven't ONCE refuted ANY of my FACTS.

Typical KIKE RESPONSES is all you have because it's the product of your inbreeding. How ironic, another thing you love to blame on whites.

Who runs the pr0n industry you fuckstick, baby raper?

da67ad  No.6157080

File: a4aabca1c19c7a4⋯.png (198.4 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20190412-173528.png)

What does the SES insignia symbolize? View less

The SES insignia or emblem represents a keystone – the center stone that holds all the stones of an arch in place. This represents the critical role of the SES as a central coordinating point between Government's political leadership which sets the political agenda and the line workers who implement it. Members of the SES translate that political agenda into reality. The upright lines in the center of the keystone represent a column in which individual SES members are united into a single leadership corps. There is no particular symbolism to the number of lines, which has varied over the years with different iterations of the logo. The SES insignia may not be modified.


Old, but this is the Swamp.

9bb6d4  No.6157081


Ahoy newfag!

eb810a  No.6157082

File: ef8f390aa41ab26⋯.jpg (291.99 KB, 902x1200, 451:600, AngelOfJustice.jpg)

File: a422beef5a0ace9⋯.jpg (221.51 KB, 917x1064, 131:152, JusticeWillFill.jpg)

File: a86a9c1c78caa16⋯.jpg (230.83 KB, 1200x997, 1200:997, BlessedJustice.jpg)

File: f0b0616f6fcff41⋯.jpg (112.45 KB, 415x496, 415:496, HydrateDoubleShift.jpg)

2b980f  No.6157083



That prolly a fat old troll too..

best be careful!

At least you know what I got…


90ee5a  No.6157084


saving Israel for last, Trump acknowledging the Golan Heights and moving embassy

He'll want something later and GET IT

3e905b  No.6157085


Think of radio as invisible light. It's all on the EM spectrum, just what frequency (wavelength) and energies distinguishes what we call it.

2c3ebb  No.6157086

File: fe5c0af4d75abbc⋯.png (7.46 MB, 2851x1900, 2851:1900, ClipboardImage.png)


you have to a put a silencer on those titties.

008793  No.6157087


Not sure what you mean do you have some evidence that suggests otherwise?

Sure if you stick your head in front of a base antenna you might end up fried.

Do you even a tiny understanding of wireless technology transmitted from terrestrial tower sites?

b6e05f  No.6157088

File: 3ab35f35ec95603⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1428x1360, 21:20, 3ab35f35ec95603612a180e881….png)


You spelled "that's" w/ "thas" to try to appear to fit in. Welcome.

7b58a4  No.6157089

File: 88f1ec0bdb59013⋯.png (576.57 KB, 470x752, 5:8, trust the plan.png)

File: dbbea67999d53e5⋯.png (581.96 KB, 470x752, 5:8, the truth.png)


ill repost mine aswell.


91f9fd  No.6157090

File: fff96ff29f10f0e⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 600x459, 200:153, WaterBarr.gif)

62cc29  No.6157091

File: 0df804ae8d65f5d⋯.jpg (146.78 KB, 816x528, 17:11, foolproof method of commit….JPG)

05ca12  No.6157092

File: 6b1df4e9a084307⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB, 2119x1204, 2119:1204, B3F3BFEB-615A-49A1-BAD4-B….jpeg)

File: 099a161c6ab3bf1⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1651x1668, 1651:1668, 47A61721-701A-4B48-9D56-6….jpeg)

934276  No.6157093


seems to me like there are some legitimate concerns/questions that need to be answered.

9c3f8b  No.6157094


Im sure ill get brain melted when it gets up so im basically dead

I told you people


Mention things that dont fit your narrative

Or you are a fraud




Wilbur ross

Potuses sketchy friends


Censorship being at a all time high

Potus going out of his way for "optics"

And that zionism is anti semetism

You wont tho

6c91cd  No.6157095


I don't think Trump was ever going to save us. I think this was all a bullshit game to keep us entertained until exactly that… "GG". The moment you know its over and fighting back is pointless.

GG guys.

95b6c1  No.6157096



wife now, I think. How does she wake up to that every morning? puke.

9c55a6  No.6157097

File: 83ef0e1c32bedc7⋯.png (826.88 KB, 1024x653, 1024:653, dusk.png)

54857f  No.6157098


Take that muppet commie down!

b25fd9  No.6157100


with a face only a mother could love

i would assume you would have a better mouth on you

guess i assumed too much, but please, continue

your true colors are glorious

62cc29  No.6157101

File: 26b52443cff575a⋯.png (474.45 KB, 518x584, 259:292, gun grabber graham can nev….png)

448878  No.6157102

File: fb6e999c9ed66a8⋯.jpeg (953.75 KB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, DEEC0767-8938-42D7-8553-D….jpeg)

File: 7f38c7cb2d3226d⋯.jpeg (257.97 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 9E13C7B2-B4EE-479B-933E-6….jpeg)

File: 6dc66137cbbcb0e⋯.jpeg (408.23 KB, 1500x865, 300:173, E7604408-B989-4255-A603-3….jpeg)

9bb6d4  No.6157103


Majestic! TY :)

fd9d4e  No.6157105


>>6157031 Russia slams British claims that London worked to stabilize Libya.

>>6156516 Don Jr. pointed out CNN not reporting on Obama council being indicted, but instead they bringing on an Owl.

>>6156985 Pentagon Papers lawyer: Julian Assange being convicted will criminalize the news-gathering process.

>>6156964 NYC Council passes bill to block employers from drug testing job applicants. Mayor de Blasio expected to sign.

>>6156923 Human trafficking awareness raised for the Masters.

>>6156767 Maggie Tweets about POTUS' praise of his daughter Ivanka.

>>6156650 Bill Binney on the arrest of JA (16-min vid with summary)

>>6156687 US Marines: "Blazin' Hot"

>>6156667 Attorney requests WH security clearance applications of Obama era-senior advisors.

>>6156600 FBI man's testimony points to wrongdoing well beyond spying.

>>6156479, >>6156512, >>6156537, >>6156566, >>6156589, >>6156619, >>6156643, >>6156655 Bill & Hillary Clinton involved with child trafficking.

>>6156444 Elon Musk-linked scientists are developing brain probes for DARPA.

Last call / Baking in 60

6549c1  No.6157106

File: 1267192b3ba2d63⋯.png (857.25 KB, 960x720, 4:3, night-shift-yellow-vests.png)

34be7a  No.6157107


That's ok. Everything in the picture are fakes:-)

7b58a4  No.6157108

File: 4737127901dbdea⋯.png (413.19 KB, 779x470, 779:470, gregcraig.png)

File: 27dddc3021ad4bb⋯.jpg (103.01 KB, 666x500, 333:250, pepe sunrise.jpg)

File: 8adce4a26fb2942⋯.png (806.35 KB, 748x499, 748:499, QRESEARCH.png)

File: 18135eaec66b168⋯.png (597.26 KB, 1434x1125, 478:375, sword of truth POTUS.png)


please take your doubtworrynonsense somewhere else. PLEASE…

don't cough on us. we're trying to enjoy aFriday night…

9c55a6  No.6157109

File: 662dd640862e68b⋯.jpeg (36.26 KB, 800x480, 5:3, blimpie.jpeg)

fd6355  No.6157110

File: 61d43bd745ab7e2⋯.jpg (10.53 KB, 230x219, 230:219, Pepe.jpg)

BTW fear based messaging is often bull shit

That's why no one cares about muh 5g concern fags

Your as credible as FE fags.

62cc29  No.6157111

Republicans in congress need to get off their asses and get something done, NOW!

176336  No.6157112

They at least need to tell people that some of them are going to be hearing things due to the microwave auditory effect. You also need to pay for those who want to relocate to radio free zones. We are exposed to so much already.


008793  No.6157113



Yep Oregon anon here I'd sit high atop a hill with a telescope and watch Portland and Eugene burn

3f3158  No.6157114

File: fed4728719059f9⋯.jpg (74.63 KB, 497x576, 497:576, 1491798420677.jpg)



unthinking (ŭnˌthĭngˈkĭng)►


Not taking due thought; thoughtless or heedless: proceeded, unthinking, into the trap.


Exhibiting a lack of thought: unthinking bravado.


Incapable of the power of thought.

13bd82  No.6157115

File: cd39bcd7c82acbc⋯.jpeg (8.34 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 68bf999b5afe47915cce268dc….jpeg)


Anons…. are HERE. No meeting place, no Discord.

If SHTF and the Chan goes away…. Anons will be fine. Mighty fine soldiers.

That's where Anons are different from the shills.

dde18b  No.6157116

File: b5634d290d2329b⋯.png (225.38 KB, 768x549, 256:183, 0F39367C-D10B-41C8-B9FF-97….png)

6c91cd  No.6157117


Stick your head next to a base antenna you might get fried?


So what happens to you when you're asleep in your bed and there's a 5G microcell outside your bedroom window on the light pole, 50 ft away from your head?

Do you might get fried then too?

9c3f8b  No.6157118

Why does Q deal in keeping anons in fear


Negative entities feed off fear

Q is either using anons as bait

Or is another "middleman" like the roths

50b932  No.6157119

File: e45b3b6064d2f9c⋯.png (342.16 KB, 1831x570, 1831:570, scripts.png)


With your kike memes.

I see (((you))) bitch.


Kike one and above, kike 2.

You're welcome, anons.

Exposed your infiltrators just in this bread alone.

54857f  No.6157120


Fuck Stain.

551392  No.6157121

File: 8beb7592a5fe23a⋯.png (1.43 MB, 918x930, 153:155, Screen Shot 2019-04-12 at ….png)


Debating is hard.

1386db  No.6157122


He said wut now?

abff6d  No.6157123

File: e1ff75ebc2f2fad⋯.png (59.58 KB, 631x499, 631:499, ClipboardImage.png)


ef9a54  No.6157124

File: edc6590508e86ac⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 592x306, 296:153, CPCT.jpg)

75ea62  No.6157125


Pathetic, they are.

9c55a6  No.6157126


sank you i also mispel secretery

6549c1  No.6157127

File: 85a61935b56ced3⋯.png (31.88 KB, 275x183, 275:183, night-shift-PLANE.png)

13bd82  No.6157128

File: 0b7eba8a04ea033⋯.png (105.52 KB, 349x314, 349:314, 7cec58cca0070b74f93c61f7bd….png)


Lookin' good, baker.

62cc29  No.6157129

File: a5f5e4d4ac3cd8e⋯.jpg (172.97 KB, 816x528, 17:11, watching a movie wake me u….JPG)

8542fb  No.6157130

File: d452469aba1c100⋯.png (300.06 KB, 767x920, 767:920, p[k.png)

90a6f0  No.6157131


While on the topic of Comey and HRC and his objectivity…


When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.

But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.

Comey served as deputy attorney general under John Ashcroft for two years of the Bush administration. When he left the Bush administration, he went directly to Lockheed Martin and became vice president, acting as a general counsel.

How much money did James Comey make from Lockheed Martin in his last year with the company, which he left in 2010? More than $6 million in compensation.

Lockheed Martin is a Clinton Foundation donor. The company admitted to becoming a Clinton Global Initiative member in 2010.

According to records, Lockheed Martin is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech in 2010.

In 2010, Lockheed Martin won 17 approvals for private contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department.

HSBC Holdings

In 2013, Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings.

“Mr. Comey’s appointment will be for an initial three-year term which, subject to re-election by shareholders, will expire at the conclusion of the 2016 Annual General Meeting,” according to HSBC company records.

HSBC Holdings and its various philanthropic branches routinely partner with the Clinton Foundation. For instance, HSBC Holdings has partnered with Deutsche Bank through the Clinton Foundation to “retrofit 1,500 to 2,500 housing units, primarily in the low- to moderate-income sector” in “New York City.”

“Retrofitting” refers to a Green initiative to conserve energy in commercial housing units. Clinton Foundation records show that the Foundation projected “$1 billion in financing” for this Green initiative to conserve people’s energy in low-income housing units.

9c3f8b  No.6157132


>Republicans in congress need to get off their asses and get something done, NOW!


But then they couldnt enrich israel anon

eb2ed0  No.6157133


wtf is that, front ass?

f3620e  No.6157134


Baker did you see the coreysdigs notable callout for the anon that posted the multi-dig. It was a lot of good work. Ty

73844f  No.6157135


She batshit crazy

7b58a4  No.6157136

File: 8b653d8e4c3aa6a⋯.png (464.24 KB, 734x553, 734:553, busy.png)






da2b32  No.6157137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Google is Ebeware

be me

>working late on project

>need cigarettes

>go to local habeb station

me: Yeah im smoking a lot today, im really stressed out

google voice at habeb station: Ok 21 pilots Stressed out


05ca12  No.6157138

File: 55969500e081f47⋯.jpeg (646.58 KB, 1199x662, 1199:662, 359EB1F5-9C53-4512-A416-4….jpeg)

I think I shall get loaded this evening

f1e9b8  No.6157139


Has anyone posted this yet? it appears new, there is a file in here containing a medical report of JA's psychosocial health and living conditions in 2015.


73844f  No.6157140

e62d91  No.6157141

House of Payseur, follow the unknown,

3c2100  No.6157142

File: d86ad4aa962064c⋯.gif (3.73 MB, 498x298, 249:149, d86ad4aa962064c37a2034355d….gif)

f8a782  No.6157143

File: b6379bf473a82cf⋯.gif (523.95 KB, 300x250, 6:5, obama-Clown-Jack-in-the-Po….gif)

fd9d4e  No.6157144


It's in fam.


Thank you.

80c791  No.6157146


That's why the struggle is real!

2ce447  No.6157147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f3620e  No.6157148


I see tyvm

3f3158  No.6157149



not new

fd9d4e  No.6157150

9c3f8b  No.6157151


This isnt even that moment

But yeah basically

Demoralization op

Nothing is more demoralizing than thinking youre going to,be saved and then finding out youre fucked

They do it to the kids they torture

8b491a  No.6157153


No need to "move" to a radio free zone. Just make a Faraday cage and live in it.

And then complain "no bars" on the cellphone ;-)

75ea62  No.6157154

File: 1acc9ffb89b1f51⋯.jpg (181.37 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, image.jpg)


Your projection is strong, see you next bread!

3cca60  No.6157155


100% NOT new

54857f  No.6157156


Still, Trumps DOJ does fuck-all.

552b0a  No.6157157

File: 2be07087aa40d90⋯.png (469.89 KB, 1500x1281, 500:427, PattonTWOM.png)

68bce8  No.6157159


If US does not dominate 5G tech then China will. Image a world where all internet and communications are controlled by China.

107cd2  No.6157160

>>6121863 pb

Welcome, FastJack ~ happy to have you aboard! WWG1WGA!!!

9d829b  No.6157161


350ca6  No.6157162

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)

File: d91b81702fceced⋯.png (666.23 KB, 798x600, 133:100, Pepe end the fed.png)

File: 426c594dc16ef50⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, gold shall destroy the fed.png)

ac73a7  No.6157163

File: 338c1d9519d3385⋯.png (423.33 KB, 627x662, 627:662, ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump and First Lady Melania are dining at the Trump International DC hotel tonight.

8:35 PM - 12 Apr 2019

93bf39  No.6157164


Just don't get a device under your skin or in anything you'll put near your face and you'll be fine

My drone uses 5G

9c3f8b  No.6157165




27cabc  No.6157166


MK ultra'd

50b932  No.6157168

File: e2ede4cf616a21b⋯.jpg (56.6 KB, 720x670, 72:67, 12191853_10208275077939561….jpg)


Sure thing, kike.

Pray to your fake Satan I don't find you IRL.

9c55a6  No.6157169

Mayor Peter

Major Butt

e45cb1  No.6157170

File: 307f1b061fab602⋯.jpg (349.89 KB, 710x710, 1:1, 7ba69-philippine-de-rothsc….jpg)

File: a6898c07261da0f⋯.jpg (91.17 KB, 680x452, 170:113, xi79cbnt19iagw0gg5ta.jpg)

File: 3092351299069a9⋯.png (45.97 KB, 300x323, 300:323, hero-thirstquencher-mobi.png)

File: c81c5f84e8e457a⋯.gif (20.03 KB, 301x225, 301:225, sunspots-safaris-logo.gif)

File: 555bf90d6eea83a⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 408x264, 17:11, lordofthedance (1).jpg)

506e32  No.6157171

File: eddeac656713d3c⋯.png (5.45 MB, 2048x2732, 512:683, 1AEB1A0A-8F2F-46CC-AAAA-4D….png)

File: 542514c76b438f5⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 2048x2393, 2048:2393, 388C98E6-B11C-489E-A87A-3….jpeg)

File: 41761c03edd0f42⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2048x2732, 512:683, 2A846F07-1363-45A6-943A-DA….png)

File: d21dd8e8be2628a⋯.jpeg (199.43 KB, 1939x1126, 1939:1126, A0E4ED1C-3C50-41DE-A813-2….jpeg)


Are we actually faggots?

9c3f8b  No.6157173





655133  No.6157177


Kek, anon. Feel the same about the political assassinations of the 60’. Ongoing trauma over knowing that a long term coup was underway slowly strangling the American Dream. Then the double-fuck of 9/11. Crying to from work for most of a year. Hating on “muh Taliban” when it was Poppy the whole time. He has single-handedly sent this Country down into dark and evil detours at every turn. Then his hillbilly protege came along with that monstrous and unthinkably evil demon soul-sucking destroyer of the youngest and most innocent among us. Finally red-pilled my 18-year old when she asked me about Assange and whether I’ve heard “the stories about what really happened on 9/11”. She got my attention and it augers well that this generation in blue state ny is starting to talk about this stuff. I asked her how that “red-pill” just went down. What’s a red-pill, Dad? Sure you want to know, Darlin’? Come on Dad, TELL ME. Pleeeeeeeze?

008793  No.6157178


Depends on antenna used.

And that answer my question.


As long as people read and take precations it is not any more a concern then 4g

The higher the frequency the easier it is to block..

Can't even pick up radio stations (low frequency) in my house.

Metal blocks it well.

Aluminum sided stick built house

9448cb  No.6157179

File: 1d577d94161698c⋯.png (46.24 KB, 255x187, 15:11, cockwomble.png)

62cc29  No.6157180

We need actual Constitutionalists voted in for members of congress.

Republicans are proving once again that they are still ball-less, brain-less and spineless!

05ca12  No.6157181

File: 4b18c9b5539fc18⋯.jpeg (154.65 KB, 2130x1235, 426:247, 9F32BF9B-0244-4B54-94AC-6….jpeg)

9d829b  No.6157182



13bd82  No.6157183

File: 2f4c79508ba1023⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 6cdcf3d109b19130b2ed64eda1….jpg)



9c3f8b  No.6157185



>Are we actually faggots?



c5efe5  No.6157186


>Still, Trumps DOJ does fuck-all.

No arguing with this.

Trump needs to light a fucking fire under Barr. Too many scumbags are walking around free and rich from their fuckery.

e77724  No.6157187

File: 934c8e353d0553d⋯.png (482.81 KB, 682x900, 341:450, ClipboardImage.png)

I need this t-shirt.

747bc9  No.6157188



Yes Joe - you got him. The dumbass comment, man that is clever. You should have said moron too.





5ca870  No.6157190

File: ca2840319af5184⋯.jpg (152.75 KB, 637x768, 637:768, 1552263204-1.jpg)


Still not tired of winning.

73844f  No.6157191


I should run. I’m 100% clean.

fd9d4e  No.6157192


>>6157031 Russia slams British claims that London worked to stabilize Libya.

>>6156516 Don Jr. pointed out CNN not reporting on Obama council being indicted, but instead they bringing on an Owl.

>>6156985 Pentagon Papers lawyer: Julian Assange being convicted will criminalize the news-gathering process.

>>6156964 NYC Council passes bill to block employers from drug testing job applicants. Mayor de Blasio expected to sign.

>>6156923 Human trafficking awareness raised for the Masters.

>>6156767 Maggie Tweets about POTUS' praise of his daughter Ivanka.

>>6156650 Bill Binney on the arrest of JA (16-min vid with summary)

>>6156687 US Marines: "Blazin' Hot"

>>6156667 Attorney requests WH security clearance applications of Obama era-senior advisors.

>>6156600 FBI man's testimony points to wrongdoing well beyond spying.

>>6156479, >>6156512, >>6156537, >>6156566, >>6156589, >>6156619, >>6156643, >>6156655 Bill & Hillary Clinton involved with child trafficking.

>>6156444 Elon Musk-linked scientists are developing brain probes for DARPA.


f1e9b8  No.6157194



Thank you for clarifying. Its all over 4/pol/ the website is so totally compromised you cant even sift through the posts and distinguish whats going on.

551392  No.6157196


The point is that the second amendment was meant to enable the population to arm itself with the same technology as the state. The technology has grown beyond the scope of the Right.

There are more weapons than the fabled 5g tech, it just gets the most attention on here.

cd7acd  No.6157197

File: 58422591905aea0⋯.jpg (77.31 KB, 540x540, 1:1, moment you realize.jpg)



What about the Keys

to the encryption on the

wikileak files? USA triggers

deadman switch by getting

JA to testify with Roger Stone.

Thats what my foil hat

is telling me.

4150ad  No.6157198

File: e3cc75cb73e8df4⋯.png (13.67 KB, 612x241, 612:241, 26f729f3-b7e6-4c63-8eeb-70….png)

File: bbd4bc34b8b5ea3⋯.png (15.24 KB, 631x252, 631:252, 508d8c9f-89a4-4493-a12f-4c….png)

File: 947979b87fefe53⋯.png (13.3 KB, 650x335, 130:67, f385f09a-2370-4591-9293-9c….png)

File: e88adc0e1b1cc66⋯.png (19.61 KB, 663x238, 39:14, f7d4e297-da14-4bd1-ae09-16….png)


5G is just above 4G, but below infrared, so the slide can stop. Its the wavelength concentrating the particles that does to most damage.

3cf16a  No.6157199

c5efe5  No.6157200

File: a4428bed7c3f18a⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 610x500, 61:50, wangdoodle.jpg)

f3620e  No.6157201


I donated for my pencil neck tee. Tryina get spouseanon to cough up for the spytee

638921  No.6157204

File: 9e5aafe4eb8a8fc⋯.jpeg (111.05 KB, 621x540, 23:20, 7F100E6C-06EA-4357-A2E9-2….jpeg)

We are fighting a Global Blackmail Pyramid Scheme. It’s fractal. NXVIM is a small an example of a sub-pyramid of a much larger pyramid, etc. that Q has dubbed the CABAL.

The one who holds the Blackmail at the top of the pyramid rules the CABAL. Q calls him P. The Keystone is the information itself. Q has the servers with the Keystone. Q+ is now P. P is the President. The President is Donald J. Trump.

When the keystone is unlocked the pyramid will crumbles and down go Babylon.




54857f  No.6157206


Aka in about 2 million more illegal crossings. Plus, it’s dubious. They’ve built very little to date.

9c3f8b  No.6157208


My favorite is all the trap and tranny propaganda lmao

Its actually pretty entettaining

f8a782  No.6157209

File: 1a4654cbfec7f6b⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 261x320, 261:320, giphy-21.gif)

107cd2  No.6157210


lil' bit!

75ea62  No.6157212

File: 1dc87f9aea86179⋯.jpeg (43.53 KB, 418x322, 209:161, 14E47F3A-7DCF-4970-B804-0….jpeg)


Make sure you say “American” before nigger next time, faggot

4f2d08  No.6157213

File: 6f44b6767457788⋯.jpg (73.51 KB, 501x507, 167:169, The 3 female Stooges TandB.jpg)

OMG!!! AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib are getting death threats.

Hmm..I wonder what would happen if they spewed their NON-American crap in a Muslim country what would happen..hmm

Makes me wonder why they don't talk like that in Muslim countries…and why if they did they would get the shit beaten out of them,,who knows maybe they are just knocking some sense into them?…Did they miss these three???

Maybe if they just shut the fuck up!!! at least until they know what the hell they are talking about..They claim it's the truth but it's their truth, no one else's…more people wouldn't get pissed at them..

What I would like to see is all three:

Stand up during the National Anthem and put their right hand on their heart and sing the Anthem(I'll be willing to bet they don't the words between all three of them).


Say something nice about the USA (not about her country(whatever that country she is referring too)) and the President of the USA…


Take off the underwear on her head and take her oath on the bible(not the koran or anything else)..

Anything less then that,is a hypocrite, non- American, ISIS spy?..a traitor to our country, a FAKE, a PHONY,,sleeper cells???

9c3f8b  No.6157214


You must be israeli

fee40c  No.6157215

Former Defense Intelligence Officer Pleads Guilty to Attempted Espionage



• DIA hired Hansen as a civilian intelligence case officer in 2006. Hansen held a Top Secret clearance for many years, and signed several non-disclosure agreements during his tenure at DIA and as a government contractor.

• Chinese agents described to Hansen the type of information that would interest the Chinese intelligence service.

• Hansen agreed to act as a conduit to sell that information to the Chinese.

• Hansen advised the DIA case officer how to record and transmit classified information without detection, and explained how to hide and launder any funds received as payment for classified information. The DIA case officer reported Hansen’s conduct to the DIA and subsequently acted as a confidential human source for the FBI.

• Hansen knew that the information was to be used to the injury of the United States and to the advantage of a foreign nation.

• The plea agreement calls for an agreed-upon sentence of 15 years.

9448cb  No.6157216


Kek, touche.

551392  No.6157219


Why don't they just get voted out?

Oh right, we're in Narrative mode.

90ee5a  No.6157220


you see these outdoor concerts with teens/older holding phones over their heads recorning, 1000's of them. Why don't they die after a few minutes?

ba3695  No.6157222

File: 5423458ff4a05bf⋯.jpg (106.04 KB, 810x500, 81:50, np myhouse.jpg)

7c9d93  No.6157226

File: a5d6e0662646684⋯.png (8.97 KB, 386x213, 386:213, Screenshot-2019-4-12 QMAP ….png)

File: eaa821bc45d19fc⋯.png (22.78 KB, 386x467, 386:467, Screenshot-2019-4-12 QMAP ….png)

d8dc88  No.6157227


60s were a bit before my time but it was a torture watching my grandfather see the world turn into this after serving in many wars. Then I lost hope in the later 90s.

085c38  No.6157228


Depends on antenna used.

5G and phased arrays


90ee5a  No.6157229



9c3f8b  No.6157230

File: 1476d01bbd56a3d⋯.jpg (269.49 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 192407191167303680.jpg)


3415ee  No.6157232


STFU hillary

6c91cd  No.6157234


I think most of us understand that. What we need is someone to tell us 5G is safe. Because RF radiation in general is not safe. That's why many of us are worrying. Especially after we read the study on what the 60Ghz band does to your skin.

The whole "trust the plan" or "don't worry about 5G until Q says so" is a slide. By the time the towers go up, IF they are bad, then it's too late. It won't matter what anyone says then.

350ca6  No.6157235


good for them.

Have a nice dinner you two.

cd7acd  No.6157236

File: 8eaf23937e8e241⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 180x255, 12:17, inde34.jpg)

9006d0  No.6157237

Probably a dumb idea, but wonder if they can make a law to hold the sponsor/ or a family member of illegal immigrant responsible if they do not show up for their court date? Like fines or even jail? Possibly could deter folks from wanting to have that responsibility.

eb810a  No.6157239


Pepesunrise – Beautiful!!

54857f  No.6157242


It’s like Ancient Rome now. We’re there. Pagan and heathen.

b919f0  No.6157243


Fits the rest of the data. Satanist clique.

5ca870  No.6157244

File: e5a4c6c0ce9cb51⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2048x1408, 16:11, 1535498297.png)


Like a boss.

9c3f8b  No.6157245


So you need daddy government to tell you its safe ?

So any of you even give a fuck about faster internet?

747bc9  No.6157246


Hoping the dumas demon hillscuntsu'rreward and her ilk will never stop sucking on the

you make me moist gal - meme


fd6355  No.6157247

File: d8b42dbbe9718f3⋯.jpg (194.9 KB, 800x820, 40:41, f712885e37c7a6c43e8e9886e8….jpg)



Speaking of teh Chinese….. know who really doesn't want America to implement it's own 5G network first?


e77724  No.6157249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8b491a  No.6157250


What difference does it make if you are told it is safe? You wouldn't believe it anyway.

eb810a  No.6157251

File: d676aabc4076fe2⋯.jpg (198.25 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, PopcornDine.jpg)


Pepe and Ms. Cat dining out

f7674f  No.6157252


you should look closely at the field strengths needed to induce that 'microwave auditory' effect.

5G won't be powerful enough in most cases, but the cell phone you carry in your pocket can produce the needed field strength to do it.

It depends on the modulation applied to the carrier wave.

It's how the 'voice of GOD' is done

It requires a hacked system as the modulation required isn't normally produced in ANY cell or 5G system

Wanna bet the 'app' exists for your android phone?

50b932  No.6157253

File: 0d1c3839934d631⋯.jpg (361.75 KB, 1208x890, 604:445, badge_of_honor_military_gr….jpg)

As the target(s) turn to the other side, the attacks will intensify.

We've got your # FAGA kikes.

Just because you may have been born with an "American" title, doesn't mean you uphold the American values.


Caligula all over again.

Truly disgusting times but we are fighting it.

e3474a  No.6157255

File: d029225d3d4021f⋯.jpeg (880.94 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, B706F85C-780F-4E04-9463-A….jpeg)

6825ed  No.6157256

File: ed72e7756ffb77a⋯.png (567.56 KB, 742x1051, 742:1051, ClipboardImage.png)


twat bringing up a result from August 2018 about Podesta as "Top News" for a search on qanon

ba3695  No.6157257

File: 5e7de0a919ab84e⋯.jpg (95.05 KB, 666x500, 333:250, hrc.was.jpg)

File: bdd9d87929f49eb⋯.jpg (172.76 KB, 500x666, 250:333, JCorJC.jpg)

File: afef3105e55fb29⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 506x500, 253:250, trbl brwg.jpg)

File: a14b0ad4dcbf9ad⋯.jpg (143.43 KB, 952x500, 238:125, ES NNC.jpg)

506e32  No.6157258

File: 51b11f7d7213e92⋯.jpeg (876.42 KB, 1765x1716, 1765:1716, 6CC04836-780A-49D9-8DB3-A….jpeg)

File: 135265e65d5d34b⋯.jpeg (625.09 KB, 1523x1178, 1523:1178, 07200A25-6197-42B9-8FFA-E….jpeg)


5g is safe.

6 gorrillion is real.

Goylan Heights for Rothschilds.

54857f  No.6157260


Agree. Our country is improved and improving since the dark days of the Lyin African, but MAGA is nowhere in sight.

b0a5e4  No.6157261

File: f94d8b147c7ef58⋯.jpg (235.41 KB, 1320x892, 330:223, billvax.jpg)


It is in the mail

176336  No.6157262

The Marines aren't the only ones who can figure out how to masturbate using a rock.

75ea62  No.6157263


Don’t you have a discord to tend to?

27cabc  No.6157264

File: ba8a27346866559⋯.png (243.79 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Podesta_Rope.png)

50b932  No.6157266


Don't you have another subversion tactic to apply?

bec642  No.6157268


o7 anon!

I’m just having a really hard time this year signing a check to the Paymaster. Fake money or not…I feed my family with it, & imagining the generational wealth that they’v stolen from every American family for over a century makes me righteously angry.

Just curious how much longer we have to give our lunch money to these bullies, liars, & traitors!

b919f0  No.6157270


Maybe a LARP account and I was fooled.

The avatar wasn't the usually one for his account.

d71563  No.6157271


Why the imperial japanese flag, tho?

75ea62  No.6157272


Nope just filling up the bread and BTFO the fake MAGA such as yourself

7d7e0b  No.6157273

File: 59fa94492addb87⋯.jpeg (44.47 KB, 350x215, 70:43, 6404CBC9-47C5-48B7-A42D-B….jpeg)

9c3f8b  No.6157274


Potus has done alot of questionable shit

But alot of it could just be policy differences or being fed bad info

But the second he gave the roths the golan heights i knew he was bad

As should all of you

Its ok anons

You got tricked

Most of you are just stupid

Not liberal or evil

I know its hard to let go

And this psyop made you feel special

But youll be ok

Because ill be ok

747bc9  No.6157275

can someone give me a swallowswell – at least i wont be impeached 46 by maxine – meme please

551392  No.6157276

It's clear that the name of the game is to not induce any sort of malcontent in the way of panic and action taken on the part of civilians.

That would by why Trump doesn't even hint at any controversy surrounding 5G except in that he has said he wants "Great 5g."

9c3f8b  No.6157280


Because goyim

62cc29  No.6157281

Tune in next week for the same BS…and no arrests, no secured border, more of your constitutional rights eroded away…No Voter ID…etc. etc.

And "Ball-less, Brain-less, Spineless" Republicans still sitting on their asses and not getting anything true conservatives want and voted for.

6825ed  No.6157283


best post

d71563  No.6157284


Judging by this post, MAGA Glowalition is really desperate to turn people against Trump and MAGA, beyond just Q…

54857f  No.6157285


I’m afraid there are a lot of former dopes in chains on the board. Groupthinking sheep. Duh.

3415ee  No.6157286


Muh concern

3c0dcf  No.6157287

File: c252ecf2d05f20b⋯.jpeg (45.05 KB, 700x400, 7:4, FCE1C64A-F1B7-4F55-A3A7-B….jpeg)

34be7a  No.6157288

Especially when you're wearing your ass to the front:-)

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