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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: de36960c04495bd⋯.png (40.92 KB, 255x143, 255:143, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….png)

194d32  No.6120173

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Tuesday 03.26.2019

Compiled here: >>5943932

Monday 03.25.2019

Compiled here: >>5915285

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

194d32  No.6120175

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>6102951 8bit on global notables (repost)

>>6102968 8bit on "baker assist" (repost)

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/


are not endorsements


Baker Change

>>6120123 Eric Trump's wife Lara reveals she is five-months pregnant with their second child

>>6120045 Senior Obama Cyber Official Lobbying for China

>>6120011 Rising gasoline, rents boost U.S. consumer prices in March

>>6120001 POTUS_Schedule twat: AF1 awaiting POTUS. Heading to TX

>>6119996 U.S.-Colombia Combined Operations Deal Blow to Narcotrafficking

>>6119948 Putin Hopes For Fresh Start With Trump After "Notorious" Mueller Commission Found Nothing

>>6119928, 6119940 AF Space Command twat w/ CAP

>>6119855 Boeing Sued For Defrauding Shareholders After Fatal Crashes


>>6119758 Breaking 911 twat w/ CAP: NZ passess law banning most semi-auto weapons

>>6119736, >>6119749 FREDDY aka JANON twat outed himself with a (YOU) and ID

>>6119679 Ecuadorian spying on Assange resulted in 3,000,000 Euro extortion attempt

>>6119631 Popular Bangkok tourist hotel up in flames, people jumping from skyscraper

>>6119473 Sara Carter twat w/ CAP: @seanhannity: Day of reckoning is coming for the deep state

>>6119469, >>6120022 Anons dig on pentagon termination of Jason science advisory group contract

>>6120139 #7826

#7825 baker change

>>6119340 Translation of >>6118841 document from Consul of Ecuador

>>6119258, >>6119262 @45_Schedule Daily POTUS Schedule

>>6119236 Bun of JA/Wikileaks posts, screencaps

>>6119202 Mexican cartels divert border cops with migrant surges, ferry drugs when coast is clear (DCExaminer)

>>6119159 Vatican working on guidelines for abuse cases (Reuters)

>>6119099 Trump to issue EO limiting states' power to block pipelines (DCExaminer)

>>6119092 New observations on sun plasma blobs (Fox)

>>6119084 Canada to reject refugees with claims in other countries (BBC)

>>6118999 RT article on wikileaks livestream: "Extensive spying operation" v Assange

>>6118933, >>6118910 screencaps from WL livestream

>>6118848 Pentagon awards nearly $1B in contracts for Wall (defence-blog.com)

>>6118841 Spanish translation request for document from Consul of Ecuador

>>6118832 Britain and EU wrestle with Boris Johnson question (Financial Times, paywall)

>>6118805, >>6118867 Wikileaks Live press conference in London

>>6118756 Daily Mail article on Trump tweet copyright takedown

>>6118750 B52 shot down? Dig

>>6118705 9/11han Omar rustles bipartisan jimmies with comments yesterday

>>6118703 Bret Baier just broadcast the DOITQ photo from 11/8/17

>>6118684 BigLeaguePolitics takes a look at Fitton's HRC Email FOIA release

>>6118674 Chuck Norris new brand spokesman for Glock

>>6118663 Taliban claims it shot down US B-52 bomber in Afghanistan (Unconfirmed)

>>6118638, >>6119350 Putin on Mueller Report, "Total nonsense"

>>6119307 #7825

Previously Collected Notables

>>6116978 #7822, >>6117743 #7823, >>6118574 #7824

>>6114653 #7819. >>6115409 #7820, >>6116193 #7821

>>6112949 #7816, >>6113074 #7817, >>6113797 #7818

>>6109878 #7813, >>6110681 #7814, >>6111480 #7815

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

194d32  No.6120177

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6115583 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


194d32  No.6120182

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

194d32  No.6120190



Baker ready for Handoff

0a268e  No.6120193

File: 20204f2cfb037f7⋯.jpeg (121.37 KB, 807x500, 807:500, F624AA52-A050-4301-AFED-C….jpeg)

File: 3d7992e7900ba6c⋯.jpeg (568.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 13DCCCB3-4AB5-4803-AA62-7….jpeg)

File: 3bd263590e80248⋯.png (896.79 KB, 896x653, 896:653, 87AAB029-188F-4B48-BF5D-E2….png)


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping. The latest fake news uses the term “cult.” This is textbook deflection / projection with their REAL CULT problem being exposed eg NXIVM, Epstein’s temple, et al. While you report your false narratives of muh racist, violent cult etc, we will continue breaking news months ahead of you.

The corrupt political establishment, whose members found their wealth in “service” to America, is who draws our ire. We hope all Americans will WAKE UP and turn their attention to rooting out this corruption. We are merely patriots, working to shine the LIGHT OF TRUTH. We demand JUSTICE for all who have been harmed by their wicked deeds, and JUSTICE IS COMING. We TRUST President Trump and his administration to do so.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap. ANYONE can post, including our adversaries. If you want DIRT: Read the rest of this page, where the information in the notables and the real research is being attacked relentlessly. Some posts may appear wild and outlandish. We call these posts “slides” and obvious efforts to derail and distract. Notables have at least some level of curation, even if just dig requests or theories.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

E.g. https://qresear.ch/?q=Synagogue+of+Satan

Identical content, posted nearly 2000 times! Organic? We have caught media associates planting similar posts. (Hi Doug)

The shills are never Trump or Q supporters, and never show any enthusiasm over current events. Their round the clock persistence only validates Q. All for a LARP?

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




This will be posted regularly given latest Q drops

>>5966972 (Q, pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb this)

a1ef9d  No.6120196

File: 032df2926aecc7e⋯.png (603.43 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, EE1F6254-D478-4CA7-8F3B-25….png)

0bfd9f  No.6120199


Thanks baker, may your day be glorious.

Handoff confirmed


53a753  No.6120204

When does The Great Awakening begin?

a5738a  No.6120213

File: aaf17df6d2cb58f⋯.png (628.1 KB, 854x532, 61:38, moran-in-charge.png)

someone put a moran in charge

2b96b8  No.6120216


Nuclear submarine 'bomb scare': Barrow shipyard evacuated as police scramble to reports of explosive.

UK Infrastructure attacks coming…

068bb1  No.6120219

File: 0d0c40755f78257⋯.png (150.19 KB, 540x524, 135:131, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 85c8beaf4e5f32e⋯.png (130.85 KB, 539x586, 539:586, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 8689a53f519679e⋯.png (75.05 KB, 540x293, 540:293, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: c5d91d825001d80⋯.png (157.8 KB, 540x635, 108:127, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: d8b5aabd29065bd⋯.png (154.3 KB, 541x647, 541:647, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

Magic Johnson / Magic Johnson Enterprises and Loop Capital

068bb1  No.6120220

File: 91b68374a3986f8⋯.png (159 KB, 546x674, 273:337, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

8396da  No.6120223

File: f0b11771a82e78d⋯.jpeg (784.85 KB, 1242x1060, 621:530, 6C0366E0-4315-45DA-A427-4….jpeg)

040b80  No.6120224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

95350e  No.6120226

File: 4a1e3a11527418c⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 350x221, 350:221, black_hole_flare_reveals_a….jpg)

6132bc  No.6120228

File: ca419c8dfb7b04a⋯.jpeg (653.89 KB, 1201x1051, 1201:1051, AC5B69FE-CF64-44D6-AF72-7….jpeg)

Safe Travels.

29f4a1  No.6120229

File: e5a31cdb8066f8d⋯.gif (858.07 KB, 280x280, 1:1, WetDopeyAustralianfurseal-….gif)

>>6120057 (lb)

I picture this to be (you).

8441bc  No.6120232

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and is NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.

The more you know. ;)

aa99b1  No.6120233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No Way Out

001b46  No.6120235


When we all realize we can't wait forever for results while we are systematically poisoned, morally corrupted, and dumbed down.

6e256a  No.6120236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Mueller Report update at Senate hearing featuring A.G. William Barr


194d32  No.6120237

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB, 1600x1063, 1600:1063, sharing_bread.jpg)

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)


roger that baker. pace is finally starting to pick up. Enjoy the bake(s)!

f5b974  No.6120238

File: c23d002195c87ec⋯.jpg (137.07 KB, 1080x1345, 216:269, v5qtelwlyer21.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

51500f  No.6120241

Mad Max just wet the bed!!! Started out her questioning giving crap to bankers about student loan debt! Asked 3 bankers who all schooled her that they dondudat no mo. Fed does. Kek!!! These people are STUPID

3fd6b9  No.6120242

File: ad30cae11c096c1⋯.png (695.73 KB, 675x666, 75:74, ClipboardImage.png)



or pic related

ac95ce  No.6120243

File: 55bdcd8b4ab6b0d⋯.jpg (23.9 KB, 236x392, 59:98, 18479d150fa73e7b25a30d4523….jpg)

Thank You Baker

e0effe  No.6120244


Whomever is consulting you on the cost of building the wall is scamming you on the order of '$700 toilets' that happens in the military (for black budget purposes).

Here is the info on how much it costs, for example, to build a mile of road (a much more expensive and complicated engineering feat):

[sauce: https://medium.com/@TimSylvester/i-agree-it-sounds-astronomical-but-i-actually-understated-the-costs-according-to-artba-2e8baeac2a46

also: https://www.artba.org/about/faq/]

(in the section: How much does it cost to build a mile of road):

There is no single answer to this question. Construction costs per mile of road depend on location, terrain, type of construction, number of lanes, lane width, durability, number of bridges, etc. It costs more to build a new road than to rehabilitate a road or add lanes. Roads cost more to build in urban areas than in rural areas. Roads in mountainous terrain are more expensive to build than roads on flat land.

Nonetheless, some states have developed cost models to guide planning for their highway construction programs. These models give a ballpark figure for various kinds of highway improvements. The following are some examples:

Construct a new 2-lane undivided road – about $2 million to $3 million per mile in rural areas, about $3 million to $5 million in urban areas.

Construct a new 4-lane highway — $4 million to $6 million per mile in rural and suburban areas, $8 million to $10 million per mile in urban areas.

Construct a new 6-lane Interstate highway – about $7 million per mile in rural areas, $11 million or more per mile in urban areas.

Mill and resurface a 4-lane road – about $1.25 million per mile.

Expand an Interstate Highway from four lanes to six lanes – about $4 million per mile.

The Florida Department of Transportation has published its generic cost per mile information online. The Arkansas Highway Department’s estimated cost per mile for 2013 is available online.

8441bc  No.6120246






Hence, proved. ;)

fca222  No.6120247


great flick

0bfd9f  No.6120248


Thanks baker, and for your wake up bakes!

01ec67  No.6120249

File: d5bb28a3a7b8526⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 849x565, 849:565, spring.jpg)



TY Bakers!!!


I like her, but not for the reasons someone usually likes a person. It's because she is so damaging to herself and her ideology. She does have a habit of bringing up some very interesting points worth pondering. Just putting that out there.

51500f  No.6120250

File: df6415d521f848d⋯.png (308.21 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, E6851C36-59FF-4966-9AFC-1A….png)

File: ce7075f8b84e90e⋯.jpeg (513.75 KB, 864x1505, 864:1505, 9C4B9C8D-20A9-420B-9ABD-8….jpeg)


Cap from nypost

c85f47  No.6120251

File: e0c7b64af50474d⋯.jpg (650.74 KB, 1080x2292, 90:191, 20190410_090640.jpg)

File: bc0bf76770e63e4⋯.jpg (805.38 KB, 1440x1550, 144:155, 20190410_090605.jpg)

I just posted this in the last bread about Water and exactly one minute later


posted about water again.

Q team is watching

336654  No.6120252

File: f13320b2a28dd4c⋯.png (878.45 KB, 958x605, 958:605, ClipboardImage.png)

nothing to see here i am sure… ABC News reporter covering Vegas mass shootings, dead… wonder what she uncovered….

>"Alexa Valiente, an ABC News producer who won an Emmy last year for her network’s coverage of the Las Vegas mass shooting in 2017, died suddenly at age 27.

>Valiente died Friday after facing health problems for several months, the network said in a story Monday announcing her death."


51500f  No.6120253


First cap accidental

51624e  No.6120254

File: 932f97d2777b99b⋯.jpg (109.17 KB, 1097x666, 1097:666, IMG_20190406_233137_318.JPG)

File: 2eaffce9866b6f6⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 955x615, 191:123, IMG_20190406_232746_416.JPG)

File: 2bd557575b7e610⋯.jpg (89.12 KB, 1262x617, 1262:617, IMG_20190406_232717_005.JPG)

File: 08a5636162c0015⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 810x554, 405:277, IMG_20190406_233556_350.JPG)

File: efb99e49802994c⋯.jpg (64.99 KB, 568x567, 568:567, IMG_20190409_195312_958.JPG)

Our enemies are stupid.

3290cc  No.6120255

File: f344eda4bb0de3c⋯.jpeg (211.94 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, heroes.q.jpeg)

>>6120003 (/pb)

Is there a link to all of these? Top Kek. Would love to have them. Tom Fitton would be at the top of my list.

8441bc  No.6120256

File: a9a855a7231d64f⋯.png (338.04 KB, 680x464, 85:58, ClipboardImage.png)



Relevant meme detected. Posting…

8441bc  No.6120258


>Our enemies are stupid.

Ah ha! So you admit that you are (((JEWS)))!

068bb1  No.6120259

File: 2477db6dde82f91⋯.png (273.23 KB, 578x504, 289:252, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 23127d4921ab847⋯.png (149.18 KB, 578x665, 578:665, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 4f7dc5e2e3bce57⋯.png (103.94 KB, 544x462, 272:231, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: d9d84fbf850e709⋯.png (301.24 KB, 1197x654, 399:218, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

UK anons…

a lot of royal-titled ppl in this piece on Nigel Havers and Baroness Bulter-Sloss from 2014


25f0d0  No.6120260

File: 4ebeeb58e00c98f⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1914x1080, 319:180, CO_Wrekt.png)

File: 0aef6260b96d920⋯.png (77.37 KB, 759x689, 759:689, CO_Wrekt_Transcript.png)

Candace Owens WRECKS Lieu AND Nadler at House Committee Hearing!

Video Cued to Exchange and Transcript









SURE. EVEN THOUGH I WAS REFERRED TO AS DESPICABLE SPEAK BACK THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID ALL I DID NOT SAY HE WAS STUPID. [Transcript Missed she Wreckt him with "You didn't listen to me at all"!!! ]


aa99b1  No.6120262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Suicide watch for some, ice for others.

01ec67  No.6120263


last link is (pb) - sorry!

6a432a  No.6120264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: AG Barr testifies before Senate

127e6b  No.6120265

File: 98b6399ba62b5a7⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 50682948_372925693261639_7….jpg)

9209da  No.6120266



a28101  No.6120267


Here we go. ALready starting on muy Mueller report…muy ACA.

One only has to listened to them to know what side of the aisle they are on.

fca222  No.6120268


….or tossed over the bannisters…

669979  No.6120269

File: 365e9f157035b90⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x1350, 5:6, 81798CD6-7711-4C1B-AC73-B….jpeg)

New Delhi – The Dalai Lama has been hospitalized in the Indian capital with a chest infection and is feeling better, a spokesperson said Wednesday.

The 83-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader is taking medication and will likely spend a day or two in the hospital, Tenzin Taklha said.

The Dalai Lama flew from Dharmsala for consultations with doctors in the capital and was hospitalized on Tuesday.

Takhla said the Dalai Lama was feeling much better now but had already cut down on travel in the past year in order to tend to his health.

Answering a question related to Tibet's future with China, he reiterated that he isn't seeking independence for Tibet, but would prefer a "reunion" with China under mutually acceptable terms.


51624e  No.6120270

File: 19d8436d560346f⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 1554679195-1.jpeg)


Yes, correct. That's exactly what I said.

c85f47  No.6120271

File: 1a3d8d85db19f9f⋯.jpg (233.27 KB, 1439x928, 1439:928, SmartSelect_20190410-09111….jpg)


Its happening


f2d5da  No.6120272

>>6119374 pb

If they take POTUS to court he can counter-sue for whatever?

040b80  No.6120273

File: 2025c8f682ac122⋯.png (334.12 KB, 768x431, 768:431, ClipboardImage.png)



At the groundbreaking Tuesday, LaGuardia Gateway officials announced that their private consortium has added new investors: basketball legend Magic Johnson’s infrastructure investment fund and his partner, Loop Capital Markets.

The Trump administration reviewed more than a dozen names for the coveted position of U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York and vetted a handful of them. Now it’s focused on two men: Richard Donoghue and Edward McNally.

Their names were sent recently to New York’s two U.S. senators, Democrats Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, along with candidates for the Southern District, aka the replacement for Preet Bharara, and openings on the federal bench.

The two candidates for the Eastern District have contrasting backgrounds.

Donoghue, who lives on Long Island, is considered a “prosecutor’s prosecutor.” McNally has worked as a political appointee in past Republican administrations.

Donoghue, who is chief counsel to CA Technologies in Islandia, briefly considered running for Suffolk County district attorney this year, but having been nonpartisan, he didn’t have the needed political network in place, according to Long Island political sources.

He is a retired U.S. Army captain and served for seven years in the military’s legal system representing soldiers. A graduate of Hofstra University and St. John’s University law school, Donoghue spent 11 years as a prosecutor in the Eastern District, including heading the Long Island office and bringing MS-13 gang cases before taking over as chief of the criminal division. He left in 2011 to join CA.

In contrast, McNally is more high profile. He is a Chicago native and a partner in the Manhattan law firm of Marc Kasowitz, a longtime personal attorney of Donald Trump and a key member of the team representing the president in the special counsel investigation of Russian election meddling.

McNally worked as a federal prosecutor in the Southern District when Rudy Giuliani was the U.S. attorney. He also has more national experience: He spent time as a speechwriter under George H. W. Bush and in the White House counsel’s office for George W. Bush. He went to Yale University as an undergraduate and got his JD from Notre Dame. Earlier this year, he was being considered as a replacement for Bharara in the Southern District.

Schumer’s closeness to Bharara might be one of the reasons McNally was a nonstarter for the Southern District. All U.S. attorneys must be confirmed by the Senate, and while Republicans are in control, any senator can put an indefinite hold on a nomination. Schumer, The Point was told, warned the Trump administration long ago that he would exercise that prerogative on Eastern and Southern district nominees.

5c6bdb  No.6120274

File: 12491131598eeb0⋯.png (371.61 KB, 622x450, 311:225, Pepe knows to get out.png)

927fa6  No.6120275

Wholly macaroni…


Downloading consciousness.

"In my blood" - POTUS

17+17=34 = 4+10+20

7ab8b7  No.6120276


DACAAnon here.

The dissonance is astounding in that picture.

a4c119  No.6120277

File: 8044059f11f65f4⋯.jpg (77.03 KB, 850x414, 425:207, suit.jpg)

ecd0ae  No.6120278

File: 0a1013c4a3e2949⋯.jpeg (43.68 KB, 287x201, 287:201, D4A7C4FC-D7CD-49DC-A803-F….jpeg)

File: b6b4df02ea4d578⋯.jpeg (324.02 KB, 707x520, 707:520, 962B6DA6-897C-45C2-90D4-4….jpeg)

4 10 2019

D J T Day!!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

aa3214  No.6120279

File: 3c17733ec225444⋯.png (250.3 KB, 613x609, 613:609, ClipboardImage.png)


Today, the transcript of James Baker's second interview with @JudiciaryGOP is now available to the American public. To read the full transcript, visit https://dougcollins.house.gov/jamesbaker .

ac95ce  No.6120280

File: c8969575147ed14⋯.jpeg (307.59 KB, 1080x1482, 180:247, 1554905423.jpeg)

In a way I can't blame them. It's always worked in the past. And if that fails call them a nazi…

8441bc  No.6120281

File: 0ac5f1a118be34a⋯.png (578.07 KB, 600x391, 600:391, ClipboardImage.png)


>Yes, correct. That's exactly what I said.

170908  No.6120282


It's habbening!!

01ec67  No.6120283




Further questions about the Dalai Lama’s Million Dollar Visit to NXIVM Sex Cult

25f0d0  No.6120284

File: a0ec66575f943be⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 480x305, 96:61, most-interesting-man-golds….jpg)

File: 1e55f76317b48d2⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 500x403, 500:403, tumblr_nel1ooSpf41qg7sdjo1….jpg)

File: 747340f8fe5e94e⋯.jpg (67.81 KB, 422x640, 211:320, tumblr_nvrd3rzX0G1u36leto1….jpg)

Dos Bootys for da Bakers!!!

Stay comfy my frens.

ace6c6  No.6120285

File: 6ac085fd08339ee⋯.jpg (182.87 KB, 607x580, 607:580, YOUR FUCKED NOW.jpg)

Thank you baker.

001b46  No.6120286


How can both "patriots" be in control, and the obvious continuation of suppression of truth both be happening simultaneously?

cff74a  No.6120287

File: dbd46fca9b16fe1⋯.png (890.63 KB, 681x2129, 681:2129, why I luv Q Research.png)

This is why I love Qresearch

451f86  No.6120288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dont watch WAPO and give them clicks. Use this one.

623bc5  No.6120289


Pelosi looks distorted.

Top of left forehead sunk by 20 degrees.

2711af  No.6120290

>>6119483 pb


26b6da  No.6120291

>>6120197 (LB)

To BarakoAnon….cheers on the recommendation. Sounds great and I used to really enjoy my various coffees (spent a ton on equipment too).

Now the stomach's absolutely destroyed (for non-related reasons), so I don't drink much anymore.

That said, for CoffeeAnons…a link to an article with a little background on anon's Barako coffee recommendation:

https:// www.perfectdailygrind.com/2017/01/kapeng-barako-can-filipino-coffee-varietal-third-wave/

127e6b  No.6120292

File: 61610d5d75a2e2e⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


ask him what a rodef is and why he supports the genocide of black americans

also how much was he made to mess things up during the impeachment of rapin' billy the traitor

040b80  No.6120293

File: da3a3f72e421f43⋯.png (518.52 KB, 768x537, 256:179, ClipboardImage.png)

51500f  No.6120294

8441bc  No.6120295

Bread still slow. (((Q))) team members aren't done poopin' yet?

562f86  No.6120296

File: 9c6f7b7a286e631⋯.png (70.85 KB, 301x292, 301:292, 2019-04-10_10-05-10.png)

>>6120020 lb

>Pepe the Frog… more than just a cartoon frog.

194d32  No.6120297


welcome to yesterday's news. literally.

94f8a5  No.6120298

File: 7ff3f5bdcedc767⋯.png (629.75 KB, 777x1064, 111:152, Lava search national day o….png)

File: ae8dc92934dff71⋯.png (403.47 KB, 1009x1926, 1009:1926, First ever black hole imag….png)

File: 1004deed6379c14⋯.jpg (28.23 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, black-hole-first-ever-imag….jpg)

File: 583acd16da4808d⋯.jpg (126.13 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, NancyChuckFire.jpg)

File: 8446e66332e5cc8⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 474x407, 474:407, Al Gore global warming cli….jpg)

601a86  No.6120299

File: aa475dd4d85db4a⋯.png (55.8 KB, 794x529, 794:529, Capture Wikileaks claims o….PNG)

File: 364a1d64149276b⋯.png (43.11 KB, 803x336, 803:336, Capture 911 Wikileaks.PNG)

WikiLeaks has discovered an extensive "spying operation" against Julian Assange




3fd6b9  No.6120300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6a432a  No.6120301


Thanks Anon.

468684  No.6120302

any HTTrack user in da house?

040b80  No.6120303

File: 910ca7afb9b8b07⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Today, the transcript of J….mp4)

51624e  No.6120304

File: 24d04f9908dfd99⋯.jpeg (60.33 KB, 924x564, 77:47, 1554793591.jpeg)


You need 75 posts to hit 10%.

77cf63  No.6120306

>>6119478 lb

You tube changed it up again, need 1000 subs AND 4000 viewed hours to live stream

927fa6  No.6120307


If that bake is ever goes in the oven..

Andrew Jackson.

Living room.

Arrival good.

is one.

ac95ce  No.6120308


That last one has been stolen now anon!

cb0a24  No.6120309

File: 693103f196466cd⋯.png (133.55 KB, 795x449, 795:449, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)




127e6b  No.6120310

File: b9b74a1fdfa1d05⋯.png (673.69 KB, 1217x800, 1217:800, servweimage.png)


it's the force of Alex's personality

e8718b  No.6120311

Haha. 'Shills' blah blah etc. are funny man. Does anyone else find themselves going "Ooohhhhh… Ahhhhhh". Haha. This is livin! Love ya's. Homozevoidius.

20e66f  No.6120312


I see 51 UID's at the time of this post

040b80  No.6120313


last one was about FY2020 finance something

what's this one about?

51500f  No.6120314


Easy-public's gotta wake up. It's the different between a one-shot wonder and a seasoned pro.

aa99b1  No.6120315



3c3f7a  No.6120316

Is that supposed to be a woman behind Shaheen or a guy with long hair?

ea2b1e  No.6120317


about 17 gorillion breads ago

5c6bdb  No.6120318

File: fadce6264dc307d⋯.jpg (133.28 KB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, AF1.jpg)

6812d6  No.6120319

File: 517e8bd517288bc⋯.jpg (453.58 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WAKEUP39.jpg)

8441bc  No.6120320


>I see 51 UID's at the time of this post

When they are done poopin' bread will speed up. ;)

927fa6  No.6120321


Oh man this keeps getting better. I was hoping for something MAGICAL.

I hope its true.

aa99b1  No.6120322

File: d397bfe8c115184⋯.png (66.23 KB, 331x330, 331:330, ClipboardImage.png)

b07cda  No.6120323

>>6120081 (PB)

>>6120121 (PB)

Crude prices are not the issue. We don't have enough refineries … and just had two of them burn within the past month.

If you think gas prices are too high, just wait until you try to buy a loaf of bread next winter. The "breadbasket of the world" is getting clobbered (again) with flooding. This is twice in a month, too, and it is delaying planting. If the grain doesn't mature before the fall rains all hell is going to break out with food prices. If stockfag took a look at grain futures I think he'd find disturbing news.

It doesn't help that the assholes in congress won't approve aid for the midwest unless villainously corrupt tiny little Puerto Rico (which has already gotten more aid than it would take to build the entire wall) gets a shit-ton more money, too.

b185d8  No.6120324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moar AG Barr LIVE!

8441bc  No.6120325


>Something big is about to drop…

Hah! So that line was also about poopin'. I get it now. ;)

d4fe37  No.6120327


>>>6119736, >>6119749 FREDDY aka JANON twat outed himself with a you and ID

They all always do sooner or later.


fc6c9c  No.6120328

So Putin says of the Mueller report, "The mountain gave birth to a mouse." Sounds like the Russian version of "tried to shit but only farted."

1fca82  No.6120329

may St Michael the archangel and the nine celestial choirs of angels slap every devil right out of the God's children, in Jesus name

7ab8b7  No.6120330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

001b46  No.6120331


The public will never wake up organically. They will have to go through a massive information trauma to reset the collective mindset. Several massive, undeniable lies need to be exposed, and need to be exposed soon.

443ac1  No.6120332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paul McCartney - Good Day Sunshine -Live Hi Quality-Best Performance

fca222  No.6120333


I think that refers to Magic Negro, courtesy the LA Times

040b80  No.6120334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Magic Johnson’s Son, EJ, Opens Up About His Gender Identity

April 5, 2019

EJ Johnson, the son of basketball legend Magic Johnson, addressed his gender identity Wednesday during an interview on E! News’ Just the Sip.

During the conversation, EJ, who came out as gay in 2013, told hostJustin Sylvester, “I like myself the way that I am. I’m very happy with myself.”

Since coming out and appearing on the reality series Rich Kids of Beverly Hills, the 26-year-old has made gender-defying fashion choices. He is often seen wearing high-end womenswear and high-heeled shoes, which led many to speculate that he is transgender.

Despite dressing in women’s clothing, EJ said he has no plans to transition.

“I always say that if you feel like you’re not in the right body, then, by all means, get to where you want to be; I don’t feel that I’m in the wrong body,” he said. “I feel like this is the body I’m supposed to be in. … I don’t feel the need to transition. I’m almost 100 percent positive I won’t. I’m just very comfortable in my own skin. I like my body.”

The reality star explained that fashion allows him to play up his feminity and masculinity.

“I can be [masculine], I can be [feminine]. I can do whatever I want with it and work with it,” he said. “If I want to [dress in drag], then I’ll do that. But I don’t want to do that all the time.”

Though others may be bothered by his choices, EJ’s father has accepted who he is. In June 2018, he told Jada Pinkett Smith on Red Table Talk about the emotional journey of his father coming to terms with his sexuality and gender identity.

20e66f  No.6120335

==Q = quaesitum

something sought for; the true value ==

127e6b  No.6120336

File: 70444b5268fa8d4⋯.png (195.13 KB, 462x357, 22:17, Screenshot_2019-04-09 al r….png)

File: 8e646821954dce7⋯.png (155.26 KB, 267x212, 267:212, Screenshot_2019-04-09 al r….png)

File: 9365353be4bf57f⋯.jpg (924.27 KB, 1010x3032, 505:1516, Screenshot_2019-02-15 Q Re….jpg)

we know what you did Al.

good job on the real DID but the trigger your guy embedded sucks

451f86  No.6120337


Dems still bitching about the Mueller report to Barr

26b6da  No.6120338

File: 2412cb2f974c6eb⋯.mp4 (9.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fake_News_Sinclair.mp4)


Anon, a post like yours "is extremely dangerous to our democracy!"

f3b092  No.6120339

File: 8cf15757a1a796a⋯.jpg (64.99 KB, 546x457, 546:457, 8cf15757a1a796ab91c02b42a8….jpg)

51624e  No.6120340

File: 54bef37244082ef⋯.jpg (15.95 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1550295110.jpg)


Look at these schlomos trying to hit the board today. Fake MAGA don't play well here!.

878e90  No.6120341


Dat black hole is Hillary's soul.

ae783a  No.6120342


so they revoke his asylum… not a good move… unless of course wikileaks is comped like they are

dc14ce  No.6120343



927fa6  No.6120344


Hey… if our Founding Fathers can call on The Spirit of The Creator four times… why cant we call on our Founding Father + God four times? Seems logical.

77cf63  No.6120345

Anons!!! You tube changed …again…. maybe attempts to shut down new voices of Q, or any conservative…

Now need 1000 subs and 4000 viewed hours to stream live….

But there’s a way around it!!!!!

Tell German anon and others about streamlabs


It’s working!!!! We with under 1000 subs are using it!!!!

f5d954  No.6120346

File: f7fe304b0a659d3⋯.jpg (68.44 KB, 1012x569, 1012:569, BarrMyJob.jpg)

040b80  No.6120348

File: fff96ff29f10f0e⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 600x459, 200:153, WaterBarr.gif)

01ec67  No.6120350

Someone get Leahy a fucking cocktail. I think he's suffering withdrawals.

6132bc  No.6120351

File: 4e0cfe3473a1a9c⋯.jpeg (629.48 KB, 988x1745, 988:1745, 87F494BB-EE89-4FEF-A343-C….jpeg)

Is it time for the question?

51500f  No.6120352


Dubs confirm

cb0a24  No.6120353

File: a8822eab701eb2d⋯.png (20.54 KB, 255x255, 1:1, dat pepe.png)


Refineries create a deliberate bottleneck. How (((they))) keep control of gasoline prices now that oil is a generous commodity.

Have often wondered what POTUS has up his sleeve to help with this part of the problem.

040b80  No.6120354



The topic of the House appropriations subcommittee hearing is the Justice Department’s budget, and Barr’s prepared remarks sent to the committee on Monday focused on funding requests for immigration enforcement and to combat violent crime and opioid addiction, not mentioning Mueller’s report at all.

f1b8b0  No.6120355

File: cbc32ee0db66be2⋯.png (104.65 KB, 612x487, 612:487, WarriorEthos.png)

Quite clear.


669979  No.6120356


Also connected to ‘John of God’ the baby farmer…

“Acknowledged by the Dalai Lama for his altruistic work, João Teixeira de Faria (John of God) has dedicated his entire life to his healing mission. He constantly affirms his role as a tool. He believes it is not he who is healing, but God who heals through him.

Shirley MacLaine, Bill Clinton, and President Lula da Silva of Brazil are among some of the celebrities who have been healed by him.

Due to the popularity of the Oprah Winfrey show, which was filmed in Abadiânia, trips fill quite fast.”


425aef  No.6120358

File: 3997eb803702ed1⋯.png (179.84 KB, 536x973, 536:973, DJT - ACHEIVEMENT UNLOCKED….png)

Because we can all use a kEk to start the morning…

I see what you did there DJT!

ea226f  No.6120359

Oversight Committee Republicans

‏Verified account @GOPoversight

32m32 minutes ago

REMINDER: @GOPLeader, @Jim_Jordan, & @RepMarkMeadows to hold press conference 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮.

📍 HVC Studio A

📅 April 10, 2019

⏰ 11:00 a.m. ET

💻 http://facebook.com/gopoversight


I called it being maybe about Cohen last night! We will see!

c85f47  No.6120360

File: d671cceb49cc0bc⋯.jpg (262.29 KB, 1438x928, 719:464, 20190410_091850.jpg)

File: 0f0fd38e64356c2⋯.jpg (435.88 KB, 1440x1716, 120:143, 20190410_091837.jpg)



Q post last year on April 11, 2018


cd7fb7  No.6120362


That's the best you got? Looks pretty low energy, bet you have a better argument than that in you somewhere. Start to think with your the head on top of your body instead of in you pants and you might level up.

5bb4a3  No.6120363


Full Mueller report reveal to public = Bring house down?

51500f  No.6120364


Senate not House

7ab8b7  No.6120366



Would be a great honor

5c6bdb  No.6120367

File: 5a31260aee66b5c⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 320x220, 16:11, Elon tunnel boy.jpg)

Netanyahu Considers Allowing Elon Musk To Bore Tunnels Under Israel

Elon Musk is reportedly in talks with the Israeli government to build tunnels across (or is that below) the country, according to statements made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a campaign event this week. The Boring Company could help "much needed infrastructure development" in Israel, according to Bloomberg, although it was unclear who would have priority if a Tesla tunnel merges with one dug by Hezbollah.

The reason: Israel suffers from poor traffic infrastructure and has the worst traffic in the developed world.

Netanyahu said at a campaign event: "I met a man that they call Elon Musk – have you heard of him? A real genius. Right now we’re in conversation with him to see if we can tunnel the State of Israel."

Musk and Netanyahu had breakfast at the Prime Minister's residence, where Musk talked about his tunneling "technology". Netanyahu is in the midst of a re-election battle that'll culminate on April 9 against the Blue & White bloc, which has suggested tapping the country's sovereign wealth fund to upgrade its infrastructure.

Israel’s public transportation system is notoriously inefficient and could cost the economy 25 billion shekels ($6.9 billion) a year by 2030 if changes aren’t made, the state comptroller found. And that's without letting Musk have a crack at it.

Netanyahu apparently hasn't been turned off by the fact that Musk's tunneling idea was recently laughed out of Virginia by bureaucrats as being "a lot of show" and not "substantive".

“I think there’s a lot of show going on here. I don’t mean to suggest that they don’t have a serious plan in mind, but I don’t consider the steps they’ve taken to date to be substantive," Virginia bureaucrats recently said of Musk's tunneling idea.

"There's no revolution here. Let's be honest here: he's driving a car through a sewer pipe," Ph.D. chemist and video blogger Phil Mason said in a late December he posted to YouTube, destroying Musk's tunnel idea. We reported on his critique of the idea in a late December post here.


8441bc  No.6120368


(((Q))) team controls Twitter now. Sad. I know. :(

afa0b9  No.6120369

File: 821f89fcc193bf3⋯.gif (358.96 KB, 318x342, 53:57, 821f89fcc193bf39bb3eb8fae1….gif)


no collusion, but the dems know that, that's why they're pursuing the 'obstruction' narrative, but one only need ask the question:

How can their be obstruction if there was NO crime?

c5887c  No.6120370

File: a91d821cf686850⋯.jpg (705.22 KB, 2016x1349, 2016:1349, ItsHappeningJeff (1).jpg)


'Atta boy Donny Jr!

443ac1  No.6120371

File: 7dd01cf8c1d4427⋯.png (361.96 KB, 779x406, 779:406, Capture.PNG)

Iran won’t be attacking American troops, despite US listing IRGC as terror group – top MP

The White House’s designation of Tehran’s Revolutionary Guard as a terror group is evidence of US support for terrorism, but it doesn’t mean Iran will be attacking US troops in the Middle East, a high-ranking MP has said.

Washington’s latest decision to include the elite Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) into the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations “shows that the Americans are backing terrorism,” Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, chairman of the parliament’s national security committee, told RIA Novosti.

But it doesn’t mean that we are taking steps towards killing American soldiers

Iranian leaders responded angrily to US President Donald Trump's designation, which marks the first time the US has labeled part of a foreign military a terrorist group. President Hassan Rouhani, for instance, said the US was the “leader of world terrorism.” His government also hit back, naming US Central Command (CENTCOM) as a terrorist organization.


d0543e  No.6120372


Looks like a Q on his zip up.

194d32  No.6120373







it's an honor anons. enjoy your wednesday.

451f86  No.6120374


Then why are they still talking about the Mueller report right now? This is in front of the Senate

8441bc  No.6120375


Yes, it was posted last bread.

Hopefully he knows about (((them))) and is being as sneaky as a (((JEW))). ;)

ae2ac8  No.6120376


it takes over $100,000 / month to keep a hemophiliac alive? wtaf

now fossilman wants the GJ testimony, before it's release…

aa99b1  No.6120377

File: 0ee233318235b08⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 242x351, 242:351, 0ee233318235b08d779a4b13ec….jpg)

File: f6401fe927e2616⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 585x350, 117:70, 1ew62k.jpg)

File: 2d03be639944d59⋯.jpg (161.13 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2d03be639944d590aaf27e2b04….jpg)

File: 95b0d4693acc253⋯.png (316.65 KB, 732x450, 122:75, 95b0d4693acc25365167bea1a9….png)

File: c6baa4f93b4a81a⋯.png (119.95 KB, 500x522, 250:261, soros-caught-funding-al-go….png)

040b80  No.6120378

File: 0726c16aaeeddd6⋯.png (472.17 KB, 657x431, 657:431, ClipboardImage.png)

56ac85  No.6120379

File: d42e80e773a5048⋯.mp4 (13.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0b5s6.mp4)

File: a7b85bcea937793⋯.jpg (91.3 KB, 830x743, 830:743, Capture.JPG)

File: 7bdd050ea4dc644⋯.jpg (137.81 KB, 1036x470, 518:235, Capture.JPG)

File: c685546fe475edf⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 905x581, 905:581, Capture2.JPG)

Ah yes. All is going according to plan. They actually believe the plan.

d4fe37  No.6120380


If you have to ask, you'll never know.

6a432a  No.6120381

File: b420739af97329b⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 300x179, 300:179, barr.jpg)


Did anyone else notice how both in the House & Senate Barr testimonies, the Dems are concerned about reductions in DOJ GRANT programs?

Who gets this grant money?

This seems like another type of money laundering scheme by the deep state.

Do anons know where that info might be found; where the grant money goes?

This might be worth a dig.

bd7725  No.6120382

File: 7f345d4479a740c⋯.jpg (20.12 KB, 255x245, 51:49, 9bdf6b61a28ced2cb6923172c3….jpg)

ea2b1e  No.6120383


aint all about boys in clothes


26b6da  No.6120384


Is in the top five for capturing either a seizure live or an MKUltra trigger.

Either way, very, very scary.

127e6b  No.6120385

File: ab92c1e736e5556⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, jewishtricks101.jpg)


so what you are saying is the jews are going for another Ukraine starve-fest?

sorry, not the jews- the Illuminati cabal bloodlines & masons that have been expelled from over a 100 jurisdictions and just use the jews as cover

d3ec5e  No.6120386




001b46  No.6120387


It is pretty impressive how Trump can manipulate situations to make them argue for HIS end game.

8441bc  No.6120388

b07cda  No.6120389

File: 825cde26d590b06⋯.png (394.39 KB, 1380x755, 276:151, Screenshot from 2019-04-10….png)

East coast and Texas are BUSY with military planes.

e8718b  No.6120390

File: 51bd264e357358d⋯.jpeg (11.51 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 8604e20cc4000bcefa848f0c1….jpeg)

What can I say. I just love it. Hahahahahaha.

77cf63  No.6120391


Yeah Barr sounded surprised….

And gave that other one a look like he was going to be asking a lot of questions of that individual as to who was planning to leak it

51500f  No.6120392


Yeah slush funds. Sessions swiped at it, too. Search board archives. Lots there.

51624e  No.6120393

File: 112685db777f7b8⋯.jpeg (403.71 KB, 741x831, 247:277, 1552020314.jpeg)


Brian is the official Jewish spokesperson.

8441bc  No.6120395


>What can I say. I just love it. Hahahahahaha.

Is that jew? ;)

040b80  No.6120396


I'm getting hardcore deja vu had to check it's live

and that blurb I copied from underneath the video


Attorney General William Barr is facing members of the Senate on Wednesday for the first time since taking office – and amid intense speculation over his review of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report.

Barr isn’t coming to Congress to talk about the report, but lawmakers are expected to ask about it anyway as they anxiously wait to see it in the coming days.

The topic of the House appropriations subcommittee hearing is the Justice Department’s budget, and Barr’s prepared remarks sent to the committee on Monday focused on funding requests for immigration enforcement and to combat violent crime and opioid addiction, not mentioning Mueller’s report at all.

d4fe37  No.6120399




5c6bdb  No.6120400


have seen them anon. Not a pretty picture.


>We don't have enough refineries

and the one's we do have are alway's experiencing maintenance 'issues'.

001b46  No.6120401


So what you are suggesting is that they will pocket the money, and build absolutely nothing?

You sound like a fucking genius.

01140d  No.6120402

File: c0f9d6635349808⋯.jpg (121.37 KB, 1024x625, 1024:625, 1554431471958m.jpg)


Pushing the transgender stuff hard the last couple years… I feel bad for kids now , they are being hit with so much sexualized mentally ill propaganda.

15c934  No.6120403

File: d8d360ab407aa95⋯.jpeg (279.28 KB, 750x622, 375:311, 9C95035B-9EE5-4EDD-991A-7….jpeg)

File: 3b26606ad754dac⋯.jpeg (335.74 KB, 750x1138, 375:569, B3AABD8E-6143-43AE-9CC7-A….jpeg)

Q proof?!?

Qpost 2830

2.20 10:49 —> heat - President Reagan

DJT twat

4.9 10:22 —> heat - President

pic timestamps PST

3c3f7a  No.6120404


Yeah, I'd like to see a breakdown of the hundreds of thousands per month that was claimed. What's the direct profit on that…95%??

ea2b1e  No.6120405

File: ab0103f351c61d0⋯.png (71.78 KB, 270x187, 270:187, ClipboardImage.png)


"Dressed in military fatigues, three robbers threatened employees handling the flight's luggage in order to get a hold of the money."




e8e768  No.6120406

Some spoopy looking characters in the audience back there behind ol' Billy

443ac1  No.6120407

File: f078a25b23b654c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 766x549, 766:549, Capture.PNG)

He needs to change his yellow hat in for a yellow vest

Dalai Lama recovers from chest infection in hospital

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, was admitted to hospital in the Indian capital of New Delhi with a chest infection, but is doing fine, an aide said on Wednesday, as social media users prayed for the Buddhist monk’s fast recovery


f6feaf  No.6120408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Black Holes- Bad math, Bad Physics, Bad Science.

451f86  No.6120409


KEK No problem. There is so much going on right now it's hard to keep track on what is what anymore.

601a86  No.6120411

WikiLeaks has said it has uncovered a surveillance operation at the Ecuadorian embassy against Julian Assange and that images, documents and videos gathered have been offered for sale.

Spanish police mounted a sting operation against unnamed individuals in Madrid who offered the material for sale in what lawyers and colleagues of Assange said on Wednesday was an attempt at extortion.

Some of the material came from video cameras with the capacity to record audio and had been installed last year after a new government took power in Ecuador, a press conference organised by WikiLeaks was told.


ea226f  No.6120412


Thanks anon! Keep us updated!

01374f  No.6120413


Moran, that's Mr to you. KEK

01ec67  No.6120414

File: f5024e2c8a0f34d⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1500x840, 25:14, The Constitutions of the F….png)

File: b57a3fd4996af96⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1500x840, 25:14, The Constitutions of the F….png)

Just noticed this; thought it was worth pointing out.

d3ec5e  No.6120415


No im suggesting that theyll build like 5 miles of wall

And one of potuses good friends will get the contract

dc14ce  No.6120416



9c8973  No.6120417

File: f08890d623c772d⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2y86uc.jpg)

File: 8ab402210ec9957⋯.png (146.15 KB, 782x1284, 391:642, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

>>6119736 (pb), >>6119749 (pb) FREDDY aka JANON twat outed himself with a (YOU) and ID

Remember when Q called out freddy as [CA_J]? Pepperidge farms remembers


6812d6  No.6120418

File: 01296674416197a⋯.jpg (275.05 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SHILL12.jpg)

38ec4c  No.6120419

Thanks Planefag>>6120238



443ac1  No.6120420

File: b63742bc3bcd707⋯.png (894.21 KB, 803x450, 803:450, Capture.PNG)

Those who started Russia probe were attempting a ‘coup’, AG must start investigation – Trump

President Donald Trump has called the FBI’s investigation into alleged ‘Russian collusion’ a “coup” attempt, and said he wants Attorney General William Barr to investigate the probe’s origins.

"It was an illegal investigation, it was started illegally, everything about it was crooked," Trump told reporters outside the White House. "It was an attempted coup."

He also said that he himself hadn't seen or read the report on alleged Russia's involvement in the 2016 election presented by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

"I won," he said. "There was no collusion, no obstruction."

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has been investigating the FBI’s alleged misuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for just over one year, and Barr told a House Appropriations Committee hearing on Tuesday that Horowitz’ final report should be completed by “May or June.”

Horowitz’ investigation centers around the FBI’s use of the now-infamous ‘Steele Dossier’ as evidence to acquire a warrant to wiretap Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The dossier was compiled by a former British spy, paid for by Trump’s opponents within Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and contained a raft of unverified claims about Trump’s supposed contact with Russians.

Speaking at Tuesday’s hearing, Barr also told lawmakers that he may open a broader investigation into the FBI’s 2016 ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ counterintelligence investigation against Trump, opened by openly Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok.

“More generally, I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2016,” Barr told the hearing.

Barr did not elaborate further, but a potential investigation could look into claims that the FBI actively worked to keep Trump out of the White House, whether Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s anti-Trump bias affected the agency’s investigation, and whether top FBI officials selectively leaked information to the press to build negative publicity around Trump.


3290cc  No.6120421


ty anon!

fb4b7b  No.6120422


On cspan 3 too

ea2b1e  No.6120423

File: dc1440d64a70d6e⋯.png (89.04 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


so, are the hobbits activated? because we're entering some non-comedic satire levels with their twats

8441bc  No.6120424


REMINDER: Most posting here are part of (((Q))) team and that includes Freddy.

0a268e  No.6120425

File: c284fe7235d9861⋯.png (34.45 KB, 925x248, 925:248, A6BD5B57-DDF1-4403-A123-19….png)

File: b946a60444ee841⋯.jpeg (425.82 KB, 1431x880, 1431:880, 71A320D0-4F80-4944-A055-B….jpeg)

01140d  No.6120426

File: 8890d7fa5e7edc4⋯.jpg (11.15 KB, 255x170, 3:2, de38452966fbd410a37bd60898….jpg)

ec1ba0  No.6120427


No, that was the Hussein era with all his green energy and shovel ready projects. We have now surpassed that with real work performed for the money.

d3ec5e  No.6120428



Now the fucking krassenstein is making sense




83df28  No.6120429

I am in Asia and I am anon. Do anons get death threats because they say things online about evil people online? I have no heard any such things before.

ae2ac8  No.6120430

mornin', blackpill. >>6120260

"i's pretty"

20e66f  No.6120431

File: 3ee7a6617e223a4⋯.png (410.24 KB, 569x455, 569:455, ClipboardImage.png)

Venezuela Crisis

UN Security Council discussing ongoing crisis in Venezuela


ca2876  No.6120432

File: c15e1ccad1323af⋯.png (2.98 MB, 1388x1000, 347:250, Ilhan Omar slut.png)

Some people did some things. -Ilhan Omar

4a7063  No.6120433

File: 5c1abb1cdad7351⋯.png (19.37 KB, 906x547, 906:547, ClipboardImage.png)



When did we mention/emphasize the 11th?

Those with an agenda to discredit are pushing false information.

They (you) will fail.


Use logic.


443ac1  No.6120435

File: 8154eab041fa025⋯.png (21.34 KB, 463x235, 463:235, Capture.PNG)


the Drake Equation is pure bullshit,,, stellar evolution alone proves that

8441bc  No.6120436

File: a3ed9e04e606f2a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1024x656, 64:41, ClipboardImage.png)

Lemme post this, this bread also before I forget.


29f4a1  No.6120437


We know who those people are…

d00114  No.6120438

File: b55b13a2993f641⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1704x1647, 568:549, batmanTrumpLedger1.png)

File: 51552a527c75747⋯.png (320.22 KB, 814x570, 407:285, BatmanFromthedesk.png)

From the Desk of Donald Trump

Trump Tower plays a role

talking to you, anon

276ae2  No.6120439



AG Barr said it again, just like he did yesterday. He was specific. He said he will make redactions within a week and release it to the PUBLIC.

That has to mean the public will get it at the same time Congress will. He would not be saying public if he was only going to release it to Nadler's committee.

Going to be interesting. Maybe put the dems in a corner.

ff7223  No.6120440

File: 314ed4b7c4d278b⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 2y84vd.jpg)


They exist. I have PERSONALLY seen one!

d3ec5e  No.6120441


I like how you just steal my fake shilling

Tfw some random loser is a better shill than the cia without even shilling

0a268e  No.6120442

File: a37c907ed1b03cf⋯.png (229.29 KB, 450x390, 15:13, F1711851-2DEC-451C-BC08-40….png)

File: d142cad785d8eb2⋯.jpeg (262.04 KB, 684x1024, 171:256, 62EC080C-5B33-4080-81AC-3….jpeg)

bd7725  No.6120443

File: 0e1c01cede8b0b6⋯.png (40.64 KB, 857x541, 857:541, Screenshot_2019-04-10 GRAN….png)



f6feaf  No.6120444


Workfaging, but that looks solid, I'll save to watch later.

040b80  No.6120445






434145  No.6120446

>>6119588 pb

>>6119683 pb

>>6119620 pb

Command to build the temple (actually tabernacle) was issued Mar. 10, 2018. Had the sauce on this, but didn't save and no longer on Israel website.

Everything needed for the millennial temple was completed a while back. The tabernacle is being completed under the Dome of the Rock. Have read that this is exact spot of the creation of Adam and Eve and Moses' first alter.

Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are the determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

They have 490 days to complete. = July 13, 2019.

Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

Me thinks the antichrist will be revealed soon.

3cf5fa  No.6120448

File: 75472500b881e00⋯.png (114.51 KB, 370x406, 185:203, da9aa283461bfb47dfee222e0a….png)


51500f  No.6120449


'of the intelligence community'

8441bc  No.6120451


He he. Nigger jew. Sup buddy. Fellow non-nigger jews treating you alright?

cff74a  No.6120452


And why am I not surprised to see that fuckwit retwatting Doug?

Some say they found that frootloop funny, but this anon finds him as funny as I imagine a case of haemorrhoids coupled with spontaneous exploding anal warts

b07cda  No.6120453


The contracts have already been let. Since the contracts went to companies that build things, I suspect that there will be a link back to Trump. Actually, I suspect that any company big enough to bid on this project is big enough to have that connection.

Having a connection to Trump isn't a disqualifier any more than having a connection to John Doe #2 would be.

26b6da  No.6120455

File: 5e851f4eaa7ebde⋯.jpg (54.19 KB, 960x720, 4:3, brock_can_suck_a_big_fat_d….jpg)

File: 514a0cc5023618b⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 499x647, 499:647, the_act.jpg)


Shill, you lost me when you cited UK's "The Guardian" for your weak af meme! Why not use something from MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' (and Mika)? Would have as much credibility, if not more.

Yeah, see what you did there. Too bad brock has to send in your replacement.

Too bad I understand logic, and the fallacies therein. I'll spell it out (pic related). Find some piece of shit, like this schlub on "the guardian's" hard-hitting news expose, and go from one piece of shit to entire group of people.

Thanks for playing. Please try again.


f18964  No.6120456

And I've been watching LaJune's

livestreams on this:


(she was suspended from YT)

it's pretty good ~ takes awhile to open site


4a7063  No.6120457

File: 4553c6f8473111f⋯.png (279.23 KB, 870x232, 15:4, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6120355 Roger

51500f  No.6120458


Oooh! "Intelligence Agencies more BROADLY"

040b80  No.6120459

File: fff96ff29f10f0e⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 600x459, 200:153, WaterBarr.gif)




ea2b1e  No.6120460

File: a55f0a6f511b909⋯.png (42.83 KB, 212x160, 53:40, ClipboardImage.png)

shark's in the water

/our/ shark


b8b364  No.6120461

Hans Zimmer, Antonin Scalia copyright connection.


d00114  No.6120462

File: 86ad3ac1cb0d330⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 255x165, 17:11, Look4.jpg)


Looks like it anon!

194d32  No.6120463


Shaheen… why are you investigating the investigators? What are the names of new investigators?

Barr: "yes…i think spying did occur"


01140d  No.6120464

File: 098fd91f51e25f3⋯.jpg (8.02 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images(40).jpg)


Nice job catching a unicorn fren.

5c6bdb  No.6120465


it's moar like a blanket threat. "you are are all going to be rounded up"-or "coming to your house to getcha". Copypasta seal has directly threatened many. There have been a few directed threats though.

3fd6b9  No.6120466

Holy shit


KEK'd so loud when he said that and shebeast was agape

f1b8b0  No.6120467

File: 209ebf6e152f3c5⋯.png (55.66 KB, 547x412, 547:412, puppets.png)

Good article.


443ac1  No.6120468

File: 29a6809f0061c92⋯.png (238.32 KB, 366x317, 366:317, Capture.PNG)

Just Plain Ignorant: Democrat Thought Leader Ocasio-Cortez Blames Migrant Surge on Global Warming Junk Science

This is the Democrat thought leader.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blames global warming junk science on the massive surge of hundreds of thousands of third world migrants crossing the US border illegally.

NOT Democrat policies!

This is as ignorant as it gets.

The far-right loves to drum up fear & resistance to immigrants.

But have you ever noticed they never talk about what‘s causing people to flee their homes in the first place?

Perhaps that’s bc they’d be forced to confront 1 major factor fueling global migration:

Climate change. https://t.co/zyJzTjEgHt

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 9, 2019


afa0b9  No.6120469



425aef  No.6120470

File: 2b0a3aa47c18330⋯.png (108.04 KB, 493x365, 493:365, MERCHANT QUOTE I'M ANON, J….png)


>He he. Nigger jew. Sup buddy. Fellow non-nigger jews treating you alright?

25f0d0  No.6120471

>>6120459 Barr Wrekt Shaneen: "You don't think spying occurred" Barr: "Spying did occur"


ac95ce  No.6120472

File: 888ed0ec1ae757a⋯.jpeg (108.1 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1554575721.jpeg)

aa99b1  No.6120473

File: 5a97821554ccc7b⋯.jpg (117.01 KB, 616x697, 616:697, 5a97821554ccc7b132778c673c….jpg)

File: 40b185df65e8404⋯.jpg (18.84 KB, 570x407, 570:407, 6e4148cbb2c084dfb38bd43116….jpg)

File: cfd14427e8f1ddb⋯.jpg (62.03 KB, 800x510, 80:51, 6c41a394b17f544148019dea44….jpg)

File: 82f3b02bfde062d⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 3c2c90cdc4c94260218ca5c313….jpg)

dff102  No.6120474

File: d63c43413204b55⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

Front Page of USA Today:

Entire town government accused of sex trafficking, DEA indictments!

Holy sheeit! iz habbening???

64f42c  No.6120475

File: 31d505dbcc2c342⋯.png (119.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, goodmornings.png)

db0306  No.6120477

File: 5a02dc752ad992e⋯.jpg (165.97 KB, 1125x1219, 1125:1219, FEMA - Copy.JPG)

The FEMA app on my iPhone just updated today.

Wonder if they're getting ready for "something"

ec6088  No.6120478

File: cfaa7217a4beee9⋯.jpg (221.25 KB, 1240x1737, 1240:1737, OneGod01.jpg)


HIJAB is a Babylon invention shown in Code of Assura A40-41: a mark of ownership.

The Old Testament shows the HIJAB is worn by whores.

The New Testament continues the mark of ownership.

HIJAB isn't in HADITH of the Islamists. And the Qur'an teaches those who follow HADITH are (kafir).

HIJAB in the Qur'an is a curtain The God places over the (kafir). There is zero (0) headcover in the Qur'an. HE tells women to cover their breasts, not their head.

She is (kafir) and the Muslims who follow the Qur'an hate her religion of HADITH and those who follow it.

01ec67  No.6120479

Barr just stated that he's reviewing FBI and other intel agencies based on investigations already completed, and also just confirmed that he believes spying DID occur. He's using the word "Reviewing" over and over. As if there is something already there to review.

"…not launching an investigation"

"…Chris Wray is a great partner for me…"

b8b364  No.6120480

>>6120461 Parts of the song Trump tweeted by Hans Zimmer were sourced from the public.

I really believe that Trump wanted Zimmer to sue him so he could introduce evidence.


d00114  No.6120481


Intentional capitalization of Remember. President R

058f25  No.6120482

Is Collins a robot?

ae2ac8  No.6120483


yes spying did occur

d4fe37  No.6120484


It's literally like these ops can not help themselves.. Like being anon hurts.


While I do agree that they have zero research value, I'm still going to maintain that personas such as Freddy do train people to leave emotions at the door, and that is a positive thing for the board. From an asserted adversary, even..

go figure :)

cff74a  No.6120485



DJT Jr twats It's happening and matches a Q post with 1 year delta.

040b80  No.6120486

File: 69c5a34dd6bd837⋯.mp4 (200.94 KB, 480x480, 1:1, shake.mp4)

927fa6  No.6120487

File: 18fe7e55016650f⋯.jpeg (575.91 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, AndrewJackson1.jpeg)


Did I have it backwards?

Is Andrew Jackson "in the House"?

Perhaps literally?

3c3f7a  No.6120488

ABC is showing a 'gas leak' situation in Durham, NC. Looks like several buildings are destroyed and still on fire.

10be29  No.6120489


Congress people are dumb as fuck .. what even is this planet.

afa0b9  No.6120491

File: f73a018a7cd3181⋯.jpeg (42.8 KB, 500x548, 125:137, B592B349-BD0A-42C6-B712-E….jpeg)

26b6da  No.6120492

File: aa0e50b1a3686c0⋯.png (12.16 KB, 255x167, 255:167, anderson_wagon.png)



I can outperform this fucking weak as fuck shill!


[Too much red text & all caps?] My bad. Apologies all around. Still holding down the fort at my low fidelity, memetic warfare outpost!

468684  No.6120493

File: 900a622b0b126e8⋯.png (597.98 KB, 1336x660, 334:165, screenshot.png)

9c8973  No.6120494

File: 7b248d680069f84⋯.png (268.39 KB, 1170x1114, 585:557, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 180d3fef6223cda⋯.png (142.34 KB, 1300x1180, 65:59, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 49e4bf7fac9b549⋯.png (30.34 KB, 1460x122, 730:61, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)


More on freddy

464aa0  No.6120495


"Trust Wray"

That senator from New Hampshire really seemed concerned about his comments about ensuring there wasn't an abuse of power during the Russia Investigation.

927fa6  No.6120496

File: 608d950014a64d3⋯.jpeg (562.07 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Reflection1.jpeg)

25f0d0  No.6120497


Holy Shit that dumb bitch almost walked into another Wrecking

Good thing she didn't give Barr another chance to speak to the weak sauce implication that Trump did wrong.


20e66f  No.6120498

File: baa01f12e548289⋯.png (535.94 KB, 588x704, 147:176, ClipboardImage.png)

The show begins

DISCLOSURE: Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe, as well as his work with the FBI prior to the start of that probe.

127e6b  No.6120499


he's nailed on for it. it's real. he's not acting it is a perfect transition not the self-guided DID stuff. this is monarch programming. you see the clear transition between alters without any theatrics which is key and he is surprised. so we have the trigger

"make room for the Holy Ghost" (which is a dreadful modality) but what's the embedded command?

what did he DO to loose all that weight and re-launch himself…

what trauma did they use?

ada039  No.6120500

>>6119578 LB

This is what people who rail against "White Supremacy" want.

6a432a  No.6120501

File: 98adafee68bf788⋯.png (78.58 KB, 655x782, 655:782, COPS Hiring 2016 partial.png)

File: 3c6e3dca22309f4⋯.pdf (178.8 KB, Award_List-COPS_Hiring_201….pdf)



Thanks anons

Here is the pdf of the COPS hiring award list for 2016, plus link to DOJ grant site

In addition to all the tax dollars these entities received from us, we gave the an additional $119 BILLION for this part of the program alone!

68b9b7  No.6120502

File: d58eb023ca947f9⋯.png (993.06 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Cuba to enact new constitution launching modest state revamp

HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba’s national assembly is set to enact the new constitution on Wednesday, allowing the government to launch a modest update of its centrally planned single party system with dozens of laws expected on everything from the economy to political structures. In a February referendum, Cubans overwhelmingly ratified the new constitution after a year of debate, updating its 1976, Soviet-era Magna Carta. While it retains socialism as “irrevocable”, it codifies changes in Cuban society since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, like the opening of the economy to free enterprise, and includes a political restructuring among other changes. The document specifies some of the new laws to be elaborated within the next two years, while more broadly stipulating the national assembly must establish a timeline for the around 50 laws needed to bring governing practice in step with the constitution.

Analysts say that while the constitution establishes the broad framework of this intense legislative process, there is leeway for it to enact more or less reform. “The formation of a more open and democratic country depends on this process and not on the constitution,” said Cuban lawyer and legal columnist for independent media Eloy Viera Cañive. He said Cubans needed to participate in the process, with recent the expansion of internet giving them a powerful tool to do so. Online protests already led the government to partially backtrack on new regulations on the private sector and the arts last December.

Some hope the upcoming legislative process could result in a greater modernization of the stagnant state-run economy, battling with declining aid from key ally Venezuela and a tightening U.S. trade embargo. “(We) will be closely watching whether, and how quickly, Cuba moves to turn the constitution’s recognition of new forms of private property into a law that provides ‘legal personality’ for small and medium-sized enterprises that are privately owned,” said Michael Bustamante, an assistant professor of Latin American history at Florida International University.

Cuba’s growing bevy of self-employed citizens have been clamoring for such a law, that would give them the right for example to import and export, ever since former President Raul Castro started expanding the private sector a decade ago. The first laws to be addressed, however, are expected to be others. The constitution stipulates that the national assembly must approve a new electoral law to reflect the restructuring of government within a half-year. Within the following three months, it must elect a president, widely expected to remain Miguel Diaz-Canel, who succeeded Castro last April. 'That president must then appoint provincial governors and a prime minister,- a new post separating the role of head of state from head of government.'

The Magna Carta stipulates that within 18 months, new laws reflecting constitutional changes to the judicial system such as the presumption of innocence in criminal cases and habeas corpus should also be introduced. Meanwhile the process of a popular consultation and referendum on a new family code, that will address the controversial issue of gay marriage, should also be kicked off within two years.


443ac1  No.6120504

File: 67df5922c9b30c6⋯.png (554.13 KB, 662x337, 662:337, Capture.PNG)

More displaced people return from Jordan and al-Rukban Camp

10 April 2019

Provinces, SANA – A new batch of displaced people returned from camps in Jordan via Nassib border crossing, heading to their homes in the areas liberated by the Syrian Arab Army from terrorism, SANA’s reporter said on Wednesday.

In the same context, SANA’s reporter said that tens of families arrived at Jlaighim corridor in the Syrian Badiya (desert) coming from al-Rukban Camp.


ea226f  No.6120505

File: c07a3374a132d00⋯.png (340.08 KB, 1000x922, 500:461, presspool.png)

dc14ce  No.6120506


they know so much more then we can imagine and are not telling us…this is a taste

ac95ce  No.6120507


Always the victim.

Another JIDF faggot

464aa0  No.6120508


Notable AF

3cf5fa  No.6120509

File: 614d7d8452303dc⋯.png (38.45 KB, 739x182, 739:182, 614d7d8452303dc3b6f4a116af….png)

b07cda  No.6120510


Can buy shoes in the right size. Wants to run the show.

She didn't understand her own words as well as Mnuchin understood them.

Got pissed at being told when to use the gavel. Refused to use it out of pride.

Democrats in California … are you CERTAIN this is the best you can spare?

ea2b1e  No.6120511

File: d8266862c4e5a6e⋯.png (94.69 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Messages Image(1193614606).png)



26b6da  No.6120512

File: 8ae81cbf4413b8c⋯.jpg (43.16 KB, 548x359, 548:359, gay_shill_meme.jpg)


I know, I know………it's not nowing, it's knowing………tell steve jobs to make auto-fill an opt-in vs this shitty default setting.

brock……………you hiring? I need work!

c5887c  No.6120513

File: 07b63907a35168c⋯.jpg (260.96 KB, 1500x856, 375:214, MadMaxineDroppinScuds (1).jpg)

e8718b  No.6120514

File: eb76e5cc7885948⋯.jpg (8.26 KB, 255x143, 255:143, fce84b6f725344868542915b34….jpg)

Baaaaa hahahahaha. Oooohhh weeee. Haha. Never gets old. OK. No more poopies in breadage. Lurk city now. Hahahahahaha. Love ya (no stiffy)

6132bc  No.6120515

File: 700bff7195c9bae⋯.jpeg (14.47 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 5761EC58-DFE5-4B65-A2A9-4….jpeg)

Time for popcorn?


59a764  No.6120516






I think it means that villains are going to be unmasked…. this the part of the movie (like in a Scooby-Doo episode) when we all find out who the villains really are!

b07cda  No.6120517


Can't buy shoes …

03922d  No.6120518

File: 403ddae66132cf7⋯.png (437.59 KB, 604x691, 604:691, ClipboardImage.png)


51500f  No.6120519


Kek are you suggesting remains?

17718c  No.6120520

File: 875a40d31fb42ca⋯.png (93.26 KB, 602x419, 602:419, twitter_com_MichaelRCaputo….png)

FBI informant on Russia investigation attempted to frame me: Michael Caputo


aa99b1  No.6120521



127e6b  No.6120522

File: fa3f251d02bc89f⋯.jpg (125.79 KB, 1050x549, 350:183, 00sandyhook3-facebookJumbo….jpg)


your talmud is showing menachem

25f0d0  No.6120523


It was an /end thread booty in another forum

3cf5fa  No.6120524

1307b2  No.6120525

File: 74ca371cf2327b3⋯.png (817.66 KB, 1846x1561, 1846:1561, linzertwatter.png)

File: a9f213c500cacf6⋯.png (105.23 KB, 799x750, 799:750, q3304.png)

Dafna Linzer seems to have gone AWOL since Q's 4/29 post about her. Since then, only one retwat. Feeling the heat?

cc6fee  No.6120526

File: b617ce273b0fa5e⋯.png (506.88 KB, 1427x622, 1427:622, AF1.PNG)


what is going on here?

9c95c8  No.6120527

File: bce28fa554d2e41⋯.png (194.97 KB, 480x270, 16:9, dtj4fb31cd6edc93ed8d317dc2….png)

ac95ce  No.6120528

File: 1efef46b3222a24⋯.jpeg (53.78 KB, 1080x640, 27:16, 1553135728.jpeg)

File: 63b441391a17b9b⋯.jpeg (121.06 KB, 1080x821, 1080:821, 1553135693.jpeg)

26b6da  No.6120530

File: df8b0219e6727ca⋯.jpg (243.86 KB, 720x800, 9:10, Brennan Adrenocrony.jpg)


don't count old brennan out too quickly anon!

a82c28  No.6120531

c85f47  No.6120532

File: f007b9b053f86f1⋯.jpg (237.47 KB, 1438x950, 719:475, 20190410_093852.jpg)


Time - Watch


d4fe37  No.6120533


He's getting injected right after HRC and Obama

040b80  No.6120534

Links from pb could be a different color if you tweak the .css right?

ea2b1e  No.6120535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

nuclear wessels!

we have the [sub]



01ec67  No.6120536

File: 3811a4e9ac70adb⋯.png (781.51 KB, 781x887, 781:887, Rand Paul Tweet - Neocons.PNG)


Failed neocons who lied us into the Iraq war also stoked the fake Russian hoax to try to bring down @realDonaldTrump.

927fa6  No.6120537


Remains and/or Spirit.

I suspect there is a deeper reason Q+ posts sound so 'Presidential'.

afa0b9  No.6120538

File: 438e2d33bb3c6a3⋯.jpeg (265.16 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 0F74EAED-0E68-4099-B8A3-0….jpeg)

File: 4ffe4affce01755⋯.jpeg (312.77 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, D3679CC9-4E1C-40F6-B2F1-A….jpeg)

File: c369ac8a737fc2e⋯.jpeg (215.52 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 3AF60BA4-993F-428D-B010-E….jpeg)

File: 4dd8317f1d659a2⋯.jpeg (888.01 KB, 1266x1208, 633:604, D3548CBA-C8FC-4F17-BA4D-8….jpeg)

File: 42f0da698d33058⋯.jpeg (129.94 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 1C01D445-CB63-45AE-9159-E….jpeg)


Lights on in Kitchen Window

Blue Castle

ea226f  No.6120539

File: af24cd139ee1fde⋯.png (2.09 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Vernon Turner

‏ @WeathermanVern

“It shook all of downtown” words from Raymond Ruiz-Veve after an explosion in downtown #Durham. @SpecNewsRDU

9117d5  No.6120540

>>6118358 So this no-choice 'deal' for Ohioans (or is it Ohiolese?) should be more clearly labeled:

"Leave our State NOW, and let the motherfucking historic Police State burn in Hell!", -Right??

It's enough to make one long for the good old days of RAY-GUN and NIXXON.

590edc  No.6120541


Leahy is an idiot, he may fuck it up if he keeps trying to outsmart Barr about the obstruction charge….

e0a2c3  No.6120542

File: c8aa1cf52706310⋯.png (511.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190410-103858.png)


d4fe37  No.6120543


Maybe because Q+… Is a President?

Just a guess /s

5c6bdb  No.6120544

File: f12836020937eae⋯.jpg (267.27 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Tarp heist.jpg)

File: 75c656d209d415c⋯.jpg (116.45 KB, 778x500, 389:250, hank paulsen approves tarp.jpg)


"Update (10:25amET): The troubling trend of Reps using their time to castigate the CEOs instead of asking questions continued with California Rep. Brad Sherman. He questioned the CEOs about 'forced arbitration' after declaring "too big to fail is too big to exist", after explaining how the House narrowly avoided disaster by refusing to buy the bank's toxic assets during the crisis and instead buying preferred stock."

Paulsen, then Treasury Sec, floated the idea of doing this ala buying the toxic assets and got Pelosi to approve the TARP bailout. He then turned around and used the money to recapitalize the banks through the preferred share purchases. The Fed also bailed out company's like Nissan, McDonald's and even Warren Buffet got a sweet deal with Goldman when he 'purchased' warrant's that he then offloaded at a huge profit.

Totally disingenuous bullshit from these people

443ac1  No.6120545


Freddy isn't part of Q-Team. Toots is…Freddy is to stupid … Toots is the brains of the family give credit where credit is due

f0c550  No.6120546


This will go to the SCOTUS.

And after Ginger replaces Ginsbuuuurger…


Or as my Asian wife, who knows the Constitution very well says, "Uncucumbered Rights to Arms to Bear."

8441bc  No.6120547

File: a12a5b3a7557b47⋯.png (313.62 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

(((Q))) team right now. ;)

590edc  No.6120548


Plus Leahy sounds inebriated….

ae2ac8  No.6120549

he didn't have to go there. he could have said "needs to be investigated, we just had an investigation that proved innocence, directly to your point." nope.


he thought about it, chose his words, and freakin' went there. that room is silent, except for him. listen to the echo.

2bdfe4  No.6120550


Q tells us we should cut it with the muh jew memes cause its election time and we need the jewish vote.

cant asnwer the "Q" if the board is so messy and scaring off the sissis.

9c8973  No.6120551

File: 2faeedc8bb22e21⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1992x1582, 996:791, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)


Freddy Janon supports babalon?

ff7223  No.6120552


I hope so. He's on my Death Pool. I've got a grand riding on this with a misguided friendy Libtard.

927fa6  No.6120553


Works both ways.

'Spirit cooking'

Noodle=Extra crispy and loving it if true.

68b9b7  No.6120554

File: df7310f535d3614⋯.png (817.09 KB, 852x649, 852:649, ClipboardImage.png)

Peru's former president Kuczynski ordered to 10 days in jail

LIMA (Reuters) - A judge ordered Peru’s former president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski to spend 10 days in jail and authorized a search of his properties in connection with a money-laundering probe into Brazilian builder Odebrecht, according to a judicial resolution. Police officers were outside Kuczynski’s home in Lima’s financial district early on Wednesday, a Reuters witness said.

Kuczynski’s attorney Nelson Miranda called the order “arbitrary” in broadcast comments on local TV and said he would file an appeal. Kuczynski has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and had vowed to cooperate with prosecutors investigating Odebrecht’s ties to local politicians. An 80-year-old former Wall Street banker who once held U.S. citizenship, Kuczynski narrowly won the 2016 presidential election but resigned a year ago in the face of near-certain impeachment by the opposition-controlled Congress. Kuczynski has blamed his ouster on a plot by opposition party Popular Force, whose leader Keiko Fujimori was jailed before trial in connection with Odebrecht last year on charges that she denies.

Peruvian judges have authorized several politicians, including two other former presidents, to be jailed before trial since Odebrecht admitted in late 2017 that it had secured lucrative government contracts across Latin America by bribing high-ranking politicians. In Peru, criminal suspects can be jailed without trial for up to three years if prosecutors can show they have evidence that would likely lead to a conviction and that the suspects would likely try to flee or obstruct their work.

“It’s an abusive detention order,” Gilbert Violeta, a lawmaker in the political party Kuczynski formed, said in an interview with local TV channel Canal N. “There’s no flight risk.”


4035d8  No.6120555

File: a21af0af8ef1659⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB, 800x532, 200:133, barrspying.mp4)

Here we go.

26b6da  No.6120556

File: 5f455bb80b19cd7⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 457x666, 457:666, brennans_boner.jpg)


I support sucking brennan's nut-sack dry for a dollar!


Hey moo joos, did it register yet? You have no power to effect anything. Looks like Bibi won. By the way, a good friend of our President, who you pretend to support while shilling this garbage!

Next stop……….peace in the Middle-East….poor liddle omar.


- just keeping it real over here at Unit 8200

068bb1  No.6120557


Sather putting on the cortisol lbs…

127e6b  No.6120558

File: 49978f342749558⋯.jpg (264.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 6a00d83454426c69e200e54f6b….jpg)

File: 2bbc559c250289a⋯.jpg (110.19 KB, 400x488, 50:61, 6a00d83454426c69e200e54f6b….jpg)

File: 7ce4388cbbfb38a⋯.png (243.49 KB, 562x576, 281:288, 79a530944b73a9f230ebb2e02d….png)

File: 096b8001662bdc7⋯.png (259.88 KB, 521x875, 521:875, Screenshot_2019-03-17 Q Re….png)

File: f8020184ee43b0d⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 500x431, 500:431, 911-mossad-dancing-israeli….jpg)


looking forward to another expulsion avram?

there will come a time…

and if you think you are all going to run off down to Patagonia, think again, we're onto you.

01140d  No.6120559

File: 82ecd1332c7fa52⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images(36).jpg)

File: f67815f5c93c2ff⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 517x519, 517:519, 1553900205288.jpg)

File: 803a192e6e43e05⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 570x824, 285:412, il_570xN.532359878_hp5e.jpg)

File: 2f59379315abfad⋯.jpg (10.89 KB, 219x231, 73:77, eb78197524b015f366abaa47e2….jpg)


So be it. I think the people are ready.

043acd  No.6120560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump Speaks to Press on way to El Paso this morning

DJT starts at 3:40

Very bad People, This was an attempted Coup but we beat them We Won

085fd4  No.6120561

File: 4e3ec1c8449c901⋯.jpg (16.84 KB, 220x302, 110:151, Cocaine is a hell of a dru….jpg)

8441bc  No.6120562

Okay, I gotta go. Will be back if I don't wake up dead. ;)

1b12f4  No.6120563

File: 6e816838f6be51b⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 328x703, 328:703, dddddd.JPG)

File: c04aec6e4bfad22⋯.png (945.85 KB, 732x734, 366:367, ddrothschildhaircut.PNG)

>>6120141LB LB LB

The Black Hole is a myth & fabrication of Atomism-the cult of bumping particles. The psyentists today are way off trak with their work all based on mathematical equations tat necessitate the CREATION of more bizarre and intangible concepts/particles when the math don't add up for the cretins. The one that is so easily debunked;

If photons existed, you would have to open you digital camera after every shoot to dump the photonparticles that have accumulated on the sensor.. Maxine Stupid this particle & the double slit experiment is a failed & misunderstood light phenomena.

There is no such thing as he Speed of Light,

how does it magically regain its speed after slowing down when it enters a prism crystal, it slows down and separates the different wavelengths of the visible to humans light into a rainbow, which the queers have co-opted, then it speeds up again after it exits?

what fuel is used to regain that speed as the laws of psysics fail to explain.

Think, dumbasses..

Pics unrelated

25f0d0  No.6120564

File: 7dee17d12c49792⋯.png (108.16 KB, 1341x645, 447:215, 17-17-Checkd-KEK.png)


Checkd!!! 17:17 Confirms

815d5d  No.6120565

Jordan - Meadows - McCarthy presser @11am EST

The only link I can find is FB?

Anons have another link?

ac95ce  No.6120566

File: 673ad87370d6b60⋯.jpeg (61.36 KB, 1080x613, 1080:613, 1553135562.jpeg)

File: 7eafc519e1cddbd⋯.jpeg (79.26 KB, 1080x632, 135:79, 1553135459.jpeg)

26b6da  No.6120567


Damn. That about sums up where we're headed…..something about PAIN.

51500f  No.6120568

If any anon has missed, save this link and at least year the two interviews of John Dowd. Also suggest the Nunes. Have not yet heard the others. Byron York does a great job of getting pertinent info and letting guests talk.


9c8973  No.6120570

File: 48f5f44e3b52603⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1268x1418, 634:709, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

Janon / Freddy really into baphomet

afa0b9  No.6120571

File: ef970ab0c95d05d⋯.jpeg (119.59 KB, 500x750, 2:3, C45B0263-9B9E-4D15-AF80-8….jpeg)

File: b30379827020c70⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 295x278, 295:278, 84D49CBC-13E7-4CFA-AB6A-E1….gif)

File: 103ef4d19df5fcf⋯.jpeg (61.02 KB, 620x413, 620:413, 13EA0BC0-CF90-4261-97A5-7….jpeg)

File: 95e8686798e6868⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1176x1292, 294:323, A3045A46-5489-4B2D-9573-6….jpeg)

File: 134827f53eebb10⋯.jpeg (781.48 KB, 1220x1020, 61:51, 50C59603-1267-4F12-90B2-6….jpeg)


What window was the FLOTUS picture taken from in the White House to catch the (metal chain) in the Blue picture honoring Autism Day?

66c8ac  No.6120572


Leahy played a part in The Dark Knight Rises

040b80  No.6120573

File: 064f5f5572726df⋯.png (663.37 KB, 998x666, 499:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c74d19d58d6cae8⋯.png (362.15 KB, 437x575, 19:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da222e3df4a9f18⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1200x1435, 240:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c0cd62791c4410⋯.png (235.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

3fd6b9  No.6120574

File: 68315d1344cfe28⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1139x938, 17:14, ClipboardImage.png)


We must have term limits for all

01ec67  No.6120575


Worked in bars for years. That fucking guy is a morning drunk. Gonna go with Gin+Tonic. Could be wrong, but that fucking guy definitely gets started early.

170908  No.6120576

Leahy is going back to this 6. Dims are going to ask this over and over.

ea2b1e  No.6120577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


red blue green

6132bc  No.6120578

File: bcc8f1657a9850d⋯.jpeg (985.28 KB, 1204x1480, 301:370, E64B6A0C-9841-4495-B6B5-7….jpeg)

20c5e4  No.6120579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.

Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada.

e0a2c3  No.6120580

File: 65f27102a7a95f8⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190405-114835.png)

Statue of LUCIFER.

ae783a  No.6120581


with all due respect POTUS the coup is not a game… you have not beat them until they are tried and convicted of treason… sentenced to death and sentence carried out…

5c6bdb  No.6120582

File: c5d33fa490f2cff⋯.png (631.14 KB, 684x445, 684:445, planefags AF1 o7.PNG)


just data issues. It's not moving like that. Seen that many times before

61e4a4  No.6120583


<>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images


Suggest this above noted Global Board Announcement be BOLDED and reworded slighty

{many are not AWARE yet of this; many still using jpeg images that are failing to load or lost in /pbs}

>>5958613 >bold<Please upload or save IMAGES of either PNGs or JPGs>/bold (not JPEG IMAGES}

{add note within the crumb} "suspected some Server LAG caused by processing of JPEG IMAGE requests.


443ac1  No.6120584


Freddy can't even support himself let alone some occultic idiotic sect

a82c28  No.6120585


Is this guy coherant? Fucking senile?

0bfd9f  No.6120586

Notables so far

#7827 Baker change

>>6120560 Trump Speaks to Press on way to El Paso this morning

>>6120532 Sara Carter tweets "It takes time"

>>6120498 Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe

>>6120459 Barr Wrekt Shaneen: "You don't think spying occurred" Barr: "Spying did occur"

>>6120381 , >>6120443, >>6120501 Who gets this grant money? Dig call

>>6120389 , >>6120526 Planefag Reports

>>6120299 WL has discovered an extensive "spying operation" against Assange

>>6120279 James Baker's second interview with @JudiciaryGOP released

>>6120271 , >>6120309, >>6120360 DJTJr: "It's happening!!!" & 1 Year Delta with QPost

>>6120269 , >>6120283, >>6120356 The Dalai Lama has been hospitalized

>>6120288 Barr testifying: Livestream

>>6120259 Nigel Havers and Baroness Bulter-Sloss (re abuse inquiry)

>>6120250 Dead ABC reporter was covering the LV shootings

>>6120219 , >>6120220, >>6120250, >>6120273, >>6120334 Magic Johnson news and digs

ea226f  No.6120587


FB is all I can find right now too.

b185d8  No.6120588


Who's the Beast Beast Behind Shaheen & Leahy?

9b0ced  No.6120590


Irregular data acquisition and/or possible spoofing of the ADSB signals.

Zigzag tracks like that are quite common and more noticeable when zoomed in.

c5887c  No.6120591


We are literally watching Leahy decompose LIVE.

51500f  No.6120592


Ooh. The Baker Durham testimony released must have ticked'em off!

9117d5  No.6120593

>>6120536 Rand is plain weird. He keeps sending out pleas to ban Roe vs Wade and backsides the President on every other initiative. Would he be so crass if every single vote counted, or is he just gaming the [DS] players?

1b12f4  No.6120594


Filtered fucking baby foreskin eating Kikeshill

ba6fd6  No.6120596

sen shaheen or whatever asks barr

are you saying the president was spied on?

barr says he was

170908  No.6120597


Serving since 1975!!!!!

Term Limits Now

aa99b1  No.6120598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Collections Agency for others

f2d5da  No.6120599

File: 15df1fc4e4363b7⋯.jpg (843.29 KB, 1107x1854, 123:206, hesdrunk.jpg)

Leahy is drunk.

d4fe37  No.6120600


This anon thinks the spirits of Jackson, JFK, Reagan, Patton, and Washington himself are all aiding POTUS Trump.

0e8d37  No.6120601

File: d2abd0ff9bceccf⋯.png (104.81 KB, 315x745, 63:149, ClipboardImage.png)

ae2ac8  No.6120602


wtf does a conversation with the POTUS have to do with the FY budget? Leahy is trying to spring a perjury trap?

fc6c9c  No.6120603

We're going to watch the Meadows-Jordan-McCarthy Press Conference in 13 minutes, right? Anybody have a link to a live stream?

6a432a  No.6120604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After watching the House hearing and part of the Senate hearing. I'm convinced

Trump picked the right man for the job

Barr knows most of the congressmen from way back.

Many of them are former prosecutors, state AGs.

They will not surprise him with any "gotcha" questions.

Plus he said he believes there WAS spying on the Trump campaign.

26b6da  No.6120605

File: 9fcd42ec1a36d45⋯.jpg (106.33 KB, 696x459, 232:153, an_untitledstupidnazi.jpg)

3ac507  No.6120606


I didn't vote to continue this crap.

59a764  No.6120607


Sorry they are all from lb… about the water bottle with out the label…

040b80  No.6120608


>Magic Johnson


b8b364  No.6120609

>>6120461 Hans Zimmer was involved with the group "The Buggles" they did the song called "Video killed the Radio star". I don't say he was a band member because he is not a musician he is a computer programmer. He samples and synthesizes, which just so happens to be the reason that video killed the paychecks for musician. He monopolizes the music industry in Hollywood and he was too stupid to learn the piano. He is a total fake. Just like Hollywood.


9c8973  No.6120610


Put some of the freddy digs in there if you deem fit

c5887c  No.6120611

File: 270907ea9228242⋯.jpg (174.66 KB, 766x513, 766:513, WilliamBarr.jpg)

File: 44ef33ad7d524f1⋯.jpg (200.32 KB, 806x456, 403:228, OpenBarr.jpg)

815d5d  No.6120612


Thanks Anon.

Keeping an eye on YT for a link.

6812d6  No.6120613

File: 50c8be3833c268e⋯.jpg (455.07 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WAKEUP40.jpg)

a82c28  No.6120614



0bfd9f  No.6120615


If we bolded it anon, it would be essentially making it more imoortant than the others which is what we're avoiding. As a global I'm sure everyone's read it. Whether they're heeding it is another matter. Maybe some in-thread reminders / memes would help?

443ac1  No.6120616

File: 2cb1e8adb803d53⋯.png (320.82 KB, 727x431, 727:431, Capture.PNG)

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering

A bombshell series of leaked internal memos from Google reveals that the search engine is engaged in a massive criminal enterprise that may be prosecuted for engaging in “criminal racketeering.” The Daily Caller has acquired these internal memos which describe the manual process whereby Google selectively de-lists news websites that focus on conservative content, natural health and vaccine awareness information, among other topics. Once websites are targeted by Google for being blacklisted, virtually none of their pages appear in any search results whatsoever. (Natural News was almost completely blacklisted beginning in June of 2017.)

“Google does manipulate its search results manually, contrary to the company’s official denials, documents obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller indicate,” reports The Daily Caller. The DC describes Google’s ultra-secret “XPA news blacklist” being maintained by “Google’s Trust & Safety team,” which carries out the politically-motivated censorship and blacklisting actions to silence news sites that Google wants to suppress.


ea2b1e  No.6120617


ohio's a stop on the child-traffic express

if the people themselves get too involved in the political process, lord knows what they'd uncover

f1b8b0  No.6120618

File: ce05e2eae7add92⋯.png (282.17 KB, 953x425, 953:425, tavistock_maps.png)



>Pushing the transgender stuff hard the last couple years…

Consider the source.

>>6118341, >>6099822 (PB) #7824 No tables

GIDS is part of Tavistock

f0c550  No.6120619


Doesn't this indicate that the PLAN is back on schedule (not 2days ahead) now?

f18964  No.6120620

File: c751d0f8ade1f3a⋯.jpg (70.64 KB, 500x843, 500:843, Nadler.jpg)

"stupid" like this guy?


68b9b7  No.6120621

File: 481cb92550a357e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican tries 'retreat diplomacy' as South Sudan peace deal falters

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican brought together South Sudanese leaders for 24 hours of prayer and preaching on Wednesday, a last ditch attempt to heal bitter divisions a month before the war-ravaged nation is due to set up a unity government. The retreat, which a Vatican statement called “both ecumenical and diplomatic”, will end on Thursday with an address to the leaders by Pope Francis, who has expressed a desire to visit South Sudan. The leaders are all Christians, including President Salva Kiir, his former deputy turned rebel leader Riek Machar, and three other vice presidents.

Machar’s presence was in doubt until the last minute because aides said that Sudan, which is a guarantor to the September peace deal, has been restricting his movements in capital, Khartoum. Sudan, which is predominantly Muslim, and South Sudan, predominately Christian, fought each other for decades before the south became independent in 2011. Oil-rich South Sudan plunged into civil war in two years later after Kiir, a Dinka, fired Machar, from the Nuer ethnic group, from the vice presidency.

Brutal fighting broke out, characterized by extreme sexual violence, the use of child soldiers and attacks on civilians along ethnic faultlines. About 400,000 people died and more than a third of the country’s 12 million people were uprooted, sparking Africa’s worst refugee crisis since the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Machar landed in Rome about an hour before the retreat was due to start in the Pope’s Vatican guest house. The leaders will live there and eat together during the retreat. Also attending are the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, the spiritual leader of the worldwide Anglican communion; members of the South Sudan Council of Churches; and other African Catholic and Presbyterian Church leaders. Welby had proposed the retreat to the pope.

A Vatican statement said the retreat would offer the leaders “a propitious occasion for reflection and prayer, as well as an occasion for encounter and reconciliation”. An African Jesuit, Father Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, will preach. The two sides signed a power-sharing deal in September calling on the main rival factions to assemble, screen and train their respective forces to create a national army before the formation of a unity government. That has not happened. Instead, the government has dismissed U.N. investigations into war crimes and gang rape and asked for $285 million in funding to implement the deal. Last month, Brussels-based think-tank the International Crisis Group warned the deal risks total collapse before May 12, when the leaders are due to start sharing power.


c63997  No.6120622


Q+ is ‘’’the’’’ President!

943965  No.6120623


>Peru's former president Kuczynski ordered to 10 days in jail

Another presidential precedent. Normalizing criminal charges against former heads of state. Good. Good.

94f8a5  No.6120624

File: eabe55a36327c0d⋯.png (305.91 KB, 570x447, 190:149, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)



86aa55  No.6120625

File: 91c63fae8687173⋯.png (26.2 KB, 755x573, 755:573, baker15.png)

RR with Mueller when he met with POTUS for FBI director job?

3ac507  No.6120626


Least surprising news, ever.

Of course they've been spying on him

The question is what were they extorting him about?

9c8973  No.6120627


At least add this:


1f3b2c  No.6120628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Great Meme War Season 2 Episode 4 “The Surrounded”

bd7725  No.6120630

File: 352c6d13e492e1c⋯.png (273.09 KB, 706x349, 706:349, FU.png)

afa0b9  No.6120631


What KIND of data issues?

fc6c9c  No.6120632


Remind people that if they have files named .JPEG they can simply rename them .JPG to fix the problem. The difference is only a name difference, not a file format difference.

51500f  No.6120633

File: 9c3a71992ee5e76⋯.gif (432.51 KB, 610x690, 61:69, 2011F75A-DBE6-4086-9EDD-AC….gif)


Hi Baker and TY. The post link for ABC reporter is in error.

f2d5da  No.6120634


"Is there a risk Congress would leak?"


eddd5a  No.6120636

Watchers, watch!

d4fe37  No.6120638


Yep. I voted for Q+.

And I'm voting for him again in 2020

cf40b8  No.6120639

File: 0576fb2d235babe⋯.jpg (9.67 KB, 965x579, 5:3, 7200.jpg)

So we have this image from 55m light years away… and we still can't get a non-stitched image of our own Earth??? Black hole my cajun ass. KEK

ea2b1e  No.6120640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9117d5  No.6120641

>>6120598 Fuck Hollywood fag. What's with the classical soundtrack as metaphor for euphamism. Adult children, all. And to think some Jewish profiteers had people licking their boots to watch such crap.

51500f  No.6120642


He is so reeeeeeefreshing!

e0a2c3  No.6120643

File: eef6fb9787909a3⋯.jpg (314.15 KB, 554x490, 277:245, sandusky 2.jpg)

File: a153fb552c176e2⋯.jpg (17.28 KB, 236x242, 118:121, 62b8477d3fe95cacaec1865af9….jpg)

File: d3d55ee6e659ea8⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 530x323, 530:323, god-of-freemasonry-baphome….jpg)

File: 8e9107d82364ed7⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 583x320, 583:320, Michael Aquino – Satanic P….jpg)

File: 13ea0b7e6dfb548⋯.png (532.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190407-194002.png)

Your country is a joke. Literally. Its a Rothschild corporation. The statue of liberty is LUCIFER.

Obelisks are Egyptian cocks.

Washington monument is Baphomet.

All the roads create all their symbols and magic circles and shit.

Fed gone? Declas? Nope.

Red white and blue are Rothschild colors.

c85f47  No.6120644


THE WORLD LOVES POTUS….scares the shit out of "them"

5c6bdb  No.6120645

File: 54e62701dc74acf⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 922x499, 922:499, KANSAS kek.jpg)

Pompeo: U.S. looking 'very closely' at Qatar-Air Italy deal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday that the State Department was looking closely at Qatar Airways' acquisition of a 49 percent stake in Air Italy.

Questioned repeatedly about the deal during a U.S. Senate hearing, Pompeo said, "We're looking very closely at this recent decision by Qatar to take on 49 percent of this airline."

Both Republicans and Democrats at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing said they were concerned that the deal with the Italian carrier violated an agreement Qatar Airways reached with the United States in early 2018.

"There are lots of consultations taking place," Pompeo said.

An aide to Senator Bob Menendez, the ranking Democrat on the committee, noted that January marked the one-year anniversary of agreements between the United States and Qatar on government subsidies to state-owned Qatar Airways.

In a side letter to the agreement, the Qatari government indicated there was no intention to launch additional flights from Qatar but picking up passengers in Europe before flying to U.S. destinations.

The aide said the acquisition of Air Italy and transforming it into a carrier with five U.S. destinations from Milan runs counter to the agreement with Qatar Airways.

562f86  No.6120646

File: 17ccd0705e373e4⋯.png (149.53 KB, 489x281, 489:281, 2019-04-10_10-48-32.png)

040b80  No.6120648

File: 2100068625bb850⋯.png (549.81 KB, 800x608, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)


5c6bdb  No.6120649



fc6c9c  No.6120650


Agree. Mil planes are OFTEN seen to fuzz their ADSB transponder data in order to make their precise position uncertain.

170908  No.6120651


Yes Senator, those fuckers leak like a sieve.


0bfd9f  No.6120652


Can you show the evidence that Freddy is JANON, and state who Janon is? As far as I can see (looking quickly mind you), there's no proofs?

590edc  No.6120653


Oh shit, Netanyahu won…didn't know that…thanks anon…

51500f  No.6120654


Flags out!!

043acd  No.6120655

File: 613425161f10eef⋯.jpg (73.39 KB, 720x944, 45:59, DOPtoF9VQAAIrOn.jpg)

File: 6d9d7f52530b2ac⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 465x624, 155:208, D3zAqddWAAARslW.jpg)

434145  No.6120656


Yes, true believers are, yet I think there is much weakness in that faith and many will turn away as persecution worsens. My heart is saddened that so many denominations have contributed to this.

Also, saddened for "good" people on the fence and/or "good" non-believers (don't seem to believe in something that they can't see).

Also, saddened by those that don't realized that you cannot choose after death.

God's Almighty Grace and Love to All!

db03d4  No.6120657


looks like the eye of sauron

927fa6  No.6120658

File: 58c1c76b66daf55⋯.jpg (155.39 KB, 759x600, 253:200, AJwindow.jpg)


What room is this??

040b80  No.6120659

File: a737dfcaea20500⋯.png (9.38 KB, 255x195, 17:13, Feinstein.png)

6f816a  No.6120660

gonna land this plane on time..

1f6032  No.6120661


Israel for last.

Won’t worry about till everyone is defeated.

Look [HERE]





Not [HERE]





Attack Evil Iran



eddd5a  No.6120663


Q+ is Logoi of Jesus

0bfd9f  No.6120664



Fixed. Thanks anon.

>>6120252 Dead ABC reporter was covering the LV shootings

9c8973  No.6120665


Its in the previous notables…. his (you) was showing in his screenshotted posts. Its not conclusive but it is some evidence

25f0d0  No.6120666

>>6120555 Barr Wrekt Shaneen: "You don't think spying occurred" Barr: "Spying did occur"

NOTABLE (This time with proper saucing)=


01374f  No.6120667


nestle invests little sells at huge profit what should be free to people of flint, mi

51500f  No.6120668


WANGDOODLE lands on time!

f55c85  No.6120669


Yeah… No.

Expectations = Disappointment.

15ed7f  No.6120670


the man is a national treasure

88d345  No.6120671

File: 565fcb9b0b6df39⋯.png (949.26 KB, 846x660, 141:110, A31CDC32-E82C-4BA2-B3A6-63….png)

01374f  No.6120672



f0c550  No.6120673




260d49  No.6120674


Nice dubs

Some numbers on the cost of building 300 miles of concrete and I beam walls around the nations interstate highways to protect the suburban dwellers from that national emergency of motor vehicle sound would be a better tactic.

6f816a  No.6120675


Love this guy, don't fuck w/his staff!

2711af  No.6120676


Ethos USAF: Integrity First, Service before self, Excellence in all that we do….

d4fe37  No.6120677


That guy can have as much icecream as his stomach can hold, whenever he wants in my book.

04e667  No.6120678


And they compromise the product



d3ec5e  No.6120679


Wouldnt it be nice if Q was real and not just zionists gangsters

3ac507  No.6120680

File: 5e76fa179194b38⋯.png (142.53 KB, 779x482, 779:482, ClipboardImage.png)


Includes Dennis Montgomery trying to turn over surveillance information..

ae2ac8  No.6120681

File: 4da450480609775⋯.jpg (58.77 KB, 500x512, 125:128, ns barr.jpg)

ea2b1e  No.6120682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


blue and near as your own spirit

f18964  No.6120683


looks super sexy

as dark brunette!

…just sayin'


954712  No.6120684

File: bc1a6f178b4c7f1⋯.png (799.5 KB, 1798x930, 29:15, madl1.png)

File: 4cd4922d9751911⋯.png (236.35 KB, 776x912, 97:114, madl2.png)


Also has ties to Marina Abramovic…

sauce: https://www.thecut.com/2016/10/marina-abramovic-walk-through-walls-c-v-r.html

For decades now, Abramovic, whose work requires nearly superhuman endurance, has been developing and refining what she calls the Abramovic Method, which is based in part on certain Buddhist traditions — she’s spent a lot of time in India and knows the Dalai Lama — to encourage being “present,” as the mindfulness peddlers like to put it, and which she has taught her students as a way to encourage creativity and — for lack of a better description — psychic openness. It is also, I suspect, the method for Marina Abramovic to live with being Marina Abramovic, directing all her need into something more generous.

6132bc  No.6120685

File: ba4a61b6303212a⋯.jpeg (362.21 KB, 1209x852, 403:284, 0CD4B809-C974-43B7-8482-1….jpeg)

68b9b7  No.6120686

File: 489e154fb0199ff⋯.png (673.32 KB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccacb2afd2c4861⋯.png (189.61 KB, 845x1550, 169:310, ClipboardImage.png)

Aramco bonds' modest gains suggest demand was inflated: sources

DUBAI/LONDON (Reuters) - Saudi Aramco’s debut $12 billion bonds booked at best modest gains on Wednesday, their first trading day after some $100 billion in orders, suggesting part of the record-breaking demand was inflated, three banking and investment sources said. '''

Aramco chose to only issue $12 billion of debt, as its focus was to obtain favorable pricing to set a benchmark for its future financing activities. With almost $90 billion in demand left on the table, traders and fund managers expected the bonds to shoot up in value on Wednesday, but their performance was tepid. “The price was a bit inflated as there was a lot of excitement and even hubris around this issue and I would imagine that some of the buyers may have flipped it in the market today,” said a London-based fund manager who looked at the deal but decided not to invest in it. One trader and a senior banker said that, after realizing the deal would have been oversubscribed, investors boosted their orders to increase their chances to get a piece of the issuance.'''

Aramco’s longest-dated tranche, a $3 billion bond due in 2049, gained value in the secondary market, adding more than one cent on the dollar. But some of the shorter-dated bonds were flat or even lower than where they priced on Tuesday, and lower than in pre-sale grey market trading. The tranche with the shortest duration, a $1 billion bond due in 2022, was trading below the reoffer value at which it was sold on Tuesday, the trader said.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, he estimated that demand for Aramco’s bonds was inflated by 20-30 percent due to the expected oversubscription. “We are seeing the truth of how much (of the demand) was fluff,” added a fund manager who participated in the deal.


040b80  No.6120687

File: 5e1791ffdb127a5⋯.png (697.18 KB, 550x666, 275:333, ClipboardImage.png)

590edc  No.6120688

Barr: I think his report said I did not find a crime

Reed: I know that but he did not exonerate the President….

Man they just keep trying to hang on to the "Muh Russia" narrative…they must have thought it would ultimately bring POTUS down and it appears they have heavily invested their resources in such a weak theory and charge….

Many will lose all power after this shit show…

ca2876  No.6120689

File: 0d0fb6edaccabf2⋯.png (71.96 KB, 615x625, 123:125, ClipboardImage.png)


It’s time we take BIG, BOLD action to #EndGunViolence in America. That’s why I’m the only candidate proposing that we ban and buy back every single assault weapon in this nation.



<) )╯Shall not

/ \


( (> Be

/ \


<) )> Infringed

/ \

8603e6  No.6120690

File: 455d7e2c569527d⋯.png (477.24 KB, 869x547, 869:547, rain2.png)

File: 8a438e10fb0abd8⋯.png (422.92 KB, 919x578, 919:578, rain.png)

File: 639731029c95462⋯.png (546.13 KB, 908x572, 227:143, sd.png)

File: a9cb069c3f9a447⋯.png (549.54 KB, 780x579, 260:193, sli.png)

File: 15504326a9b19b5⋯.png (232.63 KB, 422x490, 211:245, wt.png)


Literally a mason

d57b9d  No.6120691

File: 8be08a08c775e66⋯.png (33.48 KB, 657x399, 219:133, FCAEDD94-5EAD-49A5-8920-CA….png)

Notable resignation, anons.

Beckman Coulter’s President Jon Pratt and VP for HR Stephanie Neonakis have resigned without a word.

Beckman Coulter is a global supplier for particle counters, cytometers, and other blood/light analyzation tools to combat, research, and identify diseases with a focus on HIV/AIDS.

Pic is from an internal email. Haven’t found anything on web yet.

01ec67  No.6120692

File: a53f4f162c37b07⋯.png (10.3 KB, 488x478, 244:239, alignments chart.png)



Similar paper, and font style. Not the same, but similar.


I know what you mean. I think Rand is smarter than most take him for, and I think he's also very intentionally acting roguish. Almost like a chaotic good.

17718c  No.6120693

File: 945a84e037b69ad⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 320x320, 1:1, 6oAH76VaqHxVRlsa.mp4)

Pres. Trump blasts James Comey and Andrew McCabe as "dirty cops," says of the FBI's Russia probe: "This was an attempted coup. This was an attempted takedown of a president. And we beat them."

183396  No.6120694

File: 73d944a93f58947⋯.png (1.2 MB, 951x728, 951:728, ClipboardImage(16).png)

Stefan Halper IS Fat Bastard.

6f816a  No.6120695

File: 5c79e6c15c68ffb⋯.jpg (751.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_358_28092018_09512….jpg)

500563  No.6120696




ea2b1e  No.6120697

File: a6e73d87d48820f⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 2996x1922, 1498:961, IMG_7116-1.JPG)

5128e3  No.6120698


Nuke me motherfucker!!

ac95ce  No.6120699

File: 2c1b8d46de6eabe⋯.jpeg (92.07 KB, 1024x785, 1024:785, 1553426995.jpeg)

51500f  No.6120700


>which eventually did take place.


ca2876  No.6120701

DOJ inspector general has been asking questions about Stefan Halper, the FBI informant

https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/09/stefan-halper-doj-fbi-informant/ …

01374f  No.6120702


Space Force!


During its time, Kepler discovered more than 2,600 planets – about 50 of which are believed to be the same size and temperature as Earth. It has since been replaced by NASA’s new space telescope, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

590edc  No.6120703


Swalwell is a dictator type and must be stopped…hope someone finds dirt on him soon…he scares me more than Crazy Maxine and Liddle Schitt….

503d4a  No.6120704


[-60] DJT Day!!!


Show them how it is done Barr!


9c8973  No.6120705



Add to the freddy digs. janon/freddy is a mason?

f5d954  No.6120706

File: b64ce2a10c2f18b⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Homer1.jpg)

If democrats are so interested in how quickly he gets the report to them, why are they wasting time that could be used to get the report together?

68b9b7  No.6120707


Agreed, status doesn't/shouldn't negate, the possibility of criminal charges/jail if they are corrupt.

443ac1  No.6120708

File: ef5ea3790297b88⋯.png (1016.81 KB, 872x497, 872:497, Capture.PNG)

Seems china is finally getting around to doing what American colleges are doing

Chinese universities ordered to spy on staff, students in ideological crackdown

Authorities in China are stepping up monitoring of staff and students at the country’s higher education institutions through the use of personal data, surveillance cameras in classrooms, and student informants who are the ruling Chinese Communist Party’s eyes and ears on the ground.

Student informants are continually being recruited at China’s universities and typically report back to the authorities around once every two weeks, according to online documents.

At the Wuhan University of Science and Technology, such informants are usually recruited from among the highest-performing students, taking both academic grades and ideology into account, according to a document seen by RFA.

Their duties include: “Collecting and collating a wide variety of information on teaching and teaching management activities, promptly reflecting students’ opinions and suggestions on teachers’ attitudes, as well as class content, teaching methods, marking … and extracurricular tutoring.”


170908  No.6120709

I have no specific evidence I want to speak to right now.

Barr is one slick mother fucker.

5bb4a3  No.6120710

ca2876  No.6120711

File: 8a06f3bbcdbe674⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1980x1964, 495:491, 2020 DemonRats.png)


>Nuke me motherfucker!!

f0c550  No.6120712


>pent a lot of time in India and knows the Dalai Lama

Says all we need to know Dalai L.

f55c85  No.6120713

File: b31472816e09642⋯.png (330.73 KB, 500x335, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)


Witches gonna witch.

d4fe37  No.6120714



Past events have shown that when [they] push on an issue to go [their] way…

It goes so far opposite of what [they] treid to acheive that it would have been better if [they] had never said anything at all.

I'm not concerned at all. My POTUS has my back.

040b80  No.6120715

File: b83ac58b4597cff⋯.gif (3.49 MB, 460x320, 23:16, 420elf.gif)

043acd  No.6120716

File: 87be2808b8ddc5c⋯.jpg (210.22 KB, 866x1390, 433:695, godzilla-year-1998-usa-dir….jpg)

590edc  No.6120717

Murkowski wants to talk about POt…she is a useless non republican democrat serving rhino….

Cannot stand these people….

8a353b  No.6120718


Wet brain.


15ed7f  No.6120719


>same size and temperature

that's not something the scientists at NASA talk about … wonder why?

49bf2c  No.6120720

File: d5f5db1e354d882⋯.jpeg (741.86 KB, 1125x1433, 1125:1433, B69D381A-9961-4D0C-9E20-2….jpeg)


Barr believes "there was spying" on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election


e6875a  No.6120721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jordan, Meadows Hold Briefing on Michael Cohen

Supposed to start @ 11EDT.


51500f  No.6120722


Was digging on a David Coulter a few weeks back. Warburg Pincus. Family tree not very diggable.

6f816a  No.6120723


She's on the [delete] list.

ea226f  No.6120724

File: 3cc3db081d34a7c⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1088x1200, 68:75, ClipboardImage.png)

Oversight Committee Republicans

‏Verified account @GOPoversight

8m8 minutes ago


ac95ce  No.6120725

File: 4758ecec100e6b8⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 640x625, 128:125, Babe.jpg)

04e667  No.6120726

File: 11c168e7d5d3ef7⋯.jpeg (430.95 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 053302D6-C851-4228-A4D8-F….jpeg)

File: b6f5cd77ba0ad17⋯.jpeg (1001.89 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E23EA221-641F-4B8E-ADEF-0….jpeg)

File: 46fabcdb2afb3a8⋯.jpeg (339.49 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 94335E09-E596-47C7-8E51-4….jpeg)


Let's go

cff2e0  No.6120727


And Lisa wants to talk about pot!! She needs a joint….

815d5d  No.6120728

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Jordan - Meadows

and McCarthy Presser

26b6da  No.6120729

File: 9f8299441076402⋯.png (546.52 KB, 500x796, 125:199, 45_miller.png)

What a body-blow to a shill effort that has gone on here, day after day, bread after bread, for two fucking years.

Only hillary's campaign wasted more time and money than the 'brock & brennan' brigade.

927fa6  No.6120730



e6be68  No.6120731


In my opinion …

Global warming is code for pole shift.

It will affect every continent on the planet. For some reason, everyone thinks the US will get a free pass, but it won't. It will be affected too. The wall is necessary to keep order amid chaos.

276ae2  No.6120732

Anon's seeing a lot of fear in the democrats on the Senate Judicial Committee.

2a8622  No.6120733


<inside, I se a quartz the size of a toddler

oh come the fuck on

5c6bdb  No.6120734

File: a6382f8083f13d1⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 888x499, 888:499, pepe fight club 1.jpg)



10x 'oversubscribed' and oil prices pushed up right in front of it too.

> he estimated that demand for Aramco’s bonds was inflated by 20-30 percent due to the expected over-subscription

double that

3fd6b9  No.6120735

File: c1b617e45f3dd59⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1215x862, 1215:862, ClipboardImage.png)

d6b144  No.6120736

File: f3fdee0d3e6bf3c⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 299x535, 299:535, VegasLie.jpg)

Still pushing the Las Vegas bump stock lie story.

When/if the press ever starts telling the truth it will take a 1,000 years just to catch up with all the lies they have out there now.


f5d954  No.6120737

File: c4e03b8e273f166⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 480x386, 240:193, stoner-pepe.jpg)

4a7063  No.6120738

File: e2b10d3c3b826ae⋯.png (222.01 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6120658 maybe

2711af  No.6120739


We should all adopt this and answer shills with it, instead of telling them to neck themselves. We know they will in turn use for the back up and s tart the fraudulent fund raising campaigns cycle. The dickweeds on twatter will publish the attack and show their follow children of Satan's postings from this board to their dimwits and useful idiots with deep pockets?

abf71b  No.6120740

File: 58a748e89125979⋯.jpg (120.9 KB, 576x864, 2:3, MOONFAKERY.jpg)

cff2e0  No.6120741



They are so so scared….

Was it illegal?

ae2ac8  No.6120742


> https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/09/stefan-halper-doj-fbi-informant/


their sauce is NYT

500563  No.6120743

File: 9ac05fc665748fb⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1167x589, 1167:589, CNN SPYING.PNG)



b1478b  No.6120744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AG Barr testimony day 2

8f4e98  No.6120745


I love this


Repeat it over and over

Normies understand this - it's visceral

9174b3  No.6120746


might have something to do w … elections ?


927fa6  No.6120747

File: 5973621a125431d⋯.png (19.4 KB, 568x121, 568:121, Screenshot-2019-4-10 white….png)



51500f  No.6120748



He is dodging and weaving like a stealth ninja heavyweight!

3c3f7a  No.6120749

File: 2249651493dda3f⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 679x368, 679:368, csdcededee.jpg)

0bfd9f  No.6120750


Gotcha anon. Thank you. Here goes, let me know if anything missed -

>>6120417, >>6120433, >>6120494, >>6120551, >>6120570, >>6120690 More Janon / Freddy digs

434145  No.6120751


As the true believers will be raised for the first resurrection (already judged and are not judged again for the end), I've always wondered if the 1000 year reign isn't a reprieve for those "good" people that survive the first.

73b4e2  No.6120753

Serious question for old fags familiar with 8chan tech. Need help with links. Biomedical posting of any quality requires me to link-out to medical research pages. Are we still required to break the links to make the links safe, or, has the platform been protected sufficiently that links out are no longer necessary?

If links out are still necessary, can someone give me a small copy pasta as to why (technically), and what to post to header to explain to newfags for proper management of sauce links?

Thank you tech anons, in advance. Biomedical posts require some mean sauce and I would have it no other way, but wish to do things the right way.

176378  No.6120754

File: 2ff7d9ab2259534⋯.jpg (166.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 894510c1569d6be002a1ce8d95….jpg)

God bless Eric & Lara Trump with baby #2!

743909  No.6120755


Need another wall for the syrup guzzling moose jockeys.

3c34c5  No.6120756

File: cc505f083d9761b⋯.png (573.01 KB, 796x799, 796:799, 1548185950.png)

smoking a joint now, Bill….

helps with my broken ankle

and meditation

you should try it

d4fe37  No.6120757


Pristine President beats dirty cops

'PRINT IT!!!!!''

6132bc  No.6120759

File: 3b7b49734c5aab0⋯.jpeg (650.33 KB, 1411x1038, 1411:1038, B1AC1ED0-7D81-414F-8BEB-4….jpeg)

927fa6  No.6120760


Digits confirm. 47 days ahead of schedule just moved a few more.

f0c550  No.6120761


Poles dont "shift".

They can be "overcome" by greater magnetic field.

But the moon drags along the molten river of rock in a torroidal flow under the surface that cranks out a magnetic field like a rotor on a motor works.

Nothing changes that between moon and earth.

like a compass- It CAN be overpowered to read incorrectly by a stronger magnet.

Now. Stronger magnet = Nibiru… (possible).

but I hate the term pole shift….

2a8622  No.6120763

File: a80839bf4d13e3d⋯.jpg (199.49 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, anohni.jpg)

File: e6af132845ddf27⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 1023x533, 1023:533, ANOHNI-FADER-AlexThebez-00….jpg)


also friend of this thing

cb9ad6  No.6120764


suggest we remove it because nobody cared for a year, nobody cares now, and in my opinion it is a shill victory and this effort to keep the issue alive and continue editing glowable knowtables is an attempt to work a vulnerability into an exploit.

c63f3b  No.6120765


No breaks needed

Link is not active

To view posted link anons need to copypasta in their browser

73b4e2  No.6120766


Correction, I am asking if it is still necessary to break the links out or if it is no longer necessary.

468684  No.6120767



links are non links by default

have been for a long while

ba6fd6  No.6120768

dems seem really interested in barr reviewing the start of the spying

62296e  No.6120769

File: 14cca2d79fe1a56⋯.jpg (90.55 KB, 601x500, 601:500, 93157c301ffae049d9ba3cdeb8….jpg)



e8718b  No.6120770

File: a39c7bf939686aa⋯.png (11.29 KB, 193x255, 193:255, fa5cc6640c7796080f1460a32a….png)

Last one. Hahahahahaha

6f816a  No.6120771

68b9b7  No.6120772

File: 411401c4f583b78⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1280x677, 1280:677, ClipboardImage.png)

New Zealand votes to amend gun laws after Christchurch attack

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers in New Zealand voted almost unanimously on Wednesday to change gun laws, less than a month after its worst peacetime mass shooting, in which 50 people were killed in attacks on two mosques in Christchurch. Parliament passed the gun reform bill, the first substantial changes to New Zealand’s gun laws in decades, by 119 to 1. It must now receive royal assent from the governor general to become law. “There have been very few occasions when I have seen parliament come together in this way, and I can’t imagine circumstances when it is more necessary,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in presenting the legislation. Ardern banned the sale of all military style semi-automatics (MSSA) and assault rifles just six days after the March 15 shooting, and announced plans to tighten gun laws.

A lone gunman used semi-automatic guns in the Christchurch mosque attacks, killing 50 people as they attended Friday prayers. Authorities have charged Australian Brenton Tarrant, 28, a suspected white supremacist, with 50 counts of murder following the attacks.

The new curbs bar the circulation and use of most semi-automatic firearms, parts that convert firearms into semi-automatic firearms, magazines over a certain capacity, and some shotguns. Existing gun laws had provided for a standard A-category gun license covering semi-automatics limited to seven shots. The bill grants an amnesty until Sept. 30 for people to surrender prohibited items. More than 300 weapons had already been handed in, police minister Stuart Nash told parliament.

The government has begun work on a second arms amendment bill it hopes to introduce in June, he said, adding that the measure would tackle issues regarding a gun registry, among others. The government has faced criticism from some quarters for rushing through the bill. Wednesday’s dissenting vote came from David Seymour, leader of the small free-market ACT Party, who questioned why the measure was being rushed through.

Ardern said majority lawmakers believe such guns had no place in New Zealand. “We are ultimately here because 50 people died and they do not have a voice,” she added. “We, in this house, are their voice and today we have used that voice wisely.”

Since last month’s shooting, New Zealand has tightened security and canceled several events in Auckland, its largest city, intended to commemorate ANZAC Day on April 25. “There is no information about a specific threat to ANZAC events,” police official Karyn Malthus, said in a statement. “However it’s important that the public be safe, and feel safe, at events in the current environment.” In 1996, neighboring Australia banned semi-automatic weapons and launched a gun buyback after the Port Arthur massacre that killed 35 people.


068bb1  No.6120773

File: 9bc606c0ebf9524⋯.png (119.59 KB, 712x426, 356:213, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

File: 6fe375bf1a95e33⋯.jpg (93.4 KB, 733x598, 733:598, odl.jpg)

File: 6e542924782f566⋯.jpg (58.84 KB, 960x720, 4:3, D0lWcrCUwAAtSSZ.jpg)

File: 6284f4dc9c1e316⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 949x534, 949:534, D0lVcxHU0AABEuU.jpg)

File: e97330f1b9e869f⋯.jpg (99.82 KB, 1200x837, 400:279, D0lVTePU4AYn8dM.jpg)



Small world

01ec67  No.6120774

File: 3b3dc5e8575e1a0⋯.png (942.07 KB, 943x893, 943:893, GITMO.PNG)



Just because there is a "place" for everyone doesn't mean everyone is going to the same "place", you dolt.

443ac1  No.6120775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bang a Bong (Get It On) by T.Rex

0e8d37  No.6120776


Barr's acting like he's sitting on the 10 and K of spades in a game of Hold 'em against the D's.

They're both staring at a flop of J, Q, A of spades.

The D's think their pocket aces will hold up and are pushing "all in" on wanting the unredacted Mueller report.

Anyone care to bet that the FISA is hiding within it?

Tactical nuke… INCOMING!

2711af  No.6120777


comes with loss of control of the piss and shitter function and Honorable for family to deal with

282e6c  No.6120778

File: a20ebed5a88ade3⋯.jpg (11.86 KB, 170x255, 2:3, Saved by the Light.jpg)

73b4e2  No.6120779


Thank you bigly

ea226f  No.6120780


You are Awesome anon! TY!

f18964  No.6120781

It's ALL [they] Have…

Anons know this…

Please, don't be like so many others who can't seem to figure this out …


0bfd9f  No.6120782

Notables Update

Hopefully all in, let me know. TY

>>6120691 Beckman Coulter’s President Jon Pratt and VP for HR Stephanie Neonakis have resigned

>>6120686 Aramco bonds' modest gains suggest demand was inflated: sources

>>6120680 New Baker transcript: Dennis Montgomery trying to turn over surv. information

>>6120417, >>6120433, >>6120494, >>6120551, >>6120570, >>6120690 More Janon / Freddy digs

>>6120560 Trump Speaks to Press on way to El Paso this morning

>>6120554 Peru's former president Kuczynski ordered to 10 days in jail

>>6120532 Sara Carter tweets "It takes time"

>>6120498 Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe

>>6120459 , >>6120555, >>6120720 Barr to Shaneen: "Spying did occur"

>>6120381 , >>6120443, >>6120501 Who gets this grant money? Dig call

>>6120389 , >>6120526 Planefag Reports

>>6120299 WL has discovered an extensive "spying operation" against Assange

>>6120279 James Baker's second interview with @JudiciaryGOP released

>>6120271 , >>6120309, >>6120360 DJTJr: "It's happening!!!" & 1 Year Delta with QPost

>>6120269 , >>6120283, >>6120356 The Dalai Lama has been hospitalized

>>6120288 Barr testifying: Livestream

>>6120259 Nigel Havers and Baroness Bulter-Sloss (re abuse inquiry)

>>6120252 Dead ABC reporter was covering the LV shootings

>>6120219 , >>6120220, >>6120250, >>6120273, >>6120334, >>6120608 Magic Johnson news and digs

0a268e  No.6120783


Not just believes. There “was” spying. Definitive. No way he’s going to give a pass.

357c5b  No.6120784


No longer necessary.

ea2b1e  No.6120785


fuck him

he's a void object for Ellen Tauscher:

"Since leaving the State Department, Tauscher has assumed a number of publicly held corporate and non-profit board positions, including serving on the boards of Edison International/Southern California Edison (EIX) in Rosemead, California, and eHealth (EHTH) in Mountain View, California. She serves on the Board of Advisors of SpaceX, the Board of Directors of BAE Systems, INC., NTI, and the Executive Committee of the Atlantic Council. She serves as vice chair of the Atlantic Council's Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security and is a member of the Board of Regents of the University of California system."

amazing what you can do with a degree in Early Childhood Education.

as for him, What has 2 broke ass thumbs and no idea how the constitution works? that fucking idiot: "He broke both of his thumbs in 2001, his sophomore year, ending the scholarship."

26b6da  No.6120786


You have more than you know.

On a side note, not a good day for the moo joos. brock is back with e. buck regrouping.

01ec67  No.6120787


Clarification. Post was directed at Freddy, not you, anon. Used your post as a reference for "place".


c40cd0  No.6120788


they dont show color if lb or pb

2711af  No.6120789


these people are fucking stupid

51500f  No.6120790

Anybody have the Meadows/Jordan/McCarthy?

Cannot find on Fox, FoxB or OAN

3fd6b9  No.6120791



9174b3  No.6120792


be cool bro

that guy announced on a comedy show.

cf40b8  No.6120793

File: 519a71a18dd83ed⋯.gif (279.28 KB, 640x639, 640:639, 86efed0b2c051e10f7ab41bfe5….gif)


Van Allen Belts. "We gotta solve before we leave low earth orbit." KEK

73b4e2  No.6120794


So grateful anon, for your quick answer. This will make things much easier. Lots of sauce.

2a8622  No.6120795


> nobody cared for a year, nobody cares now

yeah, some do. but it's just a "it'd be better if…", is all.

how is this even controversial?

it'd be preferable to be able to see all images by hovering. some still use jpeg. not a big deal.

i don't get the battle over this.

might be a testament to anything being shillable

9c8973  No.6120796


5:5 patriot

f9b386  No.6120797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ea2b1e  No.6120798

File: c44dc7532f6393c⋯.png (92.03 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

c69964  No.6120799


And if the government ever decides they want us awake they are setup nicely for disclosure.

c5887c  No.6120800


Marijuana is like a tool. If you use it correctly, it is very beneficial.

Last couple times I watched Tucker, he's been on a little crusade against marijuana. He needs to chill with that and get up with the times.

51500f  No.6120801

f5d954  No.6120802

File: c97df3fdae7f25e⋯.jpg (113.59 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, exceptspace.jpg)

468684  No.6120803


Useful for firefox users 'NoRef: Open Link without Referer' extension

f0c550  No.6120804

File: ba8d2be79210c5a⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Van-Halen-RARE-vintage-bel….jpg)


The belt is not as impressive as the buckle!

aa3214  No.6120805


DJT JR its happening and Q post is not a 1 year delta

443ac1  No.6120806

File: 41db35d600f3281⋯.png (151.28 KB, 678x323, 678:323, Capture.PNG)


Please do your research and don't be so gullible

Magnetic North vs Geographic (True) North Pole


500563  No.6120807

File: 4ae0f52490b64e5⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 474x317, 474:317, DIFI DALAI.jpg)



26b6da  No.6120808

File: ee910023dced906⋯.jpg (13.46 KB, 208x255, 208:255, matt3D.jpg)


So many words! And you put such heart in it! Wow, you almost hurt muh feelings!

Still around buttercup?

9c95c8  No.6120809

File: 090e98c966a0d07⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 252x255, 84:85, SpyvsspyQ.jpg)

77722a  No.6120810


Horrrey Sheet!!! Barr says he believes there was spying on the Trump campaign!


61e4a4  No.6120811




WW Morning Prayers, DARK to LIGHT, WRWY, Never Forget unKnown Patriots!

tyQ frens, hold the line.

>>6118501 /pb

Q+ TWATr Q+# 5087

"… Some things never end, but hopefully it will all go well for everyone.

Only time will tell!"

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 9, 2019

9 Apr 2019 - 8:33:09 AM <the REAL WATCHmen, Clockfags o7!

Q+ TWATr Q+ # 5011

"… Border! If no action, Border, or large sections of Border, will close.

This is a National Emergency!"

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 3 Apr 2019 - 9:45:03 AM

^^^^^BORDER, BORDER, BORDER!^^^^^ {is much like 3x MAY-DAY!}

9117d5  No.6120812

>>6120648 Shouldn't she be indicted too?

abf71b  No.6120813

File: aa1fc0481eae140⋯.jpg (97.88 KB, 792x576, 11:8, NASAPAPERCLIP.jpg)


dont forget tons of tiny space debris flying around at thousands of miles per hour and a aluminum foil tent traversed that LOL….. kek……

e6875a  No.6120815

File: 77f1d4002c30a04⋯.png (312.93 KB, 1001x851, 1001:851, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe he's feeling the NXIVM heat?


0bfd9f  No.6120816


True. Removed for now. Thanks anon.

f0c550  No.6120817


Magnetic north correlates with axis moon orbit.

Thus wobble.

3f33d6  No.6120818


There is a place for everyone, we need all the fighters we can get, even if they are little!

Thank you Toots and Freddy for your service here.

b185d8  No.6120819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim Jordan & Mark Meadows!

6f816a  No.6120820

File: a69361eb0d4b1ff⋯.png (637.12 KB, 982x221, 982:221, The problem with JPEGS.png)


Used this a couple times…it's just silly.

ea2b1e  No.6120821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Round 'em up!



EVERYBODY SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I'm gonna tell ya a story

A tale of wrong and right

And freedom is the reason

You can't take it without a fight

So now I'm startin' up a posse

(suck my dick, suck my dick)

To come and look for you

We're gonna put a stop

To what you want to do

You fucking whores (you fuckin' whores)

That's all you are

You say our records are offensive

(you're a douche, you're a douche)

Our messages ain't right

You say "we're gonna label records

So our kids can grow up right"

You fucking whores (let them decide)

That's all you are

Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex drugs, rape

These seven words you're trying to take

Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape

Right or wrong it's our choice to make

America the beautiful, land of the free

Don't change the words to land of hypocrisy

Now I'm startin' up a posse (fascist scum, fascist scum)

And we'll damn sure make you see

Something that offends you

May not be offensive to me

You f*cking whores (you fuckin' whores)

That's all you are

Now you might take offense

To a word like "fuck" or "shit" (dick!)

But you fuckin' don't have the right (cunt!)

To discriminate me for saying it!

You fuckin' whores (you fuckin' whores)

That's all you are

So now I'm startin' up a posse (motherfucker, motherfucker)

To fight for freedom of choice

To fight for freedom of speech

We're gonna make you hear our voice

And now I don't do this to shock you

(that's the end, that's the end)

I don't do this for spite

You've got the choice, don't buy it, don't read it,

And don't say your opinion's right

You f*cking whores (you fuckin' whores)

That's all you are (cunty, cunty, cunty, cunt)

You know you can't censor my feelings

You can't censor my thoughts

Censorship's against

Everything america stands for

You fuckin' whores (let us decide)

That's all you are (and this ain't sexist, either)

434145  No.6120822


One can only imagine how much smarter people would be if they hadn't taught us so much fake shit?

276ae2  No.6120823


But they don't want to talk about it.

aa99b1  No.6120824

File: ab6f9b8bd85b0a0⋯.jpg (219.72 KB, 808x1166, 404:583, 9230d5d9b2e8d4367afdb0129b….jpg)

File: d35d29b6607b66e⋯.jpeg (53.63 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 27020b4172ed8fb75470415a9….jpeg)

File: 0c89d78a5d10c7e⋯.png (975.16 KB, 983x983, 1:1, a6564ba4a774bb0858d322ced3….png)

File: ce1d2135f267ef3⋯.jpg (79.7 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Dz_Lz3BUwAEa6IR.jpg)

01ec67  No.6120825

While you are watching Barr

House Session

House members debate and vote on a bill that would restore FCC rules on net neutrality.


443ac1  No.6120826

File: fbb77add65e3432⋯.png (440.87 KB, 698x394, 349:197, Capture.PNG)

If you follow Bible Prophecy.. this is huge

European News

Salvini: “Turkey has nothing to do with Europe and will never enter EU on our watch”

Italy’s Deputy Premier, Interior Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini called for Turkey’s application to join the EU to be definitively rejected as he met with the heads of other European right-wing parties in Milan.

“Turkey is not in Europe and it never will be”, Salvini told a press conference at the gathering titled “Towards a Common Sense Europe, Peoples Rise Up”.

“The news is that we are expanding the [eurosceptic]family, we are working for a new European dream. Today for many citizens and for many people Europe represents a nightmare and not a dream”, said Salvini, speaking alongside Alternative for Germany (AfD) leader Joerg Methuen.

The Danish People’s Party and the Finns Party of Finland also attended the Italian event, titled ‘Towards a Common Sense Europe, Peoples Rise Up’.

France’s National Rally (RN) and Austria’s populist Freedom Party (FPO) confirmed they too plan to be part of the new grouping.


ea226f  No.6120827


They met with Horowitz yesterday!

f264d9  No.6120828

File: 3ab48a6cd464cfd⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 633x572, 633:572, JAMES BAKER PART 2.JPG)




7ac83d  No.6120829



First there was the helicopter raid in Raleigh a week or two ago, and now this. I wonder if the two are connected.

cf40b8  No.6120830


I had that buckle. From atomic punk to atomic anon… KEK

f0c550  No.6120831


The once director of the CIA said something like "Our mission is complete when everything the average person knows is a lie"


Anons remember.

26b6da  No.6120832

File: 08b61dce4537011⋯.jpg (38.18 KB, 590x554, 295:277, watch_the_water.jpg)

Today I've been called a JIDF, a kike and so many other nasty things. Really, I'm beside myself………………..wait, need to check my mac and cheese! Think the water's boiling!

Speaking of…………….hey brock, hey brennan, hey krassenfucks! You watching the water? It's rising.

0a268e  No.6120833


Senate already said DOA. Just a show vote in the house.

500563  No.6120834

File: 0684aea0f5e6e04⋯.png (4.3 MB, 1379x1089, 1379:1089, DIFI DALAI PIC2.png)

File: ea887868dd74b19⋯.png (142.42 KB, 1037x657, 1037:657, BLUM DALAI.PNG)

File: 81f0692a22e9c93⋯.png (53.81 KB, 788x578, 394:289, BLUM DALAI LAMA CHILDREN.PNG)

File: 0fec3fac8423b25⋯.png (328.38 KB, 657x683, 657:683, BLUM FOUNDATION ORPHANS.PNG)



c21747  No.6120835


The House..


943965  No.6120836


>Peru's former president Kuczynski ordered to 10 days in jail














The arrests and charging of crimes against ex-presidents is picking up pace world wide. Is this an intentional "normalization"?

Will this escalate until May, Merkel, Macron, Trudeau et al are also charged before they go after the grand prize?

Look sharp Jug Ears, looks like your big day is coming.

443ac1  No.6120837


And the tides

62296e  No.6120838

File: db240836522e6e0⋯.png (5.53 KB, 255x174, 85:58, 1c9d4ebc0f389600fd6b07fcc7….png)

c8759d  No.6120839


Why are you angry at us?

Why not share what you know?

Is this secret mathz classified?

eddd5a  No.6120840


>If you follow Bible Prophecy.. this is huge

Explain further, pls

68b9b7  No.6120841

File: 04870478c9cf760⋯.png (1.12 MB, 852x567, 284:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63ef5f82ac9d4e3⋯.png (144.8 KB, 824x1093, 824:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09bb5882b284e5a⋯.png (263.89 KB, 874x903, 874:903, ClipboardImage.png)

EU to grant May a Brexit delay, with conditions

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders will grant Prime Minister Theresa May a second delay to Brexit at an emergency summit on Wednesday but will argue over how long and on what terms as they struggle to end Britain’s troublesome membership. French President Emmanuel Macron is pushing to withhold any commitment to extend Friday’s deadline much beyond elections to the European Parliament on May 23-26 unless May binds herself, and any potentially more anti-EU successor, not to disrupt the workings of Brussels in the final months of Britain’s membership.

But three weeks after Macron’s impatience with France’s historic cross-Channel rival dominated the last summit, when Brexit was put back by a fortnight, diplomats said he again will face a more cautious line from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said she favors an extension of “several months”. Just two days before Britain will otherwise leave the bloc with no treaty to clarify legal matters and no transition to new trading arrangements, EU diplomats suggest the April 12 deadline will be pushed back. Other leaders, too, insist they will not force Britain out against its will and May has asked them to wait until June 30 as she seeks help from her Labour opponents to build an elusive majority in parliament behind her plan for leaving the EU.

Much will hang on how May handles her peers. “It is not certain there will be a delay and it is not certain what that would mean,” Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said before hosting Macron and other leaders from Britain’s neighbors at pre-summit talks to discuss how to cope with the disruption of a no-deal Brexit. Summit chair Donald Tusk has proposed a “flextension” of nine months to a year to give Britain time to end deadlock over parliament’s refusal to ratify the treaty May agreed with the EU in November.

May has given herself an option to accept that by announcing she is ready to hold an election in Britain for EU lawmakers on May 23. If Britons do not vote, they must leave, deal or not, on June 1, according to a draft summit agreement seen by Reuters. Otherwise, Britain would leave as soon as it ratifies the deal, or without one when the extension ends.


815d5d  No.6120842


Cohen testimony staged same day

POTUS was with Kim.

Kim backed out in Fear that POTUS

wouldn't be around long.

I hope to see Cohen and the Senate

traitors that sabotaged the meeting

get Justice!

954712  No.6120843



A selfish nomination to add this post to the Dalai Lama string of connections:


Thank you for your baking service. o7

0a268e  No.6120844


Shills gonna shill. It’s how they eat over in India. Just be glad we’re making them spend their money. They can’t deter patriots. WWG1WGA

64f42c  No.6120845

File: 4a9890d835972ec⋯.jpg (202.56 KB, 883x578, 883:578, justice.jpg)

f5d954  No.6120846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A blast from the past

669979  No.6120847


The House…

We better get involved in 2020 elections though. Too much at stake.

51500f  No.6120848


DOA per the Turtle

3fd6b9  No.6120849

File: df62bedb835cf08⋯.png (129.93 KB, 657x1004, 657:1004, ClipboardImage.png)

c8759d  No.6120850

File: 9db7b71af5c54f9⋯.png (62.49 KB, 706x465, 706:465, Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at ….png)

b8b364  No.6120851


Hans Zimmer involved with "Vampire weekend" and a bunch of liberal bullshit.


da4f90  No.6120852

Btw CO2 would have to be as high as 50-60K PARTS PER MILLION to be threatening.

eef900  No.6120853

File: 7dcdfe10ef62970⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Vv4zPW8YndMX9-18.mp4)


For us.

e6596e  No.6120855

File: 0fdfcf1fb1828b9⋯.png (284.91 KB, 639x435, 213:145, ClipboardImage.png)

This should trigger the MIGA crowd pretty good

c22653  No.6120856

did anyone catch AG Barr's recent congressional testimony

he briefly touched on Gun Control and the need to tighten mental health reporting regs, said something to the effect "as you know most of the mass shooters were having psychological troubles"

umm, no Barr

MOST of the mass shootings were fakes and frauds like Pulse and Sandy Hoax

this position is a LIMITED HANGOUT and Barr should be held accountable if he continues to poision the well on this issue

f0c550  No.6120857


Always believed the great flood (or floods if happened more than once) were cause of a great sized tidal influence passing near the earth.

Would have the same effect as the moon, just larger. Would drag the tide over land no problem, thus flood. And evidence remains in grand canyon that a lot of water got upland somehow and had to flow across the plains in a big rush at least once.

Watch the water!

3c34c5  No.6120858

File: cd9beb054e44c4a⋯.png (216.33 KB, 454x303, 454:303, 1549228647.png)



I'm with ya

9c8973  No.6120859

ae2ac8  No.6120860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a youtube search for Las Vegas shooting has "how a bump stock did it" as the first hit, along with several others.


audio suggests otherwise

searching for the original half speed and quarter speed vid, not having any luck

25f41a  No.6120861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the Shadow of a Black Hole

f18ef3  No.6120862


“waived” hmmm!!

194d32  No.6120864

you good baker? I am still lurking if anything comes up. WnB out. o7


d4a794  No.6120865


trump said the same in his speech

5128e3  No.6120866


Eyethespy is never notable.

4a7063  No.6120867

File: f810830bda9ceac⋯.png (232.6 KB, 1310x495, 262:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4c499780e83513⋯.png (134.45 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6120414 The griffin, griffon, or gryphon (Latin: gryphus) is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and sometimes an eagle's talons as its front feet. Because the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle the king of birds by the Middle Ages the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature. Since classical antiquity, Griffins were known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions.[1]

In Greek and Roman texts, griffins and Arimaspians were associated with gold deposits of Central Asia. Indeed, as Pliny the Elder wrote, "griffins were said to lay eggs in burrows on the ground and these nests contained gold nuggets."[2]

In medieval heraldry, the Griffin became a Christian symbol of divine power and a guardian of the divine.

Phoenix + Griffin + Unicorn

6caba6  No.6120868


I’ve been watching it live on the news (I live in NC) and it looks like a targeted hit to me. Just my opinion, no sauce. But this is not something that is a common occurrence around here.

94f8a5  No.6120869

File: b8a322eacbbaf22⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB, 640x640, 1:1, panic_dick_yt.mp4)

bf5489  No.6120870


Check bread from last night around 9pm PST. This may already be there.

443ac1  No.6120871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A number of different scenarios can play out.. its getting really interesting.. always try and look at all sides of the equation

The Assyrian Antichrist - the Alternative Ending

7e21e1  No.6120872

File: f0492ecc2d877a5⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 379x282, 379:282, Putin Sneer.jpg)

So Putin wants a new start with Trump after Mueller report vindicates Trump

Then he needs to come clean, spill all the beans

Trump is no fool, he knows what is going on

fc6c9c  No.6120873

File: 384e16093a985e7⋯.jpg (52.11 KB, 562x299, 562:299, DestroyerOfWorldsAbouttoCh….jpg)

434145  No.6120874


Agree 100% and can't help but think that this is about much more - The Great Awakening. After all, man is not capable of destroying Lucifer/Satan.

An important time to know who Jesus is.

0bfd9f  No.6120875

File: b804e6ca29dc1f7⋯.jpg (13.9 KB, 229x220, 229:220, 316cd4916893690da20ddcb287….jpg)


Yep, good for a while baker, prolly until RGB gets here. Thanks man.

212a74  No.6120876

If you follow the new madris fault south it points to a very warm water anomily in the gulf of Mexico.

Could they be connected and if so what are the recent high heat spikes of the water near a certain buoy possibly telling us?

927fa6  No.6120877


a68921  No.6120878


>Eyethespy is never notable.


743909  No.6120879

BARR lifted DOJ hiring freeze yesterday.


bf3286  No.6120880

Big explosion of mental health facility! Call to dig!!


927fa6  No.6120881



6f816a  No.6120882

File: b1825af870981aa⋯.jpg (704.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_394_28092018_09561….jpg)

dbfc63  No.6120883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another live feed for Meadows/Jordan presser


6caba6  No.6120884


According to a commentor on WRAL, they felt their house shake in Chapel Hill. I don’t think a simple gas leak would do that.

68b9b7  No.6120885


Agreed! It about time for this to take hold, if people can't hold their government officials responsible for their actions no matter what the offense is..then there will never be true reform or freedom anywhere, just the illusion.

927fa6  No.6120886



c40cd0  No.6120888


BOP Bureau of Prisons

282e6c  No.6120890

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, Darth Pepe.gif)


Good… Good… the comicbookfagging is strong in you.

f0c550  No.6120891


Jason Bourne got to it…

c21747  No.6120892

Hollen is SCURED!!

623bc5  No.6120895


Research Triangle area?

434145  No.6120896


Believers win.

God wins.

669979  No.6120897


What happened? I missed it flipping from Meadows presser

5c6bdb  No.6120898

File: 7538b761f0c9ec7⋯.jpg (128.58 KB, 630x420, 3:2, Power of the van halen bel….jpg)



c69964  No.6120899


Toots is just the title the NSA gives the highest flatulent anon.

562f86  No.6120900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

443ac1  No.6120902

File: 3e80f7c3328a138⋯.png (9.21 KB, 116x151, 116:151, Capture.PNG)


Catastrophism and the Old Testament : the Mars- Earth conflicts


f5d954  No.6120903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember when Tucker worked for CNN and did hard hitting interviews with people like Brittany Spears?

abf71b  No.6120904

File: 39dd4577b5bef00⋯.jpg (545.63 KB, 700x1067, 700:1067, painpunish.jpg)

4a7063  No.6120905

File: ca068e8f92696cb⋯.png (651.49 KB, 750x375, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6120872 Another keystone

f2d5da  No.6120906

Who is this nut?

How can there be obstruction of justice if there is no crime.

fc6c9c  No.6120907


In reference to what, please?

What's huge? What's Eureka?

c8759d  No.6120908



Yeah I reposted.

32e23d  No.6120909

File: 27e41644696bf0c⋯.webm (11.87 MB, 176x144, 11:9, (11) CARDI B TALKING ABOU….webm)

wow you niggers of crumbs diggers actually digging on dirty niggers…IT IS HAPPENING

welcome to a new realm of degenerate filth have some bacardi, b .

this one needs to have her neck enhanced with wonder womans lasso

you know

thats jus how it be now nigga,

reject the kneegroid culture burn it down.

6f816a  No.6120910

Dig on Hollen coming up!

542eca  No.6120911

File: b22b1d0a67cf58b⋯.png (123.9 KB, 413x549, 413:549, pepe pic.png)

Seven pics in March 18 post & 5 pics in March 20 & 26 posts.

Numbers have significance.

Seven is the number of God's will for mankind.

Seven days in a week.

Seven continents.

Seven seas.

Seven colors in the rainbow. (Six in gay flag)

Seven rays in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Seven musical notes.

Seven ways to measure things.

Seven foods of Israel.

Seven religious festivals of Israel.

Seven divisions in scientific classification.

God can create, Satan cannot. Ergo, the DS (dark side) calls satan the great Architect (especially freemasons).

Satan's number is five, as in the pentagram.

The apple (Garden of Eden) is in the same scientific family as the rose. The rose has a petal pattern (whorl) of five. The apple has a seed pattern of five. The DS uses the rose heavily as symbolism.

Rose garden of White House.

Rose garden of UN in NYC.

Rose garden in George Bush presidential library in Dallas, Tx.

Rose bowl - "grandaddy of them all"

Colossus of Rhodesis one of the seven wonders of the world - Rhodes means rose.

Rhodes scholar at Oxford. Clinton, Maddow, etc.

The Romans covered their parade routes with rose petals.

Roses are naturally red.

Red is a common color in the majority of nation's flags in the world.

Harvard has an athletic nickname of Crimson.

Cornell is "the big red".

Many colleges have red as their school color.

Rose, with variations, is used in names.


Rosslyn chapel.

Rosslyn, VA

Roswell, NM

Rose compass.

Five is present in Washington, DC architecture.

Pentagonis five sided, five stories tall above ground and has a 5 acre inner court. The Dept. of Defense's highest rank is a five-star general. A star has five points.

Washington monument is 555.5 feet high and base is 55 feet square.

The Vatican has a painting on the Sistine Chapel of seven prophets and five sybils done by Michelangelo. The seven prophets (men) are from the Bible and the five sybils (women) are pagan. The cumae sybil has five fingers (thumb is on inside of book and not shown). Six fingers and toes is a characteristic of the giants in the Bible. 2 Samuel 21:20

c21747  No.6120912


Chris Van Hollen

Chuckies little boy

51500f  No.6120913


Cunt Van Hollen…. longtime derp

abf71b  No.6120914

File: d517906ef95496d⋯.jpg (113.38 KB, 576x756, 16:21, portals.jpg)

c8759d  No.6120915


Jesus, brother and sister?

9174b3  No.6120916


please learn german

6caba6  No.6120917


General area. People mistakenly think Raleigh Durham and Chapel Hill are all a part of the RTP and they are not. These cities span many miles and 3 counties.

39dbad  No.6120918


I'm sure he thanks you for the clarification and he'll totally adjust all of his strategies….with all due respect.

f2d5da  No.6120919


He seems very hot under the collar.

Must be under duress.

586dda  No.6120920

File: fe2446c6d167e5c⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 521x431, 521:431, YesJewKushner.jpg)

File: 5b046c7088e6eda⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 562x500, 281:250, YesJewMarkle.JPG)

File: b48036e8f9a0cd3⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 506x372, 253:186, YesJewMarx.JPG)

File: 366ed2f90beb6f3⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 435x359, 435:359, YesJewMoonves.jpg)

File: a8f548bdd4d4d93⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 544x493, 32:29, YesJewOccasio.jpg)

ea226f  No.6120921

"Redactions can cut both ways"


ed30c7  No.6120922

File: 40b6624a2bf9bd1⋯.png (363.38 KB, 635x347, 635:347, frog machine.png)


A pod of whales urinating adjacent to the buoy has been proven to cause these temperature spikes….

0bfd9f  No.6120923

#7827 Baker change

>>6120883 Meadows/Jordan presser livefeed

>>6120841 EU to grant May a Brexit delay, with conditions

>>6120691 Beckman Coulter’s President Jon Pratt and VP for HR Stephanie Neonakis resigned?

>>6120686 Aramco bonds' modest gains suggest demand was inflated: sources

>>6120680 New Baker transcript inc. Dennis Montgomery trying to turn over surv. information

>>6120417 , >>6120433, >>6120494, >>6120551, >>6120570, >>6120690 More Janon / Freddy digs

>>6120560 Trump Speaks to Press on way to El Paso this morning

>>6120554 , >>6120836 Peru's former president Kuczynski ordered to 10 days in jail

>>6120532 Sara Carter tweets "It takes time"

>>6120498 , >>6120701 Horowitz is looking into informant Stefan Halper’s work during the Russia probe

>>6120459 , >>6120555, >>6120720 Barr to Shaneen: "Spying did occur"

>>6120381 , >>6120443, >>6120501 Barr testimony: Who gets this grant money? Dig call

>>6120389 , >>6120526 Planefag Reports

>>6120299 WL has discovered an extensive "spying operation" against Assange

>>6120279 James Baker's second interview with @JudiciaryGOP released

>>6120271 , >>6120309 DJTJr: "It's happening!!!" re the wall

>>6120269 , >>6120283, >>6120356, >>6120684 The Dalai Lama has been hospitalized

>>6120288 Barr testifying: Livestream

>>6120259 Nigel Havers and Baroness Bulter-Sloss (re abuse inquiry)

>>6120252 Dead ABC reporter was covering the LV shootings

>>6120219 , >>6120220, >>6120250, >>6120273, >>6120334, >>6120608 Magic Johnson news and digs

0dbb06  No.6120924

File: 26c01f60766debd⋯.jpeg (32.83 KB, 604x362, 302:181, 67F32CD5-A242-4ED4-8C85-6….jpeg)

6f816a  No.6120925


Shit load of WH visits…

040b80  No.6120926

File: 5fbc9de3f9dab68⋯.png (426.43 KB, 566x333, 566:333, ClipboardImage.png)

3c3f7a  No.6120927


Interesting thought…this building that exploded and collapsed is being reported as a "private practice that provides mental health services". I wonder what kind of therapy may have taken place there.


10be29  No.6120929


nothing happened.. dont feed shills

3c34c5  No.6120930

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, 1552157812.png)

Did Van Hollen just call Barr "Mr. General"?


18aae8  No.6120931



-AG Barr

19a50b  No.6120932



"let me remind you, redactions can go both ways"…

Love it. This guy is solid.

a13b4f  No.6120933


Its called war

abf71b  No.6120934

260d49  No.6120935

File: f38ef3a6929a48f⋯.jpeg (633.84 KB, 1716x905, 1716:905, 255DB429-A6F9-4BAE-A02F-9….jpeg)


Nothing screams domestic operations louder than this.

We are here. Now.

51500f  No.6120936

So… Deumb Dems are playing their hand early. They have been leaked to about some unicorn turd bomb in the report that isn't there…just like the family indictments. Somebody gonna do something stupid. The pressure is on.

6f816a  No.6120937


Anna his wife? POTIS/Moochelle…

927fa6  No.6120938


A one-of-many "Eureka's"…

Suspected '+' was location (and other)…

Have to ponder it and put it together.. difficult to translate from Light-to-human

04e667  No.6120941

File: 58e1692016c5c24⋯.jpeg (489.59 KB, 1785x1265, 357:253, 106F75B9-6E9B-40B5-87E2-0….jpeg)


They should be scared

d2a9b9  No.6120942


So What!!!!!!!!

Tell me something IMPORTANT or be quiet!!!!!

040b80  No.6120944

File: e2737f1d75199f4⋯.mp4 (5.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, When our soldiers return h….mp4)



ca42e1  No.6120945

listening to pence live. allegedly.

Libya humanitarian crisis. we came we saw we put a pipe up his ass - he died

Syria - humanitarian crisis dictatorship

Venezuela humanitarian crisis dictatorship

What ever your "PLAN" is starting a SOFT WAR will get all Amerikkkans to oppose YOU and the plan.

Bibi elected a fifth time and they call us stupid?

The albino Pence is asking the UN to do it's duty?

66c8ac  No.6120946



flags being waived

flags [redactions] being waived?

6caba6  No.6120947


It was being reported on WRAL that it was a coffee shop that had been closed. I live in NC, an hour or so away from Durham and I’d be happy to dig.

623bc5  No.6120948


WTF did America do to deserve such political “leaders”?

bd7725  No.6120949





ae2ac8  No.6120950


(((it would, but, well, this platform was chosen for a reason)))


040b80  No.6120951

File: b83ac58b4597cff⋯.gif (3.49 MB, 460x320, 23:16, 420elf.gif)

c8759d  No.6120952


She sounds like she's getting off.

ca67f0  No.6120953



so far as he can see


e6596e  No.6120954


I caught that

e8718b  No.6120955

File: ce94d879d74a0c1⋯.png (16.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, af84393ee0e52f0f33a5fab636….png)

443ac1  No.6120956


Read the book ..have ya

927fa6  No.6120958


Location could also = point in time.

c21747  No.6120959


He's DEEEEP Swamp. He going to jail for sure.

fc6c9c  No.6120960


No, it's in downdown Durham. Quite a few miles from RTP. I just watched a bit of video and they were interviewing a lady who works in Brightleaf Square (shopping place in Durham) who eyewitnessed it.

ea226f  No.6120961


Rep. Doug Collins

‏Verified account @RepDougCollins

1h1 hour ago

Today, the transcript of James Baker's second interview with @JudiciaryGOP is now available to the American public. To read the full transcript, visit https://dougcollins.house.gov/jamesbaker .


94f8a5  No.6120962

File: 95456651d6f390a⋯.png (377.28 KB, 603x423, 67:47, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

586dda  No.6120963

File: 2cb60b0ed9dc520⋯.jpeg (73.34 KB, 782x500, 391:250, Justice.jpeg)

32e23d  No.6120964

File: 95f2ec073e0be3e⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 303x205, 303:205, joeyfouler.jpg)

ca67f0  No.6120965


better yet

turn every interstate into Rail traffic

1 high speed and 1 freight

massive park and ride lots alpong the way

9c8973  No.6120966



c21747  No.6120967

Here comes cartels as terrorist orgs!!!

07f364  No.6120968


Free speech faggot, don’t try and censor people.

6f816a  No.6120969


Alexander W VanHollen - POTUS

300729  No.6120970

File: 7165099a9cb56a8⋯.jpg (206.01 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Mad-Ogre.jpg)


something ffs something!!!

mueller report

hubber report



AIG report


getting real tired of this. all i hear is demo need to this, dems need to do that. how about republicans start ARRESTING PEOPLE FFS

>so triggered atm

6f816a  No.6120972


Alexander W VanHollen

Appointment Number: U36960

Appointment Made: 2013-12-03 00:00:00

Appointment Start: 2013-12-10 18:00:00

Appointment End: 2013-12-10 23:59:00


Meeting Room: Residence

Description: Gates open 6:00pm event goes to 9:00pm.

586dda  No.6120973

File: b89908e22aa5ba5⋯.jpg (115.41 KB, 436x578, 218:289, GumbyJews.jpg)

File: 8bf7611f84c7c91⋯.jpg (21.79 KB, 377x318, 377:318, Handy.JPG)

File: 1114db1fab9a632⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 591x422, 591:422, HeeHawDumbass.JPG)

File: 1c35e915f1a5c27⋯.jpg (37.16 KB, 340x457, 340:457, HitlerPopeBenedictII.jpg)

68b9b7  No.6120974

File: 022b4cdae8ce2f0⋯.png (8.88 KB, 439x268, 439:268, ClipboardImage.png)

Incase anyone missed this these posts are very relevant to this Q drop!



669979  No.6120975

File: 7947bc5e361bfcb⋯.jpg (3.54 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

Getting ready

260d49  No.6120976


I take it you’ve never enjoyed Amtrack

94f8a5  No.6120977


Freakin' seeing "42" or "24" everywhere and now this!

943965  No.6120978


You are a one stop shop news aggregation service. Bringing good digs to bread, ty. I think I recognize your style from way back. Like HWNDU, OWS, Bikelock fag, SR digs. Wayback.

b185d8  No.6120979


The Man on the Right Screen Did Not AGE


9c9802  No.6120980


maybe one day Candace will be awakened to the fact that the Holocaust isn't a real thing, that Hitler didn't kill his own people, that the communists were the real bad guys in WWII and that the US's involvement was what won it for them.

443ac1  No.6120981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take a straight and stronger course

to the corner of your life

Make the white queen run so fast

she hasn't got time to make you a wife

'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time

and its news is captured

for the queen to use!

Move me on to any black square

Use me anytime you want

Just remember that the goal

Is for us all to capture all we want

Yes - I've Seen All Good People

ca67f0  No.6120982


becoming obvious

they were fed leaked fake intel that the report would be damning

they ALL bought it and there is a record too

pain coming indeed

f18ef3  No.6120983


Fair assessment/assumption. I like it

434145  No.6120985


nice work

abeed4  No.6120986

"Grassy knoll democrats"

5c6bdb  No.6120987

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)

File: 21dbb833a28843b⋯.jpg (10.64 KB, 240x300, 4:5, Billy Ray and Winthorpe.jpg)

re the grain futures from lb

That is COMEX oriented and they have not been known for transparency. One only needs to look at how the Ag/Au reporting and trading is done.

Could be worse if that history is to go by.

6f816a  No.6120988



Appointment Number: U83682

Appointment Made: 2010-03-09 12:53:00

Appointment Start: 2010-03-09 16:30:00

Appointment End: 2010-03-09 23:59:00

Visitee: POTUS

Meeting Room: STATE FLOO


c22653  No.6120990


y u no trust plan?

26b6da  No.6120992

File: fca53c03db03402⋯.png (238.25 KB, 487x346, 487:346, nothingtosee.png)


Cheers anon. That said, I actually feel something's changed. I really think they're worried at this point.

"As if millions of shillblue trolls suddenly cried out in terror, and we're suddenly silenced."

Think Q said something along the lines of "there's nothing you can do to stop what's coming."

Time to sit back and watch them turn on each other.

muh collusion is doa. muh michael cohen and his new found hard-drive is doa. muh avenatti. muh Miller's a 'white nationalist'. They are firing blanks!

Catch you over at Lexington and Concord anon! Best to you and yours.

[LdR (can still hear you breathing!)]

ae2ac8  No.6120993


"i insist (8 times) that you justify your conclusion of the report without discussing the report."

961f3d  No.6120994


they will never be able to get thru the dome god made with his own hands.everything you see about outer space is hollywood.plain and simple.

94f8a5  No.6120996

File: eef2018bd7e4ceb⋯.mp4 (523.73 KB, 640x330, 64:33, Tom Cruise Remember You Wa….mp4)


Love a good trojan horse.

c8759d  No.6120997

File: 760748dc2157fc1⋯.png (81.52 KB, 833x171, 833:171, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

51500f  No.6120998

File: 226b1f0dbe8d6bd⋯.jpeg (595.35 KB, 1125x1645, 225:329, D7213504-A25A-409C-A566-7….jpeg)

Ruh roh


6f816a  No.6121000


Nicholas C VanHollen

Appointment Number: U36960

Appointment Made: 2013-12-03 00:00:00

Appointment Start: 2013-12-10 18:00:00

Appointment End: 2013-12-10 23:59:00


Meeting Room: Residence

9c9802  No.6121001


the Dalai Lama is such a fucking fraud

Raniere and he will be hugging in hell too

7eda0b  No.6121003

File: 2f345ab9899ebcb⋯.jpg (84.2 KB, 800x500, 8:5, tcrm.jpg)

927fa6  No.6121004

Andrew Jackson = Julianne Assange


0bfd9f  No.6121005

File: 331ca89597476bb⋯.jpg (84.53 KB, 640x622, 320:311, D3FfFXyW0AA3ty1.jpg)







Repost if poss anon? Thanks.

6f816a  No.6121006


Fucker's dirty. Look at his pals…

040b80  No.6121008

File: f50b09e0612ed62⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1163x1500, 1163:1500, ClipboardImage.png)

687017  No.6121009

Here's a pic of Dougie on insta…@dmatthewstewart


d2a9b9  No.6121010

File: e683493f64da729⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1298x1704, 649:852, ClipboardImage.png)


>Free speech faggot, don’t try and censor people.

Didn't sensor anyone…just said his post for the umpteeenth time was not important or relevant..


More blah blah blah…..

This story is much more interesting than ALL of your posts

c8759d  No.6121011

File: 73627a0cf2f81f9⋯.png (242.41 KB, 1463x155, 1463:155, Screen Shot 2019-04-10 at ….png)

Remember when it was important to have a good name to get into politics?

397575  No.6121012

It has been 10 days of darkness.

Could we have an update please?

25f41a  No.6121014


I don't remember, but this was a pretty interesting one.

f18ef3  No.6121019


COWARD. Watches creep joe drool over HIS daughter

ed30c7  No.6121022

File: 230c552978481cc⋯.png (730.07 KB, 900x786, 150:131, muh.png)

c8759d  No.6121023


That's why Graham was elected by his constituents.

927fa6  No.6121025


Jumped around from supernatural to O. razor..

JA castled.

Confirm please.

b07cda  No.6121026


The Great Awakening is the sum of a lot of individual awakenings. In that sense, the Great Awakening has already begun. The philosophers, writers, artists, inventors and explorers of the Renaissance did not wait for a starting whistle, but plunged ahead as each saw the opportunity to do so.

That's our model for the Great Awakening.

a4c119  No.6121027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I stumbled across this one recently. Less than 40 views, posted the day after. First video I've ever felt pretty sure I was really seeing muzzle flashes in. It's a different angle where you can see that cop get on his knee and shine his flashlight.

043acd  No.6121030




If you follow Bible Prophecy.. this is huge

you make the statement but cant explain why or what you mean? Your answer wasnt an answer

07f364  No.6121031


If you don’t like it, you go somewhere else that’s more your style. Don’t try and impose your will here fagtard.

586dda  No.6121032

File: f3b0791af42eb19⋯.jpg (59.06 KB, 439x404, 439:404, Israel.jpg)

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