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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

5795d1  No.6103512

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Tuesday 03.26.2019

Compiled here: >>5943932

Monday 03.25.2019

Compiled here: >>5915285

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

5795d1  No.6103515

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>5893788, >>5896066 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>6102951 8bit on global notables (repost)

>>6102968 8bit on "baker assist" (repost)

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group.

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/


are not endorsements

#7805 Baker Change

>>6102523 (lb) Press conference FBI, HHS - OIG, IRS-Criminal Div, SC SA

>>6102817 Daily Mail is reporting 3 administration members quit on the heels of Nielsen and Alles

>>6102820 "Lawfag" on a judge halting Trump Admin policy sending asylum seekers back

>>6102867 Felicity Huffman and other parents agree to plead guilty to college admissions scandal

>>6102919 Doug Collins' tweet on the letter he sent to Jerry Nadler today

>>6102942, >>6103032 Turkey, Russia discuss joint production of military equipment

>>6102948 New John Solomon on Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

>>6103044, >>6103120 Anon on the 422 pages of Judicial Watch emails

>>6103068 2007 article on NXIVM's Keith Raniere

>>6103107 Bill Clinton Honoree Thrown In Jail Over "Biggest Clean Energy Scam In American History"

>>6103176 Acting Secretary of Defense Shanahan tweets on space force

>>6103277 Hospitals releasing deadly superbug fungi into open air with dangerous pathogens that have a 41% to 88% fatality rate

>>6103281 Fitton: Obama State Dept Conspiracy Against Trump?

>>6103498 #7805


>>6102063 New DJT - congrats Lady Bears

>>6102270 Nunes tonight on Hannity

>>6102310 Adam Schitt has rejected Michael Cohen's request for help

>>6102321 Ecuador reserves the right to investigate Assange

>>6102423 Nunes files $150M lawsuit against McClatchy, conspiracy to derail Clinton, Russia probes

>>6102459 Lincoln County Sheriff resigns after charged with rape, sexual abuse of minor

>>6102389 U.S. proposes list of EU goods for tariff retaliation against Airbus subsidies

>>6102668 “I’m an assassination risk”, writes Assange to Ecuador court in leaked testimony.

>>6102720 #7804

#7803 baker change

>>6101345 Bipartisan senators ask FTC to disclose whether it is investigating Google.

>>6101325 Oprah donates $2 million to Puerto Rico for disaster relief.

>>6101253 Fox video: New details emerge on Chinese woman arrested at Mar-a-Lago.

>>6101217 Ivanka Tweet: Doubled child tax credit! (video)

>>6101566 sex sting at Fort Valley State University. City Mgr indicted

>>6101529 Judge Richard Seeborg in San Francisco, halts Trump Admin policy sending asylum seekers back

>>6101454 a-10 up out of tucson. call sign ATTACK

>>6101495 Dig on coalition threatening companies to not hire ex POTUS admin

>>6101930 #7803


>>6101082 Nielson press conference: I just want to thank the president again for the tremendous opportunity to serve this country. (video)

>>6101034 Declaring IRG as a terrorist group will give US more options to nations back channel funneling money to Iran.

>>6101015 POTUS Schedule: Pompeo's travel to Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Cucuta, Columbia.

>>6101006 AG Barr's opening statement for tomorrow's hearing. (DOJ budget, 100 new immigration lawyers)

>>6100927 Power lines collapse in South Seattle.

>>6100818 John Solomon tweets Sydney Powell re: border crisis.

>>6100756 Metal detectors, panic buttons and undercover cops coming to an ER near you.

>>6100736 US Army Reserve Tweet: Dark to Light.

>>6100714 Beto goes after Netanyahu.

>>6100709 Marina holding 'workshops' in Greece next week?

>>6100694 Canadian drug dealer removed by ICE.

>>6100685 Trump's secret Friday night dinner with Rupert Murdoch.

>>6100646 Prussian tiara/UN flag similarities.

>>6100603, >>6100629 HRC connected to "green energy" scam. BHO did the same thing.

>>6100498 Former Defense Department employee sentenced for child pornography.

>>6100490 POTUS Schedule: Lid called as of 5:14PM.

>>6101163 #7802

Previously Collected Notables

>>6100389 #7801,

>>6097996 #7798, >>6098771 #7799, >>6099542 #7800

>>6095584 #7795, >>6096380 #7796, >>6097211 #7797

>>6093202 #7792, >>6093986 #7793, >>6094797 #7794

>>6090884 #7789, >>6091642 #7790, >>6092451 #7791

>>6088543 #7786, >>6089327 #7787, >>6090113 #7788

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

5795d1  No.6103516

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6055383 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>5968822

Q Graphics all in EST


5795d1  No.6103517

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

5795d1  No.6103520



I bake two breads in the morning, I bake two breads at night

I bake two breads in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright

I bake two breads in time of peace, and two in time of war

I bake two breads before I bake two breads, and then I bake two more

Oh, my daddy he once told me, "Son, you be hard working man"

My mama she once told me, "Son, you do the best you can"

But then one day I met a man who came up to me and said

"Hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of bread"

So now,

I bake two breads when I get up, in the car I bake two breads

I bake two breads when I play video game, and at every ten thousand points

(I bake two breads)

I bake two breads in time of peace, and two in time of war

I bake two breads before I bake two breads, and then I bake two more

Oh, my daddy he once told me, "Son, you be hard working man"

My mama she once told me, "Son, you do the bet you can"

But then one day I met a man who came up to me and said

"Hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of bread"

I bake two breads in the morning, I bake two breads at night

I bake two breads in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright

I bake two breads in time of peace, and two in time of war

I bake two breads before I bake two breads, and then I bake two more

bake TWO breads

That's what I do

bake TWO breads

Come bake two breads with me in the morning

bake TWO breads

Come bake two breads with me in the afternoon, yeah

bake TWO breads

Hey, would you rather bake two breads or rather do your homework?

bake TWO breads

I new you were going to say that!

bake TWO breads

bake TWO breads

That's what I do!

bake TWO breads

9d7951  No.6103539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


dd9079  No.6103543

File: 05f97d519a1a4c5⋯.jpeg (168.86 KB, 1536x866, 768:433, F0CBE745-C2E1-421F-947A-B….jpeg)

b43233  No.6103548

Found lots of articles of the Clinton's and China from 2009






Trips on wiki









9d7951  No.6103552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



6de932  No.6103563


Ten days, dankness

25e8f1  No.6103575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Three weeks ago with the vote re: border security and the national emergency, the corrupt in Congress once again sold out the American people.

I am a DACA and I have made a video exposing how broken/corrupt the immigration system is. In the video I also expose a well established sharia law Muslim group comprised mainly of immigrants showcasing how the immigration system does not protect American values. The video is 40 minutes long. The expose of the Sharia law Muslim group starts at 25:39.

I have made a Twitter account @FightForAmerica if you would like to share my video on social media. WWG1WGA

45f001  No.6103576

File: 4020a0d459c3a8a⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 255x237, 85:79, popcorn.jpg)

0ff94c  No.6103577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you bad, baaaaaad motherfucker

bea7b6  No.6103578

File: d8940c690970990⋯.png (4.6 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 6708CAA0-DD8E-449D-BE57-90….png)

File: ffdbf438bc82612⋯.jpeg (208.96 KB, 476x1035, 476:1035, 3363C141-89DC-47BB-9A2E-7….jpeg)

Message from POTUS?


Puzzle coming together?

We have reached our cruising altitude of 40,000 ft. long ago.

As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt and make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position.


7ddf1c  No.6103579

File: 162c6eddbbb6145⋯.jpg (366.51 KB, 998x1103, 998:1103, 20190408_210544.jpg)

Anybody know who this is?

fcc5ca  No.6103580


c905e7  No.6103581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6103556 (lb)

Ah found it.

Now that episode also looks coincidental. :(

384b55  No.6103582

File: 1b6906eb64cd566⋯.jpg (166.73 KB, 461x353, 461:353, muh-protocols.jpg)

167ed8  No.6103583

File: 3469ca4fbc0cef7⋯.png (515.86 KB, 515x509, 515:509, anotherpainto1.png)


thanks baker

24a3f5  No.6103584

File: 6d2004165f532e7⋯.jpeg (770.14 KB, 1242x1212, 207:202, FF48F165-06E4-40F2-AAF2-C….jpeg)

c905e7  No.6103585

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and is NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try".


60af1e  No.6103586

File: 01a0e29cba80edb⋯.gif (214.07 KB, 219x257, 219:257, POTUS headphone groobin.gif)

dd9079  No.6103587

>>6103576 Nice!

Not an expressive guy.

797db9  No.6103588


You know what that means right??? He deviated from the script that Schitt gave him. Poor little Schitt feels betrayed

7cc2d0  No.6103589


A blur?

e209ab  No.6103590

File: 499dddfabe98e29⋯.png (771.76 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190408-154554.png)

File: 4892b643d8a5b29⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 417x278, 3:2, 2y3lff_1.jpg)

Everyone knows the Obama's pulled the strings to get Jussie Smollett off.

dcdd67  No.6103591


Rahm Emanuel.

0de9b9  No.6103592

76b3d5  No.6103593

File: 6a9776040db632d⋯.jpg (153.81 KB, 1477x612, 1477:612, Whoopi.jpg)

File: 19ace0e0afab869⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 402x436, 201:218, Seacrest.jpg)

File: 039a71754c48758⋯.jpg (151.78 KB, 1078x595, 154:85, NoNameDog.jpg)

What's with all these celebrities getting sick and missing work?

- Whoopie back in the hospital

- Ryan Seacrest

On a side note, NoName's dog died.




2420a7  No.6103594

File: 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png)

d33709  No.6103595

File: 22a28ecacab7840⋯.png (358.12 KB, 417x384, 139:128, ty baker.PNG)

8d70be  No.6103596

File: eb9a098dee23066⋯.jpg (217.56 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1161310.jpg)



b3cdc9  No.6103597

File: 26f7ab530360ef8⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 11be3d4aa4d293c658d1622625….jpg)

File: 2204db36f7a6657⋯.png (338.86 KB, 816x701, 816:701, 2204db36f7a6657ecb2ff7328f….png)

File: f90ca6206895345⋯.jpg (268.9 KB, 900x636, 75:53, ae34ac4939aa6f5adfd680f403….jpg)

File: dced407176da427⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 3920x2450, 8:5, american-flag-2260839_1280.jpg)

>>6103554 (p/b)


Love you too Anon.

Y'all saved my Life here. Taught me, helped me, nourished and guarded me. We have a LOT of Humans that are going to be waking up, and ARE, to TRUTH. Let's make sure we don't leave anyone behind.

Here until I am relieved of my post.

Forever In (You)r Service



0f0f12  No.6103598

File: 33c819931a20846⋯.png (563.08 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 480x480.png)


>Are you talking about the "exosuit" from that powerpuff girls episode? :)

5795d1  No.6103599

File: 231f6568578ddf4⋯.png (86.66 KB, 201x255, 67:85, love.png)

cf3b46  No.6103600

File: 3b45727d85446d6⋯.png (93.73 KB, 299x169, 23:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b553394b56a5b33⋯.png (81.84 KB, 306x165, 102:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba6ae999732e856⋯.png (71.35 KB, 200x209, 200:209, ClipboardImage.png)

red castle

green castle

seymour cassel

71b695  No.6103601

File: 51d2a5e1c543f2e⋯.jpeg (27.26 KB, 275x183, 275:183, DAD77939-AD1A-4361-9B3C-D….jpeg)

File: 66dea9358aef272⋯.jpeg (79.96 KB, 479x559, 479:559, 7E1D6E97-960A-4706-B2DF-0….jpeg)

File: 9bf1149d9c5a684⋯.jpeg (642.68 KB, 5100x3300, 17:11, 6BD8A670-20CF-451B-A777-7….jpeg)

File: dd89599855d8c6c⋯.jpeg (100.03 KB, 957x637, 957:637, CE4BA848-5B09-40AE-AD8A-7….jpeg)

TYB and BVs.

b77dda  No.6103602

File: 20204f2cfb037f7⋯.jpeg (121.37 KB, 807x500, 807:500, 55F4B451-8097-4727-9B7C-B….jpeg)

File: 3bd263590e80248⋯.png (896.79 KB, 896x653, 896:653, 5F5B963B-3B79-4FAC-A4DE-9D….png)

File: 3d7992e7900ba6c⋯.jpeg (568.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DCA96A95-A0EF-4E1E-9044-5….jpeg)


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. We are at war with the corrupt establishment, and they are fighting back with vengeance. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping. The latest fake news uses the term “cult.” This is textbook deflection / projection with their REAL CULT problem being exposed eg NXIVM, Epstein’s temple, et al. While you report your false narratives of muh racist, violent cult etc, we will continue breaking news months ahead of you.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. This board is not much different from any comment section on a site, and yes they pay to “shape” opinion there too. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

E.g. https://qresear.ch/?q=Synagogue+of+Satan

Identical content, posted nearly 2000 times! Organic? We have caught media associates planting similar posts. (Hi Doug)

The shills are never Trump or Q supporters, and never show any enthusiasm over current events. The tactics will change, but the ride never ends! All for a LARP? Their round the clock persistence only validates Q. The shills attack efforts to call them out heavily, and it’s obvious they’re not here to “help.”

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




This will be posted regularly given latest Q drops

>>5966972 (Q, pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb this)

415d8c  No.6103603


Gotta melody, baker? Wanna hum along….

dbfccb  No.6103604

And then I bake two more.

Thank you, Baker.

995636  No.6103605

File: 3fc6acbc12ca074⋯.jpg (946.62 KB, 1059x1335, 353:445, bready or not.jpg)

7cc2d0  No.6103606


dem legs got somethin hidin up there in them hills

042a2d  No.6103607

How many anons are prepping?

If you're not, you should be

Don't assume everything will go exactly as planned

5856de  No.6103608


try harder shill.

2420a7  No.6103609

File: 0417a8abac45be9⋯.png (521.32 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


.@SpeakerPelosi is the 2019 #ProfileInCourage Award honoree! She put the national interest above her party's interest to expand access to health care and, against a wave of political attacks, led the effort to retake the majority & elect the most diverse Congress in U.S. history.

aed0f2  No.6103610


after watching this video and being thankful for the awesome military the US HAS – Imagine if hilldawg and her owners had control - oh fuck?s@!


Donald J Trump








POTUS sir, a note from a Mexico man SC All NM feeling WOCU



US HUEY 6963444 fire fire fire

OUT nigger OUT

b068de  No.6103611

3/29/19 - Last Q post

plus [10] days

4/8/19 - [silence]

Tomorrow is 4/9/19

4+9+1+9 = 23

Days of Pain?

I don't that 4/10/19 will be significant, but….

4/10/20 is the end game. 4, 10, 20


c5776c  No.6103612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c905e7  No.6103613






Hence, proved. ;)

17994b  No.6103614

File: 8eda8e9e14c0ef0⋯.jpg (157.91 KB, 501x767, 501:767, UKc_aRAINE v2o.jpg)

>>6103281 pb Victoria Nuland notable

made my day

she was very busy, and speaking of sitting ambassadors…

added the swastika, v 2.oO

167ed8  No.6103615

File: 2b18c9772caf0cf⋯.png (372.34 KB, 505x589, 505:589, anothero3.png)

4b06ea  No.6103616

File: 96a2be9bf14407f⋯.gif (868.22 KB, 300x186, 50:31, IMG_3834.gif)

Ty, baker

3a9fbd  No.6103618

File: db9cb5c1408ea4d⋯.png (6.9 KB, 383x121, 383:121, ClipboardImage.png)


It sucked ass! I'm on jury duty for two fuggin weeks in a system I have no faith in.

6c0c3b  No.6103619


Maybe he didn't have a choice. It's a pretty safe bet he's dumped a few loads in Smollett's ass. Smollett might have figured he wouldn't want that to be public.

125a2a  No.6103620

File: 6bbc893e5655e2b⋯.jpg (82.93 KB, 620x735, 124:147, tumblr_nz54txgf271s8hcpfo1….jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

dbfccb  No.6103622


Who is this?

5856de  No.6103623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Qanon March 6 2019 - Those Awake Can See Clearly


c6d18d  No.6103624

File: d6288df8fca599e⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 465x648, 155:216, momus.jpg)


from JFKlibrary….kek

bd459c  No.6103625

that last motherfucker on the ticket ordered French Toast and toast

2420a7  No.6103626

File: e9146916ecf3c9f⋯.png (138.29 KB, 1127x954, 1127:954, PayingPreyingMedic.png)

File: 59551e271a1f1a4⋯.mp4 (8.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Divine Healing Class (720p….mp4)


Have you signed up yet?

c905e7  No.6103627


REMINDER: (((Q))) team now controls Twitter

Sad, I know. :(

4b06ea  No.6103628

File: 87c726d1ab0a0a5⋯.png (269.37 KB, 1032x788, 258:197, Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at ….png)


4dfaf2  No.6103629

Fucking Marla, kek.

6606ed  No.6103630


Funny they said Trump is "restructuring Homeland Security so that he can have the people he wants in place to carry out his agenda". That is what they say every time. It's over two years since he's been in office and he's still trying to put together his people? Really? This is going to go on until the day he leaves office and he's never going to find the perfect team because the problem isn't with them the problem is with him. He's the one that's erratic and demands impossible stuff and picks fights and generally acts like an ass. He can't get along with people. He demands fealty from everyone around him while he treats those same people horribly.

b4b1c7  No.6103631

File: 1c52a86fcf6a052⋯.png (229.46 KB, 586x396, 293:198, ClipboardImage.png)


Some did their job before it happened

4cd112  No.6103632

File: 1bb90c7db634032⋯.png (1013.9 KB, 980x1280, 49:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

384b55  No.6103633

File: 06eecf76af8fb76⋯.jpg (124.47 KB, 924x432, 77:36, krassenstein.jpg)

4c037b  No.6103634

Hopefully the real Q will return soon.

Much left to reveal.


e95453  No.6103635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TYB!!! Have my sword.

dcdd67  No.6103636


That’s not time efficient.

God will provide.

That is all.

926888  No.6103637

File: 54d662137e55606⋯.png (31.75 KB, 482x567, 482:567, clownpilled.png)

File: 7b1494a4341077d⋯.png (257.11 KB, 737x824, 737:824, ClipboardImage.png)

hey James Woods

when you meet her post the vid here.


ec8210  No.6103638

File: d2155f3952933e1⋯.png (857.46 KB, 728x546, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Meadows: More criminal referrals coming, 'overwhelming evidence' shows DOJ, FBI abuse

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., teased more criminal referrals against Justice Department and FBI officials on Monday as a colleague of his plans to submit one of his own. House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., announced on Sunday he is ready to send eight criminal referrals to Attorney General William Barr this week related to the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation.

In a tweet, Meadows, a member of the Oversight Committee, said it was the "right move" and hinted that there is more to come. "The right move from @DevinNunes. More criminal referrals to come. And certainly more deserved. Overwhelming evidence shows multiple FBI + DOJ executives abused their power to undermine a duly elected President Trump. They will be held accountable," Meadows said. Like Nunes, Meadows has been a leading GOP investigator of alleged misconduct and bias within the upper echelons of the DOJ and FBI, including the anti-Trump text messages of former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Last month he told Fox News of the coming release of documents that will "show" U.S. ambassadors conspired with the FBI and the Justice Department to harm President Trump, suggesting they were part of a "Deep State" plot.''' Nunes has not disclosed any names of people ensnared in his referrals on Sunday, but he did break down three categories in which they fall, including conspiracy to lie to Congress and the FISA court.

Nunes also suggested his effort could drastically expand to encompass dozens of people. "We think there's only a few people behind these leaks but there could be multiple people, so on the global leak referral, there could be several individuals," Nunes told Fox News. "When you look at the conspiracy that could get up to a dozen, two dozen people."


995636  No.6103639

File: e258df305792a51⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1.jpg)

File: 7793140c9b33972⋯.jpg (94.26 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 2.jpg)

US Prosecutors Seek Leniency for Political Consultant Tied to Russia Probe


c6d18d  No.6103640

File: 2c4d659b2ad23d8⋯.gif (4.51 MB, 505x271, 505:271, jiggy.gif)



c905e7  No.6103641


Not a jew, unlike you.

415d8c  No.6103645


WRWY. You and PaPaD in jail for two weeks.

5856de  No.6103646

File: 8de457e6c13a12a⋯.jpg (20.49 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Divide_Rule_FAIL.jpg)

e209ab  No.6103647

File: acec1b4126dc3f8⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 545x405, 109:81, Turd Ferguson.jpg)



The Obama's are 100% lowlife's the lot of them.

0bf213  No.6103648

File: 6521015acfd093b⋯.jpg (3.92 KB, 177x284, 177:284, islamic-clown.jpg)

clown religion = LOL HONKBAR

3ed87c  No.6103649

File: 42127abbe50188e⋯.jpeg (972.59 KB, 1242x1225, 1242:1225, 2D1B03C6-4E1C-4251-BAFC-6….jpeg)

Patriots everywhere!

62a15a  No.6103650


Attention whore

de5b55  No.6103651


Whoopie- colonoscopy

Seacrest- too many colonoscopies

5db773  No.6103652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You could use 40 ounces of freedom. (before you bake some more)

c905e7  No.6103653


>Anons see you.

I know you do. :(

c0f14d  No.6103654

File: d42ac8527d5c0dd⋯.jpg (307.4 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Must win.jpg)

File: c342a77e311438f⋯.jpg (217.86 KB, 900x408, 75:34, sealed indictments master ….jpg)

File: eab7eaf08a82cb9⋯.jpg (117.48 KB, 473x600, 473:600, WE are awake.jpg)

File: b8d95c021489d1f⋯.jpg (147.61 KB, 800x714, 400:357, Assange signatures.jpg)

File: 30db6384774929c⋯.jpg (99.57 KB, 800x454, 400:227, Jr 17.jpg)

2033c1  No.6103655


Or 23

Extrapolating previous gaps it could be around 36 on a linear scale. Or around 100 on an exponential scale…

Anons have their three assignments in any case.

fa85a4  No.6103656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fantastic summary on the last 100 years of history, illuminati, Council of Foreign Relations, United Nations, Democrat party tactics, and other shenanigans. Highly recommend it. and more than worth the 2 hours. Very good listen.

dbfccb  No.6103657



415d8c  No.6103658


I donated $50 to PM. Love and respect him. Wanna fight??

975418  No.6103660

File: d1d8786ded3f1bb⋯.png (6.68 MB, 4096x2724, 1024:681, SR_71_Night_Shift_2.png)


Two Breads

Two Scoops and

Two Genders

Semper Fidelis

5856de  No.6103661

File: b5cd6f97a2ddae6⋯.png (554.51 KB, 853x524, 853:524, pm1.png)

File: c4037b800d90c9e⋯.png (543.28 KB, 853x525, 853:525, pm2.png)

File: d22f6d922bce5a1⋯.png (560.73 KB, 853x526, 853:526, pm3.png)


afraid shill?

pic related.

>When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

>Define ‘deflection’.

>Logical thinking.

>Shill count HIGH.


2420a7  No.6103662

File: 1cf172bdfd26c77⋯.png (507.22 KB, 582x643, 582:643, ClipboardImage.png)

63b5fd  No.6103663

Devin Nunes is a Fucking Hero

5fdfbe  No.6103664

File: e07ac6dcb9b0c33⋯.jpeg (116.13 KB, 1200x1040, 15:13, 6A060232-9764-4BC9-B97A-4….jpeg)



Me likey

6606ed  No.6103665


He doesn't reveal anything. He posts random stuff and you guys assign meaning to it according to what you think is right. You are the ones writing the story what do you need him for?

981cc7  No.6103666


Das gud girl

aed0f2  No.6103667


aaahhh, yess! Biden is sniffin on sin - put him in this pic memer anons – GOLD baby GOLD

oh yes BS IM oh yes

a0e78f  No.6103668

File: bbeae5ff47120db⋯.jpg (416.39 KB, 1400x1046, 700:523, c_a.jpg)

5856de  No.6103669

File: d6ac9e171d48ebd⋯.png (540.51 KB, 853x527, 853:527, pm4.png)

File: 72cf8ea4cd530b8⋯.png (649.14 KB, 853x523, 853:523, pm5.png)

File: 0dec0eb77bfd6dd⋯.png (463.45 KB, 853x524, 853:524, pm6.png)

c905e7  No.6103670


>Two Genders

Then why do you think you are an SR-71?

c6d18d  No.6103671

File: 613873e96ff35e2⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 377x591, 377:591, daz2.jpg)

586ddb  No.6103672


Hiram Abiff?

8dc49b  No.6103673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks Mucho Baker!

159f1b  No.6103674


nice car, too bad the hooker ruined the shot

b3cdc9  No.6103675

File: 78addd746048ba3⋯.jpg (20.2 KB, 273x400, 273:400, 41rIwPEs95L (1).jpg)


This is GREAT.



a0e78f  No.6103676

File: 92b3ca229852bcb⋯.png (145.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2genderspepe.png)

ab2daa  No.6103677


Kim Cattrall?

042a2d  No.6103679

File: e09c955b9da4680⋯.jpg (295.46 KB, 1500x1489, 1500:1489, 92701502182b12b48933a34702….jpg)


That's an irresponsible attitude

God wants you to endure hardship

through your own efforts and determination

not sit on your ass and assume God will provide everything

b3cdc9  No.6103680

File: a07a49e9476e036⋯.png (609.76 KB, 583x870, 583:870, 32e1712e24f499a11e1a4d2575….png)

File: 19e2a212ed4760e⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 21fdf0eed91d76919499949948….jpg)

File: ad05890a06eb3bb⋯.jpg (18.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cbbe3517f5108091fa895f0a9f….jpg)

File: f4ecc80ceffdead⋯.png (745.45 KB, 1094x619, 1094:619, Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at ….png)

e209ab  No.6103681

File: c89135cb842d1ce⋯.png (683.53 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190408-191818.png)

Look anons Turd Polish is featured in the meme generator.

2420a7  No.6103682

File: af1c2bfac340a53⋯.jpg (629.06 KB, 2500x1870, 250:187, Stańczyk.jpg)

961b4c  No.6103683



Yea your right! We should load up our hear and head for the border, imagine thousands of patriots down there helping the border patrol out. Fuck this bullshit.

415d8c  No.6103684

File: b5b2197a5d31588⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 276x183, 92:61, flag in sun.jpg)


All the Freedom Caucus are heroes.


ab9609  No.6103685

File: d4381d3f45e6a2f⋯.png (4.57 MB, 3600x3300, 12:11, DTLBAKER.png)


Interesting post Anon.

Would be nice to have Q posting again.

4/10/20 is still a year away. Would be a nice wrap up date. Have realized long ago that this is the long game (remember thinking last Christmas that it was being wrapped up). Not even close.

Nunes going on offense. Should be some good news soon. Sex cult guilty pleas and still plenty of sealed indictnments.

Final version of this 1:07 clock attached.

Was notable months ago when first done. Think it is more significant now. So many KEKs.

47e5b7  No.6103686

File: 6942abceb0cc5bc⋯.png (350.42 KB, 932x943, 932:943, Screenshot at 2019-04-07 1….png)

File: e7a0450888bd2ce⋯.png (173.83 KB, 885x917, 885:917, Screenshot at 2019-04-08 1….png)

File: 786f95bce09c286⋯.pdf (404.17 KB, nesara.pdf)

Call to shovels…

Considering the title I figured this book may be important to our movement and I have not seen much talk of it. Funny thing is, A copy that is used on Amazon is as much as a shitty used car. Did you know that all of the Q Tripcode books on google books were the same way? Anyway, I think it is important and would like to just find a digital copy. If any of you are bored and looking to do some digging Dig on this fucker and see if you can find a digital copy of this book.




PDF is the bill that was in Congress at some point. It outlines what it is all about but I would like to read the book as well.

4cd112  No.6103687


>Devin Nunes is a Fucking Hero

For upholding his oath?

For doing his fucking job?

8d70be  No.6103688

File: 7ff07f4df01dee6⋯.jpg (371.83 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ReeeeArmy.jpg)

Demonrat daprez candidates all get marching orders to meet with black terrorist groups and push muh racism, muh institutional racism,muh reparations cuz racist. Disgusting. They doubled down on this shit laughing in our faces. Madness.

b77dda  No.6103689

File: 887e4ddaf46bf6f⋯.png (165.49 KB, 601x600, 601:600, 59B09E9B-AEDF-45AD-924C-2C….png)

File: 141056442fae5fd⋯.jpeg (471.98 KB, 1293x1187, 1293:1187, 3CBCF716-889B-4A3D-A34C-4….jpeg)

File: 38910bc1d67341a⋯.jpeg (247.79 KB, 1536x516, 128:43, 7DC1971B-D1F3-460C-A37C-A….jpeg)



Hence proved

6606ed  No.6103690


Criminal referrals are nothing. That's like writing "I think you should investigate this person" on a bar napkin and handing it in.

5972f7  No.6103691

File: f8855071153b0d5⋯.jpeg (739.03 KB, 1754x1320, 877:660, 8422B57A-3276-450B-8063-F….jpeg)


You’re there for a reason as you are here for a reason.

Doubt in a system?

You’re the product of light explosions and consciousness algorithms…

Don’t doubt the system.

The system has never doubted you.

a7707e  No.6103692



a0e78f  No.6103693


not at all

just feel bad

you know the visions aren't real?

please say yes

c905e7  No.6103694


Change the hat to (((Q))) instead of Shareblue. ;)

5fdfbe  No.6103695


Stop pushing me around

God this, God that

4cd112  No.6103696


Olga Kobzar

416aeb  No.6103697

File: 0847dc9b30bbac0⋯.png (1.69 MB, 3139x2079, 3139:2079, Sealed Indictment cases St….png)

File: 5f72f56418f97aa⋯.jpg (240.56 KB, 1112x825, 1112:825, 6a93d4dae45a8fd3fe2cf08595….jpg)


I got a delay on my jury service

Hoping i get on a good trial 4 - 6 months that is related to the huge amount of sealed indictment cases in my state. Not as much as many other states, but still a significant amount.

However being trained on Q boards since Nov 2017, i would be tempted to dig on whatever case i was a jury member on( which is against the rules, and could cause mistrial) so might not be such a good idea, kek

b3cdc9  No.6103698

File: b63c461145ad728⋯.jpg (122.42 KB, 463x730, 463:730, b63c461145ad728669137e96d8….jpg)

File: 940fcc5179536cd⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 1440x1915, 288:383, 940fcc5179536cd8a407686946….jpg)

File: 7228b9bbc41dbc6⋯.jpeg (68.41 KB, 474x749, 474:749, 9d70542149fd931b39a3a110b….jpeg)

File: 9ddc82562e987a6⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1919x1547, 1919:1547, 9ddc82562e987a6d42104b786f….png)

Remember….LOTS of NEW Eyes and Hearts here Anons, and this IS an IMAGE Board. Please let your best MEMES fly so that The Hivemind can continue to collect and learn from (You).


a3321c  No.6103699

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


- Revolt

lb the question of songs for those being sent on the final journey..

Drums… Your neighbors will NOT understand…but you will. kek


b99a54  No.6103700

File: 7813e9c489fc151⋯.png (555.07 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


JFK and a young Nancy Pelosi…

45b529  No.6103702

File: 13abdc52be04607⋯.gif (59.67 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 13abdc52be04607fabdf15483b….gif)

d52a3c  No.6103703




Criminal referrals also open the door to declas.


732155  No.6103704

File: 769c283387102d1⋯.jpg (17.22 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Vinny.jpg)


I think it's time for a thicker set…

2fa852  No.6103705


>Funny they said Trump is "restructuring Homeland Security so that he can have the people he wants in place to carry out his agenda". That is what they say every time.

I don't think they understand that this is the whole point of his cabinet and officers. The left lies to them making it appear as if there's supposed to be some sort of balance or something. There's not. It's HIS people.

0f784c  No.6103706

File: 119837ff125d916⋯.png (641.98 KB, 610x739, 610:739, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.1….png)

File: 24ff7af120d7a1a⋯.png (460.7 KB, 853x534, 853:534, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.1….png)

File: 9d303b5b1a3ed82⋯.png (136.73 KB, 866x713, 866:713, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.1….png)

I have a hypothesis about Virginia Governor Northam's advocacy for the bill that would allow doctors to expedite the death of infants born "defective". Every day in America babies are killed by newborn vaccines. If legislation is passed that allows doctors to dispatch "defective" newborns then pediatricians who kill babies are off the hook. They could simply say "Your child had an underlying 'defect' which made them vulnerable to the shots." By the time the transplant team moves in to harvest the baby's organs the evidence is gone, anyway. https://www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com/parent/vaccine-injury/mom-asks-why-her-6-month-old-infant-died-after-getting-6-vaccines/

df0aad  No.6103707

File: 7c1437461e11f03⋯.png (596.74 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, Screenshot_20190408-183433.png)

File: cfaeca0a21a2eb7⋯.png (1006.35 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, Screenshot_20190408-183358.png)


4cd112  No.6103708


>Criminal referrals are nothing. That's like writing "I think you should investigate this person" on a bar napkin and handing it in.


Not going to pat anyone on the back until I see assholes in handcuffs.

9c737d  No.6103709

File: f9ef6ec5f448056⋯.png (90.75 KB, 665x691, 665:691, ClipboardImage.png)


you think when anon wrote this they knew they would break the internet and start a party in the bakery?


5888eb  No.6103710


nigga if you find it, post that shit

167ed8  No.6103711


Don't forget about jury nullification if its some bullshit trial. Just don't mention that unless you want off jury duty.

3abc43  No.6103712

File: 277ad35065ef2b5⋯.png (94.95 KB, 241x209, 241:209, c8de9c044056c3d8b3fe84adcf….png)

b38227  No.6103713



Read below in conjunction with clockfag's graphic here:

>>6103442 (pb)


"Look for keywords to be repeated by many (controller & coordinated roll out)."

Army Reserve on night vision (darkness to light):

>>6100736 (pb)

Fitton says [they]

>>6099490 (pb)

Rudy says Kek:

>>6093943 (pb)

red carpet rollout = coordinated roll out = Let's Roll!

POTUS schedule: lid called at 5:14

>>6100490 (pb)

>>6100512 (pb)

drops stopped 29 Mar, same day Linda McMahon left = END OF SHOW

10 days...Darkness -> Apr 9

"less than 10" (Q3306) -> Apr 8

Rwandan Genocide 25 year anniversary - the cabal did it!

POTUS Apr 6: HOW DID IT START? (plane crash Apr 6 1994)

POTUS Apr 6: Never forget RW(H)...

Q 1095 (8 Apr): pic of UN Rwanda commander Romeo Dallaire (who called out the setup)

(DOES relate to Clintons... "Slick" LIED and said he didn't get what was happening, but it was COLLUSION. INITIATION into EVIL.)

Numberfag on 14 Nov 2017 (matches 8 Apr 2019 on clock):

>>6102947 (pb)

Final night of March Madness:

>>6103070 (pb)

47e5b7  No.6103714

File: 1ffb271fc18302b⋯.pdf (126.63 KB, fed goldgold.PDF)


Also this as I forgot to post it. being actively censored on Reddit… Which doesn't really say much at this point but it is a data point.

bcf0b9  No.6103715

File: 21130f72406f78b⋯.jpg (9.95 KB, 255x137, 255:137, trump train.jpg)

File: 9a30c7431fe1ef7⋯.jpg (612.75 KB, 2036x1020, 509:255, PAY TAX WITH ASSETS.jpg)

File: 9d3d5d31919aa2f⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 299x168, 299:168, SINKING SHIP.jpg)

File: 8343240a72f6425⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Walkaway.jpg)

3de56f  No.6103716

Devin Nunes now suing the Fresno Bee for $150 million after story on ‘cocaine and underage prostitutes’: report


c0f14d  No.6103717

File: 27c9411114f1a01⋯.jpg (127.79 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Storm_2.jpg)

File: 577ccab370a95ce⋯.jpg (114.29 KB, 640x800, 4:5, Think for yourself.jpg)

File: 1dc32ab3992c13e⋯.jpg (111.71 KB, 538x550, 269:275, Worth it.jpg)

File: 802a853e67e8d73⋯.jpg (140.33 KB, 500x796, 125:199, cost if illegal immigratio….jpg)

File: b75c460aa569a0f⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 800x421, 800:421, flag 800.jpg)

Q can't post.

Doesn't mean Q can't lurk.

Hard work is not missed easily by the Team.

Sometimes I think reason no Q post cuz Anons are flying, Newbies are leveling up, Normies are watching.

Soon they will BOOM for Anons in the stadiums across the Country during Trump rallies.

"Enjoy the show." -Q

03972c  No.6103718



c6d18d  No.6103719

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)


wonder what she thinks of her life at this point?

pretty sure what JFK would say….

and you can't take it with you….

dcdd67  No.6103720


Why prep though?

I will just overpower you and take your preps.

God provides.

45f001  No.6103721

File: 3353139dadb7a2e⋯.jpg (330.79 KB, 1438x926, 719:463, 51.jpg)

4cd112  No.6103722


Ida fucked Nancy back then … in the ass with no lube.

e209ab  No.6103723

File: 527ec96deec1f1a⋯.png (850.7 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20190408-192055.png)

File: acec1b4126dc3f8⋯.jpg (63.01 KB, 545x405, 109:81, Turd Ferguson.jpg)

Obama Turd Polish hit the big-time meme generator circuit.

49bac0  No.6103724


Devin Nunes is a BLESSED hero (and patriot).

(fixed it dor ya')

b3cdc9  No.6103725

File: 9ddc82562e987a6⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1919x1547, 1919:1547, 9ddc82562e987a6d42104b786f….png)

File: 07fceaccc5c87bf⋯.jpg (259.28 KB, 651x921, 217:307, 07fceaccc5c87bfb90703c6e48….jpg)

File: c8cc789cdd7b34a⋯.jpg (7.2 MB, 3456x2304, 3:2, deaa26fc0b7f2fe691b5e57769….jpg)

File: bd54b7b0a7b1f98⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, bd54b7b0a7b1f98cd044a8218e….jpg)


I think it will for SURE be a new phase of some sort. The final push into the 19th. Because THAT is when I think it's all going down.


We shall see.



415d8c  No.6103726


I cannot know but use my intuition to determine who to listen to. Have done a lot of dreamwork, understand how that works. Do not begrudge others their opinions but don't like division-fagging. Exception: groups or individuals Q has specifically identified as problems. Otherwise, it's just someone's opinion. Including mine.

0ff94c  No.6103727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fuk yeah dude

47e5b7  No.6103728


Well, read the bill and the reddit censoring thing. It is probably enough info but I do want to read the book and will DEFINITELY post it.

NESARA = DRAINING THE SWAMP and that is a big fucking deal if they are linked.

60af1e  No.6103729

File: bf941ae41591640⋯.jpg (15.69 KB, 200x300, 2:3, Chuck E Cheese preapre you….jpg)

Cheez Whiz-The Latest LFYT

the amount of these coming out is ridiculous, not even trying to hide it any longer-but that's what they do, offload liability.

So far this year, the Renaissance U.S. IPO Index is up a cool 32%, more than double the 15% advance logged by the S&P 500. The booming market for new issues is making bull-market noises.

(of course it is!)

This morning, CEC Entertainment, Inc., parent company of children’s restaurant Chuck E. Cheese’s, announced plans to list shares on the New York Stock Exchange. ==This will be no straightforward offering.== Instead, the transaction will feature a reverse merger between CEC’s own parent company Queso Holdings, Inc. with a special purpose acquisition company called Leo Holdings Corp. The press release explains:

*Concurrent with the closing of the transaction, Leo will domesticate as a Delaware corporation, following which Queso will merge with and into Leo with the result that CEC will continue as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Leo, which will be renamed Chuck E. Cheese Brands, Inc.

CEC was bought by Apollo Global Management, LLC in 2014 for $1.3 billion including debt. In February 2017 Reuters reported that the private equity giant had hired Deutsche Bank A.G. and Credit Suisse A.G. to solicit bids for its portfolio company, with Bloomberg reporting that Apollo was seeking a roughly $2 billion sale price.

With no buyer in hand, the deal was withdrawn six months later. As a public entity, CEC is expected to garner an enterprise valuation of about $1.4 billion, which is 7.5 times forecast 2019 adjusted EBITDA of $187 million, while the anticipated $300 million of proceeds “will be used to pay transaction expenses and de-leverage the Company’s existing capital structure.”

De-leveraging appears wise. CEC ended 2018 with total debt of $982 million, 6.5 times trailing 12-month adjusted EBITDA, while operating income of $66 million failed to cover the $76.3 million in interest expense.

As Chuck-E-Cheese’s prepares to re-join the ranks of publicly-traded companies, recent IPO Lyft, Inc. has a bone to pick with its underwriters. Digital news site The Information relayed Friday that the ride-share company, which debuted on March 29, threatened to sue Morgan Stanley after the New York Post reported the investment bank had offered Lyft investors a chance to hedge their positions through short sales, despite being subject to lock-up restrictions.

For Lyft, which generated a $943 million adjusted-EBITDA loss in 2018 on revenues of $2.2 billion and warned in its S-1 filing that it “may not be able to achieve or maintain profitability in the future,” the attention paid to short-sellers has been mutual. According to S3 Partners, LLC, short interest in LYFT exceeded 38% of the 32.5 million share float as of Tuesday, despite prohibitive borrowing costs that reached an annualized rate 101.4% as of Tuesday. Lyft stock finished the day at $70.23 a share, down from the $72 issue price and 20% below the intraday peak see on its March 29 debut.

*Meanwhile, new issue supply continues apace as the IPO pipeline remains robust. This morning, social media site Pinterest, Inc. filed a form S-1 detailing plans to offer up to 75 million shares at a range of $15 to $17 per share, valuing the company at $11.3 billion using the high end of the range. That’s down from a $12.3 billion valuation achieved during the most recent fundraising round in 2017. As noted by Business Insider on March 24, an unusual bit of language in Pinterest’s filing may give some investors pause:

(ya think?)

*Pinterest's S-1 paperwork, filed publicly Friday, disclosed an unusual stipulation that retains full voting rights for CEO Ben Silbermann's shares in the company from 90 days to 540 days after his "death or permanent incapacity."

*The clause means that after Silbermann dies, whoever inherits his shares will retain his super-voting powers for a period of time


fab0fd  No.6103730

File: 15902e0aaccf7e0⋯.png (211.51 KB, 491x259, 491:259, 2019-04-08_22-02-19.png)

b05f8f  No.6103731

File: bd61d9f93e24d8f⋯.png (12.6 KB, 222x98, 111:49, Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at ….png)


This guy is key to bringing down the house and DS with it.

55f7c7  No.6103732

I have a meme request- could we get Bernie and Biden yelling ‘Get off my lawn’ at each other?

Filling in brackets- those two are probably one set…

5856de  No.6103733

File: f5ab02889a1c252⋯.png (80.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PepeCelebrates.png)

384b55  No.6103735

File: 8b84e3c7c1df266⋯.jpg (234.01 KB, 758x532, 379:266, Tick-Tock.jpg)

Comfy tonight.

Is it a govt holiday by chance? Shills seem to be on break.

416aeb  No.6103736


yea, but some juries are required to be sequestered, and are not supposed to watch news or any outside information about the trial.

Of course i would not say anything, but i think they moniter that.

590e8c  No.6103737

File: 7a91826cea28f9e⋯.jpg (82.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 97a91826cea28f9e2afca1966b….jpg)

b99a54  No.6103738

File: 67585fa1eaaae82⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 3364x3364, 1:1, 67585fa1eaaae8289523e40bd0….jpg)


Man you suck at your job, One Trick Pony.

What's coming next the DJT Jr. and Gorka posts?

Holy shit I would have fired you a week ago

39e758  No.6103739


I worked in the same building as Alf.

They were all snobs.

45f001  No.6103740

File: 0eb32f68bf3cad0⋯.png (1.38 MB, 816x888, 34:37, GrabThePopcorn-1.png)

2033c1  No.6103741

File: c13e2807c901463⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, drsmith.jpg)

25e8f1  No.6103742


Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.

b23e5e  No.6103743

File: f4f493d1337b4c4⋯.jpg (158.57 KB, 480x357, 160:119, Bless-this-Bread--14.jpg)

File: ec939a16d005d53⋯.jpg (272.01 KB, 900x636, 75:53, Ready-XCalibur.jpg)

File: e4d4aa6c531d512⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, Time-is-Now-Jupiter.jpg)

File: 9421c28907230f4⋯.jpg (671.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Never-Again-Orchid.jpg)

File: 26572bf27884317⋯.jpg (856.24 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, New-Beginnings-WingsofPeac….jpg)



Onward, Patriots!

ec319d  No.6103744


Not until kidfuckers get hanged

c0f14d  No.6103745

File: e5f4903f07bad8e⋯.jpg (159.8 KB, 670x800, 67:80, biden maniquin.jpg)


kek, nice1.

62a15a  No.6103746

File: b1c9415483de35a⋯.jpg (122.22 KB, 540x655, 108:131, IMG_0258.JPG)

0bf213  No.6103747

File: 8cb4bcab523d398⋯.png (162.37 KB, 432x273, 144:91, deep wrinkles.png)

>>6103277 Hospitals releasing deadly superbug fungi into open air with dangerous pathogens that have a 41% to 88% fatality rate

Notables are giving me Deep Wrinkles

586ddb  No.6103748

File: 8d9d1668e09c6f0⋯.jpeg (68.03 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 9F1D885C-1874-4169-8259-B….jpeg)

6606ed  No.6103749


I'm sorry, are you blaming Obama for what Smollett did? Yet you people said that the ones who have massacred, or attempted to massacre loads of people, and who actually mentioned trump in their ideology have "nothing to do with trump" and it's "unfair that people are connecfing his speech to them"? Seriously?

5accc7  No.6103750


Preet Bharara

b3cdc9  No.6103751

File: d3aa5d2c1153d1b⋯.png (160.2 KB, 413x245, 59:35, Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at ….png)

File: 9af849f1084b179⋯.png (1.92 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9af849f1084b179e3cb7223202….png)

File: 8eeb971c478c35e⋯.png (687.01 KB, 1000x1461, 1000:1461, 8eeb971c478c35e4e2d0539b92….png)

File: 7960bea771853b5⋯.jpg (60.93 KB, 545x657, 545:657, 7960bea771853b54395fd32913….jpg)

The HIGHEST Aspiration of The American People is WORLD PEACE.- President Reagan

4cd112  No.6103752

File: 2afb7617d796c76⋯.jpg (229.07 KB, 1242x1739, 1242:1739, donjrandgorka.jpg)

File: 45553f6fafe470e⋯.png (149.89 KB, 595x654, 595:654, donandgorka3.png)



2a4a71  No.6103753

was Linda McMahon not /ourgirl/?

c46c5a  No.6103754


It has been extremely quiet on social media/MSM today too. I was shocked

ec8210  No.6103755

File: 0ee9da263b7293d⋯.png (639.94 KB, 830x320, 83:32, ClipboardImage.png)

Sheriff Scott Israel Was Suspended — He’s Trying To Become Police Chief Somewhere Else

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, but Israel is still a candidate for a plum law enforcement position in another county.

I am pleased that the court recognizes my authority as governor to suspend a public official for reasons of neglect of duty and incompetence. Now, I will ask the Florida Senate to move forward with the process of the formal removal of Scott Israel. — Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) April 4, 2019

“Sheriff Israel was elected by the people of Broward County to serve as sheriff through the election of 2020,” Israel’s attorney, Bob Kuehne, said Monday. “He fully intends to fulfill the will of Broward voters. He fully intends to serve in the capacity of sheriff of Broward County, and is currently challenging the governor’s action in suspending him for reasons Sheriff Israel maintains are not supported by the Florida Constitution.”

But even while he fights to get reinstated, a commissioner from one county over is pushing hard for him to become police chief of Opa-locka.

According to a report from the Miami Herald, Opa-locka Commissioner Alvin Burke has been lobbying for Israel — and Interim City Manager Newall J. Daughtrey is opposed. Daughtrey also reportedly sent Burke an email that suggested the commissioner had been pressuring him to fire the current police chief in order to make room for Israel. Please understand that I cannot follow your directive to terminate the chief of police and hire Scott Israel at this time for reasons discussed.

Even if Burke gets his way, however, Israel will face one more roadblock: all city hires must be approved by the city’s oversight board, which is overseen by DeSantis.

DeSantis, for his part, is not backing down either. He explained on Friday, “Scott Israel continues to live in denial. The court has recognized my authority as governor to suspend him for neglect of duty and incompetence and this appeal is just his latest delay tactic.”


9eb07f  No.6103756

File: 4f128000285f62a⋯.png (849.09 KB, 988x953, 988:953, 180b3b0ad51a0ae1d51950025f….png)

2fa852  No.6103757


Correct. It's for show. However, it does help push the truth to the public, which

is absolutely necessary when they start real prosecutions of all the DS actors.

We the people need to be carrying pitchforks demanding justice first, otherwise

it will forever be seen as a political hit job when he takes them out.

245554  No.6103758

File: 19940991a996d4f⋯.png (382.83 KB, 503x703, 503:703, expanding brain.png)

90ced7  No.6103759

Tax returns down 6 BILLION.

100,000 caught on border in a MONTH?

Y’all keep on believing the psyop.

5856de  No.6103760

File: 9d4da2da9dc760f⋯.jpg (53.59 KB, 630x329, 90:47, GodsPlan.jpg)

042a2d  No.6103761


Kennedys were associates of the La Cosa Nostra

No surprise at all that JFK had met her

5bbf29  No.6103762

File: 0a205ddf1c511df⋯.png (608.39 KB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-04-08 Virt….png)

SAM650 Oscar Mike ~ Eastbound over Atlantic from DC

384b55  No.6103763


what would we call that, a shill-proof?


3de56f  No.6103764

File: 1952d5f8b577125⋯.png (104.18 KB, 650x611, 50:47, Screenshot 2019-04-08_22-2….png)


8d70be  No.6103765

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepelaugh.jpg)

File: 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png)

89e5fb  No.6103766

File: bc3983c2d08f4e7⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 851x962, 23:26, 2019-04-09 01.22.04 pbs.tw….jpg)

File: 47ec452d1b91ac9⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 480x746, 240:373, 2019-04-09 01.29.19 is4pro….jpg)

File: 5e836d8f16493ef⋯.jpg (77.95 KB, 1052x783, 1052:783, 2019-04-09 01.27.57 c.trib….jpg)

File: 3cea121b607d0fa⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 1380x909, 460:303, 2019-04-09 03.09.50 cdn3.s….jpg)

The United Kingdom is no longer United.

Great Britain; It's Identity Obfuscated Seems No Longer 'Great.'

Division, Doubt & Desperation Dangerously Dog the Days.

The Poisonous Political Establishment Has Lost The trust Of The People.

Wild Woeful Winds Of Worry Whip Workers, When All They want Is Hope.

The British People; The Backbone Of The Country Despair At The Unending & Unwelcome Policy Failings & Ubiquitous PC Poisonings.

Who Will Arise As Champion Of The People?

There Can Be Only One.

A Hero For This Time.

Trump's Choice. The People's Choice…………….Enter Boris Johnson.

Ready To Bring The 'United' Back To The Kingdom.

The Hero Needed To Make Britain Great Again.

Enter BorisAnon. WWG1WGA

ec8210  No.6103767


She left and is working on funding for POTUS re-election campaign.

4cd112  No.6103768


Soft headed negroes.

Can't really say it any better.

c5776c  No.6103769

File: 5272920aaf7700b⋯.jpeg (53.98 KB, 1044x783, 4:3, uThinkmeAcLown.jpeg)

de5b55  No.6103770


Nice map. I picture it on the walls of elementary schools and high schools when they teach about the Great Awakening.

45f001  No.6103771

File: 3b46298b2ae34a1⋯.png (334.05 KB, 636x768, 53:64, PussInPoint.png)


You there!

I like THAT timestamp!

Dub trips confirm Alf a snob.


5795d1  No.6103772

Notables so far


>>6103548 Articles of the Clinton's and China from 2009

>>6103638 Mark Meadows: More criminal referrals coming, 'overwhelming evidence' shows DOJ, FBI abuse

>>6103697 Updated sealed cases graphics

>>6103716 Devin Nunes now suing the Fresno Bee for $150 million after story on ‘cocaine and underage prostitutes’

>>6103755 Sheriff Scott Israel Was Suspended, He’s Trying To Become Police Chief Somewhere Else



It's so great

a7707e  No.6103773


Demonrat voters are too stupid to know the difference. They believe that shit that their masters spoon feed them.

99d62c  No.6103775


Was it the Lutherans? Episcopalians?

e209ab  No.6103776

File: 083f0e5a1221a09⋯.png (770.35 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Faggot Don.png)

File: c44d48535ecdd1b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1001x1210, 91:110, Screenshot_20190408-101533….png)

File: 1a27b0c9d7faf7d⋯.jpg (67.13 KB, 565x429, 565:429, Obama Turd Polish.jpg)

b38227  No.6103777

File: 569559932006364⋯.png (114.82 KB, 1250x428, 625:214, BELIEVEQmarked.png)

File: b302c03e37900eb⋯.png (314.8 KB, 795x1058, 795:1058, Lessthan10CombinedMark.png)

File: 04327db9a5e6592⋯.png (105.36 KB, 572x291, 572:291, Oscar.png)

4cd112  No.6103778


>100,000 caught on border in a MONTH?

That's only what we caught.

6606ed  No.6103779


I'm sorry, I'm not following…?

2420a7  No.6103780

File: 32d4d74f9ccbd2f⋯.png (416.21 KB, 522x643, 522:643, ClipboardImage.png)

995636  No.6103781

File: f79514c4ac2639d⋯.jpg (93.39 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Keep Up Pointing.jpg)

04c00f  No.6103782

File: e9de4ead59038a9⋯.jpg (363.45 KB, 719x1037, 719:1037, Screenshot_20190408-191624….jpg)

File: b25ddc726043589⋯.jpg (95.9 KB, 719x362, 719:362, Screenshot_20190408-191819….jpg)

File: 3d581aab523c23d⋯.jpg (289.63 KB, 719x857, 719:857, Screenshot_20190408-191456….jpg)

File: 90d22a5a8650f42⋯.jpg (284.45 KB, 719x819, 719:819, Screenshot_20190408-191607….jpg)

File: a4512cfd4a7730c⋯.jpg (166.12 KB, 719x982, 719:982, Screenshot_20190408-192718….jpg)

>>5929545 (many breads ago)

>>5929554 (Q many breads ago)

>>6103216 (lb)

did anyone find the original flag?

continuing my efforts. does this register with anyone?

6c4bf9  No.6103783


Could be spicy! Keep us posted?

5888eb  No.6103784


i agree dude, no coincidences

i've tried posting about it before but anons think it's a fairytale

975418  No.6103786

File: 44542f4df716760⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Marine_Artillery_Night_Shi….png)

File: 4df6bb4be83d9ff⋯.jpg (17.65 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 4df6bb4be83d9ff31bbe36d891….jpg)


OORah !

2420a7  No.6103787

File: 8c1dd4ff5c06635⋯.png (589.45 KB, 644x643, 644:643, ClipboardImage.png)

6606ed  No.6103788


What does this have to do with what I said? I don't think you guys read the whole thing.

4cd112  No.6103790


That sure doesn't look like a list of conservatives to me …

c5776c  No.6103791

File: b8f864a4e9bfbf9⋯.jpg (388.92 KB, 1920x1039, 1920:1039, terminator1-05.jpg)

981cc7  No.6103792


You sound butthurt. Did you get fired?

b23e5e  No.6103793

File: 33856246df3dd72⋯.jpg (202.16 KB, 810x540, 3:2, Liberty-Ship-8Chan.jpg)

File: 31532d23b0df372⋯.jpg (134.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Freedom-Sing-Liberty-Shift.jpg)

File: 200b952befa0be3⋯.jpg (221.68 KB, 810x540, 3:2, TETELESTAI-PAID-IN-FULL.jpg)

File: 155af354eb60857⋯.jpg (131.61 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Liberty-Shift-Freedom-Ship….jpg)

File: dfc615aefb6de5c⋯.jpg (207.05 KB, 810x540, 3:2, Freedom-Ship-8Chan.jpg)

Freedom Ship

06dd81  No.6103794

File: f5cc94f74c98d1d⋯.jpg (67.46 KB, 441x452, 441:452, 993a8bf272b7c5b365fb3168fd….jpg)

File: 85b684ee193400e⋯.jpg (193.86 KB, 845x1024, 845:1024, 1529738249124.jpg)

File: f5c2b11051f0cee⋯.png (537.13 KB, 541x444, 541:444, 054981f716363ca3c79a6e4258….png)

File: eee58bcbbb893a3⋯.jpg (24.5 KB, 500x453, 500:453, 1535227331677.jpg)


Making money teaching about God and spirituality as opposed to shilling 8chan for Satan??

Youll all end up in the pit with Lucifer at the end of this.

a0e78f  No.6103795


you do you

in my humble opinion he is a snake oil salesman that has infiltrated and used the Q movement to enrich himself

e95453  No.6103796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gotta love nightshift

bcf0b9  No.6103797

File: 4d7e0603b5686aa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1423x732, 1423:732, Putin luving Trump.png)

f2ff53  No.6103798

File: 45c24d2d2b471fc⋯.png (303.51 KB, 591x773, 591:773, Deals.png)

As a covert Operations Officer, Plame worked to protect U.S. national security and managed top-secret programs designed to prevent terrorists and rogue nation-states from acquiring nuclear weapons. In 2003, a source from the White House told a columnist about her identity, bringing an end to her covert career.

In 2007, Plame wrote an autobiography, Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House, in which she published the intimate details of the scandal that revealed her identity. She also coauthored the fictional spy thrillers Blowback and Burned.

Plame continues to serve in intelligence as a board member of a cyber security company, Global Data Sentinel, and a predictive behavioral analytics agency, Starling Trust. She also serves on the boards of numerous nonprofit organizations.



ffd507  No.6103799


who 'you people'

aren't you a person too?

ec8210  No.6103800


From the position that these gentalmen sit in the referrals carry quite a bit of clout. This also is their only option as they themselves do not have any arresting authority. They can investigate share their evidence and suggest they be legally investigated by those arresting authorities.

167ed8  No.6103801

File: 5238e89b650a857⋯.png (49.34 KB, 1281x357, 61:17, b1bf2b02-e036-4d48-8aed-a4….png)

File: 94a0ea7336b631a⋯.png (85.65 KB, 802x542, 401:271, f49210b3-ebad-401c-ab7d-f7….png)


Thats fine, nullification still works. The people can determine if a law is unconstitutional . There is alot of precedent for this. It is one way to take our power back.


This is how the people take back power

2420a7  No.6103802

File: e8153dabcb637ae⋯.png (393.25 KB, 496x643, 496:643, ClipboardImage.png)

39e758  No.6103803


ya, we weren't allowed to be in the

parking lot at the same time as them.

they had designated parking and we

didn't. Never saw them or talked to em.

Just next door. For two years. SNOBS.

e209ab  No.6103804

File: e6a1fb0010ca314⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 434x432, 217:216, 2y3mc6_1.jpg)

File: f00734b37376e47⋯.jpg (799.36 KB, 1024x790, 512:395, 9ddaf724e60b0b84bb75edd551….jpg)

File: aab6ed67298e34d⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 441x443, 441:443, Tyrus ButtPlug.jpg)

981cc7  No.6103805


You think she a few skeletons?

dcdd67  No.6103807

File: 5c814c8edd1f829⋯.jpeg (170.47 KB, 1079x682, 1079:682, 8D69663B-58A2-43D2-A329-9….jpeg)


Soros should just get the Mexicans one of these.

3de56f  No.6103808


13 out of 16 have a last name starting with A

89e5fb  No.6103809

093eb4  No.6103810


new mexico is a cesspool the kid smuggling the tunnels ….dulce….its a shit show

47e5b7  No.6103811


I didn't know what to think TBH until I read the fucking BILL. when I saw that it actually sat in commitee in Congress that made it real to me. There is a huge pile of chaff from some "Dove Of Oneness" Roscrution fuckwit who buried it as conspiracy but it was a real bill by a real guy.

45f001  No.6103812


Hmmmm, sounds spoopy.

efc308  No.6103813

File: 078036b28ddbab1⋯.jpg (21.69 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 309811CP-620x400.jpg)

4c6cc2  No.6103814

File: d4e97bd4b0f1d2a⋯.jpg (85.07 KB, 718x794, 359:397, FUCK off were full.jpg)

Sorry, it had to be done.

975418  No.6103815

File: 79464785d4a4ebd⋯.png (477.6 KB, 680x612, 10:9, Night_Shift_Intruder_1.png)

File: 61d8d1cd6798d6f⋯.jpg (127.38 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, SR_71_Night_Shift_3.jpg)

be4d1e  No.6103816


did the secret DOJ plane ever return from the UK?

60af1e  No.6103818

File: 56f72a996bb16ad⋯.png (573.93 KB, 706x303, 706:303, chek'em.PNG)


little one and parents doing ok?

042a2d  No.6103819


I'd bet there's already a DS tunnel system in place

As well as a series of DUMBs in Mexican territory

b23e5e  No.6103820

File: b6b68f09a83946d⋯.jpg (354.37 KB, 600x773, 600:773, Justice-Coming-TickTock-St….jpg)

File: 2c7d829a9d81080⋯.jpg (586.58 KB, 1380x524, 345:131, Liberty-Shift-Justice-Comi….jpg)

File: ee5f7f669d3eaea⋯.jpg (287.4 KB, 533x539, 533:539, By-Any-Means-Necessary-Jus….jpg)

be4d1e  No.6103821


I'll be your huckleberry

8b1ad6  No.6103822

File: a18589422139364⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 460x360, 23:18, say it loud.JPG)

62a15a  No.6103823


Bless your heart… nothing to offer but tits and ass? Up your game attention whore.

aed0f2  No.6103824



GAGA is the RED robed bearer? Fuecking bizzaeerrreee!

itz all fittenz frenaza

415d8c  No.6103825

File: 76118de98cefafe⋯.png (57.03 KB, 183x275, 183:275, night-sky-1.png)

89e5fb  No.6103826


Shhhh All will be revealed in the next 21 days.

Massive UK changes afoot.

a3321c  No.6103827


Ask to see the judge in chambers and tell him you fall asleep a lot bc of your 'medication'…oh and you love you some police and think they can do no wrong. You'll be home in an hour.

0e3408  No.6103829


All anons need a go-bag that will keep them for at least two weeks as they escape the cities for the mountains/woods.

Don't forget a few non-essential treats…it may many years before Twinkies are available again and Starbucks will fold immediately. Prepare.

dcdd67  No.6103830


It would not surprise at all.

86ab13  No.6103831

File: c9f9003480da9a6⋯.jpeg (76.43 KB, 500x621, 500:621, 8096579A-777E-47F9-BDBD-B….jpeg)

JC indictment week?

17994b  No.6103832

File: fc7887ec481d153⋯.jpg (30.02 KB, 440x198, 20:9, npc alerted.jpg)


BREAKING: the ACLU has filed suit on "Muslim ban 2"; airports experiencing several hour delays nation wide

6606ed  No.6103833


"A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey, And the rod is for the back of stupid people. Do not answer the stupid one according to his foolishness, So that you do not put yourself on his level"

- Proverbs 26: 3,4

c5776c  No.6103834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8d70be  No.6103835

File: 872840e671681f7⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 220x211, 220:211, pepe_kek.jpg)


But muh divine healing gimme shekels you dumb ZioChristians.

28171b  No.6103836

File: 9daf09f7d9a60ea⋯.png (1.03 MB, 867x786, 289:262, if you only knew how bad t….png)

File: 68cb9bda03ebb37⋯.jpg (221.23 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, General prayer.jpg)


Keep up the good work anon…. I'm more of a geopolitical geek….. I'm going to give you a scoop…. Turkey is about to be kick out of NATO!

>>MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. Ankara and Moscow are discussing a broad range of issues of cooperation in defense sector, including contracts on supplies and joint production, Fahrettin Altun, the Turkish president’s communications director, wrote on Twitter on Monday.

>>"We are holding a broad discussion with Russia on our cooperation in defense sector. We are discussing the issues ranging from mutual supplies of military equipment to possible joint production. Bilateral cooperation in the defense area is of a large scope and continues developing," Altun said ahead of a meeting in Moscow on Monday between Turkish and Russian Presidents, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin.



We are discussing the issues ranging from mutual supplies of military equipment to possible joint production

No way this is going to happen without them being Kick out!

Pic related: was taken on the 3 of April…….

89e5fb  No.6103837

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, 2019-03-17 19.58.12 www.ad….jpg)

We Are on a Ship.

042a2d  No.6103838


Mock all you want

Shit's about to get very real

e1cd6f  No.6103839


53 35 hmmmmmm

c5776c  No.6103840

File: 7a9ef7c10059783⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, trippyGiffy.jpg)

be4d1e  No.6103841


do we shippost?

b23e5e  No.6103842

File: 1aea8ec2021199f⋯.jpg (552.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Make-It-Rain-Orchid.jpg)

File: 4bb5a92bc6e9ce0⋯.jpg (820.84 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Make-It-Rain-WingsofPeace.jpg)

File: 4e4eb26c8546594⋯.jpg (84.91 KB, 317x396, 317:396, Watch-the-Water-HiveMind-I….jpg)

File: 629968ecaef5f4a⋯.jpg (555.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Watch-the-Water-Orchid.jpg)

File: 815b6e044827923⋯.jpg (768.07 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Watch-the-Water-WingsofPea….jpg)


May All Patriots Live in Peace and Prosperity.


db1364  No.6103843

File: 873b0c60fb5a9a8⋯.jpg (61.54 KB, 600x440, 15:11, 3D-printing-art-3.jpg)

So last night was listening to ayy vids on yt, while nodding off. I was laying on my side with big pillow. Dozed up but then woke up and saw this weird ass object about pillow/eye height for a couple seconds. It sorta look like the pic, squarish, but was more solid and way more liquid metallic morphing metal looking. I think it was 4D or something indescribable. I remember being a tiny bit shocked, but heard inner voice say 'that was interesting', and layed back pillow to sleep. Oh I remembering hearing a weird buzzing clicking noise in my right ear (the side on pillow), and getting up to turn off portable fan and then sleeping.


0ff94c  No.6103844


true story if you call me on the phone i can probably make you laugh and give you more healing than praying faggot ever could

89e5fb  No.6103845




59b22f  No.6103846

File: 352c9ff88290422⋯.png (480.97 KB, 1376x696, 172:87, Screenshot from 2019-04-08….png)

Don't often see one of these. The numbers are bullshit … he's had the same climb rate for several minutes but the altitude shows only minor variations of a few hundred feet and the trace keeps disappearing. He's done some hard turns, but the current trace doesn't reflect that.

415d8c  No.6103847


haha, good one, anon.

0ff94c  No.6103848


suck it dave

5972f7  No.6103849

File: 64d7cf02ea27696⋯.jpeg (704.9 KB, 1070x1065, 214:213, 79E102C7-BADB-47EA-BC93-8….jpeg)

You are connected.

To what exactly?

Source sure. But how… feel the source?

Well you’re connected to Q… you’ve found the answers as you were meant to and as Q meant for you to.

Q and 45 [0] ?

Connected to who else?



Why is it important that they connected in time?

Anons, why is it important we are connected?

Why was this the platform

Why are we here?

Why are you here?

Mining information this entire time.

Watching…. now the world is watching.

Define leaders.

The first rebellion… the next.. the next…

Why are we here anons?

Writing.. re-writing.

In real-time.

In this space.

Why is Q connected to GEOTUS connected to anons?

Why was this board chosen?

Believe like I believe anons.

You already know.

Let the Light take darkness away as it does not exist here in this place.

Find it anons.

Kingdom within.


e209ab  No.6103850

File: 604bf3a7fe9b8d7⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1004x1515, 1004:1515, Q Meditation.png)

4cd112  No.6103851


Why do you ShariaBlew turd pushers keep posting this nuthingberder story?

11d18b  No.6103852

File: 4ccb524a76c633b⋯.png (133.27 KB, 387x503, 387:503, mayor buttfuck.png)

Kek. The guy with butt in his name turns out to be gay. Are they fucking serious about this guy?

a0e78f  No.6103853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


8:10 mark back in early 2017

>And i think that Obama's team has created a minefield for the incoming president and for his team

0bf213  No.6103854

File: d674c2ab19cc706⋯.jpg (276.32 KB, 1280x750, 128:75, 777 slots.jpg)

4cd112  No.6103855


Those are spectacular.

384b55  No.6103856

File: 3f78472e8da9585⋯.jpg (201.89 KB, 1200x825, 16:11, i-feel-it-coming.jpg)

6b6d6d  No.6103857

File: 7cdc11ef59cd432⋯.jpg (258.55 KB, 800x500, 8:5, b34777fb15cbc1809730750f6b….jpg)


Heh, nice Baker.

39e758  No.6103858

File: 3c1359677ad6f1f⋯.png (62.88 KB, 790x683, 790:683, 35e1dc84778ccebc954f4e5a41….png)


anon just did shippost.


6606ed  No.6103859


I'm no part of this slanderous, lying, violent, black hearted, evil group of people.

de5b55  No.6103860


Over the side.

f2ff53  No.6103861


C'mon Mike, couldn't you find just one more? Make up a name if you have to.

2fa852  No.6103862


I did read it. I ignored the rest. Consider the first 2 sentences you wrote a sort

of self-own.

adbeb8  No.6103863

File: 699eb6d72870b9a⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1548x2284, 387:571, flierstylemockingbird2.png)

File: b35a665e2b2c528⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1680x2284, 420:571, flierstylemockingbird4.png)

File: b2ad4d98fabb013⋯.png (888.94 KB, 1284x1488, 107:124, flyerstylebakenoodlemedial….png)

We are the news now.

printable fliers.

Copy pasta to a word doc, print, and post on community message boards in your community.

Q did not put so much effort into helping us see the light for us to not be a vital part of the great awakening.

It takes 2 minutes of your time. 1 minute to print and 1 minute extra at the gas station to take the time to post the flier.

13cb9b  No.6103864

File: 6515c6369871dd8⋯.png (913.94 KB, 389x600, 389:600, olga5.png)

a7707e  No.6103865


I read everything you wrote, and my reply was appropriate.

I agree with what you wrote. I was just telling why the morons in MSM spew that garbage: it is because their idiot Demonrat followers don't know any better and believe it.

99d62c  No.6103866


your 8 posts in this bread alone say otherwise

c5776c  No.6103867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a0e78f  No.6103868

File: 6e22444a2116ed3⋯.jpg (1.8 MB, 4770x3263, 4770:3263, NightOPSbig.jpg)


a nightship

aed0f2  No.6103869


fren says he wants to lay beside yo bosom

and most of the niggas responding wish same

mama – spanish lullaby

fab0fd  No.6103870

File: 441281d055a6bd8⋯.png (145.31 KB, 984x1064, 123:133, 2019-04-08_22-31-45.png)

File: 4466da61f11e934⋯.png (614.23 KB, 989x937, 989:937, 2019-04-08_22-32-40.png)

File: 5c4210233a73255⋯.png (346.11 KB, 993x952, 993:952, 2019-04-08_22-33-21.png)


Nothing will be a surprise.

Does anyone smell a… Brennan?

e209ab  No.6103871

File: 735fab99b42efb4⋯.jpg (121.82 KB, 703x1348, 703:1348, 735fab99b42efb4f8f87b8f471….jpg)



I fully agree.

bd459c  No.6103872


we finally scaled the capabilities of this board to Sun Tzu's deception protocols - albeit at the bitter end of Mueller's capitulation - now we wait for Nunes to line up hits and watch for RATS deserting their sinking ship o'fools Party.

IOW, quite comfy.

4c6cc2  No.6103873


Didn't they tell you? This place is hotel California. There ain't no keaving once you get here. Better start adapting to your surroundings.

c0f14d  No.6103874

File: bc0c8f4dba6d6da⋯.jpg (167.72 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Q ships.jpg)

File: eb3d49682d968d6⋯.jpg (645.04 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great Awakening PRAY.jpg)

File: 94452b42c2318b8⋯.jpg (103.54 KB, 800x480, 5:3, heart attack gun.jpg)

File: 1c330512c4d3152⋯.jpg (120.55 KB, 800x543, 800:543, IQT.jpg)

File: ae21b7c5c5d46ed⋯.jpg (172.29 KB, 800x657, 800:657, google cia nsa mass survel….jpg)

Overcome evil with GOOD.

Time is always short, unless your researching through it.

Then there is too much to keep mental.

Thank the Autist, Patriots, Frens, Heroes, Selfless.

They help the World, keking for morale, PRAYing, meming, digging, sharing.

With moar, America can be saved.

When America is GREAT, the World safer.

Working together = maximum potential


b99a54  No.6103875


Two faggots 1 cup or cube mates, whatever

ce1c62  No.6103876


He's over the Goldwater AF range. Looks like a training/practice flight.

416aeb  No.6103877


Thank you.

Last fall i thought up idea to make the map because they had the 94 district totals, but there was not a state total. I thought it would be a good way to visualize the sealed indictment case graphics that come out each month.

God Bless the team who used pacer to get the case counts every month since Oct 2017.

41495c  No.6103878


I see an ostrich.

8dc49b  No.6103879

File: 6b840dd7647157a⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 255x191, 255:191, u awesome.jpg)

0ff94c  No.6103880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kinda feels like that lately bro

4cd112  No.6103881

File: 7bf3fe0d8c7c3c8⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1242x1829, 1242:1829, Hillmumu1.jpg)


The dems are trying to motivate all their identity groups by running a primary candidate in all the degenerate flavors.

Expect a tranny to announce a run for preezy 2020 next.

a8cb9d  No.6103882


"Spiral Speaker, Spiral Speaker, this is Speaker Echo, over"

"Speaker Echo, this is Spiral Speaker, go ahead".

"Spiral Speaker, fire mission, fire mission".

"Echo, go ahead".

"Speaker, give me three rounds of 8 inch airburst at XXX XXX", will adjust".

"Copy Echo, on the way".

ffd507  No.6103883


shill being paid to piss in the bread all day.

and they dare to talk shit about someone who can heal people.

if you get married, do you pay the one who performs the service?

shills should shut up about who or who does not get paid and for what.

b3cdc9  No.6103884

File: 1cd4c3272ebec42⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1cd4c3272ebec42333dcd88937….png)

File: 1ee64f83d265daf⋯.jpeg (342.85 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1ee64f83d265dafed4c2b365e….jpeg)

File: 5d2e3513bbaa3d9⋯.jpeg (70.49 KB, 689x499, 689:499, 04eb4c90b8ba950eb2413ea39….jpeg)

File: 0001d928bd40a37⋯.png (602.79 KB, 1000x554, 500:277, cc494905ef39a1d773f80eca78….png)


Is The Captain back at the helm?? The last guy was a hell of a "skipper" :-(


6606ed  No.6103885


I understand.

But they're only doing this to make it look like they have something on them to people who don't know any better.

0f784c  No.6103886

File: f9e80b98fec3204⋯.png (422.68 KB, 821x758, 821:758, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.3….png)

File: 283a7f1e14d1fb0⋯.png (144.6 KB, 716x653, 716:653, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.3….png)

Folks, there are many crises facing America right now, but, IMO, if the vaccine program is not 100% immediately halted YESTERDAY then there won't be a country left to defend, or human troops to do it.


4dfaf2  No.6103887


Pussy, I'm forming clans, deifying myself, and reestablishing the institution of human sacrifice.

2420a7  No.6103888

File: fb04be48a11da1e⋯.png (217.37 KB, 480x639, 160:213, ClipboardImage.png)

83234a  No.6103889



Transformer’s 2014/2015 Exhibition Series and programs are supported by: The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, The CrossCurrents Foundation, The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities/ NEA, The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, The National Endowment for the Arts’ Access to Artistic Excellence Award, and The Visionary Friends of Transformer – individual donors, members of our Annual Auction Host Committee, and Corporate Sponsors

9eb07f  No.6103890

File: 5a99cf0032664d6⋯.jpg (46.09 KB, 584x509, 584:509, 486538_368800203151725_149….jpg)

Stupid fucking jobs, building the rich's empires as we starve.

47e5b7  No.6103891

File: b69d47c631213d8⋯.png (95.89 KB, 811x902, 811:902, officially an autist? .png)


Look at this shit! ha ha ha I am not first.

8dc49b  No.6103892

File: 9e9eb94a8ccc4c8⋯.jpeg (101.9 KB, 500x747, 500:747, night.shift.jolly.roger.jpeg)


Night Ship…

54d9fb  No.6103893

Guise, It just it me. Pepe the frog and the viper seeking his demise. Life Circle

11d18b  No.6103894


>the ones who have massacred, or attempted to massacre loads of people, and who actually mentioned trump in their ideology have "nothing to do with trump"

Because they don't. No ties to Trump. And all this retarded race shit happened on Obama's watch, man.

dcdd67  No.6103895

File: 012115773da5392⋯.jpeg (341.69 KB, 1211x1298, 1211:1298, 7A5A2CB9-5142-4DDF-A145-5….jpeg)

8d70be  No.6103896

File: 63863e2a60c419d⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 808x534, 404:267, macronb2.jpg)


Moar like closer to the voodoo fudge packer god.

e844ea  No.6103897



Yeah she looks a hell of a lot better than that thick muscle building dyke you were posting a while back.

53da3e  No.6103898

File: ab27015b7ae365e⋯.jpg (77.4 KB, 737x502, 737:502, 2y3pqc.jpg)


@ 2:16 min

415d8c  No.6103899


Anyone successful is too juicy a target. Envy is always a good way to divide people. The great secret of socialism.

a8cb9d  No.6103900


Pebble Beach is a strange and wondrous place.

d1103a  No.6103901

File: fd05fc82359fb5e⋯.jpeg (949.43 KB, 2376x1415, 2376:1415, 1B202329-785D-4ED0-864F-C….jpeg)

File: cc62d2896244251⋯.jpeg (455.74 KB, 1811x1030, 1811:1030, F1579A64-1AE3-4532-AE63-2….jpeg)

File: d3dab557c4eb685⋯.jpeg (418.14 KB, 1813x1009, 1813:1009, BDF7A285-2C06-4E01-8F6F-7….jpeg)

File: c4c35b5d7712d59⋯.jpeg (412.11 KB, 1815x1011, 605:337, 4250346F-5A87-4050-ABB2-4….jpeg)

File: b16fc58db58e544⋯.jpeg (409.75 KB, 1816x1009, 1816:1009, 75334CBE-2807-4561-834B-3….jpeg)

Any Anons want to bet Podesta is in the White House Visitor Logs?

Remember to match dates and times with events.

732155  No.6103902


It's pretty

9fb053  No.6103903

File: aa22d6e5b814f31⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2583x3328, 2583:3328, Zapata.png)

File: 1b1b8cc453625e1⋯.jpg (81.44 KB, 800x597, 800:597, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1978….jpg)

File: 520927ca4443be1⋯.jpeg (25.05 KB, 453x257, 453:257, 7114199877fe4171580882d15….jpeg)

File: d6f1c0f2204077b⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 678x381, 226:127, argentina-nazi-uboat-678x3….jpg)

Compiled anon's Zapata Barack Hussein Nazi crumbs from the weekend into a graphic. Give you nightshift fags something to dig on.

All PB













bun of pb digs, Bush Nazi, BOOT, ZAPATA, Goebbels Hitler family, etc

Bush Nazi connection bun of pb digs


▶Anonymous 04/06/19 (Sat) 12:03:03 83643a (2) No.6072535>>6072564 >>6072592 >>6072665

Repost of Crumbs

Repost of crumbs from last bread, please help dig

Harald Quandt Holding GmbH

Intersection of power and money in Deutschland


Hitler's favorite little girl!

Surely it was just a friendly relationship!

Helga and Hilda sure do have dark hair.

My my my. What a twisted web.

Look into Goebbels family and Hitler's relationship.

Do you really think Braun had no children?

Where would they go?

Who would raise them out of the public eye?

Did hitler play favorites? (he did)



There sure is a lot of popular children names that start with H in the german language.

Do you think a mother would poison her children?


Berghof in Nahuel Huapi Lake, in Patagonia, Argentina

This subject is AWFULLY difficult.

The consequences will never be the same.


How old was hilde in 1961?

What was important/relevant on that date?

What about 1951? 41? 7 8 23 2

What does Viva Zapata and 1951 have in common?








There are somethings we cannot come out and say all at once.

The group digging for the answers is precisely what we've been doing for 2 years.

Because the individual i vulnerable

where the distributed group is not.




to SA via BOOT

to US via ZAPATA

build a timeline. then fill in the gaps.

Goebbels and Hitler.


H <helga

H <Hedwig

H <Helmut

H <Hildegard

H <Holdine

H <Heidrun

H ?

Magda's relationship with Hitler?

Wet Nurse.


Hitler played favorites.


Which H?


Travel to SA


Travel to US



Bush and Nazis?



What's the role of Zapata?

think timeline.

What happened in 1951? 27yr old H2.

2420a7  No.6103904

File: a3ec79892744a29⋯.png (565.66 KB, 591x640, 591:640, ClipboardImage.png)

b3cdc9  No.6103906

File: 77a9f9ad0fbfd27⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 345x439, 345:439, 56635056_549287705594143_3….jpg)


I'm there. Totally.

MATT 6:33


Humbled and FOREVER In the Service of The LIGHT.


5bbf29  No.6103907

File: 2aeefbff618494f⋯.png (39.58 KB, 255x115, 51:23, ClipboardImage.png)



6606ed  No.6103908


🎶🎵It's the end of the world as we know it.🎵🎶

3abc43  No.6103909

File: 185bc94b6e8020c⋯.gif (593.97 KB, 277x209, 277:209, DLDg31Y.gif)

2a3266  No.6103910

File: 14e1d5cb03a083b⋯.png (802.8 KB, 1200x846, 200:141, buttiplug.png)

a0e78f  No.6103911

File: d2167f7a49dc383⋯.png (663.15 KB, 1297x812, 1297:812, RippedApart.png)


I'm sorry are you blaming the culture war on trump?

41495c  No.6103912


I was on Federal Grand Jury duty for 1.5 yrs (3days/month). I feel for you.

ffd507  No.6103913


hey, if you post here anon you are an anon

and guess what, you prove to be what you accuse other of.

why are you just as you claim others are?

you say we are 'evil'.

you slander us by saying these things.

some would call what you do 'hypocracy'.

others would say it is shilling.

I think you are a disgruntled person, but what do I know.

Please refrain from hating on people here. It serves no purpose.

and guesswhat, the changes that are happening will greatly improve your situation.

so lighten up. the 'evil group' are those who say that others are the evil group.

no, that's not it. People aren't evil, there behavior is.

so stop it.

you might have to answer for this some day.

you are making a fool of yourself.

d33709  No.6103914

File: 7607cec04a4e876⋯.jpg (199.63 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Night shift ship.jpg)


Did someone say shippost?

797db9  No.6103915


Pelosi getting an award is like Hitler being “America’s next idol”

Who’s giving out these awards. I’m

So glad I’m an anon…”I don’t need no fucking awards”…

2a2bf9  No.6103916

File: 1e5241bdb18a175⋯.png (729.44 KB, 544x679, 544:679, ClipboardImage.png)

975418  No.6103917

File: 654e7479cc59a2e⋯.jpg (13.92 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 654e7479cc59a2ee8c9cf9e517….jpg)

File: 1cab89accfda2f7⋯.jpg (72.66 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ce2d3a5940d381a4b80898a206….jpg)


Yes Fren. Little boy cute as a button. They finally got control of my niece's blood pressure and fluid retention. Much better now. I spent some time with both today!

Thank You and all Anons for the prayers, they were answered.


47a738  No.6103918

File: 465d6def71e8f61⋯.png (23.04 KB, 1301x239, 1301:239, ClipboardImage.png)

39e758  No.6103919


Butt Guzzler

0f784c  No.6103920


Right on! Jury nullification needs to be something people know about as a good option for "process crimes" or "victimless crimes".

45b529  No.6103921


i feel fine

89e5fb  No.6103923

File: bfd6d6a9169c15c⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 1025x569, 1025:569, 2019-04-07 19.39.32 www.yo….jpg)

File: 1ecf9851646197f⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 287x533, 7:13, 2019-02-24 17.49.05 www.yo….jpg)

We really loved the US.



5888eb  No.6103924


kek!! wwg1wg1 kek

093eb4  No.6103925

File: 7622ea910def612⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1112x1397, 1112:1397, emannuel.jpg)

83234a  No.6103926

File: e7b42763b65a120⋯.jpg (329.39 KB, 1290x942, 215:157, magic-009.jpg)


The punk magician?

Hand or pocket….

f8e454  No.6103927

Nurse anon here. I am confused on the Candida scare. My experience with Candida that sucked is cancer, HIV, elderly, and peg tube patients… It causes white blisters in the mouth called thrush and is treated with a "swish and swallow" mixture of nystatin and Mylanta. CDC has put out a warning so it must be serious BUT not sure what it is. In medical facilities, Staph (MRSA) stays on surfaces for 2 weeks, C-diff is horrible causing the runs and is a killer to get rid of but this I am confused. CDC is saying it is drug resistant and stays on surfaces for 1 mo+. Any other medical prof, please chime in because I do not get it.

416aeb  No.6103928

File: cd16b73ec185909⋯.png (149.74 KB, 226x569, 226:569, Eric Swalwell doll 2.png)

File: 1450db145c254ec⋯.png (149.11 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Booker doll.png)

59b22f  No.6103929


Dude, bring a shovel. One of us will need it.

a7707e  No.6103930


Oh, I got you (6606ed) mixed up with anon (2fa852).

All of my replies on this subject were pointed toward anon (2fa852), with whom I agree wholeheartedly.

3abc43  No.6103931

File: 8802d3b36a695d3⋯.jpg (161.26 KB, 640x853, 640:853, ape.jpg)

3de56f  No.6103932

File: dcc2642513b4af7⋯.jpg (109.21 KB, 634x1062, 317:531, 8701278-6607689-Wardrobe_m….jpg)

5856de  No.6103933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Qanon February 26 2019 - Who Will Be Next to Fall?


2a3266  No.6103934

File: d73b95c260a7d95⋯.png (124.06 KB, 533x401, 533:401, tran-npc.png)

6fdaf0  No.6103935

File: 7d2bdf0d7b836ee⋯.png (293.79 KB, 822x542, 411:271, Screenshot_2019-04-08 Clin….png)

File: 754d2157840334d⋯.png (124.02 KB, 836x344, 209:86, Screenshot_2019-04-08 Clin….png)

File: 7d2bdf0d7b836ee⋯.png (293.79 KB, 822x542, 411:271, Screenshot_2019-04-08 Clin….png)

So I've been digging on the Midyear Exam & Crossfire Hurricane timeline/s & I think I've stumbled on to something significant…

May the 4th 2016!!!


5/4/16 Just after midnight Page/Strzok text re: DJT's inevitablity as Republican nominee for POTUS

5/4/16 Obama admin concludes Trump is working w/ Russia

5/4/16 Later that day… Strzok/Page text "Now the pressure really starts to finish the MYE…" (MYE=Mid Year Exam)

MOAR timeline stuff…

7/1/16 Tarmac meeting

7/2/16 Clinton "interviewed" by FBI

7/5/16 Comey hold press conference states Clinton not being charged

7/5/16 FBI interviews Christopher Steele

7/11/16 Carter Page duped by John Brennan's long time CIA source with help of British 5eyes

7/28/16 Obama admin quietly opens an FBI cointel investigation of Russian cyber-espionage — hacking attacks — to disrupt the 2016 election

8/1/16 UK Strzok goes to London

8/1/16 US McCabe demands Strzok briefs him BEFORE Priestap, a blatant breech of protocol.

8/2/16 Page warns Strzok about signing anything that wouldn't "lawfully protect" their setup of DJT.

8/3/16 Strozk/Page text re: Controlling the "flow of information" on Strozk's London interviews.

8/5/16 Strozk/Page & various head FBI discuss upcoming meeting w/ "agency ppl", (aka: CIA), on the new case, (aka: Crossfire Hurricane).

9/28/16 Neither Comey nor Strzok can recall much about Clinton's emails nor Weiner's laptop cases.

Really great sauce, there's a lot here to dig!




415d8c  No.6103936


Nicely said, anon–and lightly!

e95453  No.6103937

File: b09d5b3ffa98b13⋯.jpg (696.13 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190408-194052….jpg)


If you don't agree with me your a ra ra racist!!!

a09852  No.6103938

Channel scanning- noticed John Oliver is trying to trash Herman Cain as Fed Pick.

It is great feedback to see them try to made the FED sound like a reputable institution that deserves more White Rich Men in key positions.

Oliver is kinda bombing out on the attack.

This is how I get my media kicks, watching them panic…

So comfy!

a0e78f  No.6103939

File: 7f09dd52b141043⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 474x269, 474:269, bruce-jenner-cat.jpg)


you just slandered

without sauce

4c6cc2  No.6103940

BOOM week.

89e5fb  No.6103941

File: a97433703846cef⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 740x599, 740:599, 2019-02-15 04.29.04 www.go….jpg)


Getting warmer.

dcdd67  No.6103942


You get my point though.

5888eb  No.6103943


nigga get yourself some probiotics and you'll be fine

be4d1e  No.6103944


who is circled girl?

b38227  No.6103945


Mayor of Bend-South

4cd4b1  No.6103946

File: 7789431a8e4c14a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6103926 You are Hired!

TY anon

bd8f14  No.6103947

005c0b  No.6103948

Keep it up baker.

I bake two breads in time of peace,

and two in time of war.

I take a break from baking breads,

then I go meme so' moar.


dd9079  No.6103949


I learned from bho getting the NP. If the NP is BS, then all other awards are as well…

b3cdc9  No.6103950

File: 3a3ee8f5721c9cc⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 687x503, 687:503, 0cc5fc3614607d08a918c30154….jpg)

File: bcc86e3d4f6301b⋯.png (385.01 KB, 416x707, 416:707, 3e9f610991efa17957e98917e4….png)

File: 509bcf27bedbd65⋯.jpg (184.31 KB, 846x855, 94:95, 9a17243cda34bbb659c513c5d7….jpg)

File: 6079d27fc215d51⋯.png (531.8 KB, 692x527, 692:527, Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at ….png)



And it does #BecauseMath

Then….Who is Melania Trump?? Because they are CLEARLY a PERFECT Match and Soul Mates. Hmmmmm…..


Shall We Play A Game??

9fb053  No.6103951


on that note, anyone remember the chatter about the resort in the mountains in Argentina? Had something to do with US presidents. Can't fucking find it

ec8210  No.6103952


You haven't been following closely enough then, if that is the way that you feel. These men have been the targets of these criminal politicians for quite some time. It's all there, if you want to see it.

d52a3c  No.6103953


I don't bury.

I stack.

89e5fb  No.6103954

File: 6eeff25a0ce6ec6⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 758x423, 758:423, 2019-04-09 03.43.32 www.go….jpg)

aed0f2  No.6103955


golf courses and ghost towns - – parajitos and serpent worshiping baby sacrificing cults

dancing piper

swirls mean wut "u" think they\ mean

tunnels – shit child


3abc43  No.6103956

File: 4e04cf86dbb2183⋯.gif (6.85 KB, 173x255, 173:255, dance.gif)

2fa852  No.6103957

6606ed  No.6103958


Just because I'm here observing you and interacting with you doesn't make me a part of your group.

48f041  No.6103959


Almost every last name starts with an A… what is this, the Mossad A team?

24e6a0  No.6103960


I don't know that this is relevant, but I found it rather interesting. Could the 19th be our second Independence Day?


bfc04e  No.6103961

File: 0e6ac2a8f65a847⋯.jpg (79.12 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 4b.jpg)

File: 08777740d52abda⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, order-of-the-eastern-star-….jpg)


6c893b  No.6103962

Miller leaving …Damn we are losing our Q poster ..

Wonder if the Q team appointed someone else

7c6633  No.6103963

File: 64c45359ea52056⋯.jpeg (12.57 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 1af584742f6e2085618daf292….jpeg)



4cd112  No.6103964

File: 277728b887ebd18⋯.png (528.35 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Damn. White women are fucking HOT!

a8cb9d  No.6103965

File: f3aecb757840e14⋯.jpg (58 KB, 862x485, 862:485, No 3.jpg)


> the problem isn't with them the problem is with him.

Wrong numbnuts. He's got a really shallow bench to draw from. All of them are comp'd or in the tank for the DS. He's a CEO, he'll keep changing personnel until he gets what he wants. Our job is to support him in this by digging on the players on the bench. They can't do it all by themselves, pitch in, bitch.

6606ed  No.6103966


The sauce is all around you my friend.

9fb053  No.6103967


I believe that's Hilde Goebbels.

47e5b7  No.6103968

File: 0fe0543a96ef868⋯.png (250.5 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, Trusting the plan.png)


Reeeee ha ha

6fdaf0  No.6103969


This candida affects the gut & bowels, & is most often found in postop patients.

99d62c  No.6103970


nobody cares

167ed8  No.6103971



its something I haven't seen discussed here

0f784c  No.6103972


If I remember correctly it also says "answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes." Point: You can't win with fools. I think its best to convert or avoid them

89e5fb  No.6103973

File: b0087927ac2d0b5⋯.jpg (254.59 KB, 1575x863, 1575:863, 2019-03-21 03.16.12 proxy.….jpg)




b3cdc9  No.6103974

File: f11a2095a63eec8⋯.jpg (45.97 KB, 962x627, 962:627, f11a2095a63eec8c062c765ad0….jpg)

File: a2785725b27be2f⋯.png (648.01 KB, 608x602, 304:301, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)

File: 410d75a8ce86b3d⋯.png (87.7 KB, 307x301, 307:301, Screen Shot 2018-06-24 at ….png)

File: aded01b49eb9609⋯.png (506.68 KB, 647x700, 647:700, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at ….png)


What is it to be DELIVERED??


be4d1e  No.6103975

File: 9006967c60b27db⋯.png (385.48 KB, 690x657, 230:219, kobach.PNG)


Kris Kobach uses Fox News interview to make his case to be the next DHS secretary

b38227  No.6103976


I think that is going to be their last ditch ploy.

Once it becomes obvious that Q is coming from the WH, they are going to "investigate" and claim it a "white nationalist" plot that even many in the Q army don't understand. They probably have all kinds of "racist" and "nigger" posts lined up to reveal.

5972f7  No.6103977

File: 5d4dea04cfade17⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1702x1724, 851:862, A7174F5F-F2D1-44A2-973C-A….jpeg)



Qsclues… unreal.

995636  No.6103978

File: 7de8dd4a69d14b5⋯.png (93.42 KB, 450x338, 225:169, a tarantula.png)


did not see it in but related books appear to link NESARA to reptilians


231ea8  No.6103979

6606ed  No.6103980


Yeah whatever.

7ddf1c  No.6103981



Thank you anon!

1a6a24  No.6103982


it has been. several times, briefly, but several times.

4c6cc2  No.6103983


Miller is not leaving, he got a promotion.

2420a7  No.6103984

File: a822d7f0a308e7e⋯.png (319.68 KB, 603x652, 603:652, ClipboardImage.png)

f2ff53  No.6103985

File: 06f684acef16e8c⋯.png (411.98 KB, 915x693, 305:231, Jersey.png)

File: c72123cb248e17f⋯.png (113.66 KB, 745x849, 745:849, comments.png)

The individuals arrested throughout New Jersey were nationals of Brazil (3), Costa Rica (3), Dominican Republic (1), Ecuador (16), El Salvador (8), Guatemala (24), Honduras (14), Jamaica (1), Mexico (41), Nicaragua (1), Peru (6), Poland (2), Spain (2), and Trinidad (1).


2fa852  No.6103986


Probably dozens in all if my thoughts on the matter are correct. But one

042a2d  No.6103987


Good luck with that attitude

but I think you're destined for a FEMA camp if SHTF

bd459c  No.6103988


actually, a layer of autists between CINC and his Savants might make the world go around faster

73db2f  No.6103989

File: 010e719af458e17⋯.jpg (635.48 KB, 1080x1710, 12:19, whitegirl9af458e17f4f8d067….jpg)

093eb4  No.6103990


volcanoes and aliens and bombs a plenty its cursed land i think and yeah the mountains under ground oh and the natives say there are giants up in the mountains

6606ed  No.6103991


Oh great! LOL

b3cdc9  No.6103992

File: 7b2d7f9c777454b⋯.png (901.47 KB, 637x866, 637:866, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)


Greetings Traveler!!

bcf0b9  No.6103993

File: a550ac73742c3b5⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2660x1788, 665:447, NO THOUGHT ALLOWED.jpg)

8d70be  No.6103994

File: 6d697d43ad0a8ba⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 8de1fa4d429cd69c233106e016….jpg)


Nasty fucking feces eaters. Globalist gay mafia pedovore criminals.

39e758  No.6103995

File: 4a77623454643c3⋯.jpg (200.18 KB, 1280x757, 1280:757, 3d mandelbrot MysteryCave-….jpg)


You are now here forever!

Welcome to the Aftermath!

3abc43  No.6103996

File: c352925caac2f35⋯.gif (402.37 KB, 220x220, 1:1, watch.gif)

dcdd67  No.6103997

File: 167ec858fed7662⋯.jpeg (186.04 KB, 964x1285, 964:1285, 80CD5316-8E96-446A-B9E5-A….jpeg)

File: 12218ae9b3bcc05⋯.jpeg (581.77 KB, 1100x825, 4:3, B5AAEDFA-D6F4-4549-8D3B-9….jpeg)

File: ef9e1a82de168ac⋯.jpeg (125.75 KB, 830x900, 83:90, 7C819E85-AC1D-4339-B78B-C….jpeg)

File: 973c1b82e89e35d⋯.jpeg (89.69 KB, 736x965, 736:965, 155AEEBD-C31E-46E3-88F5-A….jpeg)

File: cd16b73ec185909⋯.png (149.74 KB, 226x569, 226:569, 817CF2C5-A5B0-4496-B83B-E8….png)


Fuckin-a right!

c5776c  No.6103998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1e7da3  No.6103999

File: 0d43c79c34f4c5e⋯.jpeg (150.92 KB, 367x485, 367:485, 6DEF0326-9C59-41AF-93B0-0….jpeg)

Anthropologists generally turn somersaults to avoid discussing it, but Neanderthal man is the basic racial stock for most Jews. And this is steadily developing into a generally accepted if underplayed consensus. Now that this fact is being disinterred, we are experiencing a great public relations campaign "humanizing" and even ennobling the Neanderthal, innocent victim of his contemporary, the Cro-Magnon man, the aggressive, conniving, brutal competitor and all-around rotter, the racial basis for the Aryan white man.

Neanderthals do not lack brains. In fact, the Neanderthal braincase is somewhat larger than Cro-Magnon. They are more hairy than the Cro-Magnons, shorter in stature, tend to slope forward while walking and have a heavy brow ridge. Although their jaw is smaller, their bite is fierce. The men may sport a long, reddish-black beard and if you braid the hair of one and put a black fedora on him, you will have the spitting image of an Orthodox rabbi.

For the past 50 or 60 millennia, Neanderthal/Semites have tried to interbreed with Cro-Magnon/Aryans. This has somewhat improved the Jewish phenotype at the expense of the latter.

For almost a thousand years in the West, since A.D. 1012, when they were expelled from Mainz, Jews have proven themselves to be bad neighbors. In 1649 Oliver Cromwell obtained backing from the British Parliament for the execution of King Charles I on a charge of treason. Afterward, Cromwell permitted the Jews to enter England again, effectively reversing the edict of expulsion issued by King Edward I in 1290, which expelled all Jews from England "forever" and ordered that any who remained were to be executed.

In addition to the common complaint of usury, accusations of ritual murder of Christian children usually motivated the expulsions. England is not the first country to expel Jews.

4cd112  No.6104000


Trump's son is a faggot?

Interesting take … but not surprising on this fucktard larp.

4c6cc2  No.6104001


Schlichter in da housssseeee!

e6039e  No.6104002

File: 564c1dffd5185d4⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1922, 621:961, A3108C58-387F-4A3D-B344-0….jpeg)


6c893b  No.6104003


To busy to be Q'ing… DHS is a tough job

60af1e  No.6104004

File: 84c64a47dc18a7f⋯.gif (486.64 KB, 500x256, 125:64, minions waving hello to th….gif)


great to hear. Best to everyone!

3abc43  No.6104006

File: 62f812949b93a15⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 248x255, 248:255, jesusinvite.jpg)

5795d1  No.6104008

Notables so far


>>6103548 Articles of the Clinton's and China from 2009

>>6103638 Mark Meadows: More criminal referrals coming, 'overwhelming evidence' shows DOJ, FBI abuse

>>6103697 Updated sealed cases graphics

>>6103716 Devin Nunes now suing the Fresno Bee for $150 million after story on ‘cocaine and underage prostitutes’

>>6103755 Sheriff Scott Israel Was Suspended, He’s Trying To Become Police Chief Somewhere Else

>>6103801 The Unspoken Power of Jury Nullification in the Context of Conflicting State and Federal Law

>>6103935 Dig on the Midyear Exam & Crossfire Hurricane timelines

>>6103975 Media Matter hit piece: Kris Kobach uses Fox News interview to make his case to be the next DHS secretary

>>6103985 ICE Arrests 123 Illegal Aliens with Criminal History in Phil Murphy’s Jersey Sanctuary State

be4d1e  No.6104009

File: 9006967c60b27db⋯.png (385.48 KB, 690x657, 230:219, kobach.PNG)



TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): So if you're running DHS tomorrow, what would you do first?

KRIS KOBACH (GUEST): First three things I would do to address this current problem on the border is: number one, we would publish the final version of the regulation that settles the Flores settlement, it supercedes the Flores settlement. Basically it stipulates how the United States can detain an entire family unit together so you wouldn't have separation of families and you could detain them for as long as is necessary. That could be done tomorrow. Second thing is, I would deploy the thousands of FEMA trailers, either to border cities or to military bases in Texas and Arizona and set up processing centers. Instead of just turning loose these bogus asylum applicants on to the American streets never to be seen again. Let's put them in mobile homes, let's process their claims, ship the immigration judges in, have the claims processed right there, and as soon as their claim is denied, put them on a passenger plane and fly them right back home. Word will get out it in the villages back home, hey it doesn't work to get in these caravans anymore, you're not going to be released into the United States.

And then the third thing that I would do is publish a regulation that tells Mexico, in so many words, no your illegal aliens in the United States cannot send remittances home anymore. You can't wire things through Western Union. We could do that with a Treasury regulation. And then tell Mexico, look that regulation is going to take effect and become final unless you sign the third country, safe third country agreement like we have with Canada so that any asylum applicant, the first safe country they step foot in, namely Mexico, they have to apply there for asylum. They can't walk all the way through Mexico. And then say, Oh we're applying for asylum here in the United States. I'd do those three things right away. Keep building the wall and then there's about fifty other executive actions that need to be taken.

a0e78f  No.6104010

File: 1c63a8fc67f37b5⋯.png (7.91 KB, 1104x125, 1104:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d664dfde6afb466⋯.png (696.24 KB, 1128x826, 564:413, ClipboardImage.png)


>Don’t come here again.

PS hows the fire sale of Bronfman Rothschild going?

Needed to get liquid to help Clare and Sara huh?


8b31f2  No.6104011


Q. I'm praying you come back soon. I've been red pilling the other physicians on Sermo but we still need to hear from YOU! God bless. Stay safe. Many thanks to you and your team,


2ce57d  No.6104012

File: 91a6e20f8d02739⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 2048x1472, 32:23, 49B4AB09-2382-4E29-9825-F….jpeg)


TYB Rock on

a8cb9d  No.6104013


Classical study has perks I hear.

4cd112  No.6104014

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, scotch3.gif)

8d48eb  No.6104015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fa85a4  No.6104016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… DO IT Q…. .


41495c  No.6104017


Used books sold on amazon for high prices are a money laundering scheme.

2fa852  No.6104018


… but one that connected, hard to say.

Not sure why but i keep getting an auto reply occasionally that enters

before I click the New Reply button lately.

Thoughts BVs?

3abc43  No.6104019

File: d2d768bb2a5757c⋯.jpg (55.78 KB, 540x471, 180:157, liberalexp.jpg)

ec577a  No.6104020

File: 8f75ecb7005a3df⋯.png (741.02 KB, 634x756, 317:378, hat.PNG)

f7f415  No.6104021

File: dafff5897908e1d⋯.png (15.05 KB, 255x158, 255:158, c81d8ae29e3382afabfa406dd6….png)





f8e454  No.6104022


I am not getting this. NEVER dealt with candida being a problem. It just seems bizarre.

a3879f  No.6104023



Q ruined this place

filled with religiousfags and shariablue cunts

all day long

6606ed  No.6104024



093eb4  No.6104025


i should not kek but i get your anger these people are sick

b932fc  No.6104026

File: 897a389f7cc9a5d⋯.png (14.51 MB, 3000x2488, 375:311, All roads lead to Rome pgs….png)

File: c0b9226977c5a54⋯.jpg (30.67 KB, 322x499, 322:499, 513gRZvu0tL._SX320_BO1,204….jpg)

From All Roads lead to Rome?

Pages 72-73 A company linked to the vatican Bellatrix got into smuggling arms, Exocet missiles to Argentina late 80's early 90's?

0e3408  No.6104027

So info is released arounf 5:30 or so my time that President Trump was back at the White House and they have "put a lid" on it, meaning it's closed for the night.

Why? Is something going to happen tonight that requires POTUS/FLOTUS and family to be safe and secure? Seems awfully early for night-night.

Going to be a late night obvs as I will have to watch 'til morn to see what happens!

ab9609  No.6104028

File: 1a7a66ca4c7c839⋯.png (4.68 MB, 3600x3300, 12:11, DTLBAKERPUZZLE.png)


Puzzle coming together.


Will add 64.

3abc43  No.6104029

File: 1419aacd5eab8bf⋯.png (709.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, freeloaders.png)

bfc04e  No.6104030

File: 86b1b0628ccd08e⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 115x238, 115:238, 86b1b0628ccd08eb2d64047a51….jpg)


5856de  No.6104031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Qanon March 23 2019 - Nobody Walks Away From This


6606ed  No.6104032

d33709  No.6104033


Q will be back… stay comfee Docanon. Stay comfee.


bfc04e  No.6104034

File: 35bf347065a35dc⋯.gif (23.81 KB, 220x234, 110:117, 220px-Mark_Master_Keystone.gif)


981cc7  No.6104035


Poor immune system. It’s fungal

6c893b  No.6104036


Sounds to me like he's going to get butt hurt when not picked

4b06ea  No.6104037

My mom asked me what I was doing, and I said, "anoning."

6606ed  No.6104038


I didn't say that.

bfc04e  No.6104039

File: 77ff7aab2b4be02⋯.jpg (27.91 KB, 405x294, 135:98, 84f1b8c31e16865445a6e79779….jpg)


5db773  No.6104040

File: ef2689448208e7f⋯.png (833.32 KB, 985x670, 197:134, MEGA.png)


Spaceship Earth.

d52a3c  No.6104041

File: b8347c82ea80ab3⋯.png (579.75 KB, 751x736, 751:736, Screenshot (1402).png)

Great news!

California making massive strides in reducing college debt!


5972f7  No.6104042

File: 9df9501468990f5⋯.jpeg (25.08 KB, 177x255, 59:85, 32F9B8EF-31F4-4A31-88E2-7….jpeg)


Should be a doozy…


0f784c  No.6104043

File: 7d13198ca577887⋯.png (302.12 KB, 795x549, 265:183, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.4….png)

File: f657837b2e05c18⋯.png (462.96 KB, 811x719, 811:719, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.0….png)

File: 8791ed878977e78⋯.png (395.38 KB, 833x591, 833:591, Screenshot 2019-04-08 21.0….png)


Here's the "sauce" that I found first. NYT also has written about it. Another anon posted something form someone called "Jim Stone" speculating the germ was a vaccine contaminant derived from GMO yeast used in vaccine production. In any case, it appears to be horrible https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-06/mysterious-drug-resistant-germ-deemed-urgent-threat-quietly-sweeping-globe

384b55  No.6104044


Dunno if you are the same Anon who posted this stuff before, but my comment is the same:

Put your thoughts into a coherent format please, otherwise it is just a slide.

2a3266  No.6104045

File: bed9c5f9f438bbb⋯.png (851.9 KB, 1200x846, 200:141, mayor-bend.png)

8d70be  No.6104046

File: 274b4f36a4d8165⋯.png (224.98 KB, 941x718, 941:718, 274b4f36a4d81651efb273a70f….png)


Chek't trips confirm neanderthals have always been a scourge.

5888eb  No.6104047

62a15a  No.6104048


Kobach would be great as DHS Secretary.

a1f1b7  No.6104049


what you dont know is a lot

lurk watch and learn

6fdaf0  No.6104050


It's almost impossible to kill in people w/ compromised immune systems.

My dad got it when he was dying from cancer in da VA. That's how I know a bit about it.

be4d1e  No.6104051

File: 9006967c60b27db⋯.png (385.48 KB, 690x657, 230:219, kobach.PNG)


Kobach says he was in meetings with Trump and DHS when Trump gave them orders and they said they would carry them out……BUT THEY WOULDN'T

3abc43  No.6104052

File: cca1ea2ca1c8da3⋯.gif (3.6 MB, 480x270, 16:9, races.gif)

d33709  No.6104053



2ce57d  No.6104054

File: 84776f60b6e7e61⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1260x840, 3:2, 8DB529B1-466D-4185-895B-46….png)


Welcome to the Night Shift

9fb053  No.6104055



Crumbs indicate Hilde may have been Braun and Hitler's offspring being raised out of the spotlight. Magda was the Wet Nurse

A wet nurse is a woman who breast feeds and cares for another's child. Wet nurses are employed if the mother dies, or if she is unable or elects not to nurse the child herself

Look into Goebbels family and Hitler's relationship.

Do you really think Braun had no children?

Where would they go?

Who would raise them out of the public eye?

Did hitler play favorites? (he did)



6c893b  No.6104056

WHY "Put a lid on it"

Strange … wonder what it means

a3321c  No.6104057

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I'm Your Captain

- Grand Funk Railroad

Can a Dyson Sphere be a ship? Properly camouflaged…maybe like a planet. With oceans.


ce1c62  No.6104058

File: 2f3fe1d2b8a6b26⋯.png (769.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, NightShiftFLIR.png)

6f89f2  No.6104059

File: 1d83b9972ef2339⋯.jpg (690.63 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20190408-070524….jpg)

File: 24c347d09816c77⋯.jpg (546.08 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190408-102047….jpg)

File: 4a6e025e3dde6d9⋯.jpg (110.43 KB, 1248x1417, 96:109, D3pLOakWAAEflzP.jpg)

File: 9aab81932d66313⋯.jpg (707.03 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190408-224714….jpg)

Ok, i may have to break this up into a few posts

Ive had a Q fucked up KEK kinda day

My day started with me nearky flying off the fkn hwy when i spotted this black truck.

Check the license plate: D5 (virginia)

This is about 6 miles from Mar e Lago (southbound on i95 just north of Palm Beach Lakes Blvd…for the map fags)

Then i get to work and i start digging on David Spade. Turns out he has a post from 2015 about Utah legalizing the firing squad as a means for DEATH PENALTY

Ahhhhaaaaa. H U B E R

Then i find some stats on qmap.live - percent of traffick:

MSM. 6.66%

POTUS: 17% (and some small fraction)

Then @ lunch, RUSH LIMBAUGH was all over the FISA warrant and how the investigation of TRUMP had to have started illegally before the STEELE DOSSIER…like when he was just a candidate.

Then somehwere in there Allison Mack pleads guilty to sex trafficking

Then, im driving to a performance at Hobe Sound Bible College, and listening to mark Levin, who's going on w Devin Nunes. .outlining all yhe charges that are going to be filed against some as of yet unnamed characters…all treasonous.

And then a goddmaned kek frog on my door!

d52a3c  No.6104060

File: 0189d6372641149⋯.gif (3.72 MB, 360x360, 1:1, TerrorFail.gif)

4cd112  No.6104061


Some needs to start a rumor that this Omar cunt was raped so that her daddy will stone her for us.

46f972  No.6104062

Judge blocks Trump administration policy of returning asylum seekers to Mexico

The federal court judge issued the injunction after finding the Trump administration had not done enough to assure the safety of the asylum seekers.

April 8, 2019, 6:08 PM EDT

By Dareh Gregorian

A federal judge in California issued an order Monday blocking the Trump administration's policy of returning some asylum-seekers to Mexico while they wait for a court appearance.

U.S. District Court Judge Richard Seeborg's nationwide ruling will not go into effect until Friday, to give the administration time to appeal.

Outgoing Homeland Security chief Kirstjen Nielsen announced the launch of the Migrant Protection Protocols in San Diego, the country's busiest border crossing, in January. Under the policy, Customs and Border Protection officers and agents have the authority to turn around asylum-seekers crossing in the San Diego and El Paso sectors. Families seeking asylum had previously been allowed to stay in the United States while awaiting their court hearings.

A lawsuit filed on behalf of 11 asylum-seekers from Central America had argued that being sent back across the border could expose them to "undue risk to their lives or freedom."

Seeborg found the asylum-seekers had enough of a case to issue a temporary order blocking the policy.

Advocacy groups involved in the suit hailed the decision.

“Remain in Mexico leaves individuals and families fleeing persecution stranded on the other side of the border, when what they need and deserve under our laws is protection in America,” Archi Pyati, chief of policy for Tahirih Justice Center, said. “This policy goes against basic tenets of fairness, and makes it all but impossible for us to do our jobs. We are glad to see justice served.”

NBC News reported last week that Nielsen announced that she would be increasing the number of Central American asylum-seekers who are made to wait in Mexico until they can see a U.S. immigration judge.

Seeborg's ruling means "you can't do this where you’ve been doing it and you can’t expand it where you want to expand it," Judy Rabinovitz, who argued the case for the ACLU, told NBC News.

She said the policy had been "a complete change in how our asylum system works," and it had left asylum-seekers without any supports in Mexico, where there's a "lot of hostility towards migrants and a lot of lawlessness involving Mexican authorities." She estimated that hundreds of asylum-seekers had already been sent back into Mexico, with no clear way of coming back in for their hearings.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Any appeal of the decision would be heard by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, an appeals court that President Donald Trump has repeatedly blasted as a "disgrace" for ruling against his policies.

Daily border crossings have surpassed a 13-year high as the number of undocumented Central American migrants, mainly families with children seeking asylum, has increased in recent months.

In her announcement, Nielsen directed border agents to "return hundreds of additional migrants per day above current rates." It is not known how many migrants have been returned already.

The administration hopes that making asylum seekers wait outside the U.S. will discourage weak claims and help reduce an immigration court backlog of more than 800,000 cases.

3abc43  No.6104063

File: 88c7d34b9c6f4f5⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 497x611, 497:611, 70e093184e0d657ab43c3ee2c4….jpg)

7cc2d0  No.6104064


Demolish the college and download a PDF form from the internet of the entire class cirrculum in under 20 seconds.

73db2f  No.6104065

File: f1a6015f1f5a2d0⋯.jpg (16.26 KB, 255x222, 85:74, pussy21558e14dac3fa06b1a16….jpg)

7c6633  No.6104066

File: ecd5b5bd521fa4c⋯.png (182.62 KB, 530x530, 1:1, ceb1e513b5ebf14a12090ea235….png)




Soon to be an official part of "Trust Kansas?"

16b630  No.6104067

File: 0536546ef23edc0⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 303x314, 303:314, 1542588370801.jpg)


2dc884  No.6104068


people who talk like that can only be destined for a bread line

54c337  No.6104069


It looks like they are trying to rebuild their voter base by running candidates that appeal across the whole electorate. You have to wonder what their internal polling is showing about voter registrations

a8cb9d  No.6104070

File: b021ccdda9d7ce4⋯.png (109.95 KB, 1202x835, 1202:835, Usual Suspects 04-08-2019.PNG)


>Nunes also suggested his effort could drastically expand to encompass dozens of people.

Fuck! Devin! Pay attention Please!

0ff94c  No.6104071


Godbless you and your family dude


46f972  No.6104072


Forgot the sauce:


5972f7  No.6104073

File: 8642aa02a554836⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 8E0165CE-9524-471A-978A-B….jpeg)

File: cdbcacf9807f5b4⋯.jpeg (73.77 KB, 826x389, 826:389, 750D1939-F47C-48E6-B458-9….jpeg)



be4d1e  No.6104074



efc308  No.6104075

File: 08396eb23e9d5dc⋯.jpeg (11.31 KB, 255x206, 255:206, 3ecb4d172af33f896ba12dae4….jpeg)


this is not a coincidence. anon.

3abc43  No.6104076

File: 513bfd067f7a77d⋯.jpg (67.94 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 0101.jpg)

081c72  No.6104077


>Kris Kobach uses Fox News interview to make his case to be the next DHS secretary

Posobiec is lobbying for him

Tweeted about him to POTUS as soon as POTUS tweeted Nielsen was out

5856de  No.6104078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

one more to piss off shills.


Qanon December 21 - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America


159f1b  No.6104079


Fooling nobody

3de56f  No.6104080

We can conclude that we only get [0] deltas when both Q and POTUS are in the oval office together

ffd507  No.6104081


if you are an honest and open minded observer you will soon understand why we are here.

0ff94c  No.6104082


>being paid


that'll be the fuckin day

60af1e  No.6104083

File: 4c42ba715ecc954⋯.jpg (722.58 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, Pepes salute ready for dro….jpg)

1b6f19  No.6104084

File: f3a9d932ce3f266⋯.jpeg (290.93 KB, 640x479, 640:479, Nancy and Chuck.jpeg)

Explains why the Dems want open borders.

ec577a  No.6104085

File: 07b9fb968b3ba24⋯.png (583.54 KB, 529x411, 529:411, gw55.PNG)


Bless you too fren, and no contribution is too small when you do the right thing. WWG1WGA

f59f0b  No.6104086


Two more years at sea at least. Daunting to think about.

6606ed  No.6104087


Justice department and FBI officials have been targets for investigation for a long time?

47a738  No.6104088


From these drops alone I would say plans to protect the board were mad early on.

Shills are only falling in to the trap Q has laid for them.

They are all being logged just like @JACK.

The board is safe.

These people (you know who you are MAGACO) are digging their own graves.



a1f1b7  No.6104089


why do anons converse with this glowing shill?

shills dont care about discussion

here to waste your time

dead end it is

dcdd67  No.6104090


They are throwing noodles at the wall and seeing if any stick.

83234a  No.6104091

File: a20ace2dff5b360⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 800x450, 16:9, sqtYh99.gif)


Normally, I don't do two shows a night, but I'll allow it

28171b  No.6104092

File: e8a6c254f802459⋯.png (320.48 KB, 1517x617, 1517:617, The stake are high.png)

File: 101591bda18194f⋯.jpeg (144.32 KB, 1125x815, 225:163, Ukraine_Russia Nuke.jpeg)

The Rusky are deploying theirs new jet in Crimea…..

NATO as over reach in this area….. I'm afraid the glove are about to come off

6f89f2  No.6104093

File: 2baf895cb2c15d5⋯.jpg (20.3 KB, 374x440, 17:20, 2019-01-19_23-20-11_img.jpg)

File: 44789ab07d31989⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 1436x1185, 1436:1185, 2019-03-04_23-33-17_img.jpg)

5972f7  No.6104094

File: 18646f986895d57⋯.png (545.93 KB, 945x936, 105:104, 70EC1914-49B8-477A-9D74-FB….png)


Wasn’t trying to…

47a738  No.6104095




6606ed  No.6104096


Oh wait I see what you're saying. Yeah I knew they've been going after them but there's no basis for it.

0a0497  No.6104097

File: 3a12dbf5ff20087⋯.jpg (396.64 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Safe10Accomplishment.jpg)

File: 499bc0173c912e0⋯.jpg (408.76 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, trump-economyAccomplishmen….jpg)

File: f0037cdf00fbccc⋯.jpg (295.55 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, JobsTrumpAccomplishments1.jpg)

File: a07a5c5e6b8cf3b⋯.jpg (766.81 KB, 2000x1300, 20:13, trump-money-backAccomplish….jpg)

File: 69325ab22d63547⋯.jpg (161.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Steel101TrumpAccomplishmen….jpg)


Just 5 at random from the Trump Accomplishments package

ec8210  No.6104098

File: 601f0c1f1d899a5⋯.png (207.19 KB, 315x220, 63:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0ba02e31803d88⋯.png (691.34 KB, 718x502, 359:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Corrupt UAW Official Was DNC Superdelegate

Union VP pleaded guilty in federal corruption probe

A disgraced union official may have to submit his ballot to the 2020 Democratic National Convention from prison. Former United Auto Workers vice president Norwood Jewell became the highest ranking labor official to plead guilty to violating federal labor law. Jewell admitted to receiving luxury goods and lavish golf trips from the Chrysler executives he was supposed to be negotiating against. He is now staring at a possible five-year prison sentence, though the Detroit News has reported that prosecutors are seeking only 15 months of jail time.

Even with the reduced sentence, Jewell may still be in federal prison when the Democrats' presidential nominating convention begins in Milwaukee. Jewell served as a superdelegate during the 2016 primary battle between Hillary Clinton and insurgent socialist senator Bernie Sanders. He is still listed as a DNC member on the Michigan Democratic Party's website with his term set to expire in 2020. Federal authorities announced indictments against top labor officials in 2017. Jewell, the UAW's lead negotiator for Chrysler, was implicated in the scandal in January 2018 and indicted in March 2019 before pleading guilty on Tuesday. Neither the DNC nor the state party returned requests for comment about Jewell's status within the organization.

Republicans criticized Democratic leaders for maintaining ties with Jewell in the wake of the guilty plea. RNC spokesman Michael Joyce pointed to the fact that some of the allegations against Jewell took place even while he was serving as a party leader. While Jewell did not publicly announce his support in the Sanders-Clinton race, the superdelegate process was criticized by Sanders supporters for rigging the contest in Clinton's favor. Sanders won the Michigan primary 49.8 percent to 47.3 percent, but Clinton earned more delegates. "Democrats are keeping someone who's headed to prison on their leadership team in Michigan, and it shows that corruption is alive and well within their ranks," Joyce said. "After all, these are the same people who rigged the 2016 primary election against Bernie Sanders."

The corruption probe has dealt a blow to UAW leadership for the past several years and led the union to begin adopting reforms to curb the appearance of conflicts of interest and corruption. It has emphasized its cooperation with federal probers throughout the process. The union said in a statement that "Jewell exhibited poor judgment" in his dealings with Chrysler executives. "This is a troubling moment for our organization, and our members are appropriately angry and frustrated. Our members will always be our highest authority, and so we pledge to continue to change the way that we do business," the UAW said. "Our Clean Slate reforms are being implemented, and will be expanded. These reforms will make sure that transparency and accountability are at the forefront, and will bring this chapter to a close, once and for all."


ce1c62  No.6104099

Is it me or did the shills stop ?

89e5fb  No.6104100

File: a97dc5e00284441⋯.jpg (166.92 KB, 1337x704, 1337:704, 2019-04-09 03.52.35 www.na….jpg)

File: ff98b77bd3b30f5⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 593x612, 593:612, 2019-03-04 00.18.14 shop.d….jpg)

NASA Administrator Delivers Keynote and Speaks to Media at Space Symposium

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine will deliver a keynote address and speak to media Tuesday, April 9, during the 35th Space Symposium at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Bridenstine will deliver remarks at a plenary session from 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. EDT (9:45 – 10:15 a.m. MDT) in the hotel’s International Center to discuss NASA’s plans to send astronauts to the Moon’s South Pole by 2024. The presentation will air live on NASA Television and the agency’s website.

Bridenstine also will host an in-person media availability at 4:30 p.m. MDT in the hotel’s Media Briefing Center. To participate, media must RSVP by 5 p.m. MDT April 8 to Matthew Rydin at matthew.m.rydin@nasa.gov or 202-603-7522.

The Space Symposium provides a forum to discuss future achievements in space by connecting leaders from commercial, government, and military space from around the world and to educate the public about space.

For more information about Bridenstine, visit:


62a15a  No.6104101

File: 2f91e2a47b4f083⋯.jpg (209.72 KB, 1121x1382, 1121:1382, IMG_7621.JPG)


For (you)

415d8c  No.6104102


So you baked two breads in time of peace

and two in time of war,

to buy some time

to take a break

To go and meme some moar.

Did you mean to meme

Two memes or moar?

Do yoar memes make anons smile?

Do they rhyme and play

And make the day

Meme-o-rable awhile?


41495c  No.6104103

File: 2f87677e22768eb⋯.png (339.62 KB, 636x626, 318:313, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)


Blessed by KEK today, anon.

59b22f  No.6104104


"I need one of those." (Tony Stark)

8d48eb  No.6104105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

45f001  No.6104106



ce1c62  No.6104107


Almost ready to call a notable…..

2dc884  No.6104108


the towers

they've stopped

darth vader inc

6c893b  No.6104109


A few years ago DHS bought 1000s of rounds of ammo…

Now the soldiers are crossing the boarder….

042a2d  No.6104110


He's probably just some edgelord 15 year old

but it doesn't matter

13cb9b  No.6104111

File: 15add244c33346c⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 1000x636, 250:159, yalu river broken bridge.jpg)

China and North Korea opened a new border crossing over the Yalu River, signaling aspirations for deeper economic ties between the neighbors even as Pyongyang’s trade remains crimped by international sanctions.

The border checkpoint at the foot of a new bridge opened Monday, connecting the northeastern Chinese city of Jian with North Korea’s Manpo, Chinese state media reported. The China-DPRK Jian-Manpo highway connection is for passenger and cargo transport and hosts an advanced customs facility, the China News Service said.


a8cb9d  No.6104112

File: c870392dfe09a5f⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 500x510, 50:51, Endless Wars.jpg)


>Two Breads

>Two Scoops and

>Two Genders

Two Terms.

6f89f2  No.6104113


Seriously, how many WTFs in a day?

be4d1e  No.6104114


0a0497  No.6104115

File: 1f54790aae4bb48⋯.jpg (96.88 KB, 474x578, 237:289, GreatAwakeningSoon.jpg)

File: 9d7ccfdf3d11acf⋯.jpg (201.65 KB, 600x822, 100:137, GreatAwakeningReady.jpg)

File: b29e550e1357298⋯.jpg (960.77 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, QNNHabbeningGreatAwakening.jpg)

File: 0a2a1c618b4be2a⋯.jpg (159.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, GreatAwakening100.jpg)

File: f59fc675e12f1bf⋯.jpg (120.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening307.jpg)

4cd112  No.6104116



Even niggers prefer white women to their own color brood mares.

Only Asian babes can rival white babes.

6606ed  No.6104117


Trump has been doing this his entire life.

3abc43  No.6104118

File: 5a9b86ea48ccab6⋯.jpg (436.53 KB, 1100x730, 110:73, hang.jpg)

ec8210  No.6104119



aed0f2  No.6104120


fren is such as moran he wants to say

drunk assfppl

no grace






167ed8  No.6104121

File: 0f44cbc9a71197a⋯.png (520.06 KB, 515x509, 515:509, anotherpainto2.png)


have another then, I am going to bed soon

bcf0b9  No.6104122

File: c2318a4ed8fc16f⋯.png (597.44 KB, 1187x610, 1187:610, BO-HRC TRAITORS.png)

9157b8  No.6104123

File: d8b6584a2d4011c⋯.jpg (69.72 KB, 299x377, 23:29, nTH-MAn.jpg)

2dc884  No.6104124

fe66bd  No.6104125

File: 24d2288c42079e1⋯.png (136.32 KB, 951x784, 951:784, S-o-b-k.png)

0e3408  No.6104126

I don't think so. July 4th is , I suggest the target for Independence but 4/19 was the beginning that ended in independence so hope springs eternal that all things are following the planned path and timing.

dcdd67  No.6104127

File: 857762d158d402f⋯.jpeg (54.5 KB, 500x322, 250:161, 4F7CB766-1A24-40C4-B351-C….jpeg)


Or, they may be wise teachers.

fe66bd  No.6104129

File: 954746603c88337⋯.jpg (5.82 MB, 4896x3264, 3:2, FEAROURCATS.jpg)

3abc43  No.6104130

File: 679cac28947cd1f⋯.jpeg (75.27 KB, 500x608, 125:152, bbrenn.jpeg)

fe66bd  No.6104131

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

bd459c  No.6104132


Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast

fe66bd  No.6104133

File: eacbdb604e58b7a⋯.png (1.63 MB, 788x999, 788:999, t-i.png)

4cd112  No.6104134


Look at the ugly fucking soup coolers on that spoonette…


fe66bd  No.6104135

File: 4ca9597128e6bfe⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1111x1140, 1111:1140, divided.png)

45f001  No.6104136

File: b3483008d7754b7⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1424x1064, 178:133, FreedomShip.png)


We Are On A Freedom Ship.

1b6f19  No.6104137


If the civil war happens, which i hope doesn't, the enablers are the ones who will be hunted down. We know who they are.

ffd507  No.6104138


doesnt sound like a shill.

It's a disillusioned Democrat still under the effects of hypnosis and ready to break out of it.

2a3266  No.6104139

File: 733cfd650e574f9⋯.jpeg (79.42 KB, 922x1024, 461:512, meme_steal.jpeg)

fe66bd  No.6104140

File: 27dc1c2ea8943b2⋯.png (292.7 KB, 711x499, 711:499, biden120.png)

fe66bd  No.6104141

File: 52e3d3283dd1528⋯.png (682.04 KB, 1111x879, 1111:879, j-M-gg--gi--i--btz--bJCr-y….png)

c0f14d  No.6104142


Awesome, what a great show!

0a0497  No.6104143

File: 4f224f6b7f53a24⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 260x200, 13:10, plannedparenthood40b.jpg)

File: 140231d351e3e61⋯.jpg (159.32 KB, 983x737, 983:737, PlannedParenthoodPP_EVIL.JPG)

File: a23a5d0e5b25f24⋯.jpg (353.58 KB, 1834x941, 1834:941, EndPlannedParenthoodKickba….jpg)

File: 2036a5e56368569⋯.jpg (218.97 KB, 1040x1024, 65:64, PlannedParenthoodMoneyFlow.jpg)

File: 097bbf6eafd17f5⋯.jpg (146.07 KB, 1030x647, 1030:647, PlannedParenthoodRipChildr….jpg)

fe66bd  No.6104144

File: edba78cc07e5c6c⋯.png (496.94 KB, 999x999, 1:1, wutsit.png)

d1103a  No.6104145


Shit, I was half joking about Podesta.

Muther Fudge Packer practically lived at the WH per WH Visitor Logs.

2dc884  No.6104146


hes talking about fucking off and then murdering people who prepped for his food

pretty sure he's not "wise" about much of anything

ec8210  No.6104147


Indeed! It's Happening!

fe66bd  No.6104148

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

efc308  No.6104149

File: e9ea77ab18a6dac⋯.jpeg (30.63 KB, 290x261, 10:9, fullsizeoutput_71d.jpeg)

3abc43  No.6104150

File: 70588d586d69a18⋯.mp4 (180.32 KB, 320x504, 40:63, lololol.mp4)

fe66bd  No.6104151

File: 0eabba20159564a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulsofpower.png)

1e7da3  No.6104153

File: 029cfa9e97ef558⋯.jpeg (88.39 KB, 357x252, 17:12, 4CA6CA6B-3135-4184-A670-C….jpeg)

File: 34f390701e17c3c⋯.jpeg (84.08 KB, 356x250, 178:125, 08C068DA-8576-4FD7-A057-1….jpeg)

A partial list of all the areas from which the Jews have been banished, sometimes on numerous occasions, over the last 998 years is lengthy. The list includes Mainz (four times), France (four times), Upper Bavaria (twice), England, Saxony, Hungary (twice), Belgium, Slovakia (twice), Austria, Lyon, Cologne, Netherlands, Brandenburg (twice), Warsaw, Spain, Italy (twice), Lithuania, Portugal, Naples (three times), Navarre, Nuremburg, Prussia, Genoa, Prague, Bavaria, the Papal States, Hamburg, Vienna, Moravia, Bohemia and Moscow.

Partial List of Cities/States that

have expelled Jews – 1012-1933

Country Year

Mainz 1012

Upper Bavaria 1442

Naples 1533

France 1182

Netherlands 1444

Italy 1540

Upper Bavaria 1276

Brandenburg 1446

Naples 1541

England 1290

Mainz 1462

Prague 1541

France 1306

Mainz 1483

Genoa 1550

France 1322

Warsaw 1483

Bavaria 1551

Saxony 1349

Spain 1492

Prague 1557

Hungary 1360

Italy 1492

Papal States 1569

Belgium 1370

Lithuania 1495

Hungary 1582

Slovakia 1380

Portugal 1496

Hamburg 1649

France 1394

Naples 1496

Vienna 1669

Austria. 1420

Navarre 1498

Slovakia 1744

Lyons 1420

Nuremburg 1498

Moravia 1744

Cologne 1424

Brandenburg 1510

Bohemia 1744

Mainz 1438

Prussia 1510

Moscow 1891

Augsburg 1438

Genoa 1515

Germany 1933

f59f0b  No.6104154

File: cdb7d6bf94df1dc⋯.png (5.28 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, cdb7d6bf94df1dc9c6dea36fe6….png)


Space SHIP Earth

Buckie Fuller

159f1b  No.6104155

File: 8ed5f5d701160ed⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 8ef8114e891eeb6ec5e12bbf2e….png)

fe66bd  No.6104156

File: 837e41215cb72fe⋯.png (887.38 KB, 999x660, 333:220, now-with-us-be-that-which-….png)

a0e78f  No.6104157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Promotes the worst?

No way


back that ass up bish

muh neck muh back lick muh pussy and muh crack

8d48eb  No.6104158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6606ed  No.6104159


I know far more than you think.

fe66bd  No.6104160

File: a6081c32da7d659⋯.png (739.09 KB, 999x719, 999:719, WWNBDH.png)

fe66bd  No.6104161

File: 5e9b07518ee586a⋯.png (141.22 KB, 614x561, 614:561, PCS.png)

fe66bd  No.6104162

File: 50c033190396761⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 546x378, 13:9, strorchjustice.jpg)

3d8232  No.6104163

File: 23822ecb17c1c48⋯.jpg (404.54 KB, 1000x1260, 50:63, pinup.jpg)

fe66bd  No.6104164

File: 7053cea57b8d828⋯.png (273.16 KB, 461x566, 461:566, THANQEPSTEIN.png)

89e5fb  No.6104165

File: 1a1e6ade1991815⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 740x503, 740:503, 2019-04-09 03.57.13 www.go….jpg)



Aye Aye.

c0f14d  No.6104166

File: 469bd4e0d9deab9⋯.jpg (79.17 KB, 800x410, 80:41, death blossem final boss.jpg)

fe66bd  No.6104167

File: 96f237314601f6c⋯.png (325.13 KB, 609x645, 203:215, dmmmmm.png)

fe66bd  No.6104168

File: 4356865f4144a78⋯.png (199.86 KB, 444x524, 111:131, F--rwrarwar---zjkmmmkm-gi,….png)

3abc43  No.6104169

File: a51e13e738d47d2⋯.jpeg (136.55 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, russiaschiff.jpeg)

99d62c  No.6104170



fe66bd  No.6104171

File: d967ac3824d5d54⋯.png (371.57 KB, 503x597, 503:597, WEBAR.png)

975418  No.6104172

File: 3181f0787d10c44⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Together_We_are_Strong_Q.jpg)

2a4a71  No.6104173

Israel elections tomorrow, and Jeffrey Rosen confirmation hearings Wednesday

9fb053  No.6104174


<just a slide.

Just a slide when the anon coincidentally connects his crumbs to a POTUS tweet. Read the crumbs fag. It's fairly coherent what anon was driving at

dcdd67  No.6104175

File: 1293d2700d482ce⋯.png (203.47 KB, 381x449, 381:449, E84CFF06-B029-406B-AE71-1C….png)

File: 0563ae461352e4f⋯.jpeg (127.8 KB, 736x1122, 368:561, 40ADA225-F2F8-4248-BED5-9….jpeg)

File: bb6d0103f65bc7b⋯.jpeg (58.44 KB, 687x457, 687:457, 52410FBC-6AC4-4472-A925-3….jpeg)

File: 1450db145c254ec⋯.png (149.11 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2F688308-9390-4DE0-8609-BD….png)


For you.


ce1c62  No.6104176


Where is Chuckie?

Radio silence.

fe66bd  No.6104177

File: 204d96d44f673eb⋯.png (280.34 KB, 569x450, 569:450, ccst.png)

File: 559576ab20f0bbd⋯.png (265.48 KB, 604x460, 151:115, PC71.png)

0a0497  No.6104178

File: f3884e6fa3a7481⋯.jpg (313.97 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, FearQSoros.jpg)

File: a01a6300f2983a8⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 800x567, 800:567, brian-krassensteinSoros.jpg)

File: e8a34c18ffb724a⋯.jpg (140.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, SorosCaravanpaidvoters.jpg)

File: 3ef319cbe559ebe⋯.jpg (213.91 KB, 512x795, 512:795, migrant caravan george sor….jpg)

File: ad753ca2806ba62⋯.jpg (158.25 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Sorosgofundme16h14m01s973.jpg)

d52a3c  No.6104179

File: 975a35e5f84b6f1⋯.png (20.66 KB, 375x360, 25:24, sticker,375x360.u9.png)


No coincidences…

fe66bd  No.6104180

File: 3ebb562384415d8⋯.png (861.48 KB, 924x667, 924:667, loverlycouple.png)

6606ed  No.6104181


Man you guys are sick. LOL

3abc43  No.6104182

File: ba847e0aa418726⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 243x255, 81:85, ba847e0aa4187266d5032aeb28….jpg)

4b06ea  No.6104183

File: 3f011df29249626⋯.jpg (29.06 KB, 400x313, 400:313, orVqS.jpg)


Kek wills it.

ffd507  No.6104184


then share something useful.

fe66bd  No.6104185

File: 155f1abc1df012c⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1111x833, 1111:833, T-b-RR-ee-jjjjjjjjjj.png)

f8e454  No.6104186


Thank you for the sauce. Really. Just in my experience, it is horrible, uncomfortable, and a yuck but goes away with consistant treatment of nystatin and maalox or mylanta in 10 days or so. Seems weird is all.

fe66bd  No.6104187

File: 35b56a76bf48957⋯.png (143.69 KB, 555x830, 111:166, whatgetsyoubanned.png)

4cd112  No.6104188


>California making massive strides in reducing college debt!

iow, middle class tax payers are paying off loans for kids of rich assholes.

What a fucking joke that sate is.

f1f822  No.6104189

File: 67115a7141553e0⋯.jpeg (177.09 KB, 1300x868, 325:217, 72BCE4D7-1273-4215-AD02-9….jpeg)

Glad its nightcrew time. Got sucked into the bullshit during day, some retarded anon newfag.. ugh

Nightshift the beat shift

8a4ba3  No.6104190

Trump to announce new executive orders to speed up pipeline construction

President Trump will travel to Texas Wednesday to announce two new executive orders that aim to make it easier for the oil and gas industry to get permits for pipeline construction, among other infrastructure needs.

The executive orders, which will be announced at the International Union of Operating Engineers' International Training and Education Center outside Houston, will each focus on incentivizing private investment in energy infrastructure and streamlining permitting of projects, according to a White House official.

“The two Executive Orders the President will sign will help American energy companies avoid unnecessary red tape, allowing the U.S. to continue to be the undisputed global leader in crude oil and natural gas production for the foreseeable future,” the official said in a statement.


fe66bd  No.6104191

File: 01f6767ace14b31⋯.png (151.62 KB, 1025x333, 1025:333, dje-fr-mGJ.png)

5795d1  No.6104192



>>6103548 Articles of the Clinton's and China from 2009

>>6103638 Mark Meadows: More criminal referrals coming, 'overwhelming evidence' shows DOJ, FBI abuse

>>6103697 Updated sealed cases graphics

>>6103716 Devin Nunes now suing the Fresno Bee for $150 million after story on ‘cocaine and underage prostitutes’

>>6103755 Sheriff Scott Israel Was Suspended, He’s Trying To Become Police Chief Somewhere Else

>>6103801, >>6104062 The Unspoken Power of Jury Nullification in the Context of Conflicting State and Federal Law

>>6103935 Dig on the Midyear Exam & Crossfire Hurricane timelines

>>6103975, >>6104009 Media Matter hit piece: Kris Kobach uses Fox News interview to make his case to be the next DHS secretary

>>6103985 ICE Arrests 123 Illegal Aliens with Criminal History in Phil Murphy’s Jersey Sanctuary State

>>6104098 Corrupt UAW Official Was DNC Superdelegate, Union VP pleaded guilty in federal corruption probe

>>6104100 NASA Administrator Delivers Keynote and Speaks to Media at Space Symposium

3abc43  No.6104193

File: 900b91ea092dc89⋯.jpg (52.46 KB, 587x481, 587:481, 2232.jpg)

ab9609  No.6104194

File: d7796f892fc7903⋯.png (4.88 MB, 3600x3300, 12:11, DTLBAKERPUZZLE.png)

Added the puzzle coming together POTUS comms. Along the top.

Puzzle coming together.

There is a D5 connection to this one somewhere else. Will try to find and add before I call it a night.

fe66bd  No.6104195

File: b672fa8a79fefb5⋯.png (335.94 KB, 604x460, 151:115, PC72.png)

5972f7  No.6104196

File: 3aebd23505315e2⋯.jpeg (540.34 KB, 934x1202, 467:601, 65E47F86-D6B1-4709-98A3-F….jpeg)

45f001  No.6104197


To use our collective consciousness in a focused manner to usher in a new reality for Earth. To set our intentions by digging the truth and creating memes that distill our position in the simplest form.

To create a better world together.

f59f0b  No.6104198

File: b1aba3dd81f7edc⋯.jpg (222.17 KB, 813x1024, 813:1024, BuckyFuller.jpg)

fe66bd  No.6104199

File: 4c8a92e2bb49a53⋯.png (554.77 KB, 1111x627, 101:57, youare.png)

File: 77e0c9347c4a89d⋯.png (251.42 KB, 604x460, 151:115, PC70.png)

File: 5003517fab4faa3⋯.png (865.81 KB, 583x777, 583:777, jvbs.png)

376e33  No.6104200


I think I’ve figure out that in order to keep the force effective, there must be a period of fooling off and falling away.

This allows for new and more excited Anons to step in and participate. THis seems necessary in order to cull the herd of Anons.

This is psyop warfare. You must have fresh troops in the fight. Been here since Oct 2017, I can vouch that I’m not nearly as active as I was initially. It’s just natural.

The energy level is critical. Seems we’ve hit many times when there was an intentional culling of the herd

As a former 37F I recognized early on thus operation had much Psyop Kung fu in it. Deep level Kung fu.

There’s a bigger game happening. Hang on and don’t lose your head.

This is Q

3de56f  No.6104201






fe66bd  No.6104202

File: 7655e17d3a8e785⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, marvelous.jpg)

0a0497  No.6104203

File: 278943b2fa2a31b⋯.png (161.27 KB, 1169x1005, 1169:1005, ! ! ! ! ! 17 techniques f….png)

File: 412da0839d9f164⋯.jpg (330.45 KB, 1200x1167, 400:389, QCrumbsPublicInterestSunSh….jpg)

File: b5885d7c07636d3⋯.jpg (347.26 KB, 1200x727, 1200:727, QNN:BigPictureStuff.jpg)

File: 782d96a53176498⋯.jpg (149.69 KB, 735x490, 3:2, QCrumbsPublicInterest.jpg)

File: 14be82259d15061⋯.jpg (203.1 KB, 883x629, 883:629, QCrumbsPanicDCFireSuicideW….jpg)

981cc7  No.6104204


I’m glad you are back. I’m humbled.

fe66bd  No.6104205

File: b0b3718d936acbd⋯.png (98.33 KB, 400x508, 100:127, WP.png)

fab0fd  No.6104206

File: 403cde885162ad6⋯.png (417.63 KB, 658x462, 47:33, 2019-04-08_22-59-32.png)

fe66bd  No.6104207

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

a3321c  No.6104208


Learn how to make Chlorine Dioxide safely. Pretty much kills everything…safely. Food safe in fact…used in water treatment in Europe. Just get some Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2)..not NaCl (table salt). Mix with citric acid solution to cleave the sodium. Recipes online. Excellent disinfectant and air freshener.

8bc16e  No.6104209

File: c8ff4c0eefc6007⋯.png (814.55 KB, 1353x1177, 123:107, barr-tuesday.png)

167ed8  No.6104210

tiresias on a rampage

fe66bd  No.6104211

File: f654b4aef262f4a⋯.jpg (180.04 KB, 626x620, 313:310, chjhyz-mmM-mmy.jpg)

3abc43  No.6104212

File: 6129ae146118e3a⋯.jpeg (71.57 KB, 580x402, 290:201, antisemite.jpeg)

fe66bd  No.6104213

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

b932fc  No.6104214

File: 22f0dc8da411a52⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1903x4532, 173:412, Screenshot_2019-04-09 The ….png)


This probably won't surprise anyone.


The Vatican and Arms Dealers

Is the Vatican Bank the Largest Shareholder in an Italian Arms Company?

fe66bd  No.6104215

File: b9ebf9960c3d8b7⋯.png (1011.19 KB, 999x814, 27:22, NOTH2.png)

005c0b  No.6104216


You are not the first person that has voiced that concern. I'm sure one or two insiders kept track. I'm fairly certain this scenario (among myriad others) is what Jade Helm was about, but this is far beyond my volunteer pay grade. If Q planning happened long ago, keeping close tabs on ammo would be kinda important.

Interestingly, I suspect this may be why CA is slowing its distribution (via ID checks) as well.

fe66bd  No.6104217

File: fc2122a3ce9b3dd⋯.png (134.99 KB, 465x390, 31:26, czhjz-m-pee.png)

0a0497  No.6104218

File: 7dc0f989ab14d3a⋯.jpg (154.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsDECLAS-FISA37factua….jpg)

File: 253ba15c0dd3eb7⋯.jpg (136.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsDECLAS-FISA39factua….jpg)

File: 99301e931c5f717⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WholeTruth3.jpg)

File: fc658492dbf03ce⋯.jpg (34.83 KB, 612x386, 306:193, IGTruth.jpg)

File: bfe99175bc0bb04⋯.jpg (111.38 KB, 600x466, 300:233, AwakeningTruth.jpg)

6606ed  No.6104219


If you are talking about me, you are going to be very disappointed because I'm not a Democrat. In fact the entire government is not even my government.

dd9079  No.6104220


Parkinson’s causes rigidity?

fe66bd  No.6104221

File: 9f2396b7cb86f68⋯.png (4.12 MB, 1111x2130, 1111:2130, nj.png)

File: b9c96e945dace18⋯.png (386.01 KB, 610x395, 122:79, flimmy.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

89e5fb  No.6104222

File: 3d56306c254c12b⋯.jpg (107.86 KB, 540x578, 270:289, 2019-04-09 04.00.37 www.go….jpg)


Q ahoy!

416aeb  No.6104223

File: 0ac0f7b0d72d764⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1424x1064, 178:133, Star Trek Q.png)

e6039e  No.6104224

a8cb9d  No.6104225

File: 9f800e59bf021d8⋯.png (37.75 KB, 451x413, 451:413, Black Swan Events.png)



>This guy is key to bringing down the house and DS with it.

I'm starting to think he's more of a player than the narrative would have him be. He's an outlier, a loose cannon, a wild card in the deck. He might be the Black Swan the cabal doesn't see coming even though he played by their rules and told them what he was.

3de56f  No.6104226


This is it

We are at the precipice of the key

once he reports back with his words we will know surely he has found the essence to Q

b3cdc9  No.6104227

File: 7d2d3ca1b694eea⋯.png (132.46 KB, 2000x1450, 40:29, 7d2d3ca1b694eea63713d65e76….png)

File: 67a6017e92c6973⋯.png (526.36 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 7dfdc28b37de39940fd2bc3d16….png)

File: 871b90d8600907b⋯.png (500.86 KB, 419x563, 419:563, 871b90d8600907b40603a69138….png)

File: e33714b4f320ad1⋯.png (520.62 KB, 822x895, 822:895, QResearchLove.png)


This board is BEYOND Air Tight.

39e758  No.6104228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8b31f2  No.6104229



0a0497  No.6104230

File: 43297d303d540fc⋯.jpg (172.46 KB, 690x522, 115:87, QCrumbsDeclasDarkToLight.jpg)

File: 8b16df1abc0ee06⋯.jpg (174.13 KB, 736x489, 736:489, QCrumbsDarkToLightTruth.jpg)

File: 0ba319e11615eff⋯.jpg (147.58 KB, 1024x1396, 256:349, QCrumbsDarkToLightPatriots.jpg)

File: 845efe4b28078fd⋯.jpg (355.26 KB, 1233x771, 411:257, GreatAwakeningDarknessToLi….jpg)

File: 75081f06f23a150⋯.jpg (198.36 KB, 1320x886, 660:443, QCrumbsDarkToLightTruth1.jpg)

65d5ce  No.6104231


there is no privileged point of observation. by being here and interacting, you ARE a part of the group

and if you would read and follow up research instead of shit post, you will be stunned by the shit you will learn

6e8e92  No.6104232

File: 0e666b8a6c4a3cd⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1750x1062, 875:531, GOML.png)

8d48eb  No.6104233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

04f2f2  No.6104234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



There is or was.. Vid related

ea769e  No.6104235

Shadilay ya meeptardsss

ONE love

2a4a71  No.6104236


Unfortunately its just for the 2020 fiscal budget… nothing habbening

dcdd67  No.6104237


Preparing to a point is prudent.

More than a few weeks or months is not.

Takers are. They will come for those that have.

f2ff53  No.6104238

File: 80c789428d2e5d5⋯.png (456.32 KB, 743x847, 743:847, count.png)

How can the English words written on that sign even be considered sane?


Currently, state and federal voting districts are drawn to be roughly equal in population, regardless of how many residents can legally vote. That means tallies for district-drawing purposes include non-citizens, such as green-card holders and undocumented immigrants.

Democrats and immigrant rights activists say this system ensures elected leaders represent everyone in their district who depends on public services such as schools and trash pickup, regardless of voting eligibility.

The Trump administration believes its proposed question about citizenship on the 2020 Census will help states that want to draw citizens-only voting districts in the next round of redistricting by providing the first comprehensive data on non-citizens in about 70 years, according to a Reuters review of court and federal register documents and interviews with more than a dozen state lawmakers.

Trump administration officials have been considering the merits of citizens-only redistricting since 2017 - well before announcing their intention in March 2018 to add the citizenship question to the decennial survey, according to court documents filed as part of litigation over the citizenship question.


45f001  No.6104239

File: 1e7c7bb379f5b3c⋯.png (539.11 KB, 2038x660, 1019:330, pbpost.png)


This anon explains what's up with this guy.

Buttigieg is the Deep State pick.


4718b4  No.6104240

File: bdbf7db1c70b04f⋯.jpeg (157.7 KB, 640x1086, 320:543, 299B5253-8AD0-490F-999D-3….jpeg)

File: 3403845ae608653⋯.jpeg (31.27 KB, 662x463, 662:463, 4CE0757D-014F-4874-9783-F….jpeg)


anyone have similar experience or thoughts on this?

had a weird lights in room thing habben posted about 5 months ago

47a738  No.6104241

File: 88624bb4a32b8f6⋯.png (16.2 KB, 809x290, 809:290, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 841d2027bed3b0d⋯.png (33.84 KB, 1194x431, 1194:431, ClipboardImage.png)


Remember that time Q Dropped re:



Co deMon key

From these drops alone I would say plans to protect the board were mad early on.

Shills are only falling in to the trap Q has laid for them.

They are all being logged just like @JACK.

The board is safe.

These people (you know who you are MAGACO) are digging their own graves.



3abc43  No.6104242

File: 39ddb0c69c88076⋯.png (606.58 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, u1.png)

384b55  No.6104243

File: d485284422bfa89⋯.jpg (279.77 KB, 914x756, 457:378, whitesquall.jpg)


Whoop whoop

8bc8a4  No.6104245

Pray for me anons.

I’ve recently lost a lot over this war.

I know some lose more than others.

So I’m not asking for sympathy. Just prayer.

I might not be able to fully recover my losses unless the hard truth is told to the public and arrests are made.

I sure hope that the hard truth comes out. I hope the difficult stuff to accept is made public. Because it’s the hard stuff that is fracturing the lives of those who know and dare say something about it

4b06ea  No.6104246

File: 3f51c2648b76b45⋯.png (159.29 KB, 366x478, 183:239, Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at ….png)

9:30am EST

8b31f2  No.6104247



0a0497  No.6104248

File: 9eb187dcf6d52e7⋯.jpg (314.1 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, FakeNewsMerryGoRound2.jpg)

File: 7ab9e76a1d9f798⋯.jpg (138.86 KB, 882x638, 441:319, QCrumbsMSMFakeNews.jpg)

File: 305aa0fdc828b19⋯.jpg (351.96 KB, 1079x735, 1079:735, LEARN_fake_news_is_the_Ene….jpg)

File: dcb5c7415aaebaa⋯.jpg (302.81 KB, 1281x735, 61:35, LEARN_April_Fools_Jokes_wi….jpg)

File: efc95987fb1f1da⋯.jpg (218.35 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsTruthInMemesFakeNew….jpg)

5fdfbe  No.6104249


Jim stone is an interesting guy indeed

Hiding in mexico if i recall correctly

4ae591  No.6104250


The Branson School in Ross, CA is as elite as elite gets. There is no higher step on the ladder.

"Three former athletic coaches and a former college counselor at the Branson School in Ross were accused of sexual misconduct involving former students from the late 1970s to the early 2010s in a 17-page report released late Friday.

According to the report, the staffers at the elite private school engaged in sexual activities ranging from inappropriate touching, kissing and hand-holding to oral sex and rape with female students aged 15 through 18 whom they “groomed” or otherwise befriended while coaching them in sports or advising them in college test preparation."

These are the exact same kids whose parents are facing criminal charges for paying for college admission.

3abc43  No.6104251

File: 21dee37e1b84d16⋯.png (527.18 KB, 843x827, 843:827, 21dee37e1b84d16e4bc1b142f7….png)

416aeb  No.6104252

File: 83333abd297ced6⋯.jpg (434 KB, 1268x767, 1268:767, black-swan-stills-black-sw….jpg)

159f1b  No.6104253

File: 32c82deb171263d⋯.jpeg (42.57 KB, 358x339, 358:339, 32c82deb171263d3f062aef2f….jpeg)

5972f7  No.6104254



a0e78f  No.6104255

File: 41b5042cdcd136d⋯.jpg (734.75 KB, 3000x2400, 5:4, FleetWeek.jpg)


Where we headed?

e1cd6f  No.6104256


This is going to be fun

0a0497  No.6104257

File: 979dd824cd8dddb⋯.jpg (267.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, OpioidCrisis3TrumpAccompli….jpg)

File: 084cfdce669f141⋯.jpg (382.4 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, OpioidCrisis4TrumpAccompli….jpg)

File: 2c846ccace80291⋯.jpg (425.77 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, OpioidCrisis5TrumpAccompli….jpg)

File: 3fa1b6a32e16bc3⋯.jpg (397.84 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, TrumpAccomplishmentsOpioid….jpg)

3abc43  No.6104258

File: 3eb6ca9c65f5b70⋯.png (198.63 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 321.png)

415d8c  No.6104259

File: dbe7a8411cbe245⋯.png (12.89 KB, 255x143, 255:143, wwg1wga.png)


WRWY anon. Prayers to you and your family today and always.

e6039e  No.6104260


Culling of the heard makes sense.

Fresh eyes are a necessity.

2dc884  No.6104261


i agree

i think we crossed wires, the guy we were talking about wasnt the one saying its prudent to prep, it was the one who said he wasnt going to prep and just kill people when he needs stuff

3abc43  No.6104262

File: ab568733d6dd417⋯.png (379.2 KB, 510x531, 170:177, 4f831ddf34f3850ae2a03d5a33….png)

a8cb9d  No.6104263


Fucking backward countries don't have a single wood chipper? Please!

167ed8  No.6104264


Thanks anon you make beautiful memes, saved many of them

4c38d8  No.6104265


prayers for you anon, be strong

0a4a92  No.6104267

File: 65382ccc6443ce3⋯.png (184.12 KB, 1250x846, 625:423, ClipboardImage.png)


280884  No.6104268

File: 6c339ea8e3f4a0c⋯.jpg (62.14 KB, 781x526, 781:526, mmmm.jpg)

2ce57d  No.6104269

File: 57223cf1fe1f56e⋯.png (952.14 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, FFF6CBBB-6997-4710-9A98-A0….png)

0f784c  No.6104271

File: 5ad01263f793d33⋯.png (355.76 KB, 1200x725, 48:29, Screenshot 2019-04-08 22.0….png)

Isn't it great when a pharmaceutical company makes a deal with a genetic testing company! https://thevaccinereaction.org/2019/03/popular-dna-testing-company-signs-300-million-deal-with-big-pharmaceutical-company/

081c72  No.6104272

File: 909a86b50925466⋯.png (44.04 KB, 598x343, 598:343, PapaD re Rush 4-8-19.PNG)

What an insufferable arrogant POS


11d18b  No.6104273

File: fdbdf6fdf4d8ed9⋯.jpg (68.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, president buttfuck.jpg)


Here's one.

1e7da3  No.6104274

File: 360af8cbc780e5b⋯.png (469.05 KB, 1455x1057, 1455:1057, B1E7D231-4D23-4997-BEA6-1F….png)


You insult every great American who “actually” went to war and made real sacrifices to give you the freedoms that you don’t deserve today. You are an absolutely disgusting human being.

96825a  No.6104275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4ae591  No.6104276


Three former athletic coaches and a former college counselor at the Branson School in Ross were accused of sexual misconduct involving former students from the late 1970s to the early 2010s in a 17-page report released late Friday.

According to the report, the staffers at the elite private school engaged in sexual activities ranging from inappropriate touching, kissing and hand-holding to oral sex and rape with female students aged 15 through 18 whom they “groomed” or otherwise befriended while coaching them in sports or advising them in college test preparation.

The hard truth is coming out now.

a3321c  No.6104277

File: 1c9fe2df74fe958⋯.jpg (153.59 KB, 874x500, 437:250, Frogs Save 7B.jpg)

5795d1  No.6104278


>>6103548 Articles of the Clinton's and China from 2009

>>6103638 Mark Meadows: More criminal referrals coming, 'overwhelming evidence' shows DOJ, FBI abuse

>>6103697 Updated sealed cases graphics

>>6103716 Devin Nunes now suing the Fresno Bee for $150 million after story on ‘cocaine and underage prostitutes’

>>6103755 Sheriff Scott Israel Was Suspended, He’s Trying To Become Police Chief Somewhere Else

>>6103801, >>6104062 The Unspoken Power of Jury Nullification in the Context of Conflicting State and Federal Law

>>6103935 Dig on the Midyear Exam & Crossfire Hurricane timelines

>>6103975, >>6104009 Media Matter hit piece: Kris Kobach uses Fox News interview to make his case to be the next DHS secretary

>>6103985 ICE Arrests 123 Illegal Aliens with Criminal History in Phil Murphy’s Jersey Sanctuary State

>>6104098 Corrupt UAW Official Was DNC Superdelegate, Union VP pleaded guilty in federal corruption probe

>>6104100 NASA Administrator Delivers Keynote and Speaks to Media at Space Symposium

>>6104246 Reminder: AG Barr's testimony starts at ~9:30 AM EST tomorrow

0a0497  No.6104279

File: be23c0237586e03⋯.jpg (195.84 KB, 1400x980, 10:7, promises-made-promises-kep….jpg)

File: 704b9c9cd0ee9e4⋯.jpg (432.57 KB, 1532x745, 1532:745, PromisesMadePromisesKept2.jpg)

File: 8770b29eb76c768⋯.jpg (949.32 KB, 1600x1107, 1600:1107, PromisesKept11.jpg)

File: 3709ff62a9631d5⋯.jpg (152.54 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QNN:PromisesKept2.jpg)

File: f44af5b353f0f48⋯.jpg (483.4 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, MadeInAmericaAccomplishmen….jpg)

ec8210  No.6104280



2ce57d  No.6104282

File: da7f3a6debdc0b1⋯.jpeg (151.2 KB, 1149x388, 1149:388, EC7C05CD-392F-4972-B7B0-7….jpeg)

ec577a  No.6104283

File: aee9856d3f8f27c⋯.png (393.24 KB, 365x491, 365:491, LP.PNG)


I know what you mean, it's been downhill for me too since day one, projections towards us is real and so is the Justice (((they))) will receive, hang in there, we're almost home, we fight together!

62a15a  No.6104284

File: a04cf50f1faf3b6⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 400x250, 8:5, IMG_0838.GIF)



280884  No.6104285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3abc43  No.6104286

File: 1c928cc31e84619⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 2d65bec573c94f5030dc629090….jpg)

53327a  No.6104288

2a2bf9  No.6104290

File: c76c71f002a99f9⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1895x907, 1895:907, ClipboardImage.png)

f59f0b  No.6104291

File: b5218f5905cd4b9⋯.png (21.34 KB, 588x147, 4:1, Screenshot-2019-4-8 The Or….png)





41495c  No.6104293

File: b71629490ac7435⋯.png (385.02 KB, 601x520, 601:520, pedo.png)

For memefags. Just cut and paste your favorite pedo's head on top.

(this shirt actually says "Dope" but as you can see, it's a FAIL)

dcdd67  No.6104296


I am “the guy” who said he would overpower and take. I did not say kill, as I may have use for you,… as a sex slave.

6f89f2  No.6104297

File: 20c22da935c04a2⋯.jpg (517.31 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190408-230627….jpg)







Thank you all for understanding….and listening…

Bere we are many….in my regular day to day, not so much….nobody geys it.

Much less the frog on my door!

The stats? Howd the stats Happen?

I left out one stupid little tid bit…on the way home from the perfomance, i listened to this vid on YouTube


(Sorry cant embed…using omnichan)

3abc43  No.6104298

File: cf327158b0ae995⋯.jpeg (36.42 KB, 604x516, 151:129, cat.jpeg)

6b6d6d  No.6104299

File: c2de431200fec9d⋯.jpeg (113.86 KB, 992x725, 992:725, 416b3d08c3bd9a27c49c9ecc1….jpeg)


Been trying to tell them, but they really dont listen well.

522697  No.6104300

File: b193f3977f7d2dd⋯.png (7.91 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 00ab135a154dd390f9e3d2094b….png)

fff97b  No.6104301

File: 5f73c1798b0adc7⋯.jpg (593.72 KB, 1080x1339, 1080:1339, Screenshot_20190408-200345.jpg)

>>6100927 (PB)


2a4a71  No.6104302

I am in love with Shannon Bream

45f001  No.6104303

File: 2f5e7373cbc18a3⋯.png (272.17 KB, 854x602, 61:43, patriot.png)

47a738  No.6104305


Traps are designed to be dangerous for rats.

The designer knows how to safely dislodge the dead meat. Rats just get caught in the trap.

9157b8  No.6104306

File: 02231945ab71fdb⋯.gif (687.61 KB, 400x366, 200:183, lairofthewyrm.gif)

3abc43  No.6104308

File: 428e48e088ec5c4⋯.png (13.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 50d6d712c4cc862ca9745c4924….png)

e1cd6f  No.6104310


For the World is Hollow and I have Touched the Sky - TOS

39e758  No.6104311


di it yourself

we're all memefags

0f784c  No.6104313


That would make sense. People as smart and honest as he seems don't last long in the US.

1aeed6  No.6104314


I will pray for you anon and for all

anons in this fight.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

5972f7  No.6104316

File: eb3ea5aad17e90c⋯.jpeg (979.07 KB, 1044x952, 261:238, 22EB49B0-6A91-4548-B658-D….jpeg)


Yes the want to create and shine light is very powerful.

3abc43  No.6104317

File: 4a4f8d0324f12a6⋯.png (328.31 KB, 857x595, 857:595, 4a4f8d0324f12a6919d1801426….png)

2033c1  No.6104318


I imagine it's something to do with Al- meaning 'the'. Probably like a lot of Scot's last names begin with M.

4cd112  No.6104319


Is 'John Wick' a movie worth watching or is it typical libtard Hollywood trash?


6e8e92  No.6104320

File: d476c61f23eac7b⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1750x1062, 875:531, AIWNABBIGTSPATF.png)

dcdd67  No.6104321



Make sure you are connected to reliable ground wire.

Safe sex is best

ab9609  No.6104322

File: 71626de282ea2ec⋯.jpg (162.2 KB, 628x500, 157:125, Q Research Clockfags Badge….jpg)


The words are on the clock.

Today is :07


Puzzle coming together?

God Bless the United States of America.


May some English major Anons can put it into words better. I do clocks.

41495c  No.6104323


>I'm sorry, are you blaming Obama for what Smollett did?

Yes. You want to know why? Because his husband intervened to get Smollett off the hook, which means they're directly involved in this shitshow.

bcf0b9  No.6104325

File: bfac46255414e99⋯.jpg (78.32 KB, 549x433, 549:433, Rainman says No.jpg)

62a15a  No.6104326


Prayers up Anon. Be strong

41495c  No.6104327


99% of movies are typical libtard trash.

9157b8  No.6104329

File: 588346e873bbf65⋯.jpg (81.11 KB, 729x822, 243:274, Yaphet-Kotto.jpg)

73db2f  No.6104330

File: aba34248ae4515f⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 255x252, 85:84, conspiracyb683197bb3046c01….jpg)

667d34  No.6104331

File: 32445cafeb5bad6⋯.jpg (778.33 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190408-223237….jpg)

File: 65962d32071e3f0⋯.jpg (734.74 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190408-223320….jpg)


This link is supposed to be a pdf file with over 200 pages like the screenshots if it doesn't work I'll just repost on next board from my drive.


c05c30  No.6104332


lawfag reported on this a few breads back.

repeat for u

this case is another nothing burger publicized to hurt POTUS - it is directly relatred to the case last year which already made this ruling

Judge Richard Seeborg in San Francisco, halts Trump Admin policy sending asylum seekers back

it involves asylum seekers that do NOT cross at POE - POTUS is sending them back which is NOT legal under current law and court already ruled that - its not a bog deal - see below past content

here is link to current ruling for proof


here is original analysis which STANDS no changes.

on the court ruling about asylum for caravan and other illegals

dont be worred or deceived by fake news

this is not what you think

the judge's ruling is CORRECT and very limited

DOJ/POTUS had to know exactly what would happen and did this intentionally and expected this result

The law in question makes it 100% clear that aliens may apply for asylum "…whether or not at a designated port of arrival" the reason for this is simple - the prupose of asylum is to escape - when one is escaling one does not seek a designated POA! duh

So what does POTUS do? Passes a rule saying asylum seekers MUST present themselves at an officlal POA - duh again - so what remains then?

the key - NOTHING in the ruling stops the border patrol/ICE/military from STOPPING all persons from entry - once they are stopped then they may apply for asylum - where? at an approved POE!!

3abc43  No.6104333

File: d69318c91307b38⋯.png (850.36 KB, 714x800, 357:400, d69318c91307b3806bc201f648….png)

4ce4c9  No.6104334

File: e50b7203442110c⋯.jpg (173.05 KB, 985x609, 985:609, 1c0dfe8a53779092b5b4174878….jpg)

7aa6f3  No.6104335


trump, A, hear this anyone's prayer.

042a2d  No.6104336


Preppers that advertise their preps deserve to be raided by parasites like you

They're likely the same ones that buy all the best gear but are morbidly obese and can't run a mile without passing out

You're welcome to clean them out all you want

But regarding me…you won't find me or know what I have

17994b  No.6104337

File: c8fdfa173cb932d⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 420x420, 1:1, buttismurf.jpg)

f8e454  No.6104338


It is irratating and yuck but nothing like staph or c-diff. I am not minimizing how it takes over skin folds/ mouth (the worst) or peg tube sites. It breaks down skin. It is bad just not freak out pandimic bad. This is where I am confused.

416aeb  No.6104339

File: 814b0c96d6c5b41⋯.png (1.79 MB, 954x921, 318:307, Trump tree middle to top.png)

File: 82fcca883e50db9⋯.png (589.54 KB, 365x808, 365:808, Trump Christmas tree 2.png)


I put that ornament near the top, kek

a8cb9d  No.6104340

File: 4d5dc5f824691c3⋯.jpg (8.85 KB, 204x247, 204:247, USMC 6.jpg)


>We Are on a Ship.

Yes, yes we are. The transportation and supply division of the Marine Corps. Thank you all. Semper Fi.

ps: Globe is ours. Anchor is yours.

53327a  No.6104341


Regardless after Trump is done in 8 yrs the left will find a way to bring Obama back and destroy this country with the Jews and Muslimes trying to kill all christians.

b65c5a  No.6104343

File: 378b8986674f2b0⋯.png (899.17 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, EE21CA0E-822D-4F1B-A5CF-00….png)

Lol so weird

5795d1  No.6104344

File: 8ac0e96584d53d7⋯.png (529.4 KB, 479x561, 479:561, 8ac0e96584d53d769f2013a159….png)

47e5b7  No.6104345

File: 33f41728864ad16⋯.png (437.47 KB, 670x436, 335:218, Capture2.PNG)

6d36f2  No.6104346


2 Chronicles 7:14

3abc43  No.6104347

File: 220a7ae3eb8f39a⋯.png (289.49 KB, 599x540, 599:540, 7f369703421e9a2c98f54edce0….png)

981cc7  No.6104348


Potus just tweeted about this.

416aeb  No.6104349

File: db715e5bb8f3b54⋯.png (997.41 KB, 605x924, 55:84, Trump tree top.png)



wrong pic,kek

0ff94c  No.6104351


whoever you are I love you dude

no homo

386e27  No.6104353



Fuck you responding to to a shill with over 20 posts in this bread.

45f001  No.6104354


Search for candida cleanse and you'll find protocols used to treat it.

No sugar, anti-fungals like oregano oil, and also drinks containing clay and diatomaceous earth.

83234a  No.6104355

b3cdc9  No.6104356

File: 94b8a6aa99fe098⋯.jpg (20.03 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 94b8a6aa99fe0983dea8043a32….jpg)


Agree 100%.

We are at "The Precipice".


And I also agree with your assessment of Q's long awaited return. Great Post. TY!!


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