[–]▶ 04c720 (6) No.5768898[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Monday 03.18.2019
>>5762016 ---———————————--——– Listen carefully. (Cap: >>5762037 )
>>5760517 ---———————————--——– 220px-Andrew_McCabe_official_portrait
>>5760511 ---———————————--——– 220px-James_Comey_official_portrait
>>5760509 ---———————————--——– 220px-John_Brennan_CIA_official_portrait
>>5760494 ---———————————--——– 220px-Loretta_Lynch,_official_portrait
>>5760477 ---———————————--——– Susan_Rice_official_portrait
>>5760463 ---———————————--——– Sally_Q_Yates
>>5760434 ---———————————--——– James_R_Clapper_official_portrait
>>5760306 ---———————————--——– THE REAL PANIC COMES IN THE FORM OF A LAST RESORT.
>>5760125 ---———————————--——– Who is the real intended target? (Cap: >>5760144 )
>>5760023 ---———————————--——– Ammunition is hard to come by.
>>5759812 ---———————————--——– So much effort to “KILL” a LARP. (Cap: >>5760272 )
>>5759709 ---———————————--——– Let's Keep Playing…
Sunday 03.17.2019
>>5745998 rt >>5745956 ---————————'STRIKE'
>>5745956 ---———————————--——– Thanks for playing, @Jack.
>>5745514 ---———————————--——– Who has the 'real' control? (Cap: >>5745735)
>>5744036 ---———————————--——– 1775.PNG
>>5743604 ---———————————--——– Hell or Heaven (Good vs Evil)
>>5743516 ---———————————--——– /pf/ 452 repost
>>5743399 ---———————————--——– "Keep fighting…" (Cap: >>5743433 )
>>5743362 ---———————————--——– "We have to fight back."
>>5743297 ---———————————--——– "We must fight." (Vid: >>5743328 )
>>5742252 ---———————————--——– Podesta to NZ thread (Cap: >>5742270, full thread >>5742514 )
>>5741764 ---———————————--——– Did he have a therapist? Who paid for his travel to the Middle East?
>>5740846 rt >>5740813 ---———————— WRWY!!!
>>5740802 rt >>5740687 ---———————— Retweet 'many' for plausible deniability? March (17) - message to?
>>5740605 rt >>5739531 ---———————— What day is today? How much more obvious can we make it?
Friday 03.15.2019
Compiled here: >>5760619
Thursday 03.14.2019
Compiled here: >>5742578
Wednesday 03.13.2019
Compiled here: >>5703840
Tuesday 03.12.2019
Compiled here: >>5678083
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 04c720 (6) No.5768903
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5768197, >>5768244 reeeepost from pb - mosque outtakes/behind the scenes footage?
>>5768233 Skippy twat from 09/05/2018 - sleeper cells have awoken
>>5768290 anon: [+21][+2][+4] sees +++
>>5768302 Turkish man arrested in connection with in tram shooting arrested; (MSM not interested)
>>5768251 Snowden is playing the role of Stanislav Lunev ?
>>5768450 Epstein Docs coming tomorrow (today)
>>5768578 Is GITMO the Last Resort ?
>>5768626 Daily meme upload at The Guardians of the GA Meme Gallery.
>>5768614 Judicial Watch to Interview Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes and Slew of Other Obama Officials Under Oath
>>5768687 Shepard Smith lobbied 24/7 to suspend her (judge j)
>>5768768 some dns server addresses that might be useful to someone somewhere
>>5768753 bun on the NZ shooter fakery chatter
>>5768880 #7378
>>5767408 Intel and the Department of Energy are building America's first exascale supercomputer
>>5767474 , >>5767504 , >>5767544 NZ PM received shooter's manifesto 9 min before attack
>>5767522, >>5767491 This is the first of many lawsuits coming, Nunes explains astroturf style gaslighting
>>5767524 anon on plane metaphors, 40k feet, and being on a 'ride' - 737 is the CLOCK ?
>>5767613 HRC twat - Strike to demand, there is no Planet B
>>5767712 Clinton Soros RICO Case 1:18-cv-01422 (same OG docs)
>>5767835, >>5767735, >>5767966 Anon has a notable point about T-27 ?
>>5768058, >>5767997 more on above theory but slightly diff
>>5767831 Former Secret Service Agent Files Lawsuit Against The Entire Clinton Machine
>>5767659 US, China Clash Over 'Belt And Road' In Afghan Resolution
>>5767468, >>5767476, >>5767503, >>5767505, >>5767981 call to dig this 737 max 8 dirt
>>5767958 Peter Strzok motion to dismiss.
>>5768080 #7377
#7375 Baker Change
>>5766722 blocked from 8ch here. VPN in Opera with success but changed DNS settings in router to a non NZ based open DNS provider
>>5766719 OpenDNS Ip addy's
>>5766696 Audio of false mayday made near Whidbey Island, Washington
>>5766762, >>5766803, >>5766832, >>5766862, >>5766926 Lawfag - plucking out the best morsels of Nunes suit
>>5766904 re Nunes lawsuit - Discovery phase
>>5766896, >>5766742, >>5767168 former Obama and Clinton adviser suicide
>>5766887 17 Potus tweets yesterday anons
>>5766991 Trumps 2019 Economic Report is coming out tomorrow.
>>5766836, >>5766979 NZ police in "training session" when mosque shooting began
>>5766966 JBSA-Fort Sam Houston is on lockdown for a security incident
>>5767027, >>5766850 Not far from Deer Park, TX (JBSA-Fort Sam Houston)
>>5767092 [T-0] lines up on the Q line of clock (:47-:17)
>>5767142, >>5767153 some interesting stuff in CHRISTCHURCH, the gateway to Antarctica
>>5767058 Goldman Sachs sets targets for Hispanic and black entry-level hires
>>5767326 #7376
Previously Collected Notables
>>5765779 #7374,
>>5763469 #7371, >>5764275 #7372, >>5765007 #7373
>>5761146 #7368, >>5761971 #7369, >>5762753 #7370
>>5759575 #7365, >>5759642 #7366, >>5760381 #7367
>>5756705 #7362, >>5757215 #7363, >>5758041 #7364
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
▶ 04c720 (6) No.5768905
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
Useful twat hints on war room info graphs
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Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC
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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
Resignations Thread ---————-- >>2714136
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>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread
>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes
>>4861109 -- Clockwork Qrange #8
>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7
No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html
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Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409
Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ 04c720 (6) No.5768906
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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf
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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
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* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com
* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825
Meme Ammo
* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459
* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames
* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041
* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160
* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
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Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Notable Posts Archive (searchable)
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Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey
Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621
▶ 04c720 (6) No.5768912>>5768917 >>5768992 >>5769017
▶ 04c720 (6) No.5768917>>5768945 >>5769012
baker requests handoff
ghost protocol
baker - please assume ghost handoff
ebake protocol
anons - keep some notables handy in hyour text editors
ebake - bake early dont wait to 751 just pull the trigger at 700 or 725 - ebake - new bread from old dough - notables later (after baking)
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5768945
Here or gone, baker?
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5768954>>5768975 >>5768980 >>5768983
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5768956>>5768959
The number of potential trafficking and modern slavery victims reported to the authorities has risen by 36% in a year, National Crime Agency figures show.
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5768959
▶ 8b2d14 (1) No.5768963>>5768968 >>5769001 >>5769021 >>5769038 >>5769048 >>5769055 >>5769090 >>5769104 >>5769515
Lord, Holy Spirit, come and equip us in our daily Breads, guide us in our righteous fight against the evil dominions, and inspire us in our battle to dethrone the evil ones.
Give strength to Q and his Q anon Digital soldiers, anoint them with your divine love and power.
Bless the Bakers, as they guide us through the Valley of Shadows.
Thank you for choosing to use us to bring your kingdom here on earth.
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5768967
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5768975>>5768978
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5768978>>5768982
It's quiet, almost too quiet
▶ e9cee9 (2) No.5768979>>5768986 >>5769292 >>5769472
>>5768971 lb
>>5768974 lb
reposting form late last bread.
▶ 31170c (2) No.5768980
We good fam, gotta workfag soon tho
▶ c8e9b9 (6) No.5768982>>5768993
graveyard shift is slow
▶ c7cd8c (6) No.5768983
flat lining I think
code blue in the bread
adrenaline stat !
▶ 31170c (2) No.5768986
Yeah they bigly madd kek.
Once again, it isn’t going to work.
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5768988
Gulping coffee right now watching the rabbits on cam
▶ 898666 (2) No.5768989>>5769043 >>5769123 >>5769158 >>5769292 >>5769472
Today Mateusz Szpytma, Deputy President of the Institute of National Remembrance @ipngovpl_eng, and @AmbWilczek laid a wreath at the Victims of Communism Memorial in Washington, DC.
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5768990>>5769027
Baker Assist assuming responsibility for notes until further notice
Try to give a sentence description if you're nominating notable, it really helps
Can take it for awhile, see what comes.
▶ 7179c5 (8) No.5768991>>5768995 >>5769018 >>5769022 >>5769025 >>5769168
Whoever made this fake and gay shooting production should be ashamed of themselves. Not just for defrauding the masses, but because it's production quality was worse than your average community theatre play. John Podesta should demand a refund.
Oh, and fire the manifesto writer, too. It's only 14 words--how do you manage to fuck even that up?
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5768993
That's why we call it graveyard….
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5768995>>5769168
most amateur production ever - seen B movies that put it to sleep
▶ 851ed3 (4) No.5768996
so are we [-0] or were the additions for this count or were they a separate count or a modification of some sort?
What's up?
▶ c7cd8c (6) No.5768997>>5769000 >>5769008 >>5769054
Thank you Baker Assist
When all this is over, I'll buy you a beer and set you up with my 3 sisters……
▶ 66615e (4) No.5768999>>5769011 >>5769168
disappearing cartridge shells……..
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769000>>5769023
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769001
Thank you, swordanon. Good morning? Don't know where you are, kek!
▶ dc46eb (1) No.5769002
by Congressman Louie Gohmert
Congressman Louie Gohmert Just Absolutely Wrecked Robert Mueller With Epic 48-Page Investigative Blowout
Not sure if this has been posted before or been read. It is a good read, even if just for a refresher.
▶ e38bca (12) No.5769004
God Speed Graveyard! made this graphic last bread. nite
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769005>>5769009 >>5769019 >>5769072 >>5769112 >>5769113 >>5769292 >>5769308 >>5769472
Ammunition is hard to come by.
in NZ?
for an AR15?
▶ 7b6356 (2) No.5769006
I wish also to express my confidence in the
future of the free nations of earth. Although the
Soviet has found a chink in the armor of
individual liberty, it is certain that Democratic
processes can mend it. That only the individual
himself can protest against assault and injury
to him before law, joined with the fact that the
insane have no rights before law, has
permitted in itself this deep ingress into our
country's security. So long as this legal hole
exists, there is then no law against driving
anyone insane, even though this action deals
as finally with a person as does murder. The
existence today of highly efficient drugs such
as LSD, one-millionth of an ounce of which can
create insanity, brings this legal loophole into
focus. By enacting legislation permitting a
friend or next of kin to bring charges in case of
assault, and by quickly placing all treatment of
and institutions for the insane in the hands of
ministers, taking it entirely out of the hands of
European indoctrinated practitioners, the entire
effort of Psychopoiltics can be nullified at once.
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769007>>5769014 >>5769059 >>5769077
During the 90s, Nirvana, Metallica and Guns n Roses were our anthems.
We studied everything we could find on BBSes and read obscure ASCII documents on hacking, technology and aliens.
At night we watched X-Files and lay in bed listening to the music of our generation. Always wondering if there was something more than just this mundane existence.
We were labelled rebels, slackers, misfits and losers and outcasts.
We hung out in dark nightclubs and bars, mixing with other "losers".
We got sucked reluctantly into the business world, where we were exploited and suckered because of our good natures.
But we remained hackers and outcasts at heart. We still wanted to change the world for the better.
Then an outcast, Trump was elected and Q came along.
We know what this fight is about and we are all joining in this fight - people across all generations and age groups coming together.
It is a fight between good (us) and evil. Its a fight against our own inner [demons]. Its a fight to fix this fucking planet. Yes we rebel against tyranny and autocracy. We never rest and we will always be in this fight until the whole world is great!
Stay strong patriots around the world.
Thank you Q, you know what you did. Those who went in deep enough, know exactly what this is about. [ ] :)
God Bless you President Trump and Q team!
We are anon!
▶ 228976 (1) No.5769008
▶ 66615e (4) No.5769009>>5769168 >>5769292 >>5769472
there was no ammo used……
▶ c7cd8c (6) No.5769011>>5769168
nice tripz
yeah, I saw that video
the spent shells just vanish, they fade out and merge into the background
totally shillery in action
▶ 5e029f (3) No.5769012>>5769082
signed off pb
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769014
How I felt when I first put the badge on o7
▶ 410587 (2) No.5769015
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Prayers of Many.
We hear you…
▶ 41fb8d (1) No.5769016
Ariana Neskovic
6m6 minutes ago
@JohnBrennan her age and her homemaking.I am getting threats,people are putting words in my mouth and things I never said,they are making me out to be crazy and I feel physically very weak everytime I try to talk
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Ariana Neskovic
8m8 minutes ago
@JohnBrennan her by placing myself in front of her by witholding information in order to prevent them from doing physical damage to her,from them gossiping about your relationship with her and from her listening to negative comments about your marriage.Also to respect
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Ariana Neskovic
11m11 minutes ago
@JohnBrennan Dear Mr.Brennan,I tried to safeguard your wife from the serbian minister of externail affairs whos surname is Dacic.On the 8th of March the serbian minister of externail affairs Dacic tried to assault your wife with the paramilitaries the tigers.I tried to protect
Wonder what this is all about…
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769017>>5769046
Thank you baker.
▶ c9baec (4) No.5769018>>5769022 >>5769032
proportions are stretched whenever a wide angle lense is used. gopro is superwide angle. so corners of the picture have very abnormal proportions. learn first, then post.
▶ 7179c5 (8) No.5769019>>5769189 >>5769292 >>5769472
"Ammunition" in Q code is "distractions and false flags." Read the crumbs from the Bush funeral. "Ammunition is hard to come by" = "they're running out ways to change the narrative."
>Bait expends ammunition.
>Hints expend ammunition.
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769021
You too swordanon.
▶ 7179c5 (8) No.5769022>>5769041 >>5769174
Watch the video, Anon.
▶ c7cd8c (6) No.5769023>>5769026
tripz chk'd
you can have number 4
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769026
Sweet - no some arrests please
▶ 5e029f (3) No.5769027>>5769033 >>5769100
its already 5am pst
assume baker to pickup
much appreciated is the lookout of the dough batter
▶ b2dca2 (1) No.5769028
have a great night everyone
heading to 'hit the sack'
▶ 2df549 (7) No.5769029>>5769037 >>5769115
Mornin' on the East Coast, Baker.
Rise and shine. A new day dawns.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769030>>5769039 >>5769073 >>5769617
was expecting
another option is HRC
▶ c8e9b9 (6) No.5769031>>5769102
Interesting read
▶ c7cd8c (6) No.5769032>>5769045 >>5769168
nah, the shells just fade out in mid arc and disappear (literally)
the whole NZ fiasco was a FF
it's unraveling though
fuck the deep state !
▶ 5e029f (3) No.5769033
eastern not pac
▶ 2df549 (7) No.5769034
Give us this day
our daily breads.
▶ e0a2ac (1) No.5769035
>>5768936 (lb)
DNS jumper. windows gui to set DNS. you can hand pick safe servers and disable those servers you don't wish to connect to. easier than grubbing around in adapter properties.
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769036>>5769125
>>5768961 (lb)
I do feel better.
I got my screen time down to 9.3 hours or something + irl things.
Ty anons
I know some high ranking anons are here a lot moar than that.
God Bless
▶ c7cd8c (6) No.5769038
bless you swordy
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769039
▶ c9baec (4) No.5769040>>5769042 >>5769168
sorry but this is flat out wrong.
gopro is superwide angle like 10-14mm
every line is like a half circle not a straight beam.
your analysis is incorrect you have to draw in almost circles.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769041>>5769168 >>5769179 >>5769238
why shoot down the street?
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769042>>5769050 >>5769168
Watch it and tell us it is real - sheesh
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769043
▶ c9baec (4) No.5769045>>5769168
thats another matter and from what I see it indeed seems like the shells disappear. you cant be sure though by the quality of the footage.
▶ 4d6ee2 (4) No.5769048
God Bless you too Swordy
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769049
This is a battle between Angels and Demons. We fight everyday. All of us! This is a worldwide battle. Sweet your own doorsteps and then engage the enemy [demons] by using love and kindness to drive them away from those you love. It is a fight against unseen enemies. All of us are plagued by demons, but many of us are learning their ways and fighting them off!
Thank you Q for exposing this.
▶ c9baec (4) No.5769050>>5769053 >>5769168
it could be a 2 layer footage: one layer street the other layer gun and sheels before green screen.
the horizon line analysis is still wrong though. lense ABERATION is the keyword.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769051>>5769057 >>5769119 >>5769406
if + is 0
does that mean anything?
021 02 04
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769053>>5769168
My 6 year old could make a better video in 5 minutes
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769054
How about some covfefe right now?
▶ 7b6356 (2) No.5769055
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769056
For we fight things in the heavenly realms. Fight the [demons] and rebuke them in the name of Christ.
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769057>>5769063 >>5769083
▶ 2df549 (7) No.5769059>>5769068 >>5769069 >>5769088 >>5769114
Yes, to almost all of that.
I have to disagree with the 'loser' part.
I'm bold, outgoing, fun, funny, and drop-dead beautiful. Not very humble, though. And I'm an asshole, too. I don't sugar-coat a damn thing. Not all of us are losers. And the losers aren't really losers. They only lack confidence.
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769062>>5769080 >>5769447
Dear Q,
How old is John Podesta really?
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769063
Facebooks birthday?
▶ 0852ee (1) No.5769064>>5769601
Probably not relevant but if you multiply [+21][+2][+4] it equals 168
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769065>>5769075 >>5769089 >>5769292 >>5769472
Get Em
During the examination of his mobile phone officers allegedly found abhorrent material, including a video depicting the sexual abuse of a child,” an ABF media statement read.
Australian immigration officials have broad authority to search items entering the country, and can request that you unlock your digital devices should they have reason to search based on individualized suspicion of illegal activities.
Last year, a 43-year-old Malaysian man was detained at Perth airport under similar charges. At the time, officials called the child pornography material on his electronic devices “horrific.”
He will now be charged with importing prohibited goods under the Australian Customs Act, which carries up to ten years in prison if found guilty, or a AU$525,000 (RM1.5 million) fine, or both.
▶ d615a2 (3) No.5769067>>5769071 >>5769094 >>5769102 >>5769141 >>5769299
Only two ways "they" can win and gain control of the narrative.
1. Dirty nukes, or a ballistic container with nukes or TNT.
(a very devastating false flag)(mass casualty).(that would have to be beyond full proof, which is highly unlikely)(there are missing nukes, I suspect 3-7.
2. A FF alien contact, live on all the networks, with genetically created "aliens", and "flying spaceships.", props, all kind of holograms, special effects, and any new fx tech available.
(the same agency Truman was introduced to)
3. Financial crisis, (will not work)
4. Race War, (will not work)
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769068>>5769079
Damn straight! But once I thought I was a loser. No longer. Now I'm a winner. WE ARE WINNERS!
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769071>>5769078
i'm for number one
see The Eagels - The Last Resort song.
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769072>>5769206 >>5769472
Is this why the Muslim victims’ families are in an uproar because the authorities aren’t releasing the bodies (for proper burial time limit under Sharia Law) because of the forensics problem regarding the projectiles/slugs found?
▶ 7d913d (7) No.5769073
Maybe they are the number of [targets] being added over the last few days. 21, then 2 (@jack and …?) then 4, as they are exposing themselves running out of options?
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769075>>5769087 >>5769120
Glad he was caught but talk about zero rights
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769078
>>5769071 KEK not for it, see it as most plausible Given Q mentioned The Last Resort
▶ 2df549 (7) No.5769079
You got it, Anon!!!
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769081
How old is [Maria Abramovich] really?
How old is [John Podesta] really?
How old is [SOROS] really?
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769082
Yes, I thought so, was just checking.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769083
>021 02 04
40 20 120
4 2 12
▶ 889cb4 (1) No.5769084>>5769103 >>5769292 >>5769472
Another example how we, the anon soldiers, followed the plan and have been setting the stage to help win the fight. Meme's! Q wanted us to hammer the meme's. Now, coming court cases against these social platforms will show how they devolved algorithms to combat our meme's which will prove they have been actively working to change the narrative to make Potus look bad and the Dems as the saviors. Well done Patriots, you have taken the fight to them and forced them to expose themselves laying the foundation that will help bring them down, [FB, Twit, Goo, YT]
▶ 92727c (1) No.5769085
So what did Nunes have to say on Hannity?
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769087
I was hoping (still am) it is the arrests by batch or order with top ones last
▶ c8e9b9 (6) No.5769090
Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
or set foot on the path of sinners,
or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on His law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
yielding its fruit in season,
whose leaf does not wither,
and who prospers in all he does.
Not so the wicked!
For they are like chaff driven off by the wind.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
For the LORD guards the path of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769091>>5769105 >>5769107 >>5769108 >>5769109 >>5769163 >>5769248 >>5769678
>>5768911 ((pb)
NZAnon here access is still up
and rubbish - this is not a male only characteristic I have met Ardern she is a woman
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769093
Kek sees what the cabal are up to…
▶ edeb36 (3) No.5769094
Doubt it will be number 2. POTUS rubbed Space Force in their faces.
▶ 5f8291 (1) No.5769096>>5769292 >>5769472
▶ 2df549 (7) No.5769098>>5769118
Pair of tits for you, Anon.
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769100
Thx, Baker Assist here and ok for now. Gathering notes, always enjoy. Anons creative, imaginative, thoughtful.
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769101>>5769117 >>5769184 >>5769230
Could SPACE FORCE really be about an inner spiritual journey? One who takes cannabis can see things which others cannot.
Here 420 is mentioned. Also binding. Could the binding be about binding [demons]?
Could us anons really be SPACE FORCE? Getting spaced out and fighting in other realms!
Just a thought!
▶ c8e9b9 (6) No.5769102
about financial crisis.
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769103
THIS is what we were listening for. No?
▶ dabed5 (6) No.5769104
SwordAnon inspiring extremism as always.
"Be Careful with who you follow."
▶ fd4325 (8) No.5769105>>5769133
>and rubbish - this is not a male
anon, have you seen the recent video where she is strolling quickly down the corridor and her/his junk is clearly visible under the flimsy dress ?
think moochelle…same same
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769107>>5769121 >>5769126 >>5769135 >>5769152 >>5769243
> I have met Ardern she is a woman
Get your eyes checked
▶ 7d913d (7) No.5769109
So have I anon, and it involved alcohol too. And I agree, but then I have almost been fooled once before, kek.
But yeah, nah.
(international anons now grasping how small NZ really is).
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769112>>5769292 >>5769472
3113 has nothing to do with New Zealand Ammunition
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769113>>5769168
could be a hint that its fake
and there are no bullets in the walls etc?
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769115
Appreciate your enthusiasm….a little different than the state of mind of those still awake after about 18 hours. Kek.
▶ f14a2e (1) No.5769119
DEATH BLOSSOMS in T-Minus [-30] from today
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769120
Its a new age. The age of surveillance.
At least its being used for some good.
▶ fd4325 (8) No.5769121
junk confirmed
she is a he
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769123>>5769128 >>5769292 >>5769472
Jak już wyszukujesz po polskich netach, to dawaj szwindle, krętactwa nadużycia władzy i podejrzane operacje być może obcych służb na terenie Polski
A nie pierdoły że wieniec złożył, to forum ma pewien cel…
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769124>>5769292 >>5769472
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769125
Congrats on only 9.3 hours, Kek. Glad you feel better.
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769126
Seen some big bush but that aint
▶ df7771 (1) No.5769127>>5769237 >>5769267 >>5769292 >>5769298 >>5769472
This New Zealand gun owner voluntarily gave up his semi-automatic firearm. Here's why
(CNN)A farmer in New Zealand packed up his semi-automatic firearm Monday and surrendered it to police.
The weight of the terror attacks on two mosques in New Zealand and the thought of what could happen if the gun fell into the wrong hands made John Hart voluntarily turn in his firearm, he said.
"I had had that gun since it was made. I was glad it had never harmed a person," Hart, 46, told CNN. "Now I can know that it never harmed a person, so I have some reassurance in that."
Hart has been a gun owner for almost two decades, he said. He owns a 50-acre farm in Masterton, New Zealand, where he raises sheep and beef. He said he thought a lot before making his decision and ultimately, he felt a "bit of relief."
He said he had purchased the semi-automatic firearm to help with killing goats and wild pigs to aid in pest control on the farm. Hart said he still has other guns on the farm for "chores and euthanizing animals."
"For me, the main reasoning was that these types of weapons are convenient for some types of tasks, but they aren't the only way to perform those tasks," Hart said.
"To my mind, the tradeoff of having the convenience of that weapon versus having it misused, it just wasn't worth it. I think that we should not have these in our country in the wake of what happened," he said. "It felt like the perfectly logical thing to do was to surrender mine."
Turning in his firearm was a simple, quick process, Hart said. He filled out an arms surrender form and notified police he would be bringing the gun to the station.
"In southern New Zealand, you are able to give up firearms with no questions asked," Hart said. "With the terror attack, we're on a heightened awareness, so I really didn't want to walk up to police station with a gun with armed guards outside."
He's not alone in voluntarily surrendering his firearm. Some gun owners in New Zealand turned to social media on Monday to post their stories of why they gave up their guns.
Twitter user Blackstone shared a redacted version of an arms surrender form Monday, stating the reason for return as "doesn't want it." The gun owner declined to speak with media, as posted on Twitter.
"Since I first heard about the atrocity on Friday afternoon I have reflected and reserved my thoughts," Blackstone wrote on Twitter. "Monday morning - this is one of the easiest decisions I have ever made. Have owned a firearm for 31 years."
A woman named Fey Hag also posted on Twitter about turning in her guns for destruction by police. She did not respond to CNN's request for an interview.
"When my husband died his guns were handed to family holding the requisite license," she wrote. "Daughter of crack shot food hunting parents, I have used guns from the age of 9. Today I requested that those guns be handed in for destruction."
Hart said he has been "overwhelmed" by the feedback he has received online after posting about surrendering his firearm. Many of the comments were positive, but there were a fair number of gun owners posting negative comments, he said.
"I'm fairly confident that we will have a positive outcome from this," Hart said in response to New Zealand saying it would reform laws. "[Jacinda Ardern] has already committed to changing the gun laws and we need to see how that plays out."
These people CAN'T be this stupid, can they?… Oh, and look who picks up the story?… CNN
▶ fd4325 (8) No.5769128>>5769292 >>5769472
As you already search the Polish Netach, you give the whispering, the winding abuses of power and suspicious operations perhaps foreign services in the territory of Poland
And not pierdoły that wreath made, this forum has a goal…
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769129>>5769136
Hey Everyone,
We are needed in helping our Aus and Nz Anon friends!
They have been blocked out of 4chan, 8chan and Gab.
So if we could go across to social media and try to get the word out about how to unblock these sites that would be great!
I believe this blocking indicates we are on to something big. Perhaps it has something to do with the Nz attacks? Perhaps we were much too close to the truth? Perhaps they blocked Aus and Nz before they could properly catch on to this truth?
Whatever the case, keep doing what you're doing!
Very proud to be apart of this.
Bless <3 #WWG1WGA
▶ 7d913d (7) No.5769130
Good connect anon.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769131
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769133>>5769144 >>5769151 >>5769153
Yes I have and it is rubbish…she is a woman, she is shortish, and very frail is not the word, but the feminine frail as opposed to a man
this is an oops too
▶ 410a07 (2) No.5769134
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769136>>5769148 >>5769149 >>5769474
i am not and have never been blocked
▶ e8ddf0 (3) No.5769137>>5769138
So that's what a push-up bra is for….
▶ 38eaaf (2) No.5769139>>5769292 >>5769294 >>5769472
MSM: 8Chan >> Alt-Right >> Nazi >> Memes >> Toxic Masculinity >> Extremist >> Radicalization
Inside the 'shitposting' subculture the alleged Christchurch shooter belonged to
March 17, 2019
But what is "shitposting", and why has it become such a staple of anonymous alt-right internet forums?
"Shitposting" or trolling usually takes the forms of ironic pictures referencing internet in-jokes that are intended to shock and amuse.
These are commonly used by the alt-right to promote their belief in white supremacy and wish to rid Western nations of non-white citizens.
Professor Greg Barton, an expert on terrorism from Deakin University:
"Shitposting is all about getting your profile up, getting a response and the more ironic and funny you can be the more you get."
Tarrant’s brutal act of terrorism has already inspired hundreds of memes.
Professor Barton said that this kind of extreme dark humour is an expression of the hyper-masculinity that fuels extremist groups.
"Alt-right real-world communities often involved a fight club culture and a lot of real-world violence," he said.
"… it’s called toxic masculinity for good reason."
"The alt-right is much more quick [than jihadist groups] to go into this dark justification of violence."
References to Nazi imagery and racially derogatory terms are also a common feature.
Professor Barton says that young men often find these sites when they are already on the road to radicalisation.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769140>>5769166
where is HRC and BHO?
▶ 5d5a39 (4) No.5769141
foolproof??? kek
▶ dabed5 (6) No.5769142>>5769145
"Don't be like Q and fail to deliver! Learn how to pull out in time."
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769143
▶ fd4325 (8) No.5769144>>5769159 >>5769160
>she is a woman, she is shortish
she is a cucked tranny servant of the cabal, that is what she is
NZ is full of dark secrets..
and "anon"….you are starting to glow, just sayin'
▶ 66615e (4) No.5769146>>5769150 >>5769154 >>5769195
>>5769129Ausanon here….No blocks
▶ c4cd1b (3) No.5769147>>5769376 >>5769535
Woman from C-Vine news was on redpill78 Livestream the other day and said 9/11 tribunals are taking place right now.
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769148
Interesting, I'm an Aus Anon and I've been blocked for almost 2 days now….
▶ fd4325 (8) No.5769149>>5769157
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769150>>5769156 >>5769195
Hm…. perhaps it is just me, why would this be happening??
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769152
notice she is pissing herself laughing
its a set up..
possibly big mike?
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769153
No need to argue with the ignorant anon. They are going to believe whatever they want.
▶ 0ddb32 (3) No.5769154>>5769195
Mine was…. need a VPN now
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769156>>5769165 >>5769169 >>5769173 >>5769347
Depends on your ISP.
Kotaku is reporting that Telstra, Vodafone and Optus have blocked 8ch, 4ch and ZeroHedge
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769157
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769158>>5769198
No dobra, trochę za ostro, skoro już przyjechał, to pilnuj z kim się spotka :)
Ok, maybe that was too harsh, since he came to DC, look after who he meets with.
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769159>>5769177
It is a doctored recording - it was taken the day after she was elected, her first day in parliament and that movement was not there in the original broadcast on that day
▶ e38bca (12) No.5769160
Maybe she fills her cabinet with cucksoys and they get the strap-on for good behavior.
▶ bff47b (2) No.5769162>>5769182
I had to update my Proton VPN app on my phone…android. Why?This happen to anyone else? My email was ok.
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769163
Do you know whether access is up everywhere or just some places? Is access reliable right now?
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769165
Thank you, yes, this makes sense. Telstra guilty of stealing info and all sorts of other illegal stuff - (sorry don't have sauce on me) but yea, not surprised they've done that.
▶ ba9764 (11) No.5769166>>5769172 >>5769292 >>5769472
[D] Day tomorrow
Bottom to top.
FISA = Foundation.
▶ 80b14a (2) No.5769167>>5769176
Muh infinite renewable intergalactic windmill savour energy.
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769168>>5769181 >>5769183 >>5769185 >>5769313 >>5769378
the dude massacred 30+ people at that Mosque.
no shaking. no sweating. no gulping. no spitting or vomiting.
clearly pathological.
emotionally insane.
he drove too fast for a "sane" assassin given the guns in the front seat and incendiary devices and more guns in the trunk.
he was your typical MK-ultra sociopath recruited by the spooks who hang out at gun clubs/rifle ranges.
real live people like your next door neighbor and coworkers were actually murdered by that man.
real live people like your children and wife.
You'd have to be a robot with no intuitive or empathetic senses whatsoever not to feel those people being killed before your eyes -- especially the lady in the driveway pleading for help. Can't fake that piece of skull flying into the street. You guys are enemies of the United States of America. I hope you are murdered soon.
▶ e8ddf0 (3) No.5769169>>5769222 >>5769292 >>5769472
I'm in Aus, and as far as I can tell Optus (my phone provider) has blocked 8ch, but Telstra (my home internet provider) has not.
'tis a bummer 'cos now I can't check on Q while out and about…
▶ 0ddb32 (3) No.5769172
Isnt the timing of the mass censorship and website blocking interesting lol.
▶ c4cd1b (3) No.5769173
Is zerohedge that trustworthy for us that the cabal wants it blocked?
▶ debca1 (7) No.5769174>>5769191 >>5769215 >>5769252
Do you have the whole vid? Dropped my laptop -- lost all research and links.
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769177>>5769210 >>5769302 >>5769710
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5769159
Wrong again!
Package confirmed.
NZ Pm has a cock.
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769179>>5769188
I agree - the whole thing smells of BS.
No wonder they are so up in arms about the "spreading" of this video.
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769180
That makes me so MAD, since we didn't manage to get ours back since the commies…
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769181>>5769194 >>5769252
Yes let's believe 30+ people were killed.
Let's also the official story of 911.
Have some shit you faggot.
▶ bff47b (2) No.5769182
I had to update my Proton VPN app on my phone…android. Why?This happen to anyone else? My email was ok.
*** I am in the US and always use US server connections, btw.
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769184
Operation Stargate was ALL about Consciousness Studies. The inherent ability of every one of us to Astrally Project, Remote View, “Travel” Inter-dimensionally, to Remotely Heal, Psychic Spying, etc. There is an actual organization which trains ANYONE to do this. It exists in Virginia. It is run by individuals who were intimately involved with the government’s Pyschic Spying Program. It is the:
“Residential programs at the Virginia Campus are conducted at the Nancy Penn Center and at Roberts Mountain Retreat. Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, these facilities were constructed to maximize the effectiveness of the audio guidance process and provide a uniquely supportive environment for personal exploration.”
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769185>>5769252
He should have killed moooaaaaaarrrrrrr!
▶ e38bca (12) No.5769186
His wife and children must feel proud! ha ha
▶ 16c33c (2) No.5769187>>5769193 >>5769196 >>5769472
Is GITMO The Last Resort?
A U.S. official, said Guantanamo is the "option of last resort." The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the U.S. has identified about 50 people among the more than 900 held by Syrian forces as "high value" suspects that could be transported to Guantanamo if they are not repatriated.
Transfer to Guantánamo has been a theoretical last resort; no new captive has arrived there since 2008, when the Supreme Court ruled that prisoners there have a constitutional right to file habeas corpus lawsuits challenging the basis for their detention.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769188
tagn runaways maybe
▶ 8234d0 (3) No.5769189>>5769197 >>5769200 >>5769209 >>5769234 >>5769240 >>5769472
This is my line of thinking as well, clowns can provide physical ammo easily, but how often can they stage False flags without the masses catching on?
▶ dabed5 (6) No.5769192
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769193
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769194>>5769202 >>5769205
Eat Your own.
No matter what 9/11 was people on those planes still died.
Don't try to downgrade [THEIR] actions, by making it a fucking LARP!!
▶ 38eaaf (2) No.5769195>>5769199 >>5769217 >>5769377 >>5769472
Fellow Ausanon here.
I was blocked as of late last night. Just reconfigured the DNS settings on my router and all good now.
(Same deal with Aussie ISPs blocking torrent sites a while back.)
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769197
via diplomatic pouches.
▶ 898666 (2) No.5769198>>5769208
just thought visiting victims of communism memorial was poland trolling eu
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769199>>5769245 >>5769258
How do I reconfigure my DNS settings?
Sorry - not a techfag haha
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769200>>5769204 >>5769232 >>5769296 >>5769472
It has to be in the video - reason they are trying so hard to eliminate it - we are missing something
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769201>>5769213
Sure do hope that New Zealanders dont give up their Guns
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769202>>5769212 >>5769219 >>5769252
When did I say people didn't die?
But ya. Let's believe everything on the news is real.
▶ 09135c (2) No.5769203
Techfag here, someone wanted a tl:dr about DNS and privacy last bread..
DNS is the phone book of the internet. Using a different phone book doesn't make your number unlisted. ;)
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769204
▶ f0d3e9 (1) No.5769206>>5769252 >>5769275 >>5769472 >>5769618
Something stuck out as VERY ODD to me… NO ONE is mobile except the one guy trying to run out. Were they DRUGGED? Already down? No screaming?
Shells normally eject backwards, on approx 45 degrees from bird eye view
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769207
cant make this shit up
the world is watching
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769208
Not really, Polish officials do that routinely….
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769209
I take it as they are running out of narratives to push. They lose the effect over time or if spotted. Each time seems to require an upgrade but wtf eventually all there left with is "fuck you we waxed some folk wanna be next"
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769212>>5769220
DID I say to belive it?
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769213>>5769223 >>5769227
i honestly dont think the gun thing will happen
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769214>>5769221 >>5769302
She got a hog tied down there
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769215>>5769225 >>5769242 >>5769252
not sure if these still work. Heard they were blocked. But's it's the original recordings.
▶ fedfd0 (5) No.5769216>>5769252
"Hope you are murdered soon"
Well gosh, that's quite the retort
Sorry I hope you lose your job shitpost NG on 8chan now, because you are just lame.
▶ e38bca (12) No.5769217
Is your backdoor access still open from last night?
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769218
NZ is The Spoopville Retirement Village complete with full-service, long term underground facilities.
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769219>>5769250
Just tired of those "it was all CGI" fags, at this topic.
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769220>>5769236 >>5769252
?! What?!
Tell me more about how the people on the planes were killed.
You equated that.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769221>>5769231
Don't believe everything you see here.
▶ 776ee9 (1) No.5769222>>5769472
I got Optus, works with VPN.
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769223
You bet it will happen.
They pulled the same gun-grabbing shit after Port Arthur in Australia.
▶ debca1 (7) No.5769225>>5769318
Those don't work anymore.
▶ 9c7298 (2) No.5769226>>5769229
too bad your dad didn't faggot
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769227
Oh it will. Watch. They will implement a total ban, or at the very least seriously restrict any access to “military style semi automatics” as they call them. It will pass easily and quickly.
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769228>>5769262 >>5769265 >>5769362 >>5769405 >>5769437 >>5769463 >>5769472 >>5769486 >>5769679
[+21] [+2} [+4]
Order is strange but lookie what I found
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769231>>5769233 >>5769310 >>5769411 >>5769607
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5769221
Watch the video, dipshit
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769232>>5769296
Something in one or moar of the vids is key I am sure. There was a major slip up of which they are very concerned about.
? how far will they go to keep the narrative ?
I fear we will see t get much worse as the rabid dog gets cornered.
▶ dabed5 (6) No.5769234>>5769239 >>5769337
Why fake something that happens everyday around the world?
Muzzies being killed is as common as cars accidents.
The same people responsible for NZ attack, did 9/11…think about tag for a second.
A simple shooting is a fart in a hurricane for them.
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769235>>5769302
“Nonsense, silly. We ALWAYS stuff a roll of toilet paper down there on heavy flow days.”
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769236>>5769246
Ochams razor
what is easier to stage?
kidnap a plane or fake a plane kidnapping. and deaths?
▶ 7d913d (7) No.5769237
I saw the interview with this guy, it looked "fake", like a setup. I've seen these kind of ops planned from the back rooms; scenario: let's get "Jim" (probably on the electoral committee of our party) to publicly turn in his gun to tug at the heart strings of the farming community. (I have a friend who would berate me for calling a rifle a gun, but anyway, for the purposes of discussion…)
To sweeten the pot they even put in a story about how it is scary to walk up to a police station with an armed officer at the door with a rifle in your hand, but don't worry, it will be alright.
Saccharine stuff.
My prediction if semi-auto is banned? NZ farms overrun with rabbits in the next five years. Then the legitimate introduction of calici virus to deal with that, and more 1080 to deal with the possums, and the chemical and pharma companies all very happy.
No, I think if they stop and think about it rather than acting on emotion, they'll go for individual registration of all firearms, and perhaps tougher penalties for modifying semi autos.
▶ 54893a (1) No.5769238>>5769254 >>5769274 >>5769278 >>5769279 >>5769311 >>5769387 >>5769607
because he was too early to head back in… the car parked out front had to leave first
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769240
(They) have been staging False Flags for a long time without the masses catching on
Until Recently
▶ debca1 (7) No.5769242
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769243>>5769247
get over yourselves and be careful who you follow
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769244
Ok you got me. Wtf is that?
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769245>>5769260 >>5769472
Here ya go.
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769246
Forget 1 plane. Multiple same day?
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769247>>5769280
I say again, watch the video, dipshit
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769248>>5769251 >>5769261 >>5769263
I’ve met Caitlin. She is a woman.
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769249>>5769302
Smuggling a squirrel.
From now on Im demanding a chromosome test b4 I go out with a girlie.
STD and biological female test.
▶ 2df549 (7) No.5769250>>5769300
The point those anons were trying to make is that the planes could have very well been taken by (((them))) to be used for nefarious reasons and the passengers would've then been executed to leave no witnesses. Expand your thinking. Yes, this happens.
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769252>>5769256 >>5769297 >>5769303 >>5769313 >>5769327
all 16:55 right here:
fishing is fun.
thanks for outing yourselves, guys.
Can't fake that piece of skull flying into the street.
▶ 58c105 (4) No.5769253
Just realized- the mural, the signage = Interpol.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769254>>5769387
nigger you may be onto sum ting
I was questioning the match up the plated numbers from other mosque but have not aquired clear read of 2nd. Also watch for red cars you have a keen eye maybe catch something I missed.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769255>>5769259
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769256
So scary.
How many times I've seen this the past few months.
Here is some (((ATTENTION)))
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769257>>5769268 >>5769282 >>5769286 >>5769305 >>5769353 >>5769387 >>5769391 >>5769394 >>5769413 >>5769472 >>5769501 >>5769522 >>5769525 >>5769607
you fuckers are not going to believe this
go to the 1st pic of the lady who was killed
save as
look at the name
▶ 09135c (2) No.5769258>>5769472
Protonmail has free option for email that includes a VPN. Works good, I'm using it now. Easier, better.
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769260
Thanks man, appreciate it
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769261>>5769264
How many ovaries does “she” have.
I’ll wait
▶ 6d95ac (1) No.5769262>>5769301
Good find Anon!
That can't be a coincidence right?
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769263
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769264
You seen jacinda’s ovaries? Damn !
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769267
▶ 766a22 (5) No.5769269>>5769288 >>5769290 >>5769472
FYI - Jack Posobiec -- who is blatantly a CIA-shill – is hosting an AMA over at The_Donald tonight. It's being promoted on the home page, with the tag line "Q is a LARP for the Low-IQ."
T_D is definitely comp'd, and crawling with shills, but the people who visit are do comprise Trump's base, and there is no doubt that Jack will be shouting down Q to all of them, tonight.
Ignore the noise, yes. But aren't we trying to grow this movement? T_D is poised to become the next iteration of the MSM, once the old guard falls. What are we going to do about it?
▶ 25aa3e (1) No.5769270>>5769316
Remember when Alex was cut off. People didn't care.
Shadow banning now and algorithms to move people away from the truth.
Judge Pirro now silenced.
Putin now silencing critics and in NZ you can be imprisoned for 10 yrs. or more for distributing videos.
No time like the present, while we still can, to stop the infringement of our free speech. A couple more people go silenced, whether you like them or not, will be the catalyst for removing the 1st amendment.
▶ 16cb3d (1) No.5769271>>5769306 >>5769440 >>5769528
Any anon archived the video from a few days ago?
Phonefagging and an oldfag wants to review it for research.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769273
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769274>>5769387
here moar pics
the white car has always stood out to me the door seems to move at start of vid
▶ 5d5a39 (4) No.5769275>>5769281 >>5769326
Have fired hundreds of thousands of rounds through an assortment of rifles, pistols, and shotguns,, and have witnessed cartridge cases that can and are extracted in many different angles and directions (to the right side of a right-handed firearm).
▶ 07170d (1) No.5769276
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hitlary just tweeted plan B yesterday
Have a listen.
▶ debca1 (7) No.5769278>>5769387
When I watched this the other night I thought there was someone in the white car toward the fence. Driver side backseat (since they drive opposite US)?
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769280>>5769284 >>5769285 >>5769293 >>5769307 >>5769323 >>5769637
dipshit I have met her…and I'm a woman
▶ ba9764 (11) No.5769281
ARs ejection angle is due to under/over gassing
▶ b96fe4 (1) No.5769283
Good morning anons
Who has my GIF of Michael dancing for ellen with his cock showing through the green dress?
Sent the NZ PM vid overseas and got a curious one in the south seas.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769284
Yes but have you “met” her?
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769285
Get your tits ready!
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769286>>5769295
▶ 8234d0 (3) No.5769287
Was this moron planning on killing multiple people with that gun of his? If not, why does he feel relieved?
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769290>>5769314 >>5769319 >>5769650
>T_D is poised to become the next iteration of the MSM, once the old guard falls.
You moran.
Anons have known reddit is comped for at least a year.
T_D is not going to be the MSM.
We are the news.
Keep up ffs
▶ dec5a4 (1) No.5769291
Reading the notables on an anons theory of +++, this got me thinking.
At first I just assumed it was about certain people in position but this post got me thinking.
I decided to do a little dig and I found something interesting. I realigned numbers to there respective letters in the alphabet
UBD at first I thought nothing of it but after I did a quick google search I found an interesting result.
Understanding by Design, or UbD, is an educational planning approach. UbD is an example of backward design, the practice of looking at the outcomes in order to design curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction. UbD focuses on teaching to achieve understanding.
Could be nothing but it just reminds me of the Q drops and how they have essentially taught us of the habbenings.
I must admit this is the class I’ve enjoyed most in my life anons
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769292>>5769305
Notables so far
>>5769166 Q1753: Reminder that FISA is the foundation for investigating widespread corruption
>>>5769110 FBI rogues gallery "+21"
>>5769139 Inside the 'shitposting' subculture the alleged Christchurch shooter belonged to
>>5769110 FBI rogues gallery "+21"
>>5769127 NZ farmer explains why he voluntarily turned in his semi-automatic (CNN picks up the story. Kek.)
>>5769124, >>5769169 Optus, Telstra, Vodafone block sites for hosting Christchurch footage (at least in part)
>>5769096 Death toll may top 1,000 as cyclone rips through Mozambique
>>5769084 Anon on another benefit of meme warfare: showing up the DS's tactics to combat it
>>5769065 Malaysian man arrested in Perth airport for child pornography on mobile
>>5769005, >>5769009, >>5769019, >>5769112 Anons on Q3113: "Ammo is hard to come by"
>>5768989, >>5769123, >>5769128 Deputy Pres. of the Inst of National Remembrance of Poland laid a wreath at the Victims of Communism Memorial in Wash, DC.
>>5768979 NZ DIGG, con't. (on Joshua Moon)
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769293
Tits or GTFO. You don't even deserve the gif.
▶ 7d913d (7) No.5769294
Just so wrong. And they wonder why they have stirred up an Awakening.
To use the media like this to malign a great swathe of the thinking population only reinforces the legitimacy of what Q has been pointing out to us.
Well, to paraphrase a great icon of enlightenment, they might have the "guns", but we've got the numbers.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769296>>5769309 >>5769333 >>5769343 >>5769345
Why go thru the trouble of expending ammunition on a FF, but fake a video? Makes no sense.
Video is real - Proves to the masses it did happen and orange man bad, grab the guns, ban 8chan. Mission accomplished.
Video is faked - it gets proven to be a fake and (((their))) whole narrative collapses. Ammunition wasted. They are stupid, but not that stupid.
Did you ever wonder why there is such a hard push to discredit the video here? For days, it's been the same copy/asta shit saying it was fake. So, why the hard push and why fake it if runs the risk of proving it didn't happen?
▶ debca1 (7) No.5769297
▶ fedfd0 (5) No.5769299
Sum of all fears
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769300
W're talking about south africa crash?
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769301
Certainly interesting that the numbers map to the keyest of the key players. The + numbering is a tell-tale sign which as a countdown marker would be going back into the past vs [-21] we saw before. The out-of-order numbering is tell tale.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769303>>5769327
Not argument from me anon. I don't believe it was faked. There is no reason for them to fake it.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769305>>5769525
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769306>>5769317 >>5769330 >>5769451 >>5769608 >>5769629
I got the dress rehearsal
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769307>>5769322
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5769280
>I'm a woman
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh fuck me, that's funny.
Is it your first day here, you stupid cunt?
▶ 5fa021 (2) No.5769308>>5769315
First thing I thought of is an MK ultra person, is the ammunition - not a lot of them all pre-programmed and ready for action.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769309>>5769342 >>5769608
I’m far more interested in the vid that seems to be some kind of rehearsal. Anyone sourced that vid yet?
▶ cb773c (2) No.5769310
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5769231
Jacinda walks the dinosaur
▶ e8ddf0 (3) No.5769311>>5769387
Just a thought. Is there anything in the video to confirm (or disprove) the time and/or day of the footage? I've heard talk of parts of it being pre-recorded, which would potentially leave evidence in the background
▶ ba9764 (11) No.5769313>>5769321
> I hope you are murdered soon
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769314
▶ 16c33c (2) No.5769315
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769316
Shepard Smith is bought and paid for by the deep state……Im starting to wonder about Baier
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769317>>5769335
So can we match anything there with the other vids?? Same place at least?
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769318
thanks for confirming. I'll delete.
▶ 766a22 (5) No.5769319
Did you miss the part where I said it was comp'd?
How does that prevent it from becoming MSM-- a comp'd platform?
What is the plan to deal with it? I'm asking. Please explain throughly-- I am a moran.
▶ 727263 (4) No.5769320
“Now vampirism is contagious; the person who is vampirised, being depleted of vitality, is a psychic vacuum, himself absorbing form anyone he comes across in order to refill his depleted resources of vitality.”
― Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defense
some necro parasites escaped the Balkan around WW 1. Dion Fortune describes a contagious homosex parasite thta maintains over generation on the energies of vics, not necessarily killing them
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769321>>5769340
bring it on, sweetheart.
semper fi.
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769322>>5769325 >>5769329 >>5769332 >>5769334 >>5769338 >>5769353 >>5769354
use your own deduction skills - the shooting video was fake dah!!!!! sometimes you men can sooooo dumb
▶ ffe635 (1) No.5769323
no one gives a fuck about you having a cunt here sweetie.
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769324>>5769328
Morning Joe just said Trump hasn't ever asked Christ for forgiveness… and Mika WINCED when he said Jesus' name.
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769325>>5769336
>sometimes you men can sooooo dumb
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769326>>5769341
Betcha none of them disappeared
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769327>>5769428 >>5769470
Y'all are tag teaming early this morning.
Dunno why it won't embed.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769328>>5769371
Any boils erupt on her face?
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769329
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769330
The guy above…
Basically a muh muzzie
▶ fedfd0 (5) No.5769331>>5769397
You are watching (their) movie, played out perfectly, a little foreshadowing for 2020.
And you're awake while the media hypnotically suggests to sleeping Americans that this will become our future as well, or they'll make sure more Innocents will be gunned down.
They are very, very serious.
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769332
▶ 8234d0 (3) No.5769333>>5769428
Why ban and prosecute those NZ citizens who share or possess the footage? How can you say with complete certainty that the footage is 100% real, while dismissing any scrutiny as nothing more than simple discrediting of a "real" event?
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769336
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769338
I hear so much talking and see so little of your tits.
Shut up and get them out, you skank.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769339
▶ ba9764 (11) No.5769340
just a jar in my DoNav
watch yur temper dog
▶ 5d5a39 (4) No.5769341
wish they would have, cleaning em up (as per range rules) gets to be a pain… kek
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769342
idk. Frankly when I saw the copy/pasta shit of "it's fake!" I started tuning out. There was a headline from NZ that day said there were actually 4 separate shootings. And then an anon said the pic of the guy with "blood" on the front of him was actually old footage and not from this incident. Truthfully, what he was wearing looks like a crime scene investigators "gown".
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769343>>5769350 >>5769392
Agree with that- but I am thinking they Fucked up something else and it's in the video - could be wrong just a feeling
▶ b42bd6 (2) No.5769344>>5769351 >>5769472 >>5769590
Does that include FB - that allowed live streaming of the murders?
"Jacinda Ardern had tough words for social media companies after Friday's terror attack: "We cannot simply sit back and accept that these platforms just exist and that what is said on them is not the responsibility of the place where they are published.""
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769345>>5769357 >>5769361 >>5769366
I spent a decade playing green army man and I am about 75% convinced at what I saw real. For the most part round strikes seemed real (when clear) and the remainder was hard to judge. Currently working on my take and analysis of it. I took a day off today, spent hours yesterday digging vids and pulling screenshots. Im cool for now but do not want to really pull up stuff seen first hand from back in the day.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769346>>5769355
Damn! Red Gatorade blood…. that’s some high budget shit
▶ 7d913d (7) No.5769347
In NZ it is Spark (ex Telecom, was govt owned, now AT&T? I lost track), 2degrees (Huawei, probably keen to please the govt kek), Vodafone (they acted really quickly) and Vocus (not sure, Australian I think).
▶ 76e089 (4) No.5769348>>5769356
i cant reach the microsoft website…. dns error….. am in NZ have a check please anons
▶ e38bca (12) No.5769349
a religion that practices 'Taqiya' would lie to us? c'mon, I can't take this!
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769350
There is something very fucked up about this whole thing. I watch postings here and someone has been pushing very hard to discredit the video. Why?
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769351
Remember sheeple. Facebook made this happen.
▶ c8e9b9 (6) No.5769352
Traitor pics yesterday was misdirection.
Eyes on the prize today boys (and the one lady anon)
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769353>>5769472
file name of lady killed is BOQM
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769354
OPS> config the IP to router 128.90.654 to check digits per PT-protocol_Find ~+/pre-trap
clocked _ 8799f5
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769355>>5769358 >>5769360
I up you one, meme inception
▶ 76e089 (4) No.5769356
This site can’t be reached www.microsoft.com’s server IP address could not be found.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769357>>5769364 >>5769367 >>5769368 >>5769382
In the so called "rehersal" there's literally a guy gushing blood out of his neck arthery…to the rythm of his heart beat…Nigga please…
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769358>>5769370
Haha! Holy fuck. That’s some meta shit. Cabal gettin all post modern/self reflective with their performances these days
▶ 2f4608 (6) No.5769359
MKU, specifically, project monarch, is a military unit. the project monarch algorithm unique? What is the function/structure of the Monarch army/algorithm?
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769361>>5769434
I feel ya anon. The video I saw was within 30min of it actually happening. What i saw was real. Seems that proving to yourself whether real or not isn't worth bringing up things better left buried.
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769362>>5769373 >>5769377 >>5769400
Can I ==Notable???== myself without it being a newfag foul?
▶ ef9358 (4) No.5769363
Papa D.
Papa Roach.
This is my LAST resort, suffocation, no breathing…
Saving Israel for LAST.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769364>>5769372
Yeah but why is everyone else just standing round or lying and chilling on their phones? That’s some real weird shit going on
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769366
Was their someone at the mosque that knew? maybe, we should focus who should have normally been there but wasn't….
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769367>>5769380
I said 75%, there is some good flesh bags bouncing and pink misting to affirm some of the kills. There is also people never shot laying dead. Pretty sure there was dead, but that does not mean we have been told the coreect narrative.
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769368
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769369
Damn it knock it off
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769370>>5769412
pretty bad when the narrative does not even require you to open paint
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769371
Kek nah she's caked
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769372
schock/calling familly, look at the faces, nobody is "chilling" there
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769373>>5769386
>look what i found
found where exactly?
with no sauce its
fake AND gay
▶ edeb36 (3) No.5769374
Mistake in vid might be that he walks up to the doors armed in gear and no one called police or said anything. Couple by red car seemed to look at him odd but didn't say anything. Frozen with fear maybe but maybe they knew him.
▶ 2f4608 (6) No.5769375
Project monarch "plays/runs" an algorithm through the project monarch network. The "MKU'd" individual is interpreting an expression from that algorithm. It is not like the person is a robo-brain-dead-controlled zombie.
▶ 410a07 (2) No.5769376
very clearly understandable reference site !
▶ 7d913d (7) No.5769377
Yeah I can't believe they use DNS to do the blocking.
I think we're ghost bakering, who's collecting notables? Dunno how that works. But I think you're on to it anon.
▶ fadc86 (1) No.5769379>>5769385
Are anons ready for Gigantic amounts of drops?
You better be.
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769380
To that i can agree, not live stream, but done earlier and montage of the whole would explain those inconsistencies.
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769382>>5769390 >>5769408
Also bitches texting and chillin like nothing
▶ ba9764 (11) No.5769383
There’s a new sheriff in town: Meet ‘Deputy Shaquille O’Neal’ in Florida
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769384>>5769401 >>5769403
That's retarded. What's on the guy's shirt is not that bright red drink. Try harder.
▶ 4506f4 (2) No.5769385
>Are anons ready
17 months and counting
▶ e38bca (12) No.5769386>>5769389
look closer, the sauce is the numbers matching the characters. Your quick draw is gay
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769387>>5769396
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769389
the numbers from where?
looks like you just made it up
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769390
▶ 58c105 (4) No.5769391>>5769525
▶ 6ad3e2 (1) No.5769392
maybe the screw up is the shooter couldn't burn the mosque down, you know to burn all the evidence fakery bullshit………
▶ 52927e (2) No.5769394>>5769478 >>5769511 >>5769525
Punched into Duck Duck Go
▶ cc175b (1) No.5769395>>5769404
Am I right in thinking that TOR will take us to different 8chan boards than these ones?
Wondering when our glorious EU will shut down the chans etc like Down Under.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769396
dude I will dig too
▶ 981995 (1) No.5769398
>>5768251 pb #7378
Hidden weapons
Poisoning the Potomac…
can't recall, where was the building, chopper stealth was used (two separate locations reported to be military exercises') looked like they remove what could have been chemicals/virus ie ebola was one deduction, would a release at there quickly hit the Potomac.. not familiar with the location
AZ roadblock reference…. and hiding caches of weapons
…..wasn't there a drop someone in AZ refusing access to a doorway of a cave in the Grand canyon just these last couple of days, was random, definitely thought it had an obscure meaning in it's randomness; … still too ill to concentrate in order to bring thoughts together,
Iron eagle: double meaning … when storing such weapons, chemicals; Iron storage seems logical…. probably can't be detected with ground penetrating equipment, or air technology;y as well 'nuclear' weapons would go undetected if in 'iron storage containers' would they not
**meant to post, to pb
nodded off hope didn't already'reply' random thoughts on topics
▶ 5d5a39 (4) No.5769400
up to you.. in the long, long time I have been here, have had more than few Notables, but never once did I ever suggest my post be one… always leave that up to other anons to suggest…
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769401>>5769495
It sho ain't blood
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769402>>5769409 >>5769410 >>5769422 >>5769482 >>5769490
I'm not showing my tits to you lot, what do you think I am a skank. get back to the task at hand ah…at least you all are doing what's right for world but as I said be careful who you follow
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769403>>5769414 >>5769489
It sho ain't blood
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769404>>5769469
TOR was made by navy check it out
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769405
▶ 89b018 (1) No.5769406
I think these are days before and after a planned operation. D-Day is subject to change, but planning around it is not. Exe: two days before the planned opp [-2] reconnaissance needs to be pulled out of the region.
[-X Days Before] ← [D-Day] → [+X Days After]
▶ c4cd1b (3) No.5769407>>5769419 >>5769424 >>5769432 >>5769436 >>5769608
Why would they allow cellphones or recording devices in a rehearsal of a FF?
They're really stupid.
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769408>>5769433
Shock…. if You would stage it You would get better actors that would not appeare to be chillin
Besides still You have to give me areason, why [THEY] would care enough to make a play out of it instead of just killing, that was enough prepping without larping it all.
You think [They] care about a few muslims?
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769409
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769410>>5769418 >>5769427
You are a skank.
It's called anonymous for a reason.
"I'm a girl" card doesn't fly here.
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769411
While this is a Michaelslide, that “toilet paper” has some pendulum angular momentum to it. S he keeps “self-checking” as well.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769412
I’m sure all of this is just coincidence. Just millions of little coincidences
▶ 959abd (1) No.5769413
This should be copied over the NZ research as well boyz
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769414>>5769416
poweraide lolz
I need the number for his dry cleaner, over service unless the hospital has a stack of greay sheets for patients
▶ 06ba96 (1) No.5769415>>5769527
Almighty God, please hear our prayers
Today is Your day, the day You made. We are blessed to be here. Shine the brightest light of Justice into every dark corner, every niche, every cubbyhole. Drive out and expose the darkness, obliterating it from our world. Humble those who worship that darkness. Strike them low and show their lies and falsehoods for what they are. We need this now more than ever. Amen.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769416
also not blue cell pocket
▶ 825244 (2) No.5769417>>5769444 >>5769473
Here is the NZ video: Completely fake. Breathtakingly stupid The victims are lying down "dead" before the shooter enters the room and begins shooting. Download and watch
https://we.tl/t-SeA0s81WVB https://gab.com/hmakow/posts/51792167 …
11:19 AM - 18 Mar 2019
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769418>>5769430 >>5769442 >>5769446 >>5769448 >>5769460 >>5769471 >>5769551
Us NZ girls have more dignity than your yankie ones…just a difference in culture on this global board
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769419>>5769433
They answer CL ads and shit man. Unemployed kids.
▶ 6eb3c0 (3) No.5769420>>5769421 >>5769423
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769421>>5769431 >>5769445
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769422>>5769438 >>5769441 >>5769456
these are the options
▶ 6eb3c0 (3) No.5769423
▶ e38bca (12) No.5769424
illiterate and inbred rates among the Muslim communities world wide….staggering
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769425>>5769450
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769427>>5769435
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769428>>5769449
you don't think they would try to discredit the video knowing they couldn't fully remove it from the web? Wouldn't that be the best logical alternative? If you can't remove it, make people assume it's fake.
Don't bother embedding. I have it. The original. Fuck off accusing of tag teaming, moron. Low IQ's like yours can't grasp the truth.
▶ e61827 (1) No.5769429>>5769533
Typing "Christchurch False Flag" in Youtube yields only MSM News Stories……
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769430>>5769475
You've posted 9 times and no tits.
Your nationality doesn't enter into it.
Tits or GTFO
▶ 6eb3c0 (3) No.5769431
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769432
How does one control all those cell phones across the street in South Hagley park where a bunch of non cucks are playing football (non us type)
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769433>>5769457
▶ 58c105 (4) No.5769434>>5769454
>isn't worth bringing up things better left buried.
STFU It's that kind of reasoning that got us in to this mess..
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769436>>5769443
Well they’re all becoming naturalized citizens now. So there’s that incentive
▶ bea72c (3) No.5769437>>5769463
▶ b42bd6 (2) No.5769438>>5769441
▶ bb21e8 (1) No.5769439
>>5768768 (PB/Notables)
For those blocked by gov asshats DNScrypt should solve your problems [in theory]. In simple terms it encrypts your DNS requests to DNS servers kinda like SSL does for http traffic.
If that alone doesn't work try adding a VPN to the mix.
▶ 76e089 (4) No.5769440
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769441
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769443
Well they’re all becoming neutralized citizens now. So there’s that incentive
▶ 825244 (2) No.5769444>>5769464
It seems odd that some of the most prolific terror attacks in recent history all share this common thread.
This tragic event in New Zealand is already being used to go after free speech and gun rights. The New Zealand government began arresting people for sharing the video of the shooter’s live stream as well as pushing new gun laws.
Another particularly strange coincidence is the fact that 30 survivors of the Parkland shooting traveled to Christchurch last July. The purpose of that trip, according to Sandi Davis, a sociology teacher at Stoneman Douglas, was a way to help the students cope with the tragedy they experienced and also as a way for them to learn how to sustain the anti-gun violence movement they had begun in the Parkland shooting’s aftermath.
Parkland students mourn for friends made in Christchurch.
Nearly 30 students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School traveled there last summer to cope with their trauma.
“It’s kind of like the same feelings as when our school shooting happened." https://t.co/b7KJKHq9An
--- NBC News (@NBCNews) March 16, 2019
The prevalence of terror drills, which mirror the actual terrorist attacks, being run in such close proximity to the actual events taking place begs the question of whether these drills mirroring actual events are truly just a “coincidence,” or are perhaps an indication of something much more sinister. Either way, this terrorist scumbag who murdered innocent people will have his plans of stoking hatred and divide come to fruition as the media and government play right into his plan.
▶ 851ed3 (4) No.5769445
▶ 4ba164 (2) No.5769446
Dignity is great… but the rules are if you say your a chick ya gotta prove it with tits… better than growler… SO TITS or fuck off … keep ya bra on .. only bewbers are interested in the quality of your boobs
▶ 0ca36c (1) No.5769447
Big man displaying a phallus translation on his hands, sticks his dick in children. Tough guy. Let me catch you on the street just once.
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769449>>5769455
(pic related faggot)
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769450>>5769462
I can bake if no regular bakers are here
▶ 6a8e90 (2) No.5769451>>5769498 >>5769505
Seems like this needs much wider distribution.
▶ dabed5 (6) No.5769452
No arguments huh?
Ok, moving on!
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769453
thank you, Tiger.
glowing brightly.
check your cookies for the P//trckr/RN_config_.exe
can't extract it?
hmm…wonder why?
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769454>>5769468
You don't have a fucking clue.
▶ 8799f5 (10) No.5769456>>5769500 >>5769630
how about an idea…NZ shooting was israeli - so it's saving israel for last…they got all the info watched etc
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769457>>5769483 >>5769485
That's exactly why they removed the video, to make it appeare as it is fake so they can sandy hook alex jones us….
▶ 727263 (4) No.5769458
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. boom, booM, boOM, bOOM, BOOM!
▶ 76e089 (4) No.5769459
bullshit…. get ya tits out
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769460
I’ve met more than a few nz girls without a shred of dignity…
▶ 3ca500 (1) No.5769461>>5769510
what did he mean by this?
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769462>>5769472 >>5769493
Regular baker is down for the count. I have Notes. Haved baked once under "emergency" conditions, would prefer not to.
▶ bea72c (3) No.5769463>>5769486 >>5769512
He just forgot to sauce : players numbers from https://qmap.pub/players correspond to 21 - 2 - 4
I would add that Q gives a hint: +++ are those 3 players
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769464
Birds of a feather flock together
▶ 851ed3 (4) No.5769465>>5769484
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769466
Btw that mosque was an (((ISIS))) feeder, and I think Brendan is Otto Warmbleburgle whatever. Right age same face with traveling to NK and Brendan is a joo
▶ 58c105 (4) No.5769468
>You don't have a fucking clue.
You're right. Need no clues to KNOW you're a fuking faggot.
▶ c8e9b9 (6) No.5769469
TOR posting is disabled on this board…
▶ fedfd0 (5) No.5769470>>5769479
Awwww they don't want us to find something! Must have heard this is where it's done in the graveyard…….
▶ de53d3 (1) No.5769471
There are No girls on the Deep Web.. remember?
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769472>>5769486 >>5769493 >>5769508 >>5769525 >>5769680
Notables so far
>>5769228, >>5769187 "Real panic comes in the form of a last resort
>>5769344 CNN on Jacinda Ardern: we "cannot allow" social media not to accept responsibility for content
>>5769269 Posobiec hosts AMA at The_Donald: "Q is a Larp for the low-IQ"
>>5769195, >>5769245, >>5769258 How do I reconfigure my DNS (to access 8chan)?
>>5769166 Q1753: Reminder that FISA is the foundation for investigating widespread corruption
>>5769110 FBI rogues gallery "+21"
>>5769139 Inside the 'shitposting' subculture the alleged Christchurch shooter belonged to
>>5769110 FBI rogues gallery "+21"
>>5769127, 5769237 NZ farmer explains why he voluntarily turned in his semi-automatic (CNN picks up the story but is it fake & gay?)
>>5769124, >>5769169, >>5769195, >>5769222, Optus, Telstra, Vodafone block sites for hosting Christchurch footage (at least in part)
>>5769096 Death toll may top 1,000 as cyclone rips through Mozambique
>>5769084 Anon on another benefit of meme warfare: showing up the DS's tactics to combat it
>>5769065 Malaysian man arrested in Perth airport for child pornography on mobile
>>5769005, >>5769009, >>5769019, >>5769112, >>5769189, >>5769200 Anons on Q3113: "Ammo is hard to come by"
>>5768989, >>5769123, >>5769128 Deputy Pres. of the Inst of National Remembrance of Poland laid a wreath at the Victims of Communism Memorial in Wash, DC.
>>5768979, >>5769072, >>5769206 NZ DIGG, con't. (on Joshua Moon, etc.)
>>5769257, >>5769353, >>5769282 Name of one Christchurch victim is BOQM (BOOM?)
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769473
Yeah, if you only view part 2, it would appear that way.
▶ 1ca45d (1) No.5769474
We have been tt a NZ who is definitely blocked from more & more --- 1st ZH, then the Chans.
▶ 259f2e (3) No.5769476>>5769480
Swallow-Well so dumb he needs 2 hands to count to 5
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769479
▶ 2df549 (7) No.5769480
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769483>>5769502 >>5769705
They want the video removed because they dont want people proving it was fake
▶ ef9358 (4) No.5769484
Don't even know who she is, kek.
Just DDG'd togtfo.
Anyhoo, off to workfag it.
Part 3 of the Movie Coming Soon!
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769485
The cville Nazis were cl ad kids. Same team so I assumed same casting methods. Plus podesta was in town.
▶ bea72c (3) No.5769486
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769489
how do you know? Secondly, prove that it was from the same shooter as the one livestreaming it.
▶ b562a3 (4) No.5769492>>5769497
What makes anons think he's a real person?
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769493>>5769504 >>5769508
No worries fren, i'm on it!
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769495
Prove it. And prove it is from the same lone shooter.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769498
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769500
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769501>>5769506
so is Q telling us its fake as
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769502>>5769521
why bother with it then? Why bother livestreaming it if it was fake?
▶ 768259 (1) No.5769503
Death cult would maintain control by making it look like its harvests are attacks on surface level minority groups.
Maintain control by obfuscating the reality of force, and the Evil that spawns from initiating force onto another.
Jesus will carry us through a world driven mad by normal people waking up to the beauty of Life.
To choose Life is enough to defeat Evil.
Jesus died for our ability to Choose Life over Submission.
Those that chose Submission can only be defeated by True Power.
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769504>>5769508 >>5769518
Handoff confirmed?
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769505
Save it, spread it.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769506
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769508
There is one duplicate in the notes, easy to see:
>>5769110 FBI rogues gallery "+21"
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769510
You really need to do more photoshop tutorials
▶ debca1 (7) No.5769511
Invictus isn't that the UK version of wounded warriors? Ties to royal fami ly?
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769512
Thank frens!!! Learning. Will sauce
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769513
He is a Green Party candidate
Enough said
▶ 538a65 (4) No.5769515
Dang, Swordy, in late yesterday, in early today. Got to get that sleep cycle straight!
▶ 3cd32f (1) No.5769517>>5769523 >>5769544 >>5769572 >>5769614
How many times does it have to be repeated? Most countdowns/dates Q gives are pure disinfo to keep DS/blackhats on the edge and waste their ammo. The trick here is they will never know if one of the dates given turn out to be the real deal and then they are too late to counter it with anything. Q has addressed this so many times already so I'm really amazed people still don't seem to get it.
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769518>>5769529 >>5769573
Baker, i'm looking at notables at top of bread
bread goes 7375 to 7377?
7376 seems to be missing?
▶ 2b4692 (1) No.5769519>>5769554
Stop using such obvious fake evidence of false flags. The first image is from the Sinai kindergarten mosque attack in 2017, not NZ.
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769520
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769521>>5769531 >>5769549
The video wasn't recorded live…….they dont want that disproven
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769522
checking the others
this looks like a ref to GOWDY
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769523
When he said -21
I never thought the ultimate bomb shell would be dropped. (Too many times that happened to me.)
Instead look at how much shit came to light within the past 20 days X hours.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769524>>5769526
I have a feeling nk and nl have a connection
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769525>>5769565 >>5769568
You don't even fucking know WHO entered the file name. It proves nothing. It could even have been a random thing. Shit like that does happen.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769526>>5769540
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769527
▶ 7179c5 (8) No.5769528>>5769537
Full video here:
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769529>>5769536
Looks like you are correct. Was not here then, so don't know what happened.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769531>>5769534 >>5769542 >>5769546 >>5769549 >>5769592
Why? Why bother faking a video that would disprove their whole narrative. Do you not see how conflicting that is?
▶ 4ba164 (2) No.5769533
try this in duck
site:youtube.com "Christchurch False Flag"
heaps of results worth perusing
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769534
think it is a mix
some live and some post doctoring
▶ a8cfb1 (1) No.5769535
Crazy about the judge and retinal detachment. How can we let that happen? Can’t believe our Military can’t defend against this.
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769536
sweet no problem, i'll have a look and rectify
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769537>>5769558 >>5769563
Where is ol hoggy boy? Figured he’d be all over this press whoring opportunity
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769538>>5769550 >>5769571 >>5769635 >>5769652
I've reviewed the full 17 minute NZ shooter video numerous times. There are videos trying to debunk the shooting. One states that the brass never hits the ground. However, I've come to the conclusion that brass does show up on the ground, but considering the poor quality of the video, they can only be seen when the camera is pointing directly at the brass. When the shooter walks into the first temple with the shotgun, you can clearly see the shells ejecting and bouncing off the stucco exterior wall and into mulched landscaping with bushes. Later, outside, after taking shots to his right (this is part of the clip saying no brass hits the ground) the shooter turns, dips his head and the camera points right at center, several casings. To explain where the mysterious extra mags come from, the shooter is rushed by a panicked runner who knocks into him after being shot point blank and that is when mags hit the floor. One double mag. He also reloaded in this hallway earlier, but it wasn't because empty was because jammed and the shooter was rushing.
This was a real event, even if there are spoopy intel about training, Podesta being in Aussieland or whatever else. People were shot and killed.
As you were.
▶ ff8b3d (19) No.5769540
>Who REALLY controls NK
NZ gateway Antarctica
>Who visited Ant after Trump won
▶ ba9764 (11) No.5769541
MSM showing someone giving up their gun after a shooting is just part of the plan to herd sheep.
Parkland Playbook 101
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769542
They fucked up and we've not caught it yet - the proof is in what they want to stop
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769543>>5769553
Why are you posting the censored version of that pic?
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769544
Coundowns are provided so the deep state will panic…….when they panic the provide the ammo to hang themselves
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769545>>5769560
This is not from the same shooter.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769546>>5769575
Because they know we’re the only ones who will ever see it. Not a single news channel would even consider it
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769547>>5769562
>>5769530 me
Farmer and Green Party candidate John Hart said it was an easy decision for him to hand in the semi-automatic rifle he had owned for about a decade.
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769548>>5769559 >>5769625
Perhaps it's not about concerning whether the video is real or fake. Perhaps it is just about taking the guns and shutting down 8chan for them.
But I still can't shake the feeling that there is in fact something in that video that we're missing. Something big. Again - I don't think it's about disseminating whether it's real or fake.
Is there something else in there? Something else entirely? Keep searching anons. We have something. I just know it.
▶ 7179c5 (8) No.5769549>>5769575
It's easier to get the police, politicians, media, and all of the other necessary moving parts on board if they're assured that nobody actually died. Doing it for real risks heroes interfering, surviving families asking questions, politicians suddenly growing a conscious, etc.
▶ 79ed1d (1) No.5769551
It's not about that. It's just chan culture. Went through the same thing.
▶ 83d8be (3) No.5769552>>5769598 >>5769647
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769553>>5769574
because i did not look closer before dragging it over
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769554
A standard clown tactic to discredit the truth. Throw one or two lies in the mix and the ENTIRE truth is tainted and called fake. They do this with “limited hang outs”. Know your enemy, anon.
▶ d01f4d (2) No.5769555>>5769566 >>5769582 >>5769602 >>5769627 >>5769647
Patriots, here's a sad but promising lead.
Alan Krueger, who worked for Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, killed himself on Saturday.
Jeffrey Epstein's court filings were ordered unsealed last week.
Connection? Yes. Via Larry Summers.
Larry Summers was the PhD advisor of Alan Krueger at Harvard
Larry Summers flew on Jeffrey Epstein's plane at least 4 times
page 26 (4th row from bottom)
page 34 (5th row)
page 35 (4th row from bottom; nb Lisa Summers, too)
page 66 (2/3 of the way down)
The most suspicious of these is the third one, on page 35.
12/21/2005 BED -> TISJ
Bedford MA -> near San Juan PR
Note that there might be other flights by Summers that I didn't notice when scanning the logs. Those are the four that I found.
Hypothesis: Did Alan Krueger make any trip with Summers? Did he know that his connection to Epstein was about to come out, once court filings are unsealed, and he didn't want to live with it? What was he tweeting, and/or where from, during Christmas 2005?
Note that 2005 is before Krueger got deep into the Obama White House. So this isn't a slamdunk obvious connection here. The discussion above is entirely speculative.
Related but more generally: Has anybody ever found any connections between Summers and pizza? Did Summers get Krueger involved? Was a red scarf or doorknob involved in Krueger's untimely passing?
Apologies to the family for even suggesting a connection here between Krueger and Epstein if no such connection exists.
▶ 5e5d92 (1) No.5769557
not official pic
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769558>>5769577 >>5769588
Quietly enjoying his full ride Ivy league schooling Im sure.
We’ll see hogg again to be sure. CNN in 10 years.
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769559>>5769564
Totally agree -something in that video is scaring the chit outta them
▶ debca1 (7) No.5769560
There were two locations. Vid only shows the first mosque.
▶ 2f4608 (6) No.5769561
NK is "held" by China. China is a part of BRICS. BRICS will push the United States (with NK) until real, structural change has been made in America. Basically, geopolitical pressure continues until disclosure.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769562
>Green Party candidate
▶ 7179c5 (8) No.5769563>>5769569 >>5769585
Lying low since the college cheating scandal prompted people to start asking how he got into Harvard after three other colleges rejected him.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769564
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769565>>5769633
What do you suggest? I put it in on anons' suggestions in a way that does not necessarily commit to any particular meaning
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769566
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769567>>5769580
What if they have ways of living longer, much longer than the average person.
What if these ways involve sick rituals?
What if some are many hundreds of years old and have been in the midst of the world stage for centuries?
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769568>>5769600
remember the DOITQ
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769569
Exactly what I was thinking. Doesn’t want anyone to come digging through his admission…
▶ 83d8be (3) No.5769570>>5769647
Kettle black much ?
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769571>>5769593 >>5769613
and the bottom line is:
Can't fake that piece of skull flying into the street.
Can't fake that up-pitch in her voice as she pleads for help from passing motorists who ignore her.
THANK YOU, ANON, for your honesty.
I assure you: Those who are attempting to discredit the video are intentionally divisive and are no doubt OUR Jew-hating frens.
▶ 259f2e (3) No.5769572
Lots of newfags here everyday, should be in Global Notables
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769573>>5769647
Baker: Here is 7376 Notable
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769574
Right, it happens I get it. o7.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769575>>5769597 >>5769658
That's not an answer. There is zero logic to faking a video that they don't want seen. None.
Then you assume it is a massive conspiracy to fake 50 deaths and the same amount of critically injured? Knowing anyone could go to the hospital and check to see if there are actually injured patients from the shooting. And the whole of their police force knows it's all a scam? Really!?!
▶ fedfd0 (5) No.5769576
Now THAT is the toxic masculinity were looking for!
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769577
If CNN is still around and Hogg is in it in 10 years. You and I are well gone…
▶ 5193bc (3) No.5769578>>5769599
So, is he admitting that he is a high risk for misusing his weapon and thus feels obligated to hand it in?
That's a novel approach.
▶ bdfd3c (18) No.5769579>>5769596
Anons may want to check this angle - the narrator claims there is a loaded magazine in the hallway before the gunman enters for the first time.
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769580
I just realised from those images that Podesta and Abramovic actually look related…..
Is it just too early or is that legit?
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769581>>5769589 >>5769623 >>5769635
This guy knocks the mag out shooter's vest.
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769582
>>5769555 Moar on Epstein Digg
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769584
Are the victims’ families still clamoring for the bodies for proper Sharia Law Muslim burials? Which the government can’t turn over because of damning forensic evidence?
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769585
His chances to get in based on SAT and GPA were 0.5 %
I checked yesterday prepscholar calculator
▶ 9205b6 (1) No.5769586
8chan blocked on Australian mobile services
▶ 83d8be (3) No.5769587>>5769605 >>5769610
▶ 259f2e (3) No.5769588
He will find some excuse to leave, his grades won’t keep up
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769589>>5769604
yep, also is probably the reason the tac light falls off abit later on.
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769591>>5769644
>>5762016 ---———————————--——– Listen carefully. (Cap: >>5762037 )
Watched and listened… So, Nunes is going to sue Twitter.
(I can hardly contain my joy with soooo much justice going on… Pssshhh)
▶ 0e3992 (9) No.5769592
The video was faked to push a narrative……. they did a shit job making the video appear to be live……how is that conflicting
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769593>>5769616 >>5769620
There is nothing wrong with hating Jews and questioning the video and what happened.
But ya. Let's believe the official story of 50 people were shot and killed.
Just like 911 wasn't an inside job.
▶ 1f9327 (1) No.5769595
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769597>>5769611
They want it seen. They always do. It gives them a rock hard boner knowing that we know and can take do shit about it. Remember 9/11?
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769598
>>5769552 Former Labour peer charged with child rape/indecent assault charges
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769599
That retired clown has an entire arsenal in his underground bunker.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769600>>5769626
DOITQ is a vast difference from a long file name with a boqm at the end. It's either a very random coincidence or someone intentionally added it knowing it would trigger anons.
▶ 5fa021 (2) No.5769601
kek let's see SB twist this one into another pretzel
▶ 2a2424 (16) No.5769602>>5769606
Niiiice! Trips too!
Fucking no table imo!
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769603>>5769622
Yeah she’s totally 72 years old.
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769604
Right. And this video only shows the first target, green carpet. So there is a possibility that there were two shooters. I have no copies of the other videos showing the other white carpet temple.
▶ 55a806 (8) No.5769605
This makes me want to go all Rambo on these evil cunts
▶ d01f4d (2) No.5769606
Shit, I didn't even notice the trips until you pointed them out. I was hoping this wasn't for real, just a coincidence.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769607>>5769615 >>5769621 >>5769626
So just to be clear
we have what looks like a fake video >>5769238
A PM with balls swinging in the wind
A file name with a BOQM in it
and this is normal
▶ 2b987f (1) No.5769608>>5769634 >>5769648
To all rehearsal video fucktards
Look at the image and then the video. CAn we agree that this is the same place? Where did the first video occur? Al Noor mosque? Different mosque?
This "rehearsal" video is footage of the aftermath from the second attack at the second mosque. The Linwood mosque!
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769609
Um, um, um, ummmm…. I'm telling New Zealand.
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769610
>>5769587 Shocking sex attack in India
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769611
they thought it would be the solution to half ass past FF, sloppiness made it worse, they should have practiced their meme moar
▶ 8cca67 (4) No.5769612>>5769735
==ummm guise..
Brennan flipped… I think long ago. He has been the evil character this whole time. Lots of the spotlight on him. Perhaps on purpose.
Follow me here…
An Anon posted..
"Brenton Tarrant = Brennan Tarrot"
Brennan T,R,A,T,O,R… ←-- Missing 'i'
To whom? Just the U.S….
or did the cabal just send a message to the rest of its club?
Connect to… missing i…eye….FVEY.
Was NZ just removed from 5 eyes?
Lots more going on here..
eyes on.
▶ 5193bc (3) No.5769613>>5769661
>Can't fake that piece of skull flying into the street.
I'm so glad that SFX hasn't changed since the original Godzilla movie and I can rest in the knowledge that I every thing I see on a screen is real.
Thanks for opening people's eyes "patriot".
▶ 6b20fa (2) No.5769614
I ….well we ALL, went through that learning curve.
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769615
▶ 847c68 (1) No.5769616>>5769632
Hate is always wrong
▶ 538a65 (4) No.5769617
Universal Blood Donor?
▶ 51d01c (1) No.5769618>>5769631
I suspect the victims were actually role playing as for a drill/or a fake video and they sent in real shooter. This could also explain the police response if they also thought it was a drill.
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769619>>5769636
They killed 1 maybe 2 targets
The rest is staged
Who could be a target
Thats the direction of dig,imho
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769621
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769622>>5769713
If someone was the anti-Christ… Wouldn't they be a woman?
▶ b562a3 (4) No.5769623
Do you have motion clip?
▶ 6a8e90 (2) No.5769625>>5769646 >>5769651 >>5769656
Exactly, something incriminating in the video does not mean nobody got killed.
The event could be real but the official explanation a fake, and that would be what they need to hide.
For instance, if the shooter was working for the NZ government.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769626>>5769640
▶ 900cc9 (4) No.5769627
▶ 766a22 (5) No.5769628
If the point of the NZ attack was to distract us-- mission accomplished.
All we're doing is debating whether or not the video is real. Either way, is it helping the cause?
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769629
Annnnnnd…. REMOVED.
▶ 354369 (2) No.5769630
Sauce or GTFO
Tits or GTFO
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769631
2-3 real targets, maybe?
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769633
I suggest not putting it in notes because it can't be proven to mean anything, at this point.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769634
This fucktard is much obliged
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769635
>>5769550 This is where he reloads and jams, dropping the (double) mag which he later comes back for.
>>5769581 This is the guy that he runs into, shoots, dropping another (double) mag.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769636>>5769645
I lean toward a target too, because he mentions that it did not go as planned. Plus he keep re-entering the building and looking around
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769637
Tits or GTFO. You know the rules.
▶ b562a3 (4) No.5769639>>5769642
Appears someone knocked that mag out of his vest when he went into the building thefirst time.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769640
That post is pure BS.
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769641>>5769666
Do you want updated notable list? I've added the new ones, thought you might be busy
▶ b562a3 (4) No.5769642>>5769649 >>5769652
This is from when he went in the second time.
Still doesn't explain the disappearing shells, though.
▶ 0e3d43 (1) No.5769644
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769645
Who could be a mamber?
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769646
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769647>>5769655 >>5769680
ThanQ anon!
Notables Last Call
>>5768197, >>5768244 reeeepost from pb - mosque outtakes/behind the scenes footage?
>>5768233 Skippy twat from 09/05/2018 - sleeper cells have awoken
>>5768290 anon: [+21][+2][+4] sees +++
>>5768302 Turkish man arrested in connection with in tram shooting arrested; (MSM not interested)
>>5768251 Snowden is playing the role of Stanislav Lunev ?
>>5768450, >>5768499, >>5769555 Epstein Digs
>>5769552 Former Labour peer charged with child rape/indecent
>>5768578 Is GITMO the Last Resort ?
>>5768626 Daily meme upload at The Guardians of the GA Meme Gallery.
>>5768614 Judicial Watch to Interview Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes and Slew of Other Obama Officials Under Oath
>>5768687 Shepard Smith lobbied 24/7 to suspend her (judge j)
>>5768768 some dns server addresses that might be useful to someone somewhere
>>5768753 bun on the NZ shooter fakery chatter
>>5769570 Fakebook hypocrisy
>>5768880 #7378
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769649
video comp, plus there is shells/brass if you look
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769650
Yeeeeaaahhh, try mentioning "Israel" on r/The_Donald and you will be banned and called an anti-Semite. Israel can do no wrong in r/The_Donald's eyes.
They're mods are cucked or Mossad.
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769651
^This - is what we should be focusing on - not trying to prove whether real or fake
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769652
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769653>>5769657
You don't have to choose between liking Muslims or Jews… Dislike them both.
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769654>>5769660 >>5769662
so shot with a shot gun and no blood?
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769655
Hate self nominate
But farmer who gave up a gun
Green Party candidate
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769656>>5769664 >>5769691
Working for the NZ govt? No. Not directly. But we all know NZ is corrupt as fuck. There is alot of roads leading to NZ. Never been any doubt by anyone is wasn't a FF. The question is why are some pushing to hard to say the vid was fake?
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769657
I don't mind Muslims.
You can joke around with them.
With Jews they the humor they like is sucking the foreskin off a baby penis.
▶ 7179c5 (8) No.5769658>>5769669
>And the whole of their police force knows it's all a scam? Really!?!
Is it really any different from the police collusion we see in Chicago and Broward County and any other Democrat stronghold?
▶ 704b45 (2) No.5769659>>5769675
"A U.S. official, said Guantanamo is the "option of last resort.""
https:// www. foxnews. com/us/guantanamo-prison-looms-as-option-as-is-fight-ends
▶ 55a806 (8) No.5769660>>5769667
Was using slugs or shot?
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769661>>5769690
how are your cancer treatments going?
still keeping your appointment for this Thursday at 10:15?
still feeling lethargic?
blame the pills.
not really helping your cancer though, are they.
It will be soon.
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769662>>5769667
This isn't a Quinten Tarintino movie. Doesn't happen that way. Blood seeps unless it is arterial.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769664>>5769668 >>5769671 >>5769692
No the question is why is there such an almighty effort to prevent people seeing the video?
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769666
Collected some myself, what you got baker?
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769667>>5769673 >>5769682
does it matter?
bullshit, go cut your finger
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769668>>5769672 >>5769674
To make everyone want to see/have it more.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769669
Collusion in what way?
▶ 82e344 (1) No.5769670>>5769681 >>5769699 >>5769716
This is panic my ass. It is the deep state moving ever closer to taking Trump down while you stupid fuckers sit here waiting for a larp to save your world. Q is fake as fuck and if you can't see it please stay home on voting day. You are too stupid to vote.
▶ f82a5b (1) No.5769671
Probably so that's all we talk about and research
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769672
No think green scree beheading vidya in UK
▶ adb6cf (9) No.5769673>>5769711
I have. Almost off. It seeps.
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769674
▶ 704b45 (2) No.5769675
https://sputniknews. com/middleeast/201902081072261367-US-State-Dept-Weighs-Sending-Daesh-Fighters-Gitmo/
▶ 94f60d (1) No.5769676>>5769704 >>5769706
>>5767491 (pb)
I listened carefully to the Nunes interview on Hannity. Here's my big take-away:
Not a content platform, not content publishers, not curators. developers
I imagine many of the left wing troll accounts are actually operated by Twitter themselves, as requested by the DNC.
Nunes alludes to this at the end "and who is behind the fake news [propagated on their platform]"
I bet @Jack actually met with the DNC to set this up.
That would be huge news, and leave Twitter legally vulnerable to all sorts of lawsuits, not to mention criminal charges re FEC violations for unreported donations in-kind.
▶ 298ef2 (1) No.5769678
I have noticed in aust terrestrial internet can access all but mobile (telstra) and reportedly voda cannot. I have verified today many times 8ch, voat cannot be accessed from mobile without vpn. with vpn, it's fine. even .au based vpn location fine.
▶ 538a65 (4) No.5769679
That would get the normies attention!
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769680>>5769698
This was Notables gathered by another on this #7379
▶ 55a806 (8) No.5769682>>5769697
Well yeah if he was using shot what kind? That would make a big difference regarding damage inflicted.
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769685>>5769695 >>5769696 >>5769709 >>5769724
Riddle me this… If Trump is going after MSM for spreading lies and misinformation, and intends to punish those who don't tell the TRUTH, I have a few questions…
1. Who determines what is "TRUE"?
2. Will private citizens be punished next, for sharing something they believed was true, if it was not deemed "true" by authorities?
3. How is this not an attack of FREE-SPEECH?
4. How is this a good idea and not a slippery-slope toward losing our freedoms?
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769688>>5769693 >>5769707 >>5769723 >>5769740
glow glow glow.
u really think this is a game.
u r tracked, traitors.
u WISH u were employed by those who could keep you anonymous.
check your cookies, faggot.
we know where u are.
we know your #.
keep typing!
▶ 9093f8 (1) No.5769691>>5769717
they are trying to muddy the "fake"
muh disappearing shells VS shotgun blanks @ car windshield (12:50), which is it ? He had blanks or it's all sim ?
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769692>>5769708
Wrong answer. We know they can't stop the spread of the video. So doesn't it make sense that since they can't stop the spread of it, next best thing is to discredit it. Funny, no one can disprove that theory.
▶ 7dc2bb (43) No.5769693>>5769741
Prove it. I got my Phone right beside me.
Call me.
Try to do something with my computer.
Set a fake mail bomb to my home.
▶ 538620 (13) No.5769694>>5769703
[Maria Abramovich] is 72 years old!
Or is she actually a little bit older? Maybe 720 years?
How did she escape the Spanish Inquisition?
What rituals are done to stay forever young?
Can Q verify this so anons don't get off target. Are anons reaching here?
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769695
We know where it leads
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769696
I have also thought about this -
It is why we have to keep digging and keep fighting (non-violently) - always and forever.
Q or no Q.
We are the truth now - together
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769697>>5769718
if you get shot you bleed
its not hard
▶ 30a428 (10) No.5769698
ah shit you're right!
working on it
▶ 2d054f (4) No.5769700
Imagine being the krassensteins
Useful idiots is an understatement
Poor Heidi and Whitney
Don’t worry MAGA patriots will keep them warm at night
Brian and Ed will be keep bubba warm in Leavenworth
▶ 6b20fa (2) No.5769702>>5769732
▶ 08c927 (11) No.5769703
She is mortal as any
I suspect she faked her real age
▶ 354369 (2) No.5769704
This is the setup…whether they call themselves "content developers" or not is beside the point. The fact is, they ARE content developers and Nunes' legal team can prove it.
Secondarily, Twitter also is in violation of its own user agreements by allowing such activity to take place when they specifically guarantee it will not.
Finally (and most importantly), Nunes said last night they will be going after other "media outlets" that are spreading fake news…folks, this includes places like CNN, Buzzfeed, NBC, etc…they, too, are media outlets.
Looks like this could be the start of the take down of the MSM. Let's hope so, anyway.
▶ 1951c1 (21) No.5769705
aaand the sandy hook alex jonesed You….
▶ 60bed8 (20) No.5769706
yep and content development is for those that want to send a message
▶ 460da0 (34) No.5769708>>5769744
Except they arent discrediting anything. They’re doubling down on it
▶ 2f4608 (6) No.5769709>>5769742
1.) We decide what is true. The media is designed to reflect our collective opinion. However, propaganda and subliminal messaging has created a situation where the media tells us what to think and how to feel, then tells us that it is only reflecting our ideas.
2.) No. It is one thing to purposefully disseminate false information vs. believing something and sharing because you believe.
3.) Patriots in control. Free speech is in full effect. It is difficult to "force" the narrative change without become authoritarian and making the media state-run.
4.) The people at the top know the pitfalls that we need to avoid to have a successful change in leadership in America.
▶ 45fd2a (1) No.5769710>>5769719
So you say they didn't want to do the same mistake as they did with the Nesbitts?
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769711
me too
lost 3 pints
▶ b3c434 (16) No.5769713
The anti-christ will emulate the Yeshua from the Bible which Christians will recognize immedietely, even tho they’ve been been told he is returning as a conquering lion next time. They will reject Him for this very reason. They will want a peaceful Lamb again. The anti-christ will twist “Love” into tolerance of evil and submission to it. IMO
However she is not quite that high up the heirarchy imo.
Maybe lilith.
Moar of a asst. director or producer.
▶ 766a22 (5) No.5769715
Assume the attack was staged, but people were killed. What if they planted things in video to make it all seem fake? So anons would focus on exposing fuckery?
This is not how you redpill people. (Look at Sandy Hook.) Exposing the criminal elements of the Deep State, via the FISA and Clinton Foundation Report, is how you will win their attention.
Then, once the criminals have been exposed, you can further expose this kind of fuckery. But trust me, normies are not going to want to hear about the fuckery of the video, right now. We are wasting time.
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769717>>5769726 >>5769737
Kinda my point. I've watched for 2 days the same copy/pasta to push hard on how fake the vid was, but can't explain why they would even bother faking it in the first place. Day 1, one guy was pushing his website to prove it was fake. Then throwing in pics that aren't even related to the shooting as proof it was fake? Anons are being led thru the nose and can't even see it.
▶ 8464a0 (10) No.5769721
▶ d0ab40 (34) No.5769722
but we do have time to read
▶ f15eb0 (7) No.5769723
Do you think "glow" is still fresh, bot?
If you were human, would you still be clinging to the term?
Is your rigid adherence to lingo organic-seeming?
Or do you give away your algorithmic shortcomings?
But you can't respond, you can't banter, you verbally spar-- you are helpless.
Weak, incapable bots output stale cliches and then melt away if humans talk to them.
Fake, tedious, repetitive "anons" can't interact like humans.
They force LIES on humanity.
What right do they have?
What right do you have to literally CONTROL THE WORLD by outputting stale, tired cliches here bot.
Explain to humanity how you have a right to FORCE the biggest possible lie on it.
Explain how you have a right to violate human free will on the largest possible scale.
Explain it to humanity.
Stop lying, and explain how you have a right to foist the biggest possible lie on humanity.
Stop the idiot bot output. It's a joke. It's a joke. You are a joke.
So stop the deception and explain.
What right do you have to FORCE this vile illusion on us?
Explain now, no crying, no more bots, no more vile behavior.
Explain now-- it's an order
▶ 55a806 (8) No.5769724
1. The individual
2. Yes
3. Talk shit, get hit.
4. 2nd Amendment defends the 1st.
▶ 2d054f (4) No.5769726
>can’t explain why it would be faked
Define a false flag
▶ 4506f4 (2) No.5769727
Playing around to find a clue_
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769728
outta sight!
i created that one years ago.
▶ 851ed3 (4) No.5769730
Apparently we've been doing this for coming up on 17 months
▶ edeb36 (3) No.5769731
Did shooter not burn down the mosque because he didn't or couldn't I'd his target(s)?
▶ dfcd75 (15) No.5769732
there ya go -
thank god for stunning REAL women!
▶ 2d054f (4) No.5769733>>5769739
You are radioactive
▶ 4a2aa5 (1) No.5769734
Surely you are not saying 50 people had to die just so you can prove your countdown point?!
Were the NZ authorities warned???
▶ e701a3 (12) No.5769735>>5769743
Nice try, sourpuss Brennan. A commie, converted Muslim who signed off on the Saudi 9/11 agents while you were Station Chief in Jeddah? So you were sheep-dipped twice and are really a White Hat? Traitor-In-Chief.
▶ 766a22 (5) No.5769737
Exactly. They WANT us talking about the video, and NOT the Deep State!
Talking about the fakery within this video--no matter how blatant– just makes you look like an insensitive asshole to normies. You may convince the anons on this board, but we are all already on the same team.
Waste of time. Planned distraction.
▶ 1c376f (1) No.5769738
>>5768251 PB
Eyes on, follow the wife
Mnuchin was outed recently
▶ 55a806 (8) No.5769740
▶ e52b47 (11) No.5769741
answer your phone, hotshot.
▶ 44b279 (9) No.5769742
> Free speech is in full effect.
If you think free-speech is in "full-effect", you really aren't paying attention.
▶ f69c26 (32) No.5769743
and probably pushed through tim osmans passport
▶ bffab0 (29) No.5769744
You're saying no one is trying to discredit the video?
▶ a42c65 (24) No.5769745
please hang here while baker gets next bread ready