11cc2a No.5662442
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Q's Latest Posts
Wednesday 03.13.2019
>>5660203 ————————————–——– Trolling is FUN! PANIC is GOOD. (Cap: >>5660254 )
>>5655015 rt >>5654980 ————————— Figure 3.1
>>5654980 ————————————–——– The Tarmac Meeting. Days Later…. (Cap: >>5655020 )
Tuesday 03.12.2019
>>5650770 ————————————–——– Do you believe in coincidences? (Cap: >>5651235)
>>5650117 ————————————–——– JUSTICE (Cap: >>5650199)
>>5646668 ————————————–——– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ (Cap: >>5647861)
>>5645954 ————————————–——– WE STAND TOGETHER AS PATRIOTS
>>5645633 ————————————–——– Promises (soon-to-be) kept?
>>5645404 ————————————–——– Jim Jordan's AS Tweets.
>>5643022 ————————————–——– Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
>>5641102 ————————————–——– Doug Collins tweet on the release of Lisa Page testimony (Cap: >>5641129)
>>5640195 ————————————–——– Do UNICORNS exist?
>>5639954 ————————————–——– The Clinton Connection. WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
>>5639743 ————————————–——– Do you believe the timing is a coincidence? Stay Tuned! (Cap: >>5639795 )
Monday 03.11.2019
>>5631851 ————————————–——– Stay in the LIGHT (Cap: >>5632526)
>>5631245 rt >>5631220 ————————— [Michael Gaeta - FBI Rome]
>>5631220 ————————————–——– @PapaD (Cap: >>5631336)
>>5629243 ————————————–——– Memes, Memes, and more Memes.
>>5629177 ————————————–——– 4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS. (Cap: >>5629222)
>>5628683 ————————————–——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.
>>5627803 rt >>5627658 ————————— Re: JPB "Time in Russia? ... Intercepts are revealing."
>>5627617 ————————————–——– "Heart attacks can be deadly."
>>5618750 ————————————–——– John Perry Barlow POST January 27, 2018, DEAD February 8, 2018.
>>5618461 ————————————–——– Banking on HRC to win? Banking on BRENNAN to bring you home? (Cap: >>5618485)
>>5618056 rt >>5617930 ————————— Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016? [JB][JPB] How did we know (prior to)?
>>5617930 rt >>5617724 ————————— Connect the dots? Define 'Spook'. Define 'Shadow'.
>>5617724 ————————————–——– @Snowden Parades or Restraints?
>>5617565 ————————————–——– Why was the NSA targeted? Why was the Agency protected/sheltered? (Cap: >>5617740)
Sunday 03.10.2019
Compiled here: >>5646346
Saturday 03.09.2019
Compiled here: >>5630830
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
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11cc2a No.5662447
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463 , >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5661777 Memo re: racketeering charges in NXIVM case
>>5662085 Huckabee weighs in on Manafort sentencing
>>5662095 Update on Brazil school shooting
>>5662134 Germany refuses to take black boxes; FAA rejects Canada’s 737 ban as “inconclusive”
>>5662152 House passes resolution urging Mueller report to be made public
>>5662174 French MP’s approve anti-riot bill amid Yellow Vest protests
>>5662205 LIVE: POTUS receives briefing on drug trafficking at border
>>5662248 German conservatives demanding Merkel’s resignation
>>5662251 Nancy Salzman, NXIVM co-founder, expected to plead guilty in case
>>5662278 Former NYD commissioner calls for obstruction investigation in Clinton email probe
>>5662340 Twitter planning to remove “like” and “retweet” metrics and replace with “positive reinforcement” 1984-type shit
>>5662391 #7241
>>5660972 New Manafort indictments out of NY
>>5660977 FBI Records Vault on Anthony Bourdain
>>5660980 Dozens of Polish Catholics Show Up to Silently Pray at a Marina Abramovic Show, Claiming She Worships the Devil
>>5661175 ICE tweet on a Most Wanted Fugitive
>>5661220 Republicans ask Cummings to refer Cohen to DOJ for perjury investigation
>>5661322 CBP Field Operations Arrests Capital Murder Suspect at Hidalgo International Bridge
>>5661350 FBI Crossfire Hurricane definition according to Lisa Page
>>5661504 President Trump receives a briefing on drug trafficking on the southern border
>>5661996 #7240
#7239 Baker quick Change 1 bread only
>>5660184 Doorknob related fatality
>>5660204 Peace meets pandemonium USAF twitter
>>5660221 Obama family tennis coach charged in college admissions scheme
>>5660287 Congress holds hearing about higher education after cheating scam
>>5660293 DJT names Obama again.
>>5660360 Former NYPD Commissioner Calls for Obstruction Investigation into Clinton Email Probe
>>5660405 Judicial Watch aqnnounces depositions of Senior Obama-era Officials and former Aides of HRC
>>5660465 DoJ has a hearing about FOIA compliance
>>5660685 Court docs on Admissions Scandal, from NYT.
>>5660682 Paul Manafort just indicted by Manhattan DA Office
>>5660623 RT news on FB and IG poss curre large outage
>>5660758, >>5660666 New DJTs
>>5660733 Fed Judge adds 43 months - 3 yrs 7months
>>5660852 #7239
>>5659618 ; >>5659260 (/pb) On Patrick Kennedy, the bureaucrat at the center of HRC scandals
>>5659388 LIVE: Pompeo delivers remarks on human rights practices report
>>5659419 ; >>5659482 Links between IMG Academy, college scamming, and Endeavor Entertainment
>>5659425 More twitter reports of military tribunals of US citizens coming up in public hearings
>>5659452 Sandmann family suing CNN for $275M in defamation suit
>>5659476 Brazil school shooting report
>>5659498 On Snowden, HRC, SAP’s, and the technological council (links from past bread; speculation)
>>5659546 Republicans to change Senate rules to prevent Democrat obstruction of judiciary nominees
>>5659690 CEO who built up Avast cyber security to retire at the end of June
>>5659726 Jeffrey Peterson reports on NXIVM, CF, and allegations of illegal campaign contributions (links to tweets pending)
>>5659741 ; >>5660006 Moar sauce on NK embassy in Spain attacked by CIA
>>5659752 Sara Carter article on Lisa Page testimony revealing contradictions re: false dossier
>>5659767 On Colorado and potential action in the near future (speculation)
>>5659778 ; >>5660000 ; >>5660087 Updates on Manafort sentencing
>>5659867 Bills would extend voting to some 17-year-olds in Texas elections
>>5660066 #7238
Previously Collected Notables
>>5658527 #7236, >>5659328 #7237
>>5656242 #7233, >>5657000 #7234, >>5657778 #7235
>>5654293 #7230, >>5655983 #7231, >>5655994 #7232
>>5651789 #7227, >>5652328 #7228, >>5653338 #7229
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
11cc2a No.5662449
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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11cc2a No.5662452
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
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Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621
11cc2a No.5662458
Baker Offering Handoff
Anons who wish to bake, please volunteer.
c08140 No.5662469
you probably know this by now but theres extreme censorship going on with facebook right now. all my liberal friemds aren't having any problems but all my conservative friends are not able to post anything!
am I missing something?
1af6da No.5662499
It’s everybody not just liberals. Maybe it’s the NSA removing algorithms.
53a233 No.5662521
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
53a233 No.5662522
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
1af6da No.5662525
It is also Instagram.
f3a6c0 No.5662527
i don't notice any outage
70cdee No.5662528
Why are so many 'anons' still using fuckbook?
9d169e No.5662529
Why are you on facebook after everything you've read? Do you enjoy not having privacy or do you enjoy giving Zuckerberg your money by clicking the ads?
654a0c No.5662530
81aa16 No.5662532
Anons are lucky we’re still here. Be grateful.
b187fd No.5662533
my hubs is down, he never posts political stuff
92ab8f No.5662534
e574ae No.5662536
because keeping up with distant family and friends > them knowing when I last ate a cheeseburger.. who fucking cares.
effc91 No.5662537
Q's March madness is going nowhere so far
d9a96a No.5662538
Obama’s Two Daughters Connected In The Massive College Bribery Scheme
On Tuesday, actresses Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman got busted for bribing elite schools will excess amounts of money and altering their children’s test scores so they can get into the top schools.
Along with the two actresses, 50 others were also indicted for being involved with the scheme, one of them being a former Georgetown University tennis coach who was the instructor for former First Lady Michelle Obama and her two daughters.
The Tennis coach, Gordon Ernst, was formerly employed at Georgetown as the men’s and women’s head tennis coach at Georgetown.
Check out what the Daily Mail reported:
According to the unsealed indictment, between 2012 and 2018, during which time Ernst was the head coach of men’s and women’s tennis at Georgetown University, he received bribes totaling more than $2.7 million, which was falsely labelled as ‘consulting.’
In exchange for the payoffs, Ernst allegedly designated at least a dozen applicants as recruits for the Georgetown tennis team, including some who did not play competitively, in order to help them get into the university.
The money came from charitable accounts set up by the accused mastermind of the scheme, William Rick Singer, who founded the college consulting business Edge College & Career Network, also known as The Key, in Newport Beach, California.
Prosecutors said parents paid Singer about $25 million to bribe coaches and administrators into pretending that their children were athletic recruits to guarantee their admission.
In one instance, according to the documents, Ernst was allegedly paid $400,000 for getting the child of Singer’s clients into Georgetown under the guise of tennis recruitment, even though the applicant did not play competitive tennis.
Between September 2015 and August 2016, Ernst allegedly received checks totaling $700,000. It’s interesting how whenever there is a big scandal, the Democrats and the Obama’s always seem to somehow be connected.
During the Harvey Weinstein scandal, not only did we know that Weinstein had many ties to the Democrats, but we also found out that Malia Obama, the older Obama daughter, interned for the Weinstein company just months before the sexual assault scandal broke.
I guess corrupt people always stick together!
3744e5 No.5662539
>>5661847 lb
So, UT is sponsors of devil worship?
First hand knowledge of Univ of Texas involved in devil worship. Holy shit, BIG !
e574ae No.5662540
3c5f7f No.5662541
>>5662465 (lb) interdasting
ad31bd No.5662544
Has anyone pointed out how these tweets from yesterday could be alluding to foreign tech companies (China) being able to insert malicious elements into things like airplanes and trains?
c08140 No.5662545
I thought that too I was like I hope the white hats are taking over or im suing lol. I don't have many conservative friends most of them are liberals and so far none of them are having problems with theirs. just saying I hope you're right
0ef7ca No.5662547
why the FOOK would you possibly be on the snapface? get your head out of yo ass dummy
1af6da No.5662548
It’s happening on both. It won’t let people post. Or if you post only you can see it. My whole feed is full of people talking about it. Not just my red pilled friends but my Liberal friends as well.
9d169e No.5662549
Hey hollywood. How come Q exists for 2 years, articles bashing exist for almost as long, yet no press can just ask potus. Cause you're saying its bullshit…so ….ask, no 2020 run, all over since it's fake, right?
d9a96a No.5662551
160 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl Seized at Arizona Border
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized approximately 100 pounds of methamphetamine, 55 pounds of cocaine, 5 pounds of fentanyl, and 2 pounds of heroin worth $1.7 million last week during three vehicle inspections at the Arizona border. The alleged seizures resulted in the arrests of two U.S. citizens and one Mexican national.
The initial incidents occurred last Wednesday morning during a vehicle inspection when CBP officers assigned to the Port of Nogales Dennis DeConcini Crossing contacted a 57-year-old U.S. citizen from Coolidge, Arizona, in a Saab. Officers referred the male driver to a secondary inspection station where a K-9 alerted to odors. Officers discovered 35 pounds of methamphetamine ($104,000), five pounds of fentanyl ($75,000), and more than two pounds of heroin ($60,000). The driver was arrested and turned over to the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations.
Later in the day, CBP officers assigned to Arizona’s Port of Lukeville contacted a 44-year-old Mexican national from Caborca, Sonora, in a Chevrolet pickup. After a search was conducted, approximately 55 pounds of cocaine was discovered worth more than $1.3 million. The driver was arrested and turned over to investigators of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The third incident occurred on Thursday night when CBP officers contacted a 29-year-old U.S. citizen from Buckeye, Arizona, at the Port of San Luis as she was attempting to cross into the United States. During an ensuing search of her vehicle, officers located approximately 64 pounds of methamphetamine concealed inside the fuel tank with an estimated value of $190,000. The female was arrested and turned over to the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations.
c0d073 No.5662552
>>5662475 (lb)
BS, you worthless fuck. I know the talking points. "I'm not the type to understand." "Narcissist" "High and mighty view of my greatness." You pegged me as a private school upper-middle class whitey. Even if true, it would not invalidate my op, but the fact that I grew up poor in S FL lets me shit all over progressive reasoning proudly and without reservation.
>Have a beer and a blunt dude, just like niggers do in the hood. Then you'll understand.
11cc2a No.5662553
Bread Title has been reported for correction.
Should read "Q Research General #7242:…" for archival purposes.
Apologies for the mistake.
776d7d No.5662554
NRO Releases declassified CORONA imagery.
CORONA mentioned in Q#s: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
This weekend is Sunshine Week: March 10-16
Dark > Light
NRO Archives
CORONA Imagery:
Sunshine Week:
f26e4b No.5662555
>>5661904 lb
'Damned' bird symbology?
Dig. Meme. Pray.
c81dd4 No.5662556
Trump: US issuing ‘emergency order’ grounding all Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 aircraft following Ethiopia crash
b3ea40 No.5662557
>>5661510 (pb)
>>5660916 (You) (LB)
Thanks! I'll try a dig and see what I can come up with.
af494d No.5662558
Now you need red text, shill?
GTFO larp.
509db5 No.5662560
Thanks for popping up so early. I never filter. Not even gorefag or freddy, but for you afterbirth, filtered.
65a273 No.5662561
Trump and Q are going to make obama and clinton sweat while everyone around them faces justice
c85940 No.5662562
Facebook returning to the news - world wide.
a18a39 No.5662565
Guys I'll drop massive info, since my reddit is down I'll do my AMA here
oops i meant Q&A
d9a96a No.5662566
CNN’s Don Lemon: College Bribery Scandal Affirms Trump Voter Fears Of A ‘Rigged System’
"The American dream is rigged."
CNN's Don Lemon sees a connection between President Trump and the college admissions bribery scandal that has implicated two Hollywood stars, Lori Loughlin of "Full House" and Felicity Huffman of "Desperate Housewives."
Code-named "Operation Varsity Blues," Huffman and Loughlin were charged on Tuesday for participating in a massive bribery scheme designed to entice college administrators, coaches, and other university gatekeepers into admitting their children.
"In all, 33 parents — including Loughlin and Huffman — allegedly paid a collective sum of $25 million to a college admissions counselor named William Singer, according to ABC News, who then 'bribed college officials, coaches and college entrance exam administrators, who then helped students secure admissions 'not on their merits but through fraud,'" The Daily Wire's Emily Zanotti reported on Tuesday. "The FBI contends that Singer's bribes went to officials at some of the most elite colleges in the country."
CNN's Don Lemon feels that the scandal shows people are right to believe the "system is rigged against them," noting that President Trump tapped into that attitude in 2016, according to Fox News.
"This is what Donald Trump tapped into and in a lot of ways, guess what, he was right," Lemon said on his program.
Lemon reminded people that the president is a beneficiary of the rigged system, admitting that does not change the fact Trump delivered a timely message.
"A lot of people will point out, and they have every right to do so, that Donald Trump himself is a beneficiary of a system that’s rigged in favor of the elite," he said. "Let’s not forget The New York Times investigation that revealed at age three, Donald Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars."
This talking point fails to grasp that many working-class voters resonated with Donald Trump not because he claimed to be one of them but because he promised to fight for them. His wealth or his childhood, none of which he hid from the viewing public, had little sway on voters' various opinions of him.
"He was a millionaire by age eight," Lemon continued. "Soon after he graduated from college, he was getting the equivalent of a million a year from his father."
Nevertheless, Lemon concedes that despite President Trump being a "questionable" messenger for the people's anger, people of all walks of life are rightly angry about rigged systems.
"All of that is true, but none of it changes the fact that for far too many people, the American dream is rigged," he said. "And he spoke to that. Maybe he’s questionable as the messenger for this, but it’s a message a lot of people feel in their core. Rigged in favor of the wealthy and the powerful. And a whole lot of people in this country on the left and on the right are angry about that."
The "rigged system" has even been employed in defense of Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin. On Tuesday, when the scandal first broke, Hollywood veteran David Mamet said the entire college admissions system has been a "corrupt joke" for some time, arguing that people should not be surprised that well-off parents are trying to spin it in their children's favor.
"I worked for very many years in and around our elite universities. I am able to report that their admissions policies are an unfortunate and corrupt joke," said Mamet. "Harvard was once sued for restricting the admission of qualified Jews; a [similar] contest is currently being waged by Asians."
So, either everyone's a victim of the "rigged system," or nobody is.
effc91 No.5662567
**No arrests
No Hillary Clinton video
Bruce Ohr still at the DOJ
Nellie Ohr still on a Ham radio
Five Eyes still operating
Obama's secret deal with Iran
Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT scandal
No wall
Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up
No FISA declassification
No FBI texts
No dossier details
Q check your brackets [RR]
No Anthony Weiner laptop emails
No uranium one arrests
No Clinton emails
Nothing from Huber
Nothing from Horowitz
Nothing from Sessions
Podesta brothers are free
Susan Rice unmasked Americans
Samantha Power unmasked Americans
Comey leaked
Adam Schiff leaked
Brennan lied to Congress
Clapper lied to Congress
McCabe lied to Congress
Comey lied to Congress
Strzoks committed treason
Page committed treason
Mueller operating illegal special counsel
Maxine Waters covered up money transfers for the uranium one deal to Clinton
[RR] wanted to wear a wire - nothing done
Valerie Jarrett Spy - nothing done
Adam Schiff leaked to GPS
Jeff Sessions helped James Comey
∆~This list is only a fraction of shit wrong with America••√
*Obama's 7,000 Deep State appointments with no FBI background checks are still operating the government through the Senior Executive Service (SES) they run all 75 government agencies and Trump can't fire anyone in the (SES) thanks to Rand Paul in part**
bb75fb No.5662568
FB = C_A
Delete FB and you help to delete C_A
JFK would be proud of you.
81aa16 No.5662569
It’s not fake. It’s very real and connected to the White House. It’s just lying to you and steering your attention.
9d169e No.5662570
They teach red text in hollywood apparently.
d5570b No.5662571
Somebody have that GIF of the bars coming down on Hillary and she looks surprised? Supreme topkek if POTUS retweeted it.
68663d No.5662572
Krassenschwein hund.
fedfb0 No.5662573
314abe No.5662575
Youre just gonna give vague answers and say theres a resistance building.. And shit up the bread .. So either put up or fuck off
fcdb05 No.5662576
>>5662517 (PB)
I love you Jenna
303e35 No.5662577
1c1b88 No.5662578
HELP! Question for Anons
Why did Lindsey Graham act shocked that Bill Barr and Robert Muller were friends?
They worked on one of the biggest cases ever together "the pan am 103 case" and they covered it up
read this… you will be shocked that 5 CIA agents from "Team COREA were on board. And a Iranian Eidi Asaad Veidany that was tied to CIA Drugs for Contras..
b288a1 No.5662580
They can't stop kikeing it seems
Like time traveling dogshit
31aa33 No.5662581
Is Did Jareds Daddy really pay $2.5m for him to get into skool (((Harvard)))?
346e30 No.5662582
>>5659417 (pb)
Speaking of Druze, it's those four colors again!
90744c No.5662583
Q and Q+ have linked "the video that will get Trump elected" many times.
Anons we are missing SOMETHING, but how to study a video? Here is a side by side of screen grabs with speech text with time stamps.
RP from night shift, but my gut is insisting its important.
An anon noted last night that HUSSEIN appears at the [12] second mark. Is there moar here?
66a6b0 No.5662588
there's no pence on the trump ticket for 2020
f03407 No.5662590
"The Democrats-, frankly these people are for crime." POTUS- That's my president.
b55bc0 No.5662592
>>5662278 (PB)
You are still having sex with your wife? Haven't been married long huh?
8a429e No.5662593
>>5661373 (lb)
>cessna 172
e5f418 No.5662594
Yea I just pointed that out in LB. Also what plane was it that Q posted at JFK. Swat team came on it do to Pilot putting in hijack code. I cant find it
c85940 No.5662595
Her dad doesn’t wear one either.
d9a96a No.5662596
4th Child in 3 Years Develops Cancer after Small Cell Tower Installed on School Property
Cell towers have been known to cause clusters of illnesses before. This appears to be another one – now at a California school.
From EHTrust.org, in regard to children and federal Safety Standards:
… no “safe” level has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women. Therefore, the claim that a device “meets government standards” or that radiation levels are “FCC compliant” gives a false impression of safety.
The FCC guidelines rest on five fallacies (false assumptions) and therefore renders FCC guidelines obsolete. Compliance with “federal safety standards” does not assure your nor your family’s safety. In fact, our federal safety limits are in essence meaningless when it comes to our health.
Exposure to cell phone and WiFi radiation as well as Dirty Electricity (aka Electrosmog) can cause a wide variety of disabling health conditions in addition to cancer. This is also why many schools are now preventing the installation of cell towers and antennas on school property as well as replacing WiFi with wired Internet.
For many years already, telecom companies have been warning shareholders that they may eventually be held liable for harm caused by their products and infrastructure. Insurance companies don’t seem to be interested in doing business anymore with them either.
Since 2004, the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) has opposed the use of their stations for cell towers and antennas because of health risks. Why on earth would anyone think it’s safe to have cell towers on school property?
9f8a0c No.5662597
Yea, well, your Punchy Prediction failed!
a8e124 No.5662598
Hillary Clinton was the patent attorney for an invention to control a plane by remote control(was supposed to be used to combat hijackings). The technology has existed for decades.
9d169e No.5662599
They show the earth while Potus says they've lied to us about everything.
8b51ae No.5662600
IN the earth you say? In? Hmm.
Matthew 6:10
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done "IN" earth, as it is in heaven.
e40ed6 No.5662601
>>5662406 lb
"Predator Pain" is a keylogger/malware.
Analysis of the Predator Pain Keylogger
Written by Kimberly on Sunday, 27 April 2014. Posted in Malware Reports
The Predator Pain Keylogger incorporates Browser, Messenger, FTP and File stealers and is able of Clipboard and Screenhot logging, Bitcoin Wallet theft.
Predator Pain targets Steam, MineCraft and World of WarCraft usernames and passwords. A Runescape Pin Stealer is also available.
Predator Pain can disable several Windows features and spread via USB or P2P. KazyLoader, also known as Karagany, is used as the file downloader in this sample.
The Predator Pain Keylogger is advertised for 35$ on underground forums and comes with its own crypter.
Predator Pain is the payload of an unsolicited email from the IRS with the subject line "Swift Transfer Confirmation". No money at the horizon in this fake email but a swift transfer of all logins and passwords the Predator Pain Keylogger can possibly grab.
Predator Pain Keylogger
Upon execution SWIFTTRANSFERRECEPTS_FDP.EXE will display an error message stating that the application failed to initialize properly. The warning is a fake error message and part of the Predator Pain builder options.
(long article with pictures) …
c81dd4 No.5662602
31b116 No.5662603
Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp down today. Boeing 737 MAX grounded.
China? Building 8? Hacking?
3744e5 No.5662604
I will bet my car that 0bama won't spend one second in a courtroom or even a police station.
Hillary may be indicted, but won't spend even one hour behind bars.
Both are guilty as fuck, but that means absolutely jack shit in this country.
The "justice" system in this country is fucked.
a5d3c7 No.5662605
b55bc0 No.5662607
Wrong link sorry. Please ignore.
0bc8c2 No.5662608
Is Twitter worried about forthcoming news? Last ditch effort in narrative control?
81aa16 No.5662609
He was supposed to go down. So were others. But they’re never going to.
fb9b3f No.5662610
>>5661790 (lb)
Dem names I was able to find:
Adam Schiff of California
Nancy Pelosi of California
Eliot Engel of New York
Mark Takano of California
Elaine Luria of Virginia
Susan Davis of California
Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts.
These are House members
But also, check this out too:
"The crowd began to dwindle as two large buses carrying Republican senators from their retreat arrived on the Senate side, spurring reporters to sprint in the opposite direction to speak with them.”
Theses buses arrived at the same exact time as the Dems bus but went to a different spot- the Senate side.
Senate GOP schedules annual retreat
Also, not too far away time wise, 30 Democrats were on retreat. Not sure if related, but interesting timing.
List of who, here:
78ec9e No.5662611
Pelosi pledges to block Senate scheme to keep GOP united behind Trump wall funding grab
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she’ll block an effort by Senate Republicans to reform the National Emergencies Act in exchange for their support of President Trump’s wall funding grab.
“Republican Senators are proposing new legislation to allow the president to violate the Constitution just this once in order to give themselves cover,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said Wednesday. “The House will not take up this legislation to give President Trump a pass.”
The GOP-led Senate will vote Thursday on the House-passed resolution to revoke Trump’s national emergency declaration, which he is using to authorize moving $3.6 billion in military construction money to a border wall project.
Senate Republicans are looking for a way to back Trump’s spending move while at the same time asserting congressional control over the spending process.
They were seeking a trade-off with the White House: In exchange for their support in this instance, Trump would agree to sign a bill reining in the National Emergencies Act.
Pelosi’s refusal to consider such a measure essentially dashes that plan. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/congress/pelosi-pledges-to-block-senate-scheme-to-keep-gop-united-behind-trump-wall-funding-grab
20c64e No.5662613
and how are we lucky you are here? what useful information have you given? that liars lie? that we can't trust the government?
what incredible revelations senpai
effc91 No.5662614
Why was black history month a total disaster?
c08140 No.5662615
I still have family on there lol that's why and they don't use other platforms and I don't a fuck if they watch me, they have nothing on me except that im a Trump supporter
91e3c6 No.5662616
>trolling is fun
working closely with BOEING…
>especially since Mueller Comey Brennan and Clapper are tied so closely to BOEING
i do feel very badly for BOEING. i can say that.
s/o to the house. s/o to the senate..
they've been nice lately.
…and the Republicans aren't.
long into the future.. see?
I think we are doing VERY WELL.
91c2d9 No.5662617
Trump orders emergency grounding of Boeing 737 MAX 8 and MAX 9 planes in US
d9a96a No.5662618
CIA Is Turning Refugee Camps In Eastern Syria Into ISIS Hotbeds
The CIA is conspiring with ISIS commanders in northeastern Syria supplying them with fake documents and then transferring them to Iraq, according to reports in Turkish pro-government media.
About 2,000 ISIS members were questioned in the areas of Kesra, Buseira, al-Omar and Suwayr in Deir Ezzor province and at least 140 of them then received fake documents. Some of the questioned terrorists were then moved to the camps of al-Hol, Hasakah and Rukban, which are controlled by US-backed forces. The CIA also reportedly created a special facility near Abu Khashab with the same purpose.
Israeli, French and British special services are reportedly involved.
An interesting observation is that the media of the country, which in the previous years of war, used to conspire with ISIS allowing its foreign recruits to enter Syria and buying smuggled oil from the terrorists, has now become one of the most active exposers of the alleged US ties with ISIS elements.
Another issue often raised in Turkish media is the poor humanitarian situation in the refugee camps controlled by US-backed forces. These reports come in the course of other revelations. According to the International Rescue Committee, about 100 people, mostly children, died in combat zones or in the al-Hol camp controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces just recently.
In its turn, the Russian Defense Ministry released a series of satellite images revealing the horrifying conditions in the al-Rukban camp. The imagery released on March 12 shows at least 670 graves, many of them fresh, close to the camp’s living area. The tents and light constructions used to settle refugees are also located in a close proximity to large waste deposits.
A joint statement by the Russian and Syrian Joint Coordination Committees for Repatriation of Syrian Refugees said that refugees in al-Rukban are suffering from a lack of water, food, medication and warm clothing, which is especially important during winter. According to the statement, members of the US-backed armed group Maghawir al-Thawra disrupt water deliveries to the camp, using this as a bargaining chip for blackmailing and profiteering purposes.
Tensions are once again growing between Syria and Israel. Earlier in March, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad submitted an official letter to the head of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) Kristin Lund that Damascus ”will not hesitate to confront Israel” if it continues refusing to withdraw from the Golan Heights.
Israeli media and officials responded with a new round of allegations that Hezbollah is entrenching in southern Syria therefore justifying a further militarization of the Golan Heights.
0de5c5 No.5662620
Live on fox… now
3744e5 No.5662621
>since my reddit is down I'll do my AMA here
ec1cd8 No.5662626
Crawl back into your hole Kappy.
a8e124 No.5662627
Then I suggest you invest in a couple of good sneakers.
3c5f7f No.5662628
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5662577 Beastie Boys - Sabotage
b187fd No.5662629
what is it? Corona imagery is this saying that there was a satellite in space in the 60's?
e574ae No.5662631
Yeah well I mean he rails pornstars like they are going outta style… so .. the ring kinda loses its luster… not hating at all.. I woulda banged the shit out of 95 Karen McDougal.
a64a9a No.5662632
For my older family members. There is no privacy. Even if you delete the app they still got you- waiting for a change to come. Hoping it’s here!
3f21af No.5662633
New Improved Twitter.
Now with 50% more censorship!
daa80f No.5662634
Behold the power of God in the Psalms!
The future proves the past.
Psalm 49:
The Folly of Trust in Riches
A Psalm of the Sons of Korah.
49 Hear this, all peoples!
Give ear, all inhabitants of the world,
2 both low and high,
rich and poor together!
3 My mouth shall speak wisdom;
the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.
4 I will incline my ear to a proverb;
I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre.
5 Why should I fear in times of trouble,
when the iniquity of my persecutors surrounds me,
'''6 men who trust in their wealth
and boast of the abundance of their riches?
7 Truly no man can ransom himself,
or give to God the price of his life,
8 for the ransom of his life is costly,
and can never suffice,
9 that he should continue to live on for ever,
and never see the Pit.
10 Yea, he shall see that even the wise die,
the fool and the stupid alike must perish
and leave their wealth to others.
11 Their graves are their homes for ever,
their dwelling places to all generations,
though they named lands their own.
12 Man cannot abide in his pomp,
he is like the beasts that perish.
13 This is the fate of those who have foolish confidence,
the end of those who are pleased with their portion. Selah
14 Like sheep they are appointed for Sheol;
Death shall be their shepherd;
straight to the grave they descend,
and their form shall waste away;
Sheol shall be their home.[f]
15 But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol,
for he will receive me. Selah
16 Be not afraid when one becomes rich,
when the glory of his house increases.
17 For when he dies he will carry nothing away;
his glory will not go down after him.
18 Though, while he lives, he counts himself happy,
and though a man gets praise when he does well for himself,
19 he will go to the generation of his fathers,
who will never more see the light.
20 Man cannot abide in his pomp,
he is like the beasts that perish.
ecc21e No.5662635
The wealthier people bribe schools with even more more. That's how idiots like W. Bush was accepted. Arrest all of them too.
868f8e No.5662636
There is a 100% F&G Impostor on here, trying to waste your time and gay up the board
I can't say more, because I'm super deep cover inserting patriotic subliminals on tween programming for Disney
But I just wanted to let you know HWanon2 is 100% F&G
>God bless
>Real HWanon2
>Over and Out
9da802 No.5662637
>>5662442 good
>>5662447 good
>>5662449 extraneous
>>5662452 extraneous
Most of the information in the third and fourth slices never really changes- it is static information. (save for the occasional Q Graphics updates, war room stuff, and any updates to "Other Research Threads")
What if it were stickied to a separate thread with a big gay link in the bread dough to those posts?
Most anons just scrub right past all of it on the day-to-day anyway..
It would require that BO/BV edit when updates are required, but it would cut down on baking length…
maybe a discussion to consider in the night shift.
9d169e No.5662638
Grounding these planes makes way for lowering stock, and introducing a different "trust worthy" plane from a new company whom's stock will then rise.
31aa33 No.5662639
20c64e No.5662640
steering attention away from what? if you're so knowledgeable just spill it and anons will dig, it's what we do
0de5c5 No.5662641
POTUS on fox now. Live
346e30 No.5662644
This is when Robert David Steele jumps in and says:
open source engineering, baby!
e5f418 No.5662645
Here it is. JET BLUE
a18a39 No.5662646
Sure did!
but all rich ass people pay for their kids to go to school. big fucking deal, Is it illegal to donate to a school?
ca5fbb No.5662647
This is notable.
There was lots of pressure being applied to not ground.
fedfb0 No.5662648
BREAKING: Obama Family Tennis Coach Allegedly Accepted Nearly $3 Million as Part of College Admissions Scam
21d640 No.5662649
"Gov. Newsom halts death penalty."
f13fa3 No.5662650
Big selling since 2:24pm EST. Volume is 5x normal.
92ab8f No.5662652
With all the airport/plane stuff going on lately I thought this was interesting
regarding the Bill & Hillary Clinton National Airport.
Just started digging on the LR Municipal Airport Commission, and Phoenix M arketing International.
Plus the imagery Phoenix uses one their website – red shoes(socks), masonic black and white tiles – makes me think they’re worth a dig.
90cb94 No.5662653
kuwait what number we at now?
fuck these deepstate cunts
e40ed6 No.5662654
The proactive enforcement better be Pro Trump.
11cc2a No.5662656
effc91 No.5662657
Hurry up honey I need a quicky.
40eec7 No.5662658
just about sick of these fucks
cb9880 No.5662659
3f21af No.5662660
Literal grifting gatekeepers.
Those you trust the most
ac2087 No.5662663
?????golden antelope horns in Y-shape in corder???
81aa16 No.5662664
Steering you away from what he’s actually doing and making you think there’s a reason he lied through his fucking teeth and broke every promise. THIS IS A MOVIE, it’s not real. He is in control but does not play for your team. It would not be hard to have ONE top player taken down in HW. If he was coming after anyone there would have been 15+ low levels thrown to the wolves by now.
d5570b No.5662665
When you're wrong can I have the car?
3b1c30 No.5662666
has Potus ever tweeted while speaking live on tv? Is this a first?
796e7b No.5662667
I have family members that kept bugging me to join. Never did. I do miss out on some things but don’t care. When I need to share something I call, text or email/text a pic. People do adapt but I understand the pull of wanting to be connected.
9f1860 No.5662668
Hear cuffs come out,
Run to the airport,
Potus has grounded all 737 Max,
Justice is coming
9d169e No.5662669
God wins against triple 6.
af494d No.5662670
That is fukken funny, bc I "larped" for a couple of post as HW1,2,3…anon to ridicule him and I DID THE PUNCHY WILL GO DOWN NEXT WEEK post.
Fukken funny that now Krassenstein bros are defending a statement I made bc it endangers their 'perfectly blended in' shilling.
8f148e No.5662671
32 degree Scottish Rite
Master of the Royal Secret (Southern Jurisdiction)
Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
243318 No.5662672
Trump “I ran the clock out.”
fedfb0 No.5662673
946245 No.5662674
5662412 (lb)
>tq anon. not forgetting fm meantime.
f03407 No.5662675
fe11c1 No.5662677
I know a person who gave 2 mln to University, donation
His child was admitted with lower than average grades, sats and such
The easiest way to get in
No cheating
No bribes
a24f9a No.5662678
I and many of my friends are having trouble commenting or posting in FB, even from other countries. Anyone else having this problem?
39f8a4 No.5662681
Why is it just that plane????
37f8ff No.5662682
Confirmed it, Baker. DJT twat contains no text, just the pic:
>>5662656 New DJT Twat
65a273 No.5662685
hi rob reiner
eat shit and die
d9a96a No.5662686
Canada to Close Airspace to Boeing 737 Max 8 After Ethiopia Crash – Minister
The statement comes after Boeing’s 737 MAX 8 faced an almost worldwide airspace ban following a deadly crash near the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, which resulted in the deaths of at least 157 people.
"The measure taken this morning is effective immediately", Canadian Transport Minister Marc Garneau said on Wednesday while explaining the 737 MAX 8 ban, later adding that "it’s done for safety reasons".
Later in the day, US President Donald Trump also stated that he would ground the 737 planes until Boeing arrives at a solution to the safety issues.
Previously, EU states also prohibited the aircraft from entering their airspace, as did China, India, Egypt, Vietnam, and many other countries across the world.
Earlier in the day, Flightradar24 reported that the US and Canada were the only countries where the 737 MAX 8 model was still operating.
The fatal incident near Addis Ababa that triggered bans on the aircraft around the world became the second deadly accident involving a 737 MAX 8 in just five months, with a plane belonging to Indonesia’s Lion Air with 187 people on board crashing into the Java Sea in October 2018.
444bf9 No.5662687
None of them wear rings.
Get over it.
78ec9e No.5662688
>Anons are lucky we’re still here. Be grateful.
a7b595 No.5662689
We don’t follow Hollywood here (or in real life)
37f8ff No.5662690
90cb94 No.5662691
post it 10 moar times ffs
read the bread!
e574ae No.5662692
You mean like weinstien and spacey and NVXIM and Paul Ryan and .. should I go on ?
638fa0 No.5662693
c39b3c No.5662694
Where are the bodies? Are they captives or already murdered?
11cc2a No.5662695
>Confirmed it, Baker.
Fucking lol.
This day, man…
fedfb0 No.5662696
Honest, she used to take baths
91e3c6 No.5662697
dealz made with NK, CANADA, among others
other dealz cookin'!
wat wus HABBENING to our trade..
they could've allow this to happen, we lost almost 8hundred BILLION dollars on trade.
who's making these deals?
mueller report?
e41710 No.5662698
Welp….. now my fakebook is not letting me post memories…..
81aa16 No.5662699
Yes they do.
faefc9 No.5662700
PANIC increases the RAT population.
Define RAT
to desert one's party or associates, especially in a time of trouble.
ca5fbb No.5662701
caught that as well. tick tock watch the clock!
9d169e No.5662703
Why would you want to?
e574ae No.5662704
Bourdain and Kate Spade and Matt Lauer… the list of fucks who have gone down since POTUS is unprecedented really…
d2f260 No.5662705
Satanist have been running the show for thousand of years. IMO it goes way back we need to look back further… They just got so cocky in the last 100 years, it's disgusting. People have tried to fight them in the past but we are in the middle of a spiritual war as well. I think that's lost on a lot of Q followers. People are talking about visions, dreams they have been having. The god the elite serve wants humanity to suffer and feeds off our misery.
d9a96a No.5662706
Disgraced priest from N.J. who was ‘credibly accused’ of sexual misconduct found shot to death in Nevada
A former New Jersey priest and teacher who was accused of groping young boys was found shot to death in his Nevada home over the weekend, authorities said.
Police conducting a welfare check Saturday found the body of a John Capparelli, 70, in the house he owned on Bonner Springs Drive in Henderson, Nevada, authorities said.
Capparelli had been shot once in the neck. His body was found in the kitchen about 5:10 p.m., according to the Clark County Coroner’s Office.
Last month, Capparelli’s name was included a list of 188 priests and deacons in the state who had been “credibly accused” of sex crimes against children. New Jersey’s five Catholic dioceses released the names while under mounting pressure to identify clergy accused of sexual misconduct.
Accused of groping and brutalizing teenage boys, Capparelli was suspended from the ministry in 1992. Nearly two decades later, after The Star-Ledger revealed he was working as a public school teacher in Newark, the state revoked his certificates.
Here's another way to find out what's happening in your state: Listen to a daily news update on Alexa or via a podcast on your Apple device.
Though he was never convicted of a crime, multiple accusers said Capparelli made them wrestle in swimwear while he took photos. He was also linked to a fetish website that he allegedly ran from his home.
Capparelli worked at Our Lady of Fatima in North Bergen, Oratory Prep in Summit, Holy Trinity in Westfield, St. Theresa in Kenilworth and Temporary Chaplain - Valley Hospital in Ridgewood.
In the years following the accusations, Capparelli moved from New Jersey to Nevada. Public records show he purchased the home in Henderson, a city of 300,000 residents just outside of Las Vegas, in 2016 shortly after selling his home in Belleville.
444bf9 No.5662707
796e7b No.5662708
No but I believe it’s illegal to donate for a favor..ie a bribe. That kid unfairly took the place of another who didn’t get in. Not saying this doesn’t happen..happens everywhere but it’s wrong and the people doing it knew it was wrong which is why they disguised their bribes as charitable donations.
88c06a No.5662711
294892 No.5662712
madman is at it again
d06b0a No.5662713
They were never romantically involved. Just a cover story.
e41710 No.5662714
Guess I should have kept my mouth shut….no sooner mention mine worked, it goes down 10 minutes later
a7b595 No.5662715
Some are not, i think they are keeping normies on while throttling US.
fb290c No.5662716
On something like tractors they need to take this ridiculous tier-4 emissions crap off of them. Up until say 15 years ago a farmer could fix his own tractor but now theres 15 different black boxes on them that only the dealer understands. Its bullshit.
81aa16 No.5662720
Yea? How much time did they all get? Weinstein will he out in 2 months and greatly rewarded for his sacrifice to DECIEVE.
20c64e No.5662721
once again you didn't spill anything. what is it that you think he's doing that he is steering us away from? taking down hwood is peanuts compared to what is actually happening, why do you focus only on that?
c2caf0 No.5662722
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5661790 LB
>Maybe we should be digging bigly and figuring out exactly who was on the flight?
>The people they very desperately did not want the media to see getting off the bus…
It's a good idea anon.
There was a clip with people exiting the bus, but can't seem to find it.
This one's not it, but may jog some memories.
>7 Congressional Staff.
Do you know which other Congresscritters were scheduled to go besides Pelosi & Schiff?
713a85 No.5662723
Sources say all of Obama's arrests were of trafficking organizations that were independent and a competitive threat to the cabal.
More at 11…
6f8250 No.5662725
Max 8+ Max 9= 17
2 Q's for (you).
fedfb0 No.5662727
You have committed a pre-crime
e574ae No.5662728
dd4c92 No.5662729
"according to reports in Turkish pro-government media."
Good intel?
fb290c No.5662731
He can't keep getting away with it!!!!
509db5 No.5662732
Hollywood toots aka gitmass hero, says, hollywood anons 1-48 shall suck a dick daily till they hang from doorknobs with red scarves.
90744c No.5662733
I presume due to the plane crash…. recently… yesterday?
d9a96a No.5662734
Turkey urges world to react against Israeli aggression
Turkey’s foreign minister on Tuesday called on the global community to stand against Israeli aggression in the sacred places of Islam, Anadolu Agency reports.
“Unfortunately, today, Israel’s aggression has increased with encouragement from the US We talk about all these issues and will not give up our sacred and national causes,” Mevlut Cavusoglu said, speaking at a public gathering in the Mediterranean province of Antalya.
Referring to raids in East Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex, he said: “It is time to put a stop to Israel’s recklessness. We can’t tolerate brazen attacks on our holy places and the world must react to this.”
The top diplomat stressed Turkey and other countries of the world respect places of worship for followers of different religions.
However, Israel did not follow the same policy given the aggression in Palestine, he added.
He said Turkey has transformed into a globally acknowledged brand in tourism, adding: “Let us maintain this [trend] so that our shopkeepers and citizens thrive.”
Cavusoglu went on to say that Turkey attracted numerous tourists from many different countries with Germans taking the lead.
“People from different countries spend their holidays here; there are tourists who buy houses here,” he said, underlining Turkey’s goal was to host up to 100 million people.
Tension has mounted in Jerusalem since last month, when Israeli police briefly sealed the Al-Aqsa compound’s Al-Rahma Gate, located adjacent to the eastern wall of the Old City, sparking angry Palestinian demonstrations.
In the weeks since, the Israeli authorities have banned scores of Palestinians — including religious officials — from entering the Al-Aqsa, which for Muslims represents the world’s third holiest site.
9a1f1f No.5662735
f03407 No.5662736
Know what I love? When reporters ask POTUS a question and he takes, runs with it, and doesn't let them interrupt him until he's done answering it. Nobody gets away with cutting him off.
796e7b No.5662737
Join a place that has unlimited storage for memories. You can carry it with you too, very convenient.
e574ae No.5662738
Why you on here yapping instead of out there exposing this then? You talk an awful lot of shit for the process here.. considering you are involved in it…
6b6926 No.5662739
Or just China building shitty airplanes.
a24f9a No.5662740
Nope, all my friends and i have same problem
8a8eb4 No.5662742
I'm an outkast
But don't count me out…
It's time for you to stand on your own
Militia, coalition, not of this world
Resistance, we the alliance
We freedom fighters, its honor we defend
We follow truth and never your trends
Brother take my hand
Lets separate ourselves
Leave behind this place
Don't ever look back
Brace yourself like a man
f26e4b No.5662743
There's enough of them out there…
to heal the political divide?
b187fd No.5662745
these fucking fucks virtue signal to us all day long they commit crime after crime and they tell us hoi paloi how to live, how to act, what to say and if we commit a crime we are frog marched, we are prosecuted and we are sentenced. These rich fucks have escaped thus far from ever being prosecuted. I hope they throw the book at them an move on to the rest of these shit heads.
ad31bd No.5662746
Stop responding to ‘HWAnon2
It’s obvious they are trying to drive a narrative and control our expectations. Stay comfy. Stay vigilant.
314abe No.5662747
Benson you're still here??!
a8e124 No.5662749
No it isn't illegal to donate to a school; but it IS illegal to pay bribes to third parties and then DEDUCT the bribe as a contribution to a charity.
6d468f No.5662750
New POTUS Tweet and Video
903d9e No.5662751
We as a people of the United States of America need to stop passing laws. These laws that are being passed now, no matter what the law involves, more law will always be created by more individuals wanting to compound the laws on laws. They Create laws to get around another law. It's a continuing domino effect that will never stop. More legislation means more laws. The more laws that are created today are needed in order to criminalize more human behavior, which means less freedom for the rest of us.
Half the population is wanting socialism, because they are so trapped by laws, most people don't know which laws that need to be followed. There are international laws, federal laws, state laws, county laws, city laws, and statutes, upon statutes, upon statutes. The people are practically giving in to this totalitarian socialist mindset due to the lack of Constitution, and rampant rise in constitutional treason, that is carried out on every American, every day through your local governance.
Our elected leaders need to understand that the constitution has never changed. The constitution makes it simple enough a child can understand. If our fundamental liberties are constantly being torn down through the rule of law, those laws are null in void. Anyone enforcing laws that violate the Constitution of the United States of America needs to have forced used against them. It doesn't matter how insignificant the ordinance is, these local traitors must not be allowed to enforce an international jurisdiction upon the people.
Americans live a sad existence, most are alone, they wake up, work, eat, come home, sleep, and do it all over again like a robotic humanoid devoid of liberty. Who soulless premonition exist for the mere maze and adventure as agents of the government to pay taxes so the united states can traffic kids, drugs, and keep the wealthy rich. We the people are slaves. The government makes us work until were are dead, never reaching a breath, never being able to stop without worry of losing everything. Never being able to stop unless you are sick in a hospital bed. Never being able to stop unless you're dead.
The American dream has been beaten out of people. It has been trampled upon by the most careless and disgusting creatures to walk the earth. The only thing that can fix the rule of law is a new understanding and respect of the declaration of independence, the bill of rights, and the peoples constitution of common law. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness. Freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the right to religion, the right to privacy, the right to be secure in your papers and possessions. The right to assemble, and the right to travel, the right to be free from government, and taxes. The right to breathe.
90cb94 No.5662752
"proactive enforcement"
for morans
557e7e No.5662753
Pelosi used the word "Newcomers" to describe illegal aliens a day or two ago.
Now today I read a Britebart article in which some asshole UN boss or climate change migration czar or whatever described the illegal migrants as "Newcomers".
Recommend we try to ruin [their] new favorite word before it takes hold by sporadically sending out memes referring to [them] as 'NewTAKERS' & 'NewRAPISTS' & 'NewDRUGDEALERS' etc. etc.
65a273 No.5662754
they always make everything about Trump
like a pathetic jilted reject
b288a1 No.5662755
I'm spreading that ten trailers of manure with a leaf blower in the wind btw
f721e6 No.5662756
737 stone cold killers
effc91 No.5662757
She just had more grand jury indictments filed on Paul Mannafort…. Mannafort is sunk for good.
281da6 No.5662758
POTUS GROUNDS 737 MAX 8 and 737 MAX 9
04c270 No.5662760
did Ryan O neal really rape Drew & molest his daughter? How does Pedowood put up with that shit?
cd1f25 No.5662761
FAA coming up LIVE in 45 mins and we need to watch that…
We know the planes were nosediving and the precious seconds wasted in trying to reorient the plane caused lots of problems for pilots and that was reported like last september.
They cabal was sitting on this info and waiting to release it. 737s may be what was gonna be using to pick up a lot of the bad actors? I don't know but this is BS. We obvously want the black boxes, germany says they won't take them because they don't have the tech.
02401a No.5662762
interesting to note that it was sent through [Twitter Media Studio] not [Twitter for iPhone]
confirming (due to POTUS speaking live at the time) not tweeted by POTUS himself
ac2087 No.5662763
37f8ff No.5662764
Q: do you like being fake moar or gay moar? or do you swing both ways?
39f8a4 No.5662765
How do we know other planes have not been manipulated though?
81aa16 No.5662766
Yea, and how do you propose we go public, asshole?
RIP. Nate Taylor.
RIP. Luke.
a24f9a No.5662767
>>5662737 Thats not the problem, many are having troubleposting or commenting as well, keeps saying OOPS try again later, something is up on FB
3744e5 No.5662770
Lemme guess who the media say Trump has in mind to replace Pence on the 2020 ticket: Jared Kushner
Can anons not see which way the leftard narrative is blowing?
Bullshit college bribery story hits the media like a firestorm.
Jared Kushner is outed as getting into private university through a donation.
Media speculating on a Pence replacement on Trump's 2020 ticket.
Dollars to donuts that the msm will soon direct their audience to this Jew hating board.
Narrative: Trump followers are all anti-Semites … just look at muh Q 8chan board.
90abca No.5662771
might be a HW anon … stupid af
e41710 No.5662772
I have about 100 flash drives with pics, 7 of the 32 gig are just memes!
e7848e No.5662773
How many times have you taken it in the rear hole on the casting couch, and where are the pics? Answer this or GTFO.
e40ed6 No.5662774
DJT tweet today:
"Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime - Should not be thought of any other way. We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!"
MNE at our Border? Enemy at our Border?
We are at war.
Think logically.
Why was winning the House majority the primary goal for them?
To this point, what chamber is currently directing the DOJ/FBI investigations?
To this point, what chamber do they feel most threatened by?
While the focus was on the House for them (due to above), our underlying focus was adding PRO_POTUS members to the Senate and safely securing a PRO_MAJORITY.
While we had a senate majority on paper, in reality, we never did, nor could we count on bringing investigations to that body until it was safely in our full control.
Moves & countermoves.
We defied history by picking up Senate seats.
Patriots delivered.
Disinfo is necessary.
Enemy at the front door.
Our attempt at reassurance re: last drops re: House >>> Senate backed by POTUS tweet directly thereafter stating the same thing should have put this to bed.
How many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible?
Do you think the current 'shill' attack is organic?
Buckle up.
fcdb05 No.5662775
For reelz… fucking faggot newfag anons, and shills… just can't fucking help themselves.
450ba1 No.5662776
The important thing to remember is, even if Hillary had been charged with gross negligence, it would be a watered down charge. The correct charge was treason and the FBI and DOJ knew it.
b187fd No.5662777
can't argue with this. i totally agree with everything you just said.
9a6926 No.5662778
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. MJ was innocent. Don't spread their bullshit about dead celebs who was acquitted of all charges while allowing them to ignore active predators. 90 minutes of categorically tearing the case and false accusations from the recent documentary apart should help.
Michael Jackson Rebuttal Part 1
Michael Jackson Rebuttal Part 2
Michael Jackson Rebuttal 3
e41710 No.5662780
I ALWAYS back up my data!
ad31bd No.5662781
Don’t make the mistake of assuming the Chinese are stupid.
fe11c1 No.5662784
0a76e0 No.5662785
He is also keenly aware when they try to bait him with worthless questions.
922d9b No.5662786
That is the very definition of a bribe
281da6 No.5662787
See >>5662750 for pop video
7bf075 No.5662788
Mr. Q.
Did HRC sell access to her secret server to China?
81aa16 No.5662789
e574ae No.5662790
Grow a pair and go public maybe? You ever heard of social media? Live video?
RIP Nate T.. im sure you took your fair share of hollywood dick for a few bucks.
RIP LUKE… shoulda done something while you had the chance.
294892 No.5662791
The man of the hour will always find a way
0ef7ca No.5662796
9a1f1f No.5662797
Extreme amount of texts per day for sedition and treasonous action explained away as muh lovers.
d9a96a No.5662798
Pompeo: All Constraint on Action in Venezuela Is Lifted
Abrams: Option of attacking Venezuela is always on the table
With Venezuela’s government ordering the withdrawal of the last of US embassy personnel, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tried to spin it as a positive for the continued efforts to impose regime change there.
Pompeo said that “time is drawing short” for Venezuela, while saying the presence of a US embassy had been a “constraint on US policy,” and one that no longer exists now that the staff is being recalled.
Exactly what this will mean from a policy standpoint is unclear, though clearly the administration wants to keep reminding everybody that military intervention is possible Elliot Abrams confirmed this in his own comments, saying that the option to attack Venezuela will always remain on the table.
Administration officials say that they remain hopeful to impose change within Venezuela in some way other than military intervention. Weeks of demanding change and threatening to attack clearly isn’t working, however, and officials seem bound and determined to Venezuela in general, and Venezuela’s oil-generating capacity in particular, in hands more friendly to US policy.
243318 No.5662799
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5662730
Wish this got more attention. Guys the storm is here!!
91e3c6 No.5662801
the purpose of many of the flamethrowers I've watched here seem to be to GET US to say something stupid or out of line.
don't let them get under your skin, a stressed/angered/flustered brain is NEVER a comfy brain.
13b3e0 No.5662802
the bus circled for 30 minutes to let out family in a different destination then the senators ?
if family should they aboard together ?
444bf9 No.5662803
Agreed. He says, "EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME" and makes them get the full quote.
4c1ada No.5662804
That was the implication of the FBI's correction.
868f8e No.5662806
c39b3c No.5662808
The demoniacs have exposed themselves in the open because Lucifer their dark lord knows his time is short and they are desperate to destroy as many souls as possible before they are permanently cast into the lake of fire made for them.
e574ae No.5662810
He sucked more Hollywood cock than you can imagine to get ahead… what a guy.
9d2b4f No.5662811
I wonder if the truth will ever be known
796e7b No.5662812
Kek! I was referring to our brains but your collection is impressive! I store everything on hardware..fuck the cloud. Don’t trust it.
a64a9a No.5662813
I haven’t been active on it in a while- but so many pictures through the years with my family are holding me hostage. Not computer savvy at all. I have no idea how I even ended up here of all places. Someday I dream of baking a bread. I need to find a real human though to teach me being I’m hands on and don’t read directions well.
f7a47e No.5662814
Keith Raniere connected to Fiji Water
According to court documents released today Clare Bronfman understood Raniere to have a third interest in her Fiji island. Daily mail online has an article about the island. It's called Wakaya. Wakaya isalnd is famous because of David Gilmour, founder and head of Fiji water. In short, Raniere had a third interest in Wakaya island THE FREAKING FIJI WATER island.
294892 No.5662815
your parts are made in china hurp durp, will see many more in the coming years cause people are to retarded to stop buying from them
fe11c1 No.5662817
Officially its not
You cant be charged for that
81aa16 No.5662818
Keep holding onto your hope porn, idiot. Luckily I have the resources to survive and get away.
44cade No.5662819
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The video that woke me up to 'The Plan' ..Totally disrupted my life…didn't sleep for a year and half. Will never regret. Wish I could have been braver. Los Angeles Marine Vet in Art World…assuming was totally surrounded..but loud in my support..Im assuming Im blacklisted/labeled..Q appearing later helped…with hope.
cd1f25 No.5662820
Boeing having a hard time…
3744e5 No.5662821
>BREAKING: Obama Family Tennis Coach Allegedly Accepted Nearly $3 Million as Part of College Admissions Scam
I bet that tennis coach fucked the shit out of Malaria … tore her little brown bunky hole apart.
She was 18, anons. Don't worry, I'm not describing any kiddy porn.
4171af No.5662822
Fuck off jew
Youre so jewish you make Q look legit
59d288 No.5662824
Prolly say it was computer glitch
0ef7ca No.5662825
find a TV camera and get some fucking balls shitbird
d9a96a No.5662826
Trump Flips Federal Appeals Court to Republican Majority With Matey Confirmation
President Donald Trump—for the first time in his presidency—flipped an appeals court to a Republican majority of appointed judges with the March 12 confirmation of a nominee to the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Paul Matey was confirmed by the Senate in a 54-45 vote, which now gives the court a 7-6 majority of Republican appointees, with one more pending vacancy. The switch in the Third Circuit—previously dominated by nominees appointed by Democrat presidents—comes amid a Republican effort to reclaim the federal judiciary after former President Barack Obama tipped the scales in Democrats’ favor in 2013.
Matey’s confirmation marks the 35th appeals court nominee that has been confirmed under Trump—a historic number at this point in the presidency. In the Senate vote, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) was the only Democrat who crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans for Matey. Previously, Trump successfully appointed Stephanos Bibas and David Porter to the 14-member court of appeals.
Matey, of New Jersey, will now have a lifetime seat in the Third Circuit. His nomination faced opposition from two home state senators—Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.).
Previously, Matey served as the deputy chief counsel to former Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie before joining University Hospital in Newark as senior vice president and general counsel, according to his Linkedin account. In September last year, he joined as a partner for law firm Lowenstein Sandler.
Neomi Rao, Trump’s nominee to take Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s previous position on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, will also be facing a Senate vote on March 13.
ac2087 No.5662827
has an EYE now, what's the baro? 995?
c39b3c No.5662828
For brainwashing, sedition or treason?
23e62d No.5662829
>Wish this got more attention.
95f46a No.5662831
Do you understand where you are right now? ANON?
ad31bd No.5662832
Newfags LOVE getting (you)s. They can’t help themselves. It’s all about ego.
This stupid shill is no better than EyeTheSpy- telling people what they want to hear while subverting the plan with disinfo
b187fd No.5662833
There was an anon who made a great meme based on a theory that Obama pardoned Hillary himself, VJ LL JC et al for their crimes secretly, before he left office. so IF that is true, then you would have to go after them on other charges to get ANY justice at all maybe? no
444bf9 No.5662834
9d2b4f No.5662835
8a429e No.5662836
13b3e0 No.5662837
the bus purposely did not want to show people on the bus. TV… people left the bus different stop…..
circled dc let people off → supposedly family members who were traveling to war zones
8eca55 No.5662838
possible clown fuckery at the NK embassy in Spain right just before the Vietnam summit with POTUS. People bound+gagged, computers taken. sauce from the Guardian, not seen it in any other msm yet.
"Spain investigates possible CIA links to embassy break-in
US intelligence agency denies involvement in robbery at North Korean embassy"
7c7a94 No.5662840
7a2e40 No.5662841
a24f9a No.5662842
>>5662715 mine is sporadic, like every other time and doesnt matter what kind of post or comment
3744e5 No.5662843
I won't be wrong.
9a1f1f No.5662844
b03bb7 No.5662845
yeah I’m unable to post anything on Instagram today too. Been that way for a few hours. I run a pro-maga Q related account there.
654a0c No.5662846
Good News . . . the FBI has joined Shriners Hospitals in our effort to locate more children who need the type of expert specialized medical care we provide. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is encouraging their field agents in all 56 field offices nationwide, to be on the lookout for children who may need our services.
The community outreach unit of the FBI's criminal investigation division has been sent copies of the Story of Shriners Hospitals brochure, 800 number business cards and our 2000 calendar card to each FBI field office for distribution.
Agents have been encouraged, not only to be on the lookout for families with children who might need the type of medical care we provide, but also, if they are located near a Shriners Hospital they have been encouraged to become involved in any community outreach-type initiatives our hospitals might be undertaking.
a18a39 No.5662847
says the (((clown))) namefagging as Q
c18a8b No.5662848
It's Sinatra Says.
There are no actual thanks being given.
638fa0 No.5662849
The witch sold SAP's
d9a96a No.5662851
Senate to Vote Wednesday on Ending US Role in Yemen War
Resolution would declare war illegal under War Powers Act
Months of battles in Congress to challenge the US war in Yemen under the War Powers Act is coming to a key moment, a vote in the Senate on Wednesday. The SJ Res 7 resolution is a clean version of the challenge, without any amendments yet attached.
Saudi Arabia attacked Yemen in March of 2015, seeking to reinstall former President Hadi and remove the Shi’ite Houthi movement. The US backed the Saudi invasion, and has participated military, both in refueling Saudi warplanes, and in a naval blockade of Yemen.
Legal challenges in 2018 were repeatedly stalled in the House of Representatives, where the leadership changed rules to prevent a War Powers Act challenge, which would point out that the war was never authorized by Congress. The Senate did ultimately pass such a challenge in late 2018, but without a House version, they both had to start anew with the 2019 Congress.
Under new leadership, the House managed to pass a War Powers Act resolution in mid-February with a strong majority. It was at this point that the Senate leadership started blocking the vote, arguing that because the House bill had an amendment tacked on expressing support for Israel, it was no longer a privileged War Powers Act resolution, and instead just an Israel resolution, that could be held up indefinitely.
This forced the Senate to start over again, with a fresh resolution and no amendments, which is what will happen on Wednesday. It remains to be seen what tricks will be at play to try to keep this from ending the war, but recent history suggests the leadership will try something to protect the war from legal challenge.
A clean Senate resolution would still have to go back to the House, as well, to come up with a reconciled version. That’s likely to be a messy business, after trying to kill the bill by making it all about Israel. President Trump has threatened to veto the bill at any rate, but it is possible that there could be an override attempt, as the Yemen War is increasingly unpopular.
Contact information for Senators is available here. Those wishing to call their Senators should do so before tomorrow’s votes, and tell them to support SJ Res 7. Getting as big a majority as possible is key, as it will be used as a metric to judge the possibility of overriding a veto.
a24f9a No.5662852
>>5662842 also my friends in two other countries having same prob on FB
39f8a4 No.5662854
You didn't think military planes were falling out of the skies all within a short period of time just by chance did you?
Outside of the standard deviation?
08de00 No.5662855
>>5659527 (/PB)
>Interview with a Retired Vaccine Researcher
If you ask, out of a population of a hundred thousand children who get a measles vaccine, how many get the measles, and how many develop other problems from the vaccine, there is a no reliable answer. That is what I’m saying. Vaccines are superstitions. And with superstitions, you don’t get facts you can use. You only get stories, most of which are designed to enforce the superstition. But, from many vaccine campaigns, we can piece together a narrative that does reveal some very disturbing things. People have been harmed. The harm is real, and it can be deep and it can mean death. The harm is NOT limited to a few cases, as we have been led to believe.In the US, there are groups of mothers who are testifying about autism and childhood vaccines. They are coming forward and standing up at meetings.They are essentially trying to fill in the gap that has been created by the researchers and doctors who turn their backs on the whole thing.
anons, if this information does not pertain to the Great Awakening, then what is research?
autists! do we need any more damaged nervous systems to challenge the best souls?
31aa33 No.5662856
c39b3c No.5662857
Drop the names and general details here so Anons can dig, meme and spread the truth.
2c8d53 No.5662859
I see the demoncraps are back, spreading the division bullshit again.
eb1d78 No.5662860
But 5G is a slide!
796e7b No.5662861
Does FB let you have the capability to pull the pics off and save them to your computer? You could download what you wanted and sign off with a grand “bye suckers!” post. Kek
fcdb05 No.5662862
Oh shit, that guys was the fucking WORST.
b288a1 No.5662863
These Judas Priest Faggots have been MAKEING it a game to stalk my comms
Cause tehy mad tehy homo
d9a96a No.5662865
Trump issues emergency order grounding Boeing 737 Max jets
President Trump on Wednesday announced the U.S. will ground Boeing 737 Max aircraft, bowing to heavy pressure after two of the planes were involved in deadly crashes overseas.
“All of those planes are grounded, effective immediately,” Trump told reporters at the White House.
The president called Boeing “an incredible company” that is “working very, very hard” to address issues with the aircraft, but said “the safety of the American people and all people is our paramount concern.”
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, acting Federal Aviation Administrator (FAA) Daniel Elwell and Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg were all consulted and agreed with the decision, Trump said.
Boeing said in a statement following Trump's announcement that it “continues to have full confidence in the safety of the 737 Max.”
“We are supporting this proactive step out of an abundance of caution,” the company said. “Safety is a core value at Boeing for as long as we have been building airplanes, and it always will be.”
The FAA had brushed aside mounting calls to stop flying the planes in the U.S., saying there was no evidence yet to support such an action. Lawmakers in both parties urged airlines to ground the planes pending an investigation into the cause of the crashes.
But Trump disputed that he was under pressure to make the call, suggesting it was a precautionary measure.
"The United States has the greatest record in the world of aviation and we want to keep it that way. So I didn’t want to take any chances," he said. "We didn’t have to make this decision today. We could’ve delayed it, we maybe didn’t have to make it at all. But I felt it was important both psychologically and a lot of other ways."
The Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed Sunday killing all 157 people on board was a Boeing 737 Max 8, the same model in a Lion Air crash in Indonesia last October that killed 189 people.
The U.S. had become increasingly isolated in its decision to keep the aircraft operational. Trump’s announcement came just hours after Canada said it was grounding 737 Max planes over safety concerns, joining dozens of other nations that has suspended flights by the jets.
The agency issued a statement Tuesday evening that said an ongoing review had found no issues with the aircraft, and that they would remain operational. Boeing had issued a statement on Tuesday as well expressing confidence in the safety of the machines.
The FAA would provide a more detailed explanation of its reversal later Wednesday, Trump said.
Boeing's stock dipped by roughly 2 percent in the immediate aftermath of Trump's announcement.
e41710 No.5662866
My brain is mush, which is why I rely on hardware….lol
I have 350 more 32 gig FD to fill! I’m saving ALL these boards on those!!!!!
95f46a No.5662868
dbdab2 No.5662869
There had to be more than one bus for 100 people. Many of the family members, (If that's what they are claiming), were probably meeting the people on the bus at the airport.
9d2b4f No.5662870
Drum Roll
Total 7.5 years
bd9b0d No.5662871
You're probably right..more likely the inside of a black hood.
66faf3 No.5662872
Last Bread
Trump admitting the "Clowns" have the autopilot Codes?
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Mar 12
Airplanes are becoming far too complex to fly. Pilots are no longer needed, but rather computer scientists from MIT. I see it all the time in many products. Always seeking to go one unnecessary step further, when often old and simpler is far better. Split second decisions are needed, and the complexity creates danger.
All of this for great cost yet very little gain. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want Albert Einstein to be my pilot. I want great flying professionals that are allowed to easily and quickly take control of a plane!
The Chips have Back-Doors
d9a96a No.5662873
That's what (((they))) tell us!
11cc2a No.5662874
Notables Dough
>>5662551 160 pounds of meth, fentanyl seized at AZ border
>>5662554 NRO releases declassified CORONA imagery
>>5662556 POTUS issues “emergency order” grounding Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 aircraft
>>5662577 Multiple explosions at Venezuela oil refinery
>>5662650 Boeing stock market update
>>5662750 ; >>5662762 New DJT
fedfb0 No.5662875
all your pics on fb, are shrunken versions of original, not fit for anything else.
04c270 No.5662876
c18a8b No.5662878
conspiracy against whom?
9a1f1f No.5662879
Herein lies the issue…
d06b0a No.5662881
The only thing I want to know about the 737 Max is can it do a barrel roll?
e574ae No.5662882
lol .. yeah I bet you do out in CA….
I have more 556 and food than you have ever seen in your life fool .. I live in a FREE state..
good luck
RIP LUKE… you cabal dick sucking master of get ahead by being a whore.
f13fa3 No.5662883
Ford Motor : says cutting U.S. salaried jobs, doesn't say how many
(Reuters) - Ford Motor Co confirmed on Wednesday it is cutting an unspecified number of U.S. salaried jobs as part of a global reorganization announced last year.
Said Deep, a spokesman for the second largest U.S. automaker, declined to say how many jobs are being slashed but said the company expects the process to be completed by the end of June. He said the restructuring "has resulted in some separations of salaried employees and the reassignment of others."
Ford said last year it was working to reorganize its global salaried workforce that will "result in headcount reduction over time, and this will vary based on team and location."
Last month, Ford said it would close its oldest factory in Brazil. It also said it would get out of its heavy commercial truck business in South America, a move that could cost more than 2,700 jobs.
Ford has said its global reorganization will involve thousands of jobs and possible plant closures in Europe and result in $11 billion in charges.
In January, Ford Chief Executive Officer Jim Hackett told employees that 2018 had been "mediocre" and added it was "time to bury the year (2018) in a deep grave, grieve over what might have been and become super focused on meeting, and, in fact, exceeding this year's plan."
Automakers are reducing costs amid fears of a slowdown in auto sales.
General Motors Co is halting production in five plants in North America and has cut about 8,000 salaried jobs, or 15 percent of its white-collar workforce.
5e62bc No.5662884
Yes I can!
But, They would be on my case to do more I bet.
c39b3c No.5662885
5G makes their space based weapons more accurate and allows them to spy on citizens directly
fe11c1 No.5662886
f1b46a No.5662887
The 1.7% control Congress, The Senate,
The Media, Hollywood, The Banks, The Treasury,
The Federal Reserve, etc etc etc .
Democracy ? That's FICTION.
The Facts PROVE that in the US,
Democracy has been CORRUPTED. . . . by the 1.7%
b187fd No.5662888
Hitler was a cute baby too. yer point? this bitch is evil
40eec7 No.5662889
Another anon posted his breakdown this morning. Might help
3744e5 No.5662891
>Did HRC sell access to her secret server to China?
Does Michelle 0bama piss standing up?
cd1f25 No.5662893
That 333 in his name though
39f8a4 No.5662894
Clowns revealed in China/other.
Sold intel?
HRC open source server?
[Missing emails]
Granted access.
Only the tip.
This will be made public [soon].
China hacked HRC server?
Access was granted.
You have more than you know.
e473df No.5662895
How much more obvious can any of this be?
Think LifeLog dump.
fedfb0 No.5662896
It does a dive very well
776d7d No.5662897
I get the feeling, for the second time, that the CORONA project was never decommissioned and that the satellites were replaced with modern tech… well until Q decommissioned them.
c6e1bb No.5662898
Most Highways shut down in Colorado
75+ mph winds
Whiteout conditions.
Celebrities quiet
DJT jr trolling
DJT trolling
Almost like they know what’s happening right now
Is this really it?
23e62d No.5662899
>conspiracy against whom?
WITH whom!
370251 No.5662901
Sauce is there for who attended meeting ..
Reconcile Guiliani interview.
Look up Politico article from the Friday of that week Comey was fired.
Sessions and Rosenstein met with Trump on May 7th. Monday is memory serves.
May 9th Comey fired. Wednesday.
May 11th Polico article.
May 13th Palpatines revenge messages
May 13th RR names Mueller
What is date of first article that says Mueller was offered FBI job and therefore should recuse? NPR interview. WH said wrong and denied.
Giuliani said he was in the room with Mueller and RR and Sessions and Trump. Only date this could have happened was May 7th.
Have done exhaustive research on this and it is in the notables back in May last year.
Why does Trump surround himself with Generals? Why does Mueller former Marine service as Major matter? Why did Q post that? Former Marine with SCIF level clearance can be reactivated at any time. Military officer can serve in a civilian role such as a US Attorney with Special Independence Rules?
MI has run Mueller investigation from the beginning.. Weismann and lackies have been run through the maze from the start.
58ea2e No.5662902
796e7b No.5662903
Ah..then pixelated I’m guessing, when you try to make bigger . That makes sense t y.
24b286 No.5662904
Moar college admissions scam
Top NYC lawyer put on leave over college admission scam arrest
e574ae No.5662905
Hey Guys
I know everything about the cabal and the evil but instead of doing something im here..
also sucked George Burns dick off in 89.
a72013 No.5662906
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/X_pe1vYwXxw" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I know this is a few days old but I just saw this… How twisted our media is!
Are they arguing that there is trafficking but no duck tape? If so, who the fuck cares? These guys hate POTUS that much that they will overlook the actual trafficking to take digs at him?
Or are they saying trafficking doesn't happen?
Wonder what their handlers' cuts are?
c39b3c No.5662908
The 1.7% are also foreigners, allowed in by traitors.
b55bc0 No.5662909
70cdee No.5662910
Good afternoon Q.
95f46a No.5662911
Why yes. Sat imaging is old tech
39f8a4 No.5662912
3f21af No.5662913
Why do you think we're here?
a72013 No.5662914
Fuck, I can't embed properly haha
c6e1bb No.5662915
Is this the storm
638fa0 No.5662916
^^^^^^NOTABLE AF^^^^^^
b7b299 No.5662918
>lucky we’re still here
tranny pedo fraudsters
23e62d No.5662919
Thanks we need this!
796e7b No.5662920
Ahhhhhh..yessss. Crystal clear. Thank you Q.
dbdab2 No.5662921
c18a8b No.5662924
More interested as to "against".
Who did he conspire against?
b187fd No.5662925
was he smoking a cigar?
f11cd4 No.5662926
Brought over from
Baker went ghost early in 7240, I just came on to find ebake and went back to collect.
Not sure if you needed for dough, use if you need them.
At your discretion baker.
>>5661630 Social media users reporting outages.
>>5661544 Ethiopian Airlines crash: Airline says no bodies were recovered as black boxes sent to Germany
>>5661373 NG tweet; Always Ready, Always There.
>>5661350 FBI Crossfire Hurricane definition according to Lisa Page
>>5661322 This is a national emergency. (WH Twitter on capital murderer trying to enter US.
>>5661317 Over 1,100 flights out of Denver (DEN) cancelled due to storm
>>5661220 Republicans ask Cummings to refer Cohen to DOJ for perjury investigation
>>5661175 ICE tweet; This their most wanted man.
>>5661088 Papa D twat about page testimony
>>5661087 New DJT;The Dems are for open borders.
>>5661068 Georgia Democrat offers 'testicular bill of rights' to counter anti-abortion Republicans
>>5661033 Sasha and Malia Obama's tennis instructor among those indicted in college bribery scheme
>>5660992 Paul manafort will serve total of 7.5 years in prison.
>>5660977 From FBI records vault; Anthony Bourdain 01 of 01. Caps, >>5661002
>>5660972 Breaking: New Manafort indictments out of NY
44cade No.5662927
they are releasing the hounds..
ac2087 No.5662928
>>5662895 Second one in the last 8mo, no?
c0d073 No.5662929
Glad we're invading Venezuela for the jews instead of fixing our schools
474d0b No.5662933
Max 8
Max 9
737 Max Security Prisoners (Death Row)
737 Max Grounded
95f46a No.5662936
complete sys wipe of coms
c18a8b No.5662938
They don't wanna get caught?
25e440 No.5662939
Seems the weather is getting rough around there Boss …. Keep up the Good Work !!
e574ae No.5662940
I can absolutely appreciate that Instagram is down.. the literal humanity…. however.. you think we could get around to saving some kids and getting some equal justice under the law sometime? I mean.. priorities.. I know.. but .. just sometime.. maybe? Please? with a cherry on top?
f51cd9 No.5662941
24b286 No.5662942
e41710 No.5662943
C-a dumping evidence??????!!!!!!!!!!
90cb94 No.5662944
>Keith Raniere connected to Fiji Water
fe11c1 No.5662945
So conservatives should expect a relief?
2eef41 No.5662946
POTUS grounds 737 Max 8 & 9
cb9880 No.5662947
5aec94 No.5662948
Trump doesn't mention China in these tweets, but he does mention the "MIT"!
444bf9 No.5662949
Q controls the MSM strings now!
f03407 No.5662950
No coincidences, None.
241486 No.5662951
baker screencap of article
fedfb0 No.5662952
Columbus discovered America
b69c45 No.5662953
my money is on SF already in country… the Generals will be given one more opportunity to pull support…invasion around April 5th the new moon if no change… the US isn't going to let millions of people destabilize Columbia
008759 No.5662955
speaking of life log
fb having issues for alot of people today
7a2e40 No.5662956
Any other planes besides Boeing have override controls?
The cabal is still playing their hand. They still have the RGB card.
they still have the NYS prosecting attorney and charges to drop.
This boeing card they played was a big one, though.
39f8a4 No.5662957
CIA counterattack (plane crash) after the Lifelog drop
c0d073 No.5662958
Look at the happy zionists. Puts a smile on my face and brings warmth to my heart
d5570b No.5662961
Manafort is a swamp rat criminal and deserves to go to prison the rest of his life. I'll be extremely disappointed if Trump pardons.
1f3488 No.5662962
Man this board has been shitty af too. Maybe its just me and my comp, but its been fucking up all over the place
596832 No.5662963
Anons… I talked with a group of pilots for Delta…they commented on the witness reports of the plane “trailing clothing, papers and white smoke” all of which they think is more indicative of improvised explosive penetrating the cabin. White smoke doesn’t come from the engines during an incident with the engines … I would be surprised if the black boxes support the narrative it was just a control issue with a sensor.
9da802 No.5662964
Keep the bloody things down for a week. let people start to wake up and do human things again.
91e3c6 No.5662965
241486 No.5662966
Damn. The cap is no good. Disregard.
c6e1bb No.5662969
Is this it??
Sure does feel like it
fc1119 No.5662970
So how long do they get to cover their tracks/dump/delete information? Or is it simply too late and this is watching them squirm and panic?
aef41f No.5662971
word up right2repair anon
a72013 No.5662972
11cc2a No.5662973
Rare instance of two Notables collections.
Much appreciated, Anon.
Let's see if I can do this…
706300 No.5662975
>>5654419 (pb)
Anon there has a nice catch in notables, noting that the Q drop from last March has:
+++ + +++++
which may mean 3 1 5.
That may mean 3/15 aka THE IDES OF MARCH.
Q says: "Re_read re:stage"
Maybe REREAD Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, one of his most commonly read plays?
Caesar is warned by a soothsayer to "Beware the Ides of March" but ignores it.
Later Caesar seems to mock the warning, suggesting that nothing has happened. (What they all say about Q....)
But that very day Roman patriots eliminate Caesar to save the Republic.
In the most famous speech, Marc Anthony makes a reference to burial, aligning with Q's coffin remark.
370251 No.5662976
Confirming GSuites not allowing file attachments to be sent ..
Facebook messenger same issue…
3f21af No.5662978
b288a1 No.5662979
Imma go get some dog treats at sams club and some takeout from teriyaki house
effc91 No.5662982
Whoever did the links layout for the mobile version of this board must have been double dipped in nigger retard…
When the site lags and you are going to the top of the page you hit a response link which is directly above the go to the top link….. Dumb motherfucker
23e62d No.5662983
6b6926 No.5662984
His name? "Anyone Else".
f7a47e No.5662985
I heard Comey likes Halo.
9a1f1f No.5662988
MIT persons piloted several aircraft via remote control from campus circa 9/11/2001…?
444bf9 No.5662989
Q posts [1of 9] [2 of 9] [3 of 9] → facebook & insta "go down".
868f8e No.5662990
1f3488 No.5662991
Dangit, i was hoping this was real kekekek
682533 No.5662993
It’s about time, yes it is.
a72013 No.5662995
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5662906
I know this is a few days old but I just saw this… How twisted our media is!
Are they arguing that there is trafficking but no duck tape? If so, who the fuck cares? These guys hate POTUS that much that they will overlook the actual trafficking to take digs at him?
Or are they saying trafficking doesn't happen?
Wonder what their handlers' cuts are?
e41710 No.5662996
Wonder if that ties in with Manafort’s judge
a24f9a No.5662998
Well, at least a few intelligent responses. thanks. This seems to be a WW problem on FB and instagram, have no idea if a hacker or if they are having tech problems. but if they are going to be shutting us down, spose this is the way it will go. Good luck all
f26c7f No.5663001
WE have it all.
The day LifeLog tried to clean it's logs 3/13/19.
Too bad too many awake.
Obvious shills.
shills are stupid.
msm is over, social media is everything, Anons are the news now.
72826c No.5663005
Comment on the 737 Max?
31aa33 No.5663006
what if it really was teh Joos?
7a2e40 No.5663007
>POTUS GROUNDS 737 MAX 8 and 737 MAX 9
BUT THE question is why didn't Elaine Chow, Sec. of Transportation, mitch Mcconnell's wife do it first.
af494d No.5663008
Has Freddy gone muh jew??
fe9ffe No.5663009
I'm guessing the Denver airport is closed. hehe
0a86f9 No.5663010
The Zuck is f***ed.
e8fbe8 No.5663011
Fuckery is fuckery!
a8e124 No.5663014
I have the (you) and have no idea of how I have it.
f26c7f No.5663015
Can you guess who is going down, who this is all leading up too?
596832 No.5663016
Sauce re white smoke, strange noise, clothing and papers trailing plane before it went down
13b3e0 No.5663017
TV said family members and indicated they were let off down the street to avoid TV cameras
fb290c No.5663018
Thats from last summer. And likely meant nothing in reality.
66faf3 No.5663019
5 G will be able to Read your Implant "chip" anywhere without a hand scanner.
Thats the Real purpose.
9a1f1f No.5663020
Evidence non-discovery… (we have it all) so I’ve heard.
f7a47e No.5663021
Q, why are they bothering dumping if they are being surveilled?
Are they that blind to their defeat?
Do they really think they have a chance?
de1eba No.5663022
Are they being raided yet?
b0808a No.5663023
Evidence dump or whitehat evidence seizure?
a24f9a No.5663024
Word to Newbies, anyone anti-Trump, or anti-Jew are Shills. Pay no attention.
f11cd4 No.5663026
I can't do the baking thing, i know how it works though.
What I can do, is collect notes, cheerlead the board, post memes on twatter, and re-educate normies on the narrative. I notice Q arrived, if baker is cool, i have to go back kek, and re-read lb.
I love this place. Shaddilay.
44cade No.5663027
birds come from reptiles
11cc2a No.5663029
Notables Bun Late Compilation
>>5660972 New Manafort indictments out of NY
>>5660977 FBI Records Vault on Anthony Bourdain (Cap: >>5661002 )
>>5660980 Dozens of Polish Catholics Show Up to Silently Pray at a Marina Abramovic Show, Claiming She Worships the Devil
>>5661033 Sasha and Malia Obama's tennis instructor among those indicted in college bribery scheme
>>5661068 Georgia Democrat offers 'testicular bill of rights' to counter anti-abortion Republicans
>>5661087 New DJT;The Dems are for open borders.
>>5661088 Papa D twat about page testimony
>>5660992 Paul manafort will serve total of 7.5 years in prison.
>>5661175 ICE tweet on a Most Wanted Fugitive
>>5661220 Republicans ask Cummings to refer Cohen to DOJ for perjury investigation
>>5661317 Over 1,100 flights out of Denver (DEN) cancelled due to storm
>>5661322 CBP Field Operations Arrests Capital Murder Suspect at Hidalgo International Bridge
>>5661350 FBI Crossfire Hurricane definition according to Lisa Page
>>5661373 NG tweet; Always Ready, Always There.
>>5661504 President Trump receives a briefing on drug trafficking on the southern border
>>5661544 Ethiopian Airlines crash: Airline says no bodies were recovered as black boxes sent to Germany
>>5661630 Social media users reporting outages.
e41710 No.5663030
Wish that was real, he soooooo underestimates us
444bf9 No.5663031
b87031 No.5663032
As strange as it would seem, consider the following thought:
Beings from "another plane of existence" are seeking to enter and take our world. They can't do this easily. They have to subdue us first, in any case. And evidently, they can't subdue us with brute force (a law relates to our free will they can't violate), so they must infiltrate, subvert, erode, etc.
The 'other beings' are currently interfacing directly, right now, through ai. The enemy is HERE.
Presumably they/it wield(s) enough control to threaten us (nuke?).
The war is for US, our souls, because we must choose to yield to them/it.
There is a hierarchy to these 'beings'.
This is a scenario I am offering for people to think about. It is very strange, and easy to ridicule by todays customs of thought. But what validity does our modern mockery actually have?
Our understanding is very limited. Science leads only to weirdness. The scenario of "other planes" and "other beings" is not, in itself, implausible. We just simply couldn't know if it would be. How could we?
I offer this just as something to ponder.
e6ff5e No.5663033
> Zuck is f***ed.
17dc72 No.5663035
Not till POTUS tweets it. Exact words.
2721bf No.5663036
370251 No.5663037
Achaaah! Zey see us too! Run Yachim!
1f3488 No.5663040
So what happened to you nuc- threats? How about Q being a tranny? How about the BO not being able to delete your shitty stupid thread? It was Hilarious
e40ed6 No.5663042
All these outages because they're trying to destroy evidence?
531ac3 No.5663043
Purging data. Possibly purging code that can be traced to DARPA.
88c06a No.5663044
If FB is run by CIA
and GINA is /ourgirl/
Did Gina just de-fund/take down FB?
493fe1 No.5663045
Nice! Getting them to beg for it.
d93550 No.5663046
Amir Tsarfati @BeholdIsrael
Follow Follow @BeholdIsrael
Satellite images unveils an #Iranian advanced-missiles production facility south of #Tartus #Syria.
22e591 No.5663047
Q, you doing this??
cf4ad5 No.5663048
Help Q, I can't access Facebook or insta! Oh its because I blocked their servers on my host files kek
91e3c6 No.5663049
they were using the messenger in games like online poker, call of duty, etc to coordinate events trying to duck and dodge the NSA's beam..
i was under the influence they were in full panic trying to flush things before ourguyz showed up knockin' at the door
0a76e0 No.5663053
Their panic is showing . Must test ability to control the narrative.
6b6926 No.5663054
Smells like…….justice…..
044307 No.5663055
Can any memefag meme Drunk Hillary with a glass of wine and her new law license on the wall checking Pacer for new indictments?
7c7a94 No.5663057
Meme War strategy
d11c35 No.5663058
>PANIC increases the RAT population.
>Paid shill brothers' majority of time on top of POTUS' Twitter feed?
>How is that mathematically possible given volume?
>Coordination between shills and Twitter?
5aec94 No.5663059
In Hanoi Potus sold a lot of Boeings to Vietnam.
Now suddenly, Boeings are crashing.
China not amused about the deal with Vietnam?
c39b3c No.5663060
Speaking of college admissions scam, a book, The Big Test, includes info on the Kaplan tutoring school which helped Jewish students cheat on the SATs and thus gain record number of entries into Harvard University.
The school opened in 1948. Students taking the SAT tutorial courses were asked to attend a party after they took the SAT exams and the price of entry to the party was one question from the SAT test. After a period of three years, the tutor had all the test questions and his next courses allowed the Jewish students to successfully cheat their way into Harvard. How many of those cheaters are now in positions of power, or their children or grandchildren after having received the golden ticket of a Harvard education?
8aae81 No.5663062
51bafd No.5663063
“PANIC increases the RAT population.”
To be an informer (against an associate); to inform (on an associate); to squeal; - used commonly in the phrase to rat on.
Desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage.
Give away information about somebody; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
shit, tell on, snitch, stag, denounce, shop, give away, betray, grass
inform - impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; "I informed him of his rights"
sell out - give information that compromises others
betrayer, blabber, informer, Squealer, rat - one who reveals confidential information in return for money
Deserter, apostate, ratter, turncoat, recreant, renegade - a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
Ratting, informing - to furnish incriminating evidence to an officer of the law (usually in return for favors)
654a0c No.5663064
Fucking Shriners. I didn't know Dave Thomas was a Shriner. Also these fags.
John Diefenbaker
Reubin Askew
Gen. Omar Bradley
Everett Dirksen
Robert Dole
John Duncan
Tom Foley
Gerald Ford
Barry Goldwater
Warren G. Harding
Mark Hatfield
J. Edgar Hoover
Hubert Humphrey
Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson
Jack Kemp
Melvin Laird
Douglas MacArthur
George McGovern
Sam Nunn
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Herman Talmadge
Strom Thurmond
Harry S. Truman
George Wallace
Earl Warren
b03bb7 No.5663065
Instagram won’t let me post. I have a pro-maga and Q account. They disabled my ability to DM months ago becauze I had many followers messaging me with questions.
When will this censorship be stopped? How are they allowed to do so? Isn’t there any agency monitoring and investigating this biasness?
f26c7f No.5663066
Glad to know my guess is the same.
Just say no Kenya.
13b3e0 No.5663067
TV claimed family memebrs on bus let off down the street to avoid TV cameras
222581 No.5663069
c2caf0 No.5663070
>>5661314 /pb/
>>5657950 /pb/
>former q-clearance Sec of E Ernie Moniz
Also a member of the Cyprus Institute (pic related). And now CEO of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (see Co-Chairmen below).
One thing - he wasn't in gov't at the time HRC was SoS, although he may have still retained his SEC clearance as a contractor.
His placement in the Energy Dept in both Clinton & Hussein admins does raise an eyebrow for sure, as does his involvement in the Iran Deal.
Former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest J. Moniz has been named the new chief executive officer and co-chairman of the Board of Directors of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) effective June 1, 2017. The announcement was made today by current CEO and Co-Chairman Sam Nunn and Co-Chairman Ted Turner, both of whom will remain as co-chairmen of the Board alongside Moniz.
de1eba No.5663071
P is for last. Is P for Pence?>>5662579
370251 No.5663073
Way wrong …. way way way wrong.
Clown post detected!
6b6926 No.5663074
How 'bout those Democrats and their Trump-Russian Conspiracy Theory? Ain't that a hoot!
868f8e No.5663075
64eff8 No.5663076
I was also nervous after seeing this video for the first time. It makes more and more sense every time I watch it now.
946245 No.5663077
Nov 2 2017 13:44:21 (EST)
Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."
God bless.
b288a1 No.5663078
And some foodstamp sushi 🍣
Cause it's on sale today
2eef41 No.5663080
Remember, nothing is ever "deleted".
1c60d2 No.5663081
I can’t access qmap.pub on the Firefox browser 403 Forbidden.
68663d No.5663082
PANIC increases the RAT population.
'Paid shill brothers' majority of time on top of POTUS' Twitter feed?
How is that mathematically possible given volume?
Coordination between shills and Twitter?
@Jack > He (or she) who laughs last……
Nobody is safe.
008759 No.5663083
nice meme idea thanQ anons
0720c5 No.5663085
cover-up always worse? Are they making the same mistake(s)?
f11cd4 No.5663086
If I can help with anything else baker, just shout.
abb9e7 No.5663087
So, when can we rip this gov funded lifelog from the hands of the cabal and turn it over to the taxpayers (rightful owners)?
de1d87 No.5663089
>>5660203 (pb Q)
Trolling is only FUN if you land Big Fish every once in a while.
64814d No.5663090
Can’t be vigilant with FB…
31aa33 No.5663091
f13fa3 No.5663094
fedfb0 No.5663096
70cdee No.5663097
5aec94 No.5663098
Panic increases the "ratting out".
43323b No.5663100
WHAT THE WHAT? C_A doing watergate shit to NORKO?
6b6926 No.5663102
>sacred places of Islam
Fake News
444bf9 No.5663104
Facebook is not CIA. FB was born from DARPA beta test LifeLog. Gina did not have it taken down, FB is trying to cover up evidence.
eb1d78 No.5663105
Really makes me think.
23e62d No.5663106
don't dox Chris!
6be5cd No.5663107
b288a1 No.5663108
Those Faggots and got no cash
596832 No.5663109
Backup of all data they have unlawfully gathered since inception
91e3c6 No.5663111
do you think the right rhumb is more important than the left big toe?
CUT OFF YOUR TOE.. and tell me it didn't matter…
my point is that ALL parts are necc are needed to keep this machine going strong.
fe11c1 No.5663112
They are releasing SAT questions now and constantly create new ones
cb9880 No.5663114
1f3488 No.5663115
Aww come on. I know you can do better than that. I was literally laughing out loud at that old thread
e6ff5e No.5663116
>zuckerdouche 5.jpg)
that one's nice, but… thumbnail
24b286 No.5663117
its called playing the game engage the normies bra
11cc2a No.5663118
If you could volunteer to bake at the top of the next bread, that would spec-fucking-tacular.
Otherwise, great work on the Notables collection. Well done, and thank you.
0b8b99 No.5663119
Frens, does anoyone have access to the old digs on Mueller's law firm, HRC and Raytheon patents related to bringing down planes?
I can't find the info anywhere even though I'm sure I saved it offline.
Thanks a lot for any help anons.
2c8d53 No.5663120
290911 No.5663121
Even more glad we have a kike baker who is hiding this shit from notes
fedfb0 No.5663122
bfacfa No.5663124
He laid some things out that Q later confirmed.
- Trump was recruited for this
- Good people (white hats) stopped Hillary from stealing the election.
008759 No.5663127
got a blank one of these anon? please and thanQ
596832 No.5663130
They are getting ready for new censorship tactics that will result in many accounts being purged. They hope to retain data on users as they create new accounts to counter it
9da802 No.5663131
<our attempts to sway the goy with a new muh syrian hezbolla terrorist didn't work
<photoshop some missle-looking shit and call it iranian so we can continue to pillage the goyland heights
654a0c No.5663133
The Order of Knights Templar is considered the Christian branch of Freemasonry. The three orders in this body are the Order of the Red Cross, the Order of Malta and the Order of the Temple. These orders are founded upon the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ as related in the New Testament. A candidate for the orders must be of the Christian faith, accepting his individual obligations as a man, a Mason and a Christian, and in some jurisdictions must be a Companion of the Royal Arch in good standing. A genuine concern for others is one of the basic characteristics of Templary.
f13fa3 No.5663135
that's how it was posted here by memefag.
f7a47e No.5663137
It's no Q400 that's for sure.
66faf3 No.5663138
Remote Flying has been around in the Military for 40 years.
fe11c1 No.5663139
Beautiful anon
I hate that meme you responded to
59d288 No.5663140
Thats why the jewish IQ score is so high
the fuckers cheat at everything
b71ce1 No.5663142
Tried to give a shout yesterday 1600 MST, asking to give us a SitRep and pulse on the HW community. Seems like they're pucker factor is getting tighter, what say you HW2Fag Anon?
b87031 No.5663144
Why are you so firmly opposed to pondering this scenario "anon"?
d0f5e7 No.5663146
Q, is the sudden and bizarre snow storm in Colorado more than a coincidence?
e40ed6 No.5663147
>Connect via past religious leaders (re: Hussein).
>We have everything.
>They know we do.
c0d073 No.5663148