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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

a225e7  No.5289399

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 02.20.2019

>>5289043 ————————————–——– You will understand why in the coming weeks.

>>5287233 ————————————–——– Right after BARR installed? ( caps: >>5287318 )

>>5286932 ————————————–——– We really started something, didn’t we?

>>5286722 rt >>5286620 ————————— What an amazing coincidence.

>>5286583 rt >>5286402 ————————— Where have you seen that before?

>>5286412 ————————————–——– (Twitter: Sara Cater on James Baker originally wanted to prosecute HRC; caps: >>5286685 )

>>5283949 ————————————–——– (Twitter: John Solomon on the 3rd dossier/Bruce Ohr; caps: >>5284122 )

>>5283745 ————————————–——– WE ARE THE NEWS NOW.

>>5283621 ————————————–——– What a coincidence!

>>5283312 ————————————–——– “When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” — Ronald Reagan

>>5283233 rt >>5283173 ————————— (Anon: Did Haberman stay on the train?)

>>5283155 ————————————–——– "Stories are written that have absolutely no basis in fact."

>>5283117 ————————————–——– Do you think nobody is paying attention to the drops?

>>5283028 rt >>5282631 ————————— Why is it critically important for them to change your opinion or prevent you from opening your mind?

Tuesday 02.19.2019

>>5276932 ————————————–——– Filters picking up many references tonight.

>>5276262 rt >>5276210 ————————— Such a lovely Q too.

>>5276209 rt >>5276189 ————————— All he needs to do is ask.

>>5276167 ————————————–——– Thank you, Patriot. (Ben Garrison)

>>5273426 rt >>5272527 ————————— May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you

>>5273237 ————————————–——– Review time. POTUS on DOJ "infiltrating" campaign

>>5272816 ————————————–——– Review time. Q on FISA, POTUS on Unredacted docs

>>5272265 ————————————–——– Review of Exec Order 13526 drop (Q 2176 .jpg)

>>5272127 rt >>5271917 ————————— Always on the move.

>>5271872 ————————————–——– WE MUST STAND TOGETHER IN THIS FIGHT.

>>5271173 rt >>5271150 ————————— Insert 'info' between critical & from.

>>5271150 ————————————–——– NO LEAKS for this reason.

>>5268221 ————————————–——– Joe diGenova Discusses McCabe's 60 Minutes Interview. ( >>5268242 vid)

>>5267295 ————————————–——– We Are Q Graphic

>>5266371 rt >>5265751 ————————— Start from beginning.

>>5266509 rt >>5266411 ————————— Are you ready, shill? ( >>5266561 vid)

>>5265567 ————————————–——– But, FAKE NEWS pushes the ‘narrative’ that POTUS is …… ( >>5265592 cap)

>>5265025 ————————————–——– Thank you, Patriot. ( >>5265036 vid)


>>5258565 ————————————–——– When do the trials for Treason begin?

>>5258118 rt >>5257446 ————————— Drop put you on notice?

Monday 02.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5277090

Sunday 02.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5246773

Saturday 02.16.19

Compiled here: >>5230898

Friday 02.15.19

Compiled here: >>5226101

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a225e7  No.5289412


are not endorsements


>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch


>>5289233 McCabe has an "articulable basis" for opening espionage investigation but has yet to articulate it.

>>5288991 Pepe crunches some numbers.

>>5288914, >>5288965 DJT Tweet: "I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!"

>>5288905 Netanyahu’s despicable push to bring racists into Israel’s political mainstream.

>>5288862 Qproof Red Castle graphic. (update)

>>5288849 Active shooter in Henrico County, Va.

>>5288847 Extremist party that backs booting non-Jews seen by PM as vital for his victory.

>>5288753 Regime change we can believe in: The U.S. agenda in Venezuela, Haiti, and Egypt.

>>5288743 Why was the biggest drug lord trial in U.S. history completely ignored by the mainstream media?

>>5288715 Trump Has ‘Unearthed Some Demons’.

>>5289385 #6759


>>5288574 McCabe and RR met multiple times that day. Did they continue seditious talks?

>>5288186, >>5288387 Reminder: Elsagate has been a long running and media ignored YouTube sickness.

>>5288386 Fake News skewing Fed's intent on "stopping the runoff."

>>5288485 "No there there" PS text occurred at the same time McCabe opened "counter intelligence" investigation.

>>5288406 Juror checking Twitter May give El Chapo a new trial.

>>5288374 List of recent fake 'hate crimes'.

>>5288153 Tale of two jihadi brides.

>>5288137 Facebook is trying to get folks to self-censor.

>>5288407 New data on 2 percent of the night sky reveals 300,000 unknown galaxies.

>>5288053 Dershowitz says talks to use 25th Amendment to oust Trump could amount to unconstitutional coup

>>5288077 Sergei Skripal's mother asks police to declare her son missing.

>>5288045, >>5288113 Walt Disney (and others) have pulled its ad spending from YouTube

>>5288007 Upgraded board search.

>>5287956 President Trump meets with the Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria.

>>5287948 Anon: MOAB coming during POTUS NK Summit?

>>5287933 Trump reportedly believes Mueller will write a letter publicly exonerating him soon (from 2017).

>>5288597 #6758


>>5287762 Trump on firing spy chief Dan Coats: 'I haven't even thought about it'.

>>5287751 Dan Coats background.

>>5287451 SCOTUS decision re: States fees was unanimous including RBG.

>>5287395 Sylvia Mathews Burwell dig. Currently President of American University (spy school?)

>>5287392 47 Days ahead of schedule: Red Castle Q Proof (graphic)

>>5287326 Pepe the campus hate crime.

>>5287172 Anon: Was Coats leaking to Comey?

>>5287179 ‘Thanks For Nothing!’: Times Square billboard blasts Ocasio-Cortez over Amazon deal.

>>5287840 #6757


>>5286953 Now in 80 countries, the American war on terror couldn’t be more global.

>>5286912 Smollett indictment expected in "a matter of hours."

>>5286840 47 days ahead of schedule?

>>5286791 Global research article on propaganda, endless wars and other DS atrocities.

>>5286746 Reported: Trump says timing release of Mueller report will be up to Barr.

>>5286535, >>5286599 Pierre Omidyar’s funding of pro-regime-change networks and partnerships with CIA cutouts.

>>5286500 DJT Tweet: Red Castle.

>>5286495 Former top Chinese General Fang Fenghui jailed for life for bribery.

>>5287088 #6756

Previously Collected Notables

>>5285497 #6754, >>5286285 #6755,

>>5283227 #6751, >>5283939 #6752, >>5284705 #6753

>>5280892 #6748, >>5281662 #6749, >>5282427 #6750

>>5278557 #6745, >>5279328 #6746, >>5280106 #6747

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

a225e7  No.5289415

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#63 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472 , >>5147386

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a225e7  No.5289416

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: https://qanon.news/Help/Api/GET-feed-Q can be used to create alerts for Qanon.news

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

a225e7  No.5289434

File: 727146dc61918bc⋯.jpg (96.88 KB, 975x547, 975:547, wearethenews.jpg)



3e185d  No.5289435

File: bff7c52915aca23⋯.png (530.03 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ENTERSANDMAN.png)


4b7faf  No.5289438

At the same time, the Mueller prosecutors' workload appears to be dwindling. Four of Mueller's 17 prosecutors have ended their tenures with the office, with most returning to other roles in the Justice Department.


Not sure why I never noticed that before.

How interesting that Mueller had 17 Prosecutor's!!

895d9b  No.5289447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Who made this video?

Do we know?

It is very slick. Hardly amateur.

Do we know where it came from?


Or did it just show up, and was accepted?

Accepted by whom?

How do we know?

Does Jordan Sather push this video?

Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?


If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?

Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?

Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?

Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?

Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?

While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?

Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?

Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?

Is this a form of control?

Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?

Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?

Does it undermine in many subtle ways?

Who made it?

How would we know?

Does anyone ask?

Or just assume someone else did?

Will patriots wake up?

Will patriots question?

Will patriots FIGHT?

I have a feeling we may be waiting for US…


895d9b  No.5289451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?

Or is this something being used to push a narrative

onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is

the MSM narrative, and that is what this video

reinforces, strongly.



895d9b  No.5289466

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

File: 54ad87c6862e439⋯.png (400.7 KB, 667x1043, 667:1043, UNSTOPPABLE.png)




Q Hate Thread

Anonymous (ID: W2AS09Do) 02/14/19(Thu)14:38:06 No.203177283▶>>203177396 >>203177548 >>203177653 >>203177878 >>203178067 >>203178309 >>203178556 >>203178815 >>203179542 >>203179674 >>203179727

This faggot has dickteased us for 3 years and has nothing to show for it. There is no military tribunals. Hillary is not gonna get indicted. Obummer isn’t gonna get tried for his crimes and his faggotry will never be revealed. Tranny Michelle faggot will never be exposed. The fact that RGB is really a man and died of prostate cancer will never be revealed. Pizza pedo faggots like Alefantis and Podesta will never see the rope. There will be no justice. It’ll all end the same. Zognaldstein will continue to shill for the long nose tribe and the wall will never be built. It was all a pipe dream. A fucking larp. Fuck you Q!!! You had me fucker! I wish I knew who you were so I could kick the living shit out of you! Fuck!!!!!!

So how does this work guys?

"4chan hates Q".

Q got run off 4chan.


Here, we (seemingly) imitate 4chan, and continually push a flood of chan talking points out, even though they aren't related to what Q says, and often contradict him… Does this make sense?

So, Q is "chan" as far as having chan talking points spewed at him– and is IDENTIFIED with “chans” by the MSM narrative (which says that Q is "some chan guy"), BUT, from this end, Q is in fact HATED by 4chan. The anons hate Q! But the anons follow Q, and the anons ARE Q!

Is ANY of that believably organic?

Is 4chan controlled?

But we IMITATE 4chan here… so are we insane, or also controlled?

Everything is infiltrated

Well, what form does that take? What controls this board? Did our enemies seek control with their massive data, massive AI investment, and massive penetration (vault 7)? Is that infiltration?

THINK: How can Q have it both ways– both identified with the chans, and hated by the chans– getting the WORST of both sides? Is one side or the other fake, or are they BOTH fake?

Will PEOPLE wake up and question what is going on, or what?

I repeat: “Q is some chan guy” is the MSM talking point– now look at all the unrealistically overdone “chan culture” spewing that gets pushed here, and keeps the threads flying by– is that strongly REINFORCING this false MSM narrative? Look at the “band of anons” “this is /qresearch” video– same thing. Pushing the image of wacky, autistic, infantile, yet somehow mystical and magical (yet scary and intimidating if you try to come here!) “anons”–and fully identifying Q with that; it FITS the MSM narrative– and serves no other purpose.

EVERY ASPECT of what goes on on the “chans” is rigged against Q.

How could this be?

a565be  No.5289468

File: 77da695806d986c⋯.png (54.98 KB, 578x243, 578:243, Screenshot 2019-02-20_16-3….png)


dab226  No.5289469

File: 2e9eef89f907077⋯.jpg (110.41 KB, 807x468, 269:156, TDS.jpg)

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?


3c7cb6  No.5289470

So does Mueller have to give report to DOJ first because it's so damning that people will have to be indicted before public release?

d009cb  No.5289473

>>5286932 (pb Q)

>#flycoatsfly# / #Fly[RR]Fly# / #Fly[LL]Fly#

#'s = BARS


Name = Body

If you look at it VISUALLY, The Bird is in a cage.

When does a bird sing? (When it's caged) Leveraged.

9410f2  No.5289474

File: 256dd710f9ab478⋯.jpg (20.38 KB, 276x182, 138:91, Trump Kennedy 2020.jpg)

Trump Kennedy 2020

2d9452  No.5289475

File: 56babe65f686439⋯.gif (759.06 KB, 341x213, 341:213, OQezlJr.gif)


Thank You Baker

5d4849  No.5289477

File: 9893d8c25ef3061⋯.png (65.91 KB, 1014x434, 507:217, ClipboardImage.png)

Nation-state meddling?

aa8c8e  No.5289478

File: 1a653e6c008261a⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 1353x1165, 1353:1165, _20190219_224926.JPG)

Sniped @ 751

3baed5  No.5289479

(just a gentle reminder that every bread can be a comfy bread if well filtered)

54e55b  No.5289480

File: ff6d1de90d8300b⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 9E967771-1924-4523-9BBC-B5….png)


Thank you, Baker!

895d9b  No.5289481

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


What is THE keystone…?

We need to be prepared for WEIRDNESS. Because reality, it would appear, turns out to be much weirder than we expected…. What is the keystone?

fa342f  No.5289482

So a President who trades guns to our enemy is all of a sudden a Patriot?

8444f1  No.5289483


Resolutions don't mean shit.

4779fe  No.5289484

File: 2b1249064026105⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepe_this.jpg)

eee23d  No.5289485

File: 307c9ecadcb951b⋯.png (330.27 KB, 643x662, 643:662, Florida.png)

File: b36416e2fa3c070⋯.png (23.21 KB, 255x640, 51:128, Florida2.png)

== Florida =~ Fluoride ? == Coincidence? Discuss….

Also, check your digits.


2779eb  No.5289486

File: c4dc3c0ba9dca5e⋯.png (199.5 KB, 322x353, 322:353, mccabeshower.png)

7cb5d3  No.5289487

File: 6310ff8a9646bfe⋯.png (366.56 KB, 729x458, 729:458, ClipboardImage.png)

Uh Oh Kamala

f69644  No.5289488


o7 Gives them time to put there affairs in order befor Jail Q!!!

caac31  No.5289489



333ad9  No.5289490

File: 60dbf5d13d25f3a⋯.jpeg (187.57 KB, 888x1325, 888:1325, C406D97A-0AF7-4AC1-B982-F….jpeg)

File: 65d8a50d51505c2⋯.jpeg (253.3 KB, 867x1277, 867:1277, E0EA99C1-D941-4F89-91B5-6….jpeg)

Wow, pro baker sticks the 751

389760  No.5289491


but then how will we be updated on reasons that GUYS WE CAN LEAVE

54f765  No.5289492

File: bff2d59682c1022⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 501x500, 501:500, download (5).jpg)

d0327c  No.5289493


>Trump Kennedy 2020


895d9b  No.5289494

File: 94a81b48a184422⋯.png (120.83 KB, 524x333, 524:333, jrc.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)

fe76a5  No.5289495


Proving once again that a secure border is the furthest thing from their minds.

54e55b  No.5289496


Rut roh…

c22813  No.5289497

File: 9e71886af947d04⋯.png (12.46 KB, 255x255, 1:1, baker.png)



>>5289380 LB

Speaking of Rome, was that backpack stolen from the Argentieri SS Girl out of her unlocked car by the guy on a bike, is that gonna play into the Italians and what they have on Dossier business?

c81d15  No.5289498

File: 09dc5c5e3614313⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1938x1388, 969:694, 1550207028.png)



Right on point

ea9217  No.5289499

File: e86b2eec48b2b6d⋯.png (639.93 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, lookatthejewpng.png)


b1d306  No.5289500


Goddamn you niggers need to work on being less obvious.

At least post it a bit further down the bread.

fd2bb2  No.5289501



80bffa  No.5289502

So…the OIG report is to keep Mueller honest. Mueller has to play his cards first because the OIG can go over his head. If the OIG goes first, Mueller can put anything he wants into the report and fabricate whatever they need to prosecute POTUS.

They've probably been in a stalemate for months now, with RR acting as a go-between to delay delay delay. Mueller and Co hoped they'd swing enough votes in the midterms to finally end it, but we made it out with the Senate.

Now now we waited for the other guy to blink, so to say. With the new AG, he's forcing Mueller to lay it out, and then the OIG can mop up anything that's left. If Mueller lies, the OIG can drop the hammer. As a result, democrats are forced to go public with a neutered report, and the truth can be exposed.

4779fe  No.5289503

File: 062c3efb9b577d8⋯.png (167.94 KB, 399x600, 133:200, Booker_Bert.png)


Uh Oh Booker

1b0a06  No.5289504

File: 0977bbd0779b307⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, rahm_emanuel_chicago_mayor….jpg)

bfe358  No.5289505

File: f2c85462255ab9a⋯.png (368.12 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2019-02-20_16-37-17.png)

>>5289384 lb



curious expressions


53904c  No.5289506


If theyre telling the public they probably already have them


ccb6e5  No.5289507

Well done bakers.

Patriots of the highest level.

ce7b3f  No.5289508

>Q posts images of London

>Several MP's trying to impede BREXIT in both of the main parties suddenly leave their parties

Is this coincidence, Q?

Are things afoot in my once glorious BritBongLand

13cd5a  No.5289509

File: 7b40f00b8ad5fcc⋯.png (262.34 KB, 930x989, 930:989, 7b40f00b8ad5fcc7c923702516….png)


458165  No.5289511

File: 793cd0a96ebc408⋯.gif (4.58 MB, 300x635, 60:127, 793cd0a96ebc408c14151d7207….gif)

Nice snipe, baker

f26a49  No.5289512

f609fe  No.5289513

File: d9e22122de45210⋯.jpg (377 KB, 1080x2021, 1080:2021, Screenshot_20190220-132428….jpg)

File: 7817d081e9c0d02⋯.jpg (376.32 KB, 1080x1073, 1080:1073, Screenshot_20190220-131656….jpg)


62b345  No.5289514

File: a7ecb50f45bd2ec⋯.jpg (76.08 KB, 653x499, 653:499, a7ecb50f45bd2ec4baaf5ba80e….jpg)

Only the names change






3e185d  No.5289515

File: f977cc0029fd862⋯.png (556.3 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ENTERSANDMAN2.png)


fa342f  No.5289516

File: 56e277483cdd41e⋯.png (142.73 KB, 449x449, 1:1, 1534040573607.png)


How about you cucks stop sucking traitorous dick?

Think of that one, faggot?

ea9217  No.5289517

File: cb8a3b3b9f2b162⋯.png (229.52 KB, 540x282, 90:47, ClipboardImage.png)

Cuomo declares NY independent from federal government


94ec24  No.5289518

File: c4557d500187ba2⋯.jpg (43.65 KB, 736x711, 736:711, smolletlip.jpg)

895d9b  No.5289519

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 74095837c74687c⋯.png (228.22 KB, 444x656, 111:164, BIBEN.png)

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)

File: ca53bade3adef7f⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1111x695, 1111:695, letmego3.png)






5f28db  No.5289520

Gowdy left congress knowing a shitstorm was coming. Gowdy’s question to Bruce Ohr.

"You can't think of a single case where you inserted yourself into a chain-of-custody other than this one?" then-Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) asked him at one point.

"That's right," Ohr answered.

Gowdy as a former Prosecutor knew that Trrason had been committed and didn’t want to touch it with a ten foot pole. So he said, Bye to the shit to hit the fan once it gets out.


f76054  No.5289521

That's interesting why must Mueller deliver his report before the OIG report?

My guess is Horowitz recommended charges for some people Mueller is investigating or people on the special counsel.

1cbbc0  No.5289522

File: 4777c93beae3545⋯.png (610.62 KB, 1200x1100, 12:11, 2 days ahead of schedule.png)




caac31  No.5289523


just say FOOK OFF

54e55b  No.5289524


Or, it’s a leak in order to warn.

7cb5d3  No.5289525


OIG can't indict.

It would be letting the cat out of the bag.

So if they are going to unseal indictments and arrest people implicated in the OIG report, then the DOJ would need the report first.

That's my take.

But that is being optimistic.

50cc00  No.5289526


stalemate is theater. what matters is to roll it out slowly enough to avoid mayhem.

8444f1  No.5289527

File: 7d81a6134c6394c⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 300x227, 300:227, zootopia.gif)

a6e285  No.5289528


Don't they have to secede?

f26a49  No.5289529


This makes me cringe..

53e0b2  No.5289530

Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.

You will understand why in the coming weeks.


1 week is 7 days

4 weeks are 1 month

48 weeks are 1 year

96 weeks are 2 years

caac31  No.5289531





cae5ae  No.5289532


I think I know.

The OIG report will show the Mueller investigation was itself a criminal enterprise.

The OIG can't release before the Mueller report is released, because Mueller the dirty criminal cop would just make up a bunch of bullshit to cover up as much of the dirt that the OIG report will reveal.

So Barr is forcing Mueller to wind down and release first, so that Mueller can give himself all the nooses he could possibly need to hang himself, which the OIG report will show.

0df2e5  No.5289533

File: e8d2cbb3575e0b4⋯.jpg (214.06 KB, 1072x1104, 67:69, e8d2cbb3575e0b43c6e74b1051….jpg)

>>5289043 (pb)

Because Barr will order the DECLAS after meeting with Whitaker and Huber. Law will require it.

944103  No.5289534

File: 54c03853ae0c90b⋯.jpg (22.8 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 9dc17a49ef47701fb970cc413a….jpg)


Gotta catch 'em all.

f21a26  No.5289535


Look at this low IQ, retread bitch

We should let you back in so you can get back on the Gubmint tit while spreading your insanity and poison?


87d922  No.5289536

File: 26ae855cfd4e703⋯.png (7.89 MB, 3546x2511, 394:279, ClipboardImage.png)

2779eb  No.5289537

File: 50ee87d21f79cbe⋯.png (359.61 KB, 506x380, 253:190, smolletjailtime.png)

File: a2b96c59dc4d203⋯.png (342.64 KB, 465x797, 465:797, gitmoharri1.png)

File: c8ead678f8a86e1⋯.png (458.75 KB, 633x367, 633:367, ocasiohead23.png)

167b24  No.5289538

File: de4ed90d8542279⋯.jpg (10.2 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 5a6fa835bc39c4feaab528e881….jpg)

81f991  No.5289539

File: 48b0740d0fd2fcf⋯.jpg (194.83 KB, 1011x768, 337:256, Trump.jpg)

895d9b  No.5289540

File: 201e7c1ec60150b⋯.png (837.04 KB, 1111x1122, 101:102, biden27x.png)


This post– and the entire FORCING of "jussie smollett" on this board– sticks out like a sore thumb of fakeness, bot system..

What compels you to spew absurd amounts of content continually? How does this help you?

Can you explain?

It just makes no sense, bot system.

Is it because you are still mad at me?

a9a8e1  No.5289541

File: 40db7d0c21e3ba7⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1264x1948, 316:487, Early One.png)

You even got a 752 behind you!

Tits for That!



3e40c9  No.5289542

>>5289452 (pb)

I think you missed the part

where we dont give a fuck about

this MOSSAD tool piece of shit.

Have you not read the drops?


Dont bring us shit from him.

ba607b  No.5289543

File: 56dd493f5629827⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB, 406x720, 203:360, EXPOSED Brian @krassenstei….mp4)

53495a  No.5289544


52 weeks in a year

7331fa  No.5289545


Did we ever find out what new role Gowdy was walking into?

7ccf06  No.5289546

File: c3469905d8470f0⋯.png (386.87 KB, 653x785, 653:785, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

File: f59f58113a0ab3c⋯.png (176.16 KB, 652x909, 652:909, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

TOXIC Masculinity A LA O-BUMB-ER



2779eb  No.5289547

File: c9b88089de8ba04⋯.png (264.56 KB, 600x362, 300:181, Screenshot_2019-02-20 ilha….png)

f69644  No.5289548


LB Yikes sorry

9da2f6  No.5289549

File: e6b6a3b09c18593⋯.jpg (207.02 KB, 762x892, 381:446, clinton.jpg)

ea9217  No.5289550




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to yor fellow anons when they try to give you this information.

333ad9  No.5289551

File: 4b780c4b746ce0c⋯.jpeg (314 KB, 549x812, 549:812, 3AE0183A-5F5D-483F-8F38-F….jpeg)


Your calendar math sucks anon

69ad7a  No.5289552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The lady that protested on the Statue of Liberty is protesting again in Austin, TX

9c94eb  No.5289553


>48 weeks are 1 year

much calendar

d0327c  No.5289554

File: 72a2ace90670cd9⋯.png (525.17 KB, 802x358, 401:179, McCabe gaunt.png)


This corrupt POS is looking gaunt these days!

Weight lose, hallowed checks, seems very fidgety during interviews…

Someone is doing hard drugs, drinking heavily or scared AF!

791953  No.5289555

File: e4f4c4e155a75f2⋯.png (29.8 KB, 1698x152, 849:76, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

Can White Hats Still Seize Cabal Money?

Hope this does not mean cabal assets and looting can’t be seized by POTUS and

Q Team (actually DOJ or courts / tribunals) when the time comes. Understand this was used badly against some regular folk, but sure don’t want to reduce ability to seize Clinton Foundation money and other bad actors’ stolen wealth. RBG decided in favor of limiting this power – wonder why.


1a52c2  No.5289556


52 weeks in a year, jeanius

85e5a4  No.5289557




4779fe  No.5289558

File: 50d378318294c9a⋯.png (487.5 KB, 500x522, 250:261, dafuqisdis.png)


>1 week is 7 days


>4 weeks are 1 month


>48 weeks are 1 year


>96 weeks are 2 years


3c7cb6  No.5289559


52 weeks every year, ever.


7b20ea  No.5289560


What is your point, anon, other than showing an interesting grasp on the number of weeks in a year?

3baed5  No.5289561

File: 1585ade61794ae3⋯.png (189.41 KB, 512x498, 256:249, SurprisedPepechu.png)


While we're catching 'em all, any anons have a non shit version of this Pepe?

87d922  No.5289562

File: 41346b0217c78ce⋯.png (111.14 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

5c5870  No.5289563

File: 0726635736c9d5b⋯.jpg (128.77 KB, 763x471, 763:471, 2c4003dee5dee371107b8c31d9….jpg)

So I thought about this for a while and typed up a rough draft for a Nordic QResearch bread.

Anyone object to using picrelated in the OP? Taken from source below. Other suggestions maybe?

Thought being it's not a norwegian or swedish bread etc, rather a bread for all Nords, so a blend of the flags would be nice.

Nordic Cross flag


Also I'm missing the finnish version of wwg1wga, google translate and some trial/error gave me this: 'Missä me mennä yksi me mennä kaikki'

Can any finnish anons help me out to get a correct phrasing?

caac31  No.5289564





b1d306  No.5289565

File: 9f82ca9b36edeee⋯.jpeg (70.99 KB, 426x411, 142:137, 7844A583-65C1-4CB4-926A-1….jpeg)

>>5289043 (pb Q)

>Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.

>You will understand why in the coming weeks.


ebb4d0  No.5289566

File: 562ab58ab1d03a2⋯.jpg (85.3 KB, 629x588, 629:588, Capture.JPG)

37d4ba  No.5289567


Cognitive dissonance is the difference between belief and reality. We see it on here when somebody points out that most of the Q posts have not been realized in any way. DumbAnons go crazy calling people jew shills and so forth simply for pointing out that most Q posts just havent ever happened after nearly 1 /1/2 years.

94ec24  No.5289568

File: c2ab32d5b40e0c8⋯.jpg (46.88 KB, 400x468, 100:117, qnewsnow2.jpg)

0d4fdc  No.5289569

File: 380280f9a4e9e36⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2030x1318, 1015:659, gang Monsters 2.png)

File: 6ac9d44713dba7d⋯.png (3.03 MB, 2030x1318, 1015:659, Gang Monsters 3.png)

File: a46c55338ff82f8⋯.png (3.62 MB, 2256x1360, 141:85, Gang monsters.png)

File: 150caa0ff5b2ce2⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2256x1360, 141:85, Gang Monsters 1.png)

78fbd3  No.5289570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trey Gowdy fires off on McCabe's Russia probe 'bombshells'

Gowdy has been fairly quiet, right? Getting ready as a possible stealth bomber ready to kick some knowledge?

0c7ee9  No.5289571


OH ohh ohhhhhhh….. So entertaining!!

Ms. Harris and Mr. Booker gonna be having think on their feet over this one.

Those 2 geniuses… (sarc) smh

b29307  No.5289572

File: 79a4eeeb393734c⋯.jpg (464.87 KB, 810x1354, 405:677, Screenshot_20190210-110957….jpg)


Barr needs to combine the OIG and Mueller information so that the Mueller report can actually be accurate! Horowitz's investigation can knock down Mueller claims given individuals involved in #Spygate.

Barr's most important job is to restore integrity to the DOJ, Mueller's info must be absolutely accurate and not biased against POTUS!!

If you bake it, he will crumb


8444f1  No.5289573


Excellent, apply financial sanctions, remove funding which includes all funds to the state, block off federal aid and support to the airports, ports and of course any free travel.

895d9b  No.5289574

File: e2be67939525732⋯.png (481.32 KB, 999x550, 999:550, Hopeandderanged.png)

File: 33312034016f607⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1252x1111, 1252:1111, Madame-Pepedour.png)

File: 0eabba20159564a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulsofpower.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

File: c11605bd9f28053⋯.png (370.05 KB, 411x580, 411:580, MADAMNPREZ.png)


What is this post, bot?

d0327c  No.5289575


>48 weeks are 1 year

>96 weeks are 2 years

Yeah, if you could GTFOH…that'd be great!

944103  No.5289576

File: 47a349be687ea9e⋯.png (199.17 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 9dc17a49ef47701fb970cc413a….png)

b13c00  No.5289577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks Q and to all Patriots, who are fighting the evil scourge who aimed to control, abuse and rob us.. Forever thankful for your service and perseverance..

a696bf  No.5289578


And even then it's not exact. 52 weeks is only 364 days, so it's off by 1 every year, and off by 2 in leap years.

38e4e2  No.5289579

Holly shit….

Mueller must deliver the report to DOJ priot to OIG releasing next instalment …….

Wow. So mueller will deliver his fake Russia investigation to Barr. It will be a while before Barr releases the info to congress and then releases some ( hopefully all but im not getting my hopes up) info to the public….

So Mueller gives info to Barr and OIG releases the his info to the public… Since Mueller alreadydrops off his findings in Barrs lap, it will be too late for Mueller to change anything…

Nice one Q. What an outstanding plan!


389760  No.5289580


>Thought being it's not a norwegian or swedish bread etc, rather a bread for all Nords, so a blend of the flags would be nice

veldig bra

f26a49  No.5289581




7cb5d3  No.5289583


>The OIG report will show the Mueller investigation was itself a criminal enterprise.


If not Mueller himself, then I think they've been watching his people (cough Weissmann) very carefully.

And, possibly, the judges involved.

37d4ba  No.5289584


OIG is DOJ and can indict.

0eb8bd  No.5289585

File: e8889e1e45bc695⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1356x1797, 452:599, Capture _2019-02-20-16-43-….png)

cbad37  No.5289586


Who gave Smollett the money to pay the thugs?

fe6bbe  No.5289587

File: db180229d5ed72d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1397x718, 1397:718, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

File: 8512259251ba108⋯.png (489.2 KB, 738x730, 369:365, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

Brothers buying items for Smollett "attack".


2d9452  No.5289588

File: ed0ceda56d28922⋯.jpeg (105.85 KB, 1440x723, 480:241, 1537586405.jpeg)

d65023  No.5289589

File: 416c54c67cd20bb⋯.gif (948.05 KB, 316x231, 316:231, ATSMAC.gif)

c0f338  No.5289590

File: 60e53cbe1a895b3⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 250x245, 50:49, 1530816346247s.jpg)

333ad9  No.5289591


Day drinker, he’s ok then

682eb0  No.5289592

File: b98331df4d30f44⋯.png (89.6 KB, 482x271, 482:271, Math.PNG)


Common Core Math!

9c3f39  No.5289593

File: 3de52638e19c65d⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 306x457, 306:457, 2u703q.jpg)

0c7ee9  No.5289594

c2f2a4  No.5289595


How do my wife’s photos end up here?

1cbbc0  No.5289596

File: f96a8c2e9256b2a⋯.png (663.15 KB, 1400x1100, 14:11, q2daysahead.png)


added the linked tweet

a72cde  No.5289597

File: be79ceaf6fc5dfa⋯.jpg (22.5 KB, 255x167, 255:167, IMG_3947.JPG)

a17fc6  No.5289598

File: 8adbb8c54398def⋯.jpg (57.41 KB, 620x393, 620:393, kamalabig.jpg)

File: 1bb31ed40ea3675⋯.jpeg (52.58 KB, 632x483, 632:483, 3fe02b9de99b1570131f3a2af….jpeg)

1b0a06  No.5289599

File: dc41c4856271786⋯.png (932.09 KB, 1200x1121, 1200:1121, 2a3225b38e48c40845f1df1754….png)

58645b  No.5289600


da fak?

fc6ae6  No.5289601



been wondering this myself. he's a civil litigator now in South Carolina, still goes on Fox.

any ideas?

458165  No.5289602


WATCH: A subversive Israel-first faggot tries to pretend he's MAGA

54e55b  No.5289603


Mkultra/future terrorist spawn.

“Pay for her therapy” = connect her to a handler.

81324f  No.5289604


This is why #factsmatter.

333ad9  No.5289605


Nervous checkout girl

aed350  No.5289606



f69644  No.5289607


sick cunt

53495a  No.5289608


I think Gowdy could be where POTUS wants him to be, in the media. He wont lie, he will tell the truth about what is going on and he has been part of much of it.

23f6a0  No.5289609


Looks like they just did…

caac31  No.5289610




5fbe8b  No.5289611

555883  No.5289612


Which enemy did he trade guns to?

892c43  No.5289613

File: 5e9ecb5420eb61d⋯.png (422.59 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, ZucOS2.png)

f609fe  No.5289614


Friendly Reminder…

u r still fake & gay

37d4ba  No.5289615



3e40c9  No.5289616


Go and be a fan of this faggot on twatter

wtf, are u a traitor to this country?

Because u are drooling over a fucking

tool of MOSSAD piece of shit.

FFS know the fucking Q drops by reading the fucking Q drops

53495a  No.5289617


Send in the MILITARY!!!!!!!!!

518590  No.5289618


And when he owns up to his part publicly, it will bring more credibility to the movement. Remember, the Declas will make it possible for him to talk about a LOT of stuff that he already knows.

fc6ae6  No.5289619


wrong. OIG couldn't even subpoena until they rewrote the law (not sure if it got passed).

OIG does a report then REFERS for criminal prosecution to a us attorney

36e698  No.5289620

File: 4b761ebb81b6728⋯.jpeg (55.25 KB, 400x477, 400:477, DFFD4800-ED58-4279-A45E-2….jpeg)

fa342f  No.5289621


First, which POTUS do you think I'm speaking of?

It's not DJT.

13cd5a  No.5289622


pecking order

0df2e5  No.5289624

File: d00bfa9b6a31354⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 775x960, 155:192, d43fd20f1937581c7e0334d9bf….jpg)


If Mueller went after plants, and those were the plants in POTUS campaign, then who put them there? Who were they working for? In order to reveal that, DECLAS of further facts are required to fill in the puzzle.

Mueller was "working to save himself". Mueller is no good guy, agreed, but Mueller's parting blow to the DS will be revealed in the report that exposes the coup attempt, the plants, and the ties back to the DS.


A partisan special counsel will side with the president they were formed against to take down, only to expose the "witch" they were really hinting down.

a0b707  No.5289625




My guess IS that Gowdy is meant to be one of the faces everyone knows that goes on Fox to help explain the shitstorm coming.

37d4ba  No.5289626


High-Ranking Baker Girl

0c7ee9  No.5289627


Looks like they got their handy dandy list that Jussie gave them… KEK. Checking each item off.

a17fc6  No.5289628


6 digits

944103  No.5289629

File: 214f175db1c59fe⋯.png (304.35 KB, 710x577, 710:577, 0ad1b2f4deff66cfc785e8c473….png)


>wild noose chase

Does anyone know where I can buy a waterproof keyboard?

a72cde  No.5289630

File: c210a24f466e711⋯.png (617.7 KB, 478x640, 239:320, IMG_8075.PNG)



AOC is no Dagny Taggart!

caac31  No.5289631



54ca03  No.5289632


WTF is he even human?

1ff0a4  No.5289633

File: f8eb2285a914a5e⋯.png (83.53 KB, 610x567, 610:567, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

File: 2e3add33a2c2420⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Smollett Case.mp4)

Smollett Case: Video of Brothers buying supplies


f70641  No.5289634

File: 6c6a1ab5dd91245⋯.jpg (148.1 KB, 354x665, 354:665, MEME2019-02-20-01-46-18.jpg)

85e5a4  No.5289635

Room there for an extra finger

He’s an alien, 6 fingers is the rule

Any meme magicians lurking??

ea9217  No.5289636


>u r still fake & gay

Boy do you wish, you stupid fucking kike jew bitch.

66661a  No.5289637

File: 8ed35e039f5ba2c⋯.jpg (255.6 KB, 750x759, 250:253, 34435h8094293028445d435346….jpg)

File: 9b24b77a5d690c0⋯.jpg (279.92 KB, 750x759, 250:253, 34435h8094293028445d435346….jpg)

File: aa48abd4fb2d9af⋯.jpg (285.57 KB, 750x759, 250:253, 34435h8094293028445difg459….jpg)

File: 771060fb42dcd09⋯.jpg (274.45 KB, 750x759, 250:253, 34435h8094293028445difghjf….jpg)

ba607b  No.5289638

File: aa02b8ac6668b8a⋯.png (176.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

29723f  No.5289639

File: 9779ddd0814ec62⋯.jpg (34.65 KB, 572x264, 13:6, Riiiight -0123508230680909….jpg)

716dd7  No.5289640

File: 3e52592b33dfb17⋯.jpeg (75.95 KB, 664x385, 664:385, B4761D59-EC0A-4BF7-AB21-A….jpeg)

File: 3df34b37a7cb391⋯.jpeg (68.1 KB, 492x424, 123:106, F3502C69-3D93-4260-970F-1….jpeg)

File: 15cc1777b5e177f⋯.jpeg (133.15 KB, 536x851, 536:851, E99E9FA2-31D4-4404-9A4A-1….jpeg)

File: 42cdfaf86f3123b⋯.jpeg (680.51 KB, 1067x1049, 1067:1049, 7C4F3BF6-C9F9-4167-A227-8….jpeg)

53495a  No.5289641


exactly fren

46b65b  No.5289642


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic's office announced today that her partner has given birth to a baby boy.

The delivery today went well and both the mother, Milica Djurdjic, and the baby are "doing fine," a brief statement said.

Brnabic became Serbia's first ever female and gay prime minister in 2017, a surprise move in the Balkan country, where gay people often face harassment and attacks.

Brnabic and Djurdjic have attended public events together such as concerts or exhibition openings.

Serbia has not legalised gay marriages but reportedly could soon introduce same-sex partnership as part of changes aimed at bringing the country closer to European Union membership.

Brnabic, a US and UK-educated business and marketing professional, is an ally of Serbia's populist President Aleksandar Vucic.

We thought we had problems !

b67903  No.5289643

Mueller = Stealth Bomber..hidden in plain sight..

scope broadened due to traitors scheming..working with Huber and Horowitz..




POTUS: I told you it was a WITCH HUNT.


1fc2f7  No.5289644



3a950b  No.5289645

>>5287956 (PB,PB)

Trump says eeeternal general instead of attorney general, I wonder why.

I have heard the clip on fox today a couple times, and it jumps out at me.

45c790  No.5289646


He's the expert on Benghazi…with a bone to pick with HRC.

555883  No.5289647


They are sending their best.

a225e7  No.5289648

53904c  No.5289649

File: a10e39ff9916309⋯.jpg (149.64 KB, 960x659, 960:659, mark zuckerberg smokin mea….jpg)

50aa6d  No.5289650


And he's an amazing prosecutor and communicator who will be able to explain all the legalities to the folks who haven't been studying this

446578  No.5289651


Just because there are evil jews, doesn't mean ALL jews are evil.

To say a race is evil because some members of that race are evil is racist thinking, and by that criteria ALL members of ALL races on this planet are evil.

You are basically saying that every single person on this planet is evil..

9b62b5  No.5289652

File: 0743b67cbf853a1⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 336x403, 336:403, 1 1374539_432798640180877_….jpg)

Fun Treason Facts:

Constitutionally, citizens of the United States owe allegiance to at least two sovereigns. One is the United States, and the other is their state.

They can therefore potentially commit treason against either, or against both.[4] At least fourteen people have been charged with treason against various states; at least six were convicted, five of whom were executed.

(((Only one person has ever been executed for treason against the federal government: William Bruce Mumford,))) who was convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.

45c790  No.5289653


Who is John Galt?

29723f  No.5289655


Daddy’s little enabler? 1 Co 5:11

389760  No.5289656

File: de7672ec1c238fd⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, PEPE WUT.jpg)


>Cuomo declares NY independent from federal government

69ad7a  No.5289657

File: 2bbecc7743376d0⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, yLnw-wPzHaVM5ABr.mp4)

CCTV Catches Smollet Attackers Purchasing Supplies Used In Fake Attack

40a1ca  No.5289658

File: f6b9330630be827⋯.jpg (41.74 KB, 640x349, 640:349, 2u70gp.jpg)


without ever trying

cec755  No.5289659


Looks like a younger version of Marina.

ba607b  No.5289660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1488ea  No.5289661

File: 8cb5fb28aed13b3⋯.png (9.91 KB, 182x255, 182:255, jacketnoosepepe.png)

7331fa  No.5289662



Kind of left him in the dust and moved on.

Just recalling Q's post on him while reading your post. Might end up being a Q proof.

1ff0a4  No.5289663

File: 18ae34a5c6428ea⋯.png (31.16 KB, 717x125, 717:125, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

8091e1  No.5289664

File: bad62cdd20c2eed⋯.png (107.88 KB, 333x222, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e2124f44042875⋯.png (120.12 KB, 511x395, 511:395, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Drop #20 On The 20th

Also lines up with 4, 10, 20 on the clock.

167b24  No.5289665


It's all about the voting

He wants all the illegal votes

That's what this is all about

d77f11  No.5289666

File: f45964cd347042c⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 247x204, 247:204, c8bf032e8f33ddb683c67c3669….jpg)

>>5289043 (Qlb)

Fact checks? ;)

8444f1  No.5289667


This is actually plausible.

Manafort/Gates - Definitely

Page - Questionable

Cohen - Possibly, more so back door deals

Papa D - Eh… target of opportunity (halper/misfud)

Corsi - Definitely about muh donations.

Stone - Not sure… quacky but overall supporter or POTUS

66661a  No.5289668

File: 92597b8c89f952c⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 256x368, 16:23, PinkSlime.jpg)

5aeecf  No.5289669


Day 1: President Trump accepts the secession of NY.

Day 2: USA invades NY. With the help of rebelling citizens the NY Govt is arrested and executed.

Day 3: Grateful citizens of NY rejoin the USA.

Problem solved.

53904c  No.5289670


Not suspicious at all


ea9217  No.5289671

File: 33bc323ce4d6c90⋯.jpg (379.63 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, 1a2030d830292df98cde6b13c2….jpg)

File: 7c2823af2dbeb73⋯.jpg (133.79 KB, 797x711, 797:711, 7c2823af2dbeb73b95c51bdd23….jpg)


Stfu kike, we all know judaism is a fucking death cult.

a72cde  No.5289672


What do you wanna bet it's under budget too?!

458165  No.5289673

File: 10e69929123143c⋯.jpeg (13.93 KB, 255x191, 255:191, cfcd506636d67656edebd572f….jpeg)

7a11f6  No.5289674



I guess POTUS can cancel all federal funds and assistance to NY. Thanks Andy!

411fb2  No.5289675

File: b734bf7002a8f7e⋯.jpg (145.93 KB, 2500x1250, 2:1, trump-holding-q.jpg)

File: 9a445a75858a630⋯.jpg (166.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (1).jpg)


3fd3b7  No.5289676


Black eyes, lifeless eyes………like dolls eyes!

d0327c  No.5289677

File: 893dacebf5af2fd⋯.png (343.79 KB, 499x441, 499:441, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing to see here…right floozy Kamala? lmfao


53904c  No.5289678

File: 6e551b79b0d891e⋯.png (478.66 KB, 730x584, 5:4, dank kek.png)

728e9b  No.5289679

Ah, so money laundering. Explains why the Obamas and Valerie Jarrett jumped into the Netflix pool.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 4, 2019

Apparently this streaming service has decided that if it is OK to launder money, then hey, what is wrong with also making sure people listen to horrible medical/health advice that could kill them which is what they are doing by allowing platform for the actress turned quack.

Netflix/Gwyneth Paltrow/GOOP

d65023  No.5289680

File: 968e00a3290fe1c⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, QPOPO.jpg)

353a5f  No.5289681

File: 353a64dcea84da5⋯.png (40.18 KB, 673x248, 673:248, ClipboardImage.png)

ac6c5b  No.5289682


They used the fact that they had a FISA warrant to justify their authority to investigate. The OIG report on FISA will show that they were deceptive to the FISC by knowingly omitting relevant info. Such as that the whole basis was the Dirty Dossier, created and paid for by the opposing political candidate and never verified.

84e9b5  No.5289683

File: 7034a3b85132db2⋯.png (5.95 KB, 440x229, 440:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9a952d9ea35a79⋯.png (3.38 KB, 524x348, 131:87, ClipboardImage.png)


a18b7b  No.5289684


Rewind-eeerrrrrt! Gowdy stepped down from ethics committee and then was granted the highest level of sec clearance. To tell the story.

0c7ee9  No.5289685


WTF!!?? seriously? is this even possible?

ba607b  No.5289686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ea9217  No.5289687

File: bb752e4c00bad9e⋯.jpg (134.8 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, mel_knew.jpg)


You first shlomo.

530aa2  No.5289688


the ISIS bride from Alabama needs to be hung for treason

37d4ba  No.5289689


MAGA material.

555883  No.5289690


Please elaborate.

aed350  No.5289691

File: ea29b727650faeb⋯.png (221.25 KB, 1033x1046, 1033:1046, ClipboardImage.png)


Moran Cuomo

38e4e2  No.5289692


Yes. All 5 of you…… Kek

3d4493  No.5289693


I pay little attention to the alphabet soup of names, up there - so my analysis is very armchair quarterback…

But there are several investigation and prosecution tracks moving in parallel. You have the investigation into FBI bias, the investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and the investigation which kicked up the NXIVM rabbit. We know all of those tie back to many of the same individuals who are also tied into Perkins-Coe(sp?) And my-mind-is-drawing-a-blank … The people who made the steele dossier, who Nellie was chatting away with in Russian over ham radio, like a moron.

All of those investigations would fall under the DOJ and Mueller's report would necessarily include most of them.

After which, Mueller will have to face charges for his own role in the Uranium One ordeal. The court will review the evidence (some of it newly declassified) to determine whether or not he broke the law or bears guilt of doing so.

9b62b5  No.5289694

File: 73f8fed2aebfea1⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 320x320, 1:1, FXBGQIZ.gif)


Oop's, forgot the sauce.


53904c  No.5289695

File: e633c195755bb8d⋯.jpg (330.66 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, mark zuckerberg desire to ….jpg)

8e7ee4  No.5289696

File: 682f9d3301f2351⋯.jpg (444.1 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190215-214934….jpg)

An article I can across…yesterday. NWO.

Follow the watch?

cec755  No.5289697

File: ef1c1b5cc14fbc2⋯.jpg (160.4 KB, 701x513, 701:513, pepe pointer.jpg)


Watch the dude in plaid jacket pull his hoodie up at the end. Kek, too late.

40a1ca  No.5289698


sky masks ✓

maga hats ✓

rope ✓

right in front of cams ✓

what could go wrong?

41defa  No.5289699


Another product of STATE EDUCATION.

f3ed04  No.5289700

File: a5cb98d1543ea9c⋯.png (1.71 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

411fb2  No.5289701



85e5a4  No.5289702


Weirdest looking fucker ever

Mkultra bot alien fucktard moran cabal goatfucker Chinese-wife handler organ/child trafficking going-to-GITMO-very-soon ugly arse cunt C_I slave

7a11f6  No.5289703


Credit to the SJWs, at least they're having the guts to attack predominantly-black rap music, which in the past would've been "racist" (except for Eminem, Macklemore, etc).

4ff5e2  No.5289704


Pompeo says there is no coming home for her.


0db9e3  No.5289705

File: 85d7a48e33c9ed9⋯.jpg (242.64 KB, 1080x1823, 1080:1823, Screenshot_20190220-152431.jpg)

Weird emails from Tom Delonge (blink 182) to John Podesta on WikiLeaks.

Plot to brainwash minds of young children!

Scott Free mentioned!

37d4ba  No.5289706


All these crooked demoncrat states are propped up by Federal funding. Cut them off!

cf3fb7  No.5289707

File: e88604e381ae587⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 469x298, 469:298, jb in hell.jpg)


>without ever trying

I know!

He & Q make it look so simple…

bfe358  No.5289708

File: f337695ddde60bd⋯.png (269 KB, 513x364, 513:364, 2019-02-20_16-44-58.png)

13cd5a  No.5289709


>a whole GALLON?

693dc2  No.5289710

ea9217  No.5289711


>Yes. All 5 of you…… Kek

You better pray to Saturn its only 5 you dumb fuck.

8444f1  No.5289712


And that's the money shot.

389760  No.5289713


>convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.


times/standards have changed

37e08c  No.5289714


Are they REALLY just a pair of dumb …….?

fa342f  No.5289715


Reagan > Guns > Iran.

165f2b  No.5289716

>>5289074 (lb)

>My Jewish associates

An odd turn of phrase….but to answer your question. If you're asking why I said fuck jussie, it's because he's a piece of narcissistic shit who could have started riots out of need for celebrity. The OP tried to say smollett was jewish, and therefore…Every. Single. Time. My post clearly showed the generalization has more holes than Swiss cheese. Not only am I not supporting my ‘sanhedrin’ brother, I’m the first to hope he sees decades in a federal penitentiary for what he did. So it’s Not. Every. Single. Time. Often, but not always. Why that triggers so many here I still haven't figured out. Is it organic or is it media matters?

Though the article the OP posted said he was Jewish, I don't think Smollett even identifies as such. Every interview I've heard he states he's a gay black man. He could have easily said a gay black, jewish man. He didn't.

I think it's fake news. What's more interesting to me is how my two line response drew SIX replies. Six replies for a response to someone else's post. That tells me what I already know. There are tons of paid shills on this board, running algorithmic systems which flag key words…..Jew/Jewish are among them. To slide the bread with any variation of the JQ is the oldest slide on this board, and still effective.

brock can suck a big dick

soros can suck a big dick

brennan can suck a big fat dick











….too bad I'm well versed in the game. Sir Wilhelm's (brock's) & the gangstalking was a nice added touch. You guys should know me by now….it doesn't work. Try harder.

716dd7  No.5289717

File: ee9c4d50f9a40c1⋯.jpeg (107.45 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 52A4D2E7-3848-4746-8B01-B….jpeg)

File: 4c237822978bded⋯.jpeg (40.14 KB, 362x359, 362:359, B12C0255-61AC-491C-9C37-9….jpeg)

56aed0  No.5289718

File: 3b65e6986e40c9c⋯.png (645.78 KB, 1227x1518, 409:506, jfc.png)





>POTUS: I told you it was a WITCH HUNT.


4127d9  No.5289719

File: 29ca8d2052788fd⋯.jpeg (117.25 KB, 1242x252, 69:14, 1EB5220D-6072-4039-871C-D….jpeg)

U Were 13 years

Why everyone freaks out.


19:78 = 20:18 = 1218

Revelation 12:18 was moved to Revelation 13:1

Isaiah 14

“THIS is the one who caused the nations to tremble?”


How do you catch a big ass fish?

With bait & a big ass hook.

895d9b  No.5289720

File: 9f030de3227e1bd⋯.png (603.19 KB, 1189x444, 1189:444, bgcwbjm.png)

File: 72069ac5450ad38⋯.png (436.4 KB, 847x649, 77:59, jiwmmy.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png)

How does the "alt right" internet work?

1. spam AOC crap

2. www.mixedmartialarts.com/forums/OtherGround/Why-are-conservatives-obsessed-with-Ocasio-Cortez:2763378

3. 2 narrative in various mainstream media


1. spam jussie smollett

2. www.mixedmartialarts.com/forums/OtherGround/Why-are-conservatives-so-obsessed-with-Jussie:2763225

3. as above

It literally is this clockworklike.

And do we get the SAME materials spammed here that also get spammed in random corners of the "alt right" internet?

Is it all the same?

So what is HERE?

Centrally distributed talking points and focus points feed here, and all the rest?

What does that tell us?

What is it?

f76054  No.5289721


Yeah but as far as we know Mueller was never involved with the FISA warrant, that was 100% the FBI.

f70641  No.5289722


Buy that man a drink…

dab226  No.5289723

File: 798251c455869d2⋯.pdf (34.19 KB, green_and_roy_fto_letter.pdf)

Republicans to push Pompeo to classify drug cartels as terrorists

According to a draft letter released Wednesday, Reps. Chip Roy of Texas and Mark Green of Tennessee plan to ask Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to designate select drug smuggling groups terrorists because they meet the government's criteria of being foreign organizations with the ability to take part in terrorist acts and threaten the security of U.S. citizens, U.S. national security personnel, and national interests.

"Cartels are the problem and it is time we started acting like it. These cartels undermine our national security with a relentless attack on our border while trafficking in human beings and dangerous narcotics,” Roy said in a statement. “Cartels are endangering American citizens, our Mexican neighbors, and the migrants who seek to come here.”

The lawmakers identified the Reynosa/Los Metros arm of the Gulf Cartel, the Cartel Del Noreste arm of Los Zetas, and the Sinaloa Cartel's Jalisco New Generation arm as some of those meeting the criteria.

555883  No.5289724

File: 3f16ddb929f4ac3⋯.png (192.38 KB, 517x594, 47:54, 3f16ddb929f4ac3403c89803d7….png)

6ae055  No.5289725

File: dfdc8259c961a30⋯.jpg (14.27 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Pepe trader.jpg)

File: 6e34b09edb283c5⋯.png (62.54 KB, 1450x621, 1450:621, 022019 US close.PNG)

File: bf9df3e35c29fe4⋯.png (94.17 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 022019 Live Gold.PNG)

File: 55116e2d957d2c1⋯.png (34.99 KB, 579x498, 193:166, 022019 US Crude WTI.PNG)


Lots of swings and choppy trading. Once the FOMC notes were released the markets were taken down below yesterday's close (neckline) so that the system could trigger stop losses. These are set so that if a market starts dropping quickly you have an automatic sell in place should that occur. The problem is that the 'system' also know where these are at based on technical trading patterns and people placing them at round numbers. A common one to use is the fibbonacci number sequence.

Read moar here:


These stop loss orders are triggered and the shares scooped up while the Index's are taken back up. A common habbening is when the FOMC releases interest rate decisions or meeting minutes, like today, the first move is usually the wrong move. It has habbened like this for many years. Not all the time but enough to have a fair prediction of this pattern. Today was no exception.

Fed Minutes are here:


Same old story with volumes. Well below daily averages agai and has been a steady pattern. Longest Bull market in history with the correction we had starting last Oct. that ended on January 3rd.

Oil and equity's are still connected heavily.

Moar detailed Market recap available here:



Volume 285,896,822

Avg. Volume 357,064,333


Volume 1,989,443,712

Avg. Volume 2,339,652,333


Volume 2,122,226,115

Avg. Volume 3,933,347,166




6bbd3c  No.5289726


go back to reddit

you don't know what you're talking about

7a11f6  No.5289727


Absolutely agreed. Reminds me of Q's post from this morning:

>Why is it critically important for them to change your opinion or prevent you from opening your mind?

3f7fc4  No.5289728


And a rope hangman's noose please, to go.

de2604  No.5289729

File: df8ca994d15d3b8⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 788x685, 788:685, pepe-toast.jpg)

37d4ba  No.5289730


Faggotry gets its just reward.

29723f  No.5289731


Are you also a serial adulterer? Ro 7:2,3

d65023  No.5289732

File: e764fe61b672ed4⋯.jpg (237.57 KB, 1000x618, 500:309, UltraInstinctBarron.jpg)

This turned out like I was hoping!

And again… I'm not mocking Barron or going against Melania's wishes to leave him out of the attacks on the first family.

I'm jacking this fuckery and making it what it should have been: Awesome.


333ad9  No.5289733

File: 49f1a4c8d5437dc⋯.jpeg (514.05 KB, 906x693, 302:231, A3488B78-CFDF-4D6C-8155-0….jpeg)

Odds that Brennan and McCabe are Russian agents?

aed350  No.5289734


Yes, thought the same thing when CA was talking about splitting off last year…do it please we can fix the problem with less money that way.

ba607b  No.5289735

File: 9f524a920acf64e⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1600x867, 1600:867, ClipboardImage.png)



9d3d70  No.5289737


Can we do my city next?

a9d616  No.5289738


I died! LMAO

0db9e3  No.5289739


Support from the shadows!?

8444f1  No.5289740

File: 61b0f1bedfb4db8⋯.jpg (288.84 KB, 1601x952, 1601:952, welfare_exp.jpg)

d56a26  No.5289741

sequence 3, 1, 2

53904c  No.5289742

File: c1c9c5e5a302fd3⋯.png (747.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mark zuckerberg zuckerborg.png)

b28564  No.5289743


A rare libertarian win yesterday? SC knocks down state ability to excessively fine.

389760  No.5289744


anon, Barron's not playing. Not even about being negative/positive.

Give him time

167b24  No.5289745


So OIG must come first

That's what I got from Q's posting

1ff0a4  No.5289746


I would hope CPD would have had this…

458165  No.5289747

File: e884417e86d09eb⋯.jpg (35.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, IMG_0267.jpg)


Nice try. Your tactics don't work here

ea9217  No.5289748

File: e7134fc416bf6c7⋯.jpg (169.15 KB, 1020x1024, 255:256, 0rab.jpg)

File: 8ee3650da0b746c⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 640x336, 40:21, 8ee3650da0b746c9d6f7037c15….jpg)

File: d7d8ed7d6bd016d⋯.jpg (214.61 KB, 1180x766, 590:383, d7d8ed7d6bd016de8fda46042e….jpg)

File: eaac167de1dc697⋯.jpg (438.47 KB, 1472x1472, 1:1, eaac167de1dc6979722fd758f4….jpg)










3f7fc4  No.5289749


Sir, do you sell red MAGA hats as well, and a rope noose by chance?

45c790  No.5289750


Genius put Ohio on the wrong side of Indiana.

fe6bbe  No.5289751


Yeah, two big black men buying gloves, face masks, bleach and rope - nothing to see there.

8444f1  No.5289752


Brennan is definitely comp'ed, by who…. well could be many.

13cd5a  No.5289753


that ought to be adjusted for population. the chart is useless without it.

37d4ba  No.5289754


Because IG has hopefully been investigating Marine Bob's prosecutorial misconduct.

fc6ae6  No.5289755


yes. the property seized in the case was a car from a drug USER.


0df2e5  No.5289756


>Manafort/Gates - Opportunists and espionage. Dirty.

>Page - Patsy for fisa (1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4)

>Cohen - Has a surprise. Think SDNY case.

>Papa D - MOS

>Corsi - MOS

>Stone - CIA/MOS

c2f2a4  No.5289757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Something is habbening but you don’t know what it is

70ba6d  No.5289758

Know what make my day.

Having a weather forcaster for some big network say “partly sunny tommorrow with chemtrails”.

Think it will ever happen?

The weather turds must know about them, just like all the air traffic controllers know as well.

When will some of you grow some balls and tell “We The People” the truth.

Your family, kids, friends are being poisoned just like everyone else yet you keep the truth hidden as ordered.

Chemjet pilots, workers, weather forecasters, air traffic controllers.

Where ever this goes you guys make me sick and I wonder if you'll be included in the people that in Q’s words I once read. “the day will come they won’t be able to walk down the streets.

Tick Tock to you all. I hope you all get the justice you deserve for the parts youplay in this evil scheme.

555883  No.5289759


I agree. Although it possible to do 9 things right and fuck up 1.

c7a15b  No.5289760



I can see how Q has waved us off Mueller being a Grey Hat, but I can't shake the idea.

Seems like Mueller would have just made us evidence on Trump if he was really out to get him.

20b5a4  No.5289761

I might be far off but this post stuck out to me and the response…

Q Post 11

29 Oct 2017 - 8:20:11 PM


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

No approval or congressional oversight

State Secrets upheld under SC

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

Answers: Answers


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

MI has the most access to mined data and classified information. They have the best information gathering tools, They also have more power in general and are devoted to the constitution. MI can take over the investigations for the other three in cases of high treason.

No approval or congressional oversight

MI does not answer to Congress

State Secrets upheld under SC

United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953)

THE STATE SECRETS PRIVILEGE and THE SUPREME COURT https://www.scribd.com/document/41747792/State-Secrets-and-the-Supreme-Court

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

POTUS is the Commander IN Chief of the military.

The Chief is General John Kelly, POTUS' Chief of Staff, a Marine.

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

The Insurrection ACT allows POTUS to use military (& National Guard) as police force in the event of terrorist act, natural disasters and disorder that state police cannot contain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurrection_Act ALL OF WHICH HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FIRST 8 MONTHS OF TRUMP'S PRESIDENCY. Specifically, the Las Vegas massacre was a great opportunity to impose these powers – 911 style, esp. since the cover story crumbled so quickly. The fact they didn't intervene suggests there is something going on behind the scenes.


Military Intelligence v FBI, CIA, and NSA. No current approval or congressional oversight as State Secrets are upheld under Supreme Court. The POTUS can impose Military Intel take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies, but conditions must present itself. This is so VERY important.

Someone surrounds POTUS. They lost this very important power - the one area of the government not corrupt and directly serving POTUS.

extra answers

682eb0  No.5289762


Day 4: Amazon breaks dirt for facility in NY.

9c3f39  No.5289763

File: 8c96afd48cd4897⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 306x200, 153:100, 200.gif)


Well, he did try. A little at least.

8444f1  No.5289764

File: 8185c848f24948f⋯.jpg (242.01 KB, 1354x1211, 1354:1211, federal_aid.jpg)

File: e5a0a151efd09bf⋯.jpg (229.06 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, opoid_map.jpg)

File: 54f615ff1416192⋯.jpg (159.5 KB, 1580x894, 790:447, welfare_states.jpg)

a225e7  No.5289765


Some sweet baby rays on the brisket and ribs?

fb2de7  No.5289766


I have no problem with this. Cut off all federal funding. Impose tariffs. Control entry and exit of all traffic and goods.

7b20ea  No.5289767


If they were smart, they would have divided the list up between the two of them, and then each of them would have divided up their own list between a number of stores, so it doesn't look suspicious.

Cashier: "Hmm, that's an interesting basket of goods you have there. What are you doing, planning a fake lynching or something, ha ha just kidding!"

Customers: <awkward glances>

411fb2  No.5289768

CLIMATE: Meet the scholar crafting the 'Green New Deal'




bc5bcd  No.5289769

File: 008e651a6fb1027⋯.png (306.98 KB, 600x332, 150:83, MajorWintersSalute.png)

>>5289281 LB Should be NOTABLE

Q+ didn't need DNI. Had Q and MI. Needed to make (((them))) think (((they))) were still in charge during insurance period.

Excellent catch. You need a Q(You).

a9d616  No.5289770


Seek help.

ba607b  No.5289771



7a11f6  No.5289772


Even worse, Reagan also authorized amnesty for illegals, helping turn California Forever Blue.

bfe358  No.5289773

File: ab9f0ce8aa954e2⋯.png (104.35 KB, 258x203, 258:203, 2018-11-16_17-51-57.png)


Hope is pretty!

24778c  No.5289774



af0c09  No.5289775

File: 89daab50c67ce97⋯.jpg (3.47 MB, 2481x2905, 2481:2905, 20190220_155252.jpg)

d77f11  No.5289776

File: c2787ed4967974c⋯.jpg (476.49 KB, 1269x1500, 423:500, reeee_good_pup.JPG)

333ad9  No.5289777


Brennan voted communist Gus Hall for president in 1976. He’s ideologically vulnerable and an idiot.

d65023  No.5289778

File: 240471be34e4db4⋯.jpg (245.83 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2q9t3d.jpg)

File: 9c8036311745284⋯.jpg (779.16 KB, 1627x899, 1627:899, JFKJrJr.jpg)

File: 6153a51c4a4eee0⋯.jpg (164.75 KB, 550x354, 275:177, HebrewNS.jpg)


Dude, if I was his age and someone made a UI Avatar of me, I'd be fucking ecstatic.

We're supposed to leave him out of stuff like this:

53904c  No.5289779

File: 8d42734176dbae3⋯.png (467.75 KB, 918x688, 459:344, ClipboardImage.png)

f70641  No.5289780

File: c60ed98cfd1d887⋯.jpg (178.74 KB, 680x520, 17:13, 20190220_132511.jpg)

58645b  No.5289781


Q# 1833 "CA/NY notorious voter fraud. Controlled & Coordinated by Corrupt [+ so-called volunteers] State Officials."

Q#2610 "2019 push Voter ID based on verifiable intel (fraud)."

37d4ba  No.5289782



315d7d  No.5289783


When does a bird sing? (When it's caged) Leveraged.

Brilliant. Also, this supports the theory that he might be used to introduce evidence…

555883  No.5289784

File: ac7863153dceee3⋯.png (158.83 KB, 500x654, 250:327, 0d347403d911cd8fbfa178ad37….png)

895d9b  No.5289785

File: a0a2caf0666e9c9⋯.png (50.15 KB, 209x222, 209:222, bbbb.png)

3cb16d  No.5289786

File: 129bae857954426⋯.jpg (175.39 KB, 846x638, 423:319, Screenshot_72.jpg)


c8e423  No.5289787

Meme request:

Saw this concept on twat:

Notice a huge push for socialism right now? Why the push right now by Ds? Does a bank robber target a bank when it holds a minimal amount of cash, or when it has a huge amount? Under BHO America was depleted, now our vaults filling fast. See the socialists' timing?

Good red-pill for numb-nuts pushing socialism/marxism/commies but I can't figure out a way to get that idea into a meme. Thinking using a bank robbery photo and/or socialist propaganda poster. Any Anon with an idea go for it.

0eb8bd  No.5289788

File: 14c580b91d371ae⋯.png (981.73 KB, 1364x797, 1364:797, Capture _2019-02-20-16-54-….png)

38e4e2  No.5289789

File: ac9018b091fa613⋯.jpg (16.12 KB, 416x309, 416:309, The Count.jpg)


It is only 5. The COUNT has counted you fuckers for ever. There is only 5 of you. Never moar than 5. You never change anyones mind because your numbers never go up. Ever. Kek

5 lonely muhjewshills endlessly talking to eachother and shitting up breads. You may go fuck yourself now, you useless pieces of shit…

And I pray to God through Jesus Christ. The living God. The king of kings. The one and only . the allmighty..

You have no power here, satan

2d50c9  No.5289790


Holy shit, they bought the MAGA hat there too!


78fbd3  No.5289791

File: 8b36da7b6091af6⋯.jpg (86.09 KB, 668x432, 167:108, MightyCuck.jpg)

File: 11aa9e8719b7ed9⋯.jpg (97.21 KB, 887x474, 887:474, FakeNewsFakeNoose.jpg)

File: 8fbbda42e096df1⋯.jpg (90.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, JamalLyin.jpg)


This whole fiasco is a major win for Truth. Much of the black community wasn't buying this bullshit from the jump. People are waking up.

He BETTER get jail time. No way can we allow these political hits to keep happening without consequence or it will just continue.

Kamala & Cory are going down on this one.

BOTH tweeted this was a modern day lynching!

So either they are THAT gullible to immediately believe and react to a clear cut poorly orchestrated hoax OR they are IN on it.

Whichever is true, they are not fit to lead.

WE all know what's true though, don't we? ;)

411fb2  No.5289792

New Reporting Sheds Light on Who is Funding Sunrise Movement

Both the Rockefeller Family Fund and the Wallace Global Fund provide substantial financial support to EarthRights International (ERI),Among Sunrise’s most prominent priorities is the adoption of a “Green New Deal,” which, in represents a push for massive investment in renewable energy and a shift in the economic status quo away from one dependent on fossil fuels.https://www.fairfieldsuntimes.com/news/state/new-reporting-sheds-light-on-who-is-funding-sunrise-movement/article_865a6f88-1b76-11e9-9e7d-4710bf137f79.html?fbclid=IwAR1HE4zrGXJtXAhGNpWk0gf8LlSf7yTflRcjWuE17MBqODL3Grn1Dkh3e_g

8444f1  No.5289793


Technically speaking, his views probably have not changed… i would question how he is even allowed within the various areas of the gov.

563ff7  No.5289794

>>5288136 (pb)

don't be discouraged by Harris' campaign shill team that lurks on the boards anon – great meme

f609fe  No.5289795

File: d0bca8a9bc16378⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 995x2212, 995:2212, Screenshot_20190220-131215….jpg)

4ff5e2  No.5289796


Completed Jan 30, 47 days AHEAD of schedule means it was scheduled to be completed Feb 18. Today is Feb 20, last week Q said plan was 2 days ahead of schedule 20-18=2 days.

24778c  No.5289797


NO, Obama is Not a Patriot!

167b24  No.5289798

File: 90ee90bf2f6151f⋯.png (14.03 KB, 255x245, 51:49, be5f163fd29e9d4160aff9fdf4….png)

b2619b  No.5289799


Meh. This was back on Dec 17, 2018.

…and Cuomo could cite "independent from fed policies" - which he's be right, considering legalizing marijuana (which is anti-fed).

He's hemorrhaging wealthy citizens to pay for his agenda, and he's in BIG trouble.

389760  No.5289800


but you're not him, you don't know.

you think he needs you for an avatar?

he probably despises that anime crap

d65023  No.5289801



>Dude, if I was his age and someone made a UI Avatar of me, I'd be fucking ecstatic.

Hell, I'd be ecstatic at my own age!

37d4ba  No.5289802


He doesnt like seeing girls.

ea9217  No.5289803

File: c862ed3736537ba⋯.jpg (197.67 KB, 598x577, 598:577, playdyoself.jpg)


>You never change anyones mind

No, we don't have to, you JDIF faggots do that for us.

458165  No.5289804


Is the Bible anti-semitic?

895d9b  No.5289805

File: 204d96d44f673eb⋯.png (280.34 KB, 569x450, 569:450, ccst.png)

File: 0bc8e67a3cd6e3e⋯.png (250.66 KB, 555x633, 185:211, joj.png)

File: c91e3b6cf84667a⋯.png (101.35 KB, 941x411, 941:411, TT.png)



This is just beyond pathetic, bot system.

Do you know how self-parodic you are right now?

Do you have any idea what a pitiful sort of limp flailing this is?


Please understand, I am saying this as your friend.

You need an intervention, bot system. You almost seem senile.

411fb2  No.5289806

JUSTIChttps://ballotpedia.org/Justice_Democrats?fbclid=IwAR1ty4arjeURJwjnV9h2B3oywECWUsBS50lnGufke9HbB97DThlvlM42EkwE DEMOCRATS

d56a26  No.5289807

File: fbf46c22f839c76⋯.jpeg (30.26 KB, 400x266, 200:133, aed8f11cd6613d0d03492d6d6….jpeg)

Congratulations Ruth. You passed the exam, now go back to the Bench.

336e48  No.5289808

>>5288710 (pb)

>Not the point. The point is there is more than enough evidence that this was a FF and a coverup which would be easy to uncover given their resources and ability.

I share your concern about this and these issues are giving the new AntiQLARP a lot of lateral movement to gain support…he's pressing all the right buttons and it's working. I actually didn't think the JIDF would come up with a working plan…I mean a plan that would actually WORK…but holy shit they got their shit together now…ALL the talking points Q ignores but are of concern to moderates and independents are tidily folded into this new LARP.

FUCK I read every word and followed that for over two days and even though I was mentally awarding the JIDF a gold medal for finally finding something that will work…I was also thinking…yep this shit needs to be addressed.

This was TRUMP's FBI…this shit happened on HIS watch…a LOT of shit has happened on his watch and we're expected to ignore it?

NOW..why would the longest running most successful LARP in the history of the Internet keep side stepping the most important issues?

Shit's getting strange…one day Q posts about the flipping the narrative…BOOM the next day all the media and the new LARP…completely flip the script and unfortunately for Qush….their script is WAY more believable…because of what we can SEE…versus the unseable Q.

Q is working for the religitards who operate on faith anyway and the unseen is just find with them….but they are a SMALL part of Trump's base…and this echo chamber is NOT a representation of the people who voted for him. Almost exclusively this site hosts religitards who've got ZERO problem with "faith-based" reasoning….WEEE BEEEELIEEVEEE YOU….

Here's what I BELIEVE based on what I SEE…Trump is Israel lackey…and any Israel Lackey is their lackey because they are being blackmailed. He walked his Syria withdrawal back so fast my head spun….somehow, someway, Israel now has trump…by his red headed balls.

JUST based on the most recent evidence, the ANTIQ Larp is showing WAY more actual evidence for KIKES running Trump…than Qush is showing for "the plan"…which seems like a massive disinfo op designed SOLELY for the DS readers to created skid marks etc…but after 2 years of nothing actually happening…the DS has stopped shitting their pants and begun to use Qush for their own purposes.

1ff0a4  No.5289809


If they were smart, they would have said

"Do what? Nah, man."

ccb6e5  No.5289810


So that means he is libel to pay his share of all government expenditures?

Wow trump send him a military bill straight away ,

Shut down all airports and declare marshal law.

Execute him as a domestic terrorist

411fb2  No.5289811



3e40c9  No.5289812


It was just a red hat, they were hoping the cam if there was one wouldnt pick up on the fact it was missing MAGA on it. kek what idiots

9d3d70  No.5289813


I don't know enough about Kenya's politics to know if he is a patriot or not.

37d4ba  No.5289814


Old and gay.

c0f338  No.5289815

File: b0a58e0ab77fa97⋯.jpg (280.56 KB, 708x1153, 708:1153, 89a2abf54976169d185b714b09….jpg)

c2f2a4  No.5289816

Will the perp walks at least be televised, Q…..

Optics are important

892c43  No.5289817

File: c63cc82a91cc006⋯.png (167.87 KB, 382x430, 191:215, Smollett_Message.png)

cf3fb7  No.5289818


That would be a WIN WIN.

Chicago PD might even gain some respect for up holding the law…

1fc2f7  No.5289819


Is he getting ready to come out as gay???

d65023  No.5289820

File: 4770654a16ea5bd⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 1674x2048, 837:1024, IntelligenceWomen.jpg)


Anime… crap?

Excuse you?


e51736  No.5289821

File: d75c0529e263978⋯.jpg (111.08 KB, 621x800, 621:800, HAHA.jpg)

0aaa88  No.5289822

I swear the anti-Q shills on halfchan /pol/ have doubled in volume this past week. any thread re Q is getting blasted!

so fun to watch them squirm and desperately try to control the narrative.

9414c6  No.5289823


That federal aid map doesn't mean much. Some states are low tax, low service states, like the highest percentage ones, and that aid includes highway funds. California is low precisely because they tax the ever living fuck out of their residents.

f609fe  No.5289824


I know, I couldn't find my screenshot & I this place is slow as fuk… how many ppl r on right now?

a9d616  No.5289825


He's a shell person. All of the kids from Mighty Ducks was abused by the Hollywood Pedo ring. Look up the other kid actors. With few exceptions, they are all a mess.

62b345  No.5289826

File: 0c0d80d9e266b8d⋯.jpg (38.84 KB, 519x586, 519:586, 0c0d80d9e266b8d3d2ea3c94e3….jpg)


Even the BLACK and RED color coding is glaring to anons now.

Fucking ghouls and black magicians need to be set off on a boat by themselves. Eat up, bitches. Last one can swim back to be lynched.

b63678  No.5289827

File: 4032effd124eaeb⋯.png (44.35 KB, 381x515, 381:515, ClipboardImage.png)

Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?



WWG1WGA, Trust The Plan!!!

41feed  No.5289828


Fuckin kek, looks so suss.

411fb2  No.5289829


24778c  No.5289830


Pharmacy was out of lithium.

ea9217  No.5289831

File: 6afd630e62808de⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 750x730, 75:73, shrimp.jpg)


>Old and gay.

Really, cause it's only been used in 2 breads. Try harder kike.

3a950b  No.5289832


@ 2:35 (E)ttorney General

ef68c3  No.5289833

File: 59b52c316b3e84f⋯.jpg (157.15 KB, 865x744, 865:744, f87c31d62b512a0609266a49a3….jpg)

File: b9a2e4a58a0cef5⋯.png (24.52 KB, 625x267, 625:267, dddf31899e1fa18ccdadaa0e0d….png)

35 Disney Employees Arrested On Child Sex Charges In Less Than 10 Years


Oh, but Disney Corps. Had no problem hiring a string of pedos & protecting them for decades:

Brian Peck

Victor Salva

Harvey Weinstein (alleged)

James Gunn

Jason James Murphy—a convicted pedophile.

Bob Villard

Bryan Singer (Alleged)

Marc Collins-Rector

Martin Weiss

Jason Michael Handy

& Perverts, too:

John Lasseter

Maybe Disney (and their affiliates) should start screening their own employees: like alledged Jeff Conrad lll


Walt Disney has pulled its ad spending from YouTube after a blogger detailed how comments were being used to facilitate a “soft-core pedophilia ring” - Bloomberg

1cbbc0  No.5289834

File: 53ea43d788730d1⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1232x1172, 308:293, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

File: 3a6f2c21a53e6e0⋯.png (109.02 KB, 1306x708, 653:354, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

File: 3c8fc1845e1c624⋯.png (55.48 KB, 920x422, 460:211, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)


47 days from today is april 8


B(S) - 2

Border Security?

6ae055  No.5289835

File: 2453707d74cfc6c⋯.jpg (73.48 KB, 621x349, 621:349, Insider activity 1.jpg)

File: 15357220a60bfbe⋯.png (143.78 KB, 1810x444, 905:222, 022019 Top 10 percent sale….PNG)

File: 8917f513a049534⋯.png (98.99 KB, 1818x463, 1818:463, 022019 Top 10 percent buys.PNG)

File: f4917be719b0c7b⋯.jpeg (105.88 KB, 919x750, 919:750, Pepe trading.jpeg)


This site also good for diggers to get names of company officer's as well.





4ff5e2  No.5289836


Build a wall around NY and charge them import taffiffs to bring anything into the US.

51a1a6  No.5289837


>TOXIC Masculinity A LA O-BUMB-ER


7b20ea  No.5289838


TBH I don't see it that way.

Bernie was going all in in 2016, and that's where the push started b/c (a) Berners saw he had success with that approach and would have won the nomination if it wasn't for fuckery by DNC and HRC campaign; (b) post-2016, pissed-off Berners organized to push out DNC establishment candidates (see: Justice Democrats) which is getting us the likes of AOC and associated policies.

791953  No.5289839


Thanks! Know the EO was written differently, but have to watch everything to make sure nothing hurts The Plan or they slip something in.


0d49fe  No.5289840

File: 7ceafea80060722⋯.jpeg (44.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 4584BA19-450F-43D5-BF9A-D….jpeg)

File: f51b01f37d6b50d⋯.png (560.22 KB, 619x724, 619:724, 2826EED8-904C-4C0A-B92A-61….png)

File: 5fda414ae9826c3⋯.jpeg (60.32 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 54343962-1413-4C5F-93D8-2….jpeg)



Atty Mark GERAGOS is

Representing alleged MAGA Hoax actor Smollett- friend of Obama, Sen Kamala & Booker.

Geragos worked for The Clinton’s Special Counsel target in the WHITEWATER scandal, Susan MacDougall. Thus linked to Clinton’s.

The Nigerian brothers reported to Chicago police that the fake attack of Smollett was ORDERED to occur On or Before January 29, 2019. This would assure that Sen Kamala and Booker could use the fake MAGA Hoax to propel votes for there “Lynching Bill” mid February. It worked. The Bill passed in the Senate.

Coincidence ???

There have been NO recorded lynchings for 50 years (1968). So why did Sen Kamala and Booker need a fake MAGA Rope Hoax to pass a “hate crimes” Lynching Bill just before they could use Smollett as their MAGA hate symbol in their presidential campaigns? Kamala and Booker both quickly labeled the fake rope trick a “modern day Lynching” in Twitter.

Is Clinton associate Atty Geragos job to keep Smollett mugged shut to prevent a reveal of a link to Kamala-Booker and their advisor Obama?



0aaa88  No.5289841

File: daf0a884337ee25⋯.jpeg (129.3 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 79DAE688-A603-4637-A7FB-D….jpeg)


i forgot to attach this

458165  No.5289842


That's why Q left. Halfchan is under clown control

5d4849  No.5289843

File: 60f93e08a00917f⋯.png (40.38 KB, 670x366, 335:183, Screenshot 2019-02-20 at 1….png)

File: df9988a1fb17ac0⋯.png (209.14 KB, 500x262, 250:131, ClipboardImage.png)


53904c  No.5289844

File: 2a9051fe3d15cef⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 749x458, 749:458, andrew cuomo i got a gobli….jpg)

389760  No.5289845


all they have is the mantra "Q PREDICTED THIS"… except Q doesn't do predictions.

He's playing the game.

And it's not a game.

70ba6d  No.5289846

File: 38e64b33c84cf53⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 7B53AB62-3779-4583-A270-6….jpeg)

File: 5a18ffd5de02abb⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 02CF4290-6842-4A9A-95B9-7….jpeg)

File: 5b40841b95c54e8⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E5DAFA03-7755-4474-BA8B-0….jpeg)

File: 147b559a1526d9e⋯.jpeg (567.2 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 533CAA7E-9CAA-4BB5-BC09-8….jpeg)

File: 9c1f6e939a4957b⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 78BE4E85-6877-4134-8276-D….jpeg)


Help? From who, you?

Tick Tock asslick.

Here is a sample.

You should see my good pics and vids.

It’s not me that needs help.

But you already know that….

60e41c  No.5289847

File: eca197d776a4149⋯.jpeg (114.65 KB, 796x507, 796:507, Screenshot_2019-02-20-16-….jpeg)

fa342f  No.5289848


That's the key though.

How they infiltrate and push agendas.

Do a few BIG things that the people love, loudly.

Do many, many small, bad things for the bigger plan, and keep it quiet.

He was pretty well loved in H-wood as well.

Knowing what we know about that now…moar red flags.

He knew he wasn't supposed to go along with Iran-Contra deal but did anyway.

People give a free pass because an 'Obama-esque' apology.

"Sorry I robbed this corrupt, FR bank, guise, but my (insert family member) needed a new house".

Still jail or no?

fc6ae6  No.5289849


Good job, anon.


Q #8


Q #2816

Baker, seconded

2d50c9  No.5289850


More reason why Q left. Totally comped

d65023  No.5289851

Oh hello…

f609fe  No.5289852


I know, I couldn't find my screenshot & I this place is slow (laggy) as fuk… how many ppl r on right now?

a16354  No.5289853

File: 8f56b8a58263b78⋯.png (204.77 KB, 500x414, 250:207, ClipboardImage.png)


They needed to use a full windsor tie knot.


f0f632  No.5289855



What is Loop Capital ?

7d7519  No.5289856

File: eb89b9785ca15d3⋯.png (1.26 MB, 949x680, 949:680, Except1.png)

fe6bbe  No.5289857

File: 19ed6b4cda28cbb⋯.jpeg (61.91 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 7e22496ff99dc5b4ff80b67a5….jpeg)

And they keep a paper trail. They probably used a bank card instead of cash too.


66661a  No.5289858

File: 157cfc0abea689b⋯.jpg (74.01 KB, 390x283, 390:283, SGSN243562BB657H7456762435….jpg)

45c790  No.5289859


Snake Plissken? I heard you were dead.

62b345  No.5289860

File: 644a5a34263bc42⋯.png (270.68 KB, 1168x380, 292:95, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)


No top hat. Masonic & jewish. We are ANON.

c2f2a4  No.5289861

File: 1a9feff8ba2fd1a⋯.png (576.29 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6AE6AB9B-1129-42E5-8683-D3….png)

3f7fc4  No.5289862


I think most are foreign Intel operatives. Psychological Warfare tactics. Sounds crazy I know.

b9cda1  No.5289863

File: 6c7ec1b8b3b0c68⋯.mp4 (10.66 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 911 CARTOONY PLANE.mp4)

File: 8c2a0b86b012065⋯.jpg (20.12 KB, 300x200, 3:2, e team pull it.jpg)


I think you're on to (((something)))

d65023  No.5289864

411fb2  No.5289865



895d9b  No.5289866


Why, when GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI memes get posted, do they often SMEAR our guys?

I don't think they EVER get used on our enemies, strangely enough…

DEEP DREAM Ivanka and smear around trite bot "nazi" rhetoric?


Symbolic gesture of control, dominance?

Will patriots wake up and FIGHT?

Why the GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI push here?

Is it organic?

What is organic here?

Is very little organic here?

Therefore, is GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI organic?



Why the push?

Why OUR GUYS getting the treatment?

What is the meaning?

Is it symbolic?

A symbol of dominance and control?

Patriots in control here?

Or not?

What do GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI memes signify?

What dominance?

Does GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI infringe on human consciousness, somehow?

Can memes be DANGEROUS?

Can this be discussed?

Can the "baker" talk about GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI obsession? Talk like a PATRIOT?


What happens?

Will patriots EVER wake up?

37d4ba  No.5289867


If they put their heads together, they will still only have half a brain.

b67903  No.5289868


would also explain why McCabe et al are now out to let Rosenstein seem untrustworthy while all Rosenstein was doing is defending the investigation saying it's not what you see on TV..

167b24  No.5289869


Pretty sure Brennan old Soviet commie along with Bernie and Nellie

McCabe is a buttboy

b63678  No.5289870


mods are legit faggots

96e083  No.5289871

File: e50d3b5e01c8ea1⋯.jpg (158.14 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, TITS-GTFO-YELLOW-VEST-PEPE.jpg)

b1d306  No.5289872


Well, hello there

ba607b  No.5289873

File: 184dc251843b062⋯.png (122.15 KB, 295x413, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

a18b7b  No.5289874


Watch red sparrow / sparrow red

aed350  No.5289875

File: 4d2a301946d701d⋯.png (544.31 KB, 742x447, 742:447, ClipboardImage.png)

c81d15  No.5289876



Not appropriate for public display, keep it to yourself.

Off limits.

d65023  No.5289877


Holy shit, Quinn.

Are you drinking again on top of the meth addiction?

You really never wanna see your kid again, huh?

7c1ba9  No.5289878

File: 52148d3531ad73e⋯.png (153.63 KB, 1348x574, 674:287, AdelsonetalSekulowScreensh….png)

File: 1c8a1699f2ca6e8⋯.png (104.54 KB, 1348x574, 674:287, AdelsonetalScreenshot_2019….png)

File: 675163f85d20b66⋯.png (1.09 MB, 765x2104, 765:2104, Adelsonetalscrewed01.png)

File: ebfd3abf01d747f⋯.png (228.26 KB, 1348x574, 674:287, Adelsonetalscrewed06Screen….png)

File: bc0218ff16c4c11⋯.png (253.82 KB, 1331x2530, 121:230, Screenshot_2019-02-20 orbi….png)

45c790  No.5289879

Chi-Fi sure has been quiet.

5d4849  No.5289880



"A subway driver was killed on Tuesday evening at Grand Central Station in New York after he was dragged off the platform by a moving train at approximately 7:20 p.m. on Tuesday, according to NBC New York, citing law enforcement sources."

"Subway Driver"???

Handler (Conductor)

d77f11  No.5289881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


311 good digits

Today is a good day to burn a bridge… or two.

38e4e2  No.5289882


KEK…. There is only 5. Nobody's mind has been changed yet, your numbers prove it. Never ever moar than 5 per bread. . … There might be less than 5 of you. Could be just 1 with multiple IPs. Top kek. Muhjewshills are lonely, sad, and angry as fuck…. Reeeee MUHJEWSHILL reeeeeeeeeee

895d9b  No.5289883

File: 0860637203f75c7⋯.png (161.21 KB, 277x289, 277:289, YKW.png)

File: bb781974194463d⋯.png (335.14 KB, 786x444, 131:74, WTP.png)

File: a6081c32da7d659⋯.png (739.09 KB, 999x719, 999:719, WWNBDH.png)

File: a1fafe1c64b46f8⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1845x4414, 1845:4414, comptbord.png)

File: 954746603c88337⋯.jpg (5.82 MB, 4896x3264, 3:2, FEAROURCATS.jpg)

b9cda1  No.5289884


>i forgot to attach this

(You) are forgiven

046384  No.5289885

File: 9d8ea4efea576f8⋯.jpg (330.87 KB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, Screenshot_20190220-160006….jpg)

File: 9d8ea4efea576f8⋯.jpg (330.87 KB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, Screenshot_20190220-160006….jpg)

Popadop wants a dig

6ae055  No.5289886

File: e29b78405fc317d⋯.jpg (98.86 KB, 606x499, 606:499, seagate buy.jpg)

File: 1722a5d69ddc788⋯.jpg (61.39 KB, 474x315, 158:105, biogen buy.jpg)

File: 0a0f8fd8dc86332⋯.png (284.46 KB, 408x320, 51:40, Insider Buy.PNG)





222486  No.5289887


All mods are hotpocket eating fuckheads, it comes with the territory.

eee23d  No.5289888

File: 41260c59b92d2aa⋯.png (289.15 KB, 1430x747, 1430:747, AOC.png)

6bbd3c  No.5289889

File: 03b1da9cee15f9d⋯.mp4 (698.79 KB, 640x360, 16:9, qtardsbtfo.mp4)

315d7d  No.5289890


go back to reddit. become a moderator. they like people like you there.

167b24  No.5289891


I almost feel sorry for these two dumbasses

God used big time

e8d270  No.5289892


She\s way over your pay grade anon

ea9217  No.5289893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>KEK…. There is only 5. Nobody's mind has been changed yet, your numbers prove it. Never ever moar than 5 per bread. . … There might be less than 5 of you. Could be just 1 with multiple IPs. Top kek. Muhjewshills are lonely, sad, and angry as fuck…. Reeeee MUHJEWSHILL reeeeeeeeeee

Here's why these filthy faggots do the vile shit they do.

73ada4  No.5289894


That ain't a fucking gorilla, anon

ac6c5b  No.5289895

File: 50c75710c211da4⋯.jpeg (536.65 KB, 1051x1386, 1051:1386, FA98B8DA-0A86-4D90-BB15-A….jpeg)

773119  No.5289896



Thats poor ComSec & InfoSec. Possibly OpSec.


8444f1  No.5289897

Looks like Lindsey Graham is still a war hawk.


c87415  No.5289898

File: 3102ec5effc9c31⋯.jpeg (61.46 KB, 500x642, 250:321, secretsquirell.jpeg)

693dc2  No.5289899

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I'll raise you, to the 90's

Enjoy, Anon

333ad9  No.5289900


It’s not all in his book I guess

c81d15  No.5289901

File: ccde1773d62eb0e⋯.jpg (91.4 KB, 940x741, 940:741, 3f0e319b351f6141965a505f0c….jpg)


Money laundering

9d3d70  No.5289902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b9cda1  No.5289903

File: 0c01b9d0121d0a0⋯.jpg (139.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, youtube elsagate 2.jpg)

File: b416572ad19ebe6⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 469x540, 469:540, youtube letme get this str….jpg)

File: bc405510a09b164⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1684x2022, 842:1011, youtube won't protect our ….png)

File: 9ec3b3214579176⋯.png (3 MB, 1020x1973, 1020:1973, youtube won't protect our ….png)


Youtube is kid friendly, wtf are you smoking faggot.

2a9232  No.5289904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Governor Cuomo Unveils 2019 Justice Agenda


3e40c9  No.5289905


Papa D telling mofos to dig

Come on now PaPa D , there is only one

who tells us to dig and u ain't him.

b34158  No.5289906


Some awsome common core there

fa342f  No.5289907


So I'm assuming yesterday's anon was a feeler for that.

Asking what FISA meant to anons.

8444f1  No.5289908


Fair point.

ccb6e5  No.5289909


That's what happens when you let someone in your house and they rearrange your furniture.

c2f2a4  No.5289910


You’re not lyin’

7d7519  No.5289911

File: c85882be3e76d56⋯.png (431.76 KB, 329x494, 329:494, Screenshot_218.png)

c8e423  No.5289912


Very true! But he was the only politician openly pushing it. Now there are many on the left running for 2020 openly advocating it.

The point is, someone knucklehead is always pushing it, but when we suddenly have many Dems already in office going it, and MSM wetting their jeans over it, something's different. Seems the sudden prosperity under POTUS is the reason. Back the idea, you don't pillage a poor shithole nation, you go after a rich one that has things of value you can steal.

5e106a  No.5289913


friendly reminder

u r a

division fag

5b5bab  No.5289914


It is IO.

MI comprehensive.

fc6ae6  No.5289915


key words are "looks like"…

61b141  No.5289916


Tell us more

6bbd3c  No.5289917


Honestly, everyone should just watch The Lobby. It's very recent, 100% undeniable truth, and it would make any true American want to vomit.

3a950b  No.5289918




ef9edc  No.5289919

File: 96630ff7d084b98⋯.png (384.65 KB, 933x345, 311:115, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

EXCLUSIVE: Calif. college calls the POLICE…over a cartoon frog

Folsom Lake College notified the local police after finding a poster of a cartoon frog, stating that “hate has no home on our campus.”


sorry if dupe. anons couldn't possibly have missed this.

a6efd2  No.5289920


is PapaD telling us this is a script, as in we’re watching a movie?

2fb30b  No.5289921


Rest in peace, Bill. You were a man 'before' your time.

9f774c  No.5289922

File: 6ed6919c2b8ce03⋯.jpg (182.02 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, PepeChosenProtectComfort.jpg)

c2f2a4  No.5289924


KEk that’s Nickelbacks grandpa. GTFO

08a215  No.5289925

File: aed92196d1665c0⋯.jpeg (68.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BB71755D-8672-41FF-B90A-4….jpeg)

d0327c  No.5289926

File: af858fad7212569⋯.png (138.43 KB, 500x380, 25:19, Jussie Smollett fake fuckt….png)







Who is the "bitch ass nigga" now, Jussie?

lmfao Uhhhh That'd be (you), nigga!

c87415  No.5289927

File: 24547810bee9663⋯.jpeg (28.18 KB, 460x276, 5:3, ohSandy.jpeg)



5c5870  No.5289928

File: 63195eeede8cb85⋯.jpg (73.68 KB, 350x449, 350:449, e34f9f4dc2757ce43b680f279f….jpg)


No objections? Not even the dream hater? oh well, imma bake that shit soon then.


Kek, takk.

84e9b5  No.5289929

File: c0b05cda2b8907a⋯.png (1.44 MB, 960x869, 960:869, ClipboardImage.png)

336e48  No.5289930


>No, we don't have to, you JDIF faggots do that for us.

JIDF is winning now. Period. that new LARP nailed everything. The only people left here now are the religitards whose ability to engage magical thinking is what Q is currently utilizing.

This is a very very bad strategy and…if the ANTIQ is correct, it is a sleeping pill calculated to give (((THEM))) time to finish us off (while you were sleeping) and completely demoralize us.

Outside this religitard echo chamber…things are shifting very rapidly and Q is 100% losing.

ea9217  No.5289931

File: e45b87d41c0754d⋯.png (203.66 KB, 450x290, 45:29, 0goy_know.png)


>division fag

Nah, ur just a desperate jew.

a18b7b  No.5289932


Speculating a trade @19 for D_I said for me only

389760  No.5289933


we see you, outed shill

85e5a4  No.5289934


Fuckerberg is sooo fucked up

MKUltra bot

944103  No.5289935

File: ff8e398a78484fd⋯.jpeg (160.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, daf0a884337ee251ecfab6845….jpeg)

81324f  No.5289936


russiagate was written by Glen Simpson – during mccain pres. run published in MSM.

d65023  No.5289937

File: b9874aea1fa230e⋯.jpg (271.02 KB, 793x756, 793:756, 4eae302f169db8d0e08df283ff….jpg)


I say go for it, but you know I'm biased.

4ff5e2  No.5289938


You are correct.

2fb30b  No.5289939


well proved anon

i love q proofs

94ec24  No.5289940

File: 7a288529cdeb318⋯.jpg (123.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, jussienoh8.jpg)

37e08c  No.5289941

File: 7c579ac7fa2f473⋯.jpg (182.55 KB, 888x499, 888:499, lb1.jpg)

24778c  No.5289942


That's some scary shit right there.

315d7d  No.5289943


Yes, but California and Texas don't. They are independent republics and ensured that was the case when they entered the union. They can leave whenever they want. Not so with NY.

0aafe0  No.5289944

File: b2d2dbda9bec38f⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 960x641, 960:641, 1ae014e3d5afc725ba3abd38c3….jpg)

ba607b  No.5289945

File: 95a44a32c3cf6dc⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ctnb8.mp4)

73ada4  No.5289946

2a9232  No.5289947


Complete Cooper MP3 Collection



ac6c5b  No.5289948


Q’s post said literally the opposite. Mueller first, then OIG.

7cb5d3  No.5289949

File: 982c0646756e967⋯.png (501.38 KB, 720x621, 80:69, ClipboardImage.png)

wtf is that?

c2f2a4  No.5289950

I watch The Five for the women, that Emily, tho. Damn

f21a26  No.5289951


Oh shit, now K-Flex gonna tell it to 'em

20b5a4  No.5289952

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

Under provisions of both the Homeland Security Act, Military Commissions Act(s), and The PATRIOT Act, the POTUS, either via his sec, or by sending armed troops to halt the attempts to resist launched by pseudo state operative Elaine Duke, current Secretary of Homeland Security, may engage in any number of activities to halt treason by forces hostile to the United States within the Armed Forces, or cease an entire Dept of US Gov from its compromised authority. These were checks and balances to the usurption and abuse of US internal policy which, as in the case of some Sept 11 Attackers whose visas were not thoroughly vetted, where these bureacratic practices could amount to "holes" in the US statuatory armor. Also, the Pat Act gives Potus the authority to declare any group hostile to US "terrorists".


At that point, under PATRIOT Act detention is legal, and under the Military Commissions Act of 2008, the tribunals are now engageable.

37543e  No.5289953


Dude i the green was watching them in the store to make sure they werent stealing. Bet.

b67903  No.5289954

File: c878bde7f4f1ff6⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 624x352, 39:22, plums.gif)

446578  No.5289955


I hate to be sophomoric, but how about one with today's date?

b9cda1  No.5289956

File: 931697f1d20dcc3⋯.png (230.97 KB, 310x457, 310:457, page witt jfk, jr.png)



Oh I thought they were Iranian

96e083  No.5289957

File: f926db201dfb405⋯.png (114.19 KB, 320x338, 160:169, f926db201dfb405e5d673247cf….png)

7d7519  No.5289958

File: fbc4c2c660f1f3e⋯.png (316.43 KB, 638x614, 319:307, AOCcry.png)


Can we please just leave Jussie alone?

389760  No.5289959


How about you come up with something for Don Jr?

eb97ab  No.5289960


There is an investment firm called that but it is also sending money out of country and have it come back in through a different means. Like money going out in aid to another country and coming back as campaign donations. Grift

73ada4  No.5289961


Kek. Also, nice digits there on the end…

6ae055  No.5289962

File: 73829fa21f6f135⋯.jpg (98.8 KB, 698x474, 349:237, Kinder morgan buy 1.jpg)

File: 906a4565bbac16d⋯.jpg (216.95 KB, 766x450, 383:225, KMI buy.jpg)

File: a6866369a2a9b09⋯.jpg (100.3 KB, 698x474, 349:237, Kinder Morgan buy.jpg)

File: 1abecd69d0bf062⋯.png (833.93 KB, 1250x900, 25:18, Looking good BR.png)


ef9edc  No.5289963

File: d09ec4ed64f0366⋯.png (26.64 KB, 311x183, 311:183, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)

Rush said this at almost the same time as it was posted.

I wonder who is listening to whom…

87d922  No.5289964

File: cb2660ab0d462db⋯.png (595.89 KB, 676x631, 676:631, ClipboardImage.png)

cf3fb7  No.5289965

File: e0a69a5e016c72a⋯.jpg (452.45 KB, 1133x1527, 1133:1527, WE ARE THE NEWS NOW.jpg)


>We are ANON.

5cf695  No.5289966

Consistent and continual postings for almost a year and a half, more than any other insider anon, including accuracy and proofs,

worldwide public attention without any honest, critical investigative scrutiny,

an ironic and suspicious lack of official government acknowledgement in spite of presumably libelous and actionable accusations (which happen to be true),

suppressed social media analytics and overt censorship about the Q topic by transnational tech-giant corporations,

the media's now unanimous, nonstop, unsubstantiated debunking efforts,

nonexistent corporate media coverage,

unsurpassed hit pieces in the corporate media,

a surge in anti-American technocratic and tyrannical globalism…

Let me see…

Oh! it must be a LARP and those crazy conspiracy theorists.

…or an existential threat to globalist domination.

MAGA, WWG1WGA, Making America Greater Than Ever Before!

God Bless America!

aed350  No.5289967

File: 1304df46f027711⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1917x1079, 1917:1079, 7cCcls3Jux.png)

84e9b5  No.5289968

b1d306  No.5289969


Just to y’know, verify?

3adf46  No.5289970

File: 801c2edb96563ce⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, keep-calm-the-matrix-has-y….png)


you only 'think' you are free

057dd3  No.5289971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








>shillin aint easy though i make it look easy

389760  No.5289972

File: 9ffe699edd2fce6⋯.jpg (24.22 KB, 500x415, 100:83, Jussie Don't.jpg)

c2f2a4  No.5289973


I swear I hear Rush’s voice when I read Q

0eece3  No.5289974

File: b32e90405d7c231⋯.jpeg (513.78 KB, 1200x1773, 400:591, F82B3277-0278-42A8-BAB5-6….jpeg)


Anyone remember the movie Pain & Gain? These stupid idiots remind me of that movie. Can someone shop the heads of the three idiots into the movie poster?

37d4ba  No.5289975


Notice what happens when /they/ put niggaz in charge? It all comes down in a miasma of idiocy , degeneracy and incompetence.

9226bb  No.5289976

File: 1fc28dc4bebb05f⋯.jpg (149.48 KB, 1254x1561, 1254:1561, _20190220_140232.JPG)

9065f1  No.5289977

File: 9883bb668ab9331⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger make t….jpg)

File: 21341a8a060bf81⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger Prove ….jpg)

File: d883ec53576cb1e⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger sauce ….jpg)

File: 273c97629919893⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 626x613, 626:613, Presidential finger.jpg)





c81d15  No.5289978



Autists know why

62b345  No.5289979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why isn't this having the same effect? It will in a different way re: 911.

37e08c  No.5289980

File: 02f7a65c9063a82⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 591x331, 591:331, lb2.jpg)

6bbd3c  No.5289981


> Are you ready

for the 6,000,000th time in a year.

lol nice self-own.

d0327c  No.5289982


>i forgot to attach this

GTFO attention whore!

e7c426  No.5289983

File: ffd39b3260bd6b2⋯.png (1.9 MB, 901x1267, 901:1267, 1 Owl coin, note w Devil ….png)

File: ddfce637c31abba⋯.jpeg (200.7 KB, 1440x1448, 180:181, pepe rules.jpeg)


Hillary is not the queen but, she works for her. QE2.

776d45  No.5289984

File: 09b51d5296ef6b2⋯.png (666.37 KB, 498x658, 249:329, WaxingMoon.PNG)

>>5289043 (lb)

>Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.

>You will understand why in the coming weeks.


b1d306  No.5289985


Those were niggers anon, niggers.

7c1ba9  No.5289986

File: 0fe76c9a8100164⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1974x1290, 329:215, a48ce592e435680ed70459730f….png)

File: 0cb63c18ca7e294⋯.pdf (252.95 KB, Adelsonetalscrewed05-17-52….pdf)

File: b99991a444a2683⋯.png (146 KB, 1348x574, 674:287, Adelsonetalscrewed04Screen….png)

File: 7ce94828ac0acc3⋯.png (3.57 MB, 1584x2896, 99:181, ben-shapiro-square-1024x10….png)

a225e7  No.5289987


>>5289786 Utah man charged with hate crimes for attacking three men with a metal pole.

>>5289723 Republicans to push Pompeo to classify drug cartels as terrorists.

>>5289517 Cuomo declares NY independent from federal government.

>>5289549 HRC pushing PP with soulless doctor.

>>5289633 Smollett Case: Video of Brothers buying supplies.

>>5289487 Chicago detectives are seeking Jussie Smollett's financial records.

9c3f39  No.5289988

File: 1c461895f643523⋯.jpg (133.39 KB, 1280x959, 1280:959, Stephen-Miller.jpg)


Nice shirt!

78fbd3  No.5289989


Nice try you Shill fuck.

Jussie and AOC are constantly on the board because Jussie's hoax is HUGE in exposing fraudulent political hits. The further details are a REDPILL that keeps on giving. Thanks Jussie!

AOC is CONSTANTLY in the news and was pushed to the forefront, coming out of NOWHERE into Stardom.

I know you're just a shill, but my words are for any Newfags that could possibly be swayed by your horseshit.

b9cda1  No.5289990

File: bd50c2cc23d96f3⋯.png (613.74 KB, 1328x1685, 1328:1685, 172 - _qresearch_ - Q Rese….png)

File: 7377fadaa3cfebb⋯.jpeg (286.21 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, jfk jr - trump - we didn'….jpeg)





Do you even think critically, bro? Not to discredit my Rshilling, I've been looking into this FE stuff, too. JUST TO PISS FUCKING NIGGERS LIKE YOU OFF.

3baed5  No.5289991

File: b968b9afbff39c4⋯.jpg (41.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, It's Pat!.jpg)

c2f2a4  No.5289992

Gutfeld just said WaPo digital ad revenue for 2018 was $900,000,000.00

37d4ba  No.5289993


Pro tip: A beautiful woman is the same as any other woman.

a6e285  No.5289994


Looks like Pat.

dab226  No.5289995

File: 011dfee3a62d916⋯.jpg (214.35 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, Dz4WoGgUwAA2OiY.jpg)

7cb5d3  No.5289996


In October.

After he was busted.

THEN he told the story.

Although this is bullshit.

Clearly Yates and Strzok knew.

But then all the threads would lead back to Brennan.

Uh oh.

f0f632  No.5289997


Jussie it not me its the two maga people in the store new evidence from new lawyer ?

7d7519  No.5289998

File: 620e47b24c6a6fc⋯.png (746.38 KB, 458x608, 229:304, 911.png)


I aim to please!

36e698  No.5289999

File: 2baa0b0b409ca3e⋯.jpeg (14.15 KB, 204x247, 204:247, 5A364A8D-13AA-4EAA-83D8-0….jpeg)

File: 9da850f85f973f0⋯.jpeg (43.68 KB, 480x354, 80:59, 292AD698-A9C6-4B24-B7CF-E….jpeg)

File: 693b030f1158605⋯.jpeg (96.3 KB, 367x582, 367:582, FC228F55-792F-44E7-B75D-4….jpeg)

File: 938568c79d81f7f⋯.jpeg (47.96 KB, 323x566, 323:566, 2637F568-F6D9-472C-8558-4….jpeg)

Make that six faggot traito


b65061  No.5290000



Who ‘really’ has access to the funds?

Federal Reserve

fc6ae6  No.5290001


baker the Cuomo article is from dec. 2018 just incase anons think its from recent days…

d7c1d2  No.5290002

File: fb7f283b969071b⋯.png (337.35 KB, 1602x1758, 267:293, snopope1.png)

File: 271d2d72cd0b9c7⋯.png (248.82 KB, 1680x1324, 420:331, VDI4.png)

File: 6d4d22d37da6240⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1804x3172, 451:793, vvv1.png)

c2f2a4  No.5290003


Ok, you have sex with Rosie. No diff.

5c5870  No.5290004

File: 8ccd224179f878f⋯.jpg (112.35 KB, 534x674, 267:337, d792c00cd70706c7c375b22c3a….jpg)


So am I, in this case it actually seemed fitting tho, heh.

d911d9  No.5290005

New Narrative from the left?

The 'Deep State' elected Donald Trump President.


3cb16d  No.5290006

File: 68dfb36d0b60b21⋯.jpg (334.31 KB, 801x890, 9:10, Screenshot_73.jpg)

Another crook bites the dust..


62b345  No.5290007


This headline encourages ppl to search associating terms "disney" and "pedophilia".

Which will be a HUGE refill to many. Even just the low level subliminal sex stuff is unknown to the majority….

ea9217  No.5290008

File: 9938658e680455f⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 332x216, 83:54, look.jpg)

ba607b  No.5290009

What kind of news story is this:


7f6fa9  No.5290010

File: af15d456234a92e⋯.png (121.35 KB, 819x905, 819:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31add207d48b26b⋯.png (83.25 KB, 797x733, 797:733, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d61fbae91f84e6⋯.png (693.38 KB, 798x897, 266:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e6954ec35c3cbe⋯.png (473.75 KB, 818x905, 818:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a9334ab66b0aef⋯.png (116.68 KB, 824x873, 824:873, ClipboardImage.png)

The Hidden History Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia

An Extreme Act Of Cruelty Requires A High Degree Of Empathy

Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

The present day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books in order to prevent citizens of the World from learning about its “Evil beyond imagination”, that empowers this World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal.

The authors of this article have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and their large International Organized Crime Syndicate, best referred to as the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and make this history available to the World via the Internet, which is the new Gutenberg Press.

It has been exceedingly difficult to reconstruct this hidden secret history of the KM, so please excuse any minor inaccuracies or errors which are unintentional and are due to the difficulty in digging out the true history of Khazaria and its mafia. We have done the best we can to reconstruct it.

It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union.

At the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism December 1, 2014 — in his Keynote address, Veterans Today Senior Editor and Director Gordon Duff disclosed publicly for the first time ever that World Terrorism is actually due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel. This disclosure sent shock-waves at the Conference and almost instantly around the world, as almost every world leader received reports of Gordon Duff’s historical disclosure that same day, some within minutes.

And the shock-waves from his historic speech in Damascus continue to reverberate around the world even to this very day. And now Gordon Duff has asked President Putin to release Russian Intel which will expose about 300 traitors in Congress for their serious serial felonies and statutory espionage on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) against America and many Middle East nations.

Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!

We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.


PART 1 (Part 2 next bread)

3baed5  No.5290011

File: ce166e081d47fbe⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ShowMe.jpg)

f26a49  No.5290012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

51a1a6  No.5290013


but because we're suffering from glowball warming

brisket and ribs only for us

no meat for you


signed zuckerfucker

8bea0d  No.5290014


Thanks Anon. THAT is EXACTLY how they're perpetrating this fraud.

Wifefags' Humira went up $1000 last year to over $5100 for a months worth (2 doses) Humira was to come off patent in 2016 but AbbieVie pulled that "evergreen" shit……when she started taking it about 7 years ago it was less than $2000 and our insurance covered it…..now my insurance runs out by July…..but in the UK the same dose runs $934!!!!!!! OUTRAGEOUS

7c1ba9  No.5290015


fuck off rabbi

61b141  No.5290016


There's probably a medicine for that.

389760  No.5290017


>What kind of news story is this

Wishful Printing

a225e7  No.5290018


Thanks anon, updated and added a note.

851b6c  No.5290019

Has this been posted?

50e0b4  No.5290020


What's going to happen with the investigations in New York?

3a950b  No.5290021

File: 9e27d4f6392300c⋯.png (420.58 KB, 658x842, 329:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Something I think we missed before:

Ironically 2pac's birthday is 6/16

3d4493  No.5290022


The problem with your theory is that you think he was a black hat and therefor needed to be flipped.

Documentation is important. Documenting or not documenting something is the difference between breaking the law and not breaking the law. It's a tangent - but as an example of how documentation can affect you in the federal world:

The .50 caliber rifle is designated as an anti-material rifle. It is not to be used against personnel per the geneva convention. When manning this weapon, you are never firing at people, you are employing it against equipment being used by the enemy.

There is a documentation process for doing almost anything. You just need to follow that process. I would imagine there is a "legal" way to sell nuclear weapons. There is also a way for filing reports, protests, etc. Something can be followed through with by someone in an office they were ordered to do by a superior - and have also filed a slew of protests, reports, etc with the appropriate bodies that are supposed to handle abuses of authority.

Of course, these documents could be classified. They could be lost to a shredder… All kinds of different things that make them unavailable should someone decide to prosecute illegal sale of nuclear missiles.

Documentation is everything. One of the first things you are recommended to do in the military is to keep a copy of everything you can for this very reason. If you have a piece of paper to show you filled out the form you were supposed to, it may be a headache, but it's not your punishment.

My hunch is that Mueller was above board the whole time, the intelligence agencies, however, have ways of making sure you look like a bad guy and withholding exculpatory evidence.

36e698  No.5290023

b63678  No.5290024


>contributes nothing

go back to facebook already faggot

ea9217  No.5290025

File: 8518c0a346f3845⋯.png (58.59 KB, 275x183, 275:183, hahahahaha.png)

165f2b  No.5290026


Your first reply was a paid shill. It's VERY important to leave a negative post FIRST as it has been proven to scare off others….

like CHEMTRAILS, it poisons the well.

Good post. I would like to see disclosure too. A local news man/woman would lose their job if they made such an announcement on air. Perhaps the thing to do if you're planning on quitting the next day. With you anon. Keep fighting, and ignore the trolls.

728e9b  No.5290027

Missed this earlier. Yeah, these careers need to die. Just let them lose all their money - show business people have no idea how to be poor.

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 8, 2019

Dear World,

It is not time to give this guy a second chance. He never really deserves a second chance, but because his dad was a famous director, apparently the rules don't apply. The powers that be would like everyone to forget the on the record dozens upon dozens of sexual assaults/rapes committed by this writer/director/showrunner. The powers that be have said yes to his return as a writer of movies and have given the green light to two of his efforts. Shame on the still young three named actress who "couldn't wait" to work on one of his projects. On your first day of work, remind me to have his 20+ victims stop by your trailer and you can tell them why you couldn't wait to work one of his movies. I thought you would be different, but all you care about is a paycheck. Tell me you are different and walk away.

Hey, you foreign born A- list mostly movie actor that I have been harping on to get to play James Bond for years. If he raped your soon to be wife, I'm guessing you would say no to that other project of his. Apparently though because he raped a few dozen that were not your future wife you decided it was A OK to work on one of his movies. Maybe in your next magazine cover where they tell the world how sexy you are, you could tell them about how one of your goals in life is to support projects of serial rapists.

Love & Bacon,


Max Landis

Chloe Grace Moretz

Idris Elba

f30bbd  No.5290028


He must have had a lovers spat with Jay-Z.

62b345  No.5290029

File: 1f1fbdaf8625e20⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 480x360, 4:3, disney.jpg)

84e9b5  No.5290030

File: f0f36294b2d0fca⋯.png (225.33 KB, 448x520, 56:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3b11a277b56e57⋯.png (6.54 KB, 442x254, 221:127, ClipboardImage.png)

057dd3  No.5290031

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, chekkd.gif)



we have a new one trying to be planted here as well..


they are getting desperate.


5e04a5  No.5290032

File: a7711ca22b72eb8⋯.png (1.46 MB, 2648x1476, 662:369, van kuck.png)

pic related

>van kuck


0aaa88  No.5290033

File: b5fc132d7111055⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1236, 207:206, FE85FF22-4385-49DE-B68B-9….jpeg)

File: 2ad9de40cd17f65⋯.jpeg (269.33 KB, 840x902, 420:451, D7452CDB-D31F-4183-9FD8-B….jpeg)

File: 6013d2742a77ff2⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 729x2013, 243:671, 2B451377-B453-47B8-9B3D-5….jpeg)

File: fbd4dddfe1012e1⋯.jpeg (524.48 KB, 497x1657, 497:1657, 031D70FD-868B-4B67-850F-4….jpeg)

File: 81b154a138407db⋯.jpeg (795.87 KB, 1127x1124, 1127:1124, 16DD38EC-3AA8-4198-8B5C-6….jpeg)





calm ur tits. Its not me… just a pic i found on a q thread on pol. its going in the collection tho.

2a9232  No.5290034




944103  No.5290035

File: 4d5792cdd15cf3b⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 638x360, 319:180, 4d5792cdd15cf3b03a48716d5b….jpg)


← Bread title suggestion

24778c  No.5290036



d6dff8  No.5290037

File: 0b5466962e58508⋯.png (508.73 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama to Young Black Men: You Don’t Need ‘Eight Women Around You Twerking,’ Eight Pound Chains Around Your Neck


Former President Barack Obama warned a group of young men of color on Tuesday that they don’t need “twerking” women or big chains to make them happy.

“If you are really confident about your financial situation, you’re probably not going to be wearing an 8-pound chain around your neck,” Obama reportedly told the group.

“If you’re very confident about your sexuality, you don’t have to have eight women around you twerking,” he added.

LMFAO, always telling us what we need to make us happy.

d65023  No.5290038


Cuz I haven't drawn anything anime/manga-style in years.

Last night I stumbled upon fuckery targeting Timelord Barron, and I felt compelled to unfuck it.

Literally all that happened here.

Why people are so pissy about defanging an attack on our The First Little Dude is beyond me and I just assume their shills for wanting it to stay as an attack.

Fuck whiny concernshills.

3a950b  No.5290039


Also connects with POTUS talking about CUBA controlling Ven ?

Also, PAC's been 'dead' for 23 years

ef9edc  No.5290040


…he apparently doesn't timestamp his transcripts but right after he said this I check QMaps…

In other words, is it coincidental that a few days after [Barr's] confirmed as attorney general he announces the end of the Mueller investigation?

5cf695  No.5290041

Consistent and continual postings for almost a year and a half, more than any other insider anon, including accuracy and proofs,

worldwide public attention without any honest, critical investigative scrutiny,

an ironic and suspicious lack of official government acknowledgement in spite of presumably libelous and actionable accusations (which happen to be true),

suppressed social media analytics and overt censorship about the Q topic by transnational tech-giant corporations,

the media's now unanimous, nonstop, unsubstantiated debunking efforts,

nonexistent corporate media coverage until unavoidable,

unsurpassed hit pieces in the corporate media,

a surge in anti-American technocratic and tyrannical globalism…

Let me see…

Oh! it must be a LARP and those crazy conspiracy theorists.

…or an existential threat to globalist domination.

MAGA, WWG1WGA, Making America Greater Than Ever Before!

God Bless America!

(in previous post I accidentally omitted ‘until unavoidable’)

7d7519  No.5290042

File: 55cf1bf815f606d⋯.png (883.26 KB, 612x924, 51:77, Screenshot_235.png)

So, if Jussie is found guilty of hoaxing a hate crime, shouldn't he then be held accountable as if he himself had committed a hate crime?

8091e1  No.5290043

File: d6c7ac116030640⋯.jpg (449.67 KB, 3300x2310, 10:7, page01.jpg)

It's like it was planned.

9b62b5  No.5290044

File: cde77a25c9d7fe2⋯.png (1008.14 KB, 857x751, 857:751, cde77a25c9d7fe2d2e3e4d63d6….png)

File: 4b6c5eab117ca45⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 728x567, 104:81, 0218-jussie-smollett-black….jpg)

File: f9fb365f9e2bdd6⋯.jpg (48.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2tzinr.jpg)

File: 44345169321d65f⋯.jpeg (58.54 KB, 700x451, 700:451, 02833f9c14017d6159c3280dd….jpeg)

338ca6  No.5290045


These cases can really screw up REAL justice.

All it takes is for the "defense" team to screw up their argument.or pick the wrong law to use in their argument and you end up with a decision that rules the courts ever after

which is a piece of shit ruling.

If you've ever had a lawyer screw up a case for you

you'll understand just how this happens.

The court can only rule on those things that are set in front of them.

5d4849  No.5290046


needs a .gif version

aed350  No.5290047


urbanite language

urban dictionary

urban scum

d6dff8  No.5290048

File: 6bf5e0b3c96622d⋯.png (438.15 KB, 640x604, 160:151, ClipboardImage.png)

f0f632  No.5290049


new evidence leaks out from jussie attorneys

stopping the GJ ?

7a11f6  No.5290050


That's how it should work. Same with false rape accusations.

8e8b78  No.5290051

File: 52d5a42b67d3d18⋯.png (122.22 KB, 657x753, 219:251, ClipboardImage.png)


I thought there was no such thing as the deep state

4ff5e2  No.5290052


Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.

You have it backwards. Mueller then OIG.

d7c1d2  No.5290053

File: 27b1424e25585b1⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 720x602, 360:301, 42120188_1075051745999281_….jpg)

File: fbd8fea88634471⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1102x1160, 19:20, AAARCHST.jpg)

File: 5355e9fa50d31a1⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3832x5056, 479:632, ATD.jpg)

File: daab39cd72f13ef⋯.jpg (247.08 KB, 854x1070, 427:535, AANFAL.jpg)



Fair shake for Anti muh joo Catholics and no fair shake for Anti Catholic Patriots?

We can play that way, sure :D

f21a26  No.5290054


Dude, 9/11


d65023  No.5290055


but they slightly changed the shape so it's NEW and UNIQUE and they should get Patent Protection on this New Unique Product!!!

>eye roll

17fd35  No.5290056


Already covered?

Gorky called Q a Jussie.

Shill confirmed.

8444f1  No.5290057



7d7519  No.5290058


I jerk off to that Baker Girl every day!

44a55a  No.5290059


Well, we have saraacarter now as one of the <10, I think PapaD would fit nicely.

37d4ba  No.5290060


IG can subpoeona or arrest.


b63678  No.5290061

9f774c  No.5290062

File: 4f7647ec3a8b661⋯.jpeg (280.85 KB, 810x1215, 2:3, D5ComfyAF.jpeg)

50ae74  No.5290063

Read today - connections worth investigating

1. Smollett knows O & Kamala Harris personally.

2. Smollett's lie coincided w Harris, Schiff, Booker, Waters' anti-lynching bill (name is misnomer; it creates privileges for blks & gays).

3. Both Harris & Booker: Smollett atk is "a modern-day lynching."

44a388  No.5290064

File: e24c6e738a84532⋯.png (3.65 MB, 2751x2091, 917:697, Q-Proof-bring-the-heat-2A.png)

Q Graphic: Make Them FEEL the Heat -→ Obama, Maduro, Castro, and Comey

>>5283312 (PB Q-post)

All of the references in the Q Graphic are derived from Tweet Times with the exception of the ID Decode.

Q ID Decode:


Shift 2 to produce ABC


Shift 2 using similar position for 184


The ID references ABC 418, where ABC = Alphabet Agencies, mainly FBI, of which James Comey was the Director.


In the @realDonaldTrump Tweet Q referenced, the time includes 11:43, transform 1 4-13, search for News in April 2013.

Outside of a plane crash in Florida there doesn't seem to be any news of note in January, so removed the 1 from the date.


@IngramAngle Tweet at 4:13pm on 09/08/2016


Sept 8th = 17

b9cda1  No.5290065

File: 47c514d7eade154⋯.png (702.45 KB, 680x596, 170:149, BonfirePepe.png)


You guys know that most of these women have been sexually exploited as minors and worked in the sex industry.

72fdc7  No.5290066

File: 78ef308f97b6ae1⋯.png (34.5 KB, 452x721, 452:721, ClipboardImage.png)


I do believe things are afoot.

House (of Commons) cleaning?

d911d9  No.5290067

File: 60a58379260a230⋯.png (449.03 KB, 650x840, 65:84, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Scar….png)

17fd35  No.5290068


Gorka… Auto correct rrrrrrrrr

b63678  No.5290069

File: 8456ae7a4a59442⋯.png (33.03 KB, 809x290, 809:290, ClipboardImage.png)


the IG can't indict anon, that's Huber's job

c0f338  No.5290070

File: 4c222b358d5851a⋯.gif (2.05 MB, 286x186, 143:93, jimmies-rustled-gif.gif)

38e4e2  No.5290071


No. Jessie should be prosecuted for a hoax to commit a hate crime.

The brothers shouldbe charged with the hate crime. They're the ones that " kicked" his ass.


6ae055  No.5290072

File: f18466d8d0e7084⋯.jpg (16.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pennisaurus.jpg)

File: d14992122afa9db⋯.jpg (90.51 KB, 666x500, 333:250, bezos muh dick.jpg)

File: 71635ba74ab1281⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 474x360, 79:60, BB QE.jpg)

File: 5104d85f764864a⋯.jpeg (116.88 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, FED Fucking Everyone Dail….jpeg)

File: f8301f310397f46⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 720x569, 720:569, Fed Minutes.jpg)


Digits confirm

Answer for Cap 4

>>5109944 pb OWNERSHIP of FRB

895d9b  No.5290073

File: 4e3affee5752129⋯.png (175.11 KB, 382x417, 382:417, kittywut.png)

File: 8394372cef07a60⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, facesof.png)

Think about this post. Look at it. What is the purpose?

Thoughts and prayers.

May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.


What is real and what is not?

What means what?

How many posts a day do we get "guys, x got cancer".

This post has it all. Everyone got cancer, and the dog.

Is it real?

It could be.

But how organic are things around here?

Is it a little over the top?

What is the message here?

Can patriots read a little deeper?

41feed  No.5290074


Qs Qts.

a72cde  No.5290075

File: f6378fca7a54de2⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 600x167, 600:167, IMG_1086.JPG)

c81d15  No.5290076

File: 79510de175e7a6d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1066x606, 533:303, 1549000442.png)

4ff5e2  No.5290078


Mueller gonna be on the slow boat to GITMO.

9f774c  No.5290079

File: 4f7025ba584c4f6⋯.jpg (339.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ProtectComfortPepe.jpg)

389760  No.5290080

File: c7c391115d3c8cb⋯.jpg (24.35 KB, 221x300, 221:300, gurken.jpg)

4e7ac3  No.5290081


noice proof.

thanks anon

7d7519  No.5290082


On the move! 5:5

3e40c9  No.5290083

File: 7c68bfdc27cb977⋯.png (81.46 KB, 691x428, 691:428, ClipboardImage.png)

Drama is always pushed.


a0b707  No.5290084


How was your vacation, anon?

f21a26  No.5290085


Is there anything gayer than addressing a group of young dudes and talking to them about their "sexuality"?

5e9dd4  No.5290086

File: 2221aef531b8e79⋯.jpeg (149.84 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 8171744C-E175-413C-9F01-F….jpeg)

68f588  No.5290087


Off the rails, should step down or face the wrath

7f6fa9  No.5290088

File: 9efb640103dc89e⋯.png (414.28 KB, 504x599, 504:599, ClipboardImage.png)

caac31  No.5290089


NO that's HUBER'S job

d6dff8  No.5290090

File: 267c15a8418475d⋯.png (101.94 KB, 640x370, 64:37, ClipboardImage.png)


[These people are really stupid]

8444f1  No.5290091


His roles in U1 and before dating back, his role in being brought in front of the FISA court for fuckery…. while perhaps not criminal… there is a history.

b63678  No.5290092


Q came after that news though

c8ad68  No.5290093

I've been a proponent here for quite a while. check my digits. Today I came across something I'd never seen before, which bothers me : “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said" from the NY Times and others in April of 2017. Has this been verified, explained, debunked and etc.? I need to be prepared when dealing with my liberal family, and this remark is troublesome.

70ba6d  No.5290094


As licensed rigger, commercial fisherman etc etc etc I’d be more than happy to handle the rope and knot work needed.

You tried to steal my country and your evil has hurt loved ones.

Heck, I’ll do it with wire rope if preferred.

Little more work but hey, it’s for a good cause.

You’d be amazed at what can be done with simple 9 thread.

96e083  No.5290095

File: 4f5518a4c84c272⋯.png (415.44 KB, 591x557, 591:557, 4f5518a4c84c2729715b9a9959….png)

ef9edc  No.5290096

File: 1bd90163e97a154⋯.png (238.61 KB, 336x503, 336:503, bernie harvey.png)

a0e32a  No.5290097

File: 92c6da992b440e3⋯.jpeg (94.59 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 85CBF937-5988-46DB-A31B-5….jpeg)

Donald J. Trump winning was the worst thing to happened to bad people.

5d4849  No.5290098






d7c1d2  No.5290099

File: 9e5480dbc8c0f12⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IF1 INFO TERTRIX.jpg)


i did not think this meme would ever get to play! :D

a23c96  No.5290100

File: 17ab95135bd3a0c⋯.png (360.84 KB, 1600x518, 800:259, ClipboardImage.png)

Q team, I have heard that RR will be leaving the 15th of March.

Ides of March..

I will be praying for you all and i will also assume you are protecting POTUS during this time. Just incase these evil Jackals have something planned.

ThanQ and Godspeed.

9f774c  No.5290101

File: e0de6bdfbf94c93⋯.jpg (95.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EmotionallyControlled.jpg)

b63678  No.5290102

File: fd781890c27f518⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 604x516, 151:129, gunbefren.jpg)

f21a26  No.5290103


Going to Subway is a hate crime?

ba607b  No.5290104

File: 69a27ff4d039701⋯.jpeg (236.75 KB, 1024x981, 1024:981, bern.jpeg)

e2c3db  No.5290105

Video Shows Brothers Linked To Jussie Smollett Attack Buying Items Allegedly Worn In Assault


fc6ae6  No.5290106


exactly. it's huber's job, or any other us attorney (or prosecutor at main justice in DC).

or even a military prosecutor.

but not the OIG.

37d4ba  No.5290107


Read the statute, arrests are specifically authorized. Federal arrests are by indictment.

c4b2c5  No.5290108

File: 6aa42decc60137d⋯.jpeg (64.07 KB, 750x485, 150:97, 758FC08F-B0C8-4425-A989-1….jpeg)

895d9b  No.5290109


You like to say that, bot system, but I don't find you very convincing. More limp, half-assed groping from you.

I wish you would stop doing this to yourself.

It's painful to watch.

What happened to you bot system man?

d65023  No.5290111



You must still be living out of your car, huh?

Get help.

7d7519  No.5290112


"So, you're a Christian…do you want to condemn all the Jews and Muslims???!???!?!"

Fucking KIKE!~

895d9b  No.5290113


Please just stop, bot system. You aren't helping yourself. Take it from a friend.

ba607b  No.5290114

File: 67f9916c30195cf⋯.mp4 (15.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Thirsty.mp4)

fec3a1  No.5290115

P1101:6, 100:7.2 The unfailing kindness of Jesus touched the hearts of men, but his stalwart strength of character amazed his followers. He was truly sincere; there was nothing of the hypocrite in him. He was free from affectation; he was always so refreshingly genuine. He never stooped to pretense, and he never resorted to shamming. He lived the truth, even as he taught it. He was the truth. He was constrained to proclaim saving truth to his generation, even though such sincerity sometimes caused pain. He was unquestioningly loyal to all truth.

P1101:7, 100:7.3 But the Master was so reasonable, so approachable. He was so practical in all his ministry, while all his plans were characterized by such sanctified common sense. He was so free from all freakish, erratic, and eccentric tendencies. He was never capricious, whimsical, or hysterical. In all his teaching and in everything he did there was always an exquisite discrimination associated with an extraordinary sense of propriety.

P1102:1, 100:7.4 The Son of Man was always a well-poised personality. Even his enemies maintained a wholesome respect for him; they even feared his presence. Jesus was unafraid. He was surcharged with divine enthusiasm, but he never became fanatical. He was emotionally active but never flighty. He was imaginative but always practical. He frankly faced the realities of life, but he was never dull or prosaic. He was courageous but never reckless; prudent but never cowardly. He was sympathetic but not sentimental; unique but not eccentric. He was pious but not sanctimonious. And he was so well-poised because he was so perfectly unified.

P1102:2, 100:7.5 Jesus' originality was unstifled. He was not bound by tradition or handicapped by enslavement to narrow conventionality. He spoke with undoubted confidence and taught with absolute authority. But his superb originality did not cause him to overlook the gems of truth in the teachings of his predecessors and contemporaries. And the most original of his teachings was the emphasis of love and mercy in the place of fear and sacrifice.

P1102:3, 100:7.6 Jesus was very broad in his outlook. He exhorted his followers to preach the gospel to all peoples. He was free from all narrow-mindedness. His sympathetic heart embraced all mankind, even a universe. Always his invitation was, "Whosoever will, let him come."


b59d75  No.5290116

File: 907cd44ebebca63⋯.jpg (196.55 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, Nylon-American-Flag-closeu….jpg)


But go ahead and tell us how you really feel, anon!

738de5  No.5290117


Tucker says Sanders combs his hair with a balloon

b63678  No.5290118


true true


IG can't indict or arrest

post a valid link then

fb85ee  No.5290119

File: 88f258200517812⋯.jpg (714.36 KB, 1658x1111, 1658:1111, 88f258200517812fa984589fa4….jpg)

File: 10facee3f5c91db⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 480x348, 40:29, Dox3xiyVAAAs2PA.jpg)

File: fbf9e7cf85cee23⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 501x500, 501:500, Doc36eeVAAE9nkr.jpg)

File: 3abe2b0297ddbed⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, FUBO.jpg)

Why doesn't the RNC back President Trump on anything?

It is apparent that they don't represent us. They only represent the money bags that installed them. Just like the DNC. No matter what President Trump does to benefit republican Americans or Democrat Americans, which will definitely help them get re-elected, they aren't going to help him because this is against their despotic owners' wishes. They will do nothing or obstruct. See how the MSM does exactly thje same? They are all puppets and parrots.

Donald Trump is the real deal. Don't believe anything they same about him. They are all lying career criminals.

17fd35  No.5290120



He's probably from the farm anyway.

d6dff8  No.5290121

Sen. Cory Booker Plans for Government to Give $46,215 to All 18-Year-Olds in ‘Lowest Income Bracket’


Sen. Cory Booker is proposing a plan—the American Opportunity Accounts Act—that he calculates will provide $46,215 to every 18-year-old in the lowest income bracket by giving them annual subsidies in a federally managed saving account.

Booker cited his plan in a Tweet he sent out this morning.

“We must close the wealth gap that’s undermining equal opportunity in our country,” Booker said in his Tweet. “My baby bonds will help level the playing field by creating a savings account for every U.S. child—to invest in themselves through things like paying for higher education.”


Not even kidding, this is more than I make at a VW dealership at almost age 30, working full time every week.

What a fucking joke…

8444f1  No.5290122


So much for the collusion narrative.

5d9552  No.5290123


Q, I just want to say it's really nice having you back and dropping so much. I hope everyone involved knows how much this means to so many people. For my entire lifetime the government has felt wholly separate from the people, and now it's really by the people, for the people as intended.

We are the news, we are the USA, we are the future! What an historic time to be alive!

ef9edc  No.5290124


loose canon much?

3a950b  No.5290125

File: 6f6e9af2b616725⋯.png (409.83 KB, 900x604, 225:151, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this real? Snopes says no, which leads me to believe it is.

b9cda1  No.5290126

File: 670d67b20ae9147⋯.png (13.47 KB, 218x255, 218:255, pepe my pillow.png)


> back to facebook

fuck, they won't have me either. GO BACK TO PLEDDIT THEY SAY. LEDDIT says go back for 4 chon, but I go there and can't figure out how to post. What is a Pepe to do?

37d4ba  No.5290127



(1) In addition to the authority otherwise provided by this Act, each Inspector General, any Assistant Inspector General for Investigations under such an Inspector General, and any special agent supervised by such an Assistant Inspector General may be authorized by the Attorney General to—

(A) carry a firearm while engaged in official duties as authorized under this Act or other statute, or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General;

(B) make an arrest without a warrant while engaged in official duties as authorized under this Act or other statute, or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General, for any offense against the United States committed in the presence of such Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General, or agent, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if such Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General, or agent has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such felony; and

(C) seek and execute warrants for arrest, search of a premises, or seizure of evidence issued under the authority of the United States upon probable cause to believe that a violation has been committed.

6ecc81  No.5290128

File: 82a77358774180b⋯.jpeg (86.78 KB, 1136x639, 16:9, 276FF423-CF62-418A-B94D-F….jpeg)

File: 87551f4b88209e9⋯.jpeg (96.24 KB, 1136x639, 16:9, 75E414FC-A8D5-4890-8972-4….jpeg)

File: c2b3ae9d9716095⋯.jpeg (95.28 KB, 1136x639, 16:9, 761C682C-9D73-417F-A273-6….jpeg)

c2d805  No.5290129

File: e2b5c74a46885c2⋯.jpg (498.74 KB, 1500x1200, 5:4, 20 mirror of 30.jpg)

File: 62c4d0824a62a12⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2250x1800, 5:4, 30 mirror of 20.jpg)

File: 1d1325e3eb7a1ba⋯.jpg (479.76 KB, 1800x1177, 1800:1177, 50 mirror of 00.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :20

They are buying time.


NAT SEC issue.

New intel revealed today.

How can the 'LEFT' refute this?


Anons can play this game all day long.

Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :30

Find @Snowden

How did @Snowden clear customs/immigration in HK AFTER the public release?

Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.

Where once there was [D-1]ARK

Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT

JA - have you learned & eliminated L-6?

The real TRUTH about why D's depend on illegal immigrants and why they care more about them than you.

Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :50

Continue to track thos who are resigning across all platforms.


When did No Name travel to the UK?

What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?

Why does the UK gov desperately want JA?

Something BIG is about to drop.



53e0b2  No.5290130


fa342f  No.5290131

File: c8fe4dd21e075b4⋯.png (23.48 KB, 388x422, 194:211, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Qmap….png)

File: cfbd1af4ec4a1f2⋯.png (56.5 KB, 289x984, 289:984, Screenshot_2019-02-20 Qmap.png)



Only 2 other drops with really like that.

6bbd3c  No.5290132

Anti-bernie posters are fucking clueless.

Why would you attack your enemy when they are in the middle of destroying themselves

so many low IQ faggots here

69e905  No.5290133


Rare L.A. mega-storm could overwhelm dam and flood dozens of cities, experts say


ba607b  No.5290134

File: 0f175c705287b94⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1280x851, 1280:851, ClipboardImage.png)


>Sanders combs his hair with a balloon

37d4ba  No.5290135



(1) In addition to the authority otherwise provided by this Act, each Inspector General, any Assistant Inspector General for Investigations under such an Inspector General, and any special agent supervised by such an Assistant Inspector General may be authorized by the Attorney General to—

(A) carry a firearm while engaged in official duties as authorized under this Act or other statute, or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General;

(B) make an arrest without a warrant while engaged in official duties as authorized under this Act or other statute, or as expressly authorized by the Attorney General, for any offense against the United States committed in the presence of such Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General, or agent, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if such Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General, or agent has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such felony; and

(C) seek and execute warrants for arrest, search of a premises, or seizure of evidence issued under the authority of the United States upon probable cause to believe that a violation has been committed.

b63678  No.5290136


try to kys shill

8444f1  No.5290137


Want to close the gap, get a career not a job at subway.

338ca6  No.5290138


OIG doesn't want Mueller to know

what they know

waiting for mueller to sink his own ship

d6dff8  No.5290139


look at the black guy in the crowd to Obamas left, the black teen top right to his left.

He's giving Obama that look like "damn, this nigga gay as fuck"

9410f2  No.5290140

Hmmm - Chicago PD looking at Smollet's financial records. I wonder if they'll find Kamala sent him federal monies to pay off the Nigerians.>>5289633

f0fc43  No.5290141


This pretty much confirms that the Qclock is wound correctly!

cec755  No.5290142


Been in every bread since this morning, anon. But no one's complaining.

f2cfe4  No.5290143

[-30] Mueller Report?

[-45] OIG Report?

[-60] DECLAS?

[-90] Huber Activated?

5e9dd4  No.5290144


Probably filled with all his hot air..

ef9edc  No.5290145


>waiting for mueller to sink his own ship

he's too smart for that.

isn't he?

d7c1d2  No.5290146

File: 10286acd759c13f⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2000x1330, 200:133, QZ1.png)


told me I was the SUPER ELITE and I believed that shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

570130  No.5290147


lots of water!

24778c  No.5290148


Can Confirm.

It's Pat

40f533  No.5290149


Or Weissman

b11bd0  No.5290150

Q, what is the 'door of all doors' that POTUS opened?

a0e32a  No.5290151

File: 4d4d92f34d26f88⋯.jpeg (51.22 KB, 407x378, 407:378, 59C97524-709B-42A4-A21A-5….jpeg)

8444f1  No.5290152


looks photoshopped.

87f13d  No.5290153


This man is certifiably insane.

1b3dce  No.5290154

File: 3af79e95dfe85c5⋯.png (34.28 KB, 578x284, 289:142, Rob Eglas re Smollett 2-20….PNG)


eba1d5  No.5290155



Excellent idea

Well thought out

Minimises costs to the public purse

Helps us to know that they will suffer immense fear due to there being only one item on the menu at dinnertime … … and we have ample time to organise a welcome-home-we-are-going-to-Lynch-you-today party for the unfortunate survivior

10/10 Anon

Well done!

5860dc  No.5290156

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

By Karin McQuillan

January 17, 2018

Three weeks after college, I flew to Senegal, West Africa, to run a community center in a rural town. Life was placid, with no danger, except to your health. That danger was considerable, because it was, in the words of the Peace Corps doctor, "a fecalized environment"

In plain English: s— is everywhere. People defecate on the open ground, and the feces is blown with the dust – onto you, your clothes, your food, the water. He warned us the first day of training: do not even touch water. Human feces carries parasites that bore through your skin and cause organ failure.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that a few decades later, liberals would be pushing the lie that Western civilization is no better than a third-world country. Or would teach two generations of our kids that loving your own culture and wanting to preserve it are racism.

Last time I was in Paris, I saw a beautiful African woman in a grand boubou have her child defecate on the sidewalk next to Notre Dame Cathedral. The French police officer, ten steps from her, turned his head not to see.

I have seen. I am not turning my head and pretending unpleasant things are not true.

Senegal was not a hellhole. Very poor people can lead happy, meaningful lives in their own cultures' terms. But they are not our terms. The excrement is the least of it. Our basic ideas of human relations, right and wrong, are incompatible.

As a twenty-one-year-old starting out in the Peace Corps, I loved Senegal. In fact, I was euphoric. I quickly made friends and had an adopted family. I relished the feeling of the brotherhood of man. People were open, willing to share their lives and, after they knew you, their innermost thoughts.

fc6ae6  No.5290157


nothing in there about a grand jury, which is required for an indictment…

ef9edc  No.5290158


kek thanks. I looked for it in notables.

I'll take a (you) without a sharp stick any day.

612837  No.5290160


aed350  No.5290161

File: 2ef421026bc0186⋯.png (90.85 KB, 190x348, 95:174, ClipboardImage.png)

8444f1  No.5290162


The choice. To know IMO

165f2b  No.5290163


Uninsured American. Take a good handful of prescribed meds. Every month the pharmacy pulls out a random price and I have to run to GoodRx to bring it down.

Of late, one medicine that used to be $10 a month, became $48, lowered to $30 with GoodRx.

Another medicine, $60 - reduced to $16 and change.

The cost of healthcare and education are the cruelest tricks being perpetrated on the people. It's a sick fucking joke.

2d50c9  No.5290164


After seeing how many blunders were in this case, I wouldn't be surprised.

e5fa84  No.5290165

Anyone notice both Obama and McCabe haven’t been wearing WEDDING RINGS in their latest interviews and or public appearances?

3d4493  No.5290166


Common core aside… You might be onto something with that airframe design, anon. Using detachable pylons, people could be dropped like JDAM into target landing areas from cruise altitude.

I mean, you probably want someone other than me to handle the details, as I like explosions and things that compress into mathematical singularities… Because who doesn't want a bike that can collapse the universe? But as a transportation idea, it's amusing.

6ecc81  No.5290167

68f588  No.5290168


Oh, here comes the "but I'm the good jew". STFU

a225e7  No.5290169


>>5290129 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>5290064 Q Graphic: Make them feel the heat.

>>5290006 Fmr. Berkeley County School District CFO sentenced to more than five years for embezzlement, money laundering, and public corruption.

>>5289786 Utah man charged with hate crimes for attacking three men with a metal pole.

>>5289723 Republicans to push Pompeo to classify drug cartels as terrorists.

>>5289517 2018: Cuomo declares NY independent from federal government. Fed vs State voting battle coming?

>>5289549 HRC pushing PP with soulless doctor.

>>5289633 Smollett Case: Video of Brothers buying supplies.

>>5289487 Chicago detectives are seeking Jussie Smollett's financial records.


a18b7b  No.5290170


Hit the mark clockfag, ty as always.

96e083  No.5290171

File: eb3b4ffcfab5d22⋯.jpg (111.47 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, highest-ranking-npc-zucker….jpg)

fe6bbe  No.5290172


Booker just trying to buy the young'uns vote. typical Democrat, he has no intention of pushing this past the elections.

4ff5e2  No.5290173


Great charge them import tariffs on everything they bring into the US from NY and the port of NYC will close overnight.

b63678  No.5290174

File: 2e49ecf4e437c80⋯.png (897.54 KB, 1169x1802, 1169:1802, tminus.png)


this is an anon's theory I agree with:

[-90] = [1-4] removal (likely Comey, McCabe, and others at FBI because McCabe = [2] in past crumbs for the FBI)

[-60] = [Ohr] removal

[-45] = [RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller] (in this case, because context matters, #2 overseeing mueller is RR, while #1 is whitaker)

[-30] = Blockade removal ['Scaramucci' model]

[0] = DECLAS

[+X] = IG

[+Y] = Huber

7d7519  No.5290175

File: 957babb58c61cf3⋯.png (828.07 KB, 917x606, 917:606, Screenshot_257.png)

df7238  No.5290176

File: ea596e6b8acb2a9⋯.jpg (469.32 KB, 1070x1828, 535:914, SmartSelectImage_2019-02-2….jpg)


5860dc  No.5290177

African cultural part 2

The longer I lived there, the more I understood: it became blindingly obvious that the Senegalese are not the same as us. The truths we hold to be self-evident are not evident to the Senegalese. How could they be? Their reality is totally different. You can't understand anything in Senegal using American terms.

Take something as basic as family. Family was a few hundred people, extending out to second and third cousins. All the men in one generation were called "father." Senegalese are Muslim, with up to four wives. Girls had their clitorises cut off at puberty. (I witnessed this, at what I thought was going to be a nice coming-of-age ceremony, like a bat mitzvah or confirmation.) Sex, I was told, did not include kissing. Love and friendship in marriage were Western ideas. Fidelity was not a thing. Married women would have sex for a few cents to have cash for the market.What I did witness every day was that women were worked half to death. Wives raised the food and fed their own children, did the heavy labor of walking miles to gather wood for the fire, drew water from the well or public faucet, pounded grain with heavy hand-held pestles, lived in their own huts, and had conjugal visits from their husbands on a rotating basis with their co-wives. Their husbands lazed in the shade of the trees.

Yemily was crucial to people there in a way Americans cannot comprehend.

The Ten Commandments were not disobeyed – they were unknown. The value system was the exact opposite. You were supposed to steal everything you can to give to your own relatives. There are some Westernized Africans who try to rebel against the system. They fail.

We hear a lot about the kleptocratic elites of Africa. The kleptocracy extends through the whole society. My town had a medical clinic donated by international agencies. The medicine was stolen by the medical workers and sold to the local store. If you were sick and didn't have money, drop dead. That was normal.

So here in the States, when we discovered that my 98-year-old father's Muslim health aide from Nigeria had stolen his clothes and wasn't bathing him, I wasn't surprised. It was familiar.

In Senegal, corruption ruled, from top to bottom. Go to the post office, and the clerk would name an outrageous price for a stamp. After paying the bribe, you still didn't know it if it would be mailed or thrown out. That was normal.

One of my most vivid memories was from the clinic. One day, as the wait grew hotter in the 110-degree heat, an old woman two feet from the medical aides – who were chatting in the shade of a mango tree instead of working – collapsed to the ground. They turned their heads so as not to see her and kept talking. She lay there in the dirt. Callousness to the sick was normal.

1b0a06  No.5290178

File: 9f08aedf47005dd⋯.png (322.21 KB, 454x483, 454:483, kerry2faces.png)

fa342f  No.5290180


The Green door.

ba607b  No.5290181

File: 8a21311376397dc⋯.mp4 (259.76 KB, 498x358, 249:179, If you havent yet, run to ….mp4)

b9cda1  No.5290182

File: 41792261e87eb52⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1459x1563, 1459:1563, whitaker #46 276 - _qresea….png)

File: 4ffa76d847d20e7⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1020x788, 255:197, whittaker deal with it.png)

File: d58afb3a222bc0a⋯.png (534.12 KB, 822x980, 411:490, treason-intensifies.png)

File: 12aba81a9efb033⋯.mp4 (926.82 KB, 460x170, 46:17, THUGLIFEWHITAKER.mp4)



141972  No.5290184

File: 3349a537a4e7276⋯.jpeg (571.09 KB, 2310x3110, 231:311, 46BB86CA-D3A3-48E1-A60A-1….jpeg)

389760  No.5290185


Five Eyes Wide Shut

c81d15  No.5290187


ThanQ for the blank as well as the gowdy meme, fren

Gonna play with it too if you don't mind

d6dff8  No.5290189

File: 46aa232e022aea8⋯.png (994.62 KB, 634x912, 317:456, ClipboardImage.png)

I can explain why, it's New York. Cuomo probably has all his lackeys doing this for her…

Tax dollars at work! Meghan Markle is being driven around New York in a State Department SUV with U.S. special agents and NYPD protection thanks to her diplomatic status

Meghan Markle is being chauffeured around NYC in a State Department SUV

The Duchess of Sussex also has U.S. special agents for protection due to her diplomatic status because she is a British royal

The 37-year-old, who is seven months pregnant, has been flanked by security during her five-day whirlwind trip to New York

Security have been tirelessly ushering the former actress from five-star hotels and restaurants into a waiting black SUV with State Department license plates

Meghan is believed to have at least two British officers from the Metropolitan Police with her

A Kensington Palace spokesperson would not reveal details of Meghan's trip earlier in the week but said it was 'privately funded'


6ecc81  No.5290190

6ae055  No.5290191


check this B just for kicks



8444f1  No.5290192

I actually heard a interesting analysis.

Michelle O will run as the moderate after the radical scares away the independents and moderate left. The never trumpers will jump on board, and that will lock in the minorities, women, etc…. supposedly.

c7d6ce  No.5290194


Fucking savages. Have been since the dawn of time and always will be.

78fbd3  No.5290195


RUN Bernard, RUN like the wind!

5860dc  No.5290196

African Culture part 3

Americans think it is a universal human instinct to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It's not. It seems natural to us because we live in a Bible-based Judeo-Christian culture.

We think the Protestant work ethic is universal. It's not. My town was full of young men doing nothing. They were waiting for a government job. There was no private enterprise. Private business was not illegal, just impossible, given the nightmare of a third-world bureaucratic kleptocracy. It is also incompatible with Senegalese insistence on taking care of relatives.

All the little stores in Senegal were owned by Mauritanians. If a Senegalese wanted to run a little store, he'd go to another country. The reason? Your friends and relatives would ask you for stuff for free, and you would have to say yes. End of your business. You are not allowed to be a selfish individual and say no to relatives. The result: Everyone has nothing.

The more I worked there and visited government officials doing absolutely nothing, the more I realized that no one in Senegal had the idea that a job means work A job is something given to you by a relative. It provides the place where you steal everything to give back to your family.

I couldn't wait to get home. So why would I want to bring Africa here? Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.

For the rest of my life, I enjoyed the greatest gift of the Peace Corps: I love and treasure America more than ever. I take seriously my responsibility to defend our culture and our country and pass on the American heritage to the next generation.

African problems are made worse by our aid efforts Senegal is full of smart, capable people. They will eventually solve their own country's problems. They will do it on their terms, not ours. The solution is not to bring Africans here.

We are lectured by Democrats that we must privilege third-world immigration by the hundred million with chain migration. They tell us we must end America as a white , Western, Judeo-Christian, capitalist nation – to prove we are not racist. I don't need to prove a thing. Leftists want open borders because they resent whites, resent Western achievements, and hate America. They want to destroy America as we know it.

We have the right to choose what kind of country to live in. I was happy to donate a year of my life as a young woman to help the poor Senegalese I am not willing to donate my country.

b9cda1  No.5290197

File: b7e30dc9491f0c5⋯.png (954.67 KB, 1194x798, 199:133, notice - fukken saved - pa….png)

ef9edc  No.5290198

File: 886a314ad20413f⋯.png (486.1 KB, 777x539, 111:77, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at ….png)


Washington (CNN)Now we know what Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was doing while recuperating from cancer surgery and fielding calls about the Oscar-nominated documentary based on her life story.

She was delving deeply into the history of the excessive fines clause of the Constitution.

On Wednesday, her second day back on the bench, she read – in her usual steady voice – an opinion holding that the Eighth Amendment's ban on excessive fines applies to states and local governments, as well as to the federal government.

o gag me


773119  No.5290199

File: ea187ed51372d05⋯.jpeg (12.8 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpeg)




1a18d9  No.5290200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oy vey, that is racist non-sense.

Listen to this video to find out how wrong you are anon.

I hope you see the light once you're done with watching it.


4ff5e2  No.5290201


Fake and gay but worth your time to try to debunk it…over and over again. All that energy for a LARP?

f30bbd  No.5290202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The count only has 4 fingers, that’s gotta mess him up.

08a215  No.5290203


Guess Jussie didn’t like the deal.

d6dff8  No.5290204

File: dfbbf450304d9ba⋯.png (526.24 KB, 640x824, 80:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca5fe70bfde159c⋯.gif (180.35 KB, 220x140, 11:7, tenor.gif)

aed350  No.5290205


d7c1d2  No.5290206

File: b94feb578f7826a⋯.png (90.75 KB, 964x562, 482:281, spygatesH125TWITTERCOMPAT.png)

File: a23febfa4359a54⋯.png (343.35 KB, 3868x2252, 967:563, spygatesH6.png)

File: aa6d50cd7ae3a1a⋯.png (216.13 KB, 3868x2252, 967:563, spygatesH5.png)

File: 0f84f8053533c1e⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, spygateskulla2.png)

File: fca3dfd0c804847⋯.png (1.39 MB, 3868x2252, 967:563, spygatesH3.png)


want nothing moar! :D

a72cde  No.5290207

File: 15ffa652f00ed78⋯.jpg (473.65 KB, 2716x1810, 1358:905, IMG_5802.JPG)

389760  No.5290209


and then Joan Rivers

pops out of nowhere to tell us


7d7519  No.5290210

File: d0254a5a5269920⋯.png (1.04 MB, 911x610, 911:610, 5minutelunch.png)

File: 79a8a6c4d9c4343⋯.png (1.07 MB, 913x612, 913:612, IamNotYourPuppetBitch.png)

c2f2a4  No.5290211


Operation Chaos

fc6ae6  No.5290212


Here's a real life example of what I'm saying…


f4ac66  No.5290213


but . . . >>>/patriotsfight/20 (Drop #20 as you call it , which it isn't) is from the 14th

8444f1  No.5290214



fe6bbe  No.5290215


They use campaigns, etc. to hide and launder the money.

She probably paid him to appear at the Lynch speeches of hers. (He is seen in crowd by her).

"Appearance Fee to Smollett". And prob 4,000.

68f588  No.5290216


Splain that to me, saving israel for last and all that. We aren't finished here rabbi

c9d5f8  No.5290217

File: ccb9cff2ba61ef9⋯.png (214.35 KB, 480x251, 480:251, death_cult.png)



057dd3  No.5290218

File: fe45a8b515a9996⋯.jpg (127.25 KB, 990x661, 990:661, pepesroom.jpg)


wanna see muh facebook?

all muh proofs are there.


>shillin aint easy

0c7ee9  No.5290219


They had to have her come out powerful!! At least IMO - to be believable.

892c43  No.5290220

File: a2f454630f6247d⋯.png (323.72 KB, 918x688, 459:344, AOC_Warp.png)

27c1c8  No.5290221

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, Chan Archive Service.jpg)

Spreadsheet is updated to post >>5289043


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(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated

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Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/

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Patriots, archive offline!


37d4ba  No.5290222


Likely just nwo crooks and traitors.

b63678  No.5290223


kek, reasoning with clockfags is useless, just let them fap

a225e7  No.5290224



It rings true; is there any sauce on this?

338ca6  No.5290225


Mueller discovered that the OIG was looking at his office

and is how the Strzok and Page texts were discovered

so Mueller has had to be vewwy careful

because everything is tracked

all phones and computers are tracked

and he might have realized he was SUNK

right around the day the texts were released

think about it

Trump's been watching Mueller squirm

this whole time

It hasn't been Trump squirming at all

it's been mueller squirming

7c1ba9  No.5290226



in with the shekel protection gag

6ae055  No.5290227

File: 0c217ea603dd32e⋯.jpeg (81.77 KB, 750x489, 250:163, whitacre my nigga's.jpeg)

b11bd0  No.5290228


change your diet to natural foods, take some Reishi mushrooms, and exercise every day.

ef9edc  No.5290229


>change my mind

it's easier to just filter you.

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