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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

97a59d  No.5179346

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 2.14.19

>>5178012 rt >>5177926 ————————— “Well there ya go!”

>>5177902 ————————————–——– Pace picking up? (Twitter cap: >>5177926 ; YT vid: >>5177959 )

>>5177627 ————————————–——– Define the word ‘plan’. (Twitter cap: >>5177666 ; >>5178299 )

>>5177433 ————————————–——– [Coming weeks] (Twitter cap: >>5177464 )

>>5176863 rt >>5176841 ————————— On the move.

>>5176841 rt >>5176626 ————————— Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove.

>>5176617 ————————————–——– Memes are important.

>>5176313 rt >>5176247 ————————— We only go ‘public’ when we want the ‘target’ to ‘know’.

>>5176262 rt >>5176128 ————————— Credit to Anons who deciphered Red/Green Castle.

>>5176118 ————————————–——– Anons knew last March?

>>5167348 ————————————–——– Register all data pulls. Standby

>>5167300 ————————————–——– Pull all views +/-[10]

>>5167233 ————————————–——– Night crawl active [3]

>>5167220 ————————————–——– Sequence Complete.

>>5167194 ————————————–——– Sequence Register.

Tuesday 2.12.19

>>5141431 rt >>5141350 ————————— Not seeing an error now.

>>5141350 rt >>5141323 ————————— Spelling error by mistake.

>>5141323 rt >>5141276 ————————— The NARRATIVE has them.

>>5141235 rt >>5141130 ————————— Maybe one day we'll hit 0:00.00.

>>5141109 rt >>5141012 ————————— Devices in the same location…

>>5140929 ————————————–——– FACTS MATTER

>>5139828 ————————————–——– What does a dog do when he/she has a bone?

>>5139798 rt >>5139710 ————————— They have ZERO control now. (Twitter text: >>5139819 )

>>5139710 ————————————–——– Shall We Play a Game?

Monday 2.11.19

>>5134798 rt >>5134529 ————————— God Speed, Patriot.

>>5134370 rt >>5134144 ————————— Thank you, Anons (return publicly)

>>5127652 rt >>5127462 ————————— Life Lesson - [AS]

>>5127462 ————————————–——– Let's actually use 'FACTS' ( Tweet Cap: >>5127508 )

>>5127210 ————————————–——– Does the list above look familiar?

>>5126726 ————————————–——– The WAR is very real.

>>5123215 rt >>5123210 ————————— Graphic On Voter ID Graphic On Voter ID

>>5123210 ————————————–——– What about Domestic interference?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

97a59d  No.5179349


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day

>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING

#6616 Baker Change

>>5178668 Subject of an indictment filed in September 2017 charged today

>>5178736 POTUS Gets Clean Bill Of Health

>>5178867 DJT Jr tweet on fake news

>>5178925 "Great Awakening" Side by Side

>>5179088 You (THEY) may be disappointed by the Mueller report

>>5179146 House set to vote on border security funding bill to avert government shutdown

>>5179030 Arab leaders: "We should fight Iran along side Israel"

>>5179296 Turns out Discord is saving users’ deleted images

>>5179333 #6616


>>5177901 Smollett staged attack against himself because of being written off “Empire”

>>5177959 Vid of POTUS calling for “great reawakening”

>>5178174 Pelosi threatens to take guns if POTUS declares NE

>>5178196 DOJ News Summary for Thursday Feb 14

>>5178223 ; >>5178413 KTLA and Netflix on lockdown owing to threat of person with “deadly weapon”

>>5178285 US negotiating multibillion-dollar fine with Facebook

>>5178538 #6615


>>5177149 Q Meme Analysis: Randy Coleman and “RE-D”

>>5177464 ; >>5177612 Barr sworn in as AG (DOJ Twitter + article)

>>5177353 Bolton brings El Salvador president-elect into Venezuela coalition

>>5177613 Pompeo tweet re: Venezuela and “The time has come to let in aid.”

>>5177617 Possible link btw. China op [3] and Q’s meme

>>5177813 #6614


>>5176399 ; >>5176837 BBC Producer: “Gas attack” in Syria “was staged”

>>5176514 New PapaD tweet re: Spygate, London, and Rome

>>5176596 ; >>5176694 Planefag Updates: 2-POSH

>>5176657 Congressional Border Deal: $5.3B to Israel, Jordan, Ukraine (see also Bread #6611)

>>5176955 ; >>5177012 Duplicates Josh Campbell, John Carlin, Mary McCord on Q’s meme

>>5177065 #6613

Previously Collected Notables

>>5175611 #6611, >>5176297 #6612

>>5173238 #6608, >>5174016 #6609, >>5174777 #6610

>>5170918 #6605, >>5171699 #6606, >>5172567 #6607

>>5168624 #6602, >>5169381 #6603, >>5170160 #6604

>>5166374 #6599, >>5167047 #6600, >>5167811 #6601

>>5164077 #6596, >>5164807 #6597, >>5165594 #6598

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

97a59d  No.5179351

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#63 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472 , >>5147386

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

97a59d  No.5179354

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

97a59d  No.5179356



d71877  No.5179391

File: a626cdec5c8272f⋯.jpeg (523.76 KB, 1015x1132, 1015:1132, 2B9CC5B6-9ECA-4136-98FE-9….jpeg)

61d3a1  No.5179405


It is sad you betray good Americans. Hell will find and welcome you.

e84549  No.5179411


Twitter Bans 21 Conservatives for 1 Liberal

Twitter has devolved into an establishment-friendly censored platform in which right-leaning political thought is censored. The social media website was originally devised by its creators as a genuine free speech platform- a vision that was thrown to the winds when it became clear that open exchange of information was politically inconvenient to progressives.

A new study makes clear the extent to which the platform has gone to nuke conservative political expression in the past few years, under the leadership of Jack Dorsey. Columbia University academic Richard Hanania sought to document every suspension of a high profile-Twitter user since January.

Hanania identified 22 banned users who he categorized as influencers on the platform. Out of the 22, 21 were identified as known supporters of Donald Trump for President.

Only 1 high-profile liberal was identified as being (temporarily) banned- Rose McGowan. McGowan had been suspended after leaking someone’s private phone number, a clear violation of Twitter rules.

9f995c  No.5179414

File: 93d0219aca13048⋯.png (465.96 KB, 1241x636, 1241:636, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29fdb0eb29f23e9⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 177x255, 59:85, 2ceedcda97f4e034bbe466cd96….jpg)

>>5177816 (lb)

Holy Fire…

hope other anons are picking up the biblical relevance of all of this.

b62d49  No.5179415


‘Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front!’ This, however, is merely an afterthought; the Riddle, as originally invented, had no answer at all.

squatty potty 855.628.1099

trevorproject.org 1-866-488-7386


413ac8  No.5179416

>>5179174 pb

I lean more to double agents ~ maybe, dual citizenship?

f2c574  No.5179417

File: d403374529b19c6⋯.png (298.55 KB, 528x526, 264:263, d403374529b19c6e82e515205b….png)

212e42  No.5179418

Q- I hope it’s “no deals” tonight

b62d49  No.5179419

ואז יהושע ודניאל ליקקו הרבה חמאת בוטנים לקוקאין לפני שנרצח בחור חד-קרן במנדליי ביי

ודניאל באמת אהב ללקק חמאת בוטנים מתוך התחת שלהם, ויהודי מזויף של יהושע הלך עם זה

וכך החל המסע של דניאל ויהושע מן הפלך עם חמאת בוטנים ומחייך, כי הם ליקק הרבה התחת ורבים התרשמו הבלבול שלהם

ודניאל באמת אהב ללקק חמאת בוטנים מתוך התחת שלהם, ויהודי מזויף של יהושע הלך עם זה

בקרוב הומוסקסואלים tavistock היה דחפים עבור דניאל וחמאת בוטנים, יהושע ו בולשיט

דניאל היה מבולבל על תינוקות ההוביטים אבל היה מוכן לרצות עם חמאת בוטנים

הושע ודניאל ייסעו עמוק לתוך היער בחמאת בוטנים ונדדו ויסעו בחיפוש אחר טבעת נישואים שקיבל סוחר הקוקאין מהם

דרך היער ומעלה הגבעות יהושע ודניאל עבדו חמאת בוטנים

יהושע ודניאל חשבו שהטביסטוק יעשה אותם עשירים עם הטריקים של חמאת בוטנים

ליקוק חזק יותר אמר שיהושע ודניאל ילקקו חזק יותר. לתוך היער הם היו מבלים זמן רב עם חורים וחמאת בוטנים

ככל שהם ליקקו עוד יותר את ליקקו עד שהם היו מתוך חמאת בוטנים ונמאס ללכת דרך היער מחפש סוחר קוקאין עם טבעת הנישואין שתפס אותם להכין תינוקות ההוביט

קשה היה להאמין שסיפוריהם גורמים לפניהם להיות מכוסים עדיין בחמאת בוטנים ובהומוסקסואליות

אז tavistock עשה קרם עבור דניאל

עד מהרה רצה צוואר ביד

ויהושע אמר שהוא זקוק לקוקאין כי דניאל עייף מלקק את כל חמאת הבוטנים

אז דיוויד וילקוק קיבל קצת קוקאין ולקח את העבודה של דניאל ויהושע וכולם קפצו לתוך ערימת חמאת בוטנים

את קרם היה חלקה יותר מאשר חמאת בוטנים חשב דניאל

ו דניאל קרא "אני עכשיו יהיה ידוע בשם Danalingus של pedovores tavistock, תן לי את החרב שלך כדי לשפשף חמאת בוטנים ללקק" ואת צווארון david הלך וקנה קוקאין יותר

דוד willcock קנה את קוקאין ממשפחת בוש אז זה היה חזק באמת מ laredo ואת חמאת בוטנים היה מועדון סמס אז הם הלכו על זה כל סוף השבוע

יהושע היה בגן עדן עם התחת ליקק וקוקאין

ודוד וילקוק ויהושע אמרו לדניאל שהוא יכול להיות יהודי כדי ללקק את כל החמאה

אפילו בונו לא יכול לעשות את זה הרבה חמאת בוטנים וקוקאין בסוף השבוע

אז דיוויד ווילקוק עשה את בונו הגרוע ביותר ואת דניאל פוני בצד עם בוש קוקאין

סטיב ג 'ובס היה שמח לגרום דוד ווילקוק היה כלבה מגעילה וכולם תפוח היה חרמן עבור jerry mcquire בכל מקרה

סורוס הוא אידיוט

עד מהרה הבין דניאל שזה לא תירס

דניאל הבין במהרה שזה לא ממתק שהוא אוכל בסוף

אבל דוד Wilcock נשבע שהוא לא לגנוב את טבעת הנישואין כאשר הם היו גבוהים על קוקאין חמאת בוטנים ביער

בקרוב פדופילים בממשלה יתקרב דניאל ו יהושע עם קוקאין

והרעב לחמאת בוטנים ימשיך במסעם דרך היער

יהושע אמר לדניאל לא לדאוג כי הם היו יהודים עכשיו וכי קרם tavistock יעשה אותם עשירים

וג'ושוע ודניאל בזזו את חור חמאת הבוטנים בשאר חלקי הרומן

a47c4c  No.5179420

File: 68c3ff06668862e⋯.jpg (75.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2tqd8z.jpg)

5be79c  No.5179421

>>5177794 pb

This video is about mkultra and mind control and the origins of shadow government control. It talks about waking everyone up to the reality that q has shared with us… I feel like it is very notable.

I don’t know how to embed the link or I would put it in this bread. Thanks!

b62d49  No.5179422

> Ich habe den Drang

> (Ich kann ich kann)

> Ich kann noch eine Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräuter (ow Baby Baby)

> Ow yeah yeah (oh ja)

> Ich kann noch eine Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräutern

> Es ist alles so natürlich

> Ow Baby Baby

> Ich kann keine weitere Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräuter (ow Baby Baby)

> Ow yeah yeah (oh ja)

> Ich kann keine weitere Minute warten

> Ich habe den Drang zu Kräutern

> Es ist alles so natürlich

> Ow Baby Baby Ja

<< Meine Hoden fühlen sich heiß und klebrig an.

Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja (2 x)

Ich glaube, ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe dir glauben gemacht, dass wir mehr als nur Freunde sind

Oh Baby

Es mag wie ein Schwarm aussehen

Das heißt aber nicht, dass ich es ernst meinte

Weil alle meine Sinne verloren gehen

Das ist einfach so typisch für mich

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Sie sehen, mein Problem ist das

Ich träume weg

Wenn sie sich diese Helden wünschen, existieren sie wirklich

Ich weine und beobachte die Tage

Kannst du nicht sehen, dass ich in vielerlei Hinsicht ein Narr bin?

Aber alle meine Sinne zu verlieren

Das ist einfach so typisch für mich

Baby, oh

Hoppla! … ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja (2X)

"Alle einsteigen"

"Britney, bevor du gehst, gibt es etwas, was ich will, dass du hast"

"Oh, es ist wunderschön, aber warte mal, oder?"

"Ja, ja, es ist"

"Aber ich dachte, die alte Dame hat es am Ende ins Meer fallen lassen."

"Nun, Baby, ich ging runter und habe es für dich"

"Oh, du solltest nicht haben"

Hoppla! … Ich habe es wieder zu Herzen getan

Ich habe mich in diesem Spiel verirrt, oh Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich werde von oben geschickt

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Hoppla! Ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

Hoppla! Ich habe es wieder getan

Ich habe mit deinem Herzen gespielt und bin im Spiel verloren gegangen

Oh Baby Baby

Hoppla! … Du denkst, ich bin verliebt

Dass ich von oben geschickt werde

Ich bin nicht so unschuldig

c4a7a4  No.5179423

File: 160b6f6233e85b0⋯.mp4 (210.6 KB, 458x458, 1:1, DtwTYlUU0AEsWM0.mp4)

ThanQ Baker!

b62d49  No.5179424

book of puddles pity party 4.902e6

























a7724e  No.5179425

File: 627e65c76a0b000⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 360x553, 360:553, JUN098247_1._SX360_QL80_TT….jpg)


TY Baker!!!


You know what is coming for you…

b62d49  No.5179426

668ab9  No.5179427

Sorry if this has been covered already, just got done workfagging. Here's my take:

Barr is confirmed, systems are a go

POTUS signs bill to avoid a shutdown but uses constitutional powers to fund wall, bypassing Congressional blockade.

Congress and their deathcult finds some way to fight it in court by finding someone with actual standing.

SCOTUS immediately gets involved with such a high profile Constitutional question.

RBG is nowhere to be found, proof of life question goes main stream.

RBG is declared dead.

SCOTUS is stacked in POTUS' favor without her.

SCOTUS must hear case and decision since it is a National Emergency.

Libs heads explode from so much POTUS winning.

The hammer drops and the pain is felt as Barr, Huber, Whitaker, Horowitz, etc reveal the darkness.

Am I close on how this plan is about to pan out?

c5d6e8  No.5179428

>>5178942 pb

TY Anon,

That Maoye Supermarket is in Hong Kong but does not appear to be the location of the tall neon sing with the clock at its top.


b62d49  No.5179429

249c78  No.5179430

File: 71671781bfcbf05⋯.png (223.71 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, whos_moffa.png)

Whos Moffa?

4825fe  No.5179431


Lets see some Rammstein! Du hast! or Asche zu Asche

b2e6de  No.5179432

File: d3c5ca04fb47bb3⋯.png (888.55 KB, 870x780, 29:26, Screenshot_2019-02-14 Insi….png)

More on the amnesty for all illegals in the spending bill. Wall is going to be pointless if this goes through.


b62d49  No.5179433

fresh fake jew hams and hobbits

>>4937393 (You)

>>4937388 (You)

>>4937385 (You)

>>4937382 (You)

>>4937378 (You)

>>4937376 (You)

>>4937373 (You)

208e14  No.5179434

File: c72a06c2d598e0e⋯.png (14.03 KB, 588x199, 588:199, ClipboardImage.png)

Sessions weighs in

6ea129  No.5179435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


b62d49  No.5179436

peanut butter and serial killers and hobbits and cocaine is not a form of government






























































355078  No.5179437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brits Testing LSD On Military is the video your looking for….

76505f  No.5179438

File: 8dd2d950381b5db⋯.png (1.33 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5179337 lb

Came in a gold version for a year

b62d49  No.5179439

the book of dogo and kitteh and firefox as tehy battle teh homotus trannyshills of teh pedovores. as written by teh apostle m4xres











a47b7c  No.5179440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c380d  No.5179441


Yeah dude, pretty close I think.

b62d49  No.5179442

book of doge 4.025e6

































































e0192e  No.5179444


"Enjoy the show."

b62d49  No.5179445










Maccheroni alla molinara
















Maccheroncini di Campofilone










Scialatelli or scialatielli

Spaghetti alla chitarra














Fusilli bucati







Mezze maniche

Mezze penne

Mezzi bombardoni


Pasta al ceppo


Penne ricce



c5d6e8  No.5179446


North on same street, Maoye Supermarket, Hong Kong.


7f0aae  No.5179447


I like it

756ad9  No.5179448

File: b93b507804b4109⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 600x753, 200:251, 111.jpg)

File: b4f8c9f533b74ab⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-your-fellow-man-is-y….jpg)

Fighting satanists since 1735

b62d49  No.5179449

Sagne 'ncannulate



Spiralini (Scharfalini)





Busiate (or busiati)

Campanelle or torchio







Creste di galli




Foglie d'ulivo



Gramigne / Spaccatelle







Pipe rigate








Su Filindeu



Acini di pepe







Egg barley





232ac3  No.5179450

File: eeff7decd0b1a5d⋯.png (123.57 KB, 259x253, 259:253, 2019-02-11_23-12-47.png)

f2c574  No.5179451

You know almost all instant filter you when red spacing to much right, E-Bot?

61d3a1  No.5179452


I don’t really care what may come for me.

328370  No.5179453


No. Roberts has been a firm cabal vote. RGB dead leaves a deadlocked SC, 4-4, until RGB's replacement is confirmed by the Senate.

Now, if you left that detail out…then yes. It will prolly move faster than that, though.

b62d49  No.5179454





Occhi di pernice















Casoncelli or casonsèi







Occhi di lupo











8fb398  No.5179455

File: bb6d743742a810e⋯.png (307.62 KB, 799x500, 799:500, 1543989496994.png)

I fight in my own ways but always for the Republic.

These arrows, I take with Pride.

Casualties of the Information War do habben.

But those true in heart, it is for (You).

Be careful who you follow.


The D party will cease to exist when it's all said and done. Media, you're on the chopping block. C_A, etc. - Batter's Up. Term 2 will be simply Revolutionary. The America you've always felt in your heart but haven't seen with your eyes will Return. 1776 minus a certain /_\



9eaf75  No.5179456

File: 5976e4126ea7cdd⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Gibson: "It is true that China had threat the U.S. government with drug shortages on at least one occasion"

sauce: https://www.uitzendinggemist.net/aflevering/465444/Zembla.html

It's mostly in Dutch, some English, in the recent future more will come for sure about this tv program, because there is a lot of fuckery going on with the medicines from China and they want the monopoly on the meds, almost there btw > India out.

b62d49  No.5179457


This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.

Fideo is a type of pasta commonly used in soups

Thai rice noodles

Commercial thin spätzle

S&N Noodles

Spaghetti Tacos


Cup Noodles


Fried noodles

Frozen noodles

Instant noodle


Rice noodles


Rice vermicelli



Shawn Mendes

Biangbiang noodles

Cellophane noodles

Chinkiang pot cover noodles


Daoxiao noodles

Dragon beard noodles

Henan braised noodles

Hot dry noodles

Jook-sing noodles


Lai fun






Mung bean sheets

Oil noodles



Rice vermicelli

Saang mein

Shahe fen

Shrimp roe noodles

Silver needle noodles

Yi mein


Gong Zai Mian

Wonton noodles


5a3348  No.5179458

File: af23b0834c43d98⋯.jpg (332.67 KB, 1624x1218, 4:3, childtrafficking.jpg)

Child Sponsor = Child Trafficking

b69abc  No.5179459


we'll need it if we're going to turn minnesota red this round

b62d49  No.5179460



Mi Goreng


Sanuki udon

Shirataki noodles




Wanko soba


Cellophane noodles


Dotori guksu

Garak guksu


Pan mee

Wonton noodles

Khanom chin

Rice noodles

Cellophane noodles (Miến)

Rice noodles (bánh phở, bánh đa, bánh canh)

Rice vermicelli (Bún)

Shahe fen

b2228a  No.5179461


Works for me, the RBG proof of life has to come soon, this is ridiculous

e0192e  No.5179462


You missed the amnesty part of the bill which makes the wall a fucking joke.

014982  No.5179463

Could someone reboot ebot?

It's malfunctioning again.

b62d49  No.5179464


















07d10f  No.5179465

>>5179262 (lb)

>gonna throat fuck you hard tonight baby cakes Bannon


record it for anons

2aaad6  No.5179466

File: aae33dc8e4cdc40⋯.jpeg (87.9 KB, 925x483, 925:483, image.jpeg)

File: 454e82e00119eb1⋯.jpeg (86.39 KB, 1795x277, 1795:277, image.jpeg)

File: f2520f7b10df96a⋯.jpeg (332.48 KB, 1443x1929, 481:643, image.jpeg)

File: 1bef50effad59c0⋯.jpeg (95.12 KB, 500x609, 500:609, image.jpeg)

File: 610c8eff1bcc11a⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB, 925x487, 925:487, image.jpeg)

37ce12  No.5179467

File: a8ece28229169e7⋯.jpg (201.42 KB, 1280x938, 640:469, ComfyShades.jpg)


>In Q's drop #2713 three of the fired FBI staff are repeated - Josh Campbell, John Carlin, and Mary McCord.

>Two faces = double agents?

Interdasting speculation, anon.

Certainly there is a reason for it, and Q kind of told us to look closely at the graphic.

3611e8  No.5179468


If it turns out that RBG was dead prior to the recent 5-4 decision being made, there should be consequences for (Roberts??) allowing that to happen.

463d76  No.5179469

b8391e  No.5179471


Anyone awake to explain to me why the left is WINNING?

100c53  No.5179472

File: 94e047de5b513af⋯.png (555.28 KB, 703x667, 703:667, emanuelsmollett.PNG)

The dam is breaking on the Smollett hoax:


Police are oddly denying all the new media reports.

I blame Rahm.

98f760  No.5179473

File: f56c3ea4e310b8a⋯.jpeg (95.73 KB, 778x844, 389:422, 6B9C1C92-C1A1-4DEA-B720-8….jpeg)

I think i spotted the problem.

b2e6de  No.5179474

File: 6afaa30da5a923f⋯.png (573.41 KB, 1328x724, 332:181, Screenshot_2019-02-14 DOJ ….png)

DOJ warns Trump National Emergency will be blocked in courts.


d55ac9  No.5179475

File: a92ef6e90ba322e⋯.png (4.34 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 97D53AD3-69A6-4BC3-9E11-2A….png)

So far

35ac06  No.5179476


HRC only won by 2.5, it's entirely feasible, which is why that crazy cunt was put up to thrash up the Somali vote.

b62d49  No.5179477



9e5cb0  No.5179478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

328370  No.5179479


Cover to vote no.

35ac06  No.5179480


Uh…. WHO in DOJ?

73c817  No.5179481

DO IT Q - Mr. POTUS, Sir TRUMP; softly release the safety and slowly squeeze the trigger niggers – lol kek

Flunkies got it all wrong - Lot sent out his 2 virgin daughters as sacrifice a offering in exchange of the 2 lives under his roof. His virgin daughters even though rejected were part of the redemption plan of our coming saviour Jesus Christ who fulfills the Priest/Whore - Saint/Slave scenario.

>>5179389 pb




a37385  No.5179482


Roberts steps down when they turn up the heat on his illegally adopted kids

756ad9  No.5179483

File: f47019d3e8925d9⋯.png (36.55 KB, 600x600, 1:1, baal-shem-tov-thou-shalt-l….png)

f08da7  No.5179484

File: 230c552978481cc⋯.png (730.07 KB, 900x786, 150:131, muh.png)


i am not much on trying to figure out the exact steps to the plan, as the plan is being fought at every turn.

what i want is to see PF get an entry, even if just one….

a435d3  No.5179485


Most likely because you touch yourself

f2c574  No.5179486

File: 6186d31dd3dff9f⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2271x1703, 2271:1703, 6186d31dd3dff9f702fc7e5d7b….png)

9e5cb0  No.5179487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Published on Feb 14, 2019

Former CIA Director John Brennan and Lawfare’s Ben Wittes join to discuss Andrew McCabe’s take that Trump can’t be trusted. McCabe wrote that people have forgotten how far we’ve strayed from “normal standards of presidential accountability.”

479355  No.5179488


dont you have a dead daughter somewhere?

af7299  No.5179489

Think FEDERAL COURT rulings

On the authority to declare the national emergency


2559a7  No.5179490

Where can I find fresh memes

e06544  No.5179491

File: 4bf4a0fc3523442⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 255x170, 3:2, wtpbikers.jpg)

File: 4252638b390aca2⋯.jpg (209.88 KB, 579x638, 579:638, iu.jpg)

9bd755  No.5179492

File: fefdaf2bae518b2⋯.jpeg (91.48 KB, 778x844, 389:422, 30B5BC6A-8C82-4CDB-80A4-F….jpeg)


yep. it all makes sense now.

4ebb56  No.5179493

File: e04347cd2d49448⋯.png (50.72 KB, 1298x160, 649:80, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)

POTUS received two different vaccinations

Can't wait to see the truth come out about so many of the terrible vaccines.


b62d49  No.5179494

File: 8b99ef35420b91e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 841.7 KB, 1728x1887, 576:629, gollywoodfakejewtacos.jpg)

a7724e  No.5179495

File: 982b99244dbe69e⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 495x722, 495:722, fd69869e8789791cff53877ed4….jpg)


I do. It could be mercy, or pain. I prefer mercy for all.

"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve."

Just stick to the texts in red.


b62d49  No.5179496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61d3a1  No.5179497


Jewish people are horrible racists against black peoples.

0018a0  No.5179498



756ad9  No.5179499

File: 2bf18202b89094d⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 591x591, 1:1, a40686e8b5cafa9bd0f5a6e3c6….jpg)

73c817  No.5179500


wut are you


82497d  No.5179501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Looks like the TRUMPET has sounded…

I have a confident feeling there will be MUCH MORE coming soon…


>you can see it for yourself i ain't jus sayin dis shid


ready when you are_/patriotsfight

The ARK is assembled, the drains are prepared.


>shillin aint easy though i make it look easy

f88584  No.5179502

File: 73790bf6dfe7064⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 708x361, 708:361, hat tip.jpg)

>>5179236 lb

we all have our skillz

3a6a36  No.5179503


Can't come up with new shit bot?

8c380d  No.5179504

So… are we going to see the red wave of all red waves come 2020 allowing making America great without any roadblocks?

a37385  No.5179505


only thing missing was redneck gun nut

b8391e  No.5179506


That's odd.

If true- the RIGHT would be winning.

9e5cb0  No.5179507

File: ded241295fcd837⋯.mp4 (7.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Andrew McCabe says he orde….mp4)

568b6d  No.5179508

File: 4e42b391ab3c11c⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 93f9834025e3a637af1abe525d….jpg)


oh really

e06544  No.5179509

File: 55e610ea5d46988⋯.jpg (175.3 KB, 800x522, 400:261, censure.jpg)

973167  No.5179510


"How many (((coincidences))) before mathematically impossible?"

8f6e8d  No.5179511

File: dc67eceb8518aa8⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x580, 256:145, ClipboardImage.png)

99b164  No.5179512

File: 5f50e119223b094⋯.png (124.52 KB, 925x596, 925:596, ClipboardImage.png)

Things seem to be moving quickly.

2e129e  No.5179513

File: 1e3acd9fcceb706⋯.jpg (71.26 KB, 648x414, 36:23, RBG SMOKO.jpg)

d55ac9  No.5179514


Ty, know 85 republicans who may lose their jobs soon

17906b  No.5179515

File: c326228e39671e7⋯.png (636.7 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, c326228e39671e77fcbb9eaa26….png)

114776  No.5179516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

302bb5  No.5179517

>>5179090 lb

So that POS closet Muslim Brennan is siding with sleezy McCabe against RR and slimeball Comey? RR says AM is lying about wanting to record POTUS, slimeball Comey says AM is lying about him knowing AM was selectively leaking to the press, JB says 'AM has always been a man of honor"! lmfao Eating their own, they can't ALL come out of this winning!

6d1b08  No.5179518


Big pharma at it again. One more way for them to assert control over the masses.

e0192e  No.5179519


Don't forget that Kavanaugh supports the NDAA which ensures that American citizens will never be safe from their own gov't, as demonstrated by the attempted coup to overthrow Trump (and a million other abuses).

d94726  No.5179520

File: 964da939fa888aa⋯.jpg (339.97 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ChicagoPolice.jpg)


The Chicago Police don't have a Masonic checkerboard on their hats for nothing.

90933a  No.5179521


I think it's b/c his secondary story is obviously bull shit too.

They know he's balls deep in the DNC.

77e11a  No.5179522

House has enough votes for Funding Bill - even though voting is not over

per Fox News just now.

90bb3b  No.5179523

File: 670c47b3ffbeaa5⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2tl3tk.jpg)


He will go to prison and meet a nice cell mate.

e06544  No.5179524

File: 12a14c1b37a992d⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 271x271, 1:1, 27b05b4dbed3d5894a541a4608….jpg)

8f6e8d  No.5179525

File: 90c837cf3ae37bd⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1024x574, 512:287, ClipboardImage.png)

c23572  No.5179526

some good shilling in here tonight

b9b6e2  No.5179527

File: faaaed8873d69eb⋯.jpeg (322.06 KB, 853x1317, 853:1317, 255157BA-CD8D-4729-8A02-A….jpeg)

I know we have more and more newfags coming here, and lately it seems like there are a whole lot, just judging by the comments. Anons last bread were wondering how people were going to wake up and accept the truth. I cannot stress enough how important it is to read Q’s drops from the beginning. We were told very early on what our role will be. Pic related.

e62a09  No.5179528

File: ff3747be64c0c43⋯.jpg (10.12 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 51996386_10155239231513078….jpg)

8981aa  No.5179529

File: 05849bab096ec4b⋯.jpeg (250.18 KB, 750x470, 75:47, 3B3D0959-345C-49A0-8475-3….jpeg)

@genflynn has a new background!

a7f92a  No.5179530


Agreed. The anti-semitism is really getting out of control

73c817  No.5179531


LDR showing her good side. Better than being on the side of the road huh junkie?

014982  No.5179532


No. The angels came to see if there was any shred of decency left in order to prevent the destruction, and the JEWS wanted to rape the angles. The daughters were sent out as a sacrifice.

3adc83  No.5179533



986e63  No.5179534

File: 616c09f29b4bc35⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q djtshrtwv3.png)

>>5179223 LB

Barr is the HAMMER?

He is in place. RBG is MIA.

Tomorrow is the Shot Heard Around the World.

Baseball KEKs.

f2c574  No.5179535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dream Groyper please come rescue me

53e65c  No.5179536

756ad9  No.5179537

File: f6c897c126dd90a⋯.png (27.85 KB, 600x600, 1:1, baal-shem-tov-whenever-fee….png)

File: 2984be1c1b6df45⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 792x337, 792:337, LfxR10434347.jpg)

d733a3  No.5179538

File: a403472fc430346⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1108x922, 554:461, HisPanic.png)

b62d49  No.5179539

2Second Announcement Regarding Canonical Belief1 "His Holiness the Flying Spaghetti Monster is Eternal, without beginning and without end, and with a whole tangled mess in the middle.2He willed All That There Is into existence when He saw fit to do so and in the order He chose. 3 He prankishly thwarts all human attempts to find out exactly when or how this might have occured. 4 He has chosen, in His Holy Sauced Wisdom, to reveal only these certain truths: that after the Earth itself, came mountains, trees and a midgit/midget (but not necessarily in that order), and that thereafter He took three days off, Friday being the Holiest among them. 5 What came next is the subject of much great lore passed from the midgit/midgets down through the ever-dwindling pirate population, also the Holy Inspired Works revealed to and gathered by His Faithful Followers, and attempts at scientific conjecture, each of which have varying levels of accuracy and entertainment value. 6 His Saucy Orbs do Look With Delight upon that which is well-written. 7 For as His Noodly Appendages Do Touch Us, so too do they touch even the smallest atoms of the universe, and re-arrange them for His Own Holy Amusement, so as to drive scientists insane. 8 And thus, if Creationism is to be taught as Science, then the Great and Holy Truth of the Creation of the Universe by His Holiness the Flying Spaghetti Monster mustalso be taught."-Solipsy of the First Council of Olive Garden

79ab85  No.5179540


nice one!

ae15ce  No.5179541

>>5178971 PB

Who ded?

328370  No.5179542


The goal is to put so much BS out there no one knows who to believe.


e06544  No.5179543

File: 4b53e5bd50968fb⋯.jpg (4.08 MB, 3928x2672, 491:334, wolvesforest.jpg)

7475fa  No.5179544

Can an anon help me out? I don't live in the US and I'd like to see the McCabe 60 minutes interview clip. Can someone make it available internationally? (Canada)


fd97de  No.5179545

>>5179088 (lb dubs)

Just a general heads up to anons. When you see a URL like that, see if it will work without the part after the ?




That bit after the ?, looks awfully like a session id or something else used for tracking. And could conceivably be used to tie down who exactly looked at that article and copied the link.

Not a major risk, IMO, it's mostly for advertising tracking, but yeah… always something I do before posting a URL.

d12e4a  No.5179546

File: cf115e21ad1d037⋯.png (397.64 KB, 435x436, 435:436, ClipboardImage.png)

9e5cb0  No.5179547

File: d969bc376ad7704⋯.png (913.84 KB, 760x688, 95:86, ClipboardImage.png)

76505f  No.5179548


Theres that word indelible again

6ea129  No.5179549

File: 2f7ad66f7d3f15c⋯.jpeg (122.48 KB, 898x628, 449:314, 2f7ad66f7d3f15c9ebc46a909….jpeg)

1df1a7  No.5179550


I hope so!

4825fe  No.5179551


<3 Thank you

a37385  No.5179552


Comey's butt buddy, WIttes? Kek!

73c817  No.5179553


muhldrjuh centralbank loser

d55ac9  No.5179554


Is it simple majority or two thirds majority

b62d49  No.5179555

3Third Announcement Regarding Canonical Belief1 These are crappy times for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. 2 The Dark Lord Darwin roams the world unchallenged and his Science taints mankind with reason. 3 The Empiricists win more and more court cases against us Creationists and the Scientists add more and more proof to their already flawless theories and facts. 4It seems the FSM is too drunk and/or lazy to repel this coming enlightenment. 5 But all is not lost and hope still remains. 6 Our numbers continue to grow, nearing 100,000 Pastafarians, this summer has been pretty cool, and now, the first edition of theLoose Canon is finally nearing completion. 7 The Loose Canon is an endeavor our scribes, prophets, captains, and preachers have faithfully worked on since the ancient days of the Church and soon copies of the psuedofinished work will be available to all Pastafarians to serve as a beacon of hope in these desperate times. 8 I say it will be psuedofinished because the Loose Canon should never be finished. 9 Future holy men and women and robots will unveil more theological ideas and histories and the views of the Church will probably change with time. 10 So in the interest of being a perpetually modern religion, Councils of Olive Garden must periodically convene to compile new editions of the Loose Canon.11 In my opinion, the texts of the Canon should neverbe altered or eliminated, however, any text, no matter how contradictory, can be canonized. 12 Even this first edition has texts that contradict each other and even the Gospel of the FSM. 13 This fits with the philosophy of our Church. 14 One should not have blind faith in a holy text. 15 One should not take a holy text as word for word truth. 16 Afterall, it's just a book written by imperfect humans, not by the all-knowing Flying Spaghetti Monster. 17 Though I could be completely wrong about all of this. 18 Future Pastafarians are just gonna have to think for themselves and make up their own minds.19 So with that said, I hope the congregation will enjoy the Loose Canon. 20 I hope everyone gets a laugh out of its stories and ponders the wisdom of its teachings. 21 So stay tuned maties cause it's coming and it'll be awesome when it does. 22 And maybe that dick, Darwin, will think twice about tempting us with his evidence and facts when he sees how psyched we are about our newly made book filled with revelations from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.23 RAmen, -Platypus Enthusiast aka Captain Jeff the Mishunaireeof the Second Council of Olive Garden

15c64e  No.5179556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Agreed. The anti-semitism is really getting out of control

"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

0018a0  No.5179557


Flynn Family Crest already notable

a1bee9  No.5179558


Yeah, because that somehow makes Lot a "good guy"

f372e0  No.5179559

File: b815eb1c479e7be⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 676x664, 169:166, Capture.JPG)

File: 357bd83ef1c7e04⋯.jpg (35.13 KB, 439x415, 439:415, Capture2.JPG)

File: 85e60cf5ae1946a⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 535x425, 107:85, Capture3.JPG)

File: d4e651bd4212c56⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 727x448, 727:448, Capture4.JPG)

File: 078181f18d1c1ae⋯.jpg (45.18 KB, 399x579, 133:193, Capture5.JPG)

Trump/Pence. Trumpets. It ain't rocket science who this guy really is and where we are on the timeline.

3df1c4  No.5179560


Hasn't aired yet, Anon.

668ab9  No.5179561


This may be a point of contention. SCOTUS is comp'd due to cover up of RBG's death?

d85006  No.5179562


A trifecta of victim hood.

af7299  No.5179563


Didn't McCabe and Blasey-Ford have the same lawyer?

719896  No.5179564

File: 12a3f784acd7414⋯.jpg (146.04 KB, 683x748, 683:748, 1550194627370.jpg)


>Libs heads explode from so much POTUS winning.

>so much winning

Yeah this fucking bill is so much winning you stupid fucking faggot.

This fucking bill allows amnesty to anyone with a fucking child in their presence that has crossed illegally.

You stupid fucking Q tards cant see what is right in front of you. Wake the fuck up

335276  No.5179565

And one again these mother fuckers vote on a bill they have not read.

17906b  No.5179566

File: 527e55fc28e682b⋯.jpeg (319.4 KB, 1951x1668, 1951:1668, 527e55fc28e682b7c5516acc0….jpeg)

b62d49  No.5179567

5The Book of Midgets/Midgitsa history*As transcribed by DaveLChapter IThe Curse of The Bald Midget 1In the days when the Flying Spaghetti Monster combed the Bobby Mountain, 2He looked upon the Earth and saw that the land was devoid of chosen subjects. 3In His awesome Noodly Hugeness, the FSM cast his Noodly Appendage forthover the Bobby Mountain and said with a noodly growl, 4"Send forth my beloved subjects! 5Be they small and capable of head butting tall people in the groin. 6Let them be capable of acting as mobile beer holders. 7Let them be cute and cuddly, 8and let them be capable of riding many a good winner at the races'. " 9And into the world the Midgets did come. 10For they were indeed extremely cute and cuddly. 11The bald midgets were sometimes confused by the FSM with sticks of roll on deodorant. 12This amused the FSM greatly, 13who named the bald midgets 'The Rexona' or ' The Rexonii' (plural). 14But extremely cute and cuddly they were. 15In the early days the midgets grew much Basil and Herbs. 16And in the absence of protein in the diet, they did not grow tall. 17And the leader of their tribe was Egbert. 18For he was so loved by the FSM for his baldness, that he was spared from further midget gags as an act of charity. 19Then one day following the Basil harvest, Egbert and the tribe grew restless 20and longed for the addition of minced beef in their pasta penne. 21But Egbert knew additional protein may force him to grow tall, thereby forfeiting his venerable midgetness. 22This would also forfeit his right to receive kid's portion meals at McDonalds, 23which was a real bummer. 24And the FSM did appear unto Egbert and the midget tribe and spoke. 25"Look guys, I'm really sorry for the really bad midget gags at your expense. 26But it's really boring being a supreme being sometimes." 27And the midgets did cheer sending forth high fives all round with their pudgy hands and fingers. 28"As a sign of my good measure I will allow you to add ground beef, 29provided you maintain

9e5cb0  No.5179568

File: 7c2f37a8a6a2d83⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1910x1000, 191:100, ClipboardImage.png)

014982  No.5179569

483c1e  No.5179570

File: 0cb28465b7b5d6f⋯.png (33.52 KB, 715x273, 55:21, no natl emergency.PNG)

Is the national emergency just a head fake for another way of getting funds.

Funds can be got without declaring a national emergency

The White House is firming up plans to redirect unspent federal dollars as a way of funding President Donald Trump’s border wall without taking the dramatic step of invoking a national emergency.

Done by executive order, this plan would allow the White House to shift money from different budgetary accounts without congressional approval, circumventing Democrats who refuse to give Trump anything like the $5.7 billion he has demanded. Nor would it require a controversial emergency declaration.

The emerging consensus among acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and top budget officials is to shift money from two Army Corps of Engineers’ flood control projects in Northern California, as well as from disaster relief funds intended for California and Puerto Rico. The plan will also tap unspent Department of Defense funds for military construction, like family housing or infrastructure for military bases, according to three sources familiar with the negotiations.

“There are certain sums of money that are available to the president, to any president,” Mulvaney said on “Meet the Press” Sunday. “So you comb through the law at the president's request … And there's pots of money where presidents, all presidents, have access to without a national emergency.”

But the strategy is far from a cure-all for a president with no good options, and it has already sparked debate within the White House. Moving funds by executive order is virtually certain to draw instant court challenges, with opponents, including some powerful members of Congress, arguing the president is encroaching on the legislative branch’s constitutional power to appropriate funds.

Some Trump officials, including those aligned with senior adviser Stephen Miller, have argued internally that the gambit might be even more vulnerable to court challenges than a national emergency declaration. And in a sign of the political fallout, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee has argued that tapping military construction money would hurt the armed forces’ potential readiness.


f9ef03  No.5179571

File: 05396abbe713bc5⋯.jpg (18.44 KB, 210x254, 105:127, 2tqdul.jpg)

756ad9  No.5179572

File: 8f922df5eb00e4b⋯.png (24.63 KB, 600x315, 40:21, quote-18757.png)

e06544  No.5179573

File: d55a9c921c5a833⋯.jpg (244.73 KB, 795x838, 795:838, exercise.jpg)

d30805  No.5179574

POTUS was able to have military funding slipped into the Omnibus..

I wonder what was able to get slipped in this house bill that favors POTUS

79ab85  No.5179575

File: 9072c16d380e453⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 604x420, 151:105, JQ_shills7.jpg)

b62d49  No.5179576

6a balanced diet and don't grow tall." 30And the midgets did but whoop and holler in their tiny little voices 31singing Randy Newman songs in his honour (you can guess which). 32"Praised be unto His Noodly Appendages" they cried with their helium-filled voices. 33And in a bid to overcome their protein deficiency, 34the midgets set forth to slaughter everything that moved on the face of the earth. 35For they did slaughter the armadillo, the antelope, the aardvaak and all other animals between the letters A-Z. 36And Egbert did thus say: "Doode-a, keelling ell thuse-a creetoores soore-a beets zee hell oooot ooff grooeeng beseel und herbs."37And there was great noodly happiness on the slopes of Bobby Mountain. 38For theirs was the Kingdom of Protein!!~~~~~~~~~~~~

a37385  No.5179577


Yes, Bromwich

a7f92a  No.5179578



Thanks for proving my point. These anti-Semitic tropes are getting so old

76505f  No.5179579

File: d47930cb6c2b429⋯.png (696.07 KB, 1009x892, 1009:892, christine blasey ford she ….png)


That would be a YUGE coinkydink if they did

b2e6de  No.5179580

File: be2b34cfc5b5f43⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 320x320, 1:1, be2b34cfc5b5f43e4ea32ad4b0….jpg)


Ah fuck it all makes sense now….

b62d49  No.5179581

Chapter IIThe Great Boredom Incantation and the Coming of the Midgits 1Following the great Midget reconciliation, the FSM did but enter a great period of self satisfaction. 2For his subjects were omnivorous and yet retained their venerable Midgetness. 3And in the great void feeling pretty damn pleased with himself, he put his many tentacles upon his great celestial recliner rocker and mellowed right out. 4But following many years of relaxation, the Great Noodly One did become very bored. 5Despite the presence of his beloved Midgets he was very much alone. 6Being the only supreme being, there was little or no chance of him meeting an FSM babe for a bit of red hot action. 7And absolutely no chance of him hoisting the if the Universe is rockin', don't come a knockin' sign on his celestial door.8And in his solitude, the FSM did begin the Great Boredom Incantation, 9that boomed across the sky and shook the little folk from their midget high chairs. 10I'm bored11I'm really bored12I'm really really bored13I'm really really, really bored

77e11a  No.5179582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Andrew McCabe tells "60 Minutes" why he opened investigations involving Trump

6ea129  No.5179583

File: 4b542673d3f1ee1⋯.jpg (49.39 KB, 640x579, 640:579, 4b542673d3f1ee15621e2a6272….jpg)

af7299  No.5179584

Wow here comes Hannity reading yesterday's notables. Fucking cuck.

b932bd  No.5179585


Is the bucket gone?

Any update on that?

9e5f69  No.5179586


I think (maybe) we may see different mives out of Roberts with Barr in command of DOJ.

>who knows where the bodies are buried?

b62d49  No.5179587

714(you'll get the hang of it after about 100 reallys) 15I'm so bored I find watching Bold and The Beautiful an absolute blast 16I'm so bored I find watching Oprah the highlight of my day 17I'm so bored I find Bill O'Reilly almost comical 18I'm so bored I find 'Alexander' an absolute ripper of a film 19Then following the citing of several more thousand bad moments in TV and cinema, the FSM did thus end The Great Boredom Incantation. 20Sad for their Master, Egbert ordered the Midgets to try really damned hard to cheer FSM up. 21They dressed up in cute little outfits -Ewoks, Munchkins and assorted furry animals. 22They even sung cute little pantomine songs from Snow White, but the FSM was unmoved. 23Egbert in his adoration for the FSM raised his pudgy little arms to the sky and screamed: 24 "Hey Greet Speghettee Doode-a. Vhy ere-a yuoo su sed? Bork Bork Bork!"25The FSM replied in perfect Ivy League Midgetese:

636eae  No.5179588

>>5178800 pb

Re: "Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove"

Would like to continue this discussion….was offline when Q came because I'm working on Information Warfare thread (on disinfo, controlling the narrative, Alabama muh russia campaign, etc) so I'm intensely interested, especially about the "high follower count" targeting.

I can understand the idea of a "deep in narrative" mob–this would be a True Believer type–passionate, committed.

Does this differ from a "high follower count" group in that the latter is rather like an unthinking (shallower) group but easily led (by the deep-in-narrative group)? Is it when you put the two together that it becomes very dangerous?

Also, are Q's comments addressed to Sather, to anons, or to both? Sather has a more extreme position, since he is into the current existence of a space force, off-worlders, etc., so he (his position) would be more vulnerable than that of an anon who does not openly endorse what Sather does.

Collected remarks from previous thread:

>>5176841 (lb pb)

>>5176626 pb

More importantly, why is the WASH POST leading the attack vs ‘Q’?

>Ans: It's Mockingbird press. Bezos is paid by US govt (600 million) to push legal propaganda on US citizens. (we need to make propaganda illegal again)

Who owns the WASH POST?

> Ans: WaPO is owned by Bezos, who owns Amazon.

Who funds Amazon?

>Ans: Multiple funding sources but fundamentally Amazon's customers fund Amazon. Also investors to a degree. One key big customer is the Govt, who funds/subsidizes Amazon and uses it's platform/tech. We the TAXPAYER also fund Amazon but via govt allocation and not as individual customers.

Who targeted NSA re: SURV expose/prevent pre U1 / IRAN?

> See Eye Aye ala Snowden. Self eating predatory internal competing govt bureaucracies

Why are we attacked daily by the largest news co’s on the world?

Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove.

>Ans: this anon hopes Sather sees this and is aware. I hope that he is a good guy and may be getting played by "people who dont have his best interest in mind". If nothing else he has a heads up. The truth will out.


>>5177914 lb

>Anons. What do you think Q meant by this?

>>>Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove<<

Been pondering this too. Current thoughts:

Any anons who've taken a public role in this fight and who have become influential voices with large followings should expect that attacks will intensify. And that the attacks may become more subtle and more nuanced and trickier to navigate. Our enemy specializes in deception and co-optation.

>Use caution

"Deep in narrative" mob can be directed to believe ANYTHING. They are under mind control. We've all seen the lies they've swallowed about POTUS, Kavanaugh, etc etc etc.

It's possible Q is warning anons in the spotlight to be on guard against subversion, co-optation and smear campaigns. The enemy is undoubtedly attempting to set them up to fail: be on guard. (As I'm sure they're well aware!)

We are with you, high follower count anons. WWG1WGA, frenz.

Other thoughts on this, anons?

0fca10  No.5179589

File: 67ff76026a1fa46⋯.jpg (211.04 KB, 491x463, 491:463, [ZERO].jpg)


Two ciphers.

One for the publik…

040d51  No.5179590


"Bill pass house and senate now goes to POTUS"

I say


cb3faa  No.5179591

File: aaf6b7a168df7e6⋯.jpeg (83.1 KB, 589x332, 589:332, hasbara4.jpeg)

756ad9  No.5179592

File: 98b6959843b8afb⋯.jpg (19 KB, 532x395, 532:395, 98b6959843b8afbc632f2208ff….jpg)

File: 48bcffee25654d7⋯.jpg (14.7 KB, 255x169, 255:169, piper.jpg)

Repairing our common cognitive capacity means dealing with significant levels of damage to neurological function amounting to PTSD.

SEX and DEATH images perceived by the unconscious exert unseen influence distorting our collective worldview and inhibiting discernment by the inappropriate linkage of emotion and symbols or ideas. Adverse conditioning.

British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined by external events over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception, p 322

1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual thresholds

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality

The list of subliminal effects powerfully demonstrates that humans can be programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media…Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.”

86b071  No.5179593



a7f92a  No.5179594

17906b  No.5179595

File: e8f802f0314cfea⋯.jpg (6.76 KB, 229x220, 229:220, e8f802f0314cfea2fdb7c25e51….jpg)

114776  No.5179596

File: e0ef258fbd9a055⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 608x608, 1:1, st-petersburg.jpg)

30dcc9  No.5179597

File: ef73d879bc97e02⋯.png (383.3 KB, 1578x760, 789:380, ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu's plane to Israel grounded in Warsaw, awaiting substitute plane


fc8cca  No.5179598

File: b824a295e4c56f9⋯.jpg (27.1 KB, 184x255, 184:255, Meme Creator_1550196057603.jpg)

Happy Valentine's Day

No Homo

6d1b08  No.5179599


I can’t stomach Hannity anymore

d73d56  No.5179600


7475fa  No.5179601


Is this the one about the coup? I watched this one just now and it didn't sound like a coup? Am I missing something? :S Another anon said the coup video isn't available yet.

6bab16  No.5179602

File: b87b484dcf501e8⋯.png (373.55 KB, 690x343, 690:343, BFFAE915-FBA4-4708-8A83-94….png)

Line item Veto.

d6d58c  No.5179603


He hasn't signed anything yet.

His explanation of why he cannot sign it should make for interdasting MSM news stories!


0dccdb  No.5179604

Tomorrow is FBIanons last day for his prediction to come True?

Brennan and Comey indicted….

I hope he’s right but the Timing doesn’t ring true.

935a3e  No.5179605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Britain’s Royal Navy “Should Develop a Reign of Terror”. “Russia Should Go Away and Shut Up.”

Statement by UK Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson

The Royal Navy should be able to “develop a reign of terror down enemy coasts”, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said today.

During a speech outlining military spending priorities, Williamson said:

“In 1940, Winston Churchill said: “Enterprises must be prepared with specially trained troops of the Hunter class who can develop a reign of terror down enemy coasts”.

Our actions mean we will deliver on Churchill’s vision for our Royal Navy and for our Royal Marine commandos.”

According to the National Army Museum, Churchill’s quote ends by proposing a “butcher and bolt policy” of commandos behind enemy lines, “leaving a trail of German corpses behind them”.

Williamson’s speech was interpreted as a show of force against both Russia and China, as he said he would send the military’s new aircraft carrier to the South China Sea.

The Defence Secretary also defended the concept of foreign military intervention, saying that the price of not intervening is often higher than the price of intervening.

Williamson’s “reign of terror” comments are characteristic of the inflammatory language he favours. He was widely mocked when he said that “Russia should go away. It should shut up.”

According to BuzzFeed News, Williamson’s general use of language has angered his colleagues in the Ministry of Defence. One former adviser reportedly said:

“The shooting from the hip and choice of words has raised a few eyebrows because it’s not particularly statesmanlike.

There is a tendency for some who arrive in the department to want to play with the toys and grandstand, which is something to be avoided – it’s not great. The language has been a little bit alarming to those in the services.”

Labour’s Shadow Defence Secretary Nia Griffith also criticised Williamson’s “sabre-rattling”. In response to his speech, she said:

“The Conservatives have slashed the defence budget by over £9bn in real terms since 2010 and they are cutting armed forces numbers year after year.

“Instead of simply engaging in yet more sabre-rattling, Gavin Williamson should get to grips with the crisis in defence funding that is happening on his watch.”

On the other hand, Campaign Against Arms Trade criticised Williamson’s current planned increase in military spending instead of the cuts of the past eight years.

The anti-arms organisation also objected to Williamson’s comments about increasing “lethality” and “hard power”. Spokesperson Andrew Smith said:

“With the UK at a crossroads, the Government should redefine its role, but that should mean an end to interventionism and the focus on projecting military strength around the world – not more of the same failed policies that have done so much damage.

Williamson rightly condemns those that flout and ignore international law, but the Government is arming and supporting Saudi forces widely accused of violating international humanitarian law in atrocities against Yemen.

At a time when budgets are being squeezed and cut across the country, and when millions are being hit by austerity, the Government is finding even more money for the military.

It’s time for Williamson and his colleagues to take a different view on security. Where the UK, and other rich nations, can make a positive difference is through overseas aid, supporting civilian peace-building efforts, and investing in renewable energy and green technologies to combat climate change, which is the number one threat to our security and that of the world.”

Williamson is rumoured to be planning either a Tory leadership run himself, or to support another candidate in exchange for a top job under the next leader.


232ac3  No.5179606

File: 61564198d2fd2e4⋯.png (183.63 KB, 458x439, 458:439, 2019-02-14_20-25-44 copy.png)


Goes to 'camp'.

Makes new friends

d94726  No.5179607

File: 56bdba9dc2b7799⋯.jpg (60.53 KB, 833x833, 1:1, AntiSemiteJewsDislike.jpg)


It is a trick and an invented term. No group is above criticism. Ever.

e06544  No.5179608

File: ef711c51989904e⋯.jpg (135.67 KB, 611x821, 611:821, timetoopen.jpg)

fd5de3  No.5179609

File: 22fbccd65a3e2d8⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Nancy Pelosi Witch Meme co….jpg)

Democrat posturing …

f525f6  No.5179610

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, kermitpanics.gif)


Should I hurry up and buy my crap on Amazon?


Do the [targets] get on here often?

You know they are on here?

Yet you still posted your plans?

b8391e  No.5179611

File: 62661a971b54db3⋯.png (476.87 KB, 702x500, 351:250, ClipboardImage.png)

9abd2d  No.5179612

NBC Bay Area: Armed standoff currently underway in San Jose between police and UPS truck at North First and Trimble Streets.

36941b  No.5179613

File: 7400a65140335cc⋯.png (657.95 KB, 720x808, 90:101, FakeAndGay.png)

File: f55211f2d46a0f3⋯.png (445.47 KB, 720x808, 90:101, FakeAndGay2.png)

File: 2c4237a74fb644b⋯.png (412.21 KB, 720x808, 90:101, FakeAndGay3.png)

File: 6bb7ff2f0cd1aec⋯.png (418.34 KB, 720x808, 90:101, FakeAndGayTV.png)

Here's some Comey Fake and Gay's if you want em.

23b179  No.5179614


Dogs of war?? Out for a walk?

b644d9  No.5179615


Hivemind. I just watched that episode, and thought of the same thing!

c7d466  No.5179616

File: 8ef937adc880333⋯.jpg (11.64 KB, 255x243, 85:81, MRCLEAN.jpg)

(originally posted few days back)


In business, a "Clean-up Guy" (or “Turn-Around Guy”) is brought in when a company/organization is truly on fire/a total mess.

A Clean-up guy knows full well his/her lifespan is 1-3 years, max. The primary objective is to 1) assess, 2) identify problem areas, 3) design a comprehensive plan to "fix" EVERY broken area ("rip-off the bandage all at once") and finally 4) EXECUTE the plan.

The final stage is critical and almost always (when done correctly) leads to TERMINATIONS of inept, incapable, nefarious or otherwise utterly incompetent managers and individual contributors.

The idea is to SAVE THE LIFE of the organization, via radical cancer treatments (including surgical excision of cancerous masses and radiating all surviving tissues).

The reason the Clean-up guy has a predetermined length of time to work, is that the people left in the surviving organization can "compartmentalize" the often traumatic time during the Turn-Around, by mentally assigning the entire period to that one, single individual; the Clean-up Guy. He provides the necessary intelligence and "fresh perspective" to see the crippling issues in the organization clearly–without the blurring caused by a broken culture, traditions, poorly-behaving key individuals and/or historical artifacts within. He also provides the requisite "scapegoat" which aids in the post-turn-around world.

Organizationally and/or operationally, it is nearly impossible to withstand the new, Teflon-coated Turn-Around Guy (as long as legal guidelines are followed), as there is 1) a deep, un-spoken cultural understanding WHY he is empowered and 2) things often move so swiftly and with so much calculation–the perpetrators don't have time or power to organize a resistance or fight the inevitable. Finally, those "good" people within the organization understand HOW/WHY things got so bad in the first place–and they quietly support the clean-up effort from the shadows, in order to secure their jobs and potentially, see "justice" served.

Mueller cannot withstand the “TEMP” (Clean-up Guy) currently in power.

Mueller cannot hide from the NEW BOSS who is forthcoming.

Mueller's hand is being forced, one way or another (cooperating player or out-of-time perpetrator) and he knows it.

Mr. Clean will do just that; CLEAN-HOUSE.

Then, when the Turn-Around is complete (in this setting), he will get his new boss up to speed, show him where all the skeletons are hiding–and do what he does best; fuck people up.

Blessed be our "Clean-up Guy". I hope someday, I can buy him a beer (or gallon of Fiji)!



f88584  No.5179617

File: 80b0793eef43d53⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 670x446, 335:223, Netflix Bronson.jpg)

This is an update from >>5178413 pb

Netflix office goes on lockdown over report of a potential shooter, suspect now in custody

Alarming reports popped up on Twitter late Thursday of incident involving an armed individual at Netflix’s Hollywood office on Sunset Blvd. TechCrunch has confirmed with the Los Angeles Police Department that a call reporting a man with a gun first came in at 3:53 Pacific Time. According to the LAPD, there were no shots fired, no reports of injuries and the suspect in question has been taken into custody. Though some reports on social media appeared to contradict those details, the LAPD again confirmed that there is only one suspect and that suspect is in custody. As of 5:12 Pacific Time, Netflix employees reported being allowed to leave on foot though some areas remained closed as a precaution.

Netflix first moved into the historic Hollywood Sunset Bronson studio site in 2015 and expanded its lease on the space in 2017. The company shares the location with local news outlet KTLA.


3e69ad  No.5179618

e-bot tripping writing in Hebrew

10 posts a second…

b62d49  No.5179619

Chapter IIIThe Great Midgit Exodus: Guudbye-a Beld Oones 1Following the FSM's Great Boredom Incantation, the Midgits did pass into the lands of Noodle Earth. 2For they also did dwell upon Bobby Mountain as but guest folk of Egbert and The Midget people. 3For the Midgit hordes while declaring Bobby Mountain a most venerable place of both historic and spiritual importance 4were really damn sick of paying rent. 5It was time for them to dwell in their own lands, grind their own pasta, and develop their own range of exotic sauces. 6The FSM like Bill Gates never fully revealed the flaws or traits engrained in his upgraded creations. 7The Midgits unlike the Midgets were blessed with great mounds of hair on both head and chest. 8For this was most advantageous for the he-midgits, 9who found picking up she-midgets a breeze, provided gold chainage and open chested lurid shirts were worn. 10The she-midgits were also given hairy chests, 11which provided the FSM with a few more thousand gags, breaking him new ground on the Celestial stand-up comedy circuit. 12The extra hair also gave the local Bobby Mountain depilatory and wig economies a real boost. 13The Midgits were great refiners of the arts and cultural activities, 14while the Midgets possessed greater farming and hunting skills. 15While Midgets were the providers of many pasta ingredients, 16the Midgits did refine and enhance the many pasta dishes of the day. 17However, the Midgets did get most peed off with the Midgits. 18For they spoke with much profanity and were culturally insensitive, speaking poor Midgetese. 19For example The Midget Greeting "Hey-a leetle freend-a'" was thus sullied by the Midgits with "Hey-a dudester". 20And Egbert also complained to the FSM that the Midgits were favoured in the arts of being cute and cuddly, jockeying and advanced Italian cooking class. 21The Midgits too had grown tired of their fellow Midgets, 22whom they deemed simple unrefined folk, 23content only with pleasing The Great Noodly One. 24The FSM thought all of this was absolutely hilarious! 25He was now perpetually amusedby the cultural differences between the two little folk

8e570e  No.5179620


>Netanyahu's plane to Israel grounded in Warsaw, awaiting substitute plane

Perhaps it will come with a government schooled substitute pilot.

866035  No.5179621



2f1314  No.5179622

File: 355cf864d2f2d20⋯.png (335.2 KB, 470x536, 235:268, potushutitdown.png)

97a59d  No.5179623

Notables so far


>>5179411 Twitter Bans 21 Conservatives for 1 Liberal

>>5179474 DOJ warns Trump National Emergency will be blocked in courts

>>5179456 China had threat the U.S. government with drug shortages on at least one occasion

>>5179597 Netanyahu's plane to Israel grounded in Warsaw, awaiting substitute plane

4ca1aa  No.5179624


Was the point of Q's 2017 video not the #GreatAwakening but pointing to who's reporting…


Mary McCord = Martha MacCallum?

af7299  No.5179625


ecc02e  No.5179626

File: d16541eebed2e52⋯.jpeg (44.78 KB, 750x254, 375:127, 123C93A6-5072-46FE-ABA4-4….jpeg)

10 days.


Has to be coming soon…March maybe?

Mueller is done soon.

Indictments, shortly after.

Once arrests start happening and POTUS tweets out “my fellow Americans..” Q is confirmed.

That will kick off the shutdown, as the cabals last ditch effort to fight dark to light.

Things will probably happen slower than i think, but that seems to be the timetable.



I C Q…do you see me?

6a534d  No.5179627

File: 341a2a0d3b24e8a⋯.png (237.38 KB, 334x505, 334:505, 00001.png)

b62d49  No.5179628

926 Why intervenes he thought. 27"This is just too damn funny. 28My long boredom has now ended. 29They can just duke it out."30And following the FSM's non-interventionist policy, Egbert did thus issue a proclamation to the Midgits: 31"Leestee here-a Meedgits ve-a vere-a here-a furst und qooeete-a frunkly ve-a ere-a pretty demned fed up veet yuoo beeeng here-a. Yuoo ere-a nut trooe-a representeshuns ooff zee Greet Nuudly Oone-a. Yuoo ere-a boot un upgrede-a veet mure-a heur und inhunced cooltoorel felooes. Gu feend yuoor oovn lunds. " 32Which roughly translates 'Love your hair and cooking skills, but clear off we were here first.' 33And in reply the Great Midgit wrestler and leader of his people Caxton did thus reply in a well rounded Midgit banter: 34 "Thunkyuoo su mooch fur zee cuukeeng ingredeeents, lufely yuoong ledeees und cuukeeng ingredeeents. Boot ve-a ere-a ooffff tu feend oooorslfes a noo ebude-a." 35Which roughly translates to 'See ya round baldies!'36The FSM, saddened by the impending departure of Midgits from Bobby Mountain decided to accommodate them in an intelligently designed new land. 37For while the Midgets were mountain dwelling folk, 38the coastal lands were uninhabited, 39and thoughts of marinara and other sea food pasta dishes did thus please him. 40And thus the Midgits prepared to leave Bobby Mountain. 41And they did prey to the Great Noodly One for safe deliverance to a new land. 42And they did prey for a land much basil, herbs and parmesan to supplement their ever expanding supply of exotic sauces. 43And with much trembling from his Great Noodly Appendages, the FSM did this transport the entire Midgit population to a great coastal plain. 44And the Midgit Kingdomwas named 'Noodelium' to honour his divine relocation 45and cancellation of the Bobby Mountain tenancy agreement. 46And Caxton was named their great leader. 47And a feeling similar to when your 'flat mate from hell' moves out had erupted in both camps. 48And there was great happiness for years to come in both Kingdoms. Here Endeth the Third Boo

0c0253  No.5179629

File: 5304e0bee66d3b6⋯.png (88.91 KB, 1899x481, 1899:481, Jon Allen-qest.us-2019-02-….png)

Love the WH visitor lookup tool so much, I created a pastebin of the names of the colluding reporters that Q wanted us to find in the WH visitor logs. The list is in alphabetical order last name, first name, organization name.

I'm starting with the A's - all help welcomed!


WH visitor log search tool: https://qest.us/obamavisitors/default.asp

77e11a  No.5179630

Feb 14th First interview since being fired.

e06544  No.5179631

File: 49da4748c238802⋯.jpg (82.16 KB, 585x520, 9:8, ruleoflaw.jpg)

d30805  No.5179632

File: d3259200d286a7c⋯.jpg (71.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 664200-trump-budget-reuter….jpg)



756ad9  No.5179633

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Moon over Massachusetts

cb3faa  No.5179634

File: 02e63d61a4028c3⋯.png (239.71 KB, 514x397, 514:397, ClipboardImage.png)

676a76  No.5179635

File: 773c43a3e136dda⋯.jpeg (323.28 KB, 982x1450, 491:725, 34A47DB0-3A34-4140-A07E-F….jpeg)




Is she a Trump card?

2f3a2e  No.5179636

hannity link anyone?

62b40e  No.5179637



Anon can't wait to see what our President's EO is going to be. Hope it comes tonight. Don't think it will be anything like enemy believes it will.


636eae  No.5179638

File: 3160462f00dcf5f⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 259x194, 259:194, girl on a swing.jpg)

07d10f  No.5179639

Remember when POTUS said he'll never sign another spending bill like that again

9e5f69  No.5179640


Schlongfag is back. They must be skerred

9e5cb0  No.5179641

File: 67f9916c30195cf⋯.mp4 (15.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Thirsty.mp4)

ca3d43  No.5179642



76505f  No.5179643




A UPS truck???

Going Postal with a hint of brown.

Gonna need sauce!

014982  No.5179644


If I recall correctly, it will be tomorrow and perhaps through next wednesday. Past that time, it is bogus.

483c1e  No.5179645


>Martha MacCallum

McCallum is not dirty

d1508f  No.5179646

File: fb028490666db62⋯.jpeg (100.64 KB, 540x410, 54:41, CBFDC024-BD67-4C11-8915-E….jpeg)

a7f92a  No.5179647


He’s a holocaust survivor, asswipe. Show some respect

77e11a  No.5179648

22484f  No.5179649

File: cd6196d0c711977⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 7AB4F1EA-D937-4030-B5C9-39….gif)

>>5179156 lb

I concur.

f372e0  No.5179650


Never say never … read my lips

25ce5e  No.5179651


oh this faggot again

b9b6e2  No.5179652



Hmmmm. Has the DS activated some of their sleepers?

d999b0  No.5179653

File: aab3a156b91893c⋯.png (517.23 KB, 1806x887, 1806:887, 19426531753275405742.png)

53e65c  No.5179654




2f3a2e  No.5179655



thx fren

9abd2d  No.5179656


Can see live on NBC Bay Area.

37ce12  No.5179657


What's the procedure for removing a SCOTUS justice? Impeachment by Senate?

>>5179624 IMO pointing to POTUS saying Great Awakening right near the beginning of the Q crumbs. Points to POTUS + Q being linked if not indeed the same person. For normies who may not yet believe.

f0ad22  No.5179658

Is princess Diana Dead?

4ca1aa  No.5179659


not dirty. agent

9f66fb  No.5179660

File: 8adea0e234d32f5⋯.png (3.27 MB, 2102x1174, 1051:587, ClipboardImage.png)

How is the weather Tehran tonight? Hope you are enjoying your time posting on this board. We so appreciate your anti-Jew humor. You are the best.


61d3a1  No.5179661


What holocaust??

ca3d43  No.5179662

6d1b08  No.5179663


True awakening changes everything. Could stomach him before I was awake.

00bf2a  No.5179664

File: 42e3d5c7de38d01⋯.png (648.54 KB, 583x596, 583:596, spendingbillallowsmexicanc….PNG)


Spending Bill Allows Mexican Cartel-Connected Texas Counties to Stop Border Wall


8c0e52  No.5179665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Excuse me, everyone

*taps on glass*

Everyone, excuse me, I have something important to say

*keeps tapping on wine glass while standing up*

I have a big announcement to make everyone

*audience starts going silent and turning towards the well dressed Pepe holding his glass of red wine*

Thank you for your attention everyone, what I have to say is really important, and too important to remain unsaid

*audience is now completely silent in expectation*

What I have to say is

*Pepe looks around the room with his confident smug smile*

Fuck muslims

*crowd erupts in enthusiastic cheering and clapping*

And that is not all everyone!

*the crowd calms down and among wide smiles starts refocusing on Pepe's words again*

Fuck jews too!

*The crowd goes insane, fire works start exploding into a million colors outside, everyone starts chanting "Pepe for President", a marching band appears entering the wide doors of the ballroom and starts playing "The Star-Spangled Banner" , women start throwing their panties at Pepe, children make a line asking for Pepe's autograph*

328370  No.5179666


US Pres does not have line item veto power. SCt ruled that in Clinton v. City of New York, back in 1998

8fb398  No.5179667



c82a22  No.5179668

File: a665833bf110ee5⋯.jpg (146.95 KB, 1242x911, 1242:911, a665833bf110ee58543695ae81….jpg)

File: cd093fd63e78d68⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cd093fd63e78d68abf196b7e9a….jpg)

Everyone remember that President Trump is the KING of the rope-a-dope.

- Remember when they said he couldn't win?

- Remember when they said he would be gone in a year?

- Remember when they said he colluded with Russia?

- Remember when they said Muller would indict him any day now? (For over 2 years)

- Remember when they said he would start a war with North Korea?

- Remember when they said he couldn't fix the economy?

- Remember when they said he should invade Syria?

- Remember when they freaked out when he only fired missiles into select [DS] targets in Syria?

- Remember when they tried and failed to assassinate him? (Undisclosed # of times)

- Remember when they said his administration was falling apart? (multiple times)

- Remember when they said his base was crumbling? (constantly)

- Remember when they said renegotiating NAFTA wasn't possible?

- Remember when they said manufacturing was never coming back?

- Remember when they said the military didn't support him?

The list goes on …

Seriously, when have they been right about anything? To paraphrase something an anon said here before.

“President Trump is playing 5D chess while the DS is trying to figure out why their red checkers don't taste like strawberries.”

They are not going to 'outmaneuver' him in a budget bill.

Get comfy. <Spoiler Alert>


cc7a9a  No.5179669


what if POTUS has zero intentions of signing this bill? maybe he's bluffing to make the enemy comfy before unleashing hell tomorrow morning. if he declares a national emergency then I have a feeling it's the big MOAB that we've all been waiting for. he won't need s spending bill to fund the government. i think that is why they are freaking the fuck out right now. POTUS tricked them into passing a big fat steaming pile of horse shit with more pork in it that you can shake a stick at. he's letting people show their true colors by attaching their name to this bill with a vote and he never signs it but instead drops the MOTHER FUCKING HAMMER!

4ca1aa  No.5179670


Hannity's not dirty and he rocks his clown pin often

e06544  No.5179671

File: 843efa3f99ae123⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2447x2136, 2447:2136, graveyard.jpg)


Moon over Cali

d30805  No.5179672


oooof. Bush Sr's famous last words.

9f66fb  No.5179673

File: cced7ad336c47b6⋯.png (906.34 KB, 1218x1218, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


One more for the brave keyboard warriors in Tehran.

4c8766  No.5179674


Starting to sound like we are really fucked either way.

After losing in court to Acosta over what should have been an easy win for Potus, we can't trust the same won't happen with this.

07d10f  No.5179675


>He’s a holocaust survivor, asswipe.

respect is earned, asswipe

866035  No.5179676


6 gorillion survived the holocaust

ef7a12  No.5179677

File: 7c91e78454a9179⋯.png (456.47 KB, 663x821, 663:821, pizza.png)

Fresh Pizza


ebfb0a  No.5179678


If he's even half a researcher he'd realize the numerous hit pieces put out by the WaPo.

He'd also realize Q has called out his kind numerous times although not by name.

The latter point he probably ignored in the pursuit of fame and maybe profit.

I think the reason he ignored the former is pretty obvious.

074131  No.5179679


I bet he’s in Blackface!

I bet he’s a Muzzy Joo!

I bet he’s pissed for getting dropped from T.V.

I bet he’s a She!

846b6e  No.5179680


>This fucking bill allows amnesty to anyone

it says it doesn't fund their detention

Says nothing about granting amnesty.

31452a  No.5179681


Hannity is for slow folks.

11b236  No.5179682

File: c4668cff461545b⋯.jpg (89.33 KB, 500x548, 125:137, FBI-Fired Wrongdoers.jpg)

File: 17016c98f2abf85⋯.jpg (86.5 KB, 500x548, 125:137, fbi-msm.jpg)

File: 17016c98f2abf85⋯.jpg (86.5 KB, 500x548, 125:137, FBI-Obama.jpg)

File: 4639e63aad8c3f6⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 500x548, 125:137, FBI-Political-Obama.jpg)

File: 480c6e6c5e4b4d6⋯.jpg (91.56 KB, 500x548, 125:137, FBI-Weaponized.jpg)

Did my job, so you Twatters, ZuckBookers, SnapChoppers, can get them out! Over target, Bombs Away!

014982  No.5179683


The unquestionable gassing of jews with Zyklon B and diesel exhaust, that if you question in places like Germany, the jews will send you to prison.

d94726  No.5179684


By using his own quote? How many profit from the "holocaust"? How valuable is being a victim?

66b5b8  No.5179685


Line item veto went away, came back, got rulled undocumented immigrant…..

Then fiengold/noname tried a new version and didnt go through during obozo or dubs admins…

Line item isnt an option.

I made same mistake earlier then dug it up.

90933a  No.5179686

File: 5959772bba7c62c⋯.jpg (67.07 KB, 613x500, 613:500, 5959772bba7c62cec5ea98f95d….jpg)


I love you

no homo

53e65c  No.5179687


My dad watches him. Kek!

af7299  No.5179688





bb34b7  No.5179689

File: 78d3413f510cf26⋯.jpg (515.54 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DzTJteIV4AAab97.jpg)


Not new

97a672  No.5179690

Hey Q,

Are all of the people in the media that were in on it going to get outed??? i.e. no deals

e06544  No.5179691

File: 13d67b130380931⋯.jpg (85.67 KB, 667x428, 667:428, 6mill.jpg)

21d914  No.5179692

what the hell is up with ann coulter?


76505f  No.5179693

File: 7c68a922c19bf18⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

2e129e  No.5179694

File: 8d2f51748bfc696⋯.jpg (74.36 KB, 687x422, 687:422, WORTHLESS.jpg)

15c64e  No.5179695

File: 936c2f8dcc225ad⋯.jpg (57.52 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: c7cbbb09bb064c7⋯.gif (669.73 KB, 244x130, 122:65, pffffhahaha.gif)


>holocaust survivor

a7724e  No.5179696



I think that Kennedy can fill in on an emergency:


4ca1aa  No.5179697


Solid theory. Easy to digest connection

a1bee9  No.5179698


Anyone else remember that rumor of Chinese tanks hidden in Mexico?

37ce12  No.5179699

File: ccfe6f057fd3c0d⋯.jpg (251.29 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening608NewNation.jpg)

File: 9b4e8b65df85e62⋯.jpg (256.06 KB, 1025x519, 1025:519, GreatAwakening701Truth.jpg)

File: 15b26bb1e58fde6⋯.jpg (236.63 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening702Truth.jpg)

File: 14c00444f2ee6f3⋯.jpg (152.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening703Truth.jpg)

File: 31f4d65c64911ad⋯.jpg (150.11 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening704Truth.jpg)

986e63  No.5179700

File: f6aff10789970f8⋯.png (1.81 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 3x3whitakerkeksQscarhodort….png)

File: e9dfe7a7df78cef⋯.png (2.86 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock3x3whitakerkeksQscar….png)


Dangerous Temps.

Previous notable graphic and the clock it came from.

48670c  No.5179701

File: cbcf026561a3de5⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F9D54010-E0A1-4F6D-900D-03….png)


Wont be long before some of these assholes get jumpy and attempt to run for the border. Kek.

2041da  No.5179702




d5abcb  No.5179703


Doesn't that just mean the DoJ can roll in and arrest the city council and mayor for aiding and abetting drug cartels? Problem solved. Build the wall.

90933a  No.5179704


The Scaramucci model

b2756d  No.5179705

File: c6b6da067b6c1a1⋯.jpg (46.41 KB, 720x720, 1:1, mifr93lmwsfy.jpg)

Bread title incorrect.

If this bill - and it does - includes ANY amnesty that is a RED LINE.


WTF is even happening rn?

af7299  No.5179706























































































66b5b8  No.5179707



Digits tell why it was ruled

e368dd  No.5179708

File: d6f4b1653b4b489⋯.png (832.21 KB, 597x787, 597:787, US Interior 2-14-19 4 58 p….PNG)

File: b40fa3dae548c93⋯.png (1.11 MB, 617x766, 617:766, US Interior 2-14-19 4 58 p….PNG)

Moody sky on a stormy morning


328370  No.5179709


A raging case of self-cunnilingus

d091fd  No.5179710

File: db112c4fd446379⋯.jpg (535.64 KB, 1401x989, 1401:989, FebruaryTimeline.jpg)



Next few weeks should be exciting

15c64e  No.5179711

File: 71a5e51ca49a12b⋯.png (423.92 KB, 1672x931, 88:49, 1599d322c2f814cbc2db702cb4….png)


>The unquestionable gassing of jews with Zyklon B and diesel exhaust, that if you question in places like Germany, the jews will send you to prison.


31452a  No.5179712


I'm sorry. No disrespect intended.


8544fc  No.5179713

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 385x385, 1:1, a74b84a4601a43744efb6da4ab….jpg)

e06544  No.5179714

File: ec8d0f0932919f6⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 642x394, 321:197, handsupH.jpg)

File: 954331eef02c4d0⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 383x353, 383:353, handsupO.jpg)

35ac06  No.5179715


Trucks'll fuck u up

d94726  No.5179716


I 'member.


9e5f69  No.5179717


Anybody find Tashina Gauhar dirty witch face yet?

a7f92a  No.5179718

The muhjoo shills be salty tonight. Or are they really just Iranians who know their time is up?

c5b431  No.5179719


I wonder if there are fish hooks in it for the Dems. All that amnesty stuff could be the bait.

I mean, no one has read it, right?

f525f6  No.5179720

File: 114a5e7274801ef⋯.png (327.16 KB, 945x574, 135:82, hijackedpepe.png)

2a065b  No.5179721

File: fb37ce95c9cc563⋯.png (1.09 MB, 806x1810, 403:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c5199a5ba8998c⋯.png (647.11 KB, 1125x1873, 1125:1873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 623e2b6f8b32144⋯.png (353.34 KB, 470x423, 10:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e17ae438fea607⋯.png (321.3 KB, 630x429, 210:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Pelosi thought she was ROYALTY, the other day with that necklace made of cinnabar…

483c1e  No.5179722


He does it by executive order.

I am wondering if it is one of the pens we have already seen a pic of.

53c3e0  No.5179723

All the needed was some….



All the Shine here.

Come get this Royalty Because The Internet

81a117  No.5179724


Tomorrow will be an interesting day

37ce12  No.5179725

File: 70ccfcef2a80c47⋯.jpg (272.99 KB, 1025x527, 1025:527, GreatAwakening707Truth.jpg)

File: 216a65298fae0fd⋯.jpg (228.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening708Truth.jpg)

File: eb1359a5cc91ec7⋯.jpg (203.54 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, GreatAwakening709Truth.jpg)

File: 3626bfc15ef6b9f⋯.jpg (354.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening710Family.jpg)

File: 561b218137e4327⋯.jpg (198.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening711Faith.jpg)

>>5179697 but I also think that by posting it right now, Q is saying "Great Awakening" applies to the present moment – so we are posting a pile of meme ammo on that theme.

f88584  No.5179726



it appears so.


SJ Airport just south of it. Industrial/Office space that area.

8c0e52  No.5179727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Great one.

That's what a call a good joke.


8fb398  No.5179728

File: 4e28f4744c8e7cb⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 450x500, 9:10, freeAmerican.jpg)


You fukkers aren't paying attention.

We are LITERALLY, as in actual-fukken-ly, in a WAR!

This is not a game just because you can type on your CPU or phonefag, comfily from your home.(or cubicle, depending on certain assholes)

If it's not JAG law, GTFO.

If it's not Constitutional law, GTFO.

Seriously, fukk these lower courts who think they have power.


Which, make no mistake, we are IN.

(no typos, Q)

73c817  No.5179729

040d51  No.5179730


Look it up dumb ass , its his fucking quote.

ebfb0a  No.5179731

File: 79733a66b02cf1d⋯.png (216.84 KB, 440x415, 88:83, pepefirstfamily2.png)


Happy Valentines Day anon.

76505f  No.5179732


Looks like the OJ chase, only with a UPS truck kek

2041da  No.5179733

File: 842c80823d11965⋯.jpeg (173.42 KB, 1000x560, 25:14, j.jpeg)

d94726  No.5179734


Which makes no logical sense. The truth stands for itself and fears no investigation.

That alone is a YUGE red flag.

5223be  No.5179735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5179175 (lb)

Thanks anon & thanks for the thauce on doc!


Once again:

Indictment unsealed on Feb,13, 2019 against Monica Witt, former Air Force intelligence officer & her 4 Iranian co-conspirators by a federal grand jury on charges outlined under the espionage act of 1912

UNSEALED INDICTMENT REVEALS ESPIONAGE Unsealed indictment reveals espionage & the language in the indictment itself seems to set precedents for events coming soon (setting the stage?)

See vid! youtu.be/ZsopnBovtSU

37ce12  No.5179736

File: 1bec6e8731a7bd6⋯.jpg (151.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening730Bigger.jpg)

File: fa6676f854ca1ec⋯.jpg (239.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening731GodWWG1WG….jpg)

File: 3c7b3eb815e9ec9⋯.jpg (380.5 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening743Safe.jpg)

File: 78caf85e00222b2⋯.jpg (208.08 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening744Safe.jpg)

File: 54dbef9936b6645⋯.jpg (347.59 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening745Strong.jpg)

90933a  No.5179737


Great Awakening

Transparency is the only way forward

1d403e  No.5179738

File: 0c9a2af2aeaa609⋯.png (396.72 KB, 1011x739, 1011:739, 1546143916923.png)

File: 2ee8eda3a04770c⋯.jpg (551.97 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1540743803906.jpg)

File: 1d49dae22b6c36e⋯.jpg (619.87 KB, 610x901, 610:901, 1540799469228.jpg)

File: 29964836ca163ad⋯.jpg (127.09 KB, 782x500, 391:250, 1541436342084.jpg)

File: 092ce928306e7d5⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1541024053394.jpg)



48670c  No.5179739

File: 62666b463d60220⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 976BC9E4-F116-42EB-81ED-0D….png)


I looked for a bit. She’s definitely been “wiped.”

f88584  No.5179740

File: adaae5d82be2438⋯.png (748.39 KB, 1168x658, 584:329, trim and first.PNG)

328370  No.5179741


Those a trips I could do without…but apropos the current situation…

c0e3fb  No.5179742

>>5179532 The daughters were NOT sent out as sacrifices! The angles blinded the degenerates!

973167  No.5179743


Calm before a storm.

6eb6ff  No.5179744

File: 20a77f97824bae5⋯.jpeg (382.56 KB, 1242x1614, 207:269, 03797D7D-EA5A-4B74-8326-3….jpeg)

b8391e  No.5179745


Yeah, I'm sorry, but that bill sounds like a trap, and if Congress can over-ride Trump's veto, he should force them to do so, thereby preserving the support for his reelection by his base.

074131  No.5179746



Time to Jail Texas counties officials then!

61d3a1  No.5179747


Roasted cinnabar yields liquid mercury. No wonder Pelosi is mad as a hatter.

cb3faa  No.5179748

File: ed190e0cc97a393⋯.jpg (67.88 KB, 615x499, 615:499, mattis.jpg)


>WTF is even happening rn?

Just remember…if anons are confused, imagine how (((they))) feel.


This is political theater…it's dirty business. Not apologizing for POTUS because I don't need to.

You either trust that POTUS knows what he's doing.

It's really that simple.

f9c147  No.5179749


Seriously, what good is a national emergency and a wall if the bill just gives amnesty?

8c0e52  No.5179750


He should get bombed.

>Just kidding

>He should simply be hanged

53e65c  No.5179751


Heh none taken. Spouseanon watching and I’m tuning him out…broken record!

d733a3  No.5179752

File: 65d782d62cddb61⋯.png (641.43 KB, 1216x808, 152:101, HVD.png)

90bb3b  No.5179753

My capcha just now.. Kek!

8e570e  No.5179754

File: 8050db1033a7192⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cigM2.jpg)


>Is princess Diana Dead?


21d914  No.5179755


what the hell is up with ann coulter?


deep state plant @ the conservative/deep-state fox news is what i am thinking.

trying to get to the borderline conservatives to question everything Trump.

76505f  No.5179756


I hope he delivered his packages first

267761  No.5179757


What if I told you those people are ALREADY ON THIS SIDE OF THE WALL?

f2c574  No.5179758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We Are ANTIFA - Parody Song (Sponsored by George Soros)

6bab16  No.5179759




Dammit this bill is fugged up 10 ways to Sunday.

I hope POTUS sends it back and says exactly why.

If the Senate/House has the balls to come up with 2/3 vote to negate the veto they can own the consequences.

Adults with Unaccompanied minor amnesty is beyond the pale.

e06544  No.5179760

File: af8b364b0a0e258⋯.jpg (152.14 KB, 553x952, 79:136, girlboots.jpg)

17906b  No.5179761

File: 007e7e7789b4b3c⋯.png (359.92 KB, 531x512, 531:512, 007e7e7789b4b3c323631968d4….png)

77e11a  No.5179762

I wish I could have a $1 for every time Hannity says "Hillary bought and paid for dossier"

9abd2d  No.5179763


NBC saying it's also a Technology area- PayPal, Ebay, and Samsung are nearby.

bb34b7  No.5179764

File: 1844541fb713a1b⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1311x1849, 1311:1849, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b69cdd06d0d7e59⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1311x1849, 1311:1849, ClipboardImage.png)


THEN not THAN on first one

a7724e  No.5179766



>Sen. Joe McCarthy

>Roy Cohn



8e570e  No.5179767



3556c3  No.5179768


Well that's federal jurisdiction. Trans-national crime. So that's a yes.

e3efd3  No.5179769


Yeah, locations have been determined.

Photos are of various locations on Beicheng Tianjie St.

Multiple photos were taken from different angles at the same highrise.

For Lat/Long use Google Satellite view, not street view, as the grids don't match.

Lat/Long from which multiple photo taken: 29.582908, 106.531845

Lat/Long of tall LED screen with clock: 29.580363, 106.528034

Lat/Long of "Pepsi-like" sign on side of building, with cars in the street: 29.581903, 106.530630

Lat/Long of the Silktone Beauty SPA in pictures: 29.582304, 106.531397

Also, note other Chinese City: Chengdu

Maybe the biotech lab for Silktone is there: Chengdu Siketong Kang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (dug on map by another Anon early today)

Telephone (country/city) code for Chengdu (8628) matches Silktone # found @: http://www.silktone.com/index.php?u=contact

Also see http://www.silktone.com/media/55.pdf

Does Chengdu Siketong Kang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. have a relationship with PP?

9e5f69  No.5179770


Spook! Spook!

5cfe65  No.5179771

File: 05af52b8f15f02b⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 591x541, 591:541, Screenshot 2019-02-14_21-1….jpg)


90bb3b  No.5179772

File: 613d9224f630004⋯.png (17.79 KB, 460x250, 46:25, Capture.PNG)

My capcha just now.. Kek!

forgot the pic..

3adc83  No.5179773


Might as well fuck catholics too…

684306  No.5179774


Dead RGB will be in there at some point as well.

I'm getting he feeling that her death announcement comes sooner rather than later.

CNN is hysterical right now… they don't know how to spin any of this.

They need a crisis story to anchor their narrative.

90933a  No.5179775


Yep she's out

9524e6  No.5179776


Glad you enjoyed it.

af7299  No.5179777



















6d1b08  No.5179778

File: a5d1aad0d448719⋯.jpeg (14.69 MB, 3381x4200, 161:200, DE5C8777-964F-43DC-A885-6….jpeg)

4c8766  No.5179779


Did you read that article? Mulvaney himself said the EO's will be challenged and likely not able to stand.

7befcc  No.5179780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PJW in a Pepe shirt!

A good looking one, too.

17fceb  No.5179781

File: f2989716513c3ac⋯.jpg (216.01 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, opportunity.jpg)

File: 051cf8662816d0e⋯.jpg (259.01 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, opportunity2.jpg)

File: 821f372726a69ab⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 860x460, 43:23, opportunity3.jpg)

File: 9d2cefdef0fabbe⋯.jpg (103.23 KB, 750x563, 750:563, opportunity4.jpg)

for the nerds

09dac0  No.5179782

File: cd2c2331ab8a1de⋯.jpeg (229.53 KB, 1242x1237, 1242:1237, 47FD7EE3-3F8E-43F0-856A-6….jpeg)

A Muslim could easily pass as Mexican, Honduran, or El Salvadoran, don’t you think?

014982  No.5179783


They were offered to the crowd of psychotic jews as a substitute.

1d403e  No.5179784

File: b08455e9577dd73⋯.gif (135.29 KB, 554x400, 277:200, 1529933121262.gif)

File: 81f7c8738b19fa9⋯.jpg (81.3 KB, 540x523, 540:523, 1532997511124.jpg)

File: 0f85adf8575384c⋯.png (730.46 KB, 894x614, 447:307, 1533173338118.png)

File: 6792774c5e405b0⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 960x495, 64:33, 1533628789670.jpg)

File: ad2dd94acbb6cdc⋯.jpg (32.9 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 1533242576476.jpg)



damn, what a fucking 15 dollar word faggit

5d6201  No.5179785

File: 548fbf5e7a41f73⋯.png (1.65 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

6a534d  No.5179786


There's nothing to lose by signing this bill, besides, POTUS already added in what he wanted to add. That is what you're not hearing about….. Yet ( maniacal cackling )

b9b6e2  No.5179787

File: 2d21f886b70f187⋯.jpeg (689.13 KB, 1376x1454, 688:727, 35873F21-027B-4F5D-A9B2-1….jpeg)

File: 5ab807c0db40995⋯.jpeg (756.31 KB, 1399x1536, 1399:1536, 016B50C0-2DE6-4C2D-9CF2-F….jpeg)


That was my question. Of course, they have no named source, just “ABC has learned”.

81a117  No.5179788


May wanna up it to like $10 or $100 each time. He's only on for an hour every night

8e570e  No.5179789


That's some good eating anon.

4ca1aa  No.5179790


IS this why POTUS posted the picture of jaguars CATS the other day?

Broward County hires KATZ as New Chief of Security



5444e2  No.5179791

File: ebea65d2d3c5710⋯.png (1.61 MB, 3354x1928, 1677:964, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)

File: 8a5c37e15125c75⋯.png (1.38 MB, 3350x1518, 1675:759, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)

B-52 back up over FL

doing cool patterns with 4 other planes

in the dark

37ce12  No.5179792

File: 303b95bec194c79⋯.jpeg (164.14 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, QCrumbsTransparencyForwar….jpeg)

File: 288792976b027ed⋯.jpeg (210.33 KB, 1200x853, 1200:853, QCrumbsTransparencyForwar….jpeg)

File: b838d4169e85eed⋯.jpeg (313.01 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, QCrumbsTransparencyForwar….jpeg)

File: 243078b45bcbe99⋯.jpeg (242.08 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, QCrumbsTransparencyForwar….jpeg)

File: ea92c948c8c6b39⋯.jpeg (154.18 KB, 1106x998, 553:499, QCrumbsTransparencyForwar….jpeg)

30dcc9  No.5179793

e06544  No.5179794

File: 8a46957ea601bc3⋯.jpg (151.86 KB, 641x1118, 641:1118, wherecatholic.jpg)

File: b7183c53dee212b⋯.jpg (46.84 KB, 390x433, 390:433, wherearethechildren.jpg)

d684b2  No.5179795

File: a8df95e511bef8a⋯.png (27.47 KB, 738x479, 738:479, KEK KYS.png)

328370  No.5179796


You fucker are the one not paying attention.


52b471  No.5179797


Is that a pic of a UPS driver "going postal"?

46127f  No.5179798

>>5179382 lb #6616

funny you should say that… I just decided today I'm not saying jack to any of them, they'll start to hear.

So it shall be in GOD's time.

61d3a1  No.5179799


That one was real.

90bb3b  No.5179800

File: ce11656db1f797d⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 500x504, 125:126, 2ti0ov.jpg)

35ac06  No.5179801


Likely stolen… they do leave them running

f33a60  No.5179802


Muslims can be any race anon, they can pass as Chinese too.

74c389  No.5179803

So found an Antifa Doxxing account on Twitter during the Covington bullshit … it doxxed the schoolkids along with an assortment of "alt-right" and conservatives … some scumbags in there too, but it copied a bunch of Antifa groups on every tweet. Reported it not expecting much and then tonight, this popped up. https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/5d8ce590ad/196874.png

So not everyone at Twitter is an asshat. Every little helps.

8fb398  No.5179804


Can the SC override POTUS in a time of WAR?

7befcc  No.5179805

File: b3f781dd7cf3c91⋯.png (959.37 KB, 940x529, 940:529, Screenshot_2019-02-14 (272….png)


PJW's shirt. Screenshot from video.

31452a  No.5179806


He is soooooo repetitive. He also talks over everyone. He should just have a live blog.

b8391e  No.5179807


If she's complaining about this bill the President is about to sign, then she's right. It is a trap.

Trump should veto it, and if the Congress over-rides his veto, then so be it.

Trump promised to NOT sign a bill like this ever again!!!

f372e0  No.5179808

File: 5b2d345c9295fa6⋯.jpg (50.14 KB, 573x418, 573:418, Capture.JPG)

97a59d  No.5179809

Notables so far


>>5179411 Twitter Bans 21 Conservatives for 1 Liberal

>>5179474 DOJ warns Trump National Emergency will be blocked in courts

>>5179456 China had threat the U.S. government with drug shortages on at least one occasion

>>5179597 Netanyahu's plane to Israel grounded in Warsaw, awaiting substitute plane

>>5179664 Spending Bill Allows Mexican Cartel-Connected Texas Counties to Stop Border Wall

>>5179710 Graphic on next few weeks should be exciting

>>5179790 Broward County hires KATZ as New Chief of Security

a1bee9  No.5179810

File: 030b7d00e1c8976⋯.png (78.47 KB, 329x328, 329:328, vine sigil.png)

So imagine how close Evil came to winning. Imagine again how absolutely BORING it would be for eternal beings, even with the torture, etc…the wasteland.

Now imagine some of the fallen rather much enjoy the struggle, more than any victory.

What if they temporarily switched sides to make the game interesting?

328370  No.5179811


Gotta get some return on my college investment…

5a2ebc  No.5179812

File: 9f7aca26111bff9⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 720x718, 360:359, FB_IMG_1550196399372.jpg)

Here comes the storm

1df1a7  No.5179813


That was the old cinnabar. They don't make it with real cinnabar anymore. They just use the name.

3556c3  No.5179814


Ironically it was Rudy who crusaded against it.

8e570e  No.5179815

File: c5440b78bd68e3b⋯.jpg (29.39 KB, 450x300, 3:2, _joker.jpg)


I was just wondering when the graveyard shift schtick was gonna start. Kool.

Does that mean we can leave sanity at the door?

8c0e52  No.5179816


If a gorillion bakes in a oven and no one is around to hear it, did the gorillion made a sound?

1d403e  No.5179817

File: edc1f828e22163b⋯.gif (385.18 KB, 1200x787, 1200:787, 1518528049432.gif)

File: f1b9ea4c298f80f⋯.jpg (11 KB, 236x236, 1:1, Pepe ok.jpg)

File: 5ef209685c9c262⋯.jpg (111.28 KB, 955x960, 191:192, 1517419579318.jpg)

File: c291891b046b3ca⋯.jpg (130.76 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, 087876764.jpg)


are judges above the law? arrest them!

62b40e  No.5179818


Anon can't stomach Hannity. If something good surfaces could an anon post please?

90bb3b  No.5179819

Cheach and Chong predicted this years ago….

d5abcb  No.5179820


That could also mean those in Congress who supported that could be found guilty of treason. There you go!!!!!

53e65c  No.5179821


That makes me almost want to watch

c820b6  No.5179822


It's scary that Q followers are supporting this bill.

How the fuck is this winning? What did we win? The president getting handcuffs and not being allowed to build the wall?

Why the fuck would any sane human sign this bullshit?

97e9f0  No.5179823


She's a ghost.

bb34b7  No.5179824

File: ac7988471d86694⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1532x1373, 1532:1373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49cdc7e52e6ad93⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1532x1373, 1532:1373, ClipboardImage.png)

c5b431  No.5179825

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, pepethefuck?.jpg)


98 right? So a GOP move to stymie Clinton?

When will these people learn that things go both ways…

2041da  No.5179826

b61bd0  No.5179827

File: 6713fb956d159b4⋯.png (94.96 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 4d043fd59b27274a77e8fa6bf9….png)


Moar incriminating evidence, that theses congressmen and women are subverting the United States and supporting illegal activity.

In their own words.

Anons should archive bill for future reference and cross reference of authors and 'yea/nay' counts per rep

8fb398  No.5179828

File: c7a1ad65c4b7559⋯.png (502.42 KB, 632x633, 632:633, b0be220985677b2624fd1d130d….png)

Nuclear option, even.


This is bigger than anyone can imagine yet people think the same status quo judicial system is in place.

Hello, Matrix dwellers.




27aafb  No.5179829


Smollett hired a "Crisis Team" Chris Bastardi and Sunshine Sachs.

proly their works

d2fae0  No.5179830


>What's the procedure for removing a SCOTUS justice? Impeachment by Senate?

House holds the sole power to impeach. Senate holds the trial.

But yes, the same procedure for impeaching the President.

ca3d43  No.5179831


so far same shit different day

81a117  No.5179832

Frog men? Tf is hannity on about hahaha

8c0e52  No.5179833


Oy vey, anti-semidisms.

Pls no bully the kike nigger faggot for trying to kike everyone with invented bullshit.

48ff65  No.5179834


Truth is the truth regardless of who says it.

Love your neighbor for his is (you).

I and I.


30dcc9  No.5179835

We are 144.000 anons?

1d403e  No.5179836

File: 1831303def1d9cf⋯.png (11.26 KB, 477x539, 477:539, 1545624179474.png)

File: 83994adba31671a⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2048x1533, 2048:1533, 1543431840881.jpg)

File: 65b7580fab798d0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, 1545010290132.png)

File: 070b9b3b408d663⋯.jpg (89.51 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1545009485861.jpg)

File: 6cb06f53e3d56fc⋯.png (29.53 KB, 710x577, 710:577, 1539413367859.png)


read it in the dailystormer.name in a satyrical manner, or in breitbart for the jewish neocon take, tomorrow

014982  No.5179837


They also support anti-second amendment Barr, and supported Kavenaugh who helped to cover up Vince Foster's murder with Ken Star.

76505f  No.5179838


Ok, so the story so far is someone is holding the driver hostage.

Lets see where this goes…

866035  No.5179839



I made it through about 2 minutes of that

cringefest. Faggot doesn't deserve to wear that

Pepe shirt when bashing Hitler. Fuck that homo

328370  No.5179840


Yes. The rule of law isn't suspended. The S Ct will give great deference to the Pres, and in the past (Japanese internment camps) has allowed acts which would probably not be allowed today.

But the rule of law is the rule of law.

b62d49  No.5179841

File: 9845c1ffd436402⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.85 MB, 3704x2470, 1852:1235, 0_Autel_dédié_au_dieu_Mala….JPG)

File: 768c11b84e3d513⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.02 MB, 1900x1080, 95:54, NomoreleakSchiff.jpg)

File: e7bc52bd06b62cb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 198.38 KB, 780x780, 1:1, spam-pigs.jpg)

7d526b  No.5179842

File: f99c358472fb750⋯.jpg (42.66 KB, 464x311, 464:311, VanByRiverJews.JPG)

File: 35a863290879acb⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 435x232, 15:8, VanByRiverJewsII.JPG)

File: abe739ebd1f9dce⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 293x280, 293:280, VanByRiverJewsIII.JPG)

File: 15ea4530e42312d⋯.jpg (42.49 KB, 453x312, 151:104, VanByRiverJewsIV.JPG)

File: 20e2ce321d4f8bf⋯.jpg (34.86 KB, 358x275, 358:275, VanByRiverJewsV.JPG)

af7299  No.5179843


76505f  No.5179844


Thats us!

935a3e  No.5179845

File: f299ea0fca1a39f⋯.png (62.47 KB, 661x914, 661:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47d3ad9d32c2682⋯.png (54.02 KB, 660x800, 33:40, ClipboardImage.png)

Klukowski: President Trump Must Ensure Spending Bill Does Not Cancel Emergency Powers

The White House should be extremely cautious in studying every single word in Congress’s spending bill, because even a single phrase could negate every authority President Donald Trump currently has under federal law to build and fund the border wall, even canceling his authority to declare a national border emergency.

Insiders around D.C. are talking about how the president can sign the spending bill that was unveiled this week, take the money that it authorizes for building a wall, then use executive authority to fund the rest of it. The president must proceed with extreme caution, because the opponents of the wall are the ones writing this 1,169-page monster legislation, and a single unnoticed sentence could lead to a court ruling that the president has signed away all of this legal authority to secure the border – including emergency authority.

As President Trump announced that he will declare a national emergency, Democrats like Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) immediately decried the act, saying they will defend their Article I authority against the president’s power grab. They call this an “end run around Congress.”

That is laughable to the point of being absurd. President Trump is not claiming any inherent authority under Article II of the Constitution. Instead, he is acting exclusively within the authority that Congress has explicitly granted to any president under the National Emergencies Act, which triggers 136 separate statutory powers that Congress has embedded in various laws. Presidents have declared 59 emergencies since 1979, most recently this month when President Trump declared an emergency regarding the turmoil in Venezuela.

This is only one more emergency, similar to the previous 59. Congress has authorized this. The Constitution will not burst into flames. The sky will not fall.

Try the decaf.

Under current law, the president has a host of methods to build the border wall. The Secure Fence Act of 2006 authorizes building the wall, so the issue becomes one of funding. He does not require any additional authority from Congress; he requires only money.

If President Trump declares an emergency under the National Emergencies Act of 1976 (found at 50 U.S.C. § 1601) – as he says he will – then under 33 U.S.C. § 2293 he would have immediate access to $14 billion and could direct the acting defense secretary to order the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall with that money.

That is far more than the $5.7 billion he needs for the most critical 231 miles of border wall, and does not even count whatever Congress has supposedly given him in this enormous spending bill.

Even without an emergency, the president has authority under 10 U.S.C. § 284 to have military resources build the wall, though his lawyers must be absolutely certain that this power also includes the ability to fund the building project without an emergency.

Under current law, the president has transfer authority, by which he could move certain funds from specific government programs and departments to others that could be used to build the wall.

Additionally, under the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the U.S. Department of Defense can deploy troops to help secure the border whenever the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) informs the Pentagon that it requires assistance. If DHS requests such assistance, this NDAA also suspends the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which generally prohibits U.S. troops from performing law enforcement duties on U.S. soil.


90bb3b  No.5179846


Cheach and Chong predicted this shit… Kek

2c71ec  No.5179847

File: 337799ad8d904d5⋯.jpg (357.28 KB, 2134x1166, 97:53, lmetpopo.jpg)

3556c3  No.5179848


Blocked in national courts by district judges. Overturned by Supreme Court if that's what it takes. They'll give him problems. It's just like with anything else "controversial" that he does. Get ready for a legal brawl. Completely unnecessary.

f88584  No.5179849


All around the airport is tech and light industrial.

Heading west on central expressway is the same. all the way out to mountain view in that corridor.

Used to live there and so glad I don't

481026  No.5179850


>Anon can't stomach Hannity.

Sound judgment, anon.

b61bd0  No.5179851

File: 0a6a1c8f51f13ad⋯.jpeg (69.87 KB, 575x431, 575:431, 1550124271.jpeg)


Spot on, Anon!

60f67a  No.5179852

File: 750840586a01733⋯.png (132.59 KB, 1188x578, 594:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fb76acbf36e6de⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1184x894, 592:447, ClipboardImage.png)


"As everyone on my feed debates the McCabe interview. One reminder. I reported the FBI internal issues began well before Trump ran and McCabe had issues with agents who didn’t play his game. Not defending Trump, just saying there’s a ton more to this story."

e06544  No.5179853

File: f8110542e771dbb⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 286x562, 143:281, shadilay.jpg)

48670c  No.5179854

File: 11578f8542fb939⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, CD63F58D-964B-42D7-8E7C-5A….png)


Kek. Those keep getting better and better!

668ab9  No.5179855

I'm really curious if he is going to sign this piece of shit bill or not. Contains a bunch of shit prohibiting him from building the wall.


5cfe65  No.5179856

File: e1712c170742d31⋯.jpg (146.7 KB, 583x630, 583:630, Screenshot 2019-02-14_21-1….jpg)

File: 5760c58f4c3a942⋯.png (77.81 KB, 850x535, 170:107, DzZ32xIWoAAFf1N.png)


77e11a  No.5179857


But, he's been saying it for almost 2 years every night - I want retroactive pay.

81a117  No.5179858


Ehh, not in the context he used it

f372e0  No.5179859


Exactly what Ann Coulter posted.But 5d chess right?

328370  No.5179860


Because Clinton wanted line-item veto to gut Rep bills. This was back in the Gingrich "Contract with America" days.

e06544  No.5179861

File: 37ad078211d66ba⋯.jpg (256.6 KB, 1076x1158, 538:579, dsburn.jpg)

935a3e  No.5179862

c820b6  No.5179863


And POTUS being silent on the red flag gun laws.

And the fact that this bill gives money to help illegals bussed from the border to pro-illegal groups.

We're so fucked.

fab671  No.5179864

File: 13c3bd13ee4b8b0⋯.jpeg (42.91 KB, 477x293, 477:293, C3CB9DD9-00C8-48DE-A355-C….jpeg)

Super hard to have to do life shit at a time of important habbenings.. whoa is all I gotta say. Sheep are now caught in the “all this that I didnt want to hear about before.. was scary made me have to feels.. all that crazy shit I brushed off this entire election cycle then after.. I now HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT IT.. and holy shit was all that stuff I heard actually real!?!” phase.. kekek

866035  No.5179865


No but it would have taken 60 years to cremate

all those kikes

9e5f69  No.5179866


Robin Gryst! Benghazi!

5e7536  No.5179867

File: fb86d49bd88d029⋯.jpg (167.2 KB, 767x652, 767:652, fb346e1e0646b77752ec065484….jpg)

8fb398  No.5179868

File: 0209db7273d4339⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 521x622, 521:622, TrumpSignature#1776.jpg)


All I'm saying is 1776 has returned.

Whether those have notice or not, is on them.

Things are not as they seem.

Break free of the Matrix, por favor.

d6d58c  No.5179869


Ironic. When a shouty obnoxious idiot uses a shouty obnoxious idiot meme to represent his point of view.

How's your van down by the river shouty fren?

4825fe  No.5179870

Smollett Case

Whats with this pigstie here at the apartment of those involved:


Shoe boxes… going back to nigeria? SCAMMERS?

48ff65  No.5179871

File: 84d8d6e245390bb⋯.jpeg (661.38 KB, 800x569, 800:569, meme.red.pill.plane.bombe….jpeg)

Gay porn shills are back.

Over the target AF.

The past few days have been glorious.

6baf09  No.5179872

>>5178933 lb


Twatter erection over bad timelines.


5cfe65  No.5179873

File: c7154a2db94adf0⋯.jpg (34.56 KB, 584x206, 292:103, Screenshot 2019-02-14_21-1….jpg)

76505f  No.5179874

File: 59aaa063fbb6760⋯.png (708.52 KB, 534x663, 178:221, dont fuck with the frogs 2.png)

9e5cb0  No.5179876

File: d2bb02901c862c6⋯.png (554.54 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)


The light-rail vehicles that are one of the significant reasons for delays to Ottawa's $2-billion LRT project have no proven track record and are expected to make their North American debut in Ottawa.

France-based company Alstom, a member of Rideau Transit Group — the SNC Lavalin-led consortium building the 13-station Confederation Line — is supplying the trains for the project.

Alstom's Citadis line of trains is used in more than 50 cities in 20 countries, largely in Europe.

The company designed a new version of the light-rail car, called the Citadis Spirit, specifically for the North American market that would be able to handle colder weather and winter conditions.

But although the provincial agency Metrolinx has purchased these same vehicles for Toronto and Hamilton, "Ottawa will be the first North American city in which the Citadis Spirit will operate," according to an emailed statement from Alstom.

af7299  No.5179877



d94726  No.5179878


Yeah Airstrip 1 is fucked. Has been for a long time.

5444e2  No.5179879

File: 239b427938a2830⋯.png (344.37 KB, 1242x1128, 207:188, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)


nice waxing gibbous

ca3d43  No.5179880


that gets a kek

636eae  No.5179881

File: 4b8c25729fb4ce7⋯.png (41.55 KB, 299x168, 299:168, GRAVEYARD-SHIFT.png)


Okay, I'll bite.

I'm tired enough that it FEELS like Graveyard Shift…..but does that meaning Day Shift will begin around midnight ET?

d5abcb  No.5179882


Flying over Avon Park Air Force Range.


483c1e  No.5179883



Even if Trump decides that the legal obstacles of an executive order are less daunting that those that would come with a national emergency declaration, tapping unspent funds intended for disaster relief and military construction would bring serious political and policy risks.

By diverting disaster money intended for heavily Democratic California and Puerto Rico — instead of staunchly Republican Texas, which is still rebuilding after Hurricane Harvey — Trump opens himself up to criticism that he’s favoring red states over blue ones. Both of Texas’ GOP senators, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, have made clear their opposition to reprogramming any Harvey relief funds.

Redirecting the military funds by fiat is also more complicated than it might sound, in part because Pentagon spending typically happens slowly over long time frames.

“Given the priority this is associated with, I imagine a lot of the red tape will be expedited, but it doesn’t mean it can happen overnight,” said John Conger, a former senior Obama-era Pentagon official. “Military construction is a five-year appropriation for a reason, because these projects take a long time. Military construction is not a speedy process.”

1d403e  No.5179884

File: 93ba904c761a204⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 93ba904c761a204b9f72add9ab….jpg)

File: 52570ed7f532b34⋯.jpg (753.21 KB, 1368x1600, 171:200, polish_breakfast_car.jpg)

File: c842c05b18fb18c⋯.jpg (98.32 KB, 942x960, 157:160, Anti-semetism.jpg)

File: f7c520be39bd399⋯.jpg (192.87 KB, 992x892, 248:223, 1527541199173.jpg)

File: d0e269a303ad99e⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 793x786, 793:786, 1526334869362.jpg)


wow, they have trash? FUCKIN BURGUORASY MAN

040d51  No.5179885


These are the most cocky looking

unarmed police I have ever laid eyes on.

Don't shot me bro…… errrr I mean take my picture.

7d526b  No.5179886

File: 63619735a179721⋯.jpg (28.96 KB, 458x316, 229:158, VanByRiverJewsVI.JPG)

File: 3edadbc30b817e6⋯.jpg (31.71 KB, 432x258, 72:43, VanByRiverJewsVII.JPG)

File: 47a1d02ab793d5d⋯.jpg (30.2 KB, 455x287, 65:41, VanByRiverJewsVIII.JPG)

File: a1360946ccd5336⋯.jpg (43.35 KB, 446x313, 446:313, VanByRIverJewsVIIII.JPG)

aa48af  No.5179887


Here we go… now we wait.

35ac06  No.5179888


====quickie meme: 'look at me, I'm your brown now=======

b62d49  No.5179889

File: dedeb44d5e87540⋯.jpg (269.84 KB, 780x780, 1:1, center-circle.jpg)


014982  No.5179890


In their minds, this is "5D chess."

Their brains are not functioning properly.

77e11a  No.5179891


You need 2/3 vote in both House ad Senate to override his veto.

cc7a9a  No.5179892

Mark it 8 dude. I just had a vision of the FOX THREE aka Fox & Friends making the RBG death announcement tomorrow morning. The graphic they accidentally aired will be put to use. Or the storm hit tomorrow morning and we get a major perp walk with cameras aired live on Fox and Friends. I just feel like something YUGE is happening first thing in the morning.

36600a  No.5179893


No. I bet networks like CNN report this as a win against Trump only for Trump to say, “On closer inspection, I can’t sign this, dems want me to allow child trafficking.” Then what do the networks say after they called it a win?

9e5cb0  No.5179894

File: 1595fc2bd08a729⋯.png (404.08 KB, 695x390, 139:78, ClipboardImage.png)


>SNC Lavalin


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is under pressure following a report last week alleging political interference in a corruption case against engineering giant SNC-Lavalin.

3a6a36  No.5179895


If they're worried about the SC overturning Roe v Wade, I'm pretty sure the line item veto can be overturned as well.

f525f6  No.5179896

File: 4d8af67e93b0275⋯.mp4 (658.05 KB, 720x300, 12:5, muadib.mp4)


Anons have the power!

Power in your words!

Add faith to your words and


ps. Thanks for dropping this in my files for me!

2041da  No.5179897


Anons getting sloppy. Autism fail.

60f67a  No.5179898

File: f149adca4aface8⋯.png (172.72 KB, 1184x684, 296:171, ClipboardImage.png)

Question - why are HRC, Comey, Brennan, McCabe etc. so silent on China.

Makes you wonder.

6bb013  No.5179899


fraud is fraud proof the courts system has failed when no charges are filed or he get off scott free?

b61bd0  No.5179900

File: 60bcfc85d02f80b⋯.jpg (77.74 KB, 960x500, 48:25, c3273c08e259ee1b2cce32d6bc….jpg)



That limits it



First we MAGA then


a16eb2  No.5179901

Long day, Anons. Sleep fagging now. Get ‘ em, night shift

Love you guys. No homo.

e31c28  No.5179902

Hannity just dropping truths

48ff65  No.5179903

File: 8673066fe660977⋯.png (554.78 KB, 620x414, 310:207, ron.paul.forrest.png)

fab671  No.5179904

File: 5d0409a07c0b100⋯.png (371.15 KB, 770x400, 77:40, DE0B1E7F-75AA-4D33-BF5B-BF….png)



328370  No.5179905


Come on out and say it. You're advocating armed revolt?

If not, what's your point?

c0e3fb  No.5179906


Yes they were offered…but they didn't fall into the degenerates hands!

c4ed8c  No.5179907


Federal prosecutors charged Ryan Jaselskis, a 22-year-old health and wellness coach in California, on Wednesday, alleging he attempted to burn down Comet Ping Pong, the pizza restaurant allegedly at the center of an internet conspiracy theory that falsely claims a sex ring run by celebrities and prominent Democrats is based out of its nonexistent basement.

A video posted to Jaselskis’ parents’ YouTube account the night of the fire seems to provide a possible link between the alleged arson and the disturbing conspiracy theory that became popular among a fringe group of Trump supporters during the 2016 election, and inspired a shooting in the restaurant that same year.

A video titled “Melissa Video” was posted to the YouTube account run by Paul and Chrissy Jaselskis at 8:07 p.m. ET on Jan. 23, alleging that the world is run by a Satanic global pedophile ring fronted by most major celebrities and Hillary Clinton.

668ab9  No.5179908


This is the keystone for this. If he vetoes, the game has begun

8e570e  No.5179909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Heart of the Sunrise

ae15ce  No.5179910


Then Lot was given the opportunity to escape the judgment with his two daughters who were degenerate, thought all men were wiped off the earth, and sons with Lot, their father.

This is not the line of Christ.

2c71ec  No.5179911

File: c075f958c6d60c2⋯.jpg (528.98 KB, 2142x1022, 153:73, colpopo.jpg)



City of London Police [SQUAREMILE] have Red/White checkerboard.

79ab85  No.5179912

File: a07232f7d374feb⋯.jpg (135.88 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, MemeStorm3.jpg)

48670c  No.5179913

File: b0996195a06211d⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5CD05135-A88B-4D62-AA46-94….png)


Wut da fuq? Calm your britches, night watchman.

47970e  No.5179914

File: 950a1330d7b8c57⋯.png (413.21 KB, 959x799, 959:799, 950a1330d7b8c57c20ffe867e5….png)




Even if it takes a couple of days.

also who wrote the bill? did republicans have a hand in it?

Senate voted for it first, did people in senate write it? or the house?

232ac3  No.5179915

File: bee18491115e5be⋯.png (88.54 KB, 250x241, 250:241, 2019-01-01_00-29-17.png)

28b238  No.5179916

File: f980717379d3df3⋯.jpg (95.7 KB, 1024x431, 1024:431, DSC_0001.jpg)


He said he wouldn't sign another CR.

Doesn't QTeam point out 'when has the President said something not true?'

b62d49  No.5179917



17fceb  No.5179918

File: e58ad4f5e59851f⋯.jpg (196 KB, 894x894, 1:1, ns.jpg)



f2c574  No.5179919

File: e9e8abf6e17746d⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 589x389, 589:389, e9e8abf6e17746da80554d2d94….gif)

e31c28  No.5179920

shit popping off tomorrow Q?

5cfe65  No.5179921

whats the narrative tomorrow for dems after declaration…. an emergency is not needed?

9e5f69  No.5179922


Kek-Gauhar, anon

986e63  No.5179923

File: f57268411697d5a⋯.png (488.14 KB, 604x597, 604:597, ClipboardImage.png)



Image capture. Looks like fine outstanding citizens (NOT).

Narrative is ours now.

There were 58 million google results for "Trump supporter attacks media" and not one of them names the culprit.

Let's blow up that "story" next.

Just for KEKs.

1d403e  No.5179924

File: 2de87963630e3e4⋯.png (611.48 KB, 960x949, 960:949, 1540746508020.png)

File: 0ec4ce79456d975⋯.jpeg (378.94 KB, 730x765, 146:153, 1540888940.jpeg)

File: 93dde2aa0fce6e2⋯.png (394.25 KB, 508x508, 1:1, 1540692734516.png)

File: 2de951ecbfc3097⋯.jpg (90.94 KB, 1024x942, 512:471, 1540552150639.jpg)

File: 069dfcd01edeee6⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1540430772814.jpg)













b9b6e2  No.5179925


Can’t read the text by the pictures and there are still DOJ officials on there. Sorry, I hate to criticize meme makers, but just thinking of Q’s directive.

5444e2  No.5179926


whatever they are training for should be epic

f525f6  No.5179927


But that's OK in Canada so…there's that.

328370  No.5179928


Gotta have a case before them on that issue. And they don't.

S Ct doesn't just rule on stuff it wants to rule on, there MUST be a case in controversy. That is an absolute requirement.

e4e1a0  No.5179929

Q' last post

The YouTube video is from …….2017



99eb1c  No.5179930



You stoopid fuks are so predictable, kek.

f372e0  No.5179931


Absolutely Based and Correct!

a37385  No.5179932


Because China was paying to access her fucking server

c97c74  No.5179933

File: 74a6d44d4fe3236⋯.jpg (183.2 KB, 363x542, 363:542, saintmch.jpg)

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 20:

Prayer for Victory

A Psalm of David.

20 The Lord answer you in the day of trouble!

The name of the God of Jacob protect you!

2 May he send you help from the sanctuary,

and give you support from Zion!

3 May he remember all your offerings,

and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! Selah

4 May he grant you your heart’s desire,

and fulfil all your plans!

5 May we shout for joy over your victory,

and in the name of our God set up our banners!

May the Lord fulfil all your petitions!

6 Now I know that the Lord will help his anointed;

he will answer him from his holy heaven

with mighty victories by his right hand.

7 Some boast of chariots, and some of horses;

but we boast of the name of the Lord our God.

8 They will collapse and fall;

but we shall rise and stand upright.

9 Give victory to the king, O Lord;

answer us when we call.

a16eb2  No.5179934


You’ll know at 4 am

f1e7cc  No.5179935

It’s happening!

I’ve been posting continuously on FB about Q and about the plan. After what has transpired since the SOTU, I’m finally being asked by “lurkers”. Who or what is Q. Getting private messages saying they have been following me for a long time now and now have questions.

We Are The News Now! Q has gone mainstream!

2f3a2e  No.5179936


saw earlyer that a witt died in plain crash just recently aswell


d30805  No.5179937

Dowd dropped "this is the tip of the iceburg"

e06544  No.5179938


Maybe the national emergency will come first

aa48af  No.5179939


Get some Rest Anon… Thank you for your service!! o7

355078  No.5179940

Hannity on fire….he's pissed


5b10cc  No.5179941

File: 8ab1bc4f4d681b1⋯.jpeg (44.95 KB, 696x463, 696:463, F6B0CEE6-D9C7-4D36-923D-5….jpeg)

You mad bro?

Ya, you mad


b69abc  No.5179942



b3df8f  No.5179943

Just finished work for the week, going to be a comfy as fuck weekend with you guys. Bring it Q.

4a802a  No.5179944


AKA child traffickers. Kike clown-world runs on dead goy children!

30dcc9  No.5179945

File: a7dfd08e52102fe⋯.png (179.75 KB, 480x384, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

9e5cb0  No.5179946

File: 78d2a64b2e981ea⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d97408afb00583⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

636eae  No.5179947


Ok, Sather may be a dweeb, but is that what Q is calling out in this drop? I'm particularly wanting to understand the the nature of the forces at play.

b61bd0  No.5179948

File: 2b572745c5fc6dd⋯.jpeg (7.94 KB, 306x165, 102:55, images-2.jpeg)


Because Putin has the dirt on them?

Most definitely

e31c28  No.5179949

Charlie De Mar

‏Verified account @CharlieDeMar

3h3 hours ago

BREAKING:Police raided the home of two persons of interest in Jussie Smollett case last night. Both men are of Nigerian decent and have appeared as extras on the show. Police took bleach, shoes electronics and more.Officers asked family if they knew #Jussiesmollett. @cbschicago

Charlie De Mar

‏Verified account @CharlieDeMar

3h3 hours ago

This information is according to family who says home was ransacked. I asked family why they think police picked the two brothers up for questioning and they replied by saying the men left for #Nigeria the day of the attack. @cbschicago

85 replies 666 retweets 1,036 likes

f0bb79  No.5179950

File: 5add95044cc72c2⋯.jpeg (141.84 KB, 1280x695, 256:139, C8FB16B4-184B-47D6-BA32-7….jpeg)

It’s over for the DS.

c820b6  No.5179951


At this point i'm not sure if my life is going to end in suicide or homicide. But I'm pretty convinced it'll be one or the other.

31452a  No.5179952


Lighten up, Francis.

53e65c  No.5179953

Very yell-y


cb563b  No.5179954


What's even scarier is that Q is doing finger painting, and posting cryptic chinese pics to make all the ADHD autists pee their pants, and utterly miss the fact that Q is NOT ADDRESSING current events at ALL!

Creepy. Did I miss the Rapture, and the rest of the board is all robots?

d4dd8c  No.5179955

File: f70254bf434489e⋯.jpg (122.47 KB, 962x1308, 481:654, 3BB6B4F200000578-0-image-a….jpg)

File: ed0c3683e3285fa⋯.jpg (36.82 KB, 600x315, 40:21, 3a4936a88f4e703b513d88075c….jpg)

File: 9fcfa348fbceb82⋯.jpg (92.97 KB, 650x471, 650:471, GolodomorKharkiv.jpg)

File: 9aa9e9fd88d234c⋯.jpg (203.92 KB, 600x828, 50:69, WhiteArmyPropagandaPosterO….jpg)

48ff65  No.5179956

File: 043fe9c1493e97e⋯.jpeg (89.12 KB, 888x499, 888:499, night.shift.aurora.jpeg)

481026  No.5179957



>also who wrote the bill?

As usual, lobbyists wrote it. In fact, it was probably written long ago and sitting on a shelf to be tweaked for such an occasion.

b62d49  No.5179958

File: a6517c1ea9214b4⋯.png (143.23 KB, 1102x911, 1102:911, a6517c1ea9214b4ba5f6e245c1….png)

File: 0729d504085f14c⋯.jpg (235.4 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, BELIEVE.jpg)

File: f5e6cdfd9d211d0⋯.jpg (411.5 KB, 1147x1410, 1147:1410, Milo_of_Croton,_Attempting….jpg)

00bf2a  No.5179959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DO IT Q!!!!

2559a7  No.5179960

>>5179682 yep ty

52b471  No.5179961


Hannitus Interruptus

f2c574  No.5179962

File: 43a66dfdd36e66c⋯.png (791.66 KB, 569x568, 569:568, stand-up-fight-right.png)

4ca1aa  No.5179963

File: 345baf66cfffeb8⋯.png (907.36 KB, 692x693, 692:693, ClipboardImage.png)


yeah so this is weird

4035ff  No.5179964

Did you just try to indicate to me that

all Jews are naturally Leftists

because Hebrew is written that way ?


872ab0  No.5179965


Well, I am! Gonna try my hardest to goad a liberal 'friend' of mine into taking a swing at me, in front of witnesses. Then it's curb-stomping time.

b96723  No.5179966

File: d3e8d28522743ac⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 565x537, 565:537, lobotme.jpg)

a16eb2  No.5179967



61d3a1  No.5179968

File: 29e440f124d9d7e⋯.jpeg (53.74 KB, 800x510, 80:51, 10D053D8-99B5-40FC-BB8D-C….jpeg)

6a534d  No.5179969


Not supporting it, just don't think it matters anymore. I trust POTUS. I believe in POTUS and I have faith he knows exactly what he's doing.

aa48af  No.5179970


Comfee AF!! o7

4c8766  No.5179971


"illegal immigration at record lows"

"no sensible person believes there is an emergency at the border"

8c0e52  No.5179972

File: 7b845dac51322f3⋯.jpg (368.01 KB, 1485x810, 11:6, Holocaust_oven_math.jpg)


It is known.

5d6201  No.5179973

File: 6e3cbffffa1f2eb⋯.png (1.75 MB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

b69abc  No.5179974


because they've already been kicked out of north korea

f0bb79  No.5179975

7d526b  No.5179976


He's mad because he had to miss his daughters bar mitzvah…

f88584  No.5179977

File: 1028f8ec1047c22⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 540x960, 9:16, C and C.jpg)

5cfe65  No.5179978

File: 8dceb17f7e85259⋯.jpg (88.81 KB, 583x607, 583:607, Screenshot 2019-02-14_21-2….jpg)

1d403e  No.5179979

File: 14f8d01d698dfd9⋯.png (407.06 KB, 565x430, 113:86, shut it down2.png)

File: b1d04677b72bccb⋯.png (103.67 KB, 500x386, 250:193, file.png)

File: 75bc0b48eeb3419⋯.png (147.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1540075879018.png)

File: a4a22d56a9faa7f⋯.png (95.04 KB, 620x453, 620:453, 1540069400602.png)

File: ea527a141f21dc4⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 720x554, 360:277, 1540095838810.jpg)


hannity, you are a fucking disgrace, so dishonest about jewish influence, it's a betrayal of us

also all your guests are boring as fuck apart from carter, but especially all the niggers except maybe elder and the other one, but they all have to go somewhere else

888137  No.5179980

File: 5368a66bca7419a⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 278x300, 139:150, 5368a66bca7419acf39d33704a….jpg)


if you were still God's chosen people, why has endless terrors come unto since the murder of Jesus. Repent and be saved, or kys Judas.

c7c006  No.5179981

b62d49  No.5179982

10~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter IVOf Blood Letting, Unification and Big People: 'Poot up yuoor meets doode-a. Lets get it oon.' 1Following the creation of two kingdoms, there was a period of greatness ascribed to the Midgits of Noodelium. 2For their access to beachside property and seafaring made the Midgits extremely profitable little dudes. 3And thus they did build great ships 4and setforth across the lands of Noodle Earth. 5And their prize trade possession was Olive Oil and an ever expanding range of pasta sauces. 6And they did surpass the Midgets of Bobby Mountain in greatness, who clung to their traditional agrarian ways, 7seeking salvation through deeds pleasing the Great Noodly One. 8And entrepreneurial Midgit leader Caxton did thus become rich and powerful. 9His images were splashed across many tabloid glossy magazines and entertainment gossip programs ('Midgitainement Tonight'.10And the Noodleium tabloids did thus gossip wickedly about Caxton's love life, 11after hours activity 12and cameo sitcom appearances. 13Caxton did thus employ many Flimsy Moral Standards 14for he was a seething mass of testosterone. 15And this did greatly impress the FSM who would bellow from the cosmos 16"Way to go little buddy" 17following Caxton's successful nights out. 18For Caxton so loved the lime-light and conquests of both social and other varieties. 19During a red carpet special interview withbubbly blond entertainment reporter, 20Caxton did thus issue a conquest proclamation of a different kind, 21shocking Egbert and the Midgets of Bobby Mountain. 22 "Meedgets ooff Bubby Muoonteeen. Zee huly lunds cunteenooe-a tu wane-a under yuoor cuntrul.Geefe-a zeem tu me-a, und I veell cere-a fur but yuoo und Bubby Muoonteeen. Bork Bork Bork!" 23Which roughly translates to: "Give me your land baldies, or else. Bork Bork Bork!"24Caxton did thus wish Bobby Mountain to become a part of the Kingdom of Noodelium. 25And he announced no more cameo TV appearances, 26for he was off to war. 27I "veell be-a pustpuneeng my cemeu oon 'Eferyune-a Lufes Raymond' tu cunqooer zee Huly Lund."28At first the FSM thought all this was hilarious, 29and was very excitedabout seeing his beloved subjects going 'toe to toe'. 30However, the FSM did not approve of holy killing as a

e31c28  No.5179983

Lord have mercy I am getting nervous, excited, tingles, scared, and happy….it's happening.

6bab16  No.5179984

File: 25dbd6076ce87f1⋯.jpeg (141.92 KB, 750x519, 250:173, DB9357BD-6303-4CE0-BAA7-6….jpeg)

File: 37821f1b946436b⋯.jpeg (282.86 KB, 750x608, 375:304, 9E0D6CC4-826B-4BCD-90FE-D….jpeg)

8fb398  No.5179985

File: 1a746e465409678⋯.png (733.58 KB, 799x599, 799:599, 1538358595468.png)


No, I'm not.

But to free the People of the Republic against this Tyrannical Gov't is the necessity of the American People.

If, considering you're an American, do you not feel oppressed?(be honest - over taxed, over worked, etc)

Do you think it's right that every single thing you do in life is taxed by the government?

Would you not like to keep the money you earn and only contribute to a JUSTIFIED war for our Country when the need is presented?

That is the choices the AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD MAKE!



Sorry, but sometimes (You) need a slap in the face.

This Country is OURS!

Not 400-500 people in GOVERNMENT!



503a6a  No.5179986


it's not happening anon, its "happening" for them if he signs this bill, we are properly fucked and he lied to us

0dccdb  No.5179987


It’s still possible because Barr was Confirmed today.

He could start off with a Big Boom.

Unfortunately, he is Best friends with Mueller and worked for Bush sr who Shot Regan.

Q, talk about this.

Trust Barr?

3e69ad  No.5179988


can amnesty for illegals be put into a federal budget bill?

axing for fren

f2c574  No.5179989

File: bc8f00f4a85bf32⋯.jpg (80.39 KB, 535x525, 107:105, soros-soon.jpg)

af7299  No.5179990


30dcc9  No.5179991

File: f377653adf94ea0⋯.png (2.25 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

328370  No.5179992


All righty, then.

6baf09  No.5179993


Why no autists check Q?

No announcement at 3:14.

Change my mynd lazy autists.

97a59d  No.5179994

John Dowd saying we need.. HUBER

31452a  No.5179995



Beware of the self-fulfilling prophecy..

b62d49  No.5179996

11means of reaching the beer volcano and stripper factory. 31He therefore boomed forth a proclamation to all the little folk: 32 "Loyal subjects.The concept of holy war and wasting peoples lives in my name is a major bummer. 33I will not allow it. 34You must therefore resolve your differences by my way of choosing. 35I therefore decree that you shall resolve the issue in a series of televised taunting and verbal slanging matches."36And thus a series of debates, with much haranguing and name calling was held. 37And the results were decided by phone-in poll, to be announced painfully slowly, following many commercial breaks, by The Great Noodly One. 38Well prepared for the bald jokes, the Midgets did thus mercilessly hammer the Midgits, 39scoring many fine hits on the fascile Caxton and his dandies. 40Things got really ugly when Egbert produced Caxton rumours and gossip even the tabloids had overlooked. 41And the FSM did thus snicker and chuckle at the sharp-witted gags of the Midgets, for it was extremely entertaining to him. 42The phone poll did thus proclaim, following many commercial breaks, The Midgets unanimous winners. 43Then, following the verdict, The FSM did thus issue the following order: 44"Look guys. My intention was for you to live harmoniously, 45but for the odd cruel put down to keep me amused. 46I have erred by my lack of intervention, be it partly my fault, 47for I was bored desiring entertainment. 48In all our folly, I have decided I will create a third race of people, 49to keep you both in check. 50And they shall be large and capable of telling many politically incorrect jokes about thee. 51There shall be no more talk of conquering the Holy Mountain. 52For it is a place sacred to all Pastafarians." 53And thus with a shudder of his noodles and rolling of his googly eyes the FSM sent forth the Big People into the world. 54And their first words in praise of their noodly masterwere: 55"Shiver me timbers. O'im off ta' collect some pieces of eight."56And they were given the gift of politically incorrect putdown. 57And their maritime, rum-drinking, and bird-handling skills were unsurpassed. Here endeth the Fourth Book~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

d5abcb  No.5179997


Just training anon. That's military ranges are for.

e06544  No.5179998

File: 6ba3affd83fd97c⋯.jpg (90.04 KB, 528x336, 11:7, bce3bbc5ad6af5f19ee80cdbd4….jpg)

c53b4e  No.5179999

File: bc1374a254254a3⋯.jpg (62.64 KB, 602x252, 43:18, dcab2a6d4114d566809618dd34….jpg)

8c0e52  No.5180000


Man of culture post.

c5b431  No.5180001


I wonder what data was pulled. Intelligence organization offices maybe?

97a59d  No.5180002




we noticed this before Q posted, but Q drew the connection to it being on FOX

4825fe  No.5180003

File: 354ef702916b26d⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ai.png)

The perp apartment… AI

b62d49  No.5180004

Chapter VThe Final Decree: Say Ahoy Me Harties, not Bork, Bork, Bork 1For thus it came to pass The Great Noodly One did much letting the air out the proverbial Midget/Midgit tyres by inventing a third race of people. 2For the Midgets and Midgits were yea verily 'full-of-it' ego wise, 3following much favouritism from his holiness. 4For they were like Tinkerbell, Paris Hilton's small dog: the Chihuahua that had everything. 5And he did thus give the Big People many gifts, 6espoused in the ways of Pirates and Lumberjacks. 7And the FSM, sick of telling little people gags, did gift the Big Ones with many politically incorrect ways. 8For the likeable roguish spirit of the FSM, the creator of the Beer Volcano and Strippers, was thus embodied in these likeable rogues. 9The Big people did thus inhabit near the Midgit and Midget realms of Noodelium and Bobby Mountain. 10The Big People bordering Noodelium in particular did adopt many ways of the Pirate. 11And their attempts to master the language of the Midgits were an utter failure. 12For they felt the use of the phrase "Bork, Bork, Bork" was an utter bummer. 13And they did thus develop the use of Piratese as their official language.14And the Midgits used their galleons as vessels of transport their tremendously large range of pasta sauces and ingredients across Noodle Earth. 15And other prophets of the Great Noodly One will recount their tales. 16Whilst on Bobby Mountain, the Big People did thus use their roguish spirit tocut the sacred trees of Bobby Mountain. 17And despite the Midgets clear opposition to such a practice, 18the FSM found the logrolling contests a welcome relief from the dwarf wrestling contests. 19And thus the Lumberjacks practices were tolerated by The Great One, 20but only with a sustainable land management plan. 21And the Big People did thus attempt to emulate the FSM's Midget jokes on many occasions. 22But the Midget/Midgits had endured many gags by the FSM over the last few thousand years. 23And theBig People's attempted gags were like water off a ducks back. 24For the Midget/Midgits did thus turn the tables, 25making Big People the butt some many wicked one-liners. 26And the Lumberjack and Pirate jokes came thick and fast. 27And following many televised slanging and haranguing matches on MTV (that's Midgit TV!) the combined Midgit/Midget crack debating team did thus hammer the Big People. 28And it was thereby decreed by the victorious Midget leader Egbert, that no further jokes of a politically incorrect nature shall be uttered in the lands of Noodle Earth. 29 "Felloo Meedgets, Meedgits, Loomberjecks und Puretes. Ve-a zee feecturs hereby decree-a thet zee veecked jeebes und bed gegs ebuoot iech oozeer shell ceese-a. Fur ve-a shell leern tu

9e5cb0  No.5180005

e06544  No.5180006

File: 75011c5de6dc5b3⋯.jpg (102.22 KB, 516x590, 258:295, fisaslap.jpg)

b62d49  No.5180007

13leefe-a in peece-a. Ve-a shell leern muny Iteleeun Cuukeeng skeells und receepes, und ve-a shell feend elternete-a meuns ooff pleeseeng oooor Greet Nuudly Mester."30Which roughly translate to; "Less jibes, more cooking and lots of prayers to the Great Noodly One". 31And the FSM thought that this was a major bummer, for all that Theo-speak was sappy and boring. 32And he did bellow across the cosmos: 33 "No more use of 17th Century English prose when addressing me please. Just speak to me normally for crying out loud."34And the pirates, tired of all the wowsers, did thus depart the lands of Noodle Earth to seek adventure and treasure. 35And the Lumberjacks soon ran out of timber, tossed in their axes, and joined the Pirates on their tall ships. 36And the First Great Age of Noodle Earth did thus conclude with the departure of the Big People. 37And the Flying Spaghetti Monster did thus yawn at the Midgets and Midgits. 38For like a man-of-the-house with 50 cable channels to view, he did thus flip the many channels of his creations and bellow. 39 "Time to checkout this new stuff on the Pirate Channel, cause these guys have fun."40And here endeth the Fifth Book and The First Age of Noodle Earth. 41For keeping in the traditions of other religious texts, no datesor precise scientific evidence shall be mentioned. 42It is The Great One's wish that vague wording and historical accounts should provide much arguing and disagreement amongst us. 43Nevertheless, it is the irrefutable word of The Flying Spaghetti Monster and therefore must be true. 44Praised be to His Noodly Appendages!! (PBTHNA) RAmen

3a6a36  No.5180008


Any chance there can be a fast tracked case over this?

d30805  No.5180009

File: de1671d335855dc⋯.png (370.57 KB, 843x619, 843:619, Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at ….png)

uh what

9e5f69  No.5180010

Poor Jim Jordan! We love you, Jim (even though Hannity cut you off)

47970e  No.5180011

File: faa6210a6b8416d⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 500x704, 125:176, 2ftz3p.jpg)

3cad48  No.5180012

48670c  No.5180013

File: 138399d8167b8ab⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E6B15827-A574-45B8-91CE-D7….png)


Kek. I got that part. Poor lil’ dude wuz pissing his pants, for unknown reasons.

No worries, I’m amused.

15c64e  No.5180014

File: 34c5754a833c114⋯.jpg (61.18 KB, 740x986, 370:493, chillin.jpg)

b62d49  No.5180015

14The Creation of MankindOoops, sorry, we sorta lost this one. If it ever turns up, please stick it here. Thanks.-The Second Council of Olive Garden

4c8766  No.5180016


he also said he would never sign another bad bill.

eb6240  No.5180017


You can watch him next, be the same show

b69abc  No.5180018


as far as i know those numbers came from muh russians

can we really trust "our most formidable threat" to give us accurate numbers?

sure seems like a good reason for them to split berlin the way they did

37ce12  No.5180019

File: 8dd16aee7b68af5⋯.jpg (167.41 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsTransparency Prosec….jpg)

>>5179830 Thanks fren.

>>5179737 Pic related. Gonna do a few more of these. Some other memefags were on the job and made these >>5179792

d4dd8c  No.5180020

File: bddd6cac7feb3ae⋯.jpg (453.89 KB, 1600x1028, 400:257, 30beb3b885e572d4a89e7e9573….jpg)

File: 90799b23a6e29e6⋯.jpg (75.13 KB, 640x511, 640:511, 90799b23a6e29e66f011a43824….jpg)

File: 6d8afdd75c7860d⋯.png (1.88 MB, 2032x1192, 254:149, 6d8afdd75c7860d3de0ade4361….png)

File: 55dea853674dd7c⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 552x621, 8:9, 1511567641715.jpg)

97a59d  No.5180021



>>5179411 Twitter Bans 21 Conservatives for 1 Liberal

>>5179474 DOJ warns Trump National Emergency will be blocked in courts

>>5179456 China had threat the U.S. government with drug shortages on at least one occasion

>>5179597 Netanyahu's plane to Israel grounded in Warsaw, awaiting substitute plane

>>5179605 Britain’s Royal Navy “Should Develop a Reign of Terror”. “Russia Should Go Away and Shut Up.”

>>5179664 Spending Bill Allows Mexican Cartel-Connected Texas Counties to Stop Border Wall

>>5179710 Graphic on next few weeks should be exciting

>>5179790 Broward County hires KATZ as New Chief of Security

>>5179845 President Trump Must Ensure Spending Bill Does Not Cancel Emergency Powers

4ecf8f  No.5180022

File: 93327cde99da4d4⋯.png (100.79 KB, 429x281, 429:281, giraffe.png)

f1e7cc  No.5180023


I understand that. I honestly don’t believe he will but we have followed him enough to know that everything he does is calculated as part of the plan. POTUS won’t let us down Anon.

2108ef  No.5180024


He sure did.

Jordy said he's all for it (briefly before being cutoff by youknowwho)

2041da  No.5180025


If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty.

5a0a61  No.5180026

File: 75cbd7e654812c1⋯.jpg (349.65 KB, 1080x1356, 90:113, 20190214_194919.jpg)

Fuck Twitter!

9e5f69  No.5180027


That IS a keeper

b62d49  No.5180028

15A Reading From the Book of FusilliChapter 12 through 13 *As transcribed by David D.6 And it came to pass that the Flying Spaghetti Monster saw that the world was no longer a tasty place. 7 And the Flying Spaghetti Monster said, I will destroy all this untastiness that I have created from the face of the earth; man and beast, beer and brothel, and all the creeping things that are less than savory. 8 But Steve the Pirate found grace with the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and was touched by his noodly appendage. 9 Steve, begat of Jeff, was renowned throughout the land. The proprietor of a small pub in the provence well know for his amber lager and the best pasta salad of which has ever been spoken to the ears of men. 10 And the Flying Spaghetti Monster said unto Steve, the end of untastiness is come before me and behold I will destroy the earth. 11 Go thou into the forest and seek out the largest Bay Leaf tree therein. Make a ship of these leaves that it may add to the tastiness of my kingdom. 12 And in this fashion shalt thou make the ship, it shall be shaped as a Pirate ship several hundred cubits in length and pretty wide in cubits as well and high enough that thou doest not feel hemmedin. Useth thou thy best judgement. 13 A window thou shalt make in the ship, a rather nice one with curtains. As pirates there be no need for a door, as thou shalt swing on ropes to exit thine ship. 14 And behold, I shall cover the earth with a fresh tomato sauce to destroy all untastyiness. And I shall simmer this sauce on low for forty days and forty nights then another day allowing it to cool and thicken. 15 Go and fill your ship with two of every spice in the land. Gather basil and paprika and salt and cayenne peppers that we my season the new tastiness of the world to come. This is my promise to you and all who come after you.

0018a0  No.5180030

File: e6fd943d8308310⋯.jpg (7.96 KB, 255x249, 85:83, 5f09680ddd97ff40e171461f60….jpg)

a81516  No.5180031

File: a52e94647c2de12⋯.jpeg (218.87 KB, 504x709, 504:709, EAF07F43-B47F-4A63-B15D-0….jpeg)


Trust the plan…

47970e  No.5180032

File: f924f3fdd024855⋯.jpg (50.32 KB, 634x500, 317:250, 2tnbl6.jpg)

File: ae5fed193e5cd0f⋯.jpg (77.89 KB, 634x500, 317:250, 2tnbnf.jpg)

636eae  No.5180033


Baker, would like to nominate

notable for this to get moar eyes on,

question interesting but still up for grabs

Your call

>>5179588 Re: "Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove"

b62d49  No.5180034

161 And so it came to pass that the Flying Spaghetti Monster did cleanse the earth with a fresh tomato basil sauce and remove all untastiness therein. 2 And Steve went into his ship and did float upon the sauce that covered all the earth for 41 days and 40 nights (allowing for cooling). And Steve had brought into the ship two of every spice and these he did liberally apply to the sauce through the very nice window with curtains that he had built. 3 On the 41st day the Pirate ship came to rest on a hill and so Steve sent forth a parrot to see if the sauce had receded, but the parrot found no place to roost and returned to the ship. 4 So Steve waited and after seven days he sent forth the parrot again to see if the sauce had abated and the parrot returned not to him again but instead found refuge beside a large beer volcano. 5 Thus it came to pass that on the 49th day theearth was dry and tasty and Steve built a small alter unto the Flying Spaghetti Monster and covered it with parmesan. And Steve spoke to the Flying Spaghetti Monster saying, In your tastiness the earth has been reborn and, wow, a beer volcano! 6 And theFlying Spaghetti Monster saw that it was good and mighty tasty.

ce40aa  No.5180035

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

File: f77dc1c8bc08d69⋯.jpg (139.74 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, f77dc1c8bc08d69c1712e0e631….jpg)

a5922e  No.5180036

Just read Q posts now I need a drink…

1d403e  No.5180037

File: 3dfb6220e33d934⋯.jpg (42.44 KB, 600x579, 200:193, Comfy_guy.jpg)

File: 998466a4c603d95⋯.png (136.95 KB, 1158x1393, 1158:1393, Civil War Q&A.png)

File: ec9f3a9104c45b7⋯.jpg (13.89 KB, 297x300, 99:100, sniff pepe.jpg)

File: 96132e90d3d5af4⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 400x280, 10:7, cnn doggo.gif)

File: 965851fe1e9c84a⋯.jpg (330.19 KB, 750x725, 30:29, comfywarthog.jpg)


dude, wooden gaschamber doors are totally safe, and pedal powered brain bashing machines coupled with bicycle pump ass inflators are toally efficient and believable, you should be locked up for questioning it!

cc7a9a  No.5180038



I don't see how he does. He gave us his word last March. The little that I've seen of this bill tells me there is no way he signs it. His base will flip their shit. There is no way to spin it.

6baf09  No.5180039


Weve been trained to sniff out bs

b61bd0  No.5180040


Ive never seen the actual amount she got. Wonder if it was worth it?

f2c574  No.5180041

File: 451d5e49062cb21⋯.jpg (197.87 KB, 823x685, 823:685, declass-fisa-now2.jpg)

5a0a61  No.5180042

4ca1aa  No.5180043

File: 8240afb2a75cf0d⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1003x631, 1003:631, ClipboardImage.png)



The planes are weird. These are - Check it out on satelite. The left box is not a neighborhood


c820b6  No.5180044


And then I get to ask myself if you're real or a bot or a shill. So this is all kinds of fun.


I can't control the fact that I've posted here in support of killing a lot of powerful people who I now think might be using POTUS as controlled opposition. If they pull a Pelosi and confiscate all weapons, I have no doubt I'll be killed.

If my country gets overrun and I cannot take it back through democratic means, I won't live under socialism. So either suicide or homicide.

What alternative do you see anon?

5b10cc  No.5180045


Agree, if you watch the banners switch at exactly 3:14 on the Fox feed

9e5cb0  No.5180046

File: 258ccd80ccb7fca⋯.png (1.29 MB, 800x668, 200:167, ClipboardImage.png)


b62d49  No.5180047

The Book of Penelopea history of a venerated ancient prophet"as transcribed" by Warlord of ElephantsChapter I1For canned Pasta was an Abomination before F.S.M. 2The land became barren, the waters as slime, the earth was rent and much suffering ensued. 3"We have lost our way”, cried the, ummm let's see,oh yeah cried 'The Lost Ones'. 4We must return to the true path or at least the real trail, maybe the actual sidewalk; 5any way this stuff ain't workin'". 6So with empty bellies (for none could abide the Abomination) they did gather together salt, noodles, and water. 7It came to pass that the noodles boiled and a great huzzah went up. 8"Huzzah"! they cried (almost nobody talked then; they always cried stuff). 9"We must test it to see if'n it's ready. 10Poke it with a fork"! cried some. 11"Fling it against the wall"! cried others. 12While all the crying was going on little Penelope Pasta did Taste it. 13"Hey the kid's eatin all our pasta"! cried everybody. 14Little Penelope cried (yeah her too) "I have tasted the Pasta and it needs Garlic Butter and Meat Sauce"! 15"Huzzah"! cried the people and finished their salads with the nice ranch dressing and the little bread sticks everybody liked so much. 16So heresy was avoided, 17carbo loading was accomplished 18and the legend of the ancient prophet Penelope begun. Chapter II1Now as the Pastafarians were saved and hunger pains at bay there came a great lethargy upon the People. 2"We must sleep"! they cried, "for our bellies are full and T.V. hasn't been invented yet". 3So they all did fall down into a deep slumber all except Penelope. 4She'd had too many after-dinner espressos with her tiramisu. 5As she idly walked along she heard a voice: "Gird up you loins and follow". 6"Grid up my loins"? she thought, "sounds vaguely naughty". 7But as T.V. hadn't been invented yet Penelope put the Holy Colander on her head and grabbed a handy pair of salad tongs 8(not the crappy plasticones but the good solid metal ones). 9Penelope strode (yep you guessed nobody walked anywhere then, they all strode) through the wilderness. 10The voice led her through hill and dale 11(Hill, Dale & Rill attorneys at law in the ancient world). 12Anywho soon she came to a mountain. 13"Ascend", the voice said, "Ascend and all will be clear". 14"O.K.", thought Penelope "I'll bite". 15So up she went. 16As she crossed a stream she

d4d608  No.5180048


Quad dubs chek'd for a moab buttfuck

e06544  No.5180049

File: be9ec19f0dfd763⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 743x708, 743:708, hitlerlist.jpg)

4825fe  No.5180050


He really does look like lucifer or what i would imagine

4ca1aa  No.5180051



30dcc9  No.5180052

File: 4a0fbb0ed771bf0⋯.png (387.42 KB, 460x558, 230:279, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5179968 Are you Liam?

b62d49  No.5180054

18noticed it had a bright yellow color. 17Ewww she thought, that's gross! 18She strode further and came to a tableau; 19in the tableau was a table with a red and white checked table cloth. 20A large matron was sitting eating of the Holy Meal. 21Yet no matter how much she ate the Holy Meal was not diminished. 22"Hmm", thought Penelope, "even for this story that's odd". 23The matron raised her glass (more of a mug-like affair really) and sipped; 24Penelope noticed it was the same yellow substance in the stream. 25"Oh Matron" cried Penelope "Why do you drink this"? 26The Matron smiled a whimsical matronly smile and said "I give you this for the People. 27Let it be called Beer; for this is the Beer Volcano". 28Penelope did Taste of it and it was very good, not too dry. but with a crisp finish. 29Penelope did bring the Beer to the People and there was great rejoicing. Chapter 31Now it came to pass that Penelope had a good beer buzz on…. 2She strode through the land and saw all was good; 3wheat for pasta, hops and barley for beer, beef trees for meatballs, even a cheese well or two. 4The People remained unsatisfied for T.V. STILL hadn't been invented… 5As she strode (well wove actually; she'd had quite a few beers) she thought "it's a good thing automobiles haven't been invented yet. 6I'd be in BIG trouble if I were driving". 7She decided to take a short nap under a meatball tree. 8Naps had been invented just last week and Penelope was nothing if not a trend setter. 9As she slept she dreamed that she came upon a large building 10and out of the building an endless line of cute guys 11(with the occasional cute redheaded woman, told you she was trendy!). 12Any way she watched and thought "that's the LAST time I mix my beers". 13She approached one of the cute guys and noticed he was wearing only a G string and some 'pasties'. 14MMMmmm nice she thought all but the pasties. 15"It must be hard to look manly in pasties", she said. 16"You don't know the half of it"! the cute guy said. 17"What is this place?" cried Penelope. 18"Don't cry" said the cute guy "for this is the stripper factory"! 19"The Stripper factory?" cried Penelope. 20"Yes our Lord FSM created it for all those who would not be big jerks and go around telling people what to believe". 21"Well that seems decent of FSM but tell me why are there only cute guys and the occasional redheaded woman? 22I'm trendy but not everyone else is". 23"It is because you are here. 24As with the beer volcano, so it is with the stripper factory. 25YOU and your desires dictate the out-put…. 26Why last year we had on guy who stood where you are standing 27and SHEEP (shorn of course) emerged from the factory". 28The cute guy looked into Penelope's eyes and said "would you like to see my etchings?"

53c3e0  No.5180055


What happened to the boobs?

0bdfe8  No.5180056


> Tashina Gauhar



97a59d  No.5180057





there's articles before 3:14, but I guess Q was pointing to FOX

17fceb  No.5180058

File: 412a260625f72f0⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 500x724, 125:181, thefall2.jpg)

b62d49  No.5180059

1929Here we must leave our heroine, even ancient venerated Prophets need some privacy

d1dd4a  No.5180060

File: 4ab76397d1b72cf⋯.jpg (410.56 KB, 1125x846, 125:94, follow_huma.jpg)

5a0a61  No.5180061


About fucking right!

e368dd  No.5180062

File: a02f75fbb6e4088⋯.png (63.25 KB, 607x461, 607:461, Harlan re Beto Mentally De….PNG)

File: f130976e84768a9⋯.png (17.19 KB, 657x296, 657:296, Beto Straw Poll.PNG)

Beto is either mentally deficient…

Or he’s a loathsome and pandering opportunist.



46127f  No.5180063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Phoenix Fox 10 has this …it's darker so harder to determine if same but this


48ff65  No.5180064

File: cdb6fd674e77058⋯.jpeg (18.66 KB, 403x398, 403:398, meme.trump.pointing.jpeg)


Digits confirm. DECLAS incoming.

ce40aa  No.5180065

File: 0cf27fbc6e90c01⋯.jpeg (82.13 KB, 611x404, 611:404, 0cf27fbc6e90c014bc37bc7b8….jpeg)

File: dd445ff795497c1⋯.png (17.96 KB, 564x198, 94:33, evil2.PNG)

5cfe65  No.5180066

File: 4a0183b495fd635⋯.jpg (28.07 KB, 580x146, 290:73, Screenshot 2019-02-14_21-2….jpg)

File: 9039c0ae3bf9612⋯.jpg (765.28 KB, 1255x4326, 1255:4326, screencapture-en-yna-co-kr….jpg)



b62d49  No.5180067

20The Book of Linguini*As transcribed by Roland DeschainChapter 11. This is the word of Pa Stasors on the history of Linguini, how he came to Him and His Ultimate Drunkeness, and how he spread His food.2. And yea the man thou knowest as Linguini was a sinful man. He partaketh not of the Holy Pasta in His name, nor of the meatballs and sauce in His Holy name. The FSM looked down upon him and was wrathful, plus he also had a hangover, and verily this did displease the Almighty Noodly One.3. One day whilst he was in his kitchen, Linguini was struck with inspiration for a new dish. Never before had he thought of making a Holy dish from scratch. So he tooketh the Holy Ingredients of eggs, flour and semolina, and he did mix them well. When he saw what he had make, he proceedeth to shred it into thin strips. Thus he made his first pasta.4. When he had cooked the pasta, he found that its taste was divine, and in that moment he truly knew that he had been inspired by Him. But something felt wrong, as he had not felt that gentle touch of Appendage. Even draping some of his newly-made pasta onto his shoulder did not give him that intense feeling of meatball-flavoured love. The FSM did not see how Linguini suffered, as He was still suffering with His Holy Hangover, and had previously been displeased with Linguini, so was ignoring him for a while.5. Linguini spread his recipe to the faithful, and it was soon a favourite with the Holy Meal throughout all the land. Linguini prayed night and day to the FSM thatHe would touch him and bless his homage to the Holy Meal, yet he was not heard. Linguini lamented this, and soon realised the errors of his previously-sinful ways.6. As weeks led into months, he had still not been touched by Him. Linguini took to wearing the Holy Attire and talking like the Most Holy Pirates, yet still he was not heard. Linguini could not blame Him, as he had been bad before his enlightenment.7. A year later, the FSM finally stopped sulking. He got up to take some aspirin, and felt much better. At once he saw how Linguini had suffered this past year and felt guilty, yet he was still suspicious of him. He descended to the Earth where he visited Linguini in the form of an old pirate. Linguini welcomed this stranger into his home and ensured that he wanted for nothing.8. Serving nothing but the finest pasta and grog, the FSM in his disguise started to warm to

328370  No.5180068


Fully awake. Not happy about things in this country at all.

And no, I'm not going to take up arms until it's time to do so.

I've been to war before - REAL war, not this behind-the-scenes memes and schemes shit.

You do not want real war. We're not at that point yet. When we get there, I'll be happy to tell you.

7d526b  No.5180069


My list

f372e0  No.5180070


One is enough and you're here.

90bb3b  No.5180071

File: a73fa039f6db9c7⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2tiyvj.jpg)

503a6a  No.5180072


i'm praying so anon, i'm concernfagging like a motherfucker

3cf9bf  No.5180073

File: 21cc88401b48797⋯.png (1.84 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Beyond_Borders_Comet_Silsb….png)

Pizzagate may be old…. but Ed Buck is relatively new to normies - some random thoughts - maybe more anon eyes on will notice moar

Alefantis owns Comet Pizza and Ping Pong and Buck's Camping and Fishing - what if Buck's is named for Ed Buck

Also next door is The Little Red Fox owned by Politics and Prose owner former Clinton speechwriter - go to their website - lots of symbolism

Little Red Hen…. Little Red Fox…. naming pattern

Next door - Besta Pizza - logo pedo

the CLover market - same logo was pedo

Beyond Borders - Laura Silsby across the street

Terasol - next door - pedo logo

b62d49  No.5180074

21Linguini, when he brought out his biggest surprise; a bowl of his own pasta creation. As the FSM tasted it, he was filled with lovefor Linguini, as the pasta was truly fit for the finest beer volcano bars.9. Shedding His disguise, the FSM revealed himself to Linguini and declared that from this day, his pasta would be served in Heaven, and from thenceforth be known as Linguini in honour of its creator. Linguini trembled at this, and stood in awe of Him. The FSM saw this and extended an appendage toward Linguini, touching him gently.10. A sudden light appeared, and a host of strippers were revealed carrying barrels of grog into Linguini's house. Much merriment was had that night by all, as the grog rather quickly disappeared, especially after the FSM began singing His favourite sea shanties into the night.

8e570e  No.5180076

File: 717e4ca4f0b9d45⋯.jpeg (97.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wfB.jpeg)


Anne's being used to judge the depth of support in the base for a veto.

OTH, if QANON, I might say that if POTUS veto's it, it's because a hammer is about to drop

d30805  No.5180077




17906b  No.5180078

File: 8fed3ac77765bc7⋯.jpg (547.54 KB, 1581x3100, 51:100, justthetip.jpg)

f88584  No.5180079

File: 13eefff6ebc254a⋯.jpg (536.91 KB, 620x610, 62:61, rr lOOP IT.jpg)



c45194  No.5180080


One missing point. The Executive Order. The one we're all waiting for! The Storm is upon us EO

b62d49  No.5180081

22The Torahtellini Part 2*As transcribed by Platypus EnthusiastChapter 11 It is written, back in the ancient days, the Flying Spaghetti Monster enjoyed drinking with his human buddy, Abe. 2 One night, Abe told the FSM he had to get up early in the morning and couldn‟t hang out with Him all night. 3 The FSM, who had had a few too many beers, was depressed and weepy. 4 He said to Abe, “You‟re such a douche. 5 What am I supposed to do the rest of the night?”6 “Dude, we‟ll chill tomorrow. 7 It‟s no biggie,” said Abe.8 “No dude, it‟s not just this. 9 You‟ve really been a crappy friend lately.”10 “Well I got a family now. 11 I got responsibilities. 12 I can‟t always screw around and drink with you all the time.”13 “Screw that man. 14 I‟m your god. 15 You need to prove your loyalty to me.”16 “Ok, that‟s fair. 17 What do you want me to do?”18 “Kill your son.”19 “No way man. 20 I can‟t.”21 “Do it.”22 “Dude, it‟s…”23 “Do it,” the FSM interrupted.24 “Really?”25 “Yeah dude, you gotta listen to me. 26 I‟m your god.”27 “Alright,” Abe said sheepishly.28 “Ahhhh, you got punk‟d! 29 I wouldn‟t make you do that. 30 Aww, you shoulda seen your face when I said that.”31 “Yeah…”32 “Instead, you gotta chop off the tip of your dick.”33 Abe laughed, “You‟re not getting me this time.”34 The FSM giggled and took a drink. 35 “Nope, totally cereal. 36 It‟s like the 5thCommandment: Thy Noodle shall not be bigger than Mine.”37 “But we don‟t have Commandments,” Abe protested.38 “Shh.”39 “Ok, fine.”40 And so Abe circumcised himself(yeah, he did it himself). 41 The next day, after miraculously curing His hangover, the FSM remembered the shit He pulled the night before and gave Abe a call. 42 “Hey dude, sorry bout the shit I pulled last night.”43 “It‟s cool,” Abe said, “You were pretty wasted.”44 “Yeah, well to make up for it, I decided to give you and your descendents your own land.”

1d403e  No.5180082

File: 39bd564d3ec8974⋯.jpg (368.09 KB, 1048x1200, 131:150, MM.jpg)

File: f2183911cbd65aa⋯.gif (2.78 MB, 368x368, 1:1, 1511741838444.gif)

File: 698b4c5319a54e9⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1537893513913.jpg)

File: 2332b745e75dc6c⋯.jpg (102.54 KB, 917x1024, 917:1024, 1541528101994m.jpg)

File: 9c578dddb533fa8⋯.jpg (162.65 KB, 750x756, 125:126, 1530124165333.jpg)


>▶Anonymous  02/15/19 (Fri) 02:26:49 b61bd0 (5)  No.5180040


>Ive never seen the actual amount she got. Wonder if it was worth it?

>he thinks jews aren't an ethnicity despite a dna test being required to emigrate to israel(and proved jewsih)

lel, embarrasing for you, but jews feel no shame

10d968  No.5180083

File: 7e21499081bfce8⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 1443x506, 1443:506, alreadysigned.jpg)

We're legit fucked

Better grease your barrels, Qcumbers (however many of you are actually real breathing people and not AI botnet bullshit).

8c0e52  No.5180084


Is that real?

Is Kushner on crack?

Or did the circumcision messed up his kike brain?

f0bb79  No.5180085

File: 598ff52f00839c1⋯.jpeg (72.21 KB, 460x558, 230:279, 17B5712B-3907-4270-913D-F….jpeg)

c5b431  No.5180086


Praying for the driver and his family… and the good eye of the the sniper.

9e5cb0  No.5180087

File: f997c4e53aff9ec⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Coming up at 8PM ET... @ch….mp4)

90bb3b  No.5180088

File: e899afa572302c8⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 2ti711.jpg)

ae15ce  No.5180089


What if his DECLASS. Oh darn.

Wishin and ahopin

82f652  No.5180090

File: 23fac8048dd6c6b⋯.png (723.87 KB, 732x439, 732:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6619ae2e804a50⋯.png (42.73 KB, 683x372, 683:372, ClipboardImage.png)

George Soros Declares Cold War on China

Global elitist turns against China (and asks America for help)

It was, by any measure, an extraordinary performance. George Soros, doyen of the global elites, declared on Jan. 24 at Davos that the People’s Republic of China is the chief threat to free societies around the world. In fact, the eccentric billionaire put the matter even more strongly, saying he wanted to “warn the world about an unprecedented danger that’s threatening the very survival of open societies.” This “mortal danger,” he went on to say, arises from “the instruments of control that machine learning and artificial intelligence can put in the hands of repressive regimes [like] China, where Xi Jinping wants a one-party state to reign supreme.” Sounding for all the world like he was channeling Ronald Reagan, Soros warned that China, through the use of such technology, was well on the way to becoming “totalitarian.” I imagine that his audience emitted a collective gasp at hearing that particular word. Progressives of all stripes have long scoffed that no state can be truly totalitarian—in the sense of totally controlling their populations. And here was George Soros, one of their own, using a term which is not only politically incorrect, but virtually banned among their company.

What has shocked Soros into describing China as totalitarian and a threat to the world? He has, it seems, come to learn about that country’s nascent “social credit system.” The social credit system is China’s plan to constantly monitor the electronic behavior of everyone in the country. Their texts, tweets and posts, their comings and goings, their reading habits and their friends, will all be fed into a centralized database where a computer algorithm will assign them a “social credit score” that will reflect their degree of political reliability. Those with high scores will receive preferential treatment by the state in education, jobs, travel, and credit. Those with low social credit scores will be denied those same benefits. Most terrifyingly, those whose scores fall too low will be judged a threat to the one-party state. They will be preemptively arrested and sent to re-education camps that already hold millions.

George Orwell’s nightmare society of constant surveillance is well on the way to becoming the day-to-day lived reality of the Chinese people. Soros is right in characterizing this as “frightening and abhorrent.” While acknowledging that China isn’t the only authoritarian regime in the world, Soros singled it out because “it’s undoubtedly the wealthiest, strongest and most developed in machine learning and artificial intelligence.”

So what does Soros advocate doing in response, besides “recognizing the [China] threat?” Here is where he must have stunned his audience again. Soros praises the Trump administration for “identif[ying] China as a ‘strategic rival’… [as] outlined in a seminal speech by Vice President Mike Pence on October 4th.” Of course, no bona fide member of the global elite—not even a George Soros—can afford to be seen praising the policies of “America Firster” Donald Trump. So he credits the new policy to “Asian affairs advisor of the National Security Council, Matt Pottinger.” Trump himself he disses as “notoriously unpredictable. Now I am sure that Mr. Pottinger, whom I respect, made important contributions to America’s new China policy. But everyone—except, apparently, George Soros—knows that Donald Trump has been sounding the alarm about China’s unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, and theft of intellectual property for over two decades.

In other words, America’s tough new policy towards China owes its very existence to Trump’s leadership, whether Soros wants to admit it or not. And he clearly doesn’t. In fact, he goes on to bizarrely accuse Trump of violating his own policy: “President Trump seems to be following a different course,” says Soros, “making concessions to China and declaring victory while renewing his attacks on U.S. allies.”

Does Soros regard Trump’s tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods, his sanctions on Chinese companies, or his arrest of Huawei “princess” Meng Wanzhou, as concessions? I doubt that Chinese leader Xi Jinping views them that way. This is a perfect example of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The global elites hate Trump so much that they won’t give him credit even when they agree with his policies.


77e11a  No.5180091


Q is saying don't be a naive, brainless person with lots of followers doing an interview, because MSM (WaPo) will try and take you all down by making fools of you.

He may have good intentions but he is young and naive. We told him NOT to go represent all anons last time he did this (Comedy Central), but he didn't listen to us. They made a fool of him and Q.

f7e8fc  No.5180092

File: d13e3026056fec9⋯.jpg (274.07 KB, 950x615, 190:123, SEA WORLD MAP.jpg)

File: ea0a059e1682ff6⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1273x1740, 1273:1740, SeaWorld Pedo Map.PNG)

b62d49  No.5180093

2345 “Aww sweet dude. 46 I‟ve actually had my eye on Canaan.”47 “No dude, there‟s already people living there. 48 What would you do, kill them all?”49 “Uh…”50“No, your Promised Land will be the sea. 51 And you get the whole thing, but only on the condition that you and your descendents are pirates. 52 I like pirates. 53 Cool?54 “Yeah man, it‟s a deal.”55 And so the Pastament was made.Chapter 21 Generations later, due to a series of mishaps, Abe‟s descendents had not yet made it to the Promised Land…2 Pirate Mosey had just finished telling his pirate crew about the eight “I‟d Really Rather You Didn‟ts” (*see The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster*). 3 The FSM had another word with Mosey, which was pretty sweet (*see the Book of Piraticus*). 4 They finally left Mount Salsa and continued their journey to the Promised Land. 5 They milled around for years trying to find the sea. 6 Mosey tried convincing them that if they just walked in a straight line, they‟d eventually hit the shore. 7 But his crew would frequently grow impatient and insist that they make turns here and there and they just wound up constantly going around in big circles. 8 When the Quartermaster decided they should make a left at Jericho, Mosey got fed up and finally put his foot down. 9 “Guys, quit being back seat wanderers! 10 We‟re walking straight from now on!”11 “Captain,” said the First Mate, “Sorry, but this is getting really getting aggravating. 12 Maybe if we just had a beer or two…”13 And so the FSM, taking pity on His followers, provided them with a keg and told Mosey to tap it. 14 But Mosey, still frustrated, hacked it with his cutlass. 15 Beer splattered everywhere, getting the pirates sticky and spilling all out onto the ground. 16 “Dude!” the FSM shouted from Heaven, 17 “What the hell? 18 I try to do something nice for my people and you go and ruin it. 19 Just for that, you‟re not allowed in the Promised Land.”Chapter 31 But Pirate Mosey remained cool and continued to fulfill his responsibility to his people. 2 He prepared for their entrance into the Promised Land and trained his crew on various piratical methods. 3 He gave his officers greater responsibilities in order to get them ready for commandingcrewson the sea. 4 He appointed the most devout of the men, the boatswain Josh, to be the future Commodore of the Pirate Fleet. 5 When they finally came within sight of the ocean, Mosey sent look-outs up onto a hillto see if they should approach. 6 But a storm was on the horizon, and the water was full of sea monsters. 7 They decided to head back into the wilderness for a while. 8 Unfortunately they got lost again, and they wandered around in the desert for forty years before they got back to the shore.

61d3a1  No.5180094


I am not important. A simple hermit and no more.

4825fe  No.5180095


Thank you for your service! We might need experience like yours, but i hope we dont!

ab5846  No.5180096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d5abcb  No.5180097


Looks like ammo storage from the pic. Ammo is stored in hardened shelters with earth piled on top to help disguise them and provide more protection as well. The box on the right looks like some kind of radar test facility. Radar at the center. The 'outfield' as it were is where they place different items and test the radar against them to determine what they look like on radar. At least that's what it looks like to me. Could also be some kind of electronic warfare range. The -130J's could be the EW variety.

f2c574  No.5180098

File: ee227ea48d5f0c4⋯.png (81.57 KB, 955x843, 955:843, podesta-smoking-gun-q2b.png)

ce40aa  No.5180099

File: 11fb152e05e2118⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 480x445, 96:89, 11fb152e05e211813cce74a046….jpg)

File: f5d4eca10f9579a⋯.png (18.17 KB, 576x219, 192:73, evil3.PNG)

3cf9bf  No.5180100

File: 27ea1c6c412f453⋯.png (64.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, quads_q.png)


QQQQuads checkeked and kekked

b62d49  No.5180101

249 The FSM came to them and instructed them that they should build many ships and split the men along family lines into 12crews. 10 He then turned to Mosey and said, “Hey dude, I was a little hungover and grumpy the day I said you weren‟t allowed in the Promised Land. 11 If you wanna go too, it‟s cool.”12 “No, your Noodliness,” said Mosey, “I messed up. 13 It‟s only right that I stay behind. 14 But I would like to renew the Pastament. 15 We have remained loyal and become pirates like you wanted. 16 Will you allow us to live on the Promised Land forever?”17 “Sure,” said the FSM.18 “Sweet,” said Mosey.19 The crews prepared to set sail into the Promised Land, and Pirate Mosey said good bye and gave them one last suggestion, 20 “Hear O Pirates, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is our god, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is yum.” 21 And the pirate fleet under Commodore Josh went forth into the sea and established a great dynasty of buccaneers.

9f3ad6  No.5180102

File: aedf51dcac2374d⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 750x499, 750:499, williambarr-patriot.jpg)

4825fe  No.5180103


Seaworld has an underground base

483c1e  No.5180104

January 30, 2019

Nonpartisan Congressional Research Service says Trump can build wall without an appropriation or declaring an emergency

By Thomas Lifson

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/01/nonpartisan_congressional_research_service_says_trump_can_build_wall_emwithoutem_an_appropriation_emorem_declaring_an_emergency.html#ixzz5fYyESeTg

c16e54  No.5180105

File: b4ce716e9ba2e92⋯.png (235.61 KB, 616x562, 308:281, r4d8hpa9ilg21.png)


Everyone's so focused on the national emergency declaration, but I'm mostly curious what other 'executive actions' might be executed along with it. The phrasing used implies a national emergency is just one of the executive actions available to him.

97a59d  No.5180106


>>5179411 Twitter Bans 21 Conservatives for 1 Liberal

>>5179474 DOJ warns Trump National Emergency will be blocked in courts

>>5179456 China had threat the U.S. government with drug shortages on at least one occasion

>>5179597 Netanyahu's plane to Israel grounded in Warsaw, awaiting substitute plane

>>5179605 Britain’s Royal Navy “Should Develop a Reign of Terror”. “Russia Should Go Away and Shut Up.”

>>5179664 Spending Bill Allows Mexican Cartel-Connected Texas Counties to Stop Border Wall

>>5179710 Graphic on next few weeks should be exciting

>>5179790 Broward County hires KATZ as New Chief of Security

>>5179845 President Trump Must Ensure Spending Bill Does Not Cancel Emergency Powers

>>5180090 George Soros Declares Cold War on China

014982  No.5180107


Unless Trump is going to pull some crazy rabbit out of his ass, I don't see MAGA happening any time soon.

ca3d43  No.5180108

Jim Jordan..

(you) under the bus

(you) under the bus

(you) under the bus

e0192e  No.5180109

On December 21, 2018, the US Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service reclassified the the controversial pink slime as simply ground beef.


Lovely. God only knows what other trash/poison is mislabeled to sound safe and edible.

789906  No.5180110

File: 5bdeff7510f6e07⋯.jpeg (10.79 KB, 171x295, 171:295, 60a913039f699ad9905f83f8f….jpeg)

79ab85  No.5180112

File: 4c85be81eecab67⋯.jpg (99.21 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, MemeStorm.jpg)

f33a60  No.5180113


good point

888137  No.5180114

File: 69b0954104ae2b5⋯.jpg (61.98 KB, 540x700, 27:35, f5194b7a7eec6aa012f4fc1b8b….jpg)


They never realize it's because of their propaganda we call them out. Muhommad fags show up, they get it the same. The average jew IQ is not high, they never correlate their behavior to the effect.

4c8766  No.5180115


Nice dig anon. We're on a very slippery slope. I read re-allocating disaster relief funds was one place he was going to take money from. BAD idea. DoD hurts military readiness. There really are no good options here. Signing that bill is a huge mistake, imo.

f88584  No.5180116

File: c8de6718e913e88⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Naughty Jack.jpg)

File: b39543f0f474fc4⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Dorsey.jpg)

014982  No.5180117

File: aad767e9ef43493⋯.png (467.71 KB, 768x431, 768:431, muchjewwhining6.png)

53c3e0  No.5180119


Soundtrack rolling.

Cant get comfy

Exepecting Lyons at minimum


CP is cry and puke for this freedom.

WILL do what is ask for THIS BREAD

muh jew shills next bread are coming

e06544  No.5180121

File: eb644333c4dc79a⋯.png (638.93 KB, 816x536, 102:67, ignorejew.png)

8c0e52  No.5180122


Are you surptised that zionist owned MSM lies about Jewish influence?

No wonder why Jews call Gentiles cattle.

d94726  No.5180124


Why does the holocaust fear investigation or questioning IF it is the truth?

Can you answer that? I know you will not.

b62d49  No.5180125

25The Story of the FSM and the Eastern Pirates*As transcribed by Pious Pirate aka Tupi and Pedantic Pastrian Priest aka ThrippyPart 11 Hear this tale, ye believers, of the FSM and the Eastern Pirates! 2 Long, long ago though not during the Chinese Long Dynasty or the British Long Parliament the FSM flew over the Indian Ocean where by chance (although there is no „chance‟or coincidence with Him) his saucy eye fell on a ship that lay there lacking wind. 3 In order to avoid misunderstandings: His eye fellmetaphorically and the ship‟s crew had the winds due to too much beans. 4 By its shape He recognized it as a junk and by the sounds that came from it -heavy in Yarrr!, Aarrrgh! And YoHoHo! -as a pirate vessel. 5 At that time He had not yet made His covenant with the pirates, but listen further, ye believers, what happened! 6 A smell (apart from unwashed clothes and bean winds) rose (not the flower) from the ship and touched His noodly nostrils. 7 This smell He knew so well and highly it pleasesd Him. 8 “Though this may be a junk, this is not the smell of junk food!”9 And invisibly He descended on the vessel and His Noodly Appendage touched it gently. 10 In the ship‟s galley stood the cook being quite old and mostly deaf and unfit to swing the cutlass outside his kitchen anymore. 11 “No more beans”, the captain had said repeatedly and increasingly louder. “I am farting myself comatose! No more of it, Basta!”12 As already said the cookwas deaf and just understood: “Garlic trifles, tomatoes comfort it, Pasta!”13 They had just plundered, pardon liberated, a Persian ship transporting vegetables -therefore the beans -and had found some red balls unknown to them. 14 Those were created by the FSM quite recently but that is another tale. 15 “These must be tomatoes then, there is nothing else here I don‟t know the name of!”16 “So, the captain wants a paste of these with garlic.”17 “But they seem to be mainly water(Netherland import presumably), I need a bit of more substance!”18 “The flour is getting mouldy anyway, the eggs likewise, so let‟s make noodles and add this stuff!”19 And he cut and meshed the tomatoes, added some spice at random, put it all in the pot and cooked it. 20 At this moment He entered the kitchen, touched the cook‟s shoulder with His Noodly Appendage and spoke: 21 “Buddy, that pasta smells f***ing good!”(He has His way with swear words)

483c1e  No.5180126



The Congressional Research Service is a think-tank that always is called "nonpartisan" because it serves the entire Congress. I have to wonder if there will be any blowback for a report that it just produced that strengthens President Trump's hand against the House Democrats. Paul Bedard reports in the Examiner (hat tip: Helen Smith):

Unable to nudge House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., any closer to approving funding for a border wall, President Trump can move on his own without declaring a national emergency, according to a nonpartisan congressional report.

The Congressional Research Service, Capitol Hill's think tank, is highlighting laws for Trump to tap that would not be subject to Congress' "termination provison."

The CRS "legal sidebar" outlines alternative paths for the president, who has been considering tapping the National Emergencies Act.

46127f  No.5180128


yes this is it

the guy is armed apparently they are updates Fox 2 in the BAY AREA

Hostage situation

8fb398  No.5180129

File: a8cfd8e58ffe23e⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 472x263, 472:263, free.jpg)


I know war is ugly.

I never served but things out of my power prevented that, which should of have been handled by a lawyer you've probably heard of now that he's public.

He wasn't 'big time' when he repped me.

Docs should have been expunged that weren't.(sloppy paralegal work)

Anyway, I'm fully aware it's downright nasty.

But to prevent future generations from genocide and manipulation from the "powers that be", I'm willing to risk my life and do everything I can to prevent that.

If called a shill, so be it.

I want EVERYONE to be FREE.

b62d49  No.5180130

2622 The cook, touched by Him, felt the Divine and heard the words: “Bodhisatwa, smiling god.” (he was a Buddhist, you know.) and trembled part in awe, part in joy. 23 “He doesn‟t properly listen.”, murmured He in His beardlike noodles. 24 “something missing”, heard the cook. 25 And on the deck the captain shouted at a green recruit: “For this job you need balls!”25a And the captain's voice was like a British drill sergeant's that will reach even the recruits already dead letting them jump to attention in their shallow graves. 26 “Meat balls! That‟s it”, cried the cook and began to turn the meat grinder that doubled as a prayer mill coincidentally. 27 And he recited the Mantra: “Oh, Man, Pasta, Yum!”Chapter 21 And the cook formed tasty meatballs, grated the cheese and did all the things right andproper for the divine meal in His honour. 2 And He looked at everything the cook had done and behold, everything was very good. 3 But the cook said, "It is not good for the food to be alone! Let us prepare proper drinks as companion, for a pirate's throat shall never go dry; and hoarse only when it adds to the atmosphere." 4 But in vain he searched the hold. 5 There was only stale water and not much of it either 5a Neither were there many other words but 'but' and 'and' to start a sentence. 6 And theAnti-Past, who had silently crept into the ship behind His back, whispered into the cook's ear. 7 "What use is the divine food without beer or schnaps? Throw it away and serve them hardtack and stale water as befits humble seafarers!" 8 But the cook didn't listen to the temptation by the Anti-Past. 9 Being old and half-deaf has its advantages, you see! 10 He tried his best to improve the meagre drink by putting some spices into it, that's all he could do. 11 The FSM, who noticed the treacherous advances of the Anti-Past, became angry at the Foul Lord of the Diets and with a single touch of His Noodly Appendage sent him to the landlocked red states there to fight unhealthy obesity. 12 Beware, oh ye people, of the Anti-Past. 13 His balls are ersatz soy-meat and don't even ask what his appendages are made of 14 With rich food but poor drink ready the cook sounded the bell and the crew arrived. 15 They took the food from him and divided it under themselves, so that the scripture should be fulfilled: 16"The Pasta they have taken from me and divided it under themselves and filled their stomachs. 17 Then some of the crew complained about the lack of proper drink but the captain stooped

ce40aa  No.5180131

File: ac5fa58236ca94f⋯.jpg (224.1 KB, 639x472, 639:472, ac5fa58236ca94f76eaa9f2229….jpg)


while(1) {


if(reply == meme) {



print_meme(); }


1d403e  No.5180132

File: c70ae2ad18d2f64⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1540225512721.gif)

File: 253029c47fce451⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 474x614, 237:307, Sweden_1.jpg)

File: 4dba3361774a4fa⋯.jpg (37.91 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1422564430311.jpg)

File: e228d5990f06e02⋯.jpg (140.83 KB, 1000x1192, 125:149, 1538955067126.jpg)

File: 06943a8422628a9⋯.png (204.77 KB, 560x392, 10:7, 1539114366163.png)


but calling out AIPAC for their fpreign lobby work to get 30 billion is antisemitic?

973167  No.5180133


Pass for a Mexican is plausible but Central-Americans are mostly pure race Indians that look like no one else. They have a unique bodily constitution.

4b9f01  No.5180134

this anon is currently NOT enjoying the show

d2fae0  No.5180135


None of you people that are so stuck on the literal interpretation

of Q, knowing that Q has regularly stated that disinformation is

necessary, ever seem to be able to figure out what that statement

means logically. It is exactly the same as "If RR is clean, RM is

clean, if RM is clean, RR is clean."

Welcome to basic logic. Try to keep up.

9e5cb0  No.5180136


prove it

593dc5  No.5180137

POTUS, President Trump,

Sorry, I just looked at the medical report.

PLEASE don't take the statin! And definitely don't up the dosage as recommended. PLEASE. They're bad.

5cfe65  No.5180138

File: e02ab25a470d6a9⋯.jpg (70.67 KB, 591x450, 197:150, Screenshot 2019-02-14_21-3….jpg)

e31c28  No.5180139

Thank you for breaking that down for me Hannity

b62d49  No.5180140

27them and shouted, so that even the cook understood him. 18 "Silence,ye rotten ungrateful bastards! 19 It's you, who have exhausted everything that's worth to be called proper drink. 20 He did, what he could with stale water and spices. 21 He brought us food as we have never tasted anything alike and you have left not acrumb of it and even taken care not to spoil the least amount. 22 I see it in your eyes that you would not stop for hours eating, if anything were left. 23 Be grateful to the cook and to Him, who gave him the inspiration, for clearly it is divine!24 The crew felt deep regret for their behaviour and that there was nothing of the food left. 25 Now they praised the cook for his work 26 The humble cook blushed and refused their praise. 27 "No glory for me! The captaon ordered it, the Divine Body touched me, so how could I fail? 28 You're right about the drink, it's far from proper and we are even running out of it with no replacement in sight." 29 He, the Mighty Pasta-King and Bringer of Plentiful Food & Drink, was highly pleased by the captains word of praise, the cook's humbleness and the crew's ability to see the error of their ways. 30 "These are people of my taste! 31 Although they don't know me yet, they follow my not yet announced suggestions. 32 They choose the divine vegetables. 33 Without advice they created noodles and formed meatballs. 34 They long for the proper drink. 35 There remains just the question of the godly Garlic Bread." 36 But the second mate, who had not touched the food, stepped forward and spoke: 37 Captain, cook and comrades! Yeah, let's praise the cook's work but let's not forget that some are still hungry! 38 Is there no bread left in the hold? 39 May it be stale, with a little bit of garlic I'd eat a stone!" 40 Oh, the hardtack bread, ye mates, it was beyond stale. 41 The captain chiselled the waterproof copy of the log on it and had to replace the chisel every few lines. 42 The armorer used it as a whetstone. 32 The third mate had sharpened the edge and clobbed a shark to death with it. 33 Last but not least the gunnery officer lost a good cannon when an experimental load with hardtack cut deep rifts into the barrel when fired. Chapter 31 "That's my cue!", said the FSM and He appeared in all His saucyness before them. 2 And they fell on their knees andworshipped Him, for they knew Him in an instant, although they hadn't known anything just a moment ago.

cc7a9a  No.5180141

File: 21b23af2567f4d8⋯.png (130.41 KB, 297x275, 27:25, ClipboardImage.png)

3cf9bf  No.5180142


thanks anon

2b70e6  No.5180143

File: c32265ec5f3053f⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2025x717, 675:239, PepesStormTheBeach.jpg)


Get after 'em, Q team. Even you guys who wear neckties and heels.

Kick their ass.

a01292  No.5180144

File: 04d2b213c3ea0de⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 960x768, 5:4, 04d2b213c3ea0dee1aca8172ae….jpg)


Trump doesnt sign shitty bill issues eo moves funding before action taken against it!

014982  No.5180145

File: 00e8a9b29d2ba5d⋯.png (502.27 KB, 850x556, 425:278, mrholohoax.png)

986e63  No.5180146

File: 94c6ae22d0d8361⋯.jpg (248.27 KB, 940x529, 940:529, Quads2.jpg)


Nice Quads.

3bc9a5  No.5180147

File: 4085508ed52161b⋯.png (406.86 KB, 878x536, 439:268, smollet.png)

File: fa4db0e85fa377d⋯.png (344.48 KB, 313x828, 313:828, stl3.png)

File: 72367f8d1a3fc2f⋯.png (178.14 KB, 314x374, 157:187, stl1.png)

File: 1dd5bbd04741b0a⋯.png (278.95 KB, 316x581, 316:581, stl2.png)

File: a42ee955bc44104⋯.jpg (9.79 MB, 5958x14790, 993:2465, MASONCLOWNSSSS.jpg)




SANTA FE, TX shooting → FREEMASON witness


MASONTOWN, PA shooting → duh

MICHAEL BROWN shooting → FREEMASON symbols

DARYL PARKS & BEN CRUMP who show up @ every police shooting → FREEMASONS

Freemasons are the clowns running Domestic Terror Ops and False Flag Racial Shootings

Track Freemason Associations & Symbols to all Narrative/Media-Fodder Violent Incidents


76505f  No.5180148

File: 8d49123ce9a44b5⋯.png (365.86 KB, 727x404, 727:404, jack dorsey cnn 2 6.png)

461781  No.5180149





48ff65  No.5180150

File: dc017b38d2223a9⋯.jpeg (122.82 KB, 720x540, 4:3, d5.jpeg)



FISA DOCs just get the ball rolling.

Huber has it all.

CF, Pedogate, FVEYE, Awan, and on and on and on.

All of which will lead to the great Re-Awakening.

FED, Income Tax, Victimless Crimes.

Birth of a New World.

e06544  No.5180151

File: cdb1c253006b472⋯.jpg (113.7 KB, 714x569, 714:569, churchcomplicit.jpg)

ae7af9  No.5180153


Love to hear it!

d30805  No.5180154


message from rosenstein to potus

f0bb79  No.5180155

File: 7cb316656bdd05c⋯.jpeg (116.93 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 036EA0DC-4595-46A4-A8F7-B….jpeg)

The post above this one is true but time must reveal answers to question.

4825fe  No.5180156


Seaworld has an underground base. Multiple levels, a whole community

e38a65  No.5180157

File: 11e39805c9efe5b⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 240x132, 20:11, TRUMP_POTUS_GEOTUS.gif)

b62d49  No.5180158

3 To them He spoke and His voice dripped parmesan and spice: 4 "Attention please, all passengers to Rio de Janeiro check in with their luggage at gate 7a immediately!" 4a Sorry for interrupting again! What idiot put in that line in here and what does it mean? We don't take passengers and Rio is not on our schedule this month. Check the calendar! It's Yellowbeard's turn. Our raid is due for New-Yearsday! 5 To them He spoke 5a Any further interruption will be dealt with incisively! My cutlass is hardtack-sharpened enough to split the mast from top to keel in one go! 6 "The FSM, Creator of mountains, trees and midgits, who is known as Hauro Pasta inPersia, as Carn-Aton the life-giving meatball in the sky in Egypt speaketh to ye. 7 Don't tremble and spill the food, for my grace is upon you. 8 Though not knowing, you make my food and longed for those parts unavailable. 9 They shall be given to you!10 Instead of water stale Porter Ale shall be in your barrels and you shall never run out of it as long as you keep the covenant, I'll make with you later on. 11 But you, second mate, you called for the divine Garlic Bread but did not touch the Pasta. 12 Pray, tell me the reason!" 13 The second mate looked Him into the saucy eyestalks straight and without hesitation. 14 "Oh, Noodly One! I don't have to beg forgiveness, for thou knowest me and the reason. 15 Stricken with allergy, I can't eat the pasta made from wheat, though I long for it. 16 But the bread is made from rye, so I can eat it without problems." 17 Thus spoke He to the second mate: 18 "Rightly hast thou spoken and nothing wicked is in it. 19 As a sign of my grace I give this AnchoviesPizza to you and your family. 20 It will never grow stale and every noon it will renew itself until you will pass away and see my Hereafter, where there is the mighty Beer Volcano and the Stripper Factory. 21 Never empty is there the pasta bowl and noone will be stricken with anything not to his delight. 22 Now to you, captain. I have a task for you and your mates. 23 My temple in Pasata has fallen into disrepair. 24 No priest nor sailor sings my praise. 25 They take me for a monster even. 26 ThoughI am, of course, one, they have forgotten the true meaning of it. 27 A monster is, what inspires awe, not fear primarily. 28 Didn't they learn their Latin at school? 29 But I am digressing. 30 I strongly suggest that you and your crew sail there and make Pasata your base of operation. 31 It has a long tradition and you'll like the cult statue in the temple. 32 If that does not tempt you, the Pastry makers are famous

ef7a12  No.5180159

>>5178668 lb

Limited Hangout


328370  No.5180160


You're welcome, and me too. Glad to know there's folks like you who are worth fighting for, and who have the backs of those doing it (although if we ever get to that point I'm sure it'll be more like shoulder-to-shoulder with ya.)

f88584  No.5180161

File: 11ed98892d38f62⋯.png (395.4 KB, 831x467, 831:467, Hell for Bibi.png)


have a look for yourself

and fuck off shill

53c3e0  No.5180162

Bring me all the liars in the Empire for this podcast.

I will battle Hollywood but I need (you) to get here and ROAR you Wolf faggot

668ab9  No.5180163

on Hannity:

Republicans signed off on bad bill so they could then turn and support NE order?

Where is the logic in that?

97a59d  No.5180164

File: 2269cd15ba123aa⋯.png (158.29 KB, 450x415, 90:83, 41b58698e90eac310661026e7b….png)

98f760  No.5180165

File: 059913a45204e5e⋯.jpeg (164.96 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, A928574C-EF8D-455E-B72A-3….jpeg)

File: 78c6bb05ef091c9⋯.jpeg (97.68 KB, 613x750, 613:750, D63D7F60-A530-470A-9AF5-B….jpeg)

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, EA75E93F-C64C-4E4C-8F3F-5….jpeg)

File: 3dc6f8042a116ab⋯.jpeg (171.62 KB, 696x1000, 87:125, 18E72F91-19DB-4BAF-B5EA-8….jpeg)

File: 4c27a2b81ea0564⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 400x328, 50:41, CE47383F-5F59-4C98-8514-C….jpeg)

e31c28  No.5180166


You nervous aren't you

79ab85  No.5180167

File: 3a85bbc8df5d0c7⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 400x275, 16:11, JQ_shills2.jpg)

336d1b  No.5180169

File: bcf579b728ced04⋯.png (58.73 KB, 253x300, 253:300, 2a80654be6640017873bef0328….png)

Waiting for Mr. Politely Petulant to chime in on POTUS attacking Andy…kek.

0bdfe8  No.5180170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


then again that could be Vanita Gupta

b62d49  No.5180171

2933 Where do you think "Pasta" comes from? 34 When you go there, repair the temple,reerect the cult image and it shall be you home and that of your descendants forever. 35 It's not an order but an offer. 36 When you see it, you'll not refuse it!" (To be continued)

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