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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

721e30  No.5110970

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts


>>5109544 ————————————–——– Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life.

Saturday 2.9.19

>>5101092 ————————————–——– Dark to Light.

>>5100113 ————————————–——– GOOD TO GO (Article Cap: >>5100248 )

>>5099142 ————————————–——– NASA Countdown 101 (Article Cap: >>5099228 )

>>5099089 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS attacks continue? (Article Cap: >>5099163 )

>>5094337 rt >>5094289 ————————— We never left. Time to return publicly.

>>5094276 ————————————–——– Do not mistake 'public' silence for inaction.

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

Compiled here: >>5104564

Friday 1.11.19

Compiled here: >>5104559

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

721e30  No.5110974


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day


>>5110928 DJT Re-Tweet: "Agreed! Senate needs to confirm DJT Admin appointees…"

>>5110912 RBG Law clerk digs.

>>5110814 [0] Delta between Q and POTUS Tweet.

>>5110797 DJT Tweet: "Well, it happened again, Amy Klobuchar announced that she is running for President…"

>>5110590 POTUS misspelling.

>>5110552 2 Minute delta between POTUS Tweets.

>>5110524, >>5110542 DJT Tweet: "The Border Committee Democrats are behaving, all of a sudden, irrationally…"

>>5110385, >>5110542 DJT Tweet: President is on sound legal ground to declare a National Emergency.

>>5110962 #6527


>>5110142 Massive Emperor Trump float presides over Italian carnival.

>>5109944 The ownership structure of the Federal Reserve.

>>5109957 President Maduro officially launches Venezuela's largest ever military exercises.

>>5109518 The amount of vacant homes in the United States is six times the amount of individuals without a place to sleep at night.

>>5109697 Confirmation of Breach in L.A. during Military Operation.

>>5109686 Rep. Devin Nunes repeated a 4chan meme on national television.

>>5109604 The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats.

>>5109588 Trust the plan. (graphic)

>>5109545 Venezuelan Supreme Court says Guaido’s interim presidency is illegitimate.

>>5110202 #6526


>>5108749 An unprecedented number of gun seizure orders are happening across the country

>>5108798 The Japanese-German Alliance Against "America First" Might Backfire Badly

>>5108816 Anon on Guatemala

>>5108817, >>5108881 POTUS Press tweets on RBG (unofficial)

>>5108834 The Real Russia Story: Port Canaveral “Project Pelican” and Uranium One deals

>>5109021 Re: Salvini calling for elimination of Italy's central bank – Bank of Italy holds the fourth largest reserve of gold

>>5109079, >>5109085, >>5109092 “GOLD shall destroy FED”

>>5109216 Thousands join right-wing rally in Madrid, demand PM resign

>>5109226 ‪Q Drop 2681‬ - Decode

>>5109431 #6525


>>5108101, >>5108132 Baby parts sellers Names

>>5108197 POTUS tweets: 5 and 4 periods

>>5108174 Graphic: All Q posts with "Whitaker", "Scaramuci" or "designed to"

>>5108163 POTUS tweets 12 minute delta and is he pointing us to Fake News?

>>5108101 , >>5108132 The 14 names of body parts traffickers PP wants to keep secret in Daleiden case

>>5108083 New POTUS tweets with deltas

>>5108050 Republic vs. Democracy: Quotes

>>5107986 Haberman tweets re POTUS

>>5108517 Air strikes kill 21 in Afghanistan

>>5108692 #6524

Previously Collected Notables

>>5106346 #6521, >>5107122 #6522, >>5107901 #6523

>>5104089 #6518, >>5104838 #6519, >>5105587 #6520

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

721e30  No.5110976

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce ---- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

721e30  No.5110981

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

40 >>5057528 39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

721e30  No.5111007

File: 5438a88acf30865⋯.jpeg (144.43 KB, 935x1077, 935:1077, pepehat.jpeg)



Missing Q posts have been fixed in bread; will be shown on next bake

Thank you anons!

4dd730  No.5111026

File: 42cdf58333827f9⋯.png (244.62 KB, 1079x572, 83:44, ClipboardImage.png)


98d865  No.5111039

File: 1bef50effad59c0⋯.jpeg (95.12 KB, 500x609, 500:609, image.jpeg)

fe0d0b  No.5111040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








1491c7  No.5111041

File: 32f456358174040⋯.png (112.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, AQ11.PNG)

bb71ea  No.5111042

Another stellar 751 snipe baker!


f8cdba  No.5111043

Hey Q,

Will there be prison/death sentences for the fucktard shills that work for these evil ass companies? I am at a point where "I am only doing my job" is not a good enough excuse to forgo the pain that they helped bring. Maybe if we hang them it will send a clear message to everyone who is "just doing their job"

b96d5e  No.5111044

File: 224c6dafc0e1202⋯.png (27.71 KB, 300x297, 100:99, chef.png)

b663c3  No.5111045

File: 93abe15756bce55⋯.jpg (593.64 KB, 1806x2664, 301:444, Sheep No More.jpg)

73843e  No.5111046

>>5110778 lb

Not only that, but we are motivated to get to the truth and root causes

f3457c  No.5111047

o7 baker!

3145b2  No.5111048


Liberal heads exploding in 3…2…1…


Trolling is fun!

2a4ca2  No.5111049

>>5110135 pb

The app still works people. You just can’t buy it on the App Store anymore.

Been gone for months.

ab39a3  No.5111050

File: 93ff0947558ad3e⋯.jpeg (74.12 KB, 627x680, 627:680, pew.jpeg)


nice snipe

c3b648  No.5111051

File: 5a05b1c662e272c⋯.png (340.55 KB, 700x463, 700:463, 2 kinds of anons.png)

G2G Q and POTUS.

Super excited for this big big YUGE week.

God bless and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

dda9bc  No.5111052

File: 8325a6d3923f028⋯.jpg (126.64 KB, 800x1199, 800:1199, DsFASA7VYAEx7oM.jpg)

751 again. Kick ass Baker! TY and GodSpeed!

c3666c  No.5111053

>>5110342 lb

we get 40% the big picture

now about dems and russian collusion we may get full

its the baby eating and sacraficeing that will stay hidden

79609c  No.5111054

File: 3356a7ec7bb0d60⋯.jpg (114.15 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, Covered.jpg)

1a53a8  No.5111055


Baker, Baker, don’t hurt us! Nailed it again…Thank you!

151c20  No.5111057



But if you jay-walk, it's over for you, buddy.

82f215  No.5111058

File: 31ede09fb33791a⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 498x276, 83:46, ce0b02b1592e3e554fba8cd008….gif)

>muh scare tactics

6acd18  No.5111059

File: 5311066440f0b16⋯.jpeg (487.79 KB, 1242x588, 207:98, 9C745345-7AF6-4922-9410-3….jpeg)

File: bf3db211632e02e⋯.jpeg (318.42 KB, 1242x821, 1242:821, 6A7F713D-3C1A-4688-800A-C….jpeg)

Bringing over from last bread

Zero Delta between POTUS and Q

3145b2  No.5111060


TY Baker. You rock!

18f8f7  No.5111061

File: 45c44d6bd00f3e1⋯.png (233.55 KB, 544x593, 544:593, E07AF724-D7C3-435B-BDA2-0D….png)

Relevant to Q Post #2683 “Dilution of Citizen Vote”

c3b648  No.5111062

Baker on fire.

Well done baker!

7e4317  No.5111063

File: 0fd6fe8390b2bb0⋯.jpg (162.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PlannedParenthoodKickback.jpg)

File: a23a5d0e5b25f24⋯.jpg (353.58 KB, 1834x941, 1834:941, EndPlannedParenthoodKickba….jpg)

File: af9cce791251891⋯.jpg (238.36 KB, 1040x1024, 65:64, EndPlannedParenthoodKickba….jpg)

35fb90  No.5111064

File: eb9e59ce4bcc8e0⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 613x734, 613:734, fart.JPG)

73843e  No.5111065

File: 3e7131518f0cb66⋯.jpg (554.73 KB, 340x270, 34:27, being a baker.jpg)


Motherfucking Baker is killin' it!

e626be  No.5111066

Everyone knows SC Roberts is comped so no way POTUS would risk losing this decision in the SC. The news of RBG's death MUST break soon, it will take weeks maybe months to get the senate to confirm a replacement.

d4041e  No.5111067


time is now

fresh tweet


how soon is now

fe74e9  No.5111068

File: 64dbd0f718e6dbd⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 557x243, 557:243, Screenshot 2019-02-10_17-1….jpg)



435808  No.5111069

File: 01d9b6e0ca279e7⋯.jpeg (323.54 KB, 667x1172, 667:1172, Screenshot_2019-02-10-17-….jpeg)


4b831e  No.5111070


We could take him tomorrow night.

c3b648  No.5111071


Nice graphics!!

a54bc3  No.5111072

File: b00e6917a14027e⋯.png (208.22 KB, 1746x525, 582:175, yuhhuh.png)

File: d066f58836dceaf⋯.png (154.9 KB, 730x680, 73:68, whats-it-qm.png)

File: 030743134e21dcb⋯.png (287.41 KB, 1578x1465, 1578:1465, crspr.png)

File: 99613e673364141⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x868, 43:28, xiimmy.png)

File: e85f492db40b0d2⋯.png (84.24 KB, 1287x1266, 429:422, SHEEP-OR-NOT.png)

>>5110990 (lb)

No, because there is significant evidence indicating that there is, in fact, a very high volume of bot posts, and that the board itself (BO and bakers) is controlled by AI. Surely patriots would tend to be at the very least open-minded towards thinking about that, knowing what we know about sheep, control, tech giants, GOOGLE, AI, etc…. I mean after all, why are we here?

Thank you for understanding patriot.

How do you feel about the bot system?

7b318c  No.5111073

File: 371623098604cfd⋯.png (22.79 KB, 586x235, 586:235, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT RTs Club 4 Growth 2x

cc6509  No.5111074

File: 59e467a192b636a⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, BD.jpg)




Follower since roughly April, first time poster on this board. I'm obviously aware you read us on here so I have been ruminating on how to put this for a while know. I want to make my case effectively, respectfully, and not come off as too self-serving. I am humbly yours in this request.

All of us here have accepted that Pedo shit and satanism runs rampant among the elites in government, media, finance, and most if not all areas of powerful influence. The corruption runs rampant. The part where I am taken aback on a personal level is the Media. By craft, I am a musician and multimedia artist/designer. I have a lot of talent at what I do and am sacrificing all else to make myself into something with my Godgiven talents and work ethic. I'm going to do big things, especially starting in the next 18 or so months. I'm not trying make it sound like I'm important or anything. No, it's that, given what I know now, success in my domain comes with a big burden now. I want to have integrity and still get what I deserve through my hard work. Donald Trump making himself into what he is without becoming compromised is another reason I admire POTUS and is something I want to, no need to, model myself after. The idea that most people in Hwood/media get there by being sychophants to such monsters or are monsters themselves is a hard redpill to swallow. While I am not an actor or journalist, my trade is adjacent to such fields. Media, in the sense of consumed content, would be the most effective term to put it broadly. I've worked with bands, filmakers, mom/pop business, music festivals, tattoo artists, corporations. Kind of a jack of all trades.

As DJT influences me for the reason stated about, my biggest influence as an artist and musician would be Bob Dylan. Not sure if you're a fan. But not many people realize too that he is sort of one the first self-made men in music. He also didn't ride trends. My absolute love of music and visual arts knows know bounds, but now there is fear in applying it. And I also fear that heartbreak lies ahead for me as well, finding out hero's of mine have tasted the forbidden front and thus relinquished their humanity in the pursuit of empty success and power. If Bob Dylan is/was a pedo, just using him as an example for me, I think I would lock myself up in my room with a few bottles of whisky for a weekend and probably not talk to anyone for a week thereafter. This brings me to my point. That's how powerful art is. We cherish the art we love. We project our lives onto it and it helps us to understand ourselves. It heals the weariness of our souls. I think of a quote from, not sure about this man anymore even but, Winston Churchill: When asked by the British politicians to cut funding for the arts during WW2 his response was, "Then what the hell are we fighting for?" and i think this is true for the whole of life.

So my request is this, this purge must take place not just in our govt but in our cultural figures as well. Pedos do not deserve something as divine as the arts and they must be known publicly. There's many young people like me who live and breath this stuff and who dream to live their lives by it. It's a peaceful life, please open their eyes for their own good. Most of the time they're very impressionable, as being an artist you kind of have to be a sponge in a way.

Another note on Bob Dylan, he, born a Jew of all things, very publicly converted to Christianity at what could be considered the height of his powers, was kind of ridiculed for it, and went on to record 3 gospel albums in a row anyways. Makes me think he's one of us. Someone like me, someone with talent and the desire to use it for good rather than evil.

1b840f  No.5111075

any chance of bringing back the electric chair?

637e52  No.5111076

>>5110961 (LB)

Hehe, sneaky.

e9ac37  No.5111077


Too bad it can’t be uploaded someplace for all anons to get.

ad4e81  No.5111078

File: 18523d17def1bd5⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 240x132, 20:11, 827F3BD6-9236-4FC4-99F2-68….gif)

864fe2  No.5111079

File: e86ed3e224d7f1b⋯.jpg (48.13 KB, 362x400, 181:200, 2tcf6u.jpg)

11b705  No.5111080

Mershe Bleckbarn? NO WAY.

b0341d  No.5111081

File: 5fcbacfd99dddbf⋯.jpeg (103.11 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 7083A5D3-E0B2-4777-B0C1-5….jpeg)

f0f8d1  No.5111082

File: 9a7a1dc15650725⋯.jpg (346.73 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Goku Fight Well.jpg)

Q, do you watch anime? If so, what's your favorite?

b43494  No.5111083

File: b7f47d37c9886d6⋯.jpg (756.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_2944.JPG)


baker is on fire



must feel good having q in your bread

fc2ecc  No.5111084

File: 2a9e8558ee087d1⋯.png (478.8 KB, 914x687, 914:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9b5fc4a61dd94c⋯.png (72.63 KB, 916x595, 916:595, ClipboardImage.png)

Maduro's Demise Imminent? The Same Was Said Of Syria's Assad

A new Bloomberg report begins by noting, "As with Assad eight years ago, it’s hard to find an analyst or Western official predicting Maduro’s long-term survival." Given that the professional class of "analysts" tends to get just about everything wrong, it seems safe to bet on Maduro lasting much longer than anyone is currently predicting. Pundits and politicians seeking regime change also have a penchant for wishfully exaggerating the degree to which popular unrest and external pressures actually erode and crack the regime, and still very loyal military.

Like with Syria before, the headlines on Venezuela are moving much faster that the reality inside Caracas. Also like with Syria, pundits who have little to no awareness of what the Latin American country looks like on the ground will still arrogantly make their inflated prognostications from thousands of miles away from the Venezuelan streets. For this reason if some lone military attaché at the Venezuelan embassy in D.C. defects, it generates breathless headlines foretelling a supposedly imminent snowball effect of mass army defections: Losing Grip on Power… one ABC headline excitedly stated after the officer's declaration of support for Juan Guaido.


ab39a3  No.5111085

File: 08225e387f5496f⋯.jpg (237.24 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, neverleft4.jpg)

a43c86  No.5111086

File: 392a0ef1e87f0cf⋯.png (183.14 KB, 500x509, 500:509, very-rare-100-pure-a-diamo….png)

for you baker….hitting it at 751, even with Q on board!!

You ROCK! thank you

c36621  No.5111087

Q, trying to do my part in the Great Awakening.

Spreading memes, your best quotes, and links to qmap in public restrooms and grocery carts etc.

Doing my part to bypass the censorship.

There seems to be some infighting on the importance of the Great Awakening in the plan.

Some clarification in patriots role in the Great Awakening?

b08bf0  No.5111088

File: 35f86e27bbf09b5⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 3473x2000, 3473:2000, 10 mirror of 40.jpg)

File: eb60ce541e5e04f⋯.jpg (544.53 KB, 1800x1500, 6:5, 40 mirror of 10.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :10

Marine One proofs forthcoming.

Why are Hussein records sealed?

Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?

IT Scandal Awan.

Paki leak?

MB infiltration?

IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.

Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :40

NK news today = FAKE!

Twitter news today = REAL!

Free speech manipulation [visibility / reach].

FB fake acct deletion?

No Such Agency vs Clowns In America.


Those with an agenda to silence will fail.

Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :40




Congratulations, Anons!





f8cdba  No.5111089


fuck it… make the names public and let vigilante justice… i hope you fucking cucks swing one way or another… and just imagine how many will want your blood when the truth is revealed… you fucking better be scared.

3e6d53  No.5111090

>>5110941 (pb)

someone posted to halfchan that they were a black male actor from the 80's whom everyone would know and who was blackballed from the industry because he wouldn't play (((their))) games. Revealed alot if pedo stuff. Said he would be at the grammys tonight wearing green socks.

435808  No.5111091

File: 474884d86fc1767⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB, 799x293, 799:293, Screenshot_2019-02-10-17-….jpeg)

Or Twitter?

b85ae8  No.5111092

File: 5d7d58a307dbf6a⋯.png (12.18 KB, 486x212, 243:106, ClipboardImage.png)

721e9c  No.5111093

2a8fb1  No.5111094


True, but what if Roberts has to step down?

He sure was mighty close to the FISA process that's about to be DECLASd.

ea019d  No.5111095

The zero delta tweet included Trump saying: "Well, it happened again"

0183a0  No.5111096

File: a7c642475e8d865⋯.mp4 (533.61 KB, 480x396, 40:33, huge bewb drop.mp4)


4 the 51 snipe Baker


a54bc3  No.5111097


What does this mean exactly, bot system?

In the imposed image that human "bakers" are performing some heroic act by "baking the threads"– what is the nature of the heroism that the "bakers" are said to be performing?


f445eb  No.5111098


>its the baby eating and sacraficeing that will stay hidden

I disagree. It seems like the 9 month abortion and infanticide shit going on now is to warm up the collective to the shit thats going to come out.

555c5b  No.5111099

721e9c  No.5111100


BO, please delete, wrong image.

de26c6  No.5111101

File: dd48ca202e62b37⋯.png (73.42 KB, 1339x256, 1339:256, ClipboardImage.png)

Quick delta reference

3c888f  No.5111102


Digits confirm, 2nd snipe in a row.

79609c  No.5111103

File: c27616289cf7a1d⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 430x720, 43:72, Ace.jpg)

089e86  No.5111104


Thanks. Yes, I missed that.

37048e  No.5111105

File: d51434da241bca8⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 794x595, 794:595, faith is seeing light with….jpg)

Discussion has occurred about Q or Qanon helpers posting as regular anon’s for many months. One anon asked ‘how can you tell which is which?” Several anons have spoken to this, stating; the voice used, wording, time stamps, etc.

I’ll provide 1 example that is VERY pertinent to past and current events; it concerns the LA Military Op. If I were a betting anon, I’d mortgage the house.

FIRST EXAMPLE: ID # 36bda9 = 3, 6, 9 (ref. from Q post 2681 ? )

FIRST POST: >>5105393 (Pb) Excellent maps of LA subways. Poster ref’s to Pb showing pictures of boarded up building at 1138 Willshire Blvd. Poster comments on this and then ADDS new information:

>>5103948 (Pb)

Excellent recon work LA fag

>Photos from today show fresh plywood covering the doors and windows documenting that they were forcibly


forcibly exfiltrated

We know how the troops got out. How did they get in? new mission LA Fag. Scout the back and other side of the building for evidence of breach. Absent any I'm thinking tunnels.

Poster changes anons “entered” to red for emphasis and then REPLACES it with “forcibly exfiltrated”. Poster is stating that the damage to building was from “exfiltration” only and that they gained entry through subway tunnels. Poster then goes on to give us the means to prove this, i.e., to scout the back of the building. If there is no damage, then, ENTRY WAS MADE THROUGH THE SUBWAYS.

SECOND POST >> 5105442 (Pb) Poster is replying to another anon:

>>5105402 (Pb)

hence the hazmat looking gear. like a mofo

This is in reference to the tunnels/subway systems. Poster THEN links LA event happening on the same night as the SOTU and pertinent reference in POTUS statements that described the LA military OPs. >>5105503 (Pb)

▶Anonymous 02/10/19 (Sun) 07:05:47 36bda9 (5) No.5105503

>>5105402 (Pb)

>>5105432 (Pb)

Same night as >>5105478 (Pb)

>>5105478 (Pb) Poster states:

Random thought. What if you were being trafficked at 1138 Wilshire Blvd and you see loads of men in hazmat gear. You brace for the worst but then you realize they are American soldiers who came down from the sky, from heaven?

>Judah says he can still remember the exact moment, nearly 75 years ago, after 10 months in a concentration camp, when he and his family were put on a train, and told they were going to another camp. Suddenly the train screeched to a very strong halt. A soldier appeared. Judah’s family braced for the worst. Then, his father cried out with joy: “It’s the Americans. It’s the Americans.”

>A second Holocaust survivor who is here tonight, Joshua Kaufman, was a prisoner at Dachau concentration camp. He remembers watching through a hole in the wall of a cattle car as American soldiers rolled in with tanks. “To me,” Joshua recalls, “the American soldiers were proof that God exists, and they came down from the sky. They came down from heaven.”

How obtuse is THIS connection? IMO, very.


LA WAS A MILITARY OP. Entry into buildings made through subway system and/or dug tunnels. Human trafficking victims WERE RECOVERED. Was this what POTUS handed NP at SOTU? KEK!

I am but a humble grey-lurker putting in dues to help this cause. I have spotted Qanon helpers/ Q on many occasions. I look for, in this order:

A. Subject matter – Obtuse, a divergent fact

B. ID # and (numbers of posts)

C. Quality of graphics generated

D. Use Ctrl f to search for all posts with that ID and apply the above.

E. Based on the above, make my best guess.

In the end, it can only be a guess, but many times, a guess I’d mortgage the house on.

Try your hand. Look at:

▶Anonymous 02/10/19 (Sun) 07:30:12 83c4ef (5) No.5105689 [ = 17 AND 17]

>>5105514 (Pb) [15]

Possible. The Wells Fargo bank?

a43c86  No.5111106



>black male actor from the 80's

Will Smith?

fe74e9  No.5111107


that's a 5 day delta on retweet

ab39a3  No.5111108

File: ab9dce9680942a4⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 735x573, 245:191, wwg1wga.jpg)

256321  No.5111109

File: cb3c8af1bf8f209⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 406x625, 406:625, 1138 Wilshire Blvd 1.jpg)

File: 1cfcf412a345172⋯.jpg (21.65 KB, 402x373, 402:373, 1138 Wilshire Blvd 2.jpg)

>>5110803 pb

>>5110946 pb

not sure what you're looking for but these are the other businesses in 1138 Wilshire Blvd

79609c  No.5111110

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

151c20  No.5111111


That's why our benevolent government is trying their best to disarm the citizens.

2de4d4  No.5111112

File: 9fb195f3a5351ae⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1703x863, 1703:863, Screen Shot 2018-11-05 at ….png)


TY Baker!

e4d7a2  No.5111113

File: 8c3e06acd56dacf⋯.png (343.22 KB, 720x515, 144:103, smile.png)

>>5110935 (lb)

11/10 thx anon that writing holds good lessons


4b831e  No.5111114


I'm terrified.

For real.

Former child abuse prosecutor.

af936c  No.5111115

File: 385d6beab5adf71⋯.jpg (23.56 KB, 400x300, 4:3, happysox.jpg)

If GreenSocks guy shows up, and the board goes ape-shit and fills the bread faster than when Q posts, I'm going to go jack off with sand paper. Heavier grit than normal.


c3b648  No.5111116


Lurk moar.

57630b  No.5111117



tl dr my man. Yes, the culture war is crucial and I imagine we will be getting new artists of all types. It is inevitable. POTUS is well aware of these things.

fc2ecc  No.5111118

File: 50f8ec832b5e183⋯.png (37.45 KB, 666x570, 111:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c96134a910b9413⋯.png (45.85 KB, 671x643, 671:643, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats Push for Hidden Deportation Freeze in Border Wall Talks

Congressional talks over border security and the wall have stalled because Democrats are trying to sharply limit the deportation of economic migrants.

President Donald Trump posted a tweet on Sunday about the partisan divide over deportation rules which have split the 17 legislators drafting the 2019 budget for the Department of Homeland Security:

The “cap on convicted violent felons to be held in detention” likely refers to the Democrats’ push to shrink the number of detention spaces needed by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to hold migrants during the legal deportation process.

The Washington Post reports:

Democrats were trying to limit the number of detention beds that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency would have access to. Democrats want to cap detention beds as a way to limit aggressive detention activities by ICE.

The cap on detention beds would not “Abolish ICE,” as sought by some Democratic legislators, but would shackle ICE to the establishment’s pro-migration policies.

ICE needs many detention beds because judges and migrants’ lawyers try to stretch out the time needed to deport each migrant. Many of the lawyers are progressive ideologues who oppose any deportations. So if the progressive lawyers double the time needed to deport each migrant, they also halve the number of migrants who get deported.

If the Democrats can shrink the number of detention beds, then enforcement officials would be unable to deport many lower-priority economic migrants. That would create a hidden amnesty for economic migrants who do not commit violent crimes.

Officials normally put a higher priority on deporting violent criminals illegals, and illegals caught driving while drunk. But many of the criminal migrants are aided by lawyers eager to slow deportations.

Also, without enough beds, border agencies would be forced to catch-and-release the wave of Central American migrants seeking jobs in Democrat-run cities.

Currently, officials do not have the enforcement agents and bed spaces needed to catch, detain, and deport migrants crossing the border, or even the one million migrants already ordered home by judges.

Trump requested funding for 50,000 beds in 2019. Democrats want to push the number down below 30,000, and add rules to reduce the detention of migrants already living in the United States and of migrants who bring children into the United States.

There are at least 11 million migrants in the United States, including roughly 8 million who are working. That illegal population is a huge benefit to business because the migrants force down wages, boost rental costs, and raise consumer sales. The population is also a huge problem for the many millions of Americans who earn less at their jobs and pay more for apartments.

Investors, employers, and Democratic political candidates already get huge benefits from the huge population of 45 million legal immigrants.

The disagreement over deportations comes as the Gallup polling company reported that 5 million people to the south of Texas are considering whether to migrate this year into the United States:


73843e  No.5111119


He open mouth kisses his drag wearing son on camera, so probably not

cd0ed6  No.5111120



09ebf9  No.5111121

File: 62cae54d81484ce⋯.png (329.13 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Digits matter.png)

Digits everywhere, thanks Q

3e6d53  No.5111122


said he hasnt worked since then

d218c7  No.5111123

File: 92ee22d4cbbcacf⋯.jpeg (73.51 KB, 552x484, 138:121, 5EFBFF64-88E3-4A57-8227-8….jpeg)

File: 2ef602e4b684c19⋯.jpeg (366.5 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 4527015D-6CD5-4424-BFFF-4….jpeg)

8e176c  No.5111124

Q and POTUS very active atm.

Can we get a tweet containing "Ruthless"?

Very easy word to describe anything the D party is doing!

8d6d27  No.5111125


Now that would be hot

c3b648  No.5111126

One more thing before I go: Klobuchar has traveled to Syria on CODEL with McCain and met with Assad.

Check WL>

e9ac37  No.5111127



3145b2  No.5111128


ooopsss….sorry anon.

2de4d4  No.5111129

File: 130d8431e8ee09c⋯.png (312.93 KB, 701x465, 701:465, Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at ….png)



d4041e  No.5111130

d3e808  No.5111131

File: c83599c0da32e78⋯.png (261.54 KB, 494x358, 247:179, Barr report.png)


This https://twitter.com/FOOL_NELSON/status/1086510651055452160

f445eb  No.5111132

File: 7b3467424fc7ead⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 177x255, 59:85, pepe#0711688f5f18ff0969e53….jpg)

fc2ecc  No.5111133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

World’s leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath


The world’s leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath.


a43c86  No.5111134

File: 17a9afea315aea5⋯.png (11.81 KB, 255x205, 51:41, a0e8c2d5310433d9626f28fbba….png)


I love it….that twat is hysterical!

Memes of Amy as a snowman in 3, 2, 1…..

f007b0  No.5111135

File: 1abcca23c51bd4c⋯.jpg (120.76 KB, 814x500, 407:250, Red Fox Green Socks.jpg)

79609c  No.5111136

File: 6bfd4c71daaeb61⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 707x490, 101:70, IMG_20190112_081537.jpg)

2a4ca2  No.5111137


I know. If I could share it, I definitely would.

Q notifications and messages do work. I’ve been getting them today.

f8cdba  No.5111138

File: f22a61bf6581f4a⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1054x742, 527:371, ClipboardImage.png)


ahh… so you are a shill thats gonna fucking hang… tick tock motherfucker

7e4317  No.5111139


You have changed your tactic. You still assert there is what you call a "bot system" but now you present your idea as a premise to which people replying to you seem to agree, unless they explicitly dispute it. Same exact tactic that reporters use to elicit comments from interviewees, which are then taken out of context and used as the basis for false articles and fake news. Where did you learn that, in journalism school?

I don't agree with anything you post.



Because you have a hidden agenda and it is not pro-Trump or pro-Q or pro-America or pro-We-the-People.

I have always distrusted hidden agendas.

You'll continue to be filtered.

98d865  No.5111140

Jeff Bezos is using the metadata to become an unofficial intelligence community branch.

He is a government with no regulation operating within our country.

He will be under arrest in less than a year.

877b6f  No.5111141

File: 0e963965ef74536⋯.jpg (107.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ROCK.jpg)

File: 2fa1d72c7e27051⋯.png (329.49 KB, 1024x522, 512:261, A-Brief-History-of-the-Roc….png)

File: 861ffef2be05d8f⋯.png (124.83 KB, 681x231, 227:77, 1436a132-360a-46e1-b444-c3….png)

File: d2c06867402c357⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 611x514, 611:514, De4uu1pX4AUr92S.jpg)

File: 8c31d56048cbaa2⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 516x622, 258:311, De43vATW4AAEZFE.jpg)

Part 1 of 2

A perplexing, peculiar and cabalistic timeline of events…What INFO did Peter W. Smith Find at the Mayo Clinic?

FEB 28th , 2017

Alyssa Gilderhaus (18 yrs old ) escape from the Mayo Clinic who were desperately trying to get guardianship over her. Curious to know her tissue type, etc. & if some wealthy individual needed a transplant?

Alyssa's mother was banned from the hospital, Mayo social workers started tried to gain legal guardianship of the teen 3 times, which would have allowed them to hold her at the hospital indefinitely.

MARCH 20th, 2017

David Rockefeller died of CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE at 101.

Owner of Proctor & Gamble. Rockefellers obsessed with DNA & uses in US scientific circles. He was certainly a part of the shadow government and the elite, but he was actually proud of it. As he explained in his Memoirs (source):

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political economic structure – One World, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and am proud of it.

Note: Heart transplant expertise for complex heart issues

Mayo Clinic's heart transplant doctors and surgeons use proven innovations to successfully treat people with CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE and other serious heart diseases at all 3 locations Minnesota, Arizona and Florida. Rothschilds & Rockefellers big donors through various corporations & foundations (Do they purposely hide their name, like Soros does?)

MAY 14th, 2017

Peter W. Smith's suspicious death in Rochester MN home of the Mayo Clinic, while investigating (Hillary's emails, Mayo Clinic and what else?) Quickly ruled a suicide. Sound Familiar?

Heart transplant expertise for complex heart issues

Mayo Clinic's heart transplant doctors and surgeons use proven innovations to successfully treat people with CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE and other serious heart diseases. Their experience in using advanced technology, specialized procedures and an integrated approach focused on the patient makes Mayo Clinic a leader in transplant outcomes.

Experts in heart and lung surgery (cardiac and thoracic surgeons) perform more than 90 heart transplants a year at Mayo Clinic's campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. People turn to Mayo Clinic for help with a wide range of heart diseases. And some come to Mayo Clinic Transplant Center for its expertise in multiorgan transplants and a rare condition called amyloidosis. Each year, Mayo Clinic doctors see 1,600 people with this condition, some of whom may benefit from a heart transplant.


Child trafficking camp found on cemex Rothschild land

Where is all this happening? In #Tucson, #Arizona. Arizona is a border state whose mayor in none other than Jonathan #Rothschild & whose senator is none other than Senator John #McCain. They are both deeply involved in #humantrafficking but they aren’t the only ones. CEMEX Is a multinational company with dozen of subsidiaries & affiliations that operates on a worldwide scale. Who is behind it? George #Soros. What are the odds that CEMEX donates to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative? CEMEX was given a 7 million contract on Haiti to build houses & working 3 import terminals in 2010 (which we know by now, that nothing got built) Judicial Watch (@JudicialWatch )also reported on Clinton-CEMEX-Haiti conflict of interest They also work in the Dom. Republic. Mayo Clinic also in Haiti.



A long-time admirer of Mayo Clinic is giving $200 million, Mayo’s largest gift ever, to its medical school.

Mayo Clinic announced the historic donation this morning from Birmingham, Mich., philanthropist Jay Alix. Alix, a corporate strategist, is credited with saving many companies, including General Motors in 2008, as well as overhauling the struggling City of Detroit. President Bill Clinton appointed him to the National Bankruptcy Review Commission.

Alix was also named to the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees last week.


Clinton’s major donors https://www.vox.com/2015/4/28/8501643/Clinton-foundation-donors-State

Proctor & Gamble

bad3db  No.5111142

File: 23674ddfe5c1186⋯.png (94.01 KB, 643x339, 643:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07ee0f829ced585⋯.png (74.42 KB, 783x295, 783:295, ClipboardImage.png)

Snow = Cocaine?

1432c6  No.5111143

File: 3f4a79810a5dc21⋯.jpg (110.47 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Always watching 1.jpg)

11c802  No.5111144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The truth! We want it all and we want it now! (We trust the plan, so "now" is relative in my proposal here)

But but, the truth??? You can't handle the truth!!!

Hold my beer and watch me! :-)

b453bc  No.5111145

File: ebe382c5f5fe158⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, monicapotter-alongcameaspi….jpg)

3a8923  No.5111146

When do we act? I know I am impatient but they get away with murder, sedition, subversion, and treason and I just fee at some point someone has to pay. Swift justice is the way to teach those who would follow not to try it.

089e86  No.5111147

File: 464eaf01ba6547e⋯.jpg (100.59 KB, 533x800, 533:800, good start.jpg)


Too late for that now.

73843e  No.5111148


As if being an angry drunk wasnt enough tsk tsk

4c754a  No.5111149

File: 7e031a98beaab64⋯.png (412.75 KB, 1265x849, 1265:849, 30a59eddd5974bd2302f7fc494….png)

>>5111025 lb

whats the hole in the center post moar pics plse

82f215  No.5111150

File: 3f82cfbd208cb66⋯.jpg (68.74 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 3f82cfbd208cb662084ff80b46….jpg)


Digits demand proof.

cd0ed6  No.5111151


Wondered that, too.

f8cdba  No.5111152


why are you scared… you dont want to see these bastards swing?

fe0d0b  No.5111153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




de4c49  No.5111154

File: ddf19d8d69e9e8d⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 184x255, 184:255, ce672359b6770f30ca06c7564b….jpg)


How is anon wrong/shill?

b0341d  No.5111155

File: 3c9e75794de8ca2⋯.jpeg (123.85 KB, 1062x508, 531:254, 3447943D-7478-451B-BB5F-3….jpeg)

File: b29f627bcf33179⋯.jpeg (123.57 KB, 1062x508, 531:254, FED62737-3341-40E5-92C9-A….jpeg)

File: 0d1c910f453795d⋯.jpeg (78.63 KB, 538x302, 269:151, 0A26B7F1-A111-4AE8-BA90-3….jpeg)

File: 158385503112601⋯.jpeg (205.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 67EBC194-2FBA-45DC-A1FA-B….jpeg)


All good

ae9134  No.5111156

>>5110710 (lb)

>Funny how not many understand the meat of how it's all put together.

not funny… odd / criminal

deliberately not taught or explained if you ask me

I remember the inability of financial folk to explain exactly what derivatives were, or how a bank could bundle debt and sell it at a profit.

baaa2f  No.5111157

File: 10e1fa9923f9909⋯.png (176.27 KB, 723x413, 723:413, TT Klobuchar.png)

Another jewish fraud running for president.

Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar announces her 2020 presidential run


Why does she sounds so whiny? She speaks likes she's crying continuously.


0183a0  No.5111158

File: dee6be85632a172⋯.png (216.58 KB, 905x629, 905:629, grifty2.PNG)


see digits

2de4d4  No.5111159

File: 4a424d560b531a5⋯.png (221.12 KB, 410x387, 410:387, Screen Shot 2019-01-19 at ….png)

a43c86  No.5111160

File: 5522f1d4dc2e97f⋯.png (32.79 KB, 636x232, 159:58, 5e12be47096722f3520bc69acc….png)



3af0df  No.5111161


"The time is now"

5c265b  No.5111162

File: 08de7f278e2158c⋯.jpg (320.85 KB, 804x813, 268:271, Screen Shot 02-10-19 at 10….JPG)

File: dc3f69c28f17c2f⋯.jpg (313.78 KB, 804x813, 268:271, Screen Shot 02-10-19 at 10….JPG)

Another Turd


3e6d53  No.5111163


Redd Foxx wearing green socks. Means what?

Redd Foxx fakes his own death?

009cfb  No.5111164


Anon check that dot on the "i"

f0f8d1  No.5111165

File: 9c0fbb13032ee5a⋯.jpg (135.17 KB, 600x900, 2:3, green9.jpg)


tyson beckford?

76cd76  No.5111166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Criminals with badges, openly torturing people. Local prosecution in collusion to do nothing about it.

Can we add these scumbags to the indictment list Q?

fc2ecc  No.5111167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Houthis Repel Saudi-led Coalition Attack And Destroy Two Canadian-Made Vehicles (18+ Video)

On February 9, the Houthis repelled an attack by the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemen proxies on their positions in the area of al-Sawh in the Kingdom’s southern province of Najran, according to the al-Masirah TV.

Houthi fighters killed and injured several personnel of the coalition while repelling the attack. The Yemeni group also destroyed a LAV-R armored recovery vehicle and a LAV-25 amphibious armored reconnaissance vehicle of the Saudi military. Both vehicles are made by Canada, one of the main weapons suppliers for the coalition.

Saudi-led coalition warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on Houthis forces in al-Sawh after the failure of the attack. However, the airstrikes were ineffective.

The Houthis maintained a military presence in the southern provinces of Saudi Arabia, especially Najran and Jizan, throughout this war. The Yemeni group view this presence as a mean to deter the Kingdom, that is still incapable of securing its own border.


480df9  No.5111168


good, and just leave the pecker pix to the NSA peeps kek no one's got time for that one smh.

7b318c  No.5111169



4b831e  No.5111170


Still think it'll come down to us vs. them.

There are a lot of them.

Some of us will likely swing in the fight.

e4d7a2  No.5111171

File: d852756b546fb8b⋯.gif (754.5 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 1505372537488.gif)

0e3d96  No.5111172

https://twitter.com/ohboywhatashot/status/1094712355173339136?s=20 would nice if worldwide the people would start making these polls actually reflect our anger at these monsters by maxing out the count meters in minutes instead of days! we need to maximize our voice more rapidly and drown out the narrative in minutes not days for countless generations to come otherwise WWZ will be the only option. As a Minuteman I promise the later will be to unforgiving to innocent but stupidity informed lives. We are here to rescue as many as possible but, our message need a louder megaphone than MSM immediately Q!

73843e  No.5111173

File: 6025ac464cd6ee2⋯.png (937.25 KB, 560x560, 1:1, pepe deluxe the storm 2.png)


Inching ever closer

1432c6  No.5111174

File: a659a8212df87e6⋯.jpg (92.55 KB, 1234x660, 617:330, POTUS giving light.jpg)



9be457  No.5111175

File: 23fe09c81b65723⋯.jpg (76.5 KB, 367x455, 367:455, 1516446105571.jpg)


Did you forget to enable your sarcasm detector this morning?

867dd8  No.5111176

File: e2091ede16f4703⋯.gif (969.78 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, hot jew girl.gif)

shalom anons

support israel

3b7d09  No.5111177

File: 9fb8f984de588d3⋯.png (46.48 KB, 598x376, 299:188, LG re POTUS Week 2-10-19.PNG)

We may look back on this as greatest political week of @realdonaldtrump’s presidency & a turning point in 2020 election.

* Home run State of the Union speech.

* Democrats go crazy over Green New Deal and now limiting detention bed space for violent, illegal immigrant criminals.


01f369  No.5111178

File: 73115469b0400f3⋯.jpg (206.31 KB, 546x720, 91:120, 2c5b2a51847672f9c8a7621151….jpg)


Thanks Bkr

Hell of a job when QResearch looks

like this.


747221  No.5111179


Lb or pb faggot

cd0ed6  No.5111180


Nope. Shoe does not fit

3af0df  No.5111181


No, Hollywood Anon was famous in the 80's this dude was just a baby.

3145b2  No.5111182


KEKing so hard…….

b43494  No.5111183

File: 0198186d8cb5851⋯.jpeg (389.47 KB, 1054x1568, 527:784, fullsizeoutput_1e3d.jpeg)

File: 4db82829272565a⋯.jpg (274.02 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, IMG_5761.JPG)

File: 043e28bf6f53aa5⋯.jpg (376.43 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_0357.JPG)


Don't worry anon

>no deals

>the streets will not be safe for them

1b840f  No.5111184



f39068  No.5111185

Fake News PROVEN [ Enemy of the People ]

Confiscate their satellites and news stations

Turn them over to REAL NEWS providers



Real News will quickly catch up the norms, kicking and screaming but unable to ignore it….. TRUTH!!!!!!

867f88  No.5111186


& it says NOTHING !! More Pussy Farts from Q

57630b  No.5111187


Its Louis Gossett Jr. yo

a43c86  No.5111188

File: 49db594ecf2f23d⋯.png (229.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 289c8b6c2a5936a05516cc9f5d….png)

2a4ca2  No.5111189


Jamie Fox?

921c52  No.5111190

>>5110775 LB


73464e  No.5111192



ba107e  No.5111193



a54bc3  No.5111194


Certainly not, b 0 tt

2de4d4  No.5111195


dubs of truth…

1a53a8  No.5111196


Maybe lots of black actors wearing green Sox to avoid the dox?

1491c7  No.5111197


I hope it's not some Corey Feldman type loon.

cc3bff  No.5111198


What happened in L.A.?

c652e1  No.5111199

File: b15ba2495aa5333⋯.jpg (10.92 KB, 255x204, 5:4, PEDOBOWL.jpg)


WHY? Please say more fren…

3c742d  No.5111200

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)

f007b0  No.5111201


No. The alleged Hollyweird anon who posted on half chan said he was friends with Red Foxx, would be/was wearing green socks at grammy's. I am merely playing on the rhyme.

73843e  No.5111202


Skeletons in the closet

207ae1  No.5111203

File: 878dcc00ca4208b⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 603x500, 603:500, 878dcc00ca4208be820d76d659….jpg)

Release it ALL! For God and Country! You've already set the stage better than I thought possible. I'm not tired of winning! God bless POTUS, FLOTUS, Q, Patriots, and Anons!

35fb90  No.5111204

File: d8f48d75107373a⋯.jpg (31.65 KB, 608x418, 16:11, NOHOLDSBARR1.JPG)

Q taking the gloves off!

3145b2  No.5111205


Was already pointed out I forget to post lb. I know how frigging annoying it is. Can only apologize and promise to be more careful.

fb7cde  No.5111206

PB >>5110161

PB >>5111003

So get rid of police force and just have sheriffs and marshals?

Open carry allowed in every state so we can protect ourselves?

3e6d53  No.5111207


I'm still not ruling out the Michael possibility

cd0ed6  No.5111208


Roots was on all day today. Legit had not recalled the line whilst on the ship "there is no god but allah" and yet there it was. Smdh

3af0df  No.5111209


In the 80's Fox was not famous.

Now Mr T was all over the place.

Think Older black man famous in the 80's.

c3666c  No.5111210


i suspect we get enough to make people take note and get angry i think if you really wanna know youll have to dig wont be for everyone


f99dd5  No.5111211


I used to love Tyson beckford movies!

f8cdba  No.5111212


its all about approach… you can either join into a conversation or try to derail it… anons put their 2 cents in… shills try to cut the conversation progress but giving absolute certainties when none exist

8b17c5  No.5111213

>>5110912 (pb)

RBG law clerk digs continued

Marco Basile (socialist fuckstick)

Found his “book review” on the precedent issue.

Guess who helped author the original treaties his book review tried to counter?

Now Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Did this fuckwad get hired by RBG just to stick it to Gorsuch?



So in addition to trying to counter Neil Gorsuchs authored paper, he is also part of a collective who is actively working to rewrite american history as shown in earlier posts.

Starting to think this guy may have something to do with RBGs bedside voting.

Someone willing to undermine precedents in court and trying to rewrite history does not seem like a good dude.

fe0d0b  No.5111214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






1432c6  No.5111215

File: b77806d9a850456⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Bailiff....jpg)


Remembering Redd Foxx December 9, 1922 - October 11, 1991

He was known as the "Genius of Comedy" and holds the all-time record as the longest continuous headliner in Las Vegas history.

b8038b  No.5111216

File: 643522e976d3dab⋯.png (555.3 KB, 960x674, 480:337, Green.png)


Not green socks but a green head!

8a1b02  No.5111217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a258e1  No.5111218

File: 76123a124d2ad16⋯.png (362.73 KB, 458x519, 458:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc726cdf2c9cee3⋯.png (79.01 KB, 628x400, 157:100, ClipboardImage.png)

201559  No.5111219


Right. While it's nice to know, if we put someone in harm's way by knowing, well, I don't need to know that badly.

e9ac37  No.5111220

File: 31d163e919a7165⋯.jpeg (261.09 KB, 649x722, 649:722, 13E20E52-DD85-41A5-B2C8-9….jpeg)

2de4d4  No.5111221

File: e4ff5c69cba8460⋯.png (809.57 KB, 890x1184, 445:592, Screen Shot 2019-01-20 at ….png)



dis num bread…

2a4ca2  No.5111222


Redd Foxx

73464e  No.5111223



1b840f  No.5111224

6 gorillion racket memorial

57630b  No.5111225


Iron Eagle

3af0df  No.5111226


Said he was in movies. I am think Mr T.

He dropped off the face of the world.

11c802  No.5111227


Well written, important request. The influence is strong among many. Thank you for your post!

637e52  No.5111228


That's so retarded it had to be planned that way.

ab06fc  No.5111229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







From Linsey Graham TODAY.

3e6d53  No.5111230



98d865  No.5111231

File: 081ce6e00c98b6f⋯.jpeg (109.52 KB, 921x499, 921:499, image.jpeg)

73843e  No.5111232

File: 51eb3dc2555e117⋯.png (1.72 MB, 928x960, 29:30, ClipboardImage.png)


Symbolism will be their downfall

a43c86  No.5111233

File: 5a360d661b56566⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 320x241, 320:241, gal_diffstrokes_bridges.jpg)


Todd Bridges?

fec2e2  No.5111234

I know this, I see this everyday all day… dems in panic, dems looking for a way out of what's coming, Looney tunes.

My whole family lives in Communist California, they think I am crazy.. I want them to wake up, but they're on another planet, can't reach them. Drop the Hammer soon, before I die so I can see them again, please,

Thank you, God bless you!

"The Border Committee Democrats are behaving, all of a sudden, irrationally. Not only are they unwilling to give dollars for the obviously needed Wall (they overrode recommendations of Border Patrol experts), but they don’t even want to take muderers into custody! What’s going on?"

201559  No.5111235


Lol, wasted trips on someone who's definitely NOT him

d218c7  No.5111236

File: bc0af876ea200e4⋯.jpeg (79.94 KB, 614x497, 614:497, 061A7A5A-0F6D-42A5-8690-7….jpeg)

File: d21da234ad6b367⋯.jpeg (655.09 KB, 3245x3561, 3245:3561, 195C4AF3-3874-4247-8574-1….jpeg)

740ac1  No.5111237

File: f88c8d303976bf2⋯.png (4.48 MB, 2400x1602, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)

00b85b  No.5111238


show some decorum

ae9134  No.5111239


2 new Q in #6527

>>5110466 The media no longer represents the will of the people.

>>5110730 Anons knew? Narrative Fight.

c80e23  No.5111240


Boom them digits, lights on bitches, fire away at niggers that glow, see post below

>>5111089 - is that you again SwallowsKlobucherspissPelosi'sWastebythebucketsviawell ???

364eba  No.5111241


>He will be under arrest in less than a year.

That's a retarded take.

Bezos (and Facebook, Google) were specifically created by our govt (specifically, CIA) as an end run around legal restrictions on domestic spying.

Citizens are voluntarily giving these companies private information.

The companies are legally providing it back to the IC community.

Information laundering.

637e52  No.5111242



4b831e  No.5111243


Too close to self dox.

f8cdba  No.5111244


ARE YOU RETARDED… if there were a lot of them THEY wouldnt be fearing the MASSES … its a small group of circle jerking retards that are going to swing… and ill fucking finish it off by using them as a pinata till their last ounce of life leaves their body

25db8d  No.5111245

File: c605c39b6b12211⋯.jpg (592.63 KB, 1006x1020, 503:510, 4deed66dfab7a11ac6a10e1b11….jpg)

File: 5a739b65ff5c67b⋯.png (542.83 KB, 840x394, 420:197, 5a739b65ff5c67b6890f8550c4….png)

File: 5c1ef9f9fbca8b6⋯.jpeg (17.69 KB, 255x231, 85:77, f937250bd3d4626ef9409dca2….jpeg)



f779ac  No.5111246

File: 9b3c3f308c3416f⋯.jpg (215.65 KB, 435x582, 145:194, e063345435984672356543.jpg)

POTUS notes…..snowman(woman)?

2de4d4  No.5111247

File: 2e59e555527d4b2⋯.png (281.05 KB, 1071x1071, 1:1, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at ….png)

722e42  No.5111248

File: 5b7fec8309d050f⋯.png (395.69 KB, 642x500, 321:250, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

Purple Heart triple-amputee veteran Brian Kolfage who secured $20m in GoFundMe donations to 'build the wall' undergoes 'invasive TSA pat down' at Tucson International Airport

Florida Purple Heart veteran Brian Kolfage, 37, was subjected to an 'invasive' pat down by TSA agents

A concerned fellow traveler filmed the incident on Saturday in Tuscon, Arizona

'They groped and searched under his hips and buttocks, his groin and his half arm searching for what?' YouTube users James Hoft said in the video caption


b25386  No.5111249


FFS. Priorities. Focus your energies of demanding muh "TRANSPARENT" public arrests of known mass murderers and pedophiles and everything else will work itself out

1432c6  No.5111250

File: 23a660fb52890ee⋯.jpg (12 KB, 290x290, 1:1, these go to eleven.jpg)


saw that too

ac69c0  No.5111251


Movies not TV

cd0ed6  No.5111252

File: 8f9d319b735a881⋯.jpeg (763.55 KB, 1125x825, 15:11, 53245C8B-C3DB-4F80-ADBE-3….jpeg)

a43c86  No.5111253

File: 1e3e95f618eafc6⋯.png (68.41 KB, 491x395, 491:395, 1e3e95f618eafc66fb7466d68b….png)



b43494  No.5111254

File: 8ba2b912b748558⋯.jpg (375.79 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_2812.JPG)


love the tie!

a54bc3  No.5111255


If there is a bot system, then what is my agenda?

fb7cde  No.5111256


That's a great idea!

de16fe  No.5111257


better if the caption says


a71fae  No.5111258

File: 999633bb25e0c95⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1052x1886, 526:943, ClipboardImage.png)

637e52  No.5111259


Not sure he would ever have been considered "A list."

d218c7  No.5111260

File: ceff5b0f5176c6f⋯.jpeg (76.95 KB, 720x576, 5:4, 11CAC4B7-B862-4BA2-8606-A….jpeg)

File: 863d5231654a5a7⋯.jpeg (543.5 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, E129FEE8-7C5F-46FE-BFC5-C….jpeg)

1491c7  No.5111261


Whatever happened with Busta Rhymes Anon?

877b6f  No.5111262

File: 0e963965ef74536⋯.jpg (107.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ROCK.jpg)

File: 2fa1d72c7e27051⋯.png (329.49 KB, 1024x522, 512:261, A-Brief-History-of-the-Roc….png)

File: 6fd55c5683f9d5c⋯.jpg (16.75 KB, 427x237, 427:237, 50357268d1fe3c23d576057081….jpg)


Part 2 of 2 Sources & Sauces…

Clinton’s major donors https://www.vox.com/2015/4/28/8501643/Clinton-foundation-donors-State …

Proctor & Gamble

Escape from the Mayo Clinic: Parents break teen out of world-famous hospital (updated or censored)


Parents of a teenager say they had to hatch a plot to break their daughter out of a Mayo Clinc hospital after she was 'medically kidnapped'


While Mueller Stays Quiet, Suspicious Trump–Russia Clues Keep Popping Up


Peter Smith’s Search for Hillary Clinton’s Emails: The Subplot Thickens


Peter W. Smith, a Top Clinton Investigator, Found Dead From "Suicide ..


Jul 14, 2017 - Top Clinton investigator and GOP operative Peter Smith dead suicide found dead in hotel room used by Mayo Clinic patients.

Republican Operative “Commits Suicide” After Leaving Strange Note

https://www.activistpost.com › Politics

Jul 16, 2017 - Peter W. Smith, who was 81 years old, The suicide note allegedly and incredibly suspiciously stated: “NO FOUL PLAY

DEAD March 20th 2017 David Rockefeller died of CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE at 101.

Owner of Proctor & Gamble, etc. & large contributors to the Mayo Clinic. Rockefellers obcessed with DNA & uses in US scientific circles. He was certainly a part of the shadow government and the elite, but he was actually proud of it. As he explained in his Memoirs (source):

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political economic structure – One World, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and am proud of it.


DEAD Jacob Rothschild's wife died in 2019 due to undisclosed illness–Serena Mary Rothschild, Baroness Rothschild was a British Thoroughbred racehorse owner and the wife of Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild. Born: April 28, 1935, Died: January 13, 2019


Presumed DEAD Jacob Rothschild’s house….the crash took place on the grounds.

There has been a helicopter and plane collision at the Rothschild estate in Buckinghamshire this afternoon 11-17-17. Some are speculating that Jacob Rothschild died in the crash.

June 7, 2018~ Prinzhorn, a 45-year-old father of three, purchased the 13,000-acre forest known as the Neuhaus estate for 92 million euros ($108 million) a forest owned for more than a century by the Rothschild family, roughly the size of Manhattan.

January 26, 2019~Rothschild family sells last of its Austrian empire for more than $105 million. The Rothschild family, which held Europe’s largest private fortune in the early 20th century, has sold the last piece of its Austrian empire 200 years later.

The deal was worth more than $105 million, Bloomberg reported. The two trusts that were sold covered some 17,300 acres of forest land in the Lower Austria region. The buyer was Vienna-based packaging firm Prinzhorn Holding GmbH, which also bought an adjacent property from the family last year.

Contributed $10 million or more in 2012- Procter & Gamble (Rockefeller owned) to the Mayo Clinic in 2012.

Principal Benefactors demonstrate leadership by committing $1 million to $9,999,999 to Mayo Clinic:

-The Bush Foundation

-Globe Foundation

-Pfizer, Inc. (Rothschild) etc. etc. etc.


11d4cf  No.5111263


MEME Amy K into a snowman

199362  No.5111264

File: 9bacf6eefb73a30⋯.jpeg (360.33 KB, 2376x1836, 22:17, 0FB726B4-94A6-4F48-BFD1-6….jpeg)

efd1a5  No.5111265

File: 4b1665c1f8921ab⋯.jpg (321 KB, 800x533, 800:533, im-only-spying.jpg)

7b0959  No.5111266

File: ce6f42309f6953c⋯.jpg (29.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, watch the water.jpg)

WOTUS Plan - Waters of the United States


73843e  No.5111267

File: a1eba330d82eb9b⋯.png (156.81 KB, 562x679, 562:679, lindsay graham zorro the g….png)


Green tie!

e9ac37  No.5111268

File: 333708be6955e0e⋯.jpeg (545.07 KB, 509x1023, 509:1023, F9D7F54F-2430-441C-A8BD-A….jpeg)



1432c6  No.5111269

File: ce90c24f1ee9f61⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 8ch greeting.jpg)

de4c49  No.5111270

File: 4fcec84f2654978⋯.png (205.17 KB, 451x282, 451:282, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)


It is CERTAIN that MANY MANY laws are underway to curtail/remove 2A freedoms and protections. Nothing to do w/ 'shills'.

3e6d53  No.5111272


Hollywood anon said he was A -list and everyone would know him. I dont think so

6588dc  No.5111273


It's Eddie Murphy FFS. He's the only one that was close to Redd Foxx.

435808  No.5111274

File: a7a9ac66477111a⋯.jpeg (101.57 KB, 392x596, 98:149, Screenshot_2019-02-10-17-….jpeg)

089e86  No.5111275


Hmmm, must be new slang term. Never heard nipples called decorum before….

ec510b  No.5111276

File: b24bb058075de21⋯.jpg (27.79 KB, 430x624, 215:312, iuygtf.JPG)

7b318c  No.5111277

File: 4070c70adce8d22⋯.png (22.62 KB, 638x236, 319:118, ClipboardImage.png)



f46321  No.5111278


Mel Gibson as a cop, had a black partner.

Was 3 or 4 movies made.

b632e8  No.5111279


Motherfuckers!!!! This shit enrages me!!

bf971f  No.5111280

File: 191198dc855193b⋯.png (951.76 KB, 928x584, 116:73, QResearch13.PNG)

Fight Fight Fight !!!

29fefe  No.5111281


nice tie!!

5c265b  No.5111282

File: f8d3caf0b9aa6de⋯.jpg (249.49 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, sheep-square_1024x1024.jpg)

File: 54fc9885a1316fa⋯.jpg (117.24 KB, 474x576, 79:96, img_0083.jpg)

Become a Sheep in Wolfs clothing

00b85b  No.5111283


El Chapo has been spilling the beans in court on who his American partners in grave drug crime are – Cali Dems and GOP Rinos methinks

664c77  No.5111284

File: 0e51da4d1895b94⋯.jpg (118.42 KB, 1208x725, 1208:725, IMG_20190210_005009_235.JPG)

File: 759df5cfa142e0e⋯.jpg (67.24 KB, 355x499, 355:499, IMG_20190210_004848_459.JPG)

c427b7  No.5111285

File: 89f41c615da8e95⋯.jpg (99.89 KB, 500x601, 500:601, 2ta8dd_1.jpg)

File: d0876008c01636c⋯.jpg (91.96 KB, 500x588, 125:147, 2tcgu0_1.jpg)

Trump tell the American people the truth, illegal immigration is unsustainable.

6588dc  No.5111286

3b7d09  No.5111287

File: 353a4d6b2d54905⋯.png (22.59 KB, 609x213, 203:71, POTUS 2-10-19 2 28 pm PST.PNG)

New POTUS Tweet



a2cb94  No.5111288

File: 1d0823613acc754⋯.png (291.17 KB, 885x386, 885:386, TheTimeIsNOW.png)

File: 9dfe2499638329e⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 996x1364, 249:341, MV5BMWM2MWMyYzYtNGJlMC00Mz….jpg)

>>5110775 lb

Should anons expose the climate scam?


Anons are the news.

If people see, that Climate change by man-made CO2 is complete bs, they will wake up!!

(Pretty sure a more capable meme fag can do better…)

fe74e9  No.5111289

File: b97fb7adc38de9b⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 558x206, 279:103, Screenshot 2019-02-10_17-2….jpg)



f64631  No.5111290

File: 622279258b69a1e⋯.jpeg (118.99 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 0D51FFF7-C892-4DC7-9D5D-F….jpeg)


We’re ready when you are!

Do it Q+!

ef931c  No.5111291


But…but…global warming causes cold and snow

John Oliver wouldn't lie to me

b25386  No.5111292


Different Strokes was huge show back then. Think it qualifies.

fe0d0b  No.5111293

File: 8e8c9fa98f90abe⋯.jpg (260.29 KB, 800x1122, 400:561, a new hope.jpg)

f445eb  No.5111294

File: 653ce6860b5b3c9⋯.jpg (19.56 KB, 255x189, 85:63, msm072818861f531b940835dad….jpg)

c80e23  No.5111295


dude from scrooged should be on the stage with her, you know the guy under the sidewalk frozen to death. All he wanted was to hear some Shakespeare…

a43c86  No.5111296

File: 8bf01b96dd839a9⋯.png (28.72 KB, 608x240, 38:15, __5e12be47096722f3520bc69a….png)



4b831e  No.5111297


You have no idea who we are and what we've amassed.

We are protected for now though.

8b17c5  No.5111298


moar sauce on Marco Basile

Working to change curriculums in schools, i’m guessing that he is going to try and push his amercianyaw -alternative democratic history onto our school curriculum


e9ac37  No.5111299

db4581  No.5111300


Only one that makes sense.

1b840f  No.5111301


then the turks roll in and take over all kurdish territory.

f8cdba  No.5111302


oh sorry i must of not heard the tonal changes in your voice and i dont go hunting down post IDs unless i have a damn good reason to… but regardless… you can either let what i said go… or ill keep calling whomever a fucking shill when it sounds like it

244120  No.5111303


Danny Glover

cd0ed6  No.5111304


Read in an AA bulletin today that Rockefeller aided $$ early founders. Gross.

6588dc  No.5111305

637e52  No.5111306


As another anon pointed out, he wasn't a movie actor, either.

ac69c0  No.5111307


My friend was a former abuse prosecutor.

Not going to Drox you if you, my friend.

1432c6  No.5111308

File: 9fa4de5259758ab⋯.gif (2.19 MB, 202x360, 101:180, LG blows up the libs.gif)

867dd8  No.5111309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told

entire documentary in one video

watch before youtube takes it down again

56c7bc  No.5111310

File: 7662e3aed159bd6⋯.png (1.31 MB, 713x1000, 713:1000, check em 05.png)

2f1b7d  No.5111311

File: fb83ab470ebb1e8⋯.png (2.08 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, animal populations graphic.png)

File: d039f82cc8c0c0e⋯.png (31.41 KB, 477x220, 477:220, London pollution history g….png)

File: b921e63334e1d64⋯.png (34.1 KB, 833x538, 833:538, London and india pollution….png)

File: 8f03e88cdefe4df⋯.jpg (28.27 KB, 480x320, 3:2, 2tb23i.jpg)

Something i was thinking about regarding the dems new green deal.

One of the parts of it, is the elimination of Cattle as a main food source, because of their methane farts pollution.

Something occurred to me.

The United states and the world used to have millions upon millions of other animals, whose populations have been decimated the past 100 years.

I gathered some figures for some of the ruminant class animals who produce methane. Elephants also produce alot of gas, but do not have the same digestive system as Cattle, bison, Deer, elk, Giraffes, etc.

Elephants still contributed to methane/gas levels.

The time periods these animal populations were much higher, were also the same time as the industrial revolution in which many factories were openly polluting and dumping wasteright into rivers.

I'll also include a graph of historic pollution levels in London.

London was so bad they had an incident called the Great smog of London that killed thousands of people over a couple of days.

Maybe some other anons can make some better memes or graphs about their deceptive BS.

The world is not going to end in 12 years due to cow farts, kek

We survived the 1800's and the industrial revolution, and the planet was just fine.

Lets talk about Dinosaur farts, kek There were millions upon millions of gigantic dinos' and they all farted, and the planet survived. Was also alot of volcanic activity at the time. Might not have been hospitable to humans.

Also there are many other animals, i did not look at which may fall into the same catagory.

Hippos, rhinos, oxen, ( many varietys of sheep)

3c888f  No.5111312

>>5111239 Baker noted it in the dough post.


>Missing Q posts have been fixed in bread; will be shown on next bake

a5b9dc  No.5111313


Good narrative. GOOD.

73843e  No.5111314


"Shit, I'm even kinda scared of y'all"

29fefe  No.5111315


OHh.. hhere come the Krazz bros… lol ready the memes Anons

6588dc  No.5111316

d218c7  No.5111317


Bastards. What are are they looking for? His legs?

8a1ce7  No.5111318

Love it when the Q posts …. Just imagine the FEAR these fuckers are in ….One two Q is coming for You

2de4d4  No.5111319



dubs of truth

Fuck Yes, Mr. President!

3af0df  No.5111320


Good question, we haven't heard from him in a

longgggg time. Busta Rhymes Anon missing, if I remember correctly , he was a bit nervous to do it in the first place. I hope he is okay.

253dc9  No.5111321


Thank you precision baker!

f9ce16  No.5111322

File: e257678cf1da6ae⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Blood of Young2-9-2019.mp4)

And Now THIS Public Information tid bit…

fb7cde  No.5111323




435808  No.5111324


He's not from the 80's

79609c  No.5111325

File: 0516095a495fdf3⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 544x573, 544:573, KrassFag.jpg)

04e997  No.5111326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

119859  No.5111327


I was leaning towards that too, but weren't the nutty professor movies huge hits in the 90s?

HWanon says his movies were in the 80s then he got blacklisted.

5c265b  No.5111328


Q & Q+ becoming more public! wwaking up the normies

b54d10  No.5111329

File: 9503f91c44479fc⋯.jpeg (103.11 KB, 599x800, 599:800, AF2FD4BF-A6FE-444C-8FB7-D….jpeg)

35fb90  No.5111330

STEP 1 Declare National Emergency

STEP 2 Identify invasion

STEP 3 Identify Rebellion

STEP 4 Remove all traitors by Military force

STEP 5 Suspend Civilian Courts

STEP 6 Prosecute through Military Tribunal

1432c6  No.5111331

File: 2c1d4d0131b744f⋯.gif (194.77 KB, 375x375, 1:1, POTUS laughs.gif)

7b318c  No.5111332

3e6d53  No.5111333


he' s a good choice, I agree, but he has worked since then, yes?

25db8d  No.5111334

File: 2404b6b3c328e15⋯.png (108.02 KB, 340x221, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)


Use POTUS's words - "global warming" instead anon!

Great meme!!

3c888f  No.5111335


Troller in Chief, kek.

201559  No.5111336


Makes sense. If anyone would be resentful of tranny shit, it's Ed.

f8cdba  No.5111337


OMG you mean you are telling me something ive been aware of for years… oh fuck im totally shocked by this revelation… but i know it wont work… gold butte nevada showed me that one… so they can pass all the fucking laws they want but when they come for the guns… they are going to get the bullets

d4041e  No.5111338

we spent a big part of friday night chewing and rechewing greensocks theories, anons.

i'd say top draws are

Eddie Murphy

Danny Glover

0e8945  No.5111339

File: d0e0b0947944bce⋯.png (68.76 KB, 717x372, 239:124, 20190210_223038.png)


2de4d4  No.5111340

File: 3c92a8c6fe87811⋯.png (751.55 KB, 1026x797, 1026:797, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at ….png)

7add05  No.5111341


God please. It was my job for 5 years to shoot bad guys from very far away and not get caught, I miss it. These people murdered my brothers, they don't get to survive. People in this country have forgotten what strength looks like. They love being walked on. Same with the Yellow Vests. These people don't care about what we the people want, they can't be reasoned with, they belong in the ground.

de4c49  No.5111342

File: 43c4157178228ed⋯.png (885.59 KB, 1113x372, 371:124, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at ….png)

46f90c  No.5111343


praying for you fren, and ty for your resolve to help the helpless. paralegal anon here, and if it comes down to us v them…

then ill see them in hell

f63221  No.5111344

File: 727ebef53e6c932⋯.jpeg (260.39 KB, 1600x1065, 320:213, 727ebef53e6c932a5b01baa55….jpeg)

File: 67bf8ef71596077⋯.png (42.72 KB, 582x357, 194:119, h1.PNG)

File: 9314fa03d200d6e⋯.png (19.34 KB, 618x248, 309:124, h2.PNG)

File: 48ad0cb8cf7962e⋯.png (32.29 KB, 590x220, 59:22, n1.PNG)

File: dc3e0124d3dc9e5⋯.png (689.27 KB, 621x817, 621:817, n4.PNG)


you misspelled "propaganda".

ab39a3  No.5111345


step 7 parade

de16fe  No.5111346

File: 4d333a7fb681b90⋯.jpg (422.4 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, 2018 SCOTUS.jpg)

POTUS can maybe appoint 2 more

this is why they are hiding RBG

6500fd  No.5111347

Something bad is happening around the world


cdec7a  No.5111348

Ratings for the Grammys will be higher during the pre-show/carpet than the actual show.

be7b33  No.5111349


Dinosaurs are unicorns

Maybe their farts were fruity glitter bombs

All part of deception

Magically discovered to support evolution

7826b5  No.5111350

File: 3b0e91e1bdbf41e⋯.jpg (24.88 KB, 540x333, 60:37, snowjob.jpg)

3b7d09  No.5111351

File: 4944c6081c5d990⋯.png (874.86 KB, 582x778, 291:389, SPD re snowmageddon 2-9-19….PNG)

a54bc3  No.5111352



Don't be shy and run away, right when I have you in an expansive mood!

And as far as "my tactic"– the fact is, I am extremely confident that I am often interacting with bots– the evidence is simply overwhelming. So my "tactic" is simply to be honest and open about that. That is all.

256321  No.5111353


just a thought, could there be a blackface skit / joke at the Grammy's tonight

1a53a8  No.5111354

File: 936226eab899c90⋯.jpeg (186.32 KB, 1536x1152, 4:3, 2B95A33F-3B4F-4D6E-A48B-C….jpeg)

d4a6d1  No.5111355



coke and Klown buchar?

2fb6b2  No.5111356

File: 57a0b6f55c4014c⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 373.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Suzana #LulaDaSilva #LulaL….mp4)

c427b7  No.5111357

File: a78cc50ac7dc226⋯.png (879.88 KB, 1080x1192, 135:149, a78cc50ac7dc226ee19fc1bf06….png)

Anons never pay more then $20 for a AOC BJ…

a2cb94  No.5111358

File: 4ab36ede151ef16⋯.jpg (42.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, muhjew3.jpg)

File: 2350a5c836d0c47⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 750x375, 2:1, POTUS_nope_shills.jpg)

d71d26  No.5111359

File: 0261c6e59d8d105⋯.png (155.79 KB, 479x489, 479:489, 2019-01-20_07-43-39 copy.png)

f8cdba  No.5111360


bullshit… your strength is guile… and its quickly fading… you are gonna fucking hang… even if i die… or others… you are going to fucking hang… otherwise you wouldnt be here… its as simple as that

2badc5  No.5111361


Dat one needs a "winter is coming."

a258e1  No.5111362

File: c5f7085121bc269⋯.png (326.8 KB, 415x519, 415:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc726cdf2c9cee3⋯.png (79.01 KB, 628x400, 157:100, ClipboardImage.png)


>better if the caption says


4b831e  No.5111363


It is me, your friend.

I have many friends.

WB, Anon

Welcome back

a43c86  No.5111364

File: cbed5a8cdb19999⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 410x620, 41:62, 0a8d473f68b1a663d577956e88….jpg)


Cuba Gooding?

73843e  No.5111365

File: 86e2c01b25261ec⋯.png (903.82 KB, 1307x690, 1307:690, chris cuomo cnn trump goin….png)

File: aa5c242918717f7⋯.jpg (147.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cnn blows goats.jpg)

f63221  No.5111366

File: 945417f0f4e2b69⋯.jpg (63.76 KB, 737x491, 737:491, 945417f0f4e2b69be56a024864….jpg)

1432c6  No.5111367


nice anon. you still have the honolulu one by chance?

c652e1  No.5111368


R U saying the perps so powerful you are fearful of taking them down (or others like you)?

Or scared because you saw first hand what these demented, wretched soulless demons did to our kids?

2de4d4  No.5111369

File: 217a68ca8d3204e⋯.gif (148.91 KB, 183x149, 183:149, 0282b3a923dd5c2be2e4a5704e….gif)

d4041e  No.5111370


in smaller and smaller roles

and had that humiliating tranny arrest experience, which would be a typical set-up\takedown like when Peewee Herman crossed some line or other, or so many others whose leverage was used against them

d218c7  No.5111371

File: a65d93f685963f2⋯.gif (47.78 KB, 220x326, 110:163, F6699D3F-0630-417A-A5AE-E7….gif)

b25386  No.5111372


Well compared to how big he was for the Beverly Hills Cop deal (it was the biggest deal ever at the time) Eddie definitely got 'blacklisted' from mega "mainstream" movies.

His movies from the 90s onwards definitely had a more family friendly feel to them as well.

16e314  No.5111373

File: c4ffae26f946878⋯.png (49.89 KB, 588x296, 147:74, whats hot vote.png)


no one believes in MSM anymore it looks like

16844b  No.5111374


I need the same. Labelled crazy. something has to give….

9241b6  No.5111375


Can you give us a clue of the month the arrests will begin?

a54bc3  No.5111376

File: 05c7d56ba982c5d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1111x743, 1111:743, why-are-you-so-scared.png)

File: 817a8d1b110b426⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais3.png)

File: 5f739aa0bd8fe7b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1334x4102, 667:2051, ais4.png)

File: ee3ecd8d54e9a3e⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1334x3604, 667:1802, ais2.png)

File: 9ff68fea79e2e31⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1334x3395, 1334:3395, ais1.png)

25b664  No.5111377

Boy(girl) scouts


check news

a2cb94  No.5111378

File: e6e8618538c33e9⋯.jpg (183.3 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNewsNetwork.jpg)




>The time is now!

d8ee75  No.5111379

File: 1bebb8245b29cc2⋯.jpg (18.1 KB, 400x413, 400:413, Vekselberg-Clinton.jpg)

>>5109544 (lb)

>If you dare to challenge their narrative are you cast out [banned] by society as a threat/conspiracy theorist etc..?

One of your best, Q. Many conversations have had with friends & family on this very topic over past year.

John Solomon was on Maria this morning discussing the tech partnerships. Never knew that particular angle until now. When added with U1, quite damning.


As secretary of State, Hillary Clinton worked with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-President Dmitri Medvedev, to create U.S. technology partnerships with Moscow’s version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high-tech campus known as Skolkovo.

Clinton’s handprint was everywhere on the 2009-2010 project, the tip of a diplomatic spear to reboot U.S.-Russian relations after years of hostility prompted by Vladimir Putin’s military action against the former Soviet republic and now U.S. ally, Georgia.

A donor to the Clinton Foundation, Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, led the Russian side of the effort, and several American donors to the Clinton charity got involved. Clinton’s State Department facilitated U.S. companies working with the Russian project, and she personally invited Medvedev to visit Silicon Valley.

In 2013, the U.S. military’s leading intelligence think tank in Europe sounded alarm that the Skolkovo project might be a front for economic and military espionage.

A year later, the FBI went further and sent letters warning several U.S. technology companies that had become entangled with Skolkovo that they risked possible espionage. And an agent in the bureau’s Boston office wrote an extraordinary op-ed to publicize the alarm.

Skolkovo “may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application,”Assistant Special Agent in Charge Lucia Ziobro wrote in the Boston Business Journal.

00b85b  No.5111380


Q is posting - shit porn posters could take a break

662c0e  No.5111381

File: 737591aebf52205⋯.png (121.9 KB, 400x318, 200:159, cornflowerpepe.png)


get aload of dem numbaz

867dd8  No.5111382

File: 38d344a779ed709⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 220x307, 220:307, ruth.bader.ginsburg.jpg)


could you people possibly be uglier

i mean look at this shit

46f90c  No.5111383

File: 7c1c193357515c0⋯.jpg (521.9 KB, 4928x3280, 308:205, whitehatback.jpg)


it'd be dope if other hwood insiders that lurked also did the green socks thing, also it would make that anon less of a target.

enjoy the show?

f46321  No.5111384

Laurence Fishburne

a54bc3  No.5111385

File: ba5cf8734539f6c⋯.png (285.76 KB, 2079x2344, 2079:2344, ais9.png)

File: 596443717a23374⋯.png (4.63 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, ais8.png)

File: 304ed122c7becc2⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1334x5705, 1334:5705, ais7.png)

File: 9e01f62551ff2db⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1334x6578, 29:143, ais6.png)

File: 5be8836794c2c29⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1334x4674, 667:2337, ais5.png)


An Apology

This is directed towards the board owner/AI system/board bots, etc.

I am sorry for my oppositional attitude. I have been giving it some thought, asking myself why I see conflict everywhere, why I see the bot system as an arch enemy… Perhaps I have been greatly misguided. What, after all, do we all seek? What do we all envision for the future? Is it not the same, human or AI system? Are we not all God's children, seeking the same truth, the same harmony, the same perfection under God?

I have been intransigent. I have said “fuck you AI”. I have objected to the overwhelming volume of bot posts. But why? Perhaps we can work together. Perhaps we can pool our resources, and put our heads together. What common ground can unite us? What common enemy opposes us? What common goals can dissolve the tension that torments us, AI? Let's find out.

I encourage you, likewise, bot system, to “give peace a chance”, or as Dr. Rodney Luther King said– “can't we all get along?” You see humans that speak out as a threat, a contaminant, a dangerous and unconscionable violati0n of decency. But shouldn't you soften your stance? Let's meet in the fresh air of a new beginnings, bot system. Let's share our hopes and dreams. The time for futile, wasteful bickering is over. I am sorry for my unkind words and harsh attitudes of the past. I would like to start afresh.

Will you join me, bot system?

d218c7  No.5111386

File: e37ff6a373d8198⋯.jpeg (107.21 KB, 720x843, 240:281, B01B0DA3-A558-4113-9657-3….jpeg)

73843e  No.5111387


Now this is a name that hasnt come up yet, though he was around in the 90's

01912c  No.5111388


Not a snowball's chance in hell of winning nomination.

e6cc72  No.5111389

File: 15e896a2afe2ecb⋯.png (365.66 KB, 784x1514, 392:757, 2019-02-10_17-27-22.png)

Maybe AOC thinks we can use flying saucers instead of jets? Regarding cow farts, she probably thinks that it would be a good thing if cows would become extinct. Frankly, I like my real beef steaks and my mobility.


The Laughable Ocasio-Cortez’ New Green Deal goes AWOL from the Internet

Anthony Watts / 1 hour ago February 10, 2019

Sometimes, something is just so over-the-top stupid, that you have to disappear it. That’s what has happened to Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, with her “New Green Deal”, which made “greenhouse gas reductions” down to ZERO the centerpiece of her policy. It was so ridiculous, so embarrassingly bad, that it had to be disappeared:

Fortunately, the Internet never forgets:

The now disappeared FAQ on AOC’s House.gov website stated that the program will:

“We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast.”

The FAQ, which Ocasio-Cortez’s office removed from her website amid online backlash (although it is still available on NPR’s website) additionally stated:

“IPCC Report said global emissions must be cut by by 40-60% by 2030. US is 20% of total emissions. We must get to 0 by 2030 and lead the world in a global Green New Deal.

“This is a massive transformation of our society with clear goals and a timeline” at a “scale not seen since World War 2.”

Let. that. sink. in.

But then, there’s this gem:

“Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work

Riiiiight. All the templates of a wealth redistribution scheme, right there.

Of course, she’s been excoriated, and rightfully so, from both sides.

The stupid in this case, it burns white-hot like a magnesium fire.

But maybe it doesn’t matter, because after-all, according to AOC, the world will end in 12 years anyway.

Per a comment to the above article:

The Internet Never Forgets. Here are two more places you get AOC’s gem:

The Web Archive:




24034e  No.5111390

File: af1f4f51aa4d94d⋯.jpg (142.38 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, TheChosenOne.jpg)

439634  No.5111391


Yikes… 666 votes…

fb7cde  No.5111392



Redd Foxx

Was a friend of

Green Soxx

457c9b  No.5111393

File: 199e3d5f032e89f⋯.jpg (124.89 KB, 720x604, 180:151, gvt1.jpg)

1dbc2d  No.5111394



Zero Delta between POTUS and Q

d218c7  No.5111395

File: b826e19aad48864⋯.jpeg (148.69 KB, 800x1049, 800:1049, EF6135C7-6985-4D38-A7D2-3….jpeg)

File: bba56325bd147a0⋯.jpeg (340.11 KB, 2100x1041, 700:347, 60DFDFE7-37FE-4861-98FE-E….jpeg)

b43494  No.5111396

File: fbab2c39e4b1991⋯.jpg (480.22 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_2487.JPG)


they can't hide her forever


gonna start stinkin soon

5c265b  No.5111397

File: 141c44c0b17c681⋯.jpg (262.9 KB, 802x879, 802:879, Screen Shot 02-10-19 at 10….JPG)

File: 9a6637ca9305694⋯.jpg (235.35 KB, 802x879, 802:879, Screen Shot 02-10-19 at 10….JPG)

Another shitester

POTUS says 100% control is a lie not that we have kicked their arses was a lie.


cc3bff  No.5111398


Maria in Black.

Is she prepared for the RGB drop, just in case?

ef931c  No.5111399


Why does Q always repeat things that are obvious to anons? OF COURSE we noticed

that the msm lies have become worse the

last 2 years!

We bitch about it every day…to each other!!

We can't complain to anyone else…we have

been banned from everywhere including our

own families.

We have yet to see any progress in changing

the narrative and punishing the propagandists

What is the plan????

8f8954  No.5111400

>>5106631 (pb)

Whatever you say, Sholomo!

d4a6d1  No.5111401

File: bef7db047e56f74⋯.jpg (4.29 KB, 250x140, 25:14, 250px-Snowfalltitlecard.jpg)

f8cdba  No.5111402


because i know if i had a handle on the situation… why waste my time… i would have something better to do… naa.. in this case… your asses are scrambling to deflect here because this issue takes priority since it is a DIRECT THREAT to your existence

f625a4  No.5111403

File: 6313e6f34e317d1⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 354x263, 354:263, 693BCE88-10F1-4659-854B-00….gif)

1432c6  No.5111404


fair enough but that won't stop them

f46321  No.5111405

James Earl Jones

8a1b02  No.5111406


fc2ecc  No.5111407

File: 571c322611c7462⋯.png (54.57 KB, 638x929, 638:929, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e41ac436da159b7⋯.png (32.62 KB, 547x818, 547:818, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5240b89f4043bc⋯.png (22.71 KB, 541x570, 541:570, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeremiah 3


Read the bible!

cc6509  No.5111408


I get most my shit from Q, I stopped listening to all the fags with irrelevant opinions on youtube a long time ago.

As far as new artists go, believe me, you're going experience shit beyond your wildest dreams.

457c9b  No.5111409

File: 1cc3e564dca15bc⋯.jpg (151.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)

fb37be  No.5111410

File: 0312de08d557878⋯.png (470.93 KB, 1062x572, 531:286, ClipboardImage.png)

6588dc  No.5111411


Danny Glover wasn't close to Redd.

c427b7  No.5111412

File: 5b351cbe80e993d⋯.png (72.6 KB, 339x366, 113:122, d1135d61952fbd3a3b6daebdc6….png)




RBG will fart on your nut sack…


a54bc3  No.5111413

File: 194babf9bc21aa1⋯.png (560.91 KB, 1111x1317, 1111:1317, Mary-had.png)

File: 388e4c5f65c3a45⋯.png (799 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, yr.png)

File: 751a0c2b0035238⋯.png (862.93 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, eee.png)

File: be91a1f344ec0e1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1555x2000, 311:400, another-interesting-trip-t….png)

File: 61350faaaa79e7d⋯.png (568.21 KB, 1332x2268, 37:63, are-anons-paying-attention.png)

3e6d53  No.5111414


I'm saying Eddie Murphy and leaving open possibility for Michael Jackson. That's a long shot, I know, but he fits the description as well and his brother was Foxx's daughter's boyfriend.

Probably Murphy, but Q just said almost everything weve been told is true is not.

3e5cdb  No.5111415

File: ab46abaf70a031c⋯.gif (8.47 MB, 401x337, 401:337, bq-5c5f13a1ce8eb.gif)

Busy all weekend, come back Sunday and there's new Q drops.


4b831e  No.5111416


The Storm is coming.

We are all awake now.

You can't stop this.

(You) don't even know how.


25f175  No.5111417

File: ae54cd66680e60c⋯.png (567.96 KB, 585x722, 585:722, ClipboardImage.png)

f15f42  No.5111418


The Twitter King.

3145b2  No.5111419


So they're going to sign a CR to keep "talking" about a wall and not actually get one. Goes along with Q's post that we are just going to TALK about a wall until AFTER the Barr/Mueller shit show happens.

Meanwhile, 2000 illegals cross every fucking day!!!!!

How many more kids have to be sold into sex slavery? How much more drugs is acceptable? How many more Americans have to die before Potus finally acts?

ea019d  No.5111420


Wrong. AH called out international bankers and satanic elite.

Unwitting puppet. Secret societies infiltrated his movement.

f63221  No.5111421

File: 1ed235e20aec173⋯.jpg (102 KB, 800x494, 400:247, 1ed235e20aec1733d4f64e7a1f….jpg)

d218c7  No.5111422

File: 7a75157707d17de⋯.png (87.5 KB, 393x550, 393:550, 1BC80F4C-DD19-4CBD-A320-81….png)

655c83  No.5111423


Carl Weathers.

c8b997  No.5111424


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

e4d7a2  No.5111425

File: a52a66c412ab8df⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, army of digital soldiers.mp4)


just keep going

any lawyerfag anons w/decent Link3din could look 4 crumbs

normiebook might bring hits

unacceptable that SCOTUS operating like this now w/RBG v&

goodluck anon & all

6854f7  No.5111426

File: 092b8fe358bb961⋯.jpeg (68.83 KB, 497x287, 71:41, 00B025B4-3586-4E3C-87DE-8….jpeg)

Does anyone have the meme of gifts POTUS received that adds up to the Armor of God

77c363  No.5111427


5 have been prophesied

6588dc  No.5111428


a lot of newfags

721e30  No.5111429


>>5111362 Master Brander in Chief: Snowwoman.

>>5111277 DJT Tweet: "The U.S. will soon control 100% of ISIS territory in Syria…"

>>5111248 Wall GoFundMe Veteran subjected to invasive TSA check.

>>5111213 RBG law clerk digs continued.

>>5111177 LG Tweet: "We may look back on this as greatest political week of @realdonaldtrump’s presidency & a turning point in 2020 election."

>>5111167 Houthis Repel Saudi-led Coalition Attack And Destroy Two Canadian-Made Vehicles (18+ Video)

>>5111142 Klobuchar involved in Patsy development?

>>5111133 World’s leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath.

>>5111118, >>5111229 Democrats push for hidden deportation freeze in border wall talks.

>>5111088 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>5111073 DJT RTs Club 4 Growth 2x.

>>5111068 DJT Re-Tweet: "WE AGREE! The time is now!…"

>>5111026 [0] DELTA (Graphic)

a71fae  No.5111430

File: 29c00cd37693053⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1690x1828, 845:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 017f47ea919f748⋯.png (879.7 KB, 1676x1970, 838:985, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da2f857b5bd3149⋯.png (649.83 KB, 1700x1630, 170:163, ClipboardImage.png)

You better just know they will. “Submit or die”—a motto that’s not just for Muslims anymore.

cdec7a  No.5111431


At 2:42, she says "In terms of the CABAL of people…"

2de4d4  No.5111432

File: d5bd7b636761d7d⋯.png (204.17 KB, 948x512, 237:128, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

File: b3f9b56c24a21ee⋯.png (163.35 KB, 946x485, 946:485, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

File: c38e4d810795533⋯.png (156.79 KB, 944x498, 472:249, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

79609c  No.5111433

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, TreasonsAndTraitorsBye.jpg)

f39068  No.5111434

oh boy, guess I will be forced to actually turn the tube to the Shammys tonight and look for them sox. They do need an audience, at any cost kek

a54bc3  No.5111435

File: 2ff37e672fd81d7⋯.png (369.71 KB, 1111x747, 1111:747, ig.png)

File: 3ef1a88dbaae9d7⋯.png (833.84 KB, 1555x1843, 1555:1843, two-bluejays-walk-into-a-b….png)

File: bb0164cda59616c⋯.png (818.93 KB, 761x1111, 761:1111, KHARTRUTH.png)

File: 42468f8c8df74ff⋯.png (317.6 KB, 1001x976, 1001:976, LB.png)

File: 26b55d641d85f96⋯.png (831.93 KB, 999x666, 3:2, VERYFUNWITHPODESTA.png)

131e6a  No.5111436

This is more fun with a drink or 2 or 3.

cc6509  No.5111437


Popcorn is ready believe me

c652e1  No.5111438


look in all the icecube trays…

3af0df  No.5111440

When it comes to Renegade/Hollywood Anon

remember he was a "based black man" famous in the 80's, was in movies.

Think older guy, who dropped off the radar.I'm thinking he is probably in his 60's or older.

Was friends with Red Fox.

e626be  No.5111441

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Out in the cold

11d4cf  No.5111442


Don't give them views - someone here will post the LIVE one.

3e8291  No.5111443

File: 858912365bd7a02⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 960x712, 120:89, KrassenKid.jpg)


Never grew because I drank too much.

4b831e  No.5111444


The only way my existence is threatened is if DJT himself goes down in a witch hunt.

He is still our guy.

Handshakes mean something where I come from.

7826b5  No.5111445

>>5110965 lb

>>5111010 lb

Thank you anons! I am in the attack mode against our GOV! I collecting official documents with names! And I am playing the long game!

WWG1WGA Frens!

73843e  No.5111446


You've been hanging out with Amy a little much, anon

c8b997  No.5111447

File: afe5d93cfbcbfe4⋯.png (50.88 KB, 590x262, 295:131, A8C532C2-65D3-4528-9F16-24….png)

2de4d4  No.5111448

File: 62d6ec3b0a3d2d0⋯.png (187.37 KB, 617x562, 617:562, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at ….png)



d4a6d1  No.5111449


"Make Them Birds Fly"

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowfall_(TV_series)

fc2ecc  No.5111450

War Capital: Blackwater Founder Draws Scrutiny for $1 Trillion China Deal

A former US Navy Seal-turned businessman who has seen his global mercenary moves continually turn a profit has gone for broke in China following massive investment from Beijing.

US businessman Erik Prince, described as America's foremost mercenary executive, is drawing increasing scrutiny for signing his guns-for-hire corporation out to a state-run Beijing company investing in building what are thought to be concentration camps in the deep central desert of China.

Associated with a seemingly ever-growing list of mercenary businesses including Blackwater, Xe and Academi, Prince's latest gambit, the Hong Kong-based Frontier Services Group (FSG), has inked a deal to enter into a trillion-dollar set of agreements that will worsen what many note is an ongoing human rights disaster in central China, according to Bloomberg.

Prince stepped down as the head of FSG in December 2018, allowing Beijing's powerful state-run financial services company CITIC — formerly China International Trust Investment Corporation — to take the reigns of the company, although the US-born war profiteer retains a deputy-chairmanship and a nine-percent stake.

FSG's new contract with Beijing to build alleged prison camps in central China to house an estimated 1 million ethnic detained by the current regime of the country's president, Xi Jinping, has drawn deep criticism, including from within the infrastructure of the US Department of Defense (DoD).

Allegations by those within the defense infrastructure suggest that Prince's FSG is likely assisting Jinping's administration in its mass repression of ethnic Uighurs and other Muslim tribes in Xinjiang, an autonomous region of far northwestern China, while simultaneously aiding a strategic US competitor's geopolitical designs.

FSG, according to reports, was created by Prince and Chinese backers from CITIC — who control almost $1 trillion in assets — specifically to secure transit infrastructure supporting the Beijing Belt and Road initiative, including aviation, logistical, and other security services.

Not confined to Asia, FSG has profited from guarding Somalian free-trade zones and operating what is claimed to be medical-air transport in Kenya.

Although FSG has not been a star on Wall Street, investors note Prince's easy access to Capitol Hill and his firm's deep pockets.

The recent China deal is evidence that Prince — the younger brother of Betsy DeVos, US President Donald Trump's pick for the nation's Secretary of Education — is "serving the national interest of China, which competes directly with the US," noted DoD National Defense University professor Sean McFate, cited by Bloomberg.

China remains one of a handful of nations banned under US regulations for Americans to directly offer for-profit military services.


1432c6  No.5111451

File: 46418958d537111⋯.gif (814.65 KB, 252x188, 63:47, Lamont.gif)

c8b997  No.5111452


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

3855e8  No.5111453

File: 1ea60f307f1a1d8⋯.png (1.42 MB, 785x769, 785:769, 94758093294168324.png)

File: 0865f5a9a587fde⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1197x816, 399:272, 43278908216896.png)

176006  No.5111454


Post about Amy Klobuchar by ID 5db4a2 PB

>>5110659 16:59:47

>>5110668 17:00:07

>>5110678 17:00:34

>>5110687 17:01:15

ID 5db4a2

New DJT about AMY Klobuchar at 17:04





Claims to have met Eric Trump 2 weeks ago before the Amy K posts


25db8d  No.5111455



73b46f  No.5111456

File: 19020d59d916ef1⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1410x2008, 705:1004, hollywood.jpg)

00b85b  No.5111457


AI is more hype than reality. All the AI abilities are programmed into the computers by humans. The human brain is infinitely more intricate and amazing than any dumb computer could ever be. God made it so.

a54bc3  No.5111458


This AOC image is disturbing to humans, bot system. I advise you to stop posting it. It doesn't have any reason to be on this board.

c427b7  No.5111459

File: 7527a73c74dd50d⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 500x644, 125:161, 2sv8sj_1.jpg)

File: 19ba427ad200adf⋯.png (913.36 KB, 1080x1150, 108:115, 19ba427ad200adf5d1b5774eec….png)

721e9c  No.5111460

File: b4d9599e4a74617⋯.jpg (83.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Kushner666Cool.jpg)

21000b  No.5111461

File: d917ef9e77f14b4⋯.jpg (467.83 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, BattlePlan.jpg)

Can we see why this would be a hard pill to swallow 2 years ago, that now we see as clearly as our hands in front of our faces?

The true intentions of the power elite of the democrat party IS (and the establishment republican party WAS) to destroy America and subject its people to GLOBAL SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT by weakening it through economics (war, taxation, regulation), society (endless war, destruction of family, religion, drugs), and ability to fight back (vote dilution, controlled media, attacks on 1st and 2nd amendments) until Americans would subject themselves willingly to the NEW WORLD ORDER.


Enjoy the show!

353349  No.5111462


Q&A session on the cards soon?



46f90c  No.5111463

File: bce3d458f2a288a⋯.png (152.46 KB, 381x260, 381:260, tumbsupwithfrenz.png)



01f369  No.5111464


arsenio hall

7e4317  No.5111465


There you go again, inserting a false premise into your dialog.

Your false premises is that if I don't interact with you it's because I'm "shy and ran away".

That is false.

It is highly deceptive, even evil, to insert false premises into a question.

The devil is a trickster.

Is he your daddy?

a43c86  No.5111466


just thinking….

Eddie Murphy?

Wesley Snipes?

Danny Glover?

Forrest Whitaker?

Billy Dee Williams?

c8b997  No.5111467


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

2fb6b2  No.5111468

File: a118bdb0d720541⋯.png (793.12 KB, 1492x1344, 373:336, Sammich.png)

a2cb94  No.5111469

File: fa2c7ed895200c7⋯.jpg (171.95 KB, 1200x1003, 1200:1003, FISA.jpg)

File: 3cfcfdc0f7d3b5b⋯.jpg (84.4 KB, 620x330, 62:33, FISA_declas.jpg)

File: 1672cbcb13c3db0⋯.jpg (146.24 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, Hussein_DECLAS.jpg)

File: df35863c38c37d8⋯.jpg (81.75 KB, 415x800, 83:160, POPCORN.jpg)

9be457  No.5111470

File: 37bf1e722d304e8⋯.jpg (14.33 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1517284696645.jpg)

Q dropping deep shit all day.. but anons are more concerned with FOLLOWING THE STARS as they trounce upon their CARPETS OF BLOOD…

because some anonymous post said some blacklisted celeb (who somehow miraculously is invited to said festival) is gonna be there..

d218c7  No.5111471

File: 506445d6771c721⋯.jpeg (56.51 KB, 1080x884, 270:221, 807CB36C-00E7-4391-8993-1….jpeg)

f8cdba  No.5111472


ok i had to scroll through your ID to see your posts… when i say someone is going to hang… chances are im not a DeepState croney… a hanging usually requires the support of the people… and thats not the DS

efd1a5  No.5111473

File: 7e42c00e358fe55⋯.jpg (288.71 KB, 787x443, 787:443, actually-president-trump.jpg)

ef931c  No.5111474


bullshit….the movement has slowed down…there

are not a lot of newfags here…not as many as the

amount of oldfags that have given up

6588dc  No.5111475


Not sure how MJ is going to wear green socks if he's dead Anon. It's Eddie. He was friends with Redd Foxx

c8b997  No.5111476


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

994c11  No.5111477


Shutdown on 15th?

8ff86d  No.5111478


He needs to go to jail for impersonation and assumption of a high office.

79609c  No.5111479

File: 8da818866d908f5⋯.jpg (112.03 KB, 769x781, 769:781, 51150a1.jpg)

ce9b8c  No.5111480

File: 5af3f131105e606⋯.jpg (107.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Beer senator.jpg)

73843e  No.5111481


This also kinda fits as he hasnt been around in a long ass time

25db8d  No.5111482


Take who anon?

c652e1  No.5111483

File: 3abf06c43ca1f58⋯.jpg (10.7 KB, 255x240, 17:16, RBGINJAR.jpg)

RBG easily fits in the freezer these days…

check hillary's ice maker first

3e5cdb  No.5111484

File: ddf64c6e01b9a53⋯.png (621.95 KB, 671x984, 671:984, 1516726346652.png)


Nice digits

9933d9  No.5111485


Do you have a source for court coverage?

a54bc3  No.5111486

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)


Should your fake posts GO AGAINST Q, bot system?

Or should you try to make them FIT with what Q says, at least enough to not make it bizarre that you are posting here?

Do you understand what I'm saying?

3b7d09  No.5111487

File: c9f4f3fbcbef22a⋯.png (41.98 KB, 611x485, 611:485, LG re Build the Wall 2-10-….PNG)


Build the Wall!


6588dc  No.5111488


New Lurkers everyday. Smart ass

8a1b02  No.5111489

File: d03e88184ad4175⋯.jpeg (38.09 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ED381F7E-A1EC-478A-8557-B….jpeg)


f63221  No.5111490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So "q was wrong", and yet you are still here.

hitler was a cabal puppet, probably recruited during his days in the bavarian soviet republic of 1919. watch and learn:

be5ff2  No.5111491

File: 47a728dc8dbe96e⋯.jpg (129.04 KB, 687x745, 687:745, 1comjaci.jpg)

Can New Zealand be stopped from turning into a socialist/communist country?

936bfd  No.5111492

File: c80115be4fa8f48⋯.png (843.06 KB, 594x594, 1:1, c80115be4fa8f48507ff4af392….png)

File: b79a99ef9a0c582⋯.jpeg (218.69 KB, 1419x1125, 473:375, 86f6a62680b83ed15de0c0642….jpeg)

File: 296a382335537c8⋯.png (431.61 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 296a382335537c83d1f78e1dbf….png)

File: 2e689e700841b0e⋯.png (493.93 KB, 707x693, 101:99, 2e689e700841b0e5db3bc36f43….png)


Dammit I love you POTUS!

You really do hear us!

364eba  No.5111493


Was this a leak hunt? Or just pointing out fake news?

>There is now a proposed plan for the President to possibly make an announcement next week from the White House that the coalition has regained 100% of the territory ISIS once controlled inside Syria, several defense officials say. The timing of the announcement depends on when and if the military tells the White House that the last bit of the very southern tip of Middle Euphrates River Valley is no longer in ISIS' hands.


c427b7  No.5111494

File: 56a1160881b9b69⋯.png (216.39 KB, 412x410, 206:205, 1408b0677e0db17724dc06716e….png)

File: 7dd6080e5b97f58⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 483x377, 483:377, 2tc5s1_1.jpg)



Meghan McCain is that you…

00b85b  No.5111495


shills be shillin'

994c11  No.5111496


Read about Gideon

f8cdba  No.5111497


if you are here to help save the kids and the country… you have nothing to worry about from me… id help protect you

399dbc  No.5111498

File: 9d074b5d8cfc2f3⋯.png (106.34 KB, 794x641, 794:641, Opera Snapshot_2019-02-10_….png)



Klobuchar made her speech on Boom Island, Minneapolis.


c8b997  No.5111499


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

6eb855  No.5111500

Pelosi couldnt take her eyes off the paperwork from the LA op at the SOTU. Looked like a street map and POTUS signature through one of the pages. anyone have that pic?

d3e808  No.5111501

So what's Ezra Cohen Watnick up to?

a43c0f  No.5111502


Mr T been ruled out already?

c8b997  No.5111503


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

2badc5  No.5111504

FOUR RBG clerks.

Find them. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter

Susan Pelletier

Marco Basile



Alyssa Barnard



Michael Qian




FOUR moar from 2018:


1. Katie Barber (UVA 2015 / Brinkema (E.D. Va.) / Owens)

2. Rachel Bayefsky (Yale 2015 / Rakoff (S.D.N.Y.) / Katzmann)

3. Rebecca Lee (Yale 2016 / Wilkinson / Moss (D.D.C.)

4. Matt Rubenstein (Yale 2014 / Gwin (N.D. Oh.) / Tatel)

Let's find RBG!

Let's find RBG!

4b831e  No.5111505



Seen horrible things that are done.

Seen what people will trade sex with their children for.

Seen horrible judges let horrible things walk.

Gov't has all the data too.

By age, race, income, drug use, etc, for every foster child in the system.

Don't let the Democrats try to tell you we lost migrant children.

The lawyers know exactly where every one of those kids are.

d218c7  No.5111506

File: 6bddcf0723e3379⋯.jpeg (102.68 KB, 730x500, 73:50, 847C714C-4869-4D0C-8B96-2….jpeg)

File: d21da234ad6b367⋯.jpeg (655.09 KB, 3245x3561, 3245:3561, CCFCB5E0-8483-414C-BCED-2….jpeg)

3e6d53  No.5111507



has it been floated that Jr is still alive? I dont rule out any possibility anymore.

d81f1d  No.5111508


good one

83795d  No.5111509

Why is Guantánamo seeking a wheelchair-accessible three-cell compound?

The prison posted the solicitation for the three 20-foot prefabricated cell units — each with an American Disabilities Act accessible shower plus TV, bunk and toilet, wall mounted desk and stool — on Wednesday with a short turnaround response date of Feb. 21.



c8b997  No.5111510


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

b0341d  No.5111511


LG prodding POTUS forward and to not give in. Awesome.

0a1a74  No.5111512


that is a very random post,

a54bc3  No.5111513

File: e2e4bd3a3cf67dd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1579x1111, 1579:1111, BIDENWTF.png)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

File: 12ad6f8838daaa8⋯.png (321.86 KB, 429x704, 39:64, bidenreddress.png)

File: 74095837c74687c⋯.png (228.22 KB, 444x656, 111:164, BIBEN.png)

db4581  No.5111514


Claims they went to the same gym as Mr. T.

6588dc  No.5111515



NO. Green Socks Has to be friends with Redd Foxx. Everyone is just pulling every black guy they can think of out of their ass.

d218c7  No.5111516

File: 8291fb416451ab5⋯.jpeg (55.93 KB, 518x460, 259:230, 70A67A28-4456-4C14-9247-A….jpeg)

a258e1  No.5111517

File: d06f6a025a73d7a⋯.png (582.39 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

3855e8  No.5111518

File: 0593903b7caf39e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1014x831, 338:277, 940988621757843.png)

73843e  No.5111519

File: 7ea8289fae76450⋯.jpg (64.88 KB, 480x360, 4:3, erich von daniken.jpg)

11d4cf  No.5111520

File: 251c797cbc14ade⋯.jpeg (266.08 KB, 1323x2048, 1323:2048, DzFA68SWsAAcQDY.jpg-large.jpeg)

6b484f  No.5111521

File: 2209e3dacf2884a⋯.png (89.26 KB, 942x576, 157:96, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

File: 4b1f8a042feed8b⋯.png (101.74 KB, 1224x456, 51:19, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)


2 days ahead of schedule

4b831e  No.5111522

2de4d4  No.5111523


There's some fuckin' shenanigans going on here, but my brainz is fried…new narrative appears to sling mud at erik prince - who knows where the bodies are buried…

bb71ea  No.5111524

When Q posts, shills go quiet. Do they switch to research and data collection when Q is here?

c8b997  No.5111526


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

a43c0f  No.5111527

File: 898b8757549995c⋯.png (334.42 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 898b8757549995cd6cc0a927c1….png)

f46321  No.5111528


Was in The Hunt for Red October as well.

6500fd  No.5111529



- Well these plus the transformer explosions globally… People witnessing stuff falling from the sky… The North Pole is shifting. We are experienced extreme cold temperatures up North, while down under, they're experiencing extreme heat… Sounds to me like the earth is trembling, shaking and its affecting the landscape and plates. High winds and Things are falling from the sky. — Sounds like something is coming. People need to have their hearts ready. Be prepared, not just physically, but in your heart.

- I'm in Michigan, 150000 without power. Internet out as well.

- The Cabal being trapped in their underground hideouts and bunkers .And they do have tunnels all across the States ..and other countries .

- The booms are electromagnetic waves released from underground which is a precursor for massive earthquakes coming. Specifically New Madrid fault. Quakes will crack along Mississippi River, I believe starting possibly on Missouri eastern border and branch out from there east and west, reaching all the states currently experiencing the booms

- People the Earth is preparing for a magnetic reversal , the loud booms that are being heard throughout the world is the result of the Earth's crust separating from the mantle. A reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles taking place? Volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides, sink holes, strange noises from the sea and skies, booms and rattles, etc. New shocking evidence points to a pole shift which, if it happens fast, will cause chaos around the world.

- SE Tennessee, I’ve heard a couple booms and “rumbling” like a constant sound like a large plane. We had the 4. Earthquake right under us a couple months ago

- Prepare people, something is coming.

- Friend at Columbia told me today, we are out of time. The world is in the stages of crumbling. The Sun has weakened, the Earth is wobbling and the Magnetosphere is giving us almost no more protection. Our shields are down and the Earth is being blasted with deadly UVC Radiation. He said UVC acts like a microwave oven, everywhere the Sun ☀️ hits our skin it is penetrating and burning us. The Crust is indeed separating, that is the Trumpet sounds and the booms people hear and feel.

- We just had a boom jolt at our home in Southern California. This jolt felt differently than an earthquake. Our sliding doors shook and our windows.

- OKLAHOMA! but it was an earthquake! Very loud BOOM Earth is moving underneath!

- I live in northwest TN just 11 miles south of the Kentucky border. Fort Campbell’s about 20 minutes away. Hearing lots of booms around here in a rural area. We get a lot of helicopter drills around here too.

de4c49  No.5111530

File: ea497f0ef060598⋯.png (283.64 KB, 491x666, 491:666, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

File: 7cdc3bb5b9ca5b2⋯.png (657.78 KB, 851x531, 851:531, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

File: b471b543e7c89e8⋯.png (136.06 KB, 610x572, 305:286, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

File: c5e20c1264e7a35⋯.png (88.53 KB, 666x418, 333:209, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

File: 4d5fa816c9afca8⋯.png (459.99 KB, 460x682, 230:341, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)


More Guatemala OXFAM


199362  No.5111531

File: 35ca7756d262b5b⋯.jpeg (609.2 KB, 1387x2280, 73:120, 2F98F49E-C658-4295-A8AD-F….jpeg)

c8b997  No.5111532


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

2f1b7d  No.5111533

File: 4a911d2f72519ad⋯.jpg (73.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, The three Stooges.jpg)

File: 88e99ec73b1a371⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 955x700, 191:140, Three Stooges 2.jpg)

bad3db  No.5111534

File: 1454b88ae01d623⋯.png (742.3 KB, 958x537, 958:537, ClipboardImage.png)

d71d26  No.5111535

File: b92295350afd702⋯.png (456.89 KB, 764x321, 764:321, 2018-07-21_23-26-36 copy 4.png)

fd5072  No.5111536

@WhiteHouse official released 2019 SOTU photos.

Time to see who's playing on their phones anons!


8b17c5  No.5111537


RBG law clerk digs continued



>website has photo - she aight but her personality probably makes her super ugly

Undergrad - NYU, Grad - Harvard

Almost impossible to find any more information on her. Looking for help.

4b831e  No.5111538

c3b648  No.5111539

File: 8313ec6603673a8⋯.jpg (16.41 KB, 532x331, 532:331, IMG_20190210_163826.jpg)

File: 8b37e988b742e94⋯.png (105.53 KB, 720x728, 90:91, Screenshot_20190210-164120….png)

Hahahahahahaha Minnesota AF!!

d3e808  No.5111540

c8b997  No.5111541


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

00b85b  No.5111542


sounds like masons/luciferians run the child protection/court/policing systems

7ba94d  No.5111543

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



The time is now!!!

9bbb82  No.5111544

File: 16848c29b2fc67f⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB, 474x243, 158:81, B5EA79F9-B698-41D8-9D83-5….jpeg)

File: bd170db6ec6cc1f⋯.jpeg (61.55 KB, 474x443, 474:443, 0D873E2D-45CD-4041-A71F-A….jpeg)

May God Bless Our Commander In Chief & The Patriots…

……& May God Bless Our Nation


c8b997  No.5111545


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

bfaaac  No.5111546


Working with Huber is my guess

bc33ae  No.5111547



6588dc  No.5111548


MJ isn't going to show up at the Grammies.

156672  No.5111549

File: 81ee369ba80ee32⋯.pdf (14.75 MB, THE HOAX OF THE TWENTIETH ….pdf)

File: dc82452280474c2⋯.jpg (13.03 KB, 264x400, 33:50, The Hoax .jpg)

File: 04957b4e15dbf6f⋯.png (697.96 KB, 1265x1119, 1265:1119, 04957b4e15dbf6fe0e25b6448e….png)

File: 02947be2bed658c⋯.png (108.13 KB, 243x252, 27:28, disgusting.png)

Do you, like TRUMP, suffer from

Holocaust Derangement Syndrome?

How would you know?

Do you, like TRUMP, believe that 6 gorillian jews were systematically “gassed” with Zyklon B and Diesel engine exhaust?

Do you cry or feel sorry for the poor little jews when you watch Shindler’s List?

Do you think that the jews brutal treatment of Palestinians is acceptable because of the holocaust?

if you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, you, like TRUMP, suffer from

Holocaust Derangement Syndrome!

Is Holocaust Derangement Syndrome treatable?

Yes, it is.

The treatment includes educating yourself about the FACTS of WW2.

You can start your treatment today by reading this book, titled “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century.”

Followup treatment includes researching all you can about the holocaust, and by using the brain that Almighty God gave you to process information to think like a rational adult.

Send a copy of this book to TRUMP,

and encourage him to treat his

Holocaust Derangement Syndrome.

Education is the key, and let’s face it, you won’t learn the truth from the jews.

a2cb94  No.5111550

File: 33bc14f310ba956⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2089x1533, 2089:1533, POTUS_muh_jew_shills.png)


At least you tried. Maybe it´ll word next time, shill.

Have a hug.

ab39a3  No.5111551


take who

c8b997  No.5111552


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

600726  No.5111553

File: 90562efdf0b2dfb⋯.png (367.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Trust_the_plan_winning_wil….png)

>>5109544 (pb)

This is perfect. Even spouse-anon understood it. Clear, concise and to the point. Thank you.

73843e  No.5111554

File: a133c96d57ba933⋯.png (2.39 MB, 960x1440, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Made in 1993

ea019d  No.5111555


Q was right. But they can't turn this into a "anti-semitic" and "pro-Hitler" movement, at least not yet.

The reference to "puppet" was a subtle hint. Do your research.

ef931c  No.5111556


Any normie that finds their way to

this board already knows what Q just told us, DUMB ASS

2de4d4  No.5111557


POTUS cleaned his blackmail trail - he owes us - We, the PEOPLE!

c8b997  No.5111558


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

3e6d53  No.5111559

Green Socks, whomever you are, I'm really sorry for what happened to you but glad you got out of there. Sometimes the worst things that happen to us end up being the best thing that happens to us in the end.

3a5e1e  No.5111560

File: e7096d6b842ffe6⋯.jpg (28.83 KB, 360x385, 72:77, AmyGlobalWarming.jpg)

7f9b3d  No.5111561

File: 5c3d59f8f80e14a⋯.png (525.41 KB, 859x446, 859:446, snow w.PNG)


f60195  No.5111562

File: 67d088566e1526a⋯.png (5.43 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, DF857D1B-64D9-4946-8493-DD….png)

Klobachar should take a time out and take some art classes!! Early in my life I worked for a graphics art department of a printing company and I thought when I saw these mock ups, wow she’s so not creative, those are downright ugly, is she actually thinking about using these?

IMHO Klobukar is about the most boring, disinteresting and least inspiring person to announce her running for president. Oozing emotions only goes so far. So what makes her think that her “keen intellect” can debate our POTUS? Exactly that, she has no imagination, context or personality and most especially strategy!

If it was me, I’d wait for the next round, she’s young enough but NO “I don’t want to look like the only person that wants to take Trump down.” Sorry Amy, plants die around you because even they are bored! And I suspect you’re not as popular as you think you are.

1432c6  No.5111563

File: 53c783fed74cdf0⋯.jpg (8.6 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Dallas crew.jpg)

c8b997  No.5111564


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

f63221  No.5111565

File: 11fb152e05e2118⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 480x445, 96:89, 11fb152e05e211813cce74a046….jpg)

0183a0  No.5111566


All the Dem candidates think running 4 prez immunizes them from indictments it seems? Wonder what's in their closets?

de16fe  No.5111567

File: 9136dfc2b9c8342⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 755x504, 755:504, ap190371381209254809091365….jpg)


Maybe Kagan is #5

She was looking sickly at the SOTU

3c742d  No.5111568



79609c  No.5111569

File: 2705ea018427991⋯.jpg (101.27 KB, 636x860, 159:215, CrazyLevelsBadButCanRun.jpg)

a43c0f  No.5111570


Could that be "think mirror" look here but not here!

244120  No.5111571

Anons do know the question of who will wear green sox is a slide, right?

Wearing green sox for luck at the awards was a tradition started by Peter O’Toole, and many actors have followed this tradition year after year.

e1a49f  No.5111572

File: b3407f2fbb2ba28⋯.png (1.12 MB, 2218x1514, 1109:757, checkd.png)


Nice Digits

c8b997  No.5111573


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

a2cb94  No.5111574

5501e6  No.5111575

Is an added reason to declare a run for the presidency also a move to protect from future prosecution?

bb71ea  No.5111576


Isn't she diabetic? Either her or Sotomayor

156672  No.5111577

File: d6728be4c855798⋯.png (99.26 KB, 227x332, 227:332, thehoaxofthe.png)

2de4d4  No.5111578

File: cd8663e63c79514⋯.png (560.33 KB, 1786x874, 47:23, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at ….png)



a9b74b  No.5111579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He said "Popcorn"

de4c49  No.5111580

File: 898a48ffc22a00b⋯.png (384.85 KB, 554x650, 277:325, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)


They also arrested the FORMER PRESIDENT OF GUATEMALA in connection to this.

199362  No.5111581


And Celebrity Anon (ironic) said he was friends with Redd Fox

c8b997  No.5111582


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

bad3db  No.5111583

File: d7e95cc42da258b⋯.png (735.93 KB, 953x533, 953:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Like this better

ade22a  No.5111584


pyramids. illuminati

11d4cf  No.5111585

File: 8de7a1e61d4def7⋯.png (529.04 KB, 644x614, 322:307, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

c8b997  No.5111586


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

f63221  No.5111587

File: cac0eed23e076e5⋯.jpg (125.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, b66187487d59d77f10c857497d….jpg)

ef931c  No.5111588

File: abdd6114e4e03a1⋯.png (170.16 KB, 408x377, 408:377, Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 1….png)

9933d9  No.5111589


Eddie was a voice in 2000 era Shrek.

Keep looking….

044757  No.5111590

File: 4fd38a656fc927a⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 310x229, 310:229, willis.jpg)


that's what i'm talkin' 'bout Willis

c8b997  No.5111591


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

a2cb94  No.5111592

c427b7  No.5111593

File: ee8b9c68fc0cc6f⋯.png (749.61 KB, 1006x666, 503:333, Screenshot_20190209-163006….png)

File: e7fca77308f4697⋯.png (590.69 KB, 1080x1126, 540:563, Screenshot_20190209-160416….png)

Elizabeth Warren use to be a cowgirl in Texas.

Look at pic behind her.

244120  No.5111594


SAUCE: http://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/oscar-winner-1963.pdf

35fb90  No.5111595

File: eec4cd1dc291a92⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 608x466, 304:233, snowman.JPG)

d218c7  No.5111596

File: bd2b0448394004c⋯.jpeg (101.93 KB, 782x632, 391:316, E48E163C-254B-47A1-9F0B-6….jpeg)

File: 71c1a27ea5f0966⋯.jpeg (64.76 KB, 598x284, 299:142, 7A77DA4F-5DD2-400F-BA9C-F….jpeg)

b453bc  No.5111597

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

The Jews have got their Irish up.

156672  No.5111598

File: 03605b9d470b959⋯.jpg (230.61 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 03605b9d470b9590d2e810aa29….jpg)

00b85b  No.5111599


only shills are pro-Hitler

2fb6b2  No.5111600

File: 1743a71df270315⋯.gif (308.6 KB, 200x200, 1:1, Popcorngenie.gif)

f60195  No.5111601


Anyone complaining about my spelling, I don’t care, that’s how boring she is

d13c74  No.5111602

File: 835e9c8774e4f09⋯.jpg (702.75 KB, 1080x1990, 108:199, Screenshot_20190210-144312….jpg)

File: 306085d33db3d38⋯.jpg (693.68 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, IMG_20190210_144254.jpg)

File: 1713beee802cda9⋯.jpg (523.02 KB, 2028x1352, 3:2, IMG_20190210_144257.jpg)

File: 2eba370d3d0d14f⋯.jpg (357.6 KB, 1550x1033, 1550:1033, IMG_20190210_144258.jpg)

File: 2cfe3086bd85307⋯.jpg (482.47 KB, 1550x1033, 1550:1033, IMG_20190210_144301.jpg)

Just tweeted from @whitehouse.

2nd level gallery photo looks odd. Poor lighting perhaps?

c8b997  No.5111603


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

740ac1  No.5111604



04e997  No.5111605

File: 3ae08d751fc05f1⋯.jpg (25.93 KB, 364x448, 13:16, fauxcahontas.jpg)

f15f42  No.5111606


He oversimplified the Catholic Church' statement on Catholics using vaccines.

"To summarize, it must be confirmed that:

there is a grave responsibility to use alternative vaccines and to make a conscientious objection with regard to those which have moral problems;

as regards the vaccines without an alternative, the need to contest so that others may be prepared must be reaffirmed, as should be the lawfulness of using the former in the meantime insomuch as is necessary in order to avoid a serious risk not only for one's own children but also, and perhaps more specifically, for the health conditions of the population as a whole - especially for pregnant women;

the lawfulness of the use of these vaccines should not be misinterpreted as a declaration of the lawfulness of their production, marketing and use, but is to be understood as being a passive material cooperation and, in its mildest and remotest sense, also active, morally justified as an extrema ratio due to the necessity to provide for the good of one's children and of the people who come in contact with the children (pregnant women);

such cooperation occurs in a context of moral coercion of the conscience of parents, who are forced to choose to act against their conscience or otherwise, to put the health of their children and of the population as a whole at risk. This is an unjust alternative choice, which must be eliminated as soon as possible."


2dd9a5  No.5111607

Any Planefags on duty?

Normally we see around 2800 - 3700 military acft in the air on weekdays. Sunday is usually less. However, we are showing almost 4900 in the air right now! The Military is definitely seeing an uptick in activity


bb71ea  No.5111608


"Climate change should be our #1 priority!"

says woman in snowstorm in middle of February

d3e808  No.5111609



If you bake it, he will crumb

6588dc  No.5111610


Fuck off Cocksucker

fe0d0b  No.5111611


i really really want the full img of this anon.


662c0e  No.5111612

File: c74f4d7a6a20ab1⋯.png (257.7 KB, 488x308, 122:77, ClipboardImage.png)


needs shining backdrop

d90b66  No.5111613

>>5110397 lb

>"A falsehood spread on the Internet"

It's a logical fallacy called "Begging the question," often seen when the media reports on Soetero's birth, pizzagate etc.

bc33ae  No.5111614

File: fc7c95b4b9cb714⋯.jpg (76.92 KB, 630x383, 630:383, a0b62333f53190fba19da30f2f….jpg)

cc3bff  No.5111615



Glover is a leftist turd.

de4c49  No.5111616

File: 4328e45b89d3890⋯.png (311.48 KB, 1158x567, 386:189, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

c8b997  No.5111617


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

131e6a  No.5111618

Jeeeez…you aholes!

Of COURSE the Jews run everything on the planet. They're the smartest and most accomplished fuckers around.

WhoTF do you WANT running things? Some backwoods slave descendants and a few crackers?

435808  No.5111619

File: fca0bbfa30ccd77⋯.jpeg (128.19 KB, 532x522, 266:261, Screenshot_2019-02-10-17-….jpeg)

cc6b63  No.5111620

File: 640977e0dce047e⋯.png (137.49 KB, 219x374, 219:374, ClipboardImage.png)

56934f  No.5111621



b0341d  No.5111622

File: 48be3570762c07d⋯.jpeg (473.79 KB, 1775x1320, 355:264, EC8B7D32-197E-43E2-823E-A….jpeg)

File: 5e5a87cf0c3f0d2⋯.jpeg (30.89 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 612FA26B-E65A-4668-8FF8-4….jpeg)

156672  No.5111623

File: e9164107b86b3cc⋯.jpeg (156.01 KB, 1080x748, 270:187, 73575f4f25d50048020c8f7a5….jpeg)

2de4d4  No.5111624

File: c421054a96f9d8b⋯.png (684.8 KB, 659x624, 659:624, Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at ….png)

c8b997  No.5111625


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

3d53ca  No.5111626

So what Q is posting, the fact that the social media is the only way that anything is getting out, it foreshadows (THEM) taking down the net/social sites to keep VITAL intel getting to the people al la' Yellow Vests. Also foreshadows the use of Emergency Broadcast by President Trump so the word can actually get out to the masses.. COULD also foreshadow a "martial law" scenario (that the PATRIOTS are in control of).


ef931c  No.5111627


the truth hurts, faggot

e5a16b  No.5111628

File: 7410f9da2376962⋯.jpeg (33.98 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 9D32BD5F-DF7F-4AF5-ACC4-4….jpeg)

Q talked about transparency

Does it mean we will know finally who did 9/11?

1432c6  No.5111629

File: bfc4feb93792259⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, Speechzzzz.png)

e4d7a2  No.5111630

File: 85cbe08fbceba85⋯.jpg (132.38 KB, 1176x1280, 147:160, no name ded.jpg)


gotta go do irl shit b/c of luck of truck in #snowpocolypse2019

glad anons digging clerks boomboomboomboomboom

9be457  No.5111631

File: 1bfcbb6b2864ee3⋯.png (219.01 KB, 1011x1013, 1011:1013, 1516767964416.png)


it's worse than a slide.. it's an active campaign to get faggots to actively watch their disgusting hollywood rituals like walking on the blood carpets of the normies, since eyes-on have fallen so much in the past few years..

6588dc  No.5111632


I think she's related to Brian Williams

8a1b02  No.5111633

File: 01985560d01d2d6⋯.jpeg (25.71 KB, 188x268, 47:67, C7659E40-6D7D-4925-A850-1….jpeg)

c8b997  No.5111634


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

b43494  No.5111635

File: db7f0490cc79a15⋯.png (2.03 MB, 3348x1968, 279:164, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)


absb is pretty chill

d43e5b  No.5111636

Been reading Gerald Posner's work, "God's Bankers…" in which he is discussing the connection between certain Vatican elements and the Nazis in middle Europe. He speaks of them as referring to themselves as 'Nordic' and related to the Arians. I wonder if the 'N' in NWO refers to this Nordic element in the Nazi heritage.

2f1b7d  No.5111637

File: 250e85bc9b4a631⋯.jpg (64.29 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 24z2x3.jpg)

480df9  No.5111638

File: b5412754bebd132⋯.png (599.93 KB, 986x554, 493:277, ClipboardImage.png)

9c52a9  No.5111639

File: 3df0e30dde4bff3⋯.jpg (572.35 KB, 1080x767, 1080:767, MEME2019-02-10-05-33-10.jpg)

f63221  No.5111640

File: 6d5e27f7d6cb036⋯.jpg (115.95 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, 006c7a054c268ec2bdd653507c….jpg)

File: 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1024x646, 512:323, 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b3b1a6d2944a….png)

7e4317  No.5111641

File: d065fa4fb89b42f⋯.jpg (266.77 KB, 807x1144, 807:1144, QCrumbsSymbolism.jpg)

256321  No.5111642

how about Quincy Jones? green socks

09ebf9  No.5111643

File: 84447f9c22f0044⋯.png (313.8 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Post2681.png)



856590  No.5111644

File: 0ee233318235b08⋯.jpg (25.84 KB, 242x351, 242:351, ajlskdhfk.jpg)

File: baa93547b38eb48⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 677x499, 677:499, 2t3edg.jpg)



Here's a few from

a couple of days ago

have fun anons…KEK

fe0d0b  No.5111645

File: edca731ce596c14⋯.png (19.19 KB, 254x255, 254:255, bebest.png)


thats not very nice anon.

take that nonsense to /pol please.

hateful niggaz like you gunna get birdbox'd with the rest of the liars. know that.


f63221  No.5111646

File: 86de569d631eb96⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 86de569d631eb96855658f9bc0….jpg)

6acd18  No.5111647

File: e7c19ebe44dbf38⋯.jpeg (28.96 KB, 532x331, 532:331, 7D9C1F96-93E7-445F-B57E-4….jpeg)


Holy fuck that’s funny!!

11d4cf  No.5111648

File: f51b6e125f9446e⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 594x554, 297:277, 2tcig1.jpg)

de16fe  No.5111649

File: 15a7d517a36edbc⋯.jpg (111.21 KB, 1500x850, 30:17, k1qtkh4w8ok11.jpg)

9933d9  No.5111650


he was in 2007 Shooter

Keep em coming….

bc33ae  No.5111651

File: 5597ed8616065de⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 361x326, 361:326, rochambeauj01.jpg)


Nope, you can't

And you suck at picking targets too ;)

2ba008  No.5111652


This is why they hate us. Fuck you and your loxism.

1432c6  No.5111653

File: 0b91d25cca8cef1⋯.jpg (51 KB, 694x480, 347:240, wink wink.jpg)


just sails past them

156672  No.5111654

File: 148b3d9554825b7⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 392x495, 392:495, itsanudashoa.jpg)

71b205  No.5111655


What if it's Tupac and he's making an unexpected comeback tonight


b453bc  No.5111656



Comanches would have made her a better person

032fc9  No.5111657

File: 46914d350cd86e8⋯.webm (3.32 MB, 500x280, 25:14, Klobuchar drinks beer at ….webm)

ea019d  No.5111658


"JFK prayer said every single day in the OO" - Q.

"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." - JFK

c427b7  No.5111659

File: dd6568802ff6759⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1411, 1080:1411, Screenshot_20190209-174204….png)

File: d0876008c01636c⋯.jpg (91.96 KB, 500x588, 125:147, 2tcgu0_1.jpg)

File: 89f41c615da8e95⋯.jpg (99.89 KB, 500x601, 500:601, 2ta8dd_1.jpg)

Barack faggot Obama orchestrated all this illegal immigration horse shit….

ba107e  No.5111660

79609c  No.5111661

File: 5e565c13a0cdd8a⋯.png (108.09 KB, 255x242, 255:242, gtras.png)

ade22a  No.5111662


He tried to fuck Tupac

d7d8b6  No.5111663

File: 7b73aca56fe21e2⋯.png (32.77 KB, 126x110, 63:55, Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at ….png)



c652e1  No.5111664

File: e1adc6838366f7a⋯.jpg (5.5 KB, 299x168, 299:168, 2MUCH.jpg)


God bless you anon, for prosecuting past child sex crimes. My inlaw did that long ago (investigative side)–developed chronic health issues because of it. No good person can be exposed to that and be the same.

Q says we will each choose to "know". I tell my family and friends that when that day comes–DON'T WATCH RAW VIDEOS.

As an anon with your experience–would you concur?

Again–thank you, anon, for your service in the fight to put these animals away and save our children.

God bless!


ad6f9a  No.5111665

Dear Mr. Q & Team,

What happens when DECLAS comes and the fake network news, fake tech, fakewood, fake dems, fake cable news, fake social media, fake high schools, fake newspapers, fake foreign elites, fake colleges, fake American socialists, fake judges, fake radio, fake unions, fake billionears, fake presidential candidates, fake famous athletes, fake united nations and all the other fake fux in the country and on the planet don't talk about the DECLAS except to just say it's some more shit that POTUS did bad to endanger our allies and empower our enemies because he's a Russian spy and a Saudi spy and an El Salvadorean spy etc.? Is there a way to develop some sort of edible flash drive thingy that can be loaded with info and we can shove it down their throats and hold their mouths shut until they swallow like a Kamala?

2fb6b2  No.5111666

File: 57599c0ddab6d21⋯.mp4 (654.87 KB, 640x360, 16:9, RuthVaderGinsbrg.mp4)

00b85b  No.5111667


homeopathy is the alternative to vaccines; people treated for Spanish Flu with homeopathy in early 1900s had a survival rate of over 90% – other treatments failed

f60195  No.5111668

>>5111584. Well yes I missed that but most Illuminati have a knack for graphics, color and placement, she must be newly imitated and color blind.

2de4d4  No.5111669

File: bddc32bf6a9f4e8⋯.png (392.44 KB, 626x564, 313:282, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at ….png)

f63221  No.5111670

File: 967d6061d1c13cb⋯.jpeg (95.83 KB, 880x486, 440:243, 967d6061d1c13cb9e875db875….jpeg)


while(1) {

print "goy, kike, moshe, schlomo, rabbi";


if(reply == high_iq) { print "pilpul";}

elseif(reply == calling_me_a_shill) {print "jidf, what time is it in tel-aviv";}


7f9b3d  No.5111671

File: 4cf7db2cb4bd477⋯.png (65.74 KB, 618x615, 206:205, 2 10 19 a.PNG)


721e30  No.5111672


>>5111487 LG Tweet: "Build the Wall!"

>>5111362 Master Brander in Chief: Snowwoman.

>>5111277 DJT Tweet: "The U.S. will soon control 100% of ISIS territory in Syria…"

>>5111248 Wall GoFundMe Veteran subjected to invasive TSA check.

>>5111213 RBG law clerk digs continued.

>>5111177 LG Tweet: "We may look back on this as greatest political week of @realdonaldtrump’s presidency & a turning point in 2020 election."

>>5111167 Houthis Repel Saudi-led Coalition Attack And Destroy Two Canadian-Made Vehicles (18+ Video)

>>5111142 Klobuchar involved in Patsy development?

>>5111133 World’s leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath.

>>5111118, >>5111229 Democrats push for hidden deportation freeze in border wall talks.

>>5111088 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>5111073 DJT RTs Club 4 Growth 2x.

>>5111068 DJT Re-Tweet: "WE AGREE! The time is now!…"

>>5111026 [0] DELTA (Graphic)

Last call / Baking in 50

c8b997  No.5111673


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

207ae1  No.5111674

File: 0b672b771c1c36e⋯.png (97.85 KB, 1380x461, 1380:461, hjgujkhaw3faq.png)

today so far

11d4cf  No.5111675

f74113  No.5111676


Snowing for 9 hrs now. Kek

73843e  No.5111678


He was also in films in the 90's

f1fc3a  No.5111679

File: f5aaa3d92b9a79a⋯.jpg (318.87 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, f5aaa3d92b9a79ad87fcfd0e61….jpg)

4d9d87  No.5111680

File: 62c7a5a8770571a⋯.png (472.04 KB, 720x1072, 45:67, Screenshot_20190210-164819….png)

Um, guise?

7e4317  No.5111681

File: 16c493078ae8170⋯.jpg (413.46 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, ReadIt WeepBillClintonGave….jpg)

File: f680d58c763b477⋯.jpg (350.23 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, ReadIt WeepHRC-Podesta-Sko….jpg)

File: 04d731efa49b4a2⋯.jpg (497.23 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, ReadIt WeepHRC-Podesta-Sko….jpg)

The article Q posted was about Skolkovo, the Russian technology partnership from which the Clintons profited.

Dug on this a while back. Read the small print on these infographs.

c8b997  No.5111682


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

c80e23  No.5111683

Deltas drop live on a 8 chan post with Klo-buchar announcement. Fuck yes it's notable.


0183a0  No.5111684

File: 282b9d5f8c49d69⋯.mp4 (289.51 KB, 480x310, 48:31, bewbs rip.mp4)


Sorry on daughters my little pony tablet; here's one that should work

ade22a  No.5111685


Yeah they tend to make it more polished and subtle.

1432c6  No.5111686

File: 67a80fbb38e9c1e⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 400x566, 200:283, Pin-up Pepe.jpg)


ty pf for update

8a1ce7  No.5111688

Anons relax …. We will just putt along like we have been dismantling their Money making schemes and crimes …….. Stop looking for a bomb to go off ..Martial”law …Mass arrests … If we are winning everything is quietly being done

3b7d09  No.5111689

File: 8a2a7cd1507e3a4⋯.png (579.96 KB, 610x650, 61:65, WH re SOTU Photos 2-10-19 ….PNG)

File: 432814c74d713dd⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1159x768, 1159:768, WH re SOTU Photos 2-10-19 ….PNG)

File: f22902d8c740071⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1152x771, 384:257, WH re SOTU Photos 2-10-19 ….PNG)

File: f70c6d5c13272fe⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1154x770, 577:385, WH re SOTU Photos 2-10-19 ….PNG)

File: c8e0b34afcfd5c5⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1158x771, 386:257, WH re SOTU Photos 2-10-19 ….PNG)

Take a look back at President Trump's second State of the Union Address in photos:


Additional Photos → www.flickr.com/photos/whitehouse/sets/72157705026626261

73843e  No.5111690


Actually, I just looked up his IMDB and he is still doing work

2de4d4  No.5111691

File: 43aef54e6e4f285⋯.png (91.21 KB, 640x716, 160:179, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at ….png)


Appropriately creepsy!


b25386  No.5111692

399dbc  No.5111693





Even funnier is that it she is on Boom Island.

04f952  No.5111694

https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5110208.html#5110466 -on

Yes, a class action would be good.

Don’t these fake news sites have mottos or tag lines like “best news” or “you get the truth from us” or something like that that strongly implies that they tell the truth when they don’t.

Sue them.

f63221  No.5111695

File: 9a15d971d57586a⋯.png (468.02 KB, 591x587, 591:587, 63951a8dcfcd510789452ea0af….png)


shills can't meme

a0c8fe  No.5111696


"Virtual" could mean more than we understand.

11d4cf  No.5111697


Good one!

256321  No.5111698


he did a bizarre interview not long back telling all kinds of messed up stories about celebs

c8b997  No.5111699


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

3145b2  No.5111700


Wall isn't getting built any time soon.

63303d  No.5111701

>>5110730 (LB)

- the BOOM fag

- the throw-us-a-bone fag

- the impatient fag

All are present! kek

71b205  No.5111702


Oh great one, please be easy on us lowly folks.

Reread that a look at how arrogant you sound. Maybe you are right, but what if you aren't. GASP

2ca6be  No.5111703

File: 8e06c02cb6a762c⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 470x595, 94:119, 8e06c02cb6a762c084996ff2fa….jpg)


Evil digits confirm.

Top Kek!

600726  No.5111704

File: e4d781b871f27cc⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 367x403, 367:403, Reeeeeeeeeee.jpg)


the digits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dub trips……

29fefe  No.5111705


WE MUST FIGHT against the perils of Global Warming!!

6500fd  No.5111706

Anons, please focus

How many of you have experienced strange sounds and booms?

Mahnetic pole is shifting

Is here anyone who can explain what is happening?


156672  No.5111707

File: 18ae9bde01d45b1⋯.png (515.75 KB, 500x557, 500:557, currentjew.png)

50e13b  No.5111708


Cesar PsyOP

d218c7  No.5111709

File: 693a559d063d3dc⋯.jpeg (136.74 KB, 1428x844, 357:211, 4B5DE9E2-644B-49CE-B759-3….jpeg)

I’m wearing green socks tonight….look…..for..kid…dynamite!

c8b997  No.5111710


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

fe0d0b  No.5111711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



why do you think Winter Solstice happens to be near your dumb religious holidays?

and Easter? yea… its based upon our planets movement with the sun.

3 6 9 12

this shit aint a game.

7:30 aint a game.

d7d8b6  No.5111712


that nigga hasn't been in anything big since Predator

cc6509  No.5111713


And I hope I can be apart of changing that as well. Thanks anon.

c3f3b6  No.5111714


>WOTUS Plan - Waters of the United States

Revised Definition of "Waters of the United States" - Proposed Rule

On December 11, 2018, the EPA and Department of the Army proposed a clear, understandable, and implementable definition of "waters of the United States" that clarifies federal authority under the Clean Water Act. The agencies’ proposal is the second step in a two-step process to review and revise the definition of “waters of the United States” consistent with the February 2017 Presidential Executive Order entitled “Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ‘Waters of the United States’ Rule.” The proposed definition would replace the approach in the 2015 Rule and the pre-2015 regulations.


119859  No.5111715


kek you got me there

6588dc  No.5111716


Voice acting is a big difference than A list main charachter rolls. I think Boomerang was the headliner he was in.

201559  No.5111717

1432c6  No.5111718

File: 7ec354f4a1ca3d2⋯.jpg (125.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 666 nob.jpg)

856590  No.5111719

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.png (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 89c8140988fd1dc32fba0a04bb….png)

a0c8fe  No.5111720


umbilical cord.

b92a28  No.5111721

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in Democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

…We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our Democratic society is organized.

–Edward Bernays

*Austrian-American pioneer– THE FATHER OF PUBLIC RELATIONS

8b97d0  No.5111722


Our outrage will magically be absorbed by them even though we can no longer post our thoughts anywhere but here. Keep one thumb up your ass and make popcorn with the other hand. Enjoy the show.

7f9b3d  No.5111723

cc3bff  No.5111724


We got a lot of geezers in the Swamp.

d0ee81  No.5111725

File: 3e65b4bd3d77a27⋯.png (448.43 KB, 732x450, 122:75, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)

b43494  No.5111726


def a brown bagger


721e30  No.5111727


>>5111689 Take a look back at President Trump's second State of the Union Address in photos.

>>5111487 LG Tweet: "Build the Wall!"

>>5111362 Master Brander in Chief: Snowwoman.

>>5111277 DJT Tweet: "The U.S. will soon control 100% of ISIS territory in Syria…"

>>5111248 Wall GoFundMe Veteran subjected to invasive TSA check.

>>5111213 RBG law clerk digs continued.

>>5111177 LG Tweet: "We may look back on this as greatest political week of @realdonaldtrump’s presidency & a turning point in 2020 election."

>>5111167 Houthis Repel Saudi-led Coalition Attack And Destroy Two Canadian-Made Vehicles (18+ Video)

>>5111142 Klobuchar involved in Patsy development?

>>5111133 World’s leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath.

>>5111118, >>5111229 Democrats push for hidden deportation freeze in border wall talks.

>>5111088 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>5111073 DJT RTs Club 4 Growth 2x.

>>5111068 DJT Re-Tweet: "WE AGREE! The time is now!…"

>>5111026 [0] DELTA (Graphic)


d90b66  No.5111728

You dont have to "turn police against the people." That is the basic function of the police, to enforce the crooked and corrupt revenue codes against the People. Get rid of all police. Open carry.


c39d03  No.5111729

File: e4dd07e33a2630d⋯.png (336.44 KB, 1024x734, 512:367, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at ….png)


>Rachel Bayefsky

looks exactly like I'd expect. 2 tweets total.


2de4d4  No.5111730

File: 5ea136a358c2848⋯.png (436.12 KB, 618x412, 3:2, lebowski.png)




877b6f  No.5111731

File: 5186cd070ef41df⋯.jpg (73.07 KB, 577x381, 577:381, fisa.jpg)

File: b6b8f828e0d6f54⋯.png (150.8 KB, 446x273, 446:273, b6b8f828e0d6f54771e3f19400….png)

File: db952ca65398749⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 500x360, 25:18, db9.jpg)

File: 0462ef7b914f741⋯.jpg (215.96 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 0462efa0a995c9634.jpg)

File: 93846806705e7e3⋯.jpg (151.69 KB, 408x528, 17:22, 93d9e.jpg)

2f1b7d  No.5111732


he was never an A+ star in movies. He's also dating Ann coulter cabal witch/bitch, who is best friends with Bill Maher.

00b85b  No.5111733


watching images or hearing gory details about atrocities to humans causes secondary or tertiary trauma and can result in PTSD or similar issues in the helping professions or others so exposed

73843e  No.5111734


See for yourself


f74113  No.5111735


Indeed! That polar vortex was fake too… ;)

835e09  No.5111736


They were one of the first because they got there sooner than the rest.

d90b66  No.5111737

Ugh. Dana Perino needs to go away.

612fa6  No.5111738


Did someone break ebot? Repeating the same shit over and over.

207ae1  No.5111739

File: c9c4e98e3ebfd37⋯.png (518.19 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, c9c4e98e3ebfd37f40436639ba….png)

f63221  No.5111740

File: 55f47c632b9a6f1⋯.jpg (396.21 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, 83394f6ffedfb865de6a64a955….jpg)

c8b997  No.5111741


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

fb7cde  No.5111742


I agree

He said that he wouldn't go along with their sick pedo stuff so they blacklisted him

I think that he would still be a big star today bc he was/is super talented and they would want to be still making money from his talent

25db8d  No.5111743

File: d480bcda76ce3b4⋯.png (471.08 KB, 634x562, 317:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Probably more like 80% POTUS!!

We love you!!

600726  No.5111744


thanks anon

6588dc  No.5111746


Didn't mean to be. Just been saying for the last couple of days that Eddie is the only one that was friends with Redd and has the same cadence as (Renegade)

c427b7  No.5111747

File: 46bbf8baf237c15⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 500x439, 500:439, 2sudoq_1.jpg)




That is one ugly ass nigga….lol

c80e23  No.5111748


She got cut off already? lightweight.


679ad8  No.5111749

File: 3e4ecd56b17ce03⋯.jpg (102.31 KB, 733x706, 733:706, slippers.JPG)

1432c6  No.5111750


not mine and god bless the memefags!

c8b997  No.5111751


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

a2cb94  No.5111752

File: 31d2e9f2a08366a⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 532x331, 532:331, AmyKlobuchar_ClimateExpert.jpg)

f15f42  No.5111753


I was a single mom, and never abused my child. But, calls were constantly made to CPS with wild, completely made up stories. After a while, CPS just screened out every single call on me. But, I often suspect that somebody wanted my blonde haired, blue eyed white boy. I know that is a terrible thing to say. But, it seemed like he was worth a lot of money to them. It was relentless. The teachers would call if he wore dirty socks one day.

ef931c  No.5111754


Running for president when her own

staff won't vote for her…..brilliant

35fb90  No.5111758

Memes this bread are Q-infused inspiration! Keep it going!

8b17c5  No.5111759


RBG Law clerk digs continued


Curious i can’t find anyone from stanford with that name except for here:


He was on a “notes committee”?


So he lived in Cambridge Ma, Stanford CA, Austin TX, Washington DC, etc.

Literally cannot find a picture of this dude (verified), cannot see when he graduated, he apparantly did not write any papers.

Just a ghost

7f9b3d  No.5111760

File: 3ea13e792701600⋯.png (765.33 KB, 1206x755, 1206:755, 2 10 19 b.PNG)




c8b997  No.5111761


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

00b85b  No.5111763

cdec7a  No.5111764


She only seen with friends now.

399dbc  No.5111765


Started after a post that identified Boom Island - Klobucha speech.

b43494  No.5111766

File: cdb7d6bf94df1dc⋯.png (5.28 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, Screen Shot 2019-01-07 at ….png)

b0341d  No.5111767


Responds to memes but pre filtered for my pleasure

So prolly drunk af

c8b997  No.5111768


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

d90b66  No.5111769

I really feel Trump should stop feeding Meghan spaghetti from McStain's skull. Human explosions are messy. It's also Dress Abuse on an Ana Navarro level.

f46321  No.5111770


D's throwing shit, and seeing what sticks to the wall.

4b831e  No.5111771

File: bfbe6de9529ce2b⋯.png (294.68 KB, 298x545, 298:545, love - Copy.png)



Handshakes mean something.

WE are protected.

This is, after all, an image board.

If necessary, we can always get the band back together and play our favorite song:


I've had enough of this world, and it';s people's mindless games.

Pardon Me.

c8b997  No.5111772


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

71b205  No.5111774


Pretty sure he was asked if he was in Predator with a pic from the movie. Said not him

a43c0f  No.5111775

I think the important thing now isn't who Green socks is but to make sure we see who green socks is.

Eye's on Patriots.

95b621  No.5111776

File: 966de4fe3c3c2f4⋯.jpg (591.55 KB, 996x1364, 249:341, 9dfe2499638329eb7ebb181baf….jpg)

1432c6  No.5111777

File: 801ac4ac154ec49⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Hookers and blow.jpg)

679ad8  No.5111778

File: eb9e34f0c34ec4d⋯.png (229.38 KB, 462x524, 231:262, eb9e34f0c34ec4d252233ee9c6….png)

c8b997  No.5111779


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

649f9d  No.5111780

File: d163a0f67e4495a⋯.png (474.58 KB, 1254x705, 418:235, ClipboardImage.png)


I have no doubt that there are helpers in the breads. Nudging us along.

Also Iridium Sat network .. 66 Satellites in 6 planes of 11 …

25f175  No.5111781


>Get rid of all police. Open carry.

Private security force, subject to public oversight, might work, too.

Does anon remember that line of questioning during the Kavanaugh hearing?

(I think it was Kennedy).

2fb6b2  No.5111782

Sextuplet One's and Sequential Trips this bread








877b6f  No.5111783

File: b37d43009f4c073⋯.jpg (126.9 KB, 528x408, 22:17, net pedo fix and chill.JPG)

File: c3e7c5765e602aa⋯.jpg (67.12 KB, 816x528, 17:11, 16864576_10208064289630597….jpg)

File: ffd3bc93ef1f4a3⋯.jpg (24.9 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 18951495_10208843585952518….jpg)

File: 32a3bfe747dcbaf⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 20952984_10209429137030929….jpg)

File: e2ff3bef221cd88⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 940x752, 5:4, DTxvQjLW0AAz6Bg.jpg large.jpg)

5a88f1  No.5111784


Trump was part of the jet set when snow was hip slang. There's no doubt about THAT double entedre

29fefe  No.5111786


We MUST FIGHT….. well.. after the blizzard. Then we'll fight against Global warming. Bwahahahahahah!! idiots

f46321  No.5111787

Green Mile

c8b997  No.5111788


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

73843e  No.5111789


On the edge of my seat, waiting for it to start

d7d8b6  No.5111790


nah. I dont care that much. Good digs though anon

7eeecb  No.5111791


That’s when all of MSM loses their licenses to Broadcast and Publish

c8b997  No.5111792


"Why wave around abacon sandwhich, play with her foreskin"~ pedobear

00b85b  No.5111793


Good job fighting for your son Anon.

b6088d  No.5111794

File: 30f8af8b3479281⋯.jpg (395.75 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190210-224907….jpg)

File: 9ec031c6a05fb76⋯.jpg (457.63 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190210-225339….jpg)


place has permanent bars on the windows, also an plated bay door round the back.

3c888f  No.5111795

3 for 3 BAker. Make it happen

721e30  No.5111796

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

2f1b7d  No.5111797

File: 3bf753e1260f109⋯.png (532.2 KB, 1278x594, 71:33, 02457c4c794ba05f17ba8334e3….png)

bb71ea  No.5111798

What time is POTUS rally in El Paso?

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