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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

93035d  No.5049375

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

93035d  No.5049391


are not endorsements


>>5032986 Reminder: State of the Union Speech at 9 PM EST

>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327, >>5013936 PP/Abortion: Call reps, Memes 4 SocMed

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.


>>5048687 Eagle Pass influx of state authorities as caravan arrives at border

>>5048817 POTUS Schedule and pics

>>5048925 Pompeo remarks on SOTU

>>5048764 Acting Attorney General Matthew G. Whitaker Statement on the SOTU

>>5049045 Huawei Tried To Steal His Technology, But He Was Working For The FBI All Along

>>5049203 76% approval of SOTU poll

>>5049319 #6447

#6446 Baker Change

>>5047920 did POTUS mention young Trump, the bullied kid?

>>5048143 Green Screen bs for D response

>>5048294 anons on POTUS' tie off center

>>5048538 #6446


>>5047790 DJT Tweet: "#SOTU" (video)

>>5047650, >>5047664, >>5047682, >>5047693 State of the Union Address: Key Points

>>5047161 Trump says US would be in "major war" with North Korea if he hadn't been elected.

>>5047831 #6445


>>5047041 White House Tweet: "Timothy Matson, SWAT team member at the Pittsburgh Police Department."

>>5046999 Someone's not having a good time.

>>5046890 MZ/Koch brothers to demand DACA amnesty by February 15.

>>5046856 Remember the 17 patriots of the USS Cole.

>>5046740 Commies start constructing their strawmen immediately.

>>5046631 Rubin Tweet: Women who hate babies.

>>5046592 The words that nearly made Bernie Sanders cry.

>>5046544 White House Tweet: "Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life..."

>>5046534 Nancy had to hush the peanut gallery.

>>5046504 Childhood cancer Q proof?

>>5047073 #6444


>>5046168 POTUS: "Ruthless coyotes."

>>5046104 Rubin: "...Intersectionality is fun!"

>>5046048 POTUS Stern look in the motorcade.

>>5045889, >>5045813, >>5045837, >>5045875, >>5045879, >>5046001 UNITY!

>>5045888 Kek confirms.

>>5045704 The Statue of Freedom.

>>5046236 #6443

Previously Collected Notables

>>5044034 #6440, >>5044807 #6441, >>5045497 #6442

>>5042544 #6438, >>5043271 #6439, >>5043271 #6439

>>5040893 #6436, >>5040893 #6436, >>5041764 #6437

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

93035d  No.5049404

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


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Q Proofs

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


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>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

93035d  No.5049414

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

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Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

93035d  No.5049428

File: 6b5209033e135fe⋯.png (2.73 MB, 2524x796, 631:199, ClipboardImage.png)



0dd1f0  No.5049436

>>5046847 (pb)

I saw the earlier posted Twat with Time Stamp 00:00, and was hoping that's what it meant, but too many times the predictions have been wrong! Kek! KeK!

fa0c1b  No.5049438

File: 7b1551b8ac12661⋯.jpeg (260.52 KB, 1522x1245, 1522:1245, 2D54A4A8-5C5B-469F-A483-2….jpeg)

fb8c03  No.5049439

File: 960033b7f602b24⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1915x1080, 383:216, 1Capture.PNG)

File: 4c703c501e40fab⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1915x1079, 1915:1079, 2Capture.PNG)

File: a86defa82df859d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1776x1683, 592:561, 3Capture.png)

File: e4626d3b7a3fb5f⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1915x1080, 383:216, 4Capture.png)

Nancy begins reading the letter from Trump (signed with his black marker) at the beginning of the SOTU. The facial reactions she had during her intermittent scanning of the pages ranged from shock, nervousness, to utter disbelief.

dc8e16  No.5049440

File: 34b61a4ffbfc28d⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 540x613, 540:613, Stacey-Abrams.jpg)

fd095c  No.5049441

Trump triggered the leftists when he said USA will never be a socialist nation.

cfb86d  No.5049442


Thank God.

faf506  No.5049443



Shit…Raven….some anon posted the 4chan prophecy earlier….talks about Ravens?

d461b0  No.5049444


I saw that. Right in the beginning.

I thought wow! What did she read. It was like her entire face dropped.

6ad7bb  No.5049445

File: 25e7aa08687ac11⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 995x536, 995:536, optics.jpg)

Dear blackpilled fags and shills,


032b41  No.5049446


How you go about it? Like really.

I'm pretty board right now feel like I might be up to it.

Like what is step 1 for creating a cult?

42c561  No.5049447

File: 1b20fc3c5220ebd⋯.jpg (18.35 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 2syr2m.jpg)

fb8c03  No.5049448


In these screenshots, she had reached the utter disbelief phase.

15a2e3  No.5049449


She is smirking in all of the pictures.

fd095c  No.5049450

Trump gave Nancy the wrong speech and his speech lasted longer than expected to catch the bad guys off guard.

d41297  No.5049451


>RBG no show at SOTU ?

Weekend at RBG's

cue the memefags

fa0c1b  No.5049452

File: 46c5c8c578464e5⋯.jpeg (87.05 KB, 960x746, 480:373, A9B9F260-B4F8-4371-9B6D-0….jpeg)

File: 064ba5a9adebf9e⋯.png (1008.51 KB, 1168x603, 1168:603, 66E89967-60A8-4FCC-BC5A-C8….png)

File: 26e77cbe7f0bea0⋯.jpeg (185.42 KB, 1080x769, 1080:769, E2200773-360B-4D9E-AB51-E….jpeg)

File: e6e77ba425e3494⋯.jpeg (330.4 KB, 2048x1548, 512:387, 64F2136E-93F9-4161-8011-E….jpeg)

Some of my favorite pics:

1bdf74  No.5049453


I'd like to have seen AOC's face when he said that. and Kamala Harris's too.

756dbb  No.5049454

File: 65aa0674ac441ab⋯.jpeg (14.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, anticommie.jpeg)

File: e93e3455135dd43⋯.jpg (385.33 KB, 1024x813, 1024:813, anarchycookies.jpg)

70bae6  No.5049455


why would President Trump sign his big signature (i.e., using special type of marker as he does w/ executive orders) if that was merely a transcript of his speech?

That makes little sense to me…

934b0e  No.5049456

File: 7ccabf4fd4f8d69⋯.png (3.08 MB, 2404x1308, 601:327, ClipboardImage.png)

098966  No.5049457

>>5049432. Lb

Nah, got calls to make.

af949e  No.5049458

File: 0eedba31bc07466⋯.gif (4.86 MB, 490x476, 35:34, WUT.gif)


so it's like George's funeral again?

what was on there exactly…

e80215  No.5049459


Using papers as a signaling system

1e75fc  No.5049460


What he pulled off there wasn't even supposed to be possible, though.

8d52ab  No.5049461

File: ddca79be48ac433⋯.jpg (100.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, IMG_7809.JPG)

42c561  No.5049462

File: f26274f452bf85f⋯.png (7.05 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 10f64363dc477c12fe8112db79….png)

644d33  No.5049463

(all pb links)





Now… Ask yourself. Does Trump have Jewish-ties?

31bb93  No.5049464



Thx anon! His words have been a bit deceptive. He wants the people of Israel safe, but he's clearly changing the status quo with their deep state assholes who've owned our pols for far too long.

fa0c1b  No.5049465


Was he looking at Bernie when he said it?

5e6aa4  No.5049466

>>5049308 lb

i was joking

5b3402  No.5049467

File: 427c2e38da86326⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 514x500, 257:250, GreatSpeech.jpg)

File: 39ed011412a52eb⋯.jpg (7.29 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images.jpg)

0f5c07  No.5049468

File: 991596ee6af3bf4⋯.jpg (149.26 KB, 672x868, 24:31, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-….jpg)

Noonan, WSJ columnist

1556ff  No.5049469


I'd like to see AOCs face when I punish fuck her. Kamala too.

7628ef  No.5049470

File: 91338464c2508ea⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 540x389, 540:389, waterboardingitmo.jpg)

fd095c  No.5049471

Why did the Dems literally RUN out the door as soon as it was over?

7e2d45  No.5049472

File: d15e100e2484958⋯.jpeg (244.17 KB, 1897x1006, 1897:1006, 98365543-A1FF-4045-9BF7-F….jpeg)

File: 36081bf6f9865ff⋯.jpeg (366.64 KB, 1927x1211, 1927:1211, 2BBB7544-F59B-4FCF-BDDA-B….jpeg)

Don’t ever search “strong” on Qmap, way top many returns


Pics related

e50fde  No.5049473

File: c38a1ea00209437⋯.png (363.2 KB, 840x642, 140:107, Selection_837.png)



9d2dd1  No.5049474

>>5049194 lb

> The D women looked like childish shrews prancing

>around any time they were seeming the subject of the discussion.

>They embarrassed themselves in a way that they will not be able to recover from.

Fully Agree. I posted a similar observation PB. They looked like a gaggle of uncomfortable, embarrassed, silly high school girls. They don't understand decorum. These are not principled individuals with their own internal moral compass; they kept looking at the others like themselves to find out how they should behave. They looked like a flock of birds.

No I did not EXPECT something particular of Pelosi's facial expression but I WONDERED if anyone observed something telling that might shed light on the NO CAVE theory. Apparently we did not.

That does not in any way invalidate the theory which still holds my interest.

fb8e13  No.5049475


Call somebody that cares because nobody on this board gives a fuck about you or your dead slut mother.

56f2bb  No.5049476


She would also read a bit then look at the crowd and seemed to make eye contact.

Was it the Wall deal? If so, why was it given to her before the SOTU? And she's that stupid and disrespectful to not wait?

4a7348  No.5049477


Feinsteins GITMO court minutes kek

086f90  No.5049478

>>5049289 lb

Obama money for media ran out in December 2018 thousands of journalists got canned … Media will now report Trump in a more positive light.

1bb5d0  No.5049479

File: e49b593d9fe6190⋯.jpeg (526.25 KB, 2365x1694, 215:154, BED2F4E6-B900-460E-A70B-6….jpeg)

File: 71c1a366a9dec81⋯.jpeg (423.17 KB, 2374x1334, 1187:667, AEC0B1F9-E3BF-4537-BDDD-F….jpeg)

edcc92  No.5049480

File: cbd27e744495d54⋯.png (61.24 KB, 654x327, 2:1, Bongino re Saavadra re SOT….PNG)

File: 76d4094bac20d84⋯.png (487.59 KB, 669x694, 669:694, Saavadra re SOTU Numbers 2….PNG)

File: de0ea17043b3f2e⋯.mp4 (704.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Saavadra re SOTU Num….mp4)

These are huge numbers 👇🏻'



fb8c03  No.5049481

dbfaf2  No.5049482


Disease/Cancer Cures Exist


Q !UW.yye1fxo 7 Feb 2018 - 7:06:12 PM

What if cures already exist?

What about the billions (public/private/govt) provided to fund cure dev?


These people are sick!


098966  No.5049483


Spoken like true psychopath.

0dd1f0  No.5049484

File: 5415794bc930add⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Notorious RGB.jpg)

Still MIA? Here's my Requiem.

cfb86d  No.5049485


Thanks, Anon! Trump wins and wins until the public can handle declas and arrests. Wall is first. Country changing from the security is second.

8a9f49  No.5049486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriots Remember

6450ca  No.5049487

File: ac386934fab4faa⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 827x436, 827:436, Dyse9U9XgAAeGxe.jpg)

61b907  No.5049488

Effing Wyden. Such a twat waffle.

ff79c5  No.5049489

File: dad4e5fb4409bde⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 3573x2688, 1191:896, FF12A870-E45D-4421-B215-E….jpeg)

644d33  No.5049490


When they showed ol' Bernie sitting there with a frown after Trump said, "There will never be socialism in this nation", I lost my shit.


fa0c1b  No.5049491


And to push Abrams out of prime time.

d41297  No.5049492

File: ef4fbbf8cbdd460⋯.jpg (18 KB, 255x191, 255:191, felt the burn 2.jpg)

you've lost that loving feelin'g

40791a  No.5049493

The Bible predicts a figure who will seem like a great dealmaker and peacemaker, but when he cries "Peace! Peace!" there will be worldwide wars instead.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

dbfaf2  No.5049494


2 days early don't forget that.

future proves past

7628ef  No.5049495

File: f172654838fba5c⋯.png (377.63 KB, 499x475, 499:475, democrats.png)

756dbb  No.5049496

waiting for Camile Paglia's response


687fa8  No.5049497


And then promised universal family leave. Because somehow fascism

is better than socialism.

70bae6  No.5049498


probably something more personal (e.g., conditional pardon)… but that's just a guess.

e80215  No.5049499

File: 71b05197ed34833⋯.jpg (207.5 KB, 1050x500, 21:10, monopoly-money-iStock_0000….jpg)

af949e  No.5049500


noice but RGB\RBG

1bdf74  No.5049501

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB, 695x392, 695:392, pepe-explosion.gif)


This is what POTUS did to the deep state and cabal as a whole pic related

155ea9  No.5049502


They ran straight to their DS handlers to find out what they should say next.

0944d9  No.5049503


Nancy's facial tics look like she is suffering from Tardive Dyskinesia.

What was trump taking about when she picked up the papers?

032b41  No.5049504

File: f2cb6e68e0366b8⋯.png (372.01 KB, 556x680, 139:170, ClipboardImage.png)

92ffc5  No.5049505


Yeah, so if they say room and go, there'll be peace?

Thanks Bible guy.

c1c192  No.5049506

File: ab71d08006b6cd4⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, this day forward.mp4)




>>5049427 (lb)

MYNIGGA. lemmetellyou dis.

POTUS is so courageous, he could leave his front door unlocked.

nobody taking that chance. he could even TELL you it is unlocked.. and sleep like a baby.

POTUS could troll 8ch with no vpn.. DOXX himself, send geolocation pictures of where he lives,

and still never get caught up in a bind. dank af, huh? is POTUS BATMAN?

POTUS is truly on some THOR level AVENGER status missions right now anon…

and YES.



9d2dd1  No.5049507


Bernie's face was quite red. Is that his normal coloring? Usually when a person's face blushes involuntarily it indicates strong emotion, of one sort or another.

It seemed to me that he was trying to formulate how he would respond when it was his turn to speak, and was coming up short unable to refute POTUS' comments. Therefore possibly experiencing a lot of suppressed anger or frustration.

013aa0  No.5049508

File: 2bb5a5d55d0460c⋯.png (274.9 KB, 624x501, 208:167, 2cfc5872c048cc90a85037e942….png)

552861  No.5049509


Q has been a cult for quite some time now. Just look at the board. Take Trust name for example. I said.. It isn't trump them to succeed it is trust them to fail. As Q said. these people are stupid.

I got called a shill and worse.

Now that we can see that Q will NEVER do anything. It was purely a marketing and propaganda job to take heat away from Trump and his friends until they have robbed all of you.

The wall isn't to keep people out, but to keep you in.


Back to where? Reddit? LOL.. I'm reading my Dr. Judy Wood book and understand more then anyone on this board. Prob. more than Q. Q still dont understand what evidence is and why it is key.

0dd1f0  No.5049510


Thanks, anon! Will Correct it!

56f2bb  No.5049511


These are the parts of the movie that drive me nuts! Now people will be guessing nonstop, shit, they are still guessing at the damn envelopes.

e50fde  No.5049512


Dank Jones!

ef46a4  No.5049513

File: dc90322c4ff74af⋯.jpg (399.13 KB, 775x775, 1:1, 96b1ccea464c1735b335436fe5….jpg)

Still waitin' on that pee tape…

1e75fc  No.5049514


It did satiate the jonesing I've been experiencing since the Bush not-a-funeral.

1c6d76  No.5049515


The pin I count six of them wearing it.

098966  No.5049516


Or a stroke…. kek

fa0c1b  No.5049517


That is Elizabeth Warren’s Texas bar registration listing her race as American Indian.

8d52ab  No.5049518

File: 9a1fb490ec0d186⋯.jpg (69.25 KB, 540x540, 1:1, IMG_7730.JPG)

805561  No.5049520

File: 35947dc1db23b79⋯.png (282.44 KB, 656x395, 656:395, sotu melania with cancer g….png)


Melania with one of the child cancer survivors sitting next to her at the SOTU

5dc1db  No.5049521

File: 0fb2141dbe1cd9c⋯.gif (24.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FunWayDevoHelmtbob.gif)

File: 99656975b009190⋯.jpg (22.51 KB, 649x365, 649:365, 4de0257850b638f3a61ecf2576….jpg)


…Simple, like you would form a club. Declare your own cult and it becomes reality. May get one of those religious ordainments to back it up. Cults can be fun and force people to think for themselves.

6450ca  No.5049522

1c6d76  No.5049523

File: b1ab8b157ebe759⋯.png (57.15 KB, 492x459, 164:153, klan wives pin enlarged.png)


six of them wearing it.

65809b  No.5049524


Makes me wish I was a cancer survivor

6658da  No.5049525


put lb when you shill newshillfaggot

302eb4  No.5049526

File: 79b8cbb558bc823⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1242x2051, 1242:2051, 2A6620AB-1821-493E-A31A-6….jpeg)

OH, the IRONY!

I was Banned from 8Chan (the night 8chan went down in December) and as of today sit at the top of Global Notables


5e6aa4  No.5049527


I don't want to wish any body ill, but aoc SERIOUSLY NEEDS SOME PROFESSIONAL HELP.

She has the personality type of someone who is a manic depressive.

I really can see her committing suicide.

Once the thrill is gone of being 'it' she has nothing, at least in her mind.

35dece  No.5049528


can't take this anymore

dropping this here

nothing major…just jfc

organized events are just that -


time is allocated for entrance




those involved all get a copy

of the speaking notes

After POTUS left

Nancy notes clearly show highlighted areas

perhaps during the SOTU

she kept referring to the notes

because she's addled or

perhaps cues for areas to

"maintain decorum"

speaking notes are NORMAL

for organized events

her use of them on TV

is due to her being an idiot

or something else

please move on from the f_ papers

5cd24b  No.5049529

>>5049364 lb



nOW, MY LOVE TO ETs Prime Creator, The One, The Source, to stop that. As I've said, it is mine job to beg for that.

I will, even you are retarded gibons, you will be marginalizated after, not all, but the great as you like to think about yourself, the rest will face God's JUDGEMENT.

The rest, I beg The Prime Creator to save us this time.. We are not perfect, but we'll learn.. Those creations of yours, plants, birds, animals, will suffer, come and give us a chance. Please.I will not beg, cos you must be love. Love is not to beg for. There is not love, when I will beg someone to love me. I will just ask for forgiveness, if i was made a mistake.

cfb86d  No.5049530

Maybe Trump's tie was off, so he would appear down to Earth right from the start.

An appearance mistake would humanize him much more than a speech fumble like a stutter or being misspoken.

e5f38e  No.5049531


that's POTUS signature bro

dd627e  No.5049532

644d33  No.5049533

>>5046856 Remember the 17 patriots of the USS Cole.

But forget about the patriots on the USS Liberty… Israel bombed them, intentionally. But, you cannot criticize the "Chosen People". Know your place, cattle.

40791a  No.5049534

Remember when this was Q research?

And digs on Zionism, all people in power left & right, the Middle East, Israel and so on made Notables????

Now it's just fan boi shit that supports the IDOL.

edcc92  No.5049535

File: e4f72f61d023097⋯.png (543.67 KB, 669x652, 669:652, Presler re CNN SOTU Number….PNG)


According to a CNN poll, 59% of those who watched the State Of The Union reacted very positively.


Also → >>5049480

e92a57  No.5049536

File: 613d02adddc5932⋯.png (668.32 KB, 1226x1230, 613:615, ClipboardImage.png)

CBS will probably be firing their poll takers tomorrow.

fd095c  No.5049537

Crazy ass SOTU. After it was over I came here to see what the chans were saying. Hahaha.

3656c7  No.5049538

File: c049a5e7f36a19a⋯.jpg (177.07 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, BeBest13 copy.jpg)



d12cfb  No.5049539

Wonder if POTUS ran straight back to the Whitehouse to check the chans for memes of himself and kek.

6658da  No.5049540



we can get rid of the SOTU global baker

c8e4a2  No.5049541


The American internet dream

3daaab  No.5049542

File: 9956971164dc8c8⋯.jpeg (372.21 KB, 799x1137, 799:1137, F93D580C-511B-492C-B1D1-2….jpeg)

Her age of consent ARE belong to us!

19a88d  No.5049543

File: 9cca4f94e20abfe⋯.jpeg (63.87 KB, 791x760, 791:760, puzzle-box.jpeg)

989257  No.5049544

File: ef314a41402f40a⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2126x1204, 1063:602, mmmm peachez.png)


finger lickin'


046043  No.5049545

Bosses of social media giants could face prosecution over online harm, warns suicide minister

US social media bosses should be held legally responsible for the content on their platforms and could face arrest if they fail to rein in online harms, the UK’s minister for suicide prevention says.

Jackie Doyle-Price said the firms including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube should be legally treated as publishers so they could be held to account for content such as self-harm, suicide or abuse.

“They are currently operating as if they are completely not responsible for the content that sits on their platforms. That isn’t an excuse we are going to have any more,” she said.

She said fines were a “potential” way to enforce any new law but, asked on BBC Radio 4 Today’s programme if erring bosses…


1c6d76  No.5049546

File: e1c7e3513d16bf5⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, klan wives pin 7.jpeg)

aaed02  No.5049547

File: 43aa5aac78dea06⋯.jpeg (255.2 KB, 1114x1273, 1114:1273, E98774DC-0203-4471-B330-F….jpeg)

Today I learned: CSPAN is a non-profit organization run by the cable companies who just paid Twitter to promote Stacey Abrams rebuttal.

“As the network is an independent entity, neither the cable industry nor Congress controls the content of its programming.”

“C-SPAN is operated by the National Cable Satellite Corporation, a nonprofit organization,[14] the board of directors of which consists primarily of representatives of the largest cable companies.[121] Early chairmen of C-SPAN include Bob Rosencrans, John Saeman, Ed Allen and Gene Schneider.[122] Funding for C-SPAN does not derive from advertising; instead, it receives nearly all of its funding from subscriber fees charged to cable and direct-broadcast satellite (DBS) operators.“


e80215  No.5049548

File: a6d77bdc01163c1⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 333x500, 333:500, Mansons Girls.jpg)

e50fde  No.5049549


Trump spoke of individual natural freedom.

Vows America will not be socialist.

Bernie's entire schtick for 50 years HAS BEEN socialism.

c1c192  No.5049550

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, operationlazerus.png)


obviously not.

must go back = NOT MOVING FORWARD.

you gunna get your hateful lyin' ass birdbox'd if you don't quit playin.

you forget who writes the paychecks lilboy.

f5205d  No.5049551

File: 159589c21200661⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1165, 1242:1165, EBC42B07-83AD-4DD4-8B6E-0….jpeg)

5b3402  No.5049552

File: a811d442d34854f⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 452x260, 113:65, Chance_go_to_jail.jpg)

5e6aa4  No.5049553


did I miss the Trump boy who was bullied? I did have miss a few minutes of it

552861  No.5049554


Eat dick 0 personality troll

bf45e4  No.5049555

File: 28667b7fb7cf61e⋯.png (332.67 KB, 506x383, 506:383, ClipboardImage.png)


Abortion changes everything about you when you are a woman who wants children…the left only tell you one side, the side that you have rights, that in the past women were forced to have 10 children and many died during childbirth. Though this may be historically true, it is also true that we live in a time where we can take measures not to get pregnant…and thats the freedom we have today as women. I don't mean to be a downer fellow anons, but I am one of those women who had an abortion at age 22 due to rape and it didn't matter that the baby was conceived in that way, I still struggle with it today, I have two children who are my world and that makes it even worse. Yeah I have a choice… but was the choice to abort worse than the choice I could have made? Have the baby and give it up….it fucks you up….just a femanon's 2 cents….

0dd1f0  No.5049556

File: da6167d5dc6a4cc⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Notoriously DEAD RBG.jpg)

Corrected: Notorious RBG, STILL MIA

644d33  No.5049557


Yeah… Sadly, this place has slowly turned into r/The_Donald.

c1c192  No.5049558

File: 236278e31699df9⋯.jpg (83.95 KB, 960x788, 240:197, memewars.jpg)



309e9f  No.5049559

Diane Feinstein is MIA.

d1c99f  No.5049560


He looked like he was crying when POTUS said there would never be Socialism in America.

6658da  No.5049561


quit your bitching and vote for Kamala

7e2de3  No.5049562

US Military Shock Raids In Los Angeles Preparing For High Profile Arrests Prompts Severe Russian Response


ff79c5  No.5049563

File: 50b1ed4883ebee1⋯.jpeg (993.55 KB, 2741x2283, 2741:2283, B7FFF9AD-8339-408D-BB2D-B….jpeg)

1556ff  No.5049564


Well, it's not rape when they beg for it.

Have you ever been begged?

I am the epitome of Chad.

Don't be such a faggot

0ce0ef  No.5049565

Dem "White Out".

Trump bully kid MIA.

Cancer kid instead.


222aae  No.5049566


No one called me…..

4b7b65  No.5049567

>>5049427 lb

>OUR military, no matter what, backs WE THE PEOPLE


>The question is, does POTUS back the american people?

>(Yes, most definitely)

An excellent reply!

Greetings from Germany.

I'm convinced Potus loves the Americans and the country.

I love this president and the Americans and my own country.

ae7ed1  No.5049568


Keep in mind they use trickery in the poll questions to get as low a number as they possibly can get, the actual numbers are higher

5e6aa4  No.5049569


what part of QRESERCH do you not understand?

e5f38e  No.5049570


I would say fake news watered that down by about 10-17% with the "somewhat positive" grouping, couldn't handle putting up a graphic with 70%+ approval

America is awake

93035d  No.5049571


thanks for the reminder

i removed the SOTU globals

6ad7bb  No.5049572

File: f7733a2493f18ad⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1276x2356, 319:589, dims.png)

c0fa5e  No.5049573



The SOTU was a thing of beauty…. Pelosi recieved her letter signed by Trump. And as it happened, she was " coincidently" given this letter tonight. And the whole world got to watch her reaction as she was reading it… She couldn't put it down. She looked deranged when left standing while everyone else was done clapping and sat their asses down. Oh no. Not Nancy. She kept her eyes glued on those pages. While trying to pay attention to the speech, making sense of it all. Controlling her FACE ( chewing her dentures at some moments. Kek) ….clapping and smiling and looking scared…

. It was ….. Brilliant. Thank you Q. What a beauty. I wonder what was in that letter? Q? Wanna share? Please?

0b38dd  No.5049574

File: 4ff0589d605c15f⋯.jpeg (290.33 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, df05c15ff56ea16af53e4a64e….jpeg)

989257  No.5049575

File: df73f1a6664b8f4⋯.png (2.78 MB, 2404x1308, 601:327, creepy fake people, moving….png)

3cc262  No.5049576

File: c46087646b595f2⋯.png (180.33 KB, 911x772, 911:772, ClipboardImage.png)


She was a primary speech writer and Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan.

940397  No.5049577


Also to simplified. All the Jesus talked about was not of this world. He was talking to the true Jew's those of Faith. Abraham believed God and it was reckoned on him as righteous. Jesus Kingdom was not of this world. He flatly stated if you were Jews you would believe in me. This is not what they practiced it was if they truly had faith in their heart they would be in His kingdom. You are thinking horizontal when Christ is preaching vertical.

098966  No.5049579


Kek. That's exactly what psycho would say.

302eb4  No.5049580



Yeah, I waited all day to say this so I’m all good with y’all deleted this from globals.


989257  No.5049581


that makes me feel very uncomfortable for some reason

fa0c1b  No.5049582

File: dd17e24ddc3c7f6⋯.jpeg (117.91 KB, 702x499, 702:499, 327AFE53-1173-4FC9-853E-D….jpeg)

7e2de3  No.5049583

File: 75e244880f2ef0d⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1343x1222, 1343:1222, Screenshot_2019-02-05 US M….png)

c1c192  No.5049584

File: 3a1ba18850ffeda⋯.jpeg (59.39 KB, 500x616, 125:154, patriots win.jpeg)


don't forget tha [@]


>shillin aint easy

fb8c03  No.5049585



It really seems like the same scenario here

dc3263  No.5049586

File: 315bea6043e7afc⋯.png (1019.28 KB, 603x1000, 603:1000, IMG_725.png)

patriots remember!

8fa5c7  No.5049587

File: 84dd2b0dc62d033⋯.jpg (392.03 KB, 1472x2064, 92:129, DossierByObamaHillary.jpg)

Superseding Indictment Adds Four Defendants to Gypsy Joker Motorcycle Club Racketeering Conspiracy



Proof an indictment containing moar than one(in this case 6) defendant.

Last time reported was over 70k sealed indictments?

Huge potential.

552861  No.5049588


And dude.. who the fuck programmed this shitty slow and laggy page? Seriously this programming is shit.

I shouldn't have to put lb. If you want it to say lb then program it to do so…

But ye… I forgot.. all on this board are retarded. The REAL anons, the real autists cleared the board a LOOONG time ago.

af949e  No.5049589

a2b9ae  No.5049590


Funny how they separated somewhat positive and positive but combined somewhat negative and negative. Slight of hand. Inflating negative number.

9790ab  No.5049591

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)

5a9dd2  No.5049592


I can't stop laughing at this one

56835c  No.5049593

File: f58273dfd683448⋯.png (417.98 KB, 772x506, 386:253, wallmoney.png)

8e535b  No.5049594

File: b247a98e3df3593⋯.jpeg (219.08 KB, 978x1000, 489:500, 0A971723-EDC1-406E-A7BA-2….jpeg)


f5205d  No.5049595

File: 71b4a5f9783a685⋯.jpeg (959.87 KB, 1242x1919, 1242:1919, 3C450D0E-DDE6-4CEA-BA2C-5….jpeg)


989257  No.5049596


you got it out of order, it was much more effective in the order POTUS did it…reorder?

fb8e13  No.5049597



aaed02  No.5049598

File: 6120cb060c45a82⋯.jpeg (20.21 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 3149C4F8-CCE8-408C-BF78-5….jpeg)


This is the real pain.

42c561  No.5049599

File: af7a9d11d057d58⋯.jpeg (11.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6acb8c782a9df0759f770eaee….jpeg)



Normally I go all TOGTFO

But this is a tripps of truth

moment femanon.


687fa8  No.5049600


Just like the arm-chair psychologists trying to "diagnose" Trump from the

sidelines, you have no idea what she really is. All you know is the persona

she plays for the cameras. We already know almost nothing about her

is what it seems. She's a rich kid, doesn't really have an economics

education, etc. She's tearing the Democrats apart every time she shows

her face on camera or on the floor of the House. She's playing a part in

a movie.

02a9a9  No.5049601

sup fags, is your Q god posting any cool games for you to waste your time on this SOTU? no searching for zoomed in phone pictures? AHAHAHAH NO? OH WOW, WHAT A SHAME, WAS HOPING FOR SOME GAY NEW GAMES FROM QUEEF THE QULT LEADER. 15 months of NOTHING happening. What a sad group of fucking losers you leftover people here are. SADDDDDDDD GROUP OF FAGS! AHAHAHAH FAGS WITH YOUR SCRIPTED NPC MEME RESPONSES

738f4e  No.5049602


Like she's holding a gun


147d52  No.5049603

File: 012873f14506ddf⋯.jpg (1 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 5f64386c1106cedc4a3fa12f64….jpg)

what was the tag?

"the bitter sisters of congress" or something like that?

e5f38e  No.5049604

File: dfabcc3546958be⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 480x270, 16:9, [laughs in patriot].gif)

>the straight jackets

my sides

9790ab  No.5049605

c1c192  No.5049606

File: 472921391a71efe⋯.mp4 (8.74 MB, 320x240, 4:3, apache.mp4)

06864e  No.5049607

File: 95c8601d729c3cc⋯.jpg (63.26 KB, 600x814, 300:407, 51276032_2302904649731544_….jpg)

File: cef059da22d07c2⋯.jpg (174.07 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, lloplki.jpg)

File: 4b2171c067b6acd⋯.jpg (107.04 KB, 528x408, 22:17, BRING OUT YER DEAD.JPG)

File: 1b4b2f085eef290⋯.jpg (85.93 KB, 528x408, 22:17, the ginsburg a splash on t….JPG)

File: 0d99c1508c0abfe⋯.jpg (258.2 KB, 528x816, 11:17, FREE RUTH CAMPAIGN Her dec….JPG)

a5f101  No.5049608

CNN reported their SOTU audience poll as 59% VERY favorable, but forgot to report the overall favorability. 80%?

45a7bd  No.5049610

Did anyone else notice or was it just me that Nancy Pelosi have to be guided on what to do and when to do it by some guy standing just off camera

70bae6  No.5049611


Anons—I've got it!

President Trump: "a contract is a contract."

20f613  No.5049612

>>5049493 Could be true, but putting your intentions behind the distinction of billions just to see your book be right seems less than charitable.

6f51b2  No.5049613

Here's the LOCAL coverage for STEVEN TYLER's Janie's fund, opening of Janie's House for abused girls in Bartlett, TN— suburb of Memphis

The fund's name was born out of the fictional Janie from Tyler's song "Janie's Got a Gun."


76802d  No.5049614

File: 0ad1b2f4deff66c⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 710x577, 710:577, 0ad1b2f4deff66cfc785e8c473….jpg)

1556ff  No.5049615


I fucking love this song.

Saw it when it came out.

Reminds me of my mother in law.

Huge man hands.

65809b  No.5049616


She's learned well from Kamala

6ad7bb  No.5049617


what was order?

31bb93  No.5049618


Love our POTUS. God protect this man and grant him wisdom. Destroy his enemies.

1bb5d0  No.5049619


Oh Frazzledrip that is his signature.

An Indictment?

6658da  No.5049620


<reddit spacing

<I shouldn't have to put lb

<REAL anons

<real autists

<pathetically shilling a board that doesn't matter

<thinks someone cares about the stupid shit being shilled

try harder tomorrow faggot

d8b15f  No.5049621


CNN “split” the positive total into TWO groups, so it would not be 70% +/-

It IS really 70% +/- Positive. Add the two together.

552861  No.5049622


The real PAYtriots are the ones calling people shill

Q… You're retarded (or as you said, there was no other choice, lol, retard)

5b3402  No.5049623

File: e62ededc7f94ca0⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 882x489, 294:163, 2ivodvcfads.jpg)

989257  No.5049624

File: d7fca6918e139fd⋯.png (7.86 KB, 255x116, 255:116, 7b9b441b9a6aea816e4aef639a….png)


>Normally I go all TOGTFO

good call

bdca79  No.5049625

File: aad0609dd1535a1⋯.jpg (65.79 KB, 497x550, 497:550, 2syrro.jpg)

dddcb1  No.5049626

File: 1a9f29e37a7c47b⋯.jpg (237.43 KB, 1198x667, 1198:667, kamalathisway.jpg)

805561  No.5049627

File: 9e114b305ecb2fb⋯.png (397.91 KB, 654x465, 218:155, SOTU Trump gallery of supp….png)


I missed him too. I have a couple screen shots of the Trump gallery where all the person's he featured throughout the speech were seated. Maybe he was in there but for some reason he didn't want to be focused on?

15cc18  No.5049628

File: bdda964775f4e11⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 402x155, 402:155, IDsbt.JPG)

89de19  No.5049629


I noticed that too, she was jumpy on the gavel

aaed02  No.5049630

File: 009e68705f09247⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, 0DFFFE00-4BAD-4344-8827-4….jpeg)


It’s your turn to feel the pain now.

6f51b2  No.5049631

File: d5d221337970a85⋯.png (355.37 KB, 541x303, 541:303, Screen Shot 2019-02-04 at ….png)


Forgot pic

3daaab  No.5049632

15cc18  No.5049633

>>5043357 (pb)

So pure . . . .

5a9dd2  No.5049634


I actually spit on my screen from laughter at this.

56f2bb  No.5049635


Yep, true!

a5f101  No.5049636


CNN "forgot" to report the overall favorability %.

7e2de3  No.5049637

File: 7857af01eb681ab⋯.png (886.42 KB, 1318x914, 659:457, Screenshot_2019-02-05 US M….png)

302eb4  No.5049638

File: 09e9c0b0760a839⋯.jpeg (824.56 KB, 1242x1553, 1242:1553, 967A0A32-27C0-4C40-97A7-9….jpeg)



93035d  No.5049639


>>5049439, >>5049479 Pelosi peeps POTUS' papers (pics)

>>5049535, >>5049487, >>5049480, >>5049536, >>5049591 These are YUGE numbers

>>5049482 Q post 694 feb 7 2018 Disease/Cancer Cures Exist

nom nom nominate notables

d1c99f  No.5049640


FAKE News Central? Surprised it is that high on the Clown News Network.

2db253  No.5049641


Ravens = Royalty in the Tower of London

They can't control us anymore…

45a7bd  No.5049642


Yup had to ask when to do what of some guy with graying hair off to the left of camera

756dbb  No.5049643

anons r triggered


2fe578  No.5049644

>>5045065 (pb)

>Reminder: Those chanting USA were freed. Many more chanting this year.

It was definitely awkward for them all to start it, I think this really may have been the case.

Nice speech again Mr. M.

I liked the North Korea info he dropped. You could see and hear them squirm as he did it. Classic moment. Almost as good as his Haiti references at the Al Smith dinner pre-election. Nothing beats that. Dolan blushed too, sick bastard. Can't wait for him to be exposed.

a6ca5c  No.5049645


It was his speech

1556ff  No.5049646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5e014e  No.5049647


Not CBS. All the usual creeps are still there.

fa0c1b  No.5049648

File: 818c7a7aafd8a46⋯.jpeg (108.21 KB, 822x752, 411:376, 793D8F53-D40E-4EFC-9BC9-8….jpeg)

89de19  No.5049649


This has such a deja vu feeling to it, almost something from SNL

cb75ce  No.5049650

File: adddce11f64e488⋯.jpg (58.32 KB, 500x518, 250:259, 069a0e992317b80dfd2ced7f0c….jpg)

Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste.

5e6aa4  No.5049651


I hope you are right.

but she looked lost tonight and everybody noticed!

f5205d  No.5049652

File: 6a21acdb8993b46⋯.jpeg (715.84 KB, 1242x1203, 414:401, 5827EE1B-F22F-4D4C-9158-B….jpeg)

File: 0a4cfbb76c88b6e⋯.jpeg (418.18 KB, 1242x939, 414:313, 1145E52B-6C02-4FE5-84E2-4….jpeg)


5920bc  No.5049653


I was wondering about that. Almost as if he was indirectly mention the USS Liberty by referencing the USS Cole. My thoughts were similar to his comments about Cruz's dad during the primary. Those comments weren't for Ted, they were for Jeb and 41.

faf506  No.5049654


Hmm, last time I checked, Q never mentioned zionists or jews, you fuck

d5f829  No.5049655

4b7b65  No.5049656


You sound bitter and agitated.

Join the movement and have a purpose, fag!

e50fde  No.5049657

File: 68b72a89adac7b0⋯.jpg (127.85 KB, 1024x1022, 512:511, Coyote Ugly 2.jpg)

File: 0ce1abfbd19e734⋯.jpg (53.39 KB, 468x402, 78:67, article-1336588-002D838500….jpg)



AOC face may fit with these?

1c6d76  No.5049658

File: 06d164154a3cf1d⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, klan wives pin 8.jpeg)

f1d9d1  No.5049659



White FEDORA hats.

a8ba95  No.5049660

Anons (not shills), watcha think about the SOTU address?

d7ed1e  No.5049661

File: d7ac0fd72ace6b3⋯.jpg (77.11 KB, 828x435, 276:145, jfk and mm.jpg)

e92a57  No.5049662

File: 7f9f6393079f76a⋯.png (869.57 KB, 1182x1302, 197:217, ClipboardImage.png)

Standing directly in front of Nancy Pelosi, President Trump says, "Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls, and gates and guards."

92a928  No.5049663


Was totally bizarre, nobody else was holding any papers or "transcripts" especially none with POTUS sig huge and bleeding through the last page. Then she gets up and claps right in his face in comical fashion. She's fucked! Great show!!!!

a9a444  No.5049664


I thought it his best speech ever. Eric jump said it was his best.

It gave me good bumps towards the end. It was fantastic!

147d52  No.5049665


speaking of…

Gillibrand looked haggard as hell.

almost like one who realized she picked the wrong side, sold her soul for a bag of shit & empty promises.

d12cfb  No.5049666

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I spend too much time here.

0b38dd  No.5049667

File: f9f1438ebda6b55⋯.png (266.11 KB, 500x251, 500:251, trumpwings.png)

989257  No.5049668


You just dox'd yourself, Eric.

d1c99f  No.5049669


Only surprising if he wasn't using drugs.

a5f101  No.5049670


I had two dreams where I fucked AOC. The second one, she had an abortion against my wishes. I hate her now.

013b73  No.5049671

File: 8eb771a573d784c⋯.png (783.15 KB, 1079x843, 1079:843, LATEST-feinstein.png)

File: 79d67f052309965⋯.png (667.93 KB, 791x801, 791:801, old-feinstein.png)


>Diane Feinstein

OK so the KTV article from 5 days ago uses a OLD photo.. but the 1/31 LA Times uses a photo from 1/29/2019 WITH (our) guy LINDSAY GRAHAM! ya!

f774ed  No.5049672

File: f5a91f7f58eb674⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1668x801, 556:267, ClipboardImage.png)

eb8f26  No.5049673


Guise, I think Clarence Thomas might be dead.

He wasn't at tonight's SOTU.

15a2e3  No.5049674

File: 157011cd2d77783⋯.jpg (55.24 KB, 525x469, 75:67, 1549427974170.jpg)

8672ab  No.5049675


thanks anon. Had one at 19 and never a day goes by I don't wonder and regret.

5920bc  No.5049676


>mention = mentioning

65809b  No.5049677

File: 400a3220dd58b59⋯.webm (1.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, SOTU.webm)

0b38dd  No.5049678

File: b176fd14d89380d⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 480x360, 4:3, s10e11_480.jpg)

032b41  No.5049679

File: 0406f3eb28a344f⋯.png (98.82 KB, 400x357, 400:357, ClipboardImage.png)


In trying to stay skeptical and critical since the start. I've come to conclude that this operation is without question from the very top.

I suspect either him or his immediate aids.

Either way it comes from someone on the inside.

It's a great tool to create a core/cult that stays motivated beyond any headline to the contrary.

It is indeed brilliant and operates as a free force multiplier in battlefield for the minds.

But it is also equally dangerous and can backfire badly in the long run.

The same cult members promised blood may one day demand cult leaders blood if they don't get fed what was promised.

It is indeed a dangerous web we weave.

I can't leave anymore. I've tried. I just can't.

I've tried to leave so many times now.

At some point you just give up trying.

But still there is a mind of logic that is angered.

And the heart of a patriot who knows this is the only place I can make a stand.

059682  No.5049680

File: b425b57bfd7f54c⋯.gif (816.31 KB, 500x419, 500:419, MERCHANT - MADAM GILLIOTIN….gif)

File: aaf0dcd03e20fc3⋯.gif (8.42 MB, 332x248, 83:62, MERCHANT - ROASTED.gif)

File: 3a532d2830b6f65⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB, 320x240, 4:3, JEW GIVES WARNING warning_….mp4)


Most Jews get set free. They've been mindfucked even harder than Americans. Think about the horseshit they have to force-feed them to go along with Jewish supremacism.

Kikes… They get the rope.

Or… Something.

f4c90e  No.5049681

File: fdbd667b6693a5f⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 223x215, 223:215, virgil.jpg)


The Dems expected a ruthless attack.

and put them to bed.

cfb86d  No.5049682

Where is Q?

7de51f  No.5049683

File: 77f058f32f04758⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 798x580, 399:290, Google chrome.jpg)

File: dfdc8259c961a30⋯.jpg (14.27 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Pepe trader.jpg)


Have a mini-bread from GOOG's 10-Q analysis that anons worked on today.

We got as far as figuring out that they got rid of dragonfly either on the cheap or possibly for no money at all. But the 10-Q does not show any divestments for FY '18

They used FOREX trading and series of derivative transactions to basically show they "made" $ 1.91 in the latest earnings release.

They spent the second highest amount of money on capital expenditures (CAPEX) to achieve those results announced yesterday.

Since this was done during the day it never made it anywhere..you know how that goes.

If you can consider it for catalog it would be much appreciated.

The stuff I gave you last night caused another anon and I to hook up and go through it together. There are two additional anons input from the bread last night as well.

Here it is:

>>5038507 pb

a119c9  No.5049684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I can launch anywhere!

37 341

2f5f64  No.5049685

>>5049310 pb

She's a greenburg. Phoney as a $3 bill

eb8f26  No.5049686

c1c192  No.5049687

File: 9a768c4fbca79f8⋯.png (593.27 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, REVEAL.png)


cool story bro.

0e8162  No.5049688

File: a92dfc16258e93e⋯.jpeg (31.74 KB, 680x729, 680:729, bdaa943e516841cca5fd8befc….jpeg)

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy anons

Happy birthday to jew

02a9a9  No.5049689


get real you boomer fuck. fucking qultist loser

45a7bd  No.5049690


Yea they showed several members and they didn’t look happy

013b73  No.5049691


is she praying to be saved? is Lindsay saying a prayer for her!!!

edcc92  No.5049692

File: 828e4862eb0157b⋯.png (406.14 KB, 653x593, 653:593, WH re SOTU 2-5-19.PNG)

File: 1ea453859d0b41a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video WH re SOTU 2-5-19.mp4)

"As we begin a new Congress, I stand here ready to work with you to achieve historic breakthroughs for all Americans."


899990  No.5049693


This is what is important to you? You must have come from Rebbit.

a9a444  No.5049694


Not Eric jump! Trump. An idiot in possession of unruly fingers. sorry about that.

fbf2fc  No.5049695

02a9a9  No.5049696


bowel movement cultist crap. eat shit fucking boomer cultist

d1c99f  No.5049697


You want a demon child?

756dbb  No.5049698

enough fentanyl was caught at the border to kill 115mm of their closest "friends"


02a9a9  No.5049699

cb75ce  No.5049700

File: 25a17a9a7d70252⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 500x658, 250:329, 2sy0yk_1.jpg)

America let me introduce you to your next president.

d32dda  No.5049701


What was the reason you were given for the ban?

989257  No.5049702


did you watch it?

got them to go all "girl power" for a good solid 3 minutes

then he brought up the abortion stuff, they were crickets

6658da  No.5049703


> qultist

reddit must be mad right now

de6b0b  No.5049704


One day you will understand the difference in an Israelite and a Jew. The promises were made to Israel not Jews. Let's read what God said about them before Jesus' arrival…

Jer 3:8 Judah saw that I sent unfaithful Israel away because of her adultery and that I gave Israel her divorce papers. But treacherous Judah, her sister, wasn't afraid. She also acted like a prostitute.

He DIVORCED them. And this…

Hos 1:9 The LORD said, "Name him Lo Ammi [Not My People]. You are no longer my people, and I am no longer your God.,

You are still being influenced by religious dogma not by the bible. Even Jesus hated the Rabbis. They turned the word of God into an EVIL book. Do you understand this? I am talking about the Talmud. Do you know what the Talmud is?

But you are on the right track about 1 thing…the elites are satanists and they have used the Jews to take the eyes off of them.

ff79c5  No.5049705

File: df2cf5cc14a417b⋯.jpeg (507.95 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 5953485E-A676-4721-A83D-3….jpeg)


guess who actually farted

b6ff07  No.5049706

Watching all the uniformed bitch-faced congresswomen in white during the SOTUS gave me a thought.

The solitary man living on his own by his own wits and guts is a figure throughout history. A man can live apart from the group and still survive.

But the solitary woman living by her own wits apart from the group is nowhere to be found in history. The woman cannot do it.

The cabal targets women by defining what the groups is for them to conform to. That's how they get women pushing the agenda, so they feel safe and belong.

Change the definition of the group - as POTUS is doing - and the women will follow. It is a brilliant reversal. Women, by nature, are terrified of being apart from the group and alone.

1bdf74  No.5049707

File: fbeefd54725296b⋯.png (874.06 KB, 660x960, 11:16, 9775c7060a9657649090e5594a….png)



f1d9d1  No.5049708

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



8fa5c7  No.5049709

File: 5ea4f0c386c8bd3⋯.gif (889.89 KB, 375x304, 375:304, canttouchdis.gif)


>the wall isn't to keep people out, but to keep you in

Do you realize how retarded that liberal logic talking point is?

You act like the mother fukken wall is going to encompass the entire US.

It's just on the south border, glowing reddit nigger.

Take your weak ass back.

Oh yea, and planes exist too..you may have heard of those things.

805561  No.5049710

File: 6d2e349dbe775a1⋯.png (512.27 KB, 797x450, 797:450, sotu happy birthday to old….png)



Here's another shot of the gallery

989257  No.5049712


they even were chanting, USA! USA!

fa901a  No.5049713

File: 6b5f73205c04234⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 1227x739, 1227:739, 6b5f73205c042349c785deac6c….jpg)

File: e4492b072c2f60d⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 4786x2494, 2393:1247, Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at ….jpg)

White Hat

f1d9d1  No.5049714

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

302eb4  No.5049715

973202  No.5049716


I will be honest, if there isn't arrest in 2019. I am off the q train.But if they happen after. At least I am informed.

f1d9d1  No.5049717

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

af949e  No.5049718


most struck by both sides standing\chanting USA…


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c3f516 No.231058 Jan 31 2018 23:42:36 (EST)

Effective yesterday, while standing under the statue of FREEDOM, POTUS FREED those ‘good’ people who are currently being blackmailed, threatened and enslaved.

Those who stood chanting “USA” were FREED.

The shot heard around the world.






02a9a9  No.5049719

imagine still being a qultist on here after 15 months of failure. holy shit. still posting fucking lame ass pictures with punisher logos. IMAGINE BEING THAT FUCKING PATHETIC

d12cfb  No.5049720

File: c409944f45a1f24⋯.png (38.39 KB, 150x123, 50:41, kkklogo.png)

f1d9d1  No.5049721

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

09ac10  No.5049722


Looks NOTABLE to me

6658da  No.5049723


kys spammer shill

19bc4b  No.5049724


that was Obummer

bdca79  No.5049725

File: a1f6b19ed1ea89b⋯.jpeg (425.4 KB, 1848x1848, 1:1, DyskafrU8AAy4kK.jpg-large.jpeg)

45a7bd  No.5049726

File: c8088422899bf6d⋯.jpeg (70.64 KB, 960x442, 480:221, EC9B3F42-439A-4C37-B02D-F….jpeg)

So fbi anon was a tad offbase tonight huh???

c1c192  No.5049727

File: 8820653b27549d3⋯.png (223.35 KB, 564x621, 188:207, Expand_your_thinking_maps.png)


bro you ID: is dank af rn. js.

and yea man, those without muh (you) are jealous of muh (you)…

if only i could give muh (you) to (you) so we could all just get along!

15cc18  No.5049728


Puhlosi, your patronizing smugness will contribute to your downfall.

Still can't work out if Poonce is bag egg or good egg.

989257  No.5049729


>White Hat

idk she's still a fucking spook

013b73  No.5049730

File: a5142a5bf300a91⋯.png (479.95 KB, 736x456, 92:57, LATEST-feinstein-let-us-pr….png)

f1d9d1  No.5049731



28de50  No.5049732


My bet: a fake speech was leaked. It looked like she was following along until the dialogue didn’t match the text.

76802d  No.5049733

File: 00a57a9a6e42836⋯.png (57.43 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 00a57a9a6e428365b1d0db864c….png)


Got the balls to blame a certain one faggot shill?

Or just taling in general to try to change optics?

edcc92  No.5049734

File: cfac29a85d98329⋯.png (51.43 KB, 654x407, 654:407, MMeadows re SOTU 2-5-19.PNG)

What a powerful SOTU address from @POTUS, from honoring the greatest generation to reminding us as Americans to embrace the opportunities ahead.

Democrats now have a choice: are they more interested in attacking this President, or working together for America’s people?


cbf231  No.5049735



45a7bd  No.5049736


The lady in. Blue was the woman he commuted her prison sentence

09ac10  No.5049737

File: 4bc136450c435f0⋯.png (244.71 KB, 460x276, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

5a9dd2  No.5049738

File: e3dd46f86927e06⋯.png (489.78 KB, 1090x720, 109:72, Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at ….png)



Did someone say Kool-aid?

This is the most in depth documentary i've ever watched. It is the reason I chose my profession.

934b0e  No.5049739

File: 25e7df67578f3b9⋯.png (767.81 KB, 1233x653, 1233:653, ClipboardImage.png)


Pull IT!

f1d9d1  No.5049740


Kisses to you to. Muah muah. xoxo

d32dda  No.5049741


Ah. I take it you disagree with the call then?

c72a89  No.5049742


It was right as he was talking about the sex trafficking you can see it start.

02a9a9  No.5049743



cfb86d  No.5049744


She needed something to do so she wouldn't fidget anxiously.

fbf2fc  No.5049745

56f2bb  No.5049746



032b41  No.5049747


What kind of cult did you have?

Was sex involved?

I think I want multiple wives.

That's pretty much it.

Just can't get my wife to go for it.

But she lonely and needs buddies.

So maybe there's an in there?

eb8f26  No.5049748


All the Kike cocksucking during tonight's speech sucked.

aaed02  No.5049749


I assumed it was a copy of his speech and she was trying to read ahead so she could guide her slaves reactions. He could have added a few extras in there just for her though, yes?

a8ba95  No.5049750



Yes, a big gun, she has to hold it with both hands.

d89316  No.5049751



If they're gonna own all the personal data of all their uses, they are fucking publishers and should be held accountable.

Dorsey needs to die, quite frankly. Just kill the mother fucker. They will only fine these fucking companies because it's just a fucking money grab. Worthless shits. Most of DC needs to just fucking die.


756dbb  No.5049752

understated moxie


6ad7bb  No.5049753

File: 0d9d5390a10789a⋯.png (2.32 MB, 735x1306, 735:1306, dims3.png)



d8b15f  No.5049754

File: 95b19f3d65f08a3⋯.png (898.35 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BBEDD964-C97D-4476-A847-9A….png)

File: a9beaf1f386240b⋯.png (2.15 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0E869D76-8EAF-4B2D-BCC7-86….png)

File: ba45328c031f4b9⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 30A802B1-D17F-4AA6-BD29-25….png)

File: 93d455db5e73281⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E8FD3208-C153-489C-AC01-13….png)

Hollywood chimes in: SOTU


3bb5b2  No.5049755


A nightmare turned in to a haunting of a choice you made and many around you probably pushed,its understandable. They all must have loved/cared for you, not realizing that in the end that moment of wanting to keep you from more harm dealt a lifetime of the "how could I' cloud over you. I am sorry that you experienced any of this. You are not alone, many are haunted by the regret of aborting. My sister had one at 17 and still I can see the pain and regret of her decision and she is 37. You were in some very tough shoes, i dont even know you and I hurt for you for that being ur situation. I wish you well Anon.

9d2dd1  No.5049756


So you you think his emotion was furious, or defeated?

d12cfb  No.5049757



15a2e3  No.5049758


There was a lot of it, too.

1c6d76  No.5049759



I count 9 in so far

mmm 13 Angry Democrat Abortionists

a5f101  No.5049760


Autographed copy.

bdca79  No.5049761

File: 8cb4c637eb78b7a⋯.jpg (58.05 KB, 495x517, 45:47, 2sys7p.jpg)

45a7bd  No.5049762


Socialist pin?

989257  No.5049763


much better, fukkin saved!

687fa8  No.5049764


That may be part of it. I don't know for sure.

Look at the parallels to Trump, too. What we see on-screen is "The Donald."

This is a total act. Most people don't know what he's really like. Not at all.

But this crazy loon known more for "you're fired" than any of his life

accomplishments managed to beat out a field of 17 seasoned R candidates

and the billion dollar Clinton machine to win the Presidency. Then he

improved the economy, ended a nearly 70 year war, fixed trade with

nearly every country we deal with, and will likely mop up the entire ME

region before the end of his first term.

Similarly, AOC unseats the #2 House Democrat, to the point where

he not only doesn't show up for debates, he actually endorses her as a

candidate in the election. Now, suddenly, the left is beginning to call her

the leader of the new Democrat party. A couple years ago she was a

bartender. A nobody.

Underestimate this woman at your peril. She's either much, much smarter

than she appears, or she's playing a part in a movie. I'm torn.

65809b  No.5049765


Waiting for them to report it was a glitch

c1c6b7  No.5049766


Project Raven story from 7 days ago.


d2b612  No.5049767


POTUS won over the wicked women wearing white over their dark hearts. I think SOTU was a home run so far as uniting the broken congressional politicians.

092bd7  No.5049768


Fact check No. 1 – The U.S. is the number one producer of oil and natural gas


Fact check No. 2 – Tax cuts


Fact check No. 3 – Prescription drug prices

Rating: TRUE

Fact check No. 4 – Americans are murdered by "illegal aliens"


Fact check No. 5 – Drug price decline


Fact check No. 6 – Limiting legal immigration

Rating: FALSE

Fact check No. 7 – New jobs and manufacturing


Fact check No. 8 – North Korea


Fact check No. 9 – Cost of war


Fact check No. 10 – Drug deaths

Rating: TRUE

Fact check No. 11 Food stamps


Fact check No. 12 – Sexual assaults of migrants en route to the southern border


1bb5d0  No.5049769

File: 7e0427143e82155⋯.jpeg (593.29 KB, 2367x1686, 789:562, 148D23D5-C10F-4148-BD4E-8….jpeg)

c2d377  No.5049770

Cheering POTUS and you great folks in the USA from down under

Kicking ass, great speech from the Man. We (the rest of the world) are really listening and watching - and cheering you on. Never forget.

Regards, an anonymous fren.

968bcf  No.5049771

Congratulations POTUS. That was a great State of the Union speech 🇺🇲🕊️

4 more years!

973202  No.5049772


Yep, he doesn't have time for that. Unless it means something. Check out the new Serialbrain2

ccfa12  No.5049773


I wanna know what the fuck she was reading!


Any chance you could leak it to us?

d8b15f  No.5049774



92ffc5  No.5049775

Anons have section where he says, "Americans believe in redemption"?

8678a4  No.5049776

File: 48b506628fad073⋯.jpg (275.35 KB, 1280x804, 320:201, 37069wide.jpg)


Hi, shill. You could resort to posting a redhead in every single on eof your attempted slide posts, and it still doesnt work.

Anons do remember. Your shilling, and your divisive distraction.

e50fde  No.5049777



Mostly defeated.

Probably a bit furious.

b48f77  No.5049778

Just have to say that POTUS put a lot of time, effort and thought into this speech. He spoke from the heart and I could feel his words were genuine. This man has feelings. He is genuine. He is brilliant. He is polished. I feel so lucky and proud to have the greatest President ever as my President. Thank you, POTUS.

1556ff  No.5049779


No. That's what a seasoned man says about the fairer sex. I have my numbers.

I know the psychology of women and what they want. It's not hard.

They love it.

It's the door the taking.

If you're willing.

3bebd4  No.5049780

>>5048294 pb #6446


147d52  No.5049781


these pics would go nicely with a run down of that South Korean feminist cult

129df3  No.5049782


Ya I think when he said POTUS freed the ones chanting USA, it was him pardoning THEM, he used us to make a deal, if he was for real we would just liberate mexico, he sounds good but its all a lie people forget that, its all words, Bank takes your house, politicians get raises, NO NEEDLESS INVESTIGATIONS=no justice, think snake poem, we might need to do it ourselves we will fail I'm sure but fuck being there pawn

a5f101  No.5049783


Losers always run out fast.

d2b612  No.5049785


Clearly MSM is still wicked.

4b7b65  No.5049786


>got them to go all "girl power" for a good solid 3 minutes

>then he brought up the abortion stuff, they were crickets

Yes, he exposed those girly, self centered, self congratulating c….s!

These "women" are the dumbest beings imaginable.


e43b28  No.5049787

File: f4cc6d2bc8a823a⋯.png (50.63 KB, 645x363, 215:121, EA2FB467-640A-4733-9C3D-77….png)

Im one of the good guys and this guy scares the shit out of me. Was he in three o’clock high?

Watching him at the SOTU not a smirk, nor a smile. Gentle clapping, that is all.

He knows the dirt and grime and crime. Those who know cannot sleep.

91adb2  No.5049788

Oh, Shit! The Snap! The Friggin' Snap! That is what is was supposed to mean! They thought she could never lose! "The Snap" was supposed to be the end of the patriarchy! Look, I know lot's of Anon's couldn't give a shit about superhero movie… but I've been a nerd for a really long time. After The Snap, the entire Marvel Universe is being transformed into A "HER"O Universe! Just like the comic books! PROPAGANDA plays powerful in the minds of the normies… just look at all the stronk wymens movies coming out in the next few months. They had to plans and finance these things years in advance, BEFORE Trump won. Shall we do our thing to ensure they crash, burn and are never remembered?

0ce0ef  No.5049789

File: 5c73d053801119b⋯.png (366.62 KB, 624x501, 208:167, AOCThermos.png)

a8ba95  No.5049790


That woman's going down in history. White hat.

15cc18  No.5049791


The stench in that room must've been unbearable . . . .

934b0e  No.5049792


That and the KKK memes are triggering libs on social media…you know it is a winner when you start taking hits

c0fa5e  No.5049793


Thank you for your service, brother anon !!!O7

POTUS is on a whole notha level. The size of his heart is unmatched. And so is the size of his balls.!

Best. Fucking. President. Ever. Ever. And. Ever.!!!

Thank God for president Trump. And thank God for our brave men and women in the best military this world has ever seen. O7 U.S.A


1556ff  No.5049794

1c980e  No.5049795


I don’t remember him writing this

d2b612  No.5049796


They had a baby to catch….fire.

6658da  No.5049797


the date says today

098966  No.5049798


Psycho. Rotting from birth. Your mom should have had an abortion.

e0fc2f  No.5049799


Shes on a few bars of xanax.

9d2dd1  No.5049800

File: 8b96176a846b6bf⋯.jpg (127.22 KB, 532x677, 532:677, QKek.jpg)


We watched the Fox feed.

They featured various people at different points in the speech. It's odd that a nobody newbie like AOC got camera time, multiple times. There's a reason, but I don't know the reason. Why are they pushing this freshman?


Kek speaks.

81985b  No.5049801


Front thong too tight?

a9a444  No.5049802


President Trump brought Alice(the woman in blue) to tears.

Also, I have never seen bernie boy's face so red ever! KEK

91adb2  No.5049803


It was a copy of his speech, Anon. A tradition of the State of the Union, the President hands a copy to the Speaker of the House and the Vice-President, the leader of the Senate.

6450ca  No.5049805

fa0c1b  No.5049806

File: 6866abd861011e7⋯.jpeg (122.96 KB, 702x499, 702:499, 381DAFCC-5763-4723-9863-D….jpeg)

968bcf  No.5049807



Pelosi was reading his speech. That's what her papers are. They each get a copy either on paper or digital to read on a device.

Remember, they were saying POTUS could just file a paper copy of his SOTU to the House instead of an address when the govt was shutdown?

1bdf74  No.5049808

File: 7d4a1476e51dfa4⋯.jpg (112.81 KB, 844x738, 422:369, Annotation 2019-02-05 2107….jpg)


uh.. Anons?

624138  No.5049809


Translation: "Well played."

93035d  No.5049810


>>5049439, >>5049479 Pelosi peeps POTUS' papers (pics)

>>5049535, >>5049487, >>5049480, >>5049536, >>5049591 These are YUGE numbers

>>5049482 Q post 694 feb 7 2018 Disease/Cancer Cures Exist

>>5049638, >>5049692 new WH twat

>>5049506 we are braver and stronger than ever before

>>5049683 mini-bread from GOOG's 10-Q ( >>5038507 pb)

1c6d76  No.5049811

>>5049705 kekin

9648a9  No.5049812

File: a78cc50ac7dc226⋯.png (879.88 KB, 1080x1192, 135:149, a78cc50ac7dc226ee19fc1bf06….png)

File: 19ba427ad200adf⋯.png (913.36 KB, 1080x1150, 108:115, 19ba427ad200adf5d1b5774eec….png)

File: 79cbf5936bd99d1⋯.jpg (68.64 KB, 500x583, 500:583, 2sy34m_1.jpg)

Anons don't worry the Democrats are in control.

ff79c5  No.5049813

File: 733a4b2a8dbd515⋯.jpeg (579.76 KB, 2253x2184, 751:728, 5F62F3BE-DB0E-4915-AAC9-B….jpeg)

e8f652  No.5049814


Commemorative Edition

644d33  No.5049815

File: 3cf4dae6b54a0e8⋯.jpg (95.76 KB, 614x1024, 307:512, C-7jiTHXgAEbHYb.jpg)

Okay… I have to admit, these are strange coincidences.

9d2dd1  No.5049816

02a9a9  No.5049817


6658da  No.5049818


literal NPCs

4b7b65  No.5049819

c0fa5e  No.5049820


Good point. Hollywierd tried. They failed. But very good point, anon.

f774ed  No.5049821


19bc4b  No.5049822


cereal for brains is froot loops

ee5b1c  No.5049823

File: f30cbbb98ce9305⋯.jpg (84.54 KB, 1174x662, 587:331, NewKellyanne.JPG)


92a928  No.5049824


Maybe so, and that would be the obvious answer. But don't you think she would have been much more prepared than that? She was the only one that just got the copy of the speech right before? These people ARE stupid, but she looked like a real amateur for someone that has been in the game as long as she has

bdca79  No.5049825

File: 46d865e53ba04e6⋯.jpg (56.91 KB, 495x528, 15:16, 2sysek.jpg)

File: b80f44ff6656e2f⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 493x528, 493:528, 2sysh9.jpg)

968bcf  No.5049826

File: 86740c51e8749fd⋯.jpg (113.32 KB, 869x680, 869:680, IMG_20190205_194218.jpg)

d1c99f  No.5049827


ABC = Always Been Communist

a9a444  No.5049828


He was so angry… He could have stroked out.

989257  No.5049829


>Underestimate this woman at your peril

agreed. I'm leaning towards she being a plant meant to sow decisiveness in the democratic party.

b14a8b  No.5049830

>>5049078 (LB)

Our Founding Fathers would scream, it already is!!

0b38dd  No.5049831

File: b5f67feed12c0c7⋯.png (388.62 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, pepeDTOM.png)

c2d377  No.5049832


These celebs must be getting their twitter talking points apart from the msm. Fucking losers they are.

d8b15f  No.5049833


That mouthpiece will never learn.

aaed02  No.5049834

File: 4fea9cc5ff54b9c⋯.jpeg (193.12 KB, 750x725, 30:29, 3FD8C13E-E6CF-48E4-AB49-8….jpeg)

a5f101  No.5049835


It is better.

4e6189  No.5049836

File: ae3f4eaa16a6b1c⋯.png (80.52 KB, 641x173, 641:173, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)


Was going to watch it, but don't want to ruin a perfect record.

1c6d76  No.5049837


The Baddest B*tch

e50fde  No.5049838


Junkie Mouf powoticians!

Wubs it!

06cf57  No.5049839

The Sgts. @Arms (?) looked all-business, more so than I recollect other times…

5a9dd2  No.5049840

File: 17a9afea315aea5⋯.jpeg (11.81 KB, 255x205, 51:41, a0e8c2d5310433d9626f28fbb….jpeg)


we need a set of AOC playing cards with nothing but these killer memes to pass out when people have bad days….

032b41  No.5049841


Not Debra!

60a0aa  No.5049842

File: 6783823e5eff82b⋯.png (620.4 KB, 616x725, 616:725, 1549426567468.png)

I might not be a green screen for the black whale.


5920bc  No.5049843

File: bce6dade1da9538⋯.jpg (315.36 KB, 800x451, 800:451, 77ph.jpg)


Nancy was getting hangry. I think she wanted some boneless buffalo wings.

24d9e5  No.5049844

File: 5cf02f6a7f85ffb⋯.jpeg (224.14 KB, 553x693, 79:99, 980C27A6-2431-4C5C-B83D-5….jpeg)

c2b0aa  No.5049845

File: 02cda3cf4c24ef6⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 567x373, 567:373, 02cda3cf4c24ef67976cc0c978….jpg)

6658da  No.5049846



a5f101  No.5049847


She had a different script.

968bcf  No.5049848

File: 659c483847a3e37⋯.jpg (114.13 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, IMG_20190205_185253.jpg)

042516  No.5049849

File: 3b4946f2d6d8261⋯.gif (3.2 MB, 720x404, 180:101, trumpepepe.gif)


#4. That lady's story brought tears.

Just when you think you have POTUS figured out, he's 12 steps ahead.

Best. President. Ever.

d1c99f  No.5049850


She seemed drugged up to me. Hard to say though, cause she is usually batshit crazy so it is hard to tell.

b7c385  No.5049851

In case Q or POTUS are lurking here, I thought the speech tonight was great! Historic, even.

It was measured, but still hit the high notes. Loved the part about not killing babies, and especially loved telling the trust fund socialists that America is a capitalist nation founded on freedom and their dumb ideas don't fly with patriots. Coulda used an arrest or two, but seeing them squirm and letting America see them sit on their hands and scowl was almost as good.

He was Presidential, optimistic, sent messages to our friends and enemies, and set out a decent agenda.

Of course, we know it's all a show, to bring the normies up to speed without melting their brains, but could we please get some of the advanced tech revealed, maybe have POTUS show a video of some of the gnarly tech under gov control?

Coulda done without the jew stuff, but I understand that politics is what it is and you've gotta play the game. It's just frustrating when you know about the USS Liberty and Lavon Affair and their role in 9/11 and their over-representation in top positions in our country to nefarious outcomes.

If you read this POTUS, you're doing a great job, and I rally people to your cause as often as I can! Keep up the good fight and God bless you and your whole team!

92a928  No.5049852


Ok then, glad you were thinking of us. Bye

302eb4  No.5049853


What’s gay porn if we’re all Anons?

Tits or GTFO

032b41  No.5049854

Is there like a video on how to make a cult out there?

I've got a farm already so that's a start.

4b7b65  No.5049855


They are told what to say.

687fa8  No.5049856


Clearly you understand the problems with neither.

fb8e13  No.5049857



31bb93  No.5049858


10 "likes" for the Jew handler. Noice!!

6658da  No.5049859


rent free

for a redditfaggot who hates Q, you sure do shill a lot

fbf2fc  No.5049860


I stayed up last night, in your head. Do you remember me? I resisted all urge to submit to you.

989257  No.5049861


>included ALICE

you had one job, (((fagget)))

0dd1f0  No.5049862


Anon, thanks for sharing. I have similar feelings about my ex-wife having one before we were married and really not in any kind of position financially. As you say, we could have put the baby up for adoption. I went along with it, but it wasn't necessarily my choice as the man. I have a beautiful daughter now and I love with all my heart who I wouldn't trade for a boy for anything, but I always think about what might have been, maybe we could have found a way, and maybe it would have been a boy. It never, ever completely goes away, now 38 years later!

e8f652  No.5049863

faf506  No.5049864


If you read what I wrote, I'm condemning religiosity, such as the Talmud. Christians do the same thing when we elevate some teacher's commentary to the same level as Scripture.

If you want to make distinctions between Jews, Israelites, Hebrews, and Zionists, then by all means please explain clearly for all Anons. In doing so, you will be underscoring that 90% of the jews today are most likely innocent of the Zionist claims constantly featured on this board.

As I said, there is a Cabal in control of it all. Pounding constantly on "Joo Joo Joo" is myopic and disingenuous.

4e6189  No.5049865

File: 359a8abe3e0df84⋯.png (37.61 KB, 657x527, 657:527, MAGA bra.png)

5dc1db  No.5049866

File: 1190248dced9439⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1190248dced94399470a417d33….jpg)


…The 'forming a cult' thing was meant to be a joke, although I did form my own Subgenius inspired clench. Gotta take sacrament, now. Blessed be this bong and it's green, leafy substance.

27e280  No.5049867

File: ebfd8a236874e7d⋯.jpg (70.78 KB, 533x500, 533:500, 2syslr.jpg)

c7cb93  No.5049868

File: 9c90c51553a3c62⋯.jpg (375.09 KB, 800x1013, 800:1013, 9c90c51553a3c623271ad04c86….jpg)


it was ….

63311f  No.5049869

The one picture I’d like to find is liddle Adam Schitt’s face after Trump called the libtards out for their endless investigations.

He turned so red and looked like a high school puke getting called out during an all school assembly.

To quote Bugs Bunny, what a maroon! Literally.

5e0172  No.5049870

File: 90b64ce5f2dacb6⋯.png (205.65 KB, 538x402, 269:201, Winning.png)

15cc18  No.5049871


Bernie wants the plebs to all ride bicycles, while he zooms past in his fancy Audi . . .

aaed02  No.5049872


She most likely has aides read everything for her and give her summaries. I think she was caught off guard.

a8ba95  No.5049873


Brought Ivanka & Lara who were next to her to tears as well. Then the black man who was freed. This anon had tears in his eyes too.

8678a4  No.5049874

File: 627e65c76a0b000⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 360x553, 360:553, JUN098247_1._SX360_QL80_TT….jpg)


Be abuse while we see dems stand and clap, he sees perps not in court, just yet.

He is always at work, just like a real prosecutor.

c99ed7  No.5049875


Those aren't the people in the speech I just watched

934b0e  No.5049876



a7f407  No.5049877

File: 05b7ce1eec71c00⋯.gif (970.91 KB, 500x211, 500:211, E4C43382-6E13-4FE5-BB54-CB….gif)

a5f101  No.5049878


She's much preferable to Crowley, who was a menace.

899990  No.5049879


And Waters. And surely there are others.

1b8cfd  No.5049880


Fuck (((them)))

They are lacking TRUTH

b7e6c8  No.5049881

File: 5555f484be78b8d⋯.jpg (89.9 KB, 651x500, 651:500, 2sysmt.jpg)

d1c99f  No.5049882


Gaping saggy fronthole Alyssa? Figures.

328c4d  No.5049883

>>5049147 (pb)

>But then, I was blinded by the fact that my mom had at least 2 abortions. And it ruined her as a mother. Hard to see when you're that close.

Why do you think she had two abortions?

My mom had one when she was in a LTR (not living with tho) and two forms of BC failed. She worked 3 jobs to keep us two in private school. No health insurance and prev. preg was high risk. She had an EUE at 5 weeks. She said she had a moral obligation to the two children she had and couldn't justify going on welfare etc. She it didn't fuck her up at all. She felt it was the best thing for all of us. She said who knows she could have had a miscarriage anyway as she was about 39ish. She said the only hard part was that she cherished her two kids and knew what it was to birth and nurse them and we talked about it openly so that we could understand these things are never easy to decide.

She is very pro choice but feels heartbeat or at the very least first trimester. Lots of times people don't know BC has failed so even if the morning after had been available she wouldn't have known she needed it. But she also said there is no excuse for women waiting that if you are educated about your body you will know straight off and not delay. I think morning after is useful because many people are irresponsible with using BC, but it really makes her mad that people will kill a full term perfectly healthy baby.

She also said she looked at what they took out and it resembled nothing. But she did say, sorry, but I can't do this. I think people are way too judgemental on this and honestly I would never support a complete ban. Unless there is some sort of welfare reform where the hoodrats don't get paid to breed while people like my mom work their asses off, she would never support a ban. The current system of breed all you want while responsible people like my mom work hard is not only not fair, it's racist as people with strong work ethics will avoid welfare at all costs while mom's taxes went to people who had all the kids they wanted on her dime.

b7c385  No.5049884


Is that pin on OKC of Karl Marx or the eye of sauron?

15a2e3  No.5049885

File: a94901f5594bfe0⋯.jpg (54.74 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 1549426095611.jpg)

Trump cucked out.

Nancy is one tough bitch.

76802d  No.5049886

File: 2c039f911fa910d⋯.png (293.06 KB, 556x541, 556:541, 2c039f911fa910d24c265d951b….png)

31bb93  No.5049887


Spouse anon had a big laugh over that. Perfect camera timing.

989257  No.5049888


>In case Q or POTUS are lurking here

go back to facebook, you don't belong here

738f4e  No.5049889

GOP's Jason Rarick wins tight special election for Minnesota Senate seat

The win expanded the GOP's narrow majority in the chamber and ended more than two decades of representation in the district by Democrats and members of the Lourey family.

The win means Republicans will expand their narrow majority in the state Senate by one vote. The 35-32 split may make it more difficult for Gov. Tim Walz and Democrats in control of the state House to pass proposals key to their agenda, including bills related to guns, heath care and a gas tax, this session.


222aae  No.5049890

File: d4ce9e1759f6867⋯.png (246.34 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe glasses.png)


Is that… is that real?

d89316  No.5049891


I know a lot of leftists who are outraged about the full term abortions and they're not budging.

1cb76f  No.5049892

File: dfecf76ebd3e6f6⋯.png (211.24 KB, 570x487, 570:487, dfecf76ebd3e6f61ff5d2da136….png)

0ce0ef  No.5049893

File: f2e48b53f6dc4be⋯.png (54.83 KB, 777x437, 777:437, 7b9092adf81bf9d80e3af3c50e….png)



6658da  No.5049894

File: 8b7c9f5ae185bcf⋯.png (359.63 KB, 538x490, 269:245, ClipboardImage.png)

129df3  No.5049895








so what was the point of the speech o spew a bunch of lies, How is he different then the rest at this point? Its ok to Lie for us MUH TRANSPARANCY how are you guys doing? can you afford to go out to a nice speech?


15cc18  No.5049896


Such purity . . .

7e2de3  No.5049897


watch his cnn interview after sotu then

5b3402  No.5049898

File: ee5891369187611⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, GITMOcruises.jpg)

44e380  No.5049899


He will let them live so there is some compassion.

9a3adf  No.5049900


I'm glad I didn't have to look at wolf-eyed lyin' Ryan at the SOTU. He's even more despicable than Pelosi.

c7cb93  No.5049901

File: 88979f04ffe07c8⋯.jpg (68.7 KB, 977x596, 977:596, 88979f04ffe07c8f3092815dc8….jpg)

31bb93  No.5049902


You dumbfucks aren't even trying anymore.

8fa5c7  No.5049903

File: 0b147d06b888d32⋯.jpg (111.4 KB, 640x470, 64:47, youregay.jpg)

805561  No.5049904


He was figured for a larp by the Anon's at the get go. But wanted to save his larp for the newbies as an example. Now anyone claiming to be an FBI Anon is going to get his ass handed to him … all's good in the end

af2dbd  No.5049905

File: 105b624d39d1576⋯.png (33.27 KB, 572x394, 286:197, ClipboardImage.png)

5e0172  No.5049906



032b41  No.5049907

File: 9c19649900357b0⋯.png (950.82 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe I shouldn't have had that second Crown Royal?

1c6d76  No.5049908

>>5049506 - gotta find a group shot of the Klan Wives, still can't make out pin


>>5049813 Anon gets it

9a24d6  No.5049909


with gallons of old lady perfume trying to mask it

5e6aa4  No.5049910


Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


8479a2  No.5049911

File: 60cd882a837a050⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 380x320, 19:16, YesJewSanders.JPG)

File: cb85b33d93b957e⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 501x313, 501:313, YesJewSoros - Copy.JPG)

File: 0fe5b555a709891⋯.jpg (41.76 KB, 509x380, 509:380, YesJewsSackler.JPG)

File: b60f0595530cf1a⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 453x274, 453:274, YesJewsSchneiderman - Copy.JPG)

File: 0e78196f40f7a65⋯.jpg (32.05 KB, 410x336, 205:168, YesJewWassermanSchultz - C….JPG)

Fight this mother fuckers.

0b38dd  No.5049912

File: aacce5c2c5afcbb⋯.png (563.77 KB, 625x468, 625:468, ClipboardImage.png)

552861  No.5049913


I'd say it is simple words and lies

Prove me wrong, oh you can't.

989257  No.5049914


get a fucking room

4b7b65  No.5049915


This meme has the power to make the pussy hats explode!

1556ff  No.5049916


Dont be jealous, fat boy.

Read a book. Go out and try it. It's not hard. You too can have it. All you have to do is try.

Why wont you try.

Just try.

9b8d3d  No.5049917

File: 4352c973b3e822c⋯.png (422.41 KB, 640x699, 640:699, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab701814ddda980⋯.png (472.83 KB, 640x658, 320:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fab6631472eafa9⋯.png (57.04 KB, 640x574, 320:287, ClipboardImage.png)

Dianne Fienstein Twatter Posts Today

She wasn't shown at SOTU, but she did have Twatter Activity..hmmm

(1 of 2)

aaed02  No.5049918



91adb2  No.5049919


Actually, you can see President Trump signature bleeding through the last page of her stack of papers…

b7c385  No.5049920


No, but I'll go back to lurking. And fuck you.

a5f101  No.5049921


76% positive.

6658da  No.5049922

File: bcf361eef60afaa⋯.jpeg (22.02 KB, 255x215, 51:43, bcf361eef60afaa5c9d6ae2c4….jpeg)

c1c192  No.5049923

File: 33bae9d6d7c1297⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 484x612, 121:153, caughtme.jpg)

File: 4f2a6855c1336fc⋯.jpg (85.49 KB, 960x720, 4:3, halloween18Talon.jpg)


wow. idk if you meant to land on (770) er nah..but holymoly this touched my heart. I'm a PROUD resident.



687fa8  No.5049924


That could be true, and she's certainly much more entertaining - if her role

really is to divide the Dems, she's doing a better job than he could have

because he's old guard. There's a reason he let her take the seat.

d2b612  No.5049925


Bread #4441

Anonymous 02/05/19 (Tue) 21:02:12 ID: 6b0732 No.5044191>>5044205

Q’s in the Audience

a7f407  No.5049926

POTUS SOTU = slam dunk

D’s response (both in chamber and in front of green screen) = embarrassment

Not even slave media can make you fools look good.

Every day you’re becoming less and less relevant.

f9c4b3  No.5049927




cereal for brains is froot loops


042516  No.5049928


>Bernie's face was quite red. Is that his normal coloring? Usually when a person's face blushes involuntarily it indicates strong emotion, of one sort or another

Is he still doing his "post-rebuttal" speech?

6450ca  No.5049929



I remember the night you poleslider

e50fde  No.5049930



Socialism(communism) by design DEMAND an elite ruling class of "public servants" and eventually a dictator, as the ALWAYS run out of other peoples' money.

15a2e3  No.5049931



Keep living your delusion.

I understand that it is hard to deal with the truth.

It sucks.

884f89  No.5049932

File: a0dfd709200a95a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1085x1233, 1085:1233, sotu.png)


552861  No.5049933


Nah I'm here right now. Prove me wrong. You can't? well I already knew that.

661477  No.5049934

File: 2f833a25fc195df⋯.jpg (65.79 KB, 587x422, 587:422, shameless.jpg)

4b7b65  No.5049935


Seek medical treatment, idiot.

dddcb1  No.5049936

File: f45f4bd69c2a94b⋯.jpg (292.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, follower.jpg)

File: 59c1b2b0bfd959b⋯.jpg (66.01 KB, 625x502, 625:502, oaccult.jpg)

032b41  No.5049937


You sit upon a throne of lies

222aae  No.5049938


I know the fucking hat is fake I'm asking if that's one of cam girl sandy's real tit pics.

a5f101  No.5049939


Libtard tech needs to be destroyed. It's crooked and evil.

129df3  No.5049940


OK I guess the lying and boosting is important ok, when did he write that like 18 mo ago? ya you are right

fe8720  No.5049941

File: 05757e30b07b8ea⋯.jpg (95.79 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, IMG_20190206_001434.jpg)

Pelosi starting to have a crush on POTUS… cuty cuty

ab564a  No.5049942


kek, thank you.

5920bc  No.5049943

File: f7e0eaecb75066a⋯.png (1.49 MB, 986x1052, 493:526, 77po.png)

15a2e3  No.5049944


Seek reality, my friend.

ab6ad5  No.5049945


Well she certainly manifests the social skills of a bar slut. Why not?

e80215  No.5049946


Pelosi had her eye on Occasional like a grandmother with a stick

79e81e  No.5049947

File: 435f8896abf4d24⋯.png (475.13 KB, 1258x1520, 629:760, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

2 million followers

made the tweet 12 hours ago




91adb2  No.5049948



What's wrong with facism? Better than a democracy (worse than a republic, but I think we've blown that gig).

940397  No.5049949


You must read your ENTIRE bible. This is part of the description of AntiChrist. Non of this fits Trump let alone what everyone else said about judging a tree by its fruit. Then you have a house divided. If he is evil why is he putting evil in prison or to death????????? By using the law that the evil cabal ignored!!!!!!

738f4e  No.5049950

Read the president's entire State of the Union address

Here are his prepared remarks, provided by the White House:


Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans:

We meet tonight at a moment of unlimited potential. As we begin a new Congress, I stand here ready to work with you to achieve historic breakthroughs for all Americans.

Millions of our fellow citizens are watching us now, gathered in this great chamber, hoping that we will govern not as two parties but as one Nation.

The agenda I will lay out this evening is not a Republican agenda or a Democrat agenda. It is the agenda of the American people.

Read the rest here:


8678a4  No.5049951

File: a8b50007b61bb6f⋯.jpg (164.21 KB, 821x1024, 821:1024, 1546497486712m.jpg)



She will never compare, but whatever…

042516  No.5049952

File: 46d0edeaacc61c2⋯.gif (1011.57 KB, 500x655, 100:131, bodobbsgif.gif)

9b8d3d  No.5049953

File: 810f31258b2dfc7⋯.png (48.03 KB, 640x470, 64:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea411f829744e8b⋯.png (541.42 KB, 640x900, 32:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac4b8240a453ee3⋯.png (38.17 KB, 640x505, 128:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Dianne Fienstein Twatters Continued

1c980e  No.5049954


Kinda looks like a cross between Haba & Chet

5a9dd2  No.5049955

File: 8ba8d1b25a929c5⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1180x1138, 590:569, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

Do you think he knows I didn't go to the moon?

I'll just punch him in the mouth.

5cd24b  No.5049956

this are mine, only mine.

let them, alone






4e6189  No.5049957

File: cc54319a39e6cba⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2253x2184, 751:728, 733a4b2a8dbd5153287471070e….png)

644d33  No.5049958


Red Sonja was awesome.

832ebe  No.5049959

File: d244a72e0188220⋯.png (987.18 KB, 1017x899, 1017:899, SOTU.png)

Their expressions say it all …

092bd7  No.5049960

File: e9e2a681528901e⋯.png (84.06 KB, 1014x614, 507:307, respon.PNG)


d12cfb  No.5049961


In a normal world that would end the discussion about the wall and have it fully funded and built. But we live in strange times.

934b0e  No.5049962


DemonRats = Division shills

9648a9  No.5049963

File: ad8184a675c1475⋯.png (925.4 KB, 834x1753, 834:1753, Screenshot_20190205-211545….png)

Don Jr loves minority women.

56835c  No.5049965

File: 7045633711f1cc0⋯.png (579.04 KB, 1265x720, 253:144, berniebro.png)

e43b28  No.5049966

Chuck the cuck after POTUS starts in on the abortions- watched him mouth “oh boy”

It is so fun to watch the wheels come off

09ac10  No.5049967


What a relief to know who is Daddy

032b41  No.5049968

File: 96c94dbde551e91⋯.jpg (25.97 KB, 564x411, 188:137, Fredisfucked.jpg)

ff79c5  No.5049969

File: 45b0e77fc51fc26⋯.jpeg (400.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 9D238FA2-3111-44F6-ACBD-9….jpeg)

940397  No.5049970

Daniel 11:37 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

37 He will show no regard for the [a]gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all.

a7f407  No.5049971

File: 534baf5de37c62d⋯.jpeg (286.21 KB, 672x707, 96:101, 388E43C8-95F8-49AC-B47D-6….jpeg)

Goofy fuck.

644d33  No.5049972


"Thank you, for appeasing Israel."

3bebd4  No.5049973

Theresa May says she is 'not proposing' to scrap Brexit backstop1:58

Theresa May has risked a fresh backlash from eurosceptic MPs in her own party, after saying she is 'not proposing' to scrap the controversial Brexit backstop. Speaking during a visit to Northern Ireland, the prime minister confirmed she would be seeking changes to the insurance policy, which is designed to prevent a hard border reforming on the island of Ireland if a trade deal cannot be struck in time. Mrs May restated her 'unshakeable' commitment to avoiding a hard border post-Brexit, pledging: 'The UK government will not let that happen. I will not let that happen.' The PM acknowledged the importance of a seamless border, saying it had helped 'deliver peace and prosperity'.

February 6th 2019


01875e  No.5049974

File: 65b6da12dceead1⋯.png (916.84 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Doomsday up out of SC. Headed back to NE by the looks. Any anons know why these planes move around base to base for a short time so often?

4b7b65  No.5049975


I'm definitely not your friend.

1c980e  No.5049976


That’s what I’m thinking!!!

15a2e3  No.5049977


Admit it… You are, and you like me.

5e0172  No.5049978


Yea interesting body language for sure. Feigned submission. Something up her sleeve. Sorry Anons but I get the same feeling about Pence.

129df3  No.5049979

File: 1fa948023af2b55⋯.png (31.11 KB, 451x207, 451:207, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)


all the stocks are up since Q started Posting they lie and say O they lost billions, then next week it goes up more, its all bull shit keep on eating, Trump just Freed THEM not you buy thats the plan

756dbb  No.5049980

fed prison tweets


ab6ad5  No.5049981


I think the foot memes may have the potential to drive her clinically insane.

5b3402  No.5049982

File: 0f206e930d59241⋯.jpg (66.18 KB, 500x280, 25:14, KHWB.jpg)

24d9e5  No.5049983

File: f9e4cd29c814dff⋯.jpeg (9.85 MB, 4200x3445, 840:689, 5E637EAE-6EF1-451A-89D8-3….jpeg)

e43b28  No.5049984


Don’t just eat the hamburger- eat the hell out of it!

9790ab  No.5049985

File: 5e98f07faac34da⋯.jpg (30.83 KB, 800x441, 800:441, King-Arthur-and-Patsy-mont….jpg)


Won't You Join Me?

5920bc  No.5049986


Thanks cunt! Put another dingo on the barbie. Love ya, ya bogan!

aaed02  No.5049987

File: 3b2c447f99ca7ad⋯.jpeg (86.83 KB, 600x800, 3:4, B8C6AC9F-5FA4-44A5-B1FC-D….jpeg)

552861  No.5049988


Its a great tool to spread propaganda and lies.

Show me one thing that Q has said that turned out to be correct and not lies like 99% of Q's posts.

All Q has done is consolidate about a dozen old conspiracy theories into one. No evidence, no thought behind it, no nothing.

Like AH and Markel.. this isn't new.. It has been out for decades. People here are just slow.

7e2de3  No.5049989

File: c3fa9e4f26b2ced⋯.jpg (16.29 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images3.jpg)

7de51f  No.5049990

File: e88517b5698c32e⋯.jpeg (97.93 KB, 888x481, 24:13, FAB.jpeg)

File: eeaed00891e3356⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Neg Arb.jpg)


ty baker

d12cfb  No.5049991

a8ba95  No.5049992


Anon drove the Autobahns for 8 years. Worst, most aggressive coward drivers: yep, Audi drivers.

624138  No.5049993


Imagine winning. I know, it's getting harder and harder for you.

44e380  No.5049994


He knows about Antarctica… Message to the Cabal?

644d33  No.5049996


Amen… People want to ignore the uncomfortable truth.

"It's the Jews, stupid." - Glenn Miller, congressional candidate

0ee1af  No.5049997


The talking points were given in an email..Check a couple breads before SOTU..

Those tweets and hashtags are exact copy.

search here…


report back

e50fde  No.5049998


>Do you think he knows I didn't go to the moon?

Does he not see my beady eyed stare and all the fancy symbols on my jacket?!?!?

6658da  No.5049999

File: 8f8b033ba57c308⋯.png (319.81 KB, 750x375, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

328c4d  No.5050000


>why would President Trump sign his big signature (i.e., using special type of marker as he does w/ executive orders) if that was merely a transcript of his speech?

Because some day in the future when Nasty Nancy's family has lost all their money and live under a veil of shame that speech, signed by the greatest POTUS ever and carefully hidden away will be sold for a vast amount and feed her descendants and keep them off the streets?

81985b  No.5050001


She says "our" American values, when she grew up in Canada and graduated from high school in Canada? Nothing against Canadians, but I don't even see her as an American (ie, citizen of the United States of America). She can STFU and sit down.

15a2e3  No.5050002


Awesome. Hopefully the black crime rate will go down.

Has nothing to do with the speech, but, ok.

c8e44f  No.5050003

File: 596a155b2cde3d5⋯.jpg (153.61 KB, 631x712, 631:712, booml.jpg)



93035d  No.5050004


>>5049439, >>5049479 Pelosi peeps POTUS' papers (pics)

>>5049535, >>5049487, >>5049480, >>5049536, >>5049591 These are YUGE numbers

>>5049482 Q post 694 feb 7 2018 Disease/Cancer Cures Exist

>>5049638, >>5049692 new WH twat

>>5049506 we are braver and stronger than ever before

>>5049683 mini-bread from GOOG's 10-Q ( >>5038507 pb)

>>5049808 a president intent on unity…. mockingbird chatter from the MKUs on twatt

>>5049889 GOP's Jason Rarick wins tight special election for Minnesota Senate seat

muh notables:

keep em coming while comfy

3bebd4  No.5050005

Centurion teacher suspected of sexually abusing girls as young as 6

2019-02-06 07:07

Riaan Grobler

Valhalla Primary School.

Child sexual abuse and exploitation: 10 things a new study found

'We trusted him' - Soweto community responds to acquittal of scholar patrol guard

Bryanston High School moves sexual abuse hearing off-site, date changed

Gauteng department of education officials accompanied by counsellors will be visiting Valhalla Primary School in Centurion on Wednesday as allegations of abuse of a sexual nature against a male teacher have surfaced.

Department spokesperson Steve Mabona told News24 on Wednesday morning that the teacher has since been "removed" from his post as investigations into the alleged abuse continue.

According to Mabona, the alleged perpetrator has not yet been arrested as there were procedures that needed to be followed.

This follows reports on Twitter of phone calls made by concerned parents to Crime Watch presenter Yusuf Abramjee.

Abramjee tweeted that police had obtained statements and an investigation was under way.

"Parents want the teacher at Valhalla Primary in Centurion suspended immediately. They say they will gather at the school tomorrow morning," Abramjee tweeted.

According to Mabona and Abramjee, the teacher allegedly inappropriately touched a number of girls and sexually abused them. Some are reportedly as young as 6.

On Wednesday morning, police spokespeople Captain Kay Makhubele and Colonel Lungelo Dlamini could not confirm whether a case had been opened.

Abramjee could not be reached for comment.

This is a developing story.


e70c63  No.5050006


How quick he was to give up his "values" and step down for Hill. Didn't he get a private jet out of the deal? He was their best chance last time but someone else just had to have his spot. It won't happen this time either.

9648a9  No.5050007

File: 0cb32f6e6cbd2c4⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 500x557, 500:557, 832ef7f6eaae5d49efe6a360cb….jpg)

dddcb1  No.5050008

File: 2d3e26d3339f73b⋯.jpg (203.6 KB, 881x1024, 881:1024, maxinewatersiain'tplaying.jpg)

Someone see a ghost?

2db253  No.5050009

File: 2bc5fd0c9003b03⋯.png (72.6 KB, 600x338, 300:169, metro dc dsa.png)


Metro DC Dsa pin?

c1c6b7  No.5050010


It's not the pin of Jakelin Caal or an ERA pin.

I don't know what pin that is.

c1c192  No.5050011

File: 1324d57aa4965bf⋯.png (196.63 KB, 738x616, 369:308, [0].png)

File: 0650bd0527f95bd⋯.jpg (35.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, florence.jpg)


and yet your still here complaining about how ignorant you are?

b7c385  No.5050012

File: c1e5b8cbba49594⋯.jpg (111.05 KB, 427x657, 427:657, Teflon coating.jpg)


Shopped, or at least the last one is. Makes me think it's some kind of manipulation attempt.

1cb76f  No.5050013

File: a648d530ec29464⋯.png (5.07 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 3d108c80b08e79eb010dcfa4cc….png)


Quads of truth.


65809b  No.5050014


Those booms are starting in again I see

91adb2  No.5050015


President Trump is fighting for the unborn… and NEWLY born. What the hell? You think he is evil? More so than the ones that actually voted to KILL the unborn? Sorry, gotta go with the one that proclaims for life.

762ec0  No.5050016

File: bc74e8f83002d33⋯.jpeg (173.48 KB, 1089x834, 363:278, F0ADD553-06F9-455C-91BD-A….jpeg)

I’m seeking professional help

5920bc  No.5050017


Why is Ivanka repping black widow spider colors? Message to someone/s?

644d33  No.5050018


All I know is, that officer NEEDS that sports car, paid for by our tax-dollars.

673bab  No.5050019


She deserves an Oscar when this movie is over. Bravo.

bdca79  No.5050020

File: 991ef3928188fae⋯.png (440.44 KB, 636x700, 159:175, Maxine Feet.png)

013b73  No.5050021



8479a2  No.5050022

Red Dawn Protocol Activated

24aefb  No.5050023


Just like she had one million dollars in contributions within 24 hours of announcing her run for president. Fake followers. Fake contributors.

9a3adf  No.5050024


Don't do it, you'll regret it later.

4e6189  No.5050025


>Any anons know why these planes move around base to base for a short time so often?

Moving target less of a risk for sabotage?

Doomsday planes gotta be ready for doomsday.

01875e  No.5050026

File: 3624d01189ffdfa⋯.png (505.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

e50fde  No.5050027

File: fed213615447cb6⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 430x287, 430:287, river_tam_psychic.jpg)


Quads confirm AOC is an adderall / speed freak.

7c15b7  No.5050028

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 1.png)

7de51f  No.5050029


maintenance perhaps. There was a twatter post from someone a 2weeks ago? saying they just saw AF1 out of dallas but it was one of those.

Don't know about maintenance flights at night though.

0b38dd  No.5050030

d1c99f  No.5050031


Ol Horseface John.

dddcb1  No.5050032


Bitch I am a size 6!

552861  No.5050033


If you don't want to be a pawn, why are you here?

01875e  No.5050034

2db253  No.5050035

File: dc39ab73d5d9f3e⋯.png (140.91 KB, 316x316, 1:1, Workers of the World DSA.png)


Or perhaps this one?

5dc1db  No.5050036

File: 3e186227ae27543⋯.jpg (75.57 KB, 564x354, 94:59, NightShift.jpg)


…And always remember, "Fuck it if they can't take a joke". Damn, "Bob" is wise as asses. It kicks.

ab6ad5  No.5050037

File: a897f2f733cb954⋯.jpg (96.89 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2ibgwa.jpg)


The moon landings happened. I was 3. I saw it on tv.

d461b0  No.5050038

File: 349277d87d8780c⋯.png (515.02 KB, 667x376, 667:376, ClipboardImage.png)

8fa5c7  No.5050039

File: 3d8739d047eb521⋯.jpg (50.15 KB, 400x300, 4:3, dismissed.jpg)

1c980e  No.5050040


No, she just had Her letter delivered.

c1c192  No.5050041

File: 437862c9a8058dd⋯.jpg (176.9 KB, 1114x806, 557:403, thatwasawesome.jpg)


yikes comin' in hot!

c1c6b7  No.5050042


Very likely.

d32dda  No.5050043

>>5049526, >>5049715, >>5049741

>What was the reason you were given for the ban?



>GAY Porn

Ah, well I'm sure anons missed your contribution during the faggotry-free minutes it took you to hop IP's and resume shilling.

But we do thank you for saving anons the trouble of picking that low-hanging fruit of a link to something everyone planned on watching anyway. Saved us time to do actual research and political commentary. It was also very admirable of you to point out your contribution. By demonstrating that even the cognitively challenged can participate in the Great Awakening, you give hope to mentally disabled patriots across the world.


9790ab  No.5050044



Senator Feinstein

Let U.S. Discuss Chinese Drivers and Spies!

Amongst other Topics!

1c6d76  No.5050045


IDK what that symbol is on the pin, sh*ts bodderin me


193998  No.5050046


Was Maxine at SOTU?

8678a4  No.5050047


>Quads confirm AOC is an adderall / speed freak

AOC is a great lay when high. Got it.

6658da  No.5050048


she's defacto /ourgirl/

whether she is or not, she makes the dems look ignorant, extreme, and stupid

but she's pretty




5a9dd2  No.5050049

File: 1d19fea18c67f93⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1348x1356, 337:339, Screen Shot 2019-01-05 at ….png)


>>>He knows about Antarctica

Can you put that above his head?

1c980e  No.5050050


He saw it on the television

934b0e  No.5050051

File: a2a2940e43e326e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1152x620, 288:155, ClipboardImage.png)

4a7348  No.5050052


I am going with signed execution orders for some of the GITMO gang!

b48f77  No.5050053


I thought the SAME thing when he stood up! Thought he looked kinda sheepish and embarrassed, like he knew he never went. Hope some day we know the truth.

2dfaa9  No.5050054


He's also probably in pain; he's scheduled to go back for more surgery, looked like he had trouble standing for very long.

552861  No.5050055


No, I am telling YOU how stupid You are.

I'm reading Dr. Judy Wood's Where did the towers go? You prob haven't heard of her because you follow the followers on the internet, not the real shit.

Get a grip Qre

687fa8  No.5050056


Like I said, you have no idea what the problem is with either if you have

to ask that question. All collectivist systems fail for a single reason that

you clearly have not deduced. None of them have the ability to compensate

for changes in supply or demand. The mechanism that exists only in

a capitalist (free market) system does not exist when a benevolent government

is calling the shots. They are neither benevolent, nor capable of being

benevolent. This is no different than a minimum wage, resulting in a spiral

of increasing benefit costs that ultimately benefit nobody.

81985b  No.5050057


I drove the Autobahns for 3 years in a Mustang GT with a USA sticker on the rear window. Those were the days.

c1c192  No.5050058

File: dc5a782a1c74049⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, FIRSTSTEP.jpg)

File: 1a9ab09507449ac⋯.jpg (22.57 KB, 300x300, 1:1, (oldlady.jpg)

ff79c5  No.5050059

File: a88f951b238e898⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 3943x2452, 3943:2452, 2F909266-CE87-412A-BF5A-D….jpeg)

3bebd4  No.5050060

File: d134dcae6c8505b⋯.png (685.94 KB, 781x592, 781:592, Q DON AND KIM.PNG)

File: a928209f440b3ea⋯.png (808.24 KB, 701x598, 701:598, Q DON AND2 KIM.PNG)

Second Trump-Kim summit to be held in Vietnam on Feb. 27-28

efe-epaWashington DC6 Feb 2019


1bdf74  No.5050061

File: 1fdcaf6db31b18d⋯.png (517.59 KB, 1913x907, 1913:907, AF1-San Anton 12-8-2018.PNG)

File: 54ed3ba97aa8df7⋯.png (674.4 KB, 1906x914, 953:457, test flight.PNG)


Planefag: I believe that was my screens anon.

Yeah another anon informed me of test flights post maintenance

3daaab  No.5050062

File: 90e4fc87e98c9c1⋯.jpeg (97.83 KB, 758x500, 379:250, 0793E83C-9D99-4A67-9036-1….jpeg)

ab564a  No.5050063


kek, nice1, thank you.

76802d  No.5050064

File: 6ed4089a154a6e5⋯.jpg (104.45 KB, 704x636, 176:159, 6ed4089a154a6e59ed0b7c88cf….jpg)

e5f38e  No.5050065

File: 9d48681de7367c7⋯.gif (495.96 KB, 495x374, 45:34, 1467002126064.gif)


disgusting 2bh

7de51f  No.5050066

File: 44b203fb7895659⋯.jpg (810.85 KB, 2759x2000, 2759:2000, Cut!.jpg)

a7f407  No.5050067

File: 12db63e43caa725⋯.jpeg (178.46 KB, 954x496, 477:248, 19F55B8D-4626-48C9-9167-6….jpeg)


Stupid ass

899990  No.5050068


Stepford wives.

4a7348  No.5050069


Or maybe she is getting a pardon for playing along and throwing a bunch of people under the bus. DJT is pretty funny, nothing would shock

9b8d3d  No.5050070


Wondering if the Breast Cancer Solicitation, is a preview of what her health aliment is…

129df3  No.5050071

So Fucking Potus Lied He said on sunday we would find out his plan at the SOTU, I still don't know shit, did I miss it? wall is being built already right? so WTF do we need a shutdown for? thought we were going to get some info finally? fuck these Q drops how about a fucking plan

6450ca  No.5050072

File: a757a4e848ba987⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 515x650, 103:130, SSS.jpg)

Stripper Sinema in Hot Pink

ff79c5  No.5050073

File: c9b08eb58a4f1fb⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20A74C06-DF95-4D78-9633-4….jpeg)

013b73  No.5050074

File: 18bf99b46b3bfae⋯.png (465.26 KB, 736x456, 92:57, LATEST-feinstein-spies-dri….png)


dub dubs! custom meme! great inspiration fren

bf45e4  No.5050075


Did you anons see how the camera went to Schifty when POTUS was talking about the stupid investigations….he was so deservedly awkward and uncomfortable….he is one person I want to see go down in flames…and Swallowell and Blumen(fuck)thal…the three need to be publicly shamed…they are traitors…

884f89  No.5050076

File: 6a1a453da13c2fa⋯.png (170.59 KB, 1066x373, 1066:373, 65cec9c33f6c6b167c771e0d34….png)

6658da  No.5050077


they still can't get over that one

same with the JFK Jr being dead and Flat Earth being stupid as fuck

ffdb0f  No.5050078

File: a4bd9d141bdb873⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1474x1088, 737:544, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

2db253  No.5050079

One pin AOC wore was of the Guatemalan girl who died shortly after being apprehended by ICE…


a5f101  No.5050080


I lost interest in the alleged "sealed indictments" a year ago. Just not plausible to have zero leaks out of such a vast court system.

552861  No.5050081


There is no plan and never was a plan, prove me wrong.

0dd1f0  No.5050082

File: ad48dbb4d7d0f05⋯.jpg (8.36 KB, 225x224, 225:224, Eat Shit.jpg)


and DIE!

15a2e3  No.5050083

File: 23034ee1a5ff8d2⋯.png (967.03 KB, 695x500, 139:100, boomerlandingIMPACT.png)

File: 6fdfd36eafdfc71⋯.png (943.71 KB, 695x500, 139:100, boomermoonersIMPACT.png)

The moon landings were fake as fuck.

Jesus, the iq of this board has gone straight to shit.

8d52ab  No.5050084

File: 81e88580fa6acbe⋯.gif (8.39 MB, 720x405, 16:9, IMG_4985.GIF)

752b53  No.5050085

File: 6a6ee1ffcbf8400⋯.png (662.09 KB, 1242x701, 1242:701, Screenshot from 2019-02-06….png)



Kek! I'll go so far as to say


More proof that it was fake: their proof that it was real being comically easy to disprove.

899990  No.5050086


I would like to think she deliberately chose that. Love when camera found her and she appeared to be looking right into it.

51f81b  No.5050087

File: e29e1c07f8936d7⋯.jpg (122.94 KB, 810x598, 405:299, Bernie Meme.jpg)

c1c6b7  No.5050088


Her feet ass cracks are showing.

1c980e  No.5050089


I thought he said the 15th. When their 3 weeks are up.

d12cfb  No.5050090


The camera panned over to her and she was clapping like a seal. I got wood.

1556ff  No.5050091

So you say there are spaces open and wide

Believe me there's days longer than nights

And you will be happy the minute you try

But you don't try

No you don't try

And you speak of a fever that burns you inside

As you explain to your mother how you've wanted to die

So she kisses your fingers and says

"My darling, but why when there is so much more?

There is so much more

Do you know there are spaces open and wide?

Believe me, there's days longer than nights

And you will be happy if only you'd try

Oh won't you try?

Oh won't you try?"

1c6d76  No.5050092


11th pin lady has hers on the right lapel, the others on the right so far

552861  No.5050093

TRUST = trust no one

Don't be stupid guys.

6658da  No.5050094


see: >>5050077

you've been shilling the same memes since that post

it's because you're a fucking dumbass

but it's hilarious

e43b28  No.5050095

File: fe45e69b88fef21⋯.jpeg (142.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, C6DE8BF6-3AF3-4297-98C1-9….jpeg)


Those non-clapping, money grubbing two faced shitbags that couldnt stand up and cheer for their country. Nutty nancy shuffling blank papers during the SOTU. Let Whittaker show them all what it’s like to be in a cell.

Cannot wait for the big show

4e6189  No.5050097


Dems cheer most women ever being forced into the workplace

Need a higher res version of this pic.

9bde88  No.5050098


>1 Thessalonians 5:3

That's the return of Christ.

c1c192  No.5050099

File: b70c868f64c3c10⋯.jpg (111.51 KB, 499x770, 499:770, waitwut.jpg)

File: 222217a85efa95b⋯.jpg (854.59 KB, 1500x1167, 500:389, determined.jpg)

File: 8436dd9f74e7b50⋯.jpg (111.12 KB, 666x499, 666:499, liblogic.jpg)

File: 4f6fdb13b039199⋯.jpg (117.04 KB, 829x999, 829:999, meme_magic_my_boi.jpg)

File: 691a8d3e971ef75⋯.jpeg (16.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe-pope-pontiff.jpeg)




portal hoppin?

multi deminsions?

yes. me too. confused?

monuments and limestone.

keys to other worlds. just kiddin.

but really. im joking. for real.

I love you! as always.


934b0e  No.5050100

File: 46ec763dbd48738⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1143x621, 127:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45d64821e5b775f⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1413x765, 157:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 430fbbaf0e4dab8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1183x640, 1183:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc23fea3405623d⋯.png (866.02 KB, 1104x718, 552:359, st2jb.png)



328c4d  No.5050101


Kind of looks like a squashed frog!

b7e6c8  No.5050102

File: f46d1f00df461e2⋯.png (4.83 MB, 6000x4800, 5:4, boom_boom.png)

15a2e3  No.5050103


At least you get a chuckle out of it.

76802d  No.5050104

File: 34d2ad7010d5ac0⋯.jpeg (133 KB, 1142x750, 571:375, 2-scoops-2-terms-npc.jpeg)

109b81  No.5050105

File: 9c558a40d66a4fa⋯.jpg (184.76 KB, 750x464, 375:232, catania-santagata750x464.jpg)

The Feast of Saint Agatha is the most important in Catania. Celebrated on 4-5 February and on 17 August 2018.

3f8451  No.5050106

File: ebb0a4ac4d35a1b⋯.png (298.91 KB, 664x454, 332:227, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: df6edae0b647608⋯.png (133.27 KB, 661x582, 661:582, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)

File: ffddaf76619c386⋯.jpg (67.81 KB, 600x700, 6:7, Dyr8mnBUwAA6q2o.jpg)


cc5816  No.5050107

File: b58dab2d6d90816⋯.jpg (448.82 KB, 2389x1310, 2389:1310, brave_2019-02-05_22-11-38.jpg)



ff79c5  No.5050108

File: 722f9cee955dfc1⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, D195B4D9-6FBF-4A8A-9D31-B….jpeg)

a0c9c3  No.5050109


code4punishfk=buy it in the ass

3daaab  No.5050110

Is Trump really going to lock them up?

I just don’t see how it’s possible. The Dems will continue to pump normie brains with shit and will run out the clock.

The swamp is too big.

8fa5c7  No.5050112


Meh, I say up you say down.

What's it fukken matter.

We're all going to find out.

899990  No.5050113


One of the best lines of the night.

01875e  No.5050114


Could be training/test/maintenance I guess. But never seems to have a predictable destination or duration. They do seem to prefer South and Easterly directions out of Lincoln, but I have seen them fly out to sea over the Gulf, east to Charlotte, to Atlanta, to Texas.

7de51f  No.5050115

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Respect.jpg)


that's it. That guy posting the pic was pretty amped about it.

just speculating. think the other response you received was moar accurate.

c8e44f  No.5050116

File: cd37414c3aa2c6e⋯.jpg (180.52 KB, 625x731, 625:731, booml.jpg)


This one has security cam video with a flash and audio of a boom.


328c4d  No.5050117


EGOfagging. Prove that was you. ANONYMOUS.

1c6d76  No.5050118


no its gold and red only

644d33  No.5050119

File: af9ae4559beb410⋯.png (54.63 KB, 642x209, 642:209, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 1ca3eacdc69cf64⋯.png (61.46 KB, 656x257, 656:257, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

File: 9956c0c4a074fb5⋯.png (69.19 KB, 630x228, 105:38, Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at ….png)

POTUS mentions "holocaust survivors" from the camps at "Dachau", who witnessed atrocities and blah, blah, blah…

One problem is, 22 camps were alleged to have been used to gas Jews… 16 of the 22 were in Germany and were opened for public-investigation and ALL found to have NOT been used to gas anyone.

The remaining 6 of 22 camps in Poland, were immediately closed for investigation… And NOW, these fucking kikes and their cucks pawns, claim that all the Jews were gassed solely in Poland.

BUT, many didn't get the memo. So, you'll still see these lying, scumbag, kikes, lying about witnessing people being gassed and such, at places where this has been completely debunked.

But kiss the "Dachau survivors" asses some moar, POTUS, you kike-first, lying, faggot.

(Nearly everyone survived Dachau, until the allies came).

9aca1d  No.5050120


Is she trying to turn the volume up?

"I think my volume button is broken"

5a9dd2  No.5050121


Late to the party?

Let me show you what dumbass means.

Just scroll to the 19:00 mark and you can catch up on what Q has been saying.


d8b15f  No.5050122

File: 0f1da46eeece84a⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 866E7940-7B28-4E09-80CF-4F….png)

File: 5d292d863975394⋯.png (1.15 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A7C65F31-D538-4E14-8A77-3F….png)

File: 94ba35bab190b51⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, B9ADF681-1171-4545-B8F6-FB….png)

File: 30fed85ff27def8⋯.png (681.39 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2999DAFF-9333-4F33-B76C-35….png)

AOC - Fox reporting AOC stated, “Trump Is Scared.”

Time to Meme the bitch to oblivion.


9a24d6  No.5050123

File: 8eddb6d850c65cb⋯.png (184.36 KB, 592x493, 592:493, Screenshot 2019-02-05 at 1….png)

552861  No.5050124


What Big Show? There is no show coming, only sad pathetic 2 more years then he goes and the establishment will take over again with occasional cortex

If they have to murder 3 more supreme's they will, no problem.

673bab  No.5050125


Is that Ballsy Ford on the pin?

0b38dd  No.5050126


>but she's pretty

uh huh

edcc92  No.5050127

File: e70c1e9e0bec7b8⋯.png (40.51 KB, 643x306, 643:306, Mitchell Schlapp re SOTU 2….PNG)

The outsider wanaabe whines

The insider praises


e43b28  No.5050128

File: cd5d3c00863ba67⋯.jpeg (35.36 KB, 640x500, 32:25, F07C3241-E622-4A77-9E14-3….jpeg)



524c82  No.5050129

File: 46aad3712961b74⋯.png (551.69 KB, 676x669, 676:669, ShitTalkerKamalaHole.png)


27 people it the "audience".

Pic not really related.

a7f407  No.5050130


40-something virgins who live with their parents reluctant to let go of bullshit they’ve wasted their lives believing.

aaed02  No.5050131


He said the 15th.

e43b28  No.5050132

8479a2  No.5050133


Activate RED DAWN protocol

76802d  No.5050134

File: 1d10163fd77de2f⋯.jpg (343.02 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, 1d10163fd77de2fc08f98f977e….jpg)

93035d  No.5050135


>>5049439, >>5049479 Pelosi peeps POTUS' papers (pics)

>>5050000 quads confirm, anons thoughts on pelosi peepin the potus sig pics

>>5049535, >>5049487, >>5049480, >>5049536, >>5049591 These are YUGE numbers

>>5049482 Q post 694 feb 7 2018 Disease/Cancer Cures Exist

>>5049638, >>5049692 new WH twat

>>5049506 we are braver and stronger than ever before

>>5049683 mini-bread from GOOG's 10-Q ( >>5038507 pb)

>>5049808 a president intent on unity…. mockingbird chatter from the MKUs on twatt

>>5049889 GOP's Jason Rarick wins tight special election for Minnesota Senate seat

>>5049974 planefaggin the doomsday E4B

40791a  No.5050136

Welcome to D. Trump/ enemy research thread

Trump most likely betrayed and undermined Q, the Trojan Horse, removed the General's and subverted the movement with his Mossad buddies.

Q told us we were at the precipice 21 Sept. Mid terms were safe declas was coming. Then POTUS handed it to the DOJ and it all stopped.

Now he's giving speeches praising the Genocidal maniacs in Israel.

State of the Union and Israel speech.

At least do some research before blindly following!

1bdf74  No.5050137


I believe it was a pilot anon that spoke with me.

Their assessment I think.

ff79c5  No.5050138


she took it off

mebbe thats what the broad was telling her to do

e80215  No.5050139


Could they be traveling jurist from Tribunal to Tribunal

1c980e  No.5050140

File: 7e4e30525885ecc⋯.jpeg (74.26 KB, 724x657, 724:657, BAFC83D7-374F-43DF-BD9A-D….jpeg)


She looks more like Pile o shit, Chet, from Weird Science than Jaba

e50fde  No.5050141



644d33  No.5050142


Gas the kikes, race war now?

a5f101  No.5050143


Correction: 76%+ overall favorable.

4e6189  No.5050144

File: 7f67f104ddf0e10⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1911x1074, 637:358, Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at ….png)


Here's a gooder cap, anon.

2db253  No.5050145

File: 3e04171aceb13ee⋯.jpg (281.05 KB, 1016x1090, 508:545, aoc.jpg)

File: 8a89b71f93cc56c⋯.jpg (17.5 KB, 350x343, 50:49, aoc2.jpg)

File: 2bc5fd0c9003b03⋯.png (72.6 KB, 600x338, 300:169, metro dc dsa.png)

AOC wore 3 pins, one of the Guatemalan girl (which actually looks like herself), one saying Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History, and last one for the DSA

940397  No.5050146



Whatever God does is the correct and promised result. If it is time for this world to pass away it is time for Him to renew all with a new Heaven and a New Earth. If you ask with a true heart you will not be turned away.

7de51f  No.5050147

File: 42fdb5bde56b264⋯.jpg (14.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, D'oh.jpg)

6450ca  No.5050148


Trumps not going to lock them up

Mueller & Whitaker are

Trump optics will be

"I'm as surprised as you"

24d9e5  No.5050149

File: dbb0edeabb6d94e⋯.jpeg (471.17 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, CF0C59FA-23C5-4B4F-9EBC-E….jpeg)

93035d  No.5050150


56835c  No.5050151

File: e8cae27c34abd25⋯.png (232.11 KB, 535x469, 535:469, POTUSpewpew.png)

f9c4b3  No.5050152

File: 75c3705c1692f83⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 540x360, 3:2, bvw.jpg)


Melanie too. Tiffany in white.

d2b612  No.5050153


can you add a stack of white pointed hats with DUNCE.

92a928  No.5050154


End the drug war and welfare state and it will go down to nearly zero

01875e  No.5050155


Wot?!? Wot are you dribbling on about?

RED DAWN - Bad 80's movie.

Are you suggesting we watch Netflix instead or something?

d89316  No.5050156


Give them a circus and bread and they will never revolt.



552861  No.5050157


It's about full spectrum dominance you retard.

Sure there is no wall to the north but there is a CANADA that they COOPERATE with. you fucking retard.

Mexico cannot be cooperated with on the same level becuase the state has 0 control, the cartels have all the control.


aaed02  No.5050158


I thought he was extremely aggressive. It is very telling.

687fa8  No.5050159


He's not whining, he clearly stated he thought it was strategic. 'mon anon, some of

you are so eager to find dissent, you see it in everything.

e43b28  No.5050160

File: 8d974c05d3ba438⋯.jpeg (27.18 KB, 255x222, 85:74, 548D6495-A418-45A5-B691-D….jpeg)

1c6d76  No.5050161


the guy on Laura Ingram is wearing the pin right now

86645c  No.5050162

File: 8787a1410b59b74⋯.png (57.49 KB, 650x695, 130:139, Screenshot_2019-02-06 The ….png)

File: c550b58895ef740⋯.png (347.29 KB, 656x776, 82:97, Screenshot_2019-02-06 The ….png)


#ERANow & #ERAYes Pins

3bebd4  No.5050163


International relief supplies likely to be blocked at Venezuela border1:47

Food and medicine en route to Columbia’s border are unlikely to make it past Venezuelan officials and into the mouths of desperate citizens as political leaders trade blows over who should legitimately lead the nation. The supplied have been sent from America, one of the many nations including the UK and France who have openly supported Opposition Leader Juan Guaido’s claim to Venezuelan leadership. In Caracas, the nation’s capital city, patients are spending days and weeks holed up inside a hospital where nurses have no supplies and no medicine to treat those in need.

February 6th 2019


0712b4  No.5050164


[[[NP]]] got her "envelope"

ae7ed1  No.5050165


Yeah they were work camps. Nazis put jews to work because they were too comfy just raping their fellow man financially. The real crime was making jews hands dirty with real work

15a2e3  No.5050166


That is exactly why it will never happen.

193998  No.5050167


Noticed that too.

0ce0ef  No.5050168

File: ce69d4c38ae4d98⋯.png (48.62 KB, 618x340, 309:170, potuspewpew.png)

f9c4b3  No.5050170

c1c6b7  No.5050171

This line from the SOTU got my Q senses tingling:

"The State of our Union is strong!"

Ctrl+F strong in Q drops.

013b73  No.5050172


she just did NPC to him.. good stuff

86645c  No.5050173


sauce https://www.romper.com/p/what-do-the-era-yes-pins-mean-democratic-congresswomen-are-wearing-them-with-pride-15928162

a7f407  No.5050174


I’m not late to your party fairy.

I left seconds after I saw that it was a 40-year-old virgins who live with their parents party.

a8ba95  No.5050175


There it is anons: at home and abroad. Abroad is secure. Time for DOD to fulfill the oath: domestic enemies. Old anon wants to re-up.

8fa5c7  No.5050176


You're the biggest fukken moran ever if you think the cartel runs shit. Especially now that Chapo's son spilled the beans you fukken Gomer Pyle faggot nigger.

ff79c5  No.5050177


in other words it means the exact opposite

a5f101  No.5050178


Yeah, Kek.

687fa8  No.5050179


Fair 80's movie, bad 2012 remake.

f718e6  No.5050181

File: 4315b2c1ca5bc12⋯.gif (9.22 MB, 480x360, 4:3, tenor(1).gif)

7de51f  No.5050182

File: 14e068daddffd83⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 500x498, 250:249, POTUS hanging them out to ….jpg)

8479a2  No.5050183



Activate RED DAWN protocol.

bdca79  No.5050184


Pedophile. Going after 13 & 14 year old girls.

1bdf74  No.5050185

File: 23d32a51571ccad⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2sytoz.jpg)

7e0dd2  No.5050186


You guys actually believe these cucks control these accounts?

c1c192  No.5050188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









know that.


5a9dd2  No.5050189

File: 000845d545106fd⋯.jpeg (8.76 KB, 187x185, 187:185, 283e9f990926ef4ce96746b6a….jpeg)



Scroll to 19:00 mark. Mcnamara tells the (partial) truth about it.

4029da  No.5050190


looks like


af2dbd  No.5050191

File: f88f09695719caf⋯.png (422.6 KB, 700x500, 7:5, StartTheGreatAwakening.png)

8fa5c7  No.5050192

File: a5752cf4cc1de2e⋯.jpg (19.74 KB, 474x352, 237:176, nicetry.jpg)


goddamn you're a dumb piece of shit

edcc92  No.5050194



>He's not whining, he clearly stated he thought it was strategic. 'mon anon, some of

>you are so eager to find dissent, you see it in everything.

He is whining and he is a wanabe outsider trying to be relevant

Kinda like YOU

92a928  No.5050195


Yep, big money in keeping many of them locked up and most of the rest slaves to the state

328c4d  No.5050196


>I don't mean to be a downer fellow anons, but I am one of those women who had an abortion at age 22 due to rape and it didn't matter that the baby was conceived in that way,

My mom would agree with you ANON. In fact these times ARE the times that abortion is appropriate. And it shows that you faced it responsibly in all possible ways. I am glad you had the choice.

042516  No.5050197



>Because some day in the future when Nasty Nancy's family has lost all their money and live under a veil of shame that speech, signed by the greatest POTUS ever and carefully hidden away will be sold for a vast amount and feed her descendants and keep them off the streets?


That's public property.

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