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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis

File: aa70b5bab2b85aa⋯.jpg (305.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5a9fc18a8f371b171a24217b7a….jpg)

879ed0 No.38302


Every White Hat and Good Heart that have put their lives on the line for our future will be respected.

That includes Q. There will be no doubt sowed against his word, there will be no delegitimizing of valiant efforts.




Shill, go piss in the sea of a thousand other boards.

Patriots, We have work to do.

This is /qresearch/ after-all.



>>20235 OpSec Rules



Rule 0: Keep this board private as best you can. Normies must keep to other platforms for board efficiency. It's not the end of the world to slip up sometimes, but please try your best.

Rule 1: Easy on the reports. Shills will post and that is a part of 8chan. If we are having a large attack by shills, they will be taken care of, otherwise, we will ingore your report if it's just someone who you think is an idiot. Learn to spot bait/shills and IGNORE it, as stated in the first few posts of every bread we've baked, did you miss it? Be vigilant.

Rule 2: Famefagging prohibited. You can do that absolutely anywhere else. Just keep it off this board. Lets not make Q jump ship again.

Rule 3: NSFW content is NOT allowed. Open a new tab ya' wankers.

Rule 4: Doxxing will result in a perma ban. We take threats of doxxing seriously. I don't even want to see you doxxing yourself!

Rule 5: When a thread is unstickied, do not keep bumping it. You are sliding other threads down the pages by doing this. You will recieve a short ban upon breaking this rule.







Q's Board where only Q can post


Recent Q Posts


>>4274 /qresearch/ Archives

Q and CM Confirm



Introduction to Q for Newbies

>>15963 Q FAQ (new anons start here)




Notable Posts

>>28902 [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395 ; >>20175 )

>>28545 Summary of events re: FISA and “Breaking News”

>>20314 5D Chess (Q Map connection) via Chess Moves

>>19500 4-10-20 Audit -> >>19636 IRS Audit website

>>17119 _SIERRA_C_ Research (Sierra Club?)

>>14813 IMPORTANT MAP UPDATE (Spiderweb approach to Q Map) -> >>17911 Slightly Updated Version

>>12315 Assange & Wikileaks updates and research

>>11036 Updated [Marker] Map

>>3127 PROMIS, M. Riconosciuto, Snowden feat NSA, BIG Connection (Book-keeping software of Cabal?)

>>2620 Microsoft elections. Q's map (uh oh Z namefag appears)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

Today's Events

>>19718 1/11/18

>>18242 1/10/18

News Threads

>>4142 Daily news thread

>>9019 Thread news 1.1.18 - 10.1.18

Q's Current Tripcode


Old Boards



879ed0 No.38305




Qchess Game with julian >>32223

Earthquake analysis and resources >>20359

Is [0] Marker Correct or Not? ->Proof Real >>25436 >>19465 vs Proof Fake >>19603


Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research) >>7253

The Lie The Vatican Told >>5125

Australia Connections >>4520

How to Read the Map >>4375

Stringer General >>2658

Focus on Loop Capital >>1261

Find The Markers >>618

DW+CG=SSP (alien disclosure research) >>469

Follow the Wives >>5899

Foundations >>4822

CEO/President/Notable Resignations >>3280

Deep State Surrender/Suicide thread >>5425

Sealed Indictments >>2956

Oprah images, memes, research >>6406 noprah' >>883







New QMap PDF freshly baked.

https:// anonfile.com/Aewdxdd6ba/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.1.0.pdf

Question and Answer Spreadsheet of ALL Q Anon Posts (in chrono. order): https:// app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=6588bf56d814417bb759beca4fc52232

Paste which lists Q posts and Trump tweets by minute marker: pastebin.com/UfNbiyMK

All DJT's filtered tweets (only date and ref #, Tab delimited): pastebin.com/BCzjTNdK

All DJT tweets after 10/27: pastebin.com/vR2SukEC (updated DAILY)

All Q's posts times and post #s (tab spaced): pastebin.com/uSJsuGH9

All Q Posts (meta, txt & html): 519 posts (incl. [Reposts], etc) zip file - anonfiles.cc/file/884cb98b49b4e8da18087c3edc3df21f

Spreadsheet: >>>/thestorm/15121

.xls -> anonfile.com/D2yfv5d7b0/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta.xlsx

.csv -> anonfile.com/E9ycvad2b1/Q__2F_POTUS_Tweet_Delta_-_Sheet1.csv

Time Differences Between Q's Posts and Trump's Tweets: pastebin.com/UfNbiyMK

15 minute Goodwin marker clock: postimg.org/image/j870n7w55/

'Timestamps must be in the same timezone'




Resources Library

A running compilation of Q Maps, Graphics, Resources, Research Threads, and other Tools and Information.


Archives Library


Image Archive By Topic

>>417 (updated)

Tools & Information

Tools and Information >>4356

Free Research Resources >>4852

Planefag Tools >>4362

Research Threads >>4369




Through tempest, storm

And darkest night,

Anons don't rest

'Til things are right.



Memes #8: >>16771

Memes #7: >>387

Memes #6: >>>/thestorm/7090

Memes #5: >>>/cbts/189835

Memes #4: >>>/cbts/142207

Memes #3: >>>/cbts/107604

Infographs: >>>/cbts/10

Infograph Central Inc. The RULE OF LAW Series: postimg.org/gallery/fy8cpdzu

Bulk Image Download from Meme Threads: >>>/cbts/189875


Thread dedicated to collection of [redpill_anon] posts >>4794

Redpill scripts >>3152

>>11382 UK Red Pills








Before posting links, REMOVE the 'http/https:// www' part.

e.g. twitter.com , en.wikipedia.org

When you want to access the site simply copy & paste it at the URL bar and remove the space.

More on OpSec here: >>20235

879ed0 No.38307




Please fill up this board with USEFUL CONSTRUCTIVE INFORMATION.


We're stronger when we work together and focus on the mission! GODSPEED EVERYONE.

If you need to get a Baker's attention, simply type Baker, that's it, and one will read your comment

All Feedback on General Breads Appreciated Here: >>3301




<Like it or not, we’re all playing 4D chess now. Each and every one of us.

<So how does one make sure the public is never again turned into sheeple?

<You teach them how to play 4D chess.

<You teach them how to play the Game of Thrones.


About Shills


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

>>20262 More About Shills




Prayer Requests: >>16785

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Q asked us to pray. Every Good thought helps.

Stay positive and loving. Try it at least. Hate only brings darkness.

b49e35 No.38337

File: b6596dc2b56e74f⋯.png (467.4 KB, 861x628, 861:628, traitordart.png)




>Put a pin in that :)


77f2d6 No.38339

This is a link to the FBI Anon drops from July of 2016…as I have been researching it is remarkable how much of what he said is coming out every day. One of the most interesting and probably underanalyzed things he says is that at the time of his posting Trump had some of the Clinton Foundation documents retrieved from the Benghazi server and that he would start leaking them to his benefit BUT the leaks would have to be non-transparent in nature.

I would say what the Q group is doing is rather non-transparent and is obviously taking place on behalf of Trump so….my questions to you Anons are 1. have we gone back over the FBI Anon drops looking for anything helpful to answer Qs questions and 2. Is it possible FBI Anon was a dry run for the Q Group Operation?

https:// archive.is/Znz2i

48083c No.38342

File: b65727800c1d6f7⋯.jpg (225.34 KB, 1659x1592, 1659:1592, Alert Emerg.JPG)


Zuma relatrd ??????

1c27b0 No.38346


No it's not me. IDK what that is about.

83df67 No.38352


Contradictory reports.

White House says it was a state exercise.

Hawaii authorities say this was a mistake.

d7a924 No.38353


I saw that too! Someone named "B" was posting id's on twitter.

138092 No.38356

File: 7e271e4ff9060be⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 800x602, 400:301, 1.jpg)


< CryptoFags

< CodeFags

< MapFags

Good afternoon anons,

Just in case anyone has any doubts on what is happening I would like to share some key terms that will unlock the big picture.

Let's start with DOE COMSEC:

COMSEC = Communication Security

TEMPEST= designed to prevent the unauthorized intercept of compromising emanations that may be present in information processing communication equipment, systems, and components.

KEK = key encryption key -used to protect MEK keys or DEK/TEK if MEK is not used

RED key =symmetric key in a format that can be easily copied, e.g. paper key or unencrypted electronic key. Opposite of BLACK or benign key

Signaling Rate = The signaling rate of a digital signal is defined as the reciprocal of the bit width (1/bit width). The Signaling rate is used to determine the frequency range of electrical isolation.

RED Signal = Any electronic emission (e.g., plain text, key, key stream, subkey stream, initial fill, or control signal) that would divulge national security information if recovered.

RED = Designation applied to an IS, and associated areas, circuits, components, and equipment in which unencrypted national security information is being processed.

KEYSTONE(s) =The classification concept(s) being protected by a topic. For example in the Safeguards and Security area, “Targeting Information” would be the keystone and the rationale would be because this would assist an adversary in the selection, targeting, or timing of an attack against a more vulnerable assets.

Information that is classified under the Atomic Energy Act must not be so subdivided that all its components (including contextual information) are unclassified.This rule is stated in several DOE classification guides.

< This is sometimes called the keystone principle of classification.

>This keystone principle may be visualized by considering a classified photograph or drawing that has been subdivided into many components (e.g., pieces of a puzzle), each of which reveals an item of information. According to the keystone principle of classification, not all of the components can be unclassified if the entire entity is classified. One or more key pieces must be classified so that the entire "picture" cannot be obtained when all of the unclassified pieces are assembled. Thus, if individual items of information are truly unclassified (i.e., if no classification error has been made), then assembling (compiling) the items cannot reveal classified information

Q Access Authorizations or Clearances

a. Q clearances permit an individual to have access, on a need-to-know basis, to Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential levels of Restricted Data, Formerly RD.

Q (Q Sensitive) Clearance allows access to: Top Secret Restricted Data ~Top Secret Formerly Restricted

Data ~Top Secret National Security Information ~ Secret Restricted Data ~ Special Nuclear Material

(Category I & II) ~ Exclusion Area Access

Q (Nonsensitive) Clearance gives access to less sensitive types of Special Nuclear Material.

< Individuals working with Q non-sensitive clearances also have armed guards stationed nearby.

Source: Los Alamos National Lab. Wayback Machine,

http:// wayback.archive.org/ web/20090228082829/http:// www.lanl.gov/security/clearances/index.shtml

b. Q access authorization means an access authorization granted by the Commission normally based on a single scope background investigation conducted by the Office of Personnel Management, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or other U.S. Government agency which conducts personnel security investigations.

Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 10 CFR § 25.5 “Definitions,”

f3843c No.38358


That’s completely false. Q post Twittter:[kill_rogue] —- if you can point to a single tweet or retweet from this account that isn’t relevant - be my guest and do share. It’s all great normie friendly stuff and entirely on topic

57607b No.38359

We had a series of tweets this morning with a (0) delta to work from.

The (0) delta led us to 8:13am.

What gift were we given then from which to work from?

What is the TOPIC we were given to meme today?

717d98 No.38360


So we need to be keeping a closer eye on the flights out of JAX.

9f0c13 No.38361

Make your thoughts clear

I think I know what you are saying


b6f041 No.38363


> state excercise

yeah, that´s why it says "THIS IS NOT A DRILL" because it´s a drill.


08d8f2 No.38364

File: 734a2ca916ff39b⋯.jpg (86.83 KB, 982x639, 982:639, HawaiiGov.JPG)

Hawaii Gov hates Trump. Was this a threat?

8a34b0 No.38365


No mention of Musk there. Or SpaceX.

Musk is not dumb, just evil.

1138bb No.38366


Not to mention it would trigger a series of events for counter strikes being initiated.

2 min window to respond.

1c27b0 No.38367


Last night I posted an ID on Twitter for 2 minutes because an Anon on here was claiming I was an insider. I was showing them I am just an Anon that gets info from here.

Not trying to doxx. No need for me to do it again. Sorry for the confusion.

34ac56 No.38368

Theory about Hawaii EMS: DJT knows about the corruption. Corrupt Hawaii EMS gets message to false flag. Fed can now step in an clean things up (personnel and systems).


2136f8 No.38369


WJC - More than an insult to Americans! Also, insults to Americans, HRC, CC, and Marc!

1c27b0 No.38370

Wasn't me posting an ID in last bread either.

f3843c No.38371


In essence not much different than any false flag to strike fear and take over the media before the NFL playoffs

ae85db No.38372

WH says State exercise

So Hawaii messed up

f28e90 No.38373

File: 8041454c8914ae2⋯.jpg (568.95 KB, 1292x1440, 323:360, Screenshot_20180113-153651.jpg)

Sorry Hawaii

>>>Wrong Button

83df67 No.38374


How can this be a threat? That would be utterly retarded and the governor would face public outrage and possible jail time. You don't cause unnecessary mass panic like that.

0de7e7 No.38375


That was Q.

49d3d1 No.38376

File: 794f95edadc0585⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1562x850, 781:425, action2.png)

File: ac2c49e5d7bb814⋯.png (161.97 KB, 967x168, 967:168, action.png)

Interesting thought. This is the graphic FOX is showing about the timing of what happens with a missile alert. Look at the two pictures. The zoomed in one shows 3 states:

1) Detection

2) Warning

3) Individual Action

Is this a road-map of Q? First we detected Q was legitimate and worked on decode it. Next there are warnings.

Last stage is individual action? What are you going to do, anon? We're in the last section of [10]? Jan. 10-20? Lots of questions here.

4065c4 No.38377


Kill rogue changed it after that tweet. You are being fooled by an attention whore. Twitter is clown controlled.

He does help red pill I hear, but nothing he will say is news. Just repeated info

ec9a7d No.38378


remember, was the bad actors controlling EVERYTHING back then. The whole reason we're HERE is because of the lies they and their, bought and paid for, MSM put out.

We might be watching MSM for the show, but ANY faith in them in recent years is misplaced.

c4ac8e No.38379

So if this is a prisoner transfer to Gitmo, why all the cloak and dagger of jumping between airports on a German VIP plane? Why not just drop them off at Ramstein AFB and let him be the US military's problem. Is this normal for Germany to deliver prisoners directly to Gitmo?

08d8f2 No.38380


Don't worry B, it's the basement dwellers worried about such bs. Patriots have work to do.

ec637d No.38381

>wrong button pushed during shift change led to false alarm

I'm no expert, i'd think though that there CAN'T be ONE simple single button just sitting there allowing an alert of THIS magnitude to be broadcast accidentally. Nah Son, can't B

34ac56 No.38382


35min after the fact. By then Hawaii is a parking lot.

e71287 No.38383



during a state exercise, the guy hit the wrong button

08d8f2 No.38384


Unless your ass is about to be outed as a pedo.

6995b5 No.38385

any chance they nabbed Huma? She was in hawaii…

4f567e No.38386

and still no Q posts as of right now….yet mega is dropping crumbs and explaining shit all over the place…. Kekkekkekkek told ya the othr day, Q is gone or now CIA.

9f0c13 No.38387


The convo sounded like he was trying to tell us it was a psyop, correct?

1c27b0 No.38388



0ee303 No.38389

File: d0014bec6d897f2⋯.jpg (63.77 KB, 500x502, 250:251, 22mux1.jpg)

2e234f No.38390

File: c22932c146f0652⋯.png (75.78 KB, 1354x1208, 677:604, Screenshot_2018-01-13-08-0….png)


State internal exercise, sent out live by mistake. This is how I woke up this morning.

8a34b0 No.38391

Here comes all the "Q is now anon" "We are at [0]," "this is DEFCON1," larping shill bullshit.

4065c4 No.38393


I meant to say he changed it to kill rogue after Q dropped the crumb. Just refreshing, this has already been covered weeks ago. That twitter account is just an anon that lurks here. Nothing more

2693e3 No.38394

Button scandal deliberate distraction. What better way to keep the press focused off of Democrat crimes?

b79298 No.38395

What we've got here is failure to communicate.

I don't like it any more than you do.

ed5bb4 No.38396

File: 5a10c17689c8877⋯.png (27.1 KB, 637x242, 637:242, fcc.PNG)

45d6be No.38397

File: e6847a2ecff69d8⋯.jpg (7.08 KB, 274x184, 137:92, hg.jpg)

7b05e1 No.38398


https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150864944/#150870083

> _FREEDOM-_vGER_US_yes_000BVx_LO_yes_[… + 1]_Conf_y

1c27b0 No.38399

83df67 No.38400


What did you do?

ba4e41 No.38401

1429a4 No.38402


good cover for rounding up the strays in Hawaii..

>isnt it?

727e68 No.38403

May the Most High God bless this bread and all who crumble or sup here. May he bless and protect all patriots who serve the cause of justice and righteousness. In the name of His son and our savior Jesus Christ, amen.

31a6fb No.38404

HI (Honolulu)Vacay fag here. Just getting on qresearch. Knees finally quit knocking. Yes - angry! Confused. Suspect not a mistake. What is the anon consensus?

f7f642 No.38405

Is Merkel really on board that flight that got diverted?

0de7e7 No.38406


I don't know, sorry.

You have dark brown chestnut hair with equally dark eyes, but they don't seem black. I can't tell if you're thin or fat or fit, you seem to be in optimal weight range.

7d7572 No.38407


Good work out there on the unsealing of indictments B

If you bake it, he will crumb

8a34b0 No.38408

File: 8522ac72d7bc329⋯.jpg (68.92 KB, 1116x748, 279:187, Shill meme.jpg)


[Filter] all these shills and stay focused, anons. The storm is really surging now.

d7a924 No.38409

File: 0970a70eabff3d4⋯.png (317.35 KB, 735x307, 735:307, fa1ea6a0599e9f67ffaee9e1d7….png)

46b8e9 No.38410


What I am wondering is if the "state" is meant to mean "State of Hawaii" or STATE of the nation?

284aa3 No.38411


no look at the posts last thread



426196 No.38412


do not hit confirm

08d8f2 No.38413


Q is not anon, we are at [0] and DEFCON means DEFine CONdition for being at [0]

[0] 0 timestamp between Trump tweets

284aa3 No.38414




no look at the posts



0ee303 No.38415

File: 7b01a1b8b13258f⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 22muif.jpg)

b79298 No.38416


If this whole thing was done by /ourguys/ I sure hope it was worth it for the greater good after putting so many people through hell this morning.

If it was done by (((them))) it's time for the fucking storm.

Glad you are OK anon.

a31ef8 No.38418


The GAF Bombardier BD-700-1A11, cruises at 480kts @40k ft the flight will take about an hour. Listening to JAX ATC for approach.

8a34b0 No.38419


Anddddd… another faggot shill [filtered.]

f7f642 No.38420


Panic an entire state?

Not our style.

100% accident

57607b No.38421


Things will get back on track. Overnight work is the best-still

a0b907 No.38422



fam just said fox reported that NK did launch today

is there any sauce on this

691ea3 No.38423


cool hand luke, gnr

e71287 No.38424


and IMO you are looking at the messenger instead of the message. All of the recently posted videos have brought forward research and videos done by others relevant to today's concerns.

Look at the MESSAGE, Anon.

279fd8 No.38425


There have been and will be Twitterfags that pretend to be "insiders." They are no more inside than anyone else here. I only react when they start LARPing and answering questions as if they know. (@I_a_m__q) I'm talking about you faggot.

f3843c No.38426


I think these claims are bullshit. Every tweet since the account was created is relevant and continues to post fresh content daily that is completely relevant and well sourced. The clear effort to minimize the importance without any reference to the content is strange. https:// www.twitter.com/kill_rogue

83df67 No.38427


How are you doing?

8afe4a No.38428

File: 732f508cc5fe96d⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 620x800, 31:40, if-hell-comes-as-a-result-….jpg)

This place is my solace. I can hardly talk to anyone outside of this board about what I am experiencing here. It's hard…being called insane, crazy, and or in denial. Love you all. Let's keep up the good work.

54e29f No.38429

Essential information: twitter.com/kill_rogue (mentioned in a Q post from December) wrote a tweet within the last 24 hours pointing to Laura Silsby (who is linked in the Hillary wikileaks emails with child trafficking in Haiti). Laura Silsby is now a VP for AlertSense, a company that manages emergency communications including the IPAW alert system that sent the missile alert in Hawii. AlertSense also manages Amber Alters, how appropriate right?

I suggest further digging in AlertSense and Silsby… definitely some skeevy activity surrounding both!

Also of note is the IPO of the Industrial Logistics Properties Trust YESTERDAY 1/12. A large part of their holdings are in Hawaii. Does someone know something about a FF on Hawaii? Are they trying to spin off their assets ahead of this? They proceeded with the IPO at a ~20% discount to their targeted price, suggesting that they were possibly desperate to unload those Hawaiian holdings. Keep digging anons!

ec637d No.38430


you're right, no mention of Musk or SpaceX, use a little logic though. Do you honestly think that he HASN'T been approached over the last year for whatever past deeds & deals with clowns etc, he might have participated in? Evil or not, if he wants to keep his coin, and is told that

>“We know” “Do as we say or face consequences”

his evil ass would be smart enough to switch sides & launch what he's told to launch

08d8f2 No.38432


[C] [I] can smell [A] shill a mile away.

4785a6 No.38433


The Washington Examiner is an MSM News (((rag)) if they were actual paper I would wrap fish with them.

Their final quote in the article 100% Mockingbird

Crooked "Hawaii Gov. David Ige later told (((CNN))) somebody "pushed the wrong button" during an employee shift change, causing the false alert to be sent out."

Shills each and every one of them!!! I can't wait for the Fake News Awards!!!

9f0c13 No.38434


NP carry on

4065c4 No.38435

File: a7c400f3adc781d⋯.png (6.31 KB, 255x106, 255:106, dfb4ac9aa7d8a42798ddcb3670….png)


Q was here on Tuesday. Too many are getting duped by the attention whoring fame fags

1c27b0 No.38436


Thanks. All those followers are not mine, they belong to those in here doing the work and making a difference.

God bless anons.

717d98 No.38437


Well, at the moment it is @41,000 and 566 kts.

e91578 No.38438


You got my noggin a-joggin

31a6fb No.38439


How many heart attacks? 38 mins of hell. Seemed like hours

e71287 No.38440


see >>38424 my message to another anon.

8a34b0 No.38441


No. Q made it clear that Musk is working for NK and paid by Clowns In America.

Move on.

400bbb No.38442


so the $$$ came from?

according to HC they were broke.

ea8e27 No.38443


Ige is a moron. AG Doug Chin is a scumbag red baby. Lobbied for private prison companies prior to AG. He now wants to run for senate. Two Chinese immigrant parents. 9th Circuit Judge Derrick Watson went to Kamehameha School during the time the counselor/shrink was molesting tons of boys, especially poor ones like our favorite judge.

34ac56 No.38444



Exactly what I thought. Clean up time!

2e234f No.38445


Grabbed my kids, went to the most concrete stable building we could find on Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam


Nah, I was grabbing the kids. They were asleep in their beds

dfd60f No.38446


All of us in same boat, anon. The sleeping hate to be woke. We will press on until critical mass awakens them.

31a6fb No.38447

We NEED to hear from Q

655494 No.38448


Disinfo is necessary.

4e889b No.38449


ALL Presidents, even Dick Chaney, Bushes, (OBAMA) <yes… Al Gore etc…


Prez. Trump also has RH-NEGATIVE BLOOD…

Called the superior race .. true

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhW_W7zwNEw

8afe4a No.38450

File: a85d94d8ccbeff4⋯.png (131.71 KB, 576x690, 96:115, buechner-worthbeingafool-5….png)

God Bless POTUS for taking on this mission..

a21224 No.38451

e71287 No.38452


very good catch, Anon - thank you

d5bd44 No.38453

1429a4 No.38454


i figure i am up to about 90% of the story

and back story

but am staying dark

because i like a good movie

e9a690 No.38455


btw the code on the site was updated, links automatically are cut, so it's not a worry anymore

re-testing: https:// qcodefag.github.io/

ec637d No.38456


and, ACTION!

>CODES command ACTION.

a8964a No.38458

Incoming missile = DEFCON1, correct?

057d6c No.38459

File: ad50af32f94ab66⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 577x438, 577:438, ad50af32f94ab664d2e2183feb….jpg)


6995b5 No.38460


Huma was 11.6

Podest was 11.3

691ea3 No.38461

i would say our guys need to up the arrests, like faster

a31ef8 No.38462


They're movin then, that's at the planes speed. Gotta get to JAX ASAP

0ee303 No.38463


All but one, if I remember correctly. I wanna say it was Taft but don't quote me on that

201e2b No.38464


"Wrong button pushed during shift change"

What the hell kinda button does all that? They expect us to believe this shit?

83df67 No.38465

Can we agree this was a big happening, typical of a huge week?

201e2b No.38466



d5bd44 No.38467


Nov 9 2017 23:07:15



ID: Dx5TPc5d


[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Nov 9 2017 23:24:35



ID: Dx5TPc5d


[C]los[I]ng [A]ct:


Impossible to clean.

Operations → [N]o [S]uch [A]gency


4065c4 No.38468


I'm not saying he is not repeating the information. Like I said he is just regurgitating the info. Nothing new. You may be new, and this is new to you. I am not saying he is doing anything wrong. He is just not anything you think he is.

Keep learning new fag, we just don't need it here

34ac56 No.38469


Was the plan to post in here: https: //8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html

8a34b0 No.38471


When someone says "disinfo is necessary" every time they want to change Q's message to suit their own fantasy, you know they're a shill and needs to be [filtered.]

Muskfags please go to hell and stop directly contradicting all the crumbs from Q that clearly told us he is part of the Cabal.

08d8f2 No.38473

File: 39c723d37773d3a⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 458x485, 458:485, NineElevenII.JPG)

0ee303 No.38474


And to add to that, a lot of celebrities are related to them and in fact, it actually dates back further than British royalty

717d98 No.38475


Yep, they don't seem to be wasting anytime to get there.

4785a6 No.38476


AND rightly so –– there's no effen way someone pushed *the wrong button* which caused motor accidents and more no GD way!!!

3a3cf0 No.38477


Try this on. High profile target, how to take down without anyone noticing?

4e889b No.38478


I think it was like V…..

it's in the vid

a0b907 No.38479

Reposting for exposer

Fam here said fox just said that NK did launch

is this confirmed or are they dumb as fuck as alaways

d87ecb No.38480

File: d44ef0af42dbe0e⋯.png (871.53 KB, 1072x678, 536:339, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)




0ee303 No.38481


That sneaky little decimal point!

8e64a1 No.38482

File: f8a9ecab96b31d6⋯.png (435.93 KB, 738x463, 738:463, bp.PNG)

too funny

4065c4 No.38483


Future dumps will be there. This last message wasn't a dump. Just a confirmation and direct message to us

08d8f2 No.38484

Let's not forget Snowden was working in Hawaii for B00z Allen.

5213c9 No.38485


Impossible to clean, that many back doors in that many things / products - Clowns in America

31c0ad No.38486


We need some boots on ground at JAX stat

ec637d No.38487


fool, have you ever been so busy that posting is the last thing on your mind? or is it your job to post so that's the only thing on your mind? Life. Get one.

1c27b0 No.38488

He posted that to confirm us moving here, then deleted it so our board would not be broadcast to the whole world.

49d3d1 No.38489


> just said that NK did launch

I didn't see that from my stream. That would be a shitstorm.

6b570e No.38490


How interconnected are the text messages and the TV messages? If they by any means have to be activated separately then we have ourselves an honest to goodness conspiracy.

ed5bb4 No.38491




DEA Crackdown Bags Senior MS-13 Leader, 16 Others


34ac56 No.38493

8a34b0 No.38494


Correct. And interaction on this board will continue.

4065c4 No.38495


You don't need to confirm to me. Go confirm for the anon I'm telling this to

f7efa4 No.38496


Disinfo is real.

b49e35 No.38497

File: 63306cb234d9527⋯.png (633.61 KB, 625x562, 625:562, them.png)


6b570e No.38498


Not gonna lie, hoping Musk is one of the good guys and that's one of the "disinfo" items Q drops.

284aa3 No.38499


Nov 9 2017 23:07:15



ID: Dx5TPc5d


Think full picture.

Who controls the narrative?

Why is this relevant?

What is a spell?

Who is asleep?


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.

Be [p]repared.

Ope[r]ations underway.

Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.

Find the ke[y]stone.

Moves and countermoves.


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.




Marshall Quote




34ac56 No.38500


>DEA Crackdown Bags Senior MS-13 Leader, 16 Others

"…but you can't do that…we need a DACA deal first!"

a0b907 No.38501


that's why I came here to confirm

most of fam here is retarded

Still hearing abulances and firetrucks sirens

fuck it's crazy here right now

d87ecb No.38502

File: f277836a5d8cda8⋯.png (833.25 KB, 1090x1046, 545:523, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

File: 0d7dcf409a89012⋯.png (413.83 KB, 550x972, 275:486, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

File: 3f4822270cb5acf⋯.png (691.49 KB, 1302x948, 217:158, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

File: 2d068b38a1587c9⋯.png (531.08 KB, 1118x700, 559:350, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

ec637d No.38503


watching fox nonstop the last hour or so, no mention of NK launching that I've picked up on, I'm sure they wouldn't have stopped talking about it once that angle got going

691ea3 No.38504


do u think our guys would panic whole west coast and all islands to get one chick?

a small distraction to none would be all required

6db278 No.38505

there seems to be so much fear of shills, bad actors, etc.

take personal responsibility for you and you alone. dont fall into the victim trap and you dont have anything to fear from what anyone says or does.

you have been programmed to be a victim for thousands of years. if you take personal responsibility, you dont need any "leader" or power structure to tell you what to do.

find your own path in this life, that you truly believe in, and no one can sway you. enjoy the company of those on the same journey and struggle together to make the world you want to live in.

83df67 No.38506


You're in HI?

f7efa4 No.38507

File: 7deee76553a4145⋯.jpg (338.67 KB, 750x860, 75:86, 1515875116815.jpg)

31a6fb No.38508


Shook. Nothing like thinking you have 15 mins to live. Sent "I love you's" to my family and assurances of my future in heaven. Prayed my heart out. Now, feel like I am in a fugue state. Supposed to go to south shore today to watch the 20 ft waves. Heart not in it

4785a6 No.38509

File: 7b2825ae8cfe110⋯.png (37.07 KB, 563x203, 563:203, screenshot_84.png)


5dd9e3 No.38510

Is it a coincidence that the pornstar's name is Stormy Daniels?

8a34b0 No.38511



Sorry should have tagged that post as well. I didn't think you needed confirming. Just added that for whoever you were talking to. Lot of shilling in here today about Q posting as anon, Q is gone, blablabla. So sick of it.

b87a8c No.38512


So by readng correctly the clock it should tell us when POTUS is here ?

34ac56 No.38513


Thanks. I hate not getting my latest fix ;)

400bbb No.38514


why we IGNORE the mainstream media.

31a6fb No.38515

>>38508North shore i mean

d3877d No.38516


His daughter is probably doing his account and is pissed off at us because of all the Memes we sent out

a0b907 No.38517



Came here first thing

f3843c No.38518


Yeah. The https:// www.twitter.com/kill_rogue account posts good info daily. I don’t have an account but still check it daily. All great normie consumable and well sourced content. The “authoritative” and “concerned” anons who declare who it is and such (Q didn’t define beyond pointing to it) are hoping to discourage seeing this content. That is a red flag. Until the account posts something that isn’t on topic or similar it should be considered part of the Q research. No one has made a good argument for these efforts to push ignoring it. Look at the account yourselves. I’m not letting anyone think for me and neither should anyone else. Kek! Anons have a blessed day and keep up the good fight!

8a34b0 No.38519


So is [filtering] shillfag.

a31ef8 No.38520


Could be a gas up location for a further trip south. The whole thing seems odd to me.

Fly over from Europe, gas up in Nova Scotia, do some attempted landings or get denied entry at IAD, then 2 missed approaches at MSY and now enroute to JAX on the double.

057d6c No.38521


I Pray for the day to see The truth come out , Never forget. was just checking the 1st0 for today.

f7efa4 No.38522


Haha brah I told everyone not to worry and didnt bother getting out of bed. You gotta let go of the worry.

7b05e1 No.38523


The best!

b79298 No.38524


Sorry anon. My cousin in HI feels the same way.

Very angry about this over here on the mainland.

Take care.

3a3cf0 No.38525


Misdirection is sometimes required

Fight or flight instinct triggered

Who you you pay attention to?

a0b907 No.38526

File: 0dd0befcde4d7c8⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 231x244, 231:244, pepe top kek.jpg)



0bc040 No.38527

File: 34f58997e07f508⋯.jpeg (159.95 KB, 750x985, 150:197, CBC6F4A2-1E87-4982-9763-0….jpeg)


Hacked emergency alerts has happened before. This was back in 2010.

49d3d1 No.38528

File: ce2946ad2cea6e2⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1410x742, 705:371, fox2.png)

File: 6f1523c38dc3a4f⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1290x729, 430:243, fox3.png)

Statements as shown on FOX.

ea8e27 No.38529


Gotta go North Shore for the waves today braddah

f7efa4 No.38530


Expand your thinking.

1c27b0 No.38531


Patriots in full control. Q is missing for a reason.

8afe4a No.38532



717d98 No.38533

GAF689 approx. 1/2 way there, and is slowly descending from that 41,000, but they still have the speed up.

0ee303 No.38534

File: 4517555611744d0⋯.jpg (65.67 KB, 500x527, 500:527, 22mvrq.jpg)

49d3d1 No.38535


>Nothing like thinking you have 15 mins to live.

My sides!

8afe4a No.38536

File: bfe887c86ec62c1⋯.png (1.74 MB, 634x1505, 634:1505, ClipboardImage.png)

83df67 No.38537


Amber alert is not the same as freaking an entire state the fuck out. But yes, that's a precedent.

35f15e No.38538


>Nov 9 2017 23:07:15



>ID: Dx5TPc5d


>Think full picture.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep? - Snow White???

>Dissemination. Who's Good - Who's Evil?

>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.

>Be [p]repared.

>Ope[r]ations underway.

>Operators [a]ctive.

>Graphic is essential.

>Find the ke[y]stone.

>Moves and countermoves.


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.


08d8f2 No.38539

File: 0c19b6f04a044e4⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 567x423, 63:47, Hideous.JPG)


Q has referenced 9/11 directly and knows it on everyone who's woke minds. It'd be a real red pill for the normies, and open the brain for the ultimate red pill, adrenochrome sacrifice.

57607b No.38540


Our job is to MEME it. Spread it. Post that news link from this morning!

2e234f No.38541


Honestly after I made sure I could get my family as safe as we could get here in Hawaii all I could think of is I wonder how this will feel when it hits.

40dee2 No.38542


Musk is probably a good guy tho.

8a34b0 No.38543


Yeah I realize a lot of you fags have a huge hardon for Musk but that doesn't change the MANY crumbs from Q telling us he's one of (((them))) and it also doesn't justify putting out all this false information. Get with the program or GTFO.

8c2383 No.38544

File: 29eb7ee62c16357⋯.png (5.46 MB, 2861x1518, 2861:1518, Screenshot 2018-01-13 12.5….png)

Special Ops Combat Talon

d87ecb No.38545

File: 14fd5ea4005c1c4⋯.png (766.1 KB, 958x812, 479:406, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

File: 27f7ebba3e29636⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1650x958, 825:479, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

File: c27515f4377108c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1396x932, 349:233, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

File: f2a41244c99bc73⋯.png (429.27 KB, 1000x693, 1000:693, 408781d61ff5b20dd743f47846….png)

8a34b0 No.38546


And you're probably a faggot shill who needs to be [filtered.]

238804 No.38547

Q said the stage must be set first…

The stage is being set BIGLY

We are winning BIGLY!

We are awake

We are aware

We are ready

Uranium One being rolled up from the bottom to the top!

Biggest hashtag to date:


284aa3 No.38548

File: 83760ae01e1119c⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 600x320, 15:8, clockwork-orange-quotes-2.jpg)


search ID past two threads




"What is a spell?

Who is asleep? "

"Bad actors gather metadata and targeting.

Small example of the ongoing silent war.



Problem: time to complete.


Patriots, get the word out.

Jason Bourne (Deep Dream).


"What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


"This is not easy to accept nor believe.

Crumbs make bread.

Operations active.

Joint missions underway.

The world is fighting back.

Refer back to graphic.

The Great Awakening.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).



20cc2b No.38550

Ok Anons

It's been a crazy day. We have seen a lot and we've gotten a lot of info far before any of the MSM got the info.

Among the juicy tidbits we got here:

A FOX THREE was activated today. “Fox Three” indicates the launch of an active radar guided missile like the AIM-120. Don't be the one on the other end of this call.

-The attack in Hawaii was NOT a drill, no matter how the MSM will spin it. Satellite/ship based tech shot it down because if word got out that a nuke was launched at our country the people would demand we attack.

-Hawaii was a State operation… NOT a federal operation- there will be legal implications for this in the future. (CIA?)

-Some awakenings happen only by SHOCK- allowing Trump to have more backing for being tough militarily and getting MIL funding

-Something is going on in Euroupe today that the Hawaii attack was a distraction from.

-There's a musical bricks thing going around, would someone please figure out a cut out that can be laid over some other text to reveal select letters/words. (Possibly one of Q's messages.?)

-We've been watching blocked planes all day, specific interest is in a German jet that has been flying around the USA from Angela Merkel's fleet.

-There's been an unexplained loud boom in S. Carolina we still haven't figured out.

Zuma launch > SKY FORTRESS ENGAGED posted by Q > Zuma launch later announced as failure > speculative bad actors believe there's an open window due to fail announcement? > missle launched @ HI > SKY FORTRESS ENGAGED > SPLASH FOX THREE > Future has proven past once again (This marker was confirmed.)

Please confirm the golf handicap of Trump. Curious minds would like to know.

Does anyone know why isn't there a single DOD managed employment tracker?

This news item seems to be of notice. precisionresearchandconsulting.com/2018/01/japan-protests-after-chinese-frigate-sub-sail-near-senkakus/

Would someone please find and expose these assholes? The Dems have friends who can change the direction away from 1.2 document drop, unseal indictments, and other pro America/Pro Trump news items.

For those of you who are still harping on Q's postings and how they coordinate: Why would the timestamp thing change from between Q and POTUS to between POTUS and POTUS?

Tell your friends and family to watch Sean Hannity. He is revealing a lot of information as we speak, and he knows much more than he is actually letting on.

North Korea is NOT controlled by KIM at all!!!!! However- they have been pawned- remember NK and Olympics?

Again, I would like to repeat the Lord's Prayer.

Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.

35f15e No.38551


I agree! Don't you think they will be hitting the internet for answers?

Time to Meme?

691ea3 No.38552


bless your heart anon, be safe and alert

31a6fb No.38553


Was wondering the same. Amazing how many thoughts fly through your mind at the same time

a8964a No.38554


GAF 14+2 spent the night in Nova Socia. Left Germany yesterday (Jan 12th). A touch and go at IAD is a greeting to US. Common practice when mil aircraft enter other mil airspace. I've been listening to live ATC traffic. There was no missed approach. MSY was not their final destination. Gobal 5000s can fly over 1/2 way around the world without refueling. Keep listening to JAX Center and JAX tower on Live ATC. Listen for German Air Force 689

ec637d No.38555


I'm with you on this



I know clearly what was said, gave that to normies to look into same day (Dec 22). Q however never told us to give up our critical thinking skills and follow blindly. So, I won't do that. Neither of us knows what EM is up to right now at this moment, it's all speculation until future proves past and we get crystal clear confirmation. So let's agree to disagree for now & as you say, move on.

b9dfe3 No.38556

83ff3d No.38557


I really don't care, it's just funny how serious you get over it.

e71287 No.38558



And I don't think we know the truth yet.

Some have theorized (here on the board) that there genuinely was incoming and we stopped it. Then, to not alarm ppl anymore, called it a 'wrong button' situation.

I don't know the truth, but can empathize with the shock you all must have experienced.

FCC has said they will look into it and we know for sure Tulsi will as well.

e91578 No.38559

File: 8403081e236f419⋯.jpg (13 KB, 240x193, 240:193, p-kekvult.jpg)


Rh- blood here too

Can confirm, I am superior

2e234f No.38560


Damn straight! My spouse said "Hawaii just turned Republican"

0ee303 No.38561


Sounds like marching orders to me!

34ac56 No.38563


>Q posting as anon, Q is gone, blablabla. So sick of it.

Fuck those shills.

For anyone who hasn't been here since the beginning, Q comes when they need to move the ball forward.

8a34b0 No.38564


One major point is way off the mark.

You forgot that Musk/SpaceX = Cabal.

Clearly stated by Q on several occasions.

Re-read the crumbs.

f5d468 No.38565

File: 968507572d055c1⋯.jpg (72.36 KB, 1143x864, 127:96, tikktokkL.jpg)


0ee303 No.38566

6b570e No.38567


Honestly, I hope this all is fake. And the world isn't evil. And kids aren't being tortured and murdered. That it's all fake. And the world is a good place. The truth is probably the opposite. But I can still hope right? That's all I said.

d87ecb No.38568

31a6fb No.38569

Where in HI are all the sirens? Its quiet on the east side of the mountains (near Kaneohe). We were going to go to Honolulu - maybe not….

2e234f No.38570


I was surprised how calm I was…

713fd5 No.38571


ok, tried to make a song from the "brick notes" but i cannot make anything from it…

if anybody else wants to try you can make one here -> https:// musicboxmaniacs.com/create/

ba4e41 No.38572


agreed, plus POTUS has a tweet on 11/3 with "ZERO" in it

b79298 No.38573

Oddly quiet on POTUS twitter considering this is the most serious thing to happen during his presidency (in this anon's opinion).

Silence says it all sometimes.

e71287 No.38574

I encourage Anons to be careful about Hawaii, incoming missile memes.

We DO NOT KNOW the facts.

What message are you planning to send?

Do not put people in Hawaii through anymore than they have already suffered, Please!

8a34b0 No.38575


You're not thinking critically. You have a hardon for Musk and it has clouded your judgement. You are directly contradicting what Q have stated plainly several times. And you are now [filtered] with the other shilling Muskfags.

a31ef8 No.38576


If it was a touch-n-go at IAD and not missed approaches at MSY, why the diversion west to MSY, not straight to JAX? My curiosity is peaked

d3877d No.38577

Maybe they picked up Huma

5ba184 No.38578

It had to be deliberate. How many fail safes does a system like that have?

WHY did they do it is the question.

e71287 No.38579


He sent message thru Fox News and his social media director has been RT'ing false alarm messages.

ae85db No.38580

File: 1d097a7f5ead65d⋯.jpeg (352.74 KB, 1242x1929, 414:643, 4DBDC602-62DE-4AE5-924B-4….jpeg)

Saw this on defcon Twitter - yesterdays updates

a49c0a No.38581


such a big diversion not necessary just to extract huma

bc0fd4 No.38582


I pray for that day too

I visualize it

I imagine how I would feel if the truth entered every bodies ears across the world

I imagine how i would feel seeing justice be served for the murder of MY people

innocent people

and I know it will happen in our lifetimes

and the trials will be public

8a34b0 No.38583


You're in the wrong place. This is not for the faint of heart. Either you're in it or you're in the way.

d13af8 No.38584

Just a thought…

So BHO & Huma are both in HI..

God only knows who else…

What better set up to make them panic and pick up their secret communication

They would be wondering what the hell is going on also?? Given it lasted as it did… like they were waiting for something specific to happen first before taking it back…

2e234f No.38585


Honestly I am not sure. I did hear them though. About 15 minutes after the alert came on the phone. My question is. Why did it take so long for the sirens to go off, and why DID the sirens go off anyway if they knew it was a mistake?

0bc040 No.38586


Yeah she really seems to be paying for her wrongdoings in a $1000/night hotel.

31c0ad No.38587


Fuggg need Jax anons with a quickness..

57b84a No.38588


The truth is horrible, but rest assured that it is coming to an end.

d7a924 No.38589

File: 1bceb409fd1e643⋯.jpg (42.98 KB, 576x324, 16:9, 7a56d8cfe8c2dc8dcdf5e5f75d….jpg)

c4ac8e No.38590


They sure wasted a TON of fuel just to end up in Jacksonville. This is one of those No Coincidences situations.

057d6c No.38591


Yeah , it would, give them an idea of what kind of lengths they go to, harm. No care for life , we are there food.

6b570e No.38592


Q did not include the "for thine is the kingdom, the power…." in his Lord's Prayer.

42cae2 No.38593

Wasn't that woman from Intel in charge of Emergency Messaging?

d7a924 No.38594

File: 0970a70eabff3d4⋯.png (317.35 KB, 735x307, 735:307, fa1ea6a0599e9f67ffaee9e1d7….png)

8afe4a No.38595


Seriously…we have evidence she lied to THE FBI. Yet, she is in Hawaii enjoying the fruits of her labor, I guess.

34ac56 No.38596


>Damn straight! My spouse said "Hawaii just turned Republican"

R's don't give gibs and Tulsi Gabbard is a dem. Although she should consider switching because I'm positive the dems hate her for taking a position within the WH.

2e234f No.38597


Living in Hawaii. I like the memes. It releases anxiety.

691ea3 No.38598


agree, maybe about corruption did it

ea8e27 No.38599


They are literally all over near the coast line. Tsunami sirens. Bi\ut they did not go off.

284aa3 No.38600


Dec 19 2017 23:10:31



ID: 3c96d5





[ C P 19]

Show the World Our Power.



Hunt for Red October plot

… false orders that they are to conduct missile drills off America's east coast…

…The Soviet Ambassador informs the U.S. government that Ramius is a renegade, and asks for help in sinking Red October. That order is sent to the U.S. Fleet, including Dallas…

…the reason he defected was that after he was handed the plans for Red October, a nuclear war first strike weapon, he concluded that he could never support such an action…

6b570e No.38601


Again. Stating "hope" does not imply belief or say anything about the fortitude of my "heart". Calm down.

e71287 No.38602

d3877d No.38603


Did you see any flights diverted from Hawaii during the time of the alert

f7f642 No.38604


Correct. Q uses the Catholic Lord's Prayer.

0bc040 No.38605



ec637d No.38606


Someone know everything about everyone, even knows what's going on in my pants (weird). Filter away, your loss :D :D

284aa3 No.38607

File: 6d4569275a02a43⋯.jpg (75.01 KB, 570x320, 57:32, burgess.jpg)

File: 3513c03aac7f9ab⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 500x302, 250:151, tumblr_mdhzc9uHcu1qd1j94o1….jpg)

f28e90 No.38608

File: 7cb5c693cc6266d⋯.jpg (748.69 KB, 1440x1978, 720:989, 20180113_160158.jpg)

Can some link the good[win] post?

31c0ad No.38609

Any way for planefags to know where the plane goes once landed? Like to what terminal or off to a side lot? Private hanger?

49d3d1 No.38610


> literally all over near the coast line. Tsunami sirens. Bi\ut they did not go off.

I saw video with audio of sirens on FOX.

717d98 No.38611


Yep, they'll be there in just a few short minutes now.

057d6c No.38612


LooP in the map , connected to everything

57b84a No.38613


Well she was apparently meeting with some other bad actors the other day [can't remember who], so it is certainly possible she is helping to trap people.

e71287 No.38615


Memes that you REALLY DID have an incoming.

On that subject, IMO, we should remain silent.

78090e No.38616

File: 6a5bc25c35fad84⋯.png (430.69 KB, 722x417, 722:417, Nancy crumbs headline.png)

A quick word on Nancy Pelosi’s comment regarding tax-cut bonuses being crumbs.

According to CNN, POTUS cut the corporate tax from 35% to 21%. That’s a 14% difference, a huge savings for businesses. So far, the following companies are giving bonuses/raises:

• American Airlines

• AT&T

• Bank of America

• Comcast

• Fiat Chrysler

• Fifth Third Bancorp

• Jet Blue

• Southwest Airlines

• Walmart

• Wells Fargo

Let’s look at just one example. Jet Blue is giving 21,000 employees a $1,000 bonus. That’s $21,000,000 out of the company coffers. An analogy might be an average person taking their monthly house payment amount and dividing up among their children. It might not be a large amount per recipient, but it’s a big expense to the giver. Now, multiply that amount by the entire list, and you can see some serious giving.

A big THANK YOU to POTUS for setting this in motion, and THANK YOU to American businesses for sharing your good fortune with your employees.

http:// money.cnn.com/2018/01/11/news/economy/tax-law-raises-bonuses/index.html

http:// insider.foxnews.com/2018/01/11/nancy-pelosi-companies-tax-cut-bonuses-workers-amount-crumbs

f7f642 No.38617


I seriously doubt we shot down a nuke and covered it up. Are you actually saying that? There would be hundreds of people who would know.

02746a No.38618


fucking stupid

c63073 No.38619

File: b48244aa779ab9a⋯.jpg (68.13 KB, 600x314, 300:157, D0-u6JZf.jpg)

Haitian government formally summons US official to explain Trump’s ‘s**thole’ remark: report

8336bc No.38620


I wouldn't do ANY Hawaii incoming missile memes.

8a34b0 No.38621


Stop having a conversation with me and contribute something.

b79298 No.38622


Maybe NK sub got too close?

6b570e No.38623


Hundreds of people in the military sure.

c2202c No.38624


They are getting more strident and there are more of them. Notice they dropped the "helper" bullshit?

2c2662 No.38625


YES, absolutely - and the Jan 7 stringer had CONF = "confirmed" in milspeak.

e71287 No.38626


That has been the theory voiced on the boards last two threads.

I don't know the truth

No one here does

2e234f No.38627


Sirens went off on my side of the island, just late. 15 minutes or so after phone alert

284aa3 No.38628


no it was me and I am not Q

83df67 No.38629


We kind of know nothing actually happened.

Either fuck-up or distraction or something happened and they managed to stop it.

2e234f No.38631


oh yeah. I thought anon was talking about the kek ones

0bc040 No.38632


Laura Silsby. And she works for a software company that is tied to Amber Alerts

b055e8 No.38633

File: e517ffda24332d4⋯.png (190.73 KB, 353x431, 353:431, kekmate19.png)

Pierre Omidyar, founder of ebay, multi billionaire, personality in Hawai'i .


On Assange's mom's shit list.

Dig anons, this guy could be funding some shady crap.


bc0fd4 No.38634

File: 632f2dd350287b5⋯.png (64.74 KB, 660x439, 660:439, ClipboardImage.png)

Did anybody see this?

08d8f2 No.38635


Declassify 1.2 million documents from OIG. These will allow people to follow the money. With all the connections we have been given to Q, it will be quick in opening up the can of worms. Will be able to trace back to the group behind 9/11. We already have the suspects, and connections are being made, ie Sidley Austin had 5 floor in WTC, C Schumer wife was on port auth during 9/11, etc..

d3877d No.38637

We should take a cue from POTUS… keep quiet for a bit with memes

e71287 No.38638


Good lad. Thanks.

The rest of the memes that come from this board are being widely circulated and getting ppl's attention. Much success.

e1007e No.38640

Emergency alert issued in Hawaii. Ballistic missile inbound

> can we tie this into what Q has told us?

> defcon 1 (non nuclear) - Ballistic missile?

> dis info necessary - Why would they want to distract us?

> Who was born in Hawaii?

> Could a physical copy of someone's birth certificate been taken? :D

ec637d No.38641


hmm, if it WAS the result of a hack, I'm sure it wouldn't be wise to broadcast that vulnerability as a fact. better to say that some random chap hit a wrong button on the way home from shift. Interesting

8a34b0 No.38642


Yes. And now it's every other post, "what if it's not the way you anons have spent months analyzing but it's some other random reality I just made up?" GMAFB

a8964a No.38644

File: 2df08170811ba23⋯.jpeg (1001.62 KB, 3844x2198, 1922:1099, gaf5.jpeg)



Today's German Air Force 689 GAF14+2 route to JAX?

31c0ad No.38645


You watching live?

d3877d No.38647


Boom! They BHO papers? Maybe?

ec637d No.38649


DING!!! Fo Sho!

e71287 No.38650


we know squat….

So much goes on behind the scenes…

0d2f22 No.38651


There was an Anon on here many days ago that said they started that kill rogue account. Now, Q has told us that they do NOT send any information outside of these boards.

6c3094 No.38652


yep looks like escort .

43e22c No.38653


Their eye and [i] have been gouged out.

691ea3 No.38654


ja needs to give trump a copy of everything for total pardon and protection

717d98 No.38656


Keeping up with it on ADS-B Exchange.

a0b907 No.38657


No sirens in Waianae (westside oahu) either

49d3d1 No.38658


"Could be"? Hm….methinks "Is."

f9001d No.38659











2136f8 No.38661

File: 4063d314022470a⋯.jpeg (28.89 KB, 274x184, 137:92, 44D7B771-B4E8-4C95-9FA0-A….jpeg)

8a34b0 No.38662

It used to be in the Board Rules that no anon may post before they have read every single Q post.

That rule needs to be reinstated BADLY.

6b570e No.38663


Looking at your posts on this bread, I'm starting to think you're a "shill" shill. Shut up. This will be my last message to you.

0ee303 No.38664

File: d4fadbfcbb161cf⋯.jpg (84.37 KB, 536x499, 536:499, 22mx2k.jpg)

31c0ad No.38665


Anyway to know where plane goes after landing?

d7a924 No.38666

File: 2815fc1686774c5⋯.png (84.5 KB, 606x646, 303:323, 010b.png)

400bbb No.38667

Aaaannnndddd, now for the unhinged to make themselves heard:

Jamie Lee Curtis

Verified account


45m45 minutes ago


This Hawaii missle scare is on YOU Mr. Trump. The real FEAR that mothers & fathers & children felt is on YOU.

https:// twitter.com/jamieleecurtis/status/952275076346388481

eb0e42 No.38668

File: 20320b48db6fc3b⋯.png (32.34 KB, 595x150, 119:30, 6843E5BB-EBEA-431B-8C7F-8A….png)

File: 6c9cc9a779bf634⋯.jpeg (445.68 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 4E80899D-C137-44E8-A3E8-E….jpeg)

Saw this POTUS tweet with TANKED!

Googled Tanked!

It’s a tv series, last episode they went to Flint Michigan - instinctively I wonder …. does Loop Capital have its tentacles in the Flint Water Crisis?

ec637d No.38669


Ain't he serious?? almost like a paycheck raise or promotion depends on it

>muh filter you bc you think different

4e889b No.38670


lol,,,,, blue blood kek

43e22c No.38671


With good intention…

0d2f22 No.38672


Also- there are a lot of Anons, including myself, who have Twatter accounts that post things on twitter. Some Anons take it to the extreme and post immediately on Twatter as it is happening on here…I've seen it happen.

6c3094 No.38673

so much for roy potter walking away for a week , he is live now … respect lost here . i knew he couldn't do it .

8a34b0 No.38674


Thank God for that. Now YOU shut the fuck up and let us get on with this mission.


a8964a No.38675

File: 2b971ecc4143db0⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB, 4268x1904, 1067:476, GAF6.jpeg)


GAF 14+2 / German Air Force 689 . Current position. Listen to JAX Arr/Dep on Live ATC

5ba184 No.38676



879ed0 No.38677

File: d1ebd1c3d06b873⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 533x400, 533:400, 1f806375b7878599354516b1d5….jpg)


already working on it brother. minor style edits.

c4ac8e No.38678


Nice job Anon!

717d98 No.38679


I'm new to this and trying to figure it out myself.

48083c No.38680

File: 393675bc35fce7a⋯.jpg (188.07 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, A Q Post 1.jpg)


Ya sure was

ec9a7d No.38681


that's exactly the opposite of our job.

Not to mention, we're all in this mess because everyone did exactly that and let up on the corrupt

a0b907 No.38682


what township???


like not being able to call out kine

42cae2 No.38683


Rene James

Q post https:// 8ch.net/cbts/res/54220.html#54349

"In 2013, President Barack Obama appointed James as a member of the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC). In January 2015, she was named to the second-highest role on the committee as Vice Chair of NSTAC."

https:// www.dhs.gov/nstac-members

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9e_James

84a6cb No.38684



5dd9e3 No.38685



tits or gtfo

c2202c No.38686

Can we tie LOOP CAPITAL into the transport of Uranium with this newly un-sealed indictment (Transport Logistics International)??

f3843c No.38687


I’m no newfag, and have been on this since the start and long before Q showed up. There is definitely normie friendly content that I don’t see posted here. Your (((concern))) about this is noted.

a6b129 No.38688

Flights taking off during or after missile panic in HI?

691ea3 No.38690



wow, a shame too, always liked her

788fcd No.38691

File: 019b806422fe606⋯.png (14.45 KB, 497x174, 497:174, SkyFortress.png)

File: def14e4db8017e5⋯.png (242.22 KB, 636x723, 212:241, DOD.png)

<No coincidences.

twitter. com/DeptofDefense/status/952284121153392640


08d8f2 No.38692


Gonna take a lot of people down. Might be some vigilanti stuff, pitchforks in the streets. I think the soft rollout while guilty individuals are rounded up because the other side would scream fascism without evidence. Fine line.

0d2f22 No.38693


B- you have been doing good work!!

546a7f No.38694


LOL she's getting scorched in the replies.

f9001d No.38695



f7f642 No.38696


The financial harvest is just beginning.

97cc28 No.38697


Hope in one hand and shit in the other. See which gets filled first.

1a68d9 No.38698

File: 4802032c99a18a4⋯.jpeg (200.7 KB, 599x725, 599:725, AE5474EB-908F-4F1F-850A-1….jpeg)

Enough is enough

a21253 No.38699


Not sure if related or relevant at all but the EAS in Houston was tested three times in the past week. I found it strange…

08d8f2 No.38700


That's what I'm saying. This was a deep state threat to Trump…

4e889b No.38701


Uranium yellow cake was shipped to Canada first… I'm Canadian and know this … But I would really look into the NY DOT who also controls part of the port

a31ef8 No.38702


Best way to know is to listen to ATC communications. The plane must tell the tower controller where their destination is, as in an FBO or hanger etc.

f7f642 No.38703


And in Hawaii Gov office

0bc040 No.38704

File: c9189c6c1480b41⋯.jpeg (127.58 KB, 719x588, 719:588, 78E3374A-3F1D-4236-A099-E….jpeg)

Check out the graphic on Fox News. Looks like something we should be using as a template?

08d8f2 No.38705


L Rothschild retweeted a Kasich tweet yesterday….puke.

ea8e27 No.38706


Tulsi not who you think she is. Think manchurian. Look at Cult Education Forum and search Science of Identity. Chris Butler his her guru(with some other made up name) that she talked about on her National Hindu Day speech a couple years back. Some seriously twisted stuff. meanwhileinhawaii.org

f28e90 No.38707

File: 525066d0a2b4113⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_20180113-160630.png)

b055e8 No.38708


Correct, I should amend that statement I made to 'crap that we don't already know about'

284aa3 No.38709

File: aa04c8f99ded914⋯.png (174.62 KB, 600x662, 300:331, aa0.png)

5d5448 No.38711


Was also tested in all cities in Norway 3 days ago

f7f642 No.38712


Why are we hearing about B every thread? This is anon, not TV time

546a7f No.38713


I was having that thought as well. Q was pretty straightforward in saying they would never intentionally put citizens in harm's way. Our deep state opponents, however…

8a34b0 No.38714

File: 1a6872559d0f80a⋯.jpeg (66.34 KB, 481x591, 481:591, Q-EMSpX.jpeg)

For all the Muskfags.

KYS now please.

bd974f No.38715


Musk is known as Rocket Man. Trump called Kim "Little" Rocket Man. Coincidence?

8336bc No.38716

File: b869ff7d70e3a95⋯.png (78.72 KB, 640x728, 80:91, Jamie Lee Curtis.PNG)

1186be No.38717

http:// www.trumptwitterarchive.com/

284aa3 No.38718


you can't get AIDS

0bc040 No.38719


My bad that’s what it is not Laura Silsby

c4ac8e No.38720

File: 8b9eb1dd0d9ab28⋯.png (1.12 MB, 800x1800, 4:9, mysteryplane.png)

Here is an overview graphic of what this German plane has been doing today so you all can know what us planefags have been talking about for the last few hours.

Cologne, Germany -> Nova Scotia -> touchngo@Dulles -> Charlotte -> New Orleans -> Jacksonville

49d3d1 No.38721


Prime Minister of Norway just visted Trump, no?

4e889b No.38722


But this one was not announced as a test.. they thought it was real

20cc2b No.38723





NO sauce forthcoming. This is the result of being on here from 8:00AM to 2:30PM Central and watching very carefully what was going down.

I did NOT save user ID's either so I can't even put sauce together nor do I want to.

These boards are called Q RESEARCH for a reason.

The crumbs are here.

It is up to you to put the story together and tell your family and friends.

d7a924 No.38724

I love how some of these people use a phone and computer, just so they can compliment themselves, and think no one can tell. SMH.

717d98 No.38725


Landing now at JAX.

8a34b0 No.38726


NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play.

Who is the director?


0bc040 No.38727


Because if happened under any other President, people wouldn’t be just as scared. Try again Jamie Lee Curtis

7e3d96 No.38728

File: 825648dfee586fe⋯.jpeg (24.66 KB, 274x184, 137:92, 1496BC70-37DC-490D-B3B2-3….jpeg)

ed5bb4 No.38729

File: 0936bd00491fcb6⋯.png (748.7 KB, 655x770, 131:154, stormy.PNG)

File: c9e439c0d5d2e7c⋯.png (66.88 KB, 634x367, 634:367, JP1.PNG)

File: e63b7cb51dd11a9⋯.png (62.66 KB, 648x325, 648:325, JP2.PNG)

d3877d No.38730


I post memes on twatter… that way if I don’t comment my act doesn’t get flagged… bots don’t recognize pics….

34ac56 No.38731


Will look into it. Thanks.

ec637d No.38732

anyone just see the 0 5 10 20 minute markers on FOX news just now? I missed the pic of it

546a7f No.38733


And I noticed that HRC retweets Bill Kristol!

ec9a7d No.38734


gotta be wary of those who would use Q words to make them look like part of the team when they're not. i.e. "Zak" on the Clown owned AJ/IW. Hence Q's statement that THIS is the ONLY medium they will communicate on.

6c3094 No.38735


i so hope Trudeau gets hung up in this

5dd9e3 No.38736


I think any man who brags about making rockets is called Rocket Man at some point in his life.

Thank you Elton John

You tiny fucking dancer.

31c0ad No.38737


Point a nigger in right direction please

08d8f2 No.38738


Maybe why the rolled it up from bottom to TOP.

Unknown names arrested (MS13 crippled) networks destroyed, money cut off, and now, the big names start going down..

c4ac8e No.38739


Cheked! Now have to look to see if it continues to Gitmo or if they transfer to a USAF/Navy plane.

e91578 No.38740


is there any fox news streams up?

5d5448 No.38741

a6b129 No.38742


Yeah right…the REAL threat from NK DS will be blamed on POTUS instead of the former presidents that "did nothing about it"

f7f642 No.38743


I'm here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

w/o sauce I'm sure as heck not telling people we shot down a nuke. That is total wack job

8a34b0 No.38744


see >>38714

Musk = Cabal

0bc040 No.38745


Yeah I posted it here >>38704

7b73a4 No.38746


who is it I cant tell?

8a59a8 No.38748

File: 03db608b7af416a⋯.jpg (300.82 KB, 1235x1766, 1235:1766, ZomboMeme 13012018161842.jpg)

Enjoy you bunch of faggets

400bbb No.38749


Do you know he was an author of PNAC, Project For A New American Century, that detailed how we need a new Pearl Harbor so we can take control of the Middle East?

This was before 9/11.

79e680 No.38750


>What is TEMPEST?

TEMPEST is a method of spying by intercepting and decoding the inadvertent signals all computers emit

between keyboard and comuter

between computer and monitor

devices are said to be TEMPEST compliant when they are properly shielded against such attack

a8964a No.38752


Just contacted JAX tower. Landing at JAX. Cleared to descend and maintain 2000

717d98 No.38753


Still waiting and watching.

Was also looking at gitmo to see if there was anything leaving there, but nope.

4e889b No.38754


Can't get Aids, plus you have the superior blood so your in the 15% of Americans…

They say you have no (brown skin blood) not racist

it's what they say since thousands of years

b9dfe3 No.38755



You wouldn't know if it was shot down by a hypersonic covert aircraft.

546c70 No.38756


Not if they go to NAS Jacksonville in lieu of Jacksonville Intl.

8336bc No.38757


Looks like Bush Jr

ec637d No.38758


>BIG week.

>Be Ready.

d7a924 No.38759


Wonder how she came to that deduction? We are to assume anything and everything that happens is the POTUS's fault? If so, he owes me for a bowl of soup my dog ate while I was turning off the stove.

6c3094 No.38760


texas .. fool me once , baby bush

34ac56 No.38762

File: fefe9467d0f4772⋯.png (862.45 KB, 700x700, 1:1, tfag.png)


Shitlib: "Nooo! not my dreamy Trudeau"

546a7f No.38763


The bitch is trying to unload migrants on us.

6b570e No.38764


If you saw the governor say it on tv… It looked like he wanted to laugh like someone who's bad at lying.

c71aec No.38765

Sorry Q. After 11 weeks. Not even 20% public arrests or even public outings. I’m going back to family time and will lurk. Let us know when shit will hit the fan without coded messages. After all we are nothing more than a CounterOp. Peace

ec9a7d No.38766



But at least their pockets are emptier these days. Restored my faith in humanity a bit when Krazy Gred's career was ended, plus all those empty seats at normally packed games :).

284aa3 No.38767

df4e87 No.38768


C'mon…enough of this horse shite.

c4ac8e No.38769


Ahhh the good old PNAC. They aired their plans for 9-11, the Iraq and Afghan wars right in our faces and got away with it.

ea67d9 No.38770


so, the cabal wanted to take off Huma with a missile, but it was intercepted by good guys?

392b36 No.38771


Maybe Julian couldn't get a table in DC, so he went for some Cajun?

ec9a7d No.38772



Auto=confuse missed it too lol

8a59a8 No.38773





I don't fuc anything in the ass so I'm not worried about it nor do I let anyone f** in the ass nor do I allow skanks to put their lips on my dick

57607b No.38774


Yay! Somebody doing what we are ACTUALLY supposed to do bravo!

e91578 No.38775

File: 839ced1169be4b5⋯.gif (3.35 MB, 642x414, 107:69, pg-comfnuk.gif)

There's an interesting thread on 4ch right now about the Hawaii situation. Could be a LARP. Maybe not. Take with a grain of salt.

>http:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/156585506

1d29a4 No.38776

I'm not a smart man ,but I know to PRAY ! Praise Jesus my Christ and Lord !,

4065c4 No.38777


Trudeau will be. He is heavily involved in the U1 deal among others. But it traveled through his country and he knew directly

20cc2b No.38778


I wouldn't either.

6c3094 No.38779

they both need vast amount of throat punches . >>38762

d3877d No.38780


I’m averaging about 100-150 per day to 27 pages I own.

83df67 No.38781



No, thank you.

0ee303 No.38782


Love the Pepe nuke

057d6c No.38783


I am looking forward to the show

546a7f No.38784


Great Post!

717d98 No.38786


Wonder who was picked up at New Orleans?

I mean why go to New Orleans if your actually going to be going to JAX in the first place?

Charlotte to JAX loads shorter route.

4e889b No.38787


Stephen Harper was during the U1 mix up but

TRUDEAU and all those guys are DIRTY

a8964a No.38788


Never landed in MSY just chanced course to JAX

74548f No.38789

>>38550 I'm with you Anon. 100% Today was Splash. Fox 3.

79e680 No.38790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



forgot embed

c2202c No.38791



>Uranium yellow cake was shipped to Canada first… I'm Canadian and know this … But I would really look into the NY DOT who also controls part of the port

I'm trying to make a graphic on the U1 indictment guy - TLI (trucking transport) bribed Russian company TENEX to get contract.

Did it go from US to Canada by road or US to NYC Port to Canada, then flew to Russia

I am confuse but want to use this opportunity


Need clear basic itinerary/direction of transport

If we can tie LOOP in via railroad, even better

<planes, trains & automobiles

c4ac8e No.38792


If a pickup in NO then they did it VERY quickly, they weren't there very long.

ce0ed0 No.38793

>>37706 It is not complete I think u r missing markers research images of player piano paper rolls *!

bc0fd4 No.38794





4785a6 No.38795


What's up with David Brock's hair?

ijr.com /2015/03/263844-hillary-clintons-advisors-hair-deserves-much-attention-private-email-account/

8e64a1 No.38797

6b570e No.38798



They saying Trump just averted WWIII wow.

c4ac8e No.38799



NVM guess they never landed in MSY, so touch n go just like Dulles?

546a7f No.38800


Oh, yeah. I know all about the little neocon twirp.

0ee303 No.38801


Music making computer software like Fruity Loops also has a piano roll, not just pianos

f7f642 No.38803


Q already told us that Fox 3 was the missile fired at SA in December.

717d98 No.38804


So why go all that way?

Like I said, Charlotte to JAX loads shorter route.

ec637d No.38805


HMMMMMMM, someone's thinking

one mention of Hawaii by Q:

>Nov 14 2017 11:51:10 Q

>Why is AF1 landing in Hawaii?

preparation that day for today, while POTUS is reported to be golfing? Optics, plausible deniability

83df67 No.38806


If he had, he would be telling everyone about it. You know how the guy is.

34ac56 No.38807


>TRUDEAU and all those guys are DIRTY

Obama ran Trudeaus campaign.

ec9a7d No.38808


heck ya!!! $10 Million to a war criminal who's family boasted BinLaden as a family wedding guest?!? Only one POS says it was the "right thing to do" despite 80% of his citizens irate at the decision.

e1007e No.38809

> What is keystone?

BHO birth certificate

> Why is this important?

This document can delegitimise everything BHO did.

It is the one document that can prove he is a foreign operative.

> Defcon 1 (non nuclear)

Non nuclear = Ballistic missile strike imminent

> [0] marker found today?

An anon posted a few threads back that they found some 2 Trump tweets posted in the same minute. Could it have been the [0] marker?

Don't have the sauce.

> Disinfo is necessary.

5dd9e3 No.38810


I don't know much about David Brock, other than:

A. Photographs of him make me feel uneasy

B. Not a chance that he can be trusted

C. He probably thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.

1186be No.38811


Like trying to get rid of bedbugs now

CIA are the new bedbugs

ec637d No.38814



bc0fd4 No.38815

ok lets say this hawaii thing was actually a false incident/error

what are we being distracted from knowing?

what should we be looking at/searching for?

34ac56 No.38816

$100 bucks Trump adds a THAAD missile D system into the military budget. Good luck to the shitlibs that oppose it.

0d2f22 No.38817


Damn good job Anon…update from SC-we have heard 2 more booms but these were much further away that the first extremely loud one that I reported. Still don't know WTH is going on.

5ba184 No.38818

Half-chan poster saying it was an attempt to damage Trump by asking WH to retaliate, but WH refused and asked for more info.

Hunt for red october plot? serious bad actors. serious news coming out i bet. This was another attempt to get rid of potus beofre all hell breaks loose. How many other false flags will we see?

Huma in HI ATM

43e5fe No.38819

File: fc89a0e3356a2f2⋯.jpg (169.37 KB, 585x411, 195:137, napoleons_chess_set.jpg)

It might be nothing but since we have covered Chess recently and the Vanderbilt estate owns Napoleons chess set. You can see it in the library of the Biltmore. Red_Red White_White?

2f52e3 No.38820

Good source for anon email

0d2f22 No.38821


Ummm….make that 3 more Booms…one just went off again as I hit "new reply"

ec637d No.38822


yep, that's the one! thanks

f66d6e No.38823

File: 2d2c3153d81f6ce⋯.png (974.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Huma.png)


So glad I got off that freaking Island. My kids and I would talk about stuff not NoKo related, except once, but it was about the govt of Honoruru. Schools a disaster, infrastructure strained so every swinging dick can see a little piece of "paradise." We avoided Hon like the plague.

Whatever happened to cause this, it is going to have a lot of emotional legs. Play for more funding? Probably. Refocusing on the fleet and assets? Probably.

d51c1a No.38824


Of course they would need something just like this as a diversion. What would you do…throw a few firecrackers around???

6c3094 No.38826

File: 63d613009a22bef⋯.png (545.83 KB, 1593x704, 1593:704, wtf.PNG)

strange . can another planfag confirm on other radar

ec9a7d No.38827


happening everywhere. WW. been noticing them for a few years now myself.

85d80a No.38828

I may have found what the BIG WEEK was about, though it goes waaay farther down the rabbit hole than most are comfortable with, so I'm not sure anyone here will give it any credence. But do consider this: Q chose to call his private forum /greatawakening/. The information I'm linking to below certainly qualifies as a great awakening if true!

It's about the disclosure of hidden information concerning alien races and human secret space operations ran by the cabal Q is taking down, using secret technology far beyond what has been released to the rest of mankind.

It's also about a cleansing of negative alien forces that mirrors the cleansing on Earth. And the term "the Great Awakening" is used for a spiritual transformation mankind is currently undergoing. This disclosure process has been going on for many years in the woo-woo circles, but it just took a HUGE step forward this week with the release of this article:

https:// divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1225-abr-legacy?showall=1&limitstart=

e91578 No.38829

File: 4e35cc79e11279f⋯.gif (219.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pixtrump.gif)

We can confirm Huma is in HI right now

Can we confirm if BO is there too?

7e3d96 No.38830

File: a85023227ca6d07⋯.jpeg (102.95 KB, 880x495, 16:9, C0E0A8F2-5F66-4931-9A3C-6….jpeg)

4785a6 No.38831


Tulsi and Hawaii's crooked Governor David Ilk pushed the button most likely to cause (((all this))) no worries FCC (((full investigation))) under way!!!

34ac56 No.38832


>She was overly dramatic/emotional. wrong response from a leader. Says - relatives crying in garage (?), numerous car accidents, blamed Trump's rhetoric, says remove threat!

Heard that as well. Shes not on Trump side. Shes all "just talk more...give them whatever they want..keep talking....". Classic shitlib response.

1daf9b No.38833


fox keeps showin that >>38376

illuminati 1eye

keep swower

1d29a4 No.38834

Nothing matters except we come together and PRAY TOGETHER ! AMERICA !!

ec637d No.38835


not sure, watching the id10t box, rare moment for me

ce0ed0 No.38836


Look at the Small Biz Graphic with the bldgs lined up. Bricks are markers but there are other markers. Long dashes are bldg tops. Just a thought*!

c4ac8e No.38837


Agreed, any roadblocks to more interceptor systems just got pulled in a big way.

a0b907 No.38838

File: 7183f7163cd4842⋯.png (456.55 KB, 1872x660, 156:55, hickamanon.png)

anons this was on /pol/


looks like you're right

ae85db No.38839

File: 83892c238c98f39⋯.jpeg (360.25 KB, 1242x1993, 1242:1993, D38C17B2-CE76-41A6-B52D-3….jpeg)

JLC left the i out of missile.

Is she a shill here?

601e01 No.38840

File: 1d43a3e58e75b6a⋯.png (18.54 KB, 1009x178, 1009:178, ClipboardImage.png)



1186be No.38841



Clowns get a missle launched as last ditch effort to get WWIII started.

They blame on NK

Trump's hand is then forced as this is now an act of war.

Clowns launched one - was shot down - war averted.

Easy explanation

Easier explanation - guy hit wrong button during shift change….

79e680 No.38842



most of this post is correct information but only partially relevant to the question you asked.



are you confused about what TEMPEST is?

then watch the video I embedded >>38790

starting at 2:06

the higher the bit rate / higher the frequency translates to easier to radiate away and be detected at a distance if not properly shielded

TEMPEST is all about intercepting those signals

31c0ad No.38843

Any updates from planefags on [RED] Baron?

49d3d1 No.38844

File: 5168a6cc4201ef3⋯.png (199.32 KB, 900x435, 60:29, cut264.png)


Well hello. That's not normal.

34ac56 No.38845



Has the pres taken them over yet?

ec9a7d No.38846


supersonic flight is BANNED OUTRIGHT within an area above and around population centres.

24e425 No.38848


Though it had significance as well

1186be No.38849


There's your Clown Narrative right out the gate.

6c3094 No.38850


awesome thank you . yes very strange .

6b570e No.38851


This is one person. I saw (as I'm sure you did) a few others saying the opposite.

d51c1a No.38852


NOPE! Keep it below 40,000ft

057d6c No.38854


fine line, its going to be a hard fall for some. many

ba4e41 No.38855

File: f0dfe58ffaf5879⋯.png (117.68 KB, 1239x477, 413:159, railfence.png)

1186be No.38856


Message directly from {{THEM}}

c6da92 No.38858

We must be getting HOT.

From twitter:

The vast majority of these so-called #MAGA accounts are Russian shills who work at the behest of their Kremlin masters.

#pedogate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #TheStorm #QAnon #DeepState #PizzaGate #FakeNews #Infowars #4chan #Putin #Russia #GRU #FSB

853fd6 No.38859

File: 5bc3483b6be566f⋯.png (259.73 KB, 558x692, 279:346, dod.PNG)


Sounds about right especially in light of DoD's tweet this afternoon.


9f0c13 No.38860


How busy do you think he would be if a False Flag was avoided

34ac56 No.38861


Dems were trying to tie DACA to the mil budget. Good luck selling that one now. Its the only card (if you can call it that) the dems had.

a6b129 No.38862


What about the Musk Ox fags?

ec9a7d No.38863


HAHAHA!!! Nice catch. Shows who's paying attention.

e9a690 No.38864


>Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

<Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

>Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

date? …Nov. 5

>Nov 5 2017 02:26:35

>Amazing how things make sense once you are asked a question.

>That's the entire point of this operation.

>It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb dumbs.

>It will all make sense.

>Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out.

>Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.

>Your President needs your help.

>He wants full transparency for the great people of this country.

>Everything stated is for a reason.

>God bless, Patriots.


so… see why Q insisted that we

<Re-read crumbs

>Re-read crumbs

<Re-read crumbs

>Re-read crumbs

546a7f No.38865


Back to the casting couch with this bitch.

691ea3 No.38866

zukerburg lives in the islands, bought up a shitload of land, kicking people off there property

49d3d1 No.38867


Looks like it is going to go right over GAO. That's also highly strange given its course.

d3877d No.38868


Morse code?

2e234f No.38869

a8964a No.38870


German Air Force 689 / GAF 14+2 ( [RED} Barron? )appears to have landed at JAX.

Planefags - keep watch for departure out of JAX of GAF 689 or A/C to GITMO (NBW).

There are regular charter flights out of JAX to NBW. Look for the next departure.

400bbb No.38871


Coast of SC? Central, Upstate?

31c0ad No.38873


Happens plenty m8.

85d80a No.38874


This is more like 40,000,000 ft to be honest. But it's very interesting.

a13bca No.38875

File: 1bd6db940a6c610⋯.jpg (35.44 KB, 300x482, 150:241, salem_18.jpg)

File: 47cb9372679037b⋯.gif (227.04 KB, 476x640, 119:160, pike.h5.gif)

File: 7af07640f47dde1⋯.jpg (57.4 KB, 450x600, 3:4, salem_49.jpg)

File: 397ff0aad0b7f68⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 322x666, 161:333, salem_1.jpg)



masonicdictionary. com/crosses.html

Called also the Pontifical Cross, because it is borne before the Pope. It is a cross, the upright piece being crossed by three lines, the upper and lower shorter than the middle one. It is the insignia of the Grand Master and Past Grand Masters of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States. The same cross placed on a slant is the insignia of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

whale. to/b/salem_cross.html

Luciferian symbols Statue of Pope St. Sylvester carrying the older Papal Cross.

724d52 No.38876


Did it land at JAX?

5ba184 No.38877




I believe this confirms the OIG report is legit going to be yuge. HI gov probably last ditch attempt to cover for BHO

read between the lines, i bet Q confirms

76d0fb No.38878


They are all up in Yellowknife.

7e3d96 No.38879


DJT “missed” in tweet about Dems DACA

105c7a No.38882


Pearl Harbor was only a surprise to the mfers that were on the ground! (((They))) knew and said nothing!

34ac56 No.38883


>so-called #MAGA accounts are Russian shills

Everything is russia.

31c0ad No.38885


Thank you. Do you know where [RED] baron parked?

6c3094 No.38886

File: 3abdfef796200ed⋯.png (604.62 KB, 1597x740, 1597:740, drone.PNG)


yes last week they all were hot big time .

7cdd08 No.38887

File: 21c9dd427ee77c4⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 300x418, 150:209, c03870e73ca419d230b4bb3648….jpg)

Hawaii must be in play?

e9a690 No.38888

File: ef81b36ca272bd7⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_SCI[F].png)

File: 4f11975442d38d5⋯.png (897.65 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_Spiders.png)

f66d6e No.38889


I thought of this while outside taking a walk. We have a lot more information available, and it isn't an Easy Button on POTUS desk. No matter what Dems like to pretend.

Shift change mistake as they call it? Now? Too convenient. And too coincidental to other events in the world. This was part of a bigger play, it's just unclear what the motivation was. Fear, money, reminder, the hostages on Honolulu, the reintroduction of fear of NoKo after this whole Q thing that implies the Clowns run it, or an other player that uses it as a bargaining chip, and it wouldn't ever happen…

And the narrative of preparation is definitely the drum being pounded on.

c6da92 No.38890


That tweet was from a retired 30 yr defense employee

d3877d No.38891


This came out yesterday about Facebook owner…

https:/ /qz.com/1179094/facebook-fb-is-using-an-old-drug-dealer-tactic-to-keep-its-users-hooked-to-news-feed/

c4ac8e No.38892


Glad someone got a shot of this.

4785a6 No.38893



Mark my words Tulsi Gabbard and David Ige planned this Emergency Broadcast (((bait and switch))) thinking it would make Trump look bad. I hope he drops the hammer on those two and everyone else involved!!!

53ee40 No.38894


Boys' couch? Or girls'? 'Cause rumor is she's a hermaphrodite.

34ac56 No.38895



or caused it to give justification for WW2.

46b8e9 No.38896

Third and final time I am posting this today. First two got *crickets* but they occurred just as the Hawaii posts broke. Take it or leave it. Coincidence?

"BINGO! HUGE! Tick Tock KABOOM! Tied Obama to Hawaiian Estate Where Michael Egan Was Sent to Allegedly Be Raped"

https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2335654

dde9b1 No.38897


Aww too bad they are caught up in the false left/right paradigm used to deceive and divide.

a0b907 No.38898


my thoughts exactly

c6da92 No.38899

31c0ad No.38900

File: a06265c4d2034b5⋯.jpeg (50 KB, 300x459, 100:153, 4DAC146F-4DEF-4229-8E88-0….jpeg)



34ac56 No.38902


>retired 30 yr defense employee

Even more embarrassing.

ec637d No.38904



ba4e41 No.38905

ce0ed0 No.38906

Someone posted a music box, which made me think about a player piano paper roll I searched images and it was similar except the graphic is narrow like a paper receipt I started thing code Idk. It was my immediate thought*!>>38868

601e01 No.38907


Never waste a good crisis & when you need one-create it. I think this shows deepstate desperation & to trot out Gabbard(CFR) in an emotional dramatic Anti Trump rant confirms it for me Anon, you?

717d98 No.38908

20cc2b No.38909



this should bring you up to 2:30 on whats going on… I got lost and I'm trying to catch up. Read every single post on here from 8am-2:30 today.

546a7f No.38910


LOL all the same to the sickos in Hollywood!

8336bc No.38911

Wow Roy Potter is indicating we are the black hats


ba4e41 No.38912

a13bca No.38913


hemillenniumreport. com/2016/11/aleister-crowley-and-the-bush-connection/




d3877d No.38914


Can you post a link to it to let me check??? Former crypto here

8b68af No.38915



>And STFU.

6c3094 No.38916


he is indeed a famefag imo .

f66d6e No.38917


What an artistic and dramatic presentation. It took a sec to see Soros and Pepe. LOL Well done. Without them, it's still a very nice presentation I expect we will see on posters in Kekmart when it's all over. LOL

8c2383 No.38918

File: 1a376616e5bfb9a⋯.png (5.61 MB, 2867x1524, 2867:1524, Screenshot 2018-01-13 13.3….png)

NASA DC8 heading towards NoMans Land in NV

1186be No.38919


Look at the uniform between her and Lyn deRothschild twitter icon photo

Uniform much?

84a6cb No.38920


Roy is an idiot or paid off then, kek

a13bca No.38921

themillenniumreport. com/2016/11/aleister-crowley-and-the-bush-connection/

601e01 No.38922


he's a closet Flattard disregard that POS

c6da92 No.38923



Has this been trickled to Twitter?

300ce1 No.38924

Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor has said he will pursue extradition for corruption suspects living abroad as part of a two-month-old crackdown that has already netted princes and tycoons.

https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-corruption-extradition/saudi-arabia-to-seek-extradition-of-corruption-suspects-idUSKBN1F20OH

a0b907 No.38926

>>38893 exactly my thoughts

8336bc No.38927


You can tell he really does believe. I don't think he is a famefag but honestly scared a bit.

1b7026 No.38928


This is perfect to start spreading on Twitter now with the nationwide focus on Hawaii. Can use some of the HI tags with posts like, 'What goes on at the Paul Mitchell mansion? Why does Obama choose to stay there?' Etc.

Great link. Thanks for sharing!

7b05e1 No.38930

File: 8846b58da35a192⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 491x479, 491:479, HIalert.JPG)

File: da8eaa51a567aed⋯.jpg (157.03 KB, 1692x655, 1692:655, 0Capture.JPG)

>>>/cbts/129526 https:// 8ch.net/cbtsres/128973.html#q129526

>There will be a day (within the next few months) that a scary but safe personalized message finds its way to you on multiple platforms recognizing your contributions.


0d2f22 No.38931


I troll Lynn, HRC, Podesta, etc…and all news networks dropping our memes! The meme makers on these boards are freaking Rockstars!! Spreading truth…one meme at a time!

6c3094 No.38932


oh shit , this is big .

d3877d No.38934


Remember reading about that in ct school

b49e35 No.38936



acd413 No.38937


She's CFR – highly suspect

c4ac8e No.38938


Someone already argued with me that this is not PERSONAL… I disagree.

It would be interesting to know what North Korea's reaction to this during that 35 minutes was… Did they think we were going to retaliate?

f66d6e No.38939

>>38911 God damn it, I am finally going to say it. Been holding my tongue out of respect for his "followers" funny coming from a anti cult guy, building his own.\

That fucker was wrong. Period. He will not step back and see it all, and because he is a famewhore, and a bible nut he always had his OWN BIASed interpretation with his bullshit interpretations preaching at his flock.

He was wrong. He made a mistake and he is too arrogant to look at it. Like all good dictators in their own worlds, he now turns his followers rather than just throwing it in the air to shake out. He must control his own narrative and fortify his position.

What a fucking schmuck.

34ac56 No.38940


>Hawaii was a State operation… NOT a federal operation- there will be legal implications for this in the future.

Shouldn't this be completely controlled by the military?

4ea08b No.38941


JLC left the i out of missile.

Is she a shill here?

Her qualifications amount to she used to look good naked. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to misspell.

d3877d No.38942


Ty kind sir!

49d3d1 No.38943


Wealth harvesting.

4e889b No.38944


This is Uranium One Inc. in Canada.. (Russia ) owned through and through… WTF is Canada doing… Most All the uranium is in Canada

ec9a7d No.38945

File: 3afde7d0cb1f14e⋯.png (100.51 KB, 599x322, 599:322, Screenshot from 2018-01-13….png)

File: a357607d8aca7db⋯.png (450.4 KB, 852x486, 142:81, Screenshot from 2018-01-13….png)


Booms are world wide. all over YT! Heard 7 one night in 3 seconds. But Planes, sound like PLANES before and after sound barrier!

in the absence of Jet Engins SOUND, why isn't a SINGLE volcano GREEN? and that's only one week's worth of EQs! We're supposed to be thinking for ourselves here

1186be No.38946


Now look at Jamie Lee Curtis Icon…and Lyn deRothschild twitter


Bitch be one of them!

Too bad.

e75488 No.38947


Did the Hawaii alert end three hours ago?

TANKED? like a ship or submarine?

691ea3 No.38948


my thoughts too

7b05e1 No.38949


The Chinese New Year will usher in … interesting times, indeed.

Good to see they respect GEOTUS

and his Mandarin-speaking granddaughter.

73cb86 No.38950

Fox: Hawaii alert analysis.

CNN: Is Trump a racist?

acd413 No.38951

File: 184f61ee7316317⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1244x661, 1244:661, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

It'd be great if these pervs go down.


4785a6 No.38952


Correct-a-mundo (((players))) Tulsi Gabbard & David Ige….

20cc2b No.38953



717d98 No.38954

File: f9fbaf5d57a60f5⋯.png (479.87 KB, 1525x835, 305:167, air3.png)

Wonder what is being tested?

There's no aircraft to correspond to this listing.

a13bca No.38955

File: 57ec40e78c38976⋯.jpg (51.47 KB, 261x448, 261:448, salem_14.jpg)

File: 707c745079f8c22⋯.gif (854 B, 150x250, 3:5, salem_17.gif)

File: 3c9656d453c27e5⋯.gif (3.3 KB, 350x198, 175:99, hexagr1.gif)

File: a588d7b5b34e0c4⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 735x960, 49:64, 26231280_10215395562224574….jpg)

Numerous other leading occultists affiliated with Bullwer-Lytton's English Rosicrucians travelled to Egypt at the time, and on their return, established branches of the HB of L, out of which emerged the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the most notorious member of which was Aleister Crowley.

The Nazis were the result of a merging of the O.T.O of Crowley and the Thule Gesselschaft of Germany. It is presumably for this reason that Hitler, when he wished to create an arm of German Intelligence in Egypt, contact a leading Salafi and Freemason, named Hasan al Banna. (Loftus, John. "Al Qaeda Terrorists Nazi Connection")

It was eventual head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, after WWII, who spearheaded the move to hire ex-Nazis to train the terrorists. This was part of the same plot that created the Stay-Behind or Gladio network, that were behind the “Strategy of Tension” that used the Red Brigade to destabilize Italy throughout the seventies.

In 1954, after it was discovered that the Muslim Brotherhood was responsible for an attack on his life, President Gamal Nasser of Egypt ordered a crackdown. Interrogations revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood functioned virtually as a German Intelligence unit. As well, as divulged by Miles Copeland, a former CIA operative specializing in the Middle East, in his autobiography, The Game Player:

Nor was that all. Sound beatings of the Moslem Brotherhood organizers who had been arrested revealed that the organization had been thoroughly penetrated, at the top, by the British, American, French and Soviet intelligence services, any one of which could either make active use of it or blow it up, whichever best suited its purposes. Important lesson: fanaticism is no insurance against corruption; indeed, the two are highly compatible. (p. 184.)

conspiracyschool. com/blog/wahhabism-and-occult-conspiracy

7e3d96 No.38956

File: f3a77d82ab9e405⋯.jpeg (33.13 KB, 274x184, 137:92, 2DBAA8EE-08BA-46AD-BE86-0….jpeg)


>Tulsi Gabbard and David Ilk

601e01 No.38957


Have both their twatters open but I can't get gist of your msg- help me out Anon I'm retarded

49d3d1 No.38958


Fake media awards.

ce0ed0 No.38959


Also have been contacting ppl on the island Possible BIG distraction “look over here!” Tulsi is Dem but former military and patriot She met with Trump during transition *!

ec9a7d No.38960


strange how easily anons want to accept the "Sonic Boom" story from the MSM. Are they CREDIBLE all of the sudden?

0d2f22 No.38961


Can you just give the run down plz? Don't really want to go to half.

4785a6 No.38962


Yaaaaasssss now we're meme'ing the correct individuals in this sinister little plot :)

8336bc No.38963


I have no idea what 'threats' he's talking about

37873d No.38964


Yeah.. right.. Let's get real here. If someone launched a nuke at us, there is NO WAY IN HELL (unless it was perpetrated by SA or Israel) that our Military Industrial complex would keep that quiet. They pray for a reason to go to war. That's where all these politicians & high ups in military big $$$ comes from. It's all about the $.

bc0fd4 No.38965


Reminds me of the Battle Hymn of the Republic

"…He hath loosed his fateful lightening with his terrible, swift sword. His truth is marching on..




His truth is marching on

1186be No.38967


hory shitballs!

That's right! Same fucking thing drug us into WWII

Just like Illuminati to fuck us with the same caper and sit back and laugh at us about it.

e1007e No.38968


I guess we will find out??

ea8e27 No.38969


Guys I posted earlier about Tulsi. She is completely made up. She grew up in Science of Identity Cult. She is not a "Hindu".

meanwhileinhawaii.org There is a 3 part series. Read them.

Also go to forum.culteducation.com and put in Chris Butler or Science of Identity

These guys have Clown written all over them.

0d2f22 No.38970


80 miles inland from coast.

105c7a No.38971


Tulsi Gifford also called out US for arming ISIS when she came back from Syria!

f66d6e No.38972


Yeah, throwing that entire collection of movies in the trash. Bummer.

1186be No.38973


They are both dressed in the white garb


2e234f No.38974


The problem is, is that most of the people in Hawaii are from Asian countries who are used to socialism and the leftist thinking. So that is how they vote. That is how they were raised. Eyes are being opened though.

8c2383 No.38975

File: fe166d2a1634e76⋯.png (355.51 KB, 1958x1475, 1958:1475, Screenshot 2018-01-13 13.4….png)


Sonic boom depth is usually 0km

ec9a7d No.38977


Be thankful :)

Every time one of 'em opens their mouth, they literally put a sign around heir neck about who's side they're on ;)

These people ARE stupid

acd413 No.38978

File: 9bbc763b1e37e8e⋯.png (37.05 KB, 797x148, 797:148, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)


This really scared people

879ed0 No.38980

File: aef7c34560f2130⋯.jpg (114.5 KB, 570x320, 57:32, this-lo-pan-character.jpg)

whats that new bread soon? I'm on it anon!

f66d6e No.38981

OMG on Fox they are talking War Games movie… lol

20cc2b No.38982


good connection anon

Makes sense

9a2129 No.38983


wth kind of a message it that? Can't you find something more encouraging?

0d2f22 No.38984



Sounds like the clowns got to him or are threatening him.

4785a6 No.38986

anons, Tulsi Gabbard and Govorner David Ige need to be called out for the Hawaii EB debacle….David Ige in knee deep in political corruption especially with China money and Illegal VISAS!!!

7e3d96 No.38987


True. DJT was not mover on this.

83df67 No.38988


Which is where the "How about a nice game of chess?" line comes from.

e71287 No.38989


he has been a mess for a while now

4232da No.38990



https:// www. veteranstoday.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

724d52 No.38991

Is this attempt to Nuke Hawaii a false flag to turn attention away from the OIG report and Assange's potential drop?

ec9a7d No.38992


yup, just one more issue. Some even show up hundreds of meters ABOVE ground! lol a few NEGATIVE magnitude events as well. -1.5M? be interesting to hear the explanation for a NEGITIVE earthquake lol

a21224 No.38993


Canada has owned quite a few uranium mines since ww2. Makes you think

aa2a63 No.38994

Hey "B" you still here? Hows come it's always yer fanny in the fryin pan when the stove is lit?

49d3d1 No.38995


Sounds like Q/POTUS knows they can stop a war and that's the cabal's remaining tool. That would explain the relevance in the Q drops.

acd413 No.38996


Forgive the esoteric, but I wonder whether the overlords needed an intense panic to feed off of.

e71287 No.38997


RP continues to report comms with B. Wonder if she can shed some light..

73cb86 No.38998


"This business will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."

35d308 No.38999

File: bcf7e257ae0a1c1⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 450x346, 225:173, BEASTIESHANKS.jpg)


Couldn't resist, this oldie. Lol

34ac56 No.39000


>These guys have Clown written all over them.

Just remembered…seconds after the syria missiles were fired that faggot spencer was pushing for her #tulsi2020. Certainly explains it.

1186be No.39001


No they are not stupid.

They simply believe we are stupid.

I'm not sure I don't agree with them completely.

Because most of us are pretty damn stupid if you get down to it. Or Naive. Better word than stupid

724d52 No.39002


Merkle in town to talk a plea deal?

4232da No.39003


Report back to Langley… You're glowing out of control.

5dd9e3 No.39004


B, can you fill us in?

49d3d1 No.39005


Most people are stupid, but most people aren't assholes. I see this as a fight between the smart people on each side to either enslave or free most people.

e71287 No.39006


The enemy has war and JFK action.

two options left

7bdda2 No.39007


How did Tulsi Gabbard‏ know it was a false alarm 12 minutes after the alert was sent? The official text notification only came around 35 minutes.

https:// twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/952243723525677056?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

724d52 No.39008


I mean for her own head. She was one of the names that Hillary was offering to throw under the bus in her own plea deal. (which was of course rejected but let us know that Merkel must be complicit).

acd413 No.39010

File: 25ec090a27bec9e⋯.png (308.87 KB, 640x456, 80:57, Screen Shot 2018-01-13 at ….png)

601e01 No.39011

File: c5de41fd9edb012⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1163x749, 1163:749, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbb5638a9d2f133⋯.png (746.65 KB, 1199x783, 1199:783, ClipboardImage.png)

e47696 No.39012


>OMG on Fox they are talking War Games movie… lol


1186be No.39013

>>39005 You need to meet my neighbors..sheesh

0d1dad No.39014

File: 2fe4374d8ea2767⋯.jpg (128.76 KB, 955x768, 955:768, shithole.JPG)

Don't do it now

do it yet

ea8e27 No.39015


Look up who owns the house next door. Boston Pizza guy who is dicy AF. A lot of sketchy stuff.

eeb174 No.39016


BIG week.

This was needed.

Be ready.


691ea3 No.39018


and used to be sexy back in the day… cant be that hard up for cash you wouldnt think. oh well just another actor i dont like now.

6995b5 No.39019


I think they were referring to Jaime Lee not Tulsi

49d3d1 No.39020


IMO, this whole thing is either really good (those two options won't work) or this is an even larger deception just to fuck with us. That second case isn't winnable, so I focus on the first. Love all anons (nohomo).

1186be No.39022

>>39011 No man no!

Jami Lee Curtis

https: //twitter.com/jamieleecurtis

ec9a7d No.39023


fair enough! I agree that they're not ALL stupid. SOME have to have Intelligence. And Apathy is a better word than naive I think. But the choices and actions ARE absolutely IDIOTIC!

c4ac8e No.39024


I am really dumbfounded by this still, the descent into Dulles and the climb out was VERY rapid. Dropping off ADS, stopping in Charlotte, flyby New Orleans… everything about that flight is super weird. Was the weirdest thing happening today until the missile alert.

d3877d No.39025

File: e87a480737644c7⋯.png (248.11 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6200B544-EC7B-4881-A3FE-BC….png)


d7a924 No.39026



1cae54 No.39027

I think you all should go over to 4chan and read mega anons post about q, JA and hawaii

eeb174 No.39028



f7f642 No.39029


Standing by

d84b12 No.39030


Try duckduckgo.com as opposed to sauron…er i mean gorgle.

You'll notice a difference.

691ea3 No.39031


god i wish they would shut that cunt up

105c7a No.39032


That's the best they could come up with….'an employee pushed the wrong button'!? smdh Took a page out of the 'Navy tweeted JA' book?

0d2f22 No.39033

File: 3e460d6825ebbd3⋯.png (381.09 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_9824.PNG)

Ok …thought this was weird! Tunnels on the moon?

e9a690 No.39034

File: 1a670504126366f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_Amazing.png)

File: 6a359db2b54127b⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_WESEEYOU.png)

File: 822dfa89b545eb2⋯.png (816.07 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_TRUTH belongs….png)

File: 6ad2f104bf8f309⋯.png (689.92 KB, 1111x1030, 1111:1030, Q_pepeCrumbs_DEATH.png)

ce4e8a No.39035

Do we have a consensus? Was it A. A deliberate false alarm to cause panic or B. A miss[i]le was fired and taken down.

34ac56 No.39036


"She was on the phone immediately."

eeb174 No.39037


Jan 9 Q post…

4065c4 No.39038


I would expect Q to show up later and fill us in.

We need some Q on this happening

1186be No.39039

File: c8cb953e7efd05a⋯.jpg (9.44 KB, 400x400, 1:1, oMGdWCAs_400x400.jpg)

ea8e27 No.39040


Yes yes yes. Please get people to read that three part series. The rabbit hole goes deeper but one of the best investigative articles I have seen.

1186be No.39041

File: 3ea8f2c195a90fb⋯.jpg (19.99 KB, 400x400, 1:1, r3SL4EJI_400x400.jpg)

eeb174 No.39042




601e01 No.39043

File: 7d9beb595582e10⋯.png (129.59 KB, 1274x647, 1274:647, ClipboardImage.png)



10-4 retardation confirmed

43e5fe No.39045


Post it please if you feel its vital

20cc2b No.39046


behind the times

724d52 No.39047


That's not what I said. Trump has info on her that can be released to Germany.

34ac56 No.39048



The majority will believe it.

d7a924 No.39049


Ah, got ya. Was aware of previous post, but your's looked like Q just posted ;)

7e3d96 No.39050

File: c09af61036d8082⋯.jpeg (28.19 KB, 274x184, 137:92, EE5A9E13-01D9-41A0-9AEE-9….jpeg)

1cae54 No.39051


Their ema system was hacked

fd61f9 No.39052

eeb174 No.39054

c4ac8e No.39055


C.) Torn & wants to believe its B.) no matter if more unlikely

e71287 No.39057


my vote: I have no way of knowing at this time. Not enough data.

1186be No.39058



Look at the background or size of both these photos pulled directly from twatter….

Is there something fucky about that?

49d3d1 No.39059


MIL doesn't have to be so careful about fuel consumption. These planes have performance well above the levels commercial airlines drive their planes to.

6c3094 No.39061


while i agree not stupid , i would say complacent

e9a690 No.39062

File: 1834d10ea44db73⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_WESEEYOU.png)

ea8e27 No.39063



ce4e8a No.39064


C. Being what?

49d3d1 No.39065


Anyone know a good analogue of "Moon" here?

20cc2b No.39066


again if we are going to go over that music box again there is a Q post out there that will fit the music box song and decode something for us.

a13bca No.39067



tears of joy for thes memes

eb8373 No.39068

File: d1febc14c34e271⋯.png (451.87 KB, 1296x463, 1296:463, screenshot_86.png)


She knew waaaaaay in advance as she prolly helped plan the (((bait and switch))) drill….

4232da No.39069


No, no, no… When Q mentioned the Lord's prayer, he was referencing the fact that the Pope was attempting to alter the phrasing… I posted that full prayer. I'm a Christian. It's 100% correct. Just pick up a Bible.

f66d6e No.39071


They are lawyers. First of all they consider it all their money so they can say it that way. It went to CF. CF generously paid them for thier "work." Money now laundered and spent on the fucking money. Please.

The comingling of funds afterwards is so ridiculous. I doubt seriously they keep all their different payments, like speaking and otherwise in separate accounts and are open to a spotless audit…

49d3d1 No.39072


Hegal was insightful. It was C.

ec9a7d No.39073

After everything going on HERE, why is everyone so quick to embrace the MSM line of "sonic boom"? Did they earn credibility all of the sudden?

9a2129 No.39075

File: c6be4428bd8bc49⋯.jpg (56.28 KB, 947x227, 947:227, drill no drill.jpg)

Found on /pol . . .

c4ac8e No.39076


Its not so much the fuel consumption that is strange its the hopping between airports itself. Normally VIPs have strict itineraries and if diverted are sent to a nearby airport. Even with a normal Gitmo prisoner there would not be the hopping involved unless there was fear of the mission to transport the prisoner being compromised.

eeb174 No.39077

d3877d No.39078



879ed0 No.39079

File: 17079f162d1ee20⋯.jpg (55.06 KB, 634x414, 317:207, 294324F000000578-3106594-i….jpg)

trying out the new post format in the new bread



d3877d No.39080


Need link to the notes pic... please

991c4e No.39081


https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/UfwCzQ1I/order/asc/

My god….. q is assange

fa1e0c No.39082


need more info

53ee40 No.39083


https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/UfwCzQ1I/order/asc/

46b8e9 No.39085



Agree Anons but I don't use Twitter. Go for it, tho. Pizzagaters will be pleased.


Thank you, Anon.

64b242 No.39086

File: 3445de7c96e5855⋯.png (65.31 KB, 183x180, 61:60, ClipboardImage.png)

20cc2b No.39087

https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/150864944/#150870083

I believe this post unlocks the music box

57b84a No.39089


D. Massive cocaine addict

E. Reported to have had a heart attack;possibly out for 10 minutes

F. Likely brain damaged/incapacitated as a result

When was he last seen in public?

64b242 No.39090

File: da14152fe768682⋯.png (41.26 KB, 183x180, 61:60, ClipboardImage.png)

6c3094 No.39091


that would be awesome , but the pic from AF-1 ?

49d3d1 No.39092


Two possibilities I can think of: One is victory mission and they're giving props to those along the way. Another is staying to a tightly prescribed set of places the plane can be seen and also used to reduce scramble time in case they try to divert.

400bbb No.39095

Here's the TV alert…from IPAWSPAC….claims detected by US Pacific Command:

https:// twitter.com/PoliticalShort/status/952288600271478784

7e3d96 No.39096

File: db89a5ff7a2081b⋯.jpeg (32.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, F059BA8B-C93A-46A7-B544-2….jpeg)


Thanks for gift Anon!

eb8373 No.39097


I'm leaning waaaaaay towards something like this went down….

a1280b No.39099


>guy in the Air Force is stationed in Hawaii

>he said the missile alert was activated as part of a drill

>military base called the White House and asked permission to attack boats just off shore to "prevent further attacks"

>White House requested more information

>call was ended and contact was made with Hawaii's governor

>"drill" was ended

>statement was made to the media about the false alert

>"oops, somebody pressed the wrong button"

>OP later said that the alert was intentionally sent as there are several layers of safeguards in place before such an alert could be issued

>people kept calling OP a fraud and LARPER, so OP left the thread

49d3d1 No.39100

File: 41d78bb9cf65acb⋯.png (434.43 KB, 616x676, 154:169, pacom.png)

fa1e0c No.39101


megaanon is full of shit, durring the board drama here, she/he/it was debunked

d6aa9b No.39102





I think this is it? >archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/UfwCzQ1I/order/asc/

Linked from here:


6c3094 No.39103


really adds up for sure .

d84b12 No.39104


My god…

You're an asshole!


4232da No.39106

File: 7056780fed07ade⋯.png (289.88 KB, 619x644, 619:644, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

File: 3e285b39db2948a⋯.png (229.65 KB, 643x586, 643:586, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)

File: 08bf7f4ec3e9d1b⋯.png (533.36 KB, 745x599, 745:599, Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at ….png)


Uh huh… It was most likely Israel. (AKA Khazarian fake-Jews).

- Who attacked us in the Lavon Affair?

- Who attacked the USS Liberty?

- Who did 9/11? (YouTube: "Dancing Israelis")

- Why did ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Services) formerly apologize to Israel after accidentally attacking IDF troops?

I could go on and on… Israel is NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN our ally. Wake up, anon.

ec9a7d No.39108


really?!? so much for thinking! Let alone expanded thinking

79d613 No.39110

File: 9b3ab82fad11e78⋯.jpg (65.23 KB, 940x545, 188:109, salut.jpg)



>Q is Assange

This theory makes more sense than I initially admitted. Think about the 2 chapters, and every sign from Wikileaks so far.

4232da No.39111


Oh… and the Pentagon was hit by an Israeli missile launched from a submarine on 9/11.

83df67 No.39112


Are you brain damaged?

49d3d1 No.39114

78090e No.39116

File: b1a3d4e44fc7667⋯.png (363.75 KB, 805x330, 161:66, CNN Enquirer.png)

File: 5861f97d50b68d0⋯.png (370.54 KB, 803x330, 73:30, CNN Enquirer2.png)

79d613 No.39117



Chegged, fuck kikes

a4e06c No.39118

File: 0a2132c457a13f2⋯.png (616.52 KB, 1923x929, 1923:929, Fast Plane.PNG)

Planefags, is this accurate? Doing 524 knots at 6000 feet?

057d6c No.39119


That's great Sheepdog , Round them up!

0ad6b4 No.39123


>How did Tulsi Gabbard‏ know it was a false alarm 12 minutes after the alert was sent?

for the same reasons Dubya knew within an hour that Saddam H— i mean Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11

f66d6e No.39125


>https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/uid/UfwCzQ1I/order/asc

ahhh haaa, that isn't even Meganon, but that's cute. Probably Defango.

ec9a7d No.39127


IF, Japan got the same warining. Only one mention so far. Zero proof. But totally plausable. I think more is NEEDed before that "conclusion"

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