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Pro Aris et Focis

File (hide): 63acead18896e57⋯.jpg (214.5 KB, 1098x1548, 61:86, CoverPage_blue_s[1].jpg) (h) (u)


17f594 (1) No.7253>>7643 >>66964 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Irrefutable evidence.

c215d5 (1) No.7528>>25702

Back when she first started getting popular I thought the theory was complete disinformation. And then I actually watched one of her presentations and I became convinced that DEWs were used, at least partly. This is the kind of thing that needs to get addressed shortly after the cleanup in DC, along with many other important issues.

b966d5 (3) No.7619>>20481 >>25835 >>109855

9/11 was controlled demolitions & the very public coverup. There is mountains of evidence & absolutely no evidence of directed energy weapons.

If you are talking about Dews… The California & Israel fires? there is some evidence to support this

You provide no evidence & ur view is subjective based on some youjew video shut the fuck up this is exactly why the Q team had to move here just read & learn u know not what u speak. Don’t muck up the boards

a72fd0 (1) No.7643>>150561

>>7253 (OP)

buildings are mostly empty space

bde00e (1) No.8612

There was definitely evidence of DEW's,


Toasted cars, similar to the ones found @ the california fire. Coincidence?

2c60a7 (1) No.8704

File (hide): e2925ad163a310f⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 640x640, 1:1, George-H-W-Bush.jpg) (h) (u)

false flag

b966d5 (3) No.8836>>23013

The disinfo got up ur nose

The cars look like that because of the thermite explosives turned the steel into liquid metal they found tiny little microscopic round spheres everywhere on the ground from the chemical reactions which took place that day. The resulting fire was caused by super heated air & metals dam kids dumb.

Hey guys I think It was lasers it was most definitely aaaa laser yea

duh NO just no

Next ur gonna start droning about how q is an AI named fucking Tyler

cut the bs this is 8yo child dumb

Some big nose Jewy lady said it was lasers so I’m with her hashtag #MeToo

b966d5 (3) No.9700>>10153 >>22205 >>23013 >>28368


Have u watch or researched

architects and engineers for 9/11 truth

That’s all the help u get u seem easily amused


Directed energy weapons are lasers idiot. Not the sci-fi fantasy colour lasers are not real

But u believe whatever u want

0bdc20 (1) No.10153>>68855


This ^^^



Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from 9/11:


1dbebd (1) No.12881


look the shit up dam, I'm not your daddy. Learn or remain misinformed. Gonna cry about it. I'm just telling you your wrong. I gave you all the info you need to figure it out, if you do not recognize the value of this information your missing a host of other information which I don't care to teach you so YOU can understand what I said. shes wrong your wrong, others get it.

YOU have the power to drastically change YOUR circumstances & mind at any time YOU choose. I suggest you lack a basic knowledge of chemical reaction SUPER HEATED nano THERMITE balls SUPER HEATED AIR CAUSED THE FIRE DAMAGE PERIOD

subjective nonsense click bait discredits real work by real ppl exposing the truth

I hope you & others learn from this

b3347e (2) No.13870>>23013

File (hide): 10f84db2ea696f4⋯.jpeg (59.15 KB, 640x554, 320:277, cavityIllustration.jpeg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 3556a8a44b26eeb⋯.png (955.96 KB, 804x405, 268:135, undergroundNukeCavity.png) (h) (u)


85d660 (16) No.20481


There is a wealth of evidence supporting the use of directed energy to destroy the World Trade Center complex.

Dr Judy Wood’s book provides the evidence.

Have you read her book?

The cover-up of 9/11 is well documented by Andrew Johnson in his book 9/11 Finding the Truth.

Have you read his book?

85d660 (16) No.20515


Good point about liquid metal.

Agreed. The towers mostly tuned turned to dust in mid-air before they reached the ground.

85d660 (16) No.20650

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:wmN+33xv Wed 15 Nov 2017 02:25:29 No.149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Clowns in America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

My attempt at answers:

I don’t know.

The CIA was Bin Laden’s handler.

The CIA were given the task to hunt/kill/capture UBL so that it would lead nowhere and their patsy would be protected.

Military Intelligence should have been given the task to hunt/kill/capture UBL but were not because they would have uncovered the truth.

We wouldn’t. The report is fake.

We would. However, UBL played no part in the events of 9/11, as proved by the evidence.

The Evidence:

On 9/11, the towers mostly turned to dust in mid-air before they reached the ground.

http:// drjudywood .com

85d660 (16) No.20680

Dear Q,

Llitmus test.

85d660 (16) No.20796

"9/11 was a demonstration of a new technology; free energy." - Dr Judy Wood

85d660 (16) No.20802

“’Somebody’ has the ability to direct energy in such a way as to disrupt the molecular [and atomic] bonds of matter. That’s the most important thing in our lifetime, in history as we know it. ‘Someone can ‘de-molecularize’ the buildings. That’s pretty significant. This is a technology that’s used for evil purposes, but we can use it for good purposes too.” - Dr Judy Wood

85d660 (16) No.20820

File (hide): be1e685ee672945⋯.gif (72.54 KB, 640x500, 32:25, erin_track_WI[1].gif) (h) (u)

Hurricane Erin track. Hurricane Erin was the closest to NYC on 9/11/01. Why?

fbe119 (1) No.21297>>22344

File (hide): f292f06ee41e169⋯.jpg (554.69 KB, 493x4192, 493:4192, V5VQN.jpg) (h) (u)

0ff79c (1) No.21635>>22298 >>23013

File (hide): feaa02caffde187⋯.jpeg (149.45 KB, 750x951, 250:317, F8A70F70-5D86-43E9-A527-9….jpeg) (h) (u)

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Wtf are you talking about? There was tons of molten metal found at the base of the towers. The whole building was rigged with nano thermite which not only pulverized the concrete, etc into dust but also liquified the 80,000 tons of structural steel. Watch the testimony of firefighters who saw the molten metal in the basement areas they likened it to what you’d see at a foundry. The evidence that the metal was liquified was the fact that there was heat under the rubble for months afterward.

AE911Truth.org explains all of the above along with first responder witness testimony on their youtube. Check it out. There’s also hard evidence that thermite was used due to the round iron microspheres found in dust samples along with unreacted thermite pieces.

85d660 (16) No.22205


A&E9/11 is the ‘second net’.

85d660 (16) No.22263


Exactly. I hope the test is passed.

e776b9 (1) No.22298>>22392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>molten Iron, it must be thermite

not only nanotermite can melt IRON or steal.

You can melt metals with electricity / energy weapons

85d660 (16) No.22344


In order to secure a conviction one has to present evidence of _what_ happened.

See the case of Casey Anthony.

e3fb3a (1) No.22378>>25280

This work has already been done! No use beating a dead horse!

85d660 (16) No.22392


The Hutchison effect.

Good video.

Thank you.

85d660 (16) No.22588


Well said.

fdd870 (1) No.23013>>25271 >>365578

File (hide): a8c90507ff9584e⋯.jpg (53.11 KB, 576x439, 576:439, WTC bedrock1.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): e29d59986b9fc39⋯.jpg (56.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, WhereDidTheWingsGo.jpg) (h) (u)





I think a lot of this can be explained by neutron bombs in the basement and/or the core.

The bombs would have vaporized large amounts of structural steel, turning it into spherules. Iron will absorb neutrons and become radioactive itself. It will have its own internal heat source which could persist for months depending on exposure. This is why pools of molten metal were found in the basement even after the entire pile was hosed down for months. This is why the bedrock appears to have been sculpted like it was at the underground nuclear test site.

People exposed to 9/11 dust had significant increases in cancers normally associated with radiation, such as blood cancers, multiple myeloma, and thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer in particular is caused by either a rare genetic defect, or exposure to iodine-131, which is only found in fresh fission products.

http:// stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/22602/cdc_22602_DS1.pdf

The debris had elevated levels of tritium.

Tritium is used in neutron bombs. Also, witnesses reported explosions in the basement.

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-15/one-man-asks-why-was-tritium-found-911-ground-zero

Israel did it with stolen W54 pits and a lot of help from the Bushes. Sandia Labs has the proof. There are a lot more of these things out there for use in the Samson Option if the goyim get uppity.

http:// 12160.info/forum/topics/russians-release-assessment-of-nuclear-weapons-used-on-9-11

Plutonium and technetium are nuclear smoking guns which would have been found in the debris but the USGS didn't test for them because these elements don't occur in nature!

>"but neutron bombs are supposed to kill people while leaving buildings intact"

That is what would happen with an airburst. This was different. All the energy and neutrons went into the structure of a single building. Check out Wikipedia. It is good for nuke physics 101.

>"but muh EMP"

Only matters for large H-bombs detonated in the upper atmosphere.

>"but muh thermite"

There might have been thermite too. These people don't like leaving things to chance. But thermite can't explain sculpted bedrock, molten metal persisting for months, toasted cars, thyroid cancer, the apparent disintigration of the structure, etc.

>"But muh holographic planes and Tesla death rays"

Clowns trying to get us lost down a rabbithole and make us look retarded. Same idea as flat Earth.

Other general evidence of 9/11 being a false flag: Building 7 freefall collapse after minor damage, dancing Israelis, Israeli "art students", Larry "Pull It" Silverstein's double Jewish Lightning insurance scam / asbestos removal technique, Urban Moving Systems, attempted NYC bombings, remote control planes, Pentagon announcing "loss" of $2.3 trillion the night before and calling emergency meeting of auditors who were killed the next day, Building 7 had the emergency management offices plus a bunch of offices investigating Enron, Wall Street fraud and bond fraud related to the end of the Cold War, WTF happened to the Shanksville and Pentagon planes, Bushes gave Bin Laden family given safe passage out of America… Read more from Killtown's 250 smoking guns. Memory holed but archived:

https:// web.archive.org/web/20110402033357/http:// killtown.911review.org:80/911smokingguns.html

You can see how deeply infiltrated our government is here. The organization required to pull off this complicated bureaucratic dance is a serious blackpill. The article also discusses the need to monetize hundreds of billions of dollars of bonds which were coming due, plus provide the excuses for war abroad and a police state at home:

https:// www.scribd.com/doc/9442970/Collateral-Damage-U-S-Covert-Operations-and-the-Terrorist-Attacks-on-September-11-2001-28062008

Disclosure is not complete unless it includes the full story of 9/11, the Bushes, Israel, nukes, what happened to the planes, and how our government got to the point where such treason was possible.

85d660 (16) No.24073


Well said.

No-one has disproved any of her evidence.

Good advice.

85d660 (16) No.25271>>25512 >>63876


Some of what you state is true and I agree with, however:

Molten metal -- implying high heat – was not found in the basement at the WTC.

The was no high heat reported at the WTC. It was reported that the dust cloud felt cooler than the ambient air.

Tritium is found in low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), aka cold fusion. “Tritium in low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) / cold fusion is evidence of a nuclear process without the ionising radiation.” - Dr Judy Wood

We don’t know who “did it”. And did what, exactly? In order to secure a conviction one has to provide evidence of WHAT happened. See the case of Casey Anthony.

Thermite is basically a cutting torch. I agree that thermite can’t explain the ‘toasted’ / destroyed cars. Directed energy does.

Building 7 was destroyed in a different way to the twin towers. It’s internal structure was turned to dust and the outer structure eventually fell (silently), but it wasn’t a collapse in the conventional sense. Towers 1 and 2 both experienced a faster than freefall destruction, from the top down. All seven buildings with a WTC prefix were destroyed on 9/11.

There were no remote control planes. Planes, real or fake, do not turn buildings into dust.

There is no evidence of a plane impact at either Shanksville or the Pentagon, as your images 3 and 5 show.

Disclosure, in relation to 9/11, means disclosing that free-energy technology exists. That is world changing. It is the biggest secret of 9/11. So far, it has been covered-up at all costs. Some people have paid the ultimate price.

As has been said, “nothing but a COLD DEW fits with the observed and recorded evidence”.

85d660 (16) No.25280


It has, but with so many people who claim to be aware of ‘the conspiracy’ yet are ignorant of this evidence, I thought I’d give it some more exposure in an attempt to raise their “plateau of understanding.”

85d660 (16) No.25294

Jim Fetzer, Steve Jones and Richard Gauge: Traitors.

“When I am king, you will be first against the wall.” - Radiohead

b3347e (2) No.25512>>28434 >>28571

File (hide): c11b3e18fe8a980⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 474x408, 79:68, 1385996410343.jpg) (h) (u)

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>The was no high heat reported at the WTC.

what complete and utter twaddlespeak

697110 (1) No.25702


I thought the idea of an underground nuclear blast was more compelling.

e955c5 (1) No.25835>>28484


9/11 is like the holohoax. (((They))) just (((shut down))) anyone who drifts off the reservation.

47eaa0 (1) No.26046

File (hide): b0be4135eecc52c⋯.jpg (172.03 KB, 1024x1022, 512:511, CHOCKFULLOLIES_TV.jpg) (h) (u)

Any No-Planers still around?

c38cd4 (1) No.26223

I was a teenager when this happened and knew that day it wasn’t right. In high school walking to American History. Saw the first and second one as they happened.

0ec2cb (1) No.27500

File (hide): 624789a98dd52e8⋯.jpg (133.01 KB, 531x800, 531:800, MV5BZGY3MWIzZGYtOTliMy00Yz….jpg) (h) (u)

I'm surprised to not come across more Louis Gossert Jr memes.

5d27dc (4) No.28368>>28434


Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood.

Chapter 13.

Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

The Rumor of High Heat

The image in Figure 272a [your image] has often been used by those challenging the official story of 9/11, claiming that it proves there was “high heat” in the rubble pile from the WTC.

Hot things glow, but not everything that glows is hot. Consider a fluorescent light. It glows enough to light the room but does not put out light by means of heat (as in incandescence). So, having a photo of something glowing does not prove it was hot. We need to consider more information in regard to the photo. When materials are heated to a particular temperature, they glow a particular color, as shown on the chart in Figure 272b [page 263]. This applies to all metals, molten or not, indoors or out. The material on the right side (in the jaws of the grappler) of Figure 272a [your image] has a color that would imply that most of it is between 810 °C and 1050 °C. But we have to recognize that hydlaulic systems are permanently damaged if operated at temperature above 82 °C. This seeming impossibility or contradiction is addressed more fully in the next section.”

The material on the left side of Figure 272a [your image] has a colour that would imply that most of it is between 1050 °C and 1200 °C. But we also see a lot of unburned paper right next to the glowing material. It even appears that some of the paper might be glowing.” (Page 262).

Luminescence without heating is a phenomenon that is seen in cold fusion as well as in the Hutchison Effect. (Page 264).

The molten metal story appears on the evidence to be just that -- a story. Certainly it is a very different thing from the abundant recorded and observable evidence of glowing metal. (Page 267).

5d27dc (4) No.28434



Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood.

Chapter 13.

Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

The Rumor of High Heat (Page 262).

5d27dc (4) No.28484



“We must look for the truth where people are persecuted, not where they are protected, and promoted.” -- Mason Bigelow

5d27dc (4) No.28571


Consider the thermal images of Ground Zero shown in Figure 277 [your image 4, top left]. One image is said to have been taken on Sept. 16, 2001, and the second one [your image 4, top right] a few days later, on Sept. 23. If these hot spots at Ground Zero were “real”, rescue workers, at 400-800 degrees Celsius, would have been instantly cooked, charred and desiccated. A turkey cooks at 177 degrees Celsius (350 degrees F). How could anyone walk around on top of an 800-degree Celsius oven and live for more than a second or two? (Page 271)

Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood. Chapter 13.

Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

The Rumor of High Heat

a1beed (7) No.63811>>63816 >>63876 >>65054

File (hide): 2503d329f8576ee⋯.jpg (191.29 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 00000011.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 65b1ab83b48cbb3⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 625x275, 25:11, 46_wtc1spiretodustjg4.jpg) (h) (u)

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File (hide): 4ad9bfc68a394fb⋯.jpg (156.58 KB, 540x720, 3:4, 1510545813126.jpg) (h) (u)


a1beed (7) No.63816>>64904

File (hide): c2a8b42eb350ced⋯.png (3.97 MB, 2406x1438, 1203:719, Osama_died_way_earlier_and….png) (h) (u)


This one too.

a1beed (7) No.63876>>64841



I think Dr. Judy Wood's hypothesis is correct (Hutchison effect/molecular dissociation/cold fusion/DEW) however, it looks like there was molten metal (see 4th image in >>63811)

, which I'm guess is attributable to thermite. Plus, it seems that traces of nanothermite were found in the rubble: http ://investigate911.org/

Thermite used to cut the support columns into sections, DEW to dustify 'em. Normies debate with truthers over jet fuel, and truthers debate over whether thermite or DEWs were used. That's my theory anyway.

6cb4f1 (18) No.64841>>65604


Dr Judy Wood’s evaluation of the evidence proves that directed energy destroyed the World Trade Centre complex -- all seven buildings. It is not a hypothesis.

The image to which you refer is analysed in the book Where Did The Towers Go? Chapter 13

Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

Section C. The Rumor of High Heat

Page 264.

It is not molten metal.

A&E9/11 and ST9/11 were established as part of the 9/11 cover-up.

Steve Jones, Richard Gage and Jim Fetzer are liars and traitors.

We know from the evidence what happened on 9/11. The buildings turned to dust.

Directed energy explains all the evidence.

6cb4f1 (18) No.64904


Some good information here, thanks.

Bill Cooper's statement was prophetic. Then killed Nov 6 2001!

The raid on the compound was fake.

6cb4f1 (18) No.65054


Quoting from Where Did The Towers Go?

Picture 1: A piece of aluminum cladding near the center of the photo appears to be glowing at one end. But aluminum melts at 660 °C, well before it becomes hot enough to glow. This piece of aluminum cladding has not melted and is still holding its shape. (Pages 263 and 264).

Pictures 3 and 5: Consider the thermal images of Ground Zero [your images]. If these hot spots at Ground Zero were “real”, rescue workers, at 400-800 degrees Celsius, would have been instantly cooked, charred and desiccated. A turkey cooks at 177 degrees Celsius (350 degrees F). How could anyone walk around on top of an 800-degree Celsius oven and live for more than a second or two? (Pages 271 and 272).

Picture 4: The photograph… has often (and inappropriately) been used as evidence of “molten metal and “proof of thermite.” (Page 264).

Picture 2: The “spire” turning to dust. Originally compiled by Andrew Johnson checktheevidence.com

6cb4f1 (18) No.65467


A good discussion about the evidence.

6cb4f1 (18) No.65513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#PsyOp Recovery Program with #DrJudyWood

Dr Judy Wood discussing her qui tam, whistleblower, court case and the evidence.

a1beed (7) No.65604>>65874 >>65890 >>73331

File (hide): c28bbb1510a63c0⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 854x635, 854:635, maxresdefault.jpg) (h) (u)


>It is not molten metal.

>Directed energy explains all the evidence

If this isn't molten metal, then what is it?

6cb4f1 (18) No.65874>>68855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Glowing occurs from about (1:07).

Hot things glow, but not everything that glows is hot.” (Page 262).

Luminescence without heating is a phenomenon that is seen in cold fusion as well as in the Hutchison Effect. (Page 264).

From Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood. Chapter 13.

Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

C. The Rumor of High Heat (Page 262).

Also see:


6cb4f1 (18) No.65890>>68855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Glowing occurs from about (1:07).

Hot things glow, but not everything that glows is hot. (Page 262).

Luminescence without heating is a phenomenon that is seen in cold fusion as well as in the Hutchison Effect. (Page 264).

From Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood. Chapter 13.

Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

C. The Rumor of High Heat (Page 262).

Also see:


6cb4f1 (18) No.66472>>73279

File (hide): b3169eeded300ce⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 400x303, 400:303, wtc2-fontana-3[1].jpg) (h) (u)


The photograph [Figure 274 in the book Where Did The Towers Go?] has often (and inappropriately) been used as evidence of “molten metal and “proof of thermite.” This image appears in the NIST report where the compilers acknowledge having adjusted the intensities in the photograph. Let us assume the color was not changed, only the brightness.

The material pouring out of the window on the 80th floor, directly below the arrow noting column 255, appears to be glowing a yellow-orange colour. If the material is glowing because it is hot, then it would need to be approximately 1,100°C. It also appears to be splashing over the aluminum cladding below it, yet that aluminum cladding does not appear melted. Furthermore, the flow appears to be enormous, coming from a reservoir of perhaps hundreds of gallons, all of it presumably 1,100°C. And yet nothing adjacent to it appears to be hot, melted or deformed.

(Page 264).

Quoted from Where Did The Towers Go? By Dr Judy Wood. Chapter 13

Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

Section C. The Rumor of High Heat Page 264.

There is no evidence of molten metal.

The is no evidence of the use of explosives.

The plane-shaped hole, it would be logical to assume, was created utilizing the same technology used to destroy the entire WTC.

I agree. The evidence shows that the towers were not destroyed by heat.

d855e4 (2) No.66964>>68550

>>7253 (OP)

The best documentary i have ever watched on the event is - 911 The New Pearl Harbor.

Its nearly 5 hours long, but worth it for the wealth of information and research involved.

youtube.com/ watch?v=dWUzfJGmt5U

e9cd3b (2) No.67388>>68258

Don't forget the israeli art students inside the WTC

https:// youtu.be/qdP95oSoOFk?t=31m

6cb4f1 (18) No.68199


I’m also curious about how the airplane-shaped hole was created, however, I agree with you when you say

>everything with the planes are a distraction, they don't matter.

I think what is spilling, or pouring, is material (any solid or liquid) that is undergoing the effects of cold fusion / low energy nuclear reactions. “Luminescence without heating is a phenomenon that is seen in cold fusion as well as in the Hutchison Effect.” - WDTTG p. 264.

It appears that any type of material (except maybe paper - low mass) can undergo atomic dissociation and / or transmutation.

6cb4f1 (18) No.68258>>68337


Rebekah Roth is a liar


e9cd3b (2) No.68337>>68546


Thanks, i hadn't seen this

d855e4 (2) No.68537>>68603


It compares the events of 911 to pearl harbor. It argues that in both events the Tops of the government knew what was going to happen, and possibly planned them to happen.

Its an analytical documentary that uses the 911 commission report, and chapter by chapter proves it wrong.

It brings into question the experience of the 'Pilots' with interviews of experts that prove the spiral maneuver into the pentagon to be false. And at those impossible speeds in the downward descent, wings would have ripped off from the turbulence.

It addresses the use of mobile phones with experiments held in i think 2008 to see mobile success rates at certain altitudes.

It questions the ABSENCE of key top level people during the event. And how all of them gained promotions as a consequence.

Facts such as the location in which the pentagon was hit, was the only place recently renovated to withstand missile attacks.

How the Pennsylvania crash was absorbed into the earth, but yet passports and items where found elsewhere.

((Building 7))

The typical EXERCISE being held simultaneously.

the 6 month cool down period for the Twin tower 'DEMOLITION'

Watch it. Its defiantly enlightening.

6cb4f1 (18) No.68546


Thanks. Your honesty is refreshing. If only we all had sufficient time to investigate the truth.

6cb4f1 (18) No.68550>>68654


And not one mention of the evidence gathered by Dr Judy Wood. The documentary is based upon David Ray Griffin’s book of disinformation.

Re. David Ray Griffin: “Dr Wood's book has been out [since 2010]. Do you ever hear this guy write or talk about her evidence. You know he likes to write about 9/11 he has at least 10 books about it.” - Andrew Johnson checktheevidence.com

David Ray Griffin believes in global government!

“I think now, err, and many people think now, the nation-state is obsolete.”

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-TZypcH9eg

6cb4f1 (18) No.68603


Sadly, it is definitely disinformation.

The 'litmus test' is support of the irrefutable evidence gathered by Dr Judy Wood.

6cb4f1 (18) No.68654



a1beed (7) No.68855>>73266 >>73279 >>73358

File (hide): 6ea37416396b4b0⋯.jpg (87.11 KB, 657x398, 657:398, 1510546038294.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a3595123d8c9709⋯.jpg (148.24 KB, 806x536, 403:268, 1510546262191.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e31d6dada41daf⋯.jpg (94.92 KB, 619x553, 619:553, 1510548393019.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b7e81dcfcef0e97⋯.png (496.88 KB, 1434x794, 717:397, nanothermite.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5560269f580e471⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 306x164, 153:82, pepe_cia_be_like.jpg) (h) (u)



You don't have to copy paste the same. The vid is pretty low quality too, but the concept being conveyed is understandable. Still think a combo of both were used. Nano-thermitic explosives severe the support columns, and heat up some metal to where it's literally molten and pouring out the side of the building on to the street below. See this >>10153.

DEW dustifies 'em shortly thereafter, leaving cookie cutter marks and further heating the material. Then have your friend Larry "pull it", and pull your Pentagon shenanigans (>>23013)

and you're good to go.

6cb4f1 (18) No.73266>>73340 >>117722


Have you read her book?

Where Did the Towers Go?

Chapter 7

D2. Proof of Concept

There is no evidence that thermite, thermate, super thermite, or nano-enhanced thermite have ever been used to bring down major buildings in controlled demolition. Thermite has never been used to bring down skyscrapers.

There is no proof of concept for the thermite hypothesis. (Page 124)

F. The Kitchen Sink

Some may find it tempting to propose the idea that multiple methods of destruction were used, assuming that may have been a “fail-safe” plan in case one or more methods failed. There is also the false assumption that if one promotes “everything including the kitchen sink” as the method of destruction, they’re bound to be correct. However, when the physical requirements are considered, the complexity of implementing multiple methods, even if possible, would only add difficulty with no benefit. For example, consider thermite plus explosives. As discussed in the previous section, the ignition and timing of thermite is a challenge. Also, the ignition and timing of explosives (bombs) in the building is a challenge. Coordinating the timing of two such events would greatly increase the complexity, if not render it impossible. Even if it were possible, the fact remains that the physical evidence contradicts the use of thermite and/or “bombs in the building.” (Page 126)

H. Conclusions

2) The thermite model has essentially the same problems as the Conventional Controlled Demolition one. These are actually compounded by the presence of so much paper, a substance that could not conceivably have survived the intensely high temperatures created by thermite.

In short, neither the conventional controlled demolition nor the bombs in the building model offers a sufficient basis for explaining all the evidence. (Page 127)

6cb4f1 (18) No.73279



>pouring out the side of the building

e28b01 (1) No.73331>>73453


It's molten metal not alu because that doesn't glow like that. Molten Iron looks like that and is a product of thermite. But why so much?

3348d6 (1) No.73340>>82611 >>82613


Good info, especially about th_rm_te. I thought that played a large roll and I thought molten steel poured out. What did pour out, fake molten steel? Chemical that aided in destruction? Maddening.

6cb4f1 (18) No.73358


Picture 2 is good.

Steel structured buildings do not collapse as a result of mechanical load failure caused by damage from fire.

6cb4f1 (18) No.73453


>not alu because that doesn't glow like that

Next you’ll be saying that molten aluminum is silvery at all temperatures.

241b2b (1) No.82606>>83345

What makes me crazy with all of this stuff - The extra effort that goes into proving "one theory" and not being sensible about it. I'm sure that many of the items referenced were used. NanoThermite is a fact. Guided Missiles? Seems obvious. There are ones designed for taking down buildings and targeted depth, etc.) It is clear that a cruise missile of some variety was used in all 4 attacks (including the field for flight 93). The warhead (wide range possible on cruise missiles) + planted explosives (lookup deathbed CIA confession - WTC 7 building demolition / explosives crew.) Some warheads fall just shy of being considered nuclear weapons. There is plenty of evidence of helicopters / dooms day plane, big training exercise to confuse FAA and response, doctored (sometimes poorly) video / CGI for planes, lack of debris in all 3 sites or debris that defies physics, eye witness footage / interviews that conflict with narrative, several plausible motives for the attack (especially with benefit of hindsight.) The perfect cell phone reception on planes at cruising altitudes (not possible.) I can't drive up the interstate without dropped calls. I only find more and more lies and cover-up. One day, hopefully, this will actually be fully understood and public.

d9f68f (4) No.82611


“Luminescence without heating is a phenomenon that is seen in cold fusion as well as in the Hutchison Effect.” - Dr Judy Wood, Where Did the Towers Go? p. 264.

It could be any substance or material spilling, or pouring, from the building (except paper, evidently).


d9f68f (4) No.82613>>83086


“Luminescence without heating is a phenomenon that is seen in cold fusion as well as in the Hutchison Effect.” - Dr Judy Wood, Where Did the Towers Go? p. 264.

It could be any substance or material spilling, or pouring, from the building (except paper, evidently).

4dc16e (1) No.83086


ty. that makes sense, something I've never seen, nor know much about, H. effect. Weapon like that, serious tech.

d9f68f (4) No.83345


>"one theory"

It is not a theory, it is a factual account of what happened based upon the evidence.

>One day, hopefully, this will actually be fully understood and public.

Good news. It has been understood and public since 2010, when Dr Judy Wood released her book.

Have you read her book?

d9f68f (4) No.83459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World

"With 9-11, everybody around the planet can know that Free-Energy Technology exists." - IRREFUTABLE

“"Irrefutable" is the best visual representation of the evidence I have seen to date. It is truly a work of art! Thank you for your efforts in producing this magnificent film. The truth is known, and it is knowable, should one take the time to look at the irrefutable evidence which Dr. Judy Wood presents.” - Field Interference

“wow great work” - John Hutchison

29c436 (7) No.105794

File (hide): b8f2575b5988e8b⋯.gif (13.18 KB, 699x534, 233:178, Image113[1].gif) (h) (u)

Minimal Seismic Impact

One of the most important single pieces of evidence the towers did not hit the ground is that the seismic signal was minimal.

“Minimal seismic impact, and "dustification” prove nothing close to 1 million tons of material slammed down on the WTC foundation and its sub-basements.” - Dr Judy Wood

“The WTC towers were destroyed faster than it would take them to drop to the ground in free-fall. Columbia University's Seismology Group recorded seismic events of 10 seconds and 8 seconds in duration, which correspond to the [destruction] of WTC2 and WTC1, respectively. The ground shook for no more than 8 seconds while WTC1 was destroyed.” - Dr Judy Wood

6c516d (2) No.109564

Minimal Seismic Impact

One of the most important single pieces of evidence confirming the towers did not hit the ground is that the seismic signal was minimal.

“Minimal seismic impact, and "dustification” prove nothing close to 1 million tons of material slammed down on the WTC foundation and its sub-basements.” - Dr Judy Wood

“The WTC towers were destroyed faster than it would take them to drop to the ground in free-fall. Columbia University's Seismology Group recorded seismic events of 10 seconds and 8 seconds in duration, which correspond to the [destruction] of WTC2 and WTC1, respectively. The ground shook for no more than 8 seconds while WTC1 was destroyed.” - Dr Judy Wood

6c516d (2) No.109628

File (hide): b8f2575b5988e8b⋯.gif (13.18 KB, 699x534, 233:178, Image113[1].gif) (h) (u)

Minimal Seismic Impact

One of the most important single pieces of evidence confirming the towers did not hit the ground is that the seismic signal was minimal.

“Minimal seismic impact, and "dustification” prove nothing close to 1 million tons of material slammed down on the WTC foundation and its sub-basements.” - Dr Judy Wood

“The WTC towers were destroyed faster than it would take them to drop to the ground in free-fall. Columbia University's Seismology Group recorded seismic events of 10 seconds and 8 seconds in duration, which correspond to the [destruction] of WTC2 and WTC1, respectively. The ground shook for no more than 8 seconds while WTC1 was destroyed.” - Dr Judy Wood

9e4555 (1) No.109855>>117722


This, it was nano-thermite compounds…allegedly.

87d1ee (1) No.117722



It was directed energy, weaponized…fact.


aaec95 (4) No.126214

File (hide): 3b57c717b29ff70⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 825x314, 825:314, Spire2m_ss[1].jpg) (h) (u)

Steel core columns disintegrate into steel dust with WTC 7 and water tower in the foreground.

aaec95 (4) No.126878

No molten metal

This figure “looks down into the basement of WTC2. This is adjacent to the southeast corner of the bathtub wall, which was damaged at the top, and there seems to be a wet floor or puddle of water. But there is no steam rising, and there clearly is no molten metal visible in this section of the basement.” - Where Did the Towers Go by Dr Judy Wood p. 210.

aaec95 (4) No.126920

File (hide): e12430bab0efa00⋯.jpg (484.99 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Image300[1].jpg) (h) (u)

No molten metal

This figure “looks down into the basement of WTC2. This is adjacent to the southeast corner of the bathtub wall, which was damaged at the top, and there seems to be a wet floor or puddle of water. But there is no steam rising, and there clearly is no molten metal visible in this section of the basement.” - Where Did the Towers Go by Dr Judy Wood p. 210.

aaec95 (4) No.127102

File (hide): e12430bab0efa00⋯.jpg (484.99 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Image300[1].jpg) (h) (u)

No Molten Metal

This figure “looks down into the basement of WTC2. This is adjacent to the southeast corner of the bathtub wall, which was damaged at the top, and there seems to be a wet floor or puddle of water. But there is no steam rising, and there clearly is no molten metal visible in this section of the basement.” - Where Did the Towers Go by Dr Judy Wood p. 210.

14dea8 (3) No.127798>>136938

https:// youtube.com/watch?v=96syRuHvYDI

a56270 (1) No.136938


The video doesn’t account for all available evidence. Some of the evidence not mentioned is:

The under-reported nearby presence of Hurricane Erin.

Destroyed / “toasted” cars.

Abrupt shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field.

The massive amount of unburned paper.

Hutchison Effect phenomena.

All seven buildings with a WTC prefix were destroyed.

It promotes molecular dissociation but without the use of free-energy technology. A free-energy cover-up video.

6c765d (1) No.150561


Board Owner, can you add a “Delete post” option, please? For errors. It’s available on some other boards

6a8e74 (1) No.215078>>221905 >>221914 >>221936 >>222085 >>222151

The 911 rubble went to china waste Management under contract made by GWB, HRC, BHO. the China waste management ended the around 2013

1cd6fb (6) No.221905

File (hide): 14e83c7f7eade06⋯.jpg (31.98 KB, 498x324, 83:54, search2[1].jpg) (h) (u)


On the afternoon of 9/11/01 the "rubble pile" left from WTC1 is essentially non-existent. WTC7 can be seen in the distance, revealing the photo was taken before 5:20 PM that day.


1cd6fb (6) No.221914

File (hide): 60414d0df998a25⋯.jpg (853.92 KB, 1024x668, 256:167, 010913_5316[1].jpg) (h) (u)


The "rubble pile" from WTC1 is essentially non-existent. The ambulance is parked at ground level in front of WTC1. WTC6, which had been an eight-story building, towers over the remains of WTC1.


1cd6fb (6) No.221936

File (hide): ded933e937c5ac5⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 19_flattened[1].jpg) (h) (u)


Ground Zero rubble was surprisingly small


1cd6fb (6) No.222085


“The scrap guys could not believe the twin towers had so little rubble. ‘It simply did not seem possible that two of the world’s tallest buildings had all but disappeared.’”


1cd6fb (6) No.222151


The truth is that the World Trade Center was gone-- turned to dust in mid-air.

The minimal debris remaining could not conceivably represent the something close to 1.2 million tons of material that comprised the World Trade Center complex.

1cd6fb (6) No.223423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Judy Wood - WHAT Happened?

00b08d (2) No.275805>>275813

File (hide): 9d148651fba4034⋯.jpg (144.22 KB, 747x534, 249:178, H5[1].jpg) (h) (u)

Magnetic Anomalies on 9/11

“The magnetometer readings from the six different research stations in northern Alaska reveal anomalous changes in the Earth’s magnetic field at the exact moments that key events were taking place in New York City on 9/11.” - Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood (p. 413)

00b08d (2) No.275813


“Do plane crashes affect the Earth's magnetic field -- 3,500 miles away?” - Andrew Johnson

dd1f88 (1) No.285035

“9/11 was about perception management… it was an attack on human consciousness. It shut down peoples ability to think… If people don’t understand exactly what happened then, they’re lost.” - Dr Judy Wood


74aa28 (1) No.297667

File (hide): 51d8cc7dbb7b6b5⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_0279.JPG) (h) (u)

Hey anons, when I saw this thread, I remembered seeing something awhile back that Micheal Jackson had on one of his albums. I tracked it down

Micheal Jackson's,

"Blood on the Dance Floor" was released on March 21, 1997. Strangely, the song wasn't even promoted as a single in the U.S.

How Did He a know? Some say we have been here before… J/S'n

Anyway I

I wanted you guys to see that cover, blew my mind, Peace ✌️

eb8db1 (3) No.304639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Predictive programming.

“When you're Falling” (2001) - Peter Gabriel Afro Celt Sound System

“The song was garnering airplay when the attacks of September 11 occurred. The imagery in the video includes a man falling to the ground in what looks like New York City, as well as a near miss with an airliner. MTV and VH1 immediately pulled the video, and many of Afro Celt’s tour dates had to be cancelled.”

eb8db1 (3) No.305202>>305234 >>313745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A 700-foot tall clump of steel core columns turn to dust in mid-air.

eb8db1 (3) No.305234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr. Judy Wood - "The Spire"

9162aa (2) No.313745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The “Spire”

Watch the WTC "Spire" Steel Disintegrate ("Dustification"/Molecular Dissociation)

9162aa (2) No.314399

“Clearly, we have been lied to… in regard to the truth of 9/11. Just as clearly, the “9/11 truth movement” has revealed itself to be as much a part of the cover-up as it is of anything else. At the same time, knowing what really did happen on 9/11 is the only way---is the essential first step—toward any significant taking of positions or any significant political action.” - Eric Larsen


29c436 (7) No.326682

“In the story of 9/11 as told by Dr. Wood, everything is observed, analyzed, and evaluated for exactly what it is, and therefore almost nothing is the way we have been told it was.” - Eric Larsen

29c436 (7) No.327490

File (hide): 8665638d88105c7⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Image9[1].jpg) (h) (u)

“A reported 1,400 vehicles were damaged on 9/11. These vehicles had peculiar patterns of damage and some were as far away as FDR Drive (about 7 blocks from the WTC, along the East River). Vehicles had missing door handles for example, windows blown out, window frames deformed, melted engine blocks, steel-belted tires with only the steel belts left, and vehicle front ends destroyed with little or no effect on the back end of the vehicles. What could have caused such extraordinary damage?” - Dr Judy Wood

29c436 (7) No.327548

File (hide): 8665638d88105c7⋯.jpg (48.9 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Image9[1].jpg) (h) (u)

Portions of cars burned while paper nearby did not.

Why doesn't the paper burn?

29c436 (7) No.327619

File (hide): 82e732c97511cad⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Image175[1].jpg) (h) (u)

Why doesn’t the paper burn?

29c436 (7) No.327668

File (hide): 3519ffcc7c81389⋯.jpg (37.81 KB, 360x270, 4:3, firetruck-3[1].jpg) (h) (u)

Where did the engine go?

a1beed (7) No.365344>>513154

File (hide): ce3336214915192⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 585x350, 117:70, Deepwater_Horizon_II.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): abbd42518733340⋯.png (219.04 KB, 1421x622, 1421:622, s.png) (h) (u)

Not 9/11 related per se, but still relevant imo

6b5815 (1) No.365578


the wings are bigger then the hole created in the wall of the pentagon

433f88 (1) No.365640

File (hide): b8bb728b9f53201⋯.jpg (627.86 KB, 1075x1678, 1075:1678, Screenshot_20180213-120356.jpg) (h) (u)

Sad that people are conditioned to expect cures like this to take 5 to 10 years to hit the market, if ever. Trump will fix this insanity!



a41862 (2) No.430712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Face to Face Interview with Dr Judy Wood - 24 Aug 2017

a41862 (2) No.432783

“Has the Weapon Which Destroyed the WTC Been Used Before or Since 9/11?” by Andrew Johnson

http:// www.checktheevidence.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=467&Itemid=60

29c436 (7) No.493327

File (hide): 4067bef06c4160b⋯.png (614.41 KB, 769x404, 769:404, da4390524eecbda879498b3d80….png) (h) (u)

Fake News Kills

cc498e (1) No.495413

File (hide): 8aa7d6e2fa5c1b3⋯.jpg (59.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault[1].jpg) (h) (u)

cea5f6 (4) No.510739

“9/11 and Cold Fusion -- a Possible Attempt to Rewrite History?” - by Andrew Johnson

http:// www.checktheevidence.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=389&Itemid=60

cea5f6 (4) No.510797

“Understanding the Cover-Up of Free Energy” - by Andrew Johnson

http:// www.checktheevidence.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=438&Itemid=55

cea5f6 (4) No.511826>>513215

File (hide): 961db7e91e1099b⋯.jpg (219.33 KB, 1127x1386, 161:198, 2e0nvbt[1].jpg) (h) (u)

“The middle group (yellow bars) are of the tritium found at the WTC. These values measured at the WTC following the 9/11 event are about 50 times greater than background values. Is this significant?” - Where Did the Towers Go? Page 373

a981ae (7) No.513154

>>365344 swamp gas planet Venus weather balloon directed energy weapon

a981ae (7) No.513215>>513423


Tritium is hard to come by. You just can’t get it in any appreciable amount outside of special arrangements and facilities in my experience.

In any WTC building, I’m quite sure there would be no commercial or governmental enterprise with a legitimate need for any significant quantity of tritium. Aside from academic very small amounts of chemicals with regular H replaced with radioactive T and possibly some arcane medical need, I am not aware of any innocent source of tritium that could account for an elevated tritium signal there. But I shall dig for the arcane.

cea5f6 (4) No.513327>>513649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Dr Judy Wood - Tritium found at Ground Zero"

a981ae (7) No.513423>>513513

>>513215 so self uminescent exit signs use tritium…I wonder how many of these signs were contained in all WTC structures and if all of the signs were ground to dust, would that raise the ambient tritium level to what is indicated in that chart? Calculator time…

a981ae (7) No.513513

>>513423 50 Bq/L at WTC and I’m assuming that was a water sample. Assume rain, water in tower, firehose water went into water that was sampled….

a981ae (7) No.513649>>514417

>>513327 EXIT signs contain tritium. 10 to 20 Curies. 1 Curie = 37 gigabequerels GBq. So 1 EXIT sign contains 370 GBq of tritium assume. How many exit signs in WTC area got their glass tritium gas cylinders in the EXIT signs broken? I say probably all of them. So all that tritium from 1000+ EXIT signs is 370 TBq of tritium released in one spot. So I will say that finding only 50 Bq which is 50 disintegrations per second…from a source event that was in the terabecquerel range…I don’t see a need for cold fusion or DEW to make tritium UNLESS some anon has a way to show tritium exit signs were not used in WTC. More digging…

a981ae (7) No.514417


Tritium burns to make radioactive water, vapor which can condense or absorb into dust

3987c3 (3) No.517643

“The WTC contained no exit signs with tritium, according to the group studying the tritium samples found at the WTC. (Parekh, et al and Semkow, et al)” - Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood p. 372

3987c3 (3) No.517663>>521335

“Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center” - (Parekh, et al and Semkow, et al)

“Tritium in the World Trade Center September 11th, 2001 Terrorist Attack, It’s Possible Sources and Fate” - (Parekh, et al and Semkow, et al)

3987c3 (3) No.518013

“The amount of tritium found in a sample from WTC6 is approximately 50 times the background level.” - Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood p. 376

fe3c1a (1) No.518847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Cold Fusion Suppressed Technology"

a981ae (7) No.521335

>>517663 reading the paper cited it shows 35 Curies of tritium known on the planes, and more in gunsights and watches likely destroyed. The authors find these sources sufficient to account for the low but above background levels in the water sample…I think Judy is not buying that story but having to bring in cold fusion is a bridge too far imho. I'd focus on other anomalies of WTC

http:/ /drjudywood. com/pdf/tritium_15002340.pdf

62d507 (4) No.524527

Planes -- real or fake – don’t turn buildings into dust.

62d507 (4) No.524549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Cold Fusion - Bockris and Fleischmann”

62d507 (4) No.524767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Infinite Energy, But Not For The Masses | Andrew Johnson”

62d507 (4) No.525803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Eugene Mallove: Cold Fusion and Suppression in the United States -- 1991”

288127 (1) No.558955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Cold Fusion: Fire From Water (full length)”

251978 (4) No.566687

Anon's your my last hope. I'm being silenced for simply making a video and sharing it on Twitter.

In the video, I take the Nuclear Posture Review, a public government document, and an Putin's state of the Nation speech from last week to highlight how the MSM fails to report key details. Trump and Putin have put on quiet a show and MSM is ignoring it! Pg. 46 of Post Nuclear Review. What Putin says at the end of his State of Nation last week… We are on the brink of nuclear war (Staged) and and MSM ignores it!!!!! Reality is a conspiracy! WE MUST EXPOSE THIS.

I posted it in replies to MSM Twitter accounts, with 'I can prove you are fake news'.

Couple of hours later I was banned. I have a second account, but no one is replying to my tweets.

My link is here. Get my story out. Share this info.

Banned Twitter @tfconspirasist

Video: https:// youtu.be/AJUsXmrmnD4

251978 (4) No.566715

In the video, I take the Nuclear Posture Review, a public government document, and an Putin's state of the Nation speech from last week to highlight how the MSM fails to report key details. Trump and Putin have put on quiet a show and MSM is ignoring it! Pg. 46 of Post Nuclear Review. What Putin says at the end of his State of Nation last week… We are on the brink of nuclear war (Staged) and and MSM ignores it!!!!! Reality is a conspiracy! WE MUST EXPOSE THIS.

Actual link as last one didn't work….

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJUsXmrmnD4&t=1355s

251978 (4) No.566725

File (hide): 21bb89cc50c420d⋯.png (112.37 KB, 1301x339, 1301:339, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Sorry for spam, but when I test the links they don not work. Here's an image of the video. You may have to find it yourselves… Account name Lee Attewell.

https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCmkfAAX-0Qb42660W0J0oeA

251978 (4) No.566948

OK Anons

Plan B. Forget my video.

We just need to get this out. Trump has given us a gift. A conspiracy we can prove and hold the media accountable with!

We know on pg 46 of the Nuclear Posture review, Trump updated policy to include 'arbitrary' reasons. This is very, very dangerous talk. I honestly don't think he means it… but the question is… why isn't the MSM demonising him for it? Because it doesn't fit the Russian Collusion narrative. So this statement, that puts the ENTIRE world in danger and should be reported on, is being ignored.

We've seen him say things just to trigger the media in the past… So as crazy as this sounds we need to start flooding Trump's Twitter with questions about the Nuclear Posture update. Demand he explains why the public doesn't know about this gigantic piece of news. Who then has to explain themselves?

(Which BTW, nuclear review dropped 2nd Feb… same day as the Nunes memo. Coincidence?)

Anon's we need to help the general public see this conspiracy. We need to organise and control the narrative. We're on the brink of a, staged, nuclear war… The public has the right to know!

74448f (3) No.567278

Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor by Eugene Mallove

74448f (3) No.567309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"9/11 Holding the Truth Chapter 16

9/11 and Cold Fusion -- a Possible Attempt to Rewrite History”

74448f (3) No.567481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Dr Judy Wood & Andrew Johnson on 'Cold Fusion' and 9/11 - Information Management”

eae905 (4) No.577098

bump for newbs

7c80d8 (1) No.577267>>678134

File (hide): 05e27726c8b5fd6⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 430x657, 430:657, Solving_9-11_Cover_front.jpg) (h) (u)

I've been researching 9/11 for more than a decade, and this new injection of "directed free energy" seems like disinformation.

They found thermite in the dust. We have video and photographic evidence of molten metal pouring from the building prior to collapse.

Read Bollyn's book for an explanation and a Who's Who of Mossad conspirators.

758e65 (3) No.577610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Dr Judy Wood Explains 911 Thermite"

758e65 (3) No.577649>>591191

The photograph [Figure 274 in the book Where Did the Towers Go?] has often (and inappropriately) been used as evidence of “molten metal and “proof of thermite.” This image appears in the NIST report where the compilers acknowledge having adjusted the intensities in the photograph. Let us assume the color was not changed, only the brightness.

The material pouring out of the window on the 80th floor, directly below the arrow noting column 255, appears to be glowing a yellow-orange colour. If the material is glowing because it is hot, then it would need to be approximately 1,100°C. It also appears to be splashing over the aluminum cladding below it, yet that aluminum cladding does not appear melted. Furthermore, the flow appears to be enormous, coming from a reservoir of perhaps hundreds of gallons, all of it presumably 1,100°C. And yet nothing adjacent to it appears to be hot, melted or deformed.

Where Did the Towers Go? By Dr Judy Wood

Chapter 13. Weird Fires

Fires Without Heat, Heat Without Fires

Section C. The Rumor of High Heat p. 264

758e65 (3) No.577887

The buildings didn't collapse.

The buildings mostly turned to dust in mid-air before they reached the ground.

Evidence: minimal seismic impact.

87d412 (1) No.585996

why not use a simple handheld device

like tesla

in your face, we just false flagged you with the tech we stole

sounds like them, does it not?

14dea8 (3) No.590555

https:// youtu.be/eDMMgNF49Cs

14dea8 (3) No.590612

https:// youtu.be/f614-uaYTck

https:// youtu.be/7tf9F2692ks

2e01c0 (1) No.591191


How about the planes As evidence ?

Win 1 for Bush) What about Rummy's missing 2.13 Trillion $ ?

Win 2 for Bush) Gets Patriot Act ?

Win 3 for Bush) Gets war He wanted ?

Top secret documents, paper copies only two copies only one in Naval office that got hit (very precise) @ pentagon and other copy in basement vault of 3rd building that fell on own. Naval investigation of the missing 2.13 trillion.

One of 3 Mossad front companies sent for project ECHELON in 1982 running the 9/11 Op for the CIA ? Text telling their people to exit ? ……

On. and On, and On - it WAS a False Flag what about reversing the things the got / were after instead of focusing on all the details of the attack ?

FEAR, DIVISION, CONTROL what they want (listen to Q) what we need to start reversing.

I am not putting anyone down, just asking if maybe we should be focusing on stuff that needs to be changed to make our situation better ? If not how is this not JUST a CHANGE of CONTROL ?

Just thinking out loud in the context of the "eyes of the Enemy" and "Behold a pale Horse" that Q gave us.

19e610 (5) No.610609

“Such technology, whoever or whatever entity possesses it, is undoubtedly very, very highly classified and kept most strictly away from from both public view and public knowledge.” - Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood p. 386

19e610 (5) No.610619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Retired Expert Pilot John Lear - No Planes Hit the Towers on 9/11”

Image Projection Technology

19e610 (5) No.610629

“If people reading this article cannot now understand the behaviour of Ace Baker and Jim Fetzer with regard to the Hutchison Effect being linked to 9/11, then there seems to be little hope they ever will. Therefore, I do hope that there is some truth in the phrase ‘Those who have eyes will see and those who have ears will hear’.” - Andrew Johnson

9/11 and The Hutchison Effect -- An Ace in the Hole – Part I, II & III

http:// www.checktheevidence.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=161&Itemid=60

http:// www.checktheevidence.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=195&Itemid=60

http:// www.checktheevidence.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=198&Itemid=60

19e610 (5) No.610649

File (hide): 877a2f902f107e4⋯.jpg (285.91 KB, 1159x1306, 1159:1306, zj9rsw[1].jpg) (h) (u)

“Although the tritium levels at the WTC were significantly above background levels, they were not high enough to be consistent with ‘a nuke’.”

“If a nuclear bomb had been used to destroy the WTC, radiation from it would have been detected around the world, and there also would have been a seismic signature.”

Where Did the Towers Go? by Dr Judy Wood p. 375

19e610 (5) No.610702

We must focus on what happened.

Ignoring the details of how the WTC was destroyed is to overlook the use of free-energy technology on 9/11.

eae905 (4) No.677786>>678123

bump in an attempt to insert some sanity while the whole flat earth nonsense is going on

575d42 (1) No.678123


made me laugh. ty (twice)

a1beed (7) No.678134

File (hide): 65b1ab83b48cbb3⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 625x275, 25:11, 46_wtc1spiretodustjg4.jpg) (h) (u)


How do you explain the free-fall speed and mid-air dustification of the towers then? My personal theory is that thermite charges severed the columns, and a DEW of some kind dustified the rest.

2f59bb (1) No.692489

2 towers are destroyed and replaced with 1 tower.

Symbolism all over it.

Had the British destroyed 2 buildings of such symbolic importance our founding fathers would have replaced the 2 with 4.

I am sick of this shit. They are fucking pissing on us and calling it rain.

Was 9/11 an inside job?

Look at the fucking result. The result answers the question. I don't need engineering studies, videos, or websites.

eae905 (4) No.778727


Dr. Judy Wood >> Q

ac3187 (1) No.809723>>838408

If “Trust the plan.” includes 9/11 forensic evidence reveal, Q > DJW.

eeeba2 (1) No.818125

Time-stamp ends in 9:11

Post No. ends in …119

eae905 (4) No.838408>>904386


That will never happen. The impact this kind of tech would have on man would destroy man. Think about the physical power you could extract with this tech. Well… what if you made a bomb? the H-bomb would be a match-light

5b01cd (1) No.904386


We need a new Age of Enlightenment.

Planet-splitting technology it is.

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