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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis

File (hide): d1ba520a4d19e97⋯.jpg (250.46 KB, 800x1019, 800:1019, battleship_artillery_salvo.jpg) (h) (u)


b6eda2 (6) No.347701>>348031 >>349996 >>352176 >>353072 >>353254 >>353660 >>353951 >>357585 >>374152 >>374519 >>375151 >>543416 >>690866 >>758415 >>770149 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

I am opening the floodgates of those who were banned. In an effort to keep the group together I have hit both dedicated enemies and shitposting friends alike in the frenzy of our time here. For that, I apologize. I want you back. I want us together, above all. Yes even you pelicanfag. Though you won't last long if you keep disrespecting Trump, Q, Sessions, and all the other named and unnamed patriots who have put their lives on the line to restore America to her rightful Beauty in the world. That's where I draw the line. These men have watched as the world burned around them waiting for the day their plan will come to be. To set things Right.

Anyone disrespecting that will be shown no quarter.

You will keep your seeds of doubt in yourselves, you will eat your own red herrings,

you will leave our waters clean of poison and we'll always keep our bearings.

>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


Help us. Everyone on this world has been strangled in one way or another by the darkness we seek to Light.

Help others here, for there is no better crowd than one of your own. Open up lads.

If banned, I alone have been the reason you've been unable to spread your thoughts here, and again I apologize.

I only ask that your judgment or mercy be swift and concise, and remain in this thread as to not disturb the other… for if you do, you'll be dealt with in a reciprocal manner. And please, have some eye bleach by your side for this possibly turbulent beginning.

17c055 (1) No.347797

Thanks bv, this is a good move, and one that takes a big person to make.

0c9b57 (1) No.347803>>351488

well i am one of those you refer to

Q picked the chans because of many reasons

primarily our culture, and our way to weed out the shit

on our own.

silencing me was one thing. but what if you

accidentally silence one of his operatives who was trying to communicate something to him?

brought my complaint straight to here.

ps. banning me will just prevent people from realizing the chess moves.

his posts the other day still went way over everyones head

cept for mine.

read this, delete this, then lets move on ok

370e4f (2) No.348031

>>347701 (OP)

>And please, have some eye bleach by your side for this possibly turbulent beginning.


I've been gore-posted before BV, so bleach isn't needed in my case.

I salute your bavery, I have a good idea of the shitstorm ahead.

You've got friends you didn't know you had.

One thing I've learned is that anons pull together under adversity amazingly well.

I hope we pleasantly surprise you

9c733f (1) No.348192>>386557

I like what you do. Keep it up.

Post last edited at

b6eda2 (6) No.348217

Thanks bro'

b4afdb (1) No.349483>>460272 >>522917

One of the biggest reason we flock to this chan is lack of censorship. We are censored too much in the other world. So, I am not happy to see censorship here. I hate having to sift thru the garbage on qresearch, but that is the nature of the beast. Unless it is porn, there should be no banning. Those calling for a ban need to be reminded to use the filter option.

As far as disrespecting Potus, Q, etc. unless it is like a naked pic of Potus, you are again censoring, like it or not. Filter is your friend…:)

7a35cf (1) No.349996

>>347701 (OP)

The deep soft roar of the 16 inch canons

I know them well

655e02 (1) No.351488>>397758



was banned for "red herring faggotry" that included putting kissinger on a top 10 list. kek.

abuse of power isnt a just an issue in the cabal

0f56f6 (1) No.351619>>356852 >>397829 >>397875

While I commend your bravery, I will echo what got me banned to you.

to censor is to profess your self as god.

you proclaim that you know best what We The People should be thinking or saying.

While I have considered deeply what Q has said about disclosure I also stand by my beliefs that to have anything less than full disclosure is to turn a blind eye and let history repeat it self.

all this hard work for nothing. my grand kids will face the same challenges, and the mockingbird will once again whisper sweet lies in the ears of children.

maybe Q knows better than a simple minded soul such as my self. but I stand firm! "no Quarter!"

6550c8 (4) No.352176

>>347701 (OP)

I dig, dig, dig, to get to board. I didn’t earlier.

I stay 99.9 % quiet as I try to learn. Once a board fills it seems all but impossible to get on the next. Am I not welcome? I’ve been trying hard to RedPill onTwitter…

04801c (1) No.352403

File (hide): bd1c2318b1930d8⋯.png (209.5 KB, 472x738, 236:369, Screenshot_26.png) (h) (u)

Censorship will only ever hurt you. If you intend to be on the chans you have to trust your user base to use the ability of discernment on their own and let them battle it out with the shills, it's what has always been the way. If you want wanton censorship take it to reddit and twitter. This is the land of almost any thing goes, and that is what precisely gives us our power, no subject to taboo to discuss, after all they are only words, pixels on a screen, some thing some thing about what doesn't kill you.

2ce127 (1) No.352431

Thank you

f63378 (1) No.352443

Thanks for this thread. I was banned for speaking jibberish and I regret it because I’m a believer in Q but was caught berating the Cabal and threatening the harvest. Whoops.

U guys are the heart and soul of this war against the darkness. We whooping they asses too, which was obviously going to happen because we have Thee 1 True God in our side. This has been fun, I’m loving it. These Cabal Khazi Nazi twats are sooo scared right now

6550c8 (4) No.353072

>>347701 (OP)

Am I banned? Did I make a stupid mistake? I want to learn! I’m no IT guy but I can search for clues from Q posts. I have never intentionally done anything to undermine Red Pilling! I realized I need to lurk and learn, I thought I was doing that while helping to Awaken family, friends. People on Twitter.

If I did make a mistake, how can I learn if I don’t know what it was?? Are we all in this together? Sincerely…..P

6550c8 (4) No.353254

>>347701 (OP)

I see my mistake. I linked Memes back to the board on Twitter. Deleted, lesson learned. Please don’t lock me out. I WANT to help!!

7fd246 (3) No.353660

>>347701 (OP)

Thank you for this consideration, it help heal wounds incurred this morning. Was one caught in the crossfire and it was fucking bullshit, plus other posts (productive if anyone had the courtesy to READ them and DIG first) were deleted. Except for getting the daily 'news', a fucking wasted morning re contributions.

We cannot have censorship, it is a cancer of the worst sort.


>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


This wasn't a command to become banfags, but took it as a rebuke to the whiningfags who don't understand larger picture. Eg:


>Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world.

>Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering.

>We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability.


7fd246 (3) No.353765


+1 more


Let the noobs figure it out.

PS - don't the USSS cover/protect. previous POTUS. Think beyond current POTUS, myabe that's why they're on high alert, so the 'witnesses/future inmates' don't get killed.

Hell, any SS protecting a previous POTUS such as Bill C has got to watch their own six constantly as well - that's gotta be one of the worst details in the world.

e9d020 (1) No.353870

I wasn't banned, but God bless you BV

653554 (1) No.353951

>>347701 (OP)

Can you use one of the patches as the banner or only


That would be cool

36fb41 (1) No.354525

This only applies to bans, not filters?

Also, I would like to point out here the post that gave a list to go over before posting.

I thought it was a REALLY GOOD idea and was wondering if it could be the first post in every

bread in ==bold red? It would have to help keeping poop out the bread somewhat.

A while ago another anon said something about a bread here for the normies and newfags to post in about the Q Research board to help keep it clean. Another really good idea.

It is awesome to see this forgiveness.

The mission is ALL IMPORTANT and this will help it.

Thank you.

c4e838 (2) No.354544


That is something you must answer for yourself and something that has been stated many, many times. But do not expect to be spoon fed. You are going to have to do days of reading and sifting to get YOUR answer.

14d80a (1) No.354673

can someone tell me how to see whos in the room,

like how you see when Q is in the second he comes in bread?

might sound like a dumb question but ive been here since pol and seen lots of times when someone will say Q is here before he posts.

d283ab (1) No.356005

Far too kind of you….

Name and email fields for this board should only be enabled for mods and Q

6bf46d (1) No.356852


No matter if a divirce conflict or life & death war, whe the adversary has access to all truth instantly or or so, the other side will always have the winning position.

Do you play chess? Do you announce why you made your move? …Truth? deception? My life is seldom that predictable.

3790cf (1) No.357248

I just want to say, fame fagging and censorship by b/o's, S/o's, and b/v's is what made Q migrate from 4 to 8, from pol to cbts, the_storm and then set up theawakening.

abuse your power and q and the anons will ditch qresearch as well.

it is hard to do board volunteers, bread makers, and co.. but, ego is powerful. This is REAL and this is WAR, this is about the world and is way bigger than you.

shills will alwaysn try to devide us. they will seek power and try to get on the mod team, and they will try to get us banning each other.

lots of q stuff has multiple meanings. shills will lead people down the wrong path, then scream and cry when when people try to post possible real meanings because 'that has already been figured out! they are trying to distract us!' then suddenly shills are manipulating you into banning good info.

The whole job of this board is to get info out to the normies. Q is working with us to slowly filter info out to the masses.

When I try to talk about this and help make things get explained and be understandable to it can be passed off to the facebook and twitterfags and made into meme's for distrobution on other channels shills call me 'newfag' and tell me to lurk more and anons pile on. Fuck off, I've been here since before 9/11 back when lots of us where still using slashdot.

giant screen shots off hundreds of q and annon posts with no explanations of the connections do not help normies.

We need more guides to explain this stuff in a way my parents can understand. NOT so we can bring them here to 8ch, NO. But to take from here and disseminate through other channels.

Right before Q posted this:

>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.

I was being threatened and namecalled for saying we need to be out thier shifting the narative of the normies and getting them on board with the movment.

This is SO much bigger than just our threads here on 8ch. It feels so cool and elite to be on the 'incrword' here on the chans with all the autists, but don't be greedy. We need to be doing much better at getting this info mainstream.

sitting here in an echo chamber patting each other on the back and name calling and banning people trying to bring down the cabal, and wake up the sheeple does not help.

shills are encouraging this behavior. newfags are sheeping along with the activity, and like the BV mentioned at the start of this thread a bunch of the oldfags where getting banned for going against the 'official q narrative' of which there should not be an official 'right' answer to any of this. If there is someone pushing an 'official correct' interperatation of everything then they my friend are the glowing cia nigger trying to put us down the wrong path.

Open your minds

expand your thinking


cbbb44 (1) No.357585>>386557

>>347701 (OP)

In my … 20+ years of online forum browsing, I have never seen a complete reversal on banning by a forum admin, coupled with a public apology. Usually the temptation to wield power beats them.

Congrats on a true first.

80bb1f (4) No.358577

File (hide): 7e5b972f11072aa⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 736x587, 736:587, 1518378554487.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 75a1a70e2396c09⋯.png (187.84 KB, 430x466, 215:233, 75a1a70e2396c09c4d45d62a44….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3ab2710b9627370⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1055x1361, 1055:1361, and now for something less….jpg) (h) (u)


80bb1f (4) No.358587>>679693

File (hide): 3e4bede07fd2e46⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, absolute divine lesson.jpg) (h) (u)

cca319 (1) No.361337


It explains the Matrix in a way

just ignore the preaching and see it for what it is and make your own assessment

369dad (1) No.362931>>389847

Riddle me this. Why the fuck do you ban people bc they hurt muh feelz, yet allow these Fucking sliders who ask who p is all fucking day every day or the Fucking lets make this a safespace LARP multiple times a day? Yet somebody says nigger kike and are b&? Where the fuck do you think you are? Maybe you should step down til feelz are in check?

7fd246 (3) No.363883

BV, good on you leads for letting this shit stand in bread #445 and not deleting, great progress.

https:/ /8ch.net/qresearch/res/361694.html#q361853





Easy solution for anons. Those that choose to engage will learn.

Same with the cryptofag posts, if someone wants to run with that, let them, maybe something will be discovered and brought back to the general, or not, whatever.

c7af10 (1) No.364043>>386557

I think that was an excellent move.

People can discern and filter themselves.

We fight for freedom

Let's make sure we don't restrict freedoms in our fight.

Humility will lead us to wisdom.

Wisdom will lead us to truth.

The truth shall set us free

God bless you.


AOW 101.

If any of you had any notion of camouflage and fog of war you'd understand that useless traffic and shilling is actually an advantage.

Learn to recognize the diamonds and let go of the ruff.

d2dff0 (1) No.368421



WAR it is!

80bb1f (4) No.371328

File (hide): 54ddda9cbe1dbce⋯.jpg (21.88 KB, 495x370, 99:74, solar.halo.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0cc97c2f51e4650⋯.jpg (60.63 KB, 770x400, 77:40, dyson.jpg) (h) (u)

I want our rainbow halo already, humanity!!

lol (just dreamin')

80bb1f (4) No.371383

File (hide): 221cca7d6fac4a8⋯.png (202.28 KB, 1001x798, 143:114, nyoron_by_iklone-d8ylry0.png) (h) (u)

I still have no idea how to delete posts on here.

ac6a28 (1) No.374152

>>347701 (OP)


Help an anon out. I was just banned for a month for a GR violation. I’m Donald Trump LEGO man anon w/ the They See Me Rollin’ coffee mug. I’ve been here since day 1. I’ve been digging on RBG and Hanoi John no name. I have them tied together through the “Hanoi can be educational post”

Look up YSEALI - Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative.

This is a post of mine about it.


This is the post that got me banned.


I didn’t mean to start any shit. My wife just told me that my kid got ahold of my laptop this morning and ripped the tape off of my camera. I had no idea and was freaking out because she had failed to mention it and my workspace did not appear to be disturbed. You can imagine how one might be a little paranoid. Hopefully my fellow anons can vouch for me so I can get back to digging. Having to phonefag right now to ask for the lift of ban. I can provide many examples of contributing posts if need be. I posted in qresearch from my phone also and you can see anons already vouching. Thank you.

318f77 (1) No.374519

>>347701 (OP)

You banned me for telling someone Q was real. What the hell?

6190dd (1) No.375151

>>347701 (OP)


81b50b (2) No.376046

so i post here, probably banned from the banned group now and will find out once i submit this, yet i was on topic with everything i said? ban me fine, leave the posts up, so others can decide! there was only 4 of them, all on topic! all very related!

81b50b (2) No.376219


what i dont get, why the reason to remove around at least 30 posts here?, it was a little over 100, now says high 70's, and i didnt see anything on this board that deserved to be removed a few hours ago…

i seen it before on the main board also of good posts being removed… hmmm?

b6eda2 (6) No.376307>>379031 >>396179 >>397875

There, house cleaning done. All very unrelated posts are cleared up, and the good, the bad, and the ugly but still on topic are left. <3

ad7f01 (1) No.379031


Thanks BV… and happy VD

e0a729 (1) No.383186

Statement made by Q.

There is an active war on your mind.

Your beliefs taught (programmed) from the "past" predicted your life choices every step of the way.

Born into a system already created and corrupted by the "past" events and involvement of those with perceptional power of the almighty dollar. Human Monopoly.

Your mind is where the devil lives, your heart is where your truth and desires lie. But if they who are evil could program your mind, make you fear your safty and get you to trust they would protect you. Entertain you with tv, sports, movies, songs, all the while they are programming you with it. Make you BELIEVE that they are genuine, yet you never truly FELT fully free due to that almighty slave dollar.

Your mind is battling it out with your internal truth. So why is it you believe what it is you do? Because someone told you to? Or bc you know it to be trie. 2 VERY different things.

For example, if I told you since birth, the sky is pink, you woukd be programmed to "believe" that is the color pink. Yet, to everyone else it is "blue." So who is really wrong in that harmless senario?

If you CHOOSE to dance with the devil. Remember that the devil doesn't change, the devil changes you.

The Great Awakening

Matrix is Real

370e4f (2) No.386557

File (hide): 339c87dde806557⋯.png (754.86 KB, 955x716, 955:716, faggotMartin.png) (h) (u)


>Congrats on a true first.

I must agree

NEVER in my experience have I see such a thing, not even in obscure out of the way forums let alone a major world changing forum like this one is turning out to be.


??? who directed at?


>AOW 101.

>If any of you had any notion of camouflage and fog of war you'd understand that useless traffic and shilling is actually an advantage.

Indeed that is true with TRAINED TROOPS

Unfortunately or fortunately perhaps, as part of the mission IS to interface with normies the /qresearch/ board is not full of nor is it for seasoned anons only, many neophytes show up, ask questions etc…

I think a primer-to-spot-shills is in order

483633 (1) No.388078


74ecd9 (4) No.389847


BV/ BO, with all due respect cause you know your feelz, can I get a response to your reasoning behind this?

b6eda2 (6) No.393728>>396469

File (hide): e41baf59c3f4a1d⋯.png (253.5 KB, 2013x874, 2013:874, MyResponce.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6d648ebc2c1d2cd⋯.png (75.39 KB, 872x847, 872:847, IsHello.PNG) (h) (u)

Birds eye view.

e33f09 (1) No.395534>>542782

To those clamoring for arrests & claiming Q isn’t real:

Do you plant a seed in the ground, only to come back the next day---see no change to the soil—and proclaim that the seeds are LARPing?

After 4 months, do you vehemently dismiss the seeds as a fraud because you don’t have a large tree towering above you, producing apples?

The package said these were apple seeds… so where are all my apples at?!?!

It takes time. Lots of time. It’s foolish to assume otherwise.

Q uses chess references for that exact reason---think about what “checkmate” actually implies… It means that there are absolutely ZERO ways out for your opponent. Every angle and eventuality has been covered and accounted for. Your moves have been so calculated and meticulous that victory is a sure thing.

Conversely, think about what “check” implies… check means “I win…. as long as you don’t do X, Y, or Z.”

We don’t want check.

It has to be checkmate, otherwise some may be able to escape justice.

eb25e3 (2) No.396179>>396518


BV, with all due respect, YOU deleted posts that were legit

Are you a clown?

I vetted the research on my own. I have only posted here ONCE before but monitor very closely to see how close all true Anons are getting. Q has opened up so many eyes. Those of us in CI (on the good side) are cheering ALL ANONS on. BUT, YOU deleted posts yesterday that were so close to truth that it really makes me wonder what your motive is. I only assume you have been the one banning people and deleting other legitimate posts.Your activity is questionable. You can ban and delete ME/THIS but then how do you think it will be perceived?

Point being, I KNOW that YOU don't know who Q is. You don't know what is 'legit' or not from Anons. I have seen posts deleted over the last week that are closer to accurate than some that YOU think are.

YOUR perception isn't the rule of law. If Anons live under one bubble of what is considered accurate then what is the point in the research? That is pure Mockingbird.

Intelligent Anons are questioning the compromise of this board.

d71ae6 (1) No.396280>>396392 >>852357

I was temp-banned for calling a diversion a diversion (Mueller our guy or not).

And that's fine. I would rather the Q Research be what it is supposed to be RESEARCH. This has nothing to do with censorship.

Discussion about Mueller or religion or flat earth might be fine - on a different thread designed for that kind of discussion. It doesn't belong in RESEARCH.

eb25e3 (2) No.396392


That is the job of a MOD/ADMIN. Some Anons drop great research in the wrong place. No need to delete. Someone copy and paste the contents of the drop and put it where it goes so it can be researched and reviewed.

We can't go one and all if we can't see what Anons are posting.

74ecd9 (4) No.396469


Well aware of my posts, still doesn’t explain why on h8 Chan I was banned. Q came here for a reason… I understand you may be /new/ but trying to change Chan culture is like trying to push sharia law in Sweden. Sure there is an influx of muh feelz hurt boomer leftys, but you must understand where you are. You are an immigrant to /ourboards/. You were refugees who landed in an established community. Whether you like it or not, this is undeniable. If Q wanted censorship he would have taken this to plebbit

74ecd9 (4) No.396518>>397786


Yes comp’d… true question is by who? Muh feelz boomers or clowns

b6eda2 (6) No.396793>>397213

File (hide): 13b9f8cf12d6461⋯.png (103.58 KB, 1830x812, 915:406, ManBehindTheShitposts2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 957fb720ee0bcb6⋯.png (208.88 KB, 1926x812, 963:406, ManBehindTheShitposts.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7e1204d1746b1a7⋯.png (107.68 KB, 1047x642, 349:214, Capture7.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1273cc97a6ebf6f⋯.png (116.31 KB, 1570x670, 157:67, Suspicious1.PNG) (h) (u)

Whew lads, that muh manufactured consensus is strong with this VPN jumper.

This sad, sad person is the reason why the ban logs seem so full.

74ecd9 (4) No.397213>>397634


Thanks BV for proving being comp’d. I am responsible for 1st collection however, have nothing to do with the rest… you truly are comp’d and inept

5c5f5c (9) No.397634>>398480


>i am responsible for 1st collection

so you admit you posted nothing of substance and only shitposted, with nothing to add to the effort?

43a4f8 (2) No.397758>>756949


Kissinger was instrumental in developing MKUltra, per Brice Taylor, Thanks For The Memories. He wasn't just abusing power. He was actively engaged in the scheme to control all of us minions.

25e89c (5) No.397786


Clowns. Confirmed. Best part is we now know who. Love the DIA folks.

43a4f8 (2) No.397829


I agree. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. How can we know history if it is being withheld from us. We need to know the truth! We need to know exactly how close we came so this will never happen again! You cannot baby-proof the world!

25e89c (5) No.397875

>>351619 >>397786 >>376307

All on the same page. The only answer IMO is that this BV is clown.

087fa8 (6) No.398480>>398698 >>399279


Beautiful, isn't it? They just keep revealing themselves at this point.

Clowns calling everyone else clowns.

Only seeding discord and division.

They divide. We win. ; )

d089a8 (1) No.398698


I wish there was some way to thank you ALL personally.

49ee1a (1) No.399279


Opposite. No division will happen with true patriots. But they will question suspect activity

087fa8 (6) No.399453

File (hide): ec25c47f578248b⋯.png (119.69 KB, 1313x997, 1313:997, Screenshot_20180216-120943.png) (h) (u)

Excellent advise! Thank you.

ce61b1 (20) No.399707>>399754

To all who read this before the censor

Truly clear your mind

Ask yourself this question

Then apply Occam's Razor

Why does the mention

Of a two letter acronym

About smart machines

Result in insta-ban

And post deletion ?

Censorship is a tool

Of those who hide truth.

faefb6 (4) No.399754>>399781


I Agree. All my previous posts were erased. Are you afraid of truth finding in here? I know this post will be erased too, but "War through deception" is a loosing battle. The moloch mafia will fall, and all those protecting the child sacrificers and molesters will be held to account.

ce61b1 (20) No.399781>>399823


This is being used to train a smart machine how the non conformist and subversive mind works.

ce61b1 (20) No.399823


An effeminate bot's mind was connected to the www weeks ago

087fa8 (6) No.399893>>399923 >>399977

File (hide): 670f9396f214005⋯.png (245.92 KB, 1344x1839, 448:613, Screenshot_20180216-125702.png) (h) (u)


ce61b1 (20) No.399923


Fuck you, no bot here, liefag

ce61b1 (20) No.399951>>399961

Wouldn't you consider posting anons ip doxing?

NBD, ex mil here, still a warrior of the highest caliber. Any who choose can come to find me. Don't blame me for what happens, tho.


5c5f5c (9) No.399961>>400000


where do you see IPs posted, shill?

ce61b1 (20) No.399977>>400000


You think no one can crack hash

25e89c (5) No.400000>>400022 >>400042



Even those that can, if someone is using their actual IP they are in the wrong place anyhow

ce61b1 (20) No.400001>>400017 >>400126 >>400313

You people crack me up. OMG!!! OPSEC!!!!

they can listen to your phone from space!!

They can crack encryption!!

But they can't crack our hash!!


25e89c (5) No.400017


8chan needs a "like" ha ha

ce61b1 (20) No.400022>>400042 >>400332 >>400375


And no, not my phys IP, but you guys are inviting normies that don't know better, and doing it to them when they don't conform to your prescribed narrative.

faefb6 (4) No.400042>>400062 >>400064 >>400110

>>400000 (check)

>>400022 (check)

Some nice digits there good sir.

faefb6 (4) No.400062

25e89c (5) No.400064


Heard the weather was nice, but it is madam ;)

ce61b1 (20) No.400110>>532640


Here's a nice digit for you

I have stood at death's door, literally,


Times. Each in service of my country.

I do not appreciate censorship, in any form.

Not what I fought for.

5c5f5c (9) No.400126>>400154 >>400202


>they can listen to your phone from space

>somehow they need to crack hashes for IPs they already see


ce61b1 (20) No.400154


Then by your logic, all of that cryptic bullshit being about not finding someone is for nothing

ce61b1 (20) No.400202>>400225


So, the idea is, Q talks in cryptic riddles so 'THEY' don't know what 'WE'RE' up to, then everyone comes here and discusses it all in plain english, on an open board, for all the world to see. LOL, yoi people know notbing of OPSEC

5c5f5c (9) No.400225>>400255 >>400300


Who's "we", chaim?

You don't understand what Q is doing. You don't belong here.

ce61b1 (20) No.400255>>400298


Notice how the we're is in ' '. That means that i am refering to you rubes who don't understand you are training an AI. I do see what this is about.

5c5f5c (9) No.400298>>400398


And that's pretty much why you're getting deleted and/or banned, for violating the Golden Rule, as stated in the rules, here: >>3138, by implying Q is an AI. These are the rules of the board. Don't like 'em? Move.

ce61b1 (20) No.400300


You guys almost had it, too. Let me show you the way:

All instances of past posts that later turned true, were provided by Recorded Future.

769672 (1) No.400313>>400332


>You people crack me up. OMG!!! OPSEC!!!!

>they can listen to your phone from space!!

>They can crack encryption!!

>But they can't crack our hash!!


if people are afraid of being found, they just shouldn't be here.

ce61b1 (20) No.400332>>400375

5c5f5c (9) No.400375>>400432



No normies were ever invited by the BO/BV. This board was supposed to be anon-only, but some spergs advertised it on twitter. They come here of their own volition and have to deal with both consequences and feels.

Your arguments feel thin, kemosabe. Perhaps it is time to stop shilling?

Inb4 you call me names, yell something about OPSEC, your supposed "service" and that your uncle works for nintendo.

ce61b1 (20) No.400398>>400456


Seems you people would welcome some posts like that. Each one post like that should serve to turn away several people who don't believe your narrative. The "see, I knew it" effect.

ce61b1 (20) No.400432>>400456


Do not doubt my service, nor my patriotism. I have served my country with honor and distinction. You seem to be the disillusioned one. You have all fallen victim to circular logic.

5c5f5c (9) No.400456>>400492 >>400504


>posts like that turn away people who shit up the board with inane bullshit that distracts and gets us off target

yes, we would, in fact!


Well, if you were truly an anon, you would know propping yourself on supposed accomplishments like your "service" means jack-shit on imageboards. We deal with arguments, not penis-extending techniques.

ce61b1 (20) No.400492>>400513


Lies. When presented with any alternative possibilities, you ban and delete. No debate. And not just on AI. Any mention of Red Triangle seems to net the same, even though it is related to this in some way.. Don't believe me? Go find and read the red tri wiki, on particular pagge 3 and 5, then go back to your board and start posting about it. See what happens.

ce61b1 (20) No.400504>>400513


Also, there is plenty of "me, me, see how smart I am?" here that goes unchecked.

5c5f5c (9) No.400513>>400551


Oh I believe you - I believe you unrelated fucking bullshit that sidetracks from the mission here is being deleted and offenders banned. I believe you those who would sidetrack, discredit Q and sow discord are deleted/banned. Because that's how it's supposed to be.


Like you mentioning your service, right?

ce61b1 (20) No.400551>>400559


Here. Red_ Red_ is red riddler red man.

Red triangle went public 111917

Q posts The_Castle_Runs_Red_yes 112317

Go read the wiki.

The BIGGEST that world drive the world mad is that NASA/govt/elites know the rock that is going to smash us is coming, and hiding it to save themselves. 03142020.

Using your own logics.

Go read the wiki.

5c5f5c (9) No.400559




faefb6 (4) No.400561

I think the biggest problem that people are finding with the great influx of newfags is that a lot of the newcomers aren't interested in truth for its own sake. Truth has always been our greatest virtue. It can be uncomfortable, when confronting your own preconceptions and preconditioned responses. But at the end of the day, truth will give you hope and happiness that can't be instilled in you within the framework of (((modern society))). We have always fought not for ourselves but for our future. A world where our ancestors don't have to be ashamed of themselves, don't have to roll over to the global agenda, and can be free. I want that hope to shine through everyone that seeks truth. Light will shine into the darkest corners of the (((elites))) strongholds, and we are the vanguards of the true awakening. Kek mit uns.

ce61b1 (20) No.400647>>412619

Ok. All done with you people now. None are so blind as those who will not see. Let me know when the baby eaters and lizard people show up. Idiots.

(and nothing of value was lost)

f4db17 (1) No.412619

File (hide): b83cc0595ac09c3⋯.jpg (4.39 KB, 89x81, 89:81, kitten.jpg) (h) (u)


>yfw they can't show up in this anon's basement because we arrested or eliminated them all

74691d (1) No.440683>>453542

BO, i thought you were an asshole, but this display of tough compassion is what it is going to take in order to save our country. I'm impressed. Well done.

40f80c (1) No.449360


soooo glad i saved these as soon as a saw them

ty raanon. are yo the same ra from the law of one?

61db79 (2) No.453482

what ever happened to love your enemy?

isn't redpilling Love and Compassion?

#wethepeople have forgotten how to love>>440683

61db79 (2) No.453542



48e4f0 (1) No.460272


I hate censorship, but I agree with BV about POTUS. My reason is this- POTUS, along with all Trump supporters and Patriots, we all have to listen to the media, hollywood, schools, liberals in general, they all hate on POTUS all day, everyday. This should be the one place we can all meet, and not have to listen to that garbage. We get enough Trump hate everywhere else. If someone hates Trump, they shouldn't be here, due to they are still asleep.

91264c (1) No.475624>>479762 >>523061

€U oldfag here, watching POTUS' CPAC speech. I'm in tears (and laughing too) and frankly speaking, envious. Best President you guys&dolls ever had! Seriously, birdseye view from abroad. Stable Genius 2020! HE IS THE BEST!

I'm 3/4 in with Q and that story, fabulous and a world first I'm sure, I try to stay on top of it as much as I can (I'm human, no bot, so need to sleep too) but no shit THIS GUY IS FOR REAL and it wouldn't have worked with anyone else. The Q 'psyop' can't work without THIS POTUS.

It's true, you all have been starved from REAL & GOOD leaders (and so have we on this side of the pond) for quite some time. You have one now, unite and take good care of him and his program, please.

Your honorable POTUS is WOKE and HIGH ENERGY, A REAL MAN true to his word. I'm no traitor of my country, but I wish I had a chief of state like him, I'd be honoured to serve a soul to die for like Mr Trump, the president that blessed your nation. The press and 'public opinion' might be against him, REAL PEOPLE who care and inform themselves dig him the whole world through. We all heard the leftist slogan 'speaking truth to power', here we have some enlightened soul who chose to speak truth from the heart with power with a minimum of taboo.

This is a rare confluence in the space time continuum, I've never witnessed something like this in my life. Enjoy and let yourselves be empowered. He didn't fold in a full year against MAXIMUM resistance, he knows his diplomacy and really IS A WINNER, even if he says so himself. Together you have a great future, I'd wish I could live over there instead of this suicidal €U, but I have to stand my ground over here. I do feel empowered and more hopeful than ever because of DJT's crusade.


If in doubt, listen to his CPAC speech for yourselves (do it anyway!).

c4e838 (2) No.479762


We are all praying for Trump UK to arrive. You have one hell of a battle on you…Godspeed.

beaab7 (1) No.489592

i grew up remembering


12fe28 (1) No.491323>>654104

Q, it all becomes clear. I truly understand now.

Thank you for all you're doing for us.

I had to figure this out on my own.

These people are SICK.

Please, for god and country let our liberty shine again

We all have faith in you!

83783f (1) No.497433>>532689

File (hide): 6fb3d313efea480⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 450x265, 90:53, t49w01su3tf01.jpg) (h) (u)


I think you are dead on. I bet all the times norad failed on 9/11 were due to confusion from the "drill" being run that day. Incredibly blatant to run drills same day, only works as long as the media is believed and can psy op the public into subscribing to an official narrative. Also nice pick but bush sr is worse than jr even and less exposes ;)

07e45a (1) No.522917


This board was made for 1 reason. There’s room all over the chans to do what ever you want. So if staying on task isn’t your thang then cut yourself some slack and go to a different board.

For a short time this board was almost private to original anons and it was freaking awesome.

19f16c (2) No.523016

This time and season is a wake up call to Christians.

God isn’t asking bad guys to be good guys.

He’s not asking good guys to get rock star candidates and trust them alone.

God says

If MY people (not everyone) who are called by MY name will humble THEMSELVES and pray. (Not unbelievers humbling themselves)

And seek MY face (consider what that really means)

And turn from THEIR wicked ways (Talking to His children)

THEN will I hear from Heaven

THEN I will forgive their sins

THEN I will heal their land.

Q and President Trump are part of the formula - but God’s Word is truth. We who call ourselves by His name need to repent and Seek His Face.

2 Chronicles 7:14

19f16c (2) No.523061


There’s power in prayer. Don’t underestimate what a floodgate can be opened by “coming boldly to the throne of Grace where you will find mercy and help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16

09cc8f (1) No.525014>>526190


If true, then why was massive DDOS attack necessary. All Best anons gone?

32f391 (2) No.525072




Thanks for reading that long winded post I put in place of the POTUS 5x5 card ……for some reason, when I got on to do my feelout of everything and saw that post yet again, it had to be known that I feel once again, and just those three responses one whom mentioned "it was worth it" brought a tear to my eye. I knew the WTF bread meant dark board or private, and I finally went ahead and used everything I have come across since Jan 2017 (everything is relevant) and allowed my abilities to piece together the whole thing. I reserve that until it is all over and done with, seeing the floodgates are opened. I did allow my mother to know. The story I came up with, sigh…………my instincts tell me you (good guys at the pleasure) did your deed, hence why I told my mom what I had yet to verify with more than just my gut in seeing and feeling (my only 2 primaries anymore) as there simply wasn't enough time to solo the best damn code and I have to rely on my primary 2 and gut more than anything, have nearly all my life. I am full of that hope I spoke of, and I thank you guys for reading it. I do hope you get this..I am out for now folks, duties to attend to.

32f391 (2) No.525080>>525196


apologies, it has been a long morning for me and I forgot the most important one that actually did bring that tear….

a8346f (1) No.525196


Don't ask me why the planets aligned in such a way as for me to see this, anon. This is the first time I've ever come to this thread. Kind of one of one those, wow moments. :)

446f26 (1) No.525988


Some of us "new Anons" actually have been lurking since near the beginning. Some of us have only posted a few times with information we think might help. The point of this is to wake up the masses is it not? Wouldn't some of these "growing pains" be attributed to more people trying to help (waking up)?? Not naive that clowns are about though.

All of us cannot be true Autist, so we learn from their hard work. It takes a LOT of time to dig, meme, and decipher information......we know and appreciate what is being done. Keep the faith - things are progressing.

087fa8 (6) No.526190


Quite the opposite actually.

The DDOS/Fuzz attack, and this muh comped concernsfaggin board migration attack happened at the same time.

Really makes you wonder at just how terrified they are, when the board is unified, and it's mods are Patriots.

Remember what Q said: They want us divided.

We, the People are in control of this board.

Stay comfy~

Post last edited at

bff66a (2) No.529907

well… if CM is right there is definitely a big difference between a DDOS and a (D)FUZZING attack.

DDOS: Deny all users from reading or posting to the board. DDOS needs monkey brain skills.

(D)FUZZING: Very loud, non sneaky hacking attack with the goal of detecting vulnerabilities in a non very targeted way. (either you are out of ideas or not very wise or both or ultima ratio).

Together with Q warning No.476806 about vulnerabilities in the board source code I really don't know if I would consider this board a "safe place" anymore.

…or asking kind of provocative "if someone could have modified source code of the board in the past - can you guarantee the cert(s) key(s) are safe - can you guarantee no backdoor was placed" ?

75a701 (11) No.532569

drth srhrth srhrth

75a701 (11) No.532623>>532648

File (hide): cd9d53b1558be60⋯.jpg (144.97 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, shooting.JPG) (h) (u)

I am astonished that people start pointing a finger at AR15 style guns for the rash of school shootings, without looking at the underlying causes and statistics. Let’s take a look when the school shootings really took a foothold and see if we can draw any conclusions:

• 2018, 14 February - Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school shootings - (17 dead)

• 2015, 1 October - Umpqua Community College shooting - (10 dead)

• 2014, October 24- Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting - (5 dead)

• 2013, June 7 - 2013 Santa Monica shooting - (6 dead)

• 2012, December 14- Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings - (28 deaths)

• 2012, 2 April - Oikos University shooting - (7 deaths)

• 2008, February 14 - Northern Illinois University shooting - (6 deaths)

• 2007, 6 April - Virginia Tech massacre - (33 deaths)

• 2006, October 2 - West Nickel Mines School shooting - (6 deaths)

• 2005, 21 March - Red Lake shootings - (10 deaths)

• 1999, 20 April - Columbine High School massacre - (15 deaths)

• 1998, May 21 - Thurston High School shooting - (4 deaths)

• 1998, March 24 - Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden - (5 deaths)

• 1991, 1 November - University of Iowa shooting - (6 deaths)

• 1989, 17 January - Stockton schoolyard shooting - (6 deaths)

So if we do a quick count, there are a total of 17 shootings taking a total of 170 people killed in 29 years.

The Columbine shooting in 1999 is the most well recognized. The killings were perpetrated by *two men 18 and 17 years old* using pistols, 2 shotguns, and 1 rifle.

Next was a youth named Jeffrey Weise; he perpetrated the Red Lakes shooting at *the age of 16 years old* He used a .22 pistol, a .40 cal pistol, and a 12 ga. shotgun.

West Nickel Mines School shooting is next. It was perpetrated by *a solo male 32 years* of age, Charles Carl Roberts IV. He used a bolt-action 30-06 rifle, and females were his primary target at an Amish school.

Next is the Virginia Tech shooting, which is in our minds as one of the worse. This attack was perpetrated by *Seung-Hui Cho at age 23* The weapons used, two handguns: a Glock 19 (unknown caliber) and a Walther P-22 .22 caliber pistol.

The Northern Illinois University shooting was perpetrated by a *27 year old male* named Steven Kazmierczak. He perpetrated the crime using a 12 ga. Shotgun, two .380 semi-automatic pistols, and a 9mm Glock pistol.

Next on our list is the Oikos University shooting. This crime was perpetrated using a .45 caliber pistol. The perpetrator was a *49 year-old South Korean national* male.

Sandy Hook Elementary School is probably the most notable shooting. *Adam Peter Lanza was 20 years old* when he perpetrated this crime. Weapons used was a 10mm Glock 20, and a .223 Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle. There is great debate on which weapons were actually used. The surviving victims claimed Lanza only used a handgun. It was later reported that the .223 Bushmaster was later found locked in his trunk. However, the .223 Bushmaster and the Glock 20 were found next to Lanza’s body, and a Saiga 12-ga. shotgun was found in the trunk.

A killing spree by a lone shooter occurred in Santa Monica, California, starting with a domestic dispute and subsequent fire at a home, followed by a series of shootings near and on the campus of Santa Monica College. The shooter, *23-year-old* John Zawahri, was killed by police officers when he exchanged gunfire with them at the Santa Monica College library. Weapons used were a Homemade AR-15-typesemi-automatic rifle and a Remington Model 1858 revolver.

The Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting occurred in Marysville, Washington, on October 24, 2014, when *15-year-old freshman student* Jaylen Fryberg shot five other students, fatally wounding four, before fatally shooting himself. Weapon used was a .40 caliber Beretta pistol.

The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon. Chris Harper-Mercer, *a 26-year-old enrolled at the school* fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Weapons used were three pistols: A .40 Smith & Wesson, .38 Smith & Wesson, 9mm Glock, and a .380 Hi-Point.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was the latest school shooting. The crime was perpetrated by Nikolas Jacob Cruz, *a 19-year-old male* Weapon used was an AR-15 style .223 cal semi-automatic rifle.

According to the US Census report, there are about to 16 million students enrolled in colleges across the United States (US). And, together with Pre-K through 12th grade, there are a total of 74.6 million students currently in the US.

75a701 (11) No.532639>>548716

According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and FBI statistics, let's take a look around the world using the international homicide rate statistics. Based on the number of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants per year, these statistics will allow us to see which countries have the highest murder rates:

#25 Panama, 17.2 homicides per 100K inhabitants

#24 Botswana, 18.4 (no handguns, shotgun and rifle only)

#23 Equatorial Guinea, 19.3 (gun rights not guaranteed)

#22 Nigeria, 20

#21 Dominica, 21.1

#20 Mexico, 21.5 (all guns outlawed)

#19 Saint Lucia, 21.6

#18 Dominican Republic, 22.1

#17 Rwanda, 23.1 (gun rights not guaranteed)

#16 Brazil, 25.2 (strict gun laws)

#15 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 25.6 (strict gun laws)

#14 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 28.3 (strict gun laws)

#13 Trinidad and Tobago, 28.3 (strict gun laws)

#12 The Bahamas, 29.8 (all guns outlawed)

#11 Colombia, 30.8 (carrying gun banned)

#10 South Africa, 31 (all guns banned, gun free zone)

#09 Saint Kitts and Nevis, 33.6

#08 Swaziland, 33.8 (strict gun laws)

#07 Lesotho, 38 (only shotguns permitted, ammo regulated)

#06 Jamaica, 39.3

#05 Guatemala, 39.9 (all guns banned)

#04 El Salvador, 41.2 (strict gun laws)

#03 Belize, 44.7 (strict gun laws)

#02 Venezuela, 53.7

#01 Honduras, 90.4

If you are wondering where the United States fits in, we have a homicide rate of 4.4 per 100K inhabitants. The victims don't care how they were murdered, but rather their lives have been snuffed out. The USA is not even close to being the homicide capital of the world.

68c1fd (1) No.532640


There is an alternative /qresearch2gen/

f4db39 (3) No.532648>>532804


Another one underway right now at Central Mich Univ.

https:// twitter.com/onetoughnerd/status/969594052248244224

75a701 (11) No.532689>>558478

File (hide): 86c27b9e33722da⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 36-big-read-2-get.jpg) (h) (u)


A moderator took down my post. :/ Maybe this board has been bought out by YouTube?

"Covert OP by… #241" This is George H.W. Bush. He was #2 VP under Reagan and the 41st President. This is the same SOB that ran Operation Zapata (Bay of Pigs) and THE BIG EVENT (JFK assassination). He was caught on film standing out in front of the TSBD just moments after the JFK shooting. SKull & Bones, just like his evil son GB, Jr.

JFK, Jr. MKUtlra assassination. Co-Pilot seat missing with the fuel shut off, minutes from Martha's Vineyard, DOD took over investigation. And then we have the ultra FF, 9/11, which took us into 2 illegal wars, the Patriot Act, HLS, TSA.

75a701 (11) No.532700

File (hide): 0bd750d25deed0a⋯.jpg (107.52 KB, 720x475, 144:95, Mass-Shooting-At-Gun-Show.jpg) (h) (u)

According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and FBI statistics, let's take a look around the world using the international homicide rate statistics. Based on the number of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants per year, these statistics will allow us to see which countries have the highest murder rates:

#25 Panama, 17.2 homicides per 100K inhabitants

#24 Botswana, 18.4 (no handguns, shotgun and rifle only)

#23 Equatorial Guinea, 19.3 (gun rights not guaranteed)

#22 Nigeria, 20

#21 Dominica, 21.1

#20 Mexico, 21.5 (all guns outlawed)

#19 Saint Lucia, 21.6

#18 Dominican Republic, 22.1

#17 Rwanda, 23.1 (gun rights not guaranteed)

#16 Brazil, 25.2 (strict gun laws)

#15 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 25.6 (strict gun laws)

#14 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 28.3 (strict gun laws)

#13 Trinidad and Tobago, 28.3 (strict gun laws)

#12 The Bahamas, 29.8 (all guns outlawed)

#11 Colombia, 30.8 (carrying gun banned)

#10 South Africa, 31 (all guns banned, gun free zone)

#09 Saint Kitts and Nevis, 33.6

#08 Swaziland, 33.8 (strict gun laws)

#07 Lesotho, 38 (only shotguns permitted, ammo regulated)

#06 Jamaica, 39.3

#05 Guatemala, 39.9 (all guns banned)

#04 El Salvador, 41.2 (strict gun laws)

#03 Belize, 44.7 (strict gun laws)

#02 Venezuela, 53.7

#01 Honduras, 90.4

If you are wondering where the United States fits in, we have a homicide rate of 4.4 per 100K inhabitants. The victims don't care how they were murdered, but rather their lives have been snuffed out. The USA is not even close to being the homicide capital of the world.

75a701 (11) No.532804>>534646


>Central Mich Univ.

At least two people have been killed in a shooting in a Central Michigan University dorm, according to troopers with the Michigan State Police post in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The university, in a tweet, said those killed were not students and "police believe the situation started from a domestic situation.

b28938 (1) No.534646


They believe the kid got mad at his parents (for whatever reason) and shot them.

f4db39 (3) No.534785>>534815

File (hide): c25495eb7b238b8⋯.jpg (318.24 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, mattis-guantanamo-Xmas-201….jpg) (h) (u)

Gist of it here:

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united-states/

My take here:

This, I believe, is in part due to this:

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/02/10/us/politics/guantanamo-sept-11-rishikof.html

and more here:

http:// www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/guantanamo/article198456714.html

I have been following the Nashiri case and what an asshat Brig. Gen. John Baker has been. This trial, along with other less high profile cases has been a circus. Remember POTUS tweet:

https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/926053970535243777?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.miamiherald.com%2Fnews%2Fnation-world%2Fworld%2Famericas%2Fguantanamo%2Farticle198456714.html

This is Mattis's doing high5 sir. Finally someone is paying attention.

This could also include expanding facilities at Gitmo which we already know about.

f4db39 (3) No.534815


Oh an one other thing that pertains to this:

The defense teams at Gitmo were demanding a new facility to be built so that they could have a "safe space" to meet w/ their prisoner clients…they argued false claims that Gov't was listening into their client/attorney meetings. They (the Defense attnys) knew they were not being listened on - it was all done to delay, delay, delay, frustrate the hell out of Judges. It almost worked.

Believe this wording " (a) Nothing in Annex 1 shall be construed to make punishable any act done or omitted prior to the date of this order that was not punishable when done or omitted" is saying that if SUBSQUENT claims made by the Defense Attnys are that their prisoner defendant was listened in on is NOT admissible NOR will it be punishable. Basically saying if we listened (which we did not) it won't be admissible…foggetta about it. This quashes that argument right off the bat so the Defense Attnys need to go back to court with new objections.

Cut them off at the knees and welcome them back into the true justice arena. Perfect Storm at Gitmo going on.

2c311d (1) No.535771>>542322

File (hide): 1931985990bafd1⋯.jpg (503.05 KB, 1958x1288, 979:644, fl0a100a-5.jpg) (h) (u)

censorship is real. censorship is only necessary for those scared of the truth & losing control. we are here because we question the status quo. we question our reality and we question your motives.

We WANT THE TRUTH & WE WANT JUSTICE. those who have done heinous acts to people, animals, & or this country need to be EXPOSED. Those who committed crimes & then help to turn their counter-parts in, should be given mercy of some sort. BUT THEIR ACTS STILL NEED 2b EXPOSED or HISTORY WILL KEEP REPEATING ITSELF. those who play the line only to side with the "winners," can never be trusted & their intel scrutinized thoroughly - no mercy 4 them.

For those of u who attack, mock, threaten us for treason/traitors when we dig info FOR THIS CAUSE and then find data that is contrary or not aligned with the narrative by whoever intel Op is running THIS show - i ask u, which side are YOU on, who is paying u?? i call u SHILLZ & deep state ops. I call U MANIPULATORS & LARPS.

information contrary to YOUR AGENDA SHOULD BE discussed not avoided/shamed/filter threatened/(other stupid psy op u guys do to try to get everyone else to follow ur lead.) OTHERWISE U WILL LOSE. THIS WILL FALL APART… like it has.

a lot of these posts on here (above) r ridiculous. fake. crap.

YOU TELL US TO DIG, TO RESEARCH, TO QUESTION… but not really. Only if it falls in line with your agenda. SMH.

i dont follow. i am not a sheep & u r NOT my shepherd!

WHY DID Q SUPPORT AT&T WHEN they have full $$$ & GOV support for 5G?? 5g is the worst tech for the human body. WHY IS NO ONE ALLOWED TO TALK about The Pelican Project?? & no, I'm not P fag but agree this is a HUGE national sec threat.

I support Trump but if he supports or does things that r Shadow Gov related - i wont.

Peace, not war.

bd468e (1) No.542322


something is wrong with this whole thing to long to see results to long no proof i think we have wasted our time

c35072 (1) No.542782


Don't use chess analogies unless you're good at chess. Clearly, you are not.

Patience is one thing. Everyone is on board with a patient strategy. When POTUS starts talking about getting rid of due process, I think it's right for Anons to say WTF.

We thought we were being patient so that the national discussion should be changed towards what's right.

We're all on the same team. We're all rooting for success,but keep in mind, these guys aren't perfect. They make mistakes. To their credit, they adjust the game plan.

They adjusted the whole 60/40 thing. Recently, Q said they were pushing up the time line. So, they listen and they respect our thoughtful opinions. I think it's healthy to express whatever you're thinking.

Personally, I have doubts about their political sense. They're military geniuses. They're unbelievably brave. They're fiercely loyal to our country. However, I think their inner circle is so small and so military that they sometimes lack political wisdom.

For example, that whole thing with Trump calling on NFL players to stand for the anthem was a disaster. To a group of military geniuses, it looked like the thing to do was have Trump insist on standing. None of them saw the backlash coming. To me, this is scary. I could have easily predicted that more players would stand and people would be calling Trump a racist. It was so obvious, yet they didn't see it.

The Clowns are experts in mind control. The Marines are not. This is a good thing. It's not a skill that our military should have.

I have faith that everything is going to work out in the end; but I don't think Anons should be afraid of being banned for saying "there's an elephant in the room" when there might be an elephant in the room.

Discussion is a good thing. Doubt is healthy (especially after that misinformation shitstorm back in November to stop an Antifa attack).

They only way we lose is if dissenting opinions are banned.

f19785 (1) No.542951

File (hide): 59ec6bff522a53d⋯.jpg (223.98 KB, 889x499, 889:499, hogg-wash.jpg) (h) (u)

f0bf87 (2) No.543416>>543578

>>347701 (OP)

So why haven't we heard from Q?


Feb 5th 2018.

You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY.

You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.

We just can't sit back and wait for Q or POTUS to do the work for us (THE PEOPLE).

Perhaps "We the People" need to organize and force the change?


“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.”

Maybe it is time that WE THE PEOPLE force a Constitutional Convention. Perhaps an Amendment that purgues the entire system. Yes…WE THE PEOPLE fire the Deep State, the Shadow Gov't, and nullify all treaties.

A total RESET. 33 States out of 50.

Why don't "WE THE PEOPLE" take this bitch back?

aca232 (2) No.543578>>543634 >>822669


That already exists under Article V of our Constitution:

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”

https:// conventionofstates.com/

Its that or we form a well armed militia and just go clean house.

aca232 (2) No.543634


Kinda been leaning towards the latter since November. If Q says we have an audience of 20M now, that's enough to take back our Federal Government by force at this very moment. A 10M man/woman (Many would puss out, just like when Patriots took on the strongest military on earth) armed militia would be unstoppable and they know it. Has to happen before they grab all of our guns.

75a701 (11) No.544986

File (hide): 9f3f0a025bbc0c3⋯.jpg (5.24 KB, 322x181, 322:181, th.jpg) (h) (u)

Yes there is a book about Obama entitled, BRIDGE. But BRIDGE has other significant meanings.

Out of pagan Rome, Pontifex was the supreme priest. The term means BRIDGE. This title was later conferred to the popes of Rome after 313 AD, PONTIFEX MAXIMUS.

The popes are the bridge between man and Christ Jesus, supposedly. What is the popes doing now that has great significance?

The USA has caused strife in the Middle East by stating Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel. Muslims are uniting in their opposition to this claim. Tensions are at an all-time high as Israel "plans" to rebuild its 3rd Hebrew Temple on the Temple Mount. The Palestinians are now laying claim to East Jerusalem as their capitol, which Israel will not allow.

The solution? United States resolution UN181 agreed upon in 1948. This is the partitioning of the Holy Land and making Jerusalem an international city overseen by the Vatican and patrolled bu UN/EU personnel. The Vatican's plan to put its cat's paw on the Holy Land has not changed.

75a701 (11) No.548117>>548589

Mr. Trump, no one can deny the majority of social media helped you get into the Oval Office, We banded together and spread the word of true hope and change. But, you sir, are in danger of losing your base. A monopoly that holds social media hostage is silencing our voices through censorship. Candidly speaking, without social media, you would have been a nothing burger and a target for MSM puns and lame jokes. You realize this, and that is why you used social media. Secondly, you are turning you back on the 2nd Amendment and those of us that know this country will never fall to tyranny. This is why the right to bear arms is the 2nd Amendment. A soldier can go to war at 18, get wounded and discharged, and then have to wait until 21 to purchase a firearm? For 30 years we've had school shootings and they will continue with or without a law. The fact is, the Sheriff Dept. in Florida failed it's duty. Don't take the rest of the nation hostage because of the mistakes of one. You also need to look at the statistics. Of the 29 school shootings since 1989, only 4 were perpetrated with semi-auto rifles. The vast majority were perped with handguns. Are you coming after them next. Stand firm. Protect your base. We are behind you. Drain the swamp and lets get our country back!

75a701 (11) No.548192>>548405

Trump Is Alienating His Base On Two Issues

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp_pwq4bJ5s

1bc5d6 (1) No.548405


Don't believe it, it's a strategic distraction.

2c8aff (1) No.548589


Just jump ship after eating all those black pills. If you haven’t figured out what is at stake here, We don’t need (You).

0cd697 (2) No.548653>>656852

File (hide): 0cd99b44831eb94⋯.jpg (124.33 KB, 1189x935, 1189:935, q easter egg.jpg) (h) (u)

I checked the Nat Geo Q referred too. its there Plain as Fuck! hahah last 5 sec of episode before segment ends.

0cd697 (2) No.548716


If you added the populations after these statistics Im sure it make it even more powerful considering these are small countries compared to USA

2dcd86 (1) No.558478>>562103


This board is COMPROMISED

I have seen 50+ LEGIT posts taken down for NO REASON.

How many TIMES do people have to TELL YOU that these boards are COMPROMISED!?

Why is Q no longer posting here?



8d2ec4 (1) No.559479

File (hide): cce993b161cb66b⋯.jpg (3.39 KB, 119x55, 119:55, 1517703309735.jpg) (h) (u)

Thanks for the opportunity to post. I'm not IT either, BUT I can research!

Sent information to MadDog about Red/Black and Red Cross/Red Crescent with White Helmets. How do I post the research for other Anons? Have some sauce but no MEMEs. Need a baker. Would like Q confirmation about info and further direction concerning $ laundering. Afterall, how can RC collect over a $1B for Haiti but only spend a couple of $million. Money spent to buy guns and ammo. Is LV connected to SA Prince and RC as an Arms sale gone bad? SA Prince owns/owned top 5 floors of Mandalay called the Four Seasons Hotel.

46c3f5 (2) No.561576

Twitter. com/DevinNunes/status/970846637550718976?s=19

46c3f5 (2) No.561594


Australia, aids, and FISA

Big big

http:// thehill. com/376858-australian-diplomat-whose-tip-prompted-fbis-russia-probe-has-tie-to-clintons

b6eda2 (6) No.562103




0.0089% of posts have been "censored".

Whew, I was just.. so worried, that we were comped.

Thanks for waking us up lad.

I truly see the Light.

aebf95 (1) No.563337>>565924

File (hide): 992be3a7bba691c⋯.jpg (321.69 KB, 1080x1088, 135:136, Screenshot_20180305-190532.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a726b6971af87ce⋯.jpg (471.95 KB, 1080x1278, 60:71, Screenshot_20180305-201143.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c83d2d92a791273⋯.jpg (694.79 KB, 1080x1844, 270:461, 20180305_201710.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 49c95b45f39d108⋯.jpg (745.44 KB, 1006x1751, 1006:1751, Screenshot_20180305-202448.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a32cb7e1239ecbb⋯.jpg (853.59 KB, 1080x1827, 120:203, Screenshot_20180305-204941.jpg) (h) (u)

in 2014 6G & 7G discussed.

5G has been & is currently being deployed.

Wouldnt be surprised if ot freq already deported & in motion.

DIRECTV - AT&T link …. and 5G - oh my.

http:// money.cnn.com/2017/01/04/technology/att-5g-directv/index.html

https:// investorplace.com/2018/01/att-5g-is-on-the-way/

Gov & 5G

https:// www.military.com/daily-news/2018/02/04/general-leave-nsc-after-leak-5g-telecom-memo.html

http:// www.businessinsider.com/us-government-will-invest-400-million-in-5g-research-2016-7

heath effects

https:// youtu.be/aTbAtxHZGKc

https:// youtu.be/Ua1QzJi6Cwc

https:// youtu.be/ii82I1IzFRY

https:// youtu.be/qN8dp109EPE ****


https:// youtu.be/R8M71SURHdM

https:// youtu.be/yUXkNMlV0O4 (sound is frequency)

https:// youtu.be/P5AYRWvjiVg

https:// youtu.be/AvKNnuSp2Gw

HOW 2 stop 5G?

-- we stand up and go to GOV MEETINGS

https:// youtu.be/jzf8MjSTh84 ← Santa Rosa,CA blocks 5G … for now.

bff66a (2) No.565924


Wireless / RF-radiation is a huge problem. But please be aware that this is a problem RIGHT NOW!!!! and 5G will only make it worst.

WLAN/3G/5G 2.4GHz, 3.3 -- 5 GHz

I am a bit frustrated that the people care about UPCOMING 5G - transmitters - the problem exists RIGHT NOW with already heavy in use WLAN/3G. The combination of many transmitters in closed rooms - think about sitting in a train or in a big university - kills our brains and our future generations will "laugh" about this…

and please be aware, even tho its sound scary: 5G: 30Ghz-100Ghz is SHORT RANGE. The problem here is not the RF-radiation but the creating of the so called internet of things.

Please if u are scared about 5G. On 2.4GHz, 3.3 -- 5 GHz the PROBLEM ALREADY EXISTS!

75a701 (11) No.568325

File (hide): 950fe1da8e9c549⋯.jpg (80.8 KB, 940x646, 470:323, nuke.jpg) (h) (u)


Fantastic! Just heard the news. Be willing to give, and include China and Russia to NK feels safe. Punitive actions should be put in place should NK break the agreement. Russia and China should be willing to go into NK to protect the peace and enforce the agreement.

a3489c (1) No.568377>>822571

File (hide): 43e82380aeca5ae⋯.jpg (33.18 KB, 1425x184, 1425:184, bodiiiiiieeees.JPG) (h) (u)

https:// wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18930




Please tell me i'm misunderstanding this.

Picture related, also this:

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=E34dvR0Uqus




75a701 (11) No.568583

File (hide): 496dd38179a769b⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2351x1256, 2351:1256, iowa_harbor.JPG) (h) (u)

SUM OF ALL FEARS: Rogue 3rd party out to start nuclear war between super powers by using a False Flag nuclear attack. USA ripe for the picking. USS IOWA berthed next to USA's largest commerce port, #7 worldwide. Nuke in position? Blame it on a container? Narrative: Pick an enemy, any enemy.

6550c8 (4) No.568673>>610140

WATCH the water.


Go back to Q drops.

The W is not BOLD or in Capital in some lines. wHY?

Also, Q has been underlining some letters with …… dots.

This MUST BE for a reason.

Someone, Anyone. Q has a reson for everything done…..

5c81cb (2) No.610140


Q seems to underline letters such as POTUS CIA NSA DEFCON the known assigned to those sets of letters to separate them from other references using same initials (not underlines) would be recognized as something other than the givens, part of the 'crumb'

SNOWDEN is on our side IMO

Who Is Edward Snowden?

Edward Snowden is a 31 year old US citizen, former Intelligence Community officer and whistleblower. The documents he revealed provided a vital public window into the NSA and its international intelligence partners’ secret mass surveillance programs and capabilities. These revelations generated unprecedented attention around the world on privacy intrusions and digital security, leading to a global debate on the issue.

Snowden worked in various roles within the US Intelligence Community, including serving undercover for the CIA overseas. He most recently worked as an infrastructure analyst at the NSA, through a Booz Allen Hamilton contract, when he left his home and family in Hawaii to blow the whistle in May 2013. After travelling to Hong Kong, Snowden revealed documents to the American public on the NSA’s mass surveillance programs, which were shown to be operating without any public oversight and outside the limits of the US Constitution. The US government has charged Snowden with theft of government property, and two further charges under the 1917 Espionage Act. Each charge carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence.

With the US pursuing his extradition, Snowden is now in Russia, where he was formally granted three years’ residency from 1 August 2014, after a year of temporary asylum in Russia ended on 31st July 2014. Journalists continue to publish documents from Snowden that reveal the secret and unaccountable systems of modern global surveillance.

Edward Snowden: Sam Adams Award

Snowden talks at the Sam Adams Award award ceremony in October 2013 about the secret surveillance he revealed and its dangers to democracy.

https:// youtu.be/48zQ7q7VxYI (27sec)

5c81cb (2) No.610250

here is a 12:34 video with this quote from Snowden https:// youtu.be/0hLjuVyIIrs

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

ada04b (1) No.616870

File (hide): ed758ba857a1307⋯.jpg (312.89 KB, 1080x1089, 120:121, Screenshot_20180310-154920.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ab00849506c8e26⋯.jpg (461.37 KB, 1034x1490, 517:745, Screenshot_20180310-155055.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 088031fb2cef3e1⋯.jpg (156.33 KB, 1028x498, 514:249, Screenshot_20180310-155116.jpg) (h) (u)

[6] and a [10] between POTUS and Q posts, similar topic too

092a0f (1) No.622219

File (hide): 494aab0f074d63c⋯.png (56.13 KB, 750x385, 150:77, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)


925148 (1) No.654104>>654399 >>658850 >>673211 >>677560 >>679036

File (hide): 182d5704537a32e⋯.png (13.83 KB, 71x70, 71:70, MAGA.png) (h) (u)


For anyone that doubts Q or is getting impatient that nothing seems to be happening, let’s not lose sight on what has already occurred:

-The Swamp is being drained:

-over 1400 notable corporate & government resignations (is this a normal occurrence?)

-over 50 congressman resigning or not seeking reelection (is this what politicians routinely do?)

-over 18.5K sealed federal indictments have been issued by DOJ (normal is approx. 1000)

-over 100 Hollywood and media elites exposed for sexual misconduct

-Mass round up of powerful elite in Saudi Arabia in major anti-corruption purge (is this normal?)

-Israeli PM & Rothschild agent Netanyahu is being charged with corruption (coincidence?)

-Trump signed an EO seizing assets worldwide. The list of corrupt actors is over 1100 pages.

-There used to be 10 Saudis on the Forbes Billionaire list. Now there are none (coincidence?)

-Crackdown on human trafficking. Thousands of children have been rescued worldwide

-Massive roundup of gangmembers in major effort to stamp out MS-13

-ISIS has been practically defeated

-Mass corruption within FBI/DOJ has been revealed to the public

-The Mainstream Media has been exposed as fake news

-The veil has been lifted on the CIA’s MKultra program and Op Mockingbird

-North Korea suddenly wants to denuclearize, which includes not only a nuclear freeze but also dismantlement, and a peace treaty with the United States.

-The Q chan boards are under constant high-level attack. (why all this effort to take Q down if it’s all just a hoax or LARP)?

-Constant trolling and shilling to discredit Q and massive censorship on social media. (Why would all this effort be made if QAnon was merely misinformation? All this does is simply validates it. You don’t take flak unless you’re over the target!

These are truly historic times. The world is awakening. Nothing has ever been more real.

52a713 (1) No.654399



I've come to realize Trump + team know a heck of a lot more about what's going on in the world than I do, and I've been a news junky for years. Q's revelations are shocking and comforting. Shocking in that I had no clue. Comforting in knowing they're on it.


137a43 (3) No.656852>>657218


you might research this and add to map

who is the owner of viasat

SA King Abdulaziz

he owns several com sat ones that we use and our goverment

fab625 (2) No.657137

Outstanding! It takes real courage to expose yourself to criticism or correction, not, may I add, was it needed. Lots of those that were banned had it coming. They went outside the parameters of what the board rules were.

It is an illustration of how resilient the chans are that you are now inviting dissenting voices in a more controlled environment.

I'm sure these voices will bleed back over into the mainstream research thread where they will be welcomed.

This move has also put some babyrubberbumpers on what is acceptable in the main threads.

A win all around, good call. The remedy for censorship is more discussion.

137a43 (3) No.657218>>657801


my post is relevant but gets no response

fab625 (2) No.657801>>658684


>my post is relevant but gets no response

Yup. We're the last. Everyone else got over it and is back in the main thread. Don't know if it's the last word in a thread that matters, or if it's the last word at all.

8eaf3b (1) No.658416>>787268

File (hide): 652ef07d2681e7d⋯.jpg (115.26 KB, 600x518, 300:259, bedford-experiment2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56821d7aa76bdd2⋯.jpg (123.09 KB, 600x504, 25:21, bedford-rowbotham.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f08b7763c4f8b8e⋯.jpg (205.42 KB, 782x518, 391:259, The Stars Meme.jpg) (h) (u)

Posting these memes here just to help people

realize that the lies go MUCH deeper than most


Do what you want with these… but I hope it leads

to people doing research.

137a43 (3) No.658684


thanks lol i am a nut

dc0442 (1) No.658850

File (hide): ffabe0efd95cc4a⋯.png (71.22 KB, 733x621, 733:621, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)


On top of all of that, we have to count

-Mass Internet censorship

-Antifa is now suddenly everywhere

Now today Kim Dotcom is starting to say some interesting things. I posted a pic with a few of the statuses

Plus in all of Trumps talks lately, the state of the Union and the one in California today. He's been very… lighthearted about North Korea to say the least. Showing that hes pretty much already made the deal

Everything seems extremely hectic right now and it feels like we're nearing the precipice

ebfd4a (1) No.659518>>666856 >>668015

File (hide): 9f25404c802922d⋯.jpg (176.76 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, image.jpg) (h) (u)

This is my very first post.😊

I'm just a curious "Amom" trying to connect dots…

I was looking at the 2 tweets with pictures from Miramar.

I noticed different

*sELECTION *of [P]ictures.

The different letters in his tweets are E, S, P.


Read the different between selection and election.

In another post, Q says that election won't matter ( or something like that).

Was he referring to PA election?

What do you guys think?

bdd920 (2) No.666856


The momfags have arrived

Must be branching out

Good news

511ec7 (1) No.668015



probs refers to High rollin Drop outs drinkin Juice,

nice pair in those bits btw

fcc346 (1) No.668862>>677604

Is there a Certificate of Banfaggotry?

d298b8 (1) No.673211


We will finally find out the Truth about Q and the whole sessions is our guy, 6D chess, etc.

if McCabe is fired before sunday, Q is our guy and larp is truth.

if McCabe is not fired by sessions and/or sessions is fired by trump, Q is share blue deep state op to buy time for bad actors in the republican establishment to clean up obama mess

bdd920 (2) No.677560


Nigger fuck you. Hollywood still run by predators. Predators still WEALTHY AND MAKING DECISIONS. Predators still have strangle hold in the narrative. Still pushing satanic pedo bullshit. Tired of this incremental shit tbh. Where is the “shot heard round the world?”

a5d701 (2) No.677604>>677649


got some sort o cert file downloaded onto pc from here, and no idea wht it fur!

Nobody has tried to solve - reqd BO fr hlp but still no not wht 2 do wi it.

So much for my coding skills - a real enigma to me - widh i got a free pass to help save me time! Wasted days on this!

a5d701 (2) No.677649


cd Enigma, shifted cd, all great but need summit to input - summit to de cd. frustration frustration frustration

Nobody help?

5f9206 (1) No.679036


>-ISIS has been practically defeated

That Nigeria ambush told a different story however…

22aa9d (1) No.679693

File (hide): 0183e5118520179⋯.jpg (65 KB, 800x732, 200:183, SadPepe.jpg) (h) (u)


I has no friends.

f5771e (4) No.690549

we have opened a new playground for the GODS of the chans to drop the intel found at FreedomForceNews.com ….. it is off the censorship of REDDIT, its a new site we are still building but plabty of categories and sections for the info to help the newbies

f0bf87 (2) No.690866

>>347701 (OP)

What Q is giving us on this board isn't INTEL, it is news.

This news is coming directly from POTUS himself.

POTUS has to deliver the news this way because the media is corrupt.

Q delivers the news in the manner he does because we are cynical fuckers.

Which means Q can't tell us directly because we won't believe Q.

We must dig and dig and confirm it for ourselves.

What does that mean for us?

Obviously this means the POTUS needs us and he knows he needs us on his side.

That means there is a special place for us in the future. Otherwise why bother?

f5771e (4) No.691462

I am aware of that( the gods of the chans are awesome) but since CBTS has been shut down a lot of people are scattering , we took it upon ourselves to set up a website away from REDDIT for many of the newbies take a look

f5771e (4) No.691668

File (hide): 6538e2e20bf0bee⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 26k56t.jpg) (h) (u)

f5771e (4) No.692984>>693305

Let the SPRING CLEANING begin …. Q said "March Madness" get your brackets out … let the tourney begin

32e2be (1) No.693305


#111 just beat #1


holy shit

3655dd (1) No.718173>>733003

Not sure if anyone has come across this. John Perry Barlow and the one who is not named were together at The Bridge Session presented by HeadCount in 2012. HeadCount best know for registering voters at music concerts. https:// turnstylemusicgroup.ticketfly.com/tag/john-perry-barlow/

d927d4 (2) No.733003


they weren't - You misread this.

71cc12 (1) No.736479>>736880

File (hide): 526a012c802410d⋯.jpg (175.03 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Qdoc1.jpg) (h) (u)

Anybody see this Memo has Q seen this..

d927d4 (2) No.736880


to the Antarctica board.

f252fb (1) No.743984

https:// remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/2714-the-pope-s-boss-wikileaks-pope-and-soros-an-unholy-alliance

d038f0 (1) No.746551

File (hide): d1c23c7bb290b04⋯.png (597.39 KB, 1712x1468, 428:367, IMG_3223.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0284b5728d578af⋯.png (587.83 KB, 1201x1166, 1201:1166, IMG_3244.PNG) (h) (u)

Hey anons I (we) need your help with these petitions signed, if we are gonna get anything to change we have at least get one petition passed


15ac50 (1) No.756442

Just spoke with a friend who's tried to sign the petition 3 times, with 2 different e-mails - and has never received the validation e-mail! I knew they were screwing with it . . .

0a3977 (1) No.756949


kissinger is war criminal

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBLBk0Ic5bQ

8c9486 (1) No.758415>>758477

>>347701 (OP)

Lurkerfag here. My IP was banned on Feb. 14th and appealed on Feb. 17th. I have never posted~ before or after. I tried once AFTER these dates and got the notice ban. Suspect a good deal of the shills are lurker IP’s being comped. Doubly good for them. 1) Free IP to use and 2) bump off one that would not be missed, from adding anything. Will continue to lurk and learn.

e9c604 (1) No.758477>>759222


If using a VPN you probably got shit on by one of these ban happy boomer muh feels cunts that don’t understand where they are

087fa8 (6) No.759222


Yeah lets blame the mod doing their job, not the actual shills shitting in our breads.

7bb5ca (1) No.764058>>770111

Tell President Trump to veto the massive spending bill that only a Democrat controlled Congress and White House would approve of.

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

f99d88 (2) No.770111


too late too late too late

f99d88 (2) No.770149

File (hide): 50689ad904bdd9e⋯.png (181.58 KB, 1504x919, 1504:919, Complete map.png) (h) (u)

>>347701 (OP)

they can, but it would be bloody. History will look more kindly on this option. How many of the chumps saved by the effort will even read the book? Not many, but one of their kids might be the next DJT.

866db4 (1) No.770428

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to you Anons for all of the time and effort you have put into this. You have probably sacrificed a lot in order to gather the information and to post everything on this site.

The research you do and the way you connect all of the dots for us is phenomenal. I am a good researcher, but you guys blow me out of the water. With the information, I have been able to red pill different people. My worldview of people, places or things is not the same anymore. One day, you will sit back and know that you were an integral part of life/world altering times. God bless all of you!

61e77c (1) No.775896>>787861

Have you guys seen the beached wales in Australia?

http:// www.foxnews.com/world/2018/03/23/most-over-150-stranded-whales-die-on-australian-beach.html

I think the wales beach them selves because there is something unbearable for them in the ocean. Military technology tests, like a underwater HAARP. Maybe the US/Australian military base Pine Gap doing some tests.

This tradegy is not isolated, many hundereds beached them selves in feb. 2017

https:// www.nytimes.com/2017/02/10/world/australia/whales-beach-new-zealand.html

in Chile 2015

https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/01/chile-337-whales-beached-stranding

and on and on, there are many more events where hundreds of whales/dolphins beach them selves, usually healthy family groups.

The sad thing is that most of the military personnel doing these tests don't know how bad they are for our environment, they blindly follow the crazy scientists that are only finding new ways to kill.

I hope this message reaches a lot of military people and compels them to refuse any undertaking in these crazy tests, also if possible leak documents or any other proofs of the technology so the public can make informed decisions/actions against this tragedy!! Enough is enough!

f66417 (1) No.787268

5a8a0b (1) No.787861


Where did you learn to spell---a liberal school?

087fa8 (6) No.799864

Beautiful bump.

e0321d (2) No.822571


programmed ankle bracelets can allow for travel time to and from work or other allowances.

e0321d (2) No.822669

>>543578 it would behoove all parties to try to resolve this without needing to resort to an armed countercoup. example: Syria? It IS an option, but hopefully by November there will be enough new permanent residents of GITMO, the Gallows and suicided traitors that such action will not be necessary. As for me and my house, we are superbly trained, locked and loaded patriots whose only overarching banner is God's.

f2b931 (8) No.851497

i am going to shitpost here soon so I can keep this organized. too frenzied in the general bread

f2b931 (8) No.851550>>852067

File (hide): 1a30777faae07c4⋯.jpg (148.96 KB, 538x762, 269:381, redpillflag.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2ccfb972faba395⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 400x524, 100:131, qpublnk.JPG) (h) (u)

http:// anonfile.com/D56eY0dcbd/Avery8873qpublnk.docx

http:// anonfile.com/F86fYadeb3/Avery8873REDPILLFLAG.docx

(attached photos are just screenshots of what the opened files look like)

f2b931 (8) No.851567

File (hide): bdbd096a285571e⋯.jpg (108.42 KB, 1180x1372, 295:343, Qpublnkbig.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a3bca4efdbe9212⋯.jpg (506.12 KB, 2800x1476, 700:369, BIGREDPILLFLAG.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): da397a790b22e9f⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 5600x2948, 1400:737, BIGGESTREDPILLFLAG.jpg) (h) (u)

big versions for anything larger than a standard business card

f2b931 (8) No.851645

The QR's on the back are sequenced 1-5 for a reason. Think stepping stones on a path.

Q -- (front) – QR link to https:// qanon.pub/ - This is what needs to be shared at the LEAST in all applicable forms.

REDPILLFLAG side (back) -- For the REDPILLFLAG side, you can put it on the back of the Q cards you make or not. Your choice to freely make based on your judgment of effectiveness.

5 QR redpill stepping stones explanation:

1 - 5 Minute except of JFK speech on secret societies

2 - 2 minute video tuned to Yakko’s World (from Animaniacs) illustrating Rothschild ownership of central banks

3 - Collection of Top Q proofs organized from December through March up to Tillerson’s ousting. Also includes IBOR2 at the end and links and tells to confirm with email

4 - Part 1 of Kevin shipp’s presentation on the deep state (ex-CIA whistleblower for those who don’t know who he is) Part 1 provided assumes person will look for the additional parts. That’s why only part 1 was provided. Fags want more, they’ll click on part 2 and then part 3.

5 - The Great American Sting -- Surface overview touching on a very little bit of everything from Q to POTUS and the anon impact ending with the Q post asking if President Trump was asked to run and how is he always 5-steps ahead. Again, ALL GEARED TO APPEAL TO NORMIES. If the normies make it this far, they will watch this dry report and never believe in the MSM again.

f2b931 (8) No.851684

Q card scan code goes to

https:// qanon.pub/

Redpillflag has 5 different scan links. All QR scans are tiny urls that reroute to the following:

1) JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnkdfFAqsHA

2) (Fixed Sound) Rothschild Owned Central Banks of the World - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFWOb9_LQ7M

3) QANON - PORTFOLIO OF PROOFS - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCqdeCra2w

4) Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQouKi7xDpM

5) QANON - The Great American Sting in a nutshell - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Iq1_35ETc

f2b931 (8) No.851715

File (hide): 0f5ade402208e33⋯.jpg (50.71 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 277bcp.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dd44b2e0ac4edb5⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 620x497, 620:497, 277a4n.jpg) (h) (u)

The purpose of all of this as many of you know, aside from finding out the absolute truths of everything, is to also work together to wake up the mass populace. I believe in what we are doing which is why I created the demonetized youtube channel RedPill Mackenzie to try and also help do exactly that. My channel will stay an entry channel into everything to be a place for normies to start. That is why 3 of my vids are in 5 of the links on the back side of the Q card on the flag. But if you examined the order of them, the intention is to ease them in and plant the seeds for them to carry it from there. We know going straight into the depths of the rabbit hole first converts not a single normie. We don’t do this for fame or recognition. We just couldn’t simply sit back and watch the world burn. Everyone here is doing great work at much sacrifice and the shills can’t handle it. THANK YOU, ALL because a lot of content used on my channel comes from here and will continue to be rooted from here. Why? Brilliantfags are everywhere here and the TRUTH is unstoppable.


f2b931 (8) No.851940

File (hide): f719c18bcf003fa⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, qpaidforit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fc55732b6091c7a⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, qdrop.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2ceb2f4514530e6⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 1066x966, 533:483, qc4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f0c7b5e5863e4ff⋯.jpg (192.43 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, qc3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f7d45dc6bf5cbf⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, qstack.jpg) (h) (u)

Distribution Tactics - Be mindful of Big Brother watching (O_O)

HIGHLY IMPORTANT - Avoid littering and vandalism

Level: Beginner

-leave on tables/checkouts

-leave in next bag at self checkout at grocery store

-leave in public restrooms (keep placement classy)

-leave in random places impulsively

-leave in places next to lines of waiting people

Level: Intermediate

-leave in credit card scanners

-leave in bus stop seating areas

-pin to existing public bulletin boards (college campuses/locals)

-clip/stick to stop signs/bus signs

Level: KEKxpert

-ask owners for permission to leave stacks of Q cards on front table or in waiting areas

-pre-plan for mass drops at dusk, but only where you expect for targets to encounter before dawn (i.e. people's wiper blades at movie theater/sporting event parking lots)

Movie theater - go to IMDB and check your local places and time schedules. Look at all movie times and find window of deadtime (when nobody arriving/nobody leaving) which is normally on the later side like past 10PM

Sporting events - just after the beginning of the last quarter/period, scatter (keep an eye on game score if you can. A blow-out could lead to early departure and ruin QTY of drops)

-walk the city in the early evening and slide into wiperblades where opportune

-Crowdfund a Billboard of Q in big city

a66d50 (1) No.852067>>852082

File (hide): edf45a265d36702⋯.png (78.39 KB, 1358x345, 1358:345, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



f2b931 (8) No.852082


manual instructions added. >>851957 I was worried about that and planned for such.

Thank you for confirming the censorship lol

db498f (1) No.852357


Flat earth, and all that shill crap is obvious. But asking if Mueller is our guy is a valid question. We assumed that he is, because of the early reference to him being a marine, but Q has never said Trust Mueller like he has Trust Wray or Trust Sessions.

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