b2023e No.339346
We, the People give rise to the Restoration of our Republic
There's 1 Rule on /QResearch/
(Also, The Golden Rule)
Q's Private Board
Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo
Latest Q Posts
Sunday, 11.2.18
>>338960 rt >>338623
>>337245 Re-read past crumbs
>>337117 rt >>337108
>>337096 Find the passenger list
>>326006 Public: FBI/DOJ/O-WH/SD
>>325862 Google / CIA web monitoring investment
>>325644 globaleaks.org
>>325580 Mess with the best, die like the rest
>>325453 Seals are wonderful creatures
>>325370 You will cease to exist
>>325300 Thank you Dopey
>>325284 Clown black op sites. Asia
>>325272 JFK Con Room
>>324758 What's going on in Asia?
>>324485 [-]
>>324477 [5]
>>324405 [e]
>>324395 RIP JFK
>>321555 Noi Bai International in Vietnam?
>>320333 Top 10 Player
>>320057 [Next week]
>>319888 Ha ha ha!
>>303612 USSS on high alert
>>303565 Panic in DC
>>301855 EAS tests?
>>300885 how many dead medical researchers?
>>300473 what if cures already exist?
>>300345 list of resignations constant update
>>299702 rt >>299606
>>299568 rt >>299464
>>299392 rt >>299351
>>299350 rt >>299248
>>299272 rt >>299228
>>299164 goodnight! related to >>302692 ? >>310254 ? Intel™? >>312266
>>299050 2 minutes
>>299017 final guest arrives
>>298274 we see you!
>>298134 rt >>298086
>>297951 rt >>297717
>>297686 so much more than you know
>>297553 rt >>297521
>>297530 rt >>297464 see also >>297623 proof of gun from congressional hearing
Older Q posts:
2.6.18 - Tuesday >>326376
2.5.18 - Monday >>314473
2.1.18 - Thursday >>314040
1.31.18 - Wednesday >>314035
1.29.18 - Monday >>285358
1.27.18 - Saturday >>285209
1.26.18 - Friday, >>171600 rt >>171424 Q team cares, >>>/greatawakening/62
1.25.18 - Thursday >>189525
1.24.18 - Wednesday >>189518
>>279968 rt >>279898
Updates Consolidation: >>336170
Awaiting download link from anon who will purchase. Any updates?
>>284004 www.fbi.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/fbi-executives/carl-ghattas
Findings: >>289566, >>293165, >>293197, >>293203, >>293215, >>298462, >>293215
Clinton Email investigation time line >>291986, >>291104
Memo → intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/memo_and_white_house_letter.pdf
Rebuttal Of Charges Against The Memo → intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_fisa_memo_charge_and_response.pdf
Rule 13. Correction of Misstatement or Omission; Disclosure of Non-Compliance → fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/FISC%20Rules%20of%20Procedure.pdf
OIG Reports Page → oig.justice.gov/reports/all.htm
Grassley Memo → www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-02-06%20CEG%20LG%20to%20DOJ%20FBI%20(Unclassified%20Steele%20Referral).pdf
Best Of Bread
>>311371 A compilation of top posts from prior breads
>>326303 Remember how long, and how carefully, our White Hats have stayed the course
>>330803 The Qmap is the purest source of intel we have ever had. Read it to immunize yourself against BS and RED HERRINGS.
>>331527 Reread crumbs!
>>332331 Qmap Legend
b2023e No.339354
Board Rules
FAQ: >>>/qtip/1
Quick Access Tools
– Q Map Graphic
>>330832 → Q Maps 1&0 (last confirmed by Q)
>>330817 → Q Maps 3&2
>>330810 → Q Maps 5&4
>>338599 → Q MAP Think Magic Edition
>>330858 → ComfyQ
>>330855 → +++_Soros_P Keystone
>>330839 → RED_Red Cross
>>333538 → Darnkess/Darkness (Ten Days)
>>337044 → Symbolism: Identify and list
* Qcode guide to abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb
* QMap zip → enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations → qcodefag.github.io | alternate: qanonmap.github.io
* Q archives → qarchives.ml | alternate: masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
* POTUS-tweet archive → trumptwitterarchive.com
* QMap PDF (updated 02.11.18) → https:// anonfile.com/I8v682d3b4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_6.1.0.pdf | alternate: https:// fr.scribd.com/document/371238984/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-6-1-0?secret_password=xdmPRpGAd5FwKNtEvjmx
* Spreadsheet → docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing
* Raw Q Text Dump → pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE
* Expanded Q Text Drops → pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* Calendar of notable events → teamup.com/ksxxbhx4emfjtoofwx TICK TOCK >>222880>>324893 → Vintage Q Maps 5&…
Focus Reminders / Tasks & Tasks Updates
>>314348, >>336846 Justice Antonin Scalia task complete ← Someone find a place to archive please.
>>222299 Tasks Not Yet Completed - To Work On 1.31.18
>>222501 Ongoing Tasks List Consolidation
Current Hashtags
Using The Ice Cream Method For Tweets
Ice cream method?? See here: >>212383
->Use Q/POTUS/trending #'s in your ice cream!<-
Resources Library
>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information
>>4274 General Archives
>>4356 Tools and Information
>>4852 Free Research Resources
>>4362 Planefag Tools
>>4369 Research Threads
>>3152 Redpill Scripts
>>16785 Prayer
>>257792 Letters of Gratitude
>>247769 Memes12
>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread
>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics
>>333130 Legend of Chan Terms
MemeFags Please Read This
>>272467 Get the Most From Your Post
New Bakers Please Read This
b2023e No.339357
QPosts Recent Findings
>>338659 Passenger list with DOB's
>>338498 Passenger findings so far, please HELP FILL IN THE BLANKS
>>338495 Foreign passengers aboard the RPC
>>339086 36 Indicted in 'Infraud' case (Russian hacker detained in Bangkok)
>>337117 Ref QPost >>338399 Russian cybercrime suspect arrested in Thailand over DOJ ‘Infraud’ case
>>337988 NEW Thread being continually updated with flight and passenger information
>>337978 Q: Who has the power?
>>337551, >>337589 'G' Passengers: A QClue?
>>337406 Find names associated with Dossier and U1 and CROSS REFERENCE to the passenger list
>>336879, >>337498, >>337564, >>338836, >>339089 Passenger List Inc. Crew of the downed Russian plane AN-148 6W703 Domodedovo-Orsk
>>329070 New Thread for Clown Ops Exposed (re 2 of 44)
>>331709 5 were removed or subtracted from society or secret societies
>>333960 Concise Answer for why Q uses Movie Signatures
>>332810 Signature movie descriptions + general themes
>>333979 Secret Socities link of JFK speech
>>332914 JFK Speech.jpeg
>>335226 Bunker Q + Trump Tweets
>>323793 Light on Q's crumb on unauthorized people in the Capitol Hill SCIF
>>327539 Q 'E' Photo, Shanghai Pudong Airport confirmed
>>322457 Q Runway Photo: Noi Bai International in Vietnam confirmed?
>>322197 Q Runway Photo: Shanghai Pudong Airport a possible location
>>322178, >>322222 White House IP?
>>321497 IP, Dallas, ClintonEmail & Softlayer Tech
>>321086, >>321304 Top 10 IP Address
>>320603, >>321921 Hannity's Top 10 List
>>328082 Missing "E" on Secret Socities Qpost
>>326512 Most Plausible POEC explanation
>>321141 #RunDavidRun
>>322346 Q's 3 Consecutive Trips. The Kek is STRONG
Recent/Notable Posts
>>338470 40,000 Foot view of Asia Foundation Federal Funds in 2016 and then they stopped tracking
>>338366 Loop Capital AND Asia Foundation connections
>>338286 Suicide and Death List
>>337864 New IBOR Petition: petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights
>>337428 13,600 Sealed Indictments
>>337099, >>337407 10,000+ human traffickers arrested. 800 resignations. And more every day
>>336537 JFK Situation Room, False Flags & Obama: An add up
>>336489 Rob Porter: Senate Letter
>>334360 Vice Canada Pedophile New = Evil
>>333517 11 major helicopter crashes in the past four months
>>333156 NK Power structure
>>333151 Clowns, Kissinger and Cronkite?
>>333116 Corona Satellites
>>333040 Chartered Helicopter out of LA goes down; 3/7 dead.
>>332882 Deep Dream - How the Clowns keep their eye on you
>>332553 In-Q-Tel Teresa Shea
>>332649 Bangkok Russian hacker arrest
>>332585 Pristap flipped
>>332516 GlobalLeaks was made by HERMES Center for Transparency and Digital human Rights
>>332523 Chessfag E5 White rook takes black knight, JA tweets about chess >>332713
>>332522 #3 at DOJ stepping down
>>332483 Games RFUN - Annual Threat Intelligence Conference
>>332077, >>332058 Department of Health, vaccines, and unalienable rights
>>330465 Trump's past use of Clowns takes on a whole new meaning..
>>323792 BO asks BV not to delete AeiAnon and Owl's posts. All rel. bans lifted
Previous Notable Posts
>>336125, >>321147, >>286207, >>276417, >>247024,
>>245078, >>220292, >>189512, >>174458, >>9019
b2023e No.339367
#417 Dough pastebin.com/VPu2DNS0
809aa1 No.339396
Has anyone ever heard of GlobalLeaks before? Do you see what the cabal is trying to do? They know all their crimes are coming to light. So what’s their plan? The same trick they always pull. Psychological projection. They’ll say Trump / Putin did everything they are guilty of. Why do you think there was so much talk of “Russian adoption.”
Globalleaks / killed whistleblower (SP)
Wikileaks / killed whistleblower (SR)
It’s clowns using psychological projection. Think mirror.
Stay ahead of the curve. Anticipate the enemies moves before they make them. Neutralize. PRAY.
41ebb7 No.339429
Why did POTUS send Gingrich to Antarctica?
2b6866 No.339440
a refresher course in Barlow
a38e59 No.339441
fresh QMAP
This is not a game/RED_OCTOBER Edition >>
>>330810 __ Q Maps 5&4
>>330817 __ Q Maps 3&2
>>330832 __ Q Maps 1&0 (last confirmed by Q)
>>330858 __ ComfyQ
>>330855 __ +++_Soros_P Keystone
>>330839 __ RED_Red Cross
>>333538 __ Darnkess/Darkness (Ten Days)
>>337044 __ Symbolism: Identify and list.
a8d6ac No.339443
64e5bf No.339448
a2e63b No.339449
Q, if you see all and hear all, why let the plane go down with all those innocent people?
6c05f8 No.339450
c73f85 No.339451
We know you're talking to JA/WL
67f7e5 No.339452
Unsealed Indictment/Texas
Six Individuals Charged in $7 Million International Investment Scam
6c8e3a No.339453
I would like to inquire of Q (with highest respect) whether RED_OCTOBER refers to
1) the fictional submarine whose torpedo homed in on itself and destroyed itself
2) the [RED OCTOBER] [Красный Oктябрь] cyberespionage malware discovered in October 2012-January 2013. It operated worldwide for up to 5 years before its discovery. It sent info ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide.
3) Something else
82f33e No.339454
It's primarily Military Intelligence providing the edge.
And Marines providing the protection (remember the State of Emergency).
85cbca No.339456
Delicious bread, Baker
f4eb5e No.339457
Nv testing caused health
SC said bad for weather
2f80ab No.339459
BAKER please add to the dough so anons can re-read and get familiar quickly!!
NEW RULES!!!! Am excited to see a few implementing. I know we can do it together!! Where we go one, we all go! Woot!!!
No calling others, nigger, kike, shill, faggot, glowing nigger etc. These are offensive and work to lower the overall morale.
Don't tell others to lurk more…extend a hand and help others. The golden rule.
No turning away our atheist anons with religious stuff, prayers, verses etc.
Please don't use excuses for not implementing these items immediately. Using excuses such as autists, chan culture etc are inexcusable and utter rubbish.
I know change is hard but together we can make this a better place. We should be able to invite 'normies' here to exchange ideas and dig alongside of us!! All of my friends send others here from Facebook, Twitter and Reddit but they too get turned off quickly.
Let's change this place anons! Change it for the better!!!
(How about no.) 0e0621 No.339460
And with the ambassador to the Vatican.
c2c20f No.339461
He's going to change his name again to Kim Q Dotcom
e59bcd No.339462
I am with you, why no protective custody if important witness
e984cb No.339463
maybe it's an anagram, like: TO BE RECORD
64da71 No.339464
c4f82e No.339465
Really thinking Rosatom players in Uranium 1 were Dossier sources
Killing the CFO today in the plane cash would have been two birds/one stone
e87520 No.339467
The FBI was not initially involved in the LV shooting investigation.
>No FBI investigation into this?
a5e1d9 No.339468
Was there already a background check for:
Laureate Education, Inc.
Why are the Clintons hawking a seedy, Soros-backed for-profit college corporation?
http:// dailycaller.com/2014/01/13/why-are-the-clintons-hawking-a-seedy-soros-backed-for-profit-college-corporation/
2d4023 No.339470
Because in some awesomely fucked up way they can trust us more. If you haven't gotten that, you havent been paying attention
11d06f No.339471
I think Barlow was killed because the Freedom Of the Press Foundation was infiltrated and flipped. they flipped late last year, cut off funding to wikileaks. Barlow was the only one on the board that was not on "board" with the new mission, which was to "not" have freedom of the press. They have infiltrated all entities who want to expose the truth. Cannot trust "any" of them LITERALLY.
0fe7db No.339472
Daily Reminder to NOT RESPOND TO SHILLS. They get paid by reply and post things that make you angry to get said replies, so DON'T DO IT
That includes the newrules faggot.
c2c20f No.339473
554232 No.339475
I agree completely.
6c8e3a No.339476
W. T. F.
After last year when Patriarch Kyrill, ex astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the Pope, former sec state John Kerry, and other diplomats all went.
C. Gingrich is a diplomat.
Who/what is at Antarctica that requires a diplomatic visit?
8c8f02 No.339477
https:// www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=90008692
https:// www.crunchbase.com/organization/bdt-capital-partners
https:// www.crunchbase.com/person/william-bush
https:// relationshipscience.com/person/william-r-bush-4822312
http:// www.gbl.be/en/about
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byron_Trott
1720f0 No.339478
Why does everybody think other countries have the same exact laws as the US?
Why does everybody seem to think other countries care about their people the same way that the US is suppose to?
People get your heads out of your asses!
Not every country in the world cares enough to watch out for collateral damages!
6c05f8 No.339479
Aye aye sir. I no longer warn, just filter and move on.
da47e5 No.339480
Interesting articles on ZeroHedge. Maybe not for content but synchronicity with what is going on here
POTUS and JFK mentioned together:
a9e87d No.339481
Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.
8ab40f No.339484
68d18c No.339486
c2c20f No.339487
From previous bread:
18. V. Ivanov was Overseas CFO of Rosatom
http:// www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Labour-ground-rules-set-for-Hanhikivi-2005147.html
92e532 No.339488
▶Q 01/13/18 (Sat) 21:45:39 No.12
>Slush Fund
>>Hussein [1] $29,000,000 SINGAPORE
>>We don't say his name [2] $19,000,000 SINGAPORE
(Why don't we say his name?)
>>HRC/BC [3] $15,000,000 Banco de MEXICO
>>NP [4] $8,000,000 Deutsche Bank USA
FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH.
Net Worth?
KEY to Q identified markers:
[1] = Hussein MoBama
[2] = Traitor John McWedon'tsayhisname
[3] = Killary & Bill
[4] = Nancy 'Gasbag' Pelosi
[5] = McCabe (he's #2 at FBI, but not [2] as confirmed by [5] marker twats)
let's add to this list, anons…
dda580 No.339490
You make complete sense but you are at ground zero with gritty sleep deprived angry anons waiting for blood, this is a tough crowd to pose rules on : )
e54260 No.339491
And we heard many stories of someone leaving the hotel. Helicopters on roof. Other agencies in other hotels.
41e7af No.339492
fuck off rulesfag!
glowing nigger faggot!
eface7 No.339493
maybe he was about to flip on U1 and had to be silenced
60eb14 No.339494
>>339169 (last bread)
i KNEW something was fishy about that! My question as i watched that Equifax commercial: "how the fuck would we KNOW if they're actually scouring the deep web or not? because THEY say so?"…just like they "said" that Our data was safe with them to begin with. if Equifax was in on the hack, how do we know that TransUnion and Experian aren't comped also?
e984cb No.339495
You're doxxing yourself
4b7ed5 No.339496
Magic. What you see… is not real.
Thought of that as well. Pieces of aircraft planted in the fields and no real victims?
Do you really believe nothing is being done? (While we see all, hear all?)
Everybody's safe, but it was a SICK plan to murder 70 extra innocent people while 1 actually targeted…
a5dd5f No.339497
>Impossible to locate?
>Less than 10.
>Who are we talking to?
The less than 10 black hats you haven't been able to locate. The same 10 players (less ?) you referred to as present on this board a few days ago.
We still haven't solved BDT/Barlow and RED OCTOBER.
c58f3c No.339498
6c05f8 No.339499
Was announced today more hack at equifax
41ebb7 No.339500
060087 No.339501
Sweet redeemer walk beside me
Guide my dreaming by your grace,
Help my mind make pictures of you,
Let my fingers feel your face.
Should I live to see the moment,
When the convict sun is freed,
Let me not forget your kindness,
Let me not forget my need.
6a2279 No.339502
Q posts driving black hats/bosses on full panic mode.
Desperately trying to determine who is Q and neutralize him/them.
Q team, less than 10.
Q untraceable.
Q talking to black hats/bosses to show them they are 10 steps ahead of the game.
How do you catch a dangerous animal? When they are exhausted/disoriented/paranoid.
c6bb3e No.339503
The redpills gave it away.
982902 No.339504
Related to cosmonaut Atlantis Russian Cosmonaut Yury Vladimirovich Usachev
a9e87d No.339505
"Who are we talking to?"
Surrendering parties.
Mad Dog and T Rex and VP are talking to other heads of States before def con 1 on bad actors at the top.
Shit must be about to go down.
When does Mad Dog get back?
82f33e No.339506
Surely you realize that Cally is his wife. Married around 2000, iirc.
c73f85 No.339508
Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?
Q are you a cabal infiltrator at the highest level?
d391a3 No.339509
Not a hack. A giveaway.
888c48 No.339510
Q has mentioned the movie Titanic. There was a quote in the movie : Ruth DeWitt Bukater: This is not a game! Our situation is precarious. You know the money's gone! Just a thought
41ebb7 No.339511
Equifax sold America out. Expect more.
6c05f8 No.339512
They need to do away with the credit reporting agencies all together
5a895f No.339513
0e0621 No.339514
Yes, but why would she need to be there? It wasn't a vacation……or was it?
92e532 No.339515
go back to your gossip-seeking happy place you came from…this is not the place for you
eface7 No.339516
negotiations underway?
c83314 No.339517
Ё is the 7th letter in the Russian Alphabet.
dcd285 No.339518
Ahhh John Doe #2 must be the CI
232cde No.339519
Help us complete our research list of the passengers of the downed Russia flight. We have some good leads and info compiled in a separate bread to not clutter the main Q research breads. HELP US FILL IN THE BLANKS
86aaf2 No.339520
Are we going to war with China or not? Im geeting ;board
6c8e3a No.339521
Replying to Q's >>339123
Why are we still here, given [Q's amply demonstrated] foreknowledge of events?
I posted a possible answer to that was yesterday. Repost:
The strange images the anon with the crypto codes wanted us to have include very subtle clues about "mirror".
Many of them were composed by compositing layers upon a background. Most of the backgrounds exhibit mirror symmetry.
This is a clue.
Personally I think it has to do with quantum computing. A quantum computer deals with information in a way that is unfamiliar to us. At the quantum level information can flow both time-forward and time-backward.
I believe (without being able to prove anything …yet) that these quantum supercomputers have the ability to probe possible timestreams that are near or similar to ours. I believe the Q operation likely incorporates that capability, as part of their operations research modelling to predict how the social landscape will be altered by the various influences on the social landscape. Such as information dispensed by Q into /qresearch and then forwarded into the broader culture through our memes.
I believe the mirror imagery also possible refers to the Project Looking Glass
* * *
See Through the Looking Glass with Phase …
Well there is a reason for this… the Government uses the ALICE CODE. Project Aquarius and the Looking Glass Project at Facility S4 at Area 51. "Above the door frame leading into the lab that contains the Looking Glass project at facility S4 at Area 51 there is a stuffed White Rabbit holding a backward watch mounted …
* * *
If you read that site closely, it was or is a machine that uses multiple strong electromagnetic fields to warp local spacetime just enough to allow glimpses into possible futures (and probably pasts).
Now that quantum computers exist I find it highly probable that the same kind of research is ongoing but using the latest technology … which may be assumed to be at least 20 years more advanced than what the public is told about.
I do seriously believe that QCs are probing possible futures and giving us the right stream of crumbs to help alter it toward the timestream that is desirable, and away from the Satanically-influenced ones.
I know this sounds like science fiction to most. Time will prove me wrong or right about this. We'll see…
Another Anon posted a far better explanation of alternate timelines and the multiuniverse idea, grounded in deeper physics background than mine. >>330914
1720f0 No.339522
Landing at Sarasota looks like.
Euro Aircraft Leasing Ltd
United Kingdom Military
Cirrus Vision Jet SF50
d391a3 No.339523
Major ancient technology site.
e96c33 No.339525
White hat false flag (higher quality) = Magic = RED_OCTOBER = Jujitsu
dcd285 No.339526
I would venture a guess on negotiating the release of technology. hmmmmm
bb892c No.339527
Oh Fuck. An ambassador to the Vatican. I'd forgotten.
41ebb7 No.339528
232cde No.339529
Q kind of discussed this on the great awakening board in the post about the 16 year plan to destroy america. This was Hillary's plan. With Trump as POTUS, not likely.
ea7aa4 No.339530
I'll jump on this dogpile.
I wonder if the passengers were sequestered somewhere and some bits of some other plane were scattered in a field. Isn't it odd how the snow around those fragments isn't disturbed much? Never mind the absence of bodies …
Maybe one of those passengers will be resurrected for a testimony?
060087 No.339531
You are hilarious. I expect you'll be B+ just the same.
Thanks for the kek.
a2e63b No.339532
make you wonder, right?
i don't think we're as "all seeing/hearing/knowing" as someone might be leading us to believe.
ba6ded No.339533
Remember how Q told us to learn Russian?
915323 No.339534
>Magic. What you see… is not real.
You are talking about Illusions. They stem from conjurations.
Magic is crafting reality through Will.
60eb14 No.339535
that's been tried already, led to nowhere except a lot of overthinking, such as your post. leave the email field blank, no on here wants to talk to you that way
c3cb22 No.339536
Many leaders of countries and religion have gone to Antarctica for some reason. I figured that is what area we will get too soon.
85cbca No.339537
Q just posted to greatawakening.
Just a Security Test.
ffe16f No.339538
You trap dangerous animals
1720f0 No.339539
Taking off from Tampa or St. Petersburg, FL.
Euro Aircraft Leasing Ltd
United Kingdom Military
Cirrus Vision Jet SF50
f1106a No.339541
Just in from a local resident… 2-11-2018 fatal plane crash in the Antelope Valley (Agua Dulce). Planefags? Nothing in Public media… who went down? Suicide weekend!
dda580 No.339542
c4f82e No.339543
I was just watching some footage
Random airplane parts everywhere but no people, suitcases, seats, nothing
554232 No.339544
bb2cb0 No.339545
Heads up, incoming Q on /greatawakening
41ebb7 No.339546
http:// qanonmap.github.io auto-refreshes every 15min.
dcd285 No.339547
sounds like a good dig? IDK.. I tend to get on tangents that are counter productive… so.
4045b9 No.339548
Getting into things you've heard but haven't believed.
c64b7a No.339549
bcd8c1 No.339550
of course not
the future is glorious
3b518f No.339551
8ab40f No.339552
Go learn Russian.
https:// www.udemy.com/russian-alphabet-mastery
d546cb No.339554
Messages from Q, 8chan coordination video cytu.be bunker:
https:// cytu.be/r/8chanmania
Fresh video wrestling memes to fight democrat propaganda
a8d6ac No.339555
Good catch, anon.
Tab open still had 320 seconds to refresh lol.
eface7 No.339556
I like this.
Creates paranoia in the org. since none knows who the leaker is and who can/cannot be trusted.
545948 No.339557
Landed @ St. Pete… don't see it taking off again tho.
9cae2d No.339558
this was alluded to by trump tweets a couple days ago. Global Leaks also 666/999 look at their logo.
306d5f No.339559
>>339488 ummm wrong newfag
fa3382 No.339560
find the nearest bridge, sir/mam >>339459
ec346b No.339563
Future news will highlight.
Note "The Hunt For" was dropped.
Details matter.
0b0a37 No.339564
CHECK THIS! 18 pg presentation slides. About Financing opportunities to nuclear powerplants (related to banks, Rosatom, …)
Could be U1 related! Perfect person for connection. U1 adds to Uranium supply -> build more powerplants and make a long term deals for the U supply.
8a6f86 No.339565
When is #Obama going to update his bio from President to to former or 44th president?
a2e63b No.339566
not sure what your point is.
if the guy who was [187] on the plane was relevant to the US, we have eyes and ears, etc. all over the world to protect that person.
41ebb7 No.339567
Enough Woo. 2018 is the year to begin all years.
c2c20f No.339569
Q preparing a MOAD.
60eb14 No.339570
was it another hack? I read maybe yesterday or today that they finally admitted that MUCH much data was actually taken than they initially revealed publicly
5a3737 No.339571
Who wants some 40k feet view?
232cde No.339572
Red October found/completed
d887dc No.339573
This online heat map has stunning quality of the Henderson Nevada area and the possible underground data canter….
https:// labs.strava.com/heatmap/#18.87/-114.92077/36.02283/hot/winter
306d5f No.339575
>>339562 Who said they were
79dca0 No.339576
eaf2fc No.339577
Barry Soetoro lied to the FISA court to treasonously, illegally, and unconstitutionally spy on Trump in an attempt to prevent him from being elected.
Barry Soetoro must pay the ultimate price, or we dont have a country !!!
ffe16f No.339578
64e5bf No.339579
Clowns are up to some no good fuckery around these parts.
1b645f No.339580
"Do you believe in coincidences? "Blunt & Direct Time" BDT. Think currency. Think fireworks. Thwarted. Message delivered. These people are sick!"
3b518f No.339581
Oh please.., How the White Hats can to do a FF?.., that's good.
554232 No.339582
I wonder if Q listens to the halfway decent work done on the Stream this afternoon. LOL. Often, at least after they get the Github update, they are right on track (or even ahead of us =-/)
ba6ded No.339583
NK is a CIA Blacksite
OP:MKBRD is a CIA Media control
Who in the media right now is GLORIFYING NK to spite the Trump Admin?
Time to take the offensive. Lets start taking names of all journalists that propagate NK. Lets not let them hide behind their banners anymore.
56c2d4 No.339584
8chan will never change into your gay ass social media sites.
dda580 No.339585
Looking for just Red October,check
c4f82e No.339586
Red October as in the Russian Revolution, Bolsheviks, Lenin, etc?
0b0a37 No.339587
I think they are trying to lure whistleblowers to submit leaks black hats.
a9e87d No.339588
It was the Clowns trying to make it look Russian?
86aaf2 No.339589
Right, but the 16 year plan is still mostly implemented and honestly we need war with China or there has to be major crackdowns on Chinese corruption as well as American, Euro and Arab. Pretty much all at the same time or slowly over century. Either way it looks like we may end up with further war with middle east backing up Israel against Iran or they're just chest puffing. Chinese commies need huge purge in order to save america and I'm fairly certain a few black ops can't stop that plan forever.
a8d6ac No.339590
Schedule of attack finalized?
Glorious 2018?
060087 No.339591
Let us not speak of the sadness there is in marriage.
c3cb22 No.339592
We did noticed The Hunt For was dropped.
8ab40f No.339595
Please reply with reward.
9fddf4 No.339597
They caught and drained Alwaleed and his wife of info.
83b291 No.339599
RED underscore OCTOBER
black underscore ops Why?
57326f No.339600
Newt and his wife went there in Feb 2017. She wasn't yet the US Amb to the Vatican.
98ef73 No.339601
Sergey Panchenko - in telecommunications:
https:// kz.linkedin.com/in/svpanchenko
Anatoly Zinchenko - research scientist of nanotechnology, DNA and polymers. https:// www.researchgate.net/profile/Anatoly_Zinchenko
1720f0 No.339602
If you can't figure out what I said, then go reread it.
c73f85 No.339603
>Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?
Q if you're the infiltrator, you're a genius and Godspeed
4a5fc6 No.339604
This is where I'm at right now. Save the kids or GTFO.
11d06f No.339605
Maybe Equifax will go down soon. maybe they are comped.
3f6fc7 No.339606
Let us not forget about Delaware Senator CARPER who admitted to hitting his wife. This guy needs to be ecposed.
41ebb7 No.339607
60eb14 No.339608
not a dig, just thinking out loud. if all 3 agencies are comped, than the entire "credit" system in the US is as well, is what I was getting at. Would have a HUGE effect on consumer debt & how it's viewed
56c2d4 No.339609
Stop doxxing yourself. Leave the email field blank. You are putting yourself at risk.
3df47a No.339610
c4f82e No.339611
Online magazine on twitter reporting plane collided with a Russian Post helicopter
No sauce yet
398be9 No.339612
http:// www.hometownstation.com/s1-news/c38-traffic/news-template-2017-21-221039
preliminary release
bcd8c1 No.339614
please cont in here where we can respond svp
ba6ded No.339615
TBH, it's custom to keep the title of your highest held position even if it's former. Hence why you can call Hillary: Secretary Clinton.
c83314 No.339616
oops meant to reference post
Ё is the 7th letter in the Russian Alphabet.
83eaeb No.339617
It gets worse-
http:// www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-trump-russia-investigation-senate-judiciary-wikileaks-715349
…. the Senators also requested copies of communications among Trump associates and the Belorussian-American businessman Sergei Millian, a former head of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce…
http:// www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-trump-russia-investigation-senate-judiciary-wikileaks-715349
86e58d No.339618
So, we were lied to… We are the "stupid people"… and implying we were needed/important for this cause is disinformation.
Got it.
You owe me 3 1/2 months of my life, Q.
306d5f No.339619
>>339584 who put you in fuckin charge..be gone soft one
bb2cb0 No.339621
Red October = Sergey Medvedev?
5a895f No.339622
lose your email newfag dead giveaway you have not lurked enough -
eface7 No.339623
I want to believe
1e34ad No.339624
1c2310 No.339626
The Hunt for Red October story was about a Russian sub commander that defected to bring the most powerful weapon they had because he knew the intention was to strike first. Him and a small group US military/intelligence worked together, to prevent that from happening. A lot of deception.
I believe Putin was pushing back against the Cabal for awhile. Obama was still attempting to lure him in. When he wouldn't budge, they framed Russia and signed the Magnitsky Act, meant to hurt them financially. Notice Putin's response was the deny adoption? (Kids). That's when Military started the plan to recruit Trump.
Jump forward to the campaign, and Trump mentioned wanting to make friends with Putin. Suddenly Russia was the major threat to the country, where as they laughed about it in 2012. In their typical pattern, they had to turn what they did against the other side, and the DNC stolen data allowed them to spin it towards Trump and Russia.
Everything was done behind the scenes and put into place, and October, 2017 is when the plan was put into motion, and anons gave the cover necessary to carry it out.
We are Red October. We are armed.
89bb78 No.339627
Found at Black Site?
dc8884 No.339628
https:// lawestmedia.com/lawest/plane-crash-canyon-country/
Here could be something for that plane crash
>http:// www.hometownstation.com/s1-news/c38-traffic/news-template-2017-21-221039
865954 No.339629
MEdvedev captured
b7b27d No.339630
I took a look around Switch Supernaps 4 and 7 that are in Henderson on Strava Global Heatmap. Here's what I found.
79dca0 No.339631
start doin something about it yourself instead of spamming the ones that does...idiot...filtered
4a5fc6 No.339633
Antarctica is creepy AF.
554232 No.339634
UHHH… note the name? Only response to the shill, but you are a very dumb shill and cannot read English I see. Well done!
c2c20f No.339635
Hussein's bio will soon read, "Divorced foster dad, revoked US citizenship, GITMO resident"
047a64 No.339636
What Twatter and fakebook is for. Have you looked around 8ch. No fucks given about feelz. Work
9cae2d No.339637
Good to see you again BO. It's been a couple weeks since I've seen you- about 8pm-11pm one bread a couple weeks back.
0857eb No.339638
Can we get a Q/POTUS timestamp check???!!!!
545948 No.339639
Notice that the underground construction is quite a ways away from the water treatment tanks… if it were water storage you would think it would be closer… plus a TON of solar power for a water treatment plant.
306d5f No.339640
>>339626 ummmmm nope flawed theory lurk more….out
86e58d No.339641
So, it was the "heavenly angels" that nuked the fuck out of the Japanese, huh?
GTFO of here.
a5dd5f No.339643
Sergey Medvedev (Thailand arrest) was involved in Red October cyber attack.
79dca0 No.339645
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
4m4 minutes ago
Rep. Lou Barletta, a Great Republican from Pennsylvania who was one of my very earliest supporters, will make a FANTASTIC Senator. He is strong & smart, loves Pennsylvania & loves our Country! Voted for Tax Cuts, unlike Bob Casey, who listened to Tax Hikers Pelosi and Schumer!
64e5bf No.339646
881109 No.339647
Argentine sub found?
232cde No.339648
The bitcoin crash is curbing corruption coming out of China. It was the preferred currency Chinese (m/b)illionaires used to skirt Chinese currency laws and launder. The 16 year plan was half-complete and will probably take just as much time to undo. I don't think physical war will happen, but perhaps a bit of trade war. They can't be fully trusted but at the moment they aren't a grave threat.
a8d6ac No.339649
Three minutes between >>339563 and Trump Tweet.
5a3737 No.339650
We were NOT lied to, Q is legit. This much you can assess if you value your time, and also use it wisely. btw, wisdom = intelligence + love.
Sure is for a good reason.
c64b7a No.339651
From Nov 2017.
You're glowing, door this way->
0b0a37 No.339652
RED could refer to red cross and/or their RED-aids campaign. Then what october could refer to?
c3cb22 No.339653
Put it against Q post. THe time stamp is on it
d337ac No.339654
Nov. 19 drop was specific to the movie. Decoy destruction, high value person arrives safely in US.
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.
Godfather III.
The Hunt for Red October.
398be9 No.339655
sorry it was not what i was trying to send and see that the correct one is up now..
sorry.. my bad
0fe7db No.339656
Because you need them walking around to lead you to other, unknown yet baby rapists. They have at the very least frozen known babyraping hotspots (all those arrests since Trump took over), so the heads are looking for new sources to get clown pizza and are being monitored for every new source they think they find, incriminating themselves further until the time to get the noose comes.
Catch and release that actually works.
bb2cb0 No.339657
85cbca No.339659
With 'E' being the 7th letter of the Russian alphabet, this could refer to the model, Ekaterina Kiseleva, then. She could have been an undercover agent. She could have known something about child trafficking. She could have known about the Satanic Cabal practices.
dccc05 No.339660
AND Sergei Medvedev was number 2 at Infraud??
865954 No.339661
Red October cyber attack culprit Sergei medvedev
7f61b2 No.339662
b0c912 No.339663
1b645f No.339664
Red_October = Russian Revolution?
86e58d No.339666
So… Free-beer in October now?
4b7ed5 No.339667
I just read a witness testimony and thought it was somewhat described in an overdone way… Plus contradicting stories are pushed about the cause.
From Daily Mail:
'I heard a noise… like a roar. It was quite unusual,' an eyewitness called Alexey said.
'You know, it sounds very strange when no one is around, when you hear such an unusual roar…
'I put on my shoes and rushed outside.
'And I saw…an explosion. So big, there was such a cloud.
'Mushroom-shaped, like a nuclear explosion in miniature. The fragments were flying, burning.
'One of them was flew right onto me.'
89bb78 No.339669
Where we go one we go all, FUCK YOU RIGHT BACK!
86aaf2 No.339670
Was red october a counter-communist KGB effort? LIGHT posing as russian? source for wikileaks?
306d5f No.339671
>>339647 yep off the coast of NK sank right after a missile launch….somebody forgot to put the stopper in
24f2c7 No.339672
Is Hunt for the Red October based on a true story?
Technically, it's based on a couple. Mainly, author Tom Clancy based his book (turned into a hit film in 1990) on the real-life mutiny of Valery Sablin, the political officer aboard the highly-advanced Russian warship Storozhevoy (which translates to English as Sentry) in 1975
any of these names been referenced? I'll dig as well
3b518f No.339673
Q, Sergey Medvedev? is kinsman to Russian PM Dimitry Medvedev?
3df47a No.339675
a8d6ac No.339676
"strong & smart"
23e6f7 No.339677
Notice “the hunt”
No longer are they looking for “RED_OCTOBER”
Q & team are locked on!
0b0a37 No.339678
CHECK THIS! 18 pg presentation slides. About Financing opportunities to nuclear powerplants (related to banks, Rosatom, …)
Could be U1 related! Perfect person for connection. U1 adds to Uranium supply -> build more powerplants and make a long term deals for the U supply.
dccc05 No.339679
And POTUS changed posture to include cyber attacks in acts of war????
And POTUS guarunteed PHARMA prices will be coming down??
And POTUS changed posture to include cyber attacks in acts of war????
And POTUS guarunteed PHARMA prices will be coming down??
And POTUS changed posture to include cyber attacks in acts of war????
And POTUS guarunteed PHARMA prices will be coming down??
And POTUS changed posture to include cyber attacks in acts of war????
And POTUS guarunteed PHARMA prices will be coming down??
5a3737 No.339681
Of course not, but they sometimes let kids play with fire so they can learn.
bb892c No.339682
It's here. It's in my head. I have to put it together.
Gingrich is a diplomat with a
wife who is an ambassador to the vatican.
Patriarch Kyrill (Tom Hanks was there. Photo 2 or 3 days ago)
Buzz Aldrin (Aldrin cycler?)
The Pope
John Kerry
You are on to something anon. List diplomatic visits to Antartica.
There are dozens of bases there.
03635a No.339683
ffe16f No.339684
Are we safe because Q Team now controls all our meta data? Red_October
47aad8 No.339685
>control all nuclear reactors so that earth man dont loose control and contaminate earth
>what is Fukoshima
what happened there faggot
23e6f7 No.339686
I thought they left the screen door on…
68d18c No.339687
Loosely yes its based on a story. But that is not what Q is referring to.
1720f0 No.339688
Planefag that is tracking 2-AUER, if your still here, what time or how long was that plane on the ground at St. Petersburg?
e87520 No.339689
Jan 22nd
Jan 27th
Feb 11th
Q Chapters?
>[2] Q Chapters.
and there is the 2 in brackets!
60eb14 No.339690
680e96 No.339691
Excuse me if already noticed. I am behind. On the passenger list should it be Gorhov or Gornov. The list with birthdates has it as Gorhov. The birthdate also is the birthdate of Christopher Steele.
aecd64 No.339693
Will come back to bite HRC/DNC/Dem's butt.
That's the real collusion.
545948 No.339694
Couldn't have been more than 45min - 1hr
f714bf No.339695
My prayers for 71 devastated Russian families.
eface7 No.339696
can you confirm?
a2e63b No.339697
yep, as soon as it was dropped . . .
232cde No.339698
Lots of computers/servers need water cooling readily available
7bcd45 No.339699
Why was Neil Armstrong surrounded by Mufflers on his death bed.
What truth did he have that they wanted to hide?
b0c912 No.339700
f714bf No.339702
REALLY. Now that's interesting.
3a5b5a No.339703
When's the EAS/EMS going to be utilized to drop some truth bombs on the public?
1720f0 No.339704
There's no way that plane could make a cross atlantic flight without many stops along the way.
5a3737 No.339705
3df47a No.339706
pennsylvania keystone state
aecd64 No.339707
It is the DOSSIER
It will come back to HRC/DNC/Dem's and blow their butts.
dccc05 No.339709
3bcb4a No.339710
Closest I can see is Gromov Igor
60eb14 No.339711
You owe yourself to stick around and UNDERSTAND instead of emoting onto a website
0b0a37 No.339712
Ivanov's presentation, 18pgs slides
CHECK THIS! 18 pg presentation slides. About Financing opportunities to nuclear powerplants (related to banks, Rosatom, …)
Could be U1 related! Perfect person for connection. U1 adds to Uranium supply -> build more powerplants and make a long term deals for the U supply.
eface7 No.339713
Bunkers would be nuclear powered for long term survival. Solar panels are retarded.
9cae2d No.339714
and notice there is NO #3 post on Great Awakening.
Blows your theory right out of the water.
41ebb7 No.339715
Mil Tribunals: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe59lto9Q8I
8ab40f No.339716
Probably less families since some people were related. Plus maybe it was a fake and no one died. That happens you know.
398be9 No.339717
thank you for the mental validation Q
1e0915 No.339718
I think what Q may be saying is that they are outside of FBI jurisdiction, based at overseas military base?
Nov 2nd:
"You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military"
What has changed here? they've stopped trying to hack Q's trip code? waste of time trying?
e87520 No.339720
I think that will scare the public
ffe16f No.339721
It would be righteous if the drop in the stock market is the Q Team taking over the bad guys trading systems so they get burned while everyone else is safe.
41e7af No.339722
Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM's special representative for international scientific and technical projects
"Former Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM's special representative for international scientific and technical projects.
His responsibilities will include: Russia's representation at the international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER; the creation of a centre for the study of ions and antiprotons in Europe; and the organisation of an international research centre for Russia's multipurpose sodium-cooled fast neutron research reactor, or MBIR by its Russian acronym.
He will also head the Rosatom Technology Development Centre, which is being created at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)."
a2e63b No.339723
agreed. Red_October means nothing to me compared with THE CHILDREN BEING RAPED AND SACRIFICED.
f714bf No.339724
Hope you are correct
7f61b2 No.339725
Is there a higher quality image or link?
e54260 No.339726
Yeah Q is poking the fire. He want them to track him. Sting?
a8d6ac No.339727
Didn't even make a theory, dipshit, just pointing it out.
Flex those critical thinking muscles a bit harder next time, pls.
ae495e No.339728
dangerous animals lurk in the shadows/dark
you have to piss them off and get in front of their face so they'll charge
b2023e No.339729
Q Posts
7.2.18, Wednesday
>>297686 so much more than you know
>>297553 rt >>297521
>>297530 rt >>297464 see also >>297623 proof of gun from congressional hearing
5a3737 No.339730
Oh, another good question!
4d5233 No.339733
We've got a Q post to Great Awakening
9cae2d No.339734
sorry… shouldn't have said you… but their theory… whoever those idiots are.
dda580 No.339735
It is 6 min in between Q post SEC-TEST and tweet
552758 No.339736
https:// www.susu.ru/en/news/2016/12/05/ras-scientist-held-lecture-radiation-accidents-chelyabinsk-students
3e4095 No.339737
I have noticed a lot more USMC commercials lately.
e87520 No.339738
Or they have been served? Lawyered up? Just not quite ready to unseal all of the sealed documents/"indictments"
ffe16f No.339740
Would explain no fire
bcd8c1 No.339741
love seeing First Lady treated like a queen!!
very important!
happy wife happy life
59a632 No.339742
fuck you and go eat a dick, faggot
we don't need your gayass weak friends here
we just need them to get out of the fucking way
aecd64 No.339743
It is the DOSSIER
It will come back to HRC/DNC/Dem's and blow their butts.
That is why [1] was killed in that plane in russia.
(((They))) don't want any loose ends leading to HRC.
That is the real collusion.
It has been mentioned already on Fox News. Seems you've missed it.
545948 No.339744
We are looking for a datacenter not a bunker… and the US typically has used Diesel generators in their bunkers… can't think of a documented instance where it used nuclear except at Thule greenland.
b94a44 No.339745
Red October was a Russian revolution in 1917. Maybe that is what q is talking about instead of the movie. Here's article http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Red_October
a25641 No.339746
Red October is another name for the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia.
5bd6f9 No.339747
Vyacheslav Ivanov Educated in US
aad4fb No.339748
we are pawns in this game of riddles that isn't a game
bb2cb0 No.339749
Did you think maybe the network just taken down was a conduit for that kind of behavior?
e68273 No.339750
That's the term I've used to describe this to my normies–piques their interest.
Feeling exceptionally internally comfy here tonight, fags.
7f61b2 No.339751
Holy shit it was discovered in October 2012.
e87520 No.339752
Q knows about the children and Q Team is working as fast as they can.
11d06f No.339753
Wasn't he a no show for testimony recently?
ffe16f No.339754
Here come the codes
c4f82e No.339755
Thats the second Rosatom person on this flight…..Interesting
3734d1 No.339756
Is there anything stopping someone(normal well off american) with a reasonable amount of resources from visiting antarctica?
4a5fc6 No.339757
Mueller is Sean Connery.
5c8940 No.339759
hey BO. asked once before
can you de-mod this board
we can sort out our own
pelicans.. chan style
060087 No.339760
You would think being Mrs. Newt Gingrich would be enough, but ravenous ambition drove Callista and her key to seek an appointment from Barry as ambassador to the vatic, where it's famous twisting class 34 ^ dimensional splooge streams twisting through the catacombs proven and irresible challange to the relative by marriage of the former speaker of the house.
"When your head is full of twisting iridescent glistening ropes of ecclesiastic sperm, you think of little else, according to former semen kayaking champions."
bb2cb0 No.339761
552758 No.339763
Sergey Millian Panchenko. Jared Kushner contact
https:// www.susu.ru/en/news/2016/12/05/ras-scientist-held-lecture-radiation-accidents-chelyabinsk-students
1b8e3e No.339764
Hey, Q. I got a question about >>>/gamergatehq/331052
Did the clowns kill Pim Fortuyn?
44c3af No.339765
No, we are the spectators enjoying the show… and shouting out mostly wrong answers…
f714bf No.339766
4b7ed5 No.339767
If RED_OCTOBER has to do with cyber espionage, is Corona/Xbox/Kinect spying program connected to it?
c4f82e No.339768
Yep….Steele got ghost
I bet he has a few Russian aliases, wouldn't you think?
24f2c7 No.339769
yes you can only go to a couple places… all the rest is restricted.
f0cfb5 No.339770
why dont you worthless idiots start a petition instead of whining and contributing nothing
b2023e No.339771
Added to dough. Great work anon. Thank you.
7f61b2 No.339772
Damn 2 Rosatom connections.
865954 No.339774
ec346b No.339775
Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?
Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?
Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?
Ask yourself, what is a distraction?
Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?
Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games?
Ask yourself, what does FREED mean?
Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?
Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?
Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?
Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"
Be the autists we know you are.
Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
554232 No.339776
Dude did some research into Pax 44 on the flight over on the Stream, and he kicked some serious ass… Wow. Pass that on, because with 8000 people on their chat I am not going to get this seen. He just needs to know he did a great job.
aecd64 No.339778
Hannity on Fox News.
Watch a bit if you have time.
Sean Hannity has some piece of good info being provided to him, and his collaborators: Sara Carter, and that former advisor (WH) to Trump, who speaks like british and I don't remember his last name.
64e5bf No.339780
They are shills sliding the board.
8dd937 No.339781
How far can an AN-148 fly from a stopped position on a tarmac, with a full payload, in 4 minutes? Normal CRUISING SPEED for this aircraft is 497-541 mph. All comms CUT OFF upon take off. Why?
c73f85 No.339782
Guys if Q knew about the pope changing the lord's prayer, seriously, who are they talking to? Expand your thinking
>Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?
Sounds like an intelligence operation infiltrating the highest levels i.e. the Vatican and beyond
If you bake it, he will crumb
8ab40f No.339783
Do you mean…
Я тебя люблю
3b518f No.339784
ugh…, Rain for Kushner?
0b0a37 No.339786
newsweek is shaite. you are spreading disinformation. Q posts talk nicely about JK
dccc05 No.339787
ab0a0c No.339788
gromov igor
indeed same birthdate as steele: 24.06.1964
64e5bf No.339789
a5dd5f No.339790
both activated.
ec346b No.339791
Over the TARGET.
41e7af No.339792
You small minded glowing faggots have no fucking clue wtf Q is doing! fuck off
6c8e3a No.339793
OK, permission to speak on this topic that has been taboo on the bread for a while.
A list of things we've "heard but not believed". Or rather, put into our suspense file mental database, flagged with varying probabilities of true/false, awaiting further evidence to modify the probabilities until they move toward certainty.
1. NAZIs who went there after WWII in their antigrav vril saucers and submarines.
2. Hole in the earth that gives admittance to some other locale not yet known to mainstream
2a. Hole in a non-globe topography
2b. Wormhole/stargate providing transit to a distant location possibly non-earth.
2c. Hole to interior of a hollow earth
3. In the flat earth ideology, Antarctica is an impassable ridge of ice ringing the circumference of the dome. There would be some kind of gate or door to exit the dome. Some suggest there are myriad other lands (continents) on the portion of the earthly plane beyond the dome.
4. Ayyyyyys. Who live there. Who don't live there, but installed a permanent habitatation/base there. Who come there through a stargate thingie. …
5. Remnants of long-past civilizations frozen in the ice. Or not frozen, still extent. Or archaeoloical remains of long-dead human or ayyyyyyy civilization. Or evidence of why the 14th century(?) Piri Reeis map showed the exact topography of Antarctic continent without ice. What caused it to freeze suddenly. Why it was ice free before.
These are a few of the hypotheses that we've heard and not put to rest.
Don't shoot me, anons. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm not saying what I personally believe, if anything!
Dear God, please bless your sons/daughters who seek the truth, and open our eyes to truth in whatever form it may take. In Jesus name amen.
5c8940 No.339794
[10] on potus tweets
ffe16f No.339796
NOKO wants out of the deal.
fcd922 No.339797
4a5fc6 No.339798
Fuck off memebitch. Some of us get our hands dirty. Some of us see evil and suffering. Some of us do more than bitch at people, make memes, and jerk off the anime. Bitch.
9cae2d No.339799
thank you for confirmation.
865954 No.339800
Desperate attempt to maintain charade by Cabal clowns
566e04 No.339801
I wonder if this is two birds, one stone with recruitment.
915323 No.339802
I think that - as a board owner - you can disable the field in the board.
41e7af No.339803
WOOHOOO over the target baby!!!
e87520 No.339804
c4f82e No.339805
Told ya….its also V. Ivanov…CFO of Overseas Rosatom
5a3737 No.339806
Don't be mad, friend. I know we're an insufferable crowd sometimes :)
Now drop 40k plzzzzzzzzzz
aecd64 No.339807
Has to do with the DOSSIER leading back to HRC and the D's.
1c2310 No.339808
I know, Q posted while I was typing. Removing "The Hunt" changed everything.
Sergey Medvedev's arrest is the money funnel that connects it all. Just like people claim people hacked them to excuse saying something wrong, they used the hack to move money to fund LV. That leads to funding terrorism and terrorist activities making them enemy combatants.
e6b785 No.339809
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground
e3dd77 No.339810
Hey dickhead… Obviously you haven't been paying attention. Where did it say we aren't needed? We are the information army, get on board or gtfo
1720f0 No.339811
>Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?
>Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?
OMG! Please tell me Kim didn't send his sis to the games as an offering to Pence!
3734d1 No.339812
by whom and how? If I spend a couple hundred grand chartering plane to fly over doing say ground penetrating radar surveys for my personal climate research, who has the authority to say no?
be1534 No.339813
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-04/red-october-washington-2017
dccc05 No.339815
So we look for a post here at 3:19 PM Est?
eface7 No.339816
A datacenter is a bunker with servers inside.. Diesel lasts a year with a huge fuel reserve, nuclear can run 20 years on something the size of a football. If WW3 survival is intended, they WILL be nuclear powered.
7bcd45 No.339817
ba6ded No.339818
*screams like a little girl*
f714bf No.339819
Forgive our impatience, Q.
c3cb22 No.339820
I figured you took over NK when you flew AF1 over it during Trumps tour
545948 No.339821
The last time that "The Hunt for Red October" was used was Nov 20th… and the first use without "The Hunt for" was Dec 19th according to qcode unless im missing something what is the significance?
83eaeb No.339822
China’s quantum satellite achieves ‘spooky action’ at record distance
0c1d88 No.339823
b94a44 No.339825
In the 1917 Russian Red October uprising the people stormed the govt and took power. Sound familiar? I think this is what Q is telling us.
4a5fc6 No.339826
Fuck you. We have a right to ask questions and make demands of our govt. Patriots don't group think.
56c2d4 No.339827
There's no option.
c2c20f No.339828
Dem traitors are in panic mode too, demanding to know what covert war powers the CinC is using against them now.
Translation: Q is spooking them.
ae495e No.339829
1b8e3e No.339831
> "You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
> Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military"
If that's still the case… that ain't good. Without good info, everyone else in the whole country (mil or not) is going to be running around like chickens with their heads cut off and kicking own goals because the comped media tells them to.
b2023e No.339832
Q Posts
8.2.18, Thursday
>>303612 USSS on high alert
>>303565 Panic in DC
>>301855 EAS tests?
>>300885 how many dead medical researchers?
>>300473 what if cures already exist?
>>300345 list of resignations constant update
>>299702 rt >>299606
>>299568 rt >>299464
>>299392 rt >>299351
>>299350 rt >>299248
>>299272 rt >>299228
>>299164 goodnight! related to >>302692 ? >>310254 ? Intel™? >>312266
>>299050 2 minutes
>>299017 final guest arrives
>>298274 we see you!
>>298134 rt >>298086
>>297951 rt >>297717
5a895f No.339834
a gordian knot that must be SURGICALLY untied not some swooping gangbuster shit
all of social structure would collapse
c4f82e No.339835
86e58d No.339836
BAKER please add to the dough so anons can re-read and get familiar quickly!!
NEW RULES!!!! Am excited to see a few implementing. I know we can do it together!! Where we go one, we all go! Woot!!!
Please call all newbies, boom-cucks, civ-cucks and LARPing-faggots either a nigger, kike, shill, faggot, glowing-nigger etc. Just make sure to really hurt their feelings. These are offensive and hilarious and work to run these fucks off for good.
Don't tell others to lurk more, because we say LURK MOAR here. Learn our comms… Tell naively-inquiring newfags to piss-off with extreme prejudice. Of course, being as mean as possible is the golden rule.
No turning away our Christian-brothers unless they are spineless, Crypto-kikes, or new-agey as fugg.
Please don't use excuses for not implementing these items immediately. Using excuses such as, "Idk, that seems impolite/politically-incorrect" is kike-talk. This is inexcusable and utter rubbish.
I know change is hard but together we can make this a better place. We should be able to invite planfags, autists, trolls, hackers, and other good white-folks here to exchange ideas and dig alongside of us!! All of my friends send others here from prison, dark-corners of the web and various fight-clubs but they too get turned off by all the faggotry brought here but Facebook-fags and Twitter-cunts quickly.
Let's change this place anons! Change it for the better!!!
8ab40f No.339838
Oh shit, Q laying it down. Message received, Sir.
dcd285 No.339840
>Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?
She is our Red October… she is defecting?? and is going to help negotiate climate change with NK?
a2e63b No.339842
we got out of the cave long ago.
do you have any idea what i'm talking about?
fdc1c4 No.339843
Q you needs to ignore the shills and stupidfags, told you weekend anon´s are no good (to lazy, to new, to stupid. pick what you want)
Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
< we know, you know.. only they don´t get it..
cd6d8b No.339844
Desperate attempt to maintain charade by Cabal clowns who have for decades been inciting wars to exploit money power for themselves
398be9 No.339845
thinking sis is with Pence as a safety measure..
that they are loosing the hold of NK which will become part of KOREA as a whole..
9cae2d No.339846
3:16 ET
lets check.....
Which one could it be?
Reviewing myself.
552758 No.339847
she passsed him something during games
ecf079 No.339848
Thank you for all the hard work you are doing. You are all truly saving the world!
dccc05 No.339849
Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
0857eb No.339850
728507 No.339851
No, Red October was not destroyed by own ship ordinance. That was the other rooski sub. Red October was safely tucked away in a river at the end of the film
b94a44 No.339852
Sorry the reports of the people taking power was FAKE NEWS. It was a coup to seize power. It is worth studying.
620691 No.339853
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 7:24 PM
To: analysis@stratfor.com
Subject: 9.17.07 Red October
And precisely why our President has been such a complete ass. All the
advantages handed to Russia. Now the Russians and the Iranians can diddle
with us as they please.
Good job. Sad but true.
https:// search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/emailid/360588
6200fe No.339854
Feb 8:
Q says "POTUS freed"
On Feb 11th:
New Great Awakening post after 11 days of silence
4a5fc6 No.339855
I think it's where the hornets will come from …
a8d6ac No.339856
Thank you, Q.
So he knew the U1 deal was in the works and likely knew what it would amount to in the long term.
What is the plausibility of the cabalists setting up U1 to give Russia a fuckton of US U, only for HRC to turn the tables and say they were stealing it/prepping it to use against US?
Was U1 going to be casus belli for WW3? If so, did this person know or see it coming?
6bd002 No.339857
1Because they don't want war either, CIA is no longer a factor, peace can be achieved.
2To talk Peace,
3Controlled by CIA, way out, trump
4To prepare public for Peacetalks
5Black Op Site destroyed / Sacking of some kind?
6No more need to play wargames
9start war, force trumps hand into desaster
aecd64 No.339858
Real info about to go public linking the DOSSIER to the russian-HRC/D's collusion.
The real collusion to undermine a presidential US candidate - president elect - President of the US - POTUS>
5a3737 No.339859
NK and SK try hard to restore unity.
Being bound stronger together makes it less likely for NK to start trouble with US (SK ally).
We do NOT want a war.
A false flag missile launched by bad actors (not the first one mind you) would not be understood by the general public still deep in D&C.
ec373d No.339861
I don't recall anyone getting their arms twisted to come here and hang around.
64d220 No.339862
>>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
They are entrenched into everything, EVERYTHING. If all the ways they are entrenched aren't taken out all at once before they realize they're done they WILL kill and destroy as many of us as possible. WE THE PEOPLE, WE have the real power to completely remove them permanently
c64b7a No.339863
Hell yes Q, there are MANY of us who know EXACTLY what you mean
a079ed No.339864
Google data barges?
915323 No.339866
I believe customization is an option. Ask around with your staff; they probably have more knowledge than I do on the subject.
7f61b2 No.339867
Hey it's back to OG Q! They must have switched up today. Nice. Sec_test has to do with migration and transferring of roles. Welcome back Q of old days.
We may lose steam but we never lose the meme.
85cbca No.339868
NK has been freed from the CIA bonds.
c4f82e No.339869
V. Ivanov….CFO of Rosatom Overseas also on flight.
http:// www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-Labour-ground-rules-set-for-Hanhikivi-2005147.html
d887dc No.339871
To give an idea of just how much power that solar array is in Henderson Nevada. Here is an example of a 200 Kilowatt array on DuPont's Harborview Farms….that Henderson array is pumping out the juice….
23e6f7 No.339872
So china’s “Warm welcome” of Trump must have been false flattery…a distraction of ultimate kindness so to speak!
NK has been the tip of the irritational spear and buffer for China.
I fail to understand the complexity of geopolitical connection between them and the MB
8a6f86 No.339873
If they could just get Ric Astley to read this out for us.
0fe7db No.339874
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
Amen, Q. Take note this sentiment is made louder every time something significant happens or you post, indicating that, IMO, apart from clown watchers, there are also other-interest shills, possibly famefags desperate for their newest fix or other actors.
You heard it here, folks. Patience, faggots. Protecting peace is of the utmost importance, so fuck your accelerationist bullshit.
8ab40f No.339875
Baker, add to bread:
Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
dda580 No.339876
We know Hillary's plan in office was to start a fake/real nuke war to take our lives and privileges away, they still wanted to start that War to divert and mis info on us again, cut the money and the intel win the WAR. Get em Q!!
c73f85 No.339877
Related newsweek.com/now-mattis-admits-there-was-no-evidence-assad-using-poison-gas-his-people-801542
Clowns are trying to start WAR everywhere including Syria, Mattis sees through it
5a895f No.339878
e87520 No.339879
This is the biggest/widest/deepest public corruption case the world has ever seen!
61d448 No.339880
Remember what the vault 7 and 8 leaks revealed. Clowns could make their operations look like they originated from any country… including Russia.
64e5bf No.339881
My snipping tool and copy/paste work better since the sec test. Thanks.
a8d6ac No.339882
"strong & smart"
"loves Pennsylvania & loves our Country"
Q has mentioned ampersand pairs as part of the message.
What is this telling us? others?
b0c912 No.339883
У тебя классные ноги.
60a952 No.339884
This is why the cabal is trying to kick start a war in Syria with Turkey & Israel invading it.
They would rather false flag WW3 than have peace.
Probably just slamming some rap with ayyys to sick beats, tbh fam.
Remote viewing says they found an OOPART that would be a REAL #GreatAwakening if news got out.
Damn. I should have worn fresh undies.
lel. y not? :D
>Reddit spacing
>Reddit sperging
Do you not know where you are anon?
This isn't your cozy church barracks. This is the front line under enemy fire.
Wow! It's all true. Now I believe!
NK is a global off-the-grid site for doing sick things to children. Pizza factories near the border. SICK [PEOPLE] Many leads pointed there during pizzagate investigations
Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper is a [CLOWN]
24f2c7 No.339885
http:// www.ats.aq/e/ats.htm
also less than a handful of Masons have flown over Antarctica… circumnavigating N to S seems to be an issue unless you are initiated
a2e63b No.339886
many children saved, but known child rapists/sacrificers still in our faces . . .
060087 No.339887
d887dc No.339888
http:// us.vocuspr.com/Newsroom/Query.aspx?SiteName=DupontNew&Entity=PRAsset&SF_PRAsset_PRAssetID_EQ=125029&XSL=PressRelease&Cache=
b94a44 No.339889
I don't think Q is talking about the movie. Read about the 1917 Russian Revolution called Red October. It was a coup to gain power.
8ec1d5 No.339890
So Q gave us forewarning of the NYC BDT false Flag bomb attempt, and he flagged up John Perry Barlow literally days before he died of a 'heart attack.
Q gave us enough proof that they were legit well before these events so why are they still providing foreknowledge?
My theory is that this board is being used to fuck with the back hats. They are showing them that they know everything, or the bad guys don't know what POTUS nkows.
Think of it as POTUS et al embracing the spirit of the Chans to stick their middle finger up to the bad actors, plus Art of War style miss-direction.
30eda1 No.339891
Q we are eternally grateful. What should be our focus? Resignations, Big Pharma, Mueller? Guidance please.
680e96 No.339892
This is the list I was looking at
4a5fc6 No.339894
I know exactly what he's doing. He's teaching us to make demands of our govt., and that's exactly what I'm doing. So fuck off and go back to masturbating to anime.
21f0a3 No.339895
Don't know but sure wish Q would clarify..
I have never trusted Kushner…
there is something about him …
Can't put my finger on it….
Q please re Kushner… is he trying to us |Trump ??
e984cb No.339896
I tend to agree with you.
Instant gratification isn't possible.
cd6d8b No.339897
We trust your vision and plan as this has been in the works for years.
34f99b No.339898
If Japan is on board, why so much concern from them about a possible reunification in Korea?
e6b785 No.339899
Way to put what I've been thinking into words.
We should go after the talking heads that are propagating!
39113d No.339900
79dca0 No.339901
c4f82e No.339902
Q said "sister"
So is she a plant or something??
a2e63b No.339903
yes, so i've read.
e96c33 No.339906
3734d1 No.339907
NK has a mutual defense pact with China. If NK launches a strike, we will 110% retaliate. This puts china is in a tough spot.
0381aa No.339908
U2 album October perhaps
398be9 No.339909
beyond the imagination of those that remain blind
dda580 No.339910
4b7ed5 No.339911
Q actually just stated that it is not referring to that movie script (anymore).
Note "The Hunt For" was dropped.
620691 No.339912
Good read
Related: Hackers / WikiLeaks / Julian Assange
https:// jimmysllama.com/2018/02/09/10785/
896a82 No.339913
As military intelligence it just seems weird that you would reference the movie in this regard, out of all the things RED OCTOBER actually means, when it comes to military intelligence.
c73f85 No.339914
GHWB and his rogue clowns with VJ, Son of Cane, Hussein and Skull and bones Kerry trying to use FFs for war with CIA hostage NK.
Not gonna happen, patience
a9e87d No.339915
728507 No.339916
yes i know that, and that was what the subs namesake was in the film. Q was not referring to the movie as his (missing "THE HUNT FOR" comment)
0a7695 No.339917
>kill off COC
I'm hoping that means Chamber of Commerce.
Been waiting to hear that name for a long time. Means end is nera.
Thanks Q.
49db05 No.339918
a079ed No.339919
Google data barges?
03635a No.339920
beard pic is a fake
be1534 No.339921
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-04/red-october-washington-2017
bb892c No.339922
Still a theory, but the CFPB was set up to fund MOCKINGBIRD
That's why Newsweek lost servers
That's why no new funding needed with new director
Obama administration put it to the people to save them, but it was set up to control them.
Hard to kill an agency with "consumer" in the title.
CFPB shakes down banks not in the FED controlled banks to continue funding MSM agents.
The press is starting to be freed. Reuters seems to be out of the cage.
Remember who owns big media. I call Bezos. Can't come up with the others without looking.
23e6f7 No.339923
That flinched me!
c73f85 No.339924
ffe16f No.339925
773503 No.339926
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>339778
NK on Fox
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mHF16MK20I
7f61b2 No.339928
f07733 No.339929
Imma take a stab and say THIS is why Mueller's term as FBI director was extended. It was U1-related, he was knee-deep in it, and had to clean up before Comey the Boy Scout took over?
d5fef6 No.339930
3a5b5a No.339931
This right here is what I worry for.
Please at least give us a GENERAL idea of WHEN all this will be done? Seriously, while people are literally dying, children, men, women, diseases spreading, everyone losing everything, these sick fucks get to walk around free....
88abc2 No.339932
3 Children
ANtonov AN - 148
1+4+8 = 13
"54 Dream of The Hive" - yeah ok, hivites - An
5bd6f9 No.339933
Is Kim’s sister at the games as insurance that the NoRKs won’t try to nuke the olympics?
3df47a No.339934
will marriages of convienence ever come out ?
efdeaa No.339935
Nice one - Thanks a mill
4d5233 No.339936
Shifting the narrative - this is where we come into the action
c86289 No.339937
What about Moon agreeing to go to North Korea and meet Kim Jong-Un. Isn't that a naive approach or is there a plan behind this?
6c8e3a No.339938
We understand you have some accurate foreknowledge.
We understand you have a detailed, all-encompassing plan.
We understand the stages of the plan are well considered and necessary.
Only an immature mind thinks you can just rush in to attack the first target that pops up on their mental radar. That is how an animal, toddler or small child deals with a threat – immediate adrenalin-fuelled response from the emotional brainstem.
You have responsibility for the safety of all the American people, and as a moral person you have additional responsibility to prevent harm, if possible, to innocent people in other countries too.
So you are employing higher abilities than little children and animals possess. You are using your cognition augmented by enormous computing resources to make the best decisions and carry them out in line with Q team's oaths to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
God bless you.
545948 No.339939
WTF are you talking about?? A datacenter isn't necessarily a bunker, where did you get that idea?? Q said Underground Massive Datacenter, we may have found it, and you are going off on tangents about nuclear reactors in bunkers and WW3…meanwhile if WW3 happens you are NOT going to be worried about keeping a datacenter running. The Solar Panels are to save money when running the datacenter normally. I agree that nuclear would be nice to have in a bunker situation, but like I said there are NO instances of US bunkers having nuclear reactors… NORAD, Mt. Weather, Site-R, Iron Mountain ALL have Diesel generators. So thank you for distracting.
c98839 No.339940
totally understand Q
i would think that before any of this was started, Potus went and
talked with other world leaders to make sure they know the game the bad actors are playing. as to not start a war if bad actors was to say send a bomb their way. Potus and other countrys fighting cabal together.
bc7b2a No.339941
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
Translation: Concern trolling is frowned upon. Don't do it. (IMO it should be a bannable offense at this point)
a8d6ac No.339942
Those of us with you to the end can afford to be patient.
We understand, sir.
4a5fc6 No.339943
Straight talk. I like straight talk.
8ab40f No.339944
915323 No.339945
Autism activated.
A powerful rise.
3 week tide
3b1dbd No.339946
"against X?"
0e0621 No.339947
The #2's are seen ignoring each other in public. Behind the scenes, they are working together.
232cde No.339948
Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?
>Visual politics for stoking fuzzy reunification feelings
Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?
>Possibly as a way to speak about intelligence, details, private comms, etc
Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?
>Ask the big dogs for protection, leverage, offer something up in exchange for protection (resources?)
Ask yourself, what is a distraction?
>Meant to keep the people looking the other way.
Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?
>Public optics hinting at reunification, willingness to work together
Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games?
Ask yourself, what does FREED mean?
>No longer wears a black hat, leverage against them exists no more
Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?
>Mattis says it's the last option
Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
>Dark cabals
Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?
Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?
>Unprovoked attack on our soil
Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"
>Some people would. Not many. Need more hard evidence of black hat ops in NK for Pandora to come out of its box.
86e58d No.339949
I guess I struck a nerve…
Mission, "Light a fire under Q's ass": SUCCESSFUL
42d79a No.339950
Since Clown takedown of black_ops loc/public exposure what has changed here?
1) Removed their secure COMS
2) Forced them to take more risks of exposure.
3) Command & Control is disappearing
4) They are making mistakes because the LIGHT is on, forcing them out of the DARKNESS.
5) Increase of leverage one against another.
6) 19 in heavily guarded area.
a2e63b No.339951
do you see how challenging you has resulted in more direct comms from you?
ty. this will help many.
bfbcc0 No.339952
Any long time woke person knows this is a COMMON tactic. Look into MOST plane crashes and you will see someone with a cure or a new tech of import or a high level banker, a whistleblower, there is always a target on board.
ac50cc No.339953
>Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself
Play along, give hostage?
eaf2fc No.339954
We need a complete map of all the answers that were confirmed true by Q.
ec373d No.339955
Whoa! Says it all!
49db05 No.339956
>Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
cia niggers
46e15a No.339957
I sure hope preparations are being made to secure the safety of Americans. Because it doesn't matter how much evidence is provided, leftists are so far gone that they will never accept the treasonous crimes of the Obama administration. They will without a doubt start violently rioting the second these arrests begin.
3b518f No.339958
Me neither.., that subject is a danger.., between He and Ivanka.., if they can't from outside.., it try from inside.., please Q.., that subject is a DANGER!!!
517d08 No.339959
Muhahahahahahaga GET REKd CULTIES
c4f82e No.339960
Wonder if she is even his sister?
dccc05 No.339961
The defendants indicted for their alleged roles in the Infraud Organization’s transnational racketeering conspiracy include:
Svyatoslav Bondarkeno of Ukraine;
Amjad Ali aka “Amjad Ali Chaudary,” aka “RedruMZ,” aka “Amjad Chaudary,” 35, of Pakistan;
Roland Patrick N’Djimbi Tchikaya aka “Darker,” aka “dark3r.cvv,” 37, of France;
Miroslav Kovacevic aka “Goldjunge,” 32, of Serbia;
Frederick Thomas aka “Mosto,” aka “1stunna,” aka “Bestssn,” 37, of Alabama;
Osama Abdelhamed aka “MrShrnofr,” aka “DrOsama,” aka “DrOsama1,” 27, of Egypt;
Besart Hoxha aka “Pizza,” 25, of Kosovo;
Raihan Ahmed aka “Chan,” aka “Cyber Hacker,” aka “Mae Tony,” aka “Tony,” 26, of Bangladesh;
Andrey Sergeevich Novak aka “Unicc,” aka “Faaxxx,” aka “Faxtrod” of the Russian Federation;
Valerian Chiochiu aka “Onassis,” aka “Flagler,” aka “Socrate,” aka “Eclessiastes,” 28, of Moldova;
John Doe #8 aka “Aimless88;”
Gennaro Fioretti aka “DannyLogort,” aka “Genny Fioretti,” 56, of Italy;
Edgar Rojas aka “Edgar Andres Viloria Rojas,” aka “Guapo,” aka “Guapo1988,” aka “Onlyshop,” 27, of Australia;
John Telusma aka “John Westley Telusma,” aka “Peterelliot,” aka “Pete,” aka “Pette,” 33, of Brooklyn, New York;
Rami Fawaz aka “Rami Imad Fawaz,” aka “Validshop,” aka “Th3d,” aka “Zatcher,” aka “Darkeyes,” 26, of Ivory Coast;
Muhammad Shiraz aka “Moviestar,” aka “Leslie” of Pakistan;
Jose Gamboa aka “Jose Gamboa-Soto,” aka “Rafael Garcia,” aka “Rafael101,” aka “Memberplex2006” aka “Knowledge,” 29, of Los Angeles, California;
Alexey Klimenko aka “Grandhost,” 34, of Ukraine;
Edward Lavoile aka “Eddie Lavoie,” aka “Skizo,” aka “Eddy Lavoile,” 29, of Canada;
Anthony Nnamdi Okeakpu aka “Aslike1,” aka “Aslike,” aka “Moneymafia,” aka “Shilonng,” 29, of the United Kingdom;
Pius Sushil Wilson aka “FDIC,” aka “TheRealGuru,” aka “TheRealGuruNYC,” aka “RealGuru,” aka “Po1son,” aka “1nfection,” aka “1nfected,” 31, of Flushing, New York;
Muhammad Khan aka “CoolJ2,” aka “CoolJ,” aka “Secureroot,” aka “Secureroot1,” aka “Secureroot2,” aka “Mohammed Khan,” 41, of Pakistan;
John Doe #7 aka “Muad’Dib;”
John Doe #1 aka “Carlitos,” aka “TonyMontana;”
David Jonathan Vargas aka “Cashmoneyinc,” aka “Avb,” aka “Poony,” aka “Renegade11,” aka “DvdSVrgs,” 33, of San Diego, California;
John Doe #2;
Marko Leopard aka “Leopardmk,” 28, of Macedonia;
John Doe #4 aka “Best4Best,” aka “Wazo,” aka “Modmod,” aka “Alone1,” aka“Shadow,” aka “Banderas,” aka “Banadoura;”
Liridon Musliu aka “Ccstore,” aka “Bowl,” aka “Hulk,” 26, of Kosovo;
John Doe #5 aka “Deputat,” aka “Zo0mer;”
Mena Mouries Abd El-Malak aka “Mina Morris,” aka “Source,” aka “Mena2341,” aka “MenaSex,” 34, of Egypt; and
John Doe #6 aka “Goldenshop,”aka “Malov.”
545948 No.339962
No totally agree it is almost the ideal size for use by a datacenter thats why I find this location in Henderson so interesting.
aecd64 No.339963
5a3737 No.339964
we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc.
b0c912 No.339965
What was Kasich eating when you called him?
ec9bfa No.339966
This would explain the 1 and 2 in Qs post
29c0d5 No.339969
I dont have feelz, but gd Homie, you just about made me feel sumpin…
398be9 No.339970
rather than making the black hats take a hit intended for the white… it becomes the ending of the coup attempt of the black hats and forward motion to the ultimate "CHECKMATE"
35498f No.339971
Keep asking for time frames… Do you realize how stupid this is. Even if he had a timeline he sure as shit isn't goingto post it on a board. If this hasn't crossed your mind you really should stop posting. Also not understanding that public safety is a number one concern and MANY different angles must be covered is a sure sign of stupidity. Cut the shit, get some patience, get a clue.
e87520 No.339972
>https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-04/red-october-washington-2017
Great find!
0eff6b No.339973
Thank you Q for the two platform confirmation postings. Now I can believe you are safe and real again.
773503 No.339974
We know Lynn but your days of murdering and raping children are over!
1c2310 No.339975
Knowing she is there makes it implausible that Kim would attack the games himself. If he goes, they'd attack him and blame it on us. Her and Pence together provides cover to both, but by Pence's reaction, it sure looks like he's unaware of what's going on. We're communicating through Moon and bypassing Pence.
d887dc No.339976
1480d5 No.339977
Q; how much of a role does Islam play into all of this?
af61e2 No.339978
the "Hunt" must have been successful…no?
a2e63b No.339979
lolol, i just posted along the very same lines. mission accomplished, patriotic anons. we're willing to take fire on the board to get the desired info stated plainly and succinctly.
b94a44 No.339980
Exactly, not the movie. Start studying the 1917 Russian Revolution that was called Red October. They used propaganda and fake news to mount a COUP. http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Red_October
9fddf4 No.339981
When is the last time we have seen Kim Jong Un?
Did we already carry out a coup and put his sister in power?
It doesn't sound like Kim Jong Un's MO to unify the Korea's at the Olympics if he's not now under our control or already taken out..
They also invited head of SK to the North which is very atypical of MO. 41020 may hv put the sister in power to prevent having to kill a bunch of brainwashed people.
Looks like they tried to initiate a war btwn us and NK and we didn't bite and more likely just stopped the action.
c86289 No.339982
I think his last message is one of his first very clear, noncryptic messages even idiot should be able to understand. Thanks for clearing that up.
a8d6ac No.339983
This needs to be added to the top of each bread from here on out.
Too many impatient anons and too many shills ready to capitalize on that impatience with a derail.
Get with the program or get the fuck out.
3a5b5a No.339984
aad4fb No.339985
NK peace treaty in the works?
b2ccd2 No.339986
kind of. We didn't have any adversaries powerful enough to leverage angainst citizens to draw us into a war threough fear, so the plan was to make millions selling Russia the tools it needed to become a big enough threat to fear-monger citizens into a war. Clinton wanted to 1-up Bush Jr.
545948 No.339987
2-AUER landing in Naples after a random <30min-1hr stop in St. Pete, FL.
a5e1d9 No.339988
resignation focus is here: >>169315
23e6f7 No.339989
ad10fd No.339990
"This has resulted in the ideology of Cultural Marxism, which consists of eroding all traditions and values, thus destroying the foundations of Judeo-Christian culture. The initial round of Marxism, implemented in 1917 in Russia, was mainly about economical reforms and the distribution of financial goods. This model has now collapsed with the demise of the Soviet Union. No one fights for state socialism any more. Multinational companies have taken over. However, the spirit of Communism lives on in the West, the cradle of Marxism, in the shape of false compassion, freedom and equality in absurd measure. The second coming of Marxism, which now unfolds in the West, assumes the form of identity politics, which aims to obliterate all distinctions based on race, gender, culture and religion, using the weapon of open borders and mass immigration. The special target is the traditional family, which s attacked constantly and viciously in the attempt to create a culture in which identity and fundamental relations are dissolved. Transgenderism is another way to deprive a human of his or her fundamental identity. All this is done in order to allow the state or large multinational corporations to control these individuals, who no longer know for certain who they really are. As Soviet Communism dismantled economic class distinctions, cultural Marxism and multiculturalism will obliterate all identity and national distinctions in order to facilitate global control of the masses. The white, Christian male, branded as a supremacist, is the new capitalist or nobleman, who must go to the scaffold, like the czar and his courtiers. Accusation of hate-speech is the new form of censorship that radical leftists apply to control all discourse. The media have manipulated the concept of truth beyond all recognition of truth and falsehood. Truth is what the powers that be want to apply. "
3df47a No.339991
that is how i took it .
eface7 No.339992
summary: global operation underway to free "good" actors of cabal blackmail (pedo material, underground nukes, etc). only once necessary actors have been freed can arrests safely begin.
915323 No.339994
She probably wants to strike a deal to remove Clowns and free her people from mental slavery.
Unify north and south.
We the people
b94a44 No.339995
http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Red_October
efdeaa No.339996
Ah here listen cunt - Can you just fucking sit on your fucking hands for a bit - Lurk and then stare a moar Gentile reddit where muh feels>>339043
41e7af No.339997
>as an offering to Pence
smh lmao Maybe to negotiate with Pence? :)
86e58d No.339998
Amen… "Learn our comms"… "Disinfo is necessary'.
60eb14 No.339999
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
ANY ONE ELSE asking questions about the above after this has been DIRECTLY STATED, is suspect. It's essentially what the REAL anons who are here with PURPOSE have been saying ALL ALONG
c73f85 No.340000
So we need to twat the fuck out of this connection, The Floor Is Ours on this one. Make this news Anons!!!!
eaf2fc No.340001
Right, where the fuk is fat kim?
ae495e No.340002
Heavy, stirring my inner Patriot!
c4f82e No.340003
makes sense, anon
c86289 No.340004
Remember: Distraction. There is no peace treaty going on anywhere. NK is planning something. And I believe it has something to do with Moon Jae-In getting invited to North Korea by Kim Jong-Un.
f714bf No.340005
Wonder if the sister defecting?
5f91d5 No.340006
Looks like Q’s new post on great awakening is it’s a time marker with POTUS Twatter account! Somethings going down soon, Dilley said something about the Emergency Broadcast System putting out an elect this week.
5a3737 No.340007
Guilty as charged of impatience, though.
Ending a 26,000 year of extraterrestrial-orchestrated prison planet slavery sometimes takes more than 6-12 months.
8a6f86 No.340008
This anon is hopeful that the plane crash is FF/FakeNews so that Vyacheslav was picked up safely to testify against the cabalists, while giving them reason to 'celebrate' his undoing, and go about their next nefarious agenda item.
bcd8c1 No.340009
Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?
Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?
Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?
Ask yourself, what is a distraction?
Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?
Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games?
Ask yourself, what does FREED mean?
Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?
Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?
Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?
Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"
Be the autists we know you are.
Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
915323 No.340010
Most plausible theory.
b0c912 No.340011
>Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
0857eb No.340012
Q, I want to thank you for all that you guys have done, are doing, and will be doing in the future. It truly is incredible! Our people are blessed beyond anything I can possibly compare it to. We don't deserve any of this.
87a95c No.340013
Your caps locks been on for like 5 breads
1720f0 No.340014
It dropped off on my screen.
79dca0 No.340015
Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?
strings were cut? they need an alternative now that the narrative is gone?
b16196 No.340016
please consider adding this quote to the dough
(pic related)
60a952 No.340017
If you child wants to grow up to be a nuclear physicist remember to show them this post about why that's not a smart idea
>Viacheslav Pershukov
Viacheslav Pershukov was born in 1958 in Magnitka, Chelyabinsk Region. He graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in Mechanics and holds a post-doctoral degree in Applied Science. He is a Professor and Academician in the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Much of his career was spent holding engineering positions at the Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute and managerial positions in private companies. In 2005–2008, Mr Pershukov served as Technical Director at West Siberian Resources before moving to CH Oil & Gas as Chief Executive. In April 2011 he joined ROSATOM as First Deputy Director of the R&D Directorate and then as Deputy Director General for Research and Development. Since June 2011, Mr Pershukov has worked as Deputy Director General for Innovation Management at ROSATOM. Since September 26th 2017, Mr Pershukov has worked as Special representative of ROSATOM for International and Scientific Projects.
a8d6ac No.340018
That clarifies things and makes more sense. Thank you.
3717e2 No.340019
red october, cyber attack, apache servers, kazakhstan foreign embassy
03635a No.340020
And, we have a winner
a0683a No.340021
Steve Wynn recently resigned. Bet he was being blackmailed. Another NV link.
dcd285 No.340022
d887dc No.340024
It's looking very tasty indeed….
0b6a6d No.340025
They found the sub that launched the missile to Hawaii.
517d08 No.340026
God BLESS you all! and Protect you!
f07733 No.340028
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
In other words, we been playin' 4D chess all along, lads! Thanks, Q!
2635a9 No.340029
Q has mentioned Bengladesh: A poor overpopulated muslim country going through tough times.
> History of mujahadeen influence
> Rohingya migration (1M migrants!)
> Farakka barrage threatens Bengladeshi agriculture
→Famine risks skyrocket
→Social unrest
→A few FFs away from becoming a terror/human trafficking hotspot.
There was also documents leaked showing links between american/ new zealand/ bengladeshi intel/police highlighted by human rights abuses
Source http ://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11433216
The presence of body snatchers is confirmed
http ://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-08/rohingya-girls-targeted-by-traffickers-at-bangladesh-border/9407522
NYtimes has called for the BUDDHISTS to be called terrorists.
Anons, could this region be the next target for RAPE and PILLIAGE from the cabal?
Could they be pushing a muslim demographic transformation of SE Asia?
Who pulls the strings? Can this be traced back to +++, dopey, MB?
34f99b No.340030
If those who have been allowed to resign have committed a crime against the population, will they still be arrested or are they now immune with resignation?
8433c0 No.340031
5a3737 No.340032
Then why are you here?
49db05 No.340033
This fun its really like game simulation
Q i would like to ask what happen to the podesta brothers and their wives?
love from ksa
3734d1 No.340034
Sounds like Kim Jong UN, has been controlled and wants a way out. He starts peace talks with SK so a rogue mill launch would not immediately be blamed on him. Cabal plans are crashing all around the globe and nuclear war between US/China is the only play left to cover it up and regroup.
566e04 No.340035
"What was the Great Awakening?
The Great Awakening was a spiritual renewal that swept the American Colonies, particularly New England, during the first half of the 18th Century. Certain Christians began to disassociate themselves with the established approach to worship at the time which had led to a general sense of complacency among believers, and instead they adopted an approach which was characterized by great fervor and emotion in prayer. This new spiritual renewal began with people like the Wesley brothers and George Whitefield in England and crossed over to the American Colonies during the first half of the 18th Century. Unlike the somber, largely Puritan spirituality of the early 1700s, the revivalism ushered in by the Awakening allowed people to express their emotions more overtly in order to feel a greater intimacy with God.
What caused the Great Awakening?
In late 17th Century England, fighting between religious and political groups came to a halt with the Glorious Revolution of 1688, an event which established the Church of England as the reigning church of the country. Other religions, such as Catholicism, Judaism, and Puritanism, were subsequently suppressed.
From a political perspective, this led to stability since everyone now practiced the same religion. But instead of being a positive driving force for religious belief in general, it created complacency and spiritual “dryness” among believers. Religion became something of a pastime in which people would “go through the motions” during religious services without deeply-felt convictions of the heart and soul. It was only after some decades of this kind of complacency in both England and the American colonies that the spiritual “revival” of the Great Awakening came about.
What were the effects of the Great Awakening?
The Awakening’s biggest significance was the way it prepared America for its War of Independence. In the decades before the war, revivalism taught people that they could be bold when confronting religious authority, and that when churches weren’t living up to the believers’ expectations, the people could break off and form new ones.
Through the Awakening, the Colonists realized that religious power resided in their own hands, rather than in the hands of the Church of England, or any other religious authority. After a generation or two passed with this kind of mindset, the Colonists came to realize that political power did not reside in the hands of the English monarch, but in their own will for self-governance (consider thewording of the Declaration of Independence). By 1775, even though the Colonists did not all share the same theological beliefs, they did share a common vision of freedom from British control. Thus, the Great Awakening brought about a climate which made the American Revolution possible."
ec9bfa No.340036
1720f0 No.340037
If she does, that might make Kim a little more pissed off than we would want him to be.
66583f No.340038
The first thing when I saw FREED was former FBI Director Louis Freeh. He had a 'curious' car accident in September 2015, before we knew about "no coincidences".
29c0d5 No.340039
I dont know about implausible, we are talking about a guy who killed his brother and a half dozen other relatives, so are you sure …
3b518f No.340040
The economist.., it had to b Lynn
83eaeb No.340041
Ivanov Vyacheslav
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philology
Define Semiotician at Dictionary.com
the study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behavior; the analysis of systems of communication, as language, gestures, or clothing. 2. a general theory of signs and symbolism, usually divided into the branches of pragmatics, semantics, and syntactics. Origin of semiotics.
this would be the HF moment
b94a44 No.340042
Lets start picking apart the actual Russian Revolution of 1917
http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/Red_October
4a5fc6 No.340043
3a5b5a No.340044
I'm just raging. This shit literally makes me want to go down to my local Menards and grab a glock, travel on over to some of the folks I know to be corrupt, and dole out some old fashion justice.
eaf2fc No.340045
We need a list of all name with an explanation of their criminality below each one.
c73f85 No.340046
Check those quads of truth
30eda1 No.340047
We need more resignation memes then.
9cae2d No.340048
>>339481 Looks REAL interesting. Looking through that person's posts… I get these two:
It was IMMEDIATELY responded to by: >>339484 which said SPOILER ALERT…. further confirmation, this DOES NOT HAPPEN RANDOMLY.
>>339481 takes me to this post:
"Who are we talking to?"
Surrendering parties.
Mad Dog and T Rex and VP are talking to other heads of States before def con 1 on bad actors at the top.
Shit must be about to go down.
When does Mad Dog get back?
critical information== ==when does mad dog get back??????
this user id also responded to a Q post…
>>339915 laughing at anon who Q responded to: >>339818
>>339498 anon responded to target anon: Qspooky4me
This was the graphic that I made and it WAS in the bread for about 20 breads. Don't know why it isn't in there today.
says just a very anon anon!!!!!!
4a5fc6 No.340051
8f4b3e No.340052
>US former head→s<- of State
Plural. Obama/Clinton/Bush are plural.
6c2e1b No.340053
B.S.Hussein and Crooked Coughin' Hillary and their criminal activist entourage thought they could find something dirty on Trump to use against him, but Trump is clean. He's a true patriot. God bless him and those who stand on the front lines with him.
d337ac No.340054
dccc05 No.340055
Viacheslav Pershukov
Viacheslav Pershukov was born in 1958 in Magnitka, Chelyabinsk Region. He graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in Mechanics and holds a post-doctoral degree in Applied Science. He is a Professor and Academician in the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Much of his career was spent holding engineering positions at the Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute and managerial positions in private companies. In 2005–2008, Mr Pershukov served as Technical Director at West Siberian Resources before moving to CH Oil & Gas as Chief Executive. In April 2011 he joined ROSATOM as First Deputy Director of the R&D Directorate and then as Deputy Director General for Research and Development. Since June 2011, Mr Pershukov has worked as Deputy Director General for Innovation Management at ROSATOM. Since September 26th 2017, Mr Pershukov has worked as Special representative of ROSATOM for International and Scientific Projects.
c71d78 No.340056
If NK, ISIS, and MS13 are taken out their leverage is gone. They can't use fear and false flags to push countries into war. Seems like things are starting to heat up in Syria and Iran also.
b5eeb8 No.340057
>>339978 yes
http:// abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/thais-arrest-alleged-russian-cybercrime-market-operator-52958699
5a3737 No.340058
Not recommended, you'll just down some low level puppets AT BEST and give the higher ones chance to entrench.
Only with light can you expunge darkness.
ae21f0 No.340059
When are you going to learn that YOUR screaming at the shills only DOUBLES the noise around here? Are you seriously that stupid? STFU and ignore them……MOVE THE FUCK ON…..scroll on by.
e924af No.340061
That missile alert in Hawaii was real, wasn't it?
ce56a0 No.340062
The puppet master has changed. NK looking to deal. SK already thanked Trump for making the Olympics with NK possible.
66583f No.340063
I'll take 40k view for $300 Alex
eface7 No.340064
Might even be negotiating terms of Kims surrender. If he has any trace of sanity left he knows he cannot win this.
24cbcb No.340065
Makes you wonder who is playing along. Is NK? The sanction are starving his people. I think deep down he wants to be freed. (They) want war. It would undermine POTUS hold on Patriots, put everyone back in fear mode, return their control to them.
83b291 No.340066
the ‘sister’ not ‘Kim’s sister’
40879d No.340067
Please note the date on this tweet is from Feb. a year ago - 2017
22dae6 No.340068
so, that's not his 'sister'
881109 No.340069
They tried to get Trump to respond to Hi missile, didn't they? There really was a missile. It was shot down and Trump did not take the bait.
c7a77e No.340070
Is this more of Webb BS misdirect or is Hans-Ulrich Klaui the same as Klaevi Yulrich from the flight manifest?
64e5bf No.340071
ba6ded No.340072
>Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?
Because NK is powerless. This is the first time sancitons have made an actual impact. And all their grandstanding has always been a bluff, they know if they go to war they'd be completely destroyed.
>Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?
Note the quotes: she's not his sister. Or at least not his full sister?
>Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?
Declare peace and shut it all down, put focus on your other rogue states you control. Fun while it lasted, gotta go folks!
>Ask yourself, what is a distraction?
Circus and games are the great destraction. Ie. The Olympics.
>Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?
They don't want to have to actually fight each other, even in sport. Why tho?
>Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games?
Took down someone in Shanghai. Not sure if captured or killed, but from the images it looked pretty epic. Can't wait to see the raw feed!
>Ask yourself, what does FREED mean?
past tense: freed; past participle: freed
release from captivity, confinement, or slavery.
Note, not the same as FREE.. FREED is RECENT.
>Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?
>Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?
>Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?
Start a war.
>Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?
A missile into the olympics?
>Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"
Q just told us officially who is controlling NK. Before this we were insinuating but now we know for sure. The CIA and FORMER HEADS, so probably the Bushes/Clintons/Obamas plus probably others from other countries.
There's no fucking way anyone would believe that though.
>Be the autists we know you are.
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
I notice a trend with Q when he talks about MS13 it's very close to talking about ISIS. MS13 and ISIS are controlled by the exact same people. Just local branding.
5a3737 No.340074
0e0621 No.340076
Wait a minute. China has 300k troops on the border now. Are they going move in to be the police of NK as they rehabilitate and come back to the real world if there a split faction in NK that wont give up control that easy when the peace deal is reached?
46d33c No.340077
That's exactly what I think.
Red October refers to The 1917-1918 uprising/revolution.
"The hunt for" could refer to capturing the individuals who will eventually be tried in a military tribunal post Marshall Law. They will be tried and sentenced outside of the normal (read corrupt) judicial system.
Pretty sure Q dropped the "the hunt for" because it was misleading people to research the movie and consequently searching for stupid submarines.
3734d1 No.340078
One thing we haven't considered is that nuclear weapons can be tracked based on the ratio of isotopes in the fall out. After a strike, the world will know irrefutably where the fuel for the bomb came from. American Uranium used in an attack against America would be ideal to obfuscate the true source.
c86289 No.340079
I have one question, Q:
Is Moon Jae-In being too naive or does he follow a strict plan suggested by the current Trump Administration. I need to know whether Moon Jae-In is walking straight into a trap or not.
ec373d No.340081
What this anon said.
85cbca No.340082
398be9 No.340083
but this CHAN does-
get lost
43cd9e No.340084
Since you're offering…. :)
6c8e3a No.340087
Will speculate that the Clowns in NK want war as a possible way to preserve their own hides, but their Nork front men would rather preserve things in a far better way by accepting reunification with the South on terms more favorable to the south. Spooks gone, Korea reunited.
bfbcc0 No.340089
Keep this quote at the TOP, Bolded of every bread.
Trust the plan, In q we trust, Autists swore like we do before Q, Q knows were Autists, Q told that shill nigger kike to STFU
4b7ed5 No.340091
NK hostage situation is over, it is freed?
The parade in NK looked like a celebration. Watch the footage aired live. No internet restrictions anymore?
https:// www.pscp.tv/w/1yNxakreABqGj
c2c20f No.340092
Dilley intel said today would be epic. Checks out
8a6f86 No.340093
It's not my work, let's just call it someone's artistic license.
c21170 No.340094
Q many of us knew that they hate us. We are ants. They would take us in to a war either with Russia or NK. For years we screamed at the tv, the news, the papers about our ability to see the truth. My heart is with P and the PATRIOTS who came up with this plan. I will wait years if need be. I pray for your perseverance and P continued strength to carry out. Pray, indeed. They are the faces of evil. Ty
87a95c No.340095
Ive actually seen the outcome of that .. There was a Pedo Hunter that was going door to door in like '05.. Non US citizen too .. Grabbing the address off the state registry… Knock knock.. Open door .. Boom headshot
5b2b78 No.340096
I feel the need to translate this from Q-speak to chan-speak:
Most of you are retarded niggers GTFO
545948 No.340098
I mean it's either that place or there is more to this Zayo Datacenter underground near McCarran Arpt that is not obvious from above. Too small, not enough heat exchangers.. etc.
c4f82e No.340099
I cant ever tell with that guy
But I do think the target was Rosatom high ups
Thinking they were also some Dossier sources >>340070
3a5b5a No.340100
I wonder if the world would end up in the hospital if they found out it was China that was running NK? I mean seriously, look how many times China's been caught averting sanctions to help NoKo…. Just sayin.
dda580 No.340101
It's Kim's sister,pics galore of those two next to each other, was even wondering if the letter Trump referred to was the same letter kim's sister had?
16bd8e No.340102
Thank you Q. Prayers & Godspeed! MAGA
554232 No.340103
I actually figured they would send a duplicate. Too dangerous to really send her, but needed the face and exposure.
60eb14 No.340105
your statement reveals a LOT about how you think. please tell me that that
s not the best you could come up with. better to say nothing and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt…
eaf2fc No.340107
Yes. The Rothschilds launched a missile with the sub they stole, and Trump shot it down.
a2e63b No.340108
ohhhhh, great day. was wondering how much longer it was going to take.
34f99b No.340110
>>Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?
>They don't want to have to actually fight each other, even in sport. Why tho?
Much of the public both N&S want reunification. Culture is very family oriented. Only politicians want war.
5a3737 No.340111
Yeah, well, I gave the current best of my assessment already in many places. Don't know how to be anymore subtly passive-aggressive-assertive now.
c4f82e No.340112
Shit….exactly what I think
Nice, anon
02565d No.340113
9fddf4 No.340114
a5e1d9 No.340115
there was an anon who wanted to do this… where is he?
4a5fc6 No.340116
I don't think China's intentions are good.
bb892c No.340117
ec373d No.340118
4e85d3 No.340119
Yes, we have known this. These are the type of comments he is calling out. LURK, stop commenting.
Q wants to choke you people. I can feel his frustration and embarrassment for some of your comments
580245 No.340120
Accidentally blocked Q trying to highlight posts! Help! How do I fix this???
eaf2fc No.340121
By the way did they sink that Rothschild submarine, then?
8a6f86 No.340122
#VPinAsia in Photos: http ://45.wh.gov/PBqFxr
3b518f No.340123
There is Oil and Gas?.., for that China militarized the Yellow Sea?, Is China searching his independence of Russia?
e59bcd No.340124
This proves he worked for rosatom but what was the exact connection, we still need to dig
492bfb No.340125
Red October could be referring to the October Missile Crisis during JFK
d887dc No.340126
Is there a sub station or transformers near this area?
5a3737 No.340127
552758 No.340128
#redoctober solved:
Anonymous 12/06/17 (Wed) 17:35:43 ID: 1d1357 No.45121
This is not what Q meant with Hunt for Red October.
This is what Q meant:
>>http:// www.foxnews.com/…/clinton-campaign-dnc-paid-for-anti…
JARRETT: If there is collusion, it's Hillary-Russia collusion. Not Trump- Russia collusion.
HANNITY: I've been predicting this, Dr. Gorka this massive boomerang for a long time. I've known a lot of this evidence was out there and it was all coming. I've been telling my audience, its coming, and its coming. Now the floodgates are open, if you will.
SEBASTIAN GORKA, DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: It's the last scene from that great Tom Clancy movie, "The hunt for red October." When the bad submarine commander launch a torpedo it comes back and sinks his own vessel. That is what the Russian collusion story has done for the DNC and for Hillary. Let's stop using the word collusion, because the evidence we now have is about subversion, it's about sabotaging the political process and it's about propaganda. In the cold war, the Soviet Union will be used what was called active measures to undermine our democracy. This is the Democrat Party, the Hillary campaign using active measures to undermine Donald Trump and the Democratic process in America. It's a shocking story.
Anonymous 12/06/17 (Wed) 18:50:09 ID: 1d1357 No.45476>>45494
Q can you confirm?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/06/17 (Wed) 18:52:37 ID: 6f5bab No.45494
Why is the SS now protecting key members of No Such Agency?
dda580 No.340129
go in options and unblock
6c8e3a No.340130
We don't do TV. You mean Seb Gorka.
And after the pace of the boards shifted our minds into high gear all the time, all normie-level media are too slow & too boring, just about impossible to watch for more than a few minutes. I watched Hannity a few weeks ago and the information pace that he has to deliver for normies is agonizingly slow. Not worth the tradeoff of information lost by leaving the board for half an hour, unless it's POTUS speaking.
103d87 No.340131
Could we get an Autiste looking into "SUSA Capital" in San Fran? A high value target being arrested in San Fran on Friday was mentioned.
Susa is hidden in Trump's tweet today along with SNP (as in S&P 500) and FNM (as in Fannie Mae). Clear as day if you're familiar with his using caps to hide messages.
d5fef6 No.340132
e96c33 No.340133
I second that motion.
554232 No.340134
Think this over: Right now, with the ideological ideals so different, And the considerations of China and Russia and a boundary to Japan, I am not sure it can happen. NK is a mess and would swamp SK without very careful guidance. It cannot be with NK as they are now.
06ebc3 No.340135
Why is the US attacking Syria? Why possibly kill russian soldiers? Why let Israel do the same without a "tweet"? Looks like the Zionist plan is still protected very well.
b0c912 No.340136
He always wanted to live in Montana with Ben Garrison.
bb892c No.340137
I have a view, too. Pop yours up in the top of the next loaf and I'll go one after?
0b0a37 No.340138
posted n times: his presentation
https:// www.ifnec.org/ifnec/upload/docs/application/pdf/2016-06/v.ivanov.financing_opportunities_and_challenges_.pdf
3734d1 No.340139
Pope has been trying to normalize/realign relations with china in 2018.
0857eb No.340140
Oh no! That's my worst nightmare! I will SS any further posts of his here in this bread.
773503 No.340141
Why has Neil Armstrong got a Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame?
60eb14 No.340142
Q responded to you to tell you that your post was shit. And that you needed to lurk moar. Re_read that crumb (especially the last line please once you come down from the ceiling :)
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
609a30 No.340143
Q keeps saying 'you have more then you know'. Today's drop saying 'Why are we still here…' and 'No FBI investigation into this..'. I also saw that Nunes saying we need to pressure Congress to get going on punishing the corruption. Maybe We The People are being instructed to raise up and demand justice now. It's time. They are ready. Maybe a campaign like release the memo. What do you think?
ba6ded No.340144
Original plan was that NK was going to attack SK at the games. It would start a war and embarrass Trump at the same time (since he should have been working ahead of time to stop this!).
Thing is, he WAS. And all the sudden NK/SK become K for the games. Why would they attack the games now? Little Rocket Man wouldn't dare attack his own people like that.
When he wasn't participating it would be a perfect FF. But now that he's in the games, that option is off the table. They're MAD.
a9e87d No.340145
Where have T Rex, Matti's and Pence been?
Has this been reported much?
Why are they doing a world tour?
Who does POTUS trust?
Godspeed anons, God Bless POTUS.
41e7af No.340146
>>339931 IDIOTS!
Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
2bbb60 No.340147
They wanted to control the world like they controlled NK.
1720f0 No.340148
Seriously? With all the talk of human trafficking, sex slavery, and other BS you don't think it could happen?
Pence there by himself, Kim's sister there by herself?
Why would it not be a viable possibility? I mean it's a long shot, but still viable considering the things we know that is going on.
be1534 No.340149
4a5fc6 No.340150
No. It's a hive mind. A collective. Lurn Ingrish.
41ebb7 No.340152
Why it was included.
bdcce8 No.340155
Rosatom deaths must link back to U1 witness Campbell and arrest of Lambert. Lambert was the trucking co connected to Rosatom.
ba6ded No.340156
Maybe you're right. But that doesn't matter. I believe in how Descarte said that even when I'm wrong I get to learn what's right.
a2e63b No.340157
i think there were only 3 or 4 of us willing to take friendly fire. did you see it when anon(s) suggested excommunicating us from the board?
6e9032 No.340158
This board is the comunication and control platform for the operation teams in the field and its used to synchronise different intelligence agencies of other countries.
The Q-team talks to field agents - we are the side benefit.
The "forecast" ist the run instruction.
Why this board? Cause its not checkable for investigations - its public and its anon.
All other stuff could be backtraced, this not - simple and efficient.
What changed? The more cryptic way Q communicates - because crumps for us are encoded commands for the agents in (hidden) operation and a way to synchronise the actions between different intelligence agencies from other countries - with no traces left.
Same as Red October - working with secret knowledge let you camouflage the communication and the real operation.
@Q - every real operation is a kind of "game" - but with living figures and in the worst case with real victims.
Take care guys - pray for u
41ebb7 No.340160
Why does AIM (video) say Sessions is a Bush plant? Is AIM revealing its own ties, given Q's statements re Sessions?
bfbcc0 No.340161
Doing this might clear a lot of distraction and clutter from the board. On target Anons!
e7ffdb No.340162
Maybe Kim had a message to relay through his sister to Pence for Trump?
a9e87d No.340163
30eda1 No.340165
Now we need to focus our twatter campaigns. If resignations is the theme please make memes. I don’t make them but I blast them online. Let’s get organized and focused with ####.
b50737 No.340166
4045b9 No.340167
Happened because Nicholas pissed off the Roths.
ae495e No.340168
e87520 No.340169
That quote needs to be my daily mantra!
34f99b No.340170
Koreans want to be reunited with family. S Koreans see N Korea as a wealth of untapped resources. It is only the global elite that kept themn separate, including propping up the UN regime.
Do you really believe the propaganda that the NK public adores Little Kim?
c4f82e No.340171
they have also been very busy setting up nuclear facilities worldwide
bdcce8 No.340172
Lots of "magic" aka "misdirection" going on.
9cae2d No.340173
Honored, anon! Honored!
41e7af No.340174
>*screams like a little girl*
haha I did the same thing when he responded to me "over the target"!!
ace45d No.340175
has "the hunt for"been dropped because they know location?
4a5fc6 No.340176
And I KNOW Frankenpope's intentions are evil. (Conservative Catholic Anon).
38071f No.340177
is that a testicle caught in the zipper, why yes.
492bfb No.340178
Red October - Cuban Missile Crisis during JFK
545948 No.340179
3b1dbd No.340180
Sorry if redundant:
"Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed to hold the post of the Special Representative of ROSATOM for International, Science and Technology Projects.
Vyacheslav Pershukov will be responsible for the development of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), setting up the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Europe, and organizing the International Center of Research based on MBIR reactor. He will also lead the ROSATOM’s Technology Development Center which is being created in NRNU MEPhI."
a25641 No.340181
Red October is another name for the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia.
Red October (malware), a piece of cyber espionage malware revealed in 2013
Red October was a cyberespionage malware program discovered in October 2012 and uncovered in January 2013 by Russian firm Kaspersky Lab. The malware was reportedly operating worldwide for up to five years prior to discovery, transmitting information ranging from diplomatic secrets to personal information, including from mobile devices. The primary vectors used to install the malware were emails containing attached documents that exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word and Excel.[1][2] Later, a webpage was found that exploited a known vulnerability in the Java browser plugin.[1][3] Red October was termed an advanced cyberespionage campaign intended to target diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations worldwide.
After being revealed, domain registrars and hosting companies shut down as many as 60 domains, used by the virus creators to receive information. The attackers, themselves, shut down their end of the operation, as well.[citation needed]
27cb10 No.340182
>Forgive our impatience, Q.
Yes, please forgive
c570de No.340183
We were told to TRUST SESSIONS and will do so until told otherwise.
26954f No.340184
>You are a double nigger, double kike, double shill, double faggot, and double glowing nigger.
566e04 No.340185
Exactly. Just want to do something in my own small way.
9cae2d No.340186
thank you anon!!!!!
See >>340173
85cbca No.340187
Patriots make the dough rise
83b291 No.340188
China’s with Trump on NK - remember his welcome by axing? Must be troops to threaten Cabal
eaf2fc No.340189
Red October is the Rothschild submarine that they stole, or somehow acquired.
1a7600 No.340190
That's it! Exactly like release the memo. Public essential. Red Pills for the normies
b2023e No.340191
Fresh Q Bread
Over the TARGET Edition
f07733 No.340192
4a5fc6 No.340193
Yeah, but it had to happen. It will have to happen again.
3b1dbd No.340194
Doesn't Red October mean Vegas?
"Hunt for" removed because perp accounted for?
987895 No.340195
I mentioned a few days ago to watch the name Daniel MUDD CEO of Fannie Mae when housing bubble occurred.
83b291 No.340196
e96c33 No.340199
Yes, love coach K, but right now we need Bobby Knight.
c2cbff No.340200
85cbca No.340201
60eb14 No.340202
Q just told us that NK is no longer under clown control, and have come under our wing. Otherwise, Kim's sister wouldn't be seen with Pence, NK and SK wouldn't be united as one in the Olympics, and that they are now FREED. NK is no longer an "enemy", they were hostages, being used by rogues to hold the US and the world hostage. they are now FREED from that predicament. Be proud of POTUS and his work, he DID say that him and Kim could be friends…
4d3e74 No.340203
He criticized Hussein for defunding and scuttling NASA.
41ebb7 No.340204
Mil tribunals. Cover. Trust Sessions.
85cbca No.340207
4a5fc6 No.340208
554232 No.340209
NO. You are not geting what I mean at all. I understand the family. I am talking about basic needs… Sigh and the counseling and their exposure to the real world. They can't just open the gates. And for all you may not want to think about it, there ARE people that have helped the bad guys to their own gain in NK and they will not just let it all go. Dumb ass.
24f2c7 No.340210
and this lady is a sandy hook mom… pics mean nothing in this landscape… Or is it true because muh CNN say so….
8ab40f No.340211
Red October is the missing sub.
c98839 No.340214
stay safe and God Bless Q
3a5b5a No.340215
Ok, for all you >>340146
calling us idiots for wanting REAL progress, why don't you go ahead and think about this, because I'll only say it once: TRUTH needs NO defense.
With that being said, I'll point you to this:
>Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.
And then previously Q has stated that THEY WILL NOT PUT PEOPLE IN HARMS WAY.
85cbca No.340216
a2e63b No.340472
i hear you anon, but don't you see -> more people would be put in harm's way if "these people" were arrested, or whatever. civil war is nothing to take lightly. there is a better way to accomplish the goal. Trump's on it. There is peace in our country, AND (((they))) are being taken down. It is happening. Yes, some innocenents are still in harm's way, but it's a balance - otherwise, they would have been taken off the chess board already.
4a0ef4 No.340485
Something else may be:
1) bolshevik revolution often called by that name. 2) a connection to this tour group (note the owls from trip advisor). http:// www.redoctober.us/index.htm
3)Also an urban dictionary reference for having sex with other people in the room in stealth mode.
4) I think a stronger possibility is the Russian IT attacks last Oct
5) someone mentioned the book/movie, but in the book/movie the RO survives to come to the US it's another Soviet sub which ends up sinking from it's own torpedo after firing at the USSHouston.
6bf043 No.340501
this person is listed as ИВАНОВ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ АНАТОЛЬЕВИЧ born in 1986. Pershukov is definitely not that young.
3dd580 No.340554
submission complete? I expect so.
de3e0e No.340557
Is CIA involved with black market traders of our personal data?
3b1dbd No.340577
I was wondering if that was the "door of all doors" to which Q alluded.
de3e0e No.340597
Is the CIA involved in trading or selling our personal data to black market brokers?
9862e1 No.340602
Q - Is RBG going to retire or possibly have a "heart attack"?
18c93e No.340604
91b906 No.344598
Mr Q; Who controls the chemtrails?
Why are they used, by who? As of late tons of it in the air past 3 weeks, what is going on with space weather, earths magnetic field?
45ae8b No.344648
http:// earth-chronicles.com/crash/in-the-suburbs-the-passenger-an-148-crashed.html why is thirty spelled out on this list? Is Victor our alright readcrumb to Blackstone, who has offices in Shanghai and Hilton as subsidiary? Why did a group big dog say stocks would drop by 20% this year? Am I way off?
c10628 No.344700
c10628 No.344810
Russia has troops there also.
425b5f No.344833
ITS not what's in Antarctica.
ITS what's NOT in Antarctica.
Eyes,ears, satellites surveillance,
Can't plan WW3 in privacy if the NSA can hear/see you.
It's privacy