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Pro Aris et Focis


682050 (8) No.334590>>334611 >>334644 >>334689 >>335146 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

We, the People give rise to the Restoration of our Republic

There's 1 Rule on /QResearch/


(Also, The Golden Rule)

Best Of Bread

>>311371 A compilation of top posts from prior breads

>>326303 Remember how long, and how carefully, our White Hats have stayed the course

>>330803 The Qmap is the purest source of intel we have ever had. Read it to immunize yourself against BS and RED HERRINGS.

>>331527 Reread crumbs!

>>332331 Qmap Legend

Q's Private Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Latest Q Posts

>>326006 Public: FBI/DOJ/O-WH/SD

>>325862 Google / CIA web monitoring investment

>>325644 globaleaks.org

>>325580 Mess with the best, die like the rest.

>>325453 Seals are wonderful creatures.

>>325370 You will cease to exist.

>>325300 Thank you Dopey.

>>325284 Clown black op sites. Asia.

>>325272 JFK Con Room.

>>324758 What's going on in Asia?


>>324485 [-]

>>324477 [5]

>>324405 [e]

>>324395 RIP JFK

>>321555 Noi Bai International in Vietnam?

>>320333 Top 10 Player

>>320057 [Next week]

>>319888 Ha ha ha!

>>303612 USSS on high alert

>>303565 Panic in DC

>>301855 EAS tests?

>>300885 how many dead medical researchers?

>>300473 what if cures already exist?

>>300345 list of resignations constant update

>>299702 rt >>299606

>>299568 rt >>299464

>>299392 rt >>299351

>>299350 rt >>299248

>>299272 rt >>299228

>>299164 goodnight! related to >>302692 ? >>310254 ? Intel™? >>312266

>>299050 2 minutes



>>299017 final guest arrives

>>298274 we see you!

>>298134 rt >>298086

>>297951 rt >>297717

>>297686 so much more than you know

>>297553 rt >>297521

>>297530 rt >>297464 see also >>297623 proof of gun from congressional hearing

Older Q posts:

2.6.18 - Tuesday >>326376

2.5.18 - Monday >>314473

2.1.18 - Thursday >>314040

1.31.18 - Wednesday >>314035

1.29.18 - Monday >>285358

1.27.18 - Saturday >>285209

1.26.18 - Friday, >>171600 rt >>171424 Q team cares, >>>/greatawakening/62

1.25.18 - Thursday >>189525

1.24.18 - Wednesday >>189518



>>279968 rt >>279898




>>297355, >>297379 Getty FTP found in exif update >>310818

>>295015 raw source found

>>295561 House of Representatives camera setup

>>293637, >>285632, >>285704, >>285611, >>294259, >>294647

>>284781 Lost & Found Photos of SOTU Phones Thread. POST YOURS HERE PLEASE.

>>294086 Q Task SOTU Photo & Video Updates Consolidation from 2.6.18

>>285721 Videos of SOTU are disappearing. Archive before posting.

>>286850 Video of SOTU

>>286613, >>286746 "[something] Trump, you need to be shot."

>>286633 Getty manipulates photos before posting?

>>286402, >>286411, >>286419, >>286460, >>286487, >>286489

>>286510 Phone Screen Confirmed Shopped. Spread the word.

>>285651 Beatty's Statement on Trump's SOTU Address


>>284004 www.fbi.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/fbi-executives/carl-ghattas

Findings: >>289566, >>293165, >>293197, >>293203, >>293215

>>298462 Carl Ghattas connected to Twitter lawsuit

>>293215 Follow the wife: Kim Ghattas and Hillary

Clinton Email investigation time line >>291986, >>291104


Memo → intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/memo_and_white_house_letter.pdf

Rebuttal Of Charges Against The Memo → intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hpsci_fisa_memo_charge_and_response.pdf

Rule 13. Correction of Misstatement or Omission; Disclosure of Non-Compliance → fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/FISC%20Rules%20of%20Procedure.pdf

OIG Reports Page → oig.justice.gov/reports/all.htm

Grassley Memo → www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-02-06%20CEG%20LG%20to%20DOJ%20FBI%20(Unclassified%20Steele%20Referral).pdf

682050 (8) No.334591>>334612 >>334719

Board Rules


FAQ: >>>/qtip/1

Quick Access Tools

-- Q Map Graphic

>>330832Q Maps 1&0 (last confirmed by Q)

>>330817Q Maps 3&2

>>330810Q Maps 5&4

>>330797Q MAP Clowns Clowns Clowns Edition


>>330855+++_Soros_P Keystone

>>330839RED_Red Cross

>>333538 → '''Darnkess/Darkness (Ten Days)

* Qcode guide to abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* QMap zip → enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations → qcodefag.github.io | alternate: qanonmap.github.io

* Q archives → qarchives.ml | alternate: masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* POTUS-tweet archive → trumptwitterarchive.com

* QMap PDF (updated 02.11.18) → https:// anonfile.com/I8v682d3b4/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_6.1.0.pdf | alternate: https:// fr.scribd.com/document/371238984/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-6-1-0?secret_password=xdmPRpGAd5FwKNtEvjmx

* Spreadsheet → docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Raw Q Text Dump → pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops → pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Calendar of notable events → teamup.com/ksxxbhx4emfjtoofwx TICK TOCK >>222880>>324893 → Vintage Q Maps 5&…

Focus Reminders / Tasks & Tasks Updates

>>314348 Justice Antonin Scalia task complete ← Someone find a place to archive please.

>>222299 Tasks Not Yet Completed - To Work On 1.31.18

>>222501 Ongoing Tasks List Consolidation

Current Hashtags








Using The Ice Cream Method For Tweets

Ice cream method?? See here: >>212383

->Use Q/POTUS/trending #'s in your ice cream!<-

Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General archives

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free research resources

>>4362 Planefag tools

>>4369 Research threads

>>3152 Redpill scripts

>>3301 General bread feedback

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>247769 Memes12

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics


MemeFags Please Read This

>>272467 Get the Most From Your Post

New Bakers Please Read This

https:// pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Recent/Notable Posts


>>333960 Concise Answer for why Q uses Movie Signatures

>>333979 Secret Socities link of JFK speech

>>333517 11 major helicopter crashes in the past four months

>>333156 NK Power structure

>>333151 Clowns, Kissinger and Cronkite?

>>333116 Corona Satellites

>>333040 Chartered Helicopter out of LA goes down; 3/7 dead.

>>332914 JFK Speech.jpeg

>>332882 Deep Dream - How the Clowns keep their eye on you

>>332810 SIGNATURE movie descriptions + general themes

>>332553 In-Q-Tel Teresa Shea

>>332649 Bangkok Russian hacker arrest

>>332585 Pristap flipped

>>332516 GlobalLeaks was made by HERMES Center for Transparency and Digital human Rights

>>332523 Chessfag E5 White rook takes black knight, JA tweets about chess >>332713

>>332522 #3 at DOJ stepping down

>>332483 Games RFUN - Annual Threat Intelligence Conference

>>332077, >>332058 Department of Health, vaccines, and unalienable rights

>>331709 5 were removed or subtracted from society or secret societies.

>>330465 Trump's past use of Clowns takes on a whole new meaning..

>>328082 Missing "E" on Secret Socities Qpost

>>326512 Most Plausible POEC explanation

>>323792 BO asks BV not to delete AeiAnon and Owl's posts. All rel. bans lifted

>>323793 Light on Q's crumb on unauthorized people in the Capitol Hill SCIF

>>322457 Noi Bai International in Vietnam confirmed?

>>322178, >>322222 White House IP?

>>322197 QPic: Shanghai Pudong Airport a possible location

>>322346 Q's 3 Consecutive Trips. The Kek is STRONG

>>321497 IP, Dallas, ClintonEmail & Softlayer Tech

>>321141 Run David Run

>>321086, >>321304 Top 10 IP Address

>>320603, >>321921 Hannity's Top 10 List

>>318834 Strzok and Page Reference Bleach Bit

>>251011 HRC private server supporting evidence

>>314844 Follow the money

>>312836 Shanghai Meeting??

>>312794 A Golden TWAT

>>312483 P = Pharma?!?! Beautiful graphic

>>312411 Deepwater Horizon clues

>>312655 Can we arrest Warner???

>>309196 Trump administration and beyond (Source: archive.fo/pdsy7)

>>303420 Pfizer circle of hell

>>303045 Q drops on medical situation

>>303256 fly SID fly

>>295336, >>297455 Learn To Play The Game With Q

>>302110 Shanghai connection

>>301129 The Pharma Racket

>>300147 Stabbings in Corpus Christi

>>300124 Prediction - FISA>Nunes>Grassley>Mueller>Sessions

Previous Notable Posts

>>321147, >>286207, >>276417, >>247024, >>245078, >>220292, >>189512

>>174458, >>136421, >>9019

91ed58 (11) No.334611

File (hide): 0d98cdc6913f12b⋯.jpg (181.12 KB, 994x426, 7:3, IMG_2045.JPG) (h) (u)

>>334590 (OP)



> BEST bread title EVER!

thanks BAKER

(pic IS related)

4e0936 (26) No.334612


>>3301 General bread feedback

dead link. please remove from dough at your convenience

35aa27 (1) No.334613

File (hide): 01a0e29cba80edb⋯.gif (214.07 KB, 219x257, 219:257, 01a0e29cba80edb38078294cea….gif) (h) (u)

Bless you bread baker and praise Kek!

Let's get this party started!!!!

aaaa25 (1) No.334619>>334791 >>334890 >>334894



anybody have a calculator?

30 September 2014, Final Monthly Treasury Statement, Outlays and Revenues, Table 5.

Total--OPM Outlays 2014 = $138.63 Billion (What?)

Total--OPM Outlays 2013 = $133.7 Billion

Total--OPM Outlays 2012 = $128.4 Billion

Total--OPM Outlays 2006 = $99.8 Billion

Total--OPM Outlays 2000 = $71.8 Billion

Total--OPM Outlays 1997 = $64 Billion

Total---Ag Outlays 2014 = $159.61 Billion

Total---Ag Outlays 2013 = $181.7 Billion

Total--- Ag Outlays 2000 = $94.6 Billion

Total---Ag Outlays 1998 = $71.5 Billion

Total---Department of Transportation Outlays 2014 = $76.85 Billion

Total---Department of Transportation Outlays 2013 = $76.9 Billion

Total---Department of Transportation Outlays 2000 = $46.5 Billion

Total---Department of Transportation Outlays 1998 = $40 Billion

46dbd3 (5) No.334623>>334730 >>334755 >>334891

Is there another board for topics that are more "theory" but still related to what is going on currently?

Example topics:

"time" travel (involving potus and others)

space fleet information

vatican cronovisor and tesla info

Jump Gates, locations and testimony

bases on mars and moon

All of these things seem pretty out there but still need digging.

related* looked into a patent that I had found out about a few years back, had a professor that told me his uncle's brother created a hydrogen sieve and a method to use it as fuel. He wound up dead and the patent was bought by Boeing. I had the link saved to the patent, but some how the patent changed. It's not the same one I saw 2 years ago. The whole patent was a cover up trying to make it look like cryo tech but had NOTHING to do with cryo tech.

729266 (1) No.334630>>334650

Reminder that Q never mentions Jews.

nb4 post deleted for not being kosher

106393 (9) No.334631>>334641 >>334654 >>334657 >>334668 >>334675 >>334704 >>334738 >>334739 >>334754 >>334809 >>335159

I use to read my bible everyday. God was my only hope for about 49 years. I remember as a 7 year old girl crying out to God. I was at the end of my rope at that point. And He touched me. He really did. Gave me hope for so many years. Then a heartache I couldn't bear brought me to despair. And I reached out to Him, like I always did. And He was silent.

And then I stopped believing.

Life took my hope away.

I realized that the same faith that gave me hope also led to my despair.

I'm hoping my faith returns through all of this. Life was much easier when I believed.

Is God real?

a809b5 (3) No.334635>>334740 >>334752 >>334782


GodGather III might just be the bad guy wanting to go good. We haven't seen a Pope switch since Q's been here.

8b9ed3 (9) No.334640

File (hide): 5b0ade927864cff⋯.png (312.97 KB, 681x442, 681:442, market.png) (h) (u)

Makes an interesting case for the market fuckery being used as blackmail for NAFTA.

https:// threadreaderapp.com/thread/962180938137522176.html

29fd13 (3) No.334641>>334664


God is real anon.

Hold fast.

Pray for anons.

1fec45 (1) No.334643

File (hide): f84420640705138⋯.jpg (125.68 KB, 1024x555, 1024:555, kain.jpg) (h) (u)

Narrow escape.

02b201 (1) No.334644>>334811

File (hide): f0d138dc1b4c26d⋯.png (348.69 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Impressive3.png) (h) (u)

>>334590 (OP)

Impressive, Baker

664af7 (1) No.334645>>334663

Reposting from dead board:

Feb 10 2018 00:44:25 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde 324485


Feb 10 2018 00:43:25 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde 324477


Feb 10 2018 00:35:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID:6:02 AM· Feb 10, 2018 324405


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·Feb 9

Costs on non-military lines will never come down if we do not elect more Republicans in the 2018 Election, and beyond. This Bill is a BIG VICTORY for our Military, but much waste in order to get Dem votes. Fortunately, DACA not included in this Bill, negotiations to start now!

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Jobless claims have dropped to a 45 year low!

6:02 AM · Feb 10, 2018

[5] th letter of jobless=[e] Less=[-]

No clue if it means anything

8b9ed3 (9) No.334650>>334674 >>334744 >>334769


>Reminder that Q never mentions Jews.

>nb4 post deleted for not being kosh

Would mentioning the kikes increase or decrease the amount of people spreading his crumbs?

5af870 (42) No.334651

We've got two 411s, both with threads going.

91ed58 (11) No.334652

File (hide): b62ef57db05bf37⋯.jpg (129.18 KB, 702x390, 9:5, IMG_2106.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 41fc2daf42058c2⋯.jpg (209.42 KB, 1389x454, 1389:454, IMG_2033.JPG) (h) (u)


e5f620 (2) No.334654


does it really matter if god is real? the act of having faith… regardless of what you believe in… is what gives humanity hope at a brighter future

338d84 (12) No.334655>>334658 >>334670 >>334684 >>334750

The case can be made that the reason the Flynn sentencing is postponed by Mueller's team is that they have a Giglio material issue and they are looking to run out the clock a bit.

Basically, in a plea, the government must disclose exculpatory evidence INCLUDING (as per Giglio) reputational issues of witnesses. Strzok participated in the Flynn interview, is married and having an affair, discussed modifying interview notes (called 302s), and was ultimately reassigned to HR desk duty from Mueller's investigation because of demonstrated bias.

Did Mueller's team disclose this to Flynn's team prior to the guilty plea? Well, if not, the plea can be withdrawn and good luck finding anyone to take that to court with what the public now knows.

Let's not forget this was an informal interview, that it was voluntary, and Flynn had no counsel present! And it was not recorded!

Can we get some informed discussion on this?

aefaca (6) No.334657


I can relate. but, yes, He is real. Keep knocking.

d1ba85 (9) No.334658

4e0936 (26) No.334661

going on parallel breads right now

b0408f (8) No.334662>>334666


a809b5 (3) No.334663


Just because the money is allotted it doesn't mean it has to be spent does it? Trump should just proceed with his plans to bring the social program expenses down so that the money isn't needed.

46dbd3 (5) No.334664>>334672 >>334683 >>334756 >>334757


sauce for god being real.

b0e550 (2) No.334665

File (hide): b90de113d9a1f9f⋯.png (595.07 KB, 692x1081, 692:1081, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Bread is real good, Baker.

4e0936 (26) No.334666>>334667 >>334677


for fucks sake this one is stickied, fag

a6cbf7 (1) No.334667


*just report it to be renamed to 412 jeees*

199b4f (29) No.334668>>334673


God is indeed real. God is not an individual. God is a Force.

Some call that Force.. Love.

edba4a (1) No.334669

>Silence is golden.

Here are some select lyrics from the 1960's song "Silence is Golden" with "she" changed to "they."

Talking is cheap people follow like sheep

Even though there is no where to go

How could they tell he deceived them so well

Pity they'll be the last ones to know

How many times will they fall for his lines

Should I tell them or should I be cool

And if I tried I know they'd say I lied

Mind your business don't hurt them you fool

a809b5 (3) No.334670>>334691


Doesn't Flynn also have in his favor that the wired tapping was illegal. So it can't be used.

aefaca (6) No.334671>>334679

WTF which bread is it?

6d6e15 (2) No.334672


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajqH4y8G0MI

46dbd3 (5) No.334673>>334711


many religions teach that god is a real person. proof he isn't?

1b3583 (2) No.334674>>334688 >>334692 >>334693 >>334702 >>334708 >>334746 >>335262


So we can't talk about anything that Q doesn't mention? That doesn't make sense and seems like strict censorship.

Just saying

b0e550 (2) No.334675>>334676


>Is God real?


46dbd3 (5) No.334676>>334682 >>334685 >>334714

b0408f (8) No.334677


I'll make your Mom's back sticky, queer-bait.

91ed58 (11) No.334678

File (hide): 98618745e33c352⋯.jpg (74.86 KB, 520x245, 104:49, IMG_1958.JPG) (h) (u)

(Pic related)

4e0936 (26) No.334679>>334697


this one. they locked the other one

it's officially sorted

338d84 (12) No.334680>>334705

Sorry, there's two #411s going on and I migrated over here as well.

I want to try to figure this out: a lot of people here think Mueller is on Trump's side, which would mean he fucked up on purpose or he alliwed someone to overplay their hand.

I'm guessing we might be able to dig up the who's and figure out where they've previously popped up. Either something like this or we can jerk off bakers all night and talk about Jesus, whatever

2edcfd (58) No.334681

from old bread


>Is there any reason to believe that the tesla x spaceman is not a manikin

you did NOT just ask that question...



>Christianity has withstood the test of time, science,

top kek..science..HOLY INVISIBLE MAGIC SPERM...you're right!


no worries lads...they'll be back at work and school come Monday...I know it's not much to say they mean well..but they do...(but I dearly wish they'd go back...)

6d6e15 (2) No.334682


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajqH4y8G0MI

199b4f (29) No.334683>>334737


Having a near death experience (and living through it, duh) is one of the scant ways to have sauce.

Finding God's reality for yourself is most certainly a Socratic journey. Good luck.

d1ba85 (9) No.334684>>334722

File (hide): 7f5a54068f868f3⋯.jpg (137.29 KB, 1122x585, 374:195, RJ.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e72a99935f4f5ee⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 524x600, 131:150, When_In_Rome.JPG) (h) (u)



RivetJoint returning to RAFMildenhall after visiting the coast of the Vatican/Rome.

aefaca (6) No.334685


Sauce? Haaa.

5a0025 (5) No.334686>>334690

Other 411 is proper bread


Baker's post in 410 links to


053475 (7) No.334687>>334721

This is the good bread, sorry for the confusion but there wasn't any chatter regarding a new bake so I e-baked. Thanks for understanding.

7c136c (2) No.334688>>334699


It is a research board not a lose a bunch of critical info on a bunch of bullshit

e4db15 (17) No.334689>>334717 >>334731

>>334590 (OP)


I believe it is John Perry Barlow.


Q was trolling Snowden at that time. More interesting,

to me, is the comment "Cold?" I think it means that

Snowden is not in Russia, but somewhere warmer.

He should get used to warmer climates, seeing as

he's going to be in Hell soon.

053475 (7) No.334690>>334695


They already killed that loaf. Too late now.

338d84 (12) No.334691


Yeah but the reasons you can withdraw a guilty plea are so limited that I can't help think this is a very specific trap

8b9ed3 (9) No.334692>>334735 >>335352


No one is saying you can't talk about it but Q isn't mentioning them specifically for very good reason imo. Its understood.

26a530 (3) No.334693>>334698 >>334737


on /qresearch/ we only talk about what Q has mentioned in his posts.

remember, on


we only talk about Q and what he postsa about

5a0025 (5) No.334695


Yeah, just saw that

got a 404 after a ctrl F5

4f7665 (19) No.334696>>334780 >>334788 >>334807

Did we ever get an answer to Q's question?

"How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if

those in front of the camera [trusted by select

viewers] are extensions of the ARM?"

aefaca (6) No.334697


Ahh ty.

91ed58 (11) No.334698>>334798

File (hide): fbb77c4c949911e⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2108.JPG) (h) (u)


> (pic related)

1b3583 (2) No.334699>>334748


Just trying to get the rules of what is not censored here. I thought it was a free thinking, open mind research board.

b0408f (8) No.334700>>334707 >>334718 >>334727

File (hide): 8f8bcc26d431a24⋯.jpg (101.63 KB, 610x327, 610:327, Israel-ISIS-Mossad.jpg) (h) (u)

ISIS got BTFO in Syria, now Netanyahu/Israel is conducting military operations in Syria… Weird.

9a931d (4) No.334701>>334710

Seven Seals of Silence - sculpture dedicated to JFK…….

http:// www.broomearts.org/public-sculpture/seven-seals-silence/

8b9ed3 (9) No.334702


All roads eventually lead to the kikes. Every. Fuckin. Time.

and yes they have their puppets willing to play their parts but if you follow the money..

86db88 (24) No.334703>>334742 >>334808 >>334824 >>334877

File (hide): 6ccefbccd7abff6⋯.jpg (117.76 KB, 634x662, 317:331, 49170BA800000578-5377263-i….jpg) (h) (u)

PICTURED: Rescuers try to reach survivors of horrific Grand Canyon helicopter crash as three people are killed and four are injured when tour ends in tragedy

'At approximately 5:20 p.m. (7:20 p.m. ET) a Papillon Airways EC-130 vessel carrying a pilot and six passengers was reported to have crashed near Quartermaster Canyon, within the Grand Canyon on the Hualapai Nation,' police chief Francis E. Bradley Sr. of the Hualapai reservation said.

'Three passengers are confirmed deceased and there are four level 1 trauma patients at the scene,' Bradley said.

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5377263/Three-people-killed-Grand-Canyon-helicopter-crash.html

0c3ab1 (1) No.334704


God is real and HE loves you.

One night I dreamed a dream.

As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.

Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.

For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,

One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,

I looked back at the footprints in the sand.

I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,

especially at the very lowest and saddest times,

there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,

You'd walk with me all the way.

But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,

there was only one set of footprints.

I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."

He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you

Never, ever, during your trials and testings.

When you saw only one set of footprints,

It was then that I carried you."

50b004 (23) No.334705>>334720


Remember Q asked us to think about POTUS interviewing Mueller undercover of becoming FBI director when he isn't eligible to be director because he served in that capacity for 12yrs?

Maybe Mueller's job has been to babysit the core group of DOJ/FBI bad actors, giving them a task (false task at that) to focus on while the White Hats set the table with out their interference…

26a530 (3) No.334707


can't trust the minions to do one thing right, these days.

2edcfd (58) No.334708


what does the title say? this isn't FB or bible study..if it were you already would have been shredded…you've neer engaged anon level intelligence..we're being nice..trust me. now either TITS, STFU, GO BACK or stay on target. SEE BOARD TITLE FOR INFO.

6cde84 (1) No.334709>>334806

“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”


9a931d (4) No.334710


"An abstract sculpture honoring John F. Kennedy consists of seven bronze relief plaques attached to the sides of an angular granite base. The plaques, or "seals of silence," depict the evils of non-involvement in the struggles of life by showing abstract figures in various states of disease. The first seal, "The Maimed and the Ignorant," shows three isolated figures with a bulbous cloud overhead. The second seal shows three figures standing in separate compartments, isolated from one another, and is titled "The Conformists." "The Uninspired," depicts three figures squeezed into a tiny space, compressed into inactivity by a bulging force above and below.

The fourth seal is entitled "The Rejected." It shows three figures "out of equilibrium" with themselves and with other people. "The Depraved," the fifth seal, is meant to symbolize absolute negative involvement. The figures are contorted in powerful writhings of misdirected pleasure. The sixth seal, "The Invisible," shows six figures, all with their identities literally scooped out. Instead of bodies, there are merely molds for bodies, with one figure preparing to enter a new mold of non-existence. "The Dead" is the final plaque. It shows only blurred forms, in "the final involvement," with a body lying inert."

199b4f (29) No.334711>>334737



Fuck off, clown.

5a0025 (5) No.334713>>334741 >>334747

File (hide): d9a6a81b3594eb9⋯.jpeg (140.63 KB, 640x352, 20:11, There can be only one.jpeg) (h) (u)

When dual loaves appear.

2edcfd (58) No.334714


don't just don't…MKUltra can't be cured on infinity.

c3defc (1) No.334716

File (hide): 7744c41772ea48b⋯.jpg (8.17 KB, 141x182, 141:182, th9OSPT8VX.jpg) (h) (u)

e4db15 (17) No.334717


Shit.. was replying to "old bread." Anyway, the link relates to [John] in Q's latest batch.

8b9ed3 (9) No.334718>>334888 >>335220


>ISIS got BTFO in Syria, now Netanyahu/Israel is conducting military operations in Syria… Weird.

Israels end game is to reduce all surrounding nations into third world status then starve them out. Over time the entire middle east become israel.

053475 (7) No.334719




Some things to add to dough, if obliged, from #410:

Notable Posts from #410

>>334372 Hunt for Red October Correlation

>>334159 Nixon/Kissinger Wiretaps?!

>>334457 Seth Rich and HRC Timeline

QResearch Inspired Art: >>333889, >>333931, >>333967, >>334164, >>334176, >>334310, >>334338, >>334411, >>334497, >>334543

>>334395 Patriots

338d84 (12) No.334720>>334758


Or maybe use up Dem lawyers so they have to recuse later on. But the Flynn thing is really weird and the sentencing postponment until May AT REQUEST OF THE MUELLER TEAM is seriously weird because whoever brought that would be desperate for an easy win right now

50b004 (23) No.334721>>334724


TY for taking up the task Anon.

2edcfd (58) No.334722>>334726 >>334734


WTF map..is he drunk?

053475 (7) No.334724>>334765


I baked the one that got pruned. Was just doing it because it seemed like we were filling up without notification. No worries.

4f7665 (19) No.334725

"The truth is, thousands of former Nazis, some of whom committed atrocities, went to work for the United States government without the public’s knowledge. During the war, their crimes ranged from overseeing slave labor camps to sending orphans to their deaths. After the war, they were on the US payroll either as scientists in America or as intelligence agents in Europe."

https:// www.never ontv.com/cia-nazi-connection/

e75765 (1) No.334726>>334773


ADS-B tracking anomalies. Might happen with MIL jamming nearby.

e4db15 (17) No.334727>>334732


They are going after Iran. Iran is the cabal's Middle East

hangout. Same reason SA is going after Yemen.

And someone else will start at them in Lebanon.

779174 (2) No.334729

Ok. watched my titter getting changed tonight while I typed. and just had to re-set my pc form an image on my hard drive. is a week old this pc.

5af870 (42) No.334730>>334737

There's a deep dig post for artificial intelligence and multiverse. DoE Supercomputers and Cyber Espionage.


2edcfd (58) No.334731>>334743 >>334778 >>335157


>He should get used to warmer climates, seeing as he's going to be in Hell soon.

Please go back…you do realize JA helped him escape…right?

4e0936 (26) No.334732>>334762


>Iran is the cabal's Middle East hangout

someone hasn't lurked enough. see:


779174 (2) No.334733

twitter too

d1ba85 (9) No.334734

>>334722 (Chekked)


Just doing what RJs do.

Interesting target area was why I posted.

2edcfd (58) No.334735


>Q isn't mentioning them specifically for very good reason imo. Its understood.

yeah cause the last thing you want to do is signal to the kikes…that we're on to them. patience

46dbd3 (5) No.334737>>334745 >>334751 >>334826


done it. twice. fell off a cliff and rolled car 6 times.

"interesting" things happened, but I wouldn't say it was the sauce.


Everything is related. And if this is just for qresearch, which is fine and dandy, where else do we go with our legitimate questions and findings?


agreed. There is a lot more that needs to be discussed.


fuck off.


where at?

5af870 (42) No.334738

Yes. Check out reasons.org for some concrete foundations for faith in God's existence.


4441c2 (23) No.334739>>334760 >>334770


If you know the Bible that well, you may be ready to interpret it differently.

It has an awful lot to say about even what we are all here doing now.

5af870 (42) No.334740>>334745

By the time Q finishes with Europe, we might.

(see a new pope)


50b004 (23) No.334741

e4db15 (17) No.334742>>334764 >>334772 >>334852 >>334984


Re: Helicopter crashes

These things are really unusual. One of the safest

aircraft categories are helicopters. This is because

they can auto-rotate even if they lose all power.

About the only way to crash one is to disrupt some of

the rotating components like the blades themselves

or the gearbox. These multiple crashes are obviously

shady. I hope it is the White Hats behind them and not

the Black Hats.

5090aa (3) No.334743>>334801


i doubt that, with travel bans on his snowdens passport and documents, he needed to be allowed to travel, like the cia let him, JA doesnt have that kind of pull in customs…

5af870 (42) No.334744

decrease IMO


26a530 (3) No.334745>>334842


>where else do we go with our legitimate questions and findings?

dedicated threads.

but only if you can make legitimate links with your topic and any of the Q posts.


>wat is happening in asia

Asia leg has started as well.

196536 (1) No.334746


The point is to read the book in order. Not skip to the parts you find interesting

4e0936 (26) No.334747>>334759


tbh i'd rather see dual loaves than no loaves

what's that saying … patriots make the dough rise?

2edcfd (58) No.334748>>334804


> I thought it was a free thinking, open mind research board.

you must have us confused with /pol/

here's a link…to their catalog (inset 4 and remove *)

https:// boards.*chan.org/pol/catalog

47d69a (18) No.334749>>334813 >>334819 >>335117

File (hide): 6217a3c5aa6c89b⋯.png (436.43 KB, 897x3559, 897:3559, this guy talkes about saud….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3333a1ce08e1ef3⋯.png (74.47 KB, 1263x648, 421:216, Anon who stayed at Aria.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 828d95d804fc922⋯.jpg (546.43 KB, 1472x976, 92:61, 1507172796109.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0384a930d4a7e55⋯.png (559.14 KB, 1231x370, 1231:370, 1508097122163.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0384a930d4a7e55⋯.png (559.14 KB, 1231x370, 1231:370, 1508097122163.png) (h) (u)

I'd like to interrupt the digging for a moment --I HOPE this becomes a topic in Q's drops, as well!!

Las Vegas Redpill:

These videos will take just over an hour to complete (top to bottom). Save the images for future reading if need-be (even the graphic one --it is important) but PLEASE take the time to watch these.

https:// youtu.be/nJObHoe0m6s

https:// youtu.be/uTmzdD0XGuU

https:// youtu.be/RUTGoZpNodc

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FDqpyc4p18

https:// youtu.be/K6tp6V1i-m4

https:// youtu.be/wyhbCrHLiQ8

The videos on this channel will take some time to get through but this guy is likely to have his stuff deleted due to FBI actively trying to silence him. I am going to get them backed up soon --just in case (((they))) succeed.

Playlist is Las Vegas Investigation

https:// www.youtube.com/user/prepare333/playlists

5af870 (42) No.334750

I think Flynn is considering suing them or may have already done so.


199b4f (29) No.334751


>Everything is related. And if this is just for qresearch, which is fine and dandy, where else do we go with our legitimate questions and findings?

It's called making a new thread you stupid fucking idiot.

bcc3f7 (3) No.334752


Obama's favorite films are Godfather I and II.

But he doesn't like Godfather III at all.

3ccdaa (4) No.334754


Yes Anon He is. Your feet just need another washing ;)

2ea663 (17) No.334755>>334841 >>334878 >>334891


>All of these things seem pretty out there but still need digging.

man i gotta tell ya

some of you are just all over the place

I suspect many of you are actually older ladies who have been totally captured by Q's appeal and the mysterious anon boards. It's kind of like an interactive novel, isn't it?

For you the answer may be yes. But for a lot of us who are trying to keep a laser focus, the answer is a definite _no_. You might think digging into those subjects you mentioned would help, but it doesn't. Not at this time.

This goes for many of you. You're diluting the collective focus with tangential subjects.

>All of these things seem pretty out there but still need digging.

According to whom do these topics need digging? You yourself. Not us. So sure, you can speculate on this board and dig all you want. I can't stop you. But does it help? Not at this time.

If you hadn't noticed, Q is trying to direct our energy to very specific assignments and subjects. Time travel and space fleet information has not been mentioned.

So please, anons. Try to stay on the mark. Don't stray. Help the research or go back to lurking. Or look for a different site to talk about tangential stuff. Have you tried the CBTS_Stream subreddit? You can make your own threads there and get people on board.

I get where the subjects on your list are coming from and I can even understand how you think it might be related.

But here on 8chan, in the /qresearch/ General topics, it is a distraction. Not important at this time. Still important. just not at this time. We're trying to help catch bad guys using info and momentum.

29fd13 (3) No.334756




Experience when praying.



5af870 (42) No.334757

reasons.org Just browse through their materials



Whichever strikes your fancy.


50b004 (23) No.334758>>334776 >>334797


Flynn most likely will see his guilty plea withdrawn with all charges dropped and hopefully he will be compensated for all he has lost over this… My guess, this was part of the plan from the word go.

5a0025 (5) No.334759>>334766


Which is why a Baker's


announcement helps around post count 720 to 730.

We know the oven is hot and the baker is toiling.

338d84 (12) No.334760>>334767 >>334790 >>334837 >>334859


Does the Bible talk about going on forums and shitting it up with Bible talk? Or does it say that the slave that busts his ass comes out better than the slavefag that just sat around, like you're doing

c457af (3) No.334761

Awesome group of threads where I learned a lot that I didn't know. You might want to check it out anons!

https: //twitter.com/WOLFM00N/status/962019724941934592

e4db15 (17) No.334762>>335248


And someone has his head up his ass. Iran is the real black

hat in the ME. Alwaleed was keeping SA busy by supplying

Iran with the weapons behind the sanctions. This site

has so much hatred for the Joos that they can't even

imagine a worse enemy. The worse enemy are the Persians.

You want to see Hijabs everywhere? Just let Iran win the ME.

47d69a (18) No.334763>>334969

File (hide): 071101b3fca52eb⋯.jpg (62.17 KB, 640x758, 320:379, CF.jpg) (h) (u)

86db88 (24) No.334764>>334793 >>334846


The white hats would never endanger innocent people.

50b004 (23) No.334765


You did the right thing, its called initiative and you showed it.

053475 (7) No.334766>>334779


This BAKER has not returned… interesting to me

4441c2 (23) No.334767


You have the wrong (YOU). I've probably done a lot more work here (since October) than you have.

9a931d (4) No.334768>>334789

"Where we go one, we go all." from the movie White Squall

bcc3f7 (3) No.334769>>334774 >>334876 >>334883 >>334916


What makes you think that Q wants people to spread his crumbs?

Show me in which Q drop he asks us to do that.

Seems to me that Q gives the crumbs to us to encourage us to do research, and then spread the message based on the facts that we have learned through our own research. Q has no message at all for the people. He wants the people to figure it out and take charge.

106393 (9) No.334770>>334783 >>334796 >>334825 >>334851


I'm hoping that's it. That I learned the Word of God in a manipulative environment. But that still doesn't change that it is His word.

At this point I have no reference point. Nothing that is familiar to me.

God is just going to have to reach down and touch me at this point in time. I'm lost.

1cdda8 (1) No.334771

Anybody can go inside a SCI-FI if escorted by a cleared, as long as SCO approves and all sensitive stuff is out of sight, and no devices on person but hey this sounds like comped security at that location and if that’s the case we got gambling in Casablanca and the usual suspects need rounding up

c457af (3) No.334772


Black Hats for sure

2edcfd (58) No.334773


lol thanks..that flight looks like it would have made even me sick!

199b4f (29) No.334774


This right here.

2fe0a7 (35) No.334775>>334872 >>334945

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

CTA releases video of passenger setting fire on Red Line train

Published by Chicago Sun-Times on Sat, 10 Feb 2018 04:23:41 GMT

The Chicago Transit Authority on Friday released surveillance video showing officers arresting a passenger as he set a fire last month aboard a Red Line train on the North Side.

The Chicago Sun-Times is a distinctly Chicago news organization, with a laser focus on impactful investigations, sports, politics, and reporting stories that matter to the working men and women of Chicago.

http:// www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-met-video-fire-red-line-20180209-story.html

338d84 (12) No.334776>>334815 >>334865



Withdrawing guilty pleas is very difficult and he has waived appeal rights. If this is a trap, it's a tiny, genious one, and we're in a position potentially to blow the shit up on twitter well before May

0ceac6 (2) No.334777>>334781 >>334794

File (hide): cbf54c70046bc66⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_historic_Clow….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c9c4e98e3ebfd37⋯.png (518.19 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_historic_.png) (h) (u)

<for (You)>

50b004 (23) No.334778>>334858

682050 (8) No.334779>>334785


I'm right here.

a18907 (1) No.334780>>334799


I don't think so, I think it's just something he wants us to think about. Personally, I think full disclosure laws would be nice. For instance, youtube is now requiring state-sponsored channels to disclose that fact. It might be wise to do something similar for prominent journalists and/or newscasts.

053475 (7) No.334781

>>334777 (CheKeked)

4f7665 (19) No.334782>>334897


Godfather III also has the new Pope John Paul I (The First) dying suspiciously 33 years into his papacy. John Paul I had been going after the bankers for 20 years as a cardinal.

I think Q is saying that all popes since JP I have been puppets of the Cabal.

2ea663 (17) No.334783


No, you're not lost. You're being overly dramatic.

2edcfd (58) No.334784>>334820 >>334934


they want the land they lost to syria fair and square back,,,ISIS and US (see blackmail / control) were halping...oops.

Israel faked the f16 bank on it...Russia gonna have something to say about this asshattery...

053475 (7) No.334785


Awesome, thank you for your service.

Here is a pastebin I just put together, if it helps:


c94ce4 (2) No.334786

File (hide): 404cd874418cff6⋯.png (695.7 KB, 650x430, 65:43, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Damn, you guise. I get here late at night expecting some pointless Council of Trent bullshit to be going on and instead billions of pixels of genius.

Between the Notable Posts and graphics/memes of the past few hours, this board has risen to the highest realms of Sheer Talent Faggotry.

You all are incredible, thank you, I have just finished saving over 25 memes and images from the past 2 threads.

The artistic talent, analytical insight, and humor here rank with the best in the world, in my opinion. We are fortunate to have you all.

Thank you.

2661a8 (2) No.334787


Replying to post from last bread.

If you're going to use this meme on landowners, you need to update it. The Pope is no longer Benedict. You should update his and any other names, Check current facts. I suspect this is from a 2011 article.

5af870 (42) No.334788>>334839

I think it's a rhetorical question. The implied answer is that you don't. You have to dismantle the structure and preserve the freedom to have alternative news sources. I believe that is one of Trump's goals, and it can be helped along with posts highlighting the fake news and their collusion with the CIA, etc.


5a73cb (5) No.334789>>334800


Snow flakes should watch this!

106393 (9) No.334790>>334827


I guess the talk of prayer in the White House and God using an imperfect man was giving me some hope.

Sorry to offend you.

a97eb5 (25) No.334791>>334890


You want to talk about a calculator - HERE is a redpill ab out the money the government takes in (figuratively and based on the LOWEST of numbers) and then look at these billions you refer to and wonder to yourself why it is actually trillions. Solid math in this thread, and she seems pretty spot on to me.

2a611d (6) No.334792>>334817

File (hide): 4c236948d8fd62d⋯.png (287.65 KB, 641x947, 641:947, Screenshot 2018-02-11 02.4….png) (h) (u)

https:// twitter.com/CMalcheski/status/962606603978485760

People shit talking because of a couple of flakes

e4db15 (17) No.334793


No one says these people are innocent. Think about

The Standard Hotel manager. Her helo crashed.

That was the black hats, setting up Schiff for his current

attack against 41020. So, who were the folks on this

helicopter, and why were they targeted?

They almost assuredly were targeted, as bringing down

a helicopter accidentally is very unusual. We've had

them dropping like plaster off the ceiling under a bowling


91ed58 (11) No.334794

File (hide): fcf6a035d47f91a⋯.jpg (266.84 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1954.JPG) (h) (u)




> batman!

& $aved!


> [ty]

47d69a (18) No.334795

File (hide): 7c452df0bc790f7⋯.jpg (114.34 KB, 640x797, 640:797, 1516782210289.jpg) (h) (u)

4441c2 (23) No.334796>>334869


You should look at the OP pdf in the Snow White thread.

It goes into great detail about learning to read the Word differently (unlike in church).

Paul talks about but Moses stated it, and it is huge in what it all means now..

d1ba85 (9) No.334797>>334828

File (hide): 5b98f4dadf987ac⋯.jpg (122.85 KB, 828x507, 276:169, Who_To_Trust_.JPG) (h) (u)


RM is ///ourguy///

Flynn is a volunteer sacrificial pawn to steer the public discourse to demand justice.

Then, giving the people what they demand, the hammer will fall on (((theirguys))) and Flynn will be restored.

Job 42:10 - … the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

5af870 (42) No.334798

4f7665 (19) No.334799>>334802 >>334821 >>334822 >>334830 >>334909 >>334937 >>334976


I really think Q wants us to figure out WHY "those in front of the camera (are) [trusted by select viewers]"

9a931d (4) No.334800


Good sign there is unity in OO towards Q group goals.

2edcfd (58) No.334801>>334829


> he needed to be allowed to travel, like the cia let him, JA doesnt have that kind of pull in customs…

please go back and do not fucking come back until you've watched Snowden (the movie)

this level of retard does NOT belong here.

2a611d (6) No.334802


Trusted to deliver news to them, or trusted to deliver news to the masses?

2ea663 (17) No.334804


Well said, sailor

3ccdaa (4) No.334805>>334818

Heath Hall, who became the Federal Railroad Administration's acting chief in June, resigned Saturday after a Politico report raised questions about whether he was simultaneously working another job.

https:// www


ceb653 (14) No.334806

File (hide): 3e28c24733aa86f⋯.png (595.29 KB, 1529x1987, 1529:1987, IMG_0359.PNG) (h) (u)


Very nice:)

bcc3f7 (3) No.334807>>334832 >>334839


The important bits there are not the question, It is [trusted by select viewers]

What does it represent? Is it a marker for that phrase in some POTUS speech or even a statement driven by 4am talking points?

And what is the ARM? American Resistance Media perhaps?

digging needed

5af870 (42) No.334808

That is really bad. I've been on a helicopter tour and it would be a horrible thing to have happen.


a97eb5 (25) No.334809>>334816 >>334908


Tits or GTFO. And Lurk Moar until you find hope. It does live here.

b0408f (8) No.334810

That headline when you're a immigrant-cuck, but also a retard… Lmao

2661a8 (2) No.334811>>334814


Who ARE you? Wow!!! Look at that lion! And those great bold red letters! They really grab our attention. "Look at me! Look at me!" Great self-promotion, Anon!

We should ALL be calling attention to ourselves like that! Nice work!

47d69a (18) No.334812

File (hide): d4c83f4215db936⋯.png (186.01 KB, 636x520, 159:130, controling the nerative.png) (h) (u)

2edcfd (58) No.334813>>334823 >>334836 >>334867


if he had shot himself the large caliber cartridges would be covered in blood instead of on top of the blood…lol thats a 38? where's that 13 tattoo?

2a611d (6) No.334814


You thank the baker when they post a link to the next board, you ungrateful swit!

Stop being an Edgefag and lurk more

338d84 (12) No.334815>>335356


Basically, if Mueller's team violated the rules of procedure to not tell Flynn & council about what Strzok has been up to, especially on a ticky-tack procedure charge, then stalled for time like political hacks rather than withdraw the case…

And if that got 5% of the #ReleaseTheMemo, imagine what a glorious shitstorm could result. Plus you'd get people literally arguing against fed procedure rules, it could be absolute carnage, who knows

2ea663 (17) No.334816>>335340 >>335379



there are too many clueless women in here

682050 (8) No.334817>>334873


I remember that weekend. It was a pelican shitstorm and that guy offering money was trying to collect them all for 'muh board comped' research.

Hilarious shows of desperation.

e4db15 (17) No.334818


I guess the sexual affairs and other excuses are getting old.

0ceac6 (2) No.334819

File (hide): 95ed5b76d02214e⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171105_Vega….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ceb9ce52faea3db⋯.png (952.05 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171105_Vega….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6b7cb5e251cb0f9⋯.png (988.2 KB, 1111x721, 1111:721, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171105_Weal….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a2c853196d3f57⋯.png (856.46 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171105_Wear….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): eb4096eff9826fc⋯.png (1012.73 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171105_z_FL….png) (h) (u)


Las Vegas

>a topic in Q's drops

b0408f (8) No.334820>>334885


This should be our policy regarding Israel…

"Yo Israel, we have your back!" (Turns back on Israel).

011af2 (3) No.334821>>334835 >>334845 >>334937


POTUS needs to reenact the 1948 Propaganda bill that dumbo quashed in 2012. That would shut them up overnight.

c94ce4 (2) No.334822


What part might be self-evident, though.

we are a credulous species, and the notion that everyone in positions of authority is lying does not come naturally to people …. it worked for Goebbels and it works today.

There may not be any great mystery to this one.

5a73cb (5) No.334823>>334867


The blood seeped AROUND the casing on the floor and he doesn't have a tat on his neck…

Stop it.

47d69a (18) No.334824>>334831 >>334889

File (hide): 921641aec40307f⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 790x476, 395:238, 1516440114787.jpg) (h) (u)


H-h-has [next week] come early?

33ad28 (1) No.334825>>334849 >>335330


If you want to know God, forget everything you were taught, everything you think you know, and ask God to show himself to you without the filter of religion.

5af870 (42) No.334826

Its on the Q research board. You just have to scroll through the various forums until you find it.


338d84 (12) No.334827


God seems to be using you, so that gives me hope. But all of you faggots drowning out discussion using this like a religious facebook should find some productive angle on this rather than play slapp-ass with each other.

12c5c8 (7) No.334828>>334843 >>334855 >>334906


Not sure if relevant but heres some stuff about RR.

He has served under five presidents, and he was one of only three U.S. attorneys---out of 93 nationwide—asked to stay on when the White House switched hands from George W. Bush to Barack Obama.

5090aa (3) No.334829>>334907


really? i did watch it, its hollywood, duh!, and besides, there is a Q post that more or less says just what i said, but hey, if you think JA has the pull to allow most wanted people to travel anywhere they want, whatever…

its amazing this groups gets anywhere with stuff…

199b4f (29) No.334830



>I really think Q wants us to figure out WHY "those in front of the camera (are) [trusted by select viewers]"

The Fake News networks DO NOT cater to the American public. They never have.

They cater to the globalists/bankers/cabal.

→ [trusted by select viewers]

2a611d (6) No.334831


I want one… no! Two! One for each hand!

e4db15 (17) No.334832>>334980


Not really related, but ARM is "Advanced RISC Machines."

These are manufactured by Ampere, which is run by Renee J

James. Who is she? See Q's Dec 8 post. This woman

is a ghost. No real background information.

3ccdaa (4) No.334834

Billionaire investor George Soros has defended his decision to hand £400,000 to an anti-Brexit campaign and says he considers leaving the EU a "tragic mistake".

Mr Soros came under fire last week after it was revealed he had donated the money, through one of his foundations, to Best for Britain.

Writing in the Mail on Sunday, he told how the organisation had his "wholehearted support", and insisted he had never made a secret of his opposition to Brexit.

https:// www.


106393 (9) No.334835



47d69a (18) No.334836>>334840 >>334919


That is not a "13" tattoo; this is an old man with loose skin, desu.

6f5d6c (1) No.334837

File (hide): 103e27cf28bf221⋯.jpg (689.08 KB, 1075x2137, 1075:2137, Screenshot_20180211-004813.jpg) (h) (u)

c457af (3) No.334838>>334932

File (hide): 055e0293dd84003⋯.png (62.35 KB, 1151x575, 1151:575, inqtel.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): c1fcc787c11a584⋯.png (57.91 KB, 871x706, 871:706, genetherapy.PNG) (h) (u)

In researching rfun-I got down a rabbit hole.

www.iqt. org

Things i learned on there are frightening, to say the least. One thing I noted is that it has the same website designer as Recordedfuture has…probably the Shea woman. Here's a few droppings I captured.

4f7665 (19) No.334839>>334844 >>334847



Why are they trusted by select viewers. Us becoming the media is absolutely amazing, but we still have the people out there who are unable to distinguish between a reasonable argument and weaponized propaganda. That's the crucial element that needs to be fixed, right?

5a73cb (5) No.334840


And now ya know!

Moving on…

2edcfd (58) No.334841


THIS ^ so much THIS..they're so used to yapping in their echo chambers on FB etc…ill prepared for the CRITICAL THINKING..fuckinA…you have no idea how hard it is not to shred them. The catholics papal panic was about my last straw.

5af870 (42) No.334842>>334856

Yes, and Europe will be next.

It will be interesting to watch.


d1ba85 (9) No.334843


I think RR is a useful idiot who was specifically placed there by RM to keep the Ds on-board, but he will be exposed as a D hack by the time this is all over.

2a611d (6) No.334844>>334857


Why are sheep afraid of Sheep Dogs? Because they can't distinguish them from the Wolves.

4f7665 (19) No.334845>>334862


Propaganda is protected by the First Amendment.

2edcfd (58) No.334846


>The white hats would never endanger innocent people.

collateral damage…

2ea663 (17) No.334847>>334857


the ball is already rolling

and it can't be stopped

so while they are unable to distinguish now

it's inevitable that one day they either will

or just follow some other schmuck who seems to understand a thing or two

people are like lemmings

1d640f (1) No.334848>>334850


WTF?! Think Q doesn't know when the board is compromised in any way, shape, or form? What are you, 13 years old? Q has said many times that they are watching those watching us! Worry about living in Mom's basement and your compulsive masturbation habit!

aefaca (6) No.334849


This. I concur

2ea663 (17) No.334850


please don't feed the trolls

2edcfd (58) No.334851>>334967


gonna start asking for biblefagging bans, get ur jeebus feels somewhere else.

a28efb (1) No.334852


Not accurate. Autorotate doesn't help unless you have a flat spot. Accident rate much higher in helos. Look at life insurance numbers for helo pilots.

86db88 (24) No.334853>>334854 >>334861 >>334896 >>334933

As many of you Anons know, who have been on the boards here for months,,, after awhile, there is so much on your mind,( crumbs, maps, markers, connections, people, corporations, news, history, research, memes, etc, etc,kek)

Especially if you sepnd hours on here a day,, it begins to creep into your dreams.

I have had all sorts of Q related dreams.

But wanted to mention a funny part of a dream from a couple of days ago.

I was with nancy Pelosi,, and she squatting over 2 books on the ground,, one was her book, the other was on DNC i think,lol

Anyway, after she did that,, i asked her if she could do it again, so i could take a picture,, i then explained, she could just pose over the dnc book, and remove her book from picture. She was laughing( god what a nightmare,kek) and said yes.( i remember thinking , and being so excited,, ) Can't wait until the other Anons see this,, they will be so happy,, and think of the memes we could make,kek.

Also i remb thinking, they won't believe i actually got her to do that,kek

I woke up right as i was about to take picture,lol ( yes she was dressed, wearing one of her dress suits,kek)

2ea663 (17) No.334854>>334868


for fucks sake

this isn't reddit

e4db15 (17) No.334855>>334915


He's an honest politician. Once bought, he stays bought.

(I know he's a lawyer, but at that level, everything is politics)

5dbf3a (3) No.334856



4f7665 (19) No.334857>>334860 >>334871



Yes. It is imperative that all Americans stop being sheep. It needs to be corrected. What made you and I different from all the sheep?

2edcfd (58) No.334858>>334880 >>334913


go back and don't come back until you've watched SNOWDEN the movie…no wait, just never come back. You're level of retard shouldn't be permitted on earth.

5af870 (42) No.334859

The forums would be a lot less full of sh*t if many anons would stop posting

1) filtered


3) F you

4) glowing nigger kike

5) slide

6) lurk moar


I'd venture to guess that there are triple the amount of griping posts than there are of off topic posts.


2a611d (6) No.334860>>334901 >>335073


Discernment. It's a hard won skill.

a398a6 (1) No.334861


Hey faggot get the fuck out of here with this dream horseshit. You wanna post erotic fanfic? There's a subreddit for that. Eat a dick fagshit.

199b4f (29) No.334862>>334901 >>335073 >>335083 >>335133



<Propaganda is protected by the First Amendment.

Have you actually read the amendment AND correctly inferred that it is NOT about having the liberty to tell lies? Your statement tells me you haven't..

It is expressly to protect the public against the repercussions of redressing grievances with government. Not to protect propagandists.

8b9ed3 (9) No.334863>>334912

File (hide): 42265eb62e69e48⋯.png (145.28 KB, 710x550, 71:55, dsd.png) (h) (u)


>THIS… Yep, it's called the "Greater Israel project".

I think potus and russa will help push iran back into their box (with a regime change) while making syria neutral ground for permanent us & russian bases. Syria builds a wall/fence around itself with america and russia protecting both sides. Give Palestinians more of Lebanon + east Jerusalem.

No one gets what they want (especially the kikes) but peace is achieved. Sign a massive peace treaty. Whoever breaks it suffers the rath of both Russia and the US. If Netanyahu doesn't approve, potus can threaten to go all 70AD on his ass. To celebrate, Russia and the US fire off all their remaining missiles into Afghanistan. Largest crater wins.

4e0936 (26) No.334864

>RR is an honest politician

i knew i was right to filter you. glad i double checked. it was nice to have the confirmation

50b004 (23) No.334865>>334886


Think fruit of the poison tree doctrine.

d5dcab (1) No.334866

Possible explanation for Trump being "off" in his MS13 video yesterday: he might have the flu!

https:// twitter.com/ROYALMRBADNEWS/status/962595355027271685

https:// twitter.com/ROYALMRBADNEWS/status/962595815956140038

47d69a (18) No.334867

File (hide): 1af2634656c7a7c⋯.png (283.08 KB, 900x900, 1:1, grinning awoo.png) (h) (u)



Watch the videos and you will know. The Anons from the first group of videos have put many many hours into getting to the truth. The least we can do is humor them.

86db88 (24) No.334868


Humor makes the world go around,, speaking of which, I love Q and Trump's sense of humor. And people are allowed to chat a little in here,,

It breaks up the daily grind of our work. I've contributed enough to be allowed an occasional babble,kek

106393 (9) No.334869


Thank you. I'll try that.

3f90e5 (1) No.334870>>334874 >>334952

Kind of interesting if true:

When news reports came out a few months ago that Barack Obama and Dick Cheney were related I thought it would be interesting to know if there are any other unusual connections. Well it turns out there was a guy sitting in a dark room in New England for the last three years doing just that. This is culled from an AP story earlier today, but hey, they won't mind.

This could make for one odd family reunion: Barack Obama is a distant cousin of actor Brad Pitt, and Hillary Rodham Clinton is related to Pitt's girlfriend, Angelina Jolie.

Researchers at the New England Historic Genealogical Society found some remarkable family connections for the three presidential candidates --- Democratic rivals Obama and Clinton, and Republican John McCain.

Clinton, who is of French-Canadian descent on her mother's side, is also a distant cousin of singers Madonna, Celine Dion and Alanis Morissette. Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, can call six U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush, his cousins. McCain is a sixth cousin of first lady Laura Bush.

Genealogist Christopher Child said that while the candidates often focus on pointing out differences between them, their ancestry shows they are more alike than they think.

"It shows that lots of different people can be related, people you wouldn't necessarily expect," Child said.

Obama has a prolific presidential lineage that features Democrats and Republicans. His distant cousins include President George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry S. Truman and James Madison. Other Obama cousins include Vice President Dick Cheney, British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and Civil War General Robert E. Lee.

"His kinships are across the political spectrum," Child said.

Child has spent the last three years tracing the candidates' genealogy, along with senior research scholar Gary Boyd Roberts, author of the 1989 book, "Ancestors of American Presidents."

Clinton's distant cousins include beatnik author Jack Kerouac and Camilla Parker-Bowles, wife of Prince Charles of England.

McCain's ancestry was more difficult to trace because records on his relatives were not as complete as records for the families of Obama and Clinton, Child said.

Obama and President Bush are 10th cousins, once removed, linked by Samuel Hinkley of Cape Cod, who died in 1662.

Pitt and Obama are ninth cousins, linked by Edwin Hickman, who died in Virginia in 1769.

Clinton and Jolie are ninth cousins, twice removed, both related to Jean Cusson who died in St. Sulpice, Quebec, in 1718.

http:// www.crazydaysandnights.net/2008/03/why-madonna-and-hilary-clinton-cant.html

2ea663 (17) No.334871>>334901 >>335073


it needs to be corrected by none other than themselves

we can't force them, lest we become the leaders we loathe

they'll have to do it on their own

the gravity of our momentum will help them

the movement, the happenings

not the words

2fe0a7 (35) No.334872>>334881

File (hide): 968faf2fbf486ba⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 1830x1990, 183:199, LCapShootings.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b8fc1a3b2cc1658⋯.jpg (190.26 KB, 460x500, 23:25, QLoopCapital.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b8101f68a2a314b⋯.jpg (150.45 KB, 248x758, 124:379, ChiTrackers.jpg) (h) (u)


http:// www.chicagotribune.com/news/data/ct-shooting-victims-map-charts-htmlstory.html

2edcfd (58) No.334873>>335015


I'm pretty sure that was a raid…half also got raided…organized on twatter.

aefaca (6) No.334874>>334972


oh fuck - what the hell is this? uhg

47d69a (18) No.334875

File (hide): f5eba83742f5da8⋯.jpg (92.74 KB, 1126x626, 563:313, DT4qpA5VoAAU_2p.jpg) (h) (u)

106393 (9) No.334876


Because in order to have change occur you need the masses. A revolution in thinking. Not just a group of people on the deep web.

2c3a88 (1) No.334877>>335280



Interesting name that one, 'ware the hole

59a5a9 (6) No.334878>>334882 >>334893


Agreed. I've seen some of the stupidest shit lately, to the point that I'd started to believe that the shills had changed tactics. I've definitely seen an effort to try and discredit this board. Not saying it's always on purpose, or even most of the time…but trying to get Q to push for an end to women's suffrage? That's meant to drive people away and shut their minds. Same with the "it's the Jews" BS. The Rothschilds are no more "the Jews" than the Clinton and Bush's are "the Whites" or Obama "the Blacks."

Divisiveness and identity politics are a tool of the globalists. If you're trying to bring it here, you're either one of them or beholden to them. It has nothing to do with this work.

29fd13 (3) No.334879>>334884

I have noticed a change on social media.

The right is getting agitated.

I hope Sessions acts soon.

The faith of the right is starting to drop.

2ea663 (17) No.334880


what are you? a carebear?

get back to work lazy lady

f75c8f (3) No.334881>>334892


What point are you making here anon?

199b4f (29) No.334882


>identity politics are a tool of the globalists

Cult of personality is a killer.

5af870 (42) No.334883>>334895

Read Q posts 62, 97, and 158. I think they give a pretty clear indication that he wants the crumbs spread.


5090aa (3) No.334884


big time!

2edcfd (58) No.334885>>334918 >>334921


considering we've been their puppet for HOW long? withdraw foreign aid and sit back and let the devil have his due. Paybacks are a bitch. Feels for the old people that survived hitler et al…but the rest of them can go to hell. Also they have their own problems cooking,,,Hasidim breed like rabbits and you think muz are insane…go watch a few Hasidim vids …in abut 10 more years theu're fucked anyway.

338d84 (12) No.334886>>334931 >>335225


I think poisoned tree would require the defense to make the case "in the interest of justice" or whatever which is up to the judge, and involves the larger circumstances (eg police, investigation, etc) but Giglio is super narrow and it would hit directly on the lawyers, can even be bar trouble I hear. Plus even negligent failure to disclose Giglio material is automatic grounds for plea withdrawal.

e96799 (2) No.334887

File (hide): 61cda25b8b1c976⋯.jpg (982.51 KB, 1182x665, 1182:665, meme_78760771.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 104cfbc382838f3⋯.jpg (596.22 KB, 1182x618, 197:103, meme_94154956.jpg) (h) (u)

5f1f83 (18) No.334888>>334902 >>334903


Even here you find some damn stupid people

2edcfd (58) No.334889

a97eb5 (25) No.334890>>334927

>>334791 Fuck forgot sauce. Daddy's drinking for once in every 3-4 months. Sorry anons.



You want to talk about a calculator - HERE is a redpill ab out the money the government takes in (figuratively and based on the LOWEST of numbers) and then look at these billions you refer to and wonder to yourself why it is actually trillions. Solid math in this thread, and she seems pretty spot on to me.

4ab370 (5) No.334891>>334951 >>334996 >>335224

File (hide): 5ba9bb246fb59ce⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 1335x600, 89:40, dims.jpg) (h) (u)



I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack memes on fire off the shoulder of half-chan. I watched trip codes and BO's comped on /cbts/while Q-beams glittered in the dark near the infinity gate. All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain…

unless …

We get our shit together.

Focus, Anons, the battle remains engaged!

2fe0a7 (35) No.334892


Just stream of conscious thinking, reminding about Loop Capital, Chicago, that man that lit himself on fire on the train and sharing that crime tracking link from the Tribune.

8b9ed3 (9) No.334893>>334983

File (hide): 063f927d24c038a⋯.png (719.48 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, Geo.png) (h) (u)


>get Q to push for an end to women's suffrage?

Really wish I was here for that.

7e5d82 (6) No.334894


$1,383.99 Billion or $1,383,990,000,000

2ea663 (17) No.334895

File (hide): 195ad22e8e0a47b⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 188x251, 188:251, 1510132955250.jpg) (h) (u)



to confuse the machine (algorithms)

the algorithms that have been deployed by [goog/fbook/twttr/….] are evil and we must confuse them

by any means possibru desu

5a0025 (5) No.334896

File (hide): 07f2f1df8fb599d⋯.jpeg (36.96 KB, 700x688, 175:172, therapy.jpeg) (h) (u)


May I recommend something like this Anon…

89bc34 (6) No.334897>>334990


Baker is it alright if I request a new thread for Renee J. James


47d69a (18) No.334898

File (hide): 13e35653052126d⋯.png (69.88 KB, 1261x627, 1261:627, for normies.png) (h) (u)

To introduce the redpill to others

c8c699 (1) No.334899>>334991 >>335008

Loud thunder noise. Then another one and house shook. I'm in so cal. I'll update if just earthquake or not.

1a82b3 (4) No.334900

Love is everything you need

4f7665 (19) No.334901>>334911 >>334942 >>334997 >>335073




I'd just like to know what made them Sheep. Only then will we know whether we can do something about it or not.

8b9ed3 (9) No.334902


Truth is always ant-semetic.

2ea663 (17) No.334903


>Even here you find some damn stupid people

>Even here



47d69a (18) No.334905>>334914 >>334944

File (hide): 7f697b17974d7b8⋯.jpg (381.99 KB, 939x1000, 939:1000, lulzz.jpg) (h) (u)


726340 (1) No.334906>>334926 >>334999


Did Trump get rid of 90 of 93 US Attorneys?

It seems like Trump didn't do this, it seems like the same people are all in the same spots, giving Trump problems.

Trump should be doing a whole lot of that "you're fired" stuff that people know him for.

2edcfd (58) No.334907


> Q post that more or less says just what I did

LOL more or less depending on interpretation. JA helped him get out clowns were hot on his trail it was a nail biting game of inches..unless you're calling JA a liar…

106393 (9) No.334908


Ok sunshine.

5af870 (42) No.334909>>334917 >>335013

Operation Mockingbird + dumbing down via media and public schools (CIA behind that too).


2ea663 (17) No.334911


like i said, it is already happening

everyone for themselves

everyone waking up for themselves

it is inevitable

the "do something about it" process has already been started

the best thing you can do to accellerate this is to teach by example

not by words

not by confrontation

by being the person you want others to be

b0408f (8) No.334912


I think that's a fair assessment/prediction.

50b004 (23) No.334913>>334938


So you watched Snowden and you think JA sprung him out of Russia?

f75c8f (3) No.334914

File (hide): 3925d12a0bdebc6⋯.png (70.69 KB, 378x357, 18:17, DT9yv5wVQAIbj9Q.png) (h) (u)

12c5c8 (7) No.334915>>334935


So loyal to both sides and some kind of deep state op? Neither RR or Mueller are fully Dem owned. Theyve been on both sides for many years. Im just wondering why hes served under 5 presidents when all attorneys have been getting replaced by every administration since clinton. Lawyers and stooges are easy to find.

8b9ed3 (9) No.334916>>335105


Mentioned is quite a few times and its the only reason he posts here. Anons are here to spread the info we dig up. Otherwise why on earth would they waste their time trying to redpill this place when he could be picking off shlomos "by the bushel".

Anons replace the media. As anons reach grows the medias power weakens.

4f7665 (19) No.334917>>334943 >>334953 >>335017 >>429367


I am aware of the C_A connection to the media, but I had not heard about their connection to the public schools. Can you point me in the right direction so I can dig? (I googled it, but not much coming up)

b0408f (8) No.334918>>334947 >>334966


Kissinger said Israel would not exist in 10 years

2edcfd (58) No.334919>>334928 >>334993 >>335193

File (hide): bd4dd5440149e77⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 796x947, 796:947, paddock_large_zoom.jpg) (h) (u)


>loose skin,

school me senpai..

d1ba85 (9) No.334920

File (hide): 3a702466d80cf5a⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 210x508, 105:254, RM_Marine.JPG) (h) (u)


pic related

4e0936 (26) No.334921>>334982 >>334985


>he fell for the holocaust meme


5f1f83 (18) No.334924

pacity, and Assad's air defense. Good news.

12c5c8 (7) No.334926


Not sure about Trump but historically yes all US attorneys get boot when new president takes office.

https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/so-is-this-us-attorney-purge-unprecedented-or-not/

a97eb5 (25) No.334927


I won't bring this up again, Just want someone to see it. It is important. Why are we talking about the budget in billions when this post referenced clearly demonstrates the US takes in OVER $18 TRILLION per year and we have a deficit? == THIS == Demonstrates they ((they)) are taking the money and leaving us broke AF. According to the referenced twat post, we should never have to have a deficit.

4e0936 (26) No.334928>>334993


>loose skin

<school me senpai

that's just the tendons in his neck making it look like a 13. look at any other picture of him, and that "13 tattoo" doesn't exist. it's a quirk of that exact position he was in

b0408f (8) No.334929

Time for this anon to get some shut-eye… Godspeed patriots. Hoping to wake up to a perp-walk. Nite.

04c01f (3) No.334930

Binney's deposition where he dimes on the [M]eta [D]ata fags, the [N]SA. BinneyFags will want to go to the links and consume it all. I'll drop it in three tranches of four pages each.

50b004 (23) No.334931>>334948 >>334950


Fruit of the poison tree was invoked the instant the FBI/DOJ received their FISA warrant using false evidence… everything after is moot.

5af870 (42) No.334932

Is there a direct link between InQTel and RFun?


2edcfd (58) No.334933


you have to go back..r/nosleep

5f1f83 (18) No.334934


You think Israel faked their F16 crash? Dumbass. The Iranian drone capacity in Syria was seriously degraded however.

e4db15 (17) No.334935


I think he is high up in the cabal. I think that RR is there

because they need him in the D_J to keep an eye on things.

Not at the top, because that is too visible. Just an everyday

guy who never leaves. "Corporate knowledge" is the

civilian term for this.

04c01f (3) No.334936

2nd Tranche…

33ffab (5) No.334937>>334964 >>335019 >>335034




I agree with other anon. Trump needs to recinde the propaganda bill that Obama passed.

The reason "select viewers" trust the talking heads is that is how they were raised. They listened to Walter Cronkite for their news and can't believe there's a conspiracy by the government and media to brainwash them.

2edcfd (58) No.334938>>334957


LOL are you in Elon's space car?

HOW did Snowden get TO Russia. Don't come back.

7c136c (2) No.334940

https:// democrats-oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/documents/2016-08-30.EEC%20Conyers%20Engel%20Thompson%20to%20Comey%20re%20Trump%20connection%20to%20Russian%20Hackers.pdf

04c01f (3) No.334941

3rd Tranche.

199b4f (29) No.334942


We've been censored by the fake news gatekeepers (up until the discovery of the meme as a viable weapon, that is)

At this point, after all I've seen on the chans, I'm of the opinion that the USA is *not* full of sheep. Sure there are some sheep… but most are actually Americans that have become disenfranchised of their right to redress grievances in government by the fake press themselves!

In short, the 4th estate failed us, and we must now take matters in hand directly; we aren't waking sheep. We are waking the disenfranchised.

2ea663 (17) No.334943

File (hide): c27f5a9131f7a31⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 567x567, 1:1, 1510341312335.jpg) (h) (u)


>Can you point me in the right direction so I can dig?


2edcfd (58) No.334944


thanks for the LULZ..lol love the glares!

2fe0a7 (35) No.334945>>334959

File (hide): a689e947f3572d1⋯.gif (5.93 MB, 480x354, 80:59, Redline.gif) (h) (u)

5f1f83 (18) No.334947


Israel will be around a lot longer than Kissinger

338d84 (12) No.334948>>334973


So why are Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and Papadopoulos cases still active?

50b004 (23) No.334949>>334961 >>335211


I'd say when POTUS interviewed Mueller he pulled out the file the White Hats on his dubious career as FBI director... think 9/11, Fast & Furious, U1 ect... and gave him a choice, babysit this group of treasonous faggots or hang with them.

a97eb5 (25) No.334950


Their 1ST FISA warrant. Cherry Popped.Learn the newest game the system from that point. Yes. This. Spot on anon.

e9e773 (2) No.334951

5af870 (42) No.334952>>335362

I'd love to have the link to the guy's research.


4e0936 (26) No.334953>>334977

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


off of memory, look up the frankfurt school. that might be wrong tho. the kikes/commies/whatever you want to call them have infiltrated all levels. or better yet, just watch some jewtube videos with yuri bezmenov


5f1f83 (18) No.334956>>334962 >>334963 >>344328

File (hide): 2638ac00e326a68⋯.jpg (916.46 KB, 2576x1593, 2576:1593, Masada.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 011f58a6d102b8c⋯.jpg (5.14 KB, 300x168, 25:14, trump at wailing wall.jpg) (h) (u)


Israel is the ME only hope

50b004 (23) No.334957

File (hide): 5c64af3a7f1ad3b⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 5c64af3a7f1ad3b8c49e184a54….jpg) (h) (u)


Let me guess, JA got him a ride on a space x rocket to mother Russia, right?

2fe0a7 (35) No.334959

File (hide): 718cf14cd2f95d4⋯.gif (6.3 MB, 480x354, 80:59, Redline2.gif) (h) (u)


fixed .gif

d1ba85 (9) No.334961


THAT explanation I will buy.

I still think he is clean but playing the disinfo game, but the intel drop to get him on board is definitely plausible.

4e0936 (26) No.334962


i seriously hope no one falls for your bullshit

4441c2 (23) No.334963>>344328


… and it's only problem.

4f7665 (19) No.334964>>334970 >>335034


But why are they not capable of seeing the lies? It seems like they should be able to see right through the MSM.

2ea663 (17) No.334965



pretty neat

just keep the focus, grandmas



2edcfd (58) No.334966>>334988


>Kissinger said Israel would not exist in 10 years

they won't…not based on what I've seen of Hasidim…xians are so fucking stupid..endless vids on how they HATE xians and blame them for all the persecution…I'm talking a level of hate that rivals Muz hate…all people have to do is go look and listen for themselves…they think Jews be like Mrs. Seinfeld…

connected friend and I were discussing the issue…they agreed…no one knows what to do with them…top kek..few of them work…just like Muz.

e9e773 (2) No.334967


They stop when they stop getting replies.

f6d950 (3) No.334968



Link for Anon post regarding Corona and keyhole satellites.

http:// www.oneonta.edu/faculty/baumanpr/geosat2/RS%20History%20II/RS-History-Part-2.html

8db833 (2) No.334969



That WA in a photo with trump, bottle of water and 'board' in the background

2ea663 (17) No.334970>>335004 >>335158


You know the answer to that. Don't you?

OR are you not capable of seeing why they are not capable of seeing the lies?

Consider it

47d69a (18) No.334971

File (hide): 2e3fb380782dff0⋯.png (337.06 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1514690030328.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1ed1d6e023e75f2⋯.png (415.22 KB, 907x587, 907:587, 1515038882031.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd0c2a67171a7eb⋯.jpg (191.15 KB, 1024x827, 1024:827, 1515807141716.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3a441c3f9506349⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2800x2700, 28:27, 1516473964856.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5ca8b4449be34b1⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1516948526332.jpg) (h) (u)

5af870 (42) No.334972

Q told us to follow the wives. They have lots of their genealogy wiped. If this guy has found out some info, it would be worth looking into. Expand your thinking.



50b004 (23) No.334973>>335035 >>335206


Evidence hasn't been presented to the courts, yet. Give it time… as for the 3 other then Flynn, they where useful pawns. FLYNN is not a pawn but an MI savant.

d1ba85 (9) No.334975


Read the post until the end.

By the questions used, I think Q is telling us without telling us.

If RM is not //ourguy//, he is at least compromised and cooperating.

59a5a9 (6) No.334976>>334994


the news isn't "the news" anymore; it delivers "the thoughts." It's no longer about giving the public the facts and letting them decide for themselves--it's no longer providing a service, in other words. What it's really doing is telling us what to think.

Maybe it's because of the 24 hr news cycle, but that started with Ted Turner--a globalist. Ultimately, the news now serves only to push the propaganda of those that own the media.

Here's another thought: because these outlets are owned by people and corporations with diverse interests, the owners might decide that it's better to risk losing money on the news station than, say, their pharmaceutical interests. So why not convince your anchors to "see" things a certain way? Since the news doesn't need ratings to pay them (checks come from the globalist owners), who cares if people think the coverage is unfair?

They no longer need us to trust them.

4f7665 (19) No.334977


Awesome, will do, TY.

89bc34 (6) No.334980>>335016


I don't think thats correct Ampere is a cloud based computing/data processing company. ARM chips were manufactured by several manufacturers.

8c57fc (1) No.334981>>335030


stop spreading that fake gun pic fag

2edcfd (58) No.334982>>335003


dude…fam didn't make it…so holocaust or not lots of people died unfun..fully aware on reality..both sides..on one hand you can't mem Soros rounding up the jews…then turn around and say it never happened. Transfer Agreement…but to insinuate the average jew guy on the street was in on that…pfft they got use too. To them we're all cannon fodder…jew or not.

5af870 (42) No.334983

It was actually a pretty memorable post. :)


b84fea (1) No.334984


That is absolute bullshit. Helicopters have much higher accident rates than aircraft.They're far more complicated to operate and more dependent on the skills of the pilot. You are grossly simplifying what it's like to auto-rotate a heli in an emergency situation. Helicopters crashes in the Grand Canyon are not a new event. Wind likely played a factor in the crash as well.

e63802 (4) No.334985


Its the first red pill (probably the toughest) for people to swallow. Once they understand the difference between work camps vs extermination chambers, it all begins to unravel after that.

Q1 - Why would they put numbers on everyone if they were going to gas them all anyways?

A1 - "But goy it was for the experiments to keep track"

Q2 - Because a marker wouldn't do since they were being tossed in an oven? Instead they had to create an entirely new product (IBM computer) just to make gassing more efficient? Isn't it possible they were trying to keep track of how many workers they had throughout the country during the war?

A2 - "Hitler was crazy goy…That art teacher failed him….Stop asking questions…Remember the 6 million…."

End Scene

2edcfd (58) No.334986>>335005


>Zionist must be exterminated.

well you have that in common with the orthodox...

3ccdaa (4) No.334987

File (hide): dff28000f21ab03⋯.jpeg (234.99 KB, 1201x1681, 1201:1681, FC9683F3-FD8F-4F94-8B13-A….jpeg) (h) (u)

https:// arstechnica.


5f1f83 (18) No.334988>>335011 >>335033 >>335045 >>335047 >>335081


If you think Israel = Hasidim, you prove your ignorance. Israel is as secular, and religious, as NYC. And their are many Christians who call Israel home, and have for a long time.

5af870 (42) No.334990

There are a number of posts in previous threads that could be consolidated for specific research into her. I can find some if you do have a thread.


ceb653 (14) No.334991>>335008


Hope not, you guys have had a bad run of it for awhile now. I was born in Garden Grove myself, living in the Lone ⭐️ Star State now


4e0936 (26) No.334992>>335051 >>335076


textbook JIDF

47d69a (18) No.334993>>335041

File (hide): 06311d1f7995ef5⋯.jpg (250.42 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 1506967640324.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 97fd20197580570⋯.png (389.2 KB, 465x458, 465:458, 1507371328907.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d6d6cccfb54845c⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 424x742, 4:7, 1507721607940.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96fe053df3b71f8⋯.jpg (82.31 KB, 620x372, 5:3, HS pic.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 869c5bb5913589a⋯.jpg (24.74 KB, 650x366, 325:183, steven p.jpg) (h) (u)

>>334928 thanks, Anon


More images of him

199b4f (29) No.334994>>335068


>They no longer need us to trust them.

Especially if (we) are not their target audience to begin with.

They cater to shitbags like Lynn, David,Soros, BHO, HRC, et al..

2fe0a7 (35) No.334996>>335021


I was there. Trying to focus.


Watch the Sunday morning MSM news shows from 8-11 AM today.

5af870 (42) No.334997>>335029

If you read, try some books by Neil Postman. A really good one is Amusing Ourselves to Death. A good look at how media has dumbed people down.


89bc34 (6) No.334998>>335001

so I shit the bed and responded to another anons post. One last time

Baker is it alright if I request a new thread for Renee J. James


5af870 (42) No.334999

Yes, he asked them all to resign.


3a9fa2 (2) No.335000


Well shit, why don't we just fabricate lies about everyone we don't like…

That'll work out just greeeeat…

199b4f (29) No.335001>>335014


There is nothing stopping you from making a new thread, anon.

4e0936 (26) No.335003>>335062


i'm not saying bad shit didn't happen, anon. don't misinterpret. just pointing out to our lurker friends and newfags that the holocaust is horribly inflated propaganda

4f7665 (19) No.335004>>335165


I don't know the answer. I hope I am capable of understanding why they are incapable of seeing the lies. I am starting to learn from some other anons. Would you mind sharing your answer with me?

e63802 (4) No.335005>>335170


>well you have that in common with the orthodox…

Given that they munch on infant pipe, they have no moral high ground.

f6d950 (3) No.335007>>335012 >>335111



Google, CIA invest in Recorded Future.

https:// www.wired.com/2010/07/exclusive-google-cia/

f75c8f (3) No.335008>>335135 >>335154

File (hide): a3b9df6b9283756⋯.png (59.05 KB, 1102x451, 1102:451, Quakes.png) (h) (u)

199b4f (29) No.335010>>335018

How to Spot a Clown:

-Attempting to get a divisive or emotional knee-jerk trigger response from (you) to derail research is a red flag.

-Concern trolling and copy/pasta spam shilling that contradicts confirmed findings is another red flag.

-Using faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gaslighting, misdirection, false equivalencies, confusing correlation with causality, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, strawmen, red herrings, etc etc are all yet another red flag.

-Promoting tactics that are illegal or obviously disingenuous, such as "reverse psychology" ploys or ones based on lying to the American People; These are huge reg flags.

(((They))) are playing for keeps; This isn't a game.

God bless you, anons.

e63802 (4) No.335011>>335022 >>335178


> And their are many Christians who call Israel home, and have for a long time.

We're well aware of your evangelical pets.

28f614 (1) No.335012


You mean you found the article Q directly linked us to?


5af870 (42) No.335013>>335042 >>335053 >>335181

Alex Jones has had a woman on his show numerous times who was in the Education Dept. and maybe head of it back in the day maybe Reagan Administration. Her interviews are pretty informative and she goes into a lot of it how it was deliberately planned and for what purpose. You could probably find them in his archives and listen to them. I don't remember her name right now but you could search his website for public schools, education, etc.


89bc34 (6) No.335014>>335020


yeah I get that, I not trying to step on anyone dick.

682050 (8) No.335015>>335185


Tell me more..

e4db15 (17) No.335016


Sacue: www.enterprisetech.com/2018/02/05/renee-james-former-intel-president-heads-new-arm-based-server-chip-venture/

Backed by the Carlyle group, of which she is a director. She's deep in the cabal, and came out of nowhere.

5af870 (42) No.335017

Sorry answered on wrong post. See 335013.


e63802 (4) No.335018>>335024


Sometimes you need to educate the new comers on kikery. Q crumbs aren't obvious enough in this area. Anons need to pick up the slack every so often.

011af2 (3) No.335019


This may help the argument. It seems the solution is an easy one, just turn back the hand of time.

As long as the MSM pours out the poison it is a losing battle to red pill the masses. There needs…no, there must be a change of the guards in MSM. Breaking this law is treason punishable by life imprisonment or death.

4e0936 (26) No.335020>>335082


just check to see if a thread for her already exists. that's the only toes you would be stepping on

4ab370 (5) No.335021


>Watch the Sunday morning MSM news shows from 8-11 AM today.

Absolutely. The squirming lately is delightful.

5f1f83 (18) No.335022>>335039 >>335050 >>335070 >>335081 >>335196


Around 200,000 Israeli's are Christian- and not evangelical. They serve in the IDF. About 80% of Christian residents of Israel are Arab Christians, who are historically bound with neighbouring Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian Christians. You are stupid.

3a9fa2 (2) No.335023


You're funny.

Ad hominem stances are great for deflecting.

4e0936 (26) No.335024>>335199

File (hide): 16fc226bad7309b⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 337x600, 337:600, shapeshifter_02.jpg) (h) (u)

86db88 (24) No.335025>>335040

File (hide): 4a260ca1e383a48⋯.jpg (72.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 24cv5f.jpg) (h) (u)

47d69a (18) No.335026>>335032

File (hide): 698170bc4251d7f⋯.jpg (114.72 KB, 960x1211, 960:1211, DVBTgWHVAAAhW0A.jpg) (h) (u)

e5f620 (2) No.335027>>335111

File (hide): d724b000bd9bc03⋯.png (35.74 KB, 348x122, 174:61, INQTEL.png) (h) (u)

HEY FAGS… Found a connection between In Q Tel and that RFUN - Annual Threat Intelligence Conference…

https:// www.recordedfuture.com/rfun/

ceb653 (14) No.335028


It's true enough, just for got the "NEW" in front of (bp) loser let them off for voter intimidation. Now the gun he's a p_ssy so I doubt that


4f7665 (19) No.335029


I've now got it on my digging list. Preshaydit.

e4db15 (17) No.335030


He's an annoying faggot. He once posted 170 times in a single thread,

continually repeating those same memes, calling everyone shills,

and generally shitting up the place. Report and filter him once you get tired

of his shit.He won't stop, and he has only the few tricks I've mentioned

above. Oh… and everyone else is "triggered" and BO knows… those are

his other lines.

47d69a (18) No.335031

File (hide): 57f29a48ee91eda⋯.jpg (104.59 KB, 750x744, 125:124, Seth Rich 2.jpg) (h) (u)

86db88 (24) No.335032>>335037

File (hide): 1e08d98d0e67932⋯.jpg (105.68 KB, 771x500, 771:500, 23nfc3.jpg) (h) (u)

4ef408 (8) No.335033>>335043 >>335075


NIce Hitler digits but go the fact is, the Christians are belittled and Israel has been pushing hard since inception and for thousands of years before that, to be officially named a Jewish state.

The Christian are belittled routinely, Jew youth piss and shit on churches, gang up on Christian youth and beat them. Chistian adults are harrassed too and if they talk back they're deported.

You can find videos of this harrassment and testimony on youtube if you doubt me.

OT I know but this is everyone's future if the NWO builds their global Marxist state.

>Palestine Worldwide

33ffab (5) No.335034



They don't see through the lies because they are not willing to think for themselves. Also, every news outlet they look at tells them the same story so it must be true.

338d84 (12) No.335035>>335054



You guys aren't wrong, but you're wrong RIGHT NOW at this unique instant in time. Poisoned tree, legitimacy of special counsel, of the investigation, all of that is a hard case to make AT THIS EXACT MOMENT, particularly to normies.

My point is, I think we're looking at a clear black-and-white procedural violation that could potentially be the first domino to fall. Dudes like Hannity are still jerking off "acid-washed", he'd happily jerk of Giglio if there were demonstrated normie interest.

Normies are interested in black-and-white stuff and they'll slowly dip their toes into extrapolation over time. To me it looks like a clear-cut abuse by the Mueller team.

47d69a (18) No.335037

File (hide): 6cb06f53e3d56fc⋯.png (29.53 KB, 710x577, 710:577, hehe.png) (h) (u)

4ef408 (8) No.335039>>335044


>implying they're treated with any sort of dignity

>calling the other guy dumb

ceb653 (14) No.335040


I guess that got to be better than "MICHEAL"

LOL :)

2edcfd (58) No.335041>>335092


without dates your pic spread is fairly usless as is this debunk

http:// rense.com/general96/padneck.html

photo to prove he didn't have or get one is not even same position. body is shorter with brown eyes…paddock was 6'4 with blue eyes…plus ammo position…not even possible…should be covered in blood if on floor before he shot himself…they're laying right on top of the blood.

4f7665 (19) No.335042


Awesome, thank you. I watch AJ all the time but I had not seen that guest.

5f1f83 (18) No.335043>>335056 >>335059 >>335070 >>335081 >>335109

File (hide): 89eade34ea9996a⋯.jpg (373.05 KB, 1848x1218, 44:29, israeli soldiers.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f64f81e9671862e⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 3763x2333, 3763:2333, girls at damascus gate.JPG) (h) (u)


I know different 'cause I lived there, and was there when Trump visited, and he was extremely well received. Christian in the IDF. Look hastled to you? Arab Christian girls at Damascus gate. Look hastled to you?

4e0936 (26) No.335044


that guy is 100% shill. not just an anon that we're calling a shill. his literal job is to obfuscate the truth. stop replying to him

4441c2 (23) No.335045>>335048 >>335058 >>335078


But that land is not the inheritance of the Jews. They are only one tribe.

The land of ultimate promise is that of all the tribes, which became the nations of the free world.

86db88 (24) No.335046

File (hide): b0f0558ff935f4f⋯.jpg (210.79 KB, 543x475, 543:475, 5c99287f7d35b3e5b47294a5d0….jpg) (h) (u)

2edcfd (58) No.335047>>335051



ah the online Israel defense force. Hasidim are outbreeding the secular and will control Israel within 10 years. If not a problem I guess my convo about the problem with top insider…was all my imagination…LOL and evidence of their absolute HATE for xians is ALL over the place…videos are endless.

4a9868 (1) No.335048>>335065 >>335217


More of this Jew shit????

2fe0a7 (35) No.335049>>335055

Somebody earlier today posted news about Ohr and him or her residing in Chantilly.

Anyone know where that is?

b76015 (2) No.335050>>335061 >>335223


>They serve in the IDF.

Probably why they're allowed to stay there. So the chosen don't have to get their hands dirty.

4e0936 (26) No.335051>>335231


kek. i beat you to it, anon. i just didn't want to tag him


5af870 (42) No.335053>>335063

He's had her on several times going back quite a few years.



50b004 (23) No.335054>>335098



2fe0a7 (35) No.335055>>335060 >>335066


What does OHR stand for in OHR Pharmaceutical?

https:// weekherald.com/2018/02/10/ohr-pharmaceutical-ohrp-getting-somewhat-favorable-press-coverage-study-finds.html

https:// www.ohrpharmaceutical.com/about-ohr/management-team

812c1d (1) No.335056>>335074 >>335085 >>335087 >>335119


Jews killed Christ.

5f1f83 (18) No.335058>>335238 >>335249


I am not very religous, so I do not really care about the religious claims to the land. I do know that it is a place of freedom, democracy, innovation and that the nations around- indeed the world are better off for the existance of the State of Israel. Our MAGA Pres agrees, and is one of the reasons I am with him and Q in draining the swamp.

4ef408 (8) No.335059>>335081


Wanna see some vids of reality in Israel? Just send the word, kike.

a97eb5 (25) No.335060>>335069 >>335072


Operate/Hurt/Remedy ((with meds))

5f1f83 (18) No.335061


LOL. You are so clueless. You get the last word.

2edcfd (58) No.335062


>holocaust is horribly inflated propaganda

agreed…the woe is me plan worked..didn't it? I wonder how long this blackmail shit has been going on? A Soldier's Story is a great zionist red pill the online JDL keeps trying to get it deleted…it keeps popping back up so I won't link..search for it, well worth the watch..ex Israeli soldier did an outstanding documentary about the fallacy of zionism…film footage of zionists forcing people off their lands long before WWII…Hitler actually HELPED them…

4f7665 (19) No.335063>>335090


Do you remember the gist of what she said?

4441c2 (23) No.335065>>335096


Well, okay.

Right after Solomon the tribes were divided into two nations, Judea and Israel (the ten).

The land to the north was Israel.

The land the Jews call Israel today is not the land of Israelite promise.

That was the northern area.

Their thinking was to prevent the ten tribes from even knowing an

end-time promise of "new governance" even exists for them.

But we are all creating that now where we are.

50b004 (23) No.335066>>335084


For fuck sakes Anon, Ohr is a person, two persons of intrest to this board. Bruce and Nellie. Lurk more or GTFO

86db88 (24) No.335067>>335388

File (hide): 3dc5a170ff4ade9⋯.jpg (186.8 KB, 1230x814, 615:407, 3dc5a170ff4ade9921391a55d3….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): db9e82536b1bdef⋯.jpg (75.25 KB, 720x776, 90:97, DUCN0HKWAAIKlUp.jpg) (h) (u)

59a5a9 (6) No.335068


Right--their bosses, and those that have sway over their bosses.

It would really be nice if the media were required to be self-sufficient. Someone like Soros can easily keep paying them to spread lies, even with zero viewership. They can keep throwing huge banquets and stack judges for meaningless award ceremonies celebrating 'brave' newscasters with the 'right' perspective s. Meanwhile, real reporters (such as Cheryl Atkinson) with integrity are left in the cold.

But it's not just reporters, is it? We've come to accept that it's -every- industry. Want to rise up in Silicon Valley? Don't speak about your faith. Want to make it as an actress? Work on your blowjobs, not your range. I have a cousin that never could hold a job in San Francisco. He somehow lands a good one, then reveals to me that he's been dressing like a woman and prostituting himself.

4e0936 (26) No.335069


>create a problem

>sell the solution

b76015 (2) No.335070


>They serve in the IDF.

Probably why they're allowed to stay there. So the chosen don't have to get their hands dirty.


> Christian in the IDF. Look hastled to you? Arab Christian girls at Damascus gate. Look hastled to you?

Just like in america kikes will play nice until they don't need you anymore and then their true colors shine. Stupidly they put this on display on a daily basis for the entire country to see.

Look into what groups are pushing the hardest for mass replacement (especially in europe).

2fe0a7 (35) No.335072


That's incredible!

I'll take your word for it. Thanks!

33ffab (5) No.335073>>335095 >>335099





Free speech is protected by the 1st amendment. However, you can be sued for libel is you spread lies about another person.

d1ba85 (9) No.335074


If He had been Chinese, the Chinese would have killed Christ.

Our sins actually killed Christ.

47d69a (18) No.335075

File (hide): 16dcb7273c93b96⋯.jpg (3.62 MB, 3884x7735, 3884:7735, 1514532391163.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b71863e78818989⋯.png (3.89 MB, 2047x1462, 2047:1462, 1517242919182.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf5ca847956b97a⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 1112x1652, 278:413, noiz -jewz.jpg) (h) (u)


You are not wrong, Anon. They are everywhere

5f1f83 (18) No.335076>>335080 >>335089


Actually, retired Canadian Military, with lots of deployments, including using Israeli technology to find the bad guys.

4e0936 (26) No.335077

why is dave rubin on fox's couch?


5af870 (42) No.335078>>335086 >>335088


Have you ever read the last 3 chapters of Ezekiel in the Old Testament? It paints a different picture than you just described.

50b004 (23) No.335080>>335089 >>335093 >>335246


Canada has a military?

4ef408 (8) No.335081>>335291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Posting them anyway

>in the name of Hitler

89bc34 (6) No.335082>>335102 >>335107


yeah I did, that's why I asked. thanks anons

4f7665 (19) No.335083


Who decides who is a propagandist?


2fe0a7 (35) No.335084>>335112

5af870 (42) No.335085

So did Romans.


5a73cb (5) No.335086


On this side:

Time is linear and space is 3D

On the other side:

Time is 3D and space is linear.

It's perfect…

Expand your thinking read:

Adventures in flatland in a 2D universe.

5f1f83 (18) No.335087>>335094 >>335443


Roman Soldiers killed the Jewish Rabbi named Jesus

4441c2 (23) No.335088


No, it doesn't. I only described 1/100th of the picture.

4eb5ba (1) No.335089





We do but it's been crippled for decades. Trudeau might be the nail in the coffin, Trump would do well to build another wall north

5af870 (42) No.335090

The interview were quite lengthy but the main point I remember was that public education was designed to create programed sheep who couldn't think independently and would be obedient to the state.


4ef408 (8) No.335091>>335291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's more

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VCIFkdnlUU

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7Vh4SDe4kk

47d69a (18) No.335092>>335100

File (hide): 704e115ca663734⋯.jpg (279.81 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 1508374847577.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce5eeb6cc1995dd⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2184x1776, 91:74, 1508113879394.png) (h) (u)


You are correct, Anon. The stiff is not Paddock. Though, the "13" is not a tattoo no matter who it is

5f1f83 (18) No.335093>>335121


We do. And we were the pointy end of the spear for quite a while in Afghanistan. We could use some beefing up tho, and maybe we will when we get a new PM

4441c2 (23) No.335094>>335113


He was an Essene by faith, not Pharisaic.

011af2 (3) No.335095>>335106 >>335177


Propaganda is NOT free speech and it is NOT covered under the first ammend.

Go learn some civics.

5af870 (42) No.335096>>335114

The 10 who were taken into captivity lost their Jewish identity through intermarriage with the other Assyrian captives. Those who were taken into Babylonian captivity did not. Some of the 10 tribes remained with Judah and became part of what was considered Judea, the Jewish people.


4e0936 (26) No.335097

File (hide): 596dbb433c24784⋯.webm (2.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dancing_yid.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

he's starting to glow brighter!!!

338d84 (12) No.335098


We have to look at the ways guys like Hannity/Wilkow/etc normie herders work.


Clinton acid washed her servers, then the corrupt, politicised FBI/DOJ swept it under the rug. Now we're hearing about incredible FISA abuses. Back after 18 minutes of commercials.

We know Mueller's team Giglioed Flynn, and now they're stalling like the political hacks they are rather than withdrawing their flimsy case. That nobody even recorded it! This is 2018! And we know this Strzok guy is as dirty as it gets! Who knows what else the Mueller team is hiding, be back after 27 minutes of commercials!

4f7665 (19) No.335099


I though we were talking about propaganda.

…the lies have to be proven to have caused damage to the person.

BTW, lying is protected by the First Amendment.

5a73cb (5) No.335100>>335117


It could be Paddock…

When he died? Still questionable.

e4db15 (17) No.335102


There is almost nothing on her. Born in Los Gatos, CA. Graduated university.

Was at Bell Technologies when acquired by Intel. Got her MBA. Was assistant

to Intel CEO for four years "in the

1990s." Became VP. Bought McAfee and lost about $3 Billion. Became co-president.

Left and started Ampere. Member of BOD of lots of groups, most notably Carlyle


If you can find more than that, well done. I'd love to see it.

Renee J. James is black hat all the way.

a85dda (1) No.335104>>335145

File (hide): 02d4fbeb86b730b⋯.png (90.56 KB, 1067x652, 1067:652, 2m84[1].png) (h) (u)

Someone's having a Trump derangement meltdown.

https:// twitter.com/perlmutations/status/962380653047308288

106393 (9) No.335105



I am 60 years old.

And somehow my little twitter reached 35k views with one tweet.

It's not just about this board.

It's about humanity.

4f7665 (19) No.335106>>335130


Wrong. Who decides what is propaganda and who is a propagandist? You would make an excellent dictator.

5af870 (42) No.335107

Many posts on her in the past 2 weeks previous breads, need consolidation.


86db88 (24) No.335108>>335116 >>335127

File (hide): dc124c3ee3ffa3c⋯.png (545.53 KB, 532x499, 532:499, Soros special place.png) (h) (u)

2edcfd (58) No.335109>>335129


I'm not going to namefag or famefag…but the illusion you're posting is a fallacy. I KNOW better from the highest levels in gov. associates That's all. It's a HUGE problem and GROWING.

wake the fuck up

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=me4FqdrmVBs

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGJg1lHPPZw

oh, wait…christians afraid due to rising violence

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkbwUyycop8

wake up. secular people are going to be a minority in 10 years.

f6d950 (3) No.335111


See >>335007

Google / CIA invest in Recorded Future

50b004 (23) No.335112>>335122


Sorry, slight over reaction… tired

5af870 (42) No.335113>>335126


Incorrect. The Essenes were uber strict, even more so than the Pharisees, about laws of purity and so forth. If anything, Jesus would have had less in common with them than the Pharisees. He definitely did not side with the Sadducees.

4441c2 (23) No.335114>>335123


They never had Jewish identity. They were Israelites, and they became the nations they were promised to become throughout Western Europe right after their captivity. These were the "twelve tribes scattered abroad" James would address in his latter, and the sheep that heard the masters voice and rose to world power because of it.

106393 (9) No.335116>>335127


I'm dying with the muppet one.

47d69a (18) No.335117

File (hide): 76576d43cb1ac9a⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 600x600, 1:1, baby awoo trump.jpg) (h) (u)


Please see


Save images and links for when you have an hour or 2 to dedicate to it.

199b4f (29) No.335119


"Jew" is a modern word.

Pharisees and Saducees killed Yeshua… Likely because he was a part of/allied with Essenes, who opposed the former two groups, geopolitically as well as religiously. There WAS NO separation between church and state back then, the religious order WAS the state back then, in Judea.

He was a political martyr, just as much as a religious one; Going up against the ancient Sanhedrin is pretty badass. It reminds me of certain individuals going after the cabal in modern times.

Now enough with the fucking Jew slide shit.

25a732 (1) No.335120>>335125

Operation Shlomo

1) Kikes and affiliate groups (SPLC, JDL. etc) brow beat locals into accepting rapefugees ("my fellow whites" campaign)

2) Rapefugees begin killing + raping locals

3) Kikes scream "Anti semitism is on the rise" before locals figure out whats going on.

4) Local cops protect kikes + churches first to protect the precious chosen because of muh holocost. Insulating themselves from any backlash once locals voice their opinions.

5) Rinse and repeat throughout the planet.

50b004 (23) No.335121>>335124 >>335142


I kid CunukAnon, came across a couple of your ilk while I served my country. Godspeed Patriot.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335122>>335128


All good. Get some rest if you can. Going to need some fresh eyes in 3 hours for the MSM shows.

5af870 (42) No.335123>>335131

That is replacement theology not supported by evidence, sorry.


4ef408 (8) No.335124>>335141 >>335263


You're talking to an Israeli.

4e0936 (26) No.335125


The Jew cries out in pain while he strikes you.

4441c2 (23) No.335126>>335132


There was a strict and a lesser strict faction of Essenes.

The northern Galilee one was the lesser, and the one he came from.

e4db15 (17) No.335127



Add a side-by-side with Rose McGowan saying, "The same thing happened with me and Harvey Winestain." (Spelling intentional)

2fe0a7 (35) No.335128>>335325


The Sunday morning guest list:

ABC’s “This Week,” 10 a.m. on WFTV-Channel 9: Conway; Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y.; former Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J. The panel will be Cecilia Vega and Matthew Dowd of ABC, Republican strategist Alex Castellanos, former Bloomberg Businessweek editor Megan Murphy and former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod, now director of the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics.

“State of the Union,” 9 a.m. and noon on CNN: Conway; Jeh Johnson, former secretary of homeland security; Joshua Green, author of “Devil’s Bargain.” The panel will be former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa.; Jen Psaki, former Obama White House communications director; Karine Jean-Pierre of MoveOn.org and formerly of the Obama administration; and conservative commentator Linda Chavez, chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity.

NBC’s “Meet the Press,” 9 a.m. on WESH-Channel 2: Marc Short, White House director of legislative affairs; Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; Clint Watts of the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at The George Washington University. The panel will be Kristen Welker of NBC, Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal, radio host Erick Erickson and Eddie Glaude Jr., chair of the Center for African-American Studies and professor of Religion and African-American Studies at Princeton University.

CBS’ “Face the Nation,” 10:30 a.m. on WKMG-Channel 6: Mick Mulvaney, White House budget director; Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.; Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.; Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C.; Joseph Califano Jr., author of “Our Damaged Democracy: We the People Must Act.” The panel will be Peter Beinart of The Atlantic, Susan Davis of NPR, Susan Glasser of Politico and Ramesh Ponnuru of National Review, Bloomberg View and American Enterprise Institute.

“Fox News Sunday,” 10 a.m. on WOFL-Channel 35: Mulvaney; Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio; Charles Bowery, executive director of the U.S. Army Center of Military History. The panel will be former Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah; Rachael Bade of Politico; Guy Benson of Townhall.com; and Marie Harf, former State Department spokesperson.

“Fareed Zakaria GPS,” 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on CNN: Gordon Chang, author of “Nuclear Showdown”; Sue Mi Terry of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and former senior analyst on Korean issues at the CIA; Ksenia Sobchak, opposition candidate for president of Russia and former Russian TV news anchor; Husain Haqqani of The New York Times; Mujib Mashal, former ambassador of Pakistan to the United States; Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, foreign minister of Qatar.

“Sunday Morning Futures,” 10 a.m. on Fox News Channel: Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif.; Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House; Gen. Jack Keane, (ret.), chairman of the Institute for the Study of the War; Republican strategist Ed Rollins.

“Reliable Sources,” 11 a.m. on CNN: A panel on Trump and the White House features Olivia Nuzzi of New York magazine, April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks and Lynn Sweet of Chicago Sun Times. Other guests are Bethany Mandel of The Federalist; Oliver Darcy of CNN; Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif.; Ken Doctor, founder of Newsonomics; and Hadas Gold of CNN. Frank Sesno anchors.

“MediaBuzz,” 11 a.m. on Fox News Channel: Corey Lewandowski, former Trump campaign manager; Ed Henry of Fox News; Emily Jashinsky of the Washington Examiner; Capri Cafaro, former Ohio Senate minority leader and executive in residence at American University School of Public Affairs; and Carley Shimkus, Fox News Headlines 24/7 reporter.

“Inside Politics,” 8 a.m. on CNN: Julie Hirschfeld Davis of The New York Times; Karoun Demirjian of The Washington Post; Seung Min Kim of Politico; and Mary Katharine Ham of The Federalist.

5f1f83 (18) No.335129>>335139


I will agree with you on this: The Hasidim are a problem. They only study Torah, get money from the government, and do not serve in the IDF- or very few of them do. They are a drain on society, and are roundly dispised by most of the population. They account for at most 10% of the population. They are a problem, but not the threat you make them out to be. I also know.

50b004 (23) No.335130


The Thought Police decide.

4441c2 (23) No.335131


No, it is WAY more supported, but by Scripture rather than man's opinion.

There has long been a broad road (for commercial theology, churches) and a very narrow road that is far more true to the Word.

d9d72f (1) No.335132>>335149


You should read a very interesting book called Jesus and the essenes, by Dolores Cannon.. Very good book, and I see Jesus as an ascended master, not the son of god..

4f7665 (19) No.335133>>335143


Totally false what you just said:

"It is expressly to protect the public against the repercussions of redressing grievances with government."

Learn to read.

a97eb5 (25) No.335134>>335144 >>335147 >>335151

Why a big deal about the Israel /Syria proxy strike yesterday morning and then nothing since? Even Bibi not shit on twatter.

ceb653 (14) No.335135


Just enough shaking to keep you off kilt, I would say I'm glad I don't go through those anymore. However, I traded EQ's for Tornadoes so…

Hopefully you won't get any bigger ones


7e5d82 (6) No.335137

File (hide): 6d1ce92e297fb07⋯.png (484.11 KB, 639x632, 639:632, the-patriot-3.png) (h) (u)

God bless anons!

89bc34 (6) No.335138>>335173 >>335183

File (hide): 8efbb6753aa5eac⋯.jpg (52.72 KB, 601x441, 601:441, Renee.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72218614b0a13ce⋯.jpg (109.51 KB, 1071x741, 357:247, Untitled Diagram.jpg) (h) (u)


I've scoured as much info as I could find on Renee J. James, I think the relevant role she plays in this scenerio she was either compliant or complicent in the implementation of backdoored processors. I maintain that both spectre and meltdown were not flaws or bugs but were archetecture. I base this on one of the core belief of Illumist that they need to warm people of what they plan to do (ref Jordan Maxwell's Basic Slide Presentation). this is done by inserting scenes, imagery or concepts into movies, tv shows and video games (predictive programming). now if you take for example Chris Carter's tv Series "the lone gunmen" it has 3 concepts that were predicted prior to them happening. the first being the major plot 911, this air 186 days prior to the event. 2nd being remote controlled car crashes, which is what was used to kill Micheal Hasting and 2 Las Vegas Shooting witnesses and last being purposely back-doored CPUs which would be used to spy on the end user. attached are flow charts and my notes from the programs plus links. It is know back in 1999 (for those of us that remember) Intel was Caught broadcasting CPU processor serial number (PSN) this started 5 years after James started at Intel and ran through the duration of her tenure.


http:// courses.ischool.berkeley.edu/i224/s99/GroupG/psn_outline.html

Lone Gunmen pilot episode s01e01

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjbQ-BDh4PU

2edcfd (58) No.335139


THEY are a problem they are outbreeding the secular at a pace similar to muz breeding.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jG6kJm-50k

THAT remind you of anywhere? MALMO perhaps?

I don't need to make them out to be a "threat" they ARE a threat. OH, and BIBI is more corrupt and vile than Hillary.

The day the U.S. cuts off aid to Israel is the day we will know we are truly free.

50b004 (23) No.335141>>335168


Maybe, said he was Canadian, wtf do I know about any Anons real identity? You seem to think you know, please tell.

5f1f83 (18) No.335142>>335150 >>335153 >>335155


Godspeed. MAGA is good for Canada, and the world.

199b4f (29) No.335143


Then why is this in the amendment?

" and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. "


58e5ae (7) No.335144


There will be many more in an attempt to force potus' hand. Peace is not (((their))) goal.

59a5a9 (6) No.335145


That's not a breakdown. That's "I don't have anything lined up, and I need work. Let me show the masters how loyal I am."

It's counterpart, "Hey motherfuckas, Trump is okay" means "I'm ready to retire now."

86db88 (24) No.335146>>335148 >>335152 >>335167

>>334590 (OP)

I had started making a suicide list,, and here is also a death list.

Suicide List

1. Jill Messick Age 50 Feb 7, 2018 Hollywood producer( baby mama, Minecraft,she’s all that)Rose McGowan’s ex manager.

2. Mark Salling Age 31 Jan 30, 2018 Hollywood Glee actor, and pedophile.

3. James Dolan, Age 36, took his own life at a Brooklyn hotel. He is the second developer of the whistle-blower submission system SecureDrop to commit suicide by hanging in Brooklyn. Death similar to reddit co founder Aaron Swartz in 2013.Who was the second developer of securedrop.

4. ? Dolores O’Riordan Age 46 Jan 15, 2018 Singer of band The Cranberries. Death cause unknown( said she had depression and was bipolar)

5. Command Master Chief Ronald K Shasky ll (Navy) A fired warship command master chief, facing a court martial for sex crimes.


Katie Lee, Folk Singer -- albums “Folk Songs of the Colorado River” (1964), “Colorado River Songs” (1997) – age 98

Nancy Friday, Author -- wrote feminist erotic books; “My Secret Garden” (1973), “Forbidden Flowers” – age 84 (Alzheimer’s disease)

Robert Knight, Singer -- “Everlasting Love” (1967), “Free Me” (1961) – age 72

Richard F. Gordon Jr, Captain USN & NASA Astronaut -- Command Module Pilot for the Apollo 12 mission to the moon – age 88

Roy ‘Doc’ Halladay, MLB Pitcher -- in 2010 he threw 2 no-hitters in the same season, won the Cy Young award in both the AL and NL – age 40 (one person plane crash) Brad Harris, Actor/Stuntman – “Samson” (1961), “The Fury Of Hercules” (1962) – age 84

Pat Hutchins, Childrens Books Author (UK) -- “Rosie’s Walk” (1968), “The Wind Blew” (1974) – age 75

John Hillerman, Actor -- played Jonathan Higgins II on Magnum, P.I. (1980-88), won a Golden Globe and an Emmy Award – age 84

Liz Smith, Journalist/Gossip Columnist -- “The Grand Dame of Dish”, wrote for New York Daily News and Cosmopolitan – age 94

Gustav Åhr, Rapper -- known as”Lil Peep”, songs “White Wine”, “Benz Truck” released on You Tube – age 21 (drug overdose)

Keith Barron, Actor (UK) -- Gregory Wilmot in “Upstairs, Downstairs”, “The Odd Man” (1960-63) – age 83

Earle Hyman, Actor -- Cliff’s Huxtable’s father, Russell Huxtable in the “Cosby Show” (1984-92) – age 91

Ann Wedgeworth, Actress -- Lana Shields in “Three’s Company”, Merleen Elldridge in “Evening Shade” (1990-94) – age 83

Malcolm Young, Musician/Guitarist (AUS) -- co-founder of rock group ACDC; “Back In Black”, “Highway to Hell” – age 64 (early onset Alzheimer)

Warren “Pete” Moore, Singer/Songwriter -- original member of The Miracles R&B Group “The Tracks of My Tears” – age 78 (died on his birthday)

Della Reese, Singer (multi genre)/Actress -- Tess in TV show “Touched by an Angel” (1994-2003); as a singer “Don’t You Know?” (1959) – age 86

Mel Tillis, C&W Singer/Songwriter -- “I Ain’t Never”, “Good Woman Blues”; CMA Entertainer of the Year 1976 – age 85

Terry Glenn, NFL Football player -- with New England Patriots he held the most receptions in a single season – age 43 (single car accident)

Rodney Bewes, Actor (UK) -- Bob Ferris in BBC TV series “The Likely Lads” (1964–66) and “Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?” (1973–74) – age 79

Wayne Cochran, Soul Singer -- a/k/a The White Knight of Soul, biggest hit “Goin’ Back To Miami” – age 78

David Cassidy, Actor/Singer -- portrayed Keith Partridge in TV series “The Partridge Family” (1970-74) – age 67 (early onset dementia)

Buzz Belmondo, Comedic actor -- portrayed Buzz on “Out of This World” (1987-’91) – age 70 (blood cancer)

Jon Hendricks, Jazz musician/Singer -- known for his scat singing and vocalese – age 96

Wesley L. Fox, Colonel USMC (retired) -- 43 years of service (1950–1993), Medal of Honor recipient for actions in Vietnam – age 86

Rance Howard, Actor -- played the Announcer Al Fazin in “Cinderella Man”(2005) Father of Director Ron Howard – age 89

Julio Oscar Mechoso, Actor -- played Detective Ruiz in “Bad Boys” and “Blue Streak” – age 62 (heart attack)

Heather North,Voice Actress =- Daphne Blake in the Scooby-Doo TV series and movies -- age 71 (cardiopulmonary arrest)

Jim Nabors, Actor/Singer -- Gomer Pyle on TV shows; “The Andy Griffith Show” and “Gomer Pyle USMC” – age 87

50b004 (23) No.335147>>335164


News cycle is now less then 24hrs, that shit is stale today.

86db88 (24) No.335148>>335152



Mundell Lowe, Jazz Musician/producer -- Produced and scored themes for movie “Billy Jack” and TV show “Starsky & Hutch” – age 95

Christine Keeler, Model/Socialite (UK) -- married yet notorious for her affairs, with a Russian diplomat which led to the discrediting of Harold Macmillan’s party (1963) – age 75

Ron Meyer, College and Pro Football Coach -- New England Patriots (1982-85) Indianapolis Colts (!986-91) – age 76

Vera Shlakman, College Professor -- fired from Queens College in 1952 for refusing to testify to the McCarran Committee if she was a communist – age 108

Conrad Brooks, Actor -- Patrolman Jamie in the movie “Plan 9 from Outer Space” – age 81 (complications from sepsis)

Steve Reevis, Actor -- a native American himself, played Shep Proudfoot in the movie “Fargo” (1996) – age 55

Bruce Brown, Filmmaker -- surf movie “The Endless Summer” (1966), “The Endless Summer II” (1994) – age 80

Charles Marvin Green Jr, Internet actor -- he had two YouTube shows “TheAngryGrandpaShow” and “Grandpa’s Corner” had over 627 million views – age 67 (cirrhosis)

Keith Chegwin, Television Host (UK) -- Multi-Coloured Swap Shop and Cheggers Plays Pop (1976-86) – age 60 (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)

Edwin Mah Lee, Politician/Attorney -- current Mayor of San Francisco, he was the first Asian American to hold that office – age 65 (heart attack)

Pat DiNizio, Singer/Songwriter -- founding memberof band The Smithereens – age 62 (complications from a fall)

Warrel Dane, Musician -- lead singer for the metal band Sanctuary – age 56 (heart attack)

Lou Elias, Stuntman/Actor -- had several stunt and acting roles on the TV series “Star Trek” and many others – age 84

Bernard Sherman, Entrepreneur/Pharmaceutical CEO (CAN) -- Empire Laboratories and Barr Pharmaceuticals – age 75 (hanging along side of his wife)

-- Keely Smith, Jazz Singer – won a Grammy for “That Ol’ Black Magic,” also charted with “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” – age 89

Bob Glidden, Drag Racer -- most wins in National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame in 2005 – age 73

Terence Beesley, Actor (UK) -- played Derek Branning in BBC One show “East Enders” – age 60 (died in November ’17 but not announced)

Dick Enberg, Sportscaster -- did play by play reporting for most sports for most major networks from the mid 1960s till 2016 – age 82

Bruce McCandless II, Capt, USN, Ret -- was the youngest NASA astronaut (1966-1990), made the first ever untethered space walk in 1984- age 80

Jeannette Clift George, -- Actress – played Corrie ten Boom in “The Hiding Place” (1975) – age 92

Heather Menzies, Actress/Model -- played Louisa von Trapp in the film “The Sound of Music” (1965) – age 68 (brain cancer)

Curly Seckler, Bluegrass Musician -- played with Foggy Mountain Boys (1949-’62) and Nashville Grass band (1979-’94) – age 98

Sue Grafton, Author -- wrote the Kinsey Millhone “alphabet series” detective novels – age 77 (cancer)

Rose Marie, Actress/Singer -- played Sally Rogers on The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961–66) – age 94

Danny Breen, Producer/Actor -- wrote for and produced the “Wayne Brady Show” (2002-04) also wrote for “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” – age 67 (cancer)

4441c2 (23) No.335149


I may have seen that. There is very good material about it.

58e5ae (7) No.335150


>Godspeed. MAGA is good for Canada, and the world.

At this point its good vs evil.

5f1f83 (18) No.335151


There has been a fair bit since, if you look: https:// www.debka.com/iranian-saegheh-drone-syria-worry-us-well-israel/

86db88 (24) No.335152>>335190




Jon Paul Steuer, Actor -- played Alexander Rozhenko in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” – age 33

Ray Thomas, Musician (UK) -- founding member of the rock group The Moody Blues “Nights In White Satin” – age 76 (prostate cancer)

Jerry Van Dyke, Actor -- played David Crabtree in TV show “My Mother the Car“(1965) and Luther Van Dam on “Coach” (1989-’97) – age 86

John Young, Captain, USN / NASA Astronaut -- flew on the first manned Gemini mission (1965) and five more missions including a moon walk (1972) – age 87

Denise LaSalle, Blues Singer -- recognized as the “Queen of the Blues”, top hit “Trapped By A Thing Called Love” (1971) – age 78 (complications from a fall)

Donnelly Rhodes, Actor (CAN) -- played convict Dutch Leitner on TV show “Soap” (1977-’81) – age 80 (cancer)

Eddie Clarke, Musician (UK) -- guitarist for the heavy metal band Motörhead – age 67 (pneumonia)

Doreen Tracey, Actress/Singer -- a regular on TV show “Mickey Mouse Club” (1955-’58) – age 74 (cancer)

Keith Jackson, Sportscaster -- the voice of ABC Sports’ College football coverage (1966–2006) – age 89

Jean Porter, Actress -- contract actress for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer who appeared in over 30 movies from 1938-’61 – age 95

Dan Gurney, Race car driver/owner -- won races in the Formula One, Indy Car, NASCAR, Can-Am, and Trans-Am Series – age 86 (pneumonia)

Dolores O’Riordan, Singer (IRL) -- lead singer for rock band the Cranberries; top hits “Linger” and “Zombie” – age 46 (unknown)

Peter Wyngarde, Actor (UK) -- portrayed Jason King in TV shows Department S (1969–70) and Jason King (1971–72) – age 90

Bradford Dillman, Actor -- played Luther Sebastian in the film “The Helicopter Spies” which was made from a The Man From U.N.C.L.E. episode – age 87 (pneumonia)

Jessica Falkholt, Actress (AUS) -- played Hope Morrison in TV series “Home and Away” – age 29 (car accident killed her entire family)

Simon Shelton, Actor (UK) -- played Tinky Winky in the BBC TV show “Teletubbies” (1997-2001) – age 52 (hypothermia)

Dorothy Malone, Actress -- played Constance MacKenzie on Peyton Place (1964-’68) – age 92

Allison Shearmur, Film producer -- worked on American Pie, Jason Bourne and The Hunger Games franchises – age 54 (lung cancer)

Wendell Castle, Artist/Furniture maker -- probably the father of “furniture art” – age 85

John Coleman, TV Meteorologist -- original weatherman on ABC’s Good Morning America (1975) and co-founder of The Weather Channel (1982) – age 83

Naomi Parker Fraley, she is credited as the inspiration for the Rosie the Riveter “We Can Do It” WWII era poster -- age 96

Jim Rodford, Musician -- played with the Kinks (1978-’96) then played with redo of The Zombies – age 76

Connie Sawyer, Actress -- nicknamed “The Clown Princess of Comedy”, appeared in movies and TV from 1955 – 2014 – age 105

Stacey Young, Model (UK) -- she appeared in many 1980’s music videos with her singer husband Paul Young – age 52 (brain cancer)

Mort Walker, Cartoonist -- wrote the newspaper comic strips Beetle Bailey (1950) and Hi and Lois (1954) – age 94

Mark Salling, Actor/Musician -- portrayed Noah “Puck” Puckerman on TV show “Glee”(2009-’13) – 35 (suicide)


Fidel Ángel Castro Díaz-Balart, Scientist -- Fidel Castro’s oldest son – age 68 (suicide)

Dennis Edwards, Singer -- lead singer for The Temptations (1968-’77) “Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone” – age 74

Jon Huntsman Sr., Businessman/Philanthropist -- Huntsman was known for his philanthropy including Huntsman Cancer Institute – age 80

John Mahoney, Actor (UK/USA) -- played Martin Crane (Frazier’s Dad) on TV show “Frasier” (1993-2004) – age 77 (throat cancer)

Mickey Jones, Musician/Actor -- drummer for The First Edition with Kenny Rogers – age 76 (a long illness)

John Perry Barlow, Poet/Cyber Activist -- lyricist for the Grateful Dead and founded Electronic Frontier Foundation – age 70

50b004 (23) No.335153



2fe0a7 (35) No.335154

File (hide): 9fff28dfd9cbbd4⋯.jpg (366.31 KB, 606x651, 202:217, CAnfac.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): dde3da8795f4dc2⋯.jpg (424.67 KB, 700x414, 350:207, lakeelsenore.jpg) (h) (u)


never seen the risk icon on an EQ report.

58e5ae (7) No.335155


Unfortunately few people have woken up to who the real enemy is. Especially in leafland.

0221d5 (1) No.335156

File (hide): c1c81b0362bdd07⋯.png (264.28 KB, 635x473, 635:473, Screen shot 2018-02-11 at ….png) (h) (u)

25a058 (1) No.335157>>335163


So? He’s still a piece of shit traitor to this republic.

2ea663 (17) No.335158>>335165


I just did.

What causes them to be incapable of seeing the lies in the media?

Their belief systems.

And beliefs can only be replaced by something better

As long as they don't see Trump, and the free world movement as I call it, as a better alternative

they will rather choose to live in the lie than to adapt

we have to show them that the world we stand for is a good world

where they are welcome

if they are willing to drop their hostility

and maybe start wearing normal clothes and shit like that, haha!

bb0d8d (20) No.335159>>335162


Yes. Well.. I haven't met God personally. But I did die already. I ended up in a strange place, but I knew it was not hell. Only for a few minutes.. but.. I realized that if the 'afterlife' is real, then God must be too. There is and afterlife. Though God is pretty busy sometimes. Not to say he doesn't have time for YOU, but.. we do need to be semi self-reliant and just have faith.

I hope that helps.

7754ab (3) No.335160>>335171

When this shit is all over I'd love to see a Clint Eastwood directed westernized version of the world cabal takedown in the syle of Hang 'Em High but with Judge Roy Bean as the judge. Our man Clint is getting on up there though.

bb0d8d (20) No.335162

199b4f (29) No.335163>>335182


Basically Snowden is a famefag that thought he could pull a fast one and make some money on the side.

All if which disqualifies him from being a patriot.

a97eb5 (25) No.335164


Yeah, Sunday mumDay. Just the usual weekend shit. Cant wait till happy days are here again and there is real news current and up to date.

2ea663 (17) No.335165



my reply is at


1d1fc3 (1) No.335166>>335172 >>335175 >>335176 >>335187 >>335188 >>335198 >>335204 >>335205 >>335212 >>335219

Anons, heads up

I'm attempting something different. I will give you my personal email address. Hit me up ONLY if the board is in trouble. I am watching this email 24/7. I expect a shit ton of spam, so there will be filters. Don't waste my time, and I will listen.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335167>>335179


Thanks. Looking up suicides in the news is depressing.

5f1f83 (18) No.335168>>335202 >>335291

File (hide): 9686a8a23e0ef50⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 4753x2670, 4753:2670, IMG_4111.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6232620182f108d⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 3651x2051, 3651:2051, Mirkeva 4 tank.JPG) (h) (u)


Canadian born and raised. But also with a deep respect for the IDF. Israeli girls are badass.

2edcfd (58) No.335170>>335180


gak…that order from "god" to cut their dicks off…a part HE put on…now why would that be? Cut dick off, suck on it..for the win.

http:// www.drmomma.org/2009/10/mri-studies-brain-permanently-altered.html

a91734 (7) No.335171>>335195

File (hide): 273fac6c5d37419⋯.png (658.51 KB, 800x500, 8:5, judge roy lunch.png) (h) (u)

8db833 (2) No.335172


Noted, thanks.

e4db15 (17) No.335173>>335429


I have a theory that involves her in the NK missle stuff. She does the ARMs at Ampere. These are

special-purpose processors that can be used in multiple "specific" pieces of equipment.

They cannot be used in other stuff, so a telephone ARM cannot be used in a car, for example.

Anyway, Wouldn't something like this be great to be used in a satellite guidance and control


Now, go forward to the Shanghai capture. On the 34th floor is a company named Centrality

Communications. It is managed by Shaowei Han, who happens to be the CEO of Unicore.

Unicore happens to manufacture microchips, too. What is their focus? GPS.

Let's put these two folks together, and all you need is an encryption expert for a fully functional

set of controls for a missle. What does Edward Snowden do for a living?

I know this is all speculation, but it's interesting, is it not?

a97eb5 (25) No.335174

Notice…Rob Porter's first wife (I think) is so robotic in her televised statement. Is she MK'd or paid off? Not innocenting him, just looks fishy to me.

199b4f (29) No.335175>>335189


God bless you. Where we go one, we go all!

2fe0a7 (35) No.335176

33ffab (5) No.335177>>335277


Sounds like there's an anti-fag on the board. He's going to tell us about free speech. The floor is yours anti-fag.

2edcfd (58) No.335178


>your evangelical pets.

KEK. They are having a very difficult time keeping information hidden now…but they do try.

86db88 (24) No.335179>>335186 >>335207 >>335215


Q talking about suicide weekend, figured we had better get a list going, and also of deaths of people in all fields( hollywood, authors, sports figures,politicians, military, etc) anyone of importance, or news worthy, should be listed.

58e5ae (7) No.335180


>Cut dick off, suck on it..for the win.


2edcfd (58) No.335181>>335375


That and Common Core came from Qatar…kek…Islam went from a paragraph to a chapter in world history textbooks…there are zero white demographics..black kids are taught they WILL fail and the entire reason they will fail is white people..white kids are taught they are the reason black kids fail…SRSLY read a modern textbook.

7754ab (3) No.335182>>335194 >>335276


The dems didn't seem to have any love for Snowden. Was that an act? I'm not doubting he is/could be a bad actor but how does he win if Trump had lost. Putin is said to have no love for the deep state. Is Snowden just a useful idiot?

59a5a9 (6) No.335183


It's almost certainly built in. A lot of what they've mentioned re: spectre and meltdown sounds like they've discovered an exploit (plausible deniability). This video talks about hidden (unlisted, unmentioned) opcode:

https: //youtu.be/KrksBdWcZgQ

I'd assumed it was brokered by some US government entity, but now I'm not so sure.

2edcfd (58) No.335185>>335274


can't link..was phonefagging half this morning and read their discussion on it, saw the screencaps of the twatter plan…infinity wasn't mentioned specifically but with so many famefaggers talking about this place…bank on it. We're not sekrit anymore.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335186>>335207


Yes indeed. Appreciated. I was researching news articles on suicides earlie and shared to the board. Forgot what thread

a97eb5 (25) No.335187


Post that shit then delete it right after. A very noble act BO. Thanks and Godspeed. Cant go and help you there.

59a5a9 (6) No.335188

bb0d8d (20) No.335189


All of you badass truth seeking fags are going to be in heaven with me, mmmmmmmk?


86db88 (24) No.335190


2 more deaths from Feb

Reg E. Cathey, Actor -- portrayed Freddy Hayes in “House of Cards” (2013-’17) – age 59 (lung cancer)

John Gavin, Actor/Politician -- portrayed Julius Caesar in “Spartacus” (1960); U.S. Ambassador to Mexico (1981-’86) – age 86 (leukemia)

ceb653 (14) No.335191>>335210

File (hide): a5426e6b2150810⋯.jpg (280.74 KB, 1273x1319, 1273:1319, IMG_0166.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): eafc9ef650cfb4a⋯.jpg (228.34 KB, 1274x735, 26:15, IMG_0168.JPG) (h) (u)


e96799 (2) No.335193>>335209


Seeing this pic just triggered a middle of the night Off-The-Cuff thought…

[P] = (Paddock?)

Save the best for last.

Highly classified clown ops exposed.

(Las Vegas?)

Thanks Dopey.

(Connects everything?)

Vegas Attack (FF) Woke/Red Pilled THOUSANDS to question the Narrative/Cover-up/MSM Etc…

Exposing that truth would bring the masses to the light!

Okay I'll go back to Drinkin…

Cheers Anons!

199b4f (29) No.335194>>335214



>Is Snowden just a useful idiot?


7754ab (3) No.335195


Hope Hicks could be his Miss Langtree!


2edcfd (58) No.335196


numbers are useless..words from their own mouths, their actions…that means something. SO…there's no problems in Israel…ok.

b7f4d5 (3) No.335197>>335239

File (hide): b75be3a9c0f04ee⋯.jpg (587.21 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 5-cb848a8e7b.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 10029f3c299e7e7⋯.jpg (489.64 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 11-00c58227e4.jpg) (h) (u)

Maurice Strong: The Wizard of Baca Grande

A story about Shirley MacLaine, zen monks and mystic crystals.

A story about the biggest water deal ever.

A story about how a boy from Oak Lake Manitoba set out to [destroy] the world.


https:// www.


This profile is from early 1990, a few months after the helicopter crash that killed 3 of Trump's corp aides >>333517 , when Strong is appointed Sec Gen for the Earth Summit in Rio)


The Agenda 21 plan was to create Hell on Earth by taking globalist control of the U.S. Military to crush any opposition to the plot.


e4db15 (17) No.335198


Good luck!

2edcfd (58) No.335199


top kek…/pol/ routinely does a gig on this…almost without exception the racebaiters…are jews.

bb0d8d (20) No.335200


It's only fair to give the cabal time to repent.

They won't.. but.. it's not fair to not give them the same chance we would like.

58e5ae (7) No.335202>>335208 >>335218 >>335222 >>335282

File (hide): 606bd0a6892b544⋯.jpg (184.79 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 17-0333-shoes1.jpg) (h) (u)


What happens when you let kikes in the front door.

IDF are not leafbros friends.

4e0936 (26) No.335204


are you posting it here or in the meta thread?

a97eb5 (25) No.335205


Set up new email ( you are doing that, haha ) instead of personal. BOQR@Geurillamail. kek

a91734 (7) No.335206


Manafort has already filed to have his case dismissed and its been reported that Flynn is about to file.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335207

50b004 (23) No.335208


Red shoes… huh, curios.

4441c2 (23) No.335209


LV really is the place to start red-pilling / truth campaigning.

It's also at the front of everybody's minds, still.

So, this may be like the next phase, which is us?

You could be right here.

58e5ae (7) No.335210>>335232


Brietbart forgot what team he was playing for and paid the price.

a91734 (7) No.335211


Thats been widely discussed.

ceb653 (14) No.335212


Got it, Ty


b6b382 (1) No.335213


So many seem to forget this. Or omit it from memory on purpose, as it causes the uncomfortable rearranging of their world view.

e4db15 (17) No.335214>>335243


Did you not read the latest posts by Q? Q has a visceral hatred for Snowden. Getting ES is

personal for Q. Go back and read the last few in qcode. ES might be a useful idiot, but he certainly

has Q's attention.

58e5ae (7) No.335215>>335268


>Q talking about suicide weekend, figured we had better get a list going

Haven't seen a single one yet. Possible disinfo.

a0b286 (2) No.335216

To those saying this is a battle between:


Go read the first chapter of Genesis. You CAN NOT EAT from, that tree, because that tree is what causes suffering/death.

The only imbalance of good/evil is within each individual as they PERCEIVE it based on the 'light' of their own body.

The tree of life is knowing the difference between RIGHT and WRONG.

2edcfd (58) No.335217


one need only type something true (like speculate why Q has never mentioned the TOP blackmailer in the world..proven…not speculation) aka BIBI..and we get flooding with the online JDF…so zionist shills…this one's for you.. we're on to you…all your base are belong to us. FLOW cut off..money cut off…lol Trump is NOT stupid.

5f1f83 (18) No.335218>>335234

File (hide): e60947927f4e95f⋯.jpg (148.3 KB, 640x420, 32:21, canadian footwear.jpg) (h) (u)


Pretty funny! What Canadian soldiers normally wear.

bb0d8d (20) No.335219>>335228


Thank you. I may be needing that in case I need to get something deleted. I've been reduced to using only a live thumb drive, and don't have the passwords required to delete my original threads.


695b66 (3) No.335220


They just don't give up.

41bb60 (1) No.335221

>>333333 (Checked)


2fe0a7 (35) No.335222>>335227 >>335279 >>335380

File (hide): 9ca7fe18e749d03⋯.png (968.61 KB, 634x857, 634:857, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Reminds me of this from Oct. 27 2017:

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5002328/Officers-parade-costumes-paint-nails.html

2edcfd (58) No.335223


> the chosen don't have to get their hands dirty.

they don't serve…and clearly only the Orthodox are chosen…I think you pretty much get UNchosen if you're not following the law. :D

91ed58 (11) No.335224>>335237 >>335250

File (hide): 24cc3809328d7d5⋯.jpg (96.11 KB, 815x315, 163:63, IMG_2125.JPG) (h) (u)



< WELL Said

(Pic related)

a91734 (7) No.335225>>335283


If the evidence is illegally obtained or, as in this case, proven false, the cases must be dismissed.

6c26ec (1) No.335226>>335444

File (hide): 548db656182b449⋯.png (862.48 KB, 2593x1497, 2593:1497, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Looks like the other 14 agencies that were supposed to have validated the Russia conspiracy have just been brought down. Including one of the top 10 targets

2fe0a7 (35) No.335227

File (hide): 48f161337832450⋯.png (718.65 KB, 634x713, 634:713, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Oct. 20*

4e0936 (26) No.335228>>335230 >>335241


>in case I need to get something deleted

no. use the board's built in report function. he means if something MAJOR bad happens

86db88 (24) No.335229>>335233 >>335240 >>335253 >>335255 >>335257 >>335258 >>335316 >>335333 >>335374

OH SHIT,,, was looking at suicides in the news and saw this,

FLAT GAP, Ky. (EKB News) - The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is now confirming that a total of five people are dead in two separate locations in Johnson County.

It was initially reported that two people were dead of apparent gunshot wounds at the home on McKenzie Branch off Ky. 172, where police found two deceased individuals. A 911 call reporting the incident came in just before 4 p.m. Saturday afternoon, and police began searching for a male suspect in the apparent shooting. Now, police have confirmed that a total of five people are dead in two separate locations in Johnson County.

The statement said police then searched a nearby apartment and located the bodies of two more deceased individuals, as well as the body of Joseph Nickell, the man believed to be responsible for the shootings. Johnson County Sheriff Dwayne Price said Nickell is believed to have taken his own life. The identities of those allegedly killed by Nickell have not be released.

http:// www.lex18.com/story/37476907/breaking-5-dead-in-johnson-county-murders-suicide

Joe Nickell is an American prominent skeptic and investigator of the paranormal. He has helped expose such famous forgeries as the purported diary of Jack the Ripper. Wikipedia

Born: December 1, 1944 (age 73), West Liberty, KY

Education: University of Kentucky

Children: 1

TV shows: Lost Tapes

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Nickell

bb0d8d (20) No.335230>>335236 >>335241 >>335252


Report myself for a full 3 threads I've created?

Uhmmmmmm.. ok.

2edcfd (58) No.335231


>kek. i beat you to it, anon.

I know them…and their work…better than you can imagine….someday, when it's safe..I might tell that story…but there isn't much they won't do…KEK OZ has a few MO agents cruising about creating "peace" between the muz and locals…discord is their stock and trade.

ceb653 (14) No.335232


Sweetie, You must have just "woke up" with a hang over.

Grab some cov-fe-fe, and some aspirin. You'll be ok 👌

86db88 (24) No.335233>>335258


Major works[edit]

Inquest on the Shroud of Turin: Latest Scientific Findings (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1983). Revised edition, 1998.

Secrets of the Supernatural: Investigating the World's Occult Mysteries (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1988, 1991; with John F. Fischer).

The Magic Detectives: Join Them in Solving Strange Mysteries (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1989).

Pen, Ink, and Evidence: A Study of Writing and Writing Materials for the Penman, Collector, and Document Detective (Oak Knoll Books: New Castle, DE; 1990, 2000, 2003).

Wonder-Workers! How They Perform the Impossible (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1991).

Unsolved History: Investigating Mysteries of the Past originally published as Ambrose Bierce is Missing and Other Historical Mysteries (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 1992, 2005).

Missing Pieces: How to Investigate Ghosts, UFOs, Psychics, and Other Mysteries (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1992; with Robert A. Baker).

Mysterious Realms: Probing Paranormal, Historical, and Forensic Enigmas (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1992; with John F. Fischer).

Looking for a Miracle: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions and Healing Cures (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1993, 1998).

Psychic Sleuths: ESP and Sensational Cases (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1994).

Camera Clues: A Handbook for Photographic Investigation (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 1994, 2005).

Entities: Angels, Spirits, Demons, and Other Alien Beings (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1995).

Detecting Forgery: Forensic Investigation of Documents (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 1996, 2005).

The Outer Edge: Classic Investigations of the Paranormal (CSICOP: Amherst, NY; 1996, co-edited with Barry Karr and Tom Genoni).

The UFO Invasion: The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions, and Government Coverups (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 1997; co-edited with Kendrick Frazier and Barry Karr).

Crime Science: Methods of Forensic Detection (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 1999; with co-author John F. Fischer).

Real-Life X-Files: Investigating the Paranormal (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2001).

The Kentucky Mint Julep (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2003).

Investigating the Paranormal (Barnes & Noble Books: New York; 2004).

The Mystery Chronicles: More Real-Life X-Files(University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2004).

Secrets of the Sideshows (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2005).

Cronache del Misterio (Newton Compton editori: Rome, Italy; 2006).

Lake Monster Mysteries: Investigating the World's Most Elusive Creatures, (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2006; with co-author Benjamin Radford).

Relics of the Christ(University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2007).

Adventures in Paranormal Investigation (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2007).

Tracking The Man-Beasts: Sasquatch, Vampires, Zombies, and More (Prometheus Books: Amhurst, NY; 2011).

Real or Fake: Studies in Authentication (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, KY; 2009).

CSI Paranormal, (Inquiry Press): Amherst, NY; 2012.

The Science of Ghosts (Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY; 2012).

The Science of Miracles: Investigating the Incredible(Prometheus Books: Amhurst, NY; 2-13).

50b004 (23) No.335234


I know, again Canuck, busting balls is all.

a97eb5 (25) No.335235>>335254

File (hide): b0a5ac04096558a⋯.jpg (228.54 KB, 900x600, 3:2, jong idf.jpg) (h) (u)

4e0936 (26) No.335236>>335244 >>335251


you're too fucking retarded to use this board. recommend an hero

4ab370 (5) No.335237


Thanks - that graphic rocks!

2edcfd (58) No.335238>>335249


>Our MAGA Pres agrees

TOP KEK…you think Trump is a fool?

Trust me BIBI didn't down that f16 because he's comfy…heh…the day we defunded ISIS is the first time Trump made BIBI shit his pants..and it won't be the last…that money train and blackmail flow…is over.

5af870 (42) No.335239

And kill off most of the earth's population in the process, except them.


2fe0a7 (35) No.335240


That's terrible. He must have seen some shit.

Good find! Thanks.

ceb653 (14) No.335241>>335245



Nothing's ever deleted, didn't yo mama ever tell you that


199b4f (29) No.335243



>Did you not read the latest posts by Q?

Certainly. It's well known what ES's status is with Q/POTUS. He's no patriot, by ANY stretch.

He's still a puppet on a string though.

bb0d8d (20) No.335244

bb0d8d (20) No.335245>>335265


She didn't.. but I already knew that. ;)

2edcfd (58) No.335246


well they DO speak French in parts…so there's that..perhaps the perpetual white flags wore off on them.

5dbf3a (3) No.335247

Welp. Didn’t sleep for shit. Any early morning suicideds?

a91734 (7) No.335248


Shiites, not persians.

4441c2 (23) No.335249>>335296


>I am with him and Q in draining the swamp.

So am I.

And so is Bibi being without his ISIS strawmen.


5af870 (42) No.335250>>335256

>>335224 Is that Blade Runner?

bb0d8d (20) No.335251>>335261


Jesus already an hero'd for me. And you. You fucking fag.

2edcfd (58) No.335252


don't be an hero

2fe0a7 (35) No.335253>>335255 >>335259


>The identities of those allegedly killed by Nickell have not be released.

We'll have to keep an eye out for those allegedly killed by Nickell.

I wonder if he has any podcasts or youtubes?

2edcfd (58) No.335254


fucking leafs….

2fe0a7 (35) No.335255>>335264 >>335266 >>335271



He Does!

https:// hooktube.com/results?search_query=joe+nickell+investigates

91ed58 (11) No.335256

File (hide): 64442a0bb154407⋯.jpg (171.94 KB, 659x358, 659:358, IMG_2005.JPG) (h) (u)


> Y


< $

2edcfd (58) No.335257


>Joe Nickell is an American prominent skeptic and investigator of the paranormal.

so the story will be he's a whack job conspiracy nut? Wonder what he was researching?

86db88 (24) No.335258



This guy was a major conspiracy theorist, with lots of books on various subjects. Some are quite interesting subjects.

These horrible murders/suicide happened last night.

199b4f (29) No.335259>>335275


>We'll have to keep an eye out for those allegedly killed by Nickell.

The gut tells me Nickell was activated mkultra style.

7e5d82 (6) No.335260>>335267

bb0d8d (20) No.335261


He died for my sins, and I got his body's worth.

Within reason… Don't outweigh your scales…


dd0b3a (3) No.335262


Aw diddums. Fuck off then.

8f2c86 (11) No.335263>>335267 >>335270 >>335290

File (hide): 5ca355289e3c21c⋯.png (115.54 KB, 400x579, 400:579, SpellCheckJFK.png) (h) (u)


Send them your John F. Kennergy!!!!


2fe0a7 (35) No.335264>>335266 >>335272

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Mysterious Oils: Skeptic Meets a Believer | Miracle Detectives | The Oprah Winfrey Network

Published by OWN on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 01:37:11 GMT

Miracle Detectives Indre Viskontas and Randall Sullivan sit down with Joe Nickell, a skeptical investigator of the paranormal, and Cora Lorenzo to discuss faith. For more on #Miracle Detectives, visit Oprah.com.

ceb653 (14) No.335265>>335269


Yeah I got that, I like to keep those who have replied in the loop LOL


86db88 (24) No.335266>>335275



If possible archive what vidoes you can before they start to disappear, like so many others.

03238e (2) No.335267

File (hide): 8a5d49ab0fc2620⋯.jpg (25.68 KB, 314x395, 314:395, 163.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2170a75520bdb8d⋯.png (120.42 KB, 258x309, 86:103, 2.png) (h) (u)

a91734 (7) No.335268


Right after the AL election is set aside maybe.

bb0d8d (20) No.335269

8f2c86 (11) No.335270


Make Canada

Not A Shithole Again…


And then this happened:

https:// youtu.be/EFvovJb0mAg

199b4f (29) No.335271>>335275 >>335281 >>335288


Hm. He's been on CNN too.. How bout that… The gut is telling me mkultra in a louder voice now..

86db88 (24) No.335272


He is connected or was a frequent guest of Oprah? hmmm very interesting.

4e0936 (26) No.335273>>335297 >>335307

you know we have ID's here, right?

682050 (8) No.335274>>335309


Thanks for the intel.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335275


I wouldn't discount it.


Easy to archive from Hooktube. Good idea.



12c5c8 (7) No.335276>>335298


Dems are as clueless as FBI counterint head Strzok. How would they know CIA nigs wanted to embarass and steal stuff from NSA.

a91734 (7) No.335277>>335285


All speech is free unless it causes an immediate problem like yelling Fire! or threats of violence.

dd0b3a (3) No.335278>>335294

How much of a part do Tavistock and Rand play in this? Most things I’ve looked into seem to have a connection to these sneaky bastards.

2edcfd (58) No.335279

File (hide): 0a8455fcdafed72⋯.jpg (220.12 KB, 840x1200, 7:10, Rigaud_Louis_XIV_1701.jpg) (h) (u)


that's kinda funny..those rascally French always knew they make the legs look better

..pic related

82dbac (1) No.335280>>335301



2fe0a7 (35) No.335281

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



12c5c8 (7) No.335282>>335314


This is disgraceful treatment of military. Any guess what these fellows are thinking?

2edcfd (58) No.335283


>the cases must be dismissed.

this…there is no case at all without the evidence…evidence was cooked…and so…

86db88 (24) No.335284>>335292

On youtube, Joe Nickell is in atleast 2800 videos, on everything you can think of,kek

03238e (2) No.335285


Libel is written

Slander is spoken.

Those are the only 2 restrictions on the first amendment.

8f2c86 (11) No.335286>>335293 >>335302

And since Canada now only recognizes assholes and not gendertals… they really are a shithole…


bb0d8d (20) No.335288


Dunno how many follow the 'Q' account on Twitter, but.. they've posted this:

https: //t.co/XQQAOljvMW

Interesting, if true.. lots about MkUltra. Scary/weird shit.

Don't watch unless you want your world possibly changed.

395d3e (4) No.335289>>335308 >>335312 >>335328 >>335331 >>335335 >>335341

File (hide): cd46259713d6018⋯.jpg (230.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Trillions.jpg) (h) (u)

A little rant…

Time and time again I see anons cut down newfags and those who want more info with replies like "lurk moar", "go back to Reddit", even "kys".

For all you know these people might well be the ones that hold the keys to unravelling the clues that Q have dropped. The ones that have knowledge on some small facet of a conspiracy that you self appointed geniouses have missed that may be the key to unravelling the truth.

I've been around since before pizza-gate and have mostly lurked because my expertise is in international military hardware, specifically fighter jets and bombers. I've mostly kept my mouth shut and tried to take in everything, waiting until my expertise is needed, which hasn't happened yet. I also dabble in Photoshop and make some memes (pic related).

So many of these negative comments are designed to simply drive people away and probably, more often than not, work.

You are potentially driving away the very people that may have the answers and possible evidence that could help us expose the cabal. The pharmacutical expert that asks a simple question like "who is P?" is fully shitted on by so many that he decides to leave may well have been the one person that had the answers to one of the critical questions raised by Q.

Other than schills, none of us making posts and asking questions want anything more than to learn, expose the truth and MAGA.

Please treat us with more respect. Help us. Answer our questions and help update us even if we ask about something that seems obvious to YOU. Red-pill us.

This is our mission.

91ed58 (11) No.335290

File (hide): b9da182926c280e⋯.jpg (88.66 KB, 570x834, 95:139, IMG_2126.JPG) (h) (u)



(Pic related)

4ef408 (8) No.335291


>Canadian just happens to shill relentlessly for Israel and know the jewish version of their histoy inside out

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt then, you could be a Canadian jew.

What did you think about these vids Shlomo?



>no response

2fe0a7 (35) No.335292


So prominent but I've never heard of him. Strange.

4441c2 (23) No.335293>>335300


Yeah, I feel so sorry for them - that they are no longer part of mankind.

199b4f (29) No.335294>>335304


They are up to their necks in it.

Nobody is fooling nobody about where it goes..

2edcfd (58) No.335296>>335306


>And so is Bibi being without his ISIS strawmen.

I don't even….understand what you just wrote…BIBI is filth, a stinking filthy blackmailing piece of shit. a MAJOR piece of the swamp….and he's gonna get drained.

bb0d8d (20) No.335297

ceb653 (14) No.335298


Jokes on them, it's was embarrassing when we found out that little short d_ck mf was working for the (F)reaking (B)unch of (I)dioits. Now now I think about it, that was a perfect fit CLOWNS 🤡

8f2c86 (11) No.335300



d91684 (1) No.335301

File (hide): 4b970117aa1cc5e⋯.jpg (261.95 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Ninedragonwall.jpg) (h) (u)


Pic relevant - books, islands and silence of the … ?

0006a4 (1) No.335302>>335318


Yes you really should. Its really a beautiful country. The geography alone warrants rescuing.

682050 (8) No.335303>>335396

Kneading Dough

Post your Best of Bread compilations to be included in the next bread.

Let's get some bobfags going

dd0b3a (3) No.335304


Thanks, I’ll keep digging.

4441c2 (23) No.335306


Okay. Well, at least you agree.

2edcfd (58) No.335307>>335310


KEK…these people are stupid…LOL (good one) I'm half asleep…..was gonna ask him how many other people his sins were gonna kill but got bored with the idea…can't troll a troll :D (((besides, that might make the catholics come back)))

5af870 (42) No.335308>>335312

Agreed, and it strikes me that many of the people posting the rudest and most offensive responses may be the actual shills who are getting paid to discredit the board and drive people away.


2edcfd (58) No.335309


Shoulda taken screencaps but..I know the threads get archived and figured half could handle themselves :D the revenge planning was amusing. I have a fee fee that the religitard invasion is not entirely organic…perhaps insta ban for religifagging…outside of P FOR POPE…kek.

5dbf3a (3) No.335310


No more P

2fe0a7 (35) No.335311

File (hide): 6619adf333fef08⋯.jpg (615.27 KB, 696x999, 232:333, Beijingk1i12.jpg) (h) (u)

http:// abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/police-man-knife-kills-injures-12-beijing-mall-52998426

199b4f (29) No.335312>>335324



Good luck changing chan culture. I'm not disagreeing with you.. Just wishing you luck.

7e5d82 (6) No.335313>>335315

2edcfd (58) No.335314

File (hide): 0a8455fcdafed72⋯.jpg (220.12 KB, 840x1200, 7:10, Rigaud_Louis_XIV_1701.jpg) (h) (u)


>Any guess what these fellows are thinking?

pic related

bb0d8d (20) No.335315



86db88 (24) No.335316


He has a daughter and 2 grandsons. No confirmation on if it is the famous Nickell involved as either killer or victim. ( no change to his wikipedia yet( but they said they were notifying family)His grandsons were probably older in their 20's.

This occurred in Kentucky, and that is where he lives.

6e78ed (2) No.335317>>335320 >>335347

Just up. Waiting on coffee to get done. Taking a moment & listening to the rain, prayer for POTUS & Q team, Special Ops and all patriots working so hard right now. Sending blessings, strength, wellness and agape love to all this Sunday morning.

8f2c86 (11) No.335318>>335322

File (hide): e58282f3a0a25bc⋯.png (28.64 KB, 300x225, 4:3, SaveCanada.png) (h) (u)


I should?!



cac61d (2) No.335319>>335321 >>335327 >>335329

There are two types of people in the US and UK that are anti Trump and anti Brexit.

Those with cognitive dissonance, they believe what they think.

Those who will lose money from corruption.

Does that sound like a fair model?

91ed58 (11) No.335320>>335323 >>335357 >>335364

File (hide): da1d3242dea6d72⋯.jpg (804.59 KB, 1536x1021, 1536:1021, IMG_2048.JPG) (h) (u)

199b4f (29) No.335321>>335332


>Those with cognitive dissonance, they believe what they think.

>Those who will lose money from corruption.

So.. Mostly blue state voters and career democrats?

8f2c86 (11) No.335322>>335334


Future proves Past.

Looks like we're at the 4x4. <;3=

5af870 (42) No.335323>>335326 >>335345 >>335357

You are fast at these!


395d3e (4) No.335324>>335336


I understand chan culture and it has had a valid purpose in the past, but this has morphed into something much bigger.

Yes, we need to vet, but we shouldn't drive away potential valuable sources because they are ignorant and eager to learn.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335325>>335414

File (hide): 15ef48ec0aa9d35⋯.jpg (537.17 KB, 702x939, 234:313, FlakeNoName.jpg) (h) (u)


NBC’s “Meet the Press,” 9 a.m. on WESH-Channel 2: Marc Short, White House director of legislative affairs; Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; Clint Watts of the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at The George Washington University. The panel will be Kristen Welker of NBC, Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal, radio host Erick Erickson and Eddie Glaude Jr., chair of the Center for African-American Studies and professor of Religion and African-American Studies at Princeton University.

http:// abcnews.go.com/Politics/sen-flake-visits-john-mccain-arizona-cabin-hes/story?id=52996861

199b4f (29) No.335326>>335345 >>335357 >>335389


He's got a workflow and he uses material from here. Not insanely hard to do.

4441c2 (23) No.335327>>335354


Yes, defects of the head (beliefs, desires)

and the hand (occupation, doings), respectively.

These are the two major deterrents to truth.

Also know as "marks" in the head or hand.

a97eb5 (25) No.335328>>335337 >>335339 >>335343 >>335365


With all due respect, we understand that. But (and there is always a but…) there is no excuse to turn the board into a f-reee-for-all. There is a culture. To relinquish what is our culture for Q is to expect Q to ask us to allow immigrants who will not assimilate while DJT is trying to put up the wall and end the lottery and chain migration. If this country is to become the greatness it should be, then sensitive visitors (who may well be the next NEO) need to lurk, learn, conform, assimilate and be what made us the great and unique place that Q chose in the first place. If (we) change, then the chan changes. First here, then off to /pol/ and then /leftypol/ and then who knows where, may right back to kiddie porn.

Negative comments are going to remain. Those who say them will not soften. Perhaps those softies who visit will grow a thicker skin and stay and become NEO. You can fuck off with the softy talk, nobody is gonna give up their culture for a fucking SJW in disguise

bb0d8d (20) No.335329>>335342


The sad fact is..

The Satanic cabal has overtaken or tried to overtake:

1) Art

2) Theology / Philosophy

3) Science

4) Free thought

5) Pretty much anything good

This is for a reason, of course..

cd0842 (5) No.335330>>335358

File (hide): 56021475d67f727⋯.jpg (9.9 KB, 220x220, 1:1, display.jpg) (h) (u)


my retarded view on how we can visualize how god sees the world.

The Multiverse/Timeline theory:

Basically it is the theory there is a universe with its own timeline for every possible event/action from the beginning of time until the end of time. Thus there are infinite yous branching back and splitting from you every instant until you were born (ie one of them never drew a first breath). You can look back and remember your life and your decisions to know who you are, but with other choices you would have been a different person. Future Proves Past. The you of 2 days ago is proven by the you of today, and the you of two days ago and the choices you made in those two days created the you that you are today.

An alternate you that made a different decision 3 days ago disproves the you that you remember two days ago; as they do not remember that you of two days ago because that you never existed their timeline. This is the how what Q said works -- Future Proves Past.

One of the ways to visualize this is a tiled tv or video screen with a different similar image on each tile; and each tile is an instant in time for all of time. Now behind each tile cascaded behind is an infinite number of windows of all possible events at that moment in time. Let’s take it one step further; if you spun that image 90 degrees out of the TV it would show how each event is connected to each and every other moment in time and how it affects them.

Can those multiverses be interacted with or perceived or experienced? If so then time effects would work both ways as it would affect our past by changing it. Do those multiverses influence or local universe? Could the fractal dimensions of physics actually be these multiverses perceived not 90 degree but as say 0.333 degree or 24.8 degree?

If you draw and X and Y axis on a piece of paper they are at 90 degree and you have length and width. But if you want depth you must draw and axis at 45%. Technically that axis is a 0.5 degree dimension as it is not set at 90 degree. Yes I understand this is just a tool we use to perceive 3-D in a 2-D plane, by doing this we can shift our perspective to see a cube in a 2-D drawing. Think about that; we can use a partial dimensional view to visualize a higher dimension. Most of us do not know how to do that beyond four dimensions. Partial or Fractal dimensions are basically dimension seen/perceived at a 90 degree angle. Try this draw axis’s 6 or 9 or 12 of them equidistance’s from each other and gaze at the page; you can choose which two or three jump out at you that are the X, the Y, and the Z.

It has been proven that these fractal dimensions to influence our 4-D reality from static to how ferns grow. So far it is kind of random for us to find the influence and interactions, and some just call it a mathematical representation. I do not understand the higher math but it seems like all of a sudden in math a multidimensional (fractal) equation just coalesces or clicks into a 4-D answer and it answers a real life question.

What If our tech is beyond what we think? Physics changes all the time, Newton did, Einstein did and from that one we got nuclear power and bombs. What ifbehind the scenes they found a new way to look at the world that allows dimensions to be spun and placed in the way to make length basically irrelevant (a fractal dimension), or time? Distance would eliminate any problem with instantious travel -- ie a space fold. Time would allow big changes in events globally and no consequence and it just changes entire timeline.

67ac53 (2) No.335331>>335338


I agree somewhat. There are reasonable questions that get shot down. But there are also stupid ones that deserve it. It'

cac61d (2) No.335332




In the UK, Brexit reached across party lines.

The second bit is mostly true.

79a2e1 (1) No.335333


Anon, are you sure you have th right Joseph Nickell? He killed his parents, girlfriend and girlfriends mother, then himself.

I dont think it is Joe Nickell, skeptic.

Sauce https:/


8f2c86 (11) No.335334

File (hide): 0b03b6c8b17da2c⋯.png (3.88 MB, 3450x2300, 3:2, GladHatter.png) (h) (u)


And before anyone gets bent out of shape:

Ai="Love" in Japanese :P


2edcfd (58) No.335335>>335384


Q came here BECAUSE of the chan culture…BECAUSE of who we are…BECAUSE we don't roll on fee fees….I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting grammas and grammpas to come rolling in here and trying to change how we operate. THEY CAME HERE for a reason.

A simple question as WHO IS P…is answered by READING…not jumping in and expecting people to answer…even though some DO it's not the way things roll here. In fact it's considered a troll to come in and say oh hai guise, I just woke up fill me in…that's NOT how it works. In fact the invasion has only HINDERED and DERAILED…it has not helped at all. If you think it's helped…go back and read…what's happened is the info is being used to famefag, make money, fake shit….it's part and parcel of what happens when normies find our your "address".

THIS board is nothing like it should be..not at all. Visit halfchan…there's no way in hell 99% of the grammas and grampas would survive there and why Q had to leave..too many normies coming in and completely trashing the culture….this culture is effective..we don't NEED outsiders….but we're dealing with them….begrudgingly. MAGA.

199b4f (29) No.335336


Agreed. I usually give responders one mulligan before I tell them to fuck off.

a97eb5 (25) No.335337>>335346


supposed to say "end up" right back to kiddie porn" - NOT what we are looking for.

67ac53 (2) No.335338


Fuck, how do I delete that shit?

c7a532 (1) No.335339


I don't mean to slide the board but it seems to me

I remember someone mentioning something

about making another board for the lurkers and

new fags to post on about what is in here.

You could potentially find the ones who can contribute and some may still get pilled. It would

help keep this board cleaner.

299a75 (1) No.335340


also too many misogynist fags who overly generalise.

12c5c8 (7) No.335341


While i do agree and i love newbies and helping them out chan culture is savage gladiator type shit. While 1-2 out of 100 normies feel outcasted and leave 50 others get stronger and rise to true redpill status.

4441c2 (23) No.335342>>335348


It is for a reason that has always been out of their hands

- that we might become "evermore" immune to all such deceptions.

2edcfd (58) No.335343>>335359 >>335363


>need to lurk, learn, conform, assimilate and be what made us the great and unique place that Q chose in the first place

I know righte? They expect immigrants to the country to assimilate and complain when they don't….KEK they think this is FB…and they can chat about bible study…and argue about the POPE and faint at KIKE…

Q went to half…BECAUSE of the culture, he got ran off of it BECAUSE the culture that Q went there for…got trashed..now we got famefaggers, namefaggers…24/7 video streams….all hanging on every single thing posted here.

I kinda miss the anal prolapse pron….

91ed58 (11) No.335345

File (hide): 149ffac10845905⋯.jpg (57.97 KB, 570x834, 95:139, IMG_2038.JPG) (h) (u)


> Thanks Anon

< Got an app for phone .

And ANONs on bread post lots of graphics to use!



8f2c86 (11) No.335346

File (hide): 9d0d6cf1df13c8d⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, Sawtrap.jpg) (h) (u)


Just roll with it.

We're now the Ninja Turtles noncehunting the foot soldiers posing as fake pizza delivery guys.


12c5c8 (7) No.335347


Thx anon

bb0d8d (20) No.335348


I'm inclined to agree.. This goes into many of the ancients and their.. 'off' thinking, which was tantamount to control by the cabal, as it might depict certain relevancies that would undermine their control structure.

If that makes any sense.

1a82b3 (4) No.335349>>335355 >>335368 >>335369

God is real, aliens are real, earth is round

ceb653 (14) No.335350

File (hide): 69c10cf527a5ac5⋯.jpg (55.63 KB, 460x461, 460:461, IMG_0269.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): d1f6f05cbd54c5b⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_0279.JPG) (h) (u)

056dd7 (1) No.335352


>No one is saying you can't talk about it but Q isn't mentioning them specifically for very good reason imo. Its understood.

This is the only explanation that seems to fit. One cannot explore history and not reserve a special loathing of the Jews. It’s just a fundamental power structure that really has no point even discussing due to its obviousness.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335353>>335360

File (hide): 1f8d82edb922ee8⋯.jpg (658.2 KB, 575x948, 575:948, OmBB.jpg) (h) (u)

Refers to Trump on video at link (the Apprentice)

https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/omarosa-manigault-newman-celebrity-big-brother-medical-attention/

199b4f (29) No.335354>>335385


>Also know as "marks" in the head or hand.

Are you implying that "The" mark is an abstract thing? Interesting…

4441c2 (23) No.335355>>335368


… and we are driving a car to Mars.

7a6dcb (2) No.335356


Flynn is smoke and mirrors. He is working to expose deep state. Mueller raided his home and took documents that were lawyer/client even though he was advised it was illegal to do so.

Flynn will walk free.

4ab370 (5) No.335357>>335370


>He's got a workflow and he uses material from here. Not insanely hard to do.

Maybe not. Still looks like a talented eye for composition and impact to me. YMMV.



a0b286 (2) No.335358


Just as it is in the Matrix movie, Neo is confronted with all possible iterations of himself that led him to that moment.

As Neo correctly identified 'the problem is choice'.

Everyone contains their own maya; there are two trees:

GOOD/EVIL (suffering/death)


The problem is choice, and choice leads one either deeper into their own maya (ignorance) or liberates them (life).

5af870 (42) No.335359

That was truly gross.



2fe0a7 (35) No.335360

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Omarosa says she was "haunted by tweets" working for Trump

Published by CBS News on Thu, 08 Feb 2018 18:11:51 GMT

Former Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman talks about her time in the White House on CBS' "Celebrity Big Brother"

186dfc (3) No.335362>>335377


2012 - 12 Year Old Girl Discovers That All But One US President Are Directly Related To Each Other https:// www.elitedaily.com/news/world/12-year-girl-discovers-president-related

a97eb5 (25) No.335363


((You)) go die with an electric barbed wire in you from ass to throat you NIGGER SHILL. You do not speak for nor do you agree with me. Drink some Razorade, Kike.

6e78ed (2) No.335364


Thanks. Great image. My late father was AF & later met Kelly Johnson & Ben Rich. Wizards, Warlocks, and other sky folks, high fives from a family member. Dad taught me not just respect but fondness for all good guys. Best friend's son is flying USN helos right now. Think about all ya'll every day. Every blessing.

395d3e (4) No.335365


I say fuck that. Like I mentioned, the pharma expert that you drive away might well be the one person that has evidence that unravels the plot to infect the entire populace with some deadly virus and you are defending a tough guy, elitist "culture". Screw you and those that think like you.

I may be a fighter jet fag but I want to MAGA and I'm not going to let anybody stop me. I just hope that that pharma-fag with the truth isn't driven away by people like you.

bb0d8d (20) No.335366>>335381

One must try to think beyond time and space. The 4th dimension and beyond (God's realm) are not limited by such.. limits.

Only then, can one begin to understand the true power of the universe, and God. Even Satan wields these powers.. and humans try to tap into that power, rather than God. However.. God is, obviously, much more powerful.. God created Satan.

ceb653 (14) No.335368



I anit drive, ima get me one of the flyng thingies


8f2c86 (11) No.335369>>335413


The Earth is Flatland on both sides of a cone, which is technically 1 plane, and we're viewing all this through 1D and the entire affair is creating a 3D Holographic Universe in the "void" of the cone, and we experience time as we focus further and further from the starting point at 1D.

So… where are we viewing from?



The id or do i mean "imaginary" Dimension?

(The latter, but also the first one, but then you get into a discussion about having just enough ego to be a singular consciousness traversing infinity)

199b4f (29) No.335370>>335389 >>335397


>Maybe not.

Definitely so. He's confirmed my statement himself, in this bread.

7e5d82 (6) No.335373

File (hide): b9b8dc12eeca42e⋯.png (176.44 KB, 640x937, 640:937, 149ffac1084590576e1fc74e95….png) (h) (u)

86db88 (24) No.335374

File (hide): df10792e45f1c69⋯.jpg (36.71 KB, 479x479, 1:1, joseph-nickell3.jpg) (h) (u)


I found this story on heavy,, that had more information. It's not the same famous guy.

They are saying this guy, killed his parents, and then his girlfriend and her mother. They are also saying he was a big Trump supporter and christian.

Here is a picture they have of him in the story, from his facebook page.

https:// heavy.com/news/2018/02/joseph-nickell-paintsville-kentucky-shooting/

b7f4d5 (3) No.335375>>335402


Common Core isn't from Qatar. That, WCC, Goals 2000 and the like all evolved from the channeled Theosophical educational guidance

“….of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul …." (World Core Curriculum Manual, Robert Muller School, Arlington, TX., 1986, Preface)

So essentially a demonic entity from an Ouija board session gave us our Bush, Clinton, Hussein education plan.

8f2c86 (11) No.335376

File (hide): 3646ca1559e0dfd⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 210x240, 7:8, Dudley_Do-Right.jpg) (h) (u)


5af870 (42) No.335377



2fe0a7 (35) No.335378>>335382

File (hide): 5542a4abb1817d2⋯.jpg (656.94 KB, 573x1005, 191:335, 100K.jpg) (h) (u)

Hmm. CBS.

Vid @ link:

https:// www.cbsnews.com/news/cia-calls-report-of-100k-payment-to-russian-fictional-trump-tweet/

2edcfd (58) No.335379


once the jesusgrannies find out where you live…and start doubling down on their fee fees..you're basically screwed. Rule 34 has been grossly violated…and you feel bad yelling at them because everyone has a gramma…who probably bakes them cookies…or..historically starved them, locked them in the cellar and punished them by making them eat cat shit…

See rules 1 & 2…they found us….it's too late..we could rule 34 for a day…half does a great horse thing…but that would only slow us down…perhaps a background…flash gore..a hearkening back to the old days…

0265f4 (1) No.335380


Well it's not like they have to chase criminals anymore, most police these days would get overpowered by your average 5ft criminal.

bb0d8d (20) No.335381>>335392 >>335394


What we are living in now, is a perpetual time warp, which will keep going. If a God can create a universe, then the same God can destroy it and/or fix a planet and re-begin the entire scenario again. Those in heaven from previous rounds can and, I think, do choose to participate in the next round, so they jump into the conception of a child and guide the person.

It sounds weird, but.. I do believe it happens. Any one of us could be an angel from a past life.

Or not. But.. the possibility is there, because the 4th dimension does exist.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335382>>335387

File (hide): 57e56e453eedf67⋯.png (63.23 KB, 240x200, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

395d3e (4) No.335384


Maybe he came here because this ite is anonymous, not because of the culture.

My example of "who is P?" may not be the best example, but there are many "simple" questions that are shot down with completely unnecessarily rude comments that may well drive good people away.

4441c2 (23) No.335385>>335404


There is tremendous value in sacred texts nobody knows for being too simple minded.

This is why you never hear of it too, because preachers can only sell one - the easy version.

It is the difference between the "letter of the law" and that of the "pneuma" (breath).

The former is history and irrelevant, the latter is present and active and vital.

2edcfd (58) No.335387>>335391


odd how closely that resembles CBS..logo. skeered me…see why ay?

695b66 (3) No.335388>>335401


Nice work anon!

4ab370 (5) No.335389


>>335326 Not insanely hard to do. <Maybe not.

a97eb5 (25) No.335390>>335406

Forward thinking, (I am not good at memes yeti), we should prepare memes toward FFs especially regarding all of the recently "daily" shootings. Seems like they were once or twice a week, now daily? Time to prep to wake the normies autists. It has to break soon. The Storm..

2fe0a7 (35) No.335391


Isn't it something?

CBS is main root.

199b4f (29) No.335392>>335398

Hooktube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>What we are living in now, is a perpetual time warp,

Great. Is this related to a dig? Vid related.

4ef408 (8) No.335393>>335418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek, this.

>https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieppe_Raid

5af870 (42) No.335394>>335422

The 4th dimension is time.


1a82b3 (4) No.335395>>335430

Higher dimensions ("dark matter") are simply different vibrational states, everything occupies the same 3d-space.

ceb653 (14) No.335396

File (hide): f4633f101e073fb⋯.jpg (57.24 KB, 474x316, 3:2, IMG_0361.JPG) (h) (u)


I need some dough too

91ed58 (11) No.335397>>335410


< skillz as artfag

> do Help

the K[e]y is T!ME

with it ANY anon can

UNLOCK the Skill[z]

…. (practice makes perfect)

< they say

bb0d8d (20) No.335398


No. Theology only. Digs are up to you intelligent, organized, and capable humans.

a97eb5 (25) No.335400

True autists I know do not respond. They are digging, working, ignoring. #USAAutismHighlght #Winning

86db88 (24) No.335401


i did not make those paticular memes. I make memes,, but would never ever take credit for ones that are not mine. Who ever did them, did an excellent job. ( i was reorganizing some of my picture files, saw them, and wanted to post them)

2edcfd (58) No.335402>>335428

>>335375 (YOU)

I never post shit I don't KNOW, and trust me I KNOW more about rotten core than I ever want to…it's worse than most people can begin to imagine.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/7/bethany-blankley-parents-must-reject-common-core-i/

"Globally, Common Core originated from the “One World Education” concept, a global goal orchestrated by the Connect All Schools program. Its origin is funded by the Qatar Foundation International (QFI). The director of QFI’s Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics is Tariq Ramadan, grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al-Banna.

According to the WND website, in 2011, QFI “partnered with the Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to facilitate matchmaking between classrooms in the U.S. and international schools through … the ‘Connect All Schools’ project.” QFI states on its website that the initiative was founded in response to Mr. Obama’s infamous 2009 Cairo speech, during which the Muslim Brotherhood was seated in the front row."

4441c2 (23) No.335404>>335409


Just try to calculate the billions of dollars preachers have made pushing the RFID thing.

Then it becomes clear why nobody can understand what matters.

186dfc (3) No.335405>>335437

File (hide): e23f878c7a39a28⋯.png (20.41 KB, 255x136, 15:8, fake.png) (h) (u)


5af870 (42) No.335406

I've seen some good ones in past breads. Maybe scan through the meme boards and then do some based on the ideas you see there.


1a82b3 (4) No.335407

This board has the ultimate goal of removal of the Cabal.

AiAnon is a LARP.

There are threads for loosely-related topics.

Screaming with hate will get you nowhere.

e40469 (1) No.335409>>335458


do you have sauce for this?

199b4f (29) No.335410


Word.. I'm not as good a memefag as some of you guys.. But I also have no [visual] art training.

cd0842 (5) No.335413>>335433

File (hide): ea1a48882da906f⋯.png (60.06 KB, 250x226, 125:113, 250px-Hopf_Fibration.png) (h) (u)


Well yes mathematically we may be living on the surface of a 4-D hypersphere

33ffab (5) No.335414>>335420


McDouchebag's son describes his as "a cockroach". I agree, he's all that and a traitor too.

7e5d82 (6) No.335416

File (hide): bc98f994ad73265⋯.png (168.91 KB, 640x937, 640:937, 149ffac1084590576e1fc74e95….png) (h) (u)

2edcfd (58) No.335418


They are so much like MUZ..this could be Malmo…seems to me they just need to have a group hug with each other after watching videos of each other in action..this level of inbreeding shouldn't be possible.

2fe0a7 (35) No.335420



2.5 hours until Meet the Press.

5c4ef8 (1) No.335421>>335434


bb0d8d (20) No.335422


Right. So.. time doesn't exist for God. Or Satan. Or evil spirits. Or angels. Except those stuck on earth. Time is simply a measurement. It keeps everything from happening at once. It's stretched out in 'years' or 'Milena' or whatever. 'Revolutions around the sun' but truly, time doesn't exist. It's just what humans make of it. A 'day' is not a day, it's just a revolution of the earth. The 'day' hasn't any more relevance whether you are a 'night person' or a 'day person'.

However.. 'time' on a gigantic linear scale, in terms of 'years', is how we measure history and study the effects thereof.

bla bla bla.. what most people don't understand, is that nothing matters, except that you accept and realize that God created (You) and the universe. Time is irrelevant. As are words, digital whatever, people, things, stuff..

Once you realize that, 'life' takes on a new meaning.

86db88 (24) No.335423


'This is fictional and patently false': CIA denies it paid $100k to Russian spy who claimed he had stolen NSA cyberweapons and dirt on Trump - as President says article shows the need to 'drain the swamp'

Report claimed US intelligence officials desperate to get back stolen cyberweapons paid $100,000 to a Russian operative

Said he was in possession of compromising information on President Trump

The Russian reportedly said he had photos showing Trump in Moscow with hookers

CIA has now taken the unusual step of publicly denying the claims

Said the only people swindled were the authors of the story

Trump then weighted in, tweeted approvingly that original article shows the need to "drain the swamp" in Washington.

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5376551/Trump-alleges-government-wanted-dig-dirt-him.html

a97eb5 (25) No.335424

File (hide): 9eb3665655c0354⋯.jpeg (39.68 KB, 600x641, 600:641, iu.jpeg) (h) (u)

Funny that Kim's sis is at the olympics and the news is "gushing" over her like a princess and not thinking about the people of NK starving and living with parasites inside of them. Fucking clowns written all over it. Goddam. Fucking MSM Mockingbird.

4441c2 (23) No.335425


>For what is 'right' or 'truth', we have to dig at least 110+ years into our history as a people and civilization.

120 to be exact. To the protocols.

186dfc (3) No.335426


There's plenty of real corrupt shit for OmuslimAndThief, there's no reason to use fake shit!

b7f4d5 (3) No.335428



Oh believe me I also KNOW how deep the Qatar, MB rabbit hole goes, just that few realize when you reach bedrock of the education system you find the root of global Satanism.

Like Hitler's occult Theosophy along with the Grand Mufti, it's a strange brew.

2edcfd (58) No.335429


Is she linked in any way to Eric Schmidt or Elon Musk?

cd0842 (5) No.335430



But 3-D space may just be the tip of the iceberg.

3-D space may be constructed by our perception of the data and that we 'filter' out most data to have this 3-D experience.

682050 (8) No.335432>>335438 >>335442

New Bread


New Bread


New Bread


New Bread


8f2c86 (11) No.335433>>335447

File (hide): 111dcc9c5bb8f9d⋯.jpg (296.16 KB, 800x640, 5:4, klein_bottle labeled.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 87c0d56d89c1a7c⋯.png (35.92 KB, 385x381, 385:381, QOOh2.png) (h) (u)


Oh we can expand farther than that…

4th pic most related

4e0936 (26) No.335434


someone's baking. i just checked the catalog

8c5e6d (3) No.335435

Shill, cut the shit out. Tired of seeing your Obama obsession on here.

Planefags, notice near D.C. the C-17? What is a C-17 doing there at this time?

2fe0a7 (35) No.335436

File (hide): 9ed712f99f07414⋯.jpg (257.57 KB, 269x877, 269:877, NBCprop.jpg) (h) (u)

NBC's view

8c5e6d (3) No.335437


Can anyone explain why this IP connecrs back to the mod on here right now? Have we been infiltrated by Demonrats?

a97eb5 (25) No.335438


Good on you Baker. TY. Godspeed.

d7ae3a (1) No.335442


fill this one first

695b66 (3) No.335443>>335453


Jesus was Essene.

7a6dcb (2) No.335444




8c5e6d (3) No.335445

File (hide): 99b818a71a2df33⋯.jpeg (30.48 KB, 500x330, 50:33, DSJJzL0VQAAD4jP.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c6f6fba76b5ba00⋯.jpg (36.06 KB, 854x480, 427:240, 859f5f0f8db3_sf_4.jpg) (h) (u)

These are better than the others. Some anon put up earlier but i love them

cd0842 (5) No.335446


5af870 (42) No.335447

It's challenging to visualize. I've read that physics demands at least 10-11 dimensions.


cd0842 (5) No.335448


a97eb5 (25) No.335449

a97eb5 (25) No.335451

a97eb5 (25) No.335452

5af870 (42) No.335453

Essenes were Jews.


a97eb5 (25) No.335455

File (hide): b2c7b44d9c899af⋯.jpg (130.05 KB, 625x960, 125:192, BuryThemDeep.jpg) (h) (u)

a97eb5 (25) No.335457

4441c2 (23) No.335458


As far as what matters, it comes down to the difference between two different ways of using sacred texts. There are points of change for how they should be used, which are appointed by the very authors who wrote them. The OP pdf in the Snow White thread is goes into this the best, and the last pages of it reveal much of how/what we are all missing these days about our own point in history, and why.

a97eb5 (25) No.335459

File (hide): 5e263437cd0f7a3⋯.jpeg (61 KB, 630x630, 1:1, NO HOMO PEPE.jpeg) (h) (u)

d430a8 (1) No.344328



to be fair fam all of the middle east is comprised of Semites

e861e2 (1) No.354314

File (hide): cf8a1f0f0587a3d⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 367x646, 367:646, Missing.jpg) (h) (u)

Any reason this is missing?

Bread #410


Pic related.

75d5e7 (1) No.425623

Filler ! Im gonna go eat !

8c6313 (1) No.425814>>426262

/Great awakening/ seems blank now… remember you should have backups. Where we go one we go all.

d55b6d (1) No.426262


From the way it was sounding, mission is spread the awakening as the things keep plotting along. Things will be done in their own time.

fbeb35 (1) No.429367



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